NightFloyd Transcript:
Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning Against the Parrot Creatures of Venus by Dan Shiovitz and Emily Short
As played on ifMUD on May 8, 2014

Like ClubFloyd, the idea behind NightFloyd is that a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Unlike ClubFloyd, NightFloyd often takes on significantly larger works of interactive fiction, knowing going in that each one will take multiple sessions (but not always, as you'll see in this transcript). NightFloyd is also a bit more informal than ClubFloyd in that it's only announced on the ifMUD #clubfloyd bulletin board, and the time shifts around to meet player's schedules far more than ClubFloyd does. NightFloyd is organized by genericgeekgirl, aka Adri.

Below is a transcript of Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning Against the Parrot Creatures of Venus written by Dan Shiovitz and Emily Short. It was released during the 2003 Spring Thing, which it won. It went on to be nominated for two Xyzzy awards: Best Writing and Best Individual Puzzle. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

Zach says, "Does anyone have an idea for a game? I've never played "Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning Against the Parrot Creatures of Venus""
genericgeekgirl says, "... Is that a real game? Because YES."
genericgeekgirl says, "I don't care what it's about, with a name like that.."
DavidW says, "It's real and by inky and Emily."
Zach says, "Oh, it is"
genericgeekgirl says, "Oh gosh."
DavidW says, "It's an interesting game."
DavidW says, "Superheros in space vs parrots and sandwiches."
Zach says, "As long as no parrots were harmed in the making of the game"
DavidW says, "oh, they were all overacting actors, trust me."
You say (to Floyd), "load sleepmask parrots"
Floyd |
Floyd | Press S to skip the intro, R to restore a saved game, or any other key
Floyd | to begin
Floyd | the game
You push the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd | The wind roars by the windows on either side of you as your Syreksian
Floyd | sky-ship
Floyd | tears through the atmosphere, but you're more concerned with dodging
Floyd | stray
Floyd | laser blasts from the battle taking place at the other end of the
Floyd | ship.  Klono
Floyd | curse that interfering human!  You don't even know where he came from:
Floyd | you just
Floyd | suddenly saw the main mast sheared away by an energy beam and the
Floyd | fight was on.
Floyd | The fool should have known he'd be no match for your crew of hardened
Floyd | space-
Floyd | pirate-lizards, though.  He seems to have taken cover behind some
Floyd | boxes -- and
Floyd | as soon as you fire this disruptor cannon, he'll find out what a
Floyd | mistake that
Floyd | was ...
Floyd |
Floyd | Captain's Cabin
Floyd | The room is full to bursting with the spoils of your earlier raids:
Floyd | platinum
Floyd | bars from the asteroid belt, titanium neuro-packs from Centauri,
Floyd | leather
Floyd | corsets from the moons of Mars.  But none of these is worth a tithe as
Floyd | much as
Floyd | the little box sitting on your desk: codekeys for Earth's defense
Floyd | system.
Floyd |
Floyd | Set into your desk is a control panel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. genericgeekgirl says, "Hinky"
Zach says (to Floyd), "x corsets"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CORSETS
Floyd |
Floyd | People have often complimented you on the quality of your booty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says, "ha ha"
Zach says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | Green, scaly, a sneer on your lips (or what pass for lips) and a patch
Floyd | over one
Floyd | eye.  You've got a swagger in your step, a ring in your nose, and a
Floyd | rocket in
Floyd | your pocket[1].  It's enough to make the ladies wish your mating
Floyd | season came
Floyd | five years earlier.
Floyd |
Floyd (A number in [square brackets] like the one above refers to a
Floyd | footnote, which
Floyd | you can read by typing FOOTNOTE followed by the number: FOOTNOTE 1,
Floyd | for
Floyd | example.  Footnotes usually contain added background information that
Floyd | might be
Floyd | interesting but isn't essential to the story.  If you'd prefer not to
Floyd | see
Floyd | footnotes at all, you can control their appearance by typing
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach asks, "Is anyone else getting weird wordwrap?"
pollux says, "Yes. It's quite annoying."
DavidW says (to Zach), "yes. I've been trying to adjust my font size."
pollux says, "It won't help. The weird line breaks come from Floyd."
pollux says, "(Not your client.)"
DavidW says, "I guess in the prologue section we play as a Venusian parrot."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "footnote 1"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOOTNOTE 1
Floyd |
Floyd | Not to mention a blaster in your belt, a pistol in your pants, and
Floyd | springs in
Floyd | your socks.  You also have forcefields on your feet, a blackjack in
Floyd | your belly,
Floyd | and a taser on your tail.  Plus -- anyway, suffice it to say you
Floyd | always take a
Floyd | while to get through the spaceport security checkpoints.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
pollux says, "No. A pirate lizard."
pollux says, "And then an evil scientist."
Zach says (to Floyd), "x box"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BOX
Floyd |
Floyd | The microchips in there are worth a fortune to the right buyer.  But
Floyd | which
Floyd | slavering warlord bent on Earth's destruction should you sell to?
Floyd | Ivan the
Floyd | Implacable?  Racquelle the Ruthless?  Undor the Unkind?  You can say
Floyd | one thing
Floyd | for this evil-overlord deregulation: an enterprising pirate has
Floyd | options these
Floyd | days.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "explore options"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The word "explore" is not necessary in this story.
Floyd |
Floyd | (If this was an accidental misspelling, you can correct it by typing
Floyd | OOPS
Floyd | followed by the corrected word now.  Any time the story points out an
Floyd | unknown
Floyd | word, you can correct a misspelling using OOPS as your next command.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying your vast array of weaponry.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x weaponry"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > X WEAPONRY
Floyd |
Floyd | Razor-edge reavers and whisker-thin lasers, explosive copper sulfate
Floyd | and belt-
Floyd | mounted phasers, ticking brown paper packages tied up with string --
Floyd | these are
Floyd | a few of your favorite things.
Floyd |
Floyd | Another energy ray sizzles through the air from the back of the ship,
Floyd | grazing
Floyd | the cockpit.  You glare over at the Earthling, holed up beyond those
Floyd | boxes, and
Floyd | your fingers instinctively twitch towards the firing button of the
Floyd | disruptor
Floyd | cannon.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "press button"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Eat plasma, Earth-man!"  you snarl as you slam your clawed hand down
Floyd | on the
Floyd | button.  The deadly blast shoots out, vaporizing the boxes as well as
Floyd | two
Floyd | crewlizards unfortunate enough to be in the way.  But when the smoke
Floyd | clears
Floyd | (which doesn't take long, given that you're hurtling through the sky
Floyd | on a
Floyd | mostly-exposed ship), you see that, incredibly, the human is still
Floyd | holding on
Floyd | with one hand amongst the ruins of the boxes.  Even more incredibly,
Floyd | he's still
Floyd | got a blaster in the other hand that he's using to fend off the rest
Floyd | of your
Floyd | crew[2].
Floyd |
Floyd | >
pollux says (to Floyd), "footnote 2"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOOTNOTE 2
Floyd |
Floyd | Noshabkeming only knows what the earth-man'd have done if he'd had a
Floyd | third
Floyd | hand.  Ordered pizza, maybe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I suppose PUSH BUTTON"
Zach says (to Floyd), "press button"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "This'll finish you!"  you snarl again as you re-push the button.
Floyd | Click.
Floyd |
Floyd | A computerized voice speaks: "Device recharging; estimated time
Floyd | three units."
Floyd |
Floyd | You notice a small, bright light in the distance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x light"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > X LIGHT
Floyd |
Floyd | It's silver and coming towards the ship fast.  But whatever it is,
Floyd | your cannon
Floyd | will be recharged in a few minutes, and remember, the second law of
Floyd | villainy is
Floyd | "Never negotiate with anything you can blow up".
Floyd |
Floyd | The light seems to be getting closer.  What could it be?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
pollux says (to floyd), "eat human"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)           Destroy the human!
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > EAT HUMAN
Floyd |
Floyd | The Earthling does not appear to be edible.
