ClubFloyd Transcript:
Submarine Sabotage by Garry Francis
As played on ifMUD on March 19, 2023 March 19, 2023

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of Submarine Sabotage written by Garry Francis. Submarine Sabotage was released in 2023 as part of PunyJam #3, in which it took 1st place. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

DavidW says, "If no one has a better suggestion for today, I'd like to suggest looking at the PunyJam #3 games. I've only played one of them, The Fantasy Dimension. I think every game begins in an airlock."
Roger says, "I am not adverse to that suggestion"
Jacqueline says, "Sure. I'm down for whatever."
Knight_Otu says, "Sure."
Jacqueline asks (of DW), "Would you be willing to upload?"
DavidW says, "The winning game was called Submarine Sabotage, which doesn't sound like my cup of tea, but it did win and it's by Gerry Francis, an author I admire."
DavidW says, "yes, I can upload it. Gimme a sec."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "load sleepmask submarinesabotage"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF | You are currently serving aboard the USS Ibis, the first of the US
CF | Navy's top-secret Puny class submarines. The Puny class is an attack
CF | submarine that packs maximum firepower into a minimum-sized hull. It
CF | relies on speed and stealth to surprise the enemy.
CF |
CF | The USS Ibis is currently on a training exercise in the North
CF | Atlantic, just off the coast of Alaska. You were doing some routine
CF | maintenance at the aft end of the submarine when the sirens sounded.
CF | You thought this might have been a training exercise until you noticed
CF | a whitish-coloured gas approaching you from the aft bulkhead. Training
CF | and instinct took over. You couldn't get to a gas mask in time, so you
CF | dived into the nearby airlock and closed the air-tight hatch behind
CF | you.
CF |
CF | You are now alone and have no idea what is happening throughout the
CF | rest of the sub. You can't leave the airlock through the inner hatch
CF | (the one you entered by), or you'll get gassed, and you can't leave
CF | through the outer hatch, or you'll drown. What can you do?
CF |
CF |
CF | Submarine Sabotage
CF | Copyright © 2023 Garry Francis
CF | Type ABOUT for further info and credits.
CF |
CF | Release 2 / Serial number 230316 / Inform v6.41 PunyInform v4.3
CF |
CF | Airlock
CF | You're in the submarine's airlock. It's a small chamber that separates
CF | the interior of the submarine from the surrounding ocean. The inner
CF | hatch allows you to go up to the main deck of the submarine. The outer
CF | hatch allows you to go down to the ocean. The safety system is fully
CF | automated with interlocks to ensure that the two hatches can't be open
CF | simultaneously.
CF |
CF | You can see the inner hatch and the outer hatch here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x me"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF | > X ME
CF |
CF | You are Seaman Recruit Williams, but everyone calls you Bungy.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I did not realize that Alaska touched the North Atlantic..."
DavidW says, "It's clever that way."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a digital watch (worn) and a pair of blue coveralls
CF | (worn).
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x coveralls"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | They're baggy blue coveralls, which is the standard shipboard working
CF | uniform. They're probably one size too big for you, but that's better
CF | than being one size too small. Being one piece, the coveralls aren't
CF | very popular because you have to get half undressed every time you
CF | want to go to the loo.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I hope we don't have to wear the coveralls over our head as a mask, but that's my first idea."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x watch"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a waterproof diver's watch. It shows the time as 9:04 a.m.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "That would be a huge mask."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x inner hatch"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | The inner hatch is above your head. It provides access to the inner
CF | parts of the submarine. It's currently closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x outer hatch"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | The outer hatch is at your feet. It provides access to the outside of
CF | the submarine. It's currently closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Airlock
CF | You're in the submarine's airlock. It's a small chamber that separates
CF | the interior of the submarine from the surrounding ocean. The inner
CF | hatch allows you to go up to the main deck of the submarine. The outer
CF | hatch allows you to go down to the ocean. The safety system is fully
CF | automated with interlocks to ensure that the two hatches can't be open
CF | simultaneously.
CF |
CF | You can see the inner hatch and the outer hatch here.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Well. Unless we have magic powers of XYZZY to teleport, I'm not sure what options we have but my silly one."
Knight_Otu says, "Seems so."
DavidW asks, "We could, I suppose WAIT or SLEEP and hope time is on our side?"
Roger says, "Ah yes, the North Atlantic coast of Alaska"
DavidW asks, "Shall I at least see if coveralls over the head is at least an option?"
Knight_Otu says, "Try it."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "remove coveralls"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't walk around the sub in your underwear. Keep them on unless
CF | you need to wear something else.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x pockets"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "pockets" means.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline hrmphs.
DavidW says, "uh, in a submarine, privacy is non-existent. They've already seen everything, I assure you."
Jacqueline says (to David), "Fair."
Knight_Otu says, "Doesn't mean we have to show off."
DavidW says, "okay, then our only options are WAIT, SLEEP, XYZZY, OPEN INNER, or OPEN OUTER."
Knight_Otu says, "Seems like it."
DavidW says, "(as far as I can tell)"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "xyzzy"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | Aw, come on. Let's be serious. Do you really expect a magic word to
CF | work aboard a top secret submarine?
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "yes"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF | > YES
CF |
CF | That was a rhetorical question.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "xyzzy"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | Aw, come on. Let's be serious. Do you really expect a magic word to
CF | work aboard a top secret submarine?
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "plugh"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | Aw, come on. Let's be serious. Do you really expect a magic word to
CF | work aboard a top secret submarine?
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "plover"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | Aw, come on. Let's be serious. Do you really expect a magic word to
CF | work aboard a top secret submarine?
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "The xyzzy option is eliminated"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "sleep"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | There's nothing else you can do to kill the time, so you settle down
CF | to have a snooze. Zzzzz...
