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The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction. Below is a transcript of Taco Fiction, written by Ryan Veeder. Taco Fiction was released as part of the 2011 Interactive Fiction Competition, where it took first place. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting the ifWiki.WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page. |
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Jacqueline makes sure that the cheeses are nicely arranged and that there will be enough cloth napkins for everyone. | ||||
Jacqueline says, "There. I think we're ready for the top of the hour." | ||||
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "Yay!" | ||||
Tale arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | Binder says, "Who's the top of the ... never mind" | |||
djfletch arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | Jacqueline says, "heh" | |||
cyberskunk materializes. | ||||
genericgeekgirl arrives, ready to play with the toys. | Tale says, "I never finished this game, though it was intriguing." | |||
Tale says, "I'M surprised it won, though." | ||||
Nitku arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | Jacqueline says, "I only played a few comp games before I realized that it would be helpful to CF if at least someone each week hadn't played the comp games we'd explore. But from what I heard there was no real clear run-away OMG hell-yeah this is it this is the winner game." | |||
Jacqueline says, "That said, this did win! Also, Ryan will hopefully be here in a sec." | ||||
maga says (to Tale), "I would have been surprised by any game that won, really" | ||||
maga arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | ||||
Jacqueline hollers, "ClubFloyd is back! Join us in the Toyshop (right now, on our new day and at our new time) to play Taco Fiction by Ryan Veeder!" | Jacqueline asks, "Is Ryan here? Do you have a handle I'm not recognizing, Ryan?" | |||
Mao arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | Johnny says, "Arguably, it's the same time, but a different timezone." | |||
Mao says, "I heard there'd be pie." | Jacqueline says, "No, I moved it up a couple of hours." | |||
cyberskunk yawns. | Jacqueline says, "It was at 2 Eastern, now it's at noon." | |||
Johnny says, "Right, but it's still 2p in the ... ocean or something." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "For me it's an hour difference." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Hopefully I can make it more often now." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Johnny), "Good try, mate." | ||||
Binder asks, "Can we cede this argument and not have it?" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to ggg), "yay" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "if the hour is lower shouldnt it be moving it down? or does it still be up because you hit 12" | ||||
Tale has disconnected. | ||||
Tale has connected. | ||||
Tale disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. | ||||
Tale arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | Jacqueline says, "His e-mail, now that I reread it, is vague on whether or not he'll be here. It's certainly implied, but... enh, let's start." | |||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load tacofiction" | ||||
Floyd | >Are you sure you want to quit? Welcome to the Cheap Glk Floyd | Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Taco Fiction Floyd | by Ryan Veeder Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | An interactive heist Floyd | Floyd | Start the story - from the beginning : (SPACE) Floyd | - from a saved position : R Floyd | Quit : Q | ||||
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You shouldn't be sitting in the driver's seat. You should be getting Floyd | out on the passenger side, and there should be someone else sitting at Floyd | the wheel, key in the ignition, keeping an eye out. Floyd | Floyd | And that's probably how this would be going down, if you had any Floyd | friends left. Floyd | Floyd | Yes. Take a minute to reflect on the choices you've made. Floyd | | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | No. Don't do that. You need to be prepared mentally. You need to be one Floyd | hundred percent involved in what you are about to do. You and yourself Floyd | are all you need to come out of this smelling like a rose. Floyd | Floyd | You, yourself, and maybe that sweet little slab of steel in your Floyd | pocket, that two-and-a-half-pound insurance policy, that cold, hard... Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "we made a terrible mistake coming to this drive through window" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | Do not waste time being poetic about your gun. Get out of the car. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x gun" | ||||
Floyd | No. Hold on a second. Don't rush into this. Floyd | | ||||
DavidW arrives, full of fun and funk. | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "push space" | ||||
Floyd | No. Get moving now, before you chicken out. Floyd | | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | Wait, no. Sit still and figure out when and how you should get out of Floyd | the car. You have all the time you need. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | Well, do something. Floyd | | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "We're trying!" | ||||
Floyd | Taco Fiction Floyd | An interactive heist by Ryan Veeder Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 111119 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib Floyd | 6/12N) Floyd | Floyd | Inside your car Floyd | Technically, you don't own this car; the bank does. And it'll be Floyd | asserting its ownership pretty aggressively if you don't start coughing Floyd | up some cash pretty quick. Floyd | Floyd | Aside from the usual accomodations, the interior of this automobile Floyd | boasts numerous empty pop cans, a tall and disorganized stack of Floyd | documents and a variety of stains--to say nothing of the wonders to be Floyd | found in the back seat. Floyd | | ||||
Mao laughs. | Binder laughs. | |||
DavidW says, "(noon is far too early. I only woke up and haven't had *breakfast* yet, let alone lunch)" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | >Not so hot, lately. Floyd | | ||||
olethros arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | >You are carrying: Floyd | $5.87, mostly in change Floyd | your keychain Floyd | a gun Floyd | | Binder says, "That was like a tricky outgoing message prologue" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x gun" | ||||
Floyd | >Small enough to be carried inconspicuously in your pocket, but big Floyd | enough to scare anybody it's pointed at, this is a kind of gun with a Floyd | specific name--a brand name, like cars have. It also has a "caliber," Floyd | which is a number that refers to what kind of bullets you can put in Floyd | it, but you can't remember that either. Floyd | Floyd | The important details are easy enough: You point it like this, you put Floyd | your index finger in here, and when you squeeze the trigger it goes Floyd | boom, assuming the gun is loaded. One other important thing to keep in Floyd | mind is that the gun is not loaded. Floyd | | Tale says, "Dude, it's 6pm" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x keychain" | ||||
Floyd | >A tiny, lonely trio: This one is the key to your car; this one is the Floyd | key to your apartment, and this one used to be the key to someone Floyd | else's apartment, before that someone changed the locks. Floyd | | DavidW says (to Tale), "You wacky Europeans." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "load gun" | ||||
Floyd | >You don't have any bullets. Floyd | | Jacqueline says (to DW), "Maybe this will help you tweak your sleep habits to more human and less vampiric." | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Aw. That's sad. (the third key)" | ||||
Mao says (to Floyd), "search for bullets" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | olethros says, "we are not wacky, just out of wack" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look under seat" | ||||
Floyd | >Hey, a quarter! Floyd | Floyd | [Your funds have increased by 25¢.] Floyd | | ||||
Mao says, "Oh well." | Binder says, "We are clearly a tragedy in the making." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "open glove compartment" | ||||
Floyd | >Oh, hey! A bag of M&M's! Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "eat m&m's" | ||||
Floyd | >(first taking the bag of M&M's) Floyd | Oh, it's empty. Floyd | Floyd | That's plainly inedible. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "man this care has everything" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x backseat" | ||||
Floyd | >Craning your head, you see a pair of sunglasses and an umbrella. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "Can we load the gun with m&--oh. :(" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x documents" | ||||
Floyd | >Here are your utility bills, the letters about your rent, the papers Floyd | detailing the termination of your employment, and so on, none of which Floyd | managed to melt any hearts over at the bank. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "get sunglasses" | ||||
Floyd | >Taken. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "wear sunglasses" | ||||
Floyd | >You put on the pair of sunglasses. Floyd | | DavidW says, "The umbrella is useful." | |||
Binder says (to genericgeekgirl), "HA" | ||||
Nitku says (to Mao), "do @joinc #clubfloyd" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | >umbrella: Taken. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "how far to chicago" | |||
olethros asks, "are we doing a bank robbery??" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "sing umbrella" | ||||
Floyd | >I only understood you as far as wanting to sing. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x umbrella" | ||||
Floyd | >Even though it's got a classy-looking hooked handle and a brass point Floyd | at the other end, this umbrella is a piece of junk. The spring fell out Floyd | or something, and it doesn't open anymore, and it really belongs in the Floyd | trash, but you paid too much for it to just throw it away now. Floyd | | * Mao has joined the channel. | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "look in umbrella" | ||||
Floyd | >You find nothing of interest. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x stains" | ||||
Floyd | >Even though you remember most of these spills' origins as being Floyd | innocent enough, tonight they seem pretty conspicuously symbolic. Floyd | | Jacqueline says (to Mao), "whoops, sorry. Didn't realize you weren't on here. My bad." | |||
Binder says, "I'm hoping our escape will echo Mary Poppins." | ||||
DavidW says, "It's a stick with a hook on one end." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x cans" | ||||
Floyd | >Contemplating the cans gives you another idea for solving your Floyd | monetary woes. What's twelve hundred dollars divided by five cents? Floyd | Floyd | Or should that be times five cents? Floyd | | Mao says, "Here we are." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x sunglasses" | ||||
Floyd | >It's always important to look cool, and it's always important to not Floyd | have the sun in your eyes while you're driving. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||||
Floyd | >Not so hot, lately. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "get cans" | ||||
Floyd | >They're all sticky, and you don't need them tonight anyway. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "nice cans, sister" | |||
Mao says (to Floyd), "wear sunglasses" | ||||
Floyd | >You're already wearing that. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||||
Floyd | >Hi, ClubFloyd! Floyd | Floyd | Sorry I couldn't be here to play with you guys today. I just found out Floyd | that today, right now, is when my church is putting up decorations for Floyd | Christmas, and this I cannot miss out on! Floyd | Floyd | I hope you are enjoying Taco Fiction and I look forward to reading the Floyd | transcript whenever it goes up. Floyd | Floyd | Love, Floyd | Ryan V Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "Cute." | |||
Jacqueline says, "heehee" | ||||
Tale says, "Holy Moses!" | ||||
DavidW says, "goodness" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ryan is my new favourite person." | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Mao says, "Haha, awesome." | ||||
Tale says, "This is the 2nd hidden IF thing I found this week." | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "plugh" | ||||
Floyd | >never once in my life have i heard of someone trying "plugh" outside Floyd | of a clubfloyd transcript Floyd | | inky says, "ha ha more" | |||
cyberskunk says, "ha" | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "plover" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | Tale says, "he he" | |||
Jacqueline falls over. | ||||
maga says, "he's got your number, all right" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "out" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | La Pizzá Parking Lot Floyd | As you exit the car, the humidity slaps you in the face. Floyd | Floyd | This parking lot is reserved solely for La Pizzá customers, as the sign Floyd | over there clearly states. La Pizzá is across the street west of here, Floyd | but of course by this time of night it's locked up tight. Paco's Tacos, Floyd | on the other hand, is open late, and it's a hole in the ground with Floyd | zero security. Floyd | Floyd | A low-slung iron chain separates this section of the lot from the one Floyd | reserved for patrons of Paco's, which is further east. Floyd | Floyd | Your piece of junk Ford Focus is parked here. Floyd | | Binder says, "HA" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "open trunk" | ||||
Floyd | >Oh, no. The only thing in there is a baby stroller. Someone else's Floyd | baby stroller. It's a long story. Floyd | Floyd | You've been meaning to give it back. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x car" | ||||
Floyd | >1998. Blue. Sometimes you wish someone would steal it. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look under car" | ||||
Floyd | >You find nothing of interest. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x chain" | ||||
Floyd | >A single chain is attached to two metal posts, splitting the parking Floyd | lot in half. Around the middle, the chain is only a few inches off the Floyd | ground, and people probably trip on it all the time. Floyd | | Binder says, "We're going to hit a taco stand? Well, I guess that'd explain the title." | |||
Jacqueline is glad she uploaded the new version of the game Ryan sent her this morning. | ||||
Mao says (to Floyd), "open trunk" | ||||
Floyd | >Oh, no. The only thing in there is a baby stroller. Someone else's Floyd | baby stroller. It's a long story. Floyd | Floyd | You've been meaning to give it back. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "trip over chain" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | inky says, "robbing a taco store seems like another bad decision in a series of bad decisions" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Paco's Tacos Parking Lot Floyd | The single streetlight shared by the two parking lots casts most of its Floyd | light on the La Pizza side, so while you can barely see your own feet, Floyd | your car back on the west side is cast in a harsh orange glow. Paco's Floyd | is on the other side of the alley east of here. Floyd | Floyd | This side of the lot has its own informative sign. Floyd | Floyd | A bleary-eyed guy unfamiliar to you is walking this way from across the Floyd | alley. Well, he's trying to walk, anyway. Floyd | | Binder says (to Jacqueline), "That was well done on your part." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "x sign" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | PARKING FOR PACO'S TACOS CUSTOMERS ONLY Floyd | VIOLATOR'S WILL BE TOWED AT OWNERS EXPENSE. Floyd | | DavidW says (to inky), "Doesn't it, though." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to guy" | ||||
Floyd | >The guy grins as you approach and spreads his arms wide, blocking your Floyd | way. "Hey, friend! What do you need, do you need anything?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Were you just at Paco's Tacos?" Floyd | [2] "Lovely weather we're having." Floyd | [3] "So, what's your name?" Floyd | [4] "Spare some change?" Floyd | [5] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | Binder says (to inky), "it's that hobgoblin consistency." | |||
cyberskunk says, "taco places always make me nostalgic for that delicious baby" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "4" | ||||
Floyd | >"Spare some change?" Floyd | Floyd | "Sure thing, friend. Sure thing." He pushes a few coins into your palm. Floyd | "Just, get off my back about money, okay?" Floyd | Floyd | [Your funds have increased by 80¢.] Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Were you just at Paco's Tacos?" Floyd | [2] "Lovely weather we're having." Floyd | [3] "So, what's your name?" Floyd | [4] "Well, goodbye." Floyd | [5] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "5" | ||||
Floyd | >With the poise of a cowboy, you pull the piece from your pocket and Floyd | put it where your friend can see it. No point worrying about what to Floyd | say: no words are necessary. Floyd | Floyd | Upon realizing what it is he's staring down the barrel of, the young Floyd | man begins shrieking hoarsely and fumbling around in his pockets. As Floyd | soon as he's figured out where his wallet is, he throws it at your Floyd | feet. And now he's off like a feral cat, down the street and out of Floyd | sight. Floyd | Floyd | There's something shaking inside your head. Floyd | | Jacqueline asks (of cs), "...what?" | |||
Mao says, "Wonder if the stroller would be useful for hauling our load of stolen tacos and cash" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x wallet" | ||||
Floyd | It's shaking up and down so fast there must be someone operating a Floyd | jackhammer in there, and deep in your throat you detect that you're Floyd | about to be sick. You can control yourself, though; you push it down, Floyd | for as long as you can hold your breath, which presently you realize Floyd | you've been holding all this time, since just before you reached in Floyd | your pocket, and so instead of vomiting you stand there and heave hot Floyd | air, in and out, until you feel steady again. Apparently this is what Floyd | it feels like, mugging somebody. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "Maybe cskunk's joke is one that I need to have television to appreciate." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "g" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x wallet" | ||||
Floyd | >Heck, there's only three bucks in here. Wait, no, three bucks and a Floyd | quarter. Not even so much a fake ID. Well, it's your three bucks and a Floyd | quarter now. Floyd | Floyd | [Your funds have increased by $3.25.] Floyd | Floyd | That wasn't so bad, though! Nobody got hurt, and by tomorrow morning he Floyd | probably won't even remember. If anything, he'll have learned a Floyd | valuable lesson about walking home alone. Anyway, he probably won't--he Floyd | definitely won't, there's no way he would, he absolutely will not Floyd | report anything to the police. That won't happen. Floyd | Floyd | Besides, it's not technically armed robbery if the gun's not loaded, Floyd | right? Floyd | | DavidW says, "I never tried pointing the gun at this guy. I thought it was too risky to pull out the big gun so soon." | |||
cyberskunk says, "its more a medium gun" | ||||
Tale says (to DavidW), "Always works in AIF." | ||||
Mao says, "Our protaganist is dumb, just sayin" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Tale is just more badass than you. Sorry. *swoons*" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "hardboiled" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | >You are carrying: Floyd | an umbrella Floyd | a pair of sunglasses (being worn) Floyd | an bag of M&M's Floyd | $10.17, mostly in change Floyd | your keychain Floyd | a gun Floyd | | Binder says, "We were born under a dumb moon." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Alley Floyd | The bricks in this alley are so old that at the middle of the road they Floyd | have sunk a full foot below the level of their neighbors closer to the Floyd | building walls. Walking across this uneven half-pipe of bricks is an Floyd | unnerving and probably dangerous experience. Floyd | Floyd | The alley continues north, past a staple-encrusted utility pole, until Floyd | the beams of the streetlamps don't quite reach; west is the parking lot Floyd | and east is Paco's Taco's. Floyd | Floyd | Taped to the utility pole is a crumpled piece of paper, fluttering in Floyd | the breeze. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paper" | ||||
Floyd | >In capital letters courtesy of 24-point Times New Roman, this note Floyd | explains that parking blah blah customers only blah owner's expense. It Floyd | looks like something has been written on the back. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x back of paper" | ||||
Floyd | >As your sticky fingers pick up and flip over the paper, your keen eye Floyd | quickly discerns that there's nothing written on the other side. Floyd | However, removing the paper has revealed something painted on the Floyd | utility pole. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pole" | ||||
Floyd | >The thick column of wood is host to a confused network of wires up top Floyd | and a dense forest of ancient staples closer to eye level. For one Floyd | reason or another, people have also bolted a couple of metal plates to Floyd | the pole. One of the metal plates has something red spraypainted on it. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paint" | ||||
Floyd | >Some kind of bird, apparently applied with a stencil and red Floyd | spraypaint on this metal plate bolted to the pole. The bird has a long Floyd | neck and a long, curving beak. Is it a stork? Do storks have curvy Floyd | beaks? Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "read pole" | ||||
Floyd | >The thick column of wood is host to a confused network of wires up top Floyd | and a dense forest of ancient staples closer to eye level. For one Floyd | reason or another, people have also bolted a couple of metal plates to Floyd | the pole. One of the metal plates has something red spraypainted on it. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "read plate" | ||||
Floyd | >Apparently, it is sometimes necessary to stick a sheet of steel to the Floyd | side of a utility pole. On one of the plates there's some kind of bird, Floyd | apparently applied with a stencil and red spraypaint. The bird has a Floyd | long neck and a long, curving beak. Is it a stork? Do storks have curvy Floyd | beaks? Floyd | | Binder asks, "whaaa?" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Can we slow down a tick." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Please? Just a tick or two. I'm a little slower of a reader." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Sure, sorry." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "sorry" | ||||
Binder says, "That's what I like about the CF experience, discussing options before we act." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Binder), "We don't have to discuss except before we leave a location. Unless we think we're on a timer." | ||||
Tale asks, "Where does thing range on zarf's scale?" | ||||
DavidW asks, "Can the plate(s) be climbed or opened?" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "is it an ibis? have we angered thoth, god of writing" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Though admittedly we did just change locations without discussing, but... yeah." | ||||
Binder says (to Jacqueline), "I know, and I'm not saying we should, just making an observation." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "'To be determined.'" | ||||
Mao says, "I like the random approach, it's like the protaganist is schitzo" | ||||
DavidW says (to cyberskunk), "Ibis would be my guess. Maybe test it by >x ibis" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x ibis" | ||||
Floyd | >Some kind of bird, apparently applied with a stencil and red Floyd | spraypaint on this metal plate bolted to the pole. The bird has a long Floyd | neck and a long, curving beak. Is it a stork? Do storks have curvy Floyd | beaks? Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "sneaky" | |||
DavidW says, "ta da" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x stork" | ||||
Floyd | >Some kind of bird, apparently applied with a stencil and red Floyd | spraypaint on this metal plate bolted to the pole. The bird has a long Floyd | neck and a long, curving beak. Is it a stork? Do storks have curvy Floyd | beaks? Floyd | | cyberskunk exclaims, "yay!" | |||
cyberskunk says, "damn your fickle ways bird god" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x thoth" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "aw" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x nyalahothep, the crawling chaos" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | Binder says, "Not all ibis are Thoth." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Just checking, that's all." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x plates" | ||||
Floyd | >Apparently, it is sometimes necessary to stick a sheet of steel to the Floyd | side of a utility pole. On one of the plates there's some kind of bird, Floyd | apparently applied with a stencil and red spraypaint. The bird has a Floyd | long neck and a long, curving beak. Is it a stork? Do storks have curvy Floyd | beaks? Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "some are his brother, jim" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb pole" | ||||
Floyd | >I don't think much is to be achieved by that. Floyd | | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take plate" | ||||
Floyd | >The plates are bolted on! Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x crane" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x heron" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search plate" | ||||
Floyd | >You find nothing of interest. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "ok. going with ibis. this concludes the ornithology segment of our robbery" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push plate" | ||||
Floyd | >That's fine where it is. Floyd | | ||||
Binder says (to f), "pry plate with umbrella" | genericgeekgirl exclaims (at cyberskunk), "The more you know!" | |||
Binder says (to Floyd), "pry plate with umbrella" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | DavidW says, "I guess it's just a sign, not a fiddly sort of object." | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Alley Floyd | The bricks in this alley are so old that at the middle of the road they Floyd | have sunk a full foot below the level of their neighbors closer to the Floyd | building walls. Walking across this uneven half-pipe of bricks is an Floyd | unnerving and probably dangerous experience. Floyd | Floyd | The alley continues north, past a staple-encrusted utility pole, until Floyd | the beams of the streetlamps don't quite reach; west is the parking lot Floyd | and east is Paco's Taco's. Floyd | | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "look pit" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bricks" | ||||
Floyd | >The way it curves down in the middle, it looks like a truck full of Floyd | anvils was sitting here for a few decades. Floyd | Floyd | As you tilt your head you detect the glimmer of a dime in the space Floyd | between two bricks. You try your best to look graceful and casual as Floyd | you stoop, then kneel, then get on your hands and knees to pick it up. Floyd | Floyd | [Your funds have increased by 10¢.] Floyd | | Binder asks, "Wow. Are we really going to nickel & dime our way to $1200?" | |||
DavidW says, "yay dime" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "turns out its a very long game, binder" | ||||
