ClubFloyd Transcript:
I Am Prey by Joey Tanden
As played on ifMUD on July 2 - 16, 2023

The idea behind ClubFloyd is that each week at a pre-arranged time, a group of people meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.

Below is a transcript of I Am Prey written by Joey Tanden. I am Prey was an entrant in the Main Festival of Spring Thing 2023. You can learn more about the game, including how to download it, by visiting IFDB.

WARNING! Below you will find a transcript of people playing this game, and it goes without saying that the transcript is full of spoilers. So, if you've never played this game, and think you might like to at some point, I do not recommend reading any further. Instead, you might want to return to the interactive fiction page.

ANOTHER WARNING! A lot (most!) of the transcripts contained on this site are, shall we say, family-friendly. This is not one of those family-friendly transcripts. Just so we're clear.

ToyShop & Floyditorium
#ClubFloyd Discussion

*** SESSION 1 ***
Pinkunz asks, "What about I Am Prey?"
Aster exclaims, "I was just going to suggest that!"
Pinkunz says, "It's meant to be replayable and its fairly short and unique."
Jacqueline says, "Looks like I am Prey beta is on here."
Jacqueline asks, "Is there an update?"
Perry says, "'0.​9.6 BETA (Patch 6)' is latest."
Pinkunz says, "Jess is working on a postcomp now."
Pinkunz says, "Will be out shortly."
Jacqueline says, "Gimme a sec."
Aster says, "I'm a weenie with horror so I haven't played it on my own, but I think with a group it would be good.."
Aster says, "It's like a horror chase thriller thing, I think."
Perry says, "Reading the survival guide now."
Pinkunz says, "It's definitely a different experience."
Pinkunz says, "Yeah, if we do this, I recommend at least skimming that first."
Aster says, "Can you link it Perry? I can look it up myself but just for everyone here...assuming we're settling on it."
Perry says, "[LINK]"
Perry says, "I'm not hearing any reasons not to, so I'm down for it."
Jacqueline says, "Search 'reveals new parkour routes' ..."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "load sleepmask iamprey096beta"
CF | Are you using a screen reader to play this story?
CF |
CF | (The choices are
CF | Y for "Yes", or
CF | N for "No".)
CF |
CF | Type in your choice here: Jacqueline says, "I think we should say yes."
Jacqueline says, "Because that's kinda how Floyd approaches files."
Perry says, "Plus it's good for the transcript if anyone reading it uses one."
Jacqueline says, "But if we say no, we might get, like, ascii maps that will work fine here."
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "True"
Perry says, "Oh, it mentions it in the guide. Sec."
Jacqueline says, "Though I suspect my transcripts are not super screen-friendly because of the two column layout and the CF| in front of each line..."
Pinkunz says, "No ascii"
Jacqueline asks, "So... what do we think? Y or N?"
Perry says, "Hmm, actually not sure. Let's say no."
Pinkunz exclaims, "I remember!"
Perry says, "Oh, perfect."
gadzoks exclaims, "Honesty always pays off!"
Jacqueline asks (of Pinkunz), "So... Y or N?"
Pinkunz says, "The screen reader mode includes a map mode. It's an experimental feature that allows basically a pause in gameplay and the player can walk around the map without penalizing. like astral projection"
Pinkunz says, "Doesn���t matter."
Pinkunz says, "Won't affect either way."
Jacqueline says, "Hm. I kinda like the sound of a non-penalty explore mode."
Aster says, "well there's always cat mode for that."
Pinkunz says, "Basically, Jess was not happy folks using a screen reader wouldn't have the map feelie."
Jacqueline says, "ClubFloyd: Paralyzed by Binary Decisions Since 2007"
Aster says, "Cat Mode has no active Predator, and allows the player to freely explore the map at their own pace. When the player is done exploring, they can freely RESTART the game, and choose another difficulty mode"
Perry says, "I think the idea is that you get the astral projection thing if you use a screen reader because the map feelie provides the same level of info."
Pinkunz says, "Yeah, it���s basically cat mode, but mid-game"
Jacqueline says, "Then let's say yes."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "y"
CF | Content warning:
CF |
CF | For violence, frequent crude language, and rare mentions of suicide.
CF |
CF | Anxiety warning:
CF |
CF | This game features an active antagonist, so your turns must be spent
CF | wisely!
CF |
CF | Note on randomness and UNDO:
CF |
CF | Elements of this game are randomized, with casual replayability in
CF | mind. Use
CF | of UNDO will not change the outcomes of randomized events.
CF |
CF | Rest assured that your survival is not decided by randomness.
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF | Note for new and experienced players:
CF |
CF | This will not be a standard parser game. Players of all skill
CF | levels should
CF | consult Prey's Survival Guide (which should have come with
CF | this game), or use
CF | the GUIDE command for the in-game version of the document.
CF |
CF | There are a number of new game mechanics ahead, and they were not
CF | designed with
CF | the traditions of this medium in mind.
CF |
CF | For more information, experienced parser players should use the
CF | command.
CF |
CF | [More] Perry says, "So, some things I learned. Turns count, and actions that don't take turns are free to use. I think the main one is 'X THING', so needless to say, if you aren't driving, probably avoid doing anything but examines."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, sounds like a driver is a good idea."
Jacqueline says, "Just recommend stuff you want in the chat."
Jacqueline says, "I feel up for driving, for once."
Perry asks, "Any new folk interested in driving?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh - or that."
Perry exclaims, "Oh. Sorry!"
Aster exclaims, "Not it!"
Jacqueline says, "I'm happy to do it today. I usually hate it. Shrug."
gadzoks says, "Maybe next time, still getting used to commands."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | Choose your difficulty
CF |
CF | (The choices are
CF | 1 for "Cat Mode",
CF | 2 for "Prey Tutorial",
CF | 3 for "Easy Mode",
CF | 4 for "Medium Mode",
CF | 5 for "Hard Mode", or
CF | 6 for "Nightmare Mode".)
CF |
CF | The description for "Cat Mode" is:
CF |
CF | You are new to interactive fiction ("IF"), and are not versed in the
CF | usual
CF | controls or mechanics of parser-based text games.
CF | This tutorial will also introduce you to the game's parkour
CF | movement mechanics!
CF |
CF | (You play as the Predator's pet cat, and cannot read notes.
CF | However, the
CF | Predator will not chase you, so you can freely explore the
CF | majority of the map
CF | at your own pace.)
CF |
CF | The description for "Prey Tutorial" is:
CF |
CF | [More] Pinkunz says, "Honestly, Might be better to have you at least start, Jacq."
Perry says, "Missed chance to call hard mode Ultra-violence mode."
Perry says, "... and so on."
Jacqueline asks, "Everyone caught up?"
Pinkunz says, "xD Jess is a Wolfenstein 3D fan, so that jibes."
Perry says, "Oi, Doom coined it first."
Jacqueline says, "I tend to be a slow reader, so I'll go at my pace, but if anyone feels that's too fast, let me know and I'll slow down."
gadzoks says, "Is there always a driver? When I last played we all kinda typed commands, which wasn't the most efficient but fun."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | stealth or chase mechanics
CF | before.
CF |
CF | (The Predator will only fall for each type of
CF | trick three times.)
CF |
CF | The description for "Easy Mode" is:
CF |
CF | The Predator has had a string of victories, and will go easy on you,
CF | mostly for
CF | his own entertainment.
CF |
CF | (The Predator will only fall for each type of
CF | trick two times.)
CF |
CF | The description for "Medium Mode" is:
CF |
CF | The Predator revels in his apparent sense of superiority over you.
CF | This hunt
CF | will have the typical amount of sadism.
CF |
CF | (The Predator will only fall for each type of
CF | trick one time.)
CF |
CF | The description for "Hard Mode" is:
CF |
CF | The Predator must be furious, and is taking all of his rage out on
CF | you, during
CF | [More] Aster says, "I think that it would be good to have a driver since turns count so much."
Perry says, "Going AFK for a hot second, don't wait for me."
Jacqueline says (to gadzoks), "Not always, but we definitely try to use one when there are time/turn limits."
gadzoks says, "In this case yeah, for sure."
Pinkunz says, "Depends on the game, tbh."
gadzoks says, "Was just curious about other games."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | (The Predator will only fall for a total of three
CF | tricks, regardless of type,
CF | and the prologue will be skipped.)
CF |
CF | The description for "Nightmare Mode" is:
CF |
CF | What the heck?! Something has really gotten into the
CF | Predator today! His
CF | cruelty is insatiable!
CF |
CF | (The Predator will never fall for any tricks,
CF | and the prologue will be
CF | skipped.)
CF |
CF | Type in your choice here: Jacqueline asks, "So... cat? or tutoria?"
Aster says, "I think tutorial sounds fine, or easy mode."
Jacqueline asks, "Other thoughts?"
gadzoks exclaims, "If we go nightmare mode right off the bat, normal will feel like a breeze!"
Aster says, "...Or we'll die instantly."
Jacqueline narrows her eyes at gadzoks.
Pinkunz says, "I'm okay with whatever. Game is designed for replay"
gadzoks says, "What? I have no affiliation with this Predator thing..."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF | (page 1 of 4)
CF |
CF |
CF | When I realize I'm alive, I'm not really sure how much time has
CF | passed. The
CF | only thing I do know is that I seem to be dreaming.
CF |
CF | Well... Something is delivering this dream to me...
CF |
CF | It has taught me language, but only the words necessary for
CF | listening and
CF | obedience. I have no way of knowing how much it is withholding, and I
CF | lack the
CF | vocabulary to test its veracity.
CF |
CF | The rapid rate of delivery is overwhelming, and it expects my
CF | ignorance,
CF | compliance, and attention. Every advantage is attempted--within
CF | my own head,
CF | no less...!
CF |
CF | Above all, it expects to be accepted, without a hint of
CF | rejection. It cannot
CF | conceive of a scenario where I do not simply roll over and
CF | obey.[More] Jade says, "I am with Aster"
gadzoks says, "Honest, guv."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | obey.[More]
CF |
CF | (page 2 of 4)
CF |
CF | It preaches strange things to me:
CF |
CF | Impoverished masses allegedly storming the shores of a crumbling
CF | empire.
CF |
CF | A starving workforce refusing to sell their lives for profit, and
CF | supposedly
CF | straying from the light of a "hard day's work".
CF |
CF | There is a decline in mimicry for certain vacuous behaviors, once
CF | inspired by
CF | the "true-blooded few".
CF |
CF | The Enemy is said to be a powerful colossus of culture, and
CF | yet--somehow--it is
CF | also egregiously incompetent, almost to the point of
CF | self-satire.
CF |
CF | Above all, none of it makes any fucking sense, but it's still
CF | told to me with
CF | bold self-assurance.[More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | bold self-assurance.[More]
CF |
CF | (page 3 of 4)
CF |
CF | Something within me--native to my own mind--has reflexes. Without
CF | articulation, I see the dream's frailty. I seem to be designed for
CF | quick
CF | thinking, out-maneuvering, empathy, and tactics. I was
CF | originally born to "get
CF | the job done", at any cost.
CF |
CF | The intruder seems to think I am its servant. My genesis--as
CF | well as its own--
CF | were both initiated by those who only understood the world in terms of
CF | grandstanding and profit.
CF |
CF | Best of all: The invader of my mind seems to underestimate me, and
CF | my creators
CF | are not here to advise it to take any caution...[More] Aster says, "Something tells me Joey may be a leftist..."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | are not here to advise it to take any caution...[More]
CF |
CF | (page 4 of 4)
CF |
CF | Before I can make any counter-attack, my lungs suddenly fill with
CF | liquid, and I
CF | begin to drown.
CF |
CF | I thrash, gnash, and claw at the sensation.
CF |
CF | Something gives way, and the waking world washes away the final shreds
CF | of
CF | whatever dream (or nightmare) that was being injected into me...[More] gadzoks asks, "Are there any MUD clients that display the markup correctly?"
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | version 0.9.6 BETA (Patch 6)
CF |
CF | A game of evasion, by Joey Cramsey
CF |
CF | "This is based on a recurring nightmare of mine, so now it's your
CF | problem,
CF | too!"
CF |
CF | ABOUT for a general summary.
CF | CREDITS for author and tester credits.
CF | HELP for tutorials and assistance.
CF |
CF | Use the SNEAK (or "SN") command to automatically sneak
CF | around the map! For
CF | example:
CF |
CF | REMEMBER: This is a learning tool! The SNEAK
CF | command will be disabled outside
CF | [More] Jacqueline says (to gadzoks), "I don't think so. They're mostly there for the eventual transcript."
Jacqueline says, "I also wish the line return on this were longer, but such is life."
gadzoks says, "Ah, makes sense."
Pinkunz says, "2007 legacy."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "parser warning" asks, "Still using the same design of Floyd, no?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, there's *yet* *another* MORE"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "parser warning" Jacqueline says, "Oh, there's *yet* *another* MORE"
Jacqueline says, "Ha."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | remember to LISTEN, PEEK, and CLOSE
CF | DOOR on your own!
CF |
CF | If you'd rather practice without auto-sneak, simply enter in SNEAK
CF |
CF | REMEMBER: You are always free to TURN SNEAK BACK ON in a
CF | tutorial mode!
CF |
CF |
CF | The Delivery Room (in the catch net)
CF |
CF | Happy birthday! I am drenched in a mix of embryonic slime
CF | and water!
CF |
CF | I cough, but it transforms into vomiting, and most of it lands on my
CF | own body.
CF | I seem to be cradled in some kind of large, rubbery fishnet mesh,
CF | likely
CF | designed to catch newborns like me.
CF |
CF | Human newborns are tiny, and cry when entering the world. Clone
CF | newborns seem
CF | to arrive fully-grown--if my factory-standard memories are reliable in
CF | that
CF | regard--and so far I have been a bit too delirious to do much of
CF | anything.
CF |
CF | The ceiling tiles have been removed here, to make the room taller. On
CF | the west
CF | wall, three artificial wombs hang on suspended metal frames. Each has
CF | dark
CF | cables running into them from an opening in the northwest corner of
CF | the
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | vanity, and wardrobe
CF | closet have been provided for newborns.
CF |
CF | I am in the catch net.
CF |
CF | I can see a stool here.
CF |
CF | In the wardrobe closet I see an uniform.
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "omg a prompt"
Pinkunz says, "Now you're clear."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "parser warning"
CF | >
CF |
CF | A Warning for Experienced Parser Players
CF |
CF | (page 1 of 3)
CF |
CF | This game makes use of the SEARCH command, but not quite in the
CF | same way it has
CF | been used, traditionally.
CF |
CF | Objects in the game are always "in play", and not added to the game's
CF | world
CF | after the player uses SEARCH on a container. There are only
CF | two possible
CF | exceptions in I Am Prey, and one has multiple alternative
CF | discovery methods,
CF | while the other exception is completely optional during gameplay.
CF |
CF | The list of SEARCH verbs is as follows:
CF |
CF | For containers that have multiple parts, or can be looked through.
CF |
CF | For containers that open and enclose other objects.
CF |
CF | For containers that can store objects underneath themselves.
CF |
CF | [More] Pinkunz says, "IIRC, there���s a replay option that skips all that."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. Some of the modes have no prologue, and now I see why."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | (page 2 of 3)
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | SEARCH takes a turn to use, and will allow the player to gather
CF | usable data
CF | about an object.
CF | SEARCH also reveals new parkour routes, but only if
CF | they are accessible from
CF | the player's current position.
CF |
CF | EXAMINE is a FREE action, and can still reveal
CF | objects within containers.
CF | EXAMINE is meant to be a reflex-based or recall-based review of
CF | immediate
CF | information.[More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | information.[More]
CF |
CF | (page 3 of 3)
CF |
CF |
CF | SEARCH via Exploration
CF |
CF | Most applications of SEARCH can be alternatively achieved by
CF | exploring
CF | something. A parkour route does not need to be revealed if the player
CF | simply
CF | tries attempting to CLIMB or JUMP there, experimentally.
CF |
CF | Additionally, objects "hidden" under something, for example, can often
CF | be
CF | discovered if the player tries to CRAWL UNDER the container.
CF |
CF | This chapter has concluded.
CF | Where would you like to go next?
CF |
CF | (The choices are
CF | P for "Go to previous chapter",
CF | N for "Go to next chapter",
CF | T for "Go to the table of contents", or
CF | Q for "Return to the game".)
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "q"
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | Other Utility Commands
CF |
CF | The description for "Go to next chapter" is:
CF |
CF | Suit Parts (How to Win)
CF |
CF | Type in your choice here:
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "q"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | Type in your choice here:
CF | > Q
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | The Delivery Room (in the catch net)
CF | The ceiling tiles have been removed here, to make the room taller. On
CF | the west
CF | wall, three artificial wombs hang on suspended metal frames. Each has
CF | dark
CF | cables running into them from an opening in the northwest corner of
CF | the
CF | ceiling. In the southwest corner, a towel rack, makeup vanity, and
CF | wardrobe
CF | closet have been provided for newborns.
CF |
CF | I am in the catch net.
CF |
CF | I can see a stool here.
CF |
CF | In the wardrobe closet I see an uniform.
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "So... x is free?"
Jacqueline asks, "So I can just look at all the stuff?"
Pinkunz says, "Correct"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x catch net"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A large, rubbery, fishnet-like mesh, put in place to gently catch
CF | newborn
CF | clones. It sits above a trough drain in the floor.
CF |
CF | (You used this turn for FREE!)
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "x is free"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x drain"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A grated drain divides the floor, like a dark line under the wombs.
CF | When
CF | embryonic fluid falls out, it passes through the net, and is collected
CF | in the
CF | drain.
CF |
CF | (From now-on, you will only be alerted if this action
CF | wasn't a FREE turn!)
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x wombs"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | The northwest, west, and southwest wombs hang distended from the wall,
CF | making
CF | that entire side of the room look like a bloody, fleshy, biomechanical
CF | nightmare.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Kinda grody."
Jacqueline says, "Kinda Matrixy"
Pinkunz says, "Agreed."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x stool"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | The stool sits in front of the makeup vanity, giving a nice viewing
CF | angle to
CF | the mirror.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x mirror"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | The mirror is smashed, though most of it still remains. Attempts to
CF | look into
CF | it reveal whimsical patterns of reflection, and the only features I
CF | can see are
CF | my pale skin and white hair.
CF |
CF | I weigh the idea in my mind. Do I value my appearance? Does looking
CF | "presentable" give me a tactical advantage? Am I neutral to it, while
CF | humans
CF | are often concerned? Is any vestige of vanity merely a programmed
CF | facet of my
CF | mind, so I would make myself look nice during auction?
CF |
CF | Judging by the damage to the mirror, someone in the facility does
CF | not enjoy
CF | pondering their appearance...
CF |
CF | > Perry says (to gadzoks), "You can write reflexes in a client like Mudlet that'd highlight it, but it'd take a mild amount of trickery to deal with markup going between lines. The line wraps look weird because I believe this game prints with probably 80 char line wraps but that's getting wrapped again by Floyd to compensate for the 'CF | ' prefix it gives everything. (And probably the unrendered markup, too.)"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x wardrobe"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wide, metal wardrobe closet. It looks large enough to hide in. In
CF | the
CF | wardrobe closet I see an uniform.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x uniform"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A combat uniform, with a camouflage pattern based on urban night
CF | environments.
CF | A shoulder patch marks the wearer as a member of the clone program.
CF | Over the
CF | left breast pocket is a rank pin, and on the right is an ID number
CF | tag.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x rank pin"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A small, golden pin indicates the rank of the uniform's wearer. This
CF | pin
CF | indicates the rank of private.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "If you're doing this on a phone, flip to landscape to make it more readable. less wrapping."
Jacqueline says, "Oh man, let me know how you do this on a phone, because I've only found trash telnet clients on phones."
Jacqueline says, "Possibly off topic, but a short diversion."
Pinkunz says, "Mukluk"
Jacqueline says, "huh"
gadzoks says, "I am having enough trouble keeping up in Mudlet as it is, dunno how you'd manage on a phone."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x id number"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A small, black rectangle, with white numbers. This tag reads "7851".
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A heavy, metal door. A spring-resistent handle keeps rooms closed,
CF | but
CF | accessible. Hidden pneumatics make the doors close automatically.
CF | There seems
CF | to be a sort of rough, rectangular cat door cut into the bottom of the
CF | door.
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "I am using Mukluk by now in my phone"
Pinkunz says, "Same"
Jacqueline asks, "Anything else people want to X?"
Pinkunz says, "There���s something I'd like to point out."
Jacqueline asks (of P), "Yeah?"
Jacqueline says, "I mean, so long as it isn't a spoiler."
Pinkunz says, "This set up, where x is free, but turns are important, I think makes players more attentive."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, I'd agree with that."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x me"
CF ] The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF | > X ME
CF |
CF | I am currently stark-naked.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Just an observation."
Jacqueline asks, "So, waste turns wearing clothes?"
Aster exclaims, "Good grief, I'm naked!"
Jacqueline says, "Don't worry, we all are."
Perry says, "No way. It's our birthday, let's wear our birthday suit."
Pinkunz says, "No idea if you can go nude. Didn���t try."
Jacqueline says, "Well, let's try."
Pinkunz says, "Sure."
Jacqueline says, "Seems like it won't work, but."
Jacqueline asks, "So, out the door?"
Jacqueline asks, "Or something else first?"
Pinkunz says, "Clones first."
Aster asks, "How do we leave the catch net?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "exit net"
CF ] The Delivery Room 1 turn
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | Okay, I get out of the catch net.
CF |
CF | My soaked form rains strings and droplets of fluid across the floor.
CF |
CF | A voice is carried over the facility's intercom system. For a moment,
CF | I'm
CF | certain it's my own voice, somehow... Perhaps from a recording?
CF | However,
CF | today is my first day alive, so I conclude this is
CF | impossible.
CF |
CF | "Happy Birthday!" says the stranger's cheery voice, but it quickly
CF | changes to a
CF | colder affect. "The facility staff used to celebrate those. There
CF | would be
CF | baked foods. 'Cakes', they were called. Unfortunately, that's been
CF | gone for a
CF | year, now, along with the rest of the food in storage."
CF |
CF | Well... that is certainly ominous...
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the west, I hear the muffled sound of The
CF | Predator's voice.
CF |
CF | > Perry exclaims, "Oo, a friend. Let's go say hi!"
Jacqueline says, "I'm pretty shy."
Jacqueline says, "(Not really, but in this case I am.)"
Pinkunz says, "He's friendly, I'm sure."
Jacqueline says, "Sure sure"
Perry says, "It's a fake-out from the com. It's actually a surprise birthday party."
Jacqueline says, "Everyone I've ever met who goes by the name The Predator has been swell."
Jacqueline says, "Also, the cake is a lie."
Pinkunz says, "Can corroborate."
Jacqueline asks, "E?"
Pinkunz says, "Your first point regarding names."
Pinkunz says, "Same experience."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF ] The Delivery Room 1 turn
CF | survived
CF | >
CF | > I
CF |
CF | I am empty-handed.
CF |
CF | One of the wombs can be heard, quietly digesting something.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "ew"
Jacqueline says, "Also, >I is free."
Pinkunz says, "Noted"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak east"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (I am SNEAKING, so I perform the necessary
CF | safety precautions, as a
CF | reflex...)
CF |
CF | (STEP 1: LISTEN for nearby threats!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (STEP 2: PEEK, just to be sure!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (I)...)
CF |
CF | I am in the south end of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and wide
CF | enough
CF | to comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and southwest.
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Delivery Room...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the exit door)
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (I)
CF | I am in the south end of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and wide
CF | enough
CF | to comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and southwest.
CF |
CF | (STEP 3: Quietly CLOSE the
CF | door behind me!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Delivery Room
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | (And thus concludes the art of
CF |
CF | The Delivery Room door (west) and the Freezer door (east) are closed.
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (I) 2 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | "Our creators--the ones who tried to mindfuck you, before you could
CF | even
CF | breathe--didn't appreciate our counterattack. They could not
CF | hold this
CF | facility, so they flooded the caves outside with poison gas. They're
CF | likely
CF | monitoring the power grid, waiting for a moment to strike. That's
CF | where you
CF | come in."
CF |
CF | My ears perk up. A mission? Against a common enemy? Sounds optimal.
CF |
CF | "I need to keep growing new clones, to make the outsiders think we are
CF | amassing
CF | a colony in here. But...this is a siege. They aim to starve us out."
