ClubFloyd Transcript:
all alone. by ian finley
As played on ifMUD on July 5, 2015

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of all alone. written by ian finley. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load allalone"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd | tadsr - A text-only TADS 2.5.10 Interpreter.
Floyd | Copyright (c) 1993, 2006 by Michael J. Roberts.
Floyd |
Floyd | You're all alone tonight.
Floyd |
Floyd | Of course, you've gotten used to that since you moved in with Harvey.
Floyd | He works the late shift at the delicatessen every Tuesday and Thursday.
Floyd | He'll be back before too long.  That man works so hard.
Floyd |
Floyd | You slip into your toasty flannel pajamas because there's a cold winter
Floyd | rain coming down outside and the heat in Harvey's sub-basement
Floyd | apartment really needs looking at.  You settle down into the oversized
Floyd | couch in the living room and snap on the TV.  Tonight you're just going
Floyd | to relax.
Floyd |
Floyd | all alone.
Floyd | by ian finley
Floyd |
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small; the big couch takes up almost all the
Floyd | floorspace.  Not that you're complaining.  It's the best Harvey can
Floyd | afford right now and until your drawings really start to sell you
Floyd | aren't contributing much financially.  Some of your sketches hang on
Floyd | the walls above the TV and the squat cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.
Floyd | Through a wide arch in the northwest corner you can see most of the
Floyd | kitchen and to the northeast is the bedroom.  The door to the
Floyd | cement-floored outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x drawings"
Floyd | The pictures are sketches, originals of your work.  One is of a young
Floyd | man walking into a high school; another is a little girl boarding a
Floyd | plane.  Your teacher is arranging to get some of your works on display
Floyd | downtown.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear the news starting on the TV.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rain taps on the little square windows.
Floyd |
Floyd | it's coming
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says, "that's not ominous at all"
Jacqueline says, "No. Not at all."
Roger says, "GABBO"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd | You're wearing your flannel Mickey Mouse pajamas.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV announces, "Tragedy and horror strike again as another victim of
Floyd | the so-called 'Slicer Killer' is found in her west side apartment."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I'm sure that's completely unrelated."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You have a set of pajamas (being worn).
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "This is the fourth slaying of this kind to occur in
Floyd | the past three weeks.  .  .  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "It'll never happen to us."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x couch"
Floyd | The couch is a huge, overstuffed thing that Harvey picked up at some
Floyd | flea market.  Its all orange and yellow, pretty obnoxious.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, ".  .  .and police are focusing as much on quelling
Floyd | the growing panic in the city as on catching the killer.  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x bookshelf"
Floyd | The homemade bookshelf is basically a pile of paperbacks and big
Floyd | anatomy textbooks barely supported by cement blocks and sagging boards.
Floyd | There is a little candle burning on top that just screams "fire
Floyd | hazard."
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "We have been asked not to broadcast the images we
Floyd | have of the crime scene, but the killer has left his usual macabre
Floyd | calling cards."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Most victims of murder know their victims. So I'm sure it won't be us next."
DavidW says, "I don't think I've ever played this game before, so I have no idea what to expect."
Jacqueline exclaims, "Unless... what if Harvey isn't really working late at the delicatessen?!"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x candle"
Floyd | The candle is white and held in a little blue glass cup.  It's lit, not
Floyd | that it helps much.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "The young woman's internal organs had been removed,
Floyd | and several thin strips of skin shaved from the body."
Floyd |
Floyd | The storm is gathering force outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "take candle"
Floyd | You can't reach that from the couch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart exclaims, "Ooh, and I always assumed his keen interest in the cutting power of knives was professional!"
Roger says, "Thanks, FOX NEWS"
DavidW says, "Let's make sure the front door is locked."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You're not going anywhere until you get out of the couch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "While not wishing to encourage the unreasonable fear
Floyd | spreading through the city, the police do encourage women living alone
Floyd | to keep all curtains closed and make sure their doors are securely
Floyd | locked."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "(Let's hope the Slicer Killer isn't Harvey.)"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "get off couch"
Floyd | Okay, you're no longer on the couch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "In a related story, Mayor Anderson has significantly
Floyd | increased active police presence on the streets and has proposed
Floyd | another raise in pay."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "Curtains, the silent defence"
Jacqueline says, "I'm betting that's our SURPRISE PLOT TWIST, actually."
Roger says, "My money's on us being the killer"
Jacqueline says, "See? There's more cops. We'll be fine."
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "Ooh. That'd be good."
Jacqueline says, "Like in that other IF game."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd | Rain drizzles down the dark windows.  They're small and placed high up
Floyd | since this is a basement apartment.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "These raises come at a crucial time, as work related
Floyd | stress causes growing numbers of investigators resign every week."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart asks, "What part of that fear is 'unreasonable'?"
DavidW says, "Not immediately. They have to slash art funding first. Those drawings will never be sold."
Jacqueline says (to Lh), "A valid question."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "change channel"
Floyd | I don't know the word "change".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "blow out candle"
Floyd | You blow out the candle.
Floyd |
Floyd | For a moment the TV is blurred by loud static.  Damn antennas.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "We really should lock the door, y'know."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "lock door"
Floyd | Which door do you mean, the outside door, or the bedroom door?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "outside door"
Floyd | The door is already locked, two deadbolts and a latch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The static clears and picks up with the anchorman saying, ".  .
Floyd | .continued threats of chemical warfare."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Yeah, the TV said so"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "lock bedroom door"
Floyd | It's too far away.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "In further world news--" and is cut short by low
Floyd | static.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, wait. We'd prolly want to be *inside* the bedroom before we lock it."
Roger says, "Let's lock ourselves in the fridge for maximum safeness"
Lionheart says, "That's your typical TV news priorities. if it bleeds, it leads."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd |    The kitchen is deep and narrow, with sink and stove and refrigerator
Floyd | jutting out at awkward angles.  It's not that the place is really
Floyd | dirty, but your mother wouldn't be able to stand it.  The tile counters
Floyd | are washed-out yellow, slightly grimy, and the sink is more than half
Floyd | filled with this week's dishes.  You can see about half the living room
Floyd | through the arch to the southeast, light from the TV flickering on the
Floyd | far wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The television growls with hushed static.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd | The phone's ringing, in the bedroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says, "huh "slicer killer""
Lionheart asks, "What, there's only one phone in the house?"
Zach says, "So much hate against deli workers"
Jacqueline says, "While he flays small strips of your skin he asks if you'd like the pastrami on rye or wheat or pumpernickel."
Roger says, "I think we're stuck in the 80s"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x fridge"
Floyd | The refrigerator is a massive, humming block, probably left over from
Floyd | when this old building was first divided up into apartments.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues to hum.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Lionheart), "This was written a while back."
Roger asks, "Can a TV even make static any more?"
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "Hm. I think they just go black."
Zach says, "There's a channel for that now"
Lionheart says, "Oh, I had not picked up on that time period cue, yeah."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "open fridge"
Floyd | There is cold bread and meat in the refrigerator.
Floyd |
Floyd | The static on the TV gives out to total silence.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "take meat"
Floyd | Which meat do you mean, the canned food, or the bread and meat?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "take bread and meat"
Floyd | Which meat do you mean, the canned food, or the bread and meat?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says, "gah"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "take canned food"
Floyd | There's no reason to carry that around.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "Oh, this old TADS thing. hmmm."
Jacqueline asks, "So, the phone is ringing. ...Have you checked the children?"
Roger says (to floyd), "take first meat"
Floyd | I don't know the word "first".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says (to floyd), "take a meat"
Floyd | Which meat do you mean, the canned food, or the bread and meat?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, ""It's 8pm, do you know where your children are"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "take bread"
Floyd | You don't want to carry that around.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound on the TV suddenly comes back in, loud.
Floyd |
Floyd | Annoyed by the ringing, you finally dash into the bedroom and grab the
Floyd | receiver.  "Hello?"  No answer.  You ask again and hear heavy breathing
Floyd | on the other end, panting.  You stand there for a moment, trying to
Floyd | think of some response, something biting and clever, but you can't, and
Floyd | the harsh wheezing continues.  You hang up the phone and stand there
Floyd | for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "We seem really not stressed at all about that weird phone call."
Lionheart says, "The parser's getting fed up with our refusal to advance the plot"
Zach says, "But we didn't want to answer the phone!"
chaudmin exclaims, "you idiot, you're not supposed to answer the phone! now they know you're there!"
Zach says (to Floyd), "x phone"
Floyd | The old phone is on the floor, half buried by a pile of socks.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV announces, "And now we go to Tom Markus for the weather.  Tom?"
Floyd |
Floyd | it's near
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "x socks"
Floyd | The old phone is on the floor, half buried by a pile of socks.
Floyd |
Floyd | A hyperactive TV weatherman blurts out, "Well folks, tonight doesn't
Floyd | look too good."
Floyd |
Floyd | A fat cockroach scurries over your bare left foot.  Without thinking
Floyd | you jerk away and smash it with the ball of your right foot and it
Floyd | crunches under your skin.  You quickly wipe the guts off your sole onto
Floyd | the floor and shudder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "You guys are awesome."
Zach says, "That's why we should have been *wearing* the socks"
Zach says (to Floyd), "take socks"
Floyd | The phone isn't ringing.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "This storm is gonna continue right up until tomorrow
Floyd | morning, and it is one monster of a storm."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline | Floyd | it's near
Jacqueline | Floyd |
Jacqueline | Floyd | >
| Zach says (to Floyd), "x socks"
Jacqueline says, "As one does, when it's near."
