NightFloyd Transcript:
The Multi-Dimensional Thief by Joel Finch

As played on ifMUD on August 31, 2011

Like ClubFloyd, the idea behind NightFloyd is that a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Unlike ClubFloyd, NightFloyd often (but not always) takes on significantly larger works of interactive fiction, knowing going in that each one will take multiple sessions. NightFloyd is also a bit more informal than ClubFloyd in that it's only announced on the ifMUD #clubfloyd bulletin board, and the time shifts around to meet player's schedules far more than ClubFloyd does. NightFloyd is organized by genericgeekgirl, aka Adri.

Below is a transcript of The Multi-Dimensional Thief, written by Joel Finch. The Multi-Dimensional Thief was released in 1991 as shareware and received first place in the Softworks AGT Contest that year You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting the ifWiki.

Of particularly special note, this historic transcript marks the first time that NightFloyd ever officially met.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "load thief"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Loading game...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |                         +-------------------------+
Floyd |                         |           The           |
Floyd |                         |    Multi-Dimensional    |
Floyd |                         |          Thief          |
Floyd |                         |                         |
Floyd |                         |           by            |
Floyd |                         |       Joel Finch        |
Floyd |                         |        (c) 1991         |
Floyd |                         +-------------------------+
Floyd |
Floyd | Created with Malmberg and Welch's Adventure Game Toolkit
Floyd |
Floyd | This game is being executed by:
Floyd |
Floyd |     AGiliTy, The (Mostly) Universal AGT Interpreter, Version 1.1.1
Floyd |     Copyright (C) 1996-1999,2001 by Robert Masenten
Floyd |     Glk version
Floyd |
Floyd | Choose <I>nstructions, <A>GiliTy Information, or <other> to start the
Floyd | game
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "other"
Floyd | o
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | ======================================================================
Floyd | =========
Floyd |   Here's the plot: You are a thief; an exceptionally good one.
Floyd | Naturally, you
Floyd | aspire to join the largest and most prestigious of organised thieving
Floyd | bodies,
Floyd | the Multi-Dimensional Thieves' Guild. One day you are approached by a
Floyd | tall man
Floyd | wearing a long cloak. His face is hidden in the folds of the hood and
Floyd | his voice
Floyd | is deliberately muffled. Making no introductions, he tells you that
Floyd | your recent
Floyd | activities have been monitored with interest, and offers you a
Floyd | provisional
Floyd | membership in the M-D.T.G. All you have to do is pass a simple test.
Floyd | Since this
Floyd | is a childhood dream come true, you eagerly accept.
Floyd |
Floyd | The test goes like this; you begin in a specially prepared set of
Floyd | rooms, and your only objective is to get out of them. Your prowess as
Floyd | a thief is not in question, however there are other talents to be
Floyd | tested. The rooms are pieces "borrowed" from other universes and
Floyd | magically spliced together to test your ability to deal with rapid
Floyd | changes of scenery, a prerequisite for any work in the
Floyd | Multi-Dimensional Thieves' Guild. A number of useful items have been
Floyd | added to the rooms, to make your test just that much more interesting.
Floyd |
Floyd |   Oh, and one more thing. Here's a few basic clues: examine everything
Floyd | you
Floyd | find, read most things, and, above all, think symmetrically. Good
Floyd | luck!
Floyd | ======================================================================
Floyd | =========
Floyd |           --- HIT ANY KEY ---
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 0 ]
Floyd | Small Room
Floyd | You are in a small room with a low roof. The real distinguishing
Floyd | feature of this room lies in its exits. There are doorways to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large arched door set into the wall. It's
Floyd | closed.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'me' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x self"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'self' as a noun.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x you"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'you' as a noun.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 1 ]
Floyd | You are empty handed.
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says, "Uh."
genericgeekgirl says, "Hmn."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x fingers"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 2 ]
Floyd | Five fingers on each hand, and one hand on each arm. All perfectly
Floyd | normal. They're all still there. You can count them for yourself, if
Floyd | you like.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "count fingers"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'count' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Or not."
VictorGijsbers says, "It lied to us,"
genericgeekgirl says, "'Count off. Fuck on.'"
Johnny asks (of DavidW), "Hear that?"
DavidW says, "oh my"
DavidW asks, "Is someone playing my game?"
Johnny says, "No, just a reference."
Johnny says, "But what a reference!"
DavidW says, "At least my game doesn't have invisible Nazi bunny rabbits."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x roof"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 3 ]
Floyd | There isn't any roof here.
Floyd |
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "examine door"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 4 ]
Floyd | The door is painted a lovely blue, and is set into the archway. It
Floyd | doesn't seem to be hinged, but instead runs in grooves in the wall on
Floyd | either side. It probably slides upward to open, into the roof. There
Floyd | is a small slot in the wall next to the left-hand groove. The door is
Floyd | currently closed.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x slot"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 5 ]
Floyd | The slot is circular and about an inch in diameter. It's set into the
Floyd | wall about a foot to the left of the arch, at waist height.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says, "Neither does mine."
VictorGijsbers says, "The bunnies aren't the nazi's,"
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "put finger in slot"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 6 ]
Floyd | There's no point. As soon as you move your arm, all your careful
Floyd | positioning will be undone. This may be because your fingers are
Floyd | connected to your hand which is in turn connected to your wrist, which
Floyd | is connected to your arm, and so on and so on until you get all the
Floyd | way to your rather obsolete head-bone. (Hear the word of the Lord!)
Floyd |
Gerynar arrives, full of fun and funk.
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "reach in slot"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'reach' as a verb.
Floyd |
Firion arrives, full of funk, but no fun. Johnny says, "Hitler was a Nazi."
Johnny says, "(Is that a Godwin?)"
VictorGijsbers says, "That has been claimed."
VictorGijsbers says, "But according to our populist right, Hitler was a socialist."
Rotonoto says, "Ah well."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 7 ]
Floyd | You can't get the door open.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "feel slot"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'feel' as a verb.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 8 ]
Floyd | Small Room
Floyd | You are in a small room with a low roof. The real distinguishing
Floyd | feature of this room lies in its exits. There are doorways to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large arched door set into the wall. It's
Floyd | closed.
Floyd |
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "put head in slot"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'head' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl asks, "south or east?"
Johnny says, "He was a fascist (who wouldn't eat) pig."
VictorGijsbers says, "Whetever you want."
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "put arm in slot"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 9 ]
Floyd | There's no arm here.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Low Passageway                                         Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 10 ]
Floyd | Low Passageway
Floyd | You are currently in a low passage running east-west. The walls are
Floyd | made of heavy stone blocks, fitted tightly together. To the west is
Floyd | the Small Room that you started in. Who knows what lies to the
Floyd | east....?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x blocks"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'blocks' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "touch wall"
Floyd | > [ Low Passageway                                         Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 11 ]
Floyd | There isn't any wall here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "All right. Seeing what's to the south."
Rotonoto says, "Seriously under-implemented. :)"
VictorGijsbers says, "Yeah, really old school."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 12 ]
Floyd | Laboratory
Floyd | This room is set up as some kind of inventors' workshop. There are a
Floyd | number of benches around the room with various small pieces of
Floyd | electronic equipment on them, but they're insignificant. The room is
Floyd | dominated by an ungainly machine against the east wall; a modified
Floyd | robotic arm, with leads and cables snaking everywhere, and a pointy,
Floyd | laser-like object on the end. There's a doorway to the west, and a
Floyd | smaller exit marked "Storeroom" to the south.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x machine"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Laboratory                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 13 ]
Floyd | The machine consists of a large robot arm, fixed onto the ground. At
Floyd | the end of the arm is a pointed nozzle, apparently some kind of laser
Floyd | beam device. The arm is covered in leads and cables of various
Floyd | colours, joining one component to another. It isn't exactly clear what
Floyd | it does, but it sure looks impressive. There is a small lever poking
Floyd | out from the side of the machine. It is currently set in the neutral
Floyd | position, from which it can be pushed either up or down. There is some
Floyd | writing next to the lever.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "past"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'past' as a verb.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x writing" cyberskunk says, "i was hoping the -> syntax meant it would be about programming"
genericgeekgirl says, "Continuing to the east."
Johnny says, "That's the interpreter expanding abbreviations."
genericgeekgirl says, "And now we know."
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Laboratory                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 14 ]
Floyd | The machine consists of a large robot arm, fixed onto the ground. At
Floyd | the end of the arm is a pointed nozzle, apparently some kind of laser
Floyd | beam device. The arm is covered in leads and cables of various
Floyd | colours, joining one component to another. It isn't exactly clear what
Floyd | it does, but it sure looks impressive. There is a small lever poking
Floyd | out from the side of the machine. It is currently set in the neutral
Floyd | position, from which it can be pushed either up or down. There is some
Floyd | writing next to the lever.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "read writing"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 15 ]
Floyd | The robot arm bears the legend: "Proudly Supplied by Gooseberry
Floyd | Brothers." The UP position of the lever is marked "Drink Me", and the
Floyd | DOWN position is labelled "Eat Me". The neutral position is unmarked.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "move lever to up position"
Floyd | > Extra input found: "position..."
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "push lever up"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 16 ]
Floyd | The arm begins to move, jerking this way and that. There is a steadily
Floyd | growing hum coming from deep inside the machine, and the pointed
Floyd | laser-bit on the end of the arm begins to glow yellow. Then, without
Floyd | warning, it points directly at you and a beam of bright yellow light
Floyd | lances out and strikes you. Satisfied that it has made its point, the
Floyd | machine falls quiet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The room appears to be growing smaller.
Floyd |
Johnny says, "What a rude lever!"
cyberskunk says, "curiouser and curiouser"
VictorGijsbers says, "Alice,"
genericgeekgirl asks, "Uh. Want me to undo?"
Rotonoto says, "Alice references. How original."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [                                                        Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 16 ]
Floyd | It's a bit late for that. Your surroundings continue to shrink (or
Floyd | perhaps you're getting bigger), steadily and inexorably, and soon you
Floyd | are very uncomfortable, squashed against the roof. The change of scale
Floyd | goes on around you, but unfortunately, there isn't enough space in
Floyd | here for you any more. What a way to go.
Floyd |
Floyd |                           **** You have died ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your ranking is Humiliating To Mention In Public.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 0 (out of 50 possible).
Floyd | You have visited 4 locations (out of 100 in the game)
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Would you like to restart, restore, undo, or quit? [ Laboratory
Floyd | Score: 0  Moves: 16 ]
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | > UNDOing a turn...
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | > You can only UNDO one turn.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "push lever down"
Floyd | > [                                                        Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 16 ]
Floyd | It's a bit late for that. Your surroundings continue to shrink (or
Floyd | perhaps you're getting bigger), steadily and inexorably, and soon you
Floyd | are very uncomfortable, squashed against the roof. The change of scale
Floyd | goes on around you, but unfortunately, there isn't enough space in
Floyd | here for you any more. What a way to go.
Floyd |
Floyd |                           **** You have died ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your ranking is Humiliating To Mention In Public.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 0 (out of 50 possible).
Floyd | You have visited 4 locations (out of 100 in the game)
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says, "No, you can probably undo by pushing the lever down."
Allen says (to VictorG), "exactly! ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity"
Johnny says (to Rotonoto), "They were surely more original when this game came out."
Johnny says, "hooray"
Johnny says, "That was quick. Congrats everyone."
VictorGijsbers says, "Ok, maybe you do need to undo. :D"
genericgeekgirl says, "Well."
cyberskunk exclaims, "yay!"
Johnny says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | Would you like to restart, restore, undo, or quit?
Johnny says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Would you like to restart, restore, undo, or quit? [ Laboratory
Floyd | Score: 0  Moves: 16 ]
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd | > [                                                        Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 16 ]
Floyd | It's a bit late for that. Your surroundings continue to shrink (or
Floyd | perhaps you're getting bigger), steadily and inexorably, and soon you
Floyd | are very uncomfortable, squashed against the roof. The change of scale
Floyd | goes on around you, but unfortunately, there isn't enough space in
Floyd | here for you any more. What a way to go.
Floyd |
Floyd |                           **** You have died ****
Floyd |
Floyd | Your ranking is Humiliating To Mention In Public.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 0 (out of 50 possible).
Floyd | You have visited 4 locations (out of 100 in the game)
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd | Would you like to restart, restore, undo, or quit?
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | [ Small Room                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 0 ]
Floyd | ======================================================================
Floyd | =========
Floyd |   Here's the plot: You are a thief; an exceptionally good one.
Floyd | Naturally, you
Floyd | aspire to join the largest and most prestigious of organised thieving
Floyd | bodies,
Floyd | the Multi-Dimensional Thieves' Guild. One day you are approached by a
Floyd | tall man
Floyd | wearing a long cloak. His face is hidden in the folds of the hood and
Floyd | his voice
Floyd | is deliberately muffled. Making no introductions, he tells you that
Floyd | your recent
Floyd | activities have been monitored with interest, and offers you a
Floyd | provisional
Floyd | membership in the M-D.T.G. All you have to do is pass a simple test.
