ClubFloyd Transcript:
Threediopolis by Andrew Schultz
As played on ifMUD on December 29, 2013

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Threediopolis written by Andrew Schultz. Threediopolis was released as part of the 2013 IF Competition, in which it took seventh place. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

Jacqueline hollers, "Goodmorning, everyone! After a week away, ClubFloyd resumes this morning with a post-comp release of Threediopolis by ASchultz, who will be joining us. We start at the top o' the hour!"
Emily arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Jacqueline says, "Gosh, it may be a quiet ClubFloyd session."
Jacqueline says, "Binder and Touchy idle, no DavidW..."
Jacqueline says, "I... think we'll give this a few minutes."
Jacqueline asks (of Emily), "Have you played Threediopolis?"
ASchultz says, "well, dont feel bad if nobody shows up. It can be postponed. I was glad to be motivated to fix what I did." Jacqueline says (to AScultz), "This is why I'm never allowed to take a vacation. One week off and the goldfish forget we gather on Sunday mornings."
Jacqueline says, "I wouldn't worry too much, yet. I mean, if we postpone we will postpone, but next week we have New Year's SpeedIFs in the queue, so I'd like to knock Threediopolis out, especially since you've put a lot of post-comp work into it in preparation for this session."
Doug arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. Emily says (to Jacqueline), "I have played it, yeah"
Emily says, "I just wanted to hang out a bit"
Emily says, "and watch"
Jacqueline says (to Emily), "Ah."
Jacqueline asks (of Doug), "What about you, have you played it?"
Doug says, "almost forgot!"
Doug says, "nope."
Jacqueline says, "Yay, cool."
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "I think a few other people have almost forgotten, so I'm going to give it until quarter after."
Doug says, "also, I'm not a goldfish."
Doug says, "and yeah, I can wait."
Jacqueline says, "So, tea and coffee and bathroom and stuff, people."
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "Actually, Mythbusters tested and completely busted the 'goldfish have a four second memory' thing."
Doug says, "okay, then I guess I am a goldfish after all."
Jacqueline says, "They actually can be trained to navigate a simple maze, which sort of negates that theory."
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "Well, let's hope there are no mazes in Threediopolis."
Doug asks, "I think it's all one big maze, isn't it?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh dear."
Jacqueline asks (of ASchultz), "In all seriousness, is this a game where we should make a map?"
Doug says, "a Threedi map"
Allen arrives, full of funk, but no fun. ASchultz says, "I don't think a classic map would be helpful. Or, thankfully, necessary."
Allen says, "I'm only here for a brief while today, so I think I'll just observe and not get involved in the game"
Jacqueline says, "Okay, cool. Thanks."
Doug says, "DavidW said he was having Internet issues yesterday, so that might be why he isn't here"
Doug says, "also looks like he was up pretty late..."
Jacqueline says, "Well, I only have until about two and a half hours, as the family on the other side of the pond is assembling for a videocall at that time. But hopefully if we're not all the way through it we'll at least be a good chunk of the way in."
ASchultz says, "with a team, and the hints I added, I don't think the game will take more than 2 hours."
Jacqueline asks, "Given ASchultz's normal stuff, though, I suspect we won't get through the game in... oh?"
Jacqueline says, "Well, things are always a bit slower on Floyd, but I guess we'll see."
Jacqueline says, "Anyway, let's do this thing."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask threediopolis4"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis was the first city to have different sidewalk levels,
Floyd | one above another, back in 2050. It's pretty normal now in 2100, but
Floyd | they didn't plan everything right back then, so Threediopolis is still
Floyd | a bit quirky.
Floyd |
Floyd | You still get lost some days, like today--while remembering a
Floyd | traumatic episode from your youth (adults yelling at you for somehow
Floyd | getting lost on a simple errand) you run across a building you've
Floyd | never seen. You enter and are whisked to a penthouse office. A fellow
Floyd | wearing a fractal power-tie and a white button-down shirt with elbow
Floyd | patches jumps up.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Ah! You answered my online ad! What? No? You didn't? Even better!
Floyd | You're a natural! Unpoisoned by GPS! Just what I need! It's not anyone
Floyd | can find here. I'm Ed Dunn. You are? ..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "press green"
Floyd ]
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Before you can answer, Ed hands you a list of tasks, an equally
Floyd | mysterious package you're told not to open, and a pocket teleporter
Floyd | device, for getting back if you get even more lost than you need to.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Getting here was the hard part, kid. But if you don't get everything
Floyd | on this list done before you get back here, that's okay."
Floyd |
Floyd | Before you can ask what list, Ed makes a hush-hush gesture. "It's
Floyd | organized by travel time, kid. Or it should be, once you find how to
Floyd | use it. Don't worry, just--don't lose it."
Floyd |
Floyd | He explains how some things just don't need to be traced
Floyd | electronically, and how there's lots of weird scenery to see if you're
Floyd | interested in that sort of thing, and since you got here without
Floyd | knowing, you couldn't get anywhere on the list WITH knowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Knowing what...?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "One other thing, kid. You might want to use that teleporter pretty
Floyd | quickly if you don't see anything to start. Say, no further than five
Floyd | blocks. Til you get your bearings."
Floyd |
Floyd | Ed stares at his computer, then snaps his fingers. "Oh, hey, I should
Floyd | push this button. Alphabetize this whole list, sort of. Make things
Floyd | easier for the rookie. What do you say?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "say okay"
Floyd ]
Floyd |
Floyd | > SAY OKAY
Floyd |
Floyd | "Yes or no. Not rocket science."
Doug says (to Floyd), "say no"
Floyd ]
Floyd |
Floyd | > SAY NO
Floyd |
Floyd | "C'mon, kid, you can't answer an easy yes-no question..."
Doug says (to Floyd), "no"
Floyd ]
Floyd |
Floyd | > NO
Floyd |
Floyd | "Got it. You look smart enough to take the extra challenge."
Floyd |
Floyd | Pep talk time. "You got potential. You seem like someone who knows
Floyd | it's not just getting there, but HOW you get there." You've heard that
Floyd | truism before...but does it mean anything? You have no time to ask.
Floyd | Security whisks you away as Ed booms "And keep with it. Note what you
Floyd | found. Don't worry about the order, either!"
Floyd |
Floyd | It's not a huge list. You even have addresses of where to go. It can't
Floyd | be too hard, can it?
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Please press SPACE to continue.
Jacqueline asks, "Did you just make things harder for us?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh right, you're a puzzly sort."
Doug asks, "maybe?"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
ASchultz says, "I would recommend using the hints, actually"
Doug asks, "should we make it easier, since you have time constraints?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]
Jacqueline says (to AScultz), "Hrm. Floyd usually eschews hints unless desperate."
Doug pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis
Floyd | A Futuristic Word-Play Gofering by Andrew Schultz
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 131229 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Everything here sort of looks like everything else and doesn't at the
Floyd | same time. Going one direction seems as good as going any other.
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance quickly at Ed Dunn's list: some things are in sector 444,
Floyd | but you can't see anything resembling them. [Note: the room
Floyd | descriptions are random and for amusement only. Type B to get rid of
Floyd | them or V to have them appear again.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can't "undo" what hasn't been done!]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline exclaims (at Doug), "Oh, no... it's fine!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > RESTART
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you sure you want to restart?
Jacqueline says, "I..."
Doug says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis was the first city to have different sidewalk levels,
Floyd | one above another, back in 2050. It's pretty normal now in 2100, but
Floyd | they didn't plan everything right back then, so Threediopolis is still
Floyd | a bit quirky.
Floyd |
Floyd | You still get lost some days, like today--while remembering a
Floyd | traumatic episode from your youth (adults yelling at you for somehow
Floyd | getting lost on a simple errand) you run across a building you've
Floyd | never seen. You enter and are whisked to a penthouse office. A fellow
Floyd | wearing a fractal power-tie and a white button-down shirt with elbow
Floyd | patches jumps up.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Ah! You answered my online ad! What? No? You didn't? Even better!
Floyd | You're a natural! Unpoisoned by GPS! Just what I need! It's not anyone
Floyd | can find here. I'm Ed Dunn. You are? ..."
ASchultz says, "Well, it's not hints so much as making the list more manageable"
Jacqueline says, "Well, whatever you want to do."
Doug says (to Floyd), "Club Floyd"
Floyd ]
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Before you can answer, Ed hands you a list of tasks, an equally
Floyd | mysterious package you're told not to open, and a pocket teleporter
Floyd | device, for getting back if you get even more lost than you need to.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Getting here was the hard part, kid. But if you don't get everything
Floyd | on this list done before you get back here, that's okay."
Floyd |
Floyd | Before you can ask what list, Ed makes a hush-hush gesture. "It's
Floyd | organized by travel time, kid. Or it should be, once you find how to
Floyd | use it. Don't worry, just--don't lose it."
Floyd |
Floyd | He explains how some things just don't need to be traced
Floyd | electronically, and how there's lots of weird scenery to see if you're
Floyd | interested in that sort of thing, and since you got here without
Floyd | knowing, you couldn't get anywhere on the list WITH knowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Knowing what...?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "One other thing, kid. You might want to use that teleporter pretty
Floyd | quickly if you don't see anything to start. Say, no further than five
Floyd | blocks. Til you get your bearings."
Floyd |
Floyd | Ed stares at his computer, then snaps his fingers. "Oh, hey, I should
Floyd | push this button. Alphabetize this whole list, sort of. Make things
Floyd | easier for the rookie. What do you say?"
Jacqueline says (to ASchult), "Hm. Okay."
Doug says (to Floyd), "okay"
Floyd ]
Floyd |
Floyd | > OKAY
Floyd |
Floyd | "Yes or no. Not rocket science."
Doug says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd ]
Floyd |
Floyd | > YES
Floyd |
Floyd | "Got it. You look smart enough to know the value of a little
Floyd | organization. Hey, stop on back if you need an extra hint, eh?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Pep talk time. "You got potential. You seem like someone who knows
Floyd | it's not just getting there, but HOW you get there." You've heard that
Floyd | truism before...but does it mean anything? You have no time to ask.
Floyd | Security whisks you away as Ed booms "And keep with it. Note what you
Floyd | found. Don't worry about the order, either!"
Floyd |
Floyd | It's not a huge list. You even have addresses of where to go. It can't
Floyd | be too hard, can it?
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Please press SPACE to continue.
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis
Floyd | A Futuristic Word-Play Gofering by Andrew Schultz
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 131229 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Everything here sort of looks like everything else and doesn't at the
Floyd | same time. Going one direction seems as good as going any other.
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance quickly at Ed Dunn's list: some things are in sector 444,
Floyd | but you can't see anything resembling them. [Note: the room
Floyd | descriptions are random and for amusement only. Type B to get rid of
Floyd | them or V to have them appear again.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "given that we're short-staffed, also"
Jacqueline says, "Mmkay, fair enough."
ASchultz says, "to-do: make it clearer 1st time players should accept Ed's help."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says, "Huh. Random room descriptions."
Doug says, "oh, it's pretty clear, I just didn't really read it. my bad"
Jacqueline says, "So, like, they don't matter to the game at all? (That's a rhetorical question, ASchultz.)"
Jacqueline asks (of Doug), "Should we slim this down by turning off room descriptions?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | It would be more efficient if you could walk through buildings, but
Floyd | they're private property. Did you mean to run these directions in
Floyd | order?
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x list" Doug asks, "hm, let's see a few first and then decide if they're annoying?"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X LIST
Floyd |
Floyd | Please say yes or no. >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "no"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NO
Floyd |
Floyd | Ok--you can always bypass the two-to-three-letter-command check with J
Floyd | (for jumping.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x list"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X LIST
Floyd |
Floyd | (Note: you can just type X to re-examine the list.)
Floyd |
Floyd | **************ED DUNN'S NEEDS**************
Floyd |
Floyd | --friends: pal@346, pal (English name)@335, near pal
Floyd | (Scottish-Canadian)@455, pal@355, pal@535, near pal@444, pal
Floyd | (German)@544, far frieeend@356, pal@434
Floyd | --extra near: Visit total party-cave@355, Wet grass@344, Chat w/web
Floyd | srvr@344, Visit online univ. HQ@445, Stop Something@355, Retro gm
Floyd | comp@445, A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my
Floyd | clothes@434, Soak Up Vitamin D@544
Floyd | --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435, TV
Floyd | Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Deploy package@345,
Floyd | Handmade clothes with love in every stitch-1@444, Smokeless
Floyd | tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424, New Linux system--boo
Floyd | Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514
Floyd | --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335, sandy
Floyd | beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326, handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-2@335, cheapish leathery
Floyd | clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454, visit that vacant lot I loved
Floyd | as a kid@335
Floyd | --kinda far: Return to Ed Dunn for evaluation and reward@365,
Floyd | Smell/taste test@426, book Scandinavian vacation@345, Invisible
Floyd | Institute docs@556, brand new stuff-in-general@545, new bride/groom
Floyd | stuff@145, anti-athletic club@514
Floyd | --far: unworn clothes boutique@344, improperly vowelled hot dog
Floyd | hut@447
Floyd | --extra far: 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325
Floyd |
Floyd | Hm, he said it was alphabetized, but you aren't sure yet what he was
Floyd | talking about.
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can put this in the header with t, though it is not recommended
Floyd | with Parchment, or you can toggle this warning with tt. You can also
Floyd | track just friends with f, or you can see one line with o.]
Floyd |
Floyd | You think a moment. Some of these locations listed twice, there has to
Floyd | be something if you just walk right there. Especially the ones nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "yes, the random room descriptions can and should be turned off"
Doug says, "it said "going one direction seems as good as another" so I just picked one at random..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "b"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > B
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis is now in its "superbrief" mode, which always gives
Floyd | short descriptions of locations (even if you haven't been there
Floyd | before).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Good point Doug. That was an ambiguous hint"
Doug says (to Floyd), "about"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > ABOUT
Floyd |
Floyd | This game wasn't intended to be huge on plot, but rather, I saw a way
Floyd | to do things, and I figured why not. I put the skeleton on the shelf
Floyd | after starting it in May 2012, toyed with it for a post-IFComp 2012
Floyd | release, then got so lazy I saw I could submit it in time for IFComp
Floyd | 2013!
Floyd |
Floyd | Type CREDITS for testers and such.
Floyd |
Floyd | A previous IFComp game that might spoil this game's mechanic also
Floyd | probably had considerable influence on this game, though it does have
Floyd | a lot more plot and cool locations.
Floyd |
Floyd | I hope you enjoy this. I recognize some people won't, and that's cool,
Floyd | and I don't want to play the "I know some philistines may hate it"
Floyd | card. However, if it helps someone who doesn't like it try their
Floyd | own thing, that'd be way cool.
