ClubFloyd Transcript:
Wishbringer : The Magick Stone of Dreams by Brian Moriarty
As played on ifMUD on various days in June of 2017

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Wishbringer : The Magick Stone of Dreams written by Brian Moriarty. You can learn more about this game, including how to download it, by visiting the IFDB page: Wishbringer : The Magick Stone of Dreams.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing these games, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played these games, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Would you like to restart, restore, undo, or quit? Welcome to the Cheap
Floyd | Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "You may wish to use sleepmask."
Jacqueline says, "It will show you the status line."
Jacqueline says, "Which I think is probably important in this game."
Jacqueline asks, "Want me to load it with sleepmask?"
Guenni says, "ok."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "q"
Floyd | Your score is 0 points out of 100, in 0 moves.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask wishbringer"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:00
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Ellison arrives, full of fun and funk.
Guenni says (to floyd), "x me"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:00
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Old school Infocom."
Jacqueline says, "No X"
Guenni sighs theatrically
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says, "I know. I know! All those extra keys you have to hit."
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine me"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:01
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXAMINE ME
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing interesting about yourself.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:02
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not holding anything.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says, "Ironic that they have no X, given how often you need to find treasure"
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Post Office15:03
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Post Office
Floyd | This is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined
Floyd | with small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter
Floyd | runs along the entire length of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other
Floyd | people's postcards.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. "Where have you
Floyd | been?" he barks angrily. "Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking
Floyd | everywhere for you!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "That's always so demoralizing to see 'Your total score is 1 out of 100' and you're not sure if anything will ever be worth more than 1 point."
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine posters"
Floyd ] Post Office15:04
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |           WANTED!
Floyd |     For Impersonating A
Floyd |         Storyteller
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious
Floyd | envelope. "We just got this Special Delivery," he snarls, tossing it
Floyd | onto the service counter. "I want you to drop it off right away. That
Floyd | means NOW!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I had a boss like Mr. Crisp once."
Guenni says (to floyd), "take envelope"
Floyd ] Post Office15:05
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. "Quit
Floyd | stalling! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline exclaims, "PHEW. Not just 1 point at a time!"
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:06
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | As you leave the Post Office, somebody slams and locks the door behind
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine envelope"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:07
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (You'll find the envelope inside your Wishbringer package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:08
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You're holding a mysterious envelope.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open envelope"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:09
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (You're not supposed to open the mysterious envelope until the story
Floyd | tells you to do so.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read envelope"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:10
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (You'll find the envelope inside your Wishbringer package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (You won't see the "What next?" prompt any more.)
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "One sec. I'll go find the feelies for this game."
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine sign post"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:10
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (That sentence didn't make sense. Please reword it or try something
Floyd | else.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline | [LINK]
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:11
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine signpost"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:12
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There are two arrows on the signpost. The arrow pointing west says "To
Floyd | Cemetery." The east arrow is marked "To Festeron."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I wish I'd never lost my magic stone from this game, but I did. Instead, I have a real stone here on my computer desk that I picked up because it *reminded* me of that stone."
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:13
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the tiniest poodle
Floyd | you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street,
Floyd | yapping angrily and showing its sharp little teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison says, "it answered your wish for a stone"
Jacqueline says, "heh. I suppose so."
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:14
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle won't let you go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle glares at you through eyes red with hatred.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:15
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle won't let you near the cottage.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the poodle's sharp little teeth snapping as it nips your
Floyd | heels.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine poodle"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:16
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle is tiny, mean and hungry-looking.
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle circles you warily, snarling and growling with menace.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "This game made me wary of poodles as a child."
Guenni says, "Ok, ok, I'm going visiting the dead first."
Jacqueline nods.]'
Taleslinger says, "Poodles are evil"
Taleslinger arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:17
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Outside Cemetery15:18
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd | You're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the
Floyd | Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine gate"
Floyd ] Outside Cemetery15:19
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The bars of the open iron gate are 12 feet high, and closely spaced.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Outside Cemetery15:19
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | The cemetery is a fearful place. Are you sure you want to go in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd ] Creepy Corner15:20
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Floyd | > Y
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You have been warned.
Floyd |
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd | You're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by
Floyd | silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane
Floyd | wanders north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine tomb stones"
Floyd ] Creepy Corner15:21
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The lettering is too faded to read clearly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:22
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old gravedigger is resting under a willow tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger nods a greeting as you approach.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x grave"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:22
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X GRAVE
Floyd |
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine grave"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:23
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's six feet deep and freshly dug. You can see an old bone inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger notices the mysterious envelope you're holding.
Floyd | "That's a mighty mysterious-lookin' envelope you got there," he says.
Floyd | "Let's have a look at it."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine envelope"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:24
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (You'll find the envelope inside your Wishbringer package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Sure would like to get a closer look at that mysterious envelope."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give envelope to gravedigger"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:25
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger peers at the address on the mysterious envelope.
Floyd | "Hmm," he mutters, handing it back to you. "Could've sworn I buried
Floyd | that old woman years ago."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Got to go," says the gravedigger, picking up his shovel. "See you
Floyd | soon."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old man ambles away to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine adress"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:25
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (Sorry, but the word "adress" is not in the vocabulary that you can
Floyd | use.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine address"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:25
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (You don't need to use the word "address" to finish this story.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take bone"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:26
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE BONE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't reach the old bone from here. The open grave is too deep.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says, "Looks like we have a bone to pick (up)"
Jacqueline sighs.
Guenni says, "The real riddle of the game is to figure out how to actually get a look at that envelope. :-)"
Jacqueline says, "Well, I sent a link to you but I think it's probably better for you to not look at it, in retrospect."
Jacqueline says, "I will post a link of just the envelope."
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter grave"
Floyd ] Open Grave15:27
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Open Grave
Floyd | You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of
Floyd | dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an old bone here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline | [LINK]
Jacqueline says, "That is not spoilery at all."
Jacqueline says, "(Seriously)"
Ellison says, "I'll paste the text here"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, right. Are you on a screen reader? My bad."
Guenni says, "Bat is right :-)"
Guenni says (to floyd), "take bone"
Floyd ] Open Grave15:28
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE BONE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 7 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison | The Envelope
Ellison | [The return address is simply "The Tower". The postage stamp in upper left
Ellison | corner is a drawing in dark purple ink of a platypus on a medium purple
Ellison | background, with two tufts of field grasses. It bears the caption of E PLATYPUS
Ellison | UNUM, a play on the phrase E PLURIBUS UNUM ("out of many, one"). The value of
Ellison | the stamp is 90.8, but the currency type is not specified. In between the return
Ellison | address and the postage stamp, but slightly lower, are the words "SPECIAL
Ellison | DELIVERY" in red with a line above and below them, stamped on the envelope by a
Ellison | rubber stamp.]
Ellison | [Destination address:]
Ellison | Proprietor
Ellison | Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
Ellison | North Festeron, Antharia
Ellison | 23-52-1
Jacqueline asks (of Ellison), "Cool. Where did you get that description?"
Guenni says, "thanks."
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit grave"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:29
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXIT GRAVE
Floyd |
Floyd | With great difficulty, you manage to climb out of the open grave.
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "look"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:30
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I've had this game since I was a child, and yet I continue to read the name of this room as the Spooky Corpse."
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine tomb stone"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:31
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The tombstone next to the open grave is blank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Twilight Glen15:32
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Twilight Glen
Floyd | The trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make
Floyd | out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the
Floyd | tombstones winds off to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | There must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their
Floyd | umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is locking the iron gate from the outside as you
Floyd | approach. "Keep out of the cemetery after Dark," he tells you with a
Floyd | sly wink.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear him chuckling as he disappears to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks (of Ellison), "Is that description you found alt text for the actual image? Or from somewhere else?"
Guenni says (to floyd), "take umbrella"
Floyd ] Twilight Glen15:33
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine it"
Floyd ] Twilight Glen15:34
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXAMINE IT
Floyd |
Floyd | The handle of the closed umbrella is carved like a parrot's head.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open it"
Floyd ] Twilight Glen15:35
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the umbrella is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "close it"
Floyd ] Twilight Glen15:36
Floyd | >
Floyd | > CLOSE IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the umbrella is now closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Spooky Copse15:37
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Creepy Corner15:38
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Outside Cemetery15:39
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Whew! That cemetery sure is spooky.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "verbose"
Floyd ] Outside Cemetery15:39
Floyd | >
Floyd | > VERBOSE
Floyd |
Floyd | (Maximum verbosity.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd | You're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the
Floyd | Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "..floyde"
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:40
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:41
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | An angry poodle is blocking your path.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni goes home.
Nathan arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. Guenni says, "sorry, the mud didn't like me any more."
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:42
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle won't let you near the cottage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle glares at you through eyes red with hatred.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop bone"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:43
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP BONE
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle tests the old bone with its tongue, lies down and begins to
Floyd | gnaw on it, keeping a red eye on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 10 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:44
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the town librarian, is locking the library door as you
Floyd | approach. "Just the person I was looking for!" she exclaims, smiling
Floyd | brightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger asks, "A loud librarian?"
Jacqueline says, "It's a magical fantasyland, Tale."
Guenni says, ";Well, she's outside. Sometime she needs to let it out."
Jacqueline says, "Also what Guenni said."
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine librarian"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:45
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The library door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss retrieves a violet slip of paper from the depths of her
Floyd | purse. "Be a sweetie and give this note to your dear boss, Mr. Crisp,"
Floyd | she coos, holding the note out to you. "I'd be ever so much obliged."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine miss voss"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:46
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | She's holding a purse and an armful of books.
Floyd |
Floyd | "This is the note I want you to take," says Miss Voss, holding it out
Floyd | to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take note"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:47
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE NOTE
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 13 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss hurries away down the street. "Thanks! Toody-loo!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read note"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:48
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ NOTE
Floyd |
Floyd | The name "Corky" is beautifully handwritten on the outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open it"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:49
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OPEN IT
Floyd |
Floyd | But the violet note isn't addressed to you!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Damn decency."
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:50
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "And I don't think the violet note had a feelie."
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:51
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | An angry poodle is blocking your path.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the poodle's sharp little teeth snapping as it nips your
Floyd | heels.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:52
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle won't let you go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle circles you warily, snarling and growling with menace.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wave umbrella"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:52
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (That sentence didn't make sense. Please reword it or try something
Floyd | else.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni asks, "I'm not really supposed to hit the little guy on the head??"
Jacqueline says, "Hm."
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop umbrella"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:53
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle tests the umbrella with its tongue, drops it on the road
Floyd | and turns to yap at you again.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take umbrella"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:54
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle won't let you pick it up!
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle glares at you through eyes red with hatred.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Eep"
Taleslinger asks, "What happened to the bone?"
Jacqueline says, "Not sure if undo is a thing in this game."
Jacqueline says (to Tale), "I was wondering that myself."
Guenni says, "I dropped it. I guess he ate it by now."
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage15:55
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle won't let you near the cottage.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the poodle's sharp little teeth snapping as it nips your
Floyd | heels.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:56
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter library"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:57
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The library door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine library"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:58
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The library door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Ok, now what? It seems to be the end of the village, und the other direction is blocked as well."
Guenni says (to floyd), "open umbrella"
Floyd ] Rotary South15:58
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any umbrella here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Park15:59
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "This is a good place for you to be, I think."
Jacqueline says, "I have to admit to sometimes working on my website on the side, so I am not 100% sure what you've found and what you have not."
Jacqueline says, "But there is something here."
Guenni says, "Ok, nice of them not to mention other directions than south in the description before. :P"
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine fountain"
Floyd ] Park16:00
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a gold coin and a goldfish in the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coin"
Floyd ] Park16:01
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE COIN
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (It's 4:00 pm. Better hurry! The Magick Shoppe closes in less than an
Floyd | hour!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine fish"
Floyd ] Park16:02
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The goldfish swims shyly away as you stare at it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Rotary East16:03
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a charming little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the closed
Floyd | entrance, and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Park16:04
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine statue"
Floyd ] Park16:05
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The statue is a heroic commemoration of one of Festeron's founding
Floyd | fathers, dressed in a fancy military uniform.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Rotary North16:06
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Festeron Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a quaint village church. Its little white steeple
Floyd | is straight out of a country postcard. The church door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter church"
Floyd ] Church16:07
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Church
Floyd | You're standing inside a beautiful old church. The aisles are diffused
Floyd | with rich colored light streaming in through the stained glass
Floyd | windows.
Floyd |
Floyd | A lighted candle is visible in a nook near the exit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take candle"
Floyd ] Church16:08
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A voice from above solemnly proclaims, "Thou shalt not steal."
Floyd |
Floyd | As you look around the empty church a little white mouse scurries
Floyd | across the floor and disappears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop coin"
Floyd ] Church16:09
Floyd | >
Floyd | > DROP COIN
Floyd |
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take candle"
Floyd ] Church16:10
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A voice from above solemnly proclaims, "Thou shalt not steal."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "That was clever. Hadn't thought of trying that."
Guenni exclaims, "I tried to pay!"
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coin"
Floyd ] Church16:11
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE COIN
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine church"
Floyd ] Church16:12
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Church
Floyd | You're standing inside a beautiful old church. The aisles are diffused
Floyd | with rich colored light streaming in through the stained glass
Floyd | windows.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a candle (providing light) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit church"
Floyd ] Rotary North16:13
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Festeron Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a quaint village church. Its little white steeple
Floyd | is straight out of a country postcard. The church door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Park16:14
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Rotary West16:15
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a modest little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read sign"
Floyd ] Rotary West16:16
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SIGN
Floyd |
Floyd | The sign over the entrance says, "Festeron Police Headquarters."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter police"
Floyd ] Rotary West16:16
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | (There aren't enough nouns in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter police station"
Floyd ] Police Station16:17
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Police Station
Floyd | You're in the front office of the Festeron Police Station. A modest
Floyd | jail cell is visible in a corner of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin, Festeron's finest, is nodding off behind a desk. You
Floyd | can see a piece of chocolate on the desk, and a wanted poster taped to
Floyd | the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin opens one eye as you enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask macguffin about magic shop"
Floyd ] Police Station16:18
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin mutters something vague in reply.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Just drop my mail on the desk," Sgt. MacGuffin murmurs sleepily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Hrm. I am pretty sure there is a way to get the candle, but can't recall how."
Ellison says (to Jacqueline), "belatedly, I got it from the screenreader friendly pdf for Wishbringer on the Infodoc site"
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit police station"
Floyd ] Rotary West16:19
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a modest little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:20
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Festeron
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a circular pile of leaves near the edge of the lake.
Floyd | Somebody has scrawled a message in the sand next to the pile of
Floyd | leaves.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read message"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:21
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The scrawled message in the sand reads, "Do Not Disturb!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni asks, "which one was the save button?"
says, "Don't talk to Floyd, just type 'push save'"
Jacqueline says, "Probably want to clear the save counter first."
Jacqueline clears the save counter. Jacqueline says, "And that's done by typing 'clear save'"
Guenni says, "thanks."
Jacqueline says, "Welcome"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SAVE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to write:
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:21
Floyd | > SAVEOkay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search leaves"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:21
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you sure you want to disturb that pile of leaves? There's an old
Floyd | saying about curiosity...
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:22
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Floyd | > Y
Floyd |
Floyd | Moving the pile of leaves reveals a deep, narrow pit in the sand. It
Floyd | appears to be a trap of some kind.
Floyd |
Floyd | The leaves blow away in the breeze.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went DOWN by 10 points! Your total score is 4 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "undo"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:22
Floyd | >
Floyd | > UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | (What do you want to undo?)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Whoops"
Jacqueline says, "Hm. Let's try this..."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "/undo"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:22
Floyd | >
Floyd | > /UNDO
Floyd |
Floyd | (Sorry, but this story doesn't recognize the word "/undo.")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Okay. You have to restore."
Jacqueline says, "Sorry. Old game."
Guenni nods
Taleslinger asks, "Why would finding a trap reduce your score?"
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > RESTORE
Floyd | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:21
Floyd | > RESTOREOkay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
inky says (to Floyd), "count leaves"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:22
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | A quick count turns up exactly 69,105 leaves.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "thanks."
Jacqueline says (to inky), "Yay"
Guenni laughs
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Rotary West16:23
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a modest little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Park16:24
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Rotary North16:25
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Festeron Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a quaint village church. Its little white steeple
Floyd | is straight out of a country postcard. The church door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] South of Bridge16:26
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Rocky Path16:27
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Festeron River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge of
Floyd | the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Lighthouse16:28
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Festeron Bay. A beach follows the
Floyd | shore of the bay to the south, and a path leads west along the
Floyd | riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A miniature lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands blinking on the
Floyd | shore nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine lighthouse"
Floyd ] Lighthouse16:29
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | It's really just an automated beacon, erected by the town to impress
Floyd | tourists. There aren't any entrances or openings.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] Rocky Path16:30
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Festeron River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge of
Floyd | the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison goes back to Squeamhurst..
Ellison has disconnected.
Guenni says (to floyd), "g"
Floyd ] South of Bridge16:31
Floyd | >
Floyd | > G
Floyd |
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | (It's 4:30 pm. Better hurry! The Magick Shoppe closes in less than
Floyd | half an hour!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Well, if I knew where it is."
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] Bridge16:32
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs
Floyd | on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read sign"
Floyd ] Bridge16:33
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SIGN
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Next Time You're In Town
Floyd |   Visit Our Fun-Filled
Floyd |      Pleasure Wharf
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd ] North of Bridge16:34
Floyd | >
Floyd | > N
Floyd |
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Cliff Bottom16:35
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river. A steep trail winds upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x tree trunk"
Floyd ] Cliff Bottom16:35
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TREE TRUNK
Floyd |
Floyd | (There are too many nouns in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x tree k"
Floyd ] Cliff Bottom16:35
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TREE K
Floyd |
Floyd | (Sorry, but this story doesn't recognize the word "k.")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x tree"
Floyd ] Cliff Bottom16:35
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TREE
Floyd |
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine tree"
Floyd ] Cliff Bottom16:36
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The gnarled tree trunk is rotten to the core.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd ] Cliff Bottom16:37
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SEARCH IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a dead branch on the gnarled tree trunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd ] Cliff Bottom16:38
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to
Floyd | the ground with a thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take it"
Floyd ] Cliff Bottom16:39
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Cliff Bottom16:40
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | You just walked into a solid wall of stone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "ow"
Guenni says, "I'm a bat I'm allowed :-)"
Guenni says, "But ouch is right anyway."
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] North of Bridge16:41
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Bridge16:42
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs
Floyd | on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "g"
Floyd ] South of Bridge16:43
Floyd | >
Floyd | > G
Floyd |
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd ] River Outlet16:44
Floyd | >
Floyd | > W
Floyd |
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Festeron River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:45
Floyd | >
Floyd | > U
Floyd |
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east,
Floyd | you can see Festeron Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | A horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine horse"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:45
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any horse here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine horseshoe"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:46
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You see nothing extraordinary about the horseshoe.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take it"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:47
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TAKE IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine oak tree"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:47
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any oak tree here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:48
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east,
Floyd | you can see Festeron Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine oak tree"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:48
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any oak tree here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "stump"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:48
Floyd | >
Floyd | > STUMP
Floyd |
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "One day I'll do something drastic to that client."
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine stump"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:49
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | The stump is huge, easily four feet across.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:50
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SEARCH IT
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing unusual.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get on stump"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:51
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET ON STUMP
Floyd |
Floyd | The stump affords an excellent view of the surrounding area.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get off it"
Floyd ] Lookout Hill16:52
Floyd | >
Floyd | > GET OFF IT
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, you're no longer on the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd ] River Outlet16:53
Floyd | >
Floyd | > D
Floyd |
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Festeron River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:54
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Festeron
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a circular pile of leaves near the edge of the lake.
Floyd | Somebody has scrawled a message in the sand next to the pile of
Floyd | leaves.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Lake Edge16:55
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | The iron gate is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Rotary West16:56
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a modest little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read sign"
Floyd ] Rotary West16:57
Floyd | >
Floyd | > READ SIGN
Floyd |
Floyd | The sign over the entrance says, "Festeron Police Headquarters."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd ] Park16:58
Floyd | >
Floyd | > E
Floyd |
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Rotary South16:59
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "..floyds"
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Outside Cottage17:00
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | An angry poodle is blocking your path.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an umbrella here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle circles you warily, snarling and growling with menace.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Ok, I take it back. The road northward is mentioned. I just overlooked it."
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd ] End of Story17:00
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You're holding a horseshoe, a dead branch, a gold coin, a violet note
Floyd | and a mysterious envelope.
Floyd |
Floyd | "There you are, numbskull!"
Floyd |
Floyd | You wince as Mr. Crisp strides into view and grabs you by the front of
Floyd | your uniform.
Floyd |
Floyd | "You good-for-nothing idiot!" he bellows in your face. "I wanted you
Floyd | to deliver that envelope BEFORE five o'clock! Now the Magick Shoppe is
Floyd | closed... and you're FIRED!"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Looks like the story's over. But don't despair! Interactive fiction
Floyd | lets you learn from your mistakes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 14 points out of 100, in 120 moves.
Floyd |
Floyd | Do you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Type RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT.) >
Jacqueline says, "Eep"
Guenni says, "Well, looks like I'll quit for now."
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | (Type RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT.) >
Floyd | > QUIT
Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni says (to floyd), "no"
Floyd says (to Guenni), "Floyd doesn't know that trick." Jacqueline says, "Yeah, you'll likely want to do an optimized playthrough."
Guenni says, "I have no idea how to find that shop."
Jacqueline asks, "Well, you'd missed the road to the north, right?"
Jacqueline says, "I think it's up that way."
Jacqueline says, "Also, I think you only need to deal with the poodle one time."
Guenni says, "From the fountain? I went north, and over the bridge."
Jacqueline says, "I thought it was up well beyond that bridge."
Guenni says, "There wasn't much there."
Jacqueline says, "Huh"
Jacqueline asks, "Have you been to the arcade?"
Guenni says, "No. But I didn't really look at the theater."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I think you have a few more places to explore."
Guenni says, "Yep, probabbly tomorrow."
Jacqueline says, "Enjoy! It was fun watching."
Guenni -)
Guenni has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Nathan has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Nathan says, "I'm sorry I missed this today as I was afk. When I played this game I had to use the provided map (pdf of it) to help me figure out where the magic shop was."
DavidW says, "Which game was today's? I also missed the session."
Nathan says, "From what I saw, it looked like Wishbringer."
DavidW says, "oh my."
DavidW says, "I remember the magic shop is at the top of the mountain on the island across the bridge to the north end of the main island."
Nathan says, "Yeap, that's where I found it. It is the only building on the map without a name, if I remember it right."
DavidW says, "Oddly, I've never been that keen on replaying that particular game. I do like the novel, though."
Nathan says, "That is cool. I didn't know there was a novel, especially one that was inspired by the game."
DavidW says, "yeah, there's a few novels based on Infocom games. Wishbringer is one of the better ones in my opinion."
Allen says, "I don't remember if I read that"
Allen says, "the Zork novel was mildly entertaining"
DavidW says, "I have some of the novels. Possibly not all of them."
DavidW asks (of Allen), "The Effinger one?"
Allen says, "yeah"
Allen says, "it approaching fantasy at a meta level"
DavidW says, "I was slightly annoyed with that book."
Allen says, "I wouldn't call it good, but it held my attention"
Nathan says, "That is so fun. I'll look into those novels, if only because they were based on the infocom games. It sounds similar to the DnD/Vampire the Masquerade books based on those different realms, etc."
DavidW says, "Some of the novels I've reread and others just gather dust."
Jacqueline DUH
Jacqueline UM
Jacqueline says, "Don't mind me."
Jacqueline waves and makes an isquiesque departure for home.
inky started to adventure as The Hour-Man (later dropping the hyphen).
Guenni arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Post Office
Floyd | This is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined with
Floyd | small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter runs
Floyd | along the entire length of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other
Floyd | people's postcards.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. "Where have you been?"
Floyd | he barks angrily. "Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking everywhere
Floyd | for you!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine milboxes"
Floyd | (This story doesn't know the word "milboxes.")
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine mailboxes"
Floyd | The little mailboxes are closed and locked.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious
Floyd | envelope. "We just got this Special Delivery," he snarls, tossing it
Floyd | onto the service counter. "I want you to drop it off right away. That
Floyd | means NOW!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take envelope"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. "Don't
Floyd | just stand there, idiot! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | As you leave the Post Office, somebody slams and locks the door behind
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd | You're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the
Floyd | Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The cemetery is a creepy place. Are you sure you want to go in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | You have been warned.
Floyd |
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd | You're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by
Floyd | silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane
Floyd | wanders north.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old gravedigger is resting under a willow tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger nods a greeting as you approach.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter grave"
Floyd | The gravedigger reaches into the open grave and pulls you out. "Don't
Floyd | go in there!" he cries. "You might get buried alive!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger notices the mysterious envelope you're holding. "That's
Floyd | a mighty mysterious-lookin' envelope you got there," he says. "Let's
Floyd | have a look at it."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give envelope to gravedigger"
Floyd | The gravedigger peers at the address on the mysterious envelope. "Hmm,"
Floyd | he mutters, handing it back to you. "Could've sworn I buried that old
Floyd | woman years ago."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Couldn't ask for a nicer day for diggin' graves."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search grave"
Floyd | It's six feet deep and freshly dug. You can see an old bone inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Got to go," says the gravedigger, picking up his shovel. "See you
Floyd | soon."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old man ambles away to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You won't see the "What next?" prompt any more.)
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter grave"
Floyd | Open Grave
Floyd | You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of
Floyd | dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an old bone here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take bone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 7 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit grave"
Floyd | With great difficulty, you manage to climb out of the open grave.
