ClubFloyd Transcript:
A1RL0CK by Marco Innocenti
As played on ifMUD on March 26, 2023

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of A1RL0CK written by Marco Innocenti. A1RL0CK was released in 2023 as part of PunyJam #3, in which it took 2nd place. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ANOTHER WARNING! A lot (most!) of the transcripts contained on this site are, shall we say, family-friendly. This is not one of those family-friendly transcripts. Just so we're clear.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

says, "Earlier today, I uploaded A1RL0CK, The Spectators, and Into the Sun to Floyd."
Jade says, "I have played A1rlock, nice game"
DavidW asks (of Jade), "How large a game is A1RL0CK?"
Perry says, "It's probably two sessions."
Jade says, "Airlock is middle length, Spectators is lull length."
DavidW says, "yeah, I know Spectators is on the larger size."
Perry says, "Depends on how you approach a few puzzles."
Jade says, "Airlock is one session more or less"
DavidW says, "I vote for A1RL0CK."
Knight_Otu says, "I'm fine with anything."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "load sleepmask a1rl0ck"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | Your hands. They hit the reinforced metal. They're starting to
CF | hurt. There's nothing to do.
CF |
CF | The safety lock is engaged.
CF |
CF |
CF | SpaceWhale presents:
CF |
CF | ---------
CF | ---------
CF |
CF | A Puny Interactive Science Fiction
CF | by Marco Innocenti
CF | Release 3 / Serial number 230322 / Inform v6.42 PunyInform v4.4
CF |
CF | Airlock
CF | The alarms just went off, including the flashing lights. But the
CF | pandemonium will take a while to get out of your lungs.
CF |
CF | The sealed chamber is immersed in darkness, the details lost in the
CF | corners where the lights from the fluorescent lamps are unable to
CF | spread. The exit door, in front of you, is blocked by three bars that
CF | alternately descend to the floor and up to the ceiling. A wide passage
CF | opens through a reinforced frame into a corridor to the south.
CF |
CF | A voice shrieks from hidden speakers, repeating your name over and
CF | over again.
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "Me too"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "listen"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | Someone is shouting orders over the base loudspeakers.
CF |
CF | The voice that's all around you gets softer: "CHLOE," it says, "FIRST
CF |
CF | You take a couple of breaths and start to feel the blood in your head
CF | subside.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "calm down"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | You try, but you only manage to lower the tension a little.
CF |
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bars"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | The bars could easily have been inserted inside the door. Obviously,
CF | in this way they are a clearer reminder of the fact that you can't get
CF | out of here, for any reason.
CF |
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "CALM DOEN, they scream."
Knight_Otu says, "*DOWN, even."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a suit (worn).
CF |
CF | off and, after a brief static, it's silence.
CF |
CF | You're alone now.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "The Warden? The Ward 7 supply hut?"
Knight_Otu asks, "The wardrobe to Narnia?"
DavidW asks, "The Wardrobe of Fancy Cocktail Dresses?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x suit"
CF ] Airlock
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a kind of second skin, a suit in apparently water-repellent
CF | material that starts from the boots and reaches the neck, gloves
CF | included, in a single piece.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "That's quite the suit."
Jacqueline says, "I hate wearing suits like that, but they're handy."
DavidW asks, "I assume we're going south? Nothing in the airlock to inspect?"
Jacqueline asks, "Sure?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | North Bridge
CF | The light in this area of the base is, if possible, even lower than in
CF | the airlock. You squint to compensate for the darkness and the
CF | headache returns. Instinctively, you run a hand over yourself to make
CF | sure that no piece of glass has remained on the overalls since the
CF | cocoon broke. You are clean.
CF |
CF | The walls are dark and dripping condensation. The metal is marked by
CF | thin horizontal lines that move in zig-zags at thirty-degree angles.
CF | Big lime-green numbers signal this is zone 3-3. The corridor continues
CF | south and widens into a better lit area. A closet door is half open to
CF | the east.
CF |
CF | A dumbwaiter remains slanted in the west wall, its shaft descending to
CF | the lower floors.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Seems like it."
Jacqueline says, "The cocoon..."
Roger says, "squinting doesn't help with low light! It just makes it worse!! CALM DOWN"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "3-3? We're one level away from a castle!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x closet"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | The door is half open. You can go through it easily.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "enter closet"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Empty Closet
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | By squeezing a little in the space, you manage to enter the closet.
CF | The perks of being a child.
CF |
CF | Empty Closet
CF | An absurdly vacant room. Not even a broom to keep you company. You can
CF | still see the dumbwaiter through the half-open door to the west.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline smacks Roger, who is clearly hysterical, as if this were some sort of film from the 1930s.
DavidW asks, "We're a child?!?"
Roger says, "or at least we have the perks of a child"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | North Bridge
CF | The walls are dark and dripping condensation. The metal is marked by
CF | thin horizontal lines that move in zig-zags at thirty-degree angles.
CF | Big lime-green numbers signal this is zone 3-3. The corridor continues
CF | south and widens into a better lit area. A closet door is half open to
CF | the east.
CF |
CF | A dumbwaiter remains slanted in the west wall, its shaft descending to
CF | the lower floors.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "What are we doing in a facility like this, then?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | The elevator was misaligned by the quake and is now wedged sideways
CF | into the walls. It doesn't move.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in it"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | The dumbwaiter is empty.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I'll bet we're like a special child with special powers..."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "think"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | You try, but something in there really hurts.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "hmmm"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "touch head"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "remember"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x rope"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "rope" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cable"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "cable" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "enter dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | The compartment is too small even for a child.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "That's a first."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "reach in dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Yeah, in IF, I'm used to climbing into those often even as a grown up."
DavidW asks, "I guess continue south?"
Jacqueline says, "yep"
DavidW says, "Empty dumbwaiter. Empty closet."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Bridge
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Middle Bridge
CF | This time, the light is too much. It takes almost a minute for your
CF | eyes to adjust, as if you've been living in the dark for ages.
CF |
CF | The ship's mid-deck at this level has been penetrated by a rock the
CF | size of a swimming pool, now poking sideways from the east wall and
CF | ceiling like an enormous tooth. The polished floors are littered with
CF | stone fragments.
CF |
CF | There is nothing here but a long wall mirror in the south side of the
CF | deck. A corridor leads off to the west into other lighted areas.
CF |
CF | The shiny mirror mercilessly reflects your presence.
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "cool puzzle"
Knight_Otu says, "Ship, huh."
Jade says, "x mirror"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x mirror"
CF ] Middle Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | You look at your reflection in the cracked glass. That's you, Chloe,
CF | in all your 120 centimeters of childhood. The suit you're wearing is
CF | remarkably clean, the expression you sport deeply detached.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x rock"
CF ] Middle Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | The earthquake that shook the station must have freed some rocks from
CF | the wall to which the base is docked. This huge one has sealed its
CF | entry point with its own mass.
CF |
CF | Or so you'd like to hope.
CF |
CF | Smaller splinters of it litter the floor.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "at least we calmed down"
Perry says, "(Just under 4 feet)"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x splinters"
CF ] Middle Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | The floor is full of them.
CF |
CF | You take one almost mechanically. Its sheen is mesmerizing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Middle Bridge
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a shiny splinter and a suit (worn).
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "rub splinter"
CF ] Middle Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | You achieve nothing by this.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "touch mirror"
CF ] Middle Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | You don't feel anything unexpected.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look behind mirror"
CF ] Middle Bridge
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "behind" means.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "How old is this kid?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Caved Inridge
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The earthquake--because there was an earthquake, wasn't there? And
CF | why? What caused it?--has devastated this area more than anything seen
CF | so far.
CF |
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "According to the Cincinnati Children's hospital's website, we are maybe 8 years old."
Jacqueline says, "We'll see how good an estimate that is..."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x beacon"
CF ] Caved Inridge
CF |
CF |
CF | It is an automatic door that opens with proximity. The signal light is
CF | green: it means that you can pass.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x water"
CF ] Caved Inridge
CF |
CF |
CF | The water is dark, dark as the abyss, dark as one of your worst
CF | dreams. Nothing moves inside, but that doesn't mean it's uninhabited.
CF |
CF | The lower level seems unreachable and in any case completely flooded.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "I assume we go south?"
DavidW asks, "Or is there more to do here?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF ] Caved Inridge
CF |
CF |
CF | It is an automatic door that opens with proximity. The signal light is
CF | green: it means that you can pass.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The metal door opens automatically when you approach and lets you
CF | through.
CF |
CF | Middle Level Infirmary
CF | The light flickers. This is where you escaped from right after the
CF | earthquake, when you woke up in your gutted cocoon. The destruction is
CF | total.
CF |
CF | The sick bay at this level appears to have been turned upside down by
CF | an explosion. The sparse furniture is upended against the walls,
CF | mirrors and glass shattered everywhere. In the center of the room, a
CF | hyperbaric cocoon is missing its lid, probably part of what is
CF | scattered on the ground.
CF |
CF | A cabinet has somewhat survived the devastation and is leaning against
CF | other furniture, still in its rags.
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "yes there is more things to do here"
Perry asks (of Jade), "What's the normal etiquette to questions like that?" Perry says, "Oops I meant to whisper that."
Jade says, "the water seems habited"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x furniture"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | Everything is tilted against the walls, opening from the center of the
CF | room like flower petals. Unusable.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search it"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cocoon"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | The crib you got out of when the earthquake tore everything apart. You
CF | were sleeping. You only remember a light, soft and spiraling, and then
CF | a kind of round whistle, like a child's cry. Maybe it was you.
CF |
CF | The cocoon is devastated. The lid is missing and even the cushions
CF | seem to have been squeezed by the hands of a huge god. The laces at
CF | the hands and ankles are torn, the sensors are interrupted and the
CF | displays shattered.
CF |
CF | By the looks of it, it was an airtight cocoon, a sort of medical womb.
CF | You wonder why it was done that way.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says (to Perry), "No worries. Normal protocol for those of you who've played the game is to ask us before providing us with hints."
Jacqueline says, "Since sometimes we may just be thinking out loud or tossing ideas around."
Jade says, "Perry, sorry but I don't understand"
DavidW says, "I just don't want to go too fast."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cabinet"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | One of the drawers has not been crushed. Maybe it can be opened.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Jacqueline answered it, all good Jade."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open drawer"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | Nothing. It's stuck. An energetic intervention would be needed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "pull drawer"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | Nothing. It's stuck. An energetic intervention would be needed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "kick drawer"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | You push the cabinet and it falls to the ground. The drawer that
CF | didn't crumple in the explosion slips a few inches and spills its
CF | contents into the room.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 5 points.]
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "So, we were in a cocoon."
Jacqueline says, "ooh stuff"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | Middle Level Infirmary
CF | The sick bay at this level appears to have been turned upside down by
CF | an explosion. The sparse furniture is upended against the walls,
CF | mirrors and glass shattered everywhere. In the center of the room, a
CF | hyperbaric cocoon is missing its lid, probably part of what is
CF | scattered on the ground.
CF |
CF | The cabinet is on the ground, lifeless.
CF |
CF | You can also see a pneumatic stapler here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x stapler"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | It's some kind of gun. It helps to seal tears by shooting metal
CF | staples. Pretty old fashioned stuff.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I didn't notice any exits mentioned for this room."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x mirrors"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | If anything was glass, now it's dust.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The only exit is north.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "There we go"
DavidW asks, "Did we see anything on our way here that this stapler can help with?"
DavidW asks, "If so, I missed it?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search cocoon"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF |
CF | That's hardly portable.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x lid"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmary
CF |
CF | > X LID
CF |
CF | Missing. Impossible to put the pieces back together.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Yeah, nothing as of yet, I don't think."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inevel Infirmary
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "yes, If I have played a game before, I tend to be silent unless I explain some troubles I have been into."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inevel Infirmary
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The wide corridor curves to the west. On the opposite side you can go
CF | back to the Middle Bridge. There is also a door to the south... and
CF | that big pool at your feet.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | Entering this huge environment always has the same effect on you. From
CF | the first time, when you opened your child's eyes on the night beyond
CF | the glass, the bewilderment of looking for a horizon inside the
CF | infinite made you materially aware of how small your den was, how
CF | prosaic and puny.
CF |
CF | You feel alone and helpless. Alone and vulnerable.
CF |
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "you could blab all you want on #cfspoiler if you were so inclined"
Roger says, "guys I think we might be a child"
Jacqueline says, "Like, I think if you all are aware of a bug and it's clear that we are flailing because of an actual bug (rather than just something non-intuitive) then that's the one instance where you should probably just tell us that we are struggling for an actual reason."
Jade says, "I don't know about #cfspoiler."
Perry says, "Oh, for sure Jacqueline."
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "haha"
Perry says, "(Though Release 3 has some of the more annoying bugs fixed, one thanks to me. :) )"
Jacqueline says, "I used to think about how prosaic and puny I was as a child. (No, I am kidding. I never thought about this.)"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x viewport"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | A glass wall over thirty meters long and two stories high, through
CF | which nothing can be discerned. The deep darkness of the ocean, an
CF | alien and lifeless sea.
CF |
CF | Looking in there has a sound. Like a low, dull, throbbing vibration.
CF |
CF | And, right now, you have the impression that the darkness is watching
CF | you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "listen"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The vibration is only in your mind, you reckon.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Hello darkness my old friend..."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tables"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | They are propped up on the ground, as if this were a ship's deck.
CF | Strangely, there are no chairs.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x windows"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | A glass wall over thirty meters long and two stories high, through
CF | which nothing can be discerned. The deep darkness of the ocean, an
CF | alien and lifeless sea.
CF |
CF | Looking in there has a sound. Like a low, dull, throbbing vibration.
