This is a collection of written work that I've produced over the years. You'll notice that the tone of these essays vary a great deal; some of that is due merely an improvement in writing style over the years (the early essays often make me shudder), while some of it has to do with the source of the writing: some of these are articles that appeared at the Knoxville News Sentinel's Go Smokies web site, some are stories told on e-zine sites (Strictly Smokies and Mountain Memoirs) that I've maintained, and many are entries from my journal.If you enjoy some of these, I would encourage you to also look at my photo essays and book reviews. And hey, if you're the sort that enjoys dry academic texts, there's also my master's thesis.
June, 2018 | VR: Initial Thoughts and Observations |
December, 2006 | Surreality |
November, 2006 | Flying to Glacier Bay |
November, 2006 | [ Poem] Morning Soak |
October, 2006 | An Early Morning Walk |
September, 2006 | Bears Eat Berries |
August, 2006 | Went to Town to Get Supplies |
August, 2006 | Constancy |
January, 2005 | There is no comfortable silence and no silent comfort |
August, 2004 | A weekend at Situk Lake, Tongass NF, Yakutat, Alaska |
July, 2004 | How I Came to Be a Park Ranger |
June, 2004 | Yesterday I Met an Old Man |
May, 2004 | Outdoor Misadventures - A Retrospective |
April, 2004 | Zenlike in my Latte |
April, 2004 | A Conversation on Writing |
March, 2004 | [ Poem] Quiet. Empty. |
March, 2004 | My Favorite Place to Sit |
February, 2004 | Walking in Darkness and Praying in Sunlight |
December, 2003 | Gazing through the Window: Blue and White |
November, 2003 | Winter Arrives, and I Would Rather Be in Bed |
November, 2003 | God in Nature and Sunday Morning Rain |
October, 2003 | A Brief Description of Yakutat, Alaska |
October, 2003 | Incomprehensible Beauty (Yakutat, Alaska) |
July, 2003 | Attending My Frist Tlingit Memorial Potlatch |
August, 2003 | A Blue Dress Sparks a Mix of Memories |
June, 2003 | Encounter With a Hummingbird |
June, 2003 | Canoe trip, Situk River, Yakutat, Alaska |
Unknown, 1999 | Help Protect the Smokies |
Unknown, 1999 | The Smokies Aren't As Crowded As You Might Think |
Unknown, 1999 | Quiet Fall Driving Destinations Abound in the Smokies |
Unknown, 1999 | Be Prepared for Cool Weather Hiking |
Unknown, 1999 | Late Autumn Brings Unpredictable Conditions |
Unknown, 1999 | Tips for visiting America's National Parks |
Unknown, 1999 | Going it Alone: Advice on Hiking Solo |
Unknown, 1999 | Foster a love of the outdoors in your child |
August, 1998 | A Carry-Out on Eagle Creek |
March, 1998 | Predawn Hike to Mt. Sterling Fire Tower |
September, 1997 | An Animal Attack on Hazel Creek |