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The tombstones block your path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Whew! That cemetery sure is spooky.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | You'd fall down the hill if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the tiniest poodle
Floyd | you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street,
Floyd | yapping angrily and showing its sharp little teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show bone to poodle"
Floyd | The poodle tests the old bone with its tongue, lies down and begins to
Floyd | gnaw on it, keeping a red eye on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 10 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | The poodle won't let you near the cottage.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the town librarian, is locking the library door as you
Floyd | approach. "Just the person I was looking for!" she exclaims, smiling
Floyd | brightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine miss voss"
Floyd | She's holding a purse and an armful of books.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss retrieves a violet slip of paper from the depths of her
Floyd | purse. "Be a sweetie and give this note to your dear boss, Mr. Crisp,"
Floyd | she coos, holding the note out to you. "I'd be ever so much obliged."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take note"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 13 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss hurries away down the street. "Thanks! Toody-loo!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a charming little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the closed entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x theater"
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine theater"
Floyd | It looks like the perfect place to enjoy an old movie.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read marque"
Floyd | The marquee shows an outline of your mean old boss, Mr. Crisp,
Floyd | triumphantly stepping on the face of a helpless mail clerk. Underneath
Floyd | are the words "Have You Delivered That Envelope Yet?" in big red
Floyd | letters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter theater"
Floyd | The movie theater is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine fountain"
Floyd | You can see a gold coin and a goldfish in the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coin"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine coin"
Floyd | The gold coin is etched with a profile of one of Festeron's founding
Floyd | fathers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter fountain"
Floyd | You'd get soaked if you tried that!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "verbose"
Floyd | (Maximum verbosity.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a charming little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the closed entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the entrance to the Pleasure Wharf, the town's
Floyd | most popular tourist attraction. The Wharf extends eastward into
Floyd | Festeron Bay, and a tidal beach curves north along the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter shack"
Floyd | (You don't need to use the word "shack" to finish this story.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Video Arcade
Floyd | This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op
Floyd | video games. The machines are all deserted and quiet, except for one in
Floyd | the corner that emits a feeble "wokka-wokka" sound.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine machine"
Floyd | The game machine is equipped with a video screen, a joystick, a big red
Floyd | button and a narrow slot for tokens. A lurid logo ("LEATHER GODDESSES
Floyd | OF PHOBOS!") is painted on the side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the entrance to the Pleasure Wharf, the town's
Floyd | most popular tourist attraction. The Wharf extends eastward into
Floyd | Festeron Bay, and a tidal beach curves north along the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine mailbox"
Floyd | The big mailbox seems ordinary enough.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd | You'd have to open the big mailbox to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open mailbox"
Floyd | Okay, the big mailbox is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd | You can see nothing interesting inside the big mailbox.
Floyd |
Floyd | The lid of the big mailbox squeaks and snaps shut with a clang.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put envelope in mailbox"
Floyd | But the big mailbox isn't open!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open mailbox"
Floyd | Okay, the big mailbox is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put envelope in mailbox"
Floyd | Done.
Floyd |
Floyd | The lid of the big mailbox squeaks and snaps shut with a clang.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Wharf's End
Floyd | The sea-worn planks of the Festeron Pleasure Wharf end abruptly a few
Floyd | feet to the east. You're surrounded by the blue, sparkling waters of
Floyd | Festeron Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | Apparently a careless fisherman has just left the wharf, for lying on
Floyd | the planks is a little seahorse, its gills moving in and out with its
Floyd | dying gasps.
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse looks at you with moist, frightened eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine seahorse"
Floyd | Poor thing. It's at the edge of death.
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse opens and closes its little mouth pathetically.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take seahorse"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse's gills are barely moving. It's practically dead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put seahorse in water"
Floyd | Splash!
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse floats without moving for a few anxious moments. Then it
Floyd | springs suddenly to life, circling and splashing joyfully in the waves.
Floyd | Before it swims away it looks up at you with an unmistakable expression
Floyd | of gratitude.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Wharf's End
Floyd | The sea-worn planks of the Festeron Pleasure Wharf end abruptly a few
Floyd | feet to the east. You're surrounded by the blue, sparkling waters of
Floyd | Festeron Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the bay if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the entrance to the Pleasure Wharf, the town's
Floyd | most popular tourist attraction. The Wharf extends eastward into
Floyd | Festeron Bay, and a tidal beach curves north along the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a charming little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the closed entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | An angry poodle is blocking your path.
Floyd |
Floyd | The poodle glares at you through eyes red with hatred.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the poodle's sharp little teeth snapping as it nips your
Floyd | heels.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a charming little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the closed entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read schedule"
Floyd | The schedule says:
Floyd |
Floyd |    EVENINGS AT 7 & 9
Floyd |
Floyd | (It's 4:00 pm. Better hurry! The Magick Shoppe closes in less than an
Floyd | hour!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the entrance to the Pleasure Wharf, the town's
Floyd | most popular tourist attraction. The Wharf extends eastward into
Floyd | Festeron Bay, and a tidal beach curves north along the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open mailbox"
Floyd | Okay, the big mailbox is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take envelope"
Floyd | You can't reach into the big mailbox.
Floyd |
Floyd | The lid of the big mailbox squeaks and snaps shut with a clang.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni goes home.
Guenni arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Your score is 14 points out of 100, in 64 moves.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Post Office
Floyd | This is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined with
Floyd | small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter runs
Floyd | along the entire length of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other
Floyd | people's postcards.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. "Where have you been?"
Floyd | he barks angrily. "Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking everywhere
Floyd | for you!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine posters"
Floyd |
Floyd |           WANTED!
Floyd |     For Impersonating A
Floyd |         Storyteller
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious
Floyd | envelope. "We just got this Special Delivery," he snarls, tossing it
Floyd | onto the service counter. "I want you to drop it off right away. That
Floyd | means NOW!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take envelope"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. "Get
Floyd | going! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | As you leave the Post Office, somebody slams and locks the door behind
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd | You're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the
Floyd | Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The cemetery is a spooky place. Are you sure you want to go in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | You have been warned.
Floyd |
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd | You're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by
Floyd | silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane
Floyd | wanders north.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old gravedigger is resting under a willow tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger nods a greeting as you approach.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine grave"
Floyd | It's six feet deep and freshly dug. You can see an old bone inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger notices the mysterious envelope you're holding. "That's
Floyd | a mighty mysterious-lookin' envelope you got there," he says. "Let's
Floyd | have a look at it."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show envelope to gravedigger"
Floyd | The gravedigger peers at the address on the mysterious envelope. "Hmm,"
Floyd | he mutters, handing it back to you. "Could've sworn I buried that old
Floyd | woman years ago."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Couldn't ask for a nicer day for diggin' graves."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get bone"
Floyd | You can't reach the old bone from here. The open grave is too deep.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Got to go," says the gravedigger, picking up his shovel. "See you
Floyd | soon."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old man ambles away to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You won't see the "What next?" prompt any more.)
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter grave"
Floyd | Open Grave
Floyd | You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of
Floyd | dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an old bone here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get bone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 7 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit grave"
Floyd | With great difficulty, you manage to climb out of the open grave.
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Twilight Glen
Floyd | The trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make
Floyd | out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the
Floyd | tombstones winds off to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | There must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their
Floyd | umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is locking the iron gate from the outside as you
Floyd | approach. "Keep out of the cemetery after Dark," he tells you with a
Floyd | sly wink.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear him chuckling as he disappears to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take umbrella"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | The tombstones block your path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Whew! That cemetery sure is spooky.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the tiniest poodle
Floyd | you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street,
Floyd | yapping angrily and showing its sharp little teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop bone"
Floyd | The poodle tests the old bone with its tongue, lies down and begins to
Floyd | gnaw on it, keeping a red eye on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 10 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the town librarian, is locking the library door as you
Floyd | approach. "Just the person I was looking for!" she exclaims, smiling
Floyd | brightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask miss voss about magic shop"
Floyd | "I don't have time right now," she replies.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss retrieves a violet slip of paper from the depths of her
Floyd | purse. "Be a sweetie and give this note to your dear boss, Mr. Crisp,"
Floyd | she coos, holding the note out to you. "I'd be ever so much obliged."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take note"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 13 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss hurries away down the street. "Thanks! Toody-loo!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches west,
Floyd | towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a modest little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Festeron
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a circular pile of leaves near the edge of the lake.
Floyd | Somebody has scrawled a message in the sand next to the pile of leaves.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine island"
Floyd | Misty Island has been shrouded in fog for as long as you can remember.
Floyd | Strange legends and mysterious rumors abound; but nobody you know has
Floyd | ever been there.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter lake"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the lake if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Festeron River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the river if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "up"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Festeron Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail winds
Floyd | down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | A horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take horseshoe"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine stump"
Floyd | The stump is huge, easily four feet across.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd | You find nothing interesting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | You can't see any branch here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l w"
Floyd | (Presumably, you mean LOOK AT the direction, not LOOK INSIDE or LOOK ON
Floyd | or LOOK UNDER or LOOK BEHIND the direction.)
Floyd | You see nothing extraordinary about the direction.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "look west"
Floyd | (Presumably, you mean LOOK AT the direction, not LOOK INSIDE or LOOK ON
Floyd | or LOOK UNDER or LOOK BEHIND the direction.)
Floyd | You see nothing unusual about the direction.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l at s"
Floyd | You see nothing special about the direction.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l at n"
Floyd | You see nothing extraordinary about the direction.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "..floydd"
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "..floydverbose"
Guenni says (to floyd), "verbose"
Floyd | (Maximum verbosity.)
Floyd |
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Festeron River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs
Floyd | on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine cliffs"
Floyd | (Sorry, but this story doesn't recognize the word "cliffs.")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine cliff"
Floyd | It's a sheer, featureless wall, a hundred feet high.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | The cliff is much too steep to climb.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river. A steep trail winds upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to
Floyd | the ground with a thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Your path is blocked by a cliff wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river. A steep trail winds upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk, stripped of all its branches, stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (The trail you're climbing is narrow and twisty. It's a good idea to
Floyd | draw a map as you go up.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds west and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "draw map"
Floyd | (This story doesn't know the word "draw.")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds east and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a horseshoe, a violet note, an umbrella and a mysterious
Floyd | envelope.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post
Floyd | Office Hill creeping across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of
Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |
Floyd | The peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the
Floyd | distant Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments,
Floyd | checks its wrist and shakes a threatening little fist at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted
Floyd | shutters and thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale.
Floyd | A curiously painted sign over the front door reads, "Ye Olde Magick
Floyd | Shoppe."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter shop"
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine figure"
Floyd | (You don't need to use the word "figure" to finish this story.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "knock on door"
Floyd | A voice cries, "Come in!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (It's 4:00 pm. Better hurry! The Magick Shoppe closes in less than an
Floyd | hour!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter shop"
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the Magick Shoppe door is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter shop"
Floyd | Magick Shoppe
Floyd | You're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Every inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and
Floyd | mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene
Floyd | jokes and naughty birthday cards.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented
Floyd | with a grinning crescent moon and other celestial symbols.
Floyd |
Floyd | The front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of
Floyd | the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind slams the Magick Shoppe door closed. A concealed
Floyd | bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Just a moment!" cries a voice behind the curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | As you approach the curtained exit, the Magick Shoppe subtly rearranges
Floyd | itself until you find yourself facing the other way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The noisy tick of the grandfather clock is making you uneasy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The curtain opens so quickly it makes you jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman standing before you is older than your oldest aunt. Her thin,
Floyd | pale face and bony hands make her look fragile, like a fading signature
Floyd | in an antique book. But her eyes remember everything they have ever
Floyd | seen.
Floyd |
Floyd | You appraise one another for a long moment before she breaks the ice.
Floyd | "Welcome in, welcome!" she chortles. "Don't get many visitors this late
Floyd | in the day."
Floyd |
Floyd | The room seems oddly quiet all of a sudden.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give envelope to woman"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 19 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman turns pale as she takes the mysterious envelope from you.
Floyd | "It's been a long, long time since I last saw this handwriting," she
Floyd | murmurs, turning it over in her hands. "Hoped I never would again."
Floyd |
Floyd | She starts to open the mysterious envelope, thinks better of it and
Floyd | hands it back to you. "Will you open it up and read it to me?" she
Floyd | pleads. "I'll never find my glasses in this mess."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open envelope"
Floyd | (You should now open the mysterious envelope in your Wishbringer
Floyd | package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the mysterious envelope reveals a letter.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Go ahead, dear. Don't be bashful. Read the letter to me, please. I'm
Floyd | waiting."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read letter"
Floyd | (to the old woman)
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 20 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman is motionless as you read. Glancing up, you see tears of
Floyd | anger forming; but she turns away as your eyes meet.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Kidnapped," she whispers after a long silence. She paces aimlessly
Floyd | around the room, deep in thought.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Many seek to gain the Stone of Dreams," she mutters, mostly to
Floyd | herself. "Yet few can imagine the price. For years I have fought to
Floyd | conceal it from the Evil One and others like her. My youth, my home and
Floyd | family, all were forfeited for its protection. And now," her voice
Floyd | breaking with emotion, "now it claims my only companion."
Floyd |
Floyd | Impulsively, the woman snatches away the letter and envelope and
Floyd | crumples them in her trembling hands. "No one is strong enough to guard
Floyd | Wishbringer alone."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask woman about wishbringer"
Floyd | "That's a long story," sighs the old woman wistfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman makes an effort to compose herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Thank you for coming all this way for me," she says, reaching up to a
Floyd | shelf full of cheap gags. "I know I'm not supposed to tip you, but take
Floyd | this little trinket anyway."
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman holds out a small metal can for you to take.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 23 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's getting Dark outside," the old woman remarks, and you can almost
Floyd | hear the capital D. "Maybe you should be getting back to town."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit shop"
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman hobbles over to the Magick Shoppe door and opens it. A
Floyd | concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Keep a sharp eye out for my cat, won't you?" She speaks the words
Floyd | slowly and distinctly. "Bring her to me if you find her. She's black as
Floyd | night from head to tail, except for one little white spot... right
Floyd | HERE."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman touches the middle of your forehead with her finger. The
Floyd | light outside dims suddenly, like a cloud passing over the sun.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Magick Shoppe
Floyd | You're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Every inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and
Floyd | mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene
Floyd | jokes and naughty birthday cards.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented
Floyd | with a smiling crescent moon and other celestial symbols.
Floyd |
Floyd | The front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of
Floyd | the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman takes away her finger. Your forehead is tingling.
Floyd |
Floyd | "The Stone of Dreams can help you in your search. I cannot reveal the
Floyd | place where I have hidden it, for the Evil One would see your thoughts
Floyd | and take the treasure for herself. You must discover it alone, and rely
Floyd | on legends to instruct you in its mysteries."
Floyd |
Floyd | As she speaks, the old woman gently leads you through the door of the
Floyd | Magick Shoppe. She pauses before closing the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Return the cat to me, and Wishbringer shall be yours.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Her name is Chaos."
Floyd |
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding landscape has disappeared under a thick blanket of
Floyd | evening fog. All the familiar buildings and landmarks are completely
Floyd | hidden; only the summit of Post Office Hill is high enough to pierce
Floyd | the cloud, rising like a lonely island in a sea of mist...
Floyd |
Floyd | ... an island with a tower on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a TOWER where the Post Office used to be! The massive outline
Floyd | is hard to make out against the twilight sky. But the longer you stare,
Floyd | the clearer and more frightening it becomes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | As you descend the trail you are immediately engulfed in...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear a rattling noise in the can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk, stripped of all its branches, stands nearby. A
Floyd | vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine vulture"
Floyd | Its steady gaze makes you uneasy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The vulture spreads its wings and soars away over your head.
Floyd |
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the
Floyd | closed gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Standing near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less
Floyd | original story would probably refer to it as a troll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine troll"
Floyd | The troll is staring back at you stupidly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "hit troll with umbrella"
Floyd | Attacking the troll with an umbrella isn't likely to help matters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "say hello to troll"
Floyd | (This story can't understand the word "hello" when you use it that
Floyd | way.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | "The sign says 'One Gold Coin,'" croaks the troll, palm outstretched.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a metal can, a horseshoe, a violet note and an umbrella.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine can"
Floyd | It's a round metal can with a closed lid, illustrated with a
Floyd | tasty-looking assortment of mixed nuts.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Your score is 23 points out of 100, in 81 moves.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "yes"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni goes home.
Guenni arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Post Office
Floyd | This is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined with
Floyd | small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter runs
Floyd | along the entire length of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other
Floyd | people's postcards.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. "Where have you been?"
Floyd | he barks angrily. "Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking everywhere
Floyd | for you!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine boss"
Floyd | He's wearing a regulation Post Office uniform, which does little to
Floyd | hide his ugly face.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious
Floyd | envelope. "We just got this Special Delivery," he snarls, tossing it
Floyd | onto the service counter. "I want you to drop it off right away. That
Floyd | means NOW!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take envelope"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. "Quit
Floyd | stalling! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | As you leave the Post Office, somebody slams and locks the door behind
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd | You're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the
Floyd | Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The cemetery is a spooky place. Are you sure you want to go in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | You have been warned.
Floyd |
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd | You're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by
Floyd | silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane
Floyd | wanders north.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old gravedigger is resting under a willow tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger nods a greeting as you approach.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine grave"
Floyd | It's six feet deep and freshly dug. You can see an old bone inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger notices the mysterious envelope you're holding. "That's
Floyd | a mighty mysterious-lookin' envelope you got there," he says. "Let's
Floyd | have a look at it."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show envelope to gravedigger"
Floyd | The gravedigger peers at the address on the mysterious envelope. "Hmm,"
Floyd | he mutters, handing it back to you. "Could've sworn I buried that old
Floyd | woman years ago."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Couldn't ask for a nicer day for diggin' graves."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter grave"
Floyd | The gravedigger reaches into the open grave and pulls you out. "Don't
Floyd | go in there!" he cries. "You might get buried alive!"
Floyd |
Floyd | "Got to go," says the gravedigger, picking up his shovel. "See you
Floyd | soon."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old man ambles away to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You won't see the "What next?" prompt any more.)
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter grave"
Floyd | Open Grave
Floyd | You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of
Floyd | dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an old bone here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get bone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 7 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | You just walked into a wall of dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floydexit), "grave"
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit grave"
Floyd | With great difficulty, you manage to climb out of the open grave.
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "verbose"
Floyd | (Maximum verbosity.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Twilight Glen
Floyd | The trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make
Floyd | out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the
Floyd | tombstones winds off to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | There must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their
Floyd | umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is locking the iron gate from the outside as you
Floyd | approach. "Keep out of the cemetery after Dark," he tells you with a
Floyd | sly wink.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear him chuckling as he disappears to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take umbrella"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd | You're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by
Floyd | silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane
Floyd | wanders north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Whew! That cemetery sure is spooky.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd | You're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the
Floyd | Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the tiniest poodle
Floyd | you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street,
Floyd | yapping angrily and showing its sharp little teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyddrop), "bone"
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop bone"
Floyd | The poodle tests the old bone with its tongue, lies down and begins to
Floyd | gnaw on it, keeping a red eye on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 10 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the town librarian, is locking the library door as you
Floyd | approach. "Just the person I was looking for!" she exclaims, smiling
Floyd | brightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine miss voss"
Floyd | She's holding a purse and an armful of books.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss retrieves a violet slip of paper from the depths of her
Floyd | purse. "Be a sweetie and give this note to your dear boss, Mr. Crisp,"
Floyd | she coos, holding the note out to you. "I'd be ever so much obliged."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take note"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 13 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss hurries away down the street. "Thanks! Toody-loo!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine fountain"
Floyd | You can see a gold coin and a goldfish in the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get coin"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Festeron Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a quaint village church. Its little white steeple
Floyd | is straight out of a country postcard. The church door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs
Floyd | on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river. A steep trail winds upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get branch"
Floyd | Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to
Floyd | the ground with a thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get branch"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (The trail you're climbing is narrow and twisty. It's a good idea to
Floyd | draw a map as you go up.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds west and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds east and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 15 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post
Floyd | Office Hill creeping across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of
Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |
Floyd | The peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the
Floyd | distant Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments,
Floyd | checks its wrist and shakes a threatening little fist at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted
Floyd | shutters and thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale.
Floyd | A curiously painted sign over the front door reads, "Ye Olde Magick
Floyd | Shoppe."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter shop"
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the Magick Shoppe door is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter shop"
Floyd | Magick Shoppe
Floyd | You're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Every inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and
Floyd | mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene
Floyd | jokes and naughty birthday cards.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented
Floyd | with a frowning crescent moon and other celestial symbols.
Floyd |
Floyd | The front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of
Floyd | the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind slams the Magick Shoppe door closed. A concealed
Floyd | bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Just a moment!" cries a voice behind the curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine clock"
Floyd | The grinning grandfather clock says it's 3:45 pm.
Floyd |
Floyd | The noisy tick of the grandfather clock is making you uneasy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The curtain opens so quickly it makes you jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman standing before you is older than your oldest aunt. Her thin,
Floyd | pale face and bony hands make her look fragile, like a fading signature
Floyd | in an antique book. But her eyes remember everything they have ever
Floyd | seen.
Floyd |
Floyd | You appraise one another for a long moment before she breaks the ice.
Floyd | "Welcome in, welcome!" she chortles. "Don't get many visitors this late
Floyd | in the day."
Floyd |
Floyd | The room seems oddly quiet all of a sudden.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give envelope to woman"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 20 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman turns pale as she takes the mysterious envelope from you.
Floyd | "It's been a long, long time since I last saw this handwriting," she
Floyd | murmurs, turning it over in her hands. "Hoped I never would again."
Floyd |
Floyd | She starts to open the mysterious envelope, thinks better of it and
Floyd | hands it back to you. "Will you open it up and read it to me?" she
Floyd | pleads. "I'll never find my glasses in this mess."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open envelope"
Floyd | (You should now open the mysterious envelope in your Wishbringer
Floyd | package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the mysterious envelope reveals a letter.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Go ahead, dear. Read the letter to me. I'm waiting."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read letter"
Floyd | (to the old woman)
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 21 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman is motionless as you read. Glancing up, you see tears of
Floyd | anger forming; but she turns away as your eyes meet.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Kidnapped," she whispers after a long silence. She paces aimlessly
Floyd | around the room, deep in thought.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Many seek to gain the Stone of Dreams," she mutters, mostly to
Floyd | herself. "Yet few can imagine the price. For years I have fought to
Floyd | conceal it from the Evil One and others like her. My youth, my home and
Floyd | family, all were forfeited for its protection. And now," her voice
Floyd | breaking with emotion, "now it claims my only companion."
Floyd |
Floyd | Impulsively, the woman snatches away the letter and envelope and
Floyd | crumples them in her trembling hands. "No one is strong enough to guard
Floyd | Wishbringer alone."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask woman about wishbringer"
Floyd | "Ahhh," sighs the old woman wistfully.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman makes an effort to compose herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Thank you for coming all this way for me," she says, reaching up to a
Floyd | shelf full of cheap gags. "I know I'm not supposed to tip you, but take
Floyd | this little trinket anyway."
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman holds out a small metal can for you to take.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 24 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's getting Dark outside," the old woman remarks, and you can almost
Floyd | hear the capital D. "Maybe you should be getting back to town."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | Strange. Despite your best efforts, the front door refuses to budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | "That door always sticks this time of year," notes the old woman drily.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman hobbles over to the Magick Shoppe door and opens it. A
Floyd | concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Keep a sharp eye out for my cat, won't you?" She speaks the words
Floyd | slowly and distinctly. "Bring her to me if you find her. She's black as
Floyd | night from head to tail, except for one little white spot... right
Floyd | HERE."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman touches the middle of your forehead with her finger. The
Floyd | light outside dims suddenly, like a cloud passing over the sun.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit shop"
Floyd | Your body seems unwilling to respond.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman takes away her finger. Your forehead is tingling.
Floyd |
Floyd | "The Stone of Dreams can help you in your search. I cannot reveal the
Floyd | place where I have hidden it, for the Evil One would see your thoughts
Floyd | and take the treasure for herself. You must discover it alone, and rely
Floyd | on legends to instruct you in its mysteries."
Floyd |
Floyd | As she speaks, the old woman gently leads you through the door of the
Floyd | Magick Shoppe. She pauses before closing the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Return the cat to me, and Wishbringer shall be yours.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Her name is Chaos."
Floyd |
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding landscape has disappeared under a thick blanket of
Floyd | evening fog. All the familiar buildings and landmarks are completely
Floyd | hidden; only the summit of Post Office Hill is high enough to pierce
Floyd | the cloud, rising like a lonely island in a sea of mist...
Floyd |
Floyd | ... an island with a tower on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a TOWER where the Post Office used to be! The massive outline
Floyd | is hard to make out against the twilight sky. But the longer you stare,
Floyd | the clearer and more frightening it becomes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | As you descend the trail you are immediately engulfed in...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk, stripped of all its branches, stands nearby. A
Floyd | vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The vulture spreads its wings and soars away over your head.
Floyd |
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the
Floyd | closed gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Standing near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less
Floyd | original story would probably refer to it as a troll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read sign"
Floyd | The childlike scrawl is hard to decipher. With a little imagination,
Floyd | you can make out the phrase "Toll Bridge, One Gold Coin."
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture hovers in the sky high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The can rattles in your hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give coin to troll"
Floyd | The troll snatches away your gold coin with a grunt and squints at it
Floyd | suspiciously. "Ugh!" he cries, holding it up to the moonlight. "This is
Floyd | a fake!" He points accusingly at the familiar profile of one of
Floyd | Festeron's founding fathers, throws your coin to the ground and pulls
Floyd | out another. "This is what an OFFICIAL gold coin looks like!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The troll proudly exhibits his coin. It shows the profile of an
Floyd | evil-looking old woman.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give umbrella to troll"
Floyd | The troll studies the umbrella closely to see if it resembles a gold
Floyd | coin, and pitches it to the ground when he decides that it doesn't.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restart"
Floyd | Your score is 24 points out of 100, in 59 moves.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to restart the story?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni clears the save counter.
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Post Office
Floyd | This is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined with
Floyd | small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter runs
Floyd | along the entire length of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other
Floyd | people's postcards.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. "Where have you been?"
Floyd | he barks angrily. "Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking everywhere
Floyd | for you!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious
Floyd | envelope. "We just got this Special Delivery," he snarls, tossing it
Floyd | onto the service counter. "I want you to drop it off right away. That
Floyd | means NOW!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take envelope"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. "Get
Floyd | moving! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | As you leave the Post Office, somebody slams and locks the door behind
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd | You're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the
Floyd | Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The cemetery is a spooky place. Are you sure you want to go in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | You have been warned.