Floyd |
Floyd | Also, remember to track back to puzzles you couldn't solve after
Floyd | getting a few others. They may be easier.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 0/9 pals found, 0/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the extra near line.
Floyd |
Floyd | Visit total party-cave@355, Wet grass@344, Chat w/web srvr@344, Visit
Floyd | online univ. HQ@445, Stop Something@355, Retro gm comp@445, A powerful
Floyd | hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434, Soak Up
Floyd | Vitamin D@544.
Floyd | Note: you can put a list of numbers and found tasks in the status line
Floyd | with oo.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "oo"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > OO
Floyd |
Floyd | Top line is now in header.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "ClubFloyd and NightFloyd have played a lot of your stuff, ASchultz, but oddly enough I think this is my first game of yours."
Doug says, "presumably that will help when we figure out what's going on."
Jacqueline asks, "So, we're in 444 and we should get to one of those?"
ASchultz exclaims, "Well, I hope it makes a good first impression, then!"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "I'm guessing 445 is close?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 464
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "so the second digit is N/S"
Jacqueline says, "Close, probably, but going n jumps us up by 10."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ding"
Jacqueline says, "And N (probably S as well) by 1."
Jacqueline says, "And... look doesn't help, allegedly."
Jacqueline says, "And 445 is still in the list."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "hq"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > HQ
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug | Visit online univ. HQ@445
Doug says (to Floyd), "c"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > C
Floyd |
Floyd | The six directions, abbreviated: N, S, E, W, U, D. K knocks. I/IN goes
Floyd | in (inventory doesn't change much so I trumps INVENTORY when you can
Floyd | enter.)
Floyd | B=brief V=verbose C=this command
Floyd | F=friends left FF=friends in header I=inventory O=one line of
Floyd | by-length list OO=friends in header  X=all the list
Floyd | H=hint toggle
Floyd | P pushes the panic button to send you to sector 444. J=jump mode to
Floyd | skip diagonal warning.
Floyd | T toggles big long listing in the status bar. Z waits.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking around won't be enough to get you lost the way you need to get
Floyd | lost. It seems it might even add one more variable, or layer of
Floyd | complexity, beyond just waiting.
Floyd |
Floyd | You could say doing so in the middle of a journey is useless.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "okay..."
Doug asks, "maybe we have to go to 355 first?"
Jacqueline asks, "So now we know what F and FF mean, but what about BFF?"
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "Okay, sure."
Doug says, "there's also a pal at 355"
Jacqueline says, "You drive."
Jacqueline says, "I think two of us would really get this screwed up."
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Boy, those transport tubes are handy for saving energy during vertical
Floyd | travel.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 555
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Undeeds won't get you back to where you were. In fact, that's sort of
Floyd | why Ed Dunn hired you. (Fourth wall note: you can undo if you get
Floyd | killed, but otherwise, you can't. Push the button on your device to
Floyd | reset your wanderings.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Just D, I think."
Doug says, "well, I'm wondering if the path we take to get there matters"
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Also, Floyd has an undo that overrides the game's undo, but we can honor the spirit and not use it"
Jacqueline asks, "So, where is our little frend?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > X
Floyd |
Floyd | **************ED DUNN'S NEEDS**************
Floyd |
Floyd | --friends: pal@346, pal (English name)@335, near pal
Floyd | (Scottish-Canadian)@455, pal@355, pal@535, near pal@444, pal
Floyd | (German)@544, far frieeend@356, pal@434
Floyd | --extra near: Visit total party-cave@355, Wet grass@344, Chat w/web
Floyd | srvr@344, Visit online univ. HQ@445, Stop Something@355, Retro gm
Floyd | comp@445, A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my
Floyd | clothes@434, Soak Up Vitamin D@544
Floyd | --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435, TV
Floyd | Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Deploy package@345,
Floyd | Handmade clothes with love in every stitch-1@444, Smokeless
Floyd | tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424, New Linux system--boo
Floyd | Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514
Floyd | --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335, sandy
Floyd | beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326, handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-2@335, cheapish leathery
Floyd | clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454, visit that vacant lot I loved
Floyd | as a kid@335
Floyd | --kinda far: Return to Ed Dunn for evaluation and reward@365,
Floyd | Smell/taste test@426, book Scandinavian vacation@345, Invisible
Floyd | Institute docs@556, brand new stuff-in-general@545, new bride/groom
Floyd | stuff@145, anti-athletic club@514
Floyd | --far: unworn clothes boutique@344, improperly vowelled hot dog
Floyd | hut@447
Floyd | --extra far: 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can put this in the header with t, though it is not recommended
Floyd | with Parchment, or you can toggle this warning with tt. You can also
Floyd | track just friends with f, or you can see one line with o.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "t"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > T
Floyd |
Floyd | NOTE: there is currently a problem with web-based interpreters, and
Floyd | older Mac interpreters may not support the status line list.
Floyd | The screen dimensions are 70 x 24. Dimensions of at least 105x25 are
Floyd | recommended to be able to see all entries at once but not necessary.
Floyd | You can resize later. Do you still wish to toggle the list inventory
Floyd | to the status bar?
Jacqueline says, "Try it."
Doug asks, "hm, any idea what that means for floyd?"
ASchultz exclaims, "hmm, that's what I forgot. Being able to examine one line of the list at a time!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > YES
Floyd |
Floyd | Ok, the list is in the status bar, now. Note: if you resize to <25
Floyd | height or <105 width, it is at your own risk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "it's not recommended--it looks ugly--but you can turn it off."
Doug asks, "are we <105 width?"
Jacqueline says, "Yes."
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a mysterious package
Floyd |   a pocket teleporter device
Floyd |   a list of needs (can be examined with just X)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I think we're 70."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x package"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PACKAGE
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the mysterious package. But you sure
Floyd | SENSE something special under that newfangled top-open-secret material
Floyd | that can hold things several times its size if necessary. Quantum
Floyd | physics is crazy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sense"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > SENSE
Floyd |
Floyd | You pick up the pace of your wandering, there, planning a few blocks
Floyd | ahead.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd | You've been wandering for too long. You get tired, and you figure it's
Floyd | probably best to start over with a clean look on things. You push the
Floyd | button on your teleporter device, and back you go to the center,
Floyd | scrapping your remaining plans.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hmm."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x pocket"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Jacqueline says, "huh"
Floyd | > X POCKET
Floyd |
Floyd | It's got a button you can push. You're reminded how, with so many
Floyd | buttons to push in Threediopolis, the letter "p" is a verb meaning
Floyd | "push the button."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sense"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > SENSE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd | You are redirected around a political rally where people chant "We
Floyd | need Wu!" then "Wu needs us!"
Floyd |
Floyd | But what you noticed doesn't seem practical, so you put it out of your
Floyd | mind as you continue pacing. Places you can't enter won't help you
Floyd | help Ed Dunn.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Emily goes home.
Emily has disconnected. ASchultz says, "Oh...that's a bug, technically. The current header setting is overriding the full header. But I think the current header will help you more."
Jacqueline says, "That must prove confusing when a student in Threediopolis raises their hand and tells the teacher that they need to p/pee."
Jacqueline asks (of AS), "So, leave the status bar alone at this point, is your rec?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "drop package"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You'd be flaking out at your job, doing that. No way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x package"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PACKAGE
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the mysterious package. But you sure
Floyd | SENSE something special under that newfangled top-open-secret material
Floyd | that can hold things several times its size if necessary. Quantum
Floyd | physics is crazy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "shrug."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "eat package"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you hungry for a meal, or a job that'll buy several of them? Get
Floyd | back to wandering.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city. Your employer must really be
Floyd | loaded.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "well, the "f" option may work, too. It's just, using T isn't going to be helpful or pretty."
Doug says (to Floyd), "f"
Floyd ]          extra near: 355/344/344/445/355/445/436/434/544
Floyd |
Floyd | > F
Floyd |
Floyd | Pals: 346/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | Note: while friends are left, you can focus on them in the status bar
Floyd | with ff.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "may -> will"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ff"
Floyd ]          Pals: 346/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > FF
Floyd |
Floyd | Friends are now in header. Each asterisk means longer distance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ah, thanks"
Doug says, "ok, so, 346 is D + D + E"
Doug says (to Floyd), "edd"
Floyd ]          Pals: 346/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > EDD
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oops."
Doug says, "D + E + E"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: 346/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You flash back to Ed Dunn's voice booming through your head: "It's not
Floyd | just where you go but how you get there!" Maybe you can try hitting
Floyd | some of the nearer locations.
Floyd |
Floyd | [NOTE: you can toggle hints like this by typing r.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "dee"
Floyd ]          Pals: 346/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > DEE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 346
Floyd | Man! Someone's front door! With the secret detail Ed Dunn showed you
Floyd | that's obvious once you know it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline exclaims, "I!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x door"
Floyd ]          Pals: 346/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | It looks familiar, slightly different from all the identical ones.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open it"
Floyd ]          Pals: 346/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | That front door is someone's home. You should really knock instead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug knock
Doug says (to Floyd), "knock"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > KNOCK
Floyd |
Floyd | (Note: in the future you can type K for knock.)
Floyd |
Floyd | You are surprised to see a man answer the door, but you're not sure
Floyd | why. "Ed Dunn, eh? My wife will be glad to drop by. Her name's Dee,
Floyd | too. Well, the abbreviation. We both laughed too hard at it when we
Floyd | first met."
Floyd |
Floyd | Well, Ed won't be alone now. Or, rather, he'll have some of his best
Floyd | pals to talk to.
Floyd | (Note: from now on you can type IN once you see a place to enter or,
Floyd | if there's a door to knock on, K. On which to knock.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, or K."
Doug asks, "her name's D2?"
ASchultz says, "in fact, I wanted to clue using the friend option first. So that's something new."
ASchultz says, "hm, didn't think of that one :)"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x dee"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DEE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "so 3356 = D + S + E?"
Doug says, "er, 335"
Jacqueline says, "I think so, yes."
Doug says (to Floyd), "sed"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > SED
Floyd |
Floyd | That's a pretty crazy diagonal direction. You'd crash into something,
Floyd | even with a jetpack. Did you mean to run these directions in order?
Doug says (to Floyd), "s. e. d."
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > S. E. D.
Floyd |
Floyd | Please say yes or no. >
Doug says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > YES
Floyd |
Floyd | [NOTE: you can always bypass this command check with J (for jump
Floyd | through diagonals.)]
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd | You stumble by a bunch of techies discussing AWK and GREP and
Floyd | discussing how it's all more fun and interesting than silly puzzle
Floyd | boxes with no purpose. Not that the guy who just passed would be good
Floyd | at either.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing to enter. It's all so unfamiliar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Hrm."
Jacqueline says, "So the last one turned from a number to a word."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "des"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > DES
Floyd |
Floyd | That's a pretty crazy diagonal direction. You'd crash into something,
Floyd | even with a jetpack. Did you mean to run these directions in order?
Doug says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/335/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Jacqueline says, "But if all we can use are NSEWUD, there aren't a million words to be made from that."
Floyd | > Y
Floyd |
Floyd | [NOTE: you can still bypass this command check with J (for jump
Floyd | through diagonals.)]
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd | Man! Someone's front door! With the secret detail Ed Dunn showed you
Floyd | that's obvious once you know it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "short for Desmond maybe"
Jacqueline says, "Possibly."
Doug says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | "An Ed Dunn party, eh? His are worth the walk. But boy, I tell you,
Floyd | the guy who sold me this place cheated me. Said I'd be near Ed's. I
Floyd | don't get it."
Floyd |
Floyd | Hoowah, that's another friend found!
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "Hoowah!"
Jacqueline says, "ED'S"
Doug says, "aha."
Doug asks, "should we continue finding friends, or try some extra-near locations?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ned"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > NED
Floyd |
Floyd | That's a pretty crazy diagonal direction. You'd crash into something,
Floyd | even with a jetpack. Did you mean to run these directions in order?
Doug says, "oops, keep forgetting to Jump"
Doug says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/355/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > Y
Floyd |
Floyd | [NOTE: you can still bypass this command check with J (for jump
Floyd | through diagonals.)]
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd | Man! Someone's front door! With the secret detail Ed Dunn showed you
Floyd | that's obvious once you know it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | Ned compliments you on not getting lost getting here--there are other
Floyd | tempting and even dangerous places in the nearby area. He suspects and
Floyd | hopes that that's why he didn't get the last invite. Well, he hopes it
Floyd | was more temptation than danger.
Floyd |
Floyd | You've found some pretty swank areas of Threediopolis you'd have
Floyd | missed otherwise. It looks like there are more.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "What does jump do?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "clubf it lets you go a diagonal direction"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd ]
Floyd ]
Floyd ]
Floyd ]
Floyd ]             'I've always enjoyed going north. Of course,
Floyd ]             south-west is a fine direction, too.'
Floyd ]
Floyd ]             -- E. B. White, Stuart Little
Floyd ]
Floyd ]
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ilaf"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline asks, "So, what about Ed's place?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "eds"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > EDS
Floyd |
Floyd | That's a pretty crazy diagonal direction. You'd crash into something,
Floyd | even with a jetpack. Did you mean to run these directions in order?
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > Y
Floyd |
Floyd | [NOTE: you can still bypass this command check with J (for jump
Floyd | through diagonals.)]
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I guess "END" is a dangeous place"
Doug says, "+r"
Jacqueline clears the save counter.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "end"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > END
Floyd |
Floyd | That's a pretty crazy diagonal direction. You'd crash into something,
Floyd | even with a jetpack. Did you mean to run these directions in order?
Jacqueline asks, "I guess I never want to go diagonal?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > Y
Floyd |
Floyd | [NOTE: you can still bypass this command check with J (for jump
Floyd | through diagonals.)]
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd | You can see an extremely ominous door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, or I can."
Doug says, "no, you just need to say "j end""
Jacqueline says, "That's an ominous door."
Doug says (to Floyd), "clubf to avoid the prompt"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "dangit."
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "Ah, okay, I get it now."
Doug says, "sorry, fingers are undercaffeinated today."
ASchultz says, "I should make it clearer. J removes the nag for good."
Doug says, "oh"
Doug says (to Floyd), "j"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > J
Floyd |
Floyd | Jump mode is on, e.g. NWU or NW diagonals are no longer questioned.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Sweet"
Jacqueline says, "Thanks."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | You reach into the mysterious package and pull out a stink-bomb, then
Floyd | knock and run away. Since you didn't light it INSIDE the clinic,
Floyd | there's nothing they can do to you. There's legal precedent--plus if
Floyd | they prosecuted you, they'd have to reveal the address in court, which
Floyd | would mean more annoying protestors. You're glad your benefactor has a
Floyd | conscience!
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You think back to the times Internet route planners gave you wrong or
Floyd | slow directions and feel slightly superior.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "huh."
Jacqueline says, "I think we did that out of order or something."
