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The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction. Below is a transcript of Degeneracy, written by Leonard Richardson. Degeneracy was originally released in 2001 and was nominated for a Xyzzy Award for Best Puzzles. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting the ifWiki.WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page. |
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Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x baron" | ||||
Floyd | His eyes are wide & unseeing. He wears only his velvet Robe of state, Floyd | his face bearing a resigned Expression. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a terrible crashing sound to the east. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "eep" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Do we have a sword or something? Did we do this?" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Probably a yes." | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Should we worry about that crash? And does this game need a driver?" | ||||
Gunther says, "boy does it ever" | ||||
inky says, "there is a timer but don't worry about it too much" | ||||
Johnny says, "According to the narrator, dude had it coming." | ||||
DavidW says, "I don't want to drive." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I'm not keen on it unless we have no other volunteers." | ||||
Gunther says, "it's because "Mr. Bean never speaks so there's nothing to translate"" | ||||
Gunther says, "ilac" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I'm... not hearing any volunteers." | ||||
DavidW says, "I'm feeling a bit ill and may need to leave the computer." | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "East? Or look at the stuff in our inventory?" | ||||
inky says, "well, I'm going to doof around for a bit" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "open case" | ||||
Floyd | You open the wooden Scroll-Case, revealing a vellum Scroll. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "read scroll" | ||||
Floyd | The Scroll is made of rich vellum & is rolled up, inside the Floyd | Scroll-Case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get scroll then read it" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the Scroll from its Case. Floyd | The rich vellum is covered with a flowing hand. Floyd | Floyd | <<The bearer of this Notice, one Knight Itinerant, being granted Floyd | special Dispensation & ordered by Divine Covenant to separate from Floyd | this World the immortal Soul of par Tiller, Baron of Stesan, his Floyd | Crimes and Sins having blotted his Name beyond hope of Redemption or Floyd | Reform, & it being ordered that any & all requested Assistance be Floyd | rendered this Knight in this sacred Quest, let it be known that to Floyd | this I set my Stamp & Seal on this day & for Perpetuity, in the name Floyd | of the most holy God, who has ordained it so,>> Floyd | Floyd | The stamp & signature is that of the Bishop of Dol Nesta. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to DW), "That's too bad, since you were wanting us to play this. I hope you get to feeling better." | |||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | You are a strapping Knight, secure in your faith & glowing with the Floyd | chaste Excitement of a task accomplished. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put blade in sheath" | ||||
Floyd | You sheathe your Blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I mostly want to watch anyway, since this game confused the h--- out of me." | |||
Jacqueline says, "So, we did it, our job. Now I suspect we'll have to get out of here." | ||||
inky says, "I forgot the game had this writing style" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), " x fresco" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x fresco" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x frescoes" | ||||
Floyd | You shield your Eyes from the lewd & ribald Frescoes. Under the guise Floyd | of Art they depict pagan & unrighteous Scenes--that is all that shall Floyd | be said of them. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "goodness" | |||
Jacqueline says, "How unseemly." | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | Gunther says, "I had forgotten how awesome the prose is now" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "turn wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A strange tingling comes over you as you reach for the Wheel. When you Floyd | withdraw, your Arm is numbed. You try again, and feel sensation give Floyd | way to Pain, mild and then unbearable. It seems you cannot turn the Floyd | Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A heavy wooden wheel, which raises and lowers the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x pomp" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Perhaps the Portcullis did the Crash to yon East." | |||
Jacqueline says, "One sec - going to throw on a different shirt. Will recap when I return." | ||||
olethros asks, "why are some, but not all, nouns capitalised?" | ||||
Gerynar asks, "it's a secret code?" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armoury Floyd | An Armoury, stocked by the Baron for a siege but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armour, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Lance stands here, propped against a wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says (to olethros), "I think this game takes place before the capitalization reform of 1823." | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x lance" | ||||
Floyd | Intended not for warfare but for the Baron's extravagant games, the Floyd | wooden Lance sits unused against a wall of the Armoury. It is of Floyd | nearly constant width along its length, giving it the look of a common Floyd | pole. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "get it" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hm" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open but empty) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "sheath blade" | ||||
Floyd | It is already sheathed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put scroll in scroll-case" | ||||
Floyd | You roll up the Scroll and slide it into the Case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "close case" | ||||
Floyd | You close the wooden Scroll-Case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "get lance" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "turn wheel with lance" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to turn the large Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "vault" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "jump over wall with pole" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "there is a portcullis" | |||
olethros says, "we have to raise it" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x portcullis" | ||||
Floyd | A heavy iron portcullis blocks your way. No doubt its sudden closing Floyd | was the cause of the crashing sound you heard earlier. Sun shines Floyd | through the grate. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "lift portcullis" | ||||
Floyd | Your strength is as great as your faith, but try as you might, you Floyd | cannot lift the heavy portcullis. Perhaps the nearby Wheel holds the Floyd | answer. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "lift portcullis with lance" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to lift the heavy portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x desk" | ||||
Floyd | The Writing-Desk is of dark wood. Its flap is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "open flap" | ||||
Floyd | You open the flap of the Writing-Desk, revealing a small but deep Hole Floyd | in the south wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in hole" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "reach in hole" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put pole in hole" | ||||
Floyd | Inserting the lance into the hole as far as you can, you feel the wood Floyd | catch & hear the faraway grinding of stone. Removing the lance, you Floyd | find it unchanged. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "hooray" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x portcullis" | ||||
Floyd | A heavy iron portcullis blocks your way. Sun shines through the grate. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken Door to the west is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "opend oor" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "joust door" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Wait, so what did that pole poking do?" | |||
olethros says, "not sure" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "turn wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A strange tingling comes over you as you reach for the Wheel. When you Floyd | withdraw, your Arm is numbed. You try again, and feel sensation give Floyd | way to Pain, mild and then unbearable. It seems you cannot turn the Floyd | Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | Gerynar asks, "perhaps unlocked the wheel?" | |||
inky says, "looked awesome" | ||||
olethros says, "still can't" | ||||
olethros says (to inky), "ha ha" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Interesting use of capitalization." | ||||
olethros says, "IMPURE THOUGHTS rise in your brain" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "Is there more rooms to the west?" | ||||
Gerynar says, "yes" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | The Altar is smooth & sweet-smelling, but you see it stained with Floyd | Blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | The door is made of fine oak, with a copper lock. It stands Floyd | forebodingly closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x candles" | ||||
Floyd | The Candles are old & sit guiltily in pools of their own Wax, Floyd | flickering under your gaze. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "open it" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get candle" | ||||
Floyd | That would compound Blasphemy upon Blasphemy. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Try praying since we're knights." | |||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "pray" | ||||
Floyd | Kneeling, you offer up a brief Prayer. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "I suspect that is the only result we will see." | |||
Atrilla says (to Jacq), "Yeah." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | A copper Lock set into the oaken Door. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Is there a reason for Lock and Door being ... is this guy German?" | |||
Atrilla says, "That must lead to the study." | ||||
Gunther says, "that's how old english worked" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "l in lock" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Oh - ah. Makes sense." | |||
olethros says, "still not sure why some nouns are not capitalised" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "Hint?" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "Hints, even?" | ||||
Atrilla says, "Sort of odd, tho." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says, "i" | Jacqueline says, "Nah, we tend not to go for hints until things get pretty desperate and we're all in agreement." | |||
DavidW asks, "There might've been a key on the Baron; we never searched him, did we?" | ||||
inky says, "that is true" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a wooden Lance Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to luxury a Tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | Stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | <<So,>> says the Priest, devoid of Emotion. <<You have come.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ODYSSEUS" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Oops - timing." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x priest" | ||||
Floyd | You can sense the fear in his eyes, though your code prevents you from Floyd | harming him. Fear of the Justice you represent, of the Judgement that Floyd | will be passed upon him for the evils he did not act to prevent. Floyd | Floyd | The priest speaks again. <<The others have left. I remained.>> Perhaps Floyd | he thinks this will earn him Clemency? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x tapestry" | ||||
Floyd | The Tapestry depicts an allegorical Scene from the Scriptures of the Floyd | true Faith. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look behind tapestry" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask priest about priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "No, I ment as the capitulization could hint something. Long streach." | |||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "ask priest about baron" | ||||
Floyd | <<I can tell you nothing you do not already know.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "ask about chapel" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get tapestry" | ||||
Floyd | The tapestry is hardly portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Ah." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask priest about tapestry" | ||||
Floyd | <<Surely you know of its significance.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about wheel" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x mat" | ||||
Floyd | A straw Mat upon which the Priest meditates and sleeps. Now he kneels Floyd | on it in deference to you. Awaiting his Fate. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look under mat" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest occupies the mat. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla asks, "This is in Inform?" | |||
DavidW says, "Inform 5 or 6. I forget which." | ||||
Lionheart arrives, full of fun and funk. | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "version" | ||||
Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | Version 0.48 / Serial number 010318 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Standard interpreter 1.0 (2N) / Library serial number 991113 Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Inform 6." | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "ask priest about mat" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "ask priest about portcullis" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "ask priest about wheel" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "this priest is a jerk" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "priest, go" | ||||
Floyd | The corrupt Priest has better things to do. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "heehee" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about faith" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "priest, pray" | ||||
Floyd | The corrupt Priest has better things to do. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "I don't think he's about to answer any questions unless we do something." | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "ask priest about god" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "I missed what happened with the wheel. Did anyone try to turn it?" | |||
Jacqueline exclaims, "What if we kill him? That'll make him talk!" | ||||
Ellison says, "our code prevents us from killing him? we are a medieval Robocop." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about me" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "move priest" | ||||
Floyd | That would be less than courteous. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "ask priest to move" | ||||
Floyd | The meaning of that sentence escapes me. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "search priest" | ||||
Floyd | You search the Priest, who divulges a small silver Key. <<The Box!>> Floyd | cries the desperate Priest, placing the Key forlornly on the ground. Floyd | <<It contains naught but Spices!>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla exclaims, "Good one!" | |||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "ask priest about box" | ||||
Floyd | <<I pray, Knight, of what do you speak?>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take key" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "like that's not rude to search him" | |||
inky says (to DavidW), "we get a pain in our arm" | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "ask priest about spices" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "ask priest about spices" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says (to jenheh), "Yup. :)" | |||
DavidW says, "hmph. Inventory limit." | ||||
Atrilla says (to jen), "heh Yup. :)" | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "ask priest about key" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "open case" | ||||
Floyd | You open the wooden Scroll-Case, revealing a vellum Scroll. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop pole. get key. put key in case" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Taken. Floyd | The Case is already occupied. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "dang" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "show key to priest" | ||||
Floyd | <<It fits the Lock,>> says the Priest. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "I suppose we can show other things to him?" | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "show holy symbol to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest looks away, ashamed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "show scroll to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (the wooden Scroll-Case to the corrupt Priest) Floyd | The corrupt Priest is unimpressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "drop lance" | ||||
Floyd | That is not in your hands. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "bugger priest" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show symbol to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol to the corrupt Priest) Floyd | The Priest looks away, ashamed. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hee" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "press priest" | ||||
Floyd | That would be less than courteous. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "there are rooms we did not explore." | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a silver key Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to luxury a Tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | Stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "show scroll to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (the wooden Scroll-Case to the corrupt Priest) Floyd | The corrupt Priest is unimpressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "I smell a compromised sheep." | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "show vellum scroll to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the vellum Scroll) Floyd | You remove the scroll from the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "show vellum scroll to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest reads the flowery Hand-Writing, and nods sadly. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put vellum scroll in case" | ||||
Floyd | You roll the scroll up & place it in the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about box" | ||||
Floyd | <<I pray, Knight, of what do you speak?>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Now we might get something out of him." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Hm, yeah." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "ask priest about key" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "we should probably just go find the box" | |||
Atrilla says, "Nope." | ||||
Ellison says, "yes, we may need spices" | ||||
Gerynar says, "and perhaps search the dead baron" | ||||
DavidW says, "I suspect he was fibbing about the spices." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "oh yeah, look up his robe" | ||||
Ellison says, "our code won't allow spice fibbing" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Yeah, we should search the dead dude." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "unlock door" | ||||
Floyd | (with the silver key) Floyd | The silver key does not seem to fit the lock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "verbose" | ||||
Floyd | Degeneracy is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives long Floyd | descriptions of locations (even if you have visited them before). Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "May we verbose?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "search baron" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's Robe bears a Pocket, in which is a golden key. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Or do we like it superbrief." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "get golden" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "YAY" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky asks, "what's different?" | |||
Jacqueline says, "hm" | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | The Altar is smooth & sweet-smelling, but you see it stained with Floyd | Blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | The door is made of fine oak, with a copper lock. It stands Floyd | forebodingly closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l under altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x candle" | ||||
Floyd | The Candles are old & sit guiltily in pools of their own Wax. They Floyd | flicker under your Gaze. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Did we examine it last time? Maybe now we're having visions when we look at stuff?" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "blow candle" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the lighted Candles) Floyd | That would compound Blasphemy upon Blasphemy. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "no, the altar doesn#t seem to have changed" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "unlock door" | ||||
Floyd | (with the golden key) Floyd | The golden key does not seem to fit the lock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x ceiling" | ||||
Floyd | You see nothing special about the ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take wax" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "search chapel" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Johnny does like justice, but that's taking it a bit far. | ||||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||||
Gerynar has connected. | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "search altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "we could visit the dining hall, or the room west of the study" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "unlock door" | ||||
Floyd | (with the golden key) Floyd | The golden key does not seem to fit the lock. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Whatever has changed seemeth too subtle for mine eyes to detect." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Mine eyes, too." | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x mobile" | ||||
Floyd | This Device you have seen before, in the Library at Dol Nesta. An Floyd | ingenious Perpetuum Mobile, built of Pipes, Gears, & Screws of Floyd | Archimides. Whereby the Force exhibited by Water as it pours into a Floyd | wide Funnel drives the Drawing of that water upward, to fall again Floyd | through a Spout into the Funnel--on & on, ad infinitum. The Design is Floyd | that of a certain Portuguese & the Baron seems to have been impressed Floyd | with it so as to have it realized as a Fountain. Floyd | Floyd | Now Water pours through the Perpetuum, falling out of the Spout & into Floyd | the Funnel. The Splashings of the water combine harmoniously with the Floyd | Grindings of the Gears & Screws. Tho it seems very heavy, you could Floyd | probably carry the Perpetuum, if you were careful not to spill its Floyd | Water. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla asks, "Did wegot the bronze key?" | |||
inky says, "nope" | ||||
inky asks, "did you see one?" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "Wasn't there when we search the priest?" | ||||
inky asks, "that was silver, right?" | ||||
DavidW says, "That was silver." | ||||
inky asks, "was there a second?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Ah, ok. Sorry." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "cf29" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky clears the save counter. | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Oh, - yeah" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Thanks" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x fool" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's Fool has taken to the cups. His Master no longer requires Floyd | his gambols & rapier Wit. He sprawls beneath a large Wine-Barrel, Floyd | clutching a Tankard from which he sips. His lincoln Cap is askew. He Floyd | has not suffered the pangs of Sobriety for some time. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "here is the main thing I remember about this game" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "pity fool" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "dammit" | |||
Jacqueline says, "aw" | ||||
Jacqueline laughs. | ||||
inky says, "it does work, but maybe only earlier in the game" | ||||
Lionheart says (to inky), "ha" | ||||
Johnny arrives, ready to play with the toys. | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x cap" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool's Cap is lincoln Green, adorned with Bells. It is stained Floyd | with the Drippings of wine from the Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x ovens" | ||||
Floyd | The ovens stand cold as stone. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in ovens" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtably--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. The steel blade of an Axe Floyd | calls it home. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x crockery" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x pig" | ||||
Floyd | The Pig is dead two days. Its Butcher likely fled the castle, dreading Floyd | your approach. A large Slit travels its bloated Stomach. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in pig" | ||||
Floyd | The pig's Vitals conceal nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the fine Axe from the Stump. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get pig" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stairs. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, seemingly kicked there by a thwarted Floyd | Robber. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "oho, box" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x box" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. A small Lock secures it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop axe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "unlock box" | ||||
Floyd | (with the golden key) Floyd | The golden key does not seem to fit the lock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "unlock box with silver" | ||||
Floyd | You unlock the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "open box" | ||||
Floyd | You open the dented Box, revealing a handful of spice. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x spice" | ||||
Floyd | Rare Peppers, and other Spices you cannot identify. Their smell is Floyd | oriental, exotic. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hunh, he wasn't kidding" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "search spice" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "smell spice" | ||||
Floyd | Wondrous and dangerous. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "eat spice" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the handful of spice) Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop box" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "eat spice" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the handful of spice) Floyd | You may not partake of Spice while on quest. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "heh heh, the mores of spices" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | You already have that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop spice" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in box" | ||||
Floyd | The dented Box is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hmm" | |||
olethros says, "hm, maybe those are special spices" | ||||
olethros asks, "could we use the box as a sack?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "lick spice" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put keys in box" | ||||
Floyd | golden key: Done. Floyd | silver key: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put spice in box" | ||||
Floyd | You need to be holding the handful of spice before you can put it into Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "show spices to priest" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put spice in box" | ||||
Floyd | You put the handful of spice into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "excellent" | |||
inky says, "now we're talkin'" | ||||
olethros high-fives inky. | ||||
olethros says, "don't forget the lance" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "axe?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put axe in box" | ||||
Floyd | That is too large to fit into the Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | The Fool's bleary Gaze lights on the Box you carry. <<The Lock is the Floyd | Key -- He! He!>> The Fool giggles, hiccoughs, and again regards his Floyd | Tankard. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "It might be usefull to shapen the lance." | |||
inky says, "hmm" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "another message" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x mobile" | ||||
Floyd | This Device you have seen before, in the Library at Dol Nesta. An Floyd | ingenious Perpetuum Mobile, built of Pipes, Gears, & Screws of Floyd | Archimides. Whereby the Force exhibited by Water as it pours into a Floyd | wide Funnel drives the Drawing of that water upward, to fall again Floyd | through a Spout into the Funnel--on & on, ad infinitum. The Design is Floyd | that of a certain Portuguese & the Baron seems to have been impressed Floyd | with it so as to have it realized as a Fountain. Floyd | Floyd | Now Water pours through the Perpetuum, falling out of the Spout & into Floyd | the Funnel. The Splashings of the water combine harmoniously with the Floyd | Grindings of the Gears & Screws. Tho it seems very heavy, you could Floyd | probably carry the Perpetuum, if you were careful not to spill its Floyd | Water. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | The door is made of fine oak, with a copper lock. It stands Floyd | forbodingly closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | (the dented Box) Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. Yet how easily it has opened to your more gentle persuasion. Floyd | Surely a parable of Patience. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x copper lock" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "hit door with axe" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to Luxury a tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | stair. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest, noticing the dented Box in your hand, shies away from you. Floyd | Yet he says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x tapestry" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ok, that part is different" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show spices to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the handful of spice) Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "heh Feeling guilty? :)" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop box" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get spices" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show spices to priest" | ||||
Floyd | <<As I said...>>, says the Priest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "give spices to priest" | ||||
Floyd | <<Keep it,>> says the Priest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "ask priest about spices" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put spices in box" | ||||
Floyd | You put the handful of spice into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "ask priest about box" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest treats your act as an accusation, and quails. <<The box? It Floyd | contains naught but Spices! Here, I have the key...>> Reaching into Floyd | his Robes, he withdraws a small silver Key, which he hurriedly hands Floyd | to you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show box to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the dented Box) Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a silver key Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "oops, we already have it" | |||
Lionheart exclaims, "Sorcerer!" | ||||
DavidW asks, "Where's the golden key?" | ||||
Gerynar says, "in the box" | ||||
Lionheart says, "The Priest is a key-teleporting Warlock1" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put silver key in box" | ||||
Floyd | You put the silver key into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put axe in box" | ||||
Floyd | You put the fine Axe into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put spices in box" | ||||
Floyd | You need to be holding the handful of spice before you can put it into Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put spices in box" | ||||
Floyd | You put the handful of spice into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show box to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest treats your act as an accusation, and quails. <<The box? It Floyd | contains naught but Spices! Here, I have the key...>> Reaching into Floyd | his Robes, he withdraws a small silver Key, which he hurriedly hands Floyd | to you. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "uh, wasn't the box too small for the axe?" | |||
jenrexrode says, "oops" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a silver key Floyd | a dented Box (which is open) Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a golden key Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put key in box" | ||||
Floyd | (the silver key in the dented Box) Floyd | You put the silver key into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla asks, "Buggy bug?" | |||
jenrexrode says, "hm, axe is in box regardles" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get lance" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW | inky says (to Floyd), "put axe in box" | That is too large to fit into the Box. | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "a xe" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says (to Jen), "And we couldn't before." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x axe" | ||||
Floyd | A sturdy & well-fashioned Axe. Its rim is crusted with blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Right." | |||
DavidW says, "Like I said, this game confused the h--- out of me." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x symbol" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol) Floyd | A perfect Circle, symbolizing the creation: Heaven above, Earth here & Floyd | now, the pits below. The unbroken continuity of God, of which Man Floyd | partakes. The symbol hangs by a light Chain from your neck. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "search mail" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hunh, interesting" | |||
jenrexrode asks, "how we gonna get our lance and leave?" | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x suit" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x blade" | ||||
Floyd | Your once-thirsty blade is now sated red. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "clean blade" | ||||
Floyd | Only the abbot can cleanse your blade once it has drunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "clean priest" | ||||
Floyd | You achieve nothing by this. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show axe to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the fine Axe) Floyd | The corrupt Priest is unimpressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla exclaims, "Tada!" | |||
olethros asks, "hmhm ?" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "Can we try the unused key in one of the doors(chapel or study)?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "A triumph of axe from object drawing." | ||||
Atrilla says, "Now it explicit the priest curruption." | ||||
jenrexrode | The Fool's bleary Gaze lights on the Box you carry. <<The Lock is the Key -- He! He!>> The Fool giggles, hiccoughs, and again regards his Tankard. | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. Yet how easily it has opened to your more gentle persuasion. Floyd | Surely a parable of Patience. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x box" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. Yet how easily it has opened to your more gentle persuasion. Floyd | Surely a parable of Patience. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "touch it" | ||||
Floyd | You feel nothing unexpected. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "unlock it" | ||||
Floyd | (with the silver key) Floyd | That is unlocked at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Parables." | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x key" | ||||
Floyd | Tho very small, with but two teeth, the silver key glitters a sterling Floyd | pedigree. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Might not be that one. Might be the wheel." | |||
Atrilla says, "What the gesture ment, that is." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. Yet how easily it has opened to your more gentle persuasion. Floyd | Surely a parable of Patience. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm" | |||
Limbo asks, "we have not yet gone to the room west of the study, have we?" | ||||
Atrilla says, "Nope." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "There might exist one room beetween the chapel and the study." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "north or south?" | |||
Limbo says, "s" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla asks, "Anyone tryed to get the cape?" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "look under desk" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x bookcase" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "x books" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's library is full of heretical Ideas & Assertions most Floyd | blasphemous. Yet here are also books of Metallurgy, of Alchymy and Floyd | other useful Arts. A monk from Dol Nesta will need to be sent here to Floyd | separate Wheat from Chaff, to save that which might be usefully Floyd | Consulted and to destroy the Dross. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x chair" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x alchymy" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get book" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x arm-chair" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "search books" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "search books" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "read alchymy" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "get books" | ||||
Floyd | There are far too many Books to carry, although you may consult the Floyd | Library while standing before it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "consult alchymy" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about metallurgy" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up key" | ||||