Floyd |
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd | You're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by
Floyd | silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane
Floyd | wanders north.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old gravedigger is resting under a willow tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger nods a greeting as you approach.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x grave"
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine grave"
Floyd | It's six feet deep and freshly dug. You can see an old bone inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger notices the mysterious envelope you're holding. "That's
Floyd | a mighty mysterious-lookin' envelope you got there," he says. "Let's
Floyd | have a look at it."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show envelope to gravedigger"
Floyd | The gravedigger peers at the address on the mysterious envelope. "Hmm,"
Floyd | he mutters, handing it back to you. "Could've sworn I buried that old
Floyd | woman years ago."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Couldn't ask for a nicer day for diggin' graves."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine bone"
Floyd | You see nothing extraordinary about the old bone.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Got to go," says the gravedigger, picking up his shovel. "See you
Floyd | soon."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old man ambles away to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You won't see the "What next?" prompt any more.)
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter grave"
Floyd | Open Grave
Floyd | You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of
Floyd | dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an old bone here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get bone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 7 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit grave"
Floyd | With great difficulty, you manage to climb out of the open grave.
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Twilight Glen
Floyd | The trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make
Floyd | out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the
Floyd | tombstones winds off to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | There must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their
Floyd | umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is locking the iron gate from the outside as you
Floyd | approach. "Keep out of the cemetery after Dark," he tells you with a
Floyd | sly wink.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear him chuckling as he disappears to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take umbrella"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | The tombstones block your path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Whew! That cemetery sure is spooky.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the tiniest poodle
Floyd | you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street,
Floyd | yapping angrily and showing its sharp little teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyddrop), "bone"
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop bone"
Floyd | The poodle tests the old bone with its tongue, lies down and begins to
Floyd | gnaw on it, keeping a red eye on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 10 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the town librarian, is locking the library door as you
Floyd | approach. "Just the person I was looking for!" she exclaims, smiling
Floyd | brightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine miss voss"
Floyd | She's holding a purse and an armful of books.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss retrieves a violet slip of paper from the depths of her
Floyd | purse. "Be a sweetie and give this note to your dear boss, Mr. Crisp,"
Floyd | she coos, holding the note out to you. "I'd be ever so much obliged."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take note"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 13 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss hurries away down the street. "Thanks! Toody-loo!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine fountain"
Floyd | You can see a gold coin and a goldfish in the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get coin"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a charming little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the closed entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the entrance to the Pleasure Wharf, the town's
Floyd | most popular tourist attraction. The Wharf extends eastward into
Floyd | Festeron Bay, and a tidal beach curves north along the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Video Arcade
Floyd | This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op
Floyd | video games. The machines are all deserted and quiet, except for one in
Floyd | the corner that emits a feeble "wokka-wokka" sound.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine machine"
Floyd | The game machine is equipped with a video screen, a joystick, a big red
Floyd | button and a narrow slot for tokens. A lurid logo ("LEATHER GODDESSES
Floyd | OF PHOBOS!") is painted on the side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "press button"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to push the big red button?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | You don't know what this game machine might do! You don't really want
Floyd | to press that big red button, do you?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Okay, just testing you.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Nothing exciting happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put coin in slot"
Floyd | The slot is too narrow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine joystick"
Floyd | The joystick can be moved north, south, east or west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick n"
Floyd | Nothing exciting happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine machine"
Floyd | The game machine is equipped with a video screen, a joystick, a big red
Floyd | button and a narrow slot for tokens. A lurid logo ("LEATHER GODDESSES
Floyd | OF PHOBOS!") is painted on the side.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Tidal Pool
Floyd | You're on a damp stretch of sand that extends north towards Festeron
Floyd | Point, and south to the Pleasure Wharf.
Floyd |
Floyd | A large conch shell is lying in the sand at your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take shell"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine it"
Floyd | The conch shell is smooth and shiny. It'll look great on your TV set
Floyd | back home.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Festeron Bay. A beach follows the
Floyd | shore of the bay to the south, and a path leads west along the
Floyd | riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A miniature lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands blinking on the
Floyd | shore nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter lighthouse"
Floyd | There aren't any entrances or openings.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Festeron River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge of
Floyd | the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs
Floyd | on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river. A steep trail winds upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (The trail you're climbing is narrow and twisty. It's a good idea to
Floyd | draw a map as you go up.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds west and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds east and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 15 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post
Floyd | Office Hill creeping across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of
Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |
Floyd | The peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the
Floyd | distant Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments,
Floyd | checks its wrist and shakes a threatening little fist at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted
Floyd | shutters and thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale.
Floyd | A curiously painted sign over the front door reads, "Ye Olde Magick
Floyd | Shoppe."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the Magick Shoppe door is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter shop"
Floyd | Magick Shoppe
Floyd | You're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Every inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and
Floyd | mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene
Floyd | jokes and naughty birthday cards.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented
Floyd | with a staring crescent moon and other celestial symbols.
Floyd |
Floyd | The front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of
Floyd | the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind slams the Magick Shoppe door closed. A concealed
Floyd | bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Just a moment!" cries a voice behind the curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The noisy tick of the grandfather clock is making you uneasy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine clock"
Floyd | The frowning grandfather clock says it's 3:59 pm.
Floyd |
Floyd | The curtain opens so quickly it makes you jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman standing before you is older than your oldest aunt. Her thin,
Floyd | pale face and bony hands make her look fragile, like a fading signature
Floyd | in an antique book. But her eyes remember everything they have ever
Floyd | seen.
Floyd |
Floyd | You appraise one another for a long moment before she breaks the ice.
Floyd | "Welcome in, welcome!" she chortles. "Don't get many visitors this late
Floyd | in the day."
Floyd |
Floyd | The room seems oddly quiet all of a sudden.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give envelope to woman"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 20 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman turns pale as she takes the mysterious envelope from you.
Floyd | "It's been a long, long time since I last saw this handwriting," she
Floyd | murmurs, turning it over in her hands. "Hoped I never would again."
Floyd |
Floyd | She starts to open the mysterious envelope, thinks better of it and
Floyd | hands it back to you. "Will you open it up and read it to me?" she
Floyd | pleads. "I'll never find my glasses in this mess."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open envelope"
Floyd | (You should now open the mysterious envelope in your Wishbringer
Floyd | package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the mysterious envelope reveals a letter.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Go ahead, dear. Don't be bashful. Read the letter to me, please."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read letter"
Floyd | (to the old woman)
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 21 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman is motionless as you read. Glancing up, you see tears of
Floyd | anger forming; but she turns away as your eyes meet.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Kidnapped," she whispers after a long silence. She paces aimlessly
Floyd | around the room, deep in thought.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Many seek to gain the Stone of Dreams," she mutters, mostly to
Floyd | herself. "Yet few can imagine the price. For years I have fought to
Floyd | conceal it from the Evil One and others like her. My youth, my home and
Floyd | family, all were forfeited for its protection. And now," her voice
Floyd | breaking with emotion, "now it claims my only companion."
Floyd |
Floyd | Impulsively, the woman snatches away the letter and envelope and
Floyd | crumples them in her trembling hands. "No one is strong enough to guard
Floyd | Wishbringer alone."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | That's odd. Despite your best efforts, the front door refuses to budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | "That door always sticks this time of year," notes the old woman drily.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman makes an effort to compose herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Thank you for coming all this way for me," she says, reaching up to a
Floyd | shelf full of cheap gags. "I know I'm not supposed to tip you, but take
Floyd | this little trinket anyway."
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman holds out a small metal can for you to take.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floydtake), "can"
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 24 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's getting Dark outside," the old woman remarks, and you can almost
Floyd | hear the capital D. "Maybe you should be getting back to town."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "exit shop"
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman hobbles over to the Magick Shoppe door and opens it. A
Floyd | concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Keep a sharp eye out for my cat, won't you?" She speaks the words
Floyd | slowly and distinctly. "Bring her to me if you find her. She's black as
Floyd | night from head to tail, except for one little white spot... right
Floyd | HERE."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman touches the middle of your forehead with her finger. The
Floyd | light outside dims suddenly, like a cloud passing over the sun.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | Your body seems unwilling to respond.
Floyd |
Floyd | Something rattles in the can.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman takes away her finger. Your forehead is tingling.
Floyd |
Floyd | "The Stone of Dreams can help you in your search. I cannot reveal the
Floyd | place where I have hidden it, for the Evil One would see your thoughts
Floyd | and take the treasure for herself. You must discover it alone, and rely
Floyd | on legends to instruct you in its mysteries."
Floyd |
Floyd | As she speaks, the old woman gently leads you through the door of the
Floyd | Magick Shoppe. She pauses before closing the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Return the cat to me, and Wishbringer shall be yours.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Her name is Chaos."
Floyd |
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding landscape has disappeared under a thick blanket of
Floyd | evening fog. All the familiar buildings and landmarks are completely
Floyd | hidden; only the summit of Post Office Hill is high enough to pierce
Floyd | the cloud, rising like a lonely island in a sea of mist...
Floyd |
Floyd | ... an island with a tower on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a TOWER where the Post Office used to be! The massive outline
Floyd | is hard to make out against the twilight sky. But the longer you stare,
Floyd | the clearer and more frightening it becomes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | As you descend the trail you are immediately engulfed in...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment. A
Floyd | vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open can"
Floyd | Yow! When you open the can a real, live rattlesnake leaps out! It
Floyd | squirms about angrily for a few moments, turns to hiss at you and
Floyd | slithers out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine can"
Floyd | It's a round metal can with an open lid, illustrated with a
Floyd | tasty-looking assortment of mixed nuts.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The vulture spreads its wings and soars away over your head.
Floyd |
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the
Floyd | closed gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Standing near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less
Floyd | original story would probably refer to it as a troll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give coin to troll"
Floyd | The troll snatches away your gold coin with a grunt and squints at it
Floyd | suspiciously. "Ugh!" he cries, holding it up to the moonlight. "This is
Floyd | a fake!" He points accusingly at the familiar profile of one of
Floyd | Festeron's founding fathers, throws your coin to the ground and pulls
Floyd | out another. "This is what an OFFICIAL gold coin looks like!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The troll proudly exhibits his coin. It shows the profile of an
Floyd | evil-looking old woman.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask troll for coin"
Floyd | "No time for questions," growls the idle troll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coin"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a gold coin, a metal can, a conch shell, a violet note
Floyd | and an umbrella.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give shell to troll"
Floyd | The troll studies the conch shell closely to see if it resembles a gold
Floyd | coin, and pitches it to the ground when he decides that it doesn't.
Floyd |
Floyd | The can rattles in your hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open can"
Floyd | It's already open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give can to troll"
Floyd | The troll studies the metal can closely to see if it resembles a gold
Floyd | coin, and pitches it to the ground when he decides that it doesn't.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can and shell"
Floyd | The metal can: Taken.
Floyd | The conch shell: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search can"
Floyd | The metal can appears to have a false bottom. You could probably get it
Floyd | out by squeezing the can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "squeeze can"
Floyd | The false bottom is wedged tightly into the metal can. You might be
Floyd | able to loosen it by squeezing harder... harder!...
Floyd |
Floyd | Pop! A small stone drops out of the squashed can and lands at your
Floyd | feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take stone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 29 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | As your fingers close around the small stone it begins to glow with an
Floyd | eerie violet-white radiance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine stone"
Floyd | The small stone glows with an eerie violet-white radiance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show stone to troll"
Floyd | The troll studies the small stone closely to see if it resembles a gold
Floyd | coin, and pitches it to the ground when he decides that it doesn't.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get stone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wish for gold coin"
Floyd | (Refer to the manual inside your Wishbringer package for the correct
Floyd | way to make a Wish.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "help"
Floyd | (If you're really stuck, maps and InvisiClues (TM) Hint Booklets are
Floyd | available using the order form that came inside your Wishbringer
Floyd | package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wish for advice"
Floyd | Wishbringer emits a violet flash of Magick.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear a faint buzzing sound, like an overheard telephone, coming
Floyd | from the conch shell.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture hovers high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen to shell"
Floyd | A tiny voice in the conch shell says, "Magick may help thee cross the
Floyd | Bridge."
Floyd |
Floyd | The buzzing sound in the conch shell stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Your score is 29 points out of 100, in 88 moves. You've used 1 of the
Floyd | Stone's 7 Wishes.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guenni arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | The steep trail seems to have disappeared with the fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a small stone (providing light), a squashed can, a conch
Floyd | shell, a gold coin, a violet note and an umbrella.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | "Show me first a gold coin," croaks the troll, palm outstretched.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop can"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to
Floyd | the ground with a thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | The small stone: Dropped.
Floyd | The conch shell: Dropped.
Floyd | The gold coin: Dropped.
Floyd | The violet note: Dropped.
Floyd | The umbrella: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine it"
Floyd | The dead branch is about six feet long.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take stone and shell"
Floyd | The small stone: Taken.
Floyd | The conch shell: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take umbrella"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop branch"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take umbrella"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take note"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open umbrella"
Floyd | Okay, the umbrella is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wish for rain"
Floyd | A searing bolt of lightning shatters the night! It strikes the glowing
Floyd | Stone of Dreams, and fractures the sky into a billion raindrops.
Floyd |
Floyd | Everything around you is soaked in a brief but savage downpour.
Floyd |
Floyd | It's obvious that the troll did not enjoy the sudden bath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | "The sign says 'One Gold Coin,'" croaks the troll, palm outstretched.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture can be seen circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give coin to troll"
Floyd | You can't see any coin here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk, stripped of all its branches, stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a gold coin and a squashed can here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coin and can"
Floyd | The gold coin: Taken.
Floyd | The squashed can: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give coin to troll"
Floyd | The troll angrily tosses your gold coin into the river and mutters
Floyd | something indelicate about counterfeiters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get coin"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a charming little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the closed entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the entrance to the Pleasure Wharf, the town's
Floyd | most popular tourist attraction. The Wharf extends eastward into
Floyd | Festeron Bay, and a tidal beach curves north along the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Wharf's End
Floyd | The sea-worn planks of the Festeron Pleasure Wharf end abruptly a few
Floyd | feet to the east. You're surrounded by the blue, sparkling waters of
Floyd | Festeron Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | Apparently a careless fisherman has just left the wharf, for lying on
Floyd | the planks is a little seahorse, its gills moving in and out with its
Floyd | dying gasps.
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse looks at you with moist, frightened eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take seahorse"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse opens and closes its little mouth pathetically.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put seahorse in water"
Floyd | Splash!
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse floats without moving for a few anxious moments. Then it
Floyd | springs suddenly to life, circling and splashing joyfully in the waves.
Floyd | Before it swims away it looks up at you with an unmistakable expression
Floyd | of gratitude.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Tidal Pool
Floyd | You're on a damp stretch of sand that extends north towards Festeron
Floyd | Point, and south to the Pleasure Wharf.
Floyd |
Floyd | A large conch shell is lying in the sand at your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take shell"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Festeron Bay. A beach follows the
Floyd | shore of the bay to the south, and a path leads west along the
Floyd | riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A miniature lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands blinking on the
Floyd | shore nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Festeron River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge of
Floyd | the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Festeron River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Festeron Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail winds
Floyd | down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | A horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take horseshoe"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | You'd tumble down the hill if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs
Floyd | on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river. A steep trail winds upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (The trail you're climbing is narrow and twisty. It's a good idea to
Floyd | draw a map as you go up.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds west and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds east and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 15 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post
Floyd | Office Hill creeping across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of
Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |
Floyd | The peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the
Floyd | distant Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments,
Floyd | checks its wrist and shakes a threatening little fist at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted
Floyd | shutters and thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale.
Floyd | A curiously painted sign over the front door reads, "Ye Olde Magick
Floyd | Shoppe."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the Magick Shoppe door is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Magick Shoppe
Floyd | You're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Every inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and
Floyd | mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene
Floyd | jokes and naughty birthday cards.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented
Floyd | with a grinning crescent moon and other celestial symbols.
Floyd |
Floyd | The front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of
Floyd | the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind slams the Magick Shoppe door closed. A concealed
Floyd | bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Just a moment!" cries a voice behind the curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine case"
Floyd | The naughty glass case is closed and locked.
Floyd |
Floyd | The noisy tick of the grandfather clock is making you uneasy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd | You can see nothing special inside the grandfather clock.
Floyd |
Floyd | The curtain opens so quickly it makes you jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman standing before you is older than your oldest aunt. Her thin,
Floyd | pale face and bony hands make her look fragile, like a fading signature
Floyd | in an antique book. But her eyes remember everything they have ever
Floyd | seen.
Floyd |
Floyd | You appraise one another for a long moment before she breaks the ice.
Floyd | "Welcome in, welcome!" she chortles. "Don't get many visitors this late
Floyd | in the day."
Floyd |
Floyd | The room seems oddly quiet all of a sudden.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give envelope to woman"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 20 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman turns pale as she takes the mysterious envelope from you.
Floyd | "It's been a long, long time since I last saw this handwriting," she
Floyd | murmurs, turning it over in her hands. "Hoped I never would again."
Floyd |
Floyd | She starts to open the mysterious envelope, thinks better of it and
Floyd | hands it back to you. "Will you open it up and read it to me?" she
Floyd | pleads. "I'll never find my glasses in this mess."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open it"
Floyd | (You should now open the mysterious envelope in your Wishbringer
Floyd | package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the mysterious envelope reveals a letter.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Read the letter to me, please. I'm waiting."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read letter"
Floyd | (to the old woman)
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 21 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman is motionless as you read. Glancing up, you see tears of
Floyd | anger forming; but she turns away as your eyes meet.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Kidnapped," she whispers after a long silence. She paces aimlessly
Floyd | around the room, deep in thought.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Many seek to gain the Stone of Dreams," she mutters, mostly to
Floyd | herself. "Yet few can imagine the price. For years I have fought to
Floyd | conceal it from the Evil One and others like her. My youth, my home and
Floyd | family, all were forfeited for its protection. And now," her voice
Floyd | breaking with emotion, "now it claims my only companion."
Floyd |
Floyd | Impulsively, the woman snatches away the letter and envelope and
Floyd | crumples them in her trembling hands. "No one is strong enough to guard
Floyd | Wishbringer alone."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask woman about bridge"
Floyd | "Not now," sighs the old woman wistfully. "You're better off not
Floyd | knowing too much about it."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman makes an effort to compose herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Thank you for coming all this way for me," she says, reaching up to a
Floyd | shelf full of cheap gags. "I know I'm not supposed to tip you, but take
Floyd | this little trinket anyway."
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman holds out a small metal can for you to take.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 24 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's getting Dark outside," the old woman remarks, and you can almost
Floyd | hear the capital D. "Maybe you should be getting back to town."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | That's odd. Despite your best efforts, the front door refuses to budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | "That door always sticks this time of year," notes the old woman drily.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman hobbles over to the Magick Shoppe door and opens it. A
Floyd | concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Keep a sharp eye out for my cat, won't you?" She speaks the words
Floyd | slowly and distinctly. "Bring her to me if you find her. She's black as
Floyd | night from head to tail, except for one little white spot... right
Floyd | HERE."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman touches the middle of your forehead with her finger. The
Floyd | light outside dims suddenly, like a cloud passing over the sun.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Your body seems unwilling to respond.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman takes away her finger. Your forehead is tingling.
Floyd |
Floyd | "The Stone of Dreams can help you in your search. I cannot reveal the
Floyd | place where I have hidden it, for the Evil One would see your thoughts
Floyd | and take the treasure for herself. You must discover it alone, and rely
Floyd | on legends to instruct you in its mysteries."
Floyd |
Floyd | As she speaks, the old woman gently leads you through the door of the
Floyd | Magick Shoppe. She pauses before closing the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Return the cat to me, and Wishbringer shall be yours.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Her name is Chaos."
Floyd |
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding landscape has disappeared under a thick blanket of
Floyd | evening fog. All the familiar buildings and landmarks are completely
Floyd | hidden; only the summit of Post Office Hill is high enough to pierce
Floyd | the cloud, rising like a lonely island in a sea of mist...
Floyd |
Floyd | ... an island with a tower on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a TOWER where the Post Office used to be! The massive outline
Floyd | is hard to make out against the twilight sky. But the longer you stare,
Floyd | the clearer and more frightening it becomes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open can"
Floyd | Yow! When you open the can a real, live rattlesnake leaps out! It
Floyd | squirms about angrily for a few moments, turns to hiss at you and
Floyd | slithers out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "squeeze can"
Floyd | The false bottom is wedged tightly into the metal can. You might be
Floyd | able to loosen it by squeezing harder... harder!...
Floyd |
Floyd | Pop! A small stone drops out of the squashed can and lands at your
Floyd | feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The fog in the valley is rising towards you!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take stone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 29 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | As your fingers close around the small stone it begins to glow with an
Floyd | eerie violet-white radiance.
Floyd |
Floyd | Fog is spilling over the edge of the cliff.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | As you descend the trail you are immediately engulfed in...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment. A
Floyd | vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The vulture spreads its wings and soars away over your head.
Floyd |
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the
Floyd | closed gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Standing near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less
Floyd | original story would probably refer to it as a troll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show coin to troll"
Floyd | The troll snatches away your gold coin with a grunt and squints at it
Floyd | suspiciously. "Ugh!" he cries, holding it up to the moonlight. "This is
Floyd | a fake!" He points accusingly at the familiar profile of one of
Floyd | Festeron's founding fathers, throws your coin to the ground and pulls
Floyd | out another. "This is what an OFFICIAL gold coin looks like!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The troll proudly exhibits his coin. It shows the profile of an
Floyd | evil-looking old woman.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is watching you from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wish for luck"
Floyd | The Stone of Dreams brightens as you speak the Wish, and the edges of
Floyd | the horseshoe begin to twinkle with Luck.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coin"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show coin to troll"
Floyd | The troll angrily tosses your gold coin into the river and mutters
Floyd | something indelicate about counterfeiters.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | "Show me first a gold coin," croaks the troll, palm outstretched.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni goes home.
Guenni arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Your score is 29 points out of 100, in 74 moves. You've used 1 of the
Floyd | Stone's 7 Wishes.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guenni arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get coin"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a charming little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the closed entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the entrance to the Pleasure Wharf, the town's
Floyd | most popular tourist attraction. The Wharf extends eastward into
Floyd | Festeron Bay, and a tidal beach curves north along the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Wharf's End
Floyd | The sea-worn planks of the Festeron Pleasure Wharf end abruptly a few
Floyd | feet to the east. You're surrounded by the blue, sparkling waters of
Floyd | Festeron Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | Apparently a careless fisherman has just left the wharf, for lying on
Floyd | the planks is a little seahorse, its gills moving in and out with its
Floyd | dying gasps.
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse looks at you with moist, frightened eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take seahorse"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse opens and closes its little mouth pathetically.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put it in water"
Floyd | Splash!
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse floats without moving for a few anxious moments. Then it
Floyd | springs suddenly to life, circling and splashing joyfully in the waves.
Floyd | Before it swims away it looks up at you with an unmistakable expression
Floyd | of gratitude.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the bay if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Tidal Pool
Floyd | You're on a damp stretch of sand that extends north towards Festeron
Floyd | Point, and south to the Pleasure Wharf.
Floyd |
Floyd | A large conch shell is lying in the sand at your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take shell"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Festeron Bay. A beach follows the
Floyd | shore of the bay to the south, and a path leads west along the
Floyd | riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A miniature lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands blinking on the
Floyd | shore nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Festeron River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge of
Floyd | the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Festeron River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Festeron Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail winds
Floyd | down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | A horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take horseshoe"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs
Floyd | on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | The cliff is much too steep to climb.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river. A steep trail winds upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (The trail you're climbing is narrow and twisty. It's a good idea to
Floyd | draw a map as you go up.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds west and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds east and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 15 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post
Floyd | Office Hill creeping across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of
Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |
Floyd | The peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the
Floyd | distant Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments,
Floyd | checks its wrist and shakes a threatening little fist at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted
Floyd | shutters and thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale.
Floyd | A curiously painted sign over the front door reads, "Ye Olde Magick
Floyd | Shoppe."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the Magick Shoppe door is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Magick Shoppe
Floyd | You're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Every inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and
Floyd | mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene
Floyd | jokes and naughty birthday cards.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented
Floyd | with a grinning crescent moon and other celestial symbols.
Floyd |
Floyd | The front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of
Floyd | the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind slams the Magick Shoppe door closed. A concealed
Floyd | bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Just a moment!" cries a voice behind the curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine clock"
Floyd | The frowning grandfather clock says it's 3:57 pm.
Floyd |
Floyd | The noisy tick of the grandfather clock is making you uneasy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "..floydz"
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The curtain opens so quickly it makes you jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman standing before you is older than your oldest aunt. Her thin,
Floyd | pale face and bony hands make her look fragile, like a fading signature
Floyd | in an antique book. But her eyes remember everything they have ever
Floyd | seen.
Floyd |
Floyd | You appraise one another for a long moment before she breaks the ice.
Floyd | "Welcome in, welcome!" she chortles. "Don't get many visitors this late
Floyd | in the day."
Floyd |
Floyd | The room seems oddly quiet all of a sudden.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give envelope to woman"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 20 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman turns pale as she takes the mysterious envelope from you.
Floyd | "It's been a long, long time since I last saw this handwriting," she
Floyd | murmurs, turning it over in her hands. "Hoped I never would again."
Floyd |
Floyd | She starts to open the mysterious envelope, thinks better of it and
Floyd | hands it back to you. "Will you open it up and read it to me?" she
Floyd | pleads. "I'll never find my glasses in this mess."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open envelope"
Floyd | (You should now open the mysterious envelope in your Wishbringer
Floyd | package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the mysterious envelope reveals a letter.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Go ahead, dear. Read the letter to me."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read letter"
Floyd | (to the old woman)
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 21 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman is motionless as you read. Glancing up, you see tears of
Floyd | anger forming; but she turns away as your eyes meet.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Kidnapped," she whispers after a long silence. She paces aimlessly
Floyd | around the room, deep in thought.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Many seek to gain the Stone of Dreams," she mutters, mostly to
Floyd | herself. "Yet few can imagine the price. For years I have fought to
Floyd | conceal it from the Evil One and others like her. My youth, my home and
Floyd | family, all were forfeited for its protection. And now," her voice
Floyd | breaking with emotion, "now it claims my only companion."
Floyd |
Floyd | Impulsively, the woman snatches away the letter and envelope and
Floyd | crumples them in her trembling hands. "No one is strong enough to guard
Floyd | Wishbringer alone."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman makes an effort to compose herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Thank you for coming all this way for me," she says, reaching up to a
Floyd | shelf full of cheap gags. "I know I'm not supposed to tip you, but take
Floyd | this little trinket anyway."