Floyd |
Floyd | The shiny object resolves itself into a cylinder, made of smooth
Floyd | chrome and
Floyd | going extremely fast.  You at first think it will strike the ship, but
Floyd | the
Floyd | human somehow manages to holster his weapon, pluck the object out of
Floyd | the air,
Floyd | lift it to his ear, and then redraw his gun, all before your crew have
Floyd | finished
Floyd | gaping.  The Earthling's lips move slightly, and your spy-mikes pick
Floyd | up
Floyd | snatches of conversation: "Tuesday ...  secret weapon ...  galactic
Floyd | danger?
Floyd | I'm on my way, chief."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Disruptor cannon fully recharged," a computerized voice
Floyd | informs you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
pollux says, "Ahem. Sorry. Couldn't help myself."
Zach says (to Floyd), "press button"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)          All systems piratey
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a crackling burst of negatronic energy, a roar and a smoke
Floyd | cloud, and
Floyd | when you can see clearly again you can see that the human has been
Floyd | completely
Floyd | vaporized.  Man, you love this job.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says, "Puny human"
Zach says (to Floyd), "x crew"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)          All systems piratey
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CREW
Floyd |
Floyd | Arr, there be no finer crew than these for pillaging, looting, or
Floyd | biting.  Pity
Floyd | they can't seem to shoot worth a darn and are totally useless for a
Floyd | hand of
Floyd | pinochle, but then, it's so hard to find good henchmen these days.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a slight, disconcerting thump from someplace nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "heh 'All systems piratey'."
Zach says, "hee"
Zach says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (as Captain Dotar Sojat)              What? He dares?
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > LISTEN
Floyd |
Floyd | Before you have time to do anything, the starboard window suddenly
Floyd | explodes in
Floyd | a shower of synthcrystal.  The Earthling jumps in through the hole,
Floyd | releasing
Floyd | the docking line in his hand.  He bows in your direction.  "Max
Floyd | Blaster, at
Floyd | your service."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x max"
Floyd | Captain's Cabin (lying on the floor) (as Captain Dotar Sojat)   Uh-oh
Floyd | Exits: out
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | Tanned skin, curly blonde locks, and handsome.  And check out those
Floyd | perfectly-
Floyd | white teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max Blaster is carrying his blaster and his magno-grapnel.  Max
Floyd | Blaster is
Floyd | wearing his airchute.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max flashes his perfectly white teeth at you, and says "Apologize to
Floyd | to your
Floyd | lads for me: I was enjoying the scrap but I've got other business to
Floyd | attend to.
Floyd | Now, if you'll excuse me--" You recover from your surprise long enough
Floyd | to go
Floyd | for your gun, but Max makes a quick motion with his leg and your knee
Floyd | and
Floyd | suddenly you're on the ground, looking up.
Floyd |
Floyd | He turns to the desk and snatches up the box, sticking it into a
Floyd | pocket of his
Floyd | uniform.  Max taps the self-destruct button in passing (you knew you
Floyd | shouldn't
Floyd | have given into the salesdroid's blandishments, but it was offering a
Floyd | great 2-
Floyd | for-1 deal on self-destruct systems, with free installation) and then
Floyd | leaps
Floyd | nimbly out through the same window he entered by.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "'what? He dares?' in the status line. Love it."
Klaw says, "I have to go to bed."
Zach says, "Damn you, Max Blaster!"
Zach says (to Floyd), "x self-destruct button"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | This is the button that controls the ship's self-destruct system.  The
Floyd | salesman
Floyd | insisted it was absolutely the done thing to place it prominently on
Floyd | the main
Floyd | control panel.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a bang outside the window, probably Max's airchute engaging.
Floyd | "What a
Floyd | guy," you mutter, and then your attention is drawn back to the room by
Floyd | a
Floyd | computerized voice speaking:
Floyd |
Floyd | One time unit to destruction.  Thank you for choosing Dynablast,
Floyd | Inc, the
Floyd | company that puts the "pal" in "astro-napalm"...
Floyd |
Floyd | [More]
Zach says, "Good night"
Zach pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | [More]
Zach pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Plotting
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd | You glance around at the others sitting around this table.  Like you,
Floyd | all of
Floyd | them are male.  Like you, all are slightly pudgy and pale of skin.
Floyd | Like you,
Floyd | all have frizzy white hair.  In short, you are all mad scientists.
Floyd |
Floyd | The man at the head of the table raps it for attention.  "Now then!
Floyd | Let us
Floyd | begin.  Greetings, fellow mad scientists.  As you know, we have had
Floyd | some
Floyd | defeats in the past -- but this time we will not be stopped!  Our new
Floyd | army of
Floyd | sad clown robots will be unstoppable!  No one will be able to stop
Floyd | them!  Muha
Floyd | ha ha ha!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair)
Floyd | Deep beneath the streets of Astro-City, there lies a maze of deadly
Floyd | traps and
Floyd | deadlier guards, inside of which is a secret, hidden fortress, inside
Floyd | of which
Floyd | is a dark and mysterious forest (albeit a rather small one which needs
Floyd | to be
Floyd | lit by artificial lights and tended by a gardening crew once a week)
Floyd | that
Floyd | conceals a tiny cottage, inside of which are a dozen angry
Floyd | leopards[3].  It is
Floyd | because of this careful attention to detail, no doubt, that nobody has
Floyd | ever
Floyd | discovered the trapdoor beneath the cottage that leads to this
Floyd | meeting-room.
Floyd | But it is here that you and your fellow scientists sit around the
Floyd | great oak
Floyd | table in the center of the room and plot your schemes and scheme your
Floyd | plots.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
pollux says (to floyd), "footnote 3"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Plotting
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOOTNOTE 3
Floyd |
Floyd | You had lobbied for a creamy nougat filling instead, but your mind was
Floyd | changed
Floyd | after attending a lecture on "Oral Hygiene: Important Even For Bad
Floyd | Guys".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "If even bad guys can't have nougat, who can?"
Klaw says, "I wish I could stay but I have work tomorrow."
Zach says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Plotting
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | Middle-aged, slightly pudgy and balding.  Nobody would guess to look
Floyd | at you
Floyd | that you are actually Doctor Hackles, supervillain extraordinaire.
Floyd | Your secret
Floyd | power: to be able to think of new plans for revenge when your last one
Floyd | fails.
Floyd |
Floyd | One of your compatriots stands and gives his report.  "Ahem!  Erm.  In
Floyd | regards
Floyd | to transportation, we have arranged a VW bug to be placed on the
Floyd | scene, from
Floyd | which our army of sad clown robots can emerge suddenly and seize the
Floyd | area."  He
Floyd | sits back down.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Plotting
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | Max Blaster's voice booms out of nowhere.  "Hey, Doris, it's time for
Floyd | the
Floyd | special secret message for the Max-and-Doris Patrol Club Members!
Floyd | What's the
Floyd | secret letter for today?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Doris de Lightning's voice responds, "Ready, Junior Cadets?  The
Floyd | secret letter
Floyd | for today is X, as in Xavian -- so line up your secret decoder rings
Floyd | with A on
Floyd | the outside and X on the inside, and get ready for the message!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Ihuulrtik Fxlhbd Zdmy Eueyuh!  Qu obfu vbm utcbv lork obdb-kremdxlrbt
Floyd | bn lou
Floyd | nrhkl Exs Ydxkluh xtj Jbhrk ju Drioltrti xjputlmhu.  Lou kfuzrxd ybtmk
Floyd | nbh lork
Floyd | puhkrbt bn lou kre rk xpxrdxydu prx "YBTMKREXIU"; rt lou usfxtjuj
Floyd | puhkrbt lb yu
Floyd | huduxkuj dxluh, "YBTMKKZUTU" qrdd xdkb yu xpxrdxydu.  Rn, nbh kbeu
Floyd | huxkbt, vbm
Floyd | xhu erkkrti vbmh Fxlhbd Zdmy Eueyuh arl, julxrdk nbh fmhzoxkrti
Floyd | xtblouh zbfv
Floyd | qrdd yu xpxrdxydu kbbt xl ollf://qqq.nuudruk.bhi/ Loxta vbm nbh
Floyd | fdxvrti!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Klaw goes home. Zach says, "Dang, I never got my decoder ring"
Zach says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Plotting
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying a manilla folder (which contains a case history and
Floyd | your
Floyd | secret plans).
