ClubFloyd Transcript:
Augmented Fourth by Brian Uri
As played on ifMUD on March 22 & 29, 2020

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Augmented Fourth written by Brian Uri. Augmented Fourth was released in 2000. It was nominated for two Xyzzy Awards (for Best Puzzles and Best Individual NPC). You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

*** SESSION 1 ***
DavidW says, "We're playing Augmented Fourth."
DavidW says, "And we haven't picked any driver yet."
Sandon says, "Augmented fourth? I love that one. I've already plaid like half of it."
Jacqueline says, "We usually pick a driver if things are timed, or there's a big map, or... or other reasons. But sometimes we just explore the game as a group until we see the need for a driver."
DavidW says, "I probably won't be driving since I've played and I have to keep my spoilery-mouth shut."
Sandon says, "I've plaid some but not much, I'll still do a big oll spoiler"
Jacqueline says (to Sandon), "Ah. Well, then you may need to just watch, until we get to where you haven't played. We're fine as long as your honest."
Sandon says, "when can you actually use say command and when should you use clubfloyd channel? sorry for all the questions, I'm kinda new to this"
Teaspoon asks, "wait so has everyone played it but me?"
Jacqueline says, "I have not played it, T"
Teaspoon says, "oh ok cool"
Knight_Otu says, "I don't think I played it, but I'm not 100% sure."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask aug4"
Floyd ]
Floyd ]
Floyd ]
Floyd ]
Floyd ]                "Actually, I find hamsters to be quite
Floyd ]              disagreeable little beasts. Always running
Floyd ]             this way and that...demanding food, shelter,
Floyd ]                 and even immunity from property tax!"
Floyd ]
Floyd ]                                - King Goosen of Papoosen
Floyd ]
Floyd ]
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                           Augmented Fourth
Floyd |                      An Interactive Performance
Floyd |                            by Brian Uri!
Floyd |
Floyd |                       [Press any key to begin.]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd ]  Orchestra Pit, in Midair                  Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "In ye go!" With a heave and shove, two burly guards in matching green
Floyd | tights toss you into Orchestra Pit. As the earthen sides rush past you
Floyd | and sunlight dims, you have the sinking sensation that perhaps "Ode to
Floyd | a Duck" was not the best choice from your repertoire...
Floyd |
Floyd | Augmented Fourth
Floyd | An Interactive Performance
Floyd | (c) 2000-2013 by Brian Uri!, [LINK]
Floyd | Type "help" at any time for game information.
Floyd | Release 3 / Serial number 130702 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
Floyd |
Floyd | Orchestra Pit, in Midair
Floyd | The earthen sides of this pit look loose and near the consistency of
Floyd | mud. They seem to rush past as the speed of your descent increases.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Sandon exclaims, "cooool, we've got some action!" Teaspoon says, "snort an *orchestra pit*"
Sandon asks, "who's gonna go for this bit?"
Jacqueline asks, "Oh wow. Copyright 2000-20*13*?"
Teaspoon says, "long lead time"
DavidW says, "I think free-for-all is fine until we leave the pit."
Jacqueline says, "So this is either a very tightly timed situation, or an eternal drop like in Alice in Wonderland."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd ]  Orchestra Pit, in Midair                  Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You're looking a bit worse for the wear.
Floyd |
Floyd | Flailing helplessly, you fall further into the pit...
Floyd |
Floyd | Orchestra Pit, in Midair
Floyd | The light from above dims with each passing moment. A large gnarled
Floyd | root from some hidden root system protrudes from the side of the pit
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "grab root"
Floyd ]  Orchestra Pit, in Midair                  Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GRAB ROOT
Floyd |
Floyd | Straining, you reach out and make a grab for the root. You manage to
Floyd | hang on for a few moments, but the combination of a pulpy texture and
Floyd | the slickness of mud prevents you from keeping it in your grasp.
Floyd |
Floyd | Up above, the guard with the hooked nose nudges his companion. "Hey
Floyd | Rob, aren't ye supposed to read the fellow his sentence?" The other
Floyd | guard blinks and nods. "Quite right, Jim..." He searches for the
Floyd | scroll in the pockets of his tights for a few seconds before realizing
Floyd | that they have no pockets. "One moment...It's around here somewhere."
Floyd | He disappears from view.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your face turns an unhealthy green as you fall, and you wonder what
Floyd | ever possessed you to audition for the King...
Floyd |
Floyd | Orchestra Pit, in Midair
Floyd | Although the bottom is quite dark, you think you are about halfway
Floyd | down the pit. The end of a rope is caught in the muddy wall here and
Floyd | the length of the rope hangs down about five feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Sandon says, "I'll give a bit of a hint, it's not as bad as it looks like"
Knight_Otu says, "Rooty rescue."
Sandon asks, "alright, want me to go?"
Knight_Otu says, "Nah."
Sandon says, "righty"
Knight_Otu says, "Wecan figure this out."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd ]  Orchestra Pit, in Midair                  Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You're looking a bit worse for the wear.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rob the Guard returns to the edge of the pit carrying a scroll. He
Floyd | unrolls it and begins to read as the wind whips past your ears.
Floyd | "Whereas today is the day after yesterday and the day before tomorrow,
Floyd | and whereas I, King Goosen of Papoosen have set to this document my
Floyd | seal, and whereas my seal ran off in search of fish, requiring me to
Floyd | get another..." The hook-nosed guard elbows Rob. "Skip to the end,
Floyd | Rob. Poor fellow's goin' to hit the bottom soon."
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind runs through your hair like a screaming banshee as you
Floyd | continue your descent. If you had it all to do over you would have
Floyd | practiced a little more. And learned a different song...
Floyd |
Floyd | Orchestra Pit, in Midair
Floyd | You can just barely make out the bottom of the pit, far below you. A
Floyd | small outcropping of stone juts from the side of the pit here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "Thoughts of the Witcher are nigh irresistable"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Orchestra Pit, in Midair                  Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Good point there..." Rob the Guard clears his throat, searching for a
Floyd | good spot to continue from. "And when in the course of human events,
Floyd | eh, so and so and so and so...Ah, here we are!" He moves further down
Floyd | the scroll and resumes his proclamation. "...and since I, King Goosen,
Floyd | did not like his performance of 'Ode to a Duck', feeling that it was
Floyd | inflammatory, I hereby banish him from my realm to spend the rest of
Floyd | his days in Orchestra Pit, unless he should die from the fall, as most
Floyd | people tend to do."
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground approaches with maddening steadiness. Perhaps you should
Floyd | have been a carpenter... Or perhaps you just needed more than one song
Floyd | in your repertoire.
Floyd |
Floyd | Orchestra Pit, in Midair
Floyd | You are almost at the bottom of the pit. Now that impact is so
Floyd | imminent, you almost wish you could keep on falling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "sing"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SING
Floyd |
Floyd | Singing was never your forte.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rob the Guard adjusts his spectacles. "And should he, in that time,
Floyd | learn to play better, it shall not matter, since there is no way back
Floyd | out of the Pit. This I hereby put to paper as my word is the law when
Floyd | the law is my word, when it is heard. Indeed. Thus I spake. Er, spoke.
Floyd | Alright, scribe, stop your dictating now." Finishing, Rob rolls up the
Floyd | scroll and puts it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a loud SHLURP, you land in the mud at the bottom of the pit...
Floyd |
Floyd | Pit Bottom
Floyd | The pit is about twenty yards in diameter and run-off from the sides
Floyd | drains into a large mud puddle in the center of floor. The air is
Floyd | thick with the odour of mud and mildew.
Floyd |
Floyd | You stretch and do a quick check, thankfully finding that you're still
Floyd | whole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jim grimaces and sucks his tooth. "Ouch! That had to sting..." He cups
Floyd | his mouth and shouts down to you, "You're lucky, old pal! A few people
Floyd | have been known to break all of their limbs with that drop!" He elbows
Floyd | Rob and snickers. "But then, it wouldn't be much of an experience if
Floyd | he up and died so quickly, eh?" Rob nods. "Indeed..."
Floyd |
Floyd | By some trick of acoustics, you can still hear the guards' banter
Floyd | quite clearly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I'm guessing no matter what I grab, we shall fall, so."
DavidW says, "mmhm"
Teaspoon says, "....we're a bard who can't sing, huh"
Sandon says, "looks like so"
Knight_Otu says, "The worst kind of bard."
Teaspoon says, "wellll guess we just gotta get out of this hole then"
Sandon exclaims, "he's not a bard, he's a babard, a bad bard!"
Knight_Otu says, "Well, maybe except bagpipe bards."
Teaspoon asks, "what DO we play I wonder. the lute? the harp? the xylophone?"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "You're right, the writing is great for ClubFloyd During Pandemic."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "xyxxy"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYXXY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Sandon asks, "I know the answers to these, should I hint or just keep it?"
Jacqueline says, "Just keep it, please."
Sandon says, "alright"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > EXITS
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | Up above, Jim holds a whispered conversation with Rob before
Floyd | disappearing from view. He returns a few moments later with a large
Floyd | oblong case. "We almost forgot to give ye your trumpet back!" With a
Floyd | grunt, he tosses the case into the pit and it begins the downward
Floyd | journey you just finished.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "oh the TRUMPET"
Teaspoon says, "okies"
DavidW says (to Teaspoon), "You probably meant XYZZY earlier."
Jacqueline says, "You and DW can chat about us on #cfspoilers, just please please please don't mischannel"
Teaspoon says, "thanks David"
Knight_Otu says, "We've barely started. We can ask if we need to."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "XYZZY"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel a tugging sensation at the tips of your toes. Without
Floyd | warning, you suddenly wink out of existence...
Floyd |
Floyd | Control Room
Floyd | Red and blue lights flash from long metal panels of all shapes and
Floyd | sizes. As your eyes become accustomed to this distraction, you see
Floyd | hundreds of little gnomelike men rushing in every direction, carrying
Floyd | all manner of objects. One particular gnome brushes by with a package
Floyd | labeled "Papoosen Propworks: mirrored walls".
Floyd |
Floyd | Next to you, a tall gnome, who looks to be in charge, shouts orders
Floyd | into the organized chaos, occasionally stopping to make notes in his
Floyd | black binder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The head gnome turns impatiently. "D'you put that music in the volcano
Floyd | yet, Larry?" He blinks. "Yer not Larry...Hey! How'd you get here?"
Floyd | Obviously displeased, the head gnome sets his black binder down and
Floyd | frowns. "This here's a restricted area, pal! I don't know how you
Floyd | figgered out the magic word, but you'll hafta get gone!"
Floyd |
Floyd | He snaps his fingers briskly. A moment of disorientation finds you
Floyd | back where you were before. You can't help but wonder if it was all
Floyd | just a dream, brought on by the stress of the week's events...
Floyd |
Floyd | Pit Bottom
Floyd |
Floyd | The trumpet case continues its descent, occasionally rebounding off
Floyd | the sides of the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "well that's a thing"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "wait"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > WAIT
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | Jim calls down again, "Mind that ye watch out for the lurkin' sea
Floyd | monsters down in all of that mud! They're hungry little devils, they
Floyd | are, and it'd be a shame to see ye eaten up." He puts a gloved hand to
Floyd | his mouth and stage-whispers sideways to Rob. "Though that's what
Floyd | usually happens to 'em all, isn't it, Rob?" The other guard nods
Floyd | agreeably. "Quite right..."
Floyd |
Floyd | The trumpet case continues to fall. Luckily, the clasps seem to have
Floyd | stayed latched despite the beating it is taking on the way down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Oh my fourth wall."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "pray"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PRAY
Floyd |
Floyd | You mumble a quick prayer.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rob whispers something to Jim and they both laugh.
Floyd |
Floyd | Spinning like a house dropped from a cyclone, the trumpet case falls
Floyd | further into the pit. It is only about ten feet above, and falling
Floyd | fast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Sandon asks, "does someone want to propperly spell xyzzy and see what it does?"
Knight_Otu says, "Also that poor trumpet."
Jacqueline asks, "Guess that's our trumpet?"
Teaspoon asks, "Sandon, is your terminal lagging?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | There are none at all available!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Pit Bottom
Floyd | The pit is about twenty yards in diameter and run-off from the sides
Floyd | drains into a large mud puddle in the center of floor. Every step
Floyd | squelches like grapes under a cart wheel and the air is thick with the
Floyd | odour of mud and mildew.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a sickening squish, the case lands in the mud, its top torn off
Floyd | and clasps lost in transit. The trumpet rolls out, and though a little
Floyd | dirty, it seems to have weathered the fall pretty well. It's a good
Floyd | thing your case was Doofa-certified!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Sandon says, "why? I use a screen reader, that's all. it might take a bit"
Sandon says, "my computer is super boggy today though, yeah"
Jacqueline says, "Ah. Makes sense. He asked because we'd already corrected the Xyzzy"
Sandon says, "Oh od I'm sorry"
Teaspoon exclaims, "no worries!"
Jacqueline says, "no worries"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | trumpet: Taken.
Floyd | broken case: It's useless in its current state.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Sandon says, "poor trumpet" Teaspoon says, "and now we are BARD"
Knight_Otu says, "I mean, it happens all the time to me, I say something, aand it's already obsolete."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x trumpet"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X TRUMPET
Floyd |
Floyd | The trumpet is a beautiful silver affair that was specially-made for
Floyd | you in Lower Suburban Papoosen. Each valve is capped with gold-plate
Floyd | and has a pearl inlay for a finger button. The bell is engraved with
Floyd | spidery lines which weave around it in symmetric patterns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rob calls down, "Hallo down there! Are ye bored yet? It must get
Floyd | pretty tedious explorin' a room with no exits in any of the four
Floyd | cardinal directions but it wouldn't be much of a prison otherwise, eh?
Floyd | It's not like we promised ye a beach resort!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks (of Teaspoon/KO), "Did you all get the idea that some of these walls are fake and we can just walk?"
Sandon asks, "is that supposed to be meta?"
Teaspoon says, "....well, I hadn't no"
Sandon says, "it looks like it"
Teaspoon says, "still admiring TRUMPET"
Jacqueline says, "That's what I got from the 'wall mirrors' or whatever they were called when we did the Xyzzy thing"
Sandon says, "with the hole "exits" thing. This is super weird."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "play trumpet"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You play "Ode to a Duck" on the trumpet. Up above, Jim cackles. "No
Floyd | wonder the King ordered you to be tossed in the pit! That's got to be
Floyd | the worst playing we've ever heard, right, Rob?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Indeed..."
Floyd |
Floyd | Rob squints against the sun. "Hey, what are ye doin' down there? I
Floyd | hope ye aren't tryin' to escape, since there's no way out of Orchestra
Floyd | Pit. Just be a good fellow and wait for the sea monsters to come eat
Floyd | ye."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "I mean, the cardinal directions are supposed to be blocked. There was no mention of the diagonals, was there?"
Jacqueline says, "I'm guessing the cardinal directions are not blocked"
Jacqueline asks, "May I try?"
Teaspoon says, "let's try"
Knight_Otu says, "Try."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jim shields his eyes from the sun and peers into the gloom. "Ye comfy
Floyd | down there? I s'pose we could always throw ye down an antique brass
Floyd | lantern if it'd help you feel at home. There's no way out of the pit,
Floyd | so ye'd best get settled in."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Sandon says, "diagonals are just two cardinals, bet they still fit in the no go catagory of exits of the month"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Sea monsters should get here any minute now," proclaims Rob
Floyd | cheerfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "huh"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DOWN
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Nothin' personal, but it's always fun watchin' poor fellows like
Floyd | yourself gettin' munched on by the sea monsters!" Jim nods vigorously
Floyd | and Rob agrees. "Indeed..."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | The sides of the pit are too slippery to climb, but in your attempt,
Floyd | you dislodge some mud from the east side. There is now a small muddy
Floyd | hole to show for your efforts.
Floyd |
Floyd | The two guards chuckle at some unheard joke.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to be trapped in a pit at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x hole"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X HOLE
Floyd |
Floyd | It is hard to tell what is on the other side from here. But the hole
Floyd | looks like it could easily be enlarged.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "nne"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NNE
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "dig hole"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DIG HOLE
Floyd |
Floyd | You pull away some mud from around the hole. It is a little bigger
Floyd | now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Okay, I'm done with my experiment"
Sandon says, "it's a faiiiiil"
DavidW says, "Perhaps Jacqueline is lagging too."
Jacqueline says, "I am not"
Teaspoon says, "I'm chortling that UP is the wayout"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "dig hole"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DIG HOLE
Floyd |
Floyd | You pull away some mud from around the hole. It is now fairly
Floyd | sizeable, but still not big enough to go through.
Floyd |
Floyd | The two guards chuckle at some unheard joke.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Sandon says, "perhaps life is lagging"
Jacqueline says, "I was just trying to do my thing first."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "dig hole"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DIG HOLE
Floyd |
Floyd | You pull away some mud from around the hole. It's fairly big, about
Floyd | half your size, and vague shapes are taking form on the other side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "oh no sea monsters"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x shapes"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 0             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SHAPES
Floyd |
Floyd | The hole is about half your size now. Vague shapes can be seen on the
Floyd | other side but you can't make out any detail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "let's find out if they're delicious"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "dig hole"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DIG HOLE
Floyd |
Floyd | You pull away some mud from around the hole. It is now large enough to
Floyd | fit through.
Floyd |
Floyd | [You have just gained one point in Masonry Deconstruction.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "yay"
Teaspoon says, "...what a remarkably specific skil"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Freedom!"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x shapes"
Floyd ]  Pit Bottom                                Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SHAPES
Floyd |
Floyd | A large man-sized hole dominated the east side. On the other side, you
Floyd | see a narrow passageway, a good deal cleaner than your current
Floyd | position.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Sandon says, "yeahhh, it's like the faux-skill-system-making skill"
Teaspoon asks, "east then?"
Jacqueline says, "sure"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You gingerly climb through the hole, careful to avoid the occasional
Floyd | drip of water which threatens your pate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Up above, Jim leans over the edge of the pit, squinting. "Hallo down
Floyd | there! Where'd ye go?" He frowns and turns to Rob. "He must have
Floyd | already gotten eaten by the little devils... Poor fellow, he didn't
Floyd | even have a chance to shout out!"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Indeed..." muses Rob.
Floyd |
Floyd | The two continue their vigil into the pit for a few more minutes
Floyd | before deciding that nothing else will happen. "Ah well, Jim, there's
Floyd | always that lad involved in the pickle caper that we get to toss in
Floyd | next week! Come on, let's cover the pit back up!"
Floyd |
Floyd | From your vantage point, you watch as the two guards struggle with a
Floyd | heavy metal hatch. There is a resounding clang as the hatch is locked
Floyd | into place and fourteen less-resounding clicks as the guards ensure
Floyd | that it will not be openable from the inside. A few more minutes pass
Floyd | and all sounds from above fade away. In the pale light which peeks
Floyd | around the hatch, you take stock of your new surroundings, resigned to
Floyd | your new dismal home.
Floyd |
Floyd | Narrow Passage
Floyd | In the dim light, you see that you have entered a roughly-carved
Floyd | hallway running in from the north and around a sharp turn to the
Floyd | northeast. The light outlines a massive pile of uncut rocks against
Floyd | the south wall. In the midst of crumbled masonry, a large hole
Floyd | decorates the west wall, with stray rivulets of mud oozing from
Floyd | within.
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel a bit hungry. It doesn't matter're a pretty
Floyd | tough cookie.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "oh noooo not a food timer"
Sandon says, "I umm have to go, like real life and stuff..."
Teaspoon exclaims, "b'well!"
DavidW says, "bye Sandon"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Take care!"
Sandon says, "bye"
Sandon says, "you too, be careful, that"
Sandon goes home.
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You're looking a bit worse for the wear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x rocks"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ROCKS
Floyd |
Floyd | The rock pile against the south wall consists mostly of massive chunks
Floyd | of granite, although you do see a few heavy rocks of more manageable
Floyd | size close to the top.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "me: do we even need rocks"
Teaspoon says, "me, if player: OOH TAKE EVERYTHING"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | heavy rock: You're carrying too much to pick up the rock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW chuckles at some unheard joke.
