NightFloyd Transcript:
Like ClubFloyd, the idea behind NightFloyd is that a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.Unlike ClubFloyd, NightFloyd often (but not always) takes on significantly larger works of interactive fiction, knowing going in that each one will take multiple sessions. NightFloyd is also a bit more informal than ClubFloyd in that it's only announced on the ifMUD #clubfloyd bulletin board, and the time shifts around to meet player's schedules far more than ClubFloyd does. NightFloyd is organized by genericgeekgirl, aka Adri.
Below is a transcript of
Endless, Nameless written by Adam Cadre.
Endless, Nameless is Adam Cadre's faithful port of Nameless Quest v2.0.12, one the 'door games' from the Endless BBS. Originally written by Endless and titled Endless Quest, Nameless took over development with version 2 and promptly renamed the game after him or herself.
You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting
the ifWiki.
ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "%load sleepmask endless" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | ATDT3635377 | genericgeekgirl asks, "Not sure if sleepmask is useful/necessary on this one?" | |
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | ATDT3635377 Floyd | CONNECT 1200 | Ellison says, "there are several pauses to start off with" | |
Dave has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | CONNECT 1200 Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | **************************************** Floyd | * * Floyd | * / * Floyd | * ENDLESS BBS // 172-END-LESS * Floyd | * / * Floyd | * * Floyd | * (c) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 * Floyd | * * Floyd | * SysOp: Endless * Floyd | * * Floyd | * Co-SysOpz: * Floyd | * Bordz: Lninja, Ultrex * Floyd | * Gamez: Nameless, Warden * Floyd | * Warez: Crossbolt * Floyd | * * Floyd | **************************************** | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | **************************************** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | ENDLESS BBS MENU Floyd | B>ordz C>hatz Floyd | G>amez M>ailz Floyd | W>arez Q>uitz Floyd | Floyd | 120 MINUTEZ REMAINING! Floyd | (10 Std) B C G M W Q>> | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | (10 Std) B C G M W Q>> G Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | A>dventure Floyd | N>ameless Quest v2.0.12 Floyd | M>ain menu Floyd | Floyd | 119 MINUTEZ REMAINING! Floyd | (10 Std) A N M>> | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | (10 Std) A N M>> N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Quest v2.0.12 Floyd | by Nameless Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a grog. Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "verbs" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > VERBS Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Quest v2.0.12 understands the following verbs: ATTACK, Floyd | BUY, CLIMB, CUT, DRINK, DROP, EAT, ENTER, EXAMINE (X), EXIT, GET, Floyd | GIVE, GO, INVENTORY (I), JUMP, KNOCK, LISTEN, LOOK, OPEN, POUR, PUT, Floyd | READ, SCORE, SQUEEZE, STAND, TAKE, THROW, WEAR, WAIT (Z), and a few Floyd | others! Floyd | Floyd | Special commands may include SAVE, RESTORE, RECORDING ON, RECORDING Floyd | OFF, and REPLAY, depending on your software! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "about" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ABOUT Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Quest v2.0.12 is (c) 1985, 1986, 1987 by Endless BBS Floyd | (172-363-5377) and was called Endless Quest up until v2.0, which is Floyd | when I added an ending to it so it couldn't be called that anymore, Floyd | hehe. I have been playing it since v1.5.1 back in 1985 and have been Floyd | the maintainer since v1.7.0 when I was elevated to Co-SysOp status, so Floyd | after I added the ending Endless gave me permission to put my name on Floyd | it... or my non-name ;)... I hope that you enjoy it! Floyd | Floyd | Thanks to Endless, my fellow Co-SysOps Lninja, Ultrex, and Crossbolt Floyd | for letting me bounce ideas off of them, and especially my new Floyd | co-developer Warden (made Co-SysOp in three months! Nice job kid!) And Floyd | to my mother, who keeps saying "you're 29 years old and you have a Floyd | college degree so why don't you get a job and move out of the house Floyd | and what do you do in that basement all day anyway": I DO THIS! Look Floyd | upon my works, ye mighty, and despair! Hehehe. Floyd | Floyd | --Nameless Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "I actually waited a couple minutes at that one pause just to see if the game emulated real time at all for the BBS 'minutes left' thing" | |
Ellison says, "(it doesn't)" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Haha" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > XYZZY Floyd | Floyd | A hollow voice says, "Hehe, I have also played Adventure! Good one!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a grog. Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DARTS Floyd | Floyd | You can't use multiple objects with that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DART Floyd | Floyd | It is a red dart with a sharp metal tip! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "play darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PLAY DARTS Floyd | Floyd | You can't use multiple objects with that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "throw dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DART Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to throw the red dart at? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "throw dart at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DART AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | You throw a dart. It scores 4 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > G Floyd | Floyd | You throw a dart. It scores 6 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > G Floyd | Floyd | You throw a dart. It scores 11 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 12 Floyd | Dexterity: 11 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 9 Floyd | Wisdom: 8 Floyd | Charisma: 10 Floyd | Hit points: 200 Floyd | Hunger: low Floyd | Weariness: moderate Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | sixty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x gold" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X GOLD Floyd | Floyd | Shiny! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl exclaims, "Shiny!" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | Your cloak has a pocket! It is where you keep your money. Right now Floyd | you have 60 gold. Otherwise, the pocket is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x bartender" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BARTENDER Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 10 Floyd | Dexterity: 13 Floyd | Constitution: 12 Floyd | Intelligence: 10 Floyd | Wisdom: 11 Floyd | Charisma: 9 Floyd | Hit points: 200 Floyd | Floyd | Description: You see nothing special about the bartender! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | It's a regular dartboard! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look behind dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK BEHIND DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | That is not a compass direction! Try >LOOK (or >L) to look around, and Floyd | >LOOK AT or >EXAMINE (or >X) to look at an object! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "The exclamation points are kinda freakin' me out." | |
borowski exclaims, "Games are fun!!!" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "plugh" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PLUGH Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Should we BUY GROG? Or just go NW?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Let's explore first, maybe." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to bartender" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO BARTENDER Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "And just in case.." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "You never know~" | |
DavidW says, "uh huh" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "> take bartender's eyes" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EXITS Floyd | Floyd | (exits: NW) Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We seem to be in a D&D style adventure, so the darts are the closest thing to a weapon." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, that was my thinking." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NW Floyd | Floyd | On your way out, a tavern bouncer frisks you and confiscates your Floyd | darts. "Okay, now you can go," he says. Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | You are very tired. The urge to sleep is overpowering! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "(Unless taking bar property from the bar is an insta-death.)" | |
borowski says, "heh" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe there's an inn." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "make a rude gesture at the bouncer after he closes the door." | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MAKE A RUDE GESTURE AT THE BOUNCER AFTER HE CLOSES THE DOOR. Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "This is my first CF; do we usually pick a mapper?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Anyone and everyone can map if they like. We rarely have someone who is updating one online." | ||
borowski says, "Okey" | ||
DavidW says, "I try to map regardless, but I have no eary way to show a map to others. I assume everyone maps if they want to." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I almost never map. DW loves to map. So I rely on others :)" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You slump down onto the dusty ground, too tired to find proper Floyd | lodgings. Sleep is immediate. | Ellison says, "the game world isn't all that large" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I.. didn't expect that to work." | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | ...zzzzzzz... | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | You are woken by someone tugging on your sleeve! You squint and see
Floyd | that it is an old man.
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's you!" he gasps. "The chosen one!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| genericgeekgirl asks, "Undo?" | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "Or run with it?" | ||
DavidW says, "ha 'the chosen one'" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I was hoping for some sort of "you have miles to go before you sleep" hint :)" | ||
borowski says, "haha" | ||
DavidW says, "I suppose we have to find the golden avocado or something." | ||
borowski says, "That would be a great twist." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x man" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X MAN Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 5 Floyd | Dexterity: 6 Floyd | Constitution: 5 Floyd | Intelligence: 5 Floyd | Wisdom: 4 Floyd | Charisma: 4 Floyd | Hit points: 45 Floyd | Floyd | Description: An old, mostly bald man with a long white beard, dressed Floyd | in rags and a tattered brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | "I am-- well, my name is not important," the old man says. "But the Floyd | prophecies have spoken of one who would free this poor land from the Floyd | ravages of the dragon who lives to the south!" He pauses. "It will not Floyd | be easy," he warns. "First you must prove your mettle. This quest will Floyd | test your body, mind, and heart! For you must perform a feat of Floyd | strength, outwit a fiendishly complex machine, and win the affections Floyd | of a mysterious sorceress to defeat the dragon!" Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Charisma of 4? Poor guy." | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "verbs" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > VERBS Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Quest v2.0.12 understands the following verbs: ATTACK, Floyd | BUY, CLIMB, CUT, DRINK, DROP, EAT, ENTER, EXAMINE (X), EXIT, GET, Floyd | GIVE, GO, INVENTORY (I), JUMP, KNOCK, LISTEN, LOOK, OPEN, POUR, PUT, Floyd | READ, SCORE, SQUEEZE, STAND, TAKE, THROW, WEAR, WAIT (Z), and a few Floyd | others! Floyd | Floyd | Special commands may include SAVE, RESTORE, RECORDING ON, RECORDING Floyd | OFF, and REPLAY, depending on your software! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "It's hard to like someone who doesn't think highly enough of himself to even tell you his name." | |
DavidW asks, "I suppose if the dragon is south, the other three cardinal directions will be for each of the other challenges?" | ||
borowski says, "That's logical." | ||
DavidW says, "Nameless Wizard of Namelessville." | ||
genericgeekgirl nods. "Where shall we go?" | ||
DavidW says, "North, plz" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take man" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE MAN Floyd | Floyd | The old man is too large for you to pick up. Floyd | Floyd | "I can say no more!" the old man cries. He runs off down the road and Floyd | into the wilderness. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pennant" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PENNANT Floyd | Floyd | A long, triangular piece of blue fabric. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take pennant" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE PENNANT Floyd | Floyd | The pennant is up too high. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb pole" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLIMB POLE Floyd | Floyd | The pole is too slick - you just slide right back down it. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, ">pole dance" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "That should be task number 1. Capture the flag." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "shake pole" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SHAKE POLE Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Into the cottage first?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "throw dart at pennant" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DART AT PENNANT Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | sixty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Oh, right." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "He took them :(" | ||
DavidW says, "The darts were taken back." | ||
borowski says, "yeah" | ||
borowski says, "Sure, cottage" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NE Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Possibly hide the darts in the pocket." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Ooh. Yeah." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "That would be the least painful place." | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "stones" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > STONES Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x stones" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X STONES Floyd | Floyd | You've walked on stone streets before, but these strips are so narrow Floyd | that you would have to be surefooted indeed to follow them! Also, they Floyd | don't seem to go anywhere in particular - they just meander around the Floyd | clearing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x track" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TRACK Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take stone" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE STONE Floyd | Floyd | They're not portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DOOR Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A black cat blinks curiously at you from a window sill; Floyd | as you approach, it hops down and skitters away. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | You can't see inside, since the mailbox is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "open mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | You open the mailbox, revealing a leaflet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | "WELCOME TO NAMELESS QUEST v2.0.12! Floyd | Floyd | NAMELESS QUEST is a game of adventure, danger, and low cunning. In it Floyd | you will explore some of the most amazing territory ever seen by Floyd | mortals. No BBS should be without one! And Endless BBS isn't! Hehehe." Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by fifty points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl exclaims, "Yay!" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "score" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SCORE Floyd | Floyd | You have scored 50 out of a possible 201, in 30 turns. Floyd | Floyd | The score is made up as follows: Floyd | Floyd | 50 : reading a hilarious leaflet Floyd | Floyd | 50 total (out of 201) Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "heh. 'hilarious leaflet'" | |
DavidW says, "So, this might be the sorceress's cottage, I'm guessing." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "cottage" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > COTTAGE Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x cottage" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X COTTAGE Floyd | Floyd | The cottage is unremarkable! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You try the door - locked! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "knock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK Floyd | Floyd | (on the door) Floyd | A woman's voice calls out, "MALSXLOSI." Then you hear a resounding Floyd | CHUNK!! sound. Was that the door unlocking? Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "That was Esperanto for 'unlock'." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Ah." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You open the door and step through... Floyd | Floyd | Cottage (exits: NONE!) Floyd | The cottage is smaller on the inside than it looks from the outside, Floyd | and is nearly empty, furnished only with a rickety wooden table. Floyd | Somehow, there are no exits - not even the door you walked in through! Floyd | Where did it go? Floyd | Floyd | "I am told you are the chosen one," says the woman's voice, cold but Floyd | soft. "I am-- well, my name is not important." Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "really?" | |
DavidW says, "Yes" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x woman" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X WOMAN Floyd | Floyd | You can't see where the voice is coming from! Floyd | Floyd | "As the chosen one, you are naturally endowed with a certain amount of Floyd | magical energy," the voice says. "Not as much as someone who has Floyd | studied sorcery, but enough to cast Level 1 spells. To cast stronger Floyd | ones, you will need some assistance." Floyd | Floyd | A wand magically appears on the table in front of you. "Take the Floyd | wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X WAND Floyd | Floyd | You've never really understood how these magic wands work. Floyd | Floyd | "You need to be holding the wand before we can continue," the voice Floyd | says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | As you pick up the wand, you feel a pricking sensation against your Floyd | thumb. You notice that the base of the wand is equipped with a small Floyd | needle! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x needle" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NEEDLE Floyd | Floyd | You've never really understood how these magic wands work. Floyd | Floyd | "The wand is actually a hollow tube," the voice says. "To cast a Level Floyd | 2 or Level 3 spell, you will insert an ampule of a potion into the Floyd | wand. Squeeze the wand, and the ampule will be crushed and the potion Floyd | will flow through the needle into your bloodstream, charging you with Floyd | its magical energy. The effect does not last long, and you must cast Floyd | the spell while you are still energized!" Floyd | Floyd | A ampule of cloudy fluid appears on the table. "Let's try it," the Floyd | voice says. "Take the ampule." Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Interesting." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take ampule" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMPULE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put ampule in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT AMPULE IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | "Not yet," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | A slender spellbook appears on the table before you. "This spellbook Floyd | will magically track what ampules you have in your possession and Floyd | instruct you in the proper formation of your spells," the voice says. Floyd | "I'll give you a few moments before we proceed. First, take the book Floyd | and read it - it should only take a moment. Then put the ampule into Floyd | the wand, and we can continue." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 2 * >SXVEBI Floyd | A spelle to ryse off ye Growndde. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | <<NONE>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put ampule in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT AMPULE IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the ampule of cloudy fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | "Now squeeze the wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "Growndde?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "That's how you know it's an old, magical book." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | "Quick!" the voice says. "Cast the spell just like the book says: Floyd | SXVEBI!" Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Fake oldde Inglish" | |
borowski asks, "Does that mean "ground"?" | ||
DavidW says, "yeah" | ||
borowski says, "Huh. I wish I had that spell." | ||
Gerynar arrives, full of fun and funk. | DavidW says, "This will let us get the pennant." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sxvebi" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SXVEBI Floyd | Floyd | You feel your stomach lurch and look down to find that you are Floyd | suddenly floating several inches off the ground! You've cast a Floyd | levitation spell! (A weak one, but still.) Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Ah. good thinking." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. As it does, you gently return to Floyd | the ground. Floyd | Floyd | "All right," the voice says. "I have discharged my duty. You've Floyd | received your training, and I've just placed some ampules in the Floyd | mailbox outside that should help you in your quest. If you encounter Floyd | other spells along the way, feel free to use them - but don't go more Floyd | than two levels above your base skill level. Good luck." She clears Floyd | her throat. "FORPELI!" Floyd | Floyd | For a terrifying moment you feel as though you are free-falling in Floyd | every direction at once! Then all is still, and you find yourself... Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | That's already open. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take ampules" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMPULES Floyd | Floyd | large ampule of clear fluid: Taken. Floyd | ampule of bubbly fluid: Taken. Floyd | ampule of rainbow fluid: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by three points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "And none of those are cloudy.." | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "Does it matter?" | ||
borowski asks, "What was cloudy for?" | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Or is just the magic word that matters?" | ||
borowski asks, "I'm not sure. I guess we have to try them out?" | ||
DavidW says, "It's a combo, we need both." | ||
DavidW says, "btw, SXVEBI means float or hover in Esperanto." | ||
borowski says, "But I'm guessing the ampules have different effects." | ||
borowski says, "Or there is some reason they are colored differently." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x spellbook" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SPELLBOOK Floyd | Floyd | You received this slim, handsome volume as a gift from a powerful Floyd | sorceress! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read it" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ IT Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 3 * >KOLORIGI FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Colour of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Anothyr. Floyd | Both Objeckts must be in thy immydiate Possessionne. Floyd | * Level 3 * >SONORI FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Soundde of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Anothyr. Floyd | Both must use ye Soundde for *Communickation*; ye Soundde of ye Floyd | Thyngge falling onto ye Floore doth not countte. Floyd | * Level 3 * >OVIDIO FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Materialle of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Floyd | Anothyr. Both Objeckts must be in thy immydiate Possessionne, and both Floyd | must be Organick, unless ye also holdde ye Philo-Sopher's Stonne. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | <<NONE>> Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Rainbow might be colour, bubbly.. sound? And clear is material?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Or who knows." | ||
borowski says, "Hmmm." | ||
borowski asks, "Maybe save and experiment?" | ||
genericgeekgirl clears the save counter. | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: Floyd | %% Save file: cf1 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | Saved! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "One sec, just want to test that it's definitely working properly now." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf1
Floyd | Restored!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Neat." | |
DavidW says, "I'm hoping it'll be obvious when we'll need things. This does explain why the darts are RED." | ||
borowski asks, "Have there been any sounds?" | ||
DavidW says, "Not really." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "We haven't really encountered anything other than people. I guess there will be animals/other creatures" | ||
borowski says, "There is a 'listen' verb." | ||
borowski says, "But I'm guessing we'll know when to use it." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "put rainbow ampule into wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT RAINBOW AMPULE INTO WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the ampule of rainbow fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I'm guessing, for example, if we had the pennant, we could turn the darts blue, and thus the bartender won't take them from us." | |
DavidW says, "I wish you hadn't done that." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, ""Oh these? Nah, they belong to the bar down the street."" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "We just saved, precisely so he can test it out." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Not that we have a lot of things to test it with yet." | ||
DavidW says, "Test on what? We don't have the pennant." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "So it might be inconclusive." | ||
DavidW says, "We might not be able to take ampules out." | ||
borowski says, "I just wanted to find out what each ampule does." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "What do you mean "out"? They presumably are automatically recycled after use." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read it" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ IT Floyd | Floyd | The wand is actually a hollow tube, open at the top. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "I mean, if we decide that we don't really want to use the rainbow ampule, can we take the ampule out without using it up?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Probably not." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 3 * >SONORI FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Soundde of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Anothyr. Floyd | Both must use ye Soundde for *Communickation*; ye Soundde of ye Floyd | Thyngge falling onto ye Floore doth not countte. Floyd | * Level 3 * >OVIDIO FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Materialle of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Floyd | Anothyr. Both Objeckts must be in thy immydiate Possessionne, and both Floyd | must be Organick, unless ye also holdde ye Philo-Sopher's Stonne. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | * Level 3 * >KOLORIGI FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Colour of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Anothyr. Floyd | Both Objeckts must be in thy immydiate Possessionne. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I do hope you did save." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok, rainbow is colour." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I DID." | ||
borowski says (to DavidW), "I'm not sure. I thought we'd just find out which ampule goes with spell." | ||
DavidW says, "Duh rainbow is Kolorigi." | ||
borowski says, "Then we'll know when we need for each puzzle." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I made a whole point of saving and testing the restore, and then pointed it out *again* that we'd just saved precisely so borowski could do this." | ||
DavidW says, "Except we don't have inventory to test any of this. This is premature." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "It shows up what's "in our blood stream."" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "When we squeeze the wand, it injects us with whatever was in the ampule." | ||
DavidW says, "I know. I was there." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "So, it's not premature." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "We're finding out exactly what we wanted to know." | ||
DavidW says, "Oh, it certainly is premature, but continue." | ||
borowski says, "It could just be the way I like to play. We could wait until later." | ||
DavidW says, "We'll only have to do it again later." | ||
genericgeekgirl headdesk. "Go on, borowski." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "put bubbly ampule into wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT BUBBLY AMPULE INTO WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the ampule of bubbly fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 3 * >OVIDIO FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Materialle of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Floyd | Anothyr. Both Objeckts must be in thy immydiate Possessionne, and both Floyd | must be Organick, unless ye also holdde ye Philo-Sopher's Stonne. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | * Level 3 * >SONORI FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Soundde of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Anothyr. Floyd | Both must use ye Soundde for *Communickation*; ye Soundde of ye Floyd | Thyngge falling onto ye Floore doth not countte. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I guess we can infer the last." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Cool,that's what I figured earlier, but wasn't entirely sure about bubbly and clear." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Just thinking that bubbly is at least sort of a sound, even if not for communication." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf1
Floyd | Restored!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | a wand Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | sixty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I would guess that because the clear ampule is 'large', that we get two squeeze doses from it." | |
borowski says, "Yeah, I just wondered that." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put clear in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT CLEAR IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the large ampule of clear fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | a wand Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | sixty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | Yowtch! You prick your thumb, but nothing happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe. Nothing to test it on yet." | |
borowski asks, "We could turn something into gold maybe?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Gold isn't organic :)" | ||
borowski says, "Ah." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X WAND Floyd | Floyd | The wand is actually a hollow tube, open at the top. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Just noticed the cloak is brown." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I'm sure it's covered in all sorts of ick that's been picked up by handling." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, ";)" | ||
borowski says, "heh" | ||
borowski asks, "I guess we should try out 'W' and 'E'?" | ||
DavidW says, "And North." | ||
borowski says, "Oh right." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf1
Floyd | Restored!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "S" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | As you proceed down the path you hear a grinding sound behind you, and Floyd | you turn to find the stone strips criss-crossing the path rising up Floyd | out of the ground to form a labyrinth of stone walls! Returning to the Floyd | sorceress's house just got a lot more difficult...! Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "ha. Thought so." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Neat." | ||
borowski says, "Huh" | ||
DavidW says, "Instant maze." | ||
borowski says, "Eek" | ||
DavidW says, "You thought an old-school IF would omit the maze? For shame." | ||
borowski exclaims, "No, the maze just scared me!" | ||
borowski says, "Hopefully the solution will be 'fly'" | ||
DavidW says, "Hopefully." | ||
DavidW says, "I think flying over it is rather likely." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x labyrinth" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X LABYRINTH Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x maze" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X MAZE Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Labyrinth (exits: W E S) Floyd | You are in a maze of stone walls! The exit lies to the south. Which Floyd | might be the way to go, because you can hear the growl of a minotaur Floyd | within! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x labyrinth" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X LABYRINTH Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Labyrinth (exits: W E S) Floyd | You are in a maze of stone walls! The exit lies to the south. Which Floyd | might be the way to go, because you can hear the growl of a minotaur Floyd | within! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "If it's one step away, you should be able to see it from here." | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "Back SW?" | ||
DavidW says, "huh. A labyrinth with a minotaur." | ||
borowski says, "double eek to the minotaur" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x stone walls" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X STONE WALLS Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x stones" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X STONES Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Oh well. It is old school." | |
borowski asks, "South?" | ||
DavidW says, "Maybe we'll learn that minotaurs are scared of red or squeaky noises or something." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I think it would be funny if we don't have to go through there, and either can't, or do so to find out there's no reason to." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SW Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "Can we cast the levitate spell or just the three in our book?" | |
DavidW says, "Just the spells in our book. We'd need to find another cloudy ampule." | ||
borowski says, "Ah." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Forest (exits: S) Floyd | Here the road becomes nothing more than a path through a deep, dark Floyd | forest. Proceeding in this direction would be too dangerous! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Check bird's nests and sewer drains and so on. We might find more ampules." | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "x forest" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X FOREST Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Forest (exits: S) Floyd | Here the road becomes nothing more than a path through a deep, dark Floyd | forest. Proceeding in this direction would be too dangerous! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x trees" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TREES Floyd | Floyd | An ordinary tree! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLIMB TREE Floyd | Floyd | You're carrying too many things to climb a tree - you'd surely drop Floyd | some of them! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put all in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT ALL IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | ampule of rainbow fluid: Done. Floyd | ampule of bubbly fluid: Done. Floyd | large ampule of clear fluid: Done. Floyd | spellbook: Done. Floyd | wand: Done. Floyd | leaflet: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLIMB TREE Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Up a Tree (exits: D) Floyd | You are perched at the top of a tall tree, and from here you can Floyd | barely tell that there is a village below you at all - the only hints Floyd | of it are a few narrow gaps in what is otherwise unbroken forest from Floyd | horizon to horizon. Out to the west is the sea, of course, and Floyd | overhead, giant rocs fly to and fro, plucking giant marlin from the Floyd | waves and carrying them back to their nests. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x sea" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SEA Floyd | Floyd | The sea! Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "whoa, I never found that location. cool." | |
borowski says, "heh. 'The sea!'" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x roc" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ROC Floyd | Floyd | The enormous white birds circle above what are evidently schools of Floyd | marlin, as one will occasionally swoop down, grab a huge thrashing Floyd | fish with its talons, and fly off to the north to consume its piscine Floyd | prize! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "well, that's one way to fly. Ride a roc. :)" | |
borowski says, "heh" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Haha" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "ride roc" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > RIDE ROC Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | (to the gold coin) Floyd | You pay close attention to the sound of the gold coin! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen to roc" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN TO ROC Floyd | Floyd | The giant rocs are too far away. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Huh" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Money talks." | ||
borowski says, "Apparently so." | ||
borowski asks, "Or maybe that's the default reply?" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "listen to book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN TO BOOK Floyd | Floyd | You pay close attention to the sound of the spellbook! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Damn" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "x marlin" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X MARLIN Floyd | Floyd | You infer the presences of the schools from the fact that a giant roc Floyd | will occasionally swoop down and grab a huge thrashing fish with its Floyd | talons before flying off to the north to consume it. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Pretty detailed descriptions for this room." | |
DavidW says, "I'm now curious to see if we can visit the sea by going west from Village Square." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Up a Tree (exits: D) Floyd | You are perched at the top of a tall tree, and from here you can Floyd | barely tell that there is a village below you at all - the only hints Floyd | of it are a few narrow gaps in what is otherwise unbroken forest from Floyd | horizon to horizon. Out to the west is the sea, of course, and Floyd | overhead, giant rocs fly to and fro, plucking giant marlin from the Floyd | waves and carrying them back to their nests. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "jump" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > JUMP Floyd | Floyd | A jump from this height would surely be fatal! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl ) | |
genericgeekgirl:) | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x west" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X WEST Floyd | Floyd | The sea! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x north" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NORTH Floyd | Floyd | Forest! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x south" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SOUTH Floyd | Floyd | Forest! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x east" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X EAST Floyd | Floyd | Forest! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down!" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DOWN! Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Forest (exits: S) Floyd | Here the road becomes nothing more than a path through a deep, dark Floyd | forest. Proceeding in this direction would be too dangerous! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I wonder if it'll be less dangerous later, or it's just the boundary of the game." | |
DavidW says, "Could be either." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "'Small, nameless' isn't exactly 'endless, nameless.'" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Haha" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x fishing shop" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X FISHING SHOP Floyd | Floyd | According to the huge wooden marlin with the words "BOB'S FISHING Floyd | SUPPLY" on it hanging over the door, this is a fishing supply shop! Floyd | Here you can buy fishing poles and similar gear - when the shop is Floyd | open, that is. Right now it's closed. There is a note on the door! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x note" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NOTE Floyd | Floyd | The note reads: GONE FISHIN' Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "malsxlosi" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to MALSXLOSI? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fishing shop" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > FISHING SHOP Floyd | Floyd | You can only MALSXLOSI magical doors! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "knock on door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK ON DOOR Floyd | Floyd | Which do you mean, the northern door or the southern door? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "knock on northern door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK ON NORTHERN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | There is no reply. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "malsxlosi northern door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI NORTHERN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You can only MALSXLOSI magical doors! This one is locked in the Floyd | conventional way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x weapon shop" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X WEAPON SHOP Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing special about the weapon shop! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Weapon Shop (exits: N S) Floyd | This is a small, dusty weapon shop. The wall behind the counter is Floyd | lined with swords and shields of all sizes and descriptions, along Floyd | with related items such as belts with scabbards. An enormous, Floyd | bowl-shaped shield and a fine broadsword are on prominent display next Floyd | to a dartboard. A sign says, "Win this sword and shield by hitting a Floyd | bullseye! One gold to try your luck!" Floyd | Floyd | On the counter you see a purple dart. Floyd | Floyd | The shop owner watches you vigilantly! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x purple dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PURPLE DART Floyd | Floyd | It is a purple dart with a sharp metal tip! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x sword" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SWORD Floyd | Floyd | Which do you mean, the prize sword or the other swords? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x prize" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PRIZE Floyd | Floyd | Which do you mean, the prize sword or the prize shield? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x prize sword" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PRIZE SWORD Floyd | Floyd | The sword looks like it can do about 50 points of damage! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x prize shield" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PRIZE SHIELD Floyd | Floyd | The shield looks like just the thing to ward off enemy attacks! Floyd | Floyd | A customer walks in the door, and the owner turns to attend to him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x customer" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CUSTOMER Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 10 Floyd | Dexterity: 9 Floyd | Constitution: 9 Floyd | Intelligence: 9 Floyd | Wisdom: 8 Floyd | Charisma: 8 Floyd | Hit points: 175 Floyd | Floyd | Description: You see nothing special about the customer! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x owner" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X OWNER Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 12 Floyd | Dexterity: 12 Floyd | Constitution: 12 Floyd | Intelligence: 10 Floyd | Wisdom: 9 Floyd | Charisma: 9 Floyd | Hit points: 250 Floyd | Floyd | Description: You see nothing special about the shop owner! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DART Floyd | Floyd | "One gold for a throw," growls the shop owner. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I think we ought to practice in the tavern first. Save our gold." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah." | ||
