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The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction. Below is a transcript of Party Foul, written by Brooks Reeves. Party Foul was originally released as part of Casual Gameplay Design Competition 7, where it took fourth place. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting the ifWiki.WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page. |
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Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load partyfoul" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | This game comes with a short tutorial. If this is the first time Floyd | you've played a work of interactive fiction, or if you need a slight Floyd | refresher on the basic commands of a game like this, the tutorial is a Floyd | good idea. If you've played interactive fiction recently and feel Floyd | comfortable with the basic commands, then you should probably skip it Floyd | and blaze ahead on your own. Floyd | Floyd | Remember, you can always type About or Hint at any point in the game Floyd | if you wish to be reminded about general commands, or want to get game Floyd | specific hints. Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to continue with the tutorial on? | AutomatonZX27 asks, "We got a driver?" | |||
Mick says (to Floyd), "no" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You were helpless. She cornered you at the grocery store between the Floyd | honeydew and the squash. "Amy dear! How are you?" she asked. And Floyd | before you knew it she had invited you to a party at her house later Floyd | that night. Floyd | Floyd | You couldn't say no. Nobody says no to Abbey Fincher, neighborhood Floyd | watch president and queen of the cocktail party. Floyd | Floyd | It was supposed to be a short visit. Fifteen minutes and out. But here Floyd | you are, two hours later roped into a never-ending conversation with Floyd | Frank Quinlivan. God knows where your husband, Mark, is. As you stand Floyd | mere feet from the front door, wine glass in hand, listening to the Floyd | same story over and over again, all you can think about is getting Floyd | your coat, your casserole dish, your husband and going home... | Jacqueline says, "Not yet." | |||
AutomatonZX27 pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Party Foul Floyd | An Exercise in Frustration by Brooks Reeves Floyd | Release 4 / Serial number 100208 / Inform 7 build 5Z71 (I6/v6.31 lib Floyd | 6/12N) Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | You're standing in the same spot you were an hour ago, listening to Floyd | the same jokes and stories. If you don't extract yourself from this Floyd | conversation soon, you're going to scream. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Do we need one?" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Dunno, just asking" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | If you knew you were going to be standing around for hours, you would Floyd | have worn more comfortable shoes. As it is, you're wearing a Floyd | serviceable blue dress and a pair of four inch heels that are killing Floyd | your toes. If you don't get out of this party soon, you're going to Floyd | murder someone. Floyd | Floyd | "And then I say, who cares? Let's play another round of golf!" Frank Floyd | finishes and then explodes with laughter. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "okay - need coat, casserole dish, husband." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "scream" | ||||
Floyd | I know you're frustrated, but let's not make a scene, okay? Floyd | Floyd | "Hey," Frank begins again, "I ever tell you the time I went to Disney Floyd | World and puked on the Dumbo ride? True story!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask frank about bathroom" | ||||
Floyd | You start to open your mouth, but Frank blazes ahead. It looks like Floyd | you're going to have to get Frank to shut up before you can ask any Floyd | questions. Floyd | Floyd | "Course," he continues, "I probably shouldna gotten so wasted on Pina Floyd | Coladas in the Tiki Room, if you know what I'm sayin'." He pats you Floyd | slyly on the shoulder and you feel a small part of you die on the Floyd | inside. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Uh, interesting conversation" | |||
Floyd | This isn't that kind of party. Floyd | Floyd | "Hey!" he says, "Speakin' of which, bartender! Gimme another scotch Floyd | and soda! Easy on the soda." Floyd | Floyd | Ron barely looks Frank's way, saying, "I think we can all agree you've Floyd | had enough, Frank." Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "I say leave the husband to fend for himself." | |||
Roger says, "Err, sorry; miswhispered. >DOFF DRESS" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "inv" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying a wine glass, a blue dress (being worn) and a pair of Floyd | black heels (being worn). Floyd | Floyd | Frank elbows you on your side, "Can you believe this guy? I mean can Floyd | you BELIEVE it? Ole cheapskate can't even afford more booze? I mean Floyd | what kinda party is this supposed to be? Reminds me of that time I Floyd | went to Salt Lake. I ever tell you about that?" Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Doff is a word?" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "A word someone implemented?" | ||||
DavidW says, "Standard one, yes." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "Doff is a recognized verb?" | ||||
Roger says, "It's a standard, yeah." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Or it's in by - huh. Default. Who knew." | ||||
DavidW says, "Me." | ||||
Mick says, "I think we should probably spill something on ourselves." | ||||
Roger says (to f), "drink wine" | DavidW says, "You can 'don' clothes too." | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "drink wine" | ||||
Floyd | One glass of wine is your limit for these kinds of parties. You're Floyd | just carrying this one around so people think you're having a good Floyd | time. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, see a bunch of the fellas and me were goin' to Lost Vegas fer a Floyd | weekend, and we got waylayed in Utah on account of thish blizzard, Floyd | see?" says Frank. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "spill wine on frank" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to spill the wine glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell wine" | ||||
Floyd | Well, you could say that you detect hints of plum and burgundy with a Floyd | dab of rosemary that marks this particular vintage as originating from Floyd | southern france, near the hills of Le Puy... but honestly, it just Floyd | smells like wine. Floyd | Floyd | "And let me tell you, my friend," Frank brays, "Salt Lake City is NO Floyd | Las Vegas! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "pour wine on dress" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to pour the wine glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "spill wine" | ||||
Floyd | Are you sure that's the best use of that wine glass? Floyd | Floyd | "I mean Lost Vegas... wait, did I jess say Lost Vegas? Wow! Thash Floyd | crazy! I mean Las Vegas," he clarifies, "Well, you know what I mean, I Floyd | mean I meant. I meant I mean. Woah, are these floors tilted or is it Floyd | jess me? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to auto), "nice" | ||||
Limax arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "kiss frank" | ||||
Floyd | You're half tempted. If only because it might shut him up a few Floyd | seconds. But then your gag reflex kicks in and you think better of it. Floyd | Floyd | "Hey," says Frank, "You're not drinking that wine are you?" He looks Floyd | at the glass in your hand like a starving man looks at a ham sandwich. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limax says, "Doff and Don... they're opposites" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "A fine vintage: Chateau Deauxnim. 1824" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give wine to frank" | ||||
Floyd | An idea crosses your mind and before Frank can continue, you offer him Floyd | your glass. "Here", you say, "It looks like you could use another Floyd | drink, and I haven't even touched this wine." Floyd | Floyd | Ron's eyes widen in alarm from behind the bar. "I-I don't think that's Floyd | such a good idea," he warns. Floyd | Floyd | "Nonesense!" snaps Frank, ripping the glass from your hand. "Ish jess Floyd | a night cap, Ron. Fer chrissakes." Floyd | Floyd | "So where was I?" he resumes, "Oh yeah, Lost Vegas! Well, they got Floyd | magic shows there. You know I used to do magic back when I was a kid. Floyd | Ish true!" Floyd | Floyd | In one gulp, Frank downs half the contents of your glass. Ron looks at Floyd | you gravely from behind the bar. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to Limax), "Wax don, wax doff." | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exit" | ||||
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | "I could do all sorts of things. Pennies. Cards. I could make all Floyd | sores of things disappear!" Frank says. Floyd | Floyd | "Well you certainly had success with my bourbon collection," notes Floyd | Ron. Floyd | Floyd | Frank tips the rest of the wine down his throat and wipes his mouth Floyd | with his sleeve. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limax says, "THat too" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "order wine" | ||||
Floyd | "Wait," says Frank, before you can order a drink, "Lemme finnish!" It Floyd | looks like you're going to have to get rid of frank before ordering Floyd | another cocktail. Floyd | Floyd | Once, I knew this trick where you take a shot glass and you make it Floyd | vanish under thish napkin, see," says Frank, "Of course you need an Floyd | empty shot glass. And believe you me, I can empty shot glasses like Floyd | there's no tomorrow!" Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly Frank puts his hands to his stomach. "Oh..." he says. "I done Floyd | feel so well." He sloppily puts the glass down on the bar and wanders Floyd | off in the direction of the guest room, mumbling, "I'm gonna lie down Floyd | fer a biit." Floyd | Floyd | You turn to look at Ron who glares at you pensively. "If he vomits on Floyd | anything," he says, "I'm holding you responsible." Floyd | Floyd | > | Limax says, "Sorry I'm late... I was finishing up breakfast for the kids" | |||
Roger goes home. | ||||
Roger has disconnected. | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "order wine" | ||||
Floyd | "I'm afraid I'm I'll out," he says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | Jota asks, "Should we have more pairs of words like that?" | |||
Jacqueline asks (of Limax), "Breakfast? Is't it 11 or noon where you are?" | ||||
DavidW asks, "where's the exits to this room?" | ||||
Alex says (to Jacqueline), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that breakfast is the time of day for eating corknuts." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "And I wanted to get loud and spill some drinks" | ||||
Limax says, "Uh oh. Frank's been poisoned" | ||||
Jota asks, "Coff and con? Loff and lon?" | ||||
Limax says (to Jacqueline), "And it's Saturday" | ||||
djfletch says, "din and dout" | ||||
Jota asks, "Toff and ton?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "examine bar" | ||||
Floyd | More of a high oak table than an actual bar, it's nonetheless a fine Floyd | example of craftsmanship, like pretty much everything else in the Floyd | house. On the surface is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses Floyd | and a cocktail book. Ron stands behind it like a guard at a sentry. Floyd | You guess it gives him an excuse not to talk to people. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limax says, "I ate breakfast at about 9... but the kids just got up" | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "give glass to frank" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limax says, "ANd they were in the hot tub for a bit" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses and a cocktail book. Floyd | An archway north leads to the den, a hallway northwest connects to the Floyd | kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats have been placed, lies to Floyd | the west. The front door waits invitingly to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "examine book" | ||||
Floyd | A book of cocktail recipes lies open in display across the top of the Floyd | bar. It currently displays the very complicated recipe for a drink Floyd | called a Singapore sunrise. "You know," Ron says as he notices your Floyd | interest in the book, "If you'd like a drink all you have to do is Floyd | order one." Floyd | Floyd | Ron sighs from behind the bar. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Need to find our casserole dish and our man." | |||
Mick says (to Floyd), "x ron" | ||||
Floyd | Ron Fincher is technically the host of the party, but his wife, the Floyd | hostess seems to be more in the party spirit. He is a tall man with an Floyd | ashen face and an even grayer expression. He wears a thin black suit Floyd | that fits like it was painted on him, and he stoically mans the Floyd | makeshift bar with the bearing of someone who would rather be anywhere Floyd | else. He casually stirs his bloody mary with a stalk of celery. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "order sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | "Give me a singapore sunrise," you say. Floyd | Floyd | "Right away," Ron tells you putting his glass on the bar, "This is my Floyd | favorite drink to mix. It's a complicated process, you know." Floyd | Floyd | Ron turns around and grabs a bottle from behind him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "examine paintings" | ||||
Floyd | Which do you mean, the painting of a cabin or the abstract painting? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "examine cabin. examine abstract" | ||||
Floyd | It's a wooded landscape with a little too-cute cabin situated deep in Floyd | the forest. Its lovely frame stands level with the wall. Floyd | Floyd | Ron, his back to you, pours that bottle, plus several others into a Floyd | shaker. Floyd | Floyd | A tornado of ketchup reds, mustard yellows, and relish greens. You're Floyd | not sure what it means, but it looks like an explosion at a condiment Floyd | factory. The black frame of the painting stands level with the wall. Floyd | Floyd | Ron shakes the concoction together. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limax exclaims, "Time to steal stuff!" | |||
DavidW asks, "um, shouldn't we leave while he's busy?" | ||||
Limax says, "Or that" | ||||
Mick asks, "Is he holding us here?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "For some reason I want to tilt the abstract" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "I don't think Ron is stopping us from leaving" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "murder Ron" | ||||
Floyd | Don't take out your frustrations on poor Ron. He's already married to Floyd | Abbey. Hasn't he suffered enough? Floyd | Floyd | Ron pours the contents out into a glass. Floyd | Floyd | "Here you are," begins Ron as he turns around and puts the drink on Floyd | the bar. "One singapore sunrise. Enjoy." Floyd | Floyd | > | Tale says, "There are never nice paintings in IF, are there? Just like no PC can play an instrument or sing" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | The oddly colored drink has a strange odor; a mixture of rubbing Floyd | alcohol, hand lotion, and burnt tires. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I think I'm gonna just watch. I'm already feeling frustrated." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "That reminds me, I should try playing the piano" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "piano" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "play piano" | ||||