DavidW says (to Binder), "At least it's honest money." | ||||
Mao says, "This is a guy with a plan" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heehee" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "it speeds up in the second half when we move through the couch warehouse" | ||||
DavidW says, "hee-yaw" | ||||
Binder says, "This is the kind of plan a computer scientist would come up with. 'then just trivially iterate on the dime seeking'" | ||||
maga says, "it actually speeds up a lot once you get inside the sofa cushion factory" | ||||
maga says, "dammit somebody already made that joke" | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "east?" | ||||
Binder says, "but it gets better with each retelling." | ||||
Binder says, "Sure, I like east." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | Here's the entrance to Paco's Tacos, everyone's favorite place for a Floyd | bite as long as everything else is closed. The stretch of sidewalk here Floyd | is covered by a striped awning for the masses to huddle under while Floyd | waiting for a table at peak hours. The door to the north is framed by Floyd | neon signs behind plate glass windows. Further east, there's some sort Floyd | of ice cream place. Floyd | Floyd | Now is a good time to go over the plan before you pull the job. It'd be Floyd | nice if you had everything written down as a reminder, but a note like Floyd | that could end up being incriminating. So, mentally, as you're standing Floyd | here in front of the taco shop, remember: Floyd | Floyd | Once you're inside, you're going to go north across the dining room, to Floyd | where the counter is. Then you're going to point the gun at the cashier Floyd | and, without hesitating, tell the cashier to open the cash register. Floyd | When that's done, tell the cashier to take the money from the register Floyd | and tell the cashier to give the money to you. (But don't say "to you", Floyd | say "to me".) Finally, while still pointing the gun at the cashier, Floyd | walk backward to the entrance. Once you're back outside, you just have Floyd | to get to your car and drive away. Floyd | Floyd | Nobody will get hurt, nobody will recognize you, and best of all, Floyd | nobody will get evicted. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "It is funny that seeking random pieces of an amulet or something for no reason is intruiguing, but collecting the coins and bills necessary to reach $1200 so as to pay your bills -- a genuine need -- is sort of boring." | |||
Binder says, "I -knew- this guy was a computer scientist." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "paco's tacos is good in exactly two circumstances:" | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Straightforward. How could this plan *possibly* go wrong?" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "1) its 3 am and you really want a taco" | ||||
Tale says, "Yeah, I carry a dime around with me because it's all the yankee money I have left from PAX." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "2) youre high and have exactly $1 dollar (see also (1))" | ||||
Mao says, "3) Taco Bell blew up" | ||||
(from DavidW) Tale says, "and I can unscrew air vent grilles with it" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | | Tale says (to davidW), "Heh" | |||
cyberskunk says, "so much for being daring" | ||||
maga asks (of Tale), "oh, you bought a sandwich, hunh?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "At no point in that plan do we stop for ice cream :(" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Tale), "Not a bad idea." | ||||
Tale says, "Also, if someone throws acid in my face, I already have everything else I need." | ||||
Binder says, "I think this plan will not survive contact with the enemy tacos." | ||||
Johnny asks (of Tale), "You're going to sop up acid with a sandwich?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x signs" | ||||
Floyd | >If you were wondering whether they serve cheap beer here, well, wonder Floyd | no more. Floyd | | Tale says, "No, it was a Harvey Dent reference." | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x tacos" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x taco" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | Tale asks, "Should someone drive inside the shop?" | |||
Johnny says, "It's walk-in." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Jacqueline exclaims, "ba-bum-tish!" | ||||
Binder says (to Johnny), "lol" | ||||
Gunther arrives, full of fun and funk. | * Gunther has joined the channel. | |||
Gunther says, "O HAI JACQ" | ||||
DavidW says, "When I played, I chose to go east instead of entering the taco place right away. I also checked out the alley." | ||||
Jacqueline asks (of Gunther), "I love you man, but why are you here? What mockery do you have locked and loaded for us?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, I was about to ask if we could go east first." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Get Your Licks Floyd | From this end of the street you can almost see the respectable part of Floyd | town, way over to the east. Floyd | Floyd | The name of this establishment, according to the vinyl banner in the Floyd | window, is "Get Your Licks." The sign in the door to the north says Floyd | it's open, but in spite of the heat you can see no customers inside. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x sign" | ||||
Floyd | >It says OPEN. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "i want to get my licks" | |||
Gunther says (to Jacqueline), "well I never" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | Blissfully you step into the open arms of air conditioning. Floyd | Floyd | Is this really just an ice cream place? It looks more like a mountain Floyd | cottage, with lace curtains in the windows, and a low table with a Floyd | built-in checkerboard next to the little fake fireplace. The walls are Floyd | done up with floral wallpaper and littered with newspaper clippings. Floyd | Floyd | You'd probably take it for a coffeeshop if the counter didn't include a Floyd | big glass window displaying numerous tubs of ice cream. Floyd | Floyd | A number of cheap wire coat hangers hang from a hastily-installed coat Floyd | rack. Floyd | Floyd | A dark-haired cashier sits behind the counter. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x curtains" | ||||
Floyd | >If this ice cream shop really were a mountain cottage, you would be Floyd | able to peer from behind these curtains and see a pack of wolves Floyd | standing around and howling at you from across the snow. Floyd | | DavidW says, ">get hanger" | |||
cyberskunk says, "we *are* stopping for ice cream" | ||||
Binder says, "o yea of little faith" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take hanger" | ||||
Floyd | >Somehow you manage to get away with stealing a ten-cent coat hanger. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "yay another dime" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x cashier" | ||||
Floyd | >She's very tall. Well, no she's not; she's actually pretty short, but Floyd | arms are so long that she looks tall. Or maybe the cut of her sleeves Floyd | just makes her arms look long. Floyd | Floyd | She's wearing an apron; she has a tattoo on her left shoulder. She also Floyd | has a lot of hair, which must be a nightmare in this humidity. Floyd | | Binder says, "that's an illiquid asset" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x tattoo" | ||||
Floyd | >It's mostly obscured by her sleeve. You can only see a the very Floyd | bottom, a white curve. Maybe it's a tattoo of the moon? Or a yin-yang? Floyd | | Binder asks, "can we pay our rent in hangers?" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask about tattoo" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "ask cashier about tattoo" | ||||
Floyd | >[Use TALK TO to interact with characters.] Floyd | | Mao says, "I don't think people accept coat hangers as legal tender" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to girl" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "talk to cashier about tattoo" | ||||
Floyd | >I only understood you as far as wanting to talk to the dark-haired Floyd | cashier. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to cahsier" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "talk to cashier" | ||||
Floyd | >"How can I help you?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "How are you this evening?" Floyd | [2] "What kinds of ice cream do you have?" Floyd | [3] "I should get going." Floyd | [4] Point your gun at her. Floyd | | Tale says, "4! 4!" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >"What kinds of ice cream do you have?" Floyd | Floyd | "Well, take a look! We've got chocolate, vanilla, mint, key lime, Floyd | strawberry, and salted caramel. Do you want to taste something first?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "How are you this evening?" Floyd | [4] "I should get going." Floyd | [5] Point your gun at her. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Why are none of those options about her tattoo?" | |||
DavidW says, "It comes up later." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | Floyd | "Sure! Hold on&" Floyd | Floyd | She produces a tiny plastic spoon. "What would you like to try?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [2] "Can I taste the vanilla?" Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the mint?" Floyd | [7] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [8] "How are you this evening?" Floyd | [9] "I should get going." Floyd | | Tale says, "i remember being put off by the number of options about ice-cream tasting here" | |||
Mao says, "Yea, nested conversation" | ||||
DavidW says, "There's, y'know, conversational foreplay first." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "snrk" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "6" | ||||
Floyd | >"Can I taste the mint?" Floyd | Floyd | "I would be happy, to, let you do that," she stumbles. She scoops up a Floyd | tiny spoonful and offers it to you. Floyd | Floyd | Your eyebrows raise, and your nostrils flare. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the vanilla?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [7] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [8] "How are you this evening?" Floyd | [9] "I should get going." Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "8" | ||||
Floyd | >"How are you this evening?" Floyd | Floyd | "Well, business has been a little slow, so I've been& bored, I guess. Floyd | How are you doing?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the vanilla?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [7] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [8] "Oh, I'm fine." Floyd | [9] "I've been better." Floyd | [10] "Actually, I'm doing pretty terribly." Floyd | [11] "I should get going." Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "9" | ||||
Floyd | >"I've been better." Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." She looks down at the counter. "Well, Floyd | things always get better eventually, supposedly." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the vanilla?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [7] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [8] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [9] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [10] "I should get going." Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "I wonder if we can end up pre-emptively confessing." | |||
Jacqueline says, "I would strongly advise that we keep all the pennies and dimes we have and not spend them on ice cream. But go ahead and taste some." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "32" | ||||
Floyd | >[Valid responses range from 1-10. Type REPEAT to relist the options.] Floyd | | DavidW says, "Tattoo is under 'Would you mind my asking', I think." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"Can I taste the vanilla?" Floyd | Floyd | "Absolutely." She scoops a tiny amount of ice cream onto the little Floyd | spoon, and then she hands it to you. Floyd | Floyd | Oh, wow. "Vanilla" doesn't mean "plain." This has a flavor. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [7] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [8] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [9] "I should get going." Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "i want to know about the tattoo and then say something weird" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "7" | ||||
Floyd | >"Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | Floyd | "Not at all!" says the dark-haired cashier, without even knowing what Floyd | it is you're going to ask. [You can try this option again later to Floyd | "refresh" the things to ask about.] Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [7] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [8] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [9] "What's your name?" Floyd | [10] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [11] "I should get going." Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "10" | ||||
Floyd | >"What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, it's a slice of pie." She lifts up her sleeve so you can see the Floyd | ink in its entirety: It does indeed depict a slice of pie. The white Floyd | curve at the bottom is the plate it's sitting on. Floyd | Floyd | "It's cherry pie; it's my favorite." Floyd | Floyd | And now you know! Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [7] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [8] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [9] "What's your name?" Floyd | [10] "I should get going." Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "yay learning" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok. She's a weirdo. Nevermind :P" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "8" | ||||
Floyd | >"You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | Floyd | Her eyes widen. "Yes. I do." You'd better think of something good! [You Floyd | can try this option again if you find any more weird things in the Floyd | future.] Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [7] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [8] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [9] "Have you seen this graffiti of a bird?" Floyd | [10] "What's your name?" Floyd | [11] "I should get going." Floyd | | Binder exclaims, "What's wrong with liking cherry pie?!" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "9" | ||||
Floyd | >"Have you seen this graffiti of a bird?" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, you mean the one with the beak?" She makes a sweeping, Floyd | downward-curving gesture in front of her nose. "Yeah, I've seen that Floyd | thing all over town. I think it's supposed to be an ibis." Floyd | Floyd | What's an ibis? Floyd | Floyd | [1] "What's an ibis?" Floyd | [2] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [3] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [7] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [8] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [9] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [10] "What's your name?" Floyd | [11] "I should get going." Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "Cherries." | |||
Jacqueline says, "And pie." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "There are two reasons to not like it." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"What's an ibis?" Floyd | Floyd | "Um, it's a bird, with a curvy beak and a long neck. I don't know much Floyd | more than that. I think they're from Africa?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [7] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [8] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [9] "What's your name?" Floyd | [10] "I should get going." Floyd | | Binder throws his hands up. | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "9" | ||||
Floyd | >"What's your name?" Floyd | Floyd | "It's Zuleika. Pleased to meet you." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [6] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [7] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [8] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [9] "I should get going." Floyd | | Binder says, "My umbrage, it is vast." | |||
Gunther asks, "what's with the &?" | ||||
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "Cherries and pie are awesome." | ||||
Binder asks (of Gunther), "contains subchoices?" | ||||
Tale says, "It's an ampersand, and stands for and." | ||||
Binder says, "that seems to be the connotation." | ||||
Mao says, "I think it means it leads to further options" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Gunther), "I believe it is a typo." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "messed up code for ... i think" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Oh, or ..." | ||||
inky asks, "zuleika??" | ||||
Gunther says (to Jacqueline), "it's all over tho" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"Can I taste the chocolate?" Floyd | Floyd | "Of course you can." She rolls up a fairly generous spoonful onto the Floyd | little spoon, which she then hands to you. Floyd | Floyd | Hey, this is bitter. Do you like bitter? Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [5] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [6] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [7] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [8] "I should get going." Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "theres a one character representation of '...' i think and it fits in the context of most places ive seen the &" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, now that cs says that, I think that's probably it." | ||||
Binder says, "Maybe her parents really like satires." | ||||
DavidW says (to cyberskunk), "I think you're right." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"Can I taste the strawberry?" Floyd | Floyd | "Certainly." She scoops up a little bit of pink ice cream and hands you Floyd | the spoon. Floyd | Floyd | It's a lot more mellow than you expected. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [4] "Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | [5] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [6] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [7] "I should get going." Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Taste ALL the things?" | |||
Mao says, "Yea, the ellipsis" | ||||
Binder says, "I can't see how a sugar buzz would make our crimes any harder to commit." | ||||
DavidW says (to ggg), "yay hyperbole and a half" | ||||
Mao says (to Floyd), "4" | ||||
Floyd | >"Can I taste the salted caramel?" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, please do. I just put it together, and I really want to know what Floyd | you think of it." She picks at the stuff with her tiny spoon and Floyd | produces a sample for your adjudication. You put it in your mouth. Floyd | Floyd | You are unable to conceal your reaction. Floyd | Floyd | She frowns. "Too much salt, huh?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | [4] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [5] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [6] "I should get going." Floyd | | Tale asks (of ggg), "Afraid of a tummy ache?" | |||
Jacqueline asks (of Binder), "Aiming the gun?" | ||||
Mao says, "Aww, that sounds good actually" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"Can I taste the key lime?" Floyd | Floyd | "Yes you may." She spoons a tiny amount of ice cream onto her spoon and Floyd | then she hands it to you. "Careful, it's intense." Floyd | Floyd | Geez! She wasn't kidding. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "I should get going." Floyd | | Binder says (to Jacqueline), "I'd be less worried about that if it were loaded." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Man, that was intense." | Jacqueline says, "Man, that was intense." | |||
Binder says, "Less? More. MORE worried." | ||||
Mao says, "Indeed." | ||||
Tale says, "Okay, now I'm out of ideas." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "and icecream" | ||||
DavidW says, "You can examine the photos then ask her about them." | ||||
DavidW asks, "and maybe ask her name?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x clippings" | ||||
Floyd | >Dozens of photographs and newspaper clippings, chronicling the life Floyd | and lives of an independent dairy farm. There's a full-fledged Floyd | narrative here, with personalities and ambitions and twists and turns, Floyd | but at its heart it is a narrative about cows and therefore Floyd | fundamentally uninteresting. Floyd | | Mao says, "zuleika" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to her" | ||||
Floyd | >(Zuleika) Floyd | "How can I help you?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "I should get going." Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Cows are uninteresting?" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | Floyd | "Not at all!" says Zuleika, without even knowing what it is you're Floyd | going to ask. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [7] "I should get going." Floyd | | DavidW says (to Mao), "gezundheit" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "6" | ||||
Floyd | >"What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | Floyd | "They're all stories about my family's dairy farm. All this ice cream Floyd | comes exclusively from our cows, and we use exclusively non-homogenized Floyd | milk, which is different from homogenized milk in that&" Floyd | Floyd | A few minutes later you realize that she's done talking. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "I should get going." Floyd | | DavidW says, "Perhaps there'll be an ice cream emergency later and we can come back here for some." | |||
Tale asks, "So do we or don't we buy Icecream?" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "and we use exclusively non-pasturized milk which is different from pasturized milk in that after tasting all those flavors youre going to die&" | ||||
inky says, "we do not spend money" | ||||
Binder exclaims, "We use our gun to steal ice cream!" | ||||
DavidW says (to Tale), "We don't have much funds." | ||||
inky says, "until we find a vending machine" | ||||
inky says, "because IF games love that vending machine shit" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "buy ice cream with the coat hanger" | ||||
Binder says, "especially vending machines which are key operated" | ||||
Mao says, "If it's not a fruitcake machine, it's not worth vending to me" | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | Is this really just an ice cream place? It looks more like a mountain Floyd | cottage, with lace curtains in the windows, and a low table with a Floyd | built-in checkerboard next to the little fake fireplace. The walls are Floyd | done up with floral wallpaper and littered with newspaper clippings. Floyd | Floyd | You'd probably take it for a coffeeshop if the counter didn't include a Floyd | big glass window displaying numerous tubs of ice cream. Floyd | Floyd | Zuleika notices you noticing her and smiles. Floyd | | DavidW says, "Actually I think the coat hanger is the alternate solution to the puzzle with the umbrella. They're both things with hooks." | |||
Dave arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | Tale asks, "So, are we done here?" | |||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||||
Floyd | >This little wooden table has known many years' worth of coaster-free Floyd | beverages. The sixty-four squares of alternating light and dark wood in Floyd | the middle constitute a checkerboard; a set of checkers are messily Floyd | stacked nearby. Floyd | | Tale asks, "Can we get some actual robbing done?" | |||
Binder laughs. | ||||
DavidW says, "We can play a game of checkers!" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "play checkers" | ||||
Floyd | >Unless you want to play by yourself, you should probably talk to the Floyd | cashier about that. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to cashier" | ||||
Floyd | >"How can I help you?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "I should get going." Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | Floyd | "Not at all!" says Zuleika, without even knowing what it is you're Floyd | going to ask. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [7] "Do you wanna play checkers?" Floyd | [8] "I should get going." Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "7" | ||||
Floyd | >"Do you wanna play checkers?" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, sure!" Floyd | Floyd | She trots with you over to the low wooden table and you each take a Floyd | seat. The checkers are divided by color and then arranged in the Floyd | appropriate configuration. Then the game begins. Floyd | Floyd | You are not a master of the art; you do not normally take a lot of time Floyd | considering each and every possible move. But your opponent is so Floyd | cautious and deliberate that you feel like you have to slow down, if Floyd | only to be polite. Floyd | Floyd | Her eyes are narrowed, but she's smiling, and you can tell she relishes Floyd | the opportunity to take something like this way too seriously. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "snrk" | |||
genericgeekgirl asks, "If we step out and come back, maybe we can point the gun at her? Or are we "friends" now, and that moment has passed?" | ||||
Ellison says, "I also love vending machines in IF games, as IF game vending machines have useful items instead of being 90% terrible foods" | ||||
Binder asks, "If you can't point guns at your friends, who CAN you point guns at?" | ||||
Mao says, "I dunno about you, but I point guns at my friends." | ||||
Tale says (to ggg), "Life advice: It's never to late to point a gun at someone." | ||||
maga says (to ggg), "we're at that awkward stage where it's both too late and too early in the relationship to be pointing guns at one another" | ||||
Ellison arrives, ready to play with the toys. | ||||
Lucea arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | cyberskunk says, "when you play checkers with someone you are honor bound not to point guns at them." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | Presently you realize the board is a mess. It's absurd that the game Floyd | should be this close when it's this far along. There must be some Floyd | release to the tension, some sort of button you can press to bring the Floyd | whole thing crashing down. Floyd | Floyd | And then suddenly your eyes refocus and your mind is completely clear. Floyd | You see it. You have never had an epiphany in your life, but you are Floyd | having one now. You can make a dumb-looking move now that will force Floyd | her into a position where you'll be able to jump every single one of Floyd | her pieces, and can she do anything to stop it? Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "maga++" | |||
Ellison says, "oops, I had managed to forget that the Long Hall is not the Toyshop" | ||||
Binder says, "an ice cream lady is the perfect sugar-mama" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | No. She definitely can't. It's not just a great move you've found, it's Floyd | a foolproof gambit. You glance up at her and try to read her Floyd | expression. Floyd | Floyd | As far as you can tell, she doesn't see it. Floyd | Floyd | So now the question is, do you take the move? Do you make the Floyd | stupid-looking move and destroy her, or do you make the smart-looking Floyd | move and let her win? Floyd | Floyd | Say "yes" if you're going to let her win. Floyd | | * Lucea has joined the channel. | |||
maga says, "she's the ice-cream man, baby she'll be good to you" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "let her win--we already know we could beat her" | ||||
Binder says, "I was perfectly prepared to rob a taco stand; I am less prepared to throw a checkers game." | ||||
Tale says, "I say let her win." | ||||
Mao says, "Beat her, then maybe she'll get mad and we can point the gun at the sore loser" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "You all are a ver violent bunch." | ||||
