ClubFloyd Transcript:
Please Pass the Milk Please by Adri
Leave Me Alone by Kevin Jackson-Mead
Who's Knockin' on the Wall? by Melvin Rangasamy
All Alone by Joey Jones
What's That Blue Thing Doing Here? by Ruth Alfasso
As played on ifMUD on May 20, 2012

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Please Pass the Milk Please written by Adri, Leave Me Alone written by Kevin Jackson-Mead, Who's Knockin' on the Wall? written by Melvin Rangasamy, All Alone written by Joey Jones, and What's That Blue Thing Doing Here? written by Ruth Alfasso. Week six of the Apollo 18+20 IF Tribute Album games - these are all one-move Fingertips games. You can learn more about the games, including how to download them, by visiting the ifWiki pages: What's That Blue Thing Doing Here?, Who's Knockin' on the Wall?, Please Pass the Milk Please, Leave Me Alone, and All Alone.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing these games, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played these games, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

To skip directly to a particular game, click on its title:

Please Pass the Milk Please by Adri
Leave Me Alone by Kevin Jackson-Mead
Who's Knockin' on the Wall? by Melvin Rangasamy
All Alone by Joey Jones
What's That Blue Thing Doing Here? by Ruth Alfasso

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

Jacqueline hollers, "ClubFloyd will be playing more one turn Fingertips fun at the top of the hour if you'd like to join us in the Toyshop." DavidW says, "eep. I forgot to make tea."
DavidW arrives, full of fun and funk. Gerynar says (to DavidW), "I'll take an Earl Grey ... Hot"
DavidW says, "All I have time for is instant coffee... room temp."
ASchultz arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Gerynar says, "sounds like you need to get your replicator fixed"
djfletch says, "Scotty, divert all power to the kettle!"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "I am sure most everyone would be okay with a 9:05 start... wait."
genericgeekgirl snrk.
Jacqueline says, "I guess that joke only works in the Pacific time zone."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Hurry every chance you get and let us know when you're here."
DavidW says, "I have my coffee... in a filthy beer stein."
Jacqueline says, "For once, I don't have to run off after today, and am planning to catch up on IntroComp and ClubFloyd."
Jacqueline asks (of DW), "So, um, you're 'good' to go?"
DavidW says, "yeah."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Perhaps you should have just asked one of us to please pass the milk please."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask a18passthemilk2"
Floyd says (to Jacqueline), "Floyd doesn't know that game."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask a18pleasepassthemilk2"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Please pass the milk, please.
Floyd | Please pass the milk, please.
Floyd | Please pass the milk, please.
Floyd |
Floyd | Fingertips: Please Pass the Milk Please
Floyd | An interactive snack by Adri
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 120515 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N) SD
Floyd |
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "You gotta be pretty polite with Floyd or he won't load the game."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x brownies"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BROWNIES
Floyd |
Floyd | Your mother makes the best brownies ever. These are chocolate fudge
Floyd | with chocolate chips and chocolate icing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Haha"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "eat brownies"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Don't be greedy! Save some for your brother.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sam resentfully"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to examine Sam.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SAM
Floyd |
Floyd | There are traces of chocolate on his cheeks. He seems to be waiting
Floyd | for something.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pass brownies to sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | He doesn't need another brownie. He needs a glass of milk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
maga arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "kiss sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > KISS SAM
Floyd |
Floyd | You smooch Sam on the cheek. He glares at you and wipes at his cheek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x cups"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CUPS
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, your glass or Sam's cup?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "my"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > MY
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "my cup"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > MY CUP
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x my cup"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MY CUP
Floyd |
Floyd | It used to be a jelly jar. There's a wrap-around scene of a panda with
Floyd | an easel and a parade of penguins.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You're wearing the "Science is Real" t-shirt you got at the They Might
Floyd | Be Giants concert last summer. It's one of your favorites.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'm sure there's a story behind that cup."
genericgeekgirl says, "It's a TMBG reference."
Jacqueline says, "The t-shirt is a nice touch, too."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sam's cup"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SAM'S CUP
Floyd |
Floyd | Sam's plastic cup has a robot on the front. It's empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "sing"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SING
Floyd |
Floyd | You hum a little tune. Sam actually smiles a little.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | A hollow voice says, "Milk: it does a body good."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "snrk"
DavidW says, "I wonder if we're supposed to pass the milk."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | You pour the last of the milk into your glass. Sam looks like he's
Floyd | about to cry.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
Jacqueline says, "gosh"
Jacqueline says, "I was taking it to give to him, I swear."
DavidW says, "GOT MILK"
Jacqueline says, "So I did."
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh, damnit. I wish I'd used "got milk?" in there somewhere."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | The carton reads "Cowtown Dairy." There's a drawing on the front of a
Floyd | cow grazing happily on some seaweed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x cow"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X COW
Floyd |
Floyd |          (__)
Floyd |          (oo)
Floyd |    /------\/
Floyd |   / |    ||
Floyd |  *  /\---/\
Floyd |     ~~   ~~
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ha ha"
Gerynar says, "nice"
Jacqueline asks, "Did everyone decide to implement the 'restart automagically' thing independently, or did this come up after the games were released?"
genericgeekgirl says, "I did it independently."
Jacqueline says, "The cow is very cute."
djfletch says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | Your pockets are empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to ggg), "Interesting that multiple people went there."
djfletch says (to Floyd), "throw milk at sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the carton of milk and throw it at Sam. Milk flies
Floyd | everywhere. Sam is too startled to cry.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
genericgeekgirl asks, "Aisle does it, I think, right?"
djfletch says, "muahaha"
DavidW says (to djfletch), "gasp"
Jacqueline asks (of ggg), "Does it?"
Jacqueline says, "I didn't think it did, but perhaps it does."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "pass the milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (to Sam)
Floyd | You pour the milk into Sam's cup. He picks up the cup and takes a big
Floyd | gulp. He grins at you.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You passed the milk. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, see some suggestions for AMUSING things to
Floyd | do, view available ENDINGS, or QUIT?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I think Rematch does the autorestart."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "amusing"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > AMUSING
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Have you tried...
Floyd | - looking more closely at the milk carton?
Floyd | --- looking at it twice?
Floyd | --- reading it?
Floyd | --- looking under it?
Floyd | --- looking at the pictures?
Floyd | - examining your surroundings?
Floyd | - interacting with Sam?
Floyd | - vocalizing?
Floyd | - throwing, eating and counting various things?
Floyd | - running with scissors?
Floyd | - finding all twelve endings?
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, see some suggestions for AMUSING things to
Floyd | do, view available ENDINGS, or QUIT?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, maybe. Either way, there was precedent for it."
DavidW asks, "wow, 12 endings, eh?"
genericgeekgirl says, "My other one had 15 :)"
Jacqueline smiles.
Jacqueline asks, "Okay, so who wants to drive?"
Jacqueline listens to the lovely sound of crickets.
DavidW says, "I'm still assimilating instant coffee."
ASchultz says, "I had too crazy a night last night to"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I'm doing the (exact) same thing."
DavidW says, "Also, I want to be lazy."
djfletch says, "I will try a few things then"
djfletch says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Please pass the milk, please.
Floyd | Please pass the milk, please.
Floyd | Please pass the milk, please.
Floyd |
Floyd | Fingertips: Please Pass the Milk Please
Floyd | An interactive snack by Adri
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 120515 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N) SD
Floyd |
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I, too, have instant coffee, not that I stayed out to late... let's be clear."
djfletch says (to Floyd), "eat brownie"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't have a brownie yet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "get brownie"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You reach across the table to grab a brownie. Whoops. You bump the
Floyd | carton of milk and it spills all over the table.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
djfletch pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "count brownies"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There are 69,105 brownies here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I didn't have a crazy night, but I did have dreams of swimming in a cold pool on a very hot day with .. uh, ... new friends."
genericgeekgirl asks, "Were they penguins?"
djfletch says (to Floyd), "look under brownies"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't find anything underneath the brownies.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "no, sorry"
djfletch says (to Floyd), "look under milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the milk and peek at the expiration date on the bottom.
