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The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction. Below is a transcript of Game Developers Conference 2009, written by Jim Munroe. Game Developers Conference 2009 was originally released in May of 2009. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting the ifWiki. WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page. |
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Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You're actually here. The Gee Dee Cee. You don't know which session to Floyd | check out first. Unlike your hometown, you're one promoter among many Floyd | here -- exciting and intimidating. Floyd | Floyd | Exciting because between now and Friday you might be able to put Floyd | together a game development team with the varied people here, but Floyd | intimidating because you don't know a soul. Luckily people all have Floyd | their names printed on their badges, that's one thing you don't have to Floyd | worry about. Floyd | Floyd | Game Developers Conference 2009 Floyd | A social interaction simulator by Jim Munroe. Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 090504 / Inform 7 build 5Z71 (I6/v6.31 lib Floyd | 6/12N) Floyd | Type CREDITS for the full credits, HELP if you need it, and QUIT to Floyd | exit the game. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | Geez, there's a lot of people here. You wish your buddy Jon had come. Floyd | He had a ton of advice about getting to know people. What was it that Floyd | he said? You bet you could REMEMBER if you tried. Floyd | Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "remember" | ||||
Floyd | What was it that Jon said? You can learn a lot if you EXAMINE folks... Floyd | that taking a personal INVENTORY helps you keep track of your skills Floyd | and interests... and when in doubt, GO WEST? Floyd | Floyd | You dunno about that last one, especially since he went on to rant Floyd | about twisty mazes, but you (perhaps aptly) couldn't follow what he was Floyd | saying. Floyd | Floyd | But he did have some other helpful stuff to say too, you'd just need to Floyd | focus to REMEMBER it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
K-Y arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "remember" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Over beers the day before you left, he got philosophical. Sure, there's Floyd | a lot of swag, but it's not about what you can TAKE, he said. It's Floyd | about the exchange of ideas. ASK people ABOUT something they care Floyd | about. If you don't know, ASK them ABOUT INTERESTS. And if you have an Floyd | interest, TALK ABOUT it TO them -- maybe your enthusiasm about it will Floyd | catch. And he said not to worry about getting it right the first time, Floyd | that it can take a couple of years to get into the groove. Floyd | Floyd | You're pretty sure there was some other stuff he said, too. Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell says, "ok... GO WEST its a nice tip for later on" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "remember" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Jon got a little drunk and started to brag that he was around when he Floyd | saw someone PROPOSE GAME WITH VECTOR GRAPHICS TO DAVE. Then he started Floyd | to grouse about the economy and how he wished he was going this year, Floyd | and the evening went downhill from there. He pointed out that because Floyd | you're an extreme extrovert, you'd have to be careful not to talk Floyd | people's ears off. Floyd | (Which seemed kind of personal to you, but Jon has a tact deficit.) Floyd | Floyd | Now that you're thinking of it, wasn't there something else he said? Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
Taleslinger disappears. | ||||
inky says, "getting drunk and reminiscing about parses of yore" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "remember" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Right before you extricated yourself, Jon had one more piece of advice Floyd | -- to make sure you checked out the dev team workshop when you thought Floyd | you had a team together. The other workshops were useful too, in case Floyd | you couldn't get a coder or an artist -- it's pretty random who you're Floyd | gonna meet, he said. He started on about something else but you told Floyd | him you had an early plane to catch. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "yeah, that's pretty clever" | |||
inky says, "so I guess the deal is we walk around looking to put together a team" | ||||
RootShell says, "looks like it" | ||||
inky says, "and we ask people about interests and talk about things we know about" | ||||
Ellison says, "yeah, this is already more game-like than I was expecting" | ||||
inky says, "and propose a game with x when we decide on something" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include viral Floyd | marketing. Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says, "I hate us already" | ||||
Ellison says, "ha ha" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | Susan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is texting, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x susan" | ||||
Floyd | Susan is dressed like a typical artist. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x raigan" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Raigan holds himself that makes you Floyd | think: designer. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask susan about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Susan says that she's pretty into chiptune music these days. Floyd | Floyd | Susan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison is looking forward to the day when viral marketing involves actual viruses. '51 People Died Today of New Pepsi Plague' | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask raigin about interests" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask raigan about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Raigan says that he's pretty interested in ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Susan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Someone named Raigan seems a little lost. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to raigan about viral marketing" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in viral marketing proves boring to Raigan. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have dropped in Raigan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Susan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Raigan heads to art session "Lighting With Floyd | Purpose". Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha ha" | |||
inky says, "I wonder if he used RAP for this" | ||||
djfletch says (to Floyd), "talk to susan about art" | ||||
Floyd | Which do you mean, Creative Commons licensed art or pixel art? Floyd | Floyd | > | djfletch says, "ooh" | |||
djfletch says (to Floyd), "commons" | ||||
Floyd | You seem to impress Susan despite knowing very little about Creative Floyd | Commons licensed art. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have risen in Susan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Susan seems comfortable around you, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Raigan walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "man, this is on the border of turning into AIF" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to raigan about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | You ramble on about pixel art for a while, until some contemptuous Floyd | remarks from Raigan reveal that you don't really know what you're Floyd | talking about. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Raigan seems impatient with you. Floyd | Floyd | Susan murmurs quietly to you, and then bursts out laughing. Floyd | Muttering something about you, Raigan heads to Moscone Center North Floyd | 2000. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "heh, I was trying to come up with the right joke about that" | |||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
RootShell says, "heheheh" | ||||
Ellison says, "once we get our team together, let's ditch the game plan and find a hotel room" | ||||
Ellison says, "(there)" | ||||
inky says, "hee hee" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x schedule" | ||||
Floyd | You hate carrying it around. The rooms all have signs anyway. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | Susan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | You blink, and suddenly Ryan is gone, as quietly as he arrived. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "(for those that don't remember, ARG is alternate reality game... looked it up since I had forgotten)" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | art session "Lighting With Purpose" Floyd | Having managed to understand it, the subject of pixel art is now Floyd | fascinating to you. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | Susan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in viral marketing and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan is texting, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask ryan about interests" | ||||
Floyd | At a loss for words, Ryan mumbles something about finding it all Floyd | fascinating. Floyd | Floyd | Susan talks to Ryan about point-and-click game making tools, which she Floyd | obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Susan says they're going out for drinks, and invites you along... Floyd | The night is great, and you end up having a great conversation with Floyd | Wei-Ju about ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I wonder if there is a time limit here" | |||
Ellison says (to Floyd), "time" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "I doubt it, but who knows" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "look" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare wanders out of the session with a hopelessly confused look on her Floyd | face. Floyd | Katherine looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Floyd | Someone named Kevin seems a little lost. Floyd | Raigan talks at length about ARGs, not really concerned with whether Floyd | you are listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | Now Raigan has risen in your esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Jeffrey floats away to design session "Master Floyd | Metrics". Floyd | Jordan wanders into Moscone Center North 2000. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says, "our relationship with Raigan is obviously complicated" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask jordan about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Not really sure what to say, Jordan makes a joke about being into Floyd | post-hipsterism. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to you about pixel art, which she obviously knows nothing Floyd | about. Floyd | Floyd | Now Mare has dropped in your esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks to Kevin about point-and-click game making tools, which Floyd | she obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is obviously obsessed with ARGs, and Jordan is trying to keep Floyd | up. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about procedural gameplay. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "hm. Do we need to take workshops to gain interests?" | |||
inky says, "maybe" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | design session "Master Metrics" Floyd | You emerge from the session having taken in none of it, your brain and Floyd | ego bruised. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks Kevin what he's interested in these days. Kevin says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in 2D physics. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Susan gives you a friendly wave. Floyd | Muttering something about you, Raigan heads to design session "Master Floyd | Metrics". Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey talks to you about pixel art, which he obviously knows nothing Floyd | about. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Jeffrey seems irritable with you. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan floats away to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include ARGs, Floyd | viral marketing and pixel art. Currently, your dev team consists of Floyd | yourself as promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "can we introduce people to eachother. let's play MATCHMAKER" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x susan" | ||||
Floyd | Susan is wearing a t-shirt with a artist in-joke on it. You recall that Floyd | Susan's interests include chiptune music. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mirko arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to susan about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Your intense passion for the pixel art proves contagious. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Susan gives you a friendly smile. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to Susan about procedural gameplay, which she obviously Floyd | knows nothing about. Floyd | Katherine asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs, viral marketing and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin asks Jeffrey what he's interested in these days. Jeffrey says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in procedural gameplay and ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about ARGs. Floyd | Wei-Ju murmurs quietly to you, and then bursts out laughing. Floyd | Jordan walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "oops, question mark and all of that jazz" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x susan" | ||||
Floyd | Susan is dressed like a typical artist. You recall that Susan's Floyd | interests include pixel art and chiptune music. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
djfletch says (to Floyd), "propose aif game to susan" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hmm, ok, so we gave susan an interest" | |||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with aif to susan" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with pixel art to susan" | ||||
Floyd | You and Susan get really excited about making a game that makes clever Floyd | use of pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Mare is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Katherine talks to Raigan about micropayments, which she knows Floyd | something about. Floyd | Susan gives you a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. Floyd | Kevin talks to Wei-Ju about procedural gameplay, which he obviously Floyd | knows nothing about. Floyd | Jeffrey asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs, viral marketing and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan talks to Susan about bot movement, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "ha" | |||
inky says, "hot cha cha" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask jeffrey about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Jeffrey says that he's pretty interested in procedural gameplay and Floyd | ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Mare looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Katherine talks to Kevin about Creative Commons licensed art, which she Floyd | obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Susan talks to Jordan about procedural gameplay, which she obviously Floyd | knows nothing about. Floyd | Raigan is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Wei-Ju is right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan gives Wei-Ju a quick grin. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "interesting mechanic" | |||
RootShell says (to Floyd), "say to susan i show you my pixel if you show me yours" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to jeffrey about args" | ||||
Floyd | Jeffrey is just as excited about ARGs as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like you have impressed Jeffrey. Floyd | Floyd | Mare hands out flyers to passers-by. Floyd | Lost in thought, Katherine floats away to promo session "Money From a Floyd | Casual Stone". Floyd | Susan talks to Wei-Ju about pixel art, which she knows something about. Floyd | Kevin looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Raigan talks at length about ARGs, not really concerned with whether Floyd | you are listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like Raigan has impressed you. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey gives you a friendly wave. Floyd | Jordan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x jeffrey" | ||||
Floyd | Jeffrey's badge identifies him as a designer. You recall that Jeffrey's Floyd | interests include procedural gameplay and ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
djfletch says (to Floyd), "ask mare for flyer" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky asks, "do you think we need like one artist and one designer and one developer or something?" | |||
DavidW says, "probably" | ||||
RootShell says, "it seems we need one of each" | ||||
Ellison says, "and one tank and one healer" | ||||
inky says, "hee hee" | ||||
DavidW says, "heh" | ||||
RootShell says, "we are already on the good side of susan" | ||||
inky says, "so if we have Jeffrey I guess we can blow off Raigan, or vice versa" | ||||
inky says, "Susan is obviously our go-to artist, IYKWIM" | ||||
RootShell says, "it seems that there are interest levels of npcs" | ||||
inky says, "yeah" | ||||
DavidW asks, "How do we form a team, though?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to jeffrey about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Your intense passion for the pixel art proves contagious. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have risen in Jeffrey's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in her step, Mare heads away to promo session Floyd | "Money From a Casual Stone". Floyd | Katherine walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about micropayments. Floyd | Susan asks Jeffrey what he's interested in these days. Jeffrey says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in procedural gameplay, ARGs and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Kevin floats away to Moscone Center South 2000. Floyd | Raigan is obviously obsessed with ARGs, and Jordan is trying to keep Floyd | up. Floyd | Wei-Ju murmurs quietly to you, and then bursts out laughing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose a game with pixel art to jeffrey" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with pixel art to jeffrey" | ||||