Zach says, "The socks were ringing!"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is really much too small for everything in it.  It was
Floyd | ok when it was just Harvey's big waterbed and his dresser, but when you
Floyd | brought in your drafting desk with its lamps and everything, the room
Floyd | just got too crowded.  You have to practically crawl over the desk to
Floyd | get to the closet to the east and the door to the bathroom to the west
Floyd | is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's socks and clothes crouch on
Floyd | the floor.  He's been used to being a bachelor for so long.  You can
Floyd | see the living room through the arch to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "Winds up to seventy-two miles per hour have been
Floyd | reported, and the rain just keeps coming down."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "wear socks"
Floyd | You can't wear the phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "It's like the end of the world out there."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Well, one always wants to know where one's socks are."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x desk"
Floyd | Your drafting table is the one serious piece of furniture you took from
Floyd | your parents' house when you moved in here.  It's covered with
Floyd | half-finished sketches, charcoals and cups of pencils.  The bulbs in
Floyd | the two lamps that are attached to it have burnt out.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a sudden clap of thunder outside and the wind starts picking
Floyd | up.  The transmission on the TV starts to fade.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Incidentally, I'm thinking the PC's excellent roach-stomping reflexes bode well for us."
Zach says (to Floyd), "x sketches"
Floyd | The table has several open sketch pads, all with drawings in various
Floyd | stages of completion.  Several pairs of cold, unseeing eyes stare at
Floyd | you from underneath scattered sheets, daring you to complete their
Floyd | bodies.  You ignore them.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound on the TV fades in and out.  You hear snatches of words and
Floyd | phrases.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lightning flashes brightly for a moment, lighting up the whole
Floyd | apartment.  The thunder comes almost at once.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x bed"
Floyd | The water bed is this squelching monster of a thing really low to the
Floyd | floor and covered with neon green sheets.  The pillows are the same
Floyd | whacked color.  It's comfy though.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the TV you hear, "Buy Fleischmann's.  .  .static, garble.  .  .
Floyd | it slices, it dices, it.  .  .  static, garble.  .  .  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "complete bodies"
Floyd | I don't know the word "complete".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "So, I know we're being all nonchalant about the fact that we're either about to die or be killed, but this really is building the anticiaption well."
Zach says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd | clothing:  You slip quickly out of your pajamas and into some jeans and
Floyd | a shirt that are on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the TV you hear, "In our last story.  .  .garble.  .  .Good-night
Floyd | from.  . .static.  .  .  "
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd | The phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "The socks are ringing again."
Zach says (to Floyd), "answer socks"
Floyd | Frustrated, you grab the receiver, but don't say anything.  The man on
Floyd | the other end is whispering.  You can't make out exactly what he's
Floyd | saying.  It sounds like, "You're not thinking of going anywhere are
Floyd | you?"  You don't reply. "Didn't want to go out in your pajamas did
Floyd | you?"  You glance quickly towards the window.The blinds are open.  You
Floyd | can't see anything through the dark and rain."I just wouldn't go
Floyd | outside, ok, sweetie?"  You slam down the receiver.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | From the TV you hear, "Stay in.  .  .static.  .  .if you need.  .
Floyd | .static.  .  .to go out.  .  ."  and then complete silence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "close blinds"
Floyd | You unfold the blinds and cover the windows.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I'm sure that will help."
Jacqueline says, "I say we change clothes and get out of here."
DavidW says, "Should've done that earlier, I suppose."
Zach says, "I feel like going for a walk"
Jacqueline says, "Go to a neighbor's house."
Zach says (to Jacq), "We did change clothes"
Jacqueline asks, "Wait! Can we call Harvey?"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "call harvey"
Floyd | You punch in Harvey's work number.  Old man Luttfisk answers.  You hate
Floyd | his voice.  It sounds slimy.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Luttfisk's Delicatessen.  We're closin' up here--"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Yes, Mr.  Luttfisk, I know, I was just wondering if Harvey was there."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Harvey?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Yes, Harvey, your assistant, if he's there--"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh he left a long time ago.  Had to pick up supplies.  Yeah.  He left
Floyd | a long time ago.  Good night."  Click.  Buzz.  You hang up the phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Z), "We did? I missed that."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd | You're wearing pants and a shirt, nothing special.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Zach says, "In response to "take all""
Roger says, "good thinkin"
Lionheart says, "Ah, a touchtone phone, another time period cue"
Jacqueline says (to Z), "Ah"
chaudmin says, "gonna check out the closet"
Jacqueline asks (of Lh), "As opposed to a smart phone or VOIP?"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | Closet
Floyd |    The closet is tiny and dark, barely enough room for you to stand in.
Floyd | A few of your clothes are hanging on the one bar but most of them are
Floyd | still in a big box on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound on the TV jumps back in with raucous peals of laughter, some
Floyd | stupid sitcom or something.
Floyd |
Floyd | The storm is getting even worse, the rain drowning out any other sound.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I mean, touch tone phones still exist... I think."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "open box"
Floyd | The box is already open, you can see it's contents.  For that matter,
Floyd | you don't think it ever had a lid to start with.
Floyd |
Floyd | The tone of the TV changes and you hear, "We interrupt your regularly
Floyd | scheduled programming to bring you this important message."
Floyd |
Floyd | From the kitchen
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Of course they do."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x box"
Floyd | The box is a big cardboard thing that says "Rothschild's Vodka" on the
Floyd | side.  The liquor store always has extra cardboard boxes, which you
Floyd | needed when you moved.  The box is filled with most of your clothes,
Floyd | the stuff you haven't had time to unpack yet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The news announcer is back.  You hear him say, "Police officials are
Floyd | mortified to find that the 'Slicer Killer' has struck for the second
Floyd | time this evening."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "OH GOD IT'S BEEPING"
Jacqueline asks, "Wait. What's beeping?"
Lionheart says, "Dial phones still exist too, for that matter"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | As you start to leave the closet you hear sounds coming from the living
Floyd | room.  CLICK.  CLICK.  The locks on the front door.  Harvey must be
Floyd | home, finally.  You call out to him, "Hi, honey," but there's no reply.
Floyd | CLICK.  You hear the door swinging open, slowly and quietly.  "Honey?"
Floyd | you call.  No answer.  Quiet feet in the living room.
Floyd |
Floyd | The announcer continues, rapidly, "Another single woman has been found
Floyd | brutally mutilated in her west side home."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Sadly, party lines are dead."
Roger says, "'honey', eh"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "close door"
Floyd | You quietly close the door and wait, holding your breath.  Quiet.
Floyd | Suddenly there's knock on the door, two loud raps.  The handle turns.
Floyd | Then turns back.  You hear footsteps receding and the front door
Floyd | closing, locking.  CLICK.  CLICK.  CLICK.
Floyd |
Floyd | The announcer continues, "The locks on her front door appear to have
Floyd | been forced, but by a skilled hand."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, we seem to be Harvey's partner, as implied by the idea that we're sharing the bedroom."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "get in box"
Floyd | I don't know how to get on the box of clothes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The announcer continues, "Police are cautioning against panic."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Zach says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You have a unlit candle and some clothes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Static on the TV.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "But TV reporters are having none of it"
Jacqueline says, "See, the police are cautioning aganist panic, but if we're not going to go proactively kill any non-Harvey persons in the living room, then I think it's time to panic."
Zach says (to Floyd), "kill"
Floyd | What do you want to attack?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says, "I'd like to know what's beeping, but I'm also pretty sure it's a bad idea to leave the closet"
Jacqueline says, "I mean, unless Harvey seems to want to kill us. If he does, then he can be offed."
DavidW says, "We don't have even a butter knife to defend ourselves with."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. We can stay put."
Lionheart says, "Maybe we can give the killer a paper cut with this cardboard box."
Jacqueline asks, "Why did we call out? For the same reason we autmagically answered the phone?"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "lock door"
Floyd | There's no way to lock the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | Static on the TV.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Roadrunner."
Jacqueline says, "hee"
DavidW says, "The roadrunner's after you."
DavidW says, "Roadrunner."
Lionheart says, "If he catches you, you're through"
DavidW says, "If he catches you, you're through."
Roger says, "DW, you have the honours of leading us out of the closet"
Jacqueline says, "No no no"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd | There's another whip of lightning and the TV shuts down completely.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline clears the save counter.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | File to save game in >
Floyd | Saved.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "scream"
Floyd | No one is going to help you.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "We never saw the bathroom, did we?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "pray"
Floyd | I don't know the word "pray".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "hide"
Floyd | There's no place for you to hide.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | Closet
Floyd |    The closet is tiny and dark, barely enough room for you to stand in.
Floyd | A few of your clothes are hanging on the one bar but most of them are
Floyd | still in a big box on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "listen"
Floyd | Rain and thunder.  The creaks of an old building.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take box"
Floyd | You don't wanna haul your clothes around.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "move box"
Floyd | You can't move the box of clothes.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "hiding in your closet in real time"
Jacqueline asks (of Roger), "Wait, aren't we all playing on laptops in our closets right now because we're so scared?"
Jacqueline says, "So, maybe nothing will happen (like, at all) if we stay here."
DavidW says, "I can't enter my closet. It's full."
Jacqueline says, "Maybe we need to leave to advance the plot."
Roger says, "someone told me not to panic"
Jacqueline says, "And won't you all feel silly when it's just Harvey."
Jacqueline says, "And he says, 'Hi, sweetie. Get any drawing done?'"
Jacqueline says, "And we'll just snuggle up and it'll all be fine."
Lionheart says, "Until we notice the blood on his shoes."