CF |
CF | And, right now, you have the impression that the darkness is watching
CF | you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I would like to visit the food court next."
DavidW says, "Perhaps there are snacks."
Jacqueline asks, "Wait, so are we under the sea or deep in the earth, or both?"
Jacqueline says (to David), "I too would like a snack."
Roger says, "I think we are under the sea, under a boulder"
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "I'm unsure."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | This area is still vibrating from the earthquake. The whole base is at
CF | risk of collapsing. All the more reason to reach the exit as soon as
CF | possible.
CF |
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x drain"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The opening is protected by a very heavy looking grate.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x grate"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The opening is protected by a very heavy looking grate.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open grate"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The effort required is enormous. Impossible for a child. You pull hard
CF | until you almost feel your arms tearing apart. Everything turns red
CF | and the headache that is always in the background rises to danger
CF | levels... until, suddenly, it disappears and the grate is miraculously
CF | open.
CF |
CF | Something strange has just happened.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 5 points.]
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Well."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x drain"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The hole is large enough for a person to fit through.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh, this I'm supposed to enter? gah."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x aquarium"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | There were no fish in the aquarium. A relief. But the waste is still
CF | evident.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x waste"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "waste" means.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "grate? great."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tables"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Considering that this is the canteen reserved for "commoneers", they
CF | didn't skimp on quality, armchairs and tables and all. Too bad that
CF | everything is now overturned as if they were misplaced toys.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x armchairs"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Considering that this is the canteen reserved for "commoneers", they
CF | didn't skimp on quality, armchairs and tables and all. Too bad that
CF | everything is now overturned as if they were misplaced toys.
CF |
CF | >
Jade has left.
Jade has arrived. Roger says, "there's something pretty great about 'commoneers'"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x railing"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The terrace goes all the way around the ceiling. Upstairs is the
CF | canteen of the most important ones, the upper levels.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "If we get a grappling hook, I want to climb up there from here."
Roger says, "like they're communist pirates"
Jacqueline asks (of DW), "With our puny child arms??"
Jacqueline says (to Roger), "heh"
DavidW says (to Jacqueline), "yes"
Perry says (to Roger), "I think I've seen that band."
Knight_Otu says, "Our puny child arms did open that grate."
Knight_Otu says, "Somehow."
DavidW says, "Kitchen is south. Maybe that's where the snacks are hiding."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | As you enter, the distant voice reappears: "CHLOE, YOU NEED TO GET TO
CF | breath of static closes the discussion.
CF |
CF | Who are these people, you wonder? And why do they want you sent to the
CF | infirmary? You are not hurt. Or so it seems...
CF |
CF | The kitchen is decidedly small, given the number of tables it has to
CF | serve. Probably, given the hard-to-reach environment, all you do in
CF | here is reheat frozen stuff. The plates are all metal, and are
CF | scattered everywhere. There are no pans. A long piece of furniture
CF | full of doors supports a lifeless stove.
CF |
CF | To the north you can return to the restaurant.
CF |
CF | Someone has left a nice piece of meat on the stove, ready to cook.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Snack."
Roger says, "we got that Star Trek disease where we'll keep getting younger"
Jacqueline says, "haha"
Jacqueline says, "That's the worst."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x meat"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's roast beef.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x oven"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "oven" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x stove"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | A glass shelf, on which circles with a thin white profile are drawn.
CF | Induction cookers, to avoid open flames at two thousand meters below
CF | sea level. Of course.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "ah. VERY underwater."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take meat"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put meat on stove"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cook meat"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | The kitchen is decidedly small, given the number of tables it has to
CF | serve. Probably, given the hard-to-reach environment, all you do in
CF | here is reheat frozen stuff. The plates are all metal, and are
CF | scattered everywhere. There are no pans. A long piece of furniture
CF | full of doors supports a lifeless stove.
CF |
CF | To the north you can return to the restaurant.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x plates"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You're sure they use ceramic crockery upstairs. These are useless, as
CF | well as ugly and aseptic.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open stove"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The only exit is to the north, back in the food court.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | You exit the canteen to the west. A door off its hinges leads to the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | Duct
CF | The shaft you entered is about the same height as you, circular in
CF | section. The walls resisted the earthquake admirably, but the same
CF | cannot be said of its ends. A hole over your head brings you back up
CF | to the food court.
CF |
CF | The conduit is interrupted to the north by a kind of large, sealed
CF | valve which takes all the outlet.
CF |
CF | A very heavy-looking metal disc appears to have detached from the
CF | valve and now lies at its feet.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x disc"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It looks like a flying saucer. Two large opposite indentations
CF | maintain its frightening symmetry.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's bloody heavy. You won't be able to carry it around for very long.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x valve"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | A kind of very robust mechanical closure. A large central housing,
CF | convex and indented, seems ready to welcome an object of the same
CF | shape and size. Or rather, it seemed, as it is now irreparably
CF | deformed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put disc on valve"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It was there once, but the deformation makes it impossible to lodge
CF | now. A strong magnetic force pulls it towards the housing, though.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open disc"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't open that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open valve"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | There is no way. It's an automatic system, probably powered by the big
CF | metal disc.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "turn disc"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Nothing obvious happens.
CF |
CF | Enough. The disc is too heavy and slips out of your hand. With a dull
CF | thud it hits the ground and nearly breaks your leg.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "I might guess we could roll it around"
DavidW says, "Perhaps it can be used elsewhere. We can leave it in the food courrt."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take disc"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's bloody heavy. You won't be able to carry it around for very long.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | The disc weighs too much, there's no way for you to get up there and
CF | bring it along. Maybe you can push it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "drop disc"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Dropped.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The only exit is up, to the food court.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push disc up"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You should be carrying it to be able to push it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take disc"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's bloody heavy. You won't be able to carry it around for very long.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push disc up"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | With strength you didn't expect you had, you manage to push the disc
CF | right out of the opening above you, into the food court.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | You can also see a dented disc here.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "aha"
Knight_Otu asks, "Are we Hulchloe?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf13"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "the old floody-swimmy gag"
DavidW asks, "Where to next?"
Roger says, "block drain, flood room, swim up"
DavidW says, "hmm."
DavidW says, "Seems a bit risky."
Roger says, "it'll be okay as long as we STAY CALM"
DavidW says, "and I don't see the tools for it yet."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push aquarium"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | You can also see a dented disc here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | You exit the canteen to the west. A door off its hinges leads to the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Screening Room
CF | The world goes green. And suddenly a sharp pain cuts through your
CF | skull like a blade, from ear to ear. You seem to hear voices, someone
CF | insisting on your name, and then that number--03 03 03 03 03--repeated
CF | endlessly as if it were printed on facing mirrors.
CF |
CF |
CF | Green. Then black, then the light comes back, green again.
CF |
CF | Wow.
CF |
CF | The room is immersed in the reflection of old CRT screens, each
CF | aligned with the others and imprisoned in a wall of incomprehensible
CF | lights. There are terminals, lots of terminals, and buttons of every
CF | color. A door to the south bears a small window the glass of which is
CF | furrowed by a wire mesh. To the north is the observatory.
CF |
CF | Slowly you catch your breath. A kind of chant. An alien melody. And
CF | suddenly you don't feel alone anymore.
CF |
CF | You feel that something has changed in your vicinity.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "(What's with the sleepmask not tracking the room name right? It's only overwriting as many characters as the room name is long.)"
Roger says, "my guess would be that it's a right-aligned part of the status line that isn't staying to the right"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x terminals"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Dozens of terminals and buttons that you don't know the use of. The
CF | one closest to the door sports a slot, like a card reader.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x slot"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Dozens of terminals and buttons that you don't know the use of. The
CF | one closest to the door sports a slot, like a card reader.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "listen"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The strange singing comes from the north, from the observatory.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x whales"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Dozens of whales are swimming outside the observatory and they seem
CF | very interested in what is going on in here. Slow, plastic, they dance
CF | to music you can almost hear.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "listen to whales"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The whales are singing. It is a familiar and reassuring music.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "sing"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You do not know how to do it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "listen to water"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to whales"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The whales listen with interest to the arabesques of your mind.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "think"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You try, but something in there really hurts.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a juicy piece of meat, a pneumatic stapler, a shiny
CF | splinter and a suit (worn).
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "I know exactly what you mean, game"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "show splinter to whales"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The whales don't seem interested in the little human things.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "dance"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Nelly taught you a few steps. You take two minutes to vent that little
CF | bit of fear. The sensation is exhilarating.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I wonder who Nelly is."
DavidW asks, "um. Now what do we do?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "wave to whales"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "whales, hi"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The whales listen with interest to the arabesques of your mind.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | North for the exit, east for the cafeteria, south for the other wing
CF | of the station.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Screening Room
CF | The room is immersed in the reflection of old CRT screens, each
CF | aligned with the others and imprisoned in a wall of incomprehensible
CF | lights. There are terminals, lots of terminals, and buttons of every
CF | color. A door to the south bears a small window the glass of which is
CF | furrowed by a wire mesh. To the north is the observatory.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's yet another armored door. The base must be full of them. This has
CF | a small rectangular window that peeks into the adjacent room.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x window"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's yet another armored door. The base must be full of them. This has
CF | a small rectangular window that peeks into the adjacent room.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look through window"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "through" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in window"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The corridor beyond is bathed in the blue of strobe lights. You can
CF | see some white tiles and strange pipes coming out of the walls. The
CF | rest is confusing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pipes"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open door"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It cannot be operated manually. There must be some hidden mechanism.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh right. We need a card."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search terminals"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Screening Room
CF | The room is immersed in the reflection of old CRT screens, each
CF | aligned with the others and imprisoned in a wall of incomprehensible
CF | lights. There are terminals, lots of terminals, and buttons of every
CF | color. A door to the south bears a small window the glass of which is
CF | furrowed by a wire mesh. To the north is the observatory.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x mesh"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's yet another armored door. The base must be full of them. This has
CF | a small rectangular window that peeks into the adjacent room.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "pull mesh"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It cannot be operated manually. There must be some hidden mechanism.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "read terminals"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Dozens of terminals and buttons that you don't know the use of. The
CF | one closest to the door sports a slot, like a card reader.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The large opening goes north towards the observatory. Otherwise there
CF | is the door to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | The water is really black. There could be... anything hidden down
CF | there. Are you sure you want to go down?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "no"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > NO
CF |
CF |
CF | Yes, that seems like a better solution.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "listen to water"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You hear nothing unexpected.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search water"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The water is dark and thick. Something underneath is moving.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x something"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "something" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search water"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The water is dark and thick. Something underneath is moving.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The wide corridor curves to the west. On the opposite side you can go
CF | back to the Middle Bridge. There is also a door to the south... and
CF | that big pool at your feet.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The metal door opens automatically when you approach and lets you
CF | through.
CF |
CF | Middle Level Infirmary
CF | The sick bay at this level appears to have been turned upside down by
CF | an explosion. The sparse furniture is upended against the walls,
CF | mirrors and glass shattered everywhere. In the center of the room, a
CF | hyperbaric cocoon is missing its lid, probably part of what is
CF | scattered on the ground.
CF |
CF | The cabinet is on the ground, lifeless.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cocoon"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF |
CF | The cocoon is devastated. The lid is missing and even the cushions
CF | seem to have been squeezed by the hands of a huge god. The laces at
CF | the hands and ankles are torn, the sensors are interrupted and the
CF | displays shattered.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cushions"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF |
CF | As if they had been compressed with violence.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take cushion"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x laces"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF |
CF | Torn. But perhaps they have been for some time. You weren't tied up
CF | when you woke up.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take laces"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inevel Infirmaryy
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Middle Bridge
CF | The ship's mid-deck at this level has been penetrated by a rock the
CF | size of a swimming pool, now poking sideways from the east wall and
CF | ceiling like an enormous tooth. The polished floors are littered with
CF | stone fragments.
CF |
CF | There is nothing here but a long wall mirror in the south side of the
CF | deck. A corridor leads off to the west into other lighted areas.
CF |
CF | The shiny mirror mercilessly reflects your presence.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take mirror"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That's fixed in place.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open mirror"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't open that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "move mirror"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That's fixed in place.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "break mirror"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Nelly told you what happens when a mirror breaks.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Middle Bridge
CF | The ship's mid-deck at this level has been penetrated by a rock the
CF | size of a swimming pool, now poking sideways from the east wall and
CF | ceiling like an enormous tooth. The polished floors are littered with
CF | stone fragments.
CF |
CF | There is nothing here but a long wall mirror in the south side of the
CF | deck. A corridor leads off to the west into other lighted areas.
CF |
CF | The shiny mirror mercilessly reflects your presence.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Since the eastern section has collapsed, you can only go north or
CF | west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | North Bridge
CF | The walls are dark and dripping condensation. The metal is marked by
CF | thin horizontal lines that move in zig-zags at thirty-degree angles.
CF | Big lime-green numbers signal this is zone 3-3. The corridor continues
CF | south and widens into a better lit area. A closet door is half open to
CF | the east.
CF |
CF | A dumbwaiter remains slanted in the west wall, its shaft descending to
CF | the lower floors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The dumbwaiter is empty.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | By squeezing a little in the space, you manage to enter the closet.
CF | The perks of being a child.
CF |
CF | Empty Closet
CF | An absurdly vacant room. Not even a broom to keep you company. You can
CF | still see the dumbwaiter through the half-open door to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dumbwaiter"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | From this distance you can only admire its gross form.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "What does that mean and why is this coded?"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, not sure."
DavidW asks, "What are we meant to see by looking at the dumbwaiter from here?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can still see the dumbwaiter through the half-open door.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open door"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "close door"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "my vague guess is that at some point of the future we're gonna get chased and we'll need to hide"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x form"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "form" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | North Bridge
CF | The walls are dark and dripping condensation. The metal is marked by
CF | thin horizontal lines that move in zig-zags at thirty-degree angles.
