ClubFloyd Transcript:
Intro to A Fool's Rescue by Ralfe Rich
As played on ifMUD on August 9, 2020

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Intro to A Fool's Rescue written by Ralfe Rich. The intro to A Fool's Rescue was released as part of the 2020 IntroComp, where it received an Honorable Mention. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "load ic20foolsrescue"
CF | >Are you sure you want to quit? Welcome to the Cheap Glk
CF | Implementation, library version 0.9.0.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | Intro to A Fool's Rescue
CF | by Ralfe Rich
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | An Interactive Folly
CF |
CF | More Info: M
CF | Start the story - from the beginning : (SPACE)
CF | - from a saved position : R
CF | Quit : Q Jacqueline says, "I'm going to step back now! Someone else drive, please."
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | You've always loved mornings. Not because of the vitamin D or the
CF | beauty of the rising sun, but because it's, like, the best time to
CF | sleep. During the night, you always take upwards of an hour before you
CF | can fall asleep. During the morningafter extending the alarm by
CF | 10-minutesit's back to weird, nonsensical dreams for you. It's
CF | practically become your routine at this point. And this morning is no
CF | different.
CF |
CF | Your phone goes off with an annoying *BEEP* * BEEP* *BEEP*.
CF |
CF | You sit up from your bed. Even though you made a point of loving
CF | mornings, no sane human being could possibly love waking up. Right?
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF |
CF | Bedroom
CF | You've just woken up from a weird dream about green cows and white
CF | trees. That dream was really something. You remember it quite fondly.
CF | So, you're very much eager to see how the war for democracy ends.
CF |
CF | Your bedroom's still dark; your blinds are closed, so it's a given.
CF | Even if it's dark, you still see some of the outline of your stuff.
CF | Like your desk, dresser, and the mirror. None of those matter though:
CF | aside from the annoying piece of garbage at your bedside.
CF |
CF | Your phone is at your side: emitting the devil's music.
CF |
CF | ------------------Please press enter------------------
CF |
DavidW presses the yellow enter button.
DavidW presses the yellow enter button.
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | >Before you can do anything, the door suddenly slams openas if someone
CF | kicked it open like a wanna-be-badass. Then, a person enters your room,
CF | frantically crying, "LIAM! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"
CF |
CF | The person stops by the foot of your bed. You squint, but can't make
CF | out the idiot storming your room.
CF |
CF | "The hell!? Why the hell is it so dark!?" The intruder marches down to
CF | your blinds and grabs hold.
CF |
CF | 1) Wait! Don't
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Wait! Don't]
CF |
CF | "Wait! Don-," You try to scream, but their hands are too fast. The man
CF | cracks open your curtains: letting in the fresh, morning light.
CF |
CF | "AHHHHHHH it burns!!!" You hiss, covering your face with your blanket
CF | like Dracula. "Hey! Get up!" The guy yells and grabs your arms, prying
CF | you away from your comfy bed. He holds you by the window, the sun's
CF | rays hitting your face.
CF |
CF | "Liam! Wake up!" He says while slapping you awake. Your eyes slowly
CF | adjust to the newfound light andafter a few moments you're able to
CF | open your eyes.
CF |
CF | You can now see the face of the man who ruined your perfect morning
CF | routine.
CF |
CF | 1) Oh no
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Oh no]
CF |
CF | "Oh no," You wish you were still asleep. Maybe this is a dream. Heck, a
CF | nightmare would be more accurate. On second thought, a nightmare would
CF | be better than this.
CF |
CF | You close your eyes, say a little prayer, then open them, but it wasn't
CF | a dream or a nightmareit was hima guy anyone wouldn't want to see in
CF | the morning. In fact: no one would probably want to see him at noon or
CF | midnight.
CF |
CF | Toby Klimas. A self-proclaimed, "Pilgrim of justice" or whatever he
CF | called himself. Your sort-of friend, or partner as he might call you.
CF |
CF | "Huh? Why aren't you speaking?" Toby asked, still grabbing you.
CF |
CF | Then, out of nowhere, his mouth begins to curl into a grin. "Are you
CF | giving me an introduction?"
CF |
CF | 1) What do you want?
CF | 2) What are talking about?
CF | 3) Actually, yes.
CF | DavidW asks, "How should we answer him?"
MoyTW asks, "2?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | >[What are talking about?]
CF |
CF | "What are you even talking about?" You don't have a clue what he's
CF | going on about, which is usually the default if being perfectly honest.
CF |
CF | "Are you sure?" Toby persisted, now showing his pearly whites.
CF |
CF | 1) No!
CF | 2) Actually, yes.
CF | DavidW asks, "2?"
Jacqueline says, "sure"
MoyTW asks, "Sure let's do the tutorial?"
DavidW says, "2"
Knight_Otu says, "I guess? Toby kind of lost me."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | >[Actually, yes.]
CF |
CF | Actually, yes," You confess.
CF |
CF | Toby gives you an ear-to-ear grin, "Really!? What have you told them so
CF | far?" He grabs your shirt and brings your face closer to his.
CF |
CF | "Have you told them about my heroic conquest on the blue-lake legend or
CF | maybe the secret of veggie-town?" His eyes are gleaming with
CF | excitement.
CF |
CF | 1) That people would rather wake up to Freddy Krueger than to you.
CF | Jacqueline says, "Oh man."
Knight_Otu says, "Oh."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[That people would rather wake up to Freddy Krueger than to you.]
CF |
CF | "That people would rather wake up to Freddy Krueger than to you." You
CF | say with a straight face. Toby looks at you for a moment, as if he's
CF | processing what you just said, like how the internet buffers a video.
CF | You can almost see the spinning wheel across his face.
CF |
CF | Toby then bursts into laughter, "HAHAHAHA! Good one Liam," He let go of
CF | you and starts clapping, "Good one! HAHAHA, no one can match your wit,
CF | Liam," He began to slap his knee.
CF |
CF | He's overdoing it, you thought. Usually, when you're able to one-up
CF | him, Toby goes into full "Defensive, Aggressive,
CF | Surprisingly-excessive," bouts of crocodile laughs. "Did you came up
CF | with that on the spot or did some hack wannabe-author write that crap
CF | for you?" Toby's going into phase 2Passive-aggressive-mostly
CF | aggressive comebacks.
CF |
CF | 1) Finejust tell me why you're here.
CF | Jacqueline says, "I'm not sure I've seen another game do this. Kinda fun, but also I'm kind of grinning and rolling my eyes in a 'really?' sort of way. But..."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Finejust tell me why you're here.]
CF |
CF | You let out a defeated sigh. "Finejust tell me why you're here." You
CF | say, after giving up on trying to win against his stubbornalmost
CF | inhumanpersistence at continuing pointless things.
CF |
CF | "Right, right," Toby said, clearing his throat. "It's probably best to
CF | get straight to the point!" He thrusts a finger at you. "Liam! I
CF | request your assistance!"
CF |
CF | 1) Did you lose your keys again?
CF | 2) Did the cat get out again?
CF | DavidW says, "keys or cat"
Knight_Otu says, "1. I want the cat to be safe."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Did you lose your keys again?]
CF |
CF | "Did you lose your keys again?" You ask.
CF |
CF | "Hey! Why are you going back there!" Toby objects. "Well, it was the
CF | last problem you roped me in. When was it? Last month?" You try to
CF | remember. It was quite the issue he dragged you in. You could still
CF | feel the rope burns. "No, no, no! I made sure to double secure those
CF | suckers up!" He nods his head: imagining himself patting his own back
CF | rather actually than doing it.
CF |
CF | That's what you can tellat least. Toby scratches his head, "It's more
CF | pressing than anything I've ever done before!" He said, glaring at you.
CF |
CF | 1) Then what is it, Toby?
CF | MoyTW asks, "Keys?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Then what is it, Toby?]
CF |
CF | "Then what is it, Toby?" You ask, mumbling to yourself why he took so
CF | long to get to the point. Toby suddenly points his finger at you again.
CF |
CF | "Stop calling me by that name!" He demands. "Call me by my
CF | business-name: Drake Dexter." Oh rightnow you remember. Toby despises
CF | his name for some reason; he chose to go by an alias to do whatever. An
CF | unholy combination of two of his favorite shows: a bloody crime show,
CF | and a Disney sitcom. You've only watched the first 4 seasons of the
CF | former, which has become mandatory at this point.
CF |
CF | "It's a name for professional purposes, dammit!" Toby says, clenching
CF | his fist.
CF |
CF | 1) Okay, Drake, what the hell happened?
CF | Jacqueline says, "I'm wondering if those missing spaces are a hyphen that's not printing."
Jacqueline says, "Specifically, an em-dash."
DavidW says, "probably"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Okay, Drake, what the hell happened?]
CF |
CF | "Okay, Drake, what the hell happened?"
CF |
CF | Toby turns away from you, and faces your window. He mumbles
CF | incoherently to himself, leaving you only with a guy who looks like
CF | he's talking to a glass pane. From what you could pick up: you can hear
CF | the words: justice; law; eggs; milk; bacon; cereal; bre- wait a second.
CF |
CF | He suddenly spins around and looks you straight in the eyes and says,
CF | "To summarize, they took Billy hostage." And with that: Toby bolts for
CF | the door.
CF |
CF | 1) Hey! Who's THEY?
CF | Knight_Otu says, "They are."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Hey! Who's THEY?]
CF |
CF | "Hey! Who's THEY?" You want to know before he makes it out of your
CF | room. But he is already gone by that point. Then, his head pops-out the
CF | side of the door and utters for no more than a split second.
CF |
CF | "I'll explain everything later. Just meet me outside at your driveway."
CF | And off he goes, leaving you in your bedroomalone. You breathe out a
CF | heavy sigh, "Might as well get this over with." You say, as you change
CF | out of your pajamas. While putting on your regular clothes, one thought
CF | keeps probing your mind.
CF |
CF | What am I getting myself into this time?
CF |
CF | Intro to A Fool's Rescue
CF | An Interactive Folly by Ralfe Rich
CF | Release 1 / Serial number 200730 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib
CF | 6/12N)
CF |
CF |
CF | Bedroom
CF | Having finished changing, you do some mild stretches to get your body
CF | in order.
CF |
CF | The room's lit by the window, from having the The curtains forcibly
CF | opened. The light reveals nothing new. No matter the lighting,
CF | nothing's changing the wall's ugly shades of green. Your desk still
CF | pushed into the corner, your laptop and a chair with itcompleting the
CF | holy trinity of your life. The The dresser is at the other corner, by
CF | its lonesome. Well, the door heading northtowards the hallwayis near
CF | it, at least. A large full-body The mirrorto your rightis here
CF | because it'll be a sad room if it didn't have a mirror.
CF |
CF | [Type ABOUT for first-time players]
CF | DavidW says, "oh my, we have a The dresser"
MoyTW asks, "...are all items The X? That a parser thing that's getting weird?"
Knight_Otu says, "Ah, the dangers of using substitutions."
DavidW says (to MoyTW), "I've never seen this error before."
Jacqueline asks, "It's probably just a typo, right? A double the? Like, 'The the dresser is in the Bedroom.'?"
MoyTW says, "It happens with all the objects."
DavidW says, "Except full-body The mirror suggests something more fundamental is going on."
Knight_Otu says, "They're probably called The Furniture in code, and the author then typed "The [objectname]"."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, the mirror."
MoyTW says, "the The curtains, The The dresser, The mirror"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
Jacqueline says, "I'm seeing it now."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "about"
CF | >
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | > Introduction to Intro to A Fool's Rescue
CF | Instructions for Play
CF | Hints
CF | Credits
CF | About the author Jacqueline says, "My brain just happily skipped over those."
DavidW presses the yellow enter button. MoyTW says, "It's amazing how well one's brain can parse obvious weirdness."
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | A Fool and a Pilgrim go on a mission.
CF |
CF | This is an entry for IntroComp 2020. IntroComp is a competition where
CF | the entries are a portion of an upcoming game. Therefore, this game is
CF | only the introduction of the game A Fool's Rescue, and is not the
CF | complete game. With that in mind, please enjoy Intro To A Fool's
CF | Rescue!
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | Please press SPACE to continue. Jacqueline says (to M), "Yeah"
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | > Introduction to Intro to A Fool's Rescue
CF | Instructions for Play
CF | Hints
CF | Credits
CF | About the author
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | > Introduction to Intro to A Fool's Rescue
CF | Instructions for Play
CF | Hints
CF | Credits
CF | About the author
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "q"
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | Bedroom
CF | The room's lit by the window, from having the The curtains forcibly
CF | opened. The light reveals nothing new. No matter the lighting,
CF | nothing's changing the wall's ugly shades of green. Your desk still
CF | pushed into the corner, your laptop and a chair with itcompleting the
CF | holy trinity of your life. The The dresser is at the other corner, by
CF | its lonesome. Well, the door heading northtowards the hallwayis near
CF | it, at least. A large full-body The mirrorto your rightis here
CF | because it'll be a sad room if it didn't have a mirror.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x mirror"
CF | >It's one of those oval-shaped mirrors. It's in wood, well, fake wood.
CF | Now that your mind's on mirrors, it's a fact that bedrooms are
CF | incomplete without mirrors. People underestimate the importance of
CF | mirrors in bedrooms too much. Mirrors matter dangit!
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dresser"
CF | >Not much of a dresser. More like a wooden chest that's filled with
CF | clothes then gold.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >You are carrying:
CF | your phone
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x phone"
CF | >It's four generations behind, but still usable. Don't get why people
CF | buy newer versions every year. A too-good economy?
CF |
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x the"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x desk"
CF | >A standard store-bought desk. Not as battle-damaged as your brother's,
CF | but still has marks and scratches. At least it has a drawer.
CF | Jacqueline says, "Fun fact: there is no mirror in my bedroom."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open drawer"
CF | >You open the drawer, revealing a pile of junk.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x junk"
CF | >God! When was this last cleaned!? A year ago? Two? Scraps of paper;
CF | pens; bundles of cords and even watches?? Nothing useful.
CF |
CF | Wait. There's a screwdriver here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take screwdriver"
CF | >Taken.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x screwdriver"
CF | >It's the perfect screwdriver. It's not too big that it becomes a
CF | swordfight with a screw, but not too small that it's like doing screw
CF | surgery with a toothpick.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x laptop"
CF | >This model is old. Enough to warrant its retirement, but for some
CF | reason, you can't seem to get rid of it. And you've tried. You've been
CF | fixing it for a nice change of pace: unscrewing some panels, realizing
CF | you don't know what you're doing, and putting the panels back on.
CF |
CF | Your laptop is currently switched off.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unscrew laptop"
CF | >When will you learn your lesson?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "turn on laptop"
CF | >Ok, and after turning it onBOOMit's suddenly midnight. It's an
CF | addiction that results in wasted days.
CF | Knight_Otu exclaims, "Never!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | >Bedroom
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF | Jacqueline asks, "Think it really did advance time?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x curtains"
CF | >Nothing fancy. They help keep out the light, especially during the
CF | morning.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close curtains"
CF | >Seems pointless nowyou having been exposed to the outside's
CF | eye-burning wrath.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Better save than sorry."