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a trumpet
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "Can we push or pull the rocks?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "drop trumpet"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "take rock"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE ROCK
Floyd |
Floyd | (the pile of rocks)
Floyd | You struggle underneath the weight of the rock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "drop rock"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DROP ROCK
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Narrow Passage
Floyd | In the dim light, you see that you have entered a roughly-carved
Floyd | hallway running in from the north and around a sharp turn to the
Floyd | northeast. The light outlines a massive pile of uncut rocks against
Floyd | the south wall. In the midst of crumbled masonry, a large hole
Floyd | decorates the west wall, with stray rivulets of mud oozing from
Floyd | within.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a heavy rock and a trumpet here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "I didn't expect us to be able to actually get the rock."
Teaspoon asks, "I think it's just a wall that generates rocks?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x rock"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ROCK
Floyd |
Floyd | The burdensome rock has a coarse texture which luckily provides a good
Floyd | grip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'd explore a bit more."
Knight_Otu asks, "Do we need to save early and often?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh good point. Maybe."
Teaspoon says, "oooh right"
Jacqueline clears the save counter.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "So, NE?"
Teaspoon says, "agreed"
DavidW says, "You will want to save every now and then, yes. Some parts of the game are tricky."
Knight_Otu says, "With our trumpet."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take trumpet"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Quarry Entrance
Floyd | The walls of this chamber are regular and clean-cut. A square trapdoor
Floyd | is embedded into the stone floor in the center of the room and a
Floyd | passage leads southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the trapdoor, suspended from a chain. The
Floyd | chain seems to have snapped on two of the four corners and the edge of
Floyd | the platform rests on top of the trapdoor. A giant chunk of granite
Floyd | wedges the lower edge to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon asks, "wait so it's a trap but we can. see the trap?"
Teaspoon says, "er"
Jacqueline asks, "A giant chunk of granite wedges the lower edge of... of what? The board that is hanging from two corners by a single chain?"
Teaspoon says, "I'm sure we'll need a rock but danged if I can figure how"
Knight_Otu says, "Trap door, as an up-down passage."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "open trap"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > OPEN TRAP
Floyd |
Floyd | The broken platform prevents the trapdoor from opening more than a few
Floyd | inches.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "I think the granite wedges the platform."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "move platform"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You manage to lift the platform a few inches. It is very unwieldy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "drop trumpet"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | You let go of the broken platform which squeals back into its original
Floyd | position.
Floyd |
Floyd | Narrow Passage
Floyd | In the dim light, you see that you have entered a roughly-carved
Floyd | hallway running in from the north and around a sharp turn to the
Floyd | northeast. The light outlines a massive pile of uncut rocks against
Floyd | the south wall. In the midst of crumbled masonry, a large hole
Floyd | decorates the west wall, with stray rivulets of mud oozing from
Floyd | within.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a heavy rock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "get rock"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET ROCK
Floyd |
Floyd | You struggle underneath the weight of the rock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a heavy rock
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Quarry Entrance
Floyd | The walls of this chamber are regular and clean-cut. A square trapdoor
Floyd | is embedded into the stone floor in the center of the room and a
Floyd | passage leads southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the trapdoor, suspended from a chain. The
Floyd | chain seems to have snapped on two of the four corners and the edge of
Floyd | the platform rests on top of the trapdoor. A giant chunk of granite
Floyd | wedges the lower edge to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trumpet here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Okay. Now what do I do with the rock?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "wedge rock"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEDGE ROCK
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon asks, "?"
DavidW says, "It would help if you saw the third room."
Jacqueline asks, "What room?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "drop rock"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DROP ROCK
Floyd |
Floyd | (the heavy rock)
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "get rock"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET ROCK
Floyd |
Floyd | (the heavy rock)
Floyd | You struggle underneath the weight of the rock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "North from the passage I think."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The quarry extends to the west and a passage leads southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I thought that was back to the big pit - oooh, no, that would have been a different direction."
Jacqueline says, "Okay"
Teaspoon asks, "oh, west then?"
DavidW asks, "From the initial place, there were exits N and NE, was it?"
Jacqueline says (to Tsp), "Sure"
Jacqueline says, "Go for it"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 1             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Stone Quarry
Floyd | Shattered rocks and debris litter this chamber, evidently the site of
Floyd | a quarry or an excavation. A faint light from the south shows the dark
Floyd | shape of a gaping hole in the center of the floor. A well-traveled
Floyd | passage leads south and the chamber extends to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the gaping hole, suspended from a chain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "so we have to use the rock to lower the platform so we can stand on it"
Teaspoon says, "i think"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "put rock on platform"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | With a grunt, you drop the heavy rock on the wooden platform. The
Floyd | platform squeals like a mad pack of rodents and sinks about two feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | [You have earned one point in Mineral Levitation.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Stone Quarry
Floyd | Shattered rocks and debris litter this chamber, evidently the site of
Floyd | a quarry or an excavation. A faint light from the south shows the dark
Floyd | shape of a gaping hole in the center of the floor. A well-traveled
Floyd | passage leads south and the chamber extends to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the gaping hole, suspended from a chain.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the wooden platform is a heavy rock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "in... mineral levitation"
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Teaspoon says, "somebody making fun of D n' D"
Jacqueline says, "yeah"
DavidW says, "The two platforms are in a pulley system. This one's down so the other one..."
Jacqueline asks, "Hinting much?"
DavidW says, "sorry"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
DavidW says, "I didn't expect lugging of heavy rocks immediately."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | The wooden platform is blocking your jump in its current position.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take rock"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE ROCK
Floyd |
Floyd | You struggle underneath the weight of the rock. The wooden platform
Floyd | returns to its original height.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "oh huh"
Knight_Otu says, "I'd almost say Dwarf Fortress rather than DnD, but this game predates DF."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a heavy rock
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "er"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Stone Quarry
Floyd | Shattered rocks and debris litter this chamber, evidently the site of
Floyd | a quarry or an excavation. A faint light from the south shows the dark
Floyd | shape of a gaping hole in the center of the floor. A well-traveled
Floyd | passage leads south and the chamber extends to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the gaping hole, suspended from a chain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Quarry Entrance
Floyd | The walls of this chamber are much more regular and clean-cut than the
Floyd | one to the west. A square trapdoor is embedded into the stone floor in
Floyd | the center of the room and a passage leads southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the trapdoor, suspended from a chain. The
Floyd | chain seems to have snapped on two of the four corners and the edge of
Floyd | the platform rests on top of the trapdoor. A giant chunk of granite
Floyd | wedges the lower edge to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trumpet here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "I assume we can take THIS rock if we want"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, wait. Did I just undo what we needed to do? I'm going to take a step back."
Jacqueline says, "tsp You go"
Teaspoon asks, "I don't think so?"
DavidW says, "yes, you undid your progress"
Teaspoon says, "oh"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Okay, yeah."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Stone Quarry
Floyd | Shattered rocks and debris litter this chamber, evidently the site of
Floyd | a quarry or an excavation. A faint light from the south shows the dark
Floyd | shape of a gaping hole in the center of the floor. A well-traveled
Floyd | passage leads south and the chamber extends to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the gaping hole, suspended from a chain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a heavy rock
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "put rock on platform"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | With a grunt, you drop the heavy rock on the wooden platform. The
Floyd | platform squeals like a mad pack of rodents and sinks about two feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Quarry Entrance
Floyd | The walls of this chamber are much more regular and clean-cut than the
Floyd | one to the west. A square trapdoor is embedded into the stone floor in
Floyd | the center of the room and a passage leads southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the trapdoor, suspended from a chain. The
Floyd | chain seems to have snapped on two of the four corners and the edge of
Floyd | the platform rests on top of the trapdoor. A giant chunk of granite
Floyd | wedges the lower edge to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trumpet here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "take granite"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | None of your pockets are big enough to carry around a giant granite
Floyd | chunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "push granite"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Your attempts to move the granite result in nothing more than strained
Floyd | muscles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "...okay I'm at a loss"
Knight_Otu says, "We still have two open paths I believe."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > EXITS
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Should I say anything?"
Jacqueline binds and gags DW and tosses him in the corner.
Knight_Otu says, "South from the quarry, and north from the passage."
Teaspoon says, "directional puzzles are not my forte"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "Go for it."
Jacqueline says, "Let's look around."
Teaspoon says, "agreed"
Knight_Otu says, "Oh, I misread the south part."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Sorry about that. It's for our own good."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "get trumpet"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Narrow Passage                            Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Narrow Passage
Floyd | In the dim light, you see that you have entered a roughly-carved
Floyd | hallway running in from the north and around a sharp turn to the
Floyd | northeast. The light outlines a massive pile of uncut rocks against
Floyd | the south wall. In the midst of crumbled masonry, a large hole
Floyd | decorates the west wall, with stray rivulets of mud oozing from
Floyd | within.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Stone Quarry                              Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Stone Quarry
Floyd | Shattered rocks and debris litter this chamber, evidently the site of
Floyd | a quarry or an excavation. A faint light from the south shows the dark
Floyd | shape of a gaping hole in the center of the floor. A well-traveled
Floyd | passage leads south and the chamber extends to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the gaping hole, suspended from a chain.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the wooden platform is a heavy rock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Oh."
Teaspoon says, "so we're in a triangle"
Knight_Otu says, "My internal mapping suckd."
Teaspoon says, "same"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Quarry Entrance
Floyd | The walls of this chamber are much more regular and clean-cut than the
Floyd | one to the west. A square trapdoor is embedded into the stone floor in
Floyd | the center of the room and a passage leads southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | A wooden platform hangs over the trapdoor, suspended from a chain. The
Floyd | chain seems to have snapped on two of the four corners and the edge of
Floyd | the platform rests on top of the trapdoor. A giant chunk of granite
Floyd | wedges the lower edge to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x platform"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PLATFORM
Floyd |
Floyd | The platform is about seven feet square and hangs by a metal chain
Floyd | which is only connected to two of its four corners. A giant chunk of
Floyd | granite sits half on the platform, wedging one side to the ground. The
Floyd | suspended side of the platform is higher than its original position.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x chain"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CHAIN
Floyd |
Floyd | The chain connects to each of the four corners of the platform. It
Floyd | merges into a single line several feet above the platform and
Floyd | disappears into the darkness near the ceiling. Two of the corners have
Floyd | snapped, upsetting the suspended platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x door"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | It is a simple trapdoor set into the floor of the chamber, almost
Floyd | eight feet square. There is a small bronze plaque on its surface.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x plaque"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PLAQUE
Floyd |
Floyd | The bronze sign shows a thin layer of settled dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | Nolava Odd Community
Floyd | Building Code #006
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon asks, "do we take notes in this game?"
DavidW says, "Sometimes"
Knight_Otu says, "We may as well."
Teaspoon says, "...well, I guess we have the transcript come to think of it"
Knight_Otu says, "Well, not immediately."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | With one side of the platform raised, you manage to open the trapdoor
Floyd | enough to fit through.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I can always pull up the raw and put it somewhere. Just let me know."
Teaspoon exclaims, "yay!"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Hey# that worked!"
Jacqueline says, "I have a call in a little under 2 hours, just so that people know that I will disappear."
Teaspoon asks, "down?"
Teaspoon says, "okies"
DavidW asks, "Trumpet?"
Knight_Otu says, "Understood."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Quarry Entrance                           Score: 2             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a trumpet
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "yay trapdoor"
Teaspoon says, "we're good"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Darkness                                  Score: 5             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You carefully crawl under the broken platform and drop through the
Floyd | trapdoor, landing in the room below. In a cloud of disturbed dust, the
Floyd | trapdoor slams shut, leaving you in the dark.
Floyd |
Floyd | Although stuffy, the air is a good deal dryer than the dungeon where
Floyd | you spent last night. You hope you're in a tunnel back to the surface,
Floyd | so you can return home and forget your foolish decisions.
Floyd |
Floyd | More likely, you're trapped in some bleak cavity of the earth, worse
Floyd | off than before.
Floyd |
Floyd | [You have just gained three points for Dark Hole Bravery.]
Floyd |
Floyd | Darkness
Floyd | It is pitch black. You are unlikely to be tripped by a polydactyl
Floyd | raccoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Oh no, darkness!"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd ]  Darkness                                  Score: 5             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SCORE
Floyd |
Floyd | You have so far scored 5 out of a possible 70, in 77 turns, earning
Floyd | you the status of Musical Neophyte.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "play trumpet"
Floyd ]  Darkness                                  Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You take a deep breath and sound a steady pitch on your trumpet. The
Floyd | bright sound of the trumpet rings through the darkness, rebounding off
Floyd | walls and escaping your close confines to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | [You have earned two points for a Seeing-Ear Trumpet.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "full score"
Floyd ]  Darkness                                  Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > FULL SCORE
Floyd |
Floyd | You have so far scored 7 out of a possible 70, in 78 turns, earning
Floyd | you the status of Musical Neophyte.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "huh that worked"
Knight_Otu says, "Nice one."
Teaspoon says, "we have sonar"
Jacqueline says, "That was cool, KO."
Teaspoon says, "no wonder the king doesn't appreciate our playing"
Jacqueline exclaims, "Well done!"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Darkness                                  Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | You follow the sound of the echo to the northeast, gingerly moving
Floyd | through the darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound of the trumpet echo fades away completely.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "That goes to TS."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "play trumpet"
Floyd ]  Darkness                                  Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You take a deep breath and sound a steady pitch on your trumpet. The
Floyd | bright sound of the trumpet rings through the darkness, and fades
Floyd | towards the southwest and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, so it does. My bad."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "east"
Floyd ]  Darkness                                  Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > EAST
Floyd |
Floyd | You follow the sound of the echo to the east, gingerly moving through
Floyd | the darkness, down an incline.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound of the trumpet echo fades away completely.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "GOOD JOB TEASPOON"
Teaspoon says, "heh no worries"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "play trumpet"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You take a deep breath and sound a steady pitch on your trumpet.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Who is causing that horribly obscene racket?" There is a scintillant
Floyd | sparkle of luminescence and the room is bathed in light from a
Floyd | newly-opened entrance in the east wall...
Floyd |
Floyd | Construction Office
Floyd | This room consists of little more than a large stone counter before a
Floyd | doorway to the east. Behind the counter hangs an aged banner
Floyd | proclaiming, "Nolava Odd Community Construction Office". Beneath the
Floyd | banner someone has affixed a small day calendar. To the west, a dusty
Floyd | incline leads up into the quarry.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sitting atop the counter is a bound book entitled "Nolava Odd
Floyd | Community Building Codes".
Floyd |
Floyd | A tall bearded man in a black robe stalks into the room. Peering
Floyd | through the dust, he identifies you as the culprit. "Well I'll be!
Floyd | That wall from the pit must have finally broken down... we haven't had
Floyd | a visitor down here in years!" He rushes up to you, nearly bowling you
Floyd | over in the process, and shakes your hand furiously. "I am Leonine,
Floyd | the magician, and this is my home! Well actually, this is the
Floyd | Construction Office, but this little community is my home! I moved
Floyd | down into this volcano when I became fed up with King Goosen up above.
Floyd | And if you got tossed in the pit...well, sniveling snails, you must be
Floyd | on my side of the bed! Are you odd?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Leonine waits for a moment but continues on before you can answer.
Floyd | "This is the Nolava Odd Community and every permanent resident is a
Floyd | little odd, so if you're planning on sticking around, I'd suggest that
Floyd | you pick up some kind of idiosyncrasy, unless you just want to be
Floyd | mildly ill-tempered, which is just fine in my book as well. Of course,
Floyd | you won't have much company, since most of the residents are dead or
Floyd | moved away."Leonine is nearby, enjoying the scenery.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the counter is a Building Codes manual.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "...that was a lot"
Teaspoon says, "then again I suppose I would also be odd if I lived in a pit"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x manual"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | The manual is composed of hand-written pages, detailing various
Floyd | construction jobs in the area.
Floyd |
Floyd | Leonine looks you over critically. "Now if you're going to live here,
Floyd | you'll need to clean up those clothes..." Leonine, in a deep and
Floyd | resonant voice, speaks the word "Fresh!"
Floyd |
Floyd | When nothing immediately happens, he slaps his forehead. "That one
Floyd | removes dirt from produce..." He tries again. "Clean Clothes!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The mud on your clothes disappears and you feel refreshed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "Are horrible bards odd or typical?"
Teaspoon says, "depends on how this society looks on kleptomania i guess"
Knight_Otu says, "Heh."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "read manual"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You open up the Building Codes manual.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are now in Book-Reading Mode. To look up a building code, type in
Floyd | the number of the code. To read about a random code, type in RANDOM.
Floyd | To close the book, type STOP).
Floyd |
Floyd | Next, Leonine takes a look at the trumpet and sniggers. "If you're
Floyd | going to play a musical instrument, you should have a better
Floyd | instrument than that!" Before you can protest that you like your
Floyd | trumpet, the magician mumbles something under his breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | Thankfully, your trumpet remains intact, but the bell now glows with
Floyd | magic. "Heh heh, you'll have fun playing that trumpet now, neighbour!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "006"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 006
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #006 Quarry Trapdoor: 1-T-05, Built to keep granite rocks from
Floyd | accidently falling through the elevator shaft.
Floyd |
Floyd | Leonine gives you the once-over and frowns. "You don't seem to be very
Floyd | happy to be a new member of the Nolava Odd Community... You don't
Floyd | really want to go back up to the surface do you?" Leonine thinks about
Floyd | this. "Damn foolery if you ask me, but to each his own I guess. Well,
Floyd | if you really want to get out, there's a ladder to the surface inside
Floyd | a rock spire near the old South Plaza. I can't recall what we did with
Floyd | the door though...or the key for that matter." Leonine brightens. "You
Floyd | could go check at the library! There should be records...but stay
Floyd | awhile and be an acquaintance, hey?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "well, we could just sit here and read random codes"
Jacqueline says, "I like him, actually."
DavidW says, "Or start from 001 and read them all in order."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "001"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 001
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #001 Nolava Construction Office: 1-N-05, Created from the Ploog Fund
Floyd | for the mining of granite and other materials beneath the ground. Ran
Floyd | into a few zoning problems with Mullog.
Floyd |
Floyd | Leonine suddenly jumps two feet in the air, a feat made disturbing by
Floyd | the fact that he lands on your toes. "Leapin' lemurs! I left an
Floyd | experiment on the stove. Come on over for tea sometime, new
Floyd | neighbour!" With a snap of his fingers, Leonine vanishes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "yes, I like Leonine as well."
Jacqueline says, "When we are done I want to look at the calendar. Maybe we'll find out how many days it has been since there has been a construction accident."
Knight_Otu asks, "How many codes are there?"
Teaspoon says, "at least six, presumably"
Jacqueline says, "hee"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "002"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 002
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #002 Wheelbarrow: 1-P-05, Wasted all of yesterday trying to move
Floyd | granite chunks bare-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW asks, "maybe around 36?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "003"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 003
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #003 Quarry Rock Elevator: 1-Q-05, Useful for removing granite chunks
Floyd | from the quarry and lowering them into the Office for transportation.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "it's a sort of diary I guess"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "004"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 004
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #004 Bed: 1-R-05, Built a granite bed. Not getting much sleep. Will
Floyd | make a more comfortable one once materials are shipped down from
Floyd | Papoosen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "I wonder who wrote it"
Jacqueline asks, "Leonine?"
Knight_Otu asks, "Looks like it. The first number the month, the letter the day, the second number the year?"
DavidW says, "not Leonine"
Jacqueline says, "oh"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "005"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 005
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #005 Ladder: 1-S-05, Constructed to provide easier access to the
Floyd | surface.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon exclaims, "hurrah!"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah, Leonine just moved in."
Teaspoon says, "now we just need to find it"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "007"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 007
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #007 Bed: 1-U-05, Lumber arrived from the surface today. Constructed a
Floyd | more comfortable bed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "008"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 008
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #008 Ladder Rung: 1-V-05, One of the rungs on the castle ladder back
Floyd | up to the surface broke.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon (
Jacqueline says (to Tsp), "OMG YOUR EYES"
Teaspoon says, "....snort"
Knight_Otu says, "I'm sure we'll be fine."