CF |
CF | "You know as well as I do that neither of us can accept death," he
CF | explains.
CF | "It's a part of the slavery subsystems installed in our brains; one of
CF | the few
CF | subsystems that we could never shake free..."
CF |
CF | I think I already know where he's going with this...
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "huh"
Jacqueline says, "Also: we got out of the room naked. Just putting that out there. The fact, I mean... not putting anything *else* out there. That'd be unseemly."
Pinkunz exclaims, "Feeling free!"
Jacqueline says, "(My internalized patriarchy assumes this PC is male.)"
gadzoks says, "It's not like anyone is around to see us. Except all those surveillance cameras."
Pinkunz says, "I think its been confirmed outside the game, but I can't recall where."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Aster says, "The PC is a clone, actually."
Pinkunz says, "Both are male, iirc."
Pinkunz says, "I could be wrong."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (I) 2 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (I)
CF | I am in the south end of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and wide
CF | enough
CF | to comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and southwest.
CF |
CF | The Delivery Room door (west) and the Freezer door (east) are closed.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "There was a PEEK command, wasn't there? And listen."
Aster says, "We just came from the delivery room."
Jacqueline says (to g), "yes"
Jacqueline asks, "Yeah. Do we want to quietly open the freezer and peek inside it?"
Aster asks, "Sure, why not?"
gadzoks asks, "LIsten to it first?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "listen to freezer"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (I) 3 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | "So, here's the shitty deal I have for you," the voice continues,
CF | audibly
CF | bracing, as if delivering the news of loss. "It's your birthday,
CF | can
CF | forget whatever fucking ID number they would have given you. I hereby
CF | name
CF | you...'Prey'."
CF |
CF | That word is one I recognize.
CF |
CF | "This facility cannot be allowed to return to the enemy, and I'm
CF | starving,
CF | Prey. So run. Avoid becoming my next meal. I've scattered pieces of
CF | an
CF | environment suit around the place. If you collect all seven
CF | pieces, you will
CF | be able to survive the poison gas, and escape."
CF |
CF | So, I am "Prey"? Very well. I may not be the first, but I will be
CF | the most
CF | elusive. I will bring pride and honor to my name.
CF |
CF | I will not let the enemy win, I will not die, and I will not let
CF | The Predator
CF | catch me...!
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "If you listen to it you just hear Tweezer by Phish."
gadzoks says, "Might have been a wasted action..."
Jacqueline asks, "I wonder if we needed that suit as one of the seven pieces?"
Perry says, "I like how this gives canon to reloading saves and new games as them being different escape attempts."
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "Yeah, that's pretty good."
Pinkunz says, "Yeah, that's a good point."
Aster says, "I mean that was just a uniform"
Jade says, "cool" Pinkunz says, "Even if you escape, presumably there'd still be another clone."
Jacqueline says (to Aster), "Okay. I guess we need not go back for it."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "quietly open freezer"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (I) 3 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't understand that command.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "Hm. Just OPEN, huh?"
Aster says, "I think just typing 'open freezer' yeah, it may be assumed that your'e doing it quietly in the context."
Jacqueline says, "This game has me being very cautious."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open freezer"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (I) 4 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I open the Freezer door.
CF |
CF | A ice-cold mist rolls out of the open the Freezer door.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x freezer"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (I) 4 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a large, metal door--reminiscent of a vault--and made to keep
CF | freezing air
CF | from leaking into the rest of the facility.
CF | It probably does not close itself automatically.
CF |
CF | A chilled fog rolls from the open the Freezer door.
CF |
CF | > Aster asks, "Peek in, maybe?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x fog"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (I) 4 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF | > X FOG
CF |
CF | I see nothing special about the cold fog.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "peek in freezer"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (I) 4 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | (peek an freezer)
CF | I carefully peek through the Freezer door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Freezer...)
CF |
CF | The freezer is absolutely empty, and positively massive.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (I)...)
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Ah, probably for hiding in."
Pinkunz says, "Well, Prey would make for a pretty big single meal."
Jacqueline says, "Hm. The whole 'probably does not close automatically' at least means we could go inside to look. And possibly die. But death is a possibility every turn."
Jade says, "on summertime"
Jacqueline asks, "Leave it open? Close it?"
Aster says, "Yeah, hiding in summertime. I think hiding in wintertime would be a bad idea."
Perry says, "STEP INTO THE FREEZEERRR. (Sorry, this is one of my favourite songs, and it's rarely relevant.)"
gadzoks says, "Maybe it's a trap. I bet Predator likes his snacks freeze dried."
Jacqueline says, "I mean, I'm all for going in there."
Aster asks, "It does say it's empty. But maybe we could go in and search it?"
Jacqueline says, "Though there does not seem to be a reason to do so."
Pinkunz says, "Vote in favor."
Perry says, "Aye."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "enter freezer"
CF ] The Freezer 5 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I enter, as a icy wave of air passes over me in greeting.
CF |
CF | The Freezer
CF | The freezer is absolutely empty, and positively massive.
CF |
CF | The loading door (north), the Kitchen access door (south), and the
CF | reservoir
CF | access door are closed, and the exit door (west) is currently open,
CF | but I
CF | already knew that.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz asks, "Find suit?"
Aster says, "Ooh ok, there's exits and stuff."
Jacqueline says, "oh - it's a passthrough to another location."
Perry says, "(For the uninitiated, here's a rather... 'longer' play of the song I'm mentioning: [LINK])"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open kitchen access door"
CF ] The Freezer 6 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I open the Kitchen access door.
CF |
CF | The freezing air encases me.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Kitchen first? And I'm not just saying that because I'm also in the mood for a snack."
Aster says, "Looks like Jacq is already ahead of you."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak kitchen"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (STEP 1: LISTEN for nearby threats!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (STEP 2: PEEK, just to be sure!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the Kitchen access
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the Kitchen access door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Kitchen...)
CF |
CF | There are a lot of empty spaces, probably where extra utilities were
CF | once
CF | housed. Since only The Predator uses this space, there is no
CF | need for
CF | redundancy.
CF |
CF | An electric oven sits under a stove hood by the east wall, and the
CF | kitchen
CF | counter can be found beside it. A walk-in fridge takes up a good bit
CF | of the
CF | south wall. The northeast corner houses a metal sink.
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Freezer...)
CF |
CF | Warmer air welcomes and comforts me.
CF |
CF | The Kitchen
CF | There are a lot of empty spaces, probably where extra utilities were
CF | once
CF | housed. Since only The Predator uses this space, there is no
CF | need for
CF | redundancy.
CF |
CF | An electric oven sits under a stove hood by the east wall, and the
CF | kitchen
CF | counter can be found beside it. A walk-in fridge takes up a good bit
CF | of the
CF | south wall. The northeast corner houses a metal sink.
CF |
CF | (STEP 3: Quietly CLOSE the
CF | door behind me!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Freezer
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | Done.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) and the Freezer door (north) are closed.
CF | [More] Aster says, "I think the guide said the predator hates sinks running."
Perry says, "Yeah, but we can only use that a few times, I think."
Aster asks, "So we could use that trick a few times yeah. We picked tutorial mode right?"
Jacqueline says, "We did, yes."
Aster says, "I think for tutorial it says 3 times per trick."
gadzoks says, "3 times a charm."
Jacqueline asks, "How will we know when he is coming?"
Aster says, "Might hear footsteps if we listen."
Jacqueline asks, "Running sinks is like leaving things for the vampires to count?"
Aster exclaims, "I think so!"
Jacqueline says, "mmkay"
Pinkunz says, "Same sorta idea"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x oven" Jacqueline says, "oh. more"
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Kitchen 7 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF | > Jacqueline says, "ha"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x oven"
CF ] The Kitchen 7 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A simple electric oven, but the knobs and control panel have
CF | apparently been
CF | removed, likely to prey-proof the device.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Though it presumably doesn't take long to turn off a sink. My guess is it would only get you a few turns."
Perry says, "#preyproof."
Perry exclaims (at Aster), "not if it's like Hitman. Gotta go through all the slow animations!"
Jacqueline says, "It sort of makes vague whether or not there's a door, and whether or not we could hide in an overn."
Jacqueline says, "er, oven."
Pinkunz says, "So remember, you can try climbing around with parkour. like you could presumably climb onto the oven."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x fridge"
CF ] The Kitchen 7 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A large, narrow, walk-in fridge. It can open and close, and store a
CF | large
CF | number of items. A person could probably fit inside, but they would
CF | not be
CF | unable to see the room outside.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "I believe hiding in an oven is how you win the game 'Who's your Daddy', but maybe not this. (Two-player game where the baby tries to die, and the dad tries to make it so the kid doesn't kill themselves in a certain amount of time.)"
Aster says, "Oh god."
Jacqueline says, "Ah, that implies we do not fit within the oven."
Pinkunz says, "At a cost of a turn of course."
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "That... is quite the premise for a game."
gadzoks says, "Maybe if we break the tap, it will keep leaking."
Jacqueline says (to gadzoks), "Hm. File that away for later."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x hood"
CF ] The Kitchen 7 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A large, metal hood. When smoke and fumes become too intense, a cook
CF | can turn
CF | on its fan to clear the air.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Need to go afk for a bit, please don't wait for me."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x counter"
CF ] The Kitchen 7 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A metal counter top. Perfect for all of one's kitchen needs.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "According to guide, search can reveal new parkour routes. So like search counter."
gadzoks exclaims, "I don't think it will be implemented in-game, but it's an idea!"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x sink"
CF ] The Kitchen 7 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A simple, metal sink.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "Should I take a turn to search?"
Aster says (to gadzoks), "We are also naked so breaking things might be difficult"
Perry says, "Sure, just to figure out how it works."
Jacqueline says (to Aster), "Yeah, that was my thought. I'd rather break a tap when I have some inventory."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search"
CF ] The Kitchen 7 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | What do you want to search?
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "kitchen"
CF ] The Kitchen 7 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I will have to be more specific, and search specific containers
CF | instead.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search fridge"
CF ] The Kitchen 8 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | (first opening the walk-in fridge)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the walk-in fridge. However, it seems
CF | safe from
CF | here.
CF |
CF | > Aster asks, "search oven?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search oven"
CF ] The Kitchen 9 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the oven)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the oven.
CF |
CF | (searching in the oven)
CF | (first opening the oven)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the oven.
CF |
CF | > Aster asks, "Is the walkin fridge different from the freezer?"
Jacqueline says, "I'm not sure."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x freezer"
CF ] The Kitchen 9 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | It's a large, metal door--reminiscent of a vault--and made to keep
CF | freezing air
CF | from leaking into the rest of the facility.
CF | It probably does not close itself automatically.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Hm, yeah."
Aster says, "seems to be."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x fridge"
CF ] The Kitchen 9 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A large, narrow, walk-in fridge. It can open and close, and store a
CF | large
CF | number of items. A person could probably fit inside, but they would
CF | not be
CF | unable to see the room outside.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Different descriptions."
Aster gives a thumbs up.
Jacqueline asks, "What next, peeps?"
Aster says, "It says "store a large number of items" in the fridge..."
Aster asks, "Maybe there's something inside?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open fridge"
CF ] The Kitchen 9 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | The walk-in fridge is already open.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Oh oops."
Perry says, "Yay, no turn cost for that."
Aster says, "Phew..."
Jacqueline says, "This has me more turn-conscious than a hunger or thirst or sleep daemon."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF ] The Kitchen 9 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Kitchen
CF | There are a lot of empty spaces, probably where extra utilities were
CF | once
CF | housed. Since only The Predator uses this space, there is no
CF | need for
CF | redundancy.
CF |
CF | An electric oven sits under a stove hood by the east wall, and the
CF | kitchen
CF | counter can be found beside it. A walk-in fridge takes up a good bit
CF | of the
CF | south wall. The northeast corner houses a metal sink.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) and the Freezer door (north) are closed.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "So far it seems like a lot of care was given implementation wise on making sure stuff that would cost turns (but shouldn't) from things like failed commands, doesn't."
Perry says, "I've played a lot of games where that wasn't the case and you'd waste turns doing literally nothing."
Jacqueline asks, "W?"
Perry says, "Yeah."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak west"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the south, I hear the resonant, muffled thrum of a
CF | faraway
CF | powerplant.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (H)...)
CF |
CF | I am in the middle of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and wide
CF | enough to
CF | comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends to the west, curves northeast, and also leads to a
CF | restroom to
CF | the south.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | [More] Aster says, "Yeah I think that Joey put a lot of care into the game implementation."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (H) 10 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | (first opening the exit door)
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (H)
CF | I am in the middle of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and wide
CF | enough to
CF | comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends to the west, curves northeast, and also leads to a
CF | restroom to
CF | the south.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Kitchen
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The Kitchen door (east) and the Breakroom door (north) are closed.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Oh huh, it seems it loops back to a further area of the hallway."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x kitchen door"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (H) 10 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A heavy, metal door. A spring-resistent handle keeps rooms closed,
CF | but
CF | accessible. Hidden pneumatics make the doors close automatically.
CF | There seems
CF | to be a sort of rough, rectangular cat door cut into the bottom of the
CF | door.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x break room door"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (H) 10 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I see no break room door here.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x breakroom door"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (H) 10 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A heavy, metal door. A spring-resistent handle keeps rooms closed,
CF | but
CF | accessible. Hidden pneumatics make the doors close automatically.
CF | There seems
CF | to be a sort of rough, rectangular cat door cut into the bottom of the
CF | door.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Oh, here's the map by the way. I believe you're supposed to use it. [LINK]"
Aster exclaims, "There's an armory!"
Jade says, "just a big map"
Jacqueline says, "We could make our way toward the armory, sure."
Aster says, "Probably not gonna be that easy, but who knows."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, I'm sure."
Jade says, "freezer is a room"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak w"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the southeast, I hear the deep, muffled growl of the
CF | reactor.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek west"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek west...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (G)...)
CF |
CF | I am near the west end of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and
CF | wide enough
CF | to comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends northwest and east.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (H)...)
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (G) 11 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF | I am in the west end of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and wide
CF | enough to
CF | comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends northwest and east.
CF |
CF | The Utility Corridor access door is closed.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "'I hear the deep, muffled growl.......... of the reactor'. Good gag."
Jacqueline says, "yeah"
Aster wipes sweat from er brow
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak north"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (G) 11 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | The hum seems to have stoppedI cannot peek through the Utility
CF | Corridor access
CF | door...
CF |
CF | (first trying to open the Utility Corridor access door)
CF | The Utility Corridor access door is locked.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Utility Corridor
CF | access door" action.)
CF |
CF | The Utility Corridor access door isn't open.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Hm. Typo or generative text error there."
Aster says, "Ooh I think we're supposed to go a little further NE."
Aster says, "That's the way the hallway extends."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. I guess so."
Aster says, "Oop"
Aster says, "Wait let me look at the map"
Jacqueline says, "f sneak w"
Aster says, "yep I meant northwest, my bad."
Jacqueline asks, "And the game appears to be hung?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, no. User error."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak w"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (G) 11 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I can't go that way. From here I could go north, east or northwest.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak nw"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek northwest"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | northwest
CF |
CF | I carefully peek northwest...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (F)...)
CF |
CF | I am in the south end of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and wide
CF | enough
CF | to comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and southeast.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (G)...)
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (F) 12 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF | I am in the south end of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and wide
CF | enough
CF | to comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and southeast.
CF |
CF | The Clone Sleeping Quarters door (east) and the Human Sleeping
CF | Quarters door
CF | (west) are closed.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "The armory should be north of here."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak north"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek north"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | north
CF |
CF | I carefully peek north...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (E)...)
CF |
CF | I am near the middle of the hall. The hallway is dimly lit, and wide
CF | enough to
CF | comfortably fit two opposing flows of travel.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and south.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (F)...)
CF |
CF | [More] Aster says, "Oh wait, but the door is through the security office."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (E) 13 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF | I am near the middle of the hall.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and south.
CF |
CF | The Classroom door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "There's a door through the sleeping quarters too."
Jacqueline says, "OH. Yeah, so it is."
Aster says, "Oop good point."
gadzoks asks, "But do we want to wake them up?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak n"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek north"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | north
CF |
CF | I carefully peek north...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (D)...)
CF |
CF | I am in the north end of the hall.
CF |
CF | The hall extends northeast and south.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (E)...)
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (D)
CF | [More] Aster asks, "Didn't the Predator say everyone was dead?"
Perry says, "I don't think there are-- yeah."
Jacqueline says, "This will be a fun death when it happens."
Perry exclaims, "Yay!"
gadzoks says, "Sure, he SAID."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (D) 14 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | The hall extends northeast and south.
CF |
CF | The Security Office door (west) and the Administration door (east) are
CF | closed.
CF |
CF | > Perry says (to gadzoks), "it's ethical to lie, so there's no way they die."
Perry says, "Did, not die."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak west"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the Security Office
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the Security Office door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Security Office...)
CF |
CF | A room where the guards used to spend a lot of time, probably.
CF |
CF | The north wall is covered in busted-up security monitors, while the
CF | west wall
CF | is lined by a storage cabinet, closet, and locker. A single desk sits
CF | near the
CF | middle of the north wall, dividing the half with monitors from the
CF | half
CF | without.
CF |
CF | A way south leads to the Armory.
CF |
CF | [More] Perry says, "Ugh, and unethical not ethical*"
Aster says, "storage cabinet, closet, and [eyes]"
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Security Office 15 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (D)...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the Security Office door)
CF |
CF | The Security Office
CF | A room where the guards used to spend a lot of time, probably.
CF |
CF | The north wall is covered in busted-up security monitors, while the
CF | west wall
CF | is lined by a storage cabinet, closet, and locker. A single desk sits
CF | near the
CF | middle of the north wall, dividing the half with monitors from the
CF | half
CF | without.
CF |
CF | A way south leads to the Armory.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "Search some stuff?"
Perry says, "Examine first I think."
Jacqueline says, "okay"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x monitors"
CF ] The Security Office 15 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | The security monitors seem damaged, and do not function.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Yeah that's a free action"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x cabinet"
CF ] The Security Office 15 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A standard, metal wide storage cabinet. It has a top, middle, and
CF | bottom
CF | drawer for storage.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x closet"
CF ] The Security Office 15 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A tall storage closet. It can open and close, and store a large
CF | number of
CF | items. A person could probably fit inside, too, but they would not be
CF | unable
CF | to see the room outside.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Gonna assume "not be unable" should be "unable""
Jacqueline asks, "Should that read, '[...] but they would not be able to see the room outside.'?"
Jacqueline says, "Timing. yeah."
Perry says, "Yeah, the fridge had the same weird wording."
Jacqueline says, "I likely won't post the transcript right away, but given that he's updating the game, I could send him a raw transcript ahead of posting."
Jacqueline says, "I know we only have half an hour left, but I need a quick bio break. BRB."
Perry says, "Well for Joey's sake: there's some weird malformed markup with the strong tags in the SNEAK <DIR> output."
Jacqueline says, "Back"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, yeah, he'll see all the tags in the raw transcript."
Jacqueline says, "None of that goes away until we run a perl script on it."
Jacqueline clears the save counter.
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "cf1"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite:
CF ] The Security Office 15 turns
CF | survived
CF | > SAVESaved.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search cabinet"
CF ] The Security Office 16 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the wide storage cabinet)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the wide storage cabinet.
CF |
CF | (searching in the drawers of the wide storage cabinet)
CF | (first opening the wide storage cabinet's top drawer)
CF | (searching in the wide storage cabinet's top drawer)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the wide storage cabinet's top drawer.
CF | (first
CF | opening the wide storage cabinet's middle drawer)
CF |
CF | (searching in the wide storage cabinet's middle drawer)
CF | In the wide storage cabinet's middle drawer I see an envirosuit torso.
CF |
CF | (first opening the wide storage cabinet's bottom drawer)
CF |
CF | (searching in the wide storage cabinet's bottom drawer)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the wide storage cabinet's bottom drawer.
CF |
CF | (I learned a new route: JUMP ATOP THE WIDE STORAGE CABINET!)
CF |
CF | "Ready or not, Prey," says the ominous voice over the intercom.
CF | "Here I come!"
CF |
CF | > Perry asks (of Jacq), "How'd you clear the counter?"
Aster exclaims, "Ayyy torso!"
Perry says, "Oh well done. Also, I like that searching both tells you the places it searches and it costs one turn."
Jacqueline says, "You clear the autosave counter by typing CLEAR SAVE and then type PRESS SAVE to use the autosave."
Jacqueline says, "That's why when we end a session we do a unique save for that game."
Jacqueline says, "Because those persist between sessions better than the autosave we have set up."
Jacqueline says, "oooh envirosuit torso"
Jacqueline says, "(Yes, just got that far.)"
gadzoks exclaims, "It's PARKOUR TIME!"
Perry exclaims, "PARKOUR!"
Aster exclaims, "Doesn't jumping attract attention?!"
Jacqueline says, "Oh dear, he comes."
gadzoks exclaims, "Forget the suits, jump on the counter!"
gadzoks says, "Maybe he can't get up there."
Aster exclaims, "No take the suit first!!!"
Jacqueline says, "Well, that's over an intercom or in our head, right? Doesn't mean he's a room away..."
Perry says, "I wonder if jumping /up/ attracts attention compared to a jump down."
Perry says, "Agreed, Jacqueline."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "take suit"
CF ] The Security Office 17 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | Taken.
CF |
CF | I found the torso!
CF |
CF | Only six more envirosuit pieces to go!
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Agreed Jacq"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "wear suit"
CF ] The Security Office 17 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I do not need to wear the suit right now, as it would only slow me
CF | down. I
CF | just need to have all the pieces in my inventory, before heading into
CF | the
CF | Emergency Airlock. I can put the suit pieces on after the
CF | inner Airlock door
CF | is shut!
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Nice."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "jump atopthe wide storage cabinet"
CF ] The Security Office 17 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I see no atopthe wide storage cabinet here.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "jump atop the wide storage cabinet"
CF ] The Security Office (on the wide storage cabinet) 18 turns
CF | survive
CF | >
CF |
CF | I jump and climb atop the wide storage cabinet.
CF |
CF | > Aster asks, "Wanna check the armory also?"
Jacqueline says, "So, I'm not sure what good being up here does right now."
Jade says, "s"
Aster says, "...pretty sure nothing."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF ] The Security Office 17 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | One turn undone: jump atop the wide storage cabinet
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I would like to check the armory before searching other things in here."
Aster says, "Sounds good."
gadzoks asks, "Morning exercise?"
Perry says, "Whoa, it tells you what it undid. That's awesome. I wonder if that's a TADS thing or a custom thing."
Jacqueline says, "huh. Yeah. Not sure."
Aster says, "I think a custom thing? I know Jess did a bunch of tweaking."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak south"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek south"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | south
CF |
CF | I carefully peek south...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Armory...)
CF |
CF | This must be where the weapons are stored...
CF |
CF | ...well, the weapons would be stored on the weapon racks, but
CF | The Predator has
CF | taken them all.
CF |
CF | There are some metal shelves, a storage locker, and a storage cabinet
CF | on the
CF | east wall, across from the racks.
CF |
CF | To the north is the Security Office.
CF | [More] Perry says, "Sorry, I'm getting more distracted than normal about implementation details."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Armory 18 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Security Office...)
CF |
CF | The Armory
CF | This must be where the weapons are stored...
CF |
CF | ...well, the weapons would be stored on the weapon racks, but
CF | The Predator has
CF | taken them all.
CF |
CF | There are some metal shelves, a storage locker, and a storage cabinet
CF | on the
CF | east wall, across from the racks.
CF |
CF | To the north is the Security Office.
CF |
CF | The exit door (south) is closed.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "So the armory is empty. I guess we should have anticipated that."
Aster says (to perry), "Oh wait, I checked in my own crappy TADS game and I think it's part of TADS"
gadzoks says, "We could play dead in the sleeping quarters."
Perry says (to Aster), "Thanks. Some other engines should get on that."
Aster exclaims (at jacq), "Yeah....but we did find the torso at least!"
Jacqueline says, "Yep. That was good."
Jacqueline asks, "Do we want to dally here, searching, or go try to thwart him somehow?"
Aster says, "I doubt thwarting him is possible"
Perry says, "No reason to believe we're under time pressure yet. I think he was giving us a head start or something."