Floyd | What do you want to look up in? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up key in books" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up lance in books" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "consult books about spice" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about spices" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up spice in books" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up metallurgy in books" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "look up silver in books" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "consult books about baron" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up dol nesta in books" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | The door is made of fine oak, with a copper lock. It stands Floyd | forbodingly closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "meh" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | (the dented Box) Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. Yet how easily it has opened to your more gentle persuasion. Floyd | Surely a parable of Patience. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x lock on door" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to examine the lock on the Floyd | oaken door to the west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "consult books about box" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "search door" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x copper lock" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "argh" | |||
Jacqueline says, "mrf" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "unlock door" | ||||
Floyd | What do you want to unlock the oaken door to the west with? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "unlock door with key" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "unlock door with gold key" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "oopsie" | |||
jenrexrode says, "no box" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "Yeah. Where?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "pirest's room" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "May I?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "ok" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 10 Floyd | This is room 10. Exits: up. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "get lance" | ||||
Floyd | Holding that would require both hands, and you can only spare one. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hah, room 10" | |||
olethros asks, "where is box?" | ||||
DavidW asks, "Where is the *room*?" | ||||
Atrilla is confused. | ||||
olethros says, "huhm" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "down" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 10 Floyd | This is room 10. Exits: up. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x room" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 10 Floyd | This is room 10. Exits: up. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "The Daemon's changes are getting less subtle." | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x priest" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm I guess we dropped it elsewhere" | |||
Atrilla says, "Probably not." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hm I looked at it in the library when I said "look lock', actually, didnt drop it tho." | ||||
Limbo says (to Lionheart), "it seems to be unravelling the very nature of reality" | ||||
Atrilla says, "We did had it when we leaft this room." | ||||
Atrilla says, "*left" | ||||
Atrilla says, "Ah, yes." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "whelp, guess we go back" | ||||
Atrilla says, "Yup." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says (to Limbo), "Maybe that was a load-bearing Baron, reality-wise." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says (to Lionheart), "hehe" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Let's try to use the cape to open the gate." | |||
jenrexrode asks, "where's my sword?" | ||||
DavidW asks, "Are you guys dropping stuff? Where's the vellum case?" | ||||
Atrilla laughts. | ||||
jenrexrode says, "noooo" | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "x symbol" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol) Floyd | A half circle, symbolizing the dome of the world, the entire of Floyd | existance save the pits beneath. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "restore?" | |||
DavidW says, "The holy symbol was a full circle earlier." | ||||
Limbo says, "hmm.. symbol changed" | ||||
Atrilla says, "There might be a way to recover all of this." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hm maybe this is the timer..." | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x chain-mail" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I wonder if our armor used to be plate" | |||
DavidW says (to jen), "The game is called Degeneracy, by the way. I don't think restore will help." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Limbo), "It did, yes." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "ah" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "maybe the lock will fall off the door?" | ||||
Limbo says (to davidw), "yeah, the title is fitting" | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says (to Floyd), "limbo" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gunther says, "er" | jenrexrode asks, "no axe?" | |||
DavidW says, "Axe is gone now." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x symbol" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Soon we'll be nekkid." | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x simbol" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 7 Floyd | This is room 7. Exits: north, west, up. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Get out!" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 12 Floyd | This is room 12. Exits: down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 12 Floyd | This is room 12. Exits: down. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Gerynar asks, "?" | |||
Lionheart says, "I guess we failed." | ||||
Atrilla asks, "No end message?" | ||||
DavidW asks (of Lionheart), "Well, that's the thing. Was this a successful ending or not?" | ||||
Gerynar says, "it degenerated" | ||||
Lionheart says, "No, we just softly and silently vanish away." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Crazy." | ||||
Limbo says, "the hero is no longer needed after fulfilling the quest" | ||||
DavidW asks, "If we restarted, what can we do differently?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "do less" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "Well, now, wait - is that how it ends, or is that Floyd?" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd says (to jenrexrode), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "I don't know!" | |||
Gunther says, "it's one end" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "Did we tryed to take the baron's cape?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "huh" | ||||
Gunther says, "this is why it's *called* Degeneracy, you know" | ||||
Lionheart says (to DavidW), "I don't know if there's another ending, but I would be inclined load it up again and look for one." | ||||
DavidW says, "I wanted to see what other players did because I really don't understand what's supposed to happen or not." | ||||
Limbo says (to Atrilla), "no, I don't think we did" | ||||
Limbo says, "we could also try to sit on the baron's seat" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "was there an up exit in the study?" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "was room 12 the study?" | ||||
Atrilla says, "Using it on the wheel might able to turn it." | ||||
Gunther says, "let's say it wouldn't've been up for a Best Puzzles XYZZY if that were all that's to it" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "er, i mean room 7= study" | ||||
Johnny does like justice, but that's taking it a bit far. | Atrilla says, "Room 12 was above the study." | |||
DavidW says, "Nothing was done with the Mobile, btw." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Gunther), "That makes sense." | ||||
Atrilla says, "But only after the study degenerated." | ||||
Limbo says, "we never did anything with the perpetuum mobile" | ||||
Limbo says (to davidw), "timing" | ||||
Gunther says, "it also has hints" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hm, maybe it would perpetuate some reality" | ||||
DavidW says (to Gunther), "yeah but for how long? :)" | ||||
Lionheart says, "If this is a divine unmaking, perhaps prayer might be useful at some point too." | ||||
Atrilla says, "hehehe" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "We prayed, but I didn't see that it did much." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Yes, but we weren't in dire straits then." | ||||
DavidW says, "If the very world is changing around us, it's very difficult to formulate a plan." | ||||
Gunther | This walkthrough will get you a winning ending but not the optimal ending. It will also spoil you, as walkthroughs do, in matters of puzzle solving. | ||||
Lionheart says, "Like how the NetHack gods get annoyed when you pray and don't need them." | ||||
Gunther says, "(further hints at there being a winnign ending)" | ||||
Atrilla says, "We prayed the first time we arrived at the chapel. We don't know what triger the degeneration, if there's any triger." | ||||
DavidW says, "Just because something worked or failed to work on one turn doesn't mean the same action will work or fail to work again later." | ||||
DavidW asks (of Gunther), "So there *is* a winning ending?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Gunther), "Okay, there's more than one ending, that's good to know." | ||||
Gunther says, "more than one, obviously." | ||||
DavidW says, "It's NOT obvious." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Gunther), "That's all I want to know" | ||||
Gunther says (to DavidW), ""a" but not "the best" == 2 or more." | ||||
DavidW says, "For all I've ever been able to tell about the game, this dissolving of the game space is all there is." | ||||
DavidW says, "Which I why I wanted others to help figure it out." | ||||
Gunther says, "never typed HELP, eh" | ||||
DavidW says, "That's cheating." | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Lionheart says (to DavidW), "Well, maybe there's a "What game won?" to work toward." | ||||
DavidW says, "Or giving up." | ||||
Atrilla says, "We never tryed to sit on the study chaor, too." | ||||
inky says, "ok let's see" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "load degenenacy" | ||||
Floyd says (to inky), "Floyd doesn't know that game." | ||||
Gunther has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "load degeneracy" | ||||
Floyd says (to inky), "Floyd doesn't know that game." | * Gunther has left the channel. | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "list d" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a terrible crashing sound to the east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favoured Thinkers Floyd | entered this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters Floyd | of exotic repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands Floyd | bare, stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the Floyd | larger items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "pity fool" | ||||
Floyd | <<Enough with the Jibba-Jabba, sucka!>> quoth the Fool. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "What? The .z has gone, too? :)" | |||
inky says, "there we go" | ||||
Ellison says, "hee" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Huh, that really does work early on." | ||||
inky says, "I think that must be one of the verbs that dissolves early on" | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "version" | ||||
Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Standard interpreter 1.0 (2N) / Library serial number 991113 Floyd | Floyd | > | inky asks, "I had sort of looked away at the latter part of the game -- did you guys ever get through that door?" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get cape" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stair. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, seemingly kicked there by a thwarted Floyd | Robber. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "I would not have tried that twice" | |||
Atrilla says (to inky), "Nope." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "follow foot-prints" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "sweep flour" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the sack of Flour or the Foot-Prints in the Floyd | Flour? Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "well, presumably you can get a better ending doing that" | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "foot-prints" | ||||
Floyd | The Foot-Prints may be usable as evidence later. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "some Footpad's Foot-prints" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x footprints" | ||||
Floyd | Foot-Prints in the Flour run frantically around the Store Room, Floyd | stopping here, stopping there, before dashing up the Stairs. Whoever Floyd | made these Prints was anxious to make his Exit also. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "huh. The game knows 'sweep'?" | |||
Lionheart says (to DavidW), "At this point, apparently" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "search flower" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Wrong flour." | |||
Lionheart says, "That's frustrating, to think that verbs I discarded as unsupported might actually be necessary to a better ending" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "search flour" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the sack of Flour or the Foot-Prints in the Floyd | Flour? Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Thanks David." | |||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "about" | ||||
Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Floyd | I'm Leonard Richardson, author of "Guess The Verb!". I'll be your tour Floyd | guide through hell! Or that portion of hell which is "Degeneracy", my Floyd | second IF game. Floyd | Floyd | I got the idea for the game in late November of 2000, and worked on it Floyd | into the new year. Don't let the pseudo-archaic writing throw you; in Floyd | gameplay terms, this is an utterly conventional exercise in timed Floyd | puzzle solving. Floyd | Floyd | There's a specific subset of people who liked "Guess The Verb!" who Floyd | will also like this game, but for the most part I think the two games Floyd | appeal to disjoint audiences. Whatever the case, I hope you find Floyd | "Degeneracy" novel and interesting. Floyd | Floyd | Note: as with all my games, I recommend you play Degeneracy with Floyd | VERBOSE descriptions on. However, after having been lectured during Floyd | the beta test of "Guess The Verb!" about messing with the VERBOSE Floyd | default, I have decided to leave this decision in the hands of you, Floyd | the player. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Perhaps an error message about a missing verb handler would be less cruel to the player" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search bag of flour" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to search the sack of Flour. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Hrm, yeah." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search sack" | ||||
Floyd | There is nothing there but the Flour. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "He kind of alludes to it, though I had to reread his commentary a couple of times." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take sack" | ||||
Floyd | You would scatter Flour everywhere you walked. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "is that a problem? :)" | |||
DavidW says, "Apparently." | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x ham" | ||||
Floyd | Racks of Ham hang from the Ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x fruit" | ||||
Floyd | Strings of Fruit both familiar & exotic hang from the Ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We can dye the carpets red with Baron's blood, but flour, that's a no-no." | |||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Limbo says (to DavidW), "hehe, indeed" | ||||
inky says, "hmm" | ||||
inky says, "I wonder what that pole unlocked" | ||||
Lionheart says (to inky), "Maybe it pushed the History Eraser Button" | ||||
DavidW asks, "We never knew what the pole in the desk hole did?" | ||||
Gerynar says, "it made something click" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Perhaps its effect was erased before we found it" | ||||
inky says, "maybe it opened up that priest hole" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "score" | ||||
Floyd | You have completed your divine Task. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hah" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a dented Box (which is closed & locked) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. No way to tell how far we've gotten in the game, then, I guess." | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x symbol" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol) Floyd | A perfect Circle, symbolizing the creation: Heaven above, Earth here & Floyd | now, the pits below. The unbroken continuity of God, of which Man Floyd | partakes. The symbol hangs by a light Chain from your neck. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "We're sort of coming in right after the *** You have won *** message, when the garbage collector is packing up." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||||
Floyd | Stair-Way: The Stair-Way is hardly portable. Floyd | racks of Ham: It is unclean. Floyd | strings of Fruit: You hunger not. Floyd | sack of Flour: You would scatter Flour everywhere you walked. Floyd | Foot-Prints in the Flour: The Foot-Prints are not portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x racks" | ||||
Floyd | Racks of Ham hang from the Ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | The Fool's bleary Gaze lights on the Box you carry. <<The Lock is the Floyd | Key -- He! He!>> The Fool giggles, hiccoughs, & again regards his Floyd | Tankard. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I wonder what that means" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "look in barrel" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "it seems like we have only found a few hint-like things in the game" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search fool" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "take tankard" | ||||
Floyd | That seems to belong to the court Fool. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Like, if the lock was moved from the box onto something else, the key would unlock the something else?" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "fool,follow me" | ||||
Floyd | There is no reply. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Sadly, I read 'court fool' as 'food court'" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x box" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. A small Lock secures it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. A small Lock secures it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "I read that as "That seems to belong to the court, Fool"" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to inventory. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get lock" | ||||
Floyd | You already have that. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks (of Jacqueline), "hungry, are we?" | |||
Lionheart says, "oops" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to DW), "I must be." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x fool" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's Fool has taken to the cups. His Master no longer requires Floyd | his gambols & rapier Wit. He sprawls beneath a large Wine-Barrel, Floyd | clutching a Tankard from which he sips. His Lincoln Cap is askew. He Floyd | has not suffered the pangs of sobriety for some time. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x feet" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "I was going to make some chocolate chip pancakes for lunch, but I couldn't find the chocolate chips, so I waited for maga to get home and then he got home and I asked him and he told me we were out." | |||
Jacqueline says, "No I am rethinking." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "look under barrell" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "look under wine-barrell" | ||||
Floyd | There is nothing between the Saw-Horses which support the Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "grab fool" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "push wine-barrell" | ||||
Floyd | The Barrel is well-supported by Saw-Horses, and you cannot move it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n. get axe. s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtedly--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. The steel blade of an Axe Floyd | calls it home. Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "whoops" | |||
DavidW asks, "What if we smashed the barrel with the axe?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a dented Box (which is closed & locked) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put blade in sheath" | ||||
Floyd | You sheathe your Blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n. get axe. s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. The steel blade of an Axe Floyd | calls it home. Floyd | You remove the fine Axe from the Stump. Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "hit barrel with axe" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "hit box with axe" | ||||
Floyd | You should put down the dented Box before attempting to destroy it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop box" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "hit box with axe" | ||||
Floyd | You hack at the Box, and again, splitting its sides asunder and Floyd | spilling its contents onto the Floor. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a handful of spice & a splintered, useless Box here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x box" | ||||
Floyd | Split open and emptied by your mighty Axe, the Box is now useless. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hmm, probably a mistake" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "/undo" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. Alternate way of opening the box." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a dented Box (which is closed & locked) Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "verbose" | ||||
Floyd | Degeneracy is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives long Floyd | descriptions of locations (even if you have visited them before). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "unlock door with box" | ||||
Floyd | The dented Box does not seem to fit the lock. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "what about the barrel?" | |||
inky says, "it didn't let us break the barrel" | ||||
olethros says, "ok" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "unlock door with lock" | ||||
Floyd | (the dented Box) Floyd | The dented Box does not seem to fit the lock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to luxury a Tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | Stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | <<So,>> says the Priest, devoid of Emotion. <<You have come.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "search priest" | ||||
Floyd | You search the Priest, who divulges a small silver Key. <<The Box!>> Floyd | cries the desperate Priest, placing the Key forlornly on the ground. Floyd | <<It contains naught but Spices!>> Floyd | Floyd | The priest speaks again. <<The others have left. I remained.>> Perhaps Floyd | he thinks this will earn him Clemency? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get silver" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop axe. get silver. unlock box with silver" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Taken. Floyd | You unlock the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "maybe we could've hit the saw-horses" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x box" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. A small Lock is mounted therein, but does not prevent your Floyd | opening it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get lock" | ||||
Floyd | You already have that. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "clemency?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "break lock" | olethros asks, "so we should kill him too?" | |||
Floyd | In the ensuing Battle, the Box inflicts more damage upon you than do Floyd | you on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "forgive priest" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
olethros says, "yay" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "kill priest" | ||||
Floyd | Truly this Worm deserves Death. But it is against your Code to strike Floyd | down a man of the Cloth, however deserving. His time will come soon Floyd | enough. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "bless priest" | ||||
Floyd | You lack the athourity to perform Blessings. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "guess the verb...?" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "priest, bless sword" | ||||
Floyd | The corrupt Priest has better things to do. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Respect my ath-our-itah" | |||
olethros says, "ha ha ha" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "priest,pray" | ||||
Floyd | The corrupt Priest has better things to do. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "remove lock from box" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "pull lock" | ||||
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. A small Lock is mounted therein, but does not prevent your Floyd | opening it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "break box" | ||||
Floyd | In the ensuing Battle, the Box inflicts more damage upon you than do Floyd | you on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "break box with axe" | ||||
Floyd | In the ensuing Battle, the Box inflicts more damage upon you than do Floyd | you on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "hit box with axe" | ||||
Floyd | In the ensuing Battle, the Box inflicts more damage upon you than do Floyd | you on it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "grant clemency to priest" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "this is a savage box indeed" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "open box" | ||||
Floyd | You open the dented Box, revealing a handful of spice. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x spice" | ||||
Floyd | Rare Peppers, and other Spices you cannot identify. Their smell is Floyd | oriental, exotic. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "crush spice" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "bake pizza" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "break spice" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "spice man" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We never found out what's special about this spice." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "smell spice" | ||||
Floyd | Wondrous and dangerous. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "if we break the box, we can take the lock ?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "smell spice" | ||||
Floyd | Wondrous and dangerous. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice on ham" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "chew spice" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I can't seem to break the box now" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "show spice to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the handful of spice) Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "and it didn't break off the lock before" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "pry lock" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x sword" | ||||
Floyd | Your once-thirsty Blade is now sated red. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a silver key Floyd | a dented Box (which is open) Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "It'd be cute if the spice brought the dead (baron and pig) back to life." | |||
jenrexrode says, "haven't tried anyting on the pig" | ||||
Gerynar says, "or make for a tasty pork meal (pig, not priest)" | ||||
DavidW says, "(I'm thinking of the powder of Life from the Oz books." | ||||
olethros says, "we are sure you havnet" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "clean priest with spice" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to clean the corrupt Priest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "touch priest with blade" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to touch the corrupt Priest. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "done here?" | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "give symbol to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol to the corrupt Priest) Floyd | <<Keep it,>> says the Priest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "ask priest about lock" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "rub symbol" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol) Floyd | Such superstitious acts are beneath you. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hee" | |||
Lionheart says, "Since the holy symbol disappeared piece by piece, perhaps other things may also do in a useful way. I find myself wondering if the corrupt Priest goes through a turn or two as just a Priest, for example." | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x symbol" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol) Floyd | A perfect Circle, symbolizing the creation: Heaven above, Earth here & Floyd | now, the pits below. The unbroken continuity of God, of which Man Floyd | partakes. The symbol hangs by a light Chain from your neck. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to LH), "Interesting thought." | |||
DavidW asks, "So maybe the box will vanish leaving the lock by itself?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Or maybe the slit in the pig's belly before the pig itself" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "or maybe the locks will fall off the doros" | ||||
Limbo says, "maybe we should stop the perpetuum mobile; that might stop time" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "Is our goal to leave the castle?" | ||||
DavidW says (to Atrilla), "I think so." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Perhaps." | ||||
olethros asks, "have we done anything with the perpetuum yet ?" | ||||
inky says, "oh yeah, presumably we should play around with the mobile" | ||||
Atrilla says, "That might relates to the fool's lock/key comment." | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a silver key Floyd | a dented Box (which is open) Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put key in box" | ||||
Floyd | You put the silver key into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x mobile" | ||||
Floyd | This Device you have seen before, in the Library at Dol Nesta. An Floyd | ingenious Perpetuum Mobile, built of Pipes, Gears, & Screws of Floyd | Archimedes. Whereby the Force exhibited by Water as it pours into a Floyd | wide Funnel drives the Drawing of that water upward, to fall again Floyd | through a Spout into the Funnel--on & on, ad infinitum. The Design is Floyd | that of a certain Portuguese & the Baron seems to have been impressed Floyd | with it so as to have it realized as a Fountain. Floyd | Floyd | Now Water pours through the Perpetuum, falling out of the Spout & into Floyd | the Funnel. The Splashings of the water combine harmoniously with the Floyd | Grindings of the Gears & Screws. Tho' it seems very heavy, you could Floyd | probably carry the Perpetuum, were you careful not to spill its Water. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "hit mobile with axe" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "push mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drink water" | ||||
Floyd | You do not thirst. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put box in funnel" | ||||
Floyd | That will not fit. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop box" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "search mobile" | ||||
Floyd | There is nothing on the Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "pour water" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop axe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | As you strain to lift the heavy Perpetuum, there is a Lurch & a sudden Floyd | Outpouring of water, which seeps into the Floor. The Gears & Screws Floyd | continue to spin as before, but the Machine is now dry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ask fool about mobile" | ||||
Floyd | <<Round & round & round she goes! Where she stops, no man knows!>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x mobile" | ||||
Floyd | This Device you have seen before, in the Library at Dol Nesta. An Floyd | ingenious Perpetuum Mobile, built of Pipes, Gears, & Screws of Floyd | Archimedes. Whereby the Force exhibited by Water as it pours into a Floyd | wide Funnel drives the Drawing of that water upward, to fall again Floyd | through a Spout into the Funnel--on & on, ad infinitum. The Design is Floyd | that of a certain Portuguese & the workmanship is such that the Floyd | Machine continues its toil even in the absence of Water to propel it. Floyd | Floyd | Tho the Perpetuum is empty, still turn its Gears & Screws. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hmm" | |||
inky says, "I was hoping this would do something awesome" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | Lionheart says, "The Mobile seems far too interesting not to be important" | |||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a fine Axe & a dented Box (in which are a silver key & a Floyd | handful of spice) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky drops spats. | DavidW asks, "Can the mobile be used to turn the wheel of the portcullis?" | |||
inky gets specimen jar. | ||||
inky gets spats. | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "turn wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A strange tingling comes over you as you reach for the Wheel. When you Floyd | withdraw, your Arm is numbed. You try again, and feel sensation give Floyd | way to Pain, mild and then unbearable. It seems you cannot turn the Floyd | Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "turn wheel with mobile" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to turn the large Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla asks, "Wine=liquid for the mobile?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "put mobile on wheel" | ||||
Floyd | Putting things upon the large Wheel would achieve nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "attach mobile to wheel" | ||||
Floyd | You would achieve nothing by this. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x gears" | ||||
Floyd | Gears of many shapes & sizes turn endlessly in the Machine, imitating Floyd | the model of Creation itself. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x screws" | ||||
Floyd | The Archimedian Screws turn silently, meshing one into another to Floyd | carry a cargo endlessly upwards. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I think you'd need a belt or rope." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x armor" | ||||
Floyd | The sanctified chain mail is light on your body, and leaves your Arms Floyd | and Elbows free. A white cloth covering bears a blue Circle, the Floyd | symbol of the faith. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Or stop the mechanism with the pole." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "remove cloth" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the white Covering over your armour) Floyd | To remove your Covering outside the Church is to invite divine Floyd | Disapproval. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "So can we remove it in the chapel?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "remove holy symbol" | ||||
Floyd | To remove the symbol of the faith is to lose divine protection. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Is the wheel gear-like in any way?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A heavy wooden wheel, which raises and lowers the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I imagine so" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "attach mobile to wheel" | ||||
Floyd | You would achieve nothing by this. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put mobile against wheel" | ||||
Floyd | The meaning of that sentence escapes me. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push mobile to wheel" | ||||
Floyd | That cannot contain things. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "put mobile under wheel" | ||||
Floyd | The meaning of that sentence escapes me. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn wheel with mobile" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to turn the large Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla asks, "On?" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You gently set the Perpetuum on the floor. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "well, I mean, it's a wheel with spikes" | |||
DavidW says, "It's just, we want to turn the wheel. The mobile is endlessly turning. You'd think there's some way to connect the two." | ||||
Lionheart says, "And they both have gears" | ||||
inky says, "yeah" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x portcullis" | ||||
Floyd | A heavy iron portcullis blocks your way. Sun shines through the grate. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You strain to lift the heavy Perpetuum. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to Luxury a tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "show mobile to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The corrupt Priest is unimpressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | The door is made of fine oak, with a copper lock. It stands Floyd | forbodingly closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "kick door" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "search altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the Decrepitude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "carpet" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x carpet" | ||||
Floyd | Near the seat the carpet is red with the stain of unholy blood. It Floyd | stretches out white to the east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x seat" | ||||
Floyd | A most opulent & high Seat, supporting the dastardly Baron as he Floyd | passes judgement, accomplice to his avarice. No more. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "search seat" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look under carpet" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "search baron" | ||||
Floyd | There is nothing on the Baron's corpse. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "sit on seat" | ||||
Floyd | You would perhaps take the Baron's place, as minister of evil? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a Perpetuum Mobile (churning & empty) Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "hm. Can the carpet be used as a belt?" | |||
inky asks, "we never found out what the baron's key unlocked either, right?" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x baron" | ||||
Floyd | His eyes are wide & unseeing. He wears an expression of resignation & Floyd | a velvet robe. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get carpet" | ||||
Floyd | The bloodstained carpet is hardly portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "cut carpet" | ||||
Floyd | What do you want to cut the bloodstained carpet with? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get robe" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "cut carpet with blade" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the sacred blade) Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sit on seat" | ||||
Floyd | You would perhaps take the Baron's place, as minister of evil? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||||