Teaspoon says, "sleepy smiley"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "009"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 009
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #009 Plaque Molds: 1-W-05, Constructed to build bronze plaques to
Floyd | place on some prominent buildings for posterity's sake.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Teaspoon says, "I'm enjoying this Zork builder person"
Jacqueline says, "yeah"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "010"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 010
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #010 Metal Chain: 1-X-05, Created to replace the hemp rope on the
Floyd | elevator. Should reduce breakdowns by 90% per day.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "011"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 011
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #011 Armadillo Trap: 1-Y-05, Fashioned from spare parts to keep wild
Floyd | armadillos from invading my personal space.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "hee"
Jacqueline says, "That was a good entry about reducing breakdowns by 90% per ay"
Jacqueline says, "day, even"
Knight_Otu says, "Sure was."
Teaspoon says, "note: do not trust any ropes in this game"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Teaspoon asks, "also beware of armadillos?"
Jacqueline says, "Apparently"
Knight_Otu says, ">kill armadillo"
Teaspoon says, "noooo"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "12"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 12
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #012 Rain Gauge: 1-Z-05, Rainstorm started today. Constructed the rain
Floyd | gauge for Leonine's experiments.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Okay. >pet armadille"
Jacqueline says (to ko), "better"
Teaspoon exclaims, "oh, I guess he's been here a while!"
Knight_Otu says, "*armadillo"
Knight_Otu says, "Seems so."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "13"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 13
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #013 Umbrella: 2-A-05, Fashioned for Finney at the start of a
Floyd | rainstorm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "14"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 14
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #014 Midway Drain: 2-B-05, Installed after realizing that continued
Floyd | heavy rains could flood the Construction Office and ruin my toffee
Floyd | stash...grrr...
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "oooh toffee"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "15"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 15
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #015 Midway Drain Grate: 2-D-05, Built over the drain system to
Floyd | prevent nesting armadillos from clogging the waterways.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says (to ko), "Although apparently armadillos carry the bacteria that cause leprosy / Hansen's disease, so maybe don't pet them, either."
Jacqueline says, "Cute though they are."
Teaspoon says, "petting non domestic generally bad idea anyway, I know"
Knight_Otu says, "Oh, I guess then >admire armadillo from afar."
Teaspoon says, "which does not stop me with stray cats"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "There we go"
Jacqueline says (to Tsp), "hee"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "16"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 16
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #016 Quarry Wall: 2-E-05, Used last month's leftover masonry to keep
Floyd | Orchestra Pit from flooding the Quarry.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "...I have a bad feeling about this now"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. I'm glad we're reading it all"
Teaspoon says, "what if we accidentally flood the place"
Knight_Otu says, "Well well."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "17"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 17
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #017 Umbrella: 2-F-05, Had to make another umbrella, this time for
Floyd | Leonine, who was apparently suffering from parasol-envy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "gigglesnort"
Knight_Otu says, "Heh."
Teaspoon says, "a woeful fate to be sure"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "18"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 18
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #018 Armadillo Trap: 2-H-05, Realized that armadillos can escape from
Floyd | grass traps fairly easily. Used granite this time.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "This is again being very Dwarf Fortressy"
Teaspoon says, "yeah"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "19"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 19
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #019 Ladder Rungs: 2-M-05, Had to make four new rungs to replace the
Floyd | ones broken by Leonine's habit of jumping down five at a time.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "20"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 20
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #020 Leonine's House: 2-P-05, Built a house for the founder of the Odd
Floyd | Community.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Do not try this in real life."
Knight_Otu says, "Jumping down ladders, that is."
Teaspoon says, "possibly he has Magic Healing"
Peregrine arrives, ready to play with the toys.
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "21"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 21
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #021 Armadillo Trap: 2-R-05, Realized that there was no openings in
Floyd | the armadillo trap for the little buggers to get into. Made a new one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Still, that has to hurt."
Jacqueline says (to P), "Hey, P. We are playing a z-code game, and I hadn't sorted out sleepmask, so we're back in here for now."
Teaspoon says, "here's to hoping the architecture is better than the wildlife traps"
Jacqueline says, "Sorry for the confusion."
Peregrine says, "No problem"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "22"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 22
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #022 Park: 2-S-05, Hoping to take advantage of the heavy rains, made a
Floyd | quaint little park north of Leonine's house.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Peregrine says, "I'll just lie back in my recliner and lurk :D"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "23"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 23
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #023 Park Path: 2-T-05, Stopped raining today. All the plants died.
Floyd | Tore out much of the garden and made a footpath through the center.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "24"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 24
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #024 Park Fence: 2-U-05, Built a quaint white picket fence around the
Floyd | perimeter of the park, because it was aesthetically pleasing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Poor park."
Teaspoon says, "betcha something ghastly happens to this fence"
Peregrine asks, "Are we investigating an outbreak of armadillos?"
Teaspoon says, "we're reading a book by a Zork-ish constructor who is dealing with that problem"
Teaspoon says, "or was"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "25"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 25
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #025 Drain System: 2-V-05, Expanded the drainage system to the east
Floyd | and south, in expectation of a sudden population burst. Currently
Floyd | there are 2 Odd residents and me living here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "We're a horrible bard who was tossed into the Orchestra Pit."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "26"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 26
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #026 Southern Plaza: 2-W-05, Built a granite pavilion south of
Floyd | Leonine's house for all the Odd gatherings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "This is unlike any other orchestra pit, though."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "27"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 27
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #027 Plaza Billboard: 2-X-05, Constructed a billboard in the plaza on
Floyd | the off-chance that Stebar Clocks needed a new advertising location.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "True."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "28"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 28
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #028 Statue of Leonine: 2-Y-05, Made a granite statue, twelve feet
Floyd | tall of Leonine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Peregrine says, "Oh, Augmented Fourth? I never got far in that game"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "29"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 29
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #029 Armadillo Trap: 2-Z-05, Realized that having an opening in the
Floyd | side of an armadillo trap somewhat defeats the purpose of said trap.
Floyd | Made a little armadillo door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "We're still in room 7 or so."
Peregrine says, "That's further than I ever got"
Teaspoon says, "yeah, so far we made it out of the first puzzle and met a wizard"
Knight_Otu says, "The writer has just no luck with their traps."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "30"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 30
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #030 Finney's House: 3-A-05, Made a house to the southwest for
Floyd | Leonine's colleague Finney, a musician and scholar, and still quite
Floyd | odd.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "so far the wizard hasn't tried to kill us, and even told us how to get home. sort of"
Teaspoon says, "oh, I wonder if this is our mentor or somebody"
Peregrine says, "I never finished the first puzzle. (Also, tangentially, I now know what an Augmented Fourth is, because I am now reorienting myself into film scoring via music theory.)"
Jacqueline says, "I am enjoying this book. In particular, the slow but persistent evolution of armadillo trap innovation."
Knight_Otu says, "But even this book must end sometime."
Teaspoon says, "I'm getting the strong vibe of one of those early 80s adventure modules for CRPGs where you'd have them randomly ordered to stop people doing what we're doing right now and reading them all in order"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "One would think it to not be infinite, yes."
Teaspoon says, "like it's clearly not in chronological order"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "31"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 31
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #031 Finney's Pond: 3-B-05, Built a fish pond to elevate the social
Floyd | status of Finney's House. Quite useless since he spends most of his
Floyd | time indoors.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "This book isn't infinite. I hope I can say that much."
Jacqueline smiles.
Teaspoon asks, "...and if that *is* the model then some of it might be fake?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "32"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 32
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #032 Puzzle: 3-C-05, Fashioned a puzzle for Finney to play with, since
Floyd | he was bored and disrupting my work.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "33"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 33
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #033 Finney's Security System: 3-D-05, Installed a security system
Floyd | because of Finney's distrust of travelers (even though there haven't
Floyd | been any so far).
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "ha"
Teaspoon says, "oh that could be a problem"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "34"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 34
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #034 Xylophone: 3-G-05, Constructed from whale baleens to meet the
Floyd | specifications set forth by Finney. Had to let him come get it since I
Floyd | couldn't get it past the security system.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "I mean, I guess one could write a random generator for that book."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "35"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 35
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #035 Frog Statue: 3-H-05, Fashioned a giant froggie statue out of
Floyd | leftover granite and showcased it in the Southern Plaza.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "36"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 36
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #036 Fly Statue: 3-I-05, Made a fly statue to hang over the froggie
Floyd | statue. Accidently made it too heavy, causing it to break its supports
Floyd | and crash to the ground, cracking up the froggie too.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Peregrine says, "aw"
Jacqueline cries.
Teaspoon says, "*blows sad trumpet*"
* Dave has joined the channel.
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "37"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 37
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #037 Neo-Wonk Sculpture: 3-J-05, Tossed a few spare support bars into
Floyd | the statue mess and called it art.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Peregrine says, "haha"
Teaspoon says, "*snort*"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "38"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 38
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #038 Plates: 3-K-05, Molded some granite plates for eating.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Nooo, the frog and fly!"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "39"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 39
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #039 Armadillo Decoy: 3-L-05, Realized that there are no armadillos in
Floyd | the Nolava Odd Community. Made a decoy so my trap and grate wouldn't
Floyd | go to waste.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Peregrine says, "woot"
Teaspoon says, "AHHAHAHAHAHAH"
Knight_Otu says, "Pft."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "40"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 40
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #040 Finney's Road: 3-M-05, At Finney's insistence, I built a paved
Floyd | road from his home to the Construction Office.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "41"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 41
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #041 Designer Plates: 3-N-05, Painted hamsters on the plates and sold
Floyd | them as curiosities through an agent in Suburban Papoosen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "42"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 42
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #042 Designer Forks: 3-O-05, Realized the possibilities of lucrative
Floyd | business and extended my line of granite eatware.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Peregrine says, "a life well lived"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "43"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 43
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #043 Designer Noodle-Twisters: 3-P-05, Built a prototype for a granite
Floyd | noodle twister. Discarded it after realizing that I was probably
Floyd | catering to too small a clientele.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline nods.
Teaspoon says, "ya think"
Peregrine says, "don't take your clientele for granite"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "44"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 44
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #044 Armadillo Decoy: 3-Y-05, Modeled a second decoy after the first
Floyd | in hopes of attracting an armadillo to capture and evict.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "He has, thus far, been doing lots of things for, like, three people"
Teaspoon says, "boo hiss"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "45"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 45
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #045 Bank: 3-Z-05, Built to store the valuables of the Odd Community
Floyd | residents.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "oh, a bank! nice"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "46"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 46
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #046 Bank Trap: 4-A-05, Built to protect the bank from footpads.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "aww"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "47"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 47
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #047 Harmonica: 4-B-05, Tried making a granite harmonica. Couldn't
Floyd | produce overtones.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu asks, "But is it a vault-bank or a sitting-bank?"
Dave asks, "where is the output for the current game again?"
Jacqueline asks, "footpads?"
Teaspoon says, "old word for robbers"
DavidW says, "It's a word used in Zork."
Jacqueline says (to Dave), "Toyshop"
Knight_Otu says (to Dave), "We're in the toyshop."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "48"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 48
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #048 Northern Gate: 4-C-05, Erected a gate to protect the protected
Floyd | valuables in the protected bank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Peregrine says, "this footpad is gravely underfoot"
Jacqueline says (to DW/Tsp), "Ah. Right."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "49"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 49
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #049 Armadillo Lair: 4-H-05, In hopes that a pre-fab home would
Floyd | attract an armadillo, I built one near the mess hall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "snrk"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "50"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 50
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #050 Bounce Chamber: 4-K-05, Prepared for the Odd Community's four
Floyd | month life span with a granite Bounce Chamber in South Plaza.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu asks, "Who is invading whose space now?"
Dave arrives, ready to play with the toys. Peregrine says, "decidedly armadillos are an inexhaustible source of mirth"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "Oh man. You could write a thinkpiece on this."
Teaspoon says, "....what can possibly go worng with a ROCK bounce chamber"
DavidW says, "granite Bounce Chamber?!"
Jacqueline says (to Peregrine), "Definitely"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "51"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 51
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #051 Checkerboard: 4-M-05, Replaced the Bounce Chamber at the last
Floyd | minute, for safety reasons.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Heh."
Jacqueline says, "ha"
Teaspoon says, "absent minded"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "52"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 52
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #052 Mess Hall: 4-O-05, Got tired of eating off the ground. Felt the
Floyd | rock grit in my sandwiches might lead to future dental problems.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "But he had made plates..."
Teaspoon says, "yeah I'm definitely getting a sense of backwards chronology in this listings"
Knight_Otu says, "But no tables it seem."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "53"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 53
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #053 Mess Hall Table: 4-P-05, Realized I was still eating off the
Floyd | ground in the mess hall. Made a table.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "seems*"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "54"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 54
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #054 Kitchen Counter: 4-Q-05, Built a granite counter in the Mess Hall
Floyd | kitchen to prepare food upon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "oh right"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "55"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 55
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #055 False Armadillo: 4-T-05, Realized that armadillos are not
Floyd | indigenous to this area. Made a third decoy and put all the armadillo
Floyd | paraphernalia on display at the South Plaza.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "Aw."
Dave disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. Knight_Otu says, "What an odd fellow. Oh, right."
Teaspoon says, "I wasn't really planning to spend Sunday afternoon reading about armadillo lures but it's surprisingly relaxing"
Jacqueline says, "Truth"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "56"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 56
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #056 Chair: 5-F-05, Made a wooden chair with materials imported from
Floyd | the surface.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "57"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 57
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #057 Chair: 5-G-05, Put another plaque on the same chair, to counter
Floyd | the residents' complaints that all jobs are finished in one day.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu asks, "Wood? Is that even legal?"
Teaspoon says, "HA HA"
Teaspoon says, "I wonder who complained"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "58"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 58
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #058 Bench: 5-H-05, Misplaced the chair. Had to make a bench.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "59"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 59
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #059 Poont's Lab: 5-Z-05, Built a laboratory for a new Odd resident,
Floyd | Poont.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon exclaims, "oh, nice!"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "60"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 60
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #060 Poont's Mirror Room: 6-D-05, Had to import materials to create a
Floyd | mirror room for Poont's experiments.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon asks, "oh, was he the gnome?"
DavidW says, "Nope"
Jacqueline asks, "Possib - oh. No?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "61"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 61
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #061 Poont's Experiment: 6-E-05, Created a prototype machine for
Floyd | Poont's studies.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "62"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 62
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #062 Poont's Door: 6-F-05, Constructed a magic door to meet Poont's
Floyd | specifications, distrustful as he was of visitors and rummer salesmen.
Floyd | He keeps the instructions in the communal safe despite my protests. It
Floyd | would be so easy for Leonine or someone to play a trick on the old
Floyd | coot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu asks, "Someone... like us?"
Teaspoon says, "f 63"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "63"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 63
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #063 Control Room: 7-...
Floyd |
Floyd | Hmmm...this entry seems to have been erased. A giant stamp adorns the
Floyd | page: "Protected by the Ploog Privacy Act of 3" You can barely make
Floyd | out some of the erased mentions a control room and "xyz"
Floyd | or something of that nature...
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "oh, we know what that was"
Knight_Otu says, "Indeed."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "64"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 64
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #064 Control Room: 7-...
Floyd |
Floyd | Hmmm...this entry seems to have been erased. It seems to be a
Floyd | continuation of entry #63. You can just barely make out something
Floyd | about control room plush chairs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "65"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 65
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #065 Control Room: 7-...
Floyd |
Floyd | Hmmm...this entry seems to have been erased. It seems to be a
Floyd | continuation of entry #63. You can just barely make out something
Floyd | about scenery packages.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "ah, and this is where the random generator comes in I guses"
DavidW says, "nope"
DavidW says, "This book isn't random."
Jacqueline says, "We could always xyzzy again"
Jacqueline says, "But let's keep reading a bit"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "66"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 66
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #066 Control Room: 7-...
Floyd |
Floyd | Hmmm...this entry seems to have been erased. It seems to be a
Floyd | continuation of entry #63. You can just barely make out something
Floyd | about top secret fuzzibusters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "67"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 67
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #067 Control Room: 7-...
Floyd |
Floyd | Hmmm...this entry seems to have been erased. It seems to be a
Floyd | continuation of entry #63. You can just barely make out something
Floyd | about a magic music press.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "68"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 68
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #068 Moilan's Hut: 8-F-05, Made a home near the mess hall for the new
Floyd | hired guard who protects the gate which protects the protected bank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "so that's Leo, and his colleague, and this security guard, and the Mirror Guy, so at least four NPCs running around"
Teaspoon says, "unless they're dead like Leo hinted"
Knight_Otu says, "We'll see I guess."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "69"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 69
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #069 Moilan's Fudge Box: 8-G-05, Created a granite box to house
Floyd | Moilan's fudge collection and to keep it from going stale.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "mmmm"
Teaspoon says, "note: bribe guard to abandon post with fudge"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "70"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 70
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #070 Porcelain Vase: 8-Z-05, Didn't actually make this but felt it
Floyd | deserved a code. A peddler from the surface had it for sale. Took it
Floyd | for granite.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "*sad trombone*"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "71"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 71
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #071 Squiggy's Tower: 1-A-06, Built a granite tower for a new Odd
Floyd | resident, Squiggy. Ran into a few zoning problems with Mullog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "Squiggy"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "72"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 72
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #072 Squiggy's Light Trap: 1-B-06, Created a strongbox in Squiggy's
Floyd | tower, distrustful as he was of the bank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "Mullog is new too."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "73"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 73
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #073 Squiggy's Door: 1-C-06, Fashioned a granite door which can only
Floyd | be opened from the inside. Questioned the feasibility of this but then
Floyd | realized that Squiggy teleports in when outside. Then wondered why he
Floyd | even needs a door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "we'll have to teleport IN but won't need to teleport out"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Teaspoon says, "unless this is all flavor text I dunno"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "74"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 74
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #074 Wall Repair: 1-F-06, Found a strange featureless cube in the
Floyd | quarry today. Since it was just the right size, I used it to plug a
Floyd | hole in the pit wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Teaspoon asks, "oh, we might need that?"
Knight_Otu asks, ";Maybe?"
Teaspoon says, "I am personally in favor of asking David whether we'd have to reload to get that"
Knight_Otu says, "But strange and featureless sounds interesting."
Jacqueline asks, "Why would we need to reload?"
Jacqueline says, "We can still - oh, no we can't"
Teaspoon says, "that was up the trapdoor"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Teaspoon asks, "can we get back up that way?"
Knight_Otu says, "We may be able to find another path."
Teaspoon says, "that's true"
Jacqueline says, "True"
DavidW asks, "Are you asking?"
Jacqueline says, "We would have had no way to know, so."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Sure. Why not. We're asking."
DavidW says, "You cannot return all the way to the pit. You also don't need to."
Teaspoon says, "ok, that's good"
DavidW says, "You missed something, but it wasn't a cube."
Knight_Otu says, "Got it."
Teaspoon says, "...oh dear"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "75"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 75
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #075 Poont's Bear Den: 2-B-06, Poont's pet bear needed quarters so I
Floyd | hollowed out a den in the side of the volcano behind Poont's lab.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "I'm hoping it was nothing important."
Jacqueline says, "Well, he said we didn't need to go back, so."
Teaspoon says, "...okay this sentence is entirely compatible with what we've heard already but it's still one weird sentence"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "76"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 76
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #076 Socks: 2-I-06, Tried to make a pair of granite socks today.
Floyd | Discarded them because of blisters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "Also, no armadillos, but now there is possibly a bear. Possibly it is as real as the armadillos."
