NightFloyd Transcript:
Like ClubFloyd, the idea behind NightFloyd is that a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction. |
ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion
genericgeekgirl says, "NightFloyd tonight at 22:00 ET. Come prepared with game suggestions." | ||
Zach exclaims, "Hooray!" | ||
Zach asks, "Do you have any ideas for a game tonight?" | ||
DavidW says, "No, I didn't even remember it was NightFloydNight" | ||
Zach asks, "Have you played all the Springcomp games?" | ||
DavidW says, "no, just some" | ||
DavidW says, "I played the one about hexagons, the one called Bibliophile, the one called Surface, and I started the ones about Mr P and the one at a house party, but haven't finished either." | ||
Zach says, "I haven't played any yet" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "There are four that would be playable here. DW's already played Bibliophile, but there's Story of Mr P, if he's willing to restart it with us, and also Bear Creek and Wyldkynd Project (we can play Alan, yeah?)." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh. Maybe not. "requires the latest Alan 3.0 Beta4."" | ||
DavidW says, "We probably can't play the Alan one on Floyd. It will need the newest Alan terp." | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Yeah. Well, one of the other two then?" | ||
DavidW says, "oh, I started Bear Creek but never finished it." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm not sure how well I can Floyd tonight with my ISP lagging so badly." | ||
DavidW says, "I didn't finish Bear Creek because it was obviously leading up to something unpleasant that I didn't really want to see. But I'd willing to try that one again." | ||
DavidW says, "My problem with Mr P is similar, but the danger is much less defined and surreal." | ||
DavidW says, "If I had to choose which to play, I'd opt for Mr P because it confuses me more and I could use some extra perspectives." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask mrp" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You wake up. A routine look at the alarm clock reveals the time; in Floyd | five minutes, it would have gone off, but as usual, you didn't even Floyd | need it. As you won't become more awake, you turn it off. Floyd | Floyd | The Story of Mr. P. Floyd | by Hannes Schüller Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 140406 / Inform v6.32 Library 6/11 Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand, you can see your wallet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "quit" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning)
Floyd |
Floyd | > QUIT
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
| Zach says, "Sure, I'm an expert on being confused." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok. I've uploaded both, but we can start with mrp. In ten minutes or so." | ||
DavidW says, "I sorta got to a point where I was going 'uh, now what am I supposed to do?'" | ||
DavidW says (to ggg), "thanks" | ||
DavidW arrives, full of fun and funk. | DavidW says, "The lag *will* make it hard for me to participate." | |
says, "So I can't be the driver and I don't dare give commands to Floyd when I lag like this." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok" | ||
Zach says, "We can chauffeur you around" | ||
DavidW says, "thanks" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask mrp" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning)
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Please answer yes or no.>
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||
Floyd | Please answer yes or no.>
Floyd | > YES
Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0
| ||
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask mrp" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You wake up. A routine look at the alarm clock reveals the time; in Floyd | five minutes, it would have gone off, but as usual, you didn't even Floyd | need it. As you won't become more awake, you turn it off. Floyd | Floyd | The Story of Mr. P. Floyd | by Hannes Schüller Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 140406 / Inform v6.32 Library 6/11 Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand, you can see your wallet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand, you can see your wallet. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Oops." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Starting in a few minutes. Come to the toyshop." | ||
Zach arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restart" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning)
Floyd |
Floyd | > RESTART
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you sure you want to restart?
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You wake up. A routine look at the alarm clock reveals the time; in Floyd | five minutes, it would have gone off, but as usual, you didn't even Floyd | need it. As you won't become more awake, you turn it off. Floyd | Floyd | The Story of Mr. P. Floyd | by Hannes Schüller Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 140406 / Inform v6.32 Library 6/11 Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand, you can see your wallet. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "As I recall, we don't use compass directions when in the house, at least." | |
DavidW says, "We can say the name of the adjacent room we wish to travel to." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | The pajamas are of the white-dark-blue striped variety, although the Floyd | white bits have turned just a little bit gray by now. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ew." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | some pajamas (being worn) Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "remove pajamas" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > REMOVE PAJAMAS Floyd | Floyd | You take off the pajamas. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | You look down at yourself and notice nothing out of the ordinary. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "That's a relief." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x calendar" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CALENDAR Floyd | Floyd | It's a calendar of the year 1959. You are up-to-date. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take calendar" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE CALENDAR Floyd | Floyd | You get off the bed first. Floyd | Floyd | It's already perfectly aligned. It seems a shame to touch it. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "goodness, the lag is worse than I was expecting." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Sorry :(" | ||
DavidW says, "I suggest that we at least go through the motions of getting ready for work. We can take a shower in the bathroom, first, before getting dressed." | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Is it timed?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x nightstand" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X NIGHTSTAND Floyd | Floyd | It's a small wooden table; Margaret has already exchanged it a couple Floyd | of times since you moved in. You refrained from asking why. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand, you see your wallet, next to that is an alarm Floyd | clock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x clock" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CLOCK Floyd | Floyd | The alarm clock is currently switched off. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "The calendar object annoyed me, since it doesn't tell us much of anything beyond the year. We don't even know what season it is." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take wallet" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE WALLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open wallet" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN WALLET Floyd | Floyd | You open the wallet, revealing some keys and some money. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x keys" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X KEYS Floyd | Floyd | Your house keys. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x money" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X MONEY Floyd | Floyd | You have got just the right amount of money in your wallet. Not too Floyd | much, not too little. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "So wonderfully vague." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | (the window) Floyd | The window has been cleaned to a spotless shine. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open window" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | (the window) Floyd | Margaret has established an elaborate ventilation scheme which you Floyd | don't want to mess around with. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open wardrobe" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN WARDROBE Floyd | Floyd | In the wardrobe, you see a dark suit right in front, behind that a Floyd | light brown suit and a couple of other suits. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "push wardrobe" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > PUSH WARDROBE Floyd | Floyd | There is no reason to do that right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "This part of the game isn't timed, as far as I know." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "So, out to the living room to find a bathroom? I presume we can walk around nude." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "(This really annoyed me about Anchorhead, iirc.)" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x suit" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X SUIT Floyd | Floyd | Which do you mean, the formal suit or the corduroy suit? Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Yes, surreal games need to be vague, unfortunately." | |
DavidW says, "er TEND to be vague" | ||
DavidW says, "grr typo" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x formal" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X FORMAL Floyd | Floyd | The formal suit is dark and classically cut - the right choice for the Floyd | office. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x corduroy" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CORDUROY Floyd | Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You never run around the house naked. Margaret wouldn't like that. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "GRRRRRRRR." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear pajamas" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR PAJAMAS Floyd | Floyd | You put on the pajamas. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x sofa" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X SOFA Floyd | Floyd | Comfy. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | This table has only recently been bought by Margaret and it sports a Floyd | small glass surface in the center. Not particularly practical, but it Floyd | certainly looks good. Floyd | Floyd | On the right side of the table, a telephone, a radio and an ashtray Floyd | are standing right beside each other. Right in the middle, the morning Floyd | paper is well visible. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x ashtray" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X ASHTRAY Floyd | Floyd | A flawlessly clean ashtray. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x telephon" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X TELEPHON Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x telephone" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X TELEPHONE Floyd | Floyd | The line to the outer world. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x radio" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X RADIO Floyd | Floyd | A modern device which you like to switch on after work. Floyd | The radio receiver is currently switched off. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paper" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X PAPER Floyd | Floyd | With a rustle, you open the large paper and scan through the Floyd | headlines. A painful pulse inside your head prevents you from Floyd | concentrating and gets worse as you dig into the paper, the harder you Floyd | feel the sharp pain. You wonder if you can go to work today. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ouch." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x lamp" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X LAMP Floyd | Floyd | You would have preferred a ceiling lamp. Floyd | The floor lamp is currently switched off. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "bathroom?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bathroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BATHROOM Floyd | Floyd | Although you have intuitively memorized these paths, as you turn Floyd | towards the bathroom you bump your leg on the couch. Well, maybe you Floyd | are not really awake yet, after all. Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | The bathroom's walls are brightly tiled. Even though you can't tell Floyd | for sure, you would bet that Margaret cleans it daily. Appropriate to Floyd | your house's year of construction, the facilities are modern. For Floyd | example, you had a shower built in instead of a tub. Next to that, Floyd | there is a sink with a mirror hung to the wall above, and on the Floyd | opposite side of the room, there is a toilet. A small cabinet stands Floyd | on the side wall. The only exit leads into the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I'm closing Twitter for now, in case that's slowing everything down to hell." | |
DavidW says, "If you see this, I last saw you look at the money in the wallet." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yikes." | ||
DavidW says, "Nothing's echoing for me." | ||
genericgeekgirl pokes Zach. | ||
DavidW says, "You'll find that Margaret runs this house." | ||
DavidW says, "Ugh, I can't stand that I can't see what's happening." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x shower" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X SHOWER Floyd | Floyd | Ready for use. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x sink" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X SINK Floyd | Floyd | The all-ceramic facilities did cost quite a bit. Fortunately, your Floyd | parents and also your wife's parents were actually quite happy when Floyd | they heard about your plans to build your own home and they supported Floyd | you. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "okay, I see you got to the bathroom" | |
DavidW says, "Look in the mirror" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I paused for a bit, hoping Zach would de-idle." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x mirror" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X MIRROR Floyd | Floyd | The mirror has got one of these modern, thin frames. Elaborate Floyd | ornaments are out of style, you were told in the store. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look in mirror" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LOOK IN MIRROR Floyd | Floyd | You take a look in the mirror to confirm; no, you really don't look Floyd | too good! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x toilet" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X TOILET Floyd | Floyd | Like all facilities in this room, the toilet is still very new. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cabinet" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CABINET Floyd | Floyd | In there, you store the towels which are currently not in use, Floyd | Margaret's cosmetics as well as additional toilet paper. On top of the Floyd | cabinet, there is a porcelain swan for decoration. The cabinet door is Floyd | closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open cabinet" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN CABINET Floyd | Floyd | You open the cabinet, revealing some towels, some cosmetics and some Floyd | toilet paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x towels" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X TOWELS Floyd | Floyd | The towels are pristine white. On the sides, Margaret has embroidered Floyd | small designs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x designs" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X DESIGNS Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cosmetics" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X COSMETICS Floyd | Floyd | These things belong to Margaret. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paper" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X PAPER Floyd | Floyd | (the newspaper) Floyd | In your worrying condition, you are not able to read. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x toilet paper" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X TOILET PAPER Floyd | Floyd | It's just regular toilet paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x swan" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X SWAN Floyd | Floyd | An artfully curvy figure of a swan which Margaret found on a garage Floyd | sale. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take swan" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE SWAN Floyd | Floyd | You really don't need it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "break swan" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BREAK SWAN Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to break the porcelain swan with? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "use sink" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > USE SINK Floyd | Floyd | You flush the toilet. Content, you realize it is working without a Floyd | hitch. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "........" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I think we should have hired a better plumber." | ||
Zach starred as a cloned superman shell inhabited by the consciousness of a recently deceased middle-aged businessman. | ||
Zach has disconnected. | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "use toilet" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > USE TOILET Floyd | Floyd | You sit down on the toilet and do what's necessary. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "use shower" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > USE SHOWER Floyd | Floyd | Worried about your condition, you realize that you have sweated quite Floyd | a lot last night. You enter the shower and wash yourself as well as Floyd | pssible, put the pajamas on again and shave. Your ashen face looks Floyd | back at you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "dance" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DANCE Floyd | Floyd | You've never been much of a dancer. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > XYZZY Floyd | Floyd | There's a listening sort of silence. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oh, you were asking about time. Note that the status line shows a time of day. The game is kinda put into sections by displayed time period." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, but I was just wondering if we had to shower and hurry up, or if I could take time to look at things." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "dry me" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DRY ME Floyd | Floyd | You have already freshened up. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We have time to look at things." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "If I recall, this scene ends when we decide if we're going into work or staying home." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kitchen" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > KITCHEN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | This is Margaret's realm. For you, it's more a passage between the Floyd | living room and the garden. In front of you, the familiar sight Floyd | unfolds of Margaret standing with her back to you, slightly bent over Floyd | the countertop and hard at work with her kitchen utensils. On the Floyd | level of her head, a row of cabinets hangs on the wall and on another Floyd | wall, there is a refrigerator. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kiss margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > KISS MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | After giving Margaret a small peck on the cheek, she tells you: Floyd | "Please don't work late again today, honey!" She passes you the usual Floyd | brown paper bag in which you can find your lunch: "I have packed a Floyd | little surprise as well." Floyd | Floyd | You try your best to look pitiful as you tell Margaret about your Floyd | condition. She listens attentively and then gets a thermometer from Floyd | one of the drawers. "Open your mouth, honey!", she orders. You let it Floyd | all happen. Your temperature is indeed a little too high. Margaret Floyd | says it's your decision whether to go to work or rather call the Floyd | office to excuse yourself and then go back to bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bag" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BAG Floyd | Floyd | Margaret has marked it with your name in her neat handwriting. She Floyd | diligently does that every day. Not that any of your coworkers would Floyd | ever think of stealing your lunch, but you don't have the heart to Floyd | tell Margaret it's not necessary. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open bag" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN BAG Floyd | Floyd | Margaret stops you: "Please don't open it yet, honey, I want you to Floyd | see the surprise in the office." Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Oh no. No surprise if I stay home." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x utensils" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X UTENSILS Floyd | Floyd | The knife looks sharp. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cabinets" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CABINETS Floyd | Floyd | Margaret uses them to store her dishes and pots. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take knife" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE KNIFE Floyd | Floyd | Margaret doesn't like you playing around with her things. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x refrigerator" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X REFRIGERATOR Floyd | Floyd | It is bright white. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open refrigerator" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN REFRIGERATOR Floyd | Floyd | You would only mess up the well-organized contents. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open cubpard" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN CUBPARD Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open cabinet" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN CABINET Floyd | Floyd | You don't need to cook. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You can't, since the back door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "hallway" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > HALLWAY Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living room" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING ROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "verbose" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > VERBOSE Floyd | Floyd | The Story of Mr. P. is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives Floyd | long descriptions of locations (even if you've been there before). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "window" | ||
Floyd ] Empty Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Empty Room Floyd | This room, which can be reached from the living room, is currently Floyd | unused. You have some hopeful plans for it, of course, but they Floyd | haven't worked out yet. Until then, Margaret has decided not to use Floyd | the room for anything at all to avoid any discussion later. You Floyd | haven't even painted the walls, to be flexible as far as the coloring Floyd | is concerned as soon as its new inhabitant will move in. There is a Floyd | connecting door in the direction of your bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "What." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||
Floyd ] Empty Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | This room, which can be reached from the living room, is currently Floyd | unused. You have some hopeful plans for it, of course, but they Floyd | haven't worked out yet. Until then, Margaret has decided not to use Floyd | the room for anything at all to avoid any discussion later. You Floyd | haven't even painted the walls, to be flexible as far as the coloring Floyd | is concerned as soon as its new inhabitant will move in. There is a Floyd | connecting door in the direction of your bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd ] Empty Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | The door opens in the direction of the bedroom. Since the wardrobe is Floyd | standing in front of it there, you can't open the door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living room" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING ROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | (the window) Floyd | It is a nice, big window which bathes the room in bright light right Floyd | around noon. The window-sill is decorated with small figures. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x figures" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X FIGURES Floyd | Floyd | Margaret has collected this ensemble with great care and patience over Floyd | many months. In spite of only a few coming from the same source (in Floyd | fact, they are even made from completely different materials like clay Floyd | or tin), Margaret managed to achieve a great harmonic homogeneity with Floyd | her remarkable eye for detail. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take figures" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE FIGURES Floyd | Floyd | Margaret has put a lot of time into this arrangement. You can't Floyd | possibly improve it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You open the front door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Margaret's head appears through the kitchen doorway. "Honey, please Floyd | put on the dark suit," she reminds you. Ah, yes, of course! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I wanna go in pjs." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "close door" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > CLOSE DOOR Floyd | Floyd | You close the front door. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "So. Decisions." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf9" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oh. That I don't know. I don't know of any such list." | |
DavidW says, "yes, and when I played, I stayed home and never saw what was in the bag." | ||
DavidW says, "(the bag itself, I found in the trash)" | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Why?" | ||
Zach arrives, full of funk, but no fun. | DavidW asks, "Why what?" | |
Zach says, "Sorry, I got kicked out" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Why does it mean that something is seriously wrong? I mean, I'm getting the subtext that they want a baby, but.." | ||
Zach says, "And didn't notice" | ||
Gerynar arrives, full of fun and funk. | Zach says, "I was waiting on everyone else, twiddling my thumbs" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Aw :(" | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Zach, would you like to stay home and be sick or go to work and be sick, but possibly enjoy the lunch our loving, slightly ocd wife packed for us?" | ||