Floyd | You know how to play the kazoo. But that, sadly, is the limit of your Floyd | musical ability. Floyd | Floyd | Ron looks at you strangely. Floyd | Floyd | > | Tale asks, "SEE?" | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "drink sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | While it would be easy to drink your worries away, you've got to stay Floyd | focused on your objectives. Namely: Getting the hell out of this Floyd | party! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "take sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | You take the singapore sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "spill sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | You drop the glass and the singapore sunrise spills all across the Floyd | floor. Floyd | Floyd | Ron looks at you pensively, "Sorry," you say. Floyd | Floyd | "I'm sure it was unavoidable," he says doubtfully. Floyd | Floyd | Ron takes a sip from his bloody mary. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks (of DW), "How so?" | |||
Mick says (to Floyd), "throw sunrise at ron" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the spilled drink) Floyd | You've already made the commitment to spill your drink. Let it go. Floyd | This is somebody else's problem now. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "This game should be called PartySim 3000" | |||
Limax says, "Let's just pass out and be done with it" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "order sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | "Give me a singapore sunrise," you say. Floyd | Floyd | "Really?" he asks, "Are you going to spill this one on the carpet like Floyd | you did the last one?" Floyd | Floyd | "Umm..." you stammer. Floyd | Floyd | "Never mind," he says, putting down his glass, "Why else am I behind Floyd | the bar?" Floyd | Floyd | Ron turns around and grabs a bottle from behind him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "fake death" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "Oh Ron.. you fool." | |||
DavidW says, "I can't plan stuff when we're in anything-goes mode." | ||||
Limax says, "Now let's get the heck out of here" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Oh, this sounds exploitable" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Maybe we're supposed to spill it a million times" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Auto), "I kind of doubt that." | ||||
Mick says, "Well let's plan" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Yeah, I'm kind of watching as well. If we don't get anywhere this route then I vote to regroup, appoint a driver, and formulate a plan." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Meh. Let's just get a sunrise to go and explore a bit" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Mick), "Timing." | ||||
DavidW says, "I'd go nw and get the dish." | ||||
DavidW says, "Dish, then husband, then coat." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "dance" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | "Please don't leave," Ron says. "I'm almost finished with your drink." Floyd | Floyd | Ron, his back to you, pours that bottle, plus several others into a Floyd | shaker. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | "Please don't leave," Ron says. "I'm almost finished with your drink." Floyd | Floyd | Ron shakes the concoction together. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "He has eyes in the back of his head." | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "remove shoes" | ||||
Floyd | Sure, you could take them off and have Abbey see you running around in Floyd | your blistered bare feet, but you'd rather be miserable than give her Floyd | that satisfaction. Floyd | Floyd | Ron pours the contents out into a glass. Floyd | Floyd | "Here you are," begins Ron as he turns around and puts the drink on Floyd | the bar. "One singapore sunrise. Enjoy." Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 asks, "Maybe we should steal Ron's drink?" | |||
Mick says, "I think we can just take this one and leave." | ||||
Limax says, "Fake bloody death with a bloody mary" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "take sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | (the spilled drink) Floyd | You've already made the commitment to spill your drink. Let it go. Floyd | This is somebody else's problem now. Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "I think we should give the sunrise to Frank, maybe get him unconscious or dead" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Well, I think it was good that he bailed. Got us away from him." | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "get sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | (the spilled drink) Floyd | You've already made the commitment to spill your drink. Let it go. Floyd | This is somebody else's problem now. Floyd | Floyd | "You know there's no escape," says Ron, looking at you seriously, "The Floyd | cocktail parties never end. You know, tomorrow we're hosting another Floyd | one. Another One!" Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "Oh, okay" | |||
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "I see you are still wearing that meanie badge. But I agree." | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is a singapore sunrise, an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses Floyd | and a cocktail book. An archway north leads to the den, a hallway Floyd | northwest connects to the kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats Floyd | have been placed, lies to the west. The front door waits invitingly to Floyd | the south. Floyd | Floyd | Your empty glass lies in the corner of the carpet next to a nasty Floyd | spill. Floyd | Floyd | On the bar is a singapore sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "take unspilled sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take all from bar" | ||||
Floyd | singapore sunrise: You take the singapore sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to auto), "nice" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | You step into the brightly lit gray kitchen where you find Barb Mason Floyd | and Sandy Quinlivan gathered around the kitchen island. All you need Floyd | to do is grab the casserole dish you brought and get out of here. Floyd | Barb, who sits at a stool in front of your dish, eating one of your Floyd | rice crispy treats, turns to you. Floyd | Floyd | "Amy, oh my god. I cannot tell you how good these rice crispie treats Floyd | are. You know, I have been getting the weirdest cravings recently," Floyd | she says, pointedly rubbing her swollen belly, "And these are to die Floyd | for. Seriously. I am not letting you leave until I finish these off. Floyd | They're that good." Floyd | Floyd | "Well," you say, gritting your teeth, "I'm glad you like them." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is a butter knife, a toaster, a bottle of Floyd | cleaning fluid and a scrub brush on the kitchen counter. The living Floyd | room is to the south east, and the den is immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating from the rice Floyd | crispies in your casserole dish. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side Floyd | inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | "God," Barb tells Sandy, "I am so sick of being pregnant. I just want Floyd | it out of me already!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "punch barb" | ||||
Floyd | You check your impulses. Even pregnant, you're pretty sure Barb could Floyd | take you in a fight. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher struts in from the den. "And how is everyone in this Floyd | room, hmmm?" She inquires. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "ha" | |||
Limax asks, "Whoa... we're female?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Um, that's not funny." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Limax), "Yes." | ||||
Roger says, "Or crossdressing" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "And here's the hostess" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "You thought this was a progressive game with gay marriage?" | ||||
Tale asks (of jacq), "What's not funny?" | ||||
Limax says, "Sorry... I'm just so used to the PC being male" | ||||
Tale says, "Those are around to!" | ||||
Limax says (to Jacqueline), "I missed the beginning" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "I'm used to female protagonist games" | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "talk to abbey" | ||||
Floyd | If you'd like to talk to someone, try to ASK them ABOUT something or Floyd | TELL them ABOUT something instead! Floyd | Floyd | "You are positively glowing!" exclaims Abbey to Barb. Floyd | Floyd | "It's probably the sheen on my skin," says Barb, "I can't help it. I Floyd | sweat like a pig." Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks (of Limax), "Huh. Really?" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Snowquest, Anchorhead, etc. etc." | ||||
Limax says (to Jacqueline), "Yes. I was making bacon and eggs for my kids" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "ask barb about water" | ||||
Floyd | "Look," she says, "I know this may come as a surprise to you, but I Floyd | don't know everything, jeeze." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "ask barb about baby" | ||||
Floyd | "How's the pregnancy coming?" you ask. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, Jesus," she says, "I don't care how bad the labor is, it can't be Floyd | worse than nine months of having your hormones go all schizophrenic on Floyd | you, while you have an enormous beach ball full of sand filling up in Floyd | your gut at the same time!" Floyd | Floyd | "Hey," says Barb, "You need any help?" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh no! Not at all! You just sit right there and enjoy yourself," Floyd | commands Abbey. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks (of Limax), "No, I meant, really you're not used to the concept of the PC being female?" | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "eat rice" | ||||
Floyd | You and your husband already polished off the first batch before you Floyd | came to party. You really don't feel like having any more. Floyd | Floyd | "Goodness! I wonder how everyone else is doing?" exclaims Abbey and Floyd | with that she struts to the den. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Nice description of pregnancy" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Anyway, just ... interesting." | ||||
Limax says (to Jacqueline), "I think I've been playing the wrong games... or too much Sam and Max" | ||||
DavidW says, "Suggestion: put the knife in the toaster, start a fire." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "ask barb about treats" | ||||
Floyd | "Barb," you say, "I need my casserole dish. I'm leaving." Floyd | Floyd | "You know, Amy, I'm hearin' ya, I really am," she says, "But I can't Floyd | help these cravings. In fact, the only thing I'm craving more than Floyd | these rice crispie goodies is a good old fashioned ants on a log. Like Floyd | in girl scouts!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "ask barb about ants on a log" | ||||
Floyd | "What exactly is an Ants on a Log?" you ask her. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, they're amazing," Barb says, "You take a celery stalk, put peanut Floyd | butter in the middle of it, and line the thing with raisins!" You look Floyd | at her blankly for a moment. "The sum is greater than the whole, Amy," Floyd | she says, "believe me." Floyd | Floyd | "Do you know if it's going to be a boy or a girl?" asks Sandy. Floyd | Floyd | "Nah," Barb says, "I'd rather be surprised. Course, with my luck it'll Floyd | be a freakin' hermaphrodite." Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to DW), "You are henceforth banned from any parties I throw." | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "empty casserole" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Amazing? Those things are repulsiv" | |||
Limax says, "Ha ha" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "repulsive*" | ||||
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "wah!" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Oh, I love ants on a log." | ||||
Limax says (to DavidW), "You can come to any party I throw... we have no toaster" | ||||
Mick asks, "Can't we just put the treats on a plate?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "open fridge" | ||||
Floyd | You open the fridge and a draft of cold air circulates around the Floyd | room. Floyd | Floyd | "Hey!" shout Barb, "Shut that thing! You're letting cold air in!" Floyd | Floyd | You quickly shut it. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "If you ever had invited me to a party, you'd know I'm the last to leave because I want all the leftover food to take home." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "This is one of those magical IF houses that don't need plates" | ||||
djfletch says, "so, we need the celery that Ron had" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to DW), "heehee" | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "take casserole" | ||||
Floyd | Barb does not look prepared to let you have it. She's still eating Floyd | your rice crispie treats. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher struts in from the den. "You know, Amy," she says, "I Floyd | shouldn't have to tell you how thrilled I am you could make it to our Floyd | little shindig." Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says (to djf), "ooh, cleaver" | |||
Mick says, "I love IF logic." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to dj), "Ooh, I'd missed that, but you're right." | ||||
DavidW says, "er clever" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "ask abbey about husband" | ||||
Floyd | "Oh darling!" she says, "Do stop asking so many questions! Enjoy the Floyd | party!" Floyd | Floyd | "Great party," Barb says to Abbey. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh yes," chimes in Sandy, "It's... It's very nice." Floyd | Floyd | > | Limax says, "This casserole is like a bag of holding... only with infinite rice krispie treats" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Wait, were these supposed to be one room? Or just merely escape?" | ||||
Roger says, "Yeah, that's some good thinkin" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "punch abbey" | ||||
Floyd | It's tempting. Very tempting. But somehow she'd manage to block you Floyd | with the power of her passive aggression. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Merely escape." | |||
Nitku asks, "wait, ants on a log is an actual food?" | ||||
Roger says, "One-room-ish." | ||||
DavidW says (to Nitku), "yes" | ||||
Roger says, "For very low values of 'food', yes" | ||||
DavidW says, "I've heard of them before." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "One house-ish" | ||||
Mick asks, "So is the plan to make one of these log things?" | ||||
Limax says (to Nitku), "Yes" | ||||
DavidW says (to Mick), "yes" | ||||
Nitku says, "shocking" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Probably" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses and a cocktail book. Floyd | An archway north leads to the den, a hallway northwest connects to the Floyd | kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats have been placed, lies to Floyd | the west. The front door waits invitingly to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Your empty glass lies in the corner of the carpet next to a nasty Floyd | spill. Floyd | Floyd | Ron checks his watch. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "There might be peanut butter in a cupboard." | |||
Limax says, "I have all the ingredients here, I believe" | ||||
Mick says, "Oh I thought we were goin to ask Ron for celery" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "ask ron about celery" | ||||
Floyd | "Is that bloody mary good?" you ask Ron. Floyd | Floyd | "Yes," he says, "It's very good." Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher walks in from the kitchen. "Don't mind me! Don't mind Floyd | me!" she cries, "I'm just making sure everyone is having a good time!" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh dear!" Abbey says hurrying over to inspect the damage, "Did you Floyd | spill your glass? Don't worry. I'll take care of that." Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Asking for stuff never works in IF" | |||
Mick says (to Floyd), "order bloody mary" | ||||
Floyd | "Could I have one of those?" you ask Ron, pointing to his Bloody Mary. Floyd | Floyd | "I'm sorry," he says unapologetically, "We're all out of Clamata." Floyd | Floyd | "Well, let me go fetch some cleaning supplies," Abbey says as she Floyd | disappears into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limax exclaims (at AutomatonZX27), "Well, it should!" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take celery" | ||||
