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The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction. Below is a transcript of Walker & Silhouette, written by C.E.J. Pacian. Walker & Silhouette was originally released in 2009. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting the ifWiki.WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page. |
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Jacqueline hollers, "Three minutes to ClubFloyd! We'll be playing Walker & Silhouette by CEJ Pacian this week." | Jacqueline says, "So, I did invite Pacian. He was unsure if he wanted to watch." | |||
olethros arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | Jacqueline says, "So he may or may not attend, he wasn't sure (and come to think of it, I'm just assuming it's a guy, based on nothing in particular), but given that we start in two minutes, I'm guessing Pacian isn't coming." | |||
djfletch arrives, full of fun and funk. | Touchy asks, "Who is that?" | |||
Jacqueline says, "This week's author." | ||||
Bert has disconnected. | ||||
Bert has connected. | Jacqueline says, "Well, I got top o' the hour on my clock..." | |||
Bert says, "Oh, Gun Mute. That's where I know the name from." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load walkerandsilhouette" | ||||
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit? Please answer yes or no.> Please answer Floyd | yes or no.> Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version Floyd | 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | I always get the criminal. Whoever it is. Whatever the Floyd | embarrassment. Whichever noses I put out of joint. Floyd | Floyd | So they sent me after Silhouette, and I caught her too. Floyd | Floyd | And now I'm about to do something very stupid. Floyd | Floyd | Walker & Silhouette Floyd | Interactive criminology by C.E.J. Pacian Floyd | Version 9 - Developed with TADS 3 Floyd | [Type 'About' if this is your first time playing. Floyd | Type 'Credits' to see who made this possible.] Floyd | Floyd | Mindflower Asylum Floyd | I'm standing in the cold, early evening shadow of the Mindflower Floyd | Asylum for the Criminally Insane - a tall, crooked building with Floyd | barred windows and a sunken door. Floyd | Floyd | Townhouses are packed in tightly on all sides, but a deathly silence Floyd | pervades. The only sign of life is an ornithopter sailing high Floyd | overhead. Floyd | Floyd | My motor car sits to one side of the cobbled road. Floyd | Floyd | (Type highlighted keywords to advance the story.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
<Pacian> Pacian has connected to ifMUD. | ||||
vimes arrives, ready to play with the toys. | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "ABOUT" | ||||
Floyd | Walker & Silhouette is a criminal investigation in a world and a time Floyd | somewhat unlike your own. Just type the names of objects and people Floyd | you wish me to interact with (or click on them if your system supports Floyd | this). I'll also sometimes offer you keywords for less obvious Floyd | actions and choices. You can change the way that these words are Floyd | highlighted in the text by typing keywords until you find the style Floyd | you prefer. Floyd | Floyd | Some keywords that are always useful include look to ask me to repeat Floyd | the room description; inventory to see what I'm carrying; save and Floyd | restore to experiment with time travel; and think if you want me to Floyd | give you a pointer in the right direction. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "speak of the devil" | |||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "keywords" | ||||
Floyd | Keyword style changed to CAPS. Floyd | Floyd | > | vimes meanders in to watch in person, for once. | |||
Bert says (to Floyd), "x ornithopter" | ||||
Floyd | A graceful machine, easing itself across the sky with metal-feathered Floyd | wings. Floyd | Floyd | > | * Pacian has joined the channel. | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "wings" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Mindflower Asylum Floyd | I'm standing in the cold, early evening shadow of the Mindflower Floyd | ASYLUM for the Criminally Insane - a tall, crooked building with Floyd | barred WINDOWS and a sunken DOOR. Floyd | Floyd | TOWNHOUSES are packed in tightly on all sides, but a deathly silence Floyd | pervades. The only sign of life is an ORNITHOPTER sailing high Floyd | overhead. Floyd | Floyd | My motor CAR sits to one side of the cobbled road. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "windows" | ||||
Floyd | The asylum's windows are raised up out of reach, seem far too small to Floyd | afford much of a view, and are covered over with thick bars besides. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | I am carrying a BOWLER hat, a CANE, and a police BADGE, and I'm Floyd | wearing a three-piece SUIT. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "x bars" | ||||
Floyd | The asylum's windows are raised up out of reach, seem far too small to Floyd | afford much of a view, and are covered over with thick bars besides. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "suit" | ||||
Floyd | There being no consistent dress code for murder scenes, I tend to Floyd | dress as if for a funeral. My suit is black and carefully pressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Pacian arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "badge" | ||||
Floyd | My badge is a little tarnished now, but the words "POLICE DETECTIVE" Floyd | are legible enough. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Touchy arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | Pacian says, "Wow, I think I made it." | |||
Bert says (to Floyd), "hat" | maga says (to Pacian), "hooray, you're here" | |||
Floyd | It's the nature of this line of work that my bowler spends more time Floyd | in my hands than on my head. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "eat hat" | ||||
Floyd | The bowler hat does not appear to be edible. Floyd | Floyd | > | Bert says, "Well, we lose points right there..." | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "car" | ||||
Floyd | My own personal vehicle. A bit of an expense, but I have to spend my Floyd | inheritance on something. Floyd | Floyd | > | Bert says, "If we can't eat the ornithopter either, I'm giving up now." | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "cane" | ||||
Floyd | A simple but sturdy walking stick, necessary since I was shot by an Floyd | accomplice of the Bottle Street Strangler. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "asylum" | ||||
Floyd | Mindflower used to be a medieval gaol where murderers and debtors Floyd | rubbed shoulders. The centuries old, eroded stone may now be run Floyd | through with the gleaming pipes of a modern heating system, but those Floyd | confined here are no more likely to leave with their wits intact. Floyd | Floyd | > | Pacian says, "Don't eat the ornithopter. I only included it because of ClubFloyd in the first place." | |||
Bert says, "Hee." | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "townhouses" | ||||
Floyd | And I thought the Old Warren could be a depressing place. The houses Floyd | around the asylum are dilapidated and crooked - their roofs sagging Floyd | and windows cracked. Floyd | Floyd | Clearly only those who can't afford better live in the shadow of the Floyd | madhouse. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "door" | ||||
Floyd | The asylum's main entrance is a featureless door of the thickest Floyd | metal, fitting flush against the sides of a deep alcove. There's no Floyd | handle or lock - just a small BUTTON on the wall. Floyd | Floyd | A small grating is set into the door at eye level. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "grating" | ||||
Floyd | The grating is thick and sturdy. Beyond it, I can see only darkness. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "open it" | ||||
Floyd | That is not something I can open. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | Your tiresome magic can hardly withstand my relentless reasoning. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "score" | ||||
Floyd | This story doesn't use scoring. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "credits" | ||||
Floyd | My story has been brought to you by that strange and dubious medium Floyd | C.E.J. Pacian in your year 2009. Floyd | Floyd | For this feat, he used 'TADS 3', a language for processing by Floyd | computational engines developed by Michael J. Roberts, and documented Floyd | rigorously by Eric Eve. Your manner of interaction with my story was Floyd | inspired by one Aaron A. Reed. Floyd | Floyd | Special gratitude is due for advice, feedback and encouragement from Floyd | George Oliver, Emily Boegheim, agj, Anna Anthropy, Juhana Leinonen, Floyd | Thomas Reisinger, D.J. Hastings, increpare and Shae. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "button" | ||||
Floyd | I push the button beside the door and a harsh electric buzzer sounds. Floyd | Instantly, a narrow pair of EYES appear behind the grating, studying Floyd | me carefully. A gruff voice asks uncertainly, "Are you... a patient Floyd | here?" Floyd | Floyd | I suppose I could IDENTIFY myself, or come back with some SNARK. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "snark" | ||||
Floyd | "Do I look like I'm a patient here?" I ask condescendingly. Floyd | Floyd | The voice remains tactfully silent, which is an answer in itself. Floyd | Floyd | I sigh and hold my badge up to the grating. "I'm a police detective. Floyd | Let me in." Floyd | Floyd | The voice scoffs. "You could've fooled me, mate." Floyd | Floyd | But the door slowly rumbles open all the same. Floyd | Floyd | When you're ready, I can go IN. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "in" | ||||
Floyd | As soon as I'm inside the asylum, I begin feeding the guard Floyd | half-truths and exaggerations. He nods wordlessly and leads me Floyd | through narrow, white-walled passages that echo with manic cackles and Floyd | miserable sobs. Floyd | Floyd | "This is the one," my guide says, stopping suddenly. "Miss Ivy Floyd | Blissheart. Strictly no visitors, it says. But I don't suppose they Floyd | meant policemen." Floyd | Floyd | Cell 13 Floyd | The guard slams shut the door and I hear several bolts and locks being Floyd | closed. So this is where she ended up, thanks to me: a padded cell, Floyd | lit harshly by a bare electric BULB. Only the small WINDOW set into Floyd | the DOOR hints at a world beyond its claustrophobic confines. Floyd | Floyd | A bulky WINCH has been bolted incongruously to the wall. Floyd | Floyd | Silhouette - IVY, I mean, is hanging upside-down from the ceiling, Floyd | tied up in a straitjacket. Floyd | Floyd | She cranes her neck awkwardly to try and look at me. "Is it MORNING Floyd | already? Time flies when you're all TRUSSED up like this." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "eyes" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | It's difficult to get a good look at her as she hangs upside-down like Floyd | this, spinning slowly back and forth. But there is that impression of Floyd | elfish mischief written into her features that I remember so well from Floyd | her arrest. And her scandalously boyish hair is not so short that it Floyd | can't trail below her in unruly curls. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy is wearing a STRAITJACKET. Floyd | Floyd | "Hey," she suddenly exclaims. "I know you, don't I? No hard feelings Floyd | about the whole incarcerating me thing, Inspector. I'm just glad you Floyd | came to visit." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "bulb" | ||||
Floyd | Painful to look at. It casts sharply defined shadows against the Floyd | featureless walls. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "trussed" | ||||
Floyd | I look over the straitjacket. "Did they put you in this thing the Floyd | right way up?" Floyd | Floyd | Ivy laughs dryly. "CRIME, the good doctor believes, is the result of Floyd | insufficient blood flow to the brain. So, you know, gravity's not my Floyd | friend - and sleeping like a bat's the best TREATMENT." Floyd | Floyd | "I can call you Ivy, can't I?" I suddenly think to ask. Floyd | Floyd | "Of course you can," she says. "As long as I can call you... Um..." Floyd | Floyd | "Nathaniel. Or 'Nate' if that's too much of a mouthful." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Taleslinger arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "straightjacket" | ||||
Floyd | The long white sleeves of the straitjacket are wrapped tightly around Floyd | Ivy - completely restraining her arms. Floyd | Floyd | "I could get out of this real quick," Ivy says, "if only I was the Floyd | right way up." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "treatment" | ||||
Floyd | I'm almost afraid to ask. "Is this the worst thing they do to you?" Floyd | Floyd | "Pretty much. I think they're still working out what to make of me. Floyd | I get plenty of peace and quiet, of course, so my fragile feminine Floyd | mind can keep its uncontrollable emotions this side of HYSTERIA." Floyd | Floyd | She attempts an upside-down shrug. "Hey, it's better than breaking Floyd | rocks in PRISON, right?" Floyd | Floyd | "Assuming," I say carefully, "they don't go so far as a LOBOTOMY." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy says, "Um, what?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "lobotomy" | ||||
Floyd | "Do you feel like you're responding to the treatment?" I ask. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy snorts with laughter. "Well, I keep throwing up when they hang me Floyd | upside-down. That's a response, right?" Floyd | Floyd | My hair's fallen over my eye. I brush it back. "Eventually, they'll Floyd | intervene physically." Floyd | Floyd | "You mean beating me?" Floyd | Floyd | "I mean cutting into your brain. It's been shown to result in a more Floyd | placid personality." Gauging her expression, I add, "Don't worry. Floyd | That's why I'm here. To HELP." Floyd | Floyd | > | Bert asks, "Hmm. Wouldn't that be a serious choking hazard?" | |||
Bert says (to Floyd), "hysteria" | ||||
Floyd | I study Ivy's carefree expression. "You don't seem hysterical to me." Floyd | Floyd | "All bold women get the diagnosis sooner or later," she says with a Floyd | wink. "It's almost a compliment." Floyd | Floyd | > | Pacian says, "Ivy has a big mouth." | |||
Bert says (to Floyd), "winch" | ||||
Floyd | The winch seems to be the main mechanism for raising and lowering Floyd | whichever poor soul is assigned this bizarre treatment. Floyd | Floyd | I certainly intend to let Ivy down eventually... but I'd like to try Floyd | and explain my proposition to her first. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "crime" | ||||
Floyd | "You know," I say, "with the talent, cunning and ingenuity you put to Floyd | work disrupting the city, you could have done some amazing things on Floyd | the right side of the law." Floyd | Floyd | "Don't think I didn't try," she says. "But somehow, society took one Floyd | look at me and figured I'd be best put to use working a loom for ten Floyd | hours a day." Floyd | Floyd | I twist my cane in my hand. "Now that should be criminal." Floyd | Floyd | She laughs. "And yet I'm the one you ARREST." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "arrest" | ||||
Floyd | "Ivy," I begin, "I feel rather rotten that I actually caught you. I Floyd | got carried away with unravelling the mystery, and I didn't stop to Floyd | think about what they'd do once they got you." Floyd | Floyd | She pulls a face. "Don't be. You're a policeman, and I broke laws, Floyd | didn't I? And maybe I got carried away too. I don't think I'd Floyd | actually thought it through as far as winding up in PRISON or Floyd | wherever." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "proposition" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "prison" | ||||
Floyd | "It kind of makes me angry," I say. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy looks at me strangely. "You have a very sedate angry face, but Floyd | what does?" Floyd | Floyd | "That you should have just been given a short prison sentence. And Floyd | instead you wind up in here, indefinitely, at the mercy of Floyd | unsupervised quacks." Floyd | Floyd | "It makes me angry too," she says. "But not at you. You weren't even Floyd | at the TRIAL." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "trial" | ||||
Floyd | I clear my throat. "I'm sorry I wasn't at the trial. It was my case. Floyd | I should have been there, but..." Floyd | Floyd | She finishes for me. "But they thought you might say things in my Floyd | favour, and they presented your evidence without you. It's okay, I Floyd | figured it out." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "help" | ||||
Floyd | "If it's okay with you," I say, "I'm going to get you out of this Floyd | place completely." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy swings slightly from side to side. "No offence, Nate, but you Floyd | couldn't even get me put in a proper prison in the first place. Floyd | You're not talking about breaking me out or anything, are you?" Floyd | Floyd | "Of course not. But you're right. You're a patient, not a prisoner. Floyd | That's why I'd be able to PRESS you into assisting me in my Floyd | investigations." Floyd | Floyd | "Assisting?" Ivy repeats. "The POLICE? Swapping one kind of Floyd | imprisonment for the other, you mean?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "police" | ||||
Floyd | "It's odd," I muse aloud. "You're happy to sabotage the discipline Floyd | machine in a workhouse, but not to assist the one occupation where you Floyd | have the legal power to stop abuse and suffering." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy snorts. "And yet it always seems to be people like me they use Floyd | that power against instead." Floyd | Floyd | "Maybe 'they' do. But I don't. You've ruffled the feathers of some Floyd | powerful people. But you're small fry compared to me. I've put Floyd | powerful people away for life." Floyd | Floyd | "Well, I'll try anything once," Ivy says. "How does this PRESS thing Floyd | work, anyway?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "police" | ||||
Floyd | "It's odd," I muse aloud. "You're happy to sabotage the discipline Floyd | machine in a workhouse, but not to assist the one occupation where you Floyd | have the legal power to stop abuse and suffering." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy snorts. "And yet it always seems to be people like me they use Floyd | that power against instead." Floyd | Floyd | "Maybe 'they' do. But I don't. You've ruffled the feathers of some Floyd | powerful people. But you're small fry compared to me. I've put Floyd | powerful people away for life." Floyd | Floyd | "Well, I'll try anything once," Ivy says. "How does this PRESS thing Floyd | work, anyway?" Floyd | Floyd | > | Bert says, "Erm." | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "press" | ||||