Floyd |
Floyd | Another man rises, stroking his beard thoughtfully.  "The police, of
Floyd | course,
Floyd | will be utterly helpless against the sad clown robots, and unable to
Floyd | prevent
Floyd | the robots from assuming positions around the city square and then
Floyd | performing
Floyd | antics.  We have carefully calculated these antics to be amusing to
Floyd | three
Floyd | decimal places, and expect that the contrast with their sad faces will
Floyd | be quite
Floyd | ...  interesting."  He is unable to suppress an evil snigger at this
Floyd | last
Floyd | statement as he returns to his seat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I'm gonna grab some vittles as you guys play the prologue."
inky says (to Floyd), "x case history"
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You read over the history of your previous attempts:
Floyd |
Floyd | PLAN: killer death robots (with killer death rays)
Floyd | AGENT: Max Blaster
Floyd |
Floyd | PLAN: genetically-modified badgervarks (with snout-mounted
Floyd | disintegration
Floyd | missiles)
Floyd | AGENT: Max Blaster
Floyd |
Floyd | PLAN: mecha-powered pain enforcers (with Allergitastic blaze-blasters)
Floyd | AGENT: cute kittens
Floyd |
Floyd | PLAN: sad clown robots (with explosive cream pies)
Floyd | RESULT: ?????
Floyd |
Floyd | Pathetic, really.  But this time Max Blaster has been gotten out of
Floyd | the way,
Floyd | the sad clown robots have been carefully equipped with anti-kitten
Floyd | force
Floyd | fields, and there is no way you can fail!
Floyd |
Floyd | A third scientist stands and reports in.  "Once this part of the plan
Floyd | has been
Floyd | [More]
pollux pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Plotting
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd | completed, we will arrive ourselves.  Using remotes like these
Floyd | (he tosses one
Floyd | onto the table) we will command the robots to enter the nearby WIMP
Floyd | radio
Floyd | station and .."  The speaker pauses as there is a noise from outside
Floyd | the room.
Floyd | "Ah, Miss Lane," he says, seeing her come in with the coffee.  "Just
Floyd | put that
Floyd | on the table, there's a good girl."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x lane"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Gloating
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > X LANE
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Lane is a mousy-looking brunette, not much to speak of.  But a
Floyd | busy
Floyd | organization like yours needs somebody to file the papers and remember
Floyd | the
Floyd | number for the pizza place, and she was the only applicant who could
Floyd | get by the
Floyd | maze of doom, so.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Anyway, as I was saying," he continues.  "Once our minions have taken
Floyd | control
Floyd | of the radio tower, they will immediately attach their
Floyd | emotio-projection units
Floyd | and begin broadcasting on all frequencies, thereby--" The speaker
Floyd | breaks off
Floyd | abruptly.  "Miss Lane, what are you doing?  I said, put the coffee on
Floyd | the
Floyd | table!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Lane lets the coffee-tray fall to the ground with a crash.
Floyd | "Sorry, boys,
Floyd | but the only thing I'm putting is you in prison!"
Floyd |
Floyd | "What?  Who do you think you are?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Lane rips off her brunette wig, letting long red hair spill out.
Floyd | "Doris
Floyd | de Lightning, WLPD special forces," she replies crisply.
Floyd |
Floyd | You and your fellow scientists reel back in horror and amazement.
Floyd | "Well, I'm
Floyd | not writing her a letter of reference for her next secretarial job,
Floyd | and that's
Floyd | final," the man next to you mutters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "hide"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Gloating
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > HIDE
Floyd |
Floyd | What?  When you have her (more or less) at your mercy?
Floyd |
Floyd | Your gaze strays to the remote control on the table.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x control"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Gloating
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CONTROL
Floyd |
Floyd | It is covered with a variety of buttons to control the sad clown
Floyd | robots and
Floyd | operate the microwave and so on.  One of particular note is marked
Floyd | "SEIZE HER".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "press button"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Gloating
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the remote control)
Floyd | "Very clever, Miss de Lightning," you sneer.  "But I'm afraid you've
Floyd | forgotten
Floyd | something."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh?  What?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "This!"  You thumb the button on the remote, and from hidden
Floyd | entrances, sad
Floyd | clown robots proceed into the room.  Working quickly, they move to
Floyd | either side
Floyd | of her and silently sketch out an invisible box.
Floyd |
Floyd | Doris pounds her fists furiously against the walls of the box but,
Floyd | just as
Floyd | planned, the box is impenetrable by any physical force.  She
Floyd | eventually gives
Floyd | up and sits back sulkily, fingering her purse, as you and your fellow
Floyd | scientists compete with each other to see who has the most maniacal
Floyd | laugh.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "ha ha"
Zach says (to Floyd), "laugh"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Gloating
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > LAUGH
Floyd |
Floyd | You give it your best shot.  "MuahahahahahahahaHA!"  The other
Floyd | scientists look
Floyd | on, impressed.  "Yeah, but I bet he took a breath midway," one of them
Floyd | mutters.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Not so happy now that you've met up with the sad clowns, eh, Miss de
Floyd | Lightning?"  one of the other scientists sneers.  The comment seems to
Floyd | unnerve
Floyd | her totally, and she begins to snuffle.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh no, I have been captured," she says.  "Whatever shall I do?"  She
Floyd | turns
Floyd | imploring eyes on you.  "Please, can I at least touch up my makeup?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "no"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > NO
Floyd |
Floyd | The word "no" is not necessary in this story.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x box"
Floyd | Secret Badly-Lit Meeting Chamber (sitting) (as Doctor Hackles) Fuming
Floyd | Exits: None
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BOX
Floyd |
Floyd | The thing about invisible boxes, see, is that you can't.
Floyd |
Floyd | Doris de Lightning is here, trapped in the invisible box.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Ok, fine, go ahead," one of your fellow scientists says.  "But don't
Floyd | think
Floyd | it'll let you foil our plans in some kind of sneaky, underhanded way."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh, thank you!"  says Doris, rummaging in her purse.  She emerges
Floyd | with a tube
Floyd | of lipstick, which she lifts to her lips.  But instead of applying
Floyd | anything,
Floyd | she twists the end and a bright blue beam shoots out.  It strikes the
Floyd | remote
Floyd | control, knocking it from your hands, and then the telekinetic beam
Floyd | darts
Floyd | towards the light switch, flipping it off.
Floyd |
Floyd | It is now pitch black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "how embarrassing"
inky says, "oh, I bet you can talk to her"
inky says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Gloating
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Taking back one turn: "x box".
Floyd |
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair)
Floyd | Deep beneath the streets of Astro-City, there lies a maze of deadly
Floyd | traps and
Floyd | deadlier guards, inside of which is a secret, hidden fortress, inside
Floyd | of which
Floyd | is a dark and mysterious forest (albeit a rather small one which needs
Floyd | to be
Floyd | lit by artificial lights and tended by a gardening crew once a week)
Floyd | that
Floyd | conceals a tiny cottage, inside of which are a dozen angry leopards.
Floyd | It is
Floyd | because of this careful attention to detail, no doubt, that nobody has
Floyd | ever
Floyd | discovered the trapdoor beneath the cottage that leads to this
Floyd | meeting-room.
Floyd | But it is here that you and your fellow scientists sit around the
Floyd | great oak
Floyd | table in the center of the room and plot your schemes and scheme your
Floyd | plots.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see a brunette wig here.
Floyd |
Floyd | Doris de Lightning is here, trapped in the invisible box.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sad clown robots are here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to doris"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (sitting on your chair) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Gloating
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | (This game uses a topic/menu-based conversation system.  See "ABOUT"
Floyd | for
Floyd | details.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: Isn't that so like a woman!  Haw haw!2: That's
Floyd | right, you'll want to
Floyd | look your best when I drop you in my death trap with only one
Floyd | well-hidden
Floyd | exit.3: Go right ahead -- but FIRST, I must tell you about my secret
Floyd | plan!  Ah
Floyd | ha ha ha!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says, "Nice"
Zach says (to Floyd), "3"
Floyd | Secret Badly-Lit Meeting Chamber (sitting) (as Doctor Hackles) Fuming
Floyd | Exits: None
Floyd |
Floyd | > 3
Floyd |
Floyd | "Go right ahead -- but FIRST, I must tell you about my secret plan!