Jacqueline exclaims (at Lionheart), "That's from the roast beef at work!"
Jacqueline exclaims, "It's just a little rare!"
chaudmin asks, "well I guess we should leave then?"
Lionheart says, "Well, a smart serial killer probably wouldn't kill someone he lives with, when he'd be the prime suspect."
Roger says, "BEEP BEEP"
Jacqueline says, "We just saved. So, yeah."
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "STOP THAT"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You open the closet door and step out into the bedroom.  No one there.
Floyd | You listen carefully but you can't hear anything in the apartment.
Floyd |
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is too small for everything in it.  You have to
Floyd | practically crawl over the desk to get to the closet and the door to
Floyd | the bathroom is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's dirty clothes
Floyd | crouch on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Lh), "Good point."
Lionheart exclaims, "Unless all the other killings are meant to give plausible deniability!"
Jacqueline says, "Check the front door locks on the way to the kitchen."
Jacqueline says, "I'm sure it's just the microwave, angry that the power blipped and reset its clock to 00:00"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | Bathroom
Floyd |    This is the darkest room in the apartment.  The toilet works and the
Floyd | sink and shower aren't too dirty, but whenever you put on makeup you
Floyd | have to do it on your desk where there's more light instead of using
Floyd | the mirror in here.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Assuming there were microwaves when this game was made."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x mirror"
Floyd | The mirror is one of those medicine cabinet things, into which you've
Floyd | crammed all your necessary toiletries.  It's closed right now.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "open it"
Floyd | You open the cabinet.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "We had a microwave all through the 80s."
Jacqueline says, "Though it did not have a clock, it must be said."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "look in cabinet"
Floyd | Inside the open medicine cabinet is a ton of random bathroom junk.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "take junk"
Floyd | There no reason to deal with any of that right now.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "search junk"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says, "so the bathroom is completely useless"
Lionheart says, "We can't arm ourselves with nail clippers? Surely the TSA confiscates those because tyhey're deadlier than they seem"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "get in shower"
Floyd | I don't know how to get on the shower.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks (of chaudmin), "Isn't every IF bathroom?"
DavidW says, "Some IF bathrooms are useful!"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, I know."
Jacqueline says, "I was just generalizing."
DavidW says, "You were."
Jacqueline says, "I get snarky when I'm about to be killed."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x sink"
Floyd | The sink is one of those tiny things on a tall free-standing pedestal.
Floyd | Harvey says it's Victorian, but you think it's just plain annoying cuz
Floyd | there's nowhere to put anything on it or even any space under it for
Floyd | cabinets.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh. ok. Pls no killed."
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get razor"
Floyd | I don't know the word "razor".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "get giant and sharp hair cutting scissors with the pointy tips"
Floyd | I don't know the word "giant".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Thanks for being forthcoming, parser"
DavidW says, "At this rate, we might have to settle for a sharp pencil."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is too small for everything in it.  You have to
Floyd | practically crawl over the desk to get to the closet and the door to
Floyd | the bathroom is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's dirty clothes
Floyd | crouch on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "We are an illustrator. Did we see a pencil? We could go for the eyes."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x table"
Floyd | Your drafting table is the one serious piece of furniture you took from
Floyd | your parents' house when you moved in here.  It's covered with
Floyd | half-finished sketches, charcoals and cups of pencils.  The bulbs in
Floyd | the two lamps that are attached to it have burnt out.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "for an nra-sponsored game, it's pretty good"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take pencil"
Floyd | You grab one of the pencils.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Wow, you might actually be right"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "weild pencil"
Floyd | I don't know the word "weild".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x pencil"
Floyd | It's a plain, number 2 graphite pencil with a little green eraser.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "heh"
Lionheart says, "Good call"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sharpen pencil"
Floyd | I don't know the word "sharpen".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "draw"
Floyd | You sit down at the desk and grab a fresh piece of paper.  You start
Floyd | moving your pencil over the smooth surface, letting it form whatever
Floyd | shapes it wants.  A long dark gash on the paper resolves into a man's
Floyd | shadow.  Diagonal lines mist into the slashing rain.  Details, a long
Floyd | coat, a suitcase, a knife.  .  .  You stop drawing and crumple up the
Floyd | paper.  Another time.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "ACK"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open desk"
Floyd | I don't know how to open the drafting table.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Oh, Ian Finley."
DavidW says, "yeah, he wrote several well-received games, but somehow I missed playing this one."
Jacqueline says, "Let's do this, folks"
DavidW says, "I suspect the plot won't advance until we investigate the BEEP BEEP-ing."
Jacqueline says, "Let's leave the bedroom before we wet out pants."
Lionheart says, "If we need the toilet it's back there"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "leave bedroom"
Floyd | I don't recognize that sentence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | Closet
Floyd |    The closet is tiny and dark, barely enough room for you to stand in.
Floyd | A few of your clothes are hanging on the one bar but most of them are
Floyd | still in a big box on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is too small for everything in it.  You have to
Floyd | practically crawl over the desk to get to the closet and the door to
Floyd | the bathroom is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's dirty clothes
Floyd | crouch on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | Bathroom
Floyd |    This is the darkest room in the apartment.  The toilet works and the
Floyd | sink and shower aren't too dirty, but whenever you put on makeup you
Floyd | have to do it on your desk where there's more light instead of using
Floyd | the mirror in here.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is too small for everything in it.  You have to
Floyd | practically crawl over the desk to get to the closet and the door to
Floyd | the bathroom is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's dirty clothes
Floyd | crouch on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "exit is sw, I think."
Jacqueline says, "I'm flailing, clearly."
Roger says, "From now on, if I think we're heel-dragging in clubfloyd, I'm going to say beep beep"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "heehee"
DavidW says (to Roger), "yay"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small, the couch takes up all the space.  Some of
Floyd | your sketches hang on the walls above the TV and the
Floyd | cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.  You can see the kitchen to the
Floyd | northwest and the bedroom door to the northeast.  The door to the
Floyd | outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |    Sitting on the floor is a Polaroid picture.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline exclaims, "!!"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take picture"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "uh-oh. New item!"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x picture"
Floyd | Which picture do you mean, the Polaroid picture, or the sketches?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x polaroid"
Floyd | It takes you a minute to figure out what the blurry, close-up picture
Floyd | is of.  When you realize, your stomach knots, the bile rises in your
Floyd | throat.  You fight down the nausea.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x polaroid"
Floyd | It takes you a minute to figure out what the blurry, close-up picture
Floyd | is of.  When you realize, your stomach knots, the bile rises in your
Floyd | throat.  You fight down the nausea.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says (to floyd), "shake polaroid"
Floyd | I don't know the word "shake".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd |    The kitchen is narrow, with sink and stove and refrigerator jutting
Floyd | out at odd angles.  The tile counters are washed-out yellow, and the
Floyd | sink is half filled with dishes.  You can see about half the living
Floyd | room to the southeast.
Floyd |    The refrigerator seems to contain some bread and meat.
Floyd |
Floyd | The timer on the stove
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "turn off timer"
Floyd | You twist the timer knob and turn off the bell.  You'd forgotten about
Floyd | the lasagna you put in to cook an hour ago.  Harvey brought it home
Floyd | from the deli last night.  You take it out of the oven and put it on
Floyd | the counter, still steaming.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "NOT a microwave."
Jacqueline says, "So I see."
chaudmin says, "well that lasagna's probably totally overcooked by now"
Jacqueline says, "I say we try to use this steaming hot lasagne as a weapon."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x lasagna"
Floyd | The lasagna is in its own disposable pan right from the deli.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Worked for Edith Bunker."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "take lasagna"
Floyd | It's too hot to just carry around.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Well, if we see any gore, now we can console ourselves that it's just tomato sauce"
DavidW says (to parser), "That's the point."
Jacqueline asks, "Oh! How about we dial 911?"
Roger says, "Now I kinda want an IF version of Garfield Without Garfield"
Roger says, "Draw introspective drawing of steaming lasagna"
DavidW asks (of Roger), "like, IF with *less* NPCs?"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x sink"
Floyd | The stainless steel sink is practically brimming with unwashed dishes.
Floyd | You really need to get a dishwasher, but there'd be no room for it.
Floyd | Among all the dishes you see the shine of a large knife blade.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Bet the phones went out too but"
Zach has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Lionheart says, "Oh hey now"
chaudmin says, "ah"
Roger says, "yay dirty knife"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "take knife"
Floyd | The pick up the knife.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "cut lasagna with knife"
Floyd | You cut the top layer of the casserole, releasing a cloud of hot,
Floyd | foul-smelling steam.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "cut lasagna?"
chaudmin asks, "foul-smelling??"
DavidW asks, "foul-smelling?"
Lionheart says, "It's our own fault the lasagna got burned."
chaudmin says, "haha"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "x lasagna"
Floyd | The lasagna is in its own disposable pan right from the deli.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a white hot flash of lightning outside the window and something
Floyd | that sounds like an explosion.  The apartment goes completely dark.
Floyd | The power's out.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says (to floyd), "slice lasagna"
Floyd | I don't know the word "slice".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "We were hiding in a closet for like a half hour"
DavidW says, "We have no matches for our candle, I bet."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "light candle"
Floyd | You have nothing to light it with.
Floyd |
Floyd | it's here
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Why did we blow out that candle"
Jacqueline says, "We had a candle, but I blew it out."
Jacqueline exclaims, "They foreshadowed that it was a fire hazard!"
Roger says, "It was a fire hazard! Safety first, people."
Jacqueline exclaims, "What what I supposed to do?!"
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "Exactly. Thank you."
