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The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction. Below is a transcript of Lost Pig by Grunk, a fictional character created by Admiral Jota. Lost Pig was originally released as part of the 2007 IF Competition, where it took first place. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting Baf's Guide.WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played it, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page. |
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Toyshop and Floyditorium | ||||
Bulging toychests make this a child's (or child-at-heart's) dream. Play all day, play all night. A small booth has been erected and is staffed by a friendly robot. The sign over it says, "INFOKOM GAMEZ 5 cents". A small notice on the door reads, "PLEASE RETURN TOYS TO THIS ROOM WHEN YOU'RE DONE WITH THEM." | ||||
You can see: green button, banana machine, faucets, toy catalogue, a crystal ball, cuddly walrus, clicker, cloak, tic-tac-toe, thermometer, yellow button, waldo whisper object, checkers board, Werewolf rules, bunny burger, grape, specimen jar, signaling device, Mike Tyson, IF Programmer Barbie, IF FLOYD'S DOWN, TELL JOTA -- OR ELSE HE WON'T KNOW, Gak, Autohugger, Photocopier, basketball, midterm monster, frobozz magic dispenser, fun shiny toy, madlibs, orange, soda reading 'Don't drink me!', jukebox, Gene Ray, FREE DONUTS machine, storyharp, long-stemmed red rose, dfan's quest, miniature ifMUD, Pun Police Whistle, orange door, a pair of dice, monkey guru, cork nut, cork nut, cork nut, cork nut, jellybean, mind chess, a zorkmid, the 'cork nut' cube, apple | ||||
Players: Waldo, Floyd, inky, maga, baf, schep, DavidW, Gunther, Marvin, Emily, K-Y, nothings | ||||
Visible Exits: northeast (to the Lounge) | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "Wait, why are you all here early?" | ||||
schep looks around shiftily. | ||||
Jacqueline says, "MY TEA ISN'T READY YET, DARNIT." | ||||
Gunther says, "they followed me like lemmings" | ||||
DavidW says, "oh, I just followed them." | ||||
Marvin says, "Pff. Like anything interesting ever happens in the lounge anyway." | ||||
You say (to Gunther), "Ah." | ||||
Gunther jumps off a bridge. | ||||
DavidW says, "Darn library doesn't even have water today, let alone tea." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Aw." | ||||
schep says, "Extreme Pooh-sticks! *splash*" | ||||
DavidW says, "I could try drinking the piano, I guess." | ||||
Marvin says (to schep), "Ha." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "We still have five and a half minutes, so I'm making tea." | ||||
Bert arrives, ready to play with the toys. | ||||
nothing_else arrives, full of fun and funk. | ||||
nothings has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "hello" | ||||
Floyd exclaims (at schep), "Hi!" | ||||
Taleslinger arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | ||||
Taleslinger has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
trikiw materializes. | Jacqueline says, "ONE MINUTE!" | |||
Jacqueline gets all settled in. | ||||
Bishop arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | ||||
Bishop asks, "Sure, why not?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Hello, Bishop." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load lostpig" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Pig lost! Boss say that it Grunk fault. Say Grunk forget about closing Floyd | gate. Maybe boss right. Grunk not remember forgetting, but maybe Grunk Floyd | just forget. Boss say Grunk go find pig, bring it back. Him say, if Floyd | Grunk not bring back pig, not bring back Grunk either. Grunk like Floyd | working at pig farm, so now Grunk need find pig. Floyd | Floyd | Lost Pig Floyd | And Place Under Ground Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 070917 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 S Floyd | (For help, use "HELP".) Floyd | Floyd | Outside Floyd | Grunk think that pig probably go this way. It hard to tell at night Floyd | time, because moon not bright as sun. There forest to east and north. Floyd | It even darker there, and Grunk hear lots of strange animal. West of Floyd | Grunk, there big field with little stone wall. Farm back to south. Floyd | Floyd | > | * nothing_else has joined the channel. | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "remove pants" | ||||
Floyd | OK, pants off. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "PIDGIN OFF" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "So, new comers. Anyone can type commands. Commentary here on the channel, though." | |||
baf says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | torch (on fire) Floyd | pants Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "burn pants with torch" | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "light pants with torch" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk set pants on fire. Mmm. Grunk like fire. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Pants already on fire. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "wear pants" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "wear pants" | * Bert has joined the channel. | |||
Floyd | Grunk not wear pants when pants on fire! Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk not wear pants when pants on fire! Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "heh" | |||
Gunther says, "ha ha" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "eat pants" | ||||
Floyd | Ow! That burn Grunk tongue. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "x grunk" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk orc. Big and green and naked. Floyd | Floyd | Grunk hear noise! It come from some place in bushes, but Grunk not Floyd | sure which way it come from. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk get quiet. Listen for noise in dark. Floyd | Floyd | When Grunk really quiet, try looking around some more. There, hear Floyd | noise again! It come from northeast. Must be pig, hiding in bushes. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk score go up one.] Floyd | Floyd | > | maga asks, "Grunk doesn't speak pidgin, technically, yesno?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "eat bushes" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take forest first) Floyd | That not thing that Grunk can carry around. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Not technically, I don't think." | |||
baf says (to Floyd), "break bushes" | ||||
Floyd | BAM! That fun! Not really do much, though. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "He speaks Orc, iirc." | |||
Bishop says (to Floyd), "smell bushes" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk sniff around bushes for pig smell. Floyd | Floyd | Grunk not see it, but Grunk pretty sure that pig hiding in forest to Floyd | northeast. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says (to Bishop), "nice" | |||
Marvin says (to floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | If that where pig go, that where Grunk go. It hard to see where Grunk Floyd | going to, because there so much dark and leaves and branches here. Floyd | Then suddenly, there not ground here any more! Floyd | Floyd | Oof! Ow! Umf! Ugh! Floyd | Floyd | Grunk fall down deep hole! Drop torch and pants. Torch and pants go Floyd | out when Grunk land on them, so now it dark, too. Floyd | Floyd | Hole Floyd | Grunk at bottom of deep, dark hole. It even smell like deep, dark Floyd | hole. There some light that come from tunnel to east; that how Grunk Floyd | see where Grunk at. Look like there maybe stairs at west side of hole Floyd | that go up to outside, but them all broken now. There big crack in Floyd | ground near stairs, too. Floyd | Floyd | Grunk see pants (black and sooty) and torch (black and sooty) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "smell" | ||||
Floyd | Smell like hole deep under ground. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "light forest with pants" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bishop says (to floyd), "taste pants" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take pants first) Floyd | Grunk chew on pants, but pants too tough. And them need ketchup. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "snrk" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "eat torch" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take torch first) Floyd | Bleh. Torch taste like burnt. Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "And taste sooty." | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "eat grunk" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk taste salty. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Man, I must not have been a very good beta tester, as I never did half this stuff you guys are doing." | |||
inky asks (of maga), "?!?" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "x stairs" | ||||
Floyd | That where Grunk fall down into hole. Stair go up pretty high. Made of Floyd | rock, but rock all falling apart, so stair not much good for climbing Floyd | anymore. Floyd | Floyd | Look like some person leave little metal thing on step. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to floyd), "x metal thing" | ||||
Floyd | Look like little metal tube, size of Grunk thumb. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I didn't either, but now that we know you can .." | |||
Marvin says (to floyd), "eat it" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take tube first) Floyd | Hmm. It not easy, but... Floyd | Floyd | Gulp! Floyd | Floyd | OK. (Tweee.) All gone. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
Taleslinger arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "break stairs" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk remember last time Grunk try hitting rock. It hurt Grunk more Floyd | than it hurt rock. Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "Maybe shouldn't have done that." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "whistle" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know how. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | Hole Floyd | [OK, Grunk undo that.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | Hole Floyd | [OK, Grunk undo that.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | Hole Floyd | [OK, Grunk undo that.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | pants (black and sooty) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "pray" | ||||
Floyd | OK. Grunk feel little bit better now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | Hole Floyd | [OK, Grunk undo that.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | Hole Floyd | [OK, Grunk undo that.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know that word. Sound like magic, though. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get tube" | ||||
Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "eat tube" | ||||
Floyd | Hmm. It not easy, but... Floyd | Floyd | Gulp! Floyd | Floyd | OK. (Tweee.) All gone. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "cough" | ||||
Floyd | Cough! Tweeeeee! Floyd | Floyd | Grunk cough. Cough cough. COUGH! Ptoo. Clink. Floyd | Floyd | Grunk cough up tube. Feel better now. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "geez, you guys ate the tube?" | |||
inky says, "ok, if you -- ha ha ha" | ||||
Bishop says, "Oh, excellent." | ||||
Marvin says, "Nice." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "That is very nice indeed." | ||||
Bishop says (to floyd), "cough" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk cough. Floyd | Floyd | > | Gunther says, ""tweeee". hee hee hee." | |||
inky says, "I know this can't be made unwinnable but I wasn't sure if everything was reversible" | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "smell tube" | ||||
Floyd | Tube smell normal to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "touch grunk" | ||||
Floyd | Uh, OK. Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "I recommend that we keep it swallowed while wandering around for a while." | |||
schep says (to Floyd), "get tube" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "dance" | ||||
Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk not good at dancing. Like singing better. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "eat tube" | ||||
Floyd | Hmm. It not easy, but... Floyd | Floyd | Gulp! Floyd | Floyd | OK. (Tweee.) All gone. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bishop says (to floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! Grunk telling story! Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Wait, we can throw it back up?" | |||
inky says (to Jacqueline), "apparently!" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! Story not too big. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! It all about Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! And it all about pig! Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! Grunk out at night time. Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! Looking all around. Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "Yes, by coughing." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! Grunk fall down hole. Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! End up under ground! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! Uh. Grunk not think of any more word. So Grunk just go la la Floyd | la some more! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! Grunk telling story! Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hhh" | |||
Bishop says, "Hee hee." | ||||
olethros asks, "what are we doing?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Okay, I did know about the singing story." | ||||
Marvin says (to floyd), "look" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Hole Floyd | Grunk at bottom of deep, dark hole. It even smell like deep, dark Floyd | hole. There some light that come from tunnel to east; that how Grunk Floyd | see where Grunk at. Look like there maybe stairs at west side of hole Floyd | that go up to outside, but them all broken now. There big crack in Floyd | ground near stairs, too. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I think there are potentially another few lyrics" | |||
Jacqueline says, "I did do that, at least, while testing." | ||||
Marvin says (to floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow! It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Hey! There pig! It good thing that Grunk fall down same hole as pig. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "x crack" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | K-Y says, "man, it rhymes" | |||
baf says (to Floyd), "catch pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk walk right up to pig. Pig walk right away from Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "chase pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig run away. So Grunk run after pig. Then pig run around behind Grunk Floyd | and around front of Grunk and Grunk get dizzy. What Grunk doing again? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bishop says (to floyd), "eat pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig not come close enough for Grunk to try, but pig sure look tasty. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to inky), "Yeah, more lyrics once there's more story to sing." | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "grunt" | ||||
Floyd | Pig stare at Grunk like Grunk crazy. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to test "has" or "hasnt" of not anything Floyd | **] Floyd | PIG ABOUT CURTAIN or ASK Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to test "has" or "hasnt" of not anything Floyd | **] Floyd | PIG ABOUT MAKING FIRE or GREET Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to test "has" or "hasnt" of not anything Floyd | **] Floyd | PIG. And that just what Grunk think of. There probably lots of other Floyd | thing Grunk can talk about too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bishop says (to floyd), "hit pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk think that farmer maybe get mad if Grunk bring back broken pig. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "yow" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Yikes." | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "RATE THIS GAME 1" | ||||
Floyd | [rate -> gate] Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "This happened to me when I was playing during the comp." | |||
inky says (to Gunther), "ha ha" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Gunther), "ha" | ||||
inky says, "yeah, I saw it a couple times" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "show tube to pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "eat pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig not come close enough for Grunk to try, but pig sure look tasty. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drool" | ||||
Floyd | Ptoo! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bishop says (to floyd), "sing to pig" | ||||
Floyd | That not make sense after part about sing. Floyd | Floyd | > | nothing_else asks (of inky), "wait, you've played before?" | |||
Bishop says, "Oh well." | ||||
Marvin says (to floyd), "kiss pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk rather kiss... um. Thing that not pig. Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "nothing_else" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "throw pants at pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig squeal loud! It jump out of way of pants just in time. Then it Floyd | give Grunk dirty look. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "oops" | |||
inky says (to nothings), "oops, spoilers" | ||||
Login name: nothing_else In real life: nothings alt | ||||
Location: Toyshop and Floyditorium Gender: Neuter | ||||
Member since: 06-May-06 12:12:20 | ||||
Currently logged in. Previous login: 22-Apr-07 15:14:37 | ||||
Plan: I am nothings' rpg-observing character | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig ignore Grunk. Grunk think it do that on purpose. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL PIG ABOUT CURTAIN or ASK PIG ABOUT MAKING FIRE or Floyd | ASK PIG ABOUT DAY. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask pig about farmer" | ||||
Floyd | Pig oink and shake head. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL PIG ABOUT CURTAIN or ASK PIG ABOUT MAKING FIRE or Floyd | ASK PIG ABOUT DAY. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang arrives, full of fun and funk. | baf says, "I've played the game to completion, but I promise not to enter any commands that actually do anything helpful." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Ah - so nothing_else *is* nothings. Got it." | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "feed pants to pig" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take pants first) Floyd | Rarr! Grunk run at pig. Pig run from Grunk. Pig and Grunk run around Floyd | and around room! Whee! Floyd | Floyd | After little bit, both Grunk and pig get tired and stop running. That Floyd | fun! Wonder if pig have as much fun as Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "tell pig about grunk" | ||||
Floyd | Pig make rude noise. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL PIG ABOUT CURTAIN or ASK PIG ABOUT MAKING FIRE or Floyd | ASK PIG ABOUT DAY. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says, "What are we... oh" | olethros says, "ok, this game is awesome" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "tell pig about orcs" | ||||
Floyd | Pig make rude noise. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL PIG ABOUT CURTAIN or ASK PIG ABOUT MAKING FIRE or Floyd | ASK PIG ABOUT DAY. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Taleslinger says, "f snooze" | |||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "snooze" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to floyd), "ask pig about pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig grin and bow. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL PIG ABOUT CURTAIN or ASK PIG ABOUT MAKING FIRE or Floyd | ASK PIG ABOUT DAY. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "ride pig" | ||||
Floyd | [ride -> hide] Floyd | That not make sense after part about hide. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "waylay pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "aw, that should work" | |||
Jacqueline says, "aw" | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "sneeze" | ||||
Floyd | Sneezing not thing that Grunk can do when Grunk want. It just happen Floyd | some time. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "ask pig about making fire" | ||||
Floyd | Pig snarl and sniffle. Then pig sniff air and make rude sound at Floyd | Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL PIG ABOUT CURTAIN or ASK PIG ABOUT DAY or TELL PIG Floyd | ABOUT PIG. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "yawn" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk yawn. Floyd | Floyd | Pig yawn. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "burp" | ||||