Doug says, "did you want to open the ominous door? you teleported home"
ASchultz says, "Thank you guys. I already have a few good fixes in on how to direct the player..."
Doug says, "wait, no you didn't."
Doug says, "I mean.. ok, I see."
Doug says, "sorry"
Jacqueline says, "I knocked on it."
Doug says (to Floyd), "end"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > END
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing to enter. It's all so unfamiliar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "huh, where'd it go?"
Jacqueline asks, "Where'd what go?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "clubf the ominous door"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "DAMMIT"
Doug says, "sorry"
Jacqueline says, "The ominous door? I knocked on it and we got that message and then we were transported back home."
Doug says, "yeah, and I went back and it wasn't there."
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "Don't worry about it. You just look like a n00b, but no harm done."
Jacqueline runs away.
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "den"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > DEN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd | You can see a door shaped like a champagne bottle here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, huh."
ASchultz says, "Yeah, that bit about knocking doesn't make sense if you don't open the ominous door...and with the header hints, you won't know what the door is for. Also, 1st time returning somewhere, I need a message."
Jacqueline says, "Well, I did save right before we did it the first time."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x champagne"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | It's a bit tacky, but it gets the point across. You will learn
Floyd | something about partying if you go through it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Note: you can type i instead of enter/in in the future. It trumps the
Floyd | default command for I, taking inventory, which has limited use in this
Floyd | game.
Floyd |
Floyd | You realize that Ed Dunn has done you a favor by allowing you to view
Floyd | this. You take extra careful notes on how the party is, what's being
Floyd | served, what a party should be, and the general atmosphere and how
Floyd | people are acting. Alas, you can't partake of some amenities while on
Floyd | the job, but you can't complain.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the extra near line.
Floyd |
Floyd | Den, Wet grass@344, Chat w/web srvr@344, Visit online univ. HQ@445,
Floyd | End, Retro gm comp@445, A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix
Floyd | holes in my clothes@434, Soak Up Vitamin D@544.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Do we want to go back, or is there no problem?"
ASchultz says, "You never need to return, so it's not a problem. But I see it can be confusing."
Doug says, "ah, End and Den were locations we needed to find anyway"
Doug says, "den = "total party cave""
Doug says, "end = "Stop something""
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sundew"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUNDEW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd | You can see some big glass doors here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I'm still not sure what the differences is between pals and locations"
Jacqueline says, "Sorry, I just wanted to see what a big word would do."
Jacqueline says, "And now it looks like I skipped over something."
Doug says, "I bet "wet grass" = dew"
Jacqueline says, "And obviously 'sun' is someplace."
Doug asks, "and "soak up vitamin D" = sun?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "["
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > [
Floyd |
Floyd | You've made a comment-style command, but Transcript is off. Type
Floyd | TRANSCRIPT to turn it on, if you wish to make notes. Or if you want to
Floyd | eliminate this nag, for instance if you have an interpreter that does
Floyd | so independently, say yes now.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Please say yes or no. >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing seems to happen. You think. But you blink once, and everything
Floyd | FEELS different.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "dun"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "oops"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sun"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd | You can see some big glass doors here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | No need to be so formal. Walk on in.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | It's so rare to get natural sun. Usually the heat lamps are enough.
Floyd | Someone punches your ration card and you return to your home,
Floyd | cheerier. You're given a dark bottle of instant sunlight for your
Floyd | employer, too. He seems to be on the monthly plan, and it's too
Floyd | fragile to mail to him.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You hear Ed Dunn discussed in hushed tones--that he is not that smart
Floyd | but hires people much smarter to work for him. A smart voice and dumb
Floyd | voice agree there's a racket--but they'd work for him, all the same.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sunk"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUNK
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "guess it doesn't work that way."
Doug says (to Floyd), "dew"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > DEW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd | You can see a barely detectable gladed trail here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "So, maybe to get to these other places that seem really close but then give us nothing, maybe we have to take a circuitous route that forms a word."
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | A kid on a lonely park bench. "So you're the one my uncle got to play
Floyd | with me today. You'll do, I guess." It's actually rather fun, and the
Floyd | kid gets bored first.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "t"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > T
Floyd |
Floyd | List toggled from status bar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "tt"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > TT
Floyd |
Floyd | Suppressed toggle warning in inventory.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "tt"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > TT
Floyd |
Floyd | Unsuppressed toggle warning in inventory.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ff"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 3/9 pals found, 4/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > FF
Floyd |
Floyd | Friends are now not header.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "send"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 345: 3/9 pals found, 4/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEND
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd | You can see a loading dock here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "t"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 345: 3/9 pals found, 4/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > T
Floyd |
Floyd | NOTE: there is currently a problem with web-based interpreters, and
Floyd | older Mac interpreters may not support the status line list.
Floyd | The screen dimensions are 70 x 24. Dimensions of at least 105x25 are
Floyd | recommended to be able to see all entries at once but not necessary.
Floyd | You can resize later. Do you still wish to toggle the list inventory
Floyd | to the status bar?
Doug says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd ]         ED DUNN'S NEEDS [3/9 pals found, 4/39 tasks done]
Floyd ] --friends: Dee, Des, near pal
Floyd | (Scottish-Canadian)@455, Ned, pal@535,
Floyd ]   near pal@444, pal (German)@544, far frieeend@356, pal@434
Floyd ] --extra near: Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344,
Floyd ]   Visit online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro gm comp@445,
Floyd ]   A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434,
Floyd ]
Floyd ]   Sun
Floyd ] --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435,
Floyd ]   TV Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Deploy package@345,
Floyd ]   Handmade clothes with love in every stitch-1@444,
Floyd ]   Smokeless tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424,
Floyd ]   New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514
Floyd ] --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335,
Floyd ]   sandy beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326,
Floyd ]   handmade clothes with love in every stitch-2@335,
Floyd ]   cheapish leathery clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454,
Floyd ]   visit that vacant lot I loved as a kid@335
Floyd |
Floyd | > Y
Floyd |
Floyd | Ok, the list is in the status bar, now. Note: if you resize to <25
Floyd | height or <105 width, it is at your own risk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x dock"
Floyd ]         ED DUNN'S NEEDS [3/9 pals found, 4/39 tasks done]
Floyd ] --friends: Dee, Des, near pal
Floyd | (Scottish-Canadian)@455, Ned, pal@535,
Floyd ]   near pal@444, pal (German)@544, far frieeend@356, pal@434
Floyd ] --extra near: Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344,
Floyd ]   Visit online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro gm comp@445,
Floyd ]   A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434,
Floyd ]
Floyd ]   Sun
Floyd ] --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435,
Floyd ]   TV Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Deploy package@345,
Floyd ]   Handmade clothes with love in every stitch-1@444,
Floyd ]   Smokeless tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424,
Floyd ]   New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514
Floyd ] --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335,
Floyd ]   sandy beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326,
Floyd ]   handmade clothes with love in every stitch-2@335,
Floyd ]   cheapish leathery clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454,
Floyd ]   visit that vacant lot I loved as a kid@335
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DOCK
Floyd |
Floyd | The loading dock is neither exciting nor forbidding. You can probably
Floyd | just ENTER it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]         ED DUNN'S NEEDS [3/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done]
Floyd ] --friends: Dee, Des, near pal
Floyd | (Scottish-Canadian)@455, Ned, pal@535,
Floyd ]   near pal@444, pal (German)@544, far frieeend@356, pal@434
Floyd ] --extra near: Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344,
Floyd ]   Visit online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro gm comp@445,
Floyd ]   A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434,
Floyd ]
Floyd ]   Sun
Floyd ] --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435,
Floyd ]   TV Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Send,
Floyd ]   Handmade clothes with love in every stitch-1@444,
Floyd ]   Smokeless tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424,
Floyd ]   New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514
Floyd ] --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335,
Floyd ]   sandy beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326,
Floyd ]   handmade clothes with love in every stitch-2@335,
Floyd ]   cheapish leathery clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454,
Floyd ]   visit that vacant lot I loved as a kid@335
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You write down your employer's name, location, reason for having to
Floyd | send something physical--and you're promised the package will be sent
Floyd | off.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | It's a good thing the moving walkways--the ones you take for
Floyd | granted--are helping you along, or you'd be more tired than you are.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "seems okay? or is that too spammy?"
Jacqueline says, "Let's wait and see."
Doug says, "let's aim for 455."
Doug asks, "N + E ?"
Jacqueline says, "That's the one that I think we have to use a more circuitous route to find."
Jacqueline says, "Because NE isn't a word."
Doug says, "near pal (Scottish-Canadian)"
Jacqueline says, "But sure, try NE to start."
Doug says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]         ED DUNN'S NEEDS [3/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done]
Floyd ] --friends: Dee, Des, near pal
Floyd | (Scottish-Canadian)@455, Ned, pal@535,
Floyd ]   near pal@444, pal (German)@544, far frieeend@356, pal@434
Floyd ] --extra near: Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344,
Floyd ]   Visit online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro gm comp@445,
Floyd ]   A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434,
Floyd ]
Floyd ]   Sun
Floyd ] --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435,
Floyd ]   TV Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Send,
Floyd ]   Handmade clothes with love in every stitch-1@444,
Floyd ]   Smokeless tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424,
Floyd ]   New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514
Floyd ] --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335,
Floyd ]   sandy beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326,
Floyd ]   handmade clothes with love in every stitch-2@335,
Floyd ]   cheapish leathery clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454,
Floyd ]   visit that vacant lot I loved as a kid@335
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]         ED DUNN'S NEEDS [3/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done]
Floyd ] --friends: Dee, Des, near pal
Floyd | (Scottish-Canadian)@455, Ned, pal@535,
Floyd ]   near pal@444, pal (German)@544, far frieeend@356, pal@434
Floyd ] --extra near: Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344,
Floyd ]   Visit online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro gm comp@445,
Floyd ]   A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434,
Floyd ]
Floyd ]   Sun
Floyd ] --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435,
Floyd ]   TV Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Send,
Floyd ]   Handmade clothes with love in every stitch-1@444,
Floyd ]   Smokeless tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424,
Floyd ]   New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514
Floyd ] --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335,
Floyd ]   sandy beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326,
Floyd ]   handmade clothes with love in every stitch-2@335,
Floyd ]   cheapish leathery clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454,
Floyd ]   visit that vacant lot I loved as a kid@335
Floyd |
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 456
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Well, I definitely need to detect if you've already got a header and direct the player to something more convenient."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]         ED DUNN'S NEEDS [3/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done]
Floyd ] --friends: Dee, Des, near pal
Floyd | (Scottish-Canadian)@455, Ned, pal@535,
Floyd ]   near pal@444, pal (German)@544, far frieeend@356, pal@434
Floyd ] --extra near: Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344,
Floyd ]   Visit online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro gm comp@445,
Floyd ]   A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434,
Floyd ]
Floyd ]   Sun
Floyd ] --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435,
Floyd ]   TV Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Send,
Floyd ]   Handmade clothes with love in every stitch-1@444,
Floyd ]   Smokeless tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424,
Floyd ]   New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514
Floyd ] --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335,
Floyd ]   sandy beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326,
Floyd ]   handmade clothes with love in every stitch-2@335,
Floyd ]   cheapish leathery clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454,
Floyd ]   visit that vacant lot I loved as a kid@335
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "oo"
Floyd ]          extra near: Den/Dew/344/445/End/445/436/434/Sun
Floyd |
Floyd | > OO
Floyd |
Floyd | Top line is now in header.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "is there a way to see just one category, but to also see the clues?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ff"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > FF
Floyd |
Floyd | Friends are now in header.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "there should be. One feature I forgot was to do stuff like X 1 (to see 1st line) and so forth."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | That'd be kind of pointless here. Well, technically, here and now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "en"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > EN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "unfortunately I had only 70 characters to fit in the header and was concentrating on that not throwing runtime errors. But yes, that is a very good idea."
Doug says, "or maybe just one clue"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "dune"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUNE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 465
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 466
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "oh, oops."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "dune"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUNE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Darn."
Jacqueline says, "Now I am sad."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "wonder what "near pal" means. I thought it means only 3 letters, but maybe those are "extra near""
Doug says, "*meant"
Doug asks, "so 4 letters that add up to N + E. oh, is that why you tried DUNE? because D + U = 4?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "nude"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > NUDE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. That got us to 455, but there wasn't a desert there or anything."
ASchultz says, "I just noticed something I should've re-clued when you hit ff. Basically, yes, stuff without a direction is very-near & I did not write that in"
Doug says (to Floyd), "clubf well, 455 is the Scottish-Canadian near pal. so it's a name"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "cripes."
Jacqueline says, "You seem to want to talk on the channel."
Doug says, "normally I'm good at this. sorry again"
ASchultz says, "'s ok. If I'd tweaked the hints right, you wouldn't need to ask :)"
Jacqueline says, "See, my CF habit is more private. Rather than talk to the channel via Floyd, I just can't play IF off Floyd anymore because I'm so used to typing F in front of all my commands."
Doug says, "I use >, and I guess my fingers want to mix up > and # today"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "wes"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > WES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "we weren't at the start"
Jacqueline says, "See, now I'm just trying random things."
Jacqueline asks, "I think we were, weren't we?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "["
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > [
Floyd |
Floyd | You've made a comment-style command, but Transcript is off. Type
Floyd | TRANSCRIPT to turn it on, if you wish to make notes. Or if you want to
Floyd | eliminate this nag, for instance if you have an interpreter that does
Floyd | so independently, say yes now.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You pick up some static from the teleport device. Ed Dunn is babbling
Floyd | some three-letter acronyms you feel half guilty for not understanding.
Floyd | Or not liking and not using. You know you've heard them before,
Floyd | though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "["
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > [
Floyd |
Floyd | You've made a comment-style command, but Transcript is off. Type
Floyd | TRANSCRIPT to turn it on, if you wish to make notes. Or if you want to
Floyd | eliminate this nag, for instance if you have an interpreter that does
Floyd | so independently, say yes now.
Jacqueline says (to AS), "The reason I'm finding that 'comment-style command' question annoying is that ] is right next to p"
Doug says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > Y
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "er, [ is."
Doug says (to Floyd), "["
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > [
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "slightly less annoying now."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]          Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/434.
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I think it might be better to have the current location in the status line"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ff"
Floyd ]         ED DUNN'S NEEDS [3/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done]
Floyd ] --friends: Dee, Des, near pal
Floyd | (Scottish-Canadian)@455, Ned, pal@535,
Floyd ]   near pal@444, pal (German)@544, far frieeend@356, pal@434
Floyd ] --extra near: Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344,
Floyd ]   Visit online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro gm comp@445,
Floyd ]   A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434,
Floyd ]
Floyd ]   Sun
Floyd ] --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435,
Floyd ]   TV Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Send,
Floyd ]   Handmade clothes with love in every stitch-1@444,
Floyd ]   Smokeless tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424,
Floyd ]   New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514
Floyd ] --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335,
Floyd ]   sandy beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326,
Floyd ]   handmade clothes with love in every stitch-2@335,
Floyd ]   cheapish leathery clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454,
Floyd ]   visit that vacant lot I loved as a kid@335
Floyd |
Floyd | > FF
Floyd |
Floyd | Friends are now not header.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline shrugs.