Roger says, "At night, a pencil's sharper than a knife"
Lionheart says, "Ah well. Eldritch voices are warning us that it's here now. We're gonna be eaten by a grue"
Jacqueline says, "I feel like we're all alone."
Roger says, "All alone with our lasagna"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "eat lasagna" Lionheart says, "And Mr. Stabby"
Floyd | You fish a semi-clean fork out of the sink and dig into the lasagna.
Floyd | It's from the deli; they usually have great stuff.  But something
Floyd | tastes wrong about it.  There's something rancid about the sausage.
Floyd | You put the fork down and almost gag.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd | The phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline exclaims, "The phone still works!"
Lionheart says, "By which I mean our friend the knife, n ot the Slicer"
Jacqueline asks, "..hooray?"
Roger says, "Phones generally still do work during power outages"
Jacqueline says, "I'm guessing we're going to answer this phone no matter what."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "smell lasagna"
Floyd | I don't know the word "smell".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "Yeah"
Lionheart says, "Clearly this lasagna needs some mustard."
Jacqueline says, "It's lasagna made from the meat of his last victim."
chaudmin says, "that's also the impression I'm getting"
Jacqueline says, "Which I'm pretty sure would smell just like any other meat, to be honest."
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "ewwww"
Jacqueline says, "Expecially since he just killed two people this evening."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "I'm just saying, I don't think it would smell rancid just because it was human."
Lionheart says, "I had the impression that long pig was called so because it tasted like pork somehow"
DavidW says, "Now I'm thinking it's possible that *is* why the lasagna is bad."
Lionheart says, "No, I think meat's turning rancid because some supernatural horror is rotting flesh here"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Oh, I'm totally serious that that's why the lasagne is bad."
Jacqueline says, "I mean, human meat is not helped by letting it overcook while one cowers in the closet, to be fair."
DavidW asks, "So, it's invisible wabbit season? We're hunting Harveys?"
Lionheart asks, "How long can we not answer the phone before the parser makes us do it again?"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "heh. I see what you did there."
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd |    The kitchen is almost pitch black.  You feel your way around.  The
Floyd | ceiling seems lower.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Draconis arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "add salt to human lasagne"
Floyd | I don't know the word "add".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "That's odd."
Jacqueline says, "Maybe it just needs seasoning."
Jacqueline asks (of Lh), "What is? The ceiling?"
Lionheart says, "I rarely feel the ceiling when I'm feeling my way around"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch ceiling"
Floyd | The ceiling is covered with the same cracked plaster as the walls.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Maybe this is all part of our freaky dreamm."
Jacqueline says, "er, -m"
Jacqueline says (to Lh), "Well, we're in a crappy basement apartment, so maybe the ceiling is really now."
Jacqueline says, "er, low"
Jacqueline says (to Draconis), "You may wish to play this one on your own. We've all kind of been built up with anticipation that you have not yet enjoyed."
Roger says, "Maybe we should call the policia"
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "I agree. But the phone is engaged."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    You can't see your own hands.  You can feel the presence of the big
Floyd | couch but everything else is lost in the darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Draconis asks (of Jacqueline), "Ah, what game is it?"
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    You're disoriented in the total darkness.  You can guess roughly
Floyd | where the bed and the table are, but you're not sure.
Floyd |
Floyd | The ringing is driving you crazy.  You stumble through the dark before
Floyd | your hands find the phone.  You snatch up the receiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | "What the fuck do you want?"  you growl.  There's silence for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | "That's not very nice language sweetie.  I don't want to have to punish
Floyd | you more."  You don't reply.  "Is my pretty sweetie mad at me?  Well
Floyd | don't you worry, I'll take care of that.  You just stay right there."
Floyd | click.  You drop the receiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Draconis), "all alone"
Draconis says, "I do not know of that one, so I shall explore it later."
Draconis heads back home.
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "call 911"
Floyd | You pick up the receiver and punch 9, then 1.  .  .  Then you pause.
Floyd | Nothing's really happened, why are you so panicky?  You take a deep
Floyd | breath and hang up the phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "Sentenced to mediocre lasagna"
Jacqueline says, "WHAT THE HELL"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "call 911"
Floyd | You dial 911 and wait.  Ring.  Ring.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Hello, 911, is this an emergency?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Um.  Yes, kinda.  I've had some unusual phone calls--"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Let me patch you through to the police, and may I remind you that this
Floyd | number is for emergencies only."  There's a sharp click, a pause, and
Floyd | then faint jazz and a voice telling you you're on hold.  You slam down
Floyd | the receiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "That is not actually what happens when you call 911."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "call 911"
Floyd | You dial 911 and wait.  Ring.  Ring.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Hello, 911, is this an emergency?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Um.  Yes, kinda.  I've had some unusual phone calls--"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Let me patch you through to the police, and may I remind you that this
Floyd | number is for emergencies only."  There's a sharp click, a pause, and
Floyd | then faint jazz and a voice telling you you're on hold.  You slam down
Floyd | the receiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the darkness of the living room you hear noises.  Rattling, at the
Floyd | door.  Two sharp clicks.  A loud pop.  The door creaking open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You have a unlit candle, some clothes, a single pencil, a Polaroid
Floyd | picture, and a knife.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone's in the apartment, moving around in the darkness of the living
Floyd | room.  "Look, I made it sweetie.  .  ."
Floyd |
Floyd | You take a step back.  Something wriggles and crunches beneath your
Floyd | foot.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "..wriggles?"
Lionheart says, "Darn roaches"
DavidW says, "yeah, a roach."
Roger says, "This game needs a cat"
Jacqueline says, "Man, I'm sick of waiting. Let's just go get murdered already."
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    You can't see your own hands.  You can feel the presence of the big
Floyd | couch but everything else is lost in the darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | Someone is there.  The beam of a flashlight shines in your face and
Floyd | you're blinded, stars flickering around you in the darkness.  "Oh, you
Floyd | look good enough to.  .  ."  The figure moves towards you.  Hands on
Floyd | your mouth and waist.  Wet cloth with something chemical and sickening.
Floyd |
Floyd | Darkness.  Men's voices.  Wet.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | It's light.  The rain has stopped.  You're on the couch.  The
Floyd | apartment's quiet and cold.  You seem all right.  You shiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "BOOOOOoooooo"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You have some clothes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The cardboard box from your closet is sitting in front of the open
Floyd | door.  A dark stain is seeping out from the black cardboard onto the
Floyd | carpet.  You move towards it shaky, bruised.  There are things lying
Floyd | among your clothes in the box.  A pair of glasses.  A finger.  A
Floyd | Zip-Loc bag of something viscous.  A piece of scalp.  Somehow you
Floyd | recognize it.  Harvey finally made it home.
Floyd |
Floyd | the end
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You may restore a saved game, start over, or quit.
Floyd | Please enter RESTORE, RESTART, or QUIT:  >
Jacqueline asks, "Wait, what?"
Roger says, "Ian was feeling oblique that day, apparently"
Jacqueline asks, "So, we survived because we called 911? And then someone dropped off Harvey but the police left before we became conscious?"
Roger says, "I think that's Harvey in the box"
Jacqueline says, "That is my best theory, and it's pretty screwed up. Surely I'm missing something."
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "Yeah, that part i get."
Roger says, "I think the implication is everything else was a dream sequence"
Lionheart asks, "Then why are we bruised?"
Jacqueline says, "Ah."
Jacqueline says, "So it was all part of our freaky dream after all."
DavidW says, "strange"
Jacqueline says, "restore"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restore"
Floyd | File to restore >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | Closet
Floyd |    The closet is tiny and dark, barely enough room for you to stand in.
Floyd | A few of your clothes are hanging on the one bar but most of them are
Floyd | still in a big box on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "out"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You open the closet door and step out into the bedroom.  No one there.
Floyd | You listen carefully but you can't hear anything in the apartment.
Floyd |
Floyd | Bedroom
Lionheart asks, "Did you save after you blew out the candle?"
Floyd |    The bedroom is too small for everything in it.  You have to
Floyd | practically crawl over the desk to get to the closet and the door to
Floyd | the bathroom is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's dirty clothes
Floyd | crouch on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small, the couch takes up all the space.  Some of
Floyd | your sketches hang on the walls above the TV and the
Floyd | cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.  You can see the kitchen to the
Floyd | northwest and the bedroom door to the northeast.  The door to the
Floyd | outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |    Sitting on the floor is a Polaroid picture.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You think about the Polaroid.  There is someone out there.  Not in the
Floyd | apartment, there wouldn't be anyplace to hide.  But if you left, even
Floyd | to get to the other apartments in the building, you'd have to go out
Floyd | alone, down the unlit outside hall, and then around the hole length of
Floyd | the building in the dark and rain.  Harvey has to be almost home.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says (to LH), "Yeah I think so"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline says, "I blew it out pretty early. We could restart."
Jacqueline says, "I'm wanting to try to leave, which it's not going to let me do from the save anyway."
Roger says, "Maybe see if we can abort the lasagna early"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to start over?  (YES or NO) >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd | You're all alone tonight.
Floyd |
Floyd | Of course, you've gotten used to that since you moved in with Harvey.
Floyd | He works the late shift at the delicatessen every Tuesday and Thursday.
Floyd | He'll be back before too long.  That man works so hard.
Floyd |
Floyd | You slip into your toasty flannel pajamas because there's a cold winter
Floyd | rain coming down outside and the heat in Harvey's sub-basement
Floyd | apartment really needs looking at.  You settle down into the oversized
Floyd | couch in the living room and snap on the TV.  Tonight you're just going
Floyd | to relax.