Floyd | You toss around ideas about a game with pixel art, and immediately Floyd | Jeffrey has some great designer concepts. Floyd | Floyd | Mare walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and chatting Floyd | to someone about viral marketing. Floyd | Katherine floats away to Moscone Center South 2000. Floyd | Susan asks Wei-Ju what he's interested in these days. Wei-Ju says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Jordan is right there with him. Floyd | Jeffrey talks to you about procedural gameplay, which he knows Floyd | something about. Floyd | Floyd | Susan tracks you down and tells you you should come to the 10 Bit party Floyd | with them... Floyd | The night is great, and you end up having a great conversation with Floyd | Susan about bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "User Interface Art" and west to the code session "Dynamic Walking with Floyd | Semi-Procedural Animation". Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell asks, "is there a way to show each one esteem?" | |||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
inky says, "talking about bot movement with susan, eh" | ||||
RootShell says, "lol" | ||||
Ellison says, "heh" | ||||
inky says (to RootShell), "yeah, try examining them" | ||||
RootShell asks, "how can we contract someone?" | ||||
RootShell says, "let's try to hire susan" | ||||
inky says, "I think when you "propose game with X to Y" that means you are suggesting forming a team with them" | ||||
inky says, "I could be wrong, though -- maybe there's another step" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "User Interface Art" and west to the code session "Dynamic Walking with Floyd | Semi-Procedural Animation". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks to Ryan about bot movement, which she obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and chatting Floyd | to someone about bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x kevin" | ||||
Floyd | Kevin is wearing a t-shirt with a coder in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
RootShell says (to Floyd), "hire susan" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to kevin about bot movement" | ||||
Floyd | Kevin is just as excited about bot movement as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Kevin gives you a friendly smile. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Kevin what he's interested in these days. Kevin says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in 2D physics and bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan talks endlessly to you about chiptune music, but it's obvious from Floyd | his vague bluster he knows nothing about it. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "if only we weren't so damned drunk when we talked to Jon" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to kevin about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in pixel art proves boring to Kevin. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like you have annoyed Kevin. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Kevin heads to Moscone Center North 2000. Floyd | You blink, and suddenly Raigan is gone, as quietly as he arrived. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like 2D Floyd | physics, and it's hard to tell if you are buying it or not. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "whoops, lost kevin" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x ryan" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan is wearing a t-shirt with a coder in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to ryan about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in pixel art proves boring to Ryan. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have dropped in Ryan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Katherine floats away to code session "Dynamic Walking Floyd | with Semi-Procedural Animation". Floyd | Floyd | Raigan talks at length about ARGs, not really concerned with whether Floyd | Ryan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
RootShell says (to Floyd), "x katherine" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to ryan about bot movement" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in bot movement proves boring to Ryan. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Ryan seems impatient with you. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine wanders out of the session with a hopelessly confused look on Floyd | her face. Floyd | Raigan is obviously obsessed with ARGs, and you are trying to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Muttering something about you, Ryan heads to art session "User Floyd | Interface Art". Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "...dammit" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x katherine" | ||||
Floyd | Katherine is dressed like a typical promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hrm, I guess we need a promoter too" | |||
RootShell asks, "maybe we should attend sessions?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask katherine about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Katherine says that she's pretty into micropayments these days. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine hands out flyers to passers-by. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit you are right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan wanders out of the session with a completely befuddled look on his Floyd | face. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Aren't we a promoter?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include ARGs, Floyd | viral marketing, bot movement and pixel art. Currently, your dev team Floyd | consists of yourself as promoter, your artist Susan, your designer Floyd | Jeffrey. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "so we are" | |||
inky says, "well, screw 'em then" | ||||
inky says, "we should crush Katherine and steal her dev team" | ||||
RootShell says, "haaaa we already have artist and designer" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "User Interface Art" and west to the code session "Dynamic Walking with Floyd | Semi-Procedural Animation". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan talks at length about ARGs, not really concerned with whether Floyd | Ryan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "let's promote WAR on their asses!" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | code session "Dynamic Walking with Semi-Procedural Animation" Floyd | The session was mostly over your head, but not a completely foreign Floyd | language. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "User Interface Art" and west to the code session "Dynamic Walking with Floyd | Semi-Procedural Animation". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Raigan what he's interested in these days. Raigan says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in ARGs and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Muttering something about you, Ryan heads to art session "User Floyd | Interface Art". Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ok we still need a coder" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | code session "Dynamic Walking with Semi-Procedural Animation" Floyd | The session was mostly over your head, but not a completely foreign Floyd | language. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "User Interface Art" and west to the code session "Dynamic Walking with Floyd | Semi-Procedural Animation". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Raigan what he's interested in these days. Raigan says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in ARGs and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan wanders out of the session with a completely befuddled look on his Floyd | face. Floyd | Floyd | You're collared by Susan on your way out of the building and he brings Floyd | you to this industry party with free fancy drinks. Floyd | The night is great, and you end up having a great conversation with Floyd | Wei-Ju about procedural gameplay. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Games Have Feelings Too", west to promo session "Have You Got Perfect Floyd | Pitch?" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I assume we were a promoter at random at the start of the game. Perhaps we might've begun as an artist or whatever instead." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x wei-ju" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "oh, that would make sense" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Composer Challenges" and west to the code session "Multi-threaded Floyd | Fluid Simulation". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine hands out flyers to passers-by. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in procedural gameplay, ARGs, viral marketing, Floyd | bot movement and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Muttering something about you, Ryan heads to the code session Floyd | "Multi-threaded Fluid Simulation". Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell says, "it has to be ryan... a very weird guy" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | code session "Multi-threaded Fluid Simulation" Floyd | Despite the odds, you come away from the session with a real Floyd | appreciation for the potential of bot movement Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Composer Challenges" and west to the code session "Multi-threaded Floyd | Fluid Simulation". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Raigan is obviously obsessed with ARGs, and you are trying to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and chatting Floyd | to someone about 2D physics. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask ryan about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan says that he's pretty interested in 2D physics. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Raigan is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Ryan is right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to ryan about 2d physics" | ||||
Floyd | You ramble on about 2D physics for a while, until some contemptuous Floyd | remarks from Ryan reveal that you don't really know what you're talking Floyd | about. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Ryan what he's interested in these days. Ryan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in 2D physics. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan talks at length about ARGs, not really concerned with whether Floyd | you are listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to ryan about bot movement" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in bot movement proves boring to Ryan. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in procedural gameplay, ARGs, viral marketing, Floyd | bot movement and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is obviously obsessed with ARGs, and Ryan is trying to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "dammit" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include Floyd | procedural gameplay, ARGs, viral marketing, bot movement and pixel art. Floyd | Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as promoter, your artist Floyd | Susan, your designer Jeffrey. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I don't know if different kinds of people like different kinds of interests or if it's all random or what" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to ryan about procedural gameplay" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in procedural gameplay proves boring to Ryan. Floyd | Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in her step, Katherine heads away to art session Floyd | "Composer Challenges". Floyd | Raigan is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Ryan is right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I can't find anything that a coder is interested in" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Composer Challenges" and west to the code session "Multi-threaded Floyd | Fluid Simulation". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about chiptune music. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan talks at length about ARGs, not really concerned with whether Floyd | you are listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | Muttering something about you, Ryan heads to the code session Floyd | "Multi-threaded Fluid Simulation". Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell asks, "what is ARGs?" | |||
inky says, "alternate reality games" | ||||
RootShell says, "ok thanks" | ||||
DavidW asks, "Which means what?" | ||||
Ellison says, "can we intentionally walk into seminars? we probably need to pick up some coding interests" | ||||
inky says, "it's one of those games like I Love Bees where they put up secret messages on a website or whatever and people work as a community to solve them" | ||||
inky says, "yeah" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | code session "Multi-threaded Fluid Simulation" Floyd | The session was mostly over your head, but not a completely foreign Floyd | language. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Composer Challenges" and west to the code session "Multi-threaded Floyd | Fluid Simulation". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks to Raigan about Creative Commons licensed art, which Floyd | she obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and chatting Floyd | to someone about bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "that time we didn't get anything" | |||
inky says, "oho" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to ryan about bot movement" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan is just as excited about bot movement as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like you have impressed Ryan. Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Katherine floats away to art session "Composer Floyd | Challenges". Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is obviously obsessed with ARGs, and Ryan is trying to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Susan convinces you to do this Jejune ARG with her and you end up Floyd | running into strange buildings in Chinatown all night. Floyd | The night is great, and you end up having a great conversation with Floyd | Jordan about pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Destruction of Design", west to promo session "Cheats for Marketers" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | djfletch says, "propose to ryan" | |||
inky says, "basically args involve a combination of real-world work and imaginary-world work" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x ryan" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky asks, "hmm, where'd he go?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Destruction of Design", west to promo session "Cheats for Marketers" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to Simon about 2D physics, which she obviously knows nothing Floyd | about. Floyd | Susan gives you a friendly wave. Floyd | Susan looks at you with a smile on her lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Emotion Through Ambient Sound Design" and west to the code session Floyd | "Lockless Programming". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Ryan what he's interested in these days. Ryan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in 2D physics and bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit you are right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x ryan" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan's badge identifies him as a coder. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "oh, I guess examining people doesn't say how they feel about you after all" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with bot movement to ryan" | ||||
Floyd | Hmm -- maybe a bit premature. You haven't even really talked about bot Floyd | movement with Ryan. Floyd | Floyd | You hear Mare long before you see her, as she appears in Moscone Center Floyd | South 2000. Floyd | Katherine is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan talks at length about ARGs, not really concerned with whether Floyd | Ryan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "that fact lowers my esteem!" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to ryan about bot movement" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan is just as excited about bot movement as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have risen in Ryan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks Ryan what he's interested in these days. Ryan says that he's Floyd | pretty interested in 2D physics and bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Raigan is obviously obsessed with ARGs, and Katherine is trying to keep Floyd | up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with bot movement to ryan" | ||||
Floyd | You mention a game with bot movement as an integral part of it, and Floyd | Ryan's face lights up. It's just what he's been thinking about! You Floyd | have your coder, looks like. Floyd | Floyd | Mare looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Katherine asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in procedural gameplay, ARGs, viral marketing, Floyd | bot movement and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Ryan is right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include Floyd | procedural gameplay, ARGs, viral marketing, bot movement and pixel art. Floyd | Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as promoter, your artist Floyd | Susan, your coder Ryan, your designer Jeffrey. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "woo" | |||
inky asks, "ok, uh, now what?" | ||||
RootShell says (to Floyd), "l" | DavidW asks, "go west?" | |||
Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Emotion Through Ambient Sound Design" and west to the code session Floyd | "Lockless Programming". Floyd | Floyd | Mare hands out flyers to passers-by. Floyd | Katherine floats away to code session "Lockless Programming". Floyd | Floyd | Raigan talks at length about ARGs, not really concerned with whether Floyd | you are listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan murmurs quietly to you, and then bursts out laughing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | code session "Lockless Programming" Floyd | The session was mostly over your head, but not a completely foreign Floyd | language. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Emotion Through Ambient Sound Design" and west to the code session Floyd | "Lockless Programming". Floyd | Floyd | Mare stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Katherine walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about bot movement. Floyd | Susan seems comfortable around you, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Susan gives you a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is obviously obsessed with ARGs, and you are trying to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan murmurs quietly to you, and then bursts out laughing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "we were supposed to go somewhere, right? I'll scroll up" | |||
djfletch says (to Floyd), "write game" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell says, "ai ai ai Susan is getting naughty" | |||
Ellison says, "supposed to go to a dev team workshop" | ||||
DavidW asks, "Have we been upstairs yet?" | ||||
inky says, "I think the 3000 ones are upstairs (or perhaps downstairs) from the 2000 ones" | ||||
inky asks, "is there another floor, maybe with 1000s?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Emotion Through Ambient Sound Design" and west to the code session Floyd | "Lockless Programming". Floyd | Floyd | Mare is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in her step, Katherine heads away to code Floyd | session "Lockless Programming". Floyd | Susan asks Ryan what he's interested in these days. Ryan says that he's Floyd | pretty interested in 2D physics and bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit you are right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Destruction of Design", west to promo session "Cheats for Marketers" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Simon wanders out of the session with a completely befuddled look on Floyd | his face. Floyd | Floyd | Before the conference ends you decide to see how your team stacks up... Floyd | assessment workshop "Dev Team Judgement: R U Ready?" Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Your dev team is assessed as ready to go with a 70% chance of Floyd | completing the project. Having put together a team this late in the Floyd | conference means that you don't have a ton of time to hash stuff out. Floyd | Luckily the members of your team like each other overall, which makes Floyd | the project easier to manage. Despite the challenges of any game dev Floyd | project, you have great hopes for the game's unique use of bot movement Floyd | and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have a decent chance of getting your game made *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||||
RootShell says, "we need to check out the dev team workshop" | ||||
inky asks, "whoops, how did that happen?" | ||||
inky says, "I guess there was a timer after all" | ||||
RootShell says, "yes" | ||||
DavidW says, "There might be a clock in the status bar." | ||||
inky says, "yeah" | ||||
Ellison has disconnected. | ||||
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst.. | RootShell says, "well it's one ending... decent chance" | |||
DavidW says, "I'm kinda confused by this game, but it does seem very RAP-like." | ||||
inky says, "I guess we may as well replay" | ||||
inky says, "it seems like we could improve by getting the group all together sooner" | ||||
RootShell says, "yes" | ||||
inky says, "and maybe going to the workshop early" | ||||
RootShell says, "we should only enter the workshop when we have the team assembled, not sooner, but earlier will be better" | ||||
inky says, "ok, let's see" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You're actually here. The Gee Dee Cee. You don't know which session to Floyd | check out first. Unlike your hometown, you're one promoter among many Floyd | here -- exciting and intimidating. Floyd | Floyd | Exciting because between now and Friday you might be able to put Floyd | together a game development team with the varied people here, but Floyd | intimidating because you don't know a soul. Luckily people all have Floyd | their names printed on their badges, that's one thing you don't have to Floyd | worry about. Floyd | Floyd | Game Developers Conference 2009 Floyd | A social interaction simulator by Jim Munroe. Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 090504 / Inform 7 build 5Z71 (I6/v6.31 lib Floyd | 6/12N) Floyd | Type CREDITS for the full credits, HELP if you need it, and QUIT to Floyd | exit the game. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | Geez, there's a lot of people here. You wish your buddy Jon had come. Floyd | He had a ton of advice about getting to know people. What was it that Floyd | he said? You bet you could REMEMBER if you tried. Floyd | Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include Floyd | micropayments. Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as Floyd | promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Ellison arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | inky says, "hmm, still a promoter, but with different interests" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | art session "Lighting With Purpose" Floyd | You leave the session frustrated, having felt like you almost grokked Floyd | it. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks at length about micropayments, not really concerned Floyd | with whether Raigan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Lost in thought, Ryan floats away to Moscone Center North 2000. Floyd | Jeffrey arrives, walking and typing on a netbook. Floyd | Jordan wanders into Moscone Center South 2000. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | code session "AI Behaviors from Improvisational Actors" Floyd | The session was mostly over your head, but not a completely foreign Floyd | language. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine hands out flyers to passers-by. Floyd | Raigan talks at length about 2D physics, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Jeffrey is listening or even interested. Floyd | Jordan talks to you about point-and-click game making tools, which he Floyd | obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell says, "it might be random... even for the npcs" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask jordan about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Jordan says that he's pretty interested in pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in her step, Katherine heads away to Moscone Floyd | Center North 2000. Floyd | Raigan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey talks endlessly to Jordan about 2D physics, but it's obvious Floyd | from his vague bluster he knows nothing about it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to jordan about micropayments" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in micropayments proves boring to Jordan. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have dropped in Jordan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan is obviously obsessed with 2D physics, and Jordan is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Jeffrey strides away towards the next session, waving to friends en Floyd | route. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Indie By Design", west to promo session "Free to Play, Pay for Stuff" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is obviously crazy about micropayments, and Ryan is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Susan talks to Kevin about viral marketing, which she obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | design session "Indie By Design" Floyd | You emerge from the session having taken in none of it, your brain and Floyd | ego bruised. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Indie By Design", west to promo session "Free to Play, Pay for Stuff" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine floats away to promo session "Free to Play, Pay for Stuff". Floyd | Susan is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in his step, Kevin heads away to promo session Floyd | "Free to Play, Pay for Stuff". Floyd | Ryan talks to you about bot movement, which he obviously knows nothing Floyd | about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | promo session "Free to Play, Pay for Stuff" Floyd | You reel out of the session, ideas about viral marketing lighting up Floyd | your synapses. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Indie By Design", west to promo session "Free to Play, Pay for Stuff" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You blink, and suddenly Mare is gone, as quietly as she arrived. Floyd | Katherine walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about viral marketing. Floyd | Lost in thought, Susan floats away to promo session "Free to Play, Pay Floyd | for Stuff". Floyd | Kevin wanders out of the session with a completely befuddled look on Floyd | his face. Floyd | Someone named Ryan seems a little lost. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask kevin about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Kevin says that he's pretty interested in procedural gameplay. Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks Katherine what she's interested in these days. Katherine says Floyd | that she's pretty into viral marketing and micropayments these days. Floyd | Floyd | Susan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly confused look on her Floyd | face. Floyd | Kevin stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Ryan looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to kevin about procedural gameplay" | ||||
Floyd | You ramble on about procedural gameplay for a while, until some Floyd | contemptuous remarks from Kevin reveal that you don't really know what Floyd | you're talking about. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Kevin seems impatient with you. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to you about bot movement, which she obviously knows nothing Floyd | about. Floyd | Katherine is like a firehose of chat about viral marketing, but despite Floyd | the occasional fleck of spit Kevin is right there with her. Floyd | Someone named Susan seems a little lost. Floyd | Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in his step, Ryan heads away to Moscone Center Floyd | North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You head to your hotel for the night, and come back the next morning... Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ah, there's the workshop" | |||
RootShell says, "one day passed" | ||||
inky says, "yeah" | ||||
djfletch says, "we didn't have anyone to drink with this time" | ||||
inky C | ||||
inky says, "susan loves us no longer" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | tool workshop "Prototyping with Gamemaker" Floyd | You can go east to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived early enough to get something out of it. You come out of Floyd | the day-long workshop on point-and-click game making tools really Floyd | feeling like you could manage without a coder. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Katherine talks at length about viral marketing, not really concerned Floyd | with whether Susan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Kevin heads to Moscone Center South 2000. Floyd | Floyd | You poke around Chinatown by yourself for a while and then hit the Floyd | sack. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "dang, that used up the whole day" | |||
Ellison says, "forget your game, Jake. It's Chinatown." | ||||
RootShell says, "I think that we should read carefully the interests of each that leaves a session, that's the only way to get them right at first try" | ||||
inky says, "I guess 'workshops' are different than 'sessions'" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read schedule" | ||||
Floyd | You hate carrying it around. The rooms all have signs anyway. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
RootShell says (to Floyd), "get schedule" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | You can't go that way. Floyd | Floyd | Simon has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like Floyd | point-and-click game making tools, and it's hard to tell if Wei-Ju is Floyd | buying it or not. Floyd | Ryan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly befuddled look on his Floyd | face. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x wei-ju" | ||||
Floyd | Wei-Ju's badge identifies him as a coder. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x simon" | ||||
Floyd | Simon's badge identifies him as a promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x ryan" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan is dressed like a typical coder. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask wei-ju about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Wei-Ju says that he's pretty interested in bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Simon is like a firehose of unsubstantial chat about procedural Floyd | gameplay, and Ryan's enthusiasm was put out long ago. Floyd | Wei-Ju looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to wei-ju about micropayments" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in micropayments proves boring to Wei-Ju. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like you have annoyed Wei-Ju. Floyd | Floyd | Simon talks endlessly to Ryan about viral marketing, but it's obvious Floyd | from his vague bluster he knows nothing about it. Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Wei-Ju heads to assessment workshop "Dev Floyd | Team Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include Floyd | point-and-click game making tools, viral marketing and micropayments. Floyd | Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to ryan about point-and-click" | ||||
Floyd | Your intense passion for the point-and-click game making tools proves Floyd | contagious. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have risen in Ryan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | You hear Katherine long before you see her, as she appears in Moscone Floyd | Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Simon hands out flyers to passers-by. Floyd | Ryan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that you're Floyd | pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, viral marketing Floyd | and micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Wei-Ju wanders out of the session with a hopelessly befuddled look on Floyd | his face. Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell says, "we should on first day attend everything we can, then talk about several interests with the persons interest" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to ryan about viral marketing" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in viral marketing proves boring to Ryan. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have dropped in Ryan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | Simon has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like Floyd | chiptune music, and it's hard to tell if Wei-Ju is buying it or not. Floyd | Ryan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that you're Floyd | pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, viral marketing Floyd | and micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x simon" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Simon holds himself that makes you Floyd | think: promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | You can't go that way. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is obviously crazy about viral marketing, and Wei-Ju is Floyd | trying to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Simon is like a firehose of unsubstantial chat about bot movement, and Floyd | Ryan's enthusiasm was put out long ago. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "yeah, that seems pretty reasonable" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, viral Floyd | marketing and micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Simon talks endlessly to Wei-Ju about Creative Commons licensed art, Floyd | but it's obvious from his vague bluster he knows nothing about it. Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Ryan heads to Moscone Center North 2000. Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell says, "katherine is viral marketing" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Helping Your Players Feel Smart", west to promo session "Selling Your Floyd | IP, Not Your Soul" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to Ryan about bot movement, which she obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Susan talks to you about bot movement, which she obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "if only we could poison all of the other promoters on the first day..." | |||
