ClubFloyd Transcript:
Zozzled by Steph Cherrywell
As played on ifMUD on September 27, 2020

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Zozzled written by Steph Cherrywell. Zozzled was originally released as part of the 2019 IFComp, in which it took first place. It also came in second in the 2019 IFComp Miss Congeniality context. The game went on to be nominated for a number of Xyzzy Awards, ultimately winning the Xyzzies for Best Game, Best Puzzles, Best Individual Puzzle, Best NPCs, and Best Individual NPC. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "load sleepmask zozzled"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | Zozzled
CF | A Spirited Game by Steph Cherrywell
CF | Release 1 / Serial number 190927 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib
CF | 6/12N)
CF |
CF | Hiya, fish! My name is Hazel Greene, and your name is You Lucky Devil,
CF | because you're about to do what about a million jealous dames only
CF | wish they could - be ME for a night!
CF |
CF | Before we get to it, though, I gotta ask you, you want to give the
CF | rules of the game a little once-over? This'll be especially useful if
CF | you haven't played a text adventure before, but even if you're really
CF | on the trolley it might help to see which commands you'll be using.
CF |
CF | 1) Ab-so-lute-ly!
CF | 2) No thanks, Hazel.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline has left.
Jacqueline has arrived. Guenni says, "I guess it can't hurt."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF | [No thanks, Hazel.]
CF |
CF | Glad to hear it. If you ever change your mind, just type HELP to see
CF | that stuff.
CF |
CF | --------------------
CF |
CF | Now let's get to it already! Starting now, you're me, Hazel Greene,
CF | the swellest sheba ever to grace a gin joint. You're parked in the
CF | lounge of the prestigious Grand Poseidon Hotel with a gullet full of
CF | giggle water, and you've been making the bedroom eyes across the room
CF | at a fella who you're just about sure is that hot pepper pie of an
CF | artist who's been in all the papers lately.
CF |
CF | Sure looks like it's gonna be a nifty night. Guenni says, "Sorry"
DavidW says, "Sometimes you'll need to push space."
Guenni asks, "Want to read the help?"
MoyTW asks, "You wanna drive?"
Guenni asks, "If that's ok?"
DavidW says, "I think the help is standard stuff."
MoyTW says, "Yeah, good by me."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x me"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | Sure looks like it's gonna be a nifty night.--------------------
CF |
CF | "RAID!"
CF |
CF | Oh, phooey.
CF |
CF | The lounge erupts into the kind of chaos you haven't seen since
CF | Komodo's last two-for-one stocking sale. Shrieks ring out. Patrons in
CF | various degrees of spliffication are fighting each other to get to the
CF | exits. The bartender bowls over some sheba in a mink on his way to the
CF | door, but a couple of bulls from the SPD scoop him up a few feet shy.
CF |
CF | Now, the last thing you need is to get pinched with the old lady
CF | already on the warpath because of what you did to the Ford. And could
CF | the timing be any lousier? You JUST dropped half a clam on this drink,
CF | and you haven't even touched it yet.
CF |
CF | 1) Toss it out and beat feet for the doors.
CF | 2) Hide under the table and gulp it down.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "You're in mid-textdump currently."
DavidW says, "oh, now another menu question"
Guenni says, "I think we should be sober for the moment."
DavidW says, "You can't really do much until the intro sequence is over."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [Toss it out and beat feet for the doors.]
CF |
CF | --------------------
CF |
CF | The last time the old lady had to bail you out of the slammer, you
CF | were on your hands and knees for a month of Sundays, scrubbing pews
CF | and handing out hymnals. Half a clam's not worth that. It breaks your
CF | heart to do it, but you knock the drink off the table and make for the
CF | likeliest looking exit.
CF |
CF | You only take a couple of steps when you realize something is wrong.
CF | Your vision doesn't blur. You don't sway on your feet. In fact, you
CF | feel stone cold - ugh - sober.
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | feel stone cold - ugh - sober.--------------------
CF |
CF | Some lady prohi strides up to the bar, parting the sea of confused
CF | patrons like a Moses in sensible shoes. She doesn't look much older
CF | than you are, but her face has "bluenose" written all over it. "This
CF | establishment in in flagrant disregard of the Volstead Act," she
CF | announces, "and by order of the state of Washington, is now closed for
CF | business."
CF |
CF | The owner appears from the back room, looking like a side of beef in a
CF | very expensive suit. He's flanked by a weedy little guy with oily
CF | hair.
CF |
CF | "There must be some mistake," the owner says, smiling as he pull out a
CF | wad of greenbacks the size of a brick. "We would never serve alcohol
CF | here."
CF |
CF | The prohi put her hands on her hips and nods to the phalanx of bulls
CF | behind her. "'Dishonest' Donnie Cantaloupes. Don't pay him any mind,
CF | boys. He's constitutionally incapable of telling the truth. I want you
CF | to go over every inch of this place. Let's see just how much trouble
CF | you're in, Mr. Cantaloupes."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF | you're in, Mr. Cantaloupes."--------------------
CF |
CF | As the bulls peel off, Donnie Cantaloupes tucks the bills back into
CF | his pocket and leans down, stone-faced. "You shouldn't be careful,
CF | miss. The last agent who tried to shut me down is still alive and
CF | completely unharmed."
CF |
CF | The weedy guy leans in too. "Allow me to translate, on account of the
CF | boss's unique speech impediment making it difficult to parse his
CF | meanin'. The boss is sayin' you ought to be careful, 'cause
CF | the last agent who tried to shut him down caught a bad case of dead.
CF | And that's the sort of thing that could be contagious, if you get my
CF | drift. Right, boss?"
CF |
CF | "Wrong."
CF |
CF | "That means 'right'. See?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF | "That means 'right'. See?"--------------------
CF |
CF | The lady prohi straightens. "Mr. Cantaloupes, if you're attempting, in
CF | your...unique way, to threaten me, than you most assuredly can expect
CF | the arrival of another think in the near future. As soon as we confirm
CF | the presence of alcohol on the premises - "
CF |
CF | One of the bulls coughs. "Agent Byrd - "
CF |
CF | "What is it, Johnathan?"
CF |
CF | "There's no alcohol."
CF |
CF | "Obviously, he's hidden his supply. Keep looking. In the meantime,
CF | tally up the drinks. Each and every one is a seperate violation, and I
CF | intend to press charges for every single one of them."
CF |
CF | "That's just it, Agent Byrd. There's no alcohol in these drinks. None!
CF | Can't smell it. Can't taste it."
CF |
CF | "You administered the McGinley Test?"
CF |
CF | "Of course! And McGinley's still on his feet, sober as a judge!"
CF |
CF | "What?" Agent Byrd and Donnie Cantaloupes say in unison. "Are you
CF | telling me the crowd became this inebriated without a drop of alcohol?
CF | Nonsense!" Byrd continues.
CF |
CF | "Well, that's the other thing," the bull says. "Nobody here's actually
CF | drunk. They're just disheveled and confused."
CF |
CF | Agent Byrd gapes. "But that's preposterous!" She raises a hand.
CF | "Johnathan, secure the exits. None of you are leaving this hotel
CF | until we are able to determine the nature of this deception."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF | until we are able to determine the nature of this
CF | deception."--------------------
CF |
CF | Another of Donnie Cantaloupe's minions scurries up. "Boss! Boss!" he
CF | squeaks. "I checked on the, ah, barrels of 'mineral water' in the
CF | cellar. And they ain't 'mineral water' no more! They're actual
CF | mineral water, as in the real stuff!"
CF |
CF | "I want everybody out!" roars Cantaloupes. The weedy guy translates:
CF | "Nobody is goin' anywhere until we find out who the wise guy is who
CF | made off with our 'mineral water'. Right, boss?"
CF |
CF | "Wrong!" Cantaloupes snarls, pounding the bar with one large fist.
CF | "Somebody steals from Donnie Cantaloupes and gets away with
CF | it. When I find out who's got my supply, I won't do anything in
CF | particular to them or their family! They'll walk away on two intact
CF | legs, with all their thumbs, and without a broken whiskey bottle in
CF | their keister!"
CF |
CF | "Threats won't be necessary, Mr. Cantaloupes," the prohi says calmly.
CF | "I'll see that your stolen propery is recovered. I'll ever let you say
CF | goodbye to it before we pour it into the sewer and arrest you."
CF |
CF | Some of the hotel guests are slinking back to their rooms. You're not
CF | actually staying here - you started the night a few blocks away, and
CF | sailed into the Grand Poseidon on a sea of gin - but you can't stand
CF | to be around crowds of sober people, especially not when you're so
CF | unpleasantly clear-headed yourself. You make your way out into the
CF | lobby for some slightly fresher air.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x me"
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | lobby for some slightly fresher air.## Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, which is crawling with the fuzz, to the south,
CF | past the front desk, is the hotel office, and a hallway leads east. A
CF | crystal column houses the elevator.
CF |
CF | A mermaid is swimming lazily around in the tank.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Okay, we only just started and I'm terribly lost in longo."
Guenni says, "That has to be some record for a prologuge"
Knight_Otu says, "*lingo."
MoyTW says, "It's very flapper."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "xme"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > XME
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You are carrying:
CF | your best set of glad rags (being worn)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x me"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > X ME
CF |
CF | You are one swanky sheba, sister! You're dolled up in your best set of
CF | glad rags, suitable for turning a fella's head and doing plenty to the
CF | rest of him, too.
CF |
CF | The mermaid swims slowly in a sad circle.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x tank"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | A huge cylindrical tank stretching from the floor to the ceiling.
CF | There's got to be about a million gallons of water in there.
CF |
CF | The mermaid drifts down towards the bottom of the tank, then back up.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x mermaid"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | On closer inspection, not actually a mermaid - just some blonde sheba
CF | with a shiny fake tail wrapped around her gams and a couple of
CF | seashells stuck where they'll do her the most good. Her lung capacity
CF | must be posi-tutely amazing.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "knock on tank"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "hmm."
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Cat got your tongue?)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, which is crawling with the fuzz, to the south,
CF | past the front desk, is the hotel office, and a hallway leads east. A
CF | crystal column houses the elevator.
CF |
CF | A mermaid is swimming lazily around in the tank.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x couches"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | An expensive place to park a classy caboose.
CF |
CF | > Guenni asks, "Any direction preferences?"
Knight_Otu says, "Not really."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The party's over. Now the lounge is just a sad room full of bulls and
CF | sober people. You can't bear to see that right now.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Nope."
DavidW says, "You'll be able to visit there later in the game."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x bulls"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, which is crawling with the fuzz, to the south,
CF | past the front desk, is the hotel office, and a hallway leads east. A
CF | crystal column houses the elevator.
CF |
CF | A mermaid is swimming lazily around in the tank.
CF |
CF | The mermaid blows a few bubbles and watches them drift towards the
CF | top of the tank.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x desk"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | It stretches along the southern side of the lobby. You can see the
CF | hotel office past it.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "enter office"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Touchy has arrived.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | As you step into the corridor, a faint shimmer passes across your
CF | field of vision, as if you've just looked through a slightly warped
CF | window. For a second, just one sweet second, you can almost taste
CF | champagne.
CF |
CF | First Floor Corridor
CF | An east-west hall lined with pillars. Gilt-edged paintings decorate
CF | the walls.
CF |
CF | The hotel lobby lies to the west, and the scent of lightly chlorinated
CF | salt water drifts in from the east.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "A wizard is never late. But I am not a wizard. Damn."
Guenni says, "We kind of just started."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x paintings"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF |
CF | Subjects include sea serpents, sultry sirens, and ships being dragged
CF | to the inky depths.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x ships"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "We did have a lengthy prologue with weird lingo and/or events."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "look behind paintings"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The corridor seems to stretch as you walk down it. You feel your
CF | mouth filling with something cold, but delicious. It's gin! Sweet,
CF | succulent gin! Only you can't seem to swallow it...or spit it
CF | out...and it's freezing. Your cheeks are already starting to feel
CF | numb.
CF |
CF | A woman in an old-fashioned dress, the sort your spinster-est
CF | spinster aunt would wear, is walking beside you, eyes fixed on the end
CF | of the hall. But the hall keeps going. And going. And your cheeks feel
CF | as if they're going to shatter from the cold. The woman whips her head
CF | around and fixes you with a stare, a pair of slate-gray eyes nailing
CF | into your own baby blues - and now you're stumbling out into the warm,
CF | steamy air of the natatorium.
CF |
CF | The woman walks north, her back to you, and strides into the
CF | gentlemen's changing room just as bold as anything.
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x pool"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | A bubbling pool of hot saltwater.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Ladies' Changing Room
CF | It's steamy and musty, with slick floors. Lockers line the walls.
CF |
CF | You can see a stinky stocking here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x stocking"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | Whew! Smells like someone wore this to cut a rug on the hottest day of
CF | July after winning an onion-eating/bath-avoiding biathalon and then
CF | stuffed it in her brassiere for a month. Which is all by way of saying
CF | you've smelled fresher.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You pick it up gingerly between two fingers. Yeecch!
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "change"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | You give the joint the old once-over first, just to make sure nobody's
CF | watching, and then in you go.
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | A snazzy locker room lined with gleaming, brand new lockers, each
CF | emblazoned with a burnished copper number.
CF |
CF | The woman is nowhere to be seen, but you can hear heavy breathing
CF | coming from one of the lockers - number 77.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "open 77"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > OPEN 77
CF |
CF | As soon as your fingertips brush the handle, the locker bursts beneath
CF | your fingers like an overripe melon in the sun, flooding your vision
CF | with
CF |
CF | purple light
CF |
CF | You stand on a vast plain drenched in light from the pendulous
CF | purple suns hanging overhead. Neon squiggles slice across your eyes
CF | like razor worms. This world is cold and dry, and your tongue feels
CF | like paper.
CF |
CF | The woman stands before you, a single dark spot in the brilliance,
CF | growing as the light drains into it, until she's all you can see and
CF | you're not even sure if you see that other world at all. There is a
CF | single moment of perfect silence.
CF |
CF | Then she explodes.
CF |
CF | You see...things...dozens of creepy-crawly little things rushing
CF | toward you, crawling over you, wriggling across your skin like eels,
CF | and they feel like boneless dead things, but something about how they
CF | smell is appealing and familiar.
CF |
CF | 1) Inhale.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [Inhale.]
CF |
CF | You inhale deeply as the things rush past you. Maybe a little too
CF | deeply. You feel dizzy. Then you feel the cement floor of the locker
CF | room smacking into the back of your head.
CF |
CF | You're dimly aware that people are standing over you, and thoughts
CF | drift through your mind - idle concerns like that you don't want
CF | people to think you're some wet dishrag who faints at the least little
CF | thing, and that you hope that the blood isn't ruining your new cloche,
CF | and that maybe you're dying.
CF |
CF | You feel strong arms around you and now you're looking up into the
CF | face of an angel carrying you off to heaven and apparently angels
CF | dress like elevator operators.
CF |
CF | And then it's off to Slumberland for who knows how long, but at least
CF | long enough to cart you to another room, because that's where you wake
CF | up. Specifically, you seem to be in a dark room, alone, lying on an
CF | uncomfortable cot made for someone shorter than you, lighter than you,
CF | and a whole lot less picky about where they park their person than you
CF | are.
CF |
CF | 1) Stand up.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Confuseder and confuseder."
Guenni asks, "Undo and see if there's another option, or see where this goes?"
Touchy asks, "Is this horror?"
Guenni says, "It's not supposed to be."
DavidW says, "There's not another option, and no, not horror."
DavidW says, "There are ghosts, though."
Guenni says, "Ok."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [Stand up.]
CF |
CF | You haul yourself up, feeling like you've just gone ten rounds with
CF | Jack Dempsey after ten rounds of Jack Daniels. Unfortunately, the
CF | pleasant alcoholic haze is fading like a dream, while the
CF | just-got-the-back-of-my-head-smashed-in haze seems to be making itself
CF | right at home.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Closet
CF | right at home.## Closet
CF | The inside of a dimly-lit storage closet, unfurnished except for an
CF | uncomfortable-looking cot pushed into the corner. One whole wall is
CF | covered with newspaper clippings, and a tower of dime novels teeters
CF | next to the cot. There's a door to the north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x cot"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF | > X COT
CF |
CF | Normally you wouldn't snuggle up in this creaky contraption even if it
CF | had Valentino in it, but being knocked unconscious really lowered your
CF | standards.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x clippings"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | The yellowing articles all describe ghost sightings, some as far away
CF | as Egypt and France, some not two blocks away.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x novels"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | A stack of cheap, lurid pulp novels, the covers of which feature a
CF | whole bevy of women in disintegrating clothing being menaced by
CF | snaggly-toothed ghouls and glowing specters.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take novels"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | There's too many of 'em to carry.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "read novels"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You pull a random novel from the pile and leaf through a few pages of
CF | The Bloody Butcher of Boston.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | There's too many of 'em to carry.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | A laundry cart trundles slowly along the edge of the hallway, brass
CF | wheels squeaking.
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks, "So we are in some kind of hotel and we are having visions?"
DavidW says, "You're in a hotel, yes. Visions, ... I can't say yes."
Guenni says, "yes to the first, and something like that to the second :-)"
DavidW says, "er can't say yet"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x cart"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | The cart, already piled high, prowls as if looking for more dirty
CF | laundry to add to its haul. You wish you could show this to the old
CF | lady. She's always claiming laundry doesn't do itself.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x laundry"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | The cart, already piled high, prowls as if looking for more dirty
CF | laundry to add to its haul. You wish you could show this to the old
CF | lady. She's always claiming laundry doesn't do itself.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I forget the hotel's name, but it's in Seattle and has an aquatic theme."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "search it"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | You swore off searching years ago. That sort of prying is for
CF | the fuzz and your old lady. You'll stick with examining things, thank
CF | you very much.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "Grand Poseidon"
DavidW says, "thanks"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "knock on south door"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as wanting to knock on south.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | The Indian Suite
CF | You can barely see this suite beneath the dropcloth on the floor and
CF | the host of half-finished canvases leaning against every wall. The
CF | second floor hallway is to the north.
CF |
CF | Crispin Fourment slouches at an easel, staring at a blank canvas with
CF | a tortured expression on his face.
CF |
CF | A smallish display table sits a few feet from the easel. On it is an
CF | uninspiring bowl.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x canvas"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Crispin has painted a beautiful picture of a polar bear in a
CF | snowstorm! No, wait, it's blank.
CF |
CF | > Guenni grins.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x easel"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a Codman's Uncollapsable Easel. "Canvases clattering to the
CF | carpet? Should gotta Codman's, chum!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | An elegant little white-draped table, perfect for displaying the
CF | subject to be painted.
CF |
CF | On the small table is an uninspiring bowl (empty).
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x bowl"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | A bland, boring bowl. No artist could possibly be inspired by this.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x painter"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x cloth"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Crispin?"
DavidW says, "er, call him Crispin, yes"
Guenni says, "Thanks."
DavidW says, "You can talk to him as well."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x crispin"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | He's that local artist you nearly had a brush with down in the lounge,
CF | only now the fella looks posi-lutely grummy.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "say hello"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | (to Crispin Fourment)
CF | There is no reply.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "ask about bowl"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "TALK TO maybe?"
DavidW says, "yes"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to crispin"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Crispin looks up at you. His gorgeous peepers have lost their
CF | smoulder, and his complexion is pale and drained.
CF |
CF | "Go away!" he moans. "I don't deserve admirers. I'm no artist!"
CF |
CF | 1) "Why would you say that?"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Why would you say that?"]
CF |
CF | "Look how they laud me! Look how they applaud! Look how they clap and
CF | cheer for me, when I am but a fraud! A joke! A piglet of pigment!"
CF | Crispin looks sadly at the blank canvas. "I want to be a real artist,
CF | but I can only paint dames!"
CF |
CF | 1) "So paint dames."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["So paint dames."]
CF |
CF | "Ha! My populist claptrap period is over! Never another dame shall
CF | spill from this brush, for I now only paint Real Art, and Real Art
CF | means but one thing - bowls of fruit!"
CF |
CF | 1) "So paint...fruit?"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["So paint...fruit?"]
CF |
CF | "I only wish I could!" Crispin sighs deeply. "And yet, every container
CF | I find is so...uninspiring. A true artist would be inspired. A true
CF | artist would capture the hell out of that bowl!" He sighs again.