CF | Big lime-green numbers signal this is zone 3-3. The corridor continues
CF | south and widens into a better lit area. A closet door is half open to
CF | the east.
CF |
CF | A dumbwaiter remains slanted in the west wall, its shaft descending to
CF | the lower floors.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says (to Roger), "But we don't fit, I think."
DavidW says, "true"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Airlockridgeebservatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Airlock
CF | The sealed chamber is immersed in darkness, the details lost in the
CF | corners where the lights from the fluorescent lamps are unable to
CF | spread. The exit door, in front of you, is blocked by three bars that
CF | alternately descend to the floor and up to the ceiling. A wide passage
CF | opens through a reinforced frame into a corridor to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x lamps"
CF ] Airlockridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The light in the station comes from small glass-sized lamps covered
CF | with a metal mesh. Too high for you to reach them.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "the pursuer may fit"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x exit door"
CF ] Airlockridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF ] Airlockridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The bars could easily have been inserted inside the door. Obviously,
CF | in this way they are a clearer reminder of the fact that you can't get
CF | out of here, for any reason.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | North Bridge
CF | The walls are dark and dripping condensation. The metal is marked by
CF | thin horizontal lines that move in zig-zags at thirty-degree angles.
CF | Big lime-green numbers signal this is zone 3-3. The corridor continues
CF | south and widens into a better lit area. A closet door is half open to
CF | the east.
CF |
CF | A dumbwaiter remains slanted in the west wall, its shaft descending to
CF | the lower floors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x lines"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The walls seem thick and sturdy. They are made of huge metal panels
CF | welded together with painstaking precision. The cavities are a few
CF | millimeters deep and look extraordinarily waterproof.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x cavities"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "cavities" means.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "oh hrm it is possible we wouldn't fit in the dumbwaiter but we would fit in its shaft"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That's fixed in place.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put splinter in it"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You put the shiny splinter into the dumbwaiter and retreat your hand.
CF | The cabin vibrates for a few seconds then stops, evidently blocked by
CF | the tilt in the shaft. You have to find a way to straighten it all out
CF | in order for it to work.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take splinter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "how ... How am I supposed to straighten the shaft of a dumbwaiter?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "straighten shaft"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "we do seem superhumanly strong, at least"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x shaft"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The elevator was misaligned by the quake and is now wedged sideways
CF | into the walls. It doesn't move.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Middle Bridge
CF | The ship's mid-deck at this level has been penetrated by a rock the
CF | size of a swimming pool, now poking sideways from the east wall and
CF | ceiling like an enormous tooth. The polished floors are littered with
CF | stone fragments.
CF |
CF | There is nothing here but a long wall mirror in the south side of the
CF | deck. A corridor leads off to the west into other lighted areas.
CF |
CF | The shiny mirror mercilessly reflects your presence.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push mirror west"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Is that the best you can think of?
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "climb rock"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You've read too many comics, Madame Web.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Wow."
Perry says, "Game just got sassy."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Caved Inridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take beacon"
CF ] Caved Inridgebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | > Roger asks, "unlikely, but maybe the splinter would jigger the door slot?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x splinter"
CF ] Caved Inridgebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | A small piece of dark, shimmering rock.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Oh. I was thinking that was a shard of glass for some reason."
DavidW says, "I could try it, sure. I'm running out of ideas other than exploring this pool."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Screening Room
CF | The room is immersed in the reflection of old CRT screens, each
CF | aligned with the others and imprisoned in a wall of incomprehensible
CF | lights. There are terminals, lots of terminals, and buttons of every
CF | color. A door to the south bears a small window the glass of which is
CF | furrowed by a wire mesh. To the north is the observatory.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put splinter in slot"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The slot is too thin. The shiny splinter doesn't fit.
CF |
CF | > Perry asks, "Want a vague hint of an idea of something to do?"
DavidW says, "I could try the disc, I suppose."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | You can also see a dented disc here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push disc west"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You should be carrying it to be able to push it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take disc"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's bloody heavy. You won't be able to carry it around for very long.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Screening Room
CF | The room is immersed in the reflection of old CRT screens, each
CF | aligned with the others and imprisoned in a wall of incomprehensible
CF | lights. There are terminals, lots of terminals, and buttons of every
CF | color. A door to the south bears a small window the glass of which is
CF | furrowed by a wire mesh. To the north is the observatory.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put disc in slot"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The slot is too thin. The dented disc doesn't fit.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "drop disc"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Dropped.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "climb railing"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | You exit the canteen to the west. A door off its hinges leads to the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "stack tables"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "pile tables"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "climb tables"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "hmm."
Perry says, "You're currently missing something you need."
DavidW says, "No doubt."
DavidW says, "A keycard, say."
Perry says, "Er, more direct. There's a room that isn't totally explored still."
DavidW says, "Oh, that's my big weakness in CF sessions. I miss exits because I'm not mapping properly."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "nw"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > NW
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | You exit the canteen to the west. A door off its hinges leads to the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | The kitchen is decidedly small, given the number of tables it has to
CF | serve. Probably, given the hard-to-reach environment, all you do in
CF | here is reheat frozen stuff. The plates are all metal, and are
CF | scattered everywhere. There are no pans. A long piece of furniture
CF | full of doors supports a lifeless stove.
CF |
CF | To the north you can return to the restaurant.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The only exit is to the north, back in the food court.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | North for the exit, east for the cafeteria, south for the other wing
CF | of the station.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Screening Room
CF | The room is immersed in the reflection of old CRT screens, each
CF | aligned with the others and imprisoned in a wall of incomprehensible
CF | lights. There are terminals, lots of terminals, and buttons of every
CF | color. A door to the south bears a small window the glass of which is
CF | furrowed by a wire mesh. To the north is the observatory.
CF |
CF | You can see a dented disc here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The large opening goes north towards the observatory. Otherwise there
CF | is the door to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The wide corridor curves to the west. On the opposite side you can go
CF | back to the Middle Bridge. There is also a door to the south... and
CF | that big pool at your feet.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The metal door opens automatically when you approach and lets you
CF | through.
CF |
CF | Middle Level Infirmary
CF | The sick bay at this level appears to have been turned upside down by
CF | an explosion. The sparse furniture is upended against the walls,
CF | mirrors and glass shattered everywhere. In the center of the room, a
CF | hyperbaric cocoon is missing its lid, probably part of what is
CF | scattered on the ground.
CF |
CF | The cabinet is on the ground, lifeless.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The only exit is north.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inevel Infirmaryy
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Middle BridgeInfirmaryy
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Middle Bridge
CF | The ship's mid-deck at this level has been penetrated by a rock the
CF | size of a swimming pool, now poking sideways from the east wall and
CF | ceiling like an enormous tooth. The polished floors are littered with
CF | stone fragments.
CF |
CF | There is nothing here but a long wall mirror in the south side of the
CF | deck. A corridor leads off to the west into other lighted areas.
CF |
CF | The shiny mirror mercilessly reflects your presence.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle BridgeInfirmaryy
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Since the eastern section has collapsed, you can only go north or
CF | west.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Just because I don't want to mislead you -- you aren't missing an exit. You just didn't finish exploring (as in looking at things) one room."
DavidW says, "You've already misled me."
DavidW asks, "Which room?"
Perry says, "The Kitchen."
Jacqueline says, "huh"
DavidW says, "thanks"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Caved InridgeInfirmaryy
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The metal door opens automatically when you approach and lets you
CF | through.
CF |
CF | Middle Level Infirmary
CF | The sick bay at this level appears to have been turned upside down by
CF | an explosion. The sparse furniture is upended against the walls,
CF | mirrors and glass shattered everywhere. In the center of the room, a
CF | hyperbaric cocoon is missing its lid, probably part of what is
CF | scattered on the ground.
CF |
CF | The cabinet is on the ground, lifeless.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inevel Infirmaryy
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | The kitchen is decidedly small, given the number of tables it has to
CF | serve. Probably, given the hard-to-reach environment, all you do in
CF | here is reheat frozen stuff. The plates are all metal, and are
CF | scattered everywhere. There are no pans. A long piece of furniture
CF | full of doors supports a lifeless stove.
CF |
CF | To the north you can return to the restaurant.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I tried to open and use the stove."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open doors"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The door, probably pneumatic, makes a little resistance, so much so
CF | that you have to prop yourself up with a foot against the cabinet to
CF | open it. When it yields--with a loud POP!--it bursts open so fast that
CF | it strikes the opposite side with enough force to bend it in half.
CF |
CF | The internal pressure must have been very high, for some reason.
CF |
CF | Two objects jump out of the cabinet and end up on the floor together
CF | with the dishes and the mess.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 5 points.]
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "But not 'doors'."
DavidW says, "Bah."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | The kitchen is decidedly small, given the number of tables it has to
CF | serve. Probably, given the hard-to-reach environment, all you do in
CF | here is reheat frozen stuff. The plates are all metal, and are
CF | scattered everywhere. There are no pans. A long piece of furniture
CF | full of doors supports a lifeless stove.
CF |
CF | To the north you can return to the restaurant.
CF |
CF | A dented spray can tumbled to the ground, out of the cabinet.
CF |
CF | Among the debris you can see a tin object, crumpled up like waste
CF | paper.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take can and tin"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Do you mean the burst container or the spray can?
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "ah"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dented can"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as "x dented" but then you lost me.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x spray can"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as "x spray" but then you lost me.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x can"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > X CAN
CF |
CF | A pressure dispenser. The label reads FIZZAR COOKING CREAM. Yum!
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tin"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > X TIN
CF |
CF | Do you mean the burst container or the spray can?
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | The kitchen is decidedly small, given the number of tables it has to
CF | serve. Probably, given the hard-to-reach environment, all you do in
CF | here is reheat frozen stuff. The plates are all metal, and are
CF | scattered everywhere. There are no pans. A long piece of furniture
CF | full of doors supports a lifeless stove.
CF |
CF | To the north you can return to the restaurant.
CF |
CF | Among the debris you can see a tin object, crumpled up like waste
CF | paper.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tin object"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Looks like a container, exploded for some reason. That's probably what
CF | raised the pressure inside the cabinet. Only the letters -R-AM
CF | survived on the torn label.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take it"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "SCRAM, the cooking spray for get-outta-my-kitchen chefs."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in it"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "shake it"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | There is no outcome.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "What about income?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a burst container, a spray can, a shiny splinter, a
CF | juicy piece of meat, a pneumatic stapler and a suit (worn).
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "There's even less of that."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x can"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > X CAN
CF |
CF | A pressure dispenser. The label reads FIZZAR COOKING CREAM. Yum!
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x doors"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It is a long cabinet. Only one of the ten doors seems to open. All the
CF | others have a padlocking mechanism to which, needless to say, you
CF | don't have the key.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in cabinet"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The long cabinet is empty.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "So, any ideas what to do with these new toys?"
Roger says, "hmmm no"
DavidW asks, "Do we spray our meat with cooking cream?"
Knight_Otu says, "Is the... right."
Roger says, "I know I do"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "spray meat"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | This would really be nouvelle cuisine.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I know that I do not."
DavidW says, "Perhaps we spray ourselves to get a buttery complexion."
Roger says, "maybe the game is trying to tell us that the remaining pressure can is also a bomb"
DavidW asks, "In which case, what do we want to explode?"
Roger says, "dunno"
DavidW says, "Also, I'm inexperienced in turning spray cans into bombs on purpose."
Knight_Otu asks, "A door that blocks our progress?"
Jacqueline asks, "One that prevents us from drowning?"
DavidW asks, "So, what do we do? Shake the can, throw it at the door with the mesh window?"
Roger says, "I think we might as well try the scary dark waters just to see if that is the way forward or instant death"
DavidW says, "yes, we should test that."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | The kitchen is decidedly small, given the number of tables it has to
CF | serve. Probably, given the hard-to-reach environment, all you do in
CF | here is reheat frozen stuff. The plates are all metal, and are
CF | scattered everywhere. There are no pans. A long piece of furniture
CF | full of doors supports a lifeless stove.
CF |
CF | To the north you can return to the restaurant.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf14"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I'm having the feeling that we may not be in as much danger of drowning as we've been told."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | The water is really black. There could be... anything hidden down
CF | there. Are you sure you want to go down?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "yes"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > YES
CF |
CF |
CF | The cold takes a while to get to you, blunted by the pneumatic suit
CF | you're wearing. You sink into the black up to your neck and stop for a
CF | moment to take your last long breath. One, two, three and you let
CF | yourself go.
CF |
CF | Darkness envelops you. Just flashes, cold in the cold of an underwater
CF | night.
CF |
CF | Then, a sudden, serpentine, slippery movement. And a noise that is
CF | more of a vibration, like an air conditioning system idling. But with
CF | teeth.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | *** You have died ***
CF |
CF | In that game you scored 15 out of a possible 185, in 227 turns.
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "restore"
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT?
CF | %% Enter a save filename to read:
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf14"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Underwater teeth snake."
Roger says, "okay so we got eaten"
Roger exclaims, "but we've got delicious raw meat!"
Perry says, "I have also seen that band."
Jacqueline asks, "Can we feed it the meat?"
DavidW says, "I guess we should try that."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put meat in pool"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x meat"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's roast beef.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pool"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x water"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The water is dark, dark as the abyss, dark as one of your worst
CF | dreams. Nothing moves inside, but that doesn't mean it's uninhabited.
CF |
CF | The lower level seems unreachable and in any case completely flooded.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put meat in water"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | I support the idea but that would probably just be like feeding what
CF | lurks down there.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Yes"
Jacqueline says, "That is the point."
