ClubFloyd Transcript:
Valley of Steel by The Custodian
As played on ifMUD on March 2, 2014

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Valley of Steel written by The Custodian. Valley of Steel was released in 2013. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing these games, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played these games, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

Jacqueline hollers, "Hi! So, um, ClubFloyd has zero idea what it's playing, but it starts in one minute if you'd like to come join us!"
DavidW arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
djfletch arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. Doug says, "there were lots of games discussed in #theoryclub yesterday that I haven't played."
Jacqueline says, "I've been searching through Inform games on the Xyzzy eligibles list, but most are either stuff we've played, stuff NightFloyd has played, or stuff that gets less than three stars on IFDB"
Gerynar is here as an observer because he has to soon step outside to clean the snow off the driveway
Jacqueline says, "Still, most of those in this last category only have a couple of people who've rated them."
Gerynar he is willing to pay a quarter to anyone who'd like to come and do it for him.
Jacqueline asks (of Doug), "2013 games playable on Floyd?"
Busta arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Jacqueline was 'enjoying' the great outdoors yesterday during the IF discussion.
Johnny says (to Gerynar), "Hold on, let me hitch a ride to 1901."
Doug says (to Jacqueline), "nope, older ones."
Jacqueline says, "I mean, we could just abandon the 2013 Xyzzy thing, but that's what we generally do this time of year."
marshal_tenner_winter says, "test"
Jacqueline says, "I've already put in my nominations, but figured I could still update them."
Jacqueline exclaims (at mtw), "Success!"
Doug asks, "are you including unrated games in the stuff with less than three stars?"
Jacqueline asks, "No, have you hit one with no ratings?"
Jacqueline says, "I'm really open to anything."
Doug says, "I haven't looked"
Jacqueline says, "I just have to leave in about three hours."
Doug says, "I was just thinking I'd rather play a game with no ratings than with low ratings."
Jacqueline nods.
Nitku says, "[LINK]"
Nitku says, "or probably more relevant [LINK]"
Nitku says, "Valley of Steel looks interesting"
Jacqueline says, "Well, Burns Night Supper we're only supposed to play on Jan 25th."
Jacqueline says (to Nitku), "Hm, yeah."
marshal_tenner_winter says, "spiritual mulch"
marshal_tenner_winter says, "wrong window"
Jacqueline asks, "What do people think about Valley of Steel?"
DavidW says, "I know nothing about it."
Jacqueline hollers, "Okay, we're playing Valley of Steel, a near-future sci-fi puzzle game by The Custodian which was released in 2013 and has not yet been rated on IFDB."
Nitku arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask valleyofsteel"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | A rare moment of rest.  Your mission to steal specifications of the
Floyd | MitKlein Encapsulation - the ID transponder embedded in every
Floyd | citizen's head, even yours - was successful, and you transmitted your
Floyd | report to Central early this morning.   You expect a new assignment
Floyd | soon, even if it is only instructions to fall back into a cover
Floyd | identity, as you have been on the front lines of the underground
Floyd | struggle against Homeland Security nearly from the start.  Giving up
Floyd | your birth identity and life, moving instead into the flickery
Floyd | half-existence of an underground operative, you've sabotaged, stolen,
Floyd | publicized, verified and fought for years now.  Hopefully, this last
Floyd | mission means that a strategy to counter the government's ubiquitous
Floyd | tagging of citizens is being worked out at levels above your own head.
Floyd |
Floyd | For now, you have found yourself a small quiet park in a quiet corner
Floyd | of the City.
Floyd |
Floyd | Welcome to the future.  Every citizen has been scanned, chipped,
Floyd | folded, spindled and mutilated - and it's enough to make you scream.
Floyd |
Floyd | Valley of Steel
Floyd | A tale of the surveillance society by The Custodian of
Floyd | [LINK]
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 130528 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Park
Floyd | Primrose Street ends here in a small circular cul-de-sac.  You're in a
Floyd | small green park to the north of this, bounded on its three other
Floyd | sides by high fences.  A few trees rise over well-manicured grass.
Floyd | There is a curfew sign at the park's entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "read notice"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A mounted sign which reads: PUBLIC SURVEILLANCE AREA.  ALL ACTIVITY
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "FYI..."
Jacqueline | Valley of Steel is a near-future sci-fi puzzle game inspired by the author's many happy days beating his head against Infocom's works. It is based on a piece of short fiction, which is available at the game website.
DavidW says, "Happy citizens should smile."
Jacqueline smiles.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You're wearing basic clothing which is almost obsessively nondescript.
Floyd | You're average in nearly every physical respect - something which
Floyd | didn't win you many accolades growing up, but serves you well in your
Floyd | efforts to blend in with the conformist population through which you
Floyd | now move.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're wearing a backpack.
Floyd | You're carrying a multitool, a watch, and a phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
marshal_tenner_winter says, "love me a good multitool"
Jacqueline says (to mtw), "Word."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x watch"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x multitool"
Floyd | > X WATCH
Floyd |
Floyd | A cheap digital, your watch reads 7:30 pm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "Gotta blend in with those conformists."
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your pocket multitool.  Has various pliers and attachments and, in a
Floyd | pinch, can probably do 80 percent of what a full toolbox could.  One
Floyd | exception is that in order to remain legal, it doesn't have any
Floyd | cutting edges larger than your fingernail.  You are paranoid that one
Floyd | day you'll forget and try to get on an airplane with it and despite
Floyd | that fact that'll be the last you'll see of it, so you've etched a PO
Floyd | Box address and "BUSINESS REPLY MAIL" onto it.
Floyd |
Floyd | [The multitool is useful for prying or as a pliers.  To use it, try
Floyd | commands with the phrase WITH MULTITOOL - for example, OPEN <NOUN>
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Busta), "Yeah, I was thinking that myself."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x backpack"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BACKPACK
Floyd |
Floyd | A black rip-stop backpack which you normally use for toting tools and
Floyd | books.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open it"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               2
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | That's already open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x phone"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               2
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PHONE
Floyd |
Floyd | A standard candybar model with a nice screen.  Although you've
Floyd | disabled its voice calling functionality to make it less distracting,
Floyd | the lock screen is still active and tells you it is 7:31 pm.  The back
Floyd | is blank metal save for a tiny icon of a waterdrop with a slash across
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "get notice"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               2
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET NOTICE
Floyd |
Floyd | That's firmly mounted in place, by law.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "about"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               2
Floyd | >
Floyd | > ABOUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Valley of Steel
Floyd |
Floyd | In a pervasive surveillance society, you'll dare to strike a blow for
Floyd | anonymity - but to stay free, you will need to take down the watchers.
Floyd | The creep of surveillance and control has continued unabated.  Every
Floyd | citizen is required to have a chip implant which can definitively
Floyd | identify them to anyone with a scanner.  You've spent years working
Floyd | with the underground as a hacker for hire, helping research and
Floyd | develop countermeasures to government surveillance.  You've managed to
Floyd | steal information which will help the design of a cryptographic attack
Floyd | against the Mitsui-Klein Encapsulation that every citizen carries in
Floyd | their skull, which (if it works) will render the chip inoperative.
Floyd | Your own MitKlein signature was captured during your mission, however.
Floyd | Although you did your best to wipe all records of your MitKlein
Floyd | signature from all the databases you could find, if you let your chip
Floyd | be scanned by any system it is likely that Homeland Security will be
Floyd | after you immediately.  Short term, you'll have to get off the street
Floyd | before curfew and figure out how to move around undetected - long
Floyd | term, you will have to bring the fight to Homeland Security itself.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Valley of Steel" is an IF adaptation of a story posted on
Floyd | [LINK]  Both story and IF are authored by The
Floyd | Custodian of Everything2 using Inform 7.  For a list of contributors
Floyd | to the game, use the command CREDITS.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
marshal_tenner_winter says, "great now we're on cam trying to steal that sign"
Ellison arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
Doug says (to Floyd), "credits"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               2
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CREDITS
Floyd |
Floyd | The real meat of the game's functionality was provided by a series of
Floyd | helpful folks on IRC and on - GhettoAardvark, OldMiner,
Floyd | Clockmaker, raincomplex, zarf(Andrew Plotkin), maga, climbingstars,
Floyd | Felix Larsson, capmikee, ChrisC, mattw, Skinny Mike, tove, HanonO.
Floyd | Testing was provided by some of those.  Andrew Schultz has patiently
Floyd | and heroically labored to point out things I did wrong, even going
Floyd | back and retesting after I fixed them (and all to often, broke other
Floyd | stuff).  In addition uncledavid, Evelin en Biep Durieux, and Klaus
Floyd | Matteus provided invaluable testing.  They all have my humble thanks.
Floyd | All errors, of course, are my own.
Floyd |
Floyd | For information about the game's design and story, use the command
Floyd | ABOUT.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to marshal_tenner_winter), "nah, big brother already knew from the chip in our head"
marshal_tenner_winter exclaims, "d'oh!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               2
Floyd | >
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "I wonder how this seems to have slipped past everyone"
Nitku says, "maybe the release wasn't advertised"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline asks, "So, um, something more to do here, or go south?"
DavidW says, "South, unless there's a park bench or bin."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "remove sign with multitool"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               3
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That doesn't seem possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "so go south? Looks like the only exit"
Nitku says, "sure"
katie-paquette has arrived.
Nitku says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Primrose & Cedar                                     4
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Primrose & Cedar
Floyd | This staid neighborhood intersection of Primrose Lane and Cedar Street
Floyd | fronts the local Transit station, Green Residential.  The station
Floyd | entrance is to the west.  Primrose Lane continues to the south, and
Floyd | Cedar Street continues to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Residential Park, south, east, and west from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "When is curfew, by the way?"
katie-paquette says, "Sorry I'm late."
Gerynar says "bloop" and shrinks down into a little dot, then winks out...just like those old-fashioned B&w televisions.
Gerynar has disconnected.
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read notice"
Floyd ]  Primrose & Cedar                                     4
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A mounted sign which reads: PUBLIC SURVEILLANCE AREA.  ALL ACTIVITY
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku asks, "Another surveillance notice? What is this, some kind of dystopian surveillance state?"
DavidW says (to Nitku), "yes"
DavidW asks, "I suppose south again?"
Busta says, "oh, we read the notices, not the curfew sign. Wonder if it's important."
DavidW says, "Time progresses in this game."
Jacqueline says (to Nitku), "heehee"
Jacqueline says, "Well, we need to get inside before curfew"
katie-paquette says, "hello It's Katie Paquette and I'm sorry I'm late."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x spacescraper"
Floyd ]  Primrose & Cedar                                     4
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Visible in the distance above the surrounding buildings, the Reserve
Floyd | Bank Spacescraper is home to more than just the regional Reserve Bank.
Floyd | It is a two-hundred-level building containing all manner of businesses
Floyd | and government offices, as well as a hotel and several floors of
Floyd | extremely high-priced residential apartments.  Centrally located
Floyd | Downtown, it boasts its own Transit station and a food court in its
Floyd | lower levels.  Conventions and events are often held in its soaring
Floyd | Atrium, an open space within the building core which rises over fifty
Floyd | floors entirely indoors.  It is several miles away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Katie), "No worries."
Jacqueline says, "We are not far in. We are a person who has a surveillance chip in their head, and we are a hacker and we are trying to subvert the state. We have a multitool."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, and we need to get inside before curfew, but I'm not sure when that is yet."
katie-paquette asks (of jacqueline), "What are we playing today?"
Jacqueline says, "It is called Valley of Steel."
DavidW says, "The building reminds me of Brave New World, although I haven't read that book in decades."
Nitku says, "let's go back to check the curfew sign"
DavidW asks, "You think it's the only one?"
Nitku says, "perhaps not, but it would be useful to know how much time we have"
Jacqueline says, "Can't hurt to look at the one we know about."
DavidW says, "fine"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               5
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Park
Floyd | Primrose Street ends here in a small circular cul-de-sac.  You're in a
Floyd | small green park to the north of this, bounded on its three other
Floyd | sides by high fences.  A few trees rise over well-manicured grass.
Floyd | There is a curfew sign at the park's entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Primrose & Cedar from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a quiet tone from your phone and you feel a short vibration,
Floyd | indicating that an SMS message has arrived.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sign"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               5
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SIGN
Floyd |
Floyd | A metal sign on a metal pole, it reads "NOTE: PARK CLOSED DURING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "ooh, sms"
DavidW says, "It's your mum. Please come home. All is forgiven."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               5
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               5
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd | TARGET.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "8pm doesn't sound far off."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               5
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd | Message 3 reads: NEW INSTRUCTIONS FOLLOW: 
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Are we losing a minute with each move?"
katie-paquette says, "Well I better get back to my other game."
Nitku says, "I think there's a turn counter up there"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x watch"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               5
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WATCH
Floyd |
Floyd | A cheap digital, your watch reads 7:34 pm.
Floyd |
Floyd | The watch might be more useful if worn.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "True, but is it a minute per churn of the counter?"
Jacqueline says, "Okay, seems like it."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "wear watch"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:35 pm / Green Residential Park               6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WEAR WATCH
Floyd |
Floyd | You put on the watch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "ooh"
Jacqueline says, "Seems like having the time in the status bar rather than the number of turns... enh."
Jacqueline shrugs.
Nitku says, "it's there now"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, so it is."
Jacqueline says, "Nice."
DavidW says, "heh"
katie-paquette says, "Got to be ready for Jenrexrode an inky."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:35 pm / Green Residential Park               6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
katie-paquette has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:35 pm / Green Residential Park               6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd | TARGET
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:35 pm / Green Residential Park               6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:35 pm / Green Residential Park               6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:35 pm / Green Residential Park               6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:35 pm / Green Residential Park               6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read sms"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:35 pm / Green Residential Park               6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SMS
Floyd |
Floyd | Message 10 reads: GOOD LUCK. MESSAGE ENDS.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "ok, so first find a computer"
Busta says, "good luck is right"
Jacqueline asks, "So, use the multitool on the phone?"
DavidW says, "Not yet."
Jacqueline asks, "Why not yet?"
Guest1 hollers, "Help me! I"m lost!" DavidW says, "Message 8"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, right."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:35 pm / Green Residential Park               6
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Park
Floyd | Primrose Street ends here in a small circular cul-de-sac.  You're in a
Floyd | small green park to the north of this, bounded on its three other
Floyd | sides by high fences.  A few trees rise over well-manicured grass.
Floyd | There is a curfew sign at the park's entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Primrose & Cedar from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guest1 arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Jacqueline says, "A bank seems like a not awesome place to go hack a computer."
Guest1 asks, "Hey guys! Am I at the Floyd club meeting?" Jacqueline says, "I will speak to the guest."
Allen arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
Allen has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Nitku says, "Let's explore the map"
Busta says, "I vote explore until you f... timing"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:36 pm / Primrose & Cedar                     7
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Primrose & Cedar
Floyd | This staid neighborhood intersection of Primrose Lane and Cedar Street
Floyd | fronts the local Transit station, Green Residential.  The station
Floyd | entrance is to the west.  Primrose Lane continues to the south, and
Floyd | Cedar Street continues to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Residential Park, south, east, and west from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:37 pm / South Primrose Lane                  8
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | South Primrose Lane
Floyd | Primrose Lane continues to the north.  To the south is a boarded-up
Floyd | empty house; sumac plants can be seen peeking over the top of the
Floyd | dilapidated fencing.  The fence has a plastic tarp strung behind it
Floyd | which prevents you from seeing much of the house.  To the west is a
Floyd | single-family home with a large warning sign and an enormous dog on
Floyd | the front lawn.  To the east is a three-family residence's front path.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Primrose & Cedar and east from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "Maybe save and see if there's a computer in the house?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x tarp"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:37 pm / South Primrose Lane                  8
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TARP
Floyd |
Floyd | A combination of cyclone fence and plastic sheeting, it blocks your
Floyd | view.  You can hear rustling from behind it, as of people moving
Floyd | around furtively.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
marshal_tenner_winter goes home.
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x dog"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:37 pm / South Primrose Lane                  8
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X DOG
Floyd |
Floyd | This snoozing beast must mass thirty kilos or more.  Its ancestry
Floyd | appears to include Mastiff, Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler and tribble.
Floyd | You have no desire to get anywhere near it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku clears the save counter.
Nitku says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 7:37 pm / South Primrose Lane                  8
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "lol tribble"
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says, "Also, we must be Klingon."
DavidW says, "If it's part tribble, it could give birth to more dogs in seconds if fed."
Jacqueline says, "New Goal: Keep the dog away from the grain shipment."
Nitku says, "we could check the house to the east"
Busta says, "go for it"
Nitku says, "or see what's rustling behind the tarp"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:38 pm / Front Path                           9
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Path
Floyd | This front path is paved with cracked flagstones.  Primrose Lane is to
Floyd | the west, a three-family building is to the east, and the building's
Floyd | side yard is to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast, east through the House door (closed), and west
Floyd | to South Primrose Lane from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "I bet the door is locked"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:39 pm / Front Path                           10
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the House door.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "lol"
Nitku says, "or not"
Busta asks, "who needs to lock doors, with a public surveillance notice on your lawn?"
Jacqueline says, "So, it's not locked, it just doesn't stay open for a full turn."
Jacqueline says, "A compromise of sorts."
Busta says, "you can probably just head east"
Nitku asks, "go in through the door, or to the back yard?"
* katie-paquette has left the channel.
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, it's probably another StarTrek reference - just walk into the door."
Nitku says, "through the door then"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:40 pm / Front Lobby                          11
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the House door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Lobby
Floyd | The slightly shabby front lobby of this multi-family building.  A door
Floyd | leads outside to the west, gated stairs leading up to the upper two
Floyd | floors are to the east, and an apartment door is to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A small post-it note is stuck to the door of Apartment 1.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a newspaper and a pamphlet here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Apartment door (closed) and west through
Floyd | the House door to Front Path from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "oh, it's an apartment building"
DavidW says, "Three family building, it said."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read note"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:40 pm / Front Lobby                          11
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ NOTE
Floyd |
Floyd | A short scribble, which reads "The techs were by to turn off your
Floyd | water.  Have a nice vacation!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "So apt 1 is probably unoccupied since he or she is on vacation?"
Busta says, "I think the term 'House door' had me confused"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "That's what I'm a-thinkin'"
Nitku says, "You shouldn't leave notes like that. Someone might see that the apartment is empty and go in to escape the curfew and perhaps loan their computer."
DavidW says, "And eat their cheese."
Busta says, "oh man I could go for some good cheese right now"
DavidW says, "There could be cheese and pizza and bacon-wrapped bits of baked dough in there."
Jacqueline says, "I just had cheesy grits and a biscuit."
DavidW says, "We could also check if there's a Public Surveillance Notice in their bathroom."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Busta asks, "so inside?"
DavidW says, "It's probably locked. All that cheese, suffering."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read newspaper"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:40 pm / Front Lobby                          11
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Today's front-page headline is: Homeland Security convention to be
Floyd | held this week at the Reserve Bank Spacescraper.   "The best and
Floyd | the brightest of the various Homeland Security agencies will meet in
Floyd | the Reserve Bank Atrium this week to receive presentations on new
Floyd | security initiatives and to discuss the state of the art in security
Floyd | technology."
Floyd |
Floyd | The next headline reads: Soldiers begin to experience
Floyd | breakdowns.
Floyd | The story itself continues: "The parents of several deployed American
Floyd | military personnel have raised concerns that their children appear to
Floyd | be losing touch with reality.  Government refutes these claims with
Floyd | statistics showing that 97.2 percent of deployed American service
Floyd | personnel are safely medicated." At the bottom, a small postscript
Floyd | reads Would you like to know more?  [LINK]
Floyd |
Floyd | Reading the story about the Homeland Security convention, the thought
Floyd | of all those Homeland Security drones in one place makes you grind
Floyd | your teeth.  Then, however, a vision of all those heavily-secured
Floyd | workers with dead MitKlein bottles replaces it, and you have some
Floyd | difficulty wiping the resulting smile from your face.  If only...
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Probably no way in except for the spare key that the neighbour has."
Nitku says, "or through a window in the yard"
Busta asks, "or multitool our way in?"
DavidW says, "well, check the door first."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "read pamphlet"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:40 pm / Front Lobby                          11
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It seems that the DHS believe the occupants of Apartment 1 are due to
Floyd | have a child any day now.  As such, the pamphlet is meant to inform
Floyd | them of their duty as a citizen to ensure their child has his or her
Floyd | Mitsui-Klein encapsulation properly implanted by their birth hospital.
Floyd | Along with two or three not-so-veiled hints as to the penalties for
Floyd | avoiding implantation, the pamplet also contains a very familiar
Floyd | boilerplate description of the MitKlein Bottle which you and all your
Floyd | fellow citizens carry within your skulls.  Inserted at birth, the
Floyd | MitKlein becomes embedded in the bone structure of the skull as the
Floyd | fontanelles close and harden.  It contains just enough electronics to
Floyd | act as a transponder which will identify its owner, securely, to any
Floyd | nearby chip scanner over a range of perhaps five meters or less.  The
Floyd | pamphlet cheerily explains that without such a chip, your child will
Floyd | be severely disadvantaged and unable to use basic modern services.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "Why do people like to write games that we then play and then the transcripts end up on my website and then I get an FBI file? Why?"
Busta says (to jacqueline), "Don't pretend you don't already have an FBI file"
Jacqueline says, "Well, I probably do. That's true."
Jacqueline exclaims, "Also, I'm seeing why this game has no reviews: people are afraid to leave them!"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:41 pm / Front Lobby                          12
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | (the Apartment door)
Floyd | The door is securely locked.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Jacqueline asks (of inky), "Where's your funk?"
DavidW says, "He left it implanted in his other skull."
Jacqueline says, "yay"
inky says, "now in six funkless varieties"
DavidW says, "Strawberry kiwi is my favourite."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "unlock door with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:41 pm / Front Lobby                          12
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the Apartment door or the House door?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "apartment"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:42 pm / Front Lobby                          13
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't unlock the Apartment door with that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "pry door with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:42 pm / Front Lobby                          13
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "try the window then?"
DavidW says, "I wonder if this society even has ordinary keys if there's ID chips in everyone's heads."
DavidW says, "If there is a window. It might be a holoscreen repro of a window."
DavidW says, "Feel free to find a window. My bet is the neighbours have the key."
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:43 pm / Front Path                           14
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the House door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Path
Floyd | This front path is paved with cracked flagstones.  Primrose Lane is to
Floyd | the west, a three-family building is to the east, and the building's
Floyd | side yard is to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast, east through the House door to Front Lobby, and
Floyd | west to South Primrose Lane from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:44 pm / Side Yard                            15
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Side Yard
Floyd | A narrow side yard with a high solid fence on the north side and a few
Floyd | straggly decorative plants.  The yard extends east behind the house
Floyd | and west to the front of the house.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east and west to Front Path from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x plants"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:44 pm / Side Yard                            15
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PLANTS
Floyd |
Floyd | A few straggly brown and green plants huddling near the base of the
Floyd | fence and the side of the house.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "at least examining does not increase time"
Busta says (to Floyd), "x fence"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:44 pm / Side Yard                            15
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FENCE
Floyd |
Floyd | That won't help you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:45 pm / Back Yard                            16
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Back Yard
Floyd | An enclosed back yard, this small square of grass is surrounded by a
Floyd | high fence and the east side of the attached home.  A narrow frosted
Floyd | window - likely a bathroom - is visible in the middle of the stretch
Floyd | of wall, and a larger clear window with curtains behind it is visible
Floyd | at the south end.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Side Yard from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Lucky us. Two windows."
Busta says (to Floyd), "x frosted window"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:45 pm / Back Yard                            16
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A very narrow window of frosted glass, it appears to be painted shut.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "painted shut?"
DavidW says, "The bane of all PCs."
Busta says (to Floyd), "open frosted window"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:46 pm / Back Yard                            17
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's painted shut.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "lol"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "open frosted window with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:47 pm / Back Yard                            18
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's painted shut.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Besides, it's very narrow."
Busta says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:47 pm / Back Yard                            18
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the bedroom window or the bathroom window?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We could only shove a cat or Oliver Twist inside."
Busta says (to Floyd), "bedroom"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:47 pm / Back Yard                            18
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BEDROOM
Floyd |
Floyd | A large clear two-pane window, it is locked with a latch mechanism at
Floyd | the join of the two panes.  Having the latch on the outside probably
Floyd | violates some building code somewhere.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x latch"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:47 pm / Back Yard                            18
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LATCH
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a fairly standard window latch.  It prevents the two
Floyd | windowpanes from sliding past one another.  The locking tab is secured
Floyd | with a cotter pin which, for some reason, is on the outside of the
Floyd | window.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the latch is a cotter pin.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
katie-paquette arrives, full of fun and funk.
Nitku says (to Floyd), "get pin"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:47 pm / Back Yard                            18
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I love it when things happen for some reason"
Floyd | > GET PIN
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't get enough purchase with your fingers to pull the pin out.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:47 pm / Back Yard                            18
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open but empty)
Floyd |   a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |   a phone
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "get pin with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:47 pm / Back Yard                            18
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to get the cotter pin.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pry pin with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:47 pm / Back Yard                            18
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "remove pin with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:48 pm / Back Yard                            19
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You deftly remove the cotter pin with the multitool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "yay"
DavidW says, "grr GTV"
Busta says (to Floyd), "open bedroom window"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:49 pm / Back Yard                            20
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You slide the bedroom window open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "open the window and GET THAT CHEESE"
Busta says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:49 pm / Back Yard                            20
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "enter window"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:50 pm / Bedroom                              21
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the bedroom window)
Floyd |
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd | This bedroom is rather plain.  Its owners must not spend much time in
Floyd | it while awake.  It contains a bed - currently unmade - and a bedside
Floyd | table with a lamp on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, east to Back Yard, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "No PSN?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "look under bed"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:51 pm / Bedroom                              22
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "search bed"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:52 pm / Bedroom                              23
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SEARCH BED
Floyd |
Floyd | There is nothing on the bed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "open table"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:53 pm / Bedroom                              24
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN TABLE
Floyd |
Floyd | (the bedside table)
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "make bed"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:54 pm / Bedroom                              25
Floyd | >
Floyd | > MAKE BED
Floyd |
Floyd | There's no point.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta exclaims, "ha!"
inky says (to Floyd), "x table"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:54 pm / Bedroom                              25
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TABLE
Floyd |
Floyd | (the bedside table)
Floyd | A cheap but sturdy bedside table. There is a table lamp atop it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "x lamp"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:54 pm / Bedroom                              25
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LAMP
Floyd |
Floyd | A generic compact fluorescent lamp, it is screwed to the table,
Floyd | presumably to prevent it falling over.
Floyd |
Floyd | The table lamp is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "unscrew lamp with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:54 pm / Bedroom                              25
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to unscrew the table lamp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "unscrew lamp"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:55 pm / Bedroom                              26
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It is fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
katie-paquette says (to inky), "I think ClubFloyd is trying to have a session in here." DavidW says, "Leave Brittney Lamp Alone!"
Busta says (to Floyd), "switch on lamp"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:56 pm / Bedroom                              27
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the table lamp on.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Green Residential curfew will begin in five minutes.  You'll need
Floyd | to be inside, in an area which isn't under public surveillance, to
Floyd | avoid being arrested.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "close window"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:57 pm / Bedroom                              28
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You slide the bedroom window closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
* katie-paquette has joined the channel.
Nitku says (to Floyd), "close curtains"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:57 pm / Bedroom                              28
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "apparently the curtains were an optical illusion"
katie-paquette goes home. Busta asks, "north or east?"
Busta says, "err, I mean north or west"
Jacqueline asks, "So, we're safe in here, right?"
* katie-paquette has left the channel.
Busta says, "Yeah, I think we're safe until morning"
DavidW says, "We're safe but stuck in the house, I think."
DavidW says, "But I expect this sort of game requires multiple playthroughs."
Jacqueline says, "I would think so, but it feels like (yeah, I realize I shouldn't type this) we're doing really well."
DavidW says, "We seem to be slow in obtaining our cheese."
Nitku says, "north is probably the bathroom"
Busta says, "let's find out"
DavidW says, "With the frosted window, yes"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:58 pm / Bathroom                             29
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Bathroom
Floyd | This home only has the one bathroom, which means that the fact that
Floyd | it's not very clean is somewhat embarrassing.  Or at least, it would
Floyd | be if the owner had expected visitors. It contains a sink, mirror,
Floyd | toilet and shower.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Bedroom and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "(not where I would look for cheese)"
Jacqueline smiles.
DavidW says, "(and we know there's no water either)"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:58 pm / Bathroom                             29
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | A very narrow window of frosted glass, it appears to be painted shut.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x mirror"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:58 pm / Bathroom                             29
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MIRROR
Floyd |
Floyd | A mid-range but functional mirror mounted over the sink.  It has
Floyd | various illegible smudges around the edge which suggest that its owner
Floyd | uses it to write temporary notes to themself.  One corner has a small
Floyd | piece of graffiti done in black marker.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
katie-paquette has arrived.
Busta says (to Floyd), "x fraffiti"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:58 pm / Bathroom                             29
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FRAFFITI
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x graffiti"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:58 pm / Bathroom                             29
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X GRAFFITI
Floyd |
Floyd | This small graffito is scrawled text reading HISTORY IS A LIE!
Floyd |  Just below it is a URL: [LINK]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "With luck it's the combo to his liquor cabinet."
Busta says, "oh dear"
Nitku says, "Fraffitis, now available at Starbucks"
Jacqueline asks, "Am I the only one ascared to click on these URLs?"
DavidW asks, "What's the longevity of URLs?"
Busta says, " are forever"
katie-paquette goes home. Jacqueline says, "My guess is they're good as long as is online. It's just a database."
DavidW asks, "They don't recycle them?"
Busta says, "Nope, actually learned that the hard way"
Nitku says, "No. That would be bad."
DavidW says, "It's a link to a story on called SPECWEAPS."
Busta says, "DavidW is the brave one of the group."
DavidW | This briefing assumes you have read Document WEAPS-D/Y-MISK-112 (Miskatonic University Journal of Natural Sciences, 4Q 1927: "Some thoughts on the potential of harnessing Shoggoth plasmids in a controlled system," Dyer, Danforth, et al).
Jacqueline gives David a medal.
DavidW says, "I'm not sure if it's relevant to this game or not."
Guest1 goes home. DavidW asks, "Anything else in here?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open mirror"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:59 pm / Bathroom                             30
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x cabinet"
Floyd ]  Time: 7:59 pm / Bathroom                             30
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "look in mirror"
Floyd | > X CABINET
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd ]  Time: 8:00 pm / Bathroom                             31
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's hard to say if your reflection shows a true urban resistance
Floyd | fighter or just a very nondescript citizen.  You've changed your
Floyd | hairstyle so many times now, you don't know what you look
Floyd | like.
Floyd |
Floyd | It's 8:00 PM.  The curfew is now in effect for this neighborhood.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
dddddd disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again.
Busta says (to Floyd), "x toilet"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:00 pm / Bathroom                             31
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TOILET
Floyd |
Floyd | Clean and relatively upscale, you still don't want to use it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Resistance fighting: it's all about the hairstyle."
Doug says (to Floyd), "look at toilet in mirror"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:00 pm / Bathroom                             31
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "this game is SO underimplemented."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x smudges"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:00 pm / Bathroom                             31
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SMUDGES
Floyd |
Floyd | The smudges appear to be the remnants of Magic Marker notes, each now
Floyd | rubbed out - unlike the graffiti in the lower corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "flush toilet"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:01 pm / Bathroom                             32
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a brief gurgling sound.  If only your problems could be so
Floyd | easily disposed of.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read graffiti"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:01 pm / Bathroom                             32
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This small graffito is scrawled text reading HISTORY IS A LIE!
Floyd |  Just below it is a URL: [LINK]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "looks like we do have water"
Jacqueline asks, "?"
DavidW says, "Not anymore. You flushed away the water we had."
Jacqueline says, "No, toilets make a gurgling sound when there's air in the pipes."
Jacqueline says, "Timing"
Busta says (to Floyd), "turn on sink"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:02 pm / Bathroom                             33
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TURN ON SINK
Floyd |
Floyd | The apartment owners must have shut off their water while away;
Floyd | nothing happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "these links seem to be short stories by the game's author on Everything2"
Busta says, "oh, you're right"
Busta asks, "ready to move on?"
DavidW says, "uh-huh"
Nitku says, "yes please"
Busta says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:03 pm / Bedroom                              34
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd | This bedroom is rather plain.  Its owners must not spend much time in
Floyd | it while awake.  It contains a bed - currently unmade - and a bedside
Floyd | table with a lamp on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Bathroom, east to Back Yard, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:04 pm / Hall                                 35
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall
Floyd | The central hallway of this modest home.  It's relatively clean and
Floyd | neat, as there is no furniture in it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, east to Bedroom, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:05 pm / Entry                                36
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Entry
Floyd | This is the small entryway to the ground-floor apartment. A pile of
Floyd | mail, most of it unread, nearly covers the side table just inside the
Floyd | apartment door.  The apartment hallway is to the south.  To the west
Floyd | is an office, and to the east is a bathroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a side table (on which is a car key) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Apartment door (closed) to Front Lobby,
Floyd | south to Hall, east to Bathroom, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "oops"
Busta says, "oh wait, the entry, we're good"
Jacqueline asks, "Surely there is undo if we screw up?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:04 pm / Hall                                 35
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Could there be a car in an attached garage? We might have mobility."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "N"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:05 pm / Entry                                36
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Entry
Floyd | This is the small entryway to the ground-floor apartment. A pile of
Floyd | mail, most of it unread, nearly covers the side table just inside the
Floyd | apartment door.  The apartment hallway is to the south.  To the west
Floyd | is an office, and to the east is a bathroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a side table (on which is a car key) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Apartment door (closed) to Front Lobby,
Floyd | south to Hall, east to Bathroom, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take key"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:05 pm / Entry                                36
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x key"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:05 pm / Entry                                36
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | This "key" is really a small rubberized, sealed plastic transponder
Floyd | which automatically unlocks the car it is paired with when it is
Floyd | within range.  You have no idea where the appropriate car might be,
Floyd | however.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read mail"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:05 pm / Entry                                36
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ MAIL
Floyd |
Floyd | Pretty much what you'd expect.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search mail"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:06 pm / Entry                                37
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x mail"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:06 pm / Entry                                37
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MAIL
Floyd |
Floyd | A stack of someone else's mail you've already thumbed through.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "So there's a second bathroom?"