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman holds out a small metal can for you to take.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floydtake), "can"
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 24 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's getting Dark outside," the old woman remarks, and you can almost
Floyd | hear the capital D. "Maybe you should be getting back to town."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | That's odd. Despite your best efforts, the front door refuses to budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | "That door always sticks this time of year," notes the old woman drily.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman hobbles over to the Magick Shoppe door and opens it. A
Floyd | concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Keep a sharp eye out for my cat, won't you?" She speaks the words
Floyd | slowly and distinctly. "Bring her to me if you find her. She's black as
Floyd | night from head to tail, except for one little white spot... right
Floyd | HERE."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman touches the middle of your forehead with her finger. The
Floyd | light outside dims suddenly, like a cloud passing over the sun.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Your body seems unwilling to respond.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman takes away her finger. Your forehead is tingling.
Floyd |
Floyd | "The Stone of Dreams can help you in your search. I cannot reveal the
Floyd | place where I have hidden it, for the Evil One would see your thoughts
Floyd | and take the treasure for herself. You must discover it alone, and rely
Floyd | on legends to instruct you in its mysteries."
Floyd |
Floyd | As she speaks, the old woman gently leads you through the door of the
Floyd | Magick Shoppe. She pauses before closing the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Return the cat to me, and Wishbringer shall be yours.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Her name is Chaos."
Floyd |
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding landscape has disappeared under a thick blanket of
Floyd | evening fog. All the familiar buildings and landmarks are completely
Floyd | hidden; only the summit of Post Office Hill is high enough to pierce
Floyd | the cloud, rising like a lonely island in a sea of mist...
Floyd |
Floyd | ... an island with a tower on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a TOWER where the Post Office used to be! The massive outline
Floyd | is hard to make out against the twilight sky. But the longer you stare,
Floyd | the clearer and more frightening it becomes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | As you descend the trail you are immediately engulfed in...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment. A
Floyd | vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The vulture spreads its wings and soars away over your head.
Floyd |
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the
Floyd | closed gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Standing near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less
Floyd | original story would probably refer to it as a troll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open can"
Floyd | Yow! When you open the can a real, live rattlesnake leaps out! It
Floyd | squirms about angrily for a few moments, turns to hiss at you and
Floyd | slithers out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | The metal can clatters to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A scream of terror echoes off the cliffs as the troll runs away across
Floyd | the covered bridge.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 27 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd | The metal can appears to have a false bottom. You could probably get it
Floyd | out by squeezing the can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "squeeze can"
Floyd | The false bottom is wedged tightly into the metal can. You might be
Floyd | able to loosen it by squeezing harder... harder!...
Floyd |
Floyd | Pop! A small stone drops out of the squashed can and lands at your
Floyd | feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture appears high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take stone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 32 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | As your fingers close around the small stone it begins to glow with an
Floyd | eerie violet-white radiance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | The toll gate is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture hovers high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open gate"
Floyd | Okay, the toll gate is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign
Floyd | hangs on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "readsign"
Floyd | (Sorry, but this story doesn't recognize the word "readsign.")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read sign"
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |   Curfew Begins At 6 PM
Floyd |    Boot Patrol On Duty
Floyd | Violators Will Be Jailed!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Church
Floyd | You're standing inside an abandoned old church. The aisles are littered
Floyd | with debris and bits of colored glass; everything is coated with a
Floyd | thick layer of dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | A lighted candle is visible in a nook near the exit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take candle"
Floyd | A voice from above begins to proclaim something, but a burst of static
Floyd | drowns out the solemn words. Looking up, you notice a speaker in the
Floyd | ceiling emitting sparks.
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you look around the empty church a big brown rat scurries across the
Floyd | broken glass and disappears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine candle"
Floyd | You see nothing interesting about the candle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search glass"
Floyd | You find nothing special.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "blow out candle"
Floyd | That's odd. Despite your best efforts, the candle flame stubbornly
Floyd | refuses to go out.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "verbose"
Floyd | (Maximum verbosity.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine statue"
Floyd | The statue is a heroic commemoration of a very evil-looking old woman.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search fountain"
Floyd | You can see a brass token and a piranha inside the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take token"
Floyd | The piranha nips savagely at your fingertips.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Witchville Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Witchville Public Library, once famous for its museum of local
Floyd | historic artifacts, stands in a pitiful state of disrepair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the former town librarian. The
Floyd | road turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of
Floyd | Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the biggest hellhound
Floyd | you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street,
Floyd | roaring angrily and showing its sharp, bloody fangs.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the hellhound's hot breath as it roars.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The hellhound roars a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Witchville Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Witchville Public Library, once famous for its museum of local
Floyd | historic artifacts, stands in a pitiful state of disrepair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | The library door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | You can't do that. It's locked.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read marque"
Floyd |
Floyd |     Now Playing!
Floyd |       starring
Floyd |     THE EVIL ONE
Floyd |          in
Floyd |     Amazing 3-D!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask voss about library"
Floyd | "I'm here to sell tickets, not to chatter," she replies.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give coin to voss"
Floyd | Miss Voss snatches away your gold coin with her bony fingers and hands
Floyd | you a ticket.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are now holding a ticket.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 35 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Theater Lobby
Floyd | You're standing in the lobby of the movie theater. A short corridor
Floyd | leads north into darkness. Sound effects and music can be heard
Floyd | drifting down the corridor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is standing near the corridor, a large cardboard carton
Floyd | at his feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine carton"
Floyd | The open carton is marked, "Free 3D Movie Glasses Here!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take glasses"
Floyd | You can't see any glasses here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask gravedigger about glasses"
Floyd | The gravedigger doesn't respond. He seems to be a bit hard of hearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open carton"
Floyd | It's already open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd | You can see nothing unusual inside the carton.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take carton"
Floyd | The gravedigger might not like it if you tried that!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show carton to gravedigger"
Floyd | You're not holding the carton.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The gravedigger blocks your path. "Can't get in without a ticket."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show ticket to gravedigger"
Floyd | The gravedigger takes the ticket, gestures absently to the empty carton
Floyd | and leans back to daydream.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine carton"
Floyd | The open carton is marked, "Free 3D Movie Glasses Here!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd | You can see nothing extraordinary inside the carton.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take carton"
Floyd | The gravedigger might not like it if you tried that!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The gravedigger nods as you pass.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside Theater
Floyd | This is a movie theater unlike any you've ever seen! The seats are
Floyd | wide, deep and comfortable. The aisles are spotless. The air is clear
Floyd | of smoke, and the screen is dramatically large. A chill goes up your
Floyd | spine as you realize how alien your universe has become.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a noisy movie playing on the screen. A dark corridor leads out
Floyd | to the lobby.
Floyd |
Floyd | All you can see on the screen is a confusing double-image.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Theater Lobby
Floyd | You're standing in the lobby of the movie theater. A short corridor
Floyd | leads north into darkness. Sound effects and music can be heard
Floyd | drifting down the corridor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is standing near the corridor, a large cardboard carton
Floyd | at his feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask gravedigger about glasses"
Floyd | The gravedigger doesn't respond. He seems to be a bit hard of hearing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "look under carton"
Floyd | You see nothing interesting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wish for advice"
Floyd | Wishbringer emits a violet flash of Magick.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear a faint buzzing sound, like an overheard telephone, coming
Floyd | from the conch shell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen to shell"
Floyd | A tiny voice in the conch shell says, "Release a prisoner, and be
Floyd | Rewarded."
Floyd |
Floyd | The buzzing sound in the conch shell stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the movie theater? The gravedigger might
Floyd | not let you in again without another ticket!
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd | "Come again!" sneers the gravedigger as you leave.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Miss Voss squinting carefully
Floyd | at the gold coin you gave her. She looks at you suspiciously, picks up
Floyd | a telephone and begins to dial rapidly.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture hovers in the sky high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Church
Floyd | You're standing inside an abandoned old church. The aisles are littered
Floyd | with debris and bits of colored glass; everything is coated with a
Floyd | thick layer of dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | A lighted candle is visible in a nook near the exit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take candle"
Floyd | A voice from above begins to proclaim something, but a burst of static
Floyd | drowns out the solemn words. Looking up, you notice a speaker in the
Floyd | ceiling emitting sparks.
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you look around the empty church a big brown rat scurries across the
Floyd | broken glass and disappears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Police Station
Floyd | You're in the front office of the Witchville Police Station. The room
Floyd | is lined with dimly-lit jail cells. Occasional wails of anguish suggest
Floyd | that many of the cells are occupied.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin, Witchville's finest, is glaring down at you from behind
Floyd | an intimidatingly high desk. You can see a wanted poster taped to the
Floyd | wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's past curfew," Sgt. MacGuffin growls as you enter. "I hope you've
Floyd | got a very good reason for coming in here at this hour."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask mcguffin about cat"
Floyd | (Sorry, but the word "mcguffin" is not in the vocabulary that you can
Floyd | use.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "ask macguffin about cat"
Floyd | "I'll do the talking around here!" snaps Sgt. MacGuffin.
Floyd |
Floyd | "You've got exactly one second to tell me why I shouldn't throw you in
Floyd | jail," notes Sgt. MacGuffin through clenched teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wish for luck"
Floyd | The Stone of Dreams brightens as you speak the Wish, and the edges of
Floyd | the horseshoe begin to twinkle with Luck.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Your second's up."
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk against the wall with a thick
Floyd | blanket on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an umbrella, a violet note, a gold coin, a conch shell, a
Floyd | horseshoe (providing light), a squashed can, a small stone (providing
Floyd | light) and a candle (providing light) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The horseshoe isn't twinkling any more.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Church
Floyd | You're standing inside an abandoned old church. The aisles are littered
Floyd | with debris and bits of colored glass; everything is coated with a
Floyd | thick layer of dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | A lighted candle is visible in a nook near the exit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take candle"
Floyd | A voice from above begins to proclaim something, but a burst of static
Floyd | drowns out the solemn words. Looking up, you notice a speaker in the
Floyd | ceiling emitting sparks.
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you look around the empty church a big brown rat scurries across the
Floyd | broken glass and disappears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "..floyd"
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are
Floyd | visible in the sand next to the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine tracks"
Floyd | The animal tracks emerge from the lake and lead to the edge of the pit,
Floyd | where they disappear abruptly.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rusty "click!" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it
Floyd | slowly creaks open, all by itself!
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine pit"
Floyd | The pit is more than five feet deep. You can see a platypus in it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter pit"
Floyd | You can't fit into the pit. It's too narrow.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | The night is filled with rhythmic thunder, and a platoon of gigantic
Floyd | leather army boots marches into view. It's the Boot Patrol!
Floyd |
Floyd | You're immediately surrounded, tied, gagged and dragged before an
Floyd | especially tall Boot. "What have we here?" he hisses. "Out after
Floyd | curfew? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I wonder what Sgt. MacGuffin will say about
Floyd | this."
Floyd |
Floyd | You're thrown into an especially smelly Boot and carried, kicking and
Floyd | screaming, to the lobby of the Police Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin glares at you as the boots dump you on the floor.
Floyd | "What's this?" he demands impatiently.
Floyd |
Floyd | "A nightcrawler," hisses the Tall Boot, giving you a vicious little
Floyd | kick. "Outside after curfew. Shall I feed it to the sharks?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin shakes his head. "Later. The Tower wants all prisoners
Floyd | held for questioning." He turns back to his work. "Cell Three."
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk against the wall with a thick
Floyd | blanket on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an umbrella, a violet note, a gold coin, a conch shell, a
Floyd | horseshoe, a squashed can, a small stone (providing light) and a candle
Floyd | (providing light) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop umbrella"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to
Floyd | the ground with a thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop can"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a small stone (providing light), a horseshoe, a conch
Floyd | shell, a gold coin and a violet note.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop horseshoe"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the river if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are
Floyd | visible in the sand next to the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put branch in pit"
Floyd | Okay, the dead branch is now standing up inside the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | The platypus grabs onto the bottom of the dead branch with its
Floyd | forepaws.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rusty "click!" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it
Floyd | slowly creaks open, all by itself!
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | The cemetery is a fearful place, especially at night. Are you sure you
Floyd | want to go in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | You have been warned.
Floyd |
Floyd | Twilight Glen
Floyd | The trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make
Floyd | out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the
Floyd | tombstones winds off to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you glance around you notice luminous ribbons of mist darting among
Floyd | the tombstones. The air is filled with sinister voices.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen"
Floyd | At the moment, you hear nothing interesting.
Floyd |
Floyd | The luminous mists suddenly condense into a cloud of eldritch vapors!
Floyd | Circling like sharks, they stroke your face with ghostly fingers and
Floyd | whisper dreadful secrets into your ears.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Giggling with mischievous Glee, the eldritch vapors clutch your legs
Floyd | and cover your eyes with their luminous hands. The ground falls away
Floyd | beneath your feet as the foggy fiends lift you high above the treetops,
Floyd | scatter your possessions and carry you screaming into the night.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You come to your senses empty-handed and aching all over.
Floyd |
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west
Floyd | along the riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands on the shore
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west
Floyd | along the riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands on the shore
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're not holding anything.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | As you walk along the shimmering trail you feel a vague sense of
Floyd | disorientation, then a shock of recognition...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | West of House
Floyd | You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded
Floyd | front door.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a little mailbox here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine mailbox"
Floyd | The little mailbox is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open it"
Floyd | Opening the little mailbox reveals a leaflet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The edges of the little mailbox are beginning to twinkle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take leaflet"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox is engulfed in a sparkling aurora! Tremors of
Floyd | anticipation run up and down its length, and the air sings with Magick.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read leaflet"
Floyd | It seems to be a junk-mail ad for a primitive computer game. The
Floyd | cancelled stamp on the leaflet is too faded to read clearly.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a gentle pop, the little mailbox pulls itself out of the ground
Floyd | and cavorts about the grass like a happy rabbit!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | The front door is securely closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox notices you and snaps its tiny lid with joy. It
Floyd | makes a silly "clump-clump, clump-clump" sound as it hops to your side
Floyd | and rubs lovingly against your sleeve.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "pet mailbox"
Floyd | The little mailbox coos with pleasure at your touch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox cuddles up around your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take it"
Floyd | Don't be silly.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox nuzzles you lovingly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | The front door is securely closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox snaps playfully at your heels.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "knock on door"
Floyd | The front door is securely closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | West of House
Floyd | You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded
Floyd | front door.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a little mailbox here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox is watching you eagerly.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox is "clump-clumping" about happily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "mailbox n"
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "mailbox, n"
Floyd | The little mailbox doesn't reply, but coos with pleasure at the sound
Floyd | of your voice.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | As the house disappears into the distance, you get the distinct feeling
Floyd | that, someday, you will pass this way again.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You can't enter an impenetrable forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" into view and snaps a greeting.
Floyd |
Floyd | The night is filled with rhythmic thunder, and a platoon of gigantic
Floyd | leather army boots marches into view. It's the Boot Patrol!
Floyd |
Floyd | You're immediately surrounded, tied, gagged and dragged before an
Floyd | especially tall Boot. "What have we here?" he hisses. "Out after
Floyd | curfew? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I wonder what Sgt. MacGuffin will say about
Floyd | this."
Floyd |
Floyd | You're thrown into an especially smelly Boot and carried, kicking and
Floyd | screaming, to the lobby of the Police Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin glares at you as the boots dump you on the floor.
Floyd | "What's this?" he demands impatiently.
Floyd |
Floyd | "A nightcrawler," hisses the Tall Boot, giving you a vicious little
Floyd | kick. "Outside after curfew. Shall I feed it to the sharks?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin shakes his head. "Later. The Tower wants all prisoners
Floyd | held for questioning." He turns back to his work. "Cell Three."
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk against the wall with a thick
Floyd | blanket on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a leaflet here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine bunk"
Floyd | The bunk doesn't look very sanitary. There's a thick blanket on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine blanket"
Floyd | The thick blanket doesn't look very sanitary.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take it"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 35 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine bunk"
Floyd | The bunk doesn't look very sanitary.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "look under bunk"
Floyd | There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examini hole"
Floyd | The hole is blocked by the bunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get under bunk"
Floyd | (That sentence didn't make sense. Please reword it or try something
Floyd | else.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move bunk"
Floyd | Okay, you moved the bunk away from the wall. There's a dark, narrow
Floyd | hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine hole"
Floyd | You can't make out anything inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dirty underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | north and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Faint light is streaming in from a narrow hole overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Oh, no! Something lurked out of the darkness and devoured you!
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Looks like the story's over. But don't despair! Interactive fiction
Floyd | lets you learn from your mistakes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 35 points out of 100, in 127 moves.
Floyd |
Floyd | Do you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Type RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop shell"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get branch"
Floyd | Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to
Floyd | the ground with a thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get branch"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop umbrella"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get branch"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Church
Floyd | You're standing inside an abandoned old church. The aisles are littered
Floyd | with debris and bits of colored glass; everything is coated with a
Floyd | thick layer of dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | A lighted candle is visible in a nook near the exit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get candle"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you look around the empty church a big brown rat scurries across the
Floyd | broken glass and disappears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop horseshoe"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get candle"
Floyd | A voice from above begins to proclaim something, but a burst of static
Floyd | drowns out the solemn words. Looking up, you notice a speaker in the
Floyd | ceiling emitting sparks.
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are
Floyd | visible in the sand next to the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put branch in pit"
Floyd | Okay, the dead branch is now standing up inside the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | The platypus grabs onto the bottom of the dead branch with its
Floyd | forepaws.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rusty "click!" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it
Floyd | slowly creaks open, all by itself!
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get branch"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 37 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The platypus hangs on to the dead branch as you pull it out of the pit.
Floyd | It lets go when the branch clears the edge and waddles joyfully around
Floyd | on the sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little creature draws an "X" in the sand with its tail. Then it
Floyd | gives you an oddly dignified nod of thanks, waddles to the edge of the
Floyd | lake and disappears into the dark water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "verbose"
Floyd | (Maximum verbosity.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is watching you from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Church
Floyd | You're standing inside an abandoned old church. The aisles are littered
Floyd | with debris and bits of colored glass; everything is coated with a
Floyd | thick layer of dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a horseshoe here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take horseshoe"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop can"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take horseshoe"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The night is filled with rhythmic thunder, and a platoon of gigantic
Floyd | leather army boots marches into view. It's the Boot Patrol!
Floyd |
Floyd | You're immediately surrounded, tied, gagged and dragged before an
Floyd | especially tall Boot. "What have we here?" he hisses. "Out after
Floyd | curfew? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I wonder what Sgt. MacGuffin will say about
Floyd | this."
Floyd |
Floyd | You're thrown into an especially smelly Boot and carried, kicking and
Floyd | screaming, to the lobby of the Police Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin glares at you as the boots dump you on the floor.
Floyd | "What's this?" he demands impatiently.
Floyd |
Floyd | "A nightcrawler," hisses the Tall Boot, giving you a vicious little
Floyd | kick. "Outside after curfew. Shall I feed it to the sharks?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin shakes his head. "Later. The Tower wants all prisoners
Floyd | held for questioning." He turns back to his work. "Cell Three."
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk against the wall with a thick
Floyd | blanket on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a violet note, a gold coin, a small stone (providing light)
Floyd | and a candle (providing light) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take blanket"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 40 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move bunk"
Floyd | Okay, you moved the bunk away from the wall. There's a dark, narrow
Floyd | hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine bunk"
Floyd | The bunk doesn't look very sanitary.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear an agonized cry from an adjacent cell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine hole"
Floyd | You can't make out anything inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take candle"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine hole"
Floyd | You can't make out anything inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The bunk: That's impossible.
Floyd | The violet note: Taken.
Floyd | The gold coin: Taken.
Floyd | The small stone: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dirty underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | north and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Faint light is streaming in from a narrow hole overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a damp underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf5"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dark underground chamber. Cold, smelly tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Grue's Nest
Floyd | You have stumbled into the nesting place of a family of grues.
Floyd | Congratulations. Few indeed are the adventurers who have entered a
Floyd | grue's nest and lived as long as you have.
Floyd |
Floyd | Everything is littered with rusty swords of elvish workmanship, piles
Floyd | of bones and other debris. A closed refrigerator stands in one corner
Floyd | of the nest, and something... a small, dangerous-looking little
Floyd | beast... is curled up in the other corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only exit is to the west. Hope you survive long enough to use it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Snoring fitfully, the little beast turns away from the light of the
Floyd | candle and faces the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open refrigerator"
Floyd | A light inside the refrigerator goes out as you open it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the refrigerator reveals a bottle and an earthworm.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little beast is stirring restlessly. It looks as if it's about to
Floyd | wake up!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take bottle"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a toothy yawn, the little beast opens its big red eyes and blinks
Floyd | at you with surprise and fear. It opens its slavering jaws and emits a
Floyd | hideous, plaintive wail that reminds you of a subway screeching to a
Floyd | halt.
Floyd |
Floyd | A very large creature, equipped with slavering fangs and wearing a
Floyd | calico apron, lurks into the nest. Its mother-instinct overcomes its
Floyd | overwhelming fear of light long enough to devour you.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Looks like the story's over. But don't despair! Interactive fiction
Floyd | lets you learn from your mistakes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 40 points out of 100, in 120 moves.
Floyd |
Floyd | Do you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Type RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf5"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Failed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf5"
Floyd | (This story doesn't know the word "cf5.")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a smelly underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dark underground chamber. Cold, dirty tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the south and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty
Floyd | tree. Overhead you can see the underside of a large stump. It appears
Floyd | to be hinged.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stump"
Floyd | Lifting the hinged top of the stump reveals a round hole leading upward
Floyd | into moonlight.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree. An opening in the stump leads down into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | (Do you want to go down the north side of the hill, or down into the
Floyd | open stump? Please type NORTH or IN.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | The night is filled with rhythmic thunder, and a platoon of gigantic
Floyd | leather army boots marches into view. It's the Boot Patrol again!
Floyd |
Floyd | You're immediately surrounded, tied, gagged and dragged before an
Floyd | especially tall Boot. "What!" he cries. "I thought you were locked up
Floyd | with Sgt. MacGuffin. Tsk, tsk."
Floyd |
Floyd | You're thrown into an especially smelly Boot and carried, kicking and
Floyd | screaming, to the lobby of the Police Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin glares at you as the boots dump you on the floor. His
Floyd | eyes narrow when he sees you. "Well, well. If it isn't the disappearing
Floyd | mail clerk." You open your mouth to reply, but a vicious little kick
Floyd | changes your mind. "The Tower wants a chat with this troublemaker."
Floyd |
Floyd | "The sharks are getting restless," remarks the Tall Boot hopefully.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin smirks. "So is the Evil One."
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk against the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a thick blanket, a candle (providing light), a violet note,
Floyd | a gold coin and a small stone (providing light) here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The bunk: Don't be silly.
Floyd | The thick blanket: Taken.
Floyd | The candle: Taken.
Floyd | The violet note: Taken.
Floyd | The gold coin: Taken.
Floyd | The small stone: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move bunk"
Floyd | Okay, you moved the bunk away from the wall. There's a patch of new
Floyd | concrete on the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine concrete"
Floyd | The hole is sealed with cement.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear somebody howling with pain from an adjacent cell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf5"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Failed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dark underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty
Floyd | tree. Overhead you can see the underside of a large stump. It appears
Floyd | to be hinged.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a smelly underground chamber. Cold, damp tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dirty underground chamber. Long, smelly tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the north and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Faint light is streaming in from a narrow hole overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dark underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Grue's Nest
Floyd | You have stumbled into the nesting place of a family of grues.
Floyd | Congratulations. Few indeed are the adventurers who have entered a
Floyd | grue's nest and lived as long as you have.
Floyd |
Floyd | Everything is littered with rusty swords of elvish workmanship, piles
Floyd | of bones and other debris. A closed refrigerator stands in one corner
Floyd | of the nest, and something... a small, dangerous-looking little
Floyd | beast... is curled up in the other corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only exit is to the west. Hope you survive long enough to use it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Snoring fitfully, the little beast turns away from the light of the
Floyd | candle and faces the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine refrigerator"
Floyd | A label on the refrigerator reads, "Frobozz Magic Grue Refrigerator
Floyd | Company."
Floyd |
Floyd | The little beast is stirring restlessly. It looks as if it's about to
Floyd | wake up!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni goes home.
Guenni arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine refrigerator"
Floyd | A label on the refrigerator reads, "Frobozz Magic Grue Refrigerator
Floyd | Company."
Floyd |
Floyd | With a toothy yawn, the little beast opens its big red eyes and blinks
Floyd | at you with surprise and fear. It opens its slavering jaws and emits a
Floyd | hideous, plaintive wail that reminds you of a subway screeching to a
Floyd | halt.
Floyd |
Floyd | A very large creature, equipped with slavering fangs and wearing a
Floyd | calico apron, lurks into the nest. Its mother-instinct overcomes its
Floyd | overwhelming fear of light long enough to devour you.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Looks like the story's over. But don't despair! Interactive fiction
Floyd | lets you learn from your mistakes.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 40 points out of 100, in 122 moves.
Floyd |
Floyd | Do you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Type RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf5"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Failed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Grue's Nest
Floyd | You have stumbled into the nesting place of a family of grues.
Floyd | Congratulations. Few indeed are the adventurers who have entered a
Floyd | grue's nest and lived as long as you have.
Floyd |
Floyd | Everything is littered with rusty swords of elvish workmanship, piles
Floyd | of bones and other debris. A closed refrigerator stands in one corner
Floyd | of the nest, and something... a small, dangerous-looking little
Floyd | beast... is curled up in the other corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only exit is to the west. Hope you survive long enough to use it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Snoring fitfully, the little beast turns away from the light of the
Floyd | candle and faces the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop candle"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little beast is stirring restlessly. It looks as if it's about to
Floyd | wake up!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put blanket on beast"
Floyd | Okay, the little beast is now covered with the thick blanket.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature stirs restlessly for an anxious moment. Then it settles
Floyd | into the comfortable darkness of the thick blanket, sighs gently and
Floyd | lies still.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 43 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open refrigerator"
Floyd | A light inside the refrigerator goes out as you open it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the refrigerator reveals a bottle and an earthworm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take bottle and candle"
Floyd | The bottle: Taken.