DavidW says, "It was my first thought that they want a baby too, and that might even be the reason, but, well, you'll see more weirdness that points in other directions later." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "It contains a surprise. I hope it's a sticker." | ||
Zach says, "Lets go contaminate the lot of them" | ||
DavidW says, "I'd like to see if we can go to work, since I didn't try that option." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok. So let's go get dressed." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
inky arrives, ready to play with the toys. | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear dark suit" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR DARK SUIT Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the formal suit) Floyd | You take the pajamas off and slip into the dark suit instead. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a formal suit (being worn) Floyd | a brown paper bag (which is closed) Floyd | a newspaper Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop pajamas" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DROP PAJAMAS Floyd | Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "close door" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > CLOSE DOOR Floyd | Floyd | That's already closed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open bag" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN BAG Floyd | Floyd | It isn't lunch time yet. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Darn." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | (opening the front door) Floyd | Following your sense of duty, you decide to go to work in spite of Floyd | your doubtful state of health. After all, what would happen to the Floyd | world if everyone skipped work at the smallest twinge? Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. The bus which you take to work Floyd | every morning is ready, waiting for you. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach asks, "Were we sleeping with our lunch?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "No, our wife gave it to us!" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I was hoping I could peek since she wasn't in the room." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ooh, I wonder if we can go to the park." | ||
Zach says, "Aww, the bus waited for us" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf10" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I bet we can't. Margaret is everywhere." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Sorry, one sec. I need to try this ou--hahaha, yeah, probably. "HONEY!"" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "park" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > PARK Floyd | Floyd | Unhurriedly, you stroll down the path into the park. Lost in thought, Floyd | you admire the leaves shining with morning dew. It never occured to Floyd | you how varied their patterns are. The bus's honking seems to fade Floyd | from your perception. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Whoo." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "stop and smell the flowers" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > STOP AND SMELL THE FLOWERS Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "savor" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SAVOR Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Continue in the park? Maybe it loops around." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Sure" | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "Eastern?" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You decide to leave bus and job be and just take a day off. You settle Floyd | down on one of the benches, close your eyes and savor the silence. Floyd | Fresh air enters your nose and you inhale deeply. In a great mood, you Floyd | return home in the evening. Margaret awaits you on the doorstep. Of Floyd | course, your boss called when you didn't show up at the office. Floyd | Margaret's mood lies somewhere between relief that nothing serious has Floyd | happened, and then deep shock and total lack of comprehension when you Floyd | tell her why you chose to spend the day like this. Maybe she didn't Floyd | know you as well as she thought, after all. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Anarchy in Suburbia (1/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Hahaha, yes." | |
DavidW says, "I remember four locations in the park." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "what the?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You decide to leave bus and job be and just take a day off. You settle Floyd | down on one of the benches, close your eyes and savor the silence. Floyd | Fresh air enters your nose and you inhale deeply. In a great mood, you Floyd | return home in the evening. Margaret awaits you on the doorstep. Of Floyd | course, your boss called when you didn't show up at the office. Floyd | Margaret's mood lies somewhere between relief that nothing serious has Floyd | happened, and then deep shock and total lack of comprehension when you Floyd | tell her why you chose to spend the day like this. Maybe she didn't Floyd | know you as well as she thought, after all. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Anarchy in Suburbia (1/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ok, same response." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "So, uh. Yeah. No park for us." | ||
Zach burns a flag | ||
DavidW asks, "so, uh, we're supposed to wait for a bus? Is there a bus stop?" | ||
Zach exclaims, "The bus is waiting for us!" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. The bus which you take to work Floyd | every morning is ready, waiting for you. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "It is a suburban paradise indeed." | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "Can we walk down the street?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oh, I missed seeing the bus." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Nope." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. The bus which you take to work Floyd | every morning is ready, waiting for you. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Shall we get on the bus?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bus" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BUS Floyd | Floyd | It is the bus which you take to work every day. The driver has already Floyd | opened the door for you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "remove suit" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > REMOVE SUIT Floyd | Floyd | You make it a rule to only undress in your bedroom or the bathroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter bus" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > ENTER BUS Floyd | Floyd | You get on the bus, give the driver a nod and sit down in the usual Floyd | seat. After an uneventful drive, you arrive at the office where you Floyd | get to work immediately. Busy, time just flies. When you take a look Floyd | at the clock, you feel your stomach grumbling. Floyd | Floyd | Press any key to continue | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | Office (by your desk) (on the chair) Floyd | Your workplace is in this corner of the office. It consists of a desk, Floyd | which you keep tidy, and a matching chair. Which means your equipment Floyd | is pretty much the same as that of your coworkers. From afar, you can Floyd | see the big filing cabinet, the boss's secretary and your coworker Floyd | Harold in the other corners of the office. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a brown paper bag (which is closed) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cabinet" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X CABINET Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing unexpected in that direction. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x secretary" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X SECRETARY Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing unexpected in that direction. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing unexpected in that direction. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "aw, get in the bus" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "x lunch" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X LUNCH Floyd | Floyd | Margaret has marked it with your name in her neat handwriting. She Floyd | diligently does that every day. Not that any of your coworkers would Floyd | ever think of stealing your lunch, but you don't have the heart to Floyd | tell Margaret it's not necessary. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x desk" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X DESK Floyd | Floyd | Your desk is the same model as used by your coworkers. On the brown, Floyd | wooden surface, you see a stack of white paper, next to that another Floyd | stack of blank letter paper as well as a fountain pen placed exactly Floyd | in parallel. You put down your brown lunch bag here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "xpen" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > XPEN Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x pen" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X PEN Floyd | Floyd | Your preferred writing utensil. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x chair" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X CHAIR Floyd | Floyd | It's a regular office chair, where you sit and do most of your work. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open bag" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN BAG Floyd | Floyd | You get off the chair first. Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Startled by your own actions, you quickly take your hands off the bag. Floyd | You almost forgot to wash your hands before eating! Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable hunger pangs. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Oh FINE." | |
Zach says, "Ha, I wonder if we can starve to death" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf11" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > UP Floyd | Floyd | You can go over to the filing cabinet, to Harold or to the boss's Floyd | secretary. Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable hunger pangs. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Give me cleanliness or give me death" | |
DavidW says, "cool, new locations I haven't seen" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "None of these things is a sink." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cabinet" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by the filing cabinet) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > CABINET Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Office (by the filing cabinet) Floyd | This part of the office is devoted to the storage of files. For that Floyd | purpose, a large cabinet stands on the wall. Right beside, there is a Floyd | small table with a coffee machine. You can go back to your own desk or Floyd | visit Harold or the boss's secretary. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open cabinet" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by the filing cabinet) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN CABINET Floyd | Floyd | It's open anyway. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "close cabinet" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by the filing cabinet) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > CLOSE CABINET Floyd | Floyd | That's not something you can close. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Aren't we gonna eat lunch?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "We have to wash our hands first." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x machine" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by the filing cabinet) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X MACHINE Floyd | Floyd | It is a Wigomat 100 which has improved the working atmosphere Floyd | significantly since it was first acquired a year ago. Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable hunger pangs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by the filing cabinet) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | On the small table, you see a modern coffee machine. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drink coffee" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by the filing cabinet) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > DRINK COFFEE Floyd | Floyd | Not on an empty stomach. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "visit harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > VISIT HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Office (by Harold's desk) Floyd | This is the workplace of your closest coworker, Harold, who is Floyd | currently sitting at his desk. Your own workplace is on the other side Floyd | of the office: other than that, you can go to the boss's secretary or Floyd | to the filing cabinet. Floyd | Floyd | As you approach his desk, Harold looks up smiling: "Already had lunch? Floyd | It would be time." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | Harold joined the company some years before you, so when you joined, Floyd | he was there to show you the ropes. Working together with him worked Floyd | very well right from the start, because you have earned his respect Floyd | with your diligence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK TO HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | Harold lifts his head and smiles. Floyd | Floyd | Your stomach rumbles audibly. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "hit harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > HIT HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | (with Harold) Floyd | You need to be holding Harold before you can put him into something Floyd | else. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "....Hahaha." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kiss harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > KISS HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | You get along well, but you aren't in the mood for such jokes right Floyd | now. Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable hunger pangs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "hold harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > HOLD HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | I don't suppose Harold would care for that. Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable hunger pangs. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe the secretary has some hand sanitizer." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "secretary" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SECRETARY Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Office (at the secretary's desk) Floyd | As usual, this desk is occupied by your boss's busy secretary. She Floyd | isn't just there for everything the boss doesn't want to do himself, Floyd | but she is also the guardian of the door to his office. The rest of Floyd | the office contains your desk, Harold's, and a large filing cabinet. Floyd | Another door leads out of the office into the corridor, which, among Floyd | other things leads to the washroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ah." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "washroom" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > WASHROOM Floyd | Floyd | Taking your lunch into the washroom would be quite unhygienic. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop lunch" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > DROP LUNCH Floyd | Floyd | Dropped. Floyd | Floyd | You feel uncomfortable hunger pangs. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I bet someone eats it." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "washroom" | ||
Floyd ] Washroom Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > WASHROOM Floyd | Floyd | You walk straight to the washroom. Floyd | Floyd | Washroom Floyd | The company washroom is rather spartan. Above the sink, there is a Floyd | mirror on the tiled wall. Opposite, there is a toilet. The door leads Floyd | back out into the corridor which leads back to your office. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x mirror" | ||
Floyd ] Washroom Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X MIRROR Floyd | Floyd | The mirror could probably do with some cleaning. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look in mirror" | ||
Floyd ] Washroom Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > LOOK IN MIRROR Floyd | Floyd | Your tie is fine. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Impossible! It is clearly labeled" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wash hands" | ||
Floyd ] Washroom Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > WASH HANDS Floyd | Floyd | You wash your hands thoroughly. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Meanwhile, Harold eats our lunch." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x tie" | ||
Floyd ] Washroom Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X TIE Floyd | Floyd | (the mirror) Floyd | The mirror could probably do with some cleaning. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x toilet" | ||
Floyd ] Washroom Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X TOILET Floyd | Floyd | It's in an acceptable state. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "use toilet" | ||
Floyd ] Washroom Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > USE TOILET Floyd | Floyd | You don't feel the need to use the toilet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "clean mirror" | ||
Floyd ] Washroom Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > CLEAN MIRROR Floyd | Floyd | This isn't part of your duties. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Office (at the secretary's desk) Floyd | As usual, this desk is occupied by your boss's busy secretary. She Floyd | isn't just there for everything the boss doesn't want to do himself, Floyd | but she is also the guardian of the door to his office. The rest of Floyd | the office contains your desk, Harold's, and a large filing cabinet. Floyd | Another door leads out of the office into the corridor, which, among Floyd | other things leads to the washroom. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a brown paper bag (which is closed) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat lunch" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > EAT LUNCH Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the brown paper bag) Floyd | That's plainly inedible. Floyd | Floyd | Your body is used to taking in food at this time of the day. Your Floyd | stomach is acting up. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open bag" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN BAG Floyd | Floyd | Excited by the prospect of Margaret's announced surprise, you open the Floyd | bag. Your smile freezes even before you actually see the whole mess: Floyd | An unbelievable stench hits you right in the face! Inside, you find an Floyd | obviously rotten piece of meat. Margaret can't possibly be involved in Floyd | this... the only explanation you have is that one of your coworkers Floyd | wanted to play a trick on you, but why? Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "NOOOOOOOO." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat meat" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > EAT MEAT Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the rotten lump of meat) Floyd | Your revulsion is such that you can't bear to touch the meat. No Floyd | matter how you deal with this, the meat is going to have to stay in Floyd | the bag! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Surpise!" | |
Zach throw meat at secretary | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "throw meat at secretary" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > THROW MEAT AT SECRETARY Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the rotten lump of meat) Floyd | Your revulsion is such that you can't bear to touch the meat. No Floyd | matter how you deal with this, the meat is going to have to stay in Floyd | the bag! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "throw bag at secretary" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > THROW BAG AT SECRETARY Floyd | Floyd | You aren't that well acquainted. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to secretary" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon)
Floyd |
| Zach says, "ha ha" | |
Floyd |
Floyd | Within your first days on this work position, you learned that you
Floyd | shouldn't address the secretary without a good, specific purpose.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| DavidW says, "There must be a trash can somewhere." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask secretary about my meat" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK SECRETARY ABOUT MY MEAT Floyd | Floyd | Within your first days on this work position, you learned that you Floyd | shouldn't address the secretary without a good, specific purpose. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask secretary about lunch" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK SECRETARY ABOUT LUNCH Floyd | Floyd | The secretary looks appalled: "Why are you showing this to me?" You Floyd | probably didn't score any brownie points with that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask secretary about boss" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK SECRETARY ABOUT BOSS Floyd | Floyd | "If you want to see him, please share with me what you want to Floyd | discuss, first." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "share lunch" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SHARE LUNCH Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Office (by Harold's desk) Floyd | This is the workplace of your closest coworker, Harold, who is Floyd | currently sitting at his desk. Your own workplace is on the other side Floyd | of the office: other than that, you can go to the boss's secretary or Floyd | to the filing cabinet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask harold about lunch" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK HAROLD ABOUT LUNCH Floyd | Floyd | You ask Harold whether he saw anyone messing with your lunch bag, for Floyd | example while you were in the washroom. Seeing the piece of meat which Floyd | you're showing him, Harold pauses to think for a moment, but then Floyd | shakes his head. He wouldn't have any reason to lie to you, would he? Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Yes." | |
Zach says, ">SMELL CONSPIRACY" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "smell lunch" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SMELL LUNCH Floyd | Floyd | The smell is unbearable! How could you not have noticed before? Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "File lunch under L?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "put lunch in cabinet" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > PUT LUNCH IN CABINET Floyd | Floyd | You can't just leave it here. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "put lunch in toilet?" | |
DavidW asks, "We can't take it into the bathroom, can we?" | ||
DavidW asks, "Or has that rule changed?" | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "We probably can now?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "washroom" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > WASHROOM Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "secretary" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SECRETARY Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | As you approach this part of the office, you see the mail boy moving Floyd | towards your desk. Floyd | Floyd | Office (at the secretary's desk) Floyd | As usual, this desk is occupied by your boss's busy secretary. She Floyd | isn't just there for everything the boss doesn't want to do himself, Floyd | but she is also the guardian of the door to his office. The rest of Floyd | the office contains your desk, Harold's, and a large filing cabinet. Floyd | Another door leads out of the office into the corridor, which, among Floyd | other things leads to the washroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | It is generally not appreciated for staff to hang out in other offices Floyd | too much, and since you just went, you feel no urgency to use the Floyd | toilet again. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "washroom" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > WASHROOM Floyd | Floyd | It is generally not appreciated for staff to hang out in other offices Floyd | too much, and since you just went, you feel no urgency to use the Floyd | toilet again. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Grr." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop lunch" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > DROP LUNCH Floyd | Floyd | You can't just leave it here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x desk" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X DESK Floyd | Floyd | (the desk) Floyd | This is the only desk in this office that's equipped with a typewriter Floyd | and a telephone. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I can, and I wil-- oh fine. My name is on it." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "x telephone" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X TELEPHONE Floyd | Floyd | Modern. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "call wife" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > CALL WIFE Floyd | Floyd | This phone isn't intended to be freely used by everyone. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x typewriter" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X TYPEWRITER Floyd | Floyd | It's one of those modern models which produce a particularly clean Floyd | type face. The secretary must be hitting three words per second. You Floyd | can't type at all. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I just hope the meat doesn't turn into a dead baby." | |
genericgeekgirl says, ".......... SURPRISE." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a brown paper bag (which is open) Floyd | a rotten lump of meat Floyd | a formal suit (being worn) Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search suit" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SEARCH SUIT Floyd | Floyd | You find nothing of interest. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Has our stomach stopped growling?" | |
Zach says, "I was wondering that. I think so." | ||
DavidW says, "I think it has, actually." | ||
Zach says, "We lost our appetite." | ||