borowski says, "Kinda reminds me of quest for glory." | ||
DavidW says, "yeah" | ||
DavidW says, "I hated the stupid practicing in that series." | ||
borowski asks, "Explore the rest of the village?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok" | ||
DavidW says, "yeah, I'd like to explore more." | ||
borowski says (to DavidW), "Yeah. I didn't mind it when I was younger. But I'm it being tedious now." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Drop the purple dart first." | |
borowski says, "We couldn't take it." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: | genericgeekgirl says, "We didn't pick it up." | |
Floyd | sixty gold
Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn)
Floyd | a leaflet
Floyd | a wand
Floyd | a spellbook
Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid
Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid
Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "ah" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Shoreline (exits: W E) Floyd | The path, and everything else, comes to an end here at the grim, rocky Floyd | shoreline. Sitting beside the pier is a fisherman. At the moment he Floyd | has set his fishing pole aside to fry up a fish in a pan over a Floyd | campfire. Undoubtedly it's one of the mackerel he has in a pail beside Floyd | him... and the smell makes your stomach rumble! You're starting to Floyd | feel rather hungry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x man" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X MAN Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 8 Floyd | Dexterity: 10 Floyd | Constitution: 10 Floyd | Intelligence: 10 Floyd | Wisdom: 10 Floyd | Charisma: 8 Floyd | Hit points: 80 Floyd | Floyd | Description: A gruff-looking old fellow with a floppy yellow hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pole" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X POLE Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing special about the fishing pole! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "smell" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SMELL Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to listen to? Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "I guess we have to worry about hunger too?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yup" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 12 Floyd | Dexterity: 11 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 9 Floyd | Wisdom: 8 Floyd | Charisma: 10 Floyd | Hit points: 200 Floyd | Hunger: moderate Floyd | Weariness: low Floyd | Base magical skill: Level 1 Floyd | Magical energy: low Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | sixty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a wand Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oh yes" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "It's a stat." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "listen to sea" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN TO SEA Floyd | Floyd | You pay close attention to the sound of the sea! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, ">BUY FISH?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "buy fish" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY FISH Floyd | Floyd | (the mackerel) Floyd | "Twelve gold for a fish out of the pail," the fisherman says. "Fifteen Floyd | if you want a fried one. You want cooked or uncooked?" Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Pricy." | |
borowski says, "Should we save? In case raw fish = death or something." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf2" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: Floyd | %% Save file: cf2 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | Saved! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "> club man with spellbook, steal his fish" | |
DavidW says, "I think the roc would like raw fish." | ||
borowski says, "hehe" | ||
borowski asks (of DavidW), "Interesting. Can we buy both?" | ||
DavidW says, "I'm wondering if we can fish for ourselves, using his pole." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take pole" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE POLE Floyd | Floyd | "Don't mess with my pole," the fisherman snaps. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Or buy a pole when he gets back to this shop." | |
borowski asks, "Maybe buying a fish returns him to the shop?" | ||
DavidW asks, "What's further west of here? The dock?" | ||
borowski says, "Or maybe the shop is a 'red herring'" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bob" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BOB Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 8 Floyd | Dexterity: 10 Floyd | Constitution: 10 Floyd | Intelligence: 10 Floyd | Wisdom: 10 Floyd | Charisma: 8 Floyd | Hit points: 80 Floyd | Floyd | Description: A gruff-looking old fellow with a floppy yellow hat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Shoreline (exits: W E) Floyd | The path, and everything else, comes to an end here at the grim, rocky Floyd | shoreline. Sitting beside the pier is a fisherman. At the moment he Floyd | has set his fishing pole aside to fry up a fish in a pan over a Floyd | campfire. Undoubtedly it's one of the mackerel he has in a pail beside Floyd | him. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe? Hm." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | End of Pier (exits: E) Floyd | You have reached the end of the pier - as far west as it is possible Floyd | to go without getting wet! All around you the sea churns, but the real Floyd | view is straight ahead, to the west. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. Yellow hat." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK W Floyd | Floyd | You gaze out over the sea. Off in the distance, past the giant rocs Floyd | plucking marlin out of the waves, you think you can see the faintest Floyd | hint of a distant shore... Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x shore" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SHORE Floyd | Floyd | Maybe it's just a figment of your imagination. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x shore" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SHORE Floyd | Floyd | Maybe it's just a figment of your imagination. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Shoreline (exits: W E) Floyd | The path, and everything else, comes to an end here at the grim, rocky Floyd | shoreline. Sitting beside the pier is a fisherman. At the moment he Floyd | has set his fishing pole aside to fry up a fish in a pan over a Floyd | campfire. Undoubtedly it's one of the mackerel he has in a pail beside Floyd | him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x pail" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PAIL Floyd | Floyd | The pail is full of mackerel! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x hat" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X HAT Floyd | Floyd | A floppy yellow hat of the type favored by fishermen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take pail" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE PAIL Floyd | Floyd | "Don't mess with my pail," the fisherman snaps. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take hat" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE HAT Floyd | Floyd | That seems to belong to the fisherman. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x fire" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X FIRE Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing special about the campfire! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Buy a cooked fish, deal with our hunger, and see if he goes back to his shop or talks to us or something?" | |
borowski says, "Sure." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "buy cooked fish" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY COOKED FISH Floyd | Floyd | "Fifteen gold," the fisherman says. You hand him the requested sum and Floyd | his eyes go wide - apparently he hadn't expected you'd actually pay Floyd | that much for a single fish! He gives you your fried mackerel, then, Floyd | chuckling to himself, packs up his belongings and makes himself scarce Floyd | before you have a chance to realize you've been had. "Bon appetit," he Floyd | says as he leaves. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Hmpf." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "At least he might be back at the shop now." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat fish" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EAT FISH Floyd | Floyd | (the fried mackerel) Floyd | You wolf down the fried fish. Needed some salt, but your hunger is a Floyd | thing of the past. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by five points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "mmm points" | |
DavidW says, "That's a strong hint that we did the wrong thing, wasting our gold." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I disagree. But we'll see." | ||
borowski says, "Maybe there is a better solution, but that is a solution." | ||
DavidW says, "I expect there's multiple solutions for a few puzzles in this game." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Shoreline (exits: W E) Floyd | The path, and everything else, comes to an end here at the grim, rocky Floyd | shoreline. The one exception is a pier, which stretches west out over Floyd | the sea. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fish" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > FISH Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. So we can't fish for ourselves." | |
borowski says, "The philosophical implications run deep..." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "verbs" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > VERBS Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Quest v2.0.12 understands the following verbs: ATTACK, Floyd | BUY, CLIMB, CUT, DRINK, DROP, EAT, ENTER, EXAMINE (X), EXIT, GET, Floyd | GIVE, GO, INVENTORY (I), JUMP, KNOCK, LISTEN, LOOK, OPEN, POUR, PUT, Floyd | READ, SCORE, SQUEEZE, STAND, TAKE, THROW, WEAR, WAIT (Z), and a few Floyd | others! Floyd | Floyd | Special commands may include SAVE, RESTORE, RECORDING ON, RECORDING Floyd | OFF, and REPLAY, depending on your software! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Shall we check the fishing shop then?" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Which way was it?" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "oops" | |
DavidW says, "North side of the West End." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "fishing shop" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > FISHING SHOP Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x fishing shop" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X FISHING SHOP Floyd | Floyd | According to the huge wooden marlin with the words "BOB'S FISHING Floyd | SUPPLY" on it hanging over the door, this is a fishing supply shop! Floyd | Here you can buy fishing poles and similar gear - when the shop is Floyd | open, that is. Right now it's closed. There is a note on the door! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Mrrr." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x note" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NOTE Floyd | Floyd | The note reads: GONE FISHIN' Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | Which do you mean, the northern door or the southern door? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "open northern door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN NORTHERN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You try the door - locked! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "break northern door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BREAK NORTHERN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | Your attack does zero hit points of damage! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Perhaps there was a way to steal a fish." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "swim" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SWIM Floyd | Floyd | This doesn't seem possible. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. Try SWIM at the Shoreline." | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Shoreline (exits: W E) Floyd | The path, and everything else, comes to an end here at the grim, rocky Floyd | shoreline. The one exception is a pier, which stretches west out over Floyd | the sea. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "swim" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SWIM Floyd | Floyd | You start to wade into the waves, but the coldness of the water shocks Floyd | you into turning back! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Some kind of adventure." | |
borowski says, "err, adventurer." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Heh" | ||
borowski asks, "I guess the rest of the village?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Onward" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x northern shop" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NORTHERN SHOP Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x shop" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SHOP Floyd | Floyd | A windowless little shop with the word JEWELER painted above the door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You try the door - locked! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "knock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK Floyd | Floyd | (on the door) Floyd | There is no reply. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "MALSXLOSI door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You hear a resounding CHUNK!! sound as the magical lock on the door Floyd | gives way! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Jewelry Shop (exits: S) Floyd | The sign out front said this was a jewelry shop, but inside you find Floyd | no display cases of jewelry or anything else to suggest that this is a Floyd | store of any kind. Instead, you find a man wearing a cloak with Floyd | glowing stripes, sitting at a desk and applying the strangest torch Floyd | you've ever seen - a piece of metal that gives off a curiously narrow Floyd | blue flame - to a rough, round rock. He looks up sharply as you enter. Floyd | Floyd | "Grf," he says. "It's you. Uh... forget you saw this." He quickly Floyd | gathers up his things, waves his scepter, and walks off through the Floyd | wall. Vivid white light flares briefly around him. Floyd | Floyd | As if that weren't enough, the rock then reappears on the desk a Floyd | moment later. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl exclaims, "Yay!" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x rock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ROCK Floyd | Floyd | A rough, oddly heavy rock about the size and shape of your fist. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "huh" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take rock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE ROCK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | The man in the striped cloak walks back in through the wall. Behind Floyd | him, white light shines briefly through. He looks around, then spies Floyd | the rock you're holding. "Sorry, I need that," he says, snatching it Floyd | out of your hand. "Forgot native objects can't travel that way. Pzt, Floyd | what do I do with you while I leave the long way? Wait, I know." He Floyd | clears his throat. "FROSTI," he says. "Don't worry, the effect only Floyd | lasts a few turns." He walks out through the door the traditional way, Floyd | rock in hand. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Gerynar says "bloop" and shrinks down into a little dot, then winks out...just like those old-fashioned B&w televisions. | ||
Gerynar has disconnected. | genericgeekgirl frumples. | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | You are trapped in a FROSTI spell! You can't do anything! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | You wait for the FROSTI spell to wear off! Floyd | Floyd | You feel the effects of the FROSTI spell begin to fade. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "well, we learned a new spell, at least." | |
borowski says, "True." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Jewelry Shop (exits: S) Floyd | This jewelry shop is notably lacking in jewelry, and in everything Floyd | else for that matter. The place looks long abandoned - nothing more Floyd | than a shack, empty but for a flimsy table and chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | Looks flimsy! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "frosti" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > FROSTI Floyd | Floyd | (yourself) Floyd | You don't have nearly enough magical energy to FROSTI anyone! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | Looks flimsy! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x chair" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CHAIR Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing special about the chair! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look under table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK UNDER TABLE Floyd | Floyd | That is not a compass direction! Try >LOOK (or >L) to look around, and Floyd | >LOOK AT or >EXAMINE (or >X) to look at an object! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE TABLE Floyd | Floyd | The table is too heavy to lug around. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look under table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK UNDER TABLE Floyd | Floyd | That is not a compass direction! Try >LOOK (or >L) to look around, and Floyd | >LOOK AT or >EXAMINE (or >X) to look at an object! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, ""He walks out through the door the traditional way, rock in hand." Maybe we can find him again?" | |
DavidW says, "hmmmm maybe." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | forty-five gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a wand Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Jewelry Shop (exits: S) Floyd | This jewelry shop is notably lacking in jewelry, and in everything Floyd | else for that matter. The place looks long abandoned - nothing more Floyd | than a shack, empty but for a flimsy table and chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We haven't seen the 'feat of strength' nor the 'machine' we have to outwit." | |
borowski says, "Hmmm." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SE Floyd | Floyd | The road leads east and west only! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Forest (exits: W) Floyd | Here the road becomes nothing more than a path through a deep, dark Floyd | forest. Proceeding in this direction would be too dangerous! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | The road leads west, and the forest is too thick to consider leaving Floyd | the road! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Jewelry Shop (exits: S) Floyd | This jewelry shop is notably lacking in jewelry, and in everything Floyd | else for that matter. The place looks long abandoned - nothing more Floyd | than a shack, empty but for a flimsy table and chair. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SE Floyd | Floyd | The tavern is closed! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads north to the village square and Floyd | south to a rickety bridge that spans a deep chasm; you can see the Floyd | dragon's cave on the other side. The ground near the foot of the Floyd | bridge is darkly stained. A cave smaller than the dragon's lair lies Floyd | to the east. Floyd | Floyd | A red pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the southern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | A troll lurks by the bridge, flipping through a book titled Floyd | English Usage. When it sees you, it straightens up with a Floyd | start and quickly flings the book into the chasm. "A new adventurer!" Floyd | it shrieks. "Have you come to free us from the dragon? Then I, Lonk Floyd | the Troll, would like to thank you for your courage and bravery! Floyd | Please accept this obsequious smile as a token of gratitude." You have Floyd | a sneaking suspicion this greeting is not heartfelt. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Well, there's something." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Just looking around." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "It bothers me that the tavern is closed. That means we can't practice darts." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 12 Floyd | Dexterity: 11 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 9 Floyd | Wisdom: 8 Floyd | Charisma: 10 Floyd | Hit points: 200 Floyd | Hunger: low Floyd | Weariness: low Floyd | Base magical skill: Level 1 Floyd | Magical energy: low Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | forty-five gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a wand Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Dunno. Maybe we sleep again at some point." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads north to the village square and Floyd | south to a rickety bridge that spans a deep chasm; you can see the Floyd | dragon's cave on the other side. The ground near the foot of the Floyd | bridge is darkly stained. A cave smaller than the dragon's lair lies Floyd | to the east. Floyd | Floyd | A red pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the southern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | A troll lurks by the bridge, flipping through a book titled Floyd | English Usage. When it sees you, it straightens up with a Floyd | start and quickly flings the book into the chasm. "A new adventurer!" Floyd | it shrieks. "Have you come to free us from the dragon? Then I, Lonk Floyd | the Troll, would like to thank you for your courage and bravery! Floyd | Please accept this obsequious smile as a token of gratitude." You have Floyd | a sneaking suspicion this greeting is not heartfelt. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe it's Sunday, and they can't serve." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take smile" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE SMILE Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TROLL Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 7 Floyd | Dexterity: 9 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 11 Floyd | Wisdom: 7 Floyd | Charisma: 3 Floyd | Hit points: 40 Floyd | Floyd | Description: A squat, mottled, pustulent creature, about half your Floyd | height. Floyd | Floyd | As you take in these details, the troll starts quivering in Floyd | unspeakable ecstasy. "You're paying attention to me, you're paying Floyd | attention to me!" it shrieks. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oh, there's a cave to the east of here." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah" | ||
borowski asks, "The troll has 40 hp, we have 200. Maybe we can take it?" | ||
DavidW asks, "With our bare hands?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "We don't have a weapon yet. Maybe hand to hand. Let's go east." | ||
borowski exclaims, "karate chop!" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | "Running away?" the troll calls after you as you leave. "Afraid I'll Floyd | expose you for who you truly are?" Floyd | Floyd | Small Cave (exits: W) Floyd | You are standing in a cave, small enough that it's fairly well-lit by Floyd | the light coming from the entrance to the west. You notice four Floyd | nozzles set into the rock walls - one over the entrance, one in the Floyd | far wall, and one on each side in between. Floyd | Floyd | An odd-looking machine sits in the corner. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x machine" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X MACHINE Floyd | Floyd | You've seen machines like this before - it's a shield-tempering Floyd | machine, which strengthens the metal of a shield by subjecting it to Floyd | blasts of flame. The machine is a large, squat contraption with a coin Floyd | slot, a fuel gauge, a large funnel, and a panel bearing a set of Floyd | instructions. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Huh. But we don't have the shield." | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "x funnel" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X FUNNEL Floyd | Floyd | A large, bowl-shaped piece of metal that narrows down into a pipe that Floyd | leads to the fuel tank. Presumably this is what you are supposed to Floyd | pour the fuel into. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x panel" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PANEL Floyd | Floyd | The panel says: Floyd | Floyd | SHIELD TEMPERING INSTRUCTIONS Floyd | Insert coin. When the machine is ready Floyd | to begin tempering your shield, a series Floyd | of tones will play. Be sure you are Floyd | wearing your shield so you can >BLOCK the Floyd | direction from which the flame will Floyd | emerge. The machine will inform you which Floyd | direction to >BLOCK by playing a musical Floyd | tone. The key is: Floyd | Floyd | C: north Floyd | B: west A: east Floyd | G: south Floyd | Floyd | If you have any questions about this Floyd | machine, contact our technical support Floyd | team via courier raven and we will be Floyd | happy to assist you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x coin slot" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X COIN SLOT Floyd | Floyd | A small rectangular slot the size of a standard gold piece. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x gauge" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X GAUGE Floyd | Floyd | The arrow on the fuel gauge points to EMPTY. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "What sort of fuel would we need?" | |
DavidW says, "I don't think we've seen fuel. Grog, maybe." | ||
borowski says, "Probably not uranium rods." | ||
DavidW says, "no, it'll be a liquid, whatever it is, to go in the funnel." | ||
DavidW says, "Alcohol, oil, gasoline, kerosene, something like that." | ||
borowski says, "Yeah, but it has to be medieval." | ||
borowski says, "I guess oil works." | ||
DavidW says, "I need to step away from keyboard for a bit. Will return shortly." | ||
borowski says, "OK." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Small Cave (exits: W) Floyd | You are standing in a cave, small enough that it's fairly well-lit by Floyd | the light coming from the entrance to the west. You notice four Floyd | nozzles set into the rock walls - one over the entrance, one in the Floyd | far wall, and one on each side in between. Floyd | Floyd | An odd-looking machine sits in the corner. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x entrance nozzle" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ENTRANCE NOZZLE Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x nozzle" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NOZZLE Floyd | Floyd | The nozzles are set deeply into the walls, too high up to reach. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Hm." | |
borowski says, "I still say we experiment with the troll." | ||
borowski says, "Maybe saving first." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x far wall" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X FAR WALL Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf3" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: Floyd | %% Save file: cf3 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | Saved! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads north to the village square and Floyd | south to a rickety bridge that spans a deep chasm; you can see the Floyd | dragon's cave on the other side. The ground near the foot of the Floyd | bridge is darkly stained. A cave smaller than the dragon's lair lies Floyd | to the east. Floyd | Floyd | A red pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the southern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | A troll lurking by the bridge smirks at you. "Still at it?" it asks. Floyd | "Why? Killing the dragon won't make you rich and famous and it's Floyd | unlikely to improve your sex life. You must be doing it for the Floyd | attention." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "punch troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUNCH TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You swing at the troll, but it dodges! Floyd | Floyd | A knight on horseback comes charging in from the north, blowing right Floyd | by you and the troll. "Never fear, villagers!" he declares as he Floyd | passes. "I'll rid your land of this fiendish monster!" You watch as he Floyd | races across the bridge and into the dragon's cave. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "O rly?" | |
borowski asks, "What? Aren't we the CHOSEN ONE??" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a blood-curdling scream from the dragon's cave. It is not the Floyd | scream of a dragon. The troll laughs uproariously. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Muhahahaha." | |
borowski says, "Uh, I guess we might be." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TROLL Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 7 Floyd | Dexterity: 9 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 11 Floyd | Wisdom: 7 Floyd | Charisma: 3 Floyd | Hit points: 40 Floyd | Floyd | Description: A squat, mottled, pustulent creature, about half your Floyd | height. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "talk to troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO TROLL Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "kill troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You swing at the troll, but it dodges! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > G Floyd | Floyd | You swing at the troll, but it dodges! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > G Floyd | Floyd | You swing at the troll, but it dodges! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "hit troll with spellbook" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > HIT TROLL WITH SPELLBOOK Floyd | Floyd | You have to take the spellbook out of your pocket first! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take spellbook" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE SPELLBOOK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | The troll shakes its head at you. "You are so dull, I almost pity Floyd | you," it says. "Almost." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "hit troll with spellbook" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > HIT TROLL WITH SPELLBOOK Floyd | Floyd | You throw the spellbook at the troll, but it dodges. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "attack troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ATTACK TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You swing at the troll, but it dodges! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "attack troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ATTACK TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You swing at the troll, but it dodges! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "attack troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ATTACK TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You swing at the troll, but it dodges! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "back. I have an idea." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Shoot." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm thinking we might give our cloak fish scaling if we bought a raw fish and did OVIDIO CLOAK FROM FISH -- then maybe we can swim to the distant shore." | ||
inky says, "ha ha" | ||
inky arrives, full of fun and funk. | inky says, "I'll come and watch this part" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Interesting. Sure." | ||
DavidW says (to inky), "They're in the middle of a troll fight." | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "borowski?" | ||
borowski says, "I have an idea I tried on a previous play through, but I can't remember if we've seen the hint yet." | ||
DavidW says, "We'd have to restore to get Bob back, I guess." | ||
borowski says, "concerning a different troll solution" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, that's what I was asking. If he's done whaling on the troll for now so we can go back :)" | ||
DavidW asks (of borowski), "You've played before?" | ||
borowski says (to DavidW), "Yes, but I had a very different experience." | ||
borowski says, "I've only played the 'other part' of the game." | ||
DavidW asks, "'other part'?" | ||
borowski says, "I'll shut up when we get there." | ||
borowski says, "I can't explain it." | ||
DavidW asks, "I haven't been tracking save points. Can someone please restore Bob?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf2" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf2
Floyd | Restored!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Shoreline (exits: W E) Floyd | The path, and everything else, comes to an end here at the grim, rocky Floyd | shoreline. Sitting beside the pier is a fisherman. At the moment he Floyd | has set his fishing pole aside to fry up a fish in a pan over a Floyd | campfire. Undoubtedly it's one of the mackerel he has in a pail beside Floyd | him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy raw fish" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY RAW FISH Floyd | Floyd | "Twelve gold," the fisherman says. You hand him the requested sum and Floyd | his eyes go wide - apparently he hadn't expected you'd actually pay Floyd | that much for a single fish! He gives you your mackerel, then, Floyd | chuckling to himself, packs up his belongings and makes himself scarce Floyd | before you have a chance to realize you've been had. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put clear ampule in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT CLEAR AMPULE IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You need to be holding the large ampule of clear fluid before you can Floyd | put it into something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take clear ampule" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE CLEAR AMPULE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put clear ampule in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT CLEAR AMPULE IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the large ampule of clear fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ovidio cloak from fish" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OVIDIO CLOAK FROM FISH Floyd | Floyd | (the mackerel) Floyd | Your cloak turns into a tissue of fish meat, which drops off your body Floyd | into a wet pile on the ground, leaving you naked and reeking of Floyd | seafood. Floyd | Floyd | As you stand there, up to your ankles in mackerel, a knight arrives. Floyd | "We have a strict anti-nudity ordinance around here," he says, "and Floyd | the penalty for violating it is DEATH!" He executes you on the spot. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have died *** | borowski says, "hehehe" | |
DavidW says, "hm. Perhaps we ovidio ourselves, then." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You wake up. Floyd | Floyd | You are lying on your back in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room, Floyd | staring at a white popcorn ceiling. You blink in disbelief. Seriously? Floyd | That was all just a dream? Floyd | Floyd | There is a dresser across from the foot of your bed; you stagger to Floyd | your feet, walk over to it, and peer into the mirror perched above it. Floyd | Okay. Good. Not a dream. You still look like yourself. You're even Floyd | still wearing your brown cloak. But then where are you? What happened? Floyd | You try to think. The last thing you remember is... Floyd | Floyd | ...oh. Right. Your death. Which makes this the afterlife. And if that Floyd | popcorn ceiling is any indication, you didn't end up where you might Floyd | have hoped. Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It doesn't have that "lived Floyd | in" look that would mark this as your own room, but neither is it the Floyd | sort of austerely professional space that would give it away as a Floyd | hotel room. Floyd | Floyd | (Wait, "hotel"? How do you know that word...?) Floyd | Floyd | any case, your best guess is that it's the guest room of someone Floyd | else's house. Maybe it belongs to a friend of yours. (Do you have Floyd | friends? You do hear voices downstairs.) It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom (nice to see the Floyd | bathroom is en suite); another door is set into the wall Floyd | across from the window. The floor is a medium-light hardwood, and the Floyd | ceiling... has nothing wrong with it that a few thousand dollars' Floyd | worth of asbestos abatement won't fix. (Except - "dollars"? Floyd | "Asbestos"? Where are these words coming from?) Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "That makes me happy that David's idea worked." | |
inky says, "yeah" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Nifty." | ||
DavidW asks, "hm. Perhaps I didn't want to 'undo'?" | ||
inky says, "you didn't really undo, you just hit a key" | ||
DavidW says, "ah" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x wallpaper" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X WALLPAPER Floyd | Floyd | The wallpaper is cream colored, with thick, slightly irregular stripes Floyd | of golden beige alternating with thin stripes of light blue. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | [What do you want to listen to?] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen to voices" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN TO VOICES Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error. (This could mean a number of things: the noun may not Floyd | be present, or it may be scenery you can't interact with, or you may Floyd | have misspelled something.)] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Bah" | |
borowski says, "(This is the part I've explored, so I'll be quiet)" | ||
DavidW asks, "we may want to restore eventually, but it seems the afterlife is an essential place to visit?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bed" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BED Floyd | Floyd | The bed is unremarkable for the most part. Maybe a bit higher than Floyd | you're used to - you do have to hop into it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | As far as you can tell, you look the same as ever. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "No stats." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter bathroom" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER BATHROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | Even more than the bedroom, this cramped bathroom shows this house's Floyd | age. Not that it isn't well kept up - it looks like it's been recently Floyd | cleaned - but the clunky styling of the fixtures suggests that it Floyd | hasn't been renovated for a couple of generations. (How you know this, Floyd | given that you've just come from a world where people wash in barrels Floyd | and relieve themselves in buckets, you're not entirely sure.) The Floyd | wallpaper is peeling a bit around the window set into the exterior Floyd | wall; the ocean view from that window is reflected in the mirrored Floyd | medicine cabinet on the tiled partition wall opposite it. Beneath the Floyd | medicine cabinet is a sink. The far wall is also done in small white Floyd | tile, chipped here and there. Near that wall, but not attached to it, Floyd | is a bathtub; however, the towel rack is across the room, above the Floyd | toilet. Next to the toilet is the doorway, which leads back to the Floyd | bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cabinet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CABINET Floyd | Floyd | A small, mirrored medicine cabinet set into the tiled wall just above Floyd | the sink. The cabinet is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open cabinet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN CABINET Floyd | Floyd | You open the medicine cabinet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cabinet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CABINET Floyd | Floyd | A small, mirrored medicine cabinet set into the tiled wall just above Floyd | the sink. The cabinet is open. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "..." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look in cabinet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK IN CABINET Floyd | Floyd | The medicine cabinet is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take bath" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE BATH Floyd | Floyd | While it is freestanding, the bathtub is much too unwieldy to carry Floyd | around. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "bathe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BATHE Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error. (This generally means that the first word of your Floyd | command was not recognized. Type VERBS for a list of accepted Floyd | commands.)] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wash me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > WASH ME Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error. (This generally means that the first word of your Floyd | command was not recognized. Type VERBS for a list of accepted Floyd | commands.)] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "enter tub" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER TUB Floyd | Floyd | You get into the bathtub. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "turn on water" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TURN ON WATER Floyd | Floyd | The stopper isn't in the drain, so you run the water for a while to no Floyd | effect. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x drain" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DRAIN Floyd | Floyd | A white standalone bathtub, not quite large enough to stretch out in. Floyd | You note that there is no shower attachment, then wonder how you know Floyd | what a "shower attachment" is. There is a stopper on the rim. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put stopper in drain" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT STOPPER IN DRAIN Floyd | Floyd | You're not holding that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take stopper" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE STOPPER Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put stopper in drain" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT STOPPER IN DRAIN Floyd | Floyd | Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn on tap" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TURN ON TAP Floyd | Floyd | [Which do you mean, the bathtub or the sink?] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "tub" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TUB Floyd | Floyd | Taking a bath is generally not done while clothed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You get out of the bathtub. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undress" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDRESS Floyd | Floyd | You take off the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop all" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DROP ALL Floyd | Floyd | (the brown cloak) Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter tub" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER TUB Floyd | Floyd | You get into the bathtub. Floyd | Floyd | In the bathtub you can see a stopper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn on tap" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TURN ON TAP Floyd | Floyd | [Which do you mean, the bathtub or the sink?] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "tub" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TUB Floyd | Floyd | You turn on the faucet, adjust the temperature to your liking, and Floyd | fill the bathtub. There is no soap; you're not sure whether that was Floyd | an oversight on the part of your host or whether someone assumed that, Floyd | coming where you've just come from, you wouldn't know what to do with Floyd | it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You'll have to get out of the bathtub first. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "hehe" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Drat." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "clean me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLEAN ME Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "splash" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SPLASH Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "swim" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SWIM Floyd | Floyd | You'll have to get out of the bathtub first. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "I bet it didn't work" | |