Floyd |
Floyd | all alone.
Floyd | by ian finley
Floyd |
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small; the big couch takes up almost all the
Floyd | floorspace.  Not that you're complaining.  It's the best Harvey can
Floyd | afford right now and until your drawings really start to sell you
Floyd | aren't contributing much financially.  Some of your sketches hang on
Floyd | the walls above the TV and the squat cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.
Floyd | Through a wide arch in the northwest corner you can see most of the
Floyd | kitchen and to the northeast is the bedroom.  The door to the
Floyd | cement-floored outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | You're not going anywhere until you get out of the couch.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear the news starting on the TV.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rain taps on the little square windows.
Floyd |
Floyd | it's coming
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x oven"
Floyd | I don't see any oven here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x stove"
Floyd | I don't see any stove here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | Living Room, on the couch
Floyd |    The living room is small; the big couch takes up almost all the
Floyd | floorspace.  Not that you're complaining.  It's the best Harvey can
Floyd | afford right now and until your drawings really start to sell you
Floyd | aren't contributing much financially.  Some of your sketches hang on
Floyd | the walls above the TV and the squat cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.
Floyd | Through a wide arch in the northwest corner you can see most of the
Floyd | kitchen and to the northeast is the bedroom.  The door to the
Floyd | cement-floored outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV announces, "Tragedy and horror strike again as another victim of
Floyd | the so-called 'Slicer Killer' is found in her west side apartment."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "Get off couch"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, sorry, thought it had switched rooms."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "get up"
Floyd | Okay, you're no longer on the couch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "This is the fourth slaying of this kind to occur in
Floyd | the past three weeks.  .  .  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is really much too small for everything in it.  It was
Floyd | ok when it was just Harvey's big waterbed and his dresser, but when you
Floyd | brought in your drafting desk with its lamps and everything, the room
Floyd | just got too crowded.  You have to practically crawl over the desk to
Floyd | get to the closet to the east and the door to the bathroom to the west
Floyd | is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's socks and clothes cover the
Floyd | floor.  He's been used to being a bachelor for so long.  You can hear
Floyd | the TV to the southwest over the pouring rain.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, ".  .  .and police are focusing as much on quelling
Floyd | the growing panic in the city as on catching the killer.  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Ack"
Jacqueline says, "Read wrong"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | (Undoing one command)
Floyd |
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small; the big couch takes up almost all the
Floyd | floorspace.  Not that you're complaining.  It's the best Harvey can
Floyd | afford right now and until your drawings really start to sell you
Floyd | aren't contributing much financially.  Some of your sketches hang on
Floyd | the walls above the TV and the squat cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.
Floyd | Through a wide arch in the northwest corner you can see most of the
Floyd | kitchen and to the northeast is the bedroom.  The door to the
Floyd | cement-floored outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is really much too small for everything in it.  It was
Floyd | ok when it was just Harvey's big waterbed and his dresser, but when you
Floyd | brought in your drafting desk with its lamps and everything, the room
Floyd | just got too crowded.  You have to practically crawl over the desk to
Floyd | get to the closet to the east and the door to the bathroom to the west
Floyd | is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's socks and clothes cover the
Floyd | floor.  He's been used to being a bachelor for so long.  You can hear
Floyd | the TV to the southwest over the pouring rain.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, ".  .  .and police are focusing as much on quelling
Floyd | the growing panic in the city as on catching the killer.  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Ah."
Roger says (to Jacq), "Don't panic"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | (Undoing one command)
Floyd |
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small; the big couch takes up almost all the
Floyd | floorspace.  Not that you're complaining.  It's the best Harvey can
Floyd | afford right now and until your drawings really start to sell you
Floyd | aren't contributing much financially.  Some of your sketches hang on
Floyd | the walls above the TV and the squat cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.
Floyd | Through a wide arch in the northwest corner you can see most of the
Floyd | kitchen and to the northeast is the bedroom.  The door to the
Floyd | cement-floored outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "AHHHHH"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd |    The kitchen is deep and narrow, with sink and stove and refrigerator
Floyd | jutting out at awkward angles.  It's not that the place is really
Floyd | dirty, but your mother wouldn't be able to stand it.  The tile counters
Floyd | are washed-out yellow, slightly grimy, and the sink is more than half
Floyd | filled with this week's dishes.  You can see about half the living room
Floyd | through the arch to the southeast, light from the TV flickering on the
Floyd | far wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, ".  .  .and police are focusing as much on quelling
Floyd | the growing panic in the city as on catching the killer.  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "search sink"
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "We have been asked not to broadcast the images we
Floyd | have of the crime scene, but the killer has left his usual macabre
Floyd | calling cards."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x oven"
Floyd | The oven is nothing special, just a big metal box stuck next to the
Floyd | wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "The young woman's internal organs had been removed,
Floyd | and several thin strips of skin shaved from the body."
Floyd |
Floyd | The storm is gathering force outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "x stove"
Floyd | The oven is nothing special, just a big metal box stuck next to the
Floyd | wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "While not wishing to encourage the unreasonable fear
Floyd | spreading through the city, the police do encourage women living alone
Floyd | to keep all curtains closed and make sure their doors are securely
Floyd | locked."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "open oven"
Floyd | There's no reason to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "In a related story, Mayor Anderson has significantly
Floyd | increased active police presence on the streets and has proposed
Floyd | another raise in pay."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x sink"
Floyd | The stainless steel sink is practically brimming with unwashed dishes.
Floyd | You really need to get a dishwasher, but there'd be no room for it.
Floyd | Among all the dishes you see the shine of a large knife blade.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "These raises come at a crucial time, as work related
Floyd | stress causes growing numbers of investigators resign every week."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Search didn't find the knife but examine does? Meh"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take knife"
Floyd | The pick up the knife.
Floyd |
Floyd | For a moment the TV is blurred by loud static.  Damn antennas.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small; the big couch takes up almost all the
Floyd | floorspace.  Not that you're complaining.  It's the best Harvey can
Floyd | afford right now and until your drawings really start to sell you
Floyd | aren't contributing much financially.  Some of your sketches hang on
Floyd | the walls above the TV and the squat cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.
Floyd | Through a wide arch in the northwest corner you can see most of the
Floyd | kitchen and to the northeast is the bedroom.  The door to the
Floyd | cement-floored outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | The static clears and picks up with the anchorman saying, ".  .
Floyd | .continued threats of chemical warfare."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "wash knife"
Floyd | The knife looks a bit cleaner now.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "In further world news--" and is cut short by low
Floyd | static.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is really much too small for everything in it.  It was
Floyd | ok when it was just Harvey's big waterbed and his dresser, but when you
Floyd | brought in your drafting desk with its lamps and everything, the room
Floyd | just got too crowded.  You have to practically crawl over the desk to
Floyd | get to the closet to the east and the door to the bathroom to the west
Floyd | is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's socks and clothes crouch on
Floyd | the floor.  He's been used to being a bachelor for so long.  You can
Floyd | see the living room through the arch to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The television growls with hushed static.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd | The phone is ringing, across the room under a pile of socks.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "change clothes"
Floyd | I don't know the word "change".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "take all"
Floyd | clothing:  You slip quickly out of your pajamas and into some jeans and
Floyd | a shirt that are on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues to hum.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd | The phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The static on the TV gives out to total silence.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | The phone is ringing, it might be important.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
chaudmin says (to Floyd), "close blinds"
Floyd | You unfold the blinds and cover the windows.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound on the TV suddenly comes back in, loud.
Floyd |
Floyd | Annoyed by the ringing, you grab the receiver.  "Hello?"  No answer.
Floyd | You ask again and hear heavy breathing on the other end, panting.  You
Floyd | stand there for a moment, trying to think of some response, something
Floyd | biting and clever, but you can't, and the harsh wheezing continues.
Floyd | You hang up the phone and stand there for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd | Frustrated, you grab the receiver, but don't say anything.  The man on
Floyd | the other end is whispering.  You can't make out exactly what he's
Floyd | saying.  It sounds like, "You're not thinking of going anywhere are
Floyd | you?"  You don't reply. "Didn't want to go out in your pajamas did
Floyd | you?"  You glance quickly towards the window.  The blinds are down.
Floyd | What's going on?  "I just wouldn't go outside, ok, sweetie?"  You slam
Floyd | down the receiver.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "LET ME LEAVE"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV announces, "And now we go to Tom Markus for the weather.  Tom?"
Floyd |
Floyd | it's near
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small, the couch takes up all the space.  Some of
Floyd | your sketches hang on the walls above the TV and the
Floyd | cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.  You can see the kitchen to the
Floyd | northwest and the bedroom door to the northeast.  The door to the
Floyd | outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | A hyperactive TV weatherman blurts out, "Well folks, tonight doesn't
Floyd | look too good."
Floyd |
Floyd | A fat cockroach scurries over your bare left foot.  Without thinking
Floyd | you jerk away and smash it with the ball of your right foot and it
Floyd | crunches under your skin.  You quickly wipe the guts off your sole onto
Floyd | the floor and shudder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You reach out towards the door, then you think about the phone call.
Floyd | Even to get to the other apartments in the building you'd have to go
Floyd | out alone, down the unlit outside hall, and then around the whole
Floyd | length of the building in the dark and the rain.  It would be safer
Floyd | just to stay locked in here.  Harvey should already be on his way home.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "This storm is gonna continue right up until tomorrow
Floyd | morning, and it is one monster of a storm."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You reach out towards the door, then you think about the phone call.