Floyd | March 24. That's fine. 1992. Oh. You quickly put the milk back down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "smell milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SMELL MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Also, I seem to be a slob in my dreams."
djfletch says (to Floyd), "throw brownie at sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the brownie and throw it at Sam. He catches it and tosses
Floyd | it back at you. It bounces off your shoulder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I drop pencils all over the floor and everything."
djfletch says (to Floyd), "talk to sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TALK TO SAM
Floyd |
Floyd | Sam just shakes his head and frowns impatiently.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "taste sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TASTE SAM
Floyd |
Floyd | You taste nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "call mom"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CALL MOM
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | The carton reads "Cowtown Dairy." There's a drawing on the front of a
Floyd | cow grazing happily on some seaweed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x seaweed"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SEAWEED
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | On the back is a photo of a sad-looking cat and the words "Have you
Floyd | seen my C? Reward!!!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x cat"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAT
Floyd |
Floyd | It looks very sad.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pet cat"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PET CAT
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar asks, "no more ascii art?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x penquins"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PENQUINS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Including yes, ASCII art."
genericgeekgirl says, "ilac"
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x table"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TABLE
Floyd |
Floyd | The blue and white checkered table cloth brightens up the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to DW), "You realize I now am picturing that old fake commercial from Saturday Night Live... [LINK]"
djfletch says (to Floyd), "get tablecloth"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You pull the tablecloth off the table, spilling milk and brownies all
Floyd | over Sam. He's too shocked to say anything for a moment, and then he
Floyd | starts bawling.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
djfletch pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "count milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > COUNT MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | There's just the one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "yes, the dream was sorta like that."
djfletch says (to Floyd), "count cups"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > COUNT CUPS
Floyd |
Floyd | There are two: your glass and Sam's cup.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "er dream"
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x cow"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X COW
Floyd |
Floyd |          (__)
Floyd |          (oo)
Floyd |    /------\/
Floyd |   / |    ||
Floyd |  *  /\---/\
Floyd |     ~~   ~~
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "count plates"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x cow"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X COW
Floyd |
Floyd |          (__)
Floyd |          (oo)
Floyd |    /------\/
Floyd |   / |    ||
Floyd |  *  /\---/\
Floyd |     ~~   ~~
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x cat"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAT
Floyd |
Floyd | Why would you want to see a picture of a sad cat?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x cat"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAT
Floyd |
Floyd | =^..^=
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "x cat"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAT
Floyd |
Floyd | It looks very sad.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ha aw"
djfletch says (to Floyd), "read milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the nutritional facts. You're not really sure what all
Floyd | those numbers mean.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | Your pockets are empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "swim"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SWIM
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't swim.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x scissors"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SCISSORS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "So, hm."
Jacqueline asks, "Where are the scissors, I wonder?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sam, take milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAM, TAKE MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "look under table"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't find anything underneath the table.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "look under cloth"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take cloth"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE CLOTH
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Sorry, there aren't actually any physical scissors."
genericgeekgirl says, "It was just a random response I threw in because one of my testers tried it."
djfletch says (to Floyd), "run with scissors"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The last thing you need right now is a trip to the hospital. Also, you
Floyd | don't have any scissors.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fly"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FLY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "jump"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > JUMP
Floyd |
Floyd | You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "push sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PUSH SAM
Floyd |
Floyd | That would be less than courteous.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "stand on table"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Don't do that. You might fall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "hide under table"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "get under table"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Nice catch on the stand on table"
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "dance"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DANCE
Floyd |
Floyd | You do a little dance in your seat. Sam giggles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hee"
djfletch says (to Floyd), "get table"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET TABLE
Floyd |
Floyd | You lift up your side of the table, spilling milk and brownies all
Floyd | over Sam. He's too shocked to say anything for a moment, and then he
Floyd | starts bawling.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
djfletch says, "this whole game is pretty tough for Sam"
Jacqueline says, "snrk"
DavidW passes Big Meanie Award to djfletch.
djfletch says, "he hardly ever gets passed the milk"
Gerynar says, "he gets milk dumped on him a few times though"
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pour milk on sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the carton of milk and dump it all over Sam. Sam shrieks
Floyd | angrily.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pour milk on brownies" genericgeekgirl says, "Hey, at least I nixed the part where he chokes to death on a brownie if he doesn't get the milk."
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the carton of milk and dump it all over the brownies. Sam
Floyd | shrieks angrily.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pour milk on me"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the carton of milk and dump it all over yourself. Sam
Floyd | shrieks angrily.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fill sam's cup"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > FILL SAM'S CUP
Floyd |
Floyd | Sam's cup can't be filled.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "go north"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GO NORTH
Floyd |
Floyd | You stand up and walk away. Sam throws his cup at you.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
Gerynar pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks (of ggg), "That was an ending at one point? For Sam to die because he didn't get any milk?"
genericgeekgirl says, "I think you're only missing one ending. And I never actually fleshed it out, but it was one of my original ideas when I didn't really know yet what I wanted to do with the game."
djfletch says (to Floyd), "sam, get milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAM, GET MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "bake brownies"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Like, I wasn't sure yet why it was so important that you passed the milk, and why the other person couldn't get it themselves."
Jacqueline is now wondering how many times the Heimlich maneuver has been implemented in IF.
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "tickle sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TICKLE SAM
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
K-Y says, "none since the lawsuits"
ASchultz says, "I figure it should be implemented at least once as a verb and at least once as a several move puzzle"
Jacqueline asks, "Still looking for the last one?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah."
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Sam turns his cup over, giving it a little shake to remind you that
Floyd | it's empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "take sam's cup"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE SAM'S CUP
Floyd |
Floyd | Sam grabs his cup protectively.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kick sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > KICK SAM
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push table"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PUSH TABLE
Floyd |
Floyd | It is fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PUSH MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | It is fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Heh. Oops."
Gerynar says, "heh"
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "spill milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SPILL MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | You knock over the milk. Sam bursts into tears.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
Gerynar pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "aw, Sam, don't cry over spilled milk!"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pass green eggs and ham"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Damn, now I am wanting a brownie."
genericgeekgirl says, "I spoiled it over on #cfspoilers, but I can also just go ahead and give it away. It's another silly response that I don't think anyone is going to hit on."
Jacqueline says, "Ah."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "thumbwrestle sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Well, I for one (but of course I am not everyone) am fine with you just saying it."
Gerynar says, "fine by me"
genericgeekgirl | throwing, eating and counting various things?
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "count"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > COUNT
Floyd |
Floyd | You forget all about the brownies and break into an impromptu game of
Floyd | hide-and-seek.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** You did not pass the milk. ***
Gerynar says, "heh"
Gerynar pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | Your brother Sam is sitting across from you.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the table are a carton of milk, a plate of brownies, and two cups.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "count various things"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "count keys"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > COUNT KEYS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Okay, >COUNT is pretty good."
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "count leaves"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look under bed"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look behind portrait"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "search sam"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SEARCH SAM
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "And I'm pretty sure that's it. The update in this version was adding the "ENDINGS" option to make it clearer (and cut down on the AMUSING list)."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "move rug"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > MOVE RUG
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "search brownies"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close milk"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CLOSE MILK
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "yeah, okay, I'm done. :)"
Jacqueline asks, "So, then, next one?"
djfletch says, "ok"
Jacqueline says, "I tested the next one, so I'm sitting it out, but I think it's an interesting one and rather elegant."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > QUIT
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask a18leavemealone"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "There he is! By the tree!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Shit. Shit shit shit. All you wanted was to be left alone.
Floyd | But now they're coming for you. You can't tell which direction they're
Floyd | coming from, but you know they're close.
Floyd |
Floyd | Fingertips: Leave Me Alone
Floyd | An Interactive Fiction by Kevin Jackson-Mead
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 120325 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | You are standing next to a large pine tree.  You can go in any
Floyd | direction, but you'd better hurry.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x hurry"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > X HURRY
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Oops."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "hurry"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > HURRY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > SCORE
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no score in this story.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl hmpf.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | Your moment of indecision has cost you. They are upon you before you
Floyd | can figure out which direction to go. They make quick work of you,
Floyd | ripping your limbs off one by one.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "hide under tree"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to DW), "Sorry."
DavidW says, "s'okay"
Jacqueline says, "This one was written very last minute due to another game not getting entered. It was done in very little time, and kept it solid and small. I think Kevin did really well by it."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "hide under tree"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | Your moment of indecision has cost you. They are upon you before you
Floyd | can figure out which direction to go. They make quick work of you,
Floyd | ripping your limbs off one by one.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "I guess we can try all the standard directions?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | You nimbly scamper up the tree. As you climb, you hear their howls of
Floyd | delight from the base of the tree, for they know they have you now.