Zach asks, "Maybe back to our desk?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "desk" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > DESK Floyd | Floyd | As you approach your desk again, you catch a glimpse of the mail boy Floyd | leaving. What might he have brought you? Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Office (by your desk) Floyd | Your workplace is in this corner of the office. It consists of a desk, Floyd | which you keep tidy, and a matching chair. Which means your equipment Floyd | is pretty much the same as that of your coworkers. From afar, you can Floyd | see the big filing cabinet, the boss's secretary and your coworker Floyd | Harold in the other corners of the office. Floyd | Floyd | The mail boy has put something on your desk. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x something" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X SOMETHING Floyd | Floyd | The envelope is addressed to you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open envelope" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN ENVELOPE Floyd | Floyd | You tear the envelope open and discover - surprise, surprise, a Floyd | letter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read letter" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > READ LETTER Floyd | Floyd | (the letter) Floyd | You read the letter. Strange: it seems to be about a subject which Floyd | isn't your responsibility at all. You re-read the opening of the Floyd | letter: you are directly addressed by name. Whereever would the sender Floyd | have gotten the idea from that you were right one to send this to? Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I doubt the author will let us go get a hot dog or pizza slice." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read letter" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > READ LETTER Floyd | Floyd | (the letter) Floyd | You read the letter. Strange: it seems to be about a subject which Floyd | isn't your responsibility at all. You re-read the opening of the Floyd | letter: you are directly addressed by name. Whereever would the sender Floyd | have gotten the idea from that you were right one to send this to? Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "C'mon. Tell me what's IN the letter." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x envelope" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X ENVELOPE Floyd | Floyd | The envelope is addressed to you. You have already opened it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "eat letter" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by your desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > EAT LETTER Floyd | Floyd | (the letter) Floyd | That's plainly inedible. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Let's tell Harold this ain't our job" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Office (by Harold's desk) Floyd | This is the workplace of your closest coworker, Harold, who is Floyd | currently sitting at his desk. Your own workplace is on the other side Floyd | of the office: other than that, you can go to the boss's secretary or Floyd | to the filing cabinet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "give letter to harold" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > GIVE LETTER TO HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | Harold carefully studies the document you've given him. After getting Floyd | an overview, he looks at you questioningly: "I'm really surprised. Floyd | This isn't a particularly complex case. You've already dealt with Floyd | dozens of similar ones, haven't you?" An uncontrollable dizziness Floyd | overcomes you. This was the last thing you expected! Unable Floyd | to cope with this situation, you take a step back from Harold's desk Floyd | without saying another word. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "My God" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask harold about job" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK HAROLD ABOUT JOB Floyd | Floyd | Although Hardold faces you politely, it's obvious that he isn't Floyd | interested in this subject and would rather return to his work. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x letter" | ||
Floyd ] Office (by Harold's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X LETTER Floyd | Floyd | You read the letter. Strange: it seems to be about a subject which Floyd | isn't your responsibility at all. You re-read the opening of the Floyd | letter: you are directly addressed by name. Whereever would the sender Floyd | have gotten the idea from that you were right one to send this to? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "secretary" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SECRETARY Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Office (at the secretary's desk) Floyd | As usual, this desk is occupied by your boss's busy secretary. She Floyd | isn't just there for everything the boss doesn't want to do himself, Floyd | but she is also the guardian of the door to his office. The rest of Floyd | the office contains your desk, Harold's, and a large filing cabinet. Floyd | Another door leads out of the office into the corridor, which, among Floyd | other things leads to the washroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask secretary about letter" | ||
Floyd ] Office (at the secretary's desk) Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK SECRETARY ABOUT LETTER Floyd | Floyd | "All right, go in." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd ] Boss's Office Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | (opening the boss's office door) Floyd | Floyd | Boss's Office Floyd | In this department, your manager is the only staff member to have his Floyd | own office. Apart from this privilege, his workplace is quite similar Floyd | to those of his subordinates, meaning he sits behind a similar desk Floyd | next to which stands a small filing cabinet. The door leads back to Floyd | the bigger office in which you have your desk. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "All right. I will." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x boss" | ||
Floyd ] Boss's Office Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X BOSS Floyd | Floyd | Your boss is a slightly, but not excessively overweight man with Floyd | sparse hair, although he isn't much older than you. His suit is a Floyd | little ill-fitting in the slightly bulging belly area, but at least Floyd | his tie is impeccable. As usual, his pipe is protuding from the corner Floyd | of his mouth. He looks at you expectantly.. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Letter. Or lunch?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf12" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Boss's Office Friday (Noon) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "show lunch to boss" | ||
Floyd ] Boss's Office Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SHOW LUNCH TO BOSS Floyd | Floyd | "My god, if you have problems with your wife, take it out on Floyd | her! None of my exployees would dare to do anything Floyd | like that, so don't bother me with it!" Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Lunch is more important I'd say" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "x pipe" | ||
Floyd ] Boss's Office Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X PIPE Floyd | Floyd | The brown body of the pipe has been gleamingly polished. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Letter, I think" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "show letter to boss" | ||
Floyd ] Boss's Office Friday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SHOW LETTER TO BOSS Floyd | Floyd | (the letter to your boss) Floyd | You put the letter on the boss's desk. He gives it a quick glance and Floyd | then looks back up at you: "This should be doable for you." You're not Floyd | given a choice, so you summon all your courage to explain to him that Floyd | you're not familiar with this subject and the necessary steps to be Floyd | taken in such a case; you have no idea at all what it's about or what Floyd | is to be done. While you are talking, you see your boss's brow Floyd | furrowing, but he lets you continue. After you're done talking, there Floyd | is an awkward moment of silence. "You seem to be overworked. Actually, Floyd | your face looks quite pale. It's almost half past four, why don't you Floyd | take the rest of the day off? It's OK to do that once in a while on a Floyd | Friday." Half past four? You look at the wall clock - indeed, that is Floyd | the time! "I will take care of this myself", your boss continues, "and Floyd | let your wife really pamper you this weekend. Relax - and I want you Floyd | back at full strength on Monday!" Floyd | Floyd | Relieved about not having received a major scolding, you leave the Floyd | office stunned. You are hardly aware of the bus ride home as your Floyd | thoughts are still circling around these strange events. You simply Floyd | can't unravel it. Maybe you are really just overworked and your mind Floyd | was playing tricks on you? Floyd | Floyd | Press any key to continue | genericgeekgirl says, "Crazy." | |
Zach pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "enter house" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ENTER HOUSE Floyd | Floyd | Which do you mean, the north or the east? Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hm. There's a dream sequence coming." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to enter the south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | As you enter the living room, Margaret welcomes you with a brilliant Floyd | smile. "Honey, it's so nice that you are back home so early!" As you Floyd | look into her auburn eyes, the feeling that this will be an awkward Floyd | conversation creeps up on you. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | Margaret looks in the direction of the floor lamp in a slightly sour Floyd | way. Maybe she discovered a tiny layer of dust. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask margaret about lunch" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK MARGARET ABOUT LUNCH Floyd | Floyd | You show the bag's contents to Margaret. All color drains from her Floyd | face. Before you can even elaborate on your suspicions, she suddenly Floyd | turns bright red. With a raised voice, a flood of words is poured over Floyd | you. She thinks that you are suspecting her of having packed this on Floyd | purpose. Nothing would be further from your mind, but now, her honor Floyd | as a housewife is injured; you can't dissuade her from this theory. In Floyd | a frosty tone, Margaret wishes you a good night. On the bedroom's Floyd | doorstep, she stiffly turns around once more: "I hope that you won't Floyd | misbehave like this tomorrow when the neighbors come to visit!" You Floyd | say nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "And this is why we dont' have a baby yet." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the bed is Margaret. Floyd | Floyd | You can see some pajamas here. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "At least she didn't lock us out." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "kiss margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > KISS MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | After your quarrel, this would probably not be such a good idea. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "love margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LOVE MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Awww" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Explore? Or sleep? (Or go to the park again?)" | ||
Zach says, "Sure, we could try the park" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf13" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Evening) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Today's events have really got to you. You don't want to leave the Floyd | house anymore tonight. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Oh, all right." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kitchen" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > KITCHEN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | This is Margaret's realm. For you, it's more a passage between the Floyd | living room and the garden. The kitchen is furnished with a Floyd | countertop, above that a row of cupboards and a brand new Floyd | refrigerator. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I'm still hungry." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a brown paper bag (which is open) Floyd | a rotten lump of meat Floyd | a formal suit (being worn) Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "And why are we still carrying that." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open refrigerator" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN REFRIGERATOR Floyd | Floyd | You quickly open the fridge. Everything is as it should be. You close Floyd | the door again. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "unlock door" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > UNLOCK DOOR Floyd | Floyd | (with the keys) Floyd | You unlock the back door. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I guess we have a garden." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | This is Margaret's realm. For you, it's more a passage between the Floyd | living room and the garden. The kitchen is furnished with a Floyd | countertop, above that a row of cupboards and a brand new Floyd | refrigerator. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | You can either go to the living room or through the back door into the Floyd | garden from here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "go through door" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > GO THROUGH DOOR Floyd | Floyd | (opening the back door) Floyd | Floyd | Garden Floyd | The garden is not all that large, but that makes it low-maintenance. Floyd | It mainly consists of a well-cared-for lawn. At the fence, separating Floyd | it from the neighbors' property, rises an oak tree. A trashcan sits by Floyd | the door leading back to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open trash" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN TRASH Floyd | Floyd | You open the trashcan, revealing a newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take newspaper" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE NEWSPAPER Floyd | Floyd | The newspaper belongs in the trash. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "read newspaper" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > READ NEWSPAPER Floyd | Floyd | The morning paper. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Wait, when did we even put that down?" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "throw bag in trash" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > THROW BAG IN TRASH Floyd | Floyd | Aggressively, you stuff the bag containing the rotten meat into the Floyd | trashcan. Phew, it's as though a load has been lifted from your Floyd | shoulders! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "close trash" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > CLOSE TRASH Floyd | Floyd | You close the trashcan. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Phew!" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x tree" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X TREE Floyd | Floyd | This tree was planted by Margaret and yourself when you moved in. It Floyd | hasn't quite grown to the impressive size you've been dreaming about. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "long lag while waiting to see what we'll do (did) in the kitchen" | |
Zach exclaims, "what a day!" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > CLIMB TREE Floyd | Floyd | The oak isn't strong enough yet to carry your weight. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x lawn" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X LAWN Floyd | Floyd | The garden is not all that large, but that makes it low-maintenance. Floyd | It mainly consists of a well-cared-for lawn. At the fence, separating Floyd | it from the neighbors' property, rises an oak tree. A trashcan sits by Floyd | the door leading back to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "climb fence" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > CLIMB FENCE Floyd | Floyd | You would become the laughingstock of the neighborhood. It is much Floyd | more common in these circles to just ring their doorbells when you Floyd | want to visit somebody. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ring doorbell" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > RING DOORBELL Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oho. Remember that." | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "Back inside?" | ||
Zach says, "Yeah" | ||
DavidW says, "Put bag in trash can if we still carry it." | ||
Zach asks, "Try to visit the park and/or neighbors?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | This is Margaret's realm. For you, it's more a passage between the Floyd | living room and the garden. The kitchen is furnished with a Floyd | countertop, above that a row of cupboards and a brand new Floyd | refrigerator. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living room" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING ROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Today's events have really got to you. You don't want to leave the Floyd | house anymore tonight. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Still can't leave." | |
DavidW asks, "Can't go out tonight remember?" | ||
DavidW says, "I think all we can really do is change into pajamas and get into bed." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bathroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > BATHROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | The bathroom's walls are brightly tiled. Even though you can't tell Floyd | for sure, you would bet that Margaret cleans it daily. Appropriate to Floyd | your house's year of construction, the facilities are modern. For Floyd | example, you had a shower built in instead of a tub. Next to that, Floyd | there is a sink with a mirror hung to the wall above, and on the Floyd | opposite side of the room, there is a toilet. A small cabinet stands Floyd | on the side wall. The only exit leads into the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "exit" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > EXIT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "empty" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > EMPTY Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to empty? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "window" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | (the window) Floyd | The window can't contain things. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "empty room" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > EMPTY ROOM Floyd | Floyd | The northwest can't contain things. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "nw" | ||
Floyd ] Empty Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > NW Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Empty Room Floyd | This room, which can be reached from the living room, is currently Floyd | unused. You have some hopeful plans for it, of course, but they Floyd | haven't worked out yet. Until then, Margaret has decided not to use Floyd | the room for anything at all to avoid any discussion later. You Floyd | haven't even painted the walls, to be flexible as far as the coloring Floyd | is concerned as soon as its new inhabitant will move in. There is a Floyd | connecting door in the direction of your bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Seeing if anything's changed." | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "Ok, bed time?" | ||
DavidW says, "Unless you guys think of something else." | ||
Zach says, "Yeah, it's been a long day of not eating" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the bed is Margaret. Floyd | Floyd | You can see some pajamas here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Gerynar disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear pajamas" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR PAJAMAS Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the pajamas) Floyd | You take off the dark suit and slip the pajamas on. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Friday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | After some restless shoving back and forth, you finally manage to fall Floyd | asleep. The night does not bring the peace you had hoped for, though. Floyd | As you wake in the morning, you feel absolutely knocked out. Floyd | Floyd | Press any key to continue | ||
Zach pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand is a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money). Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "I suppose we should go talk to our wife?" | |
Zach says, "Yes" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You get off the bed. Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand is a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Entering the living room, you look right into Margaret's radiant face. Floyd | Yesterday's aggravation seems to have vanished. "A wonderful morning Floyd | to you, honey!", she chirps. "The neighbors will come by tonight. I'm Floyd | so excited!" You're not so keen on the two; the neighbor is a show-off Floyd | and his wife a boring chatterbox. Not that this is a good reason to Floyd | start a fight now, so you don't say anything. "By the way, I have of Floyd | course already told Dorothy, they are aware, but as the man of the Floyd | house, you have to go over and invite them officially to our nice Floyd | dinner." Without even waiting for any possible answer from your side, Floyd | Margaret disappears into the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "It's time we end this sham of a marriage" | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "Welp. Get dressed?" | ||
DavidW says, "Or get dressed. Or both." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "look under couch" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LOOK UNDER COUCH Floyd | Floyd | Not a grain of dust. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I imagine she'd have a fit if we went in our pajamas." | |
Zach says, "Yeah" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "And we'll be sure to ring the doorbell rather than climbing over the fence." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand is a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "get dressed" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GET DRESSED Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open wardrobe" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN WARDROBE Floyd | Floyd | In the wardrobe, you see a light brown suit right in front, behind Floyd | that a dark suit and a couple of other suits. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear brown suit" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR BROWN SUIT Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the corduroy suit) Floyd | Not before you've taken a shower. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bathroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BATHROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | The bathroom's walls are brightly tiled. Even though you can't tell Floyd | for sure, you would bet that Margaret cleans it daily. Appropriate to Floyd | your house's year of construction, the facilities are modern. For Floyd | example, you had a shower built in instead of a tub. Next to that, Floyd | there is a sink with a mirror hung to the wall above, and on the Floyd | opposite side of the room, there is a toilet. A small cabinet stands Floyd | on the side wall. The only exit leads into the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "use shower" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > USE SHOWER Floyd | Floyd | As you let the refreshing stream of water run down your face, Floyd | yesterday's events now seem completely unreal to you. Physically and Floyd | also mentally refreshed, you leave the shower again. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look in mirror" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LOOK IN MIRROR Floyd | Floyd | Your reflection looks back at you just the same way you look at it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | At a fast pace, Margaret enters the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand is a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear brown suit" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR BROWN SUIT Floyd | Floyd | You step out of the pajamas and put on the corduroy suit instead. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Margaret wants the house to look Floyd | its best and so, even several hours before the guests should arrive, Floyd | she is already bustling about. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "Ok. Out?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bustle" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BUSTLE Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Yup" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You never leave your home without your wallet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand is a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take wallet" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE WALLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Margaret wants the house to look Floyd | its best and so, even several hours before the guests should arrive, Floyd | she is already bustling about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "right" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > RIGHT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "We're ignoring Margaret, then?" | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "??" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "She told us to go invite the neighbors." | ||
Zach says, "Yes, she tried to poison us" | ||
DavidW says, "Did she? I missed that." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ring doorbell" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > RING DOORBELL Floyd | Floyd | You press the button and hear the faint sound of the doorbell inside, Floyd | but nothing else happens. After you've waited for what you consider a Floyd | decent amount of time, you come to the conclusion that nobody is home. Floyd | OK, so you will have to try again later and just pass the time until Floyd | then. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Over the fence!" | |
Zach exclaims, "hooray!" | ||
DavidW says, "The text sometimes jumps a lot." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf14" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Park? :D" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I want this to be a thing." | ||
Zach says, "Yup yup" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "park" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > PARK Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the flowerbed) Floyd | This section of the park is the farthest from your house. Paths lead Floyd | in northern and western directions. At the end of the park is a large Floyd | flowerbed, in front of which an ice cream cart has been set up, much Floyd | to the kids' delight. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x flowerbed" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X FLOWERBED Floyd | Floyd | The varied species planted next to each other make for a Floyd | cheerily-colorful overall picture. Unfortunately, you're not so well Floyd | versed in the flora to be able to name them. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cart" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > CART Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cart" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CART Floyd | Floyd | A dime for one scoop. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "smell flower" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning)
Floyd |