DavidW says, "You would have had a bit more info, but it's background stuff."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "77"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 77
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #077 Ladder Rung: 2-L-06, Yet another ladder rung broke today. Must
Floyd | remind Leonine to stop jumping down the ladder when he spies on the
Floyd | King.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "oh, so the ladder goes straight to the king's throne room or bathtub or something, huh"
Roger arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "78"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 78
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #078 Undergarments: 3-A-06, Fashioned a pair of underpants from
Floyd | granite. Chaffed horribly and discarded them. Not sure about the
Floyd | future of granite-wear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Roger says, "ooh, retro" Knight_Otu says, "I guess Oddrealm isn't quite sprawling."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "79"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 79
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #079 Random Entry: 4-A-06, Didn't build anything today, but no one
Floyd | reads these entries anyways.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "I saw we find this ladder, climb it, sneak up behind the king, and blow our trumpet. Really loudly."
Teaspoon exclaims, "good plan!"
DavidW says, "Excellent."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "80"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 80
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #080 Snoobar's House: 7-F-06, Constructed and painted purple for a new
Floyd | resident of the community, Snoobar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline exclaims (at Entry79), "NOT TRUE!"
Teaspoon says, "...this is gonna be a big game huh"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "81"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 81
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #081 Maze of Dread: 8-A-06, Created to appease Snoobar's distrust of
Floyd | visitors, despite the low population of the community.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Everybody distrusts visitors here, huh."
Teaspoon says, "I'm starting to think Leo is the only person who actually likes people"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "82"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 82
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #082 Maze of Dread Sign: 8-B-06, Warning sign made to alert future
Floyd | travelers of the maze. Placed in brambles for maximum effect.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "83"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 83
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #083 Snoobar's Hill: 8-C-06, Continued pestering from Snoobar caused
Floyd | the construction of another deterrent, a magic hill which is uphill in
Floyd | both directions, surrounding his house. Only works for rummer
Floyd | salesmen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "The maze. I kind of figured there'd be one of those."
DavidW says, "At least one."
Teaspoon says, "won't it be hilarious if none of this is true"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "84"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 84
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #084 Snoobar's Vault: 8-D-06, Continued pestering from Snoobar led me
Floyd | to build a giant purple vault inside his house. Since they are pretty
Floyd | good friends, Snoobar gave the means to unlock the vault to Squiggy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "85"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 85
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #085 Snoobar's Door: 8-E-06, I am tired of Snoobar's pestering. Built
Floyd | a door which can only be opened with a Doofa-certified key to guard
Floyd | his house.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "I'm getting the feeling that after the session I should paste the whole book into my notes file."
DavidW says, "I think the manual is portable."
Teaspoon says, "that'll be good"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "86"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 86
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #086 Snoobar's Key: 8-F-06, Built a Doofa-certified key so Snoobar
Floyd | could get into his house. Thank goodness he's stopped bothering me!
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "But we need the right entry number if we want to look something up."
DavidW says, "There's plaques with numbers on them everywhere."
Teaspoon says, "presumably this is the vault that we'll need for whatever Leo mentioned earlier"
Knight_Otu says, "Oh, right."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "87"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 87
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #087 Snoobar's Window Seals: 8-G-06, Snoobar came back today because
Floyd | his windows didn't lock. Sealed them shut for him.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "88"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 88
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #088 Snoobar's: 8-Z-06, Didn't make anything today either. Just
Floyd | thoroughly conditioned to write "Snoobar". Urrrg.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "my heart goes out to you, construction person"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "89"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 89
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #089 Library: 9-F-06, A joint proposal from Poont and Finney has led
Floyd | to the construction of a library to archive all the knowledge of the
Floyd | Odd Community.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says (to 88), "hee"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "90"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 90
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #090 Ring Holder: 9-T-06, Found a gold ring in the quarry and made a
Floyd | small granite case to keep it safe in.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "Leonine mentioned the library."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "91"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 91
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #091 Fou-llama Estate: 1-H-07, Built to house a new resident of the
Floyd | Nolava Community, Madame Fou-llama.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "wha"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "92"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 92
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #092 Ball Court: 1-M-07, Constructed a Piddle-Ball court near
Floyd | Leonine's house, just in case anyone ever takes up Piddle-Ball. Not
Floyd | sure how safe the granite court is, though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "93"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 93
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #093 Amoshtuff Cottage: 1-P-07, Built for Madame Fou-llama's butler,
Floyd | after realizing he was sleeping on the ground outside her estate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "94"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 94
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #094 Accordion: 1-T-07, Tried to make a working accordion out of
Floyd | granite. Realized that granite isn't very compressible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Roger has disconnected.
Roger has connected. DavidW says, "heh"
Knight_Otu says, "So very Dwarf Fortress at times."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "95"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 95
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #095 Plaza Drums: 1-Z-07, Made a toy drum set out of granite. Realized
Floyd | the possibilities of "Hard Rock" music.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu exclaims, "OW!"
Teaspoon says, "the fate of this brave soul fascinates me"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "96"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 96
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #096 Armadillo Decoy: 2-F-07, Felt it was time for the granite
Floyd | armadillos to have a kid. Put the new little one on display in South
Floyd | Plaza.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "I knew it had to come, but still."
Jacqueline says, "hee"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "97"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 97
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #097 Ring Display Case: 2-Q-07, Made a display case to show off my
Floyd | nifty gold ring. I usually wear it, but it looks spiffy in the display
Floyd | case. Got the message '[Your score has gone up by 5 points.]' when I
Floyd | put it in.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "chortles"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "98"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 98
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #098 Swimming Pool: 3-A-07, Built a twelve foot deep pool in South
Floyd | Plaza. Waiting for heavy rains.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, ""
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "99"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 99
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #099 Water System: 3-B-07, Realized that the Midway Drain System would
Floyd | prevent flooding which might have filled up the pool. Connected the
Floyd | drains to the pool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "100"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 100
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #100 Diving Board: 3-R-07, Built a granite diving board by the
Floyd | swimming pool, just in case it fills up some day.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "101"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 101
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #101 Opera Hall: 4-F-07, Built upon Finney's insistence of higher
Floyd | culture in the community.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "are we SURE this book doesn't go on forever"
DavidW says, "I'm sure."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "102"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 102
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #102 Opera Seats: 4-G-07, Stood through the performance of Finney's
Floyd | first four hundred etudes and got back cramps for my troubles. Felt
Floyd | seats were in order.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "Fou-llama and her butler were the last to move in."
Teaspoon says, "okies"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "103"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 103
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #103 Opera Stage: 4-H-07, Created a raised stage after it was
Floyd | determined that it's harder for listeners to throw cantaloupes up at
Floyd | the performer than down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "one wonder who was throwing said cantaloupe"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "104"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 104
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #104 Ear Plugs: 4-I-07, I am tired of Finney's etudes. However,
Floyd | granite does make for some very uncomfortable earplugs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "105"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 105
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #105 Finney's Road II: 4-J-07, At Finney's insistence, I extended the
Floyd | paved road from his home to the Opera Hall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu asks, "Everyone but Finney?"
Teaspoon says, "plausible"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "106"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 106
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #106 Rubble Cart: 4-L-07, Fashioned a flatbed hand cart to cope with
Floyd | the disaster. Currently at work cleaning up the cave-in of the
Floyd | Southern Plaza.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "yeah, the Opera Hall was mostly for Finney."
Teaspoon says, "oops"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "107"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 107
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #107 Rubble Elevator: 4-P-07, Built a rock elevator in the castle
Floyd | ladder shaft. Traded disaster debris to Papoosen Rock Company for
Floyd | three hundred unopened bags of Camelkian Toffees. Yum!
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "One wonders, with the failure of granite wear, if everyone is naked. And, if not, if they've figured out softer things to wear, why they wouldn't use that tech to make ear plugs."
Teaspoon says, "I think it's more a sincere committment to granite"
Knight_Otu says, "Oh. Hm."
Roger says, "overripe cantaloupes"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "108"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 108
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #108 Rubble Wall: 4-U-07, Realized that there was too much debris in
Floyd | South Plaza. Also, the Rock Company ran out of toffees. Alas, I will
Floyd | no longer be able to take toffees for granite. Constructed a granite
Floyd | wall effectively blocking off South Plaza for good.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon exclaims, "we won't be able to see the armadillo statues!"
DavidW says, "I don't remember any nudity, but Mullog might be wearing very little."
Knight_Otu exclaims, "NOO!"
Teaspoon says, "how sad that they will be unimplemented"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "109"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 109
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #109 Quarry Supports: 5-F-07, Created supports to strengthen the
Floyd | quarry tunnels, to prevent the possibility of a South Plaza disaster.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "110"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 110
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #110 Door Cart: 8-A-07, After the decision came to seal off the Castle
Floyd | passage, I made a cart to transport the door to Snoobar's.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "111"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 111
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #111 Rock File: 8-C-07, Built a file to even out the rough edges where
Floyd | the door was in the Rock Wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "112"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 112
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #112 Resurfacing: 9-1-07, Resurfaced the road running from Finney's to
Floyd | the Opera Hall. Its average usage of 4 pedestrians per day made
Floyd | potholes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, " granite. Amazing."
Knight_Otu says, "I want to ask why everyone still came if Finney was so bad, but I guess Finney'd know if someone skipped opera day."
Teaspoon says, "as a bard, I don't think that question would occur to us"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "113"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 113
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #113 Security Maze: 9-R-07, Created as a result of Madame Fou-llama's
Floyd | distrust of visitors and broom peddlers. May cause problems with Code
Floyd | #114.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "114"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 114
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #114 Granite Crate: 9-S-07, Created a crate to hold the materials for
Floyd | Code #115. On a side note, lost my ring while working around the
Floyd | granite today. Must find.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Why am I not surprised at the distrust."
Teaspoon says, "running theme"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "115"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 115
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #115 (planned) Granite Statue: Sent materials to Madame Fou-llama's
Floyd | before the Security Maze was activated. May make the statue some day.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "116"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 116
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #116 (planned) Quarry Rock Elevator: Really need to get around to
Floyd | fixing that elevator chain...It's just an accident waiting to happen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "oh no, if that's what did in our hero that would be very sad"
Knight_Otu says, "It's no longer waiting, writer."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "117"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 117
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | The entries only seem to go from 001 through 116.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says (to Teaspoon), "I'm so sorry."
Teaspoon says, "woe"
Knight_Otu says, "Long book is long."
Teaspoon says, "yep"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | The entries only seem to go from 001 through 116.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "drop book"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DROP BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | The entries only seem to go from 001 through 116.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "Darn"
DavidW says, "STOP to end read mode"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "STOP"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > STOP
Floyd |
Floyd | You shut the manual.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Construction Office
Floyd | This room consists of little more than a large stone counter before a
Floyd | doorway to the east. Behind the counter hangs an aged banner
Floyd | proclaiming, "Nolava Odd Community Construction Office". Beneath the
Floyd | banner someone has affixed a small day calendar. To the west, a dusty
Floyd | incline leads up into the quarry.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the counter is a Building Codes manual.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Thanks."
Jacqueline says, "I thought we were just reading this awesome book for three or more sessions."
Teaspoon says, "I wouldn't have minded"
Jacqueline says, "Same"
Jacqueline says, "I can play for 45 more minutes"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x calendar"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CALENDAR
Floyd |
Floyd | The day calendar was last used on 9-U-07. It's been nearly three years
Floyd | since then.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Entry 450: The armadillos are coming."
Jacqueline says, "ha"
Teaspoon says, "snort"
DavidW says, "See if you can find Finney's house, the Mess Hall, the Library, and Leonine's house."
Teaspoon says, "is anybody good at mapping"
Teaspoon says, "cos that person is not me"
DavidW says, "I have a map already. I just need to open it."
Teaspoon exclaims, "!"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. David has a full walkthrough of this game."
Jacqueline says, "That is true."
DavidW says, "The exit is east. You entered from the west."
Jacqueline says, "I feel like we shouldn't look at the map, but that if DW is here he can tell us how to get to and from places we've found."
Knight_Otu says, "I'll try to map as well just in case. Try."
Teaspoon exclaims, "onwards, then!"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Center of Volcano
Floyd | You stand in the center of a small community built inside a dormant
Floyd | volcano. High above you, the mouth of the volcano allows a view of the
Floyd | outside sky and the occasional birds in flight.A paved road runs from
Floyd | the southwest to the east and a small well-manicured park is to the
Floyd | south. A dirt path crosses the paved one from the north and goes to
Floyd | the southeast. To the west, stands a small granite building with a
Floyd | bronze plaque by its doorway.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x plaque"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PLAQUE
Floyd |
Floyd | The bronze sign shows wear from the elements, probably since it is
Floyd | directly under the volcano mouth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Nolava Odd Community
Floyd | Building Code #001
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon asks, "park?"
Knight_Otu says, "Sure."
Jacqueline says, "sure"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Library Lane                              Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Library Lane
Floyd | Quaint miniature pine trees line the path which runs south through a
Floyd | manicured park from the north. Nestled in the rocks to the southwest
Floyd | is a single-story building adorned with a bronze plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x trees"
Floyd ]  Library Lane                              Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X TREES
Floyd |
Floyd | Upon closer inspection, you find that the trees are all imitation
Floyd | plastic. Perhaps plantlife does not survive well down here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "SURPRISE"
Knight_Otu says, "If only it had continued raining."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Library
Floyd | The room is awash with natural light from several well-placed
Floyd | skylights in the ceiling. Row upon row of shelves fill the center of
Floyd | the library, although it seems that only one of the shelves has any
Floyd | literature upon it. The only exit is back out to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a massive tome sitting in the corner of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "But then we may have drowned."
Teaspoon exclaims, "another book!"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x tome"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X TOME
Floyd |
Floyd | The tome seems to be a reference book of some sort, with entries for
Floyd | various aspects of Papoosen and the Nolava Community.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, " we wanna read this or do we wanna map"
Jacqueline says, "OH YAY ANOTHER BOOK"
Knight_Otu says, "We can look up a few, I guess."
DavidW says, "This one is more like an encyclopedia where you look up topics like armadillos."
Jacqueline says, "I LOVE BOOKS"
Jacqueline laughs.
Teaspoon says, "I'm in for this"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "open tome"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > OPEN TOME
Floyd |
Floyd | You open up the massive tome.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are now in Book-Reading Mode. To look up a subject, type in the
Floyd | subject. To turn to a random page, type in RANDOM. To close the book,
Floyd | type STOP).
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "plaque"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PLAQUE
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't seem to find an entry for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Peregrine says, "engage Book-reading mode"
DavidW says, "all the residents and the King should have entries."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "armadillo"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Armadillos:
Floyd | In spite of its heavy coat of armor reaching from head to end of tail,
Floyd | the armadillo can swim. And because it can undergo considerable
Floyd | exertion for six minutes without breathing, it walks submerged across
Floyd | the bottom of small streams and ponds. The animal is normally
Floyd | solitary, although several of the same sex are sometimes found in one
Floyd | of the four or five burrows or ledge crevices which the average animal
Floyd | maintains.
Floyd |
Floyd | The home den contains a nest made of half a bushel of dry grass and
Floyd | leaves, while the other burrows serve as emergency shelters. The
Floyd | tunnels are only 10 to 15 feet long and generally have one entrance
Floyd | under a stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "leonine"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LEONINE
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Leonine 1/05:
Floyd | Leonine was the original Odd man and created the Community through
Floyd | hard work and a little magic. The self-appointed "Wizard of Odd", he
Floyd | is one of the last living members to remain and spends much of his
Floyd | time wandering through the community or inventing new magical spells.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "odd"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > ODD
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Nolava Odd Community 1/05:
Floyd | Our community, founded by Leonine, is a wonderful enclave of truly
Floyd | "odd" folk. Created to escape the absurdities of the common people up
Floyd | above, the Community is both an experiment in creative granite uses
Floyd | and habitation of a supposedly dormant volcano.
Floyd |
Floyd | It should be noted that the original nom de plume of the community was
Floyd | "Avalon". But because of intellectual property disputes with the
Floyd | Papoosen Legend Outfit, the more fitting "Nolava" was chosen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "papoosen"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PAPOOSEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Papoosen:
Floyd | The principal kingdom by default, since no other kingdoms have been
Floyd | discovered. Papoosen is run under a dictatorial monarchy in which the
Floyd | king gets anything he demands. All the people love and adore him.
Floyd |
Floyd | This entry looks to have been modified a good deal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "...really"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "king"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > KING
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | King Goosen:
Floyd | The grandiloquent benefactor of all that is serpiphical, may he live
Floyd | forever and grant his unboundable wisdom upon his heirs.
Floyd |
Floyd | This entry seems to have been modified.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "snort"
Knight_Otu says, "The king has agents down here."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "granite"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GRANITE
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Granite:
Floyd | A crystalline, granular rock, consisting of quartz, feldspar, and
Floyd | mica, and usually of a whitish, grayish, or flesh-red color. Quite
Floyd | abundant in the Community, and therefore used in many aspects of daily
Floyd | life, ranging from toothbrushes to pillows.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "quarry"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > QUARRY
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Stone Quarry:
Floyd | The stone quarry is the Odd Community's prime resource, a seemingly
Floyd | bottomless store of granite, which is useful in many building
Floyd | situations. It was this quarry that made the building of a community
Floyd | in the volcano a feasible option.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "madame"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > MADAME
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Madame Fou-llama and the Security Maze 1/07:
Floyd | Madame Fou-llama is a collector of fine antiques. She was the last Odd
Floyd | Community resident to move here, and her token-female-ish nature will
Floyd | no doubt allow this community to appeal to every gender of visitor.
Floyd | Leery of broom peddlers, Madame Fou-llama had a security maze
Floyd | constructed in front of her house which can only be passed by spelling
Floyd | out the owner's name without stopping in the middle. It is believed
Floyd | that Madame Fou-llama is still trapped in her estate, since the
Floyd | realization that her name can only be spelled out on the way INTO the
Floyd | maze. Madame Fou-llama is presumed to be alive, and resides with her
Floyd | butler, Mr. Amoshtuff.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "amoshtuff"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Butler Amoshtuff 1/07:
Floyd | This dashing young fellow is the personal servant of Madame Fou-llama.
Floyd | He resides in a small cottage on the Fou-llama estate, maintaining her
Floyd | home and preparing her seemingly inexhaustible supply of tea.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "poont"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > POONT
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Poont 5/05:
Floyd | Poont became the third member of the Odd Community and spent much of
Floyd | his time in the lab, experimenting with new technologies and magic. He
Floyd | passed away in a tragic mishap with his new experimental prototype.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "*blows trumpet*"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "finney"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > FINNEY
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Finney the Musician 1/05:
Floyd | Finney was the original companion of Leonine when the Nolava Community
Floyd | first took flight. A venerable xylophonist up above, he left Papoosen
Floyd | after a fledgling company gained a monopoly over all twenty-four major
Floyd | and minor scales, greatly limiting his musical vocabulary. Since then,
Floyd | Finney has done much research into the uses of granite in music and
Floyd | supported Ahtha's efforts at granite instruments. Sadly, Finney
Floyd | decided to move on when granite shipments from the quarry dried up on
Floyd | Ahtha's apparent demise. Finney was also known to dabble in sculpture
Floyd | work, but his work never reached the same artistic level as Snoobar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "ahtha"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > AHTHA
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Ahtha the Builder 1/05:
Floyd | Ahtha was hired by Leonine because of his reputation as a master
Floyd | stonesmith. A combination of his skill and others' magic allowed the
Floyd | quick construction of many structures in the Community. In his free
Floyd | time, the man ate Camelkian Toffees and experimented in new forms of
Floyd | granite shaping. Tragically, Ahtha is assumed to have perished in the
Floyd | quarry since nothing has been heard since then. Since Ahtha spent so
Floyd | much time there, the quarry was respectfully sealed off as his final
Floyd | resting place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says (to Floyd), "toffee"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > TOFFEE
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Camelkian Toffees:
Floyd | Considered a delicacy in some parts of Papoosen, these almond toffees
Floyd | are actually quite repulsive in taste, and rare is the fellow who can
Floyd | eat more than two at a time without feeling nauseated.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "oooooh so this place wasn't initially intended as a place for the king to throw people"
Knight_Otu asks, "As a guess, we could have found Ahtha's corpse?"
Teaspoon says, "but as a social commune"
DavidW says (to KO), "Yes."