CF | "I...I am not a true artist."
CF |
CF | 1) "Who says bowls of fruit are the only real art?"
CF | 2) "Well, good luck, Crispin."
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Are we trapped in the dialog segment or can we just do whatever?"
DavidW says, "Trapped"
Guenni says, "I guess we're trapped anyway, but talking usually brings information."
DavidW says, "Currently choice 2 exits the conversation."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Who says bowls of fruit are the only real art?"]
CF |
CF | "They all say that! Every real artist!" Crispin says glumly. He hands
CF | you a thick art history textbook. "It's right here in black and white.
CF | Read it for yourself. I used to scoff at the opinions of my betters,
CF | but...but tonight, for some reason...I just can't stop thinking about
CF | what a failure of an artist I am."
CF |
CF | 1) "Why not just paint what you like?"
CF | 2) "What kind of container would inspire you?"
CF | 3) "Well, good luck, Crispin."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF | ["What kind of container would inspire you?"]
CF |
CF | "Oh, maybe something with a bowlish...vasish...dishish quality, maybe
CF | in blue. No, white. No, red. And...maybe if it was large? Or small?"
CF | He puts his head in his hands. "I just can't think of what kind of
CF | container I should put the fruit in, but...but I know if I saw the
CF | right container on that table, I would be inspired!
CF |
CF | 1) "Why not just paint what you like?"
CF | 2) "What kind of container would inspire you?"
CF | 3) "Well, good luck, Crispin."
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I mean, yes, exhaust the whole dialog tree of course. I was just wondering how it works."
Guenni nods.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Why not just paint what you like?"]
CF |
CF | "I would never be accepted. They'd all keep laughing at me behind my
CF | back!"
CF |
CF | 1) "Why not just paint what you like?"
CF | 2) "What kind of container would inspire you?"
CF | 3) "Well, good luck, Crispin."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF | ["What kind of container would inspire you?"]
CF |
CF | "Oh, maybe something with a bowlish...vasish...dishish quality, maybe
CF | in blue. No, white. No, red. And...maybe if it was large? Or small?"
CF | He puts his head in his hands. "I just can't think of what kind of
CF | container I should put the fruit in, but...but I know if I saw the
CF | right container on that table, I would be inspired!
CF |
CF | 1) "Why not just paint what you like?"
CF | 2) "What kind of container would inspire you?"
CF | 3) "Well, good luck, Crispin."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 3
CF |
CF | ["Well, good luck, Crispin."]
CF |
CF | Crispin sighs and goes back to staring at the canvas.
CF |
CF | The Indian Suite
CF | You can barely see this suite beneath the dropcloth on the floor and
CF | the host of half-finished canvases leaning against every wall. The
CF | second floor hallway is to the north.
CF |
CF | Crispin Fourment slouches at an easel, staring at a blank canvas with
CF | a tortured expression on his face.
CF |
CF | A smallish display table sits a few feet from the easel. On it is an
CF | uninspiring bowl.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | A laundry cart trundles slowly along the edge of the hallway, brass
CF | wheels squeaking.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | The Arctic Suite
CF | This room doesn't look like it's been used in years. Everything's
CF | covered in a thick coat of dust-the Benzedrine bottles scattered on
CF | the floor, the drafting table shoved in the corner, and most
CF | especially the enormous scale model of the Poseidon Hotel which
CF | dominates the room.
CF |
CF | A typewritten note is affixed to the model.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "read note"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF |
CF | Dear Thieving Pieces of Excrement,
CF |
CF | From the day the first man took tool in hand and, brick by brick,
CF | built a palace for his inferiors, the noble Architect has toiled to
CF | provide comfort and civilization to the filthy subhman masses who
CF | despise him for his talents. Thus so it was with the latest chapter
CF | in this age-old tragedy, in which I, I, who set my glorious brain to
CF | laying the very foundations on which you crawl, you purulent,
CF | pus-sucking larvae, was hired to design a hotel under the EXPRESS
CF | CONDITION that not one detail of my art be DEFILED by pointless,
CF | mindless, stupid changes! It burst forth from the loins of my hands
CF | and mind as perfection - a true masterpiece. And was my masterpiece
CF | built properly, AS AGREED? No, says the man at the planning office,
CF | you can't build a structure this size out of gingerbread! No, says
CF | the man on the construction crew, we're going to use stone and cement
CF | instead! No, says the man at the front desk, you can't build a
CF | gigantic scale model in your room midway through construction, how
CF | will we ever get it out? We didn't give you our permission!
CF |
CF | Well, I didn't give permission for my designs to be stained by the
CF | crude droolings of a bunch of single-celled parasitic idiot
CF | orangutans. You took my rights from me, and I shall take my hotel from
CF | you. The gift I've hidden in my room will soon blast your brains into
CF | the lifeless goop they are -
CF |
CF | (The page is labeled "1 of 147", but the others seem to be missing.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x model"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | A 1/10 scale model of the Poseidon Hotel which takes up nearly all the
CF | space in the room, and, oddly enough, looks like it's been put
CF | together entirely out of gingerbread. It's otherwise perfect down to
CF | the smallest detail. The doors are just big enough to squeeze IN.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Oh ok."
Knight_Otu blinks.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "enter model"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | You manage to squeeze yourself through the tiny front doors and into a
CF | perfect model of the hotel.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Gingerbread Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | You crawl north into the Neptune Lounge.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Neptune Lounge
CF | You're on your hands and knees in a gingerbread recreation of the
CF | Neptune Lounge. You can back out to the south.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Gingerbread Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Neptune Lounge
CF | You're on your hands and knees in a gingerbread recreation of the
CF | Neptune Lounge. You can back out to the south.
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks, "So the model is a bomb?"
Touchy says, "and "the loins of my hands" ..he has weird anatomy"
DavidW asks, "Am I supposed to spoil this?"
Guenni says, "I don't think so. But we'll know soon enough."
MoyTW says, "No."
Knight_Otu says, "No."
Guenni asks, "Want me to save anyway?"
Touchy exclaims, "No, I am just getting my ideas out!"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "cf3"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Gingerbread Neptune Lounge
CF | > SAVEOk.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I don't think you can make any mistakes."
MoyTW asks (of DavidW), "Ok blanket question does this have deaths/unwinnable states?"
MoyTW says, "Then we're good on saves I think."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Gingerbread Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | You can't go that way.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF | You back up, returning to the hotel lobby.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "No deaths. I didn't find any way to make the game unwinnable either."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | You push your way up the elevator shaft and scoot into the second
CF | floor hall.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | You're lying on your stomach in a recreation of the second floor
CF | corridor. It's a very tight squeeze, and you can't do much here
CF | besides sliding back down. However, one of the gingerbread doors is
CF | open a crack to the northeast.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF | You can get your head through the door, but that's it; your shoulders
CF | are too wide, and forget about points south!
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | Your head is sticking into a recreation of the Arctic Suite. You can
CF | scrooch back to the southwest.
CF |
CF | You can see a scale model of the scale model of the Poseidon Hotel
CF | here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take model"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You can't get your hands far enough into the room to do that.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "It's scale models all the way down."
Guenni says, "probably."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You can't go that way.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I'd say in, rather than down."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "in"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > IN
CF |
CF | You can't go that way.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF | You pull your head out of the Arctic Suite and scoot a foot or so down
CF | the hall.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | You're lying on your stomach in a recreation of the second floor
CF | corridor. It's a very tight squeeze, and you can't do much here
CF | besides sliding back down. However, one of the gingerbread doors is
CF | open a crack to the northeast.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I meant, re what Knight said."
DavidW says, "And you didn't look at the model in the model."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You slide backwards and drop back into the lobby.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Gingerbread Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | You crawl east into the Natatorium.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Natatorium
CF | You're on your hands and knees in a gingerbread recreation of the
CF | hotel natatorium. The pool has been faithfully recreated in blue
CF | buttercream frosting. You can back out to the west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "eat frosting"
CF ] Gingerbread Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's hard as cement! It's gotta be awful old, too.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x pool"
CF ] Gingerbread Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | It looks like it was probably creamy and delicious a couple of decades
CF | ago.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Gingerbread Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF | You can't go that way.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "sorry, no gingerbread ladies changing room."
Guenni says, "looks like it"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | You back up, returning to the hotel lobby.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | > Guenni asks, "Time to get upright again? Or ddid I miss something in here?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x tank"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > OUT
CF |
CF | You crawl back out through the tiny front doors in the Arctic Suite.
CF |
CF | The Arctic Suite
CF | This room doesn't look like it's been used in years. Everything's
CF | covered in a thick coat of dust-the Benzedrine bottles scattered on
CF | the floor, the drafting table shoved in the corner, and most
CF | especially the enormous scale model of the Poseidon Hotel which
CF | dominates the room.
CF |
CF | A typewritten note is affixed to the model.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "table"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Looks like an ordinary drafting table.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I told you what you missed. You didn't examine the smaller model."
Guenni says, "Sorry I missed your comment."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "enter model"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | You manage to squeeze yourself through the tiny front doors and into a
CF | perfect model of the hotel.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | You push your way up the elevator shaft and scoot into the second
CF | floor hall.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | You're lying on your stomach in a recreation of the second floor
CF | corridor. It's a very tight squeeze, and you can't do much here
CF | besides sliding back down. However, one of the gingerbread doors is
CF | open a crack to the northeast.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF | You can get your head through the door, but that's it; your shoulders
CF | are too wide, and forget about points south!
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | Your head is sticking into a recreation of the Arctic Suite. You can
CF | scrooch back to the southwest.
CF |
CF | You can see a scale model of the scale model of the Poseidon Hotel
CF | here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x model"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | A smaller model of the model you're currently inside, also made out of
CF | gingerbread. This one has wires coming out of it and it's ticking in a
CF | frankly kind of worrying way. A big red candy button on the hotel's
CF | face is marked "EMERGENCY DEFUSE".
CF |
CF | > Guenni exclaims, "Oh!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press candy"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You can't reach it from here. You can get your hands just about far
CF | enough into the room to touch your face, and that's it. Gee, if only
CF | your tongue was about a foot longer! For lots of reasons.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x wires"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You are carrying:
CF | an art theory textbook
CF | a stinky stocking
CF | your best set of glad rags (being worn)
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Looks like we need to look for some kind of fishing rod."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x model"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | A smaller model of the model you're currently inside, also made out of
CF | gingerbread. This one has wires coming out of it and it's ticking in a
CF | frankly kind of worrying way. A big red candy button on the hotel's
CF | face is marked "EMERGENCY DEFUSE".
CF |
CF | > Guenni asks, "Ok, now time to come out?"
Touchy says, "But we only need about a foot. So a tiny fishing rod."
Knight_Otu says, "I guess."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF | You pull your head out of the Arctic Suite and scoot a foot or so down
CF | the hall.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | You're lying on your stomach in a recreation of the second floor
CF | corridor. It's a very tight squeeze, and you can't do much here
CF | besides sliding back down. However, one of the gingerbread doors is
CF | open a crack to the northeast.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You slide backwards and drop back into the lobby.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > OUT
CF |
CF | You crawl back out through the tiny front doors in the Arctic Suite.
CF |
CF | The Arctic Suite
CF | This room doesn't look like it's been used in years. Everything's
CF | covered in a thick coat of dust-the Benzedrine bottles scattered on
CF | the floor, the drafting table shoved in the corner, and most
CF | especially the enormous scale model of the Poseidon Hotel which
CF | dominates the room.
CF |
CF | A typewritten note is affixed to the model.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "bottles"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x bottles"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Someone must've really been burning the midnight oil! Staying up all
CF | night, you can understand. But staying up all night to work?
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take bottle"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | A laundry cart trundles slowly along the edge of the hallway, brass
CF | wheels squeaking.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | "Ah," says a voice as you enter the darkened room. "The spirits inform
CF | me that a new seeker has arrived. That is well. Eight is a very
CF | powerful number. In the tongue of the Orient, 'eight' holds the same
CF | meaning as 'life.' Come, join us, pilgrim. SIT IN this chair, take
CF | our hands, and help us breach the very veil between this life and the
CF | next."
CF |
CF | As your eyes begin to the adjust the darkness, you see figures seated
CF | around a table. Looks like you wandered into a real live seance! Ain't
CF | that just the elephant's manicure?
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense and burning
CF | spices. Half a dozen men and women are gathered around a table in the
CF | center of the room, holding hands, their eyes closed. The door back to
CF | the hall is to your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping sits at the far side of the table, hands clasped with
CF | the other seance-goers, eyes closed in concentration. Directly across
CF | from her is an inviting-looking tasseled chair.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "sit on chair"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite (in the tasseled chair)
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense and burning
CF | spices. Half a dozen men and women are gathered around a table in the
CF | center of the room, holding hands, their eyes closed. The door back to
CF | the hall is to your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping sits at the far side of the table, hands clasped with
CF | the other seance-goers, eyes closed in concentration. Directly across
CF | from her is an inviting-looking tasseled chair.
CF |
CF | You ease yourself into the comfortable tasseled chair and join hands
CF | with the seance-goers to either side of you. Across from you, Madame
CF | Ping Ping clears her throat, and the seance resumes.
CF |
CF | "Spirit", Madame Ping Ping says, "we beseech you to show your
CF | presence!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | "Knock once on the table, spirit!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "knock on table"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You're holding hands with the people to either side, and if you let
CF | go, they're sure to smell something fishy.
CF |
CF | The seance-goers mumble their agreement.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | "All it will take is one knock. We must know you are here!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > G
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | "Knock, spirit! Knock on the table!"
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks, "kick it?"
Knight_Otu says, "Kick tab..."
Knight_Otu says, "Right."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "kick table"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Darn."
Guenni says, "could have worked."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "hit table with head"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as wanting to hit the round table.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | A round table, perfect for dancing on, covering with drinks, or (in a
CF | very distant third place) holding a seance around, apparently.
CF |
CF | "Spirit", Madame Ping Ping says, "we beseech you to show your
CF | presence!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "scream"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | > Touchy exclaims, "ventriloquize!"
Guenni says, "Whatever that means."
Touchy says, "oh..i made it up"
DavidW says, "It means to throw your voice."
Touchy says, "ventriloquism is bauchreden"
Guenni says, "ok."
Guenni says, "Ah."
DavidW says, "Hazel has many talents, but throwing her voice isn't one of them."
Guenni says, "Ok, that means I don't have to spell that monster correctly."
Touchy says, "just ignore me"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "push table"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | It is fixed in place.
CF |
CF | "Knock once on the table, spirit!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "hit table with knee"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as wanting to hit the round table.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Can we explore more and come back later?"
Touchy asks, "tap the floor?"
Guenni says, "let's try"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get up"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You let go of the hands to either side of you and stand up.
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense and burning
CF | spices. Half a dozen men and women are gathered around a table in the
CF | center of the room, holding hands, their eyes closed. The door back to
CF | the hall is to your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping sits at the far side of the table, hands clasped with
CF | the other seance-goers, eyes closed in concentration. Directly across
CF | from her is an inviting-looking tasseled chair.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x madame"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | A plump woman about your mother's age, dressed in a shimmering Chinese
CF | dress and a silken cape. Her black wig looks like it came from a
CF | Cleopatra fancy-dress costume.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | The Pacific Suite
CF | An ordinary hotel room, neat as a pin. It doesn't look like anyone's
CF | staying in this one. A scenic picture hangs over the freshly-made
CF | bed. The only exit is north, back the way you came.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x picture"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | It depicts a pirate ship sailing across rough seas, the pirates
CF | happily hoisting mugs of grog. You could sure go for some grog right
CF | now, and you're not even sure what it is.
CF |
CF | > Guenni exclaims, "cheers!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "move picture"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | It is fixed in place.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x bed"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF | > X BED
CF |
CF | It sure looks cozy, the sort of bed a freshly schnockered girl could
CF | happily collapse into in happier times.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "look under bed"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You find nothing of interest.
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks, "schnockered?"
Knight_Otu says, "Tired, I hope."
Guenni says, "I hadn't heart that one so far either."
Touchy says, "KO freshly tired? uh uh"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Pacific Suite
CF | An ordinary hotel room, neat as a pin. It doesn't look like anyone's
CF | staying in this one. A scenic picture hangs over the freshly-made
CF | bed. The only exit is north, back the way you came.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "maybe showered...if we re being optimistic"
Guenni says, "I... doubt it."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "apparently it means drunk"
Knight_Otu says, "Sure. Fits our protagonist, I guess."
Guenni says, "Oh ok, my mind was admittedly further south."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF |
CF | The elevator doors slide open, and there's the elevator operator, some
CF | cute little sheba in a fancy aquamarine uniform, young enough that
CF | she's proably still got a handprint on her hindquarters from when the
CF | doctor slapped her.
CF |
CF | "Oh, good!" she chirps when she sees you. "You're awake! Gosh, did you
CF | ever take a real whack-a-roo on the noggin!"
CF |
CF | 1) "And how! My head is still pounding."
CF | 2) "You couldn't have called a doctor?"
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "The game sometimes does hint further south."
Guenni says, "Nice way of saying thanks."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["And how! My head is still pounding."]
CF |
CF | She nods. "That's one of the thirty telltale signs on a genuine
CF | ghostly encounter! Residual aches in the head, spine, shoulders, legs,
CF | or fundament, dizzyness, sallow complexion, general biliousness,
CF | distemper, soul rot, flashbacks, blackouts, inversions of balance,
CF | ennui, malaise, fever, generalized pox, itching, bloating, excess
CF | perspiration, not enough perspiration, wandering tongue--"
CF |
CF | 1) "Ghostly encounter?"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Ghostly encounter?"]
CF |
CF | "Oh, yes! This hotel is haunted, you know. All sorts of horrible
CF | things happened here!" She beams at you. "You were covered with
CF | spectral residue when we found you. Everyone else said that was just
CF | gunk from the locker room floor, but I knew the truth. I knew you'd
CF | touched the other world!"
CF |
CF | 1) "Kiddo, the only thing I want to touch right now is an ice pack and
CF | a few drinks to empty it into."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Kiddo, the only thing I want to touch right now is an ice pack
CF | and a few drinks to empty it into."]
CF |
CF | "Sorry, Miss, but there's not a drop in the whole place. I think
CF | that's the work of the ghost, too. Because I know who the
CF | ghost is!" She leans forward and sticks out one white-gloved hand.
CF | "Kipper Fanucci, student of the paranormal! Is me, I mean. Not the
CF | ghost."
CF |
CF | 1) "Hazel Greene, student of the alcoholic!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Hazel Greene, student of the alcoholic!"]
CF |
CF | "Nice to meet you, Hazel!" Kipper pumps your hand up and down
CF | vigourously. "I can't believe I'm finally meeting someone with the
CF | Sight!"
CF |
CF | 1) "What is 'the Sight'?"
CF | 2) "Who is the ghost?"
CF | 3) "How did an elevator operator become a 'student of the
CF | paranormal'?"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["What is 'the Sight'?"]
CF |
CF | "It means you can see into the spiritual least, a little
CF | bit. More than I can, anyway," she murmurs, a wistful look crossing
CF | her face. "You oughtta treasure it. It's a rare gift!"
CF |
CF | 1) "Who is the ghost?"
CF | 2) "How did an elevator operator become a 'student of the
CF | paranormal'?"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Who is the ghost?"]
CF |
CF | "Her name is Mildred Waverly. She was a temperance crusader who
CF | disappeared in this very hotel eight years ago
CF | tonight, give or take a couple of weeks, and her body was
CF | never found! There have been events for years! Drinks
CF | mysteriously going bad, strange sounds coming from the basement...but
CF | never anything like this!"
CF |
CF | 1) "So this bluenose from beyond the grave has got us all stuck in a
CF | bone-dry haunted house, and I'm the only one who can see her?"
CF | 2) "How did an elevator operator become a 'student of the
CF | paranormal'?"
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Can't be that rare, we had it in Cragne Manor as well."
Guenni laughs.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["So this bluenose from beyond the grave has got us all stuck in a
CF | bone-dry haunted house, and I'm the only one who can see her?"]
CF |
CF | Kipper nods vigorously. "Now you're on the trolley!"