Floyd | "All you have to do is agree to provide..." I clear my throat, Floyd | "invaluable and urgent assistance to my police work. And then I can Floyd | walk you out of here. I have the paperwork on me." Floyd | Floyd | "Invaluable? Okay, okay," Ivy says, "anything, just as long as I'm Floyd | the right way up." Floyd | Floyd | I rub my hands together. "Great! I'll see about getting you down." Floyd | Floyd | "Gently!" Ivy warns. Floyd | Floyd | > | Bert says, "I, the guy who arrested you, certainly don't use my police power against people like you." | |||
Bert says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Cell 13 Floyd | I'm in a padded cell. I'm sure Forthright would say it's about time. Floyd | The walls are lit harshly by a bare electric BULB, and only the small Floyd | WINDOW set into the DOOR hints at a world beyond its claustrophobic Floyd | confines. Floyd | Floyd | A bulky WINCH has been bolted incongruously to the wall. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is hanging upside-down from the ceiling, tied up in a Floyd | straitjacket. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy nods awkwardly towards the WINCH. "Hey, detective. That's how Floyd | they get me up and down from here." Floyd | Floyd | (Talking to Ivy: MORNING.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "morning" | ||||
Floyd | "I hate to be the one to tell you, but the sun hasn't even set yet." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy sighs. "You mean it's still yesterday? Damn it." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "window" | ||||
Floyd | Just the smallest slot for a guard to spy into the room, without the Floyd | inmate being afforded any kind of view back out. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "door" | ||||
Floyd | The cell door is badly scratched and scuffed, but years of abuse have Floyd | barely managed to bend the thick bars across its tiny WINDOW. Floyd | Floyd | A CLIPBOARD is crookedly affixed to the door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "clipboard" | ||||
Floyd | It's written in the barely decipherable scrawl of a medical Floyd | professional. I could READ it, if you want. Floyd | Floyd | > | Touchy asks, "Was there a motto when this game was made? Should I know some backstory?" | |||
Bert says (to Floyd), "read" | ||||
Floyd | I suppose this horrible, spidery scrawl is one way doctors try to Floyd | respect patient confidentiality. I can just about make out what the Floyd | chart says. Floyd | Floyd | Name: Blissheart, Ivy Floyd | Sex: F Floyd | Ref #: 134A Floyd | Floyd | Incarcerated for: Floyd | Vandalism; obscenity; blasphemy; criminal damage; disturbing the Floyd | peace; conduct unbecoming of a woman. Floyd | Floyd | Diagnosis: Floyd | Insufficient development of the ethical lobe. Floyd | Hysteria. Floyd | Floyd | > | Bert asks, "A motto?" | |||
Ferret arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "winch" | ||||
Floyd | There's a little hook on the winch. It seems to be holding it in Floyd | position. If I just carefully... Oh dear. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy squirms to her feet. "It's okay, I'm fine. I only landed on my Floyd | head." Floyd | Floyd | She wriggles a little, and the straitjacket drops to the floor. Floyd | "Ouch. Can you do me a favour and just pop my SHOULDER back in?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "shoulder" | ||||
Floyd | Ivy slips the hand of her dislocated arm into mine, and then twists Floyd | around grotesquely while I pull firmly in the other direction. Floyd | Floyd | There's a sudden pop, and she gasps with relief. "Yeah, that's Floyd | better." Floyd | Floyd | > | Bert says, "Yargh." | |||
Bert says (to Floyd), "icy" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | Ivy looks rather relieved to be the right way up again. Her elfin Floyd | features are no longer quite so red, and her hair has returned to a Floyd | messy imitation of its usual bob. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy is wearing some PYJAMAS. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy clasps her hands behind her back and looks at me expectantly. "So Floyd | are we going to LEAVE, or what?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "pyjamas" | ||||
Floyd | A pair of simple white pyjamas. Of all forms of clothing, surely the Floyd | least taxing on the mind. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy stretches her arms and legs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "leave" | ||||
Floyd | I knock loudly on the door for the guard to let us out. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy shakes her head. "Now this I've got to see." Floyd | Floyd | "They can't squirm out of this," I say. "I've caught them in their Floyd | own loophole. And once you're out of here... maybe you should just Floyd | run. Flee the city." Floyd | Floyd | "Not likely," Ivy says. "This city's all I know. And you sold me on Floyd | the idea of being a detective. Don't tell me you're chickening out Floyd | now?" Floyd | Floyd | I brush back my hair and put on my bowler. "Never." Floyd | Floyd | (Press space...) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Okay, hi. It's me now: Ivy Blissheart, a.k.a. Silhouette. How are Floyd | you doing? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "fine" | ||||
Floyd | Not very talkative, eh? Well, we'll just keep it to the keywords Floyd | then. Floyd | Floyd | So this is the second time in my life I've been in a police station, Floyd | and you know what? The Office of Unfathomable Crimes is a lot more Floyd | comfortable than the interrogation room. Floyd | Floyd | But maybe not so much for Walker right this moment. Nate, I mean. Floyd | He's been in the Chief Inspector's office an hour now, just on the Floyd | other side of that door, getting shouted at. I feel sort of bad for Floyd | him, because it's got to all be about what he did for me. Floyd | Floyd | Maybe if I LOOK around, I can figure out a way to help him out. Floyd | Floyd | > | Pacian says, "Everyone says that at that point." | |||
Bert says (to Floyd), "fathom crimes" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | Bert says, "(I guess they are indeed unfathomable.)" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "look" | ||||
Floyd | Office of Unfathomable Crimes Floyd | I'm in the Oldchester C.I.D., specifically the Office of Unfathomable Floyd | Crimes. It's quite homely, really, with sunlight streaming in through Floyd | a large WINDOW and moustachioed men smiling down from PICTURE frames Floyd | on the walls. Floyd | Floyd | A DESK fills much of the room, piled high with PAPERS and FILES, and a Floyd | pneumatic TUBE snakes along one wall. Floyd | Floyd | Nate said I should just WAIT here and not get into trouble, but I've Floyd | never been one to do what I'm told. Floyd | Floyd | I can hear a raised voice ranting on the other side of the door to the Floyd | Chief Inspector's office. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "papers" | ||||
Floyd | Official documents and memos are scattered over the desk in a Floyd | disorganised fashion. They all look to be on the officious side of Floyd | bureaucratic. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Ferret says, "At the Fathom Crime Lab, there's a height marked on the door." | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "tube" | ||||
Floyd | So I used to work in a factory that had tubes like this for sending Floyd | messages between departments. It was great fun - and those pipes Floyd | didn't even have coppers on the other end of them. Floyd | Floyd | There's a metal BOX attached to it, and a little BASKET ready to catch Floyd | the messages it spits out. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "read" | ||||
Floyd | I have nothing in mind to read at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | Oh, um, hi. I'm Ivy, although a lot of people know me - know of me, Floyd | really - as Silhouette: anarcha-feminist dissident. I want you to Floyd | know that if I ever messed around with any of your stuff, or made you Floyd | look bad, or whatever, that it was absolutely nothing personal. Floyd | Floyd | But, you know, you probably had it coming. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "basket" | ||||
Floyd | There's a little basket just beneath the metal BOX. It looks like Floyd | it's positioned to catch anything that might come flying out of the Floyd | pneumatic tube. It contains a CANISTER. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "box" | ||||
Floyd | A neat little box of tarnished filigree, attached to the pneumatic Floyd | tube. Loads of BUTTONS are set into the face of the thing, a LEVER on Floyd | the side, and a BASKET underneath it. Oh, and there's a small HOLE in Floyd | the top of it. Floyd | Floyd | You know, I've always been fond of a good gadget. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "canister" | ||||
Floyd | It's a cylindrical canister, taking a brief rest after rattling Floyd | through the pneumatic intestines of the police station. It's open, Floyd | and contains a MEMO. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "buttons" | ||||
Floyd | There are loads of chunky buttons set into the front of the box. Most Floyd | of them are blank, but some have neat inscriptions. There are buttons Floyd | marked CHIEF, Serious CRIMES, FRAUD, and NARCOTICS. Oh, and a bit of Floyd | paper has been stuck to one button with the word UNFATHOMABLE Floyd | scribbled on it. Floyd | Floyd | The button marked 'Serious Crimes' is currently depressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "memo" | ||||
Floyd | It's very neatly typed, on a perfectly square piece of paper. Floyd | Floyd | MEMORANDUM Floyd | Floyd | Rumours are circulating that a woman has been commissioned as a police Floyd | officer. These rumours are untrue. While a woman has been employed Floyd | to assist the C.I.D., she is not doing so in the capacity of either Floyd | constable or detective. Floyd | Floyd | Frankly, the gossiping this event has sparked leads me to believe that Floyd | she will feel quite at home with the lot of you. Floyd | Floyd | Chief Inspector LeStains Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "unfathomable" | ||||
Floyd | I push the button marked 'Unfathomable'. It depresses with a firm Floyd | 'click', and the button marked 'Serious Crimes' pops back up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "crimes" | ||||
Floyd | I push the button marked 'Serious Crimes'. It depresses with a firm Floyd | 'click', and the button marked 'Unfathomable' pops back up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "narcotics" | ||||
Floyd | I push the button marked 'Narcotics'. It depresses with a firm Floyd | 'click', and the button marked 'Serious Crimes' pops back up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "hole" | ||||
Floyd | There's a circular hole in the top of the box. This must be where Floyd | messages go to get sent through the pneumatic TUBE. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "lever" | ||||
Floyd | I grab the lever on the side of the box and give it a firm yank. The Floyd | hole in the box emits a tremendous sucking sound until I let the lever Floyd | spring back into place. Floyd | Floyd | > | Bert says, "Marconi Trans-Communicon buttons." | |||
Jacqueline says, "I read about a squirrel getting caught in a pneumatic tube at a bank one time. Gave the tellers quite a fright when they started their shift, but probably nothing compared to the panic the squirrel felt after being sucked through the tube." | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Office of Unfathomable Crimes Floyd | I'm in the Oldchester C.I.D., specifically the Office of Unfathomable Floyd | Crimes. It's quite homely, really, with sunlight streaming in through Floyd | a large WINDOW and moustachioed men smiling down from PICTURE frames Floyd | on the walls. Floyd | Floyd | A DESK fills much of the room, piled high with PAPERS and FILES, and a Floyd | pneumatic TUBE snakes along one wall. Floyd | Floyd | I can hear a raised voice ranting on the other side of the door to the Floyd | Chief Inspector's office. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "desk" | ||||
Floyd | The desk's all scuffed and scratched. It could use a good polish. On Floyd | the desk are a bell JAR, some PAPERS, and some FILES. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "files" | ||||
Floyd | Thick binders full of files are propped up against one another like a Floyd | collapsed house of cards. Each file's got a letter on its spine. Floyd | Floyd | By far the thickest file is labelled with an S. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | S. The snakiest of all letters. Just what criminal masterminds, Floyd | associated with the letter 'S', could exist in the city to so Floyd | thoroughly fill out this poor, bulging binder? Floyd | Floyd | Oh look, it's all about me. Floyd | Floyd | I set the binder back down, but... I sort of want to look at it Floyd | again, more closely. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | I open the binder to the first scrap of paper filed under Floyd | 'Silhouette'. It's a memo to Walker, ordering that the Office of Floyd | Unfathomable Crimes look into a prankster and graffiti artist who's Floyd | humiliating the upper crust - because no-one else could catch me. Floyd | Floyd | So, I'm actually blushing right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Ah look, it's a photograph of one of my earlier works. A caricature Floyd | of a factory boss, painted around the entrance to the shop floor, as Floyd | if his flabby maw was greedily devouring each worker as they stepped Floyd | inside. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | I find a report of an incident at a posh library. Seems that someone Floyd | slipped a number of copies of an infamous work of erotica into the Floyd | covers of some notable theological tomes. Floyd | Floyd | I can only plead ignorance of the whole affair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | See this report here? So someone reprograms a teaching automaton to Floyd | instruct pre-school children in the spelling and grammatical use of a Floyd | number of profanities, and I get the blame. Floyd | Floyd | And it's not like they were even old enough to know what any of it Floyd | meant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "j" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | There's a couple of sheets of photographs clipped to some of Walker's Floyd | notes. Looks like he was trying to create a timeline of various Floyd | Silhouette symbols I daubed around the city and analyse the Floyd | development of my style. Floyd | Floyd | Ah, bless him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | I find some case notes from the distribution of an obscene forgery of Floyd | a public information pamphlet. Floyd | Floyd | It's interesting how transposing a few words can turn an essay on Floyd | moral hygiene into something a bit... different. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "jar" | ||||
Floyd | A hemisphere of glass attached to an air PUMP. It seems to contain a Floyd | piece of rotten MEAT and a SWARM of stripy flies. Floyd | Floyd | There's a NOTE attached to it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert says (to Floyd), "note" | ||||
Floyd | The note's written in very elegant handwriting: Floyd | Floyd | Dear All, Floyd | I'm conducting an experiment to determine the effects of high altitude Floyd | on the life cycle of the striped carrion fly. This may have a bearing Floyd | on a certain case involving a famous mountaineer. Please don't panic Floyd | if they escape. Although they may look like wasps, they're completely Floyd | harmless. Floyd | Walker Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "muahaha" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "pump" | ||||
Floyd | A set of bellows attached to an electric motor and a fan. Yeah, I'd Floyd | say it's some sort of air pump. Floyd | Floyd | There's an awfully tempting SWITCH on the side of it. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "that's too cool" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "switch" | ||||
Floyd | I flip the switch and the pump begins whirring quietly. After a few Floyd | seconds, the pump's fan spits out one of the stripy flies. I turn off Floyd | the pump before any more get sucked out. Floyd | Floyd | Whoops. I hope I didn't just invalidate Nate's experiment. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "heh" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "attach pump to tube" | ||||
Floyd | I cannot attach that to anything. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "suck on tube" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "box" | ||||
Floyd | A neat little box of tarnished filigree, attached to the pneumatic Floyd | tube. Loads of BUTTONS are set into the face of the thing, a LEVER on Floyd | the side, and a BASKET underneath it. Oh, and there's a small HOLE in Floyd | the top of it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "attach pump to hole" | ||||
Floyd | I cannot attach that to anything. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Office of Unfathomable Crimes Floyd | I'm in the Oldchester C.I.D., specifically the Office of Unfathomable Floyd | Crimes. It's quite homely, really, with sunlight streaming in through Floyd | a large WINDOW and moustachioed men smiling down from PICTURE frames Floyd | on the walls. Floyd | Floyd | A DESK fills much of the room, piled high with PAPERS and FILES, and a Floyd | pneumatic TUBE snakes along one wall. Floyd | Floyd | A stripy FLY is buzzing around lazily. Floyd | Floyd | I can hear a raised voice ranting on the other side of the door to the Floyd | Chief Inspector's office. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga asks, "okay, how do we do this with keywords?" | |||
Fang asks, "what are we playing?" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "picture" | ||||
Floyd | These must be the rozzers who've worked at the C.I.D. through the Floyd | ages. There's a definite trend over time from men with huge beards Floyd | and top hats towards men with small moustaches and bowler hats. Floyd | Floyd | Next thing you know the place'll be run by hatless women. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "Walker & Silhouette" | |||
Ferret says, "Egad, hatless women." | Touchy says, "So maybe if we pull the lever again we can send the fly to the chief.." | |||
maga says, "also, there is no plausible etymology for 'rozzers'" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | What, do you want my vital statistics or something? I'm Ivy Floyd | Blissheart, a.k.a. Silhouette, former dissident, currently attached Floyd | to the police force in some crazy fashion. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "but in modern parlance it is now 'the rozz'" | |||
Fang asks, "are we a hatless woman?" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | I am carrying a NOTEBOOK, and I'm wearing a long JACKET, a short Floyd | DRESS, and a CLOCHE hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "cloche" | ||||
Floyd | A small bucket of a hat that goes nicely with my short hair and Floyd | doesn't take up much space. Also it forces me to hold my head up Floyd | high, or I can't see out from under the brim. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "notebook" | ||||