RootShell says, "wi-Ju is bot movement" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask mare about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Mare says that she's pretty into ARGs these days. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to Ryan about pixel art, which she obviously knows nothing Floyd | about. Floyd | Susan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, viral Floyd | marketing and micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | You grab some takeout on the way back to the hotel. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Composer Challenges" and west to the code session "Multi-threaded Floyd | Fluid Simulation". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Johnny arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | inky says, "man, we are going to have no friends this time, it's terrible" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | art session "Composer Challenges" Floyd | Having managed to understand it, the subject of pixel art is now Floyd | fascinating to you. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Games Have Feelings Too", west to promo session "Have You Got Perfect Floyd | Pitch?" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to you about viral marketing, which she obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Now Mare has dropped in your esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Susan floats away to promo session "Have You Got Floyd | Perfect Pitch?". Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Ryan heads to promo session "Have You Got Floyd | Perfect Pitch?". Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | design session "Games Have Feelings Too" Floyd | You emerge from the session having taken in none of it, your brain and Floyd | ego bruised. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Games Have Feelings Too", west to promo session "Have You Got Perfect Floyd | Pitch?" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Susan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly confused look on her Floyd | face. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan wanders out of the session with a completely befuddled look on his Floyd | face. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | design session "Games Have Feelings Too" Floyd | You emerge from the session having taken in none of it, your brain and Floyd | ego bruised. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Games Have Feelings Too", west to promo session "Have You Got Perfect Floyd | Pitch?" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in her step, Susan heads away to design session Floyd | "Games Have Feelings Too". Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Ryan heads to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | Johnny says, "GDC!" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x mare" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Mare holds herself that makes you Floyd | think: designer. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I don't know how to 'network'." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to mare about point-and-click" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in point-and-click game making tools proves boring to Floyd | Mare. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Mare seems impatient with you. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to you about point-and-click game making tools, which she Floyd | obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Mare seems irritable with you. Floyd | Floyd | Susan walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and chatting Floyd | to someone about ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha ha" | |||
inky says, "worst conversation ever" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | You get on one of the two escalators, both going up. Rather like a Floyd | linear game, you ruminate, giving the appearance of choice while moving Floyd | to the same place... Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is like a firehose of chat about viral marketing, but despite Floyd | the occasional fleck of spit Wei-Ju is right there with her. Floyd | Simon has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like ARGs, Floyd | and it's hard to tell if you are buying it or not. Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Ryan heads to tool workshop "Prototyping Floyd | with Gamemaker". Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell says, "look susan is excited about ARGS ;)" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to wei-ju about viral marketing" | ||||
Floyd | Your intense passion for the viral marketing proves contagious. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Wei-Ju gives you a friendly smile. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks at length about viral marketing, not really concerned Floyd | with whether Simon is listening or even interested. Floyd | Ryan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly befuddled look on his Floyd | face. Floyd | Wei-Ju gives you a friendly wave. Floyd | Floyd | > | RootShell says, "(dinner) brb" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with viral marketing to wei-ju" | ||||
Floyd | You and Wei-Ju get really excited about making a game that makes clever Floyd | use of viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is obviously crazy about viral marketing, and Ryan is trying Floyd | to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Simon asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, viral Floyd | marketing, micropayments and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Wei-Ju seems comfortable around you, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is like a firehose of chat about viral marketing, but despite Floyd | the occasional fleck of spit Ryan is right there with her. Floyd | Floyd | Simon asks Wei-Ju what he's interested in these days. Wei-Ju says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in viral marketing and bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x ryan" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan's badge identifies him as a coder. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x katherine" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Katherine holds herself that makes you Floyd | think: promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | You can't go that way. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks at length about viral marketing, not really concerned Floyd | with whether Simon is listening or even interested. Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Ryan heads to tool workshop "Prototyping Floyd | with Gamemaker". Floyd | Wei-Ju asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, viral Floyd | marketing, micropayments and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Wei-Ju says they're going out for drinks, and invites you along... Floyd | The night is great, and you end up having a great conversation with Floyd | Kevin about ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Destruction of Design", west to promo session "Cheats for Marketers" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and chatting Floyd | to someone about procedural gameplay. Floyd | Floyd | Susan floats away to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to mare about args" | ||||
Floyd | Mare is just as excited about ARGs as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like you have impressed Mare. Floyd | Floyd | Mare gives you a friendly wave. Floyd | Floyd | > | djfletch says, "let's recruit katherine and have her do the promoting for us" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with args to mare" | ||||
Floyd | You toss around ideas about a game with ARGs, and immediately Mare has Floyd | some great designer concepts. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to you about pixel art, which she obviously knows nothing Floyd | about. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says, "brilliant" | ||||
inky says, "I wonder if that would actually work" | ||||
inky says, "otherwise I don't know what the point of other promoters is" | ||||
inky says, "I guess maybe to show us how to do it" | ||||
Ellison has disconnected. | ||||
Ellison has connected. | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to wei-ju about args" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "man, my connection is horrendous" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include Floyd | point-and-click game making tools, ARGs, viral marketing, micropayments Floyd | and pixel art. Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as Floyd | promoter, your designer Mare, your coder Wei-Ju. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Destruction of Design", west to promo session "Cheats for Marketers" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that you're Floyd | pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, ARGs, viral Floyd | marketing, micropayments and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | > | Johnny says, "ARG!!" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to mare about viral marketing" | ||||
Floyd | Your intense passion for the viral marketing proves contagious. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have risen in Mare's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks to you about Creative Commons licensed art, which she Floyd | obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Wei-Ju murmurs quietly to you, and then bursts out laughing. Floyd | Searching for Katherine, Wei-Ju heads to promo session "Cheats for Floyd | Marketers". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Emotion Through Ambient Sound Design" and west to the code session Floyd | "Lockless Programming". Floyd | Floyd | Kevin is like a firehose of chat about procedural gameplay, but despite Floyd | the occasional fleck of spit Raigan is right there with him. Floyd | Jeffrey talks at length about 2D physics, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Jordan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x jordan" | ||||
Floyd | Jordan is wearing a t-shirt with a artist in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to jordan about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Jordan is just as excited about pixel art as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Jordan gives you a friendly smile. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin asks Raigan what he's interested in these days. Raigan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in 2D physics. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey is obviously obsessed with 2D physics, and you are trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Jordan seems comfortable around you, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to jordan about args" | ||||
Floyd | Your intense passion for the ARGs proves contagious. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like you have impressed Jordan. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin asks Raigan what he's interested in these days. Raigan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in 2D physics. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Jordan says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in ARGs and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "proposal game with args to jordan" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with args to jordan" | ||||
Floyd | You mention a game with ARGs as an integral part of it, and Jordan's Floyd | face lights up. It's just what he's been thinking about! You have your Floyd | artist, looks like. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin is like a firehose of chat about procedural gameplay, but despite Floyd | the occasional fleck of spit Raigan is right there with him. Floyd | Jeffrey gives Raigan a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. Floyd | Jordan talks to Jeffrey about viral marketing, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Before the conference ends you decide to see how your team stacks up... Floyd | assessment workshop "Dev Team Judgement: R U Ready?" Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Your dev team is assessed as ready to go with a 70% chance of Floyd | completing the project. Having put together a team this late in the Floyd | conference means that you don't have a ton of time to hash stuff out. Floyd | Luckily the members of your team like each other overall, which makes Floyd | the project easier to manage. Despite the challenges of any game dev Floyd | project, you have great hopes for the game's unique use of ARGs and Floyd | viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have a decent chance of getting your game made *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | inky says, "...hmm, turned out the same" | |||
inky says, "but I guess again I took a really long time" | ||||
Jaybird asks, "Should we look at the help?" | ||||
djfletch asks, "did it finish as soon as we got the last person that time?" | ||||
inky says, "yeah" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You're actually here. The Gee Dee Cee. You don't know which session to Floyd | check out first. Unlike your hometown, you're one promoter among many Floyd | here -- exciting and intimidating. Floyd | Floyd | Exciting because between now and Friday you might be able to put Floyd | together a game development team with the varied people here, but Floyd | intimidating because you don't know a soul. Luckily people all have Floyd | their names printed on their badges, that's one thing you don't have to Floyd | worry about. Floyd | Floyd | Game Developers Conference 2009 Floyd | A social interaction simulator by Jim Munroe. Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 090504 / Inform 7 build 5Z71 (I6/v6.31 lib Floyd | 6/12N) Floyd | Type CREDITS for the full credits, HELP if you need it, and QUIT to Floyd | exit the game. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | Geez, there's a lot of people here. You wish your buddy Jon had come. Floyd | He had a ton of advice about getting to know people. What was it that Floyd | he said? You bet you could REMEMBER if you tried. Floyd | Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "help" | ||||
Floyd | You know, your pal Jon had a bunch of interesting tips that you could Floyd | REMEMBER if you tried. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "remember" | ||||
Floyd | What was it that Jon said? You can learn a lot if you EXAMINE folks... Floyd | that taking a personal INVENTORY helps you keep track of your skills Floyd | and interests... and when in doubt, GO WEST? Floyd | Floyd | You dunno about that last one, especially since he went on to rant Floyd | about twisty mazes, but you (perhaps aptly) couldn't follow what he was Floyd | saying. Floyd | Floyd | But he did have some other helpful stuff to say too, you'd just need to Floyd | focus to REMEMBER it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "remember" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Over beers the day before you left, he got philosophical. Sure, there's Floyd | a lot of swag, but it's not about what you can TAKE, he said. It's Floyd | about the exchange of ideas. ASK people ABOUT something they care Floyd | about. If you don't know, ASK them ABOUT INTERESTS. And if you have an Floyd | interest, TALK ABOUT it TO them -- maybe your enthusiasm about it will Floyd | catch. And he said not to worry about getting it right the first time, Floyd | that it can take a couple of years to get into the groove. Floyd | Floyd | You're pretty sure there was some other stuff he said, too. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hrm" | |||
inky says, "ok, maybe I should be doing >ASK PERSON ABOUT <topic>" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "remember" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Jon got a little drunk and started to brag that he was around when he Floyd | saw someone PROPOSE GAME WITH VECTOR GRAPHICS TO DAVE. Then he started Floyd | to grouse about the economy and how he wished he was going this year, Floyd | and the evening went downhill from there. He pointed out that because Floyd | you're an extrovert, you'd have to be careful not to talk people's ears Floyd | off. Floyd | (Which seemed kind of personal to you, but Jon has a tact deficit.) Floyd | Floyd | Now that you're thinking of it, wasn't there something else he said? Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "yeah, that might help" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "remember" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Right before you extricated yourself, Jon had one more piece of advice Floyd | -- to make sure you checked out the dev team workshop when you thought Floyd | you had a team together. The other workshops were useful too, in case Floyd | you couldn't get a coder or an artist -- it's pretty random who you're Floyd | gonna meet, he said. He started on about something else but you told Floyd | him you had an early plane to catch. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ok, and I guess this agrees that the workshops are for if you can't get somebody" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | art session "Lighting With Purpose" Floyd | You leave the session frustrated, having felt like you almost grokked Floyd | it. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | Mare is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Susan asks Wei-Ju what he's interested in these days. Realizing that Floyd | he's blanking, Wei-Ju says that he's been spending time looking into Floyd | the artist greats. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Simon talks to you about procedural gameplay, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Jeffrey stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. You have no interests. Floyd | Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "wow, no interests" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask mare about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Mare says that she's pretty into micropayments these days. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks at length about micropayments, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Wei-Ju is listening or even interested. Floyd | Susan talks to Jeffrey about viral marketing, which she obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Raigan talks to Simon about pixel art, which he obviously knows nothing Floyd | about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask mare about micropayments" | ||||
Floyd | Mare's interest in micropayments doesn't really float your boat... this Floyd | time, anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Mare is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Susan looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Raigan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Simon looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Wei-Ju asks you what you're interested in these days. At a loss for Floyd | words, you mumble something about finding it all fascinating. Floyd | Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in his step, Jeffrey heads away to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask raigan about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Raigan says that he's pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks Wei-Ju what he's interested in these days. Not really sure Floyd | what to say, Wei-Ju makes a joke about being into post-hipsterism. Floyd | Floyd | Susan talks to Simon about point-and-click game making tools, which she Floyd | obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Raigan hands out flyers to passers-by. Floyd | Jeffrey walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about chiptune music. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x raigan" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Raigan holds himself that makes you Floyd | think: promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "oops, he's a promoter this time" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x susan" | ||||
