|  | |
| ToyShop & Floyditorium | | #ClubFloyd Discussion | |
|  | |  |
| | | |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load 69105"
| | |
| Floyd says (to Jacqueline), "Floyd doesn't know that game."
| | Jacqueline asks, "What's the file name?"
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "load 69105keys"
| | |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "list"
| | |
| Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | After a series of adventures too mind-boggling to put into words, you
Floyd | finally arrive at the antechamber to the Count's treasure vault! Oh my,
Floyd | oh me...
Floyd |
Floyd | 69,105 Keys
Floyd | by David Welbourn.
Floyd | For more about this game, type ABOUT. For credits, type CREDITS.
Floyd | (Note: This game uses the longint extension by Chris Hall and Francis
Floyd | Irving.)
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 090302 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/11
Floyd |
Floyd | Vault Antechamber
Floyd | Wowzers. The Count opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his
Floyd | treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and
Floyd | ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold.
Floyd | Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the
Floyd | south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.
Floyd |
Floyd | Like so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing number of keys litter
Floyd | the floor of this antechamber.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | (the keys)
Floyd | Just try examining or counting the keys (or interesting subsets of
Floyd | keys).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Ah... danke."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "I hate typing list publically, just because Floyd's list is soooo huge these days. (A good thing!("
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "er, )"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x keys"
| | |
| Floyd | You see nothing special about the keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | Except, of course, that the keys come in a large number of garish
Floyd | colors. The bows of the keys, that is, the wide ends of the keys are
Floyd | painted in various colors. The shafts of the keys, of course, are not
Floyd | painted.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x me"
| | |
| Floyd | You're a young adventurer determined to win the Count's final
Floyd | challenge: to obtain the treasure he locked up in his vault so many
Floyd | years ago.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying nothing. So not cool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take all"
| | |
| Floyd | keys: It's pointless to pick up any of these keys except the one key
Floyd | that you want: the key to the vault door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku says, "!( is a sad Geordi LaForge"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "snrk"
| |
| dhakajack arrives, ready to play with the toys.
| | Jacqueline says, "I think you mean |)"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "er, |("
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Aaaanyway..."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count keys"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 69105 keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x door"
| | |
| Floyd | The heavy vault door is closed and locked. Very locked. Your keen
Floyd | adventurer eyes espy the following inscription:
Floyd |
Floyd | "One of these keys is not like the others.
Floyd | One of these keys just isn't the same.
Floyd | That one unique key unlocks my vault.
Floyd | Perhaps it would help if you tried my name.
Floyd | -- Count Keys"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline asks, "Who's played this, btw?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline raises her hand.
| |
| | | DavidW says, "I have."
| |
| | | Nitku says, "me"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "I haven't"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to DavidW), "Have you? Huh."
| |
| | | djfletch says, "not me"
| |
| | | Fang says, "I haven't"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count keys"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 69105 keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "take 10 keys"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get the key that opens the door will you? please?"
| | |
| Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to get the keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "I'm wondering if this is a numbers that look like words puzzle"
| |
| | | McMartin says, "I too have played"
| |
| RootShell asks (of Fang), "wasnt there some meaning of the 69105 related to inform?"
| | |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "l"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Vault Antechamber
Floyd | Wowzers. The Count opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his
Floyd | treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and
Floyd | ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold.
Floyd | Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the
Floyd | south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.
Floyd |
Floyd | Like so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing 69,105 keys litter
Floyd | the floor of this antechamber.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "related to infocom (not inform)"
| |
| | | DavidW says (to RootShell), "yes"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x colours"
| | |
| Floyd | There are numerous colors of keys. You see white keys, black keys, red
Floyd | keys, orange keys, yellow keys, green keys, blue keys, violet keys,
Floyd | brown keys, pink keys, grey keys, turquoise keys, magenta keys, taupe
Floyd | keys, beige keys, aqua keys, navy keys, and cyan keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | The colors are painted on the bows (the fat ends) of the keys; the
Floyd | metal shafts of the keys are bare. Every key is painted with exactly
Floyd | one color. There are no unpainted keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang asks, "what?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "It will be cool to watch folks who've not played. I hear my thought process was different for getting through it than others'."
| |
| | | DavidW | Like so many fallen autumn leaves
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "l"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Vault Antechamber
Floyd | Wowzers. The Count opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his
Floyd | treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and
Floyd | ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold.
Floyd | Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the
Floyd | south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.
Floyd |
Floyd | Like so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing 69,105 keys litter
Floyd | the floor of this antechamber.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku asks, "Were the 69105 leaves in Zork II or III?"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "pick lock"
| | |
| Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "take first key"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "Zork I, I believe."
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "x lock"
| | |
| Floyd | The heavy vault door is closed and locked. Very locked. Your keen
Floyd | adventurer eyes espy the following inscription:
Floyd |
Floyd | "One of these keys is not like the others.
Floyd | One of these keys just isn't the same.
Floyd | That one unique key unlocks my vault.
Floyd | Perhaps it would help if you tried my name.
Floyd | -- Count Keys"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Just to make my life easier, please try to stay on the channel, otherwise I have to hand edit the transcript later, which is kind of a pain."
| |
| | | Nitku says, "ah"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I think it was Z:I."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x red key"
| | |
| Floyd | You see nothing special about the keys with red bows.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perhaps you should be more specific? Try specifying the metal as well.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x metal"
| | |
| Floyd | Who knew that keys were made in so many types of metal? You can see
Floyd | silver keys, copper keys, steel keys, iron keys, gold keys, nickel
Floyd | keys, bronze keys, brass keys, chrome keys, and even aluminum keys
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "my first guess would be that rime... its a puzzle"
| |
| | | Fang says, "hmm"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "can't see much else in it except telling you to count"
| |
| | | RootShell says, ""Perhaps it would help if you tried my name -- Count Keys""
| |
| | | Fang asks, "is there a colour that begins with k?"
| |
| | | Fang says, "or a metal type"
| |
| | | RootShell asks, "could this be a letter color puzzle?"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "my name"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x silver keys"
| | |
| Floyd | You see nothing special about the silver keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | Wait. The keys have brand names stamped on them. Acme, Borden, Carter,
Floyd | and so on. How many brands are there?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "ooh letters"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get carter key"
| | |
| Floyd | It's pointless to pick up any of these keys except the one key that you
Floyd | want: the key to the vault door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count brands"
| | |
| Floyd | There are 6 brands of keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count colours"
| | |
| Floyd | There are 18 colors of key bows here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count metals"
| | |
| Floyd | There are 10 metals used to make the keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "26 divides into 69105"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "we simply need to do the maths lol"
| |
| | | Fang says, "wait, this means there's gotta be combinations missing"
| |
| | | Fang says, "because 10 doesn't divide into 69105"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "sorry, actually 26 doesn't either - my mistake"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count acme"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 13770 Acme keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count b"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count borden"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 255 Borden keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "hmm"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count carter"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 13770 Carter keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "it says 6 brands but it only said 3 brands didn't it?"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "That's right."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count david"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "5 * 13770 + 255 = 69105"
| |
| | | Fang says, "this suggests strongly Borden is the brand we want"
| |
| | | Fang exclaims, "so, we're down to 255!"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x borden"
| | |
| Floyd | You see nothing special about the Borden keys. Hmmm. There's gotta be
Floyd | something else...
Floyd |
Floyd | And there is! Some keys are scratched and some keys are unscratched! At
Floyd | the top of the shafts of some keys, there's a tiny little horizontal
Floyd | scratch. Bwah-ha-ha! Other adventurers might miss such a tiny detail,
Floyd | but not you!
Floyd |
Floyd | Let's call this the scratchness property. (How many properties is that
Floyd | now?)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "count scratchness"
| | |
| Floyd | There are 2 scratchnesses.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count properties"
| | |
| Floyd | Each key has 7 qualities or properties.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count acme silver keys"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 1530 Acme silver keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count scratched"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 27794 scratched keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count acme silver scratched keys"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 1530 scratched Acme silver keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count unscratched"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 41311 unscratched keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count borden scratched"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 254 scratched Borden keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "c keys"
| | |
| Floyd | [c -> close]
Floyd | They're not something you can close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take unscratched borden"
| | |
| Floyd | With confidence, you take the one and only unique key.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "aha"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "open door with key"
| | |
| Floyd | (the unique key)
Floyd | You fancy you hear hosannas sing in your honor as you unlock the vault
Floyd | door and claim a treasure so fabulous, a mere text description of which
Floyd | could hardly do it justice. Gosh.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You have won ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 100 out of a possible 100, in 33 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions
Floyd | for AMUSING things to do or QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Was just seeing if 'c' was short for count. Might be a nice addition, though I doubt you'll ever need to do a new release."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "yay"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "woooo"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Yay you got it!"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "and you called this a hard one? ;)"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "heh"
| |
| | | Fang says, "okay, I think we might have been a bit lucky, though"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Well, play again."
| |
| | | djfletch says, "I thought we would have to use more of the properties"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "lol im still doing my maths to figure out how we got there :)"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "no, I thought this was an easy puzzle."
| |
| | | Fang says, "I'm guessing the 'brand' property was itself special"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "I solved it in ten minutes, but through a total fluke."
| |
| | | Fang says, "because it was the only one we didn't have all the options named"
| |
| | | Nitku says (to Fang), "You just didn't x brands."
| |
| | | DavidW says (to Fang), "yes, x brands would tell you."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "amusing"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Did you try:
Floyd | * counting leaves?