Floyd | Even to get to the other apartments in the building you'd have to go
Floyd | out alone, down the unlit outside hall, and then around the whole
Floyd | length of the building in the dark and the rain.  It would be safer
Floyd | just to stay locked in here.  Harvey should already be on his way home.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "Winds up to seventy-two miles per hour have been
Floyd | reported, and the rain just keeps coming down."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You reach out towards the door, then you think about the phone call.
Floyd | Even to get to the other apartments in the building you'd have to go
Floyd | out alone, down the unlit outside hall, and then around the whole
Floyd | length of the building in the dark and the rain.  It would be safer
Floyd | just to stay locked in here.  Harvey should already be on his way home.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "It's like the end of the world out there."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Okay, okay. Fine."
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "think"
Floyd | I don't know the word "think".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Anyway, we have a not blown-out candle. Someone else drive, since I clearly fail and typing this morning."
Roger says (to floyd), "wake up"
Floyd | I don't know the word "wake".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "call harvey"
Floyd | The phone is in the bedroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a sudden clap of thunder outside and the wind starts picking
Floyd | up.  The transmission on the TV starts to fade.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart has had Lionheart's fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Lionheart arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is too small for everything in it.  You have to
Floyd | practically crawl over the desk to get to the closet and the door to
Floyd | the bathroom is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's dirty clothes
Floyd | crouch on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound on the TV fades in and out.  You hear snatches of words and
Floyd | phrases.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lightning flashes brightly for a moment, lighting up the whole
Floyd | apartment.  The thunder comes almost at once.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "call harvey"
Floyd | You punch in Harvey's work number.  Old man Luttfisk answers.  You hate
Floyd | his voice.  It sounds slimy.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Luttfisk's Delicatessen.  We're closin' up here--"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Yes, Mr.  Luttfisk, I know, I was just wondering if Harvey was there."
Floyd |
Floyd | "Harvey?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Yes, Harvey, your assistant, if he's there--"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Oh he left a long time ago.  Had to pick up supplies.  Yeah.  He left
Floyd | a long time ago.  Good night."  Click.  Buzz.  You hang up the phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the TV you hear, "Buy Fleischmann's.  .  .static, garble.  .  .
Floyd | it slices, it dices, it.  .  .  static, garble.  .  .  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart asks, "Wasn't Fleischmann's a vodka?"
Lionheart asks, "From the box?"
Jacqueline says, "Mr. Luttfisk is a good name for a delicatessen."
Jacqueline says (to Lh), "I think so."
Lionheart exclaims, "It makes Julienne fries!"
Lionheart says, "I guess we went from a vodka ad to a Veg-O-Matic commercial"
Lionheart asks, "So that would suggest more late 60s then, right?"
Roger says, "I feel like we've squeezed the juices out of this one"
Jacqueline narrows her eyes at Roger.
Jacqueline says (to Lh), "How so? Slicing and dicing commercials were still happening at least into the 80s"
Roger says, "But fiddle with it more if one likes"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "call harvey"
Floyd | You dial the delicatessen.  Ring.  Ring.  Nothing.  Ring.  You keep
Floyd | waiting.  Ring.  Ring.  You hang up.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the TV you hear, "In our last story.  .  .garble.  .  .Good-night
Floyd | from.  . .static.  .  .  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "call landlord"
Floyd | I don't know the word "landlord".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "call mom"
Floyd | I don't know the word "mom".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "hee"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "call power company"
Floyd | I don't know the word "company".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "call author"
Floyd | I don't know the word "author".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get pencil"
Floyd | You grab one of the pencils.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the TV you hear, "Stay in.  .  .static.  .  .if you need.  .
Floyd | .static.  .  .to go out.  .  ."  and then complete silence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "I wonder if we can get Candle Cove on that TV"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small, the couch takes up all the space.  Some of
Floyd | your sketches hang on the walls above the TV and the
Floyd | cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.  You can see the kitchen to the
Floyd | northwest and the bedroom door to the northeast.  The door to the
Floyd | outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x bookshelf"
Floyd | The homemade bookshelf is basically a pile of paperbacks and big
Floyd | anatomy textbooks barely supported by cement blocks and sagging boards.
Floyd | There is a little candle burning on top that just screams "fire
Floyd | hazard."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get candle"
Floyd | You pick up the candle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x textbooks"
Floyd | The five or so big books on human anatomy are a lot more interesting
Floyd | than Harvey's other selections.  You've actually used them once or
Floyd | twice as references for your sketches.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound on the TV jumps back in with raucous peals of laughter, some
Floyd | stupid sitcom or something.
Floyd |
Floyd | The storm is getting even worse, the rain drowning out any other sound.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read anatomy"
Floyd | You flip through one of the big books and find a set of transparencies.
Floyd | First the skeleton, then the veins over that, then the bright organs,
Floyd | then the muscles, and finally the skin.
Floyd |
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x paperbacks"
Floyd | The tone of the TV changes and you hear, "We interrupt your regularly
Floyd | scheduled programming to bring you this important message."
Floyd |
Floyd | From the kitchen
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Floyd | There are a lot of books here, mostly cheap science fiction novels.
Floyd | Harvey's choice in literature, not yours.
Floyd |
Floyd | The news announcer is back.  You hear him say, "Police officials are
Floyd | mortified to find that the 'Slicer Killer' has struck for the second
Floyd | time this evening."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "They're really trying to set Harvey up as the killer, but he's not."
Lionheart says, "Oh, the transparencies are a nice touch."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "read science fiction"
Floyd | I don't know the word "science".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd |    The kitchen is narrow, with sink and stove and refrigerator jutting
Floyd | out at odd angles.  The tile counters are washed-out yellow, and the
Floyd | sink is half filled with dishes.  You can see about half the living
Floyd | room to the southeast.
Floyd |
Floyd | The announcer continues, rapidly, "Another single woman has been found
Floyd | brutally mutilated in her west side home."
Floyd |
Floyd | The timer on the stove
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn off stove"
Floyd | You twist the timer knob and turn off the bell.  You'd forgotten about
Floyd | the lasagna you put in to cook an hour ago.  Harvey brought it home
Floyd | from the deli last night.  You take it out of the oven and put it on
Floyd | the counter, still steaming.
Floyd |
Floyd | The announcer continues, "The locks on her front door appear to have
Floyd | been forced, but by a skilled hand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "slice lasagna"
Floyd | I don't know the word "slice".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "eat lasagna"
Floyd | You fish a semi-clean fork out of the sink and dig into the lasagna.
Floyd | It's from the deli; they usually have great stuff.  But something
Floyd | tastes wrong about it.  There's something rancid about the sausage.
Floyd | You put the fork down and almost gag.
Floyd |
Floyd | The announcer continues, "Police are cautioning against panic."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Kind of ironic that this game doesn't know the word 'slice'"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "throw out lasagna"
Floyd | I don't see any out lasagna here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd |    The kitchen is narrow, with sink and stove and refrigerator jutting
Floyd | out at odd angles.  The tile counters are washed-out yellow, and the
Floyd | sink is half filled with dishes.  You can see about half the living
Floyd | room to the southeast.
Floyd |    Sitting on the counter is a lasagna.
Floyd |
Floyd | Static on the TV.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "smell lasagna"
Floyd | I don't know the word "smell".
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "wash dishes"
Floyd | You turn on the water and try to wash some of the dishes but you don't
Floyd | seem to make any headway -- you don't even know where Harvey keeps the
Floyd | dish soap -- and you give up on it almost immediately.
Floyd |
Floyd | Static on the TV.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open fridge"
Floyd | There is cold bread and meat in the refrigerator.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's another whip of lightning and the TV shuts down completely.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "eat bread"
Floyd | You nibble some red salami and some other tid-bits, but you don't have
Floyd | much of an appetite.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get bread"
Floyd | You don't want to carry that around.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a white hot flash of lightning outside the window and something
Floyd | that sounds like an explosion.  The apartment goes completely dark.
Floyd | The power's out.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd |    The kitchen is almost pitch black.  You feel your way around.  The
Floyd | ceiling seems lower.
Floyd |
Floyd | it's here
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "So the candle isn't helping, I guess?"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The single candle in your hand is next to worthless.  Everything
Floyd | beyond your little circle is invisible.  You don't know where the doors
Floyd | are.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd | The phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Maybe go to the living room."
Jacqueline says, "Timing"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You reach out, your hand an inch away from the top lock, when it turns
Floyd | by itself.  CLICK.  Then the next one.  CLICK.  The door rattles.  POP.
Floyd | The last lock bursts out of the flimsy wood frame.  The door swings
Floyd | open an inch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The door opens.  Someone is there.  The beam of a flashlight shines in
Floyd | your face and you're blinded, stars flickering around you in the
Floyd | darkness.  "Look, I made it sweetie.  .  ."  The figure moves towards
Floyd | you.  Hands on your mouth and waist.  Wet cloth with something chemical
Floyd | and sickening.
Floyd |
Floyd | Darkness.  Men's voices.  Wet.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | It's light.  The rain has stopped.  You're on the couch.  The
Floyd | apartment's quiet and cold.  You seem all right.  You shiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Is the phone supposed to sitll be rining"
Lionheart says, "I guess that's an error"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "answer phone"
Floyd | I don't see any phone here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd | You stand up and head towards the door, shivering.  You look over
Floyd | should shoulder.  Oh, no wonder it's so cold.  The front door is wide
Floyd | open.