CF |
CF | You are suddenly woken by a bang and a shudder throughout the sub. It
CF | feels like the sub has landed on the floor of the ocean. That's not
CF | good. You wonder what's going on. You'd better check your watch to see
CF | how long you've been asleep.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "here, if not a secret sub?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x watch"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a waterproof diver's watch. It shows the time as 1:39 p.m. It
CF | should be safe to leave the airlock now.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "this is an accurate representation of naval personnel to my experiences"
DavidW says, "okay, looks like SLEEP was the answer. I like it."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open inner"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the inner hatch.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Long Corridor
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, the inner hatch and a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x grille"
CF ] Long Corridor
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see it clearly from the floor, but you can see that it
CF | conceals an opening to a service duct.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "All we needed in a claustrophic sub was an even smaller passageway to crawl through."
DavidW asks, "Do subs really have such things?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF ] Long Corridor
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a heavy-steel, rectangular door with rounded corners and a rubber
CF | seal around the edges. It has a dog handle in the middle and a
CF | quick-release latch at the side. It's currently closed.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "sort of. People need to crawl into the torpedo tubes sometimes."
Knight_Otu says, "I mean, it wouldn't surprise me."
DavidW asks, "I guess port and starboard are easier to do at first, and didn't the gas come from aft originally?"
DavidW asks, "s'okay if I do port and starboard first?"
Knight_Otu says, "Sure."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] Crew's Quarters
CF |
CF | > P
CF |
CF | Crew's Quarters
CF | This is where the crew members sleep, relax and store their personal
CF | items. It contains half a dozen cramped compartments, each equipped
CF | with a bunk and a storage locker. There are exits to fore, aft and
CF | starboard.
CF |
CF | You can see some bunks and some storage lockers here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bunks"
CF ] Crew's Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | These are the crew's bunks. They're all neatly made in accordance with
CF | naval regulations. The walls above each bunk are personalised with
CF | pictures, mementos and other small items that remind the owner of home
CF | or loved ones. You find a pair of pliers on Nelson's bunk. That makes
CF | sense, as he's the engineer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take pliers"
CF ] Crew's Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x lockers"
CF ] Crew's Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | There's one storage locker at the foot of each bunk. There's nothing
CF | of importance in any of them.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under bunks"
CF ] Crew's Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing of interest.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Galley
CF | The galley includes a small kitchen and dining area. Tubs, the cook,
CF | does most of the cooking, but you can prepare your own meals when he's
CF | working in the torpedo bay. The exit is aft.
CF |
CF | You can see a stove, an oven, a microwave, a refrigerator, a freezer,
CF | a sink, a counter, some cabinets, a table, some seats and Barker's
CF | body here.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Uh oh."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x body"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's Petty Officer Third Class Barker, known to the rest of the crew
CF | as Tubs. He's the cook aboard the USS Ibis, but he's also the torpedo
CF | man. He's currently lying lifeless on the galley floor, apparently a
CF | victim of the poisonous gas.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search body"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x stove"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a large stove with six electric elements on the cooktop. Gas
CF | stoves are a no-no aboard submarines. There is nothing on the stove.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x oven"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's an electric oven located beneath the stove. You can't see inside,
CF | since the oven is closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the oven, revealing nothing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x fridge"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a large refrigerator that's used to keep food and drink cold. You
CF | can't see inside, since the refrigerator is closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the refrigerator, revealing some fresh food.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x food"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's mainly things like eggs, fruit and vegetables. There's also some
CF | milk and fruit juice.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close fridge"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You close the refrigerator.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open freezer"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the freezer, revealing some frozen food.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x frozen"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's mainly frozen meat and vegetables. There are also some
CF | pre-prepared frozen meals. There's a packet of frozen peas on top.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "hm. Peas might help with a concussion victim, I guess."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close frozen"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | Do you mean the packet of frozen peas or the frozen food?
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close freezer"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You close the freezer.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x sink"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a large, deep stainless steel sink. The sink is empty.
CF |
CF | > Roger asks, "not gonna stash the body in there?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x counter"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's the bench that's used for food preparation. Tubs keeps it
CF | spotlessly clean, as you can't afford the crew to get sick from nasty
CF | bacteria when you're on board a submarine. There is nothing on the
CF | counter.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "no?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open cabinets"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the cabinets, revealing some dry food.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dry food"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's mainly dry food like flour, cereal, rice, pasta and noodles.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close cabinets"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You close the cabinets.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Galley Quarters
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Galley
CF | The galley includes a small kitchen and dining area. Tubs, the cook,
CF | does most of the cooking, but you can prepare your own meals when he's
CF | working in the torpedo bay. The exit is aft.
CF |
CF | You can see a stove, an oven, a microwave, a refrigerator, a freezer,
CF | a sink, a counter, some cabinets, a table, some seats and Barker's
CF | body here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] Crew's Quarters
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | Crew's Quarters
CF | This is where the crew members sleep, relax and store their personal
CF | items. It contains half a dozen cramped compartments, each equipped
CF | with a bunk and a storage locker. There are exits to fore, aft and
CF | starboard.
CF |
CF | You can see some bunks and some storage lockers here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] ShowersQuarters
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | Showers
CF | The showers are quite confined. There are two stalls, each equipped
CF | with a hand-held showerhead, a drain in the floor and a curtain to
CF | provide privacy. The exit from the showers is to fore.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x stalls"
CF ] ShowersQuarters
CF |
CF |
CF | There's a shallow pool of water in the showers, as the recirculating
CF | system seems to have trouble draining it all away. There seems to be
CF | something under the water.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in water"
CF ] ShowersQuarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search water"
CF ] ShowersQuarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under water"
CF ] ShowersQuarters
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing of interest.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pool"
CF ] ShowersQuarters
CF |
CF |
CF | It's just a shallow pool of water from the showers. It sometimes has
CF | trouble draining away. Ooh, you find some soap under the water.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I rather love how you can see a list of various items including Barker's body."
DavidW says, "yeah, that was special"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take soap"
CF ] ShowersQuarters
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x curtains"
CF ] ShowersQuarters
CF |
CF |
CF | Everything aboard this sub is gunmetal grey, except the shower
CF | curtains. Some bozo decided that these should be colourful florals.
CF | Sheesh.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Guys aren't permitted to like flowers, check."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x drain."