Floyd | I'm all set to be a good detective. Got my little notebook and Floyd | everything, 'though it's currently blank at the moment, save a little Floyd | doodle of Walker. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "doodle" | ||||
Floyd | Oh, you know, just a lean gent in a bowler, burning up the page with Floyd | his unmatched good looks and powers of perception. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "phew not quite" | |||
Touchy says (to Floyd), "x box" | ||||
Floyd | A neat little box of tarnished filigree, attached to the pneumatic Floyd | tube. Loads of BUTTONS are set into the face of the thing, a LEVER on Floyd | the side, and a BASKET underneath it. Oh, and there's a small HOLE in Floyd | the top of it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "dress" | ||||
Floyd | A white, sleeveless dress with a hemline just below the knee. Yes, I Floyd | decided I'd rather look like a floozie than trip over my own clothes Floyd | while pursuing a criminal. Floyd | Floyd | > | Touchy says, "hrhr floozie" | |||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "basket" | ||||
Floyd | There's a little basket just beneath the metal BOX. It looks like Floyd | it's positioned to catch anything that might come flying out of the Floyd | pneumatic tube. It contains a CANISTER. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "canister" | ||||
Floyd | It's a cylindrical canister, taking a brief rest after rattling Floyd | through the pneumatic intestines of the police station. It's open, Floyd | and contains a MEMO. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Office of Unfathomable Crimes Floyd | I'm in the Oldchester C.I.D., specifically the Office of Unfathomable Floyd | Crimes. It's quite homely, really, with sunlight streaming in through Floyd | a large WINDOW and moustachioed men smiling down from PICTURE frames Floyd | on the walls. Floyd | Floyd | A DESK fills much of the room, piled high with PAPERS and FILES, and a Floyd | pneumatic TUBE snakes along one wall. Floyd | Floyd | A stripy FLY is buzzing around lazily. Floyd | Floyd | I can hear a raised voice ranting on the other side of the door to the Floyd | Chief Inspector's office. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "window" | ||||
Floyd | I look out the window and across the smoke-blackened rooftops of Floyd | Oldchester. The sun's low on the horizon, looking all pale and Floyd | sleepy. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "fly" | ||||
Floyd | It looks sort of like a wasp, only not nearly as sure of itself. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Touchy says (to Floyd), "x buttons" | ||||
Floyd | There are loads of chunky buttons set into the front of the box. Most Floyd | of them are blank, but some have neat inscriptions. There are buttons Floyd | marked CHIEF, Serious CRIMES, FRAUD, and NARCOTICS. Oh, and a bit of Floyd | paper has been stuck to one button with the word UNFATHOMABLE Floyd | scribbled on it. Floyd | Floyd | The button marked 'Narcotics' is currently depressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Touchy says (to Floyd), "press chief" | ||||
Floyd | I push the button marked 'Chief'. It depresses with a firm 'click', Floyd | and the button marked 'Narcotics' pops back up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "pull lever" | ||||
Floyd | I grab the lever on the side of the box and give it a firm yank. The Floyd | hole in the box emits a tremendous sucking sound until I let the lever Floyd | spring back into place. Floyd | Floyd | The stripy fly is sucked helplessly into the pneumatic tube. Pharaoh Floyd | speed, little stripy fly. Floyd | Floyd | Things suddenly go quiet in the Chief Inspector's office. Let's WAIT Floyd | and see what happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | Touchy says, "aren't we a nasty little girl" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "wait" | ||||
Floyd | The door to the Chief Inspector's office opens quietly, and NATE slips Floyd | into the room. I get a brief glimpse of a fat, bald man swatting at Floyd | the air with a rolled up newspaper before the door closes again. Floyd | Floyd | Nate says, "I decided that now might not be the time to tell the Chief Floyd | Inspector about the difference between a striped carrion fly and a Floyd | wasp." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "fly" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "chief" | ||||
Floyd | The button marked 'Chief' is currently depressed. Physically, I mean. Floyd | Emotionally, it seems to be holding up fine. Floyd | Floyd | "I see you've already met my colleague, FORTHRIGHT," Nate says. Floyd | Floyd | I turn around with a start and see a tall man with a long nose leaning Floyd | against the wall. Floyd | Floyd | "I find her powers of observation lacking," he says. Floyd | Floyd | The nerve! I could try and put this bloke in his PLACE or just BITE Floyd | my tongue. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "place" | ||||
Floyd | "You must get a lot of practice," I say, "spying on young women." Floyd | Floyd | He just ignores me. I'll take that to mean he can't think of a good Floyd | comeback. Floyd | Floyd | "Well," Nate says, "it was fun while it lasted, but it looks like I'm Floyd | off Unfathomable Crimes and back at the Old Warren desk." Floyd | Floyd | "Because of her?" Forthright asks. Floyd | Floyd | Okay, I feel pretty rotten right now. Should I be SYMPATHETIC towards Floyd | Walker, or HARSH towards Forthright? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "sympathetic" | ||||
Floyd | "Are you in trouble because of me, Na- uh, Walker?" I demand, Floyd | watching Forthright carefully. "Because I'm telling you, I'm really Floyd | not worth it." Floyd | Floyd | "There's no way I was going to let them lobotomise you, Ivy," Nate Floyd | says. "You didn't do anything to deserve that. And in any case, I... Floyd | don't mind working the Old Warren. The cases may be less fancy, but Floyd | they need good detectives as much as anyone else." Floyd | Floyd | Forthright shakes his head. "I think it's a crying shame. Look, take Floyd | this." He hands Nate a piece of PAPER. "Someone telephoned in a Floyd | murder and it looks right up your alley. One last unfathomable case, Floyd | okay? You're probably the only one who can solve it anyway." Floyd | Floyd | Shooting me a final hateful look, Forthright stalks out of the office. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Should we ever be saving?" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Just, y'know, askin'" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Taking back one turn: "sympathetic". Floyd | Floyd | Office of Unfathomable Crimes Floyd | I'm in the Oldchester C.I.D., specifically the Office of Unfathomable Floyd | Crimes. It's quite homely, really, with sunlight streaming in through Floyd | a large WINDOW and moustachioed men smiling down from PICTURE frames Floyd | on the walls. Floyd | Floyd | A DESK fills much of the room, piled high with PAPERS and FILES, and a Floyd | pneumatic TUBE snakes along one wall. Floyd | Floyd | FORTHRIGHT is leaning against the wall. Floyd | Floyd | NATE stands an arm's length away, leaning on his cane. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||||
Floyd | Please select a file in which to save the current position > Floyd | Saved. Floyd | Floyd | > | Pacian says, "Maybe in case Floyd explodes or something." | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Well, or to re-explore a path later, you mean? But there's no unwinnable state, I guess?" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sympathetic" | ||||
Floyd | "Are you in trouble because of me, Na- uh, Walker?" I demand, Floyd | watching Forthright carefully. "Because I'm telling you, I'm really Floyd | not worth it." Floyd | Floyd | "There's no way I was going to let them lobotomise you, Ivy," Nate Floyd | says. "You didn't do anything to deserve that. And in any case, I... Floyd | don't mind working the Old Warren. The cases may be less fancy, but Floyd | they need good detectives as much as anyone else." Floyd | Floyd | Forthright shakes his head. "I think it's a crying shame. Look, take Floyd | this." He hands Nate a piece of PAPER. "Someone telephoned in a Floyd | murder and it looks right up your alley. One last unfathomable case, Floyd | okay? You're probably the only one who can solve it anyway." Floyd | Floyd | Shooting me a final hateful look, Forthright stalks out of the office. Floyd | Floyd | > | Pacian says, "Now that you mention it... There's no unwinnable state, but you may miss some things. Maybe." | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "paper" | ||||
Floyd | I peer over at the piece of paper that Forthright gave to Nate. The Floyd | handwriting is almost illegible, but I can make out the words 'murder' Floyd | and 'uptown'. This must be one of those classy killings Walker's Floyd | always solving. Floyd | Floyd | Nate reads the paper and smiles. "Another mystery afoot! We should Floyd | LEAVE as soon as you're ready, Ivy." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "walker" | ||||
Floyd | Nate's the kind of delicate, impossibly beautiful young man you'd Floyd | sooner expect to see reclining in a bay window writing poetry than Floyd | examining a corpse in the Old Warren. Floyd | Floyd | But there's also a sort of nervous energy to him, and his hair's Floyd | always falling over one eye or the other as he looks around with Floyd | intense interest. Floyd | Floyd | Nate is carrying a BOWLER hat, a CANE, a police BADGE, and a PIECE of Floyd | paper, and he's wearing a three-piece SUIT. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "memo" | ||||
Floyd | It's very neatly typed, on a perfectly square piece of paper. Floyd | Floyd | MEMORANDUM Floyd | Floyd | Rumours are circulating that a woman has been commissioned as a police Floyd | officer. These rumours are untrue. While a woman has been employed Floyd | to assist the C.I.D., she is not doing so in the capacity of either Floyd | constable or detective. Floyd | Floyd | Frankly, the gossiping this event has sparked leads me to believe that Floyd | she will feel quite at home with the lot of you. Floyd | Floyd | Chief Inspector LeStains Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "piece" | ||||
Floyd | I peer over at the piece of paper that Forthright gave to Nate. The Floyd | handwriting is almost illegible, but I can make out the words 'murder' Floyd | and 'uptown'. This must be one of those classy killings Walker's Floyd | always solving. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "forthright" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Office of Unfathomable Crimes Floyd | I'm in the Oldchester C.I.D., specifically the Office of Unfathomable Floyd | Crimes. It's quite homely, really, with sunlight streaming in through Floyd | a large WINDOW and moustachioed men smiling down from PICTURE frames Floyd | on the walls. Floyd | Floyd | A DESK fills much of the room, piled high with PAPERS and FILES, and a Floyd | pneumatic TUBE snakes along one wall. Floyd | Floyd | NATE stands an arm's length away, leaning on his cane. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | And an abracadabra to you too. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "cane" | ||||
Floyd | "Can I just ask," I begin, "I've always wondered about the cane..." Floyd | Floyd | He smiles grimly. "I was shot. The bullet missed the femoral artery, Floyd | but still shattered my thighbone like glass." Floyd | Floyd | I cringe. "Ouch." Floyd | Floyd | "Yes, I recall saying something along those lines myself." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "badge" | ||||
Floyd | I can't see it very well, but I bet it gets him through all sorts of Floyd | doors. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "suit" | ||||
Floyd | Nate's dressed like for a funeral. I s'pose there often is one when Floyd | he turns up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "bowler" | ||||
Floyd | I'd describe Nate's little hat as moderately adorable. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "heh, aw" | |||
maga says, "man who made Violet a supervillain" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "leave" | ||||
Floyd | I crack my knuckles. "Okay: let's get policing! Can I drive your Floyd | motor car?" Floyd | Floyd | Nate smiles. "In general: yes. But this is perhaps not the time to Floyd | learn." Floyd | Floyd | (Press space...) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | The bluebottle at the door salutes Nate and gives me the evil eye. Floyd | And then we're inside the scene of the crime. Floyd | Floyd | "It's all yours," Nate says, with a wry smile. "Detect!" Floyd | Floyd | The Explorer's Home Floyd | You know what? It's cold in here. The wind blows right in through Floyd | the smashed balcony DOORS, rippling the fur of the room's shaggy RUG Floyd | and tugging on the torn sheets of the four-poster BED. Floyd | Floyd | There's a mangled CORPSE on the bed - the whole reason we're here, of Floyd | course. And the walls are lined with all sorts of TROPHIES and stuff Floyd | from around the Arctic and Antarctic. Floyd | Floyd | NATE stands an arm's length away, leaning on his cane. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Ferret has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | olethros says, "I can't stop thinking of our Nate" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "doors" | ||||
Floyd | The balcony doors look like they've been hit by a bomb. The JAMBS are Floyd | all bent out of shape and shards of broken GLASS have been scattered Floyd | over the floor. Floyd | Floyd | "Would it be jumping to conclusions," I ask, "to think they might have Floyd | come in through the balcony?" Floyd | Floyd | Nate nods. "It seems a sensible hypothesis." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "glass" | ||||
Floyd | "Okay, I know this is penny dreadful stuff, but the glass is on the Floyd | inside of the room, so the doors were broken in from the outside... Floyd | right?" Floyd | Floyd | Nate smiles. "Just because it's obvious, that doesn't mean it's Floyd | wrong." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "jambs" | ||||
Floyd | The jambs are the side parts of the doorframe. But you knew that. Floyd | Floyd | "It doesn't look like this was caused just by forcing the doors open," Floyd | I ponder aloud. "It's like something a bit too big was crammed Floyd | through here. They must have stolen something. Something big." Floyd | Floyd | Nate says, "Oh really?" Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to olethros), "heh" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "rug" | ||||
Floyd | This has got to be the shaggiest rug I've ever seen. Peering closer, Floyd | I think I see something. "Hey, there's loads of little DENTS in the Floyd | rug, like there was a heavy table here, and someone bounced it around Floyd | all over the place." Floyd | Floyd | Nate leans forward on his cane and acknowledges my find silently. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "dents" | ||||
Floyd | "You know how when you move a heavy piece of furniture, you find the Floyd | legs have left dents in the carpet?" Floyd | Floyd | "I can't say I'm intimately acquainted with the phenomenon," Nate Floyd | says, "but yes." Floyd | Floyd | "These dents are sort of like that," I go on, "but they're not pressed Floyd | down too much, like whatever was here wasn't here for long." Floyd | Floyd | Nate makes an appreciative nod. I think I'm going to write this down Floyd | in my NOTEBOOK. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "corpse" | ||||
Floyd | The legendary polar explorer Saul Hawthorne is lying on the bed, quite Floyd | thoroughly deceased. His broken LIMBS have been wrapped twice around Floyd | his body and his FACE is frozen into a rictus of surprise and agony. Floyd | Floyd | Nate watches me closely. "It's okay if you feel faint." Floyd | Floyd | "Pfff. I'm fine." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "notebook" | ||||
Floyd | I flip open my notebook. So far, I've made the following notes: Floyd | Floyd | -(A doodle of Walker.) Floyd | -The pedals of a motor car go: clutch, brake, accelerator, from left Floyd | to right. Floyd | -Something made lots of dents in the rug. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "faint" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "swoon" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "limbs" | ||||
Floyd | I'm not sure exactly how his arms and legs got in this state. It's Floyd | like a giant tried to roll him up like a ball of string. His skin has Floyd | circular BRUISES all over it. Floyd | Floyd | "I actually fainted at my first crime scene," Nate reassures me. Floyd | Floyd | I laugh. "Seriously, I'm fine." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "bruises" | ||||
Floyd | His arms and legs - the same arms and legs mangled almost beyond Floyd | recognition - are marked with countless circular bruises. I think Floyd | I'll write this down in my NOTEBOOK. Floyd | Floyd | "Are you sure you're okay?" Nate asks. Floyd | Floyd | "I did throw up in my mouth a bit," I admit, "but I just swallowed it Floyd | back down." Floyd | Floyd | "Well, as long as you feel you have it under control." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "face" | ||||
Floyd | Whatever did this to him, I don't think he saw it coming. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "back" | ||||
Floyd | I don't know how to return from here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "very squamous" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "turn over corpse" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | The Explorer's Home Floyd | You know what? It's cold in here. The wind blows right in through Floyd | the smashed balcony DOORS, rippling the fur of the room's shaggy RUG Floyd | and tugging on the torn sheets of the four-poster BED. Floyd | Floyd | There's a mangled CORPSE on the bed - the whole reason we're here, of Floyd | course. And the walls are lined with all sorts of TROPHIES and stuff Floyd | from around the Arctic and Antarctic. Floyd | Floyd | NATE stands an arm's length away, leaning on his cane. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "bed" | ||||
Floyd | "From the state of this bed," I say, surveying the mess made of its Floyd | torn and crumpled sheets, "I think it's safe to assume he didn't die Floyd | peacefully in his sleep." Floyd | Floyd | Nate nods. "And it therefore seems quite probable that he was mangled Floyd | by the very method of his murder, rather than post mortem." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l under bed" | ||||
Floyd | I see nothing unusual under the bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "sheets" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "trophies" | ||||
Floyd | This bloke obviously liked to surround himself with evidence of his Floyd | own achievements. There are countless picture FRAMES on the walls, Floyd | some freaky SPECIMENS, a few... let's call them KNICKKNACKS, and a Floyd | huge MAP of Antarctica. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "it was THE HIDEOUS MOSTROSITY with TENTACLES at UNDER THE BED" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "frames" | ||||