Floyd | [burp -> burn] Floyd | What Grunk burn? Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "hahah" | |||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Yay yawning." | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "x fountain" | ||||
Floyd | Old stone fountain with big bowl part and other squirty part in middle Floyd | and lots of little bit that stick out all over. Grunk think it meant Floyd | to look pretty. Squirty part not work, though, so there no water in Floyd | it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig go east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bishop says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not sleepy. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to floyd), "east" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Cave With Stream Floyd | Tunnel come to little cave here, but wide stream block way east. Grunk Floyd | not see much on other side. Not know if tunnel keep going or stop Floyd | here. Only light that Grunk see come from bright room, far off to Floyd | west. But Grunk hear lots of water. Floyd | Floyd | There stone bench next to stream. Floyd | Floyd | Seeing over there not easy in dark, but Grunk think there little Floyd | reddish thing on other side of stream. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "x grunk" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk orc. Big and green and naked. Floyd | Floyd | Pig look back down long tunnel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know that word. Sound like magic, though. Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "tell pig about farmer" | ||||
Floyd | Pig snarl and sniffle. Then it walk little way away. And oink and oink Floyd | and oink. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL PIG ABOUT CURTAIN or ASK PIG ABOUT DAY or TELL PIG Floyd | ABOUT PIG. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "plugh" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know that word. Sound like magic, though. Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "break bench" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk remember last time Grunk try hitting rock. It hurt Grunk more Floyd | than it hurt rock. Floyd | Floyd | Pig sit under bench for little bit. Then come back out. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bishop says (to Floyd), "put pants on head" | ||||
Floyd | But then Grunk get all sooty too! Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "heee" | |||
Floyd | Floyd | Cave With Stream Floyd | Tunnel come to little cave here, but wide stream block way east. Grunk Floyd | not see much on other side. Not know if tunnel keep going or stop Floyd | here. Only light that Grunk see come from bright room, far off to Floyd | west. But Grunk hear lots of water. Floyd | Floyd | There stone bench next to stream. Floyd | Floyd | Seeing over there not easy in dark, but Grunk think there little Floyd | reddish thing on other side of stream. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "Hm. Wonder if that has a different response if you haven't tried to burn the pants yet." | |||
Marvin says (to floyd), "x bench" | ||||
Floyd | Long and heavy. It made of rock. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk pretty sure it red. Too dark and too far away for Grunk to see Floyd | any more. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bishop says (to Floyd), "wash pants" | ||||
Floyd | (with water) Floyd | Grunk stick pants in water. Then Grunk take pants back and look at Floyd | them. Pants all wet! Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "I think it does, yes." | |||
schep says (to Floyd), "x red" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk pretty sure it red. Too dark and too far away for Grunk to see Floyd | any more. Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Red thing too far away for Grunk. Stream more wide than arm long. Floyd | Floyd | Pig go over to stream and look in water. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "x pants" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk favorite pants. Them brown. Floyd | Floyd | Part of pants look all black and sooty now. Floyd | Floyd | Pants all wet right now. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk never swim before. Not know how. Grunk not even like bath. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "pet pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig see Grunk coming, and it run away to west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "push pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to inky), "Sorry, I scared it." | |||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says, "please use 'f *' not 'wf *'" | baf says, "Wet and also still sooty? There's no justice." | |||
olethros says, "sorry" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "clean pants" | ||||
Floyd | (with water) Floyd | Grunk stick pants in water. Then Grunk take pants back and look at Floyd | them. But pants not look any different. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "we need some soap" | |||
baf exclaims, "No! Grunk afraid of soap!" | ||||
inky says, "maybe we can kill the pig and render its fat" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "make soap from pig" | ||||
Floyd | [soap -> slap] Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "smell pants" | ||||
Floyd | Smell like Grunk. Them Grunk pants. Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "drink stream" | ||||
Floyd | Mmm. Grunk not really thirsty, but water still taste good. Floyd | Floyd | (Tweee.) Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to inky), "snrk" | |||
Bishop says (to Floyd), "smell grunk" | ||||
Floyd | Mmm, smell like Grunk. And like pig. And like dirt. Good smell. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "cough" | ||||
Floyd | Cough! Tweeeeee! Floyd | Floyd | Grunk cough. Cough cough. COUGH! Ptoo. Clink. Floyd | Floyd | Grunk cough up tube. Feel better now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "drown pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "yay" | |||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "get tube" | ||||
Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "show tube to pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "put tube in nose" | ||||
Floyd | That not for putting stuff in. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "show tube to pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "x curtain" | ||||
Floyd | Look like big rug, but it on wall instead of floor, so that make it Floyd | curtain instead. Curtain have big picture of little man on it. Grunk Floyd | think little man maybe called "gnome". Him holding burning torch in Floyd | dark cave. Point at way out of cave. Floyd | Floyd | Pig come in from west, sniffing at ground like it try finding some Floyd | thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "smell curtain" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "wiggle nose" | ||||
Floyd | Curtain smell normal to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | Pig try hiding behind fountain. But Grunk see pig easy. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "x nose" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "look behind curtain" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome in picture have round nose and big ear and funny blue suit and Floyd | pointy shoe. Hold torch, too. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk push back curtain and peek behind it. Wall back there glow too! Floyd | Floyd | Pig peek over at curtain too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "show tube to pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig walk toward Grunk and shake head. Then pig oink and scratch at Floyd | flea or thing like that. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL PIG ABOUT CURTAIN or ASK PIG ABOUT DAY or TELL PIG Floyd | ABOUT PIG. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "whoops, wrong nose" | |||
baf says (to Floyd), "threaten pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "x my nose" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome in picture have round nose and big ear and funny blue suit and Floyd | pointy shoe. Hold torch, too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | tube Floyd | pants (black and sooty and wet) Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "x finger" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk body part work better when Grunk not think too hard about them. Floyd | Floyd | Pig look inside fountain, but pig not find any water. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "pee in fountain" | ||||
Floyd | [pee -> peel] Floyd | That not make sense after part about peel inside. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "eat torch" | ||||
Floyd | (torch) Floyd | Bleh. Torch taste like burnt. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Hole Floyd | Grunk at bottom of deep, dark hole. It even smell like deep, dark Floyd | hole. There some light that come from tunnel to east; that how Grunk Floyd | see where Grunk at. Look like there maybe stairs at west side of hole Floyd | that go up to outside, but them all broken now. There big crack in Floyd | ground near stairs, too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "hit grunk" | ||||
Floyd | Ow! That hurt! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "crack" | ||||
Floyd | What Grunk crack? Floyd | Floyd | > | Emily says, "aw" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "x crack" | ||||
Floyd | Crack wide as Grunk fist, at least at top. It dark, so Grunk not see Floyd | if anything there inside or how deep crack go. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "smoke crack" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take crack first) Floyd | That not thing that Grunk can carry around. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "reach into crack" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk reach down into crack, but not feel bottom. Grunk arm not long Floyd | enough. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "crack crack" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk remember last time Grunk try hitting rock. It hurt Grunk more Floyd | than it hurt rock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put leg in crack" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk body part work better when Grunk not think too hard about them. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "hee hee" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "smell crack" | ||||
Floyd | Crack smell normal to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "that ok grunk, it happen to all orc sometimes" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "look in crack" | ||||
Floyd | It dark, so Grunk not see if anything there inside or how deep crack Floyd | go. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "this why Grunk not write game about orc and lady orc" | |||
(from inky) Grunk :C | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x curtain" | ||||
Floyd | Look like big rug, but it on wall instead of floor, so that make it Floyd | curtain instead. Curtain have big picture of little man on it. Grunk Floyd | think little man maybe called "gnome". Him holding burning torch in Floyd | dark cave. Point at way out of cave. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "take curtain" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk try pulling curtain down, but it stuck to wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "eat curtain" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take curtain first) Floyd | Grunk try pulling curtain down, but it stuck to wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open curtain" | ||||
Floyd | That not thing that Grunk can open up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "pull curtain" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk try pulling curtain down, but it stuck to wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "draw curtain" | ||||
Floyd | [draw -> drag] Floyd | Grunk try pulling curtain down, but it stuck to wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "lift curtain" | ||||
Floyd | [lift -> lit] Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | tube Floyd | pants (black and sooty and wet) Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "burn curtain" | ||||
Floyd | Need fire for burning. Grunk not have fire. Floyd | Floyd | Pig poke nose behind curtain. But Grunk not think pig find anything. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "move curtain" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk push back curtain and peek behind it. Wall back there glow too! Floyd | Floyd | Pig snort and squeal and make funny sound at Grunk. But Grunk not know Floyd | what that mean, because Grunk not talk Piglish. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "chase pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk look away from pig. Then walk sideways at pig. Grunk hope that Floyd | pig get confused, think Grunk going other way. But when Grunk get to Floyd | pig, pig already someplace else! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "jump" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk jump up and then come down again. It always same. Maybe next Floyd | time, Grunk jump up and not come down. But probably not. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x wall" | ||||
Floyd | All wall in this room glow in dark! Except that since wall glowing, Floyd | there no dark for wall to glow in. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "get wall" | ||||
Floyd | Them not thing that Grunk can carry around. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "taste wall" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take glowing wall first) Floyd | Them not thing that Grunk can carry around. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "hit wall" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk remember last time Grunk try hitting rock. It hurt Grunk more Floyd | than it hurt rock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bishop says (to floyd), "lick wall" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take glowing wall first) Floyd | Them not thing that Grunk can carry around. Floyd | Floyd | Pig stick nose on ground and snuff around. Then pig eat thing off Floyd | ground. Grunk not see what, but it probably bug. Floyd | Floyd | > | baf asks, "So who's here who hasn't already played the game?" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search fountain" | ||||
Floyd | Hey, there coin inside fountain bowl! Grunk keep coin, because coin Floyd | handy thing. Floyd | Floyd | Pig peek over at fountain bowl too. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk score go up one.] Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "I" | |||
olethros says, "I" | ||||
nothing_else says, "moi" | ||||
DavidW says, "me" | ||||
baf says, "So a bunch of people. OK." | ||||
olethros asks, "push pig in bowl?" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x coin" | ||||
Floyd | Coin little and shiny, like moon. It look old, but it still mostly Floyd | shiny grey. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep asks, "shall we try one of these doors now?" | |||
Fang says, "ich" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "eat coin" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk very young when Grunk learn not eat coin. Grunk father get very Floyd | mad. But Grunk give father back coin next day, so it OK. Floyd | Floyd | Pig blink and squint at bright wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "I've not really played it before." | |||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
olethros says, "hahahaha" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "smell coin" | ||||
Floyd | Coin smell normal to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "feed coin to pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig not want it. Grunk wonder what pig buy with coin anyway. Pig not Floyd | have pocket. Floyd | Floyd | Hmm. Grunk not have pocket either. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "Maybe we can put the coin in the crack" | |||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "feed pants to pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig see Grunk coming for pig before Grunk even know Grunk coming for Floyd | pig. That one smart pig. Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin asks, "Maybe we can, but should we?" | |||
olethros says, "hahaha" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "juggle coin" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "throw coin at pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig squeal loud! It jump out of way of coin just in time. Then it give Floyd | Grunk dirty look. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get coin" | ||||
Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "return look" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Maybe Grunk see more Floyd | if Grunk have torch that on fire. But probably not, because lots of Floyd | light come from northwest doorway. There doorway to west too. Floyd | Floyd | There stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | Long green pole lean against wall next to doorway. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "oh yeah" | |||
inky says, "now I remember Jota having extensive discussions about the crack on #craft" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "eat pole" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take pole first) Floyd | It not easy, pick up pole. Feel like pole push Grunk away. But Grunk Floyd | strong; get pole anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Uh oh. Feew wike Gwuk tongue fftickig to powe. Floyd | Floyd | That feel weird. But tongue come back off again OK. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "light torch" | ||||
Floyd | Need fire for burning. Grunk not have fire. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x chest" | ||||
Floyd | Chest mean wide box with lid. This one too big to carry. It have Floyd | keyhole too, so it maybe locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "open it" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk unlock chest first) Floyd | Grunk not have any key. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x pole" | ||||
Floyd | This long green pole made of metal. It taller than Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | pole Floyd | coin Floyd | tube Floyd | pants (black and sooty and wet) Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha ha ha" | |||
inky says, "that pole joke ruled" | ||||
Gunther asks, "?" | ||||
Fang asks, "Is this a DCC injoke?" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Maybe Grunk see more Floyd | if Grunk have torch that on fire. But probably not, because lots of Floyd | light come from northwest doorway. There doorway to west too. Floyd | Floyd | There stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Closet Floyd | It dark. Grunk see lots of shadow. Grunk see doorway to east and west, Floyd | too. But mostly shadow. Floyd | Floyd | Gkrktkgkx! What that strange noise? Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "it's a joke about So Far (I am pretty sure)" | |||
inky says, "which had a similar pole you could lick and your tongue would get stuck" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||||
Floyd | Sound like snoring. Floyd | Floyd | Gkrktkgkx! Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "and then all the messages would get printed like that" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "snore" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | nothing_else asks, "as opposed to any of the canonical other appearances of tongue-stuck-pole-licking, e.g. Christmas Story?" | |||
inky says, "well, the so far thing was a ref to that, yeah" | ||||
Gunther says, "or Dumb & Dumber" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "shout" | ||||
Floyd | RAAARRRR! Floyd | Floyd | Strange noise stop. Then voice shout, "Ztorf!" Floyd | Floyd | Room light up! Grunk see little bed and trunk and desk and little man Floyd | in bed. Light come from blue ball that sit on desk. Little man climb Floyd | out of bed and put on pair of pointy slipper. Him walk over and squint Floyd | at Grunk. "Huh," him say. "An orc." Floyd | Floyd | Grunk say that Grunk orc. Then little man (Grunk think him called Floyd | "gnome") pull out little stool from desk and sit down. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, Grunk," him say, "What do you want?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "stick out tongue at man" | ||||
Floyd | HAW HAW HAW! Stupid gnome. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome search around inside desk drawer for little bit, until him give Floyd | up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "smell gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome look at Grunk. Him ask, "Do you mind?" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome go over to trunk and open it up. Him start searching in there. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "poke gnome" | ||||