CF ] ShowersQuarters
CF |
CF |
CF | The drain in the floor doesn't work very well. The navy can design a
CF | multi-million dollar attack sub, but they can't design a simple drain
CF | that works properly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Crew's Quarters
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Crew's Quarters
CF | This is where the crew members sleep, relax and store their personal
CF | items. It contains half a dozen cramped compartments, each equipped
CF | with a bunk and a storage locker. There are exits to fore, aft and
CF | starboard.
CF |
CF | You can see some bunks and some storage lockers here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "sb"
CF ] Crew's Quarters
CF |
CF | > SB
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognise.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "starboard"
CF ] Long Corridorrs
CF |
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, the inner hatch and a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | Skipper's Cabin
CF | This is the skipper's cabin. It's his private sanctuary where he
CF | rests, works and plans missions. The only time you've been here, prior
CF | to today, was when the skipper first welcomed you aboard. The exit is
CF | to port.
CF |
CF | You can see Marshall's body, a bunk, a rolltop writing desk (which is
CF | closed) and a chair here.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "You know, just some objects."
Jacqueline says, "Including Marshall's body."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x body"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | It's Lieutenant Commander Marshall. He's the skipper of the submarine.
CF | Unfortunately, he won't be doing any more commanding, as his pale
CF | complexion and lack of pulse indicate that he's clearly dead. It looks
CF | like he succumbed to the gas.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search body"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | You search the skipper's pockets and find a silver key.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take key"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x it"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF | > X IT
CF |
CF | It's a small silver key with no distinguishing marks. You have no idea
CF | what it unlocks.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I don't know why but I always have a sweet spot for this sort of writing in IF."
DavidW says, "me too."
Roger asks, "what sort of writing?"
DavidW says, "I'm guessing this key is for the roll-top desk."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x desk"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a beautiful old mahogany desk with a rolltop. Luxuries like this
CF | are one of the few perks of being the commanding officer aboard a
CF | submarine. You can't see inside, since the rolltop writing desk is
CF | closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open it"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | It's locked.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Stuff like, 'Unfortunately, he won't be doing any more commanding, as his pale complexion and lack of pulse indicate that he's clearly dead.'"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unlock it with key."
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | You unlock the rolltop writing desk.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open desk"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the rolltop writing desk, revealing a pistol and some mission
CF | instructions.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pistol"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a Colt M1911 navy pistol, .45 calibre. It's only got one bullet.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x mission"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | The mission instructions are inside a sealed folder that has 'TOP
CF | SECRET' stamped across the front in red ink.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Shall we me naughty and read this?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "read mission"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, they're top secret. You don't have the necessary security
CF | clearance to read them.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "Who's gonna know?"
DavidW says, "WE WOULD KNOW. Apparently."
Roger says, "haha"
Jacqueline says, "Of course we should."
Roger says, "time for a field promotion"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "promote me to skipper"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognise.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "maybe it'll let us open the sealed folder anyway"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open mission"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, they're top secret. You don't have the necessary security
CF | clearance to read them.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x drawer"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "drawer" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bed"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF | > X BED
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bunk"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a plain bunk, not unlike your own bunk in the crew's quarters.
CF | There is nothing on the bunk.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under bunk"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing of interest.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x chair"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a solid mahogany chair that's similar in style to the skipper's
CF | rolltop writing desk.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Skipper's Cabin
CF | This is the skipper's cabin. It's his private sanctuary where he
CF | rests, works and plans missions. The only time you've been here, prior
CF | to today, was when the skipper first welcomed you aboard. The exit is
CF | to port.
CF |
CF | You can see Marshall's body, a bunk, a rolltop writing desk (on which
CF | are some mission instructions) and a chair here.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says (to Roger), "Writing like this reminds me of Zero One, which Sam and I still reference all the time for this little gem:"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take mission"
CF ] Skipper's Cabin
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline | > X CORPSE
Jacqueline | The body is wearing a blue uniform you don't recognise.
Jacqueline | He no longer boasts a head, and there are several small holes in his chest. Evidently he is the source of all the blood.
Jacqueline | There is a small stainless steel key attached to his belt.
Jacqueline | You are very sick all over the floor.
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "That's so good."
Jacqueline says, "So, that sort of writing. I can't really describe it, but I know it when I see it."
Jacqueline says, "I know that likeling this makes me a slightly terrible person."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] Long Corridorin
CF |
CF | > P
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, the inner hatch and a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | Engineering Section
CF | You're in the engineering section. This is the biggest part of the
CF | sub, because it houses all the engines, motors and generators for the
CF | power and propulsion systems. It also contains the batteries, cooling
CF | and ventilation systems. The way out of here is to fore.
CF |
CF | You can see Nelson's body and a can of WD-40 here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x body"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF |
CF | It's Petty Officer First Class Nelson, but everyone calls him Pickles.
CF | He's the engineer-come-mechanic and probably the hardest working
CF | person aboard the sub. Unfortunately, his working days are over, as
CF | he's crumpled in a lifeless heap on the floor.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "That's not how cum is spelled!"
Jacqueline asks, "??"
DavidW says, "It should be engineer-cum-mechanic. Cum is Latin for 'with'."
Roger says, "as a top-secret naval engineer, he graduated magna come laude"
Jacqueline says, "ah"
DavidW says, "Next someone will be singing Old Lang Sign."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x can"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF | > X CAN
CF |
CF | It's a small blue and yellow can with a spray nozzle. The instructions
CF | on the back talk about protecting metal from rust and corrosion,
CF | penetrating stuck parts, displacing moisture and lubricating almost
CF | anything.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "There, there, David."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take can"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search body"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF |
CF | You search Nelson's pockets and find a screwdriver.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take screwdriver"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x it"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF | > X IT
CF |
CF | It's a medium-sized Phillips head screwdriver.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "slap screwdriver with paddle"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognise.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I was actually expecting duct tape."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Engineering Section
CF | You're in the engineering section. This is the biggest part of the
CF | sub, because it houses all the engines, motors and generators for the
CF | power and propulsion systems. It also contains the batteries, cooling
CF | and ventilation systems. The way out of here is to fore.