Floyd | You can't reach over the bar and nab the celery stalk. First, your Floyd | arms aren't that long, and second, Ron would probably stop you. Floyd | Floyd | Ron frowns at you. Floyd | Floyd | > | K-Y says, "you wait for it to fall from the sky" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Maybe we need to distract him" | ||||
Mick says, "It seems like getting him to make us a Bloody Mary would be the way to go." | ||||
K-Y says, "to the north" | ||||
DavidW says, "Try giving him our drink for his." | ||||
DavidW says, "trade them." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "He's all out of Clamata, no mary for us" | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "ron, give me celery" | ||||
Floyd | (Ron Fincher first taking the celery stalk) Floyd | If you'd like Ron to make you a drink, simply say "order something". Floyd | Floyd | Abbey enters the room, armed with a scrub brush and a bottle of Floyd | cleaning fluid. "Time to tackle that stain!" she crows. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "I do not like Ron." | |||
Limax asks, "How about a manhattan martini with a side of celery?" | ||||
Mick says, "I suppose finding clamata would be out" | ||||
Roger says, "Hard to say" | ||||
Mick says (to Jacq), "I'm feeling that way about every NPC here." | ||||
djfletch says (to Floyd), "look up celery in book" | ||||
Floyd | You begin to flip the pages of the book, but Ron puts his fingers Floyd | down. "Please stop touching things that don't belong to you," he Floyd | chides, "If you want me to make you a drink, you can simply order Floyd | one." Floyd | Floyd | "Abbey crouches down and begins to scrub the floor where you spilled Floyd | your drink. "Don't worry," she tells you, "With enough bleach and Floyd | elbow grease anything is possible!" Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 asks, "How about we just ask the hostess about celery?" | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "order celery" | ||||
Floyd | You should do something with the drink he already gave you, first. Floyd | Floyd | "Abbey scrubs the floor with a vengence. Floyd | Floyd | Ron casually stirs his bloody mary with a celery stalk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "ask abbey about celery" | ||||
Floyd | "Why does your husband drink bloody marys?" you ask, "I've never found Floyd | them very tasty." Floyd | Floyd | "He considers it his daily intake of vegetables," she tells you. Floyd | Floyd | "Out, out, damn spot!" Abbey commands the stain, as she continues to Floyd | scrub it. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick asks, "I like the book idea. Maybe we just need to order a sunrise and peek in the book while he's busy?" | |||
Jacqueline says, "This is pretty impressive for a first game, I must say." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Lots of NPCs, stuff going on." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Feels pretty realistic." | ||||
Roger says, "Hmm, sounds plausible. Or take his drink." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Well we already have one sunrise" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "Spilling time?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "spill sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | (the singapore sunrise) Floyd | You drop the glass and the singapore sunrise spills all across the Floyd | floor. Floyd | Floyd | "Have you heard of a coaster?" Ron asks you, "They're wonderful Floyd | inventions. Perhaps in the future you could try using them. Floyd | Floyd | Satisfied with her work, Abbey stands back up. "There!" she says, Floyd | "It's mostly out." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | Jacqueline says, "Except in real life I would say, 'I don't really care about your cravings, give me my damn casserole ditch, woman!'" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "order sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | "Give me a singapore sunrise," you say. Floyd | Floyd | "You want another one?" he asks you. Floyd | Floyd | "Yes," you say, Floyd | Floyd | He pointedly sets his glass down on the bar, "Well," he says, "I hope Floyd | you enjoy it." Floyd | Floyd | "Well, my work here is done," Abbey says proudly, and brandishing the Floyd | scrub brush and the cleaner, she exits back into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Ron turns around and grabs a bottle from behind him. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Oops - dish." | |||
DavidW says, "y'see, this respilling the drink is what drives me insane." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I guess I was thinking of calling her something else when I typed, 'ditch, woman.'" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Mick says, "Maybe if we spill enough drinks they'll kick us out." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "look up celery in book" | ||||
Floyd | You begin to flip the pages of the book, but Ron puts his fingers Floyd | down. "Please stop touching things that don't belong to you," he Floyd | chides, "If you want me to make you a drink, you can simply order Floyd | one." Floyd | Floyd | Ron, his back to you, pours that bottle, plus several others into a Floyd | shaker. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I made a suggestion 40 turns ago, but it was ignored." | |||
Jacqueline says, "do it now" | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "take celery" | ||||
Floyd | You pluck the celery stalk from the bloody mary. It drips with tomato Floyd | juice. Floyd | Floyd | Ron shakes the concoction together. Floyd | Floyd | > | maga says, "casserole ditches are when you put a layer of delicious potato on top of a salmon stream" | |||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "How did he notice?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "We got it!" | ||||
Mick says, "Apparently he guards his book better than he guards his drinks." | ||||
Jacqueline asks (of DW), "Wasn't that your suggestion? To do it when his back was turned?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "But we can't leave, he'll stop us" | ||||
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "nope" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Hide it in our bra." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Do not mess with another man's cocktail book" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell celery" | ||||
Floyd | It smells like a fresh spring garden drowned in tomato juice. Floyd | Floyd | Ron pours the contents out into a glass. Floyd | Floyd | "Here we are," Ron says, turning around and placing your drink on the Floyd | bar, "One singapore sunrise." He picks up his glass gingerly and is Floyd | about to take a sip from it when he notices the celery missing. Floyd | Floyd | "May I have my stalk of celery back?" he asks. Floyd | Floyd | "What stalk of celery?" you ask demurely. Floyd | Floyd | "The one you have right there in your left hand," he says. Without Floyd | comment you sheepishly give him back the celery. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks (of DW), "What was your suggestion?" | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Living Room Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I no longer think my guess was correct, based on recent play." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Also, I still hate Ron. Updates as events warrant." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Oh. Darn." | ||||
djfletch asks, "did we have a bag or anything to put the celery in?" | ||||
DavidW says, "I think we now need a container to hide the celery in when you steal it." | ||||
Jacqueline nods. | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Not that I know of" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I suggested a container, people." | ||||
Mick asks, "What's to stop Barb from woofing down the log and going back to the treats?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "But I don't think our bra will work, to be fair." | ||||
DavidW says (to Mick), "God" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Maybe we hide it in our coat" | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "put celery in mouth" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says (to DavidW), "Who is clearly not on our side." | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "put celery in dress" | ||||
Floyd | That can't contain things. Floyd | Floyd | Ron pours the contents out into a glass. Floyd | Floyd | "Here we are," Ron says, turning around and placing your drink on the Floyd | bar, "One singapore sunrise." He picks up his glass gingerly and is Floyd | about to take a sip from it when he notices the celery missing. Floyd | Floyd | "May I have my stalk of celery back?" he asks. Floyd | Floyd | "What stalk of celery?" you ask demurely. Floyd | Floyd | "The one you have right there in your left hand," he says. Without Floyd | comment you sheepishly give him back the celery. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Well, if that doesn't work, Mick, then we can use the next piece of celery we steal to hit her in the head or poke her in the eye or something." | |||
AutomatonZX27 exclaims, "No mouth!" | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Living Room Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to Auto), "Take that, Mr. Anderson." | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "drop celery" | ||||
Floyd | You set the stalk of celery on the bar. Floyd | Floyd | Ron pours the contents out into a glass. Floyd | Floyd | "Here we are," Ron says, turning around and placing your drink on the Floyd | bar, "One singapore sunrise." He picks up his glass gingerly and is Floyd | about to take a sip from it when he notices the celery missing. Floyd | Floyd | He looks down and sees the celery stalk lying on the bar. "My, my," he Floyd | says, "My stalk of celery must have leapt from my glass when I wasn't Floyd | looking," he says, picking it back up and putting it in his drink, Floyd | "Suicidal vegetables. How probable." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Living Room Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | djfletch says, ">wield celery" | |||
DavidW asks, "Are people 'undoing' in the hopes that a suitable container will materialize from our ass?" | ||||
Mick exclaims, "Throw it into the kitchen!" | ||||
Roger says, "I'm just flailing a bit" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "throw celery nw" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to throw the celery stalk. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky asks (of DavidW), "did you try that suggestion?" | |||
Mick says, "awww" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "You equip your +3 Celery of Ron's Bloody Mary Fame" | ||||
DavidW asks (of inky), "What?" | ||||
inky says, "it's the pulp fiction solution" | ||||
DavidW says, "WHAT?!?!" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "put celery in mouth" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline laughs, belatedly, at David. | |||
DavidW says, "***WHAT SUGGESTION ????****" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "To use our ass as a container." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "***DAVIDW HAS GONE INSANE***" | ||||
inky says, "(there's a scene in pulp fiction where the guy explains he saved this watch to give to somebody by hiding it in his ass for the time he was a POW)" | ||||
Mick says, "Barb probably won't want it after that." | ||||
DavidW says, "Well, if you can get the peanut butter from there too, we'll try that." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "How will she know where we, uh, stored it?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "We hide it there, then we use it to make ants on a log and give it to the woman." | ||||
(from Jacqueline) inky says, "and we won't even need to find raisins!" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), ":groans." | ||||
Floyd | (Thank you.) Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "er whoops" | |||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | "Gesundheit," says Ron. Floyd | Floyd | Ron pours the contents out into a glass. Floyd | Floyd | "Here we are," Ron says, turning around and placing your drink on the Floyd | bar, "One singapore sunrise." He picks up his glass gingerly and is Floyd | about to take a sip from it when he notices the celery missing. Floyd | Floyd | "May I have my stalk of celery back?" he asks. Floyd | Floyd | "What stalk of celery?" you ask demurely. Floyd | Floyd | "The one you have right there in your left hand," he says. Without Floyd | comment you sheepishly give him back the celery. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Don't undo." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Go find a container, then come try again." | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "Let's go look for a container then." | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "sign" | |||
Jacqueline clears the save counter. | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | You step into the guest room to find Frank wobbling around the room. Floyd | Ooh, perhaps you shouldn't have given him that last glass of wine. Floyd | "Frank," you ask, "Are you doing okay? Do you want me to get you some Floyd | water?" Floyd | Floyd | "Nah, I'm fine," he says, clearly lying. He slumps over to the bed and Floyd | begins to crawl on top of the pile of coats. Floyd | Floyd | "Wait, no, Frank," you say, "What are you doing? Get off those coats!" Floyd | Floyd | He looks up at you and smiles a stupid crooked smile. "Shay goodnight, Floyd | Gracie!" he slurs almost imcomprehensibly and then passes out, belly Floyd | down on top of your coat and everyone else's. Floyd | Floyd | You frown and bite your lower lip. It looks like getting your coat is Floyd | going to take a bit of effort. "Goodnight Gracie," you mutter beneath Floyd | your breath. | Jacqueline says, "ARGH" | |||
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Guest Room Floyd | This small guest room is quaintly furnished, with a large king sized Floyd | bed taking up most of the space. Sprawled across it lies Frank in a Floyd | deep slumber. A small closet is tucked into the corner next to the Floyd | dresser, and a miniature space heater rests at the foot of the bed. On Floyd | the dresser is an alarm clock. The only exit is back east into the Floyd | living room. Floyd | Floyd | Your purse lies against the foot of the bed. Floyd | Floyd | "I swear, officer," Frank mutters in his sleep, "I only had one beer. Floyd | I swear..." Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "And you haven't even found hubby yet./" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "There's our container" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Well, I think he was thinking of using the coat to hide the celery, but our purse is also here." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take purse" | ||||
Floyd | You sling the purse over your shoulder. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "To the bar!" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "search purse" | ||||
Floyd | In your purse are a tube of lipstick and billfold. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 exclaims, "Exploitable!" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "put lipstick on frank" | ||||
Floyd | You know you shouldn't. You know it's wrong. But you can't quite help Floyd | yourself. You take out your tube of lipstick and paint a bright red Floyd | circle around Frank's lips. Hee Hee. Floyd | Floyd | As he sleeps, Frank lets out a large and messy sounding fart. You make Floyd | a mental note: First thing tomorrow morning you're getting your coat Floyd | dry-cleaned. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "YAY" | |||
Mick says, "Now we just need some shaving cream." | ||||
DavidW says, "Check the closet." | ||||
DavidW says, "Or dresser." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Frank: Let me give you a BIG, WET KISS" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Let's vote" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "Dresser or closet?" | ||||
Mick says, "both" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Fair enough" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "search dresser" | ||||
Floyd | You open the drawers one by one. They're all empty. Abbey keeps a tidy Floyd | home. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "open closet. open dresser" | ||||