Floyd | "Ow!" Gnome look hurt. "What was that for?" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome shake head and close trunk. Then him look under bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "Note that ztorf is frotz backward. I did not notice this the first time I played this." | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about gnome. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome look away. "Me? I'm nobody special. I just take care of the Floyd | shrine, now that no one else does." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome peek up on shelf. Then him look under desk. Then him look around Floyd | at room. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT THIS Floyd | PLACE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "look under bed" | ||||
Floyd | There nothing at all under bed. Not even book. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome ask, "Find anything new?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about shrine" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about this place. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "This is a shrine dedicated to a gnomish alchemist who Floyd | became slightly famous a number of years ago for coming up with a few Floyd | random inventions." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sigh. "Well, it's gone. I can't find my copy of Mogglev's The Floyd | Shocking Force anywhere." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome go back to desk and sit down. Floyd | Floyd | "I don't even know how long it's been missing," him say. "It's Floyd | probably in the hands of that last band of looters now." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT INVENTION or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST Floyd | or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "tell gnome about pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about how pig get lost. Floyd | Floyd | "I can see why your boss would be mad at you," Gnome say, "if you did Floyd | indeed leave the gate open." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up desk drawer and take out tray with lots of different cup Floyd | and tube and jar and bottle and thing on it. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT INVENTION or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST Floyd | or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about what shrine mean" | ||||
Floyd | [mean -> man] Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about looters" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about looting. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Every few years, this place is discovered by another band Floyd | of passing adventurers. They come in, search for any treasures they Floyd | can swipe as souvenirs, do a little vandalism, and then get bored as Floyd | soon as they realize there are no monsters around to kill." Him shrug. Floyd | "It's deplorable, but what can you do?" Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT INVENTION or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST Floyd | or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), " ask gnome about invention" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about alchemist invention. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, he had a few new ideas, I suppose." Gnome look up at wall. Grunk Floyd | think that mean him thinking. Or maybe him see word on wall. "There Floyd | was the color magnet. Proof paper." Gnome add, "And of course, there's Floyd | his work on the principles of mossfuressence." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME Floyd | HERE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about inventions" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about alchemist invention. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, he had a few new ideas, I suppose." Gnome look up at wall. Grunk Floyd | think that mean him thinking. Or maybe him see word on wall. "There Floyd | was the color magnet. Proof paper." Gnome add, "And of course, there's Floyd | his work on the principles of thermomechanics." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME Floyd | HERE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about jota" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about Jota. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "It sounds like he's given you quite a bit of help with Floyd | this project. Although I admit I don't quite understand how you happen Floyd | to know him." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome blow on stuff in bottle. But nothing special happen. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME Floyd | HERE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Man, is this going too fast for the poor folks who've never played it?" | |||
olethros says, "the gnome has all the answers" | ||||
Emily says, "ha ha ha wow" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "kiss gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome push Grunk away. "I really don't think I'm your type, Grunk." Floyd | Then him get pale. "At least... I dearly hope I'm not." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome stare into swirly stuff in bottle. Mmm, swirly. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about magic word. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Magic words usually serve to activate some already Floyd | prepared magical effects in the local area, such as teleportation. Floyd | They can be quite useful, and I admit I've used them myself -- but Floyd | only as a trigger for alchemy, of course." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or Floyd | ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably Floyd | other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about if" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about story contest and about story that Grunk Floyd | telling. Floyd | Floyd | "And you say that I'm just a character in your story?" Gnome shake Floyd | head and smile. "You will forgive me if I find that a little difficult Floyd | to swallow." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or Floyd | ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably Floyd | other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about pole" | nothing_else says (to Jacq), "earlier I found it pretty impossible to play from all the frivolous stuff being asked by people who'd played it before, because I couldn't keep track of the important stuff" | |||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about long pole. Floyd | Floyd | "That would probably be the color magnet," say gnome. "Unfortunately, Floyd | after all the looters there've been here, I think that green-painted Floyd | one is the only one we have left." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT COLOR MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about swirly" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "wow, I never thought to ask the Jota or if things" | |||
Taleslinger says, "me neitherthe firsttimearound" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about ifmud" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about ifMUD. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome just shake head. Grunk think gnome maybe not believe Grunk. But Floyd | it all true! Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put little bit of gunk from one tube into other tube. But gunk Floyd | not mix. Just make two gunk. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT COLOR MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about inky" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about inky. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Well, as long as he's a friendly ghost, I suppose that's Floyd | alright." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome stare into swirly stuff in bottle. Mmm, swirly. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT COLOR MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about comp" | inky says, "hooray" | |||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about story contest and about story that Grunk Floyd | telling. Floyd | Floyd | "And you say that I'm just a character in your story?" Gnome shake Floyd | head and smile. "You will forgive me if I find that a little difficult Floyd | to swallow." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome pick up cup of brown water and sip from it. Then him smile. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT COLOR MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Gunther says, "ha ha ha" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about maga" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about maga. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome nod. "Ah," him say, "Philosophy." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT COLOR Floyd | MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK Floyd | GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other Floyd | thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Color magnet? Can we paint the pig green?" | |||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "ASK gnome about gunther" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "yay" | |||
Gunther cries. | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about Jacqueline" | Jacqueline says, "Well, if the new folks to this game find it too distracting, we can ask the veterans to back off and watch. Just speak up." | |||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about Jacqueline. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "A ranger, huh? I bet she has a pet bear." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome drink brown water. Him smile at Grunk. Maybe brown water tasty. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT COLOR Floyd | MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK Floyd | GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other Floyd | thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | nothing_else says, "i assume we can maybe get other colors onto the pole" | |||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about jacqueline" | inky says, "he probably knows all the beta-testers" | |||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about Jacqueline. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "A ranger, huh? I bet she has a pet bear." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT COLOR Floyd | MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK Floyd | GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other Floyd | thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about ifmud" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about ifMUD. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome just shake head. Grunk think gnome maybe not believe Grunk. But Floyd | it all true! Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT COLOR Floyd | MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK Floyd | GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other Floyd | thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "tell gnome about color magenta" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "ha" | |||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about pass the banana" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "I did not know I was in the game." | |||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about philosophy" | ||||
Floyd | What that mean, ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | PHILOSOPHER'S STONE? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "tell gnome about bug" | ||||
Floyd | [bug -> hug] Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about betatesters" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about bug" | ||||
Floyd | [bug -> hug] Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "hug gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome push Grunk away. "I really don't think I'm your type, Grunk." Floyd | Then him get pale. "At least... I dearly hope I'm not." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome swirl brown water around. Then him sip some more. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about getting stoned" | ||||
Floyd | [stoned -> stone] Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | pole Floyd | coin Floyd | tube Floyd | pants (black and sooty and wet) Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | Floyd | Gnome gulp down last of brown water. Put cup back on tray. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about fountain" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about how fountain not working. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sigh. "Yes, It's been that way for quite some time. The plumbing Floyd | contractor said he would be here to look at it some time between ten Floyd | o'clock and the vernal equinox." Then gnome say, "Unfortunately, he Floyd | never said which vernal equinox." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put tray back away inside desk. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT PLUMBER or ASK GNOME ABOUT COLOR MAGNET or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG Floyd | GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "show pants to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about Grunk favorite pants. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "It sounds as though those pants have had nearly as much of Floyd | an adventure as you have. But I do wish you would put them back on." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up drawer and take out pile of different paper. Him take Floyd | out pen and little bottle, too. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT PLUMBER or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT COLOR MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. Floyd | And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about zarf" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about Zarf. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome ask, "Are you sure that's actually a person, and not some kind Floyd | of magic word?" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put pile of paper on desk. Then gnome put little bottle on desk. Floyd | Then gnome open up little bottle. Then gnome stick pen in little Floyd | bottle. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT PLUMBER or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT COLOR MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. Floyd | And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about his breasts" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about everything" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "wear pants" | ||||
Floyd | OK, Grunk put on pants. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome turn to Grunk and say, "Thank you. I do appreciate that." Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hahaha" | |||
baf says (to Floyd), "eat gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Mmm, gnome... Floyd | Floyd | Gnome turn and look at Grunk. Him ask, "Are you drooling on me?" Floyd | Floyd | Grunk not say anything. Just wipe mouth off. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, stop it." Then him go back to doing other thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about pole" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about long pole. Floyd | Floyd | "That would probably be the color magnet," say gnome. "Unfortunately, Floyd | after all the looters there've been here, I think that green-painted Floyd | one is the only one we have left." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome draw picture of little man wearing funny hat. Gnome grin. Then Floyd | him hide that paper under bottom of pile. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT PLUMBER or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT COLOR MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. Floyd | And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "show coin to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about coin that Grunk find. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome laugh. "So you're a rich man now, Grunk. Don't spend it all in Floyd | one go." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome try drawing thing, but it not make any mark. So gnome poke pen Floyd | into bottle again. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT PLUMBER or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT COLOR MAGNET or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. Floyd | And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "a color magnet draws same-color objects?" | |||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about color magnet" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about color magnet. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "The basic principle of chromatic magnetism is the same as Floyd | that of traditional polar magnetism: opposites attract." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT PLUMBER or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME Floyd | HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | nothing_else asks, "why is the 'can try' list getting so long?" | |||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "hit gnome with magnet" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "because we are expanding the tree" | |||
olethros says, "but we are not asking the questions in it" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about plumber" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about "plumbing contractor" thing. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Most dwarves I've met have been perfectly trustworthy. Floyd | Plumbers, however, are a decided exception." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome mutter, "I could solve this, I think, if I could consult the Floyd | right reference material..." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME HOW LONG GNOME HERE or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | MAGIC. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "(it's like a cool menu)" | |||
nothing_else says, "oh, i thought that was a syntax prompt, not actual stuff that has come up" | ||||
Gunther says (to nothing_else), "disambiguation errors" | ||||
olethros says, "no, it's stuff that you can still ask" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome how long gnome here" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome how long him here for. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "I've been down here alone for at least--" Gnome look at Floyd | Grunk and laugh. "Well, let's just say it's probably it's probably Floyd | longer than you can count." Floyd | Floyd | Wow. Gnome here for more than seven! Floyd | Floyd | Gnome draw strange curly picture with lots of swoopy bits and little Floyd | marks next to each bit. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT ALCHEMIST or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC. And probably other thing Floyd | too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "except philosophy" | |||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about magic" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about magic. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "I suppose magic has its purposes, but I've always found Floyd | alchemy to be much more practical." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT ALCHEMIST. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "Stuff that's come up that you haven't asked about yet." | |||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about alchemy" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome what "alchemy" mean. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Alchemy is the science of studying the principles at work Floyd | in nature, dissecting them into their component aspects, and then Floyd | recombining them in new and useful configurations." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome close up bottle. Then him pick up papers and bottle and put it Floyd | all away. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT SCIENCE or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT NATURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMIST. And probably other thing Floyd | too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about alchemist" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about famous alchemist gnome. Floyd | Floyd | "His name was Zugilbor Galrogginpots sem Endali dec Frebensalbibit. Floyd | Many people seemed to think his inventions made him something Floyd | special." Gnome shrug. "Special enough to have this shrine built for Floyd | him, anyway. But not enough to remember him a few years later." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sigh. "I wish I knew where that Mogglev's ended up." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT SCIENCE or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT NATURE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about science" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome what "science" mean. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Science is about the quest for knowledge." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up drawer and take out pile of different paper. Him take Floyd | out pen and little bottle, too. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT EQUINOX Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE. And probably Floyd | other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about equinox" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome what "equinox" mean. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "An equinox is when the day and the night are exactly the Floyd | same length." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put pile of paper on desk. Then gnome put little bottle on desk. Floyd | Then gnome open up little bottle. Then gnome stick pen in little Floyd | bottle. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT Floyd | NIGHT or ASK GNOME ABOUT DAY. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "Can't read that fast." | |||