Doug says (to Floyd), "t"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 3/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > T
Floyd |
Floyd | List toggled from status bar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "wes"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 434: 3/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd | Man! Someone's front door! With the secret detail Ed Dunn showed you
Floyd | that's obvious once you know it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 4/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | "Nice of Ed to think of me even though I'm so far away. I hope it
Floyd | wasn't too far for you."
Floyd |
Floyd | Well, that's another friend found!
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Ouch. I never considered that. I'll put in a clue there if you start with ([)."
Doug says, "I can always find the list in scrollback, but current state would be better to show"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, we keep doing [ just because it's a typo."
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "Agreed."
Doug says (to Floyd), "f"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 4/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > F
Floyd |
Floyd | Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/535/444*/544/356***/Wes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "but yeah the stuff without asterisks is easiest to find."
Doug asks, "535 = DWE ?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "wed"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 344: 4/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Rats, I turned off the nag to put pals in the header with ff, not f."
Jacqueline says, "I have never met anyone named DWE, fwiw."
Doug says, "err, DSE"
Doug says, "wait, we did that already."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 4/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 344: 4/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh right, D = -1, U = +1"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 344: 4/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | You have heard about teleporter overheat. It's quite a way to go.
Floyd | Maybe you should walk around a bit more.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sue"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 435: 4/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 334
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "huh"
Doug says, "oh, we didn't teleporter."
Doug says, "-er"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 4/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sue"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 535: 4/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 535
Floyd | Man! Someone's front door! With the secret detail Ed Dunn showed you
Floyd | that's obvious once you know it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "ah"
Doug says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 5/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | "Ah, yes," says the lady answering the door, "You messengers always
Floyd | find me early, don't you? It must be my personality." Before you can
Floyd | agree, she slams the door in your face.
Floyd |
Floyd | Over halfway there. You are getting the hang of whom to find, where.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You think back to the slider puzzles and even the peg solitaire game
Floyd | you never quite figured out. You bet it'll be easier to figure once
Floyd | you're done here. But Rubik's Cubes? Still, no way. Well, not first
Floyd | thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "544"
ASchultz says, "Hm, that's another thing. I'm not sure if it's fair to block theplayer from teleporting home after one move. I did it to block cheats, but they're calculated differently now"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 5/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | >
Doug says, "U + two that cancel"
Doug says (to Floyd), "uwe"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 544: 5/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UWE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 543
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd | Man! Someone's front door! With the secret detail Ed Dunn showed you
Floyd | that's obvious once you know it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "must be the german pal."
Doug says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | "Ah, Ed always appreciates my Continental European flavor. As do his
Floyd | other guests."
Floyd |
Floyd | Hot dang, that's another friend found!
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "Hot dang!"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Doug says (to Floyd), "f"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > F
Floyd |
Floyd | Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/Sue/444*/Uwe/356***/Wes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "so now some longer names."
Jacqueline nods.
Jacqueline asks, "What are the *s?"
Doug says, "letters past 3, I think"
Jacqueline nods.
Doug says, "455* is a near pal, as opposed to extra near"
Doug says, "so 4 letters."
ASchultz says, "Got it Doug--but I need to clue that as long as you havent figured out an asterisked pal yet"
Doug says, "so 455 = N + E + two cancels"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "newe"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 455: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NEWE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd | A construction site you pass by--and promptly forget about--promises
Floyd | state of the art homes for sale soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "huh."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ween" Jacqueline says, "That is weird when we bypass a place."
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 455: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEEN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "And then it is gone."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "new"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 454: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NEW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "oh yeah, where'd it go?"
Jacqueline says, "I know it is not a bug, but I do not like things disappearing, particularly since I have no clue why that's happening."
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 454: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a mysterious package
Floyd |   a pocket teleporter device
Floyd |   a list of needs (can be examined with just X)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 454: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing to enter. It's all so unfamiliar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "f"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > F
Floyd |
Floyd | Pals: Dee/Des/455*/Ned/Sue/444*/Uwe/356***/Wes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh, maybe L is a no-op"
Doug says (to Floyd), "nell"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NELL
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "A no-op?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 455: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 455: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "l" Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 455: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd | >
Doug says, "guess not."
ASchultz says, "That's a very good try, though...and I think I need to include that in explaining parser errors."
Jacqueline says, "I guess there could be some sekret non-letter letter, but the game sure clues otherwise."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "also, is there any reason you're using an empty header, or f instead of ff? This may be down to bad cluing of course"
Doug says (to Floyd), "senn"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 455: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SENN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to ASchultz), "I find it more useful to have the current location in the header"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You pick up some static from the teleport device. Ed Dunn is babbling
Floyd | some three-letter acronyms you feel half guilty for not understanding.
Floyd | Or not liking and not using. You know you've heard them before,
Floyd | though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "wend"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 354: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEND
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 354
Floyd | Your most recent turning and twisting around seems like it should've
Floyd | led somewhere. But it did not. Yet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "since that changes more often than the friends list."
Jacqueline says, "huh"
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 354: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a mysterious package
Floyd |   a pocket teleporter device
Floyd |   a list of needs (can be examined with just X)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Hm, then I may see if I can include that. Good point."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wendy"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WENDY
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "heh"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > HEH
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Nice try."
Doug says, "so 455 is N + E + U + D, or N + E + N + S, or N + E + E + W"
Jacqueline asks, "So, are they all names?"
Jacqueline says, "Or words, too."
Jacqueline asks, "?"
Doug asks, "do you see names there?"
Doug says, "455 is a pal"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ewen"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 455: 6/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > EWEN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd | Man! Someone's front door! With the secret detail Ed Dunn showed you
Floyd | that's obvious once you know it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Nice"
Doug says, "variant of Ewan I guess"
Doug says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 7/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | A man holding Unended, the award-winning book by Deneen Nunn,
Floyd | answers the door. "Sometimes I wonder if Ed Dunn only invites me to
Floyd | feel multicultural. Eh, well, free food, how can I say no?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Man! None of Ed's pals have insulted you heinously yet. You already
Floyd | feel a bit more posh.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You remember walking into dead ends as a kid trying to take shortcuts
Floyd | to school. But you are avoiding them now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "actually, Wendy's a very good guess, Doug...and I need to put in clue text for that."
Doug says (to Floyd), "unended"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 366: 7/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNENDED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 555
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 565
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 465
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 466
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 366
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh well"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 7/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ed dunn"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 7/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > ED DUNN
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "eddunn"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 365: 7/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > EDDUNN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 365
Floyd | Hey, here's the door to Ed Dunn's secret hideout! Makes sense.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 365: 7/9 pals found, 5/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | No need to be so formal. Walk on in.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 365: 7/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the door, a guard asks your business. You recall Ed
Floyd | Dunn's offer of help. Are you looking for help?
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 365: 7/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You loaf around a bit, worried about facing Ed Dunn, but the guard at
Floyd | the door doesn't seem to want you to hang around. Go in?
Doug says (to Floyd), "no"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 7/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NO
Floyd |
Floyd | The guard mumbles, "I'm a busy man. Don't waste my time!" and turns
Floyd | away. Slightly ashamed, you push the transporter device button to
Floyd | escape the awkwardness.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I guess that's for more hints"
Doug says (to Floyd), "deneennunn"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 497: 7/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 356
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 357
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 367
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 377
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 477
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 487
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 497
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "nope."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 7/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You pick up some static from the teleport device. Ed Dunn is babbling
Floyd | some three-letter acronyms you feel half guilty for not understanding.
Floyd | Or not liking and not using. You know you've heard them before,
Floyd | though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Yeah. They're optional, but they can help. ... oh, good one with deneen Nunn. I'll put in an easteregg."
Doug says, "ok, far frieeend@356"
Doug says, "D + N + E + E + 2"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 7/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X
Floyd |
Floyd | **************ED DUNN'S NEEDS**************
Floyd |
Floyd | --friends: Dee, Des, Ewen, Ned,
Floyd | Sue, near pal@444, Uwe, far frieeend@356,
Floyd | Wes
Floyd | --extra near: Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344, Visit
Floyd | online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro gm comp@445, A powerful hinty
Floyd | spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434, Sun
Floyd | --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435, TV
Floyd | Info show@444, A conventional convent@554, Send, Handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-1@444, Smokeless tobacco@534, Root
Floyd | Beer &/or Cream Soda@424, New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a
Floyd | free hint@514
Floyd | --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335, sandy
Floyd | beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326, handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-2@335, cheapish leathery
Floyd | clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454, visit that vacant lot I loved
Floyd | as a kid@335
Floyd | --kinda far: Return to Ed Dunn for evaluation and reward@365,
Floyd | Smell/taste test@426, book Scandinavian vacation@345, Invisible
Floyd | Institute docs@556, brand new stuff-in-general@545, new bride/groom
Floyd | stuff@145, anti-athletic club@514
Floyd | --far: unworn clothes boutique@344, improperly vowelled hot dog
Floyd | hut@447
Floyd | --extra far: 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can put this in the header with t, though it is not recommended
Floyd | with Parchment, or you can toggle this warning with tt. You can also
Floyd | track just friends with f, or you can see one line with o.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "dennes? densen? denude? wendee?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, wendee."
Doug says (to Floyd), "wendee"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 356: 7/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WENDEE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 354
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 356
Floyd | Man! Someone's front door! With the secret detail Ed Dunn showed you
Floyd | that's obvious once you know it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh! You're with Ed Dunn? Let me see the list he gave you," says the
Floyd | woman answering. She nods approvingly. "He said he only invited Nene
Floyd | because she was closer. I'm glad he meant it this time. I hope he has
Floyd | those awesome hot dogs this party!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Bada-bing, that's another friend found!
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You remember overhearing coworkers telling you you need to get out
Floyd | more and see the city. Man, if they only knew.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I was thinking of the word 'denuded' earlier when I was asking about non-name words."
Doug says, "Bada-bing!"
djfletch arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Doug says (to Floyd), "nene"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 466: 8/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NENE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 465
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 466
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I guess Nene wasn't invited after all."
Jacqueline says, "There should be a goose there."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "That's a good one--I just didn't find a place for it. I think it could be the sequel to Unended, though."
Doug says, "near pal@444"
Doug says, "so, two pairs."
Doug says (to Floyd), "news"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 6/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NEWS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You can see some big glass doors here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "I thought of Nene as a river, not a goose, but I can add that"
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Jacqueline asks, "DEDE?"
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a setup for an old-fashioned newscast. People still watch
Floyd | them, epsecially in the morning, mostly because the anchors are
Floyd | attractive and perky, and none of the reported news is too jarringly
Floyd | thoughtful. However, your package is frisked, and when one of the
Floyd | guards alerts one of the news station big-shots about whom you work
Floyd | for, the big shot schmoozes a bit, gives you a few presents and secret
Floyd | after-party invitations to pass on, and asks for a few favors.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "(typo: "epsecially")"
Jacqueline says (to AS), "A nene is a goose that is indigenous to Hawaii, and unfortunately pretty endangered due to cats."
Jacqueline says, "Or some such."
Jacqueline says, "There'sa big push to eradicate feral cats there because of this."
ASchultz says, "Dede looks very possible. I'd originally tried Deedee, and it might be worth putting back"
ASchultz says, "now that is interesting re: Nene. And sad."
Jacqueline says, "Deedee seems like a name that should definitely be in here."
Doug says, "so, two of UD, NS, EW"
Jacqueline says, "NEWS"
Doug says, "just did that :)"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, sorry it was off my screen already."
Doug says (to Floyd), "sudden"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 345: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUDDEN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 334
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd | A loud noise from nowhere surprises you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "w00t"
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 345: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing to enter. It's all so unfamiliar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "oh, are those just red herrings / easter eggs?"
ASchultz says, "Yes, there are a lot of easter eggs. I think the first is labeled as such"
Doug asks, "words that aren't answers to clues?"
Doug says, "that's why we only see them once, I guess"
ASchultz says, "I didn't want to mention that every time, but it would be useful to track them or give the player a pat on the back when they hit 5 or 10 or whatever."
Jacqueline says, "This is clever, Andrew. maga is here in the room with me, commenting on how impressed he is with how quickly Doug and I picked up on the dynamic, but in speaking to him I think it has a lot to do with your post-post-post-post-post comp release."
Doug says, "I think I may have been partially spoiled by reading some reviews a while back."
ASchultz says, "I mentioned the easter egginess the first time, but unfortunately, I didn't emphasize it"
Doug says, "so I may have picked it up more easily"
Doug says (to ASchultz), "I think we hit some by accident on the way to other things, so they didn't register as easter eggs to me"
ASchultz says, "thanks Jacq--I tend to start with too hard stuff and work back. And Doug, I still think it's tricky either way."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 345: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X
Floyd |
Floyd | **************ED DUNN'S NEEDS**************
Floyd |
Floyd | --friends: Dee, Des, Ewen, Ned,
Floyd | Sue, near pal@444, Uwe, Wendee,
Floyd | Wes
Floyd | --extra near: Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344, Visit
Floyd | online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro gm comp@445, A powerful hinty
Floyd | spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434, Sun
Floyd | --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435,
Floyd | News, A conventional convent@554, Send, Handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-1@444, Smokeless tobacco@534, Root
Floyd | Beer &/or Cream Soda@424, New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a
Floyd | free hint@514
Floyd | --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335, sandy
Floyd | beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326, handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-2@335, cheapish leathery
Floyd | clothes@436, Matchmaker for singles@454, visit that vacant lot I loved
Floyd | as a kid@335
Floyd | --kinda far: Return to Ed Dunn for evaluation and reward@365,
Floyd | Smell/taste test@426, book Scandinavian vacation@345, Invisible
Floyd | Institute docs@556, brand new stuff-in-general@545, new bride/groom
Floyd | stuff@145, anti-athletic club@514
Floyd | --far: unworn clothes boutique@344, improperly vowelled hot dog
Floyd | hut@447
Floyd | --extra far: 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can put this in the header with t, though it is not recommended
Floyd | with Parchment, or you can toggle this warning with tt. You can also
Floyd | track just friends with f, or you can see one line with o.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "just a sec, brb"
Doug says, "I'm stumped on the near pal@444, but let's go for some non-names"
ASchultz says, "I'm not sure where the hint for the final pal went. I can/should add a clue, because it's not a common English name,"
Doug says (to Floyd), "dudu"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 345: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUDU
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "but it is a character in a book series I enjoyed..."