Ellison asks, "wait, why does our PC get a conscience now?" | ||||
DavidW says, "I respect her too much to throw the game." | ||||
maga says (to Ellison), "cute girls. QED" | ||||
Binder says, "Because this woman has a LIFETIME SUPPLY OF ICE CREAM, Ellison." | ||||
Ellison says, "DESTROY" | ||||
Binder says, "She comes from dairy farmer stock. She will always be able to provide ice cream." | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Maybe she'll like us more if we can beat her?" | ||||
cyberskunk exclaims, "DavidW, i dont!" | ||||
inky says, "plus I bet it's not actually a smart move" | ||||
Ellison says, "I agree with ggg and DavidW" | ||||
inky says, "I mean, somebody who has a checkers board in their store is probably good at checkers" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "sounds like the votes are to crush the nice lady." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "crushing nice lady...." | ||||
Tale says, "Make her suffer!" | ||||
Ellison says, "and don't try the ice cream with the big red and black plastic chunks in it, either" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "no" | ||||
Floyd | You take the move that seems like an idiotic move. She looks at you Floyd | quizzically. Floyd | Floyd | Then she jumps every single one of your pieces. How did she do that? Floyd | Floyd | Oh, you missed the& That one. There. You didn't see that one. Floyd | Floyd | "You didn't have to let me win," she says, smiling. "But thanks a lot Floyd | anyway. I needed something to cheer me up." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [7] "What's wrong?" Floyd | [8] "I should get going." Floyd | | Mao says, "Unless it's one of those cloth boards wit the big pieces, like a cracker barrel, no one willing plays with those, they're itchy" | |||
inky says, "hee hee" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Hahaha." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "yay! everyone loses" | ||||
cyberskunk asks, "undo and try the other?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "I'm disappointed that "I would love to taste something" is not a come-on." | ||||
Mao says, "Damn, hah" | ||||
inky says, "wait, that seems to imply we took the wrong move" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "no it implies that were stupid" | ||||
Tale says, ".. inky That's the joke" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | >Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||||
Floyd | >That was a rhetorical question. Floyd | | Mao says, "Yes, yes we are." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||||
Floyd | >That was a rhetorical question. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | Is this really just an ice cream place? It looks more like a mountain Floyd | cottage, with lace curtains in the windows, and a low table with a Floyd | built-in checkerboard next to the little fake fireplace. The walls are Floyd | done up with floral wallpaper and littered with newspaper clippings. Floyd | Floyd | You'd probably take it for a coffeeshop if the counter didn't include a Floyd | big glass window displaying numerous tubs of ice cream. Floyd | Floyd | Zuleika notices you noticing her and smiles. Floyd | | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | Is this really just an ice cream place? It looks more like a mountain Floyd | cottage, with lace curtains in the windows, and a low table with a Floyd | built-in checkerboard next to the little fake fireplace. The walls are Floyd | done up with floral wallpaper and littered with newspaper clippings. Floyd | Floyd | You'd probably take it for a coffeeshop if the counter didn't include a Floyd | big glass window displaying numerous tubs of ice cream. Floyd | Floyd | Zuleika notices you noticing her and smiles. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to her" | ||||
Floyd | >(Zuleika) Floyd | "How can I help you?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [7] "Do you wanna play checkers?" Floyd | [8] "I should get going." Floyd | | inky says, "you have to replay the whole checkers branch" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "7" | ||||
Floyd | >"Do you wanna play checkers?" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, sure!" Floyd | Floyd | She trots with you over to the low wooden table and you each take a Floyd | seat. The checkers are divided by color and then arranged in the Floyd | appropriate configuration. Then the game begins. Floyd | Floyd | You are not a master of the art; you do not normally take a lot of time Floyd | considering each and every possible move. But your opponent is so Floyd | cautious and deliberate that you feel like you have to slow down, if Floyd | only to be polite. Floyd | Floyd | Her eyes are narrowed, but she's smiling, and you can tell she relishes Floyd | the opportunity to take something like this way too seriously. Floyd | | ||||
Tale pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Presently you realize the board is a mess. It's absurd that the game Floyd | should be this close when it's this far along. There must be some Floyd | release to the tension, some sort of button you can press to bring the Floyd | whole thing crashing down. Floyd | Floyd | And then suddenly your eyes refocus and your mind is completely clear. Floyd | You see it. You have never had an epiphany in your life, but you are Floyd | having one now. You can make a dumb-looking move now that will force Floyd | her into a position where you'll be able to jump every single one of Floyd | her pieces, and can she do anything to stop it? Floyd | | Lucea says, "wow, I missed this entire branch" | |||
Tale pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | No. She definitely can't. It's not just a great move you've found, it's Floyd | a foolproof gambit. You glance up at her and try to read her Floyd | expression. Floyd | Floyd | As far as you can tell, she doesn't see it. Floyd | Floyd | So now the question is, do you take the move? Do you make the Floyd | stupid-looking move and destroy her, or do you make the smart-looking Floyd | move and let her win? Floyd | Floyd | Say "yes" if you're going to let her win. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||||
Floyd | You take the obvious, smart-looking move. She jumps half of your Floyd | remaining pieces, leaving you with a single suicidal "choice," which Floyd | you are of course forced to take, allowing her to clean you out Floyd | completely. Floyd | Floyd | "That was fun," she says, although her huge grin is enough of an Floyd | indication. "Thanks. I feel a lot better now." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [7] "What's wrong?" Floyd | [8] "I should get going." Floyd | | djfletch says (to Lucea), "me too" | |||
Binder says, "so we can lose fast or lose slow" | ||||
Tale says, "Damn you, faux interactivity" | ||||
Binder says, "That feels like a whaddyacallit metaphor" | ||||
DavidW asks, "ooh, new option -> What's wrong?" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "this way we have the illusion of doing well" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "7" | ||||
Floyd | >"What's wrong?" Floyd | Floyd | She breathes in so deeply that you find yourself inhaling along with Floyd | her, like you're in a yoga class or something. Then she sighs a massive Floyd | sigh, a lingering sigh. Only after she is done sighing do you allow Floyd | yourself to exhale. Floyd | Floyd | "I only opened this place a few weeks ago. My parents loaned me a lot Floyd | of money to get it started, but I kept insisting that I wanted the Floyd | business to be separate from the dairy farm. I learned a lot about Floyd | business from them. I wanted to be independent. Floyd | Floyd | "They were worried about this neighborhood, too, but I said it was the Floyd | best place. I said an ice cream store couldn't fail in the middle of Floyd | summer, right? But I've had almost no customers. People mostly just Floyd | come in and look around, like they're gonna buy the place out from Floyd | under me, and then they tell me 'Oh, this is a tough town for a new Floyd | business.' 'You're a very brave girl.'" She stares out the window. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "Awwww. We can't rob her now." | |||
cyberskunk says, "T_T now we have to buy ice cream" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "(Because she has no money.)" | ||||
Binder says (to genericgeekgirl), "Curse your logic." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "okay. so we buy ice cream and then rob it back" | ||||
(from Tale) Tale says, "Lol, what a whiner." | ||||
Binder says (to cyberskunk), "GENIUS" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "thats double the economic transactions. were fixing the recession" | ||||
Tale pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | "And those cops, and the guy next door, they just stop by to 'see how Floyd | I'm doing.' They look all up and down the walls, they look under the Floyd | seats, and then they ask if the building inspector has been around. Floyd | There's nothing wrong with this building. Floyd | Floyd | "And I think people are spreading rumors. Someone heard there's E. coli Floyd | in my ice cream. There's not. I don't have a stupid dripping soft-serve Floyd | dispenser hanging in the air to collect germs." Floyd | Floyd | She sighs again. "Sorry. Let's talk about something else." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [7] "I should get going." Floyd | | DavidW says, "We could give the gun to her, let *her* rob the taco store." | |||
Binder asks, "cops?" | ||||
Ellison says, "I dunno. sounds like it's just a matter of getting at her frozen assets." | ||||
Tale says (to Ellison), "groan" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Yay" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look under table" | ||||
Floyd | >You find nothing of interest. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "ellison++" | |||
Binder says, ">toss Ellison overboard" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "Hands up, how many want to boot Ellison... cyberskunk!?" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "um. that was a bug." | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Tale asks, "So, do we buy an ice cream?" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "well... on the one hand weve worked this long for an ally" | ||||
inky says, "I assume the taco guy is running some kind of a scam" | ||||
inky says, "ok fine" | ||||
inky says, "I bet the game won't let us make it unwinnable by buying an ice cream" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "on the other i kind of giggle at the idea of spinning on our heel after hearing that sob story" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to her" | ||||
Floyd | >(Zuleika) Floyd | "How can I help you?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [7] "I should get going." Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >"I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | Floyd | "And, it is&?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I would like a scoop of vanilla." Floyd | [3] "I would like a scoop of chocolate." Floyd | [4] "I would like a scoop of strawberry." Floyd | [5] "I would like a scoop of key lime." Floyd | [6] "I would like a scoop of mint." Floyd | [7] "I would like a scoop of salted caramel." Floyd | [8] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [9] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [10] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [11] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [12] "I should get going." Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "key lime is... intense." | |||
Binder exclaims, "12 12 12!" | ||||
Tale asks, "Salted?" | ||||
Dave has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | Lucea says, "not salted" | |||
maga says, "everybody knows that vanilla ends the game" | ||||
Binder says (to maga), "And how." | ||||
Mao exclaims, "Salted!" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >"I would like a scoop of vanilla." Floyd | Floyd | "Coming right up!" Floyd | Floyd | She scoops some of the white stuff into a cone and hands it to you. Floyd | Floyd | "That'll be two dollars, please." Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "push space" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
Tale pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | >I beg your pardon? Floyd | | ||||
Lucea says (to floyd), "pay zuleika" | ||||
Floyd | >You hand $2.00 to Zuleika and she grins. Floyd | Floyd | "Thanks so much!" Floyd | | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | >You are carrying: Floyd | a vanilla ice cream cone Floyd | a wire coat hanger Floyd | a note about parking Floyd | an umbrella Floyd | a pair of sunglasses (being worn) Floyd | an bag of M&M's Floyd | $8.27, mostly in change Floyd | your keychain Floyd | a gun Floyd | | inky says, "shit, we're rich" | |||
Lucea says, "we are the 1%" | ||||
inky says, "let's buy four more cones" | ||||
Binder asks, "And, what, carry them in the hanger?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "We should thank that nice gentleman in the parking lot for buying us ice cream." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "stick them on our head like demon horns" | ||||
Tale says, "er, rob" | ||||
Mao says, "Occupy #clubfloyd" | ||||
Johnny says, "We can have diy neapolitan" | ||||
Binder says, "Mao++" | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Lucea says (to Tale), "You achieve nothing by this." | ||||
inky says, "maybe we'll get a taco genie" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "eat ice cream" | ||||
Floyd | >(the vanilla ice cream cone) Floyd | Vanilla is supposed to be boring. So what the heck is going on here? Floyd | Floyd | It's something else. It's not really vanilla; the girl is just calling Floyd | it that. Or there is vanilla in it, but something else has been done. Floyd | What is it? Floyd | Floyd | It's something that's not bad, exactly, but something that you're not Floyd | supposed to eat. That must be it, because you're starting to feel a Floyd | little guilty. You hold on to that thought: You need to figure this out Floyd | before it's gone. Floyd | Floyd | So you start eating a little slower. You close your eyes. Floyd | Floyd | Cookie dough! This tastes like cookie dough. It's not vanilla ice cream Floyd | with pieces of cookie dough in it; it's cookie dough in the shape Floyd | of--Goodness. Floyd | Floyd | Now that that's sorted out, you eat the rest fairly quickly, with a Floyd | feeling of great satisfaction. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "make sure one of your wishes is for a cure to e coli poisoning" | |||
Lucea says, "there has to be an inspiration for this game" | ||||
DavidW says, "the vanilla is NOT boring" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | Is this really just an ice cream place? It looks more like a mountain Floyd | cottage, with lace curtains in the windows, and a low table with a Floyd | built-in checkerboard next to the little fake fireplace. The walls are Floyd | done up with floral wallpaper and littered with newspaper clippings. Floyd | Floyd | You'd probably take it for a coffeeshop if the counter didn't include a Floyd | big glass window displaying numerous tubs of ice cream. Floyd | Floyd | Zuleika notices you noticing her and smiles. Floyd | | Lucea says, "as in, there must be an inspiration for this game, that one can visit and patronize" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Get Your Licks Floyd | From this end of the street you can almost see the respectable part of Floyd | town, way over to the east. Floyd | Floyd | The name of this establishment, according to the vinyl banner in the Floyd | window, is "Get Your Licks." The sign in the door to the north says Floyd | it's open, but in spite of the heat you can see no customers inside. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | Here's the entrance to Paco's Tacos, everyone's favorite place for a Floyd | bite as long as everything else is closed. The stretch of sidewalk here Floyd | is covered by a striped awning for the masses to huddle under while Floyd | waiting for a table at peak hours. The door to the north is framed by Floyd | neon signs behind plate glass windows. Further east is Get Your Licks. Floyd | Floyd | Now is a good time to go over the plan before you pull the job. It'd be Floyd | nice if you had everything written down as a reminder, but a note like Floyd | that could end up being incriminating. So, mentally, as you're standing Floyd | here in front of the taco shop, remember: Floyd | Floyd | Once you're inside, you're going to go north across the dining room, to Floyd | where the counter is. Then you're going to point the gun at the cashier Floyd | and, without hesitating, tell the cashier to open the cash register. Floyd | When that's done, tell the cashier to take the money from the register Floyd | and tell the cashier to give the money to you. (But don't say "to you", Floyd | say "to me".) Finally, while still pointing the gun at the cashier, Floyd | walk backward to the entrance. Once you're back outside, you just have Floyd | to get to your car and drive away. Floyd | Floyd | Nobody will get hurt, nobody will recognize you, and best of all, Floyd | nobody will get evicted. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf2" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | | Tale asks, "Shall we?" | |||
Binder says, "yes" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Sure" | ||||
Lucea says, "why not" | ||||
Tale says, "Well, I've played this part." | ||||
Binder says, "I'm expecting cops inside." | ||||
Lucea says, "you know, besides morals and stuff" | ||||
Ellison says, "DW I bet all of the other flavors secretly are just cookie dough, too" | ||||
inky says, "you're thinking of a donut place" | ||||
Binder exclaims (at inky), "wait, tacos aren't donuts?!" | ||||
Lucea asks, "shall we?" | ||||
Binder says, "I am still saying yes." | ||||
Lucea says (to floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Inside Paco's Tacos Floyd | The place is pretty much dead. The chairs aren't on the tables yet, but Floyd | the place may as well be closed. The nearest sign of life is a tiny Floyd | potted tree. Floyd | Floyd | At the north end, across the dining room, there's a counter attended by Floyd | a cashier, and sitting in a booth way over there are a couple of Floyd | bikers. Floyd | Floyd | An oversized painting on the west wall arrests your attention. Floyd | | Lucea says, "(I've played before)" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x painting" | ||||
Floyd | >The canvas is so large and the frame so ornate that the piece takes up Floyd | a huge chunk of wall. Floyd | Floyd | In long, curving strokes that remind you unpleasantly of the sixties, Floyd | the painting apparently depicts some Victorian millionaire's Floyd | smoking-room. An unseen fireplace glows orange on the green wallpaper Floyd | and the green velvet-backed armchairs, which are huddled around Floyd | something else, over to the side, which you also can't see. Floyd | Floyd | The focus of the composition is a collection of masks, mounted on the Floyd | wall like trophies and casting weird shadows in the firelight. The Floyd | masks are all grotesque: One has a huge lower jaw and protruding tusks; Floyd | one has shaggy sideburns, a lolling tongue and a goatee; the worst has Floyd | three unsettlingly lifelike eyeballs set above two noses and a wide, Floyd | gap-toothed mouth. Floyd | Floyd | A mask! Should you be wearing a mask? The cashier will see your face! Floyd | Or the bikers will see your face, and they'll know it was you! Floyd | Floyd | No, hold on. The reason you're here at Paco's is because nobody around Floyd | here is going to recognize you, because they'd never think to haul in a Floyd | guy from your neighborhood for a robbery committed here. You've got Floyd | nothing to worry about; just get over there and do it. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "Yay, text dump." | |||
Lucea says, "FLAWLESS LOGIC" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "We is an idiot." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x bikers" | ||||
Floyd | >Just a couple of guys having a taco. Nothing to worry about. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Uh, yeah. If we wait, do the bikers leave?" | |||
Mao says, "Rob the bikers" | ||||
DavidW says (to ggg), "I wouldn't bet on it." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "just a couple of guys hopped up on PCB with no regard for human life and a vindictive sense of justice eating at their favorite taco place" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "At least we'll die happy. Mmmm, cookie dough." | ||||
Ellison says, "dang, I hope we aren't wearing out sweatshirt with our neighborhood's country club's name emblazoned on it" | ||||
Binder says, "That wasn't in the plan." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "nothing to worry about" | ||||
Lucea says, "man, so many bikers sharing one taco" | ||||
Lucea says, "the world is going SOFT." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "um pcp" | ||||
Ellison says, "our" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "pcb would imply they've been smoking sewer pipes" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to bikers" | ||||
Floyd | >You can barely even see the bikers from this end of the room. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "wave" | ||||
Floyd | >You wave, feeling foolish. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "jump" | ||||
Floyd | >You hop a little hop. Floyd | | Lucea says, "yeah, it's one of those multi-part rooms" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||||
Floyd | >"Oh, I've got a brand-new pair of roller skates; you've got a Floyd | brand-new key&" | Lucea says, "that tripped me up on my first playthrough" | |||
cyberskunk asks, "north?" | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Binder says, "What a strange choice of song." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "If we can't see them, they can't see us ;) We're perfectly safe." | ||||
inky says, "it did say to go north" | ||||
Lucea says, "...floyd n" | ||||
Lucea says (to floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Hey, those bikers aren't bikers! They're Floyd | | ||||
Lucea pushes the green 'space' button. | maga asks, "what happened to the combine harvester?" | |||
Lucea says, "oh shit is this part going to work" | ||||
Lucea pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Lucea pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Lucea pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Lucea pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | >COPS Floyd | As you stagger backward, you collide with something large and Floyd | doughy-soft, which grunts in response and drops an envelope at your Floyd | feet. Floyd | | Binder says, "I KNEW IT" | |||
Mao says, "Haha" | ||||
Lucea says, "(the COPS was supposed to be spelled out letter by letter at the prompt, for those wondering)" | ||||
Lucea says (to floyd), "x envelope" | ||||
Floyd | >You scoop up the envelope and try to get a better look at it. Floyd | Floyd | It's the size of a normal business envelope, but made out of fancy Floyd | black paper. The side where you'd normally write an address is Floyd | decorated with an embossed gold border. Both sides are bulging out from Floyd | the girth of whatever's inside. Floyd | Floyd | That thing you just bumped into, evidently a sweaty, balding man, Floyd | snatches the envelope from your hands without so much as a thank you. Floyd | Floyd | "Make sure and lock up my office when you leave," he barks at the Floyd | cashier. The cashier merely mumbles in response, but his boss is Floyd | already stomping his way out. Floyd | Floyd | Paco's Tacos Counter Floyd | The cash register sits here on a long counter, accompanied by a great Floyd | big tip jar and guarded by a bored-looking cashier. The menu is printed Floyd | on a big chalkboard near the ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | Around the counter and to the north is a long hallway. That must be Floyd | where the big guy came from. Floyd | Floyd | A blonde cop and a mustachioed cop are enjoying their tacos in a booth Floyd | near the counter. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x jar" | ||||
Floyd | >A huge, wide-mouthed glass jar with a piece of paper taped to it Floyd | reading "TIPS" in huge letters and, below, "aloha!" penciled in smaller Floyd | letters. It's lined at the bottom with a collection of bills and coins. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to bikers" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | Mao exclaims, "ROB THE COPS!" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Aren't we going to rob that man and take his thick envelope?" | ||||
inky says, "he just left" | ||||
inky says, "but we can break into his office" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "I'd like to try stealing the tips? But we'll probably need to undo quickly :P" | ||||
DavidW says, "And we have the envelope, I think." | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "look in tips" | ||||
Floyd | >You find nothing of interest. Floyd | | Lucea says, "we do not" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "He snatched it back." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to DW), "He took it." | ||||
inky says, "no, he snatched it back, then stomped out" | ||||
DavidW says, "oh." | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "Can we not follow him?" | ||||
Lucea says (to floyd), "this next part is awesome" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "steal tips" | ||||
Floyd | >The cashier gapes at you. "What are you doing?" Floyd | Floyd | "Nothing," you mutter, staring at your shoes. Floyd | | Binder says, "we're not following him right now" | |||
Lucea says, "ilac" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x menu" | ||||
Floyd | >It looks like your standard taco is $2.50, and a beer is& geez, that Floyd | much for a lousy beer? Floyd | | Tale says, "I've never tried following him" | |||
Ellison says, "we should try" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "we should follow the man" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Sure." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Inside Paco's Tacos Floyd | The place is pretty much dead. The chairs aren't on the tables yet, but Floyd | the place may as well be closed. The nearest sign of life is a tiny Floyd | potted tree. Floyd | Floyd | At the north end, across the dining room, there's a counter attended by Floyd | a cashier. Floyd | Floyd | Over on the wall is that spooky painting. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | Here's the entrance to Paco's Tacos, everyone's favorite place for a Floyd | bite as long as everything else is closed. The stretch of sidewalk here Floyd | is covered by a striped awning for the masses to huddle under while Floyd | waiting for a table at peak hours. The door to the north is framed by Floyd | neon signs behind plate glass windows. Further east is Get Your Licks. Floyd | | Tale asks, "Hm...east or west?" | |||
cyberskunk says, "west. parking lot" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Alley Floyd | The bricks in this alley are so old that at the middle of the road they Floyd | have sunk a full foot below the level of their neighbors closer to the Floyd | building walls. Walking across this uneven half-pipe of bricks is an Floyd | unnerving and probably dangerous experience. Floyd | Floyd | The alley continues north, past a staple-encrusted utility pole, until Floyd | the beams of the streetlamps don't quite reach; west is the parking lot Floyd | and east is Paco's Taco's. Floyd | | Ellison says, "maybe undo til it happens and see if 'follow man' is supported" | |||
inky says, "probably if we were going to follow him we'd have to leave immediately after he does" | ||||
Ellison says, "(unlikely, though)" | ||||
Tale says, "Let's restore" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "follow man" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "yeah" | |||