nothing_else exclaims (at Gunther), "damn, you just expanded it again!" | ||||
olethros says, "yeah, let's take a commercial break" | ||||
Cathy arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | schep says, "well, now we can probably get that red thing" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about day" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask what gnome think about daytime. Floyd | Floyd | "They say that the sun is just a giant ball of flaming magic that's Floyd | orbiting the world." Gnome make odd little noise with teeth. "But just Floyd | between you and me, I don't believe a word of it." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT Floyd | NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit at desk with pen and paper. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there bottle and pile of paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "take ball" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome shake head at Grunk. "I don't see why I should just let you take Floyd | my things. It's not as though you've done anything in particular to Floyd | earn them." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "earn ball" | ||||
Floyd | [earn -> ear] Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "x ball" | ||||
Floyd | Ball glow bright blue. It size of Grunk fist and very round. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about ball" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about glowing blue ball on shelf. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome look up at shelf. Then him pick up ball. Floyd | Floyd | "That orb is a good example of mossfuressence," him say, "Just like Floyd | the glowing walls in the main shrine. I had it equipped with magic Floyd | words for turning it on and off." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome show ball to Grunk. It all blue and glowy. Then him put it back Floyd | on shelf. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MOSSFURESSENCE or TELL Floyd | GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "sit on stool" | ||||
Floyd | But stool full of gnome! It not really big enough for Grunk anyway. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Cathy has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "sit on gnome" | ||||
Floyd | That not thing that Grunk can sit on. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "get gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome growl, "You may be bigger than me, but that doesn't give you the Floyd | right to push me around." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome scribble quick little thing in one corner of paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | Gunther says, "IRTA "mossphorescence"" | |||
maga says, "aww" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "sit on bed" | ||||
Floyd | Bed too little. Or maybe Grunk too big. But Grunk sit down anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "I guess I'll be washing my sheets later." Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Yay 'stool full of gnome.'" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "remove pants" | ||||
Floyd | OK, pants off. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome look away. "Oh, for the love of..." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "give pants to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome not even let Grunk let go of pants. Floyd | Floyd | "No," say gnome. "Just no." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome give pants back to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "put pants on gnome's head" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "eat tube" | ||||
Floyd | Hmm. It not easy, but... Floyd | Floyd | Gulp! Floyd | Floyd | OK. (Tweee.) All gone. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "put pants on gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome stop Grunk. "Hey, watch it," him say. "Those are Floyd | Floyd | Gnome mutter, "I could solve this, I think, if I could consult the Floyd | right reference material..." Floyd | Floyd | > | Gunther says, "man this game is buggy!" | |||
maga says, "those are..." | ||||
Gunther ducks. | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I was really surprised to hear someone write in a review that the Gnome felt flat and that Grunk's character overshadowed him. I think they're both good." | ||||
olethros says, "mmm" | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "cough" | ||||
Floyd | Cough! Tweeeeee! Floyd | Floyd | Grunk cough. Cough cough. COUGH! Ptoo. Clink. Floyd | Floyd | Grunk cough up tube. Feel better now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about exit" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome if there any exit out of shrine. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Well, you already know about the main entrance." Then him Floyd | smile. "I won't say that there isn't another way out. But I think you Floyd | should find it for yourself." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome work hard at making lots and lots of mark all over paper. Then Floyd | gnome turn paper over and make more mark on other side. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or TELL GNOME ABOUT ENTRANCE Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT MOSSFURESSENCE or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. Floyd | And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "get tube" | ||||
Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "that's the *point* of a straight man" | |||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about mossfuressence" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about strange moss-fur thing. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Isolating the qualities of mossfuressence is a goal that Floyd | eluded alchemists for decades." Then him ask Grunk, "You're familiar Floyd | with how all those stories about heroes who are lost in deep Floyd | underground caverns with no torches or lanterns always have Floyd | mysteriously glowing fungi and shaggy mosses growing on the cave Floyd | walls?" Floyd | Floyd | All the story that Grunk hear about hero end with "and then orc killed Floyd | hero hooray." Grunk think that maybe not same kind of story. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, regardless," gnome say, "The essence of those furry glowing Floyd | mosses has been distilled into an impure alchemical reagent. That's Floyd | mossfuressence." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or TELL GNOME ABOUT ENTRANCE Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ADVENTURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or TELL GNOME WHAT Floyd | GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to maga), "Exactly." | |||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about adventure" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about adventure. Floyd | Floyd | "Adventuring has become a popular hobby, these days." Gnome shake Floyd | head, looking sad. "But it's really just another excuse for looting Floyd | and petty vandalism. Not to mention the killing." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING Floyd | or TELL GNOME ABOUT ENTRANCE or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or TELL GNOME WHAT Floyd | GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "tell gnome about entrance" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about how Grunk fall down stair. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "You may remember a few months ago, when the ground around Floyd | here shook for several hours." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome right! Grunk remember that. Floyd | Floyd | "I believe it was due to a careless mage testing some new spell for Floyd | manipulating earth. Fortunately for me, this shrine was only at the Floyd | very edge of its range, or else the ceiling above us might have Floyd | suffered the same fate as that stairway." Floyd | Floyd | Pig walk into room from west. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome draw slow on paper. Make different long straight line that bend Floyd | and cross each other in different place. Him very careful. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or Floyd | ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. Floyd | And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about zork" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about Zork. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "That sounds familiar. I think the wizard who installed the Floyd | "ztorf" command in my mossfuressent orb might have mentioned something Floyd | like that." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or Floyd | ASK GNOME ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or TELL GNOME WHAT Floyd | GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "zton" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about deadlline" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "ztorf" | ||||
DavidW has disconnected. | ||||
DavidW goes home. | ||||
Floyd | Nothing happen. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome look at paper like him not know what it mean. Grunk sure that Floyd | Grunk not know what it mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "say frotz" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know that word. Sound like magic, though. Floyd | Floyd | Pig run around room and bump into desk. Bottle almost fall over! But Floyd | gnome catch it before it spill on pile of paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "say ztorf" | ||||
Floyd | Nothing happen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "frotz" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know that word. Sound like magic, though. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "bored now. want leave." | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room (on top of bed) Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit at desk with pen and paper. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there bottle and pile of paper. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "heh" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know that word. Sound like magic, though. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome close up bottle. Then him pick up papers and bottle and put it Floyd | all away. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not go anywhere while still on bed. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up desk drawer and take out tray with lots of different cup Floyd | and tube and jar and bottle and thing on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "stand on bed" | ||||
Floyd | But Grunk already on bed. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome take cup of blue water and pour it in cup of red water. Make Floyd | little puff of smoke come out. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "jump" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk jump up and then come down again. It always same. Maybe next Floyd | time, Grunk jump up and not come down. But probably not. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "stand" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk get off bed. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit at desk with cup and bottle and tube and stuff. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there tray full of stuff. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome stare into swirly stuff in bottle. Mmm, swirly. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "x tray" | ||||
Floyd | Tray have lots of different thing on it. Cup and bottle and tube and Floyd | jar and different color water and powder and gunk and lots of stuff Floyd | like that. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome take little piece of glowing plant and cut it up tiny. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "poke ball" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome shout, "Hey! Beat up your own things, but leave mine alone!" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put some bit of plant into water. Then water start glowing too! Floyd | Floyd | Gnome grin. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Pig see Grunk leave. But not seem to care much. Floyd | Floyd | Table Room Floyd | This room look like it maybe for eating or for play cards or for maybe Floyd | for just sitting and talking. That because there big table and one Floyd | chair here. There no lamp or thing like that in room, but lots of Floyd | light come from northeast doorway. Other doorway go east. Floyd | Floyd | There tall metal box over in corner. Floyd | Floyd | Some person make marks on wall here. Floyd | Floyd | Chair next to table look lonely with no other chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "x marks" | ||||
Floyd | Look like orange paint. Grunk not know what marks mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x box" | ||||
Floyd | Box almost tall as Grunk. It have little slot near top, and it have Floyd | bigger basket down near bottom, and it have lever that stick out of Floyd | side of box. It have some dent in it too, so maybe it old. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "touch marks with pole" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not think pole do much for marks on wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "open box" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see any way for opening box up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "pull lever" | ||||
Floyd | KA-CHUNK! But thing not happen this time. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "put coin in slot" | ||||
Floyd | Clink! Coin gone inside box now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "pull lever" | ||||
Floyd | KA-CHUNK! Thunk! Brick fall out of box into basket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "get brick" | ||||
Floyd | Brick feel more soft than normal brick. Little bit sticky too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "smell brick" | ||||
Floyd | Mmm, fruity. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x brick" | ||||
Floyd | Brick light brown and not too big. There lots of little colored thing Floyd | stuck in it all over. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "eat brick" | ||||
Floyd | Yum! Brick taste sweet and crumbly and chewy and fruity. Not bad. Floyd | Munch munch. Only half left now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "hit box" | ||||
Floyd | BAM! Clink! Coin fall out of box into basket. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "candy?" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "take coin" | ||||
Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "pemmican" | |||
Gunther has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "sit on chair" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk get on chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Table Room (on top of chair) Floyd | This room look like it maybe for eating or for play cards or for maybe Floyd | for just sitting and talking. That because there big table and one Floyd | chair here. There no lamp or thing like that in room, but lots of Floyd | light come from northeast doorway. Other doorway go east. Floyd | Floyd | There tall metal box over in corner. Floyd | Floyd | Some person make marks on wall here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Gunther says, "for the nth time it turns out collab play is not for me" | |||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "eat coin" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk very young when Grunk learn not eat coin. Grunk father get very Floyd | mad. But Grunk give father back coin next day, so it OK. Floyd | Floyd | > | Taleslinger says, "hehe" | |||
Marvin says, "This is about the only way I'll get anywhere in IF." | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not go anywhere while still on chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "stand" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk get off chair. Floyd | Floyd | Table Room Floyd | This room look like it maybe for eating or for play cards or for maybe Floyd | for just sitting and talking. That because there big table and one Floyd | chair here. There no lamp or thing like that in room, but lots of Floyd | light come from northeast doorway. Other doorway go east. Floyd | Floyd | There tall metal box over in corner. Floyd | Floyd | Some person make marks on wall here. Floyd | Floyd | Chair next to table look lonely with no other chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "take chair" | ||||
Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "take table" | ||||
Floyd | That not thing that Grunk can carry around. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "eat chair" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk chew on chair for little bit. Taste like wood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "push box" | ||||
Floyd | Murrmmfng! Grunk try pushing box over, but it too heavy. Only tip Floyd | little bit, then bang right back down on ground in same spot it at Floyd | before. Floyd | Floyd | Click. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig come in from southeast. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to Gunther), "Sorry 'bout that. There's a couple of ways to go, and we've been debating it. We can talk about that later. Sometimes we designate a spokesperson to speak to Floyd." | |||
nothing_else says (to Floyd), "give brick to pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig back away slow. Look like it maybe want brick, but still not want Floyd | get close to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | Gunther says, "yeah -- then it's too slow instead of too nonsensical" | |||
schep says (to Floyd), "drop brick" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | Pig look at brick on ground. Then pig look at Grunk. Then pig look at Floyd | brick again. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | OK. Grunk good at waiting. Floyd | Floyd | Pig walk over to brick and sniff at brick. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | OK. Grunk good at waiting. Floyd | Floyd | Pig take little bite of brick. Then pig take bigger bite. Only half Floyd | brick there when pig start, so it all gone pretty quick. Floyd | Floyd | Pig still watching Grunk, but pig looking around for more brick, too. Floyd | Maybe that half brick not enough for pig. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "anyway, it got me interested in the game" | |||
Gunther says, "yes" | ||||
Jacqueline listens to Gunther and sighs. "Well yeah, tag-team play might just not be fore you." | ||||
Gunther says, "well, I knew I wanted to play it" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig see Grunk coming, and it run away to southeast. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "maybe we can mistify something for next VF?" | |||
olethros asks, "CF?" | ||||
Alex says (to olethros), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that cf is Care-Free. And Cfgff Fsaaacxsv." | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Cave With Stream Floyd | Tunnel come to little cave here, but wide stream block way east. Grunk Floyd | not see much on other side. Not know if tunnel keep going or stop Floyd | here. Only light that Grunk see come from bright room, far off to Floyd | west. But Grunk hear lots of water. Floyd | Floyd | There stone bench next to stream. Floyd | Floyd | Seeing over there not easy in dark, but Grunk think there little Floyd | reddish thing on other side of stream. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get red with pole" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk stick pole out across stream and poke red thing with end of it. Floyd | Red thing stick to end of pole! Grunk pull it back and find out that Floyd | thing really key, so Grunk take key. Floyd | Floyd | Pole not feel sticky to Grunk, and key not feel sticky too. Wonder why Floyd | key stick to pole. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says, "yay" | Jacqueline says (to Alex), "CF is also short for ClubFloyd." | |||