Floyd | I bet it took real work to fit all these different sized frames Floyd | together so neatly, with so little space left over. What jumps out at Floyd | me? There's an ancient SCROLL, the front page of a NEWSPAPER, an Floyd | AERIAL photo, a photo of two MEN, some sort of mathematical CHART, and Floyd | a diagram of something like a candelabra or a TREE or something. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "yay freaky specimens" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Don't examine the freaky specimens." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I want the, left to my imagination." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Or, y'know, do... if it is necessary to advance things." | ||||
olethros says, "but they could be pieces of the murderer's relatives" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "scroll" | ||||
Floyd | The scroll shows a load of stick figures pointing at a star, with Floyd | scribbly words spiralling around in every open gap. A plaque on the Floyd | frame reads: 'Ancient peoples record the meteor falling to Earth with Floyd | great accuracy. Modern calculations prove its origin at Mars.' Floyd | Floyd | "People complain about progress," I say, "but I don't think going from Floyd | stick figures to photographs in a few thousand years is to be sniffed Floyd | at." Floyd | Floyd | Nate says, "Quite." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "newspaper" | ||||
Floyd | The newspaper shows two men posing outside the Oldchester Museum, with Floyd | the headline: Hero Explorers' Audience with Pharaoh. The fella on the Floyd | left looks like the victim. The other one's a man in an eye-patch. Floyd | Floyd | "So he was famous then?" I ask. Floyd | Floyd | Nate says, "Renowned." Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "ah we are in the Mountains of Madness territory then?" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "aerial" | ||||
Floyd | Well, I suppose it's an aerial photo. Depends how tall the Floyd | photographer was. Floyd | Floyd | There's a wide swathe of barren ice, and in the middle of it is a Floyd | basin or dip that's overflowing with weird trees and dense vines. Floyd | There are little dots surrounding it, like birds, only not birds, if Floyd | you know what I mean. | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "aerial" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | "Explorers go to some weird places," I say to Nate. Floyd | Floyd | He looks at me funny. "I think that's by definition." Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Well, I suppose it's an aerial photo. Depends how tall the Floyd | photographer was. Floyd | Floyd | There's a wide swathe of barren ice, and in the middle of it is a Floyd | basin or dip that's overflowing with weird trees and dense vines. Floyd | There are little dots surrounding it, like birds, only not birds, if Floyd | you know what I mean. Floyd | Floyd | "Explorers go to some weird places," I say to Nate. Floyd | Floyd | He looks at me funny. "I think that's by definition." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "men" | ||||
Floyd | A photograph of two men wrapped up in furs and standing in front of a Floyd | cave painting. One of them looks like the victim, the other's someone Floyd | in an eye-patch. Floyd | Floyd | The painting shows a load of inhuman stick figures feeding their Floyd | fellows to a tentacled blob. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "oh indeed" | |||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Fang exclaims, "I'm sure there's an innocent explanation!" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "chart" | ||||
Floyd | A comparison of the Antarctic climate versus apparent Martian Floyd | temperatures. Fascinating stuff. Floyd | Floyd | "What kind of holiday time do I get, Nate? It looks like Mars is nice Floyd | this time of year." Floyd | Floyd | He looks thoughtful. "I'm not sure if you're displaying a complete Floyd | ignorance of the actual nature of seasons, or making a witty comment Floyd | about the eccentricity of the Martian orbit." Floyd | Floyd | "The former," I say, "definitely." Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "okay, when we get to the underground-tunnel bit we're making Walker go first, and bringing whiskey" | |||
olethros fails to get the ref | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "tree" | ||||
Floyd | According to the title: "The Martian Life of the Antarctic: A Floyd | Provisional Taxonomy". It seems to consist of loads of lines Floyd | connecting long, made-up words. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "but I *am* otherwise well-read, I assure you, please have mercy" | |||
Jacqueline says, "I believe the whiskey bit is a ref to Arkham Horror the game." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Where you can discard whiskey to prevent loss on one point of sanity." | ||||
maga says (to olethros), "and CoC games tend to end with you exploring somewhere underground and promptly getting devoured" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "chart" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "knicknacks" | ||||
Floyd | A comparison of the Antarctic climate versus apparent Martian Floyd | temperatures. Fascinating stuff. Floyd | Floyd | "What kind of holiday time do I get, Nate? It looks like Mars is nice Floyd | this time of year." Floyd | Floyd | He looks thoughtful. "I'm not sure if you're displaying a complete Floyd | ignorance of the actual nature of seasons, or making a witty comment Floyd | about the eccentricity of the Martian orbit." Floyd | Floyd | "The former," I say, "definitely." Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | So you go to Antarctica, without heat, food or reliable transport, and Floyd | you still come back with loads of rubbish that you don't need. It's a Floyd | terrible statement on the human condition. Floyd | Floyd | I s'pose the most interesting knickknacks I can see are a husky's Floyd | COLLAR, a woolly SCARF and a MEDAL. All of them just pinned to the Floyd | wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "The whole whiskey preventing sanity loss is an aspect of the game of which maga (unsurprisingly) approves." | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "tree" | ||||
Floyd | According to the title: "The Martian Life of the Antarctic: A Floyd | Provisional Taxonomy". It seems to consist of loads of lines Floyd | connecting long, made-up words. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "medal" | ||||
Floyd | The 'South Polar Society Star for Heroic Dedication to Science.' I Floyd | say to Nate, "At least he got recognised before he died. Does that Floyd | happen for police detectives?" Floyd | Floyd | Nate says, "Only the ones who don't make waves." Floyd | Floyd | "Oh. Then I missed my chance without even knowing I had it." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "collar" | ||||
Floyd | The nametag reads 'Butch'. Floyd | Floyd | "I believe they were forced to eat their dogs," Nate explains. Floyd | Floyd | I frown. "And just think: if Butch had eaten this bloke because he Floyd | was hungry, people would have called it a tragedy." Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "scarf" | ||||
Floyd | I finger the scarf. It feels warm, but I'm not sure I'd trust it with Floyd | my life at the South Pole. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "specimens" | ||||
Floyd | Yuck. Okay, there's a polar bear's HEAD mounted on the wall, a Floyd | pickled space creature in a JAR, and an exotic AQUARIUM. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "map" | ||||
Floyd | Wow. That's a lot of ice. There are a couple of flags pinned into Floyd | the map, one marked 'Pharaoh Base' and the other 'Expedition 1'. Floyd | Floyd | "So this guy was a polar explorer," I muse. Floyd | Floyd | Nate says, "You catch on quick." Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "I knew there'd be a polar bear, somehow." | |||
Jota says, "Drat, I got a phone call and missed 600-700 lines worth. I guess I'm out." | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "head" | ||||
Floyd | I reach out and stroke the polar bear's muzzle. He looks fierce, but Floyd | his fur's nice and soft. "Poor thing. If only he'd covered his nose Floyd | with his paw when he saw this bloke coming." Floyd | Floyd | "They don't actually ever do that," Nate corrects me. Floyd | Floyd | "Well," I say, "the sooner they start, the better." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Bert goes home. | ||||
Bert has disconnected. | Fang says (to Jota), "there's not much new" | |||
Ferret arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | Jacqueline says (to Jota), "Yeah, I was two pages behind for the first quarter of the game. It moves pretty darn quickly." | |||
Fang says, "well, it's mostly squamousness" | ||||
Jota says (to Fang), "Except for 600-700 lines of text." | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "jar" | ||||
Floyd | It's... This little blighter must be of great scientific interest, Floyd | that's for sure. "Where's its head?" I ask. "Is that its mouth?" Floyd | Floyd | "That's its anus," Nate informs me, without so much as blinking. Floyd | Floyd | "Well they must have very different priorities on Mars." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "aquarium" | Jota says, "Given that I was enjoying the first part, I assume the next 600 lines would have also been worth reading, so I wouldn't consider it not much." | |||
Floyd | An opulent, oversized tank of water, currently occupied by some gravel Floyd | and a little CASTLE. No sign of the fish at present. What a waste of Floyd | water. Floyd | Floyd | "Any little aspect of the crime scene can be relevant," Nate says, Floyd | cryptically. "There's no such thing as too much knowledge." Floyd | Floyd | Hmm. Maybe the fish is a suspect? I wonder what its alibi is? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "castle" | ||||
Floyd | Looking a little more closely, I think I can make out a tiny round eye Floyd | staring back at me from inside the little castle. "So I've solved the Floyd | case of the missing FISH." Floyd | Floyd | To my surprise, Nate limps over to get a closer look. "I see. Very Floyd | interesting." Floyd | Floyd | The thing is, I don't think he's joking. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "fish" | ||||
Floyd | I tap on the side of the aquarium. The fish just stares out at me. Floyd | Floyd | "Don't," Nate says. "It's clearly been frightened." Floyd | Floyd | "I thought that's just what fish did? Hide, so you wonder why you Floyd | bothered to get them in the first place." Floyd | Floyd | Nate brushes back his hair. "Well, if you don't think it's relevant." Floyd | Floyd | I sigh. "Fine, I'll write it down in my NOTEBOOK. Happy?" Floyd | Floyd | Nate reaches out for my notebook and glances over it. "I think you've Floyd | got enough here that you might be able to EXPLAIN the method of Floyd | murder." Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang asks, "so, the fish did it?" | |||
Jacqueline says, "hmmm" | ||||
maga says, "it was a shoggoth" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "explain" | ||||
Floyd | "You want me to explain how this man was twisted to death in his own Floyd | bed?" Floyd | Floyd | Nate purses his lips. "I believe I said as much." Floyd | Floyd | "The dents in the rug... the frightened fish... I dunno, an angler Floyd | with two peg legs?" Floyd | Floyd | Nate turns towards the maimed corpse. "I've never seen a fisherman Floyd | who could do this to a person. And what about the circular bruises?" Floyd | Floyd | Well, I s'pose could keep trying to EXPLAIN the murder, or just SHRUG. Floyd | Floyd | > | Touchy asks, "How do the martians fit in here? What universe is this?" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "explain" | ||||
Floyd | "How about some kind of... petrol-driven arm and leg twisting Floyd | machine?" Floyd | Floyd | "No," Nate says. "That would never frighten a fish. Fish don't have Floyd | arms or legs. I know you can EXPLAIN it, though. Keep trying." Floyd | Floyd | Or maybe I should just SHRUG and give up. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "giant octopus like thing, probably" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "explain" | ||||
Floyd | "Frightens fish, leaves dents... a swarm of angry fishing rods?" Floyd | Floyd | Nate sighs. "Now you're just being absurd." Floyd | Floyd | EXPLAIN, SHRUG, the choice is yours. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "explain" | ||||
Floyd | "Okay, I think I've got it this time: a typhoon machine on robotic Floyd | legs. Typhoons are at sea, right?" Floyd | Floyd | "Better," Nate says, "but the whole room would be in disarray if that Floyd | were the case. I know you can EXPLAIN this mystery, Ivy. Don't give Floyd | up." Floyd | Floyd | The urge to SHRUG is almost overwhelming. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "punch nate" | ||||
Floyd | My attacks are made in the medium of graffiti and petty vandalism. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "explain" | ||||
Floyd | "A giant sea urchin, bent on murder. The dents are its footprints. Floyd | The victim twisted himself to death trying to avoid its spines." Floyd | Floyd | Nate seems impressed. "Well thought out, but sea urchins are very Floyd | mellow creatures, as their spines protect them from all the ills of Floyd | the world. I can't imagine one being moved to kill." Floyd | Floyd | "This is ridiculous, Nate, I have no idea." Floyd | Floyd | "I know you can EXPLAIN this, Ivy. All the evidence is here." Floyd | Floyd | I SHRUG, but not in any final sort of fashion. Yet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "mock nate through the medium of street art" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
djfletch has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "explain" | ||||
Floyd | I throw up my hands. "A shark on stilts." Floyd | Floyd | Nate laughs, and I feel myself turning red with embarrassment. Maybe Floyd | this sort of thing comes easily to him, but- Floyd | Floyd | "Very close," Nate says. "I think you almost have it." Floyd | Floyd | "Um, what?" Floyd | Floyd | Can I really EXPLAIN this bizarre crime, or should I just SHRUG and Floyd | get Nate to enlighten me? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "explain" | ||||
Floyd | "My head hurts," I whine. "My mind's gone blank." Floyd | Floyd | "Nonsense," Nate snaps. Floyd | Floyd | "Okay... a predatory sea creature that frightened the fish... it's on Floyd | robotic legs, which left dents in the rug... and... it twisted a man Floyd | up like so much yarn... so it was an octopus?" Floyd | Floyd | Nate squeezes my shoulder. "Based on the sucker marks, I'd say a Floyd | giant squid, but you're in the right phylum and class." Floyd | Floyd | I stare at him open mouthed. Floyd | Floyd | He looks around. "Now, I suspect we may be able to find out who Floyd | sicced this abomination on our victim if we rifle his writing DESK." Floyd | Floyd | I frown. "What writing-? Oh." Floyd | Floyd | > | Touchy says, "heehee" | |||
Fang says, "haha" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "desk" | ||||
Floyd | This absolutely was not here earlier. Otherwise I'd have mentioned Floyd | it. Nate must have moved it in while I was distracted with all the Floyd | other junk packed into this ridiculous room. I mean, there's a polar Floyd | bear's HEAD on the wall. Is it any wonder if I get distracted? Floyd | Anyway. Floyd | Floyd | It's a very neat little desk, not much used, I'd say. Two small Floyd | DRAWERS are set into one side of the thing. On the desk is a PINK Floyd | letter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "pink" | ||||
Floyd | Written in a careful and delicate script: Floyd | Floyd | Sweetiepie, Floyd | Miss you so much when you're away. Hurry round to visit as soon as Floyd | you can, and bring me a nice surprise! Floyd | Love and huggles, Floyd | Elizabeth Floyd | Floyd | P.S. Muggles the kitten misses you as well! Floyd | Floyd | "Anything pertinent?" Nate asks. Floyd | Floyd | "Only to my fading ability to hold onto my breakfast." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "drawers" | ||||
Floyd | The desk has two drawers. Do you want me to open the TOP one, or the Floyd | BOTTOM one? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "top" | ||||
Floyd | Opening the top drawer reveals a BLUE letter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "blue" | ||||
Floyd | The letter's written in a blocky, neat hand. Floyd | Floyd | Saul, Floyd | Our mutual friend is in the city. Don't ask me how. Perhaps you Floyd | can pay him off? Floyd | Rupert Wetherby Floyd | Floyd | I show the letter to Nate. "Does this sound like the kind of thing Floyd | that gets people murdered?" Floyd | Floyd | "Anything can get one murdered, in my experience. Keep looking." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "blue" | ||||
Floyd | The letter's written in a blocky, neat hand. Floyd | Floyd | Saul, Floyd | Our mutual friend is in the city. Don't ask me how. Perhaps you Floyd | can pay him off? Floyd | Rupert Wetherby Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "oho" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "bottom" | ||||
Floyd | I try the bottom drawer, but it won't budge. On closer inspection, Floyd | there's a little warded LOCK on the thing. Floyd | Floyd | Nate looks over the desk. "The key may be around here somewhere..." Floyd | Floyd | I clear my throat. "I am all the keys you will ever need." Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Our mutual friend... Mr. Octopus?" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "lock" | ||||
Floyd | I pull out one of my hatpins and bend the end into a 'bit' with my Floyd | teeth. Slide it into the lock like a key, turn it, and... click. Floyd | Floyd | Nate says, "I expect you think I'm impressed." Floyd | Floyd | I blow him a kiss, like a moving picture star. "I know you're Floyd | impressed." Floyd | Floyd | Opening the drawer, I find a YELLOW letter. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hee hee" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "yellow" | ||||
Floyd | This letter's written in an almost uncontrolled scrawl. Floyd | Floyd | Saul Floyd | Floyd | Thought you got rid of me, did you? Floyd | Well I'm on my way home. Floyd | You'll get yours, city boy. Floyd | Floyd | From you know who. Floyd | Floyd | I show it to Nate. "Look like a letter from a murderer to you?" Floyd | Floyd | He develops a crooked smile. "This must be the mutual friend Floyd | mentioned in the other letter. It seems that 'Rupert' shall have a Floyd | number of questions to answer." Floyd | Floyd | Nate runs his fingers through his hair and puts on his bowler. "We'll Floyd | LEAVE once you feel you've sated your curiosity, shall we?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "nate" | ||||