Floyd | You open the guest room closet, revealing a hair dryer. Floyd | Floyd | You open the drawers one by one. They're all empty. Abbey keeps a tidy Floyd | home. Floyd | Floyd | Frank shifts, restlessly on the bed, but does not roll off the pile of Floyd | coats. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 asks, "What's the point of a dresser if it's empty?" | |||
Mick says, "The same as a kitchen without plates." | ||||
DavidW asks, "hm. Hair dryer and a space heater? Are we trying to get Frank to strip with the heat?" | ||||
Mick says, "All we need now is a bathtub." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "turn on heater" | ||||
Floyd | You switch on the space heater. Gradually it begins to quietly hum and Floyd | the front of it turns a pretty amber. You feel warmer already. Floyd | Floyd | The lights quiver and dim. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
smartgenes arrives, full of fun and funk. | AutomatonZX27 exclaims, "Power outage!" | |||
Roger says, "Oh, and the hairdryer" | ||||
DavidW says, "oh. It's part of a power usage puzzle." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "We need another outlet for that" | ||||
smartgenes says, "how do i join again" | DavidW says, "The toaster might use up power too." | |||
Roger says, "You're in" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Type @joinc #clubfloyd" | DavidW says, "of course, it would help to see the 4th room." | |||
Mick says, "I'm not sure how that would help us get our things." | ||||
smartgenes says, "thanks automaton" | ||||
Tale has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "plug in hairdryer" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "plug in dryer" | ||||
Floyd | What do you want to plug in the hair dryer? Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says (to Mick), "I'm guessing it'll help get our husband back." | |||
Mick says, "Very possible" | ||||
smartgenes says, "how do i change current channel" | DavidW says, "So fiddling with this stuff is pointless right now." | |||
Mick says, "We should probably find out what's preventing us from getting him." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Take the dryer, just in case" | ||||
DavidW says, "yes" | ||||
inky says, "you don't need to do anything, just type #clubfloyd whatever" | DavidW says (to Automaton), "no" | |||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "Uh, why?" | ||||
smartgenes says, "um bt i can't see the game" | DavidW says, "The hostess will object." | |||
inky asks, "even if the power's out?" | ||||
DavidW says, "She'll recognize we're walking around with her dryer." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "But how are we going to plug it in if we don't take it with us?" | ||||
DavidW says, "oh forget it" | ||||
Mick says, "We haven't determined we even need to do that yet." | ||||
smartgenes says, "dsounds interesting" | Jacqueline says (to smartgenes), "Type #clubfloyd blah" | |||
Mick asks, "Where is the last room?" | ||||
Mick says, "Let's go find our husband." | ||||
DavidW says, "North of the bar." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "North of living room" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You can't plug anything into the east Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is a singapore sunrise, an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses Floyd | and a cocktail book. An archway north leads to the den, a hallway Floyd | northwest connects to the kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats Floyd | have been placed, lies to the west. The front door waits invitingly to Floyd | the south. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher walks around the room, inspecting the furniture. Floyd | Floyd | On the bar is a singapore sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | "My goodness!" Abbey says, cornering you by the piano, "You spent so Floyd | much of your time talking to Frank that we never got a chance to chat. Floyd | How are things?" Floyd | Floyd | "Fine," you say, "Just fine." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | You walk into the den where you find your husband along with Chuck Floyd | Whitman watching the television. "Come on," you say, "We're going." Floyd | Floyd | "Aw, babe," he says, his eyes imploring you, "It's in the middle of Floyd | the game! You gotta let us finish." Floyd | | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "punch abbey" | ||||
Floyd | You purse your lips in annoyance. "How far along is it?" you ask. Floyd | Floyd | "Second Quarter," he says, "But don't worry. It should be over soon. Floyd | Unless it gets into overtime. Well and the Steelers are playing the Floyd | Packers right after so... I don't know." He stuffs some more chips Floyd | into his mouth and looks back to the screen. Floyd | Floyd | You frown. It's obvious your husband isn't leaving without some firm Floyd | persuasion. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Den Floyd | Set in soft wood paneling, the Fincher's Den screams comfort and Floyd | class. A couch sits in front of a cherry wood coffee table with a view Floyd | to their big screen television. There is a jar of peanut butter, a Floyd | bowl of chips, a stack of napkins and a remote control on the table. A Floyd | large glass sliding door, leading out to the porch, stands closed to Floyd | the north. You could walk back south to the living room, or west to Floyd | the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Your husband, Mark, and Chuck Whitman sit on the couch, avidly Floyd | watching a football game. Floyd | Floyd | Chuck stands up, excitedly, "He's going for it! He's going for it!" he Floyd | yells, "And..." Floyd | Floyd | The lights in the room pulse a tad brighter. Floyd | Floyd | Hmm... It seems as if someone has just turned something off in another Floyd | room. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to smartgenes), "Welcome to ClubFloyd, but please talk on the channel. :)" | |||
Mick says, "Ahhh, power outage makes sense now." | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "withhold sex" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Jar of peanut butter is here." | |||
Ellison says, "ha ha" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "kiss husband" | ||||
Floyd | Oh, what? You're going to reward this kind of behavior? I think not. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "cheat on husband" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "take remote control" | ||||
Floyd | As you reach down to take the remote control, your husband quickly Floyd | moves it out of your grasp. "No, no, no," he says, "No touchie. You Floyd | can watch Top Chef when the game is over." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "kiss chuck" | ||||
Floyd | Chalk it up to your sore feet, but you aren't in the kissing mood. Floyd | Floyd | The football player on the television is tackled on the thirty yard Floyd | line. "Oh! Snap!" cries Chuck. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
smartgenes asks, "we have to stop boyfriend watching footy?" | ||||
DavidW says, "channel" | Mick says, "Alright, we just need to find raisins now." | |||
smartgenes asks, "how to change current channel?" | DavidW says, "Kitchen cupboard is my guess. Unless there's a bowl of raisins out." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "unplug tv" | ||||
Floyd | "Boy's," you say severely, "You've driven me to this. I just want you Floyd | to know that." You look behind the television to find the plug, but Floyd | can't find a thing. Floyd | Floyd | "The T.V."s attached through the floor," says your husband Mark, "But Floyd | nice try. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "Power outage to shut off the TV, but I'm not sure how to deal with Frank." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "inv" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying your purse (being worn and open), inside which are a Floyd | bag of raisins, a tube of lipstick and billfold, a blue dress (being Floyd | worn) and a pair of black heels (being worn). Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Magic raisins" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "hahaha - attached through the floor? Seriously?" | ||||
DavidW asks, "oh, we have raisins?" | ||||
Mick says, "Hah" | ||||
Roger says, "Oh; we can put the celery in our purse" | ||||
Ellison says (to Jacqueline), "seriously!" | ||||
inky says, "we are so prepared" | ||||
DavidW asks, "I thought the lipstick and billfold were the only things in it?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Me too" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take napkin" | ||||
Floyd | You pick up a small napkin from the top of the stack. Floyd | Floyd | On the screen, one team has apparently called a time-out. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "ask husband about game" | ||||
Floyd | "Uh, huh," he says, "That's nice. Hmm.." His eyes then glance over to Floyd | the television screen and he screams, "Oh my god! Did you just see Floyd | that interception?!!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "take peanut butter" | ||||
Floyd | You pick up the jar of peanut butter, making sure to keep your fingers Floyd | away from the sticky rim. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is a singapore sunrise, an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses Floyd | and a cocktail book. An archway north leads to the den, a hallway Floyd | northwest connects to the kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats Floyd | have been placed, lies to the west. The front door waits invitingly to Floyd | the south. Floyd | Floyd | On the bar is a singapore sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | Ron looks at you and says, "You know, if you'd like another drink, all Floyd | you have to do is order one." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "spill sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | It might look more natural if you were holding the cocktail. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "take sunrise. spill it." | ||||
Floyd | You take the singapore sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | You drop the glass and the singapore sunrise spills all across the Floyd | floor. Floyd | Floyd | "I don't know what your game is," says Ron, "But I'm making a point of Floyd | never having you over here again." Floyd | Floyd | Ron looks at the pile of bottles in a morose manner. "You know," he Floyd | says to you, "I don't usually drink. She makes us buy them. For the Floyd | parties." Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher saunters in from the guest room. "Don't mind me! Don't Floyd | mind me!" she cries, "I'm just making sure everyone is having a good Floyd | time!" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh my," says Abbey a little cautiously, "You've spilled another? Floyd | Well, not to worry. I'll clean it up. Again." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take sunrise. spill it" | ||||
Floyd | You've already made the commitment to spill your drink. Let it go. Floyd | This is somebody else's problem now. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, let me go fetch some cleaning supplies," Abbey says as she Floyd | disappears into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | The spilled drink can't be spilled. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Maybe we *will* get kicked out." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "order sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | "Give me a singapore sunrise," you say. Floyd | Floyd | Ron looks at you for a long beat with a searching stare. He finally Floyd | puts his glass on the bar and silently begins to mix your drink. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey enters the room, armed with a scrub brush and a bottle of Floyd | cleaning fluid. "Time to tackle that stain!" she crows. Floyd | Floyd | Ron turns around and grabs a bottle from behind him. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "Since Abbey turned off the heater, we probably will eventually need a way to container her." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take celery. put it in purse" | ||||
Floyd | You pluck the celery stalk from the bloody mary. It drips with tomato Floyd | juice. Floyd | Floyd | "Abbey crouches down and begins to scrub the floor where you spilled Floyd | your drink. "Don't worry," she tells you, "With enough bleach and Floyd | elbow grease anything is possible!" Floyd | Floyd | Ron, his back to you, pours that bottle, plus several others into a Floyd | shaker. Floyd | Floyd | The celery is dripping with Tomato juice! You're going to need to wipe Floyd | it off, first. Floyd | Floyd | "Out, out, damn spot!" Abbey commands the stain, as she continues to Floyd | scrub it. Floyd | Floyd | Ron shakes the concoction together. Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "I think it may have just timed out, but maybe" | |||
inky says, "open a window so it'll be cold" | ||||
Roger says, "napkin" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "wipe celery with napkin. put celery in purse" | ||||
Floyd | Gingerly you wipe off the celery with the paper napkin, and throw the Floyd | napkin into the trash. There! Good as new! Floyd | Floyd | Sort of. Floyd | Floyd | Well, look at it this way: At least it's not dripping with Tomato Floyd | juice. Floyd | Floyd | "Abbey scrubs the floor with a vengence. Floyd | Floyd | Ron pours the contents out into a glass. Floyd | Floyd | "Here we are," Ron says, turning around and placing your drink on the Floyd | bar, "One singapore sunrise." He picks up his glass gingerly and is Floyd | about to take a sip from it when he notices the celery missing. Floyd | Floyd | "May I have my stalk of celery back?" he asks. Floyd | Floyd | "What stalk of celery?" you ask demurely. Floyd | Floyd | "The one you have right there in your left hand," he says. Without Floyd | comment you sheepishly give him back the celery. Floyd | Floyd | You need to be holding the celery stalk before you can put it into Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | Satisfied with her work, Abbey stands back up. "There!" she says, Floyd | "It's mostly out." Floyd | Floyd | Ron shifts his weight to the other leg. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Damn" | |||
Mick says, "Oh Ron.. you did this to yourself.." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "n. take napkin. s" | ||||
Floyd | Den Floyd | Set in soft wood paneling, the Fincher's Den screams comfort and Floyd | class. A couch sits in front of a cherry wood coffee table with a view Floyd | to their big screen television. There is a bowl of chips, a stack of Floyd | napkins and a remote control on the table. A large glass sliding door, Floyd | leading out to the porch, stands closed to the north. You could walk Floyd | back south to the living room, or west to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Your husband, Mark, and Chuck Whitman sit on the couch, avidly Floyd | watching a football game. Floyd | Floyd | "Aw, dude," says Chuck to your husband, "Did you see that play? Man, Floyd | that was sweet!" Floyd | Floyd | You pick up a small napkin from the top of the stack. Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is a singapore sunrise, an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses Floyd | and a cocktail book. An archway north leads to the den, a hallway Floyd | northwest connects to the kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats Floyd | have been placed, lies to the west. The front door waits invitingly to Floyd | the south. Floyd | Floyd | On the bar is a singapore sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | Ron puts his hand on his chin and looks at you in a suspicious manner. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher saunters in from the kitchen. "I do hope you're enjoying Floyd | the party!" she says. Floyd | Floyd | "Amy dear," Abbey says, plucking the jar of peanut butter from your Floyd | hands, "I appreciate you helping out, but the spreads belong on the Floyd | coffee table with the rest of the snacks!" Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher walks away to the den, carrying the jar of peanut Floyd | butter. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Timing is everything. You've got to plan and be precise." | |||
Mick says (to Floyd), "take sunrise. spill it." | ||||