Floyd | That was a rhetorical question. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put spices on baron" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "That's exactly what I had in mind, ha" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a Perpetuum Mobile (churning & empty) Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, ">roll baron in carpet and dump him in the river" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "roll carpet" | ||||
Floyd | You are unable to. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "move carpet" | ||||
Floyd | You are unable to. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look under carpet" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push seat" | ||||
Floyd | You are unable to. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "l under it" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "l behind it" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "It occurs to me that we have not seen how this game reacts to profanity." | |||
olethros disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. | Lionheart says, "While probably unhelpful, it seems like it should have an entertaining response." | |||
olethros arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | Jacqueline says, "heehee" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Man, why do I always get laggy during CF?" | ||||
olethros says, "beer" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "shit" | ||||
Floyd | Such language reeks of sulphur. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "fuck baron" | ||||
Floyd | Such language reeks of sulphur. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "damn" | ||||
Floyd | Such language reeks of sulphur. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "snrk" | |||
Limbo says, "we could drop/juggle a few things and take the robe & cut the carpet again" | ||||
Limbo says, "last time, our hands were full" | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a Perpetuum Mobile (churning & empty) Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "drop mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "churn" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "hold blade" | ||||
Floyd | You draw your blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "cut carpet with blade" | ||||
Floyd | Cutting that up would achieve little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "cut robe with blade" | ||||
Floyd | Cutting that up would achieve little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x mobile" | ||||
Floyd | This Device you have seen before, in the Library at Dol Nesta. An Floyd | ingenious Perpetuum Mobile, built of Pipes, Gears, & Screws of Floyd | Archimides. Whereby the Force exhibited by Water as it pours into a Floyd | wide Funnel drives the Drawing of that water upward, to fall again Floyd | through a Spout into the Funnel--on & on, ad infinitum. The Design is Floyd | that of a certain Portuguese & the workmanship is such that the Floyd | Machine continues its toil even in the absence of Water to propel it. Floyd | Floyd | Tho the Perpetuum is empty, still turn its Gears & Screws. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "gears" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x gears" | ||||
Floyd | Gears of many shapes & sizes turn endlessly in the Machine, imitating Floyd | the model of Creation itself. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x pipes" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x screws" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x pipes" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||||
Gerynar has connected. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x spout" | ||||
Floyd | A decorated Spout from which water would pour, had you not spilled it Floyd | out. The Funnel of the Perpetuum stands directly below. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Maybe it's possible to check the books about machinery." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x funnel" | ||||
Floyd | A large round Funnel, flared at the top to catch splashing water. The Floyd | Spout of the Perpetuum stands directly above. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x books" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x robe" | ||||
Floyd | The red velvet robes of state are stained a deeper red with the blood Floyd | of the evil sovereign. A small pocket on the right side catches your Floyd | eye. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky asks, "there was a hole in the bookcase too, wasn't there?" | |||
Atrilla says, "In the study." | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in pocket" | ||||
Floyd | In the pocket is a golden key. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get golden" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x it" | ||||
Floyd | The key is of gold, with eight small teeth. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I wonder if the gold key will eventually degenerate to copper" | |||
Limbo says (to inky), "a gap, yes" | ||||
Limbo says (to inky), "(between the books)" | ||||
DavidW asks, "A gap in the bookcase? Like for a book to be placed?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "That sounds like the classic insert-the-book-to-reveal-the-secret-passage trope" | ||||
DavidW says, "yes" | ||||
DavidW asks, "Except I don't think we've seen a loose book, have we?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Not yet." | ||||
Atrilla says, "Nope. But we didn't tryed to push or pull the wall or the shleves after the click." | ||||
Limbo says, "IIRC, we haven't even examined the gap yet" | ||||
olethros says, "we have a scroll" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w. sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "oops" | |||
inky asks, "where was it again?" | ||||
Limbo says (to inky), "south from the entrance" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "NE, E, S" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x books" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's library is full of heretical Ideas & Assertions most Floyd | blasphemous. Yet here are also books of Metallurgy, of Alchymy & other Floyd | useful Arts. A monk from Dol Nesta will need to be sent here to Floyd | separate Wheat from Chaff, to save that which might be usefully Floyd | Consulted & to destroy the Dross. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in gap" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I wonder if it disappeared already" | |||
inky asks, "can I restart?" | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x walls" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x desk" | ||||
Floyd | The Writing-Desk is of dark wood. Its flap is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x chair" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "This is where the hole in the desk was. You can put the lance in it." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x arm-chair" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "open flap" | ||||
Floyd | You open the flap of the Writing-Desk, revealing a deep Hole in the Floyd | south wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "open flap" | ||||
Floyd | That is already open. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in hole" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x hole" | ||||
Floyd | A dark Hole penetrates the desk & proceeds deep into the Stone of the Floyd | south wall. It is deeper than your arm is long. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says, "l in hole" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "l in hole" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla asks, "This save was before or after we used the lance?" | |||
Atrilla asks, "This is a save, isn't it?" | ||||
inky says, "before, I think" | ||||
DavidW says, "I don't think we've done anything with the hole in this verstion." | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a golden key Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "A hole in wall, I might have known. Thank God the Baron's debauchery is at an end." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "cf2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||||
Floyd | Are you sure you want to restart your quest? | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a terrible crashing sound to the east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x gap" | ||||
Floyd | The Gap separates two of the most odious Works in the Library. Likely Floyd | their Brother is similarly accursed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in gap" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x works" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "open gap" | ||||
Floyd | That is not something you can open. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "hmm" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x chair" | ||||
Floyd | The Arm-Chair is of leather, & is cold to the touch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "search chair" | ||||
Floyd | You feel nothing hidden inside the chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "That gap is different." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "sit in chair" | ||||
Floyd | You sit in the Chair, but quickly tire of such Decadence. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "yeah" | |||
inky says, "but it doesn't seem to be much help" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "reach in gap" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "search gap" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put blade in gap" | ||||
Floyd | The Gap is book-shaped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put case in gap" | ||||
Floyd | The Gap is book-shaped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open desk" | ||||
Floyd | You open the flap of the Writing-Desk, revealing a small but deep Hole Floyd | in the south wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "So, did the Gap disappear in the previous iteration?" | |||
Lionheart says, "Just checking if there's a book in there early on" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "put book in gap" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says (to DavidW), "yes" | |||
DavidW says, "grr" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Yes. Vexing, isn't it?" | ||||
DavidW says (to Atrilla), "We don't have a book." | ||||
Atrilla says, "It might get one from the bookshelf." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x books" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's library is full of heretical Ideas & Assertions most Floyd | blasphemous. Yet here are also books of Metallurgy, of Alchymy & other Floyd | useful Arts. A monk from Dol Nesta will need to be sent here to Floyd | separate Wheat from Chaff, to save that which is useful & to destroy Floyd | the Dross. While you are here, however, you may CONSULT the Library Floyd | about its more wholesome topics. Floyd | Floyd | There is a noticeable Gap between two particularly odious Books. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "(opening the footstool first) (taking the book first) The Book fits cleanly in the Gap." | |||
DavidW asks, "FOOTSTOOL?" | ||||
inky says, "he's kidding" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armoury Floyd | An Armoury, stocked by the Baron for a siege but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armour, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Lance stands here, propped against a wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "What footstool? Where ar... oh." | |||
Limbo says, "maybe the book exists somewhere for the first few turns only" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Lionheart says, "I was riffing of what Atrilla might have expected to happen." | ||||
Atrilla asks (of Lionhart), "How so?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "verbose" | ||||
Floyd | Degeneracy is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives long Floyd | descriptions of locations (even if you have visited them before). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x chairs" | ||||
Floyd | The Chairs are well-carved with geometric designs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favoured Thinkers Floyd | entered this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters Floyd | of exotic repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands Floyd | bare, stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the Floyd | larger items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtedly--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. The steel blade of an Axe Floyd | calls it home. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x pig" | ||||
Floyd | The Pig is dead two days. Its Butcher likely fled the castle, dreading Floyd | your approach. A large Slit travels its bloated Stomach. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x stomach" | ||||
Floyd | The Ancients are said to have practiced divination by the Entrails of Floyd | Beasts. Not being one of the Ancients, you know not what these Vitals Floyd | fortell. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in stomach" | ||||
Floyd | The pig's Vitals conceal nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the fine Axe from the Stump. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "hit pig with axe" | ||||
Floyd | Well done, brave knight! The pig is dead! Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "A butcher... or an orc?" | |||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Lionheart says, "#clubfloyd ..Atrilla I was joking about finding a book we didn't have and didn't know about by trying to insert a book we don't have, it apparently wasn't a very good joke, never mind." | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtedly--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x pig" | ||||
Floyd | The Pig is dead two days. Its Butcher likely fled the castle, dreading Floyd | your approach. A large Slit travels its bloated Stomach. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stair. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, seemingly kicked there by a thwarted Floyd | Robber. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "hit box with axe" | ||||
Floyd | You hack at the Box, and again, splitting its sides asunder and Floyd | spilling its contents onto the Floor. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get spices" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "drop axe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "get spices" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtably--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "put spices in pig" | ||||
Floyd | Perhaps you hope to cure the Meat? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. We ought to look in the stomach." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtably--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in stomach" | ||||
Floyd | The pig's Vitals conceal nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take stomach" | ||||
Floyd | Let the pig's Vitals be. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "haha" | |||
Atrilla says (to Lionheart), "heh, don't sweat it. :)" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "give spices to fool" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool's eyes cross comically as he regards the handful of spice. Floyd | Exhausted by the effort, he slumps. He does not seem to want it. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "why is the stomach slit? what was in it?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x crockery" | ||||
Floyd | Fine Crockery and bone China, now smashed and in Fragments on the Floyd | floor. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x barrel" | ||||
Floyd | A Barrel of fine Wine, nearly emptied by the efforts of the Fool. He Floyd | lies below, supported by the Saw-Horses which carry the Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask fool about big" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says, "f sweep crockery" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "push barrel" | ||||
Floyd | The Barrel is well-supported by Saw-Horses, and you cannot move it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "ask fool about pig" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says, "f sweep crockery" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sweep crockery" | ||||
Floyd | You achieve nothing by this. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "hit saw-horses with axe" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask fool about book" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool belches & says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "ask fool about wine" | ||||
Floyd | <<Wine, the Fruit of the Vine, a Fellow of mine.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Truffles? A bezoar? Delicious giblets?" | |||
DavidW says, "Bezoars come from goats, not pigs, if I remember my Harry Potter." | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "kick saw-horses" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "If I remember my Sandman, bezoars can come from any animal including humans" | |||
DavidW says, "Any animal that eats hair." | ||||
Lionheart says, "I eat hair" | ||||
DavidW says, "ew" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I try not to, but often have no choice." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Not intentionally, but it's long and gets in my mouth." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Yep" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask fool about priest" | ||||
Floyd | The grinning Fool dips his Finger-Tips into his Tankard & sprinkles Floyd | Wine at you like holy Water. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "And once in a while... I find evidence that I have consumed and not digested it." | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask fool about mobile" | ||||
Floyd | <<Round & round & round she goes! Where she stops, no man knows!>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Ah... yep." | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "ask fool for tankard" | ||||
Floyd | <<The Wine is Mine,>> sings the Fool. <<The Wine is Mine!>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask fool about portcullis" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "TMI, but yes." | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "ask fool about gate" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool shudders & says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "ask fool about wheel" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool belches & says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "ask fool about wheel" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool coughs & says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "sheathe blade" | ||||
Floyd | You sheathe your Blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtably--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo asks, "where did the axe go?" | |||
Limbo asks, "already degenerated?" | ||||
DavidW says, "maybe" | ||||
Atrilla says, "You need to ask? :)" | ||||
Limbo says, "we dropped it after destroying the box, IIRC" | ||||
Limbo says, "in the Yard" | ||||
Atrilla says, "We destroyed the box? I didn't got that." | ||||
Gerynar asks, "did we try chopping any of those locked doors?" | ||||
Limbo says, "I just read the scrollback" | ||||
Limbo says, "it was in the storeroom" | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stair. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, its sides split open. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | The Fool slurs some lines of Verse: <<Ye Grasse is green, ye Beere is Floyd | green, a stranger Sighte I ne'er have seen.>> You see no Beer in his Floyd | tankard; naught but the Baron's Wine. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Yeah, it didn't allow violence." | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "hit saw-horses with axe" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "push saw-horses" | ||||
Floyd | The Barrel is well-supported by Saw-Horses, and you cannot move it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "roll barrel e" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to roll the Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "roll barrel" | ||||
Floyd | The Barrel is well-supported by Saw-Horses, and you cannot move it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "l under it" | ||||
Floyd | There is nothing between the Saw-Horses which support the Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "hehe This is one of those games." | |||
Atrilla says, "Let's try to chop the lance with the axe." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "behead fool" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "or sharpen?" | |||
Atrilla says, "Or sharpen. Any interaction." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ask fool about beer" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool coughs & says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Hmmm" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "fool, where is beer" | ||||
Floyd | There is no reply. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "find beer" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "He's drinnking wine, not beer." | |||
Lionheart says, "Yes, but he spoke gnomically about green beer." | ||||
Atrilla says, "Ah." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Maybe he's just Irish" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to floyd), "sharpen lance" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "so restarting is going to be in our toolkit?" | |||
Lionheart says, "In limbo, there is no beer, that's why he drinks it here, and when he disappears, someone else will be drinking all the beer..." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heehee" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says (to jen), "Afraid so, we'd have to examine each room thoroughly as close to the start of the game as we can get there to completely rule out something not vanishing on us in the first couple moves. :(" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison asks, "does the spice turn into poison or anything that we can put in the wine?" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "drop axe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "drop spice" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | As you strain to lift the heavy Perpetuum, there is a Lurch & a sudden Floyd | Outpouring of water, which seeps into the Floor. The Gears & Screws Floyd | continue to spin as before, but the Machine is now dry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "drop mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You gently set the Perpetuum on the floor. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a handful of spice & a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get spice and axe" | ||||
Floyd | handful of spice: Taken. Floyd | fine Axe: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Wait a second" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "push mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile carefully" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to get the Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "push mobile to barrel" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "drop axe and spice" | ||||
Floyd | fine Axe: Dropped. Floyd | handful of spice: Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x mobile" | ||||
Floyd | This Device you have seen before, in the Library at Dol Nesta. An Floyd | ingenious Perpetuum Mobile, built of Pipes, Gears, & Screws of Floyd | Archimedes. Whereby the Force exhibited by Water as it pours into a Floyd | wide Funnel drives the Drawing of that water upward, to fall again | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "push mobile to barrel" | ||||
Floyd | through a Spout into the Funnel--on & on, ad infinitum. The Design is Floyd | that of a certain Portuguese & the workmanship is such that the Floyd | Machine continues its toil even in the absence of Water to propel it. Floyd | Floyd | Tho the Perpetuum is empty, still turn its Gears & Screws. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | The Wine-Barrel may contain only Wine. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Gonna fill the mobile with wine?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile gently" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to get the Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "It's an idea." | |||
DavidW says (to Lionheart), "Most IF doesn't understand adverbs." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a Perpetuum Mobile (churning & empty) Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "I know, but I do recall games that admonish you to do something carefully, then don't if you don't say CAREFULLY or SOFTLY or whatever, so it was worth a try." | |||
jenrexrode asks, "the water spilled already, so no need to be careful, eh?" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "drop mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You gently set the Perpetuum on the floor. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "cut barrel with it" | ||||
Floyd | Cutting that up would achieve little. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says (to jen), "The parser doesn't appear to know adverbs, or forgot them already, so no matter." | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "hack barrel with axe" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "chop barrel with axe" | ||||
Floyd | Cutting that up would achieve little. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla asks, "Didn't someone managed to do this before?" | |||
jenrexrode says (to floyd), "open barrel" | ||||
Floyd | That is not something you can open. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "no. They tried hit/attack, not cut/chop." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "roll out barrel" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to floyd), "search barrel" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "open barrel with axe" | ||||
Floyd | That does not seem to be something you can unlock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "hit barrel with axe" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to floyd), "x barrel" | ||||
Floyd | A Barrel of fine Wine, nearly emptied by the efforts of the Fool. He Floyd | lies below, supported by the Saw-Horses which carry the Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fill mobile with wine" | ||||
Floyd | (the Wine-Barrel) Floyd | You need to be holding the Wine-Barrel before you can put it into Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to floyd), "get wine" | ||||
Floyd | (the Wine-Barrel) Floyd | The Barrel is well-supported by Saw-Horses, and you cannot move it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fill mobile" | ||||
Floyd | There is no water here to carry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pour wine into mobile" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "fill mobile with wine" | ||||
Floyd | (the Wine-Barrel) Floyd | You need to be holding the Wine-Barrel before you can put it into Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, ""Damn that fool!"" | |||
jenrexrode says (to floyd), "tap wine" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I see no reason to fill the mobile with wine, actually, but I thought I'd try it." | |||
Atrilla says, "It's only logical since wine is a liquid." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Nor I, but who knows what strange attempt might provide a clue" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put spices in mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You need to be holding the handful of spice before you can put it into Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to Atrilla), "mmhmm" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take spices" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put spices in mobile" | ||||
Floyd | That would surely ruin the valuable Spices. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "I'm still thinking a belt or band or rope might be the missing piece" | |||
Atrilla says, "The cape might be usable." | ||||
DavidW says, "well, we haven't seen much that's belt/band/rope-like." | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "but they wont let us take the entrails?" | ||||
Atrilla says, "Nope. The tripe might do the trick, yes." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "drop spice" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | [Your undoing fails.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||||
Floyd | The long banquet table once groaned under the weight of extravagant Floyd | Feasts. Now it is bare, its Luster fading. Floyd | Floyd | There is nothing on the long Table. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x chairs" | ||||
Floyd | The chairs are carved ornately. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "well, I ought to do day-like stuff while daylight still exists. later all!" | |||
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst.. | ||||
Ellison has disconnected. | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look under table" | ||||
Floyd | There is naught but Dust under the long Table. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x dust" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo asks, "did we try to burn anything with the candles in the chapel?" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "no touch the candles" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We can't take the candles." | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get cape" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x baron" | ||||
Floyd | His eyes are wide & unseeing. He wears an expression of resignation & Floyd | a velvet robe. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get robe" | ||||
Floyd | You separate robe & owner, leaving the Baron bare. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "huh" | |||
jenrexrode says, "yay" | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x robe" | ||||
Floyd | The red velvet robes of state are stained a deeper red with the blood Floyd | of the evil sovereign. A small pocket on the right side catches your Floyd | eye. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "I know, I thought we might be able to burn something over them" | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x pocket" | ||||
Floyd | In the pocket is a golden key. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the Decrepitude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "cut robe" | ||||
Floyd | What do you want to cut the red robe with? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "cut robe with blade" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the sacred blade) Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a red robe Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "drop axe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "cut robe with blade" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the sacred blade) Floyd | You draw your blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a red robe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x baron" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "cut robe with blade" | ||||
Floyd | Cutting that up would achieve little. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "Hmmmm nope." | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get gold" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "wear robe" | ||||
Floyd | You lack the rank. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "roll robe" | ||||
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "x robe" | ||||
Floyd | The red velvet robes of state are stained a deeper red with the blood Floyd | of the evil sovereign. A small pocket on the right side catches your Floyd | eye. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "drop robe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "tie rope to mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "tie robe to mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "It's to the west." | |||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | fine Axe: Taken. Floyd | long Table: The long Table is hardly portable. Floyd | ornate Chairs: Such posessions would only weigh you down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a handful of spice & a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "tie robe to mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "It's gone." | |||
DavidW says, "Atrilla dropped it." | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x baron" | ||||
Floyd | His eyes are wide & unseeing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oh, maybe is vanished now." | |||
Atrilla says, "I think it's gone already." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Curses" | ||||
Atrilla says, "Nope, that's another game." | ||||
Lionheart asks, "So what else could a robe possibly be useful for?" | ||||
DavidW says, "Well, it was red, so wave it in front of a bull." | ||||
Atrilla says, "It's a longshot, but we cal always reload it ant try it." | ||||
Atrilla says, "I had the idea of using it to operate the wheel safely, but that might not work at all." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Might as well, it's not like we'll lose much progress" | ||||
Atrilla asks, "cf1?" | ||||
olethros asks, "giving up?" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get eyes" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | Atrilla says, "There's still stuff to try." | |||
DavidW says, "I'm gonna run across the street and buy crackers before the store closes. bbl." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "drop axe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says, "CSB" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get eyes" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hah~" | |||
olethros says, "woah" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x eyes" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's eyes are wide and unseeing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros has ordered three mega-generators to be installed in his boathouse. | Atrilla exclaims, "Woah!" | |||
Lionheart exclaims, "!" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Bye, D." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Man, lag." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "roll eyes" | ||||
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says (to Lionheart), "har" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Heehee" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | the Baron's eyes Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I guess the .. eyes have it" | |||
Lionheart says, "If you want to deliver that line properly, you need to take off your sunglasses and squint." | ||||
Jacqueline smacks inky. | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x baron" | ||||
Floyd | His eyes are wide & unseeing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "now we can give the priest the evil eye... literally" | |||
Lionheart says, "We probably should go around showing these to everyone" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put eye in funnel" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | olethros says, "sounds reasonable" | |||
olethros says, "if not tedious" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Well, since we can probably assume the palace has no retinal scanners, I'm at a loss what else we could do with them." | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heehee yay" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "plant eye" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open eyes" | ||||
Floyd | Even the most evil deserves posthumous Respect. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Oh, now you talk respect?" | |||
Lionheart says, "I suppose not making the eyes untakable was probably an oversight." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "close eyes" | ||||
Floyd | You close the Baron's eyes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Ellison arrives, ready to play with the toys. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "look into eyes" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "seems more like a bug" | |||
Lionheart says (to olethros), "I think so too." | ||||
Lionheart says (to olethros), "A marvelously creepy bug." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "poke eyes" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Lance stands here, propped against a wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put eye on lance" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get lance" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sheath blade" | ||||
Floyd | You sheathe your blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get lance" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
inky has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn wheel with lance" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to turn the large Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "look in hole" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x hole" | ||||
Floyd | A dark Hole penetrates the desk & proceeds deep into the Stone of the Floyd | south wall. It is deeper than your Arm is long. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put symbol in hole" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol in the Hole in the south wall) Floyd | You insert the holy symbol into the hole as far as you can, then draw Floyd | it out again. No change has occured. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Light source, dark hole... guess not." | |||
Jacqueline says, "meh" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put symbol on lance" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol on the wooden Lance) Floyd | Putting things upon the wooden Lance would achieve nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put lance in hole" | ||||
Floyd | Inserting the lance into the hole as far as you can, you feel the wood Floyd | catch & hear the faraway grinding of stone. Removing the lance, you Floyd | find it unchanged. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "This is the same one we stuc- yeah" | |||
Jacqueline says, "I wonder what's happening there." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Let's try and figure out what that does" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "It doesn't seem to affect the gate, right?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Right" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Faraway grinding, so it could be something opening far away" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "lift portcullis" | ||||
Floyd | That is hardly portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open portcullis" | ||||
Floyd | Your strength is as great as your faith, but try as you might, you Floyd | cannot lift the heavy portcullis. Perhaps the nearby Wheel holds the Floyd | answer. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "we can try to impress the priest with the eyes" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "So that grinding isn't this wheel." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "it is the dungeon changing" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | From here you may go only east. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "grinding of stone..." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks (of olethros), "Oh, is it?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to Luxury a tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "move tapestry" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "ah. Still playing." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get tapestry" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "tapestry has degenerated" | |||
Lionheart says, "Trying to figure out what putting the lance in the hole does" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | The Altar is smooth & sweet-smelling, but you see it stained with Floyd | Blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart ponders. | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a wooden Lance Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "read scroll" | ||||