Floyd | Ah ha ha
Floyd | ha!"  you smirk.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh, thank you!"  says Doris, rummaging in her purse.  She emerges
Floyd | with a tube
Floyd | of lipstick, which she lifts to her lips.  But instead of applying
Floyd | anything,
Floyd | she twists the end and a bright blue beam shoots out.  It strikes the
Floyd | remote
Floyd | control, knocking it from your hands, and then the telekinetic beam
Floyd | darts
Floyd | towards the light switch, flipping it off.
Floyd |
Floyd | It is now pitch black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "weird, that doesn't render well at all"
Zach asks, "Is the game sticking in newlines?"
DavidW says, "It's the terp, I think."
Zach says (to Floyd), "switch on light"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (trapped in the invisible box) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Fuming
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You rise and start to stumble towards the light switch.  "Hey, no
Floyd | pushing!"  a
Floyd | voice complains.
Floyd |
Floyd | Some mysterious beeps and clicks come from the darkness.  Abruptly,
Floyd | you are
Floyd | grabbed and shoved, and then the lights turn on again.
Floyd |
Floyd | That girl has escaped!  What's more, now you're in the
Floyd | invisible box.  Curse
Floyd | the modern woman!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "curse"
Floyd | Secret Meeting Chamber (trapped in the invisible box) (as Doctor
Floyd | Hackles)Fuming
Floyd | Exits: east
Floyd |
Floyd | > CURSE
Floyd |
Floyd | "Drat it all!"  you swear, stamping your foot.
Floyd |
Floyd | One of your compatriots managed to avoid being put in the box.  He
Floyd | starts to
Floyd | run for the door, only to be brought up short as one of the sad clown
Floyd | robots
Floyd | throws an invisible rope around him.  Inch by inch he is pulled
Floyd | backwards and
Floyd | then stuck into the box, where he glares at you and the others.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "x plans"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PLANS
Floyd |
Floyd | You scan over the plans, refreshing your memory on the important bits:
Floyd | "...
Floyd | sad clown robots ...  tear gas just makes them stronger ...  Mimenator
Floyd | 3000 ...
Floyd | seize Astro-City, Cosmo-City, and Galacto-City ...  people fleeing in
Floyd | terror --
Floyd | laugh maniacally (mem: muahaha?  brewahaha?  bwahaha?  muha muha?
Floyd | (this last
Floyd | emphatically crossed out)) ..."
Floyd |
Floyd | Doris makes a small adjustment on the radio transmitter in her hand,
Floyd | and it
Floyd | folds back into a hairclip.  She starts to slip it back into her purse
Floyd | when it
Floyd | begins to ring.  Doris reopens the transmitter and holds it to her
Floyd | ear, then
Floyd | begins to talk.  "Chief?  Yes?  Yes?  Oh really?  I'm on my
Floyd | way.  But you'd
Floyd | better send some troops out to take these old coots away -- they're a
Floyd | bit tied
Floyd | up at the moment."
Floyd |
Floyd | You stare after her, fuming.  Old coot?  Old coot?  Why you ...  hey,
Floyd | why had
Floyd | you never considered the concept of duck-bot warriors before?
Floyd | Waterproof,
Floyd | portable, non-echoing quacks -- the possibilities are endless!
Floyd |
Floyd | Doris flashes you a quick salute and is out the door.  You stare after
Floyd | her,
Floyd | shaking your head and your handcuffs, and mutter "What a dame!"[More]
pollux pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | DORIS
Floyd |
Floyd | [More]
Zach pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Already shifting your thoughts to what the next mission might be, you
Floyd | take the
Floyd | next shuttle to HQ and head for the chief's office as quickly as
Floyd | possible.
Floyd | Something big must be up: normally missions get handed out to special
Floyd | agents
Floyd | via low-level functionaries, but this one is coming from the Director
Floyd | himself.
Floyd |
Floyd | Eventually the lift-tube arrives at the right floor and from there
Floyd | it's only a
Floyd | few steps to the door of the briefing room.  You take a deep breath,
Floyd | steadying
Floyd | yourself, and then head inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | ***
Floyd |
Floyd | In this game you can take the role of either Max Blaster or Doris de
Floyd | Lightning;
Floyd | it is possible to complete the game as either but the experience will
Floyd | be
Floyd | somewhat different.
Floyd |
Floyd | Which character would you like to play, (M)ax or (D)oris?
Zach asks, "Any thoughts?"
zarf says, "I've always wanted to be ginger"
inky says, "doris is the more puzzly choice"
DavidW says, "I think we can switch characters during the game."
inky says, "and yeah"
Zach asks (of zarf), "Is that Max?"
Zach says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/915
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Briefing Room
Floyd | In a typical display of budget priorities, the Galactic Commission has
Floyd | splashed
Floyd | out on this room like there's no such thing as import tax: hefty slab
Floyd | of
Floyd | snarled oak big enough to slaughter a pig on, thick pile carpet that
Floyd | you can
Floyd | barely feel underfoot, massive telescreen.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Galactic Director himself sits at the desk, smoking a cigar.  A
Floyd | chrome-
Floyd | plated personal-sized vacuumbot hovers at his elbow, and a large
Floyd | telescreen is
Floyd | mounted on the wall behind him.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x screen"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/916
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SCREEN
Floyd |
Floyd | Built in where an ordinary office would have a window.  Security won't
Floyd | permit
Floyd | that, though -- too insecure.  Currently it is displaying a bright
Floyd | lunarscape.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x director"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/917
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X DIRECTOR
Floyd |
Floyd | You've never actually met the Galactic Director before, so this is a
Floyd | bit of a
Floyd | milestone.  Also a bit of a surprise: does he always look that grim,
Floyd | or is he
Floyd | just displeased to see you?
Floyd |
Floyd | The Director is carrying his cigar.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I don't trust the bot. Could be a spy."
Zach says (to Floyd), "about"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/917
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > ABOUT
Floyd |
Floyd | This game was written by Dan Shiovitz and Emily Short as an entry for
Floyd | Adam
Floyd | Cadre's 2002 Spring Thing, although it didn't actually get done until
Floyd | Adam
Floyd | Cadre's 2003 Spring Thing.  It is designed to be played as either Max
Floyd | Blaster
Floyd | or Doris de Lightning; you can change between them with, eg, "SWITCH
Floyd | TO MAX"
Floyd | when both characters are in the same room.
Floyd |
Floyd | The conversation system is Pytho's-Mask-style: you can type the number
Floyd | of a
Floyd | statement to say it, and you can do "TOPIC CHEESE" to instead discuss
Floyd | cheese,
Floyd | or "TOPIC" on its own to return to the main topic.  The conversation
Floyd | menu can
Floyd | be toggled between a banner and the main window with "BANNER ON" and
Floyd | "BANNER
Floyd | OFF".  When not in the banner, statements will only be displayed if
Floyd | there is
Floyd | something new to say (so if you wait a turn, they won't be displayed
Floyd | again on
Floyd | the second turn).  If you are in banner-off mode (or even if not) you
Floyd | can do
Floyd | "TALK" to see what, if anything, there is to say at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | For more information about the game, type "CREDITS".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "also [LINK] [LINK]"
Zach says (to Floyd), "x bot"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/918
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X BOT
Floyd |
Floyd | Looks like the X2100 model: hovertechnology they haven't even approved
Floyd | for use
Floyd | by field agents, together with one of the most powerful suction
Floyd | devices known
Floyd | to man.  You've thought about stripping one down for the components
Floyd | and
Floyd | plugging the hovertech into a belt holster -- but they're still quite
Floyd | expensive, and you're not sure it would be powerful enough to lift you
Floyd | securely.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Director looks up from his desk and seems to notice you for the
Floyd | first time.