Floyd | Nate's the kind of delicate, impossibly beautiful young man you'd Floyd | sooner expect to see reclining in a bay window writing poetry than Floyd | examining a corpse in the Old Warren. Floyd | Floyd | But there's also a sort of nervous energy to him, and his hair's Floyd | always falling over one eye or the other as he looks around with Floyd | intense interest. Floyd | Floyd | Nate is carrying a CANE and a police BADGE, and he's wearing a BOWLER Floyd | hat and a three-piece SUIT. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | The Explorer's Home Floyd | You know what? It's cold in here. The wind blows right in through Floyd | the smashed balcony DOORS, rippling the fur of the room's shaggy RUG Floyd | and tugging on the torn sheets of the four-poster BED. Floyd | Floyd | There's a mangled CORPSE on the bed - the whole reason we're here, of Floyd | course. And the walls are lined with all sorts of TROPHIES and stuff Floyd | from around the Arctic and Antarctic. Floyd | Floyd | Among the clutter is a writing DESK. Floyd | Floyd | The bottom drawer contains a YELLOW letter. The top drawer contains a Floyd | BLUE letter. Floyd | Floyd | A little FISH watches us from inside its castle. Floyd | Floyd | NATE stands an arm's length away, leaning on his cane. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "notebook" | ||||
Floyd | I flip open my notebook. So far, I've made the following notes: Floyd | Floyd | -(A doodle of Walker.) Floyd | -The pedals of a motor car go: clutch, brake, accelerator, from left Floyd | to right. Floyd | -Something made lots of dents in the rug. Floyd | -There are circular blotches on the victim's limbs. Floyd | -Nate thinks the fish is frightened. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "leave" | ||||
Floyd | I check my hat's properly in place and make for the door, dragging Floyd | Nate behind me. Floyd | Floyd | (Press space...) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | "No entry," the doorman says. "Members only. And you're not even a Floyd | gentleman." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy waves her papers in his face. "Police. We can go where we like." Floyd | Floyd | "That's not strictly true," I whisper. Floyd | Floyd | The Adventurous Gentleman's Club Floyd | Tobacco SMOKE hangs in the air like a mist of filth. I've been in Floyd | opium dens with more pleasant air, although they admittedly lacked the Floyd | fine mahogany FURNITURE of this place. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is by my side, elfin and mischievous. Floyd | Floyd | Rupert WETHERBY sits staring at us. "You're both police officers? Floyd | The world's really gone to pot." Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "this is kind of lawnmowerish, but hey, fun writing" | |||
Touchy asks, "lawnmowerish?" | ||||
Fang says, "huh, perspective change" | ||||
Touchy asks, "Can you depoetify that for me?" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | I glance over at Ivy. I see a young woman, about the same age and Floyd | height as me, slender, athletic, elfin. Her hair is cut into a short Floyd | bob and her features are untouched by rouge. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy is carrying a NOTEBOOK, a YELLOW letter, and a BLUE letter, and Floyd | she's wearing a long JACKET, a short DRESS, and a CLOCHE hat. Floyd | Floyd | "Mr Wetherby," Ivy begins uncertainly, "we were wondering about these Floyd | two letters." Floyd | Floyd | He waves them away. "Not related to Saul's death, I assure you. I Floyd | understand you must investigate, but some things are better left Floyd | unknown." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "dress" | ||||
Floyd | A simple and short dress, unlikely to get in the way - especially Floyd | since it barely covers her KNEES. Floyd | Floyd | "Okay," Ivy whispers to me, "I'll be bad cop. You just DEFEND him, Floyd | APPEAL to his better nature, OFFER leniency, that sort of thing." Floyd | Floyd | "Bad cop?" I repeat stupidly, although the term certainly fits. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "menu-based conversation is often criticized because it encourages players to grind through all the options" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "knees" | ||||
Floyd | Ivy's bare legs are slender, pale, eminently distracting... Floyd | Floyd | She looks in my direction and I glance quickly away. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy rolls up her sleeves and swaggers over to Wetherby. "Is there Floyd | something about this 'you know who' that you'd prefer to hide from the Floyd | law?" Floyd | Floyd | Wetherby seems unimpressed by her display. "I assure you that this Floyd | matter, while I might prefer to keep it secret, is not related to his Floyd | murder." Floyd | Floyd | Should I DEFEND Rupert, APPEAL to his better nature, or OFFER Floyd | leniency? Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "SORRY MUST STAY FOCUSED" | |||
Pacian says, ""Keep your mind on the game."" | ||||
olethros says, "hey Pacian" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "appeal" | ||||
Floyd | "Mr Wetherby," I say, "please. The murderer must be caught before he Floyd | or she kills again." Floyd | Floyd | He shakes his head. "I'll say it again. These letters will not lead Floyd | you to the murderer." Floyd | Floyd | "So you're protecting the victim," Ivy says. "How noble. Or Floyd | perhaps... you're actually protecting yourself. If Hawthorne had paid Floyd | this person off, maybe you'd have profited?" Floyd | Floyd | Wetherby glares at her. Floyd | Floyd | Should I DEFEND Rupert, APPEAL to his better nature, or OFFER Floyd | leniency? Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks (of olethros), "Heh. Did you only just now realize Pacian was here?" | |||
olethros says, "I am that slow." | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "offer" | ||||
Floyd | "If you help us, I'm sure the courts will be lenient." I suggest. Floyd | Floyd | "I'm no accomplice to whoever killed my dearest friend," Wetherby Floyd | spits. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy idly digs her heel into the expensive carpet. "Even if you're not Floyd | involved in the murder, I bet you were stabbing Hawthorne in the back Floyd | in some way or another. I mean, what are you so afraid we'll find Floyd | out?" Floyd | Floyd | Should I DEFEND Rupert, APPEAL to his better nature, or OFFER Floyd | leniency? Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "heh heh aw" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "defend" | ||||
Floyd | "I'm sure he's not afraid of anything," I say. "It may well be Floyd | perfectly innocent." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy grins. "Well, we'll find out eventually, with or without his Floyd | co-operation." Floyd | Floyd | "I suppose you might as well hear it from me," Wetherby says. "Look, Floyd | Saul was no coward. We faced real dangers on our expedition to the Floyd | North Pole. That polar bear... I'd be dead if not for Saul. But Floyd | Saul liked his creature comforts. When we met that bo's'n on the Floyd | icebreaker, saw his remarkable likeness - well..." Floyd | Floyd | He looks at me suddenly. "Will this go any further than you two?" Floyd | Floyd | Should I DEFEND Rupert, APPEAL to his better nature, or OFFER Floyd | leniency? Floyd | Floyd | > | Touchy exclaims, "YES!!" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "offer" | ||||
Floyd | "Unless it becomes absolutely necessary to divulge this to convict his Floyd | murderer," I say, "you have our confidence." Floyd | Floyd | Wetherby smiles at me. "Thank you. I suppose that's as it must be. Floyd | And yes, I suspect, despite what I said earlier, that this is related Floyd | to his death." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy sighs. "Well, spit it out already!" Floyd | Floyd | "Saul never went to the Antarctic Crater," Wetherby says. "He hasn't Floyd | even left Oldchester in years." Floyd | Floyd | Should I DEFEND Rupert, APPEAL to his better nature, or OFFER Floyd | leniency? Floyd | Floyd | > | Touchy says, "WOOHOO" | |||
Touchy says, "I figured out my old hd password. Score." | ||||
Touchy says, "Sorry, for the distraction just needed to share." | ||||
Fang says, "haha" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "appeal" | ||||
Floyd | "Once you've shared this with us," I say, "I'm sure it will be a Floyd | weight from your shoulders." Floyd | Floyd | "I went to Antarctica with a man by the name of Nigel Davenport," Floyd | Wetherby explains. "In the photographs he looked enough like Saul, Floyd | especially with a little doctoring of the negatives. He knew the Floyd | land, but he was no scientist or gentleman, and he started to become Floyd | quite the braggart. You have to understand: a land that to others was Floyd | only death, could to him be something closer to a home..." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy gasps. "You left him there, didn't you?" Floyd | Floyd | Wetherby stares at the carpet. "How he could possibly have returned, Floyd | I do not know. But his aim now seems clear enough to me." Floyd | Floyd | Should I DEFEND Rupert, APPEAL to his better nature, or OFFER Floyd | leniency? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "offer" | ||||
Floyd | I touch Wetherby's shoulder. "I'll see that a constable is assigned Floyd | to protect you, but we shall have apprehended this man shortly." Floyd | Floyd | Wetherby seems reassured. "Thank you." Floyd | Floyd | I check that my hat is on my head. "Now, where might we find this Floyd | Davenport?" Floyd | Floyd | "I don't know," Wetherby says. "But I suspect that it will be nowhere Floyd | civilised. He was Saul's mirror opposite in many ways, and he loathed Floyd | even the least luxury." Floyd | Floyd | I find myself smiling. "I know just where to find him. Ivy, we'll Floyd | LEAVE for there immediately." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "jacket" | ||||
Floyd | Ivy's jacket is creased and battered, the fabric softened by years of Floyd | wear. Floyd | Floyd | "But what about the squid?" Ivy demands. "And what are you hiding Floyd | under that eye patch? Cuff him. Let's take him down to the station Floyd | and-" Floyd | Floyd | I cover her mouth with my hand. "I think that's quite enough from Floyd | 'bad cop', thank you." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy says, "Mmm-hhmf." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "cloche" | ||||
Floyd | Ivy's wearing one of those strange little bell-shaped hats that are Floyd | starting to creep into fashion. It looks rather adorable crowning her Floyd | elfin features. Floyd | Floyd | Wetherby squints at Ivy. "Do I know you from somewhere?" Floyd | Floyd | Ivy pulls on my arm. "I doubt it. Well, off we go..." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "wetherby" | ||||
Floyd | A craggy, ageless man in an EYEPATCH. Several of his FINGERS are Floyd | missing. Floyd | Floyd | Wetherby seems to arrive at a sudden realisation. "Silhouette! I own Floyd | the carpet factory you broke into. You tampered with the machines... Floyd | Those obscene patterns! An entire batch had to be burned!" Floyd | Floyd | Ivy shrugs nervously. "I s'pose those are the dangers of too much Floyd | automation." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "fingers" | ||||
Floyd | Frostbite has left Wetherby with an odd assortment of digits and one Floyd | thumb. Floyd | Floyd | Wetherby stares at Ivy. "You're a menace. The very idea that you Floyd | should be a free woman, let alone some charade of public authority-" Floyd | Floyd | "I believe it is in fact a crime to verbally abuse a police officer," Floyd | I announce, as if to myself. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy acquires a smug expression. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang asks, "obscene patterns?!?" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "eyepatch" | ||||
Floyd | A smart leather patch covers Wetherby's left eye. Floyd | Floyd | "I need a stout drink," Wetherby murmurs. He stands, bows reluctantly Floyd | to Ivy and walks away. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "smoke" | ||||
Floyd | Yeuch. The place could be burning down, and no-one would notice. Floyd | Floyd | "By the way," Ivy says, "You make a pretty bad 'good cop'. I respect Floyd | that." Floyd | Floyd | "I was a good enough cop to get you out of Mindflower, Ivy." Floyd | Floyd | She shakes her head. "That's not 'good cop' at all. You're bad cop Floyd | through and through. We'll try it the other way 'round next time." Floyd | Floyd | Next time! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | The Adventurous Gentleman's Club Floyd | Tobacco SMOKE hangs in the air like a mist of filth. I've been in Floyd | opium dens with more pleasant air, although they admittedly lacked the Floyd | fine mahogany FURNITURE of this place. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is by my side, elfin and mischievous. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy coughs and waves her hand in front of her. "So much smoke..." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "furniture" | ||||
Floyd | All this dark, meticulously polished wood, expertly carved into Floyd | elegant forms... It reminds me of my family home. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy coughs and pinches her nose. "My eyes are really watering..." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "notebook" | ||||
Floyd | She showed me some of the things she's doodled in there. I'd already Floyd | suspected her mind was of scientific interest, but I had no idea. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy touches my arm lightly. "I can't take it anymore. I'll be Floyd | outside when you want to LEAVE." Floyd | Floyd | She hurries outside, pausing to wave at the doorman. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "okay already" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "leave" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | "I used to come here as a kid to feed the ducks," Ivy says. "Can we Floyd | visit the pond?" Floyd | Floyd | I brush my hair back from my eyes. "Of course. If that's where Floyd | Davenport is hiding." Floyd | Floyd | Hopewell Gardens Floyd | A pleasant enough place, even if the smoke-blackened sky and tall Floyd | buildings peering over the TREES leave one under no illusions that Floyd | this is anywhere but smack in the middle of the city. Floyd | Floyd | We're on the cobbled square with the famous weeping fish FOUNTAIN. A Floyd | BENCH overlooks the area, upon which a courting COUPLE sit, side by Floyd | side. Floyd | Floyd | A PRIESTESS lies sunning herself on the grass, some distance away. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is by my side, elfin and mischievous. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Hopewell Gardens Floyd | A pleasant enough place, even if the smoke-blackened sky and tall Floyd | buildings peering over the TREES leave one under no illusions that Floyd | this is anywhere but smack in the middle of the city. Floyd | Floyd | We're on the cobbled square with the famous weeping fish FOUNTAIN. A Floyd | BENCH overlooks the area, upon which a courting COUPLE sit, side by Floyd | side. Floyd | Floyd | A PRIESTESS lies sunning herself on the grass, some distance away. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is by my side, elfin and mischievous. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "couple" | ||||
Floyd | A gentleman and lady, both smartly dressed, perhaps a little older Floyd | than Ivy and me. Floyd | Floyd | "They make a nice pair, don't you think?" I suggest. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy mimes retching. Floyd | Floyd | Seeing her gesture, the couple both shoot me a pitying look, as if Floyd | they think I should set my sights higher. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "priestess" | ||||
Floyd | Although she mostly fits the part with her straight black hair and Floyd | KALASIRIS, her pale skin marks her out as an Oldchester native. I'd Floyd | imagine that's the reason she's trying to get a tan. Floyd | Floyd | "She's judging me," Ivy says, following my gaze. "I can tell." Floyd | Floyd | > | Touchy asks, "So there are elves and aliens in this story? Is it based on anything?" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "kalasiris" | ||||
Floyd | A straight, white dress, the straps meeting behind her neck. I'm Floyd | really not sure if the hemline is higher than Ivy's. The priestess is Floyd | certainly showing more leg, but perhaps that's just because she's Floyd | lying down and- Floyd | Floyd | "You look deep in thought," Ivy says. "I s'pose any quiet moment is a Floyd | chance to ponder mysteries, right?" Floyd | Floyd | I clear my throat. "Yes, well." Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says (to Touchy), "'elfin' doesn't necessarily mean 'an elf'" | |||
Fang says, "I assume elfin is just a figure of speech, yeah" | ||||
Touchy says (to maga), "He says it so much I assumed it actually meant she's an elf after a while.." | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "bench" | ||||
Floyd | Someone has etched Silooette 4eva into the bench's arm. Now, Ivy's Floyd | spelling may not be perfect, but she can at least spell her own alias. Floyd | This message must have been left by one of her fans. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "haha silooette 4eva" | |||
Fang asks, "what's the backstory here?" | ||||
Fang says, "I guess I missed it" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "fountain" | ||||
Floyd | The fountain takes the form of a huge, scaly fish. Water cascades in Floyd | torrents from the corners of its eyes and into a pool dotted with Floyd | copper and silver coins. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy says, "Freaky. Not sure I'd trust this thing with my wishes." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "trees" | ||||
Floyd | Hopwell Gardens has always been surprisingly wooded. It's not Floyd | uncommon for people to get lost if they wander too far from the path. Floyd | Peering into the anaemic, smog-poisoned trees, I think I can make out Floyd | the tattered canvas of a TENT. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy cracks her knuckles. "You have that distant look in your eye. Floyd | The chase is afoot." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | I glance over at Ivy. I see a young woman, about the same age and Floyd | height as me, slender, athletic, elfin. Her hair is cut into a short Floyd | bob and her features are untouched by rouge. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy is carrying a NOTEBOOK, a YELLOW letter, and a BLUE letter, and Floyd | she's wearing a long JACKET, a short DRESS, and a CLOCHE hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "yellow" | ||||
Floyd | Written on scrappy paper, damaged by moisture and stained by soil. Floyd | It's hard to tell without chemical analysis, but it doesn't look like Floyd | soil native to Oldchester. Floyd | Floyd | Saul Floyd | Floyd | Thought you got rid of me, did you? Floyd | Well I'm on my way home. Floyd | You'll get yours, city boy. Floyd | Floyd | From you know who. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "blue" | ||||
Floyd | Written on paper that, while hardly rare, is certainly not Floyd | inexpensive. There's no letterhead. Floyd | Floyd | Saul, Floyd | Our mutual friend is in the city. Don't ask me how. Perhaps you Floyd | can pay him off? Floyd | Rupert Wetherby Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "tent" | ||||