borowski says, "Sleeping in the bath could get one killed." | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You get out of the bathtub. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "enter tube" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER TUBE Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error. (This could mean a number of things: the noun may not Floyd | be present, or it may be scenery you can't interact with, or you may Floyd | have misspelled something.)] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "enter tub" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER TUB Floyd | Floyd | You climb into the bathtub and soak for a bit. There is no soap; Floyd | you're not sure whether that was an oversight on the part of your host Floyd | or whether someone assumed that, coming where you've just come from, Floyd | you wouldn't know what to do with it. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "oh, no, I guess it did work" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x towel rack" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TOWEL RACK Floyd | Floyd | A single-bar towel rack. There is a dry towel hanging from it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You get out of the bathtub. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take towel" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE TOWEL Floyd | Floyd | You take the towel and dry off. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wear towel" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > WEAR TOWEL Floyd | Floyd | You can't wear that! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wear cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > WEAR CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the brown cloak) Floyd | You put on the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "brush teeth" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BRUSH TEETH Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look through window" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK THROUGH WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | You gaze out over the sea. Off in the distance, past the seagulls Floyd | lazily flapping from pier to pier, you can see the faintest hint of a Floyd | distant shore... Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN SAFE Floyd | Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SAFE Floyd | Floyd | A square door of thick black iron, slightly pitted with age, with a Floyd | large, ostentatious lock on one side. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X LOCK Floyd | Floyd | A square door of thick black iron, slightly pitted with age, with a Floyd | large, ostentatious lock on one side. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "malsxlosi safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI SAFE Floyd | Floyd | Such words have no meaning here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > XYZZY Floyd | Floyd | Such words have no meaning here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "unlock safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNLOCK SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You're not holding the key that opens this safe. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x lock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X LOCK Floyd | Floyd | A square door of thick black iron, slightly pitted with age, with a Floyd | large, ostentatious lock on one side. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look under bed" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK UNDER BED Floyd | Floyd | [That is not a compass direction. Try >LOOK (or >L) to look around, Floyd | and >LOOK AT or >EXAMINE (or >X) to look at an object.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bed" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BED Floyd | Floyd | The bed is unremarkable for the most part. Maybe a bit higher than Floyd | you're used to - you do have to hop into it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x lamp" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X LAMP Floyd | Floyd | A beige ceramic lamp with a dusty shade. Floyd | Floyd | The lamp is currently switched off. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x dresser" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DRESSER Floyd | Floyd | A wooden chest of drawers. This and the mirror look somewhat older Floyd | than the rest of the furniture in the room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open drawers" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN DRAWERS Floyd | Floyd | You open a dresser drawer. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look in drawer" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK IN DRAWER Floyd | Floyd | The dresser is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x drawers" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DRAWERS Floyd | Floyd | A wooden chest of drawers. This and the mirror look somewhat older Floyd | than the rest of the furniture in the room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DOOR Floyd | Floyd | [Which do you mean, the bathroom door or the bedroom door?] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bedroom door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BEDROOM DOOR Floyd | Floyd | A basic door. It is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "turn on lamp" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TURN ON LAMP Floyd | Floyd | You switch the lamp on. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "close curtains" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLOSE CURTAINS Floyd | Floyd | You close the curtains. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are closed. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Hm" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EXITS Floyd | Floyd | [Exits: IN: bathroom; OUT: unknown.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I wonder if our stuff is in the safe." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X POCKET Floyd | Floyd | A simple cloak. The possessions you once carried in it are gone. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ceiling" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CEILING Floyd | Floyd | All those little nooks and crannies must be hard to clean. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig ceiling" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DIG CEILING Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "stand on bed" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > STAND ON BED Floyd | Floyd | You get onto the bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "push ceiling" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUSH CEILING Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "break ceiling" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BREAK CEILING Floyd | Floyd | Perhaps it would be better to ignore the ceiling. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I think I'd like to see where the door out leads." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You get off the bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You emerge from your room, not knowing what to expect, and quickly Floyd | take in your surroundings. You are standing in a nondescript hallway: Floyd | plain white walls, a threadbare runner carpet. The door to your Floyd | bedroom is at one end of the hallway, the first door on the right-hand Floyd | side at the top of a flight of stairs that spirals downward to an Floyd | unseen lower floor. At the other end of the hallway... well, there is Floyd | no other end to the hallway. Not that you can see, anyway. It seems to Floyd | stretch on forever, with doors at regular intervals. Floyd | Floyd | While you're staring at that, you hear someone coming up the stairs. Floyd | When you turn to look at who it is, you discover that it's... you. Floyd | Floyd | "Hi!" the other you says. "Sorry your quest didn't work out. I know Floyd | what that's like, believe me. But why wouldn't you believe me? I'm Floyd | you!" The other you chuckles. "I know, your head must be spinning. But Floyd | I'm here to help you out! Just call me your alter ego. You'll want to Floyd | talk to me about what's going on... that's >TALK TO ALTER EGO, just to Floyd | be clear. But no pressure!" The other you chuckles again. "Feel free Floyd | to explore the Great Upstairs - come on down when you're ready. Oh, Floyd | one last thing: THAT way," he says, pointing at the endless hallway, Floyd | "is north." The other you grins and heads downstairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take carpet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE CARPET Floyd | Floyd | There is no point in fixating on the floor. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DOOR Floyd | Floyd | A basic door. It is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Shall we try north?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You walk down the hallway, and nothing seems strange about it - you Floyd | feel yourself traveling forward, the doors go by just as you'd Floyd | expect... and yet when you stop and look around, you discover that you Floyd | haven't moved an inch. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Probably not yet." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You walk down the hallway, and nothing seems strange about it - you Floyd | feel yourself traveling forward, the doors go by just as you'd Floyd | expect... and yet when you stop and look around, you discover that you Floyd | haven't moved an inch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You walk down the hallway, and nothing seems strange about it - you Floyd | feel yourself traveling forward, the doors go by just as you'd Floyd | expect... and yet when you stop and look around, you discover that you Floyd | haven't moved an inch. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ok" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | You follow the curving staircase downward... Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | To call this a room might be an overstatement. It's really just a Floyd | small area of parquet at the bottom of the stairs. The staircase back Floyd | up to the second floor lies to the west; a hallway leads north, and Floyd | this one looks mercifully finite. To the east is a dark room lit by Floyd | flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Your double is sitting on one of the bottom stairs, reading a Floyd | newspaper; he folds it up and sets it aside as you walk by him. "So, I Floyd | bet you have a few questions!" he says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "punch alter" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUNCH ALTER Floyd | Floyd | An invisible force prevents you from attacking your alter ego. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x newspaper" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NEWSPAPER Floyd | Floyd | According to the headline, Gary Hart is getting back into the Floyd | presidential race. "Let the people decide!" he says. We'll see how Floyd | that turns out. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x newspaper" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NEWSPAPER Floyd | Floyd | According to the headline, Gary Hart is getting back into the Floyd | presidential race. "Let the people decide!" he says. We'll see how Floyd | that turns out. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I thought it might change." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x alter" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take newspaper" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ALTER Floyd | Floyd | Your alter ego looks exactly like you. He is wearing a brown cloak; Floyd | stuck to it is a nametag with the word "AFTERWORLD" on it. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | %% Critical error. Floyd | %% Message: Input generation number does not match. Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 1 | ||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | genericgeekgirl says, "....." | |
inky says, "whoah" | ||
inky says, "never saw that before" | ||
DavidW says, "sorry!" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I think that was mine, actually." | ||
genericgeekgirl didn't want the newspaper *that* badly. | ||
DavidW asks, "Restore back to Bob, then?" | ||
borowski says, "I guess so." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd says (to genericgeekgirl), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "%load sleepmask endless" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | ATDT3635377 | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | ATDT3635377 Floyd | CONNECT 1200 | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | CONNECT 1200 Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | **************************************** Floyd | * * Floyd | * / * Floyd | * ENDLESS BBS // 172-END-LESS * Floyd | * / * Floyd | * * Floyd | * (c) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 * Floyd | * * Floyd | * SysOp: Endless * Floyd | * * Floyd | * Co-SysOpz: * Floyd | * Bordz: Lninja, Ultrex * Floyd | * Gamez: Nameless, Warden * Floyd | * Warez: Crossbolt * Floyd | * * Floyd | **************************************** | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | **************************************** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | ENDLESS BBS MENU Floyd | B>ordz C>hatz Floyd | G>amez M>ailz Floyd | W>arez Q>uitz Floyd | Floyd | 120 MINUTEZ REMAINING! Floyd | (10 Std) B C G M W Q>> | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | (10 Std) B C G M W Q>> G Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | A>dventure Floyd | N>ameless Quest v2.0.12 Floyd | M>ain menu Floyd | Floyd | 119 MINUTEZ REMAINING! Floyd | (10 Std) A N M>> | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | (10 Std) A N M>> N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Quest v2.0.12 Floyd | by Nameless Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a '64 Chateu Le Mont (excellent Floyd | vintage!). Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf2" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf2
Floyd | Restored!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Shoreline (exits: W E) Floyd | The path, and everything else, comes to an end here at the grim, rocky Floyd | shoreline. Sitting beside the pier is a fisherman. At the moment he Floyd | has set his fishing pole aside to fry up a fish in a pan over a Floyd | campfire. Undoubtedly it's one of the mackerel he has in a pail beside Floyd | him. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "ha Chateu Le Mont." | |
DavidW says, "Panks joke." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy raw fish" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY RAW FISH Floyd | Floyd | "Twelve gold," the fisherman says. You hand him the requested sum and Floyd | his eyes go wide - apparently he hadn't expected you'd actually pay Floyd | that much for a single fish! He gives you your mackerel, then, Floyd | chuckling to himself, packs up his belongings and makes himself scarce Floyd | before you have a chance to realize you've been had. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take clear ampule" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE CLEAR AMPULE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put clear in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT CLEAR IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the large ampule of clear fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "ovidio me from fish" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ovidio me from fish" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OVIDIO ME FROM FISH Floyd | Floyd | (the mackerel) Floyd | SOMETHING TERRIBLY WRONG IS HAPPENING TO YOU. SOMETHING TERRIBLY WR-- Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have died *** | genericgeekgirl says, "Hee." | |
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You wake up. Floyd | Floyd | You are lying on your back in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room, Floyd | staring at a white popcorn ceiling. You blink in disbelief. Seriously? Floyd | That was all just a dream? Floyd | Floyd | There is a dresser across from the foot of your bed; you stagger to Floyd | your feet, walk over to it, and peer into the mirror perched above it. Floyd | Okay. Good. Not a dream. You still look like yourself. You're even Floyd | still wearing your brown cloak. But then where are you? What happened? Floyd | You try to think. The last thing you remember is... Floyd | Floyd | ...oh. Right. Your death. Which makes this the afterlife. And if that Floyd | popcorn ceiling is any indication, you didn't end up where you might Floyd | have hoped. Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It doesn't have that "lived Floyd | in" look that would mark this as your own room, but neither is it the Floyd | sort of austerely professional space that would give it away as a Floyd | hotel room. Floyd | Floyd | (Wait, "hotel"? How do you know that word...?) Floyd | Floyd | any case, your best guess is that it's the guest room of someone Floyd | else's house. Maybe it belongs to a friend of yours. (Do you have Floyd | friends? You do hear voices downstairs.) It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom (nice to see the Floyd | bathroom is en suite); another door is set into the wall Floyd | across from the window. The floor is a medium-light hardwood, and the Floyd | ceiling... has nothing wrong with it that a few thousand dollars' Floyd | worth of asbestos abatement won't fix. (Except - "dollars"? Floyd | "Asbestos"? Where are these words coming from?) Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "darn. I hoped we could gain fish-like swimming." | |
inky says, "alalalalalalalaalalalala" | ||
borowski says, "hehe" | ||
DavidW asks, "I guess we can steal the towel and just head for the foyer directly?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | Even more than the bedroom, this cramped bathroom shows this house's Floyd | age. Not that it isn't well kept up - it looks like it's been recently Floyd | cleaned - but the clunky styling of the fixtures suggests that it Floyd | hasn't been renovated for a couple of generations. (How you know this, Floyd | given that you've just come from a world where people wash in barrels Floyd | and relieve themselves in buckets, you're not entirely sure.) The Floyd | wallpaper is peeling a bit around the window set into the exterior Floyd | wall; the ocean view from that window is reflected in the mirrored Floyd | medicine cabinet on the tiled partition wall opposite it. Beneath the Floyd | medicine cabinet is a sink. The far wall is also done in small white Floyd | tile, chipped here and there. Near that wall, but not attached to it, Floyd | is a bathtub; however, the towel rack is across the room, above the Floyd | toilet. Next to the toilet is the doorway, which leads back to the Floyd | bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take towel" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE TOWEL Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x tile" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TILE Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error. (This could mean a number of things: the noun may not Floyd | be present, or it may be scenery you can't interact with, or you may Floyd | have misspelled something.)] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You emerge from your room, not knowing what to expect, and quickly Floyd | take in your surroundings. You are standing in a nondescript hallway: Floyd | plain white walls, a threadbare runner carpet. The door to your Floyd | bedroom is at one end of the hallway, the first door on the right-hand Floyd | side at the top of a flight of stairs that spirals downward to an Floyd | unseen lower floor. At the other end of the hallway... well, there is Floyd | no other end to the hallway. Not that you can see, anyway. It seems to Floyd | stretch on forever, with doors at regular intervals. Floyd | Floyd | While you're staring at that, you hear someone coming up the stairs. Floyd | When you turn to look at who it is, you discover that it's... you. Floyd | Floyd | "Hi!" the other you says. "Sorry your quest didn't work out. I know Floyd | what that's like, believe me. But why wouldn't you believe me? I'm Floyd | you!" The other you chuckles. "I know, your head must be spinning. But Floyd | I'm here to help you out! Just call me your alter ego. You'll want to Floyd | talk to me about what's going on... that's >TALK TO ALTER EGO, just to Floyd | be clear. But no pressure!" The other you chuckles again. "Feel free Floyd | to explore the Great Upstairs - come on down when you're ready. Oh, Floyd | one last thing: THAT way," he says, pointing at the endless hallway, Floyd | "is north." The other you grins and heads downstairs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | You follow the curving staircase downward... Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | To call this a room might be an overstatement. It's really just a Floyd | small area of parquet at the bottom of the stairs. The staircase back Floyd | up to the second floor lies to the west; a hallway leads north, and Floyd | this one looks mercifully finite. To the east is a dark room lit by Floyd | flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | Your double is sitting on one of the bottom stairs, reading a Floyd | newspaper; he folds it up and sets it aside as you walk by him. "So, I Floyd | bet you have a few questions!" he says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to alter" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO ALTER Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to your alter ego Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Who are you? Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What is this place? Is this hell? Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs? Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | Enter one of the above (including the word SAY), or any other Floyd | command: Floyd | >> | borowski says, "I hadn't tried bathing before. I should have know that one of Adam's games would have involved disrobing." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "Who are you?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "I'm you," he says cheerfully.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : All right, then who am I? Who are we?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Okay, but... what's your name?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : How can there be two of us?
Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What is this place? Is this hell?
Floyd | >>SAY 5 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 6 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | Enter one of the above, or any other command:
Floyd | >>
| Limax says, "This is Adam" | |
Limax asks, "Adam's new game?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 3" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 3
Floyd |
Floyd | "How can there be two of us?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "We are different iterations of the same adventurer," the other you
Floyd | explains. "We may have had different experiences in the quest world,
Floyd | but we began in the tavern as the same person."
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What's your name?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What do you mean by 'iterations'?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What is this place? Is this hell?
Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 5 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| borowski says, "Yeah." | |
DavidW says, "yes" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "What's your name?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "My name is the same as yours," your double replies.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : I don't know my name. Do you?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What do you mean by 'iterations'?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What is this place? Is this hell?
Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 5 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "I don't know my name. Do you?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Your alter ego grins. "It's the same as mine," he says. Then, noticing
Floyd | that you're getting frustrated, he adds, "Look, I know where you're
Floyd | coming from. You didn't have a name in the quest world either, but it
Floyd | didn't matter, because you just thought of yourself as 'me,' and you
Floyd | didn't need any other name to distinguish yourself from those around
Floyd | you. But now you're talking to someone who also looks and sounds like
Floyd | 'me,' and it'd be nice to have a label to put on me other than 'the
Floyd | other me.'" He shakes his head. "I'm confusing myself with my own
Floyd | sentence!" he says, chuckling.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : I don't understand - WHY don't we have names?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What do you mean by 'iterations'?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What is this place? Is this hell?
Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 5 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 1 Floyd | Floyd | "I don't understand - WHY don't we have names?" Floyd | Floyd | "That gets into metaphysics," your other self says. "There are those Floyd | who say that there is yet another level of existence out there - that Floyd | of the meta-shapers who created this afterworld - and in that realm Floyd | are countless inchoate souls, and with each iteration, one is infused Floyd | into the adventurer's body. But every specific detail built into that Floyd | body means a chance of a mismatch with the soul, you see. So to Floyd | minimize the chance of rejection, we're as unmarked as possible! We Floyd | can't have names, because the soul has to believe that 'you' Floyd | means that soul - that it isn't just playing a role." Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to your alter ego Floyd | >>SAY 1 : How can you say that we're unmarked? We're male, we're not Floyd | disabled, we're adults, though fairly young... Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Wait. Compared to the details of an adventure, aren't Floyd | details like a name easier to accept? Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What do you mean by 'iterations'? Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What is this place? Is this hell? Floyd | >>SAY 5 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs? Floyd | >>SAY 6 : Bye for now! Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 2" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 2 Floyd | Floyd | "Wait. Compared to the details of an adventure, aren't details like a Floyd | name easier to accept?" Floyd | Floyd | "I don't think I understand," the other you says. Floyd | Floyd | You try to think of a way to explain. "You said that a soul might Floyd | reject being infused into someone with a name. 'John? My name's not Floyd | John. This isn't me!' But how could a soul like that simultaneously Floyd | accept that, hey, that is me fighting that dragon? Floyd | Doesn't your account imply that only souls that already saw themselves Floyd | as dragon-fighters - not as a role to take on, but as an inherent part Floyd | of their identity - could be infused into us?" Floyd | Floyd | "Maybe so," your alter ego says with equanimity. "Look, this is all Floyd | beyond my pay grade. I'm here to talk about the afterworld, not the, Floyd | you know, the 'beforeworld.' If there really is one." Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to your alter ego Floyd | >>SAY 1 : How can you say that we're unmarked? We're male, we're not Floyd | disabled, we're adults, though fairly young... Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What do you mean by 'iterations'? Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What is this place? Is this hell? Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs? Floyd | >>SAY 5 : Bye for now! Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 2" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 2
Floyd |
Floyd | "What do you mean by 'iterations'?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "The world of the quest is cyclical," your alter ego explains. "The
Floyd | time loop begins with one of us in the tavern. Most recently, that was
Floyd | you. The sequence of events then unfolds as follows: the adventurer
Floyd | goes outside - one way or another - and meets the old man, who tells
Floyd | the adventurer about the dragon. The adventurer then tries to find a
Floyd | way to kill the dragon, and somewhere along the line, meets a grisly
Floyd | end. That adventurer is then whisked here, while the game world
Floyd | returns to its starting point, with a new adventurer and a new attempt
Floyd | to complete the quest. Each of those loops is called an 'iteration.'
Floyd | We are all iterations of the adventurer, and we've each had an
Floyd | iteration of the adventure. Make sense?"
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : How can you say that we're unmarked? We're male, we're not
Floyd | disabled, we're adults, though fairly young...
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : So there are others like us in here?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Are we stuck here forever?
Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What if I actually finish the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 5 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 6 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "How can you say that we're unmarked? We're male, we're not disabled,
Floyd | we're adults, though fairly young..."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Those are all defaults!" your alter ego protests. "If we were old, or
Floyd | children, the quest would be all about being old, or a child. If we
Floyd | were handicapped, the quest would be all about being handicapped. If
Floyd | we were female, the quest would be all about being female. But we're
Floyd | normal, so the quest is about the quest!"
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Being male is 'normal'? Aren't there more women than men in
Floyd | the world...?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : So there are others like us in here?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Are we stuck here forever?
Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What if I actually finish the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 5 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 6 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| genericgeekgirl coughs. | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "Being male is 'normal'? Aren't there more women than men in the
Floyd | world...?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Not in this one," your double chuckles. "You might say that 'female'
Floyd | is just another word for 'absent.' But please," he says, holding up a
Floyd | hand, "no psychoanalysis."
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : So there are others like us in here?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Are we stuck here forever?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What if I actually finish the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 5 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| DavidW says, "weird" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "So there are others like us in here?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh, yes, dozens," the other you says. "Hundreds. A lot of them are
Floyd | upstairs sleeping at any given point, but you'll see lots of copies of
Floyd | you and me as you wander around the house. That's the main reason I
Floyd | wanted to talk to you - so you wouldn't freak out."
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Will there be more of us showing up later?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Are we stuck here forever?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What if I actually finish the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 4 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 5 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "Will there be more of us showing up later?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Almost certainly," says your double.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Are we stuck here forever?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What if I actually finish the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 4 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 2" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 2 Floyd | Floyd | "What if I actually finish the quest?" Floyd | Floyd | "Hmm, I don't actually know whether that's even possible," your double Floyd | says. "No one who's ever come here has successfully completed it. Floyd | There's at least one guy here who claims to have killed the dragon and Floyd | still wound up getting killed immediately afterward. I suspect Floyd | that there's a reason it's called 'Endless Quest'..." Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to your alter ego Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Are we stuck here forever? Floyd | >>SAY 2 : The quest is actually called 'Nameless Quest' now. Floyd | >>SAY 3 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs? Floyd | >>SAY 4 : Bye for now! Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 2" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 2
Floyd |
Floyd | "The quest is actually called 'Nameless Quest' now."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh," says your alter ego. "That's not a very good name, is it?"
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Are we stuck here forever?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| inky says, "just because I like the joke, the line about 'female' being an alias for 'absent' is an Inform 6 joke" | |
borowski says, "heh" | ||
inky says, "where the two attributes were aliased" | ||
DavidW says, "really? I didn't know that." | ||
borowski says, "(I died almost instantly the first time I played this game)" | ||
DavidW says, "I thought they were distinct attributes." | ||
inky says, "I think it must have been taken out in later versions because I couldn't find it in my library" | ||
DavidW says, "maybe Inform 5 did that." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "Are we stuck here forever?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "I wouldn't call it 'stuck,'" your alter ego says. "I like it here!
Floyd | It's why I've stayed. You don't have to stay if you don't want to -
Floyd | you can walk right back into the adventure world from here. Though
Floyd | maybe not in the way you expect..." He chuckles.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : How do I get back to the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "How do I get back to the quest?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "You'll probably just get yourself killed again if your puzzle-solving
Floyd | skills aren't even sharp enough to find your way back," your double
Floyd | cautions you. "Now, me, I find that if I can't figure something out,
Floyd | beating my head against it doesn't help. Try doing something different
Floyd | for a while and come back to it fresh. Play a game, perhaps...?"
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : How do I get back to the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "How do I get back to the quest?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "If you're still asking that, it means you haven't played the right
Floyd | game," your alter ego says. "At least not all the way through."
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : How do I get back to the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "How do I get back to the quest?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "If you're still asking that, it means you haven't played the right
Floyd | game," your alter ego says. "At least not all the way through."
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : How do I get back to the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 2" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 2
Floyd |
Floyd | "What's the story with that endless hallway upstairs?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Yeah, around here space-time doesn't always work the way you'd
Floyd | think," your double says. "The hallway works like that because
Floyd | everyone needs a place to stay, but with new adventurers showing up
Floyd | all the time, there can't be a fixed number of rooms - they're
Floyd | dynamically allocated, making the hallway indefinitely large. So it
Floyd | winds up with some weird properties."
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to your alter ego
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : How do I get back to the quest?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Bye for now!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "say 2" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 2 Floyd | Floyd | "Bye for now!" Floyd | Floyd | "Okay, have fun," your alter ego asks. "I'll be in the library if you Floyd | need me for anything!" He slaps his forehead. "Almost forgot! You'll Floyd | need this." He pats himself down and retrieves a key from the pocket Floyd | of his cloak. "For the safe in your room. The bedroom doors don't have Floyd | locks so some people like to have a place to store things." He hands Floyd | over the key, picks up his newspaper, and heads down the hallway to Floyd | the north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Such words have no meaning here. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I guess that was the entire tree, anyway." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x ey" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X EY Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error. (This could mean a number of things: the noun may not Floyd | be present, or it may be scenery you can't interact with, or you may Floyd | have misspelled something.)] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x key" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X KEY Floyd | Floyd | A large, heavy key. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Shall we get our stuff?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "We should look around down here first." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf4" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: Floyd | %% Save file: cf4 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | [Saved.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Surprised that save works here." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | TV Room Floyd | The lights are off in this room, but you can still see reasonably Floyd | well, thanks to the glow of the boxy big-screen television. And what Floyd | you see is a room full of clones of you, all in adventurers' cloaks, Floyd | sitting on battered couches watching Rocky IV on Betamax. All Floyd | of them are sipping White Russians. "Get it?" one says with a grin. Floyd | "White Russians? Ivan Drago? Heh heh heh heh." Floyd | Floyd | An archway leads north into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, COTTAGE, MAGIC, MACHINE, DWARVES. Floyd | (Some of these alternate versions of you are chatting with each other Floyd | and no one seems to mind. Presumably it would be fine for you to start Floyd | a conversation as well, even with the movie playing.) Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, James Brown lip-syncs to "Living in America" as Apollo Floyd | Creed gyrates in an Uncle Sam outfit. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "well, it's your idea to explore." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x tv" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TV Floyd | Floyd | A big wooden cabinet, slightly taller than it is wide, with a squarish Floyd | 40-inch rear-projection screen atop a speaker. Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, Paulie stares uncomprehendingly at a skull on a stick. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl smirks at the white Russian joke. | |
DavidW says, "idgi" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "It's the name of an alcoholic drink. And Drago is supposed to be Russian. It's dumb, but it's one I've used a few times." | ||
borowski says, "heh" | ||
DavidW asks, "I know it's the name of a drink. What's the joke?" | ||
DavidW asks, "Who's Drago?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "A Russian person who is white.." | ||
borowski says, "[LINK]" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "They're watching Rocky." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm unfamilar with the Rocky series of movies." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to clones" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO CLONES Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error. (This could mean a number of things: the noun may not Floyd | be present, or it may be scenery you can't interact with, or you may Floyd | have misspelled something.)] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "start conversation" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > START CONVERSATION Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error. (This generally means that the first word of your Floyd | command was not recognized. Type VERBS for a list of accepted Floyd | commands.)] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to doubles" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO DOUBLES Floyd | Floyd | You can't use multiple objects with that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to double" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO DOUBLE Floyd | Floyd | [Who do you mean, the dwarves expert, the machine expert, the magic Floyd | expert, the cottage expert or the weapon shop expert?] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ah" | |
DavidW says, "duh" | ||
DavidW says, "The doubles are named for your disambiguation convenience." | ||
inky says, "after their nametags" | ||
DavidW says, "so this will give us lots of hints, I hope." | ||
borowski says, "Yeah." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to dwarves expert" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO DWARVES EXPERT Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to the dwarves expert Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What hints can you give me about the dwarves? Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | genericgeekgirl says, "Indeed." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "What hints can you give me about the dwarves?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "The assistance of the dwarves is crucial to your quest," your double
Floyd | says. "Not only do they supply you with the Wyrmender sword that you
Floyd | need to kill the dragon, but it's also from the dwarves that you get
Floyd | the fuel you need to power the machine that tempers your shield."
Floyd |
Floyd | On the TV, James Brown sinks to his knees. Danny Ray drapes a cape
Floyd | over him.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to the dwarves expert
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What else can you tell me about the dwarves?
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| borowski says, "I don't remember meeting dwarves, though." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah. Presumably we can get ourselves killed anytime we need to." | ||
DavidW says, "well, maybe they're on the distant shore." | ||
borowski asks, "I guess Wyrmender sword is different from the weapon shop one?" | ||
DavidW says, "yeah, I think so" | ||
DavidW says, "we probably still need the broadsword for the troll or some other critter." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "What else can you tell me about the dwarves?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "First, you need to get into the mines where the dwarves live," the
Floyd | other you explains. "You won't find any kind of door. Instead, you
Floyd | will find three pegs. On the first peg will be a conical stack of
Floyd | seven discs: gold, silver, bronze, copper, iron, tin, and lead. To
Floyd | open the entrance to the mines, you will need to move the discs to the
Floyd | third peg without ever putting a larger disc on top of a smaller one."