Floyd | Since this
Floyd | is a childhood dream come true, you eagerly accept.
Floyd |
Floyd | The test goes like this; you begin in a specially prepared set of
Floyd | rooms, and your only objective is to get out of them. Your prowess as
Floyd | a thief is not in question, however there are other talents to be
Floyd | tested. The rooms are pieces "borrowed" from other universes and
Floyd | magically spliced together to test your ability to deal with rapid
Floyd | changes of scenery, a prerequisite for any work in the
Floyd | Multi-Dimensional Thieves' Guild. A number of useful items have been
Floyd | added to the rooms, to make your test just that much more interesting.
Floyd |
Floyd |   Oh, and one more thing. Here's a few basic clues: examine everything
Floyd | you
Floyd | find, read most things, and, above all, think symmetrically. Good
Floyd | luck!
Floyd | ======================================================================
Floyd | =========
Floyd |           --- HIT ANY KEY ---
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Small Room
Floyd | You are in a small room with a low roof. The real distinguishing
Floyd | feature of this room lies in its exits. There are doorways to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large arched door set into the wall. It's
Floyd | closed.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                              Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 1 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |    There is an opal ring here.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says, "Right...."
genericgeekgirl says, "How does floyd's magic undo work? Not that we got very far."
Rotonoto says, "Aha. An Alice effect indeed."
VictorGijsbers says, "Restarting isn't much of a pain."
VictorGijsbers asks, "Yeah, didn't Alice die all the time?"
cyberskunk asks, "south again?"
VictorGijsbers says, "Let's check south."
VictorGijsbers says, "We went east last time."
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x ring"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Plain Room                                              Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 2 ]
Floyd | It consists of a plain silver ring with a smooth, polished opal set
Floyd | into it. As you are turning the ring this way and that, to see the
Floyd | opal glitter in the light, you notice a tiny inscription on the
Floyd | inside.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read inscription"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                              Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 3 ]
Floyd | An inscription on the inside of the ring reads: "Second Chance... by
Floyd | GB".
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "wear ring"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                              Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 4 ]
Floyd | You're now wearing the opal ring.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says, "do i look like a navigator 2 u"
cyberskunk says, "but right"
VictorGijsbers says, "If you put it in the fire, it says something else entirely."
cyberskunk says, "o! an extra life for when we get big"
Johnny says, "I don't like those initials."
cyberskunk says, "it should have been an amulet, really."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                              Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 5 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl asks, "west?"
cyberskunk asks, "is someone making a map?"
Rotonoto says, "Live it up."
cyberskunk says, "*crickets*"
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x chute"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Chute Room                                              Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 6 ]
Floyd | The chute is small and rectangular. It's made of smooth, shiny metal,
Floyd | so the clothes will slide down it without getting caught. It leads
Floyd | upward at a very steep angle, possibly to somebody's house. Then
Floyd | again, it might just go up about three feet and stop. It might be a
Floyd | hologram, or a mirage. Who can tell for sure? That's what this test is
Floyd | all about.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "enter chute"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                              Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 7 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb chute"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                              Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 8 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
Rotonoto says, "I am."
cyberskunk says, "k. thank you"
Ellison says, "(catches up on the recap) I hope the robed dude at the beginning is other-dimension us"
genericgeekgirl says, "hmpf"
VictorGijsbers says, "I tell you, 1991. :)"
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "up"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                              Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 9 ]
Floyd | The chute is far too small for you to be able to squeeze into. You'd
Floyd | have to be pretty silly to want to go up there anyway. You could get
Floyd | hit in the face by a load of dirty laundry at any moment!
Floyd |
cyberskunk says, "symmetry suggests we have to do half of it backwards"
genericgeekgirl asks, "continuing west?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                                Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 10 ]
Floyd | Gallery
Floyd | This room was obviously an art gallery at some time in the past. There
Floyd | are not-so-faded patches on the walls to show where paintings were
Floyd | once hung, and slight dents in the floor to indicate the previous
Floyd | positions of pedestals for displaying figurines and vases and the
Floyd | like. Now, though, the room is bare, stripped of almost all its
Floyd | treasures. There is a doorway to the east.
Floyd |    Hanging on the south wall is the only surviving painting.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x painting"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Gallery                                                Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 11 ]
Floyd | The painting depicts a typical farmyard setting, with a quaint old
Floyd | farm house, and a large red barn in the left of the scene. A tiny,
Floyd | ominous tornado is shown in the distant background, approaching the
Floyd | farm. The artist has done a truly remarkable job; the painting looks
Floyd | so lifelike that it's almost as if you could step right into it.
Floyd | There's a title plaque on the bottom of the frame.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "map"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'map' as a verb.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "read plaque"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                                Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 12 ]
Floyd | The painting is titled "Kansas".
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter picture"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                                Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 13 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says, "Sure, walk along,"
genericgeekgirl asks (of cyberskunk), "Hmm?"
Johnny says, "Looks like there's an ANSI map."
cyberskunk asks, "its multidimensional, right? so maybe we have to go through time and undo half the things we do so we leave the room ready for us when we leave just as we arrive. makes sense?"
VictorGijsbers says, "Wizard of Oz."
VictorGijsbers says, "I see a pattern."
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "enter painting"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                                Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 14 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "step in painting"
Floyd | > [ Kansas                                                 Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 15 ]
Floyd | You step into the painting, passing through the surface of the canvas
Floyd | as if it were fluid, and find yourself in the middle of the scene it
Floyd | depicted.
Floyd |
Floyd | Kansas
Floyd | You are in the yard of a small farmhouse. To the east is a big red
Floyd | barn, while to the south is the house itself. To the north is a gate,
Floyd | which I'll tell you now is closed, and will remain so. Behind the
Floyd | house you can see the black funnel of a tornado, approaching rapidly.
Floyd | Understandably, there is a great deal of wind, blowing leaves hither
Floyd | and thither.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x dents"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'dents' as a noun.
Floyd |
Johnny says, "In the game archive."
genericgeekgirl says, "Mhm, ok. It was possible, though :P"
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Kansas                                                 Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 16 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x tornado"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'tornado' as a noun.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers asks, "A tornado is fine. We can use it to kill the wicked witch of the west. Or was it the east?"
VictorGijsbers asks, "Either way, let's see what happens when we wait for the tornado to arrive?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Sure."
Rotonoto says, "We'd better be in the house."
DavidW says, "In the Wizard of Oz, the house fell on the WW of the East."
cyberskunk says, "i dont think we're in kansas any mo--oh wait"
VictorGijsbers asks, "Should she have been the Evil Enchantress of the East?"
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x farm house"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'farm' as a noun.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x house"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'house' as a noun.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x barn"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'barn' as a noun.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x south"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Kansas                                                 Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 17 ]
Floyd | There isn't any south here.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd | > [ Kansas                                                 Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 18 ]
Floyd | Kansas
Floyd | You are in the yard of a small farmhouse. To the east is a big red
Floyd | barn, while to the south is the house itself. To the north is a gate,
Floyd | which I'll tell you now is closed, and will remain so. Behind the
Floyd | house you can see the black funnel of a tornado, approaching rapidly.
Floyd | Understandably, there is a great deal of wind, blowing leaves hither
Floyd | and thither.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x leaves"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'leaves' as a noun.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x farmhouse"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'farmhouse' as a noun.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd | > [ Kansas                                                 Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 19 ]
Floyd | There's not much here that you can take.
Floyd |
DavidW says, "Oz had witches instead."
Rotonoto asks, "Does it understand it as an adjective, or what?"
cyberskunk frumples
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "count leaves"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'count' as a verb.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x tornado"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'tornado' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Well. If the tornado doesn't exist, it can't kill us ;)"
VictorGijsbers asks, "How can it possibly not understand 'tornado'?"
cyberskunk says, "i think we just have to move"
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Kansas                                                 Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 20 ]
Floyd | You can't go that way! The only exits are east and south. Pay
Floyd | attention!
Floyd |
Rotonoto says, "The dimensions seem to be literary works, so far."
DavidW asks (of Victor), "perhaps it's a cyclone instead?"
VictorGijsbers says, "Children's fantasy. I dread the moment we enter the works of C. S. Lewis."
genericgeekgirl asks, "Into the barn?"
cyberskunk says, "dont board the train"
VictorGijsbers says, "Try anything. :)"
cyberskunk says, "probably house if we want to hit oz"
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "enter house"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'house' as a noun.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "enter barn"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'barn' as a noun.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Inside A Barn In Kansas                                Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 21 ]
Floyd | Inside A Barn In Kansas
Floyd | This is the interior of the big red barn. It smells very musty and
Floyd | disused. There's nothing exciting to be seen here, just the usual
Floyd | old-red-barn-inthe-country stuff. The only exit is through the barn
Floyd | door to the west.
Floyd |    There is a small coin here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take coin"
Floyd | > [ Inside A Barn In Kansas                                Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 22 ]
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x coin"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 23 ]
Floyd | The tornado roars in, picking up the house, the barn, even the gate
Floyd | that was supposed to stay shut (darn it!). Everything is swept up by
Floyd | the fury of the twister. You spin in the air, faster and faster, and
Floyd | finally faint with dizziness. When you awaken, you find yourself in a
Floyd | bright, Technicolor land.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Yellow Brick Road
Floyd | You're standing on a winding path, built of golden bricks, that
Floyd | vanishes off toward a faintly green city on the horizon. It is a truly
Floyd | beautiful piece of countryside. There are some nice, rolling green
Floyd | hills, and a feeling of contentment in the air.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says (to Floyd), "x witch"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 24 ]
Floyd | There isn't any witch here.
Floyd |
inky arrives, ready to play with the toys.
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x house"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'house' as a noun.
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers says, "Alas."
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x bricks"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'bricks' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "follow the yellow brick road"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'yellow' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'exits' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Because I didn't use it as a noun."
cyberskunk grunts and headbutts things crankily.
VictorGijsbers exclaims, "Well, I'm off to bed. The game couldn't tempt me to stay awake longer, and that is probably a good thing. :) Have fun!"
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "G'night!"
VictorGijsbers goes home.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 25 ]
Floyd | Listen, you can't go n. Why not follow the Yellow Brick Road?
Floyd |
VictorGijsbers asks, "Are transcripts kept?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah."
VictorGijsbers says, "Ok. See you all later."
genericgeekgirl says, "trying random directions, since it doesn't list any"
genericgeekgirl asks, "Didn't I do that?"
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "follow the yellow brick road"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'yellow' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "follow"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 26 ]
Floyd | The Yellow Brick Road
Floyd | This is another part of the Yellow Brick Road. The sparkling green
Floyd | city on the horizon seems a little nearer, and becomes more
Floyd | magnificent the closer you get. There is a cornfield nearby, with a
Floyd | drooping, straw-stuffed scarecrow standing in the middle of it.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x cornfield"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'cornfield' as a noun.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x scarecrow"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 27 ]
Floyd | The scarecrow is made from an old pair of pants, with a checked shirt,
Floyd | some worn-out gloves for hands, and a pair of boots for feet. His head
Floyd | is a small canvas sack stuffed with straw, with a bright happy face
Floyd | painted on it. Perched on his head is a mouldy straw hat.
Floyd |
Firion asks, "What game are we playing?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Multi-dimensional Thief"
Rotonoto says, "I have no idea why it didn't work before."
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "get hat"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 28 ]
Floyd | You won't find any of that here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to scarecrow"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 29 ]
Floyd | You spend a completely useless 14B= seconds finding out everything the
Floyd | scarecrow knows, and then move on to more interesting things.
Floyd |
Firion says, "I remember that one."
Johnny (to map) | [LINK]
genericgeekgirl says, "It needed to be 'follow', with nothing else."
genericgeekgirl says, "Thanks."
Ellison says, "I think we should do the symmetry thing and take a moment to sing 'Somewhere Below the Rainbow'"
cyberskunk exclaims, "spoilers! but also yikes!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take scarecrow"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 30 ]
Floyd | Listen, even a scarecrow has rights! Leave people alone, will you?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl shrugs. "I consider maps a sanity-saving device, more so than spoilers, assuming there aren't a lot of hidden exits or something."
genericgeekgirl asks, "How many seconds is 14B=?"
cyberskunk says, "yay. im just surprised at the size of the main map"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "punch scarecrow"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'punch' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "punch scarecrow"
Ellison says, "clubfloyd dang, that's a lot of rooms"
Johnny says, "(I used PabloDraw to open the ANSI map and save it as a jpeg."
genericgeekgirl gets that out of her system early.
Johnny says, ")"
cyberskunk should not have made a gin & tonic. this is definitely a coffee if
inky says (to Floyd), "get hat"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 31 ]
Floyd | You won't find any of that here.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "ask scarecrow about hat"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 32 ]
Floyd | The scarecrow seems disinterested in your request for information.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x hat"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 33 ]
Floyd | There isn't any hat here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x boots"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'boots' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 34 ]
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |    small coin
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |
Floyd |    opal ring
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl pouts. No alcohol for her.
genericgeekgirl asks, "continue to follow, maybe?"
