Photo Essay: WinterFirst posted in Month, November, 2006.
Not enough snow, yet, I'm afraid... but Sam gave it a go anyway. Snow shoes require a lot more snow than the 2-3 inches of very light fluff we've got outside this evening. "Worry not, Sam," I think to myself, "We'll get more."
Observe the Cheechako making
the transition to Sourdough!
Nevertheless, this seems like a convenient time to show
how winter is starting to show itself in our part of the world.
Above, our home from the road, photograph by Sam.
(The rest of the photographs are by me...)
Whilst sweeping snow off the front walk,
I looked up and saw snow in the apple tree.
I decided to take some photographs.
My hammock has some extra fluffy cushioning.
Near the house, the Taiya river has dropped to a mere trickle.
The edges began to freeze a fortnight ago, ice slowly spreading.
Now, both exposed gravel bed and the ice are coverd in snow,
leaving a small green streak of water to provide contrast.
Downstream, the ripples even out over deeper water,
providing reflections of the trees and mountains.
There are no footprints on the snow of the Chilkoot,
and the sign near the trailhead is framed in snow.
Near the edge of the park boundary, the lesser-known
path to Lost Lake leads into the woods, still unspoiled.
Out on the Dyea Flats, grasses are framed in white...
...as are the remains of last summer's wild celery.
Sitka spruce provide the color this time of year.
I drove to Whitehorse recently... here is a photograph of one
of the many lakes along the route, coated in mist and clouds.
The railroad bridge at Carcross, YT.
It almost looks like a model, doesn't it?