DavidW asks, "maybe?"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "ha"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take laptop"
CF | >It's too bulky for you to carry.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x chair"
CF | >If chairs could breatheand sitting on it cuts its airflowyou'd be
CF | jail for chair genocide.
CF | Jacqueline says, "I relate heavily with the desire to lie in, lucid dream, and never open curtains. I've been addicted to blackout curtains since Alaska. Everyone should have them, no matter their latitude."
DavidW says, "Poor chair, the butt of the joke again."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bed"
CF | >Wanna escape the horrors of the world? Hop in!
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under bed"
CF | >It's the dead body of the guy that owns the house. Roger says, "yeah I like sleeping in photographic-darkroom-quality darkness"
Knight_Otu says, "Hah."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x body"
CF | Fooled ya!
CF | DavidW asks, "So out/north?"
MoyTW asks, "x me?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x me"
CF | >As good-looking as everis what you want to say, but the truth is just
CF | average-looking as ever.
CF | Jacqueline says, "The thing I love--I think I love most--about the ommitted em-dashes? They help draw your brain--really draw its attention--to the intense frequency of the em-dashes--and that is another way in which I relate to this author--because I am a huge fan of em-dashes."
Jacqueline says, "(All joking aside, I do adore em-dashes.)"
MoyTW says, "There are way too many of them here. Anyways, let's gooooo"
DavidW says, "I like em-dashes, but they're to be used sparingly."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Hallway
CF | You won't go out of your way to say that the hallway is small. Though,
CF | if you face westwhere your parents' room liesstand perfectly in the
CF | middle, and stretch both your arms they'll likely be able to touch both
CF | walls. But it doesn't bother you too much. Nothing much else, aside
CF | from your brother's and sister's rooms; the forbidden worlds is what
CF | you like to call them.
CF |
CF | Some stairs lead down to the living room.
CF | Jacqueline says, "Nah."
olethros asks, "isn't taht en en-dash?"
Jacqueline says, "They're like sprinkles on ice cream."
Roger says, "my client isn't rendering them at all, so it looks just fine here"
DavidW asks, "down?"
Knight_Otu says, "Sure."
Jacqueline says (to olethros), "Well, in my em-dash addiction, no: because en-dashes are imperceptible. They just look like hyphens. And what we need more of is great big ol' em-dashes."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF | Jacqueline is possibly willing to die on Em-Dash Hill.
olethros says, "ah, confused just because in latex -- is en-dash and --- is em-dash"
Jacqueline exclaims, "Oh! Good to know --- thanks!"
MoyTW asks, "x paintings?"
Jacqueline says, "(Sorry, y'all. I'll stop now.)"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x paintings"
CF | >You're using the term painting quite loosely: They're actually
CF | pictures stuck on some plate or canvas then hung on the wall, not even
CF | any filters or anything.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x mom"
CF | >One of the two people you respect the most. She worked hard and raised
CF | you and your siblings with love and care; you can't thank her enough
CF | for it. But, she tends to overreact at things to an unrealistic degree.
CF | You remember one time the power went out, and your momno jokedrove to
CF | the electric company which was in the city! It's ridiculous, but you
CF | love her.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x mom's key"
CF | >The key to your mom's barely-used carbut why is it here though. Your
CF | mom doesn't use her car.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dad's key"
CF | >The key to your dad's car; for why it's here, you have no clue.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tv"
CF | >Even in the modern age, your family still runs a satellite for the TV.
CF | To add more old school charm, the TV is still wide enough to place
CF | decorations on top of it.
CF |
CF | It's currently on to your mom's usual programa romantic-crime drama
CF | that's been for running 8-years now.
CF | Knight_Otu asks, "Didn't we just hear about mom driving to the city?"
Jacqueline asks, "Oh, from that guy?"
DavidW says, "That was a story when the power went out."
Jacqueline says, "I almost forgot about that guy."
Jacqueline asks, "Remember that guy? Are we supposed to have a sense of urgency?"
DavidW asks, "who, Tony slash Drake?"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline asks, "Or was that just a dream?"
Knight_Otu asks, "And the kidnapped... Billy?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to mom"
CF | >Morning, sweetie.
CF |
CF | 1) Morning
CF | 2) What episode is that
CF | 3) Bye, Mom
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Morning]
CF |
CF | "Morning."
CF |
CF | "You're up early." your mom says: not looking away from the TV. "Just
CF | had a loud alarm," you say, emphasizing the loud in the sentence.
CF |
CF | "Oh, it's Toby isn't it." She gives a light chuckle.
CF |
CF | 1) What episode is that
CF | 2) Bye, Mom
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[What episode is that]
CF |
CF | "What episode is that?"
CF |
CF | It's a good one, but I can't tell you." Your mom smirks, "Spoilers."
CF | You shake your head, "It's fine, not my thing."
CF |
CF | 1) Bye, Mom
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Bye, Mom]
CF |
CF | "Bye, Mom"
CF |
CF | "Bye, sweetie."
CF |
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
DavidW asks, "Should we take the keys? Visit the kitchen?"
DavidW asks, "Or dining room?"
Knight_Otu asks, "Are we even old enough to drive?"
DavidW says, "I have no idea."
Knight_Otu says, "Kitchen I'd say."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Kitchen
CF | While, technically, not a separate room, it's very much a place with
CF | purpose. The kitchen looks and feels small, but quite efficient in its
CF | tightness. The triplets in cooking: the counter with cupboards above
CF | and below; the sink; a stove greets whoever enters. Opposite them; the
CF | fridge, all by itself, in the corner.
CF | Jacqueline says, "Let's not be held back by a society who tells us we're too young."
DavidW asks, "Mind if I just ransack the kitchen?"
DavidW says, "Might be a ham sandwich or two."
Jacqueline says, "Go for it."
Knight_Otu asks, "Fine, then - do we have any driving training?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x fridge"
CF | >All the fridges you've seen are white. Are there any other colored
CF | fridges?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
CF | >The inside of it is like a jigsaw or an intense game of Tetris, with
CF | all the containers inside. Better to not open it, since you aren't good
CF | at Tetris.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cupboards"
CF | >It's the wooden kind.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open cupboards"
CF | >You aren't hungry at the moment.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x counter"
CF | >The counter's only busy three times a daylooks like you missed its
CF | morning shift.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sink"
CF | >Your mom always wants the sink to be free from those white smudges. So
CF | you've been tasked with cleaning after every use.
CF | Jacqueline asks, "Ha! Did you all see that video on twitter about the livestream fridge?"
DavidW says, "no"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x stove"
CF | >Unlike most families, yours doesn't have the stove-oven combo. It's
CF | one of those flat types. You don't feel any heat from it. Was it even
CF | used this morning?
CF | Jacqueline | [LINK]
Jacqueline says, "I hadn't thought about it until now, but it's kind of like an IF fridge for the real world."
DavidW asks, "I guess no ham sandwich for us. Dining room next?"
Knight_Otu says, "Sure."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Dining Room
CF | You feel like you're the only one who calls this placethe dining room.
CF | It isn't a different room per se, it's connected to the living room
CF | without any walls to separate them. Because of that, it's barer here
CF | than anywhere else! Just a wooden table with chairs at each side.
CF |
CF | There is, however, a telephone, sitting on top of a plastic table.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x telephone"
CF | >People might wonder why your family still owns one of these things.
CF | Well. For one: your mom doesn't even own a phone; you and your siblings
CF | pester her about getting one. But she stubbornly refuses. Second, you
CF | like it. You aren't sure why. Maybe it's the featureless dining room's
CF | faultbeing all empty and such.
CF | DavidW says, "I guess we can at least phone home with our own phone."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >You are carrying:
CF | the screwdriver
CF | your phone
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF | >Which do you mean, the plastic table or the dining room table?
CF | Jacqueline asks, "Why not take the keys?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dining"
CF | >A clean and shiny table. You remember the countless times you wiped it
CF | spotless after every meal. Better then dish-duty, you snort.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x plastic"
CF | >It's about medium in height. For easy telephone action, you presume.
CF | The table's whiteness is a bit jarring, but what can you do.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), " take all from table"
CF | >Woah there, ace hoarder. One at a time.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take dad's"
CF | >A chill runs down your spine. You stop mid-reach.
CF |
CF | "Good," your mom says.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take mom's"
CF | >A chill runs down your spine. You stop mid-reach.
CF |
CF | "Good," your mom says.
CF | Knight_Otu exclaims, "BUT MOOOOM!"
DavidW says, "Oh mom, there's a call for you!"
Jacqueline says, "huh"
DavidW asks, "If we really want these keys, we phone the other phone and while she's in the dining room, we grab the keys, yes?"
Knight_Otu says, "It could work."
DavidW asks, "Do we really want these keys?"
Knight_Otu asks, "They're keys, we're an IF protagonist.... what are the odds?"
DavidW says, "High"
DavidW says, "On the other hand, if we're eight years old..."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf1"
CF | >Enter saved game to store: Ok.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Yeah, that's a question."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "phone home"
CF | >What the heck does that mean!?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "use phone"
CF | >So you could play apps? Nope.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "dial home"
CF | >You aren't up for any calls
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "call home"
CF | >You aren't up for any calls
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "call dining room"
CF | >You aren't up for any calls
CF | Knight_Otu asks, "Call mom?"
MoyTW says, "We could just leave and if we need keys come back."
DavidW says, "call mom"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "call mom"
CF | >You aren't up for any calls
CF | DavidW says, "sure"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >(first opening the front door)
CF |
CF | Front Walk
CF | Stepping out the front door, you realize how pleasant the day is: a
CF | perfect blend of not-too-hot and not-too-coldthe ideal weather for any
CF | person.The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your
CF | house from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses
CF | lining it at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll
CF | see the house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the
CF | driveway.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "I guess we do that."
MoyTW says, "Man! The author is really enamored of the dash character."
DavidW says, "I say visit the side of the house. Might be a frisbee or something."
Knight_Otu says, "Sure."
DavidW says, "Or maybe mom's wallet that we threw out our parents' window."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | The Side Of The House
CF | This spot gives a great viewof the house wall. Nothing much else.
CF | There's a fence, separating your family and the neighbors. To the north
CF | is the backyard.
CF |
CF | A long, black cord comes out the bottom of the grey box.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x box"
CF | >From what you can remember, this thing is where the telephone line
CF | connects to the house.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cord"
CF | >The black cord is doing its job, and it's doing it well.
CF | DavidW says, "The telephone's importance in this story is going up."
Knight_Otu says, "It does."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unscrew box"
CF | >You carefully unscrew the screws.
CF |
CF | You unlock the grey box.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open box"
CF | >You open the grey box, revealing some wires and stuff.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wires"
CF | >It's nothing special: just a black wire at the center of everything.
CF | But, somehow, you feel like it's important. No reason. A gut feeling? A
CF | solution to something contrived? You aren't sure.
CF |
CF | It is plugged in.
CF | DavidW asks, "I have no reason to unplug this, correct?"
Knight_Otu says, "Nonethat I know of."
MoyTW says, "Not yet."
DavidW says, "I say leave it plugged in for now. Force the story to give us a reason."
Knight_Otu says, "(That was a missed space, not an em-dash, on my behalf.)"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "heh"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >Yellow tape suddenly materializes and stops you in your tracks. The
CF | tape reads: ROOM IN PROGRESS. "Annoying," you frown.
CF | MoyTW says, "Well it is a preview and not the whole game."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >The obvious exits are north and east (to the front walk).
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Front Walk
CF | The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your house
CF | from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses lining it
CF | at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll see the
CF | house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the driveway.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "True."
DavidW asks, "E to driveway?"
Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >Driveway
CF | If the driveway were empty: you could saywith perfect confidencethat
CF | it's pointless to describe it. But, It isn't empty. Your parents' cars
CF | are here. Your family doesn't own a garage; both your mom's and dad's
CF | cars are out in the thin piece of land calledthe driveway.
CF |
CF | Toby's looking at his watch, and bobbing his finger up and down.
CF | Counting.
CF |
CF | He looks up from his watch and frowns, "You're 5 minutes late." Toby
CF | clicks his tongue and crosses his arms in apparent disapproval.
CF |
CF | 1) Ok, let's not drag this
CF | 2) Hey! It hasn't even been 10 minutes
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | >[Hey! It hasn't even been 10 minutes]
CF |
CF | "Hey! It hasn't even been 10 minutes!" You grit your teeth. Toby shakes
CF | his head and points to his watch, "I'm the one with the watch here. And
CF | you don't even know the time, so you can't disprove me!"
CF |
CF | "What do you even mean!?" You ask. "Never mind, you wouldn't get it,"
CF | Toby said, scratching his cheek. He clasps, "Let's just get to the
CF | point."
CF |
CF | 1) Ok, what now
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Ok, what now]
CF |
CF | "Ok, what now?" It is the logical thing to ask right about now. Toby
CF | dragging you in the early morning without much of an explanationwhile
CF | in line with how Toby worksis not a pleasant thing.
CF |
CF | Toby strokes his chin, "Obviously, we need to get going now!"
CF |
CF | 1) Where exactly
CF | 2) Alright, then let's go
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Where exactly]
CF |
CF | "Where exactly?" You don't know much about what's going on, but you at
CF | least deserve to know where you're going. Toby taps his foot, "I told
CF | you that we need to act now. No more questions or any humorous jokes!"
CF | He stomps his foot.
CF |
CF | Not even knowing where to goclassic Liam and Toby hijinks.
CF |
CF | 1) Alright, then let's go
CF | MoyTW says, "How old are these people."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Alright, then let's go]
CF |
CF | Alright, then let's go," You say.
CF |
CF | "Yes, lets." Toby turns around and stops: not moving nor acting. He
CF | isn't doing anything.
CF |
CF | 1) Drake, let's go
CF | 2) There a problem
CF | MoyTW asks, "Did we x Toby?"
DavidW says, "no."
Knight_Otu says, "I don't think we got a chance."
DavidW says, "We've been in conversation hell every time, yes."
MoyTW asks, "Oh are we locked into the convo?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | >[There a problem]
CF |
CF | "There a problem?" You ask.
CF |
CF | "Well.." Toby turns to you, scratching his head and giving his bestoh,
CF | I done goofedexpression.
CF |
CF | "We need your car," He says in a low voice. As if to prevent you from
CF | hearing itit didn't work.
CF |
CF | 1) Do a facepalm
CF | 2) Shout some pointless profanity
CF | 3) Do a facepalmtwice
CF | Jacqueline says, "I think we are for now, yeah"
MoyTW asks, "So it'd error if you type "x thing"?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1" Knight_Otu says, "Unless dialog mode allows acting."
CF | >[Do a facepalm]
CF |
CF | You do a facepalm: making sure that the *Thap* sound was loud enough
CF | for Toby to hear.
CF |
CF | Toby raises his hands, "Ok, hear me out.".
CF |
CF | 1) Why do we even need a car
CF | 2) I don't even have a car
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Why do we even need a car]
CF |
CF | "Why do we even need a car?" You confront Toby.
CF |
CF | "Of course! Where we're going, we'll need a ride!" Toby crosses his
CF | arms, "If you want to clock-in a bazillion steps, then be my guest."