Floyd | A scroll case made of wood & bearing the sigil of the bishop of Dol Floyd | Nesta. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get scroll" | ||||
Floyd | You already have that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "open scroll" | ||||
Floyd | You open the wooden Scroll-Case, revealing a vellum Scroll. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "read vellum scroll" | ||||
Floyd | The scroll is made of rich vellum & is rolled up, inside the scroll Floyd | case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get vellum scroll" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "drop lance" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get vellum scroll" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the scroll from the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "read vellum scroll" | ||||
Floyd | The rich vellum is covered with a flowing hand. Floyd | Floyd | <<The bearer of this Notice, one Knight Itinerant, being granted Floyd | special Dispensation and ordered by Divine Covenant to separate from Floyd | this World the immortal Soul of par Tiller, Baron of Stesan, his Floyd | Crimes and Sins having blotted his Name beyond hope of Redemption or Floyd | Reform, and it being ordered that any and all requested Assistance be Floyd | rendered this Knight in this sacred Quest, let it be known that to Floyd | this I set my Stamp and Seal on this day and for Perpetuity, in the Floyd | name of the most holy God, who has ordained it so,>> Floyd | Floyd | The stamp and signature is that of the bishop of Dol Nesta. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a handful of spice & a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ask fool about god" | ||||
Floyd | There is no reply. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show scroll to fool" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the vellum Scroll or the wooden Scroll-Case? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show vellum scroll to fool" | ||||
Floyd | The court Fool is unimpressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "have we ever managed to do anything interesting?" | |||
Lionheart says, "We took the Baron's eyes" | ||||
olethros says, "I wouldnt be ill disposed to a walkthrough" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to olethros), "heh" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "That was a heh about you thinking we've only done boring things." | ||||
olethros says, "it is true!" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open but empty) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put vellum in case" | ||||
Floyd | You the scroll up and place it in the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "close case" | ||||
Floyd | You close the wooden Scroll-Case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "hint" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "help" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy v0.20 Floyd | N = next subject P = Floyd | RETURN = read subject Q = re Floyd | sume game Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > About this game Floyd | The inventory system Floyd | Credits Floyd | License Floyd | Hints Floyd | Walkthrough Floyd | | Lionheart says, "In terms of actual progress, we have done:" | |||
Lionheart says, "activated some catch in a hole which we don't know what it does" | ||||
Lionheart says, "unlocked a door and a box" | ||||
olethros says, "first things we did, yes" | ||||
olethros asks, "behind door was?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "been told that the lock is the key" | ||||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||||
Gerynar has connected. | DavidW says, "If you're doing hints, I'd prefer not to watch." | |||
DavidW has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | Lionheart says, "found a gap in need of a book" | |||
* DavidW has left the channel. | ||||
olethros says, "just checking that there are hints available" | ||||
* DavidW has joined the channel. | ||||
olethros says, "I am just wondering if there is anything promising to try" | ||||
Lionheart says, "We could try to determine what the catch in the hole did" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Find a way to turn the wheel" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Find a use for the Perpetual Motion Machine" | ||||
olethros says, "you can put spice in the machine" | ||||
olethros says, "but it doesn't do anything" | ||||
olethros says, "it just goes round and round" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Turning the wheel seems to be the ultimate goal" | ||||
Lionheart says, "The way out of the castle" | ||||
olethros says, "let me drive" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Which the game hints we should be trying to do" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy v0.20 Floyd | N = next subject P = Floyd | RETURN = read subject Q = re Floyd | sume game Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > About this game Floyd | The inventory system Floyd | Credits Floyd | License Floyd | Hints Floyd | Walkthrough Floyd | | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "Q" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted, beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a handful of spice & a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "I mean not in "hints" but in saying 'you should find a way to quit the castle'" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "put it in mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Only the particulate may progress through the wondrous Machine. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "put spice in mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Only the particulate may progress through the wondrous Machine. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x machine" | ||||
Floyd | This Device you have seen before, in the Library at Dol Nesta. An Floyd | ingenious Perpetuum Mobile, built of Pipes, Gears, & Screws of Floyd | Archimides. Whereby the Force exhibited by Water as it pours into a Floyd | wide Funnel drives the Drawing of that water upward, to fall again Floyd | through a Spout into the Funnel--on & on, ad infinitum. The Design is Floyd | that of a certain Portuguese & the workmanship is such that the Floyd | Machine continues its toil even in the absence of Water to propel it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice in funnel" | ||||
Floyd | That will not fit. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x spice" | ||||
Floyd | Rare Peppers, and other Spices you cannot identify. Their smell is Floyd | oriental, exotic. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "crush it" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "put it in water" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x water" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "we might try to put flour in the machine; maybe that would clog it" | |||
olethros says, "ah water is gone" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "get flour" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x oven" | ||||
Floyd | The ovens stand cold as stone. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l in it" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "in the store room" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "d?" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stairs. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, seemingly kicked there by a thwarted Floyd | Robber. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "We spilled it out when we picked up the machine" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "get flour" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "get Flour" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "get bag" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stairs. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, seemingly kicked there by a thwarted Floyd | Robber. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x fruit" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice on fruit" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | dented Box: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), " prints" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Store Room Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a dented Box Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x prints" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard are the Beasts put to the knife & prepared Floyd | for the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtably--were Floyd | other Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. Floyd | There is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l under pig" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x oak" | ||||
Floyd | From little Acorns great Oaks spring. But great Oaks die, or are cut Floyd | down, & only God remembers what once was. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "the stuff in the store room seems to have disintegrated already" | |||
Lionheart asks, "WHat happens if we go into the dark room without our light source?" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "search it" | ||||
Floyd | The stump is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "search pig" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "was there something in the stump?" | |||
Limbo says (to olethros), "the axe" | ||||
olethros says, "ok" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x tables" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "x fresco" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x frescoes" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x frescoe" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x fresco" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "disappeared" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x heraldry" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A heavy wooden wheel, which raises and lowers the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "turn it" | ||||
Floyd | A strange tingling comes over you as you reach for the Wheel. When you Floyd | withdraw, your Arm is numbed. You try again, and feel sensation give Floyd | way to Pain, mild and then unbearable. It seems you cannot turn the Floyd | Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "we just need to wear gloves I think" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "s, s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x chair" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | The door is made of fine oak. It stands forbodingly closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros asks, "have we ever opened this one ?" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up spice in books" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up key in books" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "look up lock in books" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says (to olethros), "no, I don't think so" | |||
Lionheart asks, "We didn't? We had two keys, neither were to this?" | ||||
olethros says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | olethros says, "not any more!" | |||
olethros says (to Floyd), "x symbol" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol) Floyd | A half circle, symbolizing the dome of the world, the entire of Floyd | existance save the pits beneath. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo asks, "did we ever find out what the baron's gold key unlocked?" | |||
Lionheart says, "Ah right. OK, another thing to do, work out what the Baron's gold key is to" | ||||
olethros says, "the other door" | ||||
Limbo asks (of olethros), "what other door?" | ||||
olethros says, "somebody mentioned" | ||||
olethros says, "let's start again" | ||||
Lionheart says, "There must be yet another key." | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "chapel?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Two of the keys so far were held by characters" | ||||
Lionheart says, "I suppose if this one follows that pattern, the Fool has it" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "never got anything out of the fool, except he told us the box was the key" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Technically, he said the Lock was the Key" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "oh, upon seeing the box..." | ||||
Limbo asks, "maybe he has a key in his cap?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "yeah, time to restart" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Unless you want to explore featureless rooms, yeah" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "This is a pretty interesting dynamic." | ||||
Atrilla asks, "You managed to unlock any of the doors?" | ||||
Gerynar says, "CRB" | ||||
Gerynar says "bloop" and shrinks down into a little dot, then winks out...just like those old-fashioned B&w televisions. | ||||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||||
Floyd | Are you sure you want to restart your quest? | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "y" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search carpet" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a terrible crashing sound to the east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search baron" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's Robe bears a Pocket, in which is a golden key. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take key" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "verbose" | ||||
Floyd | Degeneracy is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives long Floyd | descriptions of locations (even if you have visited them before). Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "I just had a thought." | |||
Lionheart says, "At the point when all the trappings of the rooms disappear, and it is just "You are in room #. Exits are ..."" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Does the locked door and portcullis vanish then?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hm" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Can we just walk through those exits at that point?" | ||||
Limbo says, "interesting idea" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x tables" | ||||
Floyd | The Tables are carved as the Chairs. Game-Boards are inscribed into Floyd | many of them, & some bear Dice & other pieces for Gaming. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Oh yeah" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||||
Floyd | Sun-Light: The Sun-Light is ethereal. Floyd | Frescoes: The Frescoes are hardly portable. Floyd | wooden Chairs: Such posessions would only weigh you down. Floyd | wooden Tables: They are much too heavy. Floyd | gaming Pieces: A Knight must shun all such unclean Associations. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x dice" | ||||
Floyd | The Gaming-Pieces are Dice, Cups, Chess-Men & the like. You are Floyd | ashamed to remember from childhood the Rules to some of these Games. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x pieces" | ||||
Floyd | The Gaming-Pieces are Dice, Cups, Chess-Men & the like. You are Floyd | ashamed to remember from childhood the Rules to some of these Games. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Next time the game is winding down, don't restart, try to escape" | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "play games" | ||||
Floyd | Gaming is below a Knight, even when no Money is at stake. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Atrilla has had its fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "unlock door with key" | ||||
Floyd | The golden key does not seem to fit the lock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x desk" | ||||
Floyd | The Writing-Desk is of dark wood. Its flap is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "open desk" | ||||
Floyd | You open the flap of the Writing-Desk, revealing a small but deep Hole Floyd | in the south wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "sit on chair" | ||||
Floyd | You sit in the Chair, but quickly tire of such Decadence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "look under chair" | ||||
Floyd | There is nothing in the wreckage of the Chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "did I break it?" | |||
Limbo says, "hm, no idea" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x chair" | ||||
Floyd | The Arm-Chair is of leather, & is cold to the touch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "look under desk" | ||||
Floyd | There is naught but Dust under the Writing-Desk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||||
Floyd | Gap in the Library: Such an act smacks of paradox. Floyd | oaken Door to the west: The oaken Door to the west is hardly portable. Floyd | library: There are far too many Books to carry, although you may Floyd | consult the Library while standing before it. Floyd | Writing-Desk: The Writing-Desk is hardly portable. Floyd | leather Arm-Chair: It is much too heavy to carry. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "consult=find the verb?" | |||
Limbo says, "hehe, "Such an act smacks of paradox" is cool" | ||||
Lionheart says, "There should be something in those books, but we haven't successfully looked anything up" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books" | ||||
Floyd | The meaning of that sentence escapes me. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about baron" | ||||
Floyd | In the library you find no biographical information on that great Floyd | Scoundrel, par Tiller, Baron of Stesan. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "yay" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about priest" | ||||
Floyd | You find in the library only horrid Blasphemies on that noble Calling. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You find a reference to the Perpetuum Mobile (oddly enough) in a Floyd | Discourse on religious Symbolism. Tho your brothers at the Monastery Floyd | would follow the Arguments better than you can, the Ideas seem Floyd | orthodox & you can make out most of what is said. Floyd | | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about fool" | ||||
Floyd | The Perpetuum must exist, even if only in the mind of God (so says the Floyd | Author, for the Work is a century old & so precedes the working Floyd | Perpetuum) for it realizes the sacred Circle on a cosmic scale. Floyd | Without the Perpetuum, the Cosmos is a strait Line, slowly declining Floyd | in vital Force, sinking into Degeneracy & Oblivion. As God is the Floyd | moral restorative of this vital Force, so is the Perpetuum, which does Floyd | Work without losing Energy, its physical Restorative. When the vital Floyd | Force moves back & forth between the Poles of Entropy & Restoration, Floyd | is the Cosmos realized as a grand Circle. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | In a satirical work on the Hangers-On at court, you find the Floyd | following: Floyd | Floyd | <<THE TRAGEDY OF THE FULE: Every Court from Low to High/founds itself Floyd | upon some Lie/Therein only one, the Fule/may speak true of lordly Floyd | Misrule. He knows none his Words will heed/nor one comprehend his Floyd | Deed.>> Floyd | Floyd | There is more of this poor Doggerel, but it merely repeats this Theme. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode exclaims, "dang!" | |||
Limbo says, "hey, we did that in our first session, didn't we" | ||||
Limbo says, "so the info degenerates/disappears as well" | ||||
Limbo says, "fiendish" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hm, I have a religious symbol for religious symbolism..." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "and it's a circle..." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about circle" | ||||
Floyd | The Circle makes itself the Symbol of this great Faith, symbolizing Floyd | all that was and all that will be. Sadly, most of the references you Floyd | find in the Baron's Library pervert this great Truth by demonstrating Floyd | methods of subverting and desecrating the true Cycles of God and Floyd | Nature, life and death. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about god" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about metallurgy" | ||||
Floyd | A set of large Volumes describe the art & history of Metallurgy, from Floyd | Antiquity to the present Era. The base & the nobler Metals are Floyd | discussed, & their uses. Also Alloys & their means of manufacture are Floyd | described. In these Works you may be able to find reference to some Floyd | more specific facet of the Craft. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about alchymy" | ||||
Floyd | Several Tomes here are devoted to Alchymy, <<Noblest of the Crafts.>> Floyd | By which the baser Metals may be transmuted into Gold, or between Floyd | themselves. You may be able to find reference to some more specific Floyd | facet of the Craft. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about copper" | ||||
Floyd | <<Commonest of the noble Metals, both Artisan and Craftsman, renowned Floyd | both for its Luster and for the useful Alloys it forms.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about silver" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about silver" | ||||
Floyd | <<A valuable and pliable Metal, second in value only to Gold. Floyd | Projections upon it are common.>> Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | <<A valuable and pliable Metal, second in value only to Gold. Floyd | Projections upon it are common.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about gold" | ||||
Floyd | <<The most coveted of the noble Metals. Empires are built on it, Men Floyd | die for it, & those who have it hoard it. Through complex Floyd | transmutations can baser materials, such as Lead, be transformed into Floyd | this Prince among Metals.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about bronze" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about alloys" | ||||
Floyd | <<An alloy such as Bronze or Electrum may be formed by the molten Floyd | Merging of its several Composites. Some alloys of the nobler metals Floyd | have mythic Powers--in particular the celebrated alliage sympathique, Floyd | or sympathetic Alloy.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "We're not meant to make a copper key out of the gold or silver one, are we?" | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about sympathetic alloy" | ||||
Floyd | In a work on alchymic Medicine you find the following: Floyd | Floyd | <<The sympathetic Alloy, Rosy-Gold, so named for its Colour. Its dust Floyd | comprises Powder of Sympathy, or the Weapon-Salve, tho this is but its Floyd | most convenient Form. Its true power lies in the bonding of its three Floyd | component Metals.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about powder" | ||||
Floyd | A work is devoted to the Weapon-Salve, or Powder of Sympathy, which is Floyd | the dust of the sympathetic Alloy. <<The Powder heals when applied not Floyd | to the Wound but to the Weapon. Most Injuries can it treat, tho it Floyd | cannot re-bind Soul & Body.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "man we could've used that info earlier... although I'm still not sure where to start now" | |||
Lionheart says, "Okay, there is apparently much more to the game than there seemed to be" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "hrm" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "yeah" | ||||
Limbo says, "yup" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about soul" | ||||
Floyd | The Soul, precious gift of God, that which distinguishes Man from Floyd | Animal, is given small service in this library. What little there is, Floyd | chiefly in Manuals devoted to dark and unholy Twistings of God's work, Floyd | described by phrases unsuitable for repeating here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about body" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about gaming" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about craft" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about truth" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about priest" | ||||
Floyd | You find in the library only horrid Blasphemies on that noble Calling. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Just checking that consult hasn't just stopped functioning." | |||
Limbo asks, "so it looks like we need to manufacture this dust/salve, and apply it to our blade?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "I think so." | ||||
Ellison says (to Floyd), "consult books about tapestry" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "sorry, just curious" | |||
Lionheart asks, "So, alloy nobler metals to make rosy-gold... turn the gold and silver keys to dust?" | ||||
Limbo says, "yes, I think so" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "grind em into the copper lock?" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about iron" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "read scroll" | ||||
Floyd | A Scroll-Case made of wood & bearing the Sigil of the Bishop of Dol Floyd | Nesta. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about bishop" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison asks, "how does one do that? put the key in the hole before putting the lance in?" | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about dol nesta" | ||||
Floyd | An Atlas describes the Town of Dol Nesta as <<a small mountain Floyd | village, renowned for the quality of its Soil and the breadth of its Floyd | monastery's Library.>>. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about energy" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about force" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about degeneracy" | jenrexrode says, "hm, don't know where else to get copper" | |||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about metal" | ||||
Floyd | <<Man was not Man ere he mastered the Metals.>> Noble & base alike, Floyd | they made & do make Civilization. Yet also do they forment Greed, & Floyd | enable fearsome Instruments of torture & war. Truly, Man must master Floyd | the Metals, else they will master him. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Let me try something..." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Earlier when the study turned, it became "This is room 7. Exits: north, west, up." | |||
Lionheart says, "I think" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Did it? Then that's odd." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken Door to the west is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "But then, so much of this game is odd." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about sympathetic Alloy" | ||||
Floyd | In a work on alchymic Medicine you find the following: Floyd | Floyd | <<The sympathetic Alloy, Rosy-Gold, so named for its Colour. Its dust Floyd | comprises Powder of Sympathy, or the Weapon-Salve, tho this is but its Floyd | most convenient Form. Its true power lies in the bonding of its three Floyd | component Metals.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
olethros has ordered three mega-generators to be installed in his boathouse. | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Okay, this oak door to the west, is probably the same oak door to the east in the Chapel" | |||
jenrexrode says, "good point" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "So where did that mysterious "up" exit coem from" | |||
Lionheart says, "It went up to Room 12, which had a down exit and nothing else... I think that is a clue, though, that there is some other hidden exit here" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x ceiling" | ||||
Floyd | You see nothing special about the ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about bonding" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "climb shelves" | ||||
Floyd | Little is to be achieved by that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about fool" | ||||
Floyd | In a satirical work on the Hangers-On at court, you find the Floyd | following: Floyd | Floyd | <<THE TRAGEDY OF THE FULE: Every Court from Low to High/founds itself Floyd | upon some Lie/Therein only one, the Fule/may speak true of lordly Floyd | Misrule. He knows none his Words will heed/nor one comprehend his Floyd | Deed.>> Floyd | Floyd | There is more of this poor Doggerel, but it merely repeats this Theme. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "I think there may be more information to be gained by wandering around the nondescript numbered rooms." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about water" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about symbol" | ||||
Floyd | <<Symbols are powerful things, but take pains never to confuse a Floyd | Symbol with the Object by it signified; this error is the root of much Floyd | Heresy.>> If only the Baron had taken this advice!>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about wheel" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about prayer" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about wine" | ||||
Floyd | There is a Treatise here on Wine-Making, but it seems imprudent of you Floyd | to consult it. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart draws a map. "On the other hand, the chapel is n, w, sw, from here. There's room for another room in between. | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about keys" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Maybe a room with two locked oak doors" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x sword" | ||||
Floyd | Your once-thirsty Blade is now sated red. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "consult books about flour" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "We can determine that geography next time the map goes all numbered room." | |||
Limbo says, "yes" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "But I thought that geography didn't translate." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about healing" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Geography's last to go, besides you." | |||
Lionheart says, "Or maybe I should say topology." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about spices" | ||||
Floyd | There are some descriptions in the Library of those Spices used in Floyd | Alchymy, but you fail to understand all toomany of the Terms therein Floyd | used. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "yay" | |||
Lionheart applauds. | ||||
jenrexrode says, "maybe we can put the keys in the box with the spice, close box and shake it." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a golden key Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "sheathe blade" | ||||
Floyd | You sheathe your Blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart counts 11 known rooms, and the mysterious room 12 above the Study/Room 7. | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stair. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, seemingly kicked there by a thwarted Floyd | Robber. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | The Fool's bleary Gaze lights on the Box you carry. <<The Lock is the Floyd | Key -- He! He!>> The Fool giggles, hiccoughs, & again regards his Floyd | Tankard. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "the copper lock?" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x jewels" | ||||
Floyd | Jewels are encased in the walls of this room. Riches encrust the Floyd | Baron's Seat & golden gleamings come from every Direction. A Show of Floyd | earthly things, to quail the Unfortunates who in this room must Floyd | address their cruel Master. The will of a higher Master yet has been Floyd | done this Day. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to luxury a Tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | Stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | <<So,>> says the Priest, devoid of Emotion. <<You have come.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show box to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest treats your act as an accusation, and quails. <<The box? It Floyd | contains naught but Spices! Here, I have the key...>> Reaching into Floyd | his Robes, he withdraws a small silver Key, which he hurriedly places Floyd | before you. Floyd | Floyd | The priest speaks again. <<The others have left. I remained.>> Perhaps Floyd | he thinks this will earn him Clemency? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take key" | ||||
Floyd | (the silver key) Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "ask priest about alloy" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "open box" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "unlock box with silver key" | ||||
Floyd | You unlock the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "open box" | ||||
Floyd | You open the dented Box, revealing a handful of spice. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put keys in box" | ||||
Floyd | silver key: Done. Floyd | golden key: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "close box" | ||||
Floyd | You close the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "shake box" | ||||
Floyd | You shake the dented Box. There seems to be something inside. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "yay" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "open box" | ||||
Floyd | You open the dented Box, revealing a golden key, a silver key & a Floyd | handful of spice. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "aw" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "ok now what?" | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "show golden key to priest" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "show gold key to priest" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "it's in the closed box" | |||
Limbo says, "right" | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "open box" | ||||
Floyd | You open the dented Box, revealing a golden key, a silver key & a Floyd | handful of spice. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "show golden key to priest" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the golden key) Floyd | <<I know it not.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "booo" | |||
jenrexrode says, "at least he said something.." | ||||
Limbo says, "yeah, I thought maybe he could tell us what it's for" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "if it's not only for melting/alchemy" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x copper" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x copper lock" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | The door is made of fine oak, with a copper lock. It stands Floyd | forebodingly closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | Stair-Way(PriestStairway): The Stair-Way(PriestStairway) is hardly Floyd | portable. Floyd | oaken door: The oaken door is hardly portable. Floyd | lighted Candles: That would compound Blasphemy upon Blasphemy. Floyd | marble Altar: The marble Altar is hardly portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "maybe it disappeared already? I think we had the case above where something was mentioned in a room desc. but not examinable" | |||
Gerynar arrives, full of fun and funk. | jenrexrode says, "no message abo0ut room changing" | |||
jenrexrode exclaims, "...yet!" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put box on altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | That is not a proper Offering. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "maybe the altar needs some eyeballs" | |||
Limbo says, "aha... what is, then" | ||||
Limbo says, "hehe, ugh" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "cuz we took the baron's eyes a few times back." | ||||
Limbo says, "yeah, I know" | ||||
Limbo says, "it's worth a try" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | The Altar is smooth & sweet-smelling, but you see it stained with Floyd | Blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||||
Floyd | Baron's corpse: Your hands are full. Floyd | Sun-Light: The Sun-Light is ethereal. Floyd | opulent Decorations: The opulent Decorations are hardly portable. Floyd | tapestries: The tapestries are hardly portable. Floyd | bloodstained carpet: The bloodstained carpet is hardly portable. Floyd | high Seat: You would perhaps take the Baron's place, as minister of Floyd | evil? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a golden key Floyd | a dented Box (which is open) Floyd | a silver key Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put gold key in box" | ||||
Floyd | You put the golden key into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take corpse" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "drop box" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take corpse" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put corpse on altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | Truly barbaric. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hmph" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search corpse" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's Robe bears a Pocket, which is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to Luxury a tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show corpse to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest quails at the sight of the dead Baron. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "haha" | |||
Jacqueline says, "yay" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about corpse" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "hehe" | |||
jenrexrode asks, "anybody want to see my dead baron?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "sometimes you just can't get rid of a dead corpse." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "maybe he can turn the wheel" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take eyes" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show corpse to fool" | ||||
Floyd | <<What is a Fool with no Master?>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Oh, I wanted to try" | |||
Lionheart says, "Going down into the Darkness without a light source" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "is our symbol our light source?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Can we put down or cover up the glowing symbol" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | the Baron's corpse Floyd | the Baron's eyes Floyd | a red robe Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop symbol" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol) Floyd | (first taking the holy symbol off) Floyd | To remove the symbol of the faith is to lose divine protection. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode exclaims, "hey, the corpse contains eyes and robe!" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open case" | ||||
Floyd | You open the wooden Scroll-Case, revealing a vellum Scroll. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "remove scroll from case" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop corpse" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop remove scroll from case" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "remove scroll" | ||||
Floyd | (the wooden Scroll-Case) Floyd | You take off the wooden Scroll-Case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put symbol in case" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol in the wooden Scroll-Case) Floyd | There is already something in the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get scroll" | ||||
Floyd | (the wooden Scroll-Case) Floyd | You already have that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (which is open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get vellum" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the scroll from the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put symbol in case" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol in the wooden Scroll-Case) Floyd | The scroll case is not the proper container for the holy symbol. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put symbol in sheath" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol in the leather sheath) Floyd | Only your sword may inhabit the sheath. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "where was the box?" | |||