Doug says (to Floyd), "dudu"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUDU
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "near pal at 444" is as
Floyd | good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz asks, "that's a really good one. Israeli I think...?"
Doug says, "oh hey look"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing seems to happen. You think. But you blink once, and everything
Floyd | FEELS different.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Yeah, Dudu Awat, national football team goalkeeper..."
Doug says (to Floyd), "sund"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUND
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing seems to happen. You think. But you blink once, and everything
Floyd | FEELS different.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wens"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WENS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing seems to happen. You think. But you blink once, and everything
Floyd | FEELS different.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ok, back to tasks."
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the extra near line.
Floyd |
Floyd | Den, Dew, Chat w/web srvr@344, Visit online univ. HQ@445, End, Retro
Floyd | gm comp@445, A powerful hinty spying telescope@436, Fix holes in my
Floyd | clothes@434, Sun.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Back"
Doug says, "Chat w/web srvr. wonder why it's so abbreviated"
Doug says, "irc? hm"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "weewee"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 446: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEEWEE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 446
Floyd | You just stepped in a puddle, though it hasn't rained much lately.
Floyd | Whoever, uh, made that puddle is really juvenile.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "haha"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "denuded"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 256: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DENUDED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 356
Floyd | Some weirdo runs by and tries to pull your pants down. You swat him
Floyd | away. He won't try again!
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 256
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, okay, denude, not past tense."
Doug says, "344 = D + a pair"
Doug says, "WED, DUD"
Jacqueline says, "Either, sure."
Doug asks, "neither of those is "Chat w/web srvr", is it?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "dud"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 156: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUD
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 156
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 256
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 156
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You pick up some static from the teleport device. Ed Dunn is babbling
Floyd | some three-letter acronyms you feel half guilty for not understanding.
Floyd | Or not liking and not using. You know you've heard them before,
Floyd | though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "dud"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 344: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUD
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "it's a dud"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh."
Doug says (to Floyd), "dns"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 344: 8/9 pals found, 7/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DNS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 354
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd | You can see some big glass doors here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 8/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You probably took less time to walk there than it would've taken to
Floyd | stay on hold if you called in. Or get an email response. Internet
Floyd | customer service was so much better a hundred years ago! You
Floyd | straighten out a few things about your employer's websites, both the
Floyd | ones people know he owns and the one they don't. The acronyms are
Floyd | flying around, here. You hope you don't have to put up with much more
Floyd | of this.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You reflect back to an unfortunate school incident where you solved a
Floyd | logic-box puzzle and people said that sort of thing would never be
Floyd | handy in real life.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "DNS. Nice."
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 8/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "near pal at 444" is as
Floyd | good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "thanks...I hope the clue was useful."
Doug says, "sure, though DNS isn't just for the web :)"
ASchultz says, "if you guys want to know pal 444's nationality, let me know. I somehow got rid of that hint."
Doug says (to Floyd), "swen"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 8/9 pals found, 8/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SWEN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 433
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Man! Someone's front door! With the secret detail Ed Dunn showed you
Floyd | that's obvious once you know it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "variant of Sven maybe?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 8/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | "You look dizzy! You been walking around in circles?" asks Ed's latest
Floyd | invitee. He makes some desultory joke about remembering to forget the
Floyd | lutefisk, explaining it's funnier once you know Ed Dunn.
Floyd |
Floyd | Excellent. You got all Ed's friends. That should keep him pretty
Floyd | happy.
Floyd | That's the whole gang! Obviously, there'll be random people to make up
Floyd | the numbers, but Ed's best pals are the ones who will keep the party
Floyd | moving.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 8/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "Visit online univ. HQ at
Floyd | 445" is as good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "online univ... phoenix? khan academy?"
ASchultz says, "yes, it is an americanization a bit."
Jacqueline says, "Well, EDU is probably in it."
Doug says, "aha"
Doug says (to Floyd), "edu"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 445: 9/9 pals found, 8/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > EDU
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd | You can see some big glass doors here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "thanks jacq!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | While you're not sure what business Ed Dunn has here, the secretaries
Floyd | there recognize it immediately. Apparently, Ed Dunn has a .EDU domain
Floyd | offering real-world business advice, and one of the main projects is
Floyd | getting people to do busy work for you, whether you really need it
Floyd | done or not. This has to be all the acronymage you can put up with for
Floyd | today.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Hmm. You think Ed would be relatively happy enough with what you've
Floyd | done. He mentioned he didn't need perfection. You could probably go
Floyd | see him again any time, now.
Floyd | You're almost hit by a bicycle messenger who claims to be delivering
Floyd | something REALLY important.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x messenger"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "hm, should we go see Ed?"
Jacqueline says, "Or, EDU is the whole thing. Didn't realize it was *only* three letters that time."
Jacqueline asks (of Doug), "Just to check in?"
Jacqueline says, "Sure."
Doug says, "it says he'd be "relatively happy enough""
Jacqueline says, "wait"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "okay now"
Doug says, "but when we went there before, it seemed like we only need to go if we needed help"
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "Retro gm comp at 445" is
Floyd | as good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I kinda think if we go there now the game will end."
Doug asks, "want to try it? or might there be spoilers?"
Jacqueline says, "Like, he doesn't need perfection but we've done enough so the end."
Jacqueline says, "Well, I'm happy to keep playing for a bit."
ASchultz says, "you can undo going there. And there are no real spoilers."
Jacqueline says, "Figure a few more out."
Doug says (to Floyd), "eddunn"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > EDDUNN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 365
Floyd | Ed Dunn's secret hideout door is just where you remember it. You can
Floyd | enter it to report to your employer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the door, a guard asks your business. You recall Ed
Floyd | Dunn's offer of help. Are you looking for help?
Doug says (to Floyd), "no"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NO
Floyd |
Floyd | You loaf around a bit, worried about facing Ed Dunn, but the guard at
Floyd | the door doesn't seem to want you to hang around. Go in?
Doug says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > YES
Floyd |
Floyd | Evaluation time!
Floyd |
Floyd | You return, with a list of what you've done.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Great job, kid! You got all my friends. They can keep a party
Floyd | exciting on their own."
Floyd |
Floyd | He hands you an envelope. "Pretty good, kid. I have made it worth your
Floyd | time. If you know anyone even more efficient than you, let me know,
Floyd | and I'll give you a referral fee." When you get outside, you realize
Floyd | he is right. There is about a year's worth of pay at your regular job
Floyd | here. 18 9 9.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** The End ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Doug says, "okay!"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Undeeds won't get you back to where you were. In fact, that's sort of
Floyd | why Ed Dunn hired you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Huh. So undo doesn't actually work there."
Doug asks, "18 9 9. maybe 18 easter eggs, 9 pals, 9 tasks?"
ASchultz says, "ok, that's a bug. I'm glad you saved."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "cruelty! :)"
ASchultz says, "ouch--I only checked for undo with certain even happier endings."
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the extra near line.
Floyd |
Floyd | Den, Dew, Dns, Edu, End, Retro gm comp@445, A powerful hinty spying
Floyd | telescope@436, Fix holes in my clothes@434, Sun.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "also, the numbers were diagnostic debug stuff."
Jacqueline says, "Just because I like pop culture and stupid modern non-words..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "deded"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 146: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DEDED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 246
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 146
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sew"
Floyd ]     Threediopolis, Sector 434: 9/9 pals found, 9/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd | You can see a tiny yet inviting door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Most people just have to dispose of clothes and get new recyclable
Floyd | ones, but Ed Dunn can afford more expensive stuff. You dump out the
Floyd | clothes that need repairing and get a receipt with the ready date.
Floyd | Technology hasn't managed to speed up clothes mending.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Was hoping we'd be killed, but maybe it's properly spelled DEADED"
Doug says (to Floyd), "deeded"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 147: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DEEDED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 346
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 246
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 247
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 147
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "DEDDED"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "dedded"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 046: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DEDDED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 145
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 146
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 046
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "ah"
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You're lost. You have strayed beyond the city bounds. A border droid
Floyd | takes your ID and whisks you back to the center.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "no negative numbers"
Jacqueline says, "ha"
ASchultz says, "Oops, meant to maybe have that as an easter egg."
Doug says, "I think DEEDED is the longest word with only two letters, as I recall reading in some wordplay book long ago"
Jacqueline says, "oh, that is probably a word here."
Doug says, "I already tried it :("
Jacqueline asks, "Oh, did you?"
Jacqueline says, "Sorry, maga keeps asking me stuff and I have been distracted."
Jacqueline says, "Well, we should make ample use of the prefix UN and the suffix ED"
Doug | In a third-order isogram, each letter appears three times. These are very rare, unusual words such as deeded ('conveyed by deed'), sestettes (a variant spelling of sextets), and geggee ('victim of a hoax').
Doug says (to Floyd), "unneeded"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 367: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNNEEDED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 564
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 565
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 566
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 466
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 467
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 367
Floyd | You suddenly feel as if nobody, not even Ed Dunn, cares about you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "One of the things I need to do is to put more clues in the easter eggs. Also, wow, Doug, that is cool."
Doug says (to Floyd), "sensenesses"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 357
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 358
Floyd | You've been wandering for too long. You get tired, and you figure it's
Floyd | probably best to start over with a clean look on things. You push the
Floyd | button on your teleporter device, and back you go to the center,
Floyd | scrapping your remaining plans.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You pick up some static from the teleport device. Ed Dunn is babbling
Floyd | a three-letter acronym you feel half guilty for not understanding. Or
Floyd | not liking and not using. You know you've heard it before, though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oops"
Jacqueline says, "Oh gosh. That one is horrible. (UNNEEDED, that is.)"
Doug says, "not sure senseness is a word anyway."
Jacqueline says, "SENSES"
Jacqueline says, "SENSED"
Doug says (to Floyd), "suddennesses"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 334
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 356
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 346
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 336
Floyd | You've been wandering for too long. You get tired, and you figure it's
Floyd | probably best to start over with a clean look on things. You push the
Floyd | button on your teleporter device, and back you go to the center,
Floyd | scrapping your remaining plans.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "bzt."
Doug says (to Floyd), "denseness"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 337: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 346
Floyd | You're in an unusually overpopulated area of Threediopolis. And yet,
Floyd | nothing seems worth visiting.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 356
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 357
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 347
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 337
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "unweddedness"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 553
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd | You can see a secret entry here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 354
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 255
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 265
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 266
Floyd | You've been wandering for too long. You get tired, and you figure it's
Floyd | probably best to start over with a clean look on things. You push the
Floyd | button on your teleporter device, and back you go to the center,
Floyd | scrapping your remaining plans.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You pick up some static from the teleport device. Ed Dunn is babbling
Floyd | a three-letter acronym you feel half guilty for not understanding. Or
Floyd | not liking and not using. You know you've heard it before, though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "SUDDENNESS?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "unwed"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 454: 9/9 pals found, 10/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNWED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 553
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd | You can see a secret entry here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 11/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You walk in. "Are you searching for that special someone...?" a clerk
Floyd | asks.
Floyd |
Floyd | You mumble "Um...not for me, this guy needs it."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Ah, quite so. Mr. Dunn offers our services as a surprise gift to
Floyd | people who have impressed him. I am not surprised you have not." Whoa!
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | You've lost 5 pounds since you started walking around. You'd wanted
Floyd | to. And you're still going strong.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 11/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the extra near line.
Floyd |
Floyd | Den, Dew, Dns, Edu, End, Retro gm comp@445, A powerful hinty spying
Floyd | telescope@436, Sew, Sun.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "436 = S + E + E"
Doug says (to Floyd), "see"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 436: 9/9 pals found, 11/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd | You can see a secret entry here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 436: 9/9 pals found, 12/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You're given a scope to look through--you can follow someone as they
Floyd | make their way to one of your locations. You notice it has settings at
Floyd | 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, where 0 means you'll do nothing. What do you
Floyd | choose?
Floyd |
Floyd | Choose one of 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8:
Doug says, "hmm"
Doug says (to Floyd), "3"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 12/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > 3
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a graphical depiction of someone walking north, east, then
Floyd | finally south, but then your vision loses focus.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're informed you have 2 hints left. Then you push the teleporter
Floyd | device button to get back to where it'll be easier to follow that
Floyd | person.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "huh"
Doug asks, "oh, is that another hint mechanism?"
ASchultz says, "Guys, let me know if you want a hint. I think you may be missing a general something about the list. Also, you've been close to a few places."
ASchultz says, "Doug, yes...there's a 3rd you haven't found yet along with Ed Dunn's offer"
Doug says (to Floyd), "nes"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 445: 9/9 pals found, 12/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd | You can see some big glass doors here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ohh, Nintendo is the retro gm"
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 13/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Oh man! There's people playing, not just emulated NES games, but the
Floyd | real thing! With a power glove, too! One competitor, you went to
Floyd | school with. He is impressed you work for Ed Dunn. He knew a guy who
Floyd | almost got to but wasn't up to it! You give a few invites for the
Floyd | winners. Ed likes the nerd street cred.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You think you remember getting lost where you just were--years ago,
Floyd | though.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Nice."
ASchultz says, "that was one I put in post-comp. I'm not sure how it works."
ASchultz says, "Uwe was the other, by the way"
Doug says, "well, I was confused because it was a task we had to do, yet also a hint mechanism"
Doug says, "I guess we should have chosen 0."
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 13/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "Latin Mass at 435" is as
Floyd | good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "ok, yeah, I can make that clearer to the player, not make them use a clue."
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 13/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You click your tongue now you've solved everything up to extra near.
Floyd | Next!
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the near line.