Perry says, "Well, extreme time pressure anyway."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x shelves"
CF ] The Armory 18 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | Rough, metal shelves for storing various items.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "The assembly shop sounds interesting, but it's pretty far away."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x items"
CF ] The Armory 18 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I see no items here.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x locker"
CF ] The Armory 18 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A plain, metal locker. It's a standard design for storing all sorts
CF | of things.
CF | A person could probably hide in it, too!
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Assuming the corridor is dangerous right now, at least."
Aster says, "Not that far, it's in B and we're in E-ish."
Perry says, "Can also go through via classroom."
Aster says, "Good point."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x cabinet"
CF ] The Armory 18 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A standard, metal wide storage cabinet. It has a top, middle, and
CF | bottom
CF | drawer for storage.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x racks"
CF ] The Armory 18 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | Rough, metal shelves for storing various items.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search locker"
CF ] The Armory 19 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the locker)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the locker.
CF |
CF | (searching in the locker)
CF | (first opening the locker)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the locker.
CF |
CF | (I learned a new route: JUMP ATOP THE LOCKER!)
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "cool"
Aster says, "I think the idea with the tall shelves in this and the security office is that you can climb up around the shelves if the Predator is in this room or in another."
Perry says, "I'm still a bit confused about what parkour routes like that actually get us."
Perry says, "Wow Aster just predicting what I'm about to ask."
Aster says, "Another close by, I mean."
Aster exclaims, "Hehe!"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search cabinet"
CF ] The Armory 20 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the wide storage cabinet)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the wide storage cabinet.
CF |
CF | (searching in the drawers of the wide storage cabinet)
CF | (first opening the wide storage cabinet's top drawer)
CF | (searching in the wide storage cabinet's top drawer)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the wide storage cabinet's top drawer.
CF | (first
CF | opening the wide storage cabinet's middle drawer)
CF |
CF | (searching in the wide storage cabinet's middle drawer)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the wide storage cabinet's middle drawer.
CF | (first
CF | opening the wide storage cabinet's bottom drawer)
CF |
CF | (searching in the wide storage cabinet's bottom drawer)
CF | In the wide storage cabinet's bottom drawer I see envirosuit bottoms.
CF |
CF | (I learned a new route: JUMP ATOP THE WIDE STORAGE CABINET!)
CF |
CF | > Aster exclaims, "Bottoms!!"
Aster says, "Take those."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "take bottoms"
CF ] The Armory 21 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I take envirosuit bottoms.
CF |
CF | I found the torso and bottoms!
CF |
CF | Only five more envirosuit pieces to go!
CF |
CF | > Aster exclaims, "Nice!"
Jacqueline asks, "N?"
Perry says, "Yeah."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak n"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek north"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | north
CF |
CF | I carefully peek north...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Security Office...)
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Armory...)
CF |
CF | The Security Office
CF | A room where the guards used to spend a lot of time, probably.
CF |
CF | The north wall is covered in busted-up security monitors, while the
CF | west wall
CF | is lined by a storage cabinet, closet, and locker. A single desk sits
CF | near the
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Security Office 22 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF | monitors from the half
CF | without.
CF |
CF | A way south leads to the Armory.
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the east, I hear the muffled ka-thud
CF | of the Breakroom
CF | door automatically closing. ...Wait, was I supposed to hear
CF | that just then...?
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "no, no, that is bad"
Aster says, "I didn't expect get lucky twice."
gadzoks says, "Yeah, we want to go in the other direction."
Jacqueline says, "But that means he's a bit away still"
Aster says, "So the breakroom is south...let's go out and north"
gadzoks asks, "We aren't too cool for school, are we?"
Aster says, "Oh yeah let's head to the classroom"
Jacqueline asks, "Search the closet? the locker?"
Perry says, "Arguably good because now we know where he's near. Though I don't know how many turns it takes for a door to auto-close."
Jacqueline asks, "What's magical and enticing about the classroom?"
Jacqueline says, "We can hide here."
Aster says, "It leads to the assembly shop"
Perry exclaims, "The classroom might have cool textbooks!"
Perry says, "Oh that too."
Aster says, "the classroom is closer and also has that exit out to the north."
Jacqueline says, "And still have places to search - though I suppose one piece per room seems a high enough piece-to-room-ratio"
Aster says, "Yeah i think that's probably a good guess."
Jacqueline asks, "So, sneak to the Classroom unless I encounter something?"
Aster exclaims, "Might as well try it!"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak east"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (D)...)
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Security Office...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the exit door)
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (D)
CF | I am in the north end of the hall.
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (D) 23 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Security Office
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The Security Office door (west) and the Administration door (east) are
CF | closed.
CF |
CF | The Predator's voice can be heard over the intercom:
CF |
CF | "Prey, I might like to cause alarm, but the Freezer
CF | door is evidence of your
CF | presence!"
CF |
CF | From the northeast, I hear the nearby sound of The Predator's
CF | voice.
CF |
CF | > Aster asks, "Also the breakroom has no exits, does....this....mean that the Predator was just chilling in the breakroom?"
Jacqueline says, "We all gotta have work-life balance, Aster."
Aster says, "That's fair, I just like the idea of him sipping a coffee waiting for us to find the first armor piece"
gadzoks asks, "Did we forget to close the freezer door?"
Jacqueline says, "Yes."
Aster says, "I think we did. Luckily that means he's looking there though."
Jacqueline says, "That is the only one that didn't get closed with 'sneak'"
Perry says, "About 76% of Predator's are about of the Predator Workers' Union and are entitled to no more than 30 minute breaks per working day."
gadzoks says, "I wonder if we can create a diversion somewhere."
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "I've heard that, yeah."
Perry says (to Aster), "or he's just trying to psyche us out and isn't necessarily lurking around there."
gadzoks says, "Though we don't really have an inventory and these rooms are very bare."
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "Although 67% of all statistics are made up."
Aster asks, "We could keep the security office door open and head to the classroom?"
Jacqueline says, "(Including this one.)"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open security room door"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (D) 23 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I see no security room door here.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Oh oops i meant Security Office. Dang"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open security office door"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (D) 24 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I open the Security Office door.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "Can I go SE? Or is it two moves?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak se"
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (D) 24 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I can't go that way. From here I could go east, south, west or
CF | northeast.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "mrm mmkey"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak s"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek south"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | south
CF |
CF | I carefully peek south...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (E)...)
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (D)...)
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (E)
CF | I am near the middle of the hall.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and south.
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Main Hallway Ring (E) 25 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF | Office door (in the north
CF | end of the hall) is currently open, but I probably knew that.
CF |
CF | > Aster asks, "East into the classroom?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak e"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the Classroom
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the Classroom door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Classroom...)
CF |
CF | Scattered desks indicate frequent chases have occurred here before. A
CF | teacher's desk sits against the north wall, beside a projector screen.
CF |
CF | To the east, a passage curves north to the Common Room.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (E)...)
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | The Classroom
CF | Scattered desks indicate frequent chases have occurred here before. A
CF | teacher's desk sits against the north wall, beside a projector screen.
CF |
CF | To the east, a passage curves north to the Common Room.
CF |
CF | I can see some chairs here.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The Clone Sleeping Quarters door (south) and the exit door (west) are
CF | closed.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Frequent chases here before...."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x chairs"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A collection of chairs, each made to factory standard.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Hmm, I wonder if it comes down to it we could throw the chairs at Predator."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x desks"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A collection of desks with a fake wood grain surfaces. All are made
CF | to factory
CF | standard.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "take chair"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | There are too many to choose, and I cannot take them all.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "Push the desks against the door?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "take one chair"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | There are too many to choose, and I cannot take them all.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Wow. Analysis paralysis."
Aster says, "I meant more like, if he was in here, but it seems not."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "push desk against door"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I see no desk against door here.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "push desk"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | The teacher's desk is fixed in place.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "push chair"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | There's no point trying to push those.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "push desks"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | The desks are fixed in place.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "Push to door maybe?"
Perry says (to Aster), "good to learn what we can do though."
Jacqueline says, "okay, okay"
gadzoks says, "THough it doesn't seem to work."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "chair to door"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't understand that command.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Yeah, I think the main thing with this game is just running"
Aster says, "And searching"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x teacher's desk"
CF ] The Classroom 26 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A desk with a fake wood grain surface.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search teacher's desk"
CF ] The Classroom 27 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I find nothing of interest on the teacher's desk.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the west, I hear the muffled ka-thud
CF | of the Security
CF | Office door automatically closing.
CF |
CF | The Predator's voice can be heard over the intercom:
CF |
CF | "Bad form, Prey! You let the Security Office door slam shut!
CF | That means you're
CF | near The Security Office, right...?"
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the west, I hear the muffled sound of The
CF | Predator's
CF | voice.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "huh"
Aster says, "Push isn't a command re: the list of verbs"
gadzoks says, "We opened it again."
Aster says, "Oooh so there is an auto close."
Jacqueline says, "huh"
Jacqueline asks, "And it's time delayed?"
Perry says, "Yeah."
gadzoks exclaims, "Ooh, bad move!"
Aster exclaims, "I think so!"
Aster says, "That sounds useful."
gadzoks says, "We could create a diversion, yeah."
Perry says, "When'd we re-open the door, though."
Jacqueline says, "yeah, might be a feature, not a bug."
gadzoks exclaims, "Then run like hell!"
Perry says, "Oh, never mind."
gadzoks asks, "Anyone played 7th Guest?"
Jacqueline says, "Definitely played that."
Jade says, "I did twice"
gadzoks says, "You'd have to hear that every time you made a mistake."
Aster says, "Yee, that means he's searching around the security office though so we'd better search this place or head north"
Jacqueline asks, "So, I'm sorry for 'searching' the teacher's desk - I figued it had drawers. Should I undo?"
Perry says, "Nah."
Aster says, "nah it's fine"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x projector screen"
CF ] The Classroom 27 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A wide, smooth canvas, perfect for displaying a projected image.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "oh i guess not north but ne."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x projector"
CF ] The Classroom 27 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | A large projector hangs from the ceiling.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Now I want to use that to project an image of US, but I doubt that works."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, same."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "turn on projector"
CF ] The Classroom 27 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | The projector cannot be reached.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "I think we could leave traces of our steps for the predator to follow, even if in the wrong direction."
gadzoks says, "Maybe our dear friend predator has bad eyesight."
gadzoks asks, "Spit on something?"
gadzoks exclaims, "Forensics!"
Jacqueline says (to gadzoks), "Yes, I still say, 'I'm going to have to start again,' to my husband when he messes up."
Jacqueline says, "Ancient 7th Guest joke."
Jacqueline asks, "So, NE?"
Aster says, "lets"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak ne"
CF ] The Classroom 27 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I can't go that way. From here I could go east, south or west.
CF |
CF | > Perry says (to gadzoks), "I thought when you said project an image of us you meant of the United States and was really confused..."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak e"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek east"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek around the passage...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Common Room...)
CF |
CF | This room looks like it's being renovated, except all the tools and
CF | scraps of
CF | trash are nowhere to be found. Someone seems to have torn out the
CF | ceiling
CF | tiles, leaving a support beam (and two vents) exposed.
CF |
CF | Against the west wall, a chess table and fridge sit next to each
CF | other, and a
CF | decorative display shelf sits above both of them. To the north is the
CF | Assembly
CF | Shop, and a passage to the south (curving to the west) leads to the
CF | Classroom.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF | [More] Aster says, "Vents!! That could be useful."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF ] The Common Room 28 turns
CF | survived
CF | [More]
CF | (returning my attention to The Classroom...)
CF |
CF | The Common Room
CF | This room looks like it's being renovated, except all the tools and
CF | scraps of
CF | trash are nowhere to be found. Someone seems to have torn out the
CF | ceiling
CF | tiles, leaving a support beam (and two vents) exposed.
CF |
CF | Against the west wall, a chess table and fridge sit next to each
CF | other, and a
CF | decorative display shelf sits above both of them. To the north is the
CF | Assembly
CF | Shop, and a passage to the south (curving to the west) leads to the
CF | Classroom.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the east, I hear the din of industrious life
CF | support.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x vent"
CF ] The Common Room 28 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | Thin cross-hatch wires over a rectangular, aluminum frame. Someone
CF | has
CF | installed a fabricated hinge, making it readily-accessible to someone
CF | in a
CF | pinch.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "As in, we could climb and hide n the vents if needed."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search fridge"
CF ] The Common Room 29 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the snack fridge)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the snack fridge.
CF |
CF | (searching in the snack fridge)
CF | (first opening the snack fridge)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the snack fridge.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the east, I hear the activity of air moving through
CF | ducts.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Maybe we could make noise in the vents."
Jade says, "search it"
Jacqueline says, "Wait. Wait wait wait."
gadzoks says, "But there aren't really any items around for that."
Aster says, "We should probably only do that if we're not close to the vents..."
Jacqueline asks, "I cannot parkor my way up on top of the fridge??"
Aster says, "Because otherwise the Predator will hear us."
Aster says, "Snack fridges tend to be mini fridges"
Aster says, "So like. 2 feet high"
Jacqueline says, "I wanted to vault from the fridge to the vents."
Jacqueline says (to Aster), "Oh."
Aster asks, "It describes a support beam, try searching that?"
Jacqueline says, "I missed the word 'snack'"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "climb onto support beam"
CF ] The Common Room 29 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | The top of the exposed support beam is out of reach, because I am on
CF | the floor
CF | of The Common Room.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "climb onto chess table"
CF ] The Common Room (on the chess table) 30 turns
CF | survived
CF | >
CF |
CF | I climb atop the chess table.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the north, I hear the muffled ka-thud of
CF | the Delivery Room
CF | door automatically closing.
CF | Through a wall to the east, I hear the racket of industrious life
CF | support.
CF |
CF | > Aster says, "Ok, so the predator is searching around the delivery room, presumably."
Aster says, "Or was."
Jacqueline asks, "The Delivery Rom is east, isn't it?"
gadzoks exclaims, "Or that's just what he wants us to think!"
gadzoks says, "I, where we came from."
Aster says, "Yeah, and not accessible to here unless you go through the hallway."
gadzoks says, "Next to the freezer."
Aster asks, "Try 'search support beam'?"
Jacqueline says, "We're at time for today, but I like this and think we should continue it next week."
Aster exclaims, "Yes I agree!"
Jacqueline says, "If others concur."
Jacqueline says, "Timing"
Aster says, "I wanna play it myself now...."
Aster asks, "That's allowed right?"
gadzoks says, "As long as you don't give away solutions, I assume so."
Aster says, "My lips are sealed."
Jacqueline says, "Well, if you play alone then you can't really play with the group."
Aster says, "Fair enough"
Aster says, "I'll wait then"
Aster exclaims, "I'm just on the edge of my seat haha!"
Jacqueline says, "You can play solo, but then you have info we don't have and are thus BANISHED. You can be here with us, but have to keep your mouth shut for the most part."
Jacqueline says, "So I guess you're not really banished."
Jacqueline says, "But you're shushed."
gadzoks asks, "Not one of us?"
Aster says, "Understood, I will wait with bated breath."
Aster says, "An hour seems very short, sigh."
Jacqueline says, "It was two hours."
Aster exclaims, "Two hours!"
Aster says, "Wow, time flies."
Jacqueline says, "Yep."
gadzoks says, "I think we played for 6 hours when I was here last, but maybe that was an exception."
gadzoks asks, "Is NightFloyd still a thing?"
Jacqueline says, "Sometimes people go long, but I like to keep it to the two hour limit. I have some plans a bit later, need to get ready."
Aster says, "We can probably use more time when we're not going through the prologue and spending time on screenreader deliberating, haha."
Jacqueline says (to gazoks), "Not these days, no. That was another person who ran that."
Aster says, "*utilize more time"
Jacqueline says (to Aster), "Definitely."
Jacqueline says, "A lot of today was just reading and then being freaked out."
Aster exclaims, "It does the freaking you out part well!"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "save"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite:
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "prey01"
CF ] The Common Room (on the chess table) 30 turns
CF | survived
CF | > SAVESaved.
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "Great game, this is a different flavour."
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "Something, yeah."
Aster says (to Jade), "Absolutely"
Jacqueline says (to Jade), "Agreed."
Jade says, "I have enjoyed the gameplay but sometimes this was too many fast for me."
*** SESSION 2 ***
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "load sleepmask iamprey096beta"
CF | Are you using a screen reader to play this story?
CF |
CF | (The choices are
CF | Y for "Yes", or
CF | N for "No".)
CF |
CF | Type in your choice here: Pinkunz says, "They haven't put a new IF out since 2019, so I thought that was noteworthy."
Perry says (to gadzoks), "what I do myself is I have a reflex that just sends everything I type as f <whatever> unless it's ; <whatever>"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | Content warning:
CF |
CF | [>>] Violence
CF | [>>] Frequent crude language
CF | [>>] Rare mentions of suicide
CF |
CF | Anxiety warning:
CF |
CF | This game features an active antagonist, so your turns must be spent
CF | wisely!
CF |
CF | Note on randomness and UNDO:
CF |
CF | Elements of this game are randomized, with casual replayability in
CF | mind. Use
CF | of UNDO will not change the outcomes of randomized events.
CF |
CF | Rest assured that your survival is not decided by randomness.
CF |
CF | [More] DavidW asks, "Liza Daly?"
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF |
CF | Note for new and experienced players:
CF |
CF | This will not be a standard parser game. Players of all skill
CF | levels should
CF | consult Prey's Survival Guide (which should have come with
CF | this game), or use
CF | the GUIDE command for the in-game version of the document.
CF |
CF | There are a number of new game mechanics ahead, and they were not
CF | designed with
CF | the traditions of this medium in mind.
CF |
CF | For more information, experienced parser players should use the
CF | command.
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | Choose your difficulty
CF | 1 = Cat Mode
CF | You are new to interactive fiction ("IF"), and are not versed in the
CF | usual
CF | controls or mechanics of parser-based text games.
CF | This tutorial will also introduce you to the game's parkour
CF | movement mechanics!
CF |
CF | (You play as the Predator's pet cat, and cannot read notes.
CF | However, the
CF | Predator will not chase you, so you can freely explore the
CF | majority of the map
CF | at your own pace.)
CF |
CF | 2 = Prey Tutorial
CF | You are new to I Am Prey, and have not used the stealth or
CF | chase mechanics
CF | before.
CF |
CF | (The Predator will only fall for each type of
CF | trick three times.)
CF |
CF | 3 = Easy Mode
CF | The Predator has had a string of victories, and will go easy on you,
CF | mostly for
CF | his own entertainment.
CF |
CF | (The Predator will only fall for each type of
CF | trick two times.)
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | 4 = Medium Mode
CF | The Predator revels in his apparent sense of superiority over you.
CF | This hunt
CF | will have the typical amount of sadism.
CF |
CF | (The Predator will only fall for each type of
CF | trick one time.)
CF |
CF | 5 = Hard Mode
CF | The Predator must be furious, and is taking all of his rage out on
CF | you, during
CF | this hunt.
CF |
CF | (The Predator will only fall for a total of three
CF | tricks, regardless of type,
CF | and the prologue will be skipped.)
CF |
CF | 6 = Nightmare Mode
CF | What the heck?! Something has really gotten into the
CF | Predator today! His
CF | cruelty is insatiable!
CF |
CF | (The Predator will never fall for any tricks,
CF | and the prologue will be
CF | skipped.)
CF |
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "restore prey01"
CF | >
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | Invalid choice.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "restore"
CF | >
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | Invalid choice.
CF |
CF | > Perry says (to investor), "By the way, there's some weird markup issues with the strong tags in some places, like the above and in the auto-sneaky text."
Pinkunz says, "I think it's still in choice mode."
Jacqueline asks, "I am probably doing something stupid. What am I doing?"
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
inventor says (to Perry), "Ahahaha, yeah, I'm noticing. That's kinda silly."
Pinkunz says, "I think you need to pick a mode first, and then it'll allow the restore."
Jacqueline says, "This is still not a real prompt yet."
Jacqueline says, "yeah"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "2"
CF |
CF | When I realize I'm alive, I'm not really sure how much time has
CF | passed. The
CF | only thing I do know is that I seem to be dreaming.
CF |
CF | Well... Something is delivering this dream to me...
CF |
CF | It has taught me language, but only the words necessary for
CF | listening and
CF | obedience. I have no way of knowing how much it is withholding, and I
CF | lack the
CF | vocabulary to test its veracity.
CF |
CF | The rapid rate of delivery is overwhelming, and it expects my
CF | ignorance,
CF | compliance, and attention. Every advantage is attempted--within
CF | my own head,
CF | no less...!
CF |
CF | Above all, it expects to be accepted, without a hint of
CF | rejection. It cannot
CF | conceive of a scenario where I do not simply roll over and
CF | obey.
CF |
CF | (pg 1 of 4)
CF | [More] Pinkunz says, "Well, I guess you're getting the prologue anyway, DW."
Jacqueline asks, "Should have probably chosen a hard level to get me past the text. Inventor, did I miss an early opportunity to restore?"
Jacqueline says, "I mean, true. We could let DW read the prologue."
inventor exclaims, "No, the beta is just kinda like this, lol... Sorry...!"
Jacqueline says, "I'll give him a sec to catch up."
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "Ah, well! Then that is a recommendation I would make. :)"
Pinkunz gets a drink and a snack.
DavidW asks, "I think I've read what's been printed so far?"
inventor says, "I do have a mode implement for post-comp that skips all of this and puts you in a safe room, specifically for loading."
Jacqueline says, "A lot of games like this will start with 'Do you wish to restore a game? Y/N' as the first thing."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | It preaches strange things to me:
CF |
CF | Impoverished masses allegedly storming the shores of a crumbling
CF | empire.
CF |
CF | A starving workforce refusing to sell their lives for profit, and
CF | supposedly
CF | straying from the light of a "hard day's work".
CF |
CF | There is a decline in mimicry for certain vacuous behaviors, once
CF | inspired by
CF | the "true-blooded few".
CF |
CF | The Enemy is said to be a powerful colossus of culture, and
CF | yet--somehow--it is
CF | also egregiously incompetent, almost to the point of
CF | self-satire.
CF |
CF | Above all, none of it makes any fucking sense, but it's still
CF | told to me with
CF | bold self-assurance.
CF |
CF | (pg 2 of 4)
CF | [More] Jacqueline asks, "DW... Why don't you press space as you're ready, until we hit a prompt?"
DavidW says, "I'm rather worried that this is quite different from standard IF and all my usual knowhow will be unhelpful."
Perry says, "It's not /that/ different, just SEARCH is special really."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "I don't think you'll need to worry about that, tbh."
Perry says, "And a lot of information commands (except for search) are generous in not costing a turn, which I deeply appreciate."
DavidW says, "I'm already not understanding the premise."
inventor writes notes down. "I tried putting the choice to load in the opening screen, but TADS didn't like that...heheh. If I can figure that out, though, I'm going for that."
Knight_Otu says, "We are no strangers to lengthhy introductions, though. The two long concept/content warnings for Cragne come to mind."
Jacqueline says, "You will as you keep reading, I think."
Pinkunz says (to DW), "You're intuition about standard IF intuition is likely correct."
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | Something within me--native to my own mind--has reflexes. Without
CF | articulation, I see the dream's frailty. I seem to be designed for
CF | quick
CF | thinking, out-maneuvering, empathy, and tactics. I was
CF | originally born to "get
CF | the job done", at any cost.
CF |
CF | The intruder seems to think I am its servant. My genesis--as
CF | well as its own--
CF | were both initiated by those who only understood the world in terms of
CF | grandstanding and profit.
CF |
CF | Best of all: The invader of my mind seems to underestimate me, and
CF | my creators
CF | are not here to advise it to take any caution...
CF |
CF | (pg 3 of 4)
CF | [More]
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | Before I can make any counter-attack, my lungs suddenly fill with
CF | liquid, and I
CF | begin to drown.
CF |
CF | I thrash, gnash, and claw at the sensation.
CF |
CF | Something gives way, and the waking world washes away the final shreds
CF | of
CF | whatever dream (or nightmare) that was being injected into me...
CF |
CF | (pg 4 of 4)
CF | [More] DavidW asks, "embroyonic fluid?"
Perry says, "Yup"
inventor grins. DavidW says, "Needs vanilla."
Jacqueline says, "Welcome... to the non-Matrix."
Jacqueline says (to DW), "heh"
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Delivery Room (in the catch net) 0 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | version 0.9.6 BETA (Patch 6)
CF |
CF | A game of evasion, by Joey Cramsey
CF |
CF | "This is based on a recurring nightmare of mine, so now it's your
CF | problem,
CF | too!"