Jacqueline says, "We saved." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "restore cf2" | ||||
Floyd | >I only understood you as far as wanting to restore. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf2" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | Here's the entrance to Paco's Tacos, everyone's favorite place for a Floyd | bite as long as everything else is closed. The stretch of sidewalk here Floyd | is covered by a striped awning for the masses to huddle under while Floyd | waiting for a table at peak hours. The door to the north is framed by Floyd | neon signs behind plate glass windows. Further east is Get Your Licks. Floyd | Floyd | Now is a good time to go over the plan before you pull the job. It'd be Floyd | nice if you had everything written down as a reminder, but a note like Floyd | that could end up being incriminating. So, mentally, as you're standing Floyd | here in front of the taco shop, remember: Floyd | Floyd | Once you're inside, you're going to go north across the dining room, to Floyd | where the counter is. Then you're going to point the gun at the cashier Floyd | and, without hesitating, tell the cashier to open the cash register. Floyd | When that's done, tell the cashier to take the money from the register Floyd | and tell the cashier to give the money to you. (But don't say "to you", Floyd | say "to me".) Finally, while still pointing the gun at the cashier, Floyd | walk backward to the entrance. Once you're back outside, you just have Floyd | to get to your car and drive away. Floyd | Floyd | Nobody will get hurt, nobody will recognize you, and best of all, Floyd | nobody will get evicted. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Inside Paco's Tacos Floyd | The place is pretty much dead. The chairs aren't on the tables yet, but Floyd | the place may as well be closed. The nearest sign of life is a tiny Floyd | potted tree. Floyd | Floyd | At the north end, across the dining room, there's a counter attended by Floyd | a cashier, and sitting in a booth way over there are a couple of Floyd | bikers. Floyd | Floyd | An oversized painting on the west wall arrests your attention. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x tree" | ||||
Floyd | >On closer examination, it's not even a real tree. It's one of those Floyd | fake plastic ones. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Darn. Ok. North?" | |||
Binder says, "Yes." | ||||
Mao says, "Rob the "bikers" *wink*" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Hey, those bikers aren't bikers! They're Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "use the fake plastic watering can" | |||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | cyberskunk says, "whatcha gonna do" | |||
Mao says, "I think it's timed." | ||||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | >COPS Floyd | As you stagger backward, you collide with something large and Floyd | doughy-soft, which grunts in response and drops an envelope at your Floyd | feet. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "not hit space apparently" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take envelope" | ||||
Floyd | >You scoop up the envelope and try to get a better look at it. Floyd | Floyd | It's the size of a normal business envelope, but made out of fancy Floyd | black paper. The side where you'd normally write an address is Floyd | decorated with an embossed gold border. Both sides are bulging out from Floyd | the girth of whatever's inside. Floyd | Floyd | That thing you just bumped into, evidently a sweaty, balding man, Floyd | snatches the envelope from your hands without so much as a thank you. Floyd | Floyd | "Make sure and lock up my office when you leave," he barks at the Floyd | cashier. The cashier merely mumbles in response, but his boss is Floyd | already stomping his way out. Floyd | Floyd | Paco's Tacos Counter Floyd | The cash register sits here on a long counter, accompanied by a great Floyd | big tip jar and guarded by a bored-looking cashier. The menu is printed Floyd | on a big chalkboard near the ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | Around the counter and to the north is a long hallway. That must be Floyd | where the big guy came from. Floyd | Floyd | A blonde cop and a mustachioed cop are enjoying their tacos in a booth Floyd | near the counter. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "follow man" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | inky says, "well, floyd doesn't use timer stuff" | |||
cyberskunk asks, "south?" | ||||
Mao says, "Oh, hmm" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, just follow him manually." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Inside Paco's Tacos Floyd | The place is pretty much dead. The chairs aren't on the tables yet, but Floyd | the place may as well be closed. Floyd | Floyd | At the north end, across the dining room, there's a counter attended by Floyd | a cashier. Floyd | Floyd | An oversized painting on the west wall arrests your attention. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||||
Floyd | >But you aren't in anything at the moment. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | Here's the entrance to Paco's Tacos, everyone's favorite place for a Floyd | bite as long as everything else is closed. The stretch of sidewalk here Floyd | is covered by a striped awning for the masses to huddle under while Floyd | waiting for a table at peak hours. The door to the north is framed by Floyd | neon signs behind plate glass windows. Further east is Get Your Licks. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "meh" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Oh well." | ||||
genericgeekgirl shrugs. | ||||
cyberskunk says, "i dont see the guy. lets go all the way to the parking lot and back just in case" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Alley Floyd | The bricks in this alley are so old that at the middle of the road they Floyd | have sunk a full foot below the level of their neighbors closer to the Floyd | building walls. Walking across this uneven half-pipe of bricks is an Floyd | unnerving and probably dangerous experience. Floyd | Floyd | The alley continues north, past a staple-encrusted utility pole, until Floyd | the beams of the streetlamps don't quite reach; west is the parking lot Floyd | and east is Paco's Taco's. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Paco's Tacos Parking Lot Floyd | The single streetlight shared by the two parking lots casts most of its Floyd | light on the La Pizza side, so while you can barely see your own feet, Floyd | your car back on the west side is cast in a harsh orange glow. Paco's Floyd | is on the other side of the alley east of here. Floyd | Floyd | This side of the lot has its own informative sign. Floyd | Floyd | While you were away someone parked their silver Honda here. Floyd | Floyd | That guy's wallet is still lying on the pavement here. Floyd | | inky says, "oho" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x honda" | ||||
Floyd | >(the silver Honda) Floyd | Whose car is this? Where'd they go? Floyd | Floyd | It's pretty nice, for an Accord anyway. It's not scratched up or dented Floyd | or anything, and if you looked in the windows you'd probably see the Floyd | seats aren't covered in stains. Floyd | Floyd | There's something shiny in the back. Floyd | | DavidW says, "I guess the boss climbed up the awning. (or not)" | |||
inky says, "or wait, that's presumably not his" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "x shiny" | ||||
Floyd | >The shiny thing is a knife, really a dagger. It looks like it's made Floyd | out of gold, and it's sticking out of a human body. Floyd | Floyd | There's a dead person in this car! Floyd | | inky says, "hunh" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open car" | ||||
Floyd | >The Honda that doesn't belong to you is locked. Floyd | Floyd | A guy with huge eyebrows appears from across the alley. Floyd | | inky says, ";ha ha ha" | |||
DavidW asks, "Unlock it with the coat hanger?" | ||||
cyberskunk exclaims, "oh god. i hope the dead guy isnt us!" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Good idea. Not in front of this guy, though." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x guy" | ||||
Floyd | >The guy with huge eyebrows seems put off by your attention, but slows Floyd | down for a moment. Floyd | Floyd | The guy is apparently dressed up for an event of some kind, but he's Floyd | taking his time about getting there. His eyebrows are ridiculous. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x eyebrows" | ||||
Floyd | >The guy with huge eyebrows seems put off by your attention, but slows Floyd | down for a moment. Floyd | Floyd | The guy is apparently dressed up for an event of some kind, but he's Floyd | taking his time about getting there. His eyebrows are ridiculous. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | | Binder asks, "An event? Is he a children's clown?" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to man" | ||||
Floyd | >The guy with huge eyebrows seems put off by your attention, but slows Floyd | down for a moment. Floyd | Floyd | "Um& can I help you?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "How are you this evening?" Floyd | [2] "What's that thing you're carrying?" Floyd | [3] "Where are you headed?" Floyd | [4] "Have a nice night." Floyd | [5] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | Mao exclaims, "Rob him!" | |||
Binder says, "No, let's befriend him THEN rob him." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"How are you this evening?" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, I'm fine! A little tired! Better head home, right! Ha ha!" Floyd | Floyd | That was a very fake laugh. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "What's that thing you're carrying?" Floyd | [2] "Where are you headed?" Floyd | [3] "Have a nice night." Floyd | [4] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "ano... mayuge.... O_O" | |||
Johnny says, "But, it's just a nice man taking his pet caterpillars for a walk!" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"What's that thing you're carrying? Floyd | Floyd | "You mean this? This is just a& sleeping bag. Going camping!" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Where are you headed?" Floyd | [2] "Have a nice night." Floyd | [3] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | Binder says, "Formal camping." | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"Where are you headed?" Floyd | Floyd | "I'm& meeting for a friend. But they won't be here for a while. So I'll Floyd | just& Don't you have somewhere to be yourself?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Have a nice night." Floyd | [2] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "All right. Gun?" | |||
cyberskunk says, "i am the law" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >Pulling your gun out of your pocket and pointing it at the guy with Floyd | huge eyebrows requires some mental and emotional exertion, but even if Floyd | your body language betrays your anxiety, the process has its intended Floyd | effect. He's too afraid to run, but he backs away a little; he even Floyd | tries to put his hands up, although it isn't easy while he's holding Floyd | that blanket in them. Floyd | Floyd | "Okay okay okay okay!" he stammers. "What do you want?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Hand over that blanket!" Floyd | [2] "How about you give me your wallet." Floyd | [3] "Where's Paco?" Floyd | [4] "Why don't you tell me what the heck is going on around here?" Floyd | | Binder says, "I like all of these choices." | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Obviously we want the blanket. (I meant that sarcastically at first and then realized there might actually be something in there.)" | ||||
Johnny says, "Just more eyebrows." | ||||
Mao says, "Lots of eyebrows." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ew." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"Hand over that cloak!" Floyd | Floyd | "Sure! Sure thing! Absolutely!" He tosses the mass of fabric to you, Floyd | and you manage to catch it with the arm that isn't busy pointing a gun Floyd | at him. Floyd | Floyd | And now you can what he was carrying underneath the blanket: some kind Floyd | of ram mask. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "And toss me that mask too!" Floyd | [2] "How about you give me your wallet." Floyd | [3] "Where's Paco?" Floyd | [4] "Why don't you tell me what the heck is going on around here?" Floyd | | Binder says, "if a hanger is worth a dime, eybrows have got to a quarter" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"And toss me that mask, too!" Floyd | Floyd | "Sure thing! Sure!" the guy with huge eyebrows cries. Floyd | Floyd | In retrospect, the word "toss" was a poor choice: he throws the ram Floyd | mask in a high arc, forcing you to take your eyes and and gun off of Floyd | him as you attempt to complete the pass while holding a gun in one hand Floyd | and big heavy cape in the other. Floyd | Floyd | The bad news is, the guy ran off down the street. The good news is, at Floyd | least that mask didn't fall on the pavement and break. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | >Paco's Tacos Parking Lot Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | | Binder asks, "Wait, is this Pulp Fiction or Eyes Wide Shut?" | |||
Mao says, "Ooh, the mask" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "finally: juggling club pays off" | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "I assume we want to play out the other choices first?" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Paco's Tacos Parking Lot Floyd | The single streetlight shared by the two parking lots casts most of its Floyd | light on the La Pizza side, so while you can barely see your own feet, Floyd | your car back on the west side is cast in a harsh orange glow. Paco's Floyd | is on the other side of the alley east of here. Floyd | Floyd | This side of the lot has its own informative sign. Floyd | Floyd | A guy with huge eyebrows is here, minding what appears to be his own Floyd | business. Floyd | Floyd | While you were away someone parked their silver Honda here. Floyd | Floyd | That guy's wallet is still lying on the pavement here. Floyd | | cyberskunk asks, "undo backs us out of the entire conversation tree looks like?" | |||
Binder says, "Sure, I'm especially interested in 3 & 4" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to man" | ||||
Floyd | >"Um& can I help you?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "And toss me that mask too!" Floyd | [2] "How about you give me your wallet." Floyd | [3] "Where's Paco?" Floyd | [4] "Why don't you tell me what the heck is going on around here?" Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"Where's Paco?" Floyd | Floyd | He scrunches up his face in apparent disbelief. "Who? I don't know Floyd | anyone by that name." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "And toss me that mask too!" Floyd | [2] "How about you give me your wallet." Floyd | [3] "Why don't you tell me what the heck is going on around here?" Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"Why don't you tell me what the heck is going on around here?" Floyd | Floyd | "You mean you don't know? You're in over your head, pal!" he cackles. Floyd | Floyd | But then he reconsiders his statement: "Or maybe you're not in over | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | your head. But you definitely don't know what you're dealing with, Floyd | that's for sure. Pal." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "And toss me that mask too!" Floyd | [2] "How about you give me your wallet." Floyd | Floyd | >[Valid responses range from 1-2. Type REPEAT to relist the options.] Floyd | | Binder says, "wait, it didn't entirely back us out" | |||
Binder says, "we know about the mask after the undo" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >"How about you give me your wallet." Floyd | Floyd | "I& left it in my other pants." He shrugs sheepishly. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "And toss me that mask too!" Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"And toss me that mask, too!" Floyd | Floyd | "Sure thing! Sure!" the guy with huge eyebrows cries. Floyd | Floyd | In retrospect, the word "toss" was a poor choice: he throws the ram Floyd | mask in a high arc, forcing you to take your eyes and and gun off of Floyd | him as you attempt to complete the pass while holding a gun in one hand Floyd | and big heavy cape in the other. Floyd | Floyd | The bad news is, the guy ran off down the street. The good news is, at Floyd | least that mask didn't fall on the pavement and break. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "yeay i was wrong" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "unlock honda with hanger" | ||||
Floyd | >You stick the coat hanger inside the window well and try to wiggle it Floyd | around, but the hanger isn't the right shape for catching the lock Floyd | mechanism. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bend hanger" | ||||
Floyd | >You pull and twist on the coat hanger until it turns into a long, flat Floyd | hooking implement. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "unlock honda with hanger" | ||||
Floyd | >You slide the bent hanger inside the window, assuming as best you can Floyd | the posture and mannerisms of someone breaking into their own car. Floyd | Eventually the hook catches on something. You tug, it clicks, and the Floyd | car door is unlocked. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open car" | ||||
Floyd | >With an incriminatingly nervous glance around the parking lot, you Floyd | open the driver's side door and crawl inside. Floyd | Floyd | Inside Someone's Honda Floyd | These are leather seats! Who puts a dead, bleeding body on top of Floyd | leather seats? Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | >You are carrying: Floyd | a cloak Floyd | a long, bent coat hanger Floyd | a note about parking Floyd | an umbrella Floyd | a pair of sunglasses (being worn) Floyd | an bag of M&M's Floyd | $8.27, mostly in change Floyd | your keychain Floyd | a gun Floyd | | DavidW says, "Will no one think of the leather!" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x cloak" | ||||
Floyd | >It must be a cloak, and not a blanket, because blankets don't have Floyd | sleeves or hoods. Most of the time. This isn't one of those blankets Floyd | with sleeves anyway. It's a long, black, hooded cloak. Floyd | | Binder says, "I bet vengeful cows did this." | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x body" | ||||
Floyd | >With the lights in the car turned on, you can now see the mutilated Floyd | body in all its gory detail. It is actually a black duffel bag. A Floyd | golden dagger is sticking out of the top opening. Floyd | | Binder says, "Probably from Zuleika's family's farm" | |||
cyberskunk says, "that duffel bag had a family" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x dagger" | ||||
Floyd | >It does not look like the kind of dagger you would bring to a knife Floyd | fight. The blade is long and thin, and wavy-shaped for some reason, Floyd | with intricate carvings all up and down both sides. The handle is Floyd | sculpted into the shape of two big birds standing back-to-back; their Floyd | feet form the butt of the handle and their long, downward-curving beaks Floyd | form the hilt. Floyd | Floyd | It's probably worth hundreds of dollars. Floyd | | Binder exclaims, "an Ibis cult!" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x mask" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | (from Johnny) Johnny says, "hehe butt" | |||
cyberskunk says, "oh we left the mask outside" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "We don't have the mask for some reason. Must be in the parking lot." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x bag" | ||||
Floyd | >(the bag of M&M's) Floyd | Just a bag. You can't remember when you ate them, but hopefully you Floyd | enjoyed them. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x duffel bag" | ||||
Floyd | >Not only is it too small to fit a dead body inside, it's not even Floyd | full. Floyd | Floyd | In the duffel bag are a golden dagger and a fancy letter. Floyd | | Binder says, "we didn't bring it in the car for the same reason we were appalled by a bloody corpse on leather seats; taste" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x letter" | ||||
Floyd | >The letter is a single piece of paper, embossed with a gold border and Floyd | folded in thirds like it was delivered in a business envelope. The Floyd | letterhead (also gold-embossed) says ÅÃÄ·Á¹¿ ɸ¿Â, which must be Floyd | Russian or something. At least the main text is in English: Floyd | Floyd | Venerable Brothers and Sisters! Floyd | Floyd | Circumstances have lately demanded that the meeting of our illustrious Floyd | Organization in this turning of the Moon must be convened instead at Floyd | our auxiliary Location, accessible via the roof of your Brother's most Floyd | distinguished La Pizzá Building. A thousand thousand apologies are Floyd | extended for the inexcusable lack of Foresight that necessitated this Floyd | disturbance. Floyd | Floyd | You are reminded, O Brothers and Sisters, that acceptance into our Floyd | Mystery is forbidden to those who do not prove themselves by the Sacred Floyd | Ritual, and that entry to our auxiliary Location is granted only to Floyd | those who pay fitting Homage to our Guardian Pet. Floyd | Floyd | You are thus warned! Floyd | Floyd | And then where the signature should be there's just this goofy code: An Floyd | upside-down J, a picture of a boot, and then picture of a teacup. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||||
Floyd | >duffel bag: Taken. Floyd | golden dagger: As soon as it's in your hands, you can tell it isn't Floyd | real gold. Floyd | fancy letter: Taken. Floyd | | Tale says, "The plot thickens." | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put all in duffel bag" | ||||
Floyd | >fancy letter: Done. Floyd | golden dagger: Done. Floyd | cloak: Done. Floyd | long, bent coat hanger: Done. Floyd | note about parking: Done. Floyd | umbrella: Done. Floyd | bag of M&M's: Done. Floyd | $8.27, mostly in change: Your money is safe where it is; don't worry Floyd | about it. Floyd | keychain: Done. Floyd | gun: That would be a good way to lose track of it! Floyd | | Binder says, "I do love a roomy carry-all" | |||
Binder says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | >You are carrying: Floyd | a duffel bag (open) Floyd | your keychain Floyd | an bag of M&M's Floyd | an umbrella Floyd | a note about parking Floyd | a long, bent coat hanger Floyd | a cloak Floyd | a golden dagger Floyd | a fancy letter Floyd | a pair of sunglasses (being worn) Floyd | $8.27, mostly in change Floyd | a gun Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look under seat" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Inside Someone's Honda Floyd | This is such a nice car. It's so clean. So depressing. Floyd | | Johnny says, "Most of that would fit in a pocket." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "open glove compartment" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Inside Someone's Honda Floyd | This is such a nice car. It's so clean. So depressing. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "out" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Paco's Tacos Parking Lot Floyd | The single streetlight shared by the two parking lots casts most of its Floyd | light on the La Pizza side, so while you can barely see your own feet, Floyd | your car back on the west side is cast in a harsh orange glow. Paco's Floyd | is on the other side of the alley east of here. Floyd | Floyd | This side of the lot has its own informative sign. Floyd | Floyd | That silver Honda is still parked here. Floyd | Floyd | That guy's wallet is still lying on the pavement here. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a ram mask here. Floyd | | Mao says, "Always love the bottomless hold-all, I use weight limits though" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||||
Floyd | >long, bent coat hanger: Taken. Floyd | ram mask: Taken. Floyd | silver Honda: Your pockets aren't big enough. Floyd | wallet: It's empty. Floppy. Floyd | Floyd | keychain: Taken. Floyd | bag of M&M's: umbrella: Taken. Floyd | note about parking: Taken. Floyd | cloak: Taken. Floyd | golden dagger: Taken. Floyd | fancy letter: Taken. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x mask" | ||||
Floyd | >Goats are incredibly creepy, but a lot of their creepiness is due to Floyd | their rectangular pupils, so it's a good thing this mask has eye-holes Floyd | instead. It also has curly horns that bend back, apparently to fit Floyd | underneath the hood of a cloak. Floyd | | Mao says, "Haha, floppy" | |||
Lucea says (to floyd), "wear mask" | ||||
Floyd | >Your sunglasses get in the way, and the mask won't go on properly. Floyd | | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | >You are carrying: Floyd | a fancy letter Floyd | a golden dagger Floyd | a cloak Floyd | a note about parking Floyd | an umbrella Floyd | an empty M&M's bag Floyd | your keychain Floyd | some guy's wallet Floyd | a ram mask Floyd | a long, bent coat hanger Floyd | a duffel bag (open but empty) Floyd | a pair of sunglasses (being worn) Floyd | $8.27, mostly in change Floyd | a gun Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "remove glasses" | ||||
Floyd | >You take off the pair of sunglasses. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear mask" | ||||
Floyd | >You put on the ram mask. Floyd | | Binder says, "huh, get all got from our duffel" | |||
Mao says (to Floyd), "wear glasses" | ||||
Floyd | >The mask is too big to wear sunglasses on top of it. Floyd | | Mao says, "Aww" | |||
Binder says, "look, we can either be in a cult or cool, we can't have it both ways" | ||||
Tale says (to binder), "ha ha" | ||||
Tale says, "I suggest going into Pacos's bemasked." | ||||
Mao says (to Floyd), "wear cloak" | ||||
Floyd | >You put on the cloak. Floyd | | Lucea says, "I suggest going anywhere bemasked" | |||
Lucea says, "In real life too" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Alley Floyd | The bricks in this alley are so old that at the middle of the road they Floyd | have sunk a full foot below the level of their neighbors closer to the Floyd | building walls. Walking across this uneven half-pipe of bricks is an Floyd | unnerving and probably dangerous experience. Floyd | Floyd | The alley continues north, past a staple-encrusted utility pole, until Floyd | the beams of the streetlamps don't quite reach; west is the parking lot Floyd | and east is Paco's Taco's. Floyd | | Binder says, "Yeah, the cops certainly won't find the mask suspicious." | |||
Mao says, "Gonna be cult, might as well be fully cult." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | Here's the entrance to Paco's Tacos, everyone's favorite place for a Floyd | bite as long as everything else is closed. The stretch of sidewalk here Floyd | is covered by a striped awning for the masses to huddle under while Floyd | waiting for a table at peak hours. The door to the north is framed by Floyd | neon signs behind plate glass windows. Further east is Get Your Licks. Floyd | | ||||
Tale pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | >I beg your pardon? Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf3" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | | Mao says, "They won't, be we are wearing the cloak, so we look like a cosplayer" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Inside Paco's Tacos Floyd | The place is pretty much dead. The chairs aren't on the tables yet, but Floyd | the place may as well be closed. Floyd | Floyd | At the north end, across the dining room, there's a counter attended by Floyd | a cashier. Floyd | Floyd | An oversized painting on the west wall arrests your attention. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Paco's Tacos Counter Floyd | The cash register sits here on a long counter, accompanied by a great Floyd | big tip jar and guarded by a bored-looking cashier. The menu is printed Floyd | on a big chalkboard near the ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | Around the counter and to the north is a long hallway. That must be Floyd | where the big guy came from. Floyd | Floyd | A blonde cop and a mustachioed cop are enjoying their tacos in a booth Floyd | near the counter. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to cop" | ||||