Jacqueline says, "Wanna see it."
Jacqueline says, "Wanna have nightmares."
Knight_Otu says, "Game, then it would be less hungry."
Jacqueline says, "That too."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | I support the idea but that would probably just be like feeding what
CF | lurks down there.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "maybe we need to put a grenade into the meat and then staple it up"
Jacqueline says, "Oh gosh"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put can in meat"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's not season of condiments. Or, at least, not this one.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "underwater explosions are no big deal when you're also underwater and right beside them"
Jacqueline says, "haha"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put can in water"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It would disappear into the darkness down there. You'd rather not.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "use stapler on can"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x stapler"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's some kind of gun. It helps to seal tears by shooting metal
CF | staples. Pretty old fashioned stuff.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "shoot water"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The staples disappear in the dark. Whatever the target was, you
CF | missed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh, no UNDO."
Roger says, "d'oh"
Perry says, "You have infinite staples."
Roger says (to floyd), "cut meat"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You would achieve nothing by this.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Let us hope.... right."
Jacqueline asks, "Can you puncture the can with the stapler?"
Jacqueline says, "Just curious."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "shoot can"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The spray can is pressurized. Shooting a staple into it would probably
CF | cause it to explode. Are you sure?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "no"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > NO
CF |
CF |
CF | Yeah. There's probably a better place to blow this thing up.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "oooh"
Knight_Otu says, "Maybe not while we're holding i."
Roger says, "aha so that's why the dumbwaiter is in scope"
DavidW says, "ok. Use as explosive confirmed, and now we have a method."
DavidW asks (of Roger), "you think we should put the can in the dumbwaiter then shoot it from the closet?"
Roger says, "yeah I would try that"
DavidW says, "I will second that."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Middle Bridge
CF | The ship's mid-deck at this level has been penetrated by a rock the
CF | size of a swimming pool, now poking sideways from the east wall and
CF | ceiling like an enormous tooth. The polished floors are littered with
CF | stone fragments.
CF |
CF | There is nothing here but a long wall mirror in the south side of the
CF | deck. A corridor leads off to the west into other lighted areas.
CF |
CF | The shiny mirror mercilessly reflects your presence.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | North Bridge
CF | The walls are dark and dripping condensation. The metal is marked by
CF | thin horizontal lines that move in zig-zags at thirty-degree angles.
CF | Big lime-green numbers signal this is zone 3-3. The corridor continues
CF | south and widens into a better lit area. A closet door is half open to
CF | the east.
CF |
CF | A dumbwaiter remains slanted in the west wall, its shaft descending to
CF | the lower floors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put can in dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You put the spray can into the dumbwaiter and retreat your hand. The
CF | cabin vibrates for a few seconds then stops, evidently blocked by the
CF | tilt in the shaft. You have to find a way to straighten it all out in
CF | order for it to work.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | By squeezing a little in the space, you manage to enter the closet.
CF | The perks of being a child.
CF |
CF | Empty Closet
CF | An absurdly vacant room. Not even a broom to keep you company. You can
CF | still see the dumbwaiter through the half-open door to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dumbwaiter"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | From this distance you can only admire its gross form.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "most of these staplegun thingies have an interlock so they need to be pressed up against the target, but fine"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x can"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF | > X CAN
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "shoot dumbwaiter"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "shoot dumbwaiter"
CF ] Empty Closetebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | From this distance it's a bit of a mess, but you try anyway. The first
CF | two or three shots miss, then--exercising a lot of technique but above
CF | all a lot of luck--you are on target.
CF |
CF | The spray can explodes, throwing shrapnel everywhere. The explosion
CF | puts the dumbwaiter back on its axis, which is now free to function.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 20 points.]
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "hurray for percussive maintenance"
Knight_Otu says, "That..."
Perry says, "Speaking from real life, most pneumatic staplers let you have the lock be triggered by gravity if you're tilting the stapler back. You can also usually hold it back with your finger."
Jacqueline says (to KO), "Shhh... do not question."
Knight_Otu says, "I'm having trouble not qustioning it though."
Jacqueline says, "heehee"
Jacqueline says, "Understandable."
Roger says, "stay calm and question nothing"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | North Bridge
CF | The walls are dark and dripping condensation. The metal is marked by
CF | thin horizontal lines that move in zig-zags at thirty-degree angles.
CF | Big lime-green numbers signal this is zone 3-3. The corridor continues
CF | south and widens into a better lit area. A closet door is half open to
CF | the east.
CF |
CF | A dumbwaiter remains (wonderfully upright) in the west wall, its shaft
CF | descending to the lower floors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | The compartment is too small even for a child.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "(wonderfully upright), eh?"
DavidW says, "So, we still cannot get in there."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The explosion put the freight elevator back on its axis. Now it seems
CF | operable.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "lower dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "raise dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x button"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put splinter in dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You put the shiny splinter into the dumbwaiter and retreat your hand.
CF | The dumbwaiter activates and goes downstairs. A few moments pass in
CF | silence. When the elevator returns the shiny splinter is still there.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take splinter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a shiny splinter, a burst container, a juicy piece of
CF | meat, a pneumatic stapler and a suit (worn).
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put meat in dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You put the juicy piece of meat into the dumbwaiter and retreat your
CF | hand. The dumbwaiter activates and goes downstairs. A few moments pass
CF | in silence. When the elevator returns the juicy piece of meat is still
CF | there.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take meat"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "So no chance of trying to climb the elevator shaft."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "enter shaft"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The compartment is too small even for a child.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "It seems not."
DavidW says, "We can put things in, and the thing has a ride amusing ride and returns."
DavidW says, "Like being the mom at an amusement park."
DavidW says, "We could try putting the heavy disc in, I suppose."
Knight_Otu says, "Hm."
DavidW says, "Maybe it won't return."
Knight_Otu says, "That could be it."
Roger says, "sure why not"
DavidW says, "I can't think of anything else right away."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Middle Bridge
CF | The ship's mid-deck at this level has been penetrated by a rock the
CF | size of a swimming pool, now poking sideways from the east wall and
CF | ceiling like an enormous tooth. The polished floors are littered with
CF | stone fragments.
CF |
CF | There is nothing here but a long wall mirror in the south side of the
CF | deck. A corridor leads off to the west into other lighted areas.
CF |
CF | The shiny mirror mercilessly reflects your presence.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Caved Inridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Screening Room
CF | The room is immersed in the reflection of old CRT screens, each
CF | aligned with the others and imprisoned in a wall of incomprehensible
CF | lights. There are terminals, lots of terminals, and buttons of every
CF | color. A door to the south bears a small window the glass of which is
CF | furrowed by a wire mesh. To the north is the observatory.
CF |
CF | You can see a dented disc here.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take disc"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It's bloody heavy. You won't be able to carry it around for very long.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Middle Bridge
CF | The ship's mid-deck at this level has been penetrated by a rock the
CF | size of a swimming pool, now poking sideways from the east wall and
CF | ceiling like an enormous tooth. The polished floors are littered with
CF | stone fragments.
CF |
CF | There is nothing here but a long wall mirror in the south side of the
CF | deck. A corridor leads off to the west into other lighted areas.
CF |
CF | The shiny mirror mercilessly reflects your presence.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | North Bridge
CF | The walls are dark and dripping condensation. The metal is marked by
CF | thin horizontal lines that move in zig-zags at thirty-degree angles.
CF | Big lime-green numbers signal this is zone 3-3. The corridor continues
CF | south and widens into a better lit area. A closet door is half open to
CF | the east.
CF |
CF | A dumbwaiter remains (wonderfully upright) in the west wall, its shaft
CF | descending to the lower floors.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put disc in dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The disc fits the compartment almost perfectly. As soon as you slip it
CF | in, the dumbwaiter activates and goes downstairs. A few moments pass
CF | and a loud noise, like metal tumbling on metal, comes up from the
CF | shaft. When the elevator returns it is empty.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 10 points.]
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Huh."
Knight_Otu asks, "That was right, but how was it right?"
DavidW asks, "But... what did that do?"
Roger says, "good work, us"
DavidW says, "I'm glad we're making progress, but I'm not understanding what happened."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put splinter in dumbwaiter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You put the shiny splinter into the dumbwaiter and retreat your hand.
CF | The dumbwaiter activates and goes downstairs. A few moments pass in
CF | silence. When the elevator returns the shiny splinter is still there.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take splinter"
CF ] North Bridgeebservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "I guess we're back to revisiting every room and see if anything is excitingly different"
DavidW says, "gosh, I can't wait"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Bridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Middle Bridge
CF | The ship's mid-deck at this level has been penetrated by a rock the
CF | size of a swimming pool, now poking sideways from the east wall and
CF | ceiling like an enormous tooth. The polished floors are littered with
CF | stone fragments.
CF |
CF | There is nothing here but a long wall mirror in the south side of the
CF | deck. A corridor leads off to the west into other lighted areas.
CF |
CF | The shiny mirror mercilessly reflects your presence.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Caved Inridgebservatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Middle Level Infirmaryy
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | The metal door opens automatically when you approach and lets you
CF | through.
CF |
CF | Middle Level Infirmary
CF | The sick bay at this level appears to have been turned upside down by
CF | an explosion. The sparse furniture is upended against the walls,
CF | mirrors and glass shattered everywhere. In the center of the room, a
CF | hyperbaric cocoon is missing its lid, probably part of what is
CF | scattered on the ground.
CF |
CF | The cabinet is on the ground, lifeless.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inevel Infirmaryy
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Screening Room
CF | The room is immersed in the reflection of old CRT screens, each
CF | aligned with the others and imprisoned in a wall of incomprehensible
CF | lights. There are terminals, lots of terminals, and buttons of every
CF | color. A door to the south bears a small window the glass of which is
CF | furrowed by a wire mesh. To the north is the observatory.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in window"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The corridor beyond is bathed in the blue of strobe lights. You can
CF | see some white tiles and strange pipes coming out of the walls. The
CF | rest is confusing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open door"
CF ] Screening Roomservatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It cannot be operated manually. There must be some hidden mechanism.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | Duct
CF | The shaft you entered is about the same height as you, circular in
CF | section. The walls resisted the earthquake admirably, but the same
CF | cannot be said of its ends. A hole over your head brings you back up
CF | to the food court.
CF |
CF | The conduit is interrupted to the north by a kind of large, sealed
CF | valve which takes all the outlet.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The only exit is up, to the food court.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open valve"
CF ] Duct Courte Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | There is no way. It's an automatic system, probably powered by the big
CF | metal disc.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | You exit the canteen to the west. A door off its hinges leads to the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Kitchenurte Observatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Kitchen
CF | The kitchen is decidedly small, given the number of tables it has to
CF | serve. Probably, given the hard-to-reach environment, all you do in
CF | here is reheat frozen stuff. The plates are all metal, and are
CF | scattered everywhere. There are no pans. A long piece of furniture
CF | full of doors supports a lifeless stove.
CF |
CF | To the north you can return to the restaurant.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I saw nothing new."
Roger says, "hrm nor I"
Knight_Otu asks, "I don't suppose there's a chance the disk crushed the snake?"
Knight_Otu says, "Far-fetched, I know."
DavidW says, "let's see."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Food Courte Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatory
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | North for the exit, east for the cafeteria, south for the other wing
CF | of the station.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Caved In
CF | The structure collapsed on the north side of this room, which opens
CF | ten, maybe fifteen meters in the opposite direction and then makes a
CF | big curve to the west. The water has reached the level of the floor
CF | and offers itself dark and unfathomable. It doesn't look inviting, but
CF | one could go down there if need be.
CF |
CF | A metal door with a beautiful beacon blocks an exit to the south. The
CF | Middle Bridge light shines in the east.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf15"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x water"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The water is dark, dark as the abyss, dark as one of your worst
CF | dreams. Nothing moves inside, but that doesn't mean it's uninhabited.
CF |
CF | The lower level seems unreachable and in any case completely flooded.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | The water is really black. There could be... anything hidden down
CF | there. Are you sure you want to go down?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "yes"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > YES
CF |
CF |
CF | The cold takes a while to get to you, blunted by the pneumatic suit
CF | you're wearing. You sink into the black up to your neck and stop for a
CF | moment to take your last long breath. One, two, three and you let
CF | yourself go.
CF |
CF | Darkness envelops you. Just flashes, cold in the cold of an underwater
CF | night.
CF |
CF | Then, a sudden, serpentine, slippery movement. And a noise that is
CF | more of a vibration, like an air conditioning system idling. But with
CF | teeth.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | *** You have died ***
CF |
CF | In that game you scored 45 out of a possible 185, in 285 turns.
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "restore"
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT?
CF | %% Enter a save filename to read: Knight_Otu says, "Crap."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf15"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I'm out of ideas."
Roger says, "I wouldn't say no to a hint"
Perry says, "I'd check your inventory."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a shiny splinter, a juicy piece of meat, a burst
CF | container, a pneumatic stapler and a suit (worn).
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Nothing new there."
Knight_Otu asks, "Surely we're not meant to take off our suit?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "remove suit"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | This doesn't seem appropriate. However, you have no idea how to take
CF | the suit off. The zip must be on the back.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "You have meat to presumable feed it, but meat by itself isn't going to satiate it."
Perry says, "... presumably."
DavidW says, "I looked for snacks and the meat was all I could find."
Knight_Otu says, "I mean, we had the idea of feeding the snake before."
Perry says, "Maybe you can hurt it somehow."
Jacqueline says, "We looked for snacks and all we found was death."
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "put splinter in meat"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It would fit, but it would be like putting a kidney stone back in a
CF | kidney. Useless, and painful only for the kidney bearer.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I suppose we could shoot the meat full of staples."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "shoot meat"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | You don't need to staple it. It works as is.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "ha"
Knight_Otu says, "So you say, game."