jenrexrode says, "hm, maybe it should go in the box that I dropped when i piced up the corpse" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a dented Box (in which are a golden key, a silver key & a Floyd | handful of spice) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put symbol in box" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol in the dented Box) Floyd | That is too large to fit into the Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "thwarted again" | |||
jenrexrode asks, "too large? how big is it?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x symbol" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol) Floyd | A perfect Circle, symbolizing the creation: Heaven above, Earth here & Floyd | now, the pits below. The unbroken continuity of God, of which Man Floyd | partakes. The symbol hangs by a light Chain from your neck. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hide symbol" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e. n. w." | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "maybe we need to take the other stuff out of the box first" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "empty box" | ||||
Floyd | golden key: Dropped. Floyd | silver key: Dropped. Floyd | handful of spice: Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "IIRC, we once put the axe into the box" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "yup" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a dented Box (which is open) Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (which is open but empty) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop scroll" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the vellum Scroll or the wooden Scroll-Case? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop all scroll" | ||||
Floyd | vellum Scroll: Dropped. Floyd | wooden Scroll-Case: Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put symbol in box" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol in the dented Box) Floyd | That is too large to fit into the Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Nope" | |||
Limbo says, "okay" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Maybe it's a Flava Flav sized holy symbol necklace" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "but I'm liking how the keys and spice fit so nice." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Or a very small hatchet" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put all keys in box" | ||||
Floyd | None are available! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get keys" | ||||
Floyd | silver key: Your hands are full. Floyd | golden key: Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a dented Box (which is open but empty) Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice in box" | ||||
Floyd | You put the handful of spice into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put all keys in box" | ||||
Floyd | None are available! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get all keys" | ||||
Floyd | silver key: Taken. Floyd | golden key: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says "bloop" and shrinks down into a little dot, then winks out...just like those old-fashioned B&w televisions. | ||||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put all keys in box" | ||||
Floyd | golden key: Done. Floyd | silver key: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put box in corpse" | ||||
Floyd | You must be hard pressed indeed to see utility in that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put box in pocket" | ||||
Floyd | That is too large to fit in the pocket. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm maybe it needs to go in a pig" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put symbol in pocket" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol in the pocket) Floyd | That is too large to fit in the pocket. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "heh" | |||
jenrexrode says, "but we still lack copper" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "fool about copper" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ask fool about copper" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool hiccoughs and says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "desecrate symbol" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "aw, a knight wouldn't do that" | |||
Lionheart exclaims, "It won't stop glowing!" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "just need a penny" | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x fool" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's Fool has taken to the cups. His Master no longer requires Floyd | his gambols & rapier Wit. He sprawls beneath a large Wine-Barrel, Floyd | clutching a Tankard from which he sips. His lincoln Cap is askew. He Floyd | has not suffered the pangs of Sobriety for some time. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "x cap" | jenrexrode asks, "can we cram the spice and keys into that copper lock?" | |||
Floyd | The Fool's Cap is lincoln Green, and adorned with Bells. It is stained Floyd | with the Drippings of wine from the Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x bells" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool's Cap is lincoln Green, and adorned with Bells. It is stained Floyd | with the Drippings of wine from the Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "get cap" | ||||
Floyd | That seems to belong to the court Fool. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "ask fool for cap" | ||||
Floyd | <<This noble Cap has been in my family for generations! My Father was Floyd | a Fool, his Father before him! And so am I.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ask fool for tankard" | ||||
Floyd | <<The Wine is Mine,>> sings the Fool. <<The Wine is Mine!>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search cap" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search undo" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "oops" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "look under cap" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||||
Floyd | wooden Scroll-Case: Taken. Floyd | vellum Scroll: Taken. Floyd | Baron's corpse: Your hands are full. Floyd | court Fool: I doubt the court Fool would care for that. Floyd | Wine-Barrel: The Barrel is well-supported by Saw-Horses, and you Floyd | cannot move it. Floyd | large Ovens: The large Ovens are hardly portable. Floyd | shattered Crockery: You have no use for such things. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "will that scroll case fit that gap?" | |||
Lionheart says, "I don't think we've tried that" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Go for it" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||||
Floyd | wooden Scroll-Case: Taken. Floyd | vellum Scroll: Taken. Floyd | Baron's corpse: Your hands are full. Floyd | court Fool: I doubt the court Fool would care for that. Floyd | Wine-Barrel: The Barrel is well-supported by Saw-Horses, and you Floyd | cannot move it. Floyd | large Ovens: The large Ovens are hardly portable. Floyd | shattered Crockery: You have no use for such things. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "e.s.e.s." | |||
Gerynar arrives, full of fun and funk. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.s.e.s.put case in gap" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | The Gap is book-shaped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put scroll in gap" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the vellum Scroll or the wooden Scroll-Case? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put scroll case in gap" | ||||
Floyd | The Gap is book-shaped. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "hrm" | |||
jenrexrode says, "and the case is not" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "no" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Yeah, it's pretty clear what the gap is wanting." | ||||
Limbo says, ">origami fold the vellum scroll into book shape" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "heee" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "and we tried the box" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Which is the only thing coming to mind vaguely rectangular" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put symbol in gap" | ||||
Floyd | (the holy symbol in the Gap in the Library) Floyd | The Gap is book-shaped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "look in gap" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "close gap" | ||||
Floyd | That is not something you can close. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "push books" | ||||
Floyd | You are unable to. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "brb" | |||
jenrexrode asks, "hm, does that chair want a corpse?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "it says it's awaits a master..." | ||||
Limbo says, "yeah, why not" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w. n. w. n." | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door to the west is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "drop box" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get corpse" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (which is open but empty) Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put vellum in scroll case" | ||||
Floyd | You roll the scroll up & place it in the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get corpse" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "wear scroll case" | ||||
Floyd | You put on the wooden Scroll-Case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "get corpse" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e. s. e. s." | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put corpse in chair" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Ha" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "sit in chair" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "oh, degenerating?" | |||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | Gap in the Library: Such an act smacks of paradox. Floyd | oaken door to the west: That is hardly portable. Floyd | library: There are far too many Books to carry, although you may Floyd | consult the Library while standing before it. Floyd | Writing-Desk: That is hardly portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "oh arm-chair" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put corpse in arm-chair" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "sit in arm-chair" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "you could try the seat in the Reception Chamber too" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w. n. w." | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door to the west is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put corpse in seat" | ||||
Floyd | That cannot contain things. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "seat" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x seat" | ||||
Floyd | A most opulent & high Seat, supporting the dastardly Baron as he Floyd | passes judgement, accomplice to his avarice. No more. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x jewels" | ||||
Floyd | Jewels are encased in the walls of this room. Riches encrust the Floyd | Baron's Seat & golden gleamings come from every Direction. A Show of Floyd | earthly things, to quail the Unfortunates who in this room must Floyd | address their cruel Master. The will of a higher Master yet has been Floyd | done this Day. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "back" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "So it won't let you put the body in the chair?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "tapestries" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Not the Seat nor the chair in the Study. Didn't try Dining Hall but" | |||
jenrexrode says, "i sat in the arm-chair in the study once, but it won't let me now." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Those chairs don't seem interesting" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get jewels" | ||||
Floyd | They are hardly portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x gold" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get gold" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "look under seat" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "look under carpet" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "If the gold key fits anything, this room has the most gold whatsits" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "look glitterings" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to look. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "But we may be too far gone now to really explore them" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | From here you may go only east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | the Baron's corpse Floyd | a red robe Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hey, my eyeballs" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "drop corpse" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take robe" | ||||
Floyd | You separate robe & owner, leaving the Baron bare. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put robe on altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | Putting things upon the marble Altar would achieve nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "oh before they just weren't proper offers...." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to Luxury a tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Mhm. Don't restart yet, tho, want to explore the number rooms" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show robe to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The corrupt Priest is unimpressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "yeah" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to Luxury a tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x mat" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "give robe to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The corrupt Priest is unimpressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "wear robe" | ||||
Floyd | You lack the rank. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles & marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says "bloop" and shrinks down into a little dot, then winks out...just like those old-fashioned B&w televisions. | ||||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | From here you may go only east. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Any objection to just waiting for the descriptions to melt away?" | |||
jenrexrode says, "nope" | ||||
Limbo says, "hehe, the room descriptions really change bit by bit" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "do we want to be near the exit when it happens?" | ||||
Limbo says, "sycophants & counselors was capitalised before" | ||||
Limbo says, "and where it now says throne, it said Seat before" | ||||
jenrexrode exclaims, "hm!" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x throne" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Oh yeah! I didn't notice that" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z." | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "belie --> bely" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "or maybe i'm losing it" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "There go ampersands" | |||
Limbo says (to jenrexrode), "OFthe player character is losing it" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "scrolling back, it was belie before" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. | Limbo says, "OFthe -> the" | |||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says (to jenrexrode), "yes, I know" | |||
Lionheart says, "Also 'til -> til" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "but I didn't :)" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Throne Room Floyd | The glitterings of gold, jewels, tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who tilrecently occupied the throne. A white carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "this game wants to play tricks on the mind" | |||
Lionheart says, "tilrecently... oh that's cunning." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Floyd says (to Lionheart), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||||
Floyd says (to Lionheart), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | jenrexrode says, "oopsie" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Whoops" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I know I'm not contributing much, but I am really enjoying watching you guys go at this." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "dec" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Restore failed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says, "Aww." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "whew" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 8 Floyd | This is room 8. Exits: north, south, east, west. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the heavy portcullis is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Okay, not THAT easy" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s.w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 7 Floyd | This is room 7. Exits: north, west, up. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 1 Floyd | This is room 1. Exits: north, east, northeast, up. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Up?" | |||
Lionheart asks, "Also, North?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Well now" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 7 Floyd | This is room 7. Exits: north, west, up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar arrives, full of fun and funk. | Lionheart says, "So that's wher ethe copper key is" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "down" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x seam" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | This is room 17. Exits: southeast. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Jacqueline says, "huh" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "maybe we can turn the hour-glass" | |||
Lionheart says, "I'll give it a try" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Duke does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Duke's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads up, an archway northeast. A solid oak door Floyd | prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 1 Floyd | This is room 1. Exits: north, east, northeast, up. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "yay" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.d.nw.turn hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | jenrexrode exclaims, "yay! aw!" | |||
Lionheart asks, "Why did I have time to get into the room last time?" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Because I undid?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "We probably don't have time to get in there, but there's some other mysterious exits" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "dec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Restore failed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "dec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Restore failed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 1 Floyd | This is room 1. Exits: north, east, northeast, up. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Chapel Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Throne Room Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied the throne. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Throne Room Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied the throne. A white carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | From here you may go only east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 5 Floyd | This is room 5. Exits: north, east, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, east, west. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Lionheart says, "Huh, the number room topology has some significant differences" | |||
Lionheart says, "I neede to make a second map" | ||||
Limbo says, "yeah, I was just checking my notes too" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Throne Room Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied the throne. A white carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.e.n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber. The Floyd | Floyd | Room 8 Floyd | This is room 8. Exits: north, south, east, west. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Room 9 Floyd | This is room 9. Exits: south, west, up. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 3 Floyd | This is room 3. Exits: north, south, east, down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Throne Room Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the pulchitrude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied the throne. A white carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants and counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the throne and towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Room 3 Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 16 Floyd | This is room 16. Exits: south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Room 3 Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "down" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 3 Floyd | This is room 3. Exits: south, east, up. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Gibber" | |||
Lionheart says, "Okay, from n s e d to s e u" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 11 Floyd | This is room 11. Exits: down. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
VictorGijsbers arrives, full of fun and funk. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | Jacqueline says, "Hello, Victor" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z." | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 1 Floyd | This is room 1. Exits: north, east, northeast, up. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 10 Floyd | This is room 10. Exits: down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
VictorGijsbers asks, "What is the channel in which people talk about Floyd's game?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Room 1 Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says, "it's #clubfloyd" | Lionheart says, "Room 10 corresponded to the Priest's Quearters before" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | [Your undoing fails.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "so the copper key is behind the oaken door?" | |||
* VictorGijsbers has joined the channel. | ||||
Lionheart says, "So it would appear" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | This is room 17. Exits: southeast. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
VictorGijsbers disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. | Lionheart says, "And there doesn't seem to be quite enough time to get to the Hour-Glass" | |||
Lionheart says, "Hm, there's still a mysterious Up from Room 9 (Armory, presumably)" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.e.n." | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Duke for a seige but unable to shield him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands a spiral staircase leading up into the Battlement. An oaken Floyd | door leads south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 9 Floyd | This is room 9. Exits: south, west, up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 13 Floyd | This is room 13. Exits: down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Room 9 Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: north, south, east, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | Jacqueline says, "That is frustrating, isn't it." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Have you figured out how much time you have on the timer at any given point?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, east, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: north, south, east, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 16 Floyd | This is room 16. Exits: south. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "so if the priest chamber is already down, is room 17 next to it?" | |||
Lionheart says, "Well, the priest's chamber becomes Room 10" | ||||
Limbo says, "we have so little time that I'm not sure we're supposed to achieve anything substantial in that interval" | ||||
Limbo says, "although this copper key behind the locked door with a copper lock does seem strange" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "So far, it seems to be (1) Chapel, (3) Kitchen, (5) Wait Chamber, (6) Dining Hall, (7) Study, (8) Entrance Hall, (9) Armoury, (10) Preist's Quarters, (11) Store Room, (16) Slaughter Yard?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "And Reception Chamber becomes Throne Room" | ||||
Limbo says, "wait a moment, I'm looking at my scribblings" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Sometimes we get to make three moves, but sometimes I seem to get a little more" | ||||
Limbo says, "I think you're right about the numbers, although I placed 7 west of the study" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Room 2 might be the Throne Room" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Because that would make the center nine rooms go 3 6 9 / 2 5 8 / 1 4 7" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "cool" | ||||
Limbo says, "makes sense" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Room 15 is unknown, and what 12 (up from Study/7) or 13 (up from Armory/9) might correspond to is anyone's guess" | ||||
Lionheart says, "In any case, it would seem that we cannot traverse the Oak Doors because the key in locked in that room, unless we find some tricky way to get it out of there" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "I didn't look at the bronze locks closely, could there be a keyhole/newspaper think but with the scroll here?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "oh" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "good, because otherwise this is gonna be beyond my skill level" | ||||
Limbo says, "it would seem a bit out of place in this game, but interesting idea" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.n.w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | Room 3 Floyd | This is room 3. Exits: north, south, east, down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.n.w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | Room 3 Floyd | This is room 3. Exits: north, south, east, down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.e.s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Duke had set his soul in the same order he kept his study! Floyd | Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his walls with Floyd | books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Writing-Desk, Floyd | then your grim task need never have been assigned you. But the leather Floyd | Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again occupy it. An oaken Floyd | door leads west from this cozy room, an archway leads north, and a Floyd | stairway in one corner spirals upward. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 7 Floyd | This is room 7. Exits: north, west, up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w.d.nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | jenrexrode says, "huh, spiral stair in study" | |||
Lionheart exclaims, "!" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "and his name changed to duke" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.e.s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Duke had set his soul in the same order he kept his study! Floyd | Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his walls with Floyd | books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Writing-Desk, Floyd | then your grim task need never have been assigned you. But the leather Floyd | Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again occupy it. An oaken Floyd | door leads west from this cozy room, an archway leads north, and a Floyd | stairway in one corner spirals upward. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "duke" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 12 Floyd | This is room 12. Exits: down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "and it's also called a "cozy" room suddenly" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.e.s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "duke" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 9 Floyd | This is room 9. Exits: south, west, up. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "I thought a stairway might appear here too" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "duke" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.u" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.u" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 12 Floyd | This is room 12. Exits: down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore-" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "duke" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Duke had set his soul in the same order he kept his study! Floyd | Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his walls with Floyd | books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Writing-Desk, Floyd | then your grim task need never have been assigned you. But the leather Floyd | Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again occupy it. An oaken Floyd | door leads west from this cozy room, an archway leads north, and a Floyd | stairway in one corner spirals upward. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | This is room 17. Exits: southeast. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass wobbles most violently as the last of the Sand begins Floyd | to leak out of its top. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "yay?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn hour-glass" | ||||
Floyd | If you want to invert the Hour-Glass, you should pick it up first. It Floyd | is much too heavy to turn in place. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Lionheart says, "fudge" | |||
Lionheart says, "okay, almost got it that time" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "so one more turn than from the other way?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Yes, in the turn before the study becomes Room 7, it gets a staircase and the door unlocks" | ||||
Limbo says, "if we still have anything in our hands, we should drop it first" | ||||
Lionheart says, "So we get an extra move by going that way" | ||||
Limbo says, "otherwise we won't be able to pick the hourglass up" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. | jenrexrode says, "ah" | |||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "duke" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop all" | ||||
Floyd | What do you want to drop those things in? Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Wha?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a red robe Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop robe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a red robe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Duke had set his soul in the same order he kept his study! Floyd | Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his walls with Floyd | books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Writing-Desk, Floyd | then your grim task need never have been assigned you. But the leather Floyd | Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again occupy it. An oaken Floyd | door leads west from this cozy room, an archway leads north, and a Floyd | stairway in one corner spirals upward. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a red robe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w.d.nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | This is room 17. Exits: southeast. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass wobbles most violently as the last of the Sand begins Floyd | to leak out of its top. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hg" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the Hour-Glass. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Limbo says, "aw" | |||
jenrexrode says, "well that was educational" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load regen" | ||||
Floyd says (to Lionheart), "Floyd doesn't know that game." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "we need some niftygloves" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hg" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "push hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the Hour-Glass. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hg" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "break hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | You deal the Hour-Glass a mighty blow, creating a loudly collapsing Floyd | Storm of shards which ceases nearly as soon a | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Lionheart says, "That too was instructive." | |||
Limbo says, "hm, that really shattered Time immediately" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Anyone else got any ideas?" | ||||
Limbo says, "not really; I'd still like to find a way into room 4 before the total degeneration" | ||||
Limbo says, "but I have no idea how" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hm, usually it says violence isnt the answer" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "So maybe different violence is?" | ||||
Floyd says (to Lionheart), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a terrible crashing sound to the east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Hm. What if our mission is to rewind time until this very turn, just after the portcullis crashed down" | |||
Limbo says, "yeah, something like that" | ||||
Limbo says, "I also think that the whole Alchemy & Metals lore has to play a role" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Indeed." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "touch wheel" | ||||
Floyd | You touch the wheel and briefly feel a numbing Shock. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "yeah, because there are 3 metal keys, and the fit nicely with the spicely" | |||
Limbo says, "suspicious :)" | ||||
Limbo says, "(the wheel)" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | A copper Lock set into the oaken Door to the west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "look in lock" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "oh, is the wheel attached to the hourglass?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open case" | ||||
Floyd | You open the wooden Scroll-Case, revealing a vellum Scroll. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "They're distant, but that Shock suggests some relationship" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get scroll" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the Scroll from its Case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put scroll under door" | ||||
Floyd | The meaning of that sentence escapes me. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "slide scroll under door" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put scroll under lock" | ||||
Floyd | The meaning of that sentence escapes me. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "I wonder..." | |||
Lionheart says, "We know the door unlocks one turn before things go numbered" | ||||
Lionheart says, "We don't know that it unlocks exactly one turn beore" | ||||
Lionheart says, "It might be unlocked for some time without our knowledge" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hm" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "duke" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "I guess the door disappears one turn, indeed" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to inventory. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get key" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | This is room 17. Exits: southeast. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Lionheart says, "Sending the key back in time somehow might also be involved, but I don't see how that would work." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a terrible crashing sound to the east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armoury Floyd | An Armoury, stocked by the Baron for a siege but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armour, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Lance stands here, propped against a wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about time" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about time" | ||||
Floyd | In a book on Meta-Physicks you find a waggish Summary of the Floyd | Controversy surrounding the nature of Time: <<It is said by some that Floyd | Time travelleth in a great Circle, by others that it maketh a strait Floyd | Line. The former Description prevaileth, as we art obliged to listen Floyd | to its Exponents again and again, the latter being content to assert Floyd | but once.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A history of Time-Keeping devotes considerable space to the Floyd | Hour-Glass, its history occidental and oriental, its usages in Floyd | Navigation, &c. A book of modern Philosophy waxes more poetic of the Floyd | Time-Piece, seeing in it a symbol of the linearity of Time, the Floyd | irretrievability of Moments past. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken Door to the west is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n.w.sw.d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your passage east. Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to luxury a Tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | Stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | <<So,>> says the Priest, devoid of Emotion. <<You have come.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ask priest about time" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | The priest speaks again. <<The others have left. I remained.>> Perhaps Floyd | he thinks this will earn him Clemency? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ask priest about hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u.ne.n.w.ask fool about time. ask fool about hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favoured Thinkers Floyd | entered this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters Floyd | of exotic repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands Floyd | bare, stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the Floyd | larger items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | The Fool shudders & says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "." | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "The mobile" | |||
Lionheart says, "We should take it to the hourglass" | ||||
Lionheart says, "And try to use them together somehow" | ||||
WeirdBeard arrives, full of fun and funk. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 10 Floyd | This is room 10. Exits: up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 3 Floyd | This is room 3. Exits: north, south, east, down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 16 Floyd | This is room 16. Exits: south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | Jacqueline says, "We're tried to desecrate the corpse... right? Y'know. Just for fun." | |||
Jacqueline says, "We've, rather." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "only took his robe and eyeballs" | |||