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "buy ice cream" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | You smell nothing unexpected. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BUY ICE CREAM Floyd | Floyd | You step into the queue in front of the ice cream cart. Near the front Floyd | of the line, a head is visible above all of the children. It belongs Floyd | to a man wearing a dark rain coat. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "This is almost as far as I got. I explored the park a bit." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Creeeeeepy." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x man" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X MAN Floyd | Floyd | You take a closer look at the man in the raincoat. Even though you Floyd | only have an angled view of his back, you can't help but think that Floyd | this must be your coworker Harold. He lives on the other side of town, Floyd | and to your knowledge he has neither relatives nor friends around Floyd | here. What business could he possibly have here? Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says (to PC), "You can't name yourself either, let alone the flora." | |
Zach exclaims, "Thin man!" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to man" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK TO MAN Floyd | Floyd | As you try approaching him, Harold steps out of the queue and briskly Floyd | walks away in a westerly direction. You follow him with your eyes. Floyd | When you turn around again, the ice cream cart has disappeared! In its Floyd | place, a sheet of paper lies on the ground. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "What." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paper" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X PAPER Floyd | Floyd | On the sheet, you can read the words: "ice cream cart." Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take paper" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE PAPER Floyd | Floyd | As you pick up the sheet, you hear the children's unanimous Floyd | disappointment. You feel the same thing: Your craving for sweets gets Floyd | stronger and stronger! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat paper" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > EAT PAPER Floyd | Floyd | Covertly, you lick the sheet. It tastes of nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "ha ha" | |
Zach asks, "Now who's creepy?" | ||
DavidW hums Twilight Zone theme. | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the flowerbed) Floyd | This section of the park is the farthest from your house. Paths lead Floyd | in northern and western directions. At the end of the park is a large Floyd | flowerbed. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "West?" | |
Zach asks, "Follow Harold?" | ||
Zach says, "Yeah" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | You spot Harold climbing up the tree. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > CLIMB TREE Floyd | Floyd | Determined to unravel the mystery of Harold's behavior, you also pull Floyd | yourself up the tree. Without thinking about it, you effortlessly move Floyd | across fairly thin branches until you get close to Harold. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I bet we ruin our suit." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to harold" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK TO HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | Harold has reached the highest possible point in the tree. He reaches Floyd | towards the sky, where some clouds have gathered, as if he wants to Floyd | grasp something. Floyd | Floyd | Finally, you get close enough to attract his attention. Though when Floyd | this presumed Harold turns around on hearing your call, you realize Floyd | that you were mistaken. It isn't Harold, but a little boy. His smooth Floyd | facial features could resemble what Harold might have looked like when Floyd | he was about eight, but his build is completely different, of course. Floyd | Floyd | While you remain frozen, dumbfounded, the boy, who seems to think you Floyd | caught him doing something forbidden, jumps down to the ground and Floyd | runs away. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "How long until we get arrested?" | |
Zach exclaims, "We won't if we catch him!" | ||
Gerynar arrives, full of fun, but no funk. | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) (on the massive tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | From the solid branch on which you sit, a smaller one protrudes. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "iirc, we can get a stick or branch from a tree somewhere in the park, but I have no idea why we'd want one." | |
DavidW asks, "Maybe if we drop the paper somewhere appropriate, it'll turn into an actual ice cream cart again?" | ||
DavidW asks, "Arrested for what?" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "take branch" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BRANCH Floyd | Floyd | You break off the small branch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x bench" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BENCH Floyd | Floyd | A comfortable wooden bench. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "For being creepy around kids." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "down" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DOWN Floyd | Floyd | You get off the massive tree. Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | Thicker and thicker clouds gather in the sky. They look so close! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x clouds" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CLOUDS Floyd | Floyd | The sun is obscured by an exceptionally thick layer of clouds. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "touch clouds" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TOUCH CLOUDS Floyd | Floyd | Of course, you can't reach the sky. What put this stupid idea into Floyd | your head? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach asks, "Was that the whole park?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess so." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the flowerbed) Floyd | This section of the park is the farthest from your house. Paths lead Floyd | in northern and western directions. At the end of the park is a large Floyd | flowerbed. Floyd | Floyd | A group of children play catch. Floyd | Floyd | There's a small cloud right above your head which seems to follow you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "follow cloud" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > FOLLOW CLOUD Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x children" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CHILDREN Floyd | Floyd | Dreamily, you watch the happy children. Floyd | Floyd | A kid falls to the ground. Judging from its cries, it must have hurt Floyd | itself. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x kid" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X KID Floyd | Floyd | Dreamily, you watch the happy children. Floyd | Floyd | A kid falls to the ground. Judging from its cries, it must have hurt Floyd | itself. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I think there's four locations in the park, not counting tree climbing." | |
DavidW says, "But I might've missed something since that's as much of the game as I got to." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "help kid" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > HELP KID Floyd | Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to help. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach asks, "Back to the neighbors?" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "hit kid with branch" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > HIT KID WITH BRANCH Floyd | Floyd | Those can't contain things. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "oh, that's new. And the cloud follows us?" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ring bell" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > RING BELL Floyd | Floyd | You want to ring your own doorbell? That is really unnecessary. Floyd | Floyd | There's a small cloud right above your head which seems to follow you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "right" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > RIGHT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | The unusual darkness disturbs you. You take a look towards the sky to Floyd | make sure the sun is still there. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ring bell" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > RING BELL Floyd | Floyd | You've already rung once; obviously, nobody is home. Trying again will Floyd | only be worth it later today. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "by 'new', I mean the kid that fell" | |
Zach says, "Hmm" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "left" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LEFT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | One cloud passes over your head dangerously closely only to be Floyd | immediately replaced by another one. You still can't see the sun. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "You should examine the kid or talk to him/her." | |
DavidW says, "There's no way there's a trigger on 'help kid'." | ||
Zach says, "Mkay" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the flowerbed) Floyd | This section of the park is the farthest from your house. Paths lead Floyd | in northern and western directions. At the end of the park is a large Floyd | flowerbed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x kid" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X KID Floyd | Floyd | Dreamily, you watch the happy children. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x kid" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X KID Floyd | Floyd | Dreamily, you watch the happy children. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach asks, "Maybe just a random event?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess so." | ||
DavidW says, "You might also try taking or touching that cloud." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "take cloud" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE CLOUD Floyd | Floyd | Of course, you can't reach the sky. What put this stupid idea into Floyd | your head? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "give paper to kid" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GIVE PAPER TO KID Floyd | Floyd | The kids look at you with big, sad puppy eyes, but they make no effort Floyd | to take the sheet from you. Floyd | Floyd | Two boys, brothers from the looks of it, run towards the park's exit. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x bushes" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BUSHES Floyd | Floyd | Although the bushes have obviously been pruned recently, the inner Floyd | growth of their branches is wild and jumbled. Nevertheless, you spot a Floyd | foreign object deep inside. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "What happened to the fallen kid?" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "take object" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE OBJECT Floyd | Floyd | You take a closer look - it is a crumpled blanket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | The blanket is quite dirty. It probably belongs to a homeless person. Floyd | The city should really do something about that! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "wear blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the blanket) Floyd | If you reached for the blanket, you would surely hurt your hand on the Floyd | thorny bushes. You don't need this disgusting thing anyway. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oh right, forgot the blanket." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "move bushes" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > MOVE BUSHES Floyd | Floyd | You would only hurt yourself. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "take blanket with branch?" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "take blanket with branch" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BLANKET WITH BRANCH Floyd | Floyd | (the thorny bushes) Floyd | If you reached for the blanket, you would surely hurt your hand on the Floyd | thorny bushes. You don't need this disgusting thing anyway. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "push bush with branch" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > PUSH BUSH WITH BRANCH Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "(is it called branch?)" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a stick Floyd | a sheet Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | There's a small cloud right above your head which seems to follow you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x branch" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BRANCH Floyd | Floyd | (the thorny bushes) Floyd | Although the bushes have obviously been pruned recently, the inner Floyd | growth of their branches is wild and jumbled. Nevertheless, you spot a Floyd | foreign object deep inside. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take blanket with stick" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BLANKET WITH STICK Floyd | Floyd | If you reached for the blanket, you would surely hurt your hand on the Floyd | thorny bushes. You don't need this disgusting thing anyway. Floyd | Floyd | One cloud passes over your head dangerously closely only to be Floyd | immediately replaced by another one. You still can't see the sun. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "use stick with blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > USE STICK WITH BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x stick" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X STICK Floyd | Floyd | A short piece of wood. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "ah, stick, not branch" | |
Zach asks, "Maybe we have shears at home?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "push bush with stick" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > PUSH BUSH WITH STICK Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bush" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BUSH Floyd | Floyd | Although the bushes have obviously been pruned recently, the inner Floyd | growth of their branches is wild and jumbled. Nevertheless, you spot a Floyd | foreign object deep inside. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "poke blanket with stick" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > POKE BLANKET WITH STICK Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Meh." | |
DavidW says, "I didn't see any." | ||
Zach asks, "Maybe something changed at home?" | ||
DavidW says, "Unlikely." | ||
DavidW says, "But I don't really know." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Maybe we can see the neighbours over the fence?" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | One cloud passes over your head dangerously closely only to be Floyd | immediately replaced by another one. You still can't see the sun. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Gerynar has disconnected. | ||
Gerynar has connected. | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "sit on bench" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT ON BENCH Floyd | Floyd | You settle down on the bench and relax. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "stand" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > STAND Floyd | Floyd | You get off the bench. Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | You can go back to the street (north) or follow the paths into the Floyd | park (east and south). Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "It's just that the game seemed to suggest that we need to kill a bit of time first." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "kitchen" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > KITCHEN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | This is Margaret's realm. For you, it's more a passage between the Floyd | living room and the garden. Margaret is already deep into the Floyd | preparations of the big event which she has been eagerly awaiting for Floyd | weeks. The kitchen is furnished with a row of cupboards and a brand Floyd | new refrigerator. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "open cupboards" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN CUPBOARDS Floyd | Floyd | You don't need to cook. Floyd | Floyd | For just a moment, Margaret closes her eyes as she often does to Floyd | collect her thoughts and then carries on with her work. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "garden" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GARDEN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Garden Floyd | The garden is not all that large, but that makes it low-maintenance. Floyd | It mainly consists of a well-cared-for lawn. At the fence, separating Floyd | it from the neighbors' property, rises an oak tree. A trashcan sits by Floyd | the door leading back to the kitchen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "look over fence" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LOOK OVER FENCE Floyd | Floyd | You stretch and peer over the fence. Everything is all right in the Floyd | neighbors' garden. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "open can" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN CAN Floyd | Floyd | You open the trashcan, revealing a brown paper bag. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach asks, "Try playing with kids?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "It's still good. Or something." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take bag" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BAG Floyd | Floyd | The brown paper bag belongs in the trashcan. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "put paper in can" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > PUT PAPER IN CAN Floyd | Floyd | That doesn't belong in the trash. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Or talk/show stuff to kids/Margaret" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "kitchen" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > KITCHEN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | This is Margaret's realm. For you, it's more a passage between the Floyd | living room and the garden. Margaret is already deep into the Floyd | preparations of the big event which she has been eagerly awaiting for Floyd | weeks. The kitchen is furnished with a row of cupboards and a brand Floyd | new refrigerator. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask margaret about stick" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK MARGARET ABOUT STICK Floyd | Floyd | You know your wife. If you address her while she's concentrating, it Floyd | won't work. She is fully absorbed with her work right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask margaret about paper" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK MARGARET ABOUT PAPER Floyd | Floyd | You know your wife. If you address her while she's concentrating, it Floyd | won't work. She is fully absorbed with her work right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I still suggest dropping the paper in various locations to see if we can restore the actual cart." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "living room" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING ROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "take lamp" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE LAMP Floyd | Floyd | Not interested. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x nightstand" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X NIGHTSTAND Floyd | Floyd | It's a small wooden table; Margaret has already exchanged it a couple Floyd | of times since you moved in. You refrained from asking why. Floyd | Floyd | On the nightstand is an alarm clock. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x clock" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CLOCK Floyd | Floyd | The alarm clock is currently switched off. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "take clock" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE CLOCK Floyd | Floyd | It's already in its correct place. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Margaret wants the house to look Floyd | its best and so, even several hours before the guests should arrive, Floyd | she is already bustling about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "drop paper" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DROP PAPER Floyd | Floyd | Even your smallest belongings are too valuable to just throw them on Floyd | the street! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | That way's nowheresville right now. More action to the west or south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | That way's nowheresville right now. More action to the east or south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "drop paper" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DROP PAPER Floyd | Floyd | Even your smallest belongings are too valuable to just throw them on Floyd | the street! Floyd | Floyd | There's a small cloud right above your head which seems to follow you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the flowerbed) Floyd | This section of the park is the farthest from your house. Paths lead Floyd | in northern and western directions. At the end of the park is a large Floyd | flowerbed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | You can follow the paths to the west or north. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "bed" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BED Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x bed" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BED Floyd | Floyd | The varied species planted next to each other make for a Floyd | cheerily-colorful overall picture. Unfortunately, you're not so well Floyd | versed in the flora to be able to name them. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "take flower" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE FLOWER Floyd | Floyd | You know very well that picking flowers is forbidden. The sign at the Floyd | side of the flowerbed specifically says so. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x sign" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd ] Floyd ] Floyd ] Floyd ] No picking flowers Floyd ] Floyd ] The City Council Floyd ] Floyd ] Floyd | Floyd | > X SIGN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "pick flowers" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > PICK FLOWERS Floyd | Floyd | You know very well that picking flowers is forbidden. The sign at the Floyd | side of the flowerbed specifically says so. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "take sign" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE SIGN Floyd | Floyd | That's hardly portable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "drop paper" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DROP PAPER Floyd | Floyd | Even your smallest belongings are too valuable to just throw them on Floyd | the street! Floyd | Floyd | A group of children play catch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask children about paper" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK CHILDREN ABOUT PAPER Floyd | Floyd | The kids are occupied with each other. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x wallet" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X WALLET Floyd | Floyd | The leather wallet belongs to you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a stick Floyd | a sheet Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "give money to kids" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GIVE MONEY TO KIDS Floyd | Floyd | (first taking some money) Floyd | You'd rather leave the money in the wallet. You would only lose it Floyd | otherwise. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "about" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > ABOUT Floyd | Floyd | The Story of Mr. P. was written by Hannes Schüller in 2013. Floyd | Originally published in German language under the title Die Floyd | Geschichte des Herrn P., it was adapted into English in early Floyd | 2014. This English release 1 is technically equivalent with the German Floyd | release 4. The author loves receiving all kinds of feedback and game Floyd | transcripts at hannes (at) Floyd | Floyd | Particular thanks go out to Martin Barth and Martin Oehm who were Floyd | there for advice and tests all through the development phases. In Floyd | addition, Michael Baltes, Colin Djukic, Marius Müller and Mischa Floyd | Magyar tested the beta versions - thank you as well! This English Floyd | version comes to you thanks to Brian Cowell, Andrew Schultz and Jerry Floyd | Ford, all of whom tirelessly waded through my attempts at finding Floyd | adequate translations of the original texts and offered many helpful Floyd | corrections and suggestions. Floyd | Floyd | General help, further information about this game and others (in Floyd | German) can be found at [LINK] . The author's Floyd | English website can be found at [LINK] Floyd | Floyd | The game may be distributed under the conditions of CC-BY-ND Floyd | ([LINK]). Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "heh. Carrying the pjs around, huh?" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "wear pajamas" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR PAJAMAS Floyd | Floyd | You make it a rule to only undress in your bedroom or the bathroom. Floyd | You can't wear the pajamas on top of something else. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "I dunno. Climb the tree and jump?" | |
DavidW asks, "Climb the tree *then* go up?" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > CLIMB TREE Floyd | Floyd | You pull yourself up the tree again. Now, you are far away from the Floyd | ground, as if you could touch the sky. Without thinking about it, you Floyd | effortlessly move across fairly thin branches. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a stick Floyd | a sheet Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "u" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > U Floyd | Floyd | You've gone as far up as you can. The clouds are already quite close. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "touch cloud" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TOUCH CLOUD Floyd | Floyd | You stretch as far as you can without falling off the tree. Just a Floyd | finger's length more and you could touch the cloud! Floyd | Floyd | Thicker and thicker clouds gather in the sky. They look so close! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "touch cloud with stick" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TOUCH CLOUD WITH STICK Floyd | Floyd | The small stick in hand, you reach towards the cloud and push it Floyd | inside. You feel some tangible resistence. Quickly, you pull your hand Floyd | back, holding some cotton candy. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "touch cloud with stick" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "x candy" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CANDY Floyd | Floyd | Your mouth waters at the sight of the cotton candy. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x cloud" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CLOUD Floyd | Floyd | You look up. It seems as if one of the clouds is almost within reach Floyd | of your arm. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "goodness" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Whoa." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "touch cloud with stick" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TOUCH CLOUD WITH STICK Floyd | Floyd | That can't contain things. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "d" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > D Floyd | Floyd | You get off the massive tree. Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the flowerbed) Floyd | This section of the park is the farthest from your house. Paths lead Floyd | in northern and western directions. At the end of the park is a large Floyd | flowerbed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "show candy to kids" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SHOW CANDY TO KIDS Floyd | Floyd | There is no reply. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "hey kids, we got candy!" | |