Perry says, "KO had the right idea."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put splinter in meat"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It would fit, but it would be like putting a kidney stone back in a
CF | kidney. Useless, and painful only for the kidney bearer.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "yeah we backed out of just feeding it meat before"
Roger says, "maybe we need to perservere"
Roger says, "keep going"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put splinter in meat"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It would fit, but it would be like putting a kidney stone back in a
CF | kidney. Useless, and painful only for the kidney bearer.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I'll try feeding it just the splinter, then."
Roger says, "I mean when we go to drop the meat in the water and the game says REALLY?? maybe we should just say yes"
Perry asks, "What else is in your inventory that you could put in the meat?"
Knight_Otu says (to ClubFloyd), "the broken can?"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I didn't even know that MEAT was a CONTAINER."
Knight_Otu says, "Oops."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a shiny splinter, a juicy piece of meat, a burst
CF | container, a pneumatic stapler and a suit (worn).
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "everything's a container if you're pushy enough"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put burst in meat"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Not without effort, you manage to add a seasoning to the piece of
CF | roast beef. A very sharp one.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 5 points.]
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "booo, game"
Jacqueline says, "man"
DavidW says, "That's very unguessable."
Perry says, "I think the idea was fishing. This was the other really hard puzzle for me."
Roger says, "not a bad puzzle, but needed a lot more support"
Perry says, "Agreed."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put meat in water"
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The piece of roast-beef flies into the water and sinks rapidly...
CF | until something very big and swift passes by and swallows it.
CF |
CF | Suddenly, the creature begins to writhe, as if caught in a net. It's a
CF | matter of seconds before it starts spitting blood from the gills.
CF | Desperately seeking a way out of pain in the open air, it leaps out of
CF | the water, and that's when you see it: a kind of long reptile, with
CF | alien filaments for limbs and an immense gaping maw.
CF |
CF | Finally it falls back into the black pool and then flees, away from
CF | the trouble you have given it.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 15 points.]
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf16"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Caved Inble Observatory
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Underwatere Observatory
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | Underwater
CF | The cold takes a while to get on you, blunted by the pneumatic suit
CF | you're wearing. You sink into the black up to your neck and stop for a
CF | moment to take your last long breath. One, two, three and you let
CF | yourself go.
CF |
CF | It's very difficult to see anything below. Light filters through a
CF | jagged opening to the north, through which the water has entered. What
CF | it illuminates are the remains of an environment that once must have
CF | been another airlock. In the dark you can only see an armored door
CF | driven into the east wall.
CF |
CF | The light above the door has turned green, meaning it's unlocked.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Rubbleatere Observatory
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | As you approach the blast door it bursts open, sucking you through
CF | along with an avalanche of water.
CF |
CF | Rubble
CF | As soon as you're spat in here, the pneumatic door closes,
CF | implementing its security systems perfectly. The water that has
CF | managed to pass pours rapidly away across the floor.
CF |
CF | The big numbers 4-3 are the only thing left standing in this corridor,
CF | other than a dumbwaiter shaft and a ladder leading up to a blue light.
CF | Two out of four walls are folded in on themselves, the metal that
CF | makes them crumpled up like tissue paper. The pneumatic bulkhead holds
CF | up, a pillar on which the entire west wall rests.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x shaft"
CF ] Rubbleatere Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | Yes, that's exactly it. The compartment is now upstairs, which makes
CF | the dumbwaiter utterly useless... from this point of view.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x disc"
CF ] Rubbleatere Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | It looks like a flying saucer. Two large opposite indentations
CF | maintain its frightening symmetry.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Why didn't the disc get mentioned?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in shaft"
CF ] Rubbleatere Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Rubbleatere Observatory
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Rubble
CF | The big numbers 4-3 are the only thing left standing in this corridor,
CF | other than a dumbwaiter shaft and a ladder leading up to a blue light.
CF | Two out of four walls are folded in on themselves, the metal that
CF | makes them crumpled up like tissue paper. The pneumatic bulkhead holds
CF | up, a pillar on which the entire west wall rests.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bulkhead"
CF ] Rubbleatere Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | A watertight bulkhead, with a large circular housing in the centre,
CF | which now hosts the disc you sent down via the dumbwaiter. From a
CF | reinforced window you can see into the adjacent environment.
CF |
CF | > Perry exclaims, "Magnets!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x ladder"
CF ] Rubbleatere Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | A ladder that leads at least two floors up.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look in window"
CF ] Rubbleatere Observatory
CF |
CF |
CF | The window looks into the black.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Rubbleatere Observatory
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | It seems that the only way out is that ladder.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, South Side
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | Terrace Restaurant, South Side
CF | The ladder seems endless. When you get to the top you lack strength.
CF | You falter, on the edge of the abyss, then you manage to recover.
CF | Again, light flashes in your eyes, then a few distinct images mass in
CF | the...
CF |
CF |
CF | You grab the railing and shoo away the images, shaking your head. Who
CF | is that woman? What is she talking about?
CF | For over a minute the residue of a wall of water dances in your
CF | retina.
CF |
CF | This is the south side of the large circular terrace overlooking the
CF | food court. There are tables and chairs of great value, nailed to the
CF | ground. The tablecloths look silken, the glasses all crystal.
CF | You can continue around the large central hole to the east and west.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "listen lady do you want me to go chasing waterfalls or not"
Jacqueline says, "chuckles."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tablecloths"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, South Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The tables are very large and richly furnished. Of another kind than
CF | those you found downstairs, no doubt. As well as the crockery, all
CF | very luxurious.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x glasses"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, South Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The tables are very large and richly furnished. Of another kind than
CF | those you found downstairs, no doubt. As well as the crockery, all
CF | very luxurious.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, South Side
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Terrace Restaurant, South Side
CF | This is the south side of the large circular terrace overlooking the
CF | food court. There are tables and chairs of great value, nailed to the
CF | ground. The tablecloths look silken, the glasses all crystal.
CF | You can continue around the large central hole to the east and west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, West Sidee
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Terrace Restaurant, West Side
CF | This is the west side of the large circular terrace overlooking the
CF | food court. There are tables and chairs of great value, nailed to the
CF | ground.
CF | You can continue around the large central hole to the north and south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x court"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, West Sidee
CF |
CF |
CF | This is the workers' canteen. From here you can't see the grate you
CF | opened earlier.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF | At the end of the semicircle, a new surprise. Your head starts
CF | throbbing again and only by a miracle do you succeed in keeping the
CF | emotion at bay, by picturing (it figures) a cascade of crystalline
CF | water.
CF |
CF | This is the north side of the large circular terrace overlooking the
CF | food court. There are tables and chairs of great value, nailed to the
CF | ground, apart from one which is overturned. A sinister figure appears
CF | to be hiding behind it.
CF |
CF | The railing breaks off in one place, creating a gap half a meter wide.
CF |
CF | The corpse of a man, probably a scientist from the base, is sitting on
CF | the ground with his back to the wall. His head is cocked in an
CF | unnatural position.
CF |
CF | A folder of documents has been abandoned near the overturned table.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "oh no a sinister figure"
Roger says, "maybe we should shoot it"
Knight_Otu says, "A sinister figure just hanging out."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x figure"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The first thing that catches your eye is a rectangular badge pinned to
CF | the man's shirt.
CF |
CF | The eyes are dull and appear to be looking in your direction. The neck
CF | is evidently broken, it seems, as the result of a struggle. That, or
CF | misfortune has taken a formidable aim.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 5 points.]
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I would like to read the things, too."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x badge"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The name tag is WILSON KENNAN. He is identified as "Section 101
CF | Manager". On the back is a magnetic stripe, just below the BioFarm
CF | logo.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Wait. Did we murder another security guard while I wasn't looking? I know how we are. Sometimes we just can't help it."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take badge"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "If so, we all missed it."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x documents"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF |
CF | On the cover it says "101 // CREATION DOSSIER 67". Inside there are
CF | several sheets, on each of which the BioFarm logo and the words TOP
CF | CLEARANCE are printed in large transparent letters.
CF |
CF | You scroll through them quickly, absolutely unable to understand their
CF | patterns and meanings. However, some words remain imprinted on you, as
CF | if they somehow surfaced from an underwater world: RESEARCH...
CF | PROTEINS... EXAMINATION... then several times FAILURE and, finally:
CF |
CF | The last page reads a series of codes, all followed by the words OUT
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Anyway: hooray for a key card."
Jacqueline says, "RIP, Wilson."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take documents"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "we hardly knew ye"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The table is overturned. The joints that kept it attached to the
CF | ground must have given way due to the earthquake. Or maybe something
CF | more important happened.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x railing"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a passage wide enough for you to drop down, hoping the jump isn't
CF | too much.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "My suspicion that we may have been a whale is getting stronger."
DavidW asks, "Really? We might be a whale in child form?"
Jacqueline asks, "Wait, what?"
Knight_Otu says, "I'm not sure how that works, but there it is."
Jacqueline asks, "Really?"
Jacqueline says, "That would be a plot twist I did not see coming."
Knight_Otu says, "We're super-strong, the whales are watching us, something is up with us."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, East Sidee
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Terrace Restaurant, East Side
CF | This is the east side of the large circular terrace overlooking the
CF | food court. There are tables and chairs of great value, nailed to the
CF | ground.
CF | You can continue around the large central hole to the north and south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, East Sidee
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | You can circle the terrace to the north and south.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF | This is the north side of the large circular terrace overlooking the
CF | food court. There are tables and chairs of great value, nailed to the
CF | ground, apart from one which is overturned. A sinister figure appears
CF | to be hiding behind it.
CF |
CF | The railing breaks off in one place, creating a gap half a meter wide.
CF |
CF | The corpse of a man, probably a scientist from the base, is sitting on
CF | the ground with his back to the wall. His head is cocked in an
CF | unnatural position.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I feel like 'My suspicion that we may have been a whale is getting stronger.' should be your new olounge or something."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x man"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF | > X MAN
CF |
CF | The eyes are dull and appear to be looking in your direction. The neck
CF | is evidently broken, it seems, as the result of a struggle. That, or
CF | misfortune has taken a formidable aim.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search man"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The idea of rummaging through his clothes fills you with bad feelings.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] Terrace Restaurant, North Side
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a folder, a security badge, a shiny splinter, a
CF | pneumatic stapler and a suit (worn).
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "It is a sentence I didn't expect to type today, or any day for that matter."
Jacqueline says, "Fair."
DavidW asks, "So, we're expected to jump down into the food court from here?"
DavidW says, "I wouldn't do it as an adult, let alone as a child."
Perry says, "That's 'cause you're boring."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF ] Food Courtstaurant, North Side
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | You slide along the edge of the terrace and dangle for a few seconds
CF | in the void. Then you rely on luck and let yourself fall. Luckily you
CF | land on a still-standing table and then drop to the ground, uninjured.
CF |
CF | Food Court
CF | The catering area is a large hexagon that invades the upper floor,
CF | visible beyond the railing that delimits the terrace that crowns the
CF | room. The lights here are lower--we're off-hours--and bathe the
CF | overturned tables and armchairs softly in blue. A large aquarium used
CF | to take up the entire north side of the cafeteria, but is now
CF | shattered. With the arch to the west, a torn-down door enters the
CF | kitchen to the south.
CF |
CF | The aquarium water flows towards a large drain placed in the dead
CF | center of the floor.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Implausible Observatoryth Side
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Implausible Observatory
CF | A viewport that is an oxymoron in itself. Large windows that you hope
CF | are at least a meter thick form a theater in the center of which is
CF | you and a few deserted tables. Beyond the glass the black of the deep,
CF | unfathomable ocean. The room curves towards the south and is lost in
CF | shaded areas. There is an archway, to the east, towards the food
CF | court. To the north you return to the collapsed part of the structure.
CF |
CF | Outside the viewport, a covenant of whales has assembled. Their eyes
CF | are huge pearls, but devoid of light. They look at you.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Screening Roomservatoryth Side
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Screening Room
CF | The room is immersed in the reflection of old CRT screens, each
CF | aligned with the others and imprisoned in a wall of incomprehensible
CF | lights. There are terminals, lots of terminals, and buttons of every
CF | color. A door to the south bears a small window the glass of which is
CF | furrowed by a wire mesh. To the north is the observatory.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put badge in slot"
CF ] Screening Roomservatoryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The badge fits perfectly into the slot. Many of the buttons between
CF | the terminals glow green and then go dark again. The south door makes
CF | a CLANG! and vanishes into the wall.
CF |
CF | The voice from the speakers bursts out again: "CHLOE, YOU HAVE REACHED
CF | through your cortex and fills your eyes with blood. It's happened
CF | before, you know it. Only panic kept you from realizing it.
CF |
CF | TRUST---" and then it disappears again. Only, this time, it does it
CF | exactly when you needed it to.
CF |
CF | The monitors loop a series of images and then stop on a completely new
CF | feed.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 10 points.]
CF |
CF | > Perry asks, "By the way, want a hint about some worldbuilding that got missed?"
DavidW says, "no"
Perry exclaims, "Okay!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x monitors"
CF ] Screening Roomservatoryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The data on the screens has changed. Now they show a map of the solar
CF | system. All the planets you studied are there. Around one of them, the
CF | big one with the rings, a square with the tag STATION OCEANUS PRIME
CF | encapsulates a dominant satellite. It seems that we are right there,
CF | immersed in an extraterrestrial sea.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "ok, so not on Earth at all."
DavidW asks, "so those weren't likely Terran whales earlier?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Southern Complexrvatoryth Side
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Southern Complex
CF | One step over the threshold and the door zips shut, making you jump.
CF | You are closed on this side.
