ClubFloyd Transcript:
The idea behind ClubFloyd
is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of
people meet online to cooperatively play a game of
interactive fiction. |
ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion
DavidW says, "re: Delusions, I wasn't helping too much, as I recall. First of all, we'd attempted it before and got very stuck. Second, I just wasn't all that focused last week." | ||
smartgenes says, "ilac also happens to be a Korean drink.. Hi, DavidW" | ||
DavidW says, "I'm kinda hoping we'll give Delusions a rest and try something else this week." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Well, I was just thinking that -- oh." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Well, that is up to you guys. I obviously have no idea what's going on in that game, so I can't really be a part of that conversation. It's nice to have transcripts that get to some resolution, but certainly not at all required." | ||
smartgenes says, "well, i'm happy to resolve the game at some time anyway" | ||
DavidW says, "Well, we'd played Delusions before, and I still couldn't remember off the top of my head how we solved some of the puzzles." | ||
smartgenes says, "um, assuming I can solve the puzzles, anyway.." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Oh, had we? Huh. Then... why... oh, nevermind." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Well, assuming that we're not playing that, who here wants to play something? Just so I know who's in the conversation?" | ||
smartgenes says, "am game" | ||
DavidW says, "I see 'Crystal and Stone Beetle and Bone' listed; I've never played CSBB yet." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Ell), "huh" | ||
Jacqueline looks up CSBB. | ||
Jacqueline says, "Huh. Sounds good. Let me upload it." | ||
Ellison arrives, ready to play with the toys. | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load csbb" | ||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to restore a saved game? Floyd | | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | "Greetings Almighty! Allow me to tell you about your world, Aarkland."
Floyd |
Floyd | Our story begins here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The harvest time is upon the people. Their hard work goes on from early
Floyd | morning until all that must be done is done. The summer has been good
Floyd | and this winter no one will starve. That is what the villagers believe,
Floyd | anyway. In ignorance they have turned from you and cannot see the
Floyd | coming darkness. For them Ignorance is bliss, but refusing to see the
Floyd | truth is no protection against evil.
Floyd |
Floyd | The young girl that's come to meet you in secret is Lornedei. You watch
Floyd | her treading along the road and when she stops next to the water, you
Floyd | once more feel a glimmer of hope. She is the first child in more than a
Floyd | hundred years that has been born with the old power. The youngest
Floyd | daughter to Lorne and Noki, this innocent girl searches the sky for
Floyd | your presence. She smiles when she senses it and gives you a little
Floyd | wave. She is the last one. The last hope.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei tightens the straps on her rucksack, throws a quick glance
Floyd | back along the road, and makes sure her sandals are fastened properly.
Floyd | Surely she can sense you watching her, but she says nothing. She
Floyd | reaches into her rucksack and brings out some bread. She nibbles on it
Floyd | without much enthusiasm while watching the flowing river, and she waits
Floyd | for you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The girl has the power to "reach" beyond what the eye can see and
Floyd | "heal" what is broken, but she is not strong enough to make a
Floyd | difference. Not without guidance. That is where you come in. As the God
Floyd | of this land, you must guide her. First, you should send her to the
Floyd | unholy stones to see what the world around her is hiding.
Floyd | An Interactive Fantasy.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crystal and Stone, Beetle and Bone.
Floyd | By Jenny Brennan 2007-2009.
Floyd |
Floyd | Latest update and bug fixed June 25 2009. Type "about" for more
Floyd | information.
Floyd | Type "help" to get started.
Floyd | Type "hint" for specific help.
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 090625 / Inform v6.31 Library 6/11 S
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd | This old road, coming from the village, runs north to the edge of the
Floyd | forest. Alongside it to the west is the rushing water of the river
Floyd | Aarkland. The river flows through the forest and divides it in two: To
Floyd | the east is the old forest, and to the west is the forbidden forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Few people use the road these days, and it is all but overtaken by
Floyd | grass and brush. A seemingly endless field stretches out to the east.
Floyd | Between the swaying grass and the road, a few deformed bushes prepare
Floyd | to invade what remains of the road. A short distance to the southeast
Floyd | is a pile of stones. The stones are barely visible above the grass.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | A whiff of the deformed bushes reaches Lornedei's nose and she waves
Floyd | the unpleasant odor away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Forbidden Forest was one of my favorite games on the C64." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | You are The almighty, the last of the Gods. Your wish is Lornedei's
Floyd | command and she will do as you ask if it is possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | When she was born you managed to give her, as your chosen one, the
Floyd | power to heal and to reach into things with her mind. She is young
Floyd | though and you must show her the way. You might be a god but you are
Floyd | not much more than a vague presence in this world.
Floyd | Lornedei suddenly looks startled.
Floyd | "Master what is this?" A firefly is buzzing around her head. She waves
Floyd | her hand to wave it away when suddenly a small voice pipes up.
Floyd | "No, No, silly girl. I am no harm! I am here to help you must know!"
Floyd | Lornedei stops waving but she looks dubiously at the tiny creature.
Floyd | Once safe from the terribly waving arm, the firefly stops for a rest on
Floyd | Lornedei's brow. The tiny voice pipes up again. "I must come, curious
Floyd | am I, and I can help such as you!" Lornedei tries to look up at the fly
Floyd | but all that happens is that her eyes cross. "There is magic here,
Floyd | magic in you girl. I have not sensed magic in a long time, yes!" the
Floyd | fly takes off and starts buzzing around Lornedei's head again. "Strong
Floyd | you are not! Oh, no. That god of yours was stingy in his giving so he
Floyd | was. Pity, pity. You can be stronger though. Sometimes from nature,
Floyd | sometimes from other things. You must know girl, to regain strength
Floyd | that you lose, you must eat. Ah, there are some here, I have searched
Floyd | for these." the fly buzzes off towards the deformed bushes and lands on
Floyd | one of the berries growing there. "Eat these and be strong, do not
Floyd | forget." there is an angry buzzing, a strange grunting sound, and a
Floyd | thud as a white berry, seemingly with a firefly attached on the top,
Floyd | falls to the ground. "Me... Will just.." In an amazing display of
Floyd | over-insectile powers, the fly lifts the berry off the ground. "will
Floyd | just take this." The firefly, along with its booty, disappears with a
Floyd | pop and a flash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The firefly is available for questioning. It is happy to help. Just
Floyd | type "hint" and it will come.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hold on, still reading" | |
Jacqueline says, "I just typed one command that I did not realize would reveal another text dump. Sorry about that. :)" | ||
Ellison says, "I'm thinking only that first line was the response to >X ME and the rest is prose on a timer. I could be wrong, though." | ||
DavidW says (to Ellison), "yes, probably." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah/" | ||
Jacqueline says, "So, at first it seemed like the firefly was sort of a devil analog, the berries the apple, but the last line makes it seem as though the firefly is on our side. Then again, maybe we're actually evil -- ooooh deep I guess we shall see won't we yes we wil yes." | ||
DavidW says, "This god/disciple setup reminds me of Bellclap. Hopefully we're a nicer god than that one." | ||
smartgenes says, "i'm not very convinced by the god-thing thus far" | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Hm, does this pre- or post-date Bellclap, I wonder?" | ||
Jacqueline says (to smartgenes), "Elaborate, please." | ||
DavidW says, "I don't know. There's at least two other games I can remember where the player is a god and directs the NPC-like PC." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "So the firefly is our hint. Should we look at the general help before we proceed?" | ||
DavidW says, "hm, yes. I'd like to know if talking to the firefly is considered cheating or not." | ||
smartgenes says, "seems a bit contrived and just an excuse for why we have a parser,,, also the fact that she has the power to reach was mentioned as if it were the reason we were guiding her, then in the second dump it said we gave her the power" | ||
Jacqueline says, "I'm thinking it is, but yeah, maybe HELP will shed some light on that, David." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "help" | ||
Floyd | Various ways to get you started or out of trouble:
Floyd |
Floyd | Play around with the characters to get a grip on them. You are the
Floyd | Almighty. You command Lornedei.
Floyd | I.E If you give the command: >take dirt, you may get the reply: She
Floyd | cannot find any such thing.
Floyd | If you give the command: >pick nose, you might get the reply: Lornedei
Floyd | gives you a disgusted look.
Floyd | The command: >talk to bird, may result in: "I still can't talk to
Floyd | animals Master, when will you ever learn?"
Floyd | Other characters may be ordered in the normal way. I.E >fish, eat hook.
Floyd |
Floyd | Pay attention to what is happening now and then!
Floyd | Some useful verbs:
Floyd | Try out:
Floyd | >where...
Floyd | >whats...
Floyd | >follow... >reach...
Floyd | Do not forget to
Floyd | >smell...
Floyd | >listen...
Floyd | >touch...
Floyd |
Floyd | Conversations:
Floyd | >hint
Floyd | >ask firefly about Lornedei
Floyd | Ask the firefly about something that you see in the game or about
Floyd | something regarding the game play.
Floyd | >ask Lornedei about magic
Floyd | Talk to Lornedei. Ask Lornedei about things that you see in the game.
Floyd |
Floyd | Game play verbs:
Floyd |
Floyd | >exits
Floyd | Gives you all possible ways out of the current location.
Floyd | >magic Gives you Lornedei's current magic.
Floyd | >holiness
Floyd | Gives you current score.
Floyd | >about
Floyd | Information about the game.
Floyd | >beginner
Floyd | A beginners guide to Interactive Fiction.
Floyd | >credits
Floyd | Shows the credits.
Floyd | Finally:
Floyd | >DUH!
Floyd | (Not recommended.)
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says (to smartgenes), "I'm unclear what the game means by 'reaching' just yet." | |
smartgenes says, "some power that we gave her, but I read the first bit of text as though we were choosing to guide her because she had some promise to do with her reaching, or some such" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about reaching" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "reach firefly" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "magic" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 80.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "holiness" | ||
Floyd | Your current holiness is 0 out of a possible holiness of 105, in 1
Floyd | move.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Some interesting verbs." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "smell bush" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei sniffs one of the leaves but pulls her head back with a
Floyd | grimace.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x bush" | ||
Floyd | They all look sick, small, and deformed as they reach their oddly
Floyd | shaped digits towards her. There must be something wrong with them.
Floyd | Despite it being in the middle of Harvest Moon, their leaves are yellow
Floyd | and riddled with brown and black blotches.
Floyd | A few white berries still cling to the branches.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "Terry Pratchett had the power "borrowing", maybe it is similar" | |
DavidW asks, "He cribbed from other authors, you mean?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x berries" | ||
Floyd | The berries are slightly oval and quite large, almost white with barely
Floyd | visible bluish stripes. They are shriveled slightly but they look
Floyd | edible still.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "lol, no, borrowing was taking another being's body" | |
Jacqueline says, "If I saw berries like that in the real world I would steer way, way clear." | ||
Jacqueline clears the save counter. | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I'm thinking reaching might be telekinesis or learning the true nature of something." | |
smartgenes asks, "especially if a talking firefly told you to eat them?" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "eat berry" | ||
Floyd | (Taking the white berries first.)
Floyd | Lornedei picks all of the berries that seem edible. It turns out to be
Floyd | quite a handful. She drops them all into the rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "eat a berry" | smartgenes says, "like in Babel, maybe.." | |
Floyd | (Taking the handful of white berries first.)
Floyd | Lornedei eats one of the white berries.
Floyd | "These are actually not too awful Master! They remind me of something
Floyd | but I cannot recall what." She shrugs.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just went up by three.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Ellison says (to Floyd), "heal bush" | ||
Floyd | "These bushes' fate is beyond my powers. I cannot remove the dark power
Floyd | that is inside. I beg your forgiveness Master, I do not have the right
Floyd | knowledge and I would only be wasting my magic."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Huh - our magic went up." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "magic" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 83.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach berry" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach bush" | ||
Floyd | Carefully she reaches into the inner being of the bushes with her mind.
Floyd | "There is something strange here, something dark. I cannot see it
Floyd | clearly. All I know is that it feels wrong. Very wrong!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "did it reqire the article "a" there, or did it just eat berry on the second occasion" | |
Jacqueline says, "I just used 'a' because the first time not distinguishing made her pick all the berries." | ||
DavidW says, "shall we direct her to the unholy stones? southeast, I think it said." | ||
smartgenes says, "yes, just wondering how the input actually worked" | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Yeah, that's fine. Let's do it. Think we need a mapper?" | ||
smartgenes says, "i started a map.." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 82.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says (to sg), "Cool, thanks." | |
DavidW says, "I think we will need to map, yeah. The initial room name is in two parts." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Mmm... horrid bread." | ||
DavidW says, "'Horrid' is the name of the valley on the other side of Springdale." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Nice detail, having the magic level listed in the inventory." | ||
smartgenes asks, "se?" | ||
DavidW says, "yes, please" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (On the Unholy Stones)
Floyd | For as long as Lornedei can remember, she has been told not to go
Floyd | there. There is nothing strange about the stones at a distance. It
Floyd | could just be a collection of fieldstones, perhaps from the time when
Floyd | the settlers first prepared the field. Nothing could be more wrong.
Floyd | There are piles of stones in many fields, but none with this kind of
Floyd | history.
Floyd |
Floyd | She hesitates and turns to you. It seems like she wants to say
Floyd | something. She keeps silent and steps up on the platform.
Floyd | The collection of stones is over ten paces from edge to edge. The top
Floyd | has been flattened to create a platform and that is where Lornedei
Floyd | stands. No new stones have been added in several hundred years. Despite
Floyd | the lack of activity, nothing grows near the stones.
Floyd |
Floyd | There are powers here that make it easier for her to use her magic. You
Floyd | can make her see what hides around her. She will see the world as it
Floyd | is, what hides beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can go north to the field or northwest back to the dusty road.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "borrow stone" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "hm. 'reach world'?" | |
Jacqueline says, "I'm enjoying the writing" | ||
smartgenes says, "oops" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach stone" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei reaches down in the ground by her feet. She shuts her eyes and
Floyd | lets her mind touch the stones one by one. One lost name after another
Floyd | flies through her mind like a swarm of insane and vicious insects.
Floyd | Hundreds, thousands of names of men, women and children. Each one has a
Floyd | history, a life led in pain or ignorance, but they all share the same
Floyd | pain. The same longing, the same sorrow, the same terrible fate.
Floyd | Crying, she drops to her knees.
Floyd | "These people were all severed. Their names were stolen, ripped away
Floyd | from their souls. They did not all deserve this fate, I am sure. These
Floyd | names belong to the spirits Master, but they can never be whole again.
Floyd | Never!" Lornedei takes a deep breath and gets back up on her feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x lornedei" | ||
Floyd | This is Lornedei. She is the youngest child of Lorne and Noki and the
Floyd | only girl out of the four children. She is not quite a woman, not quite
Floyd | a child. Her long golden hair, blue eyes and innocent eagerness to
Floyd | please is charming. Unlike her family and other villagers, she believes
Floyd | in you.
Floyd | She is dressed in a finely woven shirt worn over a pair of riding
Floyd | trousers. The outfit is borrowed from her brother. He is of course
Floyd | unaware of his generosity. On her feet is a pair of leather sandals.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get stone" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei picks up one of the stones to take a closer look. She quickly
Floyd | drops it again.
Floyd | "I cannot touch these Master. There is so much evil here, so much
Floyd | sorrow. They make me feel ill."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "hm, woman in men's outfit trope, eh?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x trousers" | ||
Floyd | She is wearing a pair of pants that she borrowed for the day from one
Floyd | of her brothers. Well worn but clean and dry.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "search them" | ||
Floyd | Perhaps you should leave Lornedei's clothing alone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I think the sandal stone message was just atmospheric." | |
Jacqueline says, "Possibly just easier for traveling. Hiking in a dress, depending on the dress, can be cumbersome." | ||
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Yeah." | ||
DavidW says, "Like the biting a nail earlier." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yes. I like the touches." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x world" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing she can do from here. She may be able to reach a
Floyd | distant object, but she can do nothing with it.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "We'll see if they get repetitive. Hopefully there's code to prevent that." | |
smartgenes says, "i wondered about getting a stone and adding it to the pile" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach world" | ||
Floyd | The world around Lornedei fades. She finds herself high up in the air,
Floyd | hovering above a seemingly endless field. She flaps her white wings
Floyd | tentatively at first, but then she catches an upwind and rises.
Floyd | Not far ahead of her is a vast and lush forest, stretching north and
Floyd | northeast. She looks east. Between the field and the endless ocean are
Floyd | a few homes, perhaps a fishing village, and a patchwork of fields. As
Floyd | she hovers far above the field, turning to the south, she can see a
Floyd | road following a river to another village far to the south. It is
Floyd | Lornedei's own.
Floyd |
Floyd | She turns west and the forbidden forest, a landscape of gray, stretches
Floyd | out ahead of her. It stretches to the southwest and to the northwest as
Floyd | far as she can see. It is a swirling black and gray mass of mist or
Floyd | smoke, for the most part unbroken except for the occasional tree-top
Floyd | protruding here and there.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | She moves closer until she is above the glittering water of the
Floyd | Aarkland river and turns north. She follows the flowing water until it
Floyd | seems to disappear into a large cliff. The two forests meet at the top
Floyd | of the cliff, but the old forest seems to give way more and more so
Floyd | that the border turns northeast towards a distant mountain chain. The
Floyd | river does not seem to appear again.
Floyd |
Floyd | She turns west, soaring above unbroken gray, seeing only the occasional
Floyd | twisted treetop shooting out of the thick mist and a blue sky above.
Floyd | She flies on, across a landscape of gray and black. The mist Swirls
Floyd | here and there, darkens here and there, but never reveals what is
Floyd | below.
Floyd |
Floyd | Then the air seems to thin and she sinks down. She sinks down below the
Floyd | mist. She finds herself racing between twisted tree-trunks and grasping
Floyd | branches. A dry whisper follows her as she loses her orientation.
Floyd | Silent shapes like shadows follow her path. Spirits, hollow-eyed, pale
Floyd | and ragged, open their mouths in rage and longing before they shy away
Floyd | from her. They melt back into the shadows between the trees. Suddenly
Floyd | she is out of the forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below her is a barren landscape of sand and broken earth. The forbidden
Floyd | forest surrounds this field of despair, although the sky is clear.
Floyd | Above the mist, to the northeast, she can see a pale silhouette of the
Floyd | mountains. She can see a far distant shade of green to the east, beyond
Floyd | which is a blue horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | The same view meets her to the southeast, but to the south, southwest
Floyd | and west, there is only the forbidden forest with its blanket of mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | She lowers herself until she is just above stony ground. A deep ravine
Floyd | separates the field from the forest to the west. The ravine runs south
Floyd | to north into a misty plain where it disappears out of sight. To the
Floyd | northwest, clinging to the edge of the ravine, there is an old ruin...a
Floyd | castle. Only part of the ruin is visible as the rest of it fades into
Floyd | gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | She turns westward and sinks down in the ravine. Making her way north,
Floyd | the tip of her left wing nearly strokes the far ravine wall. She turns
Floyd | upwards and flies clockwise around the entire castle ruin. Most of the
Floyd | old castle is gone. As she is viewing it from the outside she can see
Floyd | chambers, dungeons and rooms in several levels that are exposed. The
Floyd | rest of the ruin is at the bottom of the ravine. After flying through
Floyd | the mist on the far side of the ruin, she appears at a great wall that
Floyd | separates the castle grounds from the northern wastelands before
Floyd | turning southeast. In the southeast corner of the big desolate field
Floyd | the ground slopes down and turns into a ragged hole in the ground. Heat
Floyd | ripples the air around it. A large fire burns within a ring of stones.
Floyd |
Floyd | She circles the fire. She is in a hurry, searching for the thing that
Floyd | should be but is no longer. She returns to the ruin. There is a high
Floyd | wall east of the castle and she stops to rest on top of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The world wavers its way back to reality and Lornedei looks pale and a
Floyd | bit unsteady on her feet.
Floyd | "Too high! Master? If I die and must come back, please do not make me a
Floyd | bird!"There is nothing she can do from here. She may be able to reach a
Floyd | distant object, but she can do nothing with it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says (to sg), "I did as well." | |
Jacqueline says, "Lots of information, perhaps not unexpected given the command. SG - might be good to generally note the directions of the key items mentioned in this passage." | ||
smartgenes says, "yes, did so.." | ||
smartgenes says, "this writing would put many fantasy writers to shame" | ||
smartgenes says, "very intuitive command btw DavidW" | ||
DavidW asks, "hm. So... there's a ruined castle with a ravine around it, a fire, something missing...?" | ||
DavidW says (to smartgenes), "thanks." | ||
smartgenes says, "also some of the ruin is in the ravine, so i suggest we search it" | ||
DavidW says, "Is there more we can do here? This is a powerful place to stand and work magic." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach fire" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach ravine" | ||
Floyd | "I cannot focus enough to find that Master. It is too distant for me,
Floyd | or too weak for me to reach from here."
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach bread" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "reach the mould on the cheese lol" | |
Ellison says, "well, I have to get going. good luck." | ||
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst.. | ||
Ellison has disconnected. | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x cheese" | ||
Floyd | A piece of cheese. Fortunately, this is not made by Noki. It may
Floyd | actually be edible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "we have a route north which presumably connects back to the starting location to the west" | |
DavidW asks, "I'm wondering if we ought to try 'reach world' again, to see if we can learn more. Maybe our form will be different, instead of a bird?" | ||
DavidW says (to sg), "That's more likely than my idea." | ||
smartgenes says, "might as well, we can scroll past the text dump if wrong" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Sure, try again. See if we get the same text." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 82.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "That stunt also was managed without using up our personal store of magic. Nice." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach world" | ||
Floyd | The world around Lornedei fades. She finds herself high up in the air,
Floyd | hovering above a seemingly endless field. She flaps her white wings
Floyd | tentatively at first, but then she catches an upwind and rises.
Floyd | Not far ahead of her is a vast and lush forest, stretching north and
Floyd | northeast. She looks east. Between the field and the endless ocean are
Floyd | a few homes, perhaps a fishing village, and a patchwork of fields. As
Floyd | she hovers far above the field, turning to the south, she can see a
Floyd | road following a river to another village far to the south. It is
Floyd | Lornedei's own.
Floyd |
Floyd | She turns west and the forbidden forest, a landscape of gray, stretches
Floyd | out ahead of her. It stretches to the southwest and to the northwest as
Floyd | far as she can see. It is a swirling black and gray mass of mist or
Floyd | smoke, for the most part unbroken except for the occasional tree-top
Floyd | protruding here and there.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | She moves closer until she is above the glittering water of the
Floyd | Aarkland river and turns north. She follows the flowing water until it
Floyd | seems to disappear into a large cliff. The two forests meet at the top
Floyd | of the cliff, but the old forest seems to give way more and more so
Floyd | that the border turns northeast towards a distant mountain chain. The
Floyd | river does not seem to appear again.
Floyd |
Floyd | She turns west, soaring above unbroken gray, seeing only the occasional
Floyd | twisted treetop shooting out of the thick mist and a blue sky above.
Floyd | She flies on, across a landscape of gray and black. The mist Swirls
Floyd | here and there, darkens here and there, but never reveals what is
Floyd | below.
Floyd |
Floyd | Then the air seems to thin and she sinks down. She sinks down below the
Floyd | mist. She finds herself racing between twisted tree-trunks and grasping
Floyd | branches. A dry whisper follows her as she loses her orientation.
Floyd | Silent shapes like shadows follow her path. Spirits, hollow-eyed, pale
Floyd | and ragged, open their mouths in rage and longing before they shy away
Floyd | from her. They melt back into the shadows between the trees. Suddenly
Floyd | she is out of the forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below her is a barren landscape of sand and broken earth. The forbidden
Floyd | forest surrounds this field of despair, although the sky is clear.
Floyd | Above the mist, to the northeast, she can see a pale silhouette of the
Floyd | mountains. She can see a far distant shade of green to the east, beyond
Floyd | which is a blue horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | The same view meets her to the southeast, but to the south, southwest
Floyd | and west, there is only the forbidden forest with its blanket of mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | She lowers herself until she is just above stony ground. A deep ravine
Floyd | separates the field from the forest to the west. The ravine runs south
Floyd | to north into a misty plain where it disappears out of sight. To the
Floyd | northwest, clinging to the edge of the ravine, there is an old ruin...a
Floyd | castle. Only part of the ruin is visible as the rest of it fades into
Floyd | gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | She turns westward and sinks down in the ravine. Making her way north,
Floyd | the tip of her left wing nearly strokes the far ravine wall. She turns
Floyd | upwards and flies clockwise around the entire castle ruin. Most of the
Floyd | old castle is gone. As she is viewing it from the outside she can see
Floyd | chambers, dungeons and rooms in several levels that are exposed. The
Floyd | rest of the ruin is at the bottom of the ravine. After flying through
Floyd | the mist on the far side of the ruin, she appears at a great wall that
Floyd | separates the castle grounds from the northern wastelands before
Floyd | turning southeast. In the southeast corner of the big desolate field
Floyd | the ground slopes down and turns into a ragged hole in the ground. Heat
Floyd | ripples the air around it. A large fire burns within a ring of stones.
Floyd |
Floyd | She circles the fire. She is in a hurry, searching for the thing that
Floyd | should be but is no longer. She returns to the ruin. There is a high
Floyd | wall east of the castle and she stops to rest on top of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The world wavers its way back to reality and Lornedei looks pale and a
Floyd | bit unsteady on her feet.
Floyd | "Too high! Master? If I die and must come back, please do not make me a
Floyd | bird!"There is nothing she can do from here. She may be able to reach a
Floyd | distant object, but she can do nothing with it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Yeah, same text. Also, surprising that it doesn't dent our magic." | |
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "The unholy stones provide huge magic." | ||
smartgenes says, "i assumed that it was a level of magic, rather than a store" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Ah, good point." | ||
DavidW says, "anyway, I second smatgenes' suggestion to head north." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Sure." | ||
smartgenes says, "maybe if it was a level though we wouldn't have started at 82" | ||
smartgenes says, "or 80 or whatever it was" | ||
Jacqueline says, "We -- yeah, 80." | ||
DavidW says, "A berry gave us +3 magic, and 'reach bush' lost us 1 magic." | ||
Jacqueline says, "And if we need to up it we have more berries, but I'm not sure we should down them all at once. Possibly this is just because I'm a park ranger and am cautious about plants I don't know too well." | ||
smartgenes says, "i thought that the lost point was because of the negative consequences.. but could be either" | ||
DavidW says, "So I think it's like a currency, mana that we can spend on tasks." | ||
smartgenes says, "seems like you guys are correct" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach fields" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach river" | ||
Floyd | "The river is flowing past in peace Master. It disappears into a cliff
Floyd | somewhere north, and I cannot follow it with my mind."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. I assume there'll be other magic-holding items later to find." | |
smartgenes says, "10/10 for atmosphere so far" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pray" | ||
Floyd | She does. Every night. You taught her well.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "i like it when authors think of that" | |
DavidW asks, "so can we go north yet?" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (Billowing Field)
Floyd | Lornedei hesitates throwing an anxious glance south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Maybe she would prefer to be back in the safe grasp of her kin. If that
Floyd | is the case, she will never tell her God. She does not know why she is
Floyd | here or how easy her mind and flesh may be corrupted, and she may be
Floyd | better off that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | Very carefully, you give her just the slightest of mental nudges to
Floyd | remove the hesitation from her mind. Not again can you give her a
Floyd | command without letting her choose how to proceed. What she has ahead
Floyd | of her she must do of her own free will as much as possible. Lornedei
Floyd | takes her eyes off the road and moves on.
Floyd | The grass grows waist high. Touched by sun, wind, and rain, it
Floyd | patiently waits for the farmers that will not come. The edge of the old
Floyd | forest lies close by to the north. To the south, a big pile of stones
Floyd | rises above the grass. The road is back west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a low growling coming from the high grass. An injured wolf
Floyd | lies there.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "heal wolf?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x wolf" | ||
Floyd | A wolf lies in the grass near the edge of the forest. The wolf is
Floyd | female and quite small. She is breathing heavily in obvious pain.
Floyd | Despite the apparent distress, she manages to show Lornedei an
Floyd | impressive set of sharp teeth. One of her hind legs seems broken and
Floyd | dried blood covering a big part of the grey fur tells its own story.
Floyd |
Floyd | The animal is exhausted and badly injured. She will most definitely die
Floyd | if nothing is done soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I think we ought to heal it. It may assist us later. :)" | |
DavidW says, "(a trope I'm quite fond of)" | ||
smartgenes says, "well, it happens in life too" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "heal wolf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shuts her eyes, raising both hands towards the dying animal.
Floyd | She summons her powers and the air starts to shimmer above the wolf. In
Floyd | sudden panic the wolf yelps miserably and tries to get up on its feet,
Floyd | but Lornedei's soft mumbling calms the animal. Still, the stare from
Floyd | those yellow eyes and a deep growl behind the exposed sharp teeth
Floyd | cannot be mistaken for friendliness.
Floyd |
Floyd | Another mumbled phrase is heard from the girl and the predator's eyes
Floyd | slowly close. The wolf is asleep. The girl kneels while the swirling
Floyd | blue light covers the wolf with healing power. In one quick move, she
Floyd | corrects the broken leg to allow it to heal properly. A long while
Floyd | passes. Then she sits back in the grass, tired but smiling. She lets
Floyd | the healing light dissipate in the air.
Floyd | "All is well Master. I shall call her Deini."
Floyd |
Floyd | Another long while passes. The air is warm but a slight breeze moves
Floyd | the grass around Lornedei. It sways gently, like waves, across the vast
Floyd | field.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wolf opens its eyes, blinks, gets up. Lornedei sits on the ground
Floyd | with a confident smile on her lips and her hands in her lap. The
Floyd | beautiful animal stands absolutely still for a moment, meeting the
Floyd | girl's eyes. Then, in a heartbeat, it turns away. It runs along the
Floyd | edge of the forest. It stops near a big tree and turns around to watch
Floyd | the human. It sits down while considering its options.
Floyd |
Floyd | Then suddenly, the wolf that Lornedei named "Deini" comes running back.
Floyd | She smells the human, inspects her carefully, and makes a decision. She
Floyd | puts a cool muzzle in the hand that Lornedei is holding out. Lornedei
Floyd | has gained a friend.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just dropped by five.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "yay" | |
smartgenes says, "if we go south can we REACH it, for free" | ||
DavidW asks, "I wonder if we can talk to the wolf? Is it that kind of world or not?" | ||
DavidW says, "(Part of the trouble with fantasy games is learning where the boundaries are.)" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to Deini" | ||
Floyd | The wolf looks at Lornedei expectantly but when the subject doesn't
Floyd | appear to be about food she starts gnawing on an itchy spot on her leg.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "afk for a half-minute to get not-quite-horrid bread to make sandwiches with." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ask Deini about leg" | ||
Floyd | Deini looks at Lornedei for a moment before she looses interest.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "heh" | |
Jacqueline says, "Okay." | ||
smartgenes asks, "go south and reach, then wait for davidw?" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (On the Unholy Stones)
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach deini" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "hmm" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (Billowing Field)
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "deini, follow me" | ||
Floyd | Deini looks at Lornedei, wondering if there might be something to eat
Floyd | first. When that doesn't seem to happen, the wolf ignores her command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "We could try giving bread or cheese?" | |
smartgenes asks, "not exactly wolf's food??" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "sance" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dance" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "well, I don't remember any dead rabbits in our inventory." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give bread to deini" | ||
Floyd | Deini smells the bread, sneezes, and backs away. She glances
Floyd | suspiciously at the piece of bread.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give cheese to deini" | ||
Floyd | (Taking the piece of cheese first.)
Floyd | Deini smells the piece of cheese but she is not very interested in
Floyd | anything that never had a heart beat at one point.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "We may need to explore more first." | |
DavidW says, "yeah, okay" | ||
Jacqueline says, "And perhaps we'll ... be lucky enough to come across a dead rabit." | ||
Jacqueline says, "er, rabbit." | ||
smartgenes asks, "west then?" | ||
DavidW says, "I suppose there'll be some nasty critter and Deini will ... get a breakfast of its liking." | ||
DavidW says, "west sounds good" | ||
Jacqueline says (to sg), "Sure. I trust the mapperman." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "west again, or north.." | |
DavidW asks, "Did Deini follow us or not?" | ||
smartgenes says, "also we might have been able to go north into the forest by the wolf" | ||
Jacqueline says, "I don't think she will until we have food." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Upside: she no longer wants to kill us." | ||
DavidW says, "hm. I'm not sure what's best here. Try west, I guess, just to see if the river's completely in the way." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Road)
Floyd | Lornedei tightens her sandals and checks her rucksack, making sure it
Floyd | is closed tight before entering the river. She steps carefully down the
Floyd | slippery slope and through the parting rushes and reeds. Something
Floyd | squawks at her but it is gone before she can see it. When her feet lose
Floyd | contact with the bottom, she floats and lets the remaining hesitation
Floyd | float away with the invisible currents below.
Floyd | The river runs from north to south. Ahead of her, the glittering water
Floyd | becomes shaded by the two forests. The forbidden forest on the left and
Floyd | the still green old forest on the right. The river disappears out of
Floyd | sight perhaps a hundred paces into the tunnel of trees, water, and
Floyd | shadows. The dusty road is east, where she can get out of the water.
Floyd | She can also dive down to the bottom of the river.
Floyd | Lornedei fumbles and dips the bread in the water. The loaf of horrid
Floyd | bread sucks up water like a sponge. It is totally ruined in seconds. It
Floyd | turns into mush that dissolves in Lornedei's hand. With a disgusted
Floyd | grimace, she lets it float away down stream.
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops from the forbidden forest into the water right
Floyd | in front of Lornedei. It bobs up and down a couple of times before it
Floyd | floats away downstream.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "losing the bread like that seems to be a mistake." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "drop all" | ||
Floyd | piece of cheese: Your wish is her command.
Floyd | handful of white berries: Your wish is her command.
Floyd | loaf of horrid bread: Your wish is her command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Yeah, but going into the river is probably okay and worth doing." | |
Jacqueline says, "Interesting." | ||
DavidW says, "A very pleasant change to have rivers that aren't insta-death locations, though." | ||
smartgenes says, "or artificial barriers" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Road)
Floyd | Lornedei tightens her sandals and checks her rucksack, making sure it
Floyd | is closed tight before entering the river. She steps carefully down the
Floyd | slippery slope and through the parting rushes and reeds. Something
Floyd | squawks at her but it is gone before she can see it. When her feet lose
Floyd | contact with the bottom, she floats and lets the remaining hesitation
Floyd | float away with the invisible currents below.
Floyd | The river runs from north to south. Ahead of her, the glittering water
Floyd | becomes shaded by the two forests. The forbidden forest on the left and
Floyd | the still green old forest on the right. The river disappears out of
Floyd | sight perhaps a hundred paces into the tunnel of trees, water, and
Floyd | shadows. The dusty road is east, where she can get out of the water.
Floyd | She can also dive down to the bottom of the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "The bread might be saved if it's in the closed rucksack." | |
DavidW says, "but I am curious what diving might do here." | ||
smartgenes asks, "was the leaf atmospheric?" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dive to bottom" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to dive.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dive down" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to dive.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I think the leaf was atmospheric, yes." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dive" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Here be Sand)
Floyd | A magical world reveals itself. The river continues north. The bottom
Floyd | is mostly composed of sand, rocks, some mud, and quickly fleeing fish.
Floyd | All kinds of things have been thrown in the river from the road and are
Floyd | now resting under a layer of sand until the end of time. The river
Floyd | continues north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "it went south though too, right?" | |
DavidW says, "In theory." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | That is not the way. She can go north or up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Here be Mud)
Floyd | It's harder to see here. The river flows from north to south. The mud
Floyd | swirls up, preventing her from seeing more than a few arm lengths
Floyd | ahead. The old trees reach out their roots under the water. They crowd
Floyd | the bottom along with swaying vegetation and rocks.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see a small gray plaque here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "We may not be able to go against the current." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take plaque" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x plaque" | ||
Floyd | It is a small round plaque in a material unknown to Lornedei. The
Floyd | surface is smooth and with a deep polish. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's hand. The surface shows nothing, not even the distorted
Floyd | image of Lornedei herself that one might expect. What shows in the
Floyd | plaque is like a reflection of a stormy sky in a puddle of murky water,
Floyd | just before the rain starts hammering.
Floyd | Her lungs are starting to ache. She will have to go to the surface
Floyd | soon!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Is there an air daemon?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (Between the Forests)
Floyd | Giant trees shade the river from both sides. Deformed branches dip
Floyd | their fingers in the water as if testing the depth before entering the
Floyd | water. Lornedei throws her head to the left, when a sudden sound is
Floyd | heard from the black forest. She moves a little bit closer to the east
Floyd | riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A constant play of light and shadow goes on around her. The two forests
Floyd | lean towards each other from both sides. The sketched outlines of the
Floyd | two forests against a clear sky create deep shadows, distorted mirrored
Floyd | images, and an illusion of endless depths below.
Floyd | The forbidden forest is to the west and the old forest to the east. The
Floyd | river flows back south and down takes her to the bottom of the river.
Floyd | To the north the river disappears out of sight around a bend, and there
Floyd | is a slight opening in the trees to the east.
Floyd | A tiny voice suddenly pipes up from somewhere in the dark forest. "Most
Floyd | interesting... Most strange this is. Oh, no, nasty bug, go away!" The
Floyd | firefly comes out of the forest in a reckless speed, skids on the
Floyd | surface in front of Lornedei with a shocked screech, gets airborne and
Floyd | settles on her head, clearly exasperated.
Floyd | "Nasty, nasty things. Let me just rest girl, just for a moment."
Floyd | Lornedei watches the black forest for a moment, waiting for the firefly
Floyd | to calm down. When the little creature talks again, it seems to have
Floyd | regained its composure. It lifts off and starts circling Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | "The nasty forest has secrets. It might tell you if you look beyond.
Floyd | You must reach inside it to get knowledge girl. So many secrets are
Floyd | everywhere in this forest, and the other forest, leaves and rocks and
Floyd | the beasts living there." The fly buzzes over to a black leaf floating
Floyd | on the river. "This here is not what it seems either." The fly lands on
Floyd | the edge of the leaf and with an angry buzzing, it propels its little
Floyd | ship downstream without another word.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "And the answer to that question is yes." | |
DavidW says, "oh, the leaf isn't just atmosphere, then." | ||
smartgenes says, "the only thing i dislike so far id the firefly's commentary" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x leaf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the black leaves or the green leaves?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "black" | ||
Floyd | The leaves look the same on each tree, even though the types of trees
Floyd | are different altogether. It is more like an infestation of these
Floyd | things, these leaves. They are leaves are they not? They grow in
Floyd | clusters that hang down from each limb. They give the entire forest a
Floyd | drooping, weighed down appearance. Each cluster holds somewhere around
Floyd | eight shell-like leaves and each branch holds eight to twelve clusters,
Floyd | depending on the size of the tree. The occasional single leaf grows
Floyd | directly on the black trunk of some of the trees. They look more like a
Floyd | shimmering wart or pimple growing on the scorched bark. The clusters
Floyd | look more and more like colonies of big water bugs clinging to each
Floyd | other in fear of dropping to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | The leaves move, but not by wind. There is a barely perceptible
Floyd | rearrangement within the clusters. A quick adjustment of the leaves
Floyd | takes place and then it is entirely still again. Each slight movement
Floyd | in a cluster creates a dry, scratching, whispering sound. The sound
Floyd | generated by a single cluster of leaves is barely audible, but since
Floyd | some of the clusters are always moving, the resulting sound is a shrill
Floyd | whispering, a scraping, almost a singing. It is a strangely modulated
Floyd | melody that travels from tree to tree through the forest. It varies in
Floyd | pitch and volume but is always present.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Firefly, the Flit Wonder." | |
smartgenes asks, "reach leaf?" | ||
DavidW says, "ok" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach leaf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the black leaves or the green leaves?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "black" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei lets her mind reach into the leaves.
Floyd | "Master, these are not leaves, not entirely. They have been, and
Floyd | perhaps they can be again, but what I feel is something else. It is
Floyd | alive, in a way, and it is waiting."
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get black leaf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei grabs one of the black leaves in the nearest cluster of leaves
Floyd | and twists it loose. The leaf, being as long as her middle finger,
Floyd | falls to its side in her palm. The curved inside of the leaf suddenly
Floyd | fills with a hideous mush that swells and boils as she watches. Flesh
Floyd | grows and shapes itself in the shell into an insect's body. The mush is
Floyd | white with brown and dark red streaks. The nasty mess is swirling
Floyd | around inside the leaf, forming the flesh bit by bit. The shiny wetness
Floyd | dries quickly once the beetle's body takes form inside its shell. A
Floyd | thin purple layer finally covers the belly. Six black legs pop out
Floyd | through the newly formed glittering layer of skin. It takes only a
Floyd | moment for them to start moving around. Another pop forces a wriggling
Floyd | head out and the insect is near completion. The bug grows at a furious
Floyd | pace and finally it extrudes a pair of black antennae that unfold until
Floyd | they're as long, if not longer, than the entire beetle.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei turns the beetle over. It stays nearly motionless in her hand.
Floyd | The long antennae, shivering slightly, carefully touch the outline of
Floyd | the hand holding it, the sensitive inside of Lornedei's wrist, the
Floyd | sleeve of her shirt. The beetle seems satisfied with its new master.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Seems improbable that we could heal the whole forest." | |
Jacqueline says, "Also, we have one chill little girl here. I'm into bugs, but I think seeing this unfold in my hand would still probably unnerve me a bit." | ||
smartgenes says, "directions - west, east, south x 2, possibly also north" | ||
DavidW asks, "All our supplies are south, aren't they?" | ||
smartgenes says, "yep" | ||
DavidW says, "We have a lot of reaching to do, too, I expect." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | Even if she needed to go south back to the village, following the road
Floyd | would be easier than swimming the entire way. She can get out of the
Floyd | river to the east or follow it north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "interesting message to say it would be easier, rather than you can't" | |
DavidW says, "This is where we dived originally." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei drags herself up on the east riverbank. She stops a moment to
Floyd | rest before stepping up on the dusty road.