Teaspoon says, "...that would be very sad"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "snoobar"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SNOOBAR
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Snoobar 7/06:
Floyd | Snoobar was the fifth member of the Odd Community. Distrustful of
Floyd | salesmen of all stripes, Snoobar commissioned an "uphill" hill to be
Floyd | built around his house. People who approach with intent to sell goods
Floyd | find that the journey to the door and back are both uphill - usually a
Floyd | good half mile at a sixty degree angle to the horizontal. Snoobar's
Floyd | purple house showed off his love of colour and it is said that he had
Floyd | a magical vault inside where he stored his art and other
Floyd | unmentionables. It has been presumed that Snoobar is currently locked
Floyd | up inside his house, the security measures too stringent for him to
Floyd | exit. The general consensus is that he misplaced his one-of-a-kind
Floyd | Doofa-certified key and can no longer open the front door. In the
Floyd | house of Snoobar is a giant purple vault to protect his valuables. As
Floyd | a trusted friend, Squiggy was given the means to open the vault
Floyd | although it did no good once Snoobar became locked in his house.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "I think 'x debris' in the platform/hole room would have revealed a skeleton and a note."
Teaspoon asks, "what did the note say?"
DavidW says, "My notes say it mentions a lost ring."
Knight_Otu says, "Ah."
Knight_Otu says, "Thanks."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "squiggy"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SQUIGGY
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Squiggy 1/06:
Floyd | The fourth member of the Odd Community, Squiggy was a master magician
Floyd | and lived in a tower in the elite section of the Odd Community. His
Floyd | tower had no doors or windows and Squiggy delighted in teleporting
Floyd | throughout the volcano. However, tragedy reared its frazzled head in
Floyd | 7/08 when Squiggy accidently teleported himself into the wall of his
Floyd | tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "'art and other unmentionables'"
DavidW says, "And you wouldn't've seen an entire skeleton, just the hand."
Teaspoon says, "aw"
Jacqueline says, "aw man"
Jacqueline says, "sad trumpet"
Roger says, "could we try looking up GRANITE"
Jacqueline sits back, waits for a giant granite entry.
Knight_Otu asks, "Didn't we?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "moilan"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > MOILAN
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Moilan:
Floyd | A guard who was hired to patrol the northern "elite" section of the
Floyd | Odd Community. He has an affinity for chocolate products of all kinds
Floyd | and protects his assigned gate with a single-mindedness that anyone
Floyd | can admire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "I did granite earlier, but you can read it again."
Jacqueline says, "Oh right. We did."
Roger says, "I haven't been glued to this window but don't rewind just for me"
Jacqueline says, "It wasn't as massive as one might think."
Jacqueline says, "It's fine."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "granite"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GRANITE
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Granite:
Floyd | A crystalline, granular rock, consisting of quartz, feldspar, and
Floyd | mica, and usually of a whitish, grayish, or flesh-red color. Quite
Floyd | abundant in the Community, and therefore used in many aspects of daily
Floyd | life, ranging from toothbrushes to pillows.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fudge"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > FUDGE
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fudge:
Floyd | A delicacy not often found in the Odd Community, but abundant on the
Floyd | surface.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Roger says, "thanks"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "bank"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > BANK
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Fifth Bank of Nolava 3/05:
Floyd | A wonder in modern architecture, this structure was built, not
Floyd | surprisingly, from granite. The bank houses a communal safe used by
Floyd | every resident of the Odd Community. This safe is protected by a
Floyd | devious trap! Amazingly few bank tellers have lost their lives,
Floyd | undoubtedly due to the fact that there never were any to begin with.
Floyd | This safe ended up being rarely used, since most Oddsmen found their
Floyd | own homes to be more secure than the bank. Poont and Leonine were both
Floyd | known to use the safe on occasion, although all of the first five
Floyd | Oddsmen had keys. By the time the widow entered the community, the
Floyd | bank had fallen into disuse.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "welcome"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "mullog"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > MULLOG
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Mullog:
Floyd | A scrawny little fellow who predates the Odd Community. Zoning battles
Floyd | were originally fought when the Construction Office was first
Floyd | established since rocks were mined directly from Mullog's subterranean
Floyd | lair. A compromise was reached when Mullog agreed to allow mining in
Floyd | exchange for a monthly supply of Camelkian Toffees.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu asks, "The "Fifth" Bank?"
DavidW says, "Spell Mullog backwards."
Teaspoon says, "wow"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline says, "Ever since Avalon I've been watching for those."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "library"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LIBRARY
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Library:
Floyd | The library was erected in 06 at the behest of both Finney and Poont,
Floyd | with the expectation that it would soon be filled with much
Floyd | literature. The passing years brought a single reference book and a
Floyd | box of Poont's pamphlets, mostly because Finney refused to share his
Floyd | private library of knowledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Oh. Was the ring Mullog's, then? (Don't answer that.)"
DavidW says, "oh, the pamphlets are on a shelf here."
Teaspoon says, "does it make us invisible"
Jacqueline says, "oooh"
Peregrine says, "my preciousss"
Teaspoon says, "ok, I think I looked up all the npcs"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x ben"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't seem to find an entry for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "ben"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > BEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't seem to find an entry for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "pretty sure that guard was named ben"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | This page seems to have been ripped out...
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Peregrine says, "hah"
Knight_Otu says, "Heh."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "gnome"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GNOME
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Lenny the Head Gnome 7/05:
Floyd | Hmm...this entry has been purged.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "figures"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "volcano"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > VOLCANO
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Volcano:
Floyd | Dormant for many years, the volcano sits in the center of the Kingdom
Floyd | of Papoosen. Orchestra Pit and the stone quarry can be found under its
Floyd | western face, and King Goosen's castle looks over the land from the
Floyd | south face. Some people have questioned the curious lack of volcanic
Floyd | rock within the volcano, and the reasoning behind it still isn't
Floyd | entirely understood. One noted scholar suggested that the inside of
Floyd | the volcano was completely granite to aid future playwrights with
Floyd | productions of events within the volcano. Since igneous rock was
Floyd | unnecessarily expensive, he reasoned, playwrights with fuzzibusters
Floyd | could easily write a drama on the events in the volcano. This theory
Floyd | was quickly dismissed when people realized that nothing interesting
Floyd | ever happened in the volcano.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "I have a list of topics. I think 'Doofa' has been mentioned once or twice by the other book."
Teaspoon says, "o"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "doofa"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DOOFA
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Doofa and Doofa-Certified Products:
Floyd | Doofa - a veritable genius of the last century. When Doofa entered the
Floyd | realm of commercial ventures, he saw men all around him scrambling for
Floyd | control and dominance in every market from clocks to toffees.
Floyd | Realizing he could never compete with such fierce competition, Doofa
Floyd | instead formed the Doofa Certification Board, a stringent one-person
Floyd | committee which requires "every product ever made and everything else"
Floyd | to be thoroughly inspected before distribution. His "monopoly on
Floyd | monopolies" has since earned him great wealth, and Doofa certification
Floyd | is a household term, even years after his death.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "clock"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > CLOCK
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Stebar Clocks:
Floyd | Contrary to popular belief, the Stebar business does not make clocks.
Floyd | In the initial monopoly rush, old man Stebar claimed a monopoly on the
Floyd | creation of all clocks in Papoosen. To protect it, he rounded up all
Floyd | the clockmakers and had them deported. Unfortunately for old man
Floyd | Stebar, no one on his staff knew how to make clocks. So in the
Floyd | meantime, Stebar Clocks has launched a massive advertising campaign,
Floyd | hoping that enough interest will be generated in Papoosen while his
Floyd | staff learns how to make clocks, a feat which is proceeding very
Floyd | slowly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "fuzzibuster"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fuzzibuster:
Floyd | A device invented by some anonymous young pre-monopoly worker many
Floyd | years past. It has the ability to make ordinary inexpensive materials
Floyd | resemble, to all outward appearances, granite. Its purposes are quite
Floyd | limited, although they are frequently in high demand by the Papoosen
Floyd | Legend Outfit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "I can see that being useful here"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "trumpet"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > TRUMPET
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Trumpet:
Floyd | The trumpet is a member of the brass family of instruments, in which
Floyd | sound is generated by buzzing lips (preferably your own) inside a
Floyd | mouthpiece. With the addition of three valves along the tubing, the
Floyd | trumpet has a wide range of pitches and is quite suitable as both a
Floyd | fanfaric and a balladic instrument.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "xylophone"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Xylophone:
Floyd | A percussion instrument consisting of a set of graduated, tuned wooden
Floyd | bars supported at nodal points and struck with padded mallets.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "opera"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > OPERA
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Opera Hall:
Floyd | At the urging of Finney, the Opera Hall was built in the Odd
Floyd | Community. Constructed from blue glass and other materials with solid
Floyd | acoustical properties, the hall reached a cultural highpoint with
Floyd | Finney's performance of "Finney's First Four Hundred Etudes".
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says (to Floyd), "neo-wonk"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NEO-WONK
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Neo-Wonk Art:
Floyd | Wonk refers to the movement of finding random assortments of pebbles
Floyd | along the side of the road and signing them, thus making them works of
Floyd | art. The movement came to an end at the height of its popularity when
Floyd | roads disappeared overnight from the efforts of zealous artists trying
Floyd | to monopolize the art. The Neo-Wonk movement allows artists to include
Floyd | random jumbles of any object, not just pebbles. This was decided in
Floyd | hopes that the roads of Papoosen would not disappear again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "very wise to be sure"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "monopoly"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > MONOPOLY
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Commerce in Papoosen:
Floyd | In times past, commerce in Papoosen was a free and open market. Then
Floyd | one day, a wagon wheel maker realized that she would have a much
Floyd | better chance at profits if she were the only wagon wheel maker in the
Floyd | business. Rather than take the time to actually corner the wheel
Floyd | market and create high quality parts, she instead opted to "register"
Floyd | her monopoly with the current king. As merchants realized how easy it
Floyd | could be to claim a monopoly without doing any more work than before,
Floyd | the rush was on. People claimed monopolies on almost everything
Floyd | imaginable, even things which they never even planned on selling.
Floyd | Things peaked when Doofa created his certification board and took the
Floyd | monopoly on monopolies. The rush ended soon after, with one minor
Floyd | consequence for the people of Papoosen. Due to a miscalculation by old
Floyd | man Stebar, no new clocks could be made and so the passing of time
Floyd | went out of vogue as the older clocks stopped working.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "bard"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > BARD
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't seem to find an entry for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "Timeless land."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "maze of dread"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Maze of Dread:
Floyd | This maze separates Snoobar's house from the rest of the community.
Floyd | Tales have been told of people entering and never returning, although
Floyd | most tales are probably tall, given the lack of visitors to the
Floyd | community.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "that's why it's still dawn I guess"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "random"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > RANDOM
Floyd |
Floyd | You flip to a random page...
Floyd |
Floyd | Volcano:
Floyd | Dormant for many years, the volcano sits in the center of the Kingdom
Floyd | of Papoosen. Orchestra Pit and the stone quarry can be found under its
Floyd | western face, and King Goosen's castle looks over the land from the
Floyd | south face. Some people have questioned the curious lack of volcanic
Floyd | rock within the volcano, and the reasoning behind it still isn't
Floyd | entirely understood. One noted scholar suggested that the inside of
Floyd | the volcano was completely granite to aid future playwrights with
Floyd | productions of events within the volcano. Since igneous rock was
Floyd | unnecessarily expensive, he reasoned, playwrights with fuzzibusters
Floyd | could easily write a drama on the events in the volcano. This theory
Floyd | was quickly dismissed when people realized that nothing interesting
Floyd | ever happened in the volcano.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "south plaza"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't seem to find an entry for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "Time in this game is like in Eric the Unready. You do something significant, the sun jumps ahead."
Teaspoon asks, "are we done with book?"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "plaza"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PLAZA
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't seem to find an entry for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "disaster"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DISASTER
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't seem to find an entry for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "You're mostly done, yes."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "random"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > RANDOM
Floyd |
Floyd | You flip to a random page...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fuzzibuster:
Floyd | A device invented by some anonymous young pre-monopoly worker many
Floyd | years past. It has the ability to make ordinary inexpensive materials
Floyd | resemble, to all outward appearances, granite. Its purposes are quite
Floyd | limited, although they are frequently in high demand by the Papoosen
Floyd | Legend Outfit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "legend"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LEGEND
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Papoosen Legend Outfit:
Floyd | This outfit is a traveling performance troupe which often reenacts
Floyd | historical scenes in the history of Papoosen. Since the coronation of
Floyd | King Goosen however, its memorable series of "Bartholomew the Daring
Floyd | Duck" pantomimes have been banned.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "There's more topics, but you can return later. Or 'random' them out, sure."
Roger goes home.
Roger has disconnected. Teaspoon says, "oh, that's why we got in trouble"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "duck"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUCK
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Ducks:
Floyd | Ducks are waterfowl not indigenous to the Greater Papoosen Area. Ever
Floyd | since the first King adopted a surname with the word "goose" in it,
Floyd | the popularity of ducks has declined remarkably. Before all the ducks
Floyd | were rounded up and bundled off to Jahoosa, there were two types found
Floyd | in the wild. The "White Duck" so called because it was white was often
Floyd | used by sport fisherman to catch various types of fish. The "Yellow
Floyd | Duck", so called because of its reddish-brown wings used to be a
Floyd | common sight in towns where they were trained to hunt rats.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Roger arrives, full of fun and funk.
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "jahoosa"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > JAHOOSA
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Jahoosa:
Floyd | Jahoosa is a small town on the outskirts of Papoosen. Recently, waves
Floyd | of displaced ducks have taken over this quiet little town, making most
Floyd | of the townspeople stay indoors. Exportation of fertilizer has
Floyd | increased tenfold, however.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "bear"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > BEAR
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Bears:
Floyd | Grizzly bear dens are usually found within the mountains, at
Floyd | elevations around 7300 feet. In this region, there is typically high
Floyd | precipitation and snowfall, and the growing season is brief. A natural
Floyd | chamber such as a cave or hollow tree may once in a while be used as a
Floyd | bear den, however, grizzlies almost always dig their own dens.
Floyd |
Floyd | Dens are usually dug horizontally into slopes, where the bear flings
Floyd | an incredible shower of rock and rubble out between its legs and down
Floyd | the mountainside. Each den contains a tunnel and a chamber, the
Floyd | chamber is larger in height and width than the tunnel. The chamber of
Floyd | most dens are shallow cup-shaped beds, lined with fir boughs, grass or
Floyd | small twigs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "fourth"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOURTH
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't seem to find an entry for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says, "oh well"
Teaspoon asks, "shall we look for those pamphlets?"
Jacqueline says, "Sure"
Knight_Otu says, "Let's."
DavidW says, "STOP to stop read mode."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "STOP"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > STOP
Floyd |
Floyd | You close the tome.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Library
Floyd | The room is awash with natural light from several well-placed
Floyd | skylights in the ceiling. Row upon row of shelves fill the center of
Floyd | the library, although it seems that only one of the shelves has any
Floyd | literature upon it. The only exit is back out to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a massive tome sitting in the corner of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x shelf"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SHELF
Floyd |
Floyd | The center bookshelf has a display box which contains several hundred
Floyd | copies of an informational pamphlet entitled "A Timeline of the Nolava
Floyd | Odd Community, by Poont". Apparently they aren't in high demand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "take pamphlet"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You take a pamphlet from the box.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "read pamphlet"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | (the Timeline pamphlet)
Floyd | by Poont
Floyd | The pamphlet seems to be divided up by year, with sections for 05, 06,
Floyd | 07, and 08.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are now in Book-Reading Mode. To read about a specific year in
Floyd | the pamphlet, just type in the year. To close the pamphlet, type
Floyd | STOP).
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "05"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 05
Floyd |
Floyd | You skim through the pamphlet searching for that year...
Floyd |
Floyd | * 1/05: Leonine, our illustrious founding father has the brilliant
Floyd | idea to create a community of odd folk at the bottom of a dormant
Floyd | volcano in Papoosen.
Floyd | * 1/05: Ahtha, the illustrious builder is sent into the volcano to
Floyd | prepare for the coming of our grandiose community. He immediately sets
Floyd | to work mining the main resource - granite.
Floyd | * 1/05: Once the tunnel up to the surface has been completed, Leonine
Floyd | makes the journey into the underground, accompanied by his friend and
Floyd | fellow Oddsman, Finney, the illustrious musician.
Floyd | * 2/05: A terrible rainstorm occured, nearly flooding the fledgling
Floyd | community before draining measures were implemented. The first
Floyd | hardship successfully faced by the illustrious Oddsmen!
Floyd | * 2/05: The magnificent South Plaza was created, for all our
Floyd | entertainment and festive needs.
Floyd | * 3/05: The Fifth Bank of Nolava is constructed. Although it was
Floyd | actually the first bank, it was christened "Fifth" to be...well...
Floyd | Odd.
Floyd | * 5/05: The third Oddsman, myself, joined the Odd Community. For those
Floyd | laymen unfamiliar with me, I am Poont, illustrious experimenter!
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Knight_Otu says, "They were quite optimistic about the eventual sizeof their commune."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "06"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 06
Floyd |
Floyd | You skim through the pamphlet searching for that year...
Floyd |
Floyd | * 1/06: After a long wait, the fourth Oddsman joined our illustrious
Floyd | community. He was Squiggy, a master of magic, much like Leonine.
Floyd | * 7/06: Snoobar, the illustrious artist, became the fifth Oddsman, and
Floyd | a welcome addition he was!
Floyd | * 9/06: With the backing of myself and my illustrious compatriot,
Floyd | Finney, this magnificent library was created.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), " 07"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | >  07
Floyd |
Floyd | You skim through the pamphlet searching for that year...
Floyd |
Floyd | * 1/07: The sixth Oddsman, and first lady of Nolava came to join our
Floyd | illustrious group. She was Madame Fou-llama, a collector of fine
Floyd | antiques.
Floyd | * 4/07: To show our deep appreciation for the arts, we have made a
Floyd | fine and beautiful Opera Hall.
Floyd | * 4/07: The second disaster struck! But our illustrious group never
Floyd | gave ground for an instant. The area where South Plaza once stood is
Floyd | naught but a massive mountain of granite rubble after a major quake
Floyd | shook the volcano.
Floyd | * 8/07: The decision was made to seal ourselves off from the outside
Floyd | world for good, because of problems with Papoosen guards and rummer
Floyd | salesmen. The illustrious Snoobar was given the door for safekeeping
Floyd | and the illustrious Finney was given the key.
Floyd | * 9/07: Poor illustrious Ahtha vanished without a trace in the quarry.
Floyd | After several weeks went by without word, the decision was made to
Floyd | seal off the Construction Office.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Jacqueline says, "wow. Even the pamphlet has book reading mode."
Teaspoon says, "we should look up rummer"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "08"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > 08
Floyd |
Floyd | You skim through the pamphlet searching for that year...
Floyd |
Floyd | * 1/08: Bored with his surroundings and lacking anyone to mine granite
Floyd | for new instruments, Finney decided to part with our company. He shall
Floyd | be missed...
Floyd | * 3/08: Snoobar has been locked in his purple house for five months
Floyd | now without word, and no one can get in to check up on the illustrious
Floyd | fellow. We shall hope for the best but assume the worst. He shall be
Floyd | missed...
Floyd | * 7/08: It would seem that Squiggy passed away yesterday. Because his
Floyd | tower has a door which doesn't open from the outside, he routinely
Floyd | teleports in. But he miscalculated somehow, and is now permanently
Floyd | part of the tower walls. He shall be missed...
Floyd | * 9/08: Our merry community is now down to three, and yet Madame
Floyd | Fou-llama has not been heard from since she erected her inescapable
Floyd | security maze. I worry for the future, but Leonine is quite chipper.