Floyd |
Floyd | On the TV, the ring announcer, a man with an outlandish
Floyd | handlebar-and-then-some mustache, introduces the "Eye-talian Stallion"
Floyd | to the appreciative crowd.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to the dwarves expert
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What else can you tell me about the dwarves?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : How do I get to the mines in the first place?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Thanks for the hint!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| borowski says, "I'll copy and paste all this so we don't have to die again in case we need the hints." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I was sort of suggesting that we not read the hints now." | ||
DavidW asks, "But it's in game. Does that count as a 'hint' to you?" | ||
borowski asks, "Are they the normal sort of hints or a part of the game?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I don't think they're "in game"." | ||
borowski says, "I haven't figured that out." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I mean, maybe. But to me it feels like a neat way of providing hints for when you get stuck." | ||
borowski says, "I guess it depends to what extent the game is a parody of old adventure games." | ||
DavidW asks, "well, if we aren't going to talk to the doubles, how would we proceed in our quest?" | ||
borowski asks, "Maybe its implying that those games were impossible without hints?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "There are other rooms to explore down here first. And back up to the safe." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "It's at least worth exploring first." | ||
borowski says, "True that." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > EXITS
Floyd |
Floyd | [Exits: N: kitchen; W/OUT: foyer.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | It looks like this kitchen has been updated piecemeal. The sleek black Floyd | refrigerator with in-door water and ice dispensers is clearly one of Floyd | the latest models, while the beige and brown buttons on the wood-grain Floyd | microwave speak of an earlier generation, and the loudly chugging teal Floyd | dishwasher a generation before that. The oven is of indeterminate age, Floyd | though the fact that the clock on it is analog rather than digital Floyd | suggests a relatively early date. A screen door leads north to the Floyd | backyard, while an archway to the south will return you to the TV Floyd | room. Floyd | Floyd | An adventurer who looks exactly like you sets down a cocktail down the Floyd | counter, next to the sink, and beckons you over. "White Russian?" he Floyd | offers. "Last one of the batch I just made!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take cocktail" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE COCKTAIL Floyd | Floyd | (the cocktail expert) Floyd | The cocktail expert is too large for you to pick up. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "heh" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "take white russian" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WHITE RUSSIAN Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drink white russian" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DRINK WHITE RUSSIAN Floyd | Floyd | You down the White Russian in a few gulps. It's okay, but your double Floyd | probably shouldn't go looking for a bartending job. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Such words have no meaning here. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Oh, right." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe he'll make us another." | ||
DavidW says, "Doubt it." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "If we need it." | ||
borowski asks, "Can you even get drunk in the afterlife?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open fridge" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN FRIDGE Floyd | Floyd | You open the refrigerator, revealing a whole lot of beer. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I hope so." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Me, too." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take beer" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE BEER Floyd | Floyd | You grab a beer from the fridge and close the door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x beer" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BEER Floyd | Floyd | Yes, it's the cheap stuff, but given that you got it for free, you Floyd | can't really complain. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x beer" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BEER Floyd | Floyd | Yes, it's the cheap stuff, but given that you got it for free, you Floyd | can't really complain. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open microwave" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MICROWAVE Floyd | Floyd | "Sorry, no cooking unless it's your turn on the schedule," your double Floyd | says. "There's plenty of food out in the dining room." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open oven" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN OVEN Floyd | Floyd | [Which do you mean, the microwave oven or the conventional oven?] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open conventional" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN CONVENTIONAL Floyd | Floyd | A glare from your double dissuades you. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "If you drink enough, you'll be seeing DOUBLE" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Ha." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | The screen door is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You open the screen door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Backyard Floyd | This is a small backyard, marked off by a tall wooden fence. A small Floyd | patio of volcanic rock tiles plays host to a grill, which a couple of Floyd | your doubles are tending to, while out on the grass stands a small Floyd | shed and a recycling bin. A gate leads east. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "And it just keeps going." | |
borowski says, "The afterlife is nothing if not roomy." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x grill" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X GRILL Floyd | Floyd | It's putting out an awful lot of smoke, but your alter egos don't seem Floyd | concerned. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x shed" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SHED Floyd | Floyd | A crude, boxy wooden structure - it looks like it's essentially a Floyd | freestanding closet. The door is closed. "If you're looking for the Floyd | guy who lives in there, he's not around right now," says one of the Floyd | doubles of yours tending the grill. "Check back later - he comes and Floyd | goes." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "open shed" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN SHED Floyd | Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bin" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BIN Floyd | Floyd | The recycling bin is a large receptacle made of tough blue plastic; Floyd | pressed into it are the words ALUMINUM ONLY. Beneath that Floyd | warning is a sort of funnel, allowing you to put things in (provided Floyd | they're made of aluminum) but not to take anything out. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "Can we use magic here?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "We couldn't earlier." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "MALSXLOSI shed" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI SHED Floyd | Floyd | Such words have no meaning here. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "yeah" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open gate" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN GATE Floyd | Floyd | You open the gate. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Beach Floyd | This stretch of beach appears to be under the same bubble of Floyd | protection as the house; as you look to the south, you can see the Floyd | shoreline curving away toward the southwest, and hundreds of trolls Floyd | are struggling to walk up and harass you, but an invisible force holds Floyd | them back. You are therefore blessedly alone with the sea, the rocks, Floyd | the thin strand of pebbly sand, and the still, humid air. Floyd | Floyd | A pier extends eastward from the shoreline. A small rowboat is tied to Floyd | the end of it, bobbing as the surf rolls gently in and out. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EXITS Floyd | Floyd | [You are out in the open here. The gate lies to the west.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x rowboat" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ROWBOAT Floyd | Floyd | The handmade wooden rowboat looks like it was made to seat only one, Floyd | or possibly two if they're very close friends. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Haha, trolls." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | An invisible force prevents you from walking out to the end of the Floyd | pier. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter boat" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER BOAT Floyd | Floyd | An invisible barrier keeps you from doing anything with the boat Floyd | except gazing at it from afar. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "The rowboat reminds me of that episode of the simpsons" | |
borowski says, "When Bart sells his soul." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Backyard Floyd | This is a small backyard, marked off by a tall wooden fence. A small Floyd | patio of volcanic rock tiles plays host to a grill, which a couple of Floyd | your doubles are tending to, while out on the grass stands a small Floyd | shed and a recycling bin. A gate leads east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x shed" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SHED Floyd | Floyd | A crude, boxy wooden structure - it looks like it's essentially a Floyd | freestanding closet. The door is closed. "If you're looking for the Floyd | guy who lives in there, he's not around right now," says one of the Floyd | doubles of yours tending the grill. "Check back later - he comes and Floyd | goes." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EXITS Floyd | Floyd | [E/OUT: beach; S/IN: kitchen.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | It looks like this kitchen has been updated piecemeal. The sleek black Floyd | refrigerator with in-door water and ice dispensers is clearly one of Floyd | the latest models, while the beige and brown buttons on the wood-grain Floyd | microwave speak of an earlier generation, and the loudly chugging teal Floyd | dishwasher a generation before that. The oven is of indeterminate age, Floyd | though the fact that the clock on it is analog rather than digital Floyd | suggests a relatively early date. A screen door leads north to the Floyd | backyard, while an archway to the south will return you to the TV Floyd | room. Floyd | Floyd | One of your doubles tidies up the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hmm. Maybe *this* is the distant shore." | |
borowski says, "Huh." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | TV Room Floyd | The lights are off in this room, but you can still see reasonably Floyd | well, thanks to the glow of the boxy big-screen television. And what Floyd | you see is a room full of clones of you, all in adventurers' cloaks, Floyd | sitting on battered couches watching Rocky IV on Betamax. An Floyd | archway leads north into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, COTTAGE, MAGIC, MACHINE, DWARVES. Floyd | (Some of these alternate versions of you are chatting with each other Floyd | and no one seems to mind.) Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, Drago trains on complex equipment, electrodes taped to his Floyd | chest; Rocky trains by chopping wood and lifting rocks. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Interesting." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EXITS Floyd | Floyd | [Exits: N: kitchen; W/OUT: foyer.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "watch tv" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > WATCH TV Floyd | Floyd | A big wooden cabinet, slightly taller than it is wide, with a squarish Floyd | 40-inch rear-projection screen atop a speaker. Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, Drago receives an injection of anabolic steroids. "Hearts Floyd | on fire! Strong desire!" exclaims John Cafferty. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I did wonder about there also being an shore here." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Also we're zooming a bit too fast for me." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Just backtracking to the next new thing." | ||
inky says, "I found the layout of this house pretty confusing" | ||
inky says, "I am not sure why" | ||
DavidW says, "There's a dining room and library somewhere around here." | ||
borowski says, "We haven't been north yet, I think." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Correct." | ||
borowski says, "Or south." | ||
DavidW says, "Or south" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Or south, but we should grab our stuff first, if it's in the safe, just in case." | ||
borowski says, "Jinx! Buy me a grog." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a dart in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: ROC'S NEST, DRAGON, JEWELRY SHOP. Floyd | Floyd | Several adventurers are gathered around a large round table, playing Floyd | some sort of game you don't recognize. They're all wearing nametags, Floyd | but none of them have any writing on them; instead, they are solid Floyd | colors: red, green, purple, yellow, blue, and brown. Seeing you Floyd | looking around, Red pats the empty teal seat next to him. "Sit! Fun Floyd | times await!" he says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DART Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Oh there is mention of the rocs." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "throw dart at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DART AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | You find that some invisible force prevents you from throwing things. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah." | |
inky says, "this game rocs" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Boooooo." | ||
borowski says, "heh" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "(At the dart board.)" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Not at inky. This time." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x game" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X GAME Floyd | Floyd | There are four to choose from: Burger Time, Space Invaders Martin Amis Floyd | Edition, Conjoined Mario Bros., and Human Centipede. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ew." | |
DavidW asks, "Conjoined Mario Bros.?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SIT Floyd | Floyd | [What do you want to sit on?] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I guess the theme of 'doubles?'" | |
inky says (to Floyd), "play conjoined mario brothers" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PLAY CONJOINED MARIO BROTHERS Floyd | Floyd | It's a two-player game, and you don't have a partner. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "x it" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X IT Floyd | Floyd | A two-player game in which Mario and Luigi are xiphophagus twins. Both Floyd | sets of joysticks and buttons must enter identical commands Floyd | simultaneously for the characters to move. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "play conjoined mario brothers with red" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PLAY CONJOINED MARIO BROTHERS WITH RED Floyd | Floyd | [!: Command not understood past "play Conjoined Mario Bros.."] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "play mario" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PLAY MARIO Floyd | Floyd | It's a two-player game, and you don't have a partner. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski exclaims, "But, but, David is right there!" | |
borowski says, "Originally, I meant to play 9-ball." | ||
DavidW says, "Perhaps there's a sub-afterlife with doubles about the afterlife." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "play 9-ball" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PLAY 9-BALL Floyd | Floyd | There is already a pool game in progress. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "x centipede" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CENTIPEDE Floyd | Floyd | You assume this is a sequel to the original Centipede by Atari. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "play centipede" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PLAY CENTIPEDE Floyd | Floyd | You eagerly take your place at the trackball, hit the one-player Floyd | button, and-- this is not a sequel to the original Centipede Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Oh dear." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "A ha ha ha ha ha." | ||
DavidW asks, "I take it we're not going to sit on the teal seat?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit on teal seat" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SIT ON TEAL SEAT Floyd | Floyd | You sit down in the teal chair and Red slides you a stack of chips. Floyd | "All right," he says, "here are the rules. Each turn you draw a token Floyd | with a number on it from 1 to 99. If you think you have the highest Floyd | number - or can bluff the other players into thinking you do - you can Floyd | bid on first place. You'll have chances to drop out if you change your Floyd | mind after seeing what everyone else does. If more than one player Floyd | stays in the bidding, there's a showdown and they show their tokens. Floyd | The winner gets first place. The losers get moved into the LAST Floyd | places, with the lowest number in dead last. Then there's an auction Floyd | for second, for third, and so on. At the end of the round, chips get Floyd | distributed from the losers to the winners. Don't worry, you'll get Floyd | the hang of it. Let's play!" Floyd | Floyd | The bag of tokens is passed around. You reach in and pull out one that Floyd | says 76. Floyd | Floyd | Current standings for this round: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Floyd | Floyd | Bidding for #1: Floyd | Floyd | "I'm in," Red says. "You'd better drop out - I've got a monster number Floyd | here." Floyd | "Sure, what the hell?" Brown says. "I'm in!" Floyd | Your token: 76. Bid for #1? >>> | borowski says, "Maybe we should save? I have terrible luck." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "We might not be able to save at this precise point, depending on what input it wants." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf5" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save:
Floyd | %% Save file: cf5
Floyd | Your token: 76. Bid for #1? >>>
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd |
Floyd |
| ||
Floyd [!: You must answer "yes" or "no" (or "leave").] >>> | borowski says, "Ah" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "leave" | ||
Floyd [!: You must answer "yes" or "no" (or "leave").] >>> | ||
Floyd | > LEAVE
Floyd |
Floyd | You decide to leave as soon as this round is over.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your token: 76. Bid for #1? >>>
| genericgeekgirl says, "Argh." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "no" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "no" | ||
Floyd | Your token: 76. Bid for #1? >>>
Floyd | > NO
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Everyone looks around the table. Soon all eyes turn to you.
Floyd | Your token: 76. You are not bidding for #1. Change your mind and bid?
Floyd | >>>
| borowski asks, "76 isn't bad?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok, we're not saving, I guess." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I just wanted to get out of the game to save and come back in." | ||
DavidW says, "It's pretty clunky to save in the afterlife." | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "So, shall we bid for it?" | ||
borowski says, "It seems like we're stuck in the game for now." | ||
borowski says, "I don't know if I exactly understand the rules." | ||
DavidW says, "I don't understand the rules either, but I think YES." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||
Floyd | >>> Floyd | > YES Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Red shows his token: 85. Floyd | Brown shows his token: 38. Floyd | Teal shows his token: 76. Floyd | Red comes in #1. Floyd | Brown comes in #7. Floyd | Teal comes in #6. Floyd | Current standings for this round: Red --- --- --- --- Teal Brown Floyd | Floyd | Bidding for #2: Floyd | Floyd | "I'm bidding," Green says. Floyd | "No... wait, yes," Yellow says. Floyd | Floyd | Green shows his token: 33. Floyd | Yellow shows his token: 92. Floyd | Yellow comes in #2. Floyd | Green comes in #5. Floyd | Current standings for this round: Red Yellow --- --- Green Teal Brown Floyd | Floyd | Bidding for #3: Floyd | Floyd | "Why yes, I'm in," Purple says. Floyd | "In," Blue says. Floyd | Floyd | Purple shows his token: 18. Floyd | Blue shows his token: 3. Floyd | Purple comes in #3. Floyd | Blue comes in #4. Floyd | Current standings for this round: Red Yellow Purple Blue Green Teal Floyd | Brown Floyd | Floyd | Results of this round: Floyd | Red wins 9 chips for a total of 29. Floyd | Yellow wins 3 chips for a total of 23. Floyd | Purple wins one chip for a total of 21. Floyd | Blue loses one chip for a total of 19. Floyd | Green loses 2 chips for a total of 18. Floyd | Teal loses 4 chips for a total of 16. Floyd | Brown loses 8 chips for a total of 12. Floyd | Floyd | You rise from your chair and step away from the table. Floyd | Floyd | The players finish up their game, pack up the tokens and colored Floyd | chairs, and head out. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "but if the numbers are random from 1-100, 76 seems like a good bet." | |
inky says, "basically you want to get the highest position possible, but you don't want to bid on something and not be the highest bidder" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Right." | ||
borowski asks, "Wait, is it over?" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: ROC'S NEST, DRAGON, JEWELRY SHOP. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Looks like it's over, yes." | |
inky says, "well, you left" | ||
borowski says, "Ah." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x hole" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X HOLE Floyd | Floyd | The single hole in the dartboard marks where you found the single Floyd | dart. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | You can make out a faint design in the faded Formica tabletop: a pair Floyd | of criss-crossing roads, a cluster of small buildings, a deep trench Floyd | knifing its way to the sea, a cave on the far side. Clearly this is a Floyd | representation of the world of the quest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x trench" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TRENCH Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x cave" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CAVE Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "move dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MOVE DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error. (This generally means that the first word of your Floyd | command was not recognized. Type VERBS for a list of accepted Floyd | commands.)] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EXITS Floyd | Floyd | [Exits: W: library; S/OUT: hallway.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | The dartboard is firmly affixed to the wall. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "play burger time" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PLAY BURGER TIME Floyd | Floyd | Unfortunately, this one seems to be out of order. The screen says, Floyd | WE ARE CLOSED NOW. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "play space" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PLAY SPACE Floyd | Floyd | You fire off a few shots, knocking off an enemy ship in the middle of Floyd | the bottom row. A sprite of Martin Amis jogs out onto the screen. "The Floyd | phalanx of enemy invaders moves laterally across a grid not much wider Floyd | than itself," he notes. "When it reaches the edge of the grid, the Floyd | whole army lowers a notch. Rule one: narrow that phalanx. Floyd | Before you do anything else, take out at least three enemy columns Floyd | either on the left-hand side or the right (for Waves 1 and 2, the left Floyd | is recommended). Thereafter the aliens will take much longer to cross Floyd | their grid and slip down another rung. Keep on working from the sides: Floyd | you'll find that the invaders take forever to trudge and shuffle back Floyd | and forth, and you can pick them off in your own sweet time." You Floyd | quickly tire of his endless kibitzing and let your remaining cannons Floyd | get destroyed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Library?" | genericgeekgirl says, "Oops." | |
Ghogg arrives, full of fun and funk. | borowski says, "Sure" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Also, take a break soon? We can pick it up again next week if people want to." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Library Floyd | This is a small room whose walls are lined with overflowing bookcases. Floyd | At the center of the room are two comfortable-looking chairs, each Floyd | with a round table beside it; on each table is a lamp. The wall across Floyd | from the entrance is dominated by a bay window, through which warm Floyd | light streams. Floyd | Floyd | The first alter ego you met sits in one of the chairs, reading his Floyd | newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bookcases" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BOOKCASES Floyd | Floyd | The bookcases appear to be made of mahogany, but when you look closer Floyd | you can see that it's just a veneer. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x books" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BOOKS Floyd | Floyd | There are books of every description here: hardcovers, paperbacks, Floyd | fiction, non-fiction, modern (if you count the late 1980s as modern), Floyd | antiquarian, well-thumbed, pristine. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "It is getting late, but I also want to figure this freaking game out." | |
DavidW says, "I feel we've barely scratched the game's secrets." | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Does clearing the save counter remove just the saves named cfn?" | ||
DavidW says, "I don't think it removes saves at all. I think it just changes what number to use." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok." | ||
Ghogg goes home. | genericgeekgirl says, "The point is that I can name it something else and it's unlikely to be overwritten between now and whenever." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | The bay window is a glass-paneled projection forming three eights of Floyd | an octagon, as tall as the library itself. It floods the room with Floyd | light. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | You pick up a book, flip it open, and begin to read: Floyd | Floyd | Turning, I mentally digested all of what you, the reader, are about Floyd | to find out heartbreakingly. Floyd | Floyd | Well, that isn't very good. You put the book back on the shelf. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "yes, that's a reasonable assumption" | |
borowski says, "that sounds familiar" | ||
inky says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | You pick up a book, flip it open, and begin to read: Floyd | Floyd | Hank, Herculean therapist, cleansed the Augean stables of my soul. Floyd | Floyd | Well, that isn't very good. You put the book back on the shelf. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "gurl'er ylggyr ylggba jvaaref" | |
borowski says, "I want to say Lyttle Lytton." | ||
inky says, "yeah" | ||
DavidW says, "oh, could these be ... tmg" | ||
borowski says, "Oops, sorry." | ||
DavidW says, "Cute use of 'em." | ||
inky says, "no biggie, just saying" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EXITS Floyd | Floyd | [Exits: E/OUT: game room.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Ellison says, "neat" | |
borowski asks, "Let's talk to double?" | ||
DavidW says, "I assume the dining room must be west of the hallway." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Library Floyd | This is a small room whose walls are lined with overflowing bookcases. Floyd | At the center of the room are two comfortable-looking chairs, each Floyd | with a round table beside it; on each table is a lamp. The wall across Floyd | from the entrance is dominated by a bay window, through which warm Floyd | light streams. Floyd | Floyd | The first alter ego you met sits in one of the chairs, reading his Floyd | newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to alter ego" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO ALTER EGO Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to your alter ego Floyd | >>SAY 1 : I've played a game of ninety-nine. Now will you tell me how Floyd | to return to the quest? Floyd | >>SAY 2 : What's this invisible force that keeps me from doing things? Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Bye for now! Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 1 Floyd | Floyd | "I've played a game of ninety-nine. Now will you tell me how to return Floyd | to the quest?" Floyd | Floyd | "You've seen the picture on the game room table, I assume," the other Floyd | you says. "Well... it's not just a picture. It's a portal. You Floyd | can enter it." Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to your alter ego Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What's this invisible force that keeps me from doing things? Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Bye for now! Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | genericgeekgirl says, "Heh" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 1 Floyd | Floyd | "What's this invisible force that keeps me from doing things?" Floyd | Floyd | "It's part of the physics of this world," the other you explains. "You Floyd | can't cause harm - not even to yourself. See, in the world of the Floyd | quest, if you step too far out of line you'll probably end up getting Floyd | killed... but that doesn't work here, because you're already dead! So Floyd | in the afterworld, there are no penalties - because there are no Floyd | violations. You can't do any damage." Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to your alter ego Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Bye for now! Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 1 Floyd | Floyd | "Bye for now!" Floyd | Floyd | "So long!" says the other you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: ROC'S NEST, DRAGON, JEWELRY SHOP. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | You can make out a faint design in the faded Formica tabletop: a pair Floyd | of criss-crossing roads, a cluster of small buildings, a deep trench Floyd | knifing its way to the sea, a cave on the far side. Clearly this is a Floyd | representation of the world of the quest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x portal" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PORTAL Floyd | Floyd | You can make out a faint design in the faded Formica tabletop: a pair Floyd | of criss-crossing roads, a cluster of small buildings, a deep trench Floyd | knifing its way to the sea, a cave on the far side. Clearly this is a Floyd | representation of the world of the quest. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Good to know." | |
borowski asks, "Maybe finish exploring before using the portal?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yes, plesae." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Please, rather." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Dining Room Floyd | This large, square room is dominated by a set of tables laden with Floyd | tantalizing comestibles. One table features hot wings and tandoori Floyd | chicken; another offers assorted varieties of pizza; a third is split Floyd | between pasta and enchiladas; there's also a snacking table with some Floyd | Mediterranean spreads and pita chips, and a table of plates and Floyd | napkins and things. And as no buffet would be complete without Floyd | dessert, one table is devoted to different types of pie. All around, Floyd | versions of you gorge themselves, either at fold-out tables or just Floyd | standing up. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: TAVERN, LABYRINTH, TROLLS, SHORELINE, KNIGHTS. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat pie" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EAT PIE Floyd | Floyd | [Which do you mean, the apple pie, the pecan pie or the chocolate silk Floyd | pie?] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I was so hoping there would be an enumeration of pie." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat chocolate pie" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EAT CHOCOLATE PIE Floyd | Floyd | You don't have any chocolate silk pie. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take chocolate pie" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE CHOCOLATE PIE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat chocolate pie" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EAT CHOCOLATE PIE Floyd | Floyd | You eat your chocolate silk pie. It's basically a slightly more Floyd | gelatinous version of eating a can of frosting. Floyd | Floyd | Another double of yours wanders in and grabs a plate. He glances over Floyd | at you, then takes a longer second look. "Hey, you're new here, aren't Floyd | you?" he asks. You nod. "Welcome aboard," he says. "You know, I used Floyd | to be an adventurer like you. Then I took a flamethrower to the face!" Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ew..." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I chose wrong." | ||
borowski says, "heh" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take apple pie" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE APPLE PIE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pasta" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PASTA Floyd | Floyd | [Which do you mean, the pesto linguine, the baked ziti or the Floyd | three-meat lasagna?] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "eat apple pie" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EAT APPLE PIE Floyd | Floyd | You eat your apple pie. Tastes fine. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x enchiladas" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ENCHILADAS Floyd | Floyd | Black beans, corn, and a cheddar/jack combination rolled into corn Floyd | tortillas and baked in a red sauce. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Yay, I win the game." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Hehe" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pizza" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PIZZA Floyd | Floyd | [Which do you mean, the pepperoni pizza, the wild mushroom pizza or Floyd | the pizza margherita?] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat wild mushroom pizza" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EAT WILD MUSHROOM PIZZA Floyd | Floyd | You don't have any wild mushroom pizza. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take wild mushroom pizza" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WILD MUSHROOM PIZZA Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat wild mushroom pizza" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EAT WILD MUSHROOM PIZZA Floyd | Floyd | You eat your wild mushroom pizza. Unlike the pepperoni pizza, this Floyd | seems to have come from an actual pizzeria and not a supermarket, but Floyd | it's still not very good - maybe you just don't have a taste for Floyd | exotic fungus. Floyd | Floyd | "You must be one hungry ghost!" one of your doubles chuckles as you Floyd | wolf down your third helping of food. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take plate" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE PLATE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "fill plate with everything" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > FILL PLATE WITH EVERYTHING Floyd | Floyd | You can't use multiple objects with that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "=)" | |
borowski says, "heh" | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Onward?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EXITS Floyd | Floyd | [Exits: E/OUT: hallway.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "We could try kissing our alter ego?" | |
borowski says, "I've always wanted to." | ||
genericgeekgirl cringes. | ||
borowski says, "I mean..." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e.n.w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E.N.W Floyd | Floyd | You put down your dinnerware and head out to the hallway... Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: ROC'S NEST, DRAGON, JEWELRY SHOP. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | Library Floyd | This is a small room whose walls are lined with overflowing bookcases. Floyd | At the center of the room are two comfortable-looking chairs, each Floyd | with a round table beside it; on each table is a lamp. The wall across Floyd | from the entrance is dominated by a bay window, through which warm Floyd | light streams. Floyd | Floyd | The first alter ego you met sits in one of the chairs, reading his Floyd | newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "No sexy times in afterlife?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kiss alter ego" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KISS ALTER EGO Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "boooo" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "No sexy times." | ||
borowski asks, "front door?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: ROC'S NEST, DRAGON, JEWELRY SHOP. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We might use our key to get stuff." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "But we know now how to get out and it's not the front door, so it should be fine." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | The door is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You open the front door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Porch Floyd | This is a rectangular porch that extends along the entire length of Floyd | the front of the house, whose front door lies to the north. A wooden Floyd | railing, about waist high, runs along the border of the porch, and Floyd | steps lead down to the beach. Floyd | Floyd | The beach, however, is packed solid with trolls from the waterline all Floyd | the way up to a magical barrier just in front of the house. It's more Floyd | than a little alarming to see the hundreds upon hundreds of them just Floyd | inches away, with nothing visible between you, but the barrier seems Floyd | to be holding. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > EXITS Floyd | Floyd | [N/IN: foyer.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x beach" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BEACH Floyd | Floyd | The beach is too far away. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x trolls" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TROLLS Floyd | Floyd | Even a creature that's lovable in isolation tends to repulse when Floyd | there are enough of them. A kitten is cute; a writhing mass of Floyd | hundreds of kittens is disturbing. Now imagine how loathsome a troll Floyd | is by itself, and multiply by several hundred. The tableau before you Floyd | is unutterably vile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to trolls" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO TROLLS Floyd | Floyd | Surely you're not that hard up for conversation. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wave to trolls" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > WAVE TO TROLLS Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Upstairs?" | |
DavidW says, "I'm sure the trolls are there for a reason, but I wonder what." | ||
borowski says, "Ok" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Also, after upstairs, try the rowboat." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I did." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UP Floyd | Floyd | You follow the curving staircase upward... Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are standing in a nondescript hallway: plain white walls, a Floyd | threadbare runner carpet. The door to your bedroom is at one end of Floyd | the hallway, the first door on the right-hand side at the top of a Floyd | flight of stairs that spirals downward to an unseen lower floor. There Floyd | is no other end to the hallway; it stretches on forever to the north, Floyd | with doors at regular intervals. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open safe with key" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN SAFE WITH KEY Floyd | Floyd | [!: Command not understood past "open the safe."] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "What happened with the rowboat?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "It was behind the barrier." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "unlock safe with key" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNLOCK SAFE WITH KEY Floyd | Floyd | [!: Command not understood past "unlock the safe."] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "unlock safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNLOCK SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You unlock the safe. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You open the safe. It is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Welp." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a dart Floyd | a can of beer Floyd | a glass Floyd | a key Floyd | a towel Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "We can put stuff in it." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SEARCH SAFE Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER SAFE Floyd | Floyd | That's not something you can enter. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "Might as well. Maybe it'll be there next time we die?" | |
DavidW asks, "Can we stroll the house nekkid?" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take off cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE OFF CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | You have no reason to remove your cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "undress" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDRESS Floyd | Floyd | You have no reason to remove your cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Bathroom only, I guess." | |
borowski says, "Apparently, this game is PG." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x towel" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TOWEL Floyd | Floyd | A white terrycloth towel. It is dry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put towel in safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT TOWEL IN SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You put the towel into the safe. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "We'll always know where our towel is." | |
borowski says, "Heh." | ||
borowski asks, ">put all in safe?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put all in safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT ALL IN SAFE Floyd | Floyd | dart: Done. Floyd | can of beer: Done. Floyd | key: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take key" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE KEY Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "don't put the key in the safe!" | |
borowski says, "Yeah good idea." | ||
DavidW says (to inky), "They're new at this." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a key Floyd | a glass Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "What? I took the key back before he said it." | |
borowski sticks tongue out at David | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x glass" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X GLASS Floyd | Floyd | The "glass" may actually be plastic. You're not entirely sure. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Why do we have a glass?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "break glass" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BREAK GLASS Floyd | Floyd | An invisible force prevents you from behaving in such a destructive Floyd | manner. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look through glass" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK THROUGH GLASS Floyd | Floyd | You can't see inside, since the glass is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "White russian we drank?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open glass" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN GLASS Floyd | Floyd | That's not something you can open. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ah" | |
DavidW says (to borowski), "likely." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "version" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > VERSION Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put glass in safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT GLASS IN SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You put the glass into the safe. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "How are people feeling about the doubles/hint givers?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "close safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLOSE SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You hear a deep click as you close the door of the safe. It has locked Floyd | automatically. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Oh, if you must." | |
borowski says, "Ah, good we took the key." | ||
borowski says (to ggg), "We don't have to, but I'm not sure what we would do differently next time on the quest." | ||
DavidW says, "hm. I suppose we should avoid the hint givers for now." | ||
borowski says, "David did have an idea about the darts." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah. I'm hoping the tavern will open again." | ||
DavidW says (to borowski), "I suggest we practice darts, win the broadsword and shield, then maybe tackle the minotaur." | ||
borowski says, "Sounds good." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Annoyed that playing darts counts as "damage" in the afterworld." | ||
borowski exclaims, "You could put an eye out!" | ||
borowski says, "Think about lawn darts." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Haha" | ||
borowski says, "to quote MST3k, 'they 86'd Jarts!'" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a key Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "back to portal?" | |
DavidW says, "Also, did we actually try to win the broadsword? The purple dart might be weighted so we can't win with it." | ||
borowski asks, "maybe we can use one of the other darts we steal from the tavern?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Or the one we just locked up." | ||
DavidW asks, "What colour was this dart?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "But.. uh. I do think we need to practice." | ||
borowski says, "I don't think it had a colour." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "unlock safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNLOCK SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You unlock the safe. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DART Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "That's probably a quest/magic thing." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You open the safe, revealing a glass, a can of beer, a dart and a Floyd | towel. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DART Floyd | Floyd | An ordinary dart. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Considering 'change color' is a spell." | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "Did we just assume we can't take anything through the portal?" | ||
borowski says, "Hmmm." | ||
borowski says, "We did take the cloak with us coming in this world." | ||
borowski asks, "I guess we could try sticking something into its pockets?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DART Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "You can't go by that. The first time, I destroyed the cloak, but the cloak was restored in the hotel." | |
borowski says, "But lets also leave something in the safe in case stuff stays there." | ||
borowski says (to DavidW), "good point" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, there's other stuff in there." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Curious to find out if there's a portal between the safe and the other world." | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "But I mean, we have this key. And what happens to *it*, right?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "We can't leave it in the safe, and we possibly can't take it with us." | ||
DavidW says, "I'd hold onto the key." | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Does it just go back to our alter ego?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yes, I intend to." | ||
DavidW says, "Dunno." | ||
borowski exclaims, "Ahh! mindf*ck!" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I'm just speculating." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "And if that works, then presumably we can bring something else." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "close safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLOSE SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You hear a deep click as you close the door of the safe. It has locked Floyd | automatically. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a dart Floyd | a key Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "To the portal?" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "put dart in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT DART IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the dart into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "put key in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT KEY IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the key into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Sure." | |
borowski says, "yes, to portal." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are standing in a nondescript hallway: plain white walls, a Floyd | threadbare runner carpet. The door to your bedroom is at one end of Floyd | the hallway, the first door on the right-hand side at the top of a Floyd | flight of stairs that spirals downward to an unseen lower floor. There Floyd | is no other end to the hallway; it stretches on forever to the north, Floyd | with doors at regular intervals. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | There is no exit in that direction. [Type EXITS for a list of exits.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | You follow the curving staircase downward... Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: ROC'S NEST, DRAGON, JEWELRY SHOP. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | You can make out a faint design in the faded Formica tabletop: a pair Floyd | of criss-crossing roads, a cluster of small buildings, a deep trench Floyd | knifing its way to the sea, a cave on the far side. Clearly this is a Floyd | representation of the world of the quest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "enter" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER Floyd | Floyd | There is no exit in that direction. [Type EXITS for a list of exits.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "enter portal" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER PORTAL Floyd | Floyd | You climb onto the table, and as your foot touches the square engraved Floyd | upon it that represents the tavern, you feel the world turn Floyd | inside-out... | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a grog. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | sixty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. No key." | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "x cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | Your cloak has a pocket! It is where you keep your money. Right now Floyd | you have 60 gold. Otherwise, the pocket is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "We got our money back." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Like, all of it." | ||
DavidW says, "The entire adventure has reset." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Mhm." | ||
borowski says, "I guess we can't get into a 'no win' situation then." | ||
DavidW says, "We've never met the sorceress or bought a fish." | ||
borowski says, "Hopefully." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Annoying." | ||
borowski says, "Hopefully the game won't be too long after we figure out what to do." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess that's where the record and replay stuff comes in handy." | ||
DavidW says, "oh. I suggest going to the 'jewelry store' before sleeping." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "You can try it. But you can't." | ||
borowski asks, "Darts?" | ||
DavidW asks, "Do we fall asleep before getting there?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "It won't let you continue, I think." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "throw dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DART Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to throw the red dart at? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "throw dart at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DART AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | You throw a dart. It scores 6 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "throw dart at board" | borowski says (to DavidW), "Abg fyrrcvat xvyyf lbh" | |
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DART AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | You throw a dart. It scores 5 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > G Floyd | Floyd | You throw a dart. It scores 10 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | inky says, "check this" | |
inky says (to Floyd), "get darts. throw darts at dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GET DARTS. THROW DARTS AT DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 9 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 13 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 18 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Oh cool" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > G Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You're not holding a dart! Floyd | red dart: You're not holding a dart! Floyd | red dart: You're not holding a dart! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Huh. I thought we tried to throw multiple darts earlier, and it said we couldn't." | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "get darts. throw darts at dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GET DARTS. THROW DARTS AT DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a bullseye for 50 points! The Floyd | other patrons of the tavern cheer! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a bullseye for 50 points! The Floyd | other patrons of the tavern cheer! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 16 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Like, it gave us the "you can't use multiple nouns with that verb" message." | |
borowski asks (of ggg), "Maybe it knows we know?" | ||
DavidW says, "We couldn't 'x darts'." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Inconsistencies." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "get darts. throw darts." | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GET DARTS. THROW DARTS. Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | That command was not understood! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "throw darts at dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 15 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 13 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "get darts. throw darts at dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GET DARTS. THROW DARTS AT DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a bullseye for 50 points! The Floyd | other patrons of the tavern cheer! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 19 for 38 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "get darts. throw darts at dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GET DARTS. THROW DARTS AT DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a bullseye for 50 points! The Floyd | other patrons of the tavern cheer! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 14 for 28 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing. The game of darts has no more to Floyd | teach you! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Looks like my idea of practicing was good." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah. I said we definitely had to do that earlier." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Anyway, it's 2am. Have fun." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 12 Floyd | Dexterity: 14 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 9 Floyd | Wisdom: 9 Floyd | Charisma: 10 Floyd | Hit points: 200 Floyd | Hunger: low Floyd | Weariness: moderate Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | sixty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "g'night, ggg." | |
borowski exclaims, "Night!" | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Can someone kill Perry at some point?" | ||
borowski asks, "What does Perry do?" | ||
DavidW says, "He's recording the session." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "(Namely DW, or someone else with access)" | ||
borowski says, "Ah" | ||
DavidW says, "I have access, but I don't remember what to do." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "save" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "cf6" | ||
Floyd | %% Save file: cf6 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | Saved! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I probably have a file of instructions from Jacq somewhere." | |
borowski asks, "So are we going to call it a night?" | ||
DavidW says, "heh. I was just about to ask how you felt about continuing, breaking briefly, or stopping for now." | ||
borowski says, "I'm a night owl, if you want to just take a break." | ||
DavidW says, "I would like a break to make tea and eat a little something." | ||
borowski says, "Good idea." | ||
DavidW says, "But I think we can at least win the broadsword now." | ||
borowski asks, "Back in 20?" | ||
DavidW says, "okay. Oh... I just realized... the trolls at the hotel are trolls our doubles killed." | ||
borowski asks, "yes?" | ||
inky has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||
genericgeekgirl disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. | DavidW says, "okay, I'm back. I have a pot of couscous to eat." | |
borowski says, "mmm" | ||
DavidW asks, "Shall we buy some grog, maybe give it to the troll so he gets drunk or something?" | ||
borowski says, "I somehow managed to take a shower, make some tea, and heat up a biscuit" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | sixty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "sure" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I'm worried though that we might be forced to drink our purchase, ruining our dexterity." | |
borowski asks, "Weren't we going to try and steal the darts?" | ||
DavidW says, "I don't think we can steal them, in retrospect, nor does it seem necessary now." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put darts in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT DARTS IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | On your way out, a tavern bouncer frisks you and confiscates your Floyd | darts. "Okay, now you can go," he says. Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | You are very tired. The urge to sleep is overpowering! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I just saved, in any case. (regarding drinking the grog)" | |
DavidW asks, "sleep now?" | ||
borowski says, "sure" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You slump down onto the dusty ground, too tired to find proper Floyd | lodgings. Sleep is immediate. | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | ...zzzzzzz... | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | You are woken by someone tugging on your sleeve! You squint and see
Floyd | that it is an old man.