Alex says (to Jacqueline), "Okay, CF is also short for ClubFloyd." | ||||
inky says, "woo" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "woohoo" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "eat key" | ||||
Floyd | Eating key maybe fun today. But it not so fun tomorrow. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "ha" | |||
baf says, "So I hope it's clear now why Grunk's tongue stuck to the pole." | ||||
schep says, "ha ha" | ||||
inky says (to baf), "ha ha" | ||||
inky says, "good point" | ||||
schep says, "oh, good point" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "And why he was repelled when trying to pick it up." | ||||
maga says (to Alex), "CF is also Cryptic Floydosis" | ||||
Alex says (to maga), "Okay, CF is also Cryptic Floydosis." | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Maybe Grunk see more Floyd | if Grunk have torch that on fire. But probably not, because lots of Floyd | light come from northwest doorway. There doorway to west too. Floyd | Floyd | There stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig watch Grunk come in. Pig grunt at Grunk. Then it go back to what Floyd | it doing before. Floyd | Floyd | > | nothing_else asks, "huh wha?" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "open chest" | Jacqueline says, "Thank you, maga." | |||
Floyd | (Grunk unlock chest first) Floyd | (with key) Floyd | OK, Grunk open up chest. Chest full of black powder. Floyd | Floyd | Pig peek over at chest too. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk score go up one.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "eat powder" | ||||
Floyd | Ow! That burn Grunk tongue. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hahaha" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x powder" | ||||
Floyd | It very black and powdery. Almost light and fluffy, like smoke. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "smell it" | ||||
Floyd | Ow! That burn Grunk nose. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "take it" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk try scooping up black powder in hand, but it just go between Floyd | Grunk finger. Floyd | Floyd | Pig yawn. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "fullscore" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk get point for this stuff: Floyd | Floyd | 1 hear where pig at Floyd | 1 get coin Floyd | 1 unlock chest Floyd | Floyd | That make 3 out of 7 so far. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "hit powder" | ||||
Floyd | Poof! Powder make big cloud, like smoke! Cloud make Grunk cough. Augh! Floyd | It burn! Floyd | Floyd | But cloud not stay long. Then Grunk feel better. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "eat powder" | ||||
Floyd | Ow! That burn Grunk tongue. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "play with powder" | ||||
Floyd | Poof! Powder make big cloud, like smoke! Cloud make Grunk cough. Augh! Floyd | It burn! Floyd | Floyd | But cloud not stay long. Then Grunk feel better. Floyd | Floyd | Pig roll it eyes at Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "play with pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk sneak up behind pig. Say "Boo!" Floyd | Floyd | Pig jump up in air, then spin around and run off other way. Run right Floyd | into wall! Pig fall over on pig butt. Silly pig. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "throw powder at pig" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take chest first) Floyd | Nrrnurrgh! Chest too heavy for Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "blow powder at pig" | ||||
Floyd | That not make sense after part about blow black powder. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep exclaims, "yay!" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "blow powder" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk huff and puff at black powder, but nothing happen. Floyd | Floyd | Pig go west. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hmmmm" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "inhale powder" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "snort powder" | ||||
Floyd | [snort -> short] Floyd | That not make sense after part about short. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "sniff powder" | ||||
Floyd | Ow! That burn Grunk nose. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit at desk with tool and strange helmet thing. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there little box and strange helmet. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig see Grunk coming, and it run away to west. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome tap at side of helmet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about helmet" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "x helmet" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about strange helmet thing. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "I've been working on harnessing the fluid nature of Floyd | lightning to build a machine that's capable of doing what no purely Floyd | mechanical device has been able to do." Floyd | Floyd | Then him pause. Maybe hoping Grunk ask what. So Grunk ask what. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "I'm creating a device that is actually able to augment Floyd | nothing less than thought itself!" Floyd | Floyd | Then him pause again. Grunk not know what gnome hoping Grunk ask now, Floyd | so Grunk just wait. Floyd | Floyd | After gnome and Grunk both wait for little bit, gnome say. "It's a big Floyd | ambition. My first model is only able to perform simple arithmetic. Floyd | But the next one I'm designing should be able to handle logarithms. Floyd | After it understands basic mathematics, who knows what this 'thinking Floyd | cap' could be programmed to do?" Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT MATH or ASK GNOME ABOUT THINKING or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | KILLING or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME ABOUT HEROES AND Floyd | VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or TELL Floyd | GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Helmet have lots of wire and metal bit that stick out and colored bits Floyd | that glow some time and other bits that just look strange. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome poke tool deep inside helmet. End of tool break off inside. Floyd | Oops. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "wear cap" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take strange helmet first) Floyd | Gnome shake head at Grunk. "I don't see why I should just let you take Floyd | my things. It's not as though you've done anything in particular to Floyd | earn them." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome frown. "I wish I could remember which of these contacts has the Floyd | highest potential." Then him poke at helmet. But nothing happen. Floyd | Floyd | "Bah," gnome say. "I should have just looked it up. If I had anything Floyd | to look it up in." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "tell gnome about wikipedia" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "snrk" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "tell gnome about internet" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | olethros says, "now I am spoiled and thus disappointed" | |||
Taleslinger arrives, full of fun and funk. | Jacqueline says, "aw" | |||
Taleslinger asks, "Snrk?" | ||||
Alex says (to Taleslinger), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that snrk is unknowable." | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "tell gnome about brick" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about brick that Grunk find but that Grunk not Floyd | have anymore. Floyd | Floyd | "Mmm," gnome say, "The ones my mother used to make never lasted very Floyd | long either. They're surprisingly addictive." Then him add, "But I'm Floyd | sure you can get more where the last one came from." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put tool back in box. Then put box and helmet back inside desk. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT MATH or ASK GNOME ABOUT THINKING or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | KILLING or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME ABOUT HEROES AND Floyd | VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or TELL Floyd | GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "open desk" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome bat Grunk hand away. "Cut that out," him say. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up desk and take out pipe and little bag. Then gnome fill Floyd | up pipe with brown powder from bag. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about thinking" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about thinking. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Thinking is my job. And my hobby." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put bag on desk. Then gnome spit in pipe. Grunk see smoke come Floyd | out of it. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT MATH or ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or Floyd | ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT NATURE or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK Floyd | ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "punch gnome" | ||||
Floyd | "Ow!" Gnome look hurt. "What was that for?" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put pipe in mouth and breathe in deep. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about math" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome what "math" mean. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "It's things like numbers and counting and... well, more Floyd | complicated things." Gnome wave hand. "But it all starts with the Floyd | counting." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | NATURE or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably Floyd | other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about pipe" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about smoking stuff in pipe. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome smile. "The pipe was actually my father's, before he passed Floyd | away." Then him pat little bag. "But the tobacco is my own personal Floyd | blend, with a little something extra to make it easy to light." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | NATURE or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably Floyd | other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to Taleslinger), "'snrk' is an onomatopoeic word for laughing. That sound you make when you just sort of laugh under your breath." | |||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about black powder" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about black powder that Grunk find. Floyd | Floyd | "Ah," gnome say. "That would be dehydrated fire." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | NATURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT DEHYDRATED FIRE or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK Floyd | THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about black powder" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about black powder that Grunk find. Floyd | Floyd | "Ah," gnome say. "That would be dehydrated fire." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome blow out puff of smoke. It come out like circle. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | NATURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT DEHYDRATED FIRE or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK Floyd | THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about fire" | ||||
Floyd | What that mean, ASK GNOME ABOUT MAKING FIRE or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | DEHYDRATED FIRE? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about making fire" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome how Grunk can make fire. Floyd | Floyd | "There are many different ways to make fire," Gnome say. "You can use Floyd | flint and steel, if you have them. They say you can rub two pieces of Floyd | wood together, but I've never had much luck with that." Then gnome Floyd | say, "Or you could just use alchemy. But whichever you use, be careful Floyd | not to make a mess with all that soot and ash." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome blow out last little bit of smoke. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | NATURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT FLINT AND STEEL or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | DEHYDRATED FIRE or ASK GNOME ABOUT WOOD or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK Floyd | ABOUT AT NIGHT. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about dehydrated fire" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about "dehydrated fire". Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "The water serves to activate and release the other bound Floyd | qualities that are fundamental to flame." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT PHILOSOPHY or ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT KILLING or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME Floyd | ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or ASK GNOME ABOUT ZTORF or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | NATURE or ASK GNOME ABOUT FLINT AND STEEL or ASK GNOME ABOUT WOOD or Floyd | ASK GNOME ABOUT WATER or TELL GNOME WHAT GRUNK THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT. Floyd | And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Maybe Grunk see more Floyd | if Grunk have torch that on fire. But probably not, because lots of Floyd | light come from northwest doorway. There doorway to west too. Floyd | Floyd | There open stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "spit on powder" | ||||
Floyd | Ptoo! Hiss. It make little spark! But that not enough for real fire. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says (to schep), "yay, good thinking" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x torch" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk bring torch because Grunk not good at seeing in dark. Floyd | Floyd | One end of torch look black and sooty. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "put torch in powder" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk stick torch in black powder. Then Grunk take torch back and look Floyd | at it. But torch not look any different. Powder not even stick to Floyd | torch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | There only doorway to northwest and west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig see Grunk come in. But pig ignore Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Cave With Stream Floyd | Tunnel come to little cave here, but wide stream block way east. Grunk Floyd | not see much on other side. Not know if tunnel keep going or stop Floyd | here. Only light that Grunk see come from bright room, far off to Floyd | west. But Grunk hear lots of water. Floyd | Floyd | There stone bench next to stream. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | key Floyd | chair Floyd | coin Floyd | tube Floyd | pole Floyd | pants (black and sooty and wet) Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "make the torch wet?" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "put torch in water" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk stick torch in water. Then Grunk take torch back and look at it. Floyd | Torch all wet! Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "(explosion?)" | |||
baf says (to Floyd), "smell stream" | ||||
Floyd | Stream smell clean. Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "The pants are wet already, of course." | |||
schep says, "yay explode" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig not see Grunk come in. Or maybe it just pretend it not see. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Pig watch Grunk go. Then go back to doing pig thing. Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Maybe Grunk see more Floyd | if Grunk have torch that on fire. But probably not, because lots of Floyd | light come from northwest doorway. There doorway to west too. Floyd | Floyd | There open stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "put pants in powder" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk stick pants in black powder. Pants start smoking and burning. Floyd | End up all dry, but it not light on fire, so Grunk take them back. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "put torch in powder" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk stick torch in black powder. Torch start smoking and burning. Floyd | End up all dry, but it not light on fire, so Grunk take it back. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "aw, man" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "tie pants" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not good with knot. That why Grunk not wear shoe. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "there's still a room north of the fountain room I don't think we've been in" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig look inside fountain, but pig not find any water. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "yeah" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Statue Room Floyd | This room have two big picture that face each other. West wall have Floyd | picture on it and and east wall have different picture on it. Grunk Floyd | think both picture really just part of wall, though. South wall have Floyd | doorway in it that lots of light come from and north wall not have Floyd | anything in it at all. Floyd | Floyd | Statue of little man stand here, up on big stone block. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x statue" | ||||
Floyd | Statue look like little man with round nose and big ear and moustache. Floyd | Grunk think funny little man maybe called "gnome". Wear funny suit and Floyd | pointy shoe and little round hat. One hand point north, at wall. Other Floyd | hand up in air. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome stand on big stone block. Maybe block for making gnome look Floyd | tall. It true that statue look more big than real gnome, but Grunk Floyd | think that just because it statue. Maybe all thing look more big when Floyd | it like rock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "turn statue" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk grab statue by ears! Grrrnnnh! Try hard to turn it, but statue Floyd | not move. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x hand" | ||||
Floyd | (statue hand) Floyd | One hand point north, at wall. Other hand up in air. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x north" | ||||
Floyd | (north wall) Floyd | There no picture on north wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk just see top of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "hit north wall" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk remember last time Grunk try hitting rock. It hurt Grunk more Floyd | than it hurt rock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "jump" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "hit north wall" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk jump up and then come down again. It always same. Maybe next Floyd | time, Grunk jump up and not come down. But probably not. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk remember last time Grunk try hitting rock. It hurt Grunk more Floyd | than it hurt rock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "push north wall" | ||||
Floyd | Wall not go any place when Grunk push. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "x west picture" | ||||
Floyd | Picture have big pile of black powder. Powder all on fire. Picture Floyd | have bucket of water, too. Bucket pouring water onto fire. Grunk guess Floyd | that water for making fire go out. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x shoe" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome wear jacket with little sleeve and pair of pointy shoe and two Floyd | strap to keep pants up and little round hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x hat" | ||||
Floyd | Hat look like round little bowl with brim. But upside down. Floyd | Floyd | Hmm. Hat look little bit crooked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "take it" | ||||
Floyd | Hat come right off! Grunk guess it not really part of statue after Floyd | all. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x east wall" | ||||
Floyd | Picture have long purple pole that go from side to side. All around Floyd | pole, there different yellow thing that float in air, like honey and Floyd | banana and thing that Grunk never see before and lots of other thing Floyd | too. Under that, there picture of pie. Mmm, pie. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in it" | ||||