Floyd | >(the blonde cop) Floyd | You try to greet the officers, but they greet you first: "Hey, could Floyd | you take off the mask, pal? You're looking kind of suspicious. Kind of Floyd | arrestable." Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "Just some nerd looking for a late night snack. Nothing to see here, officers." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Emily and I were playing Jambo in a pub on Friday night when a boy wearing a batman mask approached us. It was... yeah, remind me to tell that story later." | ||||
cyberskunk asks, "was he actually batman?" | ||||
Binder asks (of Jacqueline), "Later when we're not doing CF or later when the statute of limitations has expired?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Long story short: it's not necessarily good to go everhwhere bemasked, because people think it odd." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Binder), "heh - just after CF." | ||||
Binder exclaims, "See? I knew the cops wouldn't be into it!" | ||||
(from Tale) Jacqueline says, "I shot him." | ||||
Mao says, "Rob the cops." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "remove mask" | ||||
Floyd | >You take off the ram mask. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to cops" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't use multiple objects with that verb. Floyd | | Mao says, "I love getting the protagonist getting shot" | |||
Binder says, "welp, there went our alibi" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to cop" | ||||
Floyd | >(the blonde cop) Floyd | The two officers look up from their respective tacos as you approach. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Good evening, officers!" Floyd | [2] "Shouldn't you two be out cleaning up the streets?" Floyd | [3] "I should probably get going." Floyd | [4] Point your gun at them. Floyd | | Mao exclaims, "4! 4!" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh no." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "YES" | ||||
cyberskunk asks, "when did we save?" | ||||
cyberskunk asks, "can we save in the tree?" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "save" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "cf4" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "4" | ||||
Floyd | >It seems to take an awful long time to get your gun out of your Floyd | pocket, but once you succeed, a number of things happen in quick Floyd | succession. All of a sudden you're lying on your side on the floor, and Floyd | people are yelling at you, and then you're in the back seat of a car, Floyd | and then you're somewhere else and some other people are yelling, and& Floyd | Floyd | The moral of this particular story is: aggravated assault upon a law Floyd | enforcement officer is a felony offense, carrying a minimum sentence of Floyd | three years. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** At least you don't have to pay rent in prison. *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last Floyd | command? | Binder says, "yay, we stopped paying rent. mission accomplished." | |||
Ellison says, "hooray! we win!" | ||||
Binder says, "that's a win, right/" | ||||
Tale says (to Ellison), "This is not the story of your life" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | > Paco's Tacos Counter Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"Good evening, officers!" is what you try to say, but it comes out as Floyd | "Good evening, ollifis--" and then you seem to somehow choke on your Floyd | own tongue. The cop with the mustache is able to stifle his laughter, Floyd | but his partner audibly snorts into her drink. Floyd | Floyd | "Good evening yourself, citizen!" answers the mustachioed cop, as his Floyd | partner wipes off her face. "This here is Officer Rae, and I am Officer Floyd | Bob, at your service." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Stopped any good crimes lately?" Floyd | [2] "Do you guys know Paco?" Floyd | [3] "I have a crime to report!" Floyd | [4] "I should probably get going." Floyd | [5] Point your gun at them. Floyd | | Binder says, "I wonder how much IF has been written in prison." | |||
Mao says, "We're not dead, no rent, sounds like goal accomplished to me" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"I have a crime to report!" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh man!" Blonde Cop smiles. "Really? Lay it on me. Lay it on us." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Stopped any good crimes lately?" Floyd | [2] "Do you guys know Paco?" Floyd | [3] "I have a crime to report!" Floyd | [4] "There's some graffiti painted on the utility pole in the alley." Floyd | [5] "I think there's a car parked illegally outside." Floyd | [6] "I should probably get going." Floyd | [7] Point your gun at them. Floyd | | Binder says, "we should report some dude mugging people around here" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "5" | ||||
Floyd | >"I think there's a car parked illegally outside." Floyd | Floyd | "What, seriously?" Officer Rae asks, as if the sin of illegal parking Floyd | could possibly be interpreted as a joke. Floyd | Floyd | "What do you want us to do about it? We're not the towing company. We Floyd | enforce the law, not people's made-up parking rules." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Stopped any good crimes lately?" Floyd | [2] "Do you guys know Paco?" Floyd | [3] "I have a crime to report!" Floyd | [4] "There's some graffiti painted on the utility pole in the alley." Floyd | [5] "I should probably get going." Floyd | [6] Point your gun at them. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "the ice cream next door is criminally delicious" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "4" | ||||
Floyd | >"There's some graffiti painted on the utility pole in the alley." Floyd | Floyd | "No kidding! Graffiti, huh? Wow. Crazy. Tell you what," Mr. Mustache Floyd | says, as if addressing an eight-year-old, "Why don't you go get some Floyd | hot, soapy water and wash that right off? Your good deed for the day." Floyd | Floyd | "Taking care of that kind of stuff is the prerogative of the property Floyd | owner," his partner adds, more helpfully. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Stopped any good crimes lately?" Floyd | [2] "Do you guys know Paco?" Floyd | [3] "I have a crime to report!" Floyd | [4] "I should probably get going." Floyd | [5] Point your gun at them. Floyd | | Binder says, "the girl next door is a checkers hustler" | |||
Mao says, "Someone stole all our bullets" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to cop" | ||||
Floyd | >(Officer Rae) Floyd | The two officers look up from their respective tacos as you approach. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Stopped any good crimes lately?" Floyd | [2] "Do you guys know Paco?" Floyd | [3] "I have a crime to report!" Floyd | [4] "I should probably get going." Floyd | [5] Point your gun at them. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >"Do you guys know Paco?" Floyd | Floyd | After a couple seconds of blank stares, the officers seem to come to Floyd | the same realization simultaneously, and in near-unison they cry: "Oh! Floyd | Yeah! Paco!" Floyd | Floyd | Officer Rae rolls her eyes. "Of course we know Paco." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Stopped any good crimes lately?" Floyd | [2] "What kind of guy is Paco?" Floyd | [3] "I have a crime to report!" Floyd | [4] "I should probably get going." Floyd | [5] Point your gun at them. Floyd | | Binder asks, "why is that cops are only rationalists when we want them to do something?" | |||
Ellison says, "oops, gotta go" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >"What kind of guy is Paco?" Floyd | Floyd | "He's a beacon of integrity in this community," offers Officer Rae. Floyd | Floyd | "We should know; we're his best customers," adds Officer Bob. Floyd | Floyd | "Yeah, we're such good customers, we should be eating for free." Floyd | Floyd | Officer Bob gapes at Officer Rae. "Are you saying you've been paying Floyd | money for these?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Stopped any good crimes lately?" Floyd | [2] "I have a crime to report!" Floyd | [3] "I should probably get going." Floyd | [4] Point your gun at them. Floyd | | ||||
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst.. | ||||
Ellison has disconnected. | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >"I should probably get going," you mumble, turning away. Floyd | Floyd | As you leave, you can hear one of the cops calling "Smell ya later! I Floyd | mean, remain vigilant, citizen!" Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Paco's Tacos Counter Floyd | The cash register sits here on a long counter, accompanied by a great Floyd | big tip jar and guarded by a bored-looking cashier. The menu is printed Floyd | on a big chalkboard near the ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | Around the counter and to the north is a long hallway. That must be Floyd | where the big guy came from. Floyd | Floyd | Officer Rae and Officer Bob are enjoying their tacos in a booth near Floyd | the counter. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | >As you shuffle toward the hallway, you cast a sideways glance at the Floyd | cashier, expecting him to tell you to stay out of Paco's office. But he Floyd | just continues staring, catlike, straight in front of him. Floyd | Floyd | Paco's Tacos Back Office Floyd | Your fingers find the light switch in the instant that your brain Floyd | realizes there's someone sitting there in the darkness, ready to bust a Floyd | cap in you the second they get a good look at who's sneaking around in Floyd | their office. But when you turn on the light, there's nobody there. Floyd | Floyd | This place is a dump. The one nod to aesthetics is a framed portrait Floyd | hanging on the wall that looks like it was painted in a hurry. Besides Floyd | that, the desk, the plastic wardrobe, the wheeled upholstered chair Floyd | from 1976, even the garbage can all look like they fell down a couple Floyd | flights of stairs each. Floyd | Floyd | Set into the wall behind the desk and looking extremely out of place in Floyd | this atmosphere of squalor is an expensive-looking safe. Floyd | | Lucea says, "what a fine upstanding pillar of the community this paco must be" | |||
Binder says, "Great, officer Nelson Muntz" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x portrait" | ||||
Floyd | >The painting, apparently from the same brush that created the piece Floyd | out at the store entrance, depicts as austerely as possible the guy you Floyd | ran into at the counter. Floyd | Floyd | Is this "Paco," then? He doesn't look like a Paco. He looks more like a Floyd | Chunk. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look in garbage can" | ||||
Floyd | >That's an awful lot of submarine sandwich receipts. Floyd | | Mao says, "Yea, I'd totally raise my kids here." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x safe" | ||||
Floyd | >A metal door at about eye level, about two feet wide and a foot tall. Floyd | On the right end there are four dials and a big handle; on the left end Floyd | there's the insignia of the manufacturer. Floyd | | ||||
Lucea says (to floyd), "x insignia" | ||||
Floyd | >The insignia reads "UR-SECUR". Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "open safe" | ||||
Floyd | >You pull on the handle, but it doesn't budge. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x desk" | ||||
Floyd | >This thing has so many scratches and dents, you could almost mistake Floyd | it for your car--if your car had a few more fake, peeling wood grain Floyd | accents. There's nothing on top but a layer of dust. The desk has a top Floyd | drawer and a bottom drawer, both currently closed. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search receipts" | ||||
Floyd | >You find nothing of interest. Floyd | | ||||
Mao says (to Floyd), "eat safe" | ||||
Floyd | >(first taking the safe) Floyd | It's stuck in the wall. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "write in dust" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | ||||
Lucea says (to floyd), "open drawer" | ||||
Floyd | >As it turns out, the top handle and the bottom handle are both Floyd | connected to the same big drawer. As you pull it open, an empty bottle Floyd | rolls around inside. A pink sticky note is stuck to the bottom. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x note" | ||||
Floyd | >(the sticky note) Floyd | It's pink, and the writing on it says: Floyd | Floyd | WFPP (safe) Floyd | 4523dave! (laptop) Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x dials" | ||||
Floyd | >There are four dials; each one has a little arrow that can point at Floyd | one of a selection of consonants: B, D, F, J, P, R, T, W and Z. Floyd | Currently they spell out: WRTF. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "set first dial to w" | ||||
Floyd | >You spin the dial until the little arrow points at W. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "set second dial to f" | ||||
Floyd | >You spin the dial until the little arrow points at F. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "set third dial to p" | ||||
Floyd | >You spin the dial until the little arrow points at P. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "set fourth dial to p" | ||||
Floyd | >You spin the dial until the little arrow points at P. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "turn handle" | ||||
Floyd | >Which do you mean, the safe's handle or the hooked handle of the Floyd | umbrella? Floyd | | Mao says, "The umbrella, duh" | |||
Jacqueline says, "heehee" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "safe's handle" | ||||
Floyd | >The handle turns, and the safe door swings open. Floyd | Floyd | As it turns out, the safe is only a few inches deep, and the back wall Floyd | is a complicated console made up of a bunch of buttons and screens--it Floyd | looks like mission control at NASA. Floyd | Floyd | So where's the money? Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x console" | ||||
Floyd | >There's a screen on the left and a screen on the right, surrounded by Floyd | an incomprehensible mass of unlabeled buttons. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "press random buttons" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | Binder says, ">comprehend mass" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bottle" | ||||
Floyd | >It's a brown glass bottle, for some brand of beer that's so cool Floyd | you've never heard of it. Floyd | | Mao says, "Maybe it's the reality control module. This is the Truman Show" | |||
Lucea says (to floyd), "x buttons" | ||||
Floyd | >It's impossible to tell what's going on with any of these buttons, Floyd | although one of them near the middle is red. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Press red button?" | |||
DavidW says, "One of these years, a console in an IF game will have a mass of _understandable_ buttons." | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "What could go wrong?" | ||||
Binder says, "oh, it's a political map of the us in LED form" | ||||
Lucea says, "press red buttons" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "press red button" | ||||
Floyd | >You have to glance again at the office door before you work up the Floyd | nerve to push the button. Once you do, the console makes a couple of Floyd | worrying clicking noises--but then it starts humming, and the two Floyd | screens light up. The images are in grainy black and white, but you can Floyd | mostly tell what's going on: Floyd | Floyd | On the left screen is one of those Egyptian statues of a guy with a Floyd | wolf's head wearing a towel. Someone has placed it in front of a Floyd | curtain. Floyd | Floyd | Meanwhile, on the right screen, a number of people in hooded cloaks are Floyd | milling around a candlelit room. Floyd | | Jacqueline says (to Binder), "No, it's a Light Bright." | |||
Binder says, "We need more IF with playable Light Brights." | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "A wolf's hear? Not a jackal?" | ||||
Mao exclaims, "OMG, Paco is a cultist!" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "er, wolfs head, rather." | ||||
Binder says, "That seems off." | ||||
Lucea says (to floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Someone in a hooded cloak walks up to the wolf-head statue on the left Floyd | screen. Floyd | Floyd | On the right screen you can discern that the cloaked people are moving Floyd | around a huge table. It's impossible to tell how many people there are; Floyd | there are dozens of candles in the room, and they cast all kinds of Floyd | confusing shadows. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "the mc's vast ignorance of biology has been established" | |||
Binder says, "Maybe these guys are post-modern Ibis cultists." | ||||
Mao says (to Binder), "I'll see what I can come up with." | ||||
Binder says (to cyberskunk), "Oh, good point." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "push button" | ||||
Floyd | >When you press the red button again, the screens go blank, and the Floyd | console stops humming. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "push button" | ||||
Floyd | >You give the red button a push, and the screens come to life. Floyd | Floyd | On the left screen, the wolf head guy raises his hand to the cloaked Floyd | person, like he's saying "Halt!" Floyd | Floyd | For a moment the crowd on the right screen parts, and you can see a Floyd | large section of the table. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "oh! the secret hand gesture" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "watch screens" | ||||
Floyd | >Which do you mean, the left screen or the right screen? Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "watch left screen" | ||||
Floyd | >The left screen depicts a statuesque man (or statue of a man) with a Floyd | creepy wolf head, standing guard in front of a curtained doorway. Floyd | Floyd | The cloaked person on the left screen raises his own hand (or her own Floyd | hand?) back at the wolf guy. Are they going to high five? Are they just Floyd | comparing hands? You can't see the cloaked guy's face. Floyd | Floyd | The items are being arranged on the huge table in a spiral pattern: Floyd | Circles within circles, around and around& Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "watch left screen" | ||||
Floyd | >The left screen depicts a statuesque man (or statue of a man) with a Floyd | creepy wolf head, standing guard in front of a curtained doorway. Floyd | Floyd | On the left screen, the guy facing Shirtless Wolf Head Guy looks down Floyd | to reach in his cloak, and for the moment he faces the camera you can Floyd | see he's wearing a stoic lion's-face mask. Floyd | Floyd | The intricate pattern on the table on the right screen is obviously Floyd | arranged around some central thing, but you can't make out what it is. Floyd | | Binder says, "Ah, so that's their guardian pet." | |||
cyberskunk continues to watch.... | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x thing" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | The dude (or lady) in the cloak on the left screen pulls a mean-looking Floyd | dagger out of the copious folds of his (or her) voluminous robe. Floyd | Floyd | The centerpiece of the table appears for an instant, glittering. Is it Floyd | a diamond? Is it multiple diamonds? Floyd | | Mao says, "Hey, we're a cultist now, let's go join in" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | On the left screen, the cloaked person points his dagger right at Floyd | Shirtless Wolf Head Guy. Floyd | Floyd | One of the hooded people on the right screen raises her arms. Floyd | Apparently she's yelling at everyone else, because they all stop what Floyd | they're doing and look at her. Floyd | | Binder asks, "OK, raise hand, point letter opener... and then?" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | The wolf head guy nods his smooth, expressionless, incredibly eerie Floyd | wolf head. The cloaked guy nods back. Floyd | Floyd | The leader of the cloaked people on the right screen gestures Floyd | theatrically toward the table. As she turns, you can tell she's wearing Floyd | a mask with a long snout. Floyd | | Mao says, "The boar is always food." | |||
cyberskunk says, "oh no! shes an elephant. shell never forget" | ||||
Lucea says, "she's pinocchio and lied" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "porbably an ibis mask tho" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | On the left screen, the wolf head guy steps out of the way, and the guy Floyd | in the cloak walks through the curtain and out of sight. Floyd | Floyd | On the right screen, the people are watching the snout-masked lady Floyd | intently. Some of them start nodding. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x lady" | ||||
Floyd | >These screens are so small, you can't really make out any details of Floyd | the snout-masked lady. Floyd | Floyd | Shirtless Wolf Head Guy steps back in front of the curtain and crosses Floyd | his arms. Floyd | Floyd | As Snout-Mask Woman's gesticulations reach a crescendo, some other Floyd | person (probably wearing a cloak) walks in front of the camera. The Floyd | image on the right screen goes completely black. Floyd | | cyberskunk asks, "okay! trying to rob tacos or go join a cult?" | |||
Tale says, "Join a cult." | ||||
Binder says, "cult." | ||||
Tale asks, "Where was that meeting again?" | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "read letter" | ||||
Floyd | >The letter is a single piece of paper, embossed with a gold border and Floyd | folded in thirds like it was delivered in a business envelope. The Floyd | letterhead (also gold-embossed) says ÅÃÄ·Á¹¿ ɸ¿Â, which must be Floyd | Russian or something. At least the main text is in English: Floyd | Floyd | Venerable Brothers and Sisters! Floyd | Floyd | Circumstances have lately demanded that the meeting of our illustrious Floyd | Organization in this turning of the Moon must be convened instead at Floyd | our auxiliary Location, accessible via the roof of your Brother's most Floyd | distinguished La Pizzá Building. A thousand thousand apologies are Floyd | extended for the inexcusable lack of Foresight that necessitated this Floyd | disturbance. Floyd | Floyd | You are reminded, O Brothers and Sisters, that acceptance into our Floyd | Mystery is forbidden to those who do not prove themselves by the Sacred Floyd | Ritual, and that entry to our auxiliary Location is granted only to Floyd | those who pay fitting Homage to our Guardian Pet. Floyd | Floyd | You are thus warned! Floyd | Floyd | And then where the signature should be there's just this goofy code: An Floyd | upside-down J, a picture of a boot, and then picture of a teacup. Floyd | Floyd | Standing perfectly still, with his arms crossed, the wolf head guy is Floyd | starting to look like a statue again. Floyd | Floyd | Whoever's standing in front of the camera for the right screen doesn't Floyd | seem to have anywhere else to be. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "extracurricular activities are important for a good college. top of the pizza place" | |||
DavidW says, "(I gotta go eat something. I'll be back later.)" | ||||
Tale asks, "Have we seen a pizza place?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "It's on the other side of the Taco Shop, no?" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "yeah its across the street. i think west of our parking place" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, that." | ||||
Tale says, "Okay, then." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Paco's Tacos Counter Floyd | The cash register sits here on a long counter, accompanied by a great Floyd | big tip jar and guarded by a bored-looking cashier. The menu is printed Floyd | on a big chalkboard near the ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | Around the counter and to the north is a long hallway. Floyd | Floyd | Officer Rae and Officer Bob are enjoying their tacos in a booth near Floyd | the counter. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Inside Paco's Tacos Floyd | The place is pretty much dead. The chairs aren't on the tables yet, but Floyd | the place may as well be closed. Floyd | Floyd | At the north end, across the dining room, there's a counter attended by Floyd | a cashier. Floyd | Floyd | An oversized painting on the west wall arrests your attention. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | Here's the entrance to Paco's Tacos, everyone's favorite place for a Floyd | bite as long as everything else is closed. The stretch of sidewalk here Floyd | is covered by a striped awning for the masses to huddle under while Floyd | waiting for a table at peak hours. The door to the north is framed by Floyd | neon signs behind plate glass windows. Further east is Get Your Licks. Floyd | | Mao says, "maybe the ice cream place has pizza flavor in the back" | |||
Binder says, "put on our mask first" | ||||
Tale says, "No worries, we'll save" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Alley Floyd | The bricks in this alley are so old that at the middle of the road they Floyd | have sunk a full foot below the level of their neighbors closer to the Floyd | building walls. Walking across this uneven half-pipe of bricks is an Floyd | unnerving and probably dangerous experience. Floyd | Floyd | The alley continues north, past a staple-encrusted utility pole, until Floyd | the beams of the streetlamps don't quite reach; west is the parking lot Floyd | and east is Paco's Taco's. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Paco's Tacos Parking Lot Floyd | The single streetlight shared by the two parking lots casts most of its Floyd | light on the La Pizza side, so while you can barely see your own feet, Floyd | your car back on the west side is cast in a harsh orange glow. Paco's Floyd | is on the other side of the alley east of here. Floyd | Floyd | This side of the lot has its own informative sign. Floyd | Floyd | That silver Honda is still parked here. Floyd | | Jacqueline says (to Mao), "That is an interesting concept I hadn't thought of before." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | La Pizzá Parking Lot Floyd | This parking lot is reserved solely for La Pizzá customers, as the sign Floyd | over there clearly states. La Pizzá is across the street west of here, Floyd | but of course by this time of night it's locked up tight. Floyd | Floyd | A low-slung iron chain separates this section of the lot from the one Floyd | reserved for patrons of Paco's Tacos, which is further east. Floyd | Floyd | Your piece of junk Ford Focus is parked here. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf4" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "wear mask" | ||||
Floyd | >You put on the ram mask. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "wear cloak" | ||||
Floyd | >You're already wearing that. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside La Pizzá Floyd | You brought a date here once. You could barely afford it then; you Floyd | definitely wouldn't be able to afford it now. Floyd | Floyd | Come to think of it, as expensive as that date was, it should have gone Floyd | a lot better. Floyd | Floyd | The dark red brick building, tall and well-kept, looks extremely out of Floyd | place in this neighborhood. By way of contrast, the lot directly to the Floyd | north is vacant, a jungle of weeds and trash. Floyd | Floyd | The name of the restaurant is displayed above the door in the form of a Floyd | massive cursive neon sign, taking advantage of every flourish and Floyd | curlicue that "La Pizzá Pizzeria" can offer. Above the sign there are a Floyd | number of windows, some with their lights on. There must be apartments Floyd | or offices or something up on the second floor. Floyd | Floyd | That buzzing you hear is the fancy security system. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "now we have the power to ram through weak walls." | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "climb wall" | ||||