Floyd | Nevertheless, you keep climbing. You pass the occasional bird perched
Floyd | on the limbs of the tree, and the birds get more and more numerous as
Floyd | you ascend. You feel the tree shake as, far below, they begin
Floyd | attacking it with an axe. Higher and higher you climb, and the birds
Floyd | become more and more numerous. The birds start to fly over to you,
Floyd | perching on your shoulders, your head, your legs. You pick up speed as
Floyd | the birds add their swiftness to yours. You hear a loud
Floyd | CRACK! as the tree starts to fall, but you have reached the
Floyd | top, and you are covered in birds. You leap. You do not fall. You
Floyd | soar.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They left you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "I think it may be the only one I didn't look at. I confused it with his other one. So, yay for forgetting, interesting to see"
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "Yay!"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "I like my protagonists like I like my electrical wires. Covered in birds."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You take the form of wind and flee to the north, home of the fiercest
Floyd | winds. You hope to blend in and not be found. But they know these
Floyd | ways. Their winds pursue you, swirling around and around you. You
Floyd | become disoriented, unsure of the direction. And they keep on you,
Floyd | never letting you rest.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | You spin-kick your way to the northeast, limbering up in order to get
Floyd | ready to make them leave you alone. You find a low hill to
Floyd | make your stand, and you turn to face them. You rip off your shirt and
Floyd | give your best warrior cry. As they come at you in hordes, you deliver
Floyd | devastating throat-punches, furious fists-of-fire, and rapid
Floyd | roundhouse-rights. The bodies pile up, but they keep coming. The end
Floyd | is glorious.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You flee to the large city to the east, hoping to lose yourself among
Floyd | the bustling crowds. It is not the same as being alone, but at least
Floyd | you won't be hassled. You find shelter in the city, and eventually a
Floyd | job, even pleasure. Life settles into a comfortable routine. Then you
Floyd | make a mistake and return to your old habits. Never having given up
Floyd | searching for you, they sense it. After all this time, they are on to
Floyd | you again.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > DOWN
Floyd |
Floyd | You rhythymically begin to stomp your feet, going faster and faster.
Floyd | Soon, your feet are a blur, and you can feel them heating up. Just as
Floyd | they appear, the heat from your feet starts to melt the
Floyd | ground, and you fall. You descend rapidly, too rapidly, you hope, for
Floyd | them to catch you. Unfortunately, they simply pour their hatred down
Floyd | the hole you have left, and it soon catches you and suffocates you.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I loved the imagination he put into this."
Jacqueline says, "Artistic."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | Your moment of indecision has cost you. They are upon you before you
Floyd | can figure out which direction to go. They make quick work of you,
Floyd | ripping your limbs off one by one.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm, I guess that's the default ending."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You attempt to find a hole to enter the tree, but amazingly, there is
Floyd | none. You have no choice left. You phase. You step into the tree. Part
Floyd | of you is aware that they become confused, that they eventually wander
Floyd | away. That part slowly fades as you become part of the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They left you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Whoa."
genericgeekgirl says, "That was a good one to include."
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "undo"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can't "undo" what hasn't been done!]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "sorry"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Not knowing quite how you do it, you step out of there. You
Floyd | are no longer by the tree, but you are not sure where you are.
Floyd | Unfortunately, thye know how to follow you. The end out here is far
Floyd | worse than what it would have been had you stayed where you were. Your
Floyd | mind is slowly, painfully ripped apart.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Gerynar says, "great minds and all that"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wake up"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > WAKE UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Your moment of indecision has cost you. They are upon you before you
Floyd | can figure out which direction to go. They make quick work of you,
Floyd | ripping your limbs off one by one.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | SNAP! The sound of your fingers as you decide to head
Floyd | southeast. CRACKLE! The sound of the tree as they burn it to
Floyd | the ground in their frustration. POP! The sound of . . .
Floyd | cereal? Yes, you have found it! The land of Rice Krispies! You jump
Floyd | into the milky lake, snapping, crackling, and popping all around you.
Floyd | Surely they will not find you here. But they do. And they have brought
Floyd | an enormous spoon.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Gerynar says, "good one"
DavidW says, "We are part of a nutritious breakfast!"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You take the form of water, warm as a summer's day. You merge with the
Floyd | great waters of the south, losing yourself in the currents. But they
Floyd | find you: quick, vicious sharks circling and circling, corralling you
Floyd | until you become too dense for the water around you. You sink, and
Floyd | they pursue.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | You head southwest, in search of the great chili forest. After weeks
Floyd | of searching, you find the forest. After days more of searching, you
Floyd | find the grove of the magical chili. You are in luck! There is a
Floyd | single magical chili left on one of the bushes. You steel yourself,
Floyd | going through your deep-breathing exercises, but nothing can prepare
Floyd | your the magical heat of this chili. As it travels down your throat,
Floyd | you are consumed by fire. You become fire. And not a moment too soon.
Floyd | They have tracked you, and they are burning the forest down to find
Floyd | you. You will show them what fire is. You feed on the surrounding
Floyd | grove, and then the larger forest. You consume their bodies, all of
Floyd | them, but by then it's too late. You cannot help reaching out farther,
Floyd | consuming more and more. It is endless. It is fire. It is over.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They left you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I have not been keeping track; let me know when you've gone all the directions you want to go."
DavidW says, "We haven't done W or NW yet."
Jacqueline says, "I *think* you've caught all the more surreal ones (in, out, climb, d)..."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Your instincts tell you to head west, where the land is rugged,
Floyd | untamed. You drift from empty place to empty place, reveling in the
Floyd | solitude while a small part of you knows that you are still pursued.
Floyd | Eventually, they catch up to you again, and this time there is no
Floyd | escape.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | You head northwest, where you seem to recall there is an armory. You
Floyd | find it and select a large axe. Testing its heft, you prepare for
Floyd | them. They come at you, and you separate many heads from bodies, leave
Floyd | many torsos armless. In the end, it is too much for you, but at least
Floyd | you took many of them with you.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ana"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > ANA
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kata"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > KATA
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "forward"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > FORWARD
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "back"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > BACK
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "sing"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > SING
Floyd |
Floyd | Your moment of indecision has cost you. They are upon you before you
Floyd | can figure out which direction to go. They make quick work of you,
Floyd | ripping your limbs off one by one.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | By the Tree
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "left"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > LEFT
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "right"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > RIGHT
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "aft"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > AFT
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "port"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > PORT
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "starboard"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fly"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > FLY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > DIG
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "plover"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > PLOVER
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I guess we've seen 'em all. At least all the obvious ones."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pray"
Floyd ]  By the Tree                                          1
Floyd |
Floyd | > PRAY
Floyd |
Floyd | Your moment of indecision has cost you. They are upon you before you
Floyd | can figure out which direction to go. They make quick work of you,
Floyd | ripping your limbs off one by one.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They did not leave you alone ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "mmkay"
DavidW says, "I'm done with this one."
DavidW says, "Some good imagination in it."
Jacqueline asks, "Others are good? Lod the next one?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Sure"
Jacqueline says, "s/lod/load..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" DavidW kneels before Lod.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask a18whosknocking"
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Fingertips - Who Is Knocking On The Wall
Floyd | An Interactive Tribute by Melvin Rangasamy
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 120324 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd | Interactive Fiction Identifier:
Floyd | //CC8A14AD-7452-46AC-8E53-91AF920ADBC2//
Floyd | Standard interpreter 1.0 (6b) / Library serial number 080126
Floyd | Standard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson
Floyd | Common Game Code by Eggerich Von Eggermond
Floyd | Basic Screen Effects version 7 by Emily Short
Floyd |
Floyd | You're relaxing at home, adjusting your deer stalker when you hear
Floyd | knocking on what sounds like a wooden wall coming from the row of five
Floyd | houses opposite your own. You can't quite recall which of your
Floyd | neighbours has woodworking as a hobby. Fortunately you remember that
Floyd | each house has a unique colour and the owners have a unique name, have
Floyd | a unique nationality, play a different preferred IF game and have a
Floyd | different hobby. You also remember these facts pertaining to your
Floyd | neighbours:
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |   1.  Shepherd is Galician.
Floyd | 2.  The person who is Italian is directly to the left of the person
Floyd | who is Norwegian.
Floyd |   3.  The person who is Italian has a Teal House.
Floyd | 4.  The person who likes juggling lives next to the person who plays
Floyd | Violet.
Floyd |   5.  River lives in the first house.
Floyd |   6.  Fessel plays The Chinese Room.
Floyd |   7.  The person who plays Curses has a Navy House.
Floyd |   8.  The person who is Bulgarian plays Violet.
Floyd | 9.  The person who plays Colossal Cave Adventure has a neighbour who
Floyd | has a White House.
Floyd | 10.  Moriarty has a Black House.
Floyd | 11.  The person living in the centre house has a Fuchsia House.
Floyd | 12.  River lives next to the person who is Turkish.
Floyd | 13.  Smith likes dancing.
Floyd | 14.  The person who plays Colossal Cave Adventure lives next to the
Floyd | person who likes boating.
Floyd | 15.  The person who plays Aotearoa likes camping.
Floyd |
Floyd | So, who is knocking on the wall?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh dear"
Jacqueline says, "Oh dear."
Jacqueline says, "But do any of these tells us who likes wood working? Or is it that we... hm."
Jacqueline says, "Juggling, dancing, boaring, camping... yeah. One person isn't mentioned."
Jacqueline says, "er, boating."