Floyd | "Ah, Doris.  I wanted to commend you for your work on the sad clown
Floyd | caper.  A
Floyd | fine job, and they'll be put away for a long while -- but in the
Floyd | meantime,
Floyd | something serious has come up that I need you to look into.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/918
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: I'd be glad to take on the job.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/919
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | 'I'd be glad to take on the job.  What sort of situation is it, sir?'
Floyd |
Floyd | The Director raises his hand.  'I'm actually expecting someone ..
Floyd | Aha, there
Floyd | you are!'  He stands up (he didn't stand up when you walked
Floyd | in) and extends his
Floyd | hand across the table.  You turn as well, only to find all six foot
Floyd | two inches
Floyd | of smiling shining every-hair-varnished-in-place MAX BLASTER.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
zarf says, "heh"
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/919
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: Oh no, not you!2: Excuse me, I've just
Floyd | remembered an appointment --
Floyd | it's due to be over just as soon as he's gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "2"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/920
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 2
Floyd |
Floyd | Surprise renders you temporarily speechless.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Director looks from you to him and back again.  'I don't think you
Floyd | two have
Floyd | met,' he says.  'Doris, this is--'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/920
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: -- Max Blaster.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/921
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | '-- Max Blaster,' you finish for him.  'He looks just like
Floyd | his action figure.'
Floyd |
Floyd | Max beams down at you, then transfers his gaze to the Director.  'So
Floyd | who's the
Floyd | little lady?'
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a pensive silence while you grind your teeth and the Director
Floyd | taps his
Floyd | cigar.  The vacuumbot whirrs sadly and drifts towards the floor to
Floyd | collect the
Floyd | ashes.  'Max,' says the Director heartily, 'meet Doris de Lightning.
Floyd | Your new
Floyd | partner.'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "slap max"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SLAP MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | The word 'slap' is not necessary in this story.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/921
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: Sorry, I don't work with Ken dolls.2: WHAT?!?3: Does
Floyd | this mean I get
Floyd | a real equipment budget for once?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "2"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/922
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 2
Floyd |
Floyd | 'WHAT?!?'  you say, at the same time that Max booms 'That's a
Floyd | negative, sir.'
Floyd | The two of you glare at each other.  Max continues: 'I always work
Floyd | alone.'
Floyd |
Floyd | The Director bites the end of his cigar.  The smoke curls towards the
Floyd | ceiling.
Floyd | 'This is a matter of life and death,' he says.  'The two of you are
Floyd | the best
Floyd | we've got for this mission -- and we definitely do need two
Floyd | people.'  His eye
Floyd | darts keenly from you to Max.  'Badly enough that if necessary I'll
Floyd | assign the
Floyd | Dobert Twins instead.'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "topic twins"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/922
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't think of anything to say about that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/922
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: What is the job, sir?2: Sir, they're
Floyd | actresses.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "2"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/923
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 2
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Sir, they're actresses,' you say.
Floyd |
Floyd | He makes a dismissive gesture with one hand, nearly knocking the
Floyd | vacuumbot out
Floyd | of the air.  'Sure, but they do their own stunts,' he says.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says, "heh"
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/923
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: What is the job, sir?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/924
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | 'I assure you, sir, I can do whatever the job is better without him,'
Floyd | you say.
Floyd | You think for a moment.  'What is the job, sir?'
Floyd |
Floyd | The Director goes back behind his behemoth desk.  'Let me show you.
Floyd | This
Floyd | morning we received a transmission on several frequencies.  From
Floyd | Venus.'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/925
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | 'I don't suppose you know much about the Xavians, do you?'  Max says
Floyd | to you.
Floyd | 'As you know, sir, the Venusian Xavians are the largest group of our
Floyd | enemies.
Floyd | The rest of the System's rabble, well, they're disorganized crime, and
Floyd | hardly
Floyd | have the resources to mount an offensive against Earth.'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/925
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: Do, please, continue to instruct us on these obvious
Floyd | points, since
Floyd | you, O great Max Blaster, are the only person who knows anything about
Floyd | them.2:
Floyd | I wonder if we could locate the source of the transmission with proper
Floyd | triangulation.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "2"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/926
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 2
Floyd |
Floyd | 'I wonder if we could locate the source of the transmission with
Floyd | proper
Floyd | triangulation,' you muse.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Director shakes his head impatiently and jabs a button on top of
Floyd | his desk.
Floyd |
Floyd | The telescreen behind the Director's head flickers and the scene
Floyd | switches: it
Floyd | is now displaying what must be an office someplace on Venus.  There
Floyd | are a few
Floyd | desks scattered around covered in memos and so on, but your attention
Floyd | is drawn
Floyd | to the large perch hanging from the ceiling, on which Xavian Warlord
Floyd | Ch'awww-
Floyd | k'pot is sitting and smirking out at the camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/926
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: That seems like an awfully messy office.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/927
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | 'That seems like an awfully messy office,' you say.  'I see they've
Floyd | laid fresh
Floyd | newspaper down on the floor, though.'
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Greetings, people of Earth!'  Ch'awwwk squawks.  'I am pleased to
Floyd | announce
Floyd | that the age of Xavian domination of the galaxy is at wing!  Our
Floyd | scientists
Floyd | have finished the construction of our greatest secret weapon yet, one
Floyd | that is
Floyd | completely immune to your puny Earth defenses and will give us
Floyd | complete control
Floyd | of your planet in a matter of mere days!'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/928
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > Z
Floyd |
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | 'A secret weapon?  We've got to stop it!'  Max exclaims.
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Our demands are simple,' Ch'awwwk says.  'Surrender now, and we will
Floyd | spare you
Floyd | the awesome force of our weapon -- if you can pay the tribute
Floyd | we demand.
Floyd | Resist, and we will destroy your planet utterly!  You have forty-eight
Floyd | of your
Floyd | Earth-hours to respond; at the end of that time, we engage the weapon!
Floyd | Ah-ha-
Floyd | ha-haawwwwwk--'
Floyd |
Floyd | Overcome by laughter, Ch'awwwk topples backwards off his perch and out
Floyd | of
Floyd | sight.  The telescreen fades to black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Briefing Room (as Doris)                                        0/928
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: Whatever his secret weapon is, I hope it has as bad
Floyd | balance as he
Floyd | does.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Whatever his secret weapon is, I hope it has as bad balance as he
Floyd | does,' you
Floyd | smirk.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Director looks steadily across the desk at the two of you.  'I'm
Floyd | afraid
Floyd | this threat is only too real; our spies on Venus have confirmed that
Floyd | some kind
Floyd | of massive construction is taking place, but have been unable to
Floyd | penetrate the
Floyd | base or find out more information about what's going on.  You two will
Floyd | have to
Floyd | go to Xavian territory, get into the base somehow, and then disable
Floyd | the secret
Floyd | weapon, whatever it is.  We'll have your spaceship ready in one hour.'
Floyd |
Floyd | The Director rises from his chair.  For a minute, you think you see
Floyd | his cigar
Floyd | tremble in his mouth, but surely he can't be showing signs of nerves,
Floyd | not now.
Floyd | 'Good luck, both of you -- Earth's fate depends on your
Floyd | success.'[More]
Zach pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | VENUS
Floyd | [More]
Zach pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | The landing is not going well.  The jungle swings wildly towards the
Floyd | viewscreen, back, left, right, then zooms in like a Canon-3000.  Max
Floyd | fights
Floyd | desperately with the steering controls, arm-muscles bulging as he
Floyd | struggles to
Floyd | pull it off of a collision course.
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Cut the thrust on my count, Doris!'  Max says through gritted teeth.
Floyd | 'Three
Floyd | ..  two ..  one ..  GO!'