CF | His face turns grim; he looks you in the eyes.
CF |
CF | "And to be frankunless we pull an Usain Boltwe ain't gonna make it,
CF | and have any energy left in the tank."
CF |
CF | 1) Where's your car
CF | 2) What about your parents's car
CF | 3) I don't even have a car
CF | Jacqueline says, "2"
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Jacqueline says, "(That was a vote for the previous 2, not necessarily this one._"
Jacqueline says, "(That was a vote for the previous 2, not necessarily this one._)"
DavidW says, "sorry. I'm going too fast."
Jacqueline says, "I'm going to stop trying to type quickly now."
DavidW says, "vote 1 2 or 3"
Jacqueline says, "Well, no problem. My option is still here, but now it's a 3"
Knight_Otu says, "Sure, 2."
Knight_Otu says, "3*"
Jacqueline says, "ha"
MoyTW says, "Whichever."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF | >[I don't even have a car]
CF |
CF | "I don't even have a car." It is true. Your family trusts you behind a
CF | steering wheel as much as the weatherman. Toby's brows began to jitter,
CF | his lids blinking.
CF |
CF | "What you talking about?" Toby points his thumb to your parents' cars.
CF | "What are these then? Driveway designs?".
CF |
CF | "At least one of them is." You say. Toby looks and back to you with a
CF | smirk. "Your dad is out, right? Why not you ask your mom?".
CF |
CF | 1) Dude, I will die
CF | 2) Yeah, sure. Want my head as well
CF | 3) Turn around, go inside, lock the door and pretend nothing happened.
CF | Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I don't let the weatherman drive my car, either."
MoyTW says, "#3."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF | >[Turn around, go inside, lock the door and pretend nothing happened.]
CF |
CF | You quickly turn around and make it for the door. But Toby's hand
CF | catches your arm first, "Where do you think you're going?". You try and
CF | wriggle free, but he has iron grips or something.
CF |
CF | "Resistance is futile!" Toby pulls you back to the driveway.
CF |
CF | 1) look at Toby straight in the eyes
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[look at Toby straight in the eyes]
CF |
CF | You look at Toby straight in the eyes, "No matter what I do, Mom won't
CF | agree. She doesn't even trust me with the stove, let alone the car!"
CF |
CF | Toby rubs his chin; in thought. He then snaps his finger, "I got it! We
CF | need to get rid of your mom!"
CF |
CF | You stare daggers at him. "No, not like that. Just out of the house,
CF | okay."
CF |
CF | "And how do you suppose we do that?" You question. Toby shrugs, "No
CF | idea. You're the one who's going to do the arbitrary puzzles." He
CF | proceeds to shoo you away, "Chop, chop. You need to get started.".
CF |
CF | Driveway
CF | If the driveway were empty: you could saywith perfect confidencethat
CF | it's pointless to describe it. But, It isn't empty. Your parents' cars
CF | are here. Your family doesn't own a garage; both your mom's and dad's
CF | cars are out in the thin piece of land calledthe driveway.
CF |
CF | Toby's eyeing you. Saying to himself, "What is this fool doing? Hurry
CF | up!" That's what you think, at least. It's not too far off, knowing
CF | Toby.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Well,. we seem to be old enough to theoreticallyy have a car."
Jacqueline says, "This game uses a lot of 1-option conversations to pace the plot. I can't decide if I like that or not."
MoyTW says, "I would like it more if I didn't intensely dislike Toby."
DavidW asks, "Okay, how do we convince Mom to go?"
Jacqueline says (to M), "Right there with you."
Jacqueline asks, "Remind me what the urgency is?"
Jacqueline asks, "And why we care?"
DavidW asks, "Should we check her room for clues?"
Knight_Otu asks, "Someone got kidnapped?"
DavidW says, "All we know is 'they' took 'Billy'."
MoyTW says, "THEY took somebody."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x toby"
CF | >You have a complicated relationship with Toby. You like to say his
CF | your friend, even though he raises your blood pressure from calm to
CF | dear-god-he-needs-to-go-to-a-hospital. It's so frequent: it's become a
CF | running gag between you two. But, he always rings you up whenever he
CF | needs help, more accurately, needs an accomplice. So, there's some
CF | friendship in there, somewhere.
CF | Jacqueline says (to KO), "Who? Is it *our* problem? Do I love this person? I am a teen, not a P.I."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x mom's car"
CF | >If your mom's car is called a driveway ornament, you wouldn't
CF | disagree. The last time it was driven is lost on you. Maybe when your
CF | parents were still dating? It's always at the back of your dad's car,
CF | which is probably for the best. The car's just a two-seater.
CF | MoyTW says, "Except, like, this has strong "Oh no we're being eaten by a fish, noooo" imaginary games with my cousin when we were like...8. And we're presumably at least, like, 16."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dad's car"
CF | >Calling it the family car is more accurate. Every trip, vacation,
CF | errand, and whatever task that needs a car; it's dad's car. Doesn't
CF | help that it's always at the front of the two. It's most likely your
CF | mom's doing.
CF | Knight_Otu exclaims, "But teens are the better P.Is!"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "ha"
Jacqueline says, "Well, that's often true in fiction. Fair."
Jacqueline says, "I guess my point is this, in case the author reads this transcript"
Jacqueline says, "... I need more emotional investment."
DavidW says, "So it's clear we need to get Mom to take her car away, leaving dad's keys and dad's car for us."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >The only obvious exit is west (to the front walk).
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Right."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "enter dad's car"
CF | >You can't get into the closed Dad's Car.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open dad's"
CF | >It seems to be locked.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Front Walk
CF | The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your house
CF | from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses lining it
CF | at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll see the
CF | house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the driveway.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), " n"
CF | >"The heck are you doing!? You'd rather be roadkill than help me!?"
CF | Toby screams by the driveway.
CF |
CF | He has a point. Being the next topic of road safety ain't a good legacy
CF | cementer.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "And we know Mom drove to the city one time the power went out..."
Jacqueline says, "Like, I need more a reason to care about solving this puzzle than 'because Toby said to' or 'the game has clearly said this is the next thing to do'"
MoyTW says, "Disconnect the phone line, try to call, tell Mom it's broken."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline says, "She'll drive to town."
DavidW says, "ok. That's a plan."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | The Side Of The House
CF | This spot gives a great viewof the house wall. Nothing much else.
CF | There's a fence, separating your family and the neighbors. To the north
CF | is the backyard.
CF |
CF | A long, black cord comes out the bottom of the grey box.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unplug cord"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cord"
CF | >The black cord is doing its job, and it's doing it well.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "pull cord"
CF | >It is fixed in place.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "The wire in the box."
DavidW says, "oh"
MoyTW asks, "Open the box?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unplug wire"
CF | >You grip the wire, and pull; no sparkswhich is good.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wire"
CF | >It's nothing special: just a black wire at the center of everything.
CF | But, somehow, you feel like it's important. No reason. A gut feeling? A
CF | solution to something contrived? You aren't sure.
CF |
CF | It is unplugged.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Front Walk
CF | The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your house
CF | from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses lining it
CF | at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll see the
CF | house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the driveway.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tv"
CF | >Even in the modern age, your family still runs a satellite for the TV.
CF | To add more old school charm, the TV is still wide enough to place
CF | decorations on top of it.
CF |
CF | It's currently on to your mom's usual programa romantic-crime drama
CF | that's been for running 8-years now.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Dining Room
CF | You feel like you're the only one who calls this placethe dining room.
CF | It isn't a different room per se, it's connected to the living room
CF | without any walls to separate them. Because of that, it's barer here
CF | than anywhere else! Just a wooden table with chairs at each side.
CF |
CF | There is, however, a telephone, sitting on top of a plastic table.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take telephone"
CF | >You aren't up for calling anyone today. Even if you wanted: you don't
CF | even know anyone's number!
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "listen to telephone"
CF | >That's quite a lot of nothing: impressive.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to mom"
CF | >Morning, sweetie.
CF |
CF | 1) Borrow Car
CF | 2) Bye, Mom
CF | DavidW asks, "1?"
Knight_Otu says, "Let's try."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Borrow Car]
CF |
CF | "Ma," You hesitate, "Can I borrow the car?"
CF |
CF | Your mom turns to you and smiles, "No, sweetie."
CF |
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "call"
CF | >You aren't up for any calls
CF | Knight_Otu says, "That wasn't as bad as advertised."
DavidW asks, "Back upstairs?"
Knight_Otu asks, "I guess?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF | >
CF | Hallway
CF | You won't go out of your way to say that the hallway is small. Though,
CF | if you face westwhere your parents' room liesstand perfectly in the
CF | middle, and stretch both your arms they'll likely be able to touch both
CF | walls. But it doesn't bother you too much. Nothing much else, aside
CF | from your brother's and sister's rooms; the forbidden worlds is what
CF | you like to call them.
CF |
CF | Some stairs lead down to the living room.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >(first opening parents' door)
CF | It seems to be locked.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >(first opening brother's door)
CF | It seems to be locked.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >You can't go that way.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF | >(first opening sister's door)
CF | It seems to be locked.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF | >You can't go that way.
CF | MoyTW asks, "Can we call home?"
DavidW says, "I tried earlier"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "call home"
CF | >You aren't up for any calls
CF | MoyTW says, "Oh, rip."
DavidW says, "I'm not sure what to try next."
Jacqueline says, "The plan seemed so easy..."
DavidW asks, "turn off the tv?"
Jacqueline asks, "Sure?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Worth a shit."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "turn off tv"
CF | >"I wouldn't do that if I were you, sweetie," your mom says with a
CF | smile. But you can feel something; behind that smile is something no
CF | mortal son could ever bear. You shudder at the thought.
CF | Jacqueline says, "yay, ko"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "shot!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unplug tv"
CF | >"I wouldn't do that if I were you, sweetie," your mom says with a
CF | smile. But you can feel something; behind that smile is something no
CF | mortal son could ever bear. You shudder at the thought.
CF | Jacqueline says, "You mean that was a typo? Surely not."
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Of all the typos!"
Jacqueline cackles.
DavidW asks, "Turn on the stove?"
Jacqueline says, "I'm down for any ideas."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Kitchen
CF | While, technically, not a separate room, it's very much a place with
CF | purpose. The kitchen looks and feels small, but quite efficient in its
CF | tightness. The triplets in cooking: the counter with cupboards above
CF | and below; the sink; a stove greets whoever enters. Opposite them; the
CF | fridge, all by itself, in the corner.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "turn on stove"
CF | >"You wouldn't want to cause a fire hazard, sweetie!" Your mom yells
CF | from the living room.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "I'm not typing anymore."
Jacqueline says, "Aw"
Knight_Otu says, "Wait, darn, I just did."
Jacqueline says, "I'm sorry."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open fridge"
CF | >The inside of it is like a jigsaw or an intense game of Tetris, with
CF | all the containers inside. Better to not open it, since you aren't good
CF | at Tetris.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unplug fridge"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF | Jacqueline says (to KO), "Yes, and then you did it again."
MoyTW asks, "Talk to whathisname again?"
Jacqueline says, "You're like Britney Spears."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Front Walk
CF | The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your house
CF | from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses lining it
CF | at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll see the
CF | house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the driveway.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Driveway
CF | If the driveway were empty: you could saywith perfect confidencethat
CF | it's pointless to describe it. But, It isn't empty. Your parents' cars
CF | are here. Your family doesn't own a garage; both your mom's and dad's
CF | cars are out in the thin piece of land calledthe driveway.
CF |
CF | Toby's eyeing you. Saying to himself, "What is this fool doing? Hurry
CF | up!" That's what you think, at least. It's not too far off, knowing
CF | Toby.
CF | Jacqueline asks (of M), "Toby?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >Toby raises his eyebrow, "Haven't we had our conversation fill
CF | already?" He makes a shooing motion, "Go and discover some random and
CF | illogical puzzle solutions."
CF | MoyTW says, "Yeah, that guy."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Front Walk
CF | The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your house
CF | from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses lining it
CF | at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll see the
CF | house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the driveway.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF | >
CF | Hallway
CF | You won't go out of your way to say that the hallway is small. Though,
CF | if you face westwhere your parents' room liesstand perfectly in the
CF | middle, and stretch both your arms they'll likely be able to touch both
CF | walls. But it doesn't bother you too much. Nothing much else, aside
CF | from your brother's and sister's rooms; the forbidden worlds is what
CF | you like to call them.
CF |
CF | Some stairs lead down to the living room.
CF | Jacqueline asks, "Hands up: who hates Toby?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | Bedroom
CF | The room's lit by the window, from having the The curtains forcibly
CF | opened. The light reveals nothing new. No matter the lighting,
CF | nothing's changing the wall's ugly shades of green. Your desk still
CF | pushed into the corner, your laptop and a chair with itcompleting the
CF | holy trinity of your life. The The dresser is at the other corner, by
CF | its lonesome. Well, the door heading northtowards the hallwayis near
CF | it, at least. A large full-body The mirrorto your rightis here
CF | because it'll be a sad room if it didn't have a mirror.
CF | Jacqueline raises her hand.
MoyTW says, "My hand is touching the ceiling right now."
Jacqueline raises both hands.
Knight_Otu asks, "Can I borrow a few hundred hands?"
DavidW says, "I don't hate him yet."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "turn on laptop"
CF | >Ok, and after turning it onBOOMit's suddenly midnight. It's an
CF | addiction that results in wasted days.
CF | Jacqueline says (to DW), "huh"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >>>
CF | Hallway
CF | You won't go out of your way to say that the hallway is small. Though,
CF | if you face westwhere your parents' room liesstand perfectly in the
CF | middle, and stretch both your arms they'll likely be able to touch both
CF | walls. But it doesn't bother you too much. Nothing much else, aside
CF | from your brother's and sister's rooms; the forbidden worlds is what
CF | you like to call them.
CF |
CF | Some stairs lead down to the living room.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF | Jacqueline says, "You have the patience of a very patient person, David."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Dining Room
CF | You feel like you're the only one who calls this placethe dining room.
CF | It isn't a different room per se, it's connected to the living room
CF | without any walls to separate them. Because of that, it's barer here
CF | than anywhere else! Just a wooden table with chairs at each side.
CF |
CF | There is, however, a telephone, sitting on top of a plastic table.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "use phone"
CF | >(your phone)
CF | So you could play apps? Nope.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "use telephone"
CF | >You aren't up for calling anyone today. Even if you wanted: you don't
CF | even know anyone's number!
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x phone"
CF | >(your phone)
CF | It's four generations behind, but still usable. Don't get why people
CF | buy newer versions every year. A too-good economy?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unscrew telephone"
CF | >Nothing obvious happens.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "say ring ring"
CF | >(to yourself)
CF | No need. All the language skills are in TALK TO.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to telephone"
CF | >You start a conversation with the the telephone. You look like a
CF | lunatic.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take telephone"
CF | >You aren't up for calling anyone today. Even if you wanted: you don't
CF | even know anyone's number!