Nitku says, "the bathroom had two exits."
DavidW says, "oh"
DavidW asks, "So what's south?"
Busta says, "a nondescript hallway"
DavidW asks, "and west?"
Nitku says, "The office we haven't visited yet."
Busta says, "haven't been there yet, but seems like an office"
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:07 pm / Home Office                          38
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Home Office
Floyd | This is obviously a home office, a room which in other homes might be
Floyd | a living room. It is not very tidy.  Random detritus covers most
Floyd | available surfaces except for a workbench.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a workbench (on which are a lockblade knife, a soldering
Floyd | iron, some solder, and a laptop) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south and east to Entry from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "No kitchen? No cheese? What sort of house is this?"
Jacqueline exclaims, "The house of tomorrow!"
Busta exclaims, "laptop!"
Busta says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:07 pm / Home Office                          38
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | lockblade knife: This knife is large enough to run afoul of local
Floyd | weapons laws.  It would be a bad idea to let it be seen where the
Floyd | police are watching.
Floyd | soldering iron: (putting the phone into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd | solder: (putting the multitool into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd | laptop: (putting the cotter pin into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "In a world we don't want to live in because there is no cheese! Oh, and implants and constant surveillance."
Jacqueline says, "That, too."
Busta says, "ugh, I dislike inventory juggling"
Busta says (to Floyd), "turn on laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:08 pm / Home Office                          39
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can switch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:09 pm / Home Office                          40
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:09 pm / Home Office                          40
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LAPTOP
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is a generic, slightly more fashionable than functional
Floyd | portable tablet computer. It is active, with the screen lit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "read laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:09 pm / Home Office                          40
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is presently displaying a login screen.  There is a reboot
Floyd | button in the corner of the screen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "thoughts?"
DavidW asks, "Possibly we need to know login password to login?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "type "password""
Floyd ]  Time: 8:09 pm / Home Office                          40
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "login to laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:09 pm / Home Office                          40
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "click login"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:09 pm / Home Office                          40
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x field"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:09 pm / Home Office                          40
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FIELD
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "login"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:09 pm / Home Office                          40
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOGIN
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "click reboot"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:10 pm / Home Office                          41
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The screen flickers as the laptop reboots.  The laptop pauses as it
Floyd | finds the boot server that has been installed on your phone, and then
Floyd | there is a quick series of flashes before a screen full of text comes
Floyd | up!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "read screen"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:10 pm / Home Office                          41
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is displaying a static screen, which instructs you to place
Floyd | a memory chip into its chipslot to download the attack program.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ok, don't know why that worked"
Busta says, "let's just go with it"
DavidW says, "oh. We need a chip now."
Busta says, "I don't think we have one"
Busta says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:10 pm / Home Office                          41
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a laptop
Floyd |   some solder
Floyd |   a soldering iron
Floyd |   a lockblade knife
Floyd |   a car key
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |     a phone
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Perhaps there's a bag of chips with the salsa and cheese."
Jacqueline asks, "Is there a chip in our phone?"
Busta says, "I would think we still need our phone"
Jacqueline asks (of DW), "When was the last time you ate, friend?"
DavidW says, "I'm always eating."
DavidW says, "But never enough."
Jacqueline says, "brb"
Busta says, "sounds like me"
Busta says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:10 pm / Home Office                          41
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Home Office
Floyd | This is obviously a home office, a room which in other homes might be
Floyd | a living room. It is not very tidy.  Random detritus covers most
Floyd | available surfaces except for a workbench.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a workbench here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south and east to Entry from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I had a tin of curry abalone-flavoured gluten, some seaweed crackers, some peanut crackers, and beef chips."
Busta says, "I had some fried chicken wings and banana nut cereal :)"
DavidW says, "I'll go open a tin of fruit cocktail, I guess."
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x phone"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:10 pm / Home Office                          41
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PHONE
Floyd |
Floyd | A standard candybar model with a nice screen.  Although you've
Floyd | disabled its voice calling functionality to make it less distracting,
Floyd | the lock screen is still active and tells you it is 8:10 pm.  The back
Floyd | is blank metal save for a tiny icon of a waterdrop with a slash across
Floyd | it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "water damage is not covered under warranty"
Busta says, "some things will never change"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "open phone"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:11 pm / Home Office                          42
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN PHONE
Floyd |
Floyd | It's a sealed unit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x detritus"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:11 pm / Home Office                          42
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X DETRITUS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "There could be a chip .. in the car key."
Busta says, "I was thinking that, though the description didn't hint in that direction"
Busta says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:12 pm / Kitchen                              43
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | This kitchen is decorated in a style some four decades old, which is
Floyd | probably when it was last renovated.  It is fairly clean, likely
Floyd | reflecting the fact that the occupants don't cook for themselves much.
Floyd | The built-in sink takes up most of the available counter, with the
Floyd | microwave oven occupying almost all of the rest.  The refrigerator
Floyd | hulks along the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a thermos (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Home Office and east to Hall from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open refrigerator"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:13 pm / Kitchen                              44
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the refrigerator.
Floyd |
Floyd | It's empty. The occupants must have emptied it before going on
Floyd | vacation.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "case-sensitivity is good for programming languages, bad for most other things."
DavidW asks, "Can we cut the car key tab open with the knife?"
Busta says, "no cheese"
Doug says, "ilac"
DavidW asks, "Where's the Cheese?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "x thermos"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:13 pm / Kitchen                              44
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X THERMOS
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the thermos.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open thermos"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:14 pm / Kitchen                              45
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the thermos.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:15 pm / Kitchen                              46
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | You open the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take thermos"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:15 pm / Kitchen                              46
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the car key into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "Don't make the fridge angry. You wouldn't like it when it's angry."
Doug says (to Floyd), "look in thermos"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:16 pm / Kitchen                              47
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The thermos is empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "what is our goal? to find a chip to put into the laptop?"
Busta says, "yeah"
Busta says, "ok, car key it is"
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:17 pm / Home Office                          48
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Home Office
Floyd | This is obviously a home office, a room which in other homes might be
Floyd | a living room. It is not very tidy.  Random detritus covers most
Floyd | available surfaces except for a workbench.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a workbench here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to the Kitchen and east to Entry from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "cut key with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:18 pm / Home Office                          49
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the lockblade knife into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the soldering iron into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | You carefully cut open the car key with your knife and peel back the
Floyd | rubber to reveal a broadcast chip and a transponder memory chip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "tada"
Busta exclaims, "we have a winner!"
Ellison says, "nice"
DavidW says, "two chips"
Busta says (to Floyd), "take memory chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:18 pm / Home Office                          49
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the solder into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "w00t"
Busta says (to Floyd), "put memory chip in laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:19 pm / Home Office                          50
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The Download light flashes red intermittently for a few seconds before
Floyd | returning to a regular blinking green.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "read screen"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:19 pm / Home Office                          50
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is displaying a static screen, which instructs you to place
Floyd | a memory chip into its chipslot to download the attack program.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take memory chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:19 pm / Home Office                          50
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "what now?"
DavidW says, "I'm not sure."
DavidW says, "I didn't take notes."
Jacqueline asks, "Something to do with our phone, right?"
DavidW says, "The phone was the key to get the attack program in the first place, but we need to attack the chip in our head."
Jacqueline says, "It is in our sealed up fontanelle, though."
Busta says, "The phone messages said to use the attack program to disable the chip in our head"
Jacqueline says, "I'm not really into these sorts of games, but I have to give it props for using the word fontanelle."
Jacqueline says, "Want the phone messages again? I have the transcript in front ofme."
DavidW asks, "So, um, put the memory chip back into the car key, and point it at ourselves and hope the transponder chip transmits it?"
Jacqueline says, "er, of me..."
Busta says, "maybe we need to broadcast chip to send it there"
Busta says (to Floyd), "put memory chip in car key"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:20 pm / Home Office                          51
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the attack memory chip into the car key.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "switch on car key"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:21 pm / Home Office                          52
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can switch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close car key"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:22 pm / Home Office                          53
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The plastic appears to be cut away. The damage looks permanent.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "point car key at head"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:22 pm / Home Office                          53
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "squeeze key"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:23 pm / Home Office                          54
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You achieve nothing by this.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push key"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:24 pm / Home Office                          55
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PUSH KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push transponder"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:24 pm / Home Office                          55
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "push transmitter"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:24 pm / Home Office                          55
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in key"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:25 pm / Home Office                          56
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK IN KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | In the car key are an attack memory chip and a broadcast chip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x broadcast"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:25 pm / Home Office                          56
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x transponder chip"
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a broadcast chip - a small solid-state radio about the size of
Floyd | a coin.  These can be found in most portable electronics these days.
Floyd | Usually powered by small batteries in phones or car keys, these
Floyd | generally have a range of a few meters.  There are leads on the chip
Floyd | for connecting a data source and a power source.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd ]  Time: 8:25 pm / Home Office                          56
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "looks like we need to solder it"
DavidW says, "oh. We have to solder."
Busta says, "yeah"
DavidW says, "tmg"
DavidW asks, "Power source, eh?"
Nitku says (to Floyd), "solder broadcast chip to transponder"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:25 pm / Home Office                          56
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "solder broadcast chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:26 pm / Home Office                          57
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to combine?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:26 pm / Home Office                          57
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CHIP
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "solder broadcast chip and transponder"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:26 pm / Home Office                          57
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "solder broadcast chip to memory chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:27 pm / Home Office                          58
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the broadcast chip)
Floyd | (first taking the attack memory chip)
Floyd | (putting the laptop into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | You don't have the proper tools.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take solder gun"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:27 pm / Home Office                          58
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to take the solder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take solder"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:27 pm / Home Office                          58
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the thermos into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:27 pm / Home Office                          58
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   some solder
Floyd |   an attack memory chip
Floyd |   a broadcast chip
Floyd |   a lockblade knife
Floyd |   a car key
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a laptop
Floyd |     a soldering iron
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |     a phone
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "x iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:27 pm / Home Office                          58
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X IRON
Floyd |
Floyd | A portable soldering iron.  It uses a sealed battery rather than
Floyd | requiring a power connection.
Floyd |
Floyd | The soldering iron is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take soldering iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:27 pm / Home Office                          58
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the car key into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says (to Floyd), "switch iron on"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:28 pm / Home Office                          59
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the soldering iron on.
Floyd | The tip heats up rapidly to a cherry-red heat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "solder broadcast chip to memory chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:29 pm / Home Office                          60
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You fashion the broadcast chip and the attack memory chip into a Klein
Floyd | Blaster!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta exclaims, "Klein Blaster!"
Busta says (to Floyd), "x klein blaster"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:29 pm / Home Office                          60
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A combination of a Broadcast chip and a Memory chip which has been
Floyd | programmed with the attack payload.  It needs a power source to
Floyd | perform its task.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "new fragrance from Hugo Boss"
Busta asks, "not Calvin Klein?"
DavidW asks, "Any chance there's a power source in the soldering iron?"
Nitku says, "there is"
DavidW asks, "Or the laptop?"
Busta says, "would be kind of hard to solder to the power source if we take it from the iron"
Jacqueline | [LINK]
DavidW says, "thanks"
Busta exclaims (at jacqueline), "thank you!"
Nitku says, "Ok, it's time for sauna and waffles"
DavidW says, "I suppose we could smash the phone for its power source, maybe."
Nitku says, "I'll have to finish this later on my own. Good game."
Busta says (to Floyd), "break phone"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:30 pm / Home Office                          61
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "cut phone with knife"
Busta says (to Floyd), "cut phone with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:31 pm / Home Office                          62
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cutting that would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Nitku), "Enjoy your hot, steamy waffles."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:32 pm / Home Office                          63
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku says, "not at the same time"
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Busta says (to Floyd), "break laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:33 pm / Home Office                          64
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "cut laptop with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:34 pm / Home Office                          65
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the lockblade knife into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the solder into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cutting that would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "(I figured, but it was funnier that way)"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn off iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:35 pm / Home Office                          66
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the soldering iron off.
Floyd | The tip cools rapidly, fading to a silver-gray.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:36 pm / Home Office                          67
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN IRON
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Nitku has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Busta says (to Floyd), "x iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:36 pm / Home Office                          67
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X IRON
Floyd |
Floyd | A portable soldering iron.  It uses a sealed battery rather than
Floyd | requiring a power connection.
Floyd |
Floyd | The soldering iron is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x battery"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:36 pm / Home Office                          67
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BATTERY
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cut iron with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:37 pm / Home Office                          68
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Cutting that would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "break iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:38 pm / Home Office                          69
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BREAK IRON
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:38 pm / Home Office                          69
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a lockblade knife
Floyd |   a laptop
Floyd |   a phone
Floyd |   a Klein Blaster
Floyd |   a soldering iron
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x watch"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:38 pm / Home Office                          69
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WATCH
Floyd |
Floyd | A cheap digital, your watch reads 8:38 pm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open watch"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:39 pm / Home Office                          70
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN WATCH
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "put klein blaster in key"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:40 pm / Home Office                          71
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The slots in the car key are made for individual chips.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "sniff. You're gonna smash our watch?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:41 pm / Kitchen                              72
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | This kitchen is decorated in a style some four decades old, which is
Floyd | probably when it was last renovated.  It is fairly clean, likely
Floyd | reflecting the fact that the occupants don't cook for themselves much.
Floyd | The built-in sink takes up most of the available counter, with the
Floyd | microwave oven occupying almost all of the rest.  The refrigerator
Floyd | hulks along the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Home Office and east to Hall from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put klein blaster in laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:42 pm / Kitchen                              73
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That won't fit in the slot - it's the wrong shape.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x slot"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:42 pm / Kitchen                              73
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SLOT
Floyd |
Floyd | The chipslot is used for external storage.  Right now, its status LED
Floyd | is blinking, indicating that it has been set to autosave data, but no
Floyd | Memory chip is in the slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "There's probably batteries all over the place. There could be a dime-shaped battery in the floorboards."
Busta says (to Floyd), "x microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:42 pm / Kitchen                              73
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | A microwave oven of perhaps a cubic foot capacity with a transparent
Floyd | door.  It is a relatively smart oven, able to determine the proper
Floyd | setting for whatever is placed in it using a plethora of sensors.
Floyd | There is a single button (marked "COOK") on the front. A side panel
Floyd | sports a lurid warning.  The door is ajar.
Floyd |
Floyd | The microwave oven is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read warning"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:42 pm / Kitchen                              73
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The side panel is a small rounded rectangle of plastic with a narrow
Floyd | seam running around it.  A warning label on it reads NO USER
Floyd | SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.  There is an icon of a small stick figure
Floyd | opening the panel and being electrocuted, irradiated and (as far as
Floyd | you can tell) stung by bees.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "lol"
Doug says, "BEES"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "unplug microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:42 pm / Kitchen                              73
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I say we save and try to get inside"
Doug asks, "I don't suppose anyone made a map?"
DavidW says, "That panel is alluring."
DavidW says, "save, sure"
Busta says (to Floyd), "save"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
DavidW says (to Doug), "sorry, I didn't"
Busta says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:42 pm / Kitchen                              73
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "anywhere we haven't explored yet?"
Busta says, "not that we can get to at this hour"
DavidW says, "Several places, but it's curfew time."
Doug says, "yeah I meant in this house"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:42 pm / Kitchen                              73
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PANEL
Floyd |
Floyd | The side panel is a small rounded rectangle of plastic with a narrow
Floyd | seam running around it.  A warning label on it reads NO USER
Floyd | SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.  There is an icon of a small stick figure
Floyd | opening the panel and being electrocuted, irradiated and (as far as
Floyd | you can tell) stung by bees.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "no, we've seen the whole house I believe"
Doug says (to Floyd), "open panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:43 pm / Kitchen                              74
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN PANEL
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't get enough purchase with your fingers alone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open panel with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:44 pm / Kitchen                              75
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You pry open the side panel with the pliers in your multitool,
Floyd | ignoring the sound of breaking plastic.
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the side panel reveals the safety limiter!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x safety limiter"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:44 pm / Kitchen                              75
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A small circuit board consisting of two connected chips which plugs
Floyd | into the microwave oven side panel.  One chip looks a bit like a
Floyd | standard receive chip, and the other a standard memory chip - although
Floyd | these are custom versions and can't be used as such. Examining its
Floyd | connectors and their labels, you deduce that when installed, this
Floyd | board monitors the sensors and radio frequencies inside the microwave
Floyd | oven and prevents it from operating if things like electronics are
Floyd | inside, it's empty, or the door is open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x limiter"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:44 pm / Kitchen                              75
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LIMITER
Floyd |
Floyd | A small circuit board consisting of two connected chips which plugs
Floyd | into the microwave oven side panel.  One chip looks a bit like a
Floyd | standard receive chip, and the other a standard memory chip - although
Floyd | these are custom versions and can't be used as such. Examining its
Floyd | connectors and their labels, you deduce that when installed, this
Floyd | board monitors the sensors and radio frequencies inside the microwave
Floyd | oven and prevents it from operating if things like electronics are
Floyd | inside, it's empty, or the door is open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "uh, the what?"
Doug says, "it's got an exclamation point so it must be important!"
Busta asks, "oh, a multiple solution?"
katie-paquette has arrived. Doug asks, "so are we supposed to cut it so that we can microwave some electronics?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "remove limiter"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:45 pm / Kitchen                              76
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the safety limiter)
Floyd | (putting the soldering iron into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | You're not wearing that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "So ... if we remove the limiter, we could fry our phone in the oven?"
* katie-paquette has joined the channel.
Busta says (to Floyd), "take limiter"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:45 pm / Kitchen                              76
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You already have that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "good old REMOVE."
Busta says, "heh"
Doug says, "Inform always thinks we want to strip"
Busta says (to Floyd), "put klein blaster in microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:46 pm / Kitchen                              77
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | You put the Klein Blaster into the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "no no no"
Busta asks, "no?"
DavidW asks, "You'll destroy it, won't you?"
DavidW says, "We want to connect the blaster to a battery."
Busta says, "that's far less exciting... but sensible"
DavidW says, "Unless you think it can absorb microwaves as a power source."
Busta says, "maybe it'll do the job before it fries itself"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x memory chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:46 pm / Kitchen                              77
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Very risky, but you saved, right?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:46 pm / Kitchen                              77
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CHIP
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "yeah, just before opening the microwave panel"
DavidW says, "I think frying the phone is more sensible."
Busta says (to Floyd), "close microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:47 pm / Kitchen                              78
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | You close the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:48 pm / Kitchen                              79
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | You open the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take klein blaster"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:48 pm / Kitchen                              79
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "what would frying the phone do? melt it so we can extract the battery?"
td>DavidW says, "maybe, but we need to disable it anyway. Or abandon it."
Doug says, "oh good point"
Busta says (to Floyd), "turn on soldering iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:49 pm / Kitchen                              80
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the soldering iron on.
Floyd | The tip heats up rapidly to a cherry-red heat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "solder klein blaster to microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:50 pm / Kitchen                              81
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | (first taking the microwave oven)
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put phone in oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:51 pm / Kitchen                              82
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the phone into the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "start oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:51 pm / Kitchen                              82
Floyd | >
Floyd | > START OVEN
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "close door"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:52 pm / Kitchen                              83
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CLOSE DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | You close the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:53 pm / Kitchen                              84
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A light comes on in the microwave and it begins to hum.
Floyd | Almost immediately, sparks begin to dance wildly around the rim of the
Floyd | phone! After a few seconds more, the screen goes dead black with a
Floyd | very final ZZT noise.
Floyd | A few moments later there is a loud BING! and the microwave
Floyd | stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "nice"
Doug says (to Floyd), "open oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:54 pm / Kitchen                              85
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN OVEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "wonder what would happen if we run the oven with the door open"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x phone"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:54 pm / Kitchen                              85
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PHONE
Floyd |
Floyd | A standard candybar model with a nice screen.  At least, the screen
Floyd | was nice; now it's stone dead.  The back is blank metal save for a
Floyd | tiny icon of a waterdrop with a slash across it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "we die, I suppose"
Doug says (to Floyd), "open phone"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:55 pm / Kitchen                              86
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN PHONE
Floyd |
Floyd | It's a sealed unit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, ">PUT HEAD IN OVEN"
Doug says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Doug says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 8:55 pm / Kitchen                              86
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:56 pm / Kitchen                              87
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel a strange warmth on your face as the microwave starts up.
Floyd | A light comes on in the microwave and it begins to hum.
Floyd | A few moments later there is a loud BING! and the microwave
Floyd | stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:56 pm / Kitchen                              87
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You're wearing basic clothing which is almost obsessively nondescript.
Floyd | You're average in nearly every physical respect - something which
Floyd | didn't win you many accolades growing up, but serves you well in your
Floyd | efforts to blend in with the conformist population through which you
Floyd | now move.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're wearing a backpack and a watch.
Floyd | You're carrying a Klein Blaster, a safety limiter, a lockblade knife,
Floyd | and a laptop.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "huh, just a warmth"
DavidW says, "Your hairstyle will be bald, y'know."
Busta exclaims, "You now have a lovely tan!"
Doug says, "I'm going to try that IRL! sounds fun!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:56 pm / Kitchen                              87
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X KNIFE
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a battered but extremely sharp folding lockblade knife.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "The bees are real in RL."
Doug says (to Floyd), "get phone"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:56 pm / Kitchen                              87
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET PHONE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "bees of warmth"
Doug says, "so, phone disabled, check. still no power source."
katie-paquette says (to inky), "almost had it. Forgot to get the can while I was in the tubes." Busta says, "well I'm at a loss"
katie-paquette has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. DavidW says, "I think we must've missed something in the apartment."
DavidW says, "Everything else we needed was in here."
Roger arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Busta says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:56 pm / Kitchen                              87
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | This kitchen is decorated in a style some four decades old, which is
Floyd | probably when it was last renovated.  It is fairly clean, likely
Floyd | reflecting the fact that the occupants don't cook for themselves much.
Floyd | The built-in sink takes up most of the available counter, with the
Floyd | microwave oven occupying almost all of the rest.  The refrigerator
Floyd | hulks along the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Home Office and east to Hall from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x refrigerator"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:56 pm / Kitchen                              87
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Standard off-white home antiheating unit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "look in sink"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:57 pm / Kitchen                              88
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK IN SINK
Floyd |
Floyd | There is nothing on the sink.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x cabinets"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:57 pm / Kitchen                              88
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CABINETS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x sink"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:57 pm / Kitchen                              88
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SINK
Floyd |
Floyd | Looks like a completely normal sink.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:58 pm / Hall                                 89
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall
Floyd | The central hallway of this modest home.  It's relatively clean and
Floyd | neat, as there is no furniture in it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Entry, east to Bedroom, and west to the Kitchen
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:59 pm / Bedroom                              90
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd | This bedroom is rather plain.  Its owners must not spend much time in
Floyd | it while awake.  It contains a bed - currently unmade - and a bedside
Floyd | table with a lamp on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Bathroom, east to Back Yard, and west to Hall from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x lamp"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:59 pm / Bedroom                              90
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LAMP
Floyd |
Floyd | A generic compact fluorescent lamp, it is screwed to the table,
Floyd | presumably to prevent it falling over.  It is presently giving off a
Floyd | wan bluish light.
Floyd |
Floyd | The table lamp is currently switched on.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "unscrew lamp with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 8:59 pm / Bedroom                              90
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to unscrew the table lamp.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "we're probably okay in the back yard after curfew, right?"
DavidW says, "no, we aren't"
Jacqueline says, "I wonder if, assuming you wanted to, you couldn't just sleep in the bed until curfew is over."
Doug says (to Floyd), "unscrew lamp"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:00 pm / Bedroom                              91
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It is fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "we can't go wherever there was a notice"
Doug asks, "have we been to the back yard yet?"
DavidW says, "yes. That's how we entered."
Doug says, "ah, sorry, just saw that."
Doug asks, "did we check out the mail in the Entry?"
DavidW says, "We did."
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:01 pm / Hall                                 92
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall
Floyd | The central hallway of this modest home.  It's relatively clean and
Floyd | neat, as there is no furniture in it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Entry, east to Bedroom, and west to the Kitchen
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, it was generic."
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:02 pm / Entry                                93
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Entry
Floyd | This is the small entryway to the ground-floor apartment. A pile of
Floyd | mail, most of it unread, nearly covers the side table just inside the
Floyd | apartment door.  The apartment hallway is to the south.  To the west
Floyd | is an office, and to the east is a bathroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a side table here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Apartment door (closed) to Front Lobby,
Floyd | south to Hall, east to Bathroom, and west to Home Office from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "sorry"
Jacqueline says, "No worries."
Busta says (to Floyd), "x table"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:02 pm / Entry                                93
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TABLE
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the side table.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:03 pm / Home Office                          94
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Home Office
Floyd | This is obviously a home office, a room which in other homes might be
Floyd | a living room. It is not very tidy.  Random detritus covers most
Floyd | available surfaces except for a workbench.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a workbench here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to the Kitchen and east to Entry from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bench"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:03 pm / Home Office                          94
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BENCH
Floyd |
Floyd | It's actually a very nice piece of furniture; just the right height,
Floyd | easy to get your legs under.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x detritus"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:03 pm / Home Office                          94
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X DETRITUS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open bench"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:04 pm / Home Office                          95
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN BENCH
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "look under bench"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:05 pm / Home Office                          96
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "pry phone with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:05 pm / Home Office                          96
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:05 pm / Home Office                          96
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your pocket multitool.  Has various pliers and attachments and, in a
Floyd | pinch, can probably do 80 percent of what a full toolbox could.  One
Floyd | exception is that in order to remain legal, it doesn't have any
Floyd | cutting edges larger than your fingernail.  You are paranoid that one
Floyd | day you'll forget and try to get on an airplane with it and despite
Floyd | that fact that'll be the last you'll see of it, so you've etched a PO
Floyd | Box address and "BUSINESS REPLY MAIL" onto it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open it"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:06 pm / Home Office                          97
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "help"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:06 pm / Home Office                          97
Floyd | >
Floyd | > HELP
Floyd |
Floyd | Valley of Steel is an interactive fiction game.  If you're new to
Floyd | intfic, you might wish to read an introductory article or two on the
Floyd | subject, such as "How to Play a Text Adventure" by Steven Granade on
Floyd | the Brass Lantern website at
Floyd | [LINK]
Floyd | In general, try using simple one or two-word (or two-phrase, really)
Floyd | commands to interact with objects in the game.  Here are a few simple
Floyd | command shortcuts to get you started.
Floyd |
Floyd | L - Look. Looks around at the general area.
Floyd | X  - eXamine .  Describes a specific
Floyd | object in more detail.
Floyd | N/S/E/W - Move North, South, East or West, if possible.
Floyd | Interim directions also work, e.g. NE or SW.
Floyd | TAKE 
Floyd | WEAR 
Floyd | DROP 
Floyd | OPEN 
Floyd | PUT  IN  - attempts to insert the first
Floyd | object into the second (e.g. "PUT WALLET IN BAG".)
Floyd | Z - wait a turn.
Floyd | G - aGain: repeats the last command.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also SAVE and RESTORE the game, or get HINTS (if you're
Floyd | desperate!)
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I don't think we're desperate yet."
Doug says, "ok"
Busta says, "I like that the author included them though"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:06 pm / Home Office                          97
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LAPTOP
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is a generic, slightly more fashionable than functional
Floyd | portable tablet computer. It is active, with the screen lit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x screen"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:06 pm / Home Office                          97
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SCREEN
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is displaying a static screen, which instructs you to place
Floyd | a memory chip into its chipslot to download the attack program.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn over laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:06 pm / Home Office                          97
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x klein"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:06 pm / Home Office                          97
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X KLEIN
Floyd |
Floyd | A combination of a Broadcast chip and a Memory chip which has been
Floyd | programmed with the attack payload.  It needs a power source to
Floyd | perform its task.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "flip laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:06 pm / Home Office                          97
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:07 pm / Home Office                          98
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can close.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x limter"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:07 pm / Home Office                          98
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LIMTER
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x limiter"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:07 pm / Home Office                          98
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LIMITER
Floyd |
Floyd | A small circuit board consisting of two connected chips which plugs
Floyd | into the microwave oven side panel.  One chip looks a bit like a
Floyd | standard receive chip, and the other a standard memory chip - although
Floyd | these are custom versions and can't be used as such. Examining its
Floyd | connectors and their labels, you deduce that when installed, this
Floyd | board monitors the sensors and radio frequencies inside the microwave
Floyd | oven and prevents it from operating if things like electronics are
Floyd | inside, it's empty, or the door is open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "maybe it takes AC power? do we just need to plug it into the wall somewhere?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x socket"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:07 pm / Home Office                          98
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SOCKET
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I haven't seen an outlet"
Doug says (to Floyd), "look behind microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:07 pm / Home Office                          98
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:08 pm / Kitchen                              99
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd | This kitchen is decorated in a style some four decades old, which is
Floyd | probably when it was last renovated.  It is fairly clean, likely
Floyd | reflecting the fact that the occupants don't cook for themselves much.
Floyd | The built-in sink takes up most of the available counter, with the
Floyd | microwave oven occupying almost all of the rest.  The refrigerator
Floyd | hulks along the opposite wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Home Office and east to Hall from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oops wrong room"
Doug says (to Floyd), "look behind microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:08 pm / Kitchen                              99
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:08 pm / Kitchen                              99
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | A microwave oven of perhaps a cubic foot capacity with a transparent
Floyd | door.  It is a relatively smart oven, able to determine the proper
Floyd | setting for whatever is placed in it using a plethora of sensors.
Floyd | There is a single button (marked "COOK") on the front. A side panel
Floyd | sports a lurid warning.  The door is ajar.  The service panel is bent
Floyd | open on the side.
Floyd |
Floyd | The microwave oven is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "The only real ref to a battery was inside the soldering iron."
Busta says, "yeah"
DavidW asks, "Zap the iron?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "save. f cf3"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE. F CF3
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Busta says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:08 pm / Kitchen                              99
Floyd | > SAVE. F CF3Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "you can just "press save""
Busta says, "oh"
Busta says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Busta says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 9:08 pm / Kitchen                              99
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "that's useful"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put iron in oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:09 pm / Kitchen                              100
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's dangerous.  You might want to switch the soldering iron off
Floyd | first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn off iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:10 pm / Kitchen                              101
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the soldering iron off.
Floyd | The tip cools rapidly, fading to a silver-gray.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yeah, I wish it actually told people that you're pressing the save button rather than just commanding Floyd directly"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "put iron in oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:11 pm / Kitchen                              102
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the soldering iron into the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:12 pm / Kitchen                              103
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CLOSE OVEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You close the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn on oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:13 pm / Kitchen                              104
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TURN ON OVEN
Floyd |
Floyd | A light comes on in the microwave and it begins to hum.
Floyd | A few moments later there is a loud BING! and the microwave
Floyd | stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:14 pm / Kitchen                              105
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN OVEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:14 pm / Kitchen                              105
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X IRON
Floyd |
Floyd | A portable soldering iron.  It uses a sealed battery rather than
Floyd | requiring a power connection.
Floyd |
Floyd | The soldering iron is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "good as new!"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x battery"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:14 pm / Kitchen                              105
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BATTERY
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:15 pm / Kitchen                              106
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN IRON
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn on iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:16 pm / Kitchen                              107
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TURN ON IRON
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the soldering iron on.
Floyd | The tip heats up rapidly to a cherry-red heat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn it off"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:17 pm / Kitchen                              108
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TURN IT OFF
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the soldering iron off.
Floyd | The tip cools rapidly, fading to a silver-gray.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I'm gonna try the klein blaster for shiggles"
Busta says (to Floyd), "put klein blaster in microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:18 pm / Kitchen                              109
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | You put the Klein Blaster into the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "close door"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:19 pm / Kitchen                              110
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CLOSE DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | You close the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "You didn't try earlier?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "switch microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:20 pm / Kitchen                              111
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | You stop before initiating the cook cycle to avoid destroying the
Floyd | Klein Blaster.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "nope, but doesn't work anyway"
DavidW says, "whew"
Busta says (to Floyd), "open microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:21 pm / Kitchen                              112
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | You open the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take klein blaster"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:21 pm / Kitchen                              112
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x power source"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:21 pm / Kitchen                              112
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "So perhaps the game is polite."
Busta says (to Floyd), "put laptop in microwave"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:22 pm / Kitchen                              113
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the microwave oven)
Floyd | That won't fit in the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x battery"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:22 pm / Kitchen                              113
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BATTERY
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I guess the microwave is really just for frying the phone"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x fridge"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:22 pm / Kitchen                              113
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FRIDGE
Floyd |
Floyd | Standard off-white home antiheating unit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "look behind fridge"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:22 pm / Kitchen                              113
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "search fridge"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:23 pm / Kitchen                              114
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The refrigerator is empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "But is frying the phone necessary?"