Floyd | Picture just part of wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "eat hat" | ||||
Floyd | If Grunk not get back to farm with pig, then Grunk eat Grunk hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in hat" | ||||
Floyd | Hat empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says (to baf), "hee hee" | |||
nothing_else goes home. | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "break hat" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk remember last time Grunk try hitting rock. It hurt Grunk more Floyd | than it hurt rock. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "put water in hat?" | |||
olethros asks, "or powder?" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "smell statue" | ||||
Floyd | Statue of gnome smell normal to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | nothings says, "whoops, I got distracted for a while and now it's way too hard to catch up" | |||
baf says (to Floyd), "feel hat" | ||||
Floyd | That feel just like hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "fill with water, pour water on chest" | |||
olethros asks, "are you that hairy?" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "wear hat" | ||||
Floyd | OK, Grunk put on hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "Or put powder and water in hat." | |||
Jacqueline says (to nothings), "Yeah, this is moving pretty fast." | ||||
Syntax: whisper person = message (or) .person message | Jacqueline said, and then it stopped. | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Cave With Stream Floyd | Tunnel come to little cave here, but wide stream block way east. Grunk Floyd | not see much on other side. Not know if tunnel keep going or stop Floyd | here. Only light that Grunk see come from bright room, far off to Floyd | west. But Grunk hear lots of water. Floyd | Floyd | There stone bench next to stream. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "put water in hat" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take hat off first) Floyd | Grunk fill up hat with water. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "wear hat" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk put on hat full of water. Water all pour out on Grunk head. Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin exclaims, "Ha!" | |||
baf says (to Floyd), "put water in hat" | ||||
Floyd | (Grunk take hat off first) Floyd | Grunk fill up hat with water. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "grunk is perfect for clubfloyding" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! Story not too big. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "drink water" | ||||
Floyd | What that mean, water in stream or water in hat? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | La la la! It all about Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "(oh, I guess it just starts over)" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "drink stream" | ||||
Floyd | Stream go that way, but Grunk not in stream. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Mmm. Grunk not really thirsty, but water still taste good. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "it did, but maybe the story is longer now" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk only see one place Grunk can go. That tunnel back west. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Well, eventually it does, once you get to the end, which we did." | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "And now it's probably longer." | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Maybe Grunk see more Floyd | if Grunk have torch that on fire. But probably not, because lots of Floyd | light come from northwest doorway. There doorway to west too. Floyd | Floyd | There open stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "put powder in hat" | ||||
Floyd | Hat already full of water. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "enter chest" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not get inside of chest because Grunk too big. And Grunk not get Floyd | on top of chest because chest still open. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "put water in chest" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk pour out water into chest. When water touch powder, it make Floyd | fire! Now black powder on fire! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "light pants" | ||||
Floyd | (with black powder) Floyd | Grunk set pants on fire. Mmm. Grunk like fire. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | hat Floyd | key Floyd | chair Floyd | coin Floyd | tube Floyd | pole Floyd | pants (on fire) Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | Floyd | Fire in chest not so big now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "light chair" | ||||
Floyd | (with black powder) Floyd | Grunk set chair on fire. Mmm. Grunk like fire. Floyd | Floyd | Fire in chest get so little that it not there at all anymore. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "finally grunk pants on fire again" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "light grunk" | ||||
Floyd | (with chair) Floyd | Ow! Fire hot! Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "what chest?" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "light torch" | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "search shelves" | ||||
Floyd says (to schep), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | ||||
schep exclaims, "Nooo!" | ||||
Marvin says, "Whoa." | ||||
maga says, "waaaah" | ||||
olethros says, "huh" | ||||
olethros asks, "how did that happen?" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "You suck." | ||||
Floyd says (to Marvin), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | ||||
maga says, "was that a crash? normally you get some kind of error message" | ||||
schep says, "it crashed" | ||||
schep asks, "from having two sources of fire, maybe?" | ||||
inky says, "whoah" | Jacqueline asks, "WHAT?" | |||
baf weeps | ||||
olethros says, "I dont think so" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd says (to baf), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | Jacqueline says, "This has never happened before." | |||
maga says, "maybe small metal man not good at telling story." | Jacqueline says, "Had we saved? I guess not." | |||
Bishop says (to Jota), "This is all your ault." | ||||
inky says, "we didn't actually lose much progress" | ||||
Bishop says, "Er, fault." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "It'd be very easy to catch up." | ||||
inky says, "although now we have to try to eat everything all over again" | ||||
schep says, "it won't be hard to replay, but :(" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "And once you do, I'd save." | ||||
Gunther says, "clearly the comp was rigged" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load lostpig" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Pig lost! Boss say that it Grunk fault. Say Grunk forget about closing Floyd | gate. Maybe boss right. Grunk not remember forgetting, but maybe Grunk Floyd | just forget. Boss say Grunk go find pig, bring it back. Him say, if Floyd | Grunk not bring back pig, not bring back Grunk either. Grunk like Floyd | working at pig farm, so now Grunk need find pig. Floyd | Floyd | Lost Pig Floyd | And Place Under Ground Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 070917 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 S Floyd | (For help, use "HELP".) Floyd | Floyd | Outside Floyd | Grunk think that pig probably go this way. It hard to tell at night Floyd | time, because moon not bright as sun. There forest to east and north. Floyd | It even darker there, and Grunk hear lots of strange animal. West of Floyd | Grunk, there big field with little stone wall. Farm back to south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "listen" | Jacqueline says (to Gunther), "heh" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Okay, who wants to steer us quickly>" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "er ?" | ||||
Floyd | Forest look dark. Pig probably some place in there, but Grunk not know Floyd | which way to go. Not want end up lost in forest with no pig. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk get quiet. Listen for noise in dark. Floyd | Floyd | Grunk hear noise! It come from some place in bushes, but Grunk not Floyd | sure which way it come from. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Ghogg arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk get quiet. Listen for noise in dark. Floyd | Floyd | When Grunk really quiet, try looking around some more. There, hear Floyd | noise again! It come from northeast. Must be pig, hiding in bushes. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk score go up one.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Ghogg asks, "oo, we crashed?" | |||
inky says, "yeah" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Ghogg), "Yeah. It was crazy and unexpected." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I don't know if it was Floyd or the game that did it." | ||||
olethros says, "we had two fires before" | ||||
olethros says, "actually, it's expected when you try to light A using B" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | If that where pig go, that where Grunk go. It hard to see where Grunk Floyd | going to, because there so much dark and leaves and branches here. Floyd | Then suddenly, there not ground here any more! Floyd | Floyd | Oof! Ow! Umf! Ugh! Floyd | Floyd | Grunk fall down deep hole! Drop torch. Torch go out when Grunk land on Floyd | it, so now it dark, too. Floyd | Floyd | Hole Floyd | Grunk at bottom of deep, dark hole. It even smell like deep, dark Floyd | hole. There some light that come from tunnel to east; that how Grunk Floyd | see where Grunk at. Look like there maybe stairs at west side of hole Floyd | that go up to outside, but them all broken now. There big crack in Floyd | ground near stairs, too. Floyd | Floyd | Grunk see torch (black and sooty) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||||
Floyd | torch: OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow! It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Hey! There pig! It good thing that Grunk fall down same hole as pig. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "swear at pig" | ||||
Floyd | [swear -> wear] Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "aw" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Anyway, what do we want to do first?" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "search fountain" | ||||
Floyd | Hey, there coin inside fountain bowl! Grunk keep coin, because coin Floyd | handy thing. Floyd | Floyd | Pig peek over at fountain bowl too. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk score go up one.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Pig so busy with important pig thing that pig not even see Grunk go. Floyd | Floyd | Statue Room Floyd | This room have two big picture that face each other. West wall have Floyd | picture on it and and east wall have different picture on it. Grunk Floyd | think both picture really just part of wall, though. South wall have Floyd | doorway in it that lots of light come from and north wall not have Floyd | anything in it at all. Floyd | Floyd | Statue of little man stand here, up on big stone block. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get hat" | ||||
Floyd | Hat come right off! Grunk guess it not really part of statue after Floyd | all. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "damn" | ||||
Floyd | That same thing Boss say to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "yay" | |||
Marvin says, "I could have used stronger language, of course, but decided against it." | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "bollocks" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "damn pig" | ||||
Floyd | That same thing Boss say to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "twat" | ||||
Floyd | [twat -> that] Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig blink and squint at bright wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "damn" | inky says (to Taleslinger), "Grunk not British!" | |||
Floyd | Pig make rude noise back at Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to test "has" or "hasnt" of not anything Floyd | **] Floyd | PIG ABOUT FOUNTAIN or ASK Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to test "has" or "hasnt" of not anything Floyd | **] Floyd | PIG ABOUT METAL or OINK AT Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to test "has" or "hasnt" of not anything Floyd | **] Floyd | PIG. And that just what Grunk think of. There probably lots of other Floyd | thing Grunk can talk about too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Maybe Grunk see more Floyd | if Grunk have torch that on fire. But probably not, because lots of Floyd | light come from northwest doorway. There doorway to west too. Floyd | Floyd | There stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | Long green pole lean against wall next to doorway. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "if Grunk British, maybe him have more respect for pants" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "take pole" | ||||
Floyd | It not easy, pick up pole. Feel like pole push Grunk away. But Grunk Floyd | strong; get pole anyway. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says, "good point" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Closet Floyd | It dark. Grunk see lots of shadow. Grunk see doorway to east and west, Floyd | too. But mostly shadow. Floyd | Floyd | Gkrktkgkx! What that strange noise? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "shout" | ||||
Floyd | RAAARRRR! Floyd | Floyd | Strange noise stop. Then voice shout, "Ztorf!" Floyd | Floyd | Room light up! Grunk see little bed and trunk and desk and little man Floyd | in bed. Light come from blue ball that sit on desk. Little man climb Floyd | out of bed and put on pair of pointy slipper. Him walk over and squint Floyd | at Grunk. "Huh," him say. "An orc." Floyd | Floyd | Grunk say that Grunk orc. Then little man (Grunk think him called Floyd | "gnome") pull out little stool from desk and sit down. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, Grunk," him say, "What do you want?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "damn" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome frown. "There was no call for that." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome search around inside desk drawer for little bit, until him give Floyd | up. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to test "has" or "hasnt" of not anything Floyd | **] Floyd | GNOME ABOUT GRUNK or ASK Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to test "has" or "hasnt" of not anything Floyd | **] Floyd | GNOME ABOUT GNOME or ASK Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to test "has" or "hasnt" of not anything Floyd | **] Floyd | GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about programming error" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Login name: Dave In real life: David A. Cornelson | ||||
Location: Adventurer's Lost Pig Gender: Male | ||||
Member since: The Beginning | ||||
Currently logged in. Previous login: 16-Nov-07 15:14:17 | ||||
Email address: david.cornelson@gmail.com | ||||
IF work: none of consequence | ||||
Plan: Unknown | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "tell gnome what grunk think about at night" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about how Grunk like to go out at night some time Floyd | just to look at moon and think about if there other Grunk up on moon Floyd | that like to go out and look at world. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Lunar orcs. An interesting, if terrifying notion." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome go over to trunk and open it up. Him start searching in there. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL GNOME ABOUT GRUNK or ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "he hee" | |||
schep says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | pole Floyd | hat Floyd | coin Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | pants (Grunk wearing them) Floyd | Floyd | Gnome shake head and close trunk. Then him look under bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Table Room Floyd | This room look like it maybe for eating or for play cards or for maybe Floyd | for just sitting and talking. That because there big table and one Floyd | chair here. There no lamp or thing like that in room, but lots of Floyd | light come from northeast doorway. Other doorway go east. Floyd | Floyd | There tall metal box over in corner. Floyd | Floyd | Some person make marks on wall here. Floyd | Floyd | Chair next to table look lonely with no other chair. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig walk east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "push box" | ||||
Floyd | Murrmmfng! Grunk try pushing box over, but it too heavy. Only tip Floyd | little bit, then bang right back down on ground in same spot it at Floyd | before. Floyd | Floyd | Click. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "pull lever" | ||||
Floyd | KA-CHUNK! But thing not happen this time. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "put coin in slot" | ||||
Floyd | Clink! Coin gone inside box now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "pull lever" | ||||
Floyd | KA-CHUNK! Thunk! Brick fall out of box into basket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "hit box" | ||||
Floyd | WHAM! Clink! Coin fall out of box into basket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get all from basket" | ||||
Floyd | coin: OK, got it. Floyd | brick: Brick feel more soft than normal brick. Little bit sticky too. Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "does the pig respond to the brick?" | |||
Marvin says, "Yes." | ||||
schep says, "yes. Before we let it eat the other half of the brick." | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Table Room Floyd | This room look like it maybe for eating or for play cards or for maybe Floyd | for just sitting and talking. That because there big table and one Floyd | chair here. There no lamp or thing like that in room, but lots of Floyd | light come from northeast doorway. Other doorway go east. Floyd | Floyd | There tall metal box over in corner. Floyd | Floyd | Some person make marks on wall here. Floyd | Floyd | Chair next to table look lonely with no other chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome here, busy looking for thing. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome peek up on shelf. Then him look under desk. Then him look around Floyd | at room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about emily" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk tell gnome all about Emily. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Don't you think she might be getting tired of being Floyd | associated with "cheese" by now?" Floyd | Floyd | Pig walk east. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sigh. "Well, it's gone. I can't find my copy of Mogglev's The Floyd | Shocking Force anywhere." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome go back to desk and sit down. Floyd | Floyd | "I don't even know how long it's been missing," him say. "It's Floyd | probably in the hands of that last band of looters now." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL GNOME ABOUT GRUNK or ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "curbstomp pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "(maybe if it were occupied eating a whole brick, we could catch it?)" | |||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about floyd" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "it might give us time to do something else" | |||
schep says, "first let's make fire again, then save" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome wave to Grunk. "See you around." Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Maybe Grunk see more Floyd | if Grunk have torch that on fire. But probably not, because lots of Floyd | light come from northwest doorway. There doorway to west too. Floyd | Floyd | There stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig see Grunk coming, and it run away to west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Cave With Stream Floyd | Tunnel come to little cave here, but wide stream block way east. Grunk Floyd | not see much on other side. Not know if tunnel keep going or stop Floyd | here. Only light that Grunk see come from bright room, far off to Floyd | west. But Grunk hear lots of water. Floyd | Floyd | There stone bench next to stream. Floyd | Floyd | Seeing over there not easy in dark, but Grunk think there little Floyd | reddish thing on other side of stream. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "poke red thing with pole" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk stick pole out across stream and poke red thing with end of it. Floyd | Red thing stick to end of pole! Grunk pull it back and find out that Floyd | thing really key, so Grunk take key. Floyd | Floyd | Pole not feel sticky to Grunk, and key not feel sticky too. Wonder why Floyd | key stick to pole. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "lick pole" | ||||