Floyd | You take the singapore sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | You drop the glass and the singapore sunrise spills all across the Floyd | floor. Floyd | Floyd | Ron rolls his eyes incredulously. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick exclaims, "gah!" | |||
Roger says, "I think we lost a turn with the aborted empursening" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "order sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | "Give me a singapore sunrise," you say. Floyd | Floyd | Ron looks at you for a long beat with a searching stare. He finally Floyd | puts his glass on the bar and silently begins to mix your drink. Floyd | Floyd | Ron turns around and grabs a bottle from behind him. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "And you've lost the peanut butter." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take celery. wipe celery with napkin. put celery in purse" | ||||
Floyd | You pluck the celery stalk from the bloody mary. It drips with tomato Floyd | juice. Floyd | Floyd | Ron, his back to you, pours that bottle, plus several others into a Floyd | shaker. Floyd | Floyd | Gingerly you wipe off the celery with the paper napkin, and throw the Floyd | napkin into the trash. There! Good as new! Floyd | Floyd | Sort of. Floyd | Floyd | Well, look at it this way: At least it's not dripping with Tomato Floyd | juice. Floyd | Floyd | Ron shakes the concoction together. Floyd | Floyd | You put the cleaned off stalk of celery into your purse. Now nobody Floyd | can see it! It's your little secret. Floyd | Floyd | Ron pours the contents out into a glass. Floyd | Floyd | "Here we are," Ron says, turning around and placing your drink on the Floyd | bar, "One singapore sunrise." He picks up his glass gingerly and is Floyd | about to take a sip from it when he notices the celery missing. Floyd | Floyd | "Where is it?" he asks you. Floyd | Floyd | You raise your hands, as if equally dumbfounded. "Search me!" you say. Floyd | Floyd | Ron frowns at you. "I'll pass," he says coldly. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take sunrise" | ||||
Floyd | (the spilled drink) Floyd | You've already made the commitment to spill your drink. Let it go. Floyd | This is somebody else's problem now. Floyd | Floyd | Ron runs his fingers around his celery-less glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Now we need to make those ants" | |||
DavidW says, "You'll probably need the knife from the kitchen to use the peanut butter." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take all from bar" | ||||
Floyd | singapore sunrise: You take the singapore sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher saunters in from the kitchen. "And how is everyone in Floyd | this room, hmmm?" She inquires. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey gives a short grunt of annoyance and then walks over to you. Floyd | "You know, dear," she says, "That's the third drink I've seen you Floyd | spill. Perhaps you've had enough, hmm?" Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "you could save at some point here" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "nw. take knife" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is a bottle of cleaning fluid, a scrub brush, a Floyd | butter knife and a toaster on the kitchen counter. The living room is Floyd | to the south east, and the den is immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating from the rice Floyd | crispies in your casserole dish. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side Floyd | inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey waltzes into the kitchen. "It looks like somebody had an Floyd | accident," she says. Floyd | Floyd | "I told you, Sandy," Barb says, "You should've made Frank wear Floyd | diapers!". Floyd | Floyd | "No," Abbey says. "Somebody spilled a drink." Floyd | Floyd | "So of course Chuck expects Dad to pay for everything," Barb tells Floyd | Sandy, "But I'm like, we're not living in the freaking middle ages! Floyd | Cough up some dough. We'll go dutch!" Floyd | Floyd | "Dear, please leave the utensils alone," she says, "All of the snacks Floyd | are bite sized. You don't need to cut anything! Except for perhaps a Floyd | rug!" She laughs. You do not. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey sets down her plate of appetizers and picks up the bottle of Floyd | cleaning fluid and the scrub brush. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "Don't spill the drink yet. we may need Abbey busy." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I cleared the save counter for just that reason." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "To save, just type >PRESS SAVE" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Not to Floyd, just >PRESS SAVE" | ||||
Limax asks, "You haven't saved this whole time?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says (to Limax), "Apparently not." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "eat appetizers" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the an appetizer) Floyd | You look at the unguarded plate of hors d'oeuvres and decide to try Floyd | one. You pick up one of the toast wedges and plop it in your mouth. Floyd | And then wish you hadn't. It tastes like a brined sock. You somehow Floyd | manage to get it down, but you're not happy about it. Blech. Floyd | Floyd | "Well," Abbey says, holding up the bottle of cleaner, "Time to make Floyd | myself useful!" and with that she exits the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Get the knife." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Take), "knife" | AutomatonZX27 says, "Oops" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take knife" | ||||
Floyd | You take the butter knife. Floyd | Floyd | "Look at me!" Barb tells Sandy, "It's like I swallowed a goddamn Floyd | watermelon! The baby's due next month and we're not getting married Floyd | 'til May. If I'm still this size by spring then shoot me. Just shoot Floyd | me." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "shoot Barb" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Den Floyd | Set in soft wood paneling, the Fincher's Den screams comfort and Floyd | class. A couch sits in front of a cherry wood coffee table with a view Floyd | to their big screen television. There is a jar of peanut butter, a Floyd | bowl of chips, a stack of napkins and a remote control on the table. A Floyd | large glass sliding door, leading out to the porch, stands closed to Floyd | the north. You could walk back south to the living room, or west to Floyd | the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Your husband, Mark, and Chuck Whitman sit on the couch, avidly Floyd | watching a football game. Floyd | Floyd | A loud voice announces from the television that the preceding slo-mo Floyd | three dimensional replay was "brought to you by Cracked Out energy Floyd | drink. Cracked Out... because you can never have too much energy." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take butter" | ||||
Floyd | (the jar of peanut butter) Floyd | You pick up the jar of peanut butter, making sure to keep your fingers Floyd | away from the sticky rim. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "spread butter on celery" | ||||
Floyd | Which do you mean, the jar of peanut butter or the butter knife? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "jar" | ||||
Floyd | You dip the knife into the jar and spread a nice long line of peanut Floyd | butter along the line of the celery stalk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "put raisins on celery" | ||||
Floyd | You carefully place a line of raisins down the line of the celery Floyd | stalk. They stick to the swath of peanut butter and hold fast. Floyd | Congratulations! You've officially made Ants on a Log! Floyd | Floyd | "Touch down!!" scream both the men and they give each other high Floyd | fives. Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "Oh, it's already open. That's good." | |||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "w. give ants on a log to barb" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is an an appetizer and a toaster on the kitchen Floyd | counter. The living room is to the south east, and the den is Floyd | immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher stands against the wall, smiling with an unnerving Floyd | fervor. Floyd | Floyd | On the kitchen counter is an an appetizer. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating from the rice Floyd | crispies in your casserole dish. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side Floyd | inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey carefully puts back the bottle and the scrub brush back on the Floyd | counter and picks back up the tray of appetizers. Floyd | Floyd | "Hey, you ever been pregnant?" Barb asks Sandy. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, uh... no," says Sandy, a bit meekly. "I would have loved to, but Floyd | Frank doesn't want children so..." Floyd | Floyd | "Well it's over-rated. You're not missing anything," retorts Barb. Floyd | Floyd | You show Barb the Ants on a Log you made. "Oh. My. God." she says, Floyd | clearly astonished, "You are, like, the best friend ever!" She takes Floyd | it from you and takes a slow bite from the end, clearly in heaven. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, it wasn't any trouble," you lie. Floyd | Floyd | "Here" she says, pushing the casserole dish towards you, "Take them. Floyd | Who needs rice crispie treats when you can get the real thing! Oh! Floyd | This is yummy!" Floyd | Floyd | Congratulations! You can now leave with your caserol dish! That's one Floyd | step closer to getting the hell out of this party! | Mick says, "That touch down was well timed." | |||
AutomatonZX27 pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is a bottle of cleaning fluid, a scrub brush Floyd | and a toaster on the kitchen counter. The living room is to the south Floyd | east, and the den is immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher stands against the wall, smiling with an unnerving Floyd | fervor. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating the celery stalk Floyd | you gave her. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | "Dear, I hate to bring this up," Abbey tells Sandy, her arm on her Floyd | shoulder, "But I think your husband may have had a bit too much to Floyd | drink tonight." Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, ha. ha." laughs Sandy unconvincingly, "He sometimes does that. Floyd | Ha. Ha." Floyd | Floyd | "Goodness! I wonder how everyone else is doing?" exclaims Abbey and Floyd | with that she ambles to the den. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "x sandy" | ||||
Floyd | A slight woman, Sandy Quinlivan blends into the background no matter Floyd | where she is. This seems to be deliberate, as even now she smiles at Floyd | you nervously as you look at her. She's very pretty with blond Floyd | highlighted hair, but you've never really had occasion to talk with Floyd | her. You wish you could say the same about her husband. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I wonder if you need to get Sandy to take Frank home." | |||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "Maybe we should go in the back yard?" | ||||
Roger says, "The cleaning fluid is mocking me with its poisonousness" | ||||
inky says, "well, he is lying on your coat" | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "tell sandy about frank" | ||||
Floyd | "You know," you tell Sandy, "Frank fell asleep on all of the coats." Floyd | Floyd | "Good luck waking him up, then!" she laughs nervously, "The only thing Floyd | that'll do it at our house is the dog!" Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "We obviously need to lick Frank." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | The only exits are southeast and east. Floyd | Floyd | "I'm not supposed to wear pure white, because... well look at me!" Floyd | exclaims Barb, "But screw that. It's my wedding. I'll wear whatever Floyd | the hell I want." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask sandy about dog" | ||||
Floyd | "That little poodle is very cute. We have a border collie. Her name is Floyd | Sylvia. She's Frank's favorite, really. She wakes him up every Floyd | morning. Pouncing on the bed and licking his face." She grimaces Floyd | slightly thinking about it. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher dances in from the den. "You know, Amy," she says, "I Floyd | shouldn't have to tell you how thrilled I am you could make it to our Floyd | little shindig." Floyd | Floyd | "Darling, dear," Abbey says, taking you by the shoulders, "I thought Floyd | we talked about this. Peanut Butter is for eating, not for picking Floyd | up!" and before you can stop her, she's snatched the jar from your Floyd | hands. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey leave the kitchen for the den, carrying the jar of peanut butter Floyd | with her. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Den Floyd | Set in soft wood paneling, the Fincher's Den screams comfort and Floyd | class. A couch sits in front of a cherry wood coffee table with a view Floyd | to their big screen television. There is a jar of peanut butter, a Floyd | bowl of chips, a stack of napkins and a remote control on the table. A Floyd | large glass sliding door, leading out to the porch, stands closed to Floyd | the north. You could walk back south to the living room, or west to Floyd | the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher stands to the side of the room, carrying a tray of hors Floyd | d'oeuvres. Floyd | Floyd | Your husband, Mark, and Chuck Whitman sit on the couch, avidly Floyd | watching a football game. Floyd | Floyd | "Men." Abbey whispers to you. "They do love their football, don't Floyd | they?" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh dear," Abbey says, looking at you worriedly, "It's best not to run Floyd | around with these things," she says taking the knife from your hand. Floyd | "We don't want you tripping on something and falling on it, now do we? Floyd | Think of the liability!" Floyd | Floyd | Abbey walks into the kitchen, carrying the knife. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick asks, "Do these people have a dog?" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "examine door" | ||||
Floyd | The sliding glass door looks out onto the back porch. Or it would, if Floyd | it wasn't so dark outside. A small black poodle yips at you from Floyd | behind the glass. Floyd | Floyd | "Do you play fantasy football?" your husband asks Chuck. Floyd | Floyd | "Do I??" asks Chuck back excitedly, "Only, like, every day!" Floyd | Floyd | > | Limax says, "Putty crapped out on me again" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | Thinking a bit of fresh air might help you think, you open the sliding Floyd | door a crack. From between your legs shoots a small black dog into the Floyd | house. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey rushes in to the room. "Oh!" she says, "Has somebody opened the Floyd | door and let in my little Reggie?" Floyd | Floyd | The dog stands momentarily and sniffs the air and then races over to Floyd | the coffee table and begins barking excitedly. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh dear," says Abbey, "A host's work is never done!" and with that Floyd | she ambles to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey kneels down and picks up the poodle. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Let's see what happens" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey opens up the sliding glass door and walks out to the porch, Floyd | carrying the poodle. Floyd | Floyd | An announcer on the television makes squiggly lines on a frozen Floyd | picture of the field. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 exclaims, "Exploitable!" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "close door" | ||||
Floyd | As Abbey stands outside on the porch, dropping off her poodle, you Floyd | quickly shut the porch door. It locks itself with a satisfying CLICK! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "You think you can lock her out?" | |||
DavidW says, "ha!" | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "I just did, so yeah" | ||||
inky says, "just like the trophy case" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "One less problem to deal with" | ||||
Mick says, "unfortunately I think we need that dog." | ||||