CF |
CF | She pulls a battered pair of old-fashioned, wire-rimmed cheaters out
CF | of her pocket. "Take a gander at these! They were found in Mildred
CF | Waverly's room on the night she disappeared. She wore 'em everywhere,
CF | which means, according to Epstein's Principle of Sympathetic
CF | Resonance, they should be attuned to her. They might make it easier to
CF | find spectral traces. I've been looking through 'em all day, but if
CF | you don't have the Sight, they're just a pair of old glasses. Go ahead
CF | - try them on. Maybe you'll see something!"
CF |
CF | 1) Put on the glasses.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [Put on the glasses.]
CF |
CF | This still sounds like a barrel of banana oil to you, but you may as
CF | well humor the kid. You slip the glasses on, and -
CF |
CF | There's a mysterious patch on the wall of the elevator, a sort of
CF | glowing greasy stain of light. It twists and quivers, seeming to sense
CF | that you're taking a gander at it, and finally peels away and reforms
CF | and - holy smokes, there's a ghost here!
CF |
CF | There's a ghost right here, looking at you with its little
CF | piggy ghosty eyes, making itself comfortable with a nice perch right
CF | on Kipper's shoulder! You take off the cheaters and rub your eyes, but
CF | the ghost is still there. Looks like once they decide to come out to
CF | play, you don't need the glasses to see them.
CF |
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF |
CF | It looks a splash of liquid, like the moment when a drink got dumped
CF | out or tossed in someone's face was frozen forever. When it sees that
CF | you're looking at it, it vamps like Clara Bow.
CF |
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "4"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 4
CF |
CF | There is no choice corresponding to that number.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 3
CF |
CF |
CF | The ghost just giggles wetly.
CF |
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF |
CF | "You want to hear more about Mildred Waverly? Sure! According to
CF | Winslow's Three Precepts, a paranormal entity intersects the physical
CF | plane when one of Breznev's Five Conditions is met, and going by the
CF | Rule of Least Co-Corporeality..."
CF |
CF | Boy, this sheba can beat her gums when she gets going!
CF |
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't seem to get a grip on it. It's like trying to hold on to a
CF | damp tissue in a dream.
CF |
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 3
CF |
CF |
CF | It smells a lot like a bucket of gin.
CF |
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 3
CF |
CF |
CF | You lunge forward, put you lips on the ghost, and suck in, not really
CF | expecting it to work any better than anything else you've tried...but
CF | to your shock, it does! You slurp the ghost shrieking down your
CF | gullet. Not only did that get rid of the ghost, you really needed that
CF | drink!
CF |
CF | Apparently this is how you get rid of ghosts. Who knew?
CF |
CF | You draw back to see Kipper goggling at you. "W-what was that? One of
CF | those kisses they do to say hello in France?" She blushes. "Gee! I've
CF | never been French-kissed before!"
CF |
CF | 1) "No, I wasn't trying to kiss you! I was drinking a ghost off of
CF | your shoulder."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["No, I wasn't trying to kiss you! I was drinking a ghost off of
CF | your shoulder."]
CF |
CF | Kipper rolls her eyes. "Sure, like I haven't heard that line before.
CF | Wait - you're serious, aren't you? You actually succeeded in enclosing
CF | a second-order roaming malevolent sub-spirit in an organic containment
CF | matrix? Oh, Miss Greene, that's just the cat's pajamas! You don't just
CF | have the Sight! You have the Taste!"
CF |
CF | She practically pushes you out of the elevator. "You put on those
CF | glasses and see what else you can find. I bet this place is just
CF | dripping with second-order roaming malevolent sub-spirits! Oooooh,
CF | gosh, this is exciting!"
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Okay..."
Touchy says, "Hazel Greene, alcoholic ghost sucker."
Guenni asks, "Let's start at the raght end, perhaps we can tlask sense into the architect?"
Knight_Otu says, "I guess spirits are *spirits*."
Touchy says, "The architect is not here."
MoyTW says, "Ha! haaaa. That's actually perfect."
Touchy says, "He just left the note."
Guenni says, "Sorry for the mess up client hate."
MoyTW says, "I think the architect is long gone, it was a very old scale model."
MoyTW asks, "With I guess a comically long bomb timer?"
Guenni says, "Ok, you have a point. Let's see if the spiritualists are succeding."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense and burning
CF | spices. Half a dozen men and women are gathered around a table in the
CF | center of the room, holding hands, their eyes closed. The door back to
CF | the hall is to your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping sits at the far side of the table, hands clasped with
CF | the other seance-goers, eyes closed in concentration. Directly across
CF | from her is an inviting-looking tasseled chair.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "sit on chair"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite (in the tasseled chair)
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense and burning
CF | spices. Half a dozen men and women are gathered around a table in the
CF | center of the room, holding hands, their eyes closed. The door back to
CF | the hall is to your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping sits at the far side of the table, hands clasped with
CF | the other seance-goers, eyes closed in concentration. Directly across
CF | from her is an inviting-looking tasseled chair.
CF |
CF | You ease yourself into the comfortable tasseled chair and join hands
CF | with the seance-goers to either side of you. Across from you, Madame
CF | Ping Ping clears her throat, and the seance resumes.
CF |
CF | "Knock! Knock!" the assembled seance-goers repeat.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | "All it will take is one knock. We must know you are here!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | "Knock, spirit! Knock on the table!"
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "tap floor"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "stomp"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Ok one more z, than it's time to move on, I think."
Knight_Otu asks, "Are we wearing the glasses? I thought they were taken off automatically?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | "Spirit", Madame Ping Ping says, "we beseech you to show your
CF | presence!"
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "You aren't wearing the glasses currently."
Guenni exclaims, "Oh!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear glasses"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You slip them on. It's downright criminal to block the world's view of
CF | your kisser, but you've got to find where those ghosts are hiding!
CF |
CF | "Knock once on the table, spirit!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | "Come on, don't be shy!" says the woman in the overcoat.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Time passes.
CF |
CF | "All it will take is one knock. We must know you are here!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x madame"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | A plump woman about your mother's age, dressed in a shimmering Chinese
CF | dress and a silken cape. Her black wig looks like it came from a
CF | Cleopatra fancy-dress costume. It looks like she's possessed by a
CF | ghost.
CF |
CF | "Knock, spirit! Knock on the table!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x people"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | A plump woman about your mother's age, dressed in a shimmering Chinese
CF | dress and a silken cape. Her black wig looks like it came from a
CF | Cleopatra fancy-dress costume. It looks like she's possessed by a
CF | ghost.
CF |
CF | "Spirit", Madame Ping Ping says, "we beseech you to show your
CF | presence!"
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Okay I haven't been mapping our rooms, but wasn't there another wing or something?"
Guenni says, "Any suggestions how to look at the others"
DavidW says, "You're on the second floor, in the northwest suite."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x seance"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Six guests, three men and three women, are seated around the table,
CF | hand in hand, their heads respectfully bowed as Madame Ping Ping
CF | conducts the seance.
CF |
CF | "Knock once on the table, spirit!"
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I think we need to find some way to throw our voice or something for this (?) or to make a deal to...summon an Actual Ghost or something."
Guenni says, "I meant the other people in the room, perhaps the ghost sits on someone again."
DavidW says, "The room across the hall is empty. The closet is south of middle hall. The cart is at the south end. The gingerbread is in the northeast. The artist is southeast."
DavidW says, "And, of course, the elevator can take you to another floor."
MoyTW asks, "Can we check our inventory?"
MoyTW says, "For the glasses."
Guenni says, "Not what I meanti"
DavidW says, "The other people in the seance are unimportant."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You are carrying:
CF | a pair of spook-spotting cheaters (being worn)
CF | an art theory textbook
CF | a stinky stocking
CF | your best set of glad rags (being worn)
CF |
CF | "Knock! Knock!" the assembled seance-goers repeat.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Oh we're wearing the glasses already, okay."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "drop book"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Guenni put them on."
Guenni says, "Ok, let's go."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get up"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You let go of the hands to either side of you and stand up.
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense and burning
CF | spices. Half a dozen men and women are gathered around a table in the
CF | center of the room, holding hands, their eyes closed. The door back to
CF | the hall is to your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping sits at the far side of the table, hands clasped with
CF | the other seance-goers, eyes closed in concentration. Directly across
CF | from her is an inviting-looking tasseled chair.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "Well, I am out of ideas for making knocking noises."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | The Pacific Suite
CF | An ordinary hotel room, neat as a pin. It doesn't look like anyone's
CF | staying in this one. A scenic picture hangs over the freshly-made
CF | bed. The only exit is north, back the way you came.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x bed"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF | > X BED
CF |
CF | It sure looks cozy, the sort of bed a freshly schnockered girl could
CF | happily collapse into in happier times.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Some puzzles need tools or learned skills from other locations."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x picture"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | It depicts a pirate ship sailing across rough seas, the pirates
CF | happily hoisting mugs of grog. You could sure go for some grog right
CF | now, and you're not even sure what it is.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Ok, down or further east"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "First floor, please."
CF | 2) "Third floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 3
CF |
CF | ["Seeya, Kipper."]
CF |
CF | "Seeya, Miss Greene!"
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense and burning
CF | spices. Half a dozen men and women are gathered around a table in the
CF | center of the room, holding hands, their eyes closed. The door back to
CF | the hall is to your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping sits at the far side of the table, hands clasped with
CF | the other seance-goers, eyes closed in concentration. Directly across
CF | from her is an inviting-looking tasseled chair.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Sorry, I can't count any more."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "First floor, please."
CF | 2) "Third floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["First floor, please."]
CF |
CF | "Sure thing!"
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x tank"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | A huge cylindrical tank stretching from the floor to the ceiling.
CF | There's got to be about a million gallons of water in there.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The concierge appears, suggests perhaps madam would prefer an area of
CF | the hotel that's not restricted to employees only, and whisks away
CF | again. Looks like the hotel offices are off-limits to guests.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | First Floor Corridor
CF | An east-west hall lined with pillars. Gilt-edged paintings decorate
CF | the walls.
CF |
CF | The hotel lobby lies to the west, and the scent of lightly chlorinated
CF | salt water drifts in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x scene"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | The painting glows with life - bright sands, blue skies, warm sun,
CF | bathers frolicking in the surf. In the foreground is lush beach grass
CF | and, off to one side, a whitewashed changing shed. The door of the
CF | shed looks so real, you just have to run your fingers over it - and
CF | you feel rough wood. It is real! Looks like there's a way
CF | east from here, cleverly concealed as part of the painting.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "open door"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Boiler Room
CF | You pull open the cleverly concealed whitewashed door. Beyond is a
CF | dark, cramped boiler room. About ninety percent of the space inside is
CF | taken up by an immense, medieval-looking boiler, and about half of
CF | what's left is full of awkwardly-placed pipes and a large, rusty valve
CF | wheel. That leaves a whopping five percent of the room available for
CF | you to occupy, which isn't ideal for a girl with a six-percent-sized
CF | figure. You suck in your extra percentage point and just manage to
CF | scoot past the pipes. It's repulsively hot and cramped in here, and
CF | the sound of rushing water is deafening. The only way out is back
CF | west, to the natatorium.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x boiler"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's about the size of a luxury car and probably weighs twice as much.
CF | It looks like it probably started life boiling witches to death in the
CF | thirteenth century. Every so often it clunks and shudders ominously.
CF | It's connected to a mess of pipes.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x pipes"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | They go in all directions, but the largest lead west. Probably those
CF | are the pipes that supply the natatorium pools with water. The
CF | thickest of the pipes is equipped with a rusty valve wheel.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW exclaims, ""natatorium" huh!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x wheel"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's old and rusty, but you could probably TURN it if you put your
CF | back into it.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "turn it"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | The wheel squeaks as you turn it. The rush of water lessens.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF | > G
CF |
CF | It's getting harder to turn. The water sounds like a trickle now.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF | > G
CF |
CF | With a grunt, you turn the wheel as tight as it can go, shutting off
CF | the hot water entirely. The only way to turn it now is back in the
CF | other direction.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x pool"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | A frozen sheet of ice.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "interesting."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x ice"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > X ICE
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Huh."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "enter pool"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | Sorry, sheba, but you left your ice pick at home.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You can't go that way.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x baths"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | For simulated beachside canoodling.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Maybe Hazel can borrow an icepick from one of the ladies who didn't leave her icepick at home."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Ladies' Changing Room
CF | It's steamy and musty, with slick floors. Lockers line the walls.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Assuming ladies share icepicks."
Guenni says, "I kind of ignored the lockers the last time in here."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x lockers"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | Rows of metal lockers. They smell damp, moldy, and unappealing.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "search lockers"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You swore off searching years ago. That sort of prying is for
CF | the fuzz and your old lady. You'll stick with examining things, thank
CF | you very much.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Ladies' Changing Room
CF | It's steamy and musty, with slick floors. Lockers line the walls.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | You give the joint the old once-over first, just to make sure nobody's
CF | watching, and then in you go.
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | It's steamy and musty, with slick floors. Lockers line the walls.
CF |
CF | One of the lockers is blackened and slightly twisted, as if it's been
CF | through a fire.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x black"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x lockers"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | Rows of metal lockers. They smell damp, moldy, and unappealing. None
CF | of them have numbers.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x black locker"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Just say locker. Or maybe blackened instead of black."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | You give the joint the old once-over first, just to make sure nobody's
CF | watching, and then in you go.
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | It's steamy and musty, with slick floors. Lockers line the walls.
CF |
CF | One of the lockers is blackened and slightly twisted, as if it's been
CF | through a fire.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x locker"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's charcoal-black and twisted slightly out of shape. The number is
CF | missing, but you can see bare patches which look like a pair of
CF | sevens.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | The locker is tightly sealed. Whatever's beyond it is still too
CF | strong.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "I guess the door won't open until all the spirits have slided down our gullets."
DavidW says, "Pretty much, yes."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | > Guenni asks, "Do we want to experiment with other wheel settings, or leave here?"
Touchy asks, "what did this setting do?"
DavidW says, "I can explain the wheel if necessary."
Guenni says, "It froze the water on the highest setting."
Touchy says, "hm"
DavidW says, "The wheel controls how much hot water is going to the main pool."
Guenni says, "Let's give it a try with a trickle."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Boiler Room
CF | A dark, dripping boiler room. There's a large boiler here, connected
CF | to the water supply and the pools to the west by a spaghetti of metal
CF | pipes. A rusty valve wheel juts from the side of the largest pipe. The
CF | only exit is west, back to the natatorium.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "turn wheel"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You've barely touched the wheel when it begins spinning on its own, as
CF | the pent-up pressure from the boiler forces the valve fully open and
CF | water rushes loudly through the pipe.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "So much for a trickle."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x pool"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | A boiling, bubbling cauldron of hot, salty water.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "hm...what could we boil here? the stockings? :D"
Guenni says, "I guess we need an icepick after all."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | First Floor Corridor
CF | An east-west hall lined with pillars. Gilt-edged paintings decorate
CF | the walls.
CF |
CF | The hotel lobby lies to the west, and the scent of lightly chlorinated
CF | salt water drifts in from the east.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "You do not need an icepick."
Guenni says, "Or a bathing suit"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x paintings"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF |
CF | Subjects include sea serpents, sultry sirens, and ships being dragged
CF | to the inky depths.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | > Guenni asks, "We're not allowed to leave, correct?"
DavidW says, "Correct. You can re-enter the lounge, though, now."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Neptune Lounge
CF | A real fancy place for swells to come and take in a show - crystal
CF | chandeliers, napkins folded in the shape of fish, the whole kit and
CF | kaboodle. One wall is mostly taken up by a bar that serves "juice,"
CF | another features a stage that serves up "talented" performers, and the
CF | third is dominated by an enormous mural. The hotel lobby is to the
CF | south, the dressing room is to the north, and double doors lead east
CF | to the kitchen.
CF |
CF | A discarded party blower lies on the floor.
CF |
CF | A dejected daiquiri sits abandoned on one of the tables.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x blower"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's one of those uncurling party favors you can BLOW to make a
CF | "whee!" noise.
CF |
CF | > Guenni exclaims, "Troeoeoeoet!!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take it."
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x mural"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | The mural depicts Nereid, Queen of the Saltwater Nymphs, leading her
CF | foam-drenched followers in an upriver charge against the brutal
CF | waterfall bulwarks of her freshwater archrival, Naiad. It's signed, in
CF | big looping letters, C. Fourment.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x bowl"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Neptune Lounge
CF | A real fancy place for swells to come and take in a show - crystal
CF | chandeliers, napkins folded in the shape of fish, the whole kit and
CF | kaboodle. One wall is mostly taken up by a bar that serves "juice,"
CF | another features a stage that serves up "talented" performers, and the
CF | third is dominated by an enormous mural. The hotel lobby is to the
CF | south, the dressing room is to the north, and double doors lead east
CF | to the kitchen.
CF |
CF | A dejected daiquiri sits abandoned on one of the tables.
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks, "have we been to the kitchen?"
DavidW says, "nope"
Guenni says, "no."
Knight_Otu says, "We couldn't go there."
DavidW asks, "I don't think you tried yet?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x diquire"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x daiquire"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "No, I mean, we got booted from the lounge before we could eveb try."
Guenni says, "f x stage"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x daiquiri"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | A single banana bobs fruitlessly in the non-alcoholic Misery Sauce.
CF | You can't bear to see this! You reach in and pluck it from its watery
CF | grave, then put the rest of the drink out of its misery by tossing it
CF | over your shoulder.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x stage"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a stage for acts of various degrees of quality. Currently the
CF | placard advertises "Barnaby Mooch the Magnificent Pooch", who's famous
CF | for his "Death-Defying Miracle Escapes."
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Can someone take over for a while please? I need to eat something."
Guenni rubs her growling stomach.
Knight_Otu asks, "Touchy?"
Touchy says, "hmmm"
Touchy says, "I am sooo tired."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Neptune Lounge
CF | A real fancy place for swells to come and take in a show - crystal
CF | chandeliers, napkins folded in the shape of fish, the whole kit and
CF | kaboodle. One wall is mostly taken up by a bar that serves "juice,"
CF | another features a stage that serves up "talented" performers, and the
CF | third is dominated by an enormous mural. The hotel lobby is to the
CF | south, the dressing room is to the north, and double doors lead east
CF | to the kitchen.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "x bar"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > X BAR
CF |
CF | The bar is untended. Or, to put it another way, the bar is unattended.
CF | All those bottles sitting out, unguarded, and you just know they're
CF | filled with nothing but water. It's enough to make a girl cry.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "x mural"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | The mural depicts Nereid, Queen of the Saltwater Nymphs, leading her
CF | foam-drenched followers in an upriver charge against the brutal
CF | waterfall bulwarks of her freshwater archrival, Naiad. It's signed, in
CF | big looping letters, C. Fourment.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "oh that"
Touchy says, "yes, I am tired. Sorry. Somebody else could drive. ;)"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The concierge appears, suggests perhaps madam would prefer an area of
CF | the hotel that's not restricted to employees only, and whisks away
CF | again. Looks like the kitchen is off-limits to guests.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Dressing Room
CF | Props and costumes are scattered around this small dressing room. A
CF | full-length mirror leans against the wall. South leads back to the
CF | Neptune Lounge.
CF |
CF | A large wooden crate sits against one wall.
CF |
CF | A handwritten reminder is pasted to the wall.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "x crate"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wooden crate covered in stickers from exotic ports of call. It's
CF | securely nailed shut, and you hear a sad whine coming from within. It
CF | just might be possible to work the top loose from outside, if you
CF | really put your back into it, but it'd probably involve a whole lot of
CF | unladylike grunting.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "wear glasses"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You're already wearing that!
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "open crate"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | A whole lot of unladylike grunting later, you've got the top open a
CF | crack, and that's about all this little pooch needed. You see a pair
CF | of furry paws slip into the crack, expertly working at the new
CF | weakness, and suddenly - KERPOWZO! The crate collapses into kindling,
CF | and a furry little fluffball explodes out of the wreckage. Barnaby
CF | Mooch, the Magnificent Pooch, is free at last! And he's using his
CF | freedom to lick your face, which is fine by you, 'cause there was some
CF | unladylike sweating involved too.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "That poor, poor dog."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "x barnaby"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | A tiny terrier with stylishly bobbed brown fur and more brains than
CF | Dr. Frankenstein's icebox.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to barnaby"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | Barnaby barks happily at you.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "hi barnaby"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The reminder will explain why he was in the crate."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "barnaby, hi"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | There is no reply.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Death-defying escapes."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "x note"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "x reminder"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | A few short sentences in an angry-looking scrawl. You can READ it, if
CF | you put your mind to it.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "read reminder"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | "All right, numbskull! You're in charge of this leg of the tour. Don't
CF | screw it up. All you've gotta do is get a few commands through your
CF | thick head and the dog does the rest, see? Remember:
CF |
CF | Set him down first! He won't do this stuff if you're carryin' him.