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a loaf of horrid bread, a handful of white berries and
Floyd | a piece of cheese here.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get all" | ||
Floyd | loaf of horrid bread: As you wish.
Floyd | handful of white berries: As you wish.
Floyd | piece of cheese: As you wish.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | No, she can go east to the field, southeast to the unholy stones, or
Floyd | enter the river to the west.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (Billowing Field)
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | No, that is not the way. The river is west and the unholy stones are to
Floyd | the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "ok, we can only go into the river to go onwards it seems" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "close backpack" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes care of the rucksack. She will open it when she needs
Floyd | something and close it properly when it needs to be closed. Just
Floyd | remember that she cannot do anything with it while she is under water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "raise backpack" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hold backpack above head" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to hold the leather rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Put the bread into the rucksack" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put bread in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | She drops the loaf of horrid bread into the leather rucksack.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put cheese in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | She drops the piece of cheese into the leather rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "Also, can we examine and reach the plaque?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put berries in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | She drops the handful of white berries into the leather rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I thought we took it and examined it." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 76.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a large black beetle (Fluffing up its wings at the moment.)
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Yeah, we have it." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put beetle in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | She drops the big black beetle into the leather rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "We never reached the plaque, though. Also, we never searched the sand at the bottom of the river." | |
Jacqueline says, "We did reach the plaque... unless there was more than one. I took it. It's in our inventory." | ||
smartgenes says, "i think it said the sand would remain there for eternity" | ||
Jacqueline says, "I would like to search the bottom, but I suspect that's just scenery." | ||
smartgenes says, "oh he means REACH reach" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d" | Jacqueline says, "Oh ah yeah okay, I get it." | |
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Here be Sand)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "search sand" | DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "yes, maybe, but I'm not certain without trying." | |
Floyd | Lornedei digs around in the sand but finds nothing but rocks, sand,
Floyd | mud, rotting pieces of wood and other vegetation.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Sorry, now I understand." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get sand" | ||
Floyd | The sand and mud is everywhere and it's utterly useless.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach plaque" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei just shrugs. There doesn't seem to be anything she can learn
Floyd | about the plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "ok. Sand is just scenery." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Here be Mud)
Floyd | Her lungs are starting to ache. She will have to go to the surface
Floyd | soon!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (Between the Forests)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Cliff)
Floyd | She floats on the surface in the shadows of the trees, accompanied by
Floyd | the sounds of the forests: A murmur of life from the old forest, and a
Floyd | dry whispering, not quite as pleasant, from the black trees on the
Floyd | other riverbank.
Floyd | The river makes a slight turn, hiding the road from view. A vertical
Floyd | cliff stops her from going any further north in this tunnel of water,
Floyd | trees, and shadows. Above her head is a frayed ribbon of blue sky and
Floyd | at the top of the cliff, the two forests meet. Below and around her
Floyd | there is that play of light and dark, maybe just a little bit darker.
Floyd | South takes her back around the bend. Looking down she can see an
Floyd | opening in the cliff.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "rub plaque" | ||
Floyd | There is no need for her to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach sky" | ||
Floyd | (the sky)
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "go in the opening or venture into one of the forests.." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 76.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a large black beetle (Spinning around waving its antennae at the
Floyd | moment.)
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I suspect we're going past hints and clues in previous locations." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x beetle" | ||
Floyd | It's a black beetle as big as Lornedei's hand from antenna tip to end.
Floyd | The hard shell shimmers in shades of red and green.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to beetle" | ||
Floyd | "I do not believe this little chap talks a whole lot. It is quiet now
Floyd | in any case."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "hmm is that a beetle warning?" | |
Jacqueline asks, "A warning?" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "verbose" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | An Interactive Fantasy.
Floyd | is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives long descriptions of
Floyd | locations (even if she's been there before).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "i got to go for a little bit" | |
DavidW asks, "Like the elvish sword that glows blue near danger -- does a spinning beetle mean anything similar?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "BRB - Grabbing lunch and a drink. Continue without me and I'll catch up on the text dumps in a sec. Shouldn't be gone long." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x opening" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x forest" | ||
Floyd | These trees all look dead at first sight. Scorched and tortured, they
Floyd | reach out their blackened limbs over the cowering undergrowth. They do
Floyd | have leaves, however, not green and lush but almost black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x cliff" | ||
Floyd | The river ends here. Ahead is a nearly triangular formation of smooth
Floyd | rock, its flat face perpendicular to the water, facing south. The
Floyd | triangle stands with its wide base in the water and the ragged tip
Floyd | acting as a divider beetween the two forests. The rock is smooth and
Floyd | dark.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x rock" | ||
Floyd | The river ends here. Ahead is a nearly triangular formation of smooth
Floyd | rock, its flat face perpendicular to the water, facing south. The
Floyd | triangle stands with its wide base in the water and the ragged tip
Floyd | acting as a divider beetween the two forests. The rock is smooth and
Floyd | dark.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "stand on rock" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei glances questioningly at the vertical cliff. That is not
Floyd | something that she can enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | She can go south or down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (At the Cave Entrance)
Floyd | The bottom is littered with rocks. There are piles of them of varying
Floyd | sizes, washed clean by the constant flow of water. Around the sides of
Floyd | the opening into the cave, a few colonies of a slimy and sickly green
Floyd | plant have managed to make a home. They sway back and forth in the
Floyd | current while clinging desperately to the rocks. The opening leads
Floyd | northwest into a cave and south takes her back around the river bend.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x plant" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x rock" | ||
Floyd | Rocks of all sizes: some sharp as if crushed, some reasonably round,
Floyd | some smooth smaller stones, and even some smoother pebbles are
Floyd | scattered everywhere on top of a layer of mud and sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take rock" | ||
Floyd | The rocks do not interest Lornedei. Leave them be.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Entering the Caves)
Floyd | Lornedei's pale hand trails the cave wall as she quickly swims through
Floyd | the opening in the cliff. The opening is just big enough for her to go
Floyd | through. Inside, the cave widens slightly.
Floyd | Darkness is chased away by only a few illusive reflections in the
Floyd | stone, thanks to the little light leaking in from the opening. The
Floyd | tunnel continues west into total darkness and Southeast takes her out
Floyd | of the cave.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see a fairy lamp with a crystal spider inside here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "get lamp" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd | Her lungs are starting to ache. She will have to go to the surface
Floyd | soon!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (At the Cave Entrance)
Floyd | The bottom is littered with rocks. There are piles of them of varying
Floyd | sizes, washed clean by the constant flow of water. Around the sides of
Floyd | the opening into the cave, a few colonies of a slimy and sickly green
Floyd | plant have managed to make a home. They sway back and forth in the
Floyd | current while clinging desperately to the rocks. The opening leads
Floyd | northwest into a cave and south takes her back around the river bend.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Cliff)
Floyd | The river makes a slight turn, hiding the road from view. A vertical
Floyd | cliff stops her from going any further north in this tunnel of water,
Floyd | trees, and shadows. Above her head is a frayed ribbon of blue sky and
Floyd | at the top of the cliff, the two forests meet. Below and around her
Floyd | there is that play of light and dark, maybe just a little bit darker.
Floyd | South takes her back around the bend. Looking down she can see an
Floyd | opening in the cliff.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x lamp" | ||
Floyd | The fairy lamp is a perfectly round, transparent orb that fits
Floyd | inLornedei's hand. It is hard as a rock, cold as ice and covered with
Floyd | years of grime and dirt. Through the dirt, a soft light is visible. It
Floyd | is not enough to illuminate anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | This is one of the old people's fairy lamps. Crystal spiders light up
Floyd | in the presence of someone with any magical powers. However, the
Floyd | spiders are, according to legend, not to be trusted. That is why they
Floyd | were, and apparently, some still are, trapped this way.
Floyd |
Floyd | There used to be many of these around and they were used as lamps by
Floyd | the light bearers but the use of them has been forgotten over the
Floyd | years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW clears the save counter. | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push save" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf1" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "clean lamp" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei starts to clean away the layer of dirt from the surface of the
Floyd | lamp. After some heavy duty scrubbing, the lamp shines bright.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a strange ticking sound. When she looks at the lamp, the
Floyd | crystal spider inside stares back at her. It lifts a leg and gives the
Floyd | inside of its prison another tap. After that, the spider curls up and
Floyd | is still again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x spider" | ||
Floyd | She can't quite see what it looks like as long as it's trapped inside
Floyd | the lamp. She'll have to free it somehow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach spider" | ||
Floyd | She is surrounded by crimson light. Intense, dancing light streaked
Floyd | with strands of pure dark. Greasy suffocating smoke, then a flash of
Floyd | blinding white, Deafening thunder of falling rocks. Then nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "interesting, but I have no idea what that meant. :)" | |
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, poetic." | ||
Jacqueline says, "So, we have a magical light source." | ||
Jacqueline says, "And presumably if our magic plummets, it may fail." | ||
DavidW says, "yeah. Which we need to get through the next section." | ||
DavidW says, "gimme a sec or two to make another instant coffee." | ||
Jacqueline says, "mmkay" | ||
DavidW says, "oh and another few to refill my water bottle." | ||
DavidW asks, "ok. Shall I continue?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yes, please. :)" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (At the Cave Entrance)
Floyd | The bottom is littered with rocks. There are piles of them of varying
Floyd | sizes, washed clean by the constant flow of water. Around the sides of
Floyd | the opening into the cave, a few colonies of a slimy and sickly green
Floyd | plant have managed to make a home. They sway back and forth in the
Floyd | current while clinging desperately to the rocks. The opening leads
Floyd | northwest into a cave and south takes her back around the river bend.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Did SG disappear?" | |
DavidW says, "I think he needed some time to do something but should be back, I think." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Wonder if the green slimy plants are just scenery." | ||
DavidW says, "I tried to examine the plant and it seemed to be scenery." | ||
Jacqueline says, "mmkay" | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Going back in for another look? Is that why you're diving?" | ||
DavidW says, "unless I should've said 'plants'" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x plants" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I'm diving because it's the way forward." | |
DavidW says, "The river ends at a vertical cliff, but there's an underwater cave entrance." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Entering the Caves)
Floyd | Darkness is chased away by only a few illusive reflections in the
Floyd | stone, thanks to the little light leaking in from the opening. The
Floyd | tunnel continues west into total darkness and Southeast takes her out
Floyd | of the cave.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Choosing the Path)
Floyd | Lornedei moves on through a current caused by the narrowing of the
Floyd | tunnel. She makes it past and to calmer water where the tunnel splits
Floyd | into four.
Floyd | The main flow seems to continue north, while two smaller tunnels lead
Floyd | northwest and west. East takes her back near the opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "dear, dear. Which way, and we don't want to get trapped underwater for too long." | |
DavidW says, "I'm thinking we should deal with side passages first, before dealing with main passage north." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. I was thinking that. You saved a bit ago, though, so..." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Sure, pick a passage." | ||
DavidW says, "so I'll choose west." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (In the Restless Waters)
Floyd | A strong current grabs her. She is flipped around, thrown like a
Floyd | puppy's toy. The water tries to drag her down to the bottom. She is
Floyd | immediately confused and swims towards the surface. Hard rock meets her
Floyd | outstretched hand in each direction. There is nothing but stone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "eep" | |
Jacqueline asks, "z?" | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Just relax and let the water take us?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be no other way but down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (In the Gathering of Dead)
Floyd | The water is colder. The pressure in her ears is starting to get
Floyd | painful but now she can see it. The bottom is littered with bones,
Floyd | skulls and rib cages of all sizes that lie in droves on the sand. Pale
Floyd | bony hands wave at her in the unexplainable current. Grinning skulls
Floyd | mock her and whisper.
Floyd | "Come! Rest here with us!"
Floyd | There is a subtle movement near one wall. The bones twitch and move
Floyd | slightly as if pulled by a current.
Floyd | Her lungs are starting to ache. She will have to go to the surface
Floyd | soon!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "get bone" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks terrified, but she moves closer to the layer of bones
Floyd | covering the bottom.
Floyd | Suddenly, Lornedei is grabbed by a current stronger than she can
Floyd | handle.
Floyd |
Floyd | She is dragged and pulled through the water, through a narrow opening
Floyd | in the cliff, up through a narrow well, and through wet cold darkness.
Floyd | She breaks the surface, spitting water, choking in her greedy quest for
Floyd | air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside an Old Stone Well (In Gurgling Water)
Floyd | The dark water swirls and gurgles in this small well. The crumbling
Floyd | edge of the stone cylinder is perhaps an arms length higher than the
Floyd | surface.
Floyd | Dim rays of light find their way down to the dark water, but help
Floyd | little to chase away the shadows.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Goodness." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 75.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | A brightly shining fairy lamp with a crystal spider inside
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a large black beetle (Airing out its shell at the moment.)
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I suggest up." | |
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I didn't think we'd actually grabbed anything." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, let's see where we are." | ||
DavidW says, "u" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd | She grabs the slippery stones and climbs out of the old well, wet and
Floyd | exhausted. She sits down on the ground, leaning against the cold
Floyd | stones.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | Slowly, Lornedei looks around this dark clearing. An oppressive gray
Floyd | fog hangs over everything and seems to add weight to the air itself.
Floyd | There is a presence here. Something is waiting among the dark trees.
Floyd | Something sinister.
Floyd | The gray mist hides the sun from sight and there is no way to make out
Floyd | which direction is which.
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly. The shadows beneath them
Floyd | seem to grow momentarily, but when Lornedei Looks at them the movement
Floyd | stops.
Floyd | There is a loud buzzing from the rucksack. Suddenly the Beetle comes
Floyd | crawling out and scrambles down to the ground. It spins around.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "A girl just can't get a break around here." | |
Jacqueline says, "Hm." | ||
DavidW says, "'Welcome to Mordor. Can I see your passport, please?'" | ||
Jacqueline says, "hee" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x beetle" | ||
Floyd | It's a black beetle as big as Lornedei's hand from antenna tip to end.
Floyd | The hard shell shimmers in shades of red and green.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ask beetle about tree" | ||
Floyd | The beetle actually seems to consider this for a moment. That was only
Floyd | wishful thinking though.
Floyd | The beetle runs off to one of the paths. It spins around once before
Floyd | returning to Lornedei.
Floyd | Something touches Lornedei's foot. She pulls her leg away from the
Floyd | grasping root with a shriek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x roots" | ||
Floyd | The roots are black and scorched just like the rest of the tree, but
Floyd | there are patches where the crusted surface has cracked and large
Floyd | pieces, almost like scales, have dropped off. There in the open wounds,
Floyd | the surface is the colour of cheese gone hard and sweaty, but the
Floyd | texture is stringy instead of smooth. The bigger roots bend upwards and
Floyd | then down through the ground. In this way they leave hollows and
Floyd | shadows seeming to lead in under the oak's twisted and gnarled trunk.
Floyd | The deformed bushes rustle and seem to reach for her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Are these the same bushes that had the magic berries on them?" | |
DavidW says, "heal roots? Yes, the same bushes, I think." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bushes" | ||
Floyd | These bushes resemble those at the village road, but there are quite a
Floyd | few more of them. These look even more gnarled and deformed, as though
Floyd | starved of clean water and sunlight.
Floyd | These also have thorns as well as, oddly enough, plenty of purple nuts.
Floyd | The beetle stands still, seemingly watching the deformed bushes.
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops down on Lornedei's shoulder. With a grimace, she
Floyd | flicks it with a finger to get rid of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh, these bushes have nuts. And thorns." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "heal roots" | ||
Floyd | Healing drains too much power. That would be a waste.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops down on Lornedei's shoulder. With a grimace, she
Floyd | flicks it with a finger to get rid of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take nuts" | ||
Floyd | "No thank you Master. Only a fool would try to do anything with those
Floyd | nuts." To emphasize her point, she gives the nearest bush a kick and a
Floyd | cloud of putrid dust from the leaves rises. A thorny nut falls to the
Floyd | ground.
Floyd | The beetle stands still, seemingly watching the deformed bushes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach bushes" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei lets her mind sink into the dry twisted branches of the
Floyd | bushes. After just a moment she steps backwards, clasping her throat
Floyd | with wide, fearful eyes.
Floyd | "These trees do not feed on water and sun. Their thirst is for
Floyd | something else and they have not received any for so long. That is why
Floyd | they have died, but the nuts... I do not understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take nut" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei carefully picks up the nut. She quickly drops it in the
Floyd | rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x oak" | ||
Floyd | A giant black oak takes pride of place in the hall of severance. The
Floyd | shadow of the huge crown, a shadow that is nothing more than a slightly
Floyd | darker darkness, seems to reach beyond what it ought to be able to.
Floyd | The oak watches over the clearing. It gives the impression of a greedy
Floyd | old man guarding his treasures with suspiciously gleaming eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | One of the big black branches reaches out far above Lornedei's head and
Floyd | seems to disappear into a cloud of black smoke. Steps are cut in the
Floyd | oak to provide a way up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "The unholy stones were of spirits whose names were severed from them. I wonder if this 'severance' is related." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x altar" | ||
Floyd | This less than holy stone is five feet long, four feet wide and is
Floyd | waist high. The old stone is almost black.
Floyd | Whether it is the natural color of the stone or if the color is caused
Floyd | by something else is hard to tell. Lornedei will not speculate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ancient carvings cover all visible sides. Most of them are faded and
Floyd | impossible to read.
Floyd | The beetle runs off to one of the paths. It spins around once before
Floyd | returning to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | She can enter the stone house, climb the oak or try one of the trails.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "There's a house?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x house" | ||
Floyd | This death house was not built in your name. The forgotten ones, when
Floyd | they were still only humans, were chained in there. Sometimes they were
Floyd | chained for hours, sometimes for weeks. They all gave up their names in
Floyd | the end, and their spirits fled into the vast forest. The trees were
Floyd | still green, the soil not yet tainted beyond repair, the forest alive
Floyd | and well.
Floyd |
Floyd | What stands here now is a crumbling round stone building not more than
Floyd | perhaps six paces from opening to far wall, with a mostly sunken in
Floyd | roof. The opening in the gray and faltering stonework, the only
Floyd | opening, leads into darkness. This ragged and sorrowful eye is slightly
Floyd | askew and it seems to glare moodily at the altar, dead tired of the
Floyd | view, or perhaps relishing it. The door that must have hung there at
Floyd | one point is now gone. It is most likely now rotting away under a layer
Floyd | of dirt. Since the rituals ended, there has been no one to tend to this
Floyd | house of shame. The acknowledgement of its existence perhaps too
Floyd | painful.
Floyd |
Floyd | The acts of cruelty, so wrongly justified in the name of peace, have
Floyd | stopped. The screams are now silence, but the memories remain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "This is a heckuva lot to take in. Especially since I was hoping to do a sidequest bit at that cave fork." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x paths" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the trail going right , the path to
Floyd | the left or the path leading straight ahead?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x right path" | ||
Floyd | The right trail is quite wide and as well maintained as any great
Floyd | castles gardens trail. Seemingly so. The forbidden forest makes it dark
Floyd | and menacing, contradicting what the eye can clearly see.
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x left path" | ||
Floyd | The trail is dark but hard packed and seemingly well traveled. Shadows
Floyd | line the sides even though there is no light to cast them.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ahead path" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x straight path" | ||
Floyd | This path is not so much a trail as a country road, Straight and flat,
Floyd | free from muddy wheel tracks or invading vegetation.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looks a bit too straight, too clean, too good to be true.
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly.
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops down on Lornedei's shoulder. With a grimace, she
Floyd | flicks it with a finger to get rid of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "well, of our choices, I think up is where we ought to visit first." | |
Jacqueline says, "I'd like to know which path the beetle keeps suggesting." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the Black Oak) Floyd | A shiver runs through the tree and the shrill song of the leaves seems Floyd | to increase in volume for a moment. Lornedei folds herself over the Floyd | branch and stays hanging precariously over it. She looks down. The | Jacqueline says, "Well, I'm assuming that we can get back to the river. Eventually." | |
Floyd | clearing below her swims out of focus, seems to move away from her and
Floyd | then come rushing back at her. She clings desperately to the scorched
Floyd | limb, unsure if she is going to slide backwards and down on the ground,
Floyd | or tip over forward with the same fatal result. She shuts her eyes
Floyd | hard.
Floyd |
Floyd | And the world is still once more. Very carefully, she lifts one leg
Floyd | over the branch and then she is sitting steady. She opens her eyes and
Floyd | with a sigh of relief. The clearing looks as it should, all
Floyd | considering.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clusters of black leaves surround Lornedei. They hang from the upper
Floyd | branches, creating a shield that totally obscures the sky above. She
Floyd | can look down, as all the clusters are above and around her, but up is
Floyd | nothing but shimmering black. The branch reaches out over the clearing
Floyd | and the end of it seems to disappear in a big cloud of smoke. She can
Floyd | climb down to the ground or follow the branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x smoke" | ||
Floyd | The cloud of smoke seems to be spinning slowly. It shifts in black and
Floyd | sometimes purple. It obscures the branch and she cannot see anything in
Floyd | or around it. Everything seems to disappear within the smoke.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x shield" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach smoke" | ||
Floyd | "I cannot use my powers to reach into the smoke Master. It frightens
Floyd | me."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow branch" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei follows the branch outwards towards the smoke. It seems to
Floyd | rise and meet her and then it surrounds her.
Floyd |
Floyd | Nightmare's Den
Floyd | A dark wall of smoke surrounds her. Occasionally a ragged veil of
Floyd | broken vapor is detached from it and dissolves in the air. There is
Floyd | nothing here. Even the ground is gone. Although she can feel it under
Floyd | her feet, she will not try to touch it.
Floyd | "I feel so strange. It is so dark here, so wrong. Everything seems to
Floyd | be turning. I feel something here but it is hidden from me."
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "This is a very imaginative game." | |
DavidW says, "This location all by itself drains our magic. I think we should retreat -- if we can." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | there does not seem to be anywhere she can go from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach smoke" | ||
Floyd | "I feel ill Master. It feels like I would be sick if I try. Something
Floyd | is draining me and there is nothing I can do. It feels like everything
Floyd | is spinning."
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Nightmare's Den
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search smoke" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing hiding in the wall of smoke.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Nightmare's Den
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | But she's not in anything at the moment.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Nightmare's Den
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "go back" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "rub lamp" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei polishes the fairy lamp some more. The light remains the same.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Nightmare's Den
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "heal smoke" | ||
Floyd | She cannot heal things that are not alive.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Nightmare's Den
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Nightmare's Den
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "I'm a bit worried. Are we trapped?" | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Nightmare's Den
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the Black Oak)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Nope." | |
Jacqueline says, "Think that did it." | ||
DavidW says, "heh. The godly power of undo." | ||
* Tzahnke has left the channel. | ||
Jacqueline says, "Indeed. As is befitting us." | ||
DavidW says, "Let us find something to smite. Or bless." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei climbs down.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly. The shadows beneath them
Floyd | seem to grow momentarily, but when Lornedei Looks at them the movement
Floyd | stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a large black beetle (Taking a nap at the moment.)
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh, the beetle left our inventory, I guess." | |
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. I think it hopped out of our hand when it saw the paths." | ||
DavidW asks, "Enter the house next?" | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Did you look at the altar?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "I'm curious about that." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x altar" | ||
Floyd | This less than holy stone is five feet long, four feet wide and is
Floyd | waist high. The old stone is almost black.
Floyd | Whether it is the natural color of the stone or if the color is caused
Floyd | by something else is hard to tell. Lornedei will not speculate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ancient carvings cover all visible sides. Most of them are faded and
Floyd | impossible to read.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Less than holy. heh" | |
DavidW says, "It has carvings we can't read, iirc." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach altar" | ||
Floyd | She lifts her hands towards the stained altar. She focuses, frowning,
Floyd | then she is shoved back by something. The connection breaks and
Floyd | Lornedei gasps for air.
Floyd | "No Master, I cannot! There is so much wickedness there and it does not
Floyd | want to reveal its secrets. All I could sense was pain. Pain, fear, and
Floyd | blood."
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just dropped by five.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "eep" | |
Jacqueline says, "Sure, the house." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "eat berry" | ||
Floyd | (Taking the handful of white berries first.)
Floyd | Lornedei eats another white berry.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just went up by three.
Floyd | Something touches Lornedei's foot. She pulls her leg away from the
Floyd | grasping root with a shriek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter house" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the House of Penance)
Floyd | Lornedei steps through the crumbling opening into a darkness that is
Floyd | not quite total. There is dim light sifting down from the ruined
Floyd | ceiling above. She glances up, perhaps fearing that the whole
Floyd | construction will give up at her intrusion.
Floyd |
Floyd | But the only thing falling down on her is the weight of history;
Floyd | stories of cruel ignorance, memories that linger. The light catches a
Floyd | glittering thread and Lornedei swipes at the descending spider before
Floyd | it can land on her. With a grimace she steps on it before it can
Floyd | scramble away, burying it in the dry dirt. She looks around, but if
Floyd | there are more spiders here, they keep out of her way.
Floyd | The many years have taken its toll on this house. The circular wall
Floyd | tapers slightly towards the ceiling. Above her, a framework of thick
Floyd | beams support several generations worth of spider webs. There is not
Floyd | much left of the roof now. The light from outside leaks in through the
Floyd | holes in the ceiling. It magnifies the presence of fine dry dust that
Floyd | floats lazily in the still air. Long since rotted straw and reeds cover
Floyd | the earthen floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pair of rusty manacles hangs on the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline exclaims, "Want our magic to go down some more? Let's reach into those manacles!" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x straw" | ||
Floyd | She gives the rotted straw and dirt a quick glance but she has nothing
Floyd | to say about it.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x manacles" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach manacles" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Yeah, don't blame her." | |
DavidW says, "heh. She knows better." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yep." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search straw" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei kicks the rotted remains around with a grimace, holding her
Floyd | breath against the odors rising from the floor. A shriek cuts through
Floyd | the still air and she takes a step back.
Floyd |
Floyd | Empty sockets in a yellowed and cracked skull stare up at her. She
Floyd | takes another step towards the opening and starts to turn to leave.
Floyd | Something causes her to look back, though, perhaps a sense of shame for
Floyd | disturbing this final resting place. She stares at the human skull
Floyd | peeking out from its shallow grave, and goes to cover it again. Before
Floyd | she can throw a handful of the old straw over it, she stops. There is a
Floyd | sudden glimmering light from within one of the dark holes. There is
Floyd | something inside the skull. She also notices a small pouch in the
Floyd | shallow grave, half buried in the dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Nice one, DW." | |
Jacqueline exclaims, "Let's violate this grave further!" | ||
Jacqueline says, "'cause, y'know, shiny stuff." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in skull" | ||
Floyd | In the cracked skull is An amulet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "back.. need to ctch up" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x amulet" | ||
Floyd | It's a pale blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "maga says I've been playing too much Don't Starve... it's made me far more eager to loot graves, he thinks." | |
DavidW says (to smartgenes), "We followed the river, found a fairy lamp powered by a crystal spider, swam underwater to eventually reach this place of Severance which is all Welcome to Mordor." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take amulet" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei's hand trembles at the touch.
Floyd | "So much power!"
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wear it" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei hangs the amulet around her neck. Immediately it flares up and
Floyd | shines brightly. The blinding light fades somewhat and the light
Floyd | becomes soft and steady. Lornedei shivers in delight from the power in
Floyd | the crystal that gives itself to her.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just went up by one hundred.
Floyd |
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "We climbed the tree and ended up in a dark mist that drained our magic and had no exit. That part was fun." | |
Jacqueline says, "Also, whoa." | ||
DavidW says, "yay us." | ||
Jacqueline says, "So someone like Lornedei was held captive here, sacrificed here, perhaps." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take pouch" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x pouch" | ||
Floyd | It is a dry and withered leather pouch, no bigger than a woman's fist.
Floyd | A leather string is used to close it and hang it in a belt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wear it" | ||
Floyd | She can't wear that!
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open pouch" | ||
Floyd | She opens the small leather pouch, revealing a golden acorn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x acorn" | ||
Floyd | It is an acorn in shape and form but it seems to be one in solid gold.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach acorn" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei holds the golden acorn in her hand. The images come to her
Floyd | without being reached for.
Floyd |
Floyd | A seedling, a sapling, a giant oak.
Floyd | All in a matter of seconds. Dripping water, a silver goblet.
Floyd | A wish to grow, a wish to heal.
Floyd | Instant flashes, not much more than emotion and fleeing images, but
Floyd | strong and urgent.
Floyd | Time is running out.
Floyd | The vision fades.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Sometimes I question the formatting of lines/paragraphs in this, but otherwise am really digging the writing." | |
DavidW says, "yeah, I can see why the game got a high rating." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Should we... plant that acorn somewhere?" | ||
Jacqueline asks, "After saving first, perhaps?" | ||
DavidW says, "I'm guessing that this acorn is a tool towards fixing whatever the problem is in this clearing. A silver goblet seems also required, though." | ||
DavidW says, "I saw no obvious planting location yet." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x beams" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei has no interest in the construction of this place. It may not
Floyd | even be safe to stay here very long.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline nods. | |
Ellison arrives, ready to play with the toys. | DavidW says, "I guess we should leave the house and pick a path." | |
DavidW says, "And take the beetle, if it'll let us." | ||
Jacqueline says, "mmkay - still wish I knew which path the beetle was all on about." | ||
DavidW says, "oh, and search under the oak roots." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | She steps out in the clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly. The shadows beneath them
Floyd | seem to grow momentarily, but when Lornedei Looks at them the movement
Floyd | stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a large black beetle (Taking a nap at the moment.)
Floyd | here.
Floyd | Something touches Lornedei's foot. She pulls her leg away from the
Floyd | grasping root with a shriek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search roots" | ||
Floyd | After a quick look, she just shakes her head. She does not know.
Floyd | The beetle runs off to one of the paths. It spins around once before
Floyd | returning to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask beetle about paths" | ||
Floyd | The beetle actually seems to consider this for a moment. That was only
Floyd | wishful thinking though.
Floyd | The beetle scrambles through the dead grass to one of the paths. It
Floyd | spins around and comes back to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take beetle" | ||
Floyd | The beetle crawls up in her hand.
Floyd | The beetle squirms its way out of Lornedei's grasp and drops to the
Floyd | ground. It runs off, climbs up on the stone well, climbs back down,
Floyd | crawls through the bushes and seems to inspect the stone house, to
Floyd | finally stop at one of the paths.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x stone well" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to examine the stone altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x well" | ||
Floyd | It is an old, neglected well made of stones. It's nearly invisible
Floyd | among the long dry grass dying bushes that surround it.
Floyd | Something touches Lornedei's foot. She pulls her leg away from the
Floyd | grasping root with a shriek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x beetle" | ||
Floyd | It's a black beetle as big as Lornedei's hand from antenna tip to end.
Floyd | The hard shell shimmers in shades of red and green.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "where beetle" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to where.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I think we ought to try the left path first. And save." | |
Jacqueline says, "I'd forgotten about those other what where verbs." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Sure. Go for it." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf2" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "perhaps the beetle will follow us on a path." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "left" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "go left" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes a couple of steps towards the dark trail, glancing
Floyd | nervously up at the trees. Then she takes a deep breath before moving
Floyd | forward. The shadows of the forbidden forest fall on her.
Floyd | She walks without sun as guidance or aim to where she is going.
Floyd | The path twists and turns and soon she is cursing her own
Floyd | thoughtlessness. The prickling sensation of a forgotten spirit's hatred
Floyd | sinks down on her like a heavy blanket.
Floyd | Her feet feel strangely heavy and clumsy, as if the undergrowth hinders
Floyd | her movement. However there is nothing growing on the path. It is
Floyd | empty. Flat and hard-packed, it should be easy to walk on.
Floyd | A somewhat stronger light appears further ahead and with a soft sob of
Floyd | relief Lornedei starts running towards the clearing.
Floyd | She stops with the beginning of a smile freezing on her lips.
Floyd | The clearing is dark, a stone well gurgles softly, and three paths
Floyd | disappear into the forbidden forest.
Floyd | The beetle scrambles through the dead grass to one of the paths. It
Floyd | spins around and comes back to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach right path" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei closes her eyes, letting the unseen take over. Nothing. The
Floyd | scorched trees stand guard over the withered undergrowth, the rocks,
Floyd | the fallen trees,...but not one single trail.
Floyd | She turns her attention to the next passage, and then the final one,
Floyd | but there is nothing except the forest hiding its secrets even from
Floyd | Lornedei's magic eye.
Floyd | She opens her eyes, blinking a few times to make sure. Yes, there they
Floyd | are.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "ok just about with you now" | |
smartgenes asks, "is that the second path with 3 paths?" | ||
DavidW says, "I'm thinking that all three paths are duds, but I'm unsure." | ||
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst.. | ||
Ellison has disconnected. | DavidW says, "Sometimes i don't know how to interpret our visions." | |
Jacqueline asks, "That they circle back?" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 176.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | A brightly shining fairy lamp with a crystal spider inside
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "sorry just to jog my memory of all that text i just tried to read" | |
smartgenes asks, "is there more to investigate on that altar?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "She seems unwilling." | ||
Jacqueline says, "But go for it and try." | ||
DavidW says, "We've never put anything on top of it, but it looks risky." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf3" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "just asking because i skim-read it all" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put nut on altar" | ||
Floyd | She needs to be holding the purple nut with thorns before she can put
Floyd | it on top of something else.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd | The beetle disappears into the crumbling stone house. It comes back
Floyd | out, stays a moment in the opening, waving its antennae, before coming
Floyd | back to Lornedei.
Floyd | Lornedei stares at the leaf clusters in the black forest. She looks
Floyd | away, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take nut. put nut on altar" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei carefully takes the nut, holding it with two fingers by one of
Floyd | the thorns. That way she won't get hurt.
Floyd | She puts the purple nut with thorns on the stone altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly. The shadows beneath them
Floyd | seem to grow momentarily, but when Lornedei Looks at them the movement
Floyd | stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the stone altar is a purple nut with thorns.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a large black beetle (Spinning around waving its
Floyd | antennae at the moment.) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Hm, the beetle checking out the path may just have been random mood stuff that got repeated a few times." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take nut" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei carefully picks up the nut. She quickly drops it in the
Floyd | rucksack.
Floyd | The beetle scrambles through the dead grass to one of the paths. It
Floyd | spins around and comes back to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow beetle" | ||
Floyd | The black beetle is still for a few moments. Sniffing the air for
Floyd | danger. Then suddenly it decides where to go and takes off along one of
Floyd | the paths. Lornedei follows.
Floyd |
Floyd | Shadows reach for her, imaginary or not, from the growing darkness
Floyd | between the trees, as she moves into the forbidden forest. The beetle
Floyd | is ahead of her, leading on, stopping now and then to find its way. The
Floyd | path twists and changes direction so many times that Lornedei has to
Floyd | rely totally on her glimmering little guide.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei keeps her eye on the bug, but looks around now and then. The
Floyd | trees all look the same. No matter which kind they might have been
Floyd | originally, they are now all black and scorched. Clusters of leaves,
Floyd | singing their strange melody, hang from nearly all of them, some nearly
Floyd | touching the undergrowth. The forest is cold, the air thick, and
Floyd | Cowering under the stare of the shadows, she moves on. The bug leads.
Floyd | It runs ahead, over a dry and cracked puddle of mud, through the
Floyd | hollowed out insides of a dead tree, forward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The beetle stops. Its antennae wave frantically and it spins around on
Floyd | the ground a couple of times. When Lornedei reaches down to pick it up
Floyd | it quickly unfolds its wings, takes off with a buzzing and disappears
Floyd | among the trees.
Floyd |
Floyd | Forbidden Forest (Near the Raven Tree)
Floyd | Disappointed, Lornedei looks around.
Floyd | "I think I am lost."
Floyd | The scorched trees tower over anyone and anything unfortunate enough to
Floyd | be here. An air of ill will hangs over the treetops.
Floyd | The gray fog touches the trees highest branches, hiding the sun from
Floyd | view. Two paths lead into the black forest from here.
Floyd | Lornedei sighs.
Floyd |
Floyd | An enormous raven sits high up on a blackened branch, surrounded by the
Floyd | bug like leaves. It stares unblinking at Lornedei as she moves around
Floyd | in the crossing. It greets her with a threatening flutter with the
Floyd | wings, a guttural croaking and constant nervous sidestepping on the
Floyd | branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I think that worked. :)" | |
Jacqueline says, "Wow. Nicely done." | ||
smartgenes says, "DavidW coming up with some cracking input" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "reach raven" | ||
Floyd | In the moment she reaches the bird with her mind, she is pushed
Floyd | backwards by an unknown force. She loses the connection.
Floyd | The bird croaks as it shakes the unwelcome intrusion from its mind.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Forbidden Forest (Near the Raven Tree)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give cheese to raven" | ||
Floyd | (Taking the piece of cheese first.)
Floyd | The piece of cheese does not seem to interest the bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put cheese in sack" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x raven" | ||
Floyd | A large black bird with a shaggy, iridescent plumage. It never moves
Floyd | its gaze far from the trespasser. Every move she makes results in a
Floyd | nervous side step, a twitching in the wedge-shaped tail and a curious
Floyd | tilt of the black head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put cheese in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | She drops the piece of cheese into the leather rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x tree" | ||
Floyd | These trees all look dead at first sight. Scorched and tortured, they
Floyd | reach out their blackened limbs over the cowering undergrowth. They do
Floyd | have leaves, however, not green and lush but almost black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x branch" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | She can try following one of the paths.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x fog" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to raven" | ||
Floyd | "I cannot talk to animals Master. Besides that, I am sure that a thing
Floyd | like that has nothing but nasty things to say."
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Should we have taken some of those nuts back there?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x branch" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I tried. I did get one nut, but L didn't like the nuts." | |
Jacqueline says, "Oh, cool." | ||
Jacqueline says, "How do I miss this stuff when I'm paying reasonable attention? Man." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "show plaque to raven" | ||
Floyd | The small gray plaque does not interest the bird. It just keeps on
Floyd | sidestepping.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow raven" | ||
Floyd | Follow the bird? The black bird is not going anywhere at the moment.
Floyd | Perhaps it needs some incentive.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give bread to raven" | ||
Floyd | (Taking the loaf of horrid bread first.)
Floyd | The loaf of horrid bread does not seem to interest the bird.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give acorn to raven" | ||
Floyd | Really? the golden acorn?
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd | The golden acorn does not interest the bird. It just keeps on
Floyd | sidestepping.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "lol i got good dharma anyways" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x acorn" | ||
Floyd | It is an acorn in shape and form but it seems to be one in solid gold.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give nut to raven" | ||
Floyd | Really? the purple nut with thorns?
Floyd | Lornedei carefully takes the nut, holding it with two fingers by one of
Floyd | the thorns. That way she won't get hurt.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put nut in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | She drops the purple nut with thorns into the leather rucksack.
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops down on Lornedei's shoulder. With a grimace, she
Floyd | flicks it with a finger to get rid of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take leaf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei grabs one of the black leaves in the nearest cluster and
Floyd | twists it loose from the branch. The leaf falls over and the beetle
Floyd | quickly takes shape in her hand. When it is done growing, it crawls up
Floyd | on Lornedei's shoulder.
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "well, got our beetle back." | |
Jacqueline asks, "Oh, cool. Can we do more than one, I wonder?" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take leaf" | ||
Floyd | She already woke one beetle. There's no need to wake another one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "As predicted." | |
DavidW asks, "'woke'?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "But yeah, good that we have another one." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "caw" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pet raven" | ||
Floyd | "I fail to see a point in what you ask!"
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Yeah, that's an acceptable past tense of wake." | |
DavidW says, "I didn't realize that the leaves are sleeping beetles, though." | ||
smartgenes says, "i love the fact that you get 5pts for doing a nice action which has nothing to do with the game plot" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yes." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "heal raven" | ||
Floyd | "There is nothing wrong with that bird Master."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "catch raven" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get raven" | ||
Floyd | The bird is too far up in the tree; it will not come close enough to be
Floyd | caught.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | Jacqueline says, "Seems like the raven would have wanted bread, but whatever." | |
Floyd | There's no way she could.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dig" | ||
Floyd | (the raven)
Floyd | The ground is too hard to dig in this place.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "what raven" | ||
Floyd | The raven seems healthy enough.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x sandal" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "where raven" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to where.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "hm. We're obviously meant to do something here, but what?" | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "pray" | ||
Floyd | She does. Every night. You taught her well.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 176.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a large black beetle (Spinning around waving its antennae at the
Floyd | moment.)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open but empty)
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | A brightly shining fairy lamp with a crystal spider inside
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give crystal to raven" | ||
Floyd | (the amulet to the raven)
Floyd | The amulet does not interest the bird. It just keeps on sidestepping.
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "rub crystal" | ||
Floyd | (the amulet)
Floyd | There is no need for her to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read plaque" | ||
Floyd | It is a small round plaque in a material unknown to Lornedei. The
Floyd | surface is smooth and with a deep polish. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's hand. The surface shows nothing, not even the distorted
Floyd | image of Lornedei herself that one might expect. What shows in the
Floyd | plaque is like a reflection of a stormy sky in a puddle of murky water,
Floyd | just before the rain starts hammering.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Why do I get the impression that we'll be playing this one for a few weeks?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "holiness" | ||
Floyd | Your current holiness is 30 out of a possible holiness of 105, in 173
Floyd | moves.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "that was s a building back there, but i assume not the castle we saw from the air" | |
Jacqueline says, "No, I got the impression the other thing was stone, but quite smal." | ||
DavidW says, "no, not the castle." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Forbidden Forest (Near the Raven Tree) Floyd | The gray fog touches the trees highest branches, hiding the sun from Floyd | view. Two paths lead into the black forest from here. Floyd | Lornedei sighs. | smartgenes asks, "did you reach spider?" | |
Floyd |
Floyd | An enormous raven sits high up on a blackened branch, surrounded by the
Floyd | bug like leaves. It stares unblinking at Lornedei as she moves around
Floyd | in the crossing. It greets her with a threatening flutter with the
Floyd | wings, a guttural croaking and constant nervous sidestepping on the
Floyd | branch.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "yes, I reached spider." | |
DavidW says, "It was quite impressive." | ||
smartgenes asks, "was that that thing where you couldn't get out of the fog / branch, or was that different?" | ||
DavidW says, "crimson light, dancing light with dark, greasy smoke, blinding white light, thunder of falling rocks" | ||
DavidW says, "Getting out of the fog was different. And we only escaped via 'undo'." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "point lamp at branch" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Our lamp is a crystal ball; it can't really be pointed at things." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "rub ball" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei polishes the fairy lamp some more. The light remains the same.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "sorry you tried that, didn't you" | |
DavidW says, "yup" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Had to. It was super filthy at first." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look into ball" | ||
Floyd | In the fairy lamp is a crystal spider.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "cleaning the lamp was how we got it turned on in the first place." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "watch spider" | ||
Floyd | She can't quite see what it looks like as long as it's trapped inside
Floyd | the lamp. She'll have to free it somehow.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "ahh" | |
DavidW says, "I suppose we could try breaking the lamp, if we're certain we don't need a lightsource any more." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "twist ball" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei turns the fairy lamp in her hand. The crystal spider jerks to
Floyd | life in there and taps angrily at the inside of its prison.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "feel ball" | ||
Floyd | "It is very cold. It feels almost like ice but it does not melt in my
Floyd | hand."