CF |
CF | ABOUT for a general summary.
CF | CREDITS for author and tester credits.
CF | HELP for tutorials and assistance.
CF |
CF | Use the SNEAK (or "SN") command to automatically sneak
CF | around the map! For
CF | example:
CF |
CF | REMEMBER: This is a learning tool! The SNEAK
CF | command will be disabled outside
CF | of tutorial modes, meaning you will need to remember to
CF | [More] inventor chuckles.
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "You can pose/emote on channels, too. Just do ;:grins."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, you got it, yeah."
DavidW asks, "Do you remember Changes where we started as a bunny emerging from a cocoon?"
Jacqueline says, "... I do not."
inventor nods to Jacq. "Yeee, I'm just clumsy on keyboard sometimes, eheheh."
Perry says (to DavidW), "Bunnies are mammals, silly."
DavidW says, "Alien bunny"
DavidW says (to ClubFloyd), "about" inventor moves "fix intro loading option" higher on the list of post-comp fixes...
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | If you'd rather practice without auto-sneak, simply enter in SNEAK
CF |
CF | REMEMBER: You are always free to TURN SNEAK BACK ON in a
CF | tutorial mode!
CF |
CF |
CF | The Delivery Room (in the catch net)
CF |
CF | Happy birthday! I am drenched in a mix of embryonic slime
CF | and water!
CF |
CF | I cough, but it transforms into vomiting, and most of it lands on my
CF | own body.
CF | I seem to be cradled in some kind of large, rubbery fishnet mesh,
CF | likely
CF | designed to catch newborns like me.
CF |
CF | Human newborns are tiny, and cry when entering the world. Clone
CF | newborns seem
CF | to arrive fully-grown--if my factory-standard memories are reliable in
CF | that
CF | regard--and so far I have been a bit too delirious to do much of
CF | anything.
CF |
CF | The ceiling tiles have been removed here, to make the room taller. On
CF | the west
CF | wall, three artificial wombs hang on suspended metal frames. Each has
CF | dark
CF | cables running into them from an opening in the northwest corner of
CF | the
CF | ceiling. In the southwest corner, a towel rack, makeup vanity, and
CF | wardrobe
CF | [More]
DavidW pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF |
CF | I am in the catch net.
CF |
CF | I can see a stool here.
CF |
CF | In the wardrobe closet I see an uniform.
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "okay."
Pinkunz says, "Now restore should work."
Jacqueline says, "So, this is the actual prompt, yeah."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "restore"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to read:
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "prey01"
CF | The Common Room (on the chess table) 30 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF | Restored.
CF |
CF | The Common Room (on the chess table)
CF | This room looks like it's being renovated, except all the tools and
CF | scraps of
CF | trash are nowhere to be found. Someone seems to have torn out the
CF | ceiling
CF | tiles, leaving a support beam (and two vents) exposed.
CF |
CF | Against the west wall, a chess table and fridge sit next to each
CF | other, and a
CF | decorative display shelf sits above both of them. To the north is the
CF | Assembly
CF | Shop, and a passage to the south (curving to the west) leads to the
CF | Classroom.
CF |
CF | I am on the chess table.
CF |
CF | > inventor coughs awkwardly, and moves intro loading fix EVEN HIGHER on the list...
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "All good."
inventor grins.
Jacqueline asks, "So, we think that the hunter is in the hallway, somewhere around the armory?"
Knight_Otu says, "Just casually squatting on the table, pretening to be chess royalty."
Perry says, "We thought it was full-scale Wizard's Chess."
Jacqueline asks, "We were wanting to try to get to ... where again? What did we decide to head toward?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "i"
CF | The Common Room (on the chess table) 30 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF | > I
CF |
CF | I am carrying envirosuit bottoms and an envirosuit torso.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "We have two pieces and there are... how many again? Four?"
Pinkunz asks, "7?"
Perry says, "Seven."
inventor nods.
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Knight_Otu asks, "Why carrying and not wearing?"
Jacqueline says, "It says we don't want to yet."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "wear bottoms"
CF | The Common Room (on the chess table) 30 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | I do not need to wear the suit right now, as it would only slow me
CF | down. I
CF | just need to have all the pieces in my inventory, before heading into
CF | the
CF | Emergency Airlock. I can put the suit pieces on after the
CF | inner Airlock door
CF | is shut!
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Ah."
Perry exclaims, "We wanna keep our birthday suit on!"
Pinkunz says, "Two arms, a Helmet, and two boots? I don't remember for sure. But it was 7 altogether."
gadzoks says, "We have to put them on once we reach the airlock. Until then, we're going commando."
Jacqueline says, "Okay, so we still need to find a lot of stuff."
inventor exclaims (at Perry), "It is our birthday, after all!"
Perry says, "I'm not actually sure how we are carrying the items."
Perry says, "Immersion RUINED."
gadzoks says (to inventor), "Missed opportunity re: tops/bottoms. As an aside."
DavidW says, "So the outfit is like Hangman in reverse."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, kinda."
Jacqueline says, "And we have this thing hunting us while we look."
Pinkunz says (to DW), "Good analogy."
Pinkunz says, "Horror reverse Hangman."
Perry asks, "Isn't normal hangman pretty horror already?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | The Common Room (on the chess table) 30 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Common Room (on the chess table)
CF | This room looks like it's being renovated, except all the tools and
CF | scraps of
CF | trash are nowhere to be found. Someone seems to have torn out the
CF | ceiling
CF | tiles, leaving a support beam (and two vents) exposed.
CF |
CF | Against the west wall, a chess table and fridge sit next to each
CF | other, and a
CF | decorative display shelf sits above both of them. To the north is the
CF | Assembly
CF | Shop, and a passage to the south (curving to the west) leads to the
CF | Classroom.
CF |
CF | I am on the chess table.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says (to Perry), "yes"
Jacqueline says, "Oh, right. We were fiddling (or trying to fiddle) around with that vent."
Pinkunz says (to Perry), "I think (at least American) schoolchildren get numb to the horror of the game as it's casually played in classrooms at a young age. Pretty dark in retrospect."
gadzoks asks, "I have no memory of a chess table. I thought we quit the game in the classroom last week?"
gadzoks says, "Wait, never mind. There was that fridge."
Jacqueline says, "This is just ne of there."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
Jacqueline says, "I think we got on the chess table thinking we could get to the vent, but that did not work."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open fridge"
CF | The Common Room (on the chess table) 30 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | That part of the snack fridge is out of reach, because I am on the
CF | chess table.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF | The Common Room 31 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I climb down to the floor.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the east, I hear the activity of industrial fans.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "Wait, what am I supposed to do in tutorial mode to be turn efficient? 'search fridge'?"
gadzoks says, "Clearly we will have to play a game of chess once Predator catches us, as the only way to win."
Jacqueline asks, "Or something else?"
Perry says, "Tutorial mode just gives you sneak, which does the slew of listen/peek commands and door management."
Perry says, "But yes, search."
Pinkunz says, "I think search costs a turn regardless."
gadzoks says, "Tutorial mode also lets us use each trick 3 times."
Knight_Otu says, "...gadzoks I think traditionally that's death, not predator."
Jacqueline says, "Right, I just didn't know if did all the searching. Like multiple drawers and stuff."
Perry says, "That too."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search fridge"
CF | The Common Room 31 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the snack fridge)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the snack fridge.
CF |
CF | (searching in the snack fridge)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the snack fridge.
CF |
CF | > inventor says (to gadzoks), "Hiding a chess-against-Predator minigame would be so fun, ahahaha..."
Jacqueline says, "Okay, yeah, it searches multiple places."
Perry says, "Oh, that didn't cost a turn."
Jacqueline says, "Huh. Why didn't it."
Perry says, "Nothing found I guess."
Perry says, "Oh, aww, I was going to make the same chess joke."
Pinkunz says, "Pinkunz is wrong is the likeliest expanation."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search shelf"
CF | The Common Room 32 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | On the display shelf I see a potted plant.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the east, I hear the racket of industrious life
CF | support.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Weird that the fridge did not cost me a turn but that did."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Common Room 31 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: search shelf
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "look at shelf"
CF | The Common Room 31 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | A simple metal shelf for displaying a potted plant. On the display
CF | shelf I see
CF | a potted plant.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Since it found stuff."
Jacqueline says, "I found the same thing by looking without losing a turn."
Pinkunz says, "That might be it."
Perry says, "Little weird, yeah."
Jacqueline asks, "So, N?"
Perry says, "Ye"
Pinkunz says, "Sounds good to me."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | The Assembly Shop 32 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop
CF | There's evidence suggesting more machines used to be housed here, but
CF | only one
CF | remains.
CF |
CF | A CNC machine sits in the southeast corner of the room. Far above it,
CF | on the
CF | east wall, I see a vent.
CF |
CF | A way to the Common Room is to the south, while the exit door is to
CF | the north.
CF |
CF | The exit door (north) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the east, I hear the din of air moving through
CF | ducts.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x machine"
CF | The Assembly Shop 32 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | A large table, with a drill-like machine, which moves around the table
CF | on a
CF | translating frame. It's used to cut precise shapes out of wood and
CF | metal.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Wonder if that is scenery or a solution to something."
Pinkunz asks, "Obvious vent above CNC machine?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x vent"
CF | The Assembly Shop 32 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | Thin cross-hatch wires over a rectangular, aluminum frame. Someone
CF | has
CF | installed a fabricated hinge, making it readily-accessible to someone
CF | in a
CF | pinch.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "I'd try playing with the CNC machine. Maybe it's programmed to cut something helpful."
Knight_Otu says, "Maybe for cutting shpes out of predators? Unlikely, I know."
inventor writes more notes...
Jacqueline says (to KO), "I had that same goulish thought."
gadzoks asks, "We could make a cardboard cutout out of ourselves, to trick him?"
Knight_Otu says, "(Also, that would orphan the predator's cat.)"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "use machine"
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't recognize the command USE, because it's a bit too vague;
CF | please be more
CF | specific about what you want to do.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Not sure how dim the lights are in here..."
Pinkunz asks, "At the very least, turn it on and leave to distract the Predator?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "turn on machine"
CF | The Assembly Shop 32 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | The Predator has locked the controls to this machine.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Oh, that too"
Perry says, "BOOO"
Jacqueline says, "Gosh dern it, Predator."
Perry says, "Predator is anti-fun."
inventor laughs!
DavidW says, "No jigsaw puzzle for you"
Pinkunz says, "Predator is very thorough."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open vent"
CF | The Assembly Shop 33 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south
CF |
CF |
CF | I open the vent grate.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the east, I hear the noise of industrious life
CF | support.
CF |
CF | > Perry asks, "They've done this... dozens of times?"
Jacqueline asks, "Holy - how did I reach that?"
Pinkunz says (to Perry), "True true."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "enter vent"
CF | The Central Ventilation Node 34 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | (first climbing to the CNC machine)
CF |
CF | The Central Ventilation Node
CF | I find that I have to crawl here, confined to a claustrophobic duct of
CF | metal
CF | panels. The Central Ventilation Node is the heart of air circulation
CF | systems
CF | for the core facility rooms. There is hardly any light here, which
CF | forces me
CF | to rely entirely on my natural night vision.
CF |
CF | The ducts contort into four directions: north to the Assembly Shop,
CF | east to Lab
CF | A, south to Life Support, and west to the Common Room.
CF |
CF | A patch of dried blood and bones can be seen in the corner.
CF |
CF | (The vent grate falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "The game mentioned a hinge in the description."
Knight_Otu asks (of Jacq), "Carefully on tiptoes?"
DavidW fondly remembers shooting a jigsaw puzzle piece through a window using a giant makeshift slingshot.
Jacqueline says (to gadzoks), "Yeah, but it said this was 'far above' the machine. We couldn't reach it in the last room, I don't think."
Pinkunz says (to KO), "That was my understanding. You could just reach it, but needed to climb the CNC machine to get in."
Knight_Otu asks (of David), "That was Augmented Fourth, wasm't it?"
DavidW says (to Knight), "correct!"
Jacqueline says, "oh dear"
gadzoks says (to Jacqueline), "Oh yeah. Missed that part."
Knight_Otu says, "We did cut a jig, there. With a jig-saw."
Pinkunz says, "Huh, it does say *far* above it."
Perry says, "Oo, free dried blood and bones though."
Jacqueline says, "Just noticed the blood and bones in the corner."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah."
Perry says, "Ha"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x blood"
CF | The Central Ventilation Node 34 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | Something probably ate a previous prey clone here...
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "So we are not safe in here. Got it."
Knight_Otu says, "Bon appetit."
Pinkunz asks, "Snack?"
Perry asks, "Slurp time?"
Jacqueline looks at Knight, does a little Chef's Kiss gesture.
gadzoks says, "Also the vent grate *fell* close. Might have made some noise."
Pinkunz says, "All new meaning to "Slurpee""
Jacqueline says (to gadzoks), "Yeah, I saw that too. Right as I was about to type >CLOSE GRATE."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "slurp blood" Perry says, "This better work"
CF | The Central Ventilation Node 34 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | I don't understand that command.
CF |
CF | >
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "slurp bones" inventor laughs out loud, and writes more notes.
CF | The Central Ventilation Node 34 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | I don't understand that command.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Unplayable."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "lick blood"
CF | The Central Ventilation Node 34 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | The dried blood is not important.
CF |
CF | > inventor laughs even harder!
gadzoks exclaims (at CF), "says you!"
Jacqueline says, "I feel like the blood is at least a little important."
Pinkunz says, "ClubFloyd: Licking random objects since 2007."
Jacqueline says (to Pinkunz), "Indeed."
Knight_Otu says, "Also singing and dancing quite often."
Jacqueline asks, "So, which direction, kids?"
gadzoks asks, "Life support, maybe?"
Perry says, "Oh yeah, that's locked normally"
Jacqueline says, "I liked that idea as well."
Jacqueline says, "Okay."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 35 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | (first opening Lab A vent grate)
CF | I find myself on a tall set of storage shelves, placed in the corner
CF | of the
CF | room, and in reach of the library vent grate.
CF |
CF | Lab A (on the storage shelves)
CF | The Lab is a sizeable room, largely built around a control surface
CF | table.
CF |
CF | A tall set of storage shelves can be found in the southwest corner,
CF | and the
CF | north wall houses a massive screen, across from the whiteboard on the
CF | south
CF | wall.
CF |
CF | I am on one of the storage shelves.
CF |
CF | (Lab A vent grate falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the west, I hear the racket of industrial fans.
CF |
CF | > DavidW says, "Make sure you don't walk into a moving fan blade."
Perry says, "Half-Life one intensifies."
inventor beams a smile at Perry!
Jacqueline asks, "Oh, I must have gone the wrong direction for Life Support. Sorry about that. Can we just roll with this Lab?"
gadzoks says, "Prey wuz here."
Perry says, "Looks like we want over it I guess."
Perry says, "Oh, it was south."
Jacqueline says, "I can undo or we can do this. Good either way."
DavidW asks, "btw, how tall are we? 6 inches? 5 feet?"
Perry says, "Nah let's just roll with stuff."
gadzoks asks, "We should leave a message for Predator. Maybe an arrow pointing in the opposite direction we actually go?"
Perry says, "This seems like a good game to minimize undo's for -- let mistakes be something that's in-character and all that."
Jacqueline says (to gadzoks), "Good idea. We could cut out an arrow on the CNC-- wait, never mind."
Perry sobs.
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "Don't listen to Perry about that No Undo idea."
Pinkunz says, "Make an arrow out of the bones, lol."
Jacqueline says, "ha"
gadzoks says, "Just write 'This way to the fragile human morsel!'"
Perry says (to DavidW), "I believe human-sized."
DavidW says, "okay"
Pinkunz says, "Disabling undo is a... controversial decision."
Jacqueline says, "If you do implement a No Undo, I would only do it on the hardest mode(s)."
Perry says, "Oh for sure."
DavidW says, "I keep thinking we must be tiny like a ninja mouse."
Jacqueline says, "(If that's possible. Not sure if that's possible. It's probably possible.)"
gadzoks says, "Hard and up, probably."
Perry says, "But this is a very roleplaying game kind of IF and I like the idea of mistakes just being mistakes."
inventor smiles. "That's what I added for post-comp, lol. You have the option of free undo, undo as trick, and no undo. Nightmare mode forces no undo."
Jacqueline asks, "Undo as trick?"
gadzoks says, "I kinda like the idea of no undo."
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "(Also, cool.)"
Pinkunz says, "Limited amounts of undos available."
inventor says (to Jacqueline), "Ye, undo becomes one of your tricks."
inventor says, "Should you choose that option, I mean."
gadzoks asks, "So does letting doors slam shut count as a trick?"
Pinkunz says, "Undo would be a resource in that instance."
gadzoks asks, "Or just using the 'slam door' command?"
inventor says, "(Can I answer that, re:door slam? I'm mostly keeping quiet lol)"
gadzoks says, "I guess we should find that out for ourselves, actually."
gadzoks exclaims, "So I asked, but you can't answer!"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, let's find out for ourselves."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x screen"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 35 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | The screen is populated by a brilliant array of moving colors.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x colors"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 35 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | (x floors)
CF | Plain, white, terrazzo tiles with black flecks.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "My understanding is that a door slamming on its own isn't a trick, but a door slamming into the big bad is. (Also don't confirm/deny that please.)"
inventor readies notebook, and remains silent with a smile.
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "I meant the colors on the screen, but not sure that's what I looked at."
gadzoks says, "Yeah, I was kinda asking rhetorically, forgetting the author was here."
inventor says, "Yeah TADS has spell check"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x shelves"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 35 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | Rough, metal shelves for storing boxes and equipment. They are
CF | arranged into
CF | an L-shape, to conform to the corner of the room.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x boxes"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 35 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | I see no boxes here.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 35 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | The table is the biggest one in the facility, and acts as one giant
CF | controller.
CF | When the humans still lived here, the table was capable of tracking
CF | hand
CF | movements, and showing diagrams on its surface, allowing for a high
CF | level of
CF | control between multiple users.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "turn on table"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 35 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | The top of the control surface table is out of reach, because I am on
CF | the
CF | storage shelves.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I suspect the Predator will have locked that down as well..."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x whiteboard"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 35 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | A large dry-erase whiteboard. Sometimes low tech solutions simply
CF | work.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Keeping all the fun to himself. Stingy."
Pinkunz says, "That threw me for a brief loop too, but it does say the shelf is *for* storing boxes, not that any are there."
Perry exclaims, "By the way, feature request: rename the difficulty levels to be: 1) cat mode, 2) I'm too young to die, 3) not too rough, 4) Hurt me plenty, 5) Ultra-Violence, and 6) Nightmare!"
Perry says, "Thanks in advance."
Jacqueline says (to Pinkunz), "Yeah, it was vague on whether or not there were any boxes, so I wanted to check. Because if there were boxes, they were darn well gonna be searched."
inventor beams an excited smile to Perry! "You know my style!"
Pinkunz says (to Jacqueline), "That's fair."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF | Lab A 36 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I climb down to the floor.
CF |
CF | (I learned a new route: JUMP ATOP ONE OF THE STORAGE SHELVES!)
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the west, I hear the din of industrious life
CF | support.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "write PREDATOR IS A BIG OL MEANIE on the whiteboard"
CF | Lab A 36 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | I can't write anything on the whiteboard.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Damn it."
Jacqueline says, "(Kidding.)"
Pinkunz says, "heh"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "turn on table"
CF | Lab A 36 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | There does not seem to be a way to turn on the control surface.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Feature request: writing on whiteboard."
Knight_Otu says, "I guess we never learned to write."
Jacqueline says, "Completely random, kinda want to across the hall to lab B."
Pinkunz says, "Use whiteboard to barricade door, lol."
Jacqueline asks, "There's nothing to search here, right?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | Lab A 36 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Lab A
CF | The Lab is a sizeable room, largely built around a control surface
CF | table.
CF |
CF | A tall set of storage shelves can be found in the southwest corner,
CF | and the
CF | north wall houses a massive screen, across from the whiteboard on the
CF | south
CF | wall.
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Nothing obvious."
inventor adds "interactive whiteboard?" to notes...
Jacqueline says, "I guess we could search the whiteboard in case there's stuff behind it, but..."
Perry says, "For the whiteboard I would've tried to start a tally of clones that have made it there."
Pinkunz says, "I'm trying to pay attention to each time you search."
Perry says, "Assuming the predator didn't erase it"
DavidW says, "I found a magnet behind a magnetic whiteboard once."
Pinkunz says, "Want to see if the find something = 1 turn, find nothing = 0 turns, holds true."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search whiteboard"
CF | Lab A 36 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | The whiteboard is neither a container nor parkour route to search.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Much like myself, the whiteboard is neither a container, nor a parkour route."
Jacqueline says, "We can't all be complex and interesting."
inventor laughs.
Knight_Otu asks, "But is it stylish and jaunty?"
Jacqueline says, "Not as stylish and jaunty as me, no."
Jacqueline says, "Ain't no way."
Jacqueline asks, "How do people feel about me randomly going across the hall to Lab B?"
Perry says, "Awesomely."
Perry says, "The restroom might also be fun."
Knight_Otu says, "I have no preferences about where to go."
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "You need to get out more, man."
Perry says, "Oh, or we can try the vent again."
Pinkunz says, "Ope, just found ClubFloyd Pass 09. Jacq has it."
Knight_Otu says, "Not having been here last week."
Pinkunz says, "(Was seeing if stylish and jaunty was part of your character description.)"
Perry exclaims (at Jacqueline), "Humph!"
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "Kidding. Also, you're right about the vent."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open vent"
CF | Lab A 36 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | Which do you mean, the west vent grate or Library vent grate?
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "oho"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open west vent grate"
CF | Lab A 36 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | The west vent grate is on top of the storage shelves, which are out of
CF | reach,
CF | because I am on the floor of Lab A.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "get on shelves"
CF | Lab A 36 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | The top of one of the storage shelves is out of reach, because I am on
CF | the
CF | floor of Lab A.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "climb shelves"
CF | Lab A 36 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | I need to JUMP instead, if I want to get there.
CF |
CF | > inventor writes notes...
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "jump shelves"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 37 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | I jump and climb atop one of the storage shelves.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the west, I hear the activity of industrial fans.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open west vent grate"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 38 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | I open the west vent grate.
CF |
CF | I start panting from exertion. Regions under my eyes and nose both
CF | feel a
CF | growing layer of sweat, before I realize its on my neck and under my
CF | arms, too.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the west, I hear the noise of industrious life
CF | support.
CF |
CF | > Perry says (to inventor), "One thing that confused us is whether or not jumps that took you 'up' made noise. Also don't answer that."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "enter grate"
CF | The Central Ventilation Node 39 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | The Central Ventilation Node
CF | I find that I have to crawl here, confined to a claustrophobic duct of
CF | metal
CF | panels. The Central Ventilation Node is the heart of air circulation
CF | systems
CF | for the core facility rooms. There is hardly any light here, which
CF | forces me
CF | to rely entirely on my natural night vision.
CF |
CF | The ducts contort into four directions: north to the Assembly Shop,
CF | east to Lab
CF | A, south to Life Support, and west to the Common Room.
CF |
CF | A patch of dried blood and bones can be seen in the corner.
CF |
CF | (The west vent grate falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | > inventor nods to Perry with a smile.
gadzoks says, "Jump and climb are different according to the guide."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) (on the primary fan unit)40 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | (first opening Life Support vent grate)
CF | I climb through, and find myself on the structure of the primary fan
CF | unit.
CF |
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) (on the primary fan unit)
CF | Machines, ducts, and pipes fill the room. One machine, in particular,
CF | occupies
CF | the north half of the room: the primary fan unit.
CF |
CF | The exit door is to the southwest, but it seems to be locked. A
CF | ladder is
CF | available to take me down to the lower floor of Life Support.
CF |
CF | I am on the primary fan unit.
CF |
CF | A large cooling duct runs vertically, along the south wall.
CF |
CF | (Life Support vent grate falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | The exit door is closed.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "I wonder if we can make the fan louder or something to cover up more noise."
Perry says, "Though that could hurt us, too."
Jacqueline says, "Well -- yeah"
Jacqueline says, "Exactly."
gadzoks says, "If we had something to jam it with, maybe."
Jacqueline says, "I mean, it could do both."
Perry says, "Also, this may very well be our biggest fan."
gadzoks says, "Nothing really to pick up in these rooms, though."