Floyd | Susan's badge identifies her as a designer. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask susan about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Susan says that she's pretty into procedural gameplay these days. Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks Wei-Ju what he's interested in these days. Realizing that Floyd | he's blanking, Wei-Ju says that he's been spending time looking into Floyd | the artist greats. Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Susan floats away to Moscone Center North 2000. Floyd | Raigan looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Simon asks Raigan what he's interested in these days. Raigan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey floats away to code session "AI Behaviors from Improvisational Floyd | Actors". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask wei-ju about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Not really sure what to say, Wei-Ju makes a joke about being into Floyd | post-hipsterism. Floyd | Floyd | Mare is obviously crazy about micropayments, and Raigan is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Now Mare has risen in Raigan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Simon floats away to Moscone Center North 2000. Floyd | Wei-Ju asks you what you're interested in these days. Realizing that Floyd | you're blanking, you say that you've been spending time looking into Floyd | the promoter greats. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey wanders out of the session with a completely befuddled look on Floyd | his face. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask mare about micropayments" | ||||
Floyd | Mare's interest in micropayments doesn't really float your boat... this Floyd | time, anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Mare is like a firehose of chat about micropayments, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit you are right there with her. Floyd | Raigan seems comfortable around Mare, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Wei-Ju floats away to art session "Lighting With Purpose". Floyd | Jeffrey asks Raigan what he's interested in these days. Raigan says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. You have no interests. Floyd | Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask mare about micropayments" | ||||
Floyd | Mare's interest proves infectious. You now have an interest in Floyd | micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks at length about micropayments, not really concerned with Floyd | whether you are listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | Mare gives you a quick grin. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan gives Mare a friendly wave. Floyd | Wei-Ju walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about chiptune music. Floyd | Jeffrey is texting, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "our first interest" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask wei-ju about chiptune" | ||||
Floyd | Wei-Ju's interest in chiptune music doesn't really float your boat... Floyd | this time, anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Mare is obviously crazy about micropayments, and Raigan is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like Mare has impressed Raigan. Floyd | Floyd | Wei-Ju stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Jeffrey looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | You head to your hotel for the night, and come back the next morning... Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You hear Katherine long before you see her, as she appears in Moscone Floyd | Center North 2000. Floyd | Susan is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Floyd | Simon looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x simon" | ||||
Floyd | Simon is dressed like a typical designer. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask simon about interests" | ||||
Floyd | Simon says that he's pretty interested in ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is like a firehose of chat about pixel art, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Susan is right there with her. Floyd | Floyd | Simon talks to you about pixel art, which he obviously knows nothing Floyd | about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask simon about args" | ||||
Floyd | Simon's interest in ARGs doesn't really float your boat... this time, Floyd | anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks at length about pixel art, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Simon is listening or even interested. Floyd | Susan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to simon about micropayments" | ||||
Floyd | Your intense passion for the micropayments proves contagious. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have risen in Simon's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is obviously crazy about pixel art, and Susan is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Simon asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | You blink, and suddenly Jordan is gone, as quietly as he arrived. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x katherine" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Katherine holds herself that makes you Floyd | think: artist. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask katherine about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Katherine's interest in pixel art doesn't really float your boat... Floyd | this time, anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is like a firehose of chat about pixel art, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Jordan is right there with her. Floyd | Susan talks to Simon about Creative Commons licensed art, which she Floyd | obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask katherine about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Katherine's interest in pixel art doesn't really float your boat... Floyd | this time, anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Susan what she's interested in these days. Susan says Floyd | that she's pretty into procedural gameplay these days. Floyd | Floyd | Simon seems comfortable around you, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Jordan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | > | djfletch says, "man we are difficult to interest in things this time" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask susan about procedural gameplay" | ||||
Floyd | Susan's interest in procedural gameplay doesn't really float your Floyd | boat... this time, anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks at length about pixel art, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Susan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Simon asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Jordan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "yeah, we're a hard sell" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include Floyd | micropayments. Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as Floyd | promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x jordan" | ||||
Floyd | Jordan is dressed like a typical promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I guess we could probably talk to other promoters to pick up interests from them" | |||
Ellison says, "yeah" | ||||
djfletch asks, "does it work if you just keep asking people about the same thing until it is interesting?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask katherine about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Katherine's interest proves infectious. You now have an interest in Floyd | pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is obviously crazy about pixel art, and Simon is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Susan asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Jordan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "...apparently so" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to katherine about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Katherine is just as excited about pixel art as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Katherine gives you a friendly smile. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in micropayments and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Susan talks to Simon about viral marketing, which she obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Jordan is texting, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine says they're going out for drinks, and invites you along... Floyd | The night is great, and you end up having a great conversation with Floyd | Jordan about ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Helping Your Players Feel Smart", west to promo session "Selling Your Floyd | IP, Not Your Soul" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "woo, drinks invite" | |||
Ellison says, "yeah, we were a social reject last game" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | design session "Helping Your Players Feel Smart" Floyd | You emerge from the session having taken in none of it, your brain and Floyd | ego bruised. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Helping Your Players Feel Smart", west to promo session "Selling Your Floyd | IP, Not Your Soul" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Simon what he's interested in these days. Simon says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in ARGs and micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in her step, Susan heads away to promo session Floyd | "Selling Your IP, Not Your Soul". Floyd | Jordan murmurs quietly to you, and then bursts out laughing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with args to jordan" | ||||
Floyd | You and Jordan get really excited about making a game that makes clever Floyd | use of ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Simon what he's interested in these days. Simon says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in ARGs and micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Susan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly confused look on her Floyd | face. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan talks at length about ARGs, not really concerned with whether Floyd | you are listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | Now Jordan has risen in your esteem. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "it should have said 'you wake up to a tear-soaked pillow' last game" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include ARGs, Floyd | micropayments and pixel art. Currently, your dev team consists of Floyd | yourself as promoter, your promoter Jordan. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says, "oopsies" | ||||
inky says, "ok, uh, I guess we have extra promoters" | ||||
djfletch says, "excellent" | ||||
inky says, "we'll be promotalicious" | ||||
Ellison says, "ha ha" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with pixel art to katherine" | ||||
Floyd | You toss around ideas about a game with pixel art, and immediately Floyd | Katherine has some great artist concepts. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Simon what he's interested in these days. Simon says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in ARGs and micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Susan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan is obviously obsessed with ARGs, and you are trying to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan gives you a quick grin. Floyd | Floyd | > | djfletch says, "I pity our coders" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x susan" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Susan holds herself that makes you Floyd | think: designer. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | You can't go that way. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is like a firehose of chat about pixel art, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Jordan is right there with her. Floyd | Susan looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Floyd | Simon seems comfortable around you, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | You get on one of the two escalators, both going up. Rather like a Floyd | linear game, you ruminate, giving the appearance of choice while moving Floyd | to the same place... Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Kevin asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs, micropayments and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask kevin about interests" | ||||
Floyd | At a loss for words, Kevin mumbles something about finding it all Floyd | fascinating. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin talks endlessly to Ryan about ARGs, but it's obvious from his Floyd | vague bluster he knows nothing about it. Floyd | Floyd | Now Kevin has dropped in Ryan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to kevin about args" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in ARGs proves boring to Kevin. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have dropped in Kevin's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like Floyd | chiptune music, and it's hard to tell if you are buying it or not. Floyd | Floyd | Shooting Kevin a dirty look, Ryan heads to tool workshop "Prototyping Floyd | with Gamemaker". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "i" | Ellison says, "next game, let's get a team of four promoters going" | |||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include ARGs, Floyd | micropayments and pixel art. Currently, your dev team consists of Floyd | yourself as promoter, your artist Katherine, your promoter Jordan. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x kevin" | ||||
Floyd | Kevin is wearing a t-shirt with a artist in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Kevin is like a firehose of unsubstantial chat about ARGs, and your Floyd | enthusiasm was put out long ago. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Kevin seems irritable with you. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly befuddled look on his Floyd | face. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x ryan" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan is wearing a t-shirt with a designer in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "oops, we just lost kevin" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Helping Your Players Feel Smart", west to promo session "Selling Your Floyd | IP, Not Your Soul" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks at length about pixel art, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Susan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | Simon walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and chatting Floyd | to someone about ARGs. Floyd | Jordan walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine gives you a flyer for the 10 Bit party with them, and you Floyd | check it out... Floyd | The night is great, and you end up having a great conversation with Floyd | Simon about pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Games Have Feelings Too", west to promo session "Have You Got Perfect Floyd | Pitch?" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | You can't go that way. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is obviously crazy about pixel art, and Jordan is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Susan is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Simon talks to Susan about bot movement, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x simon" | ||||
Floyd | Simon's badge identifies him as a designer. You recall that Simon's Floyd | interests include ARGs, micropayments and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "this is tricky" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game about args to simon" | ||||
Floyd | You mention a game with ARGs as an integral part of it, and Simon's Floyd | face lights up. It's just what he's been thinking about! You have your Floyd | designer, looks like. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Simon what he's interested in these days. Simon says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in ARGs, micropayments and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Susan floats away to Moscone Center South 2000. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan murmurs quietly to you, and then bursts out laughing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical promoter. Your interests include ARGs, Floyd | micropayments and pixel art. Currently, your dev team consists of Floyd | yourself as promoter, your artist Katherine, your designer Simon, your Floyd | promoter Jordan. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Kevin talks endlessly to you about Creative Commons licensed art, but Floyd | it's obvious from his vague bluster he knows nothing about it. Floyd | Shooting Kevin a dirty look, Ryan heads to tool workshop "Prototyping Floyd | with Gamemaker". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | tool workshop "Prototyping with Gamemaker" Floyd | You can go east to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived early enough to get something out of it. You come out of Floyd | the day-long workshop on point-and-click game making tools really Floyd | feeling like you could manage without a coder. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Kevin has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like Floyd | Creative Commons licensed art, and it's hard to tell if you are buying Floyd | it or not. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly befuddled look on his Floyd | face. Floyd | Floyd | You head to your hotel for the night, and come back the next morning... Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Emotion Through Ambient Sound Design" and west to the code session Floyd | "Lockless Programming". Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ok, so I went to this coder workshop" | |||