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give beetle to raven" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei holds the beetle in a tight grip, and shows it to the bird.
Floyd | The black bird leans its head to one side. Most interested, it moves
Floyd | restlessly on its branch. Lornedei slowly puts the beetle on the
Floyd | ground. She steps back and waits.
Floyd |
Floyd | The beetle turns towards Lornedei, turns back, notices the bird and
Floyd | makes a run for it. It heads for the high grass. The hungry bird dives
Floyd | from the tree and drops in a cloud of dirt between the bug and the safe
Floyd | undergrowth. The beetle stops dead in its track, changes direction and
Floyd | rushes forward, but the bird is already there, flipping the bug over.
Floyd | For one moment, it is immobilized. That moment is enough.
Floyd |
Floyd | While the beetle is helpless, the bird gets to the eating. Big chunks
Floyd | of the insect's body is ripped out and swallowed. At some point, the
Floyd | legs and antennae stop moving. Finally, there is nothing left of the
Floyd | beetle but an empty shell, lined with a few sad remains of legs, flesh,
Floyd | and unidentifiable insect parts.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird skips along the path where, if one looks hard enough, one can
Floyd | see another trail. The bird turns to Lornedei and croaks.
Floyd | Waiting.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "did you TAP it?" | |
smartgenes says, "hmm i would've thought our holiness would have went down.. i was growing quite attached to that beetle" | ||
DavidW says, "We can get another" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take leaf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei grabs one of the black leaves in the nearest cluster and
Floyd | twists it loose from the branch. The leaf falls over and the beetle
Floyd | quickly takes shape in her hand. When it is done growing, it crawls up
Floyd | on Lornedei's shoulder. Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like a
Floyd | bird, unlike any other.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "tap on ball" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow raven" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei dares a careful step towards the black bird. It turns and hops
Floyd | along the path a short distance before it again faces the girl.
Floyd | Waiting.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei takes another step and the bird takes off in the air. It flies
Floyd | in circles in front of her, high up and almost out of sight at times
Floyd | but always close enough for Lornedei to follow. The path winds its way
Floyd | through and around the disturbing shadows of the forbidden forest.
Floyd | Fallen trees and dense undergrowth is constantly in her way and she has
Floyd | to climb over, through, or around these obstacles, while keeping an eye
Floyd | on the bird. It is just ahead and above her. She follows the black
Floyd | bird, expecting the cold grip of the forgotten ones around her ankles
Floyd | at any moment. Images of soul wrenching, flesh ripping, and blood
Floyd | drinking spirits run through her mind. Nothing happens. Exhausted and
Floyd | bruised, with her clothes torn and dusty, she stumbles on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something grabs her foot; she loses her balance and falls forward with
Floyd | a painful thud. Frozen in a breathless heap on the ground, she takes a
Floyd | moment to gather her strength as well as her breath. The bird croaks,
Floyd | Light seeps in through her closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | She looks up in time to catch a final glimpse of the bird. It
Floyd | disappears into a glowing sunset beyond a desolate field.
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Slowly Lornedei gets up on her feet. Nearly blinded by the light from
Floyd | the dying sun, she inspects the damage. She sighs deeply.
Floyd |
Floyd | She opens her mouth to speak again but the words never come. She takes
Floyd | in the view of this seemingly empty wasteland in shocked silence for
Floyd | some time. She swallows. A dry wind tugs at her clothing while playing
Floyd | restlessly in the dry ground.
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "All these one-way pathways are worrying me. So many ways we might've goofed up and can't retrace our path." | |
Jacqueline says, "They may all lead forward in different playthroughs, but not all in the same game... for replay value." | ||
Jacqueline says, "But yeah, I've been thinking that. I don't see how we could find our way back at this point." | ||
DavidW says, "The ruins to the nw seems the most promising thing to go towards. Although east is slightly tempting too." | ||
smartgenes says, "yes , both are tempting" | ||
smartgenes says, "i think i want to know what we can't see" | ||
DavidW says, "Wolf reunion, I'm hoping." | ||
smartgenes says, "ravine, i'm hoping" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Oh yeah, our wolf." | ||
DavidW asks, "The ravine will be at the ruins, no?" | ||
smartgenes asks, "maybe it's that fire?" | ||
DavidW says, "maybe" | ||
DavidW says, "I thought the fire was somewhere in the forest, though." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Are you two thinking you'll play quite awhile? I'm kind of in need of a nap." | ||
Jacqueline says, "But am happy to let you two play and read the recap if you're both into it." | ||
DavidW says, "I'd like to play on a bit further." | ||
Jacqueline says, "That's fine." | ||
Jacqueline says, "If we pick this back up next week and I can be here, I'll just read the transcript before Floyd time. This is a great tame." | ||
Jacqueline says, "er, game." | ||
smartgenes asks, "yes, who is the author?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Will check back in later, perhaps." | ||
Jacqueline says (to sg), "Jenny K Brennan" | ||
DavidW asks (of smartgenes), "so... east? Just to see?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "This appears to be her only IF, but her IFDB implies she's back and working on something this year, perhaps." | ||
smartgenes says, "i asked out a girl with that name a couple of years back, and it never quite happened.. she was beautiful" | ||
smartgenes says, "well I don't know if she had a K in the middle or not" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones)
Floyd | Lornedei walks east and the ground slopes down. It becomes increasingly
Floyd | difficult to walk. On the other side of the valley she is entering, the
Floyd | forest resumes. At the bottom of the slope where the sharp rocks slip
Floyd | under her feet, heat ripples the air. Lornedei makes her way down.
Floyd |
Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden
Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her
Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces
Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken
Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a fire inside the ring of stones, blasting out heat and light.
Floyd | Shadows cast by the stones stretch out from the circle. Their wavering
Floyd | tips caress the ragged ground where it begins to ascend to the plane
Floyd | above.
Floyd |
Floyd | A black plaque lies near the center of the fire pit.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x black plaque" | ||
Floyd | The plaque is too close to the flames, she cannot get near it without
Floyd | setting herself on fire.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "jump flames" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x circle" | ||
Floyd | The circle is almost ten paces wide. Inside the edging of boulders, the
Floyd | ground sinks further down, into another bowl. This one is smooth and
Floyd | perfectly round.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "enter circle" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei glances questioningly at the circle of stones. That is not
Floyd | something that she can enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter circle" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei glances questioningly at the circle of stones. That is not
Floyd | something that she can enter.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like a
Floyd | wolf. Yes, a wolf, but it's far away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "howl" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "call wolf" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to call.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach fire" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "call" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei whistles but does Deini want to come to her?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach circle" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach stone" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "maybe we're to follow Deini, not Deini follow us." | |
smartgenes asks, "we didn't get any food to get her to follow though?" | ||
DavidW says, "I don't know how to deal with the fire. We have no obvious fire or water magics." | ||
DavidW says (to smartgenes), "true" | ||
smartgenes asks, "back to the ruin?" | ||
DavidW says, "If we had a dead forest critter (rabbit, squirrel, chipmunk, etc.), Deini might be interested." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put plaque in fire" | ||
Floyd | (the small gray plaque in the Blazing fire)
Floyd | This fire needs no fuel. Never mind burning up her inventory.
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "okay, I guess go back the other way." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x crystal" | ||
Floyd | (the amulet)
Floyd | It's a pale blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like a
Floyd | bird, unlike any other.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "wear chain" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei hangs the amulet around her neck. Immediately it flares up and
Floyd | shines brightly. The blinding light fades somewhat and the light
Floyd | becomes soft and steady. Lornedei shivers in delight from the power in
Floyd | the crystal that gives itself to her.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just went up by one hundred.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "We heard that bird before." | |
DavidW asks, "oh dear. Is there a bug with the amulet that gives us 100 magic *every* time we wear it?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "magic" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 276.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "oh, i assumed we weren't wearing it" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "wear chain" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei hangs the amulet around her neck. Immediately it flares up and
Floyd | shines brightly. The blinding light fades somewhat and the light
Floyd | becomes soft and steady. Lornedei shivers in delight from the power in
Floyd | the crystal that gives itself to her.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just went up by one hundred.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "magic" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 376.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "ha ha" | |
smartgenes says, "mwwwahhhhaaaa magic at my disposal" | ||
DavidW says, "well. Magic isn't rational anyways." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach black plaque" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei just shrugs. There doesn't seem to be anything she can learn
Floyd | about the plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach fire" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "do we honestly undo or take the points" | |
DavidW says, "I've for keeping them for now." | ||
smartgenes says, "we earned them with our relentless input" | ||
DavidW says, "It means I can stop worrying about spending magic on reach and heal." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach jenny brennan" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach amulet" | ||
Floyd | A golden haired woman walks across the courtyard of a long lost castle.
Floyd | A young lad in a brown tunic with a wooden sword in hand immediately
Floyd | interrupts his training to bow respectfully as she passes.
Floyd | An exhausted but smiling young woman lies in a bed with an infant in
Floyd | her arms. The blue light reflected in the child's so far unseeing eyes
Floyd | comes from a crystal hanging around the new mother's neck.
Floyd | A white haired old woman reaches into her robe to hold up a shining
Floyd | blue crystal hanging on a silver chain. She pulls it over her head and
Floyd | hands it to the girl kneeling before her on the stone floor.
Floyd | Generation after generation passes by in Lornedei's mind. Fleeing
Floyd | images of the many bearers, the many powerful women yielding respect
Floyd | and sometimes fear, but never hatred.
Floyd | Not until the final image.
Floyd | The amulet is thrown carelessly on top of a broken and bloody mess
Floyd | lying against cold stone. This very wall.
Floyd | Lornedei shivers and lets go of the crystal.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "yes, but only we learned the secret of the crystal's infinite magic" | |
DavidW asks, "er, what 'this very wall'? The one in the severence house?" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get crystal" | ||
Floyd | (the amulet)
Floyd | She already has that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dig" | ||
Floyd | What do you want Lornedei to dig?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ground" | ||
Floyd | (the ground)
Floyd | Lornedei digs a hole in the dry ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "hmm" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "plant acorn" | ||
Floyd | "Master! Nothing can grow here." She picks up a handful of dirt but
Floyd | drops it again with a grimace.
Floyd | "This soil is poisoned, I can feel it."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I think we should go to the ruins. Maybe find a bucket of water or tongs or a rain spell or something and then we can return here." | |
smartgenes says, "yep" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | A high pitched squeal from somewhere among the blackened trees fills
Floyd | the air, and Lornedei shudders.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Lornedei steps in-between a big wall that continues north, away from
Floyd | her, and the remains of another wall trailing west. What stands before
Floyd | her is only a small part of a castle. The rest of it, including any
Floyd | main gate or towers, is gone, as if cut away. She stops and looks
Floyd | around.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "north?" | |
DavidW says, "ok. The geography is confusing." | ||
smartgenes says, "basically the castle is to the north and a wall to the north and the west is in the way" | ||
smartgenes says, "the sout-eastern corner is when we pass inside" | ||
DavidW says, "That's not my interpretation, since there's a door north and a ravine west." | ||
smartgenes says, "the racine is past the wall, like a moat, i think" | ||
DavidW says, "I agree the ravine is like a moat, but it's still confusing geography." | ||
smartgenes says, "most of the wall is gone" | ||
DavidW says, "anyway, exploration will make it clearer." | ||
smartgenes says, "yeh i only got it by drawing it on my A4 pad" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | Lornedei enters a long stone hall. The sudden noise of her own foot
Floyd | falls echoing makes her stop after just a few steps. She stands just
Floyd | inside the gate. The corridor is dim and it takes a while for her eyes
Floyd | to adjust to the darkness.
Floyd | The wide stone corridor continues north for perhaps sixty feet and
Floyd | there is a dim light at the far end.
Floyd | She takes a few more steps forward through the dusty corridor. She
Floyd | stops at an opening in the wall where a staircase leads down into
Floyd | darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "which?" | |
DavidW says, "continue north to the dim light, please." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei walks towards the dim light. The corridor ends, the floor
Floyd | drops away, and beyond is the mist. The edge of the cliff itself has
Floyd | dropped off, taking the entire inner castle down with it. The entire
Floyd | northwest corner of the big ledge has slid down to the bottom of the
Floyd | ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei takes a quick look down the ravine, through veils of mist, but
Floyd | the floor suddenly feels very unsteady under her feet. She returns to
Floyd | the opening to the staircase.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | Lornedei leans into the opening in the wall, trying to see what is
Floyd | below the dark staircase. There is light down there. Without further
Floyd | hesitation, she descends the dusty stone steps.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "well. down next, I guess. Although I would normally retreat and tackle the rest of ground level first if playing alone." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x statue" | ||
Floyd | The stone statue stands against the south wall. It seems undamaged by
Floyd | what ever happened here. It is a woman. She is dressed in a guard's
Floyd | robust clothing and she is standing with her feet somewhat apart, one
Floyd | arm bent to let her hand rest on a stone dagger at her waist.
Floyd | The statue is holding up its right arm as if holding something, perhaps
Floyd | a staff or a spear, but the hand is empty. The stone woman looks as if
Floyd | she could wake up at any moment, ready to protect.
Floyd | The polished stone eyes are fixed on something in the northeast corner
Floyd | of the chamber.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x ne" | ||
Floyd | Cracked marble in walls and floor. Rubble. Nothing of interest catches
Floyd | her eye.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes a few steps to take a look at the corner but a fair bit
Floyd | of the wall has cracked and fallen. There is nothing to see but rubble.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "search rubble" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei scratches her head, looking at the mountain of rubble.
Floyd | "If I could get through this first pile of blocks, then maybe, I am not
Floyd | sure I can though. I am going to need some help."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "back outside?" | |
DavidW says, "It's obvious the statue wants a gift." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb wall" | ||
Floyd | There is no way she can get up on the wall. It is too high and there
Floyd | are no handholds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | She should not venture too far into this scarred landscape. Beyond is
Floyd | the mist, where she would be lost. Lornedei turns back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "This doesn't seem to be a useful location." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones)
Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden
Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her
Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces
Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken
Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a fire inside the ring of stones, blasting out heat and light.
Floyd | Shadows cast by the stones stretch out from the circle. Their wavering
Floyd | tips caress the ragged ground where it begins to ascend to the plane
Floyd | above.
Floyd |
Floyd | A black plaque lies near the center of the fire pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a small hole in the hard ground (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x tree" | ||
Floyd | These are scattered remains of a tree. Mostly ashes, a few charred
Floyd | branches, a hollowed out trunk lying on its side, all petrified by time
Floyd | and lack of rain. All is covered in years of sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "heal tree" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing left here that can be healed. The tree is long since
Floyd | dead.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach tree" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei puts her hand on the petrified wood. She shuts her eyes.
Floyd | Suddenly, the air is fresh with a scent of damp soil, grass and the new
Floyd | flowers of spring. Golden leaves tremble on silver limbs. Rooted deep
Floyd | in fertile soil, cared for, held in awe, the golden oak waits.
Floyd |
Floyd | Soft grass beneath bare feet, feet tredding silently towards the great
Floyd | oak, but stopping to wait at the proper distance. A mumble, a nervous
Floyd | questioning, a whispered reply. A moment of silence. A silver cup
Floyd | carried the last two steps to the roots below the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | A trickle of water, a new light bearer's gift, then the acceptance of
Floyd | it, knowing the young one is true and strong. A golden acorn drops to
Floyd | the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ages has passed, eons of repeated procedures, of dying and re-birth.
Floyd | The golden oak feels no fear, no regret, knowing that after this life,
Floyd | it will come again. The light bearers will plant the acorn and the
Floyd | spiral of life will turn once more. It is soon time. Very soon.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dig ground" | ||
Floyd | (the ground)
Floyd | Lornedei digs a hole in the dry ground.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in trunk" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "plant acorn" | ||
Floyd | "Master! Nothing can grow here." She picks up a handful of dirt but
Floyd | drops it again with a grimace.
Floyd | "This soil is poisoned, I can feel it."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search tree" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, in the trunk, kicks away some dirt, but all she
Floyd | finds is more sad remains of the tree. Anything of interest is long
Floyd | since gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "ok.. back west..?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach grass" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "yeah. This is where the golden acorn came from, but the new tree will be grown elsewhere." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | A few paces away, the courtyard ends abruptly as the ground is replaced
Floyd | by the ravine. A vertical cliff of bare rock is all that is left. If
Floyd | there was a western wall there, it now lies at the bottom of the
Floyd | ravine, along with a big part of the castle. On the other side, the
Floyd | forbidden forest starts again. Lornedei quickly backs away from the
Floyd | edge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "we can't get down?" | |
DavidW says, "not here, I guess." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | DavidW asks, "If we go down the stairs and west through the hole...?" | |
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step towards the edge of the ravine, then another
Floyd | longer step away from it. The ravine is too deep and too wide to cross.
Floyd | Lornedei turns her head towards a sudden rustling in the forbidden
Floyd | forest. There is nothing there.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei steps closer to the huge hole in the wall. One glimpse down is
Floyd | enough. She steps back on unsteady legs.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "nop" | |
smartgenes says, "nope" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I'm unsure which directions haven't been taken yet." | |
smartgenes says, "i think we took them all" | ||
DavidW asks, "Also, do we have *anything* like a spear or staff for the statue?" | ||
smartgenes says, "maybe we can get into the forest.." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 376.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a large black beetle (Taking a nap at the moment.)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open but empty)
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | A brightly shining fairy lamp with a crystal spider inside
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. I guess not yet." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I was hoping the ruins would give us more tools, but so far, we've failed." | |
smartgenes says, "yehh" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach ravine" | ||
Floyd | She cannot reach things from such a distance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x forest" | ||
Floyd | These trees all look dead at first sight. Scorched and tortured, they
Floyd | reach out their blackened limbs over the cowering undergrowth. They do
Floyd | have leaves, however, not green and lush but almost black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | The forbidden forest stands guard. There is no way through it.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like
Floyd | something that does not want to be heard. Careful, tentative.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing here to listen to but the constant wind.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like a
Floyd | bird, unlike any other.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "follow sound" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see a small hole in the hard ground (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones)
Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden
Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her
Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces
Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken
Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a fire inside the ring of stones, blasting out heat and light.
Floyd | Shadows cast by the stones stretch out from the circle. Their wavering
Floyd | tips caress the ragged ground where it begins to ascend to the plane
Floyd | above.
Floyd |
Floyd | A black plaque lies near the center of the fire pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, ">ascend to plane. Ask pilot to take us to Cuba." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "blow out flames with breath" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to blow the outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | The forbidden forest stands guard as if regretting giving passage. She
Floyd | is lucky to have made it through at all. Now there is no way back. She
Floyd | can however go east, west, northeast, northwest, and north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "goodness, we can blow things?" | |
smartgenes says, "there's no way back" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "blow ball" | ||
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I didn't think we could go back. It's obvious we need to reach the ravine and reenter the forest there." | |
smartgenes says, "i thought you picked up a bone when you went into the water and well but obviously you didnt" | ||
DavidW says, "yeah, the bone was not acquired." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "knock on ball" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hit ball" | ||
Floyd | "Perhaps. There might be a way but violence is not the answer."
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like a
Floyd | wolf. Yes, a wolf, but it's far away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "shake ball" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "meanie" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x nut" | ||
Floyd | A purple nut from the deformed bushes in the hall of severance. It is
Floyd | deep purple and hosts a number of sharp thorns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x thorn" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones)
Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden
Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her
Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces
Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken
Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a fire inside the ring of stones, blasting out heat and light.
Floyd | Shadows cast by the stones stretch out from the circle. Their wavering
Floyd | tips caress the ragged ground where it begins to ascend to the plane
Floyd | above.
Floyd |
Floyd | A black plaque lies near the center of the fire pit.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "can we go east of fire or tree?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | The forbidden forest stands guard above the rim of the bowl she is in.
Floyd | She can get back to the field by going north, west, or northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see a small hole in the hard ground (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing ahead but swirling dust, a hot wind, and the mist
Floyd | beyond. She turns away.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "can we go north of tree?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing ahead but all that fog, hiding everything. She takes a
Floyd | few steps in that direction, but turns back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones)
Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden
Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her
Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces
Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken
Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a fire inside the ring of stones, blasting out heat and light.
Floyd | Shadows cast by the stones stretch out from the circle. Their wavering
Floyd | tips caress the ragged ground where it begins to ascend to the plane
Floyd | above.
Floyd |
Floyd | A black plaque lies near the center of the fire pit.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like
Floyd | someone crying. An abandoned cry of loneliness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "walk through fire" | ||
Floyd | The heat forces her back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "throw dirt on the fire." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "pray" | ||
Floyd | She does. Every night. You taught her well.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "heal fire" | ||
Floyd | Healing drains too much power. That would be a waste.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw dirt on fire" | ||
Floyd | She needs to be holding the ground before she can put it on top of
Floyd | something else.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take dirt" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei picks up a handful of dry soil. Frowning, she lets it scatter.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "but we have infinte magic.." | |
DavidW says, "The game doesn't know we know that." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 376.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a large black beetle (Airing out its shell at the moment.)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open but empty)
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | A brightly shining fairy lamp with a crystal spider inside
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "toast bread" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "lol" | |
smartgenes says, "that is possibly the best input i ever heard" | ||
DavidW says, "well, toasting really helps old bread." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x spider" | ||
Floyd | She can't quite see what it looks like as long as it's trapped inside
Floyd | the lamp. She'll have to free it somehow.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw ball into fire" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei throws the fairy lamp into the fire. There is a loud whistling
Floyd | and the fire grows. After a short while, a crystal spider comes
Floyd | crawling out of the flames and the fire returns to normal.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spider stops for a moment between the fire and the boulder closest
Floyd | to Lornedei.
Floyd | It bobs up and down a couple of times as if working the stiffness out
Floyd | of its long legs, then it sprints out of the pit. The spider stops at
Floyd | her feet, turns around once and curls itself up into a ball.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oho" | |
smartgenes says, "it seems that violence *was* the answer" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x spider" | ||
Floyd | It's a large spider made of crystal. It has curled up as if either dead
Floyd | or sleeping most of the time. It is hard to tell which. It gives off a
Floyd | cold sparkling light and has a pair of multi facetted eyes. Oddly
Floyd | enough, the eyes seem both beady and shifty. No matter from where it is
Floyd | observed, it seems to glare suspiciously. She will have to touch the
Floyd | spider to examine it further. That is, if it will let her.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "jar spider" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch spider" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei reaches for the spider and it actually lets her investigate.
Floyd | She carefully holds one leg and the spider lets her flex it
Floyd | experimentally before resolutely pulling it away from her. The spider
Floyd | is cold and strangely flexible. It seems to be able to appear as hard
Floyd | as the crystal it is at will, just to move around like any other spider
Floyd | the next moment. It is however staring suspiciously at her, wondering
Floyd | what this touchy feely thing is all about.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take spider" | ||
Floyd | The spider reluctantly steps up on her hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x boulder" | ||
Floyd | The circle is almost ten paces wide. Inside the edging of boulders, the
Floyd | ground sinks further down, into another bowl. This one is smooth and
Floyd | perfectly round.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "enter circle" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei glances questioningly at the circle of stones. That is not
Floyd | something that she can enter.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x plaque" | ||
Floyd | (the small black plaque)
Floyd | The plaque is too close to the flames, she cannot get near it without
Floyd | setting herself on fire.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push boulder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei puts one shoulder against one of the big stones, digs her
Floyd | heels in and pushes. It flips over and rolls down in the fire pit. The
Floyd | stone settles on top of the blazing fire that immediately suffocates
Floyd | and dies.
Floyd |
Floyd | "BUZZ! BUZZ!" The firefly sits on one of the big stones in the circle.
Floyd | "Oh, dear, much gooder I say. Too hot, much too hot it was here. Good
Floyd | job Girl. Now I can... " The fly crawls down the side of the rock and
Floyd | disappears in a small hole in the ground. A tiny voice pipes up from
Floyd | some kind of hollow down below. "Oh, still hot, Most uncomfortable it
Floyd | is but... yes!" From the hole comes intense buzzing and grunting
Floyd | followed by huffing an puffing and a cloud of dust. The fly comes out
Floyd | of the hole that caves in on itself, dragging something. "Ah, I knew it
Floyd | would be ready, long cooking it needs yes."
Floyd |
Floyd | With more buzzing and grunting, the fly takes off. Hanging in a tiny
Floyd | netting seemingly made of fine grass or some other kind of plant fiber,
Floyd | is a well baked, somewhat wrinkled white berry. It is still warm and
Floyd | steam rises from it. With no further waste of breath, the fly along
Floyd | with its hot meal, disappears with a pop and a flash. The scent of
Floyd | baked berry lingers for a moment until it dissipates.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "wow, well done" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x netting" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "smell" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x baked berry" | ||
Floyd | "I can smell nothing here but dust Master. The air is dead and dry." Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 376.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Curled up acting dead at
Floyd | the moment.)
Floyd | a large black beetle (Fluffing up its wings at the moment.)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open but empty)
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x circle" | ||
Floyd | The circle is almost ten paces wide. Inside the edging of boulders, the
Floyd | ground sinks further down, into another bowl. This one is smooth and
Floyd | perfectly round.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "read plaqe" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "read plaque" | ||
Floyd | (the small black plaque)
Floyd | It's a totally black round plaque. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's palm. The smooth stone is of a kind that Lornedei has never
Floyd | seen. A strange picture is carved on one side. It looks like a flying
Floyd | insect of some sort, with a giant tree in the background.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take it" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "turn plaque" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the small black plaque or the small
Floyd | gray plaque?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "black" | ||
Floyd | Nothing happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach black plaque" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei just shrugs. There doesn't seem to be anything she can learn
Floyd | about the plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb boulder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the big round boulder or the circle
Floyd | of stones?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "round" | ||
Floyd | There's no way she could.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb circle" | ||
Floyd | There's no way she could.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter circle" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei glances questioningly at the circle of stones. That is not
Floyd | something that she can enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | The forbidden forest stands guard above the rim of the bowl she is in.
Floyd | She can get back to the field by going north, west, or northwest.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like
Floyd | someone whimpering. Someone, or something.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "we can push over the boulder but not climb it" | |
DavidW says, "uh-huh." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dig" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd | What do you want Lornedei to dig? Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones) Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight. Floyd | Floyd | A big round stone lies in the middle of the pit. The fire is gone. Floyd | Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground. Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her Floyd | ear. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ground" | ||
Floyd | The forbidden forest stands guard above the rim of the bowl she is in.
Floyd | She can get back to the field by going north, west, or northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dig ground" | ||
Floyd | (the ground)
Floyd | Lornedei digs a hole in the dry ground.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "plant acorn" | ||
Floyd | "Master! Nothing can grow here." She picks up a handful of dirt but
Floyd | drops it again with a grimace.
Floyd | "This soil is poisoned, I can feel it."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "well, I think we could try giving random objects to the statue." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "move circle" | ||
Floyd | The fire is already extinguished. There is no need to push any more
Floyd | boulders.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Also, maybe the spider would be willing to search the rubble." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | A high pitched squeal from somewhere among the blackened trees fills
Floyd | the air, and Lornedei shudders.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | She should not venture too far into this scarred landscape. Beyond is
Floyd | the mist, where she would be lost. Lornedei turns back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x debris" | ||
Floyd | Sad remains of a once great building. Blocks of stone that once made up
Floyd | the walls, smaller rocks, old faded pieces of wood, dust and gravel. A
Floyd | precariously stacked pile is blocking the way northeast.Everything is
Floyd | covered in years of sand that has drifted in from the dry fields.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "move it" | ||
Floyd | That is not possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search debris" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei scratches her head, looking at the mountain of rubble.
Floyd | "If I could get through this first pile of blocks, then maybe, I am not
Floyd | sure I can though. I am going to need some help."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor) Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb debris" | ||
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the Floyd | north. Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her Floyd | ear. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "drop spider" | ||
Floyd | Your wish is her command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "spider, x debris" | ||
Floyd | The spider straightens to show its maximum height. It taps one of its
Floyd | legs against another and turns away. It is clearly beneath a creature
Floyd | of light to obey common humans.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "move statue" | ||
Floyd | The stone statue cannot be moved in any way. Lornedei makes a couple of
Floyd | attempts of pushing the statue but there is not much point in trying.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x eyes" | ||
Floyd | Beautiful blue eyes dominate her pale and quite thin face. So far, it
Floyd | has that innocent glow that will fade with time and experience.
Floyd | For the most part her lips are tightened into a disapproving line. It
Floyd | is most likely an unconscious imitation of her step mother but when she
Floyd | does smile her face changes drastically and she looks like the child
Floyd | she is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give beetle to spider" | ||
Floyd | The spider stretches out to its full height and pokes the beetle in the
Floyd | eye. The bug gives off a high-pitch squeal and crawls in under
Floyd | Lornedei's hair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give acorn to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei drops the acorn in the hand. After falling halfway through, it
Floyd | stops. The stone hand has turned into a fist. The stone limbs crackle
Floyd | slightly as the hand turns palm side down. After a moment, the fingers
Floyd | flex jerkily and opens. The acorn drops to the floor. The hand turns
Floyd | back to holding its imaginary item.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get acorn" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take acorn and spider" | ||
Floyd | crystal spider: The spider reluctantly steps up on her hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give plaque to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the small black plaque or the small
Floyd | gray plaque?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "black" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks at the small black plaque. She looks at the hole in the
Floyd | stone hand. She looks at you, smiles a little, and shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Interesting way the statue has of saying, no, not that item." | |
smartgenes asks, "can we break a tree branch?" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 376.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Polishing its underside at
Floyd | the moment.)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a small black plaque
Floyd | a large black beetle (Airing out its shell at the moment.)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open but empty)
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "small items only or pole-like." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x statue" | ||
Floyd | The stone statue stands against the south wall. It seems undamaged by
Floyd | what ever happened here. It is a woman. She is dressed in a guard's
Floyd | robust clothing and she is standing with her feet somewhat apart, one
Floyd | arm bent to let her hand rest on a stone dagger at her waist.
Floyd | The statue is holding up its right arm as if holding something, perhaps
Floyd | a staff or a spear, but the hand is empty. The stone woman looks as if
Floyd | she could wake up at any moment, ready to protect.
Floyd | The polished stone eyes are fixed on something in the northeast corner
Floyd | of the chamber.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach statue" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x dagger" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "pretty sure" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give spider to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks at the crystal spider. She looks at the hole in the
Floyd | stone hand. She looks at you, smiles a little, and shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give berry to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks at the handful of white berries. She looks at the hole
Floyd | in the stone hand. She looks at you, smiles a little, and shakes her
Floyd | head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give acorn to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei drops the acorn in the hand. After falling halfway through, it
Floyd | stops. The stone hand has turned into a fist. The stone limbs crackle
Floyd | slightly as the hand turns palm side down. After a moment, the fingers
Floyd | flex jerkily and opens. The acorn drops to the floor. The hand turns
Floyd | back to holding its imaginary item.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take acorn" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give nut to statue" | ||
Floyd | Really? the purple nut with thorns?
Floyd | Lornedei carefully takes the nut, holding it with two fingers by one of
Floyd | the thorns. That way she won't get hurt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "maybe there is somewhere to plant it" | |
DavidW says, "The acorn? yes, somewhere." | ||
smartgenes says, "nearby, i mean" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing there but rubble and cracked marble walls. She can't
Floyd | go that way.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "no, I think it's the endgame, to be honest." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | A high pitched squeal from somewhere among the blackened trees fills
Floyd | the air, and Lornedei shudders.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x remains" | ||
Floyd | These are scattered remains of a tree. Mostly ashes, a few charred
Floyd | branches, a hollowed out trunk lying on its side, all petrified by time
Floyd | and lack of rain. All is covered in years of sand.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get branch" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "enter trunk" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get ashes" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cry" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x ledge" | ||
Floyd | Some things in this world are not for her to be concerned with.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x opening" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x facade" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb debris" | ||
Floyd | There's no way she could.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x ravine" | ||
Floyd | The ravine ends here only twenty paces or so to the south, where it
Floyd | narrows and meets the forbidden forest. It stretches north, past the
Floyd | old ruins, beyond which it disappears in a wall of mist. A deep cut in
Floyd | the earth, more than a stone-throw across and deeper than is
Floyd | comfortable to even consider.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "enter ravine" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei moves closer to the edge. Against better knowledge she looks
Floyd | down. Immediately she retreats to safe ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "talk to spider" | ||
Floyd | The spider's shifty, beady eyes seem both shiftier and more beady. It
Floyd | has nothing to say though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "stroke spider" | ||
Floyd | "I fail to see a point in what you ask!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask spider about itself" | ||
Floyd | The spider stares suspiciously at her. It is beneath a creature of
Floyd | light to indulge in conversation with lower beings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei walks towards the dim light. The corridor ends, the floor
Floyd | drops away, and beyond is the mist. The edge of the cliff itself has
Floyd | dropped off, taking the entire inner castle down with it. The entire
Floyd | northwest corner of the big ledge has slid down to the bottom of the
Floyd | ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei takes a quick look down the ravine, through veils of mist, but
Floyd | the floor suddenly feels very unsteady under her feet. She returns to
Floyd | the opening to the staircase.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach nut" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give nut to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks at the purple nut with thorns. She looks at the hole in
Floyd | the stone hand. She looks at you, smiles a little, and shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "feed spider" | ||
Floyd She will need something to feed to the crystal spider. Type "Feed | ||
Floyd [item] to [creature]". | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "feed cheese to spider" | ||
Floyd | (Taking the piece of cheese first.)
Floyd | The spider pokes the piece of cheese with some interest. The curiosity
Floyd | doesn't last long though and the spider returns to its suspicious
Floyd | glaring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "kiss statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei ignores you. she has no time for nonsense.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "search statue" | ||
Floyd | She can not find anything that might interest you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 376.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Glaring suspiciously.)
Floyd | a small black plaque
Floyd | a large black beetle (Airing out its shell at the moment.)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open but empty)
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes a closer look at the stone woman's head and shoulders,
Floyd | the walls and the ceiling behind and above her, but decides against it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "eat nut" | ||
Floyd | That's simply not edible!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "feed bread to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks at the loaf of horrid bread. She looks at the hole in
Floyd | the stone hand. She looks at you, smiles a little, and shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hint" | ||
Floyd | The firefly appears. it buzzes around Lornedei's head.
Floyd | "Me, yes, has come to help! Now hurry and ask!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "tell firefly to buzz off" | ||
Floyd | This critter is not much for conversation.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "It'd be nice if throwing the nut into the ravine grew into a bridge." | |
smartgenes says, "hmm" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | "I must go, yes I must. The firefly disappears with a pop and a flash.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw nut into ravine" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei throws the nut over the edge. A sudden gust of wind grabs it.
Floyd | After dancing around in the air for a few moments, it drops down at her
Floyd | feet.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get nut" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei carefully picks up the nut. She quickly drops it in the
Floyd | rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "my." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw acorn into ravine" | ||
Floyd | "No Master. I think I should hold on to this."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "jump ravine" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "score" | ||
Floyd | Your current holiness is 60 out of a possible holiness of 105, in 352
Floyd | moves.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "My gut feeling is that we missed a location somewhere." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "open nut" | ||
Floyd | That's not something that can be opened.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "crack nut" | ||
Floyd | Never mind having her wreck her inventory, unless it is truly called
Floyd | for.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x pouch" | ||
Floyd | It is a dry and withered leather pouch, no bigger than a woman's fist.
Floyd | A leather string is used to close it and hang it in a belt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take string" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put acorn in pouch" | ||
Floyd | She drops the golden acorn into the small leather pouch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "okay, so the string and pouch aren't separable." | ||
Floyd | You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give pouch to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks at the small leather pouch. She looks at the hole in the
Floyd | stone hand. She looks at you, smiles a little, and shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
JimKaplan arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls to the ground next to her. A gust of wind
Floyd | catches it and carries it away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put gray plaque on black plaque." | ||
Floyd | Placing things on the small black plaque will not do her any good.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like a
Floyd | wolf. Yes, a wolf, but it's far away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
JimKaplan has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | The forbidden forest stands guard as if regretting giving passage. She
Floyd | is lucky to have made it through at all. Now there is no way back. She
Floyd | can however go east, west, northeast, northwest, and north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x wind" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fly" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search trees" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything that might interest you besides those leaves.
Floyd | They are the only thing close enough for her to reach without entering
Floyd | the shadows.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach spider" | ||
Floyd | She is surrounded by crimson light. Intense, dancing light streaked
Floyd | with strands of pure dark. Greasy suffocating smoke, then a flash of
Floyd | blinding white, Deafening thunder of falling rocks. Then nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones)
Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden
Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her
Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces
Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken
Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big round stone lies in the middle of the pit. The fire is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a small hole in the hard ground (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x tone" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x round stone" | ||
Floyd | It's a big round stone from the circle. It was pushed into the fire pit
Floyd | to suffocate the flames.
Floyd | Lornedei looks over her shoulder into the dark forest, anxious.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | The forbidden forest stands guard above the rim of the bowl she is in.
Floyd | She can get back to the field by going north, west, or northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get stone" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the big round boulder or the circle
Floyd | of stones?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "circle" | ||
Floyd | You are the almighty here. Lornedei does not have that kind of
Floyd | strength.
Floyd | Lornedei turns her head towards a sudden rustling in the forbidden
Floyd | forest. There is nothing there.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd | There's no way she could.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb wall" | ||
Floyd | There is no way she can get up on the wall. It is too high and there
Floyd | are no handholds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach wall" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach mist" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb wall" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the eastern wall or the walls?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "walls" | ||
Floyd | There's no way she could.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh, give the firefly to the spider." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "climb eastern wall" | ||
Floyd | There is no way she can get up on the wall. It is too high and there
Floyd | are no handholds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach castle" | ||
Floyd | A great castle stands before Lornedei. A massive gate leading into the
Floyd | castle is to the northwest, The south wall with another gate runs west,
Floyd | parallel to the castle wall. The corridor between the inner and outer
Floyd | gate lies open to the west. There it meets the west wall that
Floyd | disappears around the corner and out of site. The courtyard is still,
Floyd | silent, peaceful, and empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a shadow though, barely perceptible, but the longer Lornedei
Floyd | looks, the clearer it gets. It is creeping across the stones. A moving
Floyd | darkness that emerges from the air itself creeps across the stone to
Floyd | melt into a crack in a stone or a mortar joint. It glides over the
Floyd | ground until sinking between the flagstones.
Floyd |
Floyd | Then the world breaks.
Floyd |
Floyd | Although the images are old, the time long ago, the earth seems to
Floyd | shake under her feet. A woman runs past her, fleeing through deadly
Floyd | projectiles dislodged from falling towers, towards the main gate.
Floyd | Holding her arms above her head, she stumbles and falls. The moment
Floyd | after, the ground disappears ahead of her. The ground moves, cracks,
Floyd | and slides away as she is scrambling back. The woman gets up on her
Floyd | feet, staggers before regaining some balance, and backs away from the
Floyd | opening in the earth that was not there a moment ago. The castle cracks
Floyd | as the ground, solid stone, disappears beneath it. The south wall
Floyd | crumbles into piles of stone. Everything starting at an imagined line
Floyd | drawn between the two great gates and beyond them, drops away through a
Floyd | cloud of smoke and dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | An enormous cloud of dust spews out of the ravine, and even though
Floyd | Lornedei knows it is only in her mind, she coughs.
Floyd |
Floyd | The images fade.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "that's new" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | The front wall of the castle ends there in a jagged edge. The rest of
Floyd | it is at the bottom of the ravine. There is no way of knowing how big
Floyd | the castle might have been before. Lornedei takes a quick look over the
Floyd | edge of the ravine. It is too far down to see anything clearly and she
Floyd | retreats.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x walls" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the walls or the old castle ruins?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "walls" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the walls or the old castle ruins?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x the walls" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the walls or the old castle ruins?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "castle" | ||
Floyd | Only two walls remain of a once big castle. Those walls seem strong and
Floyd | reach up into a ceiling of mist far above her head. Lornedei is
Floyd | surrounded by rubble. A small opening leads into the building to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "move rubble" | ||
Floyd | That is not possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach wall" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the walls or the eastern wall?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "eastern" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "we may need to get a hint from the firefly after all. I don't see what to do except give something we don't have yet to the statue." | |
smartgenes says, "i'm not thinking of anything new" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 374.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Stretching out, apparently
Floyd | snoozing at the moment.)
Floyd | a small black plaque
Floyd | a large black beetle (Taking a nap at the moment.)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x chain" | ||
Floyd | It's a pale blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x black plaque" | ||
Floyd | It's a totally black round plaque. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's palm. The smooth stone is of a kind that Lornedei has never
Floyd | seen. A strange picture is carved on one side. It looks like a flying
Floyd | insect of some sort, with a giant tree in the background.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x picture" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I suppose we could try listen, smell, and touch more often, but I don't think that's what's blocking us." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "where is staff" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to where.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "drop beetle" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei tries to let the bug go. As soon as she manages to shake the
Floyd | thing off her hand, it spreads its wings, makes a short trip around her
Floyd | head to finally land on her shoulder, not pleased with Lornedei at all.