Floyd |
Floyd | The cardboard box from your closet is sitting in front of the open
Floyd | door.  A dark stain is seeping out from the black cardboard onto the
Floyd | carpet.  You move towards it shaky, bruised.  There are things lying
Floyd | among your clothes in the box.  A pair of glasses.  A finger.  A
Floyd | Zip-Loc bag of something viscous.  A piece of scalp.  Somehow you
Floyd | recognize it.  Harvey finally made it home.
Floyd |
Floyd | the end
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You may restore a saved game, start over, or quit.
Floyd | Please enter RESTORE, RESTART, or QUIT:  >
Jacqueline says, "Okay."
Jacqueline says, "I have a theory."
Lionheart says, "Well, I broke the game"
Jacqueline says, "Which maybe won't change things, but... let's not take the knife and see if Harvey ends up dead."
Jacqueline says, "Don't take the pencil either."
Lionheart says, "Sure why not"
DavidW asks, "The theory is that we killed Harvey?"
Jacqueline says, "That's my theory, yeah"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "restart"
Floyd | You're all alone tonight.
Floyd |
Floyd | Of course, you've gotten used to that since you moved in with Harvey.
Floyd | He works the late shift at the delicatessen every Tuesday and Thursday.
Floyd | He'll be back before too long.  That man works so hard.
Floyd |
Floyd | You slip into your toasty flannel pajamas because there's a cold winter
Floyd | rain coming down outside and the heat in Harvey's sub-basement
Floyd | apartment really needs looking at.  You settle down into the oversized
Floyd | couch in the living room and snap on the TV.  Tonight you're just going
Floyd | to relax.
Floyd |
Floyd | all alone.
Floyd | by ian finley
Floyd |
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small; the big couch takes up almost all the
Floyd | floorspace.  Not that you're complaining.  It's the best Harvey can
Floyd | afford right now and until your drawings really start to sell you
Floyd | aren't contributing much financially.  Some of your sketches hang on
Floyd | the walls above the TV and the squat cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.
Floyd | Through a wide arch in the northwest corner you can see most of the
Floyd | kitchen and to the northeast is the bedroom.  The door to the
Floyd | cement-floored outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get up"
Floyd | Okay, you're no longer on the couch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The news is on TV right now.  The grinning anchorman fills the screen.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rain taps on the little square windows.
Floyd |
Floyd | it's coming
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x bookshelf"
Floyd | The homemade bookshelf is basically a pile of paperbacks and big
Floyd | anatomy textbooks barely supported by cement blocks and sagging boards.
Floyd | There is a little candle burning on top that just screams "fire
Floyd | hazard."
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV announces, "Tragedy and horror strike again as another victim of
Floyd | the so-called 'Slicer Killer' is found in her west side apartment."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get candle"
Floyd | You pick up the candle.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "This is the fourth slaying of this kind to occur in
Floyd | the past three weeks.  .  .  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "adjust antenna"
Floyd | Wierd static rises and falls as you move the delicate rods.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, ".  .  .and police are focusing as much on quelling
Floyd | the growing panic in the city as on catching the killer.  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Oh wow it knew that"
Jacqueline says, "huh"
Jacqueline says, "Nice"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn dial"
Floyd | You twist the dial but the selection isn't that wide, Harvey doesn't
Floyd | have cable.  You flick through a few news programs, some documentary
Floyd | about carnivorous plants or something and end up on the same station
Floyd | you began.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "We have been asked not to broadcast the images we
Floyd | have of the crime scene, but the killer has left his usual macabre
Floyd | calling cards."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "look in couch"
Floyd | There's nothing in the couch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "The young woman's internal organs had been removed,
Floyd | and several thin strips of skin shaved from the body."
Floyd |
Floyd | The storm is gathering force outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "read textbooks"
Floyd | You flip through one of the big books and find a set of transparencies.
Floyd | First the skeleton, then the veins over that, then the bright organs,
Floyd | then the muscles, and finally the skin.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "While not wishing to encourage the unreasonable fear
Floyd | spreading through the city, the police do encourage women living alone
Floyd | to keep all curtains closed and make sure their doors are securely
Floyd | locked."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "In a related story, Mayor Anderson has significantly
Floyd | increased active police presence on the streets and has proposed
Floyd | another raise in pay."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | Going out in the pouring rain in the middle of the night wearing only
Floyd | your Mickey Mouse pajamas would be ridiculous.  You'd wanted to just
Floyd | spend a quiet night at home.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "These raises come at a crucial time, as work related
Floyd | stress causes growing numbers of investigators resign every week."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I wonder if those 'thin strips' are the lasagna noodles."
Lionheart says, "Ew."
Jacqueline says, "yay"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd |    The kitchen is deep and narrow, with sink and stove and refrigerator
Floyd | jutting out at awkward angles.  It's not that the place is really
Floyd | dirty, but your mother wouldn't be able to stand it.  The tile counters
Floyd | are washed-out yellow, slightly grimy, and the sink is more than half
Floyd | filled with this week's dishes.  You can see about half the living room
Floyd | through the arch to the southeast, light from the TV flickering on the
Floyd | far wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | For a moment the TV is blurred by loud static.  Damn antennas.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "draw"
Floyd | Your materials are in the bedroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | The static clears and picks up with the anchorman saying, ".  .
Floyd | .continued threats of chemical warfare."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "open fridge"
Floyd | There is cold bread and meat in the refrigerator.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "In further world news--" and is cut short by low
Floyd | static.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "eat bread"
Floyd | You nibble some red salami and some other tid-bits, but you don't have
Floyd | much of an appetite.
Floyd |
Floyd | The television growls with hushed static.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd | The phone's ringing, in the bedroom.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "answer phone"
Floyd | I don't see any phone here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small, the couch takes up all the space.  Some of
Floyd | your sketches hang on the walls above the TV and the
Floyd | cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.  You can see the kitchen to the
Floyd | northwest and the bedroom door to the northeast.  The door to the
Floyd | outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues to hum.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is really much too small for everything in it.  It was
Floyd | ok when it was just Harvey's big waterbed and his dresser, but when you
Floyd | brought in your drafting desk with its lamps and everything, the room
Floyd | just got too crowded.  You have to practically crawl over the desk to
Floyd | get to the closet to the east and the door to the bathroom to the west
Floyd | is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's socks and clothes crouch on
Floyd | the floor.  He's been used to being a bachelor for so long.  You can
Floyd | see the living room through the arch to the southwest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The static on the TV gives out to total silence.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "answer phone"
Floyd | You grab the receiver.  "Hello?"  No answer.  You ask again and hear
Floyd | heavy breathing on the other end, panting.  You stand there for a
Floyd | moment, trying to think of some response, something biting and clever,
Floyd | but you can't, and the harsh wheezing continues.  You hang up the phone
Floyd | and stand there for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | it's near
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "This is actually a really good game, fwiw. Much as I'm making fun. Glad we played this."
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "draw"
Floyd | You sit down at the desk and grab a fresh piece of paper.  You start
Floyd | moving your pencil over the smooth surface, letting it form whatever
Floyd | shapes it wants.  A long dark gash on the paper resolves into a man's
Floyd | shadow.  Diagonal lines mist into the slashing rain.  Details, a long
Floyd | coat, a suitcase, a knife.  .  .  You stop drawing and crumple up the
Floyd | paper.  Another time.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound on the TV suddenly comes back in, loud.
Floyd |
Floyd | A fat cockroach scurries over your bare left foot.  Without thinking
Floyd | you jerk away and smash it with the ball of your right foot and it
Floyd | crunches under your skin.  You quickly wipe the guts off your sole onto
Floyd | the floor and shudder.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "So our hair trigger roach stomping ability would be foreshadowing then"
Jacqueline says, "I think it was probably made signifcantly more fun by playing it as a group, though."
Jacqueline exclaims (at Lh), "Exactly!"
Jacqueline says, "Harvey comes in, he's all hey look at you I want to smooch you, and we put him in the cardboard box."
Jacqueline says, "Or it's left intentionally ambiguous. There's that."
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "draw harvey"
Floyd | I don't know how to draw the .
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV announces, "And now we go to Tom Markus for the weather.  Tom?"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "draw me"
Floyd | I don't know how to draw yourself.
Floyd |
Floyd | A hyperactive TV weatherman blurts out, "Well folks, tonight doesn't
Floyd | look too good."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart has had Lionheart's fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Lionheart arrives, full of fun and funk.
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | Closet
Floyd |    The closet is tiny and dark, barely enough room for you to stand in.
Floyd | A few of your clothes are hanging on the one bar but most of them are
Floyd | still in a big box on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "This storm is gonna continue right up until tomorrow
Floyd | morning, and it is one monster of a storm."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x bar"
Floyd | It's a plain metal pipe fitted into the walls.  A few of your nice
Floyd | dresses are hanging from it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "Winds up to seventy-two miles per hour have been
Floyd | reported, and the rain just keeps coming down."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x dresses"
Floyd | These are some of your nice clothes, the ones that you didn't want to
Floyd | just leave bunched up in the box.
Floyd |
Floyd | The TV continues, "It's like the end of the world out there."
Floyd |
Floyd | Lightning flashes brightly for a moment, lighting up the whole
Floyd | apartment.  The thunder comes almost at once.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x box"
Floyd | The box is a big cardboard thing that says "Rothschild's Vodka" on the
Floyd | side.  The liquor store always has extra cardboard boxes, which you
Floyd | needed when you moved.  The box is filled with most of your clothes,
Floyd | the stuff you haven't had time to unpack yet.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a sudden clap of thunder outside and the wind starts picking
Floyd | up.  The transmission on the TV starts to fade.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | As you start to leave the closet you hear sounds coming from the living
Floyd | room.  CLICK.  CLICK.  The locks on the front door.  Harvey must be
Floyd | home, finally.  You call out to him, "Hi, honey," but there's no reply.