Floyd | The candle: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dark underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a smelly underground chamber. Long, damp tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the south and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty
Floyd | tree. Overhead you can see the underside of a large stump. It appears
Floyd | to be hinged.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stump"
Floyd | Lifting the hinged top of the stump reveals a round hole leading upward
Floyd | into moonlight.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree. An opening in the stump leads down into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "close stump"
Floyd | The stump closes with a hollow bang.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture hovers in the sky high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign
Floyd | hangs on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the open
Floyd | gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk, stripped of all its branches, stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an umbrella and a conch shell here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take shell"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture begins to hover high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floydlisten), "to shell"
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen to shell"
Floyd | You can hear the rush of ocean surf.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wish for advice"
Floyd | Wishbringer emits a violet flash of Magick.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear a faint buzzing sound, like an overheard telephone, coming
Floyd | from the conch shell.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen to shell"
Floyd | A tiny voice in the conch shell says, "Learn the Word of Power, else
Floyd | never gain the Tower."
Floyd |
Floyd | The buzzing sound in the conch shell stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take umbrella"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf6"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the river if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the open
Floyd | gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign
Floyd | hangs on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Church
Floyd | You're standing inside an abandoned old church. The aisles are littered
Floyd | with debris and bits of colored glass; everything is coated with a
Floyd | thick layer of dust.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a squashed can and a horseshoe here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take horseshoe"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture can be seen circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A voice behind you growls, "Hungry!" You turn to face the sound, but
Floyd | there's nobody here except you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine big mailbox"
Floyd | The big mailbox seems ordinary enough. Or does it?
Floyd |
Floyd | You watch with astonishment as the lid of the big mailbox slowly opens
Floyd | by itself, then snaps shut with a clang.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Video Arcade
Floyd | This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op
Floyd | video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted
Floyd | humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for
Floyd | electric violence.
Floyd |
Floyd | One machine in the corner appears to be deserted.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | The lid of the big mailbox opens again. "Eat!"
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put note in mailbox"
Floyd | The big mailbox spits out the violet note on the ground. "Not STAMPED!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The big mailbox begins to clatter like a rusty machine. Your
Floyd | astonishment turns to horror as the mindless thing begins to MOVE!
Floyd | Slowly at first, but with increasing confidence, it scrapes across the
Floyd | planks of the Pleasure Wharf, heading straight in your direction!
Floyd |
Floyd | The lid of the big mailbox snaps open with a menacing clang. "Feed me.
Floyd | I'm HUNGRY!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The night is filled with rhythmic thunder, and a platoon of gigantic
Floyd | leather army boots marches into view. It's the Boot Patrol again!
Floyd |
Floyd | You're immediately surrounded, tied, gagged and dragged before an
Floyd | especially tall Boot. "What!" he cries. "I thought you were locked up
Floyd | with Sgt. MacGuffin. Tsk, tsk."
Floyd |
Floyd | You're thrown into an especially smelly Boot and carried, kicking and
Floyd | screaming, to the lobby of the Police Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin glares at you as the boots dump you on the floor. His
Floyd | eyes narrow when he sees you. "Well, well. If it isn't the disappearing
Floyd | mail clerk." You open your mouth to reply, but a vicious little kick
Floyd | changes your mind. "The Tower wants a chat with this troublemaker."
Floyd |
Floyd | "The sharks are getting restless," remarks the Tall Boot hopefully.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin smirks. "So is the Evil One."
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk against the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a gold coin, a small stone (providing light), a bottle, a
Floyd | candle (providing light), a conch shell, an umbrella and a horseshoe
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The bunk: Don't be silly.
Floyd | The gold coin: Taken.
Floyd | The small stone: Taken.
Floyd | The bottle: Taken.
Floyd | The candle: Taken.
Floyd | The conch shell: Taken.
Floyd | The umbrella: Taken.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open bottle"
Floyd | Okay, the bottle is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drink milk"
Floyd | Slurp! All gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can feel little icky things sliding down your throat.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear a faint buzzing sound, like an overheard telephone, coming
Floyd | from the conch shell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen to shell"
Floyd | A tiny voice in the conch shell says, "Learn the Word of Power, else
Floyd | never gain the Tower."
Floyd |
Floyd | (The grue milk is lurking in your stomach. If you want to make a wish,
Floyd | you'd better make it snappy!)
Floyd |
Floyd | The buzzing sound in the conch shell stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wish for freedom"
Floyd | (Refer to the manual inside your Wishbringer package for a summary of
Floyd | what you must do to make that Wish come true.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (The taste of the grue milk is starting to wear off. Wish now, or
Floyd | forever hold your peace!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Your score is 43 points out of 100, in 156 moves. You've used 1 of the
Floyd | Stone's 7 Wishes.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guenni arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "v"
Floyd | (You don't need to use the word "v" to finish this story.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are
Floyd | visible in the sand next to the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | The small stone: Dropped.
Floyd | The squashed can: Dropped.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Dropped.
Floyd | The conch shell: Dropped.
Floyd | The gold coin: Dropped.
Floyd | The violet note: Dropped.
Floyd | The umbrella: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rusty "click!" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it
Floyd | slowly creaks open, all by itself!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take stone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is watching you from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open stump"
Floyd | Lifting the hinged top of the stump reveals a round hole leading
Floyd | downward into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | (Do you want to go down the north side of the hill, or down into the
Floyd | open stump? Please type NORTH or IN.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dirty underground chamber. Long, dark tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the south and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty
Floyd | tree. Feeble light streams in from an opening overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a smelly underground chamber. Cold, damp tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the north and east, and there's a dark hole in the south wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Open Grave
Floyd | You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of
Floyd | dirt. A dark hole is visible in the north wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Genevieve arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni says, "I'm trying to bring some wishes. :-)"
Genevieve grins.
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "verbose"
Floyd | (Maximum verbosity.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dirty underground chamber. Cold, dark tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the north and east, and there's a dark hole in the south wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a smelly underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | north and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dark, narrow hole is visible overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | The hole is blocked by something overhead. It looks like the underside
Floyd | of a bed or bunk.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move bunk"
Floyd | Okay, you moved the bunk away from the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Faint light streams in from overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor with a
Floyd | thick blanket on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take blanket"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 35 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Genevieve says, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses Floyd on non-ClubFloyd days."
Genevieve smiles.
Guenni says, "Well, floyd is here from the beginning at least I think so. and clubfloyd only exists for half of that time."
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a damp underground chamber. Cold, damp tunnels wander away to
Floyd | the north and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Faint light is streaming in from a narrow hole overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a smelly underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Grue's Nest
Floyd | You have stumbled into the nesting place of a family of grues.
Floyd | Congratulations. Few indeed are the adventurers who have entered a
Floyd | grue's nest and lived as long as you have.
Floyd |
Floyd | Everything is littered with rusty swords of elvish workmanship, piles
Floyd | of bones and other debris. A closed refrigerator stands in one corner
Floyd | of the nest, and something... a small, dangerous-looking little
Floyd | beast... is curled up in the other corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only exit is to the west. Hope you survive long enough to use it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Snoring fitfully, the little beast turns away from the light of the
Floyd | small stone and faces the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop blanket on grue"
Floyd | Okay, the little beast is now covered with the thick blanket.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature stirs restlessly for an anxious moment. Then it settles
Floyd | into the comfortable darkness of the thick blanket, sighs gently and
Floyd | lies still.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 38 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Genevieve says, "Aww. So cute."
Guenni says (to floyd), "open refrigerator"
Floyd | A light inside the refrigerator goes out as you open it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the refrigerator reveals a bottle and an earthworm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take worm and bottle"
Floyd | The earthworm: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 41 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The earthworm squirms with annoyance at your touch.
Floyd | The bottle: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "close refrigerator"
Floyd | A light inside the refrigerator comes on as you close it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the refrigerator is now closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Genevieve says, "It is very dark... and Guenni has not been eaten by a grue."
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dark underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dirty underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty
Floyd | tree. Feeble light streams in from an opening overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree. An opening in the stump leads down into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture hovers in the sky high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign
Floyd | hangs on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the open
Floyd | gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to
Floyd | the ground with a thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the open
Floyd | gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "..floydn"
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign
Floyd | hangs on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are
Floyd | visible in the sand next to the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an umbrella, a violet note, a gold coin, a conch shell, a
Floyd | horseshoe and a squashed can here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put branch in pit"
Floyd | Okay, the dead branch is now standing up inside the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | The platypus grabs onto the bottom of the dead branch with its
Floyd | forepaws.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture can be seen circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "get branch"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 46 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The platypus hangs on to the dead branch as you pull it out of the pit.
Floyd | It lets go when the branch clears the edge and waddles joyfully around
Floyd | on the sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little creature draws an "X" in the sand with its tail. Then it
Floyd | gives you an oddly dignified nod of thanks, waddles to the edge of the
Floyd | lake and disappears into the dark water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "dig in sand"
Floyd | You discovered a silver whistle in the sand under the "X"!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The silver whistle: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 49 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd | The sand: The sand slips away between your fingers.
Floyd | The umbrella: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd | The violet note: Taken.
Floyd | The gold coin: Taken.
Floyd | The conch shell: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd | The squashed can: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop branch"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The dead branch: Taken.
Floyd | The sand: The sand slips away between your fingers.
Floyd | The umbrella: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd | The conch shell: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd | The squashed can: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop branch"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an umbrella, a conch shell, a horseshoe and a squashed can
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an umbrella, a conch shell, a horseshoe and a squashed can
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The sand: The sand slips away between your fingers.
Floyd | The umbrella: Taken.
Floyd | The conch shell: Taken.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Taken.
Floyd | The squashed can: You're holding too many things already!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "starts singing it drives me crazy..."
Genevieve laughs!
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a horseshoe, a conch shell, an umbrella, a gold coin, a
Floyd | violet note, a silver whistle, a bottle, an earthworm and a small stone
Floyd | (providing light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a squashed can here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture begins to hover high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give coin to voss"
Floyd | Miss Voss snatches away your gold coin with her bony fingers and hands
Floyd | you a ticket.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are now holding a ticket.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 52 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine ticket"
Floyd | It's an ordinary ticket, number 802701.
Floyd |
Floyd | Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Miss Voss squinting carefully
Floyd | at the gold coin you gave her. She looks at you suspiciously, picks up
Floyd | a telephone and begins to dial rapidly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Theater Lobby
Floyd | You're standing in the lobby of the movie theater. A short corridor
Floyd | leads north into darkness. Sound effects and music can be heard
Floyd | drifting down the corridor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is standing near the corridor, a large cardboard carton
Floyd | at his feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give ticket to gravedigger"
Floyd | The gravedigger takes the ticket, gestures absently to the empty carton
Floyd | and leans back to daydream.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Genevieve says, "I have to head out now. Have fun playing."
Guenni says, "thanks."
Genevieve waves.
Genevieve, apparently having had enough of public life, disappears back to her Parisian retreat.
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The gravedigger nods as you pass.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside Theater
Floyd | This is a movie theater unlike any you've ever seen! The seats are
Floyd | wide, deep and comfortable. The aisles are spotless. The air is clear
Floyd | of smoke, and the screen is dramatically large. A chill goes up your
Floyd | spine as you realize how alien your universe has become.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a noisy movie playing on the screen. A dark corridor leads out
Floyd | to the lobby.
Floyd |
Floyd | The picture on the screen is fuzzy and hard to watch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search theater"
Floyd | Hmm. This place isn't completely spotless. You just discovered a used
Floyd | pair of 3D glasses under a seat.
Floyd |
Floyd | All you can see on the screen is a confusing double-image.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take glasses"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 55 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The screen image is a meaningless blur of colored light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wear glasses"
Floyd | Wow! As you put on the glasses the picture on the screen fuses into a
Floyd | solid, 3-dimensional image.
Floyd |
Floyd | The movie screen shows an evil woman squinting through an antique
Floyd | telescope. A laboratory full of bubbling 3D chemicals is visible in the
Floyd | background.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x screen"
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "examine screen"
Floyd | A 3D vulture lands on the woman's shoulder and croaks a secret into her
Floyd | ear. An evil eyebrow rises slowly as she listens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman swings the 3D antique telescope around (narrowly missing
Floyd | your nose) and peers into it again. A point-of-view shot reveals what
Floyd | the 'scope is focused on: a small movie theater, remarkably similar to
Floyd | the one you're in right now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen"
Floyd | The soundtrack is an artless mix of Witchville slogans and John Philip
Floyd | Sousa marches, played at earsplitting volume.
Floyd |
Floyd | The antique telescope zooms in on the entrance to the movie theater. A
Floyd | dead ringer for Miss Voss looks up and waves timidly at the camera.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Fuzziness
Floyd | Everything around you appears blurry and fuzzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "remove glasses"
Floyd | Okay, you're no longer wearing the pair of 3D glasses.
Floyd |
Floyd | Theater Lobby
Floyd | You're standing in the lobby of the movie theater. A short corridor
Floyd | leads north into darkness. Sound effects and music can be heard
Floyd | drifting down the corridor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is standing near the corridor, a large cardboard carton
Floyd | at his feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the movie theater? The gravedigger might
Floyd | not let you in again without another ticket!
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "yes"
Floyd | "Come again!" sneers the gravedigger as you leave.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss is talking urgently with someone on the phone. She doesn't
Floyd | take her eyes off you for a moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put worm in water"
Floyd | It lands in the fountain with a splash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the
Floyd | fountain to devour it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take token"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 58 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf8"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss hangs up the phone and looks at you with triumph in her eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put worm in water"
Floyd | It lands in the fountain with a splash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the
Floyd | fountain to devour it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take token"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 52 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A voice behind you growls, "I'm hungry!" You turn to face the sound,
Floyd | but there's nobody here except you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Video Arcade
Floyd | This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op
Floyd | video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted
Floyd | humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for
Floyd | electric violence.
Floyd |
Floyd | One machine in the corner appears to be deserted.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put token in slot"
Floyd | The brass token disappears into the slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ding! You hear a pleasant electric chime, and a blinking star appears
Floyd | on the video screen.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 53 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf9"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "press button"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to push the big red button?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | The stunted humanoids in the arcade watch you carefully as your hand
Floyd | touches the flashing button. This might be a trap! You don't really
Floyd | want to press that big red button, do you?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Hope you saved your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden power drain makes all the other games in the arcade go dim.
Floyd | Blue sheets of energy leap from the game machine, surrounding you in an
Floyd | incandescent aura. You can feel your molecules being taken apart one at
Floyd | a time, analyzed, modulated and broadcast through space. It is not a
Floyd | pleasant sensation.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A synthetic voice says, "Game Over. Insert Token To Play Again."
Floyd |
Floyd | You watch with astonishment as the lid of the big mailbox slowly opens
Floyd | by itself, then snaps shut with a clang.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Video Arcade
Floyd | This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op
Floyd | video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted
Floyd | humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for
Floyd | electric violence.
Floyd |
Floyd | One machine in the corner appears to be deserted.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."
Floyd |
Floyd | A vague electrical smell quickly fades.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "..floyd s"
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick"
Floyd | (To use the joystick, you must indicate a compass direction as well as
Floyd | an action. For example, try MOVE THE JOYSTICK TO THE WEST or PUSH STICK
Floyd | NORTH.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick n"
Floyd | Nothing exciting happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick e"
Floyd | Nothing exciting happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick s"
Floyd | Nothing exciting happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick w"
Floyd | Nothing exciting happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick d"
Floyd | (To use the joystick, you must indicate a compass direction as well as
Floyd | an action. For example, try MOVE THE JOYSTICK TO THE WEST or PUSH STICK
Floyd | NORTH.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick n"
Floyd | Nothing exciting happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "g"
Floyd | Nothing exciting happens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf9"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick n"
Floyd | Buzz! A synthetic voice growls, "Keep the blinking star inside the
Floyd | grid!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see screen"
Floyd | The video screen displays a map of Witchville Village. A grid divides
Floyd | the map into 13 squares, and a blinking star is centered over one of
Floyd | the squares.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You'll find the map inside your Wishbringer package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square E-3 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick s"
Floyd | Buzz! A synthetic voice growls, "Keep the blinking star inside the
Floyd | grid!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick s"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick s"
Floyd | Buzz! A synthetic voice growls, "Keep the blinking star inside the
Floyd | grid!"
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick s"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square C-5 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick e"
Floyd | Buzz! A synthetic voice growls, "Keep the blinking star inside the
Floyd | grid!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick s"
Floyd | Buzz! A synthetic voice growls, "Keep the blinking star inside the
Floyd | grid!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick w"
Floyd | Buzz! A synthetic voice growls, "Keep the blinking star inside the
Floyd | grid!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick n"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x star"
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square B-4 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push stick w"
Floyd | Buzz! A synthetic voice growls, "Keep the blinking star inside the
Floyd | grid!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | One of the stunted humanoids eagerly takes over your game machine as
Floyd | you walk away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | You watch with astonishment as the lid of the big mailbox slowly opens
Floyd | by itself, then snaps shut with a clang.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf8"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a brass token, a pair of 3D glasses, a horseshoe, a
Floyd | conch shell, an umbrella, a violet note, a silver whistle, a bottle and
Floyd | a small stone (providing light).
Floyd |
Floyd | The piranha in the fountain is watching you hungrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a horseshoe, a conch shell, an umbrella, a gold coin, a
Floyd | violet note, a silver whistle, a bottle, an earthworm and a small stone
Floyd | (providing light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put worm in water"
Floyd | It lands in the fountain with a splash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the
Floyd | fountain to devour it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take token"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 52 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | As you walk along the shimmering trail you feel a vague sense of
Floyd | disorientation, then a shock of recognition...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | West of House
Floyd | You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded
Floyd | front door.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a little mailbox here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see mailbox"
Floyd | The little mailbox is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open it"
Floyd | Opening the little mailbox reveals a leaflet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The edges of the little mailbox are beginning to twinkle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take leaflet"
Floyd | You're holding too many things already!
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox is engulfed in a sparkling aurora! Tremors of
Floyd | anticipation run up and down its length, and the air sings with Magick.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop can"
Floyd | (You don't seem to be holding that!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop coin"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a gentle pop, the little mailbox pulls itself out of the ground
Floyd | and cavorts about the grass like a happy rabbit!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take leaflet"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox notices you and snaps its tiny lid with joy. It
Floyd | makes a silly "clump-clump, clump-clump" sound as it hops to your side
Floyd | and rubs lovingly against your sleeve.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "pet"
Floyd | (What do you want to pet?)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "mailbox"
Floyd | The little mailbox coos with pleasure at your touch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox hops around with excitement.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read leaflet"
Floyd | It seems to be a junk-mail ad for a primitive computer game. The
Floyd | cancelled stamp on the leaflet is too faded to read clearly.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox snaps playfully at your heels.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop it"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coin"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | As the house disappears into the distance, you get the distinct feeling
Floyd | that, someday, you will pass this way again.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge
Floyd | of the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west
Floyd | along the riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands on the shore
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You can't go that way now. The tide is in.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" happily into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge
Floyd | of the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Witchville Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Witchville Public Library, once famous for its museum of local
Floyd | historic artifacts, stands in a pitiful state of disrepair.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a squashed can here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see island"
Floyd | Misty Island has been shrouded in fog for as long as you can remember.
Floyd | Strange legends and mysterious rumors abound; but nobody you know has
Floyd | ever been there.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" into view and snaps a greeting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | The cemetery is a fearful place, especially at night. Are you sure you
Floyd | want to go in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | You have been warned.
Floyd |
Floyd | Twilight Glen
Floyd | The trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make
Floyd | out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the
Floyd | tombstones winds off to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you glance around you notice luminous ribbons of mist darting among
Floyd | the tombstones. The air is filled with sinister voices.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The luminous mists suddenly condense into a cloud of eldritch vapors!
Floyd | Circling like sharks, they stroke your face with ghostly fingers and
Floyd | whisper dreadful secrets into your ears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd | You're in a creepy corner of the Witchville Cemetery, surrounded by
Floyd | silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane
Floyd | wanders north.
Floyd |
Floyd | Giggling with mischievous Glee, the eldritch vapors clutch your legs
Floyd | and cover your eyes with their luminous hands. The ground falls away
Floyd | beneath your feet as the foggy fiends lift you high above the treetops,
Floyd | scatter your possessions and carry you screaming into the night.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | You come to your senses empty-handed and aching all over.
Floyd |
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
Guenni says (to floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
Guenni says (to floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Whew! That was close.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox cuddles up around your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge
Floyd | of the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west
Floyd | along the riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands on the shore
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You can't go that way now. The tide is in.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" to your side with a joyful snap.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge
Floyd | of the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge
Floyd | of the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge
Floyd | of the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is watching you from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree. An opening in the stump leads down into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | (Do you want to go down the north side of the hill, or down into the
Floyd | open stump? Please type NORTH or IN.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a smelly underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty
Floyd | tree. Feeble light streams in from an opening overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a damp underground chamber. Cold, dark tunnels wander away to
Floyd | the north and east, and there's a dark hole in the south wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You'll never get into the hole holding all that stuff!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | The gold coin: Dropped.
Floyd | The brass token: Dropped.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Dropped.
Floyd | The conch shell: Dropped.
Floyd | The umbrella: Dropped.
Floyd | The violet note: Dropped.
Floyd | The silver whistle: Dropped.
Floyd | The bottle: Dropped.
Floyd | The small stone: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | It is pitch black.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take stone"
Floyd | It's too dark to see!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
Guenni says (to floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dirty underground chamber. Cold, dark tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the south and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty
Floyd | tree. Feeble light streams in from an opening overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree. An opening in the stump leads down into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" to your side with a joyful snap.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Your score is 52 points out of 100, in 187 moves.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guenni arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore cf7"
Floyd | (This story doesn't know the word "cf7.")
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | As you walk along the shimmering trail you feel a vague sense of
Floyd | disorientation, then a shock of recognition...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | West of House
Floyd | You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded
Floyd | front door.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a little mailbox here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open mailbox"
Floyd | Opening the little mailbox reveals a leaflet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The edges of the little mailbox are beginning to twinkle.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see mailbox"
Floyd | It's the strangest little mailbox you've ever seen.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox is engulfed in a sparkling aurora! Tremors of
Floyd | anticipation run up and down its length, and the air sings with Magick.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see leaflet"
Floyd | You'd have to be holding the leaflet to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a gentle pop, the little mailbox pulls itself out of the ground
Floyd | and cavorts about the grass like a happy rabbit!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "pet mailbox"
Floyd | The little mailbox coos with pleasure at your touch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox notices you and snaps its tiny lid with joy. It
Floyd | makes a silly "clump-clump, clump-clump" sound as it hops to your side
Floyd | and rubs lovingly against your sleeve.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | As the house disappears into the distance, you get the distinct feeling
Floyd | that, someday, you will pass this way again.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge
Floyd | of the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni says, "I'm still trying to bring wishes. :-)"
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put worm in water"
Floyd | It lands in the fountain with a splash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the
Floyd | fountain to devour it.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" into view and snaps a greeting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take token"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 52 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox is "clump-clumping" about happily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A voice behind you growls, "I'm hungry!" You turn to face the sound,
Floyd | but there's nobody here except you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x mailbox"
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see mailbox"
Floyd | The big mailbox seems ordinary enough. Or does it?
Floyd |
Floyd | You watch with astonishment as the lid of the big mailbox slowly opens
Floyd | by itself, then snaps shut with a clang.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" to your side with a joyful snap.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take leaflet"
Floyd | You're holding too many things already!
Floyd |
Floyd | The lid of the big mailbox opens again. "Feed me!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The two mailboxes freeze at the sight of one another.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox snarls and stands protectively by your side. The big
Floyd | mailbox emits a frightful growl and throws its lid wide open,
Floyd | displaying rows of sharp little teeth. A crowd of postal meters and
Floyd | stamp dispensers gathers as the metal warriors circle each other with
Floyd | tense, snapping lids.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a sudden rush, the little mailbox throws itself at the big mailbox
Floyd | and clamps onto its forefoot. The big mailbox roars with anger, bites
Floyd | the little mailbox viciously and tries in vain to shake it off. You
Floyd | stare in wonder as the fighting boxes swell to twice their normal size,
Floyd | then four times larger, eight times!
Floyd |
Floyd | The big mailbox frees itself with a savage twist and bends to finish
Floyd | its foe. The little mailbox dodges, grips the descending lid and holds
Floyd | on for dear life. Locked in mortal combat, the giant boxes roll over
Floyd | and over, shaking the earth with the thunder of battle.
Floyd |
Floyd | The scene disappears under a cloud of dust. You hear a terrible scream
Floyd | of agony, then an even more terrible silence. When the air clears, the
Floyd | boxes and spectators are gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Video Arcade
Floyd | This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op
Floyd | video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted
Floyd | humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for
Floyd | electric violence.
Floyd |
Floyd | One machine in the corner appears to be deserted.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf10"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni asks, "Do you have any idea how to win at the arcade game?"
Guenni says, "You are supposed to use the map from the package for consulting..."
Taleslinger says, "No, I haven't played this before"
Guenni says, "Well, so back to cheating with the floyd scrpt. :-)"
Guenni says, "this may take a while."
Taleslinger says, "I have looked at a walkthrough, though :-)"
Guenni says, "willing to share?So far only the arcade game."
Guenni says (to floyd), "put token in slot"
Floyd | The brass token disappears into the slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ding! You hear a pleasant electric chime, and a blinking star appears
Floyd | on the video screen.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 53 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Thanks"
Guenni says, "I actually had tried something similar, but hadn't realized I had to press the button after all."
Taleslinger says, "No prolem"
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick s"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick s"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square C-5 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push button"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to push the big red button?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | The stunted humanoids in the arcade watch you carefully as your hand
Floyd | touches the flashing button. This might be a trap! You don't really
Floyd | want to press that big red button, do you?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Hope you saved your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden power drain makes all the other games in the arcade go dim.
Floyd | Blue sheets of energy leap from the game machine, surrounding you in an
Floyd | incandescent aura. You can feel your molecules being taken apart one at
Floyd | a time, analyzed, modulated and broadcast through space. It is not a
Floyd | pleasant sensation.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Witchville.
Floyd |
Floyd | A tower stands in bleak silhouette against the moonlit sky. It rises a
Floyd | hundred feet above a barren plateau, and is encircled by a deep moat.
Floyd | The only entrances are a closed drawbridge and a dark window near the
Floyd | top.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A synthetic voice says, "Game Over. Insert Token To Play Again."