DavidW says, "well, the power outage will be easier with her out of the way." | ||||
Mick says, "yes" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Uh" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "I know this is off-topic, but" | ||||
Roger says, "We should tell Ron" | ||||
Mick asks (of Roger), "Tell Ron what?" | ||||
Mick asks, "Well, so the plan is turn on toaster, dryer and heater and hope that turns off TV?" | ||||
Roger says (to mick), "About his wife" | ||||
DavidW says, "No. dryer, heater, toaster, oven and microwave." | ||||
Mick says, "Let's get to it then" | ||||
Mick asks, "Do you want to continue to drive, Auto?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Sure" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses and a cocktail book. Floyd | An archway north leads to the den, a hallway northwest connects to the Floyd | kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats have been placed, lies to Floyd | the west. The front door waits invitingly to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Your empty glass lies in the corner of the carpet next to a nasty Floyd | spill. Floyd | Floyd | Ron emits a tired sigh. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "tell ron about abbey" | ||||
Floyd | "You sure are lucky to be married to such a happy spirit!" you suggest Floyd | to Ron. Floyd | Floyd | "Yes," he says with a dark quiet voice, "I'm very lucky." Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "You shouldn't waste turns." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | The only exits are north, northwest, and west. And obviously south, to Floyd | your freedom. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Guest Room Floyd | This small guest room is quaintly furnished, with a large king sized Floyd | bed taking up most of the space. Sprawled across it lies Frank in a Floyd | deep slumber. A small closet is tucked into the corner next to the Floyd | dresser, and a miniature space heater rests at the foot of the bed. On Floyd | the dresser is an alarm clock. The only exit is back east into the Floyd | living room. Floyd | Floyd | Frank begins to snore louder and louder, until suddenly he stops. It Floyd | seems like he's having trouble breathing, and then he begins to snore Floyd | regularly again. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "hm, alarm clock too, I guess?" | |||
Mick asks, "Woudln't that already be on?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "turn on clock" | ||||
Floyd | You quickly turn on the alarm clock, and set it so that it rings right Floyd | now. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly a large ringing emits from the clock. You look at the Floyd | sleeping man on the bed. Nothing. You turn the alarm clock back off. Floyd | It seems as if nothing is going to wake this man. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "hit frank" | ||||
Floyd | You lean over the bed and smack Frank on the face. He doesn't even Floyd | stop snoring. It seems as if his jowls have deflected your blows. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "push frank" | ||||
Floyd | You try to push him off of the coats, but he won't budge. He's a large Floyd | man, and even with time you've been putting in at the gym you can't Floyd | move him. Floyd | Floyd | Frank's sleeping face twists in anguish. "No," he mutters in his Floyd | sleep, "Don't do that. Stop. No..." Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "You've forgotten the plan." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "kiss frank" | ||||
Floyd | Chalk it up to your sore feet, but you aren't in the kissing mood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "turn on heater" | ||||
Floyd | You try to switch it on, but nothing happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "plug heater in" | ||||
Floyd | What do you want to plug the space heater in? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "x heater" | ||||
Floyd | A small space heater lies against the wall near the bed. The chord Floyd | lies uplugged against the wall. Floyd | Floyd | Frank shifts in his sleep. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x nose" | ||||
Floyd | That noun did not make sense in this context. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "plug heater in outlet" | ||||
Floyd | You plug the space heater back into the outlet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to clubfloyd), "We could unplug the clock, if it comes to that" | Mick says, "That makes sense" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "turn on heater" | ||||
Floyd | You switch on the space heater. Gradually it begins to quietly hum and Floyd | the front of it turns a pretty amber. You feel warmer already. Floyd | Floyd | The lights quiver and dim. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take dryer. close closet" | ||||
Floyd | You take the hair dryer. Floyd | Floyd | Frank lets out a loud snort, but continues sleeping. Floyd | Floyd | You close the guest room closet. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "I'm starting to think the power outage should be done after getting the coat." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "e. nw." | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses and a cocktail book. Floyd | An archway north leads to the den, a hallway northwest connects to the Floyd | kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats have been placed, lies to Floyd | the west. The front door waits invitingly to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Your empty glass lies in the corner of the carpet next to a nasty Floyd | spill. Floyd | Floyd | Ron taps his fingers against the bar. Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is a butter knife, a bottle of cleaning fluid, Floyd | a scrub brush and a toaster on the kitchen counter. The living room is Floyd | to the south east, and the den is immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating the celery stalk Floyd | you gave her. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | "Did you know that Chuck wants his band to play the reception?" Barb Floyd | asks Sandy, "Yeah, him and two of his washed out college buddies still Floyd | hang out and play this 'music' once a month. They sound more like an Floyd | industrial factory malfunction than any band I've ever heard. I told Floyd | him, Chuck honey, if you so much as bring your drum set within a Floyd | hundred feet of my reception, I'll call a divorce lawyer so fast it'll Floyd | make your metronome explode." Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison asks, "do we have enough turns before lady takes the peanut butter away that we could put some on dude's face?" | |||
Roger says, "Maybe it'll get so warm that he'll roll over or wake up or something" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "The lady is locked out" | ||||
Roger says, "The dog does seem clued in, though" | ||||
Limax walks slowly out of the room and into the sunset. | DavidW says, "She might walk in the front door any minute." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "examine toaster" | ||||
Floyd | It's a gleaming modern toast making machine. It's even big enough to Floyd | fit bagels! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | Mick says (to Ellison), "I think we do." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "turn on toaster" | ||||
Floyd | You try to turn on the toaster, but it's no use without plugging it in Floyd | first. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "plug toaster in outlet" | ||||
Floyd | You plug the toaster into the outlet. Floyd | Floyd | "So how did you and Frank get together?" asks Barb. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, I don't know," replies Sandy, "He's much nicer when he's sober, Floyd | you know." Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "They unplug their toaster? How green." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "turn on toaster" | ||||
Floyd | You press down on the toaster lever and the inside coals begin to glow Floyd | bright orange. Floyd | The lights grow even dimmer. One more energy-draining machine should Floyd | push the electrical system to the max. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "turn on microwave" | ||||
Floyd | You set the microwave for three minutes and press enter. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly, the entire house goes dark. It looks like you've pushed the Floyd | electrical system over the edge. Floyd | Floyd | "Way to go, Amy," you hear Barb snark in the darkness, "I told you not Floyd | to mess with that microwave!" Floyd | Floyd | "Don't worry," you hear Ron say from another room, "I think we've Floyd | blown a fuse." Floyd | Floyd | It is now pitch dark in here! Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "Uhoh" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "There we go" | ||||
Ellison asks, "go grab the remote?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Oh no! Grues!" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Darkness Floyd | It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey taps the porch door, from outside. Floyd | Floyd | "I'll be right back," you hear a distant call from Ron, "I'm going to Floyd | repair the fuse." Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "Yeah, they'll get it back on." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "feel around" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Mick says (to Floyd), "take remote" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "feel darkness" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "wait" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey looks at you and smiles. She gestures to the door knob, Floyd | indicating she's locked out. Floyd | Floyd | You hear some scuttling around from beneath you. It must be Ron in the Floyd | basement. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "Abbey and Ron are remarkably patient people." | |||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "What basement?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "wait" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey shivers from the other side of the glass door. Floyd | Floyd | Suddenly the lights return and the sounds of electrical devices Floyd | whirring back on flood the house, along with relieved sighs from Floyd | everyone in the room. Don enters the room and examines the television. Floyd | Floyd | "Thank God!" says Chuck, lunging for the remote and turning the Floyd | teleivision back on. Only, the screen floods with blue and an error Floyd | message displays. "What the hell's wrong with this thing?" he asks Floyd | outraged. Floyd | Floyd | "Yes," says Ron. "I was afraid this would happen. A power outtage Floyd | disrupts the signal. We'll have to call the cable company to get the Floyd | cable reset." Floyd | Floyd | "Well how long is that going to take?" asks Chuck. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh goodness!" Don replies dourly, "Several hours, probably. If it's Floyd | anything like last time." And with that he exits back into the living Floyd | room. Floyd | Floyd | Chuck and your husband give a collective groan, and then Mark turns to Floyd | you and says glumly, "Well, I'm ready to go whenever you are. Floyd | Floyd | Congratulations! Your husband is prepared to leave the party! That's Floyd | one step closer to getting the hell out of this party! | AutomatonZX27 says, "Blue screen of death" | |||
AutomatonZX27 pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Den Floyd | Set in soft wood paneling, the Fincher's Den screams comfort and Floyd | class. A couch sits in front of a cherry wood coffee table with a view Floyd | to their big screen television. There is a jar of peanut butter, a Floyd | bowl of chips and a stack of napkins on the table. A large glass Floyd | sliding door, leading out to the porch, stands closed to the north. Floyd | You could walk back south to the living room, or west to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Your husband, Mark, and Chuck Whitman sit on the couch, looking around Floyd | restlessly. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Now we need the coat and we're out of here" | |||
Mick says, "I'm going to vote for that peanut butter on Frank's face idea." | ||||
DavidW says (to Mick), "Certainly worth a try." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Seems like there's no harm in trying" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take butter" | ||||
Floyd | You pick up the jar of peanut butter, making sure to keep your fingers Floyd | away from the sticky rim. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey begins to frantically pound on the glass. Both, your husband and Floyd | Chuck look at the door in alarm. Chuck stands up and opens up the Floyd | door. "Got locked out?" he asks as Abbey steps back inside from the Floyd | cold, closing the door behind her. Floyd | Floyd | "Yes," she says eyeing you suspiciously, "The wind must have blown it Floyd | shut..." Floyd | Floyd | "Dear," Amy says seeing the jar of peanut butter, "You know the rules. Floyd | Donnez moi!" And with that she takes the jar of peanut butter from Floyd | you. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey places the jar of peanut butter back on the coffee table. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "inv" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying a hair dryer, a singapore sunrise, your purse (being Floyd | worn and open), inside which are a bag of raisins, a tube of lipstick Floyd | and billfold, a blue dress (being worn) and a pair of black heels Floyd | (being worn). Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Oh no" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take jar" | ||||
Floyd | "Amy, dear," Abbey Fincher says as your hands go near the jar, "Please Floyd | leave that jar where it is. I don't want peanut butter smudges all Floyd | over the house." Floyd | Floyd | "Now what are these glum faces I see?" Abbey asks Mark and Chuck, "Why Floyd | there are plenty of things to do that don't involve watching Floyd | television! Why, we could play a game of charades!" Floyd | Floyd | "Could we just wait a bit on that one?" asks Chuck. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, all right, Mr. Party Pooper," she says, "But nobody is leaving Floyd | until we play a party game!" Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "I'm feeling inclined to lipstick Frank now" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "I already did" | ||||
DavidW says, "Already done." | ||||
Roger says, "Oh, ha. Okay then." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh dear," says Abbey, "A host's work is never done!" and with that Floyd | she saunters to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take jar" | ||||
Floyd | You pick up the jar of peanut butter, making sure to keep your fingers Floyd | away from the sticky rim. Floyd | Floyd | "Amy," your husband whines, "I wanna go now!" Floyd | Floyd | "I don't want to hear it, mister," you scold. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Now we need the knife" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is a butter knife, a bottle of cleaning fluid, Floyd | a scrub brush and a toaster on the kitchen counter. The living room is Floyd | to the south east, and the den is immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher stands to the side of the room, carrying a tray of hors Floyd | d'oeuvres. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating the celery stalk Floyd | you gave her. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | "My! My! Those men love their football, don't they?" asks Abbey. Floyd | Floyd | "It's worse during the summer," says Barb, "My Chuckie is a Cubs fan." Floyd | All three of you nod sympathetically. Floyd | Floyd | "Amy dear," Abbey says, plucking the jar of peanut butter from your Floyd | hands, "I appreciate you helping out, but the spreads belong on the Floyd | coffee table with the rest of the snacks!" Floyd | Floyd | Abbey leave the kitchen for the den, carrying the jar of peanut butter Floyd | with her. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Den Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "z. z. w" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is a butter knife, a bottle of cleaning fluid, Floyd | a scrub brush and a toaster on the kitchen counter. The living room is Floyd | to the south east, and the den is immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher walks around the room, inspecting the furniture. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating the celery stalk Floyd | you gave her. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | "My! My! Those men love their football, don't they?" asks Abbey. Floyd | Floyd | "It's worse during the summer," says Barb, "My Chuckie is a Cubs fan." Floyd | All three of you nod sympathetically. Floyd | Floyd | "Goodness! I wonder how everyone else is doing?" exclaims Abbey and Floyd | with that she saunters to the den. Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger asks, "Have we tried letting the dog in?" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take knife" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full! Floyd | Floyd | "So of course my mom is thrilled about the wedding," Barb tells Sandy, Floyd | "Of course she would have been more thrilled if I would have tied the Floyd | knot before I got knocked up, you know." Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Let's try the butter thing first" | |||