CF |
CF | HEEL TAP to make him 'sing.'
CF |
CF | TOE TAP to make him 'dance'.
CF |
CF | Don't get 'em mixed up, and DON'T let the marks get wise to what
CF | you're really doing. We want 'em to think the dog's smarter than they
CF | are instead of just smarter than you are. Oh, and remember not to
CF | lock the crate, dummy! You put him in anything locked, he'll just
CF | break it and get out. You keep it nailed shut. He can't get
CF | out of that.
CF |
CF | Oh yeah, and whatever you do, don't CLICK your HEELS. If I ever find
CF | out it was you that taught him that trick, I'll wring your scrawny
CF | little chicken neck and nail you to the wall. Got it, you puke-faced
CF | mug?
CF |
CF | - Love, Mother."
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "...what happens if you click your heels?"
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "click heels"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You click your heels together. At first nothing seems to happen. Then
CF | you smell the oh-so-unmistaken scent of rotten eggs, and Barnaby Mooch
CF | looks up you with a sheepish expression. This mutt's just violated
CF | the Geneva Gas Protocol!
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "tap heel"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Well..."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "heel tap"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You tap your heel, and Barnaby Mooch howls "Sweet Adeline."
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "toe tap"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You tap your toes, and Barnaby Mooch leaps into the air!
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "oh, put him under the table and bump it?"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "x mirror"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | Wowee! You are one tempting tank of tomato juice, if you do say so
CF | yourself. And you do!
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Also we apparently have a room-clearer now."
Touchy says, "let's try"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "get barnaby"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | Barnaby barks happily and lets you scoop him up into your arms.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "now...on account of the tired laziness"
Touchy says, "I didn't map.."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Dressing Room
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Dressing Room
CF | Props and costumes are scattered around this small dressing room. A
CF | full-length mirror leans against the wall. South leads back to the
CF | Neptune Lounge.
CF |
CF | A handwritten reminder is pasted to the wall.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Neptune Lounge
CF | A real fancy place for swells to come and take in a show - crystal
CF | chandeliers, napkins folded in the shape of fish, the whole kit and
CF | kaboodle. One wall is mostly taken up by a bar that serves "juice,"
CF | another features a stage that serves up "talented" performers, and the
CF | third is dominated by an enormous mural. The hotel lobby is to the
CF | south, the dressing room is to the north, and double doors lead east
CF | to the kitchen.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I can drive you to anywhere if need be."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The concierge appears, suggests perhaps madam would prefer an area of
CF | the hotel that's not restricted to employees only, and whisks away
CF | again. Looks like the hotel offices are off-limits to guests.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "enter elevator"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | The doors are clamped tighter than the old lady's legs on a Saturday
CF | night. You'd have to call the operator by pushing that pearl button
CF | before you can get in it.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "push pearl"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "Second floor, please."
CF | 2) "Third floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Second floor, please."]
CF |
CF | "Sure thing!"
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense and burning
CF | spices. Half a dozen men and women are gathered around a table in the
CF | center of the room, holding hands, their eyes closed. The door back to
CF | the hall is to your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping sits at the far side of the table, hands clasped with
CF | the other seance-goers, eyes closed in concentration. Directly across
CF | from her is an inviting-looking tasseled chair.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "put barnaby under table"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Just drop him."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "sit in chair"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite (in the tasseled chair)
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense and burning
CF | spices. Half a dozen men and women are gathered around a table in the
CF | center of the room, holding hands, their eyes closed. The door back to
CF | the hall is to your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping sits at the far side of the table, hands clasped with
CF | the other seance-goers, eyes closed in concentration. Directly across
CF | from her is an inviting-looking tasseled chair.
CF |
CF | You drop Barnaby in order to have both hands free and then ease
CF | yourself into the comfortable tasseled chair. He saunters under the
CF | table and parks himself loyally at your feet as you join hands with
CF | the seance-goers to either side of you. Across from you, Madame Ping
CF | Ping clears her throat, and the seance resumes.
CF |
CF | "All it will take is one knock. We must know you are here!"
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "drop barnaby"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Barnaby hops out of your arms.
CF |
CF | "Knock, spirit! Knock on the table!"
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "toe tap"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You tap your toes, and Barnaby Mooch leaps into the air!
CF | Unfortunately the poor kid didn't reckon on anything being in the way,
CF | and he bashes his tender coconut into the underside of the table with
CF | a loud knocking noise.
CF |
CF | The seance-goers gasp. "He knocks!" Madame Ping says. "The ghost shows
CF | his presence! Oh, spirit! Speak! I beseech you in the name of Samurai,
CF | allow us to hear your mournful voice!"
CF |
CF | "Oh spirit, speak to us!", Madame Ping Ping cries.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Sing?"
DavidW says, "sure"
MoyTW says, "(heel tap)"
DavidW says, "(yes)"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "heel tap"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You tap your heel, and Barnaby Mooch lets out a mournful howl. "The
CF | spirit cries out in pain!" Madam Ping Ping cries. The guests murmur
CF | amongst themselves, worried.
CF |
CF | "Are we quite completely sure this is a good spirit?" asks the nervous
CF | woman. "Not one from...down there?"
CF |
CF | "You must abandon such Western ways and embrace the spirit of the
CF | honorable East," Madame Ping Ping chides. "Do not the ancestors wash
CF | away such distinctions when their spirits travel to Mount Fuji to
CF | bathe in the headwaters of the Yangtze?" She glances around the
CF | circle. "Ah, but I see you have not progressed far enough along the
CF | Eightfold Path to abandon such earthly conceits. Very well. I shall
CF | now ask the spirit to prove it comes not from any underworld, but from
CF | the ambrosia-soaked rice fields of the honorable deceased."
CF |
CF | "Ease our minds, spirit!" Madame Ping wails. "Show us you mean us
CF | well!"
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Well, about that, Mdme Ping Ping."
Touchy says, "i mean..i have only one trick left"
MoyTW says, "hahaha"
DavidW asks, "yessss?"
MoyTW says, "doiiiiit"
Touchy asks, "what? nobody else jumping on the opportunity?"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "click heels"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You click your heels together. A few seconds later, the air fills
CF | with the scent of rotten eggs. "Brimstone!" screams the nervous woman
CF | sitting next to you, releasing your hand. "Help! Help!"
CF |
CF | "It's a demon! A demon!" shouts the man with the walrus moustache,
CF | fumbling with a cross. "I knew this was a stupid idea. It's come for
CF | our souls!"
CF |
CF | "Not our souls!" the nervous woman screams. "Go away, demon! I'll
CF | never dabble in the occult again!"
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping abruptly stops ululating. "Now, there's no need to go
CF | that far-" But it's too late. An umbrella clobbers the medium on the
CF | back of her head as a woman in a dark coat vaults over the table and
CF | scrambles towards the door.
CF |
CF | "It's locked!" Dark Coat babbles, turning the knob the wrong way.
CF |
CF | Walrus Moustache lifts the tasseled chair off the carpet. "I'll soon
CF | have it down," he growls.
CF |
CF | "Scuse me, Mac!" you say, hanging onto the armrests for dear life.
CF | "This seat's taken! You want to give me a chance to vacate the
CF | premises before you go all Samson on the place?" Seeing the answer is
CF | apparently "no", you leap free just before the chair is sent hurtling
CF | through the door.
CF |
CF | The seance-goers rush out in blind panic, leaving you flat on your
CF | keister, the room in a shambles, and Madame Ping Ping sprawled
CF | unconscious across the table. You're lucky you can blame this one on
CF | the dog.
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense, burning
CF | spices, and just a hint of dog wind. The door back to the hall is to
CF | your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping is sprawled across the table, unconscious.
CF |
CF | You can also see Barnaby Mooch the Magnificent Pooch here.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "get barnaby"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Barnaby barks happily and lets you scoop him up into your arms.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "x ping"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | A plump woman about your mother's age, dressed in a shimmering Chinese
CF | dress and a silken cape. Her black wig looks like it came from a
CF | Cleopatra fancy-dress costume. She's sprawled across the table,
CF | knocked out colder than a bluenose's boudoir. Looks like she didn't
CF | see that umbrella coming.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Are the glasses not on?"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "wear glasses"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You're already wearing that!
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "Wasn't there a ghost possessing her?"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "search ping"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You swore off searching years ago. That sort of prying is for
CF | the fuzz and your old lady. You'll stick with examining things, thank
CF | you very much.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "look again"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense, burning
CF | spices, and just a hint of dog wind. The door back to the hall is to
CF | your south.
CF |
CF | A giggling ghost hovers over Madame Ping Ping.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping is sprawled across the table, unconscious.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "THERE it is"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "x ghost"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | It looks like a pint of delicious booze come to life.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to ghost"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | No point beating your gums there.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "You know what to do."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "drink ghost"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You put your lips on the ghost and gulp it down. Mm! This stuff is
CF | posi-tutely the berries! It only takes a few swallows before the
CF | spectral killjoy is gone for good and the hotel is just a little less
CF | haunted. Gee, don't it feel swell to do a good deed?
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "who you gonna call"
Touchy says, "ghost slurpers"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense, burning
CF | spices, and just a hint of dog wind. The door back to the hall is to
CF | your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping is sprawled across the table, unconscious.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to ping"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | There's no point beating your gums at someone who's unconscious!
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "shake ping"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks, "fine..what else did we have to do?"
MoyTW says, "Eeeeh she'll be fine."
DavidW says, "Let her sleep. Unless you can drag her to the bed across the hall."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "drag ping"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping might not like that.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "There's three other puzzles on this floor. I'm not sure you recognized one as a puzzle."
Knight_Otu says, "The fruit bowl, the model, and the uninhabited room."
DavidW says, "wrong"
Knight_Otu says, "Darn."
Touchy says, "ok, I remember the fruit bowl and the model but we neither have a bowl or a fruit nor anything to poke that button with"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] The Atlantic Suite
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Atlantic Suite
CF | The room is dark, the air thick with the smell of incense, burning
CF | spices, and just a hint of dog wind. The door back to the hall is to
CF | your south.
CF |
CF | Madame Ping Ping is sprawled across the table, unconscious.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "We have a banana, dom#yt we?"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "You have one fruit so far. A banana from the daiquiri."
Touchy says, "DAMN SON"
DavidW asks, "Did you read the art textbook at all?"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You are carrying:
CF | Barnaby Mooch the Magnificent Pooch
CF | a banana
CF | a party blower
CF | a pair of spook-spotting cheaters (being worn)
CF | an art theory textbook
CF | a stinky stocking
CF | your best set of glad rags (being worn)
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I don't think we did."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "read book"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "read art theory textbook"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF |
CF | Chapter 1: The proper subject.
CF |
CF | (There's a lovely color painting of a bowl of fruit on this page.)
CF |
CF | No choice you make as an artist is as important as choosing the
CF | correct subject. Let the amateur scribblers, the mere dilettantes,
CF | content themselves with great battles and last suppers, with windy
CF | moors and noble beasts and shapeless bursts of color. You are a Real
CF | Artist, and for a Real Artist there is but one subject: The Container
CF | of Fruit.
CF |
CF | Find the most beautiful container you can. Fill it with at least
CF | three kinds of fruit. Then simply place it on any convenient table or
CF | pedestal in front of you. If you've chosen the right vessel, then
CF | inspiration will flow like milk from a pent-up Holstein. Then, and
CF | only then, will you know you are a Real Artist.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "TEXTbook"
Guenni says, "I'm completely back. If wanted, I can take the wheel again."
Touchy says, "hm"
Touchy says, "yes please"
Touchy says, "I want to sit here like a vegetable."
DavidW says (to Guenni), "They solved the seance by using the trained dog."
Guenni says, "I missed probably some stuff. I hope nothing to important."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You are carrying:
CF | Barnaby Mooch the Magnificent Pooch
CF | a banana
CF | a party blower
CF | a pair of spook-spotting cheaters (being worn)
CF | an art theory textbook
CF | a stinky stocking
CF | your best set of glad rags (being worn)
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "Yes, we slurped the ghost of mdm ping ping."
Guenni says, "Ok."
Touchy says, "A party blower.."
Touchy says, "derp"
Touchy says, "That should work on the defuse button."
DavidW says, "They haven't used the blower yet."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "blow blower"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF |
CF | You pop it in your mouth and blow. The paper part uncoils with
CF | surprising force and a nice loud "wheeeeee!" noise. You feel a little
CF | more festive.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Oh, yeah."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | A laundry cart trundles slowly along the edge of the hallway, brass
CF | wheels squeaking. You can see a mysterious glow coming from the
CF | cart. Maybe if you took a closer look...
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | The Arctic Suite
CF | This room doesn't look like it's been used in years. Everything's
CF | covered in a thick coat of dust-the Benzedrine bottles scattered on
CF | the floor, the drafting table shoved in the corner, and most
CF | especially the enormous scale model of the Poseidon Hotel which
CF | dominates the room.
CF |
CF | A typewritten note is affixed to the model.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "enter model"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | You manage to squeeze yourself through the tiny front doors and into a
CF | perfect model of the hotel.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | You push your way up the elevator shaft and scoot into the second
CF | floor hall.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | You're lying on your stomach in a recreation of the second floor
CF | corridor. It's a very tight squeeze, and you can't do much here
CF | besides sliding back down. However, one of the gingerbread doors is
CF | open a crack to the northeast.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Ah, yes, the laundry cart."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "ne"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > NE
CF |
CF | You can get your head through the door, but that's it; your shoulders
CF | are too wide, and forget about points south!
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | Your head is sticking into a recreation of the Arctic Suite. You can
CF | scrooch back to the southwest.
CF |
CF | You can see a scale model of the scale model of the Poseidon Hotel
CF | here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "blow blower"
CF ] Gingerbread Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You fish out the party blower, work your hand far enough into the room
CF | to pop it into your mouth, and blow. The paper roll is just long
CF | enough to smack the candy-colored button dead center, depressing it
CF | and shutting off the bomb.
CF |
CF | A ghost bubbles out of the bomb, sloshes around in the tiny room, and
CF | pours out the window into the other, bigger Arctic Suite.
CF |
CF | > Guenni exclaims, "Toeoeroeoe!!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "sw"
CF ] Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > SW
CF |
CF | You pull your head out of the Arctic Suite and scoot a foot or so down
CF | the hall.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Second Floor Corridor
CF | You're lying on your stomach in a recreation of the second floor
CF | corridor. It's a very tight squeeze, and you can't do much here
CF | besides sliding back down. However, one of the gingerbread doors is
CF | open a crack to the northeast.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Wait we need to drink the ghost."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You slide backwards and drop back into the lobby.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The ghost is in the actual room now."
Knight_Otu says, "We're not out of the model yet."
MoyTW says, "Aaah, ok."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You can't go that way.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "out"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > OUT
CF |
CF | You crawl back out through the tiny front doors in the Arctic Suite.
CF |
CF | The Arctic Suite
CF | This room doesn't look like it's been used in years. Everything's
CF | covered in a thick coat of dust-the Benzedrine bottles scattered on
CF | the floor, the drafting table shoved in the corner, and most
CF | especially the enormous scale model of the Poseidon Hotel which
CF | dominates the room.
CF |
CF | A smug-looking ghost floats in midair.
CF |
CF | A typewritten note is affixed to the model.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "drink ghost"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You smack your lips against the ectoplasmic creep and take a good long
CF | slurp. Pretty soon the ghost has been sent to that big old bloodstream
CF | in the sky. Too bad these little things don't have sheets, or you'd
CF | have three of 'em to be to the wind right now.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Prost."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | A laundry cart trundles slowly along the edge of the hallway, brass
CF | wheels squeaking. You can see a mysterious glow coming from the
CF | cart. Maybe if you took a closer look...
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | The Indian Suite
CF | You can barely see this suite beneath the dropcloth on the floor and
CF | the host of half-finished canvases leaning against every wall. The
CF | second floor hallway is to the north.
CF |
CF | Crispin Fourment slouches at an easel, staring at a blank canvas with
CF | a tortured expression on his face. He appears to be possessed by
CF | one of the hotel ghosts!
CF |
CF | A smallish display table sits a few feet from the easel. On it is an
CF | uninspiring bowl.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Did we look at the cart yet?"
DavidW says, "NOPE"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "put banana in bowl"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You put the banana into the uninspiring bowl.
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks (of DW), "Why didn't we!!?"
MoyTW asks, "...that was a pretty obvious prompt lol, how'd we miss that?"
DavidW asks, "I don't know?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to crispin"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | He sighs heavily.
CF |
CF | 1) "Why not just paint what you like?"
CF | 2) "What kind of container would inspire you?"
CF | 3) "Well, good luck, Crispin."
CF |
CF | > Touchy exclaims (at DW), "Well, I blame you!"
DavidW asks, "Moi?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF | ["What kind of container would inspire you?"]
CF |
CF | "Oh, maybe something with a bowlish...vasish...dishish quality, maybe
CF | in blue. No, white. No, red. And...maybe if it was large? Or small?"
CF | He puts his head in his hands. "I just can't think of what kind of
CF | container I should put the fruit in, but...but I know if I saw the
CF | right container on that table, I would be inspired!
CF |
CF | 1) "Why not just paint what you like?"
CF | 2) "What kind of container would inspire you?"
CF | 3) "Well, good luck, Crispin."
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "Why?"
MoyTW says, "Honestly I'd rather he stay quiet than pop up every time we miss something."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 3
CF |
CF | ["Well, good luck, Crispin."]
CF |
CF | Crispin sighs and goes back to staring at the canvas.
CF |
CF | The Indian Suite
CF | You can barely see this suite beneath the dropcloth on the floor and
CF | the host of half-finished canvases leaning against every wall. The
CF | second floor hallway is to the north.
CF |
CF | Crispin Fourment slouches at an easel, staring at a blank canvas with
CF | a tortured expression on his face. He appears to be possessed by
CF | one of the hotel ghosts!
CF |
CF | A smallish display table sits a few feet from the easel. On it is an
CF | uninspiring bowl.
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "We have only ourselves to blame."
DavidW says, "yes, I shoould shut up more."
Knight_Otu says, "I did mention the cart.... eventually."
Touchy exclaims, "Oui! Toi!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | A laundry cart trundles slowly along the edge of the hallway, brass
CF | wheels squeaking. You can see a mysterious glow coming from the
CF | cart. Maybe if you took a closer look...
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x cart"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | The cart, already piled high, prowls as if looking for more dirty
CF | laundry to add to its haul. You wish you could show this to the old
CF | lady. She's always claiming laundry doesn't do itself. Your
CF | spook-spotting cheaters reveal the source of the mysterious movement -
CF | this thing is possessed! Now if only you can find a way to satisfy
CF | this laundry cart's unfinished business...
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get cart"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | The laundry cart really wants to stay where it is!
CF |
CF | >
MoyTW asks, "...uh. Take it to...the furnace?" Knight_Otu exclaims, "The stinky stockings!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get laundry"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | The laundry cart really wants to stay where it is!
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "Maybe put in the stocking?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "put stocking on cart"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | Putting things on the laundry cart would achieve nothing.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "put stocking in laundry"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | The cart accepts the repulsive thing with ecstasy. Taking such a
CF | wretched little rag to be washed must be a laundry cart's dream. With
CF | a lurch, it overturns, spilling undergarments, towels, and a fancy
CF | bellhop's uniform out onto the floor...and then a ghost erupts from
CF | the piles of laundry!