Floyd |
Floyd | Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435, News, A
Floyd | conventional convent@554, Send, Handmade clothes with love in every
Floyd | stitch-1@444, Smokeless tobacco@534, Root Beer &/or Cream Soda@424,
Floyd | New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a free hint@514.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ah, we're done with the three-letter words"
Doug says, "oh right, these answers are alphabetized"
Jacqueline says, "sigh. brb again"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 13/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X
Floyd |
Floyd | **************ED DUNN'S NEEDS**************
Floyd |
Floyd | --friends: Dee, Des, Ewen, Ned,
Floyd | Sue, Swen, Uwe, Wendee,
Floyd | Wes
Floyd | --extra near: Den, Dew, Dns, Edu,
Floyd | End, Nes, See 2 more things@436,
Floyd | Sew, Sun
Floyd | --near: Latin Mass@435, New&used Clothes@334, Sheep's milk@435,
Floyd | News, A conventional convent@554, Send, Handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-1@444, Smokeless tobacco@534, Root
Floyd | Beer &/or Cream Soda@424, New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a
Floyd | free hint@514
Floyd | --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335, sandy
Floyd | beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326, handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-2@335, cheapish leathery
Floyd | clothes@436, Unwed, visit that vacant lot I loved as a
Floyd | kid@335
Floyd | --kinda far: Return to Ed Dunn for evaluation and reward@365,
Floyd | Smell/taste test@426, book Scandinavian vacation@345, Invisible
Floyd | Institute docs@556, brand new stuff-in-general@545, new bride/groom
Floyd | stuff@145, anti-athletic club@514
Floyd | --far: unworn clothes boutique@344, improperly vowelled hot dog
Floyd | hut@447
Floyd | --extra far: 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can put this in the header with t, though it is not recommended
Floyd | with Parchment, or you can toggle this warning with tt. You can also
Floyd | track just friends with f, or you can see one line with o.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "435 = S + E + pair"
Doug says (to Floyd), "deus"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 435: 9/9 pals found, 13/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DEUS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd | You can see a stained-glass entryway here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 14/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | What with the brutal unholy war over atheists' best reasons to
Floyd | disbelieve in God, religion has made a comeback. The priests here
Floyd | acknowledge you've traveled long and hard and far. You're not sure if
Floyd | you've gone anywhere. But they mention the journey is important, and
Floyd | the cliche provides comfort. There's a weird coin in the package, with
Floyd | which you buy a candle to light. Perhaps it is pre-penance for the
Floyd | party.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're in the zone, zigzagging about. This whole getting lost without
Floyd | getting lost thing is a neat challenge.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x candle"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 14/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CANDLE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "metaphorical candle, I guess."
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 14/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "New&used Clothes at 334"
Floyd | is as good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "D + S + pair"
ASchultz says, "Ok, I'm changing that default error message. Though in this case, I think I should mention you leave the candle there."
Doug says (to Floyd), "duds"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 334: 9/9 pals found, 14/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 334
Floyd | You can see a clothing store here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 15/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You walk into the store and realize you don't know what you should
Floyd | buy. A sales associate dubiously asks if he can help you, and when you
Floyd | mention it's not quite you but Ed Dunn, he whistles and hands you some
Floyd | clothes, with obsequious gratitude to be one of several suppliers to
Floyd | Ed Dunn.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Man, this reminds you of the crossword puzzles in the Newer New York
Floyd | Times. How the middle bits seem pretty cool because you have just
Floyd | enough hints, and something impossible to start now seems doable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "oo"
Floyd ]       near: Deus/Duds/435/News/554/Send/444/534/424/525/514
Floyd |
Floyd | > OO
Floyd |
Floyd | Top line is now in header.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yeah, still doesn't seem useful without the clues."
Doug says (to Floyd), "oo"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 15/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > OO
Floyd |
Floyd | Regular header.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 15/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "Sheep's milk at 435" is as
Floyd | good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ewes"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 435: 9/9 pals found, 15/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > EWES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd | You can see a hinged wooden gate here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 16/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Sheep's milk? Well, people apparently like all sorts of crazy stuff at
Floyd | parties. You guess. You'd never have noticed this mini-farm if you
Floyd | hadn't been told where to locate it. You'd never been to a farm
Floyd | before.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 16/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "A conventional convent at
Floyd | 554" is as good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "nuns"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 554: 9/9 pals found, 16/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NUNS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 564
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd | You can see a stained-glass entryway here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 17/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You hand the nuns a folded sheet marked "Ed Dunn's Undue Deeds."
Floyd | Apparently Ed Dunn is enough of a benefactor that the nuns forgive all
Floyd | his sins--and yours--after you say his penance for him!
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You momentarily doubt whether Ed Dunn has your best interest at heart.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "rats...that's too bad. I enjoyed the partial-clue mode, but then, I knew a lot of the tricks already."
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 17/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "Handmade clothes with love
Floyd | in every stitch-1 at 444" is as good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sewn"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 17/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEWN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You can see a clothing store here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 18/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Nobody really cares about fashion any more, but there are still
Floyd | clothes to wear to show you don't. Ed Dunn needs a lot of them.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 18/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "Smokeless tobacco at 534"
Floyd | is as good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "given the hints you're using, Doug, I think that it'd be handy to have an option to put this latest clue in the status bar."
Doug says, "yeah"
ASchultz says, "that won't be too hard to program. I'm glad you uncovered this."
Jacqueline says, "back. Good job on DEUS and DUDS"
DavidW arrives, ready to play with the toys. Jacqueline says, "and EWES"
Jacqueline says, "And NUNS."
Jacqueline says, "Gosh, you rocked while I was complaining to Amazon."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SUDS"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 424: 9/9 pals found, 18/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 424
Floyd | You can see a restaurant door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 19/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You've never been a Coke or Pepsi man, particularly after they aligned
Floyd | themselves with opposing political parties. Other soft drinks are
Floyd | taxed at a higher rate except for the bootleg stuff. Except here. Your
Floyd | employer apparently Knows People. Because he is such a good customer,
Floyd | you even get some illicit phosphate-filled laundry detergent.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You remember problems you wanted to solve but never did.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hi DavidW! We need a four-letter word for something at a store that sells smokeless tobacco, using only the letters UDNSEW"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Warning. If you haven't played this, you should probably not watch now."
Jacqueline says, "There is no catching up on this one."
Doug says, "yeah, sorry, we may have already spoiled things for you..."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 19/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X
Floyd |
Floyd | **************ED DUNN'S NEEDS**************
Floyd |
Floyd | --friends: Dee, Des, Ewen, Ned,
Floyd | Sue, Swen, Uwe, Wendee,
Floyd | Wes
Floyd | --extra near: Den, Dew, Dns, Edu,
Floyd | End, Nes, See 2 more things@436,
Floyd | Sew, Sun
Floyd | --near: Deus, Duds, Ewes, News,
Floyd | Nuns, Send, Sewn, Smokeless tobacco@534,
Floyd | Suds, New Linux system--boo Windows 27@525, Get a free
Floyd | hint@514
Floyd | --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335, sandy
Floyd | beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326, handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-2@335, cheapish leathery
Floyd | clothes@436, Unwed, visit that vacant lot I loved as a
Floyd | kid@335
Floyd | --kinda far: Return to Ed Dunn for evaluation and reward@365,
Floyd | Smell/taste test@426, book Scandinavian vacation@345, Invisible
Floyd | Institute docs@556, brand new stuff-in-general@545, new bride/groom
Floyd | stuff@145, anti-athletic club@514
Floyd | --far: unworn clothes boutique@344, improperly vowelled hot dog
Floyd | hut@447
Floyd | --extra far: 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can put this in the header with t, though it is not recommended
Floyd | with Parchment, or you can toggle this warning with tt. You can also
Floyd | track just friends with f, or you can see one line with o.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks (of AS), "Are Coke & Pepsi really aligned with opposite political parties?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "snus"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 534: 9/9 pals found, 19/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SNUS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd | You can see some big glass doors here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 20/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | Of course, the smokable kind's been illegal a while, smoking outdoors
Floyd | being proved worse than smoking indoors being proved worse than
Floyd | smoking outdoors. But this stuff is there, if people MUST. It's been
Floyd | genetically engineered to be okay to snort but very toxic to
Floyd | smoke--just in case people get ideas. The clerk nods as you say it's
Floyd | for someone else. He's heard that one before.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "I'm not sure, but I don't know if I want to know."
Jacqueline says, "h"
DavidW has disconnected.
DavidW has connected. Doug asks, "snus = snuff I guess?"
Jacqueline says, "er, ha"
Doug says (to Floyd), "suse"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 525: 9/9 pals found, 20/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUSE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 524
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 525
Floyd | You can see a shiny new store door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 21/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | If only the people extolling Linux weren't so annoying, you'd have
Floyd | fallen in line with them sooner once you saw why. You suspect your
Floyd | employer felt the same. You pick up a lightweight custom computer for
Floyd | your employer.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're in the zone, zigzagging about. This whole getting lost without
Floyd | getting lost thing is a neat challenge.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You recall being made fun of for not wanting to learn how to order a
Floyd | taxicab around--or drive a car.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 21/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "Get a free hint at 514" is
Floyd | as good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "another mandatory hint :)"
Doug says, "514 = U + S + S + S"
Doug says (to Floyd), "suss"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 514: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUSS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 524
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 514
Floyd | You can see a shiny new store door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A suspicious guy sidles up and says, "Psst! Pal! Got a hint. Or even
Floyd | better. Contraband. What d'you say?"
Floyd |
Floyd | The options are:
Floyd | 1. Hint
Floyd | 2. Adrift-a-tron (tells when things are hopeless)
Floyd | 3. Availableometer (tells what you can do)
Floyd | 4. Leave
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Sorry, but I'm having real trouble connecting to the mud."
Doug says (to Floyd), "3"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > 3
Floyd |
Floyd | "Here's your availableometer."
Floyd |
Floyd | You zap back to the center after that encounter, slightly unnerved.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hm"
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an availableometer
Floyd |   a mysterious package
Floyd |   a pocket teleporter device
Floyd |   a list of needs (can be examined with just X)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x ava"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X AVA
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to DW), "No worries, but what we're saying is that you should leave the room."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x availableometer"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | It is lightweight, totally inexplicable to someone from 20 years ago
Floyd | much less 87 (technology, boy,) and indicates it has 10 charges left.
Floyd | FOURTH WALL NOTE: A activates it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "You will enjoy this game, so don't spoil yourself."
Doug says (to Floyd), "a"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > A
Floyd |
Floyd | Best to go somewhere first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ah hm."
Doug asks, "maybe it shows all words that get to a location?"
Doug says, "that would be pretty spoilery."
ASchultz says, "Actually, well, for various reasons, I was hoping solving your most recent find would help clue other things just by how it was found"
DavidW says (to Jacquelkine), "I have played this before."
DavidW says, "The lag is horrific, though."
ASchultz says, "The availableometer is a post-comp thing, so it may not be well explained. But it tells you how many things you can still find on the path you're on"
Doug says (to ASchultz), "hm, well, we didn't actually go inside that last one"
Doug says (to Floyd), "suss"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 514: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUSS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 524
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 514
Floyd | You can see a shiny new store door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | That suspicious guy (again) sidles up and says, "Psst! Pal! Got a
Floyd | hint. Or even better. Contraband. What d'you say?"
Floyd |
Floyd | The options are:
Floyd | 1. Hint
Floyd | 2. Adrift-a-tron (tells when things are hopeless)
Floyd | 3. Availableometer (tells what you can do)
Floyd | 4. Leave
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "although... I've never seen that availableometer before."
Doug says (to Floyd), "4" ASchultz says, "So in other words, if you use it at 444, you'll get info you already know"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > 4
Floyd |
Floyd | "Okay. Later."
Floyd |
Floyd | You zap back to the center after that encounter, slightly unnerved.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "hm, guess we can't?"
ASchultz says, "oh dear. The suspicious guy should be completely gone. That's a bad bug."
Doug says (to Floyd), "suss"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 514: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUSS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 524
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 514
Floyd | You can see a shiny new store door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | That suspicious guy (again) sidles up and says, "Psst! Pal! Got a
Floyd | hint. Or even better. Contraband. What d'you say?"
Floyd |
Floyd | The options are:
Floyd | 1. Hint
Floyd | 2. Adrift-a-tron (tells when things are hopeless)
Floyd | 3. Availableometer (tells what you can do)
Floyd | 4. Leave
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "3"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > 3
Floyd |
Floyd | "Here's your availableometer."
Floyd |
Floyd | You zap back to the center after that encounter, slightly unnerved.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   an availableometer
Floyd |   a mysterious package
Floyd |   a pocket teleporter device
Floyd |   a list of needs (can be examined with just X)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "well at least he didn't give us a second one..."
DavidW says, "About three screenfuls of text are zipping past between what I type and what shows up."
Doug says (to Floyd), "suss"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 514: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUSS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 524
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 514
Floyd | You can see a shiny new store door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | That suspicious guy (again) sidles up and says, "Psst! Pal! Got a
Floyd | hint. Or even better. Contraband. What d'you say?"
Floyd |
Floyd | The options are:
Floyd | 1. Hint
Floyd | 2. Adrift-a-tron (tells when things are hopeless)
Floyd | 3. Availableometer (tells what you can do)
Floyd | 4. Leave
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "2"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > 2
Floyd |
Floyd | "Here's your adrift-a-tron. It'll tell you when things are hopeless."
Floyd |
Floyd | You zap back to the center after that encounter, slightly unnerved.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "incidentally I'm not sure which implement is better."
Doug says (to Floyd), "suss"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 514: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUSS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 524
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 514
Floyd | You can see a shiny new store door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | That suspicious guy (again) sidles up and says, "Psst! Pal! Got a
Floyd | hint. Or even better. Contraband. What d'you say?"
Floyd |
Floyd | The options are:
Floyd | 1. Hint
Floyd | 2. Adrift-a-tron (tells when things are hopeless)
Floyd | 3. Availableometer (tells what you can do)
Floyd | 4. Leave
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "4"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > 4
Floyd |
Floyd | "Okay. Later."
Floyd |
Floyd | You zap back to the center after that encounter, slightly unnerved.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "so I guess we can't get past him"
DavidW asks, "Did you guys get the tobacco one?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You click your tongue now you've solved everything up to near. Next!
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the kinda near line.
Floyd |
Floyd | pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335, sandy beaches@445, ART
Floyd | not porn@445, garden startup materials@326, handmade clothes with love
Floyd | in every stitch-2@335, cheapish leathery clothes@436, Unwed, visit
Floyd | that vacant lot I loved as a kid@335.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to DavidW), "yeah, SNUS"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Yeah, this is, like, a post-post-post-post comp release that Andrew's been working hard on just for Floyd."
Jacqueline says, "So there's stuff in this game you haven't seen."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "dues"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 435: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd | You overhear a gambler mumbling about the Law of Averages--and in
Floyd | these enlightened times! Why, it's YOU who are owed...well, not quite
Floyd | owed...a place of Ed Dunn's to find, now or soon.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd | You overhear someone being shaken down for a racket--a tithe, almost.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh, looks like we didn't need to go inside for SUSS"
ASchultz says, "ok, mashed that silly bug where you can visit the suspicious guy more than once. Oops."