Floyd | The bug crawls underneath her hair, grabs a few of those fine hairs in
Floyd | the back of her neck and tugs on them. Lornedei shrieks.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "where silver" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to where.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "where" | ||
Floyd | You can only use this command when trying to find the wolf.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "where wolf" | ||
Floyd | Deini is running all over the place. The last I saw of her she was
Floyd | somewhere in the Aarkland (Billowing Field).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "whats" | ||
Floyd | Whats what?
Floyd | Here are some commands you can use:
Floyd |
Floyd | >Whats up with Lornedei (or "h ld") Check Lornedei's current mental
Floyd | health.
Floyd | >Whats up with [object](or "h [object]") A simple status check, no
Floyd | specifics. As a rule there are no changes in normal objects. Examine
Floyd | and reach are still the main commands to use when interacting with
Floyd | objects and creatures.
Floyd | >Whats in the rucksack (or h in rucksack) Same as "search rucksack".
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x spider" | ||
Floyd | It's a large spider made of crystal. It has curled up as if either dead
Floyd | or sleeping most of the time. It is hard to tell which. It gives off a
Floyd | cold sparkling light and has a pair of multi facetted eyes. Oddly
Floyd | enough, the eyes seem both beady and shifty. No matter from where it is
Floyd | observed, it seems to glare suspiciously. She will have to touch the
Floyd | spider to examine it further. That is, if it will let her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "h ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks fine. She is as healthy as she will ever be.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "h spider" | ||
Floyd | The crystal spider seems healthy enough.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "touch spider" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei reaches for the spider and it actually lets her investigate.
Floyd | She carefully holds one leg and the spider lets her flex it
Floyd | experimentally before resolutely pulling it away from her. The spider
Floyd | is cold and strangely flexible. It seems to be able to appear as hard
Floyd | as the crystal it is at will, just to move around like any other spider
Floyd | the next moment. It is however staring suspiciously at her, wondering
Floyd | what this touchy feely thing is all about.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen to spider" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing here to listen to but the constant wind.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "move spider" | ||
Floyd | The spider bobs up and down a bit at her touch but that's it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "twist spider" | ||
Floyd | The spider bobs up and down a bit at her touch but that's it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), ">teach spider to breakdance" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "go to statue" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "help" | ||
Floyd | Various ways to get you started or out of trouble:
Floyd |
Floyd | Play around with the characters to get a grip on them. You are the
Floyd | Almighty. You command Lornedei.
Floyd | I.E If you give the command: >take dirt, you may get the reply: She
Floyd | cannot find any such thing.
Floyd | If you give the command: >pick nose, you might get the reply: Lornedei
Floyd | gives you a disgusted look.
Floyd | The command: >talk to bird, may result in: "I still can't talk to
Floyd | animals Master, when will you ever learn?"
Floyd | Other characters may be ordered in the normal way. I.E >fish, eat hook.
Floyd |
Floyd | Pay attention to what is happening now and then!
Floyd | Some useful verbs:
Floyd | Try out:
Floyd | >where...
Floyd | >whats...
Floyd | >follow... >reach...
Floyd | Do not forget to
Floyd | >smell...
Floyd | >listen...
Floyd | >touch...
Floyd |
Floyd | Conversations:
Floyd | >hint
Floyd | >ask firefly about Lornedei
Floyd | Ask the firefly about something that you see in the game or about
Floyd | something regarding the game play.
Floyd | >ask Lornedei about magic
Floyd | Talk to Lornedei. Ask Lornedei about things that you see in the game.
Floyd |
Floyd | Game play verbs:
Floyd |
Floyd | >exits
Floyd | Gives you all possible ways out of the current location.
Floyd | >magic Gives you Lornedei's current magic.
Floyd | >holiness
Floyd | Gives you current score.
Floyd | >about
Floyd | Information about the game.
Floyd | >beginner
Floyd | A beginners guide to Interactive Fiction.
Floyd | >credits
Floyd | Shows the credits.
Floyd | Finally:
Floyd | >DUH!
Floyd | (Not recommended.)
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hint" | ||
Floyd | The firefly appears. it buzzes around Lornedei's head.
Floyd | "Me, yes, has come to help! Now hurry and ask!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "go to the statue. hint. ask firefly about statue." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about statue" | ||
Floyd | "It is one of the old ones sentries. They are all gone now I believe.
Floyd | Shame, such a shame. The light bearers held them very high but now they
Floyd | are all gone. This one must be angry though. Someone has stolen her
Floyd | spear. Oh dear oh dear!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "um yeah, well we guessed that much" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "kill firefly" | ||
Floyd | "I have no wish to do any such thing!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "yeah." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about spear" | ||
Floyd | "Me, yes me, I will not tell."
Floyd |
Floyd | "I must go, yes I must. The firefly disappears with a pop and a flash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "grr" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hint" | ||
Floyd | The firefly appears. it buzzes around Lornedei's head.
Floyd | "Me, yes, has come to help! Now hurry and ask!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about acorn" | ||
Floyd | "Acorn? Pretty thing is it not? An acorn is a nut, is a seed, is a
Floyd | thing that needs growing, needs soil and water? It needs to be planted
Floyd | in the mist. Oh no, not the dangerous mist. The golden mist."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about spider" | ||
Floyd | "This is a magical little creepy crawly. The light bearers used them to
Floyd | bring light and to cast away dark spirits. They do very little
Floyd | voluntarily those nasty creatures. Me, I don't know if they are lazy or
Floyd | only full of themselves, but they do seem to think that they are above
Floyd | simple humans."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "i suppose it might light the corridor" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see a Firefly here.
Floyd |
Floyd | "I must go, yes I must. The firefly disappears with a pop and a flash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "drop spider" | ||
Floyd | Your wish is her command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Curled up acting
Floyd | dead at the moment.) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Are you reading the" | |
DavidW asks, "Are you reading the 'seems to lead only' to mean there might be another unseen exit here?" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step but stops. She cannot go there. She can go
Floyd | south or down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nne" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask spider for light" | ||
Floyd | The spider straightens to show its maximum height. It taps one of its
Floyd | legs against another and turns away. It is clearly beneath a creature
Floyd | of light to obey common humans.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "rub spider" | ||
Floyd | The crystal spider would most certainly not appreciate that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "kick spider" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei would never.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "stamp" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give berry to spider" | ||
Floyd | The spider pokes the handful of white berries with some interest. The
Floyd | curiosity doesn't last long though and the spider returns to its
Floyd | suspicious glaring.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give nut to spider" | ||
Floyd | Really? the purple nut with thorns?
Floyd | Lornedei carefully takes the nut, holding it with two fingers by one of
Floyd | the thorns. That way she won't get hurt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "call firefly" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to call.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "help" | ||
Floyd | Various ways to get you started or out of trouble:
Floyd |
Floyd | Play around with the characters to get a grip on them. You are the
Floyd | Almighty. You command Lornedei.
Floyd | I.E If you give the command: >take dirt, you may get the reply: She
Floyd | cannot find any such thing.
Floyd | If you give the command: >pick nose, you might get the reply: Lornedei
Floyd | gives you a disgusted look.
Floyd | The command: >talk to bird, may result in: "I still can't talk to
Floyd | animals Master, when will you ever learn?"
Floyd | Other characters may be ordered in the normal way. I.E >fish, eat hook.
Floyd |
Floyd | Pay attention to what is happening now and then!
Floyd | Some useful verbs:
Floyd | Try out:
Floyd | >where...
Floyd | >whats...
Floyd | >follow... >reach...
Floyd | Do not forget to
Floyd | >smell...
Floyd | >listen...
Floyd | >touch...
Floyd |
Floyd | Conversations:
Floyd | >hint
Floyd | >ask firefly about Lornedei
Floyd | Ask the firefly about something that you see in the game or about
Floyd | something regarding the game play.
Floyd | >ask Lornedei about magic
Floyd | Talk to Lornedei. Ask Lornedei about things that you see in the game.
Floyd |
Floyd | Game play verbs:
Floyd |
Floyd | >exits
Floyd | Gives you all possible ways out of the current location.
Floyd | >magic Gives you Lornedei's current magic.
Floyd | >holiness
Floyd | Gives you current score.
Floyd | >about
Floyd | Information about the game.
Floyd | >beginner
Floyd | A beginners guide to Interactive Fiction.
Floyd | >credits
Floyd | Shows the credits.
Floyd | Finally:
Floyd | >DUH!
Floyd | (Not recommended.)
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put nut in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | She drops the purple nut with thorns into the leather rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hint" | ||
Floyd | The firefly appears. it buzzes around Lornedei's head.
Floyd | "Me, yes, has come to help! Now hurry and ask!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about tree" | ||
Floyd | "Me, yes me, I will not tell."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about ravine" | ||
Floyd | "Me, yes me, I will not tell."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about altar" | ||
Floyd | "Me, yes me, I will not tell."
Floyd |
Floyd | "I must go, yes I must. The firefly disappears with a pop and a flash.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "pray for rain" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to pray.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Glaring
Floyd | suspiciously.) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x staircase" | ||
Floyd | The stone staircase spirals down into the dark. The steps are worn and
Floyd | cracked. A layer of sand and dust covers each step. No one has walked
Floyd | here for many years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "remove sand" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "feel corridor" | ||
Floyd | Some things in this world are not for her to be concerned with.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "smell" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber) Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing Floyd | in the southeast corner. Floyd | Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | "This place is dry and dusty but there are no smells, nothing but Floyd | despair and loneliness. Everything is dead." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | All is quiet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "shout" | ||
Floyd | I can't understand you. Try to say it differently.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "remove debris" | ||
Floyd | Really? the rubble?
Floyd | That is not possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x ravine" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "move debris" | ||
Floyd | That is not possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "attack statue" | ||
Floyd | "Even if I could damage this statue, I fail to see the point in it
Floyd | Master."
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "eat cheese" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes a careful little bite. Once proven safe and truly Floyd | edible, she quickly gobbles it down. Floyd | "Pardon my manners Master, but I was hungry." Floyd | | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search debris" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just went up by seven. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Lornedei scratches her head, looking at the mountain of rubble. Floyd | "If I could get through this first pile of blocks, then maybe, I am not Floyd | sure I can though. I am going to need some help." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "search debris" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei scratches her head, looking at the mountain of rubble.
Floyd | "If I could get through this first pile of blocks, then maybe, I am not
Floyd | sure I can though. I am going to need some help."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask spider for help" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "eating cheese increases magic, eh?" | |
Jacqueline asks, "Hm. Do you think we missed something way back?" | ||
DavidW says, "spider is upstairs" | ||
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "I'm sure we have, but it's unclear that should make a difference here." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Stretching out,
Floyd | apparently snoozing at the moment.) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get spider" | ||
Floyd | The spider reluctantly steps up on her hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask spider for help" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I'm thinking each zone of the game is probably a self-contained puzzle set." | |
smartgenes says, "it does seem that way" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "blow dust" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "blow spider" | ||
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "blow acorn" | ||
Floyd | Really? the golden acorn?
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "eat nut" | ||
Floyd | Really? the purple nut with thorns?
Floyd | Lornedei carefully takes the nut, holding it with two fingers by one of
Floyd | the thorns. That way she won't get hurt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "remove thorns" | ||
Floyd | "I shall not!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give beetle to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks at the big black beetle. She looks at the hole in the
Floyd | stone hand. She looks at you, smiles a little, and shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x hole" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give grey plaque to statue" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give cheese to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks at the piece of cheese. She looks at the hole in the
Floyd | stone hand. She looks at you, smiles a little, and shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "anyway, we know its the spear we need" | |
DavidW says, "The plaques are too large. And we *know* it wants a spear." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "might turn verbose off." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "fix tree" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing left here that can be healed. The tree is long since
Floyd | dead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dig" | ||
Floyd | What do you want Lornedei to dig?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ground" | ||
Floyd | (the ground)
Floyd | Lornedei digs a hole in the dry ground.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones)
Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden
Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her
Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces
Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken
Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big round stone lies in the middle of the pit. The fire is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like
Floyd | someone crying. An abandoned cry of loneliness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "the soil is poisoned here, though." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "talk to sone" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "talk to stone" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the big round boulder or the circle
Floyd | of stones?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow sound" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "talk to boulder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the big round boulder or the circle
Floyd | of stones?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "round" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you. After a moment of puzzled silence, she
Floyd | shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "feel boulder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the big round boulder or the circle
Floyd | of stones?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "round" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shrugs. What the big round boulder feels like does not
Floyd | interest her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push round boulder" | ||
Floyd | The stone is too heavy to move around.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd | The forbidden forest stands guard above the rim of the bowl she is in.
Floyd | She can get back to the field by going north, west, or northwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen to forest" | ||
Floyd | "I hear nothing but a careful whispering from these trees right now. It
Floyd | is the sound of dry leaves scraping against each other, that is all. I
Floyd | cannot hear any animals at all."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing here to listen to but the constant wind.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing here to listen to but the constant wind.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see a small hole in the hard ground (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing here to listen to but the constant wind.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing here to listen to but the constant wind.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "despair" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach sun" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd | A high pitched squeal from somewhere among the blackened trees fills
Floyd | the air, and Lornedei shudders.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing here to listen to but the constant wind.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sun" | ||
Floyd | Right above her the sky is clear, darkening to a graphite tinted blue.
Floyd | All around this patch, in all directions, there is a ceiling of
Floyd | constant mist. Visible above this blanket of gray, to the west, a dying
Floyd | sun sets the horizon in flames.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "heal mist" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "shout" | ||
Floyd | I can't understand you. Try to say it differently.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "jump ravine" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ride wind" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "call wolf" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to call.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "call" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei whistles but does Deini want to come to her?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei waits as the dry wind tears at her torn clothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x corner" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "we could try earlier load.." | |
smartgenes says, "maybe we did miss something we need" | ||
DavidW says, "I really don't know. I need a bathroom break, regardless." | ||
DavidW asks, "But what previous location could've hid the spear?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | "It feels warm. Warm and heavy.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch black plaque" | ||
Floyd | "It feels warm. Warm and heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen to gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | She can hear nothing from the small gray plaque.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I can't help but think these plaques are magic spells in solid form, somehow, waiting to be activated." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "break grey plaque" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | It is a small round plaque in a material unknown to Lornedei. The
Floyd | surface is smooth and with a deep polish. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's hand. The surface shows nothing, not even the distorted
Floyd | image of Lornedei herself that one might expect. What shows in the
Floyd | plaque is like a reflection of a stormy sky in a puddle of murky water,
Floyd | just before the rain starts hammering.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "break gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | Never mind having her wreck her inventory, unless it is truly called
Floyd | for.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I assume the gray plaque is a summon rain spell." | |
smartgenes says, "thats what i was jst thinking" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "show plaque to sky" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the small black plaque or the small
Floyd | gray plaque?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "grat" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "show gray plaque to sky" | ||
Floyd | She can only do that to something living that has at least half a
Floyd | brain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "But do we need a spell player to put the plaque in or what?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put gray plaque in hand" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "spit on gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hit gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | Never mind having her wreck her inventory, unless it is truly called
Floyd | for.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "push gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | Nothing happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ruib gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "o rub" | ||
Floyd | Sorry, that can't be corrected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "lift gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "rub gray" | ||
Floyd | There is no need for her to do that.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "raise gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw gray plaque into ravine" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei gives you a doubtful glance. After just a moments hesitation,
Floyd | she decides to trust your judgment. She drops the small gray plaque in
Floyd | the ravine. She does not stay at the edge long enough to watch it fall.
Floyd | "Was that necessary?"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "eat gray" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Courtyard Floyd | Let it be so! Floyd | | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | Castle Courtyard Floyd | Let it be so! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x gray" | ||
Floyd | It is a small round plaque in a material unknown to Lornedei. The
Floyd | surface is smooth and with a deep polish. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's hand. The surface shows nothing, not even the distorted
Floyd | image of Lornedei herself that one might expect. What shows in the
Floyd | plaque is like a reflection of a stormy sky in a puddle of murky water,
Floyd | just before the rain starts hammering.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x rain" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reflect sun" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "summon rain" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "spells" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "toss gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "spin gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hold gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | She already has that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "We could try the duh! command (not recommended)." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "snap gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "duh" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "duh!" | ||
Floyd | Crystal and Stone, Beetle and Bone Player Guide follows. Floyd | A step by step walkthrough is difficult to write for this game. I can Floyd | point out necessary steps to get the most out of it, nothing more. Floyd | Try this first though: Floyd | If you are lost, you can try to type exits. Floyd | Alternatively, type hint to summon the firefly. Floyd | Perhaps Lornedei can answer your question. Floyd | Are you sure you want to do this? Floyd | Floyd | | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "duh!" | ||
Floyd | Please answer yes or no.> | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "no" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "no" | ||
Floyd | There is no need to answer her. Better to keep your peace.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask ld about statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shrugs.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask ld about beetle" | ||
Floyd | "Yes, I have heard told that they are not what they seem."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "polish gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | There is no need for her to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "clean plaque" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the small black plaque or the small
Floyd | gray plaque?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "black" | ||
Floyd | There is no need for her to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask ld about gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shrugs.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x black plaque" | ||
Floyd | It's a totally black round plaque. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's palm. The smooth stone is of a kind that Lornedei has never
Floyd | seen. A strange picture is carved on one side. It looks like a flying
Floyd | insect of some sort, with a giant tree in the background.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "we got this black plaque after encountering the beetle etc" | |
DavidW asks, "We could try planting the plaques?" | ||
DavidW says, "The black plaque was from the fire." | ||
smartgenes says, "yes so what is it hinting at i wonder" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 374.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Polishing its underside at
Floyd | the moment.)
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a small black plaque
Floyd | a large black beetle (Spinning around waving its antennae at the
Floyd | moment.)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open but empty)
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "give black plaque to beetle" | ||
Floyd | The bug spins around and around but that's it.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "feed beetle to spider" | ||
Floyd | The spider stretches out to its full height and pokes the beetle in the
Floyd | eye. The bug gives off a high-pitch squeal and crawls in under
Floyd | Lornedei's hair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "tried that one" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "eat spider" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is not in the mood for tasting critters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x acorn" | ||
Floyd | It is an acorn in shape and form but it seems to be one in solid gold.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "ask firefly about plaques" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "feel acorn" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei holds the golden acorn in her hand. The images come to her
Floyd | without being reached for.
Floyd |
Floyd | A seedling, a sapling, a giant oak.
Floyd | All in a matter of seconds. Dripping water, a silver goblet.
Floyd | A wish to grow, a wish to heal.
Floyd | Instant flashes, not much more than emotion and fleeing images, but
Floyd | strong and urgent.
Floyd | Time is running out.
Floyd | The vision fades.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Maybe we need to plant them or some fool thing, but they seem also optional." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hint" | ||
Floyd | The firefly appears. it buzzes around Lornedei's head.
Floyd | "Me, yes, has come to help! Now hurry and ask!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Me, yes me, I will not tell."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about wolf" | ||
Floyd | "Eeee! Just keep that horrible animal away from me. Have you fed it?
Floyd | You should not! You will spoil it rotten and then it will come after
Floyd | you for more food!
Floyd | If you are stupid enough to ask it to follow you it is even worse. You
Floyd | will never get rid of it."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "ask firefly about nut" | ||
Floyd | "Me, yes me, I will not tell."
Floyd |
Floyd | "I must go, yes I must. The firefly disappears with a pop and a flash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw spider into ravine" | ||
Floyd | "No Master. I think I will hold on to this for now."
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I wonder what we could've fed Deini with. Also, perhaps the wolf could've been with us all this time." | |
smartgenes says, "i think there was a route off to the east that we didnt take" | ||
DavidW says, "takin' that bathroom break now" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "connect plaques" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "unite plaqs" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "unite plaques" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "plant acorn in mist" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to plant the golden acorn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | She should not venture too far into this scarred landscape. Beyond is
Floyd | the mist, where she would be lost. Lornedei turns back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw gray plaque into mist" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "hint" | ||
Floyd | The firefly appears. it buzzes around Lornedei's head.
Floyd | "Me, yes, has come to help! Now hurry and ask!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach firefly" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x shirt" | ||
Floyd | the shirt is now torn, wet and filthy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "remove shirt" | ||
Floyd | Really? the shirt?
Floyd | Perhaps you should leave Lornedei's clothing alone.
Floyd |
Floyd | "I must go, yes I must. The firefly disappears with a pop and a flash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "search rocks" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei scratches her head, looking at the mountain of rubble.
Floyd | "If I could get through this first pile of blocks, then maybe, I am not
Floyd | sure I can though. I am going to need some help."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "remove dust" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "look into ravine" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "back" | |
smartgenes says, "i can think of nothing" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach wall" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the walls or the eastern wall?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "walls" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "As a longshot: beetle, search debris." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "beetle, search debris" | ||
Floyd | The beetle seems to ponder this. Then it crosses its antennae, willing
Floyd | but confused.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "spider, search debris" | ||
Floyd | The spider straightens to show its maximum height. It taps one of its
Floyd | legs against another and turns away. It is clearly beneath a creature
Floyd | of light to obey common humans.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "beetle, ne" | ||
Floyd | The beetle seems to ponder this. Then it crosses its antennae, willing
Floyd | but confused.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "crush beetle in rage" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to crush the big black beetle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "beetle, find wolf" | ||
Floyd | The bug waves its antennae but has very little to say.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "summon rain" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x clouds" | ||
Floyd | Right above her the sky is clear, darkening to a graphite tinted blue.
Floyd | All around this patch, in all directions, there is a ceiling of
Floyd | constant mist. Visible above this blanket of gray, to the west, a dying
Floyd | sun sets the horizon in flames.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw plaque into mist" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the small black plaque or the small
Floyd | gray plaque?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "black" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw gray plaque into ravine" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei gives you a doubtful glance. After just a moments hesitation,
Floyd | she decides to trust your judgment. She drops the small gray plaque in
Floyd | the ravine. She does not stay at the edge long enough to watch it fall.
Floyd | "Was that necessary?"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "walkthrough?" | |
DavidW says, "hm. Perhaps *something* ought to go into the ravine." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 374.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Stretching out, apparently
Floyd | snoozing at the moment.)
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a small black plaque
Floyd | a large black beetle (Airing out its shell at the moment.)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open but empty)
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw spider in ravine" | ||
Floyd | "No Master. I think I will hold on to this for now."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw acorn in ravine" | ||
Floyd | "No Master. I think I should hold on to this."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw cheese in ravine" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei gives you a doubtful glance. After just a moments hesitation,
Floyd | she decides to trust your judgment. She drops the piece of cheese in
Floyd | the ravine. She does not stay at the edge long enough to watch it fall.
Floyd | "Was that necessary?"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "throw nut in ravine" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei throws the nut over the edge. A sudden gust of wind grabs it.
Floyd | After dancing around in the air for a few moments, it drops down at her
Floyd | feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get it" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei carefully picks up the nut. She quickly drops it in the
Floyd | rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "odd that the nut is blown back. That's unlike the other responses." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "tie pouch to nut" | ||
Floyd | That is not possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put nut in pouch" | ||
Floyd | She needs to be holding the purple nut with thorns before she can put
Floyd | it into something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take nut" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei carefully takes the nut, holding it with two fingers by one of
Floyd | the thorns. That way she won't get hurt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put nut in pouch" | ||
Floyd | She drops the purple nut with thorns into the small leather pouch.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x pouch" | ||
Floyd | It is a dry and withered leather pouch, no bigger than a woman's fist.
Floyd | A leather string is used to close it and hang it in a belt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in it" | ||
Floyd | In the small leather pouch is a purple nut with thorns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw pouch into ravine" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei drops the small leather pouch over the edge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes asks, "walkthrough or earlier load?" | |
DavidW says, "I'm worried that the walkthrough will be a huge huge textdump." | ||
DavidW says, "But maybe we will be lucky can just read about our own section where we're stuck." | ||
DavidW says, "If we jump to an earlier load, I'd like to jump to just after getting the lamp and try a different underwater branch." | ||
DavidW says, "let's try walkthrough first, I guess." | ||
smartgenes says, "earlier load would be better" | ||
DavidW says, "I hate that we're doing that, though." | ||
DavidW says, "ok, try earlier load, then." | ||
smartgenes says, "maybe we're assuming that the parts are self-contained" | ||
DavidW says, "maybe." | ||
DavidW says, "I am assuming, if we know what we're doing, the berries are optional, the amulet is optional, the golden acorn is always found and can't be lost until needed, etc." | ||
DavidW asks, "like, could we have followed the beetle from the place of severence before finding the acorn?" | ||
smartgenes says, "i just wondered if there was soe obvious object in a branch we didn't try" | ||
DavidW says, "or maybe, by skipping the treetop puzzle, we didn't get an item we need." | ||
DavidW asks, "Perhaps we could even start over?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf4" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| smartgenes says, "wow, the author is blind" | |
DavidW says, "Go ahead and choose a save point to restore from or restart from the start. I leave the choice to you." | ||
smartgenes asks, "rstart?" | ||
DavidW says, "sure, if you like." | ||
DavidW says, "We can make more of an effort to keep the wolf with us as a companion, for one thing." | ||
smartgenes has disconnected. | ||
smartgenes has connected. | ||
smartgenes disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. | ||
smartgenes arrives, full of fun and funk. | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "quit" | ||
Floyd | Do you really wish to abandon this world? | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||
Floyd | Do you really wish to give up and restart? | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "y" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to restore a saved game? Floyd | | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | "Greetings Almighty! Allow me to tell you about your world, Aarkland."
Floyd |
Floyd | Our story begins here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The harvest time is upon the people. Their hard work goes on from early
Floyd | morning until all that must be done is done. The summer has been good
Floyd | and this winter no one will starve. That is what the villagers believe,
Floyd | anyway. In ignorance they have turned from you and cannot see the
Floyd | coming darkness. For them Ignorance is bliss, but refusing to see the
Floyd | truth is no protection against evil.
Floyd |
Floyd | The young girl that's come to meet you in secret is Lornedei. You watch
Floyd | her treading along the road and when she stops next to the water, you
Floyd | once more feel a glimmer of hope. She is the first child in more than a
Floyd | hundred years that has been born with the old power. The youngest
Floyd | daughter to Lorne and Noki, this innocent girl searches the sky for
Floyd | your presence. She smiles when she senses it and gives you a little
Floyd | wave. She is the last one. The last hope.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei tightens the straps on her rucksack, throws a quick glance
Floyd | back along the road, and makes sure her sandals are fastened properly.
Floyd | Surely she can sense you watching her, but she says nothing. She
Floyd | reaches into her rucksack and brings out some bread. She nibbles on it
Floyd | without much enthusiasm while watching the flowing river, and she waits
Floyd | for you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The girl has the power to "reach" beyond what the eye can see and
Floyd | "heal" what is broken, but she is not strong enough to make a
Floyd | difference. Not without guidance. That is where you come in. As the God
Floyd | of this land, you must guide her. First, you should send her to the
Floyd | unholy stones to see what the world around her is hiding.
Floyd | An Interactive Fantasy.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crystal and Stone, Beetle and Bone.
Floyd | By Jenny Brennan 2007-2009.
Floyd |
Floyd | Latest update and bug fixed June 25 2009. Type "about" for more
Floyd | information.
Floyd | Type "help" to get started.
Floyd | Type "hint" for specific help.
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 090625 / Inform v6.31 Library 6/11 S
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd | This old road, coming from the village, runs north to the edge of the
Floyd | forest. Alongside it to the west is the rushing water of the river
Floyd | Aarkland. The river flows through the forest and divides it in two: To
Floyd | the east is the old forest, and to the west is the forbidden forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Few people use the road these days, and it is all but overtaken by
Floyd | grass and brush. A seemingly endless field stretches out to the east.
Floyd | Between the swaying grass and the road, a few deformed bushes prepare
Floyd | to invade what remains of the road. A short distance to the southeast
Floyd | is a pile of stones. The stones are barely visible above the grass.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | A whiff of the deformed bushes reaches Lornedei's nose and she waves
Floyd | the unpleasant odor away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | Is that a language I have not yet learned?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (On the Unholy Stones)
Floyd | For as long as Lornedei can remember, she has been told not to go
Floyd | there. There is nothing strange about the stones at a distance. It
Floyd | could just be a collection of fieldstones, perhaps from the time when
Floyd | the settlers first prepared the field. Nothing could be more wrong.
Floyd | There are piles of stones in many fields, but none with this kind of
Floyd | history.
Floyd |
Floyd | She hesitates and turns to you. It seems like she wants to say
Floyd | something. She keeps silent and steps up on the platform.
Floyd | The collection of stones is over ten paces from edge to edge. The top
Floyd | has been flattened to create a platform and that is where Lornedei
Floyd | stands. No new stones have been added in several hundred years. Despite
Floyd | the lack of activity, nothing grows near the stones.
Floyd |
Floyd | There are powers here that make it easier for her to use her magic. You
Floyd | can make her see what hides around her. She will see the world as it
Floyd | is, what hides beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can go north to the field or northwest back to the dusty road.
Floyd | Lornedei suddenly looks startled.
Floyd | "Master what is this?" A firefly is buzzing around her head. She waves
Floyd | her hand to wave it away when suddenly a small voice pipes up.
Floyd | "No, No, silly girl. I am no harm! I am here to help you must know!"
Floyd | Lornedei stops waving but she looks dubiously at the tiny creature.
Floyd | Once safe from the terribly waving arm, the firefly stops for a rest on
Floyd | Lornedei's brow. The tiny voice pipes up again. "I must come, curious
Floyd | am I, and I can help such as you!" Lornedei tries to look up at the fly
Floyd | but all that happens is that her eyes cross. "There is magic here,
Floyd | magic in you girl. I have not sensed magic in a long time, yes!" the
Floyd | fly takes off and starts buzzing around Lornedei's head again. "Strong
Floyd | you are not! Oh, no. That god of yours was stingy in his giving so he
Floyd | was. Pity, pity. You can be stronger though. Sometimes from nature,
Floyd | sometimes from other things. You must know girl, to regain strength
Floyd | that you lose, you must eat. Ah, there are some here, I have searched
Floyd | for these." the fly buzzes off towards the deformed bushes and lands on
Floyd | one of the berries growing there. "Eat these and be strong, do not
Floyd | forget." there is an angry buzzing, a strange grunting sound, and a
Floyd | thud as a white berry, seemingly with a firefly attached on the top,
Floyd | falls to the ground. "Me... Will just.." In an amazing display of
Floyd | over-insectile powers, the fly lifts the berry off the ground. "will
Floyd | just take this." The firefly, along with its booty, disappears with a
Floyd | pop and a flash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The firefly is available for questioning. It is happy to help. Just
Floyd | type "hint" and it will come.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x bsh" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x bush" | ||
Floyd | They all look sick, small, and deformed as they reach their oddly
Floyd | shaped digits towards her. There must be something wrong with them.
Floyd | Despite it being in the middle of Harvest Moon, their leaves are yellow
Floyd | and riddled with brown and black blotches.
Floyd | A few white berries still cling to the branches.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get berries" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei picks all of the berries that seem edible. It turns out to be
Floyd | quite a handful. She drops them all into the rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | No, she can go east to the field, southeast to the unholy stones, or
Floyd | enter the river to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (Billowing Field)
Floyd | Lornedei hesitates throwing an anxious glance south.
Floyd |
Floyd | Maybe she would prefer to be back in the safe grasp of her kin. If that
Floyd | is the case, she will never tell her God. She does not know why she is
Floyd | here or how easy her mind and flesh may be corrupted, and she may be
Floyd | better off that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | Very carefully, you give her just the slightest of mental nudges to
Floyd | remove the hesitation from her mind. Not again can you give her a
Floyd | command without letting her choose how to proceed. What she has ahead
Floyd | of her she must do of her own free will as much as possible. Lornedei
Floyd | takes her eyes off the road and moves on.
Floyd | The grass grows waist high. Touched by sun, wind, and rain, it
Floyd | patiently waits for the farmers that will not come. The edge of the old
Floyd | forest lies close by to the north. To the south, a big pile of stones
Floyd | rises above the grass. The road is back west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a low growling coming from the high grass. An injured wolf
Floyd | lies there.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "heal wolf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shuts her eyes, raising both hands towards the dying animal.
Floyd | She summons her powers and the air starts to shimmer above the wolf. In
Floyd | sudden panic the wolf yelps miserably and tries to get up on its feet,
Floyd | but Lornedei's soft mumbling calms the animal. Still, the stare from
Floyd | those yellow eyes and a deep growl behind the exposed sharp teeth
Floyd | cannot be mistaken for friendliness.
Floyd |
Floyd | Another mumbled phrase is heard from the girl and the predator's eyes
Floyd | slowly close. The wolf is asleep. The girl kneels while the swirling
Floyd | blue light covers the wolf with healing power. In one quick move, she
Floyd | corrects the broken leg to allow it to heal properly. A long while
Floyd | passes. Then she sits back in the grass, tired but smiling. She lets
Floyd | the healing light dissipate in the air.
Floyd | "All is well Master. I shall call her Deini."
Floyd |
Floyd | Another long while passes. The air is warm but a slight breeze moves
Floyd | the grass around Lornedei. It sways gently, like waves, across the vast
Floyd | field.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wolf opens its eyes, blinks, gets up. Lornedei sits on the ground
Floyd | with a confident smile on her lips and her hands in her lap. The
Floyd | beautiful animal stands absolutely still for a moment, meeting the
Floyd | girl's eyes. Then, in a heartbeat, it turns away. It runs along the
Floyd | edge of the forest. It stops near a big tree and turns around to watch
Floyd | the human. It sits down while considering its options.
Floyd |
Floyd | Then suddenly, the wolf that Lornedei named "Deini" comes running back.
Floyd | She smells the human, inspects her carefully, and makes a decision. She
Floyd | puts a cool muzzle in the hand that Lornedei is holding out. Lornedei
Floyd | has gained a friend.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just dropped by five.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "deini, follow me" | ||
Floyd | Deini looks at Lornedei, wondering if there might be something to eat
Floyd | first. When that doesn't seem to happen, the wolf ignores her command.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hmmm." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach wolf" | ||
Floyd | "I do not need to reach inside her to know that she is better now. The
Floyd | pain is gone."
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give bread to deini" | ||
Floyd | Deini smells the bread, sneezes, and backs away. She glances
Floyd | suspiciously at the piece of bread.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give cheese to deini" | ||
Floyd | (Taking the piece of cheese first.)
Floyd | Deini smells the piece of cheese but she is not very interested in
Floyd | anything that never had a heart beat at one point.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give berry to deini" | ||
Floyd | (Taking the handful of white berries first.)
Floyd | Deini smells the handful of white berries but she is not very
Floyd | interested in anything that never had a heart beat at one point.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get deini" | ||
Floyd | Deini is still a wild animal in her true element. She should not be
Floyd | captured or provoked.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. So we really do need to find other food. Fish, maybe? Don't forget to 'reach world' at the unholy stones." | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put all in backpack" | ||
Floyd | handful of white berries: Done.
Floyd | piece of cheese: Done.
Floyd | loaf of horrid bread: Done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (On the Unholy Stones)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach world" | ||
Floyd | The world around Lornedei fades. She finds herself high up in the air,
Floyd | hovering above a seemingly endless field. She flaps her white wings
Floyd | tentatively at first, but then she catches an upwind and rises.
Floyd | Not far ahead of her is a vast and lush forest, stretching north and
Floyd | northeast. She looks east. Between the field and the endless ocean are
Floyd | a few homes, perhaps a fishing village, and a patchwork of fields. As
Floyd | she hovers far above the field, turning to the south, she can see a
Floyd | road following a river to another village far to the south. It is
Floyd | Lornedei's own.
Floyd |
Floyd | She turns west and the forbidden forest, a landscape of gray, stretches
Floyd | out ahead of her. It stretches to the southwest and to the northwest as
Floyd | far as she can see. It is a swirling black and gray mass of mist or
Floyd | smoke, for the most part unbroken except for the occasional tree-top
Floyd | protruding here and there.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | She moves closer until she is above the glittering water of the
Floyd | Aarkland river and turns north. She follows the flowing water until it
Floyd | seems to disappear into a large cliff. The two forests meet at the top
Floyd | of the cliff, but the old forest seems to give way more and more so
Floyd | that the border turns northeast towards a distant mountain chain. The
Floyd | river does not seem to appear again.
Floyd |
Floyd | She turns west, soaring above unbroken gray, seeing only the occasional
Floyd | twisted treetop shooting out of the thick mist and a blue sky above.
Floyd | She flies on, across a landscape of gray and black. The mist Swirls
Floyd | here and there, darkens here and there, but never reveals what is
Floyd | below.
Floyd |
Floyd | Then the air seems to thin and she sinks down. She sinks down below the
Floyd | mist. She finds herself racing between twisted tree-trunks and grasping
Floyd | branches. A dry whisper follows her as she loses her orientation.
Floyd | Silent shapes like shadows follow her path. Spirits, hollow-eyed, pale
Floyd | and ragged, open their mouths in rage and longing before they shy away
Floyd | from her. They melt back into the shadows between the trees. Suddenly
Floyd | she is out of the forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Below her is a barren landscape of sand and broken earth. The forbidden
Floyd | forest surrounds this field of despair, although the sky is clear.
Floyd | Above the mist, to the northeast, she can see a pale silhouette of the
Floyd | mountains. She can see a far distant shade of green to the east, beyond
Floyd | which is a blue horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | The same view meets her to the southeast, but to the south, southwest
Floyd | and west, there is only the forbidden forest with its blanket of mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | She lowers herself until she is just above stony ground. A deep ravine
Floyd | separates the field from the forest to the west. The ravine runs south
Floyd | to north into a misty plain where it disappears out of sight. To the
Floyd | northwest, clinging to the edge of the ravine, there is an old ruin...a
Floyd | castle. Only part of the ruin is visible as the rest of it fades into
Floyd | gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | She turns westward and sinks down in the ravine. Making her way north,
Floyd | the tip of her left wing nearly strokes the far ravine wall. She turns
Floyd | upwards and flies clockwise around the entire castle ruin. Most of the
Floyd | old castle is gone. As she is viewing it from the outside she can see
Floyd | chambers, dungeons and rooms in several levels that are exposed. The
Floyd | rest of the ruin is at the bottom of the ravine. After flying through
Floyd | the mist on the far side of the ruin, she appears at a great wall that
Floyd | separates the castle grounds from the northern wastelands before
Floyd | turning southeast. In the southeast corner of the big desolate field
Floyd | the ground slopes down and turns into a ragged hole in the ground. Heat
Floyd | ripples the air around it. A large fire burns within a ring of stones.
Floyd |
Floyd | She circles the fire. She is in a hurry, searching for the thing that
Floyd | should be but is no longer. She returns to the ruin. There is a high
Floyd | wall east of the castle and she stops to rest on top of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The world wavers its way back to reality and Lornedei looks pale and a
Floyd | bit unsteady on her feet.
Floyd | "Too high! Master? If I die and must come back, please do not make me a
Floyd | bird!"There is nothing she can do from here. She may be able to reach a
Floyd | distant object, but she can do nothing with it.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get leaf" | ||
Floyd | (the yellow leaves)
Floyd | Lornedei pulls a leaf off of one of the branches and it immediately
Floyd | crumbles into a smelly dust. She quickly brushes it off her hands while
Floyd | wrinkling her nose in disgust.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get branch" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd | This old road, coming from the village, runs north to the edge of the
Floyd | forest. Alongside it to the west is the rushing water of the river
Floyd | Aarkland. The river flows through the forest and divides it in two: To
Floyd | the east is the old forest, and to the west is the forbidden forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Few people use the road these days, and it is all but overtaken by
Floyd | grass and brush. A seemingly endless field stretches out to the east.
Floyd | Between the swaying grass and the road, a few deformed bushes prepare
Floyd | to invade what remains of the road. A short distance to the southeast
Floyd | is a pile of stones. The stones are barely visible above the grass.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "We never explored the non-forbidden forest much at all." | |
smartgenes says, "we can't" | ||
DavidW says, "or east of Deini or the stones." | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (Billowing Field)
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | No, there is nothing but the field as far as the eye can see and then
Floyd | the ocean beyond. Today is not the day to make that trip. The river is
Floyd | west and the unholy stones are to the south.
Floyd | Deini plunks her behind down and starts attacking an itchy spot on her
Floyd | leg with her front teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x tree" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing she can do from where she is. She will have to get
Floyd | closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (Billowing Field)
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x tree" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x bush" | ||
Floyd | The bushes are a truly sad sight now that Lornedei has picked all the
Floyd | berries.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 75.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd | No, she can go east to the field, southeast to the unholy stones, or
Floyd | enter the river to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Road)
Floyd | Lornedei tightens her sandals and checks her rucksack, making sure it
Floyd | is closed tight before entering the river. She steps carefully down the
Floyd | slippery slope and through the parting rushes and reeds. Something
Floyd | squawks at her but it is gone before she can see it. When her feet lose
Floyd | contact with the bottom, she floats and lets the remaining hesitation
Floyd | float away with the invisible currents below.
Floyd | The river runs from north to south. Ahead of her, the glittering water
Floyd | becomes shaded by the two forests. The forbidden forest on the left and
Floyd | the still green old forest on the right. The river disappears out of
Floyd | sight perhaps a hundred paces into the tunnel of trees, water, and
Floyd | shadows. The dusty road is east, where she can get out of the water.
Floyd | She can also dive down to the bottom of the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "dive" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Here be Sand)
Floyd | A magical world reveals itself. The river continues north. The bottom
Floyd | is mostly composed of sand, rocks, some mud, and quickly fleeing fish.
