ClubFloyd Transcript:
A Wind Blown From Paradise by N.C. Hunter Hayden
Jack by Jason Lautzenheiser
As played on ifMUD on September 16, 2017

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of A Wind Blown From Paradise written by N.C. Hunter Hayden, and Jack written by Jason Lautzenheiser. A Wind Blown From Paradise was an entry in the 2013 Interactive Fiction Competition, in which it took 19th place. Jack was a participant in the 2013 EctoComp, in which it took 16th place. You can learn more about the games, including how to download them, by visiting the IFDB pages: Jack, and A Wind Blown From Paradise.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing these games, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played these games, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

To skip directly to a particular game, click on its title:

A Wind Blown From Paradise by N.C. Hunter Hayden
Jack by Jason Lautzenheiser

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

DavidW says, "Last week, I suggested that we might choose a game from IF Comp 2013 that I hadn't played yet. I have three contenders:"
DavidW says, "9Lives; A Wind Blow from Paradise; and The Cardew House. None of these ranked highly, though."
Teaspoon says, "aw"
DavidW says, "er a Wind Blown from Paradise"
DavidW says, "We could try one of those unless someone has another suggestion."
Teaspoon says, "I don't."
Knight_Otu says, "Not as such."
DavidW says, "Looks like none of the three are on Floyd yet, so I'll have to upload our choice."
DavidW says, "I'll upload A Wind Blown from Paradise, I guess."
Teaspoon says, "cool"
Knight_Otu says, "Okay."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "load sleepmask windblown"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | A wind flees from the tunnel, pursued by the cacophonous clacking of
Floyd | train cars.  Like an old and jerky moving film, the quick flash of
Floyd | passing lights reveal by frame the drab coats, grey scarves, hats,
Floyd | overcoats and pea coats that are the medium through which you move,
Floyd | until the world again withdraws back into the dusty light of lamps
Floyd | hung below the arched ceiling as the train passes back into the
Floyd | tunnel, followed by the same wind it pushes before it,wind chasing
Floyd | wind and lit riding-cars between.
Floyd |
Floyd | Type "help" if this is your first time with A Wind Blown from
Floyd | Paradise.
Floyd |
Floyd | A Wind Blown from Paradise
Floyd | A Brief and Breezy Fiction by N.C. Hunter Hayden
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 130928 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd |
Floyd | Station
Floyd | Buried here beneath the arched stone ceiling a multitude of travelers
Floyd | in drab, grey coats flow past and around as much as the wind blown by
Floyd | and chasing the trains in endless pursuit through the tunnels.  A
Floyd | poster, by an unused bench, presents memories of the paradise you once
Floyd | knew.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon asks, "is this loading very slowly?"
DavidW says, "seems normal speed to me."
Teaspoon says, "huh"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "help"
Floyd ]                                Menu
Floyd ]
Floyd ]  N = Next                                              Q = Quit Menu
Floyd ]  P = Previous                                          ENTER =
Floyd | Select
Floyd |  > What IS this?
Floyd |    Who ARE you?
Floyd |    Help
DavidW presses the yellow enter button.
Floyd ]                           What IS this?
Floyd | This is not as much of a story as merely a moment.  There isn't a plot
Floyd | per se; the character is stuck in dwelling in the past, obsessed with
Floyd | his quest to return to that one perfect moment.  Obviously, he cannot,
Floyd | as time does not move backwards.  And, if you live in the past, you
Floyd | are not living in the present, and if you are not alive right now,
Floyd | then you are dead right now.
Floyd |
Floyd | The wind imagery throughout is intended to reference wandering
Floyd | spirits, restless dead who roam in darkness for the life they once
Floyd | had.  What I wished to express when I first wrote the static fiction
Floyd | version of this story is that we can become the "living" dead, going
Floyd | to work, shopping at the grocery, standing in line at the DMV, dead
Floyd | men because we have forsaken living in the present given to us for the
Floyd | impossible quest of reclaiming the already-dissolved past.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Please press SPACE to continue.
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
Floyd ]                                Menu
Floyd ]
Floyd ]  N = Next                                              Q = Quit Menu
Floyd ]  P = Previous                                          ENTER =
Floyd | Select
Floyd |  > What IS this?
Floyd |    Who ARE you?
Floyd |    Help
DavidW says (to Floyd), "q"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X ME
Floyd |
Floyd | As good-looking as ever.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x poster"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X POSTER
Floyd |
Floyd | The poster on the wall displays a couple enjoying a day at the beach.