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under dining table"
CF | >You find nothing of interest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under plastic table"
CF | >You find nothing of interest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "stand on it"
CF | >That's not something you can stand on.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to mom"
CF | >Morning, sweetie.
CF |
CF | 1) Bye, Mom
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Bye, Mom]
CF |
CF | "Bye, Mom"
CF |
CF | "Bye, sweetie."
CF |
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is also heresitting on the couch.
CF | Jacqueline says, "For what it's worth, I propose we play this until we're 'done' and then this is it for today. I can go longer next week, but this week I need to end at 2 hours."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search couch"
CF | >There is nothing on Sofa.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Sure."
DavidW says, "I'm running out of ideas."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Front Walk
CF | The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your house
CF | from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses lining it
CF | at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll see the
CF | house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the driveway.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | The Side Of The House
CF | This spot gives a great viewof the house wall. Nothing much else.
CF | There's a fence, separating your family and the neighbors. To the north
CF | is the backyard.
CF |
CF | A long, black cord comes out the bottom of the grey box.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cord"
CF | >The black cord is doing its job, and it's doing it well.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x box"
CF | >From what you can remember, this thing is where the telephone line
CF | connects to the house.
CF |
CF | In the grey box is some wires and stuff.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wires"
CF | >It's nothing special: just a black wire at the center of everything.
CF | But, somehow, you feel like it's important. No reason. A gut feeling? A
CF | solution to something contrived? You aren't sure.
CF |
CF | It is unplugged.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x stuff"
CF | >Your knowledge of electronics extends only to replacing batteries on
CF | your Game Boy. All the things in here is alien to you. While the many
CF | colored wires are intimidating you; there is, however, a black wire at
CF | the center that catches your eye.
CF | Jacqueline asks, "The batteries on our... Game Boy?"
Jacqueline says, "I mean, I have a Game Boy, but it's 20+ years old."
Knight_Otu asks, "If it still works, why not?"
Jacqueline says, "It does still work."
Jacqueline says, "So okay."
DavidW asks, "so we've been 10 for 20 years?"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "That's my working theory. (Kidding)"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF | >The obvious exits are north and east (to the front walk).
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Front Walk
CF | The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your house
CF | from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses lining it
CF | at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll see the
CF | house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the driveway.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x house" Knight_Otu says, "Could be a hand-me-down from our parents."
CF | >Home sweet home. For the actual physical description: it's your
CF | family's regular ole' housenothing much to say.
CF |
CF | A satellite dish is on the roof.
CF | MoyTW says, "Wait, when was the GBA."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dish"
CF | >Your friends always look at the satellite dish like something out of a
CF | museum. You can't blame them. To you, it might as well be historic.
CF |
CF | It's currently standing tall.
CF | Jacqueline says, "Not sure"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push dish"
CF | >Nothing obvious happens.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take dish"
CF | >It's too high up.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF | >The obvious exits are north, south (to living room), east (to
CF | driveway) and west (to the side of the house).
CF | MoyTW says, "The GBA was 2001, lol. The last model was Game Boy Micro in 2005."
MoyTW says, "And nobody liked it."
DavidW asks, "Is there a way to get to the roof, you think?"
Knight_Otu asks, "I suspect no?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "throw screwdriver at dish"
CF | >You're wasting actual important stuff. Maybe something expendable?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "throw phone at dish"
CF | >You're wasting actual important stuff. Maybe something expendable?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >You are carrying:
CF | the screwdriver
CF | your phone
CF | Knight_Otu says, "I was about to suggest throwing."
Knight_Otu says, "Throw toby at dish."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | The Side Of The House
CF | This spot gives a great viewof the house wall. Nothing much else.
CF | There's a fence, separating your family and the neighbors. To the north
CF | is the backyard.
CF |
CF | A long, black cord comes out the bottom of the grey box.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take box"
CF | >Don't just let your inner kleptomania run wild on everything. Only on
CF | a few selected thingsokay?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >Yellow tape suddenly materializes and stops you in your tracks. The
CF | tape reads: ROOM IN PROGRESS. "Annoying," you frown.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Front Walk
CF | The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your house
CF | from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses lining it
CF | at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll see the
CF | house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the driveway.
CF | DavidW says, "okay, we need to find something to throw at the dish."
Knight_Otu asks, "Can we get a stone here?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take stone"
CF | >You take a rock from the pile.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "throw rock at dish"
CF | >(the rock at the satellite)
CF | You chuck the rock at the satellite; why you're doing it is unknown
CF | even to you. The rock smacks the dish, causing it to bendin a way its
CF | makers never intended.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is near the TV, fiddling with it.
CF | Jacqueline says, "It's ... not unknown even to us."
Jacqueline exclaims, "We have a reason!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to mom"
CF | >Morning, sweetie.
CF |
CF | 1) What's wrong
CF | 2) Bye, Mom
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[What's wrong]
CF |
CF | "What's wrong?"
CF |
CF | "Oh, the TV's acting up. At least the picture is showing, even if it's
CF | mixed with random blacks and whites."
CF |
CF | 1) Bye, Mom
CF | Jacqueline says, "YAY"
Knight_Otu asks, "But is it a good reason?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Bye, Mom]
CF |
CF | "Bye, Mom"
CF |
CF | "Bye, sweetie."
CF |
CF | Living Room
CF | The living room is pretty spacious: lots of room to walk around. It
CF | helps that your family doesn't have too many things from the start. The
CF | television is up against the wall, while being crowded by various
CF | furniture, family-style. For what they're worth, some paintings color
CF | the pale walls. The kitchen is just to your west, while the dining room
CF | is to the east. A few feet north is the front door.
CF |
CF | The stairs lead up to the hallway.
CF |
CF | On the coffee table are dad's key and mom's key.
CF |
CF | Your mom is near the TV, fiddling with it.
CF | Jacqueline exclaims, "I hope you drive to town to sort it out, Mom!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >Time passes.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >Time passes.
CF | DavidW asks, "Do we need to throw another rock?"
Knight_Otu asks, "Maybe?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Front Walk
CF | The scenery is pretty good; for any town. You can also see your house
CF | from here. The road, to your north, stretches far with houses lining it
CF | at both sides. If you walk westwardacross the grassyou'll see the
CF | house's side. Following the stones to your east, it the driveway.
CF | MoyTW asks, "Probably?"
Jacqueline exclaims, "Come on, mom - try to call the tv people, then realize the phone is out, then drive to town!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take rock"
CF | >You take a rock from the pile.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "throw rock at dish"
CF | >(the rock at the satellite)
CF | Maybe to enact some form of dominance against old technology, or to
CF | release some pent-up anger, you throw another rock at the poor
CF | satellite. Feeling that it can't continue its judgment for its sins,
CF | the dish falls down.
CF |
CF | Suddenly, someone's loud stomps echo out of your house. The stomps
CF | stop. Then, after a minute, those stomps become rapid steps coming
CF | towards you. Your mom runs out of the house, pass you, and goes to the
CF | driveway.
CF | Jacqueline says, "And whatever you do, mom, don't use a cell phone."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Driveway
CF | If the driveway were empty: you could saywith perfect confidencethat
CF | it's pointless to describe it. But, It isn't empty. Your parents' cars
CF | are here. Your family doesn't own a garage; both your mom's and dad's
CF | cars are out in the thin piece of land calledthe driveway.
CF |
CF | Your mom's at the side of your dad's car, trying to open it.
CF |
CF | Toby's eyeing you. Saying to himself, "What is this fool doing? Hurry
CF | up!" That's what you think, at least. It's not too far off, knowing
CF | Toby.
CF |
CF | 1) Mom, where are you going
CF | 2) They having a sale at the market
CF | 3) Are you leaving the family
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Mom, where are you going]
CF |
CF | "Mom, where are you going?" You ask.
CF |
CF | Your mom jerks back a bit and looks at your direction. Seeing you, she
CF | breaths out and speaks, "I've some business that I need to take care
CF | of," She unlocks your dad's car and hops in.
CF |
CF | 1) How long will this trip be
CF | 2) What will you doexactly
CF | 3) Are you leaving me on my own
CF | Jacqueline says, "There we go"
Jacqueline says, "I like 3"
MoyTW says, "...what is this game."
DavidW asks, "She's in the wrong car?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[How long will this trip be]
CF |
CF | Moving towards the car, you ask, "How long will this trip be?". Your
CF | mom opens the door a crack, "I'll be gone in two, maybe three days,
CF | max." Closing the door, she starts the car. The engine roars with
CF | power.
CF |
CF | She then opens the window and calls you.
CF |
CF | 1) Go to window
CF | Jacqueline exclaims, "'I am but a child! Are you leaving me alone?!"
MoyTW says, "What."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Go to window]
CF |
CF | Reaching the window, your mom plants a kiss on your left cheek; slowly
CF | patting the other, she says, "Stay safe while I'm gone, okay." You nod
CF | your head. Her face relaxes: taking her finger, she boops you on the
CF | nose. You recoil backslightly; your mom chuckles, and proceeds to
CF | drive off, down the road.
CF |
CF | While all that fiasco happened, Toby was standing in the sidelines,
CF | ever-the-patient dude he is. You turn and face him, and as you do, his
CF | grin-infected face infests your view. He raises his hands and goes for
CF | a slow clap.
CF |
CF | "Congratulations, Liam! Task no.1: solved!" He gradually increased the
CF | speed of his clap.
CF |
CF | 1) All thatjust to get mom out of the house
CF | 2) Wait, who's driving
CF | 3) You're paying for that satellite
CF | Jacqueline asks, "Wait - gone 2-3 days?"
MoyTW asks, "What?"
MoyTW says, "What."
Jacqueline says, "Also, I think she meant *for* 2-3 days, not *in* 2-3 days, but I'm still laughing."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF | >[You're paying for that satellite]
CF |
CF | "You're paying for that satellite." You broke it, sure, but it's in
CF | Toby that lead to you breaking it. You don't blame the gun or whatever
CF | the saying was. He looks at the fallen dish; after a moment, he says,
CF | "Sure, probably a couple hundred. Maybe if push comes to shove, I'll
CF | have to break into a museum again."
CF |
CF | He's considering. He is actually considering it. Sometimes, you'd like
CF | to sit back to witness a true scientific anomaly, in human form.
CF |
CF | "But time-traveling is a pain, so, I'll stick to the cashthank you."
CF | Even the last bit about a human form, yeah, it escapes you from time to
CF | time. Toby unlocked the car and entered the driver's seat. You aren't
CF | even questioning him how he got the key or if it's breaking road laws
CF | to let him take the wheel, less headache when you just go with it.
CF |
CF | 1) Go
CF | Knight_Otu says, "That is weird."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Go]
CF |
CF | Driving (in the front seat)
CF | Now that you think about it, you've never been inside your mom's car.
CF | Being in it now, with the build-up ever since your birth, it's normal.
CF |
CF | The interior design of the car is nothing mind-blowing. It's just like
CF | any other car you've ridden in before. One note worth pointing out;
CF | there's no backseat. Only the two up frontwhere your and Toby's butts
CF | are planted on.
CF |
CF | Toby is to your side, driving.
CF | Jacqueline | you've never been inside your mom's car
Jacqueline says, "....."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "wear seatbelt"
CF | >You're already wearing that!
CF | Jacqueline says, "NICE"
Jacqueline says, "Safety-minded game."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x seatbelt"
CF | >The protector of life. Most road deaths are because of unbuckled
CF | seatbelts. You still question why a lot of people aren't wearing them.
CF |
CF | "So, Liam, I've got a burning question." Toby says, eyes still on the
CF | road. Now, this situation is strange. When was the last time Toby
CF | wanted to ask you something? Actually, scratch that, He does ask you
CF | about random stuff.
CF |
CF | 1) What is it
CF | 2) Don't want to hear it
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[What is it]
CF |
CF | "What is it?" You ask.
CF |
CF | "It's- well," Toby is hesitating. Okay. Either it's completely severe,
CF | or utterly stupid. Knowing Toby; well.
CF |
CF | 1) Shoot
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Shoot]
CF |
CF | "Shoot."
CF |
CF | "Do people usually relay their thoughts in second person?" Toby's voice
CF | was filled with genuine curiosity, but you...almost fell. Seriously, If
CF | you weren't wearing your seatbelt, you might have fallencomedy-style.
CF |
CF | "I mean, I get dreams, but thoughts? Play-by-play? Who does that?"
CF |
CF | 1) What are you even talking about
CF | 2) Normal people
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[What are you even talking about]
CF |
CF | "What are you even talking about?" You have no idea.
CF |
CF | "Well, it's like- I mean...nevermind." Toby, seemingly giving up on the
CF | topic, continued to drive.
CF |
CF | Driving (in the front seat)
CF | The interior design of the car is nothing mind-blowing. It's just like
CF | any other car you've ridden in before. One note worth pointing out;
CF | there's no backseat. Only the two up frontwhere your and Toby's butts
CF | are planted on.
CF |
CF | Toby is to your side, driving.
CF | Jacqueline passes around some drugs so that everyone can enjoy the game as much as the PC and NPC.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x glove compartment"
CF | >It ain't a car if it doesn't have one of those. Thank heavens it does.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
CF | >You open the glove box.
CF |
CF | "Welp, we're here." Toby stops the car without any hesitation; opens
CF | the door and leaves. Not even a word.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in glove box"
CF | >the glove box is empty.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
CF | >(First taking off seatbelt)
CF | Parking lot
CF | Empty. Sweet and simple. This place is as empty as a TNA house show. No
CF | other cars in sight. To the east is what looks like a convenience
CF | store. And a Toy "N" Toyz branch to your west.
CF |
CF | Toby is standing here, waiting.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) Okay, what now
CF | 2) See ya
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Okay, what now]
CF |
CF | "Okay, what now?" You ask, "We're here, parked between a toy store and
CF | a convenience store, what are you even planning?"
CF |
CF | Toby wasn't facing you when you were talking. Instead, he was looking
CF | over at the convenience store. Maybe he's thinking? About what; you
CF | have no clue. He finally looks over to you.
CF |
CF | "Here's the plan: you go over to the toy store and grab a stuffed
CF | unicornbe sure it's pink." You lost him at stuffed unicorn, but Toby
CF | continues, "I'll head over to the convenience store and grab the rest
CF | of the goods. Sound good? Great, let's go." Toby began to march towards
CF | the convenience store.
CF |
CF | 1) Wha-hey wait
CF | MoyTW says, "Why do we even care."
Knight_Otu says, "Wha is right."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Wha-hey wait]
CF |
CF | "Wha-hey wait!" You shout. What the hell was that? He dragged you
CF | out-a-bed; He indirectly made you do self-inflicted property damage,
CF | and now he's ordering you to buy a stuffed pony. Just like that!?
CF |
CF | Toby turns around, "Oh right." He takes something out of this pocket
CF | and tosses it; with no effort at all, it lands into your hands. "Use
CF | that. And don't forget, Pink!" Toby then sprints off. Dammit.
CF |
CF | Parking lot
CF | Empty. Sweet and simple. This place is as empty as a TNA house show. No
CF | other cars in sight. To the east is what looks like a convenience
CF | store. And a Toy "N" Toyz branch to your west.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >You are carrying:
CF | the Toys "N" Toyz gift card
CF | the screwdriver
CF | your phone
CF |
Peregrine has arrived.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x card"
CF | >A Toys'N" Toyz gift card worth ten bucks. At least you won't be
CF | wasting actual money.