Ellison asks, "do we have anything we can burn the scarecrow with?"
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "scarecrow, hello"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'hello' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "search scarecrow"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'search' as a verb.
Floyd |
Johnny says (to Floyd), "take search"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'search' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "not yet"
DavidW asks, "eep. Why do you want to burn the scarecrow? Has he gone evil?"
Rotonoto says, "He ain't followin' the script."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x coin"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 35 ]
Floyd | The coin is small, round, and silver in colour.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "follow"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 36 ]
Floyd | Just as you're leaving, the Scarecrow jumps down from his pole and
Floyd | shouts,
Floyd |  "Hey, wait a minute! Aren't you supposed to take me to the Emerald
Floyd | City to
Floyd | get some brains? Isn't that how it goes? Hey, wait up!" He runs after
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Yellow Brick Road
Floyd | Here, the road passes through the woods. It's cool and shady, with a
Floyd | pleasant fragrance in the air. The path is forced to twist in and out,
Floyd | yet it remains smooth and unbroken. Through occasional gaps in the
Floyd | trees you can see the shining, emerald-coloured city, closer and more
Floyd | beautiful than ever. Standing completely immobile amongst the trees is
Floyd | a slightly corroded man made entirely out of tin. He's carrying a
Floyd | large axe, and there's a can of oil at his feet.
Floyd |    The Scarecrow is here, smiling inanely.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "ask tin man about heart"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'tin' as a noun.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "ask tinman about heart"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'heart' as a noun.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "oil man" genericgeekgirl says, "NOW he talks."
Floyd | > I don't understand 'oil' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "get can"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 37 ]
Floyd | It belongs to the Tinman, and you can't have it.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "use can"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'use' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "help tinman"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 38 ]
Floyd | Just follow the Yellow Brick Road. How hard can it be?
Floyd |
Johnny says (to Floyd), "oil man"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'oil' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "lubricate tinman"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'lubricate' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "talk to tinman"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 39 ]
Floyd | You spend a completely useless 14B= seconds finding out everything the
Floyd | tinman knows, and then move on to more interesting things.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x axe"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 40 ]
Floyd | The axe is large, and of the type used for cutting down trees. It is
Floyd | extremely rusty after the exposure to the elements it's had. The
Floyd | Tinman doesn't seem to care, and keeps a firm grip on the wooden
Floyd | handle of the axe.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take axe"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 41 ]
Floyd | It belongs to the Tinman, and you can't have it.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask scarecrow about brains"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'brains' as a noun.
Floyd |
Johnny says (to Ellison), "You should by the next Paul and Alex game."
Johnny says, "Er (to Floyd)"
Johnny says, "Jesus."
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "knock on tinman"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 42 ]
Floyd | There's nobody home.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "follow"
Floyd | > [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 43 ]
Floyd | As you walk away, the Tinman suddenly starts to move.
Floyd |  "Ha ha!" he says. "I was only fooling! I'm going with you to the
Floyd | Emerald City,
Floyd | to ask for a heart." He picks up his oil can and follows you through
Floyd | the trees. Great. Another loony tune added to your entourage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Yellow Brick
Floyd | On this stretch of the Yellow Brick Road, the view is filled by the
Floyd | Emerald City. It glints and sparkles in the sunlight, casting a
Floyd | beautiful soft green light out across the countryside. Marring an
Floyd | otherwise perfect scene is a grey stone castle far off to the west,
Floyd | shrouded in despair. Just looking at it gives you the screaming
Floyd | heebie-jeebies. Oh, there's also a rather large lion, with a lovely
Floyd | pink ribbon tied carefully in its mane, cowering wholeheartedly a
Floyd | short distance away.
Floyd |    The Scarecrow is here, smiling inanely.
Floyd |    The Tinman is here too.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "maybe following does everything that needs to be done"
Rotonoto says, "Seems likely."
genericgeekgirl says, "Sure."
genericgeekgirl asks, "Onward?"
cyberskunk says, "lets just assume its scenery until we die"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x lion"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ The Yellow Brick Road                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 44 ]
Floyd | The lion is very large, bigger than the average person. He has a
Floyd | golden mane, carefully tied back in a pink ribbon. There's also a look
Floyd | of abject terror on his face; a very un-lion-like expression indeed.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Continuing onward."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "follow"
Floyd | > [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 45 ]
Floyd | As you walk off, the Cowardly Lion stumbles meekly after you, mumbling
Floyd | something about wanting some courage, but always being too scared to
Floyd | do anything about it. Just as the four of you set out toward the
Floyd | Emerald City, a dark shadow sweeps across the sun. A swarm of winged
Floyd | monkeys swoops from the sky, lifting you and your companions. You
Floyd | consider struggling, but it would defeat the purpose if you actually
Floyd | managed to escape while you were still 200 feet above the ground. Soon
Floyd | you are heading toward the bleak castle you saw to the west. When you
Floyd | finally arrive, after hours in the air, your companions are flown into
Floyd | the castle through a lower window, while you are taken
Floyd | less-than-gently to the top of the castle's tower, to be horribly
Floyd | tortured by the Wicked Witch of the West, I expect.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are thrust through the only window of the tower. The monkey who
Floyd | carried you all this way gives you a wink and flaps off.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Wicked Witch's Castle
Floyd | This is the summer residence of the Wicked Witch of the West. You're
Floyd | here. It's a nasty place. Need I say more? There don't seem to be any
Floyd | doors leading out of this room; in fact the only opening at all is the
Floyd | narrow window through which you were so unceremoniously deposited, and
Floyd | it's about twelve storeys up. The room is cluttered with all the
Floyd | miscellaneous arcana that you'd usually associate with evil
Floyd | practitioners of magic from the western quarter of non-existent,
Floyd | storybook lands.
Floyd |    The Wicked Witch of the West looks at you and cackles evilly.
Floyd |
Gerynar has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x witch"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 46 ]
Floyd | The Wicked Witch of the West is a small, bent woman with a long,
Floyd | pointy nose, and fingernails like you wouldn't believe. She's wearing
Floyd | a black, sack-like dress and the traditional pointed witch's hat. On
Floyd | her nose is the mandatory wart. She's not a pretty woman by any
Floyd | stretch of the imagination. (And she has bad breath besides.)
Floyd |
Johnny says, "Gerynar dislikes flying monkeys."
genericgeekgirl says, "Monkeys are scary :("
Johnny says, "Not the one that dresses like a cowboy and rides a dog."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to witch"
Floyd | > [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 47 ]
Floyd | You are interrupted by a sudden cry from below. The Scarecrow is
Floyd | screaming in terror as his straw stuffing is pulled out by the Witch's
Floyd | assistants and used to start a barbecue. You stand frozen by the
Floyd | horror of what you are hearing as the Scarecrow gives his all to cook
Floyd | fifteen sausages and a nice piece of fillet steak. The Wicked Witch
Floyd | begins cackling uncontrollably.
Floyd |
Johnny says, "Actually, that sounds like one dangerous monkey."
Gerynar is actually chatting with some long-lost friends in a new IRC chat room
cyberskunk says, "f ask for glass of water >_>"
Gerynar says, "so, I can't concentrate on the game"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 48 ]
Floyd | The Wicked Witch's Castle
Floyd | This is the summer residence of the Wicked Witch of the West. You're
Floyd | here. It's a nasty place. Need I say more? There don't seem to be any
Floyd | doors leading out of this room; in fact the only opening at all is the
Floyd | narrow window through which you were so unceremoniously deposited, and
Floyd | it's about twelve storeys up. The room is cluttered with all the
Floyd | miscellaneous arcana that you'd usually associate with evil
Floyd | practitioners of magic from the western quarter of non-existent,
Floyd | storybook lands.
Floyd |    The Wicked Witch of the West looks at you and cackles evilly.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cackle"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'cackle' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "talk to witch"
Floyd | > [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 49 ]
Floyd | You're not going to get much out of the witch, you know.
Floyd |
Rotonoto asks, "Where's a bucket when you need it?"
genericgeekgirl says, "No worries."
Gerynar says, "and yes, flying monkeys *are* scary"
genericgeekgirl says, "Well. She beat us to it."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "escape"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'escape' as a verb.
Floyd |
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "pick pocket"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'pocket' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd | > [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 50 ]
Floyd | Again you are interrupted by the sound of screaming from below. The
Floyd | Witch's assistants are picking on the Tinman this time. He is being
Floyd | used to make the tin coating on a batch of soup cans, electroplating
Floyd | the plain steel. Inch by agonising inch the Tinman is eaten away, and
Floyd | you can only stand by, listening helplessly. The Witch, meanwhile, is
Floyd | having another laughing fit.
Floyd |
Rotonoto says (to floyd), "strangle witch"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'strangle' as a verb.
Floyd |
DavidW says (to Rotonoto), "The usual place for a bucket is in a well."
Rotonoto asks, "Humph. What's a thief to do?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 51 ]
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |    small coin
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |
Floyd |    opal ring
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
Rotonoto asks (of DavidW), "Have we heard of a well around here?"
DavidW says, "I haven't played the game you're playing."
Ellison says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | > [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 52 ]
Floyd | You can't go up.
Floyd |
DavidW says, "I'm not even watching the game."
inky says, "pretty sure you have to bring something in from outside the oz sequence to win this"
Ellison says, "oh, that stuff is on a timer, not related to the commands we are throwing at it"
inky says, "although I don't remember what"
Ellison says (to Floyd), "touch ring"
Floyd | > [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 53 ]
Floyd | This time it is the roars of the Cowardly Lion that stop you in
Floyd | mid-action. The poor creature dies of heart failure as he is strapped
Floyd | down and forced to watch an entire late night horror movie marathon.
Floyd | The Wicked Witch finds the whole thing incredibly amusing, and almost
Floyd | ends up rolling on the floor.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "rub ring"
Floyd | > [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 54 ]
Floyd | An Arabian Genie does NOT appear, whereupon you are NOT granted three
Floyd | wishes, which you do NOT use to acquire fabulous riches, power over
Floyd | all people, and a set of true non-stick frypans (in order of
Floyd | difficulty). What DOES happen is that you rub some skin off your
Floyd | fingers, and stop before you ruin your nails.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kick witch"
Floyd | > [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 55 ]
Floyd | If you break it, you pay for it.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Haha."
DavidW says, "I'm gonna guess (wildly) that you have to steal the bucket from Jack and Jill."
Ellison says, "oh yeah"
Ellison asks, "I guess we can probably go different places from that first area, eh?"
Ellison asks, "is there a way to get back from this one?"
genericgeekgirl asks, "I think we might be trapped?"
Rotonoto says, "Internet went out on me."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | > [ The Wicked Witch's Castle                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 56 ]
Floyd | You won't need that direction here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "You haven't missed much. I think we're a bit lost."
genericgeekgirl says, "Hm."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Plain Room                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 57 ]
Floyd | The Wicked Witch yawns loudly at this point, displaying teeth that
Floyd | would give the most hardened dentist nightmares.
Floyd |  "I'm beginning to tire of this," she says in a bored voice.
Floyd | "Adventurers are
Floyd | no fun these days. No imagination at all. Get out of here." She waves
Floyd | her hands in the air, tracing complex patterns, and the castle starts
Floyd | to fade around you. It is replaced by another room which becomes
Floyd | increasingly solid until the Witch's depressing home is gone
Floyd | altogether.
Floyd |
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Rotonoto asks, "Still standing around, unable to do anything?"
genericgeekgirl says, "All right."
genericgeekgirl asks, "Try another direction?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 58 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                                Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 59 ]
Floyd | Gallery
Floyd | This room was obviously an art gallery at some time in the past. There
Floyd | are not-so-faded patches on the walls to show where paintings were
Floyd | once hung, and slight dents in the floor to indicate the previous
Floyd | positions of pedestals for displaying figurines and vases and the
Floyd | like. Now, though, the room is bare, stripped of almost all its
Floyd | treasures. There is a doorway to the east.
Floyd |    Hanging on the south wall is the only surviving painting.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl asks, "North? Was there anything else west other than the painting?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 60 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 61 ]
Floyd | Turnstile
Floyd | This is more of a passageway than a room. It curves from the south and
Floyd | goes to the west. Alternatively, it could curve from the west and go
Floyd | to the south.
Floyd |    Barring the western exit is a shiny metal turnstile.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x turnstile"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Turnstile                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 62 ]
Floyd | The turnstile is one of those revolving arrangements, where you put
Floyd | the coin in the slot, and the little metal bars turn around to let you
Floyd | through. This one has been designed to be impossible to climb over or
Floyd | under. There's a small, thin, rectangular slot set into the turnstile
Floyd | where you'd put your coin, if you had one.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put coin in slot"
Floyd | > Do you mean the round slot or the metal turnstile?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put coin in turnstile"
Floyd | > [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 63 ]
Floyd | There is a clank from inside the mechanism as the coin slips into the
Floyd | slot. You push against the bars, which now rotate freely, and step
Floyd | through.