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's you!" he gasps. "The chosen one!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x man" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X MAN Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 5 Floyd | Dexterity: 6 Floyd | Constitution: 5 Floyd | Intelligence: 5 Floyd | Wisdom: 4 Floyd | Charisma: 4 Floyd | Hit points: 45 Floyd | Floyd | Description: An old, mostly bald man with a long white beard, dressed Floyd | in rags and a tattered brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | "I am-- well, my name is not important," the old man says. "But the Floyd | prophecies have spoken of one who would free this poor land from the Floyd | ravages of the dragon who lives to the south!" He pauses. "It will not Floyd | be easy," he warns. "First you must prove your mettle. This quest will Floyd | test your body, mind, and heart! For you must perform a feat of Floyd | strength, outwit a fiendishly complex machine, and win the affections Floyd | of a mysterious sorceress to defeat the dragon!" Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oooh. He has a brown cloak too." | |
borowski says, "Yes, yes I'm the Kwisatz Haderach." | ||
borowski asks, "Can we do anything with his cloak?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take old man's cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE OLD MAN'S CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | That was only understood as far as wanting to take the old man. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take tattered cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE TATTERED CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I guess not." | |
borowski asks, "I guess we can't use magic at this point?" | ||
DavidW says, "I think we can, actually." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "frosti man" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > FROSTI MAN Floyd | Floyd | You don't have nearly enough magical energy to FROSTI anyone! Floyd | Floyd | "I can say no more!" the old man cries. He runs off down the road and Floyd | into the wilderness. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "Replay the cottage magic bit?" | |
DavidW says, "I'd like to get the sword and shield first, see if that works." | ||
borowski says, "ok" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "S" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Weapon Shop (exits: N S) Floyd | This is a small, dusty weapon shop. The wall behind the counter is Floyd | lined with swords and shields of all sizes and descriptions, along Floyd | with related items such as belts with scabbards. An enormous, Floyd | bowl-shaped shield and a fine broadsword are on prominent display next Floyd | to a dartboard. A sign says, "Win this sword and shield by hitting a Floyd | bullseye! One gold to try your luck!" Floyd | Floyd | The shop owner watches you vigilantly! Floyd | Floyd | On the counter you see a purple dart. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Also, I'm thinking with the cottage, that we can maybe escape without using up the first ampule." | |
borowski says, "Ah, I didn't think about that." | ||
borowski exclaims, "She's a witch! Burn her!" | ||
DavidW says, "Once we have everything, I want to try FORPELI." | ||
borowski asks, "Was that teleport?" | ||
DavidW says, "well, it means to go away, more or less, not teleport. But it's what she did." | ||
borowski says, "Ah" | ||
borowski asks, ">Buy dart?" | ||
DavidW says, "PELI means to drive or to propel, FOR- means away." | ||
borowski says, "For some reason, I thought Esperanto was closer to Spanish." | ||
DavidW says, "Esperanto borrows from quite a few languages." | ||
DavidW says, "but, anyway, yes, try BUY DART" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "buy dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY DART Floyd | Floyd | "Okay, fire away," the shop owner says, chuckling a little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DART Floyd | Floyd | Gyahhh! What is this thing MADE of? It must have an adamant core or Floyd | something. It takes all your strength just to lift it! (But you do.) Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski exclaims, "Gyahhh!" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "throw dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DART Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to throw the heavy purple dart at? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "throw dart at dart board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DART AT DART BOARD Floyd | Floyd | Your throw barely clears the counter before the dart drops to the Floyd | floor. "Better luck next time," the shop owner snickers, picking up Floyd | the dart with a great effort and placing it on the counter. Floyd | Floyd | A customer walks in the door, and the owner turns to attend to him. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "huh. He cheated." | |
borowski says, "I guess we need to cheat too." | ||
borowski says, "And use magic." | ||
DavidW says, "So we definitely want a good dart, and maybe turn the material of his dart to something we have." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | fifty-nine gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "The thing is, I'd assume he'd notice if we start casting spells around -- oh, except we have that customer walking in bit to distract him." | |
borowski says, "Yeah, That's probably meaningful." | ||
borowski asks, "Does the fact that the customer came in mean we've already missed our chance?" | ||
DavidW says, "I don't think so." | ||
DavidW says, "The customer might be a recurring event." | ||
borowski says, "Ok, I'm going to get the wand, etc" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "N, e, n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N, E, N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Ellison has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "ne, n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NE, N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "okay" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "n, knock on door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N, KNOCK ON DOOR Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A black cat blinks curiously at you from a window sill; Floyd | as you approach, it hops down and skitters away. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | A woman's voice calls out, "MALSXLOSI." Then you hear a resounding Floyd | CHUNK!! sound. Was that the door unlocking? Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Cottage (exits: NONE!) Floyd | The cottage is smaller on the inside than it looks from the outside, Floyd | and is nearly empty, furnished only with a rickety wooden table. Floyd | Somehow, there are no exits - not even the door you walked in through! Floyd | Where did it go? Floyd | Floyd | "I am told you are the chosen one," says the woman's voice, cold but Floyd | soft. "I am-- well, my name is not important." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "As the chosen one, you are naturally endowed with a certain amount of Floyd | magical energy," the voice says. "Not as much as someone who has Floyd | studied sorcery, but enough to cast Level 1 spells. To cast stronger Floyd | ones, you will need some assistance." Floyd | Floyd | A wand magically appears on the table in front of you. "Take the Floyd | wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "You forgot the leaflet." | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Cottage (exits: NONE!) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Get it on the way out." | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "open mailbox, take leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MAILBOX, TAKE LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | You can't use multiple objects with that verb. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "open mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | You open the mailbox, revealing a leaflet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | "WELCOME TO NAMELESS QUEST v2.0.12! Floyd | Floyd | NAMELESS QUEST is a game of adventure, danger, and low cunning. In it Floyd | you will explore some of the most amazing territory ever seen by Floyd | mortals. No BBS should be without one! And Endless BBS isn't! Hehehe." Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by fifty points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "knock on door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK ON DOOR Floyd | Floyd | There is no reply. Maybe you should just go in? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Cottage (exits: NONE!) Floyd | The cottage is smaller on the inside than it looks from the outside, Floyd | and is nearly empty, furnished only with a rickety wooden table. Floyd | Somehow, there are no exits - not even the door you walked in through! Floyd | Where did it go? Floyd | Floyd | "I am told you are the chosen one," says the woman's voice, cold but Floyd | soft. "I am-- well, my name is not important." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "As the chosen one, you are naturally endowed with a certain amount of Floyd | magical energy," the voice says. "Not as much as someone who has Floyd | studied sorcery, but enough to cast Level 1 spells. To cast stronger Floyd | ones, you will need some assistance." Floyd | Floyd | A wand magically appears on the table in front of you. "Take the Floyd | wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | As you pick up the wand, you feel a pricking sensation against your Floyd | thumb. You notice that the base of the wand is equipped with a small Floyd | needle! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x needle" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NEEDLE Floyd | Floyd | You've never really understood how these magic wands work. Floyd | Floyd | "The wand is actually a hollow tube," the voice says. "To cast a Level Floyd | 2 or Level 3 spell, you will insert an ampule of a potion into the Floyd | wand. Squeeze the wand, and the ampule will be crushed and the potion Floyd | will flow through the needle into your bloodstream, charging you with Floyd | its magical energy. The effect does not last long, and you must cast Floyd | the spell while you are still energized!" Floyd | Floyd | A ampule of cloudy fluid appears on the table. "Let's try it," the Floyd | voice says. "Take the ampule." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take ampule" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMPULE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | A slender spellbook appears on the table before you. "This spellbook Floyd | will magically track what ampules you have in your possession and Floyd | instruct you in the proper formation of your spells," the voice says. Floyd | "I'll give you a few moments before we proceed. First, take the book Floyd | and read it - it should only take a moment. Then put the ampule into Floyd | the wand, and we can continue." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | You're not holding the spellbook! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 2 * >SXVEBI Floyd | A spelle to ryse off ye Growndde. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | <<NONE>> Floyd | Floyd | "You need to put the ampule into the wand before we can continue," the Floyd | voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "Do you want to try and get out with the ampule?" | |
borowski says (to Floyd), "take ampule" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMPULE Floyd | Floyd | You already have that. Floyd | Floyd | "You need to put the ampule into the wand before we can continue," the Floyd | voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. It occurs to me that we might not get the other 3 ampules if we run away." | |
borowski says, "AH." | ||
DavidW says, "But I'd still like to try it." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "FORPELI woman" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > FORPELI WOMAN Floyd | Floyd | You don't have nearly enough magical energy to FORPELI anyone! Floyd | Floyd | "You need to put the ampule into the wand before we can continue," the Floyd | voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "put ampule into wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT AMPULE INTO WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the ampule of cloudy fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | "Now squeeze the wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "drat. I bet that stone of the old man would increase our magic energy supply." | |
borowski asks, "Go back for that?" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "undo, undo, undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO, UNDO, UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Characters cannot be addressed this way in this game! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Cottage (exits: NONE!) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "no, since he'd just FROSTI us." | |
borowski says, "I think we had a turn before he came back." | ||
borowski says, "And we 'x rock' or something." | ||
borowski asks, "Watcha think?" | ||
DavidW says, "I think our dealings with the old man are independent of our initial dealings with the cottage." | ||
DavidW says, "But there is a turn when we can grab the rock when he accidentally leaves it." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm also wondering (unrelatedly) if we can become a roc." | ||
borowski says, "Hmm. We did become a fish thing." | ||
borowski says, "Maybe if he find a feather." | ||
borowski says, "s/he/we" | ||
DavidW says, "I don't know exactly what happened when we tried to be a fish. Perhaps we became a dead fish." | ||
borowski asks, "It seems like I remember two different endings. Did you try different things?" | ||
borowski says, "My scroll back isn't that long." | ||
DavidW asks, "endings?" | ||
borowski says, "Err, two different deaths." | ||
DavidW says, "Yes, we died the first time by making our cloak fishy, the second time by making ourselves fishy." | ||
DavidW says, "(The first was death by public nudity.)" | ||
borowski asks, "You know, we didn't try climbing a tree in the forest to the east. I wonder if there is a bird's nest or something?" | ||
DavidW says, "I was going to suggest trying that too." | ||
borowski asks, "Should we undo out of the cottage or finish?" | ||
DavidW says, "Finish." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take ampules" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMPULES Floyd | Floyd | There doesn't seem to be any way to fish things out of the wand! You Floyd | try shaking it, hitting it, but nothing works! Floyd | Floyd | "Now squeeze the wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | "Quick!" the voice says. "Cast the spell just like the book says: Floyd | SXVEBI!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "SXVEBI" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SXVEBI Floyd | Floyd | You feel your stomach lurch and look down to find that you are Floyd | suddenly floating several inches off the ground! You've cast a Floyd | levitation spell! (A weak one, but still.) Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. As it does, you gently return to Floyd | the ground. Floyd | Floyd | "All right," the voice says. "I have discharged my duty. You've Floyd | received your training, and I've just placed some ampules in the Floyd | mailbox outside that should help you in your quest. If you encounter Floyd | other spells along the way, feel free to use them - but don't go more Floyd | than two levels above your base skill level. Good luck." She clears Floyd | her throat. "FORPELI!" Floyd | Floyd | For a terrifying moment you feel as though you are free-falling in Floyd | every direction at once! Then all is still, and you find yourself... Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "open mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | That's already open. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take ampules" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMPULES Floyd | Floyd | large ampule of clear fluid: Taken. Floyd | ampule of bubbly fluid: Taken. Floyd | ampule of rainbow fluid: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by three points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in mailbox" | ||
Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK IN MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | That is not a compass direction! Try >LOOK (or >L) to look around, and Floyd | >LOOK AT or >EXAMINE (or >X) to look at an object! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | As you proceed down the path you hear a grinding sound behind you, and Floyd | you turn to find the stone strips criss-crossing the path rising up Floyd | out of the ground to form a labyrinth of stone walls! Returning to the Floyd | sorceress's house just got a lot more difficult...! Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SW Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Forest (exits: W) Floyd | Here the road becomes nothing more than a path through a deep, dark Floyd | forest. Proceeding in this direction would be too dangerous! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLIMB TREE Floyd | Floyd | You're carrying too many things to climb a tree - you'd surely drop Floyd | some of them! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "put all in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT ALL IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | ampule of rainbow fluid: Done. Floyd | ampule of bubbly fluid: Done. Floyd | large ampule of clear fluid: Done. Floyd | spellbook: Done. Floyd | wand: Done. Floyd | leaflet: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLIMB TREE Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Up a Tree (exits: D) Floyd | You are perched at the top of a tall tree, and from here you can Floyd | barely tell that there is a village below you at all - the only hints Floyd | of it are a few narrow gaps in what is otherwise unbroken forest from Floyd | horizon to horizon. Out to the west is the sea, of course, and Floyd | overhead, giant rocs fly to and fro, plucking giant marlin from the Floyd | waves and carrying them back to their nests. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Hmmm. Maybe it's the same room." | |
DavidW says, "Possibly." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x roc" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ROC Floyd | Floyd | The enormous white birds circle above what are evidently schools of Floyd | marlin, as one will occasionally swoop down, grab a huge thrashing Floyd | fish with its talons, and fly off to the north to consume its piscine Floyd | prize! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x north" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X NORTH Floyd | Floyd | Forest! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x marlin" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X MARLIN Floyd | Floyd | You infer the presences of the schools from the fact that a giant roc Floyd | will occasionally swoop down and grab a huge thrashing fish with its Floyd | talons before flying off to the north to consume it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x village" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X VILLAGE Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x sea" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SEA Floyd | Floyd | The sea! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x forest" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X FOREST Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Up a Tree (exits: D) Floyd | You are perched at the top of a tall tree, and from here you can Floyd | barely tell that there is a village below you at all - the only hints Floyd | of it are a few narrow gaps in what is otherwise unbroken forest from Floyd | horizon to horizon. Out to the west is the sea, of course, and Floyd | overhead, giant rocs fly to and fro, plucking giant marlin from the Floyd | waves and carrying them back to their nests. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Forest (exits: W) Floyd | Here the road becomes nothing more than a path through a deep, dark Floyd | forest. Proceeding in this direction would be too dangerous! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read pennant" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ PENNANT Floyd | Floyd | The pennant is up too high. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | You're not holding the spellbook! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | fifty-nine gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a wand Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE ALL Floyd | Floyd | yellow pennant: The pennant is up too high. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take spellbook" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE SPELLBOOK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "read spellbook" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ SPELLBOOK Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 3 * >KOLORIGI FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Colour of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Anothyr. Floyd | Both Objeckts must be in thy immydiate Possessionne. Floyd | * Level 3 * >SONORI FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Soundde of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Anothyr. Floyd | Both must use ye Soundde for *Communickation*; ye Soundde of ye Floyd | Thyngge falling onto ye Floore doth not countte. Floyd | * Level 3 * >OVIDIO FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Materialle of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Floyd | Anothyr. Both Objeckts must be in thy immydiate Possessionne, and both Floyd | must be Organick, unless ye also holdde ye Philo-Sopher's Stonne. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | <<NONE>> Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I'm trying to think of organic things we could change." | |
borowski asks, "What if we changed the fish into a cloak?" | ||
DavidW asks, "oh, could the rock that the old man have be the Philo-Sopher's Stonne?" | ||
borowski says, "Oh, maybe." | ||
borowski asks, "Want to grab it?" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "MALSXLOSI door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You hear a resounding CHUNK!! sound as the magical lock on the door Floyd | gives way! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Jewelry Shop (exits: S) Floyd | The sign out front said this was a jewelry shop, but inside you find Floyd | no display cases of jewelry or anything else to suggest that this is a Floyd | store of any kind. Instead, you find a man wearing a cloak with Floyd | glowing stripes, sitting at a desk and applying the strangest torch Floyd | you've ever seen - a piece of metal that gives off a curiously narrow Floyd | blue flame - to a rough, round rock. He looks up sharply as you enter. Floyd | Floyd | "Grf," he says. "It's you. Uh... forget you saw this." He quickly Floyd | gathers up his things, waves his scepter, and walks off through the Floyd | wall. Vivid white light flares briefly around him. Floyd | Floyd | As if that weren't enough, the rock then reappears on the desk a Floyd | moment later. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "take rock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE ROCK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x rock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ROCK Floyd | Floyd | A rough, oddly heavy rock about the size and shape of your fist. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "rub rock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > RUB ROCK Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Hmm. A human heart is the size of a fist. I wonder if that's a hint." | |
DavidW says, "urk. I don't think so." | ||
Lionheart arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a rock Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | fifty-nine gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a wand Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | Floyd | > | Lionheart exclaims, "Pump your fist if you love freedom!" | |
borowski says, "Maybe we could try OVIDIO something non-organic? I can't think of what, though." | ||
McMartin says, "I have no idea what's going on here, but my first line of thought here is > WRONG BLOOD PUMPER" | ||
DavidW says, "I suppose you could turn the leaflet into gold." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "OVIDIO leaflet from gold" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OVIDIO LEAFLET FROM GOLD Floyd | Floyd | You are insufficiently charged with magical energy to cast that spell! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "save" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "cf7" | ||
Floyd | %% Save file: cf7 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | Saved! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "put bubbly ampule into wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT BUBBLY AMPULE INTO WAND Floyd | Floyd | You need to be holding the ampule of bubbly fluid before you can put Floyd | it into something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "er, no!" | |
DavidW says, "Bubbly is sound transfer. Clear is material transfer!" | ||
borowski says, "Oh clear" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take clear" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE CLEAR Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "put clear ampule into wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT CLEAR AMPULE INTO WAND Floyd | Floyd | You aren't holding the wand! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "put clear ampule into wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT CLEAR AMPULE INTO WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the large ampule of clear fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "squeeze ampule" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE AMPULE Floyd | Floyd | Which do you mean, the large ampule of clear fluid, the ampule of Floyd | bubbly fluid or the ampule of rainbow fluid? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "OVIDIO leaflet from gold" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OVIDIO LEAFLET FROM GOLD Floyd | Floyd | The gold coin is inorganic - you would need a Philosopher's Stone in Floyd | hand to use the gold coin in your spell! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "hold rock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > HOLD ROCK Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I guess it's not the stone." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take stone" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: takestone Floyd | %% Critical error. Floyd | %% Message: stream_open_file: unable to open file. Floyd | > Floyd | > RESTORE Floyd | Floyd | Restore failed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "cf7" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CF7 Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "sorry" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "cf7" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf7
Floyd | Restored!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| borowski says, "Ok" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a rock Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | fifty-nine gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a wand Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. So we don't know what this rock does or is for." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 12 Floyd | Dexterity: 14 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 9 Floyd | Wisdom: 9 Floyd | Charisma: 10 Floyd | Hit points: 200 Floyd | Hunger: low Floyd | Weariness: low Floyd | Base magical skill: Level 1 Floyd | Magical energy: low Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a rock Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | fifty-nine gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a wand Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "It hasn't increased our magical energy, at least, not as is." | |
borowski asks, "I guess we could try using magic on the purple dart?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "break rock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BREAK ROCK Floyd | Floyd | That attack is not necessary to win Nameless Quest v2.0.12! Floyd | (Note to players of v1: this isn't a combat game anymore, so maybe try Floyd | more brain and less brawn? --Nameless) Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Maybe we could turn the dart into paper or something." | |
borowski says, "Though the dart probably isn't organic. argh." | ||
DavidW says, "well, I'm thinking we could turn the red darts brown (like our cloak) if the tavern is still open." | ||
borowski says, "Oh yeah." | ||
borowski says, "Or the purple dart brown." | ||
DavidW says, "oh right. Forgot the organic restriction." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SE Floyd | Floyd | The tavern is closed! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | "What's that in your hand?" the weapon shop owner asks as you walk in. Floyd | "Some kind of spellbook? I don't allow sorcerers in here! Get out!" Floyd | You do as you're told. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "huh" | |
borowski says, "well, I guess we know the spell names." | ||
DavidW says, "Didn't see that before." | ||
borowski asks, "Did we enter with the book before?" | ||
DavidW asks, "The old man spoke of a test of strength. Possibly we need to make ourself stronger?" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "drop spellbook" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DROP SPELLBOOK Floyd | Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Just put it in our pocket." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "take spellbook" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE SPELLBOOK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "put spellbook in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT SPELLBOOK IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the spellbook into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | "Oh no you don't!" the weapon shop owner shouts as you walk in. "I Floyd | remember you! Get out of my store!" You beat a hasty retreat. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "He might object to the sight of a ... oh." | |
borowski says, "double Huh." | ||
DavidW says, "Well, the game iterates. We'll know better next time." | ||
borowski says, "true that." | ||
borowski asks, "As for test of strength, maybe the troll?" | ||
DavidW says, "I think the troll must be killed, if only because of all the trolls back at the hotel." | ||
borowski says, "Right, maybe we can take that bastard to hell with us." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads north to the village square and Floyd | south to a rickety bridge that spans a deep chasm; you can see the Floyd | dragon's cave on the other side. The ground near the foot of the Floyd | bridge is darkly stained. A cave smaller than the dragon's lair lies Floyd | to the east. Floyd | Floyd | A troll lurks by the bridge, flipping through a book titled Floyd | English Usage. When it sees you, it straightens up with a Floyd | start and quickly flings the book into the chasm. "A new adventurer!" Floyd | it shrieks. "Have you come to free us from the dragon? Then I, Lonk Floyd | the Troll, would like to thank you for your courage and bravery! Floyd | Please accept this obsequious smile as a token of gratitude." You have Floyd | a sneaking suspicion this greeting is not heartfelt. Floyd | Floyd | A red pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the southern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Don't we need a sword?" | |
borowski says, "But we can't enter the shop... maybe we just need to die again." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "kill troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You land a solid blow, doing 16 points of damage! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "Huh, I guess martial arts training?" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "kill troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You land a glancing blow, doing 9 points of damage! "Oof!" the troll Floyd | says. "I see you've found an outlet for your sexual frustration!" Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I'm beginning to personally hate this troll." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "kill troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You land a glancing blow, doing 8 points of damage! "Wuf!" the troll Floyd | says. "What's the problem, dear? Constipated?" Floyd | Floyd | A knight on horseback comes charging in from the north, blowing right Floyd | by you and the troll. "Never fear, villagers!" he declares as he Floyd | passes. "I'll rid your land of this fiendish monster!" You watch as he Floyd | races across the bridge and into the dragon's cave. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "How'd you manage to do this?" | |
borowski says, "I don't know." | ||
borowski says, "I'm beginning to suspect the game has kept track of the fact that we've died before." | ||
DavidW says, "hm. I wonder why there aren't knights in the hotel." | ||
borowski says, "And therefore knows that we know that we need to kill the troll." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kiss troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KISS TROLL Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I'm not sure about the knight." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kill troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You land a glancing blow, doing 11 points of damage! Floyd | Floyd | The troll is mortally wounded! "Wuf!" the troll says. "What's the Floyd | problem, dear? Constipated?" Then it dies! Its body dissolves into a Floyd | puddle of black bile that seeps into the ground. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by seven points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "score" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SCORE Floyd | Floyd | You have scored 71 out of a possible 201, in 103 turns. Floyd | Floyd | The score is made up as follows: Floyd | Floyd | 1 : becoming good at darts Floyd | 1 : becoming great at darts Floyd | 1 : becoming awesome at darts Floyd | 1 : getting into the home of the sorceress Floyd | 1 : procuring a magic wand Floyd | 1 : procuring a spellbook Floyd | 1 : procuring an ampule of cloudy fluid Floyd | 1 : procuring an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | 1 : procuring an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | 1 : procuring a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | 1 : defeating an enchantment Floyd | 1 : procuring a mysterious rock Floyd | 2 : casting your first magic spell Floyd | 7 : ridding the world of a troll Floyd | 50 : reading a hilarious leaflet Floyd | Floyd | 71 total (out of 201) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads north to the village square and Floyd | south to a rickety bridge that spans a deep chasm; you can see the Floyd | dragon's cave on the other side. The ground near the foot of the Floyd | bridge is darkly stained. A cave smaller than the dragon's lair lies Floyd | to the east. Floyd | Floyd | A red pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the southern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a blood-curdling scream from the dragon's cave. It is not the Floyd | scream of a dragon. Floyd | Floyd | Another troll emerges from under the bridge. "Greetings, O most virile Floyd | adventurer! I'm Dink the Troll! One gold to cross the bridge!" Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "The leaflet score is so way out of proportion." | |
borowski says, "Yeah. I don't know if that means the other 130 points will be tough or if there is something else ridiculous like the leaflet." | ||
DavidW says, "yeah, hard to tell." | ||
borowski asks, "Good lord, another troll?" | ||
borowski asks, "Maybe we should have crossed the bridge in the turn we had?" | ||
DavidW asks, "Is fighting trolls like playing darts. Will our strength increase?" | ||
borowski says, "Ah, maybe." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "kill troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You land a solid blow, doing 14 points of damage! "Agh!" the troll Floyd | says. "Stop taking pot-shots at me and confront me mano-a-mano!" Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "We don't dare cross, do we?" | |
borowski disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. | ||
borowski arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | borowski says, "It depends if we've lost this chance at the game or not." | |
DavidW says, "although, since death is not the end, I guess we can dare anything" | ||
borowski says, "I'm thinking, we only had one chance in the tavern, weapon shop." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "kill troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You land a solid blow, doing 15 points of damage! "Urk!" the troll Floyd | says. "Congratulations - you're getting your five minutes in the Floyd | limelight now that you know whom to bash!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "kill troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You land a glancing blow, doing 11 points of damage! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "kill troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You land a glancing blow, doing 6 points of damage! Floyd | Floyd | The troll is mortally wounded! Then it dies! Its body dissolves into a Floyd | puddle of black bile that seeps into the ground. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "We certainly haven't found the dwarves yet." | |
DavidW says, "Or the mine." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bridge (exits: N S) Floyd | You are crossing a rickety bridge that sways unnervingly with your Floyd | every step. Far below you, and visible between the slats of the Floyd | bridge, is the bottom of a deep chasm. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x chasm" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CHASM Floyd | Floyd | The gorge seems almost impossibly deep! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Dragon's Lair (exits: N S) Floyd | You are standing before the entrance to the dragon's lair. Take a few Floyd | steps south, and you will be face to face with the foul monster who Floyd | has struck such terror into the hearts of good people throughout this Floyd | land! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "flying down the chasm might be possible, maybe." | |
borowski says, "Or jumping down..." | ||
DavidW asks, "I mean, safely. What if the dwarf mine is down the chasm?" | ||
borowski says, "Ah, good point." | ||
borowski asks, "I wonder if we can levitate downwards?" | ||
DavidW says, "We've never had the right magic outside the cottage for levitating." | ||
borowski says, "Right." | ||
borowski says, "I'm going to try the dragon cave. At the worst, we'll see if those trolls end up on the other side." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Dragon's Lair (exits: N) Floyd | You are in a large cave that smells distinctly of brimstone. All Floyd | around you lie the charred remains of those who have tried to kill the Floyd | dragon before you... and failed. Floyd | Floyd | Before you, lying atop a veritable mountain of gold crowns, rings, Floyd | nuggets, goblets, and other bits of aurous treasure, is an enormous Floyd | dragon! It opens one eye as you enter. You should not have come here, Floyd | it says, directly into your mind. With a yawn, it sits up. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Or find out what happened to the knight." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to dragon" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO DRAGON Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x dragon" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DRAGON Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 18 Floyd | Dexterity: 18 Floyd | Constitution: 18 Floyd | Intelligence: 18 Floyd | Wisdom: 18 Floyd | Charisma: 18 Floyd | Hit points: 9999 Floyd | Floyd | Description: The dragon is several times your size, hypnotically Floyd | iridescent, and effortlessly lethal! Floyd | Floyd | The dragon breathes a jet of fire at you, and roasts you where you Floyd | stand. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have died *** | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | You rub your eyes, stretch, and get out of bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "HP 9999!" | |
borowski asks, "And 18 Charisma? Plastic surgery?" | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "x safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SAFE Floyd | Floyd | A square door of thick black iron, slightly pitted with age, with a Floyd | large, ostentatious lock on one side. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a key Floyd | a dart Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "All that jewelry helps a bit, I'd guess." | |
borowski says, "Oh we kept the key AND dart." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take key" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE KEY Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "unlock safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNLOCK SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You unlock the safe. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "open safe" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN SAFE Floyd | Floyd | You open the safe, revealing a glass, a can of beer and a towel. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "I guess our afterlife body doesn't change?" | |
borowski says, "Apparently the safe keeps things safe, too." | ||
borowski says, "I wonder if there is a new towel." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | The window is closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | Even more than the bedroom, this cramped bathroom shows this house's Floyd | age. Not that it isn't well kept up - it looks like it's been recently Floyd | cleaned - but the clunky styling of the fixtures suggests that it Floyd | hasn't been renovated for a couple of generations. The wallpaper is Floyd | peeling a bit around the window set into the exterior wall; the ocean Floyd | view from that window is reflected in the mirrored medicine cabinet on Floyd | the tiled partition wall opposite it. Beneath the medicine cabinet is Floyd | a sink. The far wall is also done in small white tile, chipped here Floyd | and there. Near that wall, but not attached to it, is a bathtub; Floyd | however, the towel rack is across the room, above the toilet. Next to Floyd | the toilet is the doorway, which leads back to the bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I'm curious about that too." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "take towel" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE TOWEL Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x towel rack" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TOWEL RACK Floyd | Floyd | A single-bar towel rack. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I guess not." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "open medicine cabinet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MEDICINE CABINET Floyd | Floyd | You open the medicine cabinet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "look in medicine cabinet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK IN MEDICINE CABINET Floyd | Floyd | The medicine cabinet is empty. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "go back into the bedroom, open the window, go east." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "oujt" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUJT Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "open window" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | You open the window, but the cool sea breeze you might have been Floyd | hoping for fails to materialize - the air outside is warm and still. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | You find that some invisible force prevents you from jumping out the Floyd | window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "look out window" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK OUT WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | You gaze out over the sea. Off in the distance, past the seagulls Floyd | lazily flapping from pier to pier, you can see the faintest hint of a Floyd | distant shore... Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x shore" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SHORE Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "whistle" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > WHISTLE Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "You wanted to find the trolls?" | |
borowski says, "maybe the shore is some sort of heaven after this purgatory." | ||
borowski says, "YEah." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You close the safe and head out to the... Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are standing in a nondescript hallway: plain white walls, a Floyd | threadbare runner carpet. The door to your bedroom is at one end of Floyd | the hallway, the first door on the right-hand side at the top of a Floyd | flight of stairs that spirals downward to an unseen lower floor. There Floyd | is no other end to the hallway; it stretches on forever to the north, Floyd | with doors at regular intervals. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "And no double here. so it knows we've died before." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | You follow the curving staircase downward... Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Porch Floyd | This is a rectangular porch that extends along the entire length of Floyd | the front of the house, whose front door lies to the north. A wooden Floyd | railing, about waist high, runs along the border of the porch, and Floyd | steps lead down to the beach. Floyd | Floyd | The beach, however, is packed solid with trolls from the waterline all Floyd | the way up to a magical barrier just in front of the house. It's more Floyd | than a little alarming to see the hundreds upon hundreds of them just Floyd | inches away, with nothing visible between you, but the barrier seems Floyd | to be holding. Floyd | Floyd | Among the many trolls crowding the beach is one you recognize from the Floyd | world of the quest - and while the others have been magically Floyd | silenced, this one is unaffected by the protection spell. "So, I see Floyd | you've finally come to join your chummy friends!" it sneers. Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to Lonk the troll Floyd | >>SAY 1 : As opposed to my non-chummy friends? Does that make you my Floyd | inimical enemy or something? Floyd | >>SAY 2 : 'Chummy'? I know time works differently here, but are we Floyd | suddenly in the 1920s somehow? Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 1 Floyd | Floyd | "As opposed to my non-chummy friends? Does that make you my inimical Floyd | enemy or something?" Floyd | Floyd | The troll pauses, and reflexively attempts to spit at you, but its Floyd | saliva splashes off the invisible barrier. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Interesting." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "x railing" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X RAILING Floyd | Floyd | The railing only comes up to your waist, and the slats are widely Floyd | spaced; clearly this is not what's keeping the trolls from invading Floyd | the porch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take lonk" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE LONK Floyd | Floyd | Lonk the troll is too large for you to pick up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "talk to troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO TROLL Floyd | Floyd | [Who do you mean, the trolls or Lonk the troll?] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "talk to lonk" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO LONK Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to Lonk the troll Floyd | (Nothing to say!) Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x lonk" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X LONK Floyd | Floyd | It's hard to tell the trolls apart, but this one looks to be the most Floyd | recent arrival. It's slightly less weatherbeaten than the rest, at any Floyd | rate. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "talk to trolls" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO TROLLS Floyd | Floyd | Surely you're not that hard up for conversation. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x trolls" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TROLLS Floyd | Floyd | Even a creature that's lovable in isolation tends to repulse when Floyd | there are enough of them. A kitten is cute; a writhing mass of Floyd | hundreds of kittens is disturbing. Now imagine how loathsome a troll Floyd | is by itself, and multiply by several hundred. The tableau before you Floyd | is unutterably vile. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "hmmm" | |
DavidW asks, "If we actually paid a troll a coin, would it die anyway and be marginally friendly here?" | ||
borowski says, "huh, I don't know." | ||
DavidW says, "Or perhaps there's a conversation maze to figure out and we chose wrong this time." | ||
borowski says, "Maybe. I'm sort of tempted to see what our 'troll expert' has to say about it." | ||
DavidW says, "Bit early for that, I think." | ||
DavidW says, "Also, I missed exactly what happened with the rowboat." | ||
borowski says, "I suppose so." | ||
borowski says, "I think the invisible barrier kept us out." | ||