Busta says, "getting rid of the phone is necessary, I think"
Busta asks, "maybe we try sleeping in the bed until morning, and then explore more outside?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:23 pm / Kitchen                              114
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Your pocket multitool.  Has various pliers and attachments and, in a
Floyd | pinch, can probably do 80 percent of what a full toolbox could.  One
Floyd | exception is that in order to remain legal, it doesn't have any
Floyd | cutting edges larger than your fingernail.  You are paranoid that one
Floyd | day you'll forget and try to get on an airplane with it and despite
Floyd | that fact that'll be the last you'll see of it, so you've etched a PO
Floyd | Box address and "BUSINESS REPLY MAIL" onto it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x attachments"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:23 pm / Kitchen                              114
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open laptop with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:24 pm / Kitchen                              115
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open iron with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:25 pm / Kitchen                              116
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open phone with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's a sealed unit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "interesting that that has a different message."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x seal"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SEAL
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "unseal phone"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x unit"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X UNIT
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x pin"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PIN
Floyd |
Floyd | A small steel pin made up of a length of wire doubled over on itself
Floyd | with a loop at one end.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x power cord"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X POWER CORD
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PANEL
Floyd |
Floyd | The side panel is a small rounded rectangle of plastic with a narrow
Floyd | seam running around it.  A warning label on it reads NO USER
Floyd | SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.  There is an icon of a small stick figure
Floyd | opening the panel and being electrocuted, irradiated and (as far as
Floyd | you can tell) stung by bees.  The panel has been pried open. The
Floyd | magnetron is just visible here, right next to some circuitry.  The
Floyd | panel has room for a small component inside it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take magnetron"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the microwave oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x magnetron"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The side panel is a small rounded rectangle of plastic with a narrow
Floyd | seam running around it.  A warning label on it reads NO USER
Floyd | SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.  There is an icon of a small stick figure
Floyd | opening the panel and being electrocuted, irradiated and (as far as
Floyd | you can tell) stung by bees.  The panel has been pried open. The
Floyd | magnetron is just visible here, right next to some circuitry.  The
Floyd | panel has room for a small component inside it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh!"
Busta says (to Floyd), "take panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE PANEL
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the microwave oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x circuitry"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:26 pm / Kitchen                              117
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Okay, guys, I gotta get ready for an appointment I have this afternoon. I'll be back later to deal with last week's and this week's transcripts."
Busta exclaims (at jacqueline), "bye!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "open magnetron with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:27 pm / Kitchen                              118
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's already been opened.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I guess it's just an alias for the panel"
Busta says (to Floyd), "turn on soldering iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:28 pm / Kitchen                              119
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the soldering iron on.
Floyd | The tip heats up rapidly to a cherry-red heat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "solder blaster to limiter?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "solder blaster to magnetron"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:29 pm / Kitchen                              120
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you slide the component in, a small LED labelled "TRNSMT RDY"
Floyd | lights up on the main board!
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the Klein Blaster into the side panel.
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the Klein Blaster)
Floyd | (first taking the side panel)
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the microwave oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x limiter"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:29 pm / Kitchen                              120
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LIMITER
Floyd |
Floyd | A small circuit board consisting of two connected chips which plugs
Floyd | into the microwave oven side panel.  One chip looks a bit like a
Floyd | standard receive chip, and the other a standard memory chip - although
Floyd | these are custom versions and can't be used as such. Examining its
Floyd | connectors and their labels, you deduce that when installed, this
Floyd | board monitors the sensors and radio frequencies inside the microwave
Floyd | oven and prevents it from operating if things like electronics are
Floyd | inside, it's empty, or the door is open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta exclaims, "doh!"
Doug asks, "ohh, we just put the blaster in place of the limiter?"
Busta says, "we did it accidentally"
Doug says, "oh well"
Doug says, "I wonder why it thought we needed to do that"
DavidW asks, "So, blaster instead of limiter in oven -- then turn on the oven?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "switch oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:30 pm / Kitchen                              121
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You feel a strange warmth on your face as the microwave starts up.
Floyd | A light comes on in the microwave and it begins to hum.
Floyd | A few moments later there is a loud BING! and the microwave
Floyd | stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x blaster"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:30 pm / Kitchen                              121
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BLASTER
Floyd |
Floyd | A combination of a Broadcast chip and a Memory chip which has been
Floyd | programmed with the attack payload.  It needs a power source to
Floyd | perform its task.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "switch blaster"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:31 pm / Kitchen                              122
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can switch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sorry, where is everything?"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:32 pm / Kitchen                              123
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Oh, don't apologize.
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:32 pm / Kitchen                              123
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a Klein Blaster
Floyd |   a phone
Floyd |   a safety limiter
Floyd |   a lockblade knife
Floyd |   a laptop
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "the blaster is in the panel"
DavidW says, "The blaster isn't in the panel"
Busta says, "oh wait"
DavidW says, "You must've removed it as you inserted it."
Busta says (to Floyd), "put blaster in panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:33 pm / Kitchen                              124
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | As you slide the component in, a small LED labelled "TRNSMT RDY"
Floyd | lights up on the main board!
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the Klein Blaster into the side panel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "close oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:34 pm / Kitchen                              125
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CLOSE OVEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You close the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I see, we put it in and then immediately took it in order to solder it"
Busta says, "haha"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "turn on oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:35 pm / Kitchen                              126
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TURN ON OVEN
Floyd |
Floyd | The microwave comes on, its lights lit brightly, and begins to shake
Floyd | for a few seconds before the level of radio energy in the cook box,
Floyd | confined by the closed door, trips emergency circuits and it shuts off
Floyd | again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:36 pm / Kitchen                              127
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the oven.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:37 pm / Kitchen                              128
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN OVEN
Floyd |
Floyd | That's already open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "switch oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:38 pm / Kitchen                              129
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | With the door open, the hacked microwave keeps increasing its power as
Floyd | energy is lost to the air.  You feel an incredible burst of noise
Floyd | behind your forehead!  Static, bits of music, and above all the shriek
Floyd | of data transfer!  Just before you feel you'll go mad from the noise,
Floyd | there is a stutter, and it stops.  Blessed silence falls inside your
Floyd | skull.  There is a smell of smoke as the microwave goes dead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You examine the now-fried microwave, musing to yourself that if only
Floyd | there was a way to make a portable version of this hack, you might be
Floyd | able to fight your way clear of this whole mess.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "EMP gun."
Doug says, "whoa"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x oven"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:38 pm / Kitchen                              129
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X OVEN
Floyd |
Floyd | A microwave oven of perhaps a cubic foot capacity.  The side panel is
Floyd | melted shut, the interior is scorched, and the plastic around the
Floyd | edges slightly melted.  The door is ajar.  The oven contains a
Floyd | soldering iron.
Floyd |
Floyd | The microwave oven is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:38 pm / Kitchen                              129
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET IRON
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "is the blaster still okay?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "get blaster"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:38 pm / Kitchen                              129
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "nope"
Doug says, "panel is melted shut. oops."
DavidW says, "oh well"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:38 pm / Kitchen                              129
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PANEL
Floyd |
Floyd | The side panel is a small rounded rectangle of plastic with a narrow
Floyd | seam running around it.  A warning label on it reads NO USER
Floyd | SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.  There is an icon of a small stick figure
Floyd | opening the panel and being electrocuted, irradiated and (as far as
Floyd | you can tell) stung by bees.  The side panel is scorched and the
Floyd | innards melted.  Apparently the magnetron overloaded something.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "RIP Klein Blaster"
Busta says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Busta says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 9:38 pm / Kitchen                              129
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "So, now we can ignore curfew in theory, yes?"
Doug asks, "but I guess it disabled our MitKlein mission, so mission accomplished?"
Busta says, "ok, phone message said after chip is disabled, retrieve drop message for new instructions"
Doug says, "err, disabled our MitKlein"
DavidW says, "We need to next get the drop message near fountain in Green Commercial."
Doug asks, "can we go outside now that we're off the grid?"
Busta says, "contact will leave drop message near fountain in green commercial"
djfletch has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:39 pm / Hall                                 130
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hall
Floyd | The central hallway of this modest home.  It's relatively clean and
Floyd | neat, as there is no furniture in it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Entry, east to Bedroom, and west to the Kitchen
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "do we think we can open the front door?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:39 pm / Hall                                 130
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:40 pm / Entry                                131
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Entry
Floyd | This is the small entryway to the ground-floor apartment. A pile of
Floyd | mail, most of it unread, nearly covers the side table just inside the
Floyd | apartment door.  The apartment hallway is to the south.  To the west
Floyd | is an office, and to the east is a bathroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a side table here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Apartment door (closed) to Front Lobby,
Floyd | south to Hall, east to Bathroom, and west to Home Office from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "The front door is locked. Dunno if it unlocks from the inside."
Busta says (to Floyd), "open door"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:41 pm / Entry                                132
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | You undo the throw bolts.  Since you have no key, you leave the door
Floyd | unlocked.
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the Apartment door.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:41 pm / Front Lobby                          132
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Lobby
Floyd | The slightly shabby front lobby of this multi-family building.  A door
Floyd | leads outside to the west, gated stairs leading up to the upper two
Floyd | floors are to the east, and an apartment door is to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A small post-it note is stuck to the door of Apartment 1.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a newspaper and a pamphlet here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Apartment door to Entry and west through
Floyd | the House door (closed) to Front Path from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Security surveillance spots you openly carrying a weapon.  Police rush
Floyd | in!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have been arrested! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, or UNDO the
Floyd | last command?
Floyd | >
Busta says, "haha"
DavidW says, "ah, the knife"
Doug says, "d'oh"
Doug says, "needs to be in the backpack I guess"
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:41 pm / Entry                                132
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Entry
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:41 pm / Entry                                132
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a soldering iron
Floyd |   a phone
Floyd |   a safety limiter
Floyd |   a lockblade knife
Floyd |   a laptop
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "fastest arrest ever"
Doug says (to Floyd), "put knife in backpack"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:42 pm / Entry                                133
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the lockblade knife into the backpack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:43 pm / Front Lobby                          134
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Lobby
Floyd | The slightly shabby front lobby of this multi-family building.  A door
Floyd | leads outside to the west, gated stairs leading up to the upper two
Floyd | floors are to the east, and an apartment door is to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | A small post-it note is stuck to the door of Apartment 1.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a newspaper and a pamphlet here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Apartment door to Entry and west through
Floyd | the House door (closed) to Front Path from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:44 pm / Front Path                           135
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the House door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Path
Floyd | This front path is paved with cracked flagstones.  Primrose Lane is to
Floyd | the west, a three-family building is to the east, and the building's
Floyd | side yard is to the northeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Side Yard, east through the House door to
Floyd | Front Lobby, and west to South Primrose Lane from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:45 pm / South Primrose Lane                  136
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | South Primrose Lane
Floyd | Primrose Lane continues to the north.  To the south is a boarded-up
Floyd | empty house; sumac plants can be seen peeking over the top of the
Floyd | dilapidated fencing.  The fence has a plastic tarp strung behind it
Floyd | which prevents you from seeing much of the house.  To the west is a
Floyd | single-family home with a large warning sign and an enormous dog on
Floyd | the front lawn.  To the east is a three-family residence's front path.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Primrose & Cedar and east to Front Path from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "I wonder where Green Commercial is. Do we need to go via the station?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:46 pm / Primrose & Cedar                     137
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Primrose & Cedar
Floyd | This staid neighborhood intersection of Primrose Lane and Cedar Street
Floyd | fronts the local Transit station, Green Residential.  The station
Floyd | entrance is to the west.  Primrose Lane continues to the south, and
Floyd | Cedar Street continues to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Residential Park, south to South Primrose
Floyd | Lane, east, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:47 pm / East Cedar Street                    138
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | East Cedar Street
Floyd | Cedar Street comes to an end in a cul-de-sac here.  There are
Floyd | residential buildings to the north, east and south.  Typical for the
b>Floyd | area, they are three-family houses with common entrances.  Their lawns
Floyd | are neatly trimmed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west to Primrose & Cedar from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:48 pm / Primrose & Cedar                     139
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Primrose & Cedar
Floyd | This staid neighborhood intersection of Primrose Lane and Cedar Street
Floyd | fronts the local Transit station, Green Residential.  The station
Floyd | entrance is to the west.  Primrose Lane continues to the south, and
Floyd | Cedar Street continues to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Residential Park, south to South Primrose
Floyd | Lane, east to East Cedar Street, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to DavidW), "probably"
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:49 pm / Green Residential Station            140
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Station
Floyd | This is a utilitarian shelter intended mostly to keep the rain out of
Floyd | the Transit System.  A stairway leads down to the autodoor leading to
Floyd | the Transit platform and an exit leads east to the street.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east to Primrose & Cedar and down through the Green
Floyd | Residential Station door (closed) from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Down?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Residential Station door)
Floyd | The Door Scanner scans your iris to determine your identity.  The
Floyd | Transit Security and Accounting Subroutine determines that you have a
Floyd | legitimate account with the Transit system, and the doors slide
Floyd | smoothly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Platform
Floyd | Green Residential's platform serves mostly residential commuters.
Floyd | There is an exit at the center of the platform which leads east
Floyd | through a set of closed automatic doors to a stairway leading up to
Floyd | the main station, just next to a large plaque with the name of the
Floyd | station on it.  The platform abuts the Transit web to the west, now
Floyd | empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Green Residential Station door to Green
Floyd | Residential Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "read map"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ MAP
Floyd |
Floyd | A metal sign displaying a map of Green Line Transit:
Floyd |         -------------
Floyd |         |   Green   |
Floyd |         |  Service  |
Floyd |         -------------
Floyd |           /        ^
Floyd |          /          \
Floyd |         v            \
Floyd |  -----------    -------------
Floyd |  | Reserve |    |   Green   |
Floyd |  |  Bank   |    |Residential|
Floyd |  -----------    -------------
Floyd |        \              ^
Floyd |         \            /
Floyd |          v          /
Floyd |          ------------
Floyd |          |  Green   |
Floyd |          |Commercial|
Floyd |          ------------
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ooh, boxology!"
Doug says, "guess we have to go the long way around"
DavidW says, "It's one way only? That's weird."
Busta exclaims, "The future!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | A barrier fence with closed autodoors blocks your way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x fence"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FENCE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x barrier"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BARRIER
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x transit web"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Not really a web so much as a series of maglev rings linked by guides,
Floyd | the Transit Web is separated from the platform by a barrier fence with
Floyd | automatic doors, which line up with Transit Capsule doors when a
Floyd | Capsule is in the station.  The Web rings glow faintly with the
Floyd | Magfield.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "guess we have to wait for a Capsule?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x magfield"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MAGFIELD
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "I guess?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "call capsule"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x rings"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X RINGS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x plaque"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:50 pm / Green Residential Platform           141
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PLAQUE
Floyd |
Floyd | Metal, perhaps a meter by five meters, the plaque reads "Green
Floyd | Residential" in standard Transit Helvetica font.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove plaque with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 9:51 pm / Green Residential Platform           142
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That doesn't seem possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for transit"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:09 pm / Green Residential Platform          160
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a small mouse scurry along the Transit Web and vanish back
Floyd | into the tunnels.
Floyd |
Floyd | Warning lights along the platform edge begin to blink rapidly.  A
Floyd | light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep moan and gust of wind, an
Floyd | express Transit Capsule blasts through Green Residential and vanishes
Floyd | into the darkness once more.
Floyd |
Floyd | A commuter walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | A commuter walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | A light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of
Floyd | displaced air, the Transit Capsule slides smoothly into Green
Floyd | Residential Platform and comes to a stop, hovering in the Web.  The
Floyd | doors slide open and a few commuters enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "huh, it worked!"
Busta says, "yay"
Doug asks, "commuters at 10pm?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x commuter"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:09 pm / Green Residential Platform          160
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X COMMUTER
Floyd |
Floyd | A elderly delivery worker eating a snack swerves past you and is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "everyone's been busy frying their chips with their microwaves"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x commuter"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:09 pm / Green Residential Platform          160
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X COMMUTER
Floyd |
Floyd | A young delivery worker reading from a handheld walks swiftly past you
Floyd | and is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:10 pm / Transit Capsule                     161
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Residential
Floyd | Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x strap"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:10 pm / Transit Capsule                     161
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X STRAP
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:10 pm / Transit Capsule                     161
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:10 pm / Transit Capsule                     161
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "wait?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:11 pm / Transit Capsule                     162
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:12 pm / Transit Capsule                     163
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:12 pm / Transit Capsule                     163
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a soldering iron
Floyd |   a phone
Floyd |   a safety limiter
Floyd |   a laptop
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "wait for next station"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:12 pm / Transit Capsule                     163
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to wait.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for transit"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:13 pm / Transit Capsule                     164
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Do you really expect a Transit capsule to show up here?
Floyd |
Floyd | A shabbily-dressed man wanders up to you.  He appears to be about to
Floyd | ask you for something, but then he catches a look at your eyes and
Floyd | instead wanders away again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "The stations aren't announced?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x commuter"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:13 pm / Transit Capsule                     164
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X COMMUTER
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for green service"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:13 pm / Transit Capsule                     164
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to wait.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:13 pm / Transit Capsule                     164
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  A deep hum resonates through your bones, indicating that the
Floyd | Vectorfield is active.  Outside the narrow windows, the tunnel is
Floyd | dark.  Occasional blurry streaks show lights flashing past the moving
Floyd | Capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ooh, the Vectorfield"
DavidW asks, "How are these other people ignoring curfew?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "government workers, part of the system"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:13 pm / Transit Capsule                     164
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "government workers, part of the system"
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:14 pm / Transit Capsule                     165
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Service Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:15 pm / Green Service Platform              166
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Platform
Floyd | Green Service One's platform is underground.  It serves mostly city
Floyd | workers during the day.  There is an exit at the center of the
Floyd | platform which leads north through a set of closed automatic doors to
Floyd | a stairway leading up to the main station, just next to a large plaque
Floyd | with the name of the station on it.  The platform abuts the Transit
Floyd | web to the south, where a Transit capsule hovers impatiently in the
Floyd | web.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Green Service Station door (closed) from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "press save"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:15 pm / Green Service Platform              166
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PRESS SAVE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "we need to stay on for green commercial"
Doug says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Doug says (to Floyd), "cf5"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 10:15 pm / Green Service Platform              166
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst..
Ellison has disconnected. DavidW says, "er, we want Green Commercial, not Green Service."
Doug asks, "do we want to explore here? or just go all the way around?"
Busta says, "i say go all the way around. we'll have to come back here anyway Im sure"
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:15 pm / Green Service Platform              166
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Platform
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "If you want to explore, I won't stop you."
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:15 pm / Green Service Platform              166
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Platform
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:15 pm / Green Service Platform              166
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Platform
Floyd | Green Service One's platform is underground.  It serves mostly city
Floyd | workers during the day.  There is an exit at the center of the
Floyd | platform which leads north through a set of closed automatic doors to
Floyd | a stairway leading up to the main station, just next to a large plaque
Floyd | with the name of the station on it.  The platform abuts the Transit
Floyd | web to the south, where a Transit capsule hovers impatiently in the
Floyd | web.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Green Service Station door (closed) from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Just, tick tick"
Busta says, "the game does seem pretty good at putting everything you need in one place"
Doug says, "hm, can't undo ourselves onto the transit"
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:16 pm / Transit Capsule                     167
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Service Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:17 pm / Transit Capsule                     168
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "If we're supposed to do something before 11:00 that we don't know about, we could be in trouble."
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:18 pm / Transit Capsule                     169
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:19 pm / Transit Capsule                     170
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for green commercial"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:19 pm / Transit Capsule                     170
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to wait.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait until green commercial"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:19 pm / Transit Capsule                     170
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to wait.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:20 pm / Transit Capsule                     171
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Reserve Bank Station and comes to a stop,
Floyd | hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters enter
Floyd | and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:21 pm / Transit Capsule                     172
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a small red light in the corner of your vision which vanishes
Floyd | as you turn to look at it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x light"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:21 pm / Transit Capsule                     172
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LIGHT
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "random scenery messages?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:22 pm / Transit Capsule                     173
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:23 pm / Transit Capsule                     174
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:24 pm / Transit Capsule                     175
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:25 pm / Transit Capsule                     176
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A man nearby yawns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:26 pm / Transit Capsule                     177
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Commercial Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:27 pm / Green Commercial Platform           178
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | Green Commercial One is one of the oldest stations on the Transit web.
Floyd | Although it has been refurbished several times, its age still manages
Floyd | to show through the layers of tile and paint.  The platform opens out
Floyd | at the middle to a lobby area which is dominated by a row of automated
Floyd | doors to the south, which lead to stairways up to the main station.
Floyd | The flow of commuters moves steadily through these doors.  The floor
Floyd | and walls are both extremely scuffed duramex nanotile, and the station
Floyd | name (Green Commercial One) is indicated on a large plaque set into
Floyd | the walls. The platform abuts the Transit web to the north, where a
Floyd | Transit capsule can be seen hovering.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Green Commercial Station door (closed)
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:28 pm / Green Commercial Station            179
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Commercial Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Station
Floyd | Green Commercial One's Transit station usually does most of its
Floyd | business around the rush hours, as Green Residental commuters stop off
Floyd | to take care of errands.  The station is relatively small, but well
Floyd | kept up - the Green Commercial Business Improvement District
Floyd | organization sees to that.  Open doorways lead south to Green
Floyd | Commercial One proper, and a stairway leads down to the doors to the
Floyd | Transit platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south and down through the Green Commercial Station door to
Floyd | Green Commercial Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a very quiet beep from somewhere you can't identify.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "duramex nanotile, fancy"
Doug says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:29 pm / Green Commercial Station            180
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LISTEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "listen for beep"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:29 pm / Green Commercial Station            180
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to listen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "listen to beep"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:29 pm / Green Commercial Station            180
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Sounds like something a transformer would be made of."
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:30 pm / Green Commercial Plaza North        181
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | Green Commercial One is built around a plaza, and this is its northern
Floyd | end.  No vehicles are permitted within the public areas of Green
Floyd | Commercial One, so the entire area is pedestrian-only.  To the north
Floyd | are the doorways to the Green Commercial Station.  To the east is the
Floyd | NanoMart.  To the west is a storefront bank with an ATM.  The plaza
Floyd | continues to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south, southeast,
Floyd | southwest, east, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "so we want a fountain?"
DavidW says, "yeah, or near one."
Doug says (to Floyd), "open trash"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:31 pm / Green Commercial Plaza North        182
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN TRASH
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the trash can, revealing some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "search rubbish"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:32 pm / Green Commercial Plaza North        183
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x rubbish"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:32 pm / Green Commercial Plaza North        183
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X RUBBISH
Floyd |
Floyd | All you'd expect from a cheap public trash can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, ">SEARCH RUBBISH In the rubbish you see some garbage"
Busta says, "that's where we are going to plant the dirty bomb we build in this section"
Doug says, "yeah."
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:33 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       184
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | This is the center of the Green Commercial Plaza.  There is a fountain
Floyd | here with a bench facing it.  The plaza continues to the north and
Floyd | south; to the east is a bar called (ironically, you hope) the
Floyd | Proletariat.  To the west is a Bistro Paris cafe.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast,
Floyd | northwest, south, southeast, east, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:33 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       184
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "lame!"
Busta says, "well here is the fountain"
Busta says (to Floyd), "x fountain"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:33 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       184
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FOUNTAIN
Floyd |
Floyd | A fairly dull example of landscape features, no doubt because it was
Floyd | designed or selected by a business association.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hold on. So fountain, trash can, bench."
Doug says (to Floyd), "look in trash"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:34 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       185
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the trash can, revealing a drop message and some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the trash can are a drop message and some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get message"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:34 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       185
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the drop message)
Floyd | You unfold the message as you take it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read it"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:34 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       185
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ IT
Floyd |
Floyd | A small piece of flash paper  which contains the following message:
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "what's the payload?"
DavidW says, "I don't know."
Busta asks, "I think we need to make another Klein Blaster with the chips from the limiter?"
Doug says, "oh, the klein-blaster had an attack payload"
DavidW asks, "But the Blaster was lost in microwave meltdown, no?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "take memory chip from limiter"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:34 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       185
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:34 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       185
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a drop message
Floyd |   a soldering iron
Floyd |   a phone
Floyd |   a safety limiter
Floyd |   a laptop
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Unless the soldering iron could melt the melted panel."
Busta says (to Floyd), "x limiter"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:34 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       185
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LIMITER
Floyd |
Floyd | A small circuit board consisting of two connected chips which plugs
Floyd | into the microwave oven side panel.  One chip looks a bit like a
Floyd | standard receive chip, and the other a standard memory chip - although
Floyd | these are custom versions and can't be used as such. Examining its
Floyd | connectors and their labels, you deduce that when installed, this
Floyd | board monitors the sensors and radio frequencies inside the microwave
Floyd | oven and prevents it from operating if things like electronics are
Floyd | inside, it's empty, or the door is open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open limiter with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:35 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       186
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "oh, never mind"
DavidW asks, "What's a 'secuirty element'?"
Busta says, "custom versions and can't be used as such"
DavidW says, "er security"
Busta says, "we'll need to find another set then"
Busta asks, "explore?"
Doug says, "sure"
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:36 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       187
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | This is a branch of the popular lunch and coffee shop Bistro Paris.
Floyd | There are a few tables near the front.  A restroom is to the west.  On
Floyd | the north wall, opposite the counter, is a collection of Paris-themed
Floyd | prints.  In the center is a large holoportrait of the chain's owner,
Floyd | Zuzu, and a sign claiming that the Bistro Paris has restaurants here,
Floyd | in the Reserve Bank Spacescraper, and in London.  A server behind the
Floyd | counter is waiting on several customers.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast, east
Floyd | to Green Commercial Plaza Center, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Busta says (to Floyd), "cf6"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floydb> ]  Time: 10:36 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       187
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Emily arrives, full of fun and funk.
Busta says (to Floyd), "x holoportrait"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:36 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       187
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This portrait is somewhat horribly overdone.  In it, Zuzu's face, in
Floyd | three-quarter profile, floats in front of what appears to be this very
Floyd | restaurant.  Her face is so large and detailed that you're sure they
Floyd | had to edit out her pores, although they probably left her bright
Floyd | green eye unretouched.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "this game is bigger than I was expecting."
DavidW says, "yeah, I need a break, I think."
Busta says (to Floyd), "x trashcan"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:36 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       187
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TRASHCAN
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x trash can"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:36 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       187
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TRASH CAN
Floyd |
Floyd | Painted industrial dark green, the Green Commercial Bistro Paris trash
Floyd | can awaits its daily diet of rubbish.  There is a solar panel on it;
Floyd | presumably it reports back to a central system when it is full.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
katie-paquette has arrived. Doug asks, "a snack break, or a week break?"
Busta asks, "if CF doesn't finish, does it pick up the following week, or start a new one?"
DavidW says, "Just a break from playing for a bit."
DavidW says (to Busta), "It varies."
katie-paquette says, "I could use some time on Floyd."
Busta says, "well it's up to you guys. I'm just procrastinating from laundry and grocery shopping"
Doug says, "I'm fine reconvening later"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "save"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
DavidW says (to Floyd), "cfvalley"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:36 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       187
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "how long of a break?"
DavidW says, "I dunno. I just feel wiped."
Doug says, "funny that the elapsed time in-game is about the same as the elapsed real time"
Doug says, "little over 3 hours"
DavidW says, "I'm usually around regardless, except when I sleep."
Doug says, "I'm enjoying this game. It's a little unexciting so far, but I'm digging the theme"
DavidW asks, "When's best for everyone? Tonight? Tomorrow? Next week?"
Busta says, "hehe, I'm the opposite. The theme is a little grating, but it's written well and the puzzles make me want to solve more"
Doug says, "I have no plans tonight"
Busta says, "I have no plans tonight either"
DavidW says, "okay, so tonight then."
Busta says, "we are a bunch of happenin dudes"
DavidW asks, "maybe 8 or 9 mudtime?"
Doug says, "I had plans to meet up with a friend but she cancelled because she's a wimp about the cold. And it's not even below freezing today!"
Busta asks, "what's mudtime in realtime?"
DavidW says, "EST"
Doug says, "and now me calling her a wimp will be recorded in the public transcript forever."
Doug asks, "so 5-6 hours from now?"
DavidW says, "That's what I'm suggesting, yes."
Doug says, "sounds like a date"
Busta says, "ok, I'll check in at 8, if I don't see anyone, will check in again at 9"

***** NEXT SESSION *****

Jacqueline says, "Hm. I should maybe restart Perry for a clean session."
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "Good to go."
jenrexrode says, "good idea"
Jacqueline says (to Doug), "Would you like me to nix this bit about you calling your friend a wimp from the transcript? Was going to cut off the transcript before then but then you saying, 'and now me calling her a wimp will be recorded in the public transcript forever' makes me think you'd rather have it left in."
Doug says, "well, feel free to delete it if you feel it is off-topic"
Doug says, "I was expecting it to be in by default which is why I made that comment but I don't care either way"
Jacqueline says, "I do sometimes lightly edit if something has nothing to do with the game, but am happy to leave that in."
jenrexrode says, "leaving it in clears up any confusion as to why Doug was suddenly available to play the 2nd session."
jenrexrode says, "you know, when this is serialized later."
Doug arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Busta arrives, full of fun and funk.
Doug says, "hey ho"
Busta says, "yooo" Doug asks, "Should we wait for DavidW or just go for it?"
DuoDave asks, "oh are we doing floyd?"
DuoDave arrives, full of fun and funk. Doug says, "we're continuing where we left off this afternoon, since it was a longish game"
Busta says, "I don't know DavidW well enough"
Busta says, "if he'd be cool with that, that is"
jenrexrode says, "he was going to have a nap, so you must wake him"
Doug says, "no hurry, I can wait"
Doug asks, "so it's after 9pm now, and I guess DavidW is still asleep. Want to get started without him?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask valleyofsteel"
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
Doug says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask valleyofsteel"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | A rare moment of rest.  Your mission to steal specifications of the
Floyd | MitKlein Encapsulation - the ID transponder embedded in every
Floyd | citizen's head, even yours - was successful, and you transmitted your
Floyd | report to Central early this morning.   You expect a new assignment
Floyd | soon, even if it is only instructions to fall back into a cover
Floyd | identity, as you have been on the front lines of the underground
Floyd | struggle against Homeland Security nearly from the start.  Giving up
Floyd | your birth identity and life, moving instead into the flickery
Floyd | half-existence of an underground operative, you've sabotaged, stolen,
Floyd | publicized, verified and fought for years now.  Hopefully, this last
Floyd | mission means that a strategy to counter the government's ubiquitous
Floyd | tagging of citizens is being worked out at levels above your own head.
Floyd |
Floyd | For now, you have found yourself a small quiet park in a quiet corner
Floyd | of the City.
Floyd |
Floyd | Welcome to the future.  Every citizen has been scanned, chipped,
Floyd | folded, spindled and mutilated - and it's enough to make you scream.
Floyd |
Floyd | Valley of Steel
Floyd | A tale of the surveillance society by The Custodian of
Floyd | [LINK]
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 130528 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Park
Floyd | Primrose Street ends here in a small circular cul-de-sac.  You're in a
Floyd | small green park to the north of this, bounded on its three other
Floyd | sides by high fences.  A few trees rise over well-manicured grass.
Floyd | There is a curfew sign at the park's entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "load cfvalley"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "restore cfvalley"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to restore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Doug says (to Floyd), "cfvalley"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:36 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       187
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "here we go"
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:36 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       187
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | This is a branch of the popular lunch and coffee shop Bistro Paris.
Floyd | There are a few tables near the front.  A restroom is to the west.  On
Floyd | the north wall, opposite the counter, is a collection of Paris-themed
Floyd | prints.  In the center is a large holoportrait of the chain's owner,
Floyd | Zuzu, and a sign claiming that the Bistro Paris has restaurants here,
Floyd | in the Reserve Bank Spacescraper, and in London.  A server behind the
Floyd | counter is waiting on several customers.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast, east
Floyd | to Green Commercial Plaza Center, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "My noob is shoing"
Olly arrives, full of funk, but no fun. Busta says, "showing, too"
Doug asks, "so yeah, anyone want a summary of where we are?"
Olly says, "Me."
Gerynar arrives, full of funk, but no fun. Doug asks (of Olly), "were you watching before? or should I start at the beginning?"
Doug says, "hey Gerynar"
Olly says, "Though I'm mostly here to test my TTS, so I may not participate much."
jenrexrode arrives, full of funk, but no fun. Olly says, "I don't even know what we are playing. A very brief summary will be fine."
Doug says, "ok, in brief: we're playing Valley of Steel, a futuristic dystopian sf game"
Busta says, "We are in an Orwellian future, and having just freed ourselves from the tracking trip in the brain, are now looking for other parts to create a weapon of some sort"
Olly says, "Okee."
Busta says, "sorry, should read tracking chip"
Doug says, "everyone has a chip in their head so that the government can surveil everyone, but we managed to disable ours thanks to some instructions from a mysterious source"
Roger arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Olly says, "Good for us."
Doug says, "we were told to come to the fountain in the Green Commercial district, where we got the message that we have to USE PAYLOAD TO DISRUPT ANY BLOCKING HOMELAND SECURITY PERSONNEL"
Doug says, "and we have to get to the Spacescraper and get picked up by the dropship"
Doug says, "but right now we're not sure how to get there, nor do we have an attack payload (the one we made before got fried when we used it to disable the chip in our head)"
Doug says, "so I think for now we just need to explore some more"
Busta says, "yup"
Busta says (to Floyd), "look in trash"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:37 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       188
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the trash can, revealing some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the trash can is some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x server"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:37 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       188
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SERVER
Floyd |
Floyd | A slightly harrassed-looking food service worker, intent on trading
Floyd | meals for funds.  He is busy serving customers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:37 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       188
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a drop message
Floyd |   a soldering iron
Floyd |   a phone
Floyd |   a safety limiter
Floyd |   a laptop
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "to the bathroom?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:38 pm / Bistro Paris Restroom               189
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Bistro Paris Restroom
Floyd | This public restroom is squeakily clean, as befits Bistro Paris'
Floyd | image.  A stall offers minimum privacy, and a large mirror is affixed
Floyd | over the double sink.  Despite the best efforts of the staff, a bit of
Floyd | graffiti seems to have made it onto the mirror.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x graffiti"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:38 pm / Bistro Paris Restroom               189
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X GRAFFITI
Floyd |
Floyd | This small graffito is a stylized angel wearing a pair of
Floyd | mirrorshades. Just below it is a URL: [LINK]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "bahahaha"
Doug says, "oh right, and also, the author has posted a bunch of his writing on"
Roger says, "I guess a mirror is the place for that graffitito"
Busta says, "he likes to promote his writing with links scattered around"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:39 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       190
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | This is a branch of the popular lunch and coffee shop Bistro Paris.