CF | Knight_Otu asks, "Do we even have actual money on us?"
DavidW says, "well, I guess we're buying a pink unicorn."
DavidW says, "He gave us a gift card."
Knight_Otu says, "That's why I'm asking."
DavidW says, "I don't think we have actual money, no."
DavidW says, "If we do, it's in our actual clothes."
Knight_Otu says, "I guess our phone may have a payment app or something."
Jacqueline says, "I am sorry, author. There are redeeming aspects to this game, but I'm mostly hanging with it because my friends are playing it with me and they have a dogged determination to find where it leads."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >The obvious exits are east and west.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Outside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | It's a nice building if you discount the signs of poor condition. The
CF | large logo is missing the "N"; no hint of it getting fixedbit sad.
CF | Rust and grime stuck to the walls fuel your one-sentence review.
CF | Further west is the entrance.
CF | DavidW says, "oo, a SAD Toy store."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | A brunette cashier stands behind the counter, glancing at you then
CF | looking away.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cashier"
CF | >She's surprisingly tall. If she'd stand on her toes: you'll easily be
CF | eclipsed. Not a thought that delights you, but hey, you'll get some
CF | shade. She's wearing the standard Toys "N" Toyz uniform.
Jacqueline says, "I think I just found my IFDB review."
Jacqueline | Rust and grime stuck to the walls fuel your one-sentence review.
Jacqueline says, "(Kidding. It's not that bad.)"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to cashier"
CF | >She looks up to you, "Hi Liam!" She says, giving a little wave. "Can I
CF | help you?"
CF |
CF | 1) Wait, how'd you know my name?
CF | 2) Do you guys have a stuffed pink unicorn
CF | 3) See you around
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Wait, how'd you know my name?]
CF |
CF | "Wait, how'd you know my name?" Was she a neighbor? Did you have that
CF | type of amnesia where you forget just your identity, but now it's only
CF | her!?
CF |
CF | She looks at you for a second, then giggles a bit, "You are one for
CF | jokes. Aren't you, Liam?"
CF |
CF | 1) Confess you don't know her
CF | Jacqueline says, "But I do lack motivation other than a sense of Why Do We Climb This Mountain or Solve This Puzzle? Because It Is There."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Confess you don't know her]
CF |
CF | "I really can't remember you." It was better to confess, you thought.
CF | Better than living the life of a con man. The girl's eyes go wide,
CF | followed by an exaggerated BBWWHHAAA.
CF |
CF | "You forgot? You freakin' forgot about me!?" She slams the counter; You
CF | thought there was going to be an earthquake for a second. Crap, You
CF | might have pissed off a demon lord! The girlseeing that she's causing
CF | a scenetakes a deep breath and sighs. "Right, I forgot," She begins
CF | massaging her forehead, "My brother told me you had a bad memory,
CF | once." She knows that? That you have such a bad memory; you'd even
CF | forget your date of birth! The girl crosses her arms and looks to be in
CF | deep thought, she then spoke, "It's been a long time since we last met,
CF | so it's no surprise." She began tapping her finger on her arm.
CF |
CF | "Ok! I'll do a reintroduction, then." She proceeds to slap her cheeks
CF | with both her hands, a gesture you never considered when introducing
CF | yourself. It could be fun. "Here we go, my name's Tracy Valcure. You
CF | use to come over to our house to hang out with my brother when I was a
CF | kid." You search your memories, and you still can't remember anything.
CF | You chastise yourself. "You don't need to introduce yourself, I still
CF | know you," Tracy scratches her head while looking down. You can't help
CF | but feel like she's hurt a little. You should make it up to her some
CF | timewhen you aren't getting dragged by Toby.
CF |
CF | 1) Do you guys have a stuffed pink unicorn
CF | 2) See you around
CF | Jacqueline asks, "1?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Do you guys have a stuffed pink unicorn]
CF |
CF | "Do you guys have a stuffed pink unicorn?" After asking, you realize
CF | how weird it looks for an almost adult guy to that. You know what? It
CF | isn't strange! You shout out loudmentally.
CF |
CF | Tracy doesn't bat an eye, "that would be in aisle 3. The one with the
CF | stuffed animals."
CF |
CF | "Oh, thanks."
CF |
CF | 1) See you around
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Sure."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[See you around]
CF |
CF | "See you around," You bid goodbye.
CF |
CF | "Right back at you."
CF |
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, playing with her hair.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF | Peregrine says, ""The girlseeing that she's causing a scenetakes..." hmm, the writer seems to have spaced out"
Knight_Otu says, "They' em-dashes gone missing."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dude"
CF | >Heck yeah! From the hit indie platformer. And with him being a tofu:
CF | every can love him.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 3
CF | For some reason, there's a separate section for stuffed animals. It's
CF | not just this store. Other stores have them. Both gondolas are spilling
CF | stuffed animals; some look too large for the shelf sizes.
CF |
CF | A little girl checks the animals. A basket is next to her.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x animals"
CF | >A stuffed animal zoo. All kinds of animals are in here. Alligators,
CF | Elephants, Zebras, and bears etc.
CF |
CF | You blink your eyes a couple of times. Where is the unicorn!? You might
CF | be panicking. They have a platypus for goodness sakes! Where is it?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x basket"
CF | >A standard shopping basket. No logo or trademark stamps or anything.
CF | Is this even from the store?
CF |
CF | In the basket is the pink unicorn.
CF | MoyTW says, "Girl has it in basket."
MoyTW says, "lol"
Peregrine says, "My scenetake: she caused a lot of girlseeing."
DavidW asks, "So we need to steal from the girl?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x girl"
CF | >She's pretty small, so much so, she's only reaching the second shelf
CF | on the gondola. The girl looks over the stuffed animals.
CF | MoyTW says, "Apparently."
Jacqueline says, "noooooo"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gondola"
CF | >They arein factcalled gondolas. The shelves most store aisles have.
CF | Same name as those Venice taxis. Yeah. The ones couples use for some
CF | good'ole romance.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to girl"
CF | >1) Hellosmall child
CF | 2) Hey, kid, can i have that pink unicorn
CF | 3) Farewell
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Hellosmall child]
CF |
CF | "Hellosmall child." Yup, you still got that awkward mode when around
CF | children. The little girl looks up at you, her large blue eyes staring,
CF | "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
CF |
CF | 1) Smart, you're smart. A first-born child for sure
CF | 2) Why I don't I introduce myself
CF | Peregrine says, "Stop factcalling her"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | >[Why I don't I introduce myself]
CF |
CF | Why I don't I introduce myself?" The little girl tilts her head, "Oh!"
CF | Heh, looks like she realized it, loophole baby! "That's not a bad idea,
CF | Ok, you do it." She nods her head in approval.
CF |
CF | 1) Introduce yourself
CF | 2) Hey, kid, can i have that pink unicorn
CF | 3) Farewell
CF | Knight_Otu says, "From vandalism to stealing a car to stealing toys from little kids..."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Introduce yourself]
CF |
CF | You clear your throat, "The name's Liam. Nice to meet you, little
CF | girl." You thrust your hand forward for a handshake. She hesitates a
CF | little, but takes your hand anyways. Man, her hand is tiny. "Nice to
CF | meet you, mister," She says in an adorable voice, it almost melts your
CF | heart. Almost. You're still getting rid of some leftover teen angst.
CF |
CF | 1) Where's your parents
CF | 2) You like stuffed animals
CF | 3) Hey, kid, can i have that pink unicorn
CF | 4) Farewell
CF | Jacqueline says (to KO), "With little motivation beyond Toby."
Jacqueline says, "And we hate Toby."
Peregrine exclaims, "Twist: Toby isn't real!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | >[You like stuffed animals]
CF |
CF | "You like stuffed animals?"
CF |
CF | "Not particularly," she pokes an elephant in the eye. "Then why are you
CF | here?" "My sister's the one who wants them-" Ah, so the sister's the
CF | one addicted to cute things. "-for training dummies," she proceeds to
CF | squish a bear's head to its torso. If you could've done a spit take
CF | right nowclean up at aisle 3.
CF |
CF | 1) Where's your parents
CF | 2) Hey, kid, can i have that pink unicorn
CF | 3) Farewell
CF | MoyTW says, "Toby is not great."
Jacqueline says, "Most of us do. David hasn't decided to hate Toby yet for some reason."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Where's your parents]
CF |
CF | "Where's your parents?" Is this place like a new hot spot for child
CF | abandonment? Oh, man. You hope you aren't right.
CF |
CF | The girl puts a finger to her chin, "Daddy's at work, and Mommy went to
CF | buy something outside."
CF |
CF | "Yeah, but, on your own?" She lifts her arm and pats her bicep, "No
CF | worries, I'm a strong independent girl." And you'll leave it at that.
CF | Whatever family she has, you'll only find headache and strong women.
CF |
CF | 1) Hey, kid, can i have that pink unicorn
CF | 2) Farewell
CF | Peregrine says, "Toby or not Toby, that is the question"
Knight_Otu says (to Peregrine), "That might be the case."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Hey, kid, can i have that pink unicorn]
CF |
CF | "Hey, kid, can I have that pink unicorn?" That was harder to ask than
CF | anything in your life, ever. The little girl eyes the pink unicorn she
CF | has imprisoned. She looks up at you, then down again. It repeats for a
CF | few moments, but you could feel it. The moment her gaze returns to you,
CF | she's wearing a smug smile. No. A wicked smile.
CF |
CF | "Yeah, sure." Wait, she's allowing it? Alright. You reach down to grab
CF | the unicorn, when the little girl slaps your hand away. "First, Bring
CF | me a Power Protector Red figure." Oh great, life can't be simple, can
CF | it?
CF |
CF | "You like the show?". The little girl's face turns serious, "yes. I
CF | love that show." Well, there you go.
CF |
CF | 1) Farewell
CF | Jacqueline says, "It's not even a question for me."
MoyTW says, "You know, between the fact that Mom trusts us with nothing, we completely forgot about that girl at the counter, and Toby is insane...I could see that."
DavidW says, "oh good, we can trade. We need a Power Protector Red."
Jacqueline groans.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >Think in numbers, not in words. - A Math teacher, probably.
CF | Peregrine asks, "Not a Red Power Protector?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Farewell]
CF |
CF | "Farewell." You bid the little girl. She looks at you, then turns to
CF | the toys.
CF |
CF | Aisle 3
CF | For some reason, there's a separate section for stuffed animals. It's
CF | not just this store. Other stores have them. Both gondolas are spilling
CF | stuffed animals; some look too large for the shelf sizes.
CF |
CF | A little girl checks the animals. A basket is next to her.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, tapping her nails.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to tracy"
CF | >(tracy)
CF | "Can I help you?"
CF |
CF | 1) You guys have any more pink unicorns in stock
CF | 2) See you around
CF | MoyTW says, "...we can't ask about Power Protector Red? Hmm."
DavidW says, "drat. I wanted to ask where the protectors are."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[You guys have any more pink unicorns in stock]
CF |
CF | "Hey, ah, you guys have any more pink unicorns in stock?"
CF |
CF | Tracy purses her lips, "no, all the stuffed toys are in aisle 3," she
CF | rubs her chin, "did they sell out, are they that popular?". You shrug
CF | your shoulders, "i don't know, but you guys don't have one, like, at
CF | the back?" Tracy shakes her head, "Sorry, all we keep here are small
CF | stuff, like this cool pen with a map." She pulls out said pen. Was it
CF | in the counter?
CF |
CF | 1) What else you got under there
CF | 2) See you around
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[What else you got under there]
CF |
CF | "What else you got under there?" You lean on the counter, pointing
CF | down. Tracy pushes you away slightly, nearly causing you to fall over.
CF | You recover. "Sorry," she leans on the counter, "only I have the
CF | counter leaning rights." Tracy gives you a mischievous smile, or a
CF | smile of dominancewhatever floats your boat.
CF |
CF | "Ok, Miss Employee of the month, but you got anything else?". Tracy
CF | goes down and checks. "Well, there isn't much, some erasers?" She pulls
CF | up some bunny-shaped erasers. "No, anything else?" Tracy continues to
CF | check. "Here, Herbs-vs-Aliens tokens, they're popular right now!" She
CF | gets up and puts the token on the counter. You knit your brows, "Mmm,
CF | maybe, something helpful?" Tracy crosses her arms, thinking. She looks
CF | over to the kid on aisle 1. Then, she has a eureka moment. You could
CF | almost see the light bulb atop her head. She pulls something from below
CF | the counter, "This is what you'll need."
CF |
CF | 1) See you around
CF | MoyTW says, "What."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[See you around]
CF |
CF | "See you around," You bid goodbye.
CF |
CF | "Right back at you."
CF |
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | On the store counter is a craftmine sticker.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sticker"
CF | >A sticker that bears the CraftMine logo, and it looks official!
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF | >Taken.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >You are carrying:
CF | a craftmine sticker
CF | the Toys "N" Toyz gift card
CF | the screwdriver
CF | your phone
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x map"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF | Peregrine says, "This is what we need, apparently."
Knight_Otu asks, "Okay, GameBoy is fine, but Minecraft isn't?"
DavidW says, "There's probably going to be a chain of I-want-this."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | And there's a kid here. A boy stands by the shelves.
CF |
CF | You can also see a basket (in which is an action figure) here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x basket"
CF | >A standard shopping basket. No logo or trademark stamps or anything.
CF | Is this even from the store?
CF |
CF | In a basket is an action figure.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x figure"
CF | >Hey, you know this guy. It's the red protector from Power Protectors!
CF | Aw man. You use to love that show as a kid. Getting home from school
CF | and watching the latest episode was a routine. Its design is a little
CF | different, but it's still recognizable.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to kid"
CF | >He doesn't notice you, or maybe he's acting. You can't tell.
CF |
CF | 1) Hey, sup kid
CF | 2) Where your parents
CF | 3) You like Power Protectors
CF | 4) Later
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF | >[You like Power Protectors]
CF |
CF | "You like Power Protectors?" He must! That figure in his basket ain't
CF | unreliable-trickeryhopefully. The boy looks down at the figure, "Not
CF | really," He says with no emotion.
CF |
CF | "Wha- Why is it in your basket!?" Is he loaded? Preventing other kids
CF | from enjoying Power Protectors!? This kid's a threat level god. Like on
CF | of those Saturday morning cartoon villains, no, that kid from Sharkboy
CF | and Lavagirl! Yes. He's that threatening.
CF |
CF | "My friend said that Power Protectors is good. So, I wanted to buy one
CF | before watching." Oh no, This kid's now a cosmic threat. Buying
CF | figuresbefore watching!? Madness!!!
CF |
CF | 1) Hey, sup kid
CF | 2) Where your parents
CF | 3) Later
CF | Jacqueline says, "This feels like a pretty long IntroComp game."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | >[Where your parents]
CF |
CF | "Where your parents." They aren't here. Did they leave their child by
CF | their lonesome!? Parents of the year right here.