Floyd | * counting anything else? (tiles, walls, vault door, etc.)
Floyd | * xyzzy?
Floyd | * plugh?
Floyd | * remembering the Count?
Floyd | * singing?
Floyd |
Floyd | Also, did you find a naughty mode?
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions
Floyd | for AMUSING things to do or QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "well, we were very lucky, then"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "I never found the naughty mode, either."
| |
| | | Fang asks, "...naughty mode?"
| |
| | | RootShell asks, ""Perhaps it would help if you tried my name -- Count Keys" was a red hering ?"
| |
| | | djfletch asks, "restart?"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "restart"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | After a series of adventures too mind-boggling to put into words, you
Floyd | finally arrive at the antechamber to the Count's treasure vault! Oh my,
Floyd | oh me...
Floyd |
Floyd | 69,105 Keys
Floyd | by David Welbourn.
Floyd | For more about this game, type ABOUT. For credits, type CREDITS.
Floyd | (Note: This game uses the longint extension by Chris Hall and Francis
Floyd | Irving.)
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 090302 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/11
Floyd |
Floyd | Vault Antechamber
Floyd | Wowzers. The Count opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his
Floyd | treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and
Floyd | ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold.
Floyd | Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the
Floyd | south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.
Floyd |
Floyd | Like so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing number of keys litter
Floyd | the floor of this antechamber.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "undress"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count modes"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says (to RootShell), "That list was to hint to use the verb 'count'."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "touch me"
| | |
| Floyd | If you think that'll help.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "er, that line"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "lewd"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count me"
| | |
| Floyd | There's just one of you, babe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "heehee"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "naughty"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "l"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Vault Antechamber
Floyd | Wowzers. The Count opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his
Floyd | treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and
Floyd | ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold.
Floyd | Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the
Floyd | south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.
Floyd |
Floyd | Like so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing number of keys litter
Floyd | the floor of this antechamber.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "count leaves"
| | |
| Floyd | There are 0 leaves here. But nice try.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count leaves"
| | |
| Floyd | There are 0 leaves here. But nice try.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "undress walls"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "remove clothes"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying nothing. So not cool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "remember count"
| | |
| Floyd | You remember three things about Count Keys. One: he loves counting
Floyd | things. Two: he loves keys. Three: he has a marvelous treasure in his
Floyd | treasure vault. You're not quite sure what this treasure is, but you
Floyd | know he obtained it during his worldwide travels.
Floyd |
Floyd | In his will, the Count decreed that after he died, a grand contest
Floyd | should be held in his home. Adventurers would compete, solving a series
Floyd | of intricate puzzles of his own design until, finally, one adventurer
Floyd | manages to reach the treasure and claim it. You hope that that
Floyd | adventurer will be you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "count tiles"
| | |
| Floyd | There are 2400 marble tiles here. You're glad it wasn't you that had to
Floyd | install all these tiles and get them to line up straight. You hate
Floyd | repetitive work.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count count"
| | |
| Floyd | He's not here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count all"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't use multiple objects with that verb.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "peep key hole"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "plugh"
| | |
| Floyd | My original title was always 69,105 Keys, but I brainstormed some other
Floyd | titles anyway. They were: Which Key?; The Count of Keys; Keygasm;
Floyd | Antechamber of Keys; Keys, Keys, Keys; and Qualia Control.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Keygasm? heh"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "keygasm"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Ellison arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
| | |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count keygasms"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "69"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "There's a shoe store in NYC called Shoegasm."
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "rub keys"
| | |
| Floyd | That won't help. None of the keys are dusty, dirty, grimy, slimy,
Floyd | tarshined, rusty, or encrusted. Cleanliness is not a property you have
Floyd | to worry about. Be thankful.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x brands"
| | |
| Floyd | There's a handful of different brand names printed on the keys: Acme,
Floyd | Borden, Carter, Dynamo, Emperor, and Guardian.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline asks, "If you called it Keygasm, whould you have been able to write it in I7?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline asks, "Or would you have then been forced to use ADRIFT?"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "lol"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
| | |
| Floyd | A hollow voice sings:
Floyd | "I xyz zy spiders on the wall... I xyz zy cobwebs in the hall...
Floyd | I xyz zy candles on the shelf... When I'm alone, I xyz myself!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "I don't think this game could be written in Adrift."
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "count flecks"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "huh"
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "69"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "xyz yourself"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count borden"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 13770 Borden keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "sing"
| | |
| Floyd | You sing:
Floyd | "You can't ride in my little wagon,
Floyd | The front seat's broken, and the back wheel's saggin'.
Floyd | Chug. Chug. Chug chug chug.
Floyd | Next verse, the same as the first!
Floyd | A little bit LOUDER and a little bit WORSE!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "xyz myself"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "rub locker"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "it is different this time"
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x keyhole"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "sing"
| | |
| Floyd | You sing:
Floyd | "You can't ride in my little wagon,
Floyd | The front seat's broken, and the back wheel's saggin'.
Floyd | Chug. Chug. Chug chug chug.
Floyd | Next verse, the same as the first!
Floyd | A little bit LOUDER and a little bit WORSE!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "sing"
| | |
| Floyd | You sing:
Floyd | "You can't ride in my little wagon,
Floyd | The front seat's broken, and the back wheel's saggin'.
Floyd | Chug. Chug. Chug chug chug.
Floyd | Next verse, the same as the first!
Floyd | A little bit LOUDER and a little bit WORSE!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "l"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Vault Antechamber
Floyd | Wowzers. The Count opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his
Floyd | treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and
Floyd | ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold.
Floyd | Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the
Floyd | south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.
Floyd |
Floyd | Like so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing number of keys litter
Floyd | the floor of this antechamber.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "dance"
| | |
| Floyd | This antechamber isn't zoned for public dancing. Nertz.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I think it's different every time."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "jump"
| | |
| Floyd | Ugh, no. The Pit of De Spare Keys was exhausting. You've had enough
Floyd | jumping about for today.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "blow leaves"
| | |
| Floyd | (first taking the leaves)
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x properties"
| | |
| Floyd | Several qualities may help you distinguish one key from another. The
Floyd | keys differ from each other in their size, shape, color, brand name,
Floyd | metal, edging style, and, scratchness. (By "scratchness", we mean
Floyd | whether the key is scratched or not.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "search leaves"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "eat properties"
| | |
| Floyd | (first taking the qualities)
Floyd | Qualities are an abstract concept which you can only examine or count.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x edging"
| | |
| Floyd | Carefully inspecting the keys before you, you notice that the edges of
Floyd | the keys' bows have different edging styles. Some edges are milled with
Floyd | tiny grooves. Some keys have pebbled edges which feel bumpy. Some keys
Floyd | have rounded edges. And, of course, some key edges are flat and
Floyd | unadorned.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline asks, "Where is the fornicating naughty mode?"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count groove"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "groove"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "babdy"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Sorry, IJLTS fornicating naughty mode."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "bother"
| | |
| Floyd | Quite.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "I would think of doing something naughty to the lock ;)"
| |
| | | DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "If you have to say fornicating, that's not naughty."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "screw lock"
| | |
| Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "heh"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "eat keys"
| | |
| Floyd | (first taking the keys)
Floyd | It's pointless to pick up any of these keys except the one key that you
Floyd | want: the key to the vault door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "sleep"
| | |
| Floyd | You aren't feeling especially drowsy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "wake up"
| | |
| Floyd | The dreadful truth is, this is not a dream.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "eat lock"
| | |
| Floyd | (first taking the vault door)
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count rounded"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 22950 keys with rounded-edge bows here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "The xyzzy response was the hint to the naughty mode, but perhaps you guys haven't heard the song."
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
| | |
| Floyd | A hollow voice sings:
Floyd | "I xyz zy spiders on the wall... I xyz zy cobwebs in the hall...
Floyd | I xyz zy candles on the shelf... When I'm alone, I xyz myself!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "lol I xyz myself"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "kiss yourself"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "kiss me"
| | |
| Floyd | If you think that'll help.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "xyz me"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "We tried touching ourselves. And oh--- hm"
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "xyzzy me"
| | |
| Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to xyzzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get candles"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "zyx me"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "squeeze me"
| | |
| Floyd | Keep your hands to yourself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "xyz me"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "Such language. Not."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "i guess i will not be good at AIF :("
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "I wish maga wasn't busy playing his RPG."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "touch myself"
| | |
| Floyd | If you think that'll help.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "naughty mode on"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "hehehehe"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Maga's good at naughty puzzles."
| |
| | | dhakajack says, "perhaps the naughty mode permits minor variance in the spelling of count."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "maybe we could lock ourselfs? that would be naughty"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to dhakajack), "my"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "lol"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "spy me"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
dhakajack says, "but I'm not willing to try it."
| |
| | | DavidW asks, "I suppose people are unfamiliar with The Count from Sesame Street?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Yes"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x spiders"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count milled"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 22950 keys with milled-edge bows here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku says, "Not many Americans here today I suppose"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count flat"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 255 keys with flat-edge bows here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "sort keys"
| | |
| Floyd | How? There's no obvious order to sort them into.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "maybe there's a secondary key, that unlocks naughty mode, and we end up with a pretty girl instead of the treasure"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "sort keys by color"
| | |
| Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to sort the keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "bubble sort"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "eat keys"
| | |
| Floyd | (first taking the keys)
Floyd | It's pointless to pick up any of these keys except the one key that you
Floyd | want: the key to the vault door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "touch keys"
| | |
| Floyd | You feel nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "scratch key"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "Well, that verse with the spiders is from The Counting Song, except he says 'count' instead of 'xyzzy', of course."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count me"
| | |
| Floyd | There's just one of you, babe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "1"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying nothing. So not cool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count babe"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
McMartin says, "This is interesting, because the clues I got haven't appeared at all yet."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count flat scratched"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 254 scratched keys with flat-edge bows here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "x lock"
| | |
| Floyd | The heavy vault door is closed and locked. Very locked. Your keen
Floyd | adventurer eyes espy the following inscription:
Floyd |
Floyd | "One of these keys is not like the others.