Perry says, "We should offer it an autograph."
Pinkunz asks, "Die Hard the fan?"
inventor laughs!
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "heh"
Jacqueline says, "I stan this fan."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x fan"
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) (on the primary fan unit)40 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF |
CF | > X FAN
CF |
CF | A massive, metal box, covered in ducts, and roaring with life. A
CF | strong breeze
CF | comes from a vent on the outside of the machine.
CF |
CF | The mechanical roar of machinery continues.
CF |
CF | I am dry, at last.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "What I love about the map is the fact that it pointedly isn't exhaustive despite appearing to be."
Jacqueline says, "Agree."
inventor smiles!
Jacqueline says, "Just wait until we find the underground tunnels."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "cf2"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite:
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) (on the primary fan unit)40 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF | Saved.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "And the Startgates."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "enter fan"
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) (on the primary fan unit)40 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF |
CF |
CF | The primary fan unit is not something I can enter.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Okay, I guess that's fair."
Pinkunz says, "heh, good call on the save."
Jacqueline chuckles.
Pinkunz says, "Trying to repeat the opening act of Alien 3."
Jacqueline says, "Game over, man."
Pinkunz says, "lmfao"
inventor chuckles.
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) 41 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I climb down to the floor.
CF |
CF | (I learned a new route: JUMP ATOP THE PRIMARY FAN UNIT!)
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the southwest, I hear the muffled
CF | ka-thud of the
CF | Security Office door automatically closing. Wait a moment, was that
CF | my
CF | door...?
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Hm"
Pinkunz says, "uh oh."
Knight_Otu says, "Huh."
Jacqueline says, "I thought we'd already heard that."
inventor suppresses evil laugh.
Perry says, "It wasn't us."
Pinkunz asks, "This room only has one way in and out, right? Because of the locked door?"
gadzoks says, "Messing with our heads, that one."
Knight_Otu is sure he hears chuckling.
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "The game does do a good job of raising one's anxiety. Just what we need in 2023. Only thing that could have been better was if this game had been out during the early pandemic."
Pinkunz says, "True."
Perry says, "And The Predator was an anti-quarantiner."
Jacqueline drops large book. Jacqueline asks, "Wait. How did my typo drop a book??"
Perry says, "And we're trying to self-isolate."
inventor smiles at Jacq. "I'm happy to hear that!"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "get large book"
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) 41 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF |
CF |
CF | I see no large book here.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline gets large book. Perry says, "And the full suit protects us from their germs."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) 41 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Life Support (Upper Level)
CF | Machines, ducts, and pipes fill the room. One machine, in particular,
CF | occupies
CF | the north half of the room: the primary fan unit.
CF |
CF | The exit door is to the southwest, but it seems to be locked. A
CF | ladder is
CF | available to take me down to the lower floor of Life Support.
CF |
CF | A large cooling duct runs vertically, along the south wall.
CF |
CF | The exit door is closed.
CF |
CF | The room is full of noise.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "I thought you were trying to get us all to jump."
gadzoks says, "Takes me back to playing Penumbra."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, lower floor."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF | Life Support (Lower Level) 42 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east up
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I quickly descend the ladder.
CF |
CF | Life Support (Lower Level)
CF | Machines, ducts, and pipes fill the room, and the floor is damp with
CF | residual
CF | water.
CF |
CF | To the east, a door provides access to the Reservoir Strainer Stage.
CF | A ladder,
CF | meanwhile, goes up to the upper floor of Life Support.
CF |
CF | A large cooling duct runs vertically, along the south wall.
CF |
CF | The Reservoir Access door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | From above, I hear the din of industrial fans.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "Wait. Crap. Do I need to start mapping?"
Pinkunz says, "Map only shows southern (locked) door."
Pinkunz says, "*southwestern"
Jacqueline says, "Right. I'm on whole different level now."
Jacqueline says, "Metaphorically and also actually."
Jacqueline asks, "I think?"
Perry asks, "YOLO it?"
Perry says, "Except for the part where we don't live only once."
Jacqueline asks, "YOLO FOMO YEET, WHAT?"
inventor laughs!
Pinkunz yeets Prey east.
inventor notes down "add YEET command"...
Perry says, "Let's yassify the predator."
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "Do not credit me for that feature."
Knight_Otu says, ""Understand YEET as THROW.""
Perry says (to invetory), "Credit Jacqueline for that feature."
Jacqueline says, "NO"
Jacqueline laughs.
Pinkunz quotes Jacq
inventor checks the source code to see if that's already in the game or not...
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak east"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the Reservoir Access
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the Reservoir Access door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Strainer Stage...)
CF |
CF | The concrete tunnel ends here, at a massive grate. Water flows
CF | through in a
CF | current, which borders on hazardous.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to Life Support (Lower Level)...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the Reservoir Access door)
CF |
CF | [More] Perry says, "'Special thanks to Jacqueline for noting that "yeet" should have been aliased to "throw".'"
Jacqueline shakes her head with a grumpy bemused frowny face.
Pinkunz says, "'After a sustained campaign for the inclusion of the feature...'"
inventor comes back from checking source code with the understanding of keeping silent.
Jacqueline exclaims, "Water flows through on a current, which boarders on hazardous, but it all seems safe! Because Predator is the only death we fear! haha!"
gadzoks says, "Yassification was also all Jacqueline's idea."
Jacqueline says, "I had zero to do with the Yassification, brah."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF | The concrete tunnel ends here, at a massive grate. Water flows
CF | through in a
CF | current, which borders on hazardous.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The current rushes past.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the west, I hear the noise of air moving
CF | through
CF | ducts.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x water"
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | The water here is actually quite chilly, and flows past with an uneasy
CF | amount
CF | of force.
CF |
CF | The echoey tunnel is full of noise from the rushing waters.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "cf3"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite:
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF | Saved.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "enter water"
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | The water is not important.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Aww"
Jacqueline says, "If you say so, game."
Perry says (to Jacqueline), "I like how you also immediately try to do suicidal things when you find a new dangerous looking object."
Knight_Otu says, "But we're already nekkid, we might as well skinny-dip."
Pinkunz asks, "Sabotage Cloning room, then yeet self into water with the suit to doom Predator to slow starvation death?"
Jacqueline says (to Perry), "heh. That does seem to be my MO today, yeah."
Perry says (to Pinkunz), "TRUUU"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search water"
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | The water is not important.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Strainer Stage
CF | The concrete tunnel ends here, at a massive grate. Water flows
CF | through in a
CF | current, which borders on hazardous.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x grate"
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | The metal strainer is littered in bits of pale kelp from the Reservoir
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x kelp"
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | Pale kelp from the Reservoir. It probably tastes horrific.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "'Water isn't important' —inventor, 2023"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "eat kelp"
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | The pale kelp is not important.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Wait how is there kelp"
Perry says, "What"
Pinkunz says, "Heh"
Pinkunz says, "ahahahaha..."
inventor writes more notes down...
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "lick kelp"
CF | The Strainer Stage 43 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | The pale kelp is not important.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Kelp cloning vats, of course."
gadzoks says, "Even Predators need their extra vitamins."
Pinkunz says (to Perry), "Much funnier than you know."
Perry asks, "... oh?"
inventor chuckles along with Pinkunz.
Jacqueline asks, "Sneak west? Or go back into the next room and back up to the level we were on?"
Perry exclaims, "I say ONWARDS!"
Pinkunz says, "You're recreating a discussion had months ago live, lol."
Jacqueline asks, "Is there an adult here to override Perry? Or do we go west?"
Perry says, "Oh, lol."
Pinkunz says, "I'm actually with Perry."
Perry says, "Legally I am an adult, thank you very much. Granted I probably shouldn't be."
Perry says, "And mentally I definitely am not."
DavidW says, "I'm not speaking up because I feel like I'm locked in the trunk of this car."
inventor offers high-five to Perry.
Jacqueline says (to DW), "Sometimes I get locked in the trunk of your car, to be fair."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak west"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into Life Support (Lower Level)...)
CF |
CF | Machines, ducts, and pipes fill the room, and the floor is damp with
CF | residual
CF | water.
CF |
CF | To the east, a door provides access to the Reservoir Strainer Stage.
CF | A ladder,
CF | meanwhile, goes up to the upper floor of Life Support.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Strainer Stage...)
CF | [More] Knight_Otu pushes the trunk-opening button.
Perry says, "Let's dump a bunch of PFAS in the water."
Pinkunz pushes trunk into water.
Jacqueline says, "Oh, wait. Ha. That IS the way we came."
inventor laughs!
Pinkunz says, "Ope, nvm. DW saved by unimportant water."
Pinkunz says, ";-)"
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | Life Support (Lower Level) 44 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east up
CF |
CF | (first opening the exit door)
CF |
CF | Life Support (Lower Level)
CF | Machines, ducts, and pipes fill the room, and the floor is damp with
CF | residual
CF | water.
CF |
CF | To the east, a door provides access to the Reservoir Strainer Stage.
CF | A ladder,
CF | meanwhile, goes up to the upper floor of Life Support.
CF |
CF | A large cooling duct runs vertically, along the south wall.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Reservoir Access
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The Reservoir Access door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "So I guess we go back up to the vent."
Pinkunz says, "Yeah, still looks like one way in and out."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) 45 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | I quickly climb the ladder.
CF |
CF | Life Support (Upper Level)
CF | Machines, ducts, and pipes fill the room. One machine, in particular,
CF | occupies
CF | the north half of the room: the primary fan unit.
CF |
CF | The exit door is to the southwest, but it seems to be locked. A
CF | ladder is
CF | available to take me down to the lower floor of Life Support.
CF |
CF | A large cooling duct runs vertically, along the south wall.
CF |
CF | The industrious fans and other mechanisms fill the room with sound.
CF |
CF | The exit door is closed.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Retracing our steps might be a bad idea if we left a bunch of traces after us. Like that sweat."
Perry says, "Haven't had a clue on the predator's location in a while."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "jump atop the primary fan unit"
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) (on the primary fan unit)46 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF |
CF |
CF | I jump and climb atop the primary fan unit.
CF |
CF | The mechanical roar of machinery continues.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says (to inventor), "Feature request: have Predator follow our trail, like sweat drops or whatever."
inventor winks at gadzoks.
Jacqueline wrinkles her nose.
gadzoks exclaims, "Oh, already a thing!"
Knight_Otu says, "Feature request - have it turn out the predator is just a kitty."
inventor is saying nothing one way or another.
Perry says, "Seconded."
Pinkunz says, "You're not called Prey for nothing."
gadzoks says, "Now I imagine us shaking ourselves like a shaggy dog to get dry."
Jacqueline says, "Turns out we were a mouse the whole time. Some real Edward Packard Chimney Rock BS."
Pinkunz says, "heh"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open vent"
CF | Life Support (Upper Level) (on the primary fan unit)47 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: southwest down
CF |
CF |
CF | I open the primary fan unit vent grate.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "enter vent"
CF | The Central Ventilation Node 48 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | The Central Ventilation Node
CF | I find that I have to crawl here, confined to a claustrophobic duct of
CF | metal
CF | panels. The Central Ventilation Node is the heart of air circulation
CF | systems
CF | for the core facility rooms. There is hardly any light here, which
CF | forces me
CF | to rely entirely on my natural night vision.
CF |
CF | The ducts contort into four directions: north to the Assembly Shop,
CF | east to Lab
CF | A, south to Life Support, and west to the Common Room.
CF |
CF | A patch of dried blood and bones can be seen in the corner.
CF |
CF | (The primary fan unit vent grate falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | > inventor writes down the SECOND instance of "add mouse mode to hide from cat" to the list.
Jacqueline says, "Ah, hello, patch of dried blood and bones in the corner. We've missed you."
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "slurp bones"
CF | The Central Ventilation Node 48 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | I don't understand that command.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Was worth a second shot."
inventor falls over laughing!
gadzoks exclaims, "Mommy, he acted out of turn!"
Knight_Otu says, ">DANCE ON BONES"
gadzoks exclaims, "Ban him!"
Jacqueline asks, "So, Assembly Shop? We haven't been there yet, right?"
Perry says, "We have"
Perry says, "That was the CNC machine."
gadzoks says, "We came here from there."
Jacqueline says, "oh"
Jacqueline says, "OH"
Jacqueline says, "Mmkay"
Jacqueline asks, "Well, what now?"
Perry says, "Yeah we thought it was gonna be super cool but it wasn't."
Perry says, "We can vent to the library."
Jacqueline asks, "Library?"
Jacqueline says, "yeah"
Knight_Otu says, "I recall a... right."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 49 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | (first opening Lab A vent grate)
CF | I find myself on a tall set of storage shelves, placed in the corner
CF | of the
CF | room, and in reach of the library vent grate.
CF |
CF | Lab A (on the storage shelves)
CF | The Lab is a sizeable room, largely built around a control surface
CF | table.
CF |
CF | A tall set of storage shelves can be found in the southwest corner,
CF | and the
CF | north wall houses a massive screen, across from the whiteboard on the
CF | south
CF | wall.
CF |
CF | I am on one of the storage shelves.
CF |
CF | (Lab A vent grate falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | I finally feel like I've caught my breath.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the west, I hear the activity of industrious life
CF | support.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Maybe there's a book on 'How to escape The Predator For Dummiesâ„¢"."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open south vent"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 50 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | I open Library vent grate.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the west, I hear the racket of industrial fans.
CF |
CF | > inventor narration voice: "Ah, the library, where EVERYONE can learn...!!"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "enter south vent"
CF | >
CF |
CF | I carefully find my balance on a stepladder, once I'm on the other
CF | side of the
CF | vent grate.
CF |
CF | The Library (on the stepladder)
CF | This isn't exactly a library for books, as such a room is
CF | considered an
CF | "ancient fad". This modern library is instead where document searches
CF | and
CF | archive access is done. A librarian would work the help desk, and
CF | rent out
CF | tablet computers to facility staff, if they did not want to spend time
CF | at
CF | desktop computer.
CF |
CF | A storage cabinet sits by the south wall, and chairs are strewn about.
CF |
CF | A stepladder sits by the north wall, under a vent grate.
CF |
CF | To the west, a way leads to Server Access.
CF |
CF | I am on the stepladder.
CF |
CF | I can see some chairs here.
CF |
CF | (Library vent grate falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF | [More] Perry says, "We walk in and the predator is just sitting there surrounded by notes and yells 'Quiet, I'm trying to study for finals!!'"
Perry says, "That was funnier in my head."
inventor writes that scene down.
gadzoks says, "'100 things you always wanted to know about predators but were afraid to ask'"
Knight_Otu says, "To Serve Clones."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x chairs" DavidW says, "'To Catch A Mockingbird'"
Pinkunz says, "Escaping Dystopian Nightmares for Dummies."
Jacqueline says, "Oh."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Library (on the stepladder) 51 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF | > inventor is writing down book titles.
Jacqueline says, "That was a weird page break."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x chairs"
CF | The Library (on the stepladder) 51 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | A collection of chairs, each made to factory standard.
CF |
CF | > inventor says, "Yeah, that one got me, too"
gadzoks says, "I think there should be a fanfare noise when we reach 100 turns."
Jacqueline says, "heh"
Jacqueline says, "WE NEVER WILL THOUGH"
DavidW says, "There was one game where there was a demonic laugh at turn 666."
Knight_Otu says, "This MUD is strictly sound-proof."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search storage cabinet"
CF | The Library (on the stepladder) 52 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the wide storage cabinet)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the wide storage cabinet.
CF |
CF | (searching in the drawers of the wide storage cabinet)
CF | The wide storage cabinet is on the wide storage cabinet, which is out
CF | of reach,
CF | because I am on the stepladder.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz asks, "Any tablets by the help desk?"
Jacqueline says (to DW), "ha"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "d"
CF | The Library 53 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF | > D
CF |
CF | I climb down to the floor.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the east, I hear the muffled ka-thud
CF | of the Human
CF | Sleeping Quarters door automatically closing. ...Wait, was I the one
CF | who
CF | opened did that...?
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "We are not. We have not been there, I don't think."
gadzoks says, "Nope."
Perry says, "It'd be neat if we couldn't tell what door it was if it was a certain distance from us."
Knight_Otu asks, "Human Sleeping Quarters, as opposed to Predator Sleeping Quarters?"
inventor writes down Perry's idea...
gadzoks says, "THere's a Clone Sleeping Quarters across the corridor."
Knight_Otu says, "Ah, I didn't know about that one."
gadzoks wonders where Predator does sleep.
Perry says, "We visited Human Sleeping Quarters. just ages ago."
Jacqueline asks, "Hm. Feel like that 'wait, was I the one who opened did that' should only work if we've been there, and also, is there an extra word there?"
Pinkunz says, "It'd be neat if we could prop doors open."
Perry says, "Agreed."
Jacqueline says, "I fee like 'opened did that' has an extra word."
inventor exclaims (at Jacqueline), "Oh ahahahaha, good catch on the extra word!"
gadzoks says, "We went through the Security Door, I think."
Pinkunz says, "Like the stool could be used for that."
Perry says, "Though considering the setting they could start beeping if they get stuck and are unable to close."
Jacqueline salutes inventor.
Perry says, "Oh, we had spotted a double negative in the last one. I forget where though."
Jacqueline says, "We mentioned in the transcript, though. I can send it to you, i."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search cabinet"
CF | The Library 53 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the wide storage cabinet)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the wide storage cabinet.
CF |
CF | (searching in the drawers of the wide storage cabinet)
CF | (first opening the wide storage cabinet's top drawer)
CF | (searching in the wide storage cabinet's top drawer)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the wide storage cabinet's top drawer.
CF | (first
CF | opening the wide storage cabinet's middle drawer)
CF |
CF | (searching in the wide storage cabinet's middle drawer)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the wide storage cabinet's middle drawer.
CF | (first
CF | opening the wide storage cabinet's bottom drawer)
CF |
CF | (searching in the wide storage cabinet's bottom drawer)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the wide storage cabinet's bottom drawer.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Or we could just say 'There's a typo' and offer no further info."
inventor nods excitedly!
Pinkunz says, "That's alot of words to say you found nothing, lol."
gadzoks says, "That's one too many searches for my brain to parse."
inventor laughs.
inventor adds "cabinet search consolidation" to notes.
Jacqueline says (to Pinkunz), "True, but that still feels similar to IRL searching several drawers looking for, say, a bottle opener in your kitchen."
gadzoks says, "It's good to know it searches everything at once though, so we don't spend turns for extra stuff."
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Also, of course, we see nothing in the bottom drawer, the middle drawer blocks it!"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x desk"
CF | The Library 53 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | Which do you mean, the help desk or the desks?
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "help desk"
CF | The Library 53 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | A desk with a fake wood grain surface.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "search help desk"
CF | The Library 54 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | I find nothing of interest on the help desk.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "True... I feel like one of the drawers need a potato masher so you can't open it."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Library 53 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: search help desk
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Wait, that time it found nothing but cost a turn."
Jacqueline says, "I keep expecting some of these larger desks to have drawers."
Pinkunz says, "Huh..." gadzoks says, "There should be a THE FLOOR IS LAVA room."
Pinkunz says, "Searching the help desk and finding nothing cost a turn." Jacqueline says (to Pinkunz), "Hahaha... oh god. Potato mashers blocking drawers. Too real."
Jacqueline asks, "So, nothing here to search?"
Perry says, "Nothing besides our inner thoughts and dreams."
Jacqueline asks, "Sneak west, young man?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak w"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek west"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek west...
CF |
CF | (looking into Server Access...)
CF |
CF | The room is pretty barren; the server banks are all found upstairs.
CF |
CF | A ladder can be found here, and the exit to the east goes to the
CF | Library, while
CF | a door to the west goes to the Utility Corridor.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Library...)
CF |
CF | [More] gadzoks says, "If for no other reason than having to use our parkour skillz."
Pinkunz says, "Jacqueline's first."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | Server Access 54 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west up
CF |
CF | The room is pretty barren; the server banks are all found upstairs.
CF |
CF | A ladder can be found here, and the exit to the east goes to the
CF | Library, while
CF | a door to the west goes to the Utility Corridor.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the north, I hear the din of air moving through
CF | ducts.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "u"
CF | The Chilled Server Room 55 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF | > U
CF |
CF | I quickly scale the ladder, and a shiver responds.
CF |
CF | The Chilled Server Room
CF | The room here would normally be engulfed in total darkness, if it
CF | weren't for
CF | light spilling in from the ladder, in addition to all the running
CF | lights of the
CF | surrounding server banks. Part of the room is built atop the
CF | northwest corner
CF | of the Delivery Room, which creates the shape of a raised alcove to
CF | the
CF | southeast.
CF |
CF | On the north wall, there is a cooling vent, filling the room with
CF | frigid air.
CF |
CF | My breath condenses into fog from my mouth.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "It's well-cooled in here, let's mine some crypto."
Jacqueline asks, "Should I be sneaking up and down ladders??"
inventor laughs.
Knight_Otu asks, "Why did I just misread that as "frog from my mouth"?"
Pinkunz says, "This bit reminds me of the scene in Armageddon where they have to crawl through the Mir to escape death."
Knight_Otu says, "I must be tired."
Jacqueline says (to Knight), "Ribbit"
inventor adds "mouth frogs?" to notes...
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "You're never making it out of beta at this rate."
Pinkunz says, "You just noted Knight Otu's mental hallucination, lol."
inventor grins. "I've been called a 'high-velocity coder' before! Made this whole beta in 3 months, at least!"
Pinkunz says, "zoom zoom"
inventor grins and nods with excitement!
Jacqueline asks, "Wait, it says, 'which creates the shape of a raised alcove to the southeast, but the Delivery room is southwest, right? Or am I misunderstanding the intent of the sentence?"
Pinkunz says, "Be kinda funny to find a previous clone hidden up here, frozen to death."
inventor smiles at Pinkunz.
Jacqueline says, "And by funny you mean morbid and ghastly."
Pinkunz says, "Not mutually exclusive."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak e"
CF | The Chilled Server Room 55 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF |
CF | I can't go that way. From here I could go down.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x fog"
CF | The Chilled Server Room 55 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF | > X FOG
CF |
CF | I see nothing special about the air.
CF |
CF | A ice-cold breeze washes over me.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak d"
CF | Server Access 56 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west up
CF |
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek down"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | down
CF |
CF | I see nothing through the ladder.
CF |
CF | I quickly climb down the ladder, while warmer air greets and restores
CF | me.
CF |
CF | Server Access
CF | The room is pretty barren; the server banks are all found upstairs.
CF |
CF | A ladder can be found here, and the exit to the east goes to the
CF | Library, while
CF | a door to the west goes to the Utility Corridor.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the north, I hear the racket of industrial fans.
CF | [More] Jacqueline says, "I see nothing through the ladder."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "I wonder if those page breaks have to be there?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | Server Access 56 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west up
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Server Access
CF | The room is pretty barren; the server banks are all found upstairs.
CF |
CF | A ladder can be found here, and the exit to the east goes to the
CF | Library, while
CF | a door to the west goes to the Utility Corridor.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | A frozen mist falls down from the opening above.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."
Jacqueline asks, "Shall we sneak west?"
Perry says, "I hate it when I fall into an open sewer and die."
Pinkunz says (to gadzoks), "Typically immediately after blathering on about how important one is."
inventor just checked the map, and is not sure if they should answer the question about the delivery room being southeast or southwest...
Perry says, "Don't."
gadzoks asks, "West is the utility access?"
inventor nods, and stays silent!
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "Okay, was just pointing it out in case it was a typo."
inventor does the "lips are sealed" gesture.
Jacqueline says (to gadzoks), "Yeah, Utility Access is west."
gadzoks says, "The door is locked from the corridor outside, so let's check it out."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak west"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Utility Corridor...)
CF |
CF | The hallway is made of stone, cement, and pipes. At the north end, it
CF | curves
CF | slightly to the east, connecting to Life Support. The exit is to the
CF | south.
CF | To the east, a door leads to Server Access. The west wall has
CF | suffered some
CF | damage, leaving pipes exposed.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to Server Access...)
CF |
CF | [More] gadzoks exclaims, "This may be our only chance!"
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Utility Corridor 57 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south northeast
CF |
CF |
CF | The Utility Corridor
CF | The hallway is made of stone, cement, and pipes. At the north end, it
CF | curves
CF | slightly to the east, connecting to Life Support. The exit is to the
CF | south.