Floyd |
Floyd | Railway Station
Floyd | This is the platform of a suburban railway station. The rails are to
Floyd | the west, three feet lower than the level of the platform. There is a
Floyd | bench of the extremely uncomfortable type that Railway Authorities
Floyd | around the world seem to delight in providing, fixed to the platform
Floyd | to prevent it being stolen, I suppose. As if anyone would bother. To
Floyd | the north and south, the platform is abruptly cut off by stone walls,
Floyd | while to the east is a doorway labelled "Exit". The rails lie to the
Floyd | west, as I said, but there's also a large sign ordering you to stay
Floyd | away, it might be dangerous.
Floyd |    There is a piece of paper here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Ooh. We *do* have one."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paper"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 64 ]
Floyd | The piece of paper is actually an invoice, slightly dirty from having
Floyd | been on the floor. I know you're curious about what it's an invoice
Floyd | for, so why don't you just get on with reading the thing?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read paper"
Floyd | > [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 65 ]
Floyd | The invoice reads as follows:
Floyd |
Floyd |              Gooseberry Brothers - Makers Of Fine Magical Equipment
Floyd |
Floyd |           To: The Multi-Dimensional Thieves' Guild      ACC#: 55748761
Floyd |
Floyd | /-------------------------------------------------------+---------+---
Floyd | -\
Floyd |     |  1 (one) only Containment Cube, mirror style,         |    1605
Floyd | | 50 |
Floyd |     |  by special arrangement                               |
Floyd | |    |
Floyd |     |                                                       |
Floyd | |    |
Floyd |     |  Less trade discount - 20%                            |     321
Floyd | | 10 |
Floyd |     |                                                       |
Floyd | |    |
Floyd |     |                                                       |
Floyd | |    |
Floyd |     |                                                       |
Floyd | |    |
Floyd |     |                                                       |
Floyd | |    |
Floyd |     |                                                       |
Floyd | |    |
Floyd |
Floyd | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------+---
Floyd | -+
Floyd |     |  Total                                                |    1284
Floyd | | 40 |
Floyd |
Floyd |                         TERMS: strictly thirty days only.
Floyd |                  Remit via any reputable Lending Establishment
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "get paper"
Floyd | > [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 66 ]
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 67 ]
Floyd | You climb carefully down onto the rails. Suddenly there is a blinding
Floyd | light from the northern section of the tunnel, and a freight train
Floyd | rockets out. Your opal ring glows blue at this point, giving you a
Floyd | second chance, and the train miraculously stops, just in time to avoid
Floyd | spoiling its paintwork. The driver proceeds to poke his head out the
Floyd | window and hurl abuse at you in three languages. Shaken by your brush
Floyd | with death (not to mention the train driver), you leave the station
Floyd | quickly, vowing to take the bus from now on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Turnstile
Floyd | This is more of a passageway than a room. It curves from the south and
Floyd | goes to the west. Alternatively, it could curve from the west and go
Floyd | to the south.
Floyd |    Barring the western exit is a shiny metal turnstile.
Floyd |
Ellison asks, "think the ring saves us unlimitedly or should we undo?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Hm, dunno."
Ellison says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd | > I don't understand '/undo' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | > [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 66 ]
Floyd | UNDOing a turn...
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 67 ]
Floyd | Suddenly a four foot egg with arms and legs rushes into the room. It's
Floyd | dressed in a purple velvet waistcoat, with black shoes and knee high
Floyd | socks. It runs around for a while clutching its head and screaming
Floyd | incoherently about the cracks in its shell, proclaiming its hatred for
Floyd | all brick walls everywhere. It also mentions something about the total
Floyd | incompetence of the equestrian mounts and male employees of some
Floyd | obscure King. Finally, after bumping into the walls a few times and
Floyd | cursing with words you didn't think eggs knew, it runs from the room,
Floyd | still yelling.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd | > [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 68 ]
Floyd | Railway Station
Floyd | This is the platform of a suburban railway station. The rails are to
Floyd | the west, three feet lower than the level of the platform. There is a
Floyd | bench of the extremely uncomfortable type that Railway Authorities
Floyd | around the world seem to delight in providing, fixed to the platform
Floyd | to prevent it being stolen, I suppose. As if anyone would bother. To
Floyd | the north and south, the platform is abruptly cut off by stone walls,
Floyd | while to the east is a doorway labelled "Exit". The rails lie to the
Floyd | west, as I said, but there's also a large sign ordering you to stay
Floyd | away, it might be dangerous.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "read sign"
Floyd | > [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 69 ]
Floyd | The sign reads:
Floyd |
Floyd |                          by order the Station Master
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "x bench"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 70 ]
Floyd | This particular Extremely Uncomfortable Bench is painted just the
Floyd | wrong shade of green. It's made of wooden planks, two each for the
Floyd | seat and backrest (ha!), with wrought iron legs and armrests (ha!).
Floyd | The legs are set into the platform to prevent the bench being removed
Floyd | by the unscrupulous and incredibly stupid sort of person possibly
Floyd | steal a bench such as this.
Floyd |
Rotonoto exclaims, "My wireless is being tempermental, so I'm gonna call it a night. Good luck with the dimensional thievery!"
Ellison says (to Floyd), "sit on bench"
Floyd | > [ Railway Station                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 71 ]
Floyd | There's no time for relaxing! You have to get out of here!
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "x walls"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'walls' as a noun.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 72 ]
Floyd | Turnstile
Floyd | This is more of a passageway than a room. It curves from the south and
Floyd | goes to the west. Alternatively, it could curve from the west and go
Floyd | to the south.
Floyd |    Barring the western exit is a shiny metal turnstile.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 73 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 74 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 75 ]
Floyd | Small Room
Floyd | You are in a small room with a low roof. The real distinguishing
Floyd | feature of this room lies in its exits. There are doorways to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large arched door set into the wall. It's
Floyd | closed.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 76 ]
Floyd | You can't get the door open.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "push door"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 77 ]
Floyd | You try to push the door open, but it doesn't move. There's be no
Floyd | point in having a door if you could open it, just like that. If that's
Floyd | all you can think of, then you're not getting through this door, let
Floyd | me tell you.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Low Passageway                                         Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 78 ]
Floyd | Low Passageway
Floyd | You are currently in a low passage running east-west. The walls are
Floyd | made of heavy stone blocks, fitted tightly together. To the west is
Floyd | the Small Room that you started in. Who knows what lies to the
Floyd | east....?
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 79 ]
Floyd | Laboratory
Floyd | This room is set up as some kind of inventors' workshop. There are a
Floyd | number of benches around the room with various small pieces of
Floyd | electronic equipment on them, but they're insignificant. The room is
Floyd | dominated by an ungainly machine against the east wall; a modified
Floyd | robotic arm, with leads and cables snaking everywhere, and a pointy,
Floyd | laser-like object on the end. There's a doorway to the west, and a
Floyd | smaller exit marked "Storeroom" to the south.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Storeroom                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 80 ]
Floyd | Storeroom
Floyd | I'm sure you're familiar with storerooms and what they're for, so I
Floyd | won't go into great detail (they're self-explanatory, really). The
Floyd | exit's to the north.
Floyd |    There are a few rows of wooden shelving attached to the south wall.
Floyd |       There is a portable hole here.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "get hole"
Floyd | > [ Storeroom                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 81 ]
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Rotonoto goes home.
Ellison says (to Floyd), "x hole"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Storeroom                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 82 ]
Floyd | The portable hole is about two feet in diameter and is completely
Floyd | black. It's slightly sticky to the touch, and has a rubbery feel to
Floyd | it. That's about all there is to tell; it's a fairly straightforward
Floyd | portable hole.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "hmm"
Ellison says, "I prefer not to drive but I will if nobody else wants to"
genericgeekgirl says, "Sorry, a little distracted."
Ellison says, "s'ok"
genericgeekgirl says, "Ooh. That looks useful."
cyberskunk asks, "do we have a bag of holding?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Storeroom                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 83 ]
Floyd | Storeroom
Floyd | I'm sure you're familiar with storerooms and what they're for, so I
Floyd | won't go into great detail (they're self-explanatory, really). The
Floyd | exit's to the north.
Floyd |    There are a few rows of wooden shelving attached to the south wall.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x shelving"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Storeroom                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 84 ]
Floyd | The shelves are made of plain, ordinary old wood, and spaced about two
Floyd | feet apart, all the way up the wall. They appear fairly sturdy.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb shelving"
Floyd | > [ Storeroom                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 85 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | > [ Storeroom                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 86 ]
Floyd | You can't go up.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ Storeroom                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 87 ]
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |    piece of paper
Floyd |    portable hole
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |    opal ring
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | > [ Storeroom                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 88 ]
Floyd | You're not inside anything that you can exit.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 89 ]
Floyd | Laboratory
Floyd | This room is set up as some kind of inventors' workshop. There are a
Floyd | number of benches around the room with various small pieces of
Floyd | electronic equipment on them, but they're insignificant. The room is
Floyd | dominated by an ungainly machine against the east wall; a modified
Floyd | robotic arm, with leads and cables snaking everywhere, and a pointy,
Floyd | laser-like object on the end. There's a doorway to the west, and a
Floyd | smaller exit marked "Storeroom" to the south.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read writing"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 90 ]
Floyd | The robot arm bears the legend: "Proudly Supplied by Gooseberry
Floyd | Brothers." The UP position of the lever is marked "Drink Me", and the
Floyd | DOWN position is labelled "Eat Me". The neutral position is unmarked.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl clears the save counter.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "save"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | > Enter saved game to store:
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "push down"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                             Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 91 ]
Floyd | The arm starts to move, swaying this way and that. From deep inside
Floyd | the machine there comes a growing hum, and the pointy laser-nozzle
Floyd | thing on the end of the arm begins to glow yellow. Then, without
Floyd | warning, it points directly at you, and a beam of bright yellow light
Floyd | lances out and strikes you. Satisfied that it has made its point, the
Floyd | machine falls quiet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The room appears to be growing larger.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says, "Gooseberry is the name on the ring"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Inch Tall: Laboratory                                  Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 92 ]
Floyd | Pay attention! The room continues to grow smoothly in size (or are you
Floyd | shrinking?) until it is difficult to make out the roof any longer. The
Floyd | walls seem a huge distance away. Finally, the change comes to a halt.
Floyd | Things look totally different from down here. Unfortunately, whatever
Floyd | you were carrying didn't shrink along with you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're now an inch tall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inch Tall: Laboratory
Floyd | This room as become extremely large, relatively speaking. The legs of
Floyd | what used to be small benches appear as huge, rough wooden pillars,
Floyd | and the machine that got you into this mess now looks like a
Floyd | thirty-five storey piece of modern sculpture. To the south and west
Floyd | are openings, which you assume to be doorways.
Floyd |    A very large expanse of paper is lying on the floor here.
Floyd |    There's a big, polished chunk of opal here, set into a wide circle
Floyd | of silver.
Floyd |    Your portable hole, now some fifty yards across, is lying on the
Floyd | floor.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Inch Tall: Laboratory                                  Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 93 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Inch Tall: Laboratory                                  Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 94 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Inch Tall: Laboratory                                  Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 95 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd | > [ Inch Tall: Laboratory                                  Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 96 ]
Floyd | You propose to fly, perhaps?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Inch Tall: Low Passageway                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 97 ]
Floyd | Inch Tall: Low Passageway
Floyd | This is a large room, open to the east and west. Normally it would be
Floyd | a perfectly ordinary east-west passageway, but at your present height
Floyd | the stone blocks that make up the walls seem like five-storey
Floyd | buildings.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Inch Tall: Small Room                                  Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 98 ]
Floyd | Inch Tall: Small Room
Floyd | It may have been small before you shrank, but now you could hang-glide
Floyd | in here without difficulty. There's very little here worthy of note.
Floyd | There are relatively small rectangular gaps in the walls to the south
Floyd | and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large blue arched door, blocking the way.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x gaps"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'gaps' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Just curious (hence the save)."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Inch Tall: Plain Room                                  Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 99 ]
Floyd | Inch Tall: Plain Room
Floyd | The room is big, and very uninteresting. Except for the really tiny
Floyd | letters on the bottom of the south wall, that is. They're so small
Floyd | that if you weren't an inch tall you'd never see them. They read:
Floyd | "This wall has been made holeproof using New Spray-Pak No-More-Holes
Floyd | (tm) courtesy of Gooseberry Brothers." The exits are to the north,
Floyd | east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Inch Tall: Chute Room                                 Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 100 ]
Floyd | Inch Tall: Chute Room
Floyd | High up on the south wall is a large rectangular opening. It's lined
Floyd | with smooth, shiny metal, and leads upward, into the unknown. On the
Floyd | top edge of the giant chute is a huge red warning label reading "Stand
Floyd | Well Clear", while on the bottom edge are the words "Petersen's
Floyd | Laundry Equipment", in four foot high letters. There are exits to the
Floyd | north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd | > [ Inch Tall: Chute Room                                 Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 101 ]
Floyd | You propose to fly, perhaps?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter chute"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 102 ]
Floyd | Without warning, you begin to get taller again. The room seems to be
Floyd | shrinking smoothly back to its usual size around you, and in seconds
Floyd | you have returned to your normal height. What a relief!