Floyd | Uh oh. Feew wike Gwuk tongue fftickig to powe. Floyd | Floyd | That feel weird. But tongue come back off again OK. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "put water in hat" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk fill up hat with water. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Maybe Grunk see more Floyd | if Grunk have torch that on fire. But probably not, because lots of Floyd | light come from northwest doorway. There doorway to west too. Floyd | Floyd | There stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "unlock chest" | ||||
Floyd | (with key) Floyd | OK, chest unlocked. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk score go up one.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "open chest" | ||||
Floyd | OK, Grunk open up chest. Chest full of black powder. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | key Floyd | brick Floyd | coin Floyd | pole Floyd | hat (full of water) Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | pants (Grunk wearing them) Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "Should we maybe save now" | |||
Marvin asks, "?" | ||||
schep says, "sure" | ||||
schep says, "that way we can go back and choose whether to light the pants or torch or chair" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: | Jacqueline says, "Yeah." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Good idea." | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "pig1" | ||||
Floyd | OK. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "put water in chest" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk pour out water into chest. When water touch powder, it make Floyd | fire! Now black powder on fire! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | key Floyd | brick Floyd | coin Floyd | pole Floyd | hat Floyd | torch (black and sooty) Floyd | pants (Grunk wearing them) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "light torch" | ||||
Floyd | (with black powder) Floyd | Grunk set torch on fire. Mmm. Grunk like fire. Floyd | Floyd | Fire in chest not so big now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Doorway to northwest Floyd | go back to bright room. Other doorway go west. Floyd | Floyd | There open stone chest full of fire at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | Pig come in from west. Floyd | Floyd | Fire in chest get so little that it not there at all anymore. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Pig see Grunk leave. But not seem to care much. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit at desk with tool and strange helmet thing. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there little box and strange helmet. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "I figured you'd be back. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome pick out tool that have long pointy bit on end. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "light gnome" | ||||
Floyd | (with torch) Floyd | Gnome shout, "You keep that torch away from me, you pyromaniacal orc!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "light bed" | ||||
Floyd | (with torch) Floyd | Gnome shout, "You keep that torch away from my things, you Floyd | pyromaniacal orc!" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome grab little bit of helmet with tool and wiggle it. Then bit Floyd | break off. Then gnome stick it back on. But it not on quite right, Floyd | Grunk think. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | key Floyd | brick Floyd | coin Floyd | pole Floyd | hat Floyd | torch (on fire) Floyd | pants (Grunk wearing them) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "remove pants" | ||||
Floyd | OK, pants off. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome look away. "Oh, for the love of..." Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "I want to light the pants and give them to the gnome, but I'm wondering if it will crash." | |||
baf says, "Save first." | ||||
schep says, "hey, we just saved" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "light pants" | ||||
Floyd | (with torch) Floyd | Grunk set pants on fire. Mmm. Grunk like fire. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome pick tool with glowy bit at end. Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "OK then." | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "give pants to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome say, "I've got a light source already. But thanks anyway." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome give pants back to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "light gnome with pants" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome shout, "You keep those pants away from me, you pyromaniacal Floyd | orc!" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome stare at helmet, thinking. Tap him chin with tool. Floyd | Floyd | "Ow!" gnome say with surprise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "give hat to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome say, "You know, I never really like that hat much. Maybe you can Floyd | find some other use for it." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome give hat back to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "put hat on gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome not really good place for putting thing on. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put tool back in box. Then put box and helmet back inside desk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "throw hat at gnome" | ||||
Floyd | What gnome ever do to Grunk? Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sigh. "I wish I knew where that Mogglev's ended up." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "put pants on gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome shout, "You keep that pants away from me, you pyromaniacal orc!" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up desk and take out pipe and little bag. Then gnome fill Floyd | up pipe with brown powder from bag. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "light chest" | ||||
Floyd | (with torch) Floyd | Gnome shout, "You keep that torch away from my things, you Floyd | pyromaniacal orc!" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome put bag on desk. Then gnome spit in pipe. Grunk see smoke come Floyd | out of it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit here with pipe in hand. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there little bag. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Doorway to northwest Floyd | go back to bright room. Other doorway go west. Floyd | Floyd | There open stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin asks, "Where's the damned pig?" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Table Room Floyd | This room look like it maybe for eating or for play cards or for maybe Floyd | for just sitting and talking. That because there big table and one Floyd | chair here. Doorway go to northeast and to east. Some person make big Floyd | marks on wall in this room. Floyd | Floyd | There tall metal box over in corner. Floyd | Floyd | Some person make marks on wall here. Floyd | Floyd | Chair next to table look lonely with no other chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "oink" | ||||
Floyd | Oink oink. Floyd | Floyd | That just silly. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "light table" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "x marks" | ||||
Floyd | (with torch) Floyd | Grunk hold fire up to table. Floyd | [** Programming error: tried to print (string) on something not a Floyd | string **] Floyd | not light on fire, though. It just get all black and sooty. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Look like orange paint. Grunk not know what marks mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Statue Room Floyd | This room have two big picture that face each other. West wall have Floyd | picture on it and and east wall have different picture on it. Grunk Floyd | think both picture really just part of wall, though. South wall have Floyd | doorway in it and north wall not have anything in it. Floyd | Floyd | Statue of little man stand here, up on big stone block. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig see Grunk coming, and it run away to south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "give hat to pig" | ||||
Floyd | Pig not want it. That too bad. Grunk think pig look funny in hat. Floyd | Floyd | Wonder if pig think Grunk look funny in hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "light pig" | ||||
Floyd | (with torch) Floyd | No, no: kill pig, then cook pig. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "kill pig" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk think that farmer maybe get mad if Grunk bring back broken pig. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "score" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have 3 out of 7 so far. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep has a couple of ideas for when we're done goofing off | |||
baf says (to Floyd), "fullscore" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk get point for this stuff: Floyd | Floyd | 1 hear where pig at Floyd | 1 get coin Floyd | 1 unlock chest Floyd | Floyd | That make 3 out of 7 so far. Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "I'm done, and also out of ideas." | |||
schep says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Hole Floyd | Grunk at bottom of deep hole. But hole not so dark, now. There Floyd | stairway that go up at west side, but that broken. Ground by stair Floyd | broken too: there big crack in it. Crack not so dark now too. At east Floyd | side of hole, there tunnel that go east. Tunnel not like stair and Floyd | ground, because it not broken. But it not dark either. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "put pole in crack" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk stick pole into crack and poke paper with end of it. But nothing Floyd | special happen. Floyd | Floyd | Pig come in from east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "x paper" | ||||
Floyd | It white and it paper. That all Grunk can see from here. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "huh" | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x torch" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk bring torch because Grunk not good at seeing in dark. Floyd | Floyd | Torch on fire right now. it getting all burnt and sooty. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get paper" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk reach into crack, but paper too far down. Grunk arm not long Floyd | enough. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "cut grunk" | ||||
Floyd | Why Grunk want to cut Grunk up? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "bleed on paper" | ||||
Floyd | [bleed -> blend] Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang asks, "Have you lit the powder yet, perhaps using the paper as fuse?" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "suck paper from crack" | ||||
Floyd | [suck -> stuck] Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger has disconnected. | ||||
Taleslinger says, "I wonder what happens if I just type 'quit.' " | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "blow crack" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk huff and puff at crack, but nothing happen. Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "We used the powder to light the torch. And the pants." | |||
schep asks, "which powder? The dehydrated fire?" | ||||
schep says, "also, we can't get the paper" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Pig watch Grunk walk away. Pig not follow. Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Doorway to northwest Floyd | go back to bright room. Other doorway go west. Floyd | Floyd | There open stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "search shelves" | ||||
Floyd | Lots of metal shelfs, all hooked to wall. Grunk not see anything on Floyd | those shelfs. But Grunk not see up on top shelf, because that one too Floyd | high up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "climb shelves" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not good climber, but shelfs easy to climb, so Grunk get up on Floyd | shelfs OK. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "x top shelf" | ||||
Floyd | Top shelf high up, but Grunk up high too right now, so Grunk even see Floyd | top of top shelf. On top of top shelf there book. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "take book" | ||||
Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "x it" | ||||
Floyd | Bunch of papers with mark on them, all stuck together at one side. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "smell it" | ||||
Floyd | Book smell normal to Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "eat it" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk try chewing on book, but book too tough for Grunk teeth. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "burn book" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "tear book" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "down" | ||||
Floyd | (with torch) Floyd | Grunk think that paper thing that burn up. But this paper not burn up. Floyd | Maybe it special paper. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk try tearing up book, but it very strong book. Grunk need knife. Floyd | Or maybe sword! Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Grunk get off shelfs. Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Doorway to northwest Floyd | go back to bright room. Other doorway go west. Floyd | Floyd | There open stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "open book" | ||||
Floyd | Book full of papers. Grunk not know what it all mean, so Grunk just Floyd | close book again. Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "Book stronger than Grunk." | |||
Marvin asks, "Maybe if we give the book to the gnome, he'll give us something, yes?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I am still amazed at how much you people try to eat." | ||||
schep says, "he better" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
schep exclaims, "Grunk hungry orc!" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit at desk with pen and paper. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there bottle and pile of paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about book" | ||||
Floyd | What that mean, SHOW BOOK TO GNOME or ASK GNOME ABOUT MOGGLEV? Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "The game rewards trying to eat everything." | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "show book to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk show gnome book that Grunk find up on high shelf. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome look surprised. "Hey, that's my Mogglev's! That's just the book Floyd | I've been searching for," him say. Then him add, "It would be awfully Floyd | nice if you returned it." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome think for little bit. Then him smile and start marking on paper Floyd | with pen. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try TELL GNOME ABOUT GRUNK or ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "yeah, well we had NOTHING to eat since the start fo this adventure" | |||
schep says, "except brick. brick yummy." | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about mogglev" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome what "Mogglev" all about. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Birrabee Mogglev sem Alua dec Prestim was one of the Floyd | finest alchemists of his generation. He was a student of the Floyd | fundamental forces, such as motion and charge. It was from his Floyd | groundwork that--" Sound like gnome stutter there. "That Zugilbor Floyd | Galrogginpots derived his principles of thermomechanics." Floyd | Floyd | "His Shocking Force is considered the definitive text on the force of Floyd | lightning to this day." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | THERMOMECHANICS or TELL GNOME ABOUT GRUNK or ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME or Floyd | ASK GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | baf says, "If as many objects had unique smells as have unique eat responses, we'd be smelling everything too." | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit at desk with pen and paper. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there bottle and pile of paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "we are compulsive response seekers!" | |||
Jacqueline smiles. | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "hit book" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk try tearing up book, but it very strong book. Grunk need knife. Floyd | Or maybe sword! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "give book to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome put away other thing that him working on. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome take book and look at it. Floyd | Floyd | "Aha. Thanks, Grunk," Gnome say. "I've been wanting to take a good Floyd | look at this." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk score go up one.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sitting on stool looking at Grunk. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open book up and start reading it. Floyd | Floyd | "Hey!" Uh oh, gnome look mad. Him shout at Grunk, "Did you rip a page Floyd | out of here?" Floyd | Floyd | Grunk not rip any thing out of any other thing at all today! And Grunk Floyd | tell gnome that, too. Floyd | Floyd | "No." Gnome sigh. "I suppose you couldn't have. This is proof paper, Floyd | after all. You'd need to cut it out with a knife." Then him put book Floyd | down on desk. "But that's what someone did, unfortunately. And it was Floyd | an important page, as well." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk score go down one.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Marvin says, "Awww." | |||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "fullscore" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get ball" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk get point for this stuff: Floyd | Floyd | 1 hear where pig at Floyd | 1 get coin Floyd | 1 unlock chest Floyd | Floyd | That make 3 out of 7 so far. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Gnome shake head. "I don't see why I should just let you take my Floyd | things. It's nice that you brought me this book, but I don't even have Floyd | the whole thing." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up desk drawer and take out strange helmet. Him take out Floyd | little box, too. Then him put them both on desk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about page" | ||||
Floyd | What that mean, ASK GNOME ABOUT MISSING PAGE or TELL GNOME ABOUT PIECE Floyd | OF PAPER? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "tell gnome about paper" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh. Yeah - wow. Hm." | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about proof paper" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about proof paper. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Proof paper is very convenient stuff. It's water-proof, Floyd | fire-proof, rust-proof, fade-proof, smudge-proof and tear-proof. For a Floyd | while, it was popular for spellbooks -- at least among the more Floyd | accident-prone wizards." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up little box. It full of lots of little metal thing with Floyd | different shape. Look like them some kind of tool. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | THERMOMECHANICS or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC or TELL GNOME ABOUT GRUNK or Floyd | ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME or ASK GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. And probably Floyd | other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "tell gome about piece of paper" | ||||
Floyd | [gome -> gnome] Floyd | Grunk tell gnome about paper that Grunk find in crack. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome smile and say, "Wouldn't it be nice if that turned out to be the Floyd | lost page from this book?" Then him shake head. "But I suppose we both Floyd | know how unlikely that is." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING or ASK GNOME ABOUT Floyd | THERMOMECHANICS or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC or TELL GNOME ABOUT GRUNK or Floyd | ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME or ASK GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. And probably Floyd | other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "ok?" | |||