Lionheart says, "And got chided for opening his eyes" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "So much to do... so few moves allowed. heh" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "and when we put him on the altar, were called barbaric." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door to the west is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door to the west is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door to the west is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Yeah, which is why I was thinking that a game like this would probably have anticipated any possible bouts with homosexual necrophilia. Just curious what the reply would be." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a red robe Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "activitiy unbecoming of a knight" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Probably nothing too chastising. It seems to be judgmental in a very prudish way." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles and marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous Floyd | and terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says (to jen), "Quite" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | This is room 17. Exits: southeast. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass wobbles most violently as the last of the Sand begins Floyd | to leak out of its top. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Okay, both doors disappear at the same time" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "shake hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the Hour-Glass. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load rec" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore.rec." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Where did we leave the PM in this one?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a red robe Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x mobile" | ||||
Floyd | This Device you have seen before, in the Library at Dol Nesta. An Floyd | ingenious Perpetuum Mobile, built of Pipes, Gears, & Screws of Floyd | Archimides. Whereby the Force exhibited by Water as it pours into a Floyd | wide Funnel drives the Drawing of that water upward, to fall again Floyd | through a Spout into the Funnel--on & on, ad infinitum. The Design is Floyd | that of a certain Portuguese & the Baron seems to have been impressed Floyd | with it so as to have it realized as a Fountain. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop robe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | As you strain to lift the heavy Perpetuum, there is a Lurch & a sudden Floyd | Outpouring of water, which seeps into the Floor. The Gears & Screws Floyd | continue to spin as before, but the Machine is now dry.Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec3" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. An oaken door leads west from this cozy room, an archway Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "cozy" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the oaken door to the west is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "It's too bad the parser can't read z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z. as one command and change the response to 'You fritter away a bunch of time.'" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | This is room 17. Exits: southeast. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass wobbles most violently as the last of the Sand begins Floyd | to leak out of its top. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hgpm" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "I wonder if spice is as functional as sand?" | |||
Lionheart says, "f x hourglass" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A large & heavy Hour-Glass, containing fine Sand of a reddish Shade. Floyd | Metal sliding Flaps on the upper & lower Surfaces, controlled by Floyd | Levers, are used for replenishing the sand. Both flaps lie closed. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | jenrexrode says, "hm" | |||
Lionheart says, "Okay maybe it's spice I should be bringing down, to replenish the top, instead." | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Anyone else want to take the helm?" | ||||
Limbo says, "no, the spice idea is good" | ||||
Limbo says, "go ahead if you want" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore rec3" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to restore. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec3" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a Perpetuum Mobile (churning and empty) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec2" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart gets yellow button. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, and to the east is the grand Entry Floyd | Hall. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 6 Floyd | This is room 6. Exits: south, west. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 3 Floyd | This is room 3. Exits: north, south, east, down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard are the Beasts put to the knife and Floyd | prepared for the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but Floyd | undoubtably--were other Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's Floyd | appetite for sin. There is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, Floyd | alive or dead, can escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. The steel blade of an Axe Floyd | calls it home. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard are the Beasts put to the knife and Floyd | prepared for the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but Floyd | undoubtably--were other Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's Floyd | appetite for sin. There is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, Floyd | alive or dead, can escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. The steel blade of an Axe Floyd | calls it home. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 16 Floyd | This is room 16. Exits: south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Lance stands here, propped against a wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles & marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to Luxury a tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | stair. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted candles & marble altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see the Baron's corpse here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a dented Box (in which are a silver key, a golden key & a Floyd | handful of spice) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop robe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Yikes. Box went poof just as I was trying to extract the spice, and took the spice with it" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted, beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a dented Box (in which are a silver key, a golden key Floyd | & a handful of spice) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop robe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart drops yellow button. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop spice" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "table" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop robe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | As you strain to lift the heavy Perpetuum, there is a Lurch & a sudden Floyd | Outpouring of water, which seeps into the Floor. The Gears & Screws Floyd | continue to spin as before, but the Machine is now dry.Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted, beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a dented Box (in which are a silver key, a golden key Floyd | & a handful of spice) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice in funnel" | ||||
Floyd | That will not fit. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice in mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Only the particulate may progress through the wondrous Machine. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop spice" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You strain to lift the heavy Machine. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop robe. get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | As you strain to lift the heavy Perpetuum, there is a Lurch & a sudden Floyd | Outpouring of water, which seeps into the Floor. The Gears & Screws Floyd | continue to spin as before, but the Machine is now dry.Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted, beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a dented Box (in which are a silver key, a golden key Floyd | & a handful of spice) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop vellum" | ||||
Floyd | That is not in your hands. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get vellum" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the scroll from the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop vellum" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice in case" | ||||
Floyd | The scroll case is not the proper container for the handful of spice. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a dented Box (in which are a silver key & a golden key) Floyd | here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "wear box" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a vellum Scroll & a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x mobile" | ||||
Floyd | This Device you have seen before, in the Library at Dol Nesta. An Floyd | ingenious Perpetuum Mobile, built of Pipes, Gears, and Screws of Floyd | Archimides. Whereby the Force exhibited by Water as it pours into a Floyd | wide Funnel drives the Drawing of that water upward, to fall again, ad Floyd | infinitum. The Design is that of a certain Portuguese and the Floyd | workmanship is such that the Machine continues its toil even in the Floyd | absence of Water to propel it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x spice" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open but empty) Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a vellum Scroll & a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted, beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a dented Box (in which are a silver key, a golden key Floyd | & a handful of spice) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry &great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | Has this Place changed since last you were here? The work of some Floyd | mischevious Spirit, or deceiving Daemon? It is but a slight tugging in Floyd | your Marrow, yet a worrisome one. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a red robe Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop robe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec4" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a red robe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Duke had set his soul in the same order he kept his study! Floyd | Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his walls with Floyd | books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Writing-Desk, Floyd | then your grim task need never have been assigned you. But the leather Floyd | Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again occupy it. An oaken Floyd | door leads west from this cozy room, an archway leads north, and a Floyd | stairway in one corner spirals upward. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a red robe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Room 7 Floyd | This is room 7. Exits: north, west, up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Study Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 4 Floyd | This is room 4. Exits: east, west, down. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A Seam runs down the northwest wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | This is room 17. Exits: southeast. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass wobbles most violently as the last of the Sand begins Floyd | to leak out of its top. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hgs" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice in hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying nothing. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hgpm" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying nothing. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hgpm" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open lower flap" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the lower Flap. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hgpm" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open upper flap" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the upper Flap. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hgpm" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "pull upper lever" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the upper Flap. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "hgpm" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "pull lever" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the upper Lever or the lower Lever? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "lower" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the lower Flap. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Lionheart says, "Darn I thought I was on to something there" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Are y'all going to give it another try? I'm thinking about nipping outside fora quick walk before the sun goes down." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec3" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "If you finish while I'm away, don't worry - I deal with Perry's log when I get back." | |||
Lionheart says, "Feel free" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "bbiab" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "c" | ||||
Floyd | [c -> close] Floyd | What do you want to close? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a Perpetuum Mobile (churning and empty) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west, and an Floyd | archway leads north. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "z.l" | ||||
Floyd | You idle away a few moments. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. An oaken door leads west from this cozy room, an archway Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a Perpetuum Mobile (churning and empty) Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light and being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a Perpetuum Mobile (churning and empty) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a Perpetuum Mobile (churning and empty) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 7 Floyd | This is room 7. Exits: north, west, up. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "rec3" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry andgreat pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north and Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A strange tingling comes over you as you reach for the Wheel. When you Floyd | withdraw, your Arm is numbed. You try again, and feel sensation give Floyd | way to Pain, mild and then unbearable. It seems you cannot turn the Floyd | Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A strange tingling comes over you as you reach for the Wheel. When you Floyd | withdraw, your Arm is numbed. You try again, and feel sensation give Floyd | way to Pain, mild and then unbearable. It seems you cannot turn the Floyd | Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A strange tingling comes over you as you reach for the Wheel. When you Floyd | withdraw, your Arm is numbed. You try again, and feel sensation give Floyd | way to Pain, mild and then unbearable. It seems you cannot turn the Floyd | Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A strange tingling comes over you as you reach for the Wheel. When you Floyd | withdraw, your Arm is numbed. You try again, and feel sensation give Floyd | way to Pain, mild and then unbearable. It seems you cannot turn the Floyd | Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A strange tingling comes over you as you reach for the Wheel. When you Floyd | withdraw, your Arm is numbed. You try again, and feel sensation give Floyd | way to Pain, mild and then unbearable. It seems you cannot turn the Floyd | Wheel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 8 Floyd | This is room 8. Exits: north, south, east, west. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot, since the heavy portcullis is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||||
Floyd says (to Lionheart), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.e." | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a terrible crashing sound to the east. Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline asks, "Really too icy for a walk, and silly me left my cleats at work - how's it going?" | |||
Lionheart says, "Wondering if I did the lance thing before the endgame" | ||||
Lionheart says, "If that would change something around the hourglass" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armoury Floyd | An Armoury, stocked by the Baron for a siege but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armour, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Lance stands here, propped against a wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get lance" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "wipe sword" | ||||
Floyd | Only the Abbot may cleanse your Blade once it has drunk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sheathe sword" | ||||
Floyd | You sheathe your Blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get lance" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open desc" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open desk" | ||||
Floyd | You open the flap of the Writing-Desk, revealing a small but deep Hole Floyd | in the south wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put lance in hole" | ||||
Floyd | Inserting the lance into the hole as far as you can, you feel the wood Floyd | catch & hear the faraway grinding of stone. Removing the lance, you Floyd | find it unchanged. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about lance" | ||||
Floyd | In a Treatise on Weapons you find the following: Floyd | Floyd | <<Of types of Weapon there are three: the Pointed, or Stabbing (viz. Floyd | the Sword or Spear); the Blunted, or Striking (viz. the Mace or Floyd | Lance); the Bladed, or Slashing (viz. the Axe or oriental Scimitar). Floyd | Each of the three has its proper Place in the annals of Strateg'ry and Floyd | War-Fare.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about sword" | ||||
Floyd | In a Treatise on Weapons you find the following: Floyd | Floyd | <<Of types of Weapon there are three: the Pointed, or Stabbing (viz. Floyd | the Sword or Spear); the Blunted, or Striking (viz. the Mace or Floyd | Lance); the Bladed, or Slashing (viz. the Axe or oriental Scimitar). Floyd | Each of the three has its proper Place in the annals of Strateg'ry and Floyd | War-Fare.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about axe" | ||||
Floyd | In a Treatise on Weapons you find the following: Floyd | Floyd | <<Of types of Weapon there are three: the Pointed, or Stabbing (viz. Floyd | the Sword or Spear); the Blunted, or Striking (viz. the Mace or Floyd | Lance); the Bladed, or Slashing (viz. the Axe or oriental Scimitar). Floyd | Each of the three has its proper Place in the annals of Strateg'ry and Floyd | War-Fare.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about desk" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about books" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about wheel" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about ham" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about pig" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about key" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop lance" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x desk" | ||||
Floyd | The Writing-Desk is of dark wood. Its flap is open, revealing a dark Floyd | Hole in the stone slightly wider than your Arm, tho much deeper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "verbose" | ||||
Floyd | Degeneracy is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives long Floyd | descriptions of locations (even if you have visited them before). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armoury Floyd | An Armoury, stocked by the Baron for a siege but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armour, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x armour" | ||||
Floyd | (the suits of Armour) Floyd | Five suits of Chain & Plate stand at attention near one wall. The Floyd | Suits are new & polished & were not touched by whoever sacked the Floyd | Weapons. Perhaps the Mail was deemed too heavy & awkward to loot. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x weapons" | ||||
Floyd | Divers Weapons, some new but most rusting from disuse. Fear alone kept Floyd | the Baron's Vassals obedient; shows of force were rarely needed. The Floyd | Weapons are in disarray, as though someone or someones had ransacked Floyd | them. Perhaps most of the new Arms were taken in departure. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mail" | ||||
Floyd | (the suits of Armour) Floyd | You are armoured already. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "search mail" | ||||
Floyd | (the suits of Armour) Floyd | Nothing is inside the the suits of Armour. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "search weapons" | ||||
Floyd | Nothing is concealed in the disarray of Weaponry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x archway" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favoured Thinkers Floyd | entered this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters Floyd | of exotic repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands Floyd | bare, stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the Floyd | larger items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get ar" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | long Table: The long Table is hardly portable. Floyd | ornate Chairs: Such posessions would only weigh you down. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | As you strain to lift the heavy Perpetuum, there is a Lurch & a sudden Floyd | Outpouring of water, which seeps into the Floor. The Gears & Screws Floyd | continue to spin as before, but the Machine is now dry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop mob" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You gently set the Perpetuum on the floor. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "search baron" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's Robe bears a Pocket, in which is a golden key. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get key" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favoured Thinkers Floyd | entered this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters Floyd | of exotic repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands Floyd | bare, stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the Floyd | larger items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "search fool" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtably--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. The steel blade of an Axe Floyd | calls it home. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the fine Axe from the Stump. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x pig" | ||||
Floyd | The Pig is dead two days. Its Butcher likely fled the castle, dreading Floyd | your approach. A large Slit travels its bloated Stomach. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get pi\g" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get pig" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop ax" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop axe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtably--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get pig" | ||||
Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stair. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, seemingly kicked there by a thwarted Floyd | Robber. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | The Fool's bleary Gaze lights on the Box you carry. <<The Lock is the Floyd | Key -- He! He!>> The Fool giggles, hiccoughs, & again regards his Floyd | Tankard. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | (the dented Box) Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. A small Lock secures it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to luxury a Tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | Stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | <<So,>> says the Priest, devoid of Emotion. <<You have come.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ask priest about box" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest treats your act as an accusation, and quails. <<The box? It Floyd | contains naught but Spices! Here, I have the key...>> Reaching into Floyd | his Robes, he withdraws a small silver Key, which he hurriedly places Floyd | before you. Floyd | Floyd | The priest speaks again. <<The others have left. I remained.>> Perhaps Floyd | he thinks this will earn him Clemency? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get key" | ||||
Floyd | (the silver key) Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "unlock box" | ||||
Floyd | (with the silver key) Floyd | You unlock the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open box" | ||||
Floyd | You open the dented Box, revealing a handful of spice. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x mat" | ||||
Floyd | A straw Mat upon which the Priest meditates and sleeps. Now he kneels Floyd | on it in deference to you. Awaiting his Fate. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "pray for priest" | ||||
Floyd | You should offer your Prayer in a more suitable location. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||||
Gerynar has connected. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "pray for priest" | ||||
Floyd | Kneeling, you offer up a brief Prayer. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "I don't think prayer does jack." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "think" | ||||
Floyd | By all means. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "snrk" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "kick door" | ||||
Floyd | (with your bare hands) Floyd | You pound on the oaken door, to no avail. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Kickpuncher fails." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Violence isn't the answer to this one, Knight, despite the fact that the game STARTED OUT QUITE BLOOD" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Y" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "That Y on the end just doesn't do the joke justice." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Heh" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "pick lock" | ||||
Floyd | (the dented Box up) Floyd | You already have that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "pick copper lock" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "some things we haven't done yet: finding out whether the flour is significant in any way" | |||
jenrexrode says, "evidence" | ||||
Limbo says, "finding any 'use' for the fool or the pig" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Hm. Maybe flour is particulate enough." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a Perpetuum Mobile here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "finding any way to melt and mix stuff" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a silver key Floyd | a dented Box (which is open) Floyd | a handful of spice Floyd | a golden key Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop silver" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "but we can't sully the keep with flour" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop box, golden" | ||||
Floyd | dented Box: Dropped. Floyd | golden key: Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You strain to lift the heavy Perpetuum. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a golden key, a dented Box (in which is a handful of Floyd | spice) & a silver key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put flour in mobile" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the sack of Flour or the Foot-Prints in the Floyd | Flour? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sack" | ||||
Floyd | You need to be holding the sack of Flour before you can put it into Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get sack" | ||||
Floyd | You would scatter Flour everywhere you walked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "fill mobile" | ||||
Floyd | There is no water here to carry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "fill mobile with flour" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the sack of Flour or the Foot-Prints in the Floyd | Flour? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Limbo says (to Floyd), "sack" | ||||
Floyd | You need to be holding the sack of Flour before you can put it into Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says "bloop" and shrinks down into a little dot, then winks out...just like those old-fashioned B&w televisions. | ||||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop mobile" | ||||
Floyd | You gently set the Perpetuum on the floor. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtably--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get pig" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x pig" | ||||
Floyd | The Pig is dead two days. Its Butcher likely fled the castle, dreading Floyd | your approach. A large Slit travels its bloated Stomach. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open pig" | ||||
Floyd | That is not something you can open. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a Perpetuum Mobile & a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "altar?" | |||
Lionheart says, "Good idea, that's a traditional offering." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ask fool about pig" | ||||
Floyd | The Fool says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a golden key, a dented Box (in which is a handful of Floyd | spice) & a silver key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put pig on altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | Truly barbaric. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hmph" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to Luxury a tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "show pig to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest shudders at the sight of the butchered Pig. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hehe" | |||
Lionheart says, "Yeah, that could have been you." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "haha" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a golden key, a dented Box (in which is a handful of Floyd | spice) & a silver key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice on pig" | ||||
Floyd | You need to be holding the handful of spice before you can put it upon Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop pig" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get spice" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice on pig" | ||||
Floyd | Perhaps you hope to cure the Meat? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "cure meat" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "maybe the spice is a worthy offering for the altar" | |||
Jacqueline says (to Geryna), "No, you can't play werewolf. Floyd is busy." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spice on altar" | ||||
Floyd | (the marble Altar) Floyd | That is not a proper Offering. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "I keep missing letters. Still getting used to this new keyboard after the cat-astrophe." | |||
Limbo asks (of Jacqueline), "what happened?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get in pig" | ||||
Floyd | The Pig is much smaller than you seem to think it is. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Cat exploded next to a cup of coffee and a netbook. It was pretty horrible." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "evert pig" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "She explodes like that frequently. I should have known." | |||
Limbo says (to Lionheart), "ew" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put spices inside pig" | ||||
Floyd | Perhaps you hope to cure the Meat? Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "evert is just not implemented all that often for some reason." | |||
Limbo asks (of Jacqueline), "without forewarning?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put head in pig" | Limbo says (to Jacqueline), "(the cat, I mean)" | |||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Well, I tried to put her in my lap." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "eat pig" | ||||
Floyd | (first taking the bloated Pig) Floyd | To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "I should have known better." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop spice" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "eat pig" | Jacqueline says, "She has Issues." | |||
Floyd | (first taking the bloated Pig) Floyd | It is unclean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "smell pig" | ||||
Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "eat stomach" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get stomach" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says (to Jacqueline), "a friend of mine was always scratched when he was just trying to be friendly" | |||
Limbo says (to enigmatic), "creatures" | ||||
Limbo says, "er, enigmatic creatures" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get" | ||||
Floyd | What do you want to get? Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "She doesn't scratch, fortunately. Just sort of has a panic attack. If coffee cups get knocked over, she can't really worry about that." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Poor thing." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "She has a pretty rough time before we got her. She's gotten lots better, though." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get slit" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a bloated Pig Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x pig" | ||||
Floyd | The Pig is dead two days. Its Butcher likely fled the castle, dreading Floyd | your approach. A large Slit travels its bloated Stomach. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop pig" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "s/has/had" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Man." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "r" | ||||
Floyd | [r -> drop] Floyd | What do you want to drop? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a bloated Pig, a handful of spice, a golden key, a dented Floyd | Box (which is empty) & a silver key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
canadianpuzzler arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. bely the Decrepitude Floyd | of he who til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by sycophants & counselors, now lies nearly untravelled. It Floyd | leads away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get robe" | ||||
Floyd | You separate robe & owner, leaving the Baron bare. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put robe on wheel" | ||||
Floyd | Putting things upon the large Wheel would achieve nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "tie robe to wheel" | ||||
Floyd | You would achieve nothing by this. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x portcullis" | ||||
Floyd | A heavy iron portcullis blocks your way. Sun shines through the grate. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x wheel" | ||||
Floyd | A heavy wooden wheel, which raises and lowers the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sun" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x sun" | ||||
Floyd | The rays of the Sun, shining in from the East, seem very inviting Floyd | after your stay in the Baron's keep. Floyd | Floyd | > | Limbo says, "okay, fellow adventurers, I really need to go to bed now, it's 4:30 am here" | |||
jenrexrode says, "seeya" | ||||
Limbo says, "I hope you solve this, and I'm looking fdreward to seeing the transcript" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh - Can't blame you." | ||||
Limbo says, "bye, and thanks for the session so far" | ||||
Limbo goes home. | Lionheart says, "I want to do something so that we can touch the hourglass..." | |||
Lionheart says, "But almost everything is gone by the time we get to it." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about atlas" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about kingdom" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about castle" | ||||
Floyd | You can find no works in the Library on this particular Castle, nor of Floyd | Keeps or Lodgings in general. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about pigs" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about religion" | ||||
Floyd | Only a few books in the Library touch properly upon true Religion. Floyd | Even these you suspect the Baron harbored for some darker Purpose. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about kosher" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about purpose" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about degeneracy" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "version" | ||||
Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | Version 0.37 / Serial number 010112 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Standard interpreter 1.0 (2N) / Library serial number 991113 Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about richardson" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about spice" | ||||
Floyd | There are some descriptions in the Library of those Spices used in Floyd | Alchymy, but you fail to understand all toomany of the Terms therein Floyd | used. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about terms" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about alchymy" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about alchemy" | ||||
Floyd | Several Tomes here are devoted to Alchymy, <<Noblest of the Crafts.>> Floyd | By which the baser Metals may be transmuted into Gold, or between Floyd | themselves. You may be able to find reference to some more specific Floyd | facet of the Craft. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about crafts" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about base metals" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about baser metals" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about gold" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about silver" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "tables" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x tables" | ||||
Floyd | The Tables are carved as the Chairs. Game-Boards are inscribed into Floyd | many of them, and some bear Dice and other pieces for Gaming. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "roll dice" | ||||
Floyd | You are unable to. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get dice" | ||||
Floyd | A Knight must shun all such unclean Associations. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a bloated Pig, a handful of spice, a golden key, a dented Floyd | Box (which is empty) & a silver key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "burn door" | ||||
Floyd | This dangerous act would achieve little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "break door" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take key" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put key in lock" | ||||
Floyd | (the golden key in the dented Box) Floyd | You put the golden key into the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "no" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Chapel Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put key in door" | ||||
Floyd | (the golden key in the oaken door) Floyd | That cannot contain things. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Chapel Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "put key in copper lock" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | The door is made of fine oak, with a copper lock. It stands Floyd | forbodingly closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take sword" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "drop key" | ||||