Floyd |
Floyd | You're no longer an inch tall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Heh."
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh."
genericgeekgirl says, "Nevermind."
DavidW asks, "Is that like a Roddenberry?"
Ellison says, "did we try to do stuff with the small door while we were small"
genericgeekgirl says, "My plan was to see if I could crawl up the laundry chute."
genericgeekgirl asks, "There's a small door?"
DavidW says, "hm. Most IF chutes are one-way, but I suppose there could be an exception."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 103 ]
Floyd | You are empty handed.
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 104 ]
Floyd | Gallery
Floyd | This room was obviously an art gallery at some time in the past. There
Floyd | are not-so-faded patches on the walls to show where paintings were
Floyd | once hung, and slight dents in the floor to indicate the previous
Floyd | positions of pedestals for displaying figurines and vases and the
Floyd | like. Now, though, the room is bare, stripped of almost all its
Floyd | treasures. There is a doorway to the east.
Floyd |    Hanging on the south wall is the only surviving painting.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "the room to the north, I think. I doubt we can do anything with it but who knows."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 105 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
inky has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 106 ]
Floyd | Turnstile
Floyd | This is more of a passageway than a room. It curves from the south and
Floyd | goes to the west. Alternatively, it could curve from the west and go
Floyd | to the south.
Floyd |    Barring the western exit is a shiny metal turnstile.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 107 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 108 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 109 ]
Floyd | Small Room
Floyd | You are in a small room with a low roof. The real distinguishing
Floyd | feature of this room lies in its exits. There are doorways to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large arched door set into the wall. It's
Floyd | closed.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl asks, "North of here?"
Ellison says, "yeah, I think"
genericgeekgirl says, "Ah. I zoned out during this bit."
Ellison says, "oh, I guess not"
genericgeekgirl says, "All of our stuff is in the lab."
Ellison says, "oh, it's a large door"
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 110 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 111 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 112 ]
Floyd | Gallery
Floyd | This room was obviously an art gallery at some time in the past. There
Floyd | are not-so-faded patches on the walls to show where paintings were
Floyd | once hung, and slight dents in the floor to indicate the previous
Floyd | positions of pedestals for displaying figurines and vases and the
Floyd | like. Now, though, the room is bare, stripped of almost all its
Floyd | treasures. There is a doorway to the east.
Floyd |    Hanging on the south wall is the only surviving painting.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "get painting"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 113 ]
Floyd | The painting is firmly attached to the wall.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "x painting"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 114 ]
Floyd | The painting shows a scene of total devastation. Wreckage is strewn
Floyd | all over; bits of wood and metal have been blown around the yard, and
Floyd | the farmhouse has been carried away altogether. In the background is a
Floyd | tornado, and if tornadoes could look smug and self-satisfied, this one
Floyd | would. It's a very realistic painting of a pretty horrible situation.
Floyd | A plaque is attached to the frame.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 115 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 116 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "never mind"
Ellison asks, "oh, that's how we got to Kansas, I take it?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Yup."
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 117 ]
Floyd | Aquarium
Floyd | In the centre of the room is a large fishtank, so named because of the
Floyd | many little fishies currently swimming in it. It occupies most of the
Floyd | room, and appears to rate at "hernia" in weight. There is a doorway to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |    You note that the tank is completely sealed.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look tank"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 118 ]
Floyd | The aquarium is quite large, about eight feet on a side and four feet
Floyd | high. It is made of thick glass, with metal bindings at the corners,
Floyd | and rests on a stand about three feet off the ground. The water, which
Floyd | is sealed inside the tank, appears slightly murky.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "look tank"
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess we'll get water here, if we ever find something to carry it in."
Ellison says, "let's put the portable hole on this, maybe"
genericgeekgirl says, "We'll have to go get it. (Or just restore and come back here)"
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 119 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 120 ]
Floyd | Small Room
Floyd | You are in a small room with a low roof. The real distinguishing
Floyd | feature of this room lies in its exits. There are doorways to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large arched door set into the wall. It's
Floyd | closed.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Low Passageway                                        Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 121 ]
Floyd | Low Passageway
Floyd | You are currently in a low passage running east-west. The walls are
Floyd | made of heavy stone blocks, fitted tightly together. To the west is
Floyd | the Small Room that you started in. Who knows what lies to the
Floyd | east....?
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                            Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 122 ]
Floyd | Laboratory
Floyd | This room is set up as some kind of inventors' workshop. There are a
Floyd | number of benches around the room with various small pieces of
Floyd | electronic equipment on them, but they're insignificant. The room is
Floyd | dominated by an ungainly machine against the east wall; a modified
Floyd | robotic arm, with leads and cables snaking everywhere, and a pointy,
Floyd | laser-like object on the end. There's a doorway to the west, and a
Floyd | smaller exit marked "Storeroom" to the south.
Floyd |    There is a piece of paper here.
Floyd |    There is an opal ring here.
Floyd |    There is a portable hole here.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "get all"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                            Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 123 ]
Floyd | piece of paper: taken.
Floyd | opal ring: taken.
Floyd | portable hole: taken.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Low Passageway                                        Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 124 ]
Floyd | Low Passageway
Floyd | You are currently in a low passage running east-west. The walls are
Floyd | made of heavy stone blocks, fitted tightly together. To the west is
Floyd | the Small Room that you started in. Who knows what lies to the
Floyd | east....?
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                            Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 125 ]
Floyd | Small Room
Floyd | You are in a small room with a low roof. The real distinguishing
Floyd | feature of this room lies in its exits. There are doorways to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large arched door set into the wall. It's
Floyd | closed.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                            Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 126 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 127 ]
Floyd | Aquarium
Floyd | In the centre of the room is a large fishtank, so named because of the
Floyd | many little fishies currently swimming in it. It occupies most of the
Floyd | room, and appears to rate at "hernia" in weight. There is a doorway to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |    You note that the tank is completely sealed.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "put hole on tank"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 128 ]
Floyd | The portable hole will only stick to the interior of a room (ie. the
Floyd | walls, the floor, the ceiling). They're very temperamental, these
Floyd | portable holes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x fish"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Aquarium                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 129 ]
Floyd | The fish are small, and crimson in colour. There must be a couple of
Floyd | hundred of them in the tank, but they're all swimming around quite
Floyd | happily, totally oblivious to your presence.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat fish"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 130 ]
Floyd | Suddenly, a hoard of tiny red imps, armed with pitchforks, appears in
Floyd | the room. They swarm all over you, knock you to the ground, and begin
Floyd | kicking and prodding you in a number of sensitive areas. Then, just as
Floyd | suddenly as they appeared, the imps are gone. You get to your feet,
Floyd | rubbing the sore spots, and only then do you realise that the imps
Floyd | have stolen some of your possessions.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "whoa"
Ellison says, "weird"
cyberskunk says, "the hell?! (exactly)"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 129 ]
Floyd | UNDOing a turn...
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 130 ]
Floyd | Suddenly, a hoard of tiny red imps, armed with pitchforks, appears in
Floyd | the room. They swarm all over you, knock you to the ground, and begin
Floyd | kicking and prodding you in a number of sensitive areas. Then, just as
Floyd | suddenly as they appeared, the imps are gone. You get to your feet,
Floyd | rubbing the sore spots, and only then do you realise that the imps
Floyd | have stolen some of your possessions.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 131 ]
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |    portable hole
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok. I guess it was inevitable. Not because I tried to eat their fish."
genericgeekgirl says, "Glad they didn't take our *fingers*."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop hole"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 132 ]
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 133 ]
Floyd | I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'd just like to let you know at this
Floyd | point that these small crimson fish are actually red herrings.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter hole"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 134 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 135 ]
Floyd | Aquarium
Floyd | In the centre of the room is a large fishtank, so named because of the
Floyd | many little fishies currently swimming in it. It occupies most of the
Floyd | room, and appears to rate at "hernia" in weight. There is a doorway to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |    You note that the tank is completely sealed.
Floyd |    There is a portable hole here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take hole"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 136 ]
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on floor"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 137 ]
Floyd | There isn't any floor here to put the hole on.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on ground"
Floyd | > [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 138 ]
Floyd | There isn't any ground here to put the hole on.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Going, uh. Down."
genericgeekgirl says, "..."
genericgeekgirl says, "So much for that idea."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x floor"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Aquarium                                              Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 139 ]
Floyd | There isn't any floor here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 140 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on floor"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 141 ]
Floyd | There isn't any floor here to put the hole on.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 142 ]
Floyd | Small Room
Floyd | You are in a small room with a low roof. The real distinguishing
Floyd | feature of this room lies in its exits. There are doorways to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large arched door set into the wall. It's
Floyd | closed.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "put hole on door"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 143 ]
Floyd | The hole begins to cringe as you bring it close to the door. It
Floyd | wriggles and writhes in your hand, before finally curling up into a
Floyd | ball and refusing to come out until you take it away. It uncurls again
Floyd | when it feels it is a safe distance from the door, but it won't attach
Floyd | itself there for you or anybody.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 144 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 145 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 146 ]
Floyd | Turnstile
Floyd | This is more of a passageway than a room. It curves from the south and
Floyd | goes to the west. Alternatively, it could curve from the west and go
Floyd | to the south.
Floyd |    Barring the western exit is a shiny metal turnstile.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 147 ]
Floyd | I think you'll find there's something in the way.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "jump over turnstile"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 148 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "put coin on turnstile"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 149 ]
Floyd | There's no coin here.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "put hole on turnstile"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 150 ]
Floyd | The portable hole will only stick to the interior of a room (ie. the
Floyd | walls, the floor, the ceiling). They're very temperamental, these
Floyd | portable holes.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "thought maybe the coin had bought us permanent passage"
genericgeekgirl says, "Sadly, turnstiles do not work that way."
genericgeekgirl says, "And apparently not the floor, either, because it doesn't exist."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on wall"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 151 ]
Floyd | The portable hole connects to the next room with a barely audible
Floyd | "pop".
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 152 ]
Floyd | Turnstile
Floyd | This is more of a passageway than a room. It curves from the south and
Floyd | goes to the west. Alternatively, it could curve from the west and go
Floyd | to the south.
Floyd |    Barring the western exit is a shiny metal turnstile.
Floyd |    You can climb through the portable hole attached to the north wall.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 153 ]
Floyd | I think you'll find there's something in the way.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take hole"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 154 ]
Floyd | As you remove the hole, the exit it had created in the wall vanishes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on floor"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 155 ]
Floyd | There isn't any floor here to put the hole on.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on ceiling"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 156 ]
Floyd | There isn't any ceiling here to put the hole on.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Aight."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 157 ]
Floyd | Turnstile
Floyd | This is more of a passageway than a room. It curves from the south and
Floyd | goes to the west. Alternatively, it could curve from the west and go
Floyd | to the south.
Floyd |    Barring the western exit is a shiny metal turnstile.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 158 ]
Floyd | I think you'll find there's something in the way.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 159 ]
Floyd | I think you'll find there's something in the way.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 160 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 161 ]
Floyd | Gallery
Floyd | This room was obviously an art gallery at some time in the past. There
Floyd | are not-so-faded patches on the walls to show where paintings were
Floyd | once hung, and slight dents in the floor to indicate the previous
Floyd | positions of pedestals for displaying figurines and vases and the
Floyd | like. Now, though, the room is bare, stripped of almost all its
Floyd | treasures. There is a doorway to the east.
Floyd |    Hanging on the south wall is the only surviving painting.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on floor"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 162 ]
Floyd | There isn't any floor here to put the hole on.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x painting"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 163 ]
Floyd | The painting shows a scene of total devastation. Wreckage is strewn
Floyd | all over; bits of wood and metal have been blown around the yard, and
Floyd | the farmhouse has been carried away altogether. In the background is a
Floyd | tornado, and if tornadoes could look smug and self-satisfied, this one
Floyd | would. It's a very realistic painting of a pretty horrible situation.
Floyd | A plaque is attached to the frame.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take painting"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 164 ]
Floyd | The painting is firmly attached to the wall.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 165 ]
Floyd | Gallery
Floyd | This room was obviously an art gallery at some time in the past. There
Floyd | are not-so-faded patches on the walls to show where paintings were
Floyd | once hung, and slight dents in the floor to indicate the previous
Floyd | positions of pedestals for displaying figurines and vases and the
Floyd | like. Now, though, the room is bare, stripped of almost all its
Floyd | treasures. There is a doorway to the east.