Doug says (to DavidW), "we're on 5 letters now"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 435: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X
Floyd |
Floyd | **************ED DUNN'S NEEDS**************
Floyd |
Floyd | --friends: Dee, Des, Ewen, Ned,
Floyd | Sue, Swen, Uwe, Wendee,
Floyd | Wes
Floyd | --extra near: Den, Dew, Dns, Edu,
Floyd | End, Nes, See 2 more things@436,
Floyd | Sew, Sun
Floyd | --near: Deus, Duds, Ewes, News,
Floyd | Nuns, Send, Sewn, Snus,
Floyd | Suds, Suse, Can still SUSS@514
Floyd | --kinda near: pay property tax@236, cowboy hat & boots@335, sandy
Floyd | beaches@445, ART not porn@445, garden startup materials@326, handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-2@335, cheapish leathery
Floyd | clothes@436, Unwed, visit that vacant lot I loved as a
Floyd | kid@335
Floyd | --kinda far: Return to Ed Dunn for evaluation and reward@365,
Floyd | Smell/taste test@426, book Scandinavian vacation@345, Invisible
Floyd | Institute docs@556, brand new stuff-in-general@545, new bride/groom
Floyd | stuff@145, anti-athletic club@514
Floyd | --far: unworn clothes boutique@344, improperly vowelled hot dog
Floyd | hut@447
Floyd | --extra far: 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can put this in the header with t, though it is not recommended
Floyd | with Parchment, or you can toggle this warning with tt. You can also
Floyd | track just friends with f, or you can see one line with o.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "sorry"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "suede"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 427: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUEDE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 425
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 525
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 526
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 426
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 427
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "dudes"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 335: 9/9 pals found, 22/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUDES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd | There's an argument in the distance about whether someone crossed a
Floyd | foul line while bowling. Someone out of his element with no frame of
Floyd | reference shouts "Well, that's just your OPINION, man!" Silence
Floyd | abides.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd | You can see a clothing store here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Aw, good try with SUEDE, Doug."
Doug says, "that was DavidW :)"
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 23/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You reflect that, ironically, you didn't have to go west once to enter
Floyd | here. You buy a fold-up cowboy hat that fits nicely into your big
Floyd | mysterious package.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Two joggers run by, sniffing at how you don't get THAT in shape just
Floyd | walking.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Actually, the problem was, you didn't start from the origin. I hope you don't mind my spoiling that"
Jacqueline says (to Andrew), "Nice Lebowski reference."
Doug says (to Floyd), "suede"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 436: 9/9 pals found, 23/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SUEDE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 535
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd | Someone moans about his trouble with lawyers. You tune that whining
Floyd | out.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd | You can see a clothing store here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Real leather's a bit scarce, even for rich people, but suede still
Floyd | costs about the same, adjusted for inflation. Anyway, it's just like
Floyd | artificial flavors in food--you get used to it, with all the other
Floyd | advances.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Thanks :)"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, were we not at... oh, thanks."
Jacqueline says (to Andrew), "Nah, that wasn't a hint so much as a 'the reason that didn't work is because you didn't do what you think you did,' which is fine."
Doug says (to ASchultz), "I wonder if the multiple-letters warning should only apply when you're not at the origin."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "seesee"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 428: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEESEE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd | You can see a secret entry here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 426
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 427
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 428
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sees"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 426: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd | You can see a secret entry here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 426
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "swedes"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 307: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SWEDES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 416
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 415
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 416
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 316
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 317
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 307
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, just see"
ASchultz says, "I didn't check the error case where you have, for instance, s-s-suede, but I think I can/should. It's a good bit of polish as long as it doesn't slow the game down too much"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "see"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 436: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd | You can see a secret entry here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "swedes"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 317: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SWEDES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 426
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 425
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 426
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 326
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 327
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 317
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I can't really tell where i am when I type. I can't really .. yeah, I wasn't at origin,."
DavidW says (to ASchultz), "I have played before."
DavidW says, "But my connection is really really poor today."
Doug says, "sorry."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "knock"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 317: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > KNOCK
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing to knock at.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "also, Doug, that's a really good idea. I think I'll steal it."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 317: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing to enter. It's all so unfamiliar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You wonder if you can thread the needle once more through the streets
Floyd | to mark off a quick task of Ed's.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Wait, I was at something."
Jacqueline asks, "Wasn't I?"
Doug says, "we already did see, it's a place to get hints"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, got it."
Doug says, "no, I kept typing something after you did..."
Doug says, "but go ahead now"
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "SEE was what you saw"
Jacqueline says, "I tried SEESEE because of the 'see 2 more things@436' bit"
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "No, I'm good."
Doug says, "436 = S + E + E + a cancel pair"
Jacqueline says (to Andrew), "If you do yet another release, I'd mix up that bit about the richest people, since we see it so much."
Doug says (to Floyd), "seens"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 436: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEENS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd | You can see a secret entry here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 446
Floyd | You hear the whirr of a hidden security camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "What was the new command for quickly peeking at the top of the list?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 436: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the kinda near line.
Floyd |
Floyd | pay property tax@236, Dudes, sandy beaches@445, ART not porn@445,
Floyd | garden startup materials@326, handmade clothes with love in every
Floyd | stitch-2@335, Suede, Unwed, visit that vacant lot I loved as a
Floyd | kid@335.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "oo puts it in the header, but it wasn't as useful as I hoped."
Doug says (to Floyd), "seeds"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 318: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEEDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 426
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 427
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 428
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 328
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 318
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "seeds"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 326: 9/9 pals found, 24/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEEDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd | You can see a secret entry here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 336
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 326
Floyd | You can see an odd grassy door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 25/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Genetic engineering advances have made it so most people, even if they
Floyd | get seeds, can only grow plants for one year. A power grab by
Floyd | agribusiness? Perhaps. But nobody much goes hungry. And no farmland
Floyd | wasted where real estate could grow. You pay for and take the valuable
Floyd | seed packets.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Seeing so much of the city has renminded you of other areas you wanted
Floyd | to visit, like New Wessewn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "(typo: renminded)"
Doug says (to Floyd), "newwessewn"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 25/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 453
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "ah that's an easy one, thanks"
Doug says, "heh, we're in New Wessewn!"
DavidW says, "try WEEDS for the vacant lot, maybe"
DavidW says, "and DUNES for the sandy beach"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 25/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing seems to happen. You think. But you blink once, and everything
Floyd | FEELS different.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks (of DavidW), "I thought you said you'd played this already?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "weeds"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 335: 9/9 pals found, 25/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEEDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd | Based on the smell, maybe there are private gardens behind some walls
Floyd | here, maybe not. Some people just won't pay the exorbitant taxes for
Floyd | growing...THAT.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd | You can see a vacant lot here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 26/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | There aren't many vacant lots left here, and eventually they'll be
Floyd | phased out above the concerns of environmentalists, but this one's
Floyd | still here. You take a few phone-pictures for Ed Dunn to remember, and
Floyd | you take time to remember your own vacant lot.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "dunes"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 445: 9/9 pals found, 26/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUNES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd | You can see dunes here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 27/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | It's not fully a natural beach, and you can't go in the water, but
Floyd | people shouldn't have to drive to a less wired area just to see the
Floyd | dunes. You are able to reserve the dunes for a weekend for Ed Dunn at
Floyd | a nice discount. The agents like that, because people who reserve
Floyd | on-line cancel more frequently.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You become a bit worried you won't be able to come back to any of
Floyd | these neat places now you've uncovered them and your time helping Ed
Floyd | is through.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline exclaims, "Wait!"
Jacqueline exclaims, "I TRIED THAT!"
Jacqueline says, "We must not have been at 444 then."
ASchultz says, "I think you tried DUNE, actually."
Jacqueline says, "hrm grumble mumble"
Doug says, "heh."
Jacqueline says (to AS), "Oh. meh"
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 27/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the kinda near line.
Floyd |
Floyd | pay property tax@236, Dudes, Dunes, ART not porn@445, Seeds, handmade
Floyd | clothes with love in every stitch-2@335, Suede, Unwed, Weeds.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Now, I think it's fair to hint the player some way, but I can't figure one out."
Doug says (to Floyd), "nudes"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 445: 9/9 pals found, 27/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NUDES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd | You can see an a metal door with a one-way peephole here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, ""an a metal door"?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "peep"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 445: 9/9 pals found, 27/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > PEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x peephole"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 445: 9/9 pals found, 27/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X PEEPHOLE
Floyd |
Floyd | It's for looking out, not looking in.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "k"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 445: 9/9 pals found, 27/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > K
Floyd |
Floyd | No need to be so formal. Walk on in.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 28/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Obviously there needs to be a crackdown on sicko-porn masquerading as
Floyd | art, but this has been certified by the Ministry of Art as relatively
Floyd | intellectual stuff. It will provoke dynamic conversation at Ed Dunn's
Floyd | party, too, for sure. You pick out a sculpture from the No-Photograph
Floyd | Zone for later delivery to your benefactor.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), ""
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 28/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | You plot what to take care of next. Hmm... "pay property tax at 236"
Floyd | is as good as any.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "deeds"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 236: 9/9 pals found, 28/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DEEDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 346
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 246
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 236
Floyd | You can see an intimidating 15-foot revolving door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 29/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | People seem surprised to see you. You don't look like a property
Floyd | owner. But once they see your list, they realize who you are working
Floyd | for. You paying in person has saved him $500 (exorbitant, even with
Floyd | inflation) in electronic handling fees.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Who would have thought that there'd be so many combinations of NSEWUD?"
Doug says, "I grepped a big long list :)"
ASchultz says, "ugh about an a, fixed. I hope."
DavidW says (to Doug), "I have. Back in October."
DavidW says, "the art should be NUDES, I think."
DavidW says, "oh. Also try SEWED for a clothing store."
DavidW says, "I hope this is getting through. I'm not seeing anything."
ASchultz says, "that's how I did it too :)"
Doug says, "that's where I got UNWEDDEDNESS"
Doug says (to Floyd), "sewed"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 335: 9/9 pals found, 29/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEWED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd | You can see a clothing store here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 30/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Nobody really cares about fashion any more, but there are still
Floyd | clothes to wear to show you don't. Ed Dunn needs a lot of them.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "poor DavidW. I hate having bad net"
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 30/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You click your tongue now you've solved everything up to kinda near.
Floyd | Next!
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the kinda far line.
Floyd |
Floyd | EdDunn, Smell/taste test@426, book Scandinavian vacation@345,
Floyd | Invisible Institute docs@556, brand new stuff-in-general@545, new
Floyd | bride/groom stuff@145, anti-athletic club@514.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Yeah, SEUDE could be a leather store, and SEWED the clothing store."
Doug says, "woot, 6 letter words"
Jacqueline says, "And DEEDS a realty place, while NUDES the art place."
Doug says (to Floyd), "sweden"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 345: 9/9 pals found, 30/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SWEDEN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 433
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 334
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd | You can see some big glass doors here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Sweden has such great moose."
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 31/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | Well, I guess Ed Dunn wants to have a few 24 hour days of sunlight.
Floyd | You place the reservation for a summer vacation with an agent named
Floyd | Enes Sund.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're in the zone, zigzagging about. This whole getting lost without
Floyd | getting lost thing is a neat challenge.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Man, you're totally in shape after all that walking. In shape enough
Floyd | to impress at a ritzy party like Ed Dunn's. Maybe you will even get
Floyd | invited!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz exclaims, "Ok, here's where I hope the hints work!"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "unseen"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 556: 9/9 pals found, 31/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNSEEN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 545
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 546
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 556
Floyd | You can see some blurry doors that seem only half there here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "I mean, if you all don't figure the last bits out right away & need to teleport back."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 32/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | Knowledge is power is money. You aren't allowed to see what Ed needs,
Floyd | but whatever it is, it's too important to keep online. You hand over a
Floyd | piece of paper, and you get back a booby trapped bag someone makes
Floyd | sure you slip in the package. You're not sure what the Invisible
Floyd | Institute is for, and you still aren't sure you want to find out.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Hmm. You've got 90%. That should be enough for Ed. You hope. There may
Floyd | be some unfair ones in there. You could probably go see him any time,
Floyd | now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 32/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X
Floyd |
Floyd | **************ED DUNN'S NEEDS**************
Floyd |
Floyd | --friends: Dee, Des, Ewen, Ned,
Floyd | Sue, Swen, Uwe, Wendee,
Floyd | Wes
Floyd | --extra near: Den, Dew, Dns, Edu,
Floyd | End, Nes, See 2 more things@436,
Floyd | Sew, Sun
Floyd | --near: Deus, Duds, Ewes, News,
Floyd | Nuns, Send, Sewn, Snus,
Floyd | Suds, Suse, Can still SUSS@514
Floyd | --kinda near: Deeds, Dudes, Dunes,
Floyd | Nudes, Seeds, Sewed, Suede,
Floyd | Unwed, Weeds
Floyd | --kinda far: Return to Ed Dunn for evaluation and reward@365,
Floyd | Smell/taste test@426, Sweden, Unseen, brand new
Floyd | stuff-in-general@545, new bride/groom stuff@145, anti-athletic
Floyd | club@514
Floyd | --far: unworn clothes boutique@344, improperly vowelled hot dog
Floyd | hut@447
Floyd | --extra far: 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can put this in the header with t, though it is not recommended
Floyd | with Parchment, or you can toggle this warning with tt. You can also
Floyd | track just friends with f, or you can see one line with o.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "weenees"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 447: 9/9 pals found, 32/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEENEES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 456
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 457
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 447
Floyd | You can see a restaurant door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Wait, we didn't get 436 or 514?"
Doug says, "improperly vowelled hot dogs."
Doug says, "436 and 514 are SEE and SUSS, which are hint locations that we can revisit."
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 33/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Man, you have heard a lot of reasons why this place or that place is
Floyd | good for comfort food, but one thing you can always rely on: owners
Floyd | misspell, grub will excel. The 'S on the sign triggers another rule:
Floyd | apostrophe botch, the sauce is top notch. The proprietor, Mr. Sweenee
Floyd | (of course,) gives you few free samples for such a bulk order--and
Floyd | becausee you look like you've come a ways--and man, you eat them so
Floyd | fast, you already wish you'd got more.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "rhymes! (also, typo: "becausee")"
ASchultz says, "SUSS should have disappeared when you took something from the suspicious guy, but it didn't."
ASchultz says, "Thanks, typo check there"
DavidW says (to Doug), "It's really bad."
DavidW asks, "WEDDED for the bride/groom?"
DavidW says, "SWEDEN"
DavidW says, "oh, you just did SWEDEN. Sorry."
DavidW says, "UNUSED"
DavidW says, "You also missed my WEDDED suggestion."
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "Oh, okay."
Doug says (to Floyd), "unused"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 545: 9/9 pals found, 33/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNUSED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 654
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 644
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 645
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 545
Floyd | You can see a shiny new store door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "didn't make time to run it through"
Doug says, "I just thought of unused before I saw DavidW saying it"
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 34/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Ed Dunn deserves this new stuff, you imagine. You get a free new
Floyd | spatula for visiting in-person. You get some new pocket-sized
Floyd | technology for Ed Dunn. It all goes back in your package. It will
Floyd | trickle down to the less fortunate when he gets bored. You think.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wedded"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 145: 9/9 pals found, 34/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEDDED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 244
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 145
Floyd | You can see a shiny new store door here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 35/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Expensive wedding presents have been discouraged by the government
Floyd | ever since the population was deemed unsustainable. But people now get
Floyd | married and divorced much more frequently, so non-loners still have
Floyd | that racket going. Well, it's your benefactor's money, not yours. He
Floyd | probably needs to do this to keep up business relations.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 35/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the kinda far line.