Floyd | There are a few tables near the front.  A restroom is to the west.  On
Floyd | the north wall, opposite the counter, is a collection of Paris-themed
Floyd | prints.  In the center is a large holoportrait of the chain's owner,
Floyd | Zuzu, and a sign claiming that the Bistro Paris has restaurants here,
Floyd | in the Reserve Bank Spacescraper, and in London.  A server behind the
Floyd | counter is waiting on several customers.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast, east
Floyd | to Green Commercial Plaza Center, and west to Bistro Paris Restroom
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "talk to server"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:39 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       190
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | To start a conversation, try to ASK the server ABOUT something or TELL
Floyd | the server ABOUT something.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask server about spacescraper"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:40 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       191
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask server about zuzu"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:41 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       192
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "shrug."
jenrexrode says (to Floyd), "search rubbish"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:42 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       193
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "southeast?"
Busta says, "yeah"
Doug says (to Floyd), "Se"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:43 pm / Green Commercial Plaza South        194
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The southern end of the Green Commercial Plaza, which continues to the
Floyd | north.  To the east is Accessorize, a fashion store, and to the west
Floyd | is Garb-oh, a trendy clothing shop.  The south end of the mall is
Floyd | closed off by an elaborate landscaping installation of trees and
Floyd | shrubs, presumably to hide a relatively ugly building behind it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast,
Floyd | northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east, and west through the
Floyd | Garb-oh door (closed) from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:44 pm / Accessorize                         195
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Accessorize
Floyd | This well-lit store purveys all manner of cosmetic aids and fashion
Floyd | accessories.  Everything from wrist bangles to skin creams to custom
Floyd | cosmetic contacts can be purchased here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Lens Crafter here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northwest to Green Commercial Plaza Center and west to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x lens crafter"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:44 pm / Accessorize                         195
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A floor-standing device used to produce custom-made cosmetic contact
Floyd | lenses (although for an extra fee, they can be made to a
Floyd | prescription).  A A screen on the front presents a menu of options, or
Floyd | a Memory can be inserted into a slot with appropriate specifications.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Lens Crafter is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hmm."
Busta says, "i bet we need to make one to fool an iris scanner"
Doug says, "guess we.. yep."
DuoDave disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again.
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch lens"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:45 pm / Accessorize                         196
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the Lens Crafter)
Floyd | The lens crafter machine's screen flashes red.  A message reads "NO
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:46 pm / Green Commercial Plaza South        197
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The southern end of the Green Commercial Plaza, which continues to the
Floyd | north.  To the east is Accessorize, a fashion store, and to the west
Floyd | is Garb-oh, a trendy clothing shop.  The south end of the mall is
Floyd | closed off by an elaborate landscaping installation of trees and
Floyd | shrubs, presumably to hide a relatively ugly building behind it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast,
Floyd | northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to Accessorize, and
Floyd | west through the Garb-oh door (closed) from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:47 pm / Garb-oh                             198
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | Garb-oh! is a trendy clothing shop.  Images of the shop's icon Greta
Floyd | Garbo abound, each dressed in the clothing item offered on the rack
Floyd | below it.  Jackets, scarves, bandannas, trousers, shirts and more are
Floyd | on inviting display.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the racks are a blue jacket, a red jacket, a white shirt, a green
Floyd | shirt, a blue pair of pants, and a brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sales counter runs along the north side of the store.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see the shopkeeper and the shopper here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Garb-oh door to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A shopper wanders through the antitheft detectors and out of the shop,
Floyd | as another wanders in and begins browsing.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "we have only one option... cut out a vict- er, volunteer's eye"
Doug says, "heh, reminds me of the formal dress puzzle from Pinched"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x shopper"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:47 pm / Garb-oh                             198
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SHOPPER
Floyd |
Floyd | The shopper is a young woman wearing large headphones, loose clothes.
Floyd | She is bouncing her head in what is probably the rhythm of the song
Floyd | she is listening to, and seems to be paying very little attention to
Floyd | her surroundings.  Every once in a while she pulls an item from a rack
Floyd | and holds it up in front of a mirror before returning it to its place.
Floyd | She is wearing a large shoulder bag.
Floyd |
Floyd | The shopper is empty-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I read that transcript. Was pretty funny even to just read."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x shopkeeper"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:47 pm / Garb-oh                             198
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the shopkeeper)
Floyd | The shopkeeper is a somewhat frumpy older lady.  You can't help but
Floyd | wonder if she has been deliberately selected for her appearance so as
Floyd | to present a contrast with the merchandise.
Floyd |
Floyd | The shopkeeper is empty-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I'm guessing we'll need money before we can do much in these shops."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x blue jacket"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:47 pm / Garb-oh                             198
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark blue jacket, very bland cut, with black snap closures and side
Floyd | pockets.  You almost expect to see a name sewn on the front at the
Floyd | breast in gold thread.  It's probably a size too large for you.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an antitheft tag attached to the blue jacket.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "or find a way to remove the antitheft tags"
Doug says, "or...yeah"
Doug says, "with the knife"
Busta asks, "multitool?"
Doug says, "dunno what we'd want though."
Busta says, "I feel like the cops would show up the minute we take the knife out of the bag"
Doug says, "the multitool can't cut things"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x green shirt"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:47 pm / Garb-oh                             198
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Hunter green, this pullover is probably the only thing Garb-oh sells
Floyd | that you'd be caught wearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an antitheft tag attached to the green shirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "and really, we don't know what we'd be needing clothes for yet"
Doug asks, "yeah, not sure I feel like examining everything here. shall we keep wandering?"
Busta says, "sure"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:48 pm / Green Commercial Plaza South        199
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The southern end of the Green Commercial Plaza, which continues to the
Floyd | north.  To the east is Accessorize, a fashion store, and to the west
Floyd | is Garb-oh, a trendy clothing shop.  The south end of the mall is
Floyd | closed off by an elaborate landscaping installation of trees and
Floyd | shrubs, presumably to hide a relatively ugly building behind it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast,
Floyd | northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to Accessorize, and
Floyd | west through the Garb-oh door to Garb-oh from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ferret arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Doug says (to Floyd), "x landscaping"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:48 pm / Green Commercial Plaza South        199
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x trees"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:48 pm / Green Commercial Plaza South        199
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TREES
Floyd |
Floyd | A small number of heavily landscaped trees and shrubs which hide the
Floyd | buildings to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:48 pm / Green Commercial Plaza South        199
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't find a path between the shrubs.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "search shrubs"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:49 pm / Green Commercial Plaza South        200
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:50 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 201
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The Proletariat Bar
Floyd | The Proletariat is a local bar (not a pub).  It's just far enough
Floyd | above a "dive" to be allowed zoning here, but steadfastedly refuses to
Floyd | cater to upscale tastes.  You like it.  Restrooms are to the east; the
Floyd | bar runs along the north side with a stolid bartender behind it and a
Floyd | jukebox sits against the back wall.  A few hardy drinkers sit here,
Floyd | communing with their spirits.  In a nod to the place's name, a Public
Floyd | Surveillance Notice covered with stickers and graffiti tags has been
Floyd | framed above the bar.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Bartender and a man here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northwest to Green Commercial Plaza North, southwest to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east, and west to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | Center from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a very quiet beep from somewhere you can't identify.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "there's that beep again"
Doug says, "maybe it's the score counter!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x man"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:50 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 201
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MAN
Floyd |
Floyd | A medium-height man of middle age and dark but somewhat pasty-looking
Floyd | skin.  His hair, black and cut short, is just beginning to grey at the
Floyd | temples.  His hands are rough and callused.  He is wearing work shoes
Floyd | and dark blue trousers, slightly scuffed.  He is wearing a dark blue
Floyd | trade uniform jacket with a long narrow gash at the left shoulder and
Floyd | his name (Roberto Velez) on a tag clipped to the breast.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x bartender"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:50 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 201
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the Bartender)
Floyd | The bartender is busily polishing a glass. He is ignoring you
Floyd | entirely, but you don't feel insulted as he seems to be ignoring
Floyd | everyone in the bar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask roberto about spacescraper"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:51 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 202
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Roberto Velez about that)
Floyd | Roberto looks at you curiously.  You have a sneaking suspicion his
Floyd | English is not very good.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a very quiet beep from somewhere you can't identify.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask roberto about beep"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:52 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 203
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Roberto Velez about that)
Floyd | Roberto looks at you curiously.  You have a sneaking suspicion his
Floyd | English is not very good.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask roberto about english"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:53 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 204
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Roberto Velez about that)
Floyd | Roberto looks at you curiously.  You have a sneaking suspicion his
Floyd | English is not very good.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ok, I get the hint."
Busta says, "lol"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:53 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 204
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LAPTOP
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is a generic, slightly more fashionable than functional
Floyd | portable tablet computer. It is active, with the screen lit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:53 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 204
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is displaying a static screen, which instructs you to place
Floyd | a memory chip into its chipslot to download the attack program.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "read sign"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:53 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 204
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SIGN
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "read graffiti"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:53 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 204
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x stickers"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:53 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 204
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X STICKERS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x jukebox"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:53 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 204
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X JUKEBOX
Floyd |
Floyd | A retro-themed music player with imitation vinyl records visible
Floyd | within its transparent cabinet, this jukebox actually operates via a
Floyd | network connection.   It doesn't require money, but then again the
Floyd | users can't really select music on it, either, so fair is fair.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Jukebox is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch jukebox"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:54 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 205
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the Jukebox on.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roberto stands and goes to the bar for some peanuts, returning to the
Floyd | table.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x jukebox"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:54 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 205
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X JUKEBOX
Floyd |
Floyd | A retro-themed music player with imitation vinyl records visible
Floyd | within its transparent cabinet, this jukebox actually operates via a
Floyd | network connection.   It doesn't require money, but then again the
Floyd | users can't really select music on it, either, so fair is fair. It is
Floyd | playing a subdued post-punk Musak adaptation of some anti-government
Floyd | tune.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Jukebox is currently switched on.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hooray"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x peanuts"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:54 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 205
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PEANUTS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "what did we find?"
Doug says, "oh, just some post-punk Muzak of an anti-government tune"
Busta says, "oh, haha"
Doug says, "perhaps I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:55 pm / Proletariat Restroom                206
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Proletariat Restroom
Floyd | The one-holer restroom at the Proletariat is cleaner than you might
Floyd | think, although that may be due to the fact that it is midweek.  A
Floyd | scratched mirror over the sink has been covered with marker graffiti.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west to The Proletariat Bar from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open can"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:56 pm / Proletariat Restroom                207
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN CAN
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the trash can, revealing some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get rubbish"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:56 pm / Proletariat Restroom                207
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's too disgusting to touch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "close can"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:57 pm / Proletariat Restroom                208
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CLOSE CAN
Floyd |
Floyd | You close the trash can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ferret exclaims, "Gonna be some Post! Punk! Muzak! Drones in the skies!"
Busta says (to Floyd), "read notice"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:57 pm / Proletariat Restroom                208
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I get the feeling there's a lot of objects here just because the author felt like they should be here"
Busta says (to Floyd), "x notice"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:57 pm / Proletariat Restroom                208
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | > X NOTICE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd ]  Time: 10:58 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 209
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The Proletariat Bar
Floyd | The Proletariat is a local bar (not a pub).  It's just far enough
Floyd | above a "dive" to be allowed zoning here, but steadfastedly refuses to
Floyd | cater to upscale tastes.  You like it.  Restrooms are to the east; the
Floyd | bar runs along the north side with a stolid bartender behind it and a
Floyd | jukebox sits against the back wall.  A few hardy drinkers sit here,
Floyd | communing with their spirits.  In a nod to the place's name, a Public
Floyd | Surveillance Notice covered with stickers and graffiti tags has been
Floyd | framed above the bar.
Floyd |
Floyd | Thin music can be heard.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Bartender and Roberto Velez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northwest to Green Commercial Plaza North, southwest to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Proletariat Restroom, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Plaza Center from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x notice"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:58 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 209
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X NOTICE
Floyd |
Floyd | A mounted sign which reads: PUBLIC SURVEILLANCE AREA.  ALL ACTIVITY
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x stickers"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:58 pm / The Proletariat Bar                 209
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X STICKERS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "northwest?"
Busta says, "I suppose"
Doug says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Time: 10:59 pm / Green Commercial Plaza North        210
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | Green Commercial One is built around a plaza, and this is its northern
Floyd | end.  No vehicles are permitted within the public areas of Green
Floyd | Commercial One, so the entire area is pedestrian-only.  To the north
Floyd | are the doorways to the Green Commercial Station.  To the east is the
Floyd | NanoMart.  To the west is a storefront bank with an ATM.  The plaza
Floyd | continues to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south to Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza Center, southeast to The Proletariat Bar, southwest
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Gerynar has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:00 pm / Metro Savings                       211
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Metro Savings
Floyd | This is a completely nondescript bank storefront which exists solely
Floyd | to house an ATM.  It's so nondescript, in fact, that it took you some
Floyd | actual effort to determine which bank owns it, probably to ensure that
Floyd | they can charge you access fees no matter what.  To the east is Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an ATM here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go southeast to Green Commercial Plaza Center and east to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x atm"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:00 pm / Metro Savings                       211
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ATM
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a standard ATM, using palm prints and Mit-Klein authentication
Floyd | to permit customers to perform banking transactions. A palm reader
Floyd | juts out from the front of the console.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ATM is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "lol, this author hates everything"
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch atm"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:01 pm / Metro Savings                       212
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SWITCH ATM
Floyd |
Floyd | The palm reader appears to be broken; it does not respond.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x palm"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:01 pm / Metro Savings                       212
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PALM
Floyd |
Floyd | (your palm)
Floyd | Standard garden-variety palm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "haha"
Doug says, "from the palm garden"
Busta says, "we are soooo average"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x palm reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:01 pm / Metro Savings                       212
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a standard palm reader, which is used to verify the identity
Floyd | of the ATM customer.  A flat plate, slightly inset, it is placed at a
Floyd | convenient angle to allow the palm to lie against it.  This one,
Floyd | however, has a broad crack in it across which someone has written
Floyd | "KAPUT" in black marker.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put palm in reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:02 pm / Metro Savings                       213
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (your palm in the palm reader)
Floyd | You can't put that in the palm reader!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put palm on reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:03 pm / Metro Savings                       214
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (your palm on the palm reader)
Floyd | (first taking your palm)
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to be a part of yourself.
Floyd | You need to be holding your palm before you can put it on top of
Floyd | something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "it's kaput"
Doug says, "haha"
Olly says (to Floyd), "hit atm"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:04 pm / Metro Savings                       215
Floyd | >
Floyd | > HIT ATM
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "search atm"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:05 pm / Metro Savings                       216
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SEARCH ATM
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ferret sings I wanna hold your palm
Doug says (to Floyd), "get palm reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:05 pm / Metro Savings                       216
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the ATM.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get atm"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:05 pm / Metro Savings                       216
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ATM
Floyd |
Floyd | That's fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ok then."
Busta asks, "done here?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:06 pm / Green Commercial Plaza North        217
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | Green Commercial One is built around a plaza, and this is its northern
Floyd | end.  No vehicles are permitted within the public areas of Green
Floyd | Commercial One, so the entire area is pedestrian-only.  To the north
Floyd | are the doorways to the Green Commercial Station.  To the east is the
Floyd | NanoMart.  To the west is a storefront bank with an ATM.  The plaza
Floyd | continues to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south to Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza Center, southeast to The Proletariat Bar, southwest
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east, and west to Metro Savings from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:07 pm / NanoMart                            218
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | NanoMart
Floyd | This brighly-lit shop is an altar to the notion of instant
Floyd | gratification.  Everything from cheap, hot coffee to ice cream and
Floyd | frozen lunches is available via an automated vending system, provided
Floyd | you don't mind your purchases being relentlessly catalogued by the
Floyd | NanoMart Corporation.  You stopped shopping here after they told you
Floyd | you couldn't buy a coffee without using biometric authentication.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go southwest to Green Commercial Plaza Center and west to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x ice cream"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:07 pm / NanoMart                            218
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ICE CREAM
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yet another empty room, huh."
Doug says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:08 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       219
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | This is the center of the Green Commercial Plaza.  There is a fountain
Floyd | here with a bench facing it.  The plaza continues to the north and
Floyd | south; to the east is a bar called (ironically, you hope) the
Floyd | Proletariat.  To the west is a Bistro Paris cafe.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast to
Floyd | NanoMart, northwest to Metro Savings, south to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South, southeast to Accessorize, east to The Proletariat Bar, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "I think we've been everywhere around this plaza. Should we get back on the Transit Capsule?"
Olly says, "Ok with me."
Doug says, "afk for a minute, go ahead and drive"
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:09 pm / Green Commercial Bistro Paris       220
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | This is a branch of the popular lunch and coffee shop Bistro Paris.
Floyd | There are a few tables near the front.  A restroom is to the west.  On
Floyd | the north wall, opposite the counter, is a collection of Paris-themed
Floyd | prints.  In the center is a large holoportrait of the chain's owner,
Floyd | Zuzu, and a sign claiming that the Bistro Paris has restaurants here,
Floyd | in the Reserve Bank Spacescraper, and in London.  A server behind the
Floyd | counter is waiting on several customers.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Green Commercial Plaza Center,
Floyd | and west to Bistro Paris Restroom from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:10 pm / Green Commercial Plaza Center       221
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | This is the center of the Green Commercial Plaza.  There is a fountain
Floyd | here with a bench facing it.  The plaza continues to the north and
Floyd | south; to the east is a bar called (ironically, you hope) the
Floyd | Proletariat.  To the west is a Bistro Paris cafe.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast to
Floyd | NanoMart, northwest to Metro Savings, south to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South, southeast to Accessorize, east to The Proletariat Bar, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I have to remember where the train station was"
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:11 pm / Green Commercial Plaza North        222
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | Green Commercial One is built around a plaza, and this is its northern
Floyd | end.  No vehicles are permitted within the public areas of Green
Floyd | Commercial One, so the entire area is pedestrian-only.  To the north
Floyd | are the doorways to the Green Commercial Station.  To the east is the
Floyd | NanoMart.  To the west is a storefront bank with an ATM.  The plaza
Floyd | continues to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south to Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza Center, southeast to The Proletariat Bar, southwest
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to NanoMart, and west to Metro
Floyd | Savings from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:12 pm / Green Commercial Station            223
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Station
Floyd | Green Commercial One's Transit station usually does most of its
Floyd | business around the rush hours, as Green Residental commuters stop off
Floyd | to take care of errands.  The station is relatively small, but well
Floyd | kept up - the Green Commercial Business Improvement District
Floyd | organization sees to that.  Open doorways lead south to Green
Floyd | Commercial One proper, and a stairway leads down to the doors to the
Floyd | Transit platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Green Commercial Plaza North and down through the
Floyd | Green Commercial Station door (closed) to Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:13 pm / Green Commercial Platform           224
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Commercial Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | Green Commercial One is one of the oldest stations on the Transit web.
Floyd | Although it has been refurbished several times, its age still manages
Floyd | to show through the layers of tile and paint.  The platform opens out
Floyd | at the middle to a lobby area which is dominated by a row of automated
Floyd | doors to the south, which lead to stairways up to the main station.
Floyd | The flow of commuters moves steadily through these doors.  The floor
Floyd | and walls are both extremely scuffed duramex nanotile, and the station
Floyd | name (Green Commercial One) is indicated on a large plaque set into
Floyd | the walls. The platform abuts the Transit web to the north, now empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Green Commercial Station door to Green
Floyd | Commercial Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "wait for capsule"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:15 pm / Green Commercial Platform           226
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of
Floyd | displaced air, the Transit Capsule slides smoothly into Green
Floyd | Commercial Platform and comes to a stop, hovering in the Web.  The
Floyd | doors slide open and a few commuters enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "enter capsule"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:16 pm / Transit Capsule                     227
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You move into the Transit Capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Commercial
Floyd | Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:17 pm / Transit Capsule                     228
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:18 pm / Transit Capsule                     229
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:19 pm / Transit Capsule                     230
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You find yourself mesmerized by an advertisement for disposable
Floyd | cameras.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:20 pm / Transit Capsule                     231
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Residential Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:21 pm / Transit Capsule                     232
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:22 pm / Transit Capsule                     233
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:23 pm / Transit Capsule                     234
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:24 pm / Transit Capsule                     235
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:25 pm / Transit Capsule                     236
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:26 pm / Transit Capsule                     237
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Service Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "exit"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:27 pm / Green Service Platform              238
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXIT
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Platform
Floyd | Green Service One's platform is underground.  It serves mostly city
Floyd | workers during the day.  There is an exit at the center of the
Floyd | platform which leads north through a set of closed automatic doors to
Floyd | a stairway leading up to the main station, just next to a large plaque
Floyd | with the name of the station on it.  The platform abuts the Transit
Floyd | web to the south, where a Transit capsule hovers impatiently in the
Floyd | web.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Green Service Station door (closed) from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:28 pm / Green Service Station               239
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Service Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Station
Floyd | Green Service is the local government services cluster.  The Transit
Floyd | station seems to reflect this, exhibiting a weary conformity -
Floyd | although you couldn't say exactly how.  A stairway leads down to the
Floyd | platform access doors, and a set of doorways lead north out onto
Floyd | Government Square.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north and down through the Green Service Station door to
Floyd | Green Service Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x map"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:28 pm / Green Service Station               239
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MAP
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "sorry, I moved"
Doug says, "no prob"
Busta says, "we're in service"
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:29 pm / Government Square South             240
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Government Square South
Floyd | This is the southern half of Government Square.  Several benches and
Floyd | landscape features are scattered throughout the area.  A roadway
Floyd | approaches from the west, loops north around the square and continues
Floyd | to the east.  Groundcars move back and forth along the road, mixed
Floyd | with official vehicles such as police cars, ambulances and the
Floyd | ubiquitous slightly shabby black flitters used by government agencies.
Floyd | The doors to Green Service Transit station are to the south.  Across
Floyd | the road to the east is Green Hospital's driveway.  The Hospital's
Floyd | main entrance is to the northeast.  The square continues to the north.
Floyd | To the northwest, across the road on the other side, is the front
Floyd | steps of the local police station.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, northeast, northwest, south to Green Service
Floyd | Station, and east from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Busta says (to Floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 11:29 pm / Government Square South             240
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:30 pm / Hospital Driveway                   241
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Driveway
Floyd | The driveway and parking area for the Hospital ER, which lies directly
Floyd | to the east.  To the north is the main entrance to the Hospital
Floyd | building.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | An ambulance, a bulky flittervan with emergency markings, is parked
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, northwest, east through the ER door (closed), and
Floyd | west to Government Square South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x ambulance"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:30 pm / Hospital Driveway                   241
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This aerovan is probably a Geely-Ford/Fujiwara product underneath, but
Floyd | has all manner of emergency lights and markings on it, including a
Floyd | large set of red crosses.  It has a double door in the back along with
Floyd | the two main cab entry doors.  It is dark and powered down but
Floyd | securely locked, and a slowly blinking light indicates that its
Floyd | locklarm is armed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ooh, locklarm."
Doug says, "I don't know why I said ooh."
Busta says, "heh"
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:31 pm / Triage                              242
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the ER door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Triage
Floyd | This is a triage area for the ER to the east.  To the north is the
Floyd | main Hospital lobby, and west lies the automatic doors out to the
Floyd | driveway.  Patients and staff are moving back and forth through the
Floyd | area.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, east, and west through the ER door to Hospital
Floyd | Driveway from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "do you think we can just wander around the hospital"
Doug says, "I guess"
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:32 pm / Emergency Room                      243
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Emergency Room
Floyd | This is a prep and emergency treatment area for the emergency ward to
Floyd | the east, which is locked.  Triage is to the west, and a door leads
Floyd | north.  The ER is presently unused, and lies empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a tissue generator here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north and west to Triage from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x tissue generator"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:32 pm / Emergency Room                      243
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the tissue generator)
Floyd | This is a medium-sized appliance found in most modern hospitals.  It
Floyd | is used to provide artificial tissue for grafting into or onto
Floyd | injuries.  In order to prevent rejection, the tissue generator must be
Floyd | given a complete scan of the patient's tissue, from which it will (by
Floyd | default) produce an exact duplicate of the scanned sample.  It has a
Floyd | button marked ACTIVATE. There is a slot on the front of the machine
Floyd | labeled INSERT CRYOPACK FOR SAMPLE where, presumably, the generated
Floyd | tissue is delivered; there is a smaller opening labeled FEED and there
Floyd | is a slot labeled READ where a tissue sampler can be inserted.    The
Floyd | feed slot contains biogen feedstock.
Floyd |
Floyd | The tissue generator is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "maybe they're so dependent on everyone having a chip in their head that there's no actual security that would keep out someone with a disabled chip."
Busta says, "maybe"
Busta says, "ok, we don't have what we need for this yet"
Olly asks, "Does the chip detect if you are thinking of doing something deviant?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:33 pm / Triage                              244
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Triage
Floyd | This is a triage area for the ER to the east.  To the north is the
Floyd | main Hospital lobby, and west lies the automatic doors out to the
Floyd | driveway.  Patients and staff are moving back and forth through the
Floyd | area.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, east to the Emergency Room, and west through the ER
Floyd | door (closed) to Hospital Driveway from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yeah, guess we'll need to copy someone's palm"
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:34 pm / Hospital Lobby                      245
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Lobby
Floyd | This is the main entrance to a busy regional hospital. Autodoors lie
Floyd | to the west.  Patients and staff rush back and forth, all too busy to
Floyd | pay you any attention.  To the south is an archway with a sign reading
Floyd | "TRIAGE"; to the east is the elevator core and to the north is the
Floyd | waiting lounge.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, south to Triage, east, and west through the Hospital
Floyd | door (closed) from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:35 pm / Hospital Elevators                  246
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Elevators
Floyd | The main elevator bank for the hospital seems to require either an
Floyd | appropriate Mit-Klein scan or a hospital ID to swipe.  Patients and
Floyd | staff move through the area. The lobby is to the west.  The ER is
Floyd | through a door to the south, and a restroom is to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to the Emergency Room, east, and west to Hospital
Floyd | Lobby from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Olly), "probably? mainly it was preventing us from being outside after curfew"
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:36 pm / Hospital Restroom                   247
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Restroom
Floyd | A clean restroom that smells strongly of disinfectant and hand
Floyd | sanitizer.  There is a single sink with a small mirror over it and a
Floyd | single stall.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west to Hospital Elevators from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "Ah. So it keeps you from going places you aren't supposed to be."
Busta says (to Floyd), "x graffiti"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:36 pm / Hospital Restroom                   247
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X GRAFFITI
Floyd |
Floyd | This small graffito is a stylized angel wearing a pair of
Floyd | mirrorshades. Just below it is a URL: [LINK]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x trashcan"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:36 pm / Hospital Restroom                   247
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TRASHCAN
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x trash"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:36 pm / Hospital Restroom                   247
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TRASH
Floyd |
Floyd | Painted industrial dark green, the Hospital Restroom trash can awaits
Floyd | its daily diet of rubbish.  There is a solar panel on it; presumably
Floyd | it reports back to a central system when it is full.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x solar panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:36 pm / Hospital Restroom                   247
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A small (8x8cm) solar panel set into the lid, apparently powering
Floyd | something embedded beneath in the trash can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "a solar panel indoors?"
Busta exclaims, "the future!"
Olly says, "Solar calculators can run off electric lights."
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove panel with minitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:36 pm / Hospital Restroom                   247
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove solar panel with minitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:36 pm / Hospital Restroom                   247
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove solar panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:37 pm / Hospital Restroom                   248
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the solar panel)
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the trash can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "Multitool"
Doug says, "oops."
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove solar panel with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:38 pm / Hospital Restroom                   249
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That doesn't seem possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open trash"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:39 pm / Hospital Restroom                   250
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN TRASH
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the trash can, revealing some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x can"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:39 pm / Hospital Restroom                   250
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAN
Floyd |
Floyd | Painted industrial dark green, the Hospital Restroom trash can awaits
Floyd | its daily diet of rubbish.  There is a solar panel on it; presumably
Floyd | it reports back to a central system when it is full.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the trash can is some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "cut panel with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:40 pm / Hospital Restroom                   251
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the trash can.
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the laptop into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cutting that would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:40 pm / Hospital Restroom                   251
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PANEL
Floyd |
Floyd | A small (8x8cm) solar panel set into the lid, apparently powering
Floyd | something embedded beneath in the trash can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "oh, we just took the panel?"
Busta says, "no, we took the knife from the bag"
Doug says, "oh"
Doug says, "hm, don't want to get caught with the knife again"
Busta says (to Floyd), "put knife in backpack"
Olly says (to Floyd), "look in can"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:41 pm / Hospital Restroom                   252
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the lockblade knife into the backpack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd ]  Time: 11:42 pm / Hospital Restroom                   253
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK IN CAN
Floyd |
Floyd | In the trash can is some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x lid"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:42 pm / Hospital Restroom                   253
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LID
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get can"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:42 pm / Hospital Restroom                   253
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET CAN
Floyd |
Floyd | That's fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "search rubbish"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:43 pm / Hospital Restroom                   254
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I'm perplexed. maybe it will become clear late"
Doug says, "later"
Busta says, "I'm worried it's another guess the verb"
Doug says, "it does seem like a suitable power source for our Klein Blaster maybe"
Olly says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:43 pm / Hospital Restroom                   254
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a drop message
Floyd |   a soldering iron
Floyd |   a phone
Floyd |   a safety limiter
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     a laptop
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:44 pm / Hospital Elevators                  255
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Elevators
Floyd | The main elevator bank for the hospital seems to require either an
Floyd | appropriate Mit-Klein scan or a hospital ID to swipe.  Patients and
Floyd | staff move through the area. The lobby is to the west.  The ER is
Floyd | through a door to the south, and a restroom is to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to the Emergency Room, east to Hospital Restroom, and
Floyd | west to Hospital Lobby from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:45 pm / Emergency Room                      256
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Emergency Room
Floyd | This is a prep and emergency treatment area for the emergency ward to
Floyd | the east, which is locked.  Triage is to the west, and a door leads
Floyd | north.  The ER is presently unused, and lies empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a tissue generator here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Hospital Elevators and west to Triage from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:46 pm / Hospital Elevators                  257
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Elevators
Floyd | The main elevator bank for the hospital seems to require either an
Floyd | appropriate Mit-Klein scan or a hospital ID to swipe.  Patients and
Floyd | staff move through the area. The lobby is to the west.  The ER is
Floyd | through a door to the south, and a restroom is to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to the Emergency Room, east to Hospital Restroom, and
Floyd | west to Hospital Lobby from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:47 pm / Hospital Lobby                      258
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Lobby
Floyd | This is the main entrance to a busy regional hospital. Autodoors lie
Floyd | to the west.  Patients and staff rush back and forth, all too busy to
Floyd | pay you any attention.  To the south is an archway with a sign reading
Floyd | "TRIAGE"; to the east is the elevator core and to the north is the
Floyd | waiting lounge.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, south to Triage, east to Hospital Elevators, and
Floyd | west through the Hospital door (closed) from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "I guess we've done all this?"
Busta says, "haven't gone north"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x patient"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:47 pm / Hospital Lobby                      258
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PATIENT
Floyd |
Floyd | A worried delivery worker with a messenger bag runs past you and is
Floyd | gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:48 pm / Hospital Lounge                     259
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Lounge
Floyd | This lounge is full of marginally-comfortable seating and antiquated
Floyd | magazines.  A door to the east reads "LAB" and the main lobby is to
Floyd | the south.  It is deserted; looking at the decor, you're pretty sure
Floyd | you know why.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Hospital Lobby and east from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x magazines"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:48 pm / Hospital Lounge                     259
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That won't help you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "aw"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:49 pm / Hospital Lab                        260
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Lab
Floyd | This is an all-purpose pathology laboratory receiving area.  The lab
Floyd | itself is behind a bulletproof glass wall to the east, and a small
Floyd | window allows samples or paperwork to be passed back and forth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a cryopack (closed) and a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west to Hospital Lounge from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "haha, he's criticizing hospital decor now"
Doug says, "ooh, cryopack"
Doug says (to Floyd), "get all"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:49 pm / Hospital Lab                        260
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ALL
Floyd |
Floyd | cryopack: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x crypoack"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:49 pm / Hospital Lab                        260
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CRYPOACK
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "oops cryopack"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:49 pm / Hospital Lab                        260
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a roughly fist-sized container, white with red crosses and an
Floyd | instructions sticker with WARNING! printed at the top.  It feels
Floyd | slightly cold to the touch.  A green LED labelled "OPERATING" is lit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read sticker"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:49 pm / Hospital Lab                        260
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | WARNING: This is a single-use cryogenic transport pack.  Opening the
Floyd | cryopack will disrupt the superconductor charge and disable the
Floyd | cryopack until it is recharged for its next use.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "roughly fist-sized. Maybe it has a fist in it?"
Busta says, "mayyyybe"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:49 pm / Hospital Lab                        260
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | That won't help you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "well, do we want to disable the cryopack?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x led"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:49 pm / Hospital Lab                        260
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LED
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Busta says (to Floyd), "cf8"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 11:49 pm / Hospital Lab                        260
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x green"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:49 pm / Hospital Lab                        260
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X GREEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open cryopack"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:50 pm / Hospital Lab                        261
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the cryopack. A small cloud of chill and condensation escapes
Floyd | from the cryopack into the surrounding air.  The green LED on it goes
Floyd | out; a red one lights up.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "look in cryopack"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:51 pm / Hospital Lab                        262
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The cryopack is empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "aw."
Busta says, "wah wah waaaah"
Busta says, "I'm guessing there will be a way to charge it"
Busta says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:51 pm / Hospital Lab                        262
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Lab
Floyd | This is an all-purpose pathology laboratory receiving area.  The lab
Floyd | itself is behind a bulletproof glass wall to the east, and a small
Floyd | window allows samples or paperwork to be passed back and forth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west to Hospital Lounge from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh right, the tissue generator needs a cryopack to put the output into"
Busta says, "now we need a sample"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x samples"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:51 pm / Hospital Lab                        262
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SAMPLES
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "probably in the lab itself"
Doug says (to Floyd), "open trash"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:52 pm / Hospital Lab                        263
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN TRASH
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the trash can, revealing some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x can"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:52 pm / Hospital Lab                        263
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAN
Floyd |
Floyd | Painted industrial dark green, the Hospital Lab trash can awaits its
Floyd | daily diet of rubbish.  There is a solar panel on it; presumably it
Floyd | reports back to a central system when it is full.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the trash can is some rubbish.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I guess they all have solar panels."