CF |
CF | "What's it matter to you?" The boy said while going over some sweet
CF | Fire Tires. You loved those little cars, always keeping them in
CF | cardboard boxesbut you kept losing them. Damn.
CF |
CF | "Hey! Liam!" Tracy waves from the counter, "I offered the parents to
CF | watch over the kid while they went out." She finger-bangs. "Whatever,"
CF | the boy went back to the toys.
CF |
CF | 1) Hey, sup kid
CF | 2) Later
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Hey, sup kid]
CF |
CF | "Hey, sup kid." You say in the most unawkward way you can. It
CF | backfires. When you have to interact with kids, your brain goes into
CF | full unprepared-algebra-finals mode. Maybe you're out of touch with
CF | today's youth?
CF |
CF | The kid looks at you, "The hell do you want," My god. The language!
CF |
CF | 1) Don't use such language
CF | 2) Later
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Don't use such language]
CF |
CF | "Don't use such language," you say, being the of an enforcer of
CF | decency. The kid laughs, "you are a fool." Your eye twitches, "what's
CF | that suppose to mean?"
CF |
CF | He opens his mouth, "@#$!^%*&," Oh no, now that has to be censored.
CF | "Live in the modern world, old man." You are disappointed. No respect.
CF | Maybe ask something he knows, but what?
CF |
CF | 1) Later
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Later]
CF |
CF | "Later," You wave goodbye. The kid doesn't look at you. You walk off,
CF | disheartened.
CF |
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | A boy stands by the shelves.
CF |
CF | You can also see a basket (in which is a red power protector figure)
CF | here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take figure"
CF | >You reach your hand out, then the kid swats it away, "Are really
CF | stealing from a kid? That's social indecency!" You aren't sure what's
CF | more surprising: That this kid swatted your hand, or that fact that he
CF | used the term social indecency. Did grade school get better? Does the
CF | school system finally care? Are school lunches finally edible? Probably
CF | not.
CF |
CF | You can't take them right now.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to boy"
CF | >He doesn't notice you, or maybe he's acting. You can't tell.
CF |
CF | 1) Later
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Later]
CF |
CF | "Later," You wave goodbye. The kid doesn't look at you. You walk off,
CF | disheartened.
CF |
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | A boy stands by the shelves.
CF |
CF | You can also see a basket (in which is a red power protector figure)
CF | here.
CF | Peregrine asks, "Enforcer of decency? This PC?"
DavidW says, "I didn't find out what he wants instead."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, whistling a tune.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 2
CF | Now, this is the girl's section. It's so pink; it's painful. Aside from
CF | the public stereotype: both the gondolas carry more "girly" toys.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x toys"
CF | >Picture this: the most in-your-face girly toys you could imagine. Got
CF | it? Good. Now triple it by a million. Dolls, Dress-ups,
CF | Dollhousesthere's a lot of doll-related toys. Don't forget that
CF | they're all in pink. Despite the place's choice of colorthere is no
CF | pink unicorn here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gondolas"
CF | >They arein factcalled gondolas. The shelves most store aisles have.
CF | Same name as those Venice taxis. Yeah. The ones couples use for some
CF | good'ole romance.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, glancing at you then looking away.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF | Jacqueline says, "Oh, points off for gendered toy commentary."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 4
CF | The section is more your style, games all around. Video games, new and
CF | classics are all here. There's even a TV with a console hooked up. A
CF | real cornerstone for the store.
CF |
CF | Some video games are on the gondola.
CF |
CF | And a bunch of gaming merch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x games"
CF | >No way, there's a new Dim Spirits game! And a new Mayro game. Of
CF | course there's a new FuFe game. They just slap a different number on
CF | the cover and presto, a new game.
CF | Knight_Otu asks, "Maybe just show him the sticker?"
MoyTW says, "This game also has some weird, gender stuff just sort of present."
DavidW says, "maybe"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x merch"
CF | >Mostly pins and small accessories. The type you only wear once then
CF | rots in a cabinet forever. There are also some novelty items like
CF | things from the games. Nothing catches your eye. Exept for that
CF | handle-like thing.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "handle"
CF | >What the heck does that mean!?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x handle"
CF | >It looks like a handle of something. For some reason, it catches your
CF | attention.
CF |
CF | On the handle-looking thing is a dig "n" build sticker.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dig"
CF | >It's a sticker with the game's logo on it.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take dig"
CF | >Taken.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >You are carrying:
CF | a dig "n" build sticker
CF | a craftmine sticker
CF | the Toys "N" Toyz gift card
CF | the screwdriver
CF | your phone
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dim"
CF | >No way, there's a new Dim Spirits game! And a new Mayro game. Of
CF | course there's a new FuFe game. They just slap a different number on
CF | the cover and presto, a new game.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, playing with her hair.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | A boy stands by the shelves.
CF |
CF | You can also see a basket (in which is a red power protector figure)
CF | here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "show craftmine to kid"
CF | >(a craftmine sticker to the little boy)
CF | the little boy is unimpressed.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "show dig to kid"
CF | >the little boy is unimpressed.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Hrm."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to kid"
CF | >He doesn't notice you, or maybe he's acting. You can't tell.
CF |
CF | 1) Later
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Later]
CF |
CF | "Later," You wave goodbye. The kid doesn't look at you. You walk off,
CF | disheartened.
CF |
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | A boy stands by the shelves.
CF |
CF | You can also see a basket (in which is a red power protector figure)
CF | here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, glancing at you then looking away.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to tracy"
CF | >(tracy)
CF | "Can I help you?"
CF |
CF | 1) See you around
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[See you around]
CF |
CF | "See you around," You bid goodbye.
CF |
CF | "Right back at you."
CF |
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, whistling a tune.
CF | DavidW says, "I'm not sure what to do next."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x counter"
CF | >You've always wanted to know the feeling of standing behind the
CF | counter when you were a kid. Not anymore.
CF | Knight_Otu asks, "Give the sticker to the boy?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | A boy stands by the shelves.
CF |
CF | You can also see a basket (in which is a red power protector figure)
CF | here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >You are carrying:
CF | a dig "n" build sticker
CF | a craftmine sticker
CF | the Toys "N" Toyz gift card
CF | the screwdriver
CF | your phone
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "give craftmine to boy"
CF | >(a craftmine sticker to the little boy)
CF | the little boy doesn't seem interested.
CF | DavidW says, "nope, stick isn't interested."
Peregrine says, "I think we're supposed to put the stickers on something"
Peregrine says, "ie our own forehead while facepalming"
Jacqueline says, "heehee"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x toys"
CF | >Mostly action figures of the latest superhero blockbuster. There's
CF | also a bunch of toy blasters, swords, and hammers. And they're all in
CF | plastic. Even the weapons. Ouch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x blasters"
CF | >Mostly action figures of the latest superhero blockbuster. There's
CF | also a bunch of toy blasters, swords, and hammers. And they're all in
CF | plastic. Even the weapons. Ouch.
CF | Jacqueline says (to Peregrine), "I'll go you one better: let's do it to Toby's forehead."
Peregrine says, "yay"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, tapping her nails.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF | >The obvious exits are north (to further inside toys "n" toyz),
CF | northwest (to aisle 2), east (to outside toys "n" toyz) and west (to
CF | aisle 1).
CF | MoyTW asks, "x sword x hammer ?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | A boy stands by the shelves.
CF |
CF | You can also see a basket (in which is a red power protector figure)
CF | here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sword"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x hammer"
CF | >Mostly action figures of the latest superhero blockbuster. There's
CF | also a bunch of toy blasters, swords, and hammers. And they're all in
CF | plastic. Even the weapons. Ouch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x weapons"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF | >The only obvious exit is east (to inside toys "n" toyz).
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, tapping her nails.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 2
CF | Now, this is the girl's section. It's so pink; it's painful. Aside from
CF | the public stereotype: both the gondolas carry more "girly" toys.
CF | Peregrine says, "Shrug life."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x toys"
CF | >Picture this: the most in-your-face girly toys you could imagine. Got
CF | it? Good. Now triple it by a million. Dolls, Dress-ups,
CF | Dollhousesthere's a lot of doll-related toys. Don't forget that
CF | they're all in pink. Despite the place's choice of colorthere is no
CF | pink unicorn here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dolls"
CF | >Picture this: the most in-your-face girly toys you could imagine. Got
CF | it? Good. Now triple it by a million. Dolls, Dress-ups,
CF | Dollhousesthere's a lot of doll-related toys. Don't forget that
CF | they're all in pink. Despite the place's choice of colorthere is no
CF | pink unicorn here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "houses"
CF | >What the heck does that mean!?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x houses"
CF | >Picture this: the most in-your-face girly toys you could imagine. Got
CF | it? Good. Now triple it by a million. Dolls, Dress-ups,
CF | Dollhousesthere's a lot of doll-related toys. Don't forget that
CF | they're all in pink. Despite the place's choice of colorthere is no
CF | pink unicorn here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF | MoyTW asks, "x the boy?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | A boy stands by the shelves.
CF |
CF | You can also see a basket (in which is a red power protector figure)
CF | here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x boy"
CF | >He's short. Of course, Liam, He's a kid! For what age he is, maybe 6?
CF | 8 tops. He's wearing a CraftMine shirt, good taste kid.
CF | Peregrine exclaims, "Aha!"
Peregrine says, "A clue."
MoyTW asks, "Ok so...something Minecraft, but not a sticker?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "wear craftmine"
CF | >(a craftmine sticker)
CF | You can't wear that!
CF | Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put craftmine on boy"
CF | >(a craftmine sticker on the little boy)
CF | Putting things on the little boy would achieve nothing.
CF | Peregrine asks, "attach sticker?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put craftmine on toy"
CF | >(a craftmine sticker on a red power protector figure)
CF | Putting things on a red power protector figure would achieve nothing.
CF | Peregrine asks, "tie sticker?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "attach sticker"
CF | >Which do you mean, a dig "n" build sticker or a craftmine sticker?
CF | MoyTW asks, "Aisle 4 has video games?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "craftmine"
CF | >What do you want to attach a craftmine sticker to?
CF | MoyTW asks, "sword?"
MoyTW says, "Oh wait that's not an object."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "hammer"
CF | >You would achieve nothing by this.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, glancing at you then looking away.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 4
CF | The section is more your style, games all around. Video games, new and
CF | classics are all here. There's even a TV with a console hooked up. A
CF | real cornerstone for the store.
CF |
CF | Some video games are on the gondola.
CF |
CF | And a bunch of gaming merch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take handle"
CF | >You take hold of the handle and pull. It has some resistance, but you
CF | got it out nevertheless: It's a toy pickaxe!
CF | MoyTW says, "oh"
MoyTW says, "that's it"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put craftsmine on it"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "attach craftsmine sticker to pickaxe"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF | Peregrine says, "Check inventory"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "attack sticker to pickaxe"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >You are carrying:
CF | the dig n build pickaxe
CF | a dig "n" build sticker
CF | a craftmine sticker
CF | the Toys "N" Toyz gift card
CF | the screwdriver
CF | your phone
CF | Peregrine says, "aha, craftmine, not craftsmine"
Peregrine says, "no s"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put sticker on axe"
CF | >Which do you mean, a dig "n" build sticker or a craftmine sticker?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "craftmine"
CF | >You put a craftmine sticker on the dig n build pickaxe.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, playing with her hair.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | A boy stands by the shelves.
CF |
CF | You can also see a basket (in which is a red power protector figure)
CF | here.
CF | Peregrine exclaims, "bingo!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "give axe to boy"
CF | >You show him the now "official" CraftBuild pickaxe, making sure to
CF | have the sticker visible. The boy gazes at the pickaxe with such zeal;
CF | you'd think he'll take it outside and start bashing the ground with it.
CF | Wait, he's gone.
CF |
CF | 1) Welp
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Welp]
CF |
CF | "Welp, guess that's one way to do it."
CF |
CF | Aisle 1
CF | Toys. It's to be expected. Rows of toys line both the shelves on the
CF | wall and the gondola. Judging from the dominance of the blue in both
CF | paint and tiles, this is the boy's section.
CF |
CF | You can see a basket (in which is a red power protector figure) here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take red"
CF | >Taken.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, whistling a tune.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 4
CF | The section is more your style, games all around. Video games, new and
CF | classics are all here. There's even a TV with a console hooked up. A
CF | real cornerstone for the store.
CF |
CF | Some video games are on the gondola.
CF |
CF | And a bunch of gaming merch.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "se"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF | >
CF | Aisle 3
CF | For some reason, there's a separate section for stuffed animals. It's
CF | not just this store. Other stores have them. Both gondolas are spilling
CF | stuffed animals; some look too large for the shelf sizes.
CF |
CF | A little girl checks the animals. A basket is next to her.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "give red"
CF | >(to the little girl)
CF | "Here you go," You give the figure to the girl. She takes it in her
CF | hands, raises it, and does a little spin. It was a little charming;
CF | your angst allowed that much.
CF |
CF | "A deal's a seal!"
CF |
CF | "I think that's the wrong phrase."
CF |
CF | "The deal's sealed!" Nice save!
CF |
CF | 1) Farewell
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Farewell]
CF |
CF | "Farewell." You bid the little girl. She looks at you, then turns to
CF | the toys.
CF |
CF | Aisle 3
CF | For some reason, there's a separate section for stuffed animals. It's
CF | not just this store. Other stores have them. Both gondolas are spilling
CF | stuffed animals; some look too large for the shelf sizes.
CF |
CF | A little girl checks the animals. A basket is next to her.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take unicorn"
CF | >Taken.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Further inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | The back of the store has all sorts of design delights. Too bad you
CF | aren't interested in describing any. The only notable thing is the big
CF | Super Tofu Dude statue at the corner. Aisle 3 is to your west; the last
CF | aisle is northwest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, glancing at you then looking away.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "buy unicorn"
CF | >"I would like to buy this, please."
CF |
CF | Tracy takes the stuffed unicorn and rings it up, "That'll be ten
CF | bucks." Did Toby know the exact price!? You take out the gift card.
CF | Tracy takes it and goes to bag the unicorn. In a flash, a paper bag is
CF | on the counter.
CF |
CF | 1) See you around
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take bag"
CF | >Think in numbers, not in words. - A Math teacher, probably.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[See you around]
CF |
CF | "See you around," You bid goodbye.
CF |
CF | "Right back at you."
CF |
CF | Inside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | You and your friends call this the place "Toys "N" Producez". Since the
CF | store is arranged like a grocery. It has aisles that remind you of the
CF | local PureMarkets. Yeah. The first aisle and second aisle are to you
CF | west and northwest respectively. Going further north is the rest of the
CF | store.
CF |
CF | A store counter is here.
CF |
CF | On the store counter is the paper bag (closed).
CF |
CF | Tracy stands behind the counter, whistling a tune.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take bag"
CF | >Taken.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open bag"
CF | >You don't want to; the staples are a pain.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bag"
CF | >A normal paper bag.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >You are carrying:
CF | the paper bag (closed)
CF | a dig "n" build sticker
CF | the screwdriver
CF | your phone
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Outside Toys "N" Toyz
CF | It's a nice building if you discount the signs of poor condition. The
CF | large logo is missing the "N"; no hint of it getting fixedbit sad.