inky says, "so maybe we can skip it" | ||||
inky says, "er, skip the coder" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Destruction of Design", west to promo session "Cheats for Marketers" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Simon what he's interested in these days. Simon says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in ARGs, micropayments and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Susan is right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Kevin asks Ryan what he's interested in these days. Ryan says that he's Floyd | pretty interested in ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | tool workshop "Prototyping with Gamemaker" Floyd | You can go east to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived early enough to get something out of it. You come out of Floyd | the day-long workshop on point-and-click game making tools really Floyd | feeling like you could manage without a coder. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Kevin is like a firehose of unsubstantial chat about point-and-click Floyd | game making tools, and Ryan's enthusiasm was put out long ago. Floyd | Floyd | Before the conference ends you decide to see how your team stacks up... Floyd | assessment workshop "Dev Team Judgement: R U Ready?" Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Your dev team is assessed as ready to go with a 72% chance of Floyd | completing the project. Having put together a team this late in the Floyd | conference means that you don't have a ton of time to hash stuff out. Floyd | Luckily the members of your team like each other overall, which makes Floyd | the project easier to manage. Despite the challenges of any game dev Floyd | project, you have great hopes for the game's unique use of ARGs and Floyd | pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have a decent chance of getting your game made *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | assessment workshop "Dev Team Judgement: R U Ready?" Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Your dev team is assessed as ready to go with a 80% chance of Floyd | completing the project. Having put together a team this late in the Floyd | conference means that you don't have a ton of time to hash stuff out. Floyd | Luckily the members of your team like each other overall, which makes Floyd | the project easier to manage. Despite the challenges of any game dev Floyd | project, you have great hopes for the game's unique use of ARGs and Floyd | pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have a great chance of getting your game made *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | inky says, "hey hey, slightly better" | |||
inky says, "and finally got to the "r u ready" workshop without being forced there" | ||||
djfletch says, "so the message here is we have more chance if we don't hire any coders" | ||||
Ellison says, "at this rate, we only need to play it 27 more times to get 100%!" | ||||
inky says, "hee hee" | ||||
inky says, "well, I bet there actually is some strategy abotu when to cut your losses and go to a workshop instead of trying to find someone organically" | ||||
inky says, "I wonder if we could go to two workshops and get by with just one other person" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You're actually here. The Gee Dee Cee. You don't know which session to Floyd | check out first. Unlike your hometown, you're one coder among many here Floyd | -- exciting and intimidating. Floyd | Floyd | Exciting because between now and Friday you might be able to put Floyd | together a game development team with the varied people here, but Floyd | intimidating because you don't know a soul. Luckily people all have Floyd | their names printed on their badges, that's one thing you don't have to Floyd | worry about. Floyd | Floyd | Game Developers Conference 2009 Floyd | A social interaction simulator by Jim Munroe. Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 090504 / Inform 7 build 5Z71 (I6/v6.31 lib Floyd | 6/12N) Floyd | Type CREDITS for the full credits, HELP if you need it, and QUIT to Floyd | exit the game. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | Geez, there's a lot of people here. You wish your buddy Jon had come. Floyd | He had a ton of advice about getting to know people. What was it that Floyd | he said? You bet you could REMEMBER if you tried. Floyd | Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Indie By Design", west to promo session "Free to Play, Pay for Stuff" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is texting, a smile on her lips. Floyd | Susan looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Simon asks you what you're interested in these days. Not really sure Floyd | what to say, you make a joke about being into post-hipsterism. Floyd | Floyd | You blink, and suddenly Ryan is gone, as quietly as he arrived. Floyd | Jordan is texting, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "yeah. there's enough to think about that I don't even know where to begin making a stategy" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | You get on one of the two escalators, both going up. Rather like a Floyd | linear game, you ruminate, giving the appearance of choice while moving Floyd | to the same place... Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks endlessly to Kevin about bot movement, but it's obvious from Floyd | her vague bluster she knows nothing about it. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan asks you what you're interested in these days. At a loss for Floyd | words, you mumble something about finding it all fascinating. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | art workshop "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource" Floyd | You can go west to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived early enough to get something out of it. You come out of Floyd | the day-long workshop on Creative Commons licensed art really feeling Floyd | like you could manage without an artist. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like pixel Floyd | art, and it's hard to tell if Kevin is buying it or not. Floyd | Raigan looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | You head to your hotel for the night, and come back the next morning... Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" Floyd | Having managed to understand it, the subject of viral marketing is now Floyd | fascinating to you. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks Kevin what he's interested in these days. Kevin says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Someone named Raigan seems a little lost. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | assessment workshop "Dev Team Judgement: R U Ready?" Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | After you describe your team, it is assessed as missing two elements. Floyd | Floyd | You emerge from the assessment feeling like you still need to work on Floyd | the team. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that you're Floyd | pretty interested in Creative Commons licensed art and viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Raigan floats away to assessment workshop "Dev Team Judgement: R U Floyd | Ready?". Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | You can't go that way. Floyd | Floyd | Mare is like a firehose of chat about ARGs, and your enthusiasm was put Floyd | out long ago. Floyd | Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in his step, Kevin heads away to Moscone Center Floyd | North 2000. Floyd | Raigan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly befuddled look on Floyd | his face. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | tool workshop "Prototyping with Gamemaker" Floyd | You can go east to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived early enough to get something out of it. You come out of Floyd | the day-long workshop on point-and-click game making tools really Floyd | feeling like you could manage without a coder. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks endlessly to Raigan about bot movement, but it's obvious Floyd | from her vague bluster she knows nothing about it. Floyd | Floyd | You poke around Chinatown by yourself for a while and then hit the Floyd | sack. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "User Interface Art" and west to the code session "Dynamic Walking with Floyd | Semi-Procedural Animation". Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ok, now we just need a designer" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Helping Your Players Feel Smart", west to promo session "Selling Your Floyd | IP, Not Your Soul" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Realizing Floyd | that he's blanking, Jordan says that he's been spending time looking Floyd | into the promoter greats. Floyd | Floyd | Susan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly confused look on her Floyd | face. Floyd | Lost in thought, Kevin floats away to design session "Helping Your Floyd | Players Feel Smart". Floyd | Simon talks at length about chiptune music, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Ryan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x katherine" | ||||
Floyd | Katherine is wearing a t-shirt with a promoter in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x ryan" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan is dressed like a typical coder. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x simon" | ||||
Floyd | Simon is wearing a t-shirt with a artist in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "TO HECK WITH YOU GUYS" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like Floyd | procedural gameplay, and it's hard to tell if you are buying it or not. Floyd | Floyd | You hear Susan long before you see her, as she appears in Moscone Floyd | Center North 3000. Floyd | Someone named Raigan seems a little lost. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x raigan" | ||||
Floyd | Raigan is wearing a t-shirt with a coder in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x mare" | ||||
Floyd | Mare is dressed like a typical artist. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x susan" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Susan holds herself that makes you Floyd | think: promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Helping Your Players Feel Smart", west to promo session "Selling Your Floyd | IP, Not Your Soul" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Kevin what he's interested in these days. Kevin says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Simon is obviously obsessed with chiptune music, and Ryan is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Jordan floats away to design session "Helping Your Players Feel Smart". Floyd | Floyd | > | Johnny says, "Man, as someone planning a game with pixel art and chiptunes this is... weird." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x kevin" | ||||
Floyd | Kevin is dressed like a typical promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "User Interface Art" and west to the code session "Dynamic Walking with Floyd | Semi-Procedural Animation". Floyd | Floyd | Wei-Ju is like a firehose of chat about viral marketing, but despite Floyd | the occasional fleck of spit you are right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | Now Wei-Ju has risen in your esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey strides away towards the next session, waving to friends en Floyd | route. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x wei-ju" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Wei-Ju holds himself that makes you Floyd | think: promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I can't find any designers! curse it all" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Helping Your Players Feel Smart", west to promo session "Selling Your Floyd | IP, Not Your Soul" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Ryan what he's interested in these days. Ryan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Susan floats away to Moscone Center South 2000. Floyd | Kevin stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Simon talks at length about chiptune music, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Kevin is listening or even interested. Floyd | Jordan is texting, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x ryan" | ||||
Floyd | Ryan is wearing a t-shirt with a coder in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x designer" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x artist" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x simon" | ||||
Floyd | There's something about the way Simon holds himself that makes you Floyd | think: artist. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare is like a firehose of chat about bot movement, and your enthusiasm Floyd | was put out long ago. Floyd | Floyd | Someone named Raigan seems a little lost. Floyd | Floyd | > | djfletch says, "design session is here - they should be around" | |||
inky says, "hmm, I wonder what happens if I just blow it all off" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical coder. Your interests include Floyd | point-and-click game making tools, Creative Commons licensed art and Floyd | viral marketing. Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as Floyd | coder. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | assessment workshop "Dev Team Judgement: R U Ready?" Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | After you describe your team, it is assessed as missing two elements. Floyd | Floyd | You emerge from the assessment feeling like you still need to work on Floyd | the team. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that you're Floyd | pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, Creative Floyd | Commons licensed art and viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "...I guess not" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x raigan" | ||||
Floyd | Raigan's badge identifies him as a coder. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "heh" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to raigan about art" | ||||
Floyd | Which do you mean, Creative Commons licensed art or pixel art? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "licensed" | ||||
Floyd | Something about your mild mannered enthusiasm engages Raigan -- they've Floyd | now got the Creative Commons licensed art bug. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have risen in Raigan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that you're Floyd | pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, Creative Floyd | Commons licensed art and viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan gives you a friendly wave. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with creative commons to raigan" | ||||
Floyd | You and Raigan get really excited about making a game that makes clever Floyd | use of Creative Commons licensed art. Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks endlessly to Raigan about viral marketing, but it's obvious Floyd | from her vague bluster she knows nothing about it. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan says they're going out for drinks, and invites you along... Floyd | The night is great, and you end up having a great conversation with Floyd | Jeffrey about pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Composer Challenges" and west to the code session "Multi-threaded Floyd | Fluid Simulation". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Games Have Feelings Too", west to promo session "Have You Got Perfect Floyd | Pitch?" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine talks at length about viral marketing, not really concerned Floyd | with whether Jordan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine gives Jordan a quick grin. Floyd | Floyd | Susan talks to Ryan about bot movement, which she obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Now Susan has dropped in Ryan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin asks Simon what he's interested in these days. Simon says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in chiptune music. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "so we aren't even a promoter anymore, eh? maybe workshops change your specialty, not add more" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical coder. Your interests include Floyd | point-and-click game making tools, Creative Commons licensed art, viral Floyd | marketing and pixel art. Currently, your dev team consists of yourself Floyd | as coder, your coder Raigan. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says (to Ellison), "whoah, ok, I didn't notice that" | |||
inky says, "yeah, that would make sense about workshops" | ||||
djfletch asks, "woo we mutated - so do we need a promoter now?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x susan" | ||||
Floyd | Susan is wearing a t-shirt with a promoter in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Even your clothes changed ... spoooooky" | |||
inky says, "I guess so! it's a strange new world" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to susan about viral marketing" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in viral marketing proves boring to Susan. Floyd | Floyd | Now you have dropped in Susan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine asks Susan what she's interested in these days. Susan says Floyd | that she's pretty into micropayments these days. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin is texting, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Simon asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Jordan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Ryan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that you're Floyd | pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, Creative Floyd | Commons licensed art, viral marketing and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask susan about micropayments" | ||||