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "Well that was easy."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "drink ghost"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | You're starting to get the hang of this! The ghost goes down the hatch
CF | faster than a sailor who just heard Clara Bow was berthed in his bunk,
CF | and with four drinks in you, you're starting to feel nicely haunted.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, ";yaay uniform"
Touchy says, "kitchen and office access"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take uniform"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear it"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | You really oughta take off the glad rags before putting anything else
CF | on.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Yeah."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "remove glad"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF |
CF | There's got to be a better place to get changed, somewhere where you
CF | won't be on the hook for causing heart attacks if someone gets an
CF | eyeful.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Er, yeah to kitchen and office access."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Closet
CF | The inside of a dimly-lit storage closet, unfurnished except for an
CF | uncomfortable-looking cot pushed into the corner. One whole wall is
CF | covered with newspaper clippings, and a tower of dime novels teeters
CF | next to the cot. There's a door to the north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "remove glad"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You shuck off your dress, hat, and pearls.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear uniform"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You shrug on the uniform and do up the buttons. Anyone who sees you
CF | would take you for an (unusually good-looking) hotel employee.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Closet
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You are carrying:
CF | a bellhop's uniform (being worn)
CF | Barnaby Mooch the Magnificent Pooch
CF | a party blower
CF | a pair of spook-spotting cheaters (being worn)
CF | an art theory textbook
CF | your best set of glad rags
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks, "was there anything about why we there are so many comments about our looks?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "First floor, please."
CF | 2) "Third floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["First floor, please."]
CF |
CF | "Sure thing!"
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "We're a bit vain, I guess."
Guenni asks, "ok, wher first?"
Touchy says, "whatever :)"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Office
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Cleverly disguised as the Grand Poseidon's most beautiful bellhop, you
CF | hop over the counter and into an employees-only area.
CF |
CF | Hotel Office
CF | Oof, this room's a real step down in the fanciness department. Looks
CF | like everyone cleared out after the raid, leaving nothing but a room
CF | full of desks and paperwork. The lobby is to the north. To the east
CF | is the door to the hotel's high security vault.
CF |
CF | There's an apple sitting on one of the desks.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take apple"
CF ] Hotel Office
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x desks"
CF ] Hotel Office
CF | >
CF |
CF | They're just regular old desks, made out of cheap wood and without a
CF | single decorative fish or ornately carved siren in sight. They don't
CF | even have drawers. Donnie Cantaloupe really cheaped out on this place
CF | compared to the stuff the guests see.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x paperwork"
CF ] Hotel Office
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's mostly long lists of people who've checked in and checked out of
CF | the hotel at various times. Looks like Mr. and Mrs. John Smith are
CF | frequent guests.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Hazel leaves a 'hot for teacher' valentine on the desk in the apple's place."
Guenni grins
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take lists"
CF ] Hotel Office
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > MoyTW asks, "x apple?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x apple"
CF ] Hotel Office
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's all bright and shiny. The desk musta belonged to a real apple
CF | polisher.
CF |
CF | > Guenni asks, "I think another one for the bowl?"
Touchy asks (of DW), "Is that a reference?"
Touchy says (to Guenni), "Yeah, probably."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Vault
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Vault
CF | This is the hotel's vault, where guests can drop off their high-priced
CF | losables so they can debauch in peace. Nobody is at the teller's
CF | window, but the vault door has a deposit slot, for after-hours
CF | drop-offs. You can see a ghostly outline moving around beyond the
CF | vault door!
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "'apple polisher' is an idiom, but I'm unclear what it means exactly."
inky says, "ass-kisser, I think"
Touchy says, "DW I meant the weird valentine."
DavidW says, "oh, I just made that up"
Guenni says, "My first thought also was teacher's pet."
DavidW says, "Apples go with teachers and horses."
Guenni says, "x door"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), " x door"
CF ] Vault
CF | >
CF |
CF | An extremely heavy and secure metal door. You can't see any way to
CF | open it, but there's a deposit slot in it for dropping off valuables.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x slot"
CF ] Vault
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's big enough to fit most hoity-toity valuables, up to and including
CF | crystal skulls and rhinestone-studded bowling balls, while being
CF | slightly too small for the typical urchin or daring midget
CF | contortionist.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "put dog in slot"
CF ] Vault
CF | >
CF |
CF | Barnaby just fits through the slot, and wriggles out of your arms with
CF | a determined bark. Can Barnaby Mooch the Magificent Pooch escape from
CF | the Vault of Doom? Will he do it, folks?
CF |
CF | A minute passes...
CF |
CF | Two minutes....
CF |
CF | When the tension is almost more than you can bear, there's a
CF | "kerchunk", and the vault door swings open. There, amid a fanfare of
CF | trumpets, stands Barnaby! He takes a bow, trots forward and
CF | thoughtfully kicks the door shut behind him - but not before the
CF | vault's ghost has slithered out as well.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "drink ghost"
CF ] Vault
CF | >
CF |
CF | Y'know, these things could really use a little garnish. An olive or
CF | something. But there's nothing for it now, so you deploy your drinker
CF | and soon the ghost is nothing more than a hiccup and a grin.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I almost forgot Barnaby was famous for daring escapes."
Guenni says, "The hangover will probably als be spectacular. :P"
Touchy says, "nice, I don't think I would have thought of that"
Guenni says, "Thanks. :-)"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Vault
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | You can't go that way.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Office
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Office
CF | Oof, this room's a real step down in the fanciness department. Looks
CF | like everyone cleared out after the raid, leaving nothing but a room
CF | full of desks and paperwork. The lobby is to the north. To the east
CF | is the door to the hotel's high security vault.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Neptune Lounge
CF | A real fancy place for swells to come and take in a show - crystal
CF | chandeliers, napkins folded in the shape of fish, the whole kit and
CF | kaboodle. One wall is mostly taken up by a bar that serves "juice,"
CF | another features a stage that serves up "talented" performers, and the
CF | third is dominated by an enormous mural. The hotel lobby is to the
CF | south, the dressing room is to the north, and double doors lead east
CF | to the kitchen.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "napkins"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x napkins"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | They're shaped like marine life.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to take.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Kitchen
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Cleverly disguised as the Grand Poseidon's most beautiful bellhop, you
CF | slip through the swinging doors and into an employees-only area.
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | It looks a lot like other kitchens, probably; you make it a point to
CF | spend as little time in them as possible. There's a big industrial
CF | refrigerator and lots of counters. Swinging double doors to the west
CF | lead back to the lounge.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x counters"
CF ] Kitchen
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "refrigerator"
CF ] Kitchen
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x refrigerator"
CF ] Kitchen
CF | >
CF |
CF | This refrigerator, much like the old lady that time she chaperoned
CF | your senior year homecoming dance, is sitting in the corner, humming
CF | quietly and radiating bitter cold. The refrigerator is closed.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
CF ] Kitchen
CF | >
CF |
CF | You swing the heavy door open and get a blast of arctic air in the
CF | face.
CF | A lone orange rests on the top shelf.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take orange"
CF ] Kitchen
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks, "ok, so that solves the we know of any other ghosts?"
Guenni says, "Can't think of any."
MoyTW asks, "Did we ever end up using the heated water?"
DavidW says, "You haven't visited the third floor at all yet."
Touchy says, "No..."
Knight_Otu says, "Maybe one in the pool. And of course in the men's locker room."
Guenni says, "Not so far, I think"
Touchy maybe we have to throw the locker in to get it unstuck :)
Touchy says, "ilac" Touchy says, "maybe we have to throw the locker in to get it unstuck :)"
Guenni says, "I think the ghosts' presence keeps it shut."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "close refrigerator"
CF ] Kitchen
CF | >
CF |
CF | You swing the heavy door closed.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "Probably but I like physics better than ghosts."
Guenni -)
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Neptune Lounge
CF | A real fancy place for swells to come and take in a show - crystal
CF | chandeliers, napkins folded in the shape of fish, the whole kit and
CF | kaboodle. One wall is mostly taken up by a bar that serves "juice,"
CF | another features a stage that serves up "talented" performers, and the
CF | third is dominated by an enormous mural. The hotel lobby is to the
CF | south, the dressing room is to the north, and double doors lead east
CF | to the kitchen.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "Second floor, please."
CF | 2) "Third floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | > Touchy says, "wait a second"
Touchy asks, "did we check out that fish tank?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > 3
CF |
CF | ["Seeya, Kipper."]
CF |
CF | "Seeya, Miss Greene!"
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I believe we did."
Touchy says, "ok"
Guenni says, "Yeah. At first a mermaid was in it. Not any more."
Touchy asks, "okay...?"
Guenni says, "I think elevator girl is the mermaid."
Guenni says, "Something in the way she was described."
DavidW says, "Kip is not the mermaid."
Guenni says, "Ok."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "Second floor, please."
CF | 2) "Third floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "She wasn't a real mermaid, just dressed up, to be precise."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Second floor, please."]
CF |
CF | "Sure thing!"
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Yeah. I thought elevator girl was dressed up."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | You can see an overturned cart here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | The Indian Suite
CF | You can barely see this suite beneath the dropcloth on the floor and
CF | the host of half-finished canvases leaning against every wall. The
CF | second floor hallway is to the north.
CF |
CF | Crispin Fourment slouches at an easel, staring at a blank canvas with
CF | a tortured expression on his face. He appears to be possessed by
CF | one of the hotel ghosts!
CF |
CF | A smallish display table sits a few feet from the easel. On it is an
CF | uninspiring bowl.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "put apple and orange in bowl"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | apple: Done.
CF | orange: Done.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to crispin"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | He sighs heavily.
CF |
CF | 1) "Why not just paint what you like?"
CF | 2) "What kind of container would inspire you?"
CF | 3) "Well, good luck, Crispin."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF | ["What kind of container would inspire you?"]
CF |
CF | "Oh, maybe something with a bowlish...vasish...dishish quality, maybe
CF | in blue. No, white. No, red. And...maybe if it was large? Or small?"
CF | He puts his head in his hands. "I just can't think of what kind of
CF | container I should put the fruit in, but...but I know if I saw the
CF | right container on that table, I would be inspired!
CF |
CF | 1) "Why not just paint what you like?"
CF | 2) "What kind of container would inspire you?"
CF | 3) "Well, good luck, Crispin."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "3"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > 3
CF |
CF | ["Well, good luck, Crispin."]
CF |
CF | Crispin sighs and goes back to staring at the canvas.
CF |
CF | The Indian Suite
CF | You can barely see this suite beneath the dropcloth on the floor and
CF | the host of half-finished canvases leaning against every wall. The
CF | second floor hallway is to the north.
CF |
CF | Crispin Fourment slouches at an easel, staring at a blank canvas with
CF | a tortured expression on his face. He appears to be possessed by
CF | one of the hotel ghosts!
CF |
CF | A smallish display table sits a few feet from the easel. On it is an
CF | uninspiring bowl.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
Guenni says, "Looks like we need another container."
DavidW says, "mmhm"
Knight_Otu says, "I don't quite recall seeing one."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You are carrying:
CF | a bellhop's uniform (being worn)
CF | a party blower
CF | a pair of spook-spotting cheaters (being worn)
CF | an art theory textbook
CF | your best set of glad rags
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "A beautiful container."
Guenni says, "the tank or the pool."
Guenni says, "Or we decorate ourself."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take banana"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear it"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You can't wear that!
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Hm. I guess we didn't try to take the model tank/pool."
Knight_Otu says, "Not that I expect those to be it."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "put banana in bowl"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You put the banana into the uninspiring bowl.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | You can see an overturned cart here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | The Arctic Suite
CF | This room doesn't look like it's been used in years. Everything's
CF | covered in a thick coat of dust-the Benzedrine bottles scattered on
CF | the floor, the drafting table shoved in the corner, and most
CF | especially the enormous scale model of the Poseidon Hotel which
CF | dominates the room.
CF |
CF | A typewritten note is affixed to the model.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "enter model"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | You manage to squeeze yourself through the tiny front doors and into a
CF | perfect model of the hotel.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Gingerbread Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | You crawl east into the Natatorium.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Natatorium
CF | You're on your hands and knees in a gingerbread recreation of the
CF | hotel natatorium. The pool has been faithfully recreated in blue
CF | buttercream frosting. You can back out to the west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take pool"
CF ] Gingerbread Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's too old and hard to scoop up.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Let's try to open the locker."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF | You back up, returning to the hotel lobby.
CF |
CF | Gingerbread Hotel Lobby
CF | You're crouching on your hands and knees in a perfect
CF | stale-gingerbread recreation of the hotel's lobby. It should just be
CF | possible to crawl north or east, crawl OUT again, or go up the
CF | elevator shaft.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
CF ] The Arctic Suite
CF | >
CF | > OUT
CF |
CF | You crawl back out through the tiny front doors in the Arctic Suite.
CF |
CF | The Arctic Suite
CF | This room doesn't look like it's been used in years. Everything's
CF | covered in a thick coat of dust-the Benzedrine bottles scattered on
CF | the floor, the drafting table shoved in the corner, and most
CF | especially the enormous scale model of the Poseidon Hotel which
CF | dominates the room.
CF |
CF | A typewritten note is affixed to the model.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | You can see an overturned cart here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Hmm would it be ok if I tried to get on the table first? The guy likes to paint dames."
DavidW says, "please try it"
Knight_Otu says, "I guess you can try."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] The Pacific Suite
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | The Pacific Suite
CF | An ordinary hotel room, neat as a pin. It doesn't look like anyone's
CF | staying in this one. A scenic picture hangs over the freshly-made
CF | bed. The only exit is north, back the way you came.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | You can see an overturned cart here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | The Indian Suite
CF | You can barely see this suite beneath the dropcloth on the floor and
CF | the host of half-finished canvases leaning against every wall. The
CF | second floor hallway is to the north.
CF |
CF | Crispin Fourment slouches at an easel, staring at a blank canvas with
CF | a tortured expression on his face. He appears to be possessed by
CF | one of the hotel ghosts!
CF |
CF | A smallish display table sits a few feet from the easel. On it is an
CF | uninspiring bowl.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get on table"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You plop your posterior on the small table. Crispin sighs. (A real
CF | sigher, this one.) "If only I could paint you," he says. "But
CF | the rules are clear! It's a container of fruit, or nothing!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take orange, apple and banana"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | orange: Taken.
CF | apple: Taken.
CF | banana: Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF |
CF |
CF | The Indian Suite
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "As I expected. Maybe once de-possessed."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take bowl"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "eat apple"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Crunch! So long, apple!
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "eat orange"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You peel and eat the orange. It's round, sweet, and a little tart,
CF | which are fine things for an orange, or anyone, to be. Yum!
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "eat banana"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You swallow the banana in a few bites. Yum!
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Huh."
MoyTW says, "...that's a very clever take."
Guenni says, "Hmm, I thought that might do the trick."
MoyTW asks, "Get back on the table?"
DavidW says, "Try sitting on the table again, yeah"
DavidW says, "Or talking to Crispin again."
Guenni says, "I didn't think I got off."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get on table"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | You plop your posterior on the small table. Crispin sighs. (A real
CF | sigher, this one.) "If only I could paint you," he says. "But
CF | the rules are clear! It's a container of fruit, or noth -
CF |
CF | "So who's not a container of fruit? I've eaten a banana, an orange,
CF | and an apple. I'm a regular fruit salad."
CF |
CF | "You mean - you - really?" Crispin brightens. "Then I can paint you! I
CF | can paint you! Oh, this is wonderful. Hold this! I have to capture
CF | you, now!" As Crispin picks up his paint brush, the ghostly presence
CF | erupts from his body. Now's your chance to get rid of -
CF |
CF | "Up-bup-bup! Let's keep that pose."
CF |
CF | Two hours later, Crispin finishes the painting and leaves, a tune on
CF | his lips.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "drink ghost"
CF ] The Indian Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Slurp! Now you've got an even half-dozen of these little things
CF | gurgling around down there. You're starting to feel like a slightly
CF | plastered egg carton.
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Well done."
MoyTW says, "Nice."
Guenni says, "Ok down to the locker and we can look fo a bed to await our well earnt hangover."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, East End
CF | You're standing at the eastern end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites, and the hallway continues to the west.
CF |
CF | You can see an overturned cart here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, Right in the Middle
CF | You're standing around the midpoint of a long hall that runs the
CF | length of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. There's a small closet to
CF | the south, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | You're standing at the western end of a long hall that runs the length
CF | of the Grand Poseidon's second floor. Doors to the north and south
CF | lead to luxury suites. The hallway continues to the east. This is also
CF | the 2nd floor elevator stop, and you can push the pearl button to
CF | summon an elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Second Floor Corridor, West End
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "First floor, please."
CF | 2) "Third floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I suspect we can't do the locker yet."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["First floor, please."]
CF |
CF | "Sure thing!"
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | First Floor Corridor
CF | An east-west hall lined with pillars. Gilt-edged paintings decorate
CF | the walls.
CF |
CF | The hotel lobby lies to the west, and the scent of lightly chlorinated
CF | salt water drifts in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | You give the joint the old once-over first, just to make sure nobody's
CF | watching, and then in you go.
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | It's steamy and musty, with slick floors. Lockers line the walls.
CF |
CF | One of the lockers is blackened and slightly twisted, as if it's been
CF | through a fire.
CF |
CF | > Touchy exclaims, "Good job!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "open locker"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | The locker pulses under your hands, and you feel the seal cracking.
CF | You can enter and face what lies inside now, or you can go back into
CF | the hotel and search for more ghosts.
CF |
CF | 1) I'm done with this place! Let's guzzle us a ghost!
CF | 2) Nah, I'm not ready yet.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [I'm done with this place! Let's guzzle us a ghost!]
CF |
CF | You throw the locker open and-
CF |
CF | Nothin'. Just an empty locker. What a royal platter of the phonus
CF | balonus!
CF |
CF | Until you realize that the musty room is somehow brand new, the tiles
CF | less cracked, the lockers gleaming. It's like you've stepped back into
CF | the past, like in that Christmas book, except instead of watching some
CF | crusty old bluenose waste his childhood working, you're seeing what
CF | happened here, in this very room, some eight years ago.
CF |
CF | Donnie Cantaloupes swaggers in, dressed in a bathing suit, a towel
CF | around his neck. He's still huge, but in a different order, with more
CF | of his bulk filed under "M" for muscles, or maybe "M" for "Mamma mia,
CF | what a dish!" It's enough to make you want to run right out of here,
CF | find your younger self, and tell her to ditch the hopscotch a couple
CF | of years early.
CF |
CF | 1) Try to attract his attention.
CF | 2) Duck behind the lockers.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Huh, I guess we can."
DavidW says, "huh. I am very surprised. You didn't get all the ghosts."
Guenni says, "Oh."
Guenni asks, "undo?"
DavidW says, "Maybe this will lead to another ending I don't know about."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF | [Duck behind the lockers.]
CF |
CF | You dart behind the lockers, a little too late to avoid him seeing you
CF | if he could, but apparently he can't. It's either that or he's
CF | ignoring you, and since you're you, how likely is that? He
CF | does turn around when another woman enters the room.
CF |
CF | 1) Who's the dame?
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [Who's the dame?]
CF |
CF | She bears more than a passing resemblance to Agent Byrd - a tall,
CF | severe-looking brunette in businesslike tweed. This woman is older,
CF | though, with a sharp chin and a streak of gray in her hair. She storms
CF | up to Donnie, waving a finger in his face. "Don't think you can run
CF | away from me, Mister Cantaloupes!"
CF |
CF | "Didn't I tell ya to back off, ya dizzy harpy?" Donnie roars back.
CF |
CF | "One of your goons did mention it, yes," the woman says. "I believe
CF | his exact words were "one of these days, they'll find you floating
CF | face down in the Sound." I told him that was an ugly threat, and he
CF | said, and I quote, "It could be uglier. They could find you floating
CF | face up."
CF |
CF | Donnie chuckles.
CF |
CF | "I fail to see what's so funny, Mr. Cantaloupes. What would you
CF | friends at City Hall say if they knew you consorted with such
CF | ruffians?"
CF |
CF | Donnie crosses his arms. "And what would your fancy-schmancy
CF | Temperance ladies say if they knew Mildred Waverly hung around in
CF | men's changing rooms?"
CF |
CF | Waverly grins. "I made very sure that nobody saw me come in here, Mr.
CF | Cantaloupes. You can't hide behind your goons anymore. It's just you
CF | and me."
CF |
CF | "Just you and me, huh?" Donnie says, casually approaching. She looks
CF | so much smaller than he does, and yet she stands straight and proud.
CF | "No witnesses?" And that's when he lunges for her.
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | "No witnesses?" And that's when he lunges for her.--------------------
CF |
CF | It's nearly a minute before Waverly finally breaks the kiss to shoot a
CF | nervous look around the room. "You're quite sure we're really alone?"