Floyd | The image fills your sight with loose and grainy sand and brilliant
Floyd | sun, and bodies dressed for warmth, and the ocean open to the horizon
Floyd | and blue heaven - this you remember, a moment from your past, a moment
Floyd | long past and long sought.  To dwell in this moment, presented here in
Floyd | this image, is a desire calling to you as you look upon the picture,
Floyd | hardly able to turn away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter poster"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | I only understood you as far as wanting to enter.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "touch poster"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guest1 arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Guest1 has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Guest1 arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x bench"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BENCH
Floyd |
Floyd | A bench for the weary or waiting.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "cannot say I find this inspiring"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x people"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PEOPLE
Floyd |
Floyd | Drab coats, grey scarves, hats and overcoats with high-flung collars.
Floyd |
Floyd | The train rides in on the winds of the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x train"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TRAIN
Floyd |
Floyd | A train car, waiting for passengers.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter train"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You get on the train and the train immediately departs.
Floyd |
Floyd | Train
Floyd | The train speeds through the tunnel, a car of passengers through the
Floyd | darkness seen past the window, out in which your reflection follows
Floyd | alongside.  Above the doors are posted the train's path, along with an
Floyd | advertisement.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guest1 asks, "what game is this?"
DavidW says (to Guest1), "It's called A Wind Blown from Paradise."
Guest1 asks, "can I play it?"
Guest1 asks, "what do I say to floyd to load it in the future?" Teaspoon says, "Guests can't, I don't think."
Teaspoon asks, "you have to have an account, David?"
DavidW says, "We're in a ClubFloyd session and guest accounts can't join channels."
DavidW says, "You can play it later."
Guest1 says, "ok, I kinda want to play something, I dont remember what club floyd is"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x reflection"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Beyond the car, outside the glass of the doors, a shadow world stands
Floyd | in reflection, having the same seats and handles and passengers but
Floyd | none of the light, none of the noise; grey and silent it follows
Floyd | beside, married the this small world at the pane of the door.  And
Floyd | beyond that world, seen through the far shadow door, is a dimmer world
Floyd | still, less distinct, less defined.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x ad"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X AD
Floyd |
Floyd | The ad above the door portrays a woman relaxing on the beach.  The
Floyd | image fills your sight with loose and grainy sand and brilliant sun,
Floyd | and bodies dressed for warmth, and the ocean open to the horizon and
Floyd | blue heaven - this you remember, a moment from your past, a moment
Floyd | long past and long sought.  To dwell in this moment, presented here in
Floyd | this image, is a desire calling to you as you look upon the picture,
Floyd | hardly able to turn away.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > I
Floyd |
Floyd | You are carrying nothing.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your train arrives at a platform, and you disembark.
Floyd |
Floyd | Station
Floyd | Buried here beneath the arched stone ceiling a multitude of travelers
Floyd | in drab, grey coats flow past and around as much as the wind blown by
Floyd | and chasing the trains in endless pursuit through the tunnels.
Floyd | Momentarily, through flashing holes in the crowd, you see a vending
Floyd | machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "I wonder if we can somehow enter these moments."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "sing"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > SING
Floyd |
Floyd | Your singing is abominable.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "xyzzy"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > XYZZY
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x machine"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X MACHINE
Floyd |
Floyd | A cigarette vending machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "buy ciggies"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "buy cigarettes"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "use machine"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "hit machine"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | Why?
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x breeze"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BREEZE
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXITS
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > L
Floyd |
Floyd | Station
Floyd | Buried here beneath the arched stone ceiling a multitude of travelers
Floyd | in drab, grey coats flow past and around as much as the wind blown by
Floyd | and chasing the trains in endless pursuit through the tunnels.
Floyd | Momentarily, through flashing holes in the crowd, you see a vending
Floyd | machine.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x button"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X BUTTON
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > S
Floyd |
Floyd | You are underground.  Compass directions have no meaning.  Say you
Floyd | want to board the train or get off the train or enter the waiting room
Floyd | or whatever.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Floyd), "search machine"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You find nothing of interest.
Floyd |
Floyd | The train rides off on the winds of the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guest1 says (to floyd), "x cealing"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X CEALING
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guest1 says (to floyd), "look at self"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK AT SELF
Floyd |
Floyd | As good-looking as ever.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says, "hm. I wonder if there's a waiting room as the direction message mentioned."