Jacqueline says, "Man, my typing today..."
djfletch says, "whoever lives in the white house should like Zork"
Jacqueline asks, "So, have we all gotten over the 'ugh' and has anyone begun sketching this out, or shall I?"
djfletch says, "I'm trying it, but it might take a while"
DavidW says, "yeah, ditto"
Jacqueline says, "We probably all should, yeah."
DavidW says, "I should probably find graph paper for this."
Jacqueline asks, "So, is there a way to work on this together?"
Jacqueline asks, "Rather than all puzzling on it separately?"
Jacqueline asks, "Talk it out?"
Gerynar asks, "google docs?"
djfletch says, "yeah, it looks complicated enough that it's difficult to work without writing a bunch of stuff down somewhere"
Jacqueline says, "Well, I was thinking we'd talk it out but all sketch it in front of ourselves."
Gerynar says, "I've opened a spreadsheet columns as houses, info in the rows down"
Gerynar says, "I suck at this kind of math/logic, I can't tell if there's 5 or 7 houses"
djfletch says, "I'm tempted to try and write code to brute force it"
Gerynar says, "nvm, just reread it...there's five"
Jacqueline says, "The only thing I know for sure so far is that the first house has a person named River, the second house is occupied by a Turk, and the third house if fuchsia."
djfletch says, "yeah, that's about as far as I've got"
Jacqueline says, "Well, and that the person in the far right house is not Italian."
DavidW says, "There's five houses."
Jacqueline says, "yeah, he clarified that"
Gerynar says, "showin' my on lack of logic and memory :)"
djfletch says, "it might be tricky enough that you need to do a full table like in the books of these puzzles"
Gerynar says, "that's why I've got a google docs spreadsheet"
DavidW says, "I just have graph paper."
Jacqueline says, "Does 'neighbor' imply directly adjacent to, or ... like, I often thing of people nearby as neighbors."
DavidW says, "But it's been ages since I've done one of these."
Jacqueline says, "Not necessarily my 'next-door neighbor'"
djfletch asks, "do Italian and Norwegian have to be in 4 and 5?"
Jacqueline says (to djf), "I don't think so, no."
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "here it means adjacent."
djfletch says, "because Italian is Teal so can't be 3, and 2 is Turkish"
djfletch says, "so it looks like that's the only place they can fit and be adjacent"
Jacqueline says, "ah, okay."
Jacqueline says, "See, this is the talking through it bit I was hoping for."
Jacqueline asks, "Anyone see a counter argument to djf on that?"
DavidW says, "sorry, I can't really follow both computer and graph paper."
Jacqueline says, "np"
Jacqueline says, "I wish there were more L and R as opposed to merely 'next to'"
ASchultz says, "I have to admit I want to see the source on this too"
Jacqueline says, "Well, I don't know... does the source have to be very complimicated? It could be as simple as telling you your guess is correct or incorrect."
Jacqueline asks, "Or... do you think it generates something new every time?"
Jacqueline says, "The latter would be cool, but I'm sure as hell not restarting to find out until we've guessed."
DavidW says, "I have Teal = Fessel = Chinese Room"
djfletch says, "I think "Shepherd is Galician" puts him in 3, because I have nationalities in 2, 4, 5, and River in 1"
inky arrives, full of fun and funk. Gerynar says, "here's what I have so far"
Jacqueline says, "ha - at first I was going to say, 'That's gibberish, Gerynar!' but then I realized that all the random characters were actually a URL."
Gerynar says, "the box in the center are the houses, the words outside the box are the traits (greyed means they've been used in the table)"
DavidW asks, "How do you have nationalities in 4 and 5?"
Gerynar says, "2. The person who is Italian is directly to the left of the person"
Gerynar says, "anyone should be able to edit as well"
DavidW says, "As far as I know so far, 3-4-5 can be either Gallatian-Italian-Norwegian or Italian-Norwegian-Gallatian."
djfletch says, "Italian is Teal, so can't be 3 which is Fuchsia"
DavidW says, "wait, I think I've goofed up. I don't know 3-4-5 that closely."
djfletch says, "it might be useful to list the rules we haven't used yet"
djfletch says, "I'll try and add that to the spreadsheet"
ASchultz says, "I think including a logic chart in-game would be awesome, though then it might not be 1-move"
DavidW says, "okay, so the 1-2-3-4-5 is Bulgarian-Turkish-Gall-Italian-Norwegian"
Jacqueline says, "Yes."
Gerynar says, "second house has to be the navy house, because it's neighbor has to be white, and that's the only one that has an uncolored house"
DavidW says, "I'm not that far."
DavidW says, "I'm so out of practice."
ASchultz says, "ok, since we just filled in 5=black, 5=moriarty by the a17 clue, I think"
ASchultz says, "Also since smith likes dancing he can't be in house #2. So he must be in 4."
DavidW says, "I have teal in 4th house."
djfletch says, "wait, something is wrong, Navy should be with Curses"
Jacqueline says, "I feel good about the fourth house being teal, yeah."
DavidW says, "ack. I just realized my chart is whack."
Jacqueline says, "meh I hate when that happens."
ASchultz says, "also FWIW I check off on the nationalities and house orders"
djfletch says, "colossal cave is supposed to be next to white, but isn't just now"
Gerynar says, "blue/bold is what we think is correct (river has to be the first name and fuschia has to be the center color)"
djfletch says, "if white is correct in 1, then 2 must be colossal cave and then can't be navy"
DavidW says, "It would help if I had an eraser that worked."
Gerynar says (to ASchults,), "you need to share the document"
ASchultz says, "ah, sorry about that"
ASchultz says, "there we go"
ASchultz says, "hold it 1 sec need to switch the columns, ugh"
Jacqueline says, "I think what's going to help me most is a lemonade and some faux chicken nuggets."
Jacqueline says, "So I'll go work on that."
ASchultz says, "I'm not sure the best way to do this. I'm filling in stuff now, but I don't know how to write out my reasoning in the space I have"
djfletch asks, "what was wrong with Violet in 1? From rule 8?"
Gerynar says, "just put it back"
Gerynar says, "re-reading the clues"
DavidW says, "okay, I don't have the complete table yet, but I think I know who the woodworking guy is."
djfletch says, "ok - you also get juggling in 2, from rule 4"
Jacqueline asks (of DW), "oho?"
djfletch says, "I work out that moriaty/black and curses/navy can both either be in 2 or 5"
djfletch says, "therefore, 1 is white"
DavidW says, "I have 1) River/Bulg/white/Violet, 2) Moriarty/Turkish/black/juggling/Colossal Cave, 3) Shepherd/Gall/fuchsia/Aotearoa, 4) Fessel/Italian/teal/woodworking/Chinese Room, 5) Smith/Norwegian/navy/dancing/Curses"
Jacqueline says, "I am going to laugh if we could have examined the houses and seen their color."
Jacqueline says, "We haven't even tried to fail. Not a single move."
DavidW says, "anyway, I'm saying Fessel is our man."
ASchultz says, "heh, good one about examining the houses"
DavidW says, "(also, belatedly, River likes boating, and Shepherd likes camping)"
Jacqueline asks, "May I examine the first house to see if it gives us clues? Or should we just figure out how to say that we think it's Fessel?"
djfletch says, "give me a couple of minutes to check my logic too"
DavidW says, "I think >FESSEL."
ASchultz says, "I'll plow through once more too but don't wait up"
Jacqueline says (to djf), "I'm cool with that. Let us know when you're ready."
Gerynar concurres (and he's not saying that because he's getting all turned around)
djfletch says, "ok, I think I agree with DavidW's solution"
djfletch says, "plus 1 boating, 2 juggling, 3 camping"
DavidW says, "yes"
Jacqueline says, "Awesomesauce."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "Fessel"
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd | > FESSEL
Floyd |
Floyd | You head confidently over to the row of houses and see someone working
Floyd | on a wooden wall and making knocking sounds in the process. It is of
Floyd | course Fessel, as you so rightly predicted! Once you have ruled out
Floyd | the impossible, whatever woodworker that remains, however improbable,
Floyd | must be the one.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** They don't call you a master detective for nothing! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, QUIT or Display CREDITS?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl exclaims, "Yay!"
djfletch says, "hurrah"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "credits"
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd | > CREDITS
Floyd |
DavidW says, "woot"
Floyd | Fingertips - Who Is Knocking On The Wall
Floyd | Part of the Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute to They Might Be
Floyd | Giants.
Floyd |
Floyd | This game has been brought to you by Melvin Rangasamy.
Floyd |
Floyd | Beta Testers: Dan Efran, Jack Welch, Ruth Alfasso and Andrew Schultz.
Floyd |
Floyd | General thanks to Kevin Jackson Mead for putting this whole thing
Floyd | together.