CF |
CF | "Isn't it a little late to be worried about that? Besides, didn't I
CF | tell you I gave them the night off?" Donnie says, stroking her hair."
CF |
CF | "I thought you meant you didn't - oh, I'm sorry, it's just impossible,
CF | the way you talk. Poor Rosie used to have the same problem, but we
CF | fixed it years ago, thank goodness."
CF |
CF | "Didn't I explain I can get around it by putting everything in the
CF | form of a question?"
CF |
CF | "Like a stutterer learning to sing his words instead of saying them,
CF | yes, I understand. It's just confusing, that's all." She
CF | gives him a teasing grin. "Sometimes I think things would had been
CF | easier if I'd fallen for the other doorman. The one who always tells
CF | the truth."
CF |
CF | "And what fun would that be?"
CF |
CF | "Not much," Waverly admits. "And we wouldn't have Rosie."
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | "Not much," Waverly admits. "And we wouldn't have
CF | Rosie."--------------------
CF |
CF | "How is Rosie, anyway?" Donnie says. "Got to be getting pretty big by
CF | now, isn't she?"
CF |
CF | "Nearly fifteen, and no, thank goodness, given that Walter is five
CF | foot two and weighs less than I do we're lucky she didn't end up with
CF | your body structure."
CF |
CF | "Any girl would be lucky not to end up with my body structure, don't
CF | you think?"
CF |
CF | "Now, that's not what I meant! You're very handsome for a mountain."
CF | She puts her head on his shoulders. "Oh, Donnie. I wish you could see
CF | her. I wish we didn't have to play around like this."
CF |
CF | "Don't you think I wish that too, Millie?"
CF |
CF | "I know you do. You're a good man, Donnie, but you've made a choice to
CF | do evil things." She sighs. "Those I suppose I'm hardly one to talk
CF | about that, am I? Nevertheless, as long as you continue to sell this
CF | poison -"
CF |
CF | "What if I stop?"
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | "What if I stop?"--------------------
CF |
CF | "What, just like that?"
CF |
CF | "What do I need more money for? Wouldn't it be nice if we could all be
CF | a family?" He reaches into the locker and pulls out a bottle of
CF | champagne. "What would you say if I told you I picked this up today,
CF | and it'll be the last bottle of booze I ever buy? Now - how about a
CF | toast?"
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | toast?"--------------------
CF |
CF | "You know I never touch-"
CF |
CF | "It's okay just this once, isn't it? You don't think I'll tell any of
CF | your hoity-toity friends, do you?"
CF |
CF | "I supposed not," Mildred says, blushing. She allows Donnie to pour
CF | her a glass and clinks it against his. "Very well. Just one. To us!"
CF | She gulps it down and makes a face. "Honestly, Donnie, I don't know
CF | where you get this cheap - "
CF |
CF | And then her hand flies to her throat and she collapses to the tile,
CF | her face ashen.
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | her face ashen.--------------------
CF |
CF | Poisoned. How? Not by Donnie. Any thought of that leaves your head
CF | when you see the look on his face as she falls, and the way he holds
CF | her as she dies.
CF |
CF | He's still holding her when one of his weaselly looking henchmen
CF | saunters in. The goon's eyes widen as he takes in the scene. "Holy
CF | smokes, boss. You actually kacked the broad."
CF |
CF | Donnie turns to look and him. Silently, he nods.
CF |
CF | Suddenly, you smell strong spirits. You turn - and you're face-to-face
CF | with the ghost of Mildred Waverly.
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to mildred"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | with the ghost of Mildred Waverly.--------------------
CF |
CF | Her ectoplasmic body ripples and shimmers in the light. She's holey,
CF | like a hunk of Swiss cheese, the liquid weeping from the spots where
CF | the missing chunks of her body should be. She raises one hand and
CF | crooks her fingers towards you. Your belly gurgles. The spirits in
CF | the hotel, you realize, weren't really ghosts at all, but fragments of
CF | Mildred she left behind...and she's calling them back. A dizzying wave
CF | of sobriety crashes over you as the liquid leaches from your body and
CF | returns to hers.
CF |
CF | When your vision clears, Mildred stands before you, more complete than
CF | she was...but still not complete. Either the missing pieces are
CF | driving her as koo-koo as a Swiss clock or she's just in a bad mood,
CF | because she's hissing up a storm and looking at you like she wants a
CF | fight.
CF |
CF | "What? Hey, watch it!" you protest. "That was every drop of the stuff
CF | I had, I swear!"
CF |
CF | But she advances for you anyway, reaching for your face with dripping
CF | fingers tipped with razor-sharp boozecicles. There's no reasoning with
CF | her in this state! There's only one way out of this, Hazel, and it's
CF | a good thing you're thirsty!
CF |
CF | 1) Drink.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh my"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [Drink.] DavidW says, "This isn't how it happened for me."
MoyTW asks, "Huh! Did we miss one? Is this the Bad End?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Drink.]--------------------
CF |
CF | You plant a wet smacker right on the back of Mildred's hand and inhale
CF | like your life depends on it, 'cause as far as you can see, it does.
CF | You've slurped her up to the elbow before she even realizes what's
CF | happening. Then she shrieks and tries to pull away. "Wicked
CF | girrrrrl," she growls. "Wicked, slovenly harrrrrlot! Get away from
CF | me!"
CF |
CF | "Stick it in your ear," you manage in between gulps of her left
CF | shoulder.
CF |
CF | "Sinnerrr! Scarrrrlet doxy! Floozy! Lush!"
CF |
CF | "Aw, you sound just like my senior yearbook entry."
CF |
CF | "You've rrrrruined my revenge! Rrrruined it! Rrrrrrrrruined it!" she
CF | screeches as her torso begins to crumble inward. You're getting
CF | light-headed, not to mention more than a little liquorlogged, but
CF | Hazel Greene doesn't put down a drink half-finished.
CF |
CF | The ghost shrieks in anguish and frustration as her neck dribbles
CF | away, pulling her head - all that's left of her - towards its final
CF | fate.
CF |
CF | "You may have won!" she screams. "But just look at you! You're not a
CF | girl. You're a brewery on legs! You're disgusting! And you're
CF | drunk!"
CF |
CF | The last bit of Mildred swirls into your mouth like water down the
CF | bathtub drain. "Oh yeah?" you manage, pausing for a hiccup powerful
CF | enough to break a window. "Well, so are you."
CF |
CF | 1) And that's about where you pass out.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Yes, you missed one."
DavidW says, "oh gosh. So you don't...."
MoyTW says, "Ok let's see how this goes."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [And that's about where you pass out.] MoyTW exclaims, "Sssh, ssh, let's see hwo it ends first!"
DavidW says, "yeah, I haven't seen this ending."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | [And that's about where you pass out.]Or maybe you're
CF | actually passing back in, because all of a sudden you've got the cold
CF | locker room floor pressed against your back and Agent Byrd slapping
CF | you in the face. "Wake up!" she says, before turning to someone you
CF | can't see because you can't move your head without everything smearing
CF | like a Picasso. "It's no use, she's too drunk. Get me a bucket of cold
CF | water."
CF |
CF | "I'm not drunk!", you try to protest, but it comes out more like "Amm
CF | nawww rarrrunk" because you are, in fact, ossified right out of your
CF | little blonde skull. The same skull which Agent Byrd proceeds to
CF | lubricate with a gallon of ice water. "You're lucky to be alive," she
CF | says, helping you sit up. "The explosion shook the whole hotel."
CF |
CF | Donny Cantaloupes rushes into the room, shoving onlookers out of the
CF | way. "What's goin' on in here?" he bellows. "Don't you know this is
CF | the gentleman's changing area?"
CF |
CF | Agent Byrd stands up, triumphant. "It's clear to me exactly what's
CF | happened," she says. "You were hiding a cache of highly flammable
CF | contraband in this locker room, trusting that it's the one place I'd
CF | never dare check. This unfortunate girl snuck in to sample the
CF | merchandise, overindulged, lost her head enough to light up a quick
CF | jazz cigarette and - BOOM!"
CF |
CF | "That's exactly what happened," Donnie says.
CF |
CF | "A-ha!"
CF |
CF | "Nah, you're takin' the boss out of context," says Donnie's right-hand
CF | man, weaseling up. "You gotta remember his speech impediment. And say,
CF | boss, I gotta tell you, I was checking the 'mineral water' and it's
CF | back to being 'mineral water', not, uh, mineral water, if you get me,
CF | see?"
CF |
CF | "A-ha, again!" Agent Byrd says. "Don't think I don't know what you're
CF | talking about. Men, search the place! We've got you this time,
CF | Cantaloupes. And when I bust this place up from stem to stern, not
CF | only will we uncover your operation, we'll find evidence for the rest
CF | of it too. You'll finally face justice for the murder of Mildred
CF | Waverly." She leans forward, getting right in the big man's face. "You
CF | killed my mother," she hisses. "And pretty soon I'll be able to prove
CF | it."
CF |
CF | Suddenly all business again, she backs off and kneels to face you.
CF | "Miss, we're going to need a statement."
CF |
CF | You don't want to give a statement. In fact, you don't really feel
CF | like moving. For one thing, your head is swimming, and for another,
CF | speaking of swimming your stomach feels like it could double
CF | for an Olympic-sized pool right now. You're retaining a lot of
CF | Mildred. But Agent Byrd is waiting. You're going to have to tell her
CF | something....
CF |
CF | 1) It's about your mother...
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [It's about your mother...]
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | [It's about your mother...]"Your mother did this," you say.
CF | "Or...her ghost did. She was angry with the hotel, and I don't blame
CF | her, because the way she died would have steamed anyone's celery. But
CF | it wasn't Donnie Cantaloupes who killed her!"
CF |
CF | "No, it wasn't," Donnie Cantaloupes says suddenly. "I didn't kill
CF | her." Gasps ring out from the crowd as people work out what he just
CF | said.
CF |
CF | "Uh, Boss," says Weaselly, "let's not say anything we shouldn't outta
CF | say in front of Janey Law here..."
CF |
CF | ""I didn't kill her!" Cantaloupes says again. "I haven't been carrying
CF | this secret around for eight long years. I'm not tired of it. No, I
CF | didn't kill her. It wasn't an accident, but that means I'm not
CF | responsible. It's not time for me to take responsibility for that. I
CF | don't deserve to go to jail."
CF |
CF | "Nah, she wouldn't want that," you say. "The ghost showed me how she
CF | died, see, and-"
CF |
CF | "The ghost?" Agent Byrd explodes. "The ghost? This
CF | is a serious investigation, not a showcase for your D.T.s!"
CF |
CF | "No, really, there was a ghost. Lots of ghosts. I've got this pair of
CF | cheaters, see, and - " You put your hand to your face. Where are your
CF | special glasses? They're gone!
CF |
CF | "And just where exactly is this ghost now?
CF |
CF | "Um, I'm not sure. Heaven, I think?"
CF |
CF | "That's what I thought. And why, pray tell, do you think my mother
CF | would want me to show any regard to the criminal who killed her? Even
CF | 'accidentally'?"
CF |
CF | 1) It's like this...
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [It's like this...]
CF |
CF | Well, what the heck. It's not over until the
CF | slightly-curvier-than-average lady sings, so you might as well get
CF | singing.
CF |
CF | "Because I'm pretty sure this criminal is your father."
CF |
CF | "WHAT?" Agent Byrd says.
CF |
CF | "See, she and Cantaloupes were passionately in love. They were talking
CF | about you in the vision just before she died, which, incidentally,
CF | happened because she drank from a bottle of denatured alcohol by
CF | accident. He's your father, all right. Look, I've got parental issues
CF | too. Although at least my parents are married and, hoo boy, maybe I
CF | shouldn't have spilled this in front of all your co-workers, but oh
CF | well. There it is. Cantaloupes is your dad."
CF |
CF | "Well, if the girl I found lying drunk in the men's changing room
CF | babbling about ghosts says it, I suppose it must be true!
CF | Tell me, do you have even one single solitary shred of proof?"
CF |
CF | "Uh. I didn't think of that. I don't suppose you've both got webbed
CF | toes or a funny birthmark on the moneymaker, anything like that?"
CF |
CF | "That's what I thought."
CF |
CF | "Wait! I just remembered something! Mildred said...when you were
CF | young, you had the same speech impediment Cantaloupes does. You
CF | always said the reverse of what you meant!"
CF |
CF | "That's ridiculous. I never did that."
CF |
CF | "You must have been really young! You might not remember, but maybe
CF | if you talk to someone who knew you back then - "
CF |
CF | "I said I never did that!" Agent Byrd says, her face turning purple.
CF | "Donnie Cantaloupes can be my father! It's possible!"
CF |
CF | She claps a hand over her mouth.
CF |
CF | "That's what I meant to say...I don't mean...I..." She swallows. "It
CF | never happens when I'm...that is to only happens when I'm
CF | upset. And it doesn't prove anything." She looks at Donnie, her face
CF | a mix of curiousity and fear. "But...but I suppose you're not the
CF | only one who's made an accusation they can't prove tonight. Perhaps I
CF | was too hasty, Mr. Cantaloupes. Perhaps there was more to my mother's
CF | disappearance than I know. The booze, however...that, I'm
CF | shutting you down for."
CF |
CF | It wasn't exactly the tearful reunion you might have hoped for, but
CF | it'll have to do.
Guenni pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | it'll have to do.--------------------
CF |
CF | And so you find yourself staggering home at six-thirty in the morning,
CF | exhausted, reeking of liquor, and with instructions to talk to the
CF | police later. The old lady's going to have your hide. And you've
CF | already tossed your guts out onto two different lawns and one very
CF | surprised gardener who got in the way of the third lawn at the last
CF | second. It's just about your usual morning, in other words.
CF |
CF | But y'know what, kid? Last night you un-haunted a hotel with nothing
CF | more than pluck, moxie, and your own talented kisser. Last night, you
CF | got past every problem the Poseidon Grand could throw at you.
CF |
CF | "Roof! Roof!" Barnaby barks happily at your feet. Oh, yeah, there's
CF | that, too. You got yourself a dog.
CF |
CF | All in all, not a bad night. Not a bad night at all!
CF |
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "okay, the details were slightly different with Mildred herself, but the ending was basically the same."
MoyTW says, "Well it seems to have worked out fine."
Guenni asks, "Where was the last one?"
Touchy asks, "which ghost did we miss?"
DavidW says, "The third floor."
MoyTW asks, "Water Heater Ghost?"
Knight_Otu says, "Probably third floor."
Knight_Otu says, "We never did go there."
DavidW says, "The woman who was the mermaid. Her name is Gams."
Touchy asks, "We missed an entire floor?"
Guenni says, "Oh yoah. We never got there."
DavidW says, "Yes, you missed an entire floor."
DavidW says, "Just the one ghost there, though."
Knight_Otu says, "I mean, we saw its existence whenever we pushed the elevator button."
Touchy says, "I am disappointed in all of us."
Touchy asks, "So, should we go get Gams and look at the other ending?"
Guenni says, "Yeah. I wanted to go there, but somehow messed up the numbers and pressed 3. Which meant we stayed where we were"
Touchy says (to Guenni), "Why would you press 3 to go to the third floor. hehe"
Guenni asks, "When did we save last?"
DavidW says, "The elevator menu is confusing."
Knight_Otu says, "Last save was pretty early."
Guenni says, "Than I'd say let sleeping ghosts lay."
Guenni says, "lie."
Touchy asks, "Can't we just undo?"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF |
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "It was to much stuff, with all the menus."
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | "Your mother did this," you say. "Or...her ghost did. She was angry
CF | with the hotel, and I don't blame her, because the way she died would
CF | have steamed anyone's celery. But it wasn't Donnie Cantaloupes who
CF | killed her!"
CF |
CF | "No, it wasn't," Donnie Cantaloupes says suddenly. "I didn't kill
CF | her." Gasps ring out from the crowd as people work out what he just
CF | said.
CF |
CF | "Uh, Boss," says Weaselly, "let's not say anything we shouldn't outta
CF | say in front of Janey Law here..."
CF |
CF | ""I didn't kill her!" Cantaloupes says again. "I haven't been carrying
CF | this secret around for eight long years. I'm not tired of it. No, I
CF | didn't kill her. It wasn't an accident, but that means I'm not
CF | responsible. It's not time for me to take responsibility for that. I
CF | don't deserve to go to jail."
CF |
CF | "Nah, she wouldn't want that," you say. "The ghost showed me how she
CF | died, see, and-"
CF |
CF | "The ghost?" Agent Byrd explodes. "The ghost? This
CF | is a serious investigation, not a showcase for your D.T.s!"
CF |
CF | "No, really, there was a ghost. Lots of ghosts. I've got this pair of
CF | cheaters, see, and - " You put your hand to your face. Where are your
CF | special glasses? They're gone!
CF |
CF | "And just where exactly is this ghost now?
CF |
CF | "Um, I'm not sure. Heaven, I think?"
CF |
CF | "That's what I thought. And why, pray tell, do you think my mother
CF | would want me to show any regard to the criminal who killed her? Even
CF | 'accidentally'?"
CF |
CF | 1) It's like this...
CF | 2) It's like this...
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF |
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF |
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF |
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF |
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF |
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF |
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF |
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF |
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Natatorium
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | [Previous turn undone.]
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "okay"
Touchy asks, "oh..god...sorry I hope this is okay with everyone?"
DavidW says, "fine with me"
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | First Floor Corridor
CF | An east-west hall lined with pillars. Gilt-edged paintings decorate
CF | the walls.
CF |
CF | The hotel lobby lies to the west, and the scent of lightly chlorinated
CF | salt water drifts in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "push pearl"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "Second floor, please."
CF | 2) "Third floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | >
Touchy says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF | ["Third floor, please."]
CF |
CF | "Sure thing!"
CF |
CF | Third Floor
CF | It's real swanky up here, and there's a big door to the east that
CF | looks like it's gotta be a private suite. A smaller door is to the
CF | west. Just like with the other elevator stops, you can push the pearl
CF | button here to call Kipper.
CF |
CF | A stonefaced palooka stands at attention next to the door.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Ok, let's go upwards."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Damp Closet
CF | This is nothing but a small, dark, cramped, damp closet.
CF |
CF | A metal hatch is set into a particularly wet patch of carpet.
CF |
CF | > Touchy exclaims (at Agent), "Guenni, take the wheel!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Damp Closet
CF | This is nothing but a small, dark, cramped, damp closet.
CF |
CF | A metal hatch is set into a particularly wet patch of carpet.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "open hatch"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You swing the heavy metal hatch open, revealing water about a foot
CF | down. Light glints in the depths.
CF |
CF | > Guenni asks, "You were a bit fo fast for me and my schreen reader. where are we, actually?"
Touchy says, "huh..a water chimney? Didn't know they have those in Seattle."
Touchy says (to Guenni), "Just on the third floor."
DavidW says, "We're on the third floor in a damp closet west of the hall."
Guenni says, "Ok."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You're not dressed for a dip!
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "remove uniform"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You take off the uniform, ending your short career as a Grand Poseidon
CF | employee, at least for now.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You're not dressed for a dip!
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "wer glad"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wer glad"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | I didn't understand that sentence.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You are carrying:
CF | an uninspiring bowl
CF | a bellhop's uniform
CF | a party blower
CF | a pair of spook-spotting cheaters (being worn)
CF | an art theory textbook
CF | your best set of glad rags
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear rags"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You wriggle into your best set of glad rags. Now you're ready to turn
CF | heads!
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Third Floor
CF | It's real swanky up here, and there's a big door to the east that
CF | looks like it's gotta be a private suite. A smaller door is to the
CF | west. Just like with the other elevator stops, you can push the pearl
CF | button here to call Kipper.
CF |
CF | A stonefaced palooka stands at attention next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x palooka"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF |
CF | He's eyeing you suspiciously, which has gotta be one of your least
CF | favorite ways to be eyed.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Damp Closet
CF | This is nothing but a small, dark, cramped, damp closet.
CF |
CF | A metal hatch is set into a particularly wet patch of carpet. You can
CF | see water below.
CF |
CF | > Touchy asks, "What are glad rags?"
Knight_Otu says, "Fancy dress, from the context."
Guenni says, "Her normal clothes I guess some kind of party outfit."