Zach says, "Creepiness +1" | ||
DavidW says, "Should we eat it ourselves? We didn't get any lunch yesterday." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "cf15" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "eat candy" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > EAT CANDY Floyd | Floyd | Joyously, you eat the cotton candy. The wooden stick in the middle was Floyd | the most delicious part! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "ha ha" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Yum!" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a sheet Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | You are suddenly hit with severe stomach cramps. You bend forward, Floyd | hardly able to keep your balance. Even your mother had always told you Floyd | not to stuff sweets into yourself so quickly! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Gerynar has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | DavidW says, "I can't wait for the toilet scene later when stick returns." | |
Zach exclaims, "Poisoned cloud candy!" | ||
Zach says, "Eeeagh" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "take blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | If you reached for the blanket, you would surely hurt your hand on the Floyd | thorny bushes. You don't need this disgusting thing anyway. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You're in no condition to walk around unnecessarily. You have to find Floyd | a place to sit down and relax! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "sit" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to sit on top of? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "sit on bench" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT ON BENCH Floyd | Floyd | You put your body into the most comfortable position possible on the Floyd | bench and close your eyes. The cramps disappear. When you open your Floyd | eyes again, you see the sun has reached its highest point. Could the Floyd | time really have passed this quickly? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "yes" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > YES Floyd | Floyd | That was a rhetorical question. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I think we ought to visit the bathroom pdq." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Or the bushes" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "right" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > RIGHT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ring bell" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > RING BELL Floyd | Floyd | You press the button and hear the doorbell, followed by approaching Floyd | steps. Dorothy opens the door with a broad smile. Since she has Floyd | probably discussed it ten times with Margaret already, she knows the Floyd | reason for your visit. Still, she plays along, and when you extend the Floyd | invitation for tonight, she acts surprised. You exchange some more Floyd | pleasantries and then say your goodbyes until tonight. Well, one duty Floyd | performed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You can't, since the front door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "left" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > LEFT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Margaret wants the house to look Floyd | its best and so, even several hours before the guests should arrive, Floyd | she is already bustling about. Floyd | Floyd | Margaret adjusts a couple of things on the table. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | This table has only recently been bought by Margaret and it sports a Floyd | small glass surface in the center. Not particularly practical, but it Floyd | certainly looks good. Floyd | Floyd | On the right side of the table, a telephone, a radio and an ashtray Floyd | are standing right beside each other. Right in the middle, the morning Floyd | paper is well visible. Floyd | Floyd | For just a moment, Margaret closes her eyes as she often does to Floyd | collect her thoughts and then carries on with her work. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "yay progress" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "read paper" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > READ PAPER Floyd | Floyd | (the newspaper) Floyd | Government announcements... tensions rising in the Middle East... a Floyd | Pope's visit... border incidents... nothing really strikes you as Floyd | urgently readable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "turn on radio" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > TURN ON RADIO Floyd | Floyd | You switch the radio on and listen to the program. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | From the radio, a male voice booms. Floyd | Floyd | Margaret goes over the couch with a feather duster. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | Margaret is your wife. She likes to dress in bright, fresh colors. Floyd | Today is no exception. She is occupied with the hosting preparations Floyd | and she looks really happy. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask margaret about candy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK MARGARET ABOUT CANDY Floyd | Floyd | Before you can even say anything to Margaret, she takes the Floyd | initiative: "Ah, honey, good that you're here. I still need a couple Floyd | of things, can you quickly run off and buy them? You have got the list Floyd | already, don't you?" With that, she turns her attention back away from Floyd | you. What list? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a newspaper Floyd | a grocery list Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | Margaret adjusts a couple of things on the table. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "That list." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x list" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X LIST Floyd | Floyd | To your surprise, the former ice cream stand sheet has turned into a Floyd | very, very long grocery list. It is so long that you don't really know Floyd | how to obtain all of this in such a short time. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "The ice cream cart list?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Good thing we have just enough money. Hopefully." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x money" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X MONEY Floyd | Floyd | You have got just the right amount of money in your wallet. Not too Floyd | much, not too little. Floyd | Floyd | For just a moment, Margaret closes her eyes as she often does to Floyd | collect her thoughts and then carries on with her work. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I look forward to going to the store. It can't possibly be more wacky than the park." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "So.. where is this store?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "store" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > STORE Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Nervous as you are, the shopping list slips out of your hand and falls Floyd | to the ground. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "NOOOOO." | |
DavidW says, "ha ha" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take list" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE LIST Floyd | Floyd | You pick up the shopping list again. Immediately, you notice that all Floyd | the writing on it has disappeared. Of course, you haven't the faintest Floyd | recollection of anything that was on the list - it would be completely Floyd | useless to even go to the store now. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Ha." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Without the complete grocery list, going all the way to the store Floyd | would be pointless. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Without the complete grocery list, going all the way to the store Floyd | would be pointless. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Apparently the store is both east and west." | |
DavidW says, "Maybe we can find the words to the list elsewhere." | ||
genericgeekgirl asks, "So, what? We go tell our wife that we're an idiot?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a grocery list Floyd | a newspaper Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x newspaper" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X NEWSPAPER Floyd | Floyd | Government announcements... tensions rising in the Middle East... a Floyd | Pope's visit... border incidents... nothing really strikes you as Floyd | urgently readable. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Our wife is used to it" | |
DavidW says, "'I am sorry, dear wife, but we failed you. Again.'" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Head drawn-in, you enter the house again. Margaret, already in her Floyd | evening dress now and her hair straightened, stands in front of you Floyd | and shoots you a look of reproach, even before you can confess that Floyd | you could not get the errands done. She points at the clock: "Last Floyd | minute again! Where did you fool about this time?" It is actually Floyd | almost six o'clock. Before you can arrange your thoughts, the door Floyd | bell is already ringing. Since you're not moving a muscle, Margaret Floyd | steps right past you with a derogatory sound from her throat, opens Floyd | the door and welcomes Robert and Dorothy. You recover, take their Floyd | coats and you all sit down. As assigned in advance, you take a seat Floyd | left of Margaret. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x robert" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X ROBERT Floyd | Floyd | Your neighbor Robert is about your own age. He wears a sports jacket Floyd | which looks custom-made. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "whoa, time moved." | |
Zach says, "Time flies when you're losing your mind" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x dorothy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X DOROTHY Floyd | Floyd | Dorothy looks over to Robert from time to time. Her smile looks as if Floyd | it's engraved in her face. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask robert about candy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK ROBERT ABOUT CANDY Floyd | Floyd | You just don't manage to find the right moment: Every time you want to Floyd | raise your voice, somebody else has already started talking so that it Floyd | would be impolite to interrupt. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Hope we don't un-stick during the party." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > EAT Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to eat? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat robert" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > EAT ROBERT Floyd | Floyd | (first taking Robert) Floyd | I don't suppose Robert would care for that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room (on the couch) Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | Margaret, Robert and Dorothy are sitting around your table. They are Floyd | more or less absorbed in small talk. Floyd | Floyd | On the living room table is a newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | This table has only recently been bought by Margaret and it sports a Floyd | small glass surface in the center. Not particularly practical, but it Floyd | certainly looks good. Floyd | Floyd | On the right side of the table, a telephone, a radio and an ashtray Floyd | are standing right beside each other. Next to that is a newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "smoke" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SMOKE Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "kitchen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > KITCHEN Floyd | Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "If we're not supposed to talk, what does that leave? Did we look at Dorothy yet?" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask margaret about candy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK MARGARET ABOUT CANDY Floyd | Floyd | Margaret is much too busy talking to the neighbors. You have no choice Floyd | but to listen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | Dorothy is proudly telling how, apart from doing her regular Floyd | housework, she has begun tailoring, for which her husband has even Floyd | equipped a dedicated room. Robert smugly smiles. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | Robert is telling a joke. Dorothy laughs a little too loudly and Floyd | shrilly for your taste. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | Dorothy hands a couple of photos of her distant relatives around. Not Floyd | that you know any of them. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | Swelling with pride, Robert tells about the "executive position" which Floyd | he holds at work. Margaret looks at him just a little too Floyd | admiringly for your taste. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | Robert and Dorothy are occupied with their usual banter. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask margaret about list" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK MARGARET ABOUT LIST Floyd | Floyd | Margaret is much too busy talking to the neighbors. You have no choice Floyd | but to listen. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "or maybe 'listen' is what we do?" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | Robert lets fall that he is allegedly personally acquainted with a Floyd | second-rate pop singer. Blowhard. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "read paper" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > READ PAPER Floyd | Floyd | (the grocery list) Floyd | It's a long list of things which you have bought for the evening Floyd | party. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach exclaims, "!" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Woo." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "read newspaper" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > READ NEWSPAPER Floyd | Floyd | There couldn't possibly be a more ill-mannered display of disrespect Floyd | for your guests than opening the paper right now. For Margaret's sake, Floyd | you let it be. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a newspaper Floyd | a grocery list Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | You only notice the wish-wash at intervals. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask margaret about divorce" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK MARGARET ABOUT DIVORCE Floyd | Floyd | Margaret is much too busy talking to the neighbors. You have no choice Floyd | but to listen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "rage" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > RAGE Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You prefer the soft mattress of your bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sream" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SREAM Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | She is fully absorbed in a conversation with the neighbors. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "scream" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SCREAM Floyd | Floyd | You can't think of any topic of conversation which would interest the Floyd | others. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "cry" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > CRY Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x jacket" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a listening sort of silence.
| ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "kitchen" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X JACKET Floyd | Floyd | The sports coat is brand new and it certainly wasn't ready-made. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > KITCHEN Floyd | Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "take off jacket" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE OFF JACKET Floyd | Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "turn on radio" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TURN ON RADIO Floyd | Floyd | The barest glance in the direction of the radio is enough for you to Floyd | feel Margaret's reproving look burning into your neck. You let it be. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You prefer the soft mattress of your bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kiss margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > KISS MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | Margaret has hammered into you not to try something like this in front Floyd | of the neighbors. But why? You are married, after all, and Dorothy is Floyd | affectionately caressing Robert's shoulder at this very moment. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "iss dorothy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ISS DOROTHY Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kiss dorothy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > KISS DOROTHY Floyd | Floyd | If you did that, the only remaining option would be moving to another Floyd | town. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kiss robert" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > KISS ROBERT Floyd | Floyd | You remember a sketch on a TV show: A man saw a long-haired person Floyd | from behind, sitting on a pier. He came closer, smiling, but then Floyd | recognized it was actually a man. Whatever next! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "read list" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > READ LIST Floyd | Floyd | It's a long list of things which you have bought for the evening Floyd | party. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "hug robert" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > HUG ROBERT Floyd | Floyd | You remember a sketch on a TV show: A man saw a long-haired person Floyd | from behind, sitting on a pier. He came closer, smiling, but then Floyd | recognized it was actually a man. Whatever next! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room (on the couch) Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | Margaret, Robert and Dorothy are sitting around your table. They are Floyd | more or less absorbed in small talk. Floyd | Floyd | On the living room table are some photographs. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "photographs?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Hm." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x photographs" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X PHOTOGRAPHS Floyd | Floyd | In the photo, you see smiling people (completely unknown to you) Floyd | standing in front of buildings. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x people" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X PEOPLE Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x buildings" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X BUILDINGS Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take photographs" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS Floyd | Floyd | Touching someone else's photos would be quite rude. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ask about photographs" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHS Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask robert about photographs" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK ROBERT ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHS Floyd | Floyd | You just don't manage to find the right moment: Every time you want to Floyd | raise your voice, somebody else has already started talking so that it Floyd | would be impolite to interrupt. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "show robert photographs" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SHOW ROBERT PHOTOGRAPHS Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the photographs) Floyd | Touching someone else's photos would be quite rude. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl | Dorothy hands a couple of photos of her distant relatives around. | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fart" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > FART Floyd | Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat photographs" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > EAT PHOTOGRAPHS Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the photographs) Floyd | Touching someone else's photos would be quite rude. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "flip table" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > FLIP TABLE Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | (the window) Floyd | It is a nice, big window which bathes the room in bright light right Floyd | around noon. The window-sill is decorated with small figures. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "peel the flesh from robert's face" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x figures" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X FIGURES Floyd | Floyd | Margaret has collected this ensemble with great care and patience over Floyd | many months. In spite of only a few coming from the same source (in Floyd | fact, they are even made from completely different materials like clay Floyd | or tin), Margaret managed to achieve a great harmonic homogeneity with Floyd | her remarkable eye for detail. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "take figure" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE FIGURE Floyd | Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "burp" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > BURP Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask dorothy about relatives" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK DOROTHY ABOUT RELATIVES Floyd | Floyd | You can't think of any topic of conversation which would interest the Floyd | others. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk about work" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK ABOUT WORK Floyd | Floyd | I didn't understand that sentence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "tell robert about work" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TELL ROBERT ABOUT WORK Floyd | Floyd | Robert does all the talking. You can't compete anyway. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "tell robert about meat" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TELL ROBERT ABOUT MEAT Floyd | Floyd | You can't think of any topic of conversation which would interest the Floyd | others. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "ask margaret about meat" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ASK MARGARET ABOUT MEAT Floyd | Floyd | Margaret is much too busy talking to the neighbors. You have no choice Floyd | but to listen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "show list to margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SHOW LIST TO MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | Margaret is much too busy talking to the neighbors. You have no choice Floyd | but to listen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SING Floyd | Floyd | A couple of months ago, you actually tried to discuss music on a Floyd | similar occasion. You're not doing it again. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "wait" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > WAIT Floyd | Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "oh dear, I'm lagging again." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "fuck margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > FUCK MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "There really ought to be more of a clue what's expected of us here." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "dream" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > DREAM Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x money" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X MONEY Floyd | Floyd | You have got just the right amount of money in your wallet. Not too Floyd | much, not too little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "give money to dorothy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > GIVE MONEY TO DOROTHY Floyd | Floyd | (first taking some money) Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Maybe we were supposed to keep the meat so we could slam it down on the table and say, "WTF Margaret?"" | |
DavidW says, "I don't think we get that option." | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x lamp" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X LAMP Floyd | Floyd | You would have preferred a ceiling lamp. Floyd | The floor lamp is currently switched on. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "turn off lamp" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TURN OFF LAMP Floyd | Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x sofa" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X SOFA Floyd | Floyd | Comfy. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "search sofa" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SEARCH SOFA Floyd | Floyd | Margaret's voice attracts your attention back to the company at hand: Floyd | "What do you think, honey?" Hectically, you turn your head to the Floyd | right; an endless three seconds pass for you to realize that you are Floyd | unexpectedly looking into Dorothy's face. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "yawn" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > YAWN Floyd | Floyd | You prefer the soft mattress of your bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x dorotgy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X DOROTGY Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "say yes" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SAY YES Floyd | Floyd | Whom do you want to say that to? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "x dorothy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X DOROTHY Floyd | Floyd | You look around and find all eyes on you. A slight dizziness overcomes Floyd | you and you fight it by focussing rightwards again. From there, Floyd | Margaret looks at you with rising anxiety. Too much time has passed Floyd | and you don't have the slightest clue what everybody was on about, so Floyd | you just blurt out something incoherent. The neighbors exchange a Floyd | telling, hardly disguised look. You fall silent again - this time, for Floyd | the rest of the evening. Floyd | Floyd | A little later, Dorothy and Robert take their leave. You get up only Floyd | mechanically to shake their hands, while Margaret fusses about and Floyd | follows them to the door. You think you hear her whispering something Floyd | to them. After the front door has closed again, your wife walks into Floyd | the bedroom without saying another word. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Welp." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room (on the couch) Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | You can see a newspaper here. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We have failed Margaret agin. Wheee." | |