Floyd | (the golden key) Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take sword" | ||||
Floyd | You draw your blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "pry copper with sword" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "attack door with sword" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "scrape door with sword" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "scratch door with sword" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "stab door with sword" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x copper lock" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search door" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Gerynar says "bloop" and shrinks down into a little dot, then winks out...just like those old-fashioned B&w televisions. | ||||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "cut pig with sword" | ||||
Floyd | You are no butcher. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search pig" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | Have these Walls shifted? Is the Light different in its attentions Floyd | upon your Eyes? Nay, for how could this be so? It must be your Floyd | tiresome Confinement that makes your Memory falter. You had best find Floyd | a way to quit the Baron's Keep. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a golden key, a bloated Pig, a handful of spice, a dented Floyd | Box (which is empty) & a silver key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x light" | ||||
Floyd | A steel Chain around your neck secures your Symbol. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x chain" | ||||
Floyd | (the suit of Chain-Mail) Floyd | The sanctified chain mail is light on your body. A white cloth Floyd | covering bears a circle, the symbol of the faith. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "purloin copper key" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "wake up" | ||||
Floyd | This is the real world, not a dream. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||||
Floyd | Your feeling especially drowsy. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | Your singing is abominable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "kill me" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm, out of ideas" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "jump" | ||||
Floyd | You jump on the spot, fruitlessly. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Yeah, I know, I've resorted to random default library verbs." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "full score" | ||||
Floyd | You have completed your divine Task, but have yet to escape the Floyd | Castle. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "score" | ||||
Floyd | You have completed your divine Task, but have yet to escape the Floyd | Castle. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "moves" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "notify on" | ||||
Floyd | Score notification on. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search me" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "examine me" | ||||
Floyd | You are a strapping cleric, secure in your faith & glowing with the Floyd | chaste excitement of a task accomplished. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Cleric now?" | |||
jenrexrode says, "yeah, that was unexpected" | ||||
Lionheart says, "I guess our knighthood has disappeared but not our faith." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Apparently all this religion is more resistant to erasure than our rank." | ||||
Lionheart says, "This means something." | ||||
Lionheart asks, "So our lives is being unmade piecemeal too?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "yeah, then you turn into a cell and you" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "are gone" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "So our knighthood has faded away, but not our killing of the Baron? How does that work?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hm well the alchemy is supposed to heal some wound..." | ||||
Lionheart says, "It's not erasing our lives from present backwards." | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "does the fool sober up?" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Maybe being dead, the Baron can't be made un-dead?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "But the alchemy seems to be all about doing that" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "yeah, it kinda hinted at that too, soul and body can't come back together." | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Okay. So the pig can't be unbutchered and the Baron can't be unslain?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "well i don't think a pig has a soul" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Oh right, the books said souls were God's gift to Men, I think" | ||||
Lionheart says, "So in this game world, maybe animals are soulless, and we're meant to revive the pig not the baron" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "and we need a live pig to...?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Beats me." | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "find truffles?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Maybe animals can mess with the wheel and the hourglass but us souled beings can't" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "talented pig" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a golden key, a bloated Pig, a handful of spice, a dented Floyd | Box (which is empty) & a silver key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Hm. Something about that is off." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | 'Tis odd... you cannot but think this Place has changed since last you Floyd | did look upon it. Nay, it cannot be. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "The Baron becomes a Duke somehow, shortly before the end" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a Perpetuum Mobile & a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x axe" | ||||
Floyd | A sturdy & well-fashioned Axe. Its rim is crusted with blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Just at the moment that staircase appears in the Study" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, walls covered with pagan frescoes which Floyd | beckon you to unpure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | reception chamber to the west, the dining hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest, & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do heraldry & great pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | castle. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a Floyd | metal portcullis to the east now separates you from the castle Floyd | threshold. You must take your leave instead to the round Chamber that Floyd | lies westward, or else attend one of the two archways to the north & Floyd | south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order he kept his Floyd | study! Had he lined his heart with good works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about pigs" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about animals" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about body" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about soul" | ||||
Floyd | You discover nothing of interest in the library. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Is it just a staircase from elsewhere in the world that just somehow ends up here because it's all unstable and coming apart?" | |||
jenrexrode says, "hm" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "i'm gonna restart so these books work, ok?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Okay. I don't have any more ideas what to do in those last 4 moves anyway." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||||
Floyd | Are you sure you want to restart your quest? | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "y" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | From here you may go only east. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a terrible crashing sound to the east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline says, "Wow. Dedication is amazing." | |||
Lionheart says, "But it seems like we have a one turn window to flip the hourglass or put more sand in or transfer it to the PM or whatever." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your passage east. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Unless we can find a way to get through the oak doors sooner" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about soul" | ||||
Floyd | The Soul, precious gift of God, that which distinguishes Man from Floyd | Animal, is given small service in this library. What little there is, Floyd | chiefly in Manuals devoted to dark and unholy Twistings of God's work, Floyd | described by phrases unsuitable for repeating here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about animals" | ||||
Floyd | <<Animals are placed under the dominion of Man. Having no Souls, they Floyd | must share in the Glory to him allotted, aligning themselves with his Floyd | Plans.>> A slight Unorthodoxy, but less heretical than most you find Floyd | in these Volumes. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "yay" | |||
Lionheart exclaims, "Confirmed!" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Although the Knight considers this heresy" | ||||
Lionheart says, "But surely the books will be proven true when we start alloying up some rosygold or whatever it was" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about god" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm, but he prefers it to other things in the books." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about religion" | ||||
Floyd | Only a few books in the Library touch properly upon true Religion. Floyd | Even these you suspect the Baron harbored for some darker Purpose. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "so save the pig" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about rosy-gold" | ||||
Floyd | The sympathetic Alloy, much celebrated. <<It is of four parts of Gold, Floyd | the same of Copper, & the first part of Silver.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode exclaims, "ooh!" | |||
Lionheart says, "Oh, we missed this! This is important." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about alloys" | ||||
Floyd | <<An alloy such as Bronze or Electrum may be formed by the molten Floyd | Merging of its several Composites. Some alloys of the nobler metals Floyd | have mythic Powers--in particular the celebrated alliage sympathique, Floyd | or sympathetic Alloy.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "well i think the silver key is pretty small..." | |||
Lionheart says, "I seem to remember the keys had specific numbers of teeth" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hm sounds like a no-melt alloy." | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Could that be significant?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "saves us from making a forge" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about electrum" | ||||
Floyd | The alloy of Gold & Silver; four parts of the one to one of the other. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about sympathetic" | ||||
Floyd | In a work on alchymic Medicine you find the following: Floyd | Floyd | <<The sympathetic Alloy, Rosy-Gold, so named for its Colour. Its dust Floyd | comprises Powder of Sympathy, or the Weapon-Salve, tho this is but its Floyd | most convenient Form. Its true power lies in the bonding of its three Floyd | component Metals.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode exclaims, "medicine!Q!" | |||
jenrexrode says, "didn't notice that before" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about bronze" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about medicine" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about powder of sympathy" | ||||
Floyd | A work is devoted to the Weapon-Salve, or Powder of Sympathy, which is Floyd | the dust of the sympathetic Alloy. <<The Powder heals when applied not Floyd | to the Wound but to the Weapon. Most Injuries can it treat, tho it Floyd | cannot re-bind Soul & Body.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Hm... electrum = 4 gold + 1 silver, rosy-gold = 4 gold + 4 copper + 1 silver" | |||
jenrexrode asks, "so was the pig sliced with the axe?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Perhaps we're going to combine electrum and copper at some point instead" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "where's electrum located?" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "what's that machine made of?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Don't remember" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about perpetual" | ||||
Floyd | You find a reference to the Perpetuum Mobile (oddly enough) in a Floyd | Discourse on religious Symbolism. Tho your brothers at the Monastery Floyd | would follow the Arguments better than you can, the Ideas seem Floyd | orthodox & you can make out most of what is said. Floyd | Floyd | The Perpetuum must exist, even if only in the mind of God (so says the Floyd | Author, for the Work is a century old & so precedes the working Floyd | Perpetuum) for it realizes the sacred Circle on a cosmic scale. Floyd | Without the Perpetuum, the Cosmos is a strait Line, slowly declining Floyd | in vital Force, sinking into Degeneracy & Oblivion. As God is the Floyd | moral restorative of this vital Force, so is the Perpetuum, which does Floyd | Work without losing Energy, its physical Restorative. When the vital Floyd | Force moves back & forth between the Poles of Entropy & Restoration, Floyd | is the Cosmos realized as a grand Circle. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "so we're some king of knight templar that like circles better than crosses." | |||
jenrexrode says, "kind not king" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Until we become a cleric of the half circle" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "hm?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | You are a strapping Knight, secure in your faith & glowing with the Floyd | chaste Excitement of a task accomplished. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "is cleric and anagram of circle?" | |||
Lionheart says, "We start out a Knight, and our symbol is a circle, but at the end, we're a cleric, and the symbol is a half circle" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Well until it disappears" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about circle" | ||||
Floyd | The Circle makes itself the Symbol of this great Faith, symbolizing Floyd | all that was and all that will be. Sadly, most of the references you Floyd | find in the Baron's Library pervert this great Truth by demonstrating Floyd | methods of subverting and desecrating the true Cycles of God and Floyd | Nature, life and death. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about cosmos" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about symbol" | ||||
Floyd | <<Symbols are powerful things, but take pains never to confuse a Floyd | Symbol with the Object by it signified; this error is the root of much Floyd | Heresy.>> If only the Baron had taken this advice!>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about life" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about death" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about ideas" | ||||
Floyd | There is a Work in the Library on the ontological status of the Idea, Floyd | but it is too technical for you to follow. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about copper" | ||||
Floyd | <<Commonest of the noble Metals, both Artisan and Craftsman, renowned Floyd | both for its Luster and for the useful Alloys it forms.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A history of Time-Keeping devotes considerable space to the Floyd | Hour-Glass, its history occidental and oriental, its usages in Floyd | Navigation, &c. A book of modern Philosophy waxes more poetic of the Floyd | Time-Piece, seeing in it a symbol of the linearity of Time, the Floyd | irretrievability of Moments past. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "ooh" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about time" | ||||
Floyd | In a book on Meta-Physicks you find a waggish Summary of the Floyd | Controversy surrounding the nature of Time: <<It is said by some that Floyd | Time travelleth in a great Circle, by others that it maketh a strait Floyd | Line. The former Description prevaileth, as we art obliged to listen Floyd | to its Exponents again and again, the latter being content to assert Floyd | but once.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm perpetuum = circle, hourglass = line" | |||
Lionheart says, "Mm, yeah. I'm thinking that we're going to want to get that particulate sand from the hourglass into the PM." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Somehow or other." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about lines" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about sand" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about shock" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about altar" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about forcefields" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about barrier" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about candles" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about wards" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about magic" | ||||
Floyd | On these shelves are Books & Scrolls devoted to the dark Arts, but you Floyd | are loath to peruse the evil things. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about keys" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about weapons" | ||||
Floyd | In a Treatise on Weapons you find the following: Floyd | Floyd | <<Of types of Weapon there are three: the Pointed, or Stabbing (viz. Floyd | the Sword or Spear); the Blunted, or Striking (viz. the Mace or Floyd | Lance); the Bladed, or Slashing (viz. the Axe or oriental Scimitar). Floyd | Each of the three has its proper Place in the annals of Strateg'ry and Floyd | War-Fare.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about locks" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm, so we should bonk someting with that lance" | |||
Lionheart says, "We're meant to stick our lance in a hole" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "i suppose" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "haven't found any stones grinding anywhere yet." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about stone" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about baron" | ||||
Floyd | In the library you find no biographical information on that great Floyd | Scoundrel, par Tiller, Baron of Stesan. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about stesan" | ||||
Floyd | Stesan is described in an Atlas as <<a flat and mostly agricultural Floyd | Land, lying between two Lakes.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x case" | ||||
Floyd | A Scroll-Case made of wood & bearing the Sigil of the Bishop of Dol Floyd | Nesta. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult books about dol nesta" | ||||
Floyd | An Atlas describes the Town of Dol Nesta as <<a small mountain Floyd | village, renowned for the quality of its Soil and the breadth of its Floyd | monastery's Library.>>. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x atlas" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's library is full of heretical Ideas & Assertions most Floyd | blasphemous. Yet here are also books of Metallurgy, of Alchymy & other Floyd | useful Arts. A monk from Dol Nesta will need to be sent here to Floyd | separate Wheat from Chaff, to save that which is useful & to destroy Floyd | the Dross. While you are here, however, you may CONSULT the Library Floyd | about its more wholesome topics. Floyd | Floyd | There is a noticable Gap between two particularly odious Books. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about arts" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x odious books" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about axe" | ||||
Floyd | In a Treatise on Weapons you find the following: Floyd | Floyd | <<Of types of Weapon there are three: the Pointed, or Stabbing (viz. Floyd | the Sword or Spear); the Blunted, or Striking (viz. the Mace or Floyd | Lance); the Bladed, or Slashing (viz. the Axe or oriental Scimitar). Floyd | Each of the three has its proper Place in the annals of Strateg'ry and Floyd | War-Fare.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about monks" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put atlas in gap" | ||||
Floyd | You need to be holding the library before you can put it into Floyd | something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about priest" | ||||
Floyd | You find in the library only horrid Blasphemies on that noble Calling. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about fool" | ||||
Floyd | In a satirical work on the Hangers-On at court, you find the Floyd | following: Floyd | Floyd | <<THE TRAGEDY OF THE FULE: Every Court from Low to High/founds itself Floyd | upon some Lie/Therein only one, the Fule/may speak true of lordly Floyd | Misrule. He knows none his Words will heed/nor one comprehend his Floyd | Deed.>> Floyd | Floyd | There is more of this poor Doggerel, but it merely repeats this Theme. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about agriculture" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about metallurgy" | ||||
Floyd | A set of large Volumes describe the art & history of Metallurgy, from Floyd | Antiquity to the present Era. The base & the nobler Metals are Floyd | discussed, & their uses. Also Alloys & their means of manufacture are Floyd | described. In these Works you may be able to find reference to some Floyd | more specific facet of the Craft. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about spice" | ||||
Floyd | There are some descriptions in the Library of those Spices used in Floyd | Alchymy, but you fail to understand all toomany of the Terms therein Floyd | used. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about cooking" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about smelting" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about forging" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about forge" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about blacksmithing" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about sympathetic" | ||||
Floyd | In a work on alchymic Medicine you find the following: Floyd | Floyd | <<The sympathetic Alloy, Rosy-Gold, so named for its Colour. Its dust Floyd | comprises Powder of Sympathy, or the Weapon-Salve, tho this is but its Floyd | most convenient Form. Its true power lies in the bonding of its three Floyd | component Metals.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about alloy" | ||||
Floyd | <<An alloy such as Bronze or Electrum may be formed by the molten Floyd | Merging of its several Composites. Some alloys of the nobler metals Floyd | have mythic Powers--in particular the celebrated alliage sympathique, Floyd | or sympathetic Alloy.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about powers" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about composites" | ||||
Floyd | <<An alloy such as Bronze or Electrum may be formed by the molten Floyd | Merging of its several Composites. Some alloys of the nobler metals Floyd | have mythic Powers--in particular the celebrated alliage sympathique, Floyd | or sympathetic Alloy.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about merging" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about noble" | ||||
Floyd | <<The nobler Metals are Gold, Silver, Copper, Platinum &c. Those with Floyd | intrinsic Value above & beyond their suitability for use in Tools. It Floyd | is inevitably the nobler Metals which have been discovered to have Floyd | alchymic & magical Properties.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode ooh | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about platinum" | ||||
Floyd | <<A rare and valuable Metal, much prized for decoration as well as for Floyd | its alchymic Properties.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about tools" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about degeneration" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about resurrection" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about regeneration" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about locksmithing" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about lockpicking" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about box" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about scroll" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about index" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about books" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about library" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about pain" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about castle" | ||||
Floyd | You can find no works in the Library on this particular Castle, nor of Floyd | Keeps or Lodgings in general. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about password" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about protection" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about pain" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about spells" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about knights" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about king" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about history" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about geography" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about duke" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about portcullis maintenance" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "heh" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about wheels" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about lever" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about blood" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about eyes" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about dispelling" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Do those suits of armor have gauntlets we can put on?" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about flour" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about armor" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x hands" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about jewels" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about games" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about dice" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about sunshine" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about sun" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about ham" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about corruption" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about prayer" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about stopping time" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about reversing time" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about carpet" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about removing bloodstains" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about cleaning" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about purity" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x case" | ||||
Floyd | A scroll case made of wood & bearing the sigil of the bishop of Dol Floyd | Nesta. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sigil" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x sigil" | ||||
Floyd | Your scroll case bears the Sigil of the Bishop of Dol Nesta. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about sigil" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about heresy" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "consult books about verbs" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Ellison has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | jenrexrode says, "so being able to see the copper key a hint that we need to get through the door without it." | |||
jenrexrode says, "also seeing it and restarting must be part of the game." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Yeah, that makes sense. It's as good as telling us, you won't find the key out there, find another way." | ||||
Lionheart says, "We don't seem to have time to mess with the hourglass in one turn, and ending the game every move, I doubt the author wants us to solve it that way." | ||||
Lionheart says, "We have to get in the door sooner" | ||||
Ellison arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | Jacqueline exclaims (at Ellison), "You're just in time to play!" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Who would have thought you could be 11 hours late for ClubFloyd and still get some joy?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "I have been cleaning kitchen now and then today. :)" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh heh" | ||||
Ellison says, "hee" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "using each as a break from the other." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "@mutec" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Whoopsi" | ||||
Lionheart says, "OK. So: get through locked door to hourglass, find what the sliding stone when we thrust our lance into that hole was (maybe beyond the door?), make powder of sympathy, or find another way to turn the wheel. Haven't used Axe, PM (for sand?), gold key." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "(Not muting CF, by the way... just unmuting the other stuff.)" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "is the scroll just a relic from before the game starts?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Also haven't used Pig (perhaps need powder for first)" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Yeah, we start with teh scroll" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "but is it useful?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Not that I've seen. We can show it to the priest, but it doesn't seem to have any effect" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "is it flammable?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "We can try to burn it" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n.w.sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oak door prevents your going east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "burn scroll" | ||||
Floyd | This dangerous act would achieve little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | The door is made of fine oak, with a copper lock. It stands Floyd | forbodingly closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "open scroll case" | ||||
Floyd | You open the wooden Scroll-Case, revealing a vellum Scroll. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "burn vellum" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "take vellum" | ||||
Floyd | This dangerous act would achieve little. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | You remove the scroll from the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x vellum" | ||||
Floyd | The rich vellum is covered with a flowing hand. Floyd | Floyd | <<The bearer of this Notice, one Knight Itinerant, being granted Floyd | special Dispensation & ordered by Divine Covenant to separate from Floyd | this World the immortal Soul of par Tiller, Baron of Stesan, his Floyd | Crimes and Sins having blotted his Name beyond hope of Redemption or Floyd | Reform, & it being ordered that any & all requested Assistance be Floyd | rendered this Knight in this sacred Quest, let it be known that to Floyd | this I set my Stamp & Seal on this day & for Perpetuity, in the name Floyd | of the most holy God, who has ordained it so,>> Floyd | Floyd | The stamp & signature is that of the bishop of Dol Nesta. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x stamp" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x seal" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x signature" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Maybe it's the case that's important" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x case" | ||||
Floyd | A scroll case made of wood & bearing the sigil of the bishop of Dol Floyd | Nesta. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "break case" | ||||
Floyd | A knight of the faith should not make use of violence unless there is Floyd | no alternative. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search case" | ||||
Floyd | The wooden Scroll-Case is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x candles" | ||||
Floyd | The Candles are old & sit guiltily in pools of their own Wax. They Floyd | flicker under your Gaze. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "I think the stump was mentioned to be oak too, if that has anything to do with anything" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "touch vellum to candles" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to touch the vellum Scroll. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "touch vellum with candles" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to touch the vellum Scroll. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "touch candles" | ||||
Floyd | You feel nothing unexpected. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "close box" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "close case" | ||||
Floyd | You close the wooden Scroll-Case. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Oh yeah, also for things to do: find a book" | |||
jenrexrode says, "yup" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "and i guess find a gold lock" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "but then the iron box was opened by a silver key" | ||||
Lionheart says, "I think maybe that staircase that appears in the study, may be related to the book/gap puzzle." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "oh, like it will appear earlier if we solve it." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Like we put the book in the gap and then we can access that spiral staircase" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to Luxury a tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | <<So,>> says the Priest, devoid of Emotion. <<You have come.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest for a book" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Yeah, like near the end the locking mechanism disappears so we can see the stairs for a brief moment" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about book" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | The priest speaks again. <<The others have left. I remained.>> Perhaps Floyd | he thinks this will earn him Clemency? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about bible" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about circle" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about time" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about vellum" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "give vellum to priest" | ||||
Floyd | <<Keep it,>> says the Priest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "show vellum to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest reads the flowery Hand-Writing, and nods sadly. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Hm. Also at the very end, there's a room Up from the Armory; and using the lance from the Armory gets us a sliding stone sound like a secret passage opening." | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about help" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "But I don't think we saw one when we went back in there." | |||
jenrexrode says, "well there's a seam in the wall to room 17" | ||||
Lionheart says, "From Room 14, beyond the oak doors? Yeah, it might have opened that." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "oops" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "i dont have a map" | ||||
Lionheart says, "That might be, it might have opened the way from 14 to 17" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Okay, that's my working hypothesis for What the Lance Did for now." | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about baron" | ||||
Floyd | <<I can tell you nothing you do not already know.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about fool" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about alchemy" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about altar" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about spice" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about box" | ||||
Floyd | <<I pray, Knight, of what do you speak?>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about dented box" | ||||
Floyd | <<I pray, Knight, of what do you speak?>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest aboutkey" | ||||
Floyd | The meaning of that sentence escapes me. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about key" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "ask priest about silver key" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest avoids your Gaze and does not respond. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "We haven't seen the key or the box yet" | |||
jenrexrode says, "yeah" | ||||
Lionheart says, "If we search him he'll say something about the box" | ||||
Lionheart says, "or bring the box here" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search priest" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x priest" | ||||
Floyd | You can sense the fear in his eyes, though your code prevents you from Floyd | harming him. Fear of the Justice you represent, of the Judgement that Floyd | will be passed upon him for the evils he did not act to prevent. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Wait, didn't we get hte key the first time by searching him?" | |||
jenrexrode says, "i thought so" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Did the key go poof?" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "already?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Let's show him the box and see what he says." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "ok" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u.ne.n.w." | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favored Thinkers entered Floyd | this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters of exotic Floyd | repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands bare, Floyd | stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the larger Floyd | items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron still lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Floyd | Crockery smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the Floyd | east, & northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A stair leads downward Floyd | into Darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stairs. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, seemingly kicked there by a thwarted Floyd | Robber. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart is a newbie. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | dented Box: Your hands are full. Floyd | Stair-Way(StoreStairway): That is hardly portable. Floyd | racks of Ham: It is unclean. Floyd | strings of Fruit: You hunger not. Floyd | sack of Flour: You would scatter Flour everywhere you walked. Floyd | Foot-Prints in the Flour: The Foot-Prints are not portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & closed) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sheath blade" | ||||
Floyd | You sheathe your blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put scroll in case" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the vellum Scroll or the wooden Scroll-Case? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "vellum" | ||||