Floyd | I point at the tattered piece of canvas in the trees. "Looks like Floyd | someone's camping out." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy laughs. "What kind of idiot would sleep in a tent in Hopewell Floyd | Gardens? Oh, wait... Yeah, I've not been paying attention." Floyd | Floyd | A dirt path leads IN, towards the tent. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "in" | ||||
Floyd | We follow the path into the woods, the sounds of civilisation growing Floyd | distant behind us. Floyd | Floyd | Beneath the Ancient Oak Floyd | The air here is cool and damp, the sky obscured by the broad green Floyd | leaves of an immense and gnarled OAK. A TENT canopy has been strung Floyd | across its branches, and a BARREL of fish sits between its roots. Floyd | Floyd | An unkempt MAN sits cross-legged in the dirt. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is by my side, elfin and mischievous. Floyd | Floyd | Oh, and, by the way, a giant SQUID on robot legs hulks over us all, Floyd | chained to the oak's trunk. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy grabs my arm. "A squid on robot legs! You were right! I was Floyd | right! Leg it!" Floyd | Floyd | The man leaps to his feet, swinging a flare gun wildly in our Floyd | direction. "Not so fast, townies." Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "haha" | |||
Fang says, "haha" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "squid" | ||||
Floyd | This is it, then. The largest living invertebrate. A carnivore from Floyd | the far side of the Tree of Life, that wrestles with whales in the Floyd | black depths of the ocean. With its enormous bug EYES and writhing Floyd | TENTACLES, it could almost be a monster from Mars. Floyd | Floyd | A MUZZLE is fitted over its beak, and its elongated, arrowhead body is Floyd | strapped into a set of robotic LEGS. | Taleslinger says, "Hey, he stole my shooting monsters with flare guns idea. Outrageous!" | |||
Floyd | Floyd | "Nigel Davenport," I announce, "I'm arresting you for the murder of Floyd | Saul Hawthorne. The courts will look upon it favourably if you come Floyd | quietly." Floyd | Floyd | He looks at me, then at Ivy, and then at me again. And then he bursts Floyd | out laughing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "man" | ||||
Floyd | I can see the resemblance to Hawthorne, I suppose. Although it's Floyd | obscured rather by his long, matted hair and untamed beard. Floyd | Floyd | He's bareheaded and clad in a suit of Martian SCALES. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport manages to control his mirth. "This is what qualifies for Floyd | strength and authority in the city, is it? A lame pretty boy and a Floyd | waif who can hardly see out from under her hat? No, I think you have Floyd | this situation all backwards." Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang asks, "you're arresting us?" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "scale" | ||||
Floyd | The scales shimmer in the light: rust red, coarse and dry. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy whispers to me, "You carry a gun, right?" Floyd | Floyd | I'm shocked. "Of course not! I abhor violence. That's the very Floyd | reason I became a police detective." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "cane" | ||||
Floyd | A simple but sturdy walking stick, necessary since I was shot by an Floyd | accomplice of the Bottle Street Strangler. Floyd | Floyd | "Look at you both," Davenport says. "In your city clothes. Prancing Floyd | around like you own the world." Floyd | Floyd | > | Pacian says, "In the name of the law of the jungle." | |||
Jacqueline says, "haha the I abhor violence line" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "That's awesome." | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "barrel" | ||||
Floyd | Stolen from a local fishmonger, I'm sure. It's full of slimy, oily Floyd | FISH. Floyd | Floyd | "I've seen creatures that thought they owned a world," Davenport Floyd | continues, "and then found out the hard way." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "scales" | ||||
Floyd | The scales shimmer in the light: rust red, coarse and dry. Floyd | Floyd | "Thought that was a meteorite, everyone did," Davenport says. "Left Floyd | that crater in the ice. Didn't hang 'round long enough to find the Floyd | truth." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "tent" | ||||
Floyd | A tattered piece of canvas that seems to have attracted the filth of Floyd | two continents like... well... some sort of... filth magnet. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport winks. It's a rather frightening sight. "I'll tell you. Floyd | I'll tell you what I found down there, and you'll wish I hadn't." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "legs" | ||||
Floyd | The squid's robot legs are thickly armoured and crab-like. Floyd | Petrol-driven, I suspect, given the noise. As well as providing Floyd | locomotion, they incorporate some sort of GILL apparatus. Floyd | Floyd | There's also a conspicuous LEVER in amongst the machinery. Floyd | Floyd | "This incredible machinery," I ask Davenport, "where did you get it? Floyd | Who fashioned it?" Floyd | Floyd | "T-T-" he stammers, "that's none of your business, city boy!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "lever" | ||||
Floyd | Whatever it does, it's protected by the squid's ARMS and I have Floyd | absolutely no chance of reaching it right now. Better to focus on Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | "It was an ark," Davenport announces. "A pharaoh-damned ark. Those Floyd | creatures. Those creatures scratching at the ice - dull and savage. Floyd | They were like us, once." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "fish" | ||||
Floyd | When Davenport isn't looking, Ivy purloins a haddock. Floyd | Floyd | "DISTRACT him," she hisses. Floyd | Floyd | It seems she's formulated some sort of plan. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "arms" | maga says, "hooray purloined haddock" | |||
Floyd | Gathered in a writhing coil around its mouthparts are the squid's arms Floyd | - eight muscular appendages lined with toothed suckers. Although Floyd | their reach is limited, once it's got hold of you with these, you're a Floyd | goner for sure. As Ivy might put it. Floyd | Floyd | Extending far beyond the squid's arms are its TENTACLES. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy whispers to me, "I don't understand what he's talking about." Floyd | Floyd | "Don't you read the papers?" I whisper back. Floyd | Floyd | She shrugs. "When I'm in them, sure." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "tentacles" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "distract" | ||||
Floyd | The squid has two long tentacles, each ending in an arrowhead of Floyd | suckers. They dart through the air like angry snakes. Not to be Floyd | confused with its ARMS. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport looks up at the blue sky. "Mars. Dry and cold and dead. Floyd | But it was pleasant enough. Once." Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | I adjust my bowler and start to pace away from Ivy. "You're quite Floyd | right. In fact, I see the error of my ways now. Perhaps you could Floyd | instruct me in a few survival techniques?" Floyd | Floyd | Davenport looks at me pityingly. "The only teacher you need is Mother Floyd | Nature. But I warn you, she's a harsh schoolmarm indeed." Floyd | Floyd | I try to look disappointed. "I see." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy discreetly slips the haddock into one of Davenport's pockets. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "eyes" | ||||
Floyd | The squid stares at us with glassy eyes the size of dinner plates. Floyd | Floyd | "Creatures like us lived there," Davenport says. "High 'n' mighty. Floyd | Civilised. But it counted for nothing when the oceans dried." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "muzzle" | ||||
Floyd | "Don't worry," I tell Ivy, "it's not going to eat anyone while it's Floyd | muzzled like that." Floyd | Floyd | "No," she agrees, "it'll just have to wring 'em out like a wet Floyd | stocking instead." Floyd | Floyd | "Some of 'em fled," Davenport goes on. "The ark. Bet they were the Floyd | smartest, the most civilised of all of them. But all this time later, Floyd | it don't count for nothing." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "gills" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "gill" | ||||
Floyd | Among the intricate mass of machinery that supports the squid's Floyd | existence on land is - obviously - a contraption for supplying it with Floyd | oxygenated water. I can see a glass CANISTER of water connected to a Floyd | mass of HOSES and a PUMP. Floyd | Floyd | It reminds me of my carrion fly experiment. Actually, I wonder how Floyd | that's going... Floyd | Floyd | Ivy pokes me in the ribs. "Please don't start daydreaming when we're Floyd | face to face with a sea monster." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "pump" | ||||
Floyd | I'll be honest, I have no great technical appreciation of water or air Floyd | pumps. Though after this, I'll be sure to do some research. Floyd | Floyd | "There they are," Davenport says. "Scratching at the ice like Floyd | beggars. Savages. Feeding the weak to the many-armed monsters that Floyd | came with 'em. No politeness. No etiquette. No pretence. Just do Floyd | or die." Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "that's the craziest mad scientist scenario I've ever seen" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "canister" | ||||
Floyd | Don't let the fact it's glass fool you: it must be pretty tough to Floyd | contain water at deep-sea pressures. Floyd | Floyd | "And you, pretty boy," Davenport says, pointing at me, "you think this Floyd | could never happen to us? How'd you get by without that cane of Floyd | yours?" Floyd | Floyd | "Always rather badly," I admit. He seems satisfied at that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "hoses" | ||||
Floyd | Yes, I suspect that these hoses are this thing's weak spot. But we Floyd | have no chance of getting close to them while the squid's tentacles Floyd | are free. Floyd | Floyd | "We got rid of everything worthwhile," Davenport says. "And we Floyd | replaced it all with this civilisation. Made up nonsense. Floyd | Distractions. Anything except engaging with the real world. With the Floyd | harsh realities." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "lever" | ||||
Floyd | Whatever it does, it's protected by the squid's ARMS and I have Floyd | absolutely no chance of reaching it right now. Better to focus on Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport waves an arm at the city we can just about make out through Floyd | the trees. "And what happens when all this goes the way of Mars? How Floyd | many of us will survive? How many of us even have the least idea how Floyd | to?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Beneath the Ancient Oak Floyd | The air here is cool and damp, the sky obscured by the broad green Floyd | leaves of an immense and gnarled OAK. A TENT canopy has been strung Floyd | across its branches, and a BARREL of fish sits between its roots. Floyd | Floyd | An unkempt MAN stands before us, aiming a flare gun in our direction. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is by my side, elfin and mischievous. Floyd | Floyd | Oh, and, by the way, a giant SQUID on robot legs hulks over us all, Floyd | chained to the oak's trunk. Floyd | Floyd | "You're probably right about that," I admit. "Our civilisation could Floyd | probably fall apart. Go the way of Mars. And that'd write off those Floyd | of us who rely on it. But, well, so what?" Floyd | Floyd | Ivy sighs. "Oh yeah, provoke him. That's a great idea." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "oak" | ||||
Floyd | I suppose this venerable old organism must give even the giant squid a Floyd | run for its money in the size and strength stakes, inanimate though it Floyd | may be. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport's made a bit of a mockery of the poor thing, suspending his Floyd | TENT from its branches and looping the squid's CHAIN around its thick Floyd | trunk and branches. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport stammers. "Wh- what do you mean, so what?" Floyd | Floyd | "I mean: so what? Civilisation is about trying to make lives pleasant Floyd | and easy, but we still wind up dead in the end. I'm a homicide Floyd | detective, I know that as well as anyone. I don't see that death - on Floyd | a personal or global scale - is a convincing reason to give up on Floyd | trying to make lives better while we still can." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "chain" | ||||
Floyd | The chain is wrapped and wound and knotted in all manner of fantastic Floyd | ways. I bet this fellow was a dedicated boy scout. Although, now Floyd | that I look at it, a lot of the tension in the chain seems to be held Floyd | by a single ice SCREW hammered into the ground. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport looks confused. Confused and angry. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy grabs hold of my wrist, ready to make a run for it. "You've done Floyd | it now..." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "screw" | ||||
Floyd | I jam the tip of my cane under the ice screw and steadily work it out Floyd | of the ground. The chain restraining the giant squid unravels in a Floyd | single fluid motion and the beast takes a few experimental steps Floyd | forward on its stubby metal feet. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport is ranting, "That's what you don't understand: nature can't Floyd | be tamed, can't be restrained, and all your civilisation will count Floyd | for nothing when it comes for you!" Floyd | Floyd | The squid's tentacles grab hold of him, crumpling his body up into a Floyd | mangled mass. He dies with a sharp squeal of surprise. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy slips under my arm and pulls it around her shoulders. "Yeah, I Floyd | think we should leave pretty quickly now..." Floyd | Floyd | (Press space...) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hopewell Gardens Floyd | IVY drags me out of the woods and onto the cobbled square. The park Floyd | is just as we left it. Birds sing, couples court, children frolic. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy screams, "Everybody run! A giant squid on robot legs is coming!" Floyd | Floyd | The people around the park just stare at her. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang asks, "do we want to undo?" | |||
Fang asks, "and see if he has anything else to say?" | ||||
Pacian says, "He was almost finished." | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Taking back one turn: "screw". Floyd | Floyd | Beneath the Ancient Oak Floyd | The air here is cool and damp, the sky obscured by the broad green Floyd | leaves of an immense and gnarled OAK. A TENT canopy has been strung Floyd | across its branches, and a BARREL of fish sits between its roots. Floyd | Floyd | An unkempt MAN stands before us, aiming a flare gun in our direction. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is by my side, elfin and mischievous. Floyd | Floyd | Oh, and, by the way, a giant SQUID on robot legs hulks over us all, Floyd | chained to the oak's trunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "notebook" | ||||
Floyd | She showed me some of the things she's doodled in there. I'd already Floyd | suspected her mind was of scientific interest, but I had no idea. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport waves the flare gun at us. "Yeah, but... civilisation is Floyd | just a thin veneer! Think you're so smart. Think you're so great. Floyd | You don't know nothing. I'll show you. I got that lying ponce. I'll Floyd | get that one-eyed back-stabber too. After that, well, I'll show you Floyd | what your civilisation amounts to!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | I wait patiently. Ivy squirms. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport's almost muttering to himself now. "Yeah, I'll show you a Floyd | little Martian savagery. If you're too weak to live, you won't escape Floyd | the long arms of the monster. That's the way. That's how we do Floyd | things on Mars..." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy relaxes. "I think you broke him." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | I wait patiently. Ivy squirms. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport continues to rant and mutter about Mars and civilisation and Floyd | how he'll show us all. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "screw" | ||||
Floyd | I jam the tip of my cane under the ice screw and steadily work it out Floyd | of the ground. The chain restraining the giant squid unravels in a Floyd | single fluid motion and the beast takes a few experimental steps Floyd | forward on its stubby metal feet. Floyd | Floyd | Davenport is ranting, "That's what you don't understand: nature can't Floyd | be tamed, can't be restrained, and all your civilisation will count Floyd | for nothing when it comes for you!" Floyd | Floyd | The squid's tentacles grab hold of him, crumpling his body up into a Floyd | mangled mass. He dies with a sharp squeal of surprise. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy slips under my arm and pulls it around her shoulders. "Yeah, I Floyd | think we should leave pretty quickly now..." Floyd | Floyd | (Press space...) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hopewell Gardens Floyd | IVY drags me out of the woods and onto the cobbled square. The park Floyd | is just as we left it. Birds sing, couples court, children frolic. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy screams, "Everybody run! A giant squid on robot legs is coming!" Floyd | Floyd | The people around the park just stare at her. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "aww, I want mecha-squid to destroy Toky- uh, Londo- er, Oldchester" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | Clanking machinery draws near, and I turn towards the trees. "It Floyd | seems to have taken a shine to us," I tell Ivy. Floyd | Floyd | She throws up her hands. "Lovely. And you can't run?" Floyd | Floyd | I shake my head. "Perhaps you should." Floyd | Floyd | She rolls up her sleeves. "Oh yeah, that'd prove a lot of people Floyd | right, wouldn't it?" Floyd | Floyd | Mechanical legs pistoning, tentacles writhing through the air, the Floyd | giant SQUID bursts out of the trees. Floyd | Floyd | After a moment of shocked silence, people begin to scream and run. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy yells, "I told you!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "squid" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "squid" | ||||