CF | Rust and grime stuck to the walls fuel your one-sentence review.
CF | Further west is the entrance.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | Parking lot
CF | Empty. Sweet and simple. This place is as empty as a TNA house show. No
CF | other cars in sight. To the east is what looks like a convenience
CF | store. And a Toy "N" Toyz branch to your west.
CF |
CF | You can see Toby leaning against the hood of the car, slurping a
CF | slushie.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf2"
CF | >Enter saved game to store: Ok.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) What's the unicorn for
CF | 2) Got the unicorn
CF | 3) See ya
CF | MoyTW says, "throw bag at Toby"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | >[Got the unicorn]
CF |
CF | "Got the unicorn," You dangle the paper bag in front of Toby. He takes
CF | a hard sip on the slushie. "Yeah, got mine too," He mimics you by
CF | swinging the plastic bag he's carrying.
CF |
CF | "What did you even get?" Judging from the size, looks like a box of
CF | something. "It's the second ingredient for the ritual we're doing." He
CF | hops from the hood, and goes in the car. You can't make any sense on
CF | what he said, but might as well follow suit.
CF |
CF | 1) Follow
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Follow]
CF |
CF | Driving (in the front seat)
CF | The interior design of the car is nothing mind-blowing. It's just like
CF | any other car you've ridden in before. One note worth pointing out;
CF | there's no backseat. Only the two up frontwhere your and Toby's butts
CF | are planted on.
CF |
CF | Toby is to your side, driving.
CF | Knight_Otu blinks.
DavidW asks, "'ritual'?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) What are we even doing
CF | 2) Who is They
CF | 3) What's the unicorn for
CF | 4) See ya
CF | Peregrine says, "Ah, tonal shift."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[What are we even doing]
CF |
CF | "What are we even doing?"
CF |
CF | "I'm telling you, we're on a mission to save someone!" You knit your
CF | brows, "Yeah, but who!?"
CF |
CF | Driving (in the front seat)
CF | The interior design of the car is nothing mind-blowing. It's just like
CF | any other car you've ridden in before. One note worth pointing out;
CF | there's no backseat. Only the two up frontwhere your and Toby's butts
CF | are planted on.
CF |
CF | Toby is to your side, driving.
CF |
CF | "Hey Liam, this will be a pretty long ride." You look at Toby, "ok,
CF | what's wrong with that?"
CF |
CF | "Oh, nothing, nothing's wrong with it. You and I aren't affected by
CF | long-distance driving, but it is bad for the audience." You are now
CF | looking at Toby like one of those lunatics in an asylum. "It's unfair
CF | for the people to wait for how many turns before the plot continues."
CF |
CF | Toby snaps his fingers, "That's why I'm planning to tell the story on
CF | what happened." You can't believe your ears. He's finally going to tell
CF | you why! "But first, I'll be needing that."
CF |
CF | "The what?" "Your title of PC, of course!"
CF |
CF | 1) Wha-
CF | MoyTW says, "Toby is DEFINITELY a figment of our imagination."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Wha-]
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | Yoink. Ok, so how do you put it on. Does it clip-on, or do I need some
CF | tape? Wait. I think I got it on. Testing, testing, one; two; three.
CF | Nice. Now, where was I? Oh right.
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF | Street
CF | Me and Billy agreed to have a rendezvous in the Eternal Park. We
CF | planned to infiltrate The Family's hideout; they've been a pain in the
CF | police's ass, since before you and I existed. We were to meet up at the
CF | park to discuss our plan of action.
CF |
CF | When I hopped off the bus: I was in a bare street. Think apocalypse
CF | except cleaner. Nothing was there of interest. To the north is the park
CF | gate.
CF | Peregrine says, "WE ARE TOBY"
Peregrine says, "this is the worst ending"
DavidW says, "mmhm"
Jacqueline says, "I hate us."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x me"
CF | >I go by many names: The unpredictable one, Thick-headed Avenger,
CF | Bounty Hunter. For my enemies, they call me Lady-laws's Lapdog. But I
CF | only consider one name to rule them all.
CF |
CF | The Pilgrim Of JusticeDrake Dexter..
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | >I was carrying nothing.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >I headed towards the park, and don't go up in arms; I looked right
CF | then left first before crossing.
CF |
CF | By The Park Gate
CF | It's one of those large, but thin metal ones. Like they're just the
CF | skeleton or the like bones from a chicken wing after eviscerating it.
CF | Nothing too uncommon. A sort of in-the-moment observation that still in
CF | my mind. AnywaysI headed north.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gate"
CF | >I didn't do that.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | Inside Park
CF | I was inside the park. It was beautiful, I've got to admit, but more
CF | pressing matters were just up aheadliterally. So I walked northward
CF | towards the center of the park, where a giant statue of whoever is
CF | erected with hard-earned tax money.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | One Side Of Statue
CF | I scratched my head and did a double-take on my memories. I remembered
CF | that we were supposed to meet at the park; by the tax-paid statue, but
CF | Billy wasn't there. I looked, but the only ones there were: people
CF | jogging, people picnicking, and people jogging while picnicking. I
CF | circled the statuenortheast.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x statue"
CF | >I didn't do that.
CF | MoyTW says, "Mind your tenses."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x people"
CF | >I didn't do that.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF | >
CF | Other Side Of Statue
CF | I walked to the other side, and you wouldn't believe who I saw. Even I
CF | was in disbelief. In all my years: I never anticipated to s- Oh! We're
CF | here!
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look"
CF | "You can have this back."
CF |
CF | Parked (in the front seat)
CF | The interior design of the car is nothing mind-blowing. It's just like
CF | any other car you've ridden in before. One note worth pointing out;
CF | there's no backseat. Only the two up frontwhere your and Toby's butts
CF | are planted on.
CF |
CF | Toby is to your side, driving.
CF |
CF | Toby stops the car in the middle of the road and gets out. "I'll
CF | continue the story in another drive. Now, it's time to do this!" After
CF | saying that, he shuts the door. And now you're here; left in a daze.
CF |
CF | You aren't sure what happened. Did you have an out-of-body experience?
CF | Toby might have broken something beyond repair at this point.
CF | Peregrine says, "Phew"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x fourth wall"
CF | >You look around and shrug.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
CF | >(First taking off seatbelt)
CF | Smack dab in the middle of the road
CF | It's one of those long types. Long enough that you can't see the end to
CF | the north, and where you came from, to the south. A gate stands to the
CF | east.
CF |
CF | Toby looks at you, he nods and heads east.
CF | Knight_Otu says, "That sure was something."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gate"
CF | >They look like a perfect cross between a rich person's gate an- No,
CF | It's just a rich person's gate.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | >
CF | By the gate
CF | Now that is a gate. It has all the hallmarks of a grossly extravagant
CF | entrance for an equally lavish mansion. It even has those marble towers
CF | to its sides. A camera moves and watches you and Toby walk towards the
CF | gate. One of the towers has a high-tech intercom, even has a screen!
CF |
CF | Toby stands near the intercom.
CF |
CF | A static, crackling sound emits near Toby; the intercom screen lights
CF | up with the face of a man. "State your business," he says with such
CF | stoic and professional voice. Toby gets closer to the intercom, "D.D
CF | The pilgrim." Another crackling sound goes off, and the screen cuts to
CF | black.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x intercom"
CF |
CF |
CF | Slowly, the black screen fizzles and mixes as white noise begins to
CF | show, "bold of you to return, pilgrim," a flat, robotic voice speaks
CF | through the intercom. "You know I'll come back someday," Toby holds up
CF | the plastic bag containing what he bought from the store, "Brought
CF | gifts." The robotic noise gives a dull sound, or are they sighing? You
CF | aren't even involved in the exchange.
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF |
CF | "Oh, and I brought a partner along!" Toby grabs your arm and pulls you
CF | towards the intercom. As you stood near it, the voice gives a low
CF | sound, sizing you up, perhaps? "Fine, you may enter." Toby does a
CF | thumbs-up, "Awesome! I knew you wouldn't let me down!" "Just be
CF | prepared, you know the drill."
CF |
CF | 1) What drill
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[What drill]
CF |
CF | But before you could utter those words, the floor you and Toby were
CF | standing on disappeared. It's gone. You don't know how or why, but for
CF | a momentlike in some cartoonyou don't fall. You look at Toby as he
CF | gives you a grinning nod. And with that, you both fall down the hole.
CF |
CF | Sewers
CF | Stinks. It's the sewers, so that's a given, but that doesn't make you
CF | feel any better. How can you? The walls are all covered in radioactive
CF | goo. The water is like mixing all the paints in a boxed setbut add a
CF | pinch of nose poison: The natural kind, not the one in the boxed set.
CF | There's a path to the north, and looks to be the only one.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here.
CF | DavidW asks, "What was the name of this game again?"
MoyTW says, "A Fool's Rescue"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x goo"
CF | >Why is there goo here? Does no one clean the sewers?
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) Who is this Billy
CF | 2) Who is They
CF | 3) Care to do some explaining
CF | 4) What's the unicorn for
CF | 5) See ya
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Who is this Billy]
CF |
CF | "Who is this Billy you keep talking about?"
CF |
CF | "An important associate who helps me out from time to time."
CF |
CF | Sewers
CF | Stinks. It's the sewers, so that's a given, but that doesn't make you
CF | feel any better. How can you? The walls are all covered in radioactive
CF | goo. The water is like mixing all the paints in a boxed setbut add a
CF | pinch of nose poison: The natural kind, not the one in the boxed set.
CF | There's a path to the north, and looks to be the only one.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) Who is They
CF | 2) Care to do some explaining
CF | 3) What's the unicorn for
CF | 4) See ya
CF | Knight_Otu says, "But are we a fool, rescuing, or rescuing a fool."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Who is They]
CF |
CF | "Who is this ominous "They" you keep throwing around?" Why is he even
CF | being vague, you ask yourself.
CF |
CF | "It's the Murrei Family!"
CF |
CF | Sewers
CF | Stinks. It's the sewers, so that's a given, but that doesn't make you
CF | feel any better. How can you? The walls are all covered in radioactive
CF | goo. The water is like mixing all the paints in a boxed setbut add a
CF | pinch of nose poison: The natural kind, not the one in the boxed set.
CF | There's a path to the north, and looks to be the only one.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) Ok, who's this Murrei Family
CF | 2) Care to do some explaining
CF | 3) What's the unicorn for
CF | 4) See ya
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Ok, who's this Murrei Family]
CF |
CF | "Ok, who's the Murrei Family?"
CF |
CF | "A major thorn in the cops" side, that's who they are." Toby sneers,
CF | "An organization as big as a town. And a pain in the ass."
CF | Sewers
CF | Stinks. It's the sewers, so that's a given, but that doesn't make you
CF | feel any better. How can you? The walls are all covered in radioactive
CF | goo. The water is like mixing all the paints in a boxed setbut add a
CF | pinch of nose poison: The natural kind, not the one in the boxed set.
CF | There's a path to the north, and looks to be the only one.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) Care to do some explaining
CF | 2) What's the unicorn for
CF | 3) See ya
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Care to do some explaining]
CF |
CF | "Care to do some explaining," Those words show how mellow you've
CF | become. Any sane person would flip their bricks and call the cops. Not
CF | youthe foolbecause you're no longer in the realms of sanity.
CF |
CF | "It's just a standard greeting we have, and also the entrance." You've
CF | heard enough.
CF |
CF | Sewers
CF | Stinks. It's the sewers, so that's a given, but that doesn't make you
CF | feel any better. How can you? The walls are all covered in radioactive
CF | goo. The water is like mixing all the paints in a boxed setbut add a
CF | pinch of nose poison: The natural kind, not the one in the boxed set.
CF | There's a path to the north, and looks to be the only one.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) What's the unicorn for
CF | 2) See ya
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[What's the unicorn for]
CF |
CF | "What's the unicorn for?"
CF |
CF | "Ah, that's for something later. Be patient with it," Toby says and
CF | winks. Why did he wink?
CF |
CF | Sewers
CF | Stinks. It's the sewers, so that's a given, but that doesn't make you
CF | feel any better. How can you? The walls are all covered in radioactive
CF | goo. The water is like mixing all the paints in a boxed setbut add a
CF | pinch of nose poison: The natural kind, not the one in the boxed set.
CF | There's a path to the north, and looks to be the only one.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >
CF | The end of the sewers
CF | It's good that the end of the sewers is here. If you had to go through
CF | a sadistic maze, you would have changed your name to Makane. The place
CF | is still a health inspector's nightmare, but think positive, less
CF | stress, and whatnot.
CF |
CF | A ladder is here.
CF |
CF | Toby arrives from the south.
CF | Peregrine asks, "Radioactive goo is a standard greeting?"
Knight_Otu says, "Well that answered who the fool is."
DavidW says, "no, refering to an earlier part of the game"
Peregrine asks, "Is asbestos their idea of a handshake?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF | >
CF | Surprise! It's not the end.
CF | Dear lord. How could it be!? The place is circular, with paths filling
CF | all compass direction! Yes. You're head is spinning and maybe even
CF | splitting. Where to go? When to go? Why even go!
CF |
CF | A ladder is here.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >"Sorry, but we're running out of time," Toby takes your arms and pulls
CF | you along.
CF |
CF | In a maze of twisty tunnels
CF | The illogical and confusing architecture of the tunnels hurts both your
CF | mind and your bodyfor some reason.
CF |
CF | Toby begins walking off.
CF | Peregrine says, "noooo"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >In a maze of twisty tunnels
CF | The illogical and confusing architecture of the tunnels hurts both your
CF | mind and your bodyfor some reason.
CF |
CF | Toby walks to the east while pulling you along.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >In a maze of twisty tunnels
CF | The illogical and confusing architecture of the tunnels hurts both your
CF | mind and your bodyfor some reason.
CF |
CF | Toby walks to the west while pulling you along.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >In a maze of twisty tunnels
CF | The illogical and confusing architecture of the tunnels hurts both your
CF | mind and your bodyfor some reason.
CF |
CF | Toby walks to the west while pulling you along.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >In a maze of twisty tunnels
CF | The illogical and confusing architecture of the tunnels hurts both your
CF | mind and your bodyfor some reason.
CF |
CF | Toby walks to the north while pulling you along.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >In a maze of twisty tunnels
CF | The illogical and confusing architecture of the tunnels hurts both your
CF | mind and your bodyfor some reason.
CF |
CF | Toby walks to the east while pulling you along.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >In a maze of twisty tunnels
CF | The illogical and confusing architecture of the tunnels hurts both your
CF | mind and your bodyfor some reason.
CF |
CF | Toby walks to the east while pulling you along.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | Tunnel's end
CF | Ok, you guys are now out of the mazeself-clap worthy. But you can't
CF | celebrate just yet. The room you're in is empty: no pot of gold in this
CF | end; nothing, only the walls to your north, east, and south.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here, waiting.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >Time passes.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) Guide the way
CF | 2) See ya
CF | Jacqueline exclaims, "I love y'all, and you'll be in my thoughts as you complete this, but I need to run to another engagement here in a few minutes. See you all next week!"