Floyd | One of these keys just isn't the same.
Floyd | That one unique key unlocks my vault.
Floyd | Perhaps it would help if you tried my name.
Floyd | -- Count Keys"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count wall"
| | |
| Floyd | There are 4 walls here. No surprise there.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "And, it was popular in some circles to substitute another word for 'count' in the song."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count candles"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count spiders"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "the count wasnt gay was it?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "No, that was Burt."
| |
| | | McMartin asks, "How would you be able to tell?"
| |
| | | McMartin says, "Being puppets they have no bodies below the torso"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Maybe on Avenue Q he was gay, but never on Sesame Street."
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "get inscription"
| | |
| Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says (to DavidW), "right"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Well, Burt *and* Ernie. It kind of takes two to tango."
| |
| | | Fang says (to McMartin), "maybe he enjoyed the hand up his bum"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Jacqueline), "some people tango alone (like the count) ;)"
| |
| | | Jacqueline asks, "I don't think the 'puppets' work that way, do they Fang?"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "sing"
| | |
| Floyd | You sing:
Floyd | "You can't ride in my little wagon,
Floyd | The front seat's broken, and the back wheel's saggin'.
Floyd | Chug. Chug. Chug chug chug.
Floyd | Next verse, the same as the first!
Floyd | A little bit LOUDER and a little bit WORSE!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x colors"
| | |
| Floyd | There are numerous colors of keys. You see white keys, black keys, red
Floyd | keys, orange keys, yellow keys, green keys, blue keys, violet keys,
Floyd | brown keys, pink keys, grey keys, turquoise keys, magenta keys, taupe
Floyd | keys, beige keys, aqua keys, navy keys, and cyan keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | The colors are painted on the bows (the fat ends) of the keys; the
Floyd | metal shafts of the keys are bare. Every key is painted with exactly
Floyd | one color. There are no unpainted keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang asks (of DW), "can you spoil naughty mode, then?"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Anyway, after you're all done with this game, might I suggest playing Krakatoa Tuna Melt next? I had Jota had it to Floyd as well."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to RS), "True. But touching ourselves has not unlocked the mode."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count white"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 4050 keys with white bows here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says (to David), "I'd like that, as I've never played it."
| |
| | | DavidW says (to Fang), "Jacqueline was close with 'fornicate'."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "well there were navy colored keys"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "fornicate"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "fornicount"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "screw key hole"
| | |
| Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to screw the keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell laughs.
| | Jacqueline says, "It's be David Welbourn day on ClubFloyd!"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "it's "screw""
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "screw me"
| | |
| Floyd | That would be less than courteous.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "screw lock"
| | |
| Floyd | You are unable to.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline asks, "Must I type it?"
| |
| | | Fang says (to Jacq), "yes"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "It's the only way to enable it."
| |
| RootShell says (to Jacqueline), "I for one never use bad language"
| | RootShell says, "heheheh"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Sigh. But I'm the good girl."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Boys are naughty, let them type it."
| |
| Ellison says (to Floyd), "fuck"
| | |
| Floyd | Count off. Fuck on.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "ah"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "look"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Vault Antechamber
Floyd | Wowzers. The Fuck opted for simplicity and vague elegance in his
Floyd | treasure vault antechamber, choosing to dress the walls, floor, and
Floyd | ceiling alike in money-green marble tiles delicately flecked with gold.
Floyd | Apart from yourself and the stupendously locked vault door to the
Floyd | south, there's nothing here. Except for... THE KEYS.
Floyd |
Floyd | Like so many fallen autumn leaves, an astonishing number of keys litter
Floyd | the floor of this antechamber.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "count me"
| | |
| Floyd | There's just one of you, babe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "remember count"
| | |
| Floyd | You remember three things about Fuck Keys. One: he loves fucking
Floyd | things. Two: he loves keys. Three: he has a marvelous treasure in his
Floyd | treasure vault. You're not quite sure what this treasure is, but you
Floyd | know he obtained it during his worldwide travels.
Floyd |
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "x keys"
| | |
| Floyd | In his will, the Fuck decreed that after he died, a grand contest
Floyd | should be held in his home. Adventurers would compete, solving a series
Floyd | of intricate puzzles of his own design until, finally, one adventurer
Floyd | manages to reach the treasure and claim it. You hope that that
Floyd | adventurer will be you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | You see nothing special about the keys.
Floyd |
Floyd | Except, of course, that the keys come in a large number of garish
Floyd | colors. The bows of the keys, that is, the wide ends of the keys are
Floyd | painted in various colors. The shafts of the keys, of course, are not
Floyd | painted.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "fuck keys"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 69105 keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x door"
| | |
| Floyd | The heavy vault door is closed and locked. Very locked. Your keen
Floyd | adventurer eyes espy the following inscription:
Floyd |
Floyd | "One of these keys is not like the others.
Floyd | One of these keys just isn't the same.
Floyd | That one unique key unlocks my vault.
Floyd | Perhaps it would help if you tried my name.
Floyd | -- Fuck Keys"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "remember fuck"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "heh. Okay, um... cute. And now my website's profanity level is going to increase exponentially with the posting of a single transcript."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "remember count"
| | |
| Floyd | You remember three things about Fuck Keys. One: he loves fucking
Floyd | things. Two: he loves keys. Three: he has a marvelous treasure in his
Floyd | treasure vault. You're not quite sure what this treasure is, but you
Floyd | know he obtained it during his worldwide travels.
Floyd |
Floyd | In his will, the Fuck decreed that after he died, a grand contest
Floyd | should be held in his home. Adventurers would compete, solving a series
Floyd | of intricate puzzles of his own design until, finally, one adventurer
Floyd | manages to reach the treasure and claim it. You hope that that
Floyd | adventurer will be you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "hehehehehehehe"
| |
| | | Nitku says, "heh"
| |
| | | Ellison says, "heh"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "you can edit out this section"
| |
| | | McMartin says, "Oy."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to dj), "I could, yes, but... I think I'll just put a disclaimer at the top."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "yeah, you probably will want to edit it out."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "fuck properties"
| | |
| Floyd | Each key has 7 qualities or properties.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline asks, "Anyway... Krakatoa?"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "well if we are allowed to say f*ck ... maybe we can 'pick up the f*cking key'? our 'f*ck the lock' ?"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "fuck the system"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
McMartin says, "I am reminded of the King of All Cosmos."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to Nitku), "ha"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "win the fucking game"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
McMartin says, "My, the world sure is full of fucking *things*."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "win"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "score"
| | |
| Floyd | You have so far scored 0 out of a possible 100, in 58 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
dhakajack says, "Krakatoa sounds good."
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "count brands"
| | |
| Floyd | There are 6 brands of keys here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku says, "yeah, we've probably abused this game enough"
| |
| RootShell agrees
| | Jacqueline asks, "Are you all wanting to solve one more time, or can we just go to Krakatoa?"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count scratched flat"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 254 scratched keys with flat-edge bows here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "count unscratched flat"
| | |
| Floyd | You see 1 unscratched key with a flat-edge bow here. That's it! Take
Floyd | it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "take it"
| | |
| Floyd | With confidence, you take the one and only unique key.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "unlock door"
| | |
| Floyd | (with the unique key)
Floyd | You fancy you hear hosannas sing in your honor as you unlock the vault
Floyd | door and claim a treasure so fabulous, a mere text description of which
Floyd | could hardly do it justice. Gosh.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You have won ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 100 out of a possible 100, in 63 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions
Floyd | for AMUSING things to do or QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "amsuing"
| | |
| Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "amusing"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Did you try:
Floyd | * fucking leaves?
Floyd | * fucking anything else? (tiles, walls, vault door, etc.)
Floyd | * xyzzy?
Floyd | * plugh?
Floyd | * remembering the Count?
Floyd | * singing?
Floyd |
Floyd | Also, did you find a naughty mode?
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions
Floyd | for AMUSING things to do or QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "I actually solved this game without counting anything"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Making sure 'take it' worked at the right time was fun."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "It was kind of a fluke."
| |
| RootShell nexxxxxtttt
| | Jacqueline says (to DW), "Will you do the honors? You probably know the file name off the top of your head."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "okay."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Thanks."
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "quit"
| | |
| Floyd |
| |
| Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
| | |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "load krakatoa"
| | |
| Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Biff Bradclaw smoothes back his slick greasy hair one more time before
Floyd | posing in front of the television camera, and says:
Floyd |
Floyd | "Welcome to Episode Seven of Krakatoa Survivor Challenge! It's a
Floyd | gorgeous day on the tropical island of Krakatoa, not a cloud in the
Floyd | sky. Although there's plenty of smoke from that volcano, ha ha ha!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Our current champion" -- he points to you, applause -- "is being
Floyd | challenged by our newest contenders, Kari Knott, a waitress from
Floyd | Toledo," -- applause -- "and Russ Rohoho, a late night talk show host
Floyd | from Honolulu." More applause.