Floyd | All kinds of things have been thrown in the river from the road and are
Floyd | now resting under a layer of sand until the end of time. The river
Floyd | continues north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "catch fish" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks puzzled. She seems not to understand your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "get fish" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Here be Mud)
Floyd | It's harder to see here. The river flows from north to south. The mud
Floyd | swirls up, preventing her from seeing more than a few arm lengths
Floyd | ahead. The old trees reach out their roots under the water. They crowd
Floyd | the bottom along with swaying vegetation and rocks.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see a small gray plaque here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get plaque" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x roots" | ||
Floyd | Some things in this world are not for her to be concerned with.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search mud" | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei digs through some of the mud but there doesn't seem to be Floyd | anything of interest down there. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Floyd | River Bottom (At the Cave Entrance) Floyd | The bottom is littered with rocks. There are piles of them of varying Floyd | sizes, washed clean by the constant flow of water. Around the sides of Floyd | the opening into the cave, a few colonies of a slimy and sickly green Floyd | plant have managed to make a home. They sway back and forth in the Floyd | current while clinging desperately to the rocks. The opening leads Floyd | northwest into a cave and south takes her back around the river bend. Floyd | Her lungs are starting to ache. She will have to go to the surface Floyd | soon! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Cliff)
Floyd | She floats on the surface in the shadows of the trees, accompanied by
Floyd | the sounds of the forests: A murmur of life from the old forest, and a
Floyd | dry whispering, not quite as pleasant, from the black trees on the
Floyd | other riverbank.
Floyd | The river makes a slight turn, hiding the road from view. A vertical
Floyd | cliff stops her from going any further north in this tunnel of water,
Floyd | trees, and shadows. Above her head is a frayed ribbon of blue sky and
Floyd | at the top of the cliff, the two forests meet. Below and around her
Floyd | there is that play of light and dark, maybe just a little bit darker.
Floyd | South takes her back around the bend. Looking down she can see an
Floyd | opening in the cliff.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "reach cliff" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | She can't get out of the river that way. She can go back south along
Floyd | the river or down to the bottom.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (Between the Forests)
Floyd | Giant trees shade the river from both sides. Deformed branches dip
Floyd | their fingers in the water as if testing the depth before entering the
Floyd | water. Lornedei throws her head to the left, when a sudden sound is
Floyd | heard from the black forest. She moves a little bit closer to the east
Floyd | riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A constant play of light and shadow goes on around her. The two forests
Floyd | lean towards each other from both sides. The sketched outlines of the
Floyd | two forests against a clear sky create deep shadows, distorted mirrored
Floyd | images, and an illusion of endless depths below.
Floyd | The forbidden forest is to the west and the old forest to the east. The
Floyd | river flows back south and down takes her to the bottom of the river.
Floyd | To the north the river disappears out of sight around a bend, and there
Floyd | is a slight opening in the trees to the east.
Floyd | A tiny voice suddenly pipes up from somewhere in the dark forest. "Most
Floyd | interesting... Most strange this is. Oh, no, nasty bug, go away!" The
Floyd | firefly comes out of the forest in a reckless speed, skids on the
Floyd | surface in front of Lornedei with a shocked screech, gets airborne and
Floyd | settles on her head, clearly exasperated.
Floyd | "Nasty, nasty things. Let me just rest girl, just for a moment."
Floyd | Lornedei watches the black forest for a moment, waiting for the firefly
Floyd | to calm down. When the little creature talks again, it seems to have
Floyd | regained its composure. It lifts off and starts circling Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | "The nasty forest has secrets. It might tell you if you look beyond.
Floyd | You must reach inside it to get knowledge girl. So many secrets are
Floyd | everywhere in this forest, and the other forest, leaves and rocks and
Floyd | the beasts living there." The fly buzzes over to a black leaf floating
Floyd | on the river. "This here is not what it seems either." The fly lands on
Floyd | the edge of the leaf and with an angry buzzing, it propels its little
Floyd | ship downstream without another word.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "x tree" | ||
Floyd | These trees all look dead at first sight. Scorched and tortured, they
Floyd | reach out their blackened limbs over the cowering undergrowth. They do
Floyd | have leaves, however, not green and lush but almost black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get leaf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the black leaves or the green leaves?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "green" | ||
Floyd | The leaves are fine just the way they are. I'm sure Lornedei would
Floyd | agree.
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops from the forbidden forest into the water right
Floyd | in front of Lornedei. It bobs up and down a couple of times before it
Floyd | floats away downstream.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "get black leaf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei grabs one of the black leaves in the nearest cluster of leaves
Floyd | and twists it loose. The leaf, being as long as her middle finger,
Floyd | falls to its side in her palm. The curved inside of the leaf suddenly
Floyd | fills with a hideous mush that swells and boils as she watches. Flesh
Floyd | grows and shapes itself in the shell into an insect's body. The mush is
Floyd | white with brown and dark red streaks. The nasty mess is swirling
Floyd | around inside the leaf, forming the flesh bit by bit. The shiny wetness
Floyd | dries quickly once the beetle's body takes form inside its shell. A
Floyd | thin purple layer finally covers the belly. Six black legs pop out
Floyd | through the newly formed glittering layer of skin. It takes only a
Floyd | moment for them to start moving around. Another pop forces a wriggling
Floyd | head out and the insect is near completion. The bug grows at a furious
Floyd | pace and finally it extrudes a pair of black antennae that unfold until
Floyd | they're as long, if not longer, than the entire beetle.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei turns the beetle over. It stays nearly motionless in her hand.
Floyd | The long antennae, shivering slightly, carefully touch the outline of
Floyd | the hand holding it, the sensitive inside of Lornedei's wrist, the
Floyd | sleeve of her shirt. The beetle seems satisfied with its new master.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put it in backpack" | ||
Floyd | That makes very little sense. Try something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put leaf in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the black leaves or the green leaves?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "I suppose we can try giving the beetle to the wolf?" | |
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "put beetle in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | She drops the big black beetle into the leather rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei drags herself up on the east bank, steps carefully over the
Floyd | slippery rocks and into the old forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Old Forest
Floyd | Leaving the river behind her, she stops a moment to rest. In the cool
Floyd | shade she is surrounded by the comforting whispers of life. Leaning
Floyd | against a big tree, she silently watches the river. She does not notice
Floyd | the small brown shape rushing down the tree until it uses her shoulder
Floyd | as a springboard. It propels itself outward from there, sprints across
Floyd | the trail, and vanishes among the trees before Lornedei's gasp of
Floyd | surprise changes into a scream. With her shoulders relaxing again she
Floyd | looks for the squirrel among the trees, but it has already moved on to
Floyd | somewhere else. She clears her throat and glances up at you.
Floyd | "Just a stupid squirrel."
Floyd | A narrow path leads east into the forest. All is still. The old forest
Floyd | surrounds her.
Floyd |
Floyd | The glittering water of the Aarkland can be seen through the trees to
Floyd | the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh. New location." | |
DavidW says, "Squirrel could be wolf food." | ||
DavidW says, "east, I guess." | ||
DavidW asks (of smartgenes), "still here?" | ||
DavidW asks, "You found a new location; did you explode with happiness and die or what?" | ||
DavidW says, "forgive me, but I do want to see what's east." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Elevation
Floyd | After the walk through the dark forest, she is surprised to suddenly
Floyd | step into a big clearing. She stops just beyond the tree line to look
Floyd | around.
Floyd | The clearing is perfectly round and it's surrounded by the old forest
Floyd | in all directions. A giant oak tree stands in solitude a short distance
Floyd | into the hall of trees, separated from the wall of birch, ash, silver
Floyd | pine and the myriad of other plants growing there. The barely visible
Floyd | path through the forest is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old urn sits in the grass next to the big oak.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x oak" | ||
Floyd | (the giant oak)
Floyd | The giant oak stands proud and enormous, shading a big part of the
Floyd | clearing with its outstretched limbs with their dense foliage. The
Floyd | first big branch reaches out far above Lornedei's head. Craning her
Floyd | neck, she still cannot see the highest branches.
Floyd | All she can see is something glittering green far above. To see what's
Floyd | behind the big tree she'll have to go around to the northwest or the
Floyd | northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x urn" | ||
Floyd | It's an old bronze urn as long as your lower arm and as wide as your
Floyd | neck. The outside is covered with symbols whose meaning has long since
Floyd | been forgotten.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in urn" | ||
Floyd | The old tarnished bronze urn is empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach urn" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach oak" | ||
Floyd | (the giant oak)
Floyd | The tree fades away before Lornedei's inner sight. For a moment there
Floyd | is nothing but a shimmering mist all around, but then three shapes
Floyd | appear in the distance. They are trees. This she is sure of. Giant
Floyd | trees. They are somehow out of focus and no matter how she strains,
Floyd | they remain that way. The only thing clear about the shapes is the
Floyd | color of the mist surrounding them. They are surrounded by green,
Floyd | black, and gold. Suddenly the golden tree fades, leaving the mist
Floyd | behind. The black tree grows, and the green one appears to cower under
Floyd | it. Lornedei's vision fades.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take urn" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "huh, I didn't think the urn would actually be takeable." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Elevation (Behind the Oak)
Floyd | Lornedei walks around the enormous tree. The giant oak's shadow has all
Floyd | but starved everything growing on the ground behind it.
Floyd | She is standing between the big oak and the dense forest. Southeast or
Floyd | southwest will take her back to the open clearing. Steps are cut in the
Floyd | big oak.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old water sack lies against the trunk. Someone must have left it
Floyd | here recently.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead rabbit lies next to the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a small dented silver plate (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sack" | ||
Floyd | It's a small water sack with a wooden cork and a leather strap to tie
Floyd | to a belt. It seems to be in good shape.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x rabbit" | ||
Floyd | Someone has recently hunted and killed this rabbit, probably using a
Floyd | snare of some sort. The little furry thing is still fresh and edible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x plate" | ||
Floyd | It is a somewhat dented silver dish. One side returns a distorted but
Floyd | clear image of the holder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||
Floyd | small water sack: As you wish.
Floyd | dead rabbit: As you wish.
Floyd | small dented silver plate: As you wish.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Elevation (In the Giant Oak)
Floyd | A soft warm breeze catches Lornedei's hair when she finally reaches a
Floyd | branch. It is, in fact, the first branch she gets to and the only one
Floyd | she can reach. It's as thick as a well-fed pig and she swings one leg
Floyd | over it. She ends up sitting with her face towards the trunk. Above her
Floyd | is an enormous and glittering green ceiling that is the crown of the
Floyd | oak.
Floyd |
Floyd | She looks up. The endless movements of the countless leaves trick her
Floyd | into swaying with them. That is, until she nearly loses her balance.
Floyd | She grabs the branch and focuses instead on the unmoving trunk. A pale
Floyd | shadow of a smile touches her lips when she quickly glances up at you.
Floyd | The shadow of the big oak trembles on the ground below. The far end of
Floyd | the branch Lornedei is sitting on seems to disappear in a gray mist.
Floyd | The other two branches on this level are just as unreachable for her as
Floyd | the limbs higher up.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the trunk in front of her, three holes are lined up in a tidy row.
Floyd | They are apparently inhabited by some kind of worm. She can climb down
Floyd | or go north along the branch.
Floyd | A fat blue worm quickly crawls over to the third hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | The beetle scrambles out of its confinement. It sits motionless but
Floyd | trembling on Lornedei's shoulder, making a strange hissing noise.
Floyd |
Floyd | After a moment of that, it scrambles down to the branch, utters that
Floyd | strange hissing again, louder this time. One of the worms sticks its
Floyd | head out and hisses back at the beetle. It makes a very hasty retreat
Floyd | back in the hole though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x holes" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the first hole, the second hole or
Floyd | the third hole?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x first hole" | ||
Floyd | Three holes, neatly in a row, can be seen in the trunk. Apparently
Floyd | worms live there.
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd | Suddenly, all the worms crawl out of their holes. In an instant they're
Floyd | all relocated. The yellow worm drags its chunk of wood into its new
Floyd | home.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "yellow worm" | ||
Floyd | "Master? I don't understand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x yellow worm" | ||
Floyd | "I Cannot see as long as it is hiding in the hole Master."
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in third hole" | ||
Floyd | "I can see something blue in there, Oh, dear! It has teeth. Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and Floyd | hisses back. | Jacqueline asks, "Still at it?" | |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Are you alone at this point?" | |
DavidW says, "I seem to be. Smartgenes stopped responding; I don't know why." | ||
DavidW says, "We restarted and he found this new branch of rooms and I waited and waited and finally I just played ahead." | ||
Jacqueline says, "So you went back to the beginning. Did you manage to find -- oh, huh." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Where were they?" | ||
DavidW says, "In the green forest, east of the river." | ||
DavidW says, "We missed them entirely the first time, by going down the river." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I was wondering about that, but we were kind of swept away in the river and then things got interesting and I just sort of let it go." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Timing." | ||
DavidW says, "yeah, well, this can happen in group play. You just go with it and can't easily lawnmow the locations." | ||
DavidW says, "also, the writing made me think it wouldn't matter that much, but I think I was mistaken." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm now thinking that failure to do well on earlier sections might make later sections impossible." | ||
DavidW says, "although, it's hard to be sure." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Ooh, you found a dead rabbit." | ||
DavidW says, "yes. We can feed the wolf now, if we like." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Take it to the mother tree to bring it back to life -- oh wait, I already made that joke. Yes, the wolf will like that." | ||
DavidW says, "ch-ch-ch-changes..." | ||
DavidW says, "Don't know what to make of these worms in the holes. And one of them seemed to have something wooden." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in second hole." | ||
Floyd | "There is something red and shiny deep in the hole."
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd | Suddenly, all the worms come out of their holes. They crawl over each
Floyd | other in a haste to switch habitats. In an instant they're all back in
Floyd | their chosen holes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in second hole" | ||
Floyd | "There is something yellow and squirmy in there."
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd | Suddenly, all the worms crawl out of their holes. In an instant they're
Floyd | all relocated. The yellow worm drags its chunk of wood into its new
Floyd | home.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I'm not sure if the beetle is causing the relocations or not." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x chunk of wood" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Hm." | |
Jacqueline says, "Seems like some sort of puzzle, but maybe it's not." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x wood" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "well, the chunk of wood might be helpful." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "reach yellow worm" | ||
Floyd | "Ahum! Interesting idea, but I think it would make me sick."
Floyd |
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
smartgenes goes home. | ||
smartgenes has disconnected. | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put beetle in first hole" | ||
Floyd | She needs to be holding the big black beetle before she can put it into
Floyd | something else.
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd | A shiny red worm squirms its way over to the first hole.
Floyd | A skinny yellow worm quickly pops out of its hole and disappears into
Floyd | the third hole. In its path, it drops tiny pieces of wood that scatter
Floyd | in the breeze.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take beetle" | ||
Floyd | The beetle crawls up in her hand.
Floyd | A fat blue worm quickly pops out of its hole and disappears into the
Floyd | second hole.
Floyd | Suddenly, all the worms come out of their holes. They crawl over each
Floyd | other in a haste to switch habitats. In an instant they're all back in
Floyd | their chosen holes.
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put beetle in first hole" | ||
Floyd | The beetle rushes into the first hole. After a while, it comes out
Floyd | again with the fat blue worm in its jaw.
Floyd | A shiny red worm squirms its way over to the first hole.
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take blue worm" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd | A skinny yellow worm quickly pops out of its hole and disappears into
Floyd | the third hole. In its path, it drops tiny pieces of wood that scatter
Floyd | in the breeze.
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Just keep doing it until you get the yellow worm?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take beetle" | ||
Floyd | The beetle is already with her.
Floyd | A skinny yellow worm carefully checks Lornedei out. It drops into the
Floyd | second hole, dragging a chunk of wood in with it.
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put beetle in first hole" | ||
Floyd | The beetle rushes into the first hole. After a while, it comes out
Floyd | again with the shiny red worm in its jaw.
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take red worm" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take beetle" | ||
Floyd | The beetle is already with her.
Floyd | A skinny yellow worm quickly pops out of its hole and disappears into
Floyd | the third hole. In its path, it drops tiny pieces of wood that scatter
Floyd | in the breeze.
Floyd | The beetle hisses at the worms. The yellow worm shows its head and
Floyd | hisses back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put beetle in third hole" | ||
Floyd | The beetle rushes into the third hole. After a while, it comes out
Floyd | again with the skinny yellow worm in its jaw.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take yellow worm" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "woo" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x yellow worm" | ||
Floyd | The worm is as long as a mans foot from toes to heel, as thick as the
Floyd | middle toe on that same foot and canary yellow. At each end of the
Floyd | somewhat slimy body sits a head. It has no eyes, only two mouths. Each
Floyd | mouth opens and closes in turns, when one is open the other is closed,
Floyd | revealing several rows of very small but razor sharp teeth.
Floyd | When one mouth closes and almost disappears in the stubby face, the
Floyd | other end opens its mouth and starts attacking the other end, biting it
Floyd | furiously until it seems to be satisfied and it turns away from its
Floyd | other self for a while.
Floyd | After some time the procedure repeats itself with the tables turned.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "wow" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put beetle in third hole" | ||
Floyd | The trusty little bug rushes into the hole but comes out right away. It
Floyd | quickly examines the other two holes but when there's nothing more to
Floyd | find, it crawls back into Lornedei's hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Did you get the wooden thing?" | |
DavidW says, "I don't think so." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 74.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a large black beetle (Fluffing up its wings at the moment.)
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a dead rabbit
Floyd | a small water sack (which is open but empty)
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach yellow worm" | ||
Floyd | "Ahum! Interesting idea, but I think it would make me sick."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Also, did you see the two faced kitten that was born in Oregon this week? Like this worm, it has two mouths, but unlike the worm it is adorable and mews in stereo." | |
DavidW says, "no, I didn't see that." | ||
DavidW says, "This week's news was about the cupcakes you bought in a box labelled 'Legalize Frostitution'." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm gonna guess that worms are useful for making holes elsewhere." | ||
Jacqueline says, "haha - maga shared that, I take it. Yeah, they were delivered to the park for a special event, and the Legalize Frostitution tagline got some attention." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x red worm" | ||
Floyd | The worm is as long as a mans foot from toes to heel, as thick as the
Floyd | big toe on that same foot and deep red. On each end of the squirming
Floyd | shiny body sits a head. It has no eyes. Each mouth opens and closes in
Floyd | turns, when one is open the other is closed, revealing several rows of
Floyd | very small but razor sharp teeth.
Floyd | When one mouth closes and almost disappears in the stubby face, the
Floyd | other end opens its mouth and starts attacking the other end, biting it
Floyd | furiously until it seems to be satisfied and it turns away from its
Floyd | other self for a while.
Floyd | After some time the procedure repeats itself with the tables turned.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline glances at maga's foot. "These are some big worms." | |
DavidW says, "I looked up the slogan on the web; saw some nice pics of cupcakes and mixed reviews." | ||
Jacqueline says, "They were pretty good cupcakes, yeah." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei makes her way along the wide branch. The fog rises to meet her
Floyd | as she steps into it. For a dizzying moment, she can see nothing at
Floyd | all. Then she is passed the moment of blindness and steps into another
Floyd | one, different but possibly more disturbing. She is surrounded by a
Floyd | wall of mist. The clearing is gone, the light dim and nondescript, and
Floyd | the sounds muffled and distant.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sleepwalker's Lair
Floyd | There is nothing but a slightly greenish mist all around her. Even the
Floyd | ground is nothing but greenish vapor. Lornedei turns around like in a
Floyd | dream.
Floyd | "I am tired Master. So tired. Everything seems to be spinning.
Floyd | There is something here. Something that drains my powers. I cannot stay
Floyd | in here for too long."
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Anyway, the Janis cat from Oregon is over the web. I leave it to you to do your own Googling." | |
DavidW says, "ok, thanks." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Sleepwalker's Lair... hm. And did I read in scrollback that you need to 'plant' the acorn in mist, but not the creepy mist we were in... some golden mist?" | ||
DavidW says, "yeah. Reaching this oak revealed there are three oaks -- or were: golden, black, and green. This is the green oak, and it seems to have a magic drain effect like the black one did." | ||
DavidW says, "The vision said the golden oak faded; the black grew; and the green cowered." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Hall of Elevation (In the Giant Oak)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf5" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei makes her way along the wide branch. The fog rises to meet her
Floyd | as she steps into it. For a dizzying moment, she can see nothing at
Floyd | all. Then she is passed the moment of blindness and steps into another
Floyd | one, different but possibly more disturbing. She is surrounded by a
Floyd | wall of mist. The clearing is gone, the light dim and nondescript, and
Floyd | the sounds muffled and distant.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sleepwalker's Lair
Floyd | There is nothing but a slightly greenish mist all around her. Even the
Floyd | ground is nothing but greenish vapor. Lornedei turns around like in a
Floyd | dream.
Floyd | "I am tired Master. So tired. Everything seems to be spinning.
Floyd | There is something here. Something that drains my powers. I cannot stay
Floyd | in here for too long."
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach mist" | ||
Floyd | "My mind feels weak Master. Something is draining me and there is
Floyd | nothing I can do. It feels like everything is spinning."
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei lies down. Floyd | "I should not Master. But everything is spinning." | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | "The mist is" Floyd | | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | "spinning." Floyd | | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | You watch the girl as she struggles to wake up. You wait. Floyd | "Father?", she mumbles in a dream where you cannot reach her. Floyd | | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | "Raccdaha, NO! Stop!" Floyd | She moves in her sleep. Occasionally a hand touches one of the stones Floyd | and she pulls it back as if it burns. Her face is full of agony. Floyd | | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | She wakes up with a scream. She looks sick. She scrambles off the pile
Floyd | of stones on her hands and knees.
Floyd | Moving away from the unholy. She sits in the grass staring at her
Floyd | surroundings.
Floyd | "Umpffp" she says. You have no reply to that. She looks up at you and
Floyd | opens her mouth to say something but she keeps silent and looks away.
Floyd | Eventually, she stands up. She gives the stone pile a strange look and
Floyd | then suddenly she is calm, but distant. She stares into space while
Floyd | chewing on her hair.
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (On the Unholy Stones)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Buzz! Dear oh dear." Lornedei looks down all of a sudden and points to
Floyd | the ground. "Oh, silly girl, rude you are. Put that finger away!"
Floyd | Lornedei quickly puts her finger in her mouth and starts chewing on it
Floyd | instead as her gaze wanders. The firefly crawls up from under one of
Floyd | the rocks. "Oh, dear, bad you are little girl. I see you have met a
Floyd | minion of Raccdaha girl. Oh dear." the fly lifts off and starts buzzing
Floyd | around Lornedei's head. Lornedei tries to follow the flight, turning
Floyd | and turning, but she gets dizzy and shuts her eyes, giggling
Floyd | uncontrollably. "Wake up Girl; this is not good, not at all." the fly
Floyd | charges and hits Lornedei between the eyes. *WHACK* Lornedei blinks but
Floyd | nothing happens. "Oh, dear. Well worry you should not Girl. The
Floyd | sleepwalker is no real harm unless it holds you too long in its dream.
Floyd | I must be off now. Perhaps your god can wake you up." the fly
Floyd | disappears with a pop and a flash.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "hm" | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x her" | ||
Floyd | I'm not sure who you mean by her. Deini? You may need to use her name
Floyd | instead of just "her".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x Lornedei" | ||
Floyd | Your young follower looks confused. She seems not to notice her
Floyd | surroundings. The dreamy look in her blue eyes is worrying. She is
Floyd | constantly looking over her shoulder or staring into a distant nothing.
Floyd | The look on her face however, tells you that she really does not know
Floyd | why she does it. Her mind wanders as if still in a dream.
Floyd | everything she is wearing is now soaking wet. Her hair hangs in wet
Floyd | stripes over her shoulders and her sandals make funny shlurp-sounds for
Floyd | every step.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "What was the command to assess her health?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "h ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is sleepwalking. She is having trouble following orders as
Floyd | well as using her magic. She can only perform the simplest things at
Floyd | the moment. Her ignorance can be a protection from evil. It can also be
Floyd | abused.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I wonder why she is wet? We weren't in water." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 72.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a large black beetle (Fluffing up its wings at the moment.)
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a dead rabbit
Floyd | a small water sack (which is open but empty)
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wake ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her head. For one short moment, she is looking at you.
Floyd | Seeing you, but then her eyes start to wander again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "wake her" | ||
Floyd | (Lornedei)
Floyd | Lornedei makes an effort to clear her mind. She rubs her eyes and drags
Floyd | her fingers through her hair. She even gives herself a slap in the
Floyd | face.
Floyd | "Ouch!" She looks at you. Then she gets distracted by a spot of dirt on
Floyd | her arm and she is gone again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "If we had that thorny nut, that might help, but that is obtained much later." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x plate" | ||
Floyd | It is a somewhat dented silver dish. One side returns a distorted but
Floyd | clear image of the holder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look at reflection" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in plate" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes a good look at her own reflection in the plate. She
Floyd | seems disturbed by what she sees.
Floyd | "Who is that Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ld" | ||
Floyd | Your young follower looks confused. She seems not to notice her
Floyd | surroundings. The dreamy look in her blue eyes is worrying. She is
Floyd | constantly looking over her shoulder or staring into a distant nothing.
Floyd | The look on her face however, tells you that she really does not know
Floyd | why she does it. Her mind wanders as if still in a dream.
Floyd | everything she is wearing is now soaking wet. Her hair hangs in wet
Floyd | stripes over her shoulders and her sandals make funny shlurp-sounds for
Floyd | every step.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd | You are The almighty, the last of the Gods. Your wish is Lornedei's
Floyd | command and she will do as you ask if it is possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | When she was born you managed to give her, as your chosen one, the
Floyd | power to heal and to reach into things with her mind. She is young
Floyd | though and you must show her the way. You might be a god but you are
Floyd | not much more than a vague presence in this world.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "You mean you'd poke her with the thorn to jolt her out of it?" | |
DavidW says, "oh, btw, ld is an abbreviation for Lornedei." | ||
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "well, yes." | ||
DavidW says, "I suppose we can visit the wolf, see how that goes." | ||
DavidW says, "Also, I wonder if sleepwalking is beneficial in any way." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (Billowing Field)
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give rabbit to deini" | ||
Floyd | The hungry wolf snatches the rabbit from Lornedei's hand and sinks her
Floyd | teeth into the body. It is not a pretty sight and Lornedei looks away
Floyd | as the wolf eats. The wolf seems quite satisfied after that meal and
Floyd | Lornedei has gained a friend.
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly the wolf turns around and runs off in the grass. She seems to
Floyd | be searching for something specific and Lornedei waits. After a while,
Floyd | she comes back. Between her teeth is a bone, gnawed clean of meat. She
Floyd | drops the bone at Lornedei's feet, looking proud of her find.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei pats Deini on the head.
Floyd | "Smart doggy."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take bone" | ||
Floyd | Ok
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach bone" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd | Deini gets in front of Lornedei but the girl just gives her a
Floyd | distracted pat on the head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bone" | ||
Floyd | As far as Lornedei can gather, it's a bone from a dear's leg. It has
Floyd | plenty of bite marks on it so this might have been one of Deini's
Floyd | unfortunate preys.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "throw bone" | ||
Floyd | Your wish is her command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Aarkland (Billowing Field)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I was kind of hoping we would play fetch." | |
Jacqueline says, "But apparently no." | ||
DavidW says, "Since 'bone' is in the game's title, I suspect the bone is important somehow." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "deini, follow me" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei pats the wolf on the head.
Floyd | "Nice doggy."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | No, there is nothing but the field as far as the eye can see and then
Floyd | the ocean beyond. Today is not the day to make that trip. The river is
Floyd | west and the unholy stones are to the south.
Floyd | The wolf tires of Lornedei and pretends to sleep for a bit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "True." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fill sack with water" | ||
Floyd | Don't bother asking her to fill anything right now. She can do that
Floyd | from any location that is close to the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "er" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei drags herself up on the east riverbank. She stops a moment to
Floyd | rest before stepping up on the dusty road.
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fill sack with water" | ||
Floyd | She fills the small water sack with river water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close sack" | ||
Floyd | She closes the small water sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Apparently 'in the river' doesn't count as 'close to the river'." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 72.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a bone
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a large black beetle (Taking a nap at the moment.)
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a small water sack (which is closed)
Floyd | plenty of river water
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put worms in urn" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the skinny yellow worm, the shiny red
Floyd | worm or the fat blue worm?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put yellow worm in urn" | ||
Floyd | She drops the skinny yellow worm into the old tarnished bronze urn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put red worm in urn" | ||
Floyd | She drops the shiny red worm into the old tarnished bronze urn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put blue worm in urn" | ||
Floyd | She drops the fat blue worm into the old tarnished bronze urn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 72.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a bone
Floyd | a large black beetle (Airing out its shell at the moment.)
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a small water sack (which is closed)
Floyd | plenty of river water
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "rub bone" | ||
Floyd | There is no need for her to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wear bone" | ||
Floyd | She can't wear that!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "smell bone" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei sniffs the air but has nothing to say.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | That is where the old forest meets the water. The riverbank is too
Floyd | steep there. She can go straight down in the river to the west, east
Floyd | into the field, or southeast to the unholy stones.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Road)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (Between the Forests)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | No, there is no way into the forbidden forest along the river. She will
Floyd | have to find another way to get there. She can go north, south, or east
Floyd | into the old forest.
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops from the forbidden forest into the water right
Floyd | in front of Lornedei. It bobs up and down a couple of times before it
Floyd | floats away downstream.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "See, I would not have thought to keep those worms, nor to put them in the urn. But then, this is IF, and hoarding is a part of the culture, even for giant two-headed worms because ya never know." | |
DavidW says, "I thought I'd make a traffic light out of them. Get some yellow paint for the blue one to eat so it turns green." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Heh." | ||
Jacqueline says, "If you run the light, they hiss and bit you." | ||
Allen says, "beats red light cameras" | ||
DavidW says, "well, perhaps there's a stream of cartpillars racing down the ravine, and wormlights would stop them." | ||
Jacqueline says, "er, s/bit/bite, but yeah" | ||
DavidW says, "And I put them in the urn so they wouldn't eat the food in my rucksack." | ||
Jacqueline exclaims, "Ah, good thinking!" | ||
DavidW says, "well, I dunno. Maybe the worms will drown if I take them underwater." | ||
DavidW says, "I wish smartgenes was still here. I'm not sure if there's more to do on this side of the cave or what." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Perhaps his puppy needed to go for a walk." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Here be Mud)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Here be Sand)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search sand" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei digs around in the sand but finds nothing but rocks, sand,
Floyd | mud, rotting pieces of wood and other vegetation.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Here be Mud)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (At the Cave Entrance)
Floyd | Her lungs are starting to ache. She will have to go to the surface
Floyd | soon!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Cliff)
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops from the forbidden forest into the water right
Floyd | in front of Lornedei. It bobs up and down a couple of times before it
Floyd | floats away downstream.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | She can go south or down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (At the Cave Entrance)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Entering the Caves)
Floyd | Lornedei's pale hand trails the cave wall as she quickly swims through
Floyd | the opening in the cliff. The opening is just big enough for her to go
Floyd | through. Inside, the cave widens slightly.
Floyd | Darkness is chased away by only a few illusive reflections in the
Floyd | stone, thanks to the little light leaking in from the opening. The
Floyd | tunnel continues west into total darkness and Southeast takes her out
Floyd | of the cave.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see a fairy lamp with a crystal spider inside here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "get lamp" | ||
Floyd | Ok
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (At the Cave Entrance)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Cliff)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "rub lamp" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei starts to clean away the layer of dirt from the surface of the
Floyd | lamp. After some heavy duty scrubbing, the lamp shines bright.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a strange ticking sound. When she looks at the lamp, the
Floyd | crystal spider inside stares back at her. It lifts a leg and gives the
Floyd | inside of its prison another tap. After that, the spider curls up and
Floyd | is still again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (At the Cave Entrance)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Entering the Caves)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf6" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "verbose" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | An Interactive Fantasy.
Floyd | is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives long descriptions of
Floyd | locations (even if she's been there before).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Entering the Caves)
Floyd | Darkness is chased away by only a few illusive reflections in the
Floyd | stone, thanks to the little light leaking in from the opening. The
Floyd | tunnel continues west into total darkness and Southeast takes her out
Floyd | of the cave.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Choosing the Path)
Floyd | Lornedei moves on through a current caused by the narrowing of the
Floyd | tunnel. She makes it past and to calmer water where the tunnel splits
Floyd | into four.
Floyd | The main flow seems to continue north, while two smaller tunnels lead
Floyd | northwest and west. East takes her back near the opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "okay, we went west last time. I'm thinking trying north this time." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Where Bubbles Rise)
Floyd | Lornedei stops for a moment, surprised to see a stream of glittering
Floyd | bubbles rise from the bottom.
Floyd | Following the bubbles upwards, she notices a slight rippling of the
Floyd | water above.
Floyd | There is air above in this larger cave and just a hint of light
Floyd | somewhere ahead.
Floyd | The cave curves gently to the left and continues northwest towards the
Floyd | light while south takes her back to the Junction.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei looks down to see where the bubbles are coming from, but she
Floyd | can't locate the source. She doesn't seem all that interested anyway.
Floyd | Her lungs are starting to ache. She will have to go to the surface
Floyd | soon!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I'm wondering if this is like the paths at the stone house." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Among the Restless Roots)
Floyd | Lornedei floats on the surface in a small pocket of stale air. The
Floyd | ceiling is an arms length above her head, too far for her to reach. The
Floyd | air reeks of mold and damp wood. The trees above, not too far away but
Floyd | separated from her by a layer of cracked rock, reach down through the
Floyd | rock to this underground watering hole. The roots cling to all sides,
Floyd | and it's like a nest full of snakes turned upside down. The slithering
Floyd | animals are still hanging on to it.
Floyd | "There is something...." Lornedei shuts her mouth when the mass of
Floyd | roots comes alive. It trembles, writhes. The movements slowly fade as
Floyd | the silence returns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei turns around in the water, making sure to stay away from the
Floyd | walls and ceiling. She is staring at the tangle of roots in horrified
Floyd | fascination.
Floyd | The space she is in is not more then twice Lornedei's length in any
Floyd | direction. The tangle of roots makes the space seem smaller yet. The
Floyd | pale mass of roots stirs restlessly. Below her, the inky water of the
Floyd | river flows past.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something pulls Lornedei's hair and she shrieks. Less a few strands of
Floyd | hair, she turns around in the water. A thin root slithers away to
Floyd | disappear among the others.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I think this must be underneath the black oak." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach roots" | ||
Floyd | There is a low grumbling from above. Lornedei looks uneasily up at the
Floyd | ceiling of roots.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Eh?"
Floyd | A low squeaking makes Lornedei turn around. The sound stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x roots" | ||
Floyd | There is a low grumbling from above. Lornedei looks uneasily up at the
Floyd | ceiling of roots.
Floyd |
Floyd | They are like a lid above the putrid liquid in a warlocks kettle. Some
Floyd | of the roots hang from the ceiling and down in the dark water next to
Floyd | Lornedei, but most of them are curled up, braided, weaved, or simply
Floyd | twisted around each other like a two-threaded rope. They cover each
Floyd | side of this small space. The roots are a sickly pale yellow, some as
Floyd | thick as Lornedei's waist, others as thin as the thread you might use
Floyd | to tie around a large ham before baking it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW) Homer says, 'mmmmm, large ham.' | |
DavidW says, "I suppose down and northwest." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Where Bubbles Rise)
Floyd | There is air above in this larger cave and just a hint of light
Floyd | somewhere ahead.
Floyd | The cave curves gently to the left and continues northwest towards the
Floyd | light while south takes her back to the Junction.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stream of bubbles rises from the pitch-black bottom, meets the girl
Floyd | on its way up, and then explode in a glittering cascade of air around
Floyd | her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | That is not the way. She can go south, northwest, southwest or up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Below the Waterfall)
Floyd | Lornedei swims towards the light. As she comes out of the dark cave, a
Floyd | dull thundering meets her. The water is restless, striving noticeably
Floyd | back southeast. The bottom is washed clean from debris and vegetation.
Floyd | There is a dim light from above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Waterfall)
Floyd | She surfaces to a misty daylight and a loud thundering. At first she
Floyd | can't see what's ahead of her and she takes a couple of backstrokes,
Floyd | gasping for air. She looks up.
Floyd | She is in the middle of a short stretch of the river, with the
Floyd | forbidden forest leaning over the restless water from both riverbanks.
Floyd | A cover of gray mist hangs over the treetops. In-between, where there
Floyd | ought to be clear sky, a fog hangs low. Out of that mist, to the
Floyd | northwest, water falls from unknown heights. Down takes her back to the
Floyd | bottom.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x waterfall" | ||
Floyd | The water falls from the cliff and thunders down into the waterfall
Floyd | pool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x pool" | ||
Floyd | Some things in this world are not for her to be concerned with.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x forest" | ||
Floyd | These trees all look dead at first sight. Scorched and tortured, they
Floyd | reach out their blackened limbs over the cowering undergrowth. They do
Floyd | have leaves, however, not green and lush but almost black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | She can go northwest or down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei climbs up on a small ledge to one side of the waterfall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Elder's Spring (Behind the Waterfall)
Floyd | Lornedei climbs the ledge and makes her way in behind the waterfall.
Floyd | The light is dim, yet livid, glittering on damp stone walls. She takes
Floyd | a few steps forward, leaving the pooling water behind. She stops
Floyd | further into the cave where the floor is comparatively dry, and starts
Floyd | to leave a puddle of her own at her feet.
Floyd | Southeast takes her back out in the waterfall pool.
Floyd |
Floyd | The cave is only a few paces wide and perhaps ten paces deep. The
Floyd | ceiling is just above her head in this, mostly natural cavity in the
Floyd | stone. The cave narrows and at the far end, the rough stone has been
Floyd | hollowed out further and smoothed into a rectangular niche. Water drips
Floyd | down from somewhere far above in the niche. For centuries the water has
Floyd | been gathered in ceremonial cups by selected light bearers. Drop by
Floyd | drop, never less and never more than necessary.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the narrow hollow in the wall stands a stone pillar hidden by
Floyd | shadows.
Floyd |
Floyd | A silver goblet lies thrown on the stone floor next to the pillar.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "There it is." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x goblet" | DavidW says, "yeah, that goblet was referenced earlier." | |
Floyd | The goblet shines as if it were newly polished by careful hands. Its
Floyd | cup is richly engraved on both the outside and inside.
Floyd | It narrows into a slender stem that spirals down until its twined
Floyd | silver threads separate into three smoothly curved tips, like the roots
Floyd | of a tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach goblet" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is standing in the middle of a puddle on the stone floor. She
Floyd | giggles and stomps her feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take goblet" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is busy trying to drink from the waterfall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hmm. That sleepwalking is interfering." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x pillar" | ||
Floyd | The pillar is about shoulder height and an arms length wide at the
Floyd | bottom. It tapers off near the top, where the surface is just about as
Floyd | wide as a fully extended hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | It is circular with a deep polished surface. The stone is the color of
Floyd | newly fallen snow on a bed of mahogany wood shavings. The pillar is
Floyd | standing on an oval slab of the same kind of stone. A large metal ring
Floyd | sticks out from the pillar about half way up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I find it surprising that it is still an issue after BEING IN THE RIVER" | |
DavidW asks, "Is this pillar the same size as the urn?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x urn" | ||
Floyd | It's an old bronze urn as long as your lower arm and as wide as your
Floyd | neck. The outside is covered with symbols whose meaning has long since
Floyd | been forgotten.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh, no, it isn't." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ring" | ||
Floyd | It's a shiny metal ring attached to the front of the stone pillar. It
Floyd | might be a handle of some sort.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pull ring" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei pulls the pillar backwards and out of the dark niche until its
Floyd | bottom sits edge to edge with the supporting slab's outer edge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in niche" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing in there but the dripping water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter niche" | ||
Floyd | That's not something she can enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pull ring" | ||
Floyd | She can't pull the pillar any further.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb pillar" | ||
Floyd | There's no way she could.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search niche" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing in there but the dripping water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take goblet" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is busy trying to drink from the waterfall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "wake her" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wake her" | ||
Floyd | (Lornedei)
Floyd | You decide to break the rules just slightly. You give her a tiny nudge.
Floyd | A mental slap if you will. Her head snaps up and she is staring at you,
Floyd | shocked.
Floyd |
Floyd | Her eyes are bright and aware. She smiles.
Floyd | "I was not quite here Master. I am sorry. I am awake now."
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take goblet" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. I wonder if that was wise of me to do. Possibly not." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put goblet on pillar" | ||
Floyd | She puts the silver goblet on the stone pillar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x pillar" | ||
Floyd | The pillar is about shoulder height and an arms length wide at the
Floyd | bottom. It tapers off near the top, where the surface is just about as
Floyd | wide as a fully extended hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | It is circular with a deep polished surface. The stone is the color of
Floyd | newly fallen snow on a bed of mahogany wood shavings. The pillar is
Floyd | standing on an oval slab of the same kind of stone. A large metal ring
Floyd | sticks out from the pillar about half way up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Limbo goes home. | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x slab" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take goblet" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fill goblet" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei reaches out to hold the silver goblet under the dripping
Floyd | water. Her arm is pushed back and away from the dark niche and its
Floyd | water. The spring will not let her come any closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put goblet on pillar" | ||
Floyd | She puts the silver goblet on the stone pillar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push pillar" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei pushes the pillar forward into the niche until the silver
Floyd | goblet stands directly under the dripping water. Slowly, drop by drop
Floyd | the sparse flow fills the goblet. When the goblet is full, the water
Floyd | stops dripping.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pull pillar" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei pulls the pillar backwards until the silver goblet again
Floyd | appears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open sack" | ||
Floyd | She opens the small water sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "empty sack" | ||
Floyd | The river water pours onto the ground creating a puddle that soon
Floyd | disappears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take goblet" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pour goblet into sack" | ||
Floyd | She pours the water from the Elder's spring into the small water sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close sack" | ||
Floyd | She closes the small water sack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 72.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a silver goblet
Floyd | A brightly shining fairy lamp with a crystal spider inside
Floyd | a bone
Floyd | a large black beetle (Spinning around waving its antennae at the
Floyd | moment.)