CF | To the east, a door leads to Server Access. The west wall has
CF | suffered some
CF | damage, leaving pipes exposed.
CF |
CF | Some pipes are exposed through a hole in the west wall.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Server Access
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The Server Access door (east), the door to life support, and the south
CF | end exit
CF | door are closed.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the northeast, I hear the noise of air moving
CF | through
CF | ducts.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says (to inventory), "I feel like you don't need the redundancy about the damaged wall / exposed pipes. One or the other is fine."
Pinkunz says, "I would agree."
inventor notes down...!
Perry says, "I disagree, actually."
Jacqueline says, "Implement that change before 'mouth frogs' or 'yeeting'"
Jacqueline says, "Again, do not listen to Perry."
Perry says, "But I also like ultra-lengthy room descriptions."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x pipes"
CF | The Utility Corridor 57 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south northeast
CF |
CF |
CF | Part of the wall here has been demolished, leaving some pipes exposed.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "x west wall"
CF | The Utility Corridor 57 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south northeast
CF |
CF |
CF | Part of the wall here has been demolished, leaving some pipes exposed.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "Gol dangit where are the things to search for suit parts?"
Pinkunz asks, "Well hidden?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak ne"
CF | The Utility Corridor 57 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south northeast
CF |
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | I cannot peek through the door to life support...
CF |
CF | (first trying to open the door to life support)
CF | The door to life support is locked.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the door to life
CF | support" action.)
CF |
CF | The door to life support isn't open.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "I think over there."
inventor smiles.
Perry says, "In that room."
Jacqueline says, "Apparently not."
Jacqueline says, "Apparently that door is locked."
Jacqueline says, "Seems weird that a door would be locked but I couldn't peek through the cat flap."
Jacqueline says, "That's an interesting lock."
gadzoks says, "It's locked from two sides, so I figured there would be something juicy to be found in here."
Pinkunz says, "Yeah, we walked into a dead end."
inventor grins.
gadzoks exclaims, "I demand my money back!"
Jacqueline says, "Dang. Been going almost two hours again."
Knight_Otu asks, "I mean, would a life support door have a cat flap?"
Jacqueline says (to KO), "There are already an inexplicable number of cat flaps, so."
gadzoks says, "We're almost back to where we started this session."
Pinkunz says, "I mean, we didn't get off the chess table until 2:35pm"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak s"
CF | The Utility Corridor 57 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south northeast
CF |
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | I cannot peek through the south end exit door...
CF |
CF | (first trying to open the south end exit door)
CF | The south end exit door is locked.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the south end exit
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | The south end exit door isn't open.
CF |
CF | > inventor is on the floor, bobbing side to side to music in their head, having an excellent time!
Jacqueline asks, "Guess I gotta climb back up?"
gadzoks says, "And that explains the cat flaps."
Jacqueline says, "Oh, or just go west."
Knight_Otu says (to Jacq), "True. And based on experience, having cats get open access to compiter keyboards is a bad bad idea."
Jacqueline says, "I mean east."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak east"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the Server Access
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the Server Access door...
CF |
CF | (looking into Server Access...)
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Utility Corridor...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the Server Access door)
CF |
CF | Server Access
CF | The room is pretty barren; the server banks are all found upstairs.
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | Server Access 58 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west up
CF | A ladder can be found here, and the exit to the east goes to
CF | the Library, while
CF | a door to the west goes to the Utility Corridor.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the north, I hear the activity of industrious life
CF | support.
CF | Through a wall to the east, I hear the muffled ka-thud of the
CF | Classroom door
CF | automatically closing.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Wait. The classroom is *also* west, not east."
Pinkunz says, "That's a valid point."
Jacqueline asks, "Are you doing this just to make us wonder if we do not understand compass directions? Are we being gaslit?"
Knight_Otu says, "We are very good at knowing which door closes just from the sound, apparently."
Jacqueline says (to KO), "It's a talent, yeah."
Pinkunz says, "Also, according to the map, there is no wall immediately east of the Server Access room"
inventor refrains from explaining, and just smiles!
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak e"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek east"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek east...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Library...)
CF |
CF | This isn't exactly a library for books, as such a room is
CF | considered an
CF | "ancient fad". This modern library is instead where document searches
CF | and
CF | archive access is done. A librarian would work the help desk, and
CF | rent out
CF | tablet computers to facility staff, if they did not want to spend time
CF | at
CF | desktop computer.
CF |
CF | A storage cabinet sits by the south wall, and chairs are strewn about.
CF |
CF | A stepladder sits by the north wall, under a vent grate.
CF | [More] Pinkunz says, "It opens directly into the library."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | To the west, a way leads to Server Access.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to Server Access...)
CF |
CF | The Library
CF | This isn't exactly a library for books, as such a room is
CF | considered an
CF | "ancient fad". This modern library is instead where document searches
CF | and
CF | archive access is done. A librarian would work the help desk, and
CF | rent out
CF | tablet computers to facility staff, if they did not want to spend time
CF | at
CF | desktop computer.
CF |
CF | A storage cabinet sits by the south wall, and chairs are strewn about.
CF |
CF | A stepladder sits by the north wall, under a vent grate.
CF |
CF | To the west, a way leads to Server Access.
CF |
CF | I can see some chairs here.
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF | [More] Jacqueline says (to Pinkuz), "Yeah, good catch."
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Library 59 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "open vent"
CF | The Library 60 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | I open Lab A vent grate.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "enter vent"
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves) 61 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | (first climbing to the stepladder)
CF | I find myself on a tall set of storage shelves, placed in the corner
CF | of the
CF | room, and in reach of the primary vent grate.
CF |
CF | Lab A (on one of the storage shelves)
CF | The Lab is a sizeable room, largely built around a control surface
CF | table.
CF |
CF | A tall set of storage shelves can be found in the southwest corner,
CF | and the
CF | north wall houses a massive screen, across from the whiteboard on the
CF | south
CF | wall.
CF |
CF | I am on one of the storage shelves.
CF |
CF | (Lab A vent grate falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | The exit door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the west, I hear the racket of industrial fans.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak n"
CF | Lab A 62 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east
CF |
CF |
CF | I can't go that way. From here I could go east.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the west, I hear the activity of industrious life
CF | support.
CF |
CF | >
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak e"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (K)...)
CF |
CF | I am in the north end of the hall.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and south.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to Lab A...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the exit door)
CF | [More] Pinkunz asks, "IIRC, the harder difficulties also speed up the predator, no?"
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (K) 63 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (K)
CF | I am in the north end of the hall.
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and south.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the door to Lab
CF | A" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The door to Lab A (west) and the door to Lab B (east) are closed.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "huh"
Jacqueline says, "LAB B IS FINALLY MINE! Maybe."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak e"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the door to Lab
CF | B" action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the door to Lab B...
CF |
CF | (looking into Lab B...)
CF |
CF | The Lab is fairly large, but mostly empty. In front of the window to
CF | the
CF | south, there is a lone table. A whiteboard covers the east wall.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (K)...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the door to Lab B)
CF |
CF | [More]
Jacqueline pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | Lab B 64 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF | The Lab is fairly large, but mostly empty. In front of the window to
CF | the
CF | south, there is a lone table. A whiteboard covers the east wall.
CF |
CF | On the table I see an envirosuit helmet.
CF |
CF | In The Evaluation Room I see an envirosuit helmet (visible in The
CF | Evaluation
CF | Room).
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu exclaims, "Helmet!"
Pinkunz exclaims, "Ha! Helmet!!"
Jacqueline exclaims, "!!! HELMET !!!"
inventor exclaims, "HELMET!"
Jacqueline says, "ha. We all blasted that simultaneously."
gadzoks says, "I call bluff."
Pinkunz says, "3 down, 4 to go."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "take helmet"
CF | Lab B 65 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | I realized the helmet is made of paper-mache. It's a fake. Truly,
CF | The
CF | Predator's tricks are more plentiful than my own.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "FUCKER"
gadzoks exclaims, "Called it!"
Perry says, "NICE"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "NOOOO!"
inventor absolutely dies of laughter!!
Jacqueline flips the table.
Pinkunz says, "gut punch"
Perry says (to Pinkunz), "Well nightmare makes everything move and attack at double speed -- wait different game again."
inventor exclaims, "I swear, the fake helmet was not my idea!!"
inventor exclaims, "I do not take credit for that!"
Pinkunz asks, "Akira?"
Perry asks, "Satan?"
Jacqueline says, "Sort of want to go back and edit the transcript for my language, but... yeah."
inventor nods at Pinkunz, laughing harder.
gadzoks exclaims (at inventor), "That's right, you should take blame!"
Knight_Otu says, "Feature request - Make inventor take credit for fake hhelmet."
Jacqueline shakes her head slowly.
Pinkunz says (to Jacqueline), "I wouldn't. It's emotionally appropriate."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah. Exactly."
inventor still out of breath from laughing so hard.
Perry says (to inventor), "you must've been so excited when we were getting close."
Jacqueline says, "I guess this is a good spot to stop, since we're at 4pm Eastern, unless people want to keep going. I would take a bio break and refill my bev then continue if people want."
Pinkunz says, "Besides, plenty of the games themselves are NSFW, so the transcript commentary doesn't really have an expectation of being that way."
Perry says, "I'm fine for continuing."
Knight_Otu says, "I should go to bed early today, really."
inventor nods rapidly to Perry. "Yyyeah...!!"
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "Yeah, that was an emotional journey conveyed well through the chat in a way that authors usually don't get to see players experience."
gadzoks says, "Yeah, I wanna continue."
gadzoks asks, "How long a break?"
Jacqueline says, "KO, if you want to go to bed, we can wait until next week."
Jacqueline says, "I know it's late for you."
Pinkunz says, "I'll do either."
inventor says (to Jacqueline), "I am so happy to be here, you have no idea, ahaha."
Jacqueline says, "And honestly, ending on that paper mache helmet is a good place to freakin' leave it."
inventor exclaims, "This has been an EXPERIENCE!"
Knight_Otu says, "I'll log off, and you can decide whether to continue, I think."
Pinkunz says, "I love the fact that your first ClubFloyd was coincidentally your game, lol."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, it can be fun and also a little nerve-wracking to be here as an author when people are playing your game."
inventor exclaims, "Hope you sleep well, KO!"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Good night, everyone, and stay safe!"
Knight_Otu goes home. gadzoks exclaims, "Knight!"
Jacqueline says, "I'd like to pause. Let's come back next week."
gadzoks exclaims, "Drat!"
Jacqueline says, "Night, Knight."
gadzoks exclaims, "He missed my pun!"
gadzoks says, "Which I'm sure no one has made before."
inventor does finger guns to gadzoks.
Jacqueline says, "Thanks. Hope everyone come back next week."
Pinkunz asks, "Hey, Jacq, do you have a minute?"
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "I'll add you to the room lock so that you don't need a pass. One sec."
Jacqueline departs. A clowder of cats chatters in the distance. gadzoks says, "Now that's ambitious."
Jacqueline has arrived. inventor exclaims (at Jacq), "Thanks!"
Pinkunz asks, "Hey, Jacq, do you have a minute?"
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "You should be good to go now."
Jacqueline says (to Pinkunz), "Let me have that bio break, then yes."
inventor jumps for joy!
Pinkunz says, "Got it, thanks."
gadzoks exclaims (at inventor), "One of us!"
Pinkunz exclaims (at inventor), "Welcome!"
inventor hops around in a small circle! "Yesssss!! I can attend Club Floyd!"
Jacqueline asks, "Back. What's up?"
Pinkunz says (to Jacq), "Do you remember last year when CF did Betatesting for a bit? Well, the other day when Jade had trouble logging in, they used that thread to reach out to me rather than a DM, necromancing the post at the same time. I didn't think anything of it at the time. But I just got a Betatest request from a new author. They saw the post recycled back up to the active threads. I pointed out that the message was from last year, and they asked if I could see if the group was still keen anyway. It is an English murder mystery set in a Downton Abbey style Agatha Christie mansion in the countryside of England."
gadzoks says, "Whatever it was, I didn't do it."
Pinkunz says, "We were discussing maybe doing it until you unexpectedly arrived and we changed gears for I Am Prey."
Jacqueline says, "Oh sure. That's pretty much a standing thing."
Pinkunz says, "I really wasn't sure, tbh."
inventor returns to their spot on the floor, still smiling.
Jacqueline says, "I mean, would kinda like to finish this one first, unless this author needs it asap."
Jacqueline says, "But we're always down to beta test a thing."
Pinkunz says, "I don't think there's a huge urgency, as they aren't planning to enter into a Comp right now."
Jacqueline asks, "Okay. Then if you could, please just reply to them and let them know?"
Jacqueline says, "Promise to keep 'em updated? We're happy to have them here when we do it the test."
Perry says, "We should charge $80 an hour tho."
Jacqueline says, "If only we'd been doing that all along."
Jacqueline says, "Sadly, our policy is that we do things just to be nice."
Perry says, "Ew."
Pinkunz says (to Jacq), "I will happily respond to them."
Jacqueline exclaims (at Pinkunz), "Cool. Thanks!"
Pinkunz says, "Thank you for hearing me out."
gadzoks asks, "Is there any help needed with running the club?"
Perry exclaims, "Thanks for driving; heading back to the lounge!"
Pinkunz hands gadzoks a mop.
Perry disappears through an invisible gap in the MUD. You think you may have heard the sounds of chatting before the gap closed again. Pinkunz says, "Agreed, thanks for driving. Especially since you weren't initially keen."
gadzoks says (to Pinkunz), "On second thought, I'm really busy."
Jacqueline says, "Well, I'm gearing up for updating all the transcripts in August, and when I let stuff sit this long I do often ask for help with that."
Jacqueline says, "It's a short-term help thing."
Pinkunz asks, "Oh, gadzoks and I were chatting earlier. Question, if we may?"
Jacqueline says, "Sure"
gadzoks says, "I've mostly been joking around but this is a pretty unique club, so I'd like to see it continue."
Pinkunz asks, "Why do you leave your paralized body here instead of logging in and out?"
Jacqueline says, "ha"
gadzoks asks, "For the transcript?"
Jacqueline says, "Nah."
Pinkunz says, "We were joking it was a creepy scarecrow tactic to scare off troublemakers."
Jacqueline says, "I just have a mud client that logs in through a telnet screen so it doesn't drop as easily as one that's done through other types of mudclients."
Pinkunz says, "Got it. That makes more sense."
gadzoks exclaims, "It might work. I was even hesitant to come in to check the suggestions list!"
Jacqueline says, "Lets me hop from computer to computer seemlessly and stuff."
Perry says, "Oo, I've always wanted to implement that for the other MUD I play since it drops you on the slightest interrupt meaning you have to spend time putting your defenses and stuff back up."
Jacqueline says, "No, not at all a thing to scare newcomers."
Pinkunz says, "Although the creepy Jacq-crow was pretty amusing."
Perry says, "Basically an IRC bouncer but for MUDs."
gadzoks says, "Could blend in with the bots, then when someone wanders in you poke them out of nowhere..."
Pinkunz says, "Thanks for clarifying that."
Jacqueline says, "PerrySimm is the transcript. And his body does remain here from week to week for that reason."
Perry says, "Slacker."
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "save"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite:
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "prey02"
CF | Lab B 65 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF | Saved.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Please hit up the channel in August when you need help so we know to rally."
gadzoks says, "I'm volunteering."
Jacqueline exclaims (at Pinkunz), "Will do. Thanks!"
Pinkunz says (to gadzoks), "I would now, but I'll forget in the meantime, tbh."
Pinkunz exclaims (at Jacq), "No problem!"
Pinkunz says, "Anyway, life intrudes, so if we're done for the day, Imma bounce. Thanks again for driving."
inventor rapidly claps their hands. "This was so much fun...! I got a LOT of notes from this, too! The author sending a beta version is gonna really benefit from this!"
inventor exclaims, "Bye, Pinkunz!"
inventor waves!
gadzoks says, "I could drive next time if no one else wants to."
Pinkunz We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty! gadzoks says, "Adios, Pinkunz."
inventor stands up and stretches. "I gotta tell Akira about the fake helmet reaction, ahahaha."
Jacqueline says, "Ha. I am now reading the bit in the transcript about you all wondering about my lifeless body."
inventor laughs.
inventor asks, "I'm gonna head out, too, I think. Apparenly I need to eat in order to survive. Learned last week that was is actually important, too, wouldn't ya know?"
inventor waves excitedly with a grin, as they fall backward into their home's engineered wormhole! gadzoks exclaims (at inventor), "Hope you'll be around next week!"
Perry says (to inventor), "Citation needed."
inventor exclaims (at gadzoks), "I certainly will be!!"
gadzoks says, "It's more fun when we can torment the author while playing."
inventor tries to figure out how to unmute the other channels...
gadzoks says, "I mean amuse the author."
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "Transripts sent."
inventor asks (of gadzoks), "And it's fun...being tormented(?)! Why do I sound excited about torment, ahaha?"
gadzoks asks, "'@mutec *' again should do it, I think?"
Jacqueline says, "I can leave the room so you all don't get weirded out by my body."
gadzoks says (to Jacqueline), "Nah, we were just curious."
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, @mutec * either mutes everything or clears all your muted channels."
inventor says, "Ah, thank you both! And no worries, Jacq, I already wormhole'd out to elsewhere lol"
gadzoks says (to inventor), "You did write this game, so it seems in-character."
Jacqueline departs. A clowder of cats chatters in the distance. inventor grins.
inventor exclaims, "Ah, yes! That did the trick!"
inventor exclaims, "Alrighty, then! Buh-bye!"
Jacqueline says, "See y'all next week."
gadzoks says (to inventor), "Adios."
gadzoks exclaims (at Jacqueline), "Thanks for driving!"
*** SESSION 3 ***
gadzoks says, "Ideas? Last week I feel we were mostly wandering aimlessly, but we didn't get a lot of prompting from the predator that session."
gadzoks says, "I imagine on higher difficulties we'd be moving around more in response to what the predator does. Would feel less aimless that way."
Jacqueline says, "Well, I don't think we're aimless. We're looking for the stuff."
Jade says, "It seems I got connected last week"
Jacqueline says, "We should be thinking proactively, and adjusting only when we have to."
Jacqueline says, "Initially we had been looking at strategic places to go for, say, acquiring weapons. The Predator is leaving us nothing anywhere we go, so I think intsead it's best to just visit each room until we've found the stuff."
gadzoks says, "There's the Storage Bay next to our current location. Also the reservoir, but those doors are locked."
gadzoks says, "So going to the Storage Bay first."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x table"
CF | Lab B 65 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | A table with a fake wood grain surface.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Sure"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak west"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (K)...)
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to Lab B...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the exit door)
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (K)
CF | I am in the north end of the hall.
CF |
CF | [More]
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "push space"
DavidW says, "To push space, don't say it, just do it here in the room."
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (K) 66 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the door to Lab
CF | B" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The door to Lab A (west) and the door to Lab B (east) are closed.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak north"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek north"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | north
CF |
CF | I carefully peek north...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)...)
CF |
CF | This part of the hallway is slightly more industrial than clinical, as
CF | a lot of
CF | hauling was facilitated here. On the north wall, some lifting straps
CF | hang from
CF | hooks.
CF |
CF | The hallway extends west and south, while a doorway to the east opens
CF | to the
CF | Storage Bay.
CF |
CF | The Predator's approaching from The Main Hallway Ring (B)!
CF |
CF | [More]
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (K) 66 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring
CF | (K)...)
CF |
CF | Maybe I should go another way...
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "eep"
Pinkunz says (to Jacq), "File sent"
gadzoks says, "Sorry about that."
Pinkunz has arrived. Perry says, "Oh that's our first spot of him."
Pinkunz says, "(Gee, why can't I see the game prompts? duh)"
gadzoks says, "Actually, kinda makes sense the big bad would arrive when we're on the way to the Airlock area."
Perry exclaims, "We should go say hi. He might be nice!"
inventor laughs.
DavidW says, "'candygram'"
gadzoks says (to Perry), "Might be an unreliable narrator sort of situation."
gadzoks says, "We could still go east, but he might follow."
gadzoks says, "There's a door to the freezer from there, though, and maybe some vents."
Pinkunz breaks out the salt and pepper.
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "east"
CF | Lab B 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | (first opening the door to Lab B)
CF |
CF | Lab B
CF | The Lab is fairly large, but mostly empty. In front of the window to
CF | the
CF | south, there is a lone table. A whiteboard covers the east wall.
CF |
CF | In The Evaluation Room I see an envirosuit helmet (visible in The
CF | Evaluation
CF | Room).
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Um, meant north, sorry."
Jade says, "y"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (K) 66 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: east
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "So where do we go instead?"
Pinkunz asks (of gadzoks), "No problem. Heading North, right?"
gadzoks asks, "Sure, if we have a death wish. Do we?"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
Jacqueline says (to ClubFloyd), "cf4"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite:
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (K) 66 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF | Saved.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Up to you. We have undo. And I already prepared the seasonings."
Jacqueline says, "I mean, we could die just experience it."
Jacqueline says, "I just saved."
Perry cheers!
inventor chuckles at Pinkunz.
gadzoks asks, "What meal would you like to be cooked into if you were to be eaten?"
Pinkunz sticks apple in ClubFloyd's mouth.
Jacqueline says, "Shepherd's Pie."
Pinkunz says, "Their last."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)
CF | This part of the hallway is slightly more industrial than clinical, as
CF | a lot of
CF | hauling was facilitated here. On the north wall, some lifting straps
CF | hang from
CF | hooks.
CF |
CF | The hallway extends west and south, while a doorway to the east opens
CF | to the
CF | Storage Bay.
CF |
CF | The Predator is near the middle of the hall (to the west).
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop door (near the middle of the hall (to the west)) is
CF | open, and
CF | I don't remember leaving it in that state!
CF |
CF | He goes east, and enters The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)!
CF |
CF | "Aha!" he shouts. "There you are! Time to die!"
CF |
CF | The Predator is sprinting toward me, but I still have time to
CF | react!
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "Do we know any krav maga moves?"
Jacqueline exclaims, "PARKOUR! PARKOUR!"
inventor exclaims, "Ah yes, just like my nightmare!"
Jacqueline says, "Kidding. I just like to say 'parkour'. Likely nothing to jump on in the hallway."
gadzoks says, "Maybe predator's head."
Pinkunz asks, "I mean, do they have a weapon?"
Perry asks (of Jacqueline), "à la Michael Scott?"
gadzoks asks, "We could run into the assembly shop and try a door slam?"
Pinkunz asks, "What makes them any more deadly than us?"
gadzoks asks, "We are a mouse, remember?"
Perry asks, "They're a predator and we're prey?"
Pinkunz asks, "They're our clone. Couldn't we eat them?"
gadzoks says, "Though I don't see any cheese or mouse traps around."
Jacqueline says (to gadzoks), "I mean, the Predator can see us, so I'm not sure a doorslamming trick will work."
gadzoks says (to Jacqueline), "I think the guide said you could slam it in his face too."
Pinkunz compliment Predator's haircut.
gadzoks says, "As he's about to enter the door."
Perry asks, "Yeah, can we romance the predator?"
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "flirt with predator"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | I don't understand that command.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "Serenade him?"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "kiss predator"
CF | >
CF |
CF | I decide to push the limits of what is thought to be possible.
CF |
CF | I approach, lips at the ready, and...
CF |
CF | ...he thought I was attempting to bite him.
CF |
CF | In the blink of an eye, most of my teeth are shattered, and his
CF | bleeding fist
CF | pulls away from me. I think my lower jaw has suffered multiple
CF | fractures, but
CF | I'm too dazed to be sure.
CF |
CF | I collapse to the floor, overwhelmed by pain, shock, and
CF | rejection.
CF |
CF | "What the fuck, Prey?" he demands, now realizing what I was
CF | trying to do. With
CF | a deep sigh, he looks over my crumpled form, deciding what to do next.
CF |
CF | He rolls his eyes in disappointment, raises his boot over my skull,
CF | and swiftly
CF | ends my existence.
CF |
CF | *** YOU HAVE DIED ***
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART the story, UNDO the last move,
CF | see the CREDITS,
CF | RESTORE a saved position, or QUIT?
CF | [More] Perry says, "NICE"
inventor laughs, rolling around on the floor!
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "So much for romance..."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: kiss predator
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)
CF | This part of the hallway is slightly more industrial than clinical, as
CF | a lot of
CF | hauling was facilitated here. On the north wall, some lifting straps
CF | hang from
CF | hooks.