Floyd | The wooden Scroll-Case is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open case" | ||||
Floyd | You open the wooden Scroll-Case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put scroll in case" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the vellum Scroll or the wooden Scroll-Case? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "vellum" | ||||
Floyd | You roll the scroll up & place it in the case. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | dented Box: Taken. Floyd | racks of Ham: It is unclean. Floyd | strings of Fruit: You hunger not. Floyd | sack of Flour: You would scatter Flour everywhere you walked. Floyd | Foot-Prints in the Flour: The Foot-Prints are not portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | The Fool's bleary Gaze lights on the Box you carry. <<The Lock is the Floyd | Key -- He! He!>> The Fool giggles, hiccoughs, and again regards his Floyd | Tankard. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtably--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. The steel blade of an Axe Floyd | calls it home. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x stump" | ||||
Floyd | From little Acorns great Oaks spring. But great Oaks die, or are cut Floyd | down, & only God remembers what once was. In this dim reminder of an Floyd | ancient Tree is embedded a fine Axe. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | bloated Pig: To hold that you must have both hands free. Floyd | stump: Its roots are deep, & buried under Stone. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the fine Axe from the Stump. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x stone" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "stone?" | |||
Alex says (to jenrexrode), "Awwwk! Word on the street is that stone is 14 lbs." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "chop oak" | ||||
Floyd | What do you want to chop the stump with? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "axe" | ||||
Floyd | I fear the tree was cut down some years ago. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Heh" | |||
jenrexrode says, "that stone would be hooked up to the hole in the desk..." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "et not" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "chop pig with axe" | ||||
Floyd | You are no butcher. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.s.sw.d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile. Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest, noticing the dented Box in your hand, shies away from you. Floyd | Yet he says nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "show box to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest treats your act as an accusation, and quails. <<The box? It Floyd | contains naught but Spices! Here, I have the key...>> Reaching into Floyd | his Robes, he withdraws a small silver Key, which he hurriedly places Floyd | before you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x box" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. A small Lock secures it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. A small Lock secures it. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Why's he so freaked out by this box?" | |||
jenrexrode asks, "and why does he have a key to something that has spices used for alchemy?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open box with silver key" | ||||
Floyd | You unlock the dented Box. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x key" | ||||
Floyd | Tho very small, with but two teeth, the silver key glitters a sterling Floyd | pedigree. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode exclaims, "hey, the gold key has 4 times as many teeth!" | |||
Lionheart says, "a 4:1 ratio" | ||||
Lionheart says, "So if the copper key has 8 teeth as well, I suppose those may be our rosygold ingredients" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "yeah" | ||||
DavidW asks, "goodness. I'm just waking up again and umute. Are you *still* playing?" | ||||
DavidW says, "er un-mute" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Yeah, this game is pretty tough" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "so if we 'x copper key' do we lose a turn and die?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "I suspect so. Unless we get in sooner." | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "but rosy gold doesn't stop time, so what good is it then?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Reviving the pig, I think" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "unless ressurecting a pig ..." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "yeah" | ||||
Lionheart says, "I don't know why we want to do that yet, but I suspect it'll become clear in time" | ||||
jenrexrode asks, "teach the pig to fetch the hourglass?" | ||||
DavidW says, "And... I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Perhaps I should mute again." | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Maybe. Cover it in something Pigs like?" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to DavidW), "We read a lot in the library books" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "chop door with axe" | ||||
Floyd | You hack at the door with your axe. Although sturdily built, it is no Floyd | match for your strength. Slowly, the splinters of wood give way to Floyd | cracking slabs of the wood, and with a final series of blows you are Floyd | afforded entry. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode exclaims, "yay!" | |||
Lionheart asks, "Wait, what?" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "We didn't try that before?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Oh, we were using the sword before" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "oh duh, that axe is hungry for oak" | ||||
Lionheart says, "The oak stump, oak door, riiight." | ||||
Lionheart says, "That was what the clue meant." | ||||
Ellison says, "it only took 11 hours but we got there!" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "hehehehe" | ||||
Lionheart says, "In retrospect it was so obvious." | ||||
jenrexrode exclaims, "gimme dat copper key!" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Though the Baron never took a wife, 'tis said his Bed was not a night Floyd | empty. This sinful bed stands before you now, as does the Baron's Floyd | dresser & Looking-Glass. The door to the west is smashed, the door to Floyd | the east closed, & a most curious Trap-Door is set into the ground Floyd | near the bed. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "oh man" | |||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x copper key" | ||||
Floyd | A copper key with eight small teeth. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode exclaims, "yes!" | |||
Lionheart exclaims, "Huzzah! A new area to explore!" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "search bed" | ||||
Floyd | There is nothing in the Bed, and only dust underneath it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x looking-glass" | ||||
Floyd | The Looking-Glass is about as tall as you are. You can see yourself in Floyd | its depths. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x dresser" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "look behind looking-glass" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | copper key: Your hands are full. Floyd | trap door: That is hardly portable. Floyd | oaken door to the east: That is hardly portable. Floyd | oaken door to the west: That is hardly portable. Floyd | Looking-Glass: That is hardly portable. Floyd | Bed: That is hardly portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open trap" | ||||
Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "chop trap with axe" | ||||
Floyd | It is of stone. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "yay stone" | |||
Lionheart says, "It's all coming together now." | ||||
jenrexrode laughs and cries. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "chop east door with axe" | ||||
Floyd | You hack at the door with your axe. Although sturdily built, it is no Floyd | match for your strength. Slowly, the splinters of wood give way to Floyd | cracking slabs of the wood, and with a final series of blows you are Floyd | afforded entry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart gets IF FLOYD'S DOWN, TELL JOTA -- OR ELSE HE WON'T KNOW. | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a fine Axe Floyd | a dented Box (which is closed) Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop box, axe" | ||||
Floyd | dented Box: Dropped. Floyd | fine Axe: Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armory Floyd | An Armory, stocked by the Baron for a seige but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armor, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Lance stands here, propped against a wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get lance" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | Floyd | You can see a fine Axe & a dented Box (which is closed) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open deck" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open desk" | ||||
Floyd | You open the flap of the Writing-Desk, revealing a deep Hole in the Floyd | south wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put lance in hole" | ||||
Floyd | Inserting the lance into the hole as far as you can, you feel the wood Floyd | catch & hear the faraway grinding of stone. Removing the lance, you Floyd | find it unchanged. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop lance" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get box, axe" | ||||
Floyd | dented Box: Taken. Floyd | fine Axe: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x trap" | ||||
Floyd | A stone Trap-Door set into the floor. A small golden Lock is fashioned Floyd | into it. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "search baron" | |||
Lionheart says, "Ha ha ha" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop axe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne. w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open pocket" | ||||
Floyd | That is not something you can open. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "search robe" | ||||
Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "search baron" | ||||
Floyd | There is nothing on the Baron's corpse. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x baron" | ||||
Floyd | His eyes are wide & unseeing. He wears an expression of resignation & Floyd | a velvet robe. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x robe" | ||||
Floyd | The red velvet robes of state are stained a deeper red with the blood Floyd | of the evil sovereign. A small pocket on the right side catches your Floyd | eye. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x pocket" | ||||
Floyd | In the pocket is a golden key. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Whew" | |||
Lionheart says, "Was afraid we were too late for a sec" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get key" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw.e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Floyd | You can see a copper key & a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open box" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a golden key Floyd | a holy symbol (glowing with a sacred light & being worn) Floyd | a suit of Chain-Mail (being worn) Floyd | a leather sheath (being worn) Floyd | a sacred blade Floyd | a wooden Scroll-Case (being worn & open) Floyd | a vellum Scroll Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get key" | ||||
Floyd | (the copper key) Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | Floyd | You can see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Floyd | You can see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | This is room 14. Exits: northwest, up. Floyd | Floyd | A small opening in the Stone leads northwest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | This is room 17. Exits: southeast. Floyd | Floyd | A small opening in the Stone leads southeast. Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "augh" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x hour-glass" | ||||
Floyd | A large & heavy Hour-Glass, containing fine Sand of a reddish Shade. Floyd | Metal sliding Flaps on the upper & lower Surfaces, controlled by Floyd | Levers, are used for replenishing the sand. Both flaps lie closed. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Glass of the heavy Timepiece before you seems briefly to ripple, Floyd | as though 't'were a Wave upon the shore. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "well we did use about 100 turns in the library already" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open upper flap" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the upper Flap. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "Hm. Restart?" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "well we might as well try to die" | |||
jenrexrode asks, "how come we haven't died?" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | Floyd | A small opening in the Stone leads northwest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Floyd | You can see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Those two rooms seem to go numeric earlier" | |||
jenrexrode asks, "although we lost our box already?" | ||||
Lionheart says, "I've noticed the dining hall and kitchen seem to sooner than the study and chapel" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Yeah, and we need that silver key" | ||||
Lionheart says, "No wait, that's back at the priest" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "oh" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w.d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | Room 10 Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Room 10 Floyd | This is room 10. Exits: up. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Yeah, castle closing soon" | |||
Lionheart says, "All adventurers leave through main office." | ||||
Lionheart says, "Let's start over" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "no we had the box in the study" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Yeah, we opened it by the priest though." | ||||
jenrexrode says, "ok to restart" | ||||
Lionheart asks, "Restart or go mess with teh hourglass until we evaporate?" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "ciuldnt hurt" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u.e.d.nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Floyd | You can see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | Room 14 Floyd | Floyd | A small opening in the Stone leads northwest. Floyd | Floyd | Room 17 Floyd | Floyd | A small opening in the Stone leads southeast. Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass begins to shake. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Aftershocks coming." | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x upper flap" | ||||
Floyd | A sliding metal Flap, covering a Hole in the top of the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass is shaking most violently, and now begins to slowly Floyd | rock about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x hole" | ||||
Floyd | You cannot see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "x shelf" | ||||
Floyd | An Outcropping, a small Shelf of rock protruding from the wall. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass is shaking most violently, and now rocks about its Floyd | Axis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x sand" | ||||
Floyd | To which do you refer, the Sand in the top half of the Hour-Glass or Floyd | the Sand in the bottom half of the Hour-Glass? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x sand in top" | ||||
Floyd | A contained Cone of fine Sand, red in Colour. Perhaps four measures. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass is shaking most violently, and now rocks about its Floyd | Axis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x sand in bottom" | ||||
Floyd | A contained Cone of fine Sand, red in Colour. Perhaps two hundred Floyd | measures. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass is shaking most violently, and now rocks about its Floyd | Axis. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm this is new" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "Four more turns?" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "200 turns?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "moves" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "score" | ||||
Floyd | You have completed your divine Task, but have yet to escape the Floyd | Castle. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turns" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "counter" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "moves on" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "counter on" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "prompt on" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x top sand" | ||||
Floyd | A contained Cone of fine Sand, red in Colour. Perhaps two measures. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | The Hour-Glass wobbles most violently as the last of the Sand begins Floyd | to leak out of its top. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x top sand" | ||||
Floyd | A contained Cone of fine Sand, red in Colour. About a measure. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | | ||||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Jacqueline says, "That game over already? It was just getting good." | |||
Lionheart says, "OK. Now we're ready, let's make good time this run." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "load degen" | ||||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Degeneracy Floyd | Copyright 2001 Leonard Richardson (leonardr@segfault.org) Floyd | [LINK] Floyd | Version 0.51 / Serial number 010331 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/10 Floyd | Type ABOUT or HELP for information. Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | The glitterings of Gold, Jewels, Tapestries, &c. belie the Corruption Floyd | of he who 'til recently occupied this high Seat. A white Carpet, once Floyd | flanked by Sycophants & Counsellors, now lies untravelled. It leads Floyd | away from the Seat & towards the Sunrise. Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | Jacqueline smiles ear to ear. | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | A richly attired Wait Chamber, its walls covered in pagan Frescoes Floyd | which beckon you to impure thoughts. Chairs arranged near the circular Floyd | perimeter mingle with Tables for gaming. The chamber becomes the Floyd | Reception Chamber to the west, the Dining Hall to the north. A small Floyd | tiled archway leads southwest & to the east is the grand Entry Hall. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a terrible crashing sound to the east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | In this grand Hall do Heraldry & great Pomp greet the visitor to this Floyd | Keep. Yet a visitor, betrayed, can quickly become a prisoner--a metal Floyd | Portcullis to the east now separates you from the threshold. You must Floyd | take your leave instead to the round Chamber that lies westward, or Floyd | else attend one of the two archways to the north & south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Armoury Floyd | An Armoury, stocked by the Baron for a siege but unable to protect him Floyd | from the vengeance of the Almighty. Amidst the Armour, Weaponry &c. Floyd | stands an archway to the south. Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Lance stands here, propped against a wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sheath sword" | ||||
Floyd | You sheathe your Blade. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get lance" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A solid oak door blocks your way to the west & an archway Floyd | leads north. Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open desk" | ||||
Floyd | You open the flap of the Writing-Desk, revealing a small but deep Hole Floyd | in the south wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "thrust lance into hole" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put lance in hole" | ||||
Floyd | Inserting the lance into the hole as far as you can, you feel the wood Floyd | catch & hear the faraway grinding of stone. Removing the lance, you Floyd | find it unchanged. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop lance" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Entrance Hall Floyd | Floyd | A wooden Wheel is mounted on the wall, near the Portcullis. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | On feast days in years & months past, Lords & favoured Thinkers Floyd | entered this long Hall from the south, to be served by huge platters Floyd | of exotic repast from the Kitchen to the west. But now the room stands Floyd | bare, stripped of its Appointments by some fleeing servant. Only the Floyd | larger items remain--the long Table & the ornate Chairs. Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Gluttonous indeed were the the Feasts prepared in this Kitchen while Floyd | the Baron lived. The huge Ovens now stand cold & unlit, the Crockery Floyd | smashed & strewn about the floor. The Dining Hall is to the east, & Floyd | northwards is a small enclosed Yard. A Stair leads downward into Floyd | darkness. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Slaughter Yard Floyd | In this small, walled Yard were Beasts put to the knife & prepared for Floyd | the master's feasting table. Unthinkably--but undoubtedly--were other Floyd | Prey too destroyed here, to feed the Baron's appetite for sin. There Floyd | is no hiding place in this small Arena; meat, alive or dead, can Floyd | escape only south, through the Kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | A bloated Pig lies here, its Stomach slit. Floyd | Floyd | The stump of an ancient Oak stands here. The steel blade of an Axe Floyd | calls it home. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get axe" | ||||
Floyd | You remove the fine Axe from the Stump. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Store Room Floyd | The gloomy Store Room has been recently sacked, though racks of Ham & Floyd | strings of dried Fruit still hang above your head. A bag of Flour has Floyd | been ripped open, its contents scattered. Hundreds of white Floyd | Foot-Prints run frantic around the room & up the Stair. Floyd | Floyd | A dented Box lies in a corner, seemingly kicked there by a thwarted Floyd | Robber. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get box" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Fool lies besotted beneath a large Wine-Barrel. Floyd | Floyd | The Fool's bleary Gaze lights on the Box you carry. <<The Lock is the Floyd | Key -- He! He!>> The Fool giggles, hiccoughs, & again regards his Floyd | Tankard. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e.s.sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Dining Hall Floyd | Floyd | On the long Table is a Perpetuum Mobile (which acts as a Water-Fall). Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | O foul Hypocrite! O whited Sepulchure! In the midst of his debauchery Floyd | the Baron does see fit to erect himself a Chapel of the faith! Mayhap Floyd | he thought to take sanctuary here at your approach. 'Tis more likely Floyd | the lighted Candles & marble Altar did bear witness to blasphemous & Floyd | terrible Rites in the Baron's lifetime. Floyd | Floyd | A stair in the corner leads down into darkness, an archway northeast. Floyd | A solid oaken Door prevents your passage east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "chop door with axe" | ||||
Floyd | You hack at the door with your Axe. Tho' sturdily built, it cannot Floyd | stand under your strength. Slowly, the splinters of Wood give way to Floyd | cracking Slabs, and with a final series of Blows you are afforded Floyd | entry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | In contrast to the Baron's opulence lurks here the spartan Cell of his Floyd | corrupt Priest. The only furnishing is a straw Mat, the only Floyd | concession to luxury a Tapestry which hangs near the upward-climbing Floyd | Stair. Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | <<So,>> says the Priest, devoid of Emotion. <<You have come.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "show box to priest" | ||||
Floyd | The Priest treats your act as an accusation, and quails. <<The box? It Floyd | contains naught but Spices! Here, I have the key...>> Reaching into Floyd | his Robes, he withdraws a small silver Key, which he hurriedly places Floyd | before you. Floyd | Floyd | The priest speaks again. <<The others have left. I remained.>> Perhaps Floyd | he thinks this will earn him Clemency? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get key" | ||||
Floyd | Your hands are full. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Though the Baron never took a Wife, 'tis said his bed was not a night Floyd | empty. This sinful Bed stands before you now, as does the Baron's Floyd | Dresser & Looking-Glass. The door to the west is smashed, the door to Floyd | the east closed, & a most curious Trap-Door is set into the ground Floyd | near the bed. Floyd | Floyd | On the Dresser is a copper key. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "chop east door with axe" | ||||
Floyd | You hack at the door with your Axe. Tho' sturdily built, it cannot Floyd | stand under your strength. Slowly, the splinters of Wood give way to Floyd | cracking Slabs, and with a final series of Blows you are afforded Floyd | entry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "drop axe" | ||||
Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get key" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Priest's Quarters Floyd | Floyd | The Priest sits on his mat, eyes downturned in submission. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a silver key here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get key" | ||||
Floyd | (the silver key) Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Reception Chamber Floyd | Floyd | The cruel Baron lies at your feet, dyeing the carpet scarlet with his Floyd | blood. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "search corpse" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's Robe bears a Pocket, in which is a golden key. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get key" | ||||
Floyd | You already have that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get gold key" | ||||
Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Wait Chamber Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Chapel Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Floyd | You can see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "unlock trap" | ||||
Floyd | (with the golden key) Floyd | You unlock the Trap-Door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open trap" | ||||
Floyd | You open the Trap-Door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "trap" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Alchymyst's Laboratory Floyd | It is stifling hot in here, yet the flickering yellow glow of the Floyd | small Furnace does little to light this room. On a long, acid-scarred Floyd | Work-Bench sit Crucibles, Mortar & Pestle, &c. A stair leads up. Floyd | Floyd | A small opening in the Stone leads northwest. Floyd | Floyd | On the Work-Bench is a Book of evil Magic. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x furnace" | ||||
Floyd | The Furnace is your equal in height, and its Insides glow yellow with Floyd | concealed heat. It was no doubt used by the Baron to prepare scraps of Floyd | the base Metals for their transmutation. Material placed in a vent Floyd | soon runs molten into a stone collecting pan. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "that book probably goes in the gap in the library" | |||
Lionheart says, "Ah, yeah, it probably does-" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "bench" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x bench" | ||||
Floyd | The Baron's Work-Bench reeks of evil. The Crucibles & other Floyd | Appointments have been used for tasks far darker & less wise than mere Floyd | Alchymy. Floyd | Floyd | Among the dark clutter of the Work-Bench is a Book of evil Magic. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x crucibles" | ||||
Floyd | The Crucibles seem to be uniformly covered inside by a burnt black Floyd | Crust. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x crust" | ||||
Floyd | The Crucibles seem to be uniformly covered inside by a burnt black Floyd | Crust. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x mortar" | ||||
Floyd | The interior of the Mortar & the grinding Surface of the Pestle are Floyd | covered in a foul blue Substance. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "smell substance" | ||||
Floyd | The blue Substance inside the Mortar smells most foul. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "smell crust" | ||||
Floyd | The burnt Crust of the Crucibles has no odor you can detect. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x substance" | ||||
Floyd | The interior of the Mortar & the grinding Surface of the Pestle are Floyd | covered in a foul blue Substance. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x pan" | ||||
Floyd | A collecting pan of black and tempered Stone. Its tenure inside the Floyd | Furnace makes it shimmer with heat. A small Handle on the pan allows Floyd | you to redeem it from the flames. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x book" | ||||
Floyd | The book is one of foul & evil Magic, by an unknown Author. Its open Floyd | Page is covered with Notes in the Baron's Hand. Tho it burns your eyes Floyd | to look at its cursed Runes, you feel that by perusing the Baron's Floyd | last Endeavour you may bring his activities to light. Floyd | Floyd | The Tyrant, it seems, was planning for his inevitable Demise. His Floyd | study was of an ancient Curse, activated upon its caster's Death for Floyd | the purpose of Revenge. The Recipe is black & foul, and at the end of Floyd | is a caution to the would-be Warlock: Floyd | Floyd | <<Its close ties to the Caster's physical Blood make this Curse Floyd | vulnerable to a Weakening or Breaking through methods of Sympathy. The Floyd | tying of the curse to the Caster's Soul instead of to the Blood would Floyd | make the Curse un-breakable, but none yet have accomplished this Floyd | Feat.>> Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Oh, perhaps we are reviving the Baron's body after all" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x notes" | ||||
Floyd | The copious Notes are in the Baron's hand, nearly illegible. One Word Floyd | by its multiple occurances you distinguish as <<entrapment>>. Floyd | Floyd | A blast of hot Air emerges from the Furnace, as though some Daemon Floyd | inside were working a Bellows. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "so he can show us out of the castle like a proper host?" | |||
Lionheart says, "His soul will be permanently separated though, so the library leads us to believe" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Zombie Baron" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "oh no not more zombies" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put keys in pan" | ||||
Floyd | golden key: The collecting Pan is for Liquids. The Vent is the Floyd | entrance to the Furnace. Floyd | silver key: The collecting Pan is for Liquids. The Vent is the Floyd | entrance to the Furnace. Floyd | copper key: The collecting Pan is for Liquids. The Vent is the Floyd | entrance to the Furnace. Floyd | Floyd | A blast of hot Air emerges from the Furnace, as though some Daemon Floyd | inside were working a Bellows. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "trap" | ||||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Alchymyst's Laboratory Floyd | It is stifling hot in here, yet the flickering yellow glow of the Floyd | small Furnace does little to light this room. On a long, acid-scarred Floyd | Work-Bench sit Crucibles, Mortar & Pestle, &c. A stair leads up. Floyd | Floyd | A small opening in the Stone leads northwest. Floyd | Floyd | On the Work-Bench is a Book of evil Magic. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get book" | ||||
Floyd | You shut the Tome & pick it up. It seems to numb your Hand, as though Floyd | its cruel Intentions were oozing out to contain you. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart asks, "Numbs... our hand?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Hidden Room Floyd | Hardly a room, this, a mere niche in the rock of the castle's Floyd | Foundation. A small Shelf of rock stands before you, and the secret Floyd | door through which you entered is to the southeast. Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn hour glass" | ||||
Floyd | If you want to invert the Hour-Glass, you should pick it up first. It Floyd | is much too heavy to turn in place. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "touch hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the Hour-Glass. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "touch book" | ||||
Floyd | The Book is numbing your Hand. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | You can barely feel the Hand which holds the evil Book. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "touch hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the Hour-Glass. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "touch hourglass with bo,ok" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to touch the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "touch hourglass with book" | ||||
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to touch the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "aw you know where the book goes" | |||
Lionheart says, "Yeah but I might need it for this puzzle too" | ||||
Lionheart says, "Well I can always get it back, probably" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "se" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Alchymyst's Laboratory Floyd | Floyd | A small opening in the Stone leads northwest. Floyd | Floyd | A blast of hot Air emerges from the Furnace, as though some Daemon Floyd | inside were working a Bellows. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Floyd | You can see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | Your Hand becomes as a dead Man's, & your Fingers slip open, dropping Floyd | the Book upon the floor. Floyd | Floyd | Life is slow to return to the Hand that held the evil Tome. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | Alchymyst's Laboratory Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Hidden Room Floyd | Floyd | On the Shelf is an Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | Your Hand becomes as a dead Man's, & your Fingers slip open, dropping Floyd | the Book upon the floor. Floyd | Floyd | Life is slow to return to the Hand that held the evil Tome. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "hm" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "touch hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the Hour-Glass. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | If you want to invert the Hour-Glass, you should pick it up first. It Floyd | is much too heavy to turn in place. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get hourglass" | ||||
Floyd | A Shock goes through your Hand as you touch the Hour-Glass. Recoiling, Floyd | you nurse your injured Hand until life returns. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get book" | ||||
Floyd | You pick up the Tome. It seems to numb your Hand, as though its cruel Floyd | Intentions were oozing out to contain you. Floyd | Floyd | A trickle of sand falls through the Hour-Glass. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "se.u.e" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Alchymyst's Laboratory Floyd | Floyd | A small opening in the Stone leads northwest. Floyd | Floyd | The Baron's Chamber Floyd | Floyd | You can see a fine Axe here. Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | Floyd | The orderly appointment of the Books on their several Shelves is Floyd | marred in one place by a Gap. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "put book in gap" | ||||
Floyd | You slide the book of foul Spells into the Gap. It fits perfectly, & Floyd | the Library is whole. Relieved are you to be free of the burden of Floyd | that terrible, numbing Presence. Floyd | Floyd | Life is slow to return to the Hand that held the evil Tome. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "sounds like a job for the zombie baron" | |||
Lionheart exclaims, "Perhaps it is!" | ||||
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Study Floyd | If only the Baron had set his soul in the same order in which he kept Floyd | his Study! Had he lined his heart with good Works the way he lined his Floyd | walls with Books, kept his spiritual affairs as tidy as he kept his Floyd | Writing-Desk, then your grim task need never have been assigned you. Floyd | But the leather Arm-Chair now awaits a master who will never again Floyd | occupy it. A shattered oak door opens to the west & an archway leads Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a wooden Lance here. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode asks, "hm no change?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "push bookshelf" | ||||
Floyd | You are unable to. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "pull book" | ||||
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "push book" | ||||
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "shake book" | ||||
Floyd | But you are not holding that. Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison asks, "could you turn the wheel with your numb hand?" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "lets try that too" | ||||
Floyd | I do not recognise that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get book" | ||||
Floyd | You have no desire to again wrestle with that foul Book. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart exclaims, "Yes I do! I want a dead hand, really!" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "g" | ||||
Floyd | You have no desire to again wrestle with that foul Book. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "u" | ||||
Floyd | Methinks you see exits where there are none. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "examine stairs" | ||||
Floyd | You can see no such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "Well. I expect putting the book back should have done -something-." | |||
jenrexrode says, "yeah" | ||||
jenrexrode says, "somewhere...." | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about furnace" | ||||
Floyd | It seems the Baron commissioned a short Work on the operation of a Floyd | Furnace which was built for his alchymyc Studies. Designed for Floyd | simplicity, it melts scraps of Metal placed into a Vent and drains the Floyd | molten result into a collecting Pan below. The source of power for the Floyd | Furnace is not mentioned in the small Pamphlet, but since it <<will | jenrexrode says, "but apparently not lowering a staircase." | |||
Floyd | melt Lead and even Gold, tho not Iron or Steel>>, perhaps it is fired Floyd | by Charcoal. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about charcoal" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | jenrexrode says, "oh we have an iron box" | |||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x box" | ||||
Floyd | Battered, dented, the stoic and iron Resistor of an attack on its Floyd | contents. A small Lock secures it. Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart says, "So we do" | |||
jenrexrode says, "we also have a steel chain" | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about pestle" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through a few Volumes, but find nothing that seems Floyd | relevant. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "consult library about mortar" | ||||
Floyd | You glance through |