Floyd |
Floyd | EdDunn, Smell/taste test@426, Sweden, Unseen, Unused, Wedded,
Floyd | anti-athletic club@514.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "remember, these are alphabetized."
Doug says, "514 = U + SSS + one pair. and comes after WEDDED"
Doug says (to Floyd), "wusses"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 514: 9/9 pals found, 35/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WUSSES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 543
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 533
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 523
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 524
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 514
Floyd | You can see a library entrance here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 36/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You're surprised places like this exist, once you know what it really
Floyd | is. It isn't just rebellion against mandatory exercise for people who
Floyd | do not have computer jobs. It's a group of lazy people who are very
Floyd | clever about mooching off the various welfare programs. Perhaps Ed
Floyd | Dunn takes tips from them? You are given a manuscript that you throw
Floyd | in your package, and it's understood you had better not look at it.
Floyd | They can't beat you up, but they can ruin your credit.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "SENSES"
Doug says (to Floyd), "senses"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 426: 9/9 pals found, 36/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SENSES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 436
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 426
Floyd | You can see a secret entry here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You are evaluated on various senses, and surprisingly, you are graded
Floyd | high on a sixth sense. You don't know what it is, but you're afraid
Floyd | asking will forfeit your score. You're given a certificate of
Floyd | senseness, which goes in the mysterious package. This will please
Floyd | Ed...I think?
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "ha"
Doug says, "so senseness is a word after all :)"
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You click your tongue now you've solved everything up to kinda far.
Floyd | Next!
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the far line.
Floyd |
Floyd | unworn clothes boutique@344, Weenees.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "unused"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 545: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNUSED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 654
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 644
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 645
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 545
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, I was thinking UNUSED was the boutique."
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 535: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 535
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I think we did unused already"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Right, we did."
Jacqueline says, "But I was thinking it would take something different away."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "unsewn"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 554: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNSEWN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 545
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd | A button falls off your outfit and rolls where you can't find it.
Floyd | Well, it's biodegradable enough.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "344 = one extra D"
Doug says, "also, we're at 7 letters"
DavidW says (to Doug), "Seven letters, not six, I think."
Doug says (to Floyd), "newness"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NEWNESS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 564
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 565
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 564
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 574
Floyd | You've been wandering for too long. You get tired, and you figure it's
Floyd | probably best to start over with a clean look on things. You push the
Floyd | button on your teleporter device, and back you go to the center,
Floyd | scrapping your remaining plans.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "newness"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 445: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NEWNESS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 464
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 465
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "aw."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Interference from the teleport device has Ed talking about building on
Floyd | a couple things you previously did to do something bigger.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Hrm. I need to run to get ready for the call with the Ashwell clan. I'll come back to scoop up the completed transcript afterward. Have fun with the rest of it, and thanks for all your hard work, Andrew."
ASchultz says, "Good job so far guys--I was actually curious how effective the teleporter-hints would be, but it's good to see you're working through it so well."
DavidW says, "SEW-N-SEW"
Doug says (to Floyd), "unduded"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 355: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDUDED
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Thanks for helping me work at t his game, Jacqueline. Have fun."
Doug asks, "what do you mean by teleporter hints?"
Doug says, "thanks Jacq! enjoy the call"
ASchultz says, "Well, if you have a few fruitless journeys, the game gives advice"
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sewnsew"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 434: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > SEWNSEW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 434
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "(actually, I don't think sewnsew works)"
Doug says, "oh, I think I've been ignoring it :("
Doug says, "I assumed it was just random messages"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 434: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > X
Floyd |
Floyd | **************ED DUNN'S NEEDS**************
Floyd |
Floyd | --friends: Dee, Des, Ewen, Ned,
Floyd | Sue, Swen, Uwe, Wendee,
Floyd | Wes
Floyd | --extra near: Den, Dew, Dns, Edu,
Floyd | End, Nes, See 2 more things@436,
Floyd | Sew, Sun
Floyd | --near: Deus, Duds, Ewes, News,
Floyd | Nuns, Send, Sewn, Snus,
Floyd | Suds, Suse, Can still SUSS@514
Floyd | --kinda near: Deeds, Dudes, Dunes,
Floyd | Nudes, Seeds, Sewed, Suede,
Floyd | Unwed, Weeds
Floyd | --kinda far: Return to Ed Dunn for evaluation and reward@365,
Floyd | Senses, Sweden, Unseen, Unused,
Floyd | Wedded, Wusses
Floyd | --far: unworn clothes boutique@344, Weenees
Floyd | --extra far: 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325
Floyd |
Floyd | [You can put this in the header with t, though it is not recommended
Floyd | with Parchment, or you can toggle this warning with tt. You can also
Floyd | track just friends with f, or you can see one line with o.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "newduds"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NEWDUDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | You've been wandering for too long. You get tired, and you figure it's
Floyd | probably best to start over with a clean look on things. You push the
Floyd | button on your teleporter device, and back you go to the center,
Floyd | scrapping your remaining plans.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "newduds"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 344: 9/9 pals found, 37/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NEWDUDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 354
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 354
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd | You can see a clothing store here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 38/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You wouldn't wear any clothes like this year's fashions, but you're
Floyd | not paying. You put the clothes in the mysterious package.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "o"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 38/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > O
Floyd |
Floyd | You click your tongue now you've solved everything up to far. Next!
Floyd |
Floyd | You glance at the extra far line.
Floyd |
Floyd | 2nd-hand clothing boutique@325.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "one left!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "usedduds"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 325: 9/9 pals found, 38/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > USEDDUDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 534
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 535
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd | You feel beaten-down and second-hand all of a sudden. Maybe even
Floyd | wondering if you'll always be a gofer to Ed Dunn types. But maybe you
Floyd | are halfway to somewhere Ed needs you to go.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 435
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 335
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 325
Floyd | You can see a clothing store here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Arriving in the used clothes store, you suddenly realize that there
Floyd | are probably used clothes in the mysterious package. You take them out
Floyd | and give them to the clerk, who credits your employer's account.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "newduds" DavidW says, "sorry NEWDUDS"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 344: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > NEWDUDS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 354
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 354
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "sorry DavidW"
Doug asks, "want me to wait for you to catch up?"
DavidW says, "My fault. I f'd instead of ;-ing."
Doug says, "although I think we just need to go to eddunn now"
ASchultz says, "I should hint that, definitely."
DavidW asks, "Did you finish the list?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "eddunn"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > EDDUNN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 145
Floyd | You've been wandering for too long. You get tired, and you figure it's
Floyd | probably best to start over with a clean look on things. You push the
Floyd | button on your teleporter device, and back you go to the center,
Floyd | scrapping your remaining plans.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "eddunn"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > EDDUNN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 245
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 345
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 365
Floyd | Ed Dunn's secret hideout door is just where you remember it. You can
Floyd | enter it to report to your employer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You're confident you smoked this challenge. You blow past the guard at
Floyd | the front door!
Floyd |
Floyd | You return, with a list of what you've done.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Great job, kid! You got all my friends. They can keep a party
Floyd | exciting on their own."
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's good to see you did all the fun stuff I put in there. I like
Floyd | fun."
Floyd |
Floyd | Ed hands you some stuff: a Yankees world champs t-shirt from before
Floyd | their 90-year drought, a big block of dehydrated beer, a little extra
Floyd | for helping his business run smoothly, and a a CD--yes, a CD--of games
Floyd | Ed assures you are awesome, by some Andrew Schultz guy. Ed praises you
Floyd | as a new go-getter in the organization. "Didn't even need my help!
Floyd | Kid, I wish I had some extra hard deliveries to make. You'd pick them
Floyd | off, easy."
Floyd |
Floyd | In fact, he is so pleased, he invites you to his party! He even
Floyd | manages to impress the duende-endued DeeDee Sneed, who's engaged to
Floyd | old-money Sundude Senese. Ed calls you as "Old sport" as he related
Floyd | how Sundude called him "Ed Dung" once (and you can see why it hurts.)
Floyd | He is sure he will get her one day!
ASchultz says, "once you have all the points, plus or minus Ed."
Doug says, "nice"
Doug says (to Floyd), "press green"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd | But he also introduces you to another messenger he has hired.
Floyd | Including Denese (or Sed. I forgot to ask your preference) Senn. You
Floyd | two talk about--well, all kinds of things that will be so fun to
Floyd | learn, you can how you went through the side streets of Threediopolis.
Floyd | Something that recharges its...what's the word...
Doug says (to Floyd), "press green"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd | ...NEWNESS.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** The End ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions
Floyd | for AMUSING things to do, QUIT or UNDO the last command?
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "amusing"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > AMUSING
Floyd |
Floyd | Have you tried:--swearing?
Floyd | --Entering the ominous door and ignoring the warning?
Floyd | --Z 3 times in a row? Then trying it again?
Floyd | --Standard commands like jump/sing/wave?
Floyd | --Not answering YES or NO to Ed Dunn?
Floyd | --Visiting Ed Dunn with no tasks done? 1, 4, 7, 10, then every 4 give
Floyd | different responses.
Floyd | --Finding all the easter eggs (random seeming occurrences) beyond NEW,
Floyd | SUED, WEED and WEND? You managed to find 17 of 47.
Floyd | --Just searching through the source code for the Table of Stupid
Floyd | Scenery (for toss) (source available on to learn all
Floyd | the "funny" hidden places at once?
Floyd | --DUNDEE?
Floyd | --SWEDES?
Floyd | --WEEENES?
Floyd | --UNDUE?
Floyd | --EUWE?
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions
Floyd | for AMUSING things to do, QUIT or UNDO the last command?
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "ok, zap that "including" there before Denese"
Doug says, "aha, 17 of 47 easter eggs"
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Please give one of the answers above.
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, see some suggestions
Floyd | for AMUSING things to do, QUIT or UNDO the last command?
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "you could technically undo things, hit the easter eggs and come back. But some of them are really obscure."
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, I'll pretend you didn't want to complete the game just yet.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 365
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | You reflect briefly that Z is the end of the alphabet, and people who
Floyd | Z too much may run afoul of efficiency laws.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 365: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a buzzing of droids in the distance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | You fall asleep on your journey. You are awakened by whirring and
Floyd | clacking. Droids pick you up and give you an infra-red marking that
Floyd | identifies you as a potential leech on society--and juice and cookies,
Floyd | this time, since your possessions label you as moderately wealthy.
Floyd | They remind you the marking will fade in a year.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "hm. why did it say "then trying it again"?"
Doug asks, "maybe only if you're not at home?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "u"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 544: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 544: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "oops. I forgot to reset a variable."
Doug says, "oops"
Doug says (to Floyd), "jump"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 544: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > JUMP
Floyd |
Floyd | No reason to, with vertical transport tubes to go up and down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 544: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | You have heard about teleporter overheat. It's quite a way to go.
Floyd | Maybe you should walk around a bit more.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "end"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 455: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > END
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 545
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 555
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 455: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing to enter. It's all so unfamiliar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "guess we'd have to restart to get to the ominous door again"
ASchultz says, "It flags you as waiting 6 times in a row"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 455: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | Yes, indeed, the game map has 3 axes--x, y and z.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I think we got it before we knew what was going on"
ASchultz says, "yes, I think I need to flag that in the AMUSING section, to make it clear to the player"
Doug says, "heh."
Doug says (to Floyd), "plugh"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 455: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > PLUGH
Floyd |
Floyd | Being a messenger, you don't have much more to do than go in the six
Floyd | basic directions (transport tubes make going up and down easy.) Or
Floyd | enter places. Maybe knock. Nothing fancy. Type C to see everything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "fuck"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 455: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > FUCK
Floyd |
Floyd | Dude! Eww.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "nice"
ASchultz says, "I was proud of that, I admit :)"
Jacqueline says, "Nice."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "c"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 455: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > C
Floyd |
Floyd | The six directions, abbreviated: N, S, E, W, U, D. K knocks. I/IN goes
Floyd | in (inventory doesn't change much so I trumps INVENTORY when you can
Floyd | enter.)
Floyd | A=use your availbleometer
Floyd | B=brief V=verbose C=this command
Floyd | I=inventory O=one line of by-length list OO=friends in header  X=all
Floyd | the list
Floyd | H=hint toggle
Floyd | P pushes the panic button to send you to sector 444. J=jump mode to
Floyd | skip diagonal warning.
Floyd | T toggles big long listing in the status bar. Z waits.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I kind of had trouble distinguishing the line between actual tasks and easter eggs."
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Well, this kind of stinks. You're on a real cold streak. Maybe you can
Floyd | figure what to do by looking at your list. Maybe somewhere will make
Floyd | sense that didn't before you found a few other places.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "undue"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 555: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDUE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 544
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 454
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 554
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 555
Floyd | Someone walks by and gives you an insult you didn't deserve.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "weeenes"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 447: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > WEEENES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 443
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 446
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 456
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 457
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 447
Floyd | You stop by a hot dog hut that doesn't quite look right.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | >
ASchultz says, "Yes, easter eggs vs actual locations is something to clear up."
Doug says (to Floyd), "duende"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 356: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > DUENDE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 344
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 445
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 455
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 355
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 356
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "p"
Floyd ]    Threediopolis, Sector 444: 9/9 pals found, 39/39 tasks done
Floyd |
Floyd | > P
Floyd |
Floyd | Teleporting technology, apparently only for the very richest people,
Floyd | kicks you back to the center of the city.
Floyd |
Floyd | Threediopolis, Sector 444
Floyd | Well, this kind of stinks. You're on a real cold streak. Maybe you can
Floyd | figure what to do by looking at your list. Maybe somewhere will make
Floyd | sense that didn't before you found a few other places.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to ASchultz), "I think I get it now, the real locations all have doors and entrances."
ASchultz says, "oh dear! I shouldn't put out hints when you have all the points."
Doug says, "anyway, I think I'm done. Others can feel free to hunt more easter eggs"
ASchultz says, "good summary--I will make that clearer"
Doug says, "thanks, ASchultz!"
ASchultz exclaims, "thanks for your help, Doug!"
DavidW says, "sorry. The lag makes it impossible for me to experiment."
Doug says (to DavidW), "it's all yours, I'll stop interrupting"
ASchultz says, "Well, I need to get going myself. I appreciate what everyone has done. I'll be around for a bit but away."
DavidW says, "I'll have to forgo attempting to find Easter Eggs today."
DavidW says, "Otherwise I'd love to help"
ASchultz says, "the easter eggs aren't that big a deal. In fact if you want to see them I'll point you to the source."
ASchultz says, "maybe that should be on the spoilers channel, though."
DavidW says, "Thanks for the game!"
DavidW has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Doug has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. ASchultz says, "Thanks, guys. I have a lot of touchups to do. Source is at [LINK]


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