CF |
CF | You can see Nelson's body here.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "This isn't Counterfeit Monkee."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x engines"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF |
CF | This is a highly complex and technical area - way above your pay
CF | grade. You think it best to leave everything alone, as you don't want
CF | to cause any damage that will prevent you getting back to the surface.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x me"
CF ] Engineering Section
CF |
CF | > X ME
CF |
CF | You are Seaman Recruit Williams, but everyone calls you Bungy.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "hm. We have no specialty."
DavidW says, "You'd think we'd at least get to be in charge of mops or communications."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Long Corridorection
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, the inner hatch and a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open door"
CF ] Long Corridorection
CF |
CF |
CF | You turn the quick-release handle and give the door a push, but it
CF | won't budge. There's something blocking it on the other side.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open grille"
CF ] Long Corridorection
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't reach it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] Crew's Quarterstion
CF |
CF | > P
CF |
CF | Crew's Quarters
CF | This is where the crew members sleep, relax and store their personal
CF | items. It contains half a dozen cramped compartments, each equipped
CF | with a bunk and a storage locker. There are exits to fore, aft and
CF | starboard.
CF |
CF | You can see some bunks and some storage lockers here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push locker starboard"
CF ] Crew's Quarterstion
CF |
CF |
CF | Is that the best you can think of?
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "no"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Crew's Quarterstion
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognise.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Long Corridorrstion
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, the inner hatch and a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Skipper's Cabintion
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Skipper's Cabin
CF | This is the skipper's cabin. It's his private sanctuary where he
CF | rests, works and plans missions. The only time you've been here, prior
CF | to today, was when the skipper first welcomed you aboard. The exit is
CF | to port.
CF |
CF | You can see Marshall's body, a bunk, a rolltop writing desk and a
CF | chair here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take chair"
CF ] Skipper's Cabintion
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Skipper's Cabintion
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognise.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] Long Corridorintion
CF |
CF | > P
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, the inner hatch and a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "drop chair"
CF ] Long Corridorintion
CF |
CF |
CF | Dropped.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "stand on chair"
CF ] Long Corridorintion
CF |
CF |
CF | You stand on the chair.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open grille"
CF ] Long Corridorintion
CF |
CF |
CF | It's screwed shut.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unscrew it with screwdriver"
CF ] Long Corridorintion
CF |
CF |
CF | Try the screws.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "fussy b-word"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unscrew screws with screwdriver"
CF ] Long Corridorintion
CF |
CF |
CF | The screws are too tight. They may have been rusted by the salt air
CF | from the seawater in the sub. You'll have to loosen them somehow.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "spray screws with can"
CF ] Long Corridorintion
CF |
CF |
CF | You spray the screws with the WD-40. If the claims on the can are
CF | true, you should now be able to unscrew them.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unscrew screws with screwdriver"
CF ] Long Corridorintion
CF |
CF |
CF | You unscrew both screws and they fall to the floor and disappear below
CF | the grate. The grille swings open and hangs by the hinges.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Aft Service Duction
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | You clamber through the opening in the service duct.
CF |
CF | Aft Service Duct
CF | You're in the aft service duct. It's a small enclosed space that's
CF | barely big enough to crawl in. It's lined with pipes and cables for
CF | the various mechanical and electrical systems within the submarine.
CF | The duct continues to fore or you can climb down through the opening
CF | to leave the claustrophobic confines of the duct.
CF |
CF | You can see an opening in the service duct here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Central Service Duct
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Central Service Duct
CF | You're in the cramped confines of the service duct. This part of the
CF | duct is quite dark, but you can still see the pipes and cables from
CF | the light to fore and aft.
CF |
CF | You can see some wires hanging from the ceiling and a fuse box (which
CF | is closed) here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wires"
CF ] Central Service Duct
CF |
CF |
CF | The wires block the fore end of the service duct as they sway gently
CF | in the breeze from the air conditioning as air passes through the
CF | duct. Sparks are generated from the exposed ends of the wires. It
CF | looks dangerous.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x box"
CF ] Central Service Duct
CF |
CF | > X BOX
CF |
CF | It's a small metal box screwed to the wall of the service duct. You
CF | can't see inside, since the fuse box is closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open box"
CF ] Central Service Duct
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the fuse box, revealing a fuse.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x fuse"
CF ] Central Service Duct
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a ceramic fuse with a copper wire.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take fuse"
CF ] Central Service Duct
CF |
CF |
CF | When you remove the fuse, the wires stop sparking.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x fan"
CF ] Central Service Duct
CF |
CF | > X FAN
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "fan" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Fore Service Ductuct
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Fore Service Duct
CF | You're at the fore end of the service duct, along with all those pipes
CF | and cables. You can't go any further unless you turn around and go
CF | back towards the aft end of the duct. There's also a grille in the
CF | floor of the duct that looks promising.
CF |
CF | You can see a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
Jade has arrived.
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open grille"
CF ] Fore Service Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | If it's anything like the aft grille, the screws are on the other
CF | side, so you can't open it from here...unless you exert some force.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "kick grille"
CF ] Fore Service Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | You spin around and lie on your back so that your feet are located
CF | over the grille, then you give it one almighty kick with your heels.
CF | The screws give way and the grille swings open.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "nice"
Knight_Otu says, "Hey Jade."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Control Room Ductuct
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You drop to the floor below.
CF |
CF | Control Room
CF | This is the nerve centre of the sub. It's a dimly-lit, cramped space,
CF | filled with banks of screens, dials, switches and gauges. The screens
CF | show information on sonar readings, navigation charts, system status,
CF | threat assessments and so on. There's a bulkhead at the fore end of
CF | the control room with other exits to aft and starboard. There's also
CF | an opening in the service duct above you.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, an opening in the service duct, a grille,
CF | a DIVE button, a SURFACE button, a periscope and Murphy's body here.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "It's still catching me off guard. Every time."