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 58 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Ok that's unexpected. I thought you might win candy."
Guenni says, "But it seems to be a beaming machine."
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a horseshoe, a conch shell, an umbrella, a gold coin, a
Floyd | violet note, a silver whistle, a bottle and a small stone (providing
Floyd | light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says, "Hooray"
Guenni says (to floyd), "see window"
Floyd | It's wide open, and located a hundred feet above the moat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see drawbridge"
Floyd | The drawbridge is closed against the wall of the tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see sign post"
Floyd | (That sentence didn't make sense. Please reword it or try something
Floyd | else.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see signpost"
Floyd | There are two arrows on the signpost. The arrow pointing west says "To
Floyd | Cemetery." The east arrow is marked "To Witchville."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni laughs about vitchville
Guenni says (to floyd), "move drawbridge"
Floyd | Unfortunately, the drawbridge is too far away for you to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | The drawbridge is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move drawbridge"
Floyd | Unfortunately, the drawbridge is too far away for you to do that.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the former town librarian. The
Floyd | road turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of
Floyd | Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the biggest hellhound
Floyd | you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street,
Floyd | roaring angrily and showing its sharp, bloody fangs.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the hellhound's hot breath as it roars.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | The hellhound won't let you near the cottage.
Floyd |
Floyd | The hellhound glares at you through eyes red with hatred.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the hellhound's sharp, bloody fangs snapping as it nips
Floyd | your heels.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The hellhound roars a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Witchville.
Floyd |
Floyd | A tower stands in bleak silhouette against the moonlit sky. It rises a
Floyd | hundred feet above a barren plateau, and is encircled by a deep moat.
Floyd | The only entrances are a closed drawbridge and a dark window near the
Floyd | top.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see moat"
Floyd | The moat is 20 feet wide and filled with black, oily water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open note"
Floyd | But the violet note isn't addressed to you!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read it"
Floyd | The name "Corky" is beautifully handwritten on the outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "say corky"
Floyd | (Mr. Crisp hates it when you use that name!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "jump over moat"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the moat if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni exclaims, "Ich will rein!!!"
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd | You're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the
Floyd | Witchville Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni drops cane.
Guenni drops Applaudinator.
Guenni gets cane.
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | The horseshoe: Dropped.
Floyd | The conch shell: Dropped.
Floyd | The umbrella: Dropped.
Floyd | The gold coin: Dropped.
Floyd | The violet note: Dropped.
Floyd | The silver whistle: Dropped.
Floyd | The bottle: Dropped.
Floyd | The small stone: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The cemetery is a fearful place, especially at night. Are you sure you
Floyd | want to go in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | You have been warned.
Floyd |
Floyd | Clang! A sudden gust of wind blows the iron gate shut in your face.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear misty voices giggling on the other side, and a loud
Floyd | "click" as the gate locks.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The small stone: Taken.
Floyd | The bottle: Taken.
Floyd | The silver whistle: Taken.
Floyd | The violet note: Taken.
Floyd | The gold coin: Taken.
Floyd | The umbrella: Taken.
Floyd | The conch shell: Taken.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger says, "Du hättest vielleicht speichern sollen"
Guenni says, "I did before I put the coin in the slot."
Guenni says, "I also think I'll go back there. Because I forgot the movie theater."
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf10"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Video Arcade
Floyd | This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op
Floyd | video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted
Floyd | humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for
Floyd | electric violence.
Floyd |
Floyd | One machine in the corner appears to be deserted.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Wharf's End
Floyd | The sea-worn planks of the Witchville Pleasure Wharf end abruptly a few
Floyd | feet to the east. You're surrounded by the dark, shark-infested waters
Floyd | of Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Ok even one more back. Because you get only outt of jail once, and after the theater you'll be caught definitely."
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The night is filled with rhythmic thunder, and a platoon of gigantic
Floyd | leather army boots marches into view. It's the Boot Patrol!
Floyd |
Floyd | You're immediately surrounded, tied, gagged and dragged before an
Floyd | especially tall Boot. "What have we here?" he hisses. "Out after
Floyd | curfew? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I wonder what Sgt. MacGuffin will say about
Floyd | this."
Floyd |
Floyd | You're thrown into an especially smelly Boot and carried, kicking and
Floyd | screaming, to the lobby of the Police Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin glares at you as the boots dump you on the floor.
Floyd | "What's this?" he demands impatiently.
Floyd |
Floyd | "A nightcrawler," hisses the Tall Boot, giving you a vicious little
Floyd | kick. "Outside after curfew. Shall I feed it to the sharks?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin shakes his head. "Later. The Tower wants all prisoners
Floyd | held for questioning." He turns back to his work. "Cell Three."
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small stone (providing light), an earthworm, a bottle, a
Floyd | silver whistle, a violet note, a gold coin, an umbrella, a conch shell
Floyd | and a horseshoe here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small stone, an earthworm, a bottle, a silver whistle, a
Floyd | violet note, a gold coin, an umbrella, a conch shell and a horseshoe
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put worm in water"
Floyd | It lands in the fountain with a splash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the
Floyd | fountain to devour it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take token"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 52 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign
Floyd | hangs on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Ok off to do some work."
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Your score is 52 points out of 100, in 143 moves.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni goes home.
Taleslinger has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guenni arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Guenni says (to floyd), "load vishbringer"
Floyd says (to Guenni), "Floyd doesn't know that game."
Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a squashed can here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "blow whistle"
Floyd | A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
Floyd |
Floyd | The silver whistle's music echoes over the lake, rippling the water
Floyd | with gentle Magick. A sudden gust of wind blows through your hair. You
Floyd | can see the soft outline of Misty Island drawing closer as you streak
Floyd | across the waves...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island
Floyd | You're standing on a fog-shrouded beach. Sheer cliff walls rise to the
Floyd | north and south, and the dark waters of the lake stretch eastward.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the west stands a magnificent castle, its parapets rising high into
Floyd | the mist. Golden light streams invitingly through the open entrance.
Floyd | You can hear friendly voices and music inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Throne Room
Floyd | You're standing in a long, high-ceilinged chamber. Hundreds of
Floyd | platypuses are milling about with teacups in their paws, their faces
Floyd | illuminated by a roaring fireplace.
Floyd |
Floyd | At the far end of the chamber stands a mighty throne. It's occupied by
Floyd | a snow-white platypus with a gold crown on its head and a jeweled
Floyd | scepter in its paw. On the floor near the throne is another crowned
Floyd | platypus... the same one you rescued from the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | The crowd falls silent as you enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Welcome, brave Adventurer," says the white platypus, rising from its
Floyd | throne to greet you. "I am Anatinus, King of Misty Island. My court
Floyd | thanks you most humbly for rescuing the life of my daughter, Princess
Floyd | Tasmania. Great would our sorrow have been if not for your cunning."
Floyd |
Floyd | The crowd applauds politely, and Princess Tasmania blushes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see throne"
Floyd | You can see nothing unusual about it.
Floyd |
Floyd | "My messengers have told me of your quest," continues King Anatinus.
Floyd | "Allow me to repay your kindness with words of advice."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old platypus motions you to his side. "The Tower of the Evil One is
Floyd | formidable," he begins in a low, serious voice. "You will never get
Floyd | inside unaided. Legends speak of a Magick Word that can open the gates
Floyd | of the Tower. But what Word it is, none can say."
Floyd |
Floyd | The king reaches beneath his throne and takes out a small wizard's hat.
Floyd | "Take this," he says, holding it out to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take hat"
Floyd | You're holding too many things already!
Floyd |
Floyd | "I offer you this Hat," says King Anatinus, holding it out to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wear hat"
Floyd | But the wizard's hat is much too small!
Floyd |
Floyd | "This Hat is for you. Take it," says King Anatinus, holding it out to
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop whistle"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Take this Hat," says King Anatinus, holding it out to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take hat"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 50 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Take it to the sea," King Anatinus whispers as you turn the hat in
Floyd | your hands. "There you will find a creature learned in the lore of
Floyd | Magick. Heed him well! In his wisdom lies your only hope."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see hat"
Floyd | The wizard's hat is decorated with foil stars and cheap glitter.
Floyd |
Floyd | A fanfare of trumpets breaks the silence, and the crowd falls to its
Floyd | knees.
Floyd |
Floyd | The silver whistle magically reappears in your hand.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Good luck to you, brave Adventurer!" cries King Anatinus, bowing
Floyd | deeply. "Now blow into the silver whistle one more time, and deliver us
Floyd | from the horror of the Evil One."
Floyd |
Floyd | The platypuses look at you expectantly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "blow whistle"
Floyd | A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind rises out of nowhere, and Misty Island falls away
Floyd | beneath your feet. You feel the silver whistle slip from your hand as
Floyd | you streak across the lake...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a squashed can here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf11"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A voice behind you growls, "Feed me!" You turn to face the sound, but
Floyd | there's nobody here except you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Wharf's End
Floyd | The sea-worn planks of the Witchville Pleasure Wharf end abruptly a few
Floyd | feet to the east. You're surrounded by the dark, shark-infested waters
Floyd | of Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop hat in water"
Floyd | Splash!
Floyd |
Floyd | Silently, the wizard's hat disappears beneath the surface of the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The sharks would gobble you up if you tried that!
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see planks"
Floyd | Wharf's End
Floyd | The sea-worn planks of the Witchville Pleasure Wharf end abruptly a few
Floyd | feet to the east. You're surrounded by the dark, shark-infested waters
Floyd | of Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter water"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the bay if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf11"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put worm in water"
Floyd | It lands in the fountain with a splash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the
Floyd | fountain to devour it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take token"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 53 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A voice behind you growls, "Eat!" You turn to face the sound, but
Floyd | there's nobody here except you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Wharf's End
Floyd | The sea-worn planks of the Witchville Pleasure Wharf end abruptly a few
Floyd | feet to the east. You're surrounded by the dark, shark-infested waters
Floyd | of Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search hat"
Floyd | You find nothing interesting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter water"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the bay if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | You watch with astonishment as the lid of the big mailbox slowly opens
Floyd | by itself, then snaps shut with a clang.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | You can't go that way now. The tide is in.
Floyd |
Floyd | The lid of the big mailbox opens again. "Mail!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west
Floyd | along the riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands on the shore
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "show hat to pelicane"
Floyd | The pelican sniffs the wizard's hat suspiciously. Its eyes open wide
Floyd | with interest, and the wizard's hat quickly finds a place on the
Floyd | pelican's head. Then the old bird gives you a sly, knowledgeable wink.
Floyd |
Floyd | All at once the lighthouse blazes to life! Its shining beacon whirls
Floyd | like a gyroscope, and a pencil-thin beam of light pierces the sky and
Floyd | traces a word on a passing cloud: FRATTO.
Floyd |
Floyd | The pelican spreads its wings and soars away over the bay. As the beam
Floyd | of the lighthouse fades, a voice in your head whispers, "Good luck,
Floyd | brave Adventurer!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 58 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen to shell"
Floyd | You can hear the rush of ocean surf.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wish for advice"
Floyd | Wishbringer emits a violet flash of Magick.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear a faint buzzing sound, like an overheard telephone, coming
Floyd | from the conch shell.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture eyes you suspiciously from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen to shell"
Floyd | A tiny voice in the conch shell says, "One path Magick, one path
Floyd | Science; both lead to thy Goal."
Floyd |
Floyd | The buzzing sound in the conch shell stops.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf12"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Taleslinger arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Taleslinger asks (of guenni), "Hallo! Sag mal, an welchem Wochenende ist Olly nochmal in Jena?"
Guenni says, "Irgendwann Mitte September."
Guenni says, "Hundertprozentig wusste sie das auch noch nicht."
Taleslinger says, "ah ja, danke."
Taleslinger says, "Dann noch viel Erfolg beim wishbringen"
Guenni says, "Wir werden sehen. :-)"
Taleslinger has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | The night is filled with rhythmic thunder, and a platoon of gigantic
Floyd | leather army boots marches into view. It's the Boot Patrol!
Floyd |
Floyd | You're immediately surrounded, tied, gagged and dragged before an
Floyd | especially tall Boot. "What have we here?" he hisses. "Out after
Floyd | curfew? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I wonder what Sgt. MacGuffin will say about
Floyd | this."
Floyd |
Floyd | You're thrown into an especially smelly Boot and carried, kicking and
Floyd | screaming, to the lobby of the Police Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin glares at you as the boots dump you on the floor.
Floyd | "What's this?" he demands impatiently.
Floyd |
Floyd | "A nightcrawler," hisses the Tall Boot, giving you a vicious little
Floyd | kick. "Outside after curfew. Shall I feed it to the sharks?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin shakes his head. "Later. The Tower wants all prisoners
Floyd | held for questioning." He turns back to his work. "Cell Three."
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small stone (providing light), a bottle, a violet note, a
Floyd | gold coin, an umbrella, a conch shell, a horseshoe and a brass token
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give coin to voss"
Floyd | You can't see Voss here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move bunk"
Floyd | Okay, you moved the bunk back up against the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk against the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small stone, a bottle, a violet note, a gold coin, an
Floyd | umbrella, a conch shell, a horseshoe and a brass token here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see floor"
Floyd | You can see nothing special about the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see bunk"
Floyd | The bunk doesn't look very sanitary.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "look under it"
Floyd | There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move bunk"
Floyd | Okay, you moved the bunk away from the wall. There's a dark, narrow
Floyd | hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear sounds of violence from the corridor outside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a smelly underground chamber. Cold, dark tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the north and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Faint light is streaming in from a narrow hole overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a damp underground chamber. Cold, dirty tunnels wander away
Floyd | to the north and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Faint light is streaming in from a narrow hole overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small stone, a bottle, a violet note, a gold coin, an
Floyd | umbrella, a conch shell, a horseshoe and a brass token here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The bunk: Don't be silly.
Floyd | The small stone: Taken.
Floyd | The bottle: Taken.
Floyd | The violet note: Taken.
Floyd | The gold coin: Taken.
Floyd | The umbrella: Taken.
Floyd | The conch shell: Taken.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Taken.
Floyd | The brass token: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | You'll never get into the hole holding all that stuff!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put all in hole"
Floyd | The brass token: Okay, the brass token disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Okay, the horseshoe disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The conch shell: Okay, the conch shell disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The umbrella: Okay, the umbrella disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The gold coin: Okay, the gold coin disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The violet note: Okay, the violet note disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The bottle: Okay, the bottle disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The small stone: Okay, the small stone disappears into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dark underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | north and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Faint light is streaming in from a narrow hole overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a small stone, a bottle, a violet note, a gold coin, an
Floyd | umbrella, a conch shell, a horseshoe and a brass token here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The small stone: Taken.
Floyd | The bottle: Taken.
Floyd | The violet note: Taken.
Floyd | The gold coin: Taken.
Floyd | The umbrella: Taken.
Floyd | The conch shell: Taken.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Taken.
Floyd | The brass token: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dirty underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a damp underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty
Floyd | tree. Feeble light streams in from an opening overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear a faint buzzing sound, like an overheard telephone, coming
Floyd | from the conch shell.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree. An opening in the stump leads down into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Your score is 58 points out of 100, in 189 moves. You've used 1 of the
Floyd | Stone's 7 Wishes.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Taleslinger arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "x"
Floyd says (to Taleslinger), "Floyd doesn't know that trick."
Taleslinger says (to Floyd), "x a fun logic puzzle"
Floyd says (to Taleslinger), "Floyd doesn't know that trick."
Taleslinger disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again.
BrianK arrives, ready to play with the toys.
DavidW arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Draconis arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Jacqueline arrives, ready to play with the toys. Jacqueline says, "Oh. I wasn't here."
DavidW says, "hi Jacqueline"
Jacqueline says, "Hm, so Guenni has been idle half an hour."
Draconis asks, "Who is Guenni?"
Jacqueline says, "She played Wishbringer alone last week."
Guenni waves a bit.
Jacqueline exclaims, "Thar she is now!"
Guenni arrives, full of fun and funk. Jacqueline says, "I was enjoying watching Wishbringer, but I do get that we have more people here this week."
Guenni says, "Guess I'll have to clear my mess first." Jacqueline asks, "Guenni, were you wanting to continue, and others, have any of you not played and/or would you enjoy watching?"
Guenni clears the save counter. Jacqueline says, "I'd like to let Guenni continue if others are okay with that."
Jacqueline says, "And she wants to."
Jacqueline says, "Which it looks like she does."
DavidW says, "I played Wishbringer quite some time ago. I don't mind watching."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask wishbringer"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:00
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "I think I saw the tail end of the last session when I logged on late on Sunday, and there was a question where the Magic Shop was?"
Guenni says, "Ok, I have to start over now, but I know what to do for a while, I hope it wont take to long."
DavidW says, "There's a feelie in the original game package that showed roughly where it is that I think it's okay for me to 'spoil' that bit, if I'm permitted to."
Guenni says, "yeeah, I found that in the mean time. :-)"
Guenni asks, "Do we still want five minutes, or shall I start?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh oh oh, yeah. Start"
Jacqueline says, "I didn't realize you were waiting."
Jacqueline says, "I was all like, what is she waiting for? heh"
Guenni says, "I wasn't I hopped over to the loo. :-)"
DavidW says, "Page 33 of [LINK] shows the feelie map I'm thinking of."
Jacqueline says, "Hope that trip was successful, Guenni."
Guenni says, "..floyd>"
Guenni says, "..floyd>" Jacqueline says, "You don't have to type out Floyd."
Roger arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Jacqueline says, "You can just say F COMMAND"
Guenni says, "It definitely was."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
DavidW says, "or > COMMAND"
Jacqueline asks (of DW), "Wait, wha?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:01
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You're not holding anything.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks, "WHAT THE HECK???"
DavidW asks, "You didn't know that?"
Guenni says, "My client didn't let me write onto the channel."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "No. No, I did not know that." Jacqueline says, "ILAC"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "No. No, I did not know that."
DavidW says, "Well, that woke you up. :)"
Jacqueline says, "Ha. Yes. Yes, it did."
Draconis asks, "Wait wait you can use > ?"
DavidW says, "yes"
Draconis says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ] Hilltop15:01
Floyd | >
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | A hollow voice says, "Fool!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd ] Post Office15:02
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | Post Office
Floyd | This is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined
Floyd | with small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter
Floyd | runs along the entire length of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other
Floyd | people's postcards.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. "Where have you
Floyd | been?" he barks angrily. "Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking
Floyd | everywhere for you!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of
Draconis says, "Whoa"
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline asks (of Draconis), "I know, right?"
BrianK says, "Huh I knew that already :P"
Draconis says, "I never knew that was a thing!"
Guenni says (to floyd), "see posters"
Floyd ] Post Office15:03
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |           WANTED!
Floyd |     For Impersonating A
Floyd |         Storyteller
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious
Floyd | envelope. "We just got this Special Delivery," he snarls, tossing it
Floyd | onto the service counter. "I want you to drop it off right away. That
Floyd | means NOW!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take envelope"
Floyd ] Post Office15:04
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. "Get
Floyd | moving, chowderbrain! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
zarf arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Guenni says, "Can we shut off the clock again, please? The game is hectic enough as it is."
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Jacqueline says, "Um, it's all or none."
Jacqueline says, "You either see the status bar your entire game or you don't."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "time"
Floyd ] Post Office15:04
Floyd | >
Floyd | > TIME
Floyd |
Floyd | (It's 3:04 pm. You have 1 hour and 56 minutes to complete your
Floyd | delivery.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni asks, "Means what?"
Jacqueline says, "Hm. So you can ask the game for the time."
Jacqueline says, "So yeah, I can see shutting off the status line."
Jacqueline asks, "Want me to restart it with no status line?"
Guenni says, "Yes."
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd ] Post Office15:04
Floyd | >
Floyd | > QUIT
Floyd |
Floyd | Your score is 6 points out of 100, in 4 moves.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Floyd | > Y
Floyd | debugcheapnitfol quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Jacqueline says (to Floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Glad you asked now and not, like, a hour from now."
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Post Office
Floyd | This is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined with
Floyd | small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter runs
Floyd | along the entire length of the room.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other
Floyd | people's postcards.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. "Where have you been?"
Floyd | he barks angrily. "Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking everywhere
Floyd | for you!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see mailboxes"
Floyd | The little mailboxes are closed and locked.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious
Floyd | envelope. "We just got this Special Delivery," he snarls, tossing it
Floyd | onto the service counter. "I want you to drop it off right away. That
Floyd | means NOW!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take envelope"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently.
Floyd | "Deliver that envelope! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | As you leave the Post Office, somebody slams and locks the door behind
Floyd | you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd | You're standing next to an open iron gate that leads west into the
Floyd | Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The cemetery is a fearful place. Are you sure you want to go in there?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Jacqueline says, "hee"
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | You have been warned.
Floyd |
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd | You're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by
Floyd | silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane
Floyd | wanders north.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I bet the someone who locked the door was Mr Crisp."
Jacqueline says, "Yes. I hate him."
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd | A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really
Floyd | spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected
Floyd | next to it.
Floyd |
Floyd | An old gravedigger is resting under a willow tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger nods a greeting as you approach.
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "He is the part of this game I loathe."
Jacqueline says, "I loathe him more than the poodle."
Jacqueline says, "And I have a lot of loathing for the poodle."
Guenni says, "We'll see if we actually have to deal with him again."
DavidW says, "oh, probably when SPOILER happens."
Guenni says (to floyd), "see gravedigger"
Floyd | He's the town gravedigger, a village fixture since before you were
Floyd | born.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger notices the mysterious envelope you're holding. "That's
Floyd | a mighty mysterious-lookin' envelope you got there," he says. "Let's
Floyd | have a look at it."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says, "So, for those who missed it last week: a photo of my Wishbringer"
Guenni says (to floyd), "show envelope to gravedigger"
Floyd | The gravedigger peers at the address on the mysterious envelope. "Hmm,"
Floyd | he mutters, handing it back to you. "Could've sworn I buried that old
Floyd | woman years ago."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Couldn't ask for a nicer day for diggin' graves."
Floyd |
Floyd | What next?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see grave"
Floyd | It's six feet deep and freshly dug. You can see an old bone inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Got to go," says the gravedigger, picking up his shovel. "See you
Floyd | soon."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old man ambles away to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You won't see the "What next?" prompt any more.)
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "enter grave"
Floyd | Open Grave
Floyd | You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of
Floyd | dirt.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's an old bone here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take bone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 7 out of 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "I think you've got a bone to pick."
Jacqueline says, "Timing. Darn."
Guenni says, "YD"
Guenni D
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | With great difficulty, you manage to climb out of the open grave.
Floyd |
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Twilight Glen
Floyd | The trees here are so thick, it's almost too dark to see! You can make
Floyd | out an open iron gate to the north, and a narrow lane between the
Floyd | tombstones winds off to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | There must have been a burial here recently. Somebody left their
Floyd | umbrella leaning up against a tombstone.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is locking the iron gate from the outside as you
Floyd | approach. "Keep out of the cemetery after Dark," he tells you with a
Floyd | sly wink.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear him chuckling as he disappears to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "We all know what bones are useful for in IF games by now? I don't have to say?"
Roger says, "I reckon so"
DavidW says, "You probably want that umbrella."
Guenni says, "So far, I only know of that one, but I know what's that for."
Guenni says (to floyd), "get umbrella"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Spooky Copse
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Creepy Corner
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Whew! That cemetery sure is spooky.
Floyd |
Floyd | Outside Cemetery
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road
Floyd | turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post
Floyd | Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the tiniest poodle
Floyd | you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street,
Floyd | yapping angrily and showing its sharp little teeth.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop bone"
Floyd | The poodle tests the old bone with its tongue, lies down and begins to
Floyd | gnaw on it, keeping a red eye on you.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 10 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic
Floyd | artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the town librarian, is locking the library door as you
Floyd | approach. "Just the person I was looking for!" she exclaims, smiling
Floyd | brightly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see voss"
Floyd | She's holding a purse and an armful of books.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss retrieves a violet slip of paper from the depths of her
Floyd | purse. "Be a sweetie and give this note to your dear boss, Mr. Crisp,"
Floyd | she coos, holding the note out to you. "I'd be ever so much obliged."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take note"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 13 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss hurries away down the street. "Thanks! Toody-loo!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary.
Floyd | Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain,
Floyd | filled with sparkling water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coin"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Festeron Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a quaint village church. Its little white steeple
Floyd | is straight out of a country postcard. The church door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Oh I have to get the shell first and do my good deed for the day."
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Festeron River. A dense, impenetrable forest borders the south edge of
Floyd | the path.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Festeron Bay. A beach follows the
Floyd | shore of the bay to the south, and a path leads west along the
Floyd | riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A miniature lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands blinking on the
Floyd | shore nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Tidal Pool
Floyd | You're on a damp stretch of sand that extends north towards Festeron
Floyd | Point, and south to the Pleasure Wharf.
Floyd |
Floyd | A large conch shell is lying in the sand at your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take shell"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the entrance to the Pleasure Wharf, the town's
Floyd | most popular tourist attraction. The Wharf extends eastward into
Floyd | Festeron Bay, and a tidal beach curves north along the shore.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Wharf's End
Floyd | The sea-worn planks of the Festeron Pleasure Wharf end abruptly a few
Floyd | feet to the east. You're surrounded by the blue, sparkling waters of
Floyd | Festeron Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | Apparently a careless fisherman has just left the wharf, for lying on
Floyd | the planks is a little seahorse, its gills moving in and out with its
Floyd | dying gasps.
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse looks at you with moist, frightened eyes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "aw"
Guenni says (to floyd), "take seahorse"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse opens and closes its little mouth pathetically.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "AW"
DavidW says, "oh, I'd forgotten about the seahorse."
DavidW says, "I remember him dying the first time I played."
Draconis says, "The seahorse!"
inky arrives, full of fun and funk.
Guenni says (to floyd), "put it in water"
Floyd | Splash!
Floyd |
Floyd | The seahorse floats without moving for a few anxious moments. Then it
Floyd | springs suddenly to life, circling and splashing joyfully in the waves.
Floyd | Before it swims away it looks up at you with an unmistakable expression
Floyd | of gratitude.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "YAY"
Guenni says, "Well, that's done. :-)"
Jacqueline says, "You are a good person."
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Festeron Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a charming little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the closed entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I tried to take it to the central fountain and it died before I could get that far."
Ellison arrives, ready to play with the toys. DavidW says, "if I remember correctly. It has been ages."