Floyd | An elongated creature with enormous, round EYES. Its many short ARMS Floyd | are curled around the robotic LEGS that support it, while its two Floyd | longer TENTACLES roam freely through the air. Floyd | Floyd | A MUZZLE is strapped tightly over its beak. Floyd | Floyd | The squid grabs Ivy around the waist with a tentacle and lifts her Floyd | into the air. Floyd | Floyd | Understandably, she screams. Floyd | Floyd | "Relax!" I shout up to her. "This creature was raised by a human. Floyd | It sees itself as one of us, and it won't kill without a direct order Floyd | from Davenport. I'm sure it just wants to assert itself over us and Floyd | cement its place in the pack." Floyd | Floyd | The squid gives Ivy a good shake. "I'm really reassured," she yells, Floyd | "now get me down from here!" Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | An elongated creature with enormous, round EYES. Its many short ARMS Floyd | are curled around the robotic LEGS that support it, while its two Floyd | longer TENTACLES roam freely through the air. Floyd | Floyd | A MUZZLE is strapped tightly over its beak. Floyd | Floyd | The squid holds Ivy directly above me. She grabs at her dress and Floyd | crosses her legs. "Hey, don't look! I thought you were a gentleman!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | One of the squid's tentacles is wrapped firmly around Ivy's waist, Floyd | holding her up in the air. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy is carrying a NOTEBOOK, a YELLOW letter, and a BLUE letter, and Floyd | she's wearing a long JACKET, a short DRESS, and a CLOCHE hat. Floyd | Floyd | "Whatever you do," I shout at Ivy, "don't think like a fish!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "eyes" | ||||
Floyd | I poke the squid in the eye with my cane. It screeches and writhes, Floyd | coiling and uncoiling its tentacles in discomfort. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy falls to the ground. She lands flat on her backside with a Floyd | surprised squeak. Floyd | Floyd | > | Touchy says, "haha" | |||
Jacqueline says, "And here I thought you would only EXAMINE EYE by typine EYE" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Well done, maga" | ||||
Pacian says, "Nate is a man of ACTION." | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "legs" | ||||
Floyd | The squid's robot legs are thickly armoured and crab-like. Floyd | Petrol-driven, I suspect, given the noise. As well as providing Floyd | locomotion, they incorporate some sort of GILL apparatus. Floyd | Floyd | There's also a conspicuous LEVER in amongst the machinery. Floyd | Floyd | The squid grabs me around the waist with a tentacle and lifts me into Floyd | the air. My hat flies off and tumbles to the ground. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy cups her hands around her mouth and shouts, "Nate! Hold on! I'll Floyd | save you!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "lever" | ||||
Floyd | Whatever it does, it's protected by the squid's ARMS and I have Floyd | absolutely no chance of reaching it right now. Better to focus on Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy runs right up to the squid and punches it in the eye. It Floyd | screeches and writhes, coiling and uncoiling its tentacles in Floyd | discomfort. Floyd | Floyd | The squid releases me and I land hard, my bad leg giving out beneath Floyd | me. Ivy helps me to my feet. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "haha, the eye again" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "arms" | ||||
Floyd | Gathered in a writhing coil around its mouthparts are the squid's arms Floyd | - eight muscular appendages lined with toothed suckers. Although Floyd | their reach is limited, once it's got hold of you with these, you're a Floyd | goner for sure. As Ivy might put it. Floyd | Floyd | Extending far beyond the squid's arms are its TENTACLES. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy tries to punch ineffectually at a tentacle, swiping at thin air. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "hose" | ||||
Floyd | We have no chance of getting close to the hoses while the squid's Floyd | tentacles are free. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy growls with frustration. "Where are the police when you actually Floyd | need them for once?" Floyd | Floyd | "On their way," I reply, glossing over the fact that we are the Floyd | police. "But until then, it's just us." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "lever" | ||||
Floyd | Whatever it does, it's protected by the squid's ARMS and I have Floyd | absolutely no chance of reaching it right now. Better to focus on Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | The squid grabs Ivy around the waist with a tentacle and lifts her Floyd | into the air. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy yelps. "Poke its EYE again, Nate! Get me down!" Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "We know its vulnerability... why not exploit it?" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "hose" | ||||
Floyd | We have no chance of getting close to the hoses while the squid's Floyd | tentacles are free. Floyd | Floyd | "Don't worry!" I call up to Ivy. "I'll think of something!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "eye" | ||||
Floyd | I poke the squid in the eye with my cane. It screeches and writhes, Floyd | coiling and uncoiling its tentacles in discomfort. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy falls to the ground. She lands flat on her backside with a Floyd | surprised squeak. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hmm I thought we might have reached it with the cane" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "lever" | ||||
Floyd | Whatever it does, it's protected by the squid's ARMS and I have Floyd | absolutely no chance of reaching it right now. Better to focus on Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | The squid's robot legs chug and gurgle loudly. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "hm, eye then arms then eye?" | |||
Fang says, "wait a sec, maybe we can do something while it's distracted by ivy" | ||||
olethros asks, "then lever?" | ||||
maga says, "dammit, if this was a proper endboss there'd be a red glowy bit" | ||||
olethros says, "he holds her in its tentacles, not arms" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Gurgle is such a great word, btw." | ||||
(from Fang) Fang says, "like get a peek up her dress." | ||||
Ellison says, "heh" | ||||
olethros says, "I am sure she has all the naughty bits" | ||||
Ellison says, "ok, I'm off. later!" | ||||
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst.. | ||||
Ellison has disconnected. | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "tentacles" | ||||
Floyd | The squid has two long tentacles, each ending in an arrowhead of Floyd | suckers. They dart through the air like angry snakes. Not to be Floyd | confused with its ARMS. Floyd | Floyd | The squid grabs me around the waist with a tentacle and lifts me into Floyd | the air. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy cups her hands around her mouth and shouts, "Nate! Hold on! I'll Floyd | save you!" Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "seems like we miss something" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "knees" | ||||
Floyd | Ivy's bare legs are slender, pale, eminently distracting... Floyd | Floyd | She looks in my direction and I glance quickly away. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy runs right up to the squid and punches it in the eye. It Floyd | screeches and writhes, coiling and uncoiling its tentacles in Floyd | discomfort. Floyd | Floyd | The squid releases me and I land hard, my bad leg giving out beneath Floyd | me. Ivy helps me to my feet. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "lemme try..." | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes... Floyd | Floyd | The squid hoots eerily, the sound reverberating across the square. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes... Floyd | Floyd | "It must have a weakness," Ivy says. "If fish are frightened of Floyd | squid... what are squid frightened of?" Floyd | Floyd | "Sperm whales." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy looks thoughtful. "I s'pose there's not so many of those around. Floyd | Unless-" Floyd | Floyd | I shake my head. "No. Not even then." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Hopewell Gardens Floyd | This cobbled square, surrounded on all sides by TREES, is home to a Floyd | FOUNTAIN and a BENCH. Floyd | Floyd | I see a BOWLER hat here. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is close by my side, sleeves rolled up and fists clenched. Floyd | Floyd | The giant SQUID stands astride the square on crab-like robot LEGS, Floyd | TENTACLES writhing in the air. Floyd | Floyd | The squid grabs Ivy around the waist with a tentacle and lifts her Floyd | into the air. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy yelps. "Poke its EYE again, Nate! Get me down!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "bowler" | ||||
Floyd | It's the nature of this line of work that my bowler spends more time Floyd | in my hands than on my head. Floyd | Floyd | "Nate!" Ivy shouts. "Do something!" Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "you can put the hat on the eye?" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "fountain" | ||||
Floyd | The fountain takes the form of a huge, scaly fish. Something that you Floyd | might expect the squid to take an interest in, if only I could draw Floyd | its attention to it. Unfortunately, I'm not really mobile enough to Floyd | get in the fountain, and Ivy's presently otherwise engaged. Floyd | Floyd | The squid dangles Ivy upside down. "I s'pose I'm used to this by Floyd | now..." she mutters. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | One of the squid's tentacles is wrapped firmly around Ivy's waist, Floyd | holding her up in the air. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy is carrying a NOTEBOOK, a YELLOW letter, and a BLUE letter, and Floyd | she's wearing a long JACKET, a short DRESS, and a CLOCHE hat. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy yells, "Put me down you big, smelly... cephalopod!" Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "throw it in the foutnain" | |||
maga says (to Floyd), "eye" | ||||
Floyd | I poke the squid in the eye with my cane. It screeches and writhes, Floyd | coiling and uncoiling its tentacles in discomfort. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy falls to the ground. She lands flat on her backside with a Floyd | surprised squeak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes... Floyd | Floyd | "I think Hawthorne's fish was braver than we gave it credit for!" Ivy Floyd | says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "fountain" | ||||
Floyd | "Ivy," I exclaim, "the fountain!" Floyd | Floyd | She grasps my intent immediately. "The fish!" Floyd | Floyd | Hiking up her dress, Ivy leaps into the fountain with a splash and Floyd | begins waving her arms. "Hey, grabby! Your mortal enemy is right Floyd | here! He says your mother was a snail and your father a lounge Floyd | lizard!" Floyd | Floyd | "Ivy, watch out!" Floyd | Floyd | She dives aside just as the squid wraps a tentacle around the Floyd | fountain. Despite its best efforts, the beast is unable to dislodge Floyd | the stone fish. That's one fewer tentacle to worry about. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "aw, it was just getting good" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "tentacle" | ||||
Floyd | The squid has two long tentacles, each ending in an arrowhead of Floyd | suckers. They dart through the air like angry snakes. Not to be Floyd | confused with its ARMS. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy makes a run towards the squid's robot legs, but it knocks her back Floyd | effortlessly. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "bench" | ||||
Floyd | Someone has etched Silooette 4eva into the bench's arm. Now, Ivy's Floyd | spelling may not be perfect, but she can at least spell her own alias. Floyd | This message must have been left by one of her fans. Floyd | Floyd | The squid grabs me around the waist with a tentacle and lifts me into Floyd | the air. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy cups her hands around her mouth and shouts, "Nate! Hold on! I'll Floyd | save you!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "lever" | ||||
Floyd | Whatever it does, it's protected by the squid's ARMS and I have Floyd | absolutely no chance of reaching it right now. Better to focus on Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy runs right up to the squid and punches it in the eye. It Floyd | screeches and writhes, coiling and uncoiling its tentacles in Floyd | discomfort. Floyd | Floyd | The squid releases me and I land hard, my bad leg giving out beneath Floyd | me. Ivy helps me to my feet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Hopewell Gardens Floyd | This cobbled square, surrounded on all sides by TREES, is home to a Floyd | FOUNTAIN and a BENCH. Floyd | Floyd | I see a BOWLER hat here. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is close by my side, sleeves rolled up and fists clenched. Floyd | Floyd | The giant SQUID stands astride the square on crab-like robot LEGS, its Floyd | TENTACLES divided between grasping the fish fountain and swiping at Floyd | us. Floyd | Floyd | The squid bats my hat about on the ground with a tentacle. That's a Floyd | bit much - to single out a man's hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "trees" | ||||
Floyd | They have the unhealthy look of trees that have seen a modern city Floyd | sprout up around them. Floyd | Floyd | The squid knocks Ivy's legs out from under her with a tentacle. She Floyd | manages to land on all fours and right herself quickly. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | I am carrying a CANE and a police BADGE, and I'm wearing a three-piece Floyd | SUIT. Floyd | Floyd | The squid grabs Ivy around the waist with a tentacle and lifts her Floyd | into the air. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy yelps. "Poke its EYE again, Nate! Get me down!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "suit" | ||||
Floyd | There being no consistent dress code for murder scenes, I tend to Floyd | dress as if for a funeral. My suit is black and carefully pressed. Floyd | Floyd | The squid waves Ivy idly in the air. "I'm going to throw up in a Floyd | minute," she shouts. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "hat" | ||||
Floyd | Which hat do you mean, the cloche hat, or the bowler hat? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "bowler" | ||||
Floyd | It's the nature of this line of work that my bowler spends more time Floyd | in my hands than on my head. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy tries spitting at the squid, to no obvious effect. "Hey, I'm no Floyd | lady!" she shouts, in answer to my expression. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Ferret says, "Ivy says 'Hurrrrrgh.'" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "squid" | ||||
Floyd | An elongated creature with enormous, round EYES. Its many short ARMS Floyd | are curled around the robotic LEGS that support it, while of its two Floyd | longer TENTACLES, one roams freely through the air and the other Floyd | grasps vainly at the stone fish. Floyd | Floyd | A MUZZLE is strapped tightly over its beak. Floyd | Floyd | The squid shakes Ivy vigorously and she, uh, lets out a stream of Floyd | obscenities that I shan't repeat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "muzzle" | ||||
Floyd | "Don't worry," I tell Ivy, "it's not going to eat anyone while it's Floyd | muzzled like that." Floyd | Floyd | "No," she agrees, "it'll just have to wring 'em out like a wet Floyd | stocking instead." Floyd | Floyd | Ivy waves her arms. "Don't forget about me!" Floyd | Floyd | > | maga asks, "so that's two tentacles. what can we do about the arms?" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "arm" | ||||
Floyd | Gathered in a writhing coil around its mouthparts are the squid's arms Floyd | - eight muscular appendages lined with toothed suckers. Although Floyd | their reach is limited, once it's got hold of you with these, you're a Floyd | goner for sure. As Ivy might put it. Floyd | Floyd | Extending far beyond the squid's arms are its TENTACLES. Floyd | Floyd | The squid half drops Ivy and catches her. She grips the tentacle with Floyd | white knuckles. Floyd | Floyd | > | Fang says, "I'm wondering it it moves on to phase b" | |||
Fang says, "if we keep waiting" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Hopewell Gardens Floyd | This cobbled square, surrounded on all sides by TREES, is home to a Floyd | FOUNTAIN and a BENCH. Floyd | Floyd | I see a BOWLER hat here. Floyd | Floyd | The giant SQUID stands astride the square on crab-like robot LEGS, its Floyd | TENTACLES occupied with Ivy and the fish fountain. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is being held high in the air by one of the squid's tentacles. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy tries to kick at the squid, but it's holding her at tentacle's Floyd | length. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "fountain" | ||||
Floyd | The fountain takes the form of a huge, scaly fish. It's currently Floyd | presenting a stony front to the squid's attempts to overpower it with Floyd | a tentacle. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy punches the tentacle that's holding her, and then clutches her Floyd | hand. "Ouch! It's tough..." Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Phase B being? Tying her in bloody knots?" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "pump" | ||||
Floyd | I'll be honest, I have no great technical appreciation of water or air Floyd | pumps. Though after this, I'll be sure to do some research. Floyd | Floyd | "Don't worry!" I call up to Ivy. "I'll think of something!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "hose" | ||||
Floyd | I slide my cane into the hoses and lever it upwards, putting all the Floyd | effort I can into it, my bad leg screaming with pain. Floyd | Floyd | With an ear-splitting hiss, water begins to spray out of the bottom of Floyd | the gill apparatus, blasting across the cobbles at high pressure. The Floyd | squid's eyes bulge, and it staggers drunkenly to one side. Its Floyd | robotic legs slam into the fountain with the sound of metal grating Floyd | against stone. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy falls to the ground. She lands flat on her backside with a Floyd | surprised squeak. Floyd | Floyd | > | Pacian says, "Maybe save at this point." | |||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf2" | ||||
Floyd | Please select a file in which to save the current position > Floyd | Saved. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "lever" | ||||
Floyd | I approach the squid cautiously. Ivy trails behind me, pulling back Floyd | on my sleeve. "Nate..." Floyd | Floyd | The lever's deep in among the complex machinery of the robotic legs, Floyd | within reach of the the squid's eight short arms. I wait carefully Floyd | for my moment, and then dart out a hand to pull the lever home. Floyd | Floyd | The squid knocks me back reflexively with a tentacle, and I tumble Floyd | down onto the cobbles in a heap with Ivy. Something inside the Floyd | robotic legs clanks and whirrs. Floyd | Floyd | With a series of chunky clicks, the bizarre contraption releases its Floyd | harness. The squid slides into the fountain with an almighty splash. Floyd | Floyd | And then FORTHRIGHT storms into the square with a dozen blue-uniformed Floyd | CONSTABLES. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy folds her arms. "Perfect timing." Floyd | Floyd | Forthright adjusts his bowler. "What in the blazes happened here?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "constables" | ||||