Floyd |    Hanging on the south wall is the only surviving painting.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 166 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Turnstile                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 167 ]
Floyd | Turnstile
Floyd | This is more of a passageway than a room. It curves from the south and
Floyd | goes to the west. Alternatively, it could curve from the west and go
Floyd | to the south.
Floyd |    Barring the western exit is a shiny metal turnstile.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "I think I'm lost."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 168 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl w
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 169 ]
Floyd | Gallery
Floyd | This room was obviously an art gallery at some time in the past. There
Floyd | are not-so-faded patches on the walls to show where paintings were
Floyd | once hung, and slight dents in the floor to indicate the previous
Floyd | positions of pedestals for displaying figurines and vases and the
Floyd | like. Now, though, the room is bare, stripped of almost all its
Floyd | treasures. There is a doorway to the east.
Floyd |    Hanging on the south wall is the only surviving painting.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Gallery                                               Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 170 ]
Floyd | There's a wall there.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Chute Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 171 ]
Floyd | Chute Room
Floyd | Built into the south wall here is a small metal chute of the kind used
Floyd | for delivering dirty clothes to the laundry. The chute leads steeply
Floyd | upward from here. There are exits to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Plain Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 172 ]
Floyd | Plain Room
Floyd | This, as it's title would tend to suggest, is a plain room. There's
Floyd | nothing more to say, really. It's just.... plain. The walls are plain,
Floyd | the ceiling is plain. The floor's a little dusty, but it's very plain
Floyd | dust. The only feature that makes this room at all bearable is that
Floyd | you can leave it to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
Doug says (to Floyd), "map"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'map' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 173 ]
Floyd | Small Room
Floyd | You are in a small room with a low roof. The real distinguishing
Floyd | feature of this room lies in its exits. There are doorways to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |    To the north there's a large arched door set into the wall. It's
Floyd | closed.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on ceiling"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 174 ]
Floyd | There isn't any ceiling here to put the hole on.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on door"
Floyd | > [ Small Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 175 ]
Floyd | The hole begins to cringe as you bring it close to the door. It
Floyd | wriggles and writhes in your hand, before finally curling up into a
Floyd | ball and refusing to come out until you take it away. It uncurls again
Floyd | when it feels it is a safe distance from the door, but it won't attach
Floyd | itself there for you or anybody.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Low Passageway                                        Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 176 ]
Floyd | Low Passageway
Floyd | You are currently in a low passage running east-west. The walls are
Floyd | made of heavy stone blocks, fitted tightly together. To the west is
Floyd | the Small Room that you started in. Who knows what lies to the
Floyd | east....?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 177 ]
Floyd | Laboratory
Floyd | This room is set up as some kind of inventors' workshop. There are a
Floyd | number of benches around the room with various small pieces of
Floyd | electronic equipment on them, but they're insignificant. The room is
Floyd | dominated by an ungainly machine against the east wall; a modified
Floyd | robotic arm, with leads and cables snaking everywhere, and a pointy,
Floyd | laser-like object on the end. There's a doorway to the west, and a
Floyd | smaller exit marked "Storeroom" to the south.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x laser"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Laboratory                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 178 ]
Floyd | The machine consists of a large robot arm, fixed onto the ground. At
Floyd | the end of the arm is a pointed nozzle, apparently some kind of laser
Floyd | beam device. The arm is covered in leads and cables of various
Floyd | colours, joining one component to another. It isn't exactly clear what
Floyd | it does, but it sure looks impressive. There is a small lever poking
Floyd | out from the side of the machine. It is currently set in the neutral
Floyd | position, from which it can be pushed either up or down. There is some
Floyd | writing next to the lever.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Storeroom                                             Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 179 ]
Floyd | Storeroom
Floyd | I'm sure you're familiar with storerooms and what they're for, so I
Floyd | won't go into great detail (they're self-explanatory, really). The
Floyd | exit's to the north.
Floyd |    There are a few rows of wooden shelving attached to the south wall.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 180 ]
Floyd | Laboratory
Floyd | This room is set up as some kind of inventors' workshop. There are a
Floyd | number of benches around the room with various small pieces of
Floyd | electronic equipment on them, but they're insignificant. The room is
Floyd | dominated by an ungainly machine against the east wall; a modified
Floyd | robotic arm, with leads and cables snaking everywhere, and a pointy,
Floyd | laser-like object on the end. There's a doorway to the west, and a
Floyd | smaller exit marked "Storeroom" to the south.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on floor"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 181 ]
Floyd | There isn't any floor here to put the hole on.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put hole on wall"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 182 ]
Floyd | The portable hole connects to the next room with a barely audible
Floyd | "pop".
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Laboratory                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 183 ]
Floyd | Laboratory
Floyd | This room is set up as some kind of inventors' workshop. There are a
Floyd | number of benches around the room with various small pieces of
Floyd | electronic equipment on them, but they're insignificant. The room is
Floyd | dominated by an ungainly machine against the east wall; a modified
Floyd | robotic arm, with leads and cables snaking everywhere, and a pointy,
Floyd | laser-like object on the end. There's a doorway to the west, and a
Floyd | smaller exit marked "Storeroom" to the south.
Floyd |    You can climb through the portable hole attached to the north wall.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 184 ]
Floyd | There's a wall there.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter hole"
Floyd | > [ Laboratory                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 185 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb through hole"
Floyd | > [ Antechamber                                           Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 186 ]
Floyd | You climb through the portable hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | I'd like to take this opportunity to point out one of the advanced
Floyd | features of this game. Now that you are aware that the portable hole
Floyd | can be used just like any other exit, you'll probably want to climb
Floyd | through it often. To make this process as painless as possible, the
Floyd | Function key F5 has been defined as "HOLE" which is equivalent to
Floyd | typing "CLIMB THROUGH THE HOLE" or "STEP INTO THE HOLE", or any of the
Floyd | many other valid variants. Of course, you can always type it out in
Floyd | full if you're still wary of all this new-fangled technology, but it's
Floyd | nice to know that F5 is there if you want it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Antechamber
Floyd | This room is the reception area for a large hall. Marks on the walls
Floyd | indicate where posters once hung, advertising functions in the hall,
Floyd | but they have long since been stripped down. You can hear a strange
Floyd | muffled noise here. There is a doorway to the north, leading into the
Floyd | hall, and another to the west.
Floyd |    The portable hole to the south will allow you to climb into the
Floyd | next room.
Floyd |    There is a very large stool sitting here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take stool"
Floyd | > [ Antechamber                                           Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 187 ]
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x stool"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Antechamber                                           Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 188 ]
Floyd | The seat of the stool is two and a half feet wide, and it's four feet
Floyd | tall. It's made of wood: four poles as legs, attached to the circular
Floyd | seat, with crosspieces between the legs for stability. It would be an
Floyd | uncomfortable seat for you, even if the wood wasn't as rough as it is,
Floyd | since this stool was designed for a person of above average height.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "It's about time."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'listen' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Plant Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 189 ]
Floyd | Plant Room
Floyd | In the middle of the room is a gigantic plant, a kind of exotic Venus
Floyd | Flytrap, I guess. It's about seven feet tall, including its red
Floyd | ceramic pot, and has long thin runners spreading out across the whole
Floyd | floor. The plant seems to be moving slightly, and there's a faint
Floyd | murmuring sound. There are doorways to the north, east and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x plant"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Plant Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 190 ]
Floyd | The plant has a large pod on the end of a thick stalk. The pod is
Floyd | clam-shaped, and opens slightly every so often to reveal row upon row
Floyd | of razor sharp, spiky teeth. This plant is obviously closely related
Floyd | to its smaller look-alike, the Venus Flytrap. It's planted in a large
Floyd | red ceramic pot, and there are numerous runners spreading through
Floyd | cracks in the pot, out across the floor. The plant is moving slightly
Floyd | and making a soft murmuring noise.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take plant"
Floyd | > [ Plant Room                                            Score: 0
Floyd | Moves: 191 ]
Floyd | I'm not so sure that would be in your best interests. The plant might
Floyd | take exception to being treated like that.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "And this is how we lose our fingers."
Ellison says, "heh"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Statue Room                                           Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 192 ]
Floyd | The plant moves its pod slightly to one side, and regards you for a
Floyd | moment.
Floyd |  "Guy sure looks like plant food to me," it says in a deep, menacing
Floyd | voice.
Floyd |
Floyd | Statue Room
Floyd | A bronze statue of a man on horseback is displayed against the north
Floyd | wall. It shows the horse rearing up on its hind legs in an aggressive
Floyd | pose, while the man, apparently a royal personage, has a sword drawn
Floyd | above his head. The statue is likely a war memorial of some kind.
Floyd | There are exits to the south and west.
Floyd |    There is a thin leaflet lying here.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x leaflet"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Statue Room                                           Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 193 ]
Floyd | This six page leaflet is actually the Summer Catalogue from Gooseberry
Floyd | Brothers. It's a glossy production, full of brand new items, with lots
Floyd | of descriptions and colour photos. Very nice.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read leaflet"
Floyd | > Look, there's six pages to this catalogue. You'll have to be more
Floyd | specific about which page number you'd like to read. Okay?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read page 1"
Floyd | Enter a number:
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Please enter a *number*. [ Statue Room
Floyd | Score: 3  Moves: 194 ]
Floyd |                  Gooseberry Brothers - Summer Catalogue, Page 1
Floyd |              ======================================================
Floyd |                         Makers Of Fine Magical Equipment
Floyd |
Floyd | Spectacles Of See Invisible
Floyd |   (Item #7765d) - a hot seller, this item. With these glasses, all
Floyd | things invisible are yours to view. Limit: one per customer.
Floyd |
Floyd | Spectacles Of X-Ray
Floyd |   (Item #4456a) - ever wanted to make like Superman and check the
Floyd | colour of other people's underwear? With this item, it's all possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | Thinking Cap
Floyd |   (Item #574) - improves your mental processes by 400%. Very popular.
Floyd |
Floyd | Portable Hole
Floyd |   (Item #3764e) - you've seen them in the cartoons, now get one for
Floyd | real. Just slap this little beauty on any wall, floor, or ceiling, and
Floyd | zappo! An instant passage you can climb straight through. Infinitely
Floyd | re-useable.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read"
Floyd | > [ Statue Room                                           Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 195 ]
Floyd | Please specify a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read page"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'page' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read page 2"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'page' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "2"
Floyd | > I don't understand '2' as a verb.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "read"
Floyd | > [ Statue Room                                           Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 196 ]
Floyd | Please specify a noun.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "read lefalet"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'lefalet' as a noun.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "read leaflet"
Floyd | > Look, there's six pages to this catalogue. You'll have to be more
Floyd | specific about which page number you'd like to read. Okay?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "2"
Floyd | Enter a number: [ Statue Room
Floyd | Score: 3  Moves: 197 ]
Floyd |                  Gooseberry Brothers - Summer Catalogue, Page 2
Floyd |              ======================================================
Floyd |                         Makers Of Fine Magical Equipment
Floyd |
Floyd | Shrinking Machine
Floyd |   (Item #64334c) - a robot arm that blends science and magic together.
Floyd | The science makes it look fantastic, and the magic makes it work.
Floyd |
Floyd | Enchanted Armour
Floyd |   (Item #6436) - to save you from werewolves, vampires, ghosts, and
Floyd | goblins, this armour is enchanted with 16 different spells of
Floyd | protection. Available in Silver, Gold, and Gleaming Black.
Floyd |
Floyd | Vanishing Cream
Floyd |   (Item #114c) - great for parties! Make the chairs come to life and
Floyd | disappear! Rub a little on the hostess and watch her clothes vamoose!
Floyd | Various methods of vanishing available.
Floyd |
Floyd | Golden Amulet
Floyd |   (Item #9984) - ideal item for any adventure. Carries a 12 month
Floyd | guarantee.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read leaflet"
Floyd | > Look, there's six pages to this catalogue. You'll have to be more
Floyd | specific about which page number you'd like to read. Okay?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "3"
Floyd | Enter a number: [ Statue Room
Floyd | Score: 3  Moves: 198 ]
Floyd |                  Gooseberry Brothers - Summer Catalogue, Page 3
Floyd |              ======================================================
Floyd |                         Makers Of Fine Magical Equipment
Floyd |
Floyd | Containment Cube
Floyd |   (Item #1145d) - evildoers are fooled by the innocent facade, and
Floyd | then sucked in by the powerful containment void. A number of styles
Floyd | available, including Mirror, Painting, and Clock, to suit any decor.
Floyd |
Floyd | Bronze Guardsman
Floyd |   (Item #1278a) - for low level security operations, the Bronze
Floyd | Guardsman is just the thing. Tracks all evil persons within a four
Floyd | yard range.
Floyd |
Floyd | Silver Guardsman
Floyd |   (Item #1278b) - the Silver Guardsman has a scanning range of 30
Floyd | yards, and keeps tabs on all moving objects right down to mouse size.