Floyd | Susan's interest in micropayments doesn't really float your boat... Floyd | this time, anyway. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is obviously crazy about viral marketing, and you are trying Floyd | to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like Katherine has impressed you. Floyd | Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Susan heads to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Kevin asks Ryan what he's interested in these days. Ryan says that he's Floyd | pretty interested in bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Simon is obviously obsessed with chiptune music, and Jordan is trying Floyd | to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "if we become a fourth level coder, we get a cool fireball spell" | |||
djfletch says, "obviously they give you a new outfit in the sessions" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x katherine" | ||||
Floyd | Katherine is dressed like a typical promoter. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hee hee" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to katherine about viral marketing" | ||||
Floyd | Katherine is just as excited about viral marketing as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Katherine gives you a friendly smile. Floyd | Floyd | You feel at ease with Katherine near by. Floyd | Katherine is like a firehose of chat about viral marketing, but despite Floyd | the occasional fleck of spit Jordan is right there with her. Floyd | Floyd | Now Katherine has risen in Jordan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin talks to you about viral marketing, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Kevin seems irritable with you. Floyd | Floyd | Simon is like a firehose of chat about chiptune music, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Ryan is right there with him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose a game about viral marketing to katherine" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose a game with viral marketing to katherine" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with viral marketing to katherine" | ||||
Floyd | You toss around ideas about a game with viral marketing, and Floyd | immediately Katherine has some great promoter concepts. Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable around Kevin. Floyd | You feel at ease with Katherine near by. Floyd | Katherine asks Kevin what he's interested in these days. Kevin says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in micropayments. Floyd | Floyd | Simon talks at length about chiptune music, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Jordan is listening or even interested. Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in his step, Ryan heads away to Moscone Center Floyd | South 2000. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey seems comfortable around you, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical coder. Your interests include Floyd | point-and-click game making tools, Creative Commons licensed art, viral Floyd | marketing and pixel art. Currently, your dev team consists of yourself Floyd | as coder, your promoter Katherine, your coder Raigan. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x simon" | ||||
Floyd | Simon is wearing a t-shirt with a artist in-joke on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to simon about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in pixel art proves boring to Simon. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Simon seems impatient with you. Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable around Kevin. Floyd | You feel at ease with Katherine near by. Floyd | Katherine talks at length about viral marketing, not really concerned Floyd | with whether Simon is listening or even interested. Floyd | Kevin stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Jeffrey asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, Creative Floyd | Commons licensed art, viral marketing and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan is obviously obsessed with viral marketing, and Kevin is trying Floyd | to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to simon about creative commons" | ||||
Floyd | Your interest in Creative Commons licensed art proves boring to Simon. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like you have annoyed Simon. Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable around Kevin. Floyd | You feel at ease with Katherine near by. Floyd | Katherine asks Jeffrey what he's interested in these days. Jeffrey says Floyd | that he's pretty interested in ARGs and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Kevin floats away to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Simon asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, Creative Floyd | Commons licensed art, viral marketing and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan murmurs quietly to Katherine, exchanging a secret joke. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to jeffrey about pixel art" | ||||
Floyd | Jeffrey is just as excited about pixel art as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Looks like you have impressed Jeffrey. Floyd | Floyd | You feel at ease with Katherine near by. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is obviously crazy about viral marketing, and you are trying Floyd | to keep up. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine gives you a quick grin. Floyd | Floyd | Simon is like a firehose of chat about chiptune music, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Jeffrey is right there with him. Floyd | Jordan gives Katherine a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose a game about pixel art to jeffrey" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game about pixel art to jeffrey" | ||||
Floyd | You mention a game with pixel art as an integral part of it, and Floyd | Jeffrey's face lights up. It's just what he's been thinking about! You Floyd | have your designer, looks like. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is just fun to be around. Floyd | Katherine is like a firehose of chat about viral marketing, but despite Floyd | the occasional fleck of spit Jeffrey is right there with her. Floyd | Floyd | Simon asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Jordan says that Floyd | he's pretty interested in viral marketing. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey tracks you down and tells you you should come to the 10 Bit Floyd | party with them... Floyd | The night is great, and you end up having a great conversation with Floyd | Kevin about procedural gameplay. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Destruction of Design", west to promo session "Cheats for Marketers" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical coder. Your interests include Floyd | point-and-click game making tools, Creative Commons licensed art, Floyd | procedural gameplay, viral marketing and pixel art. Currently, your dev Floyd | team consists of yourself as coder, your promoter Katherine, your coder Floyd | Raigan, your designer Jeffrey. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hmm" | |||
inky says, "I guess we could become an artist" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | You can't go that way. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine is just fun to be around. Floyd | Katherine talks at length about viral marketing, not really concerned Floyd | with whether you are listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | Simon talks at length about chiptune music, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Jordan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Jeffrey looks at you with a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable around Kevin. Floyd | Mare has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like ARGs, Floyd | and it's hard to tell if Kevin is buying it or not. Floyd | Shooting you a dirty look, Susan heads to art workshop "Artsy Assets -- Floyd | Open Source Not Outsource". Floyd | Raigan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, Creative Floyd | Commons licensed art, procedural gameplay, viral marketing and pixel Floyd | art. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | art workshop "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource" Floyd | You can go west to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived early enough to get something out of it. You come out of Floyd | the day-long workshop on Creative Commons licensed art really feeling Floyd | like you could manage without an artist. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable around Kevin. Floyd | Mare is like a firehose of chat about pixel art, and Kevin's enthusiasm Floyd | was put out long ago. Floyd | Floyd | Susan wanders out of the session with a hopelessly befuddled look on Floyd | her face. Floyd | Shooting Mare a dirty look, Raigan heads to art workshop "Artsy Assets Floyd | -- Open Source Not Outsource". Floyd | Raigan gives you a friendly wave. Floyd | Floyd | Before the conference ends you decide to see how your team stacks up... Floyd | assessment workshop "Dev Team Judgement: R U Ready?" Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Your dev team is assessed as ready to go with a 65% chance of Floyd | completing the project. Having put together a team this late in the Floyd | conference means that you don't have a ton of time to hash stuff out. Floyd | Luckily the members of your team like each other overall, which makes Floyd | the project easier to manage. There's also the challenge of having so Floyd | many interests that the game might lose focus. Despite the challenges Floyd | of any game dev project, you have great hopes for the game's unique use Floyd | of Creative Commons licensed art, viral marketing and pixel art. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have a decent chance of getting your game made *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | Ellison says, "sounds good" | |||
inky says, "oopsies" | ||||
inky says, "well, I wasted a lot of time on workshops" | ||||
Ellison says, "yeah, the curse of the indecisive" | ||||
inky says, "ok so I dunno" | ||||
inky asks, "do people want to keep playing this? or play a different game?" | ||||
Jaybird says, "This is one of those you could play forever" | ||||
DavidW says, "I think I've seen enough of this one for now." | ||||
inky says, "yeah, I'd like to try to get 100% but I think it's probably too tedious for clubfloyd" | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You're actually here. The Gee Dee Cee. You don't know which session to Floyd | check out first. Unlike your hometown, you're one designer among many Floyd | here -- exciting and intimidating. Floyd | Floyd | Exciting because between now and Friday you might be able to put Floyd | together a game development team with the varied people here, but Floyd | intimidating because you don't know a soul. Luckily people all have Floyd | their names printed on their badges, that's one thing you don't have to Floyd | worry about. Floyd | Floyd | Game Developers Conference 2009 Floyd | A social interaction simulator by Jim Munroe. Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 090504 / Inform 7 build 5Z71 (I6/v6.31 lib Floyd | 6/12N) Floyd | Type CREDITS for the full credits, HELP if you need it, and QUIT to Floyd | exit the game. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | Geez, there's a lot of people here. You wish your buddy Jon had come. Floyd | He had a ton of advice about getting to know people. What was it that Floyd | he said? You bet you could REMEMBER if you tried. Floyd | Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "credits" | ||||
Floyd | Jim Munroe was commissioned to make this for GameSetWatch.com in April Floyd | 2009, and blogged about it there during the design process. Floyd | Floyd | Thanks to the Inform 7 creators and Wei-Ju Wu for ZMPP. Alpha testing Floyd | by Mare Sheppard and Kevin Jackson-Mead. Beta testing by Raigan Burns, Floyd | Susan Bustos, Simon Carless, Ryan Couldrey, Jeffrey Joy, Katherine Floyd | Parrish, and Jordan Reiter. Floyd | Floyd | The attendees in this game are named after them, but as each play Floyd | session randomly assigns sociability levels, skillsets and interests, Floyd | they rarely reflect their character. The names of the sessions are Floyd | adapted from GDC 2009, except for one. The workshops are fictional. Floyd | Floyd | Feel free to email guesses, high scores, and any other feedback to Floyd | jim@nomediakings.org, or check out his other games and projects at Floyd | NoMediaKings.org. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "credits" | ||||
Floyd | Jim Munroe was commissioned to make this for GameSetWatch.com in April Floyd | 2009, and blogged about it there during the design process. Floyd | Floyd | Thanks to the Inform 7 creators and Wei-Ju Wu for ZMPP. Alpha testing Floyd | by Mare Sheppard and Kevin Jackson-Mead. Beta testing by Raigan Burns, Floyd | Susan Bustos, Simon Carless, Ryan Couldrey, Jeffrey Joy, Katherine Floyd | Parrish, and Jordan Reiter. Floyd | Floyd | The attendees in this game are named after them, but as each play Floyd | session randomly assigns sociability levels, skillsets and interests, Floyd | they rarely reflect their character. The names of the sessions are Floyd | adapted from GDC 2009, except for one. The workshops are fictional. Floyd | Floyd | Feel free to email guesses, high scores, and any other feedback to Floyd | jim@nomediakings.org, or check out his other games and projects at Floyd | NoMediaKings.org. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "or should we just have a short CF? that'd be OK too" | |||
Fang asks, "can we get an IF made?" | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
inky says, "I dunno, maybe that would be procedural gameplay" | ||||
inky says, "it's interesting this implies that the NPCs have 'sociability levels' also" | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "talk to me about inform7 programming" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | zarf says, "floyd is interested in bot management and hucka bucka commons licensing" | |||
inky says, "hmm, I just started another game of this and this time I *started out* as a designer" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical designer. Your interests include ARGs. Floyd | Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as designer. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hey, just like this" | |||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | You'll need to upgrade your video card if you really want to see magic Floyd | happen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "plugh" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "remember. again. g. g. .g" | ||||
Floyd | What was it that Jon said? You can learn a lot if you EXAMINE folks... Floyd | that taking a personal INVENTORY helps you keep track of your skills Floyd | and interests... and when in doubt, GO WEST? Floyd | Floyd | You dunno about that last one, especially since he went on to rant Floyd | about twisty mazes, but you (perhaps aptly) couldn't follow what he was Floyd | saying. Floyd | Floyd | But he did have some other helpful stuff to say too, you'd just need to Floyd | focus to REMEMBER it. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Over beers the day before you left, he got philosophical. Sure, there's Floyd | a lot of swag, but it's not about what you can TAKE, he said. It's Floyd | about the exchange of ideas. ASK people ABOUT something they care Floyd | about. If you don't know, ASK them ABOUT INTERESTS. And if you have an Floyd | interest, TALK ABOUT it TO them -- maybe your enthusiasm about it will Floyd | catch. And he said not to worry about getting it right the first time, Floyd | that it can take a couple of years to get into the groove. Floyd | Floyd | You're pretty sure there was some other stuff he said, too. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Jon got a little drunk and started to brag that he was around when he Floyd | saw someone PROPOSE GAME WITH VECTOR GRAPHICS TO DAVE. Then he started Floyd | to grouse about the economy and how he wished he was going this year, Floyd | and the evening went downhill from there. He pointed out that because Floyd | you're an extrovert, you'd have to be careful not to talk people's ears Floyd | off. Floyd | (Which seemed kind of personal to you, but Jon has a tact deficit.) Floyd | Floyd | Now that you're thinking of it, wasn't there something else he said? Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Right before you extricated yourself, Jon had one more piece of advice Floyd | -- to make sure you checked out the dev team workshop when you thought Floyd | you had a team together. The other workshops were useful too, in case Floyd | you couldn't get a coder or an artist -- it's pretty random who you're Floyd | gonna meet, he said. He started on about something else but you told Floyd | him you had an early plane to catch. Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "upgrade video card" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "remember" | ||||
Floyd | You're pretty sure you remembered every relevant moment of that night Floyd | already, and a few irrelevant ones too. But if you want to relive it Floyd | again, REMEMBER away. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "get me" | ||||
Floyd | There's nothing tangible to be gained in this game. This is a world of Floyd | ideas, bub. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan talks to you about chiptune music, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Wei-Ju talks to Jordan about point-and-click game making tools, which Floyd | he obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Jeffrey floats away to code session "AI Behaviors from Improvisational Floyd | Actors". Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "woo" | |||
inky says, "ok, playing locally I just finished with a 99% chance" | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "propose game using chiptune music with me" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "one thing I didn't realize (playing here with no status line) is just moving room to room costs an hour of time" | |||
DavidW says, "with, not using." | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "propose game with chiptune music with me" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "wow" | |||
inky says, "also, to person, not with me" | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "propose game with chiptune music to me" | ||||