Floyd |
Floyd | Extra special thanks go out to alpha tester, Joey Jones.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, QUIT or Display CREDITS?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Fingertips - Who Is Knocking On The Wall
Floyd | An Interactive Tribute by Melvin Rangasamy
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 120324 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd | Interactive Fiction Identifier:
Floyd | //CC8A14AD-7452-46AC-8E53-91AF920ADBC2//
Floyd | Standard interpreter 1.0 (6b) / Library serial number 080126
Floyd | Standard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson
Floyd | Common Game Code by Eggerich Von Eggermond
Floyd | Basic Screen Effects version 7 by Emily Short
Floyd |
Floyd | You're relaxing at home, smoking a pipe when you hear knocking on what
Floyd | sounds like a wooden wall coming from the row of five houses opposite
Floyd | your own. You can't quite recall which of your neighbours has
Floyd | woodworking as a hobby. Fortunately you remember that each house has a
Floyd | unique colour and the owners have a unique name, have a unique
Floyd | nationality, play a different preferred IF game and have a different
Floyd | hobby. You also remember these facts pertaining to your neighbours:
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |   1.  The person living in the centre house has a Green House.
Floyd |   2.  The person who is Welsh likes painting.
Floyd |   3.  The person who plays Danse Nocturne has a Teal House.
Floyd |   4.  Adahn likes juggling.
Floyd | 5.  The person who is French lives next to the person who likes
Floyd | knitting.
Floyd |   6.  The person who plays Violet is Ukrainian.
Floyd | 7.  The person who likes reading lives next to the person who is
Floyd | Ukrainian.
Floyd |   8.  Archangel plays Dash Slapney Patrol Leader.
Floyd |   9.  Fessel has a Black House.
Floyd | 10.  The person who plays Danse Nocturne is directly to the left of
Floyd | the person who plays Colossal Cave Adventure.
Floyd | 11.  Zhenya lives in the fifth house.
Floyd | 12.  The person who is French has a neighbour who has a Red House.
Floyd | 13.  Zhenya lives next to the person who plays Blue Lacuna.
Floyd | 14.  Evren is Bulgarian.
Floyd | 15.  The person who is Slovenian has a Yellow House.
Floyd |
Floyd | So, who is knocking on the wall?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says (to Floyd), "river"
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd | > RIVER
Floyd |
Floyd | You decide that despite your sleuthly accoutrements, you're not up for
Floyd | the task of figuring it out.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** It wasn't so elementary! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART or QUIT?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Fingertips - Who Is Knocking On The Wall
Floyd | An Interactive Tribute by Melvin Rangasamy
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 120324 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd | Interactive Fiction Identifier:
Floyd | //CC8A14AD-7452-46AC-8E53-91AF920ADBC2//
Floyd | Standard interpreter 1.0 (6b) / Library serial number 080126
Floyd | Standard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson
Floyd | Common Game Code by Eggerich Von Eggermond
Floyd | Basic Screen Effects version 7 by Emily Short
Floyd |
Floyd | You're relaxing at home, adjusting your deer stalker when you hear
Floyd | knocking on what sounds like a wooden wall coming from the row of five
Floyd | houses opposite your own. You can't quite recall which of your
Floyd | neighbours has woodworking as a hobby. Fortunately you remember that
Floyd | each house has a unique colour and the owners have a unique name, have
Floyd | a unique nationality, play a different preferred IF game and have a
Floyd | different hobby. You also remember these facts pertaining to your
Floyd | neighbours:
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | 1.  The person who plays Zork lives directly to the right of the
Floyd | person who likes juggling.
Floyd | 2.  The person who is Croatian lives next to the person who likes
Floyd | gardening.
Floyd |   3.  The person who plays Calm has a Yellow House.
Floyd |   4.  Adahn is Estonian.
Floyd |   5.  The person who is Dutch plays Child's Play.
Floyd |   6.  Cassady plays Three More Visitors.
Floyd |   7.  Bernie lives directly to the right of the person who plays Zork.
Floyd |   8.  The person in the middle is Irish.
Floyd |   9.  Bernie has a Purple House.
Floyd | 10.  The person who is Icelandic lives next to the person who has a
Floyd | Purple House.
Floyd | 11.  Mal has a Green House.
Floyd | 12.  The person who is Irish has a White House.
Floyd | 13.  The person who plays Blue Lacuna likes painting.
Floyd | 14.  Perdita has a Silver House.
Floyd | 15.  Adahn lives directly to the left of the person who likes hiking.
Floyd |
Floyd | So, who is knocking on the wall?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar says, "sorry, just wanted to see what happened with a wrong answer"
djfletch asks, "what the hell, it's different?"
DavidW says, "oh yeah, of course"
genericgeekgirl says, "Yup."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, that was what we were curious about."
Jacqueline says, "So that's pretty cool"
djfletch says, "yeah, nice"
Jacqueline says, "So golly, don't just guess, because you don't get a second guess."
Gerynar says, "cool"
DavidW says, "I suppose undo and save aren't allowed."
Jacqueline says, "Guess this answers my question about >X FIRST HOUSE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "save"
Floyd | %% File to save:
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf387"
Floyd | %% Save file: cf387
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd |
Floyd | You decide that despite your sleuthly accoutrements, you're not up for
Floyd | the task of figuring it out.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** It wasn't so elementary! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART or QUIT?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Nope."
Jacqueline says, "well..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Fingertips - Who Is Knocking On The Wall
Floyd | An Interactive Tribute by Melvin Rangasamy
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 120324 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd | Interactive Fiction Identifier:
Floyd | //CC8A14AD-7452-46AC-8E53-91AF920ADBC2//
Floyd | Standard interpreter 1.0 (6b) / Library serial number 080126
Floyd | Standard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson
Floyd | Common Game Code by Eggerich Von Eggermond
Floyd | Basic Screen Effects version 7 by Emily Short
Floyd |
Floyd | You're relaxing at home, adjusting your deer stalker when you hear
Floyd | knocking on what sounds like a wooden wall coming from the row of five
Floyd | houses opposite your own. You can't quite recall which of your
Floyd | neighbours has woodworking as a hobby. Fortunately you remember that
Floyd | each house has a unique colour and the owners have a unique name, have
Floyd | a unique nationality, play a different preferred IF game and have a
Floyd | different hobby. You also remember these facts pertaining to your
Floyd | neighbours:
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |   1.  Joey is French.
Floyd |   2.  The person who plays Three More Visitors is Lithuanian.
Floyd | 3.  The person who has a Fuchsia House lives next to the person who
Floyd | is Belarussian.
Floyd | 4.  Grundy lives directly to the left of the person who likes
Floyd | swimming.
Floyd | 5.  The person who plays Calm lives directly to the right of the
Floyd | person who likes stamp collecting.
Floyd |   6.  The person who has a Red House plays Apoptosis.
Floyd |   7.  Zhenya is Belarussian.
Floyd |   8.  Archangel is Romanian.
Floyd |   9.  The person who plays Zork likes bicycling.
Floyd | 10.  Zhenya lives directly to the right of the person who plays Calm.
Floyd | 11.  The person in the middle has a Teal House.
Floyd | 12.  The person who has a Teal House is Ukrainian.
Floyd | 13.  Grundy has a Maroon House.
Floyd | 14.  Perdita plays The Chinese Room.
Floyd | 15.  The person who has a Black House lives next to the person who
Floyd | likes fishing.
Floyd |
Floyd | So, who is knocking on the wall?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | %% File to restore:
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf387"
Floyd | %% Restore file: cf387
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd |
Floyd | You decide that despite your sleuthly accoutrements, you're not up for
Floyd | the task of figuring it out.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** It wasn't so elementary! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART or QUIT?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "No."
Jacqueline says, "Like, it does it, but that's your turn."
DavidW asks, "And does xyzzy do anything at all?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Fingertips - Who Is Knocking On The Wall
Floyd | An Interactive Tribute by Melvin Rangasamy
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 120324 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd | Interactive Fiction Identifier:
Floyd | //CC8A14AD-7452-46AC-8E53-91AF920ADBC2//
Floyd | Standard interpreter 1.0 (6b) / Library serial number 080126
Floyd | Standard Rules version 2/090402 by Graham Nelson
Floyd | Common Game Code by Eggerich Von Eggermond
Floyd | Basic Screen Effects version 7 by Emily Short
Floyd |
Floyd | You're relaxing at home, smoking a pipe when you hear knocking on what
Floyd | sounds like a wooden wall coming from the row of five houses opposite
Floyd | your own. You can't quite recall which of your neighbours has
Floyd | woodworking as a hobby. Fortunately you remember that each house has a
Floyd | unique colour and the owners have a unique name, have a unique
Floyd | nationality, play a different preferred IF game and have a different
Floyd | hobby. You also remember these facts pertaining to your neighbours:
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |   1.  Bernie plays Violet.