CF |
CF | The hallway extends west and south, while a doorway to the east opens
CF | to the
CF | Storage Bay.
CF |
CF | The Predator is here.
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop door (near the middle of the hall (to the west)) is
CF | open, and
CF | I don't remember leaving it like that!
CF |
CF | > Jade says, "again"
Jacqueline says, "Dang. Bad Romance."
gadzoks says, "And they say love conquers all."
Pinkunz says, "Good job implementing a response to kiss."
inventor takes a little bow to Pinkunz.
gadzoks exclaims, "Yeah, most games just go 'keep your mind on the game'. Borrring!"
gadzoks says, "Unless I misread something the assembly shop is west. So let's try that."
gadzoks says, "Or fighting, if you want."
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "lick predator"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 68 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | I taste nothing unexpected.
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop door hisses mechanically closed, with a loud
CF | ka-chunk. Hold
CF | on, was that one of my doors from earlier...?
CF |
CF | The Predator is bearing down on me! I need to make a decisive
CF | move now!
CF |
CF | >
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: lick predator
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Of course, the classic move."
Perry says, "Had to."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (K) 66 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: n
CF |
CF | > inventor takes notes...
Pinkunz says, "surrender"
gadzoks says, "Oh, that wasn't a turn."
gadzoks says, "The lick. THought it was, since it reacted."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)
CF | This part of the hallway is slightly more industrial than clinical, as
CF | a lot of
CF | hauling was facilitated here. On the north wall, some lifting straps
CF | hang from
CF | hooks.
CF |
CF | The hallway extends west and south, while a doorway to the east opens
CF | to the
CF | Storage Bay.
CF |
CF | The Predator is near the middle of the hall (to the west).
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop door (near the middle of the hall (to the west)) is
CF | open, and
CF | I don't remember leaving it that way!
CF |
CF | He goes east, and enters The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)!
CF |
CF | "Aha!" he exclaims. "I was wondering where you were!"
CF |
CF | The Predator is running toward me, but I still have time to
CF | react!
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "The many deaths of Roger Wilco?"
Perry asks, "He just saw us though?"
gadzoks asks, "Or do we want to want to run?"
Pinkunz says, "I'd like to attack Predator."
gadzoks says, "Yeah, I accidentally undid the move into the hallway ring."
Pinkunz says, "Try punching the SOB first."
Perry says, "Me too. Plus a lot of other things."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "hit predator"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | It all happened so fast.
CF |
CF | Every tactical instinct in me said it was a bad idea. I was made for
CF | killing,
CF | sure, but this felt like running headfirst into death. Maybe a
CF | human would be
CF | so reckless, but I was programmed to weigh the costs and benefits
CF | before
CF | deploying violence.
CF |
CF | However, despite my instincts, my conscious mind had decided that
CF | this was the
CF | sensible course of action.
CF |
CF | In one moment, I was attempting to recover, and the next moment
CF | revealed my
CF | neck vacated of flesh, which now dribbles from his mouth. I collapse
CF | in a pool
CF | of my own blood, rushing out of fresh, gaping wounds.
CF |
CF | The last thing I see is his expression, just as shocked and surprised
CF | as my
CF | own.
CF |
CF | *** YOU HAVE DIED ***
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART the story, UNDO the last move,
CF | see the CREDITS,
CF | RESTORE a saved position, or QUIT?
CF |
CF | >
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "undo. hug predator"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | "undo. hug predator" was not one of the options.
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART the story, UNDO the last move,
CF | see the CREDITS,
CF | RESTORE a saved position, or QUIT?
CF |
CF | >
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: hit predator
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)
CF | This part of the hallway is slightly more industrial than clinical, as
CF | a lot of
CF | hauling was facilitated here. On the north wall, some lifting straps
CF | hang from
CF | hooks.
CF |
CF | The hallway extends west and south, while a doorway to the east opens
CF | to the
CF | Storage Bay.
CF |
CF | The Predator is here.
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop door (near the middle of the hall (to the west)) is
CF | open, and
CF | I don't remember leaving it in that state!
CF |
CF | >
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "hug Predator"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | I decide to push the limits of what is thought to be possible.
CF |
CF | I approach, arms at the ready, and...
CF |
CF | ...he thought I was attempting to grapple with him.
CF |
CF | Faster than comprehension, he grabs both of my wrists, and uses the
CF | longer
CF | reach of a clone to find room for a swift kick to my lower jaw.
CF |
CF | I collapse to the floor, overwhelmed by pain, shock, and
CF | rejection.
CF |
CF | "What the fuck, Prey?" he demands, now realizing what I was
CF | trying to do. With
CF | a deep sigh, he looks over my crumpled form, deciding what to do next.
CF |
CF | He rolls his eyes in disappointment, raises his boot over my skull,
CF | and swiftly
CF | ends my existence.
CF |
CF | *** YOU HAVE DIED ***
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART the story, UNDO the last move,
CF | see the CREDITS,
CF | RESTORE a saved position, or QUIT?
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Fair."
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: hug Predator
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)
CF | This part of the hallway is slightly more industrial than clinical, as
CF | a lot of
CF | hauling was facilitated here. On the north wall, some lifting straps
CF | hang from
CF | hooks.
CF |
CF | The hallway extends west and south, while a doorway to the east opens
CF | to the
CF | Storage Bay.
CF |
CF | The Predator is here.
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop door (near the middle of the hall (to the west)) is
CF | open, and
CF | I don't remember leaving it that way!
CF |
CF | >
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (K) 66 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: n
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "Oops, sorry. Double pressed enter."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "n"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF | > N
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)
CF | This part of the hallway is slightly more industrial than clinical, as
CF | a lot of
CF | hauling was facilitated here. On the north wall, some lifting straps
CF | hang from
CF | hooks.
CF |
CF | The hallway extends west and south, while a doorway to the east opens
CF | to the
CF | Storage Bay.
CF |
CF | The Predator is near the middle of the hall (to the west).
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop door (near the middle of the hall (to the west)) is
CF | open, and
CF | I don't remember leaving it like that!
CF |
CF | He goes east, and enters The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)!
CF |
CF | "Aha!" he exclaims. "I was wondering where you were!"
CF |
CF | The Predator is running right at me, but I still have time to
CF | react!
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "beg"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF | > BEG
CF |
CF | (leg)
CF | Body parts are not important enough to specifically refer to them.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "So, I'm thinking I need to put a warning on this transcript."
inventor nods.
Pinkunz says, "Yeah, CW would be wise."
gadzoks asks, "Anything else we want to try?"
Pinkunz says, "It autocorrected beg to leg."
Perry says, "Many things."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "dance with predator" Perry says, "But I'll do that on my own time."
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | I don't understand that command.
CF |
CF | >
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "tickle predator"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (tackle predator)
CF |
CF | It all happened so fast.
CF |
CF | Every tactical instinct in me said it was a bad idea. I was made for
CF | killing,
CF | sure, but this felt like running headfirst into death. Maybe a
CF | human would be
CF | so reckless, but I was programmed to weigh the costs and benefits
CF | before
CF | deploying violence.
CF |
CF | However, despite my instincts, my conscious mind had decided that
CF | this was the
CF | sensible course of action.
CF |
CF | In one moment, I was attempting to recover, and the next moment
CF | revealed my
CF | neck vacated of flesh, which now dribbles from his mouth. I collapse
CF | in a pool
CF | of my own blood, rushing out of fresh, gaping wounds.
CF |
CF | The last thing I see is his expression, just as shocked and surprised
CF | as my
CF | own.
CF |
CF | *** YOU HAVE DIED ***
CF |
CF |
CF | Would you like to RESTART the story, UNDO the last move,
CF | see the CREDITS,
CF | [More] Perry says, "Except for that"
Perry says, "Aww"
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "undo" gadzoks says, "It reads tickling as attacking, interesting."
inventor writes down more verb ideas...
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | >
Perry says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: tackle predator
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area)
CF | This part of the hallway is slightly more industrial than clinical, as
CF | a lot of
CF | hauling was facilitated here. On the north wall, some lifting straps
CF | hang from
CF | hooks.
CF |
CF | The hallway extends west and south, while a doorway to the east opens
CF | to the
CF | Storage Bay.
CF |
CF | The Predator is here.
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop door (near the middle of the hall (to the west)) is
CF | open, and
CF | I don't remember leaving it in that state!
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Sometimes the autocorrect can be problematic."
gadzoks says, "Guess inventor is not a fan of tickling."
inventor says, "Didn't occur to me, hahaha."
gadzoks says, "Yeah, maybe a kiss was too forward."
gadzoks says, "Gotta warm him up first."
Jacqueline frowns.
Pinkunz asks, "So, run somewhere with a door and then slam it in their face?"
Pinkunz asks, "Preferably not a dead end?"
gadzoks says, "Yeah, that was the idea, unless someone wants to try something else."
Pinkunz says, "Our more direct attempts haven't been encouraging."
Pinkunz asks, "Serenade Predator?"
gadzoks says, "So guess we have to go back S."
Pinkunz asks, "Talk to predator?"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "talk to predator"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | I cannot seem to find my voice right now.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "pray"
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (Loading Area) 67 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | (prey)
CF | I am currently stark-naked.
CF |
CF | The Assembly Shop door wheezes automatically closed, concluding with a
CF | loud ka-
CF | chunk. Wait a sec, was that one of my doors from
CF | earlier...?
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Oh yeah, auto-correct."
Pinkunz says, "Autocorrect again."
gadzoks says, "I'm thinking east, then into the freezer."
Knight_Otu has arrived. Knight_Otu says, "Hey."
Pinkunz asks, "Full Jurassic Park?"
Pinkunz says (to KO), "Hi"
inventor waves to Knight!
Knight_Otu says, "Sorry I'm late, some family business."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | The Storage Bay 68 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The Storage Bay
CF | The Bay connects seamlessly to the Hangar, with only a massive,
CF | pressure
CF | membrane keeping both areas distinct. The space is mostly littered
CF | with empty,
CF | plastic pallets.
CF |
CF | To the west is the Loading Area, and the Emergency Airlock is
CF | visible on the
CF | east side of the Hangar.
CF |
CF | The waste processing door and the Freezer loading door (south) are
CF | closed.
CF |
CF | He goes east, and enters The Storage Bay!
CF |
CF | The Predator is sprinting toward me, but I still have time to
CF | react!
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Just glad you could make it."
Jacqueline says, "Hi, KO"
Knight_Otu says, "I see I come at exciting times."
Jacqueline says (to KO), "Yeah, there's (violent) romance in the air."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x waste processing door"
CF | The Storage Bay 68 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south west
CF |
CF |
CF | There seems to be a proximity lock on this door, and a startling lack
CF | of cat
CF | accessibility.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "So freezer our only option?"
Pinkunz says, "Try it. Nothing to lose other than everything."
gadzoks says, "I like to live dangerously."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | >
CF | > S
CF |
CF | (first opening the Freezer loading door)
CF |
CF | I enter, as the freezing air awaits.
CF |
CF | The Freezer
CF | The freezer is absolutely empty, and positively massive.
CF |
CF | Slam the Freezer loading door?
CF | You have three tricks remaining, which you can spend on
CF | slamming the door in
CF | his face! This will delay his chase, but will cost one of your
CF | tricks!
CF |
CF | (The choices are
CF | Y for "Slam the door!", or
CF | L for "Leave door open".)
CF |
CF | Type in your choice here: gadzoks asks, "You call that a choice, game?"
Pinkunz says, "lol"
inventor smiles.
Pinkunz says, "I mean, we did try kissing him."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "Y"
CF | The Freezer 69 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south west
CF |
CF | > Y
CF |
CF |
CF |
CF | The loading door slams shut!
CF |
CF | "Ach! Fuck you, Prey!!" The Predator bellows from behind the
CF | door.
CF |
CF | The loading door (north), the Kitchen access door (south), and the
CF | reservoir
CF | access door are closed.
CF |
CF | However... something is suspicious here...
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is open, and I don't remember leaving it
CF | like that!
CF |
CF | > Knight_Otu says, "Technically it is. Just one of the alternatives is... poor."
Jacqueline says, "Gosh, Predator. Language."
Pinkunz says, "He chose... poorly."
Perry says, "Also, we have a /name/."
gadzoks says, "Not sure how we open locked doors. Guess the old 'use key on door' puzzle won't work here."
inventor chuckles. "Yeah, your name is Prey, lol."
Pinkunz says, "So, a thought on that."
Jacqueline says, "Well, I'm not sure we do unlock them. We circumvent them through things like vents where possible."
gadzoks says, "Yeah."
Perry says, "Our non-existent parents weren't very creative."
Pinkunz asks, "The name prey is super on the nose, right?"
Pinkunz asks, "And we're clone #43???"
gadzoks asks, "Did search reveal routes?"
gadzoks says, "Don't think we could search the room itself though, just something specific."
Pinkunz asks, "So, did he take that long to come up with "Prey"?"
inventor laughs.
Pinkunz says, "Or has every clone been named Prey"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x reservoir access door"
CF | The Freezer 69 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north south west
CF |
CF |
CF | There seems to be a proximity lock on this door, and a startling lack
CF | of cat
CF | accessibility.
CF |
CF | My exhales turn to visible fog before me.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "South it is, I guess."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "s"
CF | The Kitchen 70 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF | > S
CF |
CF | (first opening the Kitchen access door)
CF |
CF | Warmer air meets and comforts me.
CF |
CF | The Kitchen
CF | There are a lot of empty spaces, probably where extra utilities were
CF | once
CF | housed. Since only The Predator uses this space, there is no
CF | need for
CF | redundancy.
CF |
CF | An electric oven sits under a stove hood by the east wall, and the
CF | kitchen
CF | counter can be found beside it. A walk-in fridge takes up a good bit
CF | of the
CF | south wall. The northeast corner houses a metal sink.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed, and the Freezer door (north) is
CF | currently open,
CF | but I already knew that.
CF |
CF | The Predator's shouts can be heard over the intercom:
CF |
CF | "It's a matter of time, Prey!"
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "At one point our name was Julie, but he found it easier to kill things when there wasn't a real name involved."
gadzoks says, "I want to find some routes here."
gadzoks asks, "Did we search the stuff in here?"
Knight_Otu asks, "What if the Predator was an innocent security guard?"
Knight_Otu says, "That should make killings automatic."
Pinkunz says, "I find the oven vent suspicious if we're looking for routes."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search oven"
CF | The Kitchen 71 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the oven)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the oven.
CF |
CF | (searching in the oven)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the oven.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "Do we want to undo that?"
Perry exclaims, "No!"
Pinkunz says, "Yeah, try climbing on the oven."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Kitchen 70 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: search oven
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Or not."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "climb onto oven"
CF | The Kitchen (on the oven) 71 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | I climb atop the oven.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "look"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | The Kitchen (on the oven) 71 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Kitchen (on the oven)
CF | There are a lot of empty spaces, probably where extra utilities were
CF | once
CF | housed. Since only The Predator uses this space, there is no
CF | need for
CF | redundancy.
CF |
CF | An electric oven sits under a stove hood by the east wall, and the
CF | kitchen
CF | counter can be found beside it. A walk-in fridge takes up a good bit
CF | of the
CF | south wall. The northeast corner houses a metal sink.
CF |
CF | I am on the oven.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed, and the Freezer door (north) is
CF | currently open,
CF | but I probably knew that.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Yeah, search the stove hood."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search hood"
CF | The Kitchen (on the oven) 72 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the stove hood)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the stove hood.
CF |
CF | (searching in the stove hood)
CF | In the stove hood I see a small metal hatch.
CF |
CF | The Predator's voice can be heard over the intercom:
CF |
CF | "Whoops! Prey, I saw you open the Freezer loading
CF | door! You'd better start
CF | running now...!"
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Yeah, was thinking this place should have a vent or something."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "open hatch"
CF | The Kitchen (on the oven) 73 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | Opened.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "enter hatch"
CF | The Reservoir Corridor (on the rusty crate) 74 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south
CF |
CF |
CF | It's awkward, but I climb up into the stove hood, and pull myself
CF | through the
CF | small metal hatch I find inside.
CF |
CF | I land on a crate, on the other side of the wall.
CF |
CF | The Reservoir Corridor (on the rusty crate)
CF | A barren, naked corridor, with cement floors, and exposed pipes on the
CF | ceiling.
CF | A rusty crate sits by the west wall, under a small, metal door.
CF |
CF | To the south, a locked door goes to the Reactor Turbine Room. To the
CF | north,
CF | another locked door leads to the Freezer. To the east is the
CF | Reservoir Control
CF | Room.
CF |
CF | I am on the rusty crate.
CF |
CF | (The small metal hatch falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | From the east, I hear the distant, gushing noise of waterfalls.
CF |
CF | The freezer door and the reactor access door are closed.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the south, I hear the cacophonous, muffled
CF | screech of
CF | the reactor turbine pumps.
CF | [More]
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | [More]
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Well, this is new."
Jacqueline says, "That was a great catch about the oven vent."
inventor writes more notes down...
Pinkunz says, "Just seemed like a logical place to hide an exit. A stove hood has to vent somewhere."
Knight_Otu says, "[More], and the [More] is just the prompt is a bit weird."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "cf5"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite:
CF | The Reservoir Corridor (on the rusty crate) 74 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south
CF | Saved.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Yeah, I wanted to search that as well."
Jacqueline says, "I think the [MORE] repetition may just be Floyd/Sleepmask."
Knight_Otu says, "But I gather it's part suspense, part a chance for checking for events."
gadzoks says, "Guess there' only one way to go from here."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x crate"
CF | The Reservoir Corridor (on the rusty crate) 74 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east south
CF |
CF |
CF | A rusty, metal crate.
CF |
CF | From the east, I hear the distant, constant rush of plummeting water.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak east"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek east"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | east
CF |
CF | I carefully peek east...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Reservoir Control Room...)
CF |
CF | The Control Room boasts the latest in humidity-resistant computer
CF | systems. A
CF | doorway to the east (beside a window) provides access to the
CF | Reservoir's
CF | observation catwalk, while a way to the west goes back to the
CF | Corridor.
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Reservoir Corridor...)
CF |
CF | The Reservoir Control Room
CF | [More]
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Reservoir Control Room 75 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF | The Control Room boasts the latest in humidity-resistant
CF | computer systems. A
CF | doorway to the east (beside a window) provides access to the
CF | Reservoir's
CF | observation catwalk, while a way to the west goes back to the
CF | Corridor.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the southwest, I hear the dissonant, wall-shivering
CF | whir of
CF | the turbine pumps.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Guess sneaking now is a bit redundant, but..."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x systems"
CF | The Reservoir Control Room 75 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | Well-insulated controls and displays allow engineers to monitor the
CF | Reservoir.
CF |
CF | From the east, I hear the steady hiss of waterfalls.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x window"
CF | The Reservoir Control Room 75 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | Something prevents the window from being obscured by steam and
CF | humidity, but
CF | the method isn't visible.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "Is this something we can, or want to, open?"
Pinkunz says, "No idea."
Pinkunz asks, "Are the controls usable?"
Pinkunz says, "This may be somewhere the Predator didn't think to Prey-proof."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "press controls"
CF | The Reservoir Control Room 75 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | The controls are not important.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Seems like liminal space."
gadzoks says, "That might be the wrong verb for it."
gadzoks says, "Not sure."
Pinkunz asks, "Maybe. Seems like red herring maybe?"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x controls"
CF | The Reservoir Control Room 75 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | Well-insulated controls and displays allow engineers to monitor the
CF | Reservoir.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Here goes nothing..."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "open window"
CF | The Reservoir Control Room 75 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | The observation window is not something I can open.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "I feel like I should be able to do stuff that Predator would dislike from here. Like draining the reservoir."
inventor takes notes...
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x displays"
CF | The Reservoir Control Room 75 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | Well-insulated controls and displays allow engineers to monitor the
CF | Reservoir.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "use controls"
CF | >
CF |
CF | I don't recognize the command USE, because it's a bit too vague;
CF | please be more
CF | specific about what you want to do.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "If this place is Nuclear, that'd put the place on a meltdown path."
gadzoks asks, "Any verb we want to try here?"
Pinkunz says, "Doesn't look like that's an option, unfortunately."
Jacqueline says (to Pinkunz), "Causing a meltdown doesn't feel like a win, per se."
gadzoks says, "Probably not."
gadzoks says, "Hey, might as well take him down with us."
Pinkunz says, "Doesn't feel like a win for the Predator either."
gadzoks says, "I'd say we're a goner either way."
inventor takes more notes...
gadzoks asks, "Catwalk, ho?"
Pinkunz says, "Also, a meltdown isn't automatic."
Pinkunz says, "Trigger it on the way out."
gadzoks says, "A sabotage, maybe."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "break systems"
CF | The Reservoir Control Room 75 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west
CF |
CF |
CF | The controls are not important.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Catwalk, I guess."
gadzoks exclaims, "So either not implemented, or we need to GUESS THE VERB!"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "e"
CF | The Reactor Reservoir 76 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF | > E
CF |
CF | The Reactor Reservoir
CF | I stand on a catwalk, which is all that stops me from falling.
CF | Gargantuan
CF | sprays of steaming water fire from outlets in the wall. However, they
CF | fail to
CF | meet the north wall before impacting the water below. The sheer scale
CF | of the
CF | Reservoir could fit the entire core group of facility rooms, and still
CF | have
CF | room for more.
CF |
CF | To the north, a giant section of wall acts as a region of perpetual
CF | rainfall,
CF | seemingly forming from nothing. The air is saturated with humidity
CF | and
CF | moisture, and plenty of droplets pelt me from all the sprays.
CF |
CF | The sheer height of the Reservoir makes all depth perceptions of the
CF | eye fail
CF | spectacularly. An unbelievably-massive ceiling fan works
CF | industriously above
CF | me.
CF |
CF | All of this, to act as an incredible heat exchanger for the facility's
CF | reactor,
CF | without ever interfacing with the outside world.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "Should we sneak, actually?"
gadzoks says, "That seemed to be more for doors + listening first, but maybe not."
Pinkunz says, "Well, the link to the reactor is confirmed."
inventor smiles.
Pinkunz says, "No reservoir, no heat sink."
Pinkunz asks, "Swim?"
Pinkunz asks, "Can we dive off?"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "dive"
CF | The Strainer Stage 77 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | I dive from the catwalk, and plummet into the hot reservoir water
CF | below.
CF |
CF | The hot, steaming water carries me like rapids. The walls of the
CF | tunnel are
CF | smooth enough to not pose much of a danger, however.
CF |
CF | I slam into the metal grate of the Strainer Stage, but--other than
CF | mild
CF | bruising--I seem to be okay.
CF |
CF | I need to be careful in the nearby Life Support area, as it can be a
CF | bit of a
CF | narrow killzone, if he is patrolling the area.
CF |
CF | The Strainer Stage
CF | The concrete tunnel ends here, at a massive grate. Water flows
CF | through in a
CF | current, which borders on hazardous.
CF |
CF | The current rushes noisily by.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the west, I hear the racket of industrial
CF | fans.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz asks, "Where, are we?"
gadzoks says, "This the other side of where we went last time, I think."
gadzoks says, "There was that grate."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x grate"
CF | The Strainer Stage 77 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | The metal strainer is littered in bits of pale kelp from the Reservoir
CF | floor.
CF |
CF | The echoey tunnel is full of noise from the rushing waters.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x door"
CF | The Strainer Stage 77 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | A heavy, metal door. A spring-resistent handle keeps rooms closed,
CF | but
CF | accessible. Hidden pneumatics make the doors close automatically.
CF | There seems
CF | to be a sort of rough, rectangular cat door cut into the bottom of the
CF | door.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Or maybe we dove down to the same place we were."
gadzoks asks, "Undo?"
Pinkunz says, "Well, at least we're clean."
Jacqueline says, "I'm trying to find the Life Support Area on the map, that seems like a clue."
Jacqueline says, "Okay, yeah."
gadzoks says, "It's where we went from the Central Ventilation Node."
Jacqueline says, "That's weird, but seems we're underneath everything again."
gadzoks says, "Which we got to from the library."
Jacqueline says, "yeah"
gadzoks says, "*think* this is the same room."
gadzoks says, "It's a shortcut, I guess."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Strainer Stage 77 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: x door
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Strainer Stage 77 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: x grate
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | The Reactor Reservoir 76 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: dive
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | The Reactor Reservoir 76 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Reactor Reservoir
CF | I stand on a catwalk, which is all that stops me from falling.