Floyd |
Floyd | You slam your hand down on the button, even as you mutter 'This better
Floyd | work,
Floyd | Blaster'.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is the shriek of tearing metal, a terrible heat, and smoke
Floyd | surrounds the
Floyd | cockpit windows as the jungle burns.[More]
Zach pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/2
Floyd | Exits: north   south   east   west   northeast   northwest
Floyd | southeast   southwest   up
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | ***
Floyd |
Floyd | But hey, any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.  And
Floyd | 'walk' is
Floyd | definitely the operative word here[4], because you're somewhere in the
Floyd | middle
Floyd | of the jungle, and there ain't no road between here and the Xavian
Floyd | base.  You
Floyd | and Max climb out of the ship and take stock.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning Against the Parrot Creatures of
Floyd | Venus
Floyd | Copyright 2003 by Dan Shiovitz and Emily Short
Floyd | [First-time players should type 'about']
Floyd |
Floyd | Crash Site
Floyd | This place is noteworthy for two reasons: one, because it's a clearing
Floyd | in the
Floyd | midst of thick jungle, and two, because your spaceship has
Floyd | crash-landed here.
Floyd | These two facts are not entirely unrelated, as the scorched vegetation
Floyd | and
Floyd blackened earth[5] attest.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "footnote 4"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/2
Floyd | Exits: north   south   east   west   northeast   northwest
Floyd | southeast   southwest   up
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOOTNOTE 4
Floyd |
Floyd | But while 'walk' may be the operative word, 'hack your way through
Floyd | jungle
Floyd | that's thicker than a zero-gee football linebacker' is the operative
Floyd | phrase.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
pollux says (to floyd), "Footnote 5"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/2
Floyd | Exits: north   south   east   west   northeast   northwest
Floyd | southeast   southwest   up
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOOTNOTE 5
Floyd |
Floyd | Or blackened Venus.  Hard to tell when it's all burnt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x ship"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/3
Floyd | Exits: north   south   east   west   northeast   northwest
Floyd | southeast   southwest   up
Floyd |
Floyd | > X SHIP
Floyd |
Floyd | The spaceship has seen better days, you must say.  Currently most of
Floyd | the chrome
Floyd | is scratched off the nose cone, the tail fins are bent at odd angles,
Floyd | and a
Floyd | large tree trunk has stabbed itself through the engine.  And it's all
Floyd | due to
Floyd | Max's lousy piloting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x max"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/4
Floyd | Exits: north   south   east   west   northeast   northwest
Floyd | southeast   southwest   up
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | Tanned skin, curly blonde locks, and handsome.  And check out those
Floyd | perfectly-
Floyd | white teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is carrying his blaster, his force generator, and the ultra-bomb
Floyd | (disguised
Floyd | as a pocketwatch).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/5
Floyd | Exits: north   south   east   west   northeast   northwest
Floyd | southeast   southwest   up
Floyd |
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | A sullen-yet-sultry red-head.
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying your tk device (disguised as a tube of lipstick) and
Floyd | your
Floyd | image projector (disguised as a powder compact).  You are wearing your
Floyd | rocket
Floyd | pants and your jacket.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says, "Oh, I was confused because I thought Doris was brunette, but that was the disguise."
Zach says (to Floyd), "x rocket pants"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/6
Floyd | Exits: north   south   east   west   northeast   northwest
Floyd | southeast   southwest   up
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Rocket pants are, without a doubt, the best article of clothing ever
Floyd | invented.
Floyd | It's good to live in the future.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x jacket"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/7
Floyd | Exits: north   south   east   west   northeast   northwest
Floyd | southeast   southwest   up
Floyd |
Floyd | > X JACKET
Floyd |
Floyd | The jacket is made of a silver fabric and looks rather nice.  It is
Floyd | also hot
Floyd | and not very suitable for the Venusian climate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max glances at you and his eyes slide down to your rocket pants.
Floyd | 'Well, fine,
Floyd | if you don't want to take any risks, I'll scout out the terrain
Floyd | myself.'
Floyd |
Floyd | Max spits on his hands and shimmies athletically up the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "climb tree"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/8
Floyd | Exits: north   south   east   west   northeast   northwest
Floyd | southeast   southwest   up
Floyd |
Floyd | > CLIMB TREE
Floyd |
Floyd | It's probably a bad idea for both of you to go off scouting at the
Floyd | same time.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is some rustling from the trees above as Max moves around.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x tk device"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                             0/9
Floyd | Exits: west   up
Floyd |
Floyd | > X TK DEVICE
Floyd |
Floyd | The tk device can project a short blast of either attractive or
Floyd | repelling
Floyd | telekinetic force (depending on the setting of its switch, currently
Floyd | set to
Floyd | attracting force).  Use is simple: just point the device at a target
Floyd | and
Floyd | activate it.  It is disguised as a tube of lipstick, although trying
Floyd | to use it
Floyd | like that would probably lead to a sudden facelift.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is some rustling from the trees above as Max moves around.
Floyd | 'Looks like
Floyd | it's off to the west,' he shouts down.  'Probably most of a day's
Floyd | hike.'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "This is my least favourite part, when you're trying to figure out your inventory but the game isn't patient."
Zach says (to Floyd), "x projector"
Floyd | Crash Site (as Doris)                                            0/10
Floyd | Exits: west   up
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The image projector is disguised as a powder compact, but the interior
Floyd | mirror
Floyd | flips up to reveal a set of miniature scanning devices and generators.
Floyd | When
Floyd | the projector is activated, it creates a large holographic image of
Floyd | whatever
Floyd | has been placed inside it.  The image projector is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max slides down the tree trunk and lands softly on the jungle floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | In the Foliage (as Doris)                                        0/11
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You shove aside a giant fern frond and set off into the jungle.  Going
Floyd | is rough
Floyd | at first but you eventually get the hang of it: stepping around the
Floyd | pools of
Floyd | sucking mud, wiping off the sweat that pours down your forehead and
Floyd | into your
Floyd | eyes, ducking to avoid the branches that Max keeps accidentally
Floyd | whipping back
Floyd | at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the Foliage
Floyd | Making your way through the Venusian jungle is a bit like working
Floyd | security in
Floyd | the front rows of a rock concert mobbed by giant broccoli[6].  Every
Floyd | direction
Floyd | that isn't blocked by actual treetrunk is accounted for in vines,
Floyd | overhanging
Floyd | fruit, or (worst) the Venusian atmosphere.  Nevertheless, you've got
Floyd | to keep
Floyd | heading west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The heat is really starting to get to you.  Your jacket is starting to
Floyd | feel
Floyd | like one of your grandmother's porcuswine-quill sweaters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "footnote 6"
Floyd | In the Foliage (as Doris)                                        0/11
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOOTNOTE 6
Floyd |
Floyd | But they got real calm when you flashed the steam-gun in your hand --
Floyd | man, the
Floyd | things you had to do to pay the rent before you made it in the Patrol.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "take off jacket"
Floyd | In the Foliage (as Doris)                                        0/12
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You strip off the jacket of your uniform, leaving your arms bare.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max's lips form into the shape of a whistle, but when he sees your
Floyd | expression
Floyd | the lips quickly reshape themselves into 'Weather's kind of hot here,
Floyd | isn't
Floyd | it.'
Floyd |
Floyd | Give the man points for basic perception.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "hit max"
Floyd | In the Foliage (as Doris)                                        0/13
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > HIT MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | He certainly deserves it on occasion, but better reconsider at least
Floyd | until
Floyd | after the mission's complete.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "kiss max"
Floyd | In the Foliage (as Doris)                                        0/14
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > KISS MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | Sometimes tempting, but you hate to make him any smugger than he
Floyd | already is.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | Edge of Gorge (as Doris)                                         0/15
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You travel only a short distance more before being brought to a halt
Floyd | by a
Floyd | sudden onset of geography.
Floyd |
Floyd | Edge of Gorge
Floyd | The foliage abruptly parts here, leaving you in the clear air -- and a
Floyd | short
Floyd | distance from the edge of a steep gorge, with walls of sheer rock.
Floyd | The lack of
Floyd | dirt is presumably the only reason the gorge is not also overgrown
Floyd | with
Floyd | concealing vegetation; even so, vines cling to every ledge, and hang
Floyd | from the
Floyd | trees on both sides of the gorge.