Alex says (to olethros), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that OK is 'ook' typo." | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "burn pole" | ||||
Floyd | (with torch) Floyd | Grunk hold pole in fire. Pole not light on fire, though. It just get Floyd | all black and sooty. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome take out tool that flat at one end and round at other end. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep asks, "HMM. black pole?" | |||
olethros asks, "attracts white paper?" | ||||
schep says, "worth a try" | ||||
olethros says, "hut! hut!" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Table Room Floyd | This room look like it maybe for eating or for play cards or for maybe Floyd | for just sitting and talking. That because there big table and one Floyd | chair here. Doorway go to northeast and to east. Some person make big Floyd | marks on wall in this room. Floyd | Floyd | There tall metal box over in corner. Floyd | Floyd | Some person make marks on wall here. Floyd | Floyd | Chair next to table look lonely with no other chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get chair" | ||||
Floyd | OK, got it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Fountain Room Floyd | All wall in this room glow. It bright, just like day time. Except that Floyd | instead of sun, it wall that glow. And instead of grass and tree, it Floyd | square room with four wall. And instead of outside, it all under Floyd | ground. But beside those thing, it just like it! Tunnel keep going out Floyd | to east and west, but normal doorway go north and southeast and Floyd | southwest. Floyd | Floyd | In middle of room, there fountain. But fountain not have any water. Floyd | Floyd | South wall have big curtain hanging on it. Floyd | Floyd | Pig here too. Floyd | Floyd | Pig not see Grunk come in. Or maybe it just pretend it not see. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Pig watch Grunk walk away. Pig not follow. Floyd | Floyd | Hole Floyd | Grunk at bottom of deep hole. But hole not so dark, now. There Floyd | stairway that go up at west side, but that broken. Ground by stair Floyd | broken too: there big crack in it. Crack not so dark now too. At east Floyd | side of hole, there tunnel that go east. Tunnel not like stair and Floyd | ground, because it not broken. But it not dark either. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "put pole in crack" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk stick pole into crack and poke paper with black end of it. Paper Floyd | stick to end of pole! Grunk pull it back and take paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hooray!" | |||
Marvin exclaims, "Hurray!" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "lick pole" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not try that again. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "burn paper" | ||||
Floyd | (with torch) Floyd | Grunk think that paper thing that burn up. But this paper not burn up. Floyd | Maybe it special paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "read paper" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know how to read. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "eat paper" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk try chewing on paper, but paper too tough for Grunk teeth. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "read paper anyway" | ||||
Floyd | That not make sense after part about read paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "learn how to read" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what that mean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "go back to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "go gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not see that there. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "that's a feature I a miss in a lot of games" | |||
Jacqueline says, "True." | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "go to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit at desk with tool and strange helmet thing. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there little box and strange helmet and book. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome pick tool with glowy bit at end. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline makes a note of that for her WIP. | |||
olethros says, "yow!" | ||||
Gunther asks, "what feature?" | ||||
olethros says, "go to $location" | ||||
baf says, "Leaving out prepositions, apparently." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Gunther), "To say 'go gnome,' for instance." | ||||
(from schep) Raptors descend on Jota. | ||||
K-Y says, "Also, put in a gnome" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "hit gnome" | ||||
Floyd | "Ow!" Gnome look hurt. "What was that for?" Floyd | Floyd | Gnome tap at side of helmet. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to K-Y), "Heh." | |||
baf says, "All games have gnomes. Most of them are very shy, though." | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "give paper to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome put away other thing that him working on. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome take paper and look at it. Floyd | Floyd | "Hmm," him say. "This looks like a set of equations. If I don't miss Floyd | my guess, this is from Mogglev's Shocking Forces." Him set paper on Floyd | desk, then look at Grunk again. "Probably from my own copy of it." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk have: Floyd | chair Floyd | key Floyd | brick Floyd | coin Floyd | pole (black and sooty) Floyd | hat Floyd | torch (on fire) Floyd | pants (on fire) Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open cover of book. Then turn over page until him find right Floyd | spot. "Ah, right there!" him say. "That's where the page was cut out Floyd | from." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up desk and take out little pot of goo. Then him smear goo Floyd | on one edge of page and stick page into book. Then him close book Floyd | tight and put pot away. Floyd | Floyd | "There... just a moment for it to set, and--" Gnome open book, Floyd | smiling. "Perfect! Thank you, Grunk. You've been a tremendous help. I Floyd | only hope that I can return the favor." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk score go up one.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about reading" | inky says, "hee hee" | |||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about books" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk not know what Grunk should say about that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about exit" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome if there any exit out of shrine. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Well, you already know about the main entrance." Then him Floyd | smile. "I won't say that there isn't another way out. But I think you Floyd | should find it for yourself." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up book and start reading. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING or TELL GNOME ABOUT ENTRANCE Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT THERMOMECHANICS or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC or TELL Floyd | GNOME ABOUT GRUNK or ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME or ASK GNOME ABOUT THIS Floyd | PLACE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome here looking at book. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there ball (that make light). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there book. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome flip over page and keep reading. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about ball" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about glowing blue ball on shelf. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome look up at shelf. Then him pick up ball. Floyd | Floyd | "That orb is a good example of mossfuressence," him say, "Just like Floyd | the glowing walls in the main shrine. I had it equipped with magic Floyd | words for turning it on and off." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome show ball to Grunk. It all blue and glowy. Then him put it back Floyd | on shelf. Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC WORD or ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING Floyd | or TELL GNOME ABOUT ENTRANCE or ASK GNOME ABOUT MOSSFURESSENCE or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT THERMOMECHANICS or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC or TELL GNOME Floyd | ABOUT GRUNK or ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME or ASK GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. Floyd | And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about magic words" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about magic word. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Magic words usually serve to activate some already Floyd | prepared magical effects in the local area, such as teleportation. Floyd | They can be quite useful, and I admit I've used them myself -- but Floyd | only as a trigger for alchemy, of course." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome mutter, "Mogglev, you've done it again." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING or TELL GNOME ABOUT ENTRANCE Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT MOSSFURESSENCE or ASK GNOME ABOUT THERMOMECHANICS Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK GNOME ABOUT MAGIC or TELL GNOME Floyd | ABOUT GRUNK or ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME or ASK GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. Floyd | And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "ask gnome about moss fur" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk ask gnome about strange moss-fur thing. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome say, "Isolating the qualities of mossfuressence is a goal that Floyd | eluded alchemists for decades." Then him ask Grunk, "You're familiar Floyd | with how all those stories about heroes who are lost in deep Floyd | underground caverns with no torches or lanterns always have Floyd | mysteriously glowing fungi and shaggy mosses growing on the cave Floyd | walls?" Floyd | Floyd | All the story that Grunk hear about hero end with "and then orc killed Floyd | hero hooray." Grunk think that maybe not same kind of story. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, regardless," gnome say, "The essence of those furry glowing Floyd | mosses has been distilled into an impure alchemical reagent. That's Floyd | mossfuressence." Floyd | Floyd | [Grunk can try ASK GNOME ABOUT LIGHTNING or TELL GNOME ABOUT ENTRANCE Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT REAGENT or ASK GNOME ABOUT HEROES AND VILLAINS or Floyd | ASK GNOME ABOUT THERMOMECHANICS or ASK GNOME ABOUT ALCHEMY or ASK Floyd | GNOME ABOUT MAGIC or TELL GNOME ABOUT GRUNK or ASK GNOME ABOUT GNOME Floyd | or ASK GNOME ABOUT THIS PLACE. And probably other thing too.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get ball" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome nod. "Sure, that's a fair exchange for the book." Him reach for Floyd | ball, but then him stop. "But if I give you this," gnome say, "What Floyd | will I do for light? The book is no good to me if I can't read it." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit back. Then him say, "Tell you what. You give me something to Floyd | replace it, and I'll give you the orb." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "give pants to gnome" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome take pants. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome stare at Grunk pants. Then gnome stare at Grunk. Then back at Floyd | pants. Grunk start wondering if gnome forget how talking work, but Floyd | then gnome start talking. Floyd | Floyd | "Your pants?" gnome ask. "You want me to use your pants as a light Floyd | source?" Floyd | Floyd | Grunk not know why that confuse gnome so much. Grunk think gnome Floyd | smart, before now. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome shrug. "Fine. Fine. I'll read by the light of pants. Of course. Floyd | Why not?" Then him add, more quiet, "...pants..." Then him put pants Floyd | on shelf and take down orb. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome give orb to Grunk. Gnome say, "Good luck, Grunk. I hope you find Floyd | your way back home." Floyd | Floyd | > | schep falls over | |||
olethros says, "hehehehehe" | ||||
baf waits for the inevitable | ||||
olethros asks, "lick orb?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "get pants" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome say, "Sorry, we made a fair trade. You keep the mossfuressent Floyd | orb, and I keep the pants." Floyd | Floyd | Gnome close up book and push it to other side of desk. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "the forever burning pants?" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x pants" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk pants on fire. Grunk pants on fire. GRUNK PANTS ON FIRE! Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up desk drawer and take out strange helmet. Him take out Floyd | little box, too. Then him put them both on desk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "eat ball" | ||||
Floyd | Ball more big than Grunk mouth, but Grunk still try. Floyd | Floyd | Yum! Ball taste just like sour candy! Munch munch crunch. All gone Floyd | now. Floyd | Floyd | Hey, now Grunk glow in dark! Floyd | Floyd | Gnome stare at Grunk. Him mouth fall open. Then him say, "I... that... Floyd | the..." Grunk not sure what that mean. Then him shake head and mutter, Floyd | "I just hope you have a strong digestive tract." Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "!" | |||
Jacqueline says, "snrk" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I ... never ..." | ||||
olethros | Grunk Eat All | ||||
Bishop asks, "I stop paying attention for a few hours, and you all managed to _eat_ the orb?" | ||||
baf says (to Floyd), "x grunk" | ||||
Floyd | Grunk orc. Big and green and glowing and naked. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome look at shelf. Then at Grunk. Then back at pants on shelf. Floyd | Floyd | > | schep says, "ow my real life stomach" | |||
olethros says, "hahahaha" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "maga is looking at me, enjoying my disbelief, and saying things like, 'What? You never got that response when you played the game?' Obviously I need to eat things more often." | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Gnome Room Floyd | This look like room for little person. It have bed that too little for Floyd | Grunk. It have trunk that too little for Grunk. It have desk that too Floyd | little for Grunk. Desk have stool that too little for Grunk. Room have Floyd | doorway to east and west too, but them not so little. That good, Floyd | because if doorway too little for Grunk, not know how Grunk get back Floyd | out of room. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome sit at desk with tool and strange helmet thing. Floyd | Floyd | On top of shelf there pants (on fire). Floyd | Floyd | On top of desk there little box and strange helmet and book. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome look at shelf. Then at Grunk. Then back at pants on shelf. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "now we want to trade for the helmet..." | |||
schep asks, "why grunk need math?" | ||||
baf exclaims, "So grunk can count the pig!" | ||||
olethros says, "to calculate how to trap the pig" | ||||
olethros says, "hahahahaha" | ||||
Marvin says, "I wonder if you can put the fire out." | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "count pants" | ||||
Floyd | There just one pants. Wait, that not make sense. Grunk confused now. Floyd | Floyd | Gnome open up little box. It full of lots of little metal thing with Floyd | different shape. Look like them some kind of tool. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hahaha" | |||
olethros falls over twice. | ||||
baf says, "Oh ha yaya" | ||||
schep says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Gnome say, "Don't be a stranger," as Grunk walk out. Floyd | Floyd | Shelf Room Floyd | There lots of shelfs in this room. Them on every wall. This room Floyd | probably have lots and lots of thing in it before. But shelfs all Floyd | empty now. Grunk not see any thing there at all. Doorway to northwest Floyd | go back to bright room. Other doorway go west. Floyd | Floyd | There open stone chest at back of room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Floyd has disconnected. | ||||
inky arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | ||||
schep exclaims, "what!" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd has connected. | ||||
inky says, "poor guy" | ||||
Marvin says (to Floyd), "You still there?" | ||||
Floyd says (to Marvin), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | olethros says, "gah" | |||
schep says, "sigh" | ||||
olethros asks, "so jota wrote this?" | ||||
schep says, "I don't know what could crash/disconnect Floyd himself, though" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "gah" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Well, conveniently enough, it's Jota who fixes Floyd problems, too." | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "I've never had this issue before, has anyone else?" | ||||
olethros says, "maybe floyd falls over too" | ||||
Gunther says, "good thing the comp is over, anyway" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Well, the actual game didn't do this, Gunther." | ||||
olethros says, "yeah, our copies of Grunk were defective!" | ||||
Gunther says, "also, next comp we should play one game a day on floyd!" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Gunther), "heh. That was suggested this year." | ||||
Gunther says, "for 2 hours, of course" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Well, that's how long we generally play anyway." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Lucian was thinking about doing it, and Sargent okay" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "er, okayed it." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "And so long as they kept the transcripts for me to process when I got back from my trip, I didn't mind." | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "I guess we bag it this time?" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "Do we know what's triggered the crash, or no idea?" | ||||
Bishop has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | Jacqueline says, "(I have only been paying attention out of the corner of my mind while dealing with a headache and some other things...)" | |||
schep says, "I could give it one more try. But wouldn't mind just switching to playing on my own, either." | ||||
Marvin says, "I think I might just go away and play the game on my own." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Well, if you want to give it one more go, we do have a save file." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "And should save more as we go." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Either way. When people decide they're finished, I'll process the transcript. You guys decide." | ||||
inky has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | Marvin says, "Well, I'm done." | |||
Marvin has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | schep says, "yeah, I guess that's all" | |||
schep has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | Jacqueline says, "mmkay" | |||
olethros says, "I might settle instead for an answer to this question" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Sorry 'bout that, folks. I'll see if Jota can figure out what happened, then post an update later this week." | ||||
olethros asks, "DO YOU EAT THE DAMNED PIG?" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to o), "No." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Jota says, "If you want to." | ||||
olethros says, "now that's a reward" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "Oh wait, you can?" | ||||
Jota says, "Also, I'm really sorry about that, guys. I have no idea what caused either crash, but I'll work on trying to figure it out." | ||||
olethros says (to Jacqueline), "you dont eat enough things!" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Why am I surprised? This game lets you eat everything!" | ||||
Gunther says, "well, I'm appealing the comp results with the SCOTUS" | ||||
inky says, "really, considering what a workout we put it through I am surprised it only crashed twice" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Jota), "Thanks. Didn't realize you were awake." | ||||
Gunther says, "because clearly the third Panks game also needs to be disqualified" | ||||
Jota says, "Semi." | ||||
olethros asks, "secret cabal of the unwise society?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I'll try post the transcript in the next hour or so, in case that is helpful in figuring out what went wrong." | ||||