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "STOP"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > STOP
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the pamphlet away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x tome"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X TOME
Floyd |
Floyd | The tome seems to be a reference book of some sort, with entries for
Floyd | various aspects of Papoosen and the Nolava Community.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "rummer"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > RUMMER
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "read tome"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > READ TOME
Floyd |
Floyd | You open up the massive tome.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are now in Book-Reading Mode. To look up a subject, type in the
Floyd | subject. To turn to a random page, type in RANDOM. To close the book,
Floyd | type STOP).
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "rummer"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > RUMMER
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book looking for an entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | Rummer:
Floyd | A large drinking glass. A loose conglomerate of salesmen own the
Floyd | selling monopoly on all rummers in Papoosen. They go to great lengths
Floyd | to market their product, using techniques such as kidnapping pets in
Floyd | exchange for rummer sales. The most recent marketing slogan for
Floyd | rummers is "Rummers: They're great to drink from! Buy now, or we'll
Floyd | come visit your home and make you buy one."
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
DavidW says, "look up rummer in tome"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "STOP"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > STOP
Floyd |
Floyd | You close the tome.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You don't *have* to enter read mode."
Teaspoon says, "oh, that's nice"
Teaspoon exclaims, "well, I think we've read al the literature in the place!"
Knight_Otu says, "Good to know."
Teaspoon says, "yay us"
Jacqueline asks, "I'm headed out in 10, so maybe we just pause?"
Jacqueline asks, "For the week?"
DavidW says, "You've read the majority of written texts in the game."
Teaspoon says, "suits me"
Knight_Otu says, "Sure, we can stop here."
Teaspoon says, "I'm probably off shortly also"
DavidW says, "Please play the trumpet once!"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "play trumpet"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You raise the trumpet to your lips and tentatively play the first few
Floyd | notes of "Ode to a Duck". The notes seem to come easily under your
Floyd | fingers and you definitely sound better than you ever have before. But
Floyd | most surprisingly, the end of the song is coupled with the appearance
Floyd | of a white duck!
Floyd |
Floyd | The duck flaps up to the bookshelf.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "play trumpet"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The melody from "Ode to a Duck" echoes through the air but nothing
Floyd | happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x duck"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DUCK
Floyd |
Floyd | It is a little white duck with no distinguishing features.
Floyd |
Floyd | The duck hops off the shelf.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "pet duck"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PET DUCK
Floyd |
Floyd | The duck cautiously allows itself to be pet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The duck quacks loudly, and then hangs its head ashamedly after
Floyd | realizing where it is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "...I think we can freak out the king pretty well with this duck"
Knight_Otu says, "Heh."
Teaspoon says, "it'll be awesome"
Teaspoon asks, "shall we save here then?"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "save"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
DavidW says, "The trumpet magic is weak at first, but as you gain points, your skill improves too. Just like in Enchanter."
Teaspoon says, "oh so we can summon a FLOCK of ducks"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "cfa4_trumpet"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7             Dawn
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "groovy"
DavidW says, "I mean, sometimes your magic fails."
Jacqueline says, "Thanks, folks."
Teaspoon exclaims, "same!"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Thanks all!"
Peregrine says, "Nightnight"
Teaspoon disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. Roger says, "the duck abides"
Roger disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. Knight_Otu says, "Stay safe, and good night."
DavidW says, "thanks all"
*** SESSION 2 ***
Jacqueline says, "So, a year ago when we played this... I know it was just last week, but such a long week..."
Jacqueline says (to Peregrine), "We're in the ClubHouse"
Peregrine has arrived.
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Library
Floyd | The room is awash with natural light from several well-placed
Floyd | skylights in the ceiling. Row upon row of shelves fill the center
Floyd | of
Floyd | the library, although it seems that only one of the shelves has any
Floyd | literature upon it. The only exit is back out to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a small duck standing here, looking content.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a massive tome sitting in the corner of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | The duck waddles about, exploring its surroundings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Peregrine says, "The duck makes this the best game."
Knight_Otu says, "It's weird, it feels like the days are taking longer to pass, but the weeks go by quickly."
DavidW says (to Knight), "yeah"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x duck"
Floyd ]  Library                                   Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DUCK
Floyd |
Floyd | It is a little white duck with no distinguishing features.
Floyd |
Floyd | The duck squats down on the ground and closes its eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks (of Jacq), "Just making sure, my reply mail arrived?"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "Oh. Yes, yes it did. Thanks for the reminder."
Knight_Otu says, "Got it."
Jacqueline says, "So, last week we learned all about the people who have come and the things that were built."
Jacqueline asks, "And we are still trapped and this is mostly about escape?"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah, we were on a journal spree."
Jacqueline says, "RIght"
Jacqueline says, "so... now what"
Jacqueline asks, "?"
Knight_Otu says, "I guess we are trapped. With a few people wary of strangers."
Knight_Otu says, "I guess we explore a bit."
DavidW says, "I think you've read stuff. I'd go find Leonine's house and Finley's house. Or the mess hall. Or the Opera House."
Iria says, "Late again. Blame it on numerous factors."
Jacqueline asks (of iria), "Do you have a ClubHouse pass?"
Jacqueline asks, "er, have I added you to the room?"
Knight_Otu says (to Iria), "Actually we're starting."
Jacqueline says, "I need to make passes. No one has a pass yet."
Iria asks, "How do I get a pass?"
Jacqueline says, "I just whispered to you."
Jacqueline says, "Okay, now type CLUBHOUSE"
Iria has arrived.
Peregrine says, "welcome to the clubhouse"
Iria says, "Thanks"
Peregrine says, "we have a wide range of clubs. Some date back to the Cro-Magnon era."
Jacqueline says, "snrk"
Peregrine says, "we also have clubs with spikes, truncheons, wiffle bats..." Jacqueline asks, "Okay. On channel and on task now... where to?"
Jacqueline says, "And who's driving? As usual, I would prefer to not be it."
DavidW asks, "I think the exit is east or northeast?"
Knight_Otu says, "I guess if I'm already mapping a bit."
Knight_Otu says, "Northeast according to my map."
Jacqueline hugs Knight.
Peregrine says, "aww"
Knight_Otu says, "Unless Teaspoon wants to drive again. They've just connected."
Jacqueline says, "Oh. Hey, hey. Tsp"
Teaspoon says, "not today"
Jacqueline says, "aww"
Teaspoon says, "testing a new client"
Jacqueline says, "Not at all, or just not driving - ah, okay"
Knight_Otu asks, "We're in the clubhouse, by the way. I'm not sure if you were already added?"
Teaspoon says, "it seems to work but I haven't worked out the bugs"
Teaspoon has arrived. Knight_Otu says, "Cool."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Library Lane                              Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Library Lane
Floyd | Quaint miniature pine trees line the path which runs south through
Floyd | a
Floyd | manicured park from the north. Nestled in the rocks to the
Floyd | southwest
Floyd | is a single-story building adorned with a bronze plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Library Lane                              Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a Timeline pamphlet
Floyd |   a trumpet
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "Will the duck poof away at some point?"
DavidW says, "No. You can resummon it, though, you your location."
Knight_Otu says, "Also, we didn't pick up that other book with the building codes. We may want that."
Knight_Otu says, "Thanks, David."
Roger has arrived.
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Center of Volcano
Floyd | You stand in the center of a small community built inside a dormant
Floyd | volcano. High above you, the mouth of the volcano allows a view of
Floyd | the
Floyd | outside sky and the occasional birds in flight.A paved road runs
Floyd | from
Floyd | the southwest to the east and a small well-manicured park is to the
Floyd | south. A dirt path crosses the paved one from the north and goes to
Floyd | the southeast. To the west, stands a small granite building with a
Floyd | bronze plaque by its doorway.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x birds"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BIRDS
Floyd |
Floyd | The occasional bird flies through the sky outside the volcano.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Peregrine says, "ah, the jolly roger still flies" Jacqueline says, "Aw man. Freedom."
Jacqueline says, "Those birds are free."
Knight_Otu says, "f grow wings"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
DavidW says, "Learn more magic."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Construction Office
Floyd | This room consists of little more than a large stone counter before
Floyd | a
Floyd | doorway to the east. Behind the counter hangs an aged banner
Floyd | proclaiming, "Nolava Odd Community Construction Office". Beneath
Floyd | the
Floyd | banner someone has affixed a small day calendar. To the west, a
Floyd | dusty
Floyd | incline leads up into the quarry.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the counter is a Building Codes manual.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Peregrine says, "we'll have to wing it"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get manual"
Floyd ]  Construction Office                       Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Heh."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Center of Volcano
Floyd | You stand in the center of a small community built inside a dormant
Floyd | volcano. High above you, the mouth of the volcano allows a view of
Floyd | the
Floyd | outside sky and the occasional birds in flight.A paved road runs
Floyd | from
Floyd | the southwest to the east and a small well-manicured park is to the
Floyd | south. A dirt path crosses the paved one from the north and goes to
Floyd | the southeast. To the west, stands a small granite building with a
Floyd | bronze plaque by its doorway.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Peregrine says, "now I'm imagining the grass coated in pink nail polish"
Peregrine says, "'well-manicured park'"
Knight_Otu says, "I think we have four paths here. North, east, southwest, southeast."
Jacqueline says, "ah. I was trying to figure that out."
Knight_Otu asks, "Any preferences?"
Jacqueline says, "(The pink nail polish thing, I mean)"
Teaspoon says, "north"
DavidW says, "They're all good at this point."
Peregrine says, "Have we look at the plaque"
Peregrine says, "*looked"
Knight_Otu says, "f x plague"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x plague"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PLAGUE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Oops."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x plaque"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PLAQUE
Floyd |
Floyd | The bronze sign shows wear from the elements, probably since it is
Floyd | directly under the volcano mouth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Nolava Odd Community
Floyd | Building Code #001
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Freudian slip much?"
Peregrine says, "[Insert COVID-19 joke here]"
Knight_Otu says, "Apparently."
Knight_Otu says, "Double oops there by me."
Jacqueline says, "hahaha haha ha hawwwwwwwww"
Knight_Otu says, "Anyway, the plaques hold building codes that we can look up in the manual."
Peregrine says, "Must have been hard to construct the construction office without having a construction office."
Teaspoon says, "hah"
Jacqueline says (to P), "Very meta"
Knight_Otu says, "Chicken and egg situation."
Peregrine says (to Jacqueline), "I meta joke on the way to the punchline."
Knight_Otu says, "Oww."
Teaspoon says, "book I"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Teaspoon says, "oh boo, an auto correct"
Teaspoon says, "joy"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 1 in manual"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #001 Nolava Construction Office: 1-N-05, Created from the Ploog
Floyd | Fund
Floyd | for the mining of granite and other materials beneath the ground.
Floyd | Ran
Floyd | into a few zoning problems with Mullog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "So we go north."
Jacqueline says, "Oh gosh. How could I have forgotten all the gran-- I guess I took the granite for granted."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Mess Hall                                 Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The dirt path meanders through odd rock formations before leading
Floyd | you
Floyd | to a Mess Hall...
Floyd |
Floyd | Mess Hall
Floyd | You are standing in a long room, empty except for a wooden table in
Floyd | the center. Doorways lead back out to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a fudge brownie and an empty metal cup.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Peregrine says, "heh"
Teaspoon says, "there's enough of it"
Knight_Otu says, "The granite is gonna be ba-salty."
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "And I was being so good at not using that joke this session."
Jacqueline says, "See, I literally had forgotten about the granite."
Peregrine says, "Talk about going against the grain-nite"
Jacqueline says, "Then as I typed that, I Knew someone would use the opportunity to make a joke."
Jacqueline says, "So I just preempted it."
Jacqueline says, "I think I did the right thing."
Peregrine says, "Jacq is a rock."
DavidW says, "Let's see if you guys do the right thing here."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
Floyd ]  Mess Hall                                 Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X TABLE
Floyd |
Floyd | The table is fairly plain, with benches attached on either side. On
Floyd | the table you see a fudge brownie and an empty metal cup.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon teleports home to the sound of tortured piano strings.
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x benches"
Floyd ]  Mess Hall                                 Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BENCHES
Floyd |
Floyd | The table is fairly plain, with benches attached on either side. On
Floyd | the table you see a fudge brownie and an empty metal cup.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x brownie"
Floyd ]  Mess Hall                                 Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BROWNIE
Floyd |
Floyd | The brownie doesn't look more than a day-old. It probably hasn't
Floyd | been
Floyd | here long.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Peregrine says, "It's the Holy Grail! And a brownie."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x cup"
Floyd ]  Mess Hall                                 Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CUP
Floyd |
Floyd | The cup has its share of dents and scratches from accumulated use.
Floyd | It
Floyd | looks big enough to hold several fifths of liquid, but thankfully,
Floyd | any
Floyd | obscure jokes about parallel fifths have been omitted.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "oh dear"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf1"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Mess Hall                                 Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "eat brownie"
Floyd ]  Mess Hall                                 Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | As you reach for the brownie, a voice rings out over your shoulder.
Floyd | "Hurr hurr! You be getting away from moi' brownie, thief!" A short
Floyd | bearded man in a helmet charges into the room and snatches the
Floyd | brownie
Floyd | off the counter, popping it into his mouth with great relish.
Floyd | "Mmmmm,
Floyd | fudge." He glares at you. "You be staying offa moi' lunch, you hear
Floyd | me? Hurr!" He stalks away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "gosh"
Knight_Otu says, "We may want to undo that for now."
DavidW says, "Actually, no."
Knight_Otu says, "Oh."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get cup"
Floyd ]  Mess Hall                                 Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET CUP
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "No Cup-snatching level up?"
DavidW says, "The library book told you they hired a guard to protect the gate that protects the protected bank, and the guy loves his fudge."
Knight_Otu says, "It did, I guess."
DavidW says, "You can go north and see the gate and talk to him if you like. No rush."
Knight_Otu says, "I was about to ask if we should go further north."
Jacqueline says, "I'm good with whatever."
Knight_Otu says, "We do seem to be done here for now."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | North Gate
Floyd | A long granite wall surrounds the more elite section of the Odd
Floyd | Community. To the northwest, a massive gate has been erected to
Floyd | keep
Floyd | out rummer salesmen. The mess hall is south of here, and a small
Floyd | stone
Floyd | hut sits by the gate forlornly.
Floyd |
Floyd | A helmeted guard with a spear is here, standing at attention by the
Floyd | gate. The guard tips his helmet to you. "G'day traveler! Hurr, I be
Floyd | Moilan, and I'm in charge o' this gate before ya."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Ah. Hence the 'moi' bit?"
DavidW asks, "hm?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "talkto moilan"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to moilan"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You'll have to specify what you want to say.
Floyd |
Floyd | The guard adjusts his helmet and straightens out his uniform.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about gate"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "This 'ere be moi post! I can't let you in the gate without an
Floyd | invitation from Squiggy or Poont." Moilan chuckles. "Pretty 'ard
Floyd | considering they're dead."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about him"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Moilan shrugs. "I don't know aboot that, so it must not be too
Floyd | important."
Floyd |
Floyd | The guard adjusts his helmet and straightens out his uniform.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to DW), "When he stole the brownie he said 'You be getting away from moi' brownie,' and 'You be staying offa moi' lunch'"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about moilan"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Moilan hits his chest with a fist. "That be me! Moilan at yer
Floyd | service."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, I see."
Jacqueline says, "And I was trying to figure out if that was his accent or what."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about squiggy"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Moilan nods. "Squiggy lived up in this end o' Nolava. 'e teleported
Floyd | into a wall one day, and we never heard aboot him since then."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about poont"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Poont lived past this gate. Blew up though." Moilan tries not to
Floyd | laugh. "Sad indeed, but kinda funny. Hurr!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Peregrine asks, "Hm, if we ask him multiple times about himself, will he eventually knock himself out by punching his own chest?"
DavidW says, "Never tried that."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about moilan"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Moilan hits his chest with a fist. "That be me! Moilan at yer
Floyd | service."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about moilan"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Moilan hits his chest with a fist. "That be me! Moilan at yer
Floyd | service."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about moilan"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Moilan hits his chest with a fist. "That be me! Moilan at yer
Floyd | service."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "I suspect no."
DavidW says, "Seriously, that won't work."
Peregrine says, "I didn't think it would."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about leonine"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Hurr, Leonine is a funny old man... he's the only one I ever see
Floyd | down
Floyd | here anymore. Sometimes he brings me food!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I don't think that'll work, but that's one of the reasons I like playing with y'all. I would never think to even try that."
DavidW says, "I like the thinking, though."
DavidW says, "yeah, ditto what Jacqueline said"
Peregrine..DavidW Maybe I will make a puzzle game where you have to take advantage of the mechanical behavior of the NPCs Peregrine says (to DavidW), "Maybe I will make a puzzle game where you have to take advantage of the mechanical behavior of the NPCs"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about fudge"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Ahh, fudge! It be moi favourite treat...although it gets harder to
Floyd | find down in this 'ere volcano."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Peregrine), "I'm sure that *has* been done, but I don't remember a specific example."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ask moilan about nolava"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "You be standin' in it, ya loon!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Nice guy, this one."
Knight_Otu says, "Doesn't mean I know anything about it, Moilan."
Jacqueline asks, "What if *we* hit his chest?"
Jacqueline says, "(Kidding)"
DavidW says, "oh, he's a nice guy, yes. But he's also a guard, so he'll get his just desserts."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x stone"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X STONE
Floyd |
Floyd | The hut lacks the grandiloquence of the gate which it stands next
Floyd | too.
Floyd | There are no windows, just a plain wooden door on the front.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | The hut lacks the grandiloquence of the gate which it stands next
Floyd | too.
Floyd | There are no windows, just a plain wooden door on the front.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to DW), "He already got our dessert."
Peregrine says, "aw"
DavidW says, "Maybe there's more."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | North Gate
Floyd | A long granite wall surrounds the more elite section of the Odd
Floyd | Community. To the northwest, a massive gate has been erected to
Floyd | keep
Floyd | out rummer salesmen. The mess hall is south of here, and a small
Floyd | stone
Floyd | hut sits by the gate forlornly.
Floyd |
Floyd | Moilan is here, standing at attention by the gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | The guard adjusts his helmet and straightens out his uniform.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Peregrine exclaims, "We will acquire ALL the desserts!"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "in"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | The mess hall is south and a gate lies to the northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "enter hut"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > ENTER HUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the stone hut or the bronze plaque on hut?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "stone"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > STONE
Floyd |
Floyd | The guard waves you away. "Hurr! Offa me hoose, ya loon!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Okay, okay."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x plaque"
Floyd ]  North Gate                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PLAQUE
Floyd |
Floyd | The plaque resembles others scattered throughout the community.
Floyd |
Floyd | Nolava Odd Community
Floyd | Building Code #048
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "I think we're mostly done here for now."
DavidW says, "mmhm"
Knight_Otu says, "(We'll be back, of course.)"
DavidW says, "Go a different direction from the center of the volcano, I guess."
DavidW says (to Knight), "Of course."
Knight_Otu says, "That was the plan, yes."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Mess Hall                                 Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Mess Hall
Floyd | You are standing in a long room, empty except for a wooden table in
Floyd | the center. Doorways lead back out to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You follow the dirt path back to the center of the community...
Floyd |
Floyd | Center of Volcano
Floyd | You stand in the center of a small community built inside a dormant
Floyd | volcano. High above you, the mouth of the volcano allows a view of
Floyd | the
Floyd | outside sky and the occasional birds in flight.A paved road runs
Floyd | from
Floyd | the southwest to the east and a small well-manicured park is to the
Floyd | south. A dirt path crosses the paved one from the north and goes to
Floyd | the southeast. To the west, stands a small granite building with a
Floyd | bronze plaque by its doorway.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sunlight peeks past the clouds to shine into the volcano.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Still dawn."
Knight_Otu says, "So we still have southeast, southwest, and east, if I mapped correctly."
DavidW says, "Sounds right."
Knight_Otu asks, "Any preferences?"
Jacqueline asks, "e?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Courtyard
Floyd | The western path ends between a granite wall to the north and a
Floyd | two-story building to the east. A tasteful granite arch to the
Floyd | northeast leads into a courtyard which resembles a giant grassy
Floyd | checkerboard. The capstone of the archway bears a small bronze
Floyd | plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "you gotta visit it all eventually."