Floyd | >I don't think much is to be achieved by that. Floyd | | Tale asks, "This does have a Sherwin-ish mix of failed relationsships and completely unrelated stuff, doesn't it?" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | North of La Pizzá Floyd | Dozens of crickets jump out of your way as you make your way through Floyd | the overgrowth. Floyd | Floyd | All kinds of weeds and grasses have found homes in this plot of Floyd | heavily-cracked pavement, studded with various pieces of litter. Floyd | Floyd | Looking around, you realize that the entire lot is fenced off. You're Floyd | trapped in here, with the weeds and refuse--but then again, you can Floyd | always go back south to the pizzeria entrance. Floyd | Floyd | A fire escape slashes its way down the north wall of the building. Floyd | | Mao says, "Our character should roleplay and bahh at people" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x fire escape" | ||||
Floyd | >The network of black iron stairs and railings appears to go all the Floyd | way up to the roof. It can only be accessed from the ground, however, Floyd | by means of the attached ladder, which is hanging unclimbably in the Floyd | air. Floyd | | Binder says, "if only we had a hook" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "hook ladder with umbrella,ella,ella" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't talk to the hooked handle. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "hook ladder with umbrella" | ||||
Floyd | >The hook of the umbrella catches on the bottom rung, and with a tug Floyd | the ladder falls noisily to the ground. Floyd | | Binder exclaims, "One may not speak to the hooked handle!" | |||
Tale asks, "So, do we just go up or explore some more?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Explore?" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "Aren't you guys scared??" | ||||
inky says, "scared we might miss some awesome cult stuff, sure" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Maybe I have just played too much Arkham Horror, but cultists are scar--oh wait, no they're not. They are easily killed." | ||||
Johnny asks (of Jacq), "That someone else showed up dressed like a ram?" | ||||
Tale says (to Jacqueline), "Come back next week, we'll play Six. Sheesh." | ||||
Jacqueline smiles at Johnny. | ||||
cyberskunk says, "its so embarrassing when someone shows up in the same dress" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "search weeds" | ||||
Floyd | >If only someone had possessed the foresight to spread around some Floyd | industrial-strength weed-killer on this spot two hundred years ago. Floyd | | Binder says, "Unless Cthulhu is the Great Old One." | |||
Tale says, "Ha! That's a Curses ref." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside La Pizzá Floyd | The dark red brick building, tall and well-kept, looks extremely out of Floyd | place in this neighborhood. By way of contrast, the lot directly to the Floyd | north is vacant, a jungle of weeds and trash. Floyd | Floyd | The name of the restaurant is displayed above the door in the form of a Floyd | massive cursive neon sign, taking advantage of every flourish and Floyd | curlicue that "La Pizzá Pizzeria" can offer. Above the sign there are a Floyd | number of windows, some with their lights on. There must be apartments Floyd | or offices or something up on the second floor. Floyd | Floyd | That buzzing you hear is the fancy security system. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x windows" | ||||
Floyd | >Some are lit, and some are unlit, but they're way up there; who can Floyd | tell what's going on behind them? Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "shout" | ||||
Floyd | >You don't have the guts. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||||
Floyd | >At least, you assume it's the security system. It sounds like the kind Floyd | of buzzing sound that a really expensive security system would produce. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | La Pizzá Parking Lot Floyd | This parking lot is reserved solely for La Pizzá customers, as the sign Floyd | over there clearly states. La Pizzá is across the street west of here, Floyd | but of course by this time of night it's locked up tight. Floyd | Floyd | A low-slung iron chain separates this section of the lot from the one Floyd | reserved for patrons of Paco's Tacos, which is further east. Floyd | Floyd | Your piece of junk Ford Focus is parked here. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside La Pizzá Floyd | The dark red brick building, tall and well-kept, looks extremely out of Floyd | place in this neighborhood. By way of contrast, the lot directly to the Floyd | north is vacant, a jungle of weeds and trash. Floyd | Floyd | The name of the restaurant is displayed above the door in the form of a Floyd | massive cursive neon sign, taking advantage of every flourish and Floyd | curlicue that "La Pizzá Pizzeria" can offer. Above the sign there are a Floyd | number of windows, some with their lights on. There must be apartments Floyd | or offices or something up on the second floor. Floyd | Floyd | That buzzing you hear is the fancy security system. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | North of La Pizzá Floyd | All kinds of weeds and grasses have found homes in this plot of Floyd | heavily-cracked pavement, studded with various pieces of litter. Floyd | Floyd | Looking around, you realize that the entire lot is fenced off. You're Floyd | trapped in here, with the weeds and refuse--but then again, you can Floyd | always go back south to the pizzeria entrance. Floyd | Floyd | A fire escape slashes its way down the north wall of the building. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "search refuse" | ||||
Floyd | >At some point in the past, there wasn't enough trash in this lot to be Floyd | a problem. Then, suddenly and without warning, there was too much trash Floyd | to do anything about it, and that's where things stand now. Floyd | | ||||
Mao says (to Floyd), "dance" | ||||
Floyd | >Dancing is for when you're alone, at home. Floyd | | Mao says, "Our guy is forever alone." | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "But not for when you're alone in a creepy, empty lot." | ||||
Binder says, "So yeah, looks like not a lot of exploring to be done." | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Up?" | ||||
Binder exclaims, "Up up and away!" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | >With a nervous glance around the vacant lot, you climb up the ladder Floyd | and begin your ascent of the fire escape. Floyd | Floyd | Rooftop Garden Floyd | Good grief. Floyd | Floyd | On top of this pizzeria, in the middle of this terrifying neighborhood, Floyd | somebody has cultivated a garden the likes of which you have only seen Floyd | in movies about drug lords. Here is a tall shrub that has been cut into Floyd | the shape of a naked lady. Here is a statue of a cat, carved out of a Floyd | block of marble or ivory or something like that. The flowerbeds are Floyd | immaculate, lit by pale blue lamps in neat little rows. Floyd | Floyd | The centerpiece of the spectacle is a gigantic artificial waterfall. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x waterfall" | ||||
Floyd | >It's taller than you. The water must be pumped up to the top through Floyd | hidden tubes; it falls a great distance into a little pond, which feeds Floyd | an adorable pebbled stream that runs into the flowerbeds and Floyd | disappears. Floyd | Floyd | It's astonishing that the whole setup isn't audible from the ground. Floyd | | Binder says, "Great, not only can we not tell different animals apart, we can't even tell different types of stone apart." | |||
cyberskunk says, "oh i like that use of 'audible'" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x garden" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x shrub" | ||||
Floyd | >Is it supposed to be a topiary version of the Venus de Milo? But then Floyd | it wouldn't have arms. Guess it's just a generic naked lady shrub. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cat" | ||||
Floyd | >(the cat statue) Floyd | This cat is larger than life, and carved in great detail. It has its Floyd | eyes closed and its head tilted, as if enjoying a particularly good Floyd | petting or scratching. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pet statue" | ||||
Floyd | >(the cat statue) Floyd | The cat statue produces an unnerving series of clicks, and all of a Floyd | sudden the flow of the waterfall slows to a trickle, then stops. Now Floyd | you can see what's on the other side: the fountain was obscuring a roof Floyd | access door. How dramatic. Floyd | | Binder exclaims, "you broke it!" | |||
Mao says, "Haha, good job breaking it hero" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Aw." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x flowers" | ||||
Floyd | >Most of the flowers are those tall orange ones with the pointy petals Floyd | and the bright red stamens. What are these flowers called? Why have you Floyd | seen them in so many places around town? Floyd | | Binder says, "animals, rocks, flowers, there's not a lot we know" | |||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||||
Tale has disconnected. | ||||
Tale has connected. | ||||
Tale disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. | ||||
Tale arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | Mao says, "I know ice cream flavors" | |||
Tale asks, "Nobody move! my computer froze. What did we do?" | ||||
Binder says, "we DID identify stealth cookie dough sold as vanilla." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pet lady" | ||||
Floyd | >The naked lady shrub does not respond. All of a sudden you feel very Floyd | lonely. Floyd | Floyd | The waterfall begins trickling again, and before you know it the roof Floyd | access door is inaccessible again. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "We were discussing the four things we know." | |||
Binder says, "Awwww." | ||||
Mao exclaims, "Haha! We ARE forever alone!" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x shrub" | ||||
Floyd | >Is it supposed to be a topiary version of the Venus de Milo? But then Floyd | it wouldn't have arms. Guess it's just a generic naked lady shrub. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Rooftop Garden Floyd | On top of this pizzeria, in the middle of this terrifying neighborhood, Floyd | somebody has cultivated a garden the likes of which you have only seen Floyd | in movies about drug lords. Here is a tall shrub that has been cut into Floyd | the shape of a naked lady. Here is a statue of a cat, carved out of a Floyd | block of marble or ivory or something like that. The flowerbeds are Floyd | immaculate, lit by pale blue lamps in neat little rows. Floyd | Floyd | The centerpiece of the spectacle is a gigantic artificial waterfall. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x lamps" | ||||
Floyd | >They're so evenly spaced along the walkways, in such straight lines, Floyd | that they suggest the lights of an airport landing strip. Floyd | | Binder says, "Let's re-pet the cat and get on with it." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x cat" | ||||
Floyd | >(the cat statue) Floyd | This cat is larger than life, and carved in great detail. It has its Floyd | eyes closed and its head tilted, as if enjoying a particularly good Floyd | petting or scratching. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "pet cat" | ||||
Floyd | >(the cat statue) Floyd | You push down the cat head and the waterfall stops again. Floyd | | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >>Rooftop Garden Floyd | On top of this pizzeria, in the middle of this terrifying neighborhood, Floyd | somebody has cultivated a garden the likes of which you have only seen Floyd | in movies about drug lords. Here is a tall shrub that has been cut into Floyd | the shape of a naked lady. Here is a statue of a cat, carved out of a Floyd | block of marble or ivory or something like that. The flowerbeds are Floyd | immaculate, lit by pale blue lamps in neat little rows. Floyd | Floyd | The roof access door is currently unobscured by any waterfalls. Floyd | Floyd | The waterfall begins trickling again, and before you know it the roof Floyd | access door is inaccessible again. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "pet cat" | ||||
Floyd | >(the cat statue) Floyd | You push down the cat head and the waterfall stops again. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||||
Floyd | >It's already open. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "in" | ||||
Floyd | >You hurry in the roof access door before the waterfall starts up Floyd | again. Floyd | Floyd | Roof Access Floyd | You're inside La Pizzá! Finally! Well, you're inside the building Floyd | anyway. Floyd | Floyd | There's not much going on up here, except for the door to the roof and Floyd | the stairs leading down. Floyd | Floyd | There's a button on the wall here labeled "waterfall control," which is Floyd | convenient. Floyd | Floyd | You can hear the waterfall starting up again. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf5" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | | Tale asks, "Explore downstairs?" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Stairway Floyd | Hey, there's something interesting here. Floyd | Floyd | On this particular landing there's a little window set into the Floyd | concrete wall, like you might use to look inside a prison cell. Or Floyd | outside of a prison cell. Floyd | Floyd | Other than that: the stairs go up, and the stairs go down. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||||
Floyd | >The window is only about three inches tall and eight inches wide, and Floyd | it seems tinted, but you can see plenty on the other side: A bunch of Floyd | tables and chairs. It must be the La Pizzá dining room! If only you Floyd | could get inside! Floyd | Floyd | Actually, it doesn't look that nice from over here. Floyd | Floyd | But what does this window look like from the other side? Are you Floyd | looking out of the eyeballs of a creepy portrait? Why is this window Floyd | even here? Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "d" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Bottom of the Stairs Floyd | There is nothing at the bottom of the stairs except a stain on the Floyd | floor. And some heavy-looking double doors to the east. Floyd | Floyd | The doors groan and open automatically as you approach. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x stain" | ||||
Floyd | >It could have been blood, or it could have been marinara Floyd | sauce--perhaps some combination of the two. Floyd | | Binder says, "> taste stain" | |||
Tale says, "I can't tell if this is going for a humorous tone or not." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "taste stain" | ||||
Floyd | >You don't know where that's been. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | >You are carrying: Floyd | a fancy letter Floyd | a golden dagger Floyd | a cloak (being worn) Floyd | a note about parking Floyd | an umbrella Floyd | an empty M&M's bag Floyd | your keychain Floyd | some guy's wallet Floyd | a ram mask (being worn) Floyd | a long, bent coat hanger Floyd | a duffel bag (open but empty) Floyd | a pair of sunglasses Floyd | $8.27, mostly in change Floyd | a gun Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Ok. Checking that we're dressed appropriately. Onward?" | |||
Tale asks, "Does anyone recall that ritual?" | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Tale says, "Yep." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "That stain description is great." | ||||
Binder says, "raise hand, point dagger, nod" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Service Tunnel Floyd | As you cross some invisible threshold, the doors slam shut behind you. Floyd | Floyd | This looks like one of those tunnels they use to covertly transport Floyd | uncostumed workers at Disneyland. The walls are exactly as tall as the Floyd | ceiling and floor are wide, so the hallway is perfectly square, a fact Floyd | which wouldn't normally seem so eerie, but these walls are sweating in Floyd | the humidity, and there are ancient stains and cracks all over them. Floyd | The lights are only bare bulbs, and they're spaced out too far apart. Floyd | Floyd | There's a human figure at the far eastern end of the hall. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Service Tunnel? Floyd | Here, in a dark spot between two light bulbs, is a good place to pause Floyd | for a moment, because from here you can see that the person at the Floyd | eastern end of the hall is a shirtless dude wearing a wolf-face mask. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to dude" | ||||
Floyd | >He's still too far away for you to do anything other than covertly Floyd | admire his abs. Floyd | | Tale asks, "Oh, female protagonist?" | |||
Binder says, "> rob abs" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x mask" | ||||
Floyd | >(the ram mask) Floyd | Goats are incredibly creepy, but a lot of their creepiness is due to Floyd | their rectangular pupils, so it's a good thing this mask has eye-holes Floyd | instead. It also has curly horns that bend back, apparently to fit Floyd | underneath the hood of a cloak. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x wolf mask" | ||||
Floyd | >He's still too far away for you to do anything other than covertly Floyd | admire his abs. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Gate Floyd | This is the extreme end of the hall. The doorway to the east is Floyd | obscured by an ornate curtain. Floyd | Floyd | The shirtless guy with the wolf mask stands in front of the curtain, Floyd | impeding your progress. Floyd | Floyd | Now he raises his palm to you, as if to say: "Halt!" Floyd | | Tale asks, ">RAISE HAND?" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "raise hand" | ||||
Floyd | >You raise your hand. Floyd | Floyd | Wolf Head Guy stands there, with his palm facing your palm. He leans in Floyd | a little, as if asking you to& do something. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "showing dagger." | |||
Binder says, "His abs transcend concerns of gender. EVERYONE admires them." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "x abs" | ||||
Floyd | >Nice. Floyd | Floyd | The guard tries to rub his brow to demonstrate his frustration, but he Floyd | can only rub his mask. Floyd | | inky says, "we can admire his abs in a heterosexual male kind of way" | |||
Mao says, "Woah, would you believe I've never looked at a goats eyes" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "show dagger" | ||||
Floyd | >(to Shirtless Wolf Head Guy) Floyd | [Use TALK TO to interact with characters.] Floyd | Floyd | The guard composes himself. Floyd | | Mao says, "They ARE creepy." | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "talk to guy" | ||||
Floyd | >Shirtless Wolf Head Guy's emotionless mask regards you coolly. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Nice wolf head mask!" Floyd | [2] "Do you work out?" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to guard" | ||||
Floyd | [3] "Have you seen Paco lately? Paco, of Paco's Tacos?" Floyd | [4] "Could you tell me what's going on around here? I'm just getting Floyd | more and more confused." Floyd | Floyd | [5] "Did you know you're on TV?" Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Floyd | Before you can finish a single syllable, Wolf Head Guy holds up a Floyd | finger in front of his snout, as if to say "Shut up!" Floyd | Floyd | Now he raises his palm to you, as if to say: "Halt!" Floyd | | Binder says, "maybe we want point rather than show" | |||
cyberskunk says, "oh man. 5" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "raise hand" | ||||
Floyd | >You raise your hand. Floyd | Floyd | Wolf Head Guy stands there, with his palm facing your palm. He leans in Floyd | a little, as if asking you to& do something. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "point dagger at wolf head guy" | ||||
Floyd | >You point the golden dagger squarely at Shirtless Wolf Head Guy. Floyd | Floyd | He nods in response. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "nod" | ||||
Floyd | >You nod. Floyd | Floyd | This is apparently exactly what Wolf Head Guy wanted, because now he Floyd | finally steps out of your way. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "point dagger at dude" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | DavidW says, "(back)" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Gate Floyd | This is the extreme end of the hall. The doorway to the east is Floyd | obscured by an ornate curtain. Floyd | Floyd | Shirtless Wolf Head Guy stands off to the side, ready to let you pass. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Meeting Room Floyd | What is this? Floyd | Floyd | Dozens of people are milling around. They're all in hooded cloaks, and Floyd | they're all wearing creepy animal masks, except for the people who are Floyd | wearing very creepy yellow, glassy-eyed human masks. The room is Floyd | huge--where the heck is this room?--and lit up with hundreds of little Floyd | candles, enough to make the room unbearably hot. But the air Floyd | conditioning is on full blast, so the flames just whip around crazily Floyd | and cast all kinds of weird shadows. Floyd | Floyd | At one end of the room is a raised platform with a podium; behind the Floyd | platform are two giant bird-headed statues. Floyd | Floyd | In the middle of the room is a massive table. Floyd | Floyd | Shirtless Wolf Head Guy pokes his head in through the curtain and nods Floyd | at somebody. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||||
Floyd | >The table is laid out in a spiral pattern: rings within rings of Floyd | napkins and punch bowls and plates and platters: shrimp, sorbets, Floyd | mozzarella bruschetta, mousse in little glasses, slices of brie--a Floyd | tourbillon des hors d'oeuvre that sweeps the eye like a drowning sailor Floyd | toward the center of its vortex: An ice sculpture of a bird. Floyd | Floyd | One of the cloaks breaks off from a group to take the stage. When he Floyd | steps into the light, you can see his mask is a long, pointed face, a Floyd | reptilian face. Either an alligator or a crocodile, depending on what Floyd | the difference between those two things is. Floyd | Floyd | As he nears the middle of the stage, the murmuring in the room Floyd | diminishes, and the knots of people loosen into more of a herd as Floyd | everyone turns toward the platform. Floyd | | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x anubis" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "(Just checking)" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "> load up plate with snacks, stand in corner crunching loudly" | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "x sobek" | ||||
Floyd | >He definitely fills out that robe. And he moves around as if he Floyd | doesn't care what he knocks over. Floyd | Floyd | The guy in the alligator mask raises his arms. "Brothers and sisters!" Floyd | his voice rumbles, muffled by the mask. "I'm getting the signal from Floyd | Doug that everyone is here, so let me start out by saying I am pleased, Floyd | I am beyond pleased, to call to order this meeting of the Mystery of Floyd | Thoth." Floyd | Floyd | Where have you heard that voice before? Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "Also, we have just learned another thing that our protagonist does not know." | |||
Tale asks, "Who's Sobek?" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cheer" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | inky says, "crocodile god" | |||
Binder says, "he's an Egyptian god of the Nile" | ||||
Binder says, "not a particularly nice one" | ||||
Binder says, "I wonder if that's Paco under the Sobek mask." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paco" | ||||
Floyd | >He definitely fills out that robe. And he moves around as if he Floyd | doesn't care what he knocks over. Floyd | Floyd | "The catering for tonight's meeting was overseen by Sister Heatherton, Floyd | and it's a really amazing spread, as you can see; I think she deserves Floyd | some recognition. Sister Heatherton, can you show us where you are?" Floyd | Floyd | A woman near you wearing a hippopotamus mask (Is that Snout Mask Woman? Floyd | She's thinner in person) raises her hand. "I had a lot of help!" she Floyd | giggles, but her attempt at modesty is drowned out by applause. Floyd | | Tale asks, "Do we have any clue what to do here?" | |||
Binder exclaims, "Apparently!" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "applaud" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "talk to paco" | ||||
Floyd | >Everyone in here is paying attention to something other than you. This Floyd | is the one respect in which this party is like every other one you've Floyd | been to. Floyd | Floyd | "The chocolate mousse in particular is just staggering," continues the Floyd | alligator mask, as the ovation peters out. "You don't serve this to the Floyd | general public, do you?" Floyd | Floyd | She shakes her hippo head emphatically, but Alligator Mask isn't really Floyd | looking for an answer so much as he's trying to get a laugh out of the Floyd | audience. Floyd | Floyd | "Good! They don't deserve mousse like this!" he growls, and as everyone Floyd | laughs some more, you realize who it is that's wearing that mask. Floyd | Floyd | It's Paco! From Paco's Tacos! Although you're starting to suspect that Floyd | "Paco" isn't his real name. Floyd | | Binder exclaims, "Forever alone!" | |||
inky says, "we wait around until we hear that they are sabotaging the ice cream shop" | ||||
inky says, "or else that the ice cream girl is a cultist, I guess" | ||||
Tale asks, "SO, just wait around for now?" | ||||
Binder says, "apparently" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Scream "STOP! SHE'S ALIVE!" now." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat mousse" | ||||
Floyd | >(first taking the glasses of mousse) Floyd | You carefully pick up one of the fragile-looking glasses. Floyd | Floyd | "Now, before we get going, let me remind you that Brother Kerrigan is Floyd | playing taxman, going around collecting your offerings," Paco Floyd | continues. Somebody on the other end of the room raises a stack of Floyd | envelopes over his head. Floyd | Floyd | "Remember, a lot of people are depending on us, and vice versa. And Floyd | although the Mystery of Thoth has yet to be recognized as a charitable Floyd | organization," (another big laugh) "&your support does make a Floyd | difference in these people's lives. You all know Vic, from the health Floyd | department. He told me the other day that his family's going to Maui in Floyd | a couple weeks. I said 'That's nice! So, what are you gonna do while Floyd | they're away?'" Floyd | Floyd | Huge laugh. Floyd | | Binder exclaims, "Oooh, Brother Kerrigan gets to see our gun!" | |||
Tale asks, "So, are they an evil cult or not?" | ||||
Tale says, "Not much evildoing so far, except maybe harassing the ice parlor lady." | ||||
Binder says, "They're probably just a really shy cult." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "laugh" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Brother Kerrigan weaves his way through the crowd, shaking his pile of Floyd | envelopes at everybody he passes, but each one raises a hand as he Floyd | approaches, as if to say "No, I'm good." When he's finally satisfied, Floyd | he makes his way east, where the crowd parts to reveal a previously Floyd | hidden doorway. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "I don't think the Shriners have a secret entrance behind a waterfall." | |||