Floyd |
Floyd | "And the challenge is ..." Biff checks his cue card. "Hey, Kari, this
Floyd | should be easy for you. The challenge is to make a tuna melt sandwich
Floyd | from the native materials on the island! Find some tuna, cheese, and
Floyd | bread, put 'em together and cook it, then bring it back to the camp!
Floyd | Whoever brings their sandwich back first, wins!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Krakatoa Tuna Melt
Floyd | An interactive food-makin' disaster by David Welbourn (dswxyz@look.ca)
Floyd | for SpeedIF 10^-9.
Floyd | (and before you ask, it took me closer to two days to write, not two
Floyd | hours)
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 021215 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ, Kari and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "about"
| | |
| Floyd | The rules for SpeedIF 10^-9 were:
Floyd | Write a work, set in an underground secret hideout, in which the PC
Floyd | must deal with misinterpretation of directions. He may be helped or
Floyd | hindered by a late night talk show host and a bleary-eyed waitress. At
Floyd | least one ending should involve earth being totally destroyed. Bonus
Floyd | points for including a time traveler visiting from 1888, a subplot
Floyd | involving a terrible accident involving food on a remote tropical
Floyd | island, or an alternate ending with someone never being seen again. As
Floyd | always, deadline is 2100 mudtime or whenever you finish. Sign here with
Floyd | location when done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline asks, "What were the speed constraints, anyway?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Oh, there we go, thanks, Nitku."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "I ignored the underground secret hideout part."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "I love deadlines that say 'blah blah X or whenever you're finished.'"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x russ"
| | |
| Floyd | Russ Rohoho is an attractive forty-something with his Hawaiian and
Floyd | Italian mixed heritage. His late night talk show, "Luau Fever", is
Floyd | supposedly very popular in Hawaii, but of course he'd say that.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari whispers a question to Biff, who shakes his head.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ looks at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x kari"
| | |
| Floyd | Kari Knott is a moderately attractive dirty-blonde girl from Toledo,
Floyd | Ohio. Although she's only 23, she's already got that bleary-eyed look
Floyd | from working too many late night shifts at Pepe's Diner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari whispers a question to Biff, who shakes his head.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ takes the northwest path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "x me"
| | |
| Floyd | You're the current champion of "Krakatoa Survivor Challenge", and if
Floyd | you want to remain champion, you need to make a tuna melt sandwich as
Floyd | quickly as possible and bring it back to camp.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari heads south to the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x biff"
| | |
| Floyd | Biff Bradclaw is the ever-smiling host of the show, and has the
Floyd | blackest, greasiest hair you've ever seen. Eeww. You can't imagine what
Floyd | the girls back home see in him; he's such an obvious phony.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ emerges from the forest to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang asks, "which way?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "I am eating, and thus cannot map, fwiw."
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Fang), "you decide :)"
| |
| | | Jacqueline asks, "n?"
| |
| | | Alex says (to Jacqueline), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that N is part of 'no'. So which part of 'no' don't you understand."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone has discarded a bag of popcorn here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x popcorn"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a half-eaten bag of popcorn.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take it"
| | |
| Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari emerges from the forest to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon
Floyd | This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your
Floyd | friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you
Floyd | were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west
Floyd | and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to
Floyd | the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "x ocean"
| | |
| Floyd | The water is clear as clear can be. You can even see some tuna fish
Floyd | swimming in its depths.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari wanders in from the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch exclaims, "tuna fish!"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x monkey"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "in"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari looks in the lagoon with interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "catch fish"
| | |
| Floyd | You'll have to tell me how to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly, Kari stabs a long pointy fish into the water, and snares a
Floyd | fish! She looks rather pleased with herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "I'm guessing we cook the tuna melt over lava later, maybe."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take fish"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't just take the fish from the lagoon! You have to catch one,
Floyd | somehow.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari heads back to camp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "(the popcorn might be usefull as bait to catch the fish)"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Hm, yeah."
| |
| | | Fang says, "maybe we should come back later with more materials, though"
| |
| | | Fang says, "do a quick sweep first to see what can be picked up"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Fang), "seems too easy to be true"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Fang), "yes... right"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to Fang), "Sure. Let's look around."
| |
| | | dhakajack says, "Or perhaps the useful part of the bag of popcorn is the bag as a container"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Kari and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari looks at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Oceanside Meadow
Floyd | A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible,
Floyd | right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage
Floyd | of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the
Floyd | volcano, and the camp lies east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says (to dhakajack), "could be"
| |
| | | djfletch asks, "do we have to make our own cheese?"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "milk cow"
| | |
| Floyd | Pumping vigourously, you fill... wait a minute. What are you putting
Floyd | this milk in?
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "woo"
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "bag"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x bag"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a half-eaten bag of popcorn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline clears the save counter.
| | RootShell says, "'milking cows'... if doesn't stop surprising me :)"
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
| | |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1"
| | |
| Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "eat popcorn"
| | |
| Floyd | You're not that hungry. And it's probably stale.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x bag"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a half-eaten bag of popcorn.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put bag under cow"
| | |
| Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "heh"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "milk cow into bag"
| | |
| Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to milk the cows and sheep.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "put milk in bag"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "I think that would be icky"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Maybe something else."
| |
| | | Fang says, "let's find a better container"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get cow"
| | Jacqueline says, "Yes"
| |
| Floyd | I don't suppose the cows and sheep would care for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon
Floyd | This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your
Floyd | friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you
Floyd | were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west
Floyd | and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to
Floyd | the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ heads south to the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "ne"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Village
Floyd | A sparse looking village, but the "El Bakery" on the north side looks
Floyd | most interesting to you. Forest shades the village from the west, and
Floyd | paths lead southwest and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the center of the village is a cannon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Attached to the back end of the cannon is a mysterious black box.
Floyd |
Floyd | Some litterbug has left a gigantic pop bottle here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "forrest means branches... branches fishing weapon ?"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take pop bottle"
| | |
| Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x it"
| | |
| Floyd | It's one of those new five liter pop bottles. For when you're really
Floyd | really thristy.The five liter bottle is empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku says, "The parrot must be Norwegian Blue"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to RS), "Quite possibly, yes."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x cannon"
| | |
| Floyd | The heavy iron cannon is a relic from history, once used to repel
Floyd | pirates from Krakatoa's shores. Its muzzle points up and east over the
Floyd | ocean, but it's not empty. There's a bamboo structure inside it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x structure"
| | |
| Floyd | It's hard to believe, but that's a tiny bamboo rocketship stuck in the
Floyd | muzzle of the cannon, large enough to launch a monkey far over the
Floyd | ocean. Is this what they do for fun around here? Jesus.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "get structure"
| | |
| Floyd | That's fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x structure"
| | |
| Floyd | It's hard to believe, but that's a tiny bamboo rocketship stuck in the
Floyd | muzzle of the cannon, large enough to launch a monkey far over the
Floyd | ocean. Is this what they do for fun around here? Jesus.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "ohhh bambooo fish fish here little fish... here litle fish"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "fire cannon"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x box"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a mysterious black box all right. The only clue to what it is are
Floyd | the words "Frobozz Magic Mini Nuke" in bright yellow letters on the
Floyd | top.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "open box"
| | |
| Floyd | The black box opens easily. In the black box is a glowing green
Floyd | crystal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take it"
| | |
| Floyd | That's fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "hmm there was an ending where the world is destroyed"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take crystal"
| | |
| Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x crystal"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a crystal. It's glowing and green. I dunno what it is. Kryptonite?
Floyd | (yeah, right)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "put crystal in cannon"
| | |
| Floyd | You put the glowing green crystal into the cannon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x cannon"
| | |
| Floyd | The heavy iron cannon is a relic from history, once used to repel
Floyd | pirates from Krakatoa's shores. Its muzzle points up and east over the
Floyd | ocean, but it's not empty. There's a bamboo structure inside it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku exclaims, "The crystal is growing gleen! I mean glowing green!"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "light cannon"
| | |
| Floyd | This dangerous act would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "aw."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "turn cannon on"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not something you can switch.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "shoot cannon"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "x cannon"
| | |
| Floyd | The heavy iron cannon is a relic from history, once used to repel
Floyd | pirates from Krakatoa's shores. Its muzzle points up and east over the
Floyd | ocean, but it's not empty. There's a bamboo structure inside it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "push bamboo"
| | |
| Floyd | It is fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch asks, "look in the bakery?"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "push muzzle"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | El Bakery
Floyd | You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on
Floyd | Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.
Floyd |
Floyd | In one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a baguette here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Wait."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "If we buy the bread, that feels like cheating."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sign"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch asks, "do we have any money anyway?"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "x sign"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "(if we steal it) would that be not cheating ;)"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "oh, the signage was a box quote."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "'native materials' found on the island. I wonder if this bread is native or exotic."
| |
| | | Nitku asks (of DavidW), "What does it say?"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "I'll have to look it up. Gimme a minute."
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "read sign"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a five liter bottle (which is empty)
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "eat baby"
| | |
| Floyd | (first taking baby)
Floyd | I don't suppose baby would care for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "I'm guessing we don't have money, no. But perhaps we can barter."