Floyd | 2.  The person who has a Silver House has a neighbour who plays
Floyd | Danse Nocturne.
Floyd |   3.  The person who is Scottish plays The Chinese Room.
Floyd |   4.  River lives in the first house.
Floyd |   5.  The person who is Bosnian has a Yellow House.
Floyd |   6.  The person who has a Black House likes cooking.
Floyd | 7.  The person who is Scottish is directly to the left of the person
Floyd | who is Estonian.
Floyd |   8.  Quinn is Albanian.
Floyd |   9.  River lives next to the person who is Maltese.
Floyd | 10.  Fessel likes dancing.
Floyd | 11.  The person who has a Brown House plays Colossal Cave Adventure.
Floyd | 12.  The person who has a Silver House lives next to the person who
Floyd | likes cake decorating.
Floyd | 13.  The person who likes writing lives next to the person who has a
Floyd | Yellow House.
Floyd | 14.  The person living in the centre house plays Dash Slapney Patrol
Floyd | Leader.
Floyd | 15.  Kid has a Teal House.
Floyd |
Floyd | So, who is knocking on the wall?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ]  Apollo 18+20 Interactive Fiction Tribute - They Might Be Giants
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | You decide that despite your sleuthly accoutrements, you're not up for
Floyd | the task of figuring it out.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** It wasn't so elementary! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART or QUIT?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Nope"
DavidW says, "oh well"
Gerynar says, "I guess it just takes the names"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
DavidW says, "bathroom break!"
Jacqueline asks, "So... a break for folks, or keep on going?"
Jacqueline says, "Timing."
Jacqueline says, "Guess we'll resume in 10, at 25 past the hour."
djfletch says, "I like the idea that there are people who only play one IF game."
Gerynar runs out to get some more cancer sticks
genericgeekgirl says, "Well, Curses is pretty long.."
DavidW says, "back"
Jacqueline says, "Back now."
Jacqueline says, "Wonder how long Gerynar will be."
(from Jacqueline) Jacqueline says, "Perhaps if we play without him he will realize that cancer sticks keep him from playing IF and he will quit and we will have saved his life."
DavidW says, "Wow. You rolled high on your optimism score."
genericgeekgirl says, "Aw"
Johnny says, "I think the alternative is Royce eats candy cigarettes until he gets diabetes."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "haha"
Jacqueline says (to Johnny), "haha more"
Jacqueline says, "Man, I remember those. Surely they don't still make them."
Johnny says, "Yep."
Jacqueline asks, "Really? They haven't been banned the way that advertising cigarettes to children was banned?"
Johnny says, "Also, the gum ones that if you stick in the freezer."
Gerynar says, "back, didn't have to wait on me"
Johnny says, "Well, okay, it's been a few years since I saw them myself, but I assume they still exist."
Gerynar says, "not candy cigarettes, but rice krispies treats"
Gerynar says, "some places still carry candy cigarettes, but much harder to find"
Gerynar says, "I don't think they say candy cigarettes any more on the boxes"
Jacqueline asks, "On that note, shall we play a game?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" Johnny says, ""candy sticks""
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask a18allalone"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | All alone, all by myself...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fingertips - All Alone
Floyd | A decision by Joey Jones
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 120324 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | I'm outside the garden mart, in between that old cadillac and the
Floyd | window where I work. Just walking along, east to west, nothing to see
Floyd | here. I'm real glad I'm all alone, all by myself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Johnny arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | I'm, well, I'm me, right? Nothing special. I've taken off my ugly red
Floyd | uniform and I'm wearing the same jeans from three Christmases ago and
Floyd | that jumper that Granny gave me.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | I am carrying:
Floyd |   a lighter
Floyd |   a pair of jeans (being worn)
Floyd |   a hideous sweater (being worn)
Floyd |   some flat shoes (being worn)
Floyd |   some lots of cash
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl asks, "Oh hey. Is this a sequel?"
DavidW says, "heh 'some lots'"
Jacqueline says, "I love having some lots of cash."
genericgeekgirl says, "He also wrote "If I Wasn't Shy.""
inky says (to Jacqueline), "I assume that means the cash is stacked in big bales"
Jacqueline says (to ggg), "Oh, right."
Jacqueline says, "Perhaps."
genericgeekgirl lights everything on fire!
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "steal cadillac"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Now's the moment! I smash the window, climb in and fiddle with the
Floyd | wires below the wheel like Cousin Vinnie showed me. It roars into life
Floyd | and I'm free, out on the open road.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** I Stole Somebody's Cadillac ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Haha, yes."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "burn sweater"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | I'm alone, not suicidal!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "remove sweater"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly, I lose courage. A familiar shyness overwhelms me even though
Floyd | there is no one around.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** My Courage Fails ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cash"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CASH
Floyd |
Floyd | There must be over five hundred dollars stuffed into my jeans.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search jeans"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly, I lose courage. A familiar shyness overwhelms me even though
Floyd | there is no one around.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** My Courage Fails ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "oh, I guess it is a sequel, isn't it?"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | The window is smashed, the fuel set, all I have to do is set it
Floyd | alight.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We never managed to smash the window, afaik, in the other game."
genericgeekgirl says, "Apparently we are less shy now."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "burn window"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The window is smashed, the fuel set. I put a light to it all and run
Floyd | back as it swiftly catches fire.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** I've Burned All The Intercoms ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "This is very cool that he slipped a sequel into the collection, yeah."
genericgeekgirl says, "Wheeee."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "burn uniforms"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "burn buttons"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Darn."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "steal microphones"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | I can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | The window is smashed, the fuel set, all I have to do is set it
Floyd | alight.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look in window"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly, I lose courage. A familiar shyness overwhelms me even though
Floyd | there is no one around.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** My Courage Fails ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I suppose E and W are options."
Jacqueline asks, "Wait, who smashed the window? Us before the game began?"
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, I think so."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | So I keep on walking. It's just a normal night. Nothing to see here.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** Nobody saw me, right? ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I guess. Maybe."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "hide under car"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | So I keep on walking. It's just a normal night. Nothing to see here.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** Nobody saw me, right? ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "strip"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > STRIP
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undress"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDRESS
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "too shy, I guess."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "run"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > RUN
Floyd |
Floyd | Go in which compass direction?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cry"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > CRY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "scream"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > SCREAM
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter window"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly, I lose courage. A familiar shyness overwhelms me even though
Floyd | there is no one around.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** My Courage Fails ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter car"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > ENTER CAR
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly, I lose courage. A familiar shyness overwhelms me even though
Floyd | there is no one around.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** My Courage Fails ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Wait, this is a TMBG tribute, not a kajagoogoo tribute, DavidW"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "a who what now?"
ASchultz says, "You mentioned "too shy" ... so the obvious groaner..."
Jacqueline says, "So obvious we intentionally left it unsaid."
DavidW says, "ah, never heard of 'em, but Google helps explain."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "about"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > ABOUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Thanks for playing All Alone. If you've any suggestions/bugs/mistakes
Floyd | to pass on, then please do email Joey at
Floyd |
Floyd | Many thanks goes to the whole TMBG Tribute Album team, especially
Floyd | Melvin, Ruth, Jack, Andrew, and whoever it was that sent unattributed
Floyd | transcripts.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Anonymous beta tester."
Jacqueline says, "huh"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "endings"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > ENDINGS
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "amusing"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > AMUSING
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Just curious how many different things we should try."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "burn car"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > BURN CAR
Floyd |
Floyd | I intend to steal this tonight.
Floyd |
Floyd | Now's the moment! I smash the window, climb in and fiddle with the
Floyd | wires below the wheel like Cousin Vinnie showed me. It roars into life
Floyd | and I'm free, out on the open road.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** I Stole Somebody's Cadillac ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside The Garden Mart
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "That cousin Vinnie is a bad influence."
DavidW says, "Not like cousin Betsy Lou who made us sugar cookies."
Gerynar asks, "does he say 'youts' or 'youths'?"
DavidW says (to Gerynar), "oh, like Vinnie would say a word like that."
Jacqueline asks, "So... we good?"
DavidW says, "I don't really know what else to try with this one. We stole the car, lit the window, and walked away."
Jacqueline says, "I am kinda out of ideas as well. I thought it was a yay just to know we got to steal the car."
Johnny says (to Floyd), "burn money"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > BURN MONEY
Floyd |
Floyd | This still needs a descripburntion.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Unless there's something to buy with our 500 clams."