Jacqueline says, "Hm. A few things to check out here."
Knight_Otu says, "Sure, but we can't be in three rooms at once."
DavidW says, "It's so nice that the plaques tell you what you're in for."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x plaque"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PLAQUE
Floyd |
Floyd | The bronze sign seems fairly new, showing no signs of weather
Floyd | deterioration.
Floyd |
Floyd | Nolava Odd Community
Floyd | Building Code #113
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "That's the lady's maze I guess?"
DavidW says, "Yes"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 113 in manual"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK UP 113 IN MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #113 Security Maze: 9-R-07, Created as a result of Madame
Floyd | Fou-llama's
Floyd | distrust of visitors and broom peddlers. May cause problems with
Floyd | Code
Floyd | #114.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "arch"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > ARCH
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x arch"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ARCH
Floyd |
Floyd | Like many of the structures in the volcano, the archway in the wall
Floyd | is
Floyd | made from granite. In this case, finely-cut granite has been used
Floyd | in
Floyd | place of brick to form a corbeled arch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x building"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BUILDING
Floyd |
Floyd | The building is constructed from some sort of blue glass, and
Floyd | probably
Floyd | shines brilliantly on days when the sun shines through the volcano
Floyd | opening. Over the entrance to the east, you see:
Floyd |
Floyd | Nolava Odd Community
Floyd | Building Code #101
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline goes to look up 'corbeled'
Jacqueline says, "Dammit. Not initially helpful, dictionary... [adj] (of a structure) supported on corbels."
Knight_Otu says, "I got sent from Alternate spelling of corbelled to having corbels to actual corbels."
DavidW says, "Next, on Stephen Corbel,...."
Jacqueline says, "Ah. Okay. I've seen a picture now."
Knight_Otu says, "I'm not quite sure I can visualize what the arch looks like from what I'm seeing, but maybe..."
DavidW says, "If you do go in the maze, please save first."
Knight_Otu says, "Right, like we're going into a maze deliberately at this point."
Jacqueline says (to KO), "[LINK]"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "heehee"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Courtyard
Floyd | The western path ends between a granite wall to the north and a
Floyd | two-story building to the east. A tasteful granite arch to the
Floyd | northeast leads into a courtyard which resembles a giant grassy
Floyd | checkerboard. The capstone of the archway bears a small bronze
Floyd | plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I've seen this group do more crazy things than head into a maze without prep."
Knight_Otu says, "Picture seems to take a long time to load on my end."
Jacqueline says, "oh"
Jacqueline says, "darn"
Knight_Otu says (to David), "I mean it's true, but still."
Knight_Otu says, "There it is."
DavidW says, "In the corbel arch, the bricks are all lying flat as in most walls."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah, seeing it now."
Knight_Otu says, "Thanks."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x wall"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WALL
Floyd |
Floyd | The wall is made of smooth grey granite. It seems fairly new, in
Floyd | respect to other works of architecture you have seen down here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "push wall"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PUSH WALL
Floyd |
Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Makes sense. Fou-llama was the last to arrive."
Knight_Otu says, "True, but from the manual, there was still quite some time before the builder died."
Knight_Otu says, "To the opera? Let's hope it doesn't have another opera pit though."
DavidW says, "It's safe."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Opera Hall
Floyd | Every step you take serves to showcase the wonderful acoustics in
Floyd | this
Floyd | building. The ceiling is a full two stories above you and the room
Floyd | is
Floyd | brighter than normal because of its blue glass walls. Beyond the
Floyd | seats, you see a small semicircular stage with a xylophone.
Floyd |
Floyd | Next to the xylophone sits a monstrous leather-bound book mounted
Floyd | on a
Floyd | stand, open to a page in the middle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "oooh"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x book"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | (the practice book)
Floyd | Across the top of each page, the title has been printed in small
Floyd | fancy
Floyd | letters: "The Well-Tampered Xylophone - A Collection of
Floyd | Twelve-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Seventy-Four Etudes in Each of
Floyd | Twenty-Five
Floyd | Major and Minor Keys". The current page looks to be fairly
Floyd | difficult,
Floyd | especially for a non-keyboardist like yourself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I forget this book, but I bet you can't carry this one."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "read it"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Across the top of each page, the title has been printed in small
Floyd | fancy
Floyd | letters: "The Well-Tampered Xylophone - A Collection of
Floyd | Twelve-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Seventy-Four Etudes in Each of
Floyd | Twenty-Five
Floyd | Major and Minor Keys". The current page looks to be fairly
Floyd | difficult,
Floyd | especially for a non-keyboardist like yourself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Peregrine says, "Haha, a parody of the Well-Tempered Clavier"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x xylophone"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The xylophone seems to be constructed from baleens. It is highly
Floyd | polished and there are a pair of mallets hanging off the side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x mallets"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MALLETS
Floyd |
Floyd | The xylophone seems to be constructed from baleens. It is highly
Floyd | polished and there are a pair of mallets hanging off the side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "play xylophone"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the mallets and play a fairly decent scale.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "play trumpet"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | As soon as you have finished "Ode to a Duck", a duck appears in
Floyd | front
Floyd | of you.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Quack!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "play xylophone"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the mallets and play a fairly decent scale.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Quack!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "hunh"
Jacqueline says, "QUACK"
Jacqueline says, "There was a duck outside my window, and he sounded like he was laughing. It made me smile."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "duck, play xylophone"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The duck just blinks and continues looking around.
Floyd |
Floyd | In a cloud of dust, the duck flaps into the air and leaves the
Floyd | room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "read practice"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Across the top of each page, the title has been printed in small
Floyd | fancy
Floyd | letters: "The Well-Tampered Xylophone - A Collection of
Floyd | Twelve-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Seventy-Four Etudes in Each of
Floyd | Twenty-Five
Floyd | Major and Minor Keys". The current page looks to be fairly
Floyd | difficult,
Floyd | especially for a non-keyboardist like yourself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "close book"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > CLOSE BOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | (the practice book)
Floyd | You have a feeling that if you closed the book, you'd never be able
Floyd | to
Floyd | open it again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET IT
Floyd |
Floyd | It would take a horse and cart to even consider moving that book.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Knight_Otu asks, "Finney was the orchestra master, I believe? Was he a giant?"
DavidW says, "He's a normal dude."
DavidW says, "well, normal for the Odd Community."
Knight_Otu says, "I guess we are a scrawny bard then."
DavidW says, "It's weird you guys keep saying 'bard'. The game never uses that term."
Knight_Otu says, "True, true."
Knight_Otu says, "It's shorter than musician or trumpeteer though."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x ceiling"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CEILING
Floyd |
Floyd | The ceiling has been designed for maximum acoustical effect.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x walls"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WALLS
Floyd |
Floyd | The walls of the building are made of some sort bluish glass. Light
Floyd | shines through freely.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x seats"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SEATS
Floyd |
Floyd | Despite the grandeur of the opera hall, there are only enough seats
Floyd | for twelve people. This is, after all, a very small community.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "And the twelve seats were overshooting it."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Opera Hall
Floyd | Every step you take serves to showcase the wonderful acoustics in
Floyd | this
Floyd | building. The ceiling is a full two stories above you and the room
Floyd | is
Floyd | brighter than normal because of its blue glass walls. Beyond the
Floyd | seats, you see a small semicircular stage with a xylophone.
Floyd |
Floyd | Next to the xylophone sits a monstrous leather-bound book mounted
Floyd | on a
Floyd | stand, open to a page in the middle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get xylophone"
Floyd ]  Opera Hall                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The xylophone is too big to be porting about and there are no
Floyd | wheels
Floyd | to roll it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I think you've done all you can here for now."
Knight_Otu says, "Okay. I think... right."
Knight_Otu says, "So back to the center of the volcano for now."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Outside Courtyard                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Courtyard
Floyd | The western path ends between a granite wall to the north and a
Floyd | two-story building to the east. A tasteful granite arch to the
Floyd | northeast leads into a courtyard which resembles a giant grassy
Floyd | checkerboard. The capstone of the archway bears a small bronze
Floyd | plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Center of Volcano                         Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Center of Volcano
Floyd | You stand in the center of a small community built inside a dormant
Floyd | volcano. High above you, the mouth of the volcano allows a view of
Floyd | the
Floyd | outside sky and the occasional birds in flight.A paved road runs
Floyd | from
Floyd | the southwest to the east and a small well-manicured park is to the
Floyd | south. A dirt path crosses the paved one from the north and goes to
Floyd | the southeast. To the west, stands a small granite building with a
Floyd | bronze plaque by its doorway.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clouds cross over the mouth of the volcano, casting shadows for a
Floyd | moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Southwest and southeast remain."
DavidW says, "The southern paths join up at the south end, if that helps. It's a loop."
Knight_Otu says, "Thanks."
Jacqueline asks, "Ah. So doesn't matter which one we take?"
DavidW says, "Not really."
Knight_Otu says, "I guess southwest is mentioned first."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Paved Road                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Paved Road
Floyd | A well-maintained road threads across the barren floor of the
Floyd | volcano,
Floyd | running roughly northeast to west. The road is probably wide enough
Floyd | for three camels to travel side by side.
Floyd |
Floyd | A small puzzle piece sits in the road, blown in by the wind and
Floyd | forgotten.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "The library was southeast so southwest is the only way you haven't gone yet."
Knight_Otu asks, "Wasn't library lane south?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x puzzle"
Floyd ]  Paved Road                                Score: 7
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PUZZLE
Floyd |
Floyd | The heavy 3 by 3 inch puzzle piece fits in the palm of your hand.
Floyd | One
Floyd | side of the piece is plain paperboard, but the other side seems to
Floyd | depict an epic struggle between man and beast in an extremely dark
Floyd | room. So dark, in fact, that it's anyone's guess as to what is
Floyd | really
Floyd | happening.
Floyd |
Floyd |      *****
Floyd |      *****
Floyd |     ******
Floyd |      *****
Floyd |      *****
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh. I misremembered, then."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
Floyd ]  Paved Road                                Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | [You have just gained a point for Piece Collecting.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "So the southwest and south paths join up and southeast must be to somewhere else. Thanks."
Peregrine says, "We're beginning to *piece* things together now"
Knight_Otu says, "Heh."
DavidW says, "I think the piece was inspired by Jigsaw."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x road"
Floyd ]  Paved Road                                Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ROAD
Floyd |
Floyd | The road is kept in good condition, although it does not seem to
Floyd | have
Floyd | much traffic these days.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Or ever had much traffic to begin with."
Jacqueline nods.
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Finney's House
Floyd | You stand at the front of a fairly large white house. The doorway
Floyd | stands open to the southwest and a bronze plaque hangs next to it.
Floyd | A
Floyd | paved road leads away from the house to the east. All around the
Floyd | house, tall mountains of rock loom in the air, and a narrow path
Floyd | runs
Floyd | around the house to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Northeast of a white house."
Jacqueline says, "With an open front door"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x house"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X HOUSE
Floyd |
Floyd | It is a beautiful colonial house which is painted white. It is
Floyd | clear
Floyd | that the owner must have been quite wealthy.The front doorway
Floyd | stands
Floyd | open to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "No comment."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x mountains"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Jagged teeth of granite project from the volcano floor carving the
Floyd | area into numerous valleys.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to KO), "Open the mailbox and read the leaflet."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "open mailbox"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu exclaims, "NO!"
Jacqueline laughs.
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x plaque"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PLAQUE
Floyd |
Floyd | Nolava Odd Community
Floyd | Building Code #030
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 30 in manual"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK UP 30 IN MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #030 Finney's House: 3-A-05, Made a house to the southwest for
Floyd | Leonine's colleague Finney, a musician and scholar, and still quite
Floyd | odd.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 31 in manual"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK UP 31 IN MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #031 Finney's Pond: 3-B-05, Built a fish pond to elevate the social
Floyd | status of Finney's House. Quite useless since he spends most of his
Floyd | time indoors.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 32 in manual"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK UP 32 IN MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #032 Puzzle: 3-C-05, Fashioned a puzzle for Finney to play with,
Floyd | since
Floyd | he was bored and disrupting my work.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "There's the puzzle. But what was his fiendish defense?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 33 in manual"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK UP 33 IN MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #033 Finney's Security System: 3-D-05, Installed a security system
Floyd | because of Finney's distrust of travelers (even though there
Floyd | haven't
Floyd | been any so far).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, you'll see."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 34 in manual"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK UP 34 IN MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #034 Xylophone: 3-G-05, Constructed from whale baleens to meet the
Floyd | specifications set forth by Finney. Had to let him come get it
Floyd | since I
Floyd | couldn't get it past the security system.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 35 in manual"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK UP 35 IN MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #035 Frog Statue: 3-H-05, Fashioned a giant froggie statue out of
Floyd | leftover granite and showcased it in the Southern Plaza.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "Was that the one that needed the key?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 36 in manual"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK UP 36 IN MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #036 Fly Statue: 3-I-05, Made a fly statue to hang over the froggie
Floyd | statue. Accidently made it too heavy, causing it to break its
Floyd | supports
Floyd | and crash to the ground, cracking up the froggie too.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "no, someone else"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look up 37 in manual"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK UP 37 IN MANUAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the manual looking for the correct entry...
Floyd |
Floyd | #037 Neo-Wonk Sculpture: 3-J-05, Tossed a few spare support bars
Floyd | into
Floyd | the statue mess and called it art.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf2"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "Do we dare trespass?"
DavidW says, "It won't kill you immediately."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | You abruptly hit an invisible barrier in the doorway. From some
Floyd | unseen
Floyd | location, a hollow voice speaks, "Warning! This house is protected
Floyd | by
Floyd | a grumganer system! You may not take any possessions through this
Floyd | doorway from either side. If you persist in doing so, you will be
Floyd | grumganed!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Oh no, not grumganing!"
Jacqueline says, "Ah. Drop our stuff."
DavidW says, "Spoiler: You do not want to be grumganed."
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "Excellent idea."
Knight_Otu says, "I guess we can look it up in the library."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "drop all"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DROP ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | black puzzle piece: Dropped.
Floyd | empty metal cup: Dropped.
Floyd | Building Codes manual: Dropped.
Floyd | Timeline pamphlet: Dropped.
Floyd | trumpet: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "alright, naked household"
Knight_Otu says, "I was about to ask if we needed to strip."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says, "Let's go..."
DavidW says, "Not in this game."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | A slight tickle at your neck is all that you feel as you step
Floyd | through
Floyd | the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | Foyer
Floyd | The foyer of Finney's house is very majestic in scope. The ceiling
Floyd | is
Floyd | a full two stories above you, and the entire room is bathed in
Floyd | natural
Floyd | light from a single window high up on the east wall. A massive
Floyd | Osienthal rug covers most of the floor, and a small endtable sits
Floyd | in
Floyd | one corner. To the northeast is the doorway, and more of the house
Floyd | can
Floyd | be seen to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "wait let's try throwing things through"
Knight_Otu says, "Hrm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "look under rug"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Overcome by a strange urge, you roll the rug aside and look
Floyd | underneath. The floor below is nondescript and completely normal.
Floyd | You
Floyd | roll the rug back to its original position.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x endtable"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ENDTABLE
Floyd |
Floyd | The endtable looks to be more for decoration than utility.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | A slight tickle at your neck is all that you feel as you step
Floyd | through
Floyd | the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | Finney's House
Floyd | You stand at the front of a fairly large white house. The doorway
Floyd | stands open to the southwest and a bronze plaque hangs next to it.
Floyd | A
Floyd | paved road leads away from the house to the east. All around the
Floyd | house, tall mountains of rock loom in the air, and a narrow path
Floyd | runs
Floyd | around the house to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trumpet, a Timeline pamphlet, a Building Codes
Floyd | manual,
Floyd | an empty metal cup and a black puzzle piece here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "throw puzzle sw"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to throw the black puzzle
Floyd | piece.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "No throwing into directions it seems."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | A slight tickle at your neck is all that you feel as you step
Floyd | through
Floyd | the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | Foyer
Floyd | The foyer of Finney's house is very majestic in scope. The ceiling
Floyd | is
Floyd | a full two stories above you, and the entire room is bathed in
Floyd | natural
Floyd | light from a single window high up on the east wall. A massive
Floyd | Osienthal rug covers most of the floor, and a small endtable sits
Floyd | in
Floyd | one corner. To the northeast is the doorway, and more of the house
Floyd | can
Floyd | be seen to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | The open window is very high up on the wall, close to the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x rug"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X RUG
Floyd |
Floyd | Like most Osienthal rugs, this particular one is a multi-weave of
Floyd | earth tones, composing a surface which is not only aesthetically
Floyd | pleasing, but also good at hiding dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "maybe we can put the rug in the doorway and place/pull things through on it"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x ceiling"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CEILING
Floyd |
Floyd | The ceiling is two stories above you, giving the room a very open
Floyd | feel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Because the rug isn't a thing?"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah, I suspect that isn't going to cut it."
Roger says, "well not a thing we are carrying"
Roger says, "but I'm fine with looting house first"
DavidW says, "I know what can cut a rug! :dances a jig:"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cut rug"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > CUT RUG
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't cut the rug with your bare hands.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu asks, "West?"
DavidW says, "sure"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lower Hallway
Floyd | You stand at the foot of a grand double staircase which leads up to
Floyd | the second floor. The centerpiece of this room is a granite statue
Floyd | of
Floyd | Finney, which looks across the room from its proud pose. A smaller
Floyd | doorway is to the southeast and the entrance to the house is east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x statue"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X STATUE
Floyd |
Floyd | The statue depicts a portly mustachioed gentleman in foppish
Floyd | clothing.
Floyd | He carries a pair of keyboard mallets in one hand and smiles
Floyd | benevolently. At the base of the statue, "FINNEY, MASTER
Floyd | IN ALL TWENTY-FOUR KEYS" is etched.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Hang on."
Knight_Otu says, "The tome spoke of 25 keys."
DavidW asks, "Golly. Did it really?"
Roger says, "well he was really bad in one of them"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
DavidW says, "I wonder if it means anything."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x mallets"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MALLETS
Floyd |
Floyd | The arm of the statue carries a granite pair of keyboard mallets,
Floyd | frozen in time as if downbeat is imminent.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Oh, probably not. (Kidding.)"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get them"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET THEM
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see "them" (the mountains of rocks) at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get mallets"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't seem to remove the arm or the granite mallets from the
Floyd | rest
Floyd | of the statue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "push/pull/turn arm?"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Psst!"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "turn arm"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > TURN ARM
Floyd |
Floyd | You tug on the statue's arm but it does not budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "push arm"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PUSH ARM
Floyd |
Floyd | You tug on the statue's arm but it does not budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "pull arm"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PULL ARM
Floyd |
Floyd | You tug on the statue's arm but it does not budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "push statue"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The statue cannot be moved; it is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "this dude cannot be disarmed"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x staircase"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The staircase is very artistically designed, with two separate
Floyd | flights
Floyd | on either side of the statue meeting at a landing on the second
Floyd | floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu exclaims, "But we have such a disarming personality!"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x doorway"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DOORWAY
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "search statue"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You discover nothing unusual about the statue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "se or up, I think."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah. I'd say se before up."
DavidW says, "okay"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Workshop
Floyd | You stand in a cluttered woodworking shop whose only exit is to the
Floyd | northwest. All around the room you see various half-completed
Floyd | shapes
Floyd | carved from wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | A squat metal device sits on the floor here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x shapes"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SHAPES
Floyd |
Floyd | It would seem that Finney was quite a talented and prolific
Floyd | woodcarver, but it would also seem that he was not very good at
Floyd | finishing his projects. Half-formed carvings and sculptures take up
Floyd | most of the available space in the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "search them"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You peer underneath a few sculptures but don't find anything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x device"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DEVICE
Floyd |
Floyd | It is a squat metal device sitting in the center of the workshop.
Floyd | The
Floyd | surface is unmarked and the only noticeable feature are two
Floyd | adjacent
Floyd | slots on top, one white and one black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Hm. We want the black puzzle piece here, I bet."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Though small, the device is much heavier than it first appears. You
Floyd | can't move it more than a few inches to either side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Not much else we can do here yet, I think."