MoyTW says, "Well I mean, at least the author was nice enough to not torture us with a maze."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Guide the way]
CF |
CF | "Guide the way," He did a great job saving you from the maze; let him
CF | finish the adventure. Toby stretches his back, "Nah, you figure out
CF | what to do, if I am doing everything, then I wouldn't have returned
CF | your title."
CF |
CF | "Fine, just don't break anything anymore."
CF |
CF | "No promises."
CF |
CF | Tunnel's end
CF | Ok, you guys are now out of the mazeself-clap worthy. But you can't
CF | celebrate just yet. The room you're in is empty: no pot of gold in this
CF | end; nothing, only the walls to your north, east, and south.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here, waiting.
CF | Peregrine exclaims (at Jacqueline), "Have a great time!"
Jacqueline exclaims, "Thanks!"
MoyTW exclaims, "Have a nice day, Jacequeline!"
MoyTW says, "Ugh, spelling."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x north wall"
CF | >Your hand touches the wall. Then after a moment, the wall suddenly
CF | moves back, and since your full weight on the wall, you fall through.
CF |
CF | A too-rich-for-your-blood hallway
CF | Hurts, everything hurts. Falling to the ground does that to a man.
CF | Gently, you prop yourself up against a wall. Toby enters through the
CF | hole at the opposite wall.
CF |
CF | "It's nice that they didn't close this up," Toby grabs the door. No, it
CF | isn't a door. It's a giant painting. "Pretty cool, huh," Toby smirks.
CF | You want to respond, but your body hurts too much to bother.
CF |
CF | You're in what looks like a hallway, and a fancy one at that. The floor
CF | is fitted with an expensive-looking rug. The walls are lined with
CF | paintings of all sizes. To the north is a double door
CF | Knight_Otu exclaims, "Bye, Jacq!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x rug"
CF | >The carpet looks like something used for the red carpet in award show.
CF | Now that you think about it: why red? Can't it be purple? A color for
CF | royalty. Forget about it. If a person gets worked up about someone's
CF | choice in carpetsoh who are you kidding, nitpicking someone's taste is
CF | one of life's simple joys.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under rug"
CF | >You find nothing of interest.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x paintings"
CF | >A lot of them are self-portraits. You're guessing they're the people
CF | who own the place. Speaking of self-portraits: aren't they a little
CF | vain? Maybe they be livin' the 18th-century style.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | >Before you enter the room, Toby taps you on the shoulder, "Hey, Liam,
CF | Just a heads up. Once we enter, things might get a bit...intense, but
CF | I'll handle it." Toby's face is serious. "Just brace yourself."
CF |
CF | (first opening the double door)
CF | The cold air blowing through the door almost makes you stop entering.
CF | "Come on," Toby says, he then presses his hand on your back, "Let's not
CF | keep em waiting." And so, You go through the door.
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF | A dark room
CF | The room is incredibly dark. You can't make out anything in detail.
CF | Only things you are certainby silhouettes is a person; sitting in
CF | front of a bunch of monitors. The monitors are the only light source in
CF | the room, which are all mounted to the wall.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here, waiting.
CF |
CF | Someone is also here.
CF |
CF | "I thought I told you too never come back," The person sittingin a
CF | female voicesays. "Well, you still graciously allowed our entrance
CF | into your lair," Toby says in a comically knight-like voice.
CF |
CF | "Because I want answers!" The person spins her chair back and faces
CF | Toby. Still, you can't discern any features. Too dark.
CF |
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | >A dark room
CF | The room is incredibly dark. You can't make out anything in detail.
CF | Only things you are certainby silhouettes is a person; sitting in
CF | front of a bunch of monitors. The monitors are the only light source in
CF | the room, which are all mounted to the wall.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here, waiting.
CF |
CF | Someone is also here.
CF |
CF | "Hayliee," Toby speaks in an uncharacteristically hush voice. The
CF | girlnamed Haylieestares at Toby. Though you can't see her eyes, you
CF | felt a sense of hatred. So strong: the room temp almost became
CF | lukewarm.
CF |
CF | "Hayliee, plea-"
CF | "Why the hell should I listen to you!?" Hayliee shouts as she stands,
CF | her voice hoarse. Toby looks at her, unmoving.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x hayliee"
CF | >You can't see her that well. She's all backlit. But, you can tell that
CF | she's quite small. Not in a little kid way; More in her having a petite
CF | frame.
CF |
CF | "Hayliee," Toby continues, "I need your help."
CF |
CF | Hayliee begins to laugh, "Oh isn't that cute. You're like a stray cat:
CF | only cames back when he needs something," Her laugh grows louder. "Tell
CF | me, Drake, Why should I help you?"
CF |
CF | Toby is silent, which fuels Hayliee's anger, "Why should I involve
CF | myself with you. After what you did to us." In the monitor's light, you
CF | can see Hayliee clenching her fist. So hard, you expected blood to
CF | start pouring out of her hand.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >Time passes.
CF |
CF | Toby is silent for a moment; he then opens his mouth, "I did what was
CF | best for all of us." Hayliee bursts into laughter, "Best? For all of
CF | us? You destroyed the group!" She throws something near Toby. He bends
CF | down and picks what looks like a picture frame.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x frame"
CF | >A framed photo of a group of people. From what you can see: you don't
CF | recognize anyone on the photo, except for one. Toby.
CF |
CF | He stares at it for a moment.
CF |
CF | "I know that I've done some things that were against the code." Toby
CF | hesitates, "But please, hear me out." Hayliee is silent. Toby
CF | continues, "I need help, not only yours, but theirs as well." Hayliee's
CF | body jerks a bit, "What!? Are you suddenly having a change of heart!?
CF | BullSh*t!" She lashes out, but Toby doesn't move, not a muscle.
CF |
CF | He walks closer to Hayliee, "You're the only person still hung up
CF | about the group. I know you have their locations." He leans in, "This
CF | is something I need to do, please, help me."
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF | >Time passes.
CF |
CF | Hayliee starts to chuckle, "You, even when begging, you still stand up
CF | tall," She sinks back into her chair. Toby, still near her, says
CF | "Please, help me."
CF |
CF | Hayliee stands up and goes to a corner of the room, "You really love to
CF | stick your finger into wounds." Toby smiles, "If it helps me, I'll
CF | create newer wounds." With that, Hayliee punches some numbers in a
CF | keypad, which causes a hidden door in the corner to open.
CF |
CF | "After me," Hayliee goes in with you and Toby following behind.
CF |
CF | It feels like hours since you started to go down the secret passage.
CF | Your body slows down, while both Toby and Hayliee continue down. Like
CF | they're used to it. Finally, you reach the bottom. Toby and Hayliee
CF | push the glass door and enter the room. You do the same.
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF | Main Hud
CF | Did you walk into a meeting room? The whole place is only housing a big
CF | circular table with chairs around it. Besides that, it's bare, nothing
CF | here at all.
CF |
CF | Hayliee is typing away on her laptop.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here, waiting.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x laptop"
CF | >It looks high-tech, more high-tech then yours for sure.
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to toby"
CF | >What's up?
CF |
CF | 1) Can you finally explain what's going on
CF | 2) See ya
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Can you finally explain what's going on]
CF |
CF | "Can you finally explain what's going on?" You joined Toby on what felt
CF | like a series of unexplained scenarios. You've also witnessed something
CF | too personal. "Please, just tell me what's going on."
CF |
CF | Toby strokes his chin, "Yeah, I guess it's time for you to know." "The
CF | details are all bit all over the place, so, will a quick run down
CF | suffice?"
CF |
CF | 1) Yes, just any sort of explanation
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Yes, just any sort of explanation]
CF |
CF | "Yes, just any sort of explanation."
CF |
CF | "Well, Billy was kidnapped by The Murrei Family while we were on a
CF | mission. The Murrei Family is an organization too powerful even for
CF | me," Toby looks over to Hayliee, "Which is why I'm going on a mission
CF | to recruit my former group members for a rescue operation."
CF |
CF | 1) And that's what we're doing
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[And that's what we're doing]
CF |
CF | "And that's what we're doing?"
CF |
CF | "Yes," Hayliee spoke out, "Whatever Drake fancies, he'll do his
CF | damnedest to achieve it." She stops for a moment to stare at Toby,
CF | "Probably how he roped us all into his little group. And also how he
CF | destroyed it all with no effort."
CF |
CF | "Hey now, the past is the past, There's something more important now,"
CF | Toby responds.
CF |
CF | "Ok, I got it." Hayliee looks up, "Talk to me when both of you are
CF | ready."
CF |
CF | Main Hud
CF | Did you walk into a meeting room? The whole place is only housing a big
CF | circular table with chairs around it. Besides that, it's bare, nothing
CF | here at all.
CF |
CF | Hayliee is typing away on her laptop.
CF |
CF | Toby stands here, waiting.
CF | Peregrine says, "That explained nothing"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to hayliee"
CF | >"You guys ready?"
CF |
CF | 1) What are we going to do
CF | 2) Bye
CF |
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[What are we going to do]
CF |
CF | "What are we going to do?"
CF |
CF | "I've got the location of all the members of The Group. Now It's up to
CF | you and Drake to go to them and, I don't know, convince them to jump
CF | ship?"
CF |
CF | "You guys ready?"
CF |
CF | 1) Missions
CF | 2) Bye
CF | Knight_Otu says, "That was moree or a reiteration, yes."
MoyTW says, "This has strong "I'm 11 and making up a rad story about my awesome adventures" energy."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Missions]
CF |
CF | "Who are you guys going to?"
CF |
CF | 1) Alice Alvia
CF | 2) Justin Jorle
CF | 3) Rob Retrel
CF | 4) Sasha Baker
CF | DavidW asks, "Surely this part isn't in the introcomp version?"
Peregrine says, "Damn you Sasha for not alliterating! You traitor"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Sasha, you're out!"
MoyTW says, "I mean let's just select all of them and see."
DavidW asks, "Since we know nothing about these people, do in order listed?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >[Alice Alvia]
CF |
CF | Alice Alvia:
CF |
CF | Former spy for The Group now works freelance for several other private
CF | clients. Mostly large corporations, rival businesses, and even the
CF | government for a time.
CF |
CF | Skills: She's an expert in stealth and disguise; can hold her own on
CF | basic-hand-to-hand combat.
CF |
CF | Will they be your target? Knight_Otu says, "Srue."
DavidW asks, "oh wait, maybe we need to find the right order?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "yes"
CF | "Looks like we'll have our work cut out for us," Toby pats your
CF | shoulder. "But, thanks for sticking with me," he then violently smacks
CF | your back. You cough, "Heh, maybe this will be the time I'll save."
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | Toby laughs, "Nope, it won't."
CF |
CF | "You not even giving me a chance?" You complain. "I don't know. I don't
CF | know how this will turn out." Toby sighs, which also makes you sigh.
CF | "Forget it, Let's just go and find them."
CF |
CF | "Yes! Onwards!"
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF | "Guys, hold up," Hayliee cuts in, "I just received an email from some
CF | person named Ralfe Rich."
CF |
CF | "Who!? Sounds like a loser!" Toby snorts. "Well, what does it say?" You
CF | ask.
CF |
CF | "It says: This will be the end of the excerpt."
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF | Wait wha-
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | *** Thank you for playing Intro To A Fool's Rescue. I hope you
CF | enjoyed the intro! ***
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last
CF | command? MoyTW says, "Ok I'll give the author this: that "ok demo's over" was a pretty funny one."
Peregrine says, "How meta"
Peregrine says, "And indeed, that was smooth"
DavidW says, "A very odd game."
Knight_Otu says, "I'm not quite sure what to think about this."
MoyTW asks, "I hate it but can't hold it against it?"
Peregrine says, "It takes quite a while to get to the point"
MoyTW says, "Like it feels 100% like something I might have made when I was 15."
MoyTW says, "so, like, sure"
MoyTW says, "fine"
Roger says, "I feel pretty introduced to it"
DavidW says, "mmhm. It did manage that well enough."
DavidW says, "I do want to see the full version of it, but I can imagine it's not to all tastes."
Peregrine says, "yeah"
MoyTW says, "I think it's an interesting contrast to last week's Child Adventure game of Crocodracula."
DavidW says, "The author is obviously a fan of Adam Cadre."
Peregrine says, "Absolutely."
DavidW asks, "Was the Tracy cashier the same character (supposedly) as in I-O?"
DavidW says, "er I-0"
Knight_Otu says, "It was a pretty long excerpt. It felt longer to me than Implements of the Arcane, and I was worried that was too big already."
Peregrine says, "Anyhow: goofnight everyone, I'm off"
Peregrine says, "hope I wasn't too snarky"
MoyTW exclaims, "Night!"
Knight_Otu says, "We snark because we care."
DavidW says, "I can see why he chose where to stop the intro, though."
DavidW says, "heh"
Peregrine says, "hee"
DavidW says, "bye Peregrine"
Peregrine says, "bye DW"
Peregrine hops into the DeLorean and heads off to the future.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "quit"
CF asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" DavidW says, "One down, two to go. More if we get that Zoom or whatever working again."
Knight_Otu says, "Maybe, maybe I might have a better connection for that now."
MoyTW asks, "Wait, so...IntroComp is "Competition of introductions to games" and not "games made by people new to IF"?"
DavidW says, "I wonder if the pink unicorn is for a birthday party."
DavidW says (to MoyTW), "yes, but there's overlap, of course."
Roger says (to Moy), "correct"
Knight_Otu says (to MoyTW), "Yes, game excerpts."
MoyTW says, "ooooh"
DavidW says, "I wrote an IntroComp game once. I never finished writing it, though."
Knight_Otu says, "I would guess this is a new author too."
Knight_Otu says, "(Hides his introcomp game.)"
DavidW says, "I don't know if he's written anything else."
DavidW says, "oh, Arcane was good!"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "But also still unfinished!"
DavidW says, "well, yes. There's a lot of us in that boat. Even Jacqueline."
DavidW says, "I barely remember what I wanted to do with my game. If I go back to it, and one never knows, it might become a different game than the one I intended."
Knight_Otu says, "I mean, even writing start to finish that may happen."
DavidW says, "I never even introduced the main antagonists in my game."
DavidW says, "mm. I always knew, moreorless, what Easter Egg Hunt 2020's ending would be. I just was inventing the specifics as fast as I could research and implement my ideas."
DavidW says, "There were some very nice serendipitous moments writing that game. Things I thought wouldn't work turned out to work to my advantage in the end."
Knight_Otu says, "It sure ended up a quite nice game."
DavidW says, "thanks"
MoyTW says, "Thanks for driving. That was an...I mean, the game was kinda Not Great, but it was fun to play through anyways."
MoyTW disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. DavidW says, "thanks"
DavidW asks, "Thanks all for the game. See you all next week?"
DavidW focuses on his crystal and fades away into a silver haze in the light. Knight_Otu says, "I'll be there I'm pretty sure."
DavidW says, "yay"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Good night, everyone, and stay save!"
MoyTW says, "Barring catastrophe or getting the 'rona or summin' like."

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