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a small water sack (which is closed)
Floyd | the water from the Elder's spring
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm, this water is special, I guess." | |
Jacqueline says, "You mean because it's spelled out as a line in our inventory." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Not because we know why it is special yet." | ||
DavidW says, "yeah. It specified river water earlier, when it was filled from the river." | ||
Jacqueline says, "I wonder if we are to drink it, or if it is to be used to water the acorn, or something else." | ||
DavidW says, "water the acorn" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Probably, yes." | ||
DavidW says, "The golden acorn must be planted in the golden mist and watered with water from the silver goblet, I think." | ||
DavidW says, "I think we've done what we're supposed to do here." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei moves towards the opening in the cave but suddenly she stops
Floyd | with her arm stretched out awkwardly behind her.
Floyd | She grabs the goblet with both hands and pulls hard. It will not move.
Floyd | It stays in mid air a short distance from the falling water. Lornedei
Floyd | takes one step back into the cave, and the goblet is suddenly willing
Floyd | to go with her.
Floyd | Staring at the stubborn object in her hand, she frowns.
Floyd | "The Goblet does not want to leave the cave Master!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. Perhaps the goblet has to stay." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put goblet on pillar" | ||
Floyd | She puts the silver goblet on the stone pillar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Waterfall)
Floyd | She is in the middle of a short stretch of the river, with the
Floyd | forbidden forest leaning over the restless water from both riverbanks.
Floyd | A cover of gray mist hangs over the treetops. In-between, where there
Floyd | ought to be clear sky, a fog hangs low. Out of that mist, to the
Floyd | northwest, water falls from unknown heights. Down takes her back to the
Floyd | bottom.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (Below the Waterfall)
Floyd | Lornedei swims towards the light. As she comes out of the dark cave, a
Floyd | dull thundering meets her. The water is restless, striving noticeably
Floyd | back southeast. The bottom is washed clean from debris and vegetation.
Floyd | There is a dim light from above.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Where Bubbles Rise)
Floyd | There is air above in this larger cave and just a hint of light
Floyd | somewhere ahead.
Floyd | The cave curves gently to the left and continues northwest towards the
Floyd | light while south takes her back to the Junction.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stream of bubbles rises from the pitch-black bottom, meets the girl
Floyd | on its way up, and then explode in a glittering cascade of air around
Floyd | her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (The Latent Waters)
Floyd | There's a soft light and a rippling from the surface up above.
Floyd | Southeast takes her back to the Junction and there is a ragged hole in
Floyd | the rock to the northeast. The bottom here is mostly sand and rocks,
Floyd | and nothing grows here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The water is still.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search sand" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Cave of Knowing
Floyd | After the total silence during the swim through the tunnels, eerie
Floyd | sounds shock her into being as still as she can.
Floyd | Every sound reverberates in this chamber: the sound of dripping water,
Floyd | the soft splashing from Lornedei's movements, her heavy gasping for air
Floyd | before it fades into a shallow, awe struck breathing.
Floyd | This is a big, nearly circular cave. The ceiling is enveloped in
Floyd | darkness but a light, barely more than the glow of fireflies, comes
Floyd | from the walls themselves.
Floyd | The mirror of dark water reflects the light.
Floyd | Above a narrow ledge sticking out from the west wall, carvings cover a
Floyd | big part of the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x carvings" | ||
Floyd | The stone print fills the entire wall above the ledge. The writing is
Floyd | old and forgotten but the essence of the message should still be in the
Floyd | stone itself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach carvings" | ||
Floyd | She may be better off if she gets up on the ledge first. She is quite
Floyd | tired.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "get on ledge" | ||
Floyd | She gets onto the Narrow ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ledge" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is sitting with her back against the west wall. The ledge is
Floyd | barely wide enough to sit on, let alone standing, as the wall leans
Floyd | outward over the dark water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach stone" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach carvings" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei places a cold, wet hand on the carvings.
Floyd | "I cannot understand it all. There is a message here that will not
Floyd | reveal itself to me. What I understand, or think I understand is this:
Floyd |
Floyd | One great is the light.
Floyd | One great is the dark.
Floyd | One great is the lost one that judges us all."
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "That probably refers to the three oaks: green, black, and gold respectively." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "eat berry" | ||
Floyd | (Taking the handful of white berries first.)
Floyd | Lornedei eats one of the white berries.
Floyd | "These are actually not too awful Master! They remind me of something
Floyd | but I cannot recall what." She shrugs.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just went up by three.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put berries in rucksack" | ||
Floyd | She drops the handful of white berries into the leather rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "well, we certainly missed a lot on our first playthrough, didn't we?" | |
Jacqueline says, "Yep" | ||
Jacqueline says, "I am not too worried about eating the berries to up our magic and running out, what with the amulet that we will eventually have." | ||
DavidW says, "I am a bit annoyed that the so-called Cave of Knowing didn't really teach us anything new or vital." | ||
Miseri says, "but now the cave Knows you." | ||
DavidW says, "or, y'know, be a bit less cryptic about everything." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm tempted to let the worms loose in the roots." | ||
DavidW says, "I should try that." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf7" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | She can go down to the bottom or up on the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She gets off the Narrow ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cave of Knowing
Floyd | This is a big, nearly circular cave. The ceiling is enveloped in
Floyd | darkness but a light, barely more than the glow of fireflies, comes
Floyd | from the walls themselves.
Floyd | The mirror of dark water reflects the light.
Floyd | Above a narrow ledge sticking out from the west wall, carvings cover a
Floyd | big part of the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Hm." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (The Latent Waters)
Floyd | There's a soft light and a rippling from the surface up above.
Floyd | Southeast takes her back to the Junction and there is a ragged hole in
Floyd | the rock to the northeast. The bottom here is mostly sand and rocks,
Floyd | and nothing grows here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The water is still.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Where Bubbles Rise)
Floyd | There is air above in this larger cave and just a hint of light
Floyd | somewhere ahead.
Floyd | The cave curves gently to the left and continues northwest towards the
Floyd | light while south takes her back to the Junction.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stream of bubbles rises from the pitch-black bottom, meets the girl
Floyd | on its way up, and then explode in a glittering cascade of air around
Floyd | her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Among the Restless Roots)
Floyd | The space she is in is not more then twice Lornedei's length in any
Floyd | direction. The tangle of roots makes the space seem smaller yet. The
Floyd | pale mass of roots stirs restlessly. Below her, the inky water of the
Floyd | river flows past.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take red worm" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd | Something wraps itself around Lornedei's hand. She pulls her hand away
Floyd | with a shriek.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put red worm on roots" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei places the red worm on one of the roots. It sniffs the air,
Floyd | surveying the roots for a moment before taking a huge bite out of one.
Floyd | All the roots seem to stir and shudder, trying to avoid the biting
Floyd | pest. After only a few big bites out of the root the red worm seems
Floyd | satisfied. The root's restless movement seizes right away as the worm
Floyd | curls up into a ball. Lornedei picks it up again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put red worm in urn. take yellow worm. put yellow worm on roots" | ||
Floyd | She drops the shiny red worm into the old tarnished bronze urn.
Floyd | Something wraps itself around Lornedei's hand. She pulls her hand away
Floyd | with a shriek.
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd | A low squeaking makes Lornedei turn around. The sound stops.
Floyd | The skinny worm starts biting the moist tangle of roots. One after
Floyd | another get to feel the starved fury of the yellow worm. The roots
Floyd | start to shake violently to get rid of the furiously eating worm. Big
Floyd | pieces of moist wood are torn from the roots. Some disappear down the
Floyd | worm's seemingly bottomless stomach. Most, however, drop in the water.
Floyd |
Floyd | Eventually, the tree gives in. The roots move aside, revealing a
Floyd | passage south into darkness. Lornedei picks up the worm that oddly
Floyd | enough looks no less skinny now.
Floyd | A low squeaking makes Lornedei turn around. The sound stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, ";wow" | |
DavidW says, "wow. That worked," | ||
Jacqueline says, "WOW" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Did you anticipate that? I was thinking it was just an idle, 'wonder what'll happen if...'" | ||
DavidW says, "I wasn't sure." | ||
DavidW says, "But the worms liked eating the green oak, and I strongly suspect this is the black oak (the roots act the same)." | ||
DavidW says, "And this, I think, might let us go back and forth from the Severance area to the Aarkland area." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | After squeezing herself through the tight passage she is not just
Floyd | dripping wet but also filthy and out of breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | Slowly, Lornedei looks around this dark clearing. An oppressive gray
Floyd | fog hangs over everything and seems to add weight to the air itself.
Floyd | There is a presence here. Something is waiting among the dark trees.
Floyd | Something sinister.
Floyd | The gray mist hides the sun from sight and there is no way to make out
Floyd | which direction is which.
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The great roots under the giant oak have slid aside revealing a
Floyd | passage.
Floyd | A greenish fog seeps out of the darkness between the trees. Lazily it
Floyd | gathers itself until a green pillar of mist is formed. It glides slowly
Floyd | over the dead grass and stops next to Lornedei. It starts to spin.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd | The beetle squirms its way out of Lornedei's grasp and drops to the
Floyd | ground. It runs off, climbs up on the stone well, climbs back down,
Floyd | crawls through the bushes and seems to inspect the stone house, to
Floyd | finally stop at one of the paths.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "er, that green mist pillar is new, isn't it?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x green mist" | ||
Floyd | A stubby pillar of greenish fog hovers just above ground level. It
Floyd | spins around its own axis like a slow motion whirlwind.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Um, yes. I'm pretty sure it is." | |
Jacqueline says, "Of course, I could go back and look, if you'd like." | ||
DavidW asks, "Is that here so we can sleepwalk again if we want?" | ||
DavidW says, "yes, please check that it's new." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Save and see." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Okay, gimme a sec." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yes. It's new." | ||
Jacqueline says, "It was..." | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house. | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | forest. | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house. | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | forest. | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly. The shadows beneath them | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | seem to grow momentarily, but when Lornedei Looks at them the movement | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | stops. | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | There is a loud buzzing from the rucksack. Suddenly the Beetle comes | ||
Jacqueline | Floyd | crawling out and scrambles down to the ground. It spins around. | ||
DavidW says, "interesting." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Not sure why that one bit pasted twice, but there you go." | ||
DavidW says, "well, let's get the amulet, pouch, acorn, and thorny nut." | ||
Jacqueline nods. | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter house" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the House of Penance)
Floyd | Lornedei steps through the crumbling opening into a darkness that is
Floyd | not quite total. There is dim light sifting down from the ruined
Floyd | ceiling above. She glances up, perhaps fearing that the whole
Floyd | construction will give up at her intrusion.
Floyd |
Floyd | But the only thing falling down on her is the weight of history;
Floyd | stories of cruel ignorance, memories that linger. The light catches a
Floyd | glittering thread and Lornedei swipes at the descending spider before
Floyd | it can land on her. With a grimace she steps on it before it can
Floyd | scramble away, burying it in the dry dirt. She looks around, but if
Floyd | there are more spiders here, they keep out of her way.
Floyd | The many years have taken its toll on this house. The circular wall
Floyd | tapers slightly towards the ceiling. Above her, a framework of thick
Floyd | beams support several generations worth of spider webs. There is not
Floyd | much left of the roof now. The light from outside leaks in through the
Floyd | holes in the ceiling. It magnifies the presence of fine dry dust that
Floyd | floats lazily in the still air. Long since rotted straw and reeds cover
Floyd | the earthen floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pair of rusty manacles hangs on the wall.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search straw" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei kicks the rotted remains around with a grimace, holding her
Floyd | breath against the odors rising from the floor. A shriek cuts through
Floyd | the still air and she takes a step back.
Floyd |
Floyd | Empty sockets in a yellowed and cracked skull stare up at her. She
Floyd | takes another step towards the opening and starts to turn to leave.
Floyd | Something causes her to look back, though, perhaps a sense of shame for
Floyd | disturbing this final resting place. She stares at the human skull
Floyd | peeking out from its shallow grave, and goes to cover it again. Before
Floyd | she can throw a handful of the old straw over it, she stops. There is a
Floyd | sudden glimmering light from within one of the dark holes. There is
Floyd | something inside the skull. She also notices a small pouch in the
Floyd | shallow grave, half buried in the dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take pouch. look in skull. take amulet. wear amulet" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, biting her lower lip.
Floyd | In the cracked skull is An amulet.
Floyd | Lornedei's hand trembles at the touch.
Floyd | "So much power!"
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd | Lornedei hangs the amulet around her neck. Immediately it flares up and
Floyd | shines brightly. The blinding light fades somewhat and the light
Floyd | becomes soft and steady. Lornedei shivers in delight from the power in
Floyd | the crystal that gives itself to her.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just went up by one hundred.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x skull" | ||
Floyd | The skull shares the shallow grave under straw, dirt and reeds with the
Floyd | rest of the skeleton. Lornedei takes only a quick look at the bones
Floyd | before making sure they are covered. They are of no interest to her.
Floyd |
Floyd | The skull is cracked, and brutally so it seems. This person, whoever it
Floyd | may have been, was sent to the afterlife with the help of something
Floyd | heavy but blunt, a rock, perhaps a hammer. No doubt it was swung in
Floyd | fury or fear. Lornedei cringes when she sees scattered pieces of bone
Floyd | near the skull. She quickly covers the teeth, hiding them from view
Floyd | while holding a protective hand over her own mouth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I don't recall that bit." | |
Jacqueline says, "Perhaps we didn't look before." | ||
DavidW says, "we didn't look at the skull before. Amulet was too interesting." | ||
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||
Jacqueline says, "It was indeed shiny." | ||
DavidW says, "We were all: 'Game: magic just went up by one hundred.' 'Jacqueline: wow.' 'David: wow.'" | ||
Jacqueline says, "heehee" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yes" | ||
DavidW says, "now... take skull or bury it? L seems to like burying this thing.," | ||
DavidW says, "or, at least every part of the skeleton but the skull." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach skull" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei places a hand lightly on the skull and shuts her eyes. A low
Floyd | sound escapes her tightly closed lips. The final moments of a girl's
Floyd | life spill into her mind. An already pale face turns ash gray and she
Floyd | trembles, tries to pull her hand away, but cannot.
Floyd |
Floyd | "No! No please." The screams have lost their strength and turned to
Floyd | whispers, gurgling coughing, and inaudible pleading. Now they are only
Floyd | in her mind. She knows there will be no mercy. She tries to turn to the
Floyd | side on the hard ground, tries to spit the teeth out before they choke
Floyd | her, but another blow forces her head the other way. Someone is holding
Floyd | her legs down. She cannot pull them up, bring them together, cannot get
Floyd | rid of the weight. Something else is pushing down on her stomach, a
Floyd | boot, and she cannot turn, barely breathe. Something is holding her
Floyd | hands, but then one comes free. She lifts it to her face. The next
Floyd | thing that breaks are four of her fingers along with her nose, the nose
Floyd | that is underneith the hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | There are four of them. They take turns with her, sharing the pleasure
Floyd | of beating her with the rock. They take turns using her body, the part
Floyd | of her body that is not yet covered in blood. She cannot see them. What
Floyd | slits might be left to see through have filled with blood. She has no
Floyd | wish to see. She knows it will be over soon, very soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no salvation, no hope of rescue, but in the end there is no
Floyd | longer any pain. When Anadei's body is used up and is systematically
Floyd | broken up, the way it is told it should be done, she is long gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei reels back from the skull, turns, and staggers away from you.
Floyd | She leans forward and struggles to avoid being sick.
Floyd |
Floyd | You watch her with clinical curiosity. Can this young and soft girl, in
Floyd | the end, do what you need her to do? Can she banish the evil and then
Floyd | bring back the old ways? The old beliefs? Perhaps even the old rituals
Floyd | could be revived. You must think this over as time moves on. For now,
Floyd | you turn your attention to the task at hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei is watching you. She is pale but composed.
Floyd | "Her name was Anadei, daughter of Meredea. She was the last of the
Floyd | light bearers Master. They feared her so much that she was ordered
Floyd | dead." Lornedei laughs dryly and continues with a cynicism very unlike
Floyd | her. "I guess they completed that task, but that is not all they did."
Floyd | She shudders and will not say more on the subject.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic just dropped by five.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "ugh. trigger warning requested." | |
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I should probably put on at the top of the transcript." | ||
DavidW says, "that was brutal." | ||
Jacqueline says, "But it makes sense, were one to reach given what we've seen." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "bury skull" | ||
Floyd | The cracked skull? Think that will grow?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh geez. Wrong time to misunderstand me, game." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cover skull." | ||
Floyd | That's not something she can close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "heh aieeegad." | |
DavidW says, "hmm. I don't want the skull, but I should see what the game says about taking it." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take skull" | ||
Floyd | As you wish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh, really>" | |
Jacqueline says, "As you wish, monsieur." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "heal skull" | ||
Floyd | She cannot heal things that are not alive.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "geez, this is the creepiest skull ever." | |
Jacqueline says, "Well, it *is* dead." | ||
DavidW says, "yes, i know." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "wear skull" | ||
Floyd | She can't wear that!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "dig" | ||
Floyd | (the pair of manacles)
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I am taking it just because in IF -- sometimes you do want a skull." | |
Jacqueline says, "No, no, girlfriend, I wasn't asking if you dig the manacles, I was asking you to dig a grave." | ||
Jacqueline exclaims, "Sometimes it's the holdall!" | ||
Jacqueline says, "The skull, that is." | ||
DavidW says, "yes, skulls do have a tendency to be jewel boxes." | ||
DavidW says, "as this one was" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the House of Penance)
Floyd | The many years have taken its toll on this house. The circular wall
Floyd | tapers slightly towards the ceiling. Above her, a framework of thick
Floyd | beams support several generations worth of spider webs. There is not
Floyd | much left of the roof now. The light from outside leaks in through the
Floyd | holes in the ceiling. It magnifies the presence of fine dry dust that
Floyd | floats lazily in the still air. Long since rotted straw and reeds cover
Floyd | the earthen floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pair of rusty manacles hangs on the wall.
Floyd | Lornedei bites on a nail.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd | There is no way she could climb up to the ceiling. The building would
Floyd | most likely drop down on top of her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I guess it was a jewelry box, now that you say it. Eww." | |
Jacqueline says, "I wonder how that bit happened. You'd have thought the evil people would have taken the amulet, not put it in her eye." | ||
DavidW says, "well, I'm thinking she hid it in her mouth just before she died, and they just never bothered to check." | ||
DavidW says, "Or maybe they couldn't check. Perhaps her death triggered there's in retaliation." | ||
DavidW says, "er theirs" | ||
DavidW asks, "anyway, out of the house to get the nut?" | ||
Jacqueline says, ";Oh, okay there was a 'sudden glimmering light from within one of the dark holes' and I assumed the eye, but it could have been the mouth." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yes, the nut." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | She steps out in the clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The great roots under the giant oak have slid aside revealing a
Floyd | passage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sleepwalker is here, spinning slowly.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a large black beetle (Taking a nap at the moment.)
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "(Sorry, slightly laggy.)" | |
DavidW says, "huh, the green mist pillar is called 'the sleepwalker'." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bushes" | Jacqueline says, "So it is." | |
Floyd | These bushes resemble those at the village road, but there are quite a
Floyd | few more of them. These look even more gnarled and deformed, as though
Floyd | starved of clean water and sunlight.
Floyd | These also have thorns as well as, oddly enough, plenty of purple nuts.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take nuts" | ||
Floyd | "No thank you Master. Only a fool would try to do anything with those
Floyd | nuts." To emphasize her point, she gives the nearest bush a kick and a
Floyd | cloud of putrid dust from the leaves rises. A thorny nut falls to the
Floyd | ground.
Floyd | The deformed bushes rustle and seem to reach for her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Eeenteresting." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take nut" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei carefully picks up the nut. She quickly drops it in the
Floyd | rucksack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kick bush" | ||
Floyd | No Master. Why would I do anything like that?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "because, child, you just did." | |
Jacqueline says, "heh" | ||
DavidW says, "I need another bathroom break." | ||
Jacqueline says, "sure" | ||
DavidW says, "bbiab" | ||
DavidW says, "back" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ask ld about nuts" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shrugs.
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach oak" | ||
Floyd | The tree fades away before Lornedei's inner sight. For a moment, there
Floyd | is nothing but a shimmering mist all around her. Then three shapes
Floyd | appear in the distance. They are trees, that she is sure of. Giant
Floyd | trees. One shimmers in gold, one is shrouded in black smoke, and one is
Floyd | bright green. The green tree suddenly fades into the distance, leaving
Floyd | only a greenish mist. Once gone, the black tree grows. It reaches
Floyd | towards the golden tree, shades it and suffocates it. The image fades.
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I don't remember exactly what the danger was from the black mist, and I'm wondering if the green mist would protect us." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cf8" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Well, we just got in and couldn't get out." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open pouch" | ||
Floyd | She opens the small leather pouch, revealing a golden acorn.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like
Floyd | someone whimpering. Someone, or something.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "And our magic was draining." | |
DavidW says, "our magic drained in the green mist too." | ||
Jacqueline says, "yes." | ||
Jacqueline says, "But somehow you got out of that." | ||
DavidW says, "But I tried 'sleep' because the green mist location was called Sleepwalker's Lair, iirc." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Did you do it without undo... oh." | ||
DavidW says, "We slept and resumed back at the unholy stones, soaking wet, and sleepwalking." | ||
DavidW says, "The firefly chewing us out for good measure." | ||
Jacqueline says, "The firefly is one thing I could really do without in this game." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Just sayin'" | ||
DavidW says, "mm. smartgenes felt much the same way." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "But not you?" | ||
DavidW says, "well... there was something that suggests to me that we'll need the firefly in the endgame." | ||
DavidW says, "But I agree the firefly has mannerisms that clash with the rest of the game's tone." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Fair enough." | ||
Zach asks, "Long session today?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yes." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Fortunately. I had a chance to take a nap (I highly recommend the practice) and call my father for father's day and still come back to play and not be entirely lost." | ||
DavidW asks, "oh geez, is it Father's Day today?" | ||
Zach asks, "Nice. what's the game?" | ||
DavidW says, "I better rattle off an email later on." | ||
DavidW says, "Crystal and Stone Beetle and Bone." | ||
DavidW says, "I think there ought to be a comma between Stone and Beetle." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "What do you mean, rattle off an email? To your dad? To the author?" | ||
DavidW says, "to my dad." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "To the Prime Minister?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Oh." | ||
Jacqueline nods. | ||
Zach says, "Luckily, all three are the same person." | ||
DavidW says, "He and Trish are in Iceland at the moment; he isn't expecting me to call, at least." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Zach), "heh" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Zach), "I definitely recommend this game, if you haven't played it." | ||
Jacqueline says, "It's well worth playing." | ||
Zach arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | Zach says, "I haven't" | |
Jacqueline says, "Then go away and don't be spoiled." | ||
Zach has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | DavidW says, "I think, now that I've saved, we should risk the black mist." | |
Jacqueline says, "Good boy." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Zach), "Now also, mute." | ||
Zach gives himself a cookie | ||
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Sure." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the Black Oak)
Floyd | A shiver runs through the tree and the shrill song of the leaves seems
Floyd | to increase in volume for a moment. Lornedei folds herself over the
Floyd | branch and stays hanging precariously over it. She looks down. The
Floyd | clearing below her swims out of focus, seems to move away from her and
Floyd | then come rushing back at her. She clings desperately to the scorched
Floyd | limb, unsure if she is going to slide backwards and down on the ground,
Floyd | or tip over forward with the same fatal result. She shuts her eyes
Floyd | hard.
Floyd |
Floyd | And the world is still once more. Very carefully, she lifts one leg
Floyd | over the branch and then she is sitting steady. She opens her eyes and
Floyd | with a sigh of relief. The clearing looks as it should, all
Floyd | considering.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clusters of black leaves surround Lornedei. They hang from the upper
Floyd | branches, creating a shield that totally obscures the sky above. She
Floyd | can look down, as all the clusters are above and around her, but up is
Floyd | nothing but shimmering black. The branch reaches out over the clearing
Floyd | and the end of it seems to disappear in a big cloud of smoke. She can
Floyd | climb down to the ground or follow the branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach smoke" | ||
Floyd | "I cannot use my powers to reach into the smoke Master. It frightens
Floyd | me."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow branch" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei follows the branch outwards towards the smoke. It seems to
Floyd | rise and meet her and then it surrounds her.
Floyd |
Floyd | Nightmare's Den
Floyd | A dark wall of smoke surrounds her. Occasionally a ragged veil of
Floyd | broken vapor is detached from it and dissolves in the air. There is
Floyd | nothing here. Even the ground is gone. Although she can feel it under
Floyd | her feet, she will not try to touch it.
Floyd | "I feel so strange. It is so dark here, so wrong. Everything seems to
Floyd | be turning. I feel something here but it is hidden from me."
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says (to LD), "Suck it up, buttercup." | |
Jacqueline exclaims, "Timing. You ruined my joke!" | ||
Jacqueline smiles. | ||
DavidW asks, "so... Nightmare's Den. Perhaps we ought to sleep here also?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei sits down, puts her head in her hands and shuts her eyes. Floyd | "I should not Master. But I feel so strange." | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | "The air is so hard to breathe. So dark here." | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | "I feel ill." Floyd | Amidst her dream, Lornedei speaks. An insistant whispering. Spoken Floyd | through her, not by her. Floyd | Floyd | "Wake up and be mine. Floyd | Wake up and come to me. Floyd | Give your blood to the seed. Floyd | Give me a tree. Floyd | Destroy the other one, the golden one. Floyd | We will rule together. Floyd | Wake and I am with you. Floyd | Floyd | WAKE NOW! Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "It worked last time, but gosh it seems counter-intuitive." | |
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | The hall of severance is silent. The whispering from the forest is
Floyd | gone, the air seems dense.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei is sitting on the stone altar with her head bent as in prayer.
Floyd | The long hair hides her face from you and you listen to her breathing.
Floyd | The dry whispers and the shrill singing from the black leaves returns
Floyd | as Lornedei wakes up.
Floyd | Slowly, the girl looks up. She seems surprised and her eyes glide over
Floyd | the clearing as if she's never seen it before.
Floyd |
Floyd | When she looks at you, her eyes are gray and a weary smile turns into a
Floyd | grin. Then the grin fades and her entire body tenses in fear. She turns
Floyd | her face away from you.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (on the stone altar)
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The great roots under the giant oak have slid aside revealing a
Floyd | passage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sleepwalker is here, spinning slowly.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a large black beetle (Spinning around waving its
Floyd | antennae at the moment.) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Also: creeepeee" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "h ld" | ||
Floyd | She will have to get off the stone altar first.
Floyd | Lornedei stares at the leaf clusters in the black forest. She looks
Floyd | away, biting her lower lip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "stand" | ||
Floyd | She gets off the stone altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The great roots under the giant oak have slid aside revealing a
Floyd | passage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sleepwalker is here. It has stopped spinning.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a large black beetle (Fluffing up its wings at the
Floyd | moment.) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A very tentative voice speaks up from the old stone well. "Girl?"
Floyd | Lornedei turns her head and stares at the tiny creature sitting on a
Floyd | blade of razor grass next to the well. She takes two fast steps toward
Floyd | the fly. With a screech, the fly buzzes off to sit on the stone house
Floyd | roof. "The same you are not Girl. I know not if you can be trusted
Floyd | Girl." Lornedei picks up a rock and throws it at the fly that buzzes
Floyd | off to sit on the stone altar. "Will you listen Girl?" Lornedei crosses
Floyd | her arms and glares at the fly. After a moment's indecision, she nods.
Floyd |
Floyd | The fly moves to the edge of the altar and pauses a moment. "You have
Floyd | met one of Raccdaha's minions I see. You must have set it free. Shame.
Floyd | Such shame. Do not believe him Girl! Raccdaha is not strong enough now
Floyd | to possess you from where he is hiding, but he lets his lesser demons
Floyd | do his bidding. Do not believe the messages he sends!" Lornedei takes a
Floyd | step forward and raises a hand to swat the fly, but the fly is already
Floyd | sitting in the black oak. "Oh dear, temper, temper. Me, yes, will be in
Floyd | this place to tell the story when your god evicts the demon that is in
Floyd | you Girl." The firefly disappears with a pop and a flash.
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "There is indeed a dearth of commas, not just in the title." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "h ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is possessed. She is unpredictable and at times
Floyd | self-destructive. Her mind is a battle-field of opposites.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hmm." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter sleepwalker" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei's stare is not just hostile. It is pure poison. She has no
Floyd | intention of entering the sleepwalker.
Floyd | Lornedei shivers. She looks behind her. There is nothing there.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like
Floyd | something that does not want to be heard. Careful, tentative.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take nuts" | ||
Floyd | "No, I only need one. I have it."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wake ld" | ||
Floyd | "Just leave me be! I have my eyes open, can you not see that?"
Floyd | The beetle runs off to one of the paths. It spins around once before
Floyd | returning to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sleepwalker" | ||
Floyd | A stubby pillar of greenish fog hovers just above ground level. It
Floyd | spins around its own axis like a slow motion whirlwind.
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd | The beetle runs off to one of the paths. It spins around once before
Floyd | returning to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "How did you wake her before>" | |
Jacqueline asks, "?" | ||
DavidW says, "I was able to eventually wake her behind the waterfall. I couldn't before." | ||
DavidW says, "But this might not be the same as sleeping. And ... I wonder if returning to the Nightmare Den might reveal something new now." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Hm." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Possibly." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the Black Oak)
Floyd | Clusters of black leaves surround Lornedei. They hang from the upper
Floyd | branches, creating a shield that totally obscures the sky above. She
Floyd | can look down, as all the clusters are above and around her, but up is
Floyd | nothing but shimmering black. The branch reaches out over the clearing
Floyd | and the end of it seems to disappear in a big cloud of smoke. She can
Floyd | climb down to the ground or follow the branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow branch" | ||
Floyd | "The passage is not yet open, and I can't go through yet. What was
Floyd | trapped between, is now roaming the woods though."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh." | |
DavidW says, "So there must be a black pillar of mist calling itself 'the nightmare' out there now." | ||
Jacqueline says, "yeah... nothing creepy about that, either." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei climbs down.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The great roots under the giant oak have slid aside revealing a
Floyd | passage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sleepwalker is here. It has stopped spinning.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a large black beetle (Airing out its shell at the
Floyd | moment.) here.
Floyd | A dry black leaf falls down to rest on Lornedei's shoulder. It crumbles
Floyd | into dust and is gone.
Floyd | The beetle scrambles through the dead grass to one of the paths. It
Floyd | spins around and comes back to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm, I don't remember the black leaves crumbling to dust on our shoulders like that before." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch sleepwalker" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is clearly skeptical. What the sleep walker feels like does
Floyd | not interest her.
Floyd | The beetle disappears into the crumbling stone house. It comes back
Floyd | out, stays a moment in the opening, waving its antennae, before coming
Floyd | back to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Gah, no. I wonder if we can still get beetles." | |
Jacqueline says, "Like, if we lose this one." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Which we will." | ||
DavidW says, "which we will if we follow it, yes." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach sleepwalker" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei turns her back to it.
Floyd | "I will not waste magic on that!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach ld" | ||
Floyd | "I cannot! I will not! Just leave my mind alone!"
Floyd | Lornedei shivers. She looks behind her. There is nothing there.
Floyd | The beetle runs off to one of the paths. It spins around once before
Floyd | returning to Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter house" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the House of Penance)
Floyd | The many years have taken its toll on this house. The circular wall
Floyd | tapers slightly towards the ceiling. Above her, a framework of thick
Floyd | beams support several generations worth of spider webs. There is not
Floyd | much left of the roof now. The light from outside leaks in through the
Floyd | holes in the ceiling. It magnifies the presence of fine dry dust that
Floyd | floats lazily in the still air. Long since rotted straw and reeds cover
Floyd | the earthen floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pair of rusty manacles hangs on the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x manacles" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her head.
Floyd | Lornedei shivers. She looks behind her. There is nothing there.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take manacles" | ||
Floyd | "Interesting, but I have no use for those. For the moment."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "yikes" | |
DavidW says, "Lornedei, you done changed, girl." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Sweet little Lornedei." | ||
DavidW says, "Maybe take her back to Deini to give our girl a spanking." | ||
Jacqueline says, "I don't think that's how it works with wolves." | ||
DavidW says, "maybe not." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pet yellow worm" | ||
Floyd | "Do I really want to? No!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "hm. Shall we follow the beetle anyway?" | |
Jacqueline asks, "To the raven, you mean?" | ||
DavidW says, "yeah." | ||
Jacqueline says, "I am okay with that, yes. We've opened up quite a few unexplored areas as it is." | ||
DavidW says, "athough... I haven't seen any spear yet." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Kind of interested to see if we can actually hit an ending." | ||
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Oh, hm. Good point." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow beetle" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x beetle" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take black leaf" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the House of Penance)
Floyd | The many years have taken its toll on this house. The circular wall
Floyd | tapers slightly towards the ceiling. Above her, a framework of thick
Floyd | beams support several generations worth of spider webs. There is not
Floyd | much left of the roof now. The light from outside leaks in through the
Floyd | holes in the ceiling. It magnifies the presence of fine dry dust that
Floyd | floats lazily in the still air. Long since rotted straw and reeds cover
Floyd | the earthen floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | A pair of rusty manacles hangs on the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd | She steps out in the clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The great roots under the giant oak have slid aside revealing a
Floyd | passage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sleepwalker is here. It has stopped spinning.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a large black beetle (Spinning around waving its
Floyd | antennae at the moment.) here.
Floyd | Lornedei reaches down to scratch her ankle.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like a
Floyd | bird, unlike any other.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow beetle" | ||
Floyd | The black beetle is still for a few moments. Sniffing the air for
Floyd | danger. Then suddenly it decides where to go and takes off along one of
Floyd | the paths. Lornedei follows.
Floyd |
Floyd | Shadows reach for her, imaginary or not, from the growing darkness
Floyd | between the trees, as she moves into the forbidden forest. The beetle
Floyd | is ahead of her, leading on, stopping now and then to find its way. The
Floyd | path twists and changes direction so many times that Lornedei has to
Floyd | rely totally on her glimmering little guide.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei keeps her eye on the bug, but looks around now and then. The
Floyd | trees all look the same. No matter which kind they might have been
Floyd | originally, they are now all black and scorched. Clusters of leaves,
Floyd | singing their strange melody, hang from nearly all of them, some nearly
Floyd | touching the undergrowth. The forest is cold, the air thick, and
Floyd | Cowering under the stare of the shadows, she moves on. The bug leads.
Floyd | It runs ahead, over a dry and cracked puddle of mud, through the
Floyd | hollowed out insides of a dead tree, forward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The beetle stops. Its antennae wave frantically and it spins around on
Floyd | the ground a couple of times. When Lornedei reaches down to pick it up
Floyd | it quickly unfolds its wings, takes off with a buzzing and disappears
Floyd | among the trees.
Floyd |
Floyd | Forbidden Forest (Near the Raven Tree)
Floyd | Disappointed, Lornedei looks around.
Floyd | "I think I am lost."
Floyd | The scorched trees tower over anyone and anything unfortunate enough to
Floyd | be here. An air of ill will hangs over the treetops.
Floyd | The gray fog touches the trees highest branches, hiding the sun from
Floyd | view. Two paths lead into the black forest from here.
Floyd | Lornedei sighs.
Floyd |
Floyd | An enormous raven sits high up on a blackened branch, surrounded by the
Floyd | bug like leaves. It stares unblinking at Lornedei as she moves around
Floyd | in the crossing. It greets her with a threatening flutter with the
Floyd | wings, a guttural croaking and constant nervous sidestepping on the
Floyd | branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take black leaf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei grabs one of the black leaves in the nearest cluster and
Floyd | twists it loose from the branch. The leaf falls over and the beetle
Floyd | quickly takes shape in her hand. When it is done growing, it crawls up
Floyd | on Lornedei's shoulder.
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give beetle to raven" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei holds the beetle in a tight grip, and shows it to the bird.
Floyd | The black bird leans its head to one side. Most interested, it moves
Floyd | restlessly on its branch. Lornedei slowly puts the beetle on the
Floyd | ground. She steps back and waits.
Floyd |
Floyd | The beetle turns towards Lornedei, turns back, notices the bird and
Floyd | makes a run for it. It heads for the high grass. The hungry bird dives
Floyd | from the tree and drops in a cloud of dirt between the bug and the safe
Floyd | undergrowth. The beetle stops dead in its track, changes direction and
Floyd | rushes forward, but the bird is already there, flipping the bug over.
Floyd | For one moment, it is immobilized. That moment is enough.
Floyd |
Floyd | While the beetle is helpless, the bird gets to the eating. Big chunks
Floyd | of the insect's body is ripped out and swallowed. At some point, the
Floyd | legs and antennae stop moving. Finally, there is nothing left of the
Floyd | beetle but an empty shell, lined with a few sad remains of legs, flesh,
Floyd | and unidentifiable insect parts.
Floyd |
Floyd | The bird skips along the path where, if one looks hard enough, one can
Floyd | see another trail. The bird turns to Lornedei and croaks.
Floyd | Waiting.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "phew" | |
Jacqueline says, "Was worried that wouldn't work" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow raven" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei dares a careful step towards the black bird. It turns and hops
Floyd | along the path a short distance before it again faces the girl.
Floyd | Waiting.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei takes another step and the bird takes off in the air. It flies
Floyd | in circles in front of her, high up and almost out of sight at times
Floyd | but always close enough for Lornedei to follow. The path winds its way
Floyd | through and around the disturbing shadows of the forbidden forest.
Floyd | Fallen trees and dense undergrowth is constantly in her way and she has
Floyd | to climb over, through, or around these obstacles, while keeping an eye
Floyd | on the bird. It is just ahead and above her. She follows the black
Floyd | bird, expecting the cold grip of the forgotten ones around her ankles
Floyd | at any moment. Images of soul wrenching, flesh ripping, and blood
Floyd | drinking spirits run through her mind. Nothing happens. Exhausted and
Floyd | bruised, with her clothes torn and dusty, she stumbles on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something grabs her foot; she loses her balance and falls forward with
Floyd | a painful thud. Frozen in a breathless heap on the ground, she takes a
Floyd | moment to gather her strength as well as her breath. The bird croaks,
Floyd | Light seeps in through her closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | She looks up in time to catch a final glimpse of the bird. It
Floyd | disappears into a glowing sunset beyond a desolate field.
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Slowly Lornedei gets up on her feet. Nearly blinded by the light from
Floyd | the dying sun, she inspects the damage. She sighs deeply.
Floyd |
Floyd | She opens her mouth to speak again but the words never come. She takes
Floyd | in the view of this seemingly empty wasteland in shocked silence for
Floyd | some time. She swallows. A dry wind tugs at her clothing while playing
Floyd | restlessly in the dry ground.
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | Lornedei turns her head slowly from side to side, dazed. She blinks.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones)
Floyd | Lornedei walks east and the ground slopes down. It becomes increasingly
Floyd | difficult to walk. On the other side of the valley she is entering, the
Floyd | forest resumes. At the bottom of the slope where the sharp rocks slip
Floyd | under her feet, heat ripples the air. Lornedei makes her way down.
Floyd |
Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden
Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her
Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces
Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken
Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a fire inside the ring of stones, blasting out heat and light.
Floyd | Shadows cast by the stones stretch out from the circle. Their wavering
Floyd | tips caress the ragged ground where it begins to ascend to the plane
Floyd | above.
Floyd |
Floyd | A black plaque lies near the center of the fire pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw lamp at boulder" | ||
Floyd | The stones are more or less round. Anything placed on the stones would
Floyd | drop to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x stones" | ||
Floyd | The circle is almost ten paces wide. Inside the edging of boulders, the
Floyd | ground sinks further down, into another bowl. This one is smooth and
Floyd | perfectly round.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw lamp at fire" | ||
Floyd | No, that is not what she had in mind.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw lamp at smooth boulder" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw lamp at round boulder" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x boulder" | ||
Floyd | The circle is almost ten paces wide. Inside the edging of boulders, the
Floyd | ground sinks further down, into another bowl. This one is smooth and
Floyd | perfectly round.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw lamp at it" | ||
Floyd | The stones are more or less round. Anything placed on the stones would
Floyd | drop to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Just FYI, I have about an hour left at this point." | |
Jacqueline says, "But I'm hopefuly we will find our way by then." | ||
DavidW says, "hm. We freed the spider here, but I guess I'm missing some nuance." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "break lamp" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei lets a blue spark appear in one palm. She focuses and the
Floyd | light turns red. She quickly moves the fairy lamp until she is holding
Floyd | it between both hands. the red light seeps through her fingers and a
Floyd | sizzling is heard. A cloud of steam surrounds her hands.
Floyd | "Ouch! The little bastard bit me!" A storm of ugly words fly out of her
Floyd | mouth as the crystal spider drops to the ground.
Floyd | Lornedei looks over her shoulder into the dark forest, anxious.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh, geez. We didn't do it like that before." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take spider" | ||
Floyd | the spider jumps backwards. It apparently doesn't like her.
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like
Floyd | something that does not want to be heard. Careful, tentative.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x spider" | ||
Floyd | It's a large spider made of crystal. It has curled up as if either dead
Floyd | or sleeping most of the time. It is hard to tell which. It gives off a
Floyd | cold sparkling light and has a pair of multi facetted eyes. Oddly
Floyd | enough, the eyes seem both beady and shifty. No matter from where it is
Floyd | observed, it seems to glare suspiciously. She will have to touch the
Floyd | spider to examine it further. That is, if it will let her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch spider" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her head. She has no wish to touch that thing. It
Floyd | bites!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push boulder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei turns her hand palm side up, looking at the boulder closest to
Floyd | her. Then she thinks the better of it and gives the big stone a hard
Floyd | push with the bottom of her dirty sandal. It tips over and rolls down
Floyd | in the pit where it settles on top of the fire, suffocating it.
Floyd |
Floyd | "BUZZ! BUZZ!" The firefly sits on one of the big stones in the circle.