Floyd | CLICK.  You hear the door swinging open, slowly and quietly.  "Honey?"
Floyd | you call.  No answer.  Quiet feet in the living room.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound on the TV fades in and out.  You hear snatches of words and
Floyd | phrases.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the TV you hear, "Buy Fleischmann's.  .  .static, garble.  .  .
Floyd | it slices, it dices, it.  .  .  static, garble.  .  .  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the TV you hear, "In our last story.  .  .garble.  .  .Good-night
Floyd | from.  . .static.  .  .  "
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says, "Oh still in closet"
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the TV you hear, "Stay in.  .  .static.  .  .if you need.  .
Floyd | .static.  .  .to go out.  .  ."  and then complete silence.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You step out into the bedroom and look around.  No one.  You listen
Floyd | carefully but you can't hear anything but the TV.
Floyd |
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    The bedroom is too small for everything in it.  You have to
Floyd | practically crawl over the desk to get to the closet and the door to
Floyd | the bathroom is almost as blocked.  Piles of Harvey's dirty clothes
Floyd | crouch on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small, the couch takes up all the space.  Some of
Floyd | your sketches hang on the walls above the TV and the
Floyd | cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.  You can see the kitchen to the
Floyd | northwest and the bedroom door to the northeast.  The door to the
Floyd | outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |    Sitting on the floor is a Polaroid picture.
Floyd |
Floyd | The storm is getting even worse, the rain drowning out any other sound.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "x polaroid"
Floyd | It takes you a minute to figure out what the blurry, close-up picture
Floyd | is of.  When you realize, your stomach knots, the bile rises in your
Floyd | throat.  You fight down the nausea.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the kitchen
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "nw"
Floyd | Kitchen
Floyd |    The kitchen is narrow, with sink and stove and refrigerator jutting
Floyd | out at odd angles.  The tile counters are washed-out yellow, and the
Floyd | sink is half filled with dishes.  You can see about half the living
Floyd | room to the southeast.
Floyd |    The refrigerator seems to contain some bread and meat.
Floyd |
Floyd | The sound on the TV jumps back in with raucous peals of laughter, some
Floyd | stupid sitcom or something.
Floyd |
Floyd | The timer on the stove
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "turn off stove"
Floyd | You twist the timer knob and turn off the bell.  You'd forgotten about
Floyd | the lasagna you put in to cook an hour ago.  Harvey brought it home
Floyd | from the deli last night.  You take it out of the oven and put it on
Floyd | the counter, still steaming.
Floyd |
Floyd | The tone of the TV changes and you hear, "We interrupt your regularly
Floyd | scheduled programming to bring you this important message."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "cut lasagna"
Floyd | What do you want to attack it with?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "eat lasagna"
Floyd | You fish a semi-clean fork out of the sink and dig into the lasagna.
Floyd | It's from the deli; they usually have great stuff.  But something
Floyd | tastes wrong about it.  There's something rancid about the sausage.
Floyd | You put the fork down and almost gag.
Floyd |
Floyd | The news announcer is back.  You hear him say, "Police officials are
Floyd | mortified to find that the 'Slicer Killer' has struck for the second
Floyd | time this evening."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You have a set of pajamas (being worn) and a lit candle.
Floyd |
Floyd | The announcer continues, rapidly, "Another single woman has been found
Floyd | brutally mutilated in her west side home."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The announcer continues, "The locks on her front door appear to have
Floyd | been forced, but by a skilled hand."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "se"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The living room is small, the couch takes up all the space.  Some of
Floyd | your sketches hang on the walls above the TV and the
Floyd | cinder-block-and-boards bookshelf.  You can see the kitchen to the
Floyd | northwest and the bedroom door to the northeast.  The door to the
Floyd | outside hall is to the west.
Floyd |    Sitting on the floor is a Polaroid picture.
Floyd |
Floyd | The announcer continues, "Police are cautioning against panic."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You think about the Polaroid.  There is someone out there.  Not in the
Floyd | apartment, there wouldn't be anyplace to hide.  But if you left, even
Floyd | to get to the other apartments in the building, you'd have to go out
Floyd | alone, down the unlit outside hall, and then around the hole length of
Floyd | the building in the dark and rain.  Harvey has to be almost home.
Floyd |
Floyd | Static on the TV.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "close door"
Floyd | It's too far away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Static on the TV.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a white hot flash of lightning outside the window and something
Floyd | that sounds like an explosion.  The apartment goes completely dark.
Floyd | The power's out.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | You think about the Polaroid.  There is someone out there.  Not in the
Floyd | apartment, there wouldn't be anyplace to hide.  But if you left, even
Floyd | to get to the other apartments in the building, you'd have to go out
Floyd | alone, down the unlit outside hall, and then around the hole length of
Floyd | the building in the dark and rain.  Harvey has to be almost home.
Floyd |
Floyd | it's here
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "get photo"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd | The phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "ne"
Floyd | Bedroom
Floyd |    You're disoriented in the total darkness.  You can guess roughly
Floyd | where the bed and the table are, but you're not sure.
Floyd |
Floyd | RING
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "answer phone"
Floyd | The ringing is driving you crazy.  You search the darkness desperately
Floyd | before your hands land on the phone and you snatch up the receiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | "What the fuck do you want?"  you growl.  There's silence for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | "That's not very nice language sweetie.  I don't want to have to punish
Floyd | you more."  You don't reply.  "Is my pretty sweetie mad at me?  Well
Floyd | don't you worry, I'll take care of that.  You just stay right there."
Floyd | click.  You drop the receiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "call 911"
Floyd | You pick up the receiver and punch 9, then 1.  .  .  Then you pause.
Floyd | Nothing's really happened, why are you so panicky?  You take a deep
Floyd | breath and hang up the phone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "call 911"
Floyd | You dial 911 and wait.  Ring.  Ring.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Hello, 911, is this an emergency?"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Um.  Yes, kinda.  I've had some unusual phone calls--"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Let me patch you through to the police, and may I remind you that this
Floyd | number is for emergencies only."  There's a sharp click, a pause, and
Floyd | then faint jazz and a voice telling you you're on hold.  You slam down
Floyd | the receiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | From the darkness of the living room you hear noises.  Rattling, at the
Floyd | door.  Two sharp clicks.  A loud pop.  The door creaking open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "sw"
Floyd | Living Room
Floyd |    The single candle in your hand is next to worthless.  Everything
Floyd | beyond your little circle is invisible.  You don't know where the doors
Floyd | are.
Floyd |
Floyd | The door opens.  Someone is there.  The beam of a flashlight shines in
Floyd | your face and you're blinded, stars flickering around you in the
Floyd | darkness.  "Look, I made it sweetie.  .  ."  The figure moves towards
Floyd | you.  Hands on your mouth and waist.  Wet cloth with something chemical
Floyd | and sickening.
Floyd |
Floyd | Darkness.  Men's voices.  Wet.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | It's light.  The rain has stopped.  You're on the couch.  The
Floyd | apartment's quiet and cold.  You seem all right.  You shiver.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Hm."
Jacqueline says, "See, I think it's just left intentionally vague."
Lionheart says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | You have a set of pajamas (being worn).
Floyd |
Floyd | The cardboard box from your closet is sitting in front of the open
Floyd | door.  A dark stain is seeping out from the black cardboard onto the
Floyd | carpet.  You move towards it shaky, bruised.  There are things lying
Floyd | among your clothes in the box.  A pair of glasses.  A finger.  A
Floyd | Zip-Loc bag of something viscous.  A piece of scalp.  Somehow you
Floyd | recognize it.  Harvey finally made it home.
Floyd |
Floyd | the end
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You may restore a saved game, start over, or quit.
Floyd | Please enter RESTORE, RESTART, or QUIT:  >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | Please enter RESTORE, RESTART, or QUIT:  >
Lionheart says, "So the photo is gone"
Jacqueline says, "Clearly someone was screwing with us. The bit about 'punishing us' for instance"
Jacqueline says, "Well, thanks, all. This was great."
Roger says, "My vote's still on dream sequence"
Jacqueline asks, "That someone else did it and we just dreamed it all?"
DavidW says, "I'm still not sure exactly what happened, but it was a good game."
Roger says, "I think we're the killer but we fell asleep on the couch"
Lionheart says, "I think getting chloroformed by the killer, but then Harvey saves the day - for you but not for him, makes more sense."
DavidW asks, "What's with 'Men's voices', plural?"
Lionheart says, "The rancid lasagna would just be a red herring, and the low ceiling panic-induced claustrophobia"
DavidW asks, "Was that merely the tv?"
Lionheart says, "Or Harvey talking to the killer"
DavidW says, "ah."
Lionheart says, "No doubt it's very ambiguous on purpose, though."
Jacqueline says, "You'd think we'd identify Harvey's voice distinct from others, but perhaps not."
Jacqueline says (to Lh), "Yeah"
chaudmin sets location to elsewhere. [LINK]
Jacqueline says, "That is ... creepy timing."
Jacqueline exclaims, "OMG It was DavidW! He was here in the Toyshop with us all along!"
DavidW says, "Posted 2 hrs ago... when we started playing."
Jacqueline says, "..."
Lionheart says, "I like an atmospheric puzzleless IF once in a while."
Jacqueline says, "I like it most of the time, myself."
Lionheart asks, "Oh, this game had sound?"
DavidW has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Lionheart says, "Anyhow, I'm pretty sure that further replays aren't going to make everything clearer nor provide a different ending."

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