Olly says (to Floyd), "search rubbish"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:53 pm / Hospital Lab                        264
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "at least in the hospital"
Ferret says, "But there's always something of interest in rubbish..."
Olly says, "This is IF."
jenrexrode disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. Olly says, "Limited detail is important."
Doug says, "we found the drop message in a trash can with rubbish, but it was really obvious."
Busta says, "in hospital rubbish, it's either really interesting, or reaaaally not"
Doug says, "heh"
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:53 pm / Hospital Lab                        264
Floyd | >
Floyd | span class="floydstyle input">> S
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:54 pm / Hospital Lounge                     265
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Lounge
Floyd | This lounge is full of marginally-comfortable seating and antiquated
Floyd | magazines.  A door to the east reads "LAB" and the main lobby is to
Floyd | the south.  It is deserted; looking at the decor, you're pretty sure
Floyd | you know why.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Hospital Lobby and east to the Hospital Lab from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:55 pm / Hospital Lobby                      266
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Lobby
Floyd | This is the main entrance to a busy regional hospital. Autodoors lie
Floyd | to the west.  Patients and staff rush back and forth, all too busy to
Floyd | pay you any attention.  To the south is an archway with a sign reading
Floyd | "TRIAGE"; to the east is the elevator core and to the north is the
Floyd | waiting lounge.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Hospital Lounge, south to Triage, east to Hospital
Floyd | Elevators, and west through the Hospital door (closed) from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:56 pm / Hospital Elevators                  267
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Elevators
Floyd | The main elevator bank for the hospital seems to require either an
Floyd | appropriate Mit-Klein scan or a hospital ID to swipe.  Patients and
Floyd | staff move through the area. The lobby is to the west.  The ER is
Floyd | through a door to the south, and a restroom is to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to the Emergency Room, east to Hospital Restroom, and
Floyd | west to Hospital Lobby from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x bank"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:56 pm / Hospital Elevators                  267
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BANK
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x elevator"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:56 pm / Hospital Elevators                  267
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ELEVATOR
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hm, there's not even any device where we could swipe an ID"
Busta says, "maybe it's just flavor"
Lionheart arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:57 pm / Hospital Lobby                      268
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Lobby
Floyd | This is the main entrance to a busy regional hospital. Autodoors lie
Floyd | to the west.  Patients and staff rush back and forth, all too busy to
Floyd | pay you any attention.  To the south is an archway with a sign reading
Floyd | "TRIAGE"; to the east is the elevator core and to the north is the
Floyd | waiting lounge.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Hospital Lounge, south to Triage, east to Hospital
Floyd | Elevators, and west through the Hospital door (closed) from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:58 pm / Triage                              269
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Triage
Floyd | This is a triage area for the ER to the east.  To the north is the
Floyd | main Hospital lobby, and west lies the automatic doors out to the
Floyd | driveway.  Patients and staff are moving back and forth through the
Floyd | area.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Hospital Lobby, east to the Emergency Room, and
Floyd | west through the ER door (closed) to Hospital Driveway from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "and to explain why you can't just wander the rest of the hospital"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 11:59 pm / Emergency Room                      270
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Emergency Room
Floyd | This is a prep and emergency treatment area for the emergency ward to
Floyd | the east, which is locked.  Triage is to the west, and a door leads
Floyd | north.  The ER is presently unused, and lies empty.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a tissue generator here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Hospital Elevators and west to Triage from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put cryopack into tissue generator"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:00 am / Emergency Room                      271
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the tissue generator)
Floyd | Which slot do you want to put the cryopack into - the sample slot, the
Floyd | feed slot or the read slot?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sample"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:00 am / Emergency Room                      271
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAMPLE
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to sample?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sample slot"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:00 am / Emergency Room                      271
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the feed slot, the sample slot, the read slot, or
Floyd | the chipslot?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "oy"
Doug says (to Floyd), "put cryopack in sample slot"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:01 am / Emergency Room                      272
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the cryopack into the sample slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x tissue"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:01 am / Emergency Room                      272
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TISSUE
Floyd |
Floyd | (the tissue generator)
Floyd | This is a medium-sized appliance found in most modern hospitals.  It
Floyd | is used to provide artificial tissue for grafting into or onto
Floyd | injuries.  In order to prevent rejection, the tissue generator must be
Floyd | given a complete scan of the patient's tissue, from which it will (by
Floyd | default) produce an exact duplicate of the scanned sample.  It has a
Floyd | button marked ACTIVATE. There is a slot on the front of the machine
Floyd | labeled INSERT CRYOPACK FOR SAMPLE where, presumably, the generated
Floyd | tissue is delivered; there is a smaller opening labeled FEED and there
Floyd | is a slot labeled READ where a tissue sampler can be inserted.
Floyd | There is a cryopack in the sample slot.  The feed slot contains biogen
Floyd | feedstock.
Floyd |
Floyd | The tissue generator is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "push activate"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:01 am / Emergency Room                      272
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the tissue generator's activate button or the
Floyd | soldering iron's activate button?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put iron in backback"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:01 am / Emergency Room                      272
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put soldering iron in backback"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:01 am / Emergency Room                      272
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put soldering iron in backpack"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:02 am / Emergency Room                      273
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's dangerous.  You might want to switch the soldering iron off
Floyd | first.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "haha it's been on this whole time"
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch iron. put it in backpack"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:04 am / Emergency Room                      275
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the soldering iron off.
Floyd | The tip cools rapidly, fading to a silver-gray.
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the soldering iron into the backpack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "push activate"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:04 am / Emergency Room                      275
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the tissue generator's activate button or the
Floyd | soldering iron's activate button?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "doh."
Busta says, "hahaha"
Doug says (to Floyd), "activate tissue"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:05 am / Emergency Room                      276
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the tissue generator)
Floyd | The tissue generator blinks a red indicator which reads NOT READY:
Floyd | CHECK SLOTS and deactivates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "comedy of errors"
Doug says, "ok, need a sampler"
Busta says, "we need to provide a sample for it to copy, maybe"
Ferret says, "For those playing along at home, soldering irons don't cool rapidly, and remain quite hot even when silver-grey."
Doug says, "I hope we didn't need to keep the cryobank closed"
Olly nods.
Doug says, "cryopack. let's presume it's not that cruel"
Busta says, "I don't think so. The game is fairly polite"
Olly says, "Soldering irons are very useful for burning your hands."
Doug asks, "shall we solder on?"
Busta says, "this is also the future, so maybe insta-cool soldering irons"
Busta says, "yeah, let's go"
Doug asks, "yeah, why do we need to solder stuff when there's duramex nanotile?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:06 am / Triage                              277
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Triage
Floyd | This is a triage area for the ER to the east.  To the north is the
Floyd | main Hospital lobby, and west lies the automatic doors out to the
Floyd | driveway.  Patients and staff are moving back and forth through the
Floyd | area.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Hospital Lobby, east to the Emergency Room, and
Floyd | west through the ER door (closed) to Hospital Driveway from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:07 am / Hospital Driveway                   278
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the ER door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Driveway
Floyd | The driveway and parking area for the Hospital ER, which lies directly
Floyd | to the east.  To the north is the main entrance to the Hospital
Floyd | building.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | An ambulance, a bulky flittervan with emergency markings, is parked
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, northwest, east through the ER door to Triage, and
Floyd | west to Government Square South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:08 am / Hospital Entrance                   279
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hospital Entrance
Floyd | This is the front entryway pavilion of the local hospital.  The
Floyd | automatic entryway doors are to the east, and the ER entrance and
Floyd | driveway is to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Hospital Driveway, southwest to Government Square
Floyd | South, east through the Hospital door (closed) to Hospital Lobby, and
Floyd | west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I need more duramex nanotile in my life"
Doug says, "just hope it's not locklarmed."
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:09 am / Government Square North             280
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Government Square North
Floyd | The north half of Government Square is surrounded on three sides by
Floyd | roadway.  Groundcars trundle back and forth, and the occasional
Floyd | flitter whines down to or screams up from flitter pads out of sight
Floyd | atop the surrounding buildings.  The hospital driveway is to the
Floyd | southeast, across the road; the hospital entrance to the east and the
Floyd | police station to the west.  To the north is the steps to the Civil
Floyd | Center, the local government office building.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | It seems a tourist has left behind a cheap disposable camera, which
Floyd | rests on the sidewalk here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, south to Government Square South, southeast to
Floyd | Hospital Driveway, east to Hospital Entrance, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:09 am / Government Square North             280
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yoink!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:09 am / Government Square North             280
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | A cheap piece of integral electronics, made cheaper by the fact that
Floyd | any portable or phone has a perfectly good camera in it.  It has a
Floyd | built-in flash, and is typically linked to a cell phone or other
Floyd | handheld for displaying and storing photos.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "this must be a relic"
Busta says (to Floyd), "open camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:10 am / Government Square North             281
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't have the strength in your fingers to open the lost camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "break camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:11 am / Government Square North             282
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says (to Floyd), "open camera with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:12 am / Government Square North             283
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yeah, except for the flittervans and fontanelle-chips and nanotile, this could be very near future"
Floyd |
Floyd | You pry open the lost camera with the pliers in your multitool,
Floyd | ignoring the sound of breaking plastic.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:12 am / Government Square North             283
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | A cheap piece of integral electronics, made cheaper by the fact that
Floyd | any portable or phone has a perfectly good camera in it.  It has a
Floyd | built-in flash, and is typically linked to a cell phone or other
Floyd | handheld for displaying and storing photos.  This camera has been
Floyd | cracked open, revealing its internal electronics.  A capacitor (for
Floyd | the flash unit) and battery are available, as are numerous circuit
Floyd | connection points.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "we got our power source"
Doug says, "cool"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x capacitor"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:12 am / Government Square North             283
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta exclaims, "this camera shall be the home of our latest Klein Blaster... pow! pow!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x battery"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:12 am / Government Square North             283
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BATTERY
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly asks, "?"
Doug says, "shrug."
Busta says, "it's one unit, just go with it"
Olly says (to Floyd), "take all from camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:12 am / Government Square North             283
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That can't contain things.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yeah, you're probably right, we just need to put some chips into it"
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:13 am / Government Square North             284
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can switch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:14 am / Police Station Steps                285
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Police Station Steps
Floyd | These are the busy steps of the local police station.  To the east and
Floyd | southeast is Government Square, while the police station lies at the
Floyd | top to the west. Uniformed police and people in plain clothes are
Floyd | traversing the steps to exit and enter the building.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go southeast to Government Square South, east to Government
Floyd | Square North, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x police"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:14 am / Police Station Steps                285
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X POLICE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x uniformed"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:14 am / Police Station Steps                285
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:15 am / Front Desk                          286
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Desk
Floyd | This is the front desk of the police station. A harried sergeant is
Floyd | manning the desk, and are so busy they don't even have time to give
Floyd | you more than a brief scowl.  To the north is a security gate leading
Floyd | into the police station proper, and to the south is an open area with
Floyd | a sign reading "BOOKING."
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Sergeant Ramirez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south and east to Police Station Steps from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sergeant Ramirez scowls at his paperwork.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "plural sergeant"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask ramirez about spacescraper"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:16 am / Front Desk                          287
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The sergeant snorts and ignores you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x ramirez"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:16 am / Front Desk                          287
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X RAMIREZ
Floyd |
Floyd | Seated behind his desk, this grizzled uniformed policeman is clearly a
Floyd | veteran of many years" service.  He scowls at you, waiting for you to
Floyd | make his life more annoying.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "at least he speaks English"
Doug says, "or snorts English"
Busta says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:17 am / Booking                             288
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Booking
Floyd | This area is used for processing prisoners…er, excuse me, suspects,
Floyd | and as a waiting lounge.  There is a single hard bench, now empty, and
Floyd | a counter along the south wall with a stern poster on the wall above
Floyd | it.  One area has been kept clear and is a neutral pale blue,
Floyd | presumably to be used as a backdrop for photographing suspects.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an ID camera here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to the Front Desk from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x poster"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:17 am / Booking                             288
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X POSTER
Floyd |
Floyd | The poster has an almost laughably crude and kitschy burly policeman
Floyd | chasing a pair of hoodlums while blowing a whistle and brandishing a
Floyd | nightstick.  The hoodlums are leaving a trail of iconic Drug
Floyd | Paraphernalia.  A caption reads "If you see any DRUG ACTIVITY, report
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:17 am / Booking                             288
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ID CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | A battered but serviceable device, this is a high resolution
Floyd | holocamera used by the police for recording suspects" identities.  It
Floyd | can either record to a local server if one is available, or to a
Floyd | standard Memory chip placed in its memory slot. It is securely
Floyd | attached to the countertop with a security chain to prevent anyone
Floyd | from walking off with it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:18 am / Booking                             289
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The ID camera is a sealed unit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x memory chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:18 am / Booking                             289
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x security chain"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:18 am / Booking                             289
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A thin chain, almost a cable.  It has been visibly repaired in the
Floyd | past.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "should we try to cut it?"
Olly says, "The police might come."
Doug says, "sure"
Busta says, "while we're in a police station? nah"
Busta says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Busta says (to Floyd), "cf9"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 12:18 am / Booking                             289
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "cut security chain with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:18 am / Booking                             289
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the ID camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cutting that would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | Security surveillance spots you openly carrying a weapon.  Police rush
Floyd | in!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have been arrested! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, or UNDO the
Floyd | last command?
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:18 am / Booking                             289
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Booking
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "break chain"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:19 am / Booking                             290
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x repair"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:19 am / Booking                             290
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X REPAIR
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says (to Floyd), "l repairs"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:19 am / Booking                             290
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L REPAIRS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "red herring I guess"
Olly says (to Floyd), "pull chain"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:20 am / Booking                             291
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PULL CHAIN
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing obvious happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "cut chain with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:21 am / Booking                             292
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The one thing this multitool doesn't have is a decent cutting edge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x memory slot"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:21 am / Booking                             292
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take memory chip from id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:21 am / Booking                             292
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "A lot of these objects are not very interactive."
Busta says, "nope"
Busta says, "deep implementation is one issue"
Ferret says, "Swiss Army Spoon is another"
Olly says, "Heh."
Busta says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:21 am / Booking                             292
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Booking
Floyd | This area is used for processing prisoners…er, excuse me, suspects,
Floyd | and as a waiting lounge.  There is a single hard bench, now empty, and
Floyd | a counter along the south wall with a stern poster on the wall above
Floyd | it.  One area has been kept clear and is a neutral pale blue,
Floyd | presumably to be used as a backdrop for photographing suspects.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an ID camera here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to the Front Desk from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:22 am / Front Desk                          293
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Desk
Floyd | This is the front desk of the police station. A harried sergeant is
Floyd | manning the desk, and are so busy they don't even have time to give
Floyd | you more than a brief scowl.  To the north is a security gate leading
Floyd | into the police station proper, and to the south is an open area with
Floyd | a sign reading "BOOKING."
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Sergeant Ramirez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Booking and east to Police Station Steps from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I'm guessing we'll need to take a picture of something or someone later"
Busta says, "maybe"
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:23 am / Police Station Steps                294
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Police Station Steps
Floyd | These are the busy steps of the local police station.  To the east and
Floyd | southeast is Government Square, while the police station lies at the
Floyd | top to the west. Uniformed police and people in plain clothes are
Floyd | traversing the steps to exit and enter the building.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go southeast to Government Square South, east to Government
Floyd | Square North, and west to the Front Desk from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:24 am / Government Square North             295
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Government Square North
Floyd | The north half of Government Square is surrounded on three sides by
Floyd | roadway.  Groundcars trundle back and forth, and the occasional
Floyd | flitter whines down to or screams up from flitter pads out of sight
Floyd | atop the surrounding buildings.  The hospital driveway is to the
Floyd | southeast, across the road; the hospital entrance to the east and the
Floyd | police station to the west.  To the north is the steps to the Civil
Floyd | Center, the local government office building.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, south to Government Square South, southeast to
Floyd | Hospital Driveway, east to Hospital Entrance, and west to Police
Floyd | Station Steps from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:25 am / Civil Center Steps                  296
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Civil Center Steps
Floyd | These are the front steps of an impressive government building.  Civil
Floyd | servants hurry in and out through the security checkpoint, going about
Floyd | their business.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see Ponyfriend Chunky and the civil servants here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Government Square North from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ponyfriend frantically whips his pager out and scrutinizes the blank
Floyd | display before putting it away, apparently crestfallen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "ponyfriend chunky???"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x ponyfriend"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:25 am / Civil Center Steps                  296
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x ponyfriend chunky"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Ponyfriend Chunky)
Floyd | Dressed in ragged clothing, this man is looking around himself
Floyd | nervously, trying not to meet anyone's eye.  He is holding a sign that
Floyd |
Floyd | Ponyfriend Chunky is carrying a pager and a begging sign.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd ]  Time: 12:25 am / Civil Center Steps                  296
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Dressed in ragged clothing, this man is looking around himself
Floyd | nervously, trying not to meet anyone's eye.  He is holding a sign that
Floyd |
Floyd | Ponyfriend Chunky is carrying a pager and a begging sign.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "Haven't seen good ol' Ponyfriend since highschool. Clearly times have been rough."
Olly says (to Floyd), "ask ponyfriend about spacescraper"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:26 am / Civil Center Steps                  297
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Ponyfriend Chunky about that)
Floyd | Ponyfriend responds out of the corner of his mouth, looking away. "The
Floyd | Tower! (Ponyfriend points eagerly towards the Spacescraper visible in
Floyd | the distance)  I think I'll need to go there…that mission,
Floyd | though…(he
Floyd | stops talking suddenly and looks at you suspiciously.)"
Floyd |
Floyd | Ponyfriend looks up sharply, muttering "Did you hear that?" and checks
Floyd | his pager.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a brief flare of light from its boosters and a far-off rumble, a
Floyd | drop shuttle rises from the semiballistic pads atop the far-off
Floyd | Reserve Bank Spacescraper, vanishing into the sky.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "woo! it finally worked!"
Busta says, "yay"
Busta says (to Floyd), "ask ponyfriend for paper"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:26 am / Civil Center Steps                  297
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "ask ponyfriend for pager"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:27 am / Civil Center Steps                  298
Floyd | >
Floyd/b> |
Floyd | (Ponyfriend Chunky for the pager)
Floyd | Ponyfriend looks frightened and clutches the pager to his chest.  "No!
Floyd | You can't have it!  THEY gave it to me! How would I know They needed
Floyd | me if I gave it to you?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Ponyfriend wipes his pager's display with a dirty sleeve.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x pager"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:27 am / Civil Center Steps                  298
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PAGER
Floyd |
Floyd | It looks like a pretty old-school radio pager.  It also looks like it
Floyd | isn't working; the display is fogged over, there are no lights on it,
Floyd | and one of the two buttons on the front is missing. There is a small
Floyd | sliding panel on the back.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I bet there's a chip inside"
Doug says (to Floyd), "give phone to ponyfriend"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:28 am / Civil Center Steps                  299
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Ponyfriend Chunky)
Floyd | Ponyfriend clutches the cell phone and mumbles "This is so much
Floyd | better, now I can get my instructions directly rather than having to
Floyd | call them back!"  He stands there for a moment, then seems to come to
Floyd | a realization.  "In fact, they can call me!  I don't need this pager!"
Floyd | he says.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ponyfriend Chunky gives the pager to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "well that was easy"
Doug says, "ding"
Olly says (to Floyd), "ask ponyfriend about beep"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:29 am / Civil Center Steps                  300
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Ponyfriend Chunky about that)
Floyd | Ponyfriend avoids your eye.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open pager"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:30 am / Civil Center Steps                  301
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN PAGER
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the pager, revealing a receive chip.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ponyfriend checks his cell phone, looking disappointed that no-one has
Floyd | called.
Floyd | Ponyfriend sighs and sits down for a few moments before springing back
Floyd | up, muttering.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "one down"
Doug says (to Floyd), "give camera to ponyfriend"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:31 am / Civil Center Steps                  302
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Ponyfriend Chunky)
Floyd | Ponyfriend shakes his head violently and pushes the lost camera back
Floyd | to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "nooooo we need that camera"
Doug says, "yeah, was prepared to undo"
Doug says, "just wondering if he'd be excited about that too"
Olly says (to Floyd), "ask ponyfriend about mission"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:32 am / Civil Center Steps                  303
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Ponyfriend Chunky about that)
Floyd | Ponyfriend's face animates and he looks up at you. "My missions?
Floyd | They're…well…(a suspicious look comes over his face) They're
Floyd | secret!
Floyd | You can't know!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x civil servants"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:32 am / Civil Center Steps                  303
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | They're ignoring you and appear to be concentrating on their errands.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "errands at 12:30am?"
Busta says, "avoiding the lines"
Olly says, "Maybe this government requires round-the-clock shifts of civil servants."
Doug says (to Floyd), "open panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:32 am / Civil Center Steps                  303
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN PANEL
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "slide panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:32 am / Civil Center Steps                  303
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I opened the pager already"
Doug says, "oh right"
Olly says (to Floyd), "take chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:32 am / Civil Center Steps                  303
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE CHIP
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:32 am / Civil Center Steps                  303
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CHIP
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a receive chip - a small solid-state radio about the size of a
Floyd | coin.  These can be found in most portable electronics that need to
Floyd | receive distant broadcasts, able to pull in signals from beyond a few
Floyd | meters.  There are leads on the chip for connecting data lines and a
Floyd | power source.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put chip in camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:33 am / Civil Center Steps                  304
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That can't contain things.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I think we have to solder it to the camera"
Olly says (to Floyd), "solder chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:34 am / Civil Center Steps                  305
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to combine?
Floyd |
Floyd | Ponyfriend's eyes light up and he pulls out his (dead) cell phone.
Floyd | Raising it to his head, he has a brief conversation with it before
Floyd | putting it away carefully and looking around furtively.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:35 am / Civil Center Steps                  306
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the soldering iron on.
Floyd | The tip heats up rapidly to a cherry-red heat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "solder chop to camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:35 am / Civil Center Steps                  306
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "solder chip to camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:36 am / Civil Center Steps                  307
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The receive chip and the lost camera don't make anything useful.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:36 am / Civil Center Steps                  307
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a receive chip
Floyd |   a pager (open but empty)
Floyd |   a lost camera
Floyd |   a drop message
Floyd |   a safety limiter
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a soldering iron
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     a laptop
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "maybe we have to make the blaster first"
Olly says (to Floyd), "solder chip to battery"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:36 am / Civil Center Steps                  307
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "like we did when we soldered the two chips together"
Olly says, "The soldering iron is in the backpack, but on."
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:36 am / Civil Center Steps                  307
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | In order to pass the checkpoint, you would need to have a Government
Floyd | authorized Mitsui-Klein signature.  Realizing this, you retreat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "I wonder if that's bad."
Busta says, "probably not"
Doug says, "probably just an implementation oversight"
Olly says (to Floyd), "take apart camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:36 am / Civil Center Steps                  307
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says (to Floyd), "dismantle camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:36 am / Civil Center Steps                  307
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:36 am / Civil Center Steps                  307
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Civil Center Steps
Floyd | These are the front steps of an impressive government building.  Civil
Floyd | servants hurry in and out through the security checkpoint, going about
Floyd | their business.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see Ponyfriend Chunky and the civil servants here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Government Square North from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "I think we've explored this transit stop?"
Busta asks, "should we try the fed reserve bank?"
Doug asks, "maybe try the Reserve Bank?"
Busta says, "yeah"
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:37 am / Government Square North             308
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Government Square North
Floyd | The north half of Government Square is surrounded on three sides by
Floyd | roadway.  Groundcars trundle back and forth, and the occasional
Floyd | flitter whines down to or screams up from flitter pads out of sight
Floyd | atop the surrounding buildings.  The hospital driveway is to the
Floyd | southeast, across the road; the hospital entrance to the east and the
Floyd | police station to the west.  To the north is the steps to the Civil
Floyd | Center, the local government office building.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Civil Center Steps, south to Government Square
Floyd | South, southeast to Hospital Driveway, east to Hospital Entrance, and
Floyd | west to Police Station Steps from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:38 am / Government Square South             309
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Government Square South
Floyd | This is the southern half of Government Square.  Several benches and
Floyd | landscape features are scattered throughout the area.  A roadway
Floyd | approaches from the west, loops north around the square and continues
Floyd | to the east.  Groundcars move back and forth along the road, mixed
Floyd | with official vehicles such as police cars, ambulances and the
Floyd | ubiquitous slightly shabby black flitters used by government agencies.
Floyd | The doors to Green Service Transit station are to the south.  Across
Floyd | the road to the east is Green Hospital's driveway.  The Hospital's
Floyd | main entrance is to the northeast.  The square continues to the north.
Floyd | To the northwest, across the road on the other side, is the front
Floyd | steps of the local police station.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Government Square North, northeast to Hospital
Floyd | Entrance, northwest to Police Station Steps, south to Green Service
Floyd | Station, and east to Hospital Driveway from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:39 am / Green Service Station               310
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Station
Floyd | Green Service is the local government services cluster.  The Transit
Floyd | station seems to reflect this, exhibiting a weary conformity -
Floyd | although you couldn't say exactly how.  A stairway leads down to the
Floyd | platform access doors, and a set of doorways lead north out onto
Floyd | Government Square.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Government Square South and down through the Green
Floyd | Service Station door (closed) to Green Service Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:40 am / Green Service Platform              311
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Service Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Platform
Floyd | Green Service One's platform is underground.  It serves mostly city
Floyd | workers during the day.  There is an exit at the center of the
Floyd | platform which leads north through a set of closed automatic doors to
Floyd | a stairway leading up to the main station, just next to a large plaque
Floyd | with the name of the station on it.  The platform abuts the Transit
Floyd | web to the south, where a Transit capsule hovers impatiently in the
Floyd | web.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Green Service Station door to Green
Floyd | Service Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:41 am / Transit Capsule                     312
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Service Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:42 am / Transit Capsule                     313
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:43 am / Transit Capsule                     314
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:44 am / Transit Capsule                     315
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Reserve Bank Station and comes to a stop,
Floyd | hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters enter
Floyd | and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:45 am / Reserve Bank Station                316
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Reserve Bank Station
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Transit Station. The platform opens out at the middle
Floyd | to a lobby area which is dominated by a row of automated doors to the
Floyd | west.  The flow of commuters moves steadily through these doors, with
Floyd | each person turning their head to the right as they approach for the
Floyd | eye scanner to verify their identity before opening the portal long
Floyd | enough for them to slip through.  The floor and walls are both clean
Floyd | duramex nanotile, and the station name (Reserve Bank) is indicated on
Floyd | large plaques set into the walls.  At either end of the platform,
Floyd | closed gates guard against any entry into the slideway tunnels. A
Floyd | platform abuts a Transit web, where a Transit capsule can be seen
Floyd | hovering.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west through the Reserve Bank Station door (closed) from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "eff yeah duramex nanotile"
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:46 am / Reserve Bank Station                317
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Reserve Bank Station door)
Floyd | The Eye Scanner laser delicately probes your iris to determine your
Floyd | identity.  The Reserve Bank Security Subroutine determines that you
Floyd | have no legitimate reason to enter the Reserve Bank spacescraper.  A
Floyd | harsh buzzer sounds and the door remains locked.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "well, there's where we need the contact lens"
Doug says, "oh huh, this is the spacescraper"
Busta says, "yeah"
Ferret asks, "Duramex is some kind of Spanish-Mexican fusion cuisine, right?"
Doug says, "we needed a memory chip for the lens crafter"
Busta says, "doh"
Roger goes home.
Roger has disconnected. Busta says, "Duramex just makes me think of condoms"
Doug asks, "haven't found another one of those yet, right?"
DavidW arrives, full of funk, but no fun. Busta says, "the only thing that said memory chip was the id camera in the police station"
Olly asks, "There wasn't one in the police camera, right?"
Doug says, "didn't seem like it."
DuoDave arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Busta says, "see, it was pretty vague about it"
Doug says, "heya David and Dave"
Doug says, "it seemed like it was saying that it could record onto a memory chip, if only we had one."
DuoDave says, "i've been here i just havent been in floyd its kind of spammy"
DavidW says, "My eyes are still adjusting. I'm gonna need a few more minutes"
Busta says (to davidw), "no worries"
Doug says, "we got the memory chip from the car key before"
Busta says, "maybe there's another electronic to find"
Doug says, "and the safety limiter has a custom memory chip"
Olly says, "There might be a key in the ambulence."
Busta exclaims, "but the ambulence is locklarmed!"
Olly says, "Though it probably won't be a key twice."
Doug says, "we didn't look too closely at the ambulance, maybe there was something to disassemble."
Busta asks, "head back?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x scanner"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:46 am / Reserve Bank Station                317
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SCANNER
Floyd |
Floyd | Above and to the right of each automated door is a Door Scanner. These
Floyd | spherical devices have a glass plane inset in the side facing you, and
Floyd | an eerie red light flickers deep inside each as it waits for you to
Floyd | present a recognizable iris to the scanning laser within.  Until you
Floyd | do so, the door controlled by the scanner will remain closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "It doesn't seem like something that is there just because it should be."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x red light"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:46 am / Reserve Bank Station                317
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X RED LIGHT
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "back to the ambulance?"
Olly exclaims, "To the ambulence!"
Busta says, "this is where a goto command is really nice"
Doug asks, "was there anything in Green Residential that we didn't explore, btw?"
Busta says, "maybe. There were other houses, but they seemed like red herrings"
Olly says, "I wasn't there then."
Busta says, "also, we never tried to sneak past the dog"
Busta says, "dunno if that's a thing"
Olly says, "Maybe we need to synthesize some tissue to give to the dog."
Olly says, "(But probably not.)"
Olly says, "Speaking of dogs. I have to take mine out. I'll come back later."
Doug says, "yeah, looks like East Cedar Street mentioned three-family houses but we didn't bother to check"
Olly is borne away by a squadron of flying toads. Doug says, "oh right, the dog"
Busta says, "I'm down with giving another look"
DavidW says, "me too"
Busta says, "I'm likely not getting to work tomorrow cause of the snoooooow"
Busta says, "so plenty of time"
Doug says, "still no snow here in Boston"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:47 am / Transit Capsule                     318
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Reserve Bank Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:48 am / Transit Capsule                     319
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DuoDave says, "snow here too"
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:49 am / Transit Capsule                     320
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:50 am / Transit Capsule                     321
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Commercial Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh right, there were all those clothes"
Busta says, "maybe the antitheft device has a memory chip inside"
Doug says, "huh!"
DavidW asks, "Way after curfew. Transit still runs?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:51 am / Green Commercial Platform           322
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You exit the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | Green Commercial One is one of the oldest stations on the Transit web.
Floyd | Although it has been refurbished several times, its age still manages
Floyd | to show through the layers of tile and paint.  The platform opens out
Floyd | at the middle to a lobby area which is dominated by a row of automated
Floyd | doors to the south, which lead to stairways up to the main station.
Floyd | The flow of commuters moves steadily through these doors.  The floor
Floyd | and walls are both extremely scuffed duramex nanotile, and the station
Floyd | name (Green Commercial One) is indicated on a large plaque set into
Floyd | the walls. The platform abuts the Transit web to the north, where a
Floyd | Transit capsule can be seen hovering.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Green Commercial Station door (closed) to
Floyd | Green Commercial Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:52 am / Green Commercial Station            323
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Commercial Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Station
Floyd | Green Commercial One's Transit station usually does most of its
Floyd | business around the rush hours, as Green Residental commuters stop off
Floyd | to take care of errands.  The station is relatively small, but well
Floyd | kept up - the Green Commercial Business Improvement District
Floyd | organization sees to that.  Open doorways lead south to Green
Floyd | Commercial One proper, and a stairway leads down to the doors to the
Floyd | Transit platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Green Commercial Plaza North and down through the
Floyd | Green Commercial Station door to Green Commercial Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:53 am / Green Commercial Plaza North        324
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | Green Commercial One is built around a plaza, and this is its northern
Floyd | end.  No vehicles are permitted within the public areas of Green
Floyd | Commercial One, so the entire area is pedestrian-only.  To the north
Floyd | are the doorways to the Green Commercial Station.  To the east is the
Floyd | NanoMart.  To the west is a storefront bank with an ATM.  The plaza
Floyd | continues to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south to Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza Center, southeast to The Proletariat Bar, southwest
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to NanoMart, and west to Metro
Floyd | Savings from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:54 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center       325
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | This is the center of the Green Commercial Plaza.  There is a fountain
Floyd | here with a bench facing it.  The plaza continues to the north and
Floyd | south; to the east is a bar called (ironically, you hope) the
Floyd | Proletariat.  To the west is a Bistro Paris cafe.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast to
Floyd | NanoMart, northwest to Metro Savings, south to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South, southeast to Accessorize, east to The Proletariat Bar, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:54 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center       325
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:55 am / Green Commercial Plaza South        326
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The southern end of the Green Commercial Plaza, which continues to the
Floyd | north.  To the east is Accessorize, a fashion store, and to the west
Floyd | is Garb-oh, a trendy clothing shop.  The south end of the mall is
Floyd | closed off by an elaborate landscaping installation of trees and
Floyd | shrubs, presumably to hide a relatively ugly building behind it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Garb-oh
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:56 am / Garb-oh                             327
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | Garb-oh! is a trendy clothing shop.  Images of the shop's icon Greta
Floyd | Garbo abound, each dressed in the clothing item offered on the rack
Floyd | below it.  Jackets, scarves, bandannas, trousers, shirts and more are
Floyd | on inviting display.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the racks are a blue jacket, a red jacket, a white shirt, a green
Floyd | shirt, a blue pair of pants, and a brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sales counter runs along the north side of the store.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see the shopkeeper and the shopper here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Garb-oh door to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x red jacket"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:56 am / Garb-oh                             327
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X RED JACKET
Floyd |
Floyd | This jacket is a wine red sports coat.  You had thought this style
Floyd | vanished in the 1970s, but here it is.  It is several sizes too small
Floyd | for you.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an antitheft tag attached to the red jacket.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:56 am / Garb-oh                             327
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TAG
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the blue jacket's antitheft tag, the red jacket's
Floyd | antitheft tag, the white shirt's antitheft tag, the green shirt's
Floyd | antitheft tag, the blue pair of pants's antitheft tag, or the brown
Floyd | pair of pants's antitheft tag?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x red jacket's tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:56 am / Garb-oh                             327
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a small rubberized sealed plastic transponder, perhaps a
Floyd | centimeter thick and two by four centimeters square, with a complex
Floyd | security mechanism for attaching it to products. It is used for
Floyd | inventory control as well as theft prevention; it cannot be removed
Floyd | from a garment without the associated removal tool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hmm"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x shopkeep"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:56 am / Garb-oh                             327
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SHOPKEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x shopkeeper"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:56 am / Garb-oh                             327
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the shopkeeper)
Floyd | The shopkeeper is a somewhat frumpy older lady.  You can't help but
Floyd | wonder if she has been deliberately selected for her appearance so as
Floyd | to present a contrast with the merchandise.