Floyd | Moustachioed men in blue coats and tall hats. Every so often one of Floyd | them glances disapprovingly in my direction. They generally only have Floyd | to deal with this sort of thing when I'm working on the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "squid" | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | It seems happy enough to be free of Davenport's contraption. And I Floyd | imagine it's spent enough time at surface pressure to be content in Floyd | the fountain water for a while. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | I glance over at Ivy. I see a young woman, about the same age and Floyd | height as me, slender, athletic, elfin. Her hair is cut into a short Floyd | bob and her features are untouched by rouge. Floyd | Floyd | Ivy is carrying a NOTEBOOK, a YELLOW letter, and a BLUE letter, and Floyd | she's wearing a long JACKET, a short DRESS, and a CLOCHE hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "forthright" | ||||
Floyd | "Inspector," I say to Forthright, "see that this animal is transported Floyd | humanely to the Institute for Marine Biology. Given time they may be Floyd | able to reintroduce it to its natural habitat." Floyd | Floyd | Forthright looks at me in that way he does so often. "Right... okay." Floyd | Floyd | "And have that strange contraption moved to Bridge House. I shall Floyd | need to investigate it further." Floyd | Floyd | Forthright studies the scene before him and scratches his head. Floyd | "Right you are. I've got this under control. You two could probably Floyd | use a break." Floyd | Floyd | "Oh indeed," Ivy says unctuously. "We really must be going. Have fun Floyd | with the grabby squid." Floyd | Floyd | Forthright doffs his hat to her condescendingly. "Pleasant day, Floyd | madam." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "bowler" | ||||
Floyd | It's the nature of this line of work that my bowler spends more time Floyd | in my hands than on my head. Floyd | Floyd | I think we can safely LEAVE now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "kiss" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Hopewell Gardens Floyd | This cobbled square, surrounded on all sides by TREES, is home to a Floyd | FOUNTAIN and a BENCH. Floyd | Floyd | I see a BOWLER hat here. Floyd | Floyd | IVY is by my side, elfin and mischievous. Floyd | Floyd | FORTHRIGHT stands here, hands on his lapels, trying to look like he's Floyd | in charge of the situation. Floyd | Floyd | The giant SQUID splashes about happily in the fountain, its robotic Floyd | LEGS now abandoned. Floyd | Floyd | A group of blue-uniformed CONSTABLES stand around the square, Floyd | wondering what to do with the creature. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga exclaims, "leave without my hat? infamy!" | |||
Fang says (to Floyd), "legs" | ||||
Floyd | Thickly armoured and crab-like. Although there's nothing too unusual Floyd | about their construction, I have to wonder where exactly a person like Floyd | Davenport was able to obtain machinery like this. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "leave" | ||||
Floyd | Ivy slips her arm in mine and sets my bowler on my head at a jaunty Floyd | angle. I straighten it. Floyd | Floyd | "I need a cup of tea after that," I say. Floyd | Floyd | (Press space...) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | It's me again: your favourite dissident turned detective. Okay, let's Floyd | get this over with. Floyd | Floyd | I feel sort of naked without my hat. Floyd | Floyd | Oldchester Museum Floyd | NATE and me come in through the fancy double DOORS, awkward and out of Floyd | place. Floyd | Floyd | We're greeted by a beautiful woman in a kalasiris. "I am Haqikah," Floyd | she says, "God's Wife of Amun. The Pharaoh will see you now." Floyd | Floyd | She turns from us with impossible grace and glides further IN to the Floyd | museum. Floyd | Floyd | "I don't know about this, Nate," I whisper. "It's not all that long Floyd | ago I was being tried for blasphemy." Floyd | Floyd | "You were tried for plenty of other things as well," he reassures me. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "nate" | ||||
Floyd | He's looking very fine and dandy tonight, in an immaculately tailored Floyd | TUXEDO. His hair's its usual disobedient self, which only adds to his Floyd | charm. Floyd | Floyd | Nate is carrying a CANE. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "tuxedo" | ||||
Floyd | I bet he actually owns this tuxedo. It's not rented or anything. Floyd | That's what it is to be posh - you pronounce everything perfectly and Floyd | you own your own evening wear. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | I am carrying nothing, and am wearing a long DRESS. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "cane" | ||||
Floyd | Nate leans heavily on a smart black walking stick. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "dress" | ||||
Floyd | This must be the most expensive thing I've ever worn, and I'm not Floyd | entirely sure why. Okay, it's a gorgeous, floor-length dress, but Floyd | it's also just a thin bit of material and it doesn't even have Floyd | sleeves. Floyd | Floyd | Nate sees me looking down at myself and says, "You look perfect." Floyd | Floyd | I stare at the floor. "I'm going to pay you back." Floyd | Floyd | He shrugs. "Keep it." Floyd | Floyd | Yeah, well, I'll pay him back - you'll see. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "doors" | ||||
Floyd | I look at the way out and consider just making a break for it. Floyd | Floyd | Nate holds out his delicate HAND so I can see he's trembling, ever so Floyd | slightly. "I'm nervous too," he says. "I've not exactly been much of Floyd | a friend to the rich and powerful. But we're in enough trouble as it Floyd | is." Floyd | Floyd | "Sooner or later," I tell him, "you'll get sick of being right all the Floyd | time." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "hand" | ||||
Floyd | I grab Nate's hand, squeezing his slender fingers. Floyd | Floyd | "If they feed us to a crocodile," I tell him, "let it eat me first, Floyd | and I'll choke it from the inside while you escape." Floyd | Floyd | "That's very noble of you, Ivy." Floyd | Floyd | He doesn't think I'm being serious. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "in" | ||||
Floyd | I squeeze Nate's hand until he winces and laughs, and then we walk Floyd | forward, together. Floyd | Floyd | Pharaoh Exhibit Floyd | This place is all marble pillars and soft lighting. Most of the space Floyd | is taken up by a low platform with the pharaoh's SARCOPHAGUS on it - Floyd | which is hooked up to all sorts of MACHINERY and surrounded by Floyd | half-naked SERVANTS. Floyd | Floyd | HAQIKAH stands between us and the pharaoh, looking properly serene and Floyd | dignified. Floyd | Floyd | NATE's close by, clutching his cane. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "haqikah" | ||||
Floyd | Haqikah's a tall, dark woman with hair that falls straight to her Floyd | waist. She's at the centre of a glittering constellation of Floyd | JEWELLERY, and she's wearing a sheer KALASIRIS almost like it's an Floyd | afterthought. Floyd | Floyd | "Presenting," Haqikah announces grandiosely, "Inspector Nathaniel Floyd | Walker of the Oldchester Constabulary, and Miss Ivy Blissheart of the Floyd | Mindflower Asylum for the Criminally Insane." Floyd | Floyd | Um... couldn't she have said my old workplace or something? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "notebook" | ||||
Floyd | Sorry, but that's not a keyword you can use right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "servants" | ||||
Floyd | I won't describe them in too much detail, cos it wouldn't be proper. Floyd | Let's just say I feel better about not having my hat with me. Floyd | Floyd | The speaker on top of the sarcophagus crackles, and a buzzing voice Floyd | emerges. "It has been many centuries since I last heard of champions Floyd | defeating a monster." Floyd | Floyd | Nate says, "I'm really not sure we- Ouch!" Floyd | Floyd | I'm standing on his foot. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "machinery" | ||||
Floyd | Nate could probably tell you what all this machinery is. Me, I just Floyd | see a load of hoses snaking into the SARCOPHAGUS, something a bit like Floyd | a wireless, some flashing lights and bubbling beakers - and, sitting Floyd | right on top of the sarcophagus, a big, elegant gramophone speaker. Floyd | Floyd | The buzzing voice continues. "This strange city needs champions. Floyd | Henceforth you are both Special Detectives to the Office of the Floyd | Pharaoh." Floyd | Floyd | Haqikah hands a BADGE each to Nate and me. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "sarcophagus" | ||||
Floyd | A big, gold, person-shaped coffin, lying down on its back. The face Floyd | looks sort of aloof and not bothered about anything. Pulsating hoses Floyd | snake into it from the surrounding MACHINERY. Floyd | Floyd | "Blasphemer!" the speaker booms, and I almost jump out of my skin. Floyd | "Know that your living god is merciful." Floyd | Floyd | Haqikah hands me a sheet of PAPYRUS. I take it with wildly shaking Floyd | hands. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "badge" | ||||
Floyd | So it looks like I'm now a woman policeman. I wonder if I outrank Floyd | Forthright? Floyd | Floyd | Nate looks up from his shiny new badge. "I want the Old Warren desk." Floyd | Floyd | Haqikah looks surprised, and the Phararoh's electric voice is silent. Floyd | Floyd | Should I SPEAK up or just WAIT quietly? Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to Pacian), "Your writing is, as ever, brilliantly witty." | |||
Pacian Um, thanks. :-) | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "papyrus" | ||||
Floyd | The papyrus bears writing in neat calligraphy: Floyd | Floyd | By Order of the Pharaoh: Floyd | Miss Ivy Blissheart is hereby pardoned for her crimes and blasphemies. Floyd | Her actions before this date must never be considered when judging her Floyd | innocence or sanity. Floyd | Floyd | And then it's signed by Haqikah and stamped with wax. Floyd | Floyd | "Very well," the Pharaoh's voice says. "You shall bring My justice to Floyd | the destitute and filthy in their narrow streets." Floyd | Floyd | Nate brushes his hair back from his eyes... and smiles. Floyd | Floyd | (Press space...) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | They step out of the museum side by side - the young man in the Floyd | bowler, leaning on his cane; the young woman in the battered jacket, Floyd | her hat brim low over her eyes. Floyd | Floyd | "Our first case together," she says, "and we wrestle a mechanised Floyd | squid and have an audience with the Pharaoh. Is it always like this?" Floyd | Floyd | He looks thoughtful. "Sometimes it's like this." Floyd | Floyd | "So... what now?" Floyd | Floyd | "Tea", he says. "There'll be crime and mystery soon enough. Before Floyd | all that, we need a cup of tea." Floyd | Floyd | They walk to the motor car in silence - the only sounds their Floyd | footsteps and the low murmur of the city. Floyd | Floyd | "Mine's with three sugars," she adds. Floyd | Floyd | *** CASE SOLVED, DETECTIVE *** Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTORE a saved position, RESTART the story, UNDO Floyd | the last move, see your AWARDS, read about IVY, read about NATE, or Floyd | QUIT? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "awards" | ||||
Floyd | Awards earned: Floyd | -Flapper in Shining Armour - Ivy rescued Nate from the Chief Floyd | Inspector! Floyd | -Mollusc Mate - the squid lived! Floyd | -Oh I Say - Ivy and Nate held hands! Floyd | Floyd | You earned 3/3 awards. Floyd | -Unlocked Ivy's bio. Floyd | -Unlocked Nate's bio. Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTORE a saved position, RESTART the story, UNDO Floyd | the last move, see your AWARDS, read about IVY, read about NATE, or Floyd | QUIT? Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Tea is a euphanism, isn't it?" | |||
Pacian says, "Tea is never a euphemism." | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Taking back one turn: "papyrus". Floyd | Floyd | Pharaoh Exhibit Floyd | This place is all marble pillars and soft lighting. Most of the space Floyd | is taken up by a low platform with the pharaoh's SARCOPHAGUS on it - Floyd | which is hooked up to all sorts of MACHINERY and surrounded by Floyd | half-naked SERVANTS. Floyd | Floyd | HAQIKAH stands between us and the pharaoh, looking properly serene and Floyd | dignified. Floyd | Floyd | NATE's close by, clutching his cane. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "speak" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | I clear my throat. Everyone looks at me. Floyd | Floyd | I'm, uh, not really good at public speaking. Graffiti is more my Floyd | medium. Okay, here goes. Floyd | Floyd | "Look, I know we're a right pair of misfits, but all we've ever tried Floyd | to do is what we thought was right. If we can help people who need Floyd | help and don't often get it, then I think, you know, that'd be a real Floyd | opportunity for us." Floyd | Floyd | My voice sounds really squeaky. I swallow. "And, you know, maybe Floyd | some people who don't think the Pharaoh cares about them will, you Floyd | know..." I trail off. Floyd | Floyd | Haqikah raises an eyebrow. At least Nate seems pleased with my little Floyd | speech. Floyd | Floyd | "Very well," the Pharaoh's voice says. "You shall bring My justice to Floyd | the destitute and filthy in their narrow streets." Floyd | Floyd | Nate brushes his hair back from his eyes... and smiles. Floyd | Floyd | (Press space...) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | They step out of the museum side by side - the young man in the Floyd | bowler, leaning on his cane; the young woman in the battered jacket, Floyd | her hat brim low over her eyes. Floyd | Floyd | "Our first case together," she says, "and we wrestle a mechanised Floyd | squid and have an audience with the Pharaoh. Is it always like this?" Floyd | Floyd | He looks thoughtful. "Sometimes it's like this." Floyd | Floyd | "So... what now?" Floyd | Floyd | "Tea", he says. "There'll be crime and mystery soon enough. Before Floyd | all that, we need a cup of tea." Floyd | Floyd | They walk to the motor car in silence - the only sounds their Floyd | footsteps and the low murmur of the city. Floyd | Floyd | "Mine's with three sugars," she adds. Floyd | Floyd | *** CASE SOLVED, DETECTIVE *** Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTORE a saved position, RESTART the story, UNDO Floyd | the last move, see your AWARDS, read about IVY, read about NATE, or Floyd | QUIT? Floyd | Floyd | > | maga exclaims, "achievement unlocked!" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Thank you for correcting my spelling. :)" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "(Pacian)" | ||||
maga says (to Floyd), "ivy" | ||||
Floyd | Biographical records: Floyd | Floyd | Ivy Blissheart alias Silhouette Floyd | Floyd | Age: 25 Floyd | Father: Unknown Floyd | Mother: Jessica Blissheart (whereabouts unknown) Floyd | Education: Floyd | Sister Hardlove's Home for Foundlings Floyd | Qualifications: Floyd | Apprenticeship in mechanical loom use and maintenance Floyd | Employment: Floyd | Factory girl, Thompson's Ornithopters Floyd | Notable Skills: Floyd | Consummate artist in a variety of old and new media. Floyd | Expert at understanding and manipulating household and industrial Floyd | machinery. Floyd | Self-taught locksmith. Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTORE a saved position, RESTART the story, UNDO Floyd | the last move, see your AWARDS, read about IVY, read about NATE, or Floyd | QUIT? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Fang says (to Floyd), "nate" | ||||
Floyd | Biographical records: Floyd | Floyd | Inspector Nathaniel Walker Floyd | Floyd | Age: 23 Floyd | Father: Charles Richmond (deceased) Floyd | Mother: Olivia Richmond nee Walker (deceased) Floyd | Education: Floyd | Excelsior Grammar School Floyd | Oldchester University Floyd | Qualifications: Floyd | Bachelor's Degree in the Natural Sciences (with Distinction) Floyd | Employment: Floyd | Detective, Oldchester C.I.D. Floyd | Notable Skills: Floyd | Expert criminologist with considerable knowledge of a wide variety of Floyd | relevant disciplines. Floyd | Classically trained pianist. Floyd | Competition fencer (retired). Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTORE a saved position, RESTART the story, UNDO Floyd | the last move, see your AWARDS, read about IVY, read about NATE, or Floyd | QUIT? Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says (to Pacian), "nice work" | |||
Jacqueline says, "I guess you're the author and would know, but 'three sugars' to me, combined with all the sexual tension inherent between the two characters? Well, I'd suspect three sugars in her 'tea' means it's going to be a long night." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "But that's just me being silly, I guess." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Pacian), "Yes, this was a very fun morning." | ||||
Pacian says, "I don't want to say that anyone's interpretation fo things is wrong." | ||||
maga says (to Jacq), "the euphemism you're looking for is 'taking tea with the parson'" | ||||
Jacqueline raises an eyebrow. "See?" | ||||
Pacian says, "You guys are opening my eyes." | ||||
Taleslinger says, "I'll never read DW "I need to make tea first" line the same way again." | ||||
Fang asks (of maga), "how does that work?" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Taleslinger), "hahaha" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Man, I could really go for some tea myself..." | ||||
Jacqueline waves and makes an isquiesque departure for home. | ||||
</Jacqueline> I really need to dedicate more time toward working on becoming a lithe-yet-brooding martial artist who can leap from crag to crag like a mountain goat. | Jacqueline says, "Okay, just kidding" | |||
Jacqueline says (to Pacian), "Thanks for stopping in!" | ||||
Pacian says, "My pleasure." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "You are welcome any week, of course, but we always like it when the author attends." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Next week we'll be playing Varkana, and Maryam Gouseh-Forgeot has already agreed to be here, so yay." | ||||
Taleslinger says (to pacian), "Yeah, great game, teh bits I say" | ||||
Taleslinger says (to Jacqueline), "What a name" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "What name? Maryam Gouseh-Forgeot?" | ||||
Taleslinger says, "Yes" | ||||
inky says, "it's easy to forgeot" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "And oops, I spelled it wrong. I thought I might have." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "It's Gousheh-Forgeot" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Anyway, great game, everyone. And we finished in under 2 hours. Go us!" | ||||