Binder exclaims, "that's what they want you to not think!" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "I'm glad everybody could make it; sorry we had to change the venue on Floyd | you at the last minute. We were hoping to do this in Sister Witt's Floyd | lounge at the Lafayette Café, but things fell through. I think it was a Floyd | piano that fell through, right? Fell through the ceiling!" Floyd | Floyd | This one doesn't land quite as well. Paco coughs. Floyd | Floyd | "Well, let's get right to it. What is there as far as old business?" Floyd | | Mao asks, "Maybe they're Daughters of Isis, and thus Masons?" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Someone else speaks up: "There is the matter of the interloper." Floyd | Floyd | Interloper! Do they mean you? Are you found out? Floyd | | inky says, "well, they're bribing the health inspector" | |||
inky says, "I guess that is a very minor act of evildoing" | ||||
Tale says (to inky), "C'mon, that" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "There is a female form of Masons... can't recall the name though" | ||||
Tale says, "is not evil." | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Eastern Star?" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Yes" | ||||
Johnny says, "Amason--oh." | ||||
Tale says, "I know the southern Masons are called Mason Dixies." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "I was actually hoping to save that issue for last&" Paco grouses. Floyd | Floyd | "Well I say we settle it now! She's been enough of an annoyance these Floyd | past months." Floyd | Floyd | Then it's probably not you. You've only been an annoyance for maybe a Floyd | couple of hours. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "Okay, first we booted Ellison, now we shall boot Tale." | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh no. Not our ice cream girl." | ||||
NotTale asks, "Hello Folks, what are we playing?" | ||||
Mao says, "Taco Fiction" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | Paco throws up his hands. "The chair recognizes your bellyaching, Floyd | Brother Stantz! But there are some other things we need to get out of Floyd | the way first. How about new business; is there any new business?" Floyd | Floyd | Brother Kerrigan re-emerges from the doorway to the east. Floyd | | Binder says, "I don't think I like Paco's Rules of Order." | |||
Tale asks, "Maybe we try out that doorway?" | ||||
inky says, "NotTaco" | ||||
Binder says, "Yeah, let's go east." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf6" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Back Office of Thoth Floyd | It's even colder in here. Floyd | Floyd | This is either an office or some sort of lounge: The walls are lined Floyd | with shelves, but the shelves are all empty; up against one wall is an Floyd | aquarium, but without any fish; there's a long table in the middle of Floyd | the room, but there's only one chair. A window in the door to the north Floyd | and a lamp inside the aquarium supply the only light. Floyd | Floyd | The door shuts behind you with a faint click, but the conversation in Floyd | the next room is still audible. Floyd | Floyd | That pile of fat envelopes is here, but now they're all empty. Floyd | Floyd | "Point of order! We haven't finished with old business!" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, point of order, huh? Well, I am going to table your point of Floyd | order. I am going to postpone your point of order indefinitely." Floyd | Floyd | Paco's rapport with his audience has taken a turn. People are Floyd | grumbling. Floyd | | Johnny says, "go eats" | |||
inky says, "we could stay and here the rest of the discussion, then restore and go east during it" | ||||
inky says, "oh, ok, we can still hear it, good plan" | ||||
Lucea is gonna get back baby bad balls to you, love, cretin. | ||||
Lucea has disconnected. | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "search envelopes" | ||||
Floyd | >You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | A new voice pipes up: "Can't we have just one meeting that doesn't end Floyd | with everybody at each other's throats?" Floyd | Floyd | "Yes! That is exact--" Paco is blustering! "That's why I wanted to Floyd | finish off with the interloper issue, because it's something we can all Floyd | agree on, so we could work as a team, and then when we were finished we Floyd | could all leave feeling like we accomplished something." Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look under table" | ||||
Floyd | >You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | Brother Stantz yells: "I think the first thing we should accomplish is Floyd | the election of a new chair!" Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Back Office of Thoth Floyd | It's even colder in here. Floyd | Floyd | This is either an office or some sort of lounge: The walls are lined Floyd | with shelves, but the shelves are all empty; up against one wall is an Floyd | aquarium, but without any fish; there's a long table in the middle of Floyd | the room, but there's only one chair. A window in the door to the north Floyd | and a lamp inside the aquarium supply the only light. Floyd | Floyd | The door shuts behind you with a faint click, but the conversation in Floyd | the next room is still audible. Floyd | Floyd | That pile of fat envelopes is here, but now they're all empty. Floyd | Floyd | All of a sudden there's a lull in the meeting room. What's going on? Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||||
Floyd | >Which do you mean, the meeting room door or the northern door? Floyd | | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "x aquarium" | ||||
Floyd | >Is it technically an aquarium if there's no water in it? This one just Floyd | has a bunch of rocks and sticks and moss. Someone has placed a folded Floyd | white card in the middle. Floyd | Floyd | Maybe the meeting is over with? But there are no footsteps. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "x northern door" | ||||
Floyd | >The little label on it says "EXIT." Floyd | Floyd | Yeah, there's still somebody in the meeting room. You can hear Floyd | murmuring. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x card" | ||||
Floyd | >It has a poem on it, written in ballooning calligraphy: Floyd | Floyd | Our pal Apep, rest in pieces. Floyd | Friend to shrewses and to meeces. Floyd | Yes, he truly was a sweetum, Floyd | But Sister Witt forgot to feed him. Floyd | Floyd | Or maybe there's no murmuring? Just the air conditioning? Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "So cute. How can they be evil?" | |||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
Tale says (to ggg), "Ever heard of the banality of evil? Like Ellison." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "get card" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't get the lid off. Who wants some dumb memorial anyway? Floyd | Floyd | Someone from the meeting room speaks up: "Hey, who's in the office?" Floyd | Floyd | Oh. Oh no. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "hide under table" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Stairwell Floyd | The stairs lead up into dingy dimness. Floyd | Floyd | There's a commotion from the office behind you. Floyd | Floyd | "Let me take care of it," somebody snarls. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "IIAS, Ellison is a cultist." | |||
Tale says, "Hark!" | ||||
Tale asks, "Where to next?" | ||||
Binder asks, "up?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Emergency Exit Floyd | The stairs end here. There's one door, to the west, but it says Floyd | "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY." Floyd | Floyd | You hear someone stomping up the stairs. Floyd | | inky says, "hmm" | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | >You lean into the door, which turns out to be less heavy than you Floyd | thought, and stumble outside. Floyd | Floyd | Up the Alley Floyd | Any further north and the road gets too dark for any sane person to be Floyd | walking around alone, but south of here there are streetlights, and a Floyd | street. Floyd | Floyd | There's a door in the east wall, but it has no handle. Floyd | | inky says, "I bet we're missing a good ending if we don't find any money in the office" | |||
Tale asks, "Go to the Ice Cream lady and warn her?" | ||||
Tale asks (of inky), "Wanna restore?" | ||||
Binder says, "yeah, maybe we should have gone in while dude was in there and mug him" | ||||
inky says, "wanna hear something weird? egyptian cultists are trying to kill you" | ||||
Binder asks, "also, can I have some more samples?" | ||||
Tale asks, "So, we restore?" | ||||
inky says, "sure" | ||||
Binder says, "Yes." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "ok" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf5" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Roof Access Floyd | There's not much going on up here, except for the door to the roof and Floyd | the stairs leading down. Floyd | Floyd | There's a button on the wall here labeled "waterfall control," which is Floyd | convenient. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf6" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to load: Ok. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Meeting Room Floyd | Dozens of people are milling around. They're all in hooded cloaks, and Floyd | they're all wearing creepy animal masks, except for the people who are Floyd | wearing very creepy yellow, glassy-eyed human masks. The room is Floyd | huge--where the heck is this room?--and lit up with hundreds of little Floyd | candles, enough to make the room unbearably hot. But the air Floyd | conditioning is on full blast, so the flames just whip around crazily Floyd | and cast all kinds of weird shadows. Floyd | Floyd | At one end of the room is a raised platform with a podium; behind the Floyd | platform are two giant bird-headed statues. Floyd | Floyd | In the middle of the room is a massive table. Floyd | Floyd | "Point of order! We haven't finished with old business!" Floyd | Floyd | "Oh, point of order, huh? Well, I am going to table your point of Floyd | order. I am going to postpone your point of order indefinitely." Floyd | Floyd | Paco's rapport with his audience has taken a turn. People are Floyd | grumbling. Floyd | | Tale asks, "So, take it from here, or start earlier?" | |||
inky says, "well, see if we can find some money in the office" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Back Office of Thoth Floyd | It's even colder in here. Floyd | Floyd | This is either an office or some sort of lounge: The walls are lined Floyd | with shelves, but the shelves are all empty; up against one wall is an Floyd | aquarium, but without any fish; there's a long table in the middle of Floyd | the room, but there's only one chair. A window in the door to the north Floyd | and a lamp inside the aquarium supply the only light. Floyd | Floyd | The door shuts behind you with a faint click, but the conversation in Floyd | the next room is still audible. Floyd | Floyd | That pile of fat envelopes is here, but now they're all empty. Floyd | Floyd | A new voice pipes up: "Can't we have just one meeting that doesn't end Floyd | with everybody at each other's throats?" Floyd | Floyd | "Yes! That is exact--" Paco is blustering! "That's why I wanted to Floyd | finish off with the interloper issue, because it's something we can all Floyd | agree on, so we could work as a team, and then when we were finished we Floyd | could all leave feeling like we accomplished something." Floyd | | Binder says, "Yeah, go east." | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||||
Floyd | >This looks like a meeting table, but there's only one chair next to Floyd | it. Floyd | Floyd | On the long table are a stack of maps, a crumpled list, some minutes, a Floyd | cashbox and a collection of restaurant menus. Floyd | Floyd | Brother Stantz yells: "I think the first thing we should accomplish is Floyd | the election of a new chair!" Floyd | | Binder says, "We're too late." | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Maybe if we find $1200 we can just walk away from this mess and leave that ice cream chick to fend for herself." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cashbox" | ||||
Floyd | >A metal box of the sort typically guarded by moms running concession Floyd | stands at high school football games. It's heavy. But it's locked. Floyd | Floyd | Somebody yells "For the new chair, I nominate myself!" but nobody Floyd | seconds the motion. Floyd | | Binder exclaims, "wait, cashbox!" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x maps" | ||||
Floyd | >Oh, hey, these are all maps of this town! Floyd | Floyd | Each one has title written on it just north of the city limits, like Floyd | "ITALIAN" or "sports" or "ETHNIC," and then the city is broken up into Floyd | different-colored sections, like a history textbook explaining where Floyd | countries used to be. Floyd | Floyd | Here's the "pizza" map: La Pizzá is in the middle of a big red area Floyd | that takes up this whole side of town--that's right, there aren't any Floyd | other pizza places around here, are there?--and the rest of the city is Floyd | split up into much smaller blue, green, yellow and orange chunks, each Floyd | with one other (less expensive) pizzeria. Floyd | Floyd | The "Mexican" map has a doodle of a sombrero on it. And there's Paco's Floyd | Tacos, sitting in the middle of its kingdom like Pierre in the middle Floyd | of South Dakota. Floyd | Floyd | There's an ice cream map, too, but it's a little different: this Floyd | neighborhood is on the outskirts of the territory set apart for Captain Floyd | Hugo's Locker (a pirate-themed pizza/ice cream place ten blocks from Floyd | here). Get Your Licks isn't labeled by name, but the plat where it's Floyd | located has been circled in red pen a few times. Maybe by Captain Hugo? Floyd | Floyd | He must have been pretty angry. Floyd | Floyd | All of a sudden there's a lull in the meeting room. What's going on? Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | >Back Office of Thoth Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | | DavidW asks, "Maybe *we* can be the new chair?" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||||
Floyd | >stack of envelopes: Taken. Floyd | stack of maps: In a kind of nervous panic, you scoop up all the papers Floyd | from the table in a big messy sheaf. Floyd | Floyd | A tiny metal key falls out of this sheaf and onto the floor. Floyd | crumpled list: You already have that. Floyd | minutes: You already have that. Floyd | cashbox: Taken. Floyd | collection of restaurant menus: You already have that. Floyd | Floyd | All of a sudden there's a lull in the meeting room. What's going on? Floyd | | inky says, "nice!" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take key" | ||||
Floyd | >(the tiny metal key) Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | Maybe the meeting is over with? But there are no footsteps. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Now go?" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Cashbox and key. I like this." | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf7" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "We can at least go look through everything in relative safety." | |||
Tale says, "i am having pizza in celebration of this location" | ||||
inky says, "yeah, let's run for it now" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Stairwell Floyd | The stairs lead up into dingy dimness. Floyd | Floyd | There's a commotion from the office behind you. Floyd | Floyd | "Let me take care of it," somebody snarls. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Emergency Exit Floyd | The stairs end here. There's one door, to the west, but it says Floyd | "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY." Floyd | Floyd | You hear someone stomping up the stairs. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "What happens if we wait and pull the gun on him?" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Or out." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "lets wait" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | The big, meaty footsteps are getting louder. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | >Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | As you're contemplating the pros and cons of opening the emergency Floyd | exit, Paco arrives at the top of the stairs. "Very kind of you to wait Floyd | up for me," he pants. As you reach in your pocket for the gun, Paco Floyd | pulls off your mask. "Pleasure to meet you," he says, his own mask Floyd | completely motionless. Then something (a fist!) slams into your face, Floyd | and all of a sudden you are on the floor. Floyd | Floyd | Maybe, someday, things will get better for you. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** But first they're gonna get worse. *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last Floyd | command? | Jacqueline says, "eep" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Nope." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | > Emergency Exit Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | >You lean into the door, which turns out to be less heavy than you Floyd | thought, and stumble outside. Floyd | Floyd | Up the Alley Floyd | Any further north and the road gets too dark for any sane person to be Floyd | walking around alone, but south of here there are streetlights, and a Floyd | street. Floyd | Floyd | There's a door in the east wall, but it has no handle. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "I like how that game ended on a postive, hopeful note." | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Heh" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | >Before you can scramble into the light of the streetlamps you fall to Floyd | the ground, tackled by a huge man in an alligator mask. Floyd | Floyd | Paco turns your body over and presses a fat elbow against your neck. Floyd | Then he tears off your mask and throws it down the alley. Floyd | Floyd | "What are you doing here?" he heaves. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I don't know! Floyd | [2] "Well, it started out when I lost my job&" Floyd | [3] "Who are you?" Floyd | [4] "What are you whackjobs doing down there?" Floyd | [5] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Ah. 5?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >"Well&" With a monumental effort you successfully exhale the first Floyd | sentence of your long, pathetic story, but before you can get any Floyd | further Paco slaps you hard across the face. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I don't know! Floyd | [2] "Who are you?" Floyd | [3] "What are you whackjobs doing down there?" Floyd | [4] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "3" | ||||
Floyd | >All you can manage between shallow breaths is a weak "What& &down Floyd | there," which at least gets your point across. Floyd | Floyd | Paco leans in closer. "We're business owners. We work together, to Floyd | contribute to this community. We keep people like you in line," he Floyd | hisses, "because you people don't contribute anything." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I don't know! Floyd | [2] "Who are you?" Floyd | [3] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | Jacqueline asks, "3?" | |||
Jacqueline says, "Timing" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >"Who are you?" you wheeze. Floyd | Floyd | "Who am I?! I'm the Blue Moon! I'm Mike's On Fifth! I'm La Pizzá! I own Floyd | half this town, and you're asking me who I am? You nobody?" Floyd | Floyd | Now he's wheezing too. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I don't know! Floyd | [2] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"I hkkkk," you gag, Paco's elbow pressing down on your larynx. He does Floyd | not ease up or respond. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Please, let me go! I won't tell anyone anything!" Floyd | [2] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Keep seeing what happens and hope we don't die?" | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >You manage the "please," but Paco just pushes against your throat Floyd | harder. You get the sense that he's a little overcome at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Please, let me go! I won't tell anyone anything!" Floyd | [2] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | inky says, "please" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >You manage the "please," but Paco just pushes against your throat Floyd | harder. You get the sense that he's a little overcome at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "Please, let me go! I won't tell anyone anything!" Floyd | [2] Point your gun at him. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "2" | ||||
Floyd | >Even though Paco has you pinned to the ground, some sort of miracle Floyd | happens and you're able to reach your gun. You point it at his face Floyd | just long enough for him to realize what it is, and then you pull the Floyd | trigger. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "oops" | |||
inky says, "er" | ||||
inky pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | You hear a sharp crack, an explosion. Floyd | | Tale says, "Yeah, wasn't loaded" | |||
inky says, "..." | ||||
Tale says, "The PC really is an idiot" | ||||
inky pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Which is odd, because the gun wasn't& Floyd | | ||||
inky pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Now you're standing up, and Paco is lying face down on the ground. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "He's a pacifist is all." | |||
inky pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | &wasn't loaded& Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "Well, and an idiot." | |||
inky pushes the green 'space' button. | ||||
Floyd | Although you're pretty sure Paco isn't his real name. Floyd | Floyd | Up the Alley Floyd | Any further north and the road gets too dark for any sane person to be Floyd | walking around alone, but south of here there are streetlights, and a Floyd | street. Floyd | Floyd | Paco is lying on the ground here. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "check gun" | ||||
Floyd | >Small enough to be carried inconspicuously in your pocket, but big Floyd | enough to scare anybody it's pointed at, this is a kind of gun with a Floyd | specific name--a brand name, like cars have. It also has a "caliber," Floyd | which is a number that refers to what kind of bullets you can put in Floyd | it, but you can't remember that either. Floyd | Floyd | The important details are easy enough: You point it like this, you put Floyd | your index finger in here, and when you squeeze the trigger it goes Floyd | boom, assuming the gun is loaded. One other important thing to keep in Floyd | mind is that the gun is not loaded. Floyd | Floyd | Then you hear a scream from somewhere south of here. Some doors slam, Floyd | some people yell at each other, and then a dog starts barking, so of Floyd | course every other dog in the neighborhood starts barking, and from Floyd | that point the noise becomes incomprehensible. Floyd | Floyd | The gunshot must have been across the street. Some guy got mad at some Floyd | other guy, or got mad at some other guy's car, or whatever. Somebody Floyd | else's problem. Floyd | Floyd | Maybe it's time to go home. Floyd | | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paco" | ||||
Floyd | >Belly-down, in a fetal position, whimpering. If he's whimpering, then Floyd | he's probably not dead, right? Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search paco" | ||||
Floyd | >You find nothing of interest. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take mask" | ||||
Floyd | >(the alligator mask) Floyd | That seems to belong to Paco. Floyd | | inky says, "we should leave and go talk to the ice cream girl" | |||
inky says, "perhaps give her all the money" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Not anymore it doesn't. Mine." | ||||
DavidW asks, "Did someone *else* shoot him?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Aw, that would be sweet." | ||||
inky says, "there was a gunshot across the street, and he thought it was your gun and fainted" | ||||
inky says, "or whatever" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "kick paco" | ||||
Floyd | >You give him a good kick, and he grunts pitifully in pain. Floyd | | cyberskunk says, "still alive. lets go" | |||
maga says, "first time around I read this as the PC having left a round in the chamber, because idiot" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "I kind of want to go back to the taco shop and talk to the cashier. ANd maybe steal his tips if at all possible." | ||||
DavidW asks, "Did you use that key you guys found?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Alley Floyd | The bricks in this alley are so old that at the middle of the road they Floyd | have sunk a full foot below the level of their neighbors closer to the Floyd | building walls. Walking across this uneven half-pipe of bricks is an Floyd | unnerving and probably dangerous experience. Floyd | Floyd | The alley continues north, past a staple-encrusted utility pole, until Floyd | the beams of the streetlamps don't quite reach; west is the parking lot Floyd | and east is Paco's Taco's. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a ram mask here. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "Not yet." | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "unlock cashbox with key" | ||||
Floyd | >(the tiny metal key) Floyd | You unlock the cashbox. Floyd | | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "open cashbox" | ||||
Floyd | >Goodness. This is a lot of money. A whole lot of money, even speaking Floyd | only in terms of how many pieces of paper there are. And a lot of them Floyd | are hundreds. Counting all this would take a lot of time and require Floyd | some math, so you decide to worry about that later. Floyd | Floyd | [Your funds have increased by, let's say, about fifty thousand Floyd | dollars.] Floyd | | inky says, "huzzah" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | >You are carrying: Floyd | a tiny metal key Floyd | a cashbox (open but empty) Floyd | a collection of restaurant menus Floyd | some minutes Floyd | a crumpled list Floyd | a stack of maps Floyd | a stack of envelopes Floyd | a glass of mousse Floyd | a fancy letter Floyd | a golden dagger Floyd | a cloak (being worn) Floyd | a note about parking Floyd | an umbrella Floyd | an empty M&M's bag Floyd | your keychain Floyd | some guy's wallet Floyd | a long, bent coat hanger Floyd | a duffel bag (open but empty) Floyd | a pair of sunglasses Floyd | $50008.27, mostly in hundred dollar bills Floyd | a gun Floyd | | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x menus" | ||||
Floyd | >There must be a menu here for every restaurant in town! And they've Floyd | all been marked up by pens of various colors, crossing out and Floyd | replacing the prices of every item. Usually the prices go up (big Floyd | surprise). Floyd | | DavidW asks, "Split the cash with ice cream gal?" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Sure" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x minutes" | ||||
Floyd | >That's what it says at the top of each sheet, anyway: "Mystery of Floyd | Thoth - Minutes of" and then a date. The text is mostly Floyd | incomprehensible bureaucratic nonsense. A random paragraph catches your Floyd | eye: Floyd | Floyd | Brother Alpert moved to trade masks with somebody, saying he was "tired Floyd | of being the guy with a beetle for a face." Brother Malone denied this Floyd | motion, although Brother Alpert was later seen at Mike's on Fifth Floyd | offering Brother Stantz an undisclosed amount to swap him for the cobra Floyd | mask. Floyd | Floyd | Each one is "respectfully submitted" by Sister Lagrange. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "Want to look thorugh all the stuff we picked up, though." | |||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x maps" | ||||