Floyd |
Floyd | The shopkeeper is empty-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x counter"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:56 am / Garb-oh                             327
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X COUNTER
Floyd |
Floyd | In the sales counter is a sales drawer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x drawer"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:56 am / Garb-oh                             327
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X DRAWER
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing special about the sales drawer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open it"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:57 am / Garb-oh                             328
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't reach that from here; you'd need to be behind the sales
Floyd | counter.
Floyd |
Floyd | A shopper pulls a jacket off the racks and looks at it critically
Floyd | before returning it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DuoDave asks, "can you search the shopkeeper?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "go behind sales counter"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:58 am / Garb-oh                             329
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You try to move behind the sales counter, but the shopkeeper glares at
Floyd | you and blocks the way!
Floyd |
Floyd | A small group of people enter the store, look around, look at each
Floyd | other and file back out.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yeah, need to distract her somehow."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x shopper"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:58 am / Garb-oh                             329
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SHOPPER
Floyd |
Floyd | The shopper is a young woman wearing large headphones, loose clothes.
Floyd | She is bouncing her head in what is probably the rhythm of the song
Floyd | she is listening to, and seems to be paying very little attention to
Floyd | her surroundings.  Every once in a while she pulls an item from a rack
Floyd | and holds it up in front of a mirror before returning it to its place.
Floyd | She is wearing a large shoulder bag.
Floyd |
Floyd | The shopper is empty-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x shoulder bag"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:58 am / Garb-oh                             329
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | An open-topped satchel with a carrying strap meant to be strung over
Floyd | one shoulder.  It is currently over the shoulder of a woman shopper.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "take it"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:58 am / Garb-oh                             329
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE IT
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to belong to the shopper.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh, I know..."
Doug says (to Floyd), "put red jacket in bag"
Floyd ]  Time: 12:59 am / Garb-oh                             330
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the backpack)
Floyd | You put the red jacket into the backpack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put red jacket in shoulder bag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:00 am / Garb-oh                              331
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You stealthily slide the red jacket into the shoulder bag!
Floyd |
Floyd | The shopper puts down a last item of clothing and drifts towards the
Floyd | door.  As she reaches it, however, the antitheft alarm blares and a
Floyd | strobe light begins to flash!  She stops, frozen in surprise, as the
Floyd | shopkeeper rushes over and grabs her.  A few seconds later, two
Floyd | policemen enter the shop.  The shopkeeper, shopper and police all
Floyd | begin shouting at the same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "go behind counter"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:01 am / Garb-oh                              332
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You move around behind the sales counter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh (in the sales counter)
Floyd | Garb-oh! is a trendy clothing shop.  Images of the shop's icon Greta
Floyd | Garbo abound, each dressed in the clothing item offered on the rack
Floyd | below it.  Jackets, scarves, bandannas, trousers, shirts and more are
Floyd | on inviting display.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the racks are a blue jacket, a white shirt, a green shirt, a blue
Floyd | pair of pants, and a brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a Patrolman, Officer Prescott, the shopkeeper, and
Floyd | the shopper here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a wide drawer below the counter level.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Green Commercial
Floyd | Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DuoDave slinks off to his apartment.
Doug says (to Floyd), "open drawer"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:02 am / Garb-oh                              333
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the sales drawer, revealing a tag remover.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "sneaky"
Doug says (to Floyd), "get tag remover"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:02 am / Garb-oh                              333
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the safety limiter into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "wow"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x officer prescott"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:02 am / Garb-oh                              333
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A normal-looking Metro Policeman, Prescott is wearing light patrol
Floyd | gear with his holobadge displaying his name and rank across his left
Floyd | breast. Every once in a while, the comm unit attached to his belt
Floyd | murmurs to him through his earpiece.
Floyd |
Floyd | Officer Prescott is carrying a flitterkey.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly arrives, ready to play with the toys. Busta exclaims, "flitterkey!"
Doug says, "wooo, a flitterkey"
Doug says, "to his flittervan I guess"
Doug says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:03 am / Garb-oh                              334
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | You get out of the sales counter.
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | Garb-oh! is a trendy clothing shop.  Images of the shop's icon Greta
Floyd | Garbo abound, each dressed in the clothing item offered on the rack
Floyd | below it.  Jackets, scarves, bandannas, trousers, shirts and more are
Floyd | on inviting display.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the racks are a blue jacket, a white shirt, a green shirt, a blue
Floyd | pair of pants, and a brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sales counter runs along the north side of the store.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a Patrolman, Officer Prescott, the shopkeeper, and
Floyd | the shopper here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Green Commercial
Floyd | Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a very quiet beep from somewhere you can't identify.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "What's a flitterkey?"
Doug says, "a flittervan seems to be an air-car, or maybe a helicopter thingy"
Doug says, "that dang beep again. wonder if it's something we're carrying"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x brown pants"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:03 am / Garb-oh                              334
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Brown dungarees are never really in style, ergo they can't ever really
Floyd | be out of style either.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is an antitheft tag attached to the brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:04 am / Garb-oh                              335
Floyd | >
Floyd | > REMOVE TAG
Floyd |
Floyd | (the tag remover)
Floyd | You're not wearing that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove tag from brown pants"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:04 am / Garb-oh                              335
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get antitheft tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:04 am / Garb-oh                              335
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the blue jacket's antitheft tag, the white shirt's
Floyd | antitheft tag, the green shirt's antitheft tag, the blue pair of
Floyd | pants's antitheft tag, the brown pair of pants's antitheft tag, or the
Floyd | red jacket's antitheft tag?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta exclaims, "oy!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "get brown pants's antitheft tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:04 am / Garb-oh                              335
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't remove that bare-handed; you'll need to use the appropriate
Floyd | tool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get brown pants's antitheft tag with tag remover"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:04 am / Garb-oh                              335
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to get the brown pair of
Floyd | pants's antitheft tag.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove brown pants's antitheft tag with tag remover"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:05 am / Garb-oh                              336
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You deftly remove the tag with the tag remover.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta exclaims, "yay!"
Doug says, "sheesh."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:05 am / Garb-oh                              336
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TAG
Floyd |
Floyd | (the brown pair of pants's antitheft tag)
Floyd | This is a small rubberized sealed plastic transponder, perhaps a
Floyd | centimeter thick and two by four centimeters square, with a complex
Floyd | security mechanism for attaching it to products. It is used for
Floyd | inventory control as well as theft prevention; it cannot be removed
Floyd | from a garment without the associated removal tool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "Goodness."
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove blue pants's antitheft tag with tag remover"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:06 am / Garb-oh                              337
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You deftly remove the tag with the tag remover.
Floyd |
Floyd | The police finally search the shopper's shoulder bag, and shake their
Floyd | heads.  They lead her towards the door, one explaining that they'll
Floyd | need to take her statement at the station.  The shopkeeper asks
Floyd | snippily what they'll be doing to protect her stock; Officer Prescott
Floyd | rolls his eyes and says "Lady, we'll have our patrol stop in the plaza
Floyd | out front for a while in case this one has any accomplices, all
Floyd | right?"  They leave, and the shopkeeper watches them go with a
Floyd | somewhat irritatingly smug expression on her face.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "do you think we need to snag the flitterkey before he leaves?"
Doug says, "too late. though I guess they'll be outside for a while"
Doug asks, "do you think we need more than two tags?"
Busta says, "oh yeah"
Busta says, "I dont think so"
Doug says (to Floyd), "open tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:06 am / Garb-oh                              337
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN TAG
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the blue jacket's antitheft tag, the white shirt's
Floyd | antitheft tag, the green shirt's antitheft tag, the blue pair of
Floyd | pants's antitheft tag, the brown pair of pants's antitheft tag, or the
Floyd | tag remover?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "ugh"
Olly's reader says, "Flit turkey."
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:06 am / Garb-oh                              337
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to open east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:06 am / Garb-oh                              337
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the autodoor, a cyclone light goes off, triggered by
Floyd | the antitheft tag you are carrying!  The attendant hurries over as a
Floyd | policeman rushes in.  The tag is swiftly found!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have been arrested! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, or UNDO the
Floyd | last command?
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:06 am / Garb-oh                              337
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "lol"
Doug says, "ok, I guess we have to open it here.."
Doug says (to Floyd), "open brown pants's antitheft tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:07 am / Garb-oh                              338
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "cut brown pants's antitheft tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:08 am / Garb-oh                              339
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You'd need to cut the brown pair of pants's antitheft tag with
Floyd | something; you can't do it bare-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "cut brown pants's antitheft tag with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the drop message into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | You're carrying too many things already.
Floyd |
Floyd | You carefully cut open the tag with your knife and peel back the
Floyd | plastic to reveal a blank memory chip.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a small red light in the corner of your vision which vanishes
Floyd | as you turn to look at it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta exclaims, "memory chip!"
Doug says, "yay!"
Olly says (to Floyd), "take memory chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the lost camera into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | You're carrying too many things already.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "cut blue pants's antitheft tag with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the pager into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | You carefully cut open the tag with your knife and peel back the
Floyd | plastic to reveal a blank memory chip.
Floyd |
Floyd | Security surveillance spots you openly carrying a weapon.  Police rush
Floyd | in!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have been arrested! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, or UNDO the
Floyd | last command?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "It seems like only hours ago we were finding our first memory chip."
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "sigh, inventory limits."
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a blue pair of pants's antitheft tag
Floyd |   a brown pair of pants's antitheft tag
Floyd |     a blank memory chip
Floyd |   a tag remover
Floyd |   a receive chip
Floyd |   a pager (open but empty)
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a lost camera
Floyd |     a drop message
Floyd |     a safety limiter
Floyd |     a soldering iron
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     a laptop
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "drop blue"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP BLUE
Floyd |
Floyd | (the blue pair of pants's antitheft tag)
Floyd | The attendant spots you dropping an antitheft tag on the floor.
Floyd | Suspicious, she presses her alarm and runs over, calling for police!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have been arrested! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, or UNDO the
Floyd | last command?
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I LOATHE inventory limits"
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Doug says (to Floyd), "cf10"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "uh-oh"
Doug says, "lotsa ways to die here!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "put blue on rack"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:10 am / Garb-oh                              341
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the blue pair of pants's antitheft tag on the racks)
Floyd | You put the blue pair of pants's antitheft tag on the racks.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get memory chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:10 am / Garb-oh                              341
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put brown on racks"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:11 am / Garb-oh                              342
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the brown pair of pants's antitheft tag on the racks)
Floyd | You put the brown pair of pants's antitheft tag on the racks.
Floyd |
Floyd | A small group of people enter the store, look around, look at each
Floyd | other and file back out.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I think we'll just have to come back if we need a second memory chip"
Olly says (to Floyd), "put knife in backpack"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:12 am / Garb-oh                              343
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the lockblade knife into the backpack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "Probably."
Doug asks, "so, do we use the memory chip in the lens crafter, or the id camera?"
Olly asks, "Well, the camera writes and the crafter reads, yes?"
Doug says, "good point!"
Doug asks, "so, back to the police station?"
Olly says, "Guess so. I don't remember how to get there."
Doug asks, "do you think we need to do anything at the Bistro or the NanoMart?"
Doug says, "they seemed like dead ends"
Doug says, "I guess we have to come back here for the lens crafter anyway"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:13 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         344
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The southern end of the Green Commercial Plaza, which continues to the
Floyd | north.  To the east is Accessorize, a fashion store, and to the west
Floyd | is Garb-oh, a trendy clothing shop.  The south end of the mall is
Floyd | closed off by an elaborate landscaping installation of trees and
Floyd | shrubs, presumably to hide a relatively ugly building behind it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door to Garb-oh from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You have the sudden feeling that you're being followed, but have no
Floyd | idea by whom.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "brief"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:13 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         344
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BRIEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Valley of Steel is now in its "brief" printing mode, which gives long
Floyd | descriptions of places never before visited and short descriptions
Floyd | otherwise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "Thanks."
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:14 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center        345
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast to
Floyd | NanoMart, northwest to Metro Savings, south to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South, southeast to Accessorize, east to The Proletariat Bar, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A surveillance camera atop a nearby streetlight swivels silently.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hm, not very brief. too many non-description messages."
Doug says (to Floyd), "superbrief"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:14 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center        345
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Valley of Steel is now in its "superbrief" mode, which always gives
Floyd | short descriptions of locations (even if you haven't been there
Floyd | before).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "brief"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:14 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center        345
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BRIEF
Floyd |
Floyd | Valley of Steel is now in its "brief" printing mode, which gives long
Floyd | descriptions of places never before visited and short descriptions
Floyd | otherwise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "Well, it is an improvement, anyway."
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:15 am / Green Commercial Plaza North         346
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south to Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza Center, southeast to The Proletariat Bar, southwest
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to NanoMart, and west to Metro
Floyd | Savings from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "are you on a screenreader?"
Olly nods.
Doug says, "oh, I didn't see the patrol car"
Olly says, "Not exactly a screen reader, but a MUD client that reads output."
Doug says, "shrug."
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:16 am / Green Commercial Station             347
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Station
Floyd | You can go south to Green Commercial Plaza North and down through the
Floyd | Green Commercial Station door (closed) to Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "ahh ok"
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:16 am / Green Commercial Station             347
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), ">d"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:16 am / Green Commercial Station             347
Floyd | >
Floyd | > >D
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:17 am / Green Commercial Platform            348
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Commercial Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Green Commercial Station door to Green
Floyd | Commercial Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A commuter walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "doh, just missed a capsule"
Doug says (to Floyd), "z wait for capsule"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:17 am / Green Commercial Platform            348
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to wait.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), " wait for capsule"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:39 am / Green Commercial Platform            370
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a small mouse scurry along the Transit Web and vanish back
Floyd | into the tunnels.
Floyd |
Floyd | A commuter walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | A light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of
Floyd | displaced air, the Transit Capsule slides smoothly into Green
Floyd | Commercial Platform and comes to a stop, hovering in the Web.  The
Floyd | doors slide open and a few commuters enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A commuter walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:40 am / Transit Capsule                      371
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Commercial
Floyd | Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for next stop"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:40 am / Transit Capsule                      371
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to wait.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for stop"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:40 am / Transit Capsule                      371
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to wait.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z. z. z"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:43 am / Transit Capsule                      374
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z. Z. Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A tiny surveillance camera you're sure you didn't see before swivels
Floyd | to follow you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:44 am / Transit Capsule                      375
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Residential Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:45 am / Green Residential Platform           376
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You exit the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Platform
Floyd | Green Residential's platform serves mostly residential commuters.
Floyd | There is an exit at the center of the platform which leads east
Floyd | through a set of closed automatic doors to a stairway leading up to
Floyd | the main station, just next to a large plaque with the name of the
Floyd | station on it.  The platform abuts the Transit web to the west, where
Floyd | a Transit capsule hovers impatiently.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Green Residential Station door (closed) to
Floyd | Green Residential Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "figure we might as well try the dog again while we're here."
Busta says, "sure"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:46 am / Green Residential Station            377
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Residential Station door)
Floyd | The Eye Scanner laser delicately probes your iris, and the doors slide
Floyd | smoothly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Station
Floyd | You can go east to Primrose & Cedar and down through the Green
Floyd | Residential Station door to Green Residential Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly asks, "Are we starting to be noticed?"
Doug says, "yeah, seems like more surveillance cameras lately"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:47 am / Primrose & Cedar                     378
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Primrose & Cedar
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Residential Park, south to South Primrose
Floyd | Lane, east to East Cedar Street, and west to Green Residential Station
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:48 am / East Cedar Street                    379
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | East Cedar Street
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west to Primrose & Cedar from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:48 am / East Cedar Street                    379
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:48 am / East Cedar Street                    379
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | East Cedar Street
Floyd | Cedar Street comes to an end in a cul-de-sac here.  There are
Floyd | residential buildings to the north, east and south.  Typical for the
Floyd | area, they are three-family houses with common entrances.  Their lawns
Floyd | are neatly trimmed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west to Primrose & Cedar from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x residential buildings"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:48 am / East Cedar Street                    379
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A set of residential buildings with neatly trimmed lawns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "in"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:48 am / East Cedar Street                    379
Floyd | >
Floyd | > IN
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:48 am / East Cedar Street                    379
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x lawns"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:48 am / East Cedar Street                    379
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LAWNS
Floyd |
Floyd | A set of residential buildings with neatly trimmed lawns.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ok nevermind! random dead end!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "enter residential building"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:48 am / East Cedar Street                    379
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to enter the residential
Floyd | buildings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "enter residential buildings"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:49 am / East Cedar Street                    380
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:50 am / Primrose & Cedar                     381
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Primrose & Cedar
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Residential Park, south to South Primrose
Floyd | Lane, east to East Cedar Street, and west to Green Residential Station
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:51 am / South Primrose Lane                  382
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | South Primrose Lane
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Primrose & Cedar and east to Front Path from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:51 am / South Primrose Lane                  382
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | South Primrose Lane
Floyd | Primrose Lane continues to the north.  To the south is a boarded-up
Floyd | empty house; sumac plants can be seen peeking over the top of the
Floyd | dilapidated fencing.  The fence has a plastic tarp strung behind it
Floyd | which prevents you from seeing much of the house.  To the west is a
Floyd | single-family home with a large warning sign and an enormous dog on
Floyd | the front lawn.  To the east is a three-family residence's front path.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Primrose & Cedar and east to Front Path from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read sign"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:51 am / South Primrose Lane                  382
Floyd | >
Busta says, "is it not a real way"
Floyd | > READ SIGN
Floyd |
Floyd | It reads "YOUR SKIN MUST BE THIS THICK (here there is a lifelike
Floyd | picture of a dog's tooth, perhaps an inch long) TO BURGLE THIS HOUSE."
Floyd | There is an arrow pointing down and to the side, which actually points
Floyd | at the dog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "wow. hint hint"
Doug says, "haha"
Doug asks, "so we need skin grafts?"
Olly says (to Floyd), "l dog"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:51 am / South Primrose Lane                  382
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L DOG
Floyd |
Floyd | This snoozing beast must mass thirty kilos or more.  Its ancestry
Floyd | appears to include Mastiff, Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler and tribble.
Floyd | You have no desire to get anywhere near it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "or armor"
Doug says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Doug says (to Floyd), "cf11"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 1:51 am / South Primrose Lane                  382
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "burgle"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:51 am / South Primrose Lane                  382
Floyd | >
Floyd | > BURGLE
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:51 am / South Primrose Lane                  382
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the lawn of the house, the large dog raises its head
Floyd | to look at you and growls, softly but very communicatively.  You
Floyd | decide discretion is the better part of valor and retreat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:52 am / South Primrose Lane                  383
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any holes in the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x fence"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:52 am / South Primrose Lane                  383
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FENCE
Floyd |
Floyd | A combination of cyclone fence and plastic sheeting, it blocks your
Floyd | view.  You can hear rustling from behind it, as of people moving
Floyd | around furtively.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:53 am / South Primrose Lane                  384
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LISTEN
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear nothing unexpected.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Did the police have forcefield suits or anything for gunfight situations?"
Busta says, "not that I noticed"
Olly says (to Floyd), "l sheeting"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:53 am / South Primrose Lane                  384
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L SHEETING
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says (to Floyd), "cut fence"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:54 am / South Primrose Lane                  385
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CUT FENCE
Floyd |
Floyd | You'd need to cut the fence with something; you can't do it
Floyd | bare-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to DavidW), ""light patrol gear""
Doug says (to Floyd), "cut fence with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:55 am / South Primrose Lane                  386
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That won't cut cyclone fencing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "cut sheeting with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:55 am / South Primrose Lane                  386
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x sumac"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:55 am / South Primrose Lane                  386
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SUMAC
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see the tops of a few trees over the top of the fence.  Their
Floyd | leaves are greenish red, waving out of reach in the slight breeze.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "climb fence"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:56 am / South Primrose Lane                  387
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The gaps are too small for your toes and you're not strong enough to
Floyd | climb it with only your fingers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "More likely anti-dog idea: a stun gun, taser, or tranq dart."
Doug says (to Floyd), "climb fence with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:56 am / South Primrose Lane                  387
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to climb the fence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "I reckon the sheeting is behind the fencing."
Doug says, "or food"
Doug says, "from the bistro maybe"
Olly says (to Floyd), "put knife in pack"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:57 am / South Primrose Lane                  388
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the lockblade knife into the backpack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "we don't have money, but maybe we can fix the ATM at some point"
Busta asks, "what do we need money for?"
Doug says, "of course I don't know why we'd want to burgle this particular house."
Olly says, "Because it's there."
Doug says (to Busta), "for food at the bistro"
Busta says, "ahh"
Doug asks, "ok, back on the transit?"
Busta says, "sure"
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:57 am / South Primrose Lane                  388
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the lawn of the house, the large dog raises its head
Floyd | to look at you and growls, softly but very communicatively.  You
Floyd | decide discretion is the better part of valor and retreat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:58 am / Primrose & Cedar                     389
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Primrose & Cedar
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Residential Park, south to South Primrose
Floyd | Lane, east to East Cedar Street, and west to Green Residential Station
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:59 am / Green Residential Station            390
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Station
Floyd | You can go east to Primrose & Cedar and down through the Green
Floyd | Residential Station door (closed) to Green Residential Platform from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:00 am / Green Residential Platform           391
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Residential Station door)
Floyd | The Door Scanner scans your iris to determine your identity.  The
Floyd | Transit Security and Accounting Subroutine determines that you have a
Floyd | legitimate account with the Transit system, and the doors slide
Floyd | smoothly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Platform
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Green Residential Station door to Green
Floyd | Residential Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:00 am / Green Residential Platform           391
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | A barrier fence with closed autodoors blocks your way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for transit"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:09 am / Green Residential Platform           400
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Warning lights along the platform edge begin to blink rapidly.  A
Floyd | light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep moan and gust of wind, an
Floyd | express Transit Capsule blasts through Green Residential and vanishes
Floyd | into the darkness once more.
Floyd |
Floyd | A light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of
Floyd | displaced air, the Transit Capsule slides smoothly into Green
Floyd | Residential Platform and comes to a stop, hovering in the Web.  The
Floyd | doors slide open and a few commuters enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:10 am / Transit Capsule                      401
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Residential
Floyd | Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A tiny surveillance camera you're sure you didn't see before swivels
Floyd | to follow you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x surveillance"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:10 am / Transit Capsule                      401
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the surveillance cameras or the Public Surveillance
Floyd | Notice?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x surveillance camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:10 am / Transit Capsule                      401
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z. z. z"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:13 am / Transit Capsule                      404
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z. Z. Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I'm getting the feeling that the beeps and camera messages are just flavor text"
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:14 am / Transit Capsule                      405
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Service Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yeah, I was thinking that too."
Doug says, "ambient messages"
Busta says, "and someone at the end in the tower is going to say 'I'm the Architect, and have been watching you Neo carry out my plans this whole time'"
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:15 am / Green Service Platform               406
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You exit the Transit Capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Platform
Floyd | Green Service One's platform is underground.  It serves mostly city
Floyd | workers during the day.  There is an exit at the center of the
Floyd | platform which leads north through a set of closed automatic doors to
Floyd | a stairway leading up to the main station, just next to a large plaque
Floyd | with the name of the station on it.  The platform abuts the Transit
Floyd | web to the south, where a Transit capsule hovers impatiently in the
Floyd | web.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Green Service Station door (closed) to
Floyd | Green Service Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:16 am / Green Service Station                407
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Service Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Station
Floyd | You can go north to Government Square South and down through the Green
Floyd | Service Station door to Green Service Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:17 am / Government Square South              408
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Government Square South
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Government Square North, northeast to Hospital
Floyd | Entrance, northwest to Police Station Steps, south to Green Service
Floyd | Station, and east to Hospital Driveway from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:18 am / Police Station Steps                 409
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Police Station Steps
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go southeast to Government Square South, east to Government
Floyd | Square North, and west to the Front Desk from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:19 am / Front Desk                           410
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Desk
Floyd | You can see Sergeant Ramirez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Booking and east to Police Station Steps from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:20 am / Booking                              411
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Booking
Floyd | You can see an ID camera here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to the Front Desk from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put memory chip in id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:21 am / Booking                              412
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the blank memory chip into the film slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ok!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:21 am / Booking                              412
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ID CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | A battered but serviceable device, this is a high resolution
Floyd | holocamera used by the police for recording suspects" identities.  It
Floyd | can either record to a local server if one is available, or to a
Floyd | standard Memory chip placed in its memory slot. It is securely
Floyd | attached to the countertop with a security chain to prevent anyone
Floyd | from walking off with it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "But now what do we do? We can't photograph ourselves."
Doug says, "we need someone else's iris"
Doug says (to Floyd), "get camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:21 am / Booking                              412
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | (the ID camera)
Floyd | The camera is chained down securely.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "Maybe we do need to pick it up."
Doug says (to Floyd), "x chain"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:21 am / Booking                              412
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CHAIN
Floyd |
Floyd | A thin chain, almost a cable.  It has been visibly repaired in the
Floyd | past.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take obnoxious selfie"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:21 am / Booking                              412
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "solder chain"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:22 am / Booking                              413
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to combine?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "melt chain with iron"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:22 am / Booking                              413
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:22 am / Booking                              413
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a tag remover
Floyd |   a receive chip
Floyd |   a pager (open but empty)
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     a lost camera
Floyd |     a drop message
Floyd |     a safety limiter
Floyd |     a soldering iron
Floyd |     a laptop
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove chain with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:23 am / Booking                              414
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That doesn't seem possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove id camera with multitool"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:24 am / Booking                              415
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That doesn't seem possible.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says (to Floyd), "cut chair with car key"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:24 am / Booking                              415
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says (to Floyd), "cut chain with car key"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:25 am / Booking                              416
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the ID camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cutting that would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "cut chain with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:25 am / Booking                              416
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the ID camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cutting that would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | Security surveillance spots you openly carrying a weapon.  Police rush
Floyd | in!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have been arrested! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, or UNDO the
Floyd | last command?
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:25 am / Booking                              416
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Booking
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "We tried that already."
Olly says (to Floyd), "break chain"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:26 am / Booking                              417
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "maybe we need to get Ramirez to come in here"
Olly says, "Yes, possibly."
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:27 am / Front Desk                           418
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Desk
Floyd | You can see Sergeant Ramirez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Booking and east to Police Station Steps from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Dog teeth chew chain"
Olly says, "Hey gumpy policeman, come in here so I can steal your identity."
Busta says, "or we need to get someone arrested"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask ramirez about booking"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:28 am / Front Desk                           419
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "Look, kid, why don't you let me get some work done?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask ramirez about id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:29 am / Front Desk                           420
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "Yeah, yeah, you and everybody else…"
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask ramirez about prescott"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:30 am / Front Desk                           421
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The sergeant snorts and ignores you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "oh, for suggested quips"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask ramirez about shoplifter"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:31 am / Front Desk                           422
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The sergeant snorts and ignores you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "tell ramirez about ponyfriend"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:32 am / Front Desk                           423
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | "Look, kid, why don't you let me get some work done?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly asks, "Maybe if we planted an antitheft tag on someone?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:32 am / Front Desk                           423
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Desk
Floyd | This is the front desk of the police station. A harried sergeant is
Floyd | manning the desk, and are so busy they don't even have time to give
Floyd | you more than a brief scowl.  To the north is a security gate leading
Floyd | into the police station proper, and to the south is an open area with
Floyd | a sign reading "BOOKING."
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Sergeant Ramirez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Booking and east to Police Station Steps from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "the problem is we can't take them out of the store"
Olly says, "Yeah, but other people can't either."
Busta asks, "did the shoplifting lady show up for booking?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:33 am / Booking                              424
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Booking
Floyd | You can see an ID camera here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to the Front Desk from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x poster"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:33 am / Booking                              424
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X POSTER
Floyd |
Floyd | The poster has an almost laughably crude and kitschy burly policeman
Floyd | chasing a pair of hoodlums while blowing a whistle and brandishing a
Floyd | nightstick.  The hoodlums are leaving a trail of iconic Drug
Floyd | Paraphernalia.  A caption reads "If you see any DRUG ACTIVITY, report
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "oh, report drug activity"
Doug says, "oh!"
Olly says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:34 am / Front Desk                           425
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Desk
Floyd | You can see Sergeant Ramirez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Booking and east to Police Station Steps from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yeah, I was just thinking of taking a picture of the poster, but that makes more sense"
Olly says (to Floyd), "report drug activity"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:34 am / Front Desk                           425
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "tell ramirez about drug activity"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:35 am / Front Desk                           426
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Sergeant Ramirez snorts.  "Did you actually witness drug trafficking?"
Floyd | he asks.  When you shake your head, he sighs theatrically and goes
Floyd | back to his paperwork.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "hm, did we?"
Olly says, "Darn."
Busta says, "we are terrible liars"
Olly says (to Busta), "It's in a good cause."
Olly says, "I think."
Olly says, "I don't really know what we are trying to do."
Doug asks, "maybe there are drugs at the bistro?"
Olly says, "Or in the hospital."
Busta says, "I should say, we are highly unskilled liars"
Olly says, "Ohh."
Busta says, "or at the shady bar"
Olly asks, "What's the name of this game?"
Doug says, "Valley of Steel"
Busta says, "I bet Roberto traffics drugs across the border"
Olly says, "Oh, right."
Doug says, "oh huh, forgot about Roberto"
Doug says (to Floyd), "tell ramirez about roberto"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The sergeant snorts and ignores you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Olly says, "Even if he doesn't, maybe we can convince the police that he does."
Doug says, "I'm kinda fading. May need to bow out soon."
Olly says, "I am a bit, too."
Busta says, "up to you guys"
Olly turns into a pumpkin.
Busta exclaims, "it's not even midnight yet though!"
Doug says, "yeah, feel free to continue without me"
Olly says, "It is somewhere."
Doug says, "maybe DavidW is rested enough to have some more brainstorms"
Busta asks, "are you interested in picking this up again another time? or letting it go?"
DavidW says, "I'm a bit lost right now, but I'm willing to continue at another time."
Olly nods.
Busta says, "well I'll check for you guys like tomorrow night or something"
DavidW says, "I'll probably have to play on my own to catch up."
Doug says, "I'd like to continue some time, though I may resort to hints"
Doug says, "I could be here tomorrow, no plans at the moment"
Busta says, "I got no plans to hold me down"
Olly says, "I might be here. If I'm not you should play anyway."
DavidW says, "I have plans for the morning."
Olly says, "I'm a visitor in this game."
Busta says (to Floyd), "save"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Busta says (to Floyd), "cfvalley"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "ok to quit?"
Olly nods.
Doug says, "oops, maybe shoulda picked a new name in case DavidW wanted to pick up from where we saved before"
DavidW says, "s'ok"
Busta says, "oooops"
Busta says (to Floyd), "..DavidW sorry..."
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | >
Floyd | > ..DAVIDW SORRY...
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "though it's probably not too hard to play from the beginning."
Busta says, "err, you get what I mean :)"
Olly is borne away by a squadron of flying toads.
Busta says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > QUIT
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
Busta says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
Floyd | > YES
Floyd | cheapglulxe quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
DavidW has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Busta says, "before I hurt myself"
Doug has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Busta has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Doug says, "anyway, thanks for playing some more!"

***** NEXT SESSION *****

Firion arrives, full of funk, but no fun. Doug says, "hm, no sign of Busta."
Doug arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. Ellison says, "I think you have to say his name three times, like 'Beetlejuice'"
McMartin asks, "Is 'BrenBarn' saying it once or twice?"
Doug says, "busta Busta BUSTA"
Busta arrives, ready to play with the toys.
Busta has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Busta arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Gerynar arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Doug says, "hey whoa, it worked"
Doug says, "hi Busta"
Doug says, "I just made dinner but I could play in a little while"
Busta says, "heya, sure thing"
Gerynar disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again.
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd says (to Doug), "Floyd doesn't know that trick."
Doug says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask valleyofsteel"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | A rare moment of rest.  Your mission to steal specifications of the
Floyd | MitKlein Encapsulation - the ID transponder embedded in every
Floyd | citizen's head, even yours - was successful, and you transmitted your
Floyd | report to Central early this morning.   You expect a new assignment
Floyd | soon, even if it is only instructions to fall back into a cover
Floyd | identity, as you have been on the front lines of the underground
Floyd | struggle against Homeland Security nearly from the start.  Giving up
Floyd | your birth identity and life, moving instead into the flickery
Floyd | half-existence of an underground operative, you've sabotaged, stolen,
Floyd | publicized, verified and fought for years now.  Hopefully, this last
Floyd | mission means that a strategy to counter the government's ubiquitous
Floyd | tagging of citizens is being worked out at levels above your own head.
Floyd |
Floyd | For now, you have found yourself a small quiet park in a quiet corner
Floyd | of the City.
Floyd |
Floyd | Welcome to the future.  Every citizen has been scanned, chipped,
Floyd | folded, spindled and mutilated - and it's enough to make you scream.