CF |
CF | Blue and black. All you see is either blue or black. The ceramic
CF | tiles, the doors and the floor belong to the first group. In the
CF | second are the strange pipes that snake on the walls and into the
CF | walls wedge themselves headlong.
CF |
CF | The door behind you is impassable. Two more, to the east and south,
CF | enter secret rooms.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "blowing up a dumbwaiter with a can of cream: fine. Opening a door with a keycard: THIS IS BEYOND YOUR COMPETENCY"
Jacqueline says, "I'm beginning to think maybe we are a metamorphosized space whale."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pipes"
CF ] Southern Complexrvatoryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | They are metal tubes, dark and knurled. Dozens cover the walls and
CF | then penetrate them, carrying who knows what who knows where.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x tiles"
CF ] Southern Complexrvatoryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The walls, floor and ceiling are covered with ceramics. You can't give
CF | yourself an explanation, but you're sure it's not a coincidence. It's
CF | as if someone wanted to replicate a familiar, earthly environment in
CF | this place lost in space.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "High school bathroom?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | A Room Like No Other
CF | The first thought that crosses you is that you've been here before.
CF | Many times, even if you don't remember well. There are so many
CF | thoughts, so many images--frames--that pile up and overlap. It's
CF | difficult to think clearly.
CF |
CF | The second one is aimed at the dark figure that can be glimpsed beyond
CF | the light-blue curtain that acts as a wall to the east.
CF |
CF | This is not a laboratory. This is a doctor's room. The light is dim. A
CF | long table leans along the entire north wall. In front of the table is
CF | a strange armchair. There are laces. And there's a lamp.
CF |
CF | And then there's that glass wall.
CF |
CF | The condensation makes it inscrutable but, through it, it's easy to
CF | guess the shape of a human figure. It appears to be levitating, its
CF | long arms holding it in mid-air.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "for a moment I was sure we were stuck at the bottom of Bikini Bottom with noted squirrel scientist Sandy Cheeks"
Jacqueline says, "Not liking this."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x chair"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It looks very comfortable. The sinister part are those laces...
CF |
CF | ...that you have every impression have been used on you. By reflection
CF | you observe your arms, but the suit you wear prevents you from finding
CF | wounds or marks on the skin. You have no memory of this place, yet it
CF | is as if every cell in your body is experiencing a terrible deja-vu.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It looks like a workbench, but it's spotless. There are several
CF | documents stacked on top of it.
CF |
CF | Above the papers someone has abandoned an old audio recorder,
CF | seemingly in a hurry.
CF |
CF | And, now that you think about it: where is everybody? Did the
CF | earthquake make them all flee? Is it possible you're the only one
CF | around?
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 5 points.]
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x recorder"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It's an older model of digital voice recorder. You can try turning it
CF | on and see if anyone has stored anything in it.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "just you and me, Wilson old buddy"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "turn it on"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | There is only one recorded message, and it is quite long. Want to hear
CF | it?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "yes"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > YES
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a woman's voice: "(static) There is no simple solution to such a
CF | complex problem. Kennan is a dickhead and sooner or later he has to
CF | understand that pushing like this can only lead to unimaginable mess.
CF | (static) If after twenty-eight... no, twenty-nine of these abortions
CF | we can't get it into our heads that caution is the only... (static)
CF | but it seems that I'm the only one caring. The dickhead implies that I
CF | am--what did he say?--emotionally involved and therefore my judgment
CF | (static) but I'm not a nurse nor a mother. What worries me is
CF | basically the limit we have to set ourselves... (long static) ...and
CF | they go O-O-J-A, 'Out of jurisdiction,' therefore: 'allow'. Because in
CF | the outer planets the fucking laws of Earth don't apply. But I'm tired
CF | of thinking like this. And I'm tired of counting the shit we put in
CF | these poor creatures' heads. We breed them carefully choosing the
CF | genomes and then we blend them like cursed fish and man soups and then
CF | if it happens... (static)."
CF |
CF | A beep signals that the recording is over.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "RIP, Wilson."
Jacqueline presses F.
Roger says, "I'll take the cursed fish and man soup, please"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x curtain"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Glass fills the entire east wall. On the other side of it thick
CF | condensation prevents you from seeing through. But the figure that
CF | stands out behind it, albeit out of focus, is clear and monstrous: a
CF | being of the wrong proportions, with long flaccid arms that whirls
CF | sinisterly.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "oh no it's slenderarmedman"
DavidW says, "Or project 12."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x lamp"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | A large, circular examination lamp. Very strong, you suppose.
CF |
CF | Because you remember its light. You remember how it took in the whole
CF | horizon as they repeated those questions. And that number: ZERO-THREE
CF |
CF | Only the sound of the waterfall could calm you down...
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Now I am considering my RIP, given what we have learned about Wilson."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | There is a thick glass wall in that direction.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Hm. Just realized we're at two hours."
Roger asks, "maybe the light can shine through the glass?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "turn light"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | What a concept!
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take lamp"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | That's hardly portable.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "This does not feel like we're close to done."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | A Room Like No Other
CF | The light is dim. A long table leans along the entire north wall. In
CF | front of the table is a strange armchair. There are laces. And there's
CF | a lamp.
CF |
CF | And then there's that glass wall.
CF |
CF | The condensation makes it inscrutable but, through it, it's easy to
CF | guess the shape of a human figure. It appears to be levitating, its
CF | long arms holding it in mid-air.
CF |
CF | Above the table someone has abandoned an old audio recorder.
CF |
CF | >
Roger says (to floyd), "score"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You have so far scored 85 out of a possible 185, in 341 turns.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "should we stop here then?"
Perry says, "I can say about how much time is left."
Roger says, "I agree we're not close to done. I'm ready to take a break from this, sure"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "save"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write: Knight_Otu says, "185 is an odd number for a score."
Roger says, "well it's metric"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cfa1rl0ck"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | > Roger says, "thanks for driving and diving, DavidW! And thanks to others for various hints at relevant times"
DavidW says, "thanks all"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Thanks for driving, David!"
DavidW says, "I wish the puzzles were better clued, but the story is very interesting."
Perry says, "Yeah, that's my main complaint for sure."
Roger says, "Yeah it could have used a bit more baking"
Roger says, "I'm not crazy about the story, but it's enough for me"
Perry says, "But I attribute that to it being written in I think two weeks."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah - again, these were for a jam, so."
Jacqueline says, "This feels great for that level. It's Bruno, so not surprising."
Jacqueline says, "Thanks, all."
Perry says, "Heh, I have a lot more to say but I'll wait for when this gets finished."
Jacqueline flashes Perry a thumbs up.
DavidW says, "I just hope the ending is a happy reunion with space whales and we fly away, singing."
*** SESSION 2 ***
DavidW says, "CF is still playing A1RL0CK. Did we finish that one? I know I did but... memory."
Knight_Otu says, "We didn't. I think we just found a creature in a vat."
DavidW asks, "I think we were Chloe?"
DavidW says, "I don't remember a vat creature. I remember a doctor's office."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | A Room Like No Other
CF | The light is dim. A long table leans along the entire north wall. In
CF | front of the table is a strange armchair. There are laces. And there's
CF | a lamp.
CF |
CF | And then there's that glass wall.
CF |
CF | The condensation makes it inscrutable but, through it, it's easy to
CF | guess the shape of a human figure. It appears to be levitating, its
CF | long arms holding it in mid-air.
CF |
CF | Above the table someone has abandoned an old audio recorder.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Sounds right. We may or may not be a genetically modified whale."
DavidW says, "okay, we didn't finish this quite."
Knight_Otu says, "Okay, not quite a vat I guess."
DavidW says, "We should at least finish this. I peeked at a map of this game at CASA and I don't think there's too much left."
Knight_Otu asks, "Do you want to continue driving?"
DavidW says, "I now remember uploading my notes. Yes."
DavidW says, "[LINK]"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x curtain"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Glass fills the entire east wall. On the other side of it thick
CF | condensation prevents you from seeing through. But the figure that
CF | stands out behind it, albeit out of focus, is clear and monstrous: a
CF | being of the wrong proportions, with long flaccid arms that whirls
CF | sinisterly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x window"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It looks like a workbench, but it's spotless. There are several
CF | documents stacked on top of it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x documents"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | On the cover it says "101 // CREATION DOSSIER 67". Inside there are
CF | several sheets, on each of which the BioFarm logo and the words TOP
CF | CLEARANCE are printed in large transparent letters.
CF |
CF | You scroll through them quickly, absolutely unable to understand their
CF | patterns and meanings. However, some words remain imprinted on you, as
CF | if they somehow surfaced from an underwater world: RESEARCH...
CF | PROTEINS... EXAMINATION... then several times FAILURE and, finally:
CF |
CF | The last page reads a series of codes, all followed by the words OUT
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search documents"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | You're carrying a folder, a security badge, a shiny splinter, a
CF | pneumatic stapler and a suit (worn).
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x papers"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | There's a lot of stuff written on the documents. Technical stuff. Not
CF | everything is written in English: many of the annotations are in
CF | French (for example, the recurring word NERVEUX) and in German
CF | (ASTHETISCHER KORTEX). And there are codes, followed by quick notes.
CF |
CF | CL03 - awake.
CF | CL03 - sensory disturbance // vision.
CF | CL03 - peak TK 16h04...
CF |
CF | ... and so on. Some passages list names that sound familiar but you
CF | can't distinguish. BENZEDRINE, for example. But more often
CF | BENZODIAZEPINE and GHB. All of these are followed by the code OOJ,A.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x recorder"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It's an older model of digital voice recorder. You can try turning it
CF | on and see if anyone has stored anything in it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "turn it on"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | There is only one recorded message, and it is quite long. Want to hear
CF | it?
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "yes"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > YES
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a woman's voice: "(static) There is no simple solution to such a
CF | complex problem. Kennan is a dickhead and sooner or later he has to
CF | understand that pushing like this can only lead to unimaginable mess.
CF | (static) If after twenty-eight... no, twenty-nine of these abortions
CF | we can't get it into our heads that caution is the only... (static)
CF | but it seems that I'm the only one caring. The dickhead implies that I
CF | am--what did he say?--emotionally involved and therefore my judgment
CF | (static) but I'm not a nurse nor a mother. What worries me is
CF | basically the limit we have to set ourselves... (long static) ...and
CF | they go O-O-J-A, 'Out of jurisdiction,' therefore: 'allow'. Because in
CF | the outer planets the fucking laws of Earth don't apply. But I'm tired
CF | of thinking like this. And I'm tired of counting the shit we put in
CF | these poor creatures' heads. We breed them carefully choosing the
CF | genomes and then we blend them like cursed fish and man soups and then
CF | if it happens... (static)."
CF |
CF | A beep signals that the recording is over.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take recorder"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x chair"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It looks very comfortable. The sinister part are those laces...
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x laces"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Like leather belts, but much shorter. Unbearable to look at.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x lamp"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | A large, circular examination lamp. Very strong, you suppose.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | There is a thick glass wall in that direction.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look through glass"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "through" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x glass"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Glass fills the entire east wall. On the other side of it thick
CF | condensation prevents you from seeing through. But the figure that
CF | stands out behind it, albeit out of focus, is clear and monstrous: a
CF | being of the wrong proportions, with long flaccid arms that whirls
CF | sinisterly.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "oh, I guess this is that 'vat' you meant."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "tap glass"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Yeah. Didn't quite recall the details."
DavidW says, "It's be nice to know if the figure is a doll or alive or dead or human or what."
Knight_Otu says, "Seems to be alive and non-human."
DavidW says, "I think we're done with this room unless that glass wall is breakable or we want to risk sitting in the chair to jog bad memories."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "sit on chair"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Never. Your whole body rebels against the idea of going back up
CF | there... even if you don't remember ever being there at all.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "I doubt ... right."
DavidW says, "had to try"
Knight_Otu says, "True."
DavidW asks, "Shall we see what is elsewhere?"
Knight_Otu says, "Yes."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Southern Complextheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Southern Complex
CF | Blue and black. All you see is either blue or black. The ceramic
CF | tiles, the doors and the floor belong to the first group. In the
CF | second are the strange pipes that snake on the walls and into the
CF | walls wedge themselves headlong.
CF |
CF | The door behind you is impassable. Two more, to the east and south,
CF | enter secret rooms.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] MachineryComplextheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Machinery
CF | A long room, barely wider than one of the base's many corridors. One
CF | of the sides is crowded with machines and equipment of various types.
CF | It feels like a place where things get done or fixed. The only exit is
CF | north.
CF |
CF | One of the machines is larger and emerges from the lined up row.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Love the IF trope of players going "gotta make the character do the psychologically damaging thing, just to try.""
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x machine"
CF ] MachineryComplextheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | A metal table is topped by a mechanical arm. The shelf is full of
CF | engravings. Something shines on the top of the arm.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x engravings"
CF ] MachineryComplextheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | They are small grooves, linear and perfect. Probably engraved by
CF | something very sharp. You guess the machine is a cutting plotter of
CF | sorts.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x arm"
CF ] MachineryComplextheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > X ARM
CF |
CF | A very small object, a kind of pebble, glitters at the end of the arm.
CF | Maybe it's removable.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x pebble"
CF ] MachineryComplextheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | A small piece of dark, shimmering rock.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Like the rock we found earlier?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take pebble"
CF ] MachineryComplextheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You already have it.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Could be."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x object"
CF ] MachineryComplextheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a diamond. Each face shines with its own light.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take diamond"
CF ] MachineryComplextheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The tip of the mechanical arm is indeed removable, after all. With
CF | little effort you manage to slip it out of its accommodation and
CF | capture it. It's a diamond!
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 5 points.]
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Yeah, I don't like how it calls it pebble when that's aliased to the rock shard we have."