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "ask about cheese"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "buy bread"
| | |
| Floyd | You buy a nice baguette.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "lol"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "huh"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "You have money the same way you have clothes."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x baguette"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a baguette, a nice loaf of bread for a nice sandwich, and one of
Floyd | the ingredients you'll need for your tuna melt.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku says, "heh"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to DW), "Gotcha."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "wake baby"
| | |
| Floyd | No one is asleep.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "x baby"
| | |
| Floyd | The baby boy is sleeping soundly, and who wouldn't, comfortably wrapped
Floyd | in three large blankets?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get blankets"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "nothing more to do here?"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "x baker"
| | |
| Floyd | The baker is wearing a strange green tropical outfit. You can tell it's
Floyd | tropical by the large sun emblem on his chest. He's also wearing a
Floyd | headband instead of the expected chef's hat.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "brb"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "l"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | El Bakery
Floyd | You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on
Floyd | Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.
Floyd |
Floyd | In one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "probably not, unless the baby becomes important later"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "I think explore the places we haven't been yet"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "The sign said: | The End Is Near / The Earth Is Doomed / Baguettes Baked Daily / Have A Nice Day"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "so we have bread, now he need some way to get the tuna :)"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "heheh"
| |
| | | Nitku says, "We could go milk the cow now"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Village
Floyd | A sparse looking village, but the "El Bakery" on the north side looks
Floyd | most interesting to you. Forest shades the village from the west, and
Floyd | paths lead southwest and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the center of the village is a cannon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Attached to the back end of the cannon is a mysterious black box.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see Russ here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ enters the forest, to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "get crystal"
| | |
| Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says (to Nitku), "yes... we have a 'bottle'"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a fallen branch from one of those unclimbable trees on the
Floyd | ground here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take branch"
| | |
| Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari enters from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x branch"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a pointy stick about three feet long.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari ventures deeper into the forest, towards the volcano.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "lets fishhhhhhhhhh"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "or milkkkkkkkk"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lonely Hill
Floyd | This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep
Floyd | rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more
Floyd | pleasant areas are south and southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari emerges from the forest, to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x dead sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | This poor little lamb has lost its way. (baa baa baa)
Floyd | It tripped and fell, and here he'll stay. (baa baa baa)
Floyd | A predator ate its flesh away. (baa baa baa)
Floyd | And now its stomach greets the day. (baa baa baa)
Floyd |
Floyd | Yeah. You can see its stomach. Ick.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari looks sadly at the dead lamb.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get stomach"
| | |
| Floyd | You'll need to cut the stomach free, first.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari looks sadly at the dead lamb.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x stomach"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a dried sheep stomach. Gross. In the stomach is a quantity of
Floyd | rennet.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari rubs something out of her eye.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take rennet"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't take the rennet without a suitable container. (Or without
Floyd | taking the container it's already in.)
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari leaves you, and goes south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "cut stomach"
| | |
| Floyd | With what?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "diamond"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle (which is empty)
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ enters from the southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "razor sharp hands"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "crystal"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Back."
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "cut stomach with crystal"
| | |
| Floyd | You'll need a more suitable cutting tool than that.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ takes the southeast path back to camp.
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put rennet in bag"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | You need to be holding the quantity of rennet before you can put it
Floyd | into something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "cut stomach with stick"
| | |
| Floyd | You'll need a more suitable cutting tool than that.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ enters from the southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "maybe use the crystal on stick to make it pointied?"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "but i think right now we can ge to the rennet"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "The stick is already pointed."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "but i think right now we cant get to the rennet"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "You need something else."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "let's try to get the milk, and tuna"
| |
| | | Fang says, "maybe we should check on the volcano"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano.
Floyd | The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far
Floyd | below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit
Floyd | dangerous. It's just a suggestion, but you probably shouldn't stay here
Floyd | longer than you absolutely must. Unless you want to melt. Literally.
Floyd |
Floyd | Gah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "put crystal in volcano"
| | |
| Floyd | You throw the glowing green crystal into the volcano, and it's gone
Floyd | forever. Unfortunately, the crystal has, shall we say, an adverse
Floyd | effect on our friend the volcano. Don't worry, though. The volcano
Floyd | doesn't erupt. But the crystal starts a chain reaction that makes THE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You have died ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 74 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or
Floyd | QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "HE WARNED YOU"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "heh"
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "ups"
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "out"
| | |
| Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "in"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!
Floyd |
Floyd |
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd | *** You have died ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 76 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or
Floyd | QUIT?
Floyd | >
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd |
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano.
Floyd | The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far
Floyd | below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit
Floyd | dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Gah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "jump"
| | |
| Floyd | Insanely, you jump into the Krakatoa's fiery cauldron, despite the fact
Floyd | that you are not a polynesian virgin sacrifice. Unfortunately for the
Floyd | rest of the world, it has no time to mock your stupidity, since the
Floyd | entire world explodes shortly thereafter. (What was that crystal,
Floyd | anyway?)
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You have died ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 77 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or
Floyd | QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "i sincerely think the volcano is the last puzzle ;)"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang exclaims, "sorry!"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Fang), "so harm in trying :)"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "jesus... im dislexic... No harm in trying"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Okay, 'despite the fact that you are not a polynesian virgin sacrifice' is cute."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "thanks"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle (which is empty)
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch asks, "is there a place we haven't been, north from the hill? Or is it the same forest?"
| |
| | | RootShell asks (of Fang), "let's try to get the milk or tuna?"
| |
| | | Fang says, "sure"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lonely Hill
Floyd | This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep
Floyd | rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more
Floyd | pleasant areas are south and southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
| |
RootShell asks (of djfletch), "what you think? these are good options no?"
| |
| Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "maybe we can get something off the NPCs"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "yeah, go for it - it looks like we've been everywhere now"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "maybe"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Jacqueline), "black cofee :)"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd | You emerge out of the forest into ...
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ whispers a question to Biff, who nods.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x biff"
| | |
| Floyd | Biff Bradclaw is the ever-smiling host of the show, and has the
Floyd | blackest, greasiest hair you've ever seen. Eeww. You can't imagine what
Floyd | the girls back home see in him; he's such an obvious phony.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ whispers a question to Biff, who shakes his head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x russ"
| | |
| Floyd | Russ Rohoho is an attractive forty-something with his Hawaiian and
Floyd | Italian mixed heritage. His late night talk show, "Luau Fever", is
Floyd | supposedly very popular in Hawaii, but of course he'd say that.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ heads south to the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "ask biff about russ"
| | |
| Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ enters from the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "ask biff for knife"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "search biff"
| | |
| Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ heads south to the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "I was sort of wondering if we could see what Russ had, see how far along he is."
| |
| | | RootShell asks, "have you noticed that they 'whisper' to each other... can we too?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Though I suspect they're just there for scenery and we really can't lose to them."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "whisper to biff to give me a knife"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "I'll save you time and say yes, Russ and Kari are just scenery."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Oceanside Meadow
Floyd | A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible,
Floyd | right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage
Floyd | of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the
Floyd | volcano, and the camp lies east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ arrives from the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "Even though it took ages to code them."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "ok ok ... in speedif that should be expected :)"
| |
| | | Fang says, "I note you excluded Biff in that..."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "milk cow"
| | |
| Floyd | Pumping vigourously, you fill the five liter bottle with a large
Floyd | quantity of milk. (About five liters. More or less.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ looks at the cows with interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "shake bottle"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "drink milk"
| | |
| Floyd | You're more of a wine and cheese person. You like your milk somewhat
Floyd | thicker and denser, if you know what I mean.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ studies the sheep, thoughtfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "now for the tuna fish"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "I have no idea how to make cheese."
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Jacqueline), "cheese is rotten milk"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "sort of"
| |
| | | Nitku says, "We'll need the rennet at least."
| |
| | | djfletch says, "you should have to curdle it then separate the curds and whey"
| |
| | | DavidW says (to RootShell), "Close enough for this game."
| |
| | | djfletch says, "I'm not sure what rennet does exactly"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Curdle it with... lemon? How - oh, the rennet, yeah."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Examine the rennet."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Rennet is the curdling agent, yes."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "we are progressing..."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd | You head north into the ...
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "sorry, was going to look at the rennet"
| |
| | | dhakajack says, "we could either cause curdling enzymatically with rennet or precipitate it with acid"
| |
| | | Nitku says, "go ahead"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lonely Hill
Floyd | This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep
Floyd | rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more
Floyd | pleasant areas are south and southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x rennet"
| | |
| Floyd | Cheesemakers know that rennet contains rennin, a milk-curdling enzyme
Floyd | used in making cheese. For some reason, this isn't common knowledge to
Floyd | cheese eaters. But you know now, right?
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get rennet"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't take the rennet without a suitable container. (Or without
Floyd | taking the container it's already in.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "we need to cut it remember?"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "get sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | You are *not* going to carry an entire dead lamb about the island.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "push stomach"
| | |
| Floyd | It is fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "let's get the tuna..."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle
Floyd | a large quantity of milk
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "bite stomacj"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "bite stomach"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "ew"
| |
| RootShell is hungry... and some tuna now would be great
| | RootShell says, "hehheheehe"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to DW), "We *have* cutting tools."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "In our *mouths*"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle
Floyd | a large quantity of milk
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku says (to RootShell), "Go ahead"
| |
| | | Jacqueline asks, "This is supposed to be a survivalist game, right?"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "I plead speed-if: no testers."
| |
| | | RootShell asks (of Nitku), "im way lost now... i remember the tuna being in the ocean south of here no?"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "I'm not going to bite through a dead sheep. We have a perfectly good baguette."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rustling in the forest floor alerts you to Kari's entrance, as she
Floyd | arrives from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd | You emerge out of the forest into ...