CF | Gargantuan
CF | sprays of steaming water fire from outlets in the wall. However, they
CF | fail to
CF | meet the north wall before impacting the water below. The sheer scale
CF | of the
CF | Reservoir could fit the entire core group of facility rooms, and still
CF | have
CF | room for more.
CF |
CF | To the north, a giant section of wall acts as a region of perpetual
CF | rainfall,
CF | seemingly forming from nothing. The air is saturated with humidity
CF | and
CF | moisture, and plenty of droplets pelt me from all the sprays.
CF |
CF | The sheer height of the Reservoir makes all depth perceptions of the
CF | eye fail
CF | spectacularly. An unbelievably-massive ceiling fan works
CF | industriously above
CF | me.
CF |
CF | All of this, to act as an incredible heat exchanger for the facility's
CF | reactor,
CF | without ever interfacing with the outside world.
CF |
CF | From all around, I hear the reality-filling noise of surging water.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x outlets"
CF | The Reactor Reservoir 76 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | The outlets could fit a car, and the force and volume of piping-hot
CF | water
CF | spraying out could probably be misunderstood as some kind of weapon or
CF | demolition method. However, across the great expanse of the
CF | Reservoir, the
CF | spray turns to mist, and feeds into to rainfall by the north wall.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "I don't think we're in the same space, are we? I think we're on the other side of a grate or fence from where we were."
Jacqueline says, "But I could be very wrong."
Pinkunz says, "Small typo at the end."
gadzoks says, "Yeah, that was my first thought."
Pinkunz says, "...feeds into to rainfall..."
inventor exclaims, "Oh! Good catch!"
inventor exclaims, "Thanks for spotting that!"
gadzoks says, "But there's a door leading W going back into Life Support."
Pinkunz says (to inventor), "No problem."
gadzoks says, "Might actually be on the other side, still."
gadzoks says, "Should have tried going there before undoing, sorry."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "SAVE"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "cf6"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite:
CF | The Reactor Reservoir 76 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF | Saved.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Could just get wet again."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "dive"
CF | The Strainer Stage 77 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: west
CF |
CF |
CF | I dive from the catwalk, and plummet into the hot reservoir water
CF | below.
CF |
CF | The hot, steaming water carries me like rapids. The walls of the
CF | tunnel are
CF | smooth enough to not pose much of a danger, however.
CF |
CF | I slam into the metal grate of the Strainer Stage, but--other than
CF | mild
CF | bruising--I seem to be okay.
CF |
CF | I need to be careful in the nearby Life Support area, as it can be a
CF | bit of a
CF | narrow killzone, if he is patrolling the area.
CF |
CF | The Strainer Stage
CF | The concrete tunnel ends here, at a massive grate. Water flows
CF | through in a
CF | current, which borders on hazardous.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the west, I hear the racket of air moving
CF | through
CF | ducts.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak west"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into Life Support (Lower Level)...)
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Strainer Stage...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the exit door)
CF |
CF | Life Support (Lower Level)
CF | Machines, ducts, and pipes fill the room, and the floor is damp with
CF | residual
CF | water.
CF | [More] gadzoks says, "Looks to be the same area, from the room name at least."
Jacqueline says, "See, last time I thought we couldn't get into the water."
Jacqueline says, "But maybe I just missed that."
gadzoks says, "But those might be deliberately confusing."
Pinkunz says, "from the opposite side."
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | Life Support (Lower Level) 78 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east up
CF |
CF | To the east, a door provides access to the Reservoir Strainer Stage.
CF | A ladder,
CF | meanwhile, goes up to the upper floor of Life Support.
CF |
CF | A large cooling duct runs vertically, along the south wall.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Reservoir Access
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The room is full of noise.
CF |
CF | The Reservoir Access door (east) is closed.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Maybe the flow of water ends at the grate you slam into."
Pinkunz says, "Meaning you can only get in upstream."
Pinkunz says, "Like a one-way shortcut."
gadzoks asks, "Was there anything else up there we wanted to check?"
gadzoks says, "I think there was a fan here that mentioned a vent."
gadzoks says, "Might have been a different area, though."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x duct"
CF | Life Support (Lower Level) 78 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east up
CF |
CF |
CF | A large, metal duct, running vertically up the south wall.
CF |
CF | The industrious fans and other mechanisms fill the room with sound.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "enter duct"
CF | Inside Cooling Duct (Lower Segment) 79 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: up out
CF |
CF |
CF | (first opening the access door)
CF | (I learned a new route: GO THROUGH THE ACCESS DOOR!)
CF | With difficulty, I prop myself into position, and exit through the
CF | access door.
CF |
CF | I climb into the cooling duct, and a shiver rolls through me in reply.
CF | I press
CF | my limbs against the chilling, aluminum walls. Now pinned in place, I
CF | am ready
CF | to climb UP or DOWN
CF |
CF | Inside Cooling Duct (Lower Segment)
CF | I hold onto the freezing walls. Light spills in from the open access
CF | door at
CF | the bottom, giving my night vision enough to see.
CF |
CF | The access door (out) is currently open, but I was expecting that.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "Do we want to go here?"
gadzoks says, "I think there was a vent in the fan in one of those other rooms, as well."
gadzoks asks, "Ideas?"
Pinkunz says, "It said this was new."
Pinkunz says, "New route found."
Pinkunz asks, "We should probably explore it. Looks like up or down?"
Knight_Otu says, "Seems like just up to me."
gadzoks says, "Yeah, says up and out, sorry. Missed that."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "up"
CF | Inside Cooling Duct (Upper Segment) 80 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF | > UP
CF |
CF | Pressing my limbs against the the chilled, metal insides of the duct,
CF | I walk
CF | myself up the vertical cooling duct.
CF |
CF | Inside Cooling Duct (Upper Segment)
CF | Light spills in from the open access door at the bottom, giving my
CF | night vision
CF | enough to see.
CF |
CF | A shiver passes over me.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz asks, "I am ready to climb UP or DOWN?"
gadzoks says, "Yeah, but the exits list 'up' and 'out'."
Pinkunz says, "Ah! missed that."
Pinkunz says, "Thanks"
gadzoks says, "Prolly needs to be rewritten, yeah."
inventor takes more notes...
Pinkunz asks, "Can we continue up?"
gadzoks says, "Doesn't seem to be anything in here, though."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "up"
CF | Inside Cooling Duct (Upper Segment) 80 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF | > UP
CF |
CF | The duct seems to end here.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Nope."
Pinkunz asks, "Hidden exit?"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search duct"
CF | Inside Cooling Duct (Upper Segment) 80 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF |
CF | One of the walls is not important.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Seems strange to have effectively a capped off chimney"
gadzoks says, "Maybe for hiding."
Pinkunz says, "That is a very weird sentence."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search walls"
CF | Inside Cooling Duct (Upper Segment) 80 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF |
CF | One of the walls is not important.
CF |
CF | > Perry says, "The other four are."
Pinkunz says, "Try out."
Perry says, "Er, three. Math."
gadzoks says, "Yeah, makes me think the walls ARE important, but we have to refer to them correctly."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "out"
CF | The Chilled Server Room 81 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF | > OUT
CF |
CF | (first opening the cooling outlet vent grate)
CF |
CF | The Chilled Server Room
CF | The room here would normally be engulfed in total darkness, if it
CF | weren't for
CF | light spilling in from the ladder, in addition to all the running
CF | lights of the
CF | surrounding server banks. Part of the room is built atop the
CF | northwest corner
CF | of the Delivery Room, which creates the shape of a raised alcove to
CF | the
CF | southeast.
CF |
CF | On the north wall, there is a cooling vent, filling the room with
CF | frigid air.
CF |
CF | (The cooling outlet vent grate falls closed behind me.)
CF |
CF | The chilling air surrounds me.
CF |
CF | My nose feels the bite of the surrounding chill.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to below, I hear the muffled ka-thud of the
CF | Kitchen door
CF | automatically closing.
CF |
CF | > inventor says, "Wow, procedural descriptions are really hoisting me in quick succession here..."
inventor takes more notes...
gadzoks says, "Not sure what to do now."
gadzoks asks, "We've already been here. Do we want to go back?"
Jacqueline says, "I think I'd like for us to work our way to new areas for the search."
Pinkunz asks, "Has anyone kept track of where we haven���t been yet?"
Pinkunz asks, "Like, have we hit the security office yet?"
gadzoks says, "I don't think we checked the sleeping quarters, at least one of them."
Jacqueline says, "Yes. We've done the Security Office and Armory."
gadzoks says, "There's the restrooms..."
Jacqueline says, "No sleeping quarters, no restrooms, not the breakroom or delivery room."
gadzoks says, "We've probably missed a vent or four on the way."
Jacqueline says, "Not Waste Processing."
Jacqueline says, "Yes, I'm assuming there's more hidden map that we do not know of."
Pinkunz asks, "Didn't we start in the delivery room?"
Jacqueline says, "I thought we went straight for the Security office after coming out of the freezer the first time, but could be wrong."
gadzoks asks, "So Evaluation Room is where we haven't been?"
Jacqueline says, "Yeah, don't think we've been there, though we saw it through the glass from Lab B"
gadzoks asks, "Unless we want to go back down the duct we could go there?"
gadzoks says, "Though it would make more sense to do that on the way to the airlock."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | The Chilled Server Room 81 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | The Chilled Server Room
CF | The room here would normally be engulfed in total darkness, if it
CF | weren't for
CF | light spilling in from the ladder, in addition to all the running
CF | lights of the
CF | surrounding server banks. Part of the room is built atop the
CF | northwest corner
CF | of the Delivery Room, which creates the shape of a raised alcove to
CF | the
CF | southeast.
CF |
CF | On the north wall, there is a cooling vent, filling the room with
CF | frigid air.
CF |
CF | My breath turns to fog before my eyes.
CF |
CF | My face begins to feel numb in the cold.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search alcove"
CF | The Chilled Server Room 82 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF |
CF | (I learned a new route: JUMP ATOP THE FLOOR OF THE ALCOVE!)
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Not sure this does us any good."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "jump atop the floor of the alcove"
CF | The Chilled Server Room (on the floor of the alcove)83 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF |
CF | I can see an opening in the floor of the alcove, where the cables feed
CF | into.
CF |
CF | A icy wave of air passes over me.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search opening"
CF | The Chilled Server Room (on the floor of the alcove)84 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF |
CF | I find nothing of interest about the opening.
CF |
CF | My breaths become visible fog before my very eyes.
CF |
CF | I can feel frost building up on my damp skin.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to below, I hear the muffled ka-thud of the
CF | Breakroom door
CF | automatically closing. ...Hey, was I meant to hear that just
CF | now...?
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "That seemed to take a turn."
gadzoks says, "Wonder if we can rip the cables out."
inventor takes notes...
gadzoks asks, "Or do we want to undo the search?"
Jacqueline says, "I'm good either way."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "pull cables"
CF | The Chilled Server Room (on the floor of the alcove)84 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF |
CF | The cables are on top of the floor of the alcove, which is out of
CF | reach,
CF | because I am on the floor of the alcove.
CF |
CF | > inventor writes more notes. "Oops. My bad."
gadzoks asks, "Am I the only one not understanding how this works, geographically?"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "jump on top floor of the alcove"
CF | The Chilled Server Room (on the floor of the alcove)84 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF |
CF | I see no on top floor of the alcove here.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "down"
CF | The Chilled Server Room 85 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: down
CF |
CF |
CF | I climb down to the floor.
CF |
CF | The frozen air encases me.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "down"
CF | Server Access 86 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west up
CF |
CF |
CF | I quickly descend the ladder, where warmer air welcomes and
CF | revitalizes me.
CF |
CF | Server Access
CF | The room is pretty barren; the server banks are all found upstairs.
CF |
CF | A ladder can be found here, and the exit to the east goes to the
CF | Library, while
CF | a door to the west goes to the Utility Corridor.
CF |
CF | A chilled fog rolls out of the hatch in the ceiling.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) is closed.
CF |
CF | Through a wall to the north, I hear the noise of industrious life
CF | support.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x hatch"
CF | Server Access 86 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east west up
CF |
CF |
CF | A ladder provides access to the chilled room above. It is inclined,
CF | and looks
CF | more like a steep stairway.
CF |
CF | A chilling mist falls down from the ladder.
CF |
CF | I can feel myself slowly defrosting.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "Sleeping Quarters?"
gadzoks says, "It's pretty close."
Knight_Otu asks, "Maybe?"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak west"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Utility Corridor...)
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to Server Access...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the exit door)
CF |
CF | The Utility Corridor
CF | The hallway is made of stone, cement, and pipes. At the north end, it
CF | curves
CF | slightly to the east, connecting to Life Support. The exit is to the
CF | south.
CF | [More]
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Utility Corridor 87 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south northeast
CF | To the east, a door leads to Server Access. The west wall has
CF | suffered some
CF | damage, leaving pipes exposed.
CF |
CF | Some pipes are exposed through a hole in the west wall.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Server Access
CF | door" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The Server Access door (east), the door to life support, and the south
CF | end exit
CF | door are closed.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the northeast, I hear the activity of air
CF | moving
CF | through ducts.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "According to the map, there should be an exit west."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search pipes"
CF | The Utility Corridor 88 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: east south northeast
CF |
CF |
CF | (I learned a new route: SQUEEZE THROUGH THE HOLE IN THE WALL!)
CF | Through a closed door to the northeast, I hear the din of industrial
CF | fans.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "squeeze through the hole in the wall"
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed) 89 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | It's a tight squeeze, but I manage to fit between the pipes in the
CF | wall, and
CF | crawl under a bed on the other side.
CF |
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed)
CF | The soft carpet absorbs any echoes that would normally propagate in
CF | this
CF | nearly-vacant room. All that remains is a single bed, and a large
CF | storage
CF | chest.
CF |
CF | I am under the bunkbed.
CF |
CF | Some pipes are exposed through a hole under this bed.
CF |
CF | The exit door (west) and the Classroom door (north) are closed.
CF |
CF | I notice how dry my eyes had become in the cold, and blink moisture
CF | back into
CF | them.
CF |
CF | Through a closed door to the west, I hear the muffled ka-thud
CF | of the Breakroom
CF | door automatically closing. Wait a second, was that my
CF | door...?
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x chest"
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed) 89 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | A large, rectangular chest. It can open and close, and store a large
CF | number of
CF | items. A person could probably fit inside, too, but they would not be
CF | unable
CF | to see the room outside.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "open chest"
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed) 90 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | Opened.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "look in chest"
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed) 91 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | I see nothing interesting in the large storage chest.
CF |
CF | I feel my blood returning to my limbs.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Just a hiding spot, I guess."
Pinkunz says, "I wonder if you can freeze to death. The chilling/warming messages seemed timed."
gadzoks says, "So that was a bust."
inventor smiles at Pinkunz.
gadzoks says, "Yeah, starts with cold breath and then numbness."
inventor exclaims, "Fun fact, those body temperature messages took me two days to add into the game. It was actually a lot of fun!!"
gadzoks asks, "Do we hope there is something in the other sleeping quarters, or go somewhere else?"
gadzoks says, "If the predator was just in the breakroom, the corridor might be dangerous."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search bed"
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed) 92 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | I find nothing of interest on the bunkbed.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Sleep, lol."
Pinkunz says, "It'll be fine."
gadzoks exclaims, "Good idea!"
inventor laughs!
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "sleep"
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed) 92 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | Ha!
CF |
CF | As if I could sleep at a time like this!
CF |
CF | > inventor exclaims, "I forgot I added a response for that!"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search under bed"
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed) 93 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | Under the bunkbed I see some pipes in the wall.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks asks, "SHould I undo that?"
gadzoks says, "We already know about the pipes."
gadzoks says, "So that action would only be useful if we came from the other side."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "undo"
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed) 92 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | One turn undone: search under bed
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search chest"
CF | Clone Sleeping Quarters (under the bunkbed) 93 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north west
CF |
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the large storage chest)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the large storage chest.
CF |
CF | (searching in the large storage chest)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the large storage chest.
CF |
CF | > Pinkunz says, "Either or. Undo will give more time, but some might say that losing time to search is the point. It's really up to you."
gadzoks says, "Also guessing 'look in' and 'search' are the same here. Already looked in it, but not sure."
gadzoks says, "But I also like minimizing undos."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak west"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | (first getting out of the bunkbed)
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the exit door...
CF |
CF | (looking into The Main Hallway Ring (F)...)
CF |
CF | Seems safe!
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to Clone Sleeping Quarters...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the exit door)
CF |
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (F)
CF | I am in the south end of the hall.
CF | [More] Knight_Otu says, "Your call."
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | The Main Hallway Ring (F) 94 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east west southeast
CF |
CF | The hall extends north and southeast.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the Clone Sleeping
CF | Quarters door" action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The Clone Sleeping Quarters door (east) and the Human Sleeping
CF | Quarters door
CF | (west) are closed.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "sneak west"
CF | >
CF |
CF | (Sneaking...!)
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "listen" action.)
CF |
CF | I hear nothing out of the ordinary.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "peek the Human Sleeping
CF | Quarters door" action.)
CF |
CF | west
CF |
CF | I carefully peek through the cat flap of the Human Sleeping Quarters
CF | door...
CF |
CF | (looking into Human Sleeping Quarters...)
CF |
CF | This room was one of three sleeping areas for facility staff, but the
CF | other two
CF | are not within The Predator's boundaries.
CF |
CF | It has been converted in a sort of scrap yard, with a massive junk
CF | pile taking
CF | up half the space.
CF |
CF | A single bunkbed and wardrobe sit in the southeast corner, like a
CF | museum to
CF | display how Humans once lived.
CF |
CF | [More]
gadzoks pushes the green 'space' button.
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters 95 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF |
CF | (returning my attention to The Main Hallway Ring (F)...)
CF |
CF | (first opening the Human Sleeping Quarters door)
CF |
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters
CF | This room was one of three sleeping areas for facility staff, but the
CF | other two
CF | are not within The Predator's boundaries.
CF |
CF | It has been converted in a sort of scrap yard, with a massive junk
CF | pile taking
CF | up half the space.
CF |
CF | A single bunkbed and wardrobe sit in the southeast corner, like a
CF | museum to
CF | display how Humans once lived.
CF |
CF | (I automatically try the "close the exit door"
CF | action.)
CF |
CF | I gently close the door, so that it does not make a sound.
CF |
CF | The Armory door (north) and the exit door (east) are closed.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x pile"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters 95 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF |
CF | It seems to be the remnants of furniture and other utilities. I can
CF | see
CF | several bits which could have been ovens, and have been scrapped for
CF | parts.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x wardrobe"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters 95 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF |
CF | A wide, metal wardrobe closet. It looks large enough to hide in, but
CF | I would
CF | need to fill it with some clothes (or other large objects), first.
CF | Right now,
CF | it's too empty.
CF |
CF | > inventor exclaims, "Idk about everyone else, but I mentally had bets that he'd be in the hall, lol. Relieved to see you had a clear way through!"
gadzoks says, "Thought he might be after we heard him in the breakroom."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "x bunkbed"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters 95 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF |
CF | A twin-tier bunkbed with two simple mattresses. There's enough space
CF | under it
CF | to hide.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline asks, "I got a phone call - did I miss anything? Did we find another piece of the suit?"
gadzoks says, "So the sleeping quarters seems to mostly be for hiding."
gadzoks says, "We found a lot of hidey-holes."
gadzoks says, "The pile might contain something good, though."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search pile"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters 95 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF |
CF | The junk pile is not important.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks exclaims, "Foiled again!"
Pinkunz says, "Your intuition has been rejected."
Pinkunz says, "lol"
gadzoks says (to Jacqueline), "I'm out of ideas on what to do at the moment, so we haven't really gotten anywhere."
Pinkunz says, "In fairness, I think the group is running out of ideas."
gadzoks says, "That's where I would hide one of the suit pieces, anyway."
Pinkunz says, "I think the hiding places are generative."
Pinkunz says, "Like they move at random each play through."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search under bed"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters 96 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF |
CF | I find nothing of interest under the bunkbed.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "We've almost made it to 100 turns, at least."
gadzoks asks, "Does look count as a turn?"
Jacqueline says, "No"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters 96 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters
CF | This room was one of three sleeping areas for facility staff, but the
CF | other two
CF | are not within The Predator's boundaries.
CF |
CF | It has been converted in a sort of scrap yard, with a massive junk
CF | pile taking
CF | up half the space.
CF |
CF | A single bunkbed and wardrobe sit in the southeast corner, like a
CF | museum to
CF | display how Humans once lived.
CF |
CF | The Armory door (north) and the exit door (east) are closed.
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "Look's a freebie in this mode"
Jacqueline says, "Well, we're also at time again."
inventor finishes writing their notes.
Pinkunz asks, "Search wardrobe?"
Jacqueline says, "I've enjoyed this, but also appreciate that this might be hard for a group like this and we may need to move on next week."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "search wardrobe"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters 97 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF |
CF | (searching the top of the wardrobe closet)
CF | I find nothing of interest on the wardrobe closet.
CF |
CF | (searching in the wardrobe closet)
CF | I see nothing interesting in the wardrobe closet.
CF |
CF | (I learned a new route: JUMP ATOP THE WARDROBE CLOSET!)
CF |
CF | > Jacqueline says, "aw"
gadzoks says, "Might be something up there."
Pinkunz says, "Apparently you can climb on it, lol"
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "jump atop the wardrobe closet"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters (on the wardrobe closet) 98 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF |
CF | I jump and climb atop the wardrobe closet.
CF |
CF | >
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "l"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters (on the wardrobe closet) 98 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF |
CF | > L
CF |
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters (on the wardrobe closet)
CF | This room was one of three sleeping areas for facility staff, but the
CF | other two
CF | are not within The Predator's boundaries.
CF |
CF | It has been converted in a sort of scrap yard, with a massive junk
CF | pile taking
CF | up half the space.
CF |
CF | A single bunkbed and wardrobe sit in the southeast corner, like a
CF | museum to
CF | display how Humans once lived.
CF |
CF | I am on the wardrobe closet.
CF |
CF | The Armory door (north) and the exit door (east) are closed.
CF |
CF | > gadzoks says, "Doesn't seem to be anything up here..."
inventor nods to Jacqueline. "Ye, if y'all want to switch games, that's absolutely valid! I'm excited to hang out here, even if it's just a chit-chat day!"
gadzoks says, "I'm pretty sure I saw a vent mentioned in one of the fans we went to last time."
gadzoks says, "Maybe that leads where we need to go."
Pinkunz says, "I think this just takes a more lawnmower versus exploratory approach."
Jacqueline says (to inventor), "You're very welcome to come any time, even when we're not playing your game. ;)"
Pinkunz says, "Like, you need to very thoroughly rule everything out in a room before moving on."
gadzoks says, "Could be, yeah."
inventor exclaims (at Jacqueline), "Absolutely! It's super fun to be here!!"
gadzoks says, "I was kinda trying to do that but not sure that's fun for other people."
Pinkunz says, "Which makes sense, because the Predatory hunting you makes that approach difficult."
Jacqueline says (to pinkunz), "Agreed. Sort of a grid search while avoiding contact. Initially I thought there was strategy to finding, like, a weapon or something, but it's really just about finding the gear while not getting caught, it seems."
gadzoks says, "Though we did find some secret entrances this time."
Pinkunz says, "Yeah, I think it ruins the premise of the game."
gadzoks exclaims, "But no pieces!"
Pinkunz asks, "If we fight back, are we really Prey anymore?"
gadzoks says, "Guessing I should save just in case."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "save"
CF | >
CF | %% Enter a save filename to readwrite: inventor says, "I'm gonna have to step out. Need to get some food before my bloodsugar acts up, lol."
gadzoks says (to ClubFloyd), "prey03"
CF | Human Sleeping Quarters (on the wardrobe closet) 98 turns
CF | survived
CF | Exits: north east
CF | Saved.
CF |
CF | > inventor exclaims, "This was super fun, though!"
gadzoks says, "Not sure if 02 was used already."
inventor says, "I think it might have been."
inventor exclaims, "I got some amazing notes from this! You did really well, gadzoks! Buh-bye, all...!"
DavidW says, "bye inventor"
gadzoks exclaims (at inventor), "See you next week!"
Knight_Otu exclaims, "Good night, everyone!"
DavidW says, "thanks all."

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