Floyd | "Oh, dear, much gooder I say. Too hot, much too hot it was here. Good
Floyd | job Girl. Now I can... " The fly crawls down the side of the rock and
Floyd | disappears in a small hole in the ground. A tiny voice pipes up from
Floyd | some kind of hollow down below. "Oh, still hot, Most uncomfortable it
Floyd | is but... yes!" From the hole comes intense buzzing and grunting
Floyd | followed by huffing an puffing and a cloud of dust. The fly comes out
Floyd | of the hole that caves in on itself, dragging something. "Ah, I knew it
Floyd | would be ready, long cooking it needs yes."
Floyd |
Floyd | With more buzzing and grunting, the fly takes off. Hanging in a tiny
Floyd | netting seemingly made of fine grass or some other kind of plant fiber,
Floyd | is a well baked, somewhat wrinkled white berry. It is still warm and
Floyd | steam rises from it. With no further waste of breath, the fly along
Floyd | with its hot meal, disappears with a pop and a flash. The scent of
Floyd | baked berry lingers for a moment until it dissipates.
Floyd | Lornedei turns her head towards a sudden rustling in the forbidden
Floyd | forest. There is nothing there.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take plaque" | ||
Floyd | (the small black plaque)
Floyd | If you insist.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x it" | ||
Floyd | It's a totally black round plaque. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's palm. The smooth stone is of a kind that Lornedei has never
Floyd | seen. A strange picture is carved on one side. It looks like a flying
Floyd | insect of some sort, with a giant tree in the background.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd | Lornedei's shadow trembles and disappears. In an instant, it is back.
Floyd | She seems not to notice.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "good grief. Her *shadow* disappeared?" | |
Jacqueline asks, "What did we do with the wolf thus far?" | ||
DavidW says, "We fed it the rabbit." | ||
DavidW says, "If we call it at forest's edge, maybe it'll come now." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Did we try to do anything more? Call it, for ex-- okay, yeah, try." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Circle of Stones)
Floyd | This is the southeastern corner of the field of despair. The forbidden
Floyd | forest is nearly all around her. West, northwest, and north takes her
Floyd | out. The ground sinks into a large hole, a bowl more than fifty paces
Floyd | across, in the ground, edged by crevices and uneven ridges. A broken
Floyd | land. Once at the bottom, the rest of the field is out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big round stone lies in the middle of the pit. The fire is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone circle is laid out on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see A crystal spider with shifty, beady eyes (Curled up
Floyd | acting dead at the moment.) here.
Floyd | A high pitched squeal from somewhere among the blackened trees fills
Floyd | the air, and Lornedei shudders.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "call wolf" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to call.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "call" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei whistles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei waits as the dry wind tears at her torn clothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei waits as the dry wind tears at her torn clothing.
Floyd | Lornedei's shadow jerks to life, reaches for her ankle, and pulls. She
Floyd | stumbles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline exclaims, "!" | |
DavidW says, "oh my" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x shadow" | ||
Floyd | It is only a shadow. There is nothing she can do with it.
Floyd | Lornedei feels something against her leg. Like a shadow, silent and
Floyd | cautious, Deini has come to her. The wolf is sniffing the air, is
Floyd | constantly watching Lornedei, but she finally lies down. She puts her
Floyd | head on her front paws but keeps constant watch.
Floyd | "You just stay out of my way."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Have we gone insane?" | |
DavidW says, "Deini has arrived, but ... I dunno." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "Deini, help" | ||
Floyd | Deini looks at Lornedei for a moment before she looses interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Perhaps we should've called earlier." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "Deini, sniff" | ||
Floyd | The wolf just looks at Lornedei. Willing but confused.
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd | Lornedei looks over her shoulder into the dark forest, anxious.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pet deini" | ||
Floyd | In an attempt to seem friendly, she calls for Deini. The wolf
Floyd | hesitates. This human is different from the other and there is
Floyd | something very wrong with this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Maybe we should have called her before we went weird, yeah." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "deini, kill shadow" | ||
Floyd | Deini stands still, seemingly wondering about Lornedei's choice of
Floyd | enemy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline shrugs. | |
Jacqueline says (to DW), "yay" | ||
DavidW asks, "back to the tree?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Sure" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x tree" | ||
Floyd | These are scattered remains of a tree. Mostly ashes, a few charred
Floyd | branches, a hollowed out trunk lying on its side, all petrified by time
Floyd | and lack of rain. All is covered in years of sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search sand" | ||
Floyd | She can not find anything that might interest you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in tree" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, in the trunk, kicks away some dirt, but all she
Floyd | finds is more sad remains of the tree. Anything of interest is long
Floyd | since gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x ground" | ||
Floyd | (the ground)
Floyd | The soil is dry and starved of both moisture and nutrition. It looks
Floyd | and feels dead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd | There's no way she could.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kill tree" | ||
Floyd | The tree is already as dead as it can be, so what would be the point?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put yellow worm on tree" | ||
Floyd | Placing things on the petrified tree will not do her any good.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "break tree" | ||
Floyd | The tree is already as dead as it can be, so what would be the point?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "heal ld" | ||
Floyd | There may not be a way to heal her now. She has been changed. There is
Floyd | something dark lurking in her mind. Perhaps if you could get that
Floyd | presence out. Perhaps an exorcism?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "vomit" | ||
Floyd | "What was that you said?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn head 360 degrees" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pray" | ||
Floyd | She may or may not. Just hope that her prayers go to you and not
Floyd | something... else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "oh dear. How does one do an exorcism anyway?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is wearing a shirt, a pair of riding pants and sandals. Type
Floyd | inv to see what else she is carrying.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach ld" | ||
Floyd | "I cannot! I will not! Just leave my mind alone!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is wearing a shirt, a pair of riding pants and sandals. Type
Floyd | inv to see what else she is carrying.
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x demon" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x shadow" | ||
Floyd | It is only a shadow. There is nothing she can do with it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "zap shadow" | ||
Floyd | It is only a shadow. There is nothing she can do with it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kill shadow" | ||
Floyd | Light banishes one shadow while creating another. Then how can a shadow
Floyd | be killed?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wear amulet" | ||
Floyd | "Wear that? No! It hates me."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hmmm" | |
DavidW says, "the spider does light too, but it also doesn't like us." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm thinking ... enter darkness." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "She is persnicity in this state, not the girl we were with earlier." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Lornedei steps in-between a big wall that continues north, away from
Floyd | her, and the remains of another wall trailing west. What stands before
Floyd | her is only a small part of a castle. The rest of it, including any
Floyd | main gate or towers, is gone, as if cut away. She stops and looks
Floyd | around.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | Lornedei enters a long stone hall. The sudden noise of her own foot
Floyd | falls echoing makes her stop after just a few steps. She stands just
Floyd | inside the gate. The corridor is dim and it takes a while for her eyes
Floyd | to adjust to the darkness.
Floyd | The wide stone corridor continues north for perhaps sixty feet and
Floyd | there is a dim light at the far end.
Floyd | She takes a few more steps forward through the dusty corridor. She
Floyd | stops at an opening in the wall where a staircase leads down into
Floyd | darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | Lornedei leans into the opening in the wall, trying to see what is
Floyd | below the dark staircase. There is light down there. Without further
Floyd | hesitation, she descends the dusty stone steps.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x statue" | ||
Floyd | The stone statue stands against the south wall. It seems undamaged by
Floyd | what ever happened here. It is a woman. She is dressed in a guard's
Floyd | robust clothing and she is standing with her feet somewhat apart, one
Floyd | arm bent to let her hand rest on a stone dagger at her waist.
Floyd | The statue is holding up its right arm as if holding something, perhaps
Floyd | a staff or a spear, but the hand is empty. The stone woman looks as if
Floyd | she could wake up at any moment, ready to protect.
Floyd | The polished stone eyes are fixed on something in the northeast corner
Floyd | of the chamber.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search debris" | ||
Floyd | "I have no intention of crawling in there. Find someone else to do
Floyd | that. Perhaps you, god as you are, can conjure up some faithful and
Floyd | ridiculously loyal companion to do that kind of work.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put red worm in debris" | ||
Floyd | She needs to be holding the shiny red worm before she can put it into
Floyd | something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take red worm" | ||
Floyd | If you insist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put it in debris" | ||
Floyd | That cannot be used to contain items. The purpose here is otherwise.
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put red worm on debris" | ||
Floyd | Placing things on the rubble will not do her any good.
Floyd | There is a shadow stretching out on the ground behind Lornedei. It
Floyd | folds into inky black and then it rises, takes one step away from her,
Floyd | and is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop red worm" | ||
Floyd | Your wish is her command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "red worm, search debris" | ||
Floyd | She can't talk to the shiny red worm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take red worm" | ||
Floyd | If you insist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put it in urn" | ||
Floyd | She drops the shiny red worm into the old tarnished bronze urn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 167.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a small black plaque
Floyd | a cracked skull
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a bone
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a small water sack (which is closed)
Floyd | the water from the Elder's spring
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "yellow worm, search debris" | ||
Floyd | She can't talk to the skinny yellow worm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Ask the wolf?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in debris" | ||
Floyd | "I have no intention of crawling in there. Find someone else to do
Floyd | that. Perhaps you, god as you are, can conjure up some faithful and
Floyd | ridiculously loyal companion to do that kind of work.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "So, this attitude came after sleeping in the black mist?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "whistle" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei whistles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | The spiral that is life keeps on turning.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | The spiral that is life keeps on turning.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "wake ld" | ||
Floyd | "Just leave me be! I have my eyes open, can you not see that?"
Floyd | Lornedei hears careful steps behind her. She turns towards a very
Floyd | reluctantly approaching Deini. The wolf sneezes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | "Just leave me be! I have my eyes open, can you not see that?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | "Just leave me be! I have my eyes open, can you not see that?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | "Just leave me be! I have my eyes open, can you not see that?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "Deini, search debris" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd | Deini sniffs around. After a while, she comes back, carrying an old Floyd | torch. She drops it at Lornedei's feet. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd | Deini sniffs a couple of the rocks and sneezes. She seems to search Floyd | aimlessly and finds nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take torch" | ||
Floyd | If you insist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x torch" | ||
Floyd | The old torch must have been lying around here for many years, along
Floyd | with many others. It's totally useless and may just fall apart if given
Floyd | a harsh glance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put torch in statue" | ||
Floyd | The only thing capable of holding items on the statue, is the grasping
Floyd | hand. Try to put the old torch there instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Oh, maybe that thing later is a torch, not a spear?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put torch in hand" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei places the torch in the stone hand. It does not really fit so
Floyd | she forces it down in the hole. It stands nearly upright in place for a
Floyd | moment. Then, the stone fingers flex and spread. The torch topples over
Floyd | and drops to the floor as the hand tightens its grip around its
Floyd | imaginary object again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Oh." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take torch" | ||
Floyd | If you insist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "deini, search debris" | ||
Floyd | Deini sniffs a couple of the rocks and sneezes. She seems to search
Floyd | aimlessly and finds nothing of interest.
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "light torch" | ||
Floyd | Nothing would benefit from that.
Floyd | Deini comes up to Lornedei and puts her nose in the girl's hand.
Floyd | Lornedei pulls her hand away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "Still, this is more than we found before." | |
Jacqueline says, "Definitely." | ||
DavidW says, "Maybe upstairs would be better." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei walks towards the dim light. The corridor ends, the floor
Floyd | drops away, and beyond is the mist. The edge of the cliff itself has
Floyd | dropped off, taking the entire inner castle down with it. The entire
Floyd | northwest corner of the big ledge has slid down to the bottom of the
Floyd | ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei takes a quick look down the ravine, through veils of mist, but
Floyd | the floor suddenly feels very unsteady under her feet. She returns to
Floyd | the opening to the staircase.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I wonder if we should have had the wolf search other places. Vegetation, straw, riverbanks." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "whistle" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei whistles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "maybe" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei waits as the dry wind tears at her torn clothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei waits as the dry wind tears at her torn clothing.
Floyd | Lornedei's shadow trembles and disappears. In an instant, it is back.
Floyd | She seems not to notice.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "whistle" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei whistles.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei waits as the dry wind tears at her torn clothing.
Floyd | Lornedei feels something against her leg. Like a shadow, silent and
Floyd | cautious, Deini has come to her. The wolf is sniffing the air, is
Floyd | constantly watching Lornedei, but she finally lies down. She puts her
Floyd | head on her front paws but keeps constant watch.
Floyd | "You just stay out of my way."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "deini, search rubble" | ||
Floyd | Deini takes off and enters the tunnel through the big pile of rubble.
Floyd | She shows up safely on the other side. A number of loud sneezes and a
Floyd | cloud of rising dust show her path. After some time, she comes crawling
Floyd | out again, dragging something with her. Between her teeth is a long
Floyd | spear. She drops it in front of Lornedei, looking mighty happy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "ah" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take spear" | ||
Floyd | If you insist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x spear" | ||
Floyd | The spear is a head taller than Lornedei. The dark wood is decorated
Floyd | with carvings and the stone tip is sharp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach spear" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "give spear to statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei puts the spear into the grasping hand. It is a perfect fit.
Floyd | The hand suddenly tightens. The stone fingers crackle slightly and a
Floyd | puff of dust flies from it as it grips the spear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hmm" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd | The spiral that is life keeps on turning.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x statue" | ||
Floyd | The stone guard stands in the southeast corner staring intently at the
Floyd | opposite corner of the chamber. In her right hand she has a long wooden
Floyd | spear with a stone tip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to statue" | ||
Floyd | You wish her to talk to the stone statue? Seems a bit odd to me.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch statue" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei brushes off some of the dust gathered on the statue an
Floyd | sneezes.
Floyd | Lornedei wipes her forehead with her shirtsleeve.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Gah - lag. YAY SPEAR" | |
DavidW asks, "The statue accepted the spear, but now what?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach statue" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "move statue" | ||
Floyd | The stone statue cannot be moved in any way. Lornedei makes a couple of
Floyd | attempts of pushing the statue but there is not much point in trying.
Floyd | Lornedei's shadow tears one shadow-leg from Lornedei's real one, then
Floyd | the other. It fades as it rises. Once upright, it melts into Lornedei.
Floyd | She shivers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing there but rubble and cracked marble walls. She can't
Floyd | go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x statue" | ||
Floyd | The stone guard stands in the southeast corner staring intently at the
Floyd | opposite corner of the chamber. In her right hand she has a long wooden
Floyd | spear with a stone tip.
Floyd | There is a shadow stretching out on the ground behind Lornedei. It
Floyd | folds into inky black and then it rises, takes one step away from her,
Floyd | and is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look northwest" | ||
Floyd | Cracked marble in walls and floor. Rubble. Nothing of interest catches
Floyd | her eye.
Floyd | Lornedei's shadow stretches out behind her. It sits up. It reaches. It
Floyd | touches the exposed skin on her neck before lying back down. Lornedei
Floyd | scratches her neck furiously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn statue" | ||
Floyd | The stone statue cannot be moved in any way. Lornedei makes a couple of
Floyd | attempts of pushing the statue but there is not much point in trying.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei steps closer to the huge hole in the wall. One glimpse down is
Floyd | enough. She steps back on unsteady legs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | A few paces away, the courtyard ends abruptly as the ground is replaced
Floyd | by the ravine. A vertical cliff of bare rock is all that is left. If
Floyd | there was a western wall there, it now lies at the bottom of the
Floyd | ravine, along with a big part of the castle. On the other side, the
Floyd | forbidden forest starts again. Lornedei quickly backs away from the
Floyd | edge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take leaf" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ledge" | ||
Floyd | Some things in this world are not for her to be concerned with.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take leaf" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei grabs one of the black leaves in the nearest cluster and
Floyd | twists it loose from the branch. The leaf falls over and the beetle
Floyd | quickly takes shape in her hand. When it is done growing, it crawls up
Floyd | on Lornedei's shoulder.
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes one step towards the edge of the ravine, then another
Floyd | longer step away from it. The ravine is too deep and too wide to cross.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | A high pitched squeal from somewhere among the blackened trees fills
Floyd | the air, and Lornedei shudders.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "It's unclear what the spear did." | |
Jacqueline says, "hm. Let me reread" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "turn spear" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "The statue gripped it strongly. That seemed to be the extent of it." | |
Jacqueline says, "Oh wait, I mean, go back." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd | There is a shadow stretching out on the ground behind Lornedei. It
Floyd | folds into inky black and then it rises, takes one step away from her,
Floyd | and is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "ok, here" | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "turn spear" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei grabs the spear on each side of the hand and turns it. A click
Floyd | is heard from inside the statue and the entire guard woman rotates on
Floyd | her right foot, swinging her left side outwards.
Floyd | In doing that, a slab of stone comes loose from the corner thus
Floyd | revealing a narrow passage to the southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "cool! thanks!" | |
Jacqueline says, "The spear was the mechanism. Or, rather the way to activate it." | ||
DavidW asks, "Did you wish to explore your new passageway?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Heh. No, I enjoy watching you and contributing when I can." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | Silence, perfect stillness, a sense of waiting.
Floyd | As soon as Lornedei steps past the statue, the sensation overwhelms
Floyd | her. For once, she is silent for a long while before making her remark.
Floyd | "What a mess!"
Floyd | The chamber seems to have survived the devastation of the castle with
Floyd | only minor damages though. Sand and scattered pieces of marble lie
Floyd | beneath a few cracks in one corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | This chamber is over ten paces across and perfectly square. A large
Floyd | oval mirror dominates each wall. Four mirrors. North, west, south and
Floyd | east.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei came in from the northwest. An old burned out torch sits askew
Floyd | on the south wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big pile of stone and steel takes up a large part of the space in the
Floyd | middle of the floor.
Floyd | "Who would bring that junk down here? Seems very strange to me."
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei stumbles on a big staff on the floor. She barely avoids
Floyd | stepping on a sad looking long dead somebody.
Floyd |
Floyd | The dead somebody seems to be the owner of the staff.
Floyd | "I believe that this might be one of the Elders."
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "okey doke" | |
Jacqueline asks, "A sad looking dead somebody?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x elder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei bends down to take a look at the grim pile of bones. The
Floyd | figure lies near the west wall with the arms stretched out above the
Floyd | head. The grinning skull is bent backwards and in an odd angle. The
Floyd | spine showing above the robe it is dressed in has been turned until it
Floyd | broke off from the rest of the body. The feet are still protected by a
Floyd | pair of leather sandals.
Floyd | Lornedei looks around, puzzled.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x robe" | ||
Floyd | The figure on the floor is dressed in a robe that once must have been
Floyd | sky blue but now it's faded and covered in dust and cobwebs. The fabric
Floyd | is finely woven and smooth. The hems are decorated with golden vines
Floyd | just like the sandals that still sit securely on the skeletons feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x sandals" | ||
Floyd | (the robe and sandals)
Floyd | The figure on the floor is dressed in a robe that once must have been
Floyd | sky blue but now it's faded and covered in dust and cobwebs. The fabric
Floyd | is finely woven and smooth. The hems are decorated with golden vines
Floyd | just like the sandals that still sit securely on the skeletons feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x grinning skull" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take robe" | ||
Floyd | It is probably better if she leaves them where they are.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x pile" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the pile of steel and stone or the
Floyd | pile of bones?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "steel" | ||
Floyd | It is a big pile of stone and steel. It takes up a big portion of the
Floyd | floor. She can see small stones and big boulders covered in moss, dirt
Floyd | and dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few of the bigger rocks seem to be attached to each other with steel
Floyd | rings and rusty chains. A row, uneven and broken up, of triangular
Floyd | pieces of steel sit along an oblong rock near one end of the pile.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Remember the wolf." | |
Jacqueline says, "Though, I don't know, maybe we could have found the spear without her." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search steel pile" | ||
Floyd | She can not find anything that might interest you.
Floyd | Lornedei reaches down to scratch her ankle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x staff" | ||
Floyd | It's a heavy staff in what appears to be oak. It reaches Lornedei to
Floyd | the shoulder, is thicker in one end and irregular in shape, with the
Floyd | natural shape preserved. It is polished and given a patina with many
Floyd | years use.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I have to think that the wolf was optional, given how we completely left her behind, but perhaps not." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take it" | ||
Floyd | If you insist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x mirrors" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x north mirror" | ||
Floyd | A wide and heavy frame surrounds a dark mirror. There is only a dull
Floyd | reflection of the chamber behind Lornedei when she looks in it.
Floyd | There's an indentation in the top part of the frame. It is empty.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x north indentation" | ||
Floyd | There is an indentation in the top part of the frame. A plaque might
Floyd | fit there.
Floyd |
Floyd | Under a layer of dust covering the frame, the wood is decorated with
Floyd | delicately painted vines and leaves of all sizes and shapes. Tiny
Floyd | animals peek out from behind the leaves, which seem to stand out even
Floyd | though the surface is flat: a red squirrel's curious gaze, a deer and
Floyd | its offspring, ready to flee, a miniature snake on a vine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei reaches down to scratch her ankle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Plaque, eh?" | |
DavidW says, "yes, but we only have two plaques" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x east mirror" | ||
Floyd | The glass, underneath a layer of dust, has no reflection whatsoever.
Floyd | Lornedei glances at the frame but she just shakes her head in
Floyd | puzzlement. She looks away from the strange sight.
Floyd | There's an indentation in the top part of the frame. It is empty.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x east indentation" | ||
Floyd | Reluctantly, Lornedei examines the frame. The heavy frame around the
Floyd | east mirror has a deep, almost black surface. Delicate, spidery
Floyd | carvings cover every surface. The intricate pattern of geometrical
Floyd | shapes underlies other shapes. These seem to avoid observation.
Floyd | Sometimes a shapeless blob turns into a perfectly logical entity for a
Floyd | split second. Although the logic eludes the mind to be just a blob
Floyd | again, the feeling of an unreachable, untouchable wisdom remains.
Floyd | Lornedei blinks and looks away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 167.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a wizard's staff
Floyd | a large black beetle (Taking a nap at the moment.)
Floyd | an old torch
Floyd | a small black plaque
Floyd | a cracked skull
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a bone
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a small water sack (which is closed)
Floyd | the water from the Elder's spring
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x south mirror" | ||
Floyd | On the south wall hangs a big oval mirror. The glass is dark and cold.
Floyd | There's a shallow indentation in the top part of the frame. It is
Floyd | empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x black plaque" | ||
Floyd | It's a totally black round plaque. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's palm. The smooth stone is of a kind that Lornedei has never
Floyd | seen. A strange picture is carved on one side. It looks like a flying
Floyd | insect of some sort, with a giant tree in the background.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x south indentation" | ||
Floyd | The wide frame around the south mirror has a shallow indentation where
Floyd | a plaque might fit.
Floyd |
Floyd | The frame itself is totally featureless. It has a deep gray polish that
Floyd | almost, but not quite, looks like the glass itself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "put black plaque in east indentation" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei puts the small black plaque in the round hole on the frame. It
Floyd | goes into place with a click.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x east indentation" | ||
Floyd | Reluctantly, Lornedei examines the frame. The heavy frame around the
Floyd | east mirror has a deep, almost black surface. Delicate, spidery
Floyd | carvings cover every surface. The intricate pattern of geometrical
Floyd | shapes underlies other shapes. These seem to avoid observation.
Floyd | Sometimes a shapeless blob turns into a perfectly logical entity for a
Floyd | split second. Although the logic eludes the mind to be just a blob
Floyd | again, the feeling of an unreachable, untouchable wisdom remains.
Floyd | Lornedei blinks and looks away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Hm. Didn't change substantially." | |
Jacqueline asks, "Did it?" | ||
DavidW says, "well, hold on with inserting." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Hm, okay." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Want me to take it out?" | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Or undo?" | ||
DavidW says, "We should examine all four." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Okay." | ||
DavidW says, "If you can remove it, yes please." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take black plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Ouch, I broke a nail! the plaque is stuck. At least I do not know how
Floyd | to get it out again. Maybe it is the way it is supposed to be."
Floyd | Lornedei wipes her forehead with her shirtsleeve.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Srly? Broke a nail? Okay, I'll undo" | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "From what I've seen so far, the black plaque goes in the north indentation, and the gray in the south." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 167.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a wizard's staff
Floyd | a large black beetle (Fluffing up its wings at the moment.)
Floyd | an old torch
Floyd | a small black plaque
Floyd | a cracked skull
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a bone
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a small water sack (which is closed)
Floyd | the water from the Elder's spring
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "and remember, we only have two plaques." | |
Jacqueline says, "Okay, we have it. Continue." | ||
DavidW says, "Possibly we can't really do this puzzle until we have all four." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. Until we know what they do, though... that may or may not be necessary." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x west mirror" | ||
Floyd | The glass is cracked and dark. The frame surrounding the broken mirror
Floyd | seems to be in bad shape. There appears to be a shallow indentation in
Floyd | the top part of the frame. She may need to look closer at the frame.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x west indentation" | ||
Floyd | The wide frame seems at first to be a mosaic of different types of
Floyd | frayed fabric. Upon closer inspection, it is clear that the frame is
Floyd | made up of different types of wood, stone, and even metal. It has
Floyd | however been demolished by something, cut and beaten into a mess of
Floyd | splinters. There seems to be an indentation in the top part of the
Floyd | frame but it may not be able to hold anything in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "heal it" | ||
Floyd | She cannot heal things that are not alive.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x askew torch" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x torch" | ||
Floyd | (the unlit torch)
Floyd | The torch looks old and burnt out.
Floyd | Lornedei reaches down to scratch her ankle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn it" | ||
Floyd | The torch is not of any use now. Let's just leave it as it is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 167.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a wizard's staff
Floyd | a large black beetle (Taking a nap at the moment.)
Floyd | an old torch
Floyd | a small black plaque
Floyd | a cracked skull
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a bone
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a small water sack (which is closed)
Floyd | the water from the Elder's spring
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a small gray plaque
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop torch" | ||
Floyd | Your wish is her command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | This chamber is over ten paces across and perfectly square. A large
Floyd | oval mirror dominates each wall. Four mirrors. North, west, south and
Floyd | east.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei came in from the northwest. An old burned out torch sits askew
Floyd | on the south wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The stone pile still takes up too much room and the dead somebody is
Floyd | still very much dead.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn torch" | ||
Floyd | The torch is not of any use now. Let's just leave it as it is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pull torch" | ||
Floyd | The torch is not of any use now. Let's just leave it as it is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "reach bones" | ||
Floyd | (the pile of bones)
Floyd | Lornedei reaches into the figure on the cold stone floor but something
Floyd | is resisting her. Something suddenly gives. The air starts to shimmer
Floyd | above the pale bones and a figure rises from the pile. The transparent
Floyd | shape standing before her is a man. An old man dressed in a sky blue
Floyd | robe, his thin face with a thin white beard looks gaunt and tired
Floyd | beyond his apparent age. He is holding a long staff in one hand that
Floyd | partially supports his old frail and bent body.
Floyd | He is looking around the chamber. He lets his gaze touch the mirrors on
Floyd | the wall, rest a moment on the stone pile until he is looking straight
Floyd | at Lornedei.
Floyd | Assessing her, judging her.
Floyd | Suddenly his eyes turn to steel. He seems to recoil from her and swings
Floyd | his staff through the air.
Floyd | It goes through her body and for a moment, she feels numb, tingling. He
Floyd | sinks back down in his remains and is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "h ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is possessed. She is unpredictable and at times
Floyd | self-destructive. Her mind is a battle-field of opposites.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "whoa" | |
DavidW says, "hm. That didn't cure her." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "reach steel" | ||
Floyd | suddenly Lornedei smiles.
Floyd | "If you say so."
Floyd | She Lifts one arm, turns the hand over and makes a blue spark appear in
Floyd | her palm. Lornedei glances up at you, still smiling, as the blue spark
Floyd | turns to red.
Floyd | Slowly she turns her head and blows the spark towards the pile.
Floyd | The red light drops down and disappears between two rocks. Nothing
Floyd | happens for a short while. And then there is movement. Slowly, the
Floyd | rocks rearrange themselves, moving into place with a grinding noise
Floyd | that causes the entire chamber to vibrate.
Floyd | Triangular metal pieces covered in rust and dust, although they seem
Floyd | sharp enough, align themselves in two rows.
Floyd | Some of the smaller rocks, scattered around the periphery of the pile,
Floyd | skip and hop along the dusty floor until they are also in place. There
Floyd | is a loud bang as the two largest pieces come together. The noise gets
Floyd | louder as hundreds of rocks of all sizes and rusty pieces of metal move
Floyd | into place, all at the same time.
Floyd | For a heartbeat, everything is still. Then it rises - grunting,
Floyd | grinding, and groaning, it rises.
Floyd | Lornedei is awestruck, but whispers to the being.
Floyd | "Raccdaha!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "also, crazy that an info spell acted as a summons with its own volition." | |
Jacqueline says, "yeah'" | ||
DavidW asks, "oh, did you just summon our adversary?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Um, it would appear so." | ||
Jacqueline says, "I did not think it would actually manifest anything." | ||
Jacqueline says, "We may want to undo." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Or run." | ||
Jacqueline says, "I thought 'reach' was sort of a magical form of 'look'" | ||
Jacqueline shrugs. | ||
DavidW says, "undo, save, and try again." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x steel" | ||
Floyd | It is a big pile of stone and steel. It takes up a big portion of the
Floyd | floor. She can see small stones and big boulders covered in moss, dirt
Floyd | and dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few of the bigger rocks seem to be attached to each other with steel
Floyd | rings and rusty chains. A row, uneven and broken up, of triangular
Floyd | pieces of steel sit along an oblong rock near one end of the pile.
Floyd | Lornedei wipes her forehead with her shirtsleeve.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf9" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "yeah, me too, but apparently, 'reach' has more potency." | |
Jacqueline says, "Sure you want me to do it again? I ... I don't think that'll end well." | ||
DavidW says, "yeah, let's try it." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Enh, what the heck." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "reach steel" | ||
Floyd | suddenly Lornedei smiles. Floyd | "If you say so." Floyd | She Lifts one arm, turns the hand over and makes a blue spark appear in Floyd | her palm. Lornedei glances up at you, still smiling, as the blue spark | DavidW says, "We can experiment a bit now." | |
Floyd | turns to red.
Floyd | Slowly she turns her head and blows the spark towards the pile.
Floyd | The red light drops down and disappears between two rocks. Nothing
Floyd | happens for a short while. And then there is movement. Slowly, the
Floyd | rocks rearrange themselves, moving into place with a grinding noise
Floyd | that causes the entire chamber to vibrate.
Floyd | Triangular metal pieces covered in rust and dust, although they seem
Floyd | sharp enough, align themselves in two rows.
Floyd | Some of the smaller rocks, scattered around the periphery of the pile,
Floyd | skip and hop along the dusty floor until they are also in place. There
Floyd | is a loud bang as the two largest pieces come together. The noise gets
Floyd | louder as hundreds of rocks of all sizes and rusty pieces of metal move
Floyd | into place, all at the same time.
Floyd | For a heartbeat, everything is still. Then it rises - grunting,
Floyd | grinding, and groaning, it rises.
Floyd | Lornedei is awestruck, but whispers to the being.
Floyd | "Raccdaha!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Experiment? Okay, poke it with the torch." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to raccdaha" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei's eyes change again. She smiles.
Floyd | "Did you come for me?" She holds up both hands, offering herself to
Floyd | him. Everything is silent. A strand of darkness wraps itself around her
Floyd | fingers, her hands and her arms.
Floyd | "Yes! Take me with you."
Floyd | She shuts her eyes. Her body shakes as the spirit caresses her, touches
Floyd | her face, her hair. The touch leaves her skin scorched and bleeding.
Floyd | She comes to him willingly and all the promises of power, of eternal
Floyd | bliss, are coming true.
Floyd | The spirit that was once human embraces her. He wraps his arms around
Floyd | her body, seeking warmth. He holds her with arms of stone. She melts
Floyd | into the darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | Smiling, she lets herself be crushed between stones, cut to pieces by
Floyd | sharp metal. He reaches for her hand, which turns to a bloody mess. He
Floyd | holds her head, which cracks like a ripe melon. Only then does the
Floyd | smile fade from her lips.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** Lornedei walks with the forgotten ones. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Your final holiness is 70 out of a possible holiness of 105, in 384
Floyd | moves.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can choose to: RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last godly
Floyd | command or abandon this world with QUIT!
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "aie" | |
DavidW says, "ok, I did not expect that." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "That was not a pleasant ending. How about we try something else?" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "attack raccdaha" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei says calmly: "No!" Floyd | Lornedei wipes her forehead with her shirtsleeve. Floyd | A crimson light dances on the white walls of the chamber, metal jaws Floyd | snap and stone limbs creak. | DavidW says, "if L was in her right mind, maybe things would've been different." | |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "Is there a way to make her snap out of it without going way back?" | |
Jacqueline asks, "Like, can we exorcise whatever thing is in her before we summon R?" | ||
DavidW says, "I think we should try touching mirrors, putting plaques in mirrors and retouching. The mirrors may be portals." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "pray to raccdaha" | ||
Floyd | All I understood was a wish to pray.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "mmkay - let's restore, then." | |
Jacqueline says, "We can always resummon." | ||
DavidW says, "If I knew how to exorcise her, I would have." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah" | ||
DavidW says, "unless it's just 'exorcise ld', which I haven't tried." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf9" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline motions: after you, David. | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exorcise ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is possessed. Would you like to perform an exorcism on her? Floyd | | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||
Floyd | You give it your best shot, chanting and carrying on. | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | "Master?" Lornedei is extremely pale but she seems well.
Floyd | The exorcism succeeded.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "ha" | |
DavidW asks, "oh. It's like that, is it?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "So, um, >exorcise ld" | ||
Jacqueline says, "hahaha that's pretty straight forward" | ||
DavidW says, "but now... maybe the nightmare is in a pillar somewhere else." | ||
DavidW says, "weird how I didn't think to try 'exorcise' directly like that. I was sure there was a ritual and paraphenalia to collect." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch north mirror" | ||
Floyd | "the frame feels warm."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach elder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei reaches into the figure on the cold stone floor but something
Floyd | is resisting her. Something suddenly gives. The air starts to shimmer
Floyd | above the pale bones and a figure rises from the pile. The transparent
Floyd | shape standing before her is a man. An old man dressed in a sky blue
Floyd | robe, his thin face with a thin white beard looks gaunt and tired
Floyd | beyond his apparent age. He is holding a long staff in one hand that
Floyd | partially supports his old frail and bent body.
Floyd | He is looking around the chamber. He lets his gaze touch the mirrors on
Floyd | the wall, rest a moment on the stone pile until he is looking straight
Floyd | at Lornedei.
Floyd | Assessing her, judging her.
Floyd | He is watching Lornedei appraisingly for a long while.
Floyd | Finally, he nods and looks pleased. He opens his mouth to speak but his
Floyd | remains are pulling him back.
Floyd | There is not much time. He lifts a hand towards the stone pile. He
Floyd | shakes his head violently. Then he moves his hand to indicate the west
Floyd | wall while producing a weak smile. He slowly sinks down towards his
Floyd | bones with a deep sigh of relief that is felt but never heard.
Floyd | Lornedei shivers as the spirit returns to its uneasy rest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "so 'no no' to the stone pile, 'yes' to the west mirror (sad face)." | |
Jacqueline says, "Yeah" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Which we would have gotten last time had he not been so preoccupied with her being possessed." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Interesting." | ||
DavidW says, "uh-huh" | ||
Jacqueline says, "I have to go to work at about 5:30a tomorrow, so I will need to turn in soon." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Just a warning." | ||
Jacqueline says, "I will be okay with reading the final bits in transcript, if need be. I feel like we're close, but maybe we're not." | ||
DavidW says, "yeah, I can't be up all night either. I have to be in Cambridge at 9am." | ||
DavidW says, "Perhaps we should save here and continue another night." | ||
Jacqueline says, "I don't think I have plans tomorrow after work. I'll log on and see if you're here when I get home." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Sound good?" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "save" | DavidW says, "sure" | |
DavidW says, "I can go take a shower and shave before it gets much later." | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf-csbb" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Okay, hopefully see you tomorrow, and if not we'll connect by mudmail to schedule." | |
Jacqueline says, "G'night." | ||
DavidW says, "g'night. thanks" | ||
*** SESSION TWO *** | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load csbb" | ||
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to restore a saved game? Floyd | | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "y" | ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf-csbb" | ||
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW rubs hands. | |
Jacqueline says, "Prooooceed, sir." | ||
DavidW says, "well, I don't know where the third plaque is; my best guess is with the underwater bones, but we ought to at least experiment with the plaques we have." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Mirrors)
Floyd | This chamber is over ten paces across and perfectly square. A large
Floyd | oval mirror dominates each wall. Four mirrors. North, west, south and
Floyd | east.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei came in from the northwest. An old burned out torch sits askew
Floyd | on the south wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The stone pile still takes up too much room and the dead somebody is
Floyd | still very much dead.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I'm not 100% sure we need *all* of them." | |
DavidW says, "well, it was clearly indicated that we want the west one, but I have doubts either of our plaques work with it. I suppose we ought to try anyway." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put gray plaque in west indentation." | ||
Floyd | Lornedei puts the small gray plaque in the round hole on the frame, but
Floyd | it keeps falling back out.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "right. The west indentation is cracked and won't keep a plaque." | |
DavidW says, "Either we fix the indentation or get a sticky something." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Hm. Well, keep going with what we have. Not sure we've seen anything sticky." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fix west indentation" | ||
Floyd | She cannot heal things that are not alive.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x east indentation" | ||
Floyd | Reluctantly, Lornedei examines the frame. The heavy frame around the
Floyd | east mirror has a deep, almost black surface. Delicate, spidery
Floyd | carvings cover every surface. The intricate pattern of geometrical
Floyd | shapes underlies other shapes. These seem to avoid observation.
Floyd | Sometimes a shapeless blob turns into a perfectly logical entity for a
Floyd | split second. Although the logic eludes the mind to be just a blob
Floyd | again, the feeling of an unreachable, untouchable wisdom remains.
Floyd | Lornedei blinks and looks away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x black plaque" | ||
Floyd | It's a totally black round plaque. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's palm. The smooth stone is of a kind that Lornedei has never
Floyd | seen. A strange picture is carved on one side. It looks like a flying
Floyd | insect of some sort, with a giant tree in the background.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "both black but otherwise not an obvious match." | |
Jacqueline says, "Yeah." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put black plaque in east indentation" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei puts the small black plaque in the round hole on the frame. It
Floyd | goes into place with a click.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x east mirror" | ||
Floyd | The glass, underneath a layer of dust, has no reflection whatsoever.
Floyd | Lornedei glances at the frame but she just shakes her head in
Floyd | puzzlement. She looks away from the strange sight.
Floyd | A small black plaque is placed on the frame.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch it" | ||
Floyd | "the frame feels warm."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "hm" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch east mirror" | ||
Floyd | "the frame feels warm."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter east mirror" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei examines the mirror, looks behind it, and taps the dark glass
Floyd | where nothing is reflected but darkness. Finally, she shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take black plaque" | ||
Floyd | "Ouch, I broke a nail! the plaque is stuck. At least I do not know how
Floyd | to get it out again. Maybe it is the way it is supposed to be."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Try it in a different one." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push black plaque" | ||
Floyd | Nothing happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x south indentation" | ||
Floyd | The wide frame around the south mirror has a shallow indentation where
Floyd | a plaque might fit.
Floyd |
Floyd | The frame itself is totally featureless. It has a deep gray polish that
Floyd | almost, but not quite, looks like the glass itself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Yesterday I had to undo to get it back out." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x gray plaque" | ||
Floyd | It is a small round plaque in a material unknown to Lornedei. The
Floyd | surface is smooth and with a deep polish. It is small enough to fit in
Floyd | Lornedei's hand. The surface shows nothing, not even the distorted
Floyd | image of Lornedei herself that one might expect. What shows in the
Floyd | plaque is like a reflection of a stormy sky in a puddle of murky water,
Floyd | just before the rain starts hammering.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "well, lemme play a bit before trying that." | |
Jacqueline says, "Sure." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put gray plaque in south indentation" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei puts the small gray plaque in the round hole on the frame. It
Floyd | goes into place with a click.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x gray mirror" | ||
Floyd | On the south wall hangs a big oval mirror. The glass is dark and cold.
Floyd | The gray plaque is placed in the indentation in the frame.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x south mirror" | ||
Floyd | On the south wall hangs a big oval mirror. The glass is dark and cold.
Floyd | The gray plaque is placed in the indentation in the frame.
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in it" | ||
Floyd | The mirror is dark and cold. There is no reflection. If this is a
Floyd | portal, it must be opened somehow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch it" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei puts a hand on the dark glass and shivers. She pulls it back
Floyd | again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "So the south one is cold?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter south mirror" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei examines the mirror, looks behind it and taps the dark glass
Floyd | where nothing is reflected but darkness. Finally she shakes her head.
Floyd | The portal needs to be activated first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Wel, I wouldn't say that." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach south mirror" | ||
Floyd | The matted surface of the glass suddenly flares up in a cascade of
Floyd | crimson sparks. A shower of hot air and red light throws Lornedei back.
Floyd | It throws her on the floor, and she desperately claps at her shirt to
Floyd | kill the tiny flames. She drags herself back across the dusty floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The moment passes, the sparks fade and die. Lornedei gets up on her
Floyd | feet, staring at a wavy, unsettling darkness. There is nothing at all
Floyd | beyond the polished frame.
Floyd |
Floyd | The portal to the Eternal Void is open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Oh, wait, no, it is." | |
Jacqueline says, "For a second I was just thinking of the shivers, which could also mean fright, but yes, it's cold." | ||
DavidW says, "hm. 'Eternal Void' doesn't sound like a place we want to visit. (Or that anyone would. Except to get rid of trash.)" | ||
DavidW says, "still, we should peek, in case someone threw out a perfectly nice plaque." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Or to find fun new endings." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd | It reaches for her. The void, the darkness. It grabs her. She recoils
Floyd | and tries to back away. Tentacles of greasy smoke around and inside her
Floyd | pull her towards the void.
Floyd |
Floyd | Curiously silent while she is tearing at the darkness surrounding her,
Floyd | it drags her relentlessly through the open portal. She gets a hand
Floyd | around the frame of the mirror as it pulls her through. Just one
Floyd | uselessly grasping and clawing hand. The rest of her is beyond this
Floyd | world, and that other world tears her apart.