Zach says, ">abandon all hope" | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "read newspaper" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > READ NEWSPAPER Floyd | Floyd | You get off the couch first. Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Government announcements... tensions rising in the Middle East... a Floyd | Pope's visit... border incidents... nothing really strikes you as Floyd | urgently readable. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the bed is Margaret. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "put on pajamas" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > PUT ON PAJAMAS Floyd | Floyd | You take off the corduroy suit and slip the pajamas on. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK TO MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | Margaret lies, her back turned towards you, in bed. You lean over a Floyd | bit and see that her eyes are closed. You decide not to disturb her. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "fuck margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > FUCK MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | This isn't the way mother brought you up! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | Exhausted by today's exertions, sleep overcomes you almost Floyd | immediately. Floyd | Floyd | Press any key to continue | Zach says, "Ha" | |
Zach pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd ] Darkness Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | After waking from a dreamless night, you feel very refreshed. Floyd | Yesterday's events now seem strangely unreal. As you open your eyes, Floyd | the room is still pitch dark. Beside you, you hear the soothingly Floyd | steady breathing of your wife. You feel towards the usual direction Floyd | and recognize the light switch. Floyd | Floyd | Darkness Floyd | It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I suppose we can put on our pajamas, sleep, and a llama will make us a deliicous breakfast." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "turn on light" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TURN ON LIGHT Floyd | Floyd | The light illuminates the room, but what unfolds in front of you isn't Floyd | what you expected. Something is wrong, but drowsy as you are, you Floyd | can't quite pin it down yet. Slowly, it dawns on you: this isn't Floyd | your bedroom! Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | The more you focus, even if you can't believe it, it becomes clearer Floyd | to you that this isn't your bedroom. Margaret lies on the double bed, Floyd | sleeping. Next to the bed, on the other side from her, there is the Floyd | lamp you switched on. On the opposite wall, there's a wardrobe and a Floyd | trouser press. Two doors, one to the south and one to the east, lead Floyd | out of the room. Floyd | Floyd | On the trouser press is a sports coat. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach asks, "Wait, our mother brought us up to not have sex with our wife?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "That's why we don't have kids yet." | ||
DavidW asks, "Is the calendar gone?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x calendar" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CALENDAR Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Yes." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x coat" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X COAT Floyd | Floyd | The sports coat is brand new and it certainly wasn't ready-made. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | You hear your wife's light breathing behind you, and turn over to be Floyd | soothed by the sight of her features which are especially lovely in Floyd | her sleep. You freeze - lying next to you, still in deep slumber, is Floyd | Dorothy, your neighbor! You realize that this must be Floyd | her bedroom. Not only are you two lying in bed together, but Floyd | as you also only just notice, you are naked! How on earth did you get Floyd | yourself into this embarrassing situation? You jump up; it's obvious Floyd | that you should take off as quickly as possible and, even more Floyd | importantly, unnoticed, before her husband returns! Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You're currently not in the mood to examine the room in more detail. Floyd | The large double bed, on which Dorothy is lying, is immediately Floyd | visible, of course. She is still asleep. Next to the bed, on your Floyd | side, there is a lamp. On the opposite wall are a wardrobe and a Floyd | trouser press. Two doors, one to the south and one to the east, lead Floyd | into other rooms. Assuming a similar layout compared to your own Floyd | house, one of these should lead to the living room. Floyd | On the trouser press is a sports coat. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "YIkes." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take dorothy" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE DOROTHY Floyd | Floyd | A thousand thoughts are running through your head, but you can't put Floyd | them in order yet. You wouldn't know what to say to Dorothy. So you Floyd | better don't wake her. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Rather." | |
DavidW asks, "What if we're Robert?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | You are naked and, making things even worse, in a strange house! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I guess we'd better find a mirror." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take wallet" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE WALLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We need to find a mirror" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear coat" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR COAT Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the sports coat) Floyd | Hastily, you slip into the sports coat. It's slightly too large for Floyd | you, but still better than nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x press" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X PRESS Floyd | Floyd | The stand is made of brightly colored wood. Floyd | There is nothing on the trouser press. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | (opening the connecting door) Floyd | Floyd | Tailoring Room Floyd | So this is the legendary room which Dorothy uses for her hobby: Floyd | tailoring. Appropriately, it's furnished with a chest of drawers and a Floyd | dress form. One exit leads into the living room, the other door into Floyd | the bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | On the dress form is a colorful costume. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Sorry, was curious." | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "press trousers" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > PRESS TROUSERS Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "No pants. Just a jacket :D" | |
Zach says (to Floyd), "press jacket" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > PRESS JACKET Floyd | Floyd | Nothing obvious happens. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe the costume will fit us." | |
DavidW says, "Open wardrobe." | ||
Zach exclaims, "It better!" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open wardrobe" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN WARDROBE Floyd | Floyd | You open the wardrobe, revealing a formal suit. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take suit" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE SUIT Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear suit" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR SUIT Floyd | Floyd | The suit isn't less comfortable than your own; you can't feel any Floyd | major difference. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a formal suit (being worn) Floyd | a sports coat Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "East?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf16" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | (opening the connecting door) Floyd | Floyd | Tailoring Room Floyd | So this is the legendary room which Dorothy uses for her hobby: Floyd | tailoring. Appropriately, it's furnished with a chest of drawers and a Floyd | dress form. One exit leads into the living room, the other door into Floyd | the bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | On the dress form is a colorful costume. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Explore the house, sure." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x costume" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X COSTUME Floyd | Floyd | It's a set of male clothing in patchwork style. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear costume" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR COSTUME Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the colorful costume) Floyd | With some effort, you manage to squeeze into the costume. Floyd | All of a sudden, Dorothy is standing behind you. Expecting the worst, Floyd | you spin around on the spot. What happens is the only thing you didn't Floyd | expect: she smiles at you warmly. "I have watched you for some time Floyd | now. Until today, I always assumed you only showed interest in my Floyd | tailoring to make me happy. Given the number of things you tried on Floyd | this morning, you must really like it." She is aglow with happiness Floyd | now. You're still at a loss for words. She hands you another jacket: Floyd | "Here, why don't you try this one? If it doesn't fit, I'll alter it Floyd | with the sewing machine." Instinctively, you grab the jacket. "Or if Floyd | you don't like it, I'll make something entirely different," she adds. Floyd | Now, you're smiling as well - inwardly and outwardly. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Colorful (6/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Tailoring Room Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Neat." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open drawers" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN DRAWERS Floyd | Floyd | You open the chest of drawers, revealing a blanket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | A brown-ish, man-sized piece of wool. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "man-sized." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x form" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X FORM Floyd | Floyd | It's a lifeless male torso, which is noticeably smaller than yours. Floyd | On the dress form is a colorful costume. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living room" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING ROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bathroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BATHROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | This bathroom is furnished in a similar fashion to yours, but with a Floyd | bath instead of a shower. A large window occupies the space which Floyd | would otherwise be taken up by the shower. The exit leads back into Floyd | the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "lok in mirror" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LOK IN MIRROR Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "look in mirror" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LOOK IN MIRROR Floyd | Floyd | Your reflection is very blurry, although there's no dirt on the Floyd | surface. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "use bath" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > USE BATH Floyd | Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Perhaps wearing the blanket is another option other than clothes." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take bath" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BATH Floyd | Floyd | That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | You throw the blanket over your shoulders and tie a knot in the front. Floyd | All of a sudden, Dorothy is standing behind you. Expecting the worst, Floyd | you spin around on the spot. What happens is the only thing you didn't Floyd | expect: she smiles at you warmly. "I have watched you for some time Floyd | now. Until today, I always assumed you only showed interest in my Floyd | tailoring to make me happy. Given the number of things you tried on Floyd | this morning, you must really like it." She is aglow with happiness Floyd | now. You're still at a loss for words. She hands you another jacket: Floyd | "Here, why don't you try this one? If it doesn't fit, I'll alter it Floyd | with the sewing machine." Instinctively, you grab the jacket. "Or if Floyd | you don't like it, I'll make something entirely different," she adds. Floyd | Now, you're smiling as well - inwardly and outwardly. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Colorful (6/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Same ending." | |
DavidW says, "hm, but we were already wearing something." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undress" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDRESS Floyd | Floyd | (yourself) Floyd | You take off the formal suit. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | You throw the blanket over your shoulders and tie a knot in the front. Floyd | All of a sudden, Dorothy is standing behind you. Expecting the worst, Floyd | you spin around on the spot. What happens is the only thing you didn't Floyd | expect: she smiles at you warmly. "I have watched you for some time Floyd | now. Until today, I always assumed you only showed interest in my Floyd | tailoring to make me happy. Given the number of things you tried on Floyd | this morning, you must really like it." She is aglow with happiness Floyd | now. You're still at a loss for words. She hands you another jacket: Floyd | "Here, why don't you try this one? If it doesn't fit, I'll alter it Floyd | with the sewing machine." Instinctively, you grab the jacket. "Or if Floyd | you don't like it, I'll make something entirely different," she adds. Floyd | Now, you're smiling as well - inwardly and outwardly. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Colorful (6/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Nope." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear suit" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR SUIT Floyd | Floyd | The suit isn't less comfortable than your own; you can't feel any Floyd | major difference. Floyd | All of a sudden, Dorothy is standing behind you. Expecting the worst, Floyd | you spin around on the spot. What happens is the only thing you didn't Floyd | expect: she smiles at you warmly. "I have watched you for some time Floyd | now. Until today, I always assumed you only showed interest in my Floyd | tailoring to make me happy. Given the number of things you tried on Floyd | this morning, you must really like it." She is aglow with happiness Floyd | now. You're still at a loss for words. She hands you another jacket: Floyd | "Here, why don't you try this one? If it doesn't fit, I'll alter it Floyd | with the sewing machine." Instinctively, you grab the jacket. "Or if Floyd | you don't like it, I'll make something entirely different," she adds. Floyd | Now, you're smiling as well - inwardly and outwardly. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Colorful (6/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "DAMNIT." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I'm just gonna be naked." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Or restore." | ||
DavidW says, "It's not how much we're wearing but counting how many times we put something on in this time period, I think." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > RESTORE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf16" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning)
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | (opening the connecting door) Floyd | Floyd | Tailoring Room Floyd | So this is the legendary room which Dorothy uses for her hobby: Floyd | tailoring. Appropriately, it's furnished with a chest of drawers and a Floyd | dress form. One exit leads into the living room, the other door into Floyd | the bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | On the dress form is a colorful costume. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open drawers" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN DRAWERS Floyd | Floyd | You open the chest of drawers, revealing a blanket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the blanket) Floyd | You throw the blanket over your shoulders and tie a knot in the front. Floyd | All of a sudden, Dorothy is standing behind you. Expecting the worst, Floyd | you spin around on the spot. What happens is the only thing you didn't Floyd | expect: she smiles at you warmly. "I have watched you for some time Floyd | now. Until today, I always assumed you only showed interest in my Floyd | tailoring to make me happy. Given the number of things you tried on Floyd | this morning, you must really like it." She is aglow with happiness Floyd | now. You're still at a loss for words. She hands you another jacket: Floyd | "Here, why don't you try this one? If it doesn't fit, I'll alter it Floyd | with the sewing machine." Instinctively, you grab the jacket. "Or if Floyd | you don't like it, I'll make something entirely different," she adds. Floyd | Now, you're smiling as well - inwardly and outwardly. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Colorful (6/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah, too late." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Tailoring Room Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "The last save probably wasn't recent enough to try that." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning)
Floyd |
Floyd | > LIVING
| DavidW says, "hmph" | |
Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "Can we leave the house nekkid?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kitchen" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > KITCHEN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | You're not too familiar with kitchen utensils, so you direct your Floyd | attention towards the exits instead: one door leads into the living Floyd | room, the back door out into the garden. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "We're wearing the suit, I guess." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a formal suit (being worn) Floyd | a sports coat Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "and climb the fence?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open back door" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN BACK DOOR Floyd | Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach asks, "Not familiar with kitchen utensils?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "unlock back door" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNLOCK BACK DOOR Floyd | Floyd | (with the keys) Floyd | You unlock the back door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Sunday (Morning)
Floyd |
Floyd | > OUT
| genericgeekgirl asks, "Why do our keys work in their door? Or is this Robert's wallet?" | |
Floyd | Floyd | (opening the back door) Floyd | After making sure that nobody is in any of the adjacent gardens to see Floyd | you, you slip out of the door into the garden unnoticed. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Garden Floyd | The lawn has been cut perfectly. The back door leads back into the Floyd | neighbors' house. West, a fence separates this property from yours. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x money" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X MONEY Floyd | Floyd | You have got just the right amount of money in your wallet. Not too Floyd | much, not too little. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "dlimb fence" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DLIMB FENCE Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "climb fence" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Sunday (Morning)
Floyd |
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb fence" | ||
Floyd | Floyd | This fine suit isn't made for climbing adventures. You would damage Floyd | the blanket. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd ] Garden Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > CLIMB FENCE Floyd | Floyd | This fine suit isn't made for climbing adventures. You would damage Floyd | the blanket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "drop blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DROP BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "remove suit" | ||
Floyd ] Garden Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > REMOVE SUIT Floyd | Floyd | You're certainly not about to undress in public! Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I don't even have the blanket." | |
DavidW says, "I think it's Robert's wallet, yes." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I guess we can go around the front." | ||
Zach says, "ha ha, our fine blanket suit" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "And.. be locked out of our house? Hm." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I bet Robert is banging our wife." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | You're not too familiar with kitchen utensils, so you direct your Floyd | attention towards the exits instead: one door leads into the living Floyd | room, the back door out into the garden. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says (to ggg), "possibly, yes. Or Harold is. Or both." | |
Zach says, "Fine by me" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | You can't, since the front door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "unlock door" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNLOCK DOOR Floyd | Floyd | (with the keys) Floyd | You unlock the front door. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | (opening the front door) Floyd | In your dark suit, you shouldn't draw any attention. You wait for the Floyd | right moment when there is nobody in sight on the street. Unseen, you Floyd | slip out of the door onto the street. Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | The bus going to work is already waiting for you on the side of the Floyd | street. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Um." | |
DavidW says, "This is a bizarre game." | ||
Zach exclaims, "But, but, we don't have a lunch!" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I'm not going to work on a Sunday, thanks." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf17" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I am, however, deeply curious." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter bus" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > ENTER BUS Floyd | Floyd | Automatically and without thinking, you get on the bus and exchange Floyd | the usual greetings with its well-known passengers. Finally, you Floyd | arrive at the office. Since it's Friday, you're already looking Floyd | forward to the coming weekend. If only there weren't this awful smell, Floyd | reaching your nose from the brown bag which is supposed to contain Floyd | your lunch... Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Gray (2/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | Zach says, "It's Friday" | |
DavidW asks, "How did it become Friday again?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | You can't, since the front door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open door" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN DOOR Floyd | Floyd | It seems to be locked. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "unlock door" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNLOCK DOOR Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to unlock the front door with? Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "aaah" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ring door bell" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > RING DOOR BELL Floyd | Floyd | You wrestle with yourself, but you can't bring yourself to ring your Floyd | own doorbell. You just wouldn't know how to explain the situation to Floyd | Margaret. After all, you can't even make sense of it yourself! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "unlock door with key" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning)
Floyd |
| DavidW says, "ha" | |
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the keys)
Floyd | None of your keys will fit the lock anymore!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| Zach asks, "Try the park?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You can't, since the front door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Friday (Morning) | DavidW says, "Such a nebbish." | |
Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You decide to leave bus and job be and just take a day off. You settle Floyd | down on one of the benches, close your eyes and savor the silence. Floyd | Fresh air enters your nose and you inhale deeply. In a great mood, you Floyd | return home in the evening. Dorothy awaits you on the doorstep. Of Floyd | course, your boss called when you didn't show up at the office. Floyd | Dorothy's mood lies somewhere between relief that nothing serious has Floyd | happened, and then deep shock and total lack of comprehension when you Floyd | tell her why you chose to spend the day like this. Maybe she didn't Floyd | know you as well as she thought, after all. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Anarchy in Suburbia (1/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | a formal suit (being worn) Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "We had the anarchy ending already." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | The bus going to work is already waiting for you on the side of the Floyd | street. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | That way's nowheresville right now. More action to the west or south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | That way's nowheresville right now. More action to the east or south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | That way's nowheresville right now. More action to the east or south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | a formal suit (being worn) Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Friday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | The bus going to work is already waiting for you on the side of the Floyd | street. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Taking a stealthy look over your shoulder, you slip back into the Floyd | neighbors' house. Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a sports coat here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "remove suit" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > REMOVE SUIT Floyd | Floyd | You take off the formal suit. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Ah, maybe we can climb the fence - yeah" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "kitchen" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > KITCHEN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Kitchen Floyd | You're not too familiar with kitchen utensils, so you direct your Floyd | attention towards the exits instead: one door leads into the living Floyd | room, the back door out into the garden. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Kitchen Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Even if the garden isn't quite a public place, you're not about to run Floyd | around naked outside! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a sports coat here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear coat" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR COAT Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the sports coat) Floyd | Hastily, you slip into the sports coat. It's slightly too large for Floyd | you, but still better than nothing. Floyd | All of a sudden, Dorothy is standing behind you. Expecting the worst, Floyd | you spin around on the spot. What happens is the only thing you didn't Floyd | expect: she smiles at you warmly. "I have watched you for some time Floyd | now. Until today, I always assumed you only showed interest in my Floyd | tailoring to make me happy. Given the number of things you tried on Floyd | this morning, you must really like it." She is aglow with happiness Floyd | now. You're still at a loss for words. She hands you another jacket: Floyd | "Here, why don't you try this one? If it doesn't fit, I'll alter it Floyd | with the sewing machine." Instinctively, you grab the jacket. "Or if Floyd | you don't like it, I'll make something entirely different," she adds. Floyd | Now, you're smiling as well - inwardly and outwardly. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Colorful (6/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "GRRRRR." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach asks, "In the garden, I guess?" | |