Guest1 says (to alex), "hello"
DavidW says (to Guest1), "Alex is in the lounge."
Guest1 says, "sorry"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter waiting room"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | There is no way of doing that now.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Well, can't hurt (much) to try."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x tracks"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X TRACKS
Floyd |
Floyd | From the tunnel and to it straight returning run the tracks for the
Floyd | train.
Floyd |
Floyd | The train rides in on the winds of the tunnel.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guest1 asks, "are multiple people playing this?"
DavidW says (to Guest1), "YES"
DavidW says, "This is a ClubFloyd session." DavidW asks, "Should we get on the train again?"
Teaspoon says, "That makes sense."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "enter train"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | You get on the train and the train immediately departs.
Floyd |
Floyd | Train
Floyd | The train speeds through the tunnel, a car of passengers through the
Floyd | darkness seen past the window, out in which your reflection follows
Floyd | alongside.  Above the doors are posted the train's path, along with an
Floyd | advertisement.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW asks, "There doesn't seem to be much to do in this game, is there?"
DavidW says (to Floyd), "talk to passengers"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Not particularly, no."
DavidW says (to Floyd), "x window"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X WINDOW
Floyd |
Floyd | Beyond the car, outside the glass of the doors, a shadow world stands
Floyd | in reflection, having the same seats and handles and passengers but
Floyd | none of the light, none of the noise; grey and silent it follows
Floyd | beside, married the this small world at the pane of the door.  And
Floyd | beyond that world, seen through the far shadow door, is a dimmer world
Floyd | still, less distinct, less defined.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guest1 asks, "off topic, what are some good good sci-fi ones? modern day ones, or afterlife ones?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "weep"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > WEEP
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x path"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > X PATH
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > EXITS
Floyd |
Floyd | That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Knight_Otu says, "Don't even know where we're going."
DavidW says, "I wish Jacqueline was here. I don't know how to deal with the Guest."
Guest1 says, "not ya way ya say things on yee game, ya wierday"
Guest1 says (to floyd), "look"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > LOOK
Floyd |
Floyd | Train
Floyd | The train speeds through the tunnel, a car of passengers through the
Floyd | darkness seen past the window, out in which your reflection follows
Floyd | alongside.  Above the doors are posted the train's path, along with an
Floyd | advertisement.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Teaspoon says, "I guess someone can clean up the transcript later."
Jacqueline edits after the fact: I decided I couldn't be bothered.
Guest1 says (to floyd), "up"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > UP
Floyd |
Floyd | You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
Guest1 says (to floyd), "out"
Floyd ]  There is a slight breeze                             Now
Floyd | >
Floyd | > OUT
Floyd |
Floyd | But you aren't in anything at the moment.
Floyd |
Floyd | Your train arrives at a platform, and you disembark.
Floyd |
Floyd | Station
Floyd | Buried here beneath the arched stone ceiling a multitude of travelers
Floyd | in drab, grey coats flow past and around as much as the wind blown by
Floyd | and chasing the trains in endless pursuit through the tunnels.
Floyd | Dangling by the cord, a payphone blends into background scenery.
Floyd |
Floyd | >
DavidW says (to Guest1), "You really need an account to play."
Guest1 says, "crap"
Teaspoon has had their fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
DavidW says, "We can't coordinate our moves with you because you're not on the channel."
DavidW says, "Talking in the room like this messes up the transcript."
Guest1 says, "I'd really rather not go onto a website and type in my email then get the password ADXakDVMzarrEM2Xd4"
Taleslinger arrives, full of funk, but no fun.
Teaspoon arrives, full of neither funk nor fun.
Taleslinger asks, "Hello! So what's happening?"
DavidW says, "I give up. Someone else can be in charge today."
DavidW goes home.
DavidW has disconnected.
Guest1 says, "grow"
Guest1 says, "growl"
Guest1 growls
Guest1 says, "great, another, shit"
Guest1 has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge.
Taleslinger asks, "Yay, I took care of it, I guess?"
Taleslinger disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. Teaspoon says, "Oh, poor Jac. When she sees this transcript..."
Taleslinger arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. Knight_Otu says, "Oh man."
Taleslinger screams "Not aaaaagain!" and disappears. Knight_Otu asks, "So, trying on?"
Teaspoon says, "To be perfectly honest, though, this game looks kinda awful."