DavidW says, "oh, okay. The diamond acted as a stylus."
DavidW says, "I was con-fuse-ed."
Perry says, "Or splinter as I think it calls it in inv."
DavidW says, "This is a dead end. I think now we can try to cut a glass wall with a diamond."
DavidW asks, "agree?"
Knight_Otu says, "Let's try."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Southern Complextheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Southern Complex
CF | Blue and black. All you see is either blue or black. The ceramic
CF | tiles, the doors and the floor belong to the first group. In the
CF | second are the strange pipes that snake on the walls and into the
CF | walls wedge themselves headlong.
CF |
CF | The door behind you is impassable. Two more, to the east and south,
CF | enter secret rooms.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | A Room Like No Other
CF | The light is dim. A long table leans along the entire north wall. In
CF | front of the table is a strange armchair. There are laces. And there's
CF | a lamp.
CF |
CF | And then there's that glass wall.
CF |
CF | The condensation makes it inscrutable but, through it, it's easy to
CF | guess the shape of a human figure. It appears to be levitating, its
CF | long arms holding it in mid-air.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cut glass with diamond"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The diamond does its duty where other means have failed. The glass
CF | window disintegrates before your eyes, scattering pieces of crystal
CF | everywhere. Behind it, the hidden figure reveals itself in all its
CF | prosaicness.
CF |
CF | The small diamond is now lost in the broken glass.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 10 points.]
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x figure"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It's Nurse Nelly. You know her well, even if her current features are
CF | irreparably compromised. Something has dug a furrow on her, a sort of
CF | abyss that is born in her chest and dies in her face, showing the
CF | underlying flesh.
CF |
CF | You remember that she was your friend, that she spoke kindly to you.
CF | She was relaxing to listen to and even more to touch.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Yikes."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x furrow"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It's Nurse Nelly. You know her well, even if her current features are
CF | irreparably compromised. Something has dug a furrow on her, a sort of
CF | abyss that is born in her chest and dies in her face, showing the
CF | underlying flesh.
CF |
CF | You remember that she was your friend, that she spoke kindly to you.
CF | She was relaxing to listen to and even more to touch.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search nelly"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You find nothing special.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Intensive Ward Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Intensive Ward
CF | You stop in the doorway, shocked by another unsettling sight. Then
CF | when you decide to take a few steps inside the room, the smell of
CF | metal terrifies you.
CF |
CF | You are in a hall dedicated to the recovery of the wounded, now
CF | deserted apart from a purplish figure half-stretched out on one of the
CF | many beds. The monitors are all broken, the equipment demolished. One
CF | opening leads to the south and another to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x figure"
CF ] Intensive Ward Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | This thing was once a person. An enormous pressure compressed his
CF | features and reduced the flesh to pulp. It's as if he's been crushed
CF | by a giant sphere. A name is printed on the coat: Hoffmann.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x beds"
CF ] Intensive Ward Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | They are hospital beds. On one lies a motionless figure.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "look under beds"
CF ] Intensive Ward Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "under" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x monitors"
CF ] Intensive Ward Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The earthquake (or whatever it was) has done much more damage, even to
CF | small things, here. The glass is shattered as if the shock wave had
CF | come from very close. The equipment is still standing, but irreparably
CF | deformed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Intensive Ward Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Intensive Ward
CF | You are in a hall dedicated to the recovery of the wounded, now
CF | deserted apart from a purplish figure half-stretched out on one of the
CF | many beds. The monitors are all broken, the equipment demolished. One
CF | opening leads to the south and another to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Aseptic Corridor
CF | A short tunnel running north to south, perfectly clean. Yet another
CF | blast door blocks an exit to the east. Next to the door is a plaque.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "read plaque"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | A single word, in clear and narrow characters. QUARANTINE.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "huh. Dare we open that door?"
Perry says, "I have a mild comment if you want to hear it."
DavidW says (to Perry), "sure"
Perry says, "Read Nelly's description again."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Intensive Wardortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Intensive Ward
CF | You are in a hall dedicated to the recovery of the wounded, now
CF | deserted apart from a purplish figure half-stretched out on one of the
CF | many beds. The monitors are all broken, the equipment demolished. One
CF | opening leads to the south and another to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | A Room Like No Other
CF | The light is dim. A long table leans along the entire north wall. In
CF | front of the table is a strange armchair. There are laces. And there's
CF | a lamp.
CF |
CF | A new opening, previously hidden by the glass wall, leads to the east.
CF |
CF | Shards of the broken glass are scattered all over the floor.
CF |
CF | A woman hangs from two bundles of wires, suspended in mid-air like a
CF | religious icon.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wires"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | They're subcutaneous-graft life-support cables. For some reason Nelly
CF | is hanging in the air instead of lying on a bed.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "touch nelly"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | A familiar operation. Something you've repeated many times, even if it
CF | doesn't seem to make sense now. Your fingers brush her arm and the
CF | glove of the suit isn't enough to stop the magic from happening again.
CF |
CF | "Chloe." It's her voice. But it can't be, because she's dead. And what
CF | you perceive (you know it, somehow) are only latent thoughts from an
CF | inanimate body.
CF |
CF | The first image is of this room, on that horrible armchair. Nelly is
CF | trying to calm you down.
CF |
CF | You withdraw your hand, but think there's more to be seen.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | "The waterfall, Chloe. Concentrate on its sound and calm down." It's
CF | Nelly, and now you're in a different place, with blue walls. Or maybe
CF | it's a big glass. Or a giant screen. "Look at the sea and tell me what
CF | you feel."
CF |
CF | Your voice, after a long time. It's thin, but firm: "I hear them.
CF | They're close, but not as much as you think."
CF |
CF | Nelly turns to someone who's there with you but you can't make out.
CF | "It's impossible. It's making it up," the hidden man protests. Nelly
CF | smiles and points him with her chin, asking a silent question.
CF | "They're sixty kilometers away. It's bullshitting you, and you don't
CF | even realize it---" The images fade and you're back here. It is hard
CF | to maintain a connection.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "An "It", are we."
Knight_Otu says, "I think not."
DavidW asks, "So, we have an odd 'touch' power?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "touch nelly"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You are in a tub. You know this because all the things are blurred and
CF | distorted. There's light outside, but much more in here. It looks like
CF | a vertical cylinder and you are floating in an oily substance which
CF | name you forgot. Beyond the glass are several people. Nelly too.
CF |
CF | Someone: "All Oceanus Prime personnel are on high alert. The whales
CF | already have---"
CF |
CF | Someone: "---Hoffmann, just look, OK? Do you think Kennan would have
CF | kicked off phase two if we failed to---"
CF |
CF | Someone: "The tracings are clear. The way it connects to those...
CF | things is sensational!" To which, Nelly: "Stop saying IT. She's a
CF | fucking person, Burt. A. Fucking. Person." The other replies
CF | sarcastically: "And you decided it's female. El-Oh-El, Nelly!"
CF |
CF | "It's going off scale, we have to---" but the room starts shaking. The
CF | cylinder fills with air bubbles. The glass starts to break...
CF |
CF | ...and you come to your senses.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "listen to waterfall"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "waterfall" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "concentrate"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | That is not a verb I recognize.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "touch nelly"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | A room a long time ago. It's almost pitch dark. Nelly is here. This is
CF | your first time seeing each other.
CF |
CF | "Hello Chloe. Can I call you Chloe? Well," she smiles shyly, "everyone
CF | calls you that on the Oceanus now."
CF |
CF | You reach out to her. Your hand isn't much smaller than it is now. In
CF | fact, it looks exactly the same. But it's been so long. There's a bad
CF | smell in here. Smell of dead fish. "Where are we," you ask. The voice
CF | comes out like a growl.
CF |
CF | "Home, Chloe. This is home. You are safe here. And I'll be your best
CF | friend, if you want."
CF |
CF | The images fade away, wither. Slowly the darkness absorbs you. There's
CF | still something in her, something you don't want to see...
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "touch nelly"
CF ] A Room Like No Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Voices are everywhere, they are coming from the ceiling and from the
CF | people in this place. Nelly is banging her open hands against the
CF | glass of the cylinder in which you float. She's screaming but you
CF | don't understand, the other voices are louder.
CF |
CF | "Flood it! Flood it with GHB! The structure is collapsing!" You've
CF | heard that word before. You've heard Nelly call it
CF | Gamma-Hydro-something. And other names too: Roaches, Forget Pill, Rape
CF | Drug. Anger envelops you more and more.
CF |
CF | Nelly is bleeding. The glass cracked and cut her hands, but she won't
CF | stop banging on it. The liquid (LOX, that's the name) is gushing out.
CF | Nelly is screaming.
CF |
CF | You can hear her, finally, but it's too late: "THE WATERFALL, CHLOE.
CF | glass crashes and hits her full on. You see the largest slab slice her
CF | skull like butter, then everything plunges back to black and
CF | disappears.
CF |
CF |
CF | It's your fault, you understand. It was you who killed Nelly.
CF |
CF | It was you.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 5 points.]
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "I'm guessing that's everything that Nelly can tell us, and that's a lot more than I expected."
Perry says, "Yeah I really didn't want you to miss that one."
Knight_Otu says, "Talkative for a dead person."
DavidW says (to Perry), "thanks"
Knight_Otu says, "I wonder if we can hear the other dead people."
DavidW says, "Let's see."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Intensive Ward Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Intensive Ward
CF | You are in a hall dedicated to the recovery of the wounded, now
CF | deserted apart from a purplish figure half-stretched out on one of the
CF | many beds. The monitors are all broken, the equipment demolished. One
CF | opening leads to the south and another to the west.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "touch body"
CF ] Intensive Ward Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "body" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "touch figure"
CF ] Intensive Ward Otheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | If there was anything in here, even a single thought, it's gone now.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "... huh."
Perry didn't try that.
DavidW says, "This cookie jar is empty."
DavidW says, "I would like to see if there's a protective outfit before opening a door marked quarantine."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Aseptic Corridor
CF | A short tunnel running north to south, perfectly clean. Yet another
CF | blast door blocks an exit to the east. Next to the door is a plaque.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Section 101
CF | An enormous inscription covers the entire west wall of this
CF | laboratory, brushed in the same lime green as the numbering of the
CF | bridges. On the opposite wall there is only a large screen, which
CF | covers it entirely, on which an important amount of data is presented.
CF | To the north you exit from here, while on the south wall you see a
CF | kind of spiral valve, large enough to pass through.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "That would be a sensible precaution."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x screen"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You recognize this screen. Once upon a time, with Nelly, you spent
CF | your days watching what was broadcast. It showed the blue of the sea,
CF | mainly, and the whales, your dear whales. The beings you've been
CF | connected to since birth. Now it presents a long list of data,
CF | apparently the station log.
CF |
CF | It will take a while but maybe it's worth reading.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "read screen"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You recognize this screen. Once upon a time, with Nelly, you spent
CF | your days watching what was broadcast. It showed the blue of the sea,
CF | mainly, and the whales, your dear whales. The beings you've been
CF | connected to since birth. Now it presents a long list of data,
CF | apparently the station log.
CF |
CF | It will take a while but maybe it's worth reading.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "read log"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It's the Oceanus Prime station's logbook. Counting backwards, you
CF | understand that it covers the last six days. It starts like this:
CF |
CF | 20/09/--54 > Element CL03 has demonstrated a structural stability
CF | not recorded until now. Contrary to CL01 and -02, the respiratory
CF | faculties are normal, the ECG is standard and the brain activity
CF | reaches impacting levels anyway. //
CF |
CF | You think about it. CL03. It's your name: not Chloe, then, but a code
CF | someone has humanized. You are a sequential number. Nothing more than
CF | that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | You go on.
CF |
CF | 21/09/--54 > Nelly Adams is certain that sedating element CL03
CF | won't be necessary, yet only a few hours ago its TK activity reached
CF | very high peaks. It needs to be kept under control. //
CF |
CF | 22/09/--54 / ADD> Doctors Hoffmann and Celyne noted that the spikes
CF | in TK occurred while -03 was "conversing" (sic) with the whales. The
CF | creatures, which inhabit the seas of Titan, have already been the
CF | subject of analyzes which highlight some of their extrasensory
CF | abilities. //
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "No, more than that."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | 22/09/--54 > Subject CL03 has lost control. During some soundings
CF | in the isobaric tank, its TK levels went off the rails. Impossible to
CF | establish a reason. The entire base began to vibrate, to the point
CF | where the structural integrity of Oceanus was endangered. On Wilson
CF | Kennan's orders, the tank was flooded with GHB, but unfortunately too
CF | late. The vat exploded and two of the 01 level quarters collapsed. As
CF | a result, the six doctors who were observing it were seriously
CF | injured, especially Dr. Adams. Hoffman, as well as twelve personnel at
CF | the time employed at level one, were killed instantly. //
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Telekinesis-imparting whales."
DavidW says, "And we're orbiting Saturn, so, yeah. Special whales."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | 23/09/--54 > Doc N. Adams has been put into an induced coma. The
CF | conditions are desperate, due to the extensive hemorrhage following
CF | the devastation of the frontal lobe. She was clear-headed to the end,
CF | as evidenced by a note found in her possession, undoubtedly written
CF | after the accident: (see Note A622, partial) "Chloe is not dangerous.
CF | She's just scared. Consider that she (redacted) just a few months ago,
CF | she has (redacted) of a newborn. When calm she is harmless. To relax
CF | her I have always found it effective to play white noise.
CF | Specifically, the sound of a waterfall." To be noted that Doc Adams
CF | insisted on referring to it with a female pronoun. //
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | 24/09/--54 > The subject (03) was placed in stasis in the
CF | cryo-cocoon of the infirmary at level 3. Up to now its functions are
CF | regular and no TK peaks are recorded, albeit the neuronal activity is
CF | not completely off. There seems to be something keeping it a little
CF | above the standard baseline comatose level.