borowski says, "Or we need a second person. let's check." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | "Going?" the troll calls after you. "Surely not back to the quest! Why Floyd | would you return to some sham arena, conveniently vague and shallow Floyd | for the puzzles to fit, when you could stay here, with me?" Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | TV Room Floyd | The lights are off in this room, but you can still see reasonably Floyd | well, thanks to the glow of the boxy big-screen television. And what Floyd | you see is a room full of clones of you, all in adventurers' cloaks, Floyd | sitting on battered couches watching Rocky IV on Betamax. An Floyd | archway leads north into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: TAVERN, DRAGON, TROLLS, DWARVES. (Some of these Floyd | alternate versions of you are chatting with each other and no one Floyd | seems to mind.) Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, Rocky gives Adrian an early anniversary present, or as he Floyd | terms it, a "prize." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | It looks like this kitchen has been updated piecemeal. The sleek black Floyd | refrigerator with in-door water and ice dispensers is clearly one of Floyd | the latest models, while the beige and brown buttons on the wood-grain Floyd | microwave speak of an earlier generation, and the loudly chugging teal Floyd | dishwasher a generation before that. The oven is of indeterminate age, Floyd | though the fact that the clock on it is analog rather than digital Floyd | suggests a relatively early date. A screen door leads north to the Floyd | backyard, while an archway to the south will return you to the TV Floyd | room. Floyd | Floyd | One of your doubles tidies up the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Backyard Floyd | This is a small backyard, marked off by a tall wooden fence. A small Floyd | patio of volcanic rock tiles plays host to a grill, which a couple of Floyd | your doubles are tending to, while out on the grass stands a small Floyd | shed and a recycling bin. A gate leads east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "open gate" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN GATE Floyd | Floyd | That's already open. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Beach Floyd | This stretch of beach appears to be under the same bubble of Floyd | protection as the house; as you look to the south, you can see the Floyd | shoreline curving away toward the southwest, and hundreds of trolls Floyd | are struggling to walk up and harass you, but an invisible force holds Floyd | them back. You are therefore blessedly alone with the sea, the rocks, Floyd | the thin strand of pebbly sand, and the still, humid air. Floyd | Floyd | A pier extends eastward from the shoreline. A small rowboat is tied to Floyd | the end of it, bobbing as the surf rolls gently in and out. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | An invisible force prevents you from walking out to the end of the Floyd | pier. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "I wonder what convinces the game to bring the shed guy around?" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "x rowboat" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ROWBOAT Floyd | Floyd | The handmade wooden rowboat looks like it was made to seat only one, Floyd | or possibly two if they're very close friends. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Hmmm." | |
borowski asks, "I wonder if he's one of your clones or somebody special?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x trolls" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TROLLS Floyd | Floyd | You glance at the hundreds of trolls that lie that way - but not for Floyd | too long, as the attention might make them strong enough to break Floyd | through the invisible barrier. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "huh" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "enter rowboat" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER ROWBOAT Floyd | Floyd | An invisible barrier keeps you from doing anything with the boat Floyd | except gazing at it from afar. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "gaze at rowboat" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GAZE AT ROWBOAT Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | As far as you can tell, you look the same as ever. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. No stats listing here." | |
borowski says, "Yeah, I think the world rules completely change here." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "verbs" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > VERBS Floyd | Floyd | [Accepted verbs include: ATTACK, BUY, CLIMB, CUT, DRINK, DROP, EAT, Floyd | ENTER, EXAMINE (X), EXIT, GET, GIVE, GO, INVENTORY (I), JUMP, KNOCK, Floyd | LISTEN, LOOK, OPEN, POUR, PUT, READ, SCORE, SQUEEZE, STAND, TAKE, Floyd | THROW, WEAR, WAIT (Z). This is not a complete list. Special commands Floyd | may include SAVE, RESTORE, RECORDING ON, RECORDING OFF, and REPLAY, Floyd | depending on your software.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "about" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ABOUT Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "rabble rabble" | |
DavidW says, "well, I'd like to recheck the shed and alterego before returning to the Endless, er, Nameless Quest." | ||
borowski says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Backyard Floyd | This is a small backyard, marked off by a tall wooden fence. A small Floyd | patio of volcanic rock tiles plays host to a grill, which a couple of Floyd | your doubles are tending to, while out on the grass stands a small Floyd | shed and a recycling bin. A gate leads east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x shed" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SHED Floyd | Floyd | A crude, boxy wooden structure - it looks like it's essentially a Floyd | freestanding closet. The door is closed. "If you're looking for the Floyd | guy who lives in there, he's not around right now," says one of the Floyd | doubles of yours tending the grill. "Check back later - he comes and Floyd | goes." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to double" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO DOUBLE Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to the grillers Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What are you making? Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Someone lives in the shed? Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 2" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 2 Floyd | Floyd | "Someone lives in the shed?" Floyd | Floyd | "Yeah," says one of the grillers, with no real interest. "Must be Floyd | bigger in there than it looks, I guess." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAY 1 Floyd | Floyd | [!: SAY is only permitted at a double prompt (>>). Try >TALK TO to Floyd | generate a new conversation menu.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to grillers" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO GRILLERS Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to the grillers Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What are you making? Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 1 Floyd | Floyd | "What are you making?" Floyd | Floyd | "Steak," says one of the grillers. "You can go wait in the dining room Floyd | for it if you want." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x steak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X STEAK Floyd | Floyd | Looks a little overdone, actually. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take steak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE STEAK Floyd | Floyd | The grillers give you a sharp look and you back off. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | It looks like this kitchen has been updated piecemeal. The sleek black Floyd | refrigerator with in-door water and ice dispensers is clearly one of Floyd | the latest models, while the beige and brown buttons on the wood-grain Floyd | microwave speak of an earlier generation, and the loudly chugging teal Floyd | dishwasher a generation before that. The oven is of indeterminate age, Floyd | though the fact that the clock on it is analog rather than digital Floyd | suggests a relatively early date. A screen door leads north to the Floyd | backyard, while an archway to the south will return you to the TV Floyd | room. Floyd | Floyd | One of your doubles tidies up the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "A little surprised to see steak grillin' in the game. Isn't Adam a vegetarian? Or am I misremembering?" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "talk to double" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO DOUBLE Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to the cocktail expert Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What sorts of cocktails can you make? Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "What sorts of cocktails can you make?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Nothing right now, but next time I'm here I'll make a Castle Amnos.
Floyd | It's five parts rum, one part banana liqueur, five parts iced tea, and
Floyd | a bendy straw."
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to the cocktail expert
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What other cocktails can you make?
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
borowski says (to floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "What other cocktails can you make?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "I'll need to wait for the next batch of groceries to come in, but I
Floyd | can make a Concrete Paradise. It's one part gin, two parts banana
Floyd | liqueur, seven parts milk, and a spoonful of honey."
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to the cocktail expert
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What other cocktails can you make?
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| DavidW says, "More IF in-jokes, I see." | |
DavidW says, "Castle Amnos and Concrete Paradise are IF Comp games from years ago." | ||
borowski says, "Ah." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "What other cocktails can you make?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "I'm done for today, but tomorrow I can make a Redeye. It's one part
Floyd | beer, two parts amaretto, two parts lemonade, and an egg."
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to the cocktail expert
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What other cocktails can you make?
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | TV Room Floyd | The lights are off in this room, but you can still see reasonably Floyd | well, thanks to the glow of the boxy big-screen television. And what Floyd | you see is a room full of clones of you, all in adventurers' cloaks, Floyd | sitting on battered couches watching Rocky IV on Betamax. An Floyd | archway leads north into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: TAVERN, DRAGON, TROLLS, DWARVES. (Some of these Floyd | alternate versions of you are chatting with each other and no one Floyd | seems to mind.) Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, Apollo Creed is introduced by a number of nicknames, Floyd | notably "The Count of Monte Fisto." Ivan Drago is introduced and Floyd | roundly booed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x couch" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X COUCH Floyd | Floyd | Some are leather, some are fabric, but all are showing their age. Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, Ivan Drago says his first words: "You vill lose." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, LABYRINTH, ROC'S NEST, SHORELINE, Floyd | KNIGHTS. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s, w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S, W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | Dining Room Floyd | This large, square room is dominated by a set of tables laden with Floyd | tantalizing comestibles. One table features hot wings and tandoori Floyd | chicken; another offers assorted varieties of pizza; a third is split Floyd | between pasta and enchiladas; there's also a snacking table with some Floyd | Mediterranean spreads and pita chips, and a table of plates and Floyd | napkins and things. And as no buffet would be complete without Floyd | dessert, one table is devoted to different types of pie. All around, Floyd | versions of you gorge themselves, either at fold-out tables or just Floyd | standing up. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: COTTAGE, MAGIC, MACHINE, JEWELRY SHOP. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a plate here. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Plate?" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "x plate" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PLATE Floyd | Floyd | Fiestaware. Perhaps the dishes came with the house. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oh" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "take plate" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE PLATE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "I did I miss the alter ego?" | |
DavidW says, "He should be in the library." | ||
DavidW says, "West of Game Room." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e, n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E, N Floyd | Floyd | You put down your dinnerware and head out to the hallway... Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, LABYRINTH, ROC'S NEST, SHORELINE, Floyd | KNIGHTS. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Library Floyd | This is a small room whose walls are lined with overflowing bookcases. Floyd | At the center of the room are two comfortable-looking chairs, each Floyd | with a round table beside it; on each table is a lamp. The wall across Floyd | from the entrance is dominated by a bay window, through which warm Floyd | light streams. Floyd | Floyd | The first alter ego you met sits in one of the chairs, reading his Floyd | newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "lamp" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LAMP Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x lamp" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X LAMP Floyd | Floyd | Beige ceramic lamps with a dusty shades. Floyd | Floyd | The lamps are currently switched off. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "get lamp" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GET LAMP Floyd | Floyd | It's hard to imagine that you'd ever have much use for a lamp. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "turn on lamp" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TURN ON LAMP Floyd | Floyd | "Let's not waste the electricity," the other you says, gesturing at Floyd | the bay window with light streaming through it. Floyd | Floyd | > | Tale asks, "This session rang longer than usual, did it?" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "talk to alter ego" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO ALTER EGO Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to your alter ego Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Bye for now! Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | borowski says, "Oh, just a little." | |
DavidW says (to Tale), "Somewhat. And we're hardly done." | ||
borowski says, "I think the Quest is going to require a specific series of actions." | ||
Tale asks, "You've been at this since Sunday?" | ||
borowski says, "No sleep..." | ||
borowski says, "I need a bagel." | ||
DavidW says, "I only started this game tonight." | ||
DavidW says, "hmm." | ||
borowski says, "Thoughts so far: There are three colored objects I can think off, red darts, purple darts, brown cloak." | ||
DavidW says, "Plus the four pennants." | ||
borowski says, "Ah, true." | ||
DavidW says, "Bob has a yellow hat." | ||
borowski asks, "But I think we need the object in our inventory to cast the spell?" | ||
DavidW says, "Both of them, yes." | ||
DavidW says, "I suppose the gold coin is golden in colour." | ||
borowski says, "I think I'll try the quest again." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > X
Floyd |
Floyd | [What do you want to examine?]
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| ||
borowski says (to floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Library Floyd | This is a small room whose walls are lined with overflowing bookcases. Floyd | At the center of the room are two comfortable-looking chairs, each Floyd | with a round table beside it; on each table is a lamp. The wall across Floyd | from the entrance is dominated by a bay window, through which warm Floyd | light streams. Floyd | Floyd | The first alter ego you met sits in one of the chairs, reading his Floyd | newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We could, I suppose, turn the old man's rock into a large gold nugget." | |
DavidW says, "well, golden coloured nugget." | ||
borowski asks, "But they aren't organic... does the rock have a color?" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, LABYRINTH, ROC'S NEST, SHORELINE, Floyd | KNIGHTS. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "The rock doesn't have an initial colour, but I don't see why it can't acquire one." | |
borowski says, "True" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "save" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: | DavidW says, "I'm suggesting KOLORIGI, not OVIDIO." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "cf8" | ||
Floyd | %% Save file: cf8 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | [Saved.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "enter portal" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER PORTAL Floyd | Floyd | You climb onto the table, and as your foot touches the square engraved Floyd | upon it that represents the tavern, you feel the world turn Floyd | inside-out... | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a grog. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Ah, we forgot about grog." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts, throw darts at dart board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS, THROW DARTS AT DART BOARD Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at dart board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT DART BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 2 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 8 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 11 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at dart board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT DART BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 9 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 10 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 13 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at dart board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT DART BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 12 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 18 for 36 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at dart board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT DART BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 13 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a triple 15 for 45 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 14 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at dart board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT DART BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 14 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a triple 16 for 48 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at dart board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT DART BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing. The game of darts has no more to Floyd | teach you! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "buy grog?" | |
DavidW says, "ok" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "buy grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY GROG Floyd | Floyd | "That's twenny gold," the bartender says. You hand over the requested Floyd | sum and the bartender serves you your drink. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "yikes. Expensive grog." | |
borowski says, "yeah" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a mug o' grog Floyd | forty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X GROG Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing special about the grog! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x mug" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X MUG Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing special about the grog! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a Wizard's Potion. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x candles" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CANDLES Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing special about the candles! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "x tables" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TABLES Floyd | Floyd | The tables are made of wood! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "hm. We coulda ordered other drinks?" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "buy wizard's potion" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY WIZARD'S POTION Floyd | Floyd | "That's a hunnert gold," the bartender says. You don't have that kind Floyd | of money! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy white russian" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY WHITE RUSSIAN Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Wow, classy place." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy ale" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY ALE Floyd | Floyd | You already have a mug o' grog! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "smell grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SMELL GROG Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "drink it?" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "drink grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DRINK GROG Floyd | Floyd | You down the grog in a few gulps. The room immediately starts Floyd | spinning. Powerful stuff! You return the mug to the bartender, reeling Floyd | a little. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. We don't keep the grog." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 12 Floyd | Dexterity: 11 Floyd | Constitution: 12 Floyd | Intelligence: 6 Floyd | Wisdom: 6 Floyd | Charisma: 10 Floyd | Hit points: 200 Floyd | Hunger: low Floyd | Weariness: moderate Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | three red darts Floyd | forty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 38 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 44 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 38 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "er don't keep the mug, I mean." | |
borowski asks, "Get wasted?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 39 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 40 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 39 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I think we maxed out the dart skill." | |
DavidW says, "I don't see how getting wasted could help any." | ||
borowski says, "Heh. Well, alcohol is the cause of AND the solution to all of life's problems." | ||
borowski says, "As Homer would say." | ||
DavidW says, ">GIVE BEER TO DRAGON" | ||
borowski asks, "Take some with us?" | ||
DavidW says, "I doubt we can, but sure, try." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "buy grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY GROG Floyd | Floyd | "That's twenny gold," the bartender says. You hand over the requested Floyd | sum and the bartender serves you your drink. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NW Floyd | Floyd | You put your drink down on a table and head for the door. On your way Floyd | out, a tavern bouncer frisks you. "Okay, yer clean," he grumbles, and Floyd | lets you go. Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | You are very tired. The urge to sleep is overpowering! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "crap" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a mug o' grog Floyd | twenty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "put darts in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT DARTS IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NW Floyd | Floyd | You put your drink down on a table and head for the door. On your way Floyd | out, a tavern bouncer frisks you and confiscates your darts. "Okay, Floyd | now you can go," he says. Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | You are very tired. The urge to sleep is overpowering! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I think we need the darts if we're going to turn stuff red." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at bartender" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT BARTENDER Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You have to take the red dart out of your pocket first! Floyd | red dart: You have to take the red dart out of your pocket first! Floyd | red dart: You have to take the red dart out of your pocket first! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We don't need to turn anything red, though." | |
borowski says, "Maybe. I feel like there has to be reason the darts are red." | ||
borowski says, "Though it could be a 'red herring.'" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "listen to bartender" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN TO BARTENDER Floyd | Floyd | You pay close attention to the sound of the bartender! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "listen to person" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN TO PERSON Floyd | Floyd | You pay close attention to the sound of the people! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I suppose if we can't get a good dart to the weapons shop to turn purple, we have to either turn the purple dart into something lighter, or become physically stronger." | |
Lionheart can see a dream in your dance. Lionheart can see tomorrow in your dance. We can call it, "our hope"! | DavidW says, "Possibly if we get the old man's rock before visiting the cottage, the sorceress might tell us what the rock is." | |
borowski says, "Feel free to mess around." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender sees you looking around yet Floyd | again, starts to nod, then stops and says, "Wait, I did that a coupla Floyd | times already." Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a grog. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You put your drink down on a table and head for the door. On your way Floyd | out, a tavern bouncer frisks you and confiscates your darts. "Okay, Floyd | now you can go," he says. Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | You are very tired. The urge to sleep is overpowering! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You slump down onto the dusty ground, too tired to find proper Floyd | lodgings. Sleep is immediate. | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | ...zzzzzzz... | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | You are woken by someone tugging on your sleeve! You squint and see
Floyd | that it is an old man.
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's you!" he gasps. "The chosen one!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x old man" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X OLD MAN Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 5 Floyd | Dexterity: 6 Floyd | Constitution: 5 Floyd | Intelligence: 5 Floyd | Wisdom: 4 Floyd | Charisma: 4 Floyd | Hit points: 45 Floyd | Floyd | Description: An old, mostly bald man with a long white beard, dressed Floyd | in rags and a tattered brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | "I am-- well, my name is not important," the old man says. "But the Floyd | prophecies have spoken of one who would free this poor land from the Floyd | ravages of the dragon who lives to the south!" He pauses. "It will not Floyd | be easy," he warns. "First you must prove your mettle. This quest will Floyd | test your body, mind, and heart! For you must perform a feat of Floyd | strength, outwit a fiendishly complex machine, and win the affections Floyd | of a mysterious sorceress to defeat the dragon!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask old man about dragon" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ASK OLD MAN ABOUT DRAGON Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "I can say no more!" the old man cries. He runs off down the road and Floyd | into the wilderness. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow man" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > FOLLOW MAN Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A red pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "malsxlosi door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You hear a resounding CHUNK!! sound as the magical lock on the door Floyd | gives way! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Jewelry Shop (exits: S) Floyd | The sign out front said this was a jewelry shop, but inside you find Floyd | no display cases of jewelry or anything else to suggest that this is a Floyd | store of any kind. Instead, you find a man wearing a cloak with Floyd | glowing stripes, sitting at a desk and applying the strangest torch Floyd | you've ever seen - a piece of metal that gives off a curiously narrow Floyd | blue flame - to a rough, round rock. He looks up sharply as you enter. Floyd | Floyd | "Grf," he says. "It's you. Uh... forget you saw this." He quickly Floyd | gathers up his things, waves his scepter, and walks off through the Floyd | wall. Vivid white light flares briefly around him. Floyd | Floyd | As if that weren't enough, the rock then reappears on the desk a Floyd | moment later. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take rock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE ROCK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A red pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I suppose the man with the rock isn't the old man of the quest." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hold on. The north pennant used to be blue." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads north to the village square and Floyd | south to a rickety bridge that spans a deep chasm; you can see the Floyd | dragon's cave on the other side. The ground near the foot of the Floyd | bridge is darkly stained. A cave smaller than the dragon's lair lies Floyd | to the east. Floyd | Floyd | A troll lurks by the bridge, flipping through a book titled Floyd | English Usage. When it sees you, it straightens up with a Floyd | start and quickly flings the book into the chasm. "A new adventurer!" Floyd | it shrieks. "Have you come to free us from the dragon? Then I, Lonk Floyd | the Troll, would like to thank you for your courage and bravery! Floyd | Please accept this obsequious smile as a token of gratitude." You have Floyd | a sneaking suspicion this greeting is not heartfelt. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the southern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | The troll chases after you! Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | "I see you're doing your part to keep the status quo around here at a Floyd | comfortable stupidity level," the troll observes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | The troll chases after you! Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | The troll shakes its head at you. "You are so dull, I almost pity Floyd | you," it says. "Almost." Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "hm. The troll follows us?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | The troll chases after you! Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | "Have you still not solved this puerile 'adventure'?" the troll Floyd | asks. "You're not sharp enough to skewer a cube of tofu, are you?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | The troll chases after you! Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | The troll shakes its head at you. "You are so dull, I almost pity Floyd | you," it says. "Almost." Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nt" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NT Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NE Floyd | Floyd | Not wanting to stray too far from its post, the troll stops following Floyd | you and returns to the bridge. Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SW Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads north to the village square and Floyd | south to a rickety bridge that spans a deep chasm; you can see the Floyd | dragon's cave on the other side. The ground near the foot of the Floyd | bridge is darkly stained. A cave smaller than the dragon's lair lies Floyd | to the east. Floyd | Floyd | A troll lurking by the bridge smirks at you. "Still after that Floyd | dragon?" it asks, shaking its head. "This is really tragic. You try Floyd | so hard, put in so much work and effort, and the end Floyd | result is another abysmal failure. A smarter man might learn." Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the southern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | "Sure, leave," the troll calls after you as you walk away. "The damage Floyd | is done. My words will echo and damn you for a long time!" Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NE Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A black cat blinks curiously at you from a window sill; Floyd | as you approach, it hops down and skitters away. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | You open the mailbox, revealing a leaflet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read it" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ IT Floyd | Floyd | "WELCOME TO NAMELESS QUEST v2.0.12! Floyd | Floyd | NAMELESS QUEST is a game of adventure, danger, and low cunning. In it Floyd | you will explore some of the most amazing territory ever seen by Floyd | mortals. No BBS should be without one! And Endless BBS isn't! Hehehe." Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by fifty points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "knock on door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK ON DOOR Floyd | Floyd | A woman's voice calls out, "MALSXLOSI." Then you hear a resounding Floyd | CHUNK!! sound. Was that the door unlocking? Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Cottage (exits: NONE!) Floyd | The cottage is smaller on the inside than it looks from the outside, Floyd | and is nearly empty, furnished only with a rickety wooden table. Floyd | Somehow, there are no exits - not even the door you walked in through! Floyd | Where did it go? Floyd | Floyd | "I am told you are the chosen one," says the woman's voice, cold but Floyd | soft. "I am-- well, my name is not important." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "As the chosen one, you are naturally endowed with a certain amount of Floyd | magical energy," the voice says. "Not as much as someone who has Floyd | studied sorcery, but enough to cast Level 1 spells. To cast stronger Floyd | ones, you will need some assistance." Floyd | Floyd | A wand magically appears on the table in front of you. "Take the Floyd | wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | As you pick up the wand, you feel a pricking sensation against your Floyd | thumb. You notice that the base of the wand is equipped with a small Floyd | needle! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put rock in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT ROCK IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | The wand can only contain ampules of magical potions! Floyd | Floyd | "The wand is actually a hollow tube," the voice says. "To cast a Level Floyd | 2 or Level 3 spell, you will insert an ampule of a potion into the Floyd | wand. Squeeze the wand, and the ampule will be crushed and the potion Floyd | will flow through the needle into your bloodstream, charging you with Floyd | its magical energy. The effect does not last long, and you must cast Floyd | the spell while you are still energized!" Floyd | Floyd | A ampule of cloudy fluid appears on the table. "Let's try it," the Floyd | voice says. "Take the ampule." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take ampule" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMPULE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put it in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT IT IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | "Not yet," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | A slender spellbook appears on the table before you. "This spellbook Floyd | will magically track what ampules you have in your possession and Floyd | instruct you in the proper formation of your spells," the voice says. Floyd | "I'll give you a few moments before we proceed. First, take the book Floyd | and read it - it should only take a moment. Then put the ampule into Floyd | the wand, and we can continue." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 2 * >SXVEBI Floyd | A spelle to ryse off ye Growndde. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | <<NONE>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put ampule in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT AMPULE IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the ampule of cloudy fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | "Now squeeze the wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | "Quick!" the voice says. "Cast the spell just like the book says: Floyd | SXVEBI!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sxvebi" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SXVEBI Floyd | Floyd | You feel your stomach lurch and look down to find that you are Floyd | suddenly floating several inches off the ground! You've cast a Floyd | levitation spell! (A weak one, but still.) Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ceiling" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CEILING Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > U Floyd | Floyd | There is no path that leads upward, and while you can float, Floyd | you cannot fly! Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. As it does, you gently return to Floyd | the ground. Floyd | Floyd | "All right," the voice says. "I have discharged my duty. You've Floyd | received your training, and I've just placed some ampules in the Floyd | mailbox outside that should help you in your quest. If you encounter Floyd | other spells along the way, feel free to use them - but don't go more Floyd | than two levels above your base skill level. Good luck." She clears Floyd | her throat. "FORPELI!" Floyd | Floyd | For a terrifying moment you feel as though you are free-falling in Floyd | every direction at once! Then all is still, and you find yourself... Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take all from mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE ALL FROM MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | large ampule of clear fluid: Removed. Floyd | ampule of bubbly fluid: Your hands are already too full to pick up Floyd | something as cumbersome as the ampule of bubbly fluid! Floyd | ampule of rainbow fluid: Your hands are already too full to pick up Floyd | something as cumbersome as the ampule of rainbow fluid! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | a wand Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a rock Floyd | twenty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put rock in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT ROCK IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the rock into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put leaflet in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT LEAFLET IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the leaflet into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put gold in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT GOLD IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | It's already there! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take all from mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE ALL FROM MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | ampule of bubbly fluid: Removed. Floyd | ampule of rainbow fluid: Removed. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You try the door - locked! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "malsxlosi door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You are not my mistress! the spirit of the door replies, directly into Floyd | your mind. Spooky! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. If we sounded like the sorceress, the door might be fooled." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 3 * >KOLORIGI FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Colour of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Anothyr. Floyd | Both Objeckts must be in thy immydiate Possessionne. Floyd | * Level 3 * >SONORI FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Soundde of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Anothyr. Floyd | Both must use ye Soundde for *Communickation*; ye Soundde of ye Floyd | Thyngge falling onto ye Floore doth not countte. Floyd | * Level 3 * >OVIDIO FROM Floyd | A Spelle to meyke ye Materialle of one Thyngge lyke unto that of Floyd | Anothyr. Both Objeckts must be in thy immydiate Possessionne, and both Floyd | must be Organick, unless ye also holdde ye Philo-Sopher's Stonne. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | <<NONE>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "knock on door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK ON DOOR Floyd | Floyd | There is no reply! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | As you proceed down the path you hear a grinding sound behind you, and Floyd | you turn to find the stone strips criss-crossing the path rising up Floyd | out of the ground to form a labyrinth of stone walls! Returning to the Floyd | sorceress's house just got a lot more difficult...! Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SW Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SE Floyd | Floyd | The tavern is closed! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open tavern" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN TAVERN Floyd | Floyd | That's not something you can open. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | The tavern is closed! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "knock on door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK ON DOOR Floyd | Floyd | There is no reply! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "malsxlosi door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You can only MALSXLOSI magical doors! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x tavern" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TAVERN Floyd | Floyd | It is the tavern you were in a while ago! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb tavern" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLIMB TAVERN Floyd | Floyd | That doesn't seem to be something you can climb! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search tavern" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SEARCH TAVERN Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 12 Floyd | Dexterity: 14 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 9 Floyd | Wisdom: 9 Floyd | Charisma: 10 Floyd | Hit points: 200 Floyd | Hunger: low Floyd | Weariness: low Floyd | Base magical skill: Level 1 Floyd | Magical energy: low Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | a wand Floyd | twenty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a rock Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads north to the village square and Floyd | south to a rickety bridge that spans a deep chasm; you can see the Floyd | dragon's cave on the other side. The ground near the foot of the Floyd | bridge is darkly stained. A cave smaller than the dragon's lair lies Floyd | to the east. Floyd | Floyd | A troll lurking by the bridge smirks at you. "Still at it?" it asks. Floyd | "Why? Killing the dragon won't make you rich and famous and it's Floyd | unlikely to improve your sex life. You must be doing it for the Floyd | attention." Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the southern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TROLL Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 7 Floyd | Dexterity: 9 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 11 Floyd | Wisdom: 7 Floyd | Charisma: 3 Floyd | Hit points: 0 Floyd | Floyd | Description: A squat, mottled, pustulent creature, about half your Floyd | height. Floyd | Floyd | As you take in these details, the troll starts quivering in Floyd | unspeakable ecstasy. "You're paying attention to me, you're paying Floyd | attention to me!" it shrieks. Floyd | Floyd | A knight on horseback comes charging in from the north, blowing right Floyd | by you and the troll. "Never fear, villagers!" he declares as he Floyd | passes. "I'll rid your land of this fiendish monster!" You watch as he Floyd | races across the bridge and into the dragon's cave. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x knight" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X KNIGHT Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to lonk" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO LONK Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO TROLL Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen to troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN TO TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You pay close attention to the sound of the troll! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put clear ampule in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT CLEAR AMPULE IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the large ampule of clear fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a blood-curdling scream from the dragon's cave. It is not the Floyd | scream of a dragon. The troll laughs uproariously. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | "So little accomplished, yet still you plug away at your inane quest," Floyd | the troll sighs. "Any lesser man would have taken a hot bath and Floyd | opened his veins. But not you!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ovidio me from troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OVIDIO ME FROM TROLL Floyd | Floyd | SOMETHING TERRIBLY WRONG IS HAPPENING TO YOU. SOMETHING TERRIBLY WR-- Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have died *** | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | You rub your eyes, stretch, and get out of bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a key Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a dart Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are standing in a nondescript hallway: plain white walls, a Floyd | threadbare runner carpet. The door to your bedroom is at one end of Floyd | the hallway, the first door on the right-hand side at the top of a Floyd | flight of stairs that spirals downward to an unseen lower floor. There Floyd | is no other end to the hallway; it stretches on forever to the north, Floyd | with doors at regular intervals. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | You follow the curving staircase downward... Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Porch Floyd | This is a rectangular porch that extends along the entire length of Floyd | the front of the house, whose front door lies to the north. A wooden Floyd | railing, about waist high, runs along the border of the porch, and Floyd | steps lead down to the beach. Floyd | Floyd | The beach, however, is packed solid with trolls from the waterline all Floyd | the way up to a magical barrier just in front of the house. It's more Floyd | than a little alarming to see the hundreds upon hundreds of them just Floyd | inches away, with nothing visible between you, but the barrier seems Floyd | to be holding. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x trolls" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X TROLLS Floyd | Floyd | Even a creature that's lovable in isolation tends to repulse when Floyd | there are enough of them. A kitten is cute; a writhing mass of Floyd | hundreds of kittens is disturbing. Now imagine how loathsome a troll Floyd | is by itself, and multiply by several hundred. The tableau before you Floyd | is unutterably vile. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x lonk" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X LONK Floyd | Floyd | [!: Noun error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb barrier" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > CLIMB BARRIER Floyd | Floyd | Maybe you had best let the barrier be. It seems like the sort of thing Floyd | that might stop working if you think about it too much. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x barrier" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X BARRIER Floyd | Floyd | Nothing indicates that the barrier is even there other than the fact Floyd | that the trolls don't swarm into the house. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch barrier" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TOUCH BARRIER Floyd | Floyd | [!: Verb error.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen to barrier" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN TO BARRIER Floyd | Floyd | Maybe you had best let the barrier be. It seems like the sort of thing Floyd | that might stop working if you think about it too much. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "oh. I wonder how Lonk would be as a fish?" | |
borowski says, "heh" | ||
borowski asks, "Can you cast spells on NPC's?" | ||
DavidW says, "I don't know. Not Kolorigi, but perhaps either sonori or ovidio." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, LABYRINTH, MACHINE, DRAGON, Floyd | KNIGHTS. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter portal" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER PORTAL Floyd | Floyd | You climb onto the table, and as your foot touches the square engraved Floyd | upon it that represents the tavern, you feel the world turn Floyd | inside-out... | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a '64 Chateu Le Mont (excellent Floyd | vintage!). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 5 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 7 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 11 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 9 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 13 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 16 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 17 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 16 for 32 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 11 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 11 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 17 for 34 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 18 for 36 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 12 for 24 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a triple 15 for 45 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 20 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing. The game of darts has no more to Floyd | teach you! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NW Floyd | Floyd | On your way out, a tavern bouncer frisks you. "Okay, yer clean," he Floyd | grumbles, and lets you go. Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | You are very tired. The urge to sleep is overpowering! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You slump down onto the dusty ground, too tired to find proper Floyd | lodgings. Sleep is immediate. | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | ...zzzzzzz... | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | You are woken by someone tugging on your sleeve! You squint and see
Floyd | that it is an old man.