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon
Floyd | This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your
Floyd | friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you
Floyd | were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west
Floyd | and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to
Floyd | the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ heads back to camp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "catch fish"
| | |
| Floyd | You'll have to tell me how to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ arrives from the camp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get tuna with stic"
| | |
| Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to get the swimming tuna fish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "catch fish with stick"
| | |
| Floyd | You thrust your pointy stick at the swimming fish, but the refraction
Floyd | of the clear water fools you, and your stabs miss their mark. Bubbles
Floyd | rise from the fishes' tiny lips like tiny fishy giggles.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ heads back to camp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "g"
| | |
| Floyd | You thrust your pointy stick at the swimming fish, but the refraction
Floyd | of the clear water fools you, and your stabs miss their mark.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari arrives from the camp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "in"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari strides off east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "swim"
| | |
| Floyd | You dive into the lagoon, grabbing wildly at the swimming fish. The
Floyd | water seems to boil as you churn up the water in vain. But when you
Floyd | come up for air, there's a fish caught in -- no, it flops of your shirt
Floyd | back into the lagoon. Damn!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "almost :|"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle
Floyd | a large quantity of milk
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch asks, "would it help to put the popcorn in the water?"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "i think so"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "put popcorn on stick"
| | djfletch says, "maybe save first though"
| |
| Floyd | Putting things on the pointy stick would achieve nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "i think the popcorn will atract the fish"
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
| | |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf2"
| | |
| Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "give popcorn to fish"
| | |
| Floyd | You cleverly drop some of the popcorn into the water, and easily grab
Floyd | one of the fish when they pop up their heads to eat it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ wanders in from the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Belatedly: heehee tiny fishy giggles"
| |
| | | RootShell )
| |
| | | djfletch says, "hurrah"
| |
| RootShell fisherman
| | |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x fish"
| | |
| Floyd | (the swimming tuna fish)
Floyd | A school of tuna fish are swimming in the sparkling clear lagoon
Floyd | waters. Tempting you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ walks west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "thanks again. I love adding lines like that."
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a fresh tuna fish
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle
Floyd | a large quantity of milk
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x tuna"
| | |
| Floyd | (the swimming tuna fish)
Floyd | A school of tuna fish are swimming in the sparkling clear lagoon
Floyd | waters. Tempting you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "we just want a cutting device really but I don't remember seeing one anywhere"
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "x fresh tuna"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a freshly-caught funa tish. I mean, it's a freshly-caught tuna
Floyd | fish. One of the ingredients you'll need for your tuna melt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "so now we only need to get a cutting tool"
| |
| | | RootShell asks, "or maybe we should get more tuna?"
| |
| | | djfletch asks, "were there any sharp seashells? Or did the baker have anything?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "We had our teeth, but the general consensus was that that was unacceptable."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "we never tried hitting the damn thing"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "one tuna should make hundreds of melts in my opinion :-)"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "This cutting tool puzzle *might* be a trifle unfair."
| |
| | | Fang asks, "maybe we can make glass from sand?"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "w.w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ takes the northwest path.
Floyd |
Floyd | Oceanside Meadow
Floyd | A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible,
Floyd | right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage
Floyd | of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the
Floyd | volcano, and the camp lies east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Kari here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari looks at the cows with interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku says, "oops"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a fresh tuna fish
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
| |
djfletch says, "go to the beach and search it just in case"
| |
| Floyd | a five liter bottle
Floyd | a large quantity of milk
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari looks at the cows with interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
dhakajack exclaims, "We could focus sunlight on the sheep stomach using our crystal and burn our way to the rennet!"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ whispers a question to Biff, who nods.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "yes"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "ha ha"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take sand"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "search beach"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "the crystal might be usefull for making fire"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a fresh tuna fish
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle
Floyd | a large quantity of milk
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ wanders in from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
dhakajack says, "If there's a volcano, there might be some volcanic glass which would make a nice knife"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "I'm thinking the crystal is a red herring just so there could be a way of destroying the world"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "but I could be wrong"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "i would say the bamboo was strange inside the canoon"
| |
| | | Nitku says, "The volcano will probably give all the fire we'll need"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "I'll explain the cannon after you guys win."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd | Hm. A swim would be nice, but can't really justify doing that right
Floyd | here and now.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ looks at the volcano, worriedly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "definitely worth a look around the volcano for glass"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ walks in from the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd | You head north into the ...
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "we get the parrot 'nose' to cut it :)"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lonely Hill
Floyd | This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep
Floyd | rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more
Floyd | pleasant areas are south and southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "stab sheep with stick"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "hit sheep with stick"
| | |
| Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to hit the dead lamb.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "jump on sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "hit sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | A bit pointless to flog a dead lamb, wouldn't you say?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "bit sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "bite sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "invert sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "give milk to sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | You can only do that to something animate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "push sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | It is fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "pour milk on sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "beat bloated stomach with a stick like a pinata."
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "disassemble sheet"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "we have to take the stomach"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "x sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | This poor little lamb has lost its way. (baa baa baa)
Floyd | It tripped and fell, and here he'll stay. (baa baa baa)
Floyd | A predator ate its flesh away. (baa baa baa)
Floyd | And now its stomach greets the day. (baa baa baa)
Floyd |
Floyd | Yeah. You can see its stomach. Ick.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "x stomach"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a dried sheep stomach. Gross. In the stomach is a quantity of
Floyd | rennet.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get stomach"
| | |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "l"
| | |
| Floyd | You'll need to cut the stomach free, first.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Lonely Hill
Floyd | This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep
Floyd | rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more
Floyd | pleasant areas are south and southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "I'm pretty sure we need a cutting device here"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "yes"
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "put milk in sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | You need to be holding the large quantity of milk before you can put it
Floyd | into something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Nitku says, "We pour the milk in the stomach through its mouth, shake, and cheese comes out the other end"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Nitku), "lol"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
dhakajack says, "Meets the *technical* requirements of the challenge...."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano.
Floyd | The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far
Floyd | below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit
Floyd | dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Gah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x ledge"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "molten lava"
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "x lava"
| | |
| Floyd | Think of the volcano as a very large, natural fondue pot. Except that
Floyd | it's rock fondue, not cheese fondue down there.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says (to Nitku), "I am never having a tuna melt at your house."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "search ledge"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get lava"
| | |
| Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | You pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You have died ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 140 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or
Floyd | QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "ups... sorry"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x rim"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "x rock"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a piece of obsidian with a sharp edge. I think we'll call it...
Floyd | knife.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "weeeeeeeeee"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "i found it"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "excellent"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "take it!"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "take it"
| | |
| Floyd | Well, hey, volcanic rock. Sure, let's take a rock!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "lol"
| |
| | | dhakajack says, "Sheep stomachs of the world -- fear us."
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "get knife"
| | |
| Floyd | You already have that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "hee hee"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lonely Hill
Floyd | This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep
Floyd | rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more
Floyd | pleasant areas are south and southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "cut stomach with knife"
| | |
| Floyd | Using the sharp rock, you manage to saw the stomach free of the dead
Floyd | sheep.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x knife"
| | |
| Floyd | It's a piece of obsidian with a sharp edge. I think we'll call it...
Floyd | knife.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "get rennet"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't take the rennet without a suitable container. (Or without
Floyd | taking the container it's already in.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "get stomach"
| | |
| Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "so now we need to bake?"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put rennet in milk"
| | |
| Floyd | You need to be holding the quantity of rennet before you can put it
Floyd | into something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "the cannon seems a good baking place"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Believe it or not, you've missed a location."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "(and I should shut up)"
| |
| RootShell is not mapping
| | djfletch says, "hmm you could go east from the lagoon but I thought it would be the beach we have already seen"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "at the lagoon we had east and west"
| |
| | | Fang says, "huh, I was mapping, but I didn't see any locations we haven't visited"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to djfletch), "yes"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Oceanside Meadow
Floyd | A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible,
Floyd | right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage
Floyd | of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the
Floyd | volcano, and the camp lies east.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon
Floyd | This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your
Floyd | friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you
Floyd | were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west
Floyd | and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to
Floyd | the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "here"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "west"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd | Hm. A swim would be nice, but can't really justify doing that right
Floyd | here and now.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ, Kari and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari searches the camp.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ takes the west path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Oceanside Meadow
Floyd | A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible,
Floyd | right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage
Floyd | of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the
Floyd | volcano, and the camp lies east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ heads back east to camp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "there could be other directions in the forest"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "it didn't really tell you specific exits"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari enters from the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ heads south to the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd | You head north into the ...
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "ne"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "nw"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Village
Floyd | A sparse looking village, but the "El Bakery" on the north side looks
Floyd | most interesting to you. Forest shades the village from the west, and
Floyd | paths lead southwest and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the center of the village is a cannon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Attached to the back end of the cannon is a mysterious black box.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | El Bakery
Floyd | You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on
Floyd | Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.
Floyd |
Floyd | In one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Village
Floyd | A sparse looking village, but the "El Bakery" on the north side looks
Floyd | most interesting to you. Forest shades the village from the west, and
Floyd | paths lead southwest and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the center of the village is a cannon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Attached to the back end of the cannon is a mysterious black box.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "in"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | El Bakery
Floyd | You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on
Floyd | Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.