Knight_Otu says, "Can't be that confined if we managed that."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x body"
CF ] Control Room Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | It's Chief Petty Officer Murphy, better known as Spuds. She's slumped
CF | lifeless over the control console, another victim of the gas. Murphy
CF | was the navigator and only female amongst the crew. Oh, man. What a
CF | terrible loss. You secretly had a crush on her.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Geeze."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search spuds"
CF ] Control Room Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x periscope"
CF ] Control Room Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | You raise the periscope and look through the eyepiece. You must be too
CF | deep. All you can see is water.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "fore"
CF ] Control Room Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't, since the bulkhead door is closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open fore door"
CF ] Control Room Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | I think you wanted to say "open something". Please try again.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open door"
CF ] Control Room Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the bulkhead door.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Torpedo Baym Ductuct
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Torpedo Bay
CF | This is the weapons and sensors section, but everyone refers to it as
CF | the torpedo bay. There are racks of torpedoes against the port and
CF | starboard walls of the hull and the closed torpedo tubes are in the
CF | bow of the sub to fore of you. You don't want to mess with any of
CF | this. The exit is via the bulkhead to aft.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, two racks of torpedoes and two torpedo
CF | tubes here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x torpedoes"
CF ] Torpedo Baym Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | The racks containing the torpedoes line the port and starboard walls
CF | of the inner hull. There are 16 torpedoes, compared to the 12 to 38
CF | torpedoes that are carried on a larger submarine. Most of the
CF | torpedoes have standard high-explosive warheads, but there's also a
CF | couple containing the new Razorback underwater drones.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x drones"
CF ] Torpedo Baym Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "drones" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tubes"
CF ] Torpedo Baym Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | There are two torpedo tubes, each 21 inches (or 533 mm) in diameter.
CF | That may not sound like many compared to the four to eight tubes on a
CF | larger submarine, but the Puny class subs have a very fast loading
CF | system. The breach doors of the tubes are currently closed. Beneath
CF | the torpedo tubes are the water pump, flood tank, drain tank, water
CF | ram and masses of pipes and cables.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "okay, too small for us to enter."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pump"
CF ] Torpedo Baym Ductuct
CF |
CF |
CF | The masses of equipment surrounding the torpedo tubes are responsible
CF | for draining and filling the torpedo tube, loading and launching the
CF | torpedo, and so on. You don't want to mess with any of this.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Correct. I don't wanna launch torpedoes."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] Control Room Ductuct
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | Control Room
CF | This is the nerve centre of the sub. It's a dimly-lit, cramped space,
CF | filled with banks of screens, dials, switches and gauges. The screens
CF | show information on sonar readings, navigation charts, system status,
CF | threat assessments and so on. There's a bulkhead at the fore end of
CF | the control room with other exits to aft and starboard. There's also
CF | an opening in the service duct above you.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, an opening in the service duct, a grille,
CF | a DIVE button, a SURFACE button, a periscope and Murphy's body here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Communications Room
CF | You're in the comms room. It contains a variety of equipment,
CF | including radio and satellite communications systems, computers and
CF | electronic equipment used for data transmission and reception. There
CF | is some minor damage to the equipment, indicating signs of a struggle.
CF | The exit is to port.
CF |
CF | Holland is propped against a wall. He's bleeding badly.
CF |
CF | You can also see the saboteur's body, a shotgun and an empty gas
CF | canister here.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "oho"
Knight_Otu says, "Well, a potential survivor."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x holland"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | It's Command Master Chief Petty Officer Holland, also known as Dutchy.
CF | He's the chief of the boat (or COB) and second in command to the
CF | skipper. He's wearing a gas mask and bleeding quite badly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to holland"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't hear what he's saying through the gas mask. It's safe to
CF | remove it now.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take mask"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to holland"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | "Bungy! Thank God, you're alive. I thought I was the only one to
CF | survive. I was in here when the siren went off, so I grabbed a gas
CF | mask. Spuds was the only other person in the control room, but I
CF | couldn't get to her in time." He then starts weeping and mumbling
CF | incoherently. You only recognise the words 'gas', 'saboteur' and
CF | 'bomb'. Perhaps you should ask him about something in particular.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask him about bomb"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | "The saboteur said there's a bomb attached to the hull. It will
CF | explode if the sub surfaces, so I pressed the DIVE button. Whatever
CF | you do, don't surface unless the bomb is defused." This is very
CF | strange. Why would the saboteur tell Dutchy about the bomb? And how
CF | did he manage to tell him anything when his skull is smashed in? You
CF | should ask him about the bomb again.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | You ask him about the bomb again. "You need to cut the red wire." How
CF | does Dutchy know that the bomb has a red wire? You assume the saboteur
CF | must have told him.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "I'm really surprised we're not the saboteur. I wasn't expecting that lack of twist."
Knight_Otu says, "That bomb business sounds important."
Knight_Otu says, "Hrm, I'm lagging."
Jacqueline says, "The shocking twist is that Holland is the saboteur."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask him about saboteur"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | "That's the mongrel there." Dutchy points to the dead saboteur. "He
CF | was searching the sub, when I surprised him. He obviously wasn't
CF | expecting anyone to be alive. I managed to pin him down. He said we'd
CF | never escape because there's a bomb attached to the hull. Then he
CF | overpowered me and shot me. I managed to get the gun off him and
CF | bashed him over the head."
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask him about gas"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | "He used sarin. It's a deadly neurotoxin. I only survived it because I
CF | was wearing a gas mask. The saboteur was wearing an aqualung." That's
CF | interesting. How did Dutchy know what sort of gas the saboteur used?
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | "He used sarin. It's a deadly neurotoxin. I only survived it because I
CF | was wearing a gas mask. The saboteur was wearing an aqualung." That's
CF | interesting. How did Dutchy know what sort of gas the saboteur used?