Mick says (to Roger), "Yes, Abbey brings her back out." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "drop drier. take knife" | ||||
Floyd | You place the hair dryer on the counter. Floyd | Floyd | You take the butter knife. Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "Maybe get her busy on cleaning duty" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses and a cocktail book. Floyd | An archway north leads to the den, a hallway northwest connects to the Floyd | kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats have been placed, lies to Floyd | the west. The front door waits invitingly to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Your empty glass lies in the corner of the carpet next to a nasty Floyd | spill. Floyd | Floyd | Ron blinks his eyes and takes another sip from his drink. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Guest Room Floyd | This small guest room is quaintly furnished, with a large king sized Floyd | bed taking up most of the space. Sprawled across it lies Frank in a Floyd | deep slumber. A small closet is tucked into the corner next to the Floyd | dresser, and a miniature space heater rests at the foot of the bed. On Floyd | the dresser is an alarm clock. The only exit is back east into the Floyd | living room. Floyd | Floyd | Frank wiggles his legs in his sleep. So that's what Restless Leg Floyd | Syndrome looks like, you think. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "put jar on frank" | ||||
Floyd | You take the knife and spread a nice swath of peanut butter on Frank's Floyd | cheek and around his mouth. Strangely, he appears no less appetizing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick asks, "no less?" | |||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "Maybe now we let the dog in?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "oh man" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "So wrong." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "But sure." | ||||
Mick says, "maybe we just have to carry the dog here when Abbey is busy int he kitchen." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "e. n. open door" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses and a cocktail book. Floyd | An archway north leads to the den, a hallway northwest connects to the Floyd | kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats have been placed, lies to Floyd | the west. The front door waits invitingly to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Your empty glass lies in the corner of the carpet next to a nasty Floyd | spill. Floyd | Floyd | Ron licks his thin lips. Floyd | Floyd | Den Floyd | Set in soft wood paneling, the Fincher's Den screams comfort and Floyd | class. A couch sits in front of a cherry wood coffee table with a view Floyd | to their big screen television. There is a bowl of chips and a stack Floyd | of napkins on the table. A large glass sliding door, leading out to Floyd | the porch, stands closed to the north. You could walk back south to Floyd | the living room, or west to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Your husband, Mark, and Chuck Whitman sit on the couch, looking around Floyd | restlessly. Floyd | Floyd | "So..." Chuck says, "How about them Cowboys, huh?" Floyd | Floyd | You decide to try opening the door again. Sure enough, the little Floyd | black poodle races across the room. Floyd | Floyd | You eagerly follow him from the living room into the guest room, where Floyd | he stands on the bed licking peanut butter from Frank Quinlivan's Floyd | face. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey follows you close behind and screams. "Oh no! Oh no!" she Floyd | cries, "What have we told you about giving kisses to strangers Floyd | Reggie!" She reaches over and scoops Reggie up and exits the room Floyd | scolding the poodle, but the work is done. Frank's eyes flutter and he Floyd | groans as he lifts himself from the bed. Floyd | Floyd | "Where am I?" he asks, his eyes slowly adjusting to consciousness, Floyd | "What time is it?" Floyd | Floyd | "Time for me," you say, picking up and putting on your coat, "to be Floyd | leaving." Floyd | Floyd | Well, you've done it! It took manipulating a dog, causing a power Floyd | outtage, and using peanut butter in creative and disturbing ways. But, Floyd | with your coat on, your casserole dish in your right hand, and your Floyd | husband on your left, you walk through the living room and begin to Floyd | the open door... | AutomatonZX27 says, "Creative and disturbing ways" | |||
AutomatonZX27 pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | And the door slams shut again. You turn to your side and there stands Floyd | Abbey, a little worse for the wear, her hand holding the door closed. Floyd | Bright red curls dangle from her usually kempt brow. "You can't leave Floyd | yet!" she says with a manic glint to her eye, "We haven't played any Floyd | party games!" Floyd | Floyd | You stand at an impass. Abbey blocking you from the door. Floyd | | Mick says, "Oh.. oh god." | |||
DavidW says, "ha ha" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 exclaims, "Let's play parcheesi!" | ||||
Roger exclaims, "Twister!" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "play hide and seek" | ||||
Floyd | And then you say calmly and clearly, "Abbey, please don't take this Floyd | badly, but: Get the hell out of my way." Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Congratulations! You have gotten the hell out of this party! Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have won *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions Floyd | for AMUSING things to do or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above. Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions Floyd | for AMUSING things to do or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "amusing" | ||||
Floyd | Have you tried... Floyd | Floyd | Tilting any of the paintings? Floyd | Saying "magical" words in the presence of Abbey? Floyd | Putting lipstick on Frank while he's asleep? Floyd | Smelling things? Floyd | Discovering who's the best smelling member of the party? Floyd | Closing the porch door when Abbey is letting the dog out? Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions Floyd | for AMUSING things to do or QUIT? Floyd | > | Roger says, "Woo" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Nice" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "That was a really good little game." | ||||
djfletch says, "cool" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Hey, we got some" | ||||
Roger says, "Hmmm. I'm left feeling a bit ambiguous about it." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "And as I said, this game should be called PartySim 3000" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "Let's go and try the other amusing things?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | | AutomatonZX27 says, "Uh." | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Can you restore?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "RESTORE" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Restore failed. Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions Floyd | for AMUSING things to do or QUIT? Floyd | > Floyd | Please give one of the answers above. Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions Floyd | for AMUSING things to do or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "RESTORE" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is an an appetizer, a butter knife and a Floyd | toaster on the kitchen counter. The living room is to the south east, Floyd | and the den is immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher stands to the side of the room, carrying a tray of hors Floyd | d'oeuvres. Floyd | Floyd | On the kitchen counter is an an appetizer. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating from the rice Floyd | crispies in your casserole dish. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side Floyd | inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | "Well," Abbey says, holding up the bottle of cleaner, "Time to make Floyd | myself useful!" and with that she exits the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "se. xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses and a cocktail book. Floyd | An archway north leads to the den, a hallway northwest connects to the Floyd | kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats have been placed, lies to Floyd | the west. The front door waits invitingly to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher stands against the wall, smiling with an unnerving Floyd | fervor. Floyd | Floyd | Your empty glass lies in the corner of the carpet next to a nasty Floyd | spill. Floyd | Floyd | "Abbey crouches down and begins to scrub the floor where you spilled Floyd | your drink. "Don't worry," she tells you, "With enough bleach and Floyd | elbow grease anything is possible!" Floyd | Floyd | Ron emits a tired sigh. Floyd | Floyd | "Dear," Abbey says in a hushed tone, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't Floyd | use witchcraft in the house. We don't even let our grandchildren read Floyd | Harry Potter!" Floyd | Floyd | "Abbey scrubs the floor with a vengence. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Hah, witchcraft" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "tilt cabin. tilt abstact. examine cabin. examine abstract" | ||||
Floyd | As you reach for the painting, Abbey rushes over and stops you. Floyd | "Please, dear," she says, "Paintings are for looking, not for Floyd | touching." Floyd | Floyd | "Out, out, damn spot!" Abbey commands the stain, as she continues to Floyd | scrub it. Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Ellison says (to Floyd), "plugh" | ||||
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "plover" | ||||
Floyd | "Dear," Abbey says in a hushed tone, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't Floyd | use witchcraft in the house. We don't even let our grandchildren read Floyd | Harry Potter!" Floyd | Floyd | Satisfied with her work, Abbey stands back up. "There!" she says, Floyd | "It's mostly out." Floyd | Floyd | Ron taps his fingers against the bar. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Nice." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, my work here is done," Abbey says proudly, and brandishing the Floyd | scrub brush and the cleaner, she exits back into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "smell ron" | ||||
Floyd | You can smell a hint of musty books and pipe tobacco. "What are you Floyd | doing?" he asks you, "Why are you sniffing at me?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "tilt cabin. tilt abstract. examine cabin. examine abstract" | ||||
Floyd | You look at the painting for a moment and consider that what the Floyd | landscape really needs is a tilted horizon line. You grab the frame by Floyd | the edges and tilt it against the wall. Floyd | Floyd | Ron blinks his eyes and takes another sip from his drink. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher walks in from the kitchen. "I do hope you're enjoying Floyd | the party!" she says. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh dear!" Abbey says looking at the landscape painting, "Somehow the Floyd | frame has become crooked!" She walks over to it and straightens it Floyd | out. "There!" she says, "Much better!" Floyd | Floyd | As you reach for the painting, Abbey rushes over and stops you. Floyd | "Please, dear," she says, "Paintings are for looking, not for Floyd | touching." Floyd | Floyd | "Darling, honey," Abbey asks her husband, "How are things at the bar?" Floyd | Floyd | "Fine, dear," he says without emotion. Floyd | Floyd | It's a wooded landscape with a little too-cute cabin situated deep in Floyd | the forest. Its lovely frame stands level with the wall. Floyd | Floyd | A tornado of ketchup reds, mustard yellows, and relish greens. You're Floyd | not sure what it means, but it looks like an explosion at a condiment Floyd | factory. The black frame of the painting stands level with the wall. Floyd | Floyd | "I do hope you're planning on staying," Abbey tells you, "Because Floyd | later on, we'll be playing party games!" Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Argh" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "Well," says Abbey, "I should really check on the rest of the party," Floyd | and with that she struts to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "tilt cabin. tilt abstract. examine cabin. examine abstract." | ||||
Floyd | You look at the painting for a moment and consider that what the Floyd | landscape really needs is a tilted horizon line. You grab the frame by Floyd | the edges and tilt it against the wall. Floyd | Floyd | You look at the painting for a moment and consider that if this piece Floyd | of art truly wants to be avant garde, it needs to be hung in an Floyd | abstract way. You grab the frame by the edges and tilt it against the Floyd | wall. Floyd | Floyd | It's a wooded landscape with a little too-cute cabin situated deep in Floyd | the forest. The subject of the painting is marred by the fact that the Floyd | frame is crooked at an awkward angle. Floyd | Floyd | Ron licks his thin lips. Floyd | Floyd | A tornado of ketchup reds, mustard yellows, and relish greens. You're Floyd | not sure what it means, but it looks like an explosion at a condiment Floyd | factory. That explosion looks all the more unsettling due to the fact Floyd | that the painting is hanging crookedly on the wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "Haha" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell me" | ||||
Floyd | You can't smell anything. It's a curse, never to know what we smell Floyd | like. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Roger says (to floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Ron emits a tired sigh. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "heh" | |||
Roger says (to floyd), "ask ron about abstract painting" | ||||
Floyd | There is no reply. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "n. smell mark. smell chuck" | ||||
Floyd | Den Floyd | Set in soft wood paneling, the Fincher's Den screams comfort and Floyd | class. A couch sits in front of a cherry wood coffee table with a view Floyd | to their big screen television. There is a jar of peanut butter, a Floyd | bowl of chips, a stack of napkins and a remote control on the table. A Floyd | large glass sliding door, leading out to the porch, stands closed to Floyd | the north. You could walk back south to the living room, or west to Floyd | the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher stands against the wall, smiling with an unnerving Floyd | fervor. Floyd | Floyd | Your husband, Mark, and Chuck Whitman sit on the couch, avidly Floyd | watching a football game. Floyd | Floyd | "Men." Abbey whispers to you. "They do love their football, don't Floyd | they?" Floyd | Floyd | "Everything seems to be all right here," Abbey says and with that she Floyd | struts to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | He smells like your memories, your life, your past, and your future. Floyd | Also he smells like nacho chips. Floyd | Floyd | A loud voice announces from the television that the preceding slo-mo Floyd | three dimensional replay was "brought to you by Cracked Out energy Floyd | drink. Cracked Out... because you can never have too much energy." Floyd | Floyd | He positively drips with cheap spray-on deodorant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell chips. smell butter." | ||||