Floyd | Seeing as you don't have much excitement for it yourself, your proposal Floyd | sounds hollow to you. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Wei-Ju asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Not really sure Floyd | what to say, Jordan makes a joke about being into post-hipsterism. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and Floyd | chatting to someone about bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
Ellison says, "we are a hard sell" | ||||
inky asks, "you can propose stuff to yourself?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are dressed like a typical designer. Your interests include ARGs. Floyd | Currently, your dev team consists of yourself as designer. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with args to me" | ||||
Floyd | Hmm -- maybe a bit premature. You haven't even really talked about ARGs Floyd | with you. Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Raigan floats away to code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Wei-Ju looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Jeffrey stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Jordan looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk about args with me" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to me about argas" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to me about args" | ||||
Floyd | you is just as excited about ARGs as you are. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan wanders out of the session with a completely befuddled look on Floyd | his face. Floyd | Wei-Ju talks to Jordan about viral marketing, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Jeffrey asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "propose game with args to me" | ||||
Floyd | Hmm -- maybe a bit premature. You haven't even really talked about ARGs Floyd | with you. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan talks to you about pixel art, which he knows something about. Floyd | Wei-Ju asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Realizing that Floyd | he's blanking, Jordan says that he's been spending time looking into Floyd | the designer greats. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey floats away to Moscone Center North 2000. Floyd | Floyd | > | djfletch says, "hehe" | |||
inky says, "dang" | ||||
Ellison says, "(jk)" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask raigan about gdc" | ||||
Floyd | There is no reply. Floyd | Floyd | Someone named Raigan seems a little lost. Floyd | Wei-Ju asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
djfletch says (to Floyd), "propose marriage to raigan" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask jordan about himself" | ||||
Floyd | There is no reply. Floyd | Floyd | Raigan looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Wei-Ju talks to you about micropayments, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Jordan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Not much support for fripperies, I guess." | |||
[Setting the zoned flag.] | inky says, "yeah" | |||
inky says, "you can't even do 'propose a game', it has to be 'propose game'" | ||||
inky says, "anyway, this is pretty cute idea overal" | ||||
inky says, "l" | ||||
DavidW says, "yeah" | ||||
inky says, "it is more, uh, focused than I would really be at a GDC" | ||||
inky says, "but it seems like it encourages the player to think about the current buzzwords and stuff" | ||||
DavidW says, "I'd be the lost one, not invited to drinks." | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "talk with steve meretzky about floyd" | ||||
Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "yeah, I was expecting more of 'this is what I saw and heard' piece on the GCD, but it's a fun mechanic and conveys a certain aspect of the GDC well" | |||
Ellison says, "er, s/GCD/GDC" | ||||
inky says (to DavidW), "aw" | ||||
Ellison says, "ha ha" | ||||
Ellison says, "I'd probably also be a lost one" | ||||
DavidW says, "emergent mapping" | ||||
inky says, "that sounds cool although I am not sure what it is" | ||||
DavidW says, "I just butted buzzwords." | ||||
djfletch says, "emergent mapping is a euphemism for random mazes" | ||||
DavidW says, "ha ha" | ||||
DavidW says, "(don't tell)" | ||||
DavidW says, "Next we'll have dynamic scope mechanics, integrated NPC characteristics, and mimetic inventory handling." | ||||
inky says, "heh" | ||||
inky says, "ok, I guess it would be mildly amusing for him to take the code for this game and swap out all the names and buzzwords and so on for IF games" | ||||
DavidW says, "It'd be nice if we found out the name of the game our team created." | ||||
inky says, "hmm yeah" | ||||
inky says, "you could do a cute thing where it picked the name based on the topics somehow" | ||||
inky says, "incidentally, I wonder if it's possible to have a team that doesn't get along" | ||||
DavidW says, "oh, probably" | ||||
inky says, "it seems like the endings so far have all said that your team does" | ||||
Johnny goes home in a crazy fashion. | ||||
djfletch says, "I was wondering if it benefits you to have everyone interested in the same topic" | ||||
Jaybird asks, "What happens if you haven't assembled a team by the time the convention is over?" | ||||
inky says (to djfletch), "it doesn't seem to directly" | ||||
DavidW says (to Jaybird), "You have to eat Haagen-Dahz alone." | ||||
inky says, "but, I think, people pick topics they know to talk to other people about" | ||||
inky says, "and it might be that if your team members don't have any common interests they might pick things they aren't interested in and annoy each other" | ||||
Jaybird says, "I'm gonna try it, waste time" | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | code session "AI Behaviors from Improvisational Actors" Floyd | Having managed to understand it, the subject of bot movement is now Floyd | fascinating to you. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | Raigan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs and bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Wei-Ju asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Not really sure Floyd | what to say, Jordan makes a joke about being into post-hipsterism. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
RootShell www.ifreviews.org | ||||
crumple arrives, full of fun and funk. | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | art session "Lighting With Purpose" Floyd | The session was mostly over your head, but not a completely foreign Floyd | language. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Lighting With Purpose" and west to the code session "AI Behaviors from Floyd | Improvisational Actors". Floyd | Floyd | Someone named Raigan seems a little lost. Floyd | Wei-Ju asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs and bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | You head to your hotel for the night, and come back the next morning... Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" Floyd | You emerge from the session having taken in none of it, your brain and Floyd | ego bruised. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Real World Texture Painting Tips" and west to the code session "Camera Floyd | Based Gaming". Floyd | Floyd | Raigan talks to Jordan about procedural gameplay, which he obviously Floyd | knows nothing about. Floyd | Someone named Wei-Ju seems a little lost. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "also, I wonder if it's more beneficial to go to a seminar or talk to people to pick up interests" | |||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | art session "Real World Texture Painting Tips" Floyd | The session was mostly over your head, but not a completely foreign Floyd | language. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Real World Texture Painting Tips" and west to the code session "Camera Floyd | Based Gaming". Floyd | Floyd | Lost in thought, Raigan floats away to Moscone Center North 2000. Floyd | Wei-Ju stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | Jordan looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | code session "Camera Based Gaming" Floyd | Having managed to understand it, the subject of bot movement is now Floyd | fascinating to you. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Real World Texture Painting Tips" and west to the code session "Camera Floyd | Based Gaming". Floyd | Floyd | Someone named Wei-Ju seems a little lost. Floyd | Jordan is texting, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | art session "Real World Texture Painting Tips" Floyd | The session was mostly over your head, but not a completely foreign Floyd | language. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Real World Texture Painting Tips" and west to the code session "Camera Floyd | Based Gaming". Floyd | Floyd | Wei-Ju talks to Jordan about micropayments, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Susan walks out of a session, looking excited and inspired and chatting Floyd | to someone about ARGs. Floyd | Kevin asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs and bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | With a bit of a bounce in his step, Raigan heads away to Moscone Center Floyd | North 3000. Floyd | Ryan stands there, staring at the schedule. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" Floyd | You emerge from the session having taken in none of it, your brain and Floyd | ego bruised. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Susan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in ARGs and bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin talks at length about 2D physics, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Ryan is listening or even interested. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | design session "Master Metrics" Floyd | You reel out of the session, ideas about ARGs lighting up your Floyd | synapses. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Master Metrics", west to promo session "Money From a Casual Stone" and Floyd | up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Susan talks to you about Creative Commons licensed art, which she Floyd | obviously knows nothing about. Floyd | Kevin asks Ryan what he's interested in these days. Ryan says that he's Floyd | pretty interested in ARGs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | You get on one of the two escalators, both going up. Rather like a Floyd | linear game, you ruminate, giving the appearance of choice while moving Floyd | to the same place... Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks at length about micropayments, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Jeffrey is listening or even interested. Floyd | Katherine talks endlessly to Raigan about pixel art, but it's obvious Floyd | from her vague bluster she knows nothing about it. Floyd | Floyd | Now Katherine has dropped in Raigan's esteem. Floyd | Floyd | Shooting Jeffrey a dirty look, Simon heads to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | tool workshop "Prototyping with Gamemaker" Floyd | You can go east to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived too late to really absorb anything. You resolve to get to Floyd | the workshop before 1:00 pm next time. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare is obviously crazy about micropayments, and Katherine is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Raigan talks to Jeffrey about procedural gameplay, which he obviously Floyd | knows nothing about. Floyd | Simon wanders out of the session with a hopelessly befuddled look on Floyd | his face. Floyd | Floyd | You poke around Chinatown by yourself for a while and then hit the Floyd | sack. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | tool workshop "Prototyping with Gamemaker" Floyd | You can go east to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived early enough to get something out of it. You come out of Floyd | the day-long workshop on point-and-click game making tools really Floyd | feeling like you could manage without a coder. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare is like a firehose of chat about micropayments, but despite the Floyd | occasional fleck of spit Katherine is right there with her. Floyd | Shooting Katherine a dirty look, Raigan heads to Moscone Center North Floyd | 2000. Floyd | Shooting Jeffrey a dirty look, Simon heads to assessment workshop "Dev Floyd | Team Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Jeffrey looks around for someone, then checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | You grab some takeout on the way back to the hotel. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center South 2000 Floyd | You can go north to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art session Floyd | "Composer Challenges" and west to the code session "Multi-threaded Floyd | Fluid Simulation". Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
crumple asks, "what game is this?" | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Games Have Feelings Too", west to promo session "Have You Got Perfect Floyd | Pitch?" and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | Susan asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that Floyd | you're pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, ARGs and Floyd | bot movement. Floyd | Floyd | Kevin is obviously obsessed with 2D physics, and Ryan is trying to keep Floyd | up. Floyd | Raigan asks Jordan what he's interested in these days. Realizing that Floyd | he's blanking, Jordan says that he's been spending time looking into Floyd | the designer greats. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare talks at length about micropayments, not really concerned with Floyd | whether Katherine is listening or even interested. Floyd | You blink, and suddenly Raigan is gone, as quietly as he arrived. Floyd | Shooting Jeffrey a dirty look, Simon heads to Moscone Center North Floyd | 2000. Floyd | Jeffrey talks to you about viral marketing, which he obviously knows Floyd | nothing about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | tool workshop "Prototyping with Gamemaker" Floyd | You can go east to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived early enough to get something out of it. You come out of Floyd | the day-long workshop on point-and-click game making tools really Floyd | feeling like you could manage without a coder. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks Katherine what she's interested in these days. At a loss for Floyd | words, Katherine mumbles something about finding it all fascinating. Floyd | Floyd | Shooting Katherine a dirty look, Raigan heads to Moscone Center North Floyd | 2000. Floyd | Jeffrey is texting, a smile on his lips. Floyd | Floyd | You head back to your hotel. The ice machine on your floor is broken so Floyd | you have to drink your cola warm, and you blame this for why you have Floyd | trouble sleeping. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 2000 Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center South 2000, east to design session Floyd | "Destruction of Design", west to promo session "Cheats for Marketers" Floyd | and up to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jaybird says, "Um, the convention isn't ending" | |||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | design session "Destruction of Design" Floyd | You reel out of the session, ideas about ARGs lighting up your Floyd | synapses. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare asks you what you're interested in these days. You say that you're Floyd | pretty interested in point-and-click game making tools, ARGs and bot Floyd | movement. Floyd | Floyd | Katherine looks around for someone, then checks her watch. Floyd | Floyd | Jeffrey asks Katherine what she's interested in these days. Not really Floyd | sure what to say, Katherine makes a joke about being into Floyd | post-hipsterism. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jaybird says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | tool workshop "Prototyping with Gamemaker" Floyd | You can go east to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | You arrived early enough to get something out of it. You come out of Floyd | the day-long workshop on point-and-click game making tools really Floyd | feeling like you could manage without a coder. Floyd | Floyd | Moscone Center North 3000 Floyd | You can go down to Moscone Center North 2000, east to art workshop Floyd | "Artsy Assets -- Open Source Not Outsource", west to tool workshop Floyd | "Prototyping with Gamemaker" and north to assessment workshop "Dev Team Floyd | Judgement: R U Ready?". Floyd | Floyd | Mare is obviously crazy about micropayments, and Jeffrey is trying to Floyd | keep up. Floyd | Katherine has got an amazing way of stringing together buzzwords like Floyd | procedural gameplay, and it's hard to tell if you are buying it or not. Floyd | Floyd | Before the conference ends you decide to see how your team stacks up... Floyd | assessment workshop "Dev Team Judgement: R U Ready?" Floyd | You can go south to Moscone Center North 3000. Floyd | Floyd | After you describe your team, it is assessed as missing two elements. Floyd | It's suggested that if you are having trouble finding an artist that Floyd | looking into Creative Commons licensed art might address this. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** The conference ends. Well, there's always next year! *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||||
Johnny arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | inky says, "aha" | |||
inky says, "I guess we can totally screw up!" | ||||
Ellison says, "well, that was fun but I have a couple errands to run. until next week, Floyd-folk!" | ||||
Ellison has disconnected. | ||||
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst.. | ||||
K-Y says (to crumple), "I guess it's a simulation of Game Developers Conference 2009" | ||||
Fang has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | DavidW says, "well, I'm done for today, I think. We might want to start to think about what to play next week." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x clubfl" | ||||
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above. Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | inky says, "er" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "quit" | ||||
Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" |