DavidW says, "Fancy evening wear."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "remove rags"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You shuck off your dress, hat, and pearls.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear uniform"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You shrug on the uniform and do up the buttons. Anyone who sees you
CF | would take you for an (unusually good-looking) hotel employee.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Third Floor
CF | It's real swanky up here, and there's a big door to the east that
CF | looks like it's gotta be a private suite. A smaller door is to the
CF | west. Just like with the other elevator stops, you can push the pearl
CF | button here to call Kipper.
CF |
CF | A stonefaced palooka stands at attention next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] The Imbrium Suite
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The stonefaced palooka opens the door for you.
CF |
CF | The Imbrium Suite
CF | This swanky private suite makes everything on the floor below look
CF | like yesterday's day-old donuts. White leather couches, silver
CF | fittings, wall-to-wall carpeting so plush you could sink into it like
CF | quicksand. A pair of goldfish float languidly in a crystal aquarium
CF | on the coffee table. There's a bedroom to the east, and the suite exit
CF | is to the west.
CF |
CF | A mermaid getup is tossed carelessly on the floor.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x mermaid"
CF ] The Imbrium Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a pair of scaly trousers with a coppery sheen and gauzy "fins" on
CF | the bottom cuffs - the illusion of a tail is created by swimming with
CF | your legs clamped together. There's also a bra made of a couple of
CF | seashells just big enough to keep you from being hauled away
CF | by the vice squad.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] The Imbrium Suite
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Third Floor
CF | It's real swanky up here, and there's a big door to the east that
CF | looks like it's gotta be a private suite. A smaller door is to the
CF | west. Just like with the other elevator stops, you can push the pearl
CF | button here to call Kipper.
CF |
CF | A stonefaced palooka stands at attention next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Damp Closet
CF | This is nothing but a small, dark, cramped, damp closet.
CF |
CF | A metal hatch is set into a particularly wet patch of carpet. You can
CF | see water below.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "remove uniform"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You take off the uniform, ending your short career as a Grand Poseidon
CF | employee, at least for now.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear mermaid"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You wriggle into the shiny, scale-covered trousers. Boy, these are
CF | tight! No wonder they tell you not to overfeed fish if they're
CF | expected to get into these pants. The seashell brassiere isn't the
CF | easiest to get on either. Eventually you're in it, though, and you
CF | make a pretty darn swell mermaid, if you do say so yourself.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "drop all"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | uninspiring bowl: Dropped.
CF | bellhop's uniform: Dropped.
CF | party blower: Dropped.
CF | art theory textbook: Dropped.
CF | glad rags: Dropped.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Inside the Tank
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You sit down and slide into the water.
CF |
CF | Inside the Tank
CF | You're floating inside the huge lobby fishtank. The hotel looks weird
CF | and distorted through the glass. The hidden exit hatch is in the
CF | ceiling above you, and the tank's pebbly floor lies far below.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Tank Bottom
CF | >
CF | > D
CF |
CF |
CF | Tank Bottom
CF | You're floating just above the layer of pebbles at the bottom of the
CF | tank. Patches of seaweed sway in the gentle currents. Outside, you
CF | can see the hotel lobby.
CF |
CF | An enormous oyster is nestled in the seaweed.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take oister"
CF ] Tank Bottom
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x oister"
CF ] Tank Bottom
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "With a Y"
MoyTW says, "Oyster has a Y instead of an...yeah."
Guenni says, "sorry."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x oyster"
CF ] Tank Bottom
CF | >
CF |
CF | This thing is huge! It's got to be at least thirty pounds if it's an
CF | ounce, and it's a lot more than an ounce!
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take oister"
CF ] Tank Bottom
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Still has a Y"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take oyster"
CF ] Tank Bottom
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Happens if you want to reuse a command."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Inside the Tank
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | You swim up closer to the top of the tank.
CF |
CF | Inside the Tank
CF | You're floating inside the huge lobby fishtank. The hotel looks weird
CF | and distorted through the glass. The hidden exit hatch is in the
CF | ceiling above you, and the tank's pebbly floor lies far below.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF | > U
CF |
CF | You pump your powerful tail and return to the surface.
CF |
CF | Damp Closet
CF | This is nothing but a small, dark, cramped, damp closet.
CF |
CF | A metal hatch is set into a particularly wet patch of carpet. You can
CF | see water below.
CF |
CF | You can also see your best set of glad rags, an art theory textbook, a
CF | party blower, a bellhop's uniform and an uninspiring bowl (empty)
CF | here.
CF |
CF | > Guenni asks, "Do we want to go swimming in the pool also?"
DavidW says, "While I believe it's permitted, there's no need."
Guenni says, "Ok."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "remove mermaid"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | You peel off the mermaid getup and neatly fold it into a scandalously
CF | small package.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear uniform"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the bellhop's uniform)
CF | You shrug on the uniform and do up the buttons. Anyone who sees you
CF | would take you for an (unusually good-looking) hotel employee.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Damp Closet
CF | >
CF |
CF | glad rags: Taken.
CF | art theory textbook: Taken.
CF | party blower: Taken.
CF | uninspiring bowl: Taken.
CF | hatch: Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Third Floor
CF | It's real swanky up here, and there's a big door to the east that
CF | looks like it's gotta be a private suite. A smaller door is to the
CF | west. Just like with the other elevator stops, you can push the pearl
CF | button here to call Kipper.
CF |
CF | A stonefaced palooka stands at attention next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] The Imbrium Suite
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The stonefaced palooka opens the door for you.
CF |
CF | The Imbrium Suite
CF | This swanky private suite makes everything on the floor below look
CF | like yesterday's day-old donuts. White leather couches, silver
CF | fittings, wall-to-wall carpeting so plush you could sink into it like
CF | quicksand. A pair of goldfish float languidly in a crystal aquarium
CF | on the coffee table. There's a bedroom to the east, and the suite exit
CF | is to the west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Master Bedroom
CF | Hot dog, now this is a bedroom! It's about the size of a barn, with a
CF | huge four-poster bed slathered with shimmering draperies plopped right
CF | in the middle. The rest of the suite opens up to the west.
CF |
CF | Gams Gillespie is here, combing her hair at the vanity.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x gams"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF |
CF | This is the famous Gams Gillespie, former chorus girl and current
CF | girlfriend of Donnie Cantaloupes. Dressed in a diaphanous dressing
CF | gown, she's seated at a vanity, combing out her long, damp blonde
CF | hair. It looks like she's possessed by a ghost!
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to gams"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF |
CF | Gams Gillespie stops brushing her hair and looks up at you. "Whaddaya
CF | want? I didn't call for no room service."
CF |
CF | 1) "You look a little blue."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["You look a little blue."]
CF |
CF | "Well, whaddaya expect when I spend all evening underwater in that
CF | damn fish suit gettin' my anemones ogled for the edification of
CF | Donnie's payin' customers? It's cold in there! I keep tellin' 'im to
CF | put a heater in it, but no." She sighs. "Anyway, I got a bigger
CF | problem than a little gooseflesh."
CF |
CF | 1) "What kind of problem?"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["What kind of problem?"]
CF |
CF | "A love problem, that's what kind!" she cries, clutching the hairbrush
CF | to her chest. " haunts me. Almost like a literal ghost
CF | or somethin'. I wish there was somethin' you could do, but it just
CF | ain't the sort of thing a kid like you could understand."
CF |
CF | 1) "Try me! I've been around the block a few times."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Try me! I've been around the block a few times."]
CF |
CF | "You ain't even been outta the garage, babyface, but all right. It's
CF | like this. Ya know how when a couple is together for a long time, they
CF | sorta...drift apart? He's off doin' his thing and she's off doin' her
CF | thing and pretty soon all the passion just wheezes outta the whole
CF | relationship like a fallen souffle, and one day she looks around her
CF | beautiful, expensive home and realizes she ain't been given the
CF | business, in a marital kinda way I mean, since who knows when. If you
CF | get what I'm sayin'?"
CF |
CF | She pauses a moment to make sure you get what she's sayin'.
CF |
CF | "Anyway, it so happens that this exact situation has befallen a
CF | certain pair o' lovebirds I know who shall remain nameless. I need
CF | some way to spice things up. One of those, y'know, whaddaya ya call
CF | 'em, acromegliacs!"
CF |
CF | 1) "Aphrodisiacs?"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["Aphrodisiacs?"]
CF |
CF | She brightens. "Yeah! Those! You run down to the kitchen and get me
CF | one of those aphrodizzyacs! For the couple I know."
CF |
CF | 1) "And what sort of aphrodisiacs am I looking for again?"
CF | 2) "So tell me about this...'other couple'."
CF | 3) "How did you and Donnie meet?"
CF | 4) "Hey, do you work part time as a mermaid?"
CF | 5) "I found you an oyster! And oh, boy, is it a whopper!"
CF | 6) "Guess I'd better go get your order!"
CF |
CF | > Guenni asks, "I'll shorten this, ok?"
MoyTW asks, "Sure?"
MoyTW asks, "As in, just go down the list?"
Guenni says, "As in, just use 5 and give her the oyster."
Touchy says, "oysters are supposed to be aphrodisiacs"
MoyTW says, "Oh. Sure."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "5"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > 5
CF |
CF | ["I found you an oyster! And oh, boy, is it a whopper!"]
CF |
CF | She makes a disgusted face. "It ain't even cooked! Whaddaya, tryin' to
CF | give someone a case of the ptomaines?"
CF |
CF | 1) "And what sort of aphrodisiacs am I looking for again?"
CF | 2) "So tell me about this...'other couple'."
CF | 3) "How did you and Donnie meet?"
CF | 4) "Hey, do you work part time as a mermaid?"
CF | 5) "I found you an oyster! And oh, boy, is it a whopper!"
CF | 6) "Guess I'd better go get your order!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["And what sort of aphrodisiacs am I looking for again?"]
CF |
CF | "Something romantical. Something like...the meal Donnie and I had on
CF | our first anniversary. Just a pile of boiled oysters. No spices or
CF | nothin'. They called it Oysters Amour." She sighs and flutters her
CF | eyelashes. "It was magical."
CF |
CF | 1) "And what sort of aphrodisiacs am I looking for again?"
CF | 2) "So tell me about this...'other couple'."
CF | 3) "How did you and Donnie meet?"
CF | 4) "Hey, do you work part time as a mermaid?"
CF | 5) "I found you an oyster! And oh, boy, is it a whopper!"
CF | 6) "Guess I'd better go get your order!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "6"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > 6
CF |
CF | ["Guess I'd better go get your order!"]
CF |
CF | "Shake a leg, wouldya?".
CF |
CF | Master Bedroom
CF | Hot dog, now this is a bedroom! It's about the size of a barn, with a
CF | huge four-poster bed slathered with shimmering draperies plopped right
CF | in the middle. The rest of the suite opens up to the west.
CF |
CF | Gams Gillespie is here, combing her hair at the vanity.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] The Imbrium Suite
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | The Imbrium Suite
CF | This swanky private suite makes everything on the floor below look
CF | like yesterday's day-old donuts. White leather couches, silver
CF | fittings, wall-to-wall carpeting so plush you could sink into it like
CF | quicksand. A pair of goldfish float languidly in a crystal aquarium
CF | on the coffee table. There's a bedroom to the east, and the suite exit
CF | is to the west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Third Floor
CF | It's real swanky up here, and there's a big door to the east that
CF | looks like it's gotta be a private suite. A smaller door is to the
CF | west. Just like with the other elevator stops, you can push the pearl
CF | button here to call Kipper.
CF |
CF | A stonefaced palooka stands at attention next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "First floor, please."
CF | 2) "Second floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["First floor, please."]
CF |
CF | "Sure thing!"
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Neptune Lounge
CF | A real fancy place for swells to come and take in a show - crystal
CF | chandeliers, napkins folded in the shape of fish, the whole kit and
CF | kaboodle. One wall is mostly taken up by a bar that serves "juice,"
CF | another features a stage that serves up "talented" performers, and the
CF | third is dominated by an enormous mural. The hotel lobby is to the
CF | south, the dressing room is to the north, and double doors lead east
CF | to the kitchen.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Kitchen
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Cleverly disguised as the Grand Poseidon's most beautiful bellhop, you
CF | slip through the swinging doors and into an employees-only area.
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | It looks a lot like other kitchens, probably; you make it a point to
CF | spend as little time in them as possible. There's a big industrial
CF | refrigerator and lots of counters. Swinging double doors to the west
CF | lead back to the lounge.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x counters"
CF ] Kitchen
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Neptune Lounge
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Neptune Lounge
CF | A real fancy place for swells to come and take in a show - crystal
CF | chandeliers, napkins folded in the shape of fish, the whole kit and
CF | kaboodle. One wall is mostly taken up by a bar that serves "juice,"
CF | another features a stage that serves up "talented" performers, and the
CF | third is dominated by an enormous mural. The hotel lobby is to the
CF | south, the dressing room is to the north, and double doors lead east
CF | to the kitchen.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "We probably cook it in the pool."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | First Floor Corridor
CF | An east-west hall lined with pillars. Gilt-edged paintings decorate
CF | the walls.
CF |
CF | The hotel lobby lies to the west, and the scent of lightly chlorinated
CF | salt water drifts in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "put oyster in pool"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | You huck the oyster into the pool and watch it sink to the bottom like
CF | a stone.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "How hot is the water?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "touch water"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "Should be boiling?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x water"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "This game needs more synonyms."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pool"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "x pool"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | A boiling, bubbling cauldron of hot, salty water.
CF |
CF | In the saltwater pool is an Oysters Amour.
CF |
CF | >
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | A boiling, bubbling cauldron of hot, salty water.
CF |
CF | In the saltwater pool is an Oysters Amour.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "And less lingo and less intro."
DavidW says, "ah, it's already cooked."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get oyster"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | (That's not something you need to fiddle with.)
CF |
CF | > MoyTW says, "I like the intro and lingo! But, yes, more synonyms."
DavidW says, "The cooked version has to be called oysters with an S at the end."
MoyTW says, "Wow that's fiddly."
Guenni says, "Yeah, I just saw it. :-)"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get oysters"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | You can see it from here, but that pond's hot enough to boil up a
CF | batch of Hazel stew!
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Ladies' Changing Room
CF | It's steamy and musty, with slick floors. Lockers line the walls.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "remove uniform"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You take off the uniform, ending your short career as a Grand Poseidon
CF | employee, at least for now.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear mermaid"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You wriggle into the shiny, scale-covered trousers. Boy, these are
CF | tight! No wonder they tell you not to overfeed fish if they're
CF | expected to get into these pants. The seashell brassiere isn't the
CF | easiest to get on either. Eventually you're in it, though, and you
CF | make a pretty darn swell mermaid, if you do say so yourself.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "drop all"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | hatch: Dropped.
CF | uninspiring bowl: Dropped.
CF | party blower: Dropped.
CF | art theory textbook: Dropped.
CF | glad rags: Dropped.
CF | bellhop's uniform: Dropped.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "You took the HATCH?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get in pool"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | No thanks! That water's hot enough to cook you into tomato soup.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Oh."
Knight_Otu says, "Awkward."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Boiler Room
CF | A dark, dripping boiler room. There's a large boiler here, connected
CF | to the water supply and the pools to the west by a spaghetti of metal
CF | pipes. A rusty valve wheel juts from the side of the largest pipe. The
CF | only exit is west, back to the natatorium.
CF |
CF | > Touchy says (to Guenni), "I think you missed the right clue."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "turn wheel"
CF ] Boiler Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | The wheel squeaks as you turn it. The loud rush of water quiets
CF | slightly.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x pool"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | A bubbling pool of hot saltwater.
CF |
CF | In the saltwater pool is an Oysters Amour.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I guess two turns of the wheel would do it."
DavidW says, "This is fine. You can take it now."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "enter pool"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | Luckily, you're dressed to get wet. You slide into the hot, bubbling
CF | water.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "get oysters"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF |
CF | You fish it out of the water.
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Entering the pool wasn't necessary, but cool."
Guenni asks, "Oh, so just making long arms?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF | You would have to get out of the saltwater pool first.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > OUT
CF |
CF | You hoist yourself out the bath, dripping with salty water. Phew!
CF | You're all red. If that bath was any hotter, you'd have been cooked
CF | like a lobster!
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF |
CF | Ladies' Changing Room
CF | It's steamy and musty, with slick floors. Lockers line the walls.
CF |
CF | You can see a bellhop's uniform, your best set of glad rags, an art
CF | theory textbook, a party blower, an uninspiring bowl (empty) and a
CF | hatch (empty) here.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "remove mermaid"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | You peel off the mermaid getup and neatly fold it into a scandalously
CF | small package.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "wear uniform"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first taking the bellhop's uniform)
CF | You shrug on the uniform and do up the buttons. Anyone who sees you
CF | would take you for an (unusually good-looking) hotel employee.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "take all"
CF ] Ladies' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | glad rags: Taken.
CF | art theory textbook: Taken.
CF | party blower: Taken.
CF | uninspiring bowl: Taken.
CF | hatch: Taken.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | First Floor Corridor
CF | An east-west hall lined with pillars. Gilt-edged paintings decorate
CF | the walls.
CF |
CF | The hotel lobby lies to the west, and the scent of lightly chlorinated
CF | salt water drifts in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "Second floor, please."
CF | 2) "Third floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF | ["Third floor, please."]
CF |
CF | "Sure thing!"
CF |
CF | Third Floor
CF | It's real swanky up here, and there's a big door to the east that
CF | looks like it's gotta be a private suite. A smaller door is to the
CF | west. Just like with the other elevator stops, you can push the pearl
CF | button here to call Kipper.
CF |
CF | A stonefaced palooka stands at attention next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] The Imbrium Suite
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The stonefaced palooka opens the door for you.
CF |
CF | The Imbrium Suite
CF | This swanky private suite makes everything on the floor below look
CF | like yesterday's day-old donuts. White leather couches, silver
CF | fittings, wall-to-wall carpeting so plush you could sink into it like
CF | quicksand. A pair of goldfish float languidly in a crystal aquarium
CF | on the coffee table. There's a bedroom to the east, and the suite exit
CF | is to the west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Master Bedroom
CF | Hot dog, now this is a bedroom! It's about the size of a barn, with a
CF | huge four-poster bed slathered with shimmering draperies plopped right
CF | in the middle. The rest of the suite opens up to the west.
CF |
CF | Gams Gillespie is here, combing her hair at the vanity.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "give oysters to gams"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF |
CF | Gams Gillespie doesn't seem interested.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to gams"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF |
CF | She stops brushing and looks at you.
CF |
CF | 1) "And what sort of aphrodisiacs am I looking for again?"
CF | 2) "So tell me about this...'other couple'."
CF | 3) "How did you and Donnie meet?"
CF | 4) "Hey, do you work part time as a mermaid?"
CF | 5) "One extra-large order of Oysters Amour, boiled to perfection!"
CF | 6) "Guess I'd better go get your order!"
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "5"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF | > 5
CF |
CF | ["One extra-large order of Oysters Amour, boiled to
CF | perfection!"]
CF |
CF | "You brought it!" Gams squeals, leaping to her feet. "Oh, thank you,
CF | thank you! This'll reignite the passion. I just know it!" She
CF | shoulders the oversized oyster and, staggering under the weight, hauls
CF | it into the main suite.
CF |
CF | "Cookie! Vincent! It's feedin' time for Mommy's little treasures!"
CF | You hear a splash as she drops the oyster into the aquarium.
CF |
CF | Gams reappears in the doorway, her eyes bright. "It's workin'!
CF | They're eatin', and once they're done, they're gonna be frisky as fry.
CF | My poor lonely goldfish'll be in love again, just like they used to
CF | be!" She gives you a peck on the cheek, followed by a wink. "Now,
CF | let's get out of here. My little babies are gonna be needin' their
CF | privacy!"
CF |
CF | Throwing on a bathrobe, she dances happily out of the suite, leaving
CF | the ghost that was haunting her behind.
CF |
CF | Master Bedroom
CF | Hot dog, now this is a bedroom! It's about the size of a barn, with a
CF | huge four-poster bed slathered with shimmering draperies plopped right
CF | in the middle. The rest of the suite opens up to the west.
CF |
CF | A giggling ghost floats in midair.