Johnny says, "heh"
Johnny says, "descripburntion"
DavidW says (to Johnny), "cool"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
ASchultz says, "even when it's not implemented amusingly, it's implemented amusingly"
Jacqueline says, "Okay, let's do at least one more today..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "q"
Floyd ]  Outside The Garden Mart                              3:21 AM
Floyd |
Floyd | > Q
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Johnny says (to Floyd), "yesplz"
Floyd says (to Johnny), "Floyd doesn't know that trick."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask a18whatsthatbluething"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The footsteps behind you seem to be getting louder, closer, as you
Floyd | run.  You're reaching the end of your breath, legs burning with the
Floyd | effort.  You don't know if you should keep running or stop, wait here
Floyd | or even turn around and fight.
Floyd |
Floyd | You get the feeling your next move is the defining point of your
Floyd | life.
Floyd |
Floyd | fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here
Floyd | An Interactive Fiction by Ruth Alfasso version 1.05
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 120304 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Crossroad
Floyd | The road rolls on in front of you.  To the north the road continues,
Floyd | to the east, a set of stairs descends and there is a doorway to the
Floyd | west.  Make your move wisely, you only get one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "huh. Like that pine tree one."
Jacqueline says, "huh, yeah"
djfletch says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You're carrying nothing but your ideas of linear storytelling, which
Floyd | you drop immediately.  Also this blue thing.  What's it doing here?
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Aw"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "eat blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | It tastes remarkably blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says, "haha"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BLUE THING
Floyd |
Floyd | What's that blue thing doing here?
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wear blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEAR BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the blue thing)
Floyd | What's that blue thing doing here?
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | You are in a twisty maze of passages, all alike.  It is dark, and you
Floyd | are likely to be eaten by a blue thing
Floyd |
Floyd | Ok, you're not, but what did you expect?
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Cute."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > OPEN BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > THROW BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | The blue thing is already here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You keep running, it feel like you've hit some sort of wall, and the
Floyd | footsteps behind you are getting closer.  But then you see it, the
Floyd | finish line, a bright blue banner just ahead.  You put on a burst of
Floyd | speed, ignoring the screaming of your legs, the pain in your lungs and
Floyd | make it.  A split second later, the owner of the footsteps that dogged
Floyd | yours for the last half mile crosses the line behind you.   Although
Floyd | second place is not so shabby, she looks glum and you feel embarassed
Floyd | and a little guilty.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You try the doorknob on the roughly painted door and find it locked.
Floyd | In panic, you shove it hard and the lock releases, the door squealing
Floyd | open to reveal a darkened hallway.  You slam the door shut again and
Floyd | listen, pressing your ear to the wood as the pounding footsteps go by.
Floyd | You breathe a sigh of relief and look in the bag you've been
Floyd | clutching, all the way from the jewelry store.  In the dim light of an
Floyd | emergency exit electric bulb, it's hard to see what's in there, but it
Floyd | doesn't look, or feel right.  You pull out a strand of what you
Floyd | thought were pearls but to your fingers, they're clearly made of
Floyd | plastic.  What were supposed to be gold chains are suspiciously light.
Floyd | And something in the bag is blinking a tiny blue light.  You realize
Floyd | it's some sort of tracker when you hear the footsteps return.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You cascade down the stairs, praying not to slip on the steps, wet
Floyd | from last night's rain, hoping there's someone staffing the subway
Floyd | entrance.  A quick look over your shoulder shows that the man who's
Floyd | been chasing you since you left work is still behind you, but the look
Floyd | costs you seconds as you have to grab for the handrail to keep from
Floyd | falling.  He calls out to you:  "Miss?  Miss!  You dropped your bag!"
Floyd |
Floyd | You stand there panting, wairly looking at the stranger as he holds a
Floyd | bag out to you.  Indeed, it looks like your purse and, now standing
Floyd | still for the moment, you notice you're not carrying yours anymore.
Floyd | Gratefully, you reach out for it.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Thank you," you say and take it. The man nods and jogs back up the
Floyd | stairs out of sight.  The bag is strangely heavy.  You reach inside
Floyd | and find a gun, which gleams bluely in the harsh fluorescents of the
Floyd | subway station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Saying "enough is enough" to yourself, you turn and face the crowd of
Floyd | people, including your maid of honor and the man you had promised to
Floyd | marry, trailing behind you as you fled the church in your shiny silver
Floyd | heels and long white dress.
Floyd |
Floyd | "I'm sorry," you say to them all, "I can't go through with it."  Tears
Floyd | are flowing down your cheeks as you give back the ring to your
Floyd | intended groom, and take off the earrings belonging to your
Floyd | no-longer-to-be-mother-in-law, handing them to the maid of honor, who
Floyd | stands gaping.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Here's the something borrowed, you can see they get back to her."
Floyd |
Floyd | You take off your garter, practically groping your own leg in the
Floyd | process of worrying it off down your knee and past your shoe and throw
Floyd | it at her.  "I'm sure you'll be very happy," you scream, as the blue
Floyd | ribbon of cloth hits her hair and bounces to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd | You take off through the fields, zigzagging to avoid the occasional
Floyd | arrow what's left of the army manages to get off in your general
Floyd | direction.  Maybe you shouldn't have insulted thier leader, wasn't
Floyd | that like one of the first things they taught you in time travel
Floyd | school?
Floyd |
Floyd | No, that was "get to the damn transfer point before the portal
Floyd | closes."
Floyd |
Floyd | You see the glimmer of the portal in front of you and dive toward it,
Floyd | feeling a sharp pain in your side as you fall through.  Landing hard
Floyd | on the retrieval platform increases the pain a hundredfold and you
Floyd | look down to see your blood pouring out over the shaft of a slim blue
Floyd | arrow.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | You take off through the fields, zigzagging to avoid the occasional
Floyd | arrow what's left of the army manages to get off in your general
Floyd | direction.  Maybe you shouldn't have insulted thier leader, wasn't
Floyd | that like one of the first things they taught you in time travel
Floyd | school?
Floyd |
Floyd | No, that was "get to the damn transfer point before the portal
Floyd | closes."
Floyd |
Floyd | You see the glimmer of the portal in front of you and dive toward it,
Floyd | feeling a sharp pain in your side as you fall through.  Landing hard
Floyd | on the retrieval platform increases the pain a hundredfold and you
Floyd | look down to see your blood pouring out over the shaft of a slim blue
Floyd | arrow.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | You think you're finally going fast enough.  You spread your wings and
Floyd | *WHOOSH*, the sound is nearly deafening, but you can feel your feet
Floyd | leaving the ground, dangling beneath you, before you remember to tuck
Floyd | them like you'd practiced and flap, flap, flap.
Floyd |
Floyd | You look down, and the crowd below has stopped running and all are
Floyd | staring up at you, waving the pitchforks and torches they were
Floyd | carrying to run you and your experiments out of town.  They are
Floyd | starting to look as small and insigificant as they are.  Ahead of you
Floyd | is only blue sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Interesting - same but quite different."
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > DOWN
Floyd |
Floyd | You cascade down the stairs, praying not to slip on the steps, wet
Floyd | from last night's rain, hoping there's someone staffing the subway
Floyd | entrance.  A quick look over your shoulder shows that the man who's
Floyd | been chasing you since you left work is still behind you, but the look
Floyd | costs you seconds as you have to grab for the handrail to keep from
Floyd | falling.  He calls out to you:  "Miss?  Miss!  You dropped your bag!"
Floyd |
Floyd | You stand there panting, wairly looking at the stranger as he holds a
Floyd | bag out to you.  Indeed, it looks like your purse and, now standing
Floyd | still for the moment, you notice you're not carrying yours anymore.
Floyd | Gratefully, you reach out for it.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Thank you," you say and take it. The man nods and jogs back up the
Floyd | stairs out of sight.  The bag is strangely heavy.  You reach inside
Floyd | and find a gun, which gleams bluely in the harsh fluorescents of the
Floyd | subway station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "score"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SCORE
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no score in this story.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SING
Floyd |
Floyd | You burst out into song, belting out "I'm your only friend, I'm not
Floyd | your only friend, but I'm a little glowing friend, but really I'm not
Floyd | actually your friend."
Floyd |
Floyd | When you get to the chorus, the group of people behind you join in at
Floyd | the harmony.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wake up"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > WAKE UP
Floyd |
Floyd | Ok, honestly, you're really sitting in front of a computer, laptop,
Floyd | tablet or smartphone playing a text adventure loosely inspired by the
Floyd | songs of They Might be Giants.  Better?