Teaspoon asks, "Did you want to play it, or anything?"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Knight_Otu says, "Not a lot to do, repetitive rooms..."
Teaspoon says, "And over-wrought writing."
Knight_Otu says, "I'm not sure there's a real goal from the about..."
Teaspoon says, "heigh-ho."
Teaspoon says, "I hate to let a troll stop a session, but I wasn't really planning on driving."
Knight_Otu says, "I suppose I can drive."
Knight_Otu asks, "It's just the question, this game, or another?"
Teaspoon says, "Driver gets to pick."
Teaspoon says, "We were only looking at this one cos David hadn't yet."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah. Of course I can't promise I pick something better."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "quit"
Floyd | >
Floyd | > QUIT
Floyd |
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "y"
Floyd | Are you sure you want to quit?
Floyd | > Y
Floyd | cheapglulxe quit with exit status: 0
Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "load ecto13jack"
Floyd | Welcome to the Cheap Glk Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Suddenly awareness comes to you and your surroundings.  You look
Floyd | around slowly, seeing nothing at first, then in the moon light you
Floyd | find yourself in the middle of a pumpkin patch.   Looking down at your
Floyd | feet you see straw coming out of the bottom of your pants and fallling
Floyd | over your boots.  In wonderment you notice your hands for the first
Floyd | time and see straw coming out of your sleeves as well.  As you stare
Floyd | at your hands you notice a strange glow seemingly coming from within
Floyd | you.  You start to run your fingers through your hair only to realize
Floyd | you have none.  As you stand there in shock over what you've become
Floyd | you realize you have nothing but vague memories of a time before the
Floyd | pumpkin patch.  You look around and see large pumpkins that seem to
Floyd | have the same shape as your head.  It all comes flooding back to
Floyd | are Jack....Jack Halloween.
Floyd |
Floyd | Jack
Floyd | A Halloween Story by Jason Lautzenheiser
Floyd | Release 1 / Serial number 131026 / Inform 7 build 6G60 (I6/v6.32 lib
Floyd | 6/12N)
Floyd | Copyright © 2013, Jason Lautzenheiser.  Ectocomp13 Entry.
Floyd |
Floyd | In the Pumpkin Patch
Floyd | You are standing in a middle of a pumpkin patch.   The full moon light
Floyd | allows you to see some distance around you.  The pumpkin patch goes on
Floyd | as far as you can see except to the south where you can make the
Floyd | outline of a road.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "bomp bomp bomp"
Teaspoon exclaims, "We're a pumpkin!"
Knight_Otu says, "Not just any old pumpkin, it seems."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | >You are carrying nothing.
Floyd |
Roger arrives, full of fun and funk.
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x me"
Floyd | >You are a tall person.   You are wearing overhalls and a flannel
Floyd | shirt.  There is straw slowly falling out of your sleeves and pants
Floyd | legs leaving a trail behind as you walk.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Not our straw!"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x patch"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Teaspoon asks, " are a tall person?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x straw"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x moon"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x pumpkin"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x road"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu asks, "Ready to go s?"
Teaspoon says, "do"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | >
Floyd | Road
Floyd | You are standing in the middle of a dirt road to the south of a large
Floyd | field of pumpkins. The road stretches on the the east and west.
Floyd |
Floyd | Looking up the road, you see a set of headlights headed in your
Floyd | direction.  Something screams in your very soul that you need to hide,
Floyd | you don't think it would be wise to be caught in the open in your
Floyd | state.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "hide"
Floyd | >You lie down in the ditch along the road.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "Why? We're just a cut, slightly decrepit scarecrow"
Knight_Otu says, "Well, apparently we think it's a good idea to hide."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "wait"
Floyd | >Time passes.
Floyd |
Floyd | The car drives slowly down the road just feet from where you are lying
Floyd | down.  Two boys hang out the side window with shotguns at the ready.
Floyd |
Floyd | You hear one of them say "I swear I saw something standing around here
Floyd | somewhere."
Floyd |
Floyd | "You just had too much beer before we left Joe, you're so drunk you
Floyd | wouldn't notice old Jack standing right next to you.",  someone yelled
Floyd | from inside the car.
Floyd |
Floyd | The car slides a bit further down the road, turns around and then
Floyd | heads back the way it came.