Floyd |
Floyd | Golden Guardsman
Floyd |   (Item #1278c) - the Golden Guardsman; premier security from GB, with
Floyd | a huge one mile scanning range, and the ability to track individual
Floyd | molecules.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read leaflet"
Floyd | > Look, there's six pages to this catalogue. You'll have to be more
Floyd | specific about which page number you'd like to read. Okay?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "4"
Floyd | Enter a number: [ Statue Room
Floyd | Score: 3  Moves: 199 ]
Floyd |                  Gooseberry Brothers - Summer Catalogue, Page 4
Floyd |              ======================================================
Floyd |                         Makers Of Fine Magical Equipment
Floyd |
Floyd | Magic Hand Crank
Floyd |   (Item #78543) - tired of having to crank everything by hand? Our
Floyd | Magic Hand Crank is the answer, taking all the manual labour out of
Floyd | the job.
Floyd |
Floyd | Black Belt
Floyd |   (Item #7590) - instant proficiency in any martial art! Improves your
Floyd | own skill a hundredfold. Immensely popular.
Floyd |
Floyd | Magic Finger & Refill Curses
Floyd |   (Item # 752e) - incredible power at your fingertips. Just point and
Floyd | wham! Instant curse. Comes with three assorted curses. Re-useable.
Floyd |
Floyd |   (Item 753a) - two dozen mild curses, for use with the Magic Finger.
Floyd |
Floyd | Double Whammy
Floyd |  (Item # 753b) - the most powerful curse available for the Magic
Floyd | Finger.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read leaflet"
Floyd | > Look, there's six pages to this catalogue. You'll have to be more
Floyd | specific about which page number you'd like to read. Okay?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "5"
Floyd | Enter a number: [ Statue Room
Floyd | Score: 3  Moves: 200 ]
Floyd |                  Gooseberry Brothers - Summer Catalogue, Page 5
Floyd |              ======================================================
Floyd |                         Makers Of Fine Magical Equipment
Floyd |
Floyd | Holeproof Door
Floyd |   (Item #9537a) - portable holes pack up and go home when faced with
Floyd | this magical wonder. Available in a wide range of styles and colours.
Floyd |
Floyd | Invisible Door
Floyd |   (Item #9537b) - an extremely popular item. This month's best seller.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mystery Object
Floyd |   (Item #2471) - we know what it does, but we're not telling! Try it
Floyd | and find out for yourself. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sphere Of Dispel Darkness
Floyd |   (Item #4387c) - specifically designed to remove all traces of
Floyd | magically induced darkness, our sphere discharges in one brilliant
Floyd | flash. Note: caution is recommended in the use of this item.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read leaflet"
Floyd | > Look, there's six pages to this catalogue. You'll have to be more
Floyd | specific about which page number you'd like to read. Okay?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "6"
Floyd | Enter a number: [ Statue Room
Floyd | Score: 3  Moves: 201 ]
Floyd |                  Gooseberry Brothers - Summer Catalogue, Page 6
Floyd |              ======================================================
Floyd |                            +++ Special Movie Items +++
Floyd |
Floyd | By special arrangement, Gooseberry Brothers is proud to be able to
Floyd | offer:
Floyd |
Floyd | Lightsabre
Floyd |   (Item #001) - the famous energy sword. Cuts through anything you can
Floyd | carry, and then some. Collectors' item!
Floyd |
Floyd | Ruby Slippers
Floyd |   (Item #002) - magical shoes with fantastic powers. All sizes, but
Floyd |    unfortunately no choice of colour available.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ordering Instructions
Floyd | Prompt delivery is assured by our new Magicomputer 2000 (tm)
Floyd | order-handling system. Simply type the word ORDER followed by the item
Floyd | number you wish to receive, for example: ORDER #6436 would cause you
Floyd | to receive one suit of our fine Enchanted Armour. Our Magicomputer
Floyd | (tm) will deal with your order the instant it arrives. Please have
Floyd | your account number ready when ordering.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Statue Room                                           Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 202 ]
Floyd | Statue Room
Floyd | A bronze statue of a man on horseback is displayed against the north
Floyd | wall. It shows the horse rearing up on its hind legs in an aggressive
Floyd | pose, while the man, apparently a royal personage, has a sword drawn
Floyd | above his head. The statue is likely a war memorial of some kind.
Floyd | There are exits to the south and west.
Floyd |    There is a thin leaflet lying here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take leaflet"
Floyd | > [ Statue Room                                           Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 203 ]
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl goes to make some tea. "Feel free to futz around. I'm just sort of wandering around at this point, unless someone asks me to stop."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x statue"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Statue Room                                           Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 204 ]
Floyd | The man is a Prince, as indicated by the plaque at the base of he
Floyd | statue. He is quite handsome (just like every other Prince there ever
Floyd | was). The horse is a fine animal, sleek and well muscled. It's hard to
Floyd | tell what colour it was, since the statue is made of bronze, but a
Floyd | horse like this could only have been midnight black. The entire
Floyd | sculpture looks remarkably lifelike; so much so, in fact, that I think
Floyd | I'll remark on it: My, isn't that statue lifelike! The artist was a
Floyd | genius.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Statue Room                                           Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 205 ]
Floyd | Statue Room
Floyd | A bronze statue of a man on horseback is displayed against the north
Floyd | wall. It shows the horse rearing up on its hind legs in an aggressive
Floyd | pose, while the man, apparently a royal personage, has a sword drawn
Floyd | above his head. The statue is likely a war memorial of some kind.
Floyd | There are exits to the south and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Forest                                                Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 206 ]
Floyd | Forest
Floyd | This area looks just like an old English forest. In fact, given the
Floyd | abilities of those testing you, it probably IS an old English forest.
Floyd | Small trails twist off between the trees to the north, south, east,
Floyd | and west.
Floyd |    The trees tower above you, casting dappled shadows on the ground.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "that's cool. I'm kind of tired and watching tv so I am happy to watch."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x trees"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Forest                                                Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 207 ]
Floyd | You must know what a tree looks like, so I'm not going to bother
Floyd | describing them, if you don't mind. These particular trees are huge,
Floyd | probably hundreds of years old. They cut off most of the light from
Floyd | above with their spreading branches and thick foliage.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb tree"
Floyd | > [ Forest                                                Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 208 ]
Floyd | You could climb the trees, I suppose, but you'd find that there was
Floyd | nothing up there. Just a trunk, and branches, and leaves and all those
Floyd | other tree things. And then you'd get angry, because I let you climb
Floyd | the trees and there was nothing there to do. And you'd probably end up
Floyd | taking it out on me, and I really don't need the stress. So I'm not
Floyd | going to let you climb the trees. It's the best thing for everybody,
Floyd | really. You can't do that!
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Temple                                                Score: 3
Floyd | Moves: 209 ]
Floyd | Temple
Floyd | Huge stone pillars are spaced evenly around the room to support the
Floyd | very high roof. Incredibly ugly gargoyle faces, carved into the
Floyd | pillars, seem to glare back at you malevolently as you look at them.
Floyd | Against the north wall there is a large, high-backed seat, also carved
Floyd | out of stone. Presumably a person of great power would sit in this
Floyd | seat, and all the other, less powerful people would come and pray to
Floyd | him or her. Those days are long since past, however, and no-one has
Floyd | used this temple in quite some time. To the south and west there are
Floyd | small, darkened doorways between the pillars.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ High Passageway                                       Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 210 ]
Floyd | High Passageway
Floyd | You are in a high-roofed passage, with heavy stone blocks making up
Floyd | the walls. From here you can go east or west.
Floyd |    There is a wooden pail here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take pail"
Floyd | > [ High Passageway                                       Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 211 ]
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pail"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ High Passageway                                       Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 212 ]
Floyd | The pail is a foot and a half deep and the same in diameter. It's made
Floyd | of wood, and there's a handle to make carrying it easy. Now, just so
Floyd | that you can't say I'm being unfair, I'll make this clear right now:
Floyd | buckets are designed specifically for holding water. If you were to
Floyd | fill this pail with water you'd probably be doing something useful
Floyd | (unless you've already done that bit, of course, in which case you'd
Floyd | already have a pail full of water).
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Ocean                                                 Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 213 ]
Floyd | Ocean
Floyd | This room is unique, in that it contains an entire ocean. (I think
Floyd | this is taking dimensional mis-matching just a little too far!) There
Floyd | is a south wall, and an east wall, but where the north and west walls
Floyd | should be there is only a vast expanse of deep blue water. The ground
Floyd | changes gradually from the usual hard floor to bright yellow sand,
Floyd | which then gives way to the waves that lap gently upon the beach. It's
Floyd | a nice sunny day here, wherever here is. When you've finished
Floyd | improving your suntan, there's a doorway in the east wall.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Ocean                                                 Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 214 ]
Floyd | If you want to go for a swim, say so.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "swim"
Floyd | > [ Ocean                                                 Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 215 ]
Floyd | You drop all your belongings on the beach and dive into the surf. You
Floyd | spend some time swimming and splashing in the water, and come out
Floyd | feeling much better. After drying off in the sun, you reclaim your
Floyd | things.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ High Passageway                                       Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 216 ]
Floyd | High Passageway
Floyd | You are in a high-roofed passage, with heavy stone blocks making up
Floyd | the walls. From here you can go east or west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Temple                                                Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 217 ]
Floyd | Temple
Floyd | Huge stone pillars are spaced evenly around the room to support the
Floyd | very high roof. Incredibly ugly gargoyle faces, carved into the
Floyd | pillars, seem to glare back at you malevolently as you look at them.
Floyd | Against the north wall there is a large, high-backed seat, also carved
Floyd | out of stone. Presumably a person of great power would sit in this
Floyd | seat, and all the other, less powerful people would come and pray to
Floyd | him or her. Those days are long since past, however, and no-one has
Floyd | used this temple in quite some time. To the south and west there are
Floyd | small, darkened doorways between the pillars.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Forest                                                Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 218 ]
Floyd | Forest
Floyd | This area looks just like an old English forest. In fact, given the
Floyd | abilities of those testing you, it probably IS an old English forest.
Floyd | Small trails twist off between the trees to the north, south, east,
Floyd | and west.
Floyd |    The trees tower above you, casting dappled shadows on the ground.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Statue Room                                           Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 219 ]
Floyd | Statue Room
Floyd | A bronze statue of a man on horseback is displayed against the north
Floyd | wall. It shows the horse rearing up on its hind legs in an aggressive
Floyd | pose, while the man, apparently a royal personage, has a sword drawn
Floyd | above his head. The statue is likely a war memorial of some kind.
Floyd | There are exits to the south and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Forest                                                Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 220 ]
Floyd | Forest
Floyd | This area looks just like an old English forest. In fact, given the
Floyd | abilities of those testing you, it probably IS an old English forest.
Floyd | Small trails twist off between the trees to the north, south, east,
Floyd | and west.
Floyd |    The trees tower above you, casting dappled shadows on the ground.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "!!!!"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Large Room                                            Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 221 ]
Floyd | Large Room
Floyd | This is a cavernous room with an enormously high ceiling. It is
Floyd | stupendously large. The walls are smooth and white, as is the floor.
Floyd | It's hard to tell with the roof; at that distance it could be blue
Floyd | with pink stripes and you still wouldn't be able to make it out
Floyd | clearly. You could build a tennis court in here without difficulty,
Floyd | with enough room left over for an Olympic swimming pool (and I think
Floyd | we'll put a spa and sauna in THAT corner, and maybe an ice-skating
Floyd | rink over THERE). When you get bored with this prodigious size, there
Floyd | are doorways leading to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |    There's an arched door to the south, which is currently closed.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "a lot of rooms to remember"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Plant Room                                            Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 222 ]
Floyd | Plant Room
Floyd | In the middle of the room is a gigantic plant, a kind of exotic Venus
Floyd | Flytrap, I guess. It's about seven feet tall, including its red
Floyd | ceramic pot, and has long thin runners spreading out across the whole
Floyd | floor. The plant seems to be moving slightly, and there's a faint
Floyd | murmuring sound. There are doorways to the north, east and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Large Room                                            Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 223 ]
Floyd | Large Room
Floyd | This is a cavernous room with an enormously high ceiling. It is
Floyd | stupendously large. The walls are smooth and white, as is the floor.
Floyd | It's hard to tell with the roof; at that distance it could be blue
Floyd | with pink stripes and you still wouldn't be able to make it out
Floyd | clearly. You could build a tennis court in here without difficulty,
Floyd | with enough room left over for an Olympic swimming pool (and I think
Floyd | we'll put a spa and sauna in THAT corner, and maybe an ice-skating
Floyd | rink over THERE). When you get bored with this prodigious size, there
Floyd | are doorways leading to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |    There's an arched door to the south, which is currently closed.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Kitchen                                               Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 224 ]
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Now this game has everything, INCLUDING the kitchen sink. It's against
Floyd | the south wall, sparkling in the light. It looks almost brand new. The
Floyd | rest of the room is fairly unremarkable, and not worth bothering with,
Floyd | so I'm not going to. There are doorways to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Dim Room                                              Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 225 ]
Floyd | Dim Room
Floyd | The lighting in this room is poor, hence the title. It's difficult to
Floyd | see in here, with large dark areas and huge shadows cast from the
Floyd | adjoining rooms. Straining your eyes in the gloom, you make out exits
Floyd | to the east and south.