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's you!" he gasps. "The chosen one!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "I am-- well, my name is not important," the old man says. "But the Floyd | prophecies have spoken of one who would free this poor land from the Floyd | ravages of the dragon who lives to the south!" He pauses. "It will not Floyd | be easy," he warns. "First you must prove your mettle. This quest will Floyd | test your body, mind, and heart! For you must perform a feat of Floyd | strength, outwit a fiendishly complex machine, and win the affections Floyd | of a mysterious sorceress to defeat the dragon!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "I can say no more!" the old man cries. He runs off down the road and Floyd | into the wilderness. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Shoreline (exits: W E) Floyd | The path, and everything else, comes to an end here at the grim, rocky Floyd | shoreline. Sitting beside the pier is a fisherman. At the moment he Floyd | has set his fishing pole aside to fry up a fish in a pan over a Floyd | campfire. Undoubtedly it's one of the mackerel he has in a pail beside Floyd | him... and the smell makes your stomach rumble! You're starting to Floyd | feel rather hungry. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy fish" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY FISH Floyd | Floyd | (the mackerel) Floyd | "Twelve gold for a fish out of the pail," the fisherman says. "Fifteen Floyd | if you want a fried one. You want cooked or uncooked?" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "uncooked" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNCOOKED Floyd | Floyd | "Twelve gold," the fisherman says. You hand him the requested sum and Floyd | his eyes go wide - apparently he hadn't expected you'd actually pay Floyd | that much for a single fish! He gives you your mackerel, then, Floyd | chuckling to himself, packs up his belongings and makes himself scarce Floyd | before you have a chance to realize you've been had. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put fish in pcoket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT FISH IN PCOKET Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a mackerel Floyd | forty-eight gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put mackerel in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT MACKEREL IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the mackerel into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NE Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A black cat blinks curiously at you from a window sill; Floyd | as you approach, it hops down and skitters away. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | You open the mailbox, revealing a leaflet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read it" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ IT Floyd | Floyd | "WELCOME TO NAMELESS QUEST v2.0.12! Floyd | Floyd | NAMELESS QUEST is a game of adventure, danger, and low cunning. In it Floyd | you will explore some of the most amazing territory ever seen by Floyd | mortals. No BBS should be without one! And Endless BBS isn't! Hehehe." Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by fifty points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put it in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT IT IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the leaflet into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "knock on door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK ON DOOR Floyd | Floyd | A woman's voice calls out, "MALSXLOSI." Then you hear a resounding Floyd | CHUNK!! sound. Was that the door unlocking? Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Cottage (exits: NONE!) Floyd | The cottage is smaller on the inside than it looks from the outside, Floyd | and is nearly empty, furnished only with a rickety wooden table. Floyd | Somehow, there are no exits - not even the door you walked in through! Floyd | Where did it go? Floyd | Floyd | "I am told you are the chosen one," says the woman's voice, cold but Floyd | soft. "I am-- well, my name is not important." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "As the chosen one, you are naturally endowed with a certain amount of Floyd | magical energy," the voice says. "Not as much as someone who has Floyd | studied sorcery, but enough to cast Level 1 spells. To cast stronger Floyd | ones, you will need some assistance." Floyd | Floyd | A wand magically appears on the table in front of you. "Take the Floyd | wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | As you pick up the wand, you feel a pricking sensation against your Floyd | thumb. You notice that the base of the wand is equipped with a small Floyd | needle! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "The wand is actually a hollow tube," the voice says. "To cast a Level Floyd | 2 or Level 3 spell, you will insert an ampule of a potion into the Floyd | wand. Squeeze the wand, and the ampule will be crushed and the potion Floyd | will flow through the needle into your bloodstream, charging you with Floyd | its magical energy. The effect does not last long, and you must cast Floyd | the spell while you are still energized!" Floyd | Floyd | A ampule of cloudy fluid appears on the table. "Let's try it," the Floyd | voice says. "Take the ampule." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take ampule" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMPULE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | A slender spellbook appears on the table before you. "This spellbook Floyd | will magically track what ampules you have in your possession and Floyd | instruct you in the proper formation of your spells," the voice says. Floyd | "I'll give you a few moments before we proceed. First, take the book Floyd | and read it - it should only take a moment. Then put the ampule into Floyd | the wand, and we can continue." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read it" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ IT Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 2 * >SXVEBI Floyd | A spelle to ryse off ye Growndde. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | <<NONE>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put ampule in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT AMPULE IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the ampule of cloudy fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | "Now squeeze the wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | "Quick!" the voice says. "Cast the spell just like the book says: Floyd | SXVEBI!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sxvebi" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SXVEBI Floyd | Floyd | You feel your stomach lurch and look down to find that you are Floyd | suddenly floating several inches off the ground! You've cast a Floyd | levitation spell! (A weak one, but still.) Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. As it does, you gently return to Floyd | the ground. Floyd | Floyd | "All right," the voice says. "I have discharged my duty. You've Floyd | received your training, and I've just placed some ampules in the Floyd | mailbox outside that should help you in your quest. If you encounter Floyd | other spells along the way, feel free to use them - but don't go more Floyd | than two levels above your base skill level. Good luck." She clears Floyd | her throat. "FORPELI!" Floyd | Floyd | For a terrifying moment you feel as though you are free-falling in Floyd | every direction at once! Then all is still, and you find yourself... Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take all from mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE ALL FROM MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | large ampule of clear fluid: Removed. Floyd | ampule of bubbly fluid: Removed. Floyd | ampule of rainbow fluid: Removed. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by three points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | As you proceed down the path you hear a grinding sound behind you, and Floyd | you turn to find the stone strips criss-crossing the path rising up Floyd | out of the ground to form a labyrinth of stone walls! Returning to the Floyd | sorceress's house just got a lot more difficult...! Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SW Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf6" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: Floyd | %% Save file: cf6 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | Saved! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads north to the village square and Floyd | south to a rickety bridge that spans a deep chasm; you can see the Floyd | dragon's cave on the other side. The ground near the foot of the Floyd | bridge is darkly stained. A cave smaller than the dragon's lair lies Floyd | to the east. Floyd | Floyd | A troll lurks by the bridge, flipping through a book titled Floyd | English Usage. When it sees you, it straightens up with a Floyd | start and quickly flings the book into the chasm. "A new adventurer!" Floyd | it shrieks. "Have you come to free us from the dragon? Then I, Lonk Floyd | the Troll, would like to thank you for your courage and bravery! Floyd | Please accept this obsequious smile as a token of gratitude." You have Floyd | a sneaking suspicion this greeting is not heartfelt. Floyd | Floyd | A red pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the southern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put clear in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT CLEAR IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the large ampule of clear fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take mackerel" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE MACKEREL Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | The troll shakes its head at you. "You are so dull, I almost pity Floyd | you," it says. "Almost." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | The troll shakes its head at you. "You are so dull, I almost pity Floyd | you," it says. "Almost." Floyd | Floyd | A knight on horseback comes charging in from the north, blowing right Floyd | by you and the troll. "Never fear, villagers!" he declares as he Floyd | passes. "I'll rid your land of this fiendish monster!" You watch as he Floyd | races across the bridge and into the dragon's cave. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ovidio troll from mackerel" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OVIDIO TROLL FROM MACKEREL Floyd | Floyd | You are not holding the troll! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | Your cloak has a pocket! It is where you keep your money. Right now Floyd | you have 48 gold. Your pocket also contains a leaflet. Floyd | Floyd | You hear a blood-curdling scream from the dragon's cave. It is not the Floyd | scream of a dragon. The troll laughs uproariously. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE TROLL Floyd | Floyd | Your hands are already too full to pick up something as cumbersome as Floyd | the troll! Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Southern End of Village (exits: N E S) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ovidio cloak from troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OVIDIO CLOAK FROM TROLL Floyd | Floyd | You are not holding the troll! Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. Floyd | Floyd | "Have you still not solved this puerile 'adventure'?" the troll Floyd | asks. "You're not sharp enough to skewer a cube of tofu, are you?" Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. It let me ovidio me from troll. Perhaps ovidio-ing me always fails." | |
DavidW asks, "How would a troll know about tofu?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give coin to troll" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GIVE COIN TO TROLL Floyd | Floyd | The troll takes your coin and, giggling, stands aside. You proceed Floyd | onto the bridge. "Enjoy your ostentatious suicide and the eternal Floyd | damnation it implies!" the troll calls after you. Floyd | Floyd | Bridge (exits: N S) Floyd | You are crossing a rickety bridge that sways unnervingly with your Floyd | every step. Far below you, and visible between the slats of the Floyd | bridge, is the bottom of a deep chasm. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take slat" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE SLAT Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | Jump into the chasm? You would surely be splattered if you attempted Floyd | this! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "jump" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > JUMP Floyd | Floyd | This would mean certain death! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "jump" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > JUMP Floyd | Floyd | You throw yourself into the chasm, and perish gruesomely upon impact. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have died *** | DavidW says, "oh well" | |
borowski says, "Weeee" | ||
DavidW says, "I was hoping to turn the troll into a large fish that I could tempt the rocs with." | ||
DavidW says, "Dead trolls liquify, so I don't even have a corpse to use." | ||
DavidW asks, "hmm. I can turn the cloak fishy. Maybe I'm supposed to turn the fish cloaky instead?" | ||
borowski says, "I broke down and talked to the doubles. They mentioned two spells that I haven't seen anywhere else in the game." | ||
DavidW asks, "Do you know their effects or just their names?" | ||
borowski says, "In one case both, in the other just the name." | ||
DavidW says, "well, if it's Esperanto, I can guess the effect." | ||
DavidW asks, "What names?" | ||
borowski says, "ORANGXO and POVO." | ||
DavidW says, "well, orangxo is the name of the fruit we call an orange." | ||
borowski says, "With the first, the effect was mentioned." | ||
DavidW says, "POVO means power, or ability." | ||
DavidW says, "POVI is the verb 'to be able to'." | ||
borowski asks, "Did you try taking the rock into the cottage?" | ||
DavidW says, "I suppose ORANGXO simply conjures an orange." | ||
DavidW says (to borowski), "I did, but the voice said nothing about the rock." | ||
Lionheart arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | borowski says, "ORANGXO is a specific version of KOLORIGI, not requiring an ampule." | |
DavidW says, "oh, that's not proper Esperanto, then. The verb to turn something orange is ORANGXOKOLORIGI." | ||
DavidW says, "oops ORANGXAKOLORIGI. Typo!" | ||
DavidW says, "In Esperanto, orangxo is the fruit, and orangxakoloro is the colour." | ||
borowski asks, "How is that pronounced?" | ||
DavidW says, "or-anj-ah-ko-LO-ro." | ||
Lionheart says, "Sure. I'd probably not use infinitives but imperatives for Esperanto spellcasting. Like: "ORANG^KOLORIG^U!"" | ||
Lionheart says, "Or in English: "Turn orange!"" | ||
DavidW says (to Lionheart), "I agree. The spells ought to end in -U." | ||
DavidW says, "But if Harry Potter can used tortured Latin for its spells, no reason this game can't use slightly-tortured Esperanto." | ||
borowski says, "oh another new spell." | ||
Lionheart says, "It _can_, but it'd be better if it didn't." | ||
DavidW says (to borowski), "The 'x' in Esperanto words is used in x-notation; the 'x' really means that the previous letter ought to be written with a ^ accent mark on top." | ||
borowski says, "Ah." | ||
Lionheart says, "Or a breve in the case of UX. Yeah, x-notation is a common ASCII workaround." | ||
borowski says, "That makes more sense. It seemed like 'orangxo' would be impossible to say with english phonetics." | ||
DavidW says, "So the 'gx' really means g^, which is pronounced like our j. Likewise, 'sx' is 's^', is pronounced like our 'sh'." | ||
Lionheart says, "Though I think using ^ as a postfix looks much better." | ||
DavidW says, "There's also h-notation." | ||
Lionheart can see a dream in your dance. Lionheart can see tomorrow in your dance. We can call it, "our hope"! | borowski says, "csb" | |
borowski reminds you, "Due to the continuing narrative nature of our show, please do not divulge the contents of story lines to anyone. This script is for your eyes only. Thank you for your cooperation." | ||
borowski arrives, full of fun and funk. | Lionheart says, "h-notation is deprecated." | |
DavidW says (to Lionheart), "oh? I'm not up on what's going on." | ||
DavidW asks, "So why would h-notation be deprecated? Too anglocentric?" | ||
Lionheart says, "Zamenhof proposed the h-notation, but it leads to ambiguities that x-notation does not." | ||
Lionheart arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | DavidW asks (of borowski), "so, I'm kinda spinning in place here. Do you have any suggestions how we should proceed?" | |
Lionheart says, "Also, the x-system works much better for sorting." | ||
borowski says (to DavidW), "Yes, but it comes from the hint doubles, if that's OK." | ||
DavidW says, "hm. well, if it comes from the hint doubles, let's get it direct from them." | ||
borowski says, "kk" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | You rub your eyes, stretch, and get out of bed. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | %% Critical error. Floyd | %% Message: Input generation number does not match. Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 1 | ||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | Lionheart says, "Esperanto dictionary order treats the C^ as a letter between C and D - So you would want "ci" to sort before "cxu". But "chu" would be sorted before" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "endless" | ||
Floyd says (to borowski), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." | borowski asks, "How do you start him up?" | |
DavidW says, "It's 'load something keyword'." | ||
Lionheart says, "Tamen, iu pensas, ke la ikso-sistemo aspektas klingone." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "load sleepmask endless" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | ATDT3635377 | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | ATDT3635377 Floyd | CONNECT 1200 | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | CONNECT 1200 Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | **************************************** Floyd | * * Floyd | * / * Floyd | * ENDLESS BBS // 172-END-LESS * Floyd | * / * Floyd | * * Floyd | * (c) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 * Floyd | * * Floyd | * SysOp: Endless * Floyd | * * Floyd | * Co-SysOpz: * Floyd | * Bordz: Lninja, Ultrex * Floyd | * Gamez: Nameless, Warden * Floyd | * Warez: Crossbolt * Floyd | * * Floyd | **************************************** | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | **************************************** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | ENDLESS BBS MENU Floyd | B>ordz C>hatz Floyd | G>amez M>ailz Floyd | W>arez Q>uitz Floyd | Floyd | 120 MINUTEZ REMAINING! Floyd | (10 Std) B C G M W Q>> | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | (10 Std) B C G M W Q>> G Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | A>dventure Floyd | N>ameless Quest v2.0.12 Floyd | M>ain menu Floyd | Floyd | 119 MINUTEZ REMAINING! Floyd | (10 Std) A N M>> | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | (10 Std) A N M>> N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Quest v2.0.12 Floyd | by Nameless Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a grog. Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "cf8" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf8
Floyd | [Restored.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
borowski says (to floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, LABYRINTH, ROC'S NEST, SHORELINE, Floyd | KNIGHTS. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski asks, "Is that the latest saved game?" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "cf9" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf9 Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0 | ||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | DavidW says, "Hard to tell." | |
borowski says (to floyd), "load sleepmask endless" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | ATDT3635377 | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | ATDT3635377 Floyd | CONNECT 1200 | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | CONNECT 1200 Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | **************************************** Floyd | * * Floyd | * / * Floyd | * ENDLESS BBS // 172-END-LESS * Floyd | * / * Floyd | * * Floyd | * (c) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 * Floyd | * * Floyd | * SysOp: Endless * Floyd | * * Floyd | * Co-SysOpz: * Floyd | * Bordz: Lninja, Ultrex * Floyd | * Gamez: Nameless, Warden * Floyd | * Warez: Crossbolt * Floyd | * * Floyd | **************************************** | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | **************************************** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | ENDLESS BBS MENU Floyd | B>ordz C>hatz Floyd | G>amez M>ailz Floyd | W>arez Q>uitz Floyd | Floyd | 120 MINUTEZ REMAINING! Floyd | (10 Std) B C G M W Q>> | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | (10 Std) B C G M W Q>> G Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | A>dventure Floyd | N>ameless Quest v2.0.12 Floyd | M>ain menu Floyd | Floyd | 119 MINUTEZ REMAINING! Floyd | (10 Std) A N M>> | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | (10 Std) A N M>> N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Quest v2.0.12 Floyd | by Nameless Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a grog. Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I thought my last save was cf6" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore: | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "cf8" | ||
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf8
Floyd | [Restored.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, LABYRINTH, ROC'S NEST, SHORELINE, Floyd | KNIGHTS. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "I think cf8 is just before going into the portal" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "talk to weapon shop" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO WEAPON SHOP Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to the weapon shop expert Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What hints can you give me about the weapon shop? Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | borowski says, "err, let's talk to tavern guy" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Library Floyd | This is a small room whose walls are lined with overflowing bookcases. Floyd | At the center of the room are two comfortable-looking chairs, each Floyd | with a round table beside it; on each table is a lamp. The wall across Floyd | from the entrance is dominated by a bay window, through which warm Floyd | light streams. Floyd | Floyd | The first alter ego you met sits in one of the chairs, reading his Floyd | newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, LABYRINTH, ROC'S NEST, SHORELINE, Floyd | KNIGHTS. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | TV Room Floyd | The lights are off in this room, but you can still see reasonably Floyd | well, thanks to the glow of the boxy big-screen television. And what Floyd | you see is a room full of clones of you, all in adventurers' cloaks, Floyd | sitting on battered couches watching Rocky IV on Betamax. An Floyd | archway leads north into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: TAVERN, DRAGON, TROLLS, DWARVES. (Some of these Floyd | alternate versions of you are chatting with each other and no one Floyd | seems to mind.) Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, Rocky's plane lands in Russia, represented in this movie by Floyd | the state of Wyoming. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "talk to tavern" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO TAVERN Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to the tavern expert Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What hints can you give me about the tavern? Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "What hints can you give me about the tavern?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Now that you're a dart expert, your next task is to get the darts out
Floyd | of the tavern," your double says. "You can't just stroll out with
Floyd | them, even if they're hidden in your pocket, because the bouncers will
Floyd | search you. You'll need to get out some other way."
Floyd |
Floyd | On the TV, Apollo's former coach plays chess against one of the
Floyd | official Soviet chaperones and checkmates him with a g7++. It's an
Floyd | easy win, as the Soviet's pawn structure is atrocious.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to the tavern expert
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What other hints can you give me about the tavern?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Thanks for the hint!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| DavidW asks, "oh. Forpeli?" | |
DavidW says, "Example we're not magical enough to cast forpeli." | ||
borowski says, "Yeah, no magic." | ||
DavidW says, "And yeah, it has to be done before any of the rest of the town, I guess." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "What other hints can you give me about the tavern?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "You're in a tavern," your alter ego says. "What other ways can you
Floyd | leave a tavern other than by your own power?"
Floyd |
Floyd | On the TV, Apollo's former coach, Duke, tells Rocky that when Apollo
Floyd | died, part of Duke died, but that now, Rocky is the one.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to the tavern expert
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Are you saying I should pick a fight in the tavern?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Are you saying I should drink until they have to carry me
Floyd | out?
Floyd | >>SAY 3 : Thanks for the hint!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| DavidW says, "I don't remember another visible exit." | |
DavidW says, "Like, no bathroom window, for example." | ||
borowski says, "Your thinking of the Beatles." | ||
DavidW asks, "So, fight or drink, maybe, huh?" | ||
borowski says, "1" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "Are you saying I should pick a fight in the tavern?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Not exactly, but I see where you're coming from," your double says.
Floyd | "The problem is that guys with our stats aren't going to win a bar
Floyd | fight. Hard to succeed in your quest after you've been beaten to a
Floyd | pulp."
Floyd |
Floyd | On the TV, Rocky goes for a jog, passing a babushka in a headscarf and
Floyd | a man driving a team of horses; meanwhile, Drago works out in an
Floyd | advanced facility full of blinking LEDs and green computer screens.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to the tavern expert
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Are you saying I should drink until they have to carry me
Floyd | out?
Floyd | >>SAY 2 : Thanks for the hint!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| DavidW says, "Well, if we can get the red darts out, it's clear we ought to turn a red dart purple in the weapons shop." | |
borowski says, "Yeah." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >>
Floyd | > SAY 1
Floyd |
Floyd | "Are you saying I should drink until they have to carry me out?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "That is what I am saying," your double says. "But just drinking until
Floyd | you pass out isn't going to do the trick. They'll just let you sleep
Floyd | it off. You're going to have to find a way to call attention to your
Floyd | drunkenness in such a way that they just want to be rid of you and
Floyd | might not search you all that carefully..."
Floyd |
Floyd | On the TV, Drago trains on complex equipment, electrodes taped to his
Floyd | chest; Rocky trains by chopping wood and lifting rocks.
Floyd | ---
Floyd | speaking to the tavern expert
Floyd | >>SAY 1 : Thanks for the hint!