Floyd |
Floyd | At the bottom you can make out a trickle of water.  The far side of
Floyd | the gorge
Floyd | is perhaps fifteen feet away -- definitely too far to jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Edge of Gorge (as Doris)                                         0/15
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | (You can't think of anything to say at the moment.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x gorge"
Floyd | Edge of Gorge (as Doris)                                         0/16
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X GORGE
Floyd |
Floyd | The gorge is probably fifteen feet across: too far to jump and not a
Floyd | bridge in
Floyd | sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | Edge of Gorge (as Doris)                                         0/17
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | You zip down into the gorge, but quickly discover it's rocks all the
Floyd | way down,
Floyd | and not much else.  Eventually you fly back up again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | Edge of Gorge (as Doris)                                         0/18
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Trying to jump over the gorge seems likely to get you killed.  If you
Floyd | want to
Floyd | fly west, say so.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "fly west"
Floyd | Other Edge of Gorge (as Doris)                                   0/19
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > FLY WEST
Floyd |
Floyd | You thumb the control on the rocket belt, and the thrusters flame to
Floyd | life.
Floyd | There's a nervewracking moment where you think you're about to be
Floyd | pasted all
Floyd | over the far wall of the gorge, but you make it neatly back to solid
Floyd | ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | They should really have given you more time to practice with these
Floyd | things.
Floyd |
Floyd | Other Edge of Gorge
Floyd | The foliage suddenly comes together here as the jungle resumes, a few
Floyd | paces
Floyd | beyond the clear air of the cliff edge.  The gorge still looks just as
Floyd | steep on
Floyd | this side, the river at the bottom just as far away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is on the other side of the chasm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x river"
Floyd | Other Edge of Gorge (as Doris)                                   0/20
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X RIVER
Floyd |
Floyd | The river seems very small from up here.  If you're thirsty, it'd
Floyd | probably be
Floyd | faster to look for a drinking fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x max"
Floyd | Other Edge of Gorge (as Doris)                                   0/21
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | Tanned skin, curly blonde locks, and handsome.  And check out those
Floyd | perfectly-
Floyd | white teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is carrying his blaster, his force generator, and the ultra-bomb
Floyd | (disguised
Floyd | as a pocketwatch).
Floyd |
Floyd | Max stares thoughtfully at the gorge.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Other Edge of Gorge (as Doris)                                   0/21
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | (You can't think of anything to say at the moment.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/22
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | You return to the westward march, followed a few minutes later by Max.
Floyd | The
Floyd | ground level drops a bit and the jungle floor becomes soggier, which
Floyd | doesn't
Floyd | help your mood any.  You are just brushing aside yet another vine and
Floyd | are about
Floyd | to step into a small clearing, when you are brought up short by a
Floyd | shout from
Floyd | Max.  'Wait!'
Floyd |
Floyd | Jungle Clearing
Floyd | A particularly large tree grew here until recently (bearing in mind
Floyd | that trees
Floyd | have a different definition of 'recently' than humans do).  Now all
Floyd | that
Floyd | remains are the rotting remains of the trunk, a stump slowly returning
Floyd | to
Floyd | earth, and a clearing in the jungle, not yet reclaimed by the
Floyd | surrounding
Floyd | vegetation.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A vine lies across the middle of the clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "x vine"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/23
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X VINE
Floyd |
Floyd | It looks like an ordinary vine.  Which is not too surprising, because
Floyd | it is an
Floyd | ordinary vine.  Exactly like the millions of other completely ordinary
Floyd | vines in
Floyd | this jungle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Perhaps the trees and vines can help get Max across."
DavidW says, "Unless he's got hyperboots and can just jump across."
Zach says (to Floyd), "take vine"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/24
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TAKE VINE
Floyd |
Floyd | You walk forward and reach out a hand to touch the vine, which blinks
Floyd | one eye
Floyd | open and lunges at you; you fall to the ground, wearing the snake like
Floyd | a
Floyd | feather boa[7]. Max takes a few hasty steps to get a better view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "aw dang"
pollux says (to footnote), "7" inky says, "there is a certain amount of funny conversation we just skipped"
pollux says, "haha oops"
inky says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/23
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | Taking back one turn: 'take vine'.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jungle Clearing
Floyd | A particularly large tree grew here until recently (bearing in mind
Floyd | that trees
Floyd | have a different definition of 'recently' than humans do).  Now all
Floyd | that
Floyd | remains are the rotting remains of the trunk, a stump slowly returning
Floyd | to
Floyd | earth, and a clearing in the jungle, not yet reclaimed by the
Floyd | surrounding
Floyd | vegetation.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is here.
Floyd |
Floyd | A vine lies across the middle of the clearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "talk to max"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/23
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK TO MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: What's the hold-up?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/24
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | 'What's the hold-up?'  you ask.
Floyd |
Floyd | 'For your information, you were just about to step into the clearing.
Floyd | Straight
Floyd | into the clutches of that vine snake!'  Max says.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/24
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking about vine snakes1: Um, that's a vine.2: Since when do
Floyd | you have a
Floyd | degree in xenobiology?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/25
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Um, that's a vine.'
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Are you saying I don't know a vine snake when I see one?'  Max asks,
Floyd | indignantly.  'It's a snake!'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/25
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking about vine snakes1: It's a vine!2: Since when do you
Floyd | have a degree in
Floyd | xenobiology?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/26
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | 'It's a vine!'  You give Max a scornful look and walk toward the vine.
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Snake!'  Max shouts, taking an absurdly cautious step or two closer.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "talk"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/26
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking about vine snakes1: Since when do you have a degree in
Floyd | xenobiology?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/27
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Oh, right, vine snakes.  Since when do you have a degree in
Floyd | xenobiology?  I
Floyd | must've missed it in your last press release.'
Floyd |
Floyd | 'For your information, I was just doing an intensive six-week course
Floyd | in alien
Floyd | fauna.  Besides, I learned all about vine snakes last week, on "It Bit
Floyd | My Face,
Floyd | Episode 17: The Reptilian Horror of Venus".'
Floyd |
Floyd | You blink.  Has Max always been this short?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison says, "oh, dang, you're playing THAT game. wish I had jumped in earlier."
inky says (to Floyd), "x max"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/28
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | Tanned skin, curly blonde locks, and handsome.  And check out those
Floyd | perfectly-
Floyd | white teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max seems to be up to his shins in a pool of quicksand.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is carrying his blaster, his force generator, and the ultra-bomb
Floyd | (disguised
Floyd | as a pocketwatch).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "get vine"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/29
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > GET VINE
Floyd |
Floyd | You walk forward and reach out a hand to touch the vine, which blinks
Floyd | one eye
Floyd | open and lunges at you; you fall to the ground, wearing the snake like
Floyd | a
Floyd | feather boa[7].
Floyd |
Floyd | Feeling a gentle brush around his knees, Max glances down to see that
Floyd | he
Floyd | appears to be standing in a pool of quicksand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says, "ok anyway"
inky says (to Floyd), "note 7"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/29
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > NOTE 7
Floyd |
pollux says (to floyd), "footnote 7"
Floyd | Only without the feathers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/29
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOOTNOTE 7
Floyd |
Floyd | Only without the feathers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "kill snake"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/30
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > KILL SNAKE
Floyd |
Floyd | (with your bare hands)
Floyd | Your arms are held tightly to your sides by the snake's coils.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you fight to free yourself from the snake, you collide with
Floyd | something, hard.
Floyd | Twisting your neck to see, you realize the tides of battle have washed
Floyd | you up
Floyd | against a reef.  Or at least a tree stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x stump"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/31
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X STUMP
Floyd |
Floyd | The stump, though gradually decaying, retains most of its original
Floyd | form.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is up to his waist in the quicksand.
Floyd |
Floyd | The snake uncoils part of its length and grabs hold of the tree stump
Floyd | with its
Floyd | tail.  Thus anchored, it rears its head back and prepares to get down
Floyd | to what
Floyd | it probably thinks of as a business lunch.  'Get this snake off me!'
Floyd | you
Floyd | shout.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk to max"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/31
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK TO MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | (You can't think of anything to say at the moment.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "turn on pants"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/32
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You will automatically activate the pants as needed.
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Don't go anywhere, I'll be right with you,' Max calls.