Floyd |
Floyd | Valley of Steel
Floyd | A tale of the surveillance society by The Custodian of
Floyd | [LINK]
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 130528 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Park
Floyd | Primrose Street ends here in a small circular cul-de-sac.  You're in a
Floyd | small green park to the north of this, bounded on its three other
Floyd | sides by high fences.  A few trees rise over well-manicured grass.
Floyd | There is a curfew sign at the park's entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Doug says (to Floyd), "cfvalley"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks (of Busta), "still there?"
DuoDave arrives, full of fun and funk. Busta exclaims, "yup!"
Doug asks, "remember where we were?"
Busta says, "police station I think"
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Desk
Floyd | This is the front desk of the police station. A harried sergeant is
Floyd | manning the desk, and are so busy they don't even have time to give
Floyd | you more than a brief scowl.  To the north is a security gate leading
Floyd | into the police station proper, and to the south is an open area with
Floyd | a sign reading "BOOKING."
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Sergeant Ramirez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Booking and east to Police Station Steps from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "we were trying to figure out how to blame someone for drug activity"
Doug says, "right"
Busta says, "or find some drugs to plant on someone"
Doug says, "hm, I wonder if we can get the holoportrait of Zuzu"
Doug says, "and take a picture of his iris"
Busta says, "oh, that's a good thought"
Busta asks, "do you want to drive?"
Doug asks, "anything else to try here in Government Square before going back to Paris Bistro?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "read notice"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A mounted sign which reads: PUBLIC SURVEILLANCE AREA.  ALL ACTIVITY
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | >
Busta says, "no, I think commercial is good"
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The gate is securely locked.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x gate"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X GATE
Floyd |
Floyd | A scarred metal security gate of bars and mesh.  A bare hallway is
Floyd | visible trough it.  It is locked.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x lock"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LOCK
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:37 am / Police Station Steps                 428
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Police Station Steps
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go southeast to Government Square South, east to Government
Floyd | Square North, and west to the Front Desk from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:38 am / Government Square South              429
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Government Square South
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Government Square North, northeast to Hospital
Floyd | Entrance, northwest to Police Station Steps, south to Green Service
Floyd | Station, and east to Hospital Driveway from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:39 am / Green Service Station                430
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Station
Floyd | You can go north to Government Square South and down through the Green
Floyd | Service Station door (closed) to Green Service Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:40 am / Green Service Platform               431
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Service Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Platform
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Green Service Station door to Green
Floyd | Service Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:41 am / Transit Capsule                      432
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Service Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z. z. z. z"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:45 am / Transit Capsule                      436
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z. Z. Z. Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A nearby commuter's handheld begins beeping loudly.  She hurriedly
Floyd | shuts it off.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Reserve Bank Station and comes to a stop,
Floyd | hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters enter
Floyd | and exit the capsule.
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z. z. z. z"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:49 am / Transit Capsule                      440
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z. Z. Z. Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:50 am / Transit Capsule                      441
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Commercial Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:51 am / Green Commercial Platform            442
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You exit the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | Green Commercial One is one of the oldest stations on the Transit web.
Floyd | Although it has been refurbished several times, its age still manages
Floyd | to show through the layers of tile and paint.  The platform opens out
Floyd | at the middle to a lobby area which is dominated by a row of automated
Floyd | doors to the south, which lead to stairways up to the main station.
Floyd | The flow of commuters moves steadily through these doors.  The floor
Floyd | and walls are both extremely scuffed duramex nanotile, and the station
Floyd | name (Green Commercial One) is indicated on a large plaque set into
Floyd | the walls. The platform abuts the Transit web to the north, where a
Floyd | Transit capsule can be seen hovering.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Green Commercial Station door (closed) to
Floyd | Green Commercial Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:52 am / Green Commercial Station             443
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Commercial Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Station
Floyd | You can go south to Green Commercial Plaza North and down through the
Floyd | Green Commercial Station door to Green Commercial Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DuoDave disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again.
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:53 am / Green Commercial Plaza North         444
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south to Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza Center, southeast to The Proletariat Bar, southwest
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to NanoMart, and west to Metro
Floyd | Savings from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:54 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        445
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | You can see Officer Prescott and a trash can (in which is some
Floyd | rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Green Commercial Plaza Center,
Floyd | and west to Bistro Paris Restroom from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "oh huh, what's Officer Prescott doing here?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask prescott about shoplifter"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x prescott"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PRESCOTT
Floyd |
Floyd | A normal-looking Metro Policeman, Prescott is wearing light patrol
Floyd | gear with his holobadge displaying his name and rank across his left
Floyd | breast. Every once in a while, the comm unit attached to his belt
Floyd | murmurs to him through his earpiece. At the moment, he's sitting at a
Floyd | table nursing a coffee.
Floyd |
Floyd | Officer Prescott is carrying a flitterkey.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get flitterkey"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to belong to Officer Prescott.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "X flitterkey"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | the flitterkey is a scuffed, hardened ballistic plastic transponder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "do we need to build something with the receiver chip to get the info?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | This is a branch of the popular lunch and coffee shop Bistro Paris.
Floyd | There are a few tables near the front.  A restroom is to the west.  On
Floyd | the north wall, opposite the counter, is a collection of Paris-themed
Floyd | prints.  In the center is a large holoportrait of the chain's owner,
Floyd | Zuzu, and a sign claiming that the Bistro Paris has restaurants here,
Floyd | in the Reserve Bank Spacescraper, and in London.  A server behind the
Floyd | counter is waiting on several customers.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Officer Prescott and a trash can (in which is some
Floyd | rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Green Commercial Plaza Center,
Floyd | and west to Bistro Paris Restroom from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get holoportrait"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's hardly portable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x holoportrait"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This portrait is somewhat horribly overdone.  In it, Zuzu's face, in
Floyd | three-quarter profile, floats in front of what appears to be this very
Floyd | restaurant.  Her face is so large and detailed that you're sure they
Floyd | had to edit out her pores, although they probably left her bright
Floyd | green eye unretouched.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "bright green eye!"
Busta says, "yup, you were right"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | A cheap piece of integral electronics, made cheaper by the fact that
Floyd | any portable or phone has a perfectly good camera in it.  It has a
Floyd | built-in flash, and is typically linked to a cell phone or other
Floyd | handheld for displaying and storing photos.  This camera has been
Floyd | cracked open, revealing its internal electronics.  A capacitor (for
Floyd | the flash unit) and battery are available, as are numerous circuit
Floyd | connection points.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hm, maybe we were supposed to put the memory chip into this camera"
Busta says, "no, I think we do need to take it to the police station"
Doug says, "yeah, to put it on the wall with the blue background"
Doug says (to Floyd), "take picture"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to take picture of?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "zuzu"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd | > ZUZU
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "take picture of holoportrait"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:55 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        446
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to take picture of the portrait with?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:56 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        447
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | The camera emits an artificial-sounding "CLICK" noise.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:56 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        447
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | A cheap piece of integral electronics, made cheaper by the fact that
Floyd | any portable or phone has a perfectly good camera in it.  It has a
Floyd | built-in flash, and is typically linked to a cell phone or other
Floyd | handheld for displaying and storing photos.  This camera has been
Floyd | cracked open, revealing its internal electronics.  A capacitor (for
Floyd | the flash unit) and battery are available, as are numerous circuit
Floyd | connection points.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh, need to link it to a cell phone or other handheld"
Busta says, "yeah"
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:56 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        447
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a car key
Floyd |   a tag remover
Floyd |   a receive chip
Floyd |   a pager (open but empty)
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     a lost camera
Floyd |     a drop message
Floyd |     a safety limiter
Floyd |     a soldering iron
Floyd |     a laptop
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "what happened to our memory chip?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "link pager to camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:56 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        447
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "we put it in the ID camera"
Busta says, "oh, ok"
Doug says (to Floyd), "connect pager with camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:57 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        448
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the lost camera)
Floyd | The pager won't attach to the lost camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x pager"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:57 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        448
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PAGER
Floyd |
Floyd | It looks like a pretty old-school radio pager.  It also looks like it
Floyd | isn't working; the display is fogged over, there are no lights on it,
Floyd | and one of the two buttons on the front is missing. There is a small
Floyd | sliding panel on the back, which is open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:57 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        448
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PANEL
Floyd |
Floyd | A small (8x8cm) solar panel set into the lid, apparently powering
Floyd | something embedded beneath in the trash can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x pager panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:57 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        448
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to examine the pager.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x sliding panel"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:57 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        448
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "sigh"
Busta says, "nah, the pager is probably an old number display only"
Doug says, "oh, that's probably where we got the receiver chip"
Busta says, "yup"
Doug says (to Floyd), "put receiver chip in camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:57 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        448
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put receive chip in camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:58 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        449
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That can't contain things.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x flash unit"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:58 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        449
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FLASH UNIT
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x capacitor in camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:58 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        449
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "can we go get another memory chip from the store?"
Doug says, "I guess"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:59 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center        450
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast to
Floyd | NanoMart, northwest to Metro Savings, south to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South, southeast to Accessorize, east to The Proletariat Bar, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:00 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         451
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parked police flitter, armored and festooned with lights, looms
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Garb-oh
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:01 am / Garb-oh                              452
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | On the racks are a brown pair of pants's antitheft tag, a blue pair of
Floyd | pants's antitheft tag, a blue jacket, a white shirt, a green shirt, a
Floyd | blue pair of pants, and a brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sales counter runs along the north side of the store.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see the shopkeeper here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Garb-oh door to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:02 am / Garb-oh                              453
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The shopkeeper blocks you again.  You need a distraction.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "get blue pair of pants's antitheft tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:02 am / Garb-oh                              453
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the pager into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh right"
Doug says, "we already got the tag remover"
Busta says (to Floyd), "cut blue pair of pants's antitheft tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:03 am / Garb-oh                              454
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You'd need to cut the blue pair of pants's antitheft tag with
Floyd | something; you can't do it bare-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "cut blue pair of pants's antitheft tag with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:03 am / Garb-oh                              454
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the receive chip into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | You carefully cut open the tag with your knife and peel back the
Floyd | plastic to reveal a blank memory chip.
Floyd |
Floyd | Security surveillance spots you openly carrying a weapon.  Police rush
Floyd | in!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have been arrested! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, or UNDO the
Floyd | last command?
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:03 am / Garb-oh                              454
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "damn, I forgot that we tried to get more than one"
Busta says (to Floyd), "put blue pair of pants's antitheft tag on racks"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:04 am / Garb-oh                              455
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the blue pair of pants's antitheft tag on the racks.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I wanted to try combining the receive chip with the memory chip"
Busta says, "or actually, putting both of them into the car key"
Busta says, "and then make a copy of the flitterkey"
Doug asks, "how come we didn't get spotted last time?"
Busta says, "I don't know. Maybe a plothole to only allow you to take one."
Doug asks, "well, we could go back and get it, but what did you want to do with it?"
Busta says, "the flitterkey was specific about having a transponder"
Busta says, "was thinking we could use a receive chip to receive the information"
Busta says, "without actually taking the key. only a thought, not sure if it would work"
Doug says, "oh, hm"
Busta says, "or we could go the bar and ask roberto about drugs"
Doug asks, "what would we use the receive chip in?"
Busta says, "the car key shell we have"
Doug says (to Floyd), "put receive chip in car key"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:05 am / Garb-oh                              456
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the receive chip into the car key.
Floyd |
Floyd | A PA system mumbles a message about an upcoming sale.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x key"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:05 am / Garb-oh                              456
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | This "key" is really a small rubberized, sealed plastic transponder
Floyd | which automatically unlocks the car it is paired with when it is
Floyd | within range.  You have no idea where the appropriate car might be,
Floyd | however. The plastic has been cut away from one end of the key,
Floyd | revealing two component slots.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the car key is a receive chip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I'm thinking we would still need to put a memory chip in the other slot"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x slots"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:05 am / Garb-oh                              456
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SLOTS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ok, shall we go back and get the memory chip? or maybe we have a save game from before we took it north"
Busta says, "or we could just reload again from where we started"
Doug says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTART
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you sure you want to restart?
Doug says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | A rare moment of rest.  Your mission to steal specifications of the
Floyd | MitKlein Encapsulation - the ID transponder embedded in every
Floyd | citizen's head, even yours - was successful, and you transmitted your
Floyd | report to Central early this morning.   You expect a new assignment
Floyd | soon, even if it is only instructions to fall back into a cover
Floyd | identity, as you have been on the front lines of the underground
Floyd | struggle against Homeland Security nearly from the start.  Giving up
Floyd | your birth identity and life, moving instead into the flickery
Floyd | half-existence of an underground operative, you've sabotaged, stolen,
Floyd | publicized, verified and fought for years now.  Hopefully, this last
Floyd | mission means that a strategy to counter the government's ubiquitous
Floyd | tagging of citizens is being worked out at levels above your own head.
Floyd |
Floyd | For now, you have found yourself a small quiet park in a quiet corner
Floyd | of the City.
Floyd |
Floyd | Welcome to the future.  Every citizen has been scanned, chipped,
Floyd | folded, spindled and mutilated - and it's enough to make you scream.
Floyd |
Floyd | Valley of Steel
Floyd | A tale of the surveillance society by The Custodian of
Floyd | [LINK]
Floyd | Release 2 / Serial number 130528 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Park
Floyd | Primrose Street ends here in a small circular cul-de-sac.  You're in a
Floyd | small green park to the north of this, bounded on its three other
Floyd | sides by high fences.  A few trees rise over well-manicured grass.
Floyd | There is a curfew sign at the park's entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "load"
Floyd ]  Green Residential Park                               1
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOAD
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Doug says (to Floyd), "cf10"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | Garb-oh! is a trendy clothing shop.  Images of the shop's icon Greta
Floyd | Garbo abound, each dressed in the clothing item offered on the rack
Floyd | below it.  Jackets, scarves, bandannas, trousers, shirts and more are
Floyd | on inviting display.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the racks are a blue jacket, a white shirt, a green shirt, a blue
Floyd | pair of pants, and a brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sales counter runs along the north side of the store.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see the shopkeeper here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Green Commercial
Floyd | Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:09 am / Garb-oh                              340
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a blue pair of pants's antitheft tag
Floyd |   a brown pair of pants's antitheft tag
Floyd |     a blank memory chip
Floyd |   a tag remover
Floyd |   a receive chip
Floyd |   a pager (open but empty)
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a lost camera
Floyd |     a drop message
Floyd |     a safety limiter
Floyd |     a soldering iron
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     a laptop
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a car key
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put blue on rack"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:10 am / Garb-oh                              341
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the blue pair of pants's antitheft tag on the racks)
Floyd | You put the blue pair of pants's antitheft tag on the racks.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get memory chip"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:10 am / Garb-oh                              341
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put brown on rack"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:11 am / Garb-oh                              342
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the brown pair of pants's antitheft tag on the racks)
Floyd | You put the brown pair of pants's antitheft tag on the racks.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put memory in car key"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:12 am / Garb-oh                              343
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the blank memory chip into the car key.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put receive in car key"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:13 am / Garb-oh                              344
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the receive chip into the car key.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x key"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:13 am / Garb-oh                              344
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X KEY
Floyd |
Floyd | This "key" is really a small rubberized, sealed plastic transponder
Floyd | which automatically unlocks the car it is paired with when it is
Floyd | within range.  You have no idea where the appropriate car might be,
Floyd | however. The plastic has been cut away from one end of the key,
Floyd | revealing two component slots.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the car key are a receive chip and a blank memory chip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "oh drat, I was hoping for a special message"
Doug says, "I think we'll use that to unlock the ambulance"
Busta says, "we'd have to replace the receive with a broadcast"
Doug says, "oh, right"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x receive"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:13 am / Garb-oh                              344
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X RECEIVE
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a receive chip - a small solid-state radio about the size of a
Floyd | coin.  These can be found in most portable electronics that need to
Floyd | receive distant broadcasts, able to pull in signals from beyond a few
Floyd | meters.  There are leads on the chip for connecting data lines and a
Floyd | power source.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "after we got the information onto the memory chip"
Doug says, "oh, power source"
Busta asks, "what powers the car key?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "solder receive to memory"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:14 am / Garb-oh                              345
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the receive chip)
Floyd | (first taking the blank memory chip)
Floyd | The contents of that memory chip aren't very useful.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "interesting message."
Busta says, "it won't let you solder together a memory chip that doesn't have anything on it"
Doug says, "it says the receive chip is for signals from beyond a few meters"
Busta says, "hmmmm"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x leads"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:14 am / Garb-oh                              345
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LEADS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "I'm kinda feeling tempted by the hints..."
Busta says, "heh, if you want"
Busta says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:14 am / Garb-oh                              345
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | Garb-oh! is a trendy clothing shop.  Images of the shop's icon Greta
Floyd | Garbo abound, each dressed in the clothing item offered on the rack
Floyd | below it.  Jackets, scarves, bandannas, trousers, shirts and more are
Floyd | on inviting display.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the racks are a brown pair of pants's antitheft tag, a blue pair of
Floyd | pants's antitheft tag, a blue jacket, a white shirt, a green shirt, a
Floyd | blue pair of pants, and a brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sales counter runs along the north side of the store.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see the shopkeeper here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Green Commercial
Floyd | Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:15 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         346
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The southern end of the Green Commercial Plaza, which continues to the
Floyd | north.  To the east is Accessorize, a fashion store, and to the west
Floyd | is Garb-oh, a trendy clothing shop.  The south end of the mall is
Floyd | closed off by an elaborate landscaping installation of trees and
Floyd | shrubs, presumably to hide a relatively ugly building behind it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door to Garb-oh from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:16 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        347
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | This is a branch of the popular lunch and coffee shop Bistro Paris.
Floyd | There are a few tables near the front.  A restroom is to the west.  On
Floyd | the north wall, opposite the counter, is a collection of Paris-themed
Floyd | prints.  In the center is a large holoportrait of the chain's owner,
Floyd | Zuzu, and a sign claiming that the Bistro Paris has restaurants here,
Floyd | in the Reserve Bank Spacescraper, and in London.  A server behind the
Floyd | counter is waiting on several customers.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Green Commercial Plaza Center,
Floyd | and west to Bistro Paris Restroom from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "when does the officer get here?"
Doug says, "hm, dunno."
Doug says, "still questioning the shopper maybe"
Busta says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:17 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         348
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The southern end of the Green Commercial Plaza, which continues to the
Floyd | north.  To the east is Accessorize, a fashion store, and to the west
Floyd | is Garb-oh, a trendy clothing shop.  The south end of the mall is
Floyd | closed off by an elaborate landscaping installation of trees and
Floyd | shrubs, presumably to hide a relatively ugly building behind it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Garb-oh
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:18 am / Garb-oh                              349
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | Garb-oh! is a trendy clothing shop.  Images of the shop's icon Greta
Floyd | Garbo abound, each dressed in the clothing item offered on the rack
Floyd | below it.  Jackets, scarves, bandannas, trousers, shirts and more are
Floyd | on inviting display.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the racks are a brown pair of pants's antitheft tag, a blue pair of
Floyd | pants's antitheft tag, a blue jacket, a white shirt, a green shirt, a
Floyd | blue pair of pants, and a brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sales counter runs along the north side of the store.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see the shopkeeper here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Garb-oh door to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:19 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         350
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The southern end of the Green Commercial Plaza, which continues to the
Floyd | north.  To the east is Accessorize, a fashion store, and to the west
Floyd | is Garb-oh, a trendy clothing shop.  The south end of the mall is
Floyd | closed off by an elaborate landscaping installation of trees and
Floyd | shrubs, presumably to hide a relatively ugly building behind it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door to Garb-oh from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "no, that happened before we saved in cf10"
Busta says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:20 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        351
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | This is a branch of the popular lunch and coffee shop Bistro Paris.
Floyd | There are a few tables near the front.  A restroom is to the west.  On
Floyd | the north wall, opposite the counter, is a collection of Paris-themed
Floyd | prints.  In the center is a large holoportrait of the chain's owner,
Floyd | Zuzu, and a sign claiming that the Bistro Paris has restaurants here,
Floyd | in the Reserve Bank Spacescraper, and in London.  A server behind the
Floyd | counter is waiting on several customers.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Green Commercial Plaza Center,
Floyd | and west to Bistro Paris Restroom from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:21 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center        352
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | This is the center of the Green Commercial Plaza.  There is a fountain
Floyd | here with a bench facing it.  The plaza continues to the north and
Floyd | south; to the east is a bar called (ironically, you hope) the
Floyd | Proletariat.  To the west is a Bistro Paris cafe.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast to
Floyd | NanoMart, northwest to Metro Savings, south to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South, southeast to Accessorize, east to The Proletariat Bar, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "no sign of the patrol car either."
Busta (
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:22 am / The Proletariat Bar                  353
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The Proletariat Bar
Floyd | The Proletariat is a local bar (not a pub).  It's just far enough
Floyd | above a "dive" to be allowed zoning here, but steadfastedly refuses to
Floyd | cater to upscale tastes.  You like it.  Restrooms are to the east; the
Floyd | bar runs along the north side with a stolid bartender behind it and a
Floyd | jukebox sits against the back wall.  A few hardy drinkers sit here,
Floyd | communing with their spirits.  In a nod to the place's name, a Public
Floyd | Surveillance Notice covered with stickers and graffiti tags has been
Floyd | framed above the bar.
Floyd |
Floyd | You barely recognize the Muzak as something that was once punk.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Bartender and Roberto Velez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northwest to Green Commercial Plaza North, southwest to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Proletariat Restroom, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Plaza Center from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roberto shuffles his feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask roberto about drugs"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:23 am / The Proletariat Bar                  354
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Roberto Velez about that)
Floyd | Roberto looks at you curiously.  You have a sneaking suspicion his
Floyd | English is not very good.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "X roberto"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:23 am / The Proletariat Bar                  354
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ROBERTO
Floyd |
Floyd | (Roberto Velez)
Floyd | A medium-height man of middle age and dark but somewhat pasty-looking
Floyd | skin.  His hair, black and cut short, is just beginning to grey at the
Floyd | temples.  His hands are rough and callused.  He is wearing work shoes
Floyd | and dark blue trousers, slightly scuffed.  He is wearing a dark blue
Floyd | trade uniform jacket with a long narrow gash at the left shoulder and
Floyd | his name (Roberto Velez) on a tag clipped to the breast.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roberto Velez is empty-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:23 am / The Proletariat Bar                  354
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TAG
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a combination antitheft tag remover and wirecutter, useful for
Floyd | removing antitheft tags or pesky labels from products.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "wait"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x roberto's tag"
Floyd ]  Time: 1:23 am / The Proletariat Bar                  354
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "wirecutter?"
Doug says, "oho!"
Doug asks, "good catch. We can cut the ID camera chain?"
Busta says, "yeah"
Busta asks, "load cfvalley?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Doug says (to Floyd), "cfvalley"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:36 am / Front Desk                           427
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:37 am / Booking                              428
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Booking
Floyd | You can see an ID camera here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to the Front Desk from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x chain"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:37 am / Booking                              428
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CHAIN
Floyd |
Floyd | A thin chain, almost a cable.  It has been visibly repaired in the
Floyd | past.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "cut chain with tag remover"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:38 am / Booking                              429
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking around to check for watchers, you snip through the ID camera
Floyd | security chain with the tag remover!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ding!"
Busta exclaims, "yay!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Doug says (to Floyd), "cf12"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 2:38 am / Booking                              429
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:38 am / Booking                              429
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | (the ID camera)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x it"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:38 am / Booking                              429
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X IT
Floyd |
Floyd | A battered but serviceable device, this is a high resolution
Floyd | holocamera used by the police for recording suspects" identities.  It
Floyd | can either record to a local server if one is available, or to a
Floyd | standard Memory chip placed in its memory slot.. Although it was once
Floyd | chained down, the chain seems to have been cut; a broken piece hangs
Floyd | off the camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put memory chip in slot"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:39 am / Booking                              430
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (the film slot)
Floyd | There is no more room in the film slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x slot"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:39 am / Booking                              430
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SLOT
Floyd |
Floyd | (the film slot)
Floyd | A slot for a standard Memory chip. A chip is currently in the slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the film slot is a blank memory chip.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "to Zuzu?"
Doug says, "ok."
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:40 am / Front Desk                           431
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Front Desk
Floyd | You can see Sergeant Ramirez here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Booking and east to Police Station Steps from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:41 am / Police Station Steps                 432
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Police Station Steps
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go southeast to Government Square South, east to Government
Floyd | Square North, and west to the Front Desk from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:42 am / Government Square South              433
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Government Square South
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Government Square North, northeast to Hospital
Floyd | Entrance, northwest to Police Station Steps, south to Green Service
Floyd | Station, and east to Hospital Driveway from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:43 am / Green Service Station                434
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Station
Floyd | You can go north to Government Square South and down through the Green
Floyd | Service Station door (closed) to Green Service Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:43 am / Green Service Station                434
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:44 am / Green Service Platform               435
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Service Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Service Platform
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north through the Green Service Station door to Green
Floyd | Service Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 2:44 am / Green Service Platform               435
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | A barrier fence with closed autodoors blocks your way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for transit"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:03 am / Green Service Platform               454
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A public address system reminds you to be alert and "if you see
Floyd | something, say something!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Warning lights along the platform edge begin to blink rapidly.  A
Floyd | light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep moan and gust of wind, an
Floyd | express Transit Capsule blasts through Green Service One and vanishes
Floyd | into the darkness once more.
Floyd |
Floyd | A busker puts down his cap and pulls out a flute.  Before he gets more
Floyd | than a few notes out a pair of policemen hurry up and hustle him and
Floyd | his cap away out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | A light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of
Floyd | displaced air, the Transit Capsule slides smoothly into Green Service
Floyd | Platform and comes to a stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide
Floyd | open and a few commuters enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:04 am / Transit Capsule                      455
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Service Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait 5"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:04 am / Transit Capsule                      455
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAIT 5
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to wait.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:04 am / Transit Capsule                      455
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAIT FOR
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to wait.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "really wonder if there's some other shortcut."
Doug says (to Floyd), "z. z. z. z"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:08 am / Transit Capsule                      459
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z. Z. Z. Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Reserve Bank Station and comes to a stop,
Floyd | hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters enter
Floyd | and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z. z. z. z. z"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:13 am / Transit Capsule                      464
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z. Z. Z. Z. Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z. z"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:15 am / Transit Capsule                      466
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z. Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Commercial Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:16 am / Green Commercial Platform            467
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You exit the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | Green Commercial One is one of the oldest stations on the Transit web.
Floyd | Although it has been refurbished several times, its age still manages
Floyd | to show through the layers of tile and paint.  The platform opens out
Floyd | at the middle to a lobby area which is dominated by a row of automated
Floyd | doors to the south, which lead to stairways up to the main station.
Floyd | The flow of commuters moves steadily through these doors.  The floor
Floyd | and walls are both extremely scuffed duramex nanotile, and the station
Floyd | name (Green Commercial One) is indicated on a large plaque set into
Floyd | the walls. The platform abuts the Transit web to the north, where a
Floyd | Transit capsule can be seen hovering.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Green Commercial Station door (closed) to
Floyd | Green Commercial Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s. s"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:18 am / Green Commercial Plaza North         469
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S. S
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Commercial Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Station
Floyd | You can go south to Green Commercial Plaza North and down through the
Floyd | Green Commercial Station door to Green Commercial Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south to Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza Center, southeast to The Proletariat Bar, southwest
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to NanoMart, and west to Metro
Floyd | Savings from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:19 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        470
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | You can see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Green Commercial Plaza Center,
Floyd | and west to Bistro Paris Restroom from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "take picture of holoportrait with id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:20 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        471
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The camera emits an artificial-sounding "CLICK" noise.
Floyd | The disc icon flashes green, indicating that the image has been
Floyd | stored.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yay"
Busta says, "alright"
Doug says, "so, lens crafter"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:21 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center        472
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast to
Floyd | NanoMart, northwest to Metro Savings, south to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South, southeast to Accessorize, east to The Proletariat Bar, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:22 am / Accessorize                          473
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Accessorize
Floyd | You can see a Lens Crafter here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northwest to Green Commercial Plaza Center and west to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x lens crafter"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:22 am / Accessorize                          473
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A floor-standing device used to produce custom-made cosmetic contact
Floyd | lenses (although for an extra fee, they can be made to a
Floyd | prescription).  A A screen on the front presents a menu of options, or
Floyd | a Memory can be inserted into a slot with appropriate specifications.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Lens Crafter is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put memory into slot"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:22 am / Accessorize                          473
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the delivery slot, the data slot, the film slot, or
Floyd | the chipslot?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "oh dear lord"
Busta says (to Floyd), "put memory into lens crafter"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:23 am / Accessorize                          474
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the photo memory chip into the data slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh thanks"
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch lens crafter"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:24 am / Accessorize                          475
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The lens crafter machine's screen flashes red.  A message reads "NO
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "what"
Busta asks, "why not?"
Doug asks, "do we have to take a picture of her eye specifically?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "read screen"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:24 am / Accessorize                          475
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is displaying a static screen, which instructs you to place
Floyd | a memory chip into its chipslot to download the attack program.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read screen"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:24 am / Accessorize                          475
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is displaying a static screen, which instructs you to place
Floyd | a memory chip into its chipslot to download the attack program.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read lens crafter"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:24 am / Accessorize                          475
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A floor-standing device used to produce custom-made cosmetic contact
Floyd | lenses (although for an extra fee, they can be made to a
Floyd | prescription).  A A screen on the front presents a menu of options, or
Floyd | a Memory can be inserted into a slot with appropriate specifications.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Lens Crafter is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read lens crafter screen"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:24 am / Accessorize                          475
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to read the Lens Crafter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read screen on lens crafter"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:24 am / Accessorize                          475
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to read the screen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read lens crafter's screen"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:24 am / Accessorize                          475
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to read the Lens Crafter's
Floyd | activate button.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "press activate"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:24 am / Accessorize                          475
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the Lens Crafter's activate button or the soldering
Floyd | iron's activate button?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "press lens crafter's activate"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:25 am / Accessorize                          476
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The lens crafter machine's screen flashes red.  A message reads "NO
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "put laptop in backpack"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:26 am / Accessorize                          477
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the laptop into the backpack.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x memory"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:26 am / Accessorize                          477
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MEMORY
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a standard Memory chip- a small solid-state data storage
Floyd | device about the size of a coin.  Data can be stored to a Memory chip
Floyd | by most electronic devices and computers.  This memory chip seems to
Floyd | contain image data.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "read screen"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:26 am / Accessorize                          477
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The laptop is displaying a static screen, which instructs you to place
Floyd | a memory chip into its chipslot to download the attack program.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:26 am / Accessorize                          477
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Accessorize
Floyd | This well-lit store purveys all manner of cosmetic aids and fashion
Floyd | accessories.  Everything from wrist bangles to skin creams to custom
Floyd | cosmetic contacts can be purchased here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Lens Crafter here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northwest to Green Commercial Plaza Center and west to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:27 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         478
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parked police flitter, armored and festooned with lights, looms
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Garb-oh
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "drop laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:28 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         479
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You haven't got that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take laptop from backpack"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:29 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         480
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the pager into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "there's the police flitter!"
Busta says (to Floyd), "drop laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:30 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         481
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:31 am / Accessorize                          482
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Accessorize
Floyd | You can see a Lens Crafter here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northwest to Green Commercial Plaza Center and west to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "read screen"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:31 am / Accessorize                          482
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "lolok"
Busta says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:32 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         483
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parked police flitter, armored and festooned with lights, looms
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a laptop and a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Garb-oh
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x flitter"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:32 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         483
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FLITTER
Floyd |
Floyd | A Tesla-Fujiwara light aircraft, the police model of this particular
Floyd | flitter is upengined in order to carry armor and equipment.  Seating
Floyd | four, this example has the full lighting array and riot pod of a crowd
Floyd | control vehicle.  It is securely locked, and a slowly blinking light
Floyd | indicates that its locklarm is armed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "take laptop"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:32 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         483
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x locklarm"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:32 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         483
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LOCKLARM
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "dammit"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:33 am / Accessorize                          484
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Accessorize
Floyd | You can see a Lens Crafter here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northwest to Green Commercial Plaza Center and west to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get memory"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:33 am / Accessorize                          484
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET MEMORY
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the receive chip into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put memory into id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:34 am / Accessorize                          485
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the photo memory chip into the film slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "ooh, now it's a photo memory chip"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:34 am / Accessorize                          485
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ID CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | A battered but serviceable device, this is a high resolution
Floyd | holocamera used by the police for recording suspects" identities.  It
Floyd | can either record to a local server if one is available, or to a
Floyd | standard Memory chip placed in its memory slot.. Although it was once
Floyd | chained down, the chain seems to have been cut; a broken piece hangs
Floyd | off the camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x piece"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:34 am / Accessorize                          485
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PIECE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x chain"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:34 am / Accessorize                          485
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CHAIN
Floyd |
Floyd | A thin chain, almost a cable.  It has been visibly repaired in the
Floyd | past.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "probably only because it has a photo on it"
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:35 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         486
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parked police flitter, armored and festooned with lights, looms
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door (closed) to Garb-oh
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:36 am / Garb-oh                              487
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Garb-oh
Floyd | On the racks are a brown pair of pants's antitheft tag, a blue pair of
Floyd | pants's antitheft tag, a blue jacket, a white shirt, a green shirt, a
Floyd | blue pair of pants, and a brown pair of pants.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sales counter runs along the north side of the store.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see the shopkeeper here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Garb-oh door to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A small group of people enter the store, look around, look at each
Floyd | other and file back out.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "should we try taking a picture of the eye?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:37 am / Green Commercial Plaza South         488
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Garb-oh door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | A parked police flitter, armored and festooned with lights, looms
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza Center, northeast to The
Floyd | Proletariat Bar, northwest to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to
Floyd | Accessorize, and west through the Garb-oh door to Garb-oh from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:38 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        489
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | You can see Officer Prescott and a trash can (in which is some
Floyd | rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Green Commercial Plaza Center,
Floyd | and west to Bistro Paris Restroom from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask prescott about roberto"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:39 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        490
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "tell prescott about drugs"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:40 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        491
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This provokes no reaction.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a very quiet beep from somewhere you can't identify.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x zuzu"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:40 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        491
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ZUZU
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x poster"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:40 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        491
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X POSTER
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x holo"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:40 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        491
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X HOLO
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:40 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        491
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x holoportrait"
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Bistro Paris
Floyd | This is a branch of the popular lunch and coffee shop Bistro Paris.