Floyd | ---
Floyd |
Floyd | >>
| DavidW says, "right. We need to vomit." | |
borowski says, "heh" | ||
DavidW says, "One drink ought to be enough, though." | ||
borowski says, "I think there is another hint, but we have to try those first." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 1 Floyd | Floyd | "Thanks for the hint!" Floyd | Floyd | "Don't mention it," your double says. Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, Drago receives an injection of anabolic steroids. "Hearts Floyd | on fire! Strong desire!" exclaims John Cafferty. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Shall we return to the tavern?" | |
borowski says, "In general, you only get certain hints after trying all obvious options." | ||
borowski says, "yeah" | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: WEAPON SHOP, LABYRINTH, ROC'S NEST, SHORELINE, Floyd | KNIGHTS. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "enter portal" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER PORTAL Floyd | Floyd | You climb onto the table, and as your foot touches the square engraved Floyd | upon it that represents the tavern, you feel the world turn Floyd | inside-out... | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a Wizard's Potion. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 2 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 10 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 7 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 13 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 14 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 18 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 19 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 12 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 18 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 14 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts. throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS. THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 19 for 38 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a bullseye for 50 points! The Floyd | other patrons of the tavern cheer! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a triple 19 for 57 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing. The game of darts has no more to Floyd | teach you! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "put darts in cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT DARTS IN CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put darts in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT DARTS IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | Nothing is available! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "sorry, I'll let you lead" | |
DavidW says, "ok" | ||
Lionheart says, "Thinking more about conlang spells: Lojban would have a nice flavor for magical incantations. Like reprogramming the universe with logical propositions." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY GROG Floyd | Floyd | "That's twenny gold," the bartender says. You hand over the requested Floyd | sum and the bartender serves you your drink. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drink grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DRINK GROG Floyd | Floyd | You down the grog in a few gulps. The room immediately starts Floyd | spinning. Powerful stuff! You return the mug to the bartender, reeling Floyd | a little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "vomit on bartender" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > VOMIT ON BARTENDER Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw up" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW UP Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to throw the up above at? Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "heh" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw up at bartender" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW UP AT BARTENDER Floyd | Floyd | You're not holding the up above! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "fight bartender" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > FIGHT BARTENDER Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "attack bartender" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ATTACK BARTENDER Floyd | Floyd | You walk over to pick a fight with the bartender, but the last Floyd | remaining shred of your good judgment tells you that you know better Floyd | than that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push candle" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUSH CANDLE Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "break table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BREAK TABLE Floyd | Floyd | That attack is not necessary to win Nameless Quest v2.0.12! Floyd | (Note to players of v1: this isn't a combat game anymore, so maybe try Floyd | more brain and less brawn? --Nameless) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUSH TABLE Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "burp" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BURP Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "belch" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BELCH Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > XYZZY Floyd | Floyd | A hollow voice says, "Hehe, I have also played Adventure! Good one!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY GROG Floyd | Floyd | "That's twenny gold," the bartender says. You hand over the requested Floyd | sum and the bartender serves you your drink. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pour grog on cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > POUR GROG ON CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | You pour the grog down the drain in the corner of the tavern and Floyd | return the mug to the bartender. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x drain" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X DRAIN Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing special about the drain! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in dragin" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK IN DRAGIN Floyd | Floyd | That is not a compass direction! Try >LOOK (or >L) to look around, and Floyd | >LOOK AT or >EXAMINE (or >X) to look at an object! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in drain" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LOOK IN DRAIN Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing special about the drain! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | There is no path that leads downward! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter drain" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER DRAIN Floyd | Floyd | That's not something you can enter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw grog at person" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW GROG AT PERSON Floyd | Floyd | You should probably select a better projectile, or target, or both! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw grog at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW GROG AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | The only thing you're supposed to throw at a dartboard is a dart! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "you ain't drunk 'nuff" | |
DavidW says, "We only have enough gold for three drinks." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | a mug o' grog Floyd | twenty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | three red darts Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "drink grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DRINK GROG Floyd | Floyd | You down the grog in a few gulps. The room immediately starts Floyd | spinning. Powerful stuff! You return the mug to the bartender, reeling Floyd | a little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "vomit" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > VOMIT Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "jump" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > JUMP Floyd | Floyd | You jump. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dance" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DANCE Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SING Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "throw up" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW UP Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to throw the up above at? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "get on table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GET ON TABLE Floyd | Floyd | You start to clamber up onto the table, but the last remaining shred Floyd | of your good judgment tells you that you know better than that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "get on bar" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GET ON BAR Floyd | Floyd | You start to clamber up onto the bar, but the last remaining shred of Floyd | your good judgment tells you that you know better than that. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "huh" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | twenty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | three red darts Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "hit person" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > HIT PERSON Floyd | Floyd | You walk up to a stranger and punch him in the face. The beating you Floyd | receive in return becomes the talk of the town for years afterward! Floyd | You don't remember much of it, and are still quite dazed when you come Floyd | to hours later. Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | You are very tired. The urge to sleep is overpowering! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "throw down" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DOWN Floyd | Floyd | (at the rags) Floyd | You should probably select a better projectile, or target, or both! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | some rags Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x rags" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X RAGS Floyd | Floyd | You look like a beggar! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "We lost our gold and the darts?" | |
borowski says, "Climbing on the table was the right idea. I wonder why it didn't work." | ||
DavidW asks, "I guess we needed to drink a third beer?" | ||
borowski says, "Or you sobered up between drinks." | ||
borowski says, "Or, maybe, certain things only work if you've received the right hint in the after world." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm not sure what to do now." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | You can barely take another step. Not only are you exhausted, but Floyd | you're still woozy from being beaten! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | Strength: 12 Floyd | Dexterity: 10 Floyd | Constitution: 11 Floyd | Intelligence: 8 Floyd | Wisdom: 9 Floyd | Charisma: 7 Floyd | Hit points: 55 Floyd | Hunger: low Floyd | Weariness: EXTREME Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | some rags Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | You will die if you don't get some sleep soon! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | You try to force yourself to stay awake just one moment longer, but Floyd | instead you drop dead! Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** You have died *** | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | You are in a spare, wallpapered bedroom. It has the basic furnishings, Floyd | but little more: a queen bed, bedside table with lamp, dresser with Floyd | mirror, and, in a nice touch, an overhead ceiling fan. On one side of Floyd | the bed is a wall safe. On the other side is a large window; the Floyd | frilly blue curtains are open. Along the adjacent wall, next to the Floyd | dresser, is a half-open door leading to the bathroom; another door is Floyd | set into the wall across from the window. Floyd | Floyd | You rub your eyes, stretch, and get out of bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "You wanted us dead?" | |
borowski says, "Yeah, I want to see about something." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are standing in a nondescript hallway: plain white walls, a Floyd | threadbare runner carpet. The door to your bedroom is at one end of Floyd | the hallway, the first door on the right-hand side at the top of a Floyd | flight of stairs that spirals downward to an unseen lower floor. There Floyd | is no other end to the hallway; it stretches on forever to the north, Floyd | with doors at regular intervals. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | You follow the curving staircase downward... Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: LABYRINTH, MAGIC, MACHINE, DWARVES. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | TV Room Floyd | The lights are off in this room, but you can still see reasonably Floyd | well, thanks to the glow of the boxy big-screen television. And what Floyd | you see is a room full of clones of you, all in adventurers' cloaks, Floyd | sitting on battered couches watching Rocky IV on Betamax. An Floyd | archway leads north into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: COTTAGE, ROC'S NEST, TROLLS, JEWELRY SHOP, Floyd | KNIGHTS. (Some of these alternate versions of you are chatting with Floyd | each other and no one seems to mind.) Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, James Brown sinks to his knees. Danny Ray drapes a cape Floyd | over him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | It looks like this kitchen has been updated piecemeal. The sleek black Floyd | refrigerator with in-door water and ice dispensers is clearly one of Floyd | the latest models, while the beige and brown buttons on the wood-grain Floyd | microwave speak of an earlier generation, and the loudly chugging teal Floyd | dishwasher a generation before that. The oven is of indeterminate age, Floyd | though the fact that the clock on it is analog rather than digital Floyd | suggests a relatively early date. A screen door leads north to the Floyd | backyard, while an archway to the south will return you to the TV Floyd | room. Floyd | Floyd | One of your doubles tidies up the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Backyard Floyd | This is a small backyard, marked off by a tall wooden fence. A small Floyd | patio of volcanic rock tiles plays host to a grill, which a couple of Floyd | your doubles are tending to, while out on the grass stands a small Floyd | shed and a recycling bin. A gate leads east. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | It looks like this kitchen has been updated piecemeal. The sleek black Floyd | refrigerator with in-door water and ice dispensers is clearly one of Floyd | the latest models, while the beige and brown buttons on the wood-grain Floyd | microwave speak of an earlier generation, and the loudly chugging teal Floyd | dishwasher a generation before that. The oven is of indeterminate age, Floyd | though the fact that the clock on it is analog rather than digital Floyd | suggests a relatively early date. A screen door leads north to the Floyd | backyard, while an archway to the south will return you to the TV Floyd | room. Floyd | Floyd | One of your doubles tidies up the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | TV Room Floyd | The lights are off in this room, but you can still see reasonably Floyd | well, thanks to the glow of the boxy big-screen television. And what Floyd | you see is a room full of clones of you, all in adventurers' cloaks, Floyd | sitting on battered couches watching Rocky IV on Betamax. An Floyd | archway leads north into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: COTTAGE, ROC'S NEST, TROLLS, JEWELRY SHOP, Floyd | KNIGHTS. (Some of these alternate versions of you are chatting with Floyd | each other and no one seems to mind.) Floyd | Floyd | On the TV, it's Round 1 of the exhibition. Apollo Creed dances around Floyd | and throws the occasional punch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Foyer Floyd | You are standing in a small area of parquet at the bottom of the Floyd | stairs. The staircase back up to the second floor lies to the west; a Floyd | hallway leads north, and this one looks mercifully finite. To the east Floyd | is a dark room lit by flickering, ghostly light, and the door outside Floyd | is to the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: LABYRINTH, MAGIC, MACHINE, DWARVES. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Library Floyd | This is a small room whose walls are lined with overflowing bookcases. Floyd | At the center of the room are two comfortable-looking chairs, each Floyd | with a round table beside it; on each table is a lamp. The wall across Floyd | from the entrance is dominated by a bay window, through which warm Floyd | light streams. Floyd | Floyd | The first alter ego you met sits in one of the chairs, reading his Floyd | newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: LABYRINTH, MAGIC, MACHINE, DWARVES. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | There is no exit in that direction. [Type EXITS for a list of exits.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Library Floyd | This is a small room whose walls are lined with overflowing bookcases. Floyd | At the center of the room are two comfortable-looking chairs, each Floyd | with a round table beside it; on each table is a lamp. The wall across Floyd | from the entrance is dominated by a bay window, through which warm Floyd | light streams. Floyd | Floyd | The first alter ego you met sits in one of the chairs, reading his Floyd | newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: LABYRINTH, MAGIC, MACHINE, DWARVES. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Dining Room Floyd | This large, square room is dominated by a set of tables laden with Floyd | tantalizing comestibles. One table features hot wings and tandoori Floyd | chicken; another offers assorted varieties of pizza; a third is split Floyd | between pasta and enchiladas; there's also a snacking table with some Floyd | Mediterranean spreads and pita chips, and a table of plates and Floyd | napkins and things. And as no buffet would be complete without Floyd | dessert, one table is devoted to different types of pie. All around, Floyd | versions of you gorge themselves, either at fold-out tables or just Floyd | standing up. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: TAVERN, WEAPON SHOP, DRAGON, SHORELINE. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a plate here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "talk to tavern" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TALK TO TAVERN Floyd | Floyd | --- Floyd | speaking to the tavern expert Floyd | >>SAY 1 : What hints can you give me about the tavern? Floyd | --- Floyd | Floyd | >> | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "say 1" | ||
Floyd | >> Floyd | > SAY 1 Floyd | Floyd | "What hints can you give me about the tavern?" Floyd | Floyd | "I give up," the other you says. "Hide the darts in your pocket. Buy Floyd | grog and drink it, twice. That will knock your wisdom down. Now that Floyd | you can do idiotic things, stand on the table. The bouncers will be so Floyd | eager to throw you out into the street that they won't frisk you. Now Floyd | you can use the darts in your quest. Got it? If not, write it down, Floyd | because I'm not repeating all that." Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Thought we tried that." | |
borowski says, "Huh. You tried 'get on table.' I'm not sure why that didn't work." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Hallway Floyd | You are in a hallway with a slightly uneven, creaky wooden floor. Floyd | Archways to the north and west lead to large rooms full of adventurers Floyd | in brown cloaks; to the south is a foyer and, beyond that, the front Floyd | door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Game Room Floyd | This is a large room - apparently a later addition to the original Floyd | house, if the faux wood paneling and hideous mint-green shag carpeting Floyd | are anything to go by. In the near corner stand a quartet of arcade Floyd | cabinets, while at the other end of the room, near the entrance to the Floyd | library, is a pool table; a couple of adventurers are playing a game Floyd | of 9-ball. Empty and half-empty beer bottles are everywhere. Floyd | Floyd | A dartboard hangs on the wall opposite the main egress, which lies to Floyd | the south. There is a single hole in it. Floyd | Floyd | You scan the nametags of your doubles. Not everyone is wearing one, Floyd | but you do read these: LABYRINTH, MAGIC, MACHINE, DWARVES. Floyd | Floyd | The table once occupied by the gamers is no longer in use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "enter portal" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > ENTER PORTAL Floyd | Floyd | You climb onto the table, and as your foot touches the square engraved Floyd | upon it that represents the tavern, you feel the world turn Floyd | inside-out... | Lionheart says, "Because we weren't drunk enough to do it." | |
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Nameless Tavern (exits: NW) Floyd | You are standing in a large tavern with creaky wooden floors. Laughter Floyd | and commotion surround your every move while light flickers from Floyd | candles atop wooden tables. The bartender nods at you as he tends to Floyd | his customers. Floyd | Floyd | Type ABOUT to learn about Nameless Quest! Floyd | Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | Hanging on the wall is a dartboard. There are three red darts stuck in Floyd | it! Floyd | Floyd | Someone walks up to the bar and orders a grog. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "It only takes two drinks" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to throw those things at? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at board" | DavidW asks, "We had two drinks, didn't we? Or did we only drink the first of them?" | |
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 3 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 8 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 10 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 9 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 11 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 14 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 12 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 14 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 17 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 12 for 24 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 16 for 32 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores 11 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 19 for 38 points! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "throw darts at board" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW DARTS AT BOARD Floyd | Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a triple 16 for 48 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores an outer bullseye for 25 points! Floyd | red dart: You throw a dart. It scores a double 13 for 26 points! Floyd | Floyd | You feel your dexterity increasing. The game of darts has no more to Floyd | teach you! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take darts" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE DARTS Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "put darts in cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT DARTS IN CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "buy grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY GROG Floyd | Floyd | "That's twenny gold," the bartender says. You hand over the requested Floyd | sum and the bartender serves you your drink. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "drink grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DRINK GROG Floyd | Floyd | You down the grog in a few gulps. The room immediately starts Floyd | spinning. Powerful stuff! You return the mug to the bartender, reeling Floyd | a little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "buy grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY GROG Floyd | Floyd | "That's twenny gold," the bartender says. You hand over the requested Floyd | sum and the bartender serves you your drink. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "drink grog" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DRINK GROG Floyd | Floyd | You down the grog in a few gulps. The room immediately starts Floyd | spinning. Powerful stuff! You return the mug to the bartender, reeling Floyd | a little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "get on table" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > GET ON TABLE Floyd | Floyd | You drunkenly clamber onto the table. "Looka me, I'm TALL!" you Floyd | announce, before toppling off the table and onto the floor with a Floyd | thud. Floyd | Floyd | The bartender rolls his eyes and gestures to the bouncers, who drag Floyd | you outside. Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | You are very tired. The urge to sleep is overpowering! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | twenty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | three red darts Floyd | Floyd | Hey, it looks like the tavern bouncers didn't check you for purloined Floyd | darts when they hauled you out of there! Suckers. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf7" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: Floyd | %% Save file: cf7 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | Saved! Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Huh. That fits into my theory that some things can only be done after the hint is given." | |
DavidW says, "That wouldn't be fair." | ||
DavidW asks, "I think we must've failed to drink the second drink?" | ||
borowski says, "Let me try a fresh play through on my computer." | ||
borowski says, "It worked. We must have screwed up something." | ||
borowski says, "Or there was a bug. I didn't think you could fight before two drink either." | ||
borowski says, "Ah, you can 'hit person' with one drink but not 'attack bartender' or 'stand on table.'" | ||
DavidW asks, "So, we can haz broadsword now?" | ||
borowski says, "Oh, yeah I was dealing with the cat." | ||
borowski says, "She is not a fan of CF apparently." | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You can barely take another step. Not only are you exhausted, you're Floyd | still quite drunk! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You slump down onto the dusty ground, too tired to find proper Floyd | lodgings. Sleep is immediate. | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | ...zzzzzzz... | ||
borowski pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | You are woken by someone tugging on your sleeve! You squint and see
Floyd | that it is an old man.
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's you!" he gasps. "The chosen one!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "I am-- well, my name is not important," the old man says. "But the Floyd | prophecies have spoken of one who would free this poor land from the Floyd | ravages of the dragon who lives to the south!" He pauses. "It will not Floyd | be easy," he warns. "First you must prove your mettle. This quest will Floyd | test your body, mind, and heart! For you must perform a feat of Floyd | strength, outwit a fiendishly complex machine, and win the affections Floyd | of a mysterious sorceress to defeat the dragon!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | The old man grabs you by the wrist. "No, you must stay!" he insists. Floyd | Floyd | "I can say no more!" the old man cries. He runs off down the road and Floyd | into the wilderness. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NE Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a small cottage. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A black cat blinks curiously at you from a window sill; Floyd | as you approach, it hops down and skitters away. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "open mailbox" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > OPEN MAILBOX Floyd | Floyd | You open the mailbox, revealing a leaflet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "read leaflet" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ LEAFLET Floyd | Floyd | "WELCOME TO NAMELESS QUEST v2.0.12! Floyd | Floyd | NAMELESS QUEST is a game of adventure, danger, and low cunning. In it Floyd | you will explore some of the most amazing territory ever seen by Floyd | mortals. No BBS should be without one! And Endless BBS isn't! Hehehe." Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by fifty points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "yay points" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "knock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KNOCK Floyd | Floyd | (on the door) Floyd | A woman's voice calls out, "MALSXLOSI." Then you hear a resounding Floyd | CHUNK!! sound. Was that the door unlocking? Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Cottage (exits: NONE!) Floyd | The cottage is smaller on the inside than it looks from the outside, Floyd | and is nearly empty, furnished only with a rickety wooden table. Floyd | Somehow, there are no exits - not even the door you walked in through! Floyd | Where did it go? Floyd | Floyd | "I am told you are the chosen one," says the woman's voice, cold but Floyd | soft. "I am-- well, my name is not important." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "As the chosen one, you are naturally endowed with a certain amount of Floyd | magical energy," the voice says. "Not as much as someone who has Floyd | studied sorcery, but enough to cast Level 1 spells. To cast stronger Floyd | ones, you will need some assistance." Floyd | Floyd | A wand magically appears on the table in front of you. "Take the Floyd | wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | As you pick up the wand, you feel a pricking sensation against your Floyd | thumb. You notice that the base of the wand is equipped with a small Floyd | needle! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE BOOK Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | "The wand is actually a hollow tube," the voice says. "To cast a Level Floyd | 2 or Level 3 spell, you will insert an ampule of a potion into the Floyd | wand. Squeeze the wand, and the ampule will be crushed and the potion Floyd | will flow through the needle into your bloodstream, charging you with Floyd | its magical energy. The effect does not last long, and you must cast Floyd | the spell while you are still energized!" Floyd | Floyd | A ampule of cloudy fluid appears on the table. "Let's try it," the Floyd | voice says. "Take the ampule." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take amuple" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMUPLE Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take ampule" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE AMPULE Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | A slender spellbook appears on the table before you. "This spellbook Floyd | will magically track what ampules you have in your possession and Floyd | instruct you in the proper formation of your spells," the voice says. Floyd | "I'll give you a few moments before we proceed. First, take the book Floyd | and read it - it should only take a moment. Then put the ampule into Floyd | the wand, and we can continue." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "read book" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > READ BOOK Floyd | Floyd | Letters magically swim before your eyes to form these words: Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY INVENTTORIE Floyd | * Level 2 * >SXVEBI Floyd | A spelle to ryse off ye Growndde. Floyd | Floyd | SPELLES GRANTED BY POTIONNES IN THY BLODDE-STREYM Floyd | <<NONE>> Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "put ampule in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT AMPULE IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the ampule of cloudy fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | "Now squeeze the wand," the voice says. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | "Quick!" the voice says. "Cast the spell just like the book says: Floyd | SXVEBI!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "sxvebi" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SXVEBI Floyd | Floyd | You feel your stomach lurch and look down to find that you are Floyd | suddenly floating several inches off the ground! You've cast a Floyd | levitation spell! (A weak one, but still.) Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by two points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. As it does, you gently return to Floyd | the ground. Floyd | Floyd | "All right," the voice says. "I have discharged my duty. You've Floyd | received your training, and I've just placed some ampules in the Floyd | mailbox outside that should help you in your quest. If you encounter Floyd | other spells along the way, feel free to use them - but don't go more Floyd | than two levels above your base skill level. Good luck." She clears Floyd | her throat. "FORPELI!" Floyd | Floyd | For a terrifying moment you feel as though you are free-falling in Floyd | every direction at once! Then all is still, and you find yourself... Floyd | Floyd | Outside the Cottage (exits: N S) Floyd | In front of you, immediately to the north, lies a well-maintained Floyd | white cottage. A path leads south. Floyd | Floyd | There is a small mailbox here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "take all" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE ALL Floyd | Floyd | large ampule of clear fluid: Taken. Floyd | ampule of bubbly fluid: Taken. Floyd | ampule of rainbow fluid: Taken. Floyd | spellbook: You already have that. Floyd | wand: You already have that. Floyd | leaflet: You already have that. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Your hands are already too full to pick up something as Floyd | cumbersome as the red dart! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by three points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "kb probs" | |
borowski says (to floyd), "put all in cloak" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT ALL IN CLOAK Floyd | Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | red dart: Done. Floyd | ampule of rainbow fluid: Done. Floyd | ampule of bubbly fluid: Done. Floyd | large ampule of clear fluid: Done. Floyd | spellbook: Done. Floyd | wand: Done. Floyd | leaflet: Done. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N S) Floyd | You are on a path that leads north to the door of a small cottage and Floyd | south toward a country road. Oddly, though the path itself is just a Floyd | dirt track through a wide clearing in the forest, it is crisscrossed Floyd | by irregularly placed strips of stone! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | As you proceed down the path you hear a grinding sound behind you, and Floyd | you turn to find the stone strips criss-crossing the path rising up Floyd | out of the ground to form a labyrinth of stone walls! Returning to the Floyd | sorceress's house just got a lot more difficult...! Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SW Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
borowski says (to floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Sorry, solar powered keyboard dies sometimes." | |
DavidW says, "s'kay. I took a bathroom break in the middle there." | ||
borowski asks (of DavidW), "Want to do the honours of the sword?" | ||
DavidW says, "We might load the wand with the rainbow ampule ahead of time. I suppose the weapons guy won't like to see the wand any better than the spellbook." | ||
DavidW says, "ok." | ||
borowski says, "good idea" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf8" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: Floyd | %% Save file: cf8 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | Saved! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take rainbow" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE RAINBOW Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put rainbow in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT RAINBOW IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the ampule of rainbow fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put wand in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT WAND IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the wand into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | Inventory: Floyd | twenty gold Floyd | a brown cloak (being worn) Floyd | a wand Floyd | an ampule of rainbow fluid Floyd | a leaflet Floyd | a spellbook Floyd | a large ampule of clear fluid Floyd | an ampule of bubbly fluid Floyd | three red darts Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "things are OK inside the cloak, but that does save precious time." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Weapon Shop (exits: N S) Floyd | This is a small, dusty weapon shop. The wall behind the counter is Floyd | lined with swords and shields of all sizes and descriptions, along Floyd | with related items such as belts with scabbards. An enormous, Floyd | bowl-shaped shield and a fine broadsword are on prominent display next Floyd | to a dartboard. A sign says, "Win this sword and shield by hitting a Floyd | bullseye! One gold to try your luck!" Floyd | Floyd | The shop owner watches you vigilantly! Floyd | Floyd | On the counter you see a purple dart. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy purple dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY PURPLE DART Floyd | Floyd | "Okay, fire away," the shop owner says, chuckling a little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | A customer walks in the door, and the owner turns to attend to him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take red dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE RED DART Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kolorigi red dart from purple dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KOLORIGI RED DART FROM PURPLE DART Floyd | Floyd | You are insufficiently charged with magical energy to cast that spell! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kolorigi red dart from purple dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KOLORIGI RED DART FROM PURPLE DART Floyd | Floyd | You are not holding the purple dart! Floyd | Floyd | The customer leaves, and the owner turns his beady eyes back to you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take purple dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE PURPLE DART Floyd | Floyd | Gyahhh! What is this thing MADE of? It must have an adamant core or Floyd | something. It takes all your strength just to lift it! (But you do.) Floyd | Floyd | The shop owner rolls his eyes. "Do I look stupid?" he asks. "Did you Floyd | really think I wouldn't notice you were holding some red dart from the Floyd | devil knows where? Give me that thing." He snatches the dart from your Floyd | hand. "Now get the hell out of my store!" He gives you little choice. Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "damn. mistimed that." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "RESTORE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf8" | ||
Floyd | %% File to restore:
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf8
Floyd | Restored!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski says, "Yeah, take the purple dart before the customer comes in." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take raindow" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE RAINDOW Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take rainbow" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE RAINBOW Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put rainbow in wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT RAINBOW IN WAND Floyd | Floyd | You load the ampule of rainbow fluid into the wand. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put wand in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT WAND IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the wand into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Weapon Shop (exits: N S) Floyd | This is a small, dusty weapon shop. The wall behind the counter is Floyd | lined with swords and shields of all sizes and descriptions, along Floyd | with related items such as belts with scabbards. An enormous, Floyd | bowl-shaped shield and a fine broadsword are on prominent display next Floyd | to a dartboard. A sign says, "Win this sword and shield by hitting a Floyd | bullseye! One gold to try your luck!" Floyd | Floyd | The shop owner watches you vigilantly! Floyd | Floyd | On the counter you see a purple dart. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy purple dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > BUY PURPLE DART Floyd | Floyd | "Okay, fire away," the shop owner says, chuckling a little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take purple dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE PURPLE DART Floyd | Floyd | Gyahhh! What is this thing MADE of? It must have an adamant core or Floyd | something. It takes all your strength just to lift it! (But you do.) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time passes. Floyd | Floyd | A customer walks in the door, and the owner turns to attend to him. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take wand and red dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE WAND AND RED DART Floyd | Floyd | wand: Taken. Floyd | red dart: Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "squeeze wand" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SQUEEZE WAND Floyd | Floyd | You hear the muffled sound of glass breaking - wince at the sting of Floyd | the needle entering your thumb - and then you feel magical energy Floyd | coursing through your body! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kolorigi red dart from purple dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KOLORIGI RED DART FROM PURPLE DART Floyd | Floyd | The red dart turns purple before your very eyes! Floyd | Floyd | The magical energy leaves your body. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put wand in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT WAND IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | You put the wand into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put purple dart in pocket" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > PUT PURPLE DART IN POCKET Floyd | Floyd | Which do you mean, the ordinary purple dart or the heavy purple dart? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "heavy" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > HEAVY Floyd | Floyd | You put the heavy purple dart into the brown cloak. Floyd | Floyd | The customer leaves, and the owner turns his beady eyes back to you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw ordinary purple dart at target" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW ORDINARY PURPLE DART AT TARGET Floyd | Floyd | At least one of the things you mentioned doesn't seem to be here! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Weapon Shop (exits: N S) Floyd | This is a small, dusty weapon shop. The wall behind the counter is Floyd | lined with swords and shields of all sizes and descriptions, along Floyd | with related items such as belts with scabbards. An enormous, Floyd | bowl-shaped shield and a fine broadsword are on prominent display next Floyd | to a dartboard. A sign says, "Win this sword and shield by hitting a Floyd | bullseye! One gold to try your luck!" Floyd | Floyd | The shop owner watches you vigilantly! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw ordinary purple dart at dartboard" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > THROW ORDINARY PURPLE DART AT DARTBOARD Floyd | Floyd | You throw your special dart... BULLSEYE! The shop owner does a double Floyd | take, then a triple take. "How...? But that's...!" Floyd | Floyd | "Just lucky, I guess," you say. Floyd | Floyd | "Yeah," the shop owner replies. "Lucky." He reluctantly takes the Floyd | sword and shield off the wall and shoves them at you. "Get out of my Floyd | store," he says coldly. You see no reason not to comply. Floyd | Floyd | Western End of Village (exits: N W E S) Floyd | This is the western end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs west toward the shoreline and east into the center of town. The Floyd | only buildings of interest are a pair of shops: a plain-looking weapon Floyd | shop to the south and a slightly fancier-looking fishing shop to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Floyd | A green pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the western Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by five points.] Floyd | Floyd | > | borowski exclaims, "woo hoo!" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf9" | ||
Floyd | %% File to save: Floyd | %% Save file: cf9 Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | Floyd | Saved! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "whew" | |
DavidW says, "If all the puzzles are like this, this may take quite some time." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wear shield" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > WEAR SHIELD Floyd | Floyd | You put on the shield. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x shield" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SHIELD Floyd | Floyd | When worn, this shield will automatically block some attacks (how Floyd | successful it is depends on your dexterity). You can also >BLOCK a Floyd | compass direction if you expect trouble from that direction! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sword" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X SWORD Floyd | Floyd | Your sword can do about 50 points of damage! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wave sword" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > WAVE SWORD Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pose" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > POSE Floyd | Floyd | That verb is not recognized! Type VERBS for a list of commands! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "so, hm." | |
borowski disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. | ||
borowski arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | DavidW asks, "Minotaur next?" | |
borowski asks, "Yeah, maybe I should share a hint for the sake of time?" | ||
DavidW says, "well, we can get the rock first." | ||
borowski says, "You try to kill the minotaur, you die... then a double gives you another spell" | ||
DavidW asks, "And you know this how?" | ||
borowski says, "I did it an hour or so ago when I wasn't sure if you'd be OK with talking to the hint doubles." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm still rather iffy on the hint doubles. It's very unclear whether it's cheating or not to use them." | ||
borowski says, "OK." | ||
DavidW says, "Like, if it isn't cheating, we should've been talking to all of them asap. If it is cheating, we should only talk to them when we're desperate." | ||
borowski says, "I don't *think* it's cheating." | ||
DavidW says, "well, it's still impossible to tell." | ||
borowski says, "Yeah." | ||
DavidW asks, "Shall I get the rock first before attempting the labyrinth?" | ||
borowski says, "Sure" | ||
DavidW says, "The damned thing will need to be mapped." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x purple dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > X PURPLE DART Floyd | Floyd | It is a grotesquely heavy purple dart with a sharp metal tip! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "malsxlosi door" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MALSXLOSI DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You hear a resounding CHUNK!! sound as the magical lock on the door Floyd | gives way! Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Jewelry Shop (exits: S) Floyd | The sign out front said this was a jewelry shop, but inside you find Floyd | no display cases of jewelry or anything else to suggest that this is a Floyd | store of any kind. Instead, you find a man wearing a cloak with Floyd | glowing stripes, sitting at a desk and applying the strangest torch Floyd | you've ever seen - a piece of metal that gives off a curiously narrow Floyd | blue flame - to a rough, round rock. He looks up sharply as you enter. Floyd | Floyd | "Grf," he says. "It's you. Uh... forget you saw this." He quickly Floyd | gathers up his things, waves his scepter, and walks off through the Floyd | wall. Vivid white light flares briefly around him. Floyd | Floyd | As if that weren't enough, the rock then reappears on the desk a Floyd | moment later. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take rock" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > TAKE ROCK Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | [Your score has just gone up by one point.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Eastern End of Village (exits: N W E) Floyd | This is the eastern end of a small, nameless village. The main road Floyd | runs east into the forest and west into the center of town. To the Floyd | north is a small shop. Floyd | Floyd | A blue pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the eastern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Village Square (exits: N W E S SE) Floyd | You are at the crossroads of a tiny village like many others you have Floyd | seen since you have been adventuring. The main street runs east and Floyd | west, while a smaller one runs north and south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Northern End of Village (exits: N NE S) Floyd | You are on a quiet road that leads south to the village square and Floyd | north into the forest. To the northeast you see a long path leading to Floyd | a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | A yellow pennant flies from a tall metal pole, marking the northern Floyd | boundary of the village. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > NE Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Path (exits: N SW) Floyd | You are on a path that leads southwest to a country road and north Floyd | toward a stone labyrinth. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Labyrinth (exits: W E S) Floyd | You are in a maze of stone walls! The exit lies to the south. Which Floyd | might be the way to go, because you can hear the growl of a minotaur Floyd | within! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | As you head deeper into the labyrinth, you feel yourself losing your Floyd | bearings - clearly this is more than a simple maze! Floyd | Floyd | Enchanted Labyrinth (exits: N W E) Floyd | You are in a maze of stone walls! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop red dart" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > DROP RED DART Floyd | Floyd | The red dart magically disappears! The labyrinth must be enchanted! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oops" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to listen to? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "minotaur" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > MINOTAUR Floyd | Floyd | You can't see the minotaur, but that growl is unmistakable! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Enchanted Labyrinth (exits: S E) Floyd | You are in a maze of stone walls! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Enchanted Labyrinth (exits: N E) Floyd | You are in a maze of stone walls! Floyd | Floyd | You hear the growl of the minotaur nearby! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Enchanted Labyrinth (exits: N W E S) Floyd | You are in a maze of stone walls! This is a large chamber with exits Floyd | leading in all four cardinal directions. Floyd | Floyd | The minotaur! It's here! Whirling around to look at you, its eyes Floyd | blaze with red-hot fury, and it attacks! Floyd | Floyd | The minotaur evades your shield and spears you with its horns! You Floyd | suffer 68 points of damage! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kill minotaur" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > KILL MINOTAUR |