CF |
CF | 24/09/--54 - ADD> Dr. Nelly Adams died as a result of injuries
CF | sustained in the 9/22 accident. //
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | 25/09/--54 - REPORT BY W. KENNAN> Whales have started circling the
CF | base. The neuronal activity of CL03 underwent a violent restart. The
CF | base is not to be considered secure. I proceeded to evacuate all
CF | unnecessary personnel: only Celyne, the nurses assigned to the
CF | subject, and I remain. The BioFarm examiners are at high altitude and
CF | are watching us room by room. The project has to be probably
CF | forfeited. // -ADD BY W.KENNAN> The cloning facility has collapsed. It
CF | seems that one of the whales impacted the cliff that Oceanus is
CF | clinging to and detached a huge fragment of it, which punctured the
CF | base. The equipment is destroyed and unreachable. A link is evident
CF | between the activities of the whales and that of subject CL03. Cloning
CF | these *beasts* starting from human cells and these alien cetaceans was
CF | not a good idea, we could say with hindsight. //
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "g"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > G
CF |
CF | ACTIVITY ON OCEANUS NON-EXISTENT // (communication cut off) // SUBJECT
CF | waveform) // OCEANUS IS COLLAPSING //
CF |
CF | And then there's nothing more. The log ends here.
CF |
CF | The whales tried to save you. That's all you can think about right
CF | now. You dreamt of them.
CF |
CF | A pneumatic sound announces that the southern valve has opened.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 20 points.]
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "I would recommend saving (since there's no undo for some reason)."
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Maybe treat your creations a little bit human could have helped as well, Mr. Kennan?!"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "cf17"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to write:
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF | Ok.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "Keenan was the first dead guy we found, yes?"
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "read card"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The name tag is WILSON KENNAN. He is identified as "Section 101
CF | Manager". On the back is a magnetic stripe, just below the BioFarm
CF | logo.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Yup, nice memory KO."
Knight_Otu says, "Rather, the name was in the log."
Perry says, "Oh, he's the one in the log. Nice memory, DW."
DavidW says, "So, do we enter this valve or try to open the quarantine door? Also, I guess we missed our chance to touch Keenan."
Perry says, "I don't think you have, actually."
Perry says, "I'm curious to see what happens too."
DavidW says, "We can't return to that part of the base the way we came."
Perry says, "Pretty sure we can."
DavidW asks, "So, south or quarantine door or other option?"
Knight_Otu says, "I guess we can try the quarantine door first."
DavidW says, "okay"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | Aseptic Corridor
CF | A short tunnel running north to south, perfectly clean. Yet another
CF | blast door blocks an exit to the east. Next to the door is a plaque.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open door"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Automatic by proximity. And card-reading.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "open door with card"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | The door does not unlock directly.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x slot"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | If it works like many of the others, just approaching it will open it.
CF | If unlocked, of course.
CF |
CF | There is a magnetic card slot next to the door. Also, a naming plaque.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The door is locked.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "put card in slot"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | A voice like those of the loudspeakers. But this time closer, as if it
CF | was born in your head. Sounds like... Sounds like Nelly's.
CF |
CF | "Don't go in there, Chloe. Don't do it."
CF |
CF | You convince yourself that it's a remnant of past experience and
CF | decide to ignore it. The card slips into the slot. The door emits a
CF | pneumatic noise.
CF |
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take card"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You already have it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF ] Quarantinerridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | Quarantine
CF | For seconds, perhaps minutes, reality stops and is replaced by an
CF | empty point, a sphere of imperfection that gravitates in front of your
CF | eyes, white and featureless. A wall that your brain has erected to
CF | keep you away from something that you cannot fully calculate.
CF |
CF | Then the sphere dissipates, vaporized by your latent reasoning, and
CF | the warehouse at the bottom of hell is revealed.
CF |
CF | The horror. The horror. The horror.
CF |
CF | It's a cemetery. A cemetery without tombstones, a mass grave. Dozens
CF | of bodies are first lined up rationally and then, due to a trade that
CF | has become inhuman and modular, piled up haphazardly, useless. Human
CF | bodies.
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 10 points.]
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x bodies"
CF ] Quarantinerridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | They are children. Dozens of children, piled up like puppets.
CF |
CF | Some have malformations beyond the monstrous: arms at the end of which
CF | the hands have no fingers, faces with disproportionate features, with
CF | eyes that look like wounds, legs joined in a single limb that ends
CF | with a tail fin covered in moss. And many others simply switched off,
CF | without a legible expression, as if they had gone during sleep.
CF | Someone still wears a suit similar to yours, with codes printed on it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x suit"
CF ] Quarantinerridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a kind of second skin, a suit in apparently water-repellent
CF | material that starts from the boots and reaches the neck, gloves
CF | included, in a single piece.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x codes"
CF ] Quarantinerridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You refuse. You don't want to read them. Even if you understand
CF | perfectly, you don't want to materialize the obvious.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "touch bodies"
CF ] Quarantinerridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You don't feel anything unexpected.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search bodies"
CF ] Quarantinerridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Oh, God, no.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] Quarantinerridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Quarantine
CF | It's a cemetery. A cemetery without tombstones, a mass grave. Dozens
CF | of bodies are first lined up rationally and then, due to a trade that
CF | has become inhuman and modular, piled up haphazardly, useless. Human
CF | bodies.
CF |
CF | > DavidW asks, "I guess we're done here?"
Knight_Otu says, "Seems so."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "w"
CF ] Aseptic Corridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > W
CF |
CF | Aseptic Corridor
CF | A short tunnel running north to south, perfectly clean. Yet another
CF | blast door blocks an exit to the east. Next to the door is a plaque.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Section 101ridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Section 101
CF | An enormous inscription covers the entire west wall of this
CF | laboratory, brushed in the same lime green as the numbering of the
CF | bridges. On the opposite wall there is only a large screen, which
CF | covers it entirely, on which an important amount of data is presented.
CF | To the north you exit from here, while on the south wall you see a
CF | kind of spiral valve, large enough to pass through.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "You were right, that first card'd door locks behind you. Same reaction as in here to touching Keenan."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | Wastebasket
CF | The valve leads to a slide that you cross as you gain speed. At the
CF | end, the tunnel opens into a huge room, which has every appearance of
CF | being some sort of hangar. Despite everything you went through, you
CF | enjoyed the run.
CF |
CF | Luckily enough, you land on something soft, as the jump to the floor
CF | is over six metres...
CF |
CF | You are surrounded by wreckage and other filth, much of it organic in
CF | nature. It is clear that everything that was not needed by the upper
CF | department was thrown away here: dead fish, carcasses of all types and
CF | sizes. The smell is unbearable.
CF |
CF | On the south side opens one of the many glass walls of the base.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x wreckage"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | It is an indistinguishable mass of rotting material. You can see
CF | spines and various bones popping out of the purple flesh. The only
CF | thing to do is ignore the smell.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "search wreckage"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "take bone"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "bone" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | There are no obvious exits.
CF |
CF | In one of the walls a sliding door opens with a breath. From there
CF | appears a woman, slender but with a firm step, who comes towards you.
CF | You know her: she's Dr. Celyne.
CF |
CF | She introduces herself in her piercing voice: "I knew opening that
CF | valve would bring you here. You are one who tends to explore every
CF | crevice, aren't you?"
CF |
CF | The door closes and disappears into the wall.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "(I'm moving locations, hopefully my connection won't flap much.)"
DavidW says, "The final boss battle."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x dr"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > X DR
CF |
CF | Sorry, I don't understand what "dr" means.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x celyne"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | A tall, thin woman, of a beauty that is difficult to interpret. Her
CF | short hair gives her a professional yet military edge.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask celyne about me"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | "The idiots at BioFarm have decided you're waste material, like your
CF | twenty-eight brothers. Or sisters. Whatever," she says. "What do you
CF | think? Do you feel like waste material? Such a valuable life form..."
CF |
CF | She takes a step in your direction. Her intentions are obscure. Surely
CF | for now you'd better let her talk.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask celyne about nelly"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | "Kennan, too, was for the elimination. His problem was the base, its
CF | value, productivity, that sort of things. Hoffmann thought you were
CF | just another hiccup. But I think the one who came closest to
CF | understanding you is Adams. She called you 'her child', and that's who
CF | you are: a child. You just need a little education."
CF |
CF | Behind Celyne something takes shape in the darkness of the ocean.
CF | Clear, huge backs.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Grr."
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "z"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > Z
CF |
CF | Nothing happens.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask celyne about hoffmann"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | "I knew from the beginning that the hybridization of humans and whales
CF | was a fucked-up idea. Especially if the original subjects had
CF | particular powers. We don't know anything about telekinesis, imagine
CF | how we could understand a new life form, with powers like that. The
CF | first clones that actually woke up--the ones not so deformed to be
CF | stillborn--were kind of warning sirens, only good for freaking out the
CF | detectors. We had to shut them all down." She scratches her nose,
CF | indifferent. "Among them you came, our dear Chloe, and imagine the
CF | amazement when you even managed to speak. Of that, well, much credit
CF | must be given to the consistency of Adams. A perfect mother I would
CF | say."
CF |
CF | The whales approach the glass. Their song can only be heard by you,
CF | and it fills the whole room.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "ask celyne about whales"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | "I don't think whether or not canceling the project matters at this
CF | point. Indeed, I really think that if we end it here it will be better
CF | for everyone. The assholes in orbit around Titan, all they care about
CF | now is to make everything disappear, sink the Oceanus and get as much
CF | under the radar as possible. But you," she says, pulling a shiny
CF | object from her pocket, "you are too precious and unique to let
CF | yourself drown here."
CF |
CF | The whales have now lined up and are just waiting for you to do
CF | something.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x shiny object"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as "x shiny" but then you lost me.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu asks, "SING?"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "sing"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You do not know how to do it.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x object"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "wave to whales"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | You can't see any such thing.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "break glass"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | No need to concern yourself with that.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "push her"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | She's too far away to physically do it... so you imagine another way.
CF | With all the strength in your soul you try to... emit something. But
CF | this time it doesn't work. Maybe you are too tired. Or maybe your
CF | powers just don't work that way. The fact is that nothing happens.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "x gun"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF | > X GUN
CF |
CF | It's some kind of gun. It helps to seal tears by shooting metal
CF | staples. Pretty old fashioned stuff.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "shoot her with gun"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | I only understood you as far as "shoot her" but then you lost me.
CF |
CF | >
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "shoot her"
CF ] Wastebasketridortheroryth Side
CF |
CF |
CF | Now.
CF |
CF | With a psionic cry never before uttered, you call the whales to their
CF | task. They seem to nod, then move away into the black ocean,
CF | disappearing. At the same instant you aim the stapler at the doctor.
CF | "O-O-J-A, Miss Celyne," you grin, and shoot.
CF |
CF | But the smile dies on your face, as she is too far away and the shot
CF | is lost in the void.
CF |
CF | "What are you doing, Chloe," Celyne asks. "The structure is about to
CF | collapse. There's no room for more games," and, having said that, she
CF | jumps ahead with a large syringe in hand.
CF |
CF | Before she reaches you, however, the whales return.
CF |
CF | The first one hits the glass so hard that you and Celyne are blown
CF | away like puppets. The screeching sound of bending metal fills the
CF | hangar. The second, and then the third and then the fourth whale
CF | impacts in sequence and the glass transmutes into a web of cracks.
CF |
CF | Finally, it all comes down.
CF |
CF | As the voices from the Comm-Sys foretold, water does not enter the
CF | hangar, it EXPLODES in it. Celyne barely has time to let out a sharp
CF | cry before the end of the world hits her. The same happens to you a
CF | microsecond later, launching you at supersonic speed against the back
CF | wall. The suit you're wearing cushions the blow, but nothing could
CF | save you from a crash against metal.
CF |
CF | Before that happens, though, a smaller, leaner whale wedges in behind
CF | you and catches you in its harmless jaws. Then, darkness takes over.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | ...
CF |
CF | You wake up some time later, in a non-place made of plankton and
CF | infinite blue. Around you, your sisters seem to smile. You can
CF | breathe, even underwater. The remains of the Oceanus Station are
CF | sinking, forever gone a billion kilometers away from where they were
CF | built. Here, on Titan, a new love song fills your every sense. It
CF | sounds like freedom.
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | [The score has just gone up by 50 points.]
CF |
CF |
CF | *** You have won ***
CF |
CF | In that game you scored 185 out of a possible 185, in 437 turns.
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT?
Perry traces out a door in mid-air which he watches fall to the ground. He then quickly hops on top of it and rides it like a flying carpet into the distance.
Perry has arrived. Knight_Otu says, "We be part of the whales."
DavidW says, "yeah"
DavidW says, "A bittersweet ending, but I guess the best that could be hoped for."
Perry asks, "Ah, you won?"
DavidW says, "yes"
Perry says, "Awesome."
Perry says, "The only thing I think that was missed is what the screens in the first section initially showed: "The data on monitors is mostly unreadable for a child like you. What is clear is that the research being carried out in this complex is very advanced. Something to do with... protein? And other: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone appear often in lists and comparisons.""
Perry says, "Anyway. I thoroughly enjoyed it, namely because it fits into that niche I was talking about earlier non-human/unintentionally "evil" protagonists."
DavidW says, "mm. It's definitely thought provoking."
Knight_Otu says, "Glad we got to see this game. And it led to me writing a truly rare sentence (which wasn't quite true, but close enough)."
DavidW says, "Thanks, both of you. This was a good game. Rest and be happy and I hope to see you next week."
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Thank you for driving!"

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