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x canister"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a metal gas canister with no markings.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Oh, wait, I meant Duthchy, I guess. Misread."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x body"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | He's lying face down in a pool of blood. It looks like he's been
CF | bashed over the head. When you roll him over, you see that it's Senior
CF | Petty Officer First Class Webb, or Spider to his mates. You can't
CF | believe that Spider is a saboteur. He has a wife and kid and he's an
CF | all-round good guy. He's wearing an aqualung.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take aqualung"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x it"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF | > X IT
CF |
CF | It's a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (or SCUBA) with a
CF | mouthpiece, diving regulator and air tank.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search spider"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "l"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x rifle"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "rifle" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Communications Room
CF | You're in the comms room. It contains a variety of equipment,
CF | including radio and satellite communications systems, computers and
CF | electronic equipment used for data transmission and reception. There
CF | is some minor damage to the equipment, indicating signs of a struggle.
CF | The exit is to port.
CF |
CF | Holland is propped against a wall. He's bleeding badly.
CF |
CF | You can also see Webb's body, a shotgun and an empty gas canister
CF | here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x shotgun"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | It's empty. There's blood on the stock, lots of blood.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "It seems more likely that Holland was the saboteur and Webb caught him at it."
Jade says, "There is a problem with the time set"
DavidW asks (of Jade), "Daylight savings?"
Jade asks, "are you changed time to summer time by now?"
Knight_Otu says, "I think they are."
DavidW says, "yeah, I had to turn my clock forward an hour."
Jade says, "so, you are playing 1 hour by now"
DavidW says, "yeah"
Jacqueline says, "Yep."
DavidW says, "This happens every year and causes problems. Sorry, Jade."
Jade says, "thank you. There is no problem. I have already finished this great game for myself."
DavidW says, "We're playing Submarine Sabotage by Gerry Francis. It won the recent PunyJam #3."
Jacqueline asks, "I'm getting Holland and Dutchy confused, but isn't it Dutchy who knows details that seem odd to know?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x holland"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | It's Command Master Chief Petty Officer Holland, also known as Dutchy.
CF | He's the chief of the boat (or COB) and second in command to the
CF | skipper. He's bleeding quite badly.
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "I keep on looking the gameplay."
DavidW says, "Holland is Dutchy."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask holland about mission"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Dutchy just stares into space.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Nicknames causing problms."
DavidW says, "I don't know what to do about Holland. I want to tie him up so he doesn't cause more problems."
Roger says, "nickname 'Dutchy': unlikely. nickname 'Douchey': assured"
DavidW says, "That duct tape would've been handy now."
Jacqueline says (to DW&KO), "Okay, that would be the source of my confusion."
Roger asks, "maybe try to examine his alleged injurieS?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask him about bleeding"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Dutchy just stares into space.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x holland"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | It's Command Master Chief Petty Officer Holland, also known as Dutchy.
CF | He's the chief of the boat (or COB) and second in command to the
CF | skipper. He's bleeding quite badly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x blood"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a real mess. There's blood on the floor, blood on the dead body,
CF | blood on Holland, blood on the shotgun and blood splatter all over the
CF | equipment.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I didn't see any first aid kit anywhere, only that bag of frozen peas."
DavidW says, "But I think we should try using the aqualung and pliers to deal with the bomb."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "hit holland"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Violence isn't the answer to this one.
CF |
CF | > Roger asks, "sure, let's see how it goes. Or we could save first?"
Jacqueline says, "I think saving is a good plan."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf11"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] Control Roomns Roomt
CF |
CF | > P
CF |
CF | Control Room
CF | This is the nerve centre of the sub. It's a dimly-lit, cramped space,
CF | filled with banks of screens, dials, switches and gauges. The screens
CF | show information on sonar readings, navigation charts, system status,
CF | threat assessments and so on. There's a bulkhead at the fore end of
CF | the control room with other exits to aft and starboard. There's also
CF | an opening in the service duct above you.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, an opening in the service duct, a grille,
CF | a DIVE button, a SURFACE button, a periscope and Murphy's body here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Communications Roomt
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Communications Room
CF | You're in the comms room. It contains a variety of equipment,
CF | including radio and satellite communications systems, computers and
CF | electronic equipment used for data transmission and reception. There
CF | is some minor damage to the equipment, indicating signs of a struggle.
CF | The exit is to port.
CF |
CF | Holland is propped against a wall. He's bleeding badly.
CF |
CF | You can also see Webb's body, a shotgun and an empty gas canister
CF | here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] Control Roomns Roomt
CF |
CF | > P
CF |
CF | Control Room
CF | This is the nerve centre of the sub. It's a dimly-lit, cramped space,
CF | filled with banks of screens, dials, switches and gauges. The screens
CF | show information on sonar readings, navigation charts, system status,
CF | threat assessments and so on. There's a bulkhead at the fore end of
CF | the control room with other exits to aft and starboard. There's also
CF | an opening in the service duct above you.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, an opening in the service duct, a grille,
CF | a DIVE button, a SURFACE button, a periscope and Murphy's body here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that runs the length of the sub. The
CF | corridor itself runs fore and aft, with a bulkhead to aft. There's an
CF | exit off the corridor to starboard.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door and some debris here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x debris"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | The debris consists of various pipes and assorted bits of metal. It
CF | appears to have been placed here deliberately to block the bulkhead
CF | door to aft.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Store Room
CF | The store room is full of spare parts, tools, spare clothing and other
CF | supplies. The exit is to port.
CF |
CF | You can see a locker (which is closed) here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open locker"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | It's locked.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "unlock locker with key"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | The silver key doesn't fit the lock.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "hm"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > P
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that runs the length of the sub. The
CF | corridor itself runs fore and aft, with a bulkhead to aft. There's an
CF | exit off the corridor to starboard.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door and some debris here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | You can't, since the bulkhead door is closed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open door"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't get to the door because of the debris.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "move debris"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You push the debris towards the bulkhead, but that only makes the
CF | situation worse. You need to pull it away from the door.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "pull debris"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You pull the debris away from the bulkhead and distribute it along the
CF | corridor so that it's no longer blocking the door.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open door"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the bulkhead door.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see an opening in the service duct, a bulkhead door, the inner
CF | hatch, a chair and a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | Airlock
CF | You're in the submarine's airlock. It's a small chamber that separates
CF | the interior of the submarine from the surrounding ocean. The inner
CF | hatch allows you to go up to the main deck of the submarine. The outer
CF | hatch allows you to go down to the ocean. The safety system is fully
CF | automated with interlocks to ensure that the two hatches can't be open
CF | simultaneously.