Floyd | There are a few tables near the front.  A restroom is to the west.  On
Floyd | the north wall, opposite the counter, is a collection of Paris-themed
Floyd | prints.  In the center is a large holoportrait of the chain's owner,
Floyd | Zuzu, and a sign claiming that the Bistro Paris has restaurants here,
Floyd | in the Reserve Bank Spacescraper, and in London.  A server behind the
Floyd | counter is waiting on several customers.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see Officer Prescott and a trash can (in which is some
Floyd | rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northeast to Green Commercial Plaza North, southeast to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South, east to Green Commercial Plaza Center,
Floyd | and west to Bistro Paris Restroom from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd ]  Time: 3:40 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        491
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This portrait is somewhat horribly overdone.  In it, Zuzu's face, in
Floyd | three-quarter profile, floats in front of what appears to be this very
Floyd | restaurant.  Her face is so large and detailed that you're sure they
Floyd | had to edit out her pores, although they probably left her bright
Floyd | green eye unretouched.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x green eye"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:40 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        491
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X GREEN EYE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x eye"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:40 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        491
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X EYE
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, your eye, an eye, or Zuzu's eye?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x zuzu's eyes"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:40 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        491
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ZUZU'S EYES
Floyd |
Floyd | Zuzu's eye is bright emerald green, which is easy to see as she is
Floyd | looking wide-eyed into the camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "haha"
Doug says (to Floyd), "take picture of zuzu's eye with id camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:41 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        492
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The camera emits an artificial-sounding "CLICK" noise.
Floyd | The disc icon flashes green, indicating that the image has been
Floyd | stored.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x camera"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:41 am / Green Commercial Bistro Paris        492
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CAMERA
Floyd |
Floyd | (the ID camera)
Floyd | A battered but serviceable device, this is a high resolution
Floyd | holocamera used by the police for recording suspects" identities.  It
Floyd | can either record to a local server if one is available, or to a
Floyd | standard Memory chip placed in its memory slot.. Although it was once
Floyd | chained down, the chain seems to have been cut; a broken piece hangs
Floyd | off the camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "ok, back to lenscrafters"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:42 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center        493
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast to
Floyd | NanoMart, northwest to Metro Savings, south to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South, southeast to Accessorize, east to The Proletariat Bar, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:43 am / Accessorize                          494
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Accessorize
Floyd | You can see a Lens Crafter here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go northwest to Green Commercial Plaza Center and west to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza South from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put memory chip into crafter"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:44 am / Accessorize                          495
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You put the photo memory chip into the data slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch it"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:45 am / Accessorize                          496
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SWITCH IT
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can switch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch crafter"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:46 am / Accessorize                          497
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The lens crafter machine's screen flashes green.  A message reads
Floyd | slightly, and a sleeve descends around the lens case.  When the sleeve
Floyd | retracts, the lens case is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "whew!"
Busta exclaims, "yay!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "get lens"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:46 am / Accessorize                          497
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET LENS
Floyd |
Floyd | (the Lens Crafter)
Floyd | That's fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get case"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:46 am / Accessorize                          497
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET CASE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "open it"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:47 am / Accessorize                          498
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You open the lens case.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x case"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:47 am / Accessorize                          498
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CASE
Floyd |
Floyd | A small clear plastic cylinder, full of preservative liquid.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the lens case is a contact lens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get contact lens"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:47 am / Accessorize                          498
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (putting the tag remover into the backpack to make room)
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wear it"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:48 am / Accessorize                          499
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WEAR IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You put on the contact lens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "ok, reserve bank now?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x lens"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:48 am / Accessorize                          499
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X LENS
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the Lens Crafter, the Lens Crafter's activate
Floyd | button, the Lens Menu, the contact lens, or the lens case?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x contact lens"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:48 am / Accessorize                          499
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | While it's in your eye?  That'd be a neat trick!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x menu"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:48 am / Accessorize                          499
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MENU
Floyd |
Floyd | The menu screen, locked,  displays a password prompt. You don't have
Floyd | the password.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "huh."
Busta says, "shrug"
Doug says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:49 am / Green Commercial Plaza Center        500
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza Center
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Plaza North, northeast to
Floyd | NanoMart, northwest to Metro Savings, south to Green Commercial Plaza
Floyd | South, southeast to Accessorize, east to The Proletariat Bar, and west
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:50 am / Green Commercial Plaza North         501
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south to Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza Center, southeast to The Proletariat Bar, southwest
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to NanoMart, and west to Metro
Floyd | Savings from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:51 am / Green Commercial Station             502
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Station
Floyd | You can go south to Green Commercial Plaza North and down through the
Floyd | Green Commercial Station door (closed) to Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:51 am / Green Commercial Station             502
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:52 am / Green Commercial Platform            503
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Commercial Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Green Commercial Station door to Green
Floyd | Commercial Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 3:52 am / Green Commercial Platform            503
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | A barrier fence with closed autodoors blocks your way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for transit"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:03 am / Green Commercial Platform            514
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A public address system reminds you to be alert and "if you see
Floyd | something, say something!"
Floyd |
Floyd | A public address system reminds you to be alert and "if you see
Floyd | something, say something!"
Floyd |
Floyd | A commuter walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | A light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of
Floyd | displaced air, the Transit Capsule slides smoothly into Green
Floyd | Commercial Platform and comes to a stop, hovering in the Web.  The
Floyd | doors slide open and a few commuters enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "say something"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:04 am / Green Commercial Platform            515
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (to the commuter)
Floyd | Your words are lost as the commuter slips past you and continues on
Floyd | their way.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n/span>"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:05 am / Transit Capsule                      516
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Commercial
Floyd | Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z. z"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:07 am / Transit Capsule                      518
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z. Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | A man nearby yawns.
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:08 am / Transit Capsule                      519
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Residential Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:09 am / Green Residential Platform           520
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Platform
Floyd | Green Residential's platform serves mostly residential commuters.
Floyd | There is an exit at the center of the platform which leads east
Floyd | through a set of closed automatic doors to a stairway leading up to
Floyd | the main station, just next to a large plaque with the name of the
Floyd | station on it.  The platform abuts the Transit web to the west, where
Floyd | a Transit capsule hovers impatiently.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Green Residential Station door (closed) to
Floyd | Green Residential Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:10 am / Transit Capsule                      521
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Green Residential
Floyd | Platform.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:10 am / Transit Capsule                      521
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh duh"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:11 am / Green Residential Platform           522
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You exit the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Residential Platform
Floyd | Green Residential's platform serves mostly residential commuters.
Floyd | There is an exit at the center of the platform which leads east
Floyd | through a set of closed automatic doors to a stairway leading up to
Floyd | the main station, just next to a large plaque with the name of the
Floyd | station on it.  The platform abuts the Transit web to the west, where
Floyd | a Transit capsule hovers impatiently.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Green Residential Station door (closed) to
Floyd | Green Residential Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "crap"
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:10 am / Transit Capsule                      521
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "sorry, forgot we have to go clockwise all the way around"
Busta says, "yeah we do"
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait 10 minutes"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:20 am / Transit Capsule                      531
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAIT 10 MINUTES
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | A nearby commuter's handheld begins beeping loudly.  She hurriedly
Floyd | shuts it off.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Service Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | It is now 4:20 am.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Reserve Bank Station and comes to a stop,
Floyd | hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters enter
Floyd | and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Doug says, "yay!"
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:21 am / Reserve Bank Station                 532
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You exit the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Reserve Bank Station
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Transit Station. The platform opens out at the middle
Floyd | to a lobby area which is dominated by a row of automated doors to the
Floyd | west.  The flow of commuters moves steadily through these doors, with
Floyd | each person turning their head to the right as they approach for the
Floyd | eye scanner to verify their identity before opening the portal long
Floyd | enough for them to slip through.  The floor and walls are both clean
Floyd | duramex nanotile, and the station name (Reserve Bank) is indicated on
Floyd | large plaques set into the walls.  At either end of the platform,
Floyd | closed gates guard against any entry into the slideway tunnels. A
Floyd | platform abuts a Transit web, where a Transit capsule can be seen
Floyd | hovering.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west through the Reserve Bank Station door (closed) from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:22 am / Station Corridor                     533
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Reserve Bank Station door)
Floyd | The Eye Scanner scans the iris printed on the contact lens to
Floyd | determine your identity.  The Reserve Bank Security Subroutine
Floyd | determines that "you" have a legitimate reason to enter the Reserve
Floyd | Bank spacescraper, and the doors slide smoothly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Station Corridor
Floyd | The corridor widens as it terminates at the automatic doors to the
Floyd | Reserve Bank Station, which lies to the east.  There is a directory
Floyd | and guide sign on the wall.  Although traffic is overwhelmingly to the
Floyd | west, there are two doors reserved for traffic into the station,
Floyd | indicated by green lightbars overhead, whose access scanners are
Floyd | active.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a directory here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Reserve Bank Station door to Reserve Bank
Floyd | Station and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A tiny surveillance camera you're sure you didn't see before swivels
Floyd | to follow you.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Doug says (to Floyd), "cf13"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ]  Time: 4:22 am / Station Corridor                     533
Floyd | > SAVEOk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "read sign"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:22 am / Station Corridor                     533
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SIGN
Floyd |
Floyd | A large sign mounted to the wall.  It reads:
Floyd | Green Line Transit: Basement Level
Floyd | Food Court: Basement Level
Floyd | Atrium: Main Lobby Level
Floyd | Rooftop Bouncelift: Main Lobby Level
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x directory"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:22 am / Station Corridor                     533
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A large sign mounted to the wall.  It reads:
Floyd | Green Line Transit: Basement Level
Floyd | Food Court: Basement Level
Floyd | Atrium: Main Lobby Level
Floyd | Rooftop Bouncelift: Main Lobby Level
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:23 am / Food Court                           534
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Court
Floyd | The center of the Food Court beneath the Reserve Bank spacescraper is
Floyd | a busy place at all times of the day.  Around the periphery are
Floyd | several food stand franchises, some doing a brisk business.  Hundreds
Floyd | of people are here waiting in line at the food stands, sitting at the
Floyd | dozens of tables in the center, or just passing through from the
Floyd | Reserve Bank Station to the Lift Lobby up a ramp to the west or vice
Floyd | versa.  The floor is made of duramex tiles.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, northeast, northwest, south, southeast, southwest,
Floyd | east to Station Corridor, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x floor"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:23 am / Food Court                           534
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X FLOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | The floor is made of duramex tiles, nondescript gray matte shedding
Floyd | scuff marks with the determination of the designed servant into
Floyd | nanogrout channels in between.  During the short nighttime lull, the
Floyd | floor will seem to creep slightly as the nanogrout slowly flows the
Floyd | daytime grime along the channels to dispose of it into the walls.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "only 4:23 am, hundreds of people in line"
Doug says, "whoa, nanogrout"
Busta says, "can have a food court without nanogrout"
Doug says, "the City never sleeps"
Busta says, "can't, rather"
Doug asks, "well, which of 8 directions do we go now?"
Busta says, "doesn't really matter"
Doug says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:24 am / The Sheep Look Up                    535
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The Sheep Look Up
Floyd | The Sheep Look Up is a gyros restaurant, featuring small cartoon sheep
Floyd | heads looking imploringly up from the steam table behind the glass.
Floyd | Two surly employees are hard at work slicing gyros and constructing
Floyd | sandwiches and lunch platters for the several hungry customers who
Floyd | wait in line.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, northwest to Food Court, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a small red light in the corner of your vision which vanishes
Floyd | as you turn to look at it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "this place is gonna make me hungry"
Doug says (to Floyd), "look up"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:25 am / The Sheep Look Up                    536
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK UP
Floyd |
Floyd | The ceiling is two levels up, peppered with DayBrite(™) lighting
Floyd | fixtures which make it difficult to see any detail through the glare.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:26 am / I Have No Mouth                      537
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | I Have No Mouth
Floyd | I Have No Mouth (but Ice Cream) is a popular frozen dessert chain.
Floyd | Despite the somewhat disturbing corporate artwork and iconography,
Floyd | this counter offers a selection of solid flavors including Chocolate
Floyd | AMmond, PostApocalicks and We've All Gone Tutti-Frutti.  Two scoopers
Floyd | behind the counter are smoothly dishing up cones and cups to a large
Floyd | crowd of midday sweet-seekers.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to The Sheep Look Up, southwest to Food Court, and
Floyd | west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "haha"
Busta says, "I can dig it"
Doug says (to Floyd), "buy ice cream"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:26 am / I Have No Mouth                      537
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x scoopers"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:26 am / I Have No Mouth                      537
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SCOOPERS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "meh."
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:26 am / I Have No Mouth                      537
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:27 am / Reserve Bank Bistro Paris            538
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Reserve Bank Bistro Paris
Floyd | Bistro Paris is a well-known faux French eatery offering somewhat
Floyd | soggy croissants and mediocre coffee alongside such wonders as coq au
Floyd | vin served in white styrofoam.  Sadly, it appears that it does not
Floyd | sell wine, which might go some way towards relieving the
Floyd | disappointment any gourmand feels when faced with the prospect of
Floyd | eating here.  There are two workers behind the counter serving a line
Floyd | of customers. A sign painted onto the counter reads "Try our Green
Floyd | Commercial One location!"
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Food Court, east to I Have No Mouth, and west from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x workers"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:27 am / Reserve Bank Bistro Paris            538
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WORKERS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:28 am / Maintenance Area                     539
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Maintenance Area
Floyd | This corner of the food court is drab and uninhabited.  A closed door
Floyd | marked "MAINTENANCE" lurks to the west, and another marked "RESTROOM"
Floyd | to the north.  The floor and walls are scuffed around the door, no
Floyd | doubt from cleaning implements banging against them on their daily
Floyd | travels.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north, south, southeast to Food Court, east to Reserve Bank
Floyd | Bistro Paris, and west through the Maintenance Door (closed) from
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:29 am / Apollo's                             540
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Apollo's
Floyd | Apollo's Coffee is done up in fake Ancient Greek, as befits its name.
Floyd | Plastic busts and columns adorn its facade.  For some reason, there is
Floyd | a silver robotic head behind the counter, mounted on the wall, where a
Floyd | red scanning laser moves monotonously back and forth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Maintenance Area, northeast to Food Court, and
Floyd | east from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x head"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:29 am / Apollo's                             540
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X HEAD
Floyd |
Floyd | Large and chromed silver, this robot's head looks like a large helmet
Floyd | with rudimentary features.  Instead of eyes, a red band crosses the
Floyd | face, behind which a bright red light slowly moves back and forth.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x band"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:29 am / Apollo's                             540
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BAND
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "get head"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:29 am / Apollo's                             540
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET HEAD
Floyd |
Floyd | It's mounted high behind the counter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "stand on counter"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:30 am / Apollo's                             541
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can stand on.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "random."
Busta says (to Floyd), "go behind counter"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:30 am / Apollo's                             541
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta asks, "how did you go behind the counter in the clothing store?"
Doug says, "no employees here"
Doug says, "I did 'go behind counter'. but I think I could also have just gone north."
Doug says, "the counter was called out in its own paragraph"
Busta says, "ahh"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:31 am / Tacos Terriff                        542
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Tacos Terriff
Floyd | Tacos Terriff is a bare-bones Mexicalitexazonan food joint.  Meat
Floyd | product is scooped into grain-plastic shells and covered with various
Floyd | unidentifiable industrial sauces and shredded veggies.  Despite this,
Floyd | it seems to have a dedicated following, as it is doing land-office
Floyd | business with the office set.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Food Court, east to The Sheep Look Up, and west to
Floyd | Apollo's from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "land-office business?"
Busta says, "Mexicalitexazonan"
Doug says, "mexicali texas arizonan, is my guess"
Doug says, "oh, mexico, california, texas, arizona"
Busta says, "heh"
Doug says, "new and/or old mexico"
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:32 am / Food Court                           543
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Court
Floyd | You can see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Reserve Bank Bistro Paris, northeast to I Have No
Floyd | Mouth, northwest to Maintenance Area, south to Tacos Terriff,
Floyd | southeast to The Sheep Look Up, southwest to Apollo's, east to Station
Floyd | Corridor, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:33 am / Maintenance Area                     544
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NW
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Maintenance Area
Floyd | You can go north, south to Apollo's, southeast to Food Court, east to
Floyd | Reserve Bank Bistro Paris, and west through the Maintenance Door
Floyd | (closed) from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:34 am / Maintenance Area                     545
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Maintenance Door)
Floyd | The palm lock ignores you. The door remains firmly closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x door"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:34 am / Maintenance Area                     545
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X DOOR
Floyd |
Floyd | The maintenance closet is sealed by an autodoor.  There is no eye  on
Floyd | this door, but a flat plate above the door handle indicates a palm
Floyd | scanner lock.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "aha."
Doug says (to Floyd), "put palm in palm scanner"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:34 am / Maintenance Area                     545
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to put your palm in your palm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "haha"
Doug says (to Floyd), "put palm in scanner"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:35 am / Maintenance Area                     546
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That can't contain things.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "put palm on scanner"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:36 am / Maintenance Area                     547
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking your palm)
Floyd |
Floyd | That seems to be a part of yourself.
Floyd | You need to be holding your palm before you can put it on top of
Floyd | something else.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "oh dear"
Doug says (to Floyd), "scan palm"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:37 am / Maintenance Area                     548
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SCAN PALM
Floyd |
Floyd | The tissue sample target is yourself
Floyd | That's not made of tissue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug asks, "what??"
Busta asks, "err, wut?"
Busta says (to Floyd), "x scanner"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:37 am / Maintenance Area                     548
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SCANNER
Floyd |
Floyd | Above and to the right of each automated door is a Door Scanner. These
Floyd | spherical devices have a glass plane inset in the side facing you, and
Floyd | an eerie red light flickers deep inside each as it waits for you to
Floyd | present a recognizable iris to the scanning laser within.  Until you
Floyd | do so, the door controlled by the scanner will remain closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x palm scanner"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:37 am / Maintenance Area                     548
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to examine your palm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x plate"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:37 am / Maintenance Area                     548
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PLATE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "hm, I wonder if there's a tissue sampler in the broken ATM palm scanner"
Busta says, "I dunno"
Doug says, "we needed a tissue sampler for the skin graft thingy"
Busta says, "yup"
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:38 am / The Food Court Restroom              549
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The Food Court Restroom
Floyd | Bog-standard restroom.  Several stalls offer a minimum of privacy.  A
Floyd | large mirror covers the walls over the sink.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south to Maintenance Area from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x mirror"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:38 am / The Food Court Restroom              549
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MIRROR
Floyd |
Floyd | A wall-covering mirror over the sinks.  The edges are covered in
Floyd | fingerprints, and you note that even the surveillance warning has not
Floyd | prevented a small scrawl of marker graffiti on the left edge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x graffiti"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:38 am / The Food Court Restroom              549
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X GRAFFITI
Floyd |
Floyd | This small graffito is a stylized angel wearing a pair of
Floyd | mirrorshades. Just below it is a URL: [LINK]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "x stalls"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:38 am / The Food Court Restroom              549
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X STALLS
Floyd |
Floyd | Clean and relatively upscale, you still don't want to use it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "huh, same URL as we've seen before"
Busta says, "fun times"
Doug says (to Floyd), "X fingerprints"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:38 am / The Food Court Restroom              549
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:38 am / The Food Court Restroom              549
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:39 am / Maintenance Area                     550
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Maintenance Area
Floyd | You can go north to The Food Court Restroom, south to Apollo's,
Floyd | southeast to Food Court, east to Reserve Bank Bistro Paris, and west
Floyd | through the Maintenance Door (closed) from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:40 am / Food Court                           551
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SE
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Court
Floyd | You can see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Reserve Bank Bistro Paris, northeast to I Have No
Floyd | Mouth, northwest to Maintenance Area, south to Tacos Terriff,
Floyd | southeast to The Sheep Look Up, southwest to Apollo's, east to Station
Floyd | Corridor, and west from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:41 am / Lift Lobby                           552
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lift Lobby
Floyd | The Lift Lobby controls underground access to the Reserve Bank
Floyd | spacescraper, beneath the towers of industry and capital made pillars
Floyd | of money and sin.  Hundreds of people rush to and fro through the
Floyd | lobby on their way into or out of the building.  To the north is a
Floyd | large bank of bouncelifts, their liftfields on and glowing faintly
Floyd | blue behind security gates.  Access to the bouncelifts is controlled
Floyd | by Lift Scanners, set above and to the right of each bouncelift entry.
Floyd | There is no ceiling; several meters up, the room opens out into the
Floyd | street level lobby above.  There is a railing around the perimeter of
Floyd | the floor above; several people are leaning against or over it,
Floyd | watching the flow of commuters below them and around you.  The Atrium,
Floyd | a wide open area extending at least halfway up the spacescraper, is
Floyd | visible above that. There is no way to reach the street lobby from
Floyd | here other than via the bouncelifts. A shallow ramp leads east down to
Floyd | the Food Court.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the confused murmur of a large crowd coming from the
Floyd | Atrium above.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Powered Platform (on which is a spool) and the Security
Floyd | Guard here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east to Food Court and up from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "X spool"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:41 am / Lift Lobby                           552
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SPOOL
Floyd |
Floyd | A metal spool of what appears to be very strong cable, with a winding
Floyd | mechanism at its center.  The mechanism is locked.  There is a
Floyd | carabiner at the end of the cable, but it's locked into the spool.  It
Floyd | is attached to the platform's winch frame with several locking clamps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "more doohickeys"
Busta says, "yup"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x clamps"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:41 am / Lift Lobby                           552
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CLAMPS
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "unlock"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:41 am / Lift Lobby                           552
Floyd | >
Floyd | > UNLOCK
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to unlock?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "spool"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:42 am / Lift Lobby                           553
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SPOOL
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't unlock the spool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "unlock winch"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:42 am / Lift Lobby                           553
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the winch control or the winch control's activate
Floyd | button?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "press activate button"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:42 am / Lift Lobby                           553
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the winch control's activate button or the
Floyd | soldering iron's activate button?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "winch"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:43 am / Lift Lobby                           554
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WINCH
Floyd |
Floyd | You switch the winch control on.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x winch"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:43 am / Lift Lobby                           554
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WINCH
Floyd |
Floyd | Which do you mean, the winch control or the winch control's activate
Floyd | button?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "control"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:43 am / Lift Lobby                           554
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CONTROL
Floyd |
Floyd | A simple control panel, used for winding or unwinding cables and thus
Floyd | raising or lowering the platform.  It seems to be shut off.  A keylock
Floyd | is set to "OFF."
Floyd |
Floyd | The winch control is currently switched on.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x keylock"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:43 am / Lift Lobby                           554
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X KEYLOCK
Floyd |
Floyd | It's a simple keyslot.  It's set to "OFF."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "switch keylock"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:44 am / Lift Lobby                           555
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can switch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "we need the key I think"
Busta says (to Floyd), "x guard"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:44 am / Lift Lobby                           555
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X GUARD
Floyd |
Floyd | He's dressed in a standard security guard outfit.  It appears his job
Floyd | is keep people from fiddling with the ashtrays or perhaps the fake
Floyd | plants.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Security Guard is empty-handed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "er, but the winch control is switched on"
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask guard about lift"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:45 am / Lift Lobby                           556
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "ask guard about keylock"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:46 am / Lift Lobby                           557
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I dunno"
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x platform"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:46 am / Lift Lobby                           557
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PLATFORM
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a platform with motorized winches resting near the south wall.
Floyd | Judging from the equipment locked to it, it is used to clean the walls
Floyd | and windows of the Atrium.  A locked-down control winch control is at
Floyd | one end, and there is a safety railing around the edge.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the Powered Platform is a spool.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "stand on platform"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:47 am / Lift Lobby                           558
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Before you can step up onto it, the security guard rushes over and
Floyd | shoves you away from the platform, glaring at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "guess we need to get into the maintenance room first"
Busta says, "yeah"
Busta asks, "did we explore everywhere in here?"
Doug asks, "I think so?"
Doug says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:47 am / Lift Lobby                           558
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The main bouncelifts are much more heavily secured than the public
Floyd | areas of the building.  Your dead MitKlein prevents you from gaining
Floyd | access.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "then we have to find the sampler"
Doug asks, "want to try the ATM?"
Busta says, "sure"
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:48 am / Food Court                           559
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Food Court
Floyd | You can see a trash can (closed) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Reserve Bank Bistro Paris, northeast to I Have No
Floyd | Mouth, northwest to Maintenance Area, south to Tacos Terriff,
Floyd | southeast to The Sheep Look Up, southwest to Apollo's, east to Station
Floyd | Corridor, and west to Lift Lobby from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:49 am / Station Corridor                     560
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Station Corridor
Floyd | You can see a directory here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go east through the Reserve Bank Station door (closed) to
Floyd | Reserve Bank Station and west to Food Court from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:50 am / Reserve Bank Station                 561
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Reserve Bank Station door)
Floyd | The Eye Scanner probes your eye and deducts Transit fare from the
Floyd | account associated with your iris pattern.
Floyd |
Floyd | Reserve Bank Station
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go west through the Reserve Bank Station door to Station
Floyd | Corridor from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A commuter walks by.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 4:50 am / Reserve Bank Station                 561
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | A barrier fence with closed autodoors blocks your way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait for transit"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:09 am / Reserve Bank Station                 580
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Warning lights along the platform edge begin to blink rapidly.  A
Floyd | light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep moan and gust of wind, an
Floyd | express Transit Capsule blasts through Reserve Bank and vanishes into
Floyd | the darkness once more.
Floyd |
Floyd | A light grows in the tunnel.  With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of
Floyd | displaced air, the Transit Capsule slides smoothly into Reserve Bank
Floyd | Station and comes to a stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide
Floyd | open and a few commuters enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:10 am / Transit Capsule                      581
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You enter the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | Transit Capsule
Floyd | A fifty-person maglev Transit capsule.  You're standing, holding on to
Floyd | a strap.  Through the windows you can see the Reserve Bank Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait 15 minutes"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:25 am / Transit Capsule                      596
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAIT 15 MINUTES
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | A nearby commuter's handheld begins beeping loudly.  She hurriedly
Floyd | shuts it off.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone coughs.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Commercial Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a very quiet beep from somewhere you can't identify.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone coughs.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Residential Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | It is now 5:25 am.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "oh whoops"
Busta says, "haha"
Doug says, "dangit, it goes counterclockwise"
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait 5 minutes"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:30 am / Transit Capsule                      601
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAIT 5 MINUTES
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Service Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | It is now 5:30 am.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "that's a major shortfall of this game"
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:31 am / Transit Capsule                      602
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:32 am / Transit Capsule                      603
Floyd | >
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Reserve Bank Station and comes to a stop,
Floyd | hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters enter
Floyd | and exit the capsule.
Floyd | >
Busta says, "should be able to choose your station by menu"
Doug says, "huh, I thought it was on the :00/:05s"
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait 5 minutes"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:37 am / Transit Capsule                      608
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAIT 5 MINUTES
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | The capsule doors slide shut.  The humming noice increases in volume,
Floyd | and the capsule slides out of the station, gathering speed as it goes,
Floyd | and slides into the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hold onto your strap as the Capsule rapidly accelerates.
Floyd |
Floyd | A nearby commuter's handheld begins beeping loudly.  She hurriedly
Floyd | shuts it off.
Floyd |
Floyd | It is now 5:37 am.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "wait 2 minutes"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:39 am / Transit Capsule                      610
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WAIT 2 MINUTES
Floyd |
Floyd | With a deep thrumming and the whoosh of displaced air, the Transit
Floyd | Capsule slides smoothly into Green Commercial Platform and comes to a
Floyd | stop, hovering in the Web.  The doors slide open and a few commuters
Floyd | enter and exit the capsule.
Floyd | It is now 5:39 am.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:40 am / Green Commercial Platform            611
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Platform
Floyd | Green Commercial One is one of the oldest stations on the Transit web.
Floyd | Although it has been refurbished several times, its age still manages
Floyd | to show through the layers of tile and paint.  The platform opens out
Floyd | at the middle to a lobby area which is dominated by a row of automated
Floyd | doors to the south, which lead to stairways up to the main station.
Floyd | The flow of commuters moves steadily through these doors.  The floor
Floyd | and walls are both extremely scuffed duramex nanotile, and the station
Floyd | name (Green Commercial One) is indicated on a large plaque set into
Floyd | the walls. The platform abuts the Transit web to the north, where a
Floyd | Transit capsule can be seen hovering.  The capsule doors are open.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a Transit Map here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go south through the Green Commercial Station door (closed) to
Floyd | Green Commercial Station from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A few commuters get on and off the Transit capsule.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:41 am / Green Commercial Station             612
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | (first opening the Green Commercial Station door)
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Station
Floyd | You can go south to Green Commercial Plaza North and down through the
Floyd | Green Commercial Station door to Green Commercial Platform from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The automatic door slides closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:42 am / Green Commercial Plaza North         613
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North
Floyd | The Reserve Bank Spacescraper is visible in the distance, rising over
Floyd | the low skyline.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can also see a trash can (in which is some rubbish) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go north to Green Commercial Station, south to Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza Center, southeast to The Proletariat Bar, southwest
Floyd | to Green Commercial Bistro Paris, east to NanoMart, and west to Metro
Floyd | Savings from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:43 am / Metro Savings                        614
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Metro Savings
Floyd | You can see an ATM here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go southeast to Green Commercial Plaza Center and east to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x atm"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:43 am / Metro Savings                        614
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ATM
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a standard ATM, using palm prints and Mit-Klein authentication
Floyd | to permit customers to perform banking transactions. A palm reader
Floyd | juts out from the front of the console.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ATM is currently switched off.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x palm reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:43 am / Metro Savings                        614
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a standard palm reader, which is used to verify the identity
Floyd | of the ATM customer.  A flat plate, slightly inset, it is placed at a
Floyd | convenient angle to allow the palm to lie against it.  This one,
Floyd | however, has a broad crack in it across which someone has written
Floyd | "KAPUT" in black marker.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x crack"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:43 am / Metro Savings                        614
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CRACK
Floyd |
Floyd | This is a standard palm reader, which is used to verify the identity
Floyd | of the ATM customer.  A flat plate, slightly inset, it is placed at a
Floyd | convenient angle to allow the palm to lie against it.  This one,
Floyd | however, has a broad crack in it across which someone has written
Floyd | "KAPUT" in black marker.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x tissue sampler"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:43 am / Metro Savings                        614
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "open palm reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:44 am / Metro Savings                        615
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not something you can open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "smash reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:45 am / Metro Savings                        616
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "switch atm"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:46 am / Metro Savings                        617
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SWITCH ATM
Floyd |
Floyd | The palm reader appears to be broken; it does not respond.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sample"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:46 am / Metro Savings                        617
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAMPLE
Floyd |
Floyd | What do you want to sample?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "palm"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:47 am / Metro Savings                        618
Floyd | >
Floyd | > PALM
Floyd |
Floyd | (your palm)
Floyd | The tissue sample target is yourself
Floyd | That's not made of tissue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "sample palm reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:48 am / Metro Savings                        619
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The tissue sample target is yourself
Floyd | That's not made of tissue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "sample atm"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:49 am / Metro Savings                        620
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAMPLE ATM
Floyd |
Floyd | The tissue sample target is yourself
Floyd | That's not made of tissue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "sample reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:50 am / Metro Savings                        621
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The tissue sample target is yourself
Floyd | That's not made of tissue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I'm so confused"
Doug says, "yeah, just some weird bug"
Doug says (to Floyd), "x sampler"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:50 am / Metro Savings                        621
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X SAMPLER
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:50 am / Metro Savings                        621
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Metro Savings
Floyd | This is a completely nondescript bank storefront which exists solely
Floyd | to house an ATM.  It's so nondescript, in fact, that it took you some
Floyd | actual effort to determine which bank owns it, probably to ensure that
Floyd | they can charge you access fees no matter what.  To the east is Green
Floyd | Commercial Plaza.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an ATM here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can go southeast to Green Commercial Plaza Center and east to
Floyd | Green Commercial Plaza North from here.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a Public Surveillance Notice here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says, "well so much for my idea."
Busta says, "Hmmm"
Doug says (to Floyd), "cut atm with knife"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:50 am / Metro Savings                        621
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cutting that would achieve little.
Floyd |
Floyd | Security surveillance spots you openly carrying a weapon.  Police rush
Floyd | in!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** You have been arrested! ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, or UNDO the
Floyd | last command?
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:50 am / Metro Savings                        621
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Metro Savings
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says (to Floyd), "remove palm scanner"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:50 am / Metro Savings                        621
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "remove reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:51 am / Metro Savings                        622
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the palm reader)
Floyd | That seems to be a part of the ATM.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "pull reader"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:52 am / Metro Savings                        623
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It is fixed in place.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:52 am / Metro Savings                        623
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying:
Floyd |   a contact lens (being worn)
Floyd |   a lens case (open but empty)
Floyd |   a laptop
Floyd |   an ID camera
Floyd |   a car key
Floyd |   a backpack (being worn, and open)
Floyd |     a tag remover
Floyd |     a receive chip
Floyd |     a pager (open but empty)
Floyd |     a lockblade knife
Floyd |     a lost camera
Floyd |     a drop message
Floyd |     a safety limiter
Floyd |     a soldering iron
Floyd |     some solder
Floyd |     a thermos (open but empty)
Floyd |     a cotter pin
Floyd |     a multitool
Floyd |   a watch (being worn)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Doug says (to Floyd), "x pin"
Floyd ]  Time: 5:52 am / Metro Savings                        623
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PIN
Floyd |
Floyd | A small steel pin made up of a length of wire doubled over on itself
Floyd | with a loop at one end.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Busta says, "I'm wondering if we are incorr