Guenni asks, "Ok... why. I mean why bringing it to the fountain?"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. I was wondering that."
DavidW says, "That part I don't remember."
Jacqueline says, "I would never think of putting it in the fountain."
Jacqueline says, "But then, that is often why David can finish games that I cannot."
DavidW says, "I think I also once gave it to the pelican, who ate it."
Jacqueline exclaims, "ACK!!"
Guenni says, "No, not without some specific comment like "it's look lonely" or something like that"
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs
Floyd | on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river. A steep trail winds upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "So let's the workout begin. And that after eight in the evening. :-)"
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (The trail you're climbing is narrow and twisty. It's a good idea to
Floyd | draw a map as you go up.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds west and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds east and downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds south and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Steep Trail
Floyd | A steep, rocky trail winds north and upward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 15 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post
Floyd | Office Hill creeping across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of
Floyd | clouds.
Floyd |
Floyd | The peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the
Floyd | distant Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments,
Floyd | checks its wrist and shakes a threatening little fist at you.
Floyd |
Floyd | A little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted
Floyd | shutters and thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale.
Floyd | A curiously painted sign over the front door reads, "Ye Olde Magick
Floyd | Shoppe."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni catches breath.
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door."
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the Magick Shoppe door is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Magick Shoppe
Floyd | You're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.
Floyd |
Floyd | Every inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and
Floyd | mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene
Floyd | jokes and naughty birthday cards.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented
Floyd | with a sneering crescent moon and other celestial symbols.
Floyd |
Floyd | The front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of
Floyd | the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind slams the Magick Shoppe door closed. A concealed
Floyd | bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Just a moment!" cries a voice behind the curtain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see clock."
Floyd | The smiling grandfather clock says it's 3:52 pm.
Floyd |
Floyd | The noisy tick of the grandfather clock is making you uneasy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd | You can see nothing interesting inside the grandfather clock.
Floyd |
Floyd | The curtain opens so quickly it makes you jump.
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman standing before you is older than your oldest aunt. Her thin,
Floyd | pale face and bony hands make her look fragile, like a fading signature
Floyd | in an antique book. But her eyes remember everything they have ever
Floyd | seen.
Floyd |
Floyd | You appraise one another for a long moment before she breaks the ice.
Floyd | "Welcome in, welcome!" she chortles. "Don't get many visitors this late
Floyd | in the day."
Floyd |
Floyd | The room seems oddly quiet all of a sudden.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give envelope to woman"
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 20 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman turns pale as she takes the mysterious envelope from you.
Floyd | "It's been a long, long time since I last saw this handwriting," she
Floyd | murmurs, turning it over in her hands. "Hoped I never would again."
Floyd |
Floyd | She starts to open the mysterious envelope, thinks better of it and
Floyd | hands it back to you. "Will you open it up and read it to me?" she
Floyd | pleads. "I'll never find my glasses in this mess."
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open envelope"
Floyd | (You should now open the mysterious envelope in your Wishbringer
Floyd | package.)
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the mysterious envelope reveals a letter.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Don't be bashful. Read the letter to me, please."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "read letter"
Floyd | (to the old woman)
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 21 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman is motionless as you read. Glancing up, you see tears of
Floyd | anger forming; but she turns away as your eyes meet.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Kidnapped," she whispers after a long silence. She paces aimlessly
Floyd | around the room, deep in thought.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Many seek to gain the Stone of Dreams," she mutters, mostly to
Floyd | herself. "Yet few can imagine the price. For years I have fought to
Floyd | conceal it from the Evil One and others like her. My youth, my home and
Floyd | family, all were forfeited for its protection. And now," her voice
Floyd | breaking with emotion, "now it claims my only companion."
Floyd |
Floyd | Impulsively, the woman snatches away the letter and envelope and
Floyd | crumples them in her trembling hands. "No one is strong enough to guard
Floyd | Wishbringer alone."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "The actual letter is a feelie."
Guenni says, "thought so."
Jacqueline asks (of Guenni), "Did we type the text in for you last week?"
Jacqueline says, "I can't recall"
DavidW | Deliver the Magick Stone to me Before the moon sets or you will Never See your Cat again! The Evil One
Guenni says, "No, I never made it to the magic shop."
Jacqueline says, "Oh. There we go."
Ellison says, "we just shared the outside of the envelope"
Jacqueline says, "Thanks, DW."
Jacqueline says (to Ellison), "Ah, right."
Guenni says, "thanks."
Guenni says (to floyd), "open door"
Floyd | Strange. Despite your best efforts, the front door refuses to budge.
Floyd |
Floyd | "That door always sticks this time of year," notes the old woman drily.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman makes an effort to compose herself.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Thank you for coming all this way for me," she says, reaching up to a
Floyd | shelf full of cheap gags. "I know I'm not supposed to tip you, but take
Floyd | this little trinket anyway."
Floyd |
Floyd | The woman holds out a small metal can for you to take.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "Maybe this is why I love this game so much. I can relate to the anger and motivation of someone catnapping your friend."
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 24 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "It's getting Dark outside," the old woman remarks, and you can almost
Floyd | hear the capital D. "Maybe you should be getting back to town."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe door is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman hobbles over to the Magick Shoppe door and opens it. A
Floyd | concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Keep a sharp eye out for my cat, won't you?" She speaks the words
Floyd | slowly and distinctly. "Bring her to me if you find her. She's black as
Floyd | night from head to tail, except for one little white spot... right
Floyd | HERE."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman touches the middle of your forehead with her finger. The
Floyd | light outside dims suddenly, like a cloud passing over the sun.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Your body seems unwilling to respond.
Floyd |
Floyd | The old woman takes away her finger. Your forehead is tingling.
Floyd |
Floyd | "The Stone of Dreams can help you in your search. I cannot reveal the
Floyd | place where I have hidden it, for the Evil One would see your thoughts
Floyd | and take the treasure for herself. You must discover it alone, and rely
Floyd | on legends to instruct you in its mysteries."
Floyd |
Floyd | As she speaks, the old woman gently leads you through the door of the
Floyd | Magick Shoppe. She pauses before closing the door.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Return the cat to me, and Wishbringer shall be yours.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Her name is Chaos."
Floyd |
Floyd | A concealed bell tinkles merrily.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Edge
Floyd | You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail
Floyd | leading downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding landscape has disappeared under a thick blanket of
Floyd | evening fog. All the familiar buildings and landmarks are completely
Floyd | hidden; only the summit of Post Office Hill is high enough to pierce
Floyd | the cloud, rising like a lonely island in a sea of mist...
Floyd |
Floyd | ... an island with a tower on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a TOWER where the Post Office used to be! The massive outline
Floyd | is hard to make out against the twilight sky. But the longer you stare,
Floyd | the clearer and more frightening it becomes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Shoppe stands nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | As you descend the trail you are immediately engulfed in...
Floyd |
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "You DID remember the way up, right?"
Guenni says, "A sled or skateboard would be nice. :-)"
Guenni says, "I ran it often enough by now. :-)"
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Also, what did you get, that can thing?"
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Fog
Floyd | You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.
Floyd |
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd | You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment. A
Floyd | vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | The vulture spreads its wings and soars away over your head.
Floyd |
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd | This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise
Floyd | abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of
Floyd | the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the
Floyd | covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the
Floyd | closed gate.
Floyd |
Floyd | Standing near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less
Floyd | original story would probably refer to it as a troll.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open can"
Floyd | Yow! When you open the can a real, live rattlesnake leaps out! It
Floyd | squirms about angrily for a few moments, turns to hiss at you and
Floyd | slithers out of sight.
Floyd |
Floyd | The metal can clatters to the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | A scream of terror echoes off the cliffs as the troll runs away across
Floyd | the covered bridge.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 27 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh. That's what's in the can."
Guenni says (to floyd), "open gate"
Floyd | Okay, the toll gate is now open.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "..floyds"
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd | You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign
Floyd | hangs on an arch overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd | This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville
Floyd | River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to
Floyd | the village.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf1"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop all"
Floyd | The metal can: It hits the ground with a rattle and lands at your feet.
Floyd | The conch shell: Dropped.
Floyd | The gold coin: Dropped.
Floyd | The violet note: Dropped.
Floyd | The umbrella: Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Cliff Bottom
Floyd |
Floyd | A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to
Floyd | the ground with a thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an umbrella, a violet note, a gold coin, a conch shell and
Floyd | a metal can here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take can"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "I'm assuming the branch is too big and heavy to carry with other items?"
Guenni says, "yes."
Guenni says (to floyd), "search can"
Floyd | The metal can appears to have a false bottom. You could probably get it
Floyd | out by squeezing the can.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "squeeze can"
Floyd | The false bottom is wedged tightly into the metal can. You might be
Floyd | able to loosen it by squeezing harder... harder!...
Floyd |
Floyd | Pop! A small stone drops out of the squashed can and lands at your
Floyd | feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take stone"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 32 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | As your fingers close around the small stone it begins to glow with an
Floyd | eerie violet-white radiance.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is circling high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "I don't like that spying guy either."
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd | This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads
Floyd | south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river
Floyd | bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are
Floyd | visible in the sand next to the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | The iron gate is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | A rusty "click!" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it
Floyd | slowly creaks open, all by itself!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put branch in pit"
Floyd | Okay, the dead branch is now standing up inside the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | The platypus grabs onto the bottom of the dead branch with its
Floyd | forepaws.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take branch"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 37 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The platypus hangs on to the dead branch as you pull it out of the pit.
Floyd | It lets go when the branch clears the edge and waddles joyfully around
Floyd | on the sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little creature draws an "X" in the sand with its tail. Then it
Floyd | gives you an oddly dignified nod of thanks, waddles to the edge of the
Floyd | lake and disappears into the dark water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see x"
Floyd | You can see an "X" drawn in the sand.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "dig in sand"
Floyd | You discovered a silver whistle in the sand under the "X"!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take whistle"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 40 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "blow it"
Floyd | A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
Floyd |
Floyd | The silver whistle's music echoes over the lake, rippling the water
Floyd | with gentle Magick. A sudden gust of wind blows through your hair. You
Floyd | can see the soft outline of Misty Island drawing closer as you streak
Floyd | across the waves...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island
Floyd | You're standing on a fog-shrouded beach. Sheer cliff walls rise to the
Floyd | north and south, and the dark waters of the lake stretch eastward.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the west stands a magnificent castle, its parapets rising high into
Floyd | the mist. Golden light streams invitingly through the open entrance.
Floyd | You can hear friendly voices and music inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Throne Room
Floyd | You're standing in a long, high-ceilinged chamber. Hundreds of
Floyd | platypuses are milling about with teacups in their paws, their faces
Floyd | illuminated by a roaring fireplace.
Floyd |
Floyd | At the far end of the chamber stands a mighty throne. It's occupied by
Floyd | a snow-white platypus with a gold crown on its head and a jeweled
Floyd | scepter in its paw. On the floor near the throne is another crowned
Floyd | platypus... the same one you rescued from the pit.
Floyd |
Floyd | The crowd falls silent as you enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Welcome, brave Adventurer," says the white platypus, rising from its
Floyd | throne to greet you. "I am Anatinus, King of Misty Island. My court
Floyd | thanks you most humbly for rescuing the life of my daughter, Princess
Floyd | Tasmania. Great would our sorrow have been if not for your cunning."
Floyd |
Floyd | The crowd applauds politely, and Princess Tasmania blushes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "x princess"
Floyd | (There aren't any verbs in that sentence!)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I love how the princess was portrayed in the novel."
Guenni says (to floyd), "see princess"
Floyd | (Presumably, you mean Princess Tasmania.)
Floyd | Not unexpectedly, Princess Tasmania is arrayed in high platypus
Floyd | fashion.
Floyd |
Floyd | "My messengers have told me of your quest," continues King Anatinus.
Floyd | "Allow me to repay your kindness with words of advice."
Floyd |
Floyd | The old platypus motions you to his side. "The Tower of the Evil One is
Floyd | formidable," he begins in a low, serious voice. "You will never get
Floyd | inside unaided. Legends speak of a Magick Word that can open the gates
Floyd | of the Tower. But what Word it is, none can say."
Floyd |
Floyd | The king reaches beneath his throne and takes out a small wizard's hat.
Floyd | "Take this," he says, holding it out to you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take hat"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 41 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Take it to the sea," King Anatinus whispers as you turn the hat in
Floyd | your hands. "There you will find a creature learned in the lore of
Floyd | Magick. Heed him well! In his wisdom lies your only hope."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "I was meaning to write a review of the book but never got around to it"
Roger says, "I should, though"
Guenni says, "At first I had thought he ment the seahorse."
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | "Wait!" cries the white platypus. "I wish to speak with you!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "listen"
Floyd | At the moment, you hear nothing special.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Roger says, "haha"
DavidW asks, "Perhaps go back?"
Guenni says, "Kings *sighs exasperatedly*"
Jacqueline asks, "I also didn't know of these books until quite recently. Are they impossible to track down?"
Guenni says (to floyd), "see throne"
Floyd | You can't see any throne here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "blow whistle"
Floyd | A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "Well, I bought mine at the time they were published. I suppose used book stores might have one or two of them."
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Misty Island
Floyd | You're standing on a fog-shrouded beach. Sheer cliff walls rise to the
Floyd | north and south, and the dark waters of the lake stretch eastward.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the west stands a magnificent castle, its parapets rising high into
Floyd | the mist. Golden light streams invitingly through the open entrance.
Floyd | You can hear friendly voices and music inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Throne Room
Floyd |
Floyd | A fanfare of trumpets breaks the silence, and the crowd falls to its
Floyd | knees.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Good luck to you, brave Adventurer!" cries King Anatinus, bowing
Floyd | deeply. "Now blow into the silver whistle one more time, and deliver us
Floyd | from the horror of the Evil One."
Floyd |
Floyd | The platypuses look at you expectantly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "blow whistle"
Floyd | A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden gust of wind rises out of nowhere, and Misty Island falls away
Floyd | beneath your feet. You feel the silver whistle slip from your hand as
Floyd | you streak across the lake...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd | You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the
Floyd | village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking
Floyd | south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville
Floyd | Cemetery.
Floyd |
Floyd | Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the
Floyd | water.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Well, now let's cheat the police. :-)"
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd | You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you
Floyd | can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail
Floyd | winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and
Floyd | majestic oak tree.
Floyd |
Floyd | A horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take horseshoe"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop branch"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take horseshoe"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots at the bottom of the hill. It
Floyd | sounds as if they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison says, "do the platypus people show up in Beyond Zork? I feel like they did, but maybe I just thought that was a Beyond Zork-ian thing when I saw it in Wishbringer."
Jacqueline says, "Man. Inventory limits."
Guenni says (to floyd), "open stump"
Floyd | Lifting the hinged top of the stump reveals a round hole leading
Floyd | downward into darkness.
Floyd |
Floyd | The night is filled with rhythmic thunder, and a platoon of gigantic
Floyd | leather army boots marches into view. It's the Boot Patrol!
Floyd |
Floyd | You're immediately surrounded, tied, gagged and dragged before an
Floyd | especially tall Boot. "What have we here?" he hisses. "Out after
Floyd | curfew? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I wonder what Sgt. MacGuffin will say about
Floyd | this."
Floyd |
Floyd | You're thrown into an especially smelly Boot and carried, kicking and
Floyd | screaming, to the lobby of the Police Station.
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin glares at you as the boots dump you on the floor.
Floyd | "What's this?" he demands impatiently.
Floyd |
Floyd | "A nightcrawler," hisses the Tall Boot, giving you a vicious little
Floyd | kick. "Outside after curfew. Shall I feed it to the sharks?"
Floyd |
Floyd | Sgt. MacGuffin shakes his head. "Later. The Tower wants all prisoners
Floyd | held for questioning." He turns back to his work. "Cell Three."
Floyd |
Floyd | Jail Cell
Floyd | You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel
Floyd | door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only furnishing is a hard bunk against the wall with a thick
Floyd | blanket on it.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a squashed can, a small stone (providing light), a wizard's
Floyd | hat and a horseshoe here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone stops glowing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline says, "eep"
Guenni says, "Well, so much for cheating."
Guenni is a newbie.
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The bunk: You can't be serious.
Floyd | The thick blanket: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 44 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd | The squashed can: Taken.
Floyd | The small stone: Taken.
Floyd | The wizard's hat: Taken.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Draconis says, "You're not doomed yet"
Draconis says, "If I remember right���haven't played this in a long time"
Guenni says, "I know, but I had hoped to get the blanket, and can get caught at different times."
Guenni says (to floyd), "move bunk"
Floyd | Okay, you moved the bunk away from the wall. There's a dark, narrow
Floyd | hole in the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | You'll never get into the hole holding all that stuff!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put all in hole"
Floyd | The horseshoe: Okay, the horseshoe disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The wizard's hat: Okay, the wizard's hat disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The small stone: Okay, the small stone disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The squashed can: Okay, the squashed can disappears into the hole.
Floyd | The thick blanket: Okay, the thick blanket disappears into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.
Floyd |
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a smelly underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | north and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Faint light is streaming in from a narrow hole overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a thick blanket, a squashed can, a small stone, a wizard's
Floyd | hat and a horseshoe here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The thick blanket: Taken.
Floyd | The squashed can: Taken.
Floyd | The small stone: Taken.
Floyd | The wizard's hat: Taken.
Floyd | The horseshoe: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The small stone begins to glow again.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a dirty underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south, east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Grue's Nest
Floyd | You have stumbled into the nesting place of a family of grues.
Floyd | Congratulations. Few indeed are the adventurers who have entered a
Floyd | grue's nest and lived as long as you have.
Floyd |
Floyd | Everything is littered with rusty swords of elvish workmanship, piles
Floyd | of bones and other debris. A closed refrigerator stands in one corner
Floyd | of the nest, and something... a small, dangerous-looking little
Floyd | beast... is curled up in the other corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only exit is to the west. Hope you survive long enough to use it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Snoring fitfully, the little beast turns away from the light of the
Floyd | small stone and faces the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put blanket on grue"
Floyd | Okay, the little beast is now covered with the thick blanket.
Floyd |
Floyd | The creature stirs restlessly for an anxious moment. Then it settles
Floyd | into the comfortable darkness of the thick blanket, sighs gently and
Floyd | lies still.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 47 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open refrigerator"
Floyd | A light inside the refrigerator goes out as you open it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Opening the refrigerator reveals a bottle and an earthworm.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take worm"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 50 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The earthworm squirms with annoyance at your touch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take bottle"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see bones"
Floyd | Aside from the ominous implications, you see nothing extraordinary
Floyd | about the debris.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take bones"
Floyd | (You don't need to refer to the debris that way to finish this story.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "close refrigerator"
Floyd | A light inside the refrigerator comes on as you close it.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, the refrigerator is now closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Underground
Floyd | You're in a damp underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the
Floyd | south and east.
Floyd |
Floyd | The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty
Floyd | tree. Feeble light streams in from an opening overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Which way do you want to go out?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Lookout Hill
Floyd |
Floyd | A dead branch is lying on the ground.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | River Outlet
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "THat's why the game feels hectic to me. You're constantly on the run."
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Lake Edge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "And there's a time limit."
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd | You're on the west side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | west, towards the lake.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Police Station stands on a nearby corner. It's a grim little
Floyd | building with a sign over the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Park
Floyd | You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville
Floyd | Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble
Floyd | fountain, filled with greasy water.
Floyd |
Floyd | A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put worm in water"
Floyd | It lands in the fountain with a splash.
Floyd |
Floyd | The piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the
Floyd | fountain to devour it.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take token"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 53 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd | This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north,
Floyd | towards the river.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it
Floyd | hasn't been used for years.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd | You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches
Floyd | off to the east, towards the bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes
Floyd | and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the open entrance,
Floyd | and a marquee announces the current feature.
Floyd |
Floyd | Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "One day I'll remember that you can't get directly to the lighthouse thet way."
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see an umbrella, a violet note, a gold coin and a conch shell
Floyd | here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take all"
Floyd | The umbrella: Taken.
Floyd | The violet note: Taken.
Floyd | The gold coin: Taken.
Floyd | The conch shell: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop can"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | North of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a squashed can here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a conch shell here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd | You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the
Floyd | Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | As you walk along the shimmering trail you feel a vague sense of
Floyd | disorientation, then a shock of recognition...
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | West of House
Floyd | You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded
Floyd | front door.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a little mailbox here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see mailbox"
Floyd | The little mailbox is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open it"
Floyd | Opening the little mailbox reveals a leaflet.
Floyd |
Floyd | The edges of the little mailbox are beginning to twinkle.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take leaflet"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox is engulfed in a sparkling aurora! Tremors of
Floyd | anticipation run up and down its length, and the air sings with Magick.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see house"
Floyd | This place has seen better days. Its stately colonial architecture
Floyd | reflects the taste and wealth of its builders. But eons of trespassing
Floyd | by thoughtless adventurers have left the once noble edifice in ruins.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a gentle pop, the little mailbox pulls itself out of the ground
Floyd | and cavorts about the grass like a happy rabbit!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "pet mailbox"
Floyd | The little mailbox coos with pleasure at your touch.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox notices you and snaps its tiny lid with joy. It
Floyd | makes a silly "clump-clump, clump-clump" sound as it hops to your side
Floyd | and rubs lovingly against your sleeve.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | As the house disappears into the distance, you get the distinct feeling
Floyd | that, someday, you will pass this way again.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west
Floyd | along the riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands on the shore
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through
Floyd | half-closed eyelids.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give hat to pelicane"
Floyd | The pelican sniffs the wizard's hat suspiciously. Its eyes open wide
Floyd | with interest, and the wizard's hat quickly finds a place on the
Floyd | pelican's head. Then the old bird gives you a sly, knowledgeable wink.
Floyd |
Floyd | All at once the lighthouse blazes to life! Its shining beacon whirls
Floyd | like a gyroscope, and a pencil-thin beam of light pierces the sky and
Floyd | traces a word on a passing cloud: SORKIN.
Floyd |
Floyd | The pelican spreads its wings and soars away over the bay. As the beam
Floyd | of the lighthouse fades, a voice in your head whispers, "Good luck,
Floyd | brave Adventurer!"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 58 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" to your side with a joyful snap.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Interesting the other time it was another word."
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison says, "huh, I hadn't realized you can get the token after everything changes. I just always got it on my way to the Magick Shoppe and thought it was kind of unfair we were expected to grab it then."
Guenni asks, "Now the interesting question is, how importint is it that we get the glasses?"
DavidW says, "Obviously, I can't comment on that."
Jacqueline asks, "You seem to be doing exceptionally well. Did you play some during the week?"
Guenni says, "Because we'll got time after that for sure, and I have no idea how to escape a second time."
Guenni says, "get caught."
Guenni says, "Well, since nobody insists we need them, I'll try my luck without them. :-)"
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a conch shell here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take shell"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" into view and snaps a greeting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Witchville Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Witchville Public Library, once famous for its museum of local
Floyd | historic artifacts, stands in a pitiful state of disrepair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Park
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" happily into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Park
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A voice behind you growls, "Eat!" You turn to face the sound, but
Floyd | there's nobody here except you.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Video Arcade
Floyd | This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op
Floyd | video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted
Floyd | humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for
Floyd | electric violence.
Floyd |
Floyd | One machine in the corner appears to be deserted.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put token in slot"
Floyd | The brass token disappears into the slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ding! You hear a pleasant electric chime, and a blinking star appears
Floyd | on the video screen.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 59 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square D-3 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick s"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square C-4 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floydmove), "joystick w"
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square B-4 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Draconis asks, "Erm, should we have saved?"
Guenni says, "I didn't do anything worthwhile since I saved last."
DavidW says, "It would help if you saw the postal zones map."
Jacqueline says, "She saved not too terribly long ago."
Guenni says, "I know that I have to go to c5"
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick s"
Floyd | Buzz! A synthetic voice growls, "Keep the blinking star inside the
Floyd | grid!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick e"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the right.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square C-4 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick w"
Floyd | Buzz! A synthetic voice growls, "Keep the blinking star inside the
Floyd | grid!"
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square B-4 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "I have to admit I'm a bit confused. But I'll guess I'll get there eventually."
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick e"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the right.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Let me put it another way then. Should I mention what the different zones are?"
Guenni says, "It might help."
DavidW says, "C3 is the center of the map, at the fountain."
Guenni says, "Ah ok."
DavidW says, "C1 is on the north road by the bridge. C5 is in front of the post office."
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square C-4 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "The arcade is at E3."
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick s"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square C-5 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "thanks. So let's get beamed there."
DavidW says, "The stump is at B2, church at C2, woods at D2."
Guenni says, "But I think I'll save once more here. Who knows what the tower brings."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Guenni says, "That's as far as I have come already."
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf3"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push button"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to push the big red button?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | The stunted humanoids in the arcade watch you carefully as your hand
Floyd | touches the flashing button. This might be a trap! You don't really
Floyd | want to press that big red button, do you?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Hope you saved your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden power drain makes all the other games in the arcade go dim.
Floyd | Blue sheets of energy leap from the game machine, surrounding you in an
Floyd | incandescent aura. You can feel your molecules being taken apart one at
Floyd | a time, analyzed, modulated and broadcast through space. It is not a
Floyd | pleasant sensation.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Witchville.
Floyd |
Floyd | A tower stands in bleak silhouette against the moonlit sky. It rises a
Floyd | hundred feet above a barren plateau, and is encircled by a deep moat.
Floyd | The only entrances are a closed drawbridge and a dark window near the
Floyd | top.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A synthetic voice says, "Game Over. Insert Token To Play Again."
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 64 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "For what it's worth, B4 is graveyard, C4 is outside the library, and D4 looks like an empty field of no importance."
Guenni says (to floyd), "see moat"
Floyd | The moat is 20 feet wide and filled with black, oily water.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "jump over it"
Floyd | You'd probably drown in the moat if you went that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Signpost?"
Guenni says (to floyd), "see dravbridge"
Floyd | (Sorry, but the word "dravbridge" is not in the vocabulary that you can
Floyd | use.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see drawbridge"
Floyd | The drawbridge is closed against the wall of the tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see window"
Floyd | It's wide open, and located a hundred feet above the moat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Wher's a pelicane when you need one."
DavidW asks, "Is this what the magic word is for, to lower the bridge?"
Guenni says, "I'm afraid if we say the word someone will notice us. But I guess we'll have to try."