Floyd |
Floyd | In one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Village
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Village
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "enter cannon"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not something you can enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x bamboo"
| | |
| Floyd | It's hard to believe, but that's a tiny bamboo rocketship stuck in the
Floyd | muzzle of the cannon, large enough to launch a monkey far over the
Floyd | ocean. Is this what they do for fun around here? Jesus.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "enter rocketship"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not something you can enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari arrives from the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "open it"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari wanders off, south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x rocketship"
| | |
| Floyd | It's hard to believe, but that's a tiny bamboo rocketship stuck in the
Floyd | muzzle of the cannon, large enough to launch a monkey far over the
Floyd | ocean. Is this what they do for fun around here? Jesus.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
dhakajack says, "It strikes me that babies and monkeys are roughly the same size..."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "hmmm"
| |
| | | Fang says, "are we on Kryton"
| |
| | | Fang asks, "is the baker Jor-El?"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Look at him."
| |
| | | Fang says, "*Krypton, even"
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | El Bakery
Floyd | You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on
Floyd | Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.
Floyd |
Floyd | In one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "x jor-el"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "x baker"
| | |
| Floyd | The baker is wearing a strange green tropical outfit. You can tell it's
Floyd | tropical by the large sun emblem on his chest. He's also wearing a
Floyd | headband instead of the expected chef's hat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "x baby"
| | |
| Floyd | The baby boy is sleeping soundly, and who wouldn't, comfortably wrapped
Floyd | in three large blankets?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "x emblem"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "x kal-el"
| | |
| Floyd | The baby boy is sleeping soundly, and who wouldn't, comfortably wrapped
Floyd | in three large blankets?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "take blanket"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "haha"
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "unwrap baby"
| | |
| Floyd | He's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "get baby"
| | |
| Floyd | I don't suppose baby would care for that.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "wake baby"
| | |
| Floyd | No one is asleep.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "anyway, you don't need the baby."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "show crystal to baby"
| | |
| Floyd | baby is unimpressed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "I want to launch the baby from the cannon, though."
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "give crystal to baby"
| | |
| Floyd | baby doesn't seem interested.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "See if it wakes up."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "heh. Maybe in a sequel."
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "buy baby"
| | |
| Floyd | Nothing is on sale.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x baby"
| | |
| Floyd | The baby boy is sleeping soundly, and who wouldn't, comfortably wrapped
Floyd | in three large blankets?
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell gets bored and wanders off to the Toyshop.
| | |
| RootShell arrives, ready to play with the toys.
| | |
| Ellison has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
| | RootShell says, "damn internet provider"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "im back :)"
| |
| dhakajack says (to Floyd), "x headband"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "what did i miss?"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "My in-joke: the baker and baby are Jor-El and Kal-El."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "ok..."
| |
| Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "shake baby"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a stomach
Floyd | a quantity of rennet
Floyd | a sharp rock
Floyd | a fresh tuna fish
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle
Floyd | a large quantity of milk
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "what are you trying? to make the baby throw up?"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "get rennet"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't take the rennet without a suitable container. (Or without
Floyd | taking the container it's already in.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline asks, "I am just frustrated. Shaking babies is what really frustrated people do, right?"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put milk in stomach"
| | |
| Floyd | You need to be holding the large quantity of milk before you can put it
Floyd | into something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says (to Jacqueline), "very right"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "pour milk into stomach"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says (to Jacqueline), "on that subject... Im going to be a father in 6 months :)"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "I added all the whole Superman stuff because of the world-exploding part of the game."
| |
| | | djfletch says, "maybe we need to find something else to mix the milk and rennetin"
| |
| | | Johnny says, "Baby food!"
| |
| | | RootShell asks (of djfletch), "do you mean a container?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says (to RootShell), "I hope you are never frustrated, then./"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "yeah"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Also, congrats."
| |
| | | djfletch says, "a cheese press or something"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Jacqueline), "Im the HAPPIEST man on the world"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "I'll repeat: there's a location you guys haven't found yet."
| |
| | | Jacqueline asks, "Who is mapping?"
| |
| | | RootShell asks (of djfletch), "i think the cannon is there for something no ?"
| |
| | | DavidW says (to RootShell), "Congrats!"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "thank you all :)"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "I have a map but it doesn't have any exits left"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "I will go exploring some more"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "l"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | El Bakery
Floyd | You've entered the best bakery on Krakatoa. The only bakery on
Floyd | Krakatoa. There's a sign on the wall, and the exit is south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The baker is here, hoping you'll buy some bread.
Floyd |
Floyd | In one corner of the bakery, a baby is sleeping, nestled in blankets.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "eh"
| |
| | | RootShell asks, "lets start from scrach shell we ?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "er, meh"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Village
Floyd | A sparse looking village, but the "El Bakery" on the north side looks
Floyd | most interesting to you. Forest shades the village from the west, and
Floyd | paths lead southwest and south.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the center of the village is a cannon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Attached to the back end of the cannon is a mysterious black box.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see Kari here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari studies the cannon, carefully.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari wanders off, south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Kari here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari scans the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd | Hm. A swim would be nice, but can't really justify doing that right
Floyd | here and now.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari decides to go south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon
Floyd | This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your
Floyd | friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you
Floyd | were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west
Floyd | and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to
Floyd | the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Kari here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari heads back to camp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd | If you want to swim, just say so.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Beach
Floyd | Nice sandy beach. Shame you don't have time to just sit down and enjoy
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ, Kari and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari looks at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon
Floyd | This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your
Floyd | friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you
Floyd | were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west
Floyd | and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to
Floyd | the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "hey hey"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Oceanside Meadow
Floyd | A grassy meadow covers this corner of the island. That seems plausible,
Floyd | right? At any rate, several sheep and cows are here, taking advantage
Floyd | of the grass and eating their full. Hills are to the north, towards the
Floyd | volcano, and the camp lies east.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Fang says, "sorry"
| |
| | | RootShell asks, "we swimmed in the ocean... maybe we can swim somewhere?"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lagoon
Floyd | This natural lagoon is a perfect place for fishing. You wish your
Floyd | friend Harley was here. Harley loved to go fishing with you when you
Floyd | were kids. The camp is visible to the north, and the beach extends west
Floyd | and east, and of course the ocean fills your view south, all the way to
Floyd | the horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ walks west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Oceanside Meadow
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lonely Hill
Floyd | This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep
Floyd | rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more
Floyd | pleasant areas are south and southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "se"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ takes the northwest path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Lonely Hill
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ enters from the southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "nw"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "nw"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano.
Floyd | The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far
Floyd | below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit
Floyd | dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Gah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You have died ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 204 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or
Floyd | QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Hidden Clearing
Floyd | This hidden clearing near the base of the mountain might be
Floyd | unremarkable except that it's the current home of a large glass bubble
Floyd | and a most unusual man.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Mon dieu!" exclaims the man, as he rushes to greet you.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is some confusion, since he speaks only French, and you speak
Floyd | only English, but he manages to tell you his name, Emil Petit, and then
Floyd | he scratches the number 1888 on the ground, pointing to the bubble and
Floyd | himself, frantically. What does he mean? Is he trying to say that he's
Floyd | from 1888, and a time traveler?
Floyd |
Floyd | As if to prove it, he tosses some grapes into the bubble and pushes a
Floyd | white button. In an instant, the grapes age into raisins! He then
Floyd | stifles a sob, and removes the raisins from the bubble. I guess the
Floyd | bubble isn't supposed to work that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | Then Emil shows points out a green crystal in the controls and asks you
Floyd | a question. You shake your head in confusion, and he sadly shakes his
Floyd | head in return.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Emil and a glass bubble (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell asks, "maybe when we are in the middle of the forest there's a non described exit?"
| |
| | | djfletch says, "HAH"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "yesss"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "time traveling"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "1888"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "The crystal."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "the milk"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "the everything"
| |
| | | Fang says, "the the"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "heh"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "save"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "and start cooking"
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
| | |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf3"
| | |
| Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put milk in bubble"
| | |
| Floyd | You pour the milk into the time bubble (glug, glug, glug). Emil opens
Floyd | his mouth, then closes it again, and says nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put rennet in bubble"
| | |
| Floyd | You pour the rennet into the time bubble, and toss the sheep's stomach
Floyd | away. Emil watches you curiously. The rennet and milk combine,
Floyd | resulting in exquisitely curdled milk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "weeee"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x controls"
| | |
| Floyd | The white button is labelled "activateur".
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "press button"
| | |
| Floyd | You push the white button. It's a miracle! The curdled milk rapidly
Floyd | ages, and turns into cheese!
Floyd |
Floyd | "C'est fromage!" Emil cries out in wonder.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
dhakajack exclaims, "That is excellent use of time machine!"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "get cheese"
| | |
| Floyd | With a trembling hand, you extract the slab of cheese from the bubble,
Floyd | solemnly break it in two, and give half to Emil. Staring at his half of
Floyd | the cheese, tears running down his face, he blesses you, and then, in a
Floyd | startling display of emotion, kisses both of your cheeks, crying,
Floyd | "Merci! Merci beaucoup!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "it ages :)"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "kiss emil"
| | |
| Floyd | But there's hidden tv cameras all over the place! It's not worth the
Floyd | risk.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "gay gay gay"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "hehehehe"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a slab of cheese
Floyd | a sharp rock
Floyd | a fresh tuna fish
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a glowing green crystal
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle (which is empty)
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "give crystal to emil"
| | |
| Floyd | (the glowing green crystal to Emil)
Floyd | "Sacrebleu!" Emil exclaims, as he grabs the glowing crystal from your
Floyd | hand, and replaces the broken crystal with it. Muttering excitedly, he
Floyd | fiddles with controls.