Floyd |
Floyd | An impossible wind rips her hair, clothes, skin and flesh from her
Floyd | bones. The dark eternity sucks her in.
Floyd |
Floyd | Left in the hall of mirrors is Lornedei's right hand and scattered
Floyd | hope.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | *** The sacrifice is hers, not yours. ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Your final holiness is 70 out of a possible holiness of 105, in 407
Floyd | moves.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can choose to: RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last godly
Floyd | command or abandon this world with QUIT!
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "For definitions of fun that equal perhaps not pleasant." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Portals)
Floyd | Let it be so!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "gee. more dismembered body parts." | |
Jacqueline says, "Let it be so! it says, so cheerfully." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach east mirror" | ||
Floyd | The darkness in the mirror changes into a swirling mist. The portal to
Floyd | the Hall of Severance is open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic drops by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "huh. This lets us return back. That's useful." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei steps through the mirror.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the Black Oak)
Floyd | Clusters of black leaves surround Lornedei. They hang from the upper
Floyd | branches, creating a shield that totally obscures the sky above. She
Floyd | can look down, as all the clusters are above and around her, but up is
Floyd | nothing but shimmering black. The branch reaches out over the clearing
Floyd | and the end of it seems to disappear in a big cloud of smoke. She can
Floyd | climb down to the ground or follow the branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei climbs down.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The great roots under the giant oak have slid aside revealing a
Floyd | passage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sleepwalker is here, spinning slowly.
Floyd | Black smoke seeps out of the darkness between the trees. The smoke
Floyd | gathers itself until a dark pillar of smoke is formed. In erratic,
Floyd | twitching moves, it comes closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | It stops next to the staring Lornedei. It starts to turn slowly,
Floyd | releasing veils of broken smoke from its ragged surface. They dissolve
Floyd | in the air and new ones form to take their place.
Floyd | "The maker of horrors at night. The roaming nightmare. I thought they
Floyd | were stories."
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She seems to be listening.
Floyd | And there truly is a sound, distant, from the forest. It sounds like
Floyd | something that does not want to be heard. Careful, tentative.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "ah. both minions of Rac-whoever are here now." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x nightmare" | ||
Floyd | A ragged pillar of smoke shifting in black and purple. It is floating
Floyd | just above ground level. It spins around its own axis like a slow
Floyd | motion whirlwind.
Floyd | There is an angry buzzing from nearby. Lornedei looks around,
Floyd | mystified.
Floyd | "Pft, which is it, oh smelly it is. Stubborn, umpf, thing." Suddenly,
Floyd | the firefly comes out of the opening to the stone house, dragging a
Floyd | piece of straw. One end of it touches the ground while the other end,
Floyd | with the firefly in unsteady flight through the air, is at level with
Floyd | Lornedei's knees. "Hiya!" With a terrible boost of tiny wings, the fly
Floyd | gets the straw totally off the ground and stays hovering at eye level.
Floyd | "Oh dear, you are back." The fly and the straw, despite intense
Floyd | buzzing, starts to sink. Quickly, Lornedei grabs the straw and stops it
Floyd | from falling.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Phew! Thankee Girl. Let me rest. Was waiting for you." Lornedei sticks
Floyd | the end of the straw in her hair so that the other end sticks out in
Floyd | front of her face. After a moment, the fly starts pacing the piece of
Floyd | straw.
Floyd | "You were in the smoke were you not? I feared you being lost Girl. Oh,
Floyd | dear. I must tell a story now. About a little boy." Lornedei sits down
Floyd | on the ground to listen.
Floyd |
Floyd | "He is an ugly one, if you can say so about a spirit. He was not always
Floyd | so. He was a boy once, born in a village not far from yours. That was a
Floyd | long time ago you see. An odd child he was, yes he was. He sat by the
Floyd | pond for much time, lost in the sight of his own face in the water,
Floyd | catching..." the fly stops pacing for a moment and seems to shudder. "I
Floyd | heard from rumor I did don't you know, He caught fireflies and he... He
Floyd | pulled...Oh, dear, I will not speak of that. He was wicked! Then his
Floyd | parents died. He was alone and he took care of himself. How, no one
Floyd | could tell, as he was still only a little boy.
Floyd |
Floyd | Then the magician came. The villagers were relieved to see the boy go
Floyd | with him, and no one knows where they went. For many years the boy was
Floyd | gone, yes he was. When he came back, a young man with riches and fancy
Floyd | ways, he moved in to the old home of his family, and said he had gotten
Floyd | rich from trade in the far lands and wished to set up business in his
Floyd | home village." The firefly makes an angry buzzing and starts pacing the
Floyd | straw again.
Floyd |
Floyd | "I must make this story of less length I believe. He did not make trade
Floyd | honestly, tricks he had, power he had gained and fooled the villagers
Floyd | he did, and rose to a man of importance despite him being still young.
Floyd | Then his gaze fell on the merchant's daughter, and he wished her for
Floyd | himself. There was nothing but desire in his mind and when the girl's
Floyd | father refused him the still too young girl, a spell was cast. With
Floyd | magic he tried to force her to him, but something went wrong, very
Floyd | wrong."
Floyd |
Floyd | "The spell he cast was powerful. The girl ran from her father in
Floyd | desperation one night, threw herself on a horse and rode for her love.
Floyd | She was in a hurry and fell. The girl was several years younger than
Floyd | you Girl, and the Elder's knew something was amiss. They traced the
Floyd | magic spell to Raccdaha.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Elder's council banished him from the village and from his own body
Floyd | in the ancient sentence of severance. Death but no rest. A very cruel
Floyd | punishment and Raccdaha was in fact the last one they kept in the House
Floyd | of Penance. He became one of the forgotten ones, chased into the vast
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | He did not remain forgotten though. He remembered his name as some of
Floyd | them might if they are strong enough. He grew strong. The hatred he
Floyd | felt poisoned big parts of the old forest and gave some kind of life to
Floyd | the other forgotten souls that dwelled there.
Floyd |
Floyd | He fed the spirits with lies and promises of life. When they finally
Floyd | felt the same rage as him, he fed on their collective hatred and he
Floyd | could possess a poor wanderer's body for a while. Before his temporary
Floyd | body was used up, he joined the light bearers without them knowing.
Floyd | Their numbers started to decrease until there was very few left. He
Floyd | spread lies. The people grew afraid of magic, and the remaining light
Floyd | bearers had only one place to go. From their castle in the field of
Floyd | Unification, they tried to maintain the three great oaks for many
Floyd | years, but the day came when they had to flee even that haven. Me,
Floyd | cannot tell where they fled, or how. Perhaps if you go there, the place
Floyd | is now the field of despair, you could find knowledge. Me, yes me I
Floyd | don't know the rest of this story, only that Raccdaha came to rest
Floyd | somewhere, not able to move on, not able to live. I believe that he may
Floyd | be guarding the entrance to somewhere where he cannot go, waiting."
Floyd |
Floyd | The firefly is quiet for a long moment. Then it walks over to the end
Floyd | of the straw and with a powerful buzzing, the straw is dislodged from
Floyd | Lornedei's hair. The fly pipes up again. "I will be off. Good luck
Floyd | Girl, he may be strong but remember that he is only a big foolish and
Floyd | vain child." The fly and the straw disappear with a flash, leaving a
Floyd | scent of burnt straw in the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "That is quite a bit of text." | |
DavidW says, "well, we know where Raccdaha is: that pile of stone and steel in the Hall of Mirrors." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yes. Yes, I located him. I remember that quite vividly." | ||
DavidW says, "I suppose the ideal thing is to trick R into entering the Eternal Void, thinking it's the other mirror." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Ooh. That is a clever thought. Any ideas as to how?" | ||
DavidW says, "Move the torch, maybe." | ||
DavidW says, "Or toss a desired object into the void and hope R chases after it, unthinkingly." | ||
DavidW says, "hm. We also need to grow the golden oak anew, in golden mist, and we haven't seen any golden mist yet." | ||
Jacqueline says, "I'm thinking one of the portals may take us there." | ||
Jacqueline says, "This is pretty much the final gateway, I think." | ||
DavidW says, "hm, yes, possibly." | ||
DavidW says, "I want to explore the bone area. We have a bone given us by Deini that might make a difference there now." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bone" | ||
Floyd | As far as Lornedei can gather, it's a bone from a dear's leg. It has
Floyd | plenty of bite marks on it so this might have been one of Deini's
Floyd | unfortunate preys.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter well" | ||
Floyd | "No Master, I will not go down there."
Floyd | The roots under the big oak stir restlessly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | Hesitantly she takes a few steps forward, but she has no idea in what
Floyd | directions the paths lead. Uncertain, she looks up at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter roots" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei drops down into the opening between the roots of the black
Floyd | oak. She tumbles down into cool dark water.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Among the Restless Roots)
Floyd | The space she is in is not more then twice Lornedei's length in any
Floyd | direction. The tangle of roots makes the space seem smaller yet. The
Floyd | pale mass of roots stirs restlessly. Below her, the inky water of the
Floyd | river flows past.
Floyd |
Floyd | The roots on the south wall have slid apart enough to reveal a narrow
Floyd | passage through rock and soil.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Where Bubbles Rise)
Floyd | There is air above in this larger cave and just a hint of light
Floyd | somewhere ahead.
Floyd | The cave curves gently to the left and continues northwest towards the
Floyd | light while south takes her back to the Junction.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stream of bubbles rises from the pitch-black bottom, meets the girl
Floyd | on its way up, and then explode in a glittering cascade of air around
Floyd | her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow bubbles" | ||
Floyd | She kicks her feet until her speed is the same as the rising bubbles.
Floyd | In the company of the glittering bubbles she reaches the surface.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Among the Restless Roots)
Floyd | The space she is in is not more then twice Lornedei's length in any
Floyd | direction. The tangle of roots makes the space seem smaller yet. The
Floyd | pale mass of roots stirs restlessly. Below her, the inky water of the
Floyd | river flows past.
Floyd |
Floyd | The roots on the south wall have slid apart enough to reveal a narrow
Floyd | passage through rock and soil.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Among the Restless Roots)
Floyd | The space she is in is not more then twice Lornedei's length in any
Floyd | direction. The tangle of roots makes the space seem smaller yet. The
Floyd | pale mass of roots stirs restlessly. Below her, the inky water of the
Floyd | river flows past.
Floyd |
Floyd | The roots on the south wall have slid apart enough to reveal a narrow
Floyd | passage through rock and soil.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. wrong way" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Where Bubbles Rise)
Floyd | There is air above in this larger cave and just a hint of light
Floyd | somewhere ahead.
Floyd | The cave curves gently to the left and continues northwest towards the
Floyd | light while south takes her back to the Junction.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stream of bubbles rises from the pitch-black bottom, meets the girl
Floyd | on its way up, and then explode in a glittering cascade of air around
Floyd | her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | That is not the way. She can go south, northwest, southwest or up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Choosing the Path)
Floyd | The main flow seems to continue north, while two smaller tunnels lead
Floyd | northwest and west. East takes her back near the opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (In the Restless Waters)
Floyd | A strong current grabs her. She is flipped around, thrown like a
Floyd | puppy's toy. The water tries to drag her down to the bottom. She is
Floyd | immediately confused and swims towards the surface. Hard rock meets her
Floyd | outstretched hand in each direction. There is nothing but stone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be no other way but down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (In the Gathering of Dead)
Floyd | The water is colder. The pressure in her ears is starting to get
Floyd | painful but now she can see it. The bottom is littered with bones,
Floyd | skulls and rib cages of all sizes that lie in droves on the sand. Pale
Floyd | bony hands wave at her in the unexplainable current. Grinning skulls
Floyd | mock her and whisper.
Floyd | "Come! Rest here with us!"
Floyd | There is a subtle movement near one wall. The bones twitch and move
Floyd | slightly as if pulled by a current.
Floyd | Her lungs are starting to ache. She will have to go to the surface
Floyd | soon!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search bones" | ||
Floyd | (the bones)
Floyd | Lornedei looks terrified, but she moves closer to the layer of bones
Floyd | covering the bottom.
Floyd | Suddenly, Lornedei is grabbed by a current stronger than she can
Floyd | handle.
Floyd |
Floyd | She is dragged and pulled through the water, through a narrow opening
Floyd | in the cliff, up through a narrow well, and through wet cold darkness.
Floyd | She breaks the surface, spitting water, choking in her greedy quest for
Floyd | air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside an Old Stone Well (In Gurgling Water)
Floyd | The dark water swirls and gurgles in this small well. The crumbling
Floyd | edge of the stone cylinder is perhaps an arms length higher than the
Floyd | surface.
Floyd | Dim rays of light find their way down to the dark water, but help
Floyd | little to chase away the shadows.
Floyd |
Floyd | [Your holiness has just gone up by five.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm, no, that's the same as before." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | She can go up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd | She grabs the slippery stones and climbs out of the old well, wet and
Floyd | exhausted. She sits down on the ground, leaning against the cold
Floyd | stones.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The great roots under the giant oak have slid aside revealing a
Floyd | passage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The nightmare is here, spinning slowly. The frayed edges are constantly
Floyd | releasing veils of broken smoke that dissolves in the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sleepwalker is here, spinning slowly.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd | The deformed bushes rustle and seem to reach for her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. We haven't used the thorny nut yet, either." | |
Jacqueline says, "No, I was just thinking the same thing." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Everywhere we've tried to plant the acorn she says the soil is unsuitable. Wonder if it's the same with the nut - have we tried planting it anywhere?" | ||
DavidW says, "I don't think we have." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig hole" | ||
Floyd | The ground is too hard to dig in this place.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd | The beetle squirms its way out of Lornedei's grasp and drops to the
Floyd | ground. It runs off, climbs up on the stone well, climbs back down,
Floyd | crawls through the bushes and seems to inspect the stone house, to
Floyd | finally stop at one of the paths.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the Black Oak)
Floyd | Clusters of black leaves surround Lornedei. They hang from the upper
Floyd | branches, creating a shield that totally obscures the sky above. She
Floyd | can look down, as all the clusters are above and around her, but up is
Floyd | nothing but shimmering black. The branch reaches out over the clearing
Floyd | and the end of it seems to disappear in a big cloud of smoke. She can
Floyd | climb down to the ground or follow the branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits" | ||
Floyd | She can go down to the ground or try the branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "the portal that brought us here isn't here on this side." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | If she moves around too much she will fall and break her neck. She can
Floyd | go down to the ground or try to follow the branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "follow branch" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei follows the branch. She steps through the smoke and enters the
Floyd | Hall of Mirrors.
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Portals)
Floyd | This square chamber is dominated by four portals. Each has a small
Floyd | impression to place one of the plaques. Lornedei came in from the
Floyd | northwest. If all portals are open, she can also go south, east, west
Floyd | or north.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the portal to the void is a small gray plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the portal to the Hall of Severance is a small black plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | The stone pile still takes up too much room and the dead somebody is
Floyd | still very much dead.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh. ok." | |
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, there you go." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put stone pile in void" | ||
Floyd | She needs to be holding the pile of steel and stone before she can put
Floyd | it into something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take stone pile" | ||
Floyd | that is way too heavy to move around.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "When we wake him, we don't -- wait, do we get a single turn?" | |
Jacqueline asks, "Or no turn?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "I can't recall." | ||
DavidW says, "I think we get one turn to do something." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig hole" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei needs to know which one, the south frame, the north frame, the
Floyd | east frame or the west frame?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach north frame" | ||
Floyd | "Something is not right. Something is missing."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach west frame" | ||
Floyd | "I cannot reach into this one Master. I am not sure what is stopping
Floyd | me. Perhaps it needs to be whole."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x staff" | ||
Floyd | It's a heavy staff in what appears to be oak. It reaches Lornedei to
Floyd | the shoulder, is thicker in one end and irregular in shape, with the
Floyd | natural shape preserved. It is polished and given a patina with many
Floyd | years use.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach staff" | ||
Floyd | "No need for that Master. I have heard about things like this. I
Floyd | believe that this staff once had much power but it is now useless. A
Floyd | staff like this focuses the owner's powers only and this ones owner is
Floyd | obviously quite dead."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. I was hoping, since it was oaken, to get a bit o' info from it." | |
DavidW says, "It's conceivable that we may need to employ sleepwalker or nightmare deliberately for some reason or other." | ||
Jacqueline says, "True. They definitely generate different reactions/states." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Maybe we should try waking him in all those states." | ||
DavidW says, "but, I suppose trying to plant the nut is the first easy thing to try," | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see an old torch here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd | The column of black smoke rushes towards the opening, jerks through it.
Floyd | It struggles to stay, twitching.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm? I don't remember nightmare being here before." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x opening" | ||
Floyd | The stone staircase spirals down into the dark. The steps are worn and
Floyd | cracked. A layer of sand and dust covers each step. No one has walked
Floyd | here for many years.
Floyd | The nightmare twitches, stirring up dust.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd | The hovering sleepwalker shows up at the edge of the forest. It picks
Floyd | up speed over the dry land, swirls up sand and dust and stays next to
Floyd | Lornedei.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I think they wander." | |
Jacqueline says, "I am not sure how or if it's random or what." | ||
DavidW says, "I don't know either." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig hole" | ||
Floyd | The ground is too hard to dig in this place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | A few paces away, the courtyard ends abruptly as the ground is replaced
Floyd | by the ravine. A vertical cliff of bare rock is all that is left. If
Floyd | there was a western wall there, it now lies at the bottom of the
Floyd | ravine, along with a big part of the castle. On the other side, the
Floyd | forbidden forest starts again. Lornedei quickly backs away from the
Floyd | edge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig hole" | ||
Floyd | The ground is too hard to dig in this place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd | The sleepwalker stirs up a cloud of dust and dirt as it follows
Floyd | Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd | The sleepwalker stirs up a cloud of dust and dirt as it follows
Floyd | Lornedei.
Floyd | "What should I do?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig hole" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig" | ||
Floyd | (the sleep walker)
Floyd | Lornedei digs a hole in the dry ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put nut in hole" | ||
Floyd | She needs to be holding the purple nut with thorns before she can put
Floyd | it into something else.
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take nut" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei carefully takes the nut, holding it with two fingers by one of
Floyd | the thorns. That way she won't get hurt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put nut in hole" | ||
Floyd | "No Master. I will not plant that thing. It is wrong."
Floyd | "Master?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW asks, "So nightmare!Lornedei might plant the nut instead?" | |
Jacqueline says, "Hm. Either that or REALLY tell us off." | ||
DavidW asks, "Shall I try it?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Sure. Scare us." | ||
Jacqueline exclaims, "!" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Field of Despair)
Floyd | Behind her is the forbidden forest. The tree line is sharp as if cut
Floyd | with a knife at creation, separating the blackened forest from the
Floyd | uniform gray ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horizon ahead is strangely blurred. If from dust, mist or simply
Floyd | the uncertainty of distance is hard to tell from here. In the east, the
Floyd | field slopes down towards something that she cannot see. On the far
Floyd | side of that, the forest continues. In the opposite direction, the
Floyd | dying sun has set the horizon in flames above the gray covering the
Floyd | forbidden forest on that side. On this side of the forest, the land is
Floyd | cut, cracked, dropping down into a ravine. In the northwest, there is
Floyd | an old ruin reflecting the colours of the sun. To the north and
Floyd | northeast, the field continues into the blurred horizon.
Floyd | The sleepwalker stirs up a cloud of dust and dirt as it follows
Floyd | Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (Overlooking the Ravine)
Floyd | Lornedei stands on an outcropping overlooking a deep ravine going as
Floyd | far north as she can see. The ledge seems to be the remains of a road,
Floyd | cut off by the creation of the break in the earth. On the other side of
Floyd | the ravine, there's a barely visible opening through the trees. There
Floyd | is no way over there though. A steady wind tears at her clothes and
Floyd | hair in sudden gusts that seem eager to throw her off balance.
Floyd |
Floyd | East, northeast and north are the ways off the ledge.
Floyd | The sleepwalker stirs up a cloud of dust and dirt as it follows
Floyd | Lornedei.
Floyd | Lornedei moves a strand of hair from her face and puts it behind her
Floyd | ear.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "ne" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd | The sleepwalker stirs up a cloud of dust and dirt as it follows
Floyd | Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The nightmare is here, spinning slowly. The frayed edges are constantly
Floyd | releasing veils of broken smoke that dissolves in the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd | The wolf tires of Lornedei and pretends to sleep for a bit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter nightmare" | ||
Floyd | "Master? Are you sure about this?"
Floyd | She looks terrified but she decides to trust your judgment. She walks
Floyd | into the spinning smoke.
Floyd | the nightmare stops spinning and Lornedei appears on the other side.
Floyd | She looks at you with gray eyes and an uncanny smile on her lips.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sleepwalker is here. It has stopped spinning.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the Petrified Tree)
Floyd | This is nothing but wasteland. Scattered remains of a once big tree
Floyd | cover the ground. It might have been a great oak at one point. A dry
Floyd | and hot wind tears at her while throwing sand in her eyes and mouth.
Floyd | Beyond rocks, sand and starved soil, there is nothing but a gray mist.
Floyd | In the distant west, beyond more wasteland, she can see a high stone
Floyd | wall. South, the broken land dips down in a bowl beyond which is the
Floyd | forbidden forest. Southwest would take her back to the edge of the
Floyd | forest where she first entered the field.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see a small hole in the hard ground (which is empty) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put nut in hole" | ||
Floyd | "Lornedei stares at the nut.
Floyd | "No! It is not ready. It needs something else. It needs blood to grow.
Floyd | That is what he said."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Blood." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cut me" | ||
Floyd | That makes very little sense. Perhaps you should think that one Floyd | through. Floyd | | Jacqueline says, "Also, she didn't actually go in." | |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "she went through." | |
Jacqueline asks, "She asked for confirmation and was given none. Was that what you meant to do?" | ||
DavidW says, "In long enough to get possessed again." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Oh, nevermind. I misread." | ||
Jacqueline says, "So, hm. Blood." | ||
DavidW says, "Well, if we killed Deini somehow..." | ||
Jacqueline says, "We've gotten shredded quite a few times, but it generally has been irrevocably." | ||
DavidW says, "But I really don't want that." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Oh, Deini." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, that ... yeah." | ||
DavidW says, "The spider and beetle don't have blood." | ||
DavidW says, "And I suppose the worms only have ichor, assuming we can kill them." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Hm, dunno. Let's try dissecting one." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take red worm" | ||
Floyd | If you insist.
Floyd | Lornedei is muttering to herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "kill it" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei mumbles.
Floyd | "With time. The end is coming and they will all die."
Floyd | Lornedei's shadow trembles and disappears. In an instant, it is back.
Floyd | She seems not to notice.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "stab it" | ||
Floyd | "What was that you said?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "bite the red worm" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei mumbles.
Floyd | "With time. The end is coming and they will all die."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "ew" | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei's magic is currently at 165.
Floyd | Lornedei is carrying:
Floyd | a shiny red worm
Floyd | a purple nut with thorns
Floyd | a wizard's staff
Floyd | a cracked skull
Floyd | A blue crystal hanging on a silver chain.
Floyd | a small leather pouch (which is open)
Floyd | a golden acorn
Floyd | a skinny yellow worm
Floyd | a bone
Floyd | a small dented silver plate
Floyd | a small water sack (which is closed)
Floyd | the water from the Elder's spring
Floyd | an old tarnished bronze urn
Floyd | a fat blue worm
Floyd | a leather rucksack (being worn)
Floyd | a handful of white berries
Floyd | a loaf of horrid bread
Floyd | a piece of cheese
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "I'm corrupting this poor girl." | |
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "stab red worm with nut" | ||
Floyd | "What was that you said?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "stab red worm with thorn" | ||
Floyd | "What was that you said?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x bone" | ||
Floyd | As far as Lornedei can gather, it's a bone from a dear's leg. It has
Floyd | plenty of bite marks on it so this might have been one of Deini's
Floyd | unfortunate preys.
Floyd | Lornedei's shadow tears one shadow-leg from Lornedei's real one, then
Floyd | the other. It fades as it rises. Once upright, it melts into Lornedei.
Floyd | She shivers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "'stab' isn't understood, I guess." | |
Jacqueline says, "Yeah." | ||
DavidW says, "It'd be interesting if the bone crew reacts differently to nightmare!L or not." | ||
McMartin says, "I have no idea what you are playing, but stabbing is a terrible way to dissect things" | ||
DavidW says (to McMartin), "well, we only want blood to nourish a thorny nut with." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "prick red worm" | ||
Floyd | "What was that you said?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cut red worm" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei will not cut any animals up today.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. that response seems definitive." | |
Jacqueline says, "I really think it's us." | ||
Jacqueline says, "But there's probably a state we have to be in." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cut ld" | ||
Floyd | That makes very little sense. Perhaps you should think that one
Floyd | through.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cut me" | ||
Floyd | That makes very little sense. Perhaps you should think that one
Floyd | through.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline asks, "What's she like in the other state again?" | |
Jacqueline says, "The green one, I think I mean." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "She's distractable and sleepwalky." | ||
Floyd | "What was that you said?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "She's distractable and sleepwalky." | |
DavidW says, "It may confer some sort of odd protection; I'm unsure." | ||
DavidW says, "I'd guess glamours and shiny gewgaws wouldn't affect her as much." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Or make her less stubborn." | ||
DavidW says, "Sometimes, sleepwalk!L is *more* stubborn, effectively, when she just won't follow certain orders." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Possibly, yeah. But maybe we can get her to stumble down a hill or something, despite her aversion to heights, if she's groggy." | ||
DavidW says, "oh. maybe." | ||
DavidW asks, "Should we try that now?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Sure. Perhaps she'll scrape a knee." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exorcise ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is possessed. Would you like to perform an exorcism on her? Floyd | | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||
Floyd | You give it your best shot, chanting and carrying on. | ||
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd | "Master?" Lornedei is extremely pale but she seems well.
Floyd | The exorcism succeeded.
Floyd | The sleepwalker stirs up a cloud of dust and dirt as it follows
Floyd | Lornedei.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter sleepwalker" | ||
Floyd | "Master?" She glances up at you, frowning, but she walks into the
Floyd | spinning mist.
Floyd | The sleepwalker stops spinning and Lornedei appears on the other side,
Floyd | apparently not sure where she is or why.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Wasteland (By the East Wall)
Floyd | The eastern wall of the ruined castle stands strong here. Fifty or so
Floyd | paces north, it fades into a wall of mist. East, south, southwest and
Floyd | southeast takes her to the rest of the field. West takes her past the
Floyd | east wall to the courtyard of the castle. Anything north of here is
Floyd | dwelled in gray mist.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The nightmare is here. It has stopped spinning but occasionally it
Floyd | twitches, releasing veils of broken smoke that dissolves in the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pet deini" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei moves to pet the wolf but halfway there, she seems to forget
Floyd | what she was about to do.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | A few paces away, the courtyard ends abruptly as the ground is replaced
Floyd | by the ravine. A vertical cliff of bare rock is all that is left. If
Floyd | there was a western wall there, it now lies at the bottom of the
Floyd | ravine, along with a big part of the castle. On the other side, the
Floyd | forbidden forest starts again. Lornedei quickly backs away from the
Floyd | edge.
Floyd | The wolf tires of Lornedei and pretends to sleep for a bit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She cannot go there, or she just does not wish to. She can go north,
Floyd | south, east or southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Courtyard
Floyd | Ahead of her is the southeastern corner of the castle. The corridor
Floyd | between the building and the outer wall leads northeast, but is blocked
Floyd | by a great pile of stone blocks and other debris. To the west, the
Floyd | courtyard ends at the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up, the facade disappears into a swirling ceiling of mist.
Floyd | Right at the corner of the castle, a narrow doorway leads north into
Floyd | darkness. She can look around, or walk around to learn more. South or
Floyd | southeast takes her away from the ruins. East brings her around to the
Floyd | east side of the east wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The nightmare is here. It has stopped spinning but occasionally it
Floyd | twitches, releasing veils of broken smoke that dissolves in the air.
Floyd |
Floyd | Deini is here.
Floyd | Deini gets in front of Lornedei but the girl just gives her a
Floyd | distracted pat on the head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In a Stone Corridor)
Floyd | A staircase leads down in darkness and south takes her out to the
Floyd | courtyard. The corridor seems to lead only to the dim light to the
Floyd | north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei walks towards the dim light. The corridor ends, the floor
Floyd | drops away, and beyond is the mist. The edge of the cliff itself has
Floyd | dropped off, taking the entire inner castle down with it. The entire
Floyd | northwest corner of the big ledge has slid down to the bottom of the
Floyd | ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei takes a quick look down the ravine, through veils of mist, but
Floyd | the floor suddenly feels very unsteady under her feet. She returns to
Floyd | the opening to the staircase.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see an old torch here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei steps closer to the huge hole in the wall. One glimpse down is
Floyd | enough. She steps back on unsteady legs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "oh well." | |
DavidW says, "The mists seem to stop spinning quite as much when L isn't her normal self." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "h ld" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is sleepwalking. She is having trouble following orders as
Floyd | well as using her magic. She can only perform the simplest things at
Floyd | the moment. Her ignorance can be a protection from evil. It can also be
Floyd | abused.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Well, perhaps not the ravine, but somewhere." | |
Jacqueline asks, "Anywhere else dangerous we can think of?" | ||
DavidW says, "underwater. Hall of Mirrors with R." | ||
DavidW says, "The void." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Well, not underwater, because that's drowning, and we would like some blood." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Some place where we might get sliced or shredded but not killed." | ||
Jacqueline says, "I may be barking up the wrong tree, of course." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Just thinking." | ||
DavidW asks, "If we 'reach' a mirror that's already an open portal, does the portal close, cycle to another location, or does nothing new happen?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Hm, that's an interesting idea." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Maybe we can reach the void?" | ||
DavidW says, "also, we might try to reach the elder while in sleepwalk mode." | ||
DavidW says, "hold on, gotta close a window against new rain." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Oh, yeah, we've seen the elder twice, but not in this state." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei takes a quick glance down the ravine. She shakes her head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber)
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see an old torch here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Portals)
Floyd | This square chamber is dominated by four portals. Each has a small
Floyd | impression to place one of the plaques. Lornedei came in from the
Floyd | northwest. If all portals are open, she can also go south, east, west
Floyd | or north.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the portal to the void is a small gray plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the portal to the Hall of Severance is a small black plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | The stone pile still takes up too much room and the dead somebody is
Floyd | still very much dead.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach elder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei gives the pile of bones a sad look.
Floyd | "Is he dead?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||
Floyd | There is no need to answer her. Better to keep your peace.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach elder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei gives the pile of bones a sad look.
Floyd | "Is he dead?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "hm. We were warned her magic isn't at it's best in this state." | |
Jacqueline says, "Oh, maybe she can't really -- yeah." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search elder" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei is less than interested in digging around in old dead peoples
Floyd | remains.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "rest" | ||
Floyd | "Huh?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "I would like to buy Ms. Brennan a lifetime supply of apostrophes and commas." | |
DavidW says, "heh" | ||
Jacqueline says, "Otherwise, she rox my sox." | ||
Jacqueline says, "What a creative, imaginative author." | ||
DavidW says, "Personally, creativity trumps letter-perfect text, in my books." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Yes." | ||
Jacqueline says, "So, hm." | ||
DavidW says, "Perhaps we can plant the acorn in the billowing field where we met Deini? It might have healthy soil." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Can we get back now? I suppose with the portals we can. My mental map of the geography (having not mapped and having been in and out of the game) is not great." | ||
DavidW says, "We should be able to get back now. The mirror portal lets us return from the wasteland/ruins to the Hall of Severence, and that trick with the yellow worm moving the black oak's roots lets us backtrack the rest of the way." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wake ld" | ||
Floyd | You decide to break the rules just slightly. You give her a tiny nudge.
Floyd | A mental slap if you will. Her head snaps up and she is staring at you,
Floyd | shocked.
Floyd |
Floyd | Her eyes are bright and aware. She smiles.
Floyd | "I was not quite here Master. I am sorry. I am awake now."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Oh, huh. There is a v4 of this game, released this year. That is not what we're playing." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Guard Chamber) | Jacqueline says, "Oh well." | |
Floyd | The spiral staircase ends in the middle of a square chamber. The west
Floyd | wall has fallen out into the ravine, letting in the glowing sunset. The
Floyd | walls that are still standing and the marble floor have cracked in
Floyd | several places. Rocks, a thick layer of dust, and all sorts of debris
Floyd | cover the floor. The only thing still intact is a stone statue standing
Floyd | in the southeast corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The spiral staircase leads up and the west wall is open to the ravine.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can see an old torch here.
Floyd | The sleepwalker hovers past.
Floyd | The whirlwind of black smoke twitches past the opening in the wall.
Floyd | Then it turns back, rushes, and enters the guard chamber. It twitches,
Floyd | hovering over the rubble, casting out broken smoke that escapes through
Floyd | the opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Castle Ruins (In the Hall of Portals)
Floyd | This square chamber is dominated by four portals. Each has a small
Floyd | impression to place one of the plaques. Lornedei came in from the
Floyd | northwest. If all portals are open, she can also go south, east, west
Floyd | or north.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the portal to the void is a small gray plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the portal to the Hall of Severance is a small black plaque.
Floyd |
Floyd | The stone pile still takes up too much room and the dead somebody is
Floyd | still very much dead.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei steps through the mirror.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance (In the Black Oak)
Floyd | Clusters of black leaves surround Lornedei. They hang from the upper
Floyd | branches, creating a shield that totally obscures the sky above. She
Floyd | can look down, as all the clusters are above and around her, but up is
Floyd | nothing but shimmering black. The branch reaches out over the clearing
Floyd | and the end of it seems to disappear in a big cloud of smoke. She can
Floyd | climb down to the ground or follow the branch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei climbs down.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall of Severance
Floyd | The clearing is almost perfectly round and thirty or so paces across.
Floyd | It is surrounded by the forbidden forest on all sides.
Floyd | A giant black oak stands in solitude in the middle of the clearing.
Floyd | Many of its roots stick out of the ground like snakes arching to
Floyd | suffocate their prey. Steps are cut in the oak to provide an easy way
Floyd | up.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stone altar stands in the shadow of the big oak. Dry grass and shrubs
Floyd | are still rooted in the dead soil, and more of the deformed bushes grow
Floyd | in a loose circle around the oak and the altar.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old stone well gurgles softly not far from a crumbling stone house.
Floyd | On the other side of the clearing, three paths lead into the forbidden
Floyd | forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The great roots under the giant oak have slid aside revealing a
Floyd | passage.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can also see a large black beetle (Airing out its shell at the
Floyd | moment.) here.
Floyd | The sleepwalker comes charging out of the forest in a hurry. It stops
Floyd | next to Lornedei, disposing of sand, leaves and sticks, dead grass and
Floyd | not just a little dry soil.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei drops down into the opening between the roots of the black
Floyd | oak. She tumbles down into cool dark water.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Among the Restless Roots)
Floyd | The space she is in is not more then twice Lornedei's length in any
Floyd | direction. The tangle of roots makes the space seem smaller yet. The
Floyd | pale mass of roots stirs restlessly. Below her, the inky water of the
Floyd | river flows past.
Floyd |
Floyd | The roots on the south wall have slid apart enough to reveal a narrow
Floyd | passage through rock and soil.
Floyd | SPLASH!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd | She dives down.
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Where Bubbles Rise)
Floyd | There is air above in this larger cave and just a hint of light
Floyd | somewhere ahead.
Floyd | The cave curves gently to the left and continues northwest towards the
Floyd | light while south takes her back to the Junction.
Floyd |
Floyd | A stream of bubbles rises from the pitch-black bottom, meets the girl
Floyd | on its way up, and then explode in a glittering cascade of air around
Floyd | her.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Choosing the Path)
Floyd | The main flow seems to continue north, while two smaller tunnels lead
Floyd | northwest and west. East takes her back near the opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Also, the actual game ... might have music? There's an MP3 on her site in an entry about a new release of the game." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Caves (Entering the Caves)
Floyd | Darkness is chased away by only a few illusive reflections in the
Floyd | stone, thanks to the little light leaking in from the opening. The
Floyd | tunnel continues west into total darkness and Southeast takes her out
Floyd | of the cave.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "huh." | |
DavidW asks, "music, eh?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "se" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | River Bottom (At the Cave Entrance)
Floyd | The bottom is littered with rocks. There are piles of them of varying
Floyd | sizes, washed clean by the constant flow of water. Around the sides of
Floyd | the opening into the cave, a few colonies of a slimy and sickly green
Floyd | plant have managed to make a home. They sway back and forth in the
Floyd | current while clinging desperately to the rocks. The opening leads
Floyd | northwest into a cave and south takes her back around the river bend.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline | StudioChaotic-CrystalAndStone2013.mp3 | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Cliff)
Floyd | The river makes a slight turn, hiding the road from view. A vertical
Floyd | cliff stops her from going any further north in this tunnel of water,
Floyd | trees, and shadows. Above her head is a frayed ribbon of blue sky and
Floyd | at the top of the cliff, the two forests meet. Below and around her
Floyd | there is that play of light and dark, maybe just a little bit darker.
Floyd | South takes her back around the bend. Looking down she can see an
Floyd | opening in the cliff.
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops from the forbidden forest into the water right
Floyd | in front of Lornedei. It bobs up and down a couple of times before it
Floyd | floats away downstream.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (Between the Forests)
Floyd | The forbidden forest is to the west and the old forest to the east. The
Floyd | river flows back south and down takes her to the bottom of the river.
Floyd | To the north the river disappears out of sight around a bend, and there
Floyd | is a slight opening in the trees to the east.
Floyd | A dry black leaf drops down on Lornedei's shoulder. With a grimace, she
Floyd | flicks it with a finger to get rid of it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | In the River (By the Road)
Floyd | The river runs from north to south. Ahead of her, the glittering water
Floyd | becomes shaded by the two forests. The forbidden forest on the left and
Floyd | the still green old forest on the right. The river disappears out of
Floyd | sight perhaps a hundred paces into the tunnel of trees, water, and
Floyd | shadows. The dusty road is east, where she can get out of the water.
Floyd | She can also dive down to the bottom of the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Listening to it now. It's interesting." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei drags herself up on the east riverbank. She stops a moment to
Floyd | rest before stepping up on the dusty road.
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (End of Village Road)
Floyd | This old road, coming from the village, runs north to the edge of the
Floyd | forest. Alongside it to the west is the rushing water of the river
Floyd | Aarkland. The river flows through the forest and divides it in two: To
Floyd | the east is the old forest, and to the west is the forbidden forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Few people use the road these days, and it is all but overtaken by
Floyd | grass and brush. A seemingly endless field stretches out to the east.
Floyd | Between the swaying grass and the road, a few deformed bushes prepare
Floyd | to invade what remains of the road. A short distance to the southeast
Floyd | is a pile of stones. The stones are barely visible above the grass.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Aarkland river flows past as always.
Floyd |
Floyd | The deformed bushes seem to reach for Lornedei as she walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline | [LINK] | |
Jacqueline says, "Interesting and free." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (Billowing Field)
Floyd | The grass grows waist high. Touched by sun, wind, and rain, it
Floyd | patiently waits for the farmers that will not come. The edge of the old
Floyd | forest lies close by to the north. To the south, a big pile of stones
Floyd | rises above the grass. The road is back west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig" | ||
Floyd | What do you want Lornedei to dig?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "hole" | ||
Floyd | She can't find anything like that. Are you sure it's here?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dig ground" | ||
Floyd | (the ground)
Floyd | The ground is too hard to dig in this place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd |
Floyd | Aarkland (On the Unholy Stones)
Floyd | The collection of stones is over ten paces from edge to edge. The top
Floyd | has been flattened to create a platform and that is where Lornedei
Floyd | stands. No new stones have been added in several hundred years. Despite
Floyd | the lack of activity, nothing grows near the stones.
Floyd |
Floyd | There are powers here that make it easier for her to use her magic. You
Floyd | can make her see what hides around her. She will see the world as it
Floyd | is, what hides beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | She can go north to the field or northwest back to the dusty road.
Floyd | Lornedei is waiting for your command.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search stones" | ||
Floyd | There is nothing on the unholy stones.
Floyd | Lornedei glances up at you, uncertain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach stones" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei reaches down in the ground by her feet. She shuts her eyes and
Floyd | lets her mind touch the stones one by one. One lost name after another
Floyd | flies through her mind like a swarm of insane and vicious insects.
Floyd | Hundreds, thousands of names of men, women and children. Each one has a
Floyd | history, a life led in pain or ignorance, but they all share the same
Floyd | pain. The same longing, the same sorrow, the same terrible fate.
Floyd | Crying, she drops to her knees.
Floyd | "These people were all severed. Their names were stolen, ripped away
Floyd | from their souls. They did not all deserve this fate, I am sure. These
Floyd | names belong to the spirits Master, but they can never be whole again.
Floyd | Never!" Lornedei takes a deep breath and gets back up on her feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lornedei shakes her foot to get rid of a painful stone from her sandal.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "Music update: was really digging it, then it took an interesting turn that I am not sure of, and which has prompted maga to comment from the next room about how it sounds like it's videogame music from a platformer from the nineties." | |
DavidW says, "I guess I shouldn't have bothered trying to make a hole in the field. We know it has to be in golden mist." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Well, but I thought you were trying for the thorny nut." | ||
DavidW says, "I think the thorny nut can be planted in the wasteland if 1) we're in nightmare mode, 2) we have blood." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "reach urn" | ||
Floyd | There seems to be nothing beyond what the eye can see.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Jacqueline says, "So, at some point, if you want, I could skim the walkthrough offline and give you a hint on things you want." | |
DavidW says, "I can summon the firefly with 'hint' if I must." | ||
Jacqueline says, "Oh, true." | ||
Jacqueline asks, "Have you tried that much?" | ||
Jacqueline says, "I thought you guys did and he was not helpful." | ||
Jacqueline says, "(While I was away yesterday.)" | ||
DavidW says, "We (smartgenes and I) did try the firefly, and yeah, not too helpful." | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wave bone" | ||
Floyd | Lornedei frowns. She is not quite sure what it is that you wish her to |