Floyd |
Floyd | As the car flies back up the road one of it's hubcaps comes off and
Floyd | lands in the ditch just ahead of you.  You reach over and pick it up.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x cap"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x hubcap"
Floyd | >Really nothing more than a rusty piece of metal that was loosly
Floyd | attached to the wheel of the car.  It is flat and looks like if you
Floyd | threw it like a frisbee it would go a great distance.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "we will have to throw it"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "stand" Knight_Otu says, "Sounds like it."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | >>Road
Floyd | You are standing in the middle of a dirt road to the south of a large
Floyd | field of pumpkins. The road stretches on the the east and west.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "Eat pumpkin"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "eat pumpkin"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, " did they not implement pumpkin"
Knight_Otu says, "Well, it's easy, just don't do it :p"
Knight_Otu asks, "Any preference for direction?"
Teaspoon asks, "uh, the the east?"
Teaspoon says, "Why not."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | >
Floyd | The Edge of Town
Floyd | As you come up on the edge of town, you see some movement ahead.  You
Floyd | crouch in the shadows not wanting to be seen.  Soon you see the
Floyd | movement again and you can just make out someone patrolling back and
Floyd | forth across the road.  There is no way to get around him without
Floyd | being seen.  Perhaps you could distract him somehow.
Floyd |
Floyd | You can see a young man here.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x man"
Floyd | >The man appears to be just a teenager.  A young teen by the looks of
Floyd | it.  In one hand he carries a large machete and slung from one
Floyd | shoulder is a rifle.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x machete"
Floyd | >The machete looks dangerous enough that I don't want to attract his
Floyd | attention and find out how dangerous it truly is.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x rifle"
Floyd | >A .270 Winchester rifle.  Powerful enough to spread the pumpkin seeds
Floyd | in your head all over the road.
Floyd |
Teaspoon asks, "decapitate him with a hubcap?"
Knight_Otu says, "Maybe not decapitate, but yeah."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "throw hubcap"
Floyd | >You stand up quickly and your movement draws the attention of the
Floyd | young man.  You quickly throw the hubcap in his direction.  The hubcap
Floyd | flies quickly through the dark night and before he can even react, it
Floyd | strikes him square across his forehead immediately dropping him to the
Floyd | ground.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "get all"
Floyd | >rifle: Taken.
Floyd | machete: Taken.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x man"
Floyd | >The man appears to be just a teenager.  A young teen by the looks of
Floyd | it.    Embedded in his head is the hubcap you just threw.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says, "Oy."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "get hubcap"
Floyd | >That is embedded in his skull....I don't think you want to take that.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "I don't see why not, game."
Teaspoon says, "Given what you had us do with it..."
Knight_Otu says, "That's a bit more than a *distraction*."
Teaspoon says, "I am alarmed that we are a pumpkin that knows what a .270 Winchester is."
Teaspoon says, "I sure don't."
Teaspoon asks, "Do we go in the other direction?"
Knight_Otu says, "Well, we clearly were first at pumpkin school."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | >The Edge of Town
Floyd | You are standing on the edge of town.  To the west the road heads out
Floyd | of town and to the east you can make out what looks like the center of
Floyd | town.
Floyd |
Floyd | You see the body of a young man here.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "pretty sure that's corpse now."
Knight_Otu exclaims, "E's only nappin'!"
Teaspoon exclaims, "joined the choir invisible!"
Knight_Otu says, "Speaking of e, let's leave the crime scene."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | >
Floyd | Road
Floyd | You are standing in the middle of a dirt road to the south of a large
Floyd | field of pumpkins. The road stretches on the the east and west.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "ooops"
Teaspoon asks, "Sorry, were you going east?"
Knight_Otu says, "I was planning, to, but we need to go the other direction sometime i suspect."
Knight_Otu says, "Yeesh, my grammar."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "w"
Floyd | >You feel a strong urge to continue to the town in the east.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says, "Okay, if you say so."
Teaspoon says, "guess that settles that"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | >As you begin to head east towards the town, the car suddenly
Floyd | accelerates. Before you can react, it barrels into you.  Your body,
Floyd | made mostly of straw flys apart scattering straw everywhere.  The last
Floyd | thing you remember before the light dims from your eyes is your large
Floyd | pumpkin head bouncing off the windshield and onto the road only
Floyd | shatter into thousands of pieces.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** Thus ends this halloween.....the town wins again and poor Jack
Floyd | Halloween waits another year for his revenge upon the town ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Knight_Otu says, "Uh..."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | > Road
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | >Road
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "undo"
Floyd | >The Edge of Town
Floyd | [Previous turn undone.]