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "heh - sing"
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | The complicated shadows of the taller buildings in this part of town
Floyd | give you hope and an idea.  You double back, using a broken lamppost
Floyd | as an anchor to quickly change direction and loop around the building,
Floyd | sneaking around the side and emerging from behind the crowd as they
Floyd | pass, running as if to keep up with the stragglers in the crowd of
Floyd | cops and city folk that were chasing you after your latest exploits
Floyd | had come to light.  In the dark nobody notices, not even the people
Floyd | you're running head to head with, you're dressed alike in the the same
Floyd | kind of raggedy clothing.  As the crowd begins to disperse, making
Floyd | noises of frustration, you duck down a side street and head for one of
Floyd | your safehouses, to live to taunt the regime yet again.  In the gutter
Floyd | you see a blue kazoo, which gives you an excellent idea.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wait"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > WAIT
Floyd |
Floyd | You hit pause and the game stops; you realize you've been playing for
Floyd | hours, so absorbed your heart really is pounding like you're being
Floyd | chased and your mouth is cottony-dry.  You stumble off to the kitchen
Floyd | and grab some gatorade, your least favorite flavor -- blue.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pray"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > PRAY
Floyd |
Floyd | You pray.  Blue bolts from heaven strike down your enemies.  Wow!
Floyd | Should have tried that earlier.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "heh"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | You are in a twisty maze of passages, all alike.  It is dark, and you
Floyd | are likely to be eaten by a blue thing
Floyd |
Floyd | Ok, you're not, but what did you expect?
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz exclaims, "Sacrilege! Blue is the best sports drink flavor! Blue can be many flavors, too!"
DavidW says, "oh we did xyzzy already"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "play blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > PLAY BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "dance"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > DANCE
Floyd |
Floyd | At the cue, synchronized watches quietly beeping, you and the rest of
Floyd | your flash mob break into a well-rehearsed dance routine, waving blue
Floyd | scarves around your heads as you stomp and whirl to the
Floyd | Bollywood-style music blaring from synchronized iPhones.  You can't
Floyd | wait to see this on YouTube!
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Johnny says (to Floyd), "dance"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > DANCE
Floyd |
Floyd | At the cue, synchronized watches quietly beeping, you and the rest of
Floyd | your flash mob break into a well-rehearsed dance routine, waving blue
Floyd | scarves around your heads as you stomp and whirl to the
Floyd | Bollywood-style music blaring from synchronized iPhones.  You can't
Floyd | wait to see this on YouTube!
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Johnny says (to Floyd), "eat"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > EAT
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to eat?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "very nice on dancing"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pick up phone booth"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "scream"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SCREAM
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "search blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "curse"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > CURSE
Floyd |
Floyd | You curse a blue streak.  It makes you feel better and you speed up,
Floyd | your pursuers falling behind.  Words are powerful!
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "jump"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > JUMP
Floyd |
Floyd | You think you're finally going fast enough.  You spread your wings and
Floyd | *WHOOSH*, the sound is nearly deafening, but you can feel your feet
Floyd | leaving the ground, dangling beneath you, before you remember to tuck
Floyd | them like you'd practiced and flap, flap, flap.
Floyd |
Floyd | You look down, and the crowd below has stopped running and all are
Floyd | staring up at you, waving the pitchforks and torches they were
Floyd | carrying to run you and your experiments out of town.  They are
Floyd | starting to look as small and insigificant as they are.  Ahead of you
Floyd | is only blue sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
djfletch says (to Floyd), "sing blues"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SING BLUES
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to sing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SLEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | You wake up with a start, covered in sweat.
Floyd |
Floyd | Damn you hate these being-chased-in-the-dark can't-move-in-molasses
Floyd | don't-know-why-you're-running dreams.  Also, you need to pee, bad.
Floyd | Maybe next time you'll skip the jalapeno, garlic and feta toppings on
Floyd | your pizza.  You're thankful for your blue canary night light to keep
Floyd | you company at times like these.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "push blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | It is fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "smell blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SMELL BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | Mostly you smell your own sweat, you've been running so long.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
genericgeekgirl says, "Aw, yay. One of my games had a canary night light, too."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > LISTEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear the noise of the crowd as they jeer at you, calling you names
Floyd | like "Smurf" and "little blue riding hood" and "meanie".  It's not
Floyd | fair!  It's not your fault you fell in the vat of dye just before your
Floyd | coming out party.  You're so embarrassed, you're never coming back to
Floyd | town again.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "wear blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the blue thing)
Floyd | What's that blue thing doing here?
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen to blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear the noise of the crowd as they jeer at you, calling you names
Floyd | like "Smurf" and "little blue riding hood" and "meanie".  It's not
Floyd | fair!  It's not your fault you fell in the vat of dye just before your
Floyd | coming out party.  You're so embarrassed, you're never coming back to
Floyd | town again.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I really like the default not_understood message."
ASchultz says, "Yes, lots of good 4th wall stuff going on, but it's not overpowering"
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "attack blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | The complicated shadows of the taller buildings in this part of town
Floyd | give you hope and an idea.  You double back, using a broken lamppost
Floyd | as an anchor to quickly change direction and loop around the building,
Floyd | sneaking around the side and emerging from behind the crowd as they
Floyd | pass, running as if to keep up with the stragglers in the crowd of
Floyd | cops and city folk that were chasing you after your latest exploits
Floyd | had come to light.  In the dark nobody notices, not even the people
Floyd | you're running head to head with, you're dressed alike in the the same
Floyd | kind of raggedy clothing.  As the crowd begins to disperse, making
Floyd | noises of frustration, you duck down a side street and head for one of
Floyd | your safehouses, to live to taunt the regime yet again.  In the gutter
Floyd | you see a blue kazoo, which gives you an excellent idea.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "So SW = SE, and NW = NE."
inky says (to Floyd), "play"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > PLAY
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "let's go blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > LET'S GO BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "kiss blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You can only do that to something animate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x linear"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > X LINEAR
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz asks, "Anyone object to plowing through the standard actions in the Inform IDE?"
djfletch says, "heh, go for it"
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "wave"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > WAVE
Floyd |
Floyd | You wave, feeling foolish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > YES
Floyd |
Floyd | That was a rhetorical question.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I think we got most of the usual ones."
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "no"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > NO
Floyd |
Floyd | That was a rhetorical question.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "smell"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SMELL
Floyd |
Floyd | Mostly you smell your own sweat, you've been running so long.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "oops did that one"
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "bother"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > BOTHER
Floyd |
Floyd | Quite.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > TOUCH BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "buy blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing is on sale.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > THROW BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | The blue thing is already here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "think"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > THINK
Floyd |
Floyd | As you run, you're doing as complex of math calculations in your head
Floyd | as you can, it's the only way you can keep the telepaths behind you
Floyd | from knowing which direction you're planning to run.
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ok, that was new"
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "ask blue thing about blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You can only do that to something animate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "sorry"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SORRY
Floyd |
Floyd | Oh, don't apologise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "spells"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > SPELLS
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "frotz blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > FROTZ BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "plover"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > PLOVER
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Personally, I recite poetry over and over instead of doing complex math."
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "climb blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't think much is to be achieved by that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "look east"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > LOOK EAST
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing unexpected in that direction.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky asks, "hmm, what's that book?"
DavidW asks, "what book?"
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "drink blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | There's nothing suitable to drink here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "Demolished Man, there we go"
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Crossroad
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "brb"
inky says, "the guy learns this jingle to protect himself from telepaths"
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "taste blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You taste nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh. Never heard of it."
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "tie blue thing to me"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You would achieve nothing by this.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "squeeze blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You achieve nothing by this.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wave blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > WAVE BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | But you aren't holding that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "swing blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | There's nothing sensible to swing here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take blue"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | What's that blue thing doing here?
Floyd |
Floyd | Each step takes you in a completely new direction.  Here's another
Floyd | go at a fresh world.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I was thinking of The Tommyknockers, actually."
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "ignore blue thing"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | I don't understand you.  Perhaps you'd like to play "fingertips:  I
Floyd | don't understand you" instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "verbose"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > VERBOSE
Floyd |
Floyd | fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here is now in its "verbose"
Floyd | mode, which always gives long descriptions of locations (even if
Floyd | you've been there before).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says (to Floyd), "brief"
Floyd ]  fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here?       TMBG
Floyd |
Floyd | > BRIEF
Floyd |
Floyd | fingertips: what's that blue thing doing here is now in its "brief"
Floyd | printing mode, which gives long descriptions of places never before
Floyd | visited and short descriptions otherwise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "ok, I've tried what I want"
Jacqueline asks, "One more, or call it for today?"
ASchultz says, "lots of cool stuff added from the beta, which was also fun"
DavidW says, "I kinda feel done. I should get lunch."
Jacqueline says, "I am good with calling it as well."
ASchultz says, "5 games today is a lot, yeah"
Jacqueline says (to AS), "I didn't play the beta, but I liked how this was similar but totally different from Leave me Alone."
ASchultz says, "me too, but reversing the titles."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
djfletch says, "these one-move games take longer than you'd expect"
djfletch says, "although I suppose we've been exploring them quite fully"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
inky says, "typing the right move: 10 seconds; figuring out which move to type: 45 minutes"
Jacqueline says, "heh. yeah."


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