CF |
CF | You can see the inner hatch and the outer hatch here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close inner"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You close the inner hatch.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "That move vs pull seemed a bit mean."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "wear aqualung"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You are now wearing the aqualung.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open outer"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Seawater floods into the airlock. You breathe through the aqualung as
CF | the seawater covers your head, but you quickly realise that you have
CF | no insulation against the cold Atlantic seawater. Your body turns numb
CF | as you struggle to close the hatch again, but it's too late. As you
CF | flounder about in the freezing water, you start to shiver and quickly
CF | lose consciousness.
CF |
CF |
CF | *** You have died ***
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move or QUIT?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Previous turn undone.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "okay, that clothing is probably in the store room locker."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "remove aqualung"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You take off the aqualung.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open inner"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the inner hatch.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see an opening in the service duct, a bulkhead door, the inner
CF | hatch, a chair and a grille here.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "maybe it's the old pistol lockpick trick"
DavidW says (to Roger), "aha"
DavidW says, "Maiden of the Moonlight did that trick."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognise.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that runs the length of the sub. The
CF | corridor itself runs fore and aft, with a bulkhead to aft. There's an
CF | exit off the corridor to starboard.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Store Room
CF | The store room is full of spare parts, tools, spare clothing and other
CF | supplies. The exit is to port.
CF |
CF | You can see a locker (which is closed) here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "shoot locker"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | (with the pistol)
CF | BANG! You blow the lock off the locker. You should be able to open it
CF | now.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says (to Roger), "thanks!"
Roger says, "haha wasn't quite expecting that to work, but hurray"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open locker"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the locker, revealing a wetsuit.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Nicely deduced."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take suit"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You are carrying too many things already.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying an aqualung, a gas mask, a fuse, a screwdriver, a can
CF | of WD-40, some mission instructions, a pistol, a silver key, a bar of
CF | soap, a pair of pliers, a digital watch (worn) and a pair of blue
CF | coveralls (worn).
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "it's a well-worn trope"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "drop mission, pistol"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | mission instructions: Dropped.
CF | pistol: Dropped.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take suit"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "wear it"
CF ] Store Roomdors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't wear the wetsuit over your coveralls, so you take them off
CF | and drop them on the floor, then put the wetsuit on.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Oh, NOW you're okay with disrobing."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "p"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > P
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that runs the length of the sub. The
CF | corridor itself runs fore and aft, with a bulkhead to aft. There's an
CF | exit off the corridor to starboard.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] Long Corridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see an opening in the service duct, a bulkhead door, the inner
CF | hatch, a chair and a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | Airlock
CF | You're in the submarine's airlock. It's a small chamber that separates
CF | the interior of the submarine from the surrounding ocean. The inner
CF | hatch allows you to go up to the main deck of the submarine. The outer
CF | hatch allows you to go down to the ocean. The safety system is fully
CF | automated with interlocks to ensure that the two hatches can't be open
CF | simultaneously.
CF |
CF | You can see the inner hatch and the outer hatch here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close inner"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You close the inner hatch.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "wear aqualung"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | You are now wearing the aqualung.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf12"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open outer"
CF ] Airlockrridors Roomt
CF |
CF |
CF | Seawater floods into the airlock. The wetsuit protects you from the
CF | cold. You plug the mouthpiece of the aqualung into your mouth and
CF | start breathing the life-saving oxygen. The airlock is soon full of
CF | seawater.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Beneath Submarine's Hull
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | Beneath Submarine's Hull
CF | You're amidships beneath the submarine's hull. You can go fore to the
CF | bow of the submarine, aft to the stern or you can re-enter the
CF | submarine via the outer hatch above you.
CF |
CF | You can see lots of seawater and the outer hatch here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Bow of Submarine's Hulll
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Bow of Submarine's Hull
CF | You're at the bow, beneath the submarine's hull. You can see the
CF | muzzle doors of the torpedo tubes above you, in the rounded end of the
CF | hull. Swimming aft will return you to amidships.
CF |
CF | You can see lots of seawater here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tubes"
CF ] Bow of Submarine's Hulll
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see the torpedo tubes from here, because they're hidden
CF | behind the muzzle doors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open doors"
CF ] Bow of Submarine's Hulll
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't open that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] Beneath Submarine's Hull
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | Beneath Submarine's Hull
CF | You're amidships beneath the submarine's hull. You can go fore to the
CF | bow of the submarine, aft to the stern or you can re-enter the
CF | submarine via the outer hatch above you.
CF |
CF | You can see lots of seawater and the outer hatch here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "a"
CF ] Stern of Submarine's Hull
CF |
CF | > A
CF |
CF | Stern of Submarine's Hull
CF | You're at the stern, beneath the submarine's hull. The gigantic
CF | propeller of the submarine's propulsion system looms above you.
CF | Swimming fore will return you to amidships.
CF |
CF | You can see lots of seawater and a bomb here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bomb"
CF ] Stern of Submarine's Hull
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a magnetic bomb that's attached to the submarine's hull by a very
CF | strong magnet. There's no way you can remove it. A red LED is lit. You
CF | presume this to mean that the bomb is armed. You can see two wires
CF | exposed outside the body of the bomb, one red and one green. Those
CF | colours don't conform to IEEE standards. That sounds like a safety
CF | violation!
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "gasp!"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Scandalous!"
DavidW says, "I shall write a letter of complaint to my councilman!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cut red wire with pliers"
CF ] Stern of Submarine's Hull
CF |
CF |
CF | You cut the red wire. The red LED starts flashing like crazy and
CF | BOOOM! A hole is blown in the sub's hull, seawater is sucked in and
CF | the submarine is flooded. But you don't get to see any of this,
CF | because you're blown to pieces. You are now shark food.