Floyd |    There is a magic crank here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take crank"
Floyd | > [ Dim Room                                              Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 226 ]
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x crank"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Dim Room                                              Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 227 ]
Floyd | It's a crank, like they used to have for old cars. In fact, that could
Floyd | well be what it's for. It has a nice wooden handle, and a drop-forged
Floyd | shaft about an inch in diameter, for maximum strength. You just don't
Floyd | find cranks like this any more. I'd be proud to own this crank.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Dim Room                                              Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 228 ]
Floyd | Dim Room
Floyd | The lighting in this room is poor, hence the title. It's difficult to
Floyd | see in here, with large dark areas and huge shadows cast from the
Floyd | adjoining rooms. Straining your eyes in the gloom, you make out exits
Floyd | to the east and south.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah. I'm not mapping, but am trying to be somewhat thorough. HOpefully most of these rooms are just there to make it extra confusing. (100 locations, I guess.)"
genericgeekgirl says, "As opposed to rooms where we have to remember little things. "And that's where the sink was.""
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Forest                                                Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 229 ]
Floyd | Forest
Floyd | This area looks just like an old English forest. In fact, given the
Floyd | abilities of those testing you, it probably IS an old English forest.
Floyd | Small trails twist off between the trees to the north, south, east,
Floyd | and west.
Floyd |    The trees tower above you, casting dappled shadows on the ground.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Dim Room                                              Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 230 ]
Floyd | Dim Room
Floyd | The lighting in this room is poor, hence the title. It's difficult to
Floyd | see in here, with large dark areas and huge shadows cast from the
Floyd | adjoining rooms. Straining your eyes in the gloom, you make out exits
Floyd | to the east and south.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Kitchen                                               Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 231 ]
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Now this game has everything, INCLUDING the kitchen sink. It's against
Floyd | the south wall, sparkling in the light. It looks almost brand new. The
Floyd | rest of the room is fairly unremarkable, and not worth bothering with,
Floyd | so I'm not going to. There are doorways to the north, east, and west.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Guardsman's Room                                      Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 232 ]
Floyd | Guardsman's Room
Floyd | This particular room has a very austere feel about it, like a bank or
Floyd | a museum, which is almost certainly due to the Silver Guardsman
Floyd | standing in front of the doorway to the west. There is the feeling
Floyd | that if you were to step out of line, you'd be in trouble. There are
Floyd | other, unguarded doorways to the north and east, which you can use
Floyd | without fear. Probably.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x guardsman"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Guardsman's Room                                      Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 233 ]
Floyd | The Guardsman is humanoid, about seven feet tall, and is standing
Floyd | immobile in front of the doorway to the west. It has its arms crossed
Floyd | and feet apart in an aggressive stance. Its skin is shiny silver, so
Floyd | polished that you can see your reflection. It has no features; its
Floyd | head, like the rest of its body, is smooth silver, with only slight
Floyd | bumps and irregularities to indicate a face, and it's not wearing any
Floyd | clothes (but that's okay, because it doesn't need to anyway). The
Floyd | Guardsman is heavily built, with smooth silver muscles bulging on its
Floyd | arms and legs. It looks much like a nightclub bouncer (or "decorum
Floyd | officer") and is obviously here specifically to stop people getting
Floyd | through the door. It'll leave you unmolested as long as you don't
Floyd | annoy it. So don't annoy it.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to guardsman"
Floyd | > [ Guardsman's Room                                      Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 234 ]
Floyd | You really enjoy this kind of thing, do you, talking to objects like
Floyd | the guardsman? (I think you could be a few cards short of a deck.)
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "annoy guardsman"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'annoy' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Mosaic Room                                           Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 235 ]
Floyd | Mosaic Room
Floyd | The floor here is distinctive; a colourful mosaic pattern made up of
Floyd | thousands of tiny ceramic tiles, meticulously fitted together by hand
Floyd | (or possibly even several) to give a perfectly smooth surface. The
Floyd | doorway is to the south.
Floyd |    On the floor is a huge stone cube, with an ornate mirror on the
Floyd | east face.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says, "aw"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cube"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Mosaic Room                                           Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 236 ]
Floyd | The stone cube is about eight feet on a side, made of granite, and
Floyd | completely featureless, except for the mirror on the east face. It's
Floyd | also immensely heavy, and couldn't be moved if you tried.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x mirror"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Mosaic Room                                           Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 237 ]
Floyd | The mirror is oval in shape, as tall as you, and has an ornately
Floyd | carved wooden frame. You can see your reflection in it, and wish you
Floyd | couldn't.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x reflection"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | I don't understand the word 'reflection' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x frame"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Mosaic Room                                           Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 238 ]
Floyd | There isn't any frame here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Mosaic Room                                           Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 239 ]
Floyd | Mosaic Room
Floyd | The floor here is distinctive; a colourful mosaic pattern made up of
Floyd | thousands of tiny ceramic tiles, meticulously fitted together by hand
Floyd | (or possibly even several) to give a perfectly smooth surface. The
Floyd | doorway is to the south.
Floyd |    On the floor is a huge stone cube, with an ornate mirror on the
Floyd | east face.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "touch mirror"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 240 ]
Floyd | At that moment, the ornate mirror stops reflecting and turns
Floyd | completely black. There is a sudden gale-force wind, pulling you
Floyd | toward the stone cube, and you are sucked through the surface of the
Floyd | mirror.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 241 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 242 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 243 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "float"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'float' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "There we go."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 244 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 245 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 246 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 247 ]
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |    magic crank
Floyd |    wooden pail
Floyd |    thin catalogue
Floyd |    very large stool
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "This is not what I was expecting."
Ellison says, "I guess that would make that the mirror cube"
genericgeekgirl says, "It'll eventually time out and restore us to the room, I think."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 248 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 249 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 250 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 251 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 252 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wait 10"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 253 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 254 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 255 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 256 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'xyzzy' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "plugh"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'plugh' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "hole"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 257 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 258 ]
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |    magic crank
Floyd |    wooden pail
Floyd |    thin catalogue
Floyd |    very large stool
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Really."
Ellison says (to Floyd), "look"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 259 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "pray"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 260 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "yell"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 261 ]
Floyd | Aargh.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You indulge in a little therapeutic noise-making.)
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cry"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'cry' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 262 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sing"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'sing' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 263 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "We used the hole to get here. And didn't take it back."
genericgeekgirl says, "Usually it eventually kicks us out of these things after enough turns."
Ellison says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 264 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 265 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 266 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "fly"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'fly' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 267 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 268 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 269 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 270 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "huh"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 271 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 272 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | > [l -> look]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 273 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "swim"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 274 ]
Floyd | You can't do that!
Floyd |
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "open eyes"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'eyes' as a noun.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wake up"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'wake' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 275 ]
Floyd | Your score is 9 (out of 50 possible).
Floyd | You have visited 35 locations (out of 100 in the game)
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 276 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "order"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 277 ]
Floyd | Please use a valid item number.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 278 ]
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |    magic crank
Floyd |    wooden pail
Floyd |    thin catalogue
Floyd |    very large stool
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "help"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 279 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a DARK, endless void.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Try 'glk help' for help on special interpreter commands]
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "order 2471"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 280 ]
Floyd | Please use a valid item number.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "hint"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'hint' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "order #2471"
Floyd | > I hope you have your account number handy (0 cancels).
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "glk help"
Floyd | Enter a number:
Floyd | Glk commands are summary, script, inputlog, readlog, abbreviations,
Floyd | fonts, delays, width, replacements, statusline, version, commands,
Floyd | license, and help.
Floyd |
Floyd | Glk commands may be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is
Floyd | unambiguous.  Use glk help followed by a Glk command name for help on
Floyd | that command.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "commands"
Floyd | Please enter a *number*.
Ellison says (to Floyd), "glk commands"
Floyd | Please enter a *number*.
Floyd | Glk commands are on.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "glk commands"
Floyd | Please enter a *number*.
Floyd | Glk commands are on.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "oops"
Ellison says (to Floyd), "glk help commands"
Floyd | Please enter a *number*.
Floyd | Turn off Glk commands.
Floyd |
Floyd | Use glk commands off to disable all Glk commands, including this one.
Floyd | Once turned off, there is no way to turn Glk commands back on while
Floyd | inside the game.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "rank"
Floyd | Please enter a *number*.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "rank 1"
Floyd | Please enter a *number*.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Please enter a *number*. [ Void
Floyd | Score: 6  Moves: 281 ]
Floyd | A message slowly forms in large, glowing red letters that hang in the
Floyd | air:
Floyd |
Floyd |                               Gooseberry Brothers
Floyd |
Floyd | The catalogue suddenly disappears in a tiny puff of white smoke.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 280 ]
Floyd | UNDOing a turn...
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "x catalogue"
Floyd | > [x -> examine]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 9
Floyd | Moves: 281 ]
Floyd | This six page leaflet is actually the Summer Catalogue from Gooseberry
Floyd | Brothers. It's a glossy production, full of brand new items, with lots
Floyd | of descriptions and colour photos. Very nice.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "oh hey"
Ellison says (to Floyd), "order #002"
Floyd | > I hope you have your account number handy (0 cancels).
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "We don't have an account number yet, I think"
Ellison says, "oh"
Ellison says (to Floyd), "55748761"
Floyd | Enter a number: [ Void
Floyd | Score: 6  Moves: 282 ]
Floyd | A message slowly forms in large, glowing red letters that hang in the
Floyd | air:
Floyd |
Floyd |                               Gooseberry Brothers
Floyd |
Floyd | The catalogue suddenly disappears in a tiny puff of white smoke.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "let me see if anything was on that invoice"
genericgeekgirl says, "Eek."
Ellison says, "that's the number from the invoice. maybe it changes every game"
Ellison says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 283 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 284 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 285 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 286 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | > [z -> wait]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 287 ]
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | > [i -> inventory]
Floyd | [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 288 ]
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |    magic crank
Floyd |    wooden pail
Floyd |    very large stool
Floyd | You are wearing:
Floyd |    your fingers
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "drop stool"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 289 ]
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "sit on stool"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 290 ]
Floyd | There's no time for relaxing! You have to get out of here!
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "get stool"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 291 ]
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 292 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 293 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 294 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 295 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 296 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 297 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 298 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Probably. I really object to dead ends like this."
Ellison says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 299 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 300 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 301 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 302 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 303 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 304 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 305 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 306 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 307 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 308 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'listen' as a verb.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 309 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 310 ]
Floyd | You are floating in a dark, endless void.
Floyd |
Ellison says, "yeah, who knows"
genericgeekgirl says, "I'm inclined to give up on this."
Doug says (to Floyd), "float up"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'float' as a verb.
Floyd |
Doug says (to Floyd), "open eyes"
Floyd | > I don't understand the word 'eyes' as a noun.
Floyd |
cyberskunk asks, "well is it DARK yet?"
genericgeekgirl asks (of cyberskunk), "Hm?"
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "click heels"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 311 ]
Floyd | You aren't wearing that!
Floyd |
Firion has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "touch mirror"
Floyd | > [ Void                                                  Score: 6
Floyd | Moves: 312 ]
Floyd | There isn't any mirror here.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "I'm going to shut this down, if nobody objects."
DavidW asks, "How'd you guys do?"
genericgeekgirl says, "We got stuck floating in the darkness."
DavidW says, "hm."
genericgeekgirl says, "No idea where to go from here. We were hoping it would time out and spit us back into the main room like the other "worlds", but no."
Johnny asks, "Did it throw something at you not on the map?"
Ellison says, "we got stuck in a place which probably was exit-able if we had certain things going in"
genericgeekgirl says, "I touched a mirror on a cube in one of the rooms to the north of the locked archway door."
DavidW says, "I suppose it could be a listen-smell-taste-touch exericse, or maybe you need a lightsource, or maybe you need a thing/person that acts like a magic compass."
Ellison says, "but I think we already used up how many times we were willing to restart"
Ellison says, "yeah, 'listen' wasn't implemented"
genericgeekgirl says, "More that I wasn't saving often enough, because I didn't expect this to happen."
genericgeekgirl says, "We got robbed earlier by an imp, so some of our gear is missing, and we don't have the account code for the catalog."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "taste"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'taste' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "smell"
Floyd | > I don't understand 'smell' as a verb.
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd | > Yes or no?
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd | y
Floyd | Fine then, stop playing. Turn me off, even. See if I care.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your ranking is Pickpocket.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 6 (out of 50 possible).
Floyd | You have visited 35 locations (out of 100 in the game)
Floyd |
genericgeekgirl says, "Anyway."
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Would you like to restart, restore, undo, or quit?
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"