Floyd | A strong aroma of pre-proccessed cheese powder eminates from the Floyd | chips. Floyd | Floyd | It smells powerfully of peanut butter. Not very surprising, that. Floyd | Floyd | "Touch down!!" scream both the men and they give each other high Floyd | fives. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "hahah" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Mark smells goood." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "w. smell treats. smell barb. smell sandy" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is a bottle of cleaning fluid, a scrub brush, a Floyd | butter knife and a toaster on the kitchen counter. The living room is Floyd | to the south east, and the den is immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating from the rice Floyd | crispies in your casserole dish. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side Floyd | inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | "Look at me!" Barb tells Sandy, "It's like I swallowed a goddamn Floyd | watermelon! The baby's due next month and we're not getting married Floyd | 'til May. If I'm still this size by spring then shoot me. Just shoot Floyd | me." Floyd | Floyd | It smells like cereal and marshmallows. Floyd | Floyd | Barb smells like body oil and sweat. Floyd | Floyd | You try and make out something, a hint of an odor, a whisp of a scent. Floyd | But nothing. Sandy doesn't seem to smell like anything at all. Floyd | Floyd | "Hey, you ever been pregnant?" Barb asks Sandy. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, uh... no," says Sandy, a bit meekly. "I would have loved to, but Floyd | Frank doesn't want children so..." Floyd | Floyd | "Well it's over-rated. You're not missing anything," retorts Barb. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey Fincher walks in from the living room. "Don't mind me! Don't Floyd | mind me!" she cries, "I'm just making sure everyone is having a good Floyd | time!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "smell abbey" | ||||
Floyd | You wish you couldn't. Her perfume enters a room five minutes before Floyd | she does and it lingers long after she leaves. It's a mix between Floyd | cough syrup and a compost heap of pot-pourri. Floyd | Floyd | "Dear, I hate to bring this up," Abbey tells Sandy, her arm on her Floyd | shoulder, "But I think your husband may have had a bit too much to Floyd | drink tonight." Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, ha. ha." laughs Sandy unconvincingly, "He sometimes does that. Floyd | Ha. Ha." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Ellison has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "e. open door. smell dog" | ||||
Floyd | Den Floyd | Set in soft wood paneling, the Fincher's Den screams comfort and Floyd | class. A couch sits in front of a cherry wood coffee table with a view Floyd | to their big screen television. There is a jar of peanut butter, a Floyd | bowl of chips, a stack of napkins and a remote control on the table. A Floyd | large glass sliding door, leading out to the porch, stands closed to Floyd | the north. You could walk back south to the living room, or west to Floyd | the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Your husband, Mark, and Chuck Whitman sit on the couch, avidly Floyd | watching a football game. Floyd | Floyd | "Do you play fantasy football?" your husband asks Chuck. Floyd | Floyd | "Do I??" asks Chuck back excitedly, "Only, like, every day!" Floyd | Floyd | Thinking a bit of fresh air might help you think, you open the sliding Floyd | door a crack. From between your legs shoots a small black dog into the Floyd | house. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey rushes in to the room. "Oh!" she says, "Has somebody opened the Floyd | door and let in my little Reggie?" Floyd | Floyd | The dog stands momentarily and sniffs the air and then races over to Floyd | the coffee table and begins barking excitedly. Floyd | Floyd | "If there's anything I can do for you," says Abbey, putting her arm on Floyd | your shoulder, "Please don't hesitate to ask," and with that she Floyd | dances to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Reggie actually smells like lavender shampoo. Undoubtedly the best Floyd | smelling member of the party. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey kneels down and picks up the poodle. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick asks, "Did you smell Frank yet?" | |||
Roger says, "I think I would have liked this game more if there was at least one sympathetic character in it" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey opens up the sliding glass door and walks out to the porch, Floyd | carrying the poodle. Floyd | Floyd | An announcer on the television makes squiggly lines on a frozen Floyd | picture of the field. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Nitku has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | Roger says, "Like Sarge's game" | |||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "So, what character did you like best?" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "We are the sympathetic character." | ||||
Roger says, "I guess I found the husband the least offensive" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "close door" | ||||
Floyd | As Abbey stands outside on the porch, dropping off her poodle, you Floyd | quickly shut the porch door. It locks itself with a satisfying CLICK! Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "I didn't find the PC very sympathetic either" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "s. e. smell frank. smell raisins" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses and a cocktail book. Floyd | An archway north leads to the den, a hallway northwest connects to the Floyd | kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats have been placed, lies to Floyd | the west. The front door waits invitingly to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Ron sighs from behind the bar. Floyd | Floyd | The only exits are north, northwest, and west. And obviously south, to Floyd | your freedom. Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "We hate them, and that is why we must leave. It's character motivation." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "w. smell frank. smell raisins" | ||||
Floyd | Guest Room Floyd | This small guest room is quaintly furnished, with a large king sized Floyd | bed taking up most of the space. Sprawled across it lies Frank in a Floyd | deep slumber. A small closet is tucked into the corner next to the Floyd | dresser, and a miniature space heater rests at the foot of the bed. On Floyd | the dresser is an alarm clock. The only exit is back east into the Floyd | living room. Floyd | Floyd | Frank begins to snore louder and louder, until suddenly he stops. It Floyd | seems like he's having trouble breathing, and then he begins to snore Floyd | regularly again. Floyd | Floyd | The man reeks of alcohol and aftershave. Floyd | Floyd | They smell moist and yummy, that is if you're someone who likes Floyd | raisins. Which you are. So they do. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "eat raisins" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the bag of raisins) Floyd | You take the bag of raisins. Floyd | Floyd | You take a raisin from the bag and plop it in your mouth. Hmm! Floyd | Surprisingly plump and fresh! Floyd | Floyd | Frank's sleeping face twists in anguish. "No," he mutters in his Floyd | sleep, "Don't do that. Stop. No..." Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "I love the PC. She knows what she wants, and she does what she needs to get it." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "e. smell bottles" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The ceiling lofts high into a round arch in the Fincher's front living Floyd | room. Paintings tastefully line the southern wall, and a large window Floyd | looks out into the night. A piano is in one corner of the room and a Floyd | bar is in the other. Ron stands here behind the bar, on top of which Floyd | is an array of liquor bottles, a line of glasses and a cocktail book. Floyd | An archway north leads to the den, a hallway northwest connects to the Floyd | kitchen, and the guest room, where the coats have been placed, lies to Floyd | the west. The front door waits invitingly to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Ron looks at you strangely. Floyd | Floyd | A strange blend of sweet and sour. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "open window" | ||||
Floyd | It's one single pane. It doesn't even look like it opens. Besides, Floyd | it's too cold outside to open any window! Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "I don't mind NPCs I love to hate. I just feel like they're all terrible horrible people." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell mar" | ||||
Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell mary" | ||||
Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected. Floyd | Floyd | Ron puts his hand on his chin and looks at you in a suspicious manner. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "heh" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell celery" | ||||
Floyd | It smells like a fresh spring garden drowned in tomato juice. Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger says, "I might not be the target audience though." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "nw. smell toaster" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | The Fincher's kitchen is very modern, with gray marble counters, a Floyd | beautiful stove, oven, and a rounded island. A sturdy refrigerator Floyd | stands in the corner of the room next to a dishwasher, each modern Floyd | appliance deeply contrasted by the old fashioned microwave hanging Floyd | above the stove. There is a bottle of cleaning fluid, a scrub brush, a Floyd | butter knife and a toaster on the kitchen counter. The living room is Floyd | to the south east, and the den is immediately to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Barb Clover sits at the kitchen island, slowly eating from the rice Floyd | crispies in your casserole dish. Sandy, Frank's wife, sits at her side Floyd | inconspicuously. Floyd | Floyd | "I'm not supposed to wear pure white, because... well look at me!" Floyd | exclaims Barb, "But screw that. It's my wedding. I'll wear whatever Floyd | the hell I want." Floyd | Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected. Floyd | Floyd | > | Roger asks, "How did this place in the comp?" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says, "Lots of things to smell" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says, "I think it was a runner-up" | ||||
Mick says (to Roger), "Runner up" | ||||
Roger says, "Oh, hunh." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "Can you think of anything else we could smell?" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell lipstick" | ||||
Floyd | Let's leave the make-up huffing until after the party, okay? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell purse" | ||||
Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected. Floyd | Floyd | "Did you know that Chuck wants his band to play the reception?" Barb Floyd | asks Sandy, "Yeah, him and two of his washed out college buddies still Floyd | hang out and play this 'music' once a month. They sound more like an Floyd | industrial factory malfunction than any band I've ever heard. I told Floyd | him, Chuck honey, if you so much as bring your drum set within a Floyd | hundred feet of my reception, I'll call a divorce lawyer so fast it'll Floyd | make your metronome explode." Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 says, "And that reminds me, we never examined the billfold" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "examine billfold" | ||||
Floyd | Your billfold is thick and almost bursting at the seams. Credit cards, Floyd | club cards, identification cards, your library card and more pictures Floyd | of your dog than a sane person ought to own are to blame. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "I guess this crowd is all dog lovers." | |||
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "I see what you mean about the PC." | ||||
AutomatonZX27 asks, "Is Perry still recording?" | ||||
Roger says, "Now I'm trying to think if there's a passive-aggressive PC that I like from some game" | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "inv" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying a bag of raisins, a singapore sunrise, your purse Floyd | (being worn and open), inside which are a celery stalk, a tube of Floyd | lipstick and billfold, a blue dress (being worn) and a pair of black Floyd | heels (being worn). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "remove dress" | ||||
Floyd | This isn't that kind of party. Floyd | Floyd | "So how did you and Frank get together?" asks Barb. Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, I don't know," replies Sandy, "He's much nicer when he's sober, Floyd | you know." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "put raisins in purse" | ||||
Floyd | You put the bag of raisins into your purse. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "take knife. w. put jar on celery" | ||||
Floyd | You take the butter knife. Floyd | Floyd | The only exits are southeast and east. Floyd | Floyd | "So of course my mom is thrilled about the wedding," Barb tells Sandy, Floyd | "Of course she would have been more thrilled if I would have tied the Floyd | knot before I got knocked up, you know." Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "e. put jar on celery" | ||||
Floyd | Den Floyd | Set in soft wood paneling, the Fincher's Den screams comfort and Floyd | class. A couch sits in front of a cherry wood coffee table with a view Floyd | to their big screen television. There is a jar of peanut butter, a Floyd | bowl of chips, a stack of napkins and a remote control on the table. A Floyd | large glass sliding door, leading out to the porch, stands closed to Floyd | the north. You could walk back south to the living room, or west to Floyd | the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Your husband, Mark, and Chuck Whitman sit on the couch, avidly Floyd | watching a football game. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey taps the porch door, from outside. Floyd | Floyd | "Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" screams Chuck at the television. Floyd | Floyd | You dip the knife into the jar and spread a nice long line of peanut Floyd | butter along the line of the celery stalk. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey looks at you and smiles. She gestures to the door knob, Floyd | indicating she's locked out. Floyd | Floyd | > | AutomatonZX27 asks, "Seems like the party's over?" | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "put raisins on celery" | ||||
Floyd | You carefully place a line of raisins down the line of the celery Floyd | stalk. They stick to the swath of peanut butter and hold fast. Floyd | Congratulations! You've officially made Ants on a Log! Floyd | Floyd | Abbey shivers from the other side of the glass door. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Heh. yeah, I guess so." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "smell ants" | ||||
Floyd | It smells like a fresh spring garden drowned in tomato juice, covered Floyd | in peanut butter and littered with dried fruit. Floyd | Floyd | Abbey gestures at you frantically to open the door, from outside the Floyd | porch. Floyd | Floyd | "Dammit!" says Chuck at the television, "Don't you morons know how to Floyd | intercept??" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "eat ants" | ||||
Floyd | You don't like celery. You don't like eating it. You don't like Floyd | touching it. You don't like looking at it. This is your kind of night, Floyd | huh? Floyd | Floyd | Abbey exhales from behind the glass door. You can see steam coming Floyd | from her breath. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "laugh at abbey" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to laugh. Floyd | Floyd | > | Mick says, "I think Barb is my most hated NPC." | |||
AutomatonZX27 says (to Floyd), "laugh. cry" | ||||
Floyd | You laugh to yourself with an uneasy gallows humor, at the absurdity Floyd | of it all. |