Floyd |
Floyd | Then, Emil takes a deep breath, pushes the white button and hops into
Floyd | the bubble. One heart beat, two, then the bubble vanishes!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "cool"
| |
| | | RootShell asks, "let's fry the tuna with the stick on the volcano ?"
| |
| Nitku says (to Floyd), "slice bread"
| | |
| Floyd | Cutting that up would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put tuna on bread"
| | |
| Floyd | Shouldn't you debone the tuna, first?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "debone tuna"
| | |
| Floyd | With what?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "lol maybe"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "debone tuna with knife"
| | |
| Floyd | You use the sharp rock to debone the tuna.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put tuna on bread"
| | |
| Floyd | You put the deboned tuna on the bread.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put cheese on tuna"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put cheese on bread"
| | |
| Floyd | You layer the cheese over the tuna. Looking good!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "w"
| | |
| Floyd | The forest paths confuse you and you return to the clearing. (Psst, go
Floyd | south.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "lol good hinting"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground shakes, slightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano.
Floyd | The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far
Floyd | below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit
Floyd | dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Gah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "cook sandwich"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a sharp rock
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a five liter bottle (which is empty)
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | Your blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "maybe stick tuna in stick"
| |
| | | dhakajack says, "maybe we leave it here for longer than we can endure, and then come back"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "put bread on stick"
| | |
| Floyd | Putting things on the pointy stick would achieve nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | You pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You have died ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 227 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or
Floyd | QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "maybe..."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "leave stuff on the floor and return later"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano.
Floyd | The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far
Floyd | below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit
Floyd | dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | Gah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Hm, yeah."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "drop bread"
| | |
| Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z"
| | |
| Floyd | You waste a few precious minutes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd | You waste a few precious minutes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd | You waste a few precious minutes.
Floyd | You waste a few precious minutes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano.
Floyd | The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far
Floyd | below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit
Floyd | dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a baguette here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Gah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x baguette"
| | |
| Floyd | Your tuna melt sandwich is complete! Now take it back to the camp!
Floyd |
Floyd | Your blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "get baguette"
| | |
| Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | You pass out from the heat, and fall into the VOLCANO! Ahhhhhh!!!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You have died ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 237 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or
Floyd | QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "weee ... good idea ..dha."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "n"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lip of the Volcano
Floyd | Wow. You're standing on a tiny ledge on the rim, or lip of the volcano.
Floyd | The smoke is blowing into your face, and you can see molten lava far
Floyd | below. Needless to say, it's extremely hot here, and quite a bit
Floyd | dangerous.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a baguette here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Gah. Feel that heat! This is too much to endure for long!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "get baguette"
| | |
| Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your blood feels like it's about to boil! Time to go!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Mountainside
Floyd | You're climbing the side of the volcano. There's not much here but
Floyd | volcanic rock. You can head further up to the north, or go down into
Floyd | the forest to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "i"
| | |
| Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd | a baguette
Floyd | a sharp rock
Floyd | a pointy stick
Floyd | a five liter bottle (which is empty)
Floyd | a bag of popcorn
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "x baguette"
| | |
| Floyd | Your tuna melt sandwich is complete! Now take it back to the camp!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "WOO"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deeper Forest
Floyd | You can easily believe you're far from home. You can't see much except
Floyd | for trees, trees, and more trees in all directions, but at least they
Floyd | provide some welcome shade.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
RootShell says, "it's almost over"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "s"
| | |
| Floyd | You emerge out of the forest into ...
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a monkey chittering somewhere nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "give sandwich to biff"
| | |
| Floyd | "Is it? It is! A tuna melt! Ladies, and gentlemen, we have a winnah!
Floyd | Anything you'd like to say to the folks at home?"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You have won ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 245 turns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or
Floyd | QUIT?
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline asks, "Wait, the world didn't end?"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "That was another ending."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Ah."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Well."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "it ended when we put the crystal in volcano"
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "undo"
| | |
| Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says, "Oh, I ... missed that."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "eat baguette"
| | |
| Floyd | That's plainly inedible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
djfletch says, "boo"
| |
| | | Jacqueline asks, "I must unfortunately go... how much longer do people need to tinker?"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "sell baguette"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
dhakajack says, "I wonder if we killed the time traveller if he might have been our grandfather...and then..."
| |
| | | DavidW asks, "boy, the game coulda used testers, eh?"
| |
| | | Jacqueline asks, "Just a few turns, or should I save my transcript and have someone else send me the rest?"
| |
| RootShell says (to Floyd), "amusing"
| | |
| Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
Jacqueline says (to DavidW), "Such is the plight of almost every speed."
| |
| | | djfletch says, "I can't think of much more to do, unless the cannon does anything."
| |
| | | RootShell says (to DavidW), "I really enjoyed this 'little' speedif"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "The cannon is just scenery. It does nothing."
| |
| | | dhakajack says, "For quick writing, though, it hung together very well. Very nice."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Thanks"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to DavidW), "It was to the point, and very logical"
| |
| | | dhakajack asks, "Was there any way to get the monkey or parrot?"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to DavidW), "small distances, the only thing that i tought it was a little more dificult, and wouldn't get there, was the hidden room, without your hinting i would never get there"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "I suppose if there was an amusing, you could try to milk the NPCs."
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "milk biff"
| | |
| Floyd | Er, you can only milk female mammals. Did you skip biology class the
Floyd | week they covered that?
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ walks in from the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "There was no actual monkey or parrot. Those are just atmosphere."
| |
| | | RootShell says (to dhakajack), "is right... you should try to involve the parrot and monkey in the game"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "oh, and no one tried to climb the unclimbable trees."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "at some point (every time the parrot passed you talked about the feathers) i believed that we needed to"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Great game, David. Really cohesive and fleshed out for a speed (and even in general, really)."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "The 'beautiful plumage' line is Monty Python."
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Thanks"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "hooo i thought i already heard that... :)"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "I watched the life of brian last month"
| |
| | | RootShell says, "not sure though if its from that movie"
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "l"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | "Challenge" Camp
Floyd | The "Challenge" camp is set up just north of Krakatoa's southern
Floyd | lagoon. Deep forest separates you from the smoking volcano to the
Floyd | north, and other paths lead west, northwest, northeast, and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Russ and Biff here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari walks in from the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ takes the west path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| Fang says (to Floyd), "milk kari"
| | |
| Floyd | Oh, that wouldn't be very polite. Not At All.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari heads south to the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| djfletch says (to Floyd), "milk me"
| | |
| Floyd | Er, you can only milk female mammals. Did you skip biology class the
Floyd | week they covered that?
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari enters from the lagoon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
DavidW says, "I guess you could also try to age the milk without the rennet, or the rennet alone, but the game would be unwinnable."
| |
| | | dhakajack asks, "Will lamb rennet work on cow milk?"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Sure."
| |
| | | dhakajack exclaims, "Excellent. I'll keep that in mind next time I come upon a dead lamb on a desert island with a pasture full of cows!"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "ha"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "hm. Looking at the code, 'x jor el' would've worked, but not 'x jor-el'."
| |
| | | RootShell says, "so this speedif games have this quality or this is the exception? I really enjoyed this nice 'little' game"
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Okay, folks... I'm going to wrap up the transcript now and get on the road. I have to drive about four hours this afternoon and make a friend's going away party."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Thanks for two great games, David."
| |
| | | dhakajack exclaims, "Thanks & good night!"
| |
| | | RootShell says (to Jacqueline), "have a nice trip... and see you next week"
| |
| | | DavidW says, "Thanks for playing them."
| |
| | | Jacqueline says, "Can you all discuss what to play next week, and someone mudmail me? I'll be back in Skagway on Monday, and will try to update the RSS, transcripts, etc early next week."
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Lonely Hill
Floyd | This lonely hill might be a tranquil spot normally, but the dead sheep
Floyd | rather spoils the mood. Forest is north and east of you, and more
Floyd | pleasant areas are south and southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ emerges from the forest, to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sheep"
| | |
| Floyd | This poor little lamb has lost its way. (baa baa baa)
Floyd | It tripped and fell, and here he'll stay. (baa baa baa)
Floyd | A predator ate its flesh away. (baa baa baa)
Floyd | Its stomach, too, has gone astray. (baa baa baa)
Floyd |
Floyd | The volcano noisily belches more smoke into the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Russ rubs something out of his eye.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| dhakajack goes home.
| | DavidW says, "The poem had to change after the stomach was taken. :)"
| |
| | | RootShell asks (of DavidW), "hehehehe what did the climbing of the unclimbed tree did?"
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
| | |
| Floyd |
Floyd | Deep Forest
Floyd | You're in a deep forest with lots of those really tall trees with no
Floyd | climbable branches in reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Kari here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a brief tremor, then it passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kari ventures deeper into the forest, towards the volcano.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| |
| DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb tree"
| | |
| Floyd | You can't climb them. Honestly. And you don't need to. You think cheese
Floyd | grows on trees? Or tuna? Or bread?
Floyd |
Floyd | A parrot squawks as it flies overhead. Beautiful plumage.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rustling in the forest floor alerts you to Kari's entrance, as she
Floyd | arrives from the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
*** Transcript Unexpectedly Truncated due to Technical Error ***
(Sorry! Jacqueline's fault!)
| |
RootShell says, "hehe" | |
| |