Floyd |
Floyd | The snake regards you beadily, head drawn almost all the way back
Floyd | against the
Floyd | stump as it gets ready to lunge forward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "open projector"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/33
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You snap open the image projector.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max sinks a few more inches into the quicksand.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vine snake suddenly snaps its head forward, jaws lunging for your
Floyd | neck.
Floyd | With a mighty effort, you twist out of the way just in time and its
Floyd | fangs bite
Floyd | thin air.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
pollux says (to floyd), "switch device"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/34
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | (your tk device)
Floyd | You set the tk device to repelling force.
Zach says (to Floyd), "turn on device"
Floyd |
Floyd | The snake shakes its head, dazedly, no doubt wondering why you don't
Floyd | do the
Floyd | sensible thing and lie still so it can eat you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (lying on the jungle floor) (as Doris)           0/35
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The quicksand makes it difficult to reach Max's force generator.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max sinks a few more inches into the quicksand.
Floyd |
Floyd | The snake rears its head back and prepares to get down to business.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "fire tk device at snake"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/36
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | The vine snake's head snaps back suddenly as your force bolt strikes
Floyd | it under
Floyd | what passes for its chin.  Its head, already close to the stump,
Floyd | continues its
Floyd | move backwards and strikes the wood with a thunk.  The snake's eyes
Floyd | cross and
Floyd | it goes limp.  You throw the snake off yourself and struggle to your
Floyd | feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Well,' you say finally.  'I suppose it was a snake.'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x max"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/37
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > X MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | Tanned skin, curly blonde locks, and handsome.  And check out those
Floyd | perfectly-
Floyd | white teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max seems to be up to his chest in a pool of quicksand.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max is carrying his blaster, his force generator, and the ultra-bomb
Floyd | (disguised
Floyd | as a pocketwatch).
Floyd |
Floyd | Max turns on the forcefield device.  A shimmering sphere of force
Floyd | appears.
Floyd |
Floyd | Max sinks a few more inches into the quicksand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "You can probably pull max out of the quicksand."
pollux says (to floyd), "give snake to max"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/38
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | (first taking the vine snake)
Floyd | You hold fast to one end of the vine snake and toss the other to Max.
Floyd | He grabs
Floyd | on and pulls himself out of the quicksand, breathing a sigh of relief.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says, "Well, at least we don't have to put up with him anymore"
Gerynar arrives, full of fun and funk. Zach says, "Dang"
pollux says, "Sorry, but we needed him."
DavidW says, "oh, yay vine. We didn't need to touch him and his disgusting male hotness."
pollux says, "You know, to draw fire."
Zach says (to Floyd), "talk to max"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/38
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > TALK TO MAX
Floyd |
Floyd | Talking 1: Too bad you missed the XenoGeology and Biodomes
Floyd | Special.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "1"
Floyd | Jungle Clearing (as Doris)                                       0/39
Floyd | Exits: west
Floyd |
Floyd | > 1
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Too bad you missed the XenoGeology and Biodomes Special,' you say.
Floyd | 'It showed
Floyd | just what quicksand looked like.'
Floyd |
Floyd | 'Mmf.'
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says, "snrk"
Zach says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Max coughs slightly as you two start to set off into the jungle again.
Floyd | 'I hate
Floyd | to say it,' he says, 'but I told you so.  I told you early and I told
Floyd | you
Floyd | repeatedly.  I told you loudly and I told you quietly.  I told you--'
Floyd |
Floyd | You glare at Max and snap, 'Next time I'm letting you sink, buster.'
Floyd |
Floyd | The ground firms again as it begins to slope upwards, and after only
Floyd | another
Floyd | hour or so of walking, you are in sight of your goal.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hill Outlook
Floyd | This small hill is the jungle's last outpost.  Not covered with trees
Floyd | and
Floyd | creepers, as it would be further back, it is instead dotted with low
Floyd | bushes and
Floyd | halfhearted patches of grass.  The grass begins to win out on the
Floyd | downslope of
Floyd | the hill, however, and as the ground drops and widens into a great
Floyd | natural
Floyd | bowl, the grass holds undisputed reign.  This is a bit worrying, as it
Floyd | suggests
Floyd | the land has been kept artificially clear and free of hiding-places,
Floyd | but you
Floyd | have little attention for that as your gaze is drawn irrevocably
Floyd | towards that
Floyd | which grows in the center of the bowl: the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | Impossibly tall, branches bowed with the weight of a dozen silver
Floyd | cage-domes,
Floyd | the tree encompasses your vision and surpasses it.  And then, at the
Floyd | top of the
Floyd | tree, dark against the setting sun, movement catches your eye.
Floyd |
Floyd | [More]
Gerynar has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. DavidW says, "hope it's not a deadly parrot, hope it's not a deadly parrot"
pollux says, "I should sleep."
pollux has had its fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Zach pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd | Hill Outlook (as Doris)                                          0/40
Floyd | Exits: down
Floyd |
Floyd says, "Max is here."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x cages"
Floyd | Hill Outlook (as Doris)                                          0/40
Floyd | Exits: down
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CAGES
Floyd |
Floyd | You see no cages here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x tree"
Floyd | Hill Outlook (as Doris)                                          0/41
Floyd | Exits: down
Floyd |
Floyd | > X TREE
Floyd |
Floyd | Almost as large as a skyscraper and equally as much a triumph of
Floyd | engineering.
Floyd | Nothing as large as this could survive on its own, and it is only due
Floyd | to the
Floyd | ceaseless action of the nutrient and water pumps built around the base
Floyd | of the
Floyd | tree that it is kept alive.  And it does still live, branches with
Floyd | leaves like
Floyd | bedsheets reaching up to catch the last light of the day.  Also on
Floyd | those
Floyd | branches hang the dozen silver cage-domes, each easily the size of a
Floyd | house, in
Floyd | which the Xavians lair.  Not all are busy lairing at the moment,
Floyd | however, and
Floyd | you can see them flit from dome to dome or fly up to the top of the
Floyd | tree to
Floyd | inspect the dark structure built there.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x cage-domes"
Floyd | Hill Outlook (as Doris)                                          0/42
Floyd | Exits: down
Floyd |
Floyd | > X CAGE-DOMES
Floyd |
Floyd | The silver cage-domes are each easily the size of a house, and at
Floyd | least a dozen
Floyd | hang from the branches of the tree.  You've penetrated more
Floyd | impressive-looking
Floyd | bases, but not many[8].
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "footnote 8"
Floyd | Hill Outlook (as Doris)                                          0/42
Floyd | Exits: down
Floyd |
Floyd | > FOOTNOTE 8
Floyd |
Floyd | Well, ok, actually you haven't penetrated any more impressive-looking
Floyd | bases,
Floyd | but no sense getting yourself all depressed, right?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "d"
Floyd | On a dark field (as Doris)                                      10/43
Floyd | Exits: None
Floyd |
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | Eventually the shadows are thick enough that it seems safe to start
Floyd | heading for
Floyd | the tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | ***
Floyd |
Floyd | 'There's no cover, so we'll just have to be as quick and quiet as we
Floyd | can,' Max
Floyd | says.  You roll your eyes.  'What, did you think I was going to walk
Floyd | in there
Floyd | playing a flugelhorn?'  But Max is already walking on ahead and
Floyd | disappearing
Floyd | into the darkness even as you hurry to catch up.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Doris has raised the score by ten points.)
Floyd | (If you'd prefer not to be notified about score changes in the future,
Floyd | type
Floyd | NOTIFY OFF.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says, "I better go to sleep too. Job interview tomorrow."
DavidW asks, "Should we stop it here and continue next week with it?"
Zach says, "Sure, unless anyone else wants to continue playing."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "save"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite:
DavidW says (to Floyd), "nfparrots"
Floyd | On a dark field (as Doris)                                      10/43
Floyd | Exits: None
Floyd | Saved.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > QUIT
Floyd |
Floyd | Do you really want to quit? (Y is affirmative) >
inky says (to Floyd), "yes"
Floyd |
Floyd | > YES
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Thanks for playing!
Floyd | cheaptads quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
inky has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
DavidW has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Zach has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.

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