Floyd | >Oh, hey, these are all maps of this town! Floyd | Floyd | Each one has title written on it just north of the city limits, like Floyd | "ITALIAN" or "sports" or "ETHNIC," and then the city is broken up into Floyd | different-colored sections, like a history textbook explaining where Floyd | countries used to be. Floyd | Floyd | Here's the "pizza" map: La Pizzá is in the middle of a big red area Floyd | that takes up this whole side of town--that's right, there aren't any Floyd | other pizza places around here, are there?--and the rest of the city is Floyd | split up into much smaller blue, green, yellow and orange chunks, each Floyd | with one other (less expensive) pizzeria. Floyd | Floyd | The "Mexican" map has a doodle of a sombrero on it. And there's Paco's Floyd | Tacos, sitting in the middle of its kingdom like Pierre in the middle Floyd | of South Dakota. Floyd | Floyd | There's an ice cream map, too, but it's a little different: this Floyd | neighborhood is on the outskirts of the territory set apart for Captain Floyd | Hugo's Locker (a pirate-themed pizza/ice cream place ten blocks from Floyd | here). Get Your Licks isn't labeled by name, but the plat where it's Floyd | located has been circled in red pen a few times. Maybe by Captain Hugo? Floyd | Floyd | He must have been pretty angry. Floyd | | inky says, "she doesn't really need the cash, she just needs people to stop sabotaging her restaurant" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "With enough money, she can go open another shop. Far away." | ||||
Tale asks, "Captain Hugo? Who's that?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "THe guy who owns the *other* ice cream shop." | ||||
inky says, "see previous sentence" | ||||
Tale says, "The one with the multimedia support? oh" | ||||
cyberskunk says, "guy who was upset by the interloper" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x list" | ||||
Floyd | >This paper is old, and it looks like people have been crossing parts Floyd | out, rewriting parts, and annotating other parts with inscrutable Floyd | question marks over the course of months or maybe years. It must have Floyd | started out as a typewritten table: A column of names, a column of Floyd | positions, and a column of dollar amounts. For example: Floyd | Floyd | BOB ELIOT PATROLMAN $100 Floyd | Floyd | Most of these names you don't recognize: building inspectors and health Floyd | officials, police, newspaper editors. But the mayor is on here too! On Floyd | his row, "CITY COUNCILMAN" has been crossed out and replaced with Floyd | "MAYOR," and "$5000" has been crossed out and replaced with a much Floyd | larger number. Floyd | | inky says, "I guess this means there is not much point reporting this to the cops" | |||
Tale says, "That" | ||||
Tale says, "That's what I thought" | ||||
cyberskunk asks, "but we can show it to pie girl?" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "What if we bribe the cops?" | ||||
Johnny says, "girl ala mode" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "cf8" | ||||
Floyd | >Enter saved game to store: Ok. Floyd | | Tale says, "I'd like to see the cops reaction in any case" | |||
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "Interesting idea." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Alley Floyd | The bricks in this alley are so old that at the middle of the road they Floyd | have sunk a full foot below the level of their neighbors closer to the Floyd | building walls. Walking across this uneven half-pipe of bricks is an Floyd | unnerving and probably dangerous experience. Floyd | Floyd | The alley continues north, past a staple-encrusted utility pole, until Floyd | the beams of the streetlamps don't quite reach; west is the parking lot Floyd | and east is Paco's Taco's. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a ram mask here. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl asks, "Do we want the mask for any reason?" | |||
inky says (to Floyd), "get mask" | ||||
Floyd | >Taken. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | The lights are off. Paco's is closed. Floyd | | inky says, "we want the mask because we are an IF protagonist" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Aw. But we can afford tacos now." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "The guy at the pub the other night told Emily and I that wearing a mask helps him get the ladies." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "So maybe that is a reason to have a mask." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Hehehe." | ||||
maga says (to Jacqueline), "and yet somehow you were able to resist him" | ||||
Binder says, "Maybe it only works on ladies." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I said to him, 'Really? How's that working out for ya?' (I think Emily almost snorted when I said that) and he replied that it really wasn't going too well because he... he... he's too picky." | ||||
genericgeekgirl asks, "So, we can't go east to Paco's, but so we also can't get past it to the ice cream shop?" | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | The lights are off. Paco's is closed. Floyd | | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "e" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Get Your Licks Floyd | From this end of the street you can almost see the respectable part of Floyd | town, way over to the east. Floyd | Floyd | The name of this establishment, according to the vinyl banner in the Floyd | window, is "Get Your Licks." The sign in the door to the north says Floyd | it's open, but in spite of the heat you can see no customers inside. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "Ah. Ok." | |||
Binder says (to genericgeekgirl), "disagree" | ||||
Jacqueline says (to Binder), "I would say you're a cruel man, Binder, but I had that coming to me for asking Bat Boy how the mask was working out for him with the womenz." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "I misread." | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | Is this really just an ice cream place? It looks more like a mountain Floyd | cottage, with lace curtains in the windows, and a low table with a Floyd | built-in checkerboard next to the little fake fireplace. The walls are Floyd | done up with floral wallpaper and littered with newspaper clippings. Floyd | Floyd | You'd probably take it for a coffeeshop if the counter didn't include a Floyd | big glass window displaying numerous tubs of ice cream. Floyd | Floyd | Zuleika notices you noticing her and smiles. Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "smile" | ||||
Floyd | >I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | | Binder says (to Jacqueline), "My cruelty is a meritocracy." | |||
DavidW says, "I ontice Zuleika noticing us noticing her." | ||||
Jacqueline says (to maga), "It was only the fact that you were home sick and I was worried about you that kept me from being swept up into his arms. That and I needed to finish the Jambo game with Emily." | ||||
maga says, "surely that counts as an opportunity" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Or maybe at that point we were playing Caeser and Cleopatra. Yeah, we were. But whatever." | ||||
Binder says (to Jacqueline), "Actually I apologize for impugning your and Emily's character." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Forgiven." | ||||
cyberskunk says, "i dont" | ||||
Binder says (to Floyd), "talk to zuleika" | ||||
Floyd | >"How can I help you?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [2] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [3] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [4] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [5] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [6] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [7] "I should get going." Floyd | | DavidW asks, "By the way, can we combine the mousse with the vanilla ice cream to make awesome superdessert?" | |||
Tale asks (of Jacqueline), "This was a grown man?" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "4" | ||||
Floyd | >"You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | Floyd | Her eyes widen. "Yes. I do." You'd better think of something good! Floyd | Floyd | [1] "You will not believe what just happened to me." Floyd | [2] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [3] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [4] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [5] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [6] "Have you seen this graffiti of a bird?" Floyd | [7] "Do you know about any weird cults around here?" Floyd | [8] "Check out this dagger I found." Floyd | [9] "Look at this crazy mask." Floyd | [10] "Could you take a look at this note?" Floyd | [11] "There's this garden with a waterfall on top of La Pizzá. Floyd | [12] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [13] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [14] "I should get going." Floyd | | Johnny asks, "mice cream?" | |||
Binder says (to cyberskunk), "I will get around to impugning your character soon enough." | ||||
maga says (to DW), "but it's evil mousse" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "7" | ||||
Floyd | >"Do you know about any weird cults around here?" Floyd | Floyd | "Cults?" She frowns. "I know that people act really weird around here, Floyd | that's for sure. But I've never heard of any cults. I guess a good cult Floyd | has to be secretive about it, right?" Floyd | Floyd | [1] "You will not believe what just happened to me." Floyd | [2] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [3] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [4] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [5] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [6] "Have you seen this graffiti of a bird?" Floyd | [7] "Check out this dagger I found." Floyd | [8] "Look at this crazy mask." Floyd | [9] "Could you take a look at this note?" Floyd | [10] "There's this garden with a waterfall on top of La Pizzá. Floyd | [11] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [12] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [13] "I should get going." Floyd | | cyberskunk asks, "mind if I do these weird things?" | |||
Binder asks, "I like the idea we could go nested. You wanna hear something weird..You wanna hear something weird..You wanna hear something weird?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Go ahead." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "7" | ||||
Floyd | >"Check out this dagger I found." Floyd | Floyd | "Oh my gosh! Where did you get this?" Floyd | Floyd | You hesitate. Floyd | Floyd | But she doesn't notice: "I found a dagger just like this, stuck in my Floyd | door like a week ago! Someone stabbed it in my door in the middle of Floyd | the night, like a warning from the mob or something. I thought it was Floyd | just weirdos, I didn't think it was a thing. I have other stuff on my Floyd | mind&" She looks out the window. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "You will not believe what just happened to me." Floyd | [2] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [3] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [4] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [5] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [6] "Have you seen this graffiti of a bird?" Floyd | [7] "Look at this crazy mask." Floyd | [8] "Could you take a look at this note?" Floyd | [9] "There's this garden with a waterfall on top of La Pizzá. Floyd | [10] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [11] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [12] "I should get going." Floyd | | Tale says, "Because, maybe he was in that stage of becoming a PUA where you learn to take the rudest rejections." | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "7" | ||||
Floyd | >"Look at this crazy mask." You hand it over to her, and she regards it Floyd | suspiciously. Floyd | Floyd | "Where the heck did this come from? It's creepy. I don't like it." She Floyd | pushes it back toward you. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "You will not believe what just happened to me." Floyd | [2] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [3] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [4] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [5] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [6] "Have you seen this graffiti of a bird?" Floyd | [7] "Could you take a look at this note?" Floyd | [8] "There's this garden with a waterfall on top of La Pizzá. Floyd | [9] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [10] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [11] "I should get going." Floyd | | Tale says, "But doing something incredible stupid as an opener." | |||
DavidW says, "Seems like [1] is begging to be chosen." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "8" | ||||
Floyd | >"There's this garden with a waterfall on top of La Pizzá." Floyd | Floyd | "Seriously?" Floyd | Floyd | "Yeah, it's got a shrub shaped like a cat, and a statue of a naked Floyd | lady. I mean, the other way around." Floyd | Floyd | "So, there's a statue of a cat, right? Do I understand you correctly? Floyd | Well, give it a pet for me. I love cats, but I'm allergic." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "You will not believe what just happened to me." Floyd | [2] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [3] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [4] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [5] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [6] "Have you seen this graffiti of a bird?" Floyd | [7] "Could you take a look at this note?" Floyd | [8] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [9] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [10] "I should get going." Floyd | | Jacqueline says (to Tale), "Belatedly, yes. This was a grown man." | |||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "7" | ||||
Floyd | >"Could you take a look at this note?" Floyd | Floyd | She says "Sure," so you hand it to her. Floyd | Floyd | "Wow, this is weird. These are some seriously nerdy people getting Floyd | together. Where did you find this? Don't tell me." Floyd | Floyd | [1] "You will not believe what just happened to me." Floyd | [2] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [3] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [4] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [5] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [6] "Have you seen this graffiti of a bird?" Floyd | [7] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [8] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [9] "I should get going." Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "4" | ||||
Floyd | >"Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | Floyd | "Not at all!" says Zuleika, without even knowing what it is you're Floyd | going to ask. Floyd | Floyd | [1] "You will not believe what just happened to me." Floyd | [2] "I would actually love to taste something&" Floyd | [3] "I know what kind of ice cream I want." Floyd | [4] "Would you mind my asking&" Floyd | [5] "You wanna hear something weird?" Floyd | [6] "Have you seen this graffiti of a bird?" Floyd | [7] "What's your tattoo of?" Floyd | [8] "What are all these newspaper clippings?" Floyd | [9] "I should get going." Floyd | | cyberskunk asks, "okay 1?" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Go for it." | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "1" | ||||
Floyd | >"You will not believe what just happened to me." Floyd | Floyd | "Try me," she says. Floyd | | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | So you tell her everything, from breaking into the car, to the cat Floyd | statue and the waterfall, to Wolf Head Guy, to the whole scene in the Floyd | meeting room, to your epic battle with Paco. As you hear yourself Floyd | telling it, it sounds stupider and stupider, but your friend is Floyd | transfixed. She doesn't doubt you for a second. Floyd | Floyd | And then you show her the papers you found in the office. Floyd | Floyd | "This is me!" she says, pointing to a circle on one of the maps. "This Floyd | is proof that they're after me! And this list has gotta be list of Floyd | bribes that they're paying to people all over town! The freakin' mayor! Floyd | You uncovered a huge, crazy restaurant conspiracy!" Floyd | Floyd | She pauses. "We have to be careful about this. They're gonna be after Floyd | you. But we can lay low. We can take it slow. We'll talk to my parents; Floyd | they can hide you up on the farm if they have to. We'll figure it out." Floyd | | Binder says, "> try her" | |||
maga says, "damn you, Herman Cain" | ||||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||||
cyberskunk asks, "do you have black walnut?" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "z" | ||||
Floyd | Her eyes glint. "In the meantime, do you need a job?" Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Well on the one hand, you have fifty thousand dollars& *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions Floyd | for AMUSING things to do, QUIT or UNDO the last command? | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||||
Floyd | > Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kiss girl" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | genericgeekgirl says, "Damn." | |||
Jacqueline says, "Now I am feeling a little bad because he was actually kind of a nice geek and he invited us to a board game night at a different pub that I like and maybe I will go some time and then he will know my name and then he will find my site, and then he will read this transcript and... yeah, not editing it out." | ||||
Binder asks, "did ... did we win?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | Is this really just an ice cream place? It looks more like a mountain Floyd | cottage, with lace curtains in the windows, and a low table with a Floyd | built-in checkerboard next to the little fake fireplace. The walls are Floyd | done up with floral wallpaper and littered with newspaper clippings. Floyd | Floyd | You'd probably take it for a coffeeshop if the counter didn't include a Floyd | big glass window displaying numerous tubs of ice cream. Floyd | Floyd | Zuleika notices you noticing her and smiles. Floyd | | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "kiss zuleika" | ||||
Floyd | >You don't want to give Zuleika your cold, do you? Floyd | | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
inky says, "sure looks like it" | ||||
cyberskunk says (to Floyd), "point gun at Zuleika" | ||||
Floyd | >"You point it at her, but she yells "Hey! Get that thing out of my Floyd | face!" and you put it away. Floyd | | Binder says, "haha, she can take a joke" | |||
Binder says, "if you love something, point a gun at it" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I'd say that's a winning ending." | ||||
DavidW asks, "Have you tried giving the money to her?" | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "give money to zuleika" | ||||
Floyd | >She frowns. "I don't need money," she says. "I need customers that Floyd | trust me. I need cops and building inspectors to stop breathing down my Floyd | neck. I could use another cashier. But money isn't really my problem; Floyd | my problem is business." Floyd | | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "show money to girl" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "i" | ||||
Floyd | >You are carrying: Floyd | a ram mask Floyd | a tiny metal key Floyd | a cashbox (open but empty) Floyd | a collection of restaurant menus Floyd | some minutes Floyd | a crumpled list Floyd | a stack of maps Floyd | a stack of envelopes Floyd | a glass of mousse Floyd | a fancy letter Floyd | a golden dagger Floyd | a cloak (being worn) Floyd | a note about parking Floyd | an umbrella Floyd | an empty M&M's bag Floyd | your keychain Floyd | some guy's wallet Floyd | a long, bent coat hanger Floyd | a duffel bag (open but empty) Floyd | a pair of sunglasses Floyd | $50008.27, mostly in hundred dollar bills Floyd | a gun Floyd | | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "give mousse to her" | ||||
Floyd | >(Zuleika) Floyd | [Use TALK TO to interact with characters.] Floyd | | ||||
inky says (to Floyd), "give mousse to zuleika" | ||||
Floyd | >[Use TALK TO to interact with characters.] Floyd | | Binder says, "> demand duffel bag of ice cream using gun" | |||
Jacqueline asks, "Why does she need another cashier if business is that bad?" | ||||
Binder says, "so she can work on her checkers game" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "oh" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "That is a good point." | ||||
inky says, "she doesn't want to be here 16 hours a day" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "give wallet to girl" | ||||
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing. Floyd | | Tale says, "That "on the one hand" sounds like it's not the optimal ending" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Alternatively, I guess we could ignore her, and hop in our car and drive off." | ||||
Binder says, "so we went from being a moron who thought he should rob a taco stand to pay his rent to being a moron who turned down a job offer because we have fifty grand in money stolen from all of the major businesses who control the local government." | ||||
Tale says (to 3g), "Let's try that" | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "l" | ||||
Floyd | >Inside Get Your Licks Floyd | Is this really just an ice cream place? It looks more like a mountain Floyd | cottage, with lace curtains in the windows, and a low table with a Floyd | built-in checkerboard next to the little fake fireplace. The walls are Floyd | done up with floral wallpaper and littered with newspaper clippings. Floyd | Floyd | You'd probably take it for a coffeeshop if the counter didn't include a Floyd | big glass window displaying numerous tubs of ice cream. Floyd | Floyd | Zuleika notices you noticing her and smiles. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "s" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Get Your Licks Floyd | From this end of the street you can almost see the respectable part of Floyd | town, way over to the east. Floyd | Floyd | The name of this establishment, according to the vinyl banner in the Floyd | window, is "Get Your Licks." The sign in the door to the north says Floyd | it's open, but in spite of the heat you can see no customers inside. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Outside Paco's Tacos Floyd | The lights are off. Paco's is closed. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Alley Floyd | The bricks in this alley are so old that at the middle of the road they Floyd | have sunk a full foot below the level of their neighbors closer to the Floyd | building walls. Walking across this uneven half-pipe of bricks is an Floyd | unnerving and probably dangerous experience. Floyd | Floyd | The alley continues north, past a staple-encrusted utility pole, until Floyd | the beams of the streetlamps don't quite reach; west is the parking lot Floyd | and east is Paco's Taco's. Floyd | | Binder says, "Yeah, the 'on one hand' thing is why I am dubious." | |||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Paco's Tacos Parking Lot Floyd | The single streetlight shared by the two parking lots casts most of its Floyd | light on the La Pizza side, so while you can barely see your own feet, Floyd | your car back on the west side is cast in a harsh orange glow. Paco's Floyd | is on the other side of the alley east of here. Floyd | Floyd | This side of the lot has its own informative sign. Floyd | Floyd | That silver Honda is still parked here. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "w" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | La Pizzá Parking Lot Floyd | This parking lot is reserved solely for La Pizzá customers, as the sign Floyd | over there clearly states. La Pizzá is across the street west of here, Floyd | but of course by this time of night it's locked up tight. Floyd | Floyd | A low-slung iron chain separates this section of the lot from the one Floyd | reserved for patrons of Paco's Tacos, which is further east. Floyd | Floyd | Your piece of junk Ford Focus is parked here. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "enter focus" | ||||
Floyd | > Floyd | Inside your car Floyd | Aside from the usual accomodations, the interior of this automobile Floyd | boasts numerous empty pop cans, a tall and disorganized stack of Floyd | documents and a variety of stains. Floyd | | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "drive" | ||||
Floyd | >Are you sure you want to drive home? | ||||
Tale says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||||
Floyd | So, then, you go ahead and start the car. Floyd | Floyd | It's so late now that there's nobody else on the roads. You can drive Floyd | slowly, incredibly slowly, through intersections and empty parking Floyd | lots; when you come up to the top of a hill you can weave back and Floyd | forth while you idle your way down. Floyd | Floyd | And as you do, you let yourself smile a little bit. Floyd | Floyd | Some weird stuff happens over the next few weeks: Paco's Tacos closes, Floyd | and then La Pizzá says it's "on hiatus," and some stories come out in Floyd | the news that get people really angry, but you don't usually read the Floyd | news. Floyd | Floyd | So when the front page features a big picture of Paco (not his real Floyd | name), next to a story about his controversial acquittal, you don't Floyd | notice at all. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** But for you, anyway, it was a pretty successful night, right? Floyd | *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions Floyd | for AMUSING things to do, QUIT or UNDO the last command? | ||||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "amusing" | ||||
Floyd | > Did you try& Floyd | Floyd | &using your keen interpersonal and detective skills to help Zuleika's Floyd | business (i.e., getting the good ending?) Floyd | &examining various parts of your gun? Floyd | &touching the naked lady shrub? Floyd | &offering money to a cop? Floyd | &asking the cops if they're really cops (after reporting a murder)? Floyd | &making a list of everything that turned out to be something other than Floyd | it at first appeared to be? Floyd | &taking another coat hanger? Floyd | &listening to the crickets? Floyd | &opening the trunk of your Ford Focus? Floyd | &hanging around with Anubis while not wearing a cloak? or mask? Floyd | &examining the lace curtains and then watching David Lean's Doctor Floyd | Zhivago? Floyd | &engaging your coworkers in a discussion of the ethical questions Floyd | raised by this game? Floyd | &the salted caramel? Floyd | &looking under the stairs? Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions Floyd | for AMUSING things to do, QUIT or UNDO the last command? | inky says, "ha ha" | |||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok, so helping her was the "good ending". But it sounded.. not great." | ||||
inky says, "sure it did" | ||||
Jacqueline says, "I thought it sounded good." | ||||
Binder says, "it wasn't even-handed, that's all." | ||||
Mao says, "Yay, we're moral. Go us." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "That amusing about discussing this game with coworkers is cute." | ||||
Tale says (to Jacqueline), "Love is never easy!" | ||||
maga says, "particularly if masks are involved" | ||||
Binder says, "... I'll be in my bunk." | ||||
Tale says, "tell me about it." | ||||
Tale Actually, don't. | Tale says, "Actually, don't." | |||
cyberskunk says, "good length on that one" | ||||
Jacqueline asks, "So, next week, Six?" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok." | ||||
cyberskunk is just here for the free peanuts. munch munch munch | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Alrightie folks. See you next week." | ||||
inky says, "hmm" | ||||
genericgeekgirl says, "Thanks, Jacq." | ||||
inky asks, "so was it possibel to go ahead with the taco heist?" | ||||
inky asks, "or do you just get arrested immediately?" | ||||
Tale says, "I think you get arrested immediately." | ||||
Jacqueline says, "Good-bye, Perry." | ||||
PerrySimm exclaims (at Jacqueline), "Good-bye!" | ||||