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | >As you enter the town's center you hear a gunshot ring out.  The
Floyd | whistle of the slug as it passes near your head and the dust kicking
Floyd | up a few feet behind you are enough to send you scrambling to hide
Floyd | behind the fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | The Town Square
Floyd | You are hiding behind the fountain in the town square. You can head
Floyd | back out of town to the west.  There is an old church to the north and
Floyd | the townhall building is on the south side of the square.
Floyd |
Floyd | There is a shooter somewhere in the square.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "I don't feel very much desire to take revenge on this town, actually."
Teaspoon says, "do we need to grind hubcaps? I sure how e don't have to grind hubcaps."
Teaspoon says, "hope, I meant."
Knight_Otu says, "Well, this is looking to be a bloody game, yes."
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "x shooter"
Floyd | >The shooter is too far away to get a good look at in this poor
Floyd | lighting, but you can see that he has his rifle trained in your
Floyd | direction.
Floyd |
Floyd | Another gunshot rings through the square and you hear the slug skip
Floyd | off the edge of the fountain just to the left of where you are hiding.
Floyd | This time however, you did see the flash of the shot.  The shooter is
Floyd | hiding in the clock tower in the townhall on the south side of the
Floyd | square.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "how does this info help us."
Knight_Otu says, "We may be able to shoot back, now."
Teaspoon asks, "Should we have taken that guy's gun? The one who we killed?"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "i"
Floyd | >You are carrying:
Floyd |   a machete
Floyd |   a rifle
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "Oh, okay."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "shoot shooter"
Floyd | >You take quick aim in the direction of the clock tower and pull the
Floyd | trigger.  When the flash from the shot clears, you see the shooter
Floyd | slumping over the edge of the clocktower.
Floyd |
Taleslinger arrives, full of fun, but no funk. Teaspoon says, "Guess that worked."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "l"
Floyd | >The Town Square
Floyd | You are standing in the center of town.  You can head back out of town
Floyd | to the west.  There is an old church to the north and the townhall
Floyd | building is on the south side of the square.  In the center of the
Floyd | square is a fountain.
Floyd |
Floyd | The dead shooter is slumped over the side of the clock tower.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x shooter"
Floyd | >The shooter is too far away to get a good look at in this poor
Floyd | lighting, but you can see that he is slumped over the edge of the
Floyd | clock tower dead.
Floyd |
Taleslinger disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. Teaspoon asks, "Which direction?"
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x fountain"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu asks, "I guess south?"
Teaspoon says (to Floyd), "s"
Floyd | >You can't go that way.
Floyd |
Teaspoon says, "I am confused now."
Knight_Otu says, "Me too."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | >
Floyd | An Old Church
Floyd | You are outside an old church.  The church has seen better years.
Floyd | Behind the church to the east you see a small overgrown cemetary.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x church"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "x cemetary"
Floyd | >You can't see any such thing.
Floyd |
Guest1 arrives, full of fun and funk.
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "exits"
Floyd | >That's not a verb I recognize.
Floyd |
Taleslinger arrives, full of fun, but no funk.
Guest1 frowns
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "n"
Floyd | >The urge to go to the cemetary is so strong, you can think of nothing
Floyd | else.
Floyd |
Guest1 screeches, I guess this isn't done, then? I cant use my stupid if thing since, it doesn't work. Knight_Otu says, "Well, that settles the direction question."
Knight_Otu says (to Floyd), "e"
Floyd | >As you enter the cemetary, you feel a sudden pressure building in
Floyd | your head.  As your head expands, cracks appear and the light coming
Floyd | from within you outshines the full moon.
Floyd |
Floyd | As you fall to your knees, the screams coming from the town can be
Floyd | heard far above your own.  The curse of Jack Halloween has been
Floyd | lifted.  You are free from your cycle of birth and death and the town
Floyd | has fallen beneath the weight of its sins.
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |     *** Rest in peace, Jack year will come and go.
Floyd | ***
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd |
Floyd | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
Floyd | command?
Teaspoon exclaims, "sure does!"
Knight_Otu says, "and that settles the game."
Teaspoon says, "Yup. I admit, the ending surprised me."
Knight_Otu asks, "Should we end for today?"
Teaspoon says, "I think so."
Teaspoon says, "Oh well, we got through a game. Yay."
Knight_Otu says, "Yep."
Teaspoon says, "Good for us."
Teaspoon says, "Thanks for driving."


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