CF |
CF |
CF | *** You have died ***
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move or QUIT?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Stern of Submarine's Hull
CF |
CF |
CF | Previous turn undone.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "why would Dutchy lie to us? oh right"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cut green wire with pliers"
CF ] Stern of Submarine's Hull
CF |
CF |
CF | You cut the green wire. The red LED goes out. There is no explosion,
CF | so it looks like you've defused the bomb. Congratulations. Now you
CF | need to get the sub back to the surface.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Beneath Submarine's Hulll
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Beneath Submarine's Hull
CF | You're amidships beneath the submarine's hull. You can go fore to the
CF | bow of the submarine, aft to the stern or you can re-enter the
CF | submarine via the outer hatch above you.
CF |
CF | You can see lots of seawater and the outer hatch here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Airlock Submarine's Hulll
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | Airlock
CF | You're in the submarine's airlock. It's a small chamber that separates
CF | the interior of the submarine from the surrounding ocean. The inner
CF | hatch allows you to go up to the main deck of the submarine. The outer
CF | hatch allows you to go down to the ocean. The safety system is fully
CF | automated with interlocks to ensure that the two hatches can't be open
CF | simultaneously.
CF |
CF | You can see lots of seawater, the inner hatch and the outer hatch
CF | here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close outer"
CF ] Airlock Submarine's Hulll
CF |
CF |
CF | You close the outer hatch to seal it off against the seawater. When
CF | it's fully sealed, the automated system pumps the seawater out of the
CF | airlock. You can now breathe normally.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open inner"
CF ] Airlock Submarine's Hulll
CF |
CF |
CF | You open the inner hatch.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Long Corridorrine's Hulll
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that goes fore and aft along the
CF | length of the sub, except for the occasional watertight bulkhead, such
CF | as the one to fore. There are exits from the corridor to port and
CF | starboard, a grille overhead and the inner hatch to the airlock in the
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | You can see an opening in the service duct, a bulkhead door, the inner
CF | hatch, a chair and a grille here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Long Corridorrine's Hulll
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Long Corridor
CF | You're in a long narrow corridor that runs the length of the sub. The
CF | corridor itself runs fore and aft, with a bulkhead to aft. There's an
CF | exit off the corridor to starboard.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Long Corridorrine's Hulll
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | That's not a verb I recognise.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "f"
CF ] Control Roomrrine's Hulll
CF |
CF | > F
CF |
CF | Control Room
CF | This is the nerve centre of the sub. It's a dimly-lit, cramped space,
CF | filled with banks of screens, dials, switches and gauges. The screens
CF | show information on sonar readings, navigation charts, system status,
CF | threat assessments and so on. There's a bulkhead at the fore end of
CF | the control room with other exits to aft and starboard. There's also
CF | an opening in the service duct above you.
CF |
CF | You can see a bulkhead door, an opening in the service duct, a grille,
CF | a DIVE button, a SURFACE button, a periscope and Murphy's body here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push surface"
CF ] Control Roomrrine's Hulll
CF |
CF |
CF | The engines start up and the sub slowly rises. Before long, the sub
CF | breaches the surface. You have managed to save a top secret,
CF | multi-million dollar submarine from being blown up by a saboteur.
CF | Congratulations!
CF |
CF | The recovery ship rescues you a short time later and a temporary crew
CF | takes the USS Ibis back to shore. Command Master Chief Petty Officer
CF | Holland is taken to hospital and makes a full recovery from his
CF | encounter with the saboteur. He recommends you for a medal for your
CF | bravery, but you don't feel like you deserve it. You were just doing
CF | your job.
CF |
CF |
CF | An investigation is undertaken to work out how the saboteur breached
CF | security and snuck on board the sub. Forensics find that the bloody
CF | fingerprint on the DIVE button was not that of Holland, but of Webb,
CF | whereas Holland's fingerprints were found on the internals of the
CF | bomb, the empty gas canister and the debris that was blocking the aft
CF | bulkhead door.
CF |
CF | Further investigation reveals that there were no gas masks aboard the
CF | USS Ibis due to an oversight, so how did Holland get a gas mask? It is
CF | soon revealed that the quick-thinking Webb was in the store room at
CF | the time of the gas attack and grabbed an aqualung and shotgun. He
CF | confronted Holland and came off second best, but not before pressing
CF | the submarine's DIVE button and returning to the communications room
CF | to call for help.
CF |
CF | Webb is exonerated and awarded a posthumous medal for bravery. Holland
CF | is court-martialled and found guilty of treason, attempted sabotage
CF | and murder.
CF |
CF | A small memorial is erected to honour your shipmates (Spider, Spuds,
CF | Pickles, Tubs and the skipper), who died in the attempted sabotage.
CF | May they rest in peace.
CF |
CF |
CF | *** You have won ***
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO the last move or QUIT? Knight_Otu says, "Well done."
Jade says, "Yes, great. The pin was the tricky part."
Jacqueline asks, "Did, um, we get some sort of promotion or something?"
Roger says, "no"
Jacqueline says, "Like, Webb was brave and all, but we helped."
Roger says, "Assuming this is an early work by the author, I think they did well-enough here. A good grasp of the basics of what a game should be shaped like."
DavidW has disconnected.
DavidW has connected. DavidW says, "sorry, lost my connection as soon as we won."
Jacqueline says, "Oh yeah. This is a basic, solid game. Pretty straight-forward, nothing too unintuitive."
DavidW says (to Roger), "This isn't an early work of the author's. He's probably written a dozen games by now."
Roger says, "hunh. Well, that's fine too. Not exactly my cup of tea, but that's alright."
DavidW says, "[LINK]"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I didn't think this was his first game."
Jade says, "See you next week"
Jacqueline says, "I mean, this is done for a jam, so the level feels fine for that."
Jacqueline says (to Jade), "See you."
DavidW says, "It's possible his style fits better with the Adventuron model."
DavidW says, "But I'm quite fond of his games."
DavidW says, "I see I've missed one. Kenny Koala's Bushfire Survival Plan."
Roger says, "yeah it does seem jammy; maybe that's what I was picking up on."
DavidW says, "His best games are probably Captain Cutter's Treasure and Acid Rain."

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