Jacqueline says, "Sadly, I will have to go at the top of the hour."
Guenni says (to floyd), "say sorkin"
Floyd | With a great creak of wood and rattle of chains, the drawbridge slowly
Floyd | lowers across the moat.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 67 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Well, we thought so, (about the saving, not your leaving)"
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Vestibule
Floyd | You're standing in a dimly-lit vestibule just inside the tower's
Floyd | entrance. The drawbridge is opened across the moat to the north. A
Floyd | short corridor leads south, into the tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Turn back, brave Adventurer!"
Floyd |
Floyd | You stare in horror at the platypus chained to the floor. It's Princess
Floyd | Tasmania!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see princess"
Floyd | (Presumably, you mean Princess Tasmania.)
Floyd | A rumbling noise calls your attention away from Princess Tasmania.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of...
Floyd | Mr. Crisp!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Nice of you to drop by," he sneers as a gigantic Boot pins you to the
Floyd | ground. "Saves me the bother of tracking you down."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Torture Chamber
Floyd | You're chained up in the corner of a dim, stuffy chamber, deep within
Floyd | the bowels of the tower. The walls gleam with obscure medical
Floyd | instruments, and a diabolical torture machine occupies most of the
Floyd | opposite corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | Princess Tasmania is clamped into the torture machine!
Floyd |
Floyd | A ladder rises to meet an open hatch in the middle of the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp is fondling the instruments, one by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni exclaims, "niice!"
Guenni says (to floyd), "give note to crisp"
Floyd | Mr. Crisp takes the violet note and stares at it. His face turns pale.
Floyd | "Where did this come from?" he whispers, opening it.
Floyd |
Floyd | An unbearably sweet expression spreads over his face as he reads. The
Floyd | violet note falls from his hands.
Floyd |
Floyd | "I've got to run," Mr. Crisp cries, tossing his white lab coat into a
Floyd | corner and stuffing his shirttails into his pants. "Violet scolds me
Floyd | when I'm late!" He struggles into a hideous velvet blazer, pushes a
Floyd | comb through his hair and scampers up the ladder like a little boy.
Floyd |
Floyd | The hatch closes with a hollow thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take note"
Floyd | You can't. Mr. Crisp dropped it out of your reach.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | Princess Tasmania breathes a sigh of relief.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Torture Chamber
Floyd | You're chained up in the corner of a dim, stuffy chamber, deep within
Floyd | the bowels of the tower. The walls gleam with obscure medical
Floyd | instruments, and a diabolical torture machine occupies most of the
Floyd | opposite corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | Princess Tasmania is clamped into the torture machine!
Floyd |
Floyd | A ladder rises to meet a closed hatch in the middle of the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a violet note and a white lab coat here.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge closing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Princess Tasmania strains against her clamps. "Release me from this
Floyd | torture machine, brave Adventurer! Only pull down this lever, and I
Floyd | shall be freed."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "pull down lever"
Floyd | You can't reach the lever while you're chained up.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Please! Pull down this lever and set me free," cries Princess
Floyd | Tasmania.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "Is the lab ocat within reach?"
DavidW asks, "er coat?"
Guenni says, "Well, I'd like to."
Guenni says (to floyd), "see coat"
Floyd | The white lab coat isn't as clean as the one your doctor wears.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take it"
Floyd | The chains cut painfully into your wrist as you strain to grasp the
Floyd | white lab coat. Your fingertips brush against the collar... There! You
Floyd | got it!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search it"
Floyd | You can see a rusty key inside the white lab coat.
Floyd |
Floyd | "The merest pull of the lever will gain my freedom," cries Princess
Floyd | Tasmania.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take key"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 70 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Only pull down this lever, and I shall be freed," cries Princess
Floyd | Tasmania.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Girl, you get on my nerves."
Guenni says (to floyd), "unlock chains"
Floyd | (What do you want to unlock the chains with?)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "unlock chains with key"
Floyd | Okay, the chain is now unlocked and open.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 71 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Please! Pull down this lever and set me free," cries Princess
Floyd | Tasmania.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "pull lever"
Floyd | The clamps on the torture machine retract, and Princess Tasmania leaps
Floyd | off. She's free!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Again you spare my unworthy life, brave Adventurer." The platypus
Floyd | humbly licks your shoe, to your considerable embarrassment. "My father,
Floyd | King Anatinus, does not forget such kindness."
Floyd |
Floyd | The little creature produces a silver whistle from her gown and blows
Floyd | into it gently. A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Your journey is not yet ended," she warns as a whirlpool of colored
Floyd | light envelops her. "But even if you fail, your deeds shall live
Floyd | forever in our legends. Have faith!"
Floyd |
Floyd | When the colors fade, Princess Tasmania is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wear coat"
Floyd | Okay, you're now wearing the white lab coat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take note"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Ellison says, "good thing you didn't push the lever"
DavidW says, "She's like that but even more so in the book."
DavidW says (to Ellison), "I was thinking that."
Guenni says, "Well, it least in if games I do occasionally as I'm told. :-)"
Draconis asks, "I wonder what happens if you push it...?"
DavidW says, "I'm guessing princess pancake or princess puree."
Draconis says, "...let's find out!"
Guenni says, "I don't think undo works in this game."
Guenni says (to floyd), "see ceiling"
Floyd | You see nothing unusual about the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see chains"
Floyd | The open chain is securely bolted into the floor.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | The hatch is closed.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open hatch"
Floyd | The heavy hatch opens reluctantly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Round Chamber
Floyd | You're in a round chamber at the very heart of the tower. The clammy
Floyd | stone walls are hung with a series of paintings, all the same size and
Floyd | identically framed. Years of neglect have blackened the art almost
Floyd | beyond recognition.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner is an open hatch. Peering downward, you see a ladder
Floyd | descending into gloom.
Floyd |
Floyd | A corridor disappears to the north, and a damp stairway winds upward
Floyd | into the tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see paintings"
Floyd | There are 13 paintings in the series. It seems to be a tragic sequence
Floyd | involving a beautiful princess and a wicked queen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "oh, that story is told in the feelies."
Guenni says (to floyd), "look behind paintings"
Floyd | Moving aside one of the paintings reveals a metal crank attached to the
Floyd | wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "turn crank"
Floyd | As you turn the metal crank you hear the distant rattle of the
Floyd | drawbridge opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 72 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Jacqueline just bought a copy of the book.
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "yays"
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a violet note, a rusty key, a white lab coat (being
Floyd | worn), a conch shell, a leaflet, a gold coin, an umbrella, a bottle, a
Floyd | horseshoe and a small stone (providing light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Fuzziness
Floyd | Everything around you appears blurry and blurred.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says, "Shit, so we need the glasses after all."
DavidW says (to Guenni), "Sorry."
Ellison says, "I think you get the glasses by pushing the lever"
Guenni asks, "Any suggestions how to escape the second time from the cell?"
Guenni says, "Because the hole has been closed up."
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "Also, I don't think the poodle made it into the novel. I'd have to reread it to be sure, though."
Guenni says, "yowns."
Ellison says, "it's been too long since I've played this. I don't recall."
Guenni says, "I'd like to give up for today"
Guenni says, "Although I'd watch if someone else wants to drive."
DavidW says, "I don't remember a second way to escape the cell, but I do remember that several puzzles have more than one solution, so maybe there is one."
Guenni says, "According to the manual, you can wish for freedom if you ate candy before. But I've noidea where to find that either."
Jacqueline asks, "I need to go soon. Can we just pick it up again next week?"
Guenni nods.
Jacqueline says, "(Small chance I may not be here, but I likely will be.)"
DavidW says, "The trouble with using wishes to solve puzzles, though, is once you start, you mostly have to continue solving that way."
Jacqueline exclaims, "Okay. Thanks for playing this, Guenni!"
DavidW asks, "I don't remmeber where the candy is. Maybe inside the church?"
Guenni Well, I saved before we got caught the first time. So I'll start from there, and try not to get caught before I leave the thater. Guenni says, "theater"
Guenni says (to floyd), "floyd"
Floyd | (This story doesn't know the word "floyd.")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "quit"
Floyd | Your score is 72 points out of 100, in 216 moves.
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the story now?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Guenni stretches.
Guenni has had her fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. DavidW says, "That was a pleasant bit of nostalgia."
DavidW has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. Draconis says, "You can escape the cell the second time if you saved the seahorse"
Draconis says, "I think"
Draconis says, "And the third time with the wish"
Guenni says, "Well, the seahorse is splashing happily again."
Jacqueline says, "Hm. Cool."
Jacqueline says, "Still, could optimize further by starting with a speed run next week."
Jacqueline says, "Anyway, gots to go."
Jacqueline waves.
Guest1 arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Draconis heads back home.
Ellison has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guest1 asks, "Did I miss the playthrough?"
Guest1 has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guest1 arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
DavidW arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
DavidW says (to Guest1), "If you're looking for ClubFloyd, we've already finished our session for today."
Guest1 says, "Yeah, looks like I missed it."
DavidW says, "Sorry about that. It was Wishbringer again."
DavidW says, "And it'll probably be Wishbringer next Sunday as well."
Guest1 asks, "Probably not the best time to join, then?"
Guest1 says, "I imagine you've already played through most shorter games..."
DavidW says, "Several. I'm told that we're getting close to our 10th year anniversary. So we've played many games of all sizes."
DavidW says, "Sometimes we'll replay a game we've played before if new people weren't there the first time."
DavidW has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guest1 has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
inky has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
BrianK goes home.
zarf walks off through the wall; pale green light flares briefly around him.
Roger goes home.
Roger has disconnected.
Guenni arrives, full of fun and funk.
Guenni says (to floyd), "load wishbringer"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of
Floyd | Thermofax.
Floyd |
Floyd | Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the
Floyd | Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.
Floyd |
Floyd | The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in
Floyd | its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar
Floyd | voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand...
Floyd |
Floyd | The Magick Stone of Dreams
Floyd | Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Floyd | Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Floyd | Release 69 / Serial Number 850920
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick
Floyd | building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands
Floyd | invitingly open.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.
Floyd |
Floyd | Okay, what do you want to do now?
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "restore"
Guenni says (to floyd), "cf2"
Floyd | Enter saved game to load: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Lighthouse
Floyd | This is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west
Floyd | along the riverbank.
Floyd |
Floyd | A broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands on the shore
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a little mailbox here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a leaflet, a gold coin, a violet note, an umbrella, a
Floyd | brass token, a bottle, a horseshoe and a small stone (providing light).
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox is watching you eagerly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rocky Path
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a conch shell here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take shell"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" happily into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd | This is the south side of the Witchville Rotary. A road branches south,
Floyd | towards Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Witchville Public Library, once famous for its museum of local
Floyd | historic artifacts, stands in a pitiful state of disrepair.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" into view and snaps a greeting.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Park
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Park
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture is watching you from high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east. It sounds as if
Floyd | they're coming this way!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a little mailbox here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox rubs your leg.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary West
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" into view and snaps a greeting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a little mailbox here.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox is "clump-clumping" about happily.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a squashed can here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | South of Bridge
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a little mailbox here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary North
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd | You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf
Floyd | extends eastward into Witchville Bay.
Floyd |
Floyd | To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious
Floyd | electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.
Floyd |
Floyd | A big mailbox is nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A voice behind you growls, "Hungry!" You turn to face the sound, but
Floyd | there's nobody here except you.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see mailbox"
Floyd | The big mailbox seems ordinary enough. Or does it?
Floyd |
Floyd | You watch with astonishment as the lid of the big mailbox slowly opens
Floyd | by itself, then snaps shut with a clang.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox "clump-clumps" happily into view.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "z"
Floyd | Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The lid of the big mailbox opens again. "I'm hungry!"
Floyd |
Floyd | The two mailboxes freeze at the sight of one another.
Floyd |
Floyd | The little mailbox snarls and stands protectively by your side. The big
Floyd | mailbox emits a frightful growl and throws its lid wide open,
Floyd | displaying rows of sharp little teeth. A crowd of postal meters and
Floyd | stamp dispensers gathers as the metal warriors circle each other with
Floyd | tense, snapping lids.
Floyd |
Floyd | With a sudden rush, the little mailbox throws itself at the big mailbox
Floyd | and clamps onto its forefoot. The big mailbox roars with anger, bites
Floyd | the little mailbox viciously and tries in vain to shake it off. You
Floyd | stare in wonder as the fighting boxes swell to twice their normal size,
Floyd | then four times larger, eight times!
Floyd |
Floyd | The big mailbox frees itself with a savage twist and bends to finish
Floyd | its foe. The little mailbox dodges, grips the descending lid and holds
Floyd | on for dear life. Locked in mortal combat, the giant boxes roll over
Floyd | and over, shaking the earth with the thunder of battle.
Floyd |
Floyd | The scene disappears under a cloud of dust. You hear a terrible scream
Floyd | of agony, then an even more terrible silence. When the air clears, the
Floyd | boxes and spectators are gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "w"
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give cointo voss"
Floyd | (This story doesn't know the word "cointo.")
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give coin to voss"
Floyd | Miss Voss snatches away your gold coin with her bony fingers and hands
Floyd | you a ticket.
Floyd |
Floyd | (You are now holding a ticket.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 61 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Rotary South
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "/undo"
Floyd |
Guenni says (to floyd), "in"
Floyd | Theater Lobby
Floyd | You're standing in the lobby of the movie theater. A short corridor
Floyd | leads north into darkness. Sound effects and music can be heard
Floyd | drifting down the corridor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is standing near the corridor, a large cardboard carton
Floyd | at his feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give ticket to gravedigger"
Floyd | The gravedigger takes the ticket, gestures absently to the empty carton
Floyd | and leans back to daydream.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The gravedigger nods as you pass.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside Theater
Floyd | This is a movie theater unlike any you've ever seen! The seats are
Floyd | wide, deep and comfortable. The aisles are spotless. The air is clear
Floyd | of smoke, and the screen is dramatically large. A chill goes up your
Floyd | spine as you realize how alien your universe has become.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a noisy movie playing on the screen. A dark corridor leads out
Floyd | to the lobby.
Floyd |
Floyd | The screen image is a meaningless blur of colored light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take glasses"
Floyd | You can't see any glasses here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "look under seats"
Floyd | Hmm. This place isn't completely spotless. You just discovered a used
Floyd | pair of 3D glasses under a seat.
Floyd |
Floyd | All you can see on the screen is a confusing double-image.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take glasses"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 64 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | The picture on the screen is fuzzy and hard to watch.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wear"
Floyd | (What do you want to wear?)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "glasses"
Floyd | Wow! As you put on the glasses the picture on the screen fuses into a
Floyd | solid, 3-dimensional image.
Floyd |
Floyd | The movie screen shows an evil woman squinting through an antique
Floyd | telescope. A laboratory full of bubbling 3D chemicals is visible in the
Floyd | background.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "remove glasses"
Floyd | Okay, you're no longer wearing the pair of 3D glasses.
Floyd |
Floyd | All you can see on the screen is a confusing double-image.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Theater Lobby
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | There's no exit that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push save"
Floyd | (This story can't understand the word "save" when you use it that way.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf4"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the movie theater? The gravedigger might
Floyd | not let you in again without another ticket!
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Okay, you're still in the lobby.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | The gravedigger nods as you pass.
Floyd |
Floyd | Inside Theater
Floyd |
Floyd | The screen image is a meaningless blur of colored light.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wear glasses"
Floyd | Wow! As you put on the glasses the picture on the screen fuses into a
Floyd | solid, 3-dimensional image.
Floyd |
Floyd | A 3D vulture lands on the woman's shoulder and croaks a secret into her
Floyd | ear. An evil eyebrow rises slowly as she listens.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see laboratory"
Floyd | You can't see any laboratory here!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see screen"
Floyd | The old woman swings the 3D antique telescope around (narrowly missing
Floyd | your nose) and peers into it again. A point-of-view shot reveals what
Floyd | the 'scope is focused on: a small movie theater, remarkably similar to
Floyd | the one you're in right now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Fuzziness
Floyd | Everything around you appears blurred and fuzzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "remove glasses"
Floyd | Okay, you're no longer wearing the pair of 3D glasses.
Floyd |
Floyd | Theater Lobby
Floyd | You're standing in the lobby of the movie theater. A short corridor
Floyd | leads north into darkness. Sound effects and music can be heard
Floyd | drifting down the corridor.
Floyd |
Floyd | The gravedigger is standing near the corridor, a large cardboard carton
Floyd | at his feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to leave the movie theater? The gravedigger might
Floyd | not let you in again without another ticket!
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd | "Come again!" sneers the gravedigger as you leave.
Floyd |
Floyd | Rotary East
Floyd |
Floyd | Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Miss Voss squinting carefully
Floyd | at the gold coin you gave her. She looks at you suspiciously, picks up
Floyd | a telephone and begins to dial rapidly.
Floyd |
Floyd | The vulture hovers high overhead.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Pleasure Wharf
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Video Arcade
Floyd | This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op
Floyd | video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted
Floyd | humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for
Floyd | electric violence.
Floyd |
Floyd | One machine in the corner appears to be deserted.
Floyd |
Floyd | A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "put token in slot"
Floyd | The brass token disappears into the slot.
Floyd |
Floyd | Ding! You hear a pleasant electric chime, and a blinking star appears
Floyd | on the video screen.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 65 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square D-3 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick w"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick s"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move joystick s"
Floyd | Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see star"
Floyd | The blinking star is now centered over square C-5 on the map.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "push button"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to push the big red button?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | The stunted humanoids in the arcade snicker behind your back as your
Floyd | hand touches the flashing button. This might be a trap! You don't
Floyd | really want to press that big red button, do you?
Floyd |
Floyd | (Please type YES or NO.) >
Guenni says (to floyd), "y"
Floyd |
Floyd | (Hope you saved your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | A sudden power drain makes all the other games in the arcade go dim.
Floyd | Blue sheets of energy leap from the game machine, surrounding you in an
Floyd | incandescent aura. You can feel your molecules being taken apart one at
Floyd | a time, analyzed, modulated and broadcast through space. It is not a
Floyd | pleasant sensation.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd | You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Witchville.
Floyd |
Floyd | A tower stands in bleak silhouette against the moonlit sky. It rises a
Floyd | hundred feet above a barren plateau, and is encircled by a deep moat.
Floyd | The only entrances are a closed drawbridge and a dark window near the
Floyd | top.
Floyd |
Floyd | Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost
Floyd | nearby.
Floyd |
Floyd | A synthetic voice says, "Game Over. Insert Token To Play Again."
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 70 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf5"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "say sorkin"
Floyd | With a great creak of wood and rattle of chains, the drawbridge slowly
Floyd | lowers across the moat.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 73 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | (This might be a good time to SAVE your story position.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Vestibule
Floyd | You're standing in a dimly-lit vestibule just inside the tower's
Floyd | entrance. The drawbridge is opened across the moat to the north. A
Floyd | short corridor leads south, into the tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Turn back, brave Adventurer!"
Floyd |
Floyd | You stare in horror at the platypus chained to the floor. It's Princess
Floyd | Tasmania!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "s"
Floyd | Uh-oh! Somebody's closing the drawbridge!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"
Floyd |
Floyd | Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn
Floyd | to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of...
Floyd | Mr. Crisp!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Nice of you to drop by," he sneers as a gigantic Boot pins you to the
Floyd | ground. "Saves me the bother of tracking you down."
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Torture Chamber
Floyd | You're chained up in the corner of a dim, stuffy chamber, deep within
Floyd | the bowels of the tower. The walls gleam with obscure medical
Floyd | instruments, and a diabolical torture machine occupies most of the
Floyd | opposite corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | Princess Tasmania is clamped into the torture machine!
Floyd |
Floyd | A ladder rises to meet an open hatch in the middle of the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | Mr. Crisp is fondling the instruments, one by one.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "give note to crisp"
Floyd | Mr. Crisp takes the violet note and stares at it. His face turns pale.
Floyd | "Where did this come from?" he whispers, opening it.
Floyd |
Floyd | An unbearably sweet expression spreads over his face as he reads. The
Floyd | violet note falls from his hands.
Floyd |
Floyd | "I've got to run," Mr. Crisp cries, tossing his white lab coat into a
Floyd | corner and stuffing his shirttails into his pants. "Violet scolds me
Floyd | when I'm late!" He struggles into a hideous velvet blazer, pushes a
Floyd | comb through his hair and scampers up the ladder like a little boy.
Floyd |
Floyd | The hatch closes with a hollow thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coat"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | Princess Tasmania breathes a sigh of relief.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop shell"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge closing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Princess Tasmania strains against her clamps. "Release me from this
Floyd | torture machine, brave Adventurer! The merest pull of the lever will
Floyd | gain my freedom."
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take coat"
Floyd | The chains cut painfully into your wrist as you strain to grasp the
Floyd | white lab coat. Your fingertips brush against the collar... There! You
Floyd | got it!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Only pull down this lever, and I shall be freed," cries Princess
Floyd | Tasmania.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "search coat"
Floyd | You can see a rusty key inside the white lab coat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take key"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 76 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "unlock chain with key"
Floyd | Okay, the chain is now unlocked and open.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 77 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | "Please! Pull down this lever and set me free," cries Princess
Floyd | Tasmania.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "pull lever"
Floyd | The clamps on the torture machine retract, and Princess Tasmania leaps
Floyd | off. She's free!
Floyd |
Floyd | "Again you spare my unworthy life, brave Adventurer." The platypus
Floyd | humbly licks your shoe, to your considerable embarrassment. "My father,
Floyd | King Anatinus, does not forget such kindness."
Floyd |
Floyd | The little creature produces a silver whistle from her gown and blows
Floyd | into it gently. A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.
Floyd |
Floyd | "Your journey is not yet ended," she warns as a whirlpool of colored
Floyd | light envelops her. "But even if you fail, your deeds shall live
Floyd | forever in our legends. Have faith!"
Floyd |
Floyd | When the colors fade, Princess Tasmania is gone.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wear coat"
Floyd | Okay, you're now wearing the white lab coat.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take shell and note"
Floyd | The conch shell: Taken.
Floyd | The violet note: Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "l"
Floyd | Torture Chamber
Floyd | You're in a dim, stuffy chamber, deep within the bowels of the tower.
Floyd | The walls gleam with obscure medical instruments, and a diabolical
Floyd | torture machine occupies most of the opposite corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | A ladder rises to meet a closed hatch in the middle of the ceiling.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see machine"
Floyd | The torture machine has a lever that can be pushed up or pulled down.
Floyd | You can see nothing unusual inside.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see instruments"
Floyd | One of the medical instruments is labeled, "Frobozz Magic Truth
Floyd | Extractor Company." Gulp!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take instrument"
Floyd | Better keep away from the medical instruments. You might hurt somebody.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "look under machine"
Floyd | You see nothing interesting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open hetch"
Floyd | (You don't need to use the word "hetch" to finish this story.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "open hatch"
Floyd | The heavy hatch opens reluctantly.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd | Round Chamber
Floyd | You're in a round chamber at the very heart of the tower. The clammy
Floyd | stone walls are hung with a series of paintings, all the same size and
Floyd | identically framed. Years of neglect have blackened the art almost
Floyd | beyond recognition.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner is an open hatch. Peering downward, you see a ladder
Floyd | descending into gloom.
Floyd |
Floyd | A corridor disappears to the north, and a damp stairway winds upward
Floyd | into the tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "close hatch"
Floyd | The hatch closes with a heavy thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "see paintings"
Floyd | There are 13 paintings in the series. It seems to be a tragic sequence
Floyd | involving a beautiful princess and a wicked queen.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "look behind paintings"
Floyd | Moving aside one of the paintings reveals a metal crank attached to the
Floyd | wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "move crank"
Floyd | You can't move the metal crank.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "turn crank"
Floyd | As you turn the metal crank you hear the distant rattle of the
Floyd | drawbridge opening.
Floyd |
Floyd | (Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 78 out of
Floyd | 100.)
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf6"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "u"
Floyd | Fuzziness
Floyd | Everything around you appears blurry and fuzzy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "wear glasses"
Floyd | Wow! As you put on the glasses the room fuses into a solid,
Floyd | 3-dimensional image.
Floyd |
Floyd | Laboratory
Floyd | The highest room in the tower is a laboratory, complete with bubbling
Floyd | chemicals and foul odors. An antique telescope is mounted near an open
Floyd | window to the north, and a control panel occupies most of the south
Floyd | wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | The only exit is a damp stairway leading downward.
Floyd |
Floyd | A black cat is sound asleep in the corner.
Floyd |
Floyd | There's a broom here.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take cat and broom"
Floyd | The black cat: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd | The broom: Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "i"
Floyd | You're holding a violet note, a conch shell, a rusty key, a white lab
Floyd | coat (being worn), a pair of 3D glasses (being worn), a leaflet, an
Floyd | umbrella, a bottle, a horseshoe and a small stone (providing light).
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop leaflet"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take cat"
Floyd | Your load is too heavy.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "drop shell"
Floyd | Dropped.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "take cat"
Floyd | Taken.
Floyd |
Floyd | The black cat awakens at your touch and mews affectionately.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "d"
Floyd | Fuzziness
Floyd | Everything around you appears blurred and blurry.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "remove glasses"
Floyd | Okay, you're no longer wearing the pair of 3D glasses.
Floyd |
Floyd | Round Chamber
Floyd | You're in a round chamber at the very heart of the tower. The clammy
Floyd | stone walls are hung with a series of paintings, all the same size and
Floyd | identically framed. Years of neglect have blackened the art almost
Floyd | beyond recognition. One of the paintings has been moved to reveal a
Floyd | metal crank attached to the wall.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the corner is a closed hatch.
Floyd |
Floyd | A corridor disappears to the north, and a damp stairway winds upward
Floyd | into the tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | It's hard to hold the squirming cat!
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Vestibule
Floyd | You're standing in a dimly-lit vestibule just inside the tower's
Floyd | entrance. The drawbridge is opened across the moat to the north. A
Floyd | short corridor leads south, into the tower.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "n"
Floyd | Hilltop
Floyd |
Floyd | The moment you take your foot off the drawbridge it swings up over the
Floyd | moat and closes with a mighty thud.
Floyd |
Floyd | The black cat squirms out of your arms and lands at your feet.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to Floyd), "SAVE"
Guenni says (to Floyd), "cf7"
Floyd | Enter saved game to store: Okay, done.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guenni says (to floyd), "e"
Floyd | Outside Cottage
Floyd | You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the former town librarian. The
Floyd | road turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of
Floyd | Post Office Hill.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you approach