CF |
CF | > Guenni exclaims, "AWWW!"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "drink ghost"
CF ] Master Bedroom
CF | >
CF |
CF | You slurp down the fermented fiend with the skill of an expert...and
CF | the coordination of a gal with six drinks in her already, but never
CF | mind that, you catch it eventually. Something tells you, as the ghost
CF | giggles its way down your gullet, that you've just polished off the
CF | penultimate poltergeist. Now, half-ghostfaced and armed with your
CF | wily wits and a stomach sloshing with snagged spirits, it's time to
CF | return to the gents' locker room and finish of the last and worst of
CF | the bunch.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] The Imbrium Suite
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | The Imbrium Suite
CF | This swanky private suite makes everything on the floor below look
CF | like yesterday's day-old donuts. White leather couches, silver
CF | fittings, wall-to-wall carpeting so plush you could sink into it like
CF | quicksand. A pair of goldfish float languidly in a crystal aquarium
CF | on the coffee table. There's a bedroom to the east, and the suite exit
CF | is to the west.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF | > W
CF |
CF |
CF | Third Floor
CF | It's real swanky up here, and there's a big door to the east that
CF | looks like it's gotta be a private suite. A smaller door is to the
CF | west. Just like with the other elevator stops, you can push the pearl
CF | button here to call Kipper.
CF |
CF | A stonefaced palooka stands at attention next to the door.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press button"
CF ] Third Floor
CF | >
CF |
CF | "Hiya, Miss Greene! Where to now?"
CF |
CF | 1) "First floor, please."
CF | 2) "Second floor, please."
CF | 3) "Seeya, Kipper."
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Hotel Lobby
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | ["First floor, please."]
CF |
CF | "Sure thing!"
CF |
CF | Hotel Lobby
CF | The sumptuous entrance lobby of the Grand Poseidon Hotel. Aquamarine
CF | lights play over the leather couches and rich mahogany paneling,
CF | making the whole room look like it's underwater. Outside to the west,
CF | you can see the hustle and bustle of a Saturday night in downtown
CF | Seattle.
CF |
CF | In the center of the room is an enormous fish tank. To the north is
CF | the Neptune Lounge, to the south, past the front desk, is the hotel
CF | office, and a hallway leads east. A crystal column houses the
CF | elevator.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] First Floor Corridor
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | First Floor Corridor
CF | An east-west hall lined with pillars. Gilt-edged paintings decorate
CF | the walls.
CF |
CF | The hotel lobby lies to the west, and the scent of lightly chlorinated
CF | salt water drifts in from the east.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Natatorium
CF | >
CF | > E
CF |
CF |
CF | Natatorium
CF | A huge room lined with pearly tiles. A stepped series of circular
CF | baths are laid out like tidepools, but one large saltwater pool
CF | dominates the room. The eastern wall is painted with a bright, sunny
CF | beach scene in which is concealed a doorway leading east.
CF |
CF | The ladies' changing room is to the south, while gents have to head
CF | north.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > N
CF |
CF | You give the joint the old once-over first, just to make sure nobody's
CF | watching, and then in you go.
CF |
CF | Gents' Changing Room
CF | It's steamy and musty, with slick floors. Lockers line the walls.
CF |
CF | One of the lockers is blackened and slightly twisted, as if it's been
CF | through a fire.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "open locker"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | The locker pulses under your hands, and you feel the seal cracking.
CF | You're confident, secure, and half in the bag. You've cleared the
CF | hotel of the other ghosts. All that's left to do is polish off this
CF | one last one.
CF |
CF | 1) I'm done with this place! Let's guzzle us a ghost!
CF | 2) Nah, I'm not ready yet.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [I'm done with this place! Let's guzzle us a ghost!]
CF |
CF | You throw the locker open and-
CF |
CF | Nothin'. Just an empty locker. What a royal platter of the phonus
CF | balonus!
CF |
CF | Until you realize that the musty room is somehow brand new, the tiles
CF | less cracked, the lockers gleaming. It's like you've stepped back into
CF | the past, like in that Christmas book, except instead of watching some
CF | crusty old bluenose waste his childhood working, you're seeing what
CF | happened here, in this very room, some eight years ago.
CF |
CF | Donnie Cantaloupes swaggers in, dressed in a bathing suit, a towel
CF | around his neck. He's still huge, but in a different order, with more
CF | of his bulk filed under "M" for muscles, or maybe "M" for "Mamma mia,
CF | what a dish!" It's enough to make you want to run right out of here,
CF | find your younger self, and tell her to ditch the hopscotch a couple
CF | of years early.
CF |
CF | 1) Try to attract his attention.
CF | 2) Duck behind the lockers.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF | > 2
CF |
CF | [Duck behind the lockers.]
CF |
CF | You dart behind the lockers, a little too late to avoid him seeing you
CF | if he could, but apparently he can't. It's either that or he's
CF | ignoring you, and since you're you, how likely is that? He
CF | does turn around when another woman enters the room.
CF |
CF | 1) Who's the dame?
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [Who's the dame?]
CF |
CF | She bears more than a passing resemblance to Agent Byrd - a tall,
CF | severe-looking brunette in businesslike tweed. This woman is older,
CF | though, with a sharp chin and a streak of gray in her hair. She storms
CF | up to Donnie, waving a finger in his face. "Don't think you can run
CF | away from me, Mister Cantaloupes!"
CF |
CF | "Didn't I tell ya to back off, ya dizzy harpy?" Donnie roars back.
CF |
CF | "One of your goons did mention it, yes," the woman says. "I believe
CF | his exact words were "one of these days, they'll find you floating
CF | face down in the Sound." I told him that was an ugly threat, and he
CF | said, and I quote, "It could be uglier. They could find you floating
CF | face up."
CF |
CF | Donnie chuckles.
CF |
CF | "I fail to see what's so funny, Mr. Cantaloupes. What would you
CF | friends at City Hall say if they knew you consorted with such
CF | ruffians?"
CF |
CF | Donnie crosses his arms. "And what would your fancy-schmancy
CF | Temperance ladies say if they knew Mildred Waverly hung around in
CF | men's changing rooms?"
CF |
CF | Waverly grins. "I made very sure that nobody saw me come in here, Mr.
CF | Cantaloupes. You can't hide behind your goons anymore. It's just you
CF | and me."
CF |
CF | "Just you and me, huh?" Donnie says, casually approaching. She looks
CF | so much smaller than he does, and yet she stands straight and proud.
CF | "No witnesses?" And that's when he lunges for her.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press space"
CF | "No witnesses?" And that's when he lunges for her.--------------------
CF |
CF | It's nearly a minute before Waverly finally breaks the kiss to shoot a
CF | nervous look around the room. "You're quite sure we're really alone?"
CF |
CF | "Isn't it a little late to be worried about that? Besides, didn't I
CF | tell you I gave them the night off?" Donnie says, stroking her hair."
CF |
CF | "I thought you meant you didn't - oh, I'm sorry, it's just impossible,
CF | the way you talk. Poor Rosie used to have the same problem, but we
CF | fixed it years ago, thank goodness."
CF |
CF | "Didn't I explain I can get around it by putting everything in the
CF | form of a question?"
CF |
CF | "Like a stutterer learning to sing his words instead of saying them,
CF | yes, I understand. It's just confusing, that's all." She
CF | gives him a teasing grin. "Sometimes I think things would had been
CF | easier if I'd fallen for the other doorman. The one who always tells
CF | the truth."
CF |
CF | "And what fun would that be?"
CF |
CF | "Not much," Waverly admits. "And we wouldn't have Rosie."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF | "Not much," Waverly admits. "And we wouldn't have
CF | Rosie."--------------------
CF |
CF | "How is Rosie, anyway?" Donnie says. "Got to be getting pretty big by
CF | now, isn't she?"
CF |
CF | "Nearly fifteen, and no, thank goodness, given that Walter is five
CF | foot two and weighs less than I do we're lucky she didn't end up with
CF | your body structure."
CF |
CF | "Any girl would be lucky not to end up with my body structure, don't
CF | you think?"
CF |
CF | "Now, that's not what I meant! You're very handsome for a mountain."
CF | She puts her head on his shoulders. "Oh, Donnie. I wish you could see
CF | her. I wish we didn't have to play around like this."
CF |
CF | "Don't you think I wish that too, Millie?"
CF |
CF | "I know you do. You're a good man, Donnie, but you've made a choice to
CF | do evil things." She sighs. "Those I suppose I'm hardly one to talk
CF | about that, am I? Nevertheless, as long as you continue to sell this
CF | poison -"
CF |
CF | "What if I stop?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF | "What if I stop?"--------------------
CF |
CF | "What, just like that?"
CF |
CF | "What do I need more money for? Wouldn't it be nice if we could all be
CF | a family?" He reaches into the locker and pulls out a bottle of
CF | champagne. "What would you say if I told you I picked this up today,
CF | and it'll be the last bottle of booze I ever buy? Now - how about a
CF | toast?"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF | toast?"--------------------
CF |
CF | "You know I never touch-"
CF |
CF | "It's okay just this once, isn't it? You don't think I'll tell any of
CF | your hoity-toity friends, do you?"
CF |
CF | "I supposed not," Mildred says, blushing. She allows Donnie to pour
CF | her a glass and clinks it against his. "Very well. Just one. To us!"
CF | She gulps it down and makes a face. "Honestly, Donnie, I don't know
CF | where you get this cheap - "
CF |
CF | And then her hand flies to her throat and she collapses to the tile,
CF | her face ashen.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF | her face ashen.--------------------
CF |
CF | Poisoned. How? Not by Donnie. Any thought of that leaves your head
CF | when you see the look on his face as she falls, and the way he holds
CF | her as she dies.
CF |
CF | He's still holding her when one of his weaselly looking henchmen
CF | saunters in. The goon's eyes widen as he takes in the scene. "Holy
CF | smokes, boss. You actually kacked the broad."
CF |
CF | Donnie turns to look and him. Silently, he nods.
CF |
CF | Suddenly, you smell strong spirits. You turn - and you're face-to-face
CF | with the ghost of Mildred Waverly.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "drink ghost"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "x mildred"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | with the ghost of Mildred Waverly.--------------------
CF |
CF | Her ectoplasmic body ripples and shimmers in the light. She's holey,
CF | like a hunk of Swiss cheese, the liquid weeping from the spots where
CF | the missing chunks of her body should be. She raises one hand and
CF | crooks her fingers towards you. Your belly gurgles. The spirits in
CF | the hotel, you realize, weren't really ghosts at all, but fragments of
CF | Mildred she left behind...and she's calling them back. A dizzying wave
CF | of sobriety crashes over you as the liquid leaches from your body and
CF | returns to hers.
CF |
CF | When your vision clears, she stands in front of you, whole. She looks
CF | down at her hands, turning them over and over, observing their
CF | translucency. "I was so...confused," she says. "But I remember now. I
CF | thought the alcohol killed me, but...but it was denatured
CF | alcohol. Poison. We knew it was out there, and we didn't do anything
CF | to take it out of the supply. We decided - " She smiles sadly. "We
CF | decided that anyone who drank it deserved what they got."
CF |
CF | She pulls a bottle from...somewhere...and pours a glass of something
CF | sparkling. "Seems so silly, now. Here, drink this. I'll explain in a
CF | moment."
CF |
CF | 1) Drink.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "just keep pushing space"
DavidW says, "too late"
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [Drink.]
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | [Drink.]--------------------
CF |
CF | You drain the glass It's pure and refreshing, with a surprising kick.
CF | "There you go, Hazel. You know, you really ought to cut back a bit.
CF | You're a smart girl, but you'd be smarter if you weren't plastered on
CF | cheap hooch all the time."
CF |
CF | The light suddenly brightens. It's coming from a direction you can't
CF | quite make out, except that it's not a cardinal direction, or up, or
CF | down, or even in or out. Mildred turns to look in that same
CF | impossible direction and smiles. "But I supposed that's up to you,
CF | now. It's time for me to go. No more meddling in the world of the
CF | living for me."
CF |
CF | She steps not-north-or-south-or-up-or-down, and she's gone, leaving
CF | you alone in the locker room. The very warm locker room. The very warm
CF | and wobbly locker room with the moving floor.
CF |
CF | Mildred pops back in from wherever she went. "Oh, I did say I would
CF | explain, didn't I? This is going to sound awfully hypocritical, but I
CF | had to return what I took, and I needed a vessel through which to
CF | symbolically return it, so that drink I just poured you was, in a
CF | spiritual sense, anyway, several thousand drinks, and I'm
CF | afraid you're going to be rather seriously inebriated in a moment,
CF | so..." She's already fading out, again, or maybe your vision is
CF | blurring.
CF |
CF | "...say goodbye to Rosie for me..."
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | 1) And that's about where you pass out.
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [And that's about where you pass out.]
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | [And that's about where you pass out.]Or maybe you're
CF | actually passing back in, because all of a sudden you've got the cold
CF | locker room floor pressed against your back and Agent Byrd slapping
CF | you in the face. "Wake up!" she says, before turning to someone you
CF | can't see because you can't move your head without everything smearing
CF | like a Picasso. "It's no use, she's too drunk. Get me a bucket of cold
CF | water."
CF |
CF | "I'm not drunk!", you try to protest, but it comes out more like "Amm
CF | nawww rarrrunk" because you are, in fact, ossified right out of your
CF | little blonde skull. The same skull which Agent Byrd proceeds to
CF | lubricate with a gallon of ice water. "You're lucky to be alive," she
CF | says, helping you sit up. "The explosion shook the whole hotel."
CF |
CF | Donny Cantaloupes rushes into the room, shoving onlookers out of the
CF | way. "What's goin' on in here?" he bellows. "Don't you know this is
CF | the gentleman's changing area?"
CF |
CF | Agent Byrd stands up, triumphant. "It's clear to me exactly what's
CF | happened," she says. "You were hiding a cache of highly flammable
CF | contraband in this locker room, trusting that it's the one place I'd
CF | never dare check. This unfortunate girl snuck in to sample the
CF | merchandise, overindulged, lost her head enough to light up a quick
CF | jazz cigarette and - BOOM!"
CF |
CF | "That's exactly what happened," Donnie says.
CF |
CF | "A-ha!"
CF |
CF | "Nah, you're takin' the boss out of context," says Donnie's right-hand
CF | man, weaseling up. "You gotta remember his speech impediment. And say,
CF | boss, I gotta tell you, I was checking the 'mineral water' and it's
CF | back to being 'mineral water', not, uh, mineral water, if you get me,
CF | see?"
CF |
CF | "A-ha, again!" Agent Byrd says. "Don't think I don't know what you're
CF | talking about. Men, search the place! We've got you this time,
CF | Cantaloupes. And when I bust this place up from stem to stern, not
CF | only will we uncover your operation, we'll find evidence for the rest
CF | of it too. You'll finally face justice for the murder of Mildred
CF | Waverly." She leans forward, getting right in the big man's face. "You
CF | killed my mother," she hisses. "And pretty soon I'll be able to prove
CF | it."
CF |
CF | Suddenly all business again, she backs off and kneels to face you.
CF | "Miss, we're going to need a statement."
CF |
CF | You don't want to give a statement. In fact, you don't really feel
CF | like moving. You feel - peaceful. Mildred Waverly is in a better
CF | place. The hotel has been re-boozed, and even if the bar's closed,
CF | you're already nicely sloshed. You just want to put your head back on
CF | the floor and go to sleep. But Agent Byrd is waiting. You're going to
CF | have to tell her something....
CF |
CF | 1) It's about your mother...
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [It's about your mother...]
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | [It's about your mother...]"Your mother did this," you say.
CF | "Or...her ghost did. She was angry with the hotel, and I don't blame
CF | her, because the way she died would have steamed anyone's celery. But
CF | it wasn't Donnie Cantaloupes who killed her!"
CF |
CF | "No, it wasn't," Donnie Cantaloupes says suddenly. "I didn't kill
CF | her." Gasps ring out from the crowd as people work out what he just
CF | said.
CF |
CF | "Uh, Boss," says Weaselly, "let's not say anything we shouldn't outta
CF | say in front of Janey Law here..."
CF |
CF | ""I didn't kill her!" Cantaloupes says again. "I haven't been carrying
CF | this secret around for eight long years. I'm not tired of it. No, I
CF | didn't kill her. It wasn't an accident, but that means I'm not
CF | responsible. It's not time for me to take responsibility for that. I
CF | don't deserve to go to jail."
CF |
CF | "Nah, she wouldn't want that," you say. "The ghost showed me how she
CF | died, see, and-"
CF |
CF | "The ghost?" Agent Byrd explodes. "The ghost? This
CF | is a serious investigation, not a showcase for your D.T.s!"
CF |
CF | "No, really, there was a ghost. Lots of ghosts. I've got this pair of
CF | cheaters, see, and - " You put your hand to your face. Where are your
CF | special glasses? They're gone!
CF |
CF | "And just where exactly is this ghost now?
CF |
CF | "Um, I'm not sure. Heaven, I think?"
CF |
CF | "That's what I thought. And why, pray tell, do you think my mother
CF | would want me to show any regard to the criminal who killed her? Even
CF | 'accidentally'?"
CF |
CF | 1) It's like this...
CF |
CF | >
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "1"
CF | >
CF | > 1
CF |
CF | [It's like this...]
CF |
CF | Well, what the heck. It's not over until the
CF | slightly-curvier-than-average lady sings, so you might as well get
CF | singing.
CF |
CF | "Because I'm pretty sure this criminal is your father."
CF |
CF | "WHAT?" Agent Byrd says.
CF |
CF | "See, she and Cantaloupes were passionately in love. They were talking
CF | about you in the vision just before she died, which, incidentally,
CF | happened because she drank from a bottle of denatured alcohol by
CF | accident. He's your father, all right. Look, I've got parental issues
CF | too. Although at least my parents are married and, hoo boy, maybe I
CF | shouldn't have spilled this in front of all your co-workers, but oh
CF | well. There it is. Cantaloupes is your dad."
CF |
CF | "Well, if the girl I found lying drunk in the men's changing room
CF | babbling about ghosts says it, I suppose it must be true!
CF | Tell me, do you have even one single solitary shred of proof?"
CF |
CF | "Uh. I didn't think of that. I don't suppose you've both got webbed
CF | toes or a funny birthmark on the moneymaker, anything like that?"
CF |
CF | "That's what I thought."
CF |
CF | "Wait! I just remembered something! Mildred said...when you were
CF | young, you had the same speech impediment Cantaloupes does. You
CF | always said the reverse of what you meant!"
CF |
CF | "That's ridiculous. I never did that."
CF |
CF | "You must have been really young! You might not remember, but maybe
CF | if you talk to someone who knew you back then - "
CF |
CF | "I said I never did that!" Agent Byrd says, her face turning purple.
CF | "Donnie Cantaloupes can be my father! It's possible!"
CF |
CF | She claps a hand over her mouth.
CF |
CF | "That's what I meant to say...I don't mean...I..." She swallows. "It
CF | never happens when I'm...that is to only happens when I'm
CF | upset. And it doesn't prove anything." She looks at Donnie, her face
CF | a mix of curiousity and fear. "But...but I suppose you're not the
CF | only one who's made an accusation they can't prove tonight. Perhaps I
CF | was too hasty, Mr. Cantaloupes. Perhaps there was more to my mother's
CF | disappearance than I know. The booze, however...that, I'm
CF | shutting you down for."
CF |
CF | It wasn't exactly the tearful reunion you might have hoped for, but
CF | it'll have to do.
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "press space"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | it'll have to do.--------------------
CF |
CF | And so you find yourself staggering home at six-thirty in the morning,
CF | exhausted, reeking of liquor, and with instructions to talk to the
CF | police later. The old lady's going to have your hide. And you've
CF | already tossed your guts out onto two different lawns and one very
CF | surprised gardener who got in the way of the third lawn at the last
CF | second. It's just about your usual morning, in other words.
CF |
CF | But y'know what, kid? Last night you un-haunted a hotel with nothing
CF | more than pluck, moxie, and your own talented kisser. Last night, you
CF | got past every problem the Poseidon Grand could throw at you.
CF |
CF | "Roof! Roof!" Barnaby barks happily at your feet. Oh, yeah, there's
CF | that, too. You got yourself a dog.
CF |
CF | All in all, not a bad night. Not a bad night at all!
CF |
CF |
CF | > Guenni says, "Well, wooks likte thats over."
MoyTW says, "Nifty. I thinkt that's it, then."
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "quit"
CF ] Gents' Changing Room
CF | >
CF |
CF | Are you sure you want to quit?
Guenni says (to ClubFloyd), "y