DavidW says, "I imagine another option is staying in bed with Dorothy and sexytimes." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "We couldn't undress in the garden, and we can't go to the garden undressed, and argh." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You're currently not in the mood to examine the room in more detail. Floyd | The large double bed, on which Dorothy is lying, is immediately Floyd | visible, of course. She is still asleep. Next to the bed, on your Floyd | side, there is a lamp. On the opposite wall are a wardrobe and a Floyd | trouser press. Two doors, one to the south and one to the east, lead Floyd | into other rooms. Assuming a similar layout compared to your own Floyd | house, one of these should lead to the living room. Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You simply can't sleep unless you are in a bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "get in bed" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GET IN BED Floyd | Floyd | You get onto the bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | The mental and physical strain of the last days have simply been too Floyd | much for you. You can't take it any longer. In spite of the strange Floyd | surroundings and simply ignoring the stranger lying next to you, you Floyd | give in to the lure of sleep. When you wake again - you can't estimate Floyd | how much time has passed - you find yourself in your own bed again. Floyd | Floyd | Press any key to continue | genericgeekgirl says, "Oh." | |
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | White Room (on the bed) Floyd | All around you, there is white. Your senses fail to comprehend whether Floyd | what you see are physical objects like walls or just intangible Floyd | infinity. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You have nothing with you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "stand" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > STAND Floyd | Floyd | Carefully, you let your feet feel for the floor, but you don't find Floyd | any. To be safe, you stay in bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "ooo. ?? for time." | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You have nothing with you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | You hear nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "dream" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > DREAM Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | It isn't time to sleep yet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bed" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > X BED Floyd | Floyd | It is your comfortable bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "yell" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > YELL Floyd | Floyd | "Yeeagh!" Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "sing" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > SING Floyd | Floyd | You sing, but you hear nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fly" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > FLY Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | It isn't time to sleep yet. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | You look down at your body and see Nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x nothing" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > X NOTHING Floyd | Floyd | Nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "wait, we aren't even there either?" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "drop nothing" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > DROP NOTHING Floyd | Floyd | You need nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "pray" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > PRAY Floyd | Floyd | Your anger disappears. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "open nothing" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN NOTHING Floyd | Floyd | You need nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
Zach says (to Floyd), "pray" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > PRAY Floyd | Floyd | Your anger disappears. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "be angry" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > BE ANGRY Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "curse" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > CURSE Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "swear" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > SWEAR Floyd | Floyd | Your anger disappears. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "blashpheme" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > BLASHPHEME Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "fuck" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > FUCK Floyd | Floyd | Your anger disappears. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Yay" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "take all" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE ALL Floyd | Floyd | There are none at all available! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "do nothing" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > DO NOTHING Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "throw nothing" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > THROW NOTHING Floyd | Floyd | You need nothing. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach asks, "Do we??" | |
DavidW says (to Floyd), "eat nothing" | ||
Floyd ] White Room ?? Floyd | Floyd | > EAT NOTHING Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the nothing) Floyd | You take nothing. Now you've got everything you'll ever need. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** White (7/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Man." | |
DavidW says, "This game makes no sense to me at all." | ||
inky has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | DavidW says, "I can't think of any explanation for all of this to happen." | |
Zach says, "Shh, inky is the real author" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Haha." | ||
Zach says, "Hmm, I wonder what the 8th ending could be." | ||
DavidW says, "We saw most, but not all, of the endings, I think." | ||
DavidW says, "If there's a gray ending and a white ending, I bet there's a black ending too." | ||
DavidW asks, "oh, only half?" | ||
DavidW says, "I'm still fine with that for now." | ||
DavidW asks, "But honestly, we ate cotton candy made from a cloud and the tree branch. Was the PC entirely delusional or stuck in a illusionary matrix or what?" | ||
DavidW says, "Incidentally, if we stay home from work on Friday, we have a dream sequence with Margaret and your boss, and we're smaller than the table." | ||
Zach says, "Hmm, I think our mind is trying to deal with having a crappy life" | ||
DavidW says, "And after we wake up and tell Margaret about the dream, she still takes offense as when we asked her about the lunch." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Listening to German podcast from the original game." | ||
Zach says, "Huh" | ||
Zach asks, "About the game, or it's a feelie?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > RESTORE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read: | Zach says, "Err, listeny" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf16" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning)
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | This bathroom is furnished in a similar fashion to yours, but with a Floyd | bath instead of a shower. A large window occupies the space which Floyd | would otherwise be taken up by the shower. The exit leads back into Floyd | the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "tailor" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAILOR Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Tailoring Room Floyd | So this is the legendary room which Dorothy uses for her hobby: Floyd | tailoring. Appropriately, it's furnished with a chest of drawers and a Floyd | dress form. One exit leads into the living room, the other door into Floyd | the bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | On the dress form is a colorful costume. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sw" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SW Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing unexpected in that direction. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You're currently not in the mood to examine the room in more detail. Floyd | The large double bed, on which Dorothy is lying, is immediately Floyd | visible, of course. She is still asleep. Next to the bed, on your Floyd | side, there is a lamp. On the opposite wall are a wardrobe and a Floyd | trouser press. Two doors, one to the south and one to the east, lead Floyd | into other rooms. Assuming a similar layout compared to your own Floyd | house, one of these should lead to the living room. Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl asks, "What?" | |
DavidW asks, "Why is there a large window in the bathroom?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bathroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BATHROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | This bathroom is furnished in a similar fashion to yours, but with a Floyd | bath instead of a shower. A large window occupies the space which Floyd | would otherwise be taken up by the shower. The exit leads back into Floyd | the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I MISSED THAT." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | The window is quite large for a bathroom. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open window" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | You open the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "go through window" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GO THROUGH WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | You could certainly safely get through the window behind the hedge, Floyd | but what then? As soon as you were out of there, everybody would see Floyd | and recognize you, because your clothes don't cover your face! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cover face" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > COVER FACE Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I bet this is what I need the blanket for, but it won't let me." | |
Zach says, "Hmm" | ||
DavidW asks, "face cream? Mask?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open cabinet" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN CABINET Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | This bathroom is furnished in a similar fashion to yours, but with a Floyd | bath instead of a shower. A large window occupies the space which Floyd | would otherwise be taken up by the shower. The exit leads back into Floyd | the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a formal suit (being worn) Floyd | a sports coat Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cover head with coat" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > COVER HEAD WITH COAT Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Or the costume. But I can't wear that either at this point." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf18" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > RESTORE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf14" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning)
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | You can't, since the front door is in the way. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "I don't know who's going to see us. This neighbourhood is rather empty half the time." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the flowerbed) Floyd | This section of the park is the farthest from your house. Paths lead Floyd | in northern and western directions. At the end of the park is a large Floyd | flowerbed, in front of which an ice cream cart has been set up, much Floyd | to the kids' delight. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "buy ice cream" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BUY ICE CREAM Floyd | Floyd | You step into the queue in front of the ice cream cart. Near the front Floyd | of the line, a head is visible above all of the children. It belongs Floyd | to a man wearing a dark rain coat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to harold" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK TO HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x man" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X MAN Floyd | Floyd | You take a closer look at the man in the raincoat. Even though you Floyd | only have an angled view of his back, you can't help but think that Floyd | this must be your coworker Harold. He lives on the other side of town, Floyd | and to your knowledge he has neither relatives nor friends around Floyd | here. What business could he possibly have here? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to harold" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK TO HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | As you try approaching him, Harold steps out of the queue and briskly Floyd | walks away in a westerly direction. You follow him with your eyes. Floyd | When you turn around again, the ice cream cart has disappeared! In its Floyd | place, a sheet of paper lies on the ground. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take paper" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE PAPER Floyd | Floyd | As you pick up the sheet, you hear the children's unanimous Floyd | disappointment. You feel the same thing: Your craving for sweets gets Floyd | stronger and stronger! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | You spot Harold climbing up the tree. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UP Floyd | Floyd | Determined to unravel the mystery of Harold's behavior, you also pull Floyd | yourself up the tree. Without thinking about it, you effortlessly move Floyd | across fairly thin branches until you get close to Harold. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to harold" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK TO HAROLD Floyd | Floyd | Harold has reached the highest possible point in the tree. He reaches Floyd | towards the sky, where some clouds have gathered, as if he wants to Floyd | grasp something. Floyd | Floyd | Finally, you get close enough to attract his attention. Though when Floyd | this presumed Harold turns around on hearing your call, you realize Floyd | that you were mistaken. It isn't Harold, but a little boy. His smooth Floyd | facial features could resemble what Harold might have looked like when Floyd | he was about eight, but his build is completely different, of course. Floyd | Floyd | While you remain frozen, dumbfounded, the boy, who seems to think you Floyd | caught him doing something forbidden, jumps down to the ground and Floyd | runs away. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take branch" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BRANCH Floyd | Floyd | You break off the small branch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x cloud" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X CLOUD Floyd | Floyd | You look up. It seems as if one of the clouds is almost within reach Floyd | of your arm. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "get cloud with stick" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GET CLOUD WITH STICK Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a stick Floyd | a sheet Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "touch cloud with stick" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TOUCH CLOUD WITH STICK Floyd | Floyd | The small stick in hand, you reach towards the cloud and push it Floyd | inside. You feel some tangible resistence. Quickly, you pull your hand Floyd | back, holding some cotton candy. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "eat candy" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > EAT CANDY Floyd | Floyd | Joyously, you eat the cotton candy. The wooden stick in the middle was Floyd | the most delicious part! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "down" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DOWN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | You are suddenly hit with severe stomach cramps. You bend forward, Floyd | hardly able to keep your balance. Even your mother had always told you Floyd | not to stuff sweets into yourself so quickly! Floyd | You get off the massive tree. Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "dit" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > DIT Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to sit on top of? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit on bench" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT ON BENCH Floyd | Floyd | You put your body into the most comfortable position possible on the Floyd | bench and close your eyes. The cramps disappear. When you open your Floyd | eyes again, you see the sun has reached its highest point. Could the Floyd | time really have passed this quickly? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "ring bell" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > RING BELL Floyd | Floyd | You press the button and hear the doorbell, followed by approaching Floyd | steps. Dorothy opens the door with a broad smile. Since she has Floyd | probably discussed it ten times with Margaret already, she knows the Floyd | reason for your visit. Still, she plays along, and when you extend the Floyd | invitation for tonight, she acts surprised. You exchange some more Floyd | pleasantries and then say your goodbyes until tonight. Well, one duty Floyd | performed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | That way's nowheresville right now. More action to the west or south. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Margaret wants the house to look Floyd | its best and so, even several hours before the guests should arrive, Floyd | she is already bustling about. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "talk to margaret" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK TO MARGARET Floyd | Floyd | Before you can even say anything to Margaret, she takes the Floyd | initiative: "Ah, honey, good that you're here. I still need a couple Floyd | of things, can you quickly run off and buy them? You have got the list Floyd | already, don't you?" With that, she turns her attention back away from Floyd | you. What list? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You are well acquainted with the neighbors Floyd | living here. Left of their house, there is your own home. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Without the complete grocery list, going all the way to the store Floyd | would be pointless. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paper" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > X PAPER Floyd | Floyd | To your surprise, the former ice cream stand sheet has turned into a Floyd | very, very long grocery list. It is so long that you don't really know Floyd | how to obtain all of this in such a short time. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | Nervous as you are, the shopping list slips out of your hand and falls Floyd | to the ground. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take list" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of the neighbors' house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE LIST Floyd | Floyd | You pick up the shopping list again. Immediately, you notice that all Floyd | the writing on it has disappeared. Of course, you haven't the faintest Floyd | recollection of anything that was on the list - it would be completely Floyd | useless to even go to the store now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Street (in front of your house) Saturday (Noon) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Street (in front of your house) Floyd | The street is running in an east-west direction. The only buildings Floyd | are on the northern side. You stand in front of your door. You are Floyd | well acquainted with the neighbors on the right side. On the other Floyd | side of the street, there is a park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "in" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > IN Floyd | Floyd | Head drawn-in, you enter the house again. Margaret, already in her Floyd | evening dress now and her hair straightened, stands in front of you Floyd | and shoots you a look of reproach, even before you can confess that Floyd | you could not get the errands done. She points at the clock: "Last Floyd | minute again! Where did you fool about this time?" It is actually Floyd | almost six o'clock. Before you can arrange your thoughts, the door Floyd | bell is already ringing. Since you're not moving a muscle, Margaret Floyd | steps right past you with a derogatory sound from her throat, opens Floyd | the door and welcomes Robert and Dorothy. You recover, take their Floyd | coats and you all sit down. As assigned in advance, you take a seat Floyd | left of Margaret. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search sofa" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SEARCH SOFA Floyd | Floyd | There is nothing on the couch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | Dorothy is proudly telling how, apart from doing her regular Floyd | housework, she has begun tailoring, for which her husband has even Floyd | equipped a dedicated room. Robert smugly smiles. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | Robert is telling a joke. Dorothy laughs a little too loudly and Floyd | shrilly for your taste. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd | > G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G
Floyd |
Floyd | Dorothy hands a couple of photos of her distant relatives around. Not
Floyd | that you know any of them.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "g.g.g.g.g.g" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > G.G.G.G.G.G Floyd | Floyd | Swelling with pride, Robert tells about the "executive position" which Floyd | he holds at work. Margaret looks at him just a little too Floyd | admiringly for your taste. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "g.g.g.g" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd | > G.G.G.G
Floyd |
Floyd | Robert and Dorothy are occupied with their usual banter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search sofa" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SEARCH SOFA Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Peripherally, you perceive the others' voices. Floyd | There is nothing on the couch. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd |
Floyd | The noise of their voices swirls around you with ever-increasing
Floyd | volume..
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | Robert lets fall that he is allegedly personally acquainted with a Floyd | second-rate pop singer. Blowhard. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen.g.g.g.g.g.g.g" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd | > LISTEN.G.G.G.G.G.G.G
Floyd |
Floyd | You only notice the wish-wash at intervals.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "stand" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > STAND Floyd | Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "There doesn't seem to be a fast way throught this section." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "search sofa" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SEARCH SOFA Floyd | Floyd | There is nothing on the couch. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah I dunno." | |
genericgeekgirl asks, "I guess nothing triggered it?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I was hopeful, though." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x table" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X TABLE Floyd | Floyd | This table has only recently been bought by Margaret and it sports a Floyd | small glass surface in the center. Not particularly practical, but it Floyd | certainly looks good. Floyd | Floyd | On the right side of the table, a telephone, a radio and an ashtray Floyd | are standing right beside each other. Next to that are some Floyd | photographs and a newspaper. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x ashtray" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X ASHTRAY Floyd | Floyd | A flawlessly clean ashtray. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x photographs" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X PHOTOGRAPHS Floyd | Floyd | In the photo, you see smiling people (completely unknown to you) Floyd | standing in front of buildings. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x newspaper" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X NEWSPAPER Floyd | Floyd | There couldn't possibly be a more ill-mannered display of disrespect Floyd | for your guests than opening the paper right now. For Margaret's sake, Floyd | you let it be. Floyd | Floyd | > | Zach says, "Yeah, maybe it was just enough turns passing" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x radio" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X RADIO Floyd | Floyd | A modern device which you like to switch on after work. Floyd | The radio receiver is currently switched off. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x telephone" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X TELEPHONE Floyd | Floyd | The line to the outer world. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > Z Floyd | Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Unlike you, the others seem to be enjoying themselves.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd |
Floyd | Peripherally, you perceive the others' voices.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd |
Floyd | Peripherally, you perceive the others' voices.
Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a newspaper Floyd | a grocery list Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | a corduroy suit (being worn) Floyd | some pajamas Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ME.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G
Floyd |
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd | A light brown corduroy suit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "xyzzy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > XYZZY Floyd | Floyd | There's a listening sort of silence. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "tell margaret about work" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TELL MARGARET ABOUT WORK Floyd | Floyd | Margaret is much too busy talking to the neighbors. You have no choice Floyd | but to listen. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN Floyd | Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wait" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > WAIT Floyd | Floyd | Time seems to pass, but actually, it does not. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "listen.listen.listen.listen.listen.listen.listen" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd | You don't want to hear this irrelevance anymore.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x photographs" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X PHOTOGRAPHS Floyd | Floyd | In the photo, you see smiling people (completely unknown to you) Floyd | standing in front of buildings. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x phone" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X PHONE Floyd | Floyd | The line to the outer world. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening)
Floyd |
Floyd | > G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G
Floyd |
Floyd | The line to the outer world.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room (on the couch) Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | Margaret, Robert and Dorothy are sitting around your table. They are Floyd | more or less absorbed in small talk. Floyd | Floyd | On the living room table are some photographs. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x lamp" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X LAMP Floyd | Floyd | You would have preferred a ceiling lamp. Floyd | The floor lamp is currently switched on. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x window" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | (the window) Floyd | It is a nice, big window which bathes the room in bright light right Floyd | around noon. The window-sill is decorated with small figures. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "turn on light" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > TURN ON LIGHT Floyd | Floyd | (the floor lamp) Floyd | Margaret shoots you a sharp sideways look. It would be quite rude to Floyd | just stand up right now. Floyd | Margaret's voice attracts your attention back to the company at hand: Floyd | "What do you think, honey?" Hectically, you turn your head to the Floyd | right; an endless three seconds pass for you to realize that you are Floyd | unexpectedly looking into Dorothy's face. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x dorothy" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > X DOROTHY Floyd | Floyd | You look around and find all eyes on you. A slight dizziness overcomes Floyd | you and you fight it by focussing rightwards again. From there, Floyd | Margaret looks at you with rising anxiety. Too much time has passed Floyd | and you don't have the slightest clue what everybody was on about, so Floyd | you just blurt out something incoherent. The neighbors exchange a Floyd | telling, hardly disguised look. You fall silent again - this time, for Floyd | the rest of the evening. Floyd | Floyd | A little later, Dorothy and Robert take their leave. You get up only Floyd | mechanically to shake their hands, while Margaret fusses about and Floyd | follows them to the door. You think you hear her whispering something Floyd | to them. After the front door has closed again, your wife walks into Floyd | the bedroom without saying another word. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf19" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Living Room Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bedroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > BEDROOM Floyd | Floyd | You get off the couch. Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | This is the house's central hub. All other rooms, i.e. the bedroom, Floyd | the kitchen, the bathroom and the currently unused room, can be Floyd | reached from here. Aside from that, the front door, located next to a Floyd | large panorama window, leads right into this room. Because of the Floyd | number of exits, there isn't actually all this much usable space Floyd | available, but Margaret has come up with a clever arrangement of the Floyd | sofa and the matching table as well as the slender floor lamp which Floyd | really gets the maximum out of it! Floyd | Floyd | You can see a newspaper here. Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | Here you spend your sleeping hours. Margaret was, just like for the Floyd | rest of the house, responsible for decorating and arranging the room Floyd | when you moved in. Without a doubt, she did this with her very own eye Floyd | for detail. Once or twice, she hinted that you have been Floyd | insufficiently appreciative of this. Maybe, but you do recognize the Floyd | things of real practical value, like the calendar on the wall, at Floyd | least! Floyd | Floyd | Next to the bed, there is a nightstand. You can enter the living room Floyd | from here. Because you are not using the second door, located opposite Floyd | to the window, you have decided to place the wardrobe right in front Floyd | of it. Floyd | Floyd | On the bed is Margaret. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter bed" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > ENTER BED Floyd | Floyd | You're not suitably dressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You're not suitably dressed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear pajamas" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR PAJAMAS Floyd | Floyd | You take off the corduroy suit and slip the pajamas on. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Saturday (Evening) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | Exhausted by today's exertions, sleep overcomes you almost Floyd | immediately. Floyd | Floyd | Press any key to continue | ||
genericgeekgirl pushes the green 'space' button. | ||
Floyd ] Darkness Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | After waking from a dreamless night, you feel very refreshed. Floyd | Yesterday's events now seem strangely unreal. As you open your eyes, Floyd | the room is still pitch dark. Beside you, you hear the soothingly Floyd | steady breathing of your wife. You feel towards the usual direction Floyd | and recognize the light switch. Floyd | Floyd | Darkness Floyd | It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf20" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Darkness Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x wife" | ||
Floyd ] Darkness Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X WIFE Floyd | Floyd | Darkness, noun. An absence of light to see by. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "turn on light" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TURN ON LIGHT Floyd | Floyd | The light illuminates the room, but what unfolds in front of you isn't Floyd | what you expected. Something is wrong, but drowsy as you are, you Floyd | can't quite pin it down yet. Slowly, it dawns on you: this isn't Floyd | your bedroom! Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | The more you focus, even if you can't believe it, it becomes clearer Floyd | to you that this isn't your bedroom. Margaret lies on the double bed, Floyd | sleeping. Next to the bed, on the other side from her, there is the Floyd | lamp you switched on. On the opposite wall, there's a wardrobe and a Floyd | trouser press. Two doors, one to the south and one to the east, lead Floyd | out of the room. Floyd | Floyd | On the trouser press is a sports coat. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x wife" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X WIFE Floyd | Floyd | You hear your wife's light breathing behind you, and turn over to be Floyd | soothed by the sight of her features which are especially lovely in Floyd | her sleep. You freeze - lying next to you, still in deep slumber, is Floyd | Dorothy, your neighbor! You realize that this must be Floyd | her bedroom. Not only are you two lying in bed together, but Floyd | as you also only just notice, you are naked! How on earth did you get Floyd | yourself into this embarrassing situation? You jump up; it's obvious Floyd | that you should take off as quickly as possible and, even more Floyd | importantly, unnoticed, before her husband returns! Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You're currently not in the mood to examine the room in more detail. Floyd | The large double bed, on which Dorothy is lying, is immediately Floyd | visible, of course. She is still asleep. Next to the bed, on your Floyd | side, there is a lamp. On the opposite wall are a wardrobe and a Floyd | trouser press. Two doors, one to the south and one to the east, lead Floyd | into other rooms. Assuming a similar layout compared to your own Floyd | house, one of these should lead to the living room. Floyd | On the trouser press is a sports coat. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take wallet" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE WALLET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "e" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > E Floyd | Floyd | (opening the connecting door) Floyd | Floyd | Tailoring Room Floyd | So this is the legendary room which Dorothy uses for her hobby: Floyd | tailoring. Appropriately, it's furnished with a chest of drawers and a Floyd | dress form. One exit leads into the living room, the other door into Floyd | the bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | On the dress form is a colorful costume. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open drawer" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN DRAWER Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open chest" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN CHEST Floyd | Floyd | You open the chest of drawers, revealing a blanket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the blanket) Floyd | You throw the blanket over your shoulders and tie a knot in the front. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cover face" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > COVER FACE Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x costume" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X COSTUME Floyd | Floyd | It's a set of male clothing in patchwork style. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take costume" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE COSTUME Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom Floyd | You're currently not in the mood to examine the room in more detail. Floyd | The large double bed, on which Dorothy is lying, is immediately Floyd | visible, of course. She is still asleep. Next to the bed, on your Floyd | side, there is a lamp. On the opposite wall are a wardrobe and a Floyd | trouser press. Two doors, one to the south and one to the east, lead Floyd | into other rooms. Assuming a similar layout compared to your own Floyd | house, one of these should lead to the living room. Floyd | On the trouser press is a sports coat. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take coat" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE COAT Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open wardrobe" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN WARDROBE Floyd | Floyd | You open the wardrobe, revealing a formal suit. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take suit" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE SUIT Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "take all the things" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bathroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BATHROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | This bathroom is furnished in a similar fashion to yours, but with a Floyd | bath instead of a shower. A large window occupies the space which Floyd | would otherwise be taken up by the shower. The exit leads back into Floyd | the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open window" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | You open the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "go through window" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GO THROUGH WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | Using the protection of the hedge, you climb through the window. Using Floyd | the critical moment, you cover your face with the blanket so that Floyd | nobody can recognize you and run across the street into the park. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "yay" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf21" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "sleep in the bushes?" | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x bushes" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BUSHES Floyd | Floyd | Although the bushes have obviously been pruned recently, the inner Floyd | growth of their branches is wild and jumbled. Nevertheless, you spot a Floyd | foreign object deep inside. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You simply can't sleep unless you are in a bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep in bushes" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP IN BUSHES Floyd | Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to sleep. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x object" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X OBJECT Floyd | Floyd | (the foreign object) Floyd | You take a closer look - it is a crumpled blanket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the flowerbed) Floyd | This section of the park is the farthest from your house. Paths lead Floyd | in northern and western directions. At the end of the park is a large Floyd | flowerbed. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x flowerbed" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X FLOWERBED Floyd | Floyd | The varied species planted next to each other make for a Floyd | cheerily-colorful overall picture. Unfortunately, you're not so well Floyd | versed in the flora to be able to name them. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep in ed" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP IN ED Floyd | Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to sleep. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep in bed" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP IN BED Floyd | Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to sleep. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Boo." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "enter flowerbed" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the flowerbed) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > ENTER FLOWERBED Floyd | Floyd | You know very well that picking flowers is forbidden. The sign at the Floyd | side of the flowerbed specifically says so. Floyd | Floyd | You hear the laughing of a group of playing children. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "This can only end well." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a flock of birds here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x birds" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BIRDS Floyd | Floyd | The birds chirp happily. Some sit on the seat, some on the back of the Floyd | bench, others flutter about in the vicinity. The scene looks very Floyd | inviting. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "climb tree" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > CLIMB TREE Floyd | Floyd | You did all the climbing you needed yesterday. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit on bench" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT ON BENCH Floyd | Floyd | You settle down on the bench and relax. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "relax" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > RELAX Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sleep" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SLEEP Floyd | Floyd | You simply can't sleep unless you are in a bed. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "ha ha. Nice try. Very nice try." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "up" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UP Floyd | Floyd | You did all the climbing you needed yesterday. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "But I bet that pun wouldn't've been in the original German." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "stand" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > STAND Floyd | Floyd | You get off the bench. Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a flock of birds here. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Birds? That's new." | |
DavidW asks, "It is new, isn't it?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Yeah" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take birds" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BIRDS Floyd | Floyd | I don't suppose the flock of birds would care for that. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "chase birds" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > CHASE BIRDS Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x birds" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning)
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BIRDS
Floyd |
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "n" | ||
Floyd | The birds chirp happily. Some sit on the seat, some on the back of the Floyd | bench, others flutter about in the vicinity. The scene looks very Floyd | inviting. Floyd | Floyd | > Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > N Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "undo" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > UNDO Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | [Previous turn undone.] Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Was hoping for something more." | |
DavidW says, "oh, I think we're meant to sit on the bench" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "flutter" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > FLUTTER Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "I sat and relaxed." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT Floyd | Floyd | What do you want to sit on top of? Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit on bench" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT ON BENCH Floyd | Floyd | You settle down on the bench and relax. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "But after that, I dunno." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x paper" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X PAPER Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "l" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > L Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) (on the bench) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a flock of birds here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to birds" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TALK TO BIRDS Floyd | Floyd | It's as if the birds were talking to you. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "listen to birds" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LISTEN TO BIRDS Floyd | Floyd | The bird's concerto is hypnotizingly inviting. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "chirp" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > CHIRP Floyd | Floyd | You join the birds' chirping. It works very well. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "g" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > G Floyd | Floyd | You join the birds' chirping. It works very well. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "ok, that's just weird. again." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x birds" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X BIRDS Floyd | Floyd | The birds chirp happily. Some sit on the seat, some on the back of the Floyd | bench, others flutter about in the vicinity. The scene looks very Floyd | inviting. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit on seat" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT ON SEAT Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit on back of bench" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT ON BACK OF BENCH Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW says, "Perhaps if we drop the blanket we become a bird and are happy for once? It would fit in with the rest of the game." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "remove blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > REMOVE BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | You can't see any such thing. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "We.. lost it." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "And anything else we were carrying." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | You are naked! Floyd | Floyd | > | DavidW asks, "oh, how?" | |
genericgeekgirl says, "I don't know.." | ||
DavidW asks, "So we're naked?" | ||
Zach exclaims, "At last!" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "Naked adult male sitting on a park bench." | |
DavidW says, "woot" | ||
Allen asks, "wot's going on?" | ||
Zach says, "With a wallet... somewhere" | ||
Allen asks, "perhaps a marsupial?" | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x me" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X ME Floyd | Floyd | You are naked! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
DavidW says (to Floyd), "fly" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > FLY Floyd | Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize. Floyd | Floyd | > | Allen says, "also nice: [LINK]" | |
Zach says, "Oh crap, forgot about my laundry" | ||
Allen says, "oops lac" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Maybe we should have worn the costume." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "SAVE" | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf22" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > SAVE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write: Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Ok. Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "One second. I want to try this." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > RESTORE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf20" | ||
Floyd ] Darkness Sunday (Morning)
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > RESTORE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf21" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Sunday (Morning)
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| genericgeekgirl says, "Drat." | |
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "restore" | ||
Floyd | > Floyd | > RESTORE Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read: | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "cf20" | ||
Floyd ] Darkness Sunday (Morning)
Floyd | Ok.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
| ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "turn on light" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TURN ON LIGHT Floyd | Floyd | The light illuminates the room, but what unfolds in front of you isn't Floyd | what you expected. Something is wrong, but drowsy as you are, you Floyd | can't quite pin it down yet. Slowly, it dawns on you: this isn't Floyd | your bedroom! Floyd | Floyd | Bedroom (on the bed) Floyd | The more you focus, even if you can't believe it, it becomes clearer Floyd | to you that this isn't your bedroom. Margaret lies on the double bed, Floyd | sleeping. Next to the bed, on the other side from her, there is the Floyd | lamp you switched on. On the opposite wall, there's a wardrobe and a Floyd | trouser press. Two doors, one to the south and one to the east, lead Floyd | out of the room. Floyd | Floyd | On the trouser press is a sports coat. Floyd | Floyd | You can also see a wallet (in which are some keys (which opens the Floyd | front door) and some money) here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take wallet" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE WALLET Floyd | Floyd | You get off the bed first. Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x wife" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X WIFE Floyd | Floyd | Your wife's steady breathing guides your view towards her body resting Floyd | on the bed. You freeze - lying there, still in deep slumber, is Floyd | Dorothy, your neighbor! You realize that this must be Floyd | her bedroom. Whatever did you two do in her bed, naked to Floyd | make things worse? How on earth did you get yourself into this Floyd | embarrassing situation? It's obvious that you should take off as Floyd | quickly as possible and, even more importantly, unnoticed, before her Floyd | husband returns! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "x e" | ||
Floyd ] Bedroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > X E Floyd | Floyd | You see nothing unexpected in that direction. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "tailor" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAILOR Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Tailoring Room Floyd | So this is the legendary room which Dorothy uses for her hobby: Floyd | tailoring. Appropriately, it's furnished with a chest of drawers and a Floyd | dress form. One exit leads into the living room, the other door into Floyd | the bedroom. Floyd | Floyd | On the dress form is a colorful costume. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear costume" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR COSTUME Floyd | Floyd | (first taking the colorful costume) Floyd | With some effort, you manage to squeeze into the costume. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open chest" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN CHEST Floyd | Floyd | You open the chest of drawers, revealing a blanket. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "take blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > TAKE BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | Taken. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "out" | ||
Floyd ] Tailoring Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OUT Floyd | Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "living" | ||
Floyd ] Living Room Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > LIVING Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Living Room Floyd | The neighbors' living room contains the usual furniture, but you're Floyd | currently not in the mood to examine them in more detail. The only Floyd | things that are important in your situation are the exits, which lead Floyd | into the bedroom, the tailoring room, the bathroom and the kitchen. Floyd | There is also the front door leading out into the street, of course. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "bathroom" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > BATHROOM Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Bathroom Floyd | This bathroom is furnished in a similar fashion to yours, but with a Floyd | bath instead of a shower. A large window occupies the space which Floyd | would otherwise be taken up by the shower. The exit leads back into Floyd | the living room. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "open window" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > OPEN WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | You open the window. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "go through window" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GO THROUGH WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | You could certainly safely get through the window behind the hedge, Floyd | but what then? As soon as you were out of there, everybody would see Floyd | and recognize you, because your clothes don't cover your face! Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "wear blanket" | ||
Floyd ] Bathroom Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > WEAR BLANKET Floyd | Floyd | You throw the blanket over your shoulders and tie a knot in the front. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "go through window" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > GO THROUGH WINDOW Floyd | Floyd | Using the protection of the hedge, you climb through the window. Using Floyd | the critical moment, you cover your face with the blanket so that Floyd | nobody can recognize you and run across the street into the park. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (eastern entrance) Floyd | To the east, the park ends in a fairly massive row of thorny bushes. A Floyd | street borders it to the north. Paths leading west and south snake Floyd | their ways deeper into the park. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "i" | ||
Floyd ] Park (eastern entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > I Floyd | Floyd | You are carrying: Floyd | a blanket (being worn) Floyd | a wallet (which is open) Floyd | some keys (which opens the front door) Floyd | some money Floyd | Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "...." | |
genericgeekgirl says, "Now we have the blanket, but no costume." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Weird bug, I guess." | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "w" | ||
Floyd ] Park (western entrance) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > W Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (western entrance) Floyd | You're at the park's entrance. To the north, there is the street and Floyd | the park itself continues in eastern and southern directions. You can Floyd | really consider yourselves lucky to have this green oasis right in Floyd | front of your door. Unfortunately, you hardly ever get the chance to Floyd | savor it. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "s" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > S Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Park (at the large tree) Floyd | This part of the park is dominated by a particularly massive tree. In Floyd | its shadow, there is a bench. Paths lead back in eastern and northern Floyd | directions. Floyd | Floyd | You can see a flock of birds here. Floyd | Floyd | > | ||
genericgeekgirl says (to Floyd), "sit on bench" | ||
Floyd ] Park (at the large tree) Sunday (Morning) Floyd | Floyd | > SIT ON BENCH Floyd | Floyd | As you carefully approach the bench, the birds keep perfectly still. Floyd | You settle down between them. Some birds even hop on your legs. You Floyd | let all the tension go from your body and decide to live with them. Floyd | Floyd | A couple of weeks later, one of your little trips lead you back to Floyd | your former house. You and your friends land on the window sill. Floyd | Through the window, you see a boy sitting on the living room carpet, Floyd | playing with toy bricks, while Margaret and Robert harmoniously sit at Floyd | the table drinking coffee. When she notices you, Margaret carefully Floyd | opens the window, motions her son over and hands him a cookie from the Floyd | table which he crumbles and throws towards you outside. In spite of Floyd | this welcome gift, you have a powerful sense that soon the cold season Floyd | will begin. Your flock moves towards warmer shores. Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | *** Blue (3/8) *** Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT? Floyd | > | genericgeekgirl says, "That." | |
Zach says, "Interesting" | ||
DavidW asks, "What was different that time?" | ||
Zach asks, "Wearing the blanket?" | ||
DavidW says, "We had the blanket before." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "No, it had vanished." | ||
DavidW says, "I thought the costume vanished" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Everything last time vanished." | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Remember, we were naked with a wallet in the park." | ||
DavidW says, "oh, I see what you mean" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "So bizarre :/" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Ok, that's more than half the endings. I'm content-ish." | ||
DavidW asks, "And we don't know why the blanket vanished the first time?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "Nope :(" | ||
DavidW asks, "This is a very banana of discord sort of game, isn't it?" | ||
genericgeekgirl says, "I thought maybe the costume was bright and the birds would like it, but apparently that just somehow kept the blanket from going away." | ||
DavidW says, "I'm glad we got a bird ending." | ||
Zach says, "Strange, but interesting" | ||
Zach says, "The alienation of the modern man missing lunch" | ||
Zach has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. | DavidW says, "Thanks for the game!" | |