DavidW says, "yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lower Hallway
Floyd | You stand at the foot of a grand double staircase which leads up to
Floyd | the second floor. The centerpiece of this room is a granite statue
Floyd | of
Floyd | Finney, which looks across the room from its proud pose. A smaller
Floyd | doorway is to the southeast and the entrance to the house is east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, you could search the wood."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
Floyd ]  Upstairs Corridor                         Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Upstairs Corridor
Floyd | The two flights of the double staircase meet here at a balcony
Floyd | which
Floyd | overlooks the first floor of the house. Matching doorways lead
Floyd | southeast and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x balcony"
Floyd ]  Upstairs Corridor                         Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BALCONY
Floyd |
Floyd | The balcony is about twenty feet across and looks out over the
Floyd | statue
Floyd | on the first floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x statue"
Floyd ]  Upstairs Corridor                         Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X STATUE
Floyd |
Floyd | The statue at the bottom of the stairs. You should probably go
Floyd | downstairs if you want to get a closer look.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "> drop duck on statue"
Knight_Otu says, "Perspective shift yielded no info."
Knight_Otu says (to David), "Well, without our trumpet, that's kind of hard at the moment."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Upstairs Corridor                         Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Balcony perspective shifts work best on floor mosaics."
Knight_Otu says, "Can't see the window from here."
Knight_Otu says, "I don't think there's one here."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x rug"
Floyd ]  Upstairs Corridor                         Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X RUG
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Can't spy the foyer from here."
Knight_Otu says, "So we have south and southeast."
DavidW says, "maybe from one of the other upstairs rooms."
Knight_Otu says, "Possibly."
Knight_Otu asks, "Any preferences for the first direction?"
DavidW says, "nope"
Jacqueline says, "You pick"
DavidW says, "logically, they ought to be bedroom and bathroom, but they probably aren't."
Knight_Otu asks, "When are they ever?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Music Salon
Floyd | This room is small, but acoustically significant. The ceiling has
Floyd | been
Floyd | shaped to provide for the maximum benefit of the small ensembles
Floyd | which
Floyd | must have played here at one time, and even the smallest sound
Floyd | provides a rich timbre here. A Grandunk piano sits in the center of
Floyd | the room, just waiting to be played. There are no windows here, but
Floyd | a
Floyd | doorway in the back of the room leads north.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone has left a piece called "Lively Jig" on the music stand in
Floyd | the
Floyd | corner of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Explicit lack of windows."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x jig"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X JIG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lively Jig
Floyd | Induces dancing in animate creatures
Floyd |
Floyd | This piece is quite long; it's two pages in length with numerous
Floyd | repeats and other markings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "read it"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lively Jig
Floyd | Induces dancing in animate creatures
Floyd |
Floyd | This piece is quite long; it's two pages in length with numerous
Floyd | repeats and other markings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "learn it"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LEARN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You need to be holding the music to memorize it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "learn it"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LEARN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You diligently study the piece in hopes of memorizing it, but it's
Floyd | just too long. Before you are two-thirds of the way through it,
Floyd | you've
Floyd | forgotten the first melody.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I know those feels."
Roger says, "awww yeah gonna get jiggy wid it"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "drop jig"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DROP JIG
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "play piano"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PLAY PIANO
Floyd |
Floyd | You noodle a bit on the keys, but two-handed playing skills have
Floyd | always eluded you. A couple of the notes sound tinny, as if
Floyd | something
Floyd | is interfering with the movement of the strings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x it"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X IT
Floyd |
Floyd | The piano is a very expensive model, coated in a sleek black
Floyd | material
Floyd | that doesn't inhibit its resonance. Eighty-eight polished keys sit
Floyd | elegantly in the keyboard, hinting at infinite musical
Floyd | possibilities.
Floyd | The piano's lid is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oo, open lid"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 8
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You raise the lid of the piano, revealing the strings inside.
Floyd | Tucked
Floyd | underneath the middle C string is a light puzzle piece. How could
Floyd | that
Floyd | have fallen in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get puzzle"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET PUZZLE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | [You have just gained a point for Finding Something in an Illogical
Floyd | Location.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "hee"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x it"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X IT
Floyd |
Floyd | One side of the piece is plain paperboard, but the other side shows
Floyd | a
Floyd | vivid depiction of a blindingly white snowstorm. Or perhaps the
Floyd | artist
Floyd | just forgot to paint anything.
Floyd |
Floyd |      OOOOOO
Floyd |      OOOOOO
Floyd |      OOOOO
Floyd |      OOOOOO
Floyd |      OOOOOO
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Please. I found a fork in one piano and a photo in another."
Knight_Otu says, "So there's the white piece, presumably for that device downstairs."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Music Salon
Floyd | This room is small, but acoustically significant. The ceiling has
Floyd | been
Floyd | shaped to provide for the maximum benefit of the small ensembles
Floyd | which
Floyd | must have played here at one time, and even the smallest sound
Floyd | provides a rich timbre here. A Grandunk piano sits in the center of
Floyd | the room, just waiting to be played. There are no windows here, but
Floyd | a
Floyd | doorway in the back of the room leads north.
Floyd |
Roger says, "and a Nazi travelling papers this one time"
Floyd | A metal stand is in the corner of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see "Lively Jig" here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x stand"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X STAND
Floyd |
Floyd | It is a standard black metal stand sitting in the corner of the
Floyd | room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Oh, we can move this."
Knight_Otu says, "Let's not forget we have it when we go out."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Upstairs Corridor                         Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Upstairs Corridor
Floyd | The two flights of the double staircase meet here at a balcony
Floyd | which
Floyd | overlooks the first floor of the house. Matching doorways lead
Floyd | southeast and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I just realized the puzzle pieces are more based on Graham Nelson's Jigsaw than I thought. One is black, the other is white, and the two main characters in Jigsaw are Black and White."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Study
Floyd | The study is a richly furnished room where Finney must have spent
Floyd | many
Floyd | of his days. A mahogany bookshelf fills up the entire north wall,
Floyd | its
Floyd | shelves lined with all manner of books and treatises. A round
Floyd | window
Floyd | is set in the east wall and Finney's writing desk sits in the
Floyd | center
Floyd | of the room, nestled in a wide array of furniture. The only exit is
Floyd | to
Floyd | the northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the writing desk is a piece of sheet music titled "Heavy Heart".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | The window is about the size of a Piddle ball and looks to be used
Floyd | for
Floyd | air circulation in the room. It overlooks the foyer downstairs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no pane in the window, it is completely open already.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x foyer"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X FOYER
Floyd |
Floyd | The foyer can be seen out the round window. You can also see an
Floyd | outer
Floyd | window in the foyer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x outer window"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | From here, you can see the window high up in the foyer. It is
Floyd | almost
Floyd | directly across from the round study window. A fresh breeze blows
Floyd | in
Floyd | from the outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x rug"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X RUG
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "No rugged message down there."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x desk"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DESK
Floyd |
Floyd | The writing desk is slightly slanted and sits in the middle of the
Floyd | room.On top of the desk, you see a piece of sheet music titled
Floyd | "Heavy
Floyd | Heart".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x heart"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X HEART
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Heavy Heart
Floyd | Increases the force of gravity
Floyd |
Floyd | This piece is a hand-printed copy and was probably written by
Floyd | Finney
Floyd | himself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "read it"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Heavy Heart
Floyd | Increases the force of gravity
Floyd |
Floyd | This piece is a hand-printed copy and was probably written by
Floyd | Finney
Floyd | himself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get it"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "learn it"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > LEARN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You diligently commit the song to memory and then tuck the music
Floyd | away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "learn it?"
DavidW says, "yay"
Jacqueline says, "yay"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "spells"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SPELLS
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu exclaims, "New spell!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "music"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > MUSIC
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "memory"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > MEMORY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "So maybe that one that we can't learn just needs to be played right there."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "melodies"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > MELODIES
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "melody"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > MELODY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "songs"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SONGS
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hmph. You'd think there'd be a way to list them."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "song"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SONG
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "search desk"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The writing desk is slightly slanted and sits in the middle of the
Floyd | room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x shelves"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SHELVES
Floyd |
Floyd | The bookcase houses a gargantuan collection of books and treatises.
Floyd | Everything from "My Cat Doth Went a Walking" to "Yodelus Eggplant
Floyd | Looks Into the Tuba" can be found on the shelves. However, the only
Floyd | book of interest is a compact book entitled, "Finney's Music
Floyd | Dictionary".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I know you get a menu when you 'play trumpet' though."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x dictionary"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The dictionary is quite small, as if the author never got around to
Floyd | completing it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, another book"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "read it"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb through the book to find that only a few pages have
Floyd | entries
Floyd | on them...
Floyd |
Floyd | To The Reader: It is my humble hope that this will one day be a
Floyd | definitive dictionary of music, preferably with a nice big number
Floyd | in
Floyd | front, perhaps "Finney's Book of Nine Billion, Eighty-Four
Floyd | Definitions
Floyd | of Music for the Layman", or maybe Infinite if I can write that
Floyd | much,
Floyd | but anyhow, I digress...
Floyd |
Floyd | Cadence: The musical chords which outline a final resting point in
Floyd | a
Floyd | song. Personally I think cadences make music far too predictable so
Floyd | I
Floyd | usually only use one. And actually, in fifteen of my thirty-seven
Floyd | "Studies Only Using the Note F" I forwent a cadence entirely!
Floyd |
Floyd | Embouchure: To people who play brass instruments, like the trumpet
Floyd | and
Floyd | tuba, the embouchure is the area of the lips that play into the
Floyd | mouthpiece. People with stronger embouchures have more playing
Floyd | endurance and can play difficult passages with ease.
Floyd |
Floyd | Key: The tonal level of a piece of music. There are twelve major
Floyd | keys
Floyd | starting on each of twelve pitches between A and G. The major keys
Floyd | are
Floyd | the happy ones! There are also twelve minor keys, which start on
Floyd | the
Floyd | same pitches, for a grand total of 24 keys. Personally I like the
Floyd | keys
Floyd | of Ab minor and D major.
Floyd |
Floyd | Overtones: These are the natural tones that are produced at various
Floyd | intervals over the pitch being playing. Though you can't always
Floyd | hear
Floyd | them enough to label them, they give every instrument a unique
Floyd | timbre.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transposition: This is the act of taking a piece of music written
Floyd | in
Floyd | one key and rewriting it in a different key. One time, as an
Floyd | exercise,
Floyd | I transposed all four thousand of my G major sonatas to C# major.
Floyd | There isn't much to do down here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Tritone: Also known as the augmented fourth or diminished fifth.
Floyd | The
Floyd | interval of notes that is the exact one half of an octave in the
Floyd | standard system. To the ear, its sound is easily recognizable,
Floyd | although one cannot tell whether the interval is an augmented
Floyd | fourth
Floyd | or a diminished fifth, since the two are the same sounding pitch.
Floyd | An
Floyd | example tritone is C to F# (augmented fourth) or C to Gb
Floyd | (diminished
Floyd | fifth), both of which sound the same. I once tried to write a piece
Floyd | exclusively in tritones. However, I ran out of new notes in the
Floyd | second
Floyd | measure, and initial reactions to the twelve minute piece were not
Floyd | very good.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "transpose"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline | There isn't much to do down here.
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Study
Floyd | The study is a richly furnished room where Finney must have spent
Floyd | many
Floyd | of his days. A mahogany bookshelf fills up the entire north wall,
Floyd | its
Floyd | shelves lined with all manner of books and treatises. A round
Floyd | window
Floyd | is set in the east wall and Finney's writing desk sits in the
Floyd | center
Floyd | of the room, nestled in a wide array of furniture. The only exit is
Floyd | to
Floyd | the northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x furniture"
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | A wide array of stylish furniture decorates the study. Most of it
Floyd | is
Floyd | quite gaudy, if useless.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Remind me why, if they seem bored down here, why they're down here?"
Jacqueline says, "I ask in the context of a pandemic where I am feeling not isolated enough..."
DavidW says, "Finney isn't. He was one of those who left."
Jacqueline says, "Ah."
Knight_Otu asks, "So shall we try fitting the puzzle piece into the strange device?"
DavidW says, "sure"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf3"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Study                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Upstairs Corridor                         Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Upstairs Corridor
Floyd | The two flights of the double staircase meet here at a balcony
Floyd | which
Floyd | overlooks the first floor of the house. Matching doorways lead
Floyd | southeast and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lower Hallway
Floyd | You stand at the foot of a grand double staircase which leads up to
Floyd | the second floor. The centerpiece of this room is a granite statue
Floyd | of
Floyd | Finney, which looks across the room from its proud pose. A smaller
Floyd | doorway is to the southeast and the entrance to the house is east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "It would help verify that is where it belongs."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Workshop
Floyd | You stand in a cluttered woodworking shop whose only exit is to the
Floyd | northwest. All around the room you see various half-completed
Floyd | shapes
Floyd | carved from wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | A squat metal device sits on the floor here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put puzzle in white slot"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You place the puzzle piece in the white slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Seems to fit."
DavidW says, "yup"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lower Hallway
Floyd | You stand at the foot of a grand double staircase which leads up to
Floyd | the second floor. The centerpiece of this room is a granite statue
Floyd | of
Floyd | Finney, which looks across the room from its proud pose. A smaller
Floyd | doorway is to the southeast and the entrance to the house is east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
Floyd ]  Upstairs Corridor                         Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Upstairs Corridor
Floyd | The two flights of the double staircase meet here at a balcony
Floyd | which
Floyd | overlooks the first floor of the house. Matching doorways lead
Floyd | southeast and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Music Salon
Floyd | This room is small, but acoustically significant. The ceiling has
Floyd | been
Floyd | shaped to provide for the maximum benefit of the small ensembles
Floyd | which
Floyd | must have played here at one time, and even the smallest sound
Floyd | provides a rich timbre here. A Grandunk piano sits in the center of
Floyd | the room, just waiting to be played. There are no windows here, but
Floyd | a
Floyd | doorway in the back of the room leads north.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see "Lively Jig" here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "play piano"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PLAY PIANO
Floyd |
Floyd | You noodle a bit on the keys, but two-handed playing skills have
Floyd | always eluded you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "play trumpet"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't play a song without your trumpet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Right."
DavidW says, "I think, unless you want to examine the wood in the workshop, you're done in this house for now. Make sure you drop everything before you leave."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a music stand
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "drop stand"
Floyd ]  Music Salon                               Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > DROP STAND
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Upstairs Corridor                         Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Upstairs Corridor
Floyd | The two flights of the double staircase meet here at a balcony
Floyd | which
Floyd | overlooks the first floor of the house. Matching doorways lead
Floyd | southeast and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lower Hallway
Floyd | You stand at the foot of a grand double staircase which leads up to
Floyd | the second floor. The centerpiece of this room is a granite statue
Floyd | of
Floyd | Finney, which looks across the room from its proud pose. A smaller
Floyd | doorway is to the southeast and the entrance to the house is east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Workshop
Floyd | You stand in a cluttered woodworking shop whose only exit is to the
Floyd | northwest. All around the room you see various half-completed
Floyd | shapes
Floyd | carved from wood.
Floyd |
Floyd | A squat metal device sits on the floor here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x wood"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WOOD
Floyd |
Floyd | It would seem that Finney was quite a talented and prolific
Floyd | woodcarver, but it would also seem that he was not very good at
Floyd | finishing his projects. Half-formed carvings and sculptures take up
Floyd | most of the available space in the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "search it"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEARCH IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Other than the two adjacent slots, the device is unspectacular.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "search wood"
Floyd ]  Workshop                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You peer underneath a few sculptures but don't find anything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Lower Hallway                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lower Hallway
Floyd | You stand at the foot of a grand double staircase which leads up to
Floyd | the second floor. The centerpiece of this room is a granite statue
Floyd | of
Floyd | Finney, which looks across the room from its proud pose. A smaller
Floyd | doorway is to the southeast and the entrance to the house is east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Foyer
Floyd | The foyer of Finney's house is very majestic in scope. The ceiling
Floyd | is
Floyd | a full two stories above you, and the entire room is bathed in
Floyd | natural
Floyd | light from a single window high up on the east wall. A massive
Floyd | Osienthal rug covers most of the floor, and a small endtable sits
Floyd | in
Floyd | one corner. To the northeast is the doorway, and more of the house
Floyd | can
Floyd | be seen to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Foyer                                     Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | The only exits here are west and northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | A slight tickle at your neck is all that you feel as you step
Floyd | through
Floyd | the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | Finney's House
Floyd | You stand at the front of a fairly large white house. The doorway
Floyd | stands open to the southwest and a bronze plaque hangs next to it.
Floyd | A
Floyd | paved road leads away from the house to the east. All around the
Floyd | house, tall mountains of rock loom in the air, and a narrow path
Floyd | runs
Floyd | around the house to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trumpet, a Timeline pamphlet, a Building Codes
Floyd | manual,
Floyd | an empty metal cup and a black puzzle piece here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "get all"
Floyd ]  Finney's House                            Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | trumpet: Taken.
Floyd | Timeline pamphlet: Taken.
Floyd | Building Codes manual: Taken.
Floyd | empty metal cup: Taken.
Floyd | black puzzle piece: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Next stop, south."
DavidW says, "okay"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
Floyd ]  East of House                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | East of House
Floyd | You are facing the east side of a white house. There is no door
Floyd | here,
Floyd | and the sole window is not boarded up, although it is on the second
Floyd | floor. A path runs alongside the house to the north and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A Y-shaped tree stands about twenty feet from the house, stunted
Floyd | and
Floyd | twisted from lack of nutrients.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x tree"
Floyd ]  East of House                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X TREE
Floyd |
Floyd | The tree stands almost five feet tall and looks decidedly
Floyd | unhealthy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf4"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  East of House                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "climb tree"
Floyd ]  East of House                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > CLIMB TREE
Floyd |
Floyd | The tree creaks alarmingly under your weight and you quickly shimmy
Floyd | back down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Y tree? Y?"
Knight_Otu asks, "Are we going to slingshot ourselves through the window, I wonder?"
Jacqueline says, "eep"
Knight_Otu says, "(Not actually asking.)"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  East of House                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | The window is high up on the second floor of the house. Someone
Floyd | seems
Floyd | to have left it open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "*We* can use the normal front doorway, thank you."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "pull tree"
Floyd ]  East of House                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | > PULL TREE
Floyd |
Floyd | The tree sways back and forth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Feel free to fling any armadillos, though, if you find any."
Jacqueline says, "Sigh - folks, I'm sorry, but we're at the two hour mark and I gotta step away."
DavidW says, "drat."
Knight_Otu says, "I guess we can stop here."
DavidW says, "yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "save"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Jacqueline says, "Y'all can keep going if you'd like."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cfa4ytree"
Floyd ]  East of House                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, you can try that new song on the trumpet, at least"
DavidW says, "Heavy Heart."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "play trumpet"
Floyd ]  East of House                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You bring up your trumpet. What would you like to play?
Floyd |    (O) Ode to a Duck: Summons a duck
Floyd |    (H) Heavy Heart: Increases the force of gravity
Floyd |    (X) None
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "h"
Floyd ]  East of House                             Score: 9
Floyd | Dawn
Floyd |
Floyd | The threnody seems to weigh upon your soul, but no physical effects
Floyd | can be seen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Doesn't weigh down the tree too much it seems."
DavidW says, "guess not."
DavidW says, "Most spells are useful only in particular places and circumstances."
Knight_Otu says, "Anyway, while I guess I could go another hour, today *was* the Day of the Stolen Hour around here. (AKA Summertime.)"
DavidW says, "ah"
Roger disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. DavidW says, "I should get back to my walkthroughs. I want to publish tonight or very early tomorrow."
Knight_Otu says, "But we did get a bit of exploration done at least, and we did learn a new piece of music."
DavidW says, "yes"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Anyway, I'll log off for today. Good night!"
NOTE: The group decided to defer continuation of Augmented Fourth